#rhaena x Daeron
fatherforgivethem · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Daeron x Rhaena moodboard? Thanks in advance!
“Oh no!” The maiden cried, “Do not leave me! For you will die and I shall never see you again. I shall be doomed to a life of eternal hallow.”
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The warrior cupped her face as delicately as glass, “I must fight! I must fight to protect you, to protect the realm. My dear maiden, if the realm falls, then I have failed you.”
“And if you never return?” She cried in horror.
“Then look for me in the sky, in the sea, in the fickle grass beneath the swarming trees. For it is there that you will see me, feel me, and hear me.”
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Daeron Targaryen, done by my sweet and amazing friend @an-abyss-of-stars who is the most gifted person ever (check out her fics too!)
Daeron Targaryen, born 114 AC, is the youngest son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent and is the milkbrother of Jace and Senya. Up until he was 6/7 and sent away, Daeron was closest with his brother Aegon who he maintained regular letters with even after he left. In his childhood Daeron would always fight with Jace and Senya and he took pleasure engaging in verbal battles with his niece- even fondly reminiscing about it when he got older. Daeron was sent to Oldtown in an attempt by Queen Alicent to have her son be more Hightower than Targaryen but Daeron did his utmost best to defy that, even going so far as to use a hint of a Valyrian accent when he spoke so as to irritate his Hightower relatives. Daeron is well up to date on all the family drama thanks to Aegon and although none of the other characters know it yet, Aegon has been complaining to Daeron about Visenya and Aemond for so many months now. Daeron laters uses this for fuel in his teasing of Visenya and he quickly picks up on why Aegon is so exasperated.
Daeron Targaryen becomes infatuated with Princess Rhaena from the moment he meets her, going so far as to try and charm her but unfortunately for him, Rhaena knows all about his acerbic tendencies and believes he is mocking her. However like his brother Aemond, Daeron is detemined and like a dashing knight he will eventually prove his love to Rhaena and win her heart
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Tessarion, Daeron’s dragon who now resides on Dragonstone with the others during Daeron’s time as a ‘guest’ under Daemon’s watch.
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princesssszzzz · 1 year
Me at Daeron & Rhaena’s wedding
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artnoonewants · 8 days
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Poor delusional Viserys 😔
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howdoesagrapewrites · 6 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐈𝐕
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: incest/targcest, yandere/lovesick behavior, unhealthy relationships, platonic and romantic yanderes, not everyone is romantically involved with reader, yandere EVERYONE x reader, sexual content, no actual smut, again, Daemon is violent
Taglist: @faesspace
>Jacaerys had come to terms with his status as a bastard, even though it was never to be said out loud
>Laenor was still his father, even if not biologically, he was the men he called "dada" with his first words, and it would remain that way for the rest of his life
>This made him closer to you, your situation was different, as everybody knew you were a bastard, and you were not to inherit anything
>He felt like he had to prove people wrong about him, so he overexerted himself. There was little you could do to stop him, so you contented with staying by his side in the library, late at night, falling asleep to his voice practicing high valyrian
>In these nights, you likely had little Aegon or Viserys on your lap, because they'd cry until they were put to sleep only by your or their mother
>Jacaerys would revel in this image, you peacefully asleep, holding babes, your silver hair caressing your cheeks
>He could sometimes allow himself to imagine what if the children you were holding were his, if you could be his queen. If he could kiss you and rut against you, if he could suck your nipples until milk would come out
>But he was always quick to dismiss these ideas, you were forbidden fruit, and the last thing a bastard king needs, is a bastard queen. His mother had gone through hell and back to uphold his claim to the iron throne, and he would not disappoint her, no matter how desperately he needed you
>And even though, he was ashamed to admit it, he was scared of his step-father. There was one specific memory he would always go back to
>He was a young man, maybe a little older than you. And he had come to Dragonstone while you were in King's Landing with Rhaenyra. He had come bearing expensive gifts and displaying a beautiful crimson doublet with embroidery details in gold and plum
>He had spoken flowery promises of old alliances of his house with the conqueror, and Daemon's face was reflecting his achingly strong boredom and weariness, demanding him he speak whatever idiotic trade he had in mind. That's when the lord said he'd be "most delighted" to present himself as a suitor for lady Y/N. Daemon didn't respond, he let the awkward silence seat, he let him marinate in anxiety. He then took his dark sister and cut the poor boy's head off. He told his guard he'd be spared if he returned to tell the tale, that no one should try to approach his firstborn daughter.
