#remember when this was an incorrect quotes blog?
Rex: Cody, what do "IDK", "LY" AND "TTYL" mean?
Cody: I don't know, love you, talk to you later.
Rex: Okay, love you too, I'll just ask Bly.
Cody: Rex wait-
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enidsinclesbian · 1 year
Wednesday: Enid, have you done your homework yet?
Enid *distracted*:
Wednesday remembering: Oh right, you're dyslexic;
Wednesday: Done your yet homework have you? You I'm answer, hey talking me too.
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 5 months
Fabian: Are you going to be part of the problem, or part of the solu—
Alfie: Oh problem, definitely!
Fabian: That wasn't... It was a rhetorica—
Alfie: I have some ideas on how to make the problem even funnier than it is!
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holy sh¡t a Deception fan in the year of our lord 2023?? how does it feel being in a fandom with 4 people in it bestie
Do not cite the deep magic to me, child... I was there when it was written!
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Person A, reading a fortune cookie: “If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same.”
Person B, with their mouth full: Kill two.
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staff · 1 year
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Let the games begin.
Well. Well, well, well, well, well. It’s here. The day has finally come. We’ve enjoyed witnessing you set dashboards ablaze the world over with your fandom hot takes, your cats, your dragon art, your recipe polls, your incorrect quotes, your Barbie memes. (But, really, mostly your cats.)
Starting April 20, you will be able to Blaze each other's posts: You’ll be able to scroll through your dash and see a post that tickles you, and then make thousands of complete strangers see that post also. 
We made this for fun, but you remain in charge of your stuff. So here are some important details:
Blog-level settings: All blogs will be set to Blazable by default in your blog settings. We’re giving you this heads-up so you can toggle Blaze off on any blog you don’t want people to Blaze posts from (quick link for web). Remember to do so for any secondaries you might want to keep Blaze-free. 
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Post-level settings: These override your blog-level Blaze settings. You can enable Blaze in the post editor—before or after posting—via the cog (web) or the meatball menu (mobile), regardless of your blog's Blaze settings. Any posts you previously disabled reblogs on will remain unsharable via Blaze. Unless, of course, you edit the post to enable Blaze.
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Real humans moderate all posts being Blazed before they go out. If something’s fishy or seems like it might be harmful, it won’t go through.
When someone Blazes your post, you will receive an email, push notification, and/or activity item (depending on your settings). 
You can cancel the Blazing of your post before it happens—or extinguish a post that is already being Blazed—either by responding to the aforementioned notification, or via the “Active” tab in your Blaze interface. 
We will only accept posts that comply with our global advertising guidelines. Interested in advertising directly? Find out more here.
Here are some FAQs.
So that’s it, really. Be nice! Have fun! 
And, as always, if you want to get in touch, drop us a line on @wip or Support, and keep an eye out for more updates on @changes. 
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
ON THE DAY OF HALLOWEEN ask me or anyone else that's reblogged this, "trick or treat" and you shall recieve a random thing in your trick or treater bucket! What thing?
A little doodle of their blorbo? An incorrect quote? A drawing of a little cat? A fun fact about bees? A little drabble (100 words I mean but do as you will) for a random thing? A photo of their pet dog? A headcanon? A fic recommendation? A random meme? An OC? A link to their current favourite song? A nice, virtual slap in the face? A trick? A treat? WHO KNOWS!!! NOT YOU OR ME THAT'S FOR SURE!!! (Just no screamers or shit like that of course lets not forget that lmao)
Why am I saying this now instead of on the day of the game? So anyone else that wants to play has plenty of time to prepare a little handful of things for the trick or treaters!!
Remember, it doesn't have to be anything big!!! You can be the blog that's giving everyone images of rotisserrie chicken you found on google, or you can be the blog that's giving everyone pictures of your cat if you want!! This is a low spoons and low stress game so do whatever you want to do that's easy for you!! Be a mix of everything or just give a 'hi!' it doesn't matter, it's all in good fun!! And we can trick or treat each other too, of course. Not as fun if you can't get any tricks or treats too, right? Anyone can trick or treat and anyone can be trick or treated!
I recommend making/queueing a post on the day so everyone knows you're playing btw (anyone that reblogs this post will get one off me too if they don't say otherwise in tags and if I remember I said this)
All you gotta do is send an ask with 'trick or treat' in it on Halloween! Halloween day!! 31st of October!! Day of spooky!! That's it!! (And if you go on anon no one will know if you come back again but I didn't tell you that lmao) I'll be answering any I get when it's Halloween in my timezone and I'm sure I won't be the only one so if you ask earlier, hang tight! It's probably not Halloween yet or they don't have time just yet cause it's a Tuesday! I believe that's everything so...
Have fun guys!!
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Li Dailin:So basically, you think something’s funky?
Li Dailin:All right. Then here’s this.
(She takes out a pair of ripped boxers from her pocket, then a big ring of keys.)
Li Dailin:You guys think that priest guy has something to do with all this, right?
Nadine:Not... really?
Barbara:Where did you get those keys? Nevermind that, where did you get that underwear??
Li Dailin:
Li Dailin:Focus on the keys.
Jenny:You can keep those keys. We’re good.
Li Dailin:Listen to me. You guys are in this wave of investigating, you want to know if he’s related to this? (She pulls out a paper.) This is his schedule. And this ring of keys is his.
Silvia:Oh my god, YOU STOLE THE PRIEST??
Li Dailin:Nuh-uh, I borrowed. Stealing is a sin.
Silvia:Ohhhh, like what Jenny said when she stole your watch!
Jenny:Iiiiiiii needed to tell the time. I borrowed it.
Li Dailin:Where is it?!
Barbara:She didn’t steal it! She borrowed it!
Jenny:In my bra. One second.
Li Dailin:You put my watch in your tits?!
Jenny:If it was in my wrist, you’d get mad!
Nadine:But not if it’s in your bra....?
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starsinmylatte · 5 months
Malum in se
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Pairing: Higuruma Hiromi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None! There's only fluff here :)
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: A lovely anon originally requested this of @pseudowho, but she's asked me to fill it (for those of you not following the saga of Lyria's snow week™️.... I've been completely snowed in and WIPs have kept me sane).
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Join my taglist here! (18+ only, this blog is mostly pure filth)
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Higuruma Hiromi knew he was truly in love when you successfully convinced him to watch horrifically cheesy reruns of Law and Order while he was the one stuck at home sick. He groaned dramatically at every exaggeration or incorrect legal quote, but he enjoyed how you snuggled into his side too much to actually complain about the situation. After all, you were kind enough to take care of him, and his mild illness had not deterred your affection in the slightest. 
He had almost fallen asleep on the couch when you cocked your head at the antics on the television, murmuring under your breath, “Wouldn’t that qualify as Malum in se, though?” 
Hiromi blinked once, twice, and then a third time before speaking, “I’m sorry, what?” 
You turned to face your boyfriend, tone slightly teasing, “Yeah, Malum in se, right? Things like assault, murder… or wearing white after Labor Day.” 
Hiromi arched an eyebrow at you and treated you to the lopsided grin you adored so much. “You’re going to have to tell me how you know what that is.” 
He snaked his arms around you, pulling you even closer against his warm chest. Before you could answer, he took the chance to nuzzle his nose against the column of your neck, sending you into a fit of giggles.
“Well, pretty girl?” He teased gently, and you dropped your head back against his shoulder, humming contentedly.
“Do you remember when I mentioned I used to do community theatre a few years ago?” You questioned, and you could feel Higuruma's grin grow wider.
“Indeed, I do.”
“Well…. There was one time when I played a character who happened to be a law student.” You pursed your lips, trying to keep laughter from bubbling up. 
Hiromi broke into a barking laugh that became a short coughing fit. “You played a law student? What kind of musical involves lawyers?” he wheezed. 
“It’s called Legally Blonde, and it’s not just a musical… It’s a masterpiece.” You insisted. “I loved the movie when I was a young girl, and getting to play Elle- the main character- was an absolute dream come true.” 
Your eyes lit up as an idea sparked into your brain with the strength of a thunderbolt, “Omigod, you’ve never seen the movie, have you? We absolutely have to watch it.” 