>"Nobody likes a peeping Tom" he shouted to Jacaerys, who was hidden watching the scene
>He still sometimes thinks of how easily his head fell off his neck, how quickly it did
>So he knew Y/N couldn't be his, not now not ever. But he still hated to know there was one person that Daemon could not scare off
>Jacaerys felt lucky he could see your metamorphosis from a girl to a maiden in a first row seat, but this change meant that one day you'd leave, and he'd have to get a wife, a proper wife for a king
>But that person that was not scared of Daemon, also didn't have that problem. He was talking about Daeron Targaryen
>Despite the collective best efforts of the Velaryon brothers, you still talked to Daeron regularly, fortunately, not as much now that he was in Oldtown, but still too much for their liking
>Lucerys did not realize the puppy crush he had on you, thinking he just saw you as his older sister, but he was on board with anything that meant sabotaging your possible paramours
>So they were incredibly frustrated when they all had to travel to King's Landing, and Daeron was going to be there
>Lucerys used Daeron's presence to distract himself from the fact that his grandsire could die, and that that was the real reason why they were there, for him to inherit Driftmark
>This was the first time in years you'd actually spend time with Aemond, as you would avoid him everytime you visited
>Dagahrion was too large for the dragon pit, so he stays in a cave in Aegon's hill
>Alicent ran to hug you, Rhaenyra stood there, silently judging her
>When you went to see your uncle Viserys, it was heartbreaking, he called for you, and you kneeled at the edge of his face, so he could see you clearly. It took him some time to recognize you
>"Y/N... She's nothing but an infant, I know she must be playing, but I'd like to see her"
>You patiently explained, until he could remember you, you saw a lonely tear when the realization of your age, and the pass of time had hit him
>You got into an argument with your father when he accused Alicent
>"Can't you see she just wants to have your trust to whore you out to his depraved sons?!"
>"Are you one to talk about depravity, father?!" You shouted, offended and angry at him
>"I am one to talk because I know exactly what goes through the heads of men like that, and I know exactly the type of woman that bitch is"
>"What are you scared of? That someone might treat me like you did my mother?!" You are a dragon, and you spit fire. Your father goes quiet, not out of shame, but out of astonishment. He had waited so much time to see himself in you, he thought that your lack of ill intentions was what made you perfect, but it was not. Daemon would enjoy seeing more of this, after all, it would be laughable if an innocent, irreproachable maiden rode a dragon like yours
>Daemon smiled at you and left the room, leaving puzzled and embarrassed at your words
>Rhaenys and the twins were second to greet you, your sisters had missed you so dearly
>They excitedly spoke of all that happened, and how much they missed being with you, you spent an hour in the gardens before you were interrupted, to go to Lucerys' hearing
>After catching up, Rhaenys left you to have "girl time" with them, they hugged you once again, and you could swear Rhaena left a kiss on your collarbone, and Baela's hands wondered a little too low from your back to your tailbone
>The announcement of the marriages had complicated reactions, you could see it, but you were glad the family would remain together, strong
>You hugged Lucerys when Vaemond yelled for all the realm to hear of his accusations, and you saw your father smiling at you and Rhaenyra once he had sliced Vaemond Velaryon in half
>During dinner, you sat between Jacaerys and Baela
>You were pleased to share a table with your family, it had been so long since you last did
>Aegon's unsavory comments made you cringe, but you sweetly smiled when Jace and Baela defended you, Alicent and Daemon were glaring daggers at him
>When it was time for the toasts, you looked at Helaena with sadness, thinking of how miserable Aegon had made her
>You toasted to your uncle Viserys, Viserys the peaceful, who had earned his title as protector of the realm
>Aemond kept looking at you, you could not decipher his expression, what he wanted from you
>You danced with Daeron and Helaena, Rhaena then joined, with her pentoshi grace and coquettish moves, she had always loved dancing the most out of you three
>The tone completely changed once Aemond decided to toast to his nephews, the three strong boys
>Before Jace could go to punch him, you spoke up
>"Say what you mean, cousin" you taunted
>"It was but merely a compliment, don't you believe your step brothers to be strong?'