Hiromi chuckled weakly, running his hand through your hair, “I’ve got a better idea… There have to be clips of your performance somewhere, right?” 
“Oh….” you paused for a moment, “It was a few years ago, and I’m sure it wasn’t my best work, but-” 
“There’s nothing I’d rather see than you enjoying yourself and doing what you love,” Hiromi interrupted gently, stroking your hair again.
His lopsided grin turned wolfish,  “Besides… I am sick; I think this is exactly what I need to heal.” 
“If you insist.” You smacked him gently with a pillow to punctuate your words as you left the couch to rummage through the DVDs on the shelf. You even took the time to make another mug of tea for your boyfriend, but eventually, you were back and snuggled up against Hiromi, who gratefully accepted the mug you offered him. 
His nose wrinkled unintentionally as he took a sip, “Thank you… but what is in this stuff?” 
“It’s helping your throat, isn’t it? You poked his stomach playfully, and he groaned in response. 
“Yes, but at what cost?” Hiromi huffed, but the slight twinkle in his eyes told you he wasn’t being serious. 
“It’s throat coat tea, yet another remnant from my musical days,” you giggled. “I never liked the taste either, but it certainly gets the job done.” 
With another flourish of the remote, you pulled up the recording of the show, and you swear you could feel Hiromi smiling behind you as he nursed the warm mug. As soon as the video started, he broke out into another laughter-induced coughing fit. 
“Dear god, I’ve never seen so much pink in my entire life.” 
“Oh, just you wait.” You threatened teasingly, “You haven’t even seen my character yet.” 
Hiromi grasped his mug in one hand and used his other arm to pull you back against his chest, wrapping a blanket snugly around your body. You leaned fully against him, partially because you enjoyed the intimacy and partly because you wanted to see his reactions out of the corner of your eye. 
His reactions did not disappoint, even though the video was grainy and clearly meant to be viewed through the rose-colored lenses of someone who was in the show. Hiromi grinned widely when you appeared on stage, murmuring almost too quietly for you to hear, “Cute…” 
You blushed happily, and the show continued. He had many comments on how the Delta Nus seemed to share a hive mind and how much of a prick Warner was. He also very nearly choked on his tea when your character’s father proudly declared, “Law school is for boring, ugly, serious people!” 
Hiromi glanced down at you after that line with a slight pout, and you took the opportunity to cup his cheek and pull him in for a soft kiss, tasting the tea and honey on his lips. “Mmm, don’t worry… You’re not boring, and you’re certainly not ugly. You can be rather serious… but I like that about you.” 
Hiromi kissed the top of your head with a low, contented hum, absolutely convinced his heart was full enough to burst. He fell more in love with you with each passing day, and these past few days had only further sealed his fate. Even now, he was watching you sing and dance your heart out, and you were shining in the roll. The sassy, playfully cute, but deceptively intelligent lawyer was such a perfect role for you, and he quickly became frustrated with Warner. Seeing you so upset over such a stupid man hurt his heart, even though he knew you were acting…. and then Emmett was introduced. 
“Now, I like that guy. He’s got the right idea, actually treating Elle decently.” Hiromi mused, playfully twirling a strand of your hair. 
“Oh, really?” You grinned slyly. “He reminds me of you, you know.”  
“It seems we share the same excellent taste in women.” 
The movie was over a short while later, but Hiromi insisted on letting it play through curtain call so he could properly applaud your work. You rolled over to lay against his chest, peering inquisitively into his dark, beautiful eyes, “So you really liked it?” 
“I loved it,” He assured you, pulling you in for another tea-flavored kiss. Suddenly, you could feel him grinning against your lips, “And I may buy you another one of those pink tweed skirt sets… it was cute on you.” 
His deep chuckle only grew louder as you smacked him with another pillow.
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Tagging some friends: @saradika @thefact0rygirl @babygirl-leon-kennedy @hereforthesunrise @ashotofspotchka @ironandglass @amyroswell @cassandrablacker @lady-valtieri @justanothersadperson93 @orangecremepuff @khaleesihavilliard @belle-smith07 @outspokenbrat @enchantedsylveon @spam-love @silverliningsandstorms @msniks @panteramarron @eldritchbeauty @unoriginalidea @gabbyburgers @its-chickenwing-450 @luneariaa @pseudowho
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blingblong55 · 1 year
-`ღ´-Hello, welcome to my blog -`ღ´-
I am an 18+ blog so MDNI
Hi! I'm Kasper, I'm a 20-year-old fanfic writer for the COD fandom. You probably know me as blingblong55, so Hi!:)
Join my tag list
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I write for pretty much any COD character, with that said, I am a straight woman so I do apologise if any LGBTQ+ fanfic aren't so well written, (but I will try to make them as good as possible).
Also, I don't really ever check my grammar or how well I punctuate my stories, just had to make that clear:)
I write 18+ stuff so if you are a minor please do not interact with my blog. Thank you.
If you are a minor please be respectful of the MDNI tag I always leave on my NSFW stories. Now I know I can’t confirm if you are indeed a minor or not but be aware that the topics I write for can be unrealistic standards for sexual intercourse and they can/will ruin your own perception of such intimacy.
Rules for requests: -Themes that involve paedophilia will be deleted immediately. - I write on pretty much everything, from kinks, fluff, angst and incorrect quotes to any little drabble I can create from your ideas or mine. - will not write anything that has to do with the reader getting r**ed. -I can maybe...just maybe allow consensual non-consent (CNC), but those are very minimal, Dub-Con is acceptable but rare -will not write anything that has to do with racism, incest, or homophobiaಠ_ಠ -Full-on smut is an obvious yes. -I, at times do AUs so you are welcome to make a request about anything like that -if you want to make a request whether it be Male, Female or GN reader, let it be known or I will end up choosing the gender\pronouns.
Side note:
GN, M, F reader's call sign is 'Grim'.
Kasper Team/Squad is non-canon and has been created by me for my stories.
Anon's can claim emojis!
(yes....I named a team after me...but you would too..so shhh)
Please remember that if I haven't done your requests it's either because I am busy or I am in the process of writing it. :)
Also, my inbox is always open for when you just need to rant or vent, just lmk if you wish to keep it only in my inbox lol
4.38K pookies and nasty whores (and counting)
Much love xx <3
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cherrybeartoast · 6 months
skz incorrects (but they're things my family has actually said)
i remember first making these when i started this blog...wanted to restart that bc they're very fun and lighthearted! also almost all the chris quotes are based off my dad...it's the aussie dad energy that just served too hard here
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chris: well, it's an apartment building and everything's plumbed in, so you can't just swap out the shower and toilet bc you don't like the layout
felix: in the sims you could
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jisung: bro look at how big those hedges are, they're like the size of a five story building
chris: i think that's because they're trees, champ
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minho: okay elsa
jeongin: now i'm in the water
minho: okay ariel
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minho: *points at a shop name in foreign language* hey bin what does that say
changbin: i don't know, what does it say?
minho: i don't know
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jeongin: it was called something
seungmin: pretty sure everything's called something
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minho: hyun go have a shower
hyunjin: oh has everyone else already had one?
minho: no everyone else has already had one
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felix: my whole personality is miffy
seungmin: imagine your whole personality being a cartoon rabbit book written by a guy named dick
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hyunjin: i don't really get jetlagged much.
chris: that's because the time zone difference every country you've visited is only like two hours, mate
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changbin: what's jisung's idea?
chris: basically, it's child labour
changbin: that's illegal, jisung
jisung: hey!
changbin: not "hey", it's literally illegal
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hyunjin: CHAN! jeongin keeps saying bakery bread would be nicer than my convenience store bought frying pan toasted bread!
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erisweekofficial · 11 months
Eris Week 2024: Rules, Prompts, and FAQ
Welcome to the official Eris Week Blog!
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This post is intended to serve as a master post for the entire event. It will include the dates, prompts, rules, and a FAQ! Make sure to click the read more to get ALL the information!