>"I believe my king ordered to cut off the tongue of everyone who would insinuate or reference the foul rumors spoken against your future queen and king"
>"That was the day I lost my eye, was it not, dear cousin?" He spoke with a voice that made you want to recoil, it was frankly disgusting
>"It was, if I were you I wouldn't want to become Aemond One Eye and no tongue" you could almost feel your father's approval as you spoke poison
>With all the noise and stress, you felt your knees start to fail, you could see Daeron was holding you
>Aemond walked towards you before being stopped by a punch from Jacaerys
>After seeing Jace come to you, you blacked out
>Of course your fainting was attributed to being a young maiden in the presence of violence, but you knew something was strange
>Though it ended in a bitter note, you knew your spell was beyond psychological, you felt sick, maybe it was the food
>The maesters said you were not fit for travel, nor boat less dragonback
>Daemon refused to leave you on King's Landing, trying to sneak your asleep body out of the castle to take you with him on top of Caraxes, but he was discovered
>When he inevitably had to go, he left you in Misarya's care, had you wake up and be unable to travel back to your family, she would be rewarded handsomely to take you to Dragonstone
>The night prince Daemon left, was the night Viserys the peaceful, first if his name, died
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prettymuchteddy · 13 days
Posts HOTD Characters would make on the Whisper App
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Alicent (the only person who uses it normally):
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jaegonsmoon · 1 year
There ain’t a single straight and mentally stable person in House Targaryen and I think that’s so beautiful.
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dream4yre · 11 days
THE HAWK OF WAR : Princess Naella of Houses Targaryen and Arryn
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“Sweet Naella had been so small when her mother’s loving touch was swapped out by the stranger in exchange for the fumbling arms and bleeding fingers of a scared teenager who knew little of the world beyond the pains of childbirth and the cufflinks of matrimony. She had not been much older when the girl that Westeros had declared her “new mother” had pushed out a son, followed by 2 more and a baby sister who dreamt of stars unseen. Feats that, at such a tender age, had felt so stupidly unimportant to her…”
“Yet when steel was drawn and dragons roared, when the realm crumbled into shards of green and black and her father's mouldy corpse atlast went cool, she found that none of it felt so unimportant anymore…”
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere Daemon and Viserys with their mother figure
You are most likely entering their lives with your second marriage to Baelon 1. Maybe you are their caretaker. Either way, after losing their mother, they found solace in you. You help them like a mother in everything. Viserys will be a more peaceful son. The daemon will be the more quarrelsome son. The daemon fights anyone that interests you. It even takes a little time for him to agree to share you with his brother. Baelon will be very happy to have his sons accept you. Daemon will be very jealous if you get pregnant. Yandere tendencies can be created for siblings after their new siblings are born. The daemon is always vying for praise and validation from you. Viserys is delighted to receive love and support from you. No matter how old Daemon and Viserys get, they will always seek you out. No one can disrespect or hurt you. Your two sons love to pamper you. Viserys and Daemon's children will most likely be yandere for you. Your grandchildren will compete for you. Green and black teams will fight for you. Both sides want you by their side.
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thesims4asoiaf · 26 days
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The children of Daenaera and Aegon
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cluz1babe · 3 months
EDITED : 23 May, 2024
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+ All of the Sothoryi Islands
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Istaktli Uak and the furthest a dragon will fly
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Acaxochitlan 1
Acaxochitlan 2
Tlamintli 1
Tlamintli 2
Bruedal 1
Bruedal 2
Offia 1
Offia 2
Wewhyae 1
Wewhyae 2
Poyomahtli 1
Poyomahtli 2
Zugrya 1
Zugrya 2
New Nesting Grounds (est. 107 AC) 1
New Nesting Grounds (est. 107 AC) 2
Qadria 1
Qadria 2
Maquizcoatl 1
Maquizcoatl 2
Xosta 1
Xosta 2
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joffluke · 1 year
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"(...) clad in pale white silk, Myrish lace, and pearls, her long hair shining in the torchlight and her cheeks flush with excitement (...) She sparkled, and when she smiled, the singers in the galley rejoiced, for they knew that here at last was a maid worthy of a song."