Prompts and Master Lists
2024 Prompts
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Event Master Lists
2023 Eris Week Master List 2024 Eris Week Master List (TBA)
Eris Week supports all mediums of creativity (art, fics, mood boards, playlists, incorrect quotes, headcanons, drabbles, theories, etc)
You can ship Eris with anyone and everyone. This blog is ship-neutral and will support all works. Eris x OCs and Eris x Reader are welcome too! 
There is no restriction on content. You're welcome to post NSFW as long as you tag appropriately.
Be as wild as you like! Every day has a prompt, but they are purely optional! Like last year, we’ll be providing some additional guidance and questions per prompt, to help you brainstorm ideas! 
We do not tolerate hate. Please do not argue or spread negativity on other creators' content during this week. We are here to support one another and celebrate one of our favorite characters! If you are not a fan of Eris, you are welcome to block this blog! Your peace of mind is important as is that of our creators.
We will not reblog or interact with any AI art.
We will have a Collection (ErisWeek2024) on AO3! Do some double duty and post your masterpiece there too!
How do I participate in Eris Week?
During Eris Week, please post your content on tumblr. Tag this blog in the main body of your post (@erisweekofficial) and tag your post with #erisweek2024. If you are posting on AO3, make sure to add your work to the Eris Week AO3 Collection and post your link here on tumblr.  If we don’t reblog your post within 24 hours, feel free to send us a message with the link! We would never intentionally not reblog someone’s post. 
How can I see all the works posted during Eris Week? 
During Eris week, we will compile a list of all works created for that day and post the following morning, Eastern Time. So, Day 1 we will reblog all Day 1 content. Then we’ll start off Day 2 by posting the Day 1 master list and then start reblogging all Day 2 content. This is so we can try to account for multiple time zones. If we miss your post or the link is wrong etc, please reach out and we will fix ASAP.  At the end of the event we will have THE MASTER LIST to rule them all that will contain links to each day’s master list. 
If I’m not a creator, how can I support Eris Week?
Leading up to the event, reblog our posts and/ or let your favorite creators know this event is happening! Visibility is incredibly helpful!  Reblog and comment on Eris Vanserra works leading up to and during the event! Supporting work now will encourage creators for the event week itself!  During Eris Week, be sure to leave a nice comment on AO3 works as well! 
I want to participate, but I am nervous! Do you have any advice? 
Character event Weeks are an excellent way to practice your craft, take risks, and explore art in a low stakes environment. Here are some words of wisdom that have helped folks in the past:  When in doubt, start small! Write a drabble, write some bullet points, make a sketch. All of this is 100% accepted and supported during Eris week.  Don’t feel like you have to do something for every day! Pick one or two days that really resonate with you and make content for those days!  Don’t compare yourself with others! It’s hard, especially when well known folks are also participating. But remember, everyone is happy to get any content, especially Eris fans. We’re hungry for anything folks will give us! And one day, you may be that well-known creator ;)  Don’t aim for perfection! Post something with typos, get a canon detail wrong! People will ignore it and love what you’ve made anyways. I am sure that somewhere in these guidelines, there is a typo! Embrace the chaos!  If you’re looking for some reassurance, share your work with a friend ahead of time. Get their feedback! Sometimes a little encouragement can go a long way. Both of the Eris Week organizers are creators and are more than happy to chat with you about ideas, offer advice, or simply cheer you on. 
I have a question that isn’t here!
Feel free to send us asks, we’d love to hear from you all! You can send questions, head canons, ideas, or anything else! If you have a question you’d like us to answer privately, be sure to let us know in the ask. Otherwise, all other asks will be published on our blog. 
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 8 months
listen I like those compilation posts of Bruce hugging his kids/getting them gifts/saying kind and encouraging things and expressing his pride in them as much as the next guy but. but. they often come with some commentary suggesting or outright saying that that's the real, correctly written Bruce Wayne and he would NEVER actually be a dick to his kids and like. guys. guys please we have to remember that those panels exist in a wider context he was frequently being a dick to his kids earlier in that very story, sometimes on the previous page.
Bruce Wayne is prickly and stubborn and emotionally repressed and would generally rather jump off several buildings than have an honest conversation with anyone, including the members of the family that he put together in the first place. he's a difficult man to care about or have a close relationship with. he is, frequently, awful to the people he loves - especially the people he loves - sometimes for reasons that are at least understandable and sometimes for reasons that suck because he's a flawed and messy person.
this isn't to say Bruce is never, like, kind to the extended Batfamily - he frequently is! - but his most overt displays of affection hit so hard because they're earned, often as a cathartic moment of reconciliation from his earlier behavior when he recognizes he's gone too far and has to acknowledge that he's hurt someone. like yes Bruce hugging his kids and spending quality time with them and telling them he's proud are all Canon Bruce Wayne Moments but so are the times he freezes them out, withholds information, doesn't trust them, or otherwise fails them. that's who Bruce is, man! he's a hot ass disaster all the time and if you want to buff that out for all fluff no conflict you don't really want an actual Batman story, you want an incorrect quotes blog or Wayne Family Adventures.
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dailydreamling · 5 months
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Hello everyone!
This blog is a daily reblog of the ship Dreamling | Dream of the Endless x Hob Gadling. This blog contains reblogs of all ratings, including art and fics of NSFW content. If you don't like something feel free to filter it so it doesn't show in your dash. Keep in mind the NSFW Art would not be explicit as we don’t want this blog to be flagged, so keep it in mind when you follow this blog.
There are posts of deleted accounts, to be able to read after the cut click reblog and it will show the rest. If you like something made by an artist or author, you can search by their own tag! #artist: username, author: username. Dreamling with Daniel, it is tagged as DanielxHob. Check out Dreamling Classics Posts!
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FICS TAGS: Fic Rec, Dreamling Fanfic, Masterpost, Short ficlet, Podfic, Dreamling bingo, DailyDreamling Fic Recs
ART TAGS: Dreamling Fanart, SandmanFanart (Not dreamling, Dream or Hob only art), Tradicional Art, Comic, Animation, Book Binding, Needlework. You can also search by words: Kissing, Hugs, Dancing, Meowpheus, Hand Kissing, I hate it when you get big, NSFW
Crossovers: Good Omens, Dead Boys Detectives
MEME: Memes, Dailydreamling (memes made by us), The Sandman + textposts
Dreamling by centuries: 1389, 1489, 1589, 1689, 1789, 1889, 1989, modern era
Alternative Universe: Hob saves Dream from Burgess AU, Human AU, Dreamling AU, Merman AU, Retired!Dream AU, Professor hob Gadling, Dads!Dreamling, Knight! Hob, Married!dreamling, Fem!Dream, Meowpheus
Edits: Video, Gifset, Moodboard, The Sandman Cast (Tom Sturridge and Ferdinand Kingsley Gifsets)
Text Post: Headcanon, incorrect quotes, Meta, text post
Others languages: dreamling with ñ (Spanish)
Most importantly, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND REBLOG YOUR AUTHORS/ARTISTS. They work hard in creating and sharing their work, and it would definitely made their day!
(this pinned post will be updated occassionally)
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officialfeysandweek · 10 months
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AO3 Collection・Event Masterlist・Prompts ・Guidlines
When The Sun Goes Down by @asnowfern
Safe and Sound by @reverie-tales
Mother Hen by @shallyne
Wedding Biscuit drabble by @shallyne
Present by @popjunkie42-blog
Saving You (and the prince too) by @shallyne
Notes for you drabble by @shallyne
become a stranger (whose laugh I could recognize anywhere) by @belabellissima
Grumpy, Sunshine, and the World by @shallyne
Summer Mom drabble by @shallyne
Buried Alive Inside My Dreams by @separatist-apologist
Runaway Bride and her Found Family by @shallyne
Whatever our Souls Are Made Of by @xtaketwox
Our Last Dance drabble by @shallyne
Let The Games Begin by @toporecall
Queen of Thieves by @the-lonelybarricade
Remember Me? by @starfall-spirit
The Things We Cannot Say by @writtenonreceipts
Dont Say Yes, Runaway Now by @vulpes-fennec
Today Was a Fairytale by @darling-archeron
The Dust of the Stars in Her Eyes by @rosanna-writer
Today Was A Fairytale by @darling-archeron
Feyre and Rhysand art by @whettpaint
Feysand in the Spring Court art comissioned by @separatist-apologist and @the-lonelybarricade from artist @witchlingsandwyverns
Feysand in battle comissioned by @highqueenmorrigan from artist @witchlingsandwyverns
Feyre and Rhysand by @artbysue
Feysand Incorrect Quote One & Two by @shallyne
The Archer analysis by @shallyne
Feysand fic recommendation - Searching For Starlight written by @shadowriel recommended by @ultadverb
The Cauldron Scene moodboard by @theflyinvelaris
Feyre moodboard by @shallyne
Feyre is a biter headcanon by @shallyne
Midnight Rain Feysand by @harperbrynne
Feysand sexting by @shallyne
Feysand meme by @shallyne
If we missed one of your contributions, kindly reach out to us!