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wulfhalls · 27 days
ok but baela with a crossbow and her and rhaena finally interacting? at least something good will come out of s2
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TRUE! also power couple (he fucks a stark while betrothed to her) <3
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princesssszzzz · 1 year
Rhaena and Daeron AU they sit around watching their family fight with each other and they laugh at them
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lya-dustin · 8 months
Shock and Delight
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The invention of the printing press brings about the creation of Westeros' first scandal sheet.
How does this affect the debut of Princess Aemma, the elder twin sister of Prince Jacaerys, and Prince Aemond’s desire to never marry?
And most importantly who is the mystery writer behind The Morning Scandal and why is Daeron so invested in discovering their identity?
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
At this point I think as a fandom, we've lost some of the crackship charm we once had. I can look up Ashara Dayne and Ser Davos and find results, But Nettles and Helaena have nothing. It's time to rectify that for my favourite girl and try to inspire some fanfics. Feel free to add more.
1. Daeron and Nettles
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Think Enemies to Lovers, Captive of War drama like Jaime and Brienne or just some good old Gwen and Arthur-inspired love. Ivy by Taylor Swift coded, a She's all that inspired affair. I genuinely think that he's just trying to be there for her with this one. It happens and neither of them realise until You're in Love starts playing.
2. Baela and Nettles.
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They would give the pot calling the kettle black in every argument. The Princess Bride-esque dynamic between them. Very Graham and Megan from but I'm a Cheerleader. Sapphic Pinning and Resentment should be its own genre. Sir Chloe's Michelle is my vision. We can even make a throuple with them and Jace or Alyn. Truly, I think they but heads until they kiss, building on resentment. I also think they would be the coolest couple.
3. Addam and Nettles
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Kaz and Inej core.
But in all seriousness, I think Addam being loyal and Duty bound and Nettles challenging that idea is delicious. Solider of Duty x Solider for the People. A modern-day Persuasion story but gender-flipped if we put our minds to it. See you Again Kali Uchis and Tyler the Creator, that's all.
4. Nettles and Helaena
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They just deserve better. That's all. Give me cottagecore sapphic romance with my best girls involves. Like the young lesbians from Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Lesbians raising kids together. Sheepstealer and Dreamfyre hatching eggs for the nieces and nephews. I just-
It would be so cool, I will by Mitski sentiment is already attached.
5. Alyn and Nettles
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Now that we are here obviously she apologized for Sheepstealer, she doesn't need to but she did, He tries not to like her but can't help it. She wins him over and they hatch him an egg or something idk. Think The Princess Diaries: Royal Engagement, Mia and Nicholas, Flipped the movie if you will. Jealously plots would slay. For the song choice think Shameless Camila Cabello. Please remember that Alyn is younger than Netty by 3/4 years though.
6. Rhaena and Nettles
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See now this is classic Friends to Lovers, Emma and Harriet if gay, perhaps, Bend it Like Beckham core definitely. Sofia by Clario inspired. Nettles doesn't leave Rhaena out because she's without a dragon and the same happens inverse. Sapphic confusion however, like Rhaena doesn't understand at first why she feels that way.
7. Nettles and Jace.
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Now for the Mr Knightley and Emma Woodhouse of our time, the Kate and Anthony of Westeros. The potential for her just not listening to him when he tries to tell her how to ride a dragon. Or when she talks to him about the people he'll rule over eventually, Ygritte and Jon style. She's also the only bastard who doesn't look Targaryen, he can relate to that a bit. I think she's Fierce and he's Stubborn. Ungodly Hour by Chloe x Halle for them.
8. Nettles and Alys.
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The Fire Witches of Westeros. I think they will be perfect as a ship. American Horror Story-esque characters. The two Witches in the story are obviously my favourites. It would be Jennifer's Body meets, the craft meets, and Suspiria. Willow by Taylor Swift becomes them.
This one was also a bonus more or less.
Anyways I just need to start to get a baseline story for my girl by the time the show gives her to us. So we have a general sense of direction, I'm tired of the mischaracterization of my baby. She's smart, resourceful, Cunning, Fearless, and not entirely loyal. She also curses, enough for it to be a character trait. Please remember this for her, I'm tired. I also know that Daemon loved her but she's too much fun as a character to limit her to him romantically in all her fanfictions, it is an interesting narrative to explore while we don't have exact answers but he gets romantic ships with anyone. She deserves more.
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