🎨: @dreadart
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ancientsweek · 2 months
Ancients Week 2024 (!!!)
Welcome to Ancients Week 2024! This is a KOTLC fan-week dedicated to Ancient elves — because the concept of elves old enough to remember the very distant past is deeply fascinating, and because I love the Ancients. This event will be running from July 7th to July 14th 2024 (so a week and an extra day, but we'll call it a week for simplicity's sake). This is the first time I'm running this event (and, for that matter, any fandom event), so please be kind if I mess up somewhere. I'll try not to :)
DO NOT USE AI. NONE WHATSOEVER. I'm being serious. (although I'm pretty sure anyone won't, it doesn't hurt to state it outright)
No negativity on others' posts! We're all here to have fun.
And on that note, have fun!!!
Questions I Anticipate Getting
What can I make?
Anything! Fanfic, fanart, headcanons, meta, memes, incorrect quotes, dashboard simulators (those fake dashboard things), whatever — nothing is out of bounds!
Whom/what can I make something about?
Ancients! You can make any kind of fan piece about any and all Ancients, including implied/textual-ghost Ancients (like Bronte's mother, or Fintan's dead friends, who would have been Ancient had they survived into the modern day), characters you headcanon as Ancient, Ancient OCs, and even younger characters written as Ancients, so long as your piece involves an Ancient or is Ancients-centric somehow. So basically, go wild and have fun!
When will prompts be up?
If I stay on schedule, prompts should be up on (or in the week of, depending on what's going on) May 1st 2024. In the meantime, I'd love it if you could send prompt suggestions to this blog! I can only put seven prompts up but, I'd love to hear your ideas!
Do I have to complete every prompt or post every day?
No, you do not have to complete every prompt, or post every day! Feel free to post late, skip days, ignore the prompts, combine the prompts and so forth — do only as much as you want to. Remember, Ancients Week is a fun little thing and also a state of mind not bound by petty things like dates. (And I'd genuinely be delighted if I saw new ideas I hadn't considered and new posts in the tag even months later.)
How do I tag my works?
I will be tracking the #ancients week 2024 tag, so please tag your fanworks with that! You can also tag @ancientsweek in your post. All the posts I find will be reblogged to this blog.
Can I post my works elsewhere?
(Not sure if people think about it but I always wonder about it if I'm participating in an event so, here you go.)
Yes! If you would like to cross-post your fanworks onto another site (like AO3, for example), go for it — after all, it's your work, and I can't (and don't want to) dictate where and how you publish it.
Where can I find announcements/reminders/important stuff?
Announcements, reminders, prompt lists, and all other things in the vein of housekeeping will be tagged #proclamations and asides (like this post). You can search for this tag on this blog.
Tag list under cut (I'm extremely sorry if I've forgotten someone)
@drama-llamaaa @fintan-pyren @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @chronically-ill-psionipath @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @oroshka @ch3shireacat @crescentpaws @autistic-daydreamer @periwinkle-the-11th @lezabeththetheodoraimposter @i-died-dead @heliophilia63194 @mango-cheese67 @chaotic-starlight24 @jkriordanverse @mmeemy @myfairkatiecat @strange-cat (can't seem to be able to properly tag you sorry)
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