Love these 3 chaotic kids!!! <333 I feel like I should write some Headcannons or a fic for the three of them together!!!
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space-station-nursery · 6 months
𑁯ᰍ Christmas agere questions !!
Below are questions you are free to ask! Just click the "mail time" button and ask away! Be sure to include your anon tag (if asking anonymously) and We will happily answer! ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦ ꒰ 🌨️ ꒱ Would you rather receive 20 small gifts, or 1 giant gift? ꒰ ❄️ ꒱ What's your favorite Christmas song? ꒰ ⛄ ꒱ Hot chocolate or eggnog? ꒰ 🧣 ꒱ Would you rather spend Christmas in the snow, or on a beach? ꒰ 🧤 ꒱ What's your favorite holiday tradition? ꒰ 🕯️ ꒱ White lights, or colorful lights? ꒰ 🎄 ꒱ Would you rather be Kevin from Home Alone or Kate from The Christmas Chronicles ꒰ ⭐ ꒱ Favorite gift you've ever been given? ꒰ 🎁 ꒱ Build a snowman or have a snowball fight? ꒰ 🎅🏻 ꒱ Do you believe in Santa? What are your thoughts on him ꒰ 🛷 ꒱ Would you rather be a Christmas toy tester or a Christmas food taster? ꒰ 🦌 ꒱ Is there a special tradition you partake in on Christmas eve? ꒰ 🫎 ꒱ Christmas play or Christmas carolling? ꒰ 🥛 ꒱ Would you rather wrap 100 presents or sign 100 cards? ꒰ 🍪 ꒱ Do you decorate? What's your favorite part of decorating? ꒰ ⛸️ ꒱ Fuzzy blankets or fuzzy socks? ꒰ 🎀 ꒱ Would you rather ride Santa's sleigh or ride The Polar Express? ꒰ 🧸 ꒱ Do you get a real, or fake Christmas tree? ꒰ 🚂 ꒱ Cocoa plain or with whipped cream/Marshmallows? ꒰ 🔔 ꒱ Would you rather play holiday games, or watch holiday movies? ꒰ 🌲 ꒱ What's your favorite Christmas movie? ꒰ ✨ ꒱ Rudolph or Frosty the snowman? ꒰ 📖 ꒱ Would you rather have a village of elves at your disposal or go Christmas shopping with an unlimited budget? ꒰ ☃️ ꒱ Do you dress in any holiday outfits or have any holiday stuffie's that you dress for the holidays? ꒰ 🥕 ꒱ Candy canes or peppermints? ꒰ 🍼 ꒱ Would you rather lose your voice for the holidays or only be able to speak in Christmas carols?
⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
Do not rewrite and post as your own
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ageregressionss · 8 months
Found this- :3
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Found Here!
Idk- wanted 2 share :3
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litlpawz · 3 months
🩵 Finn Agere Outfit
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| (• ◡•)| “Hope you dudes like it!!”
“Yeah man! Inbox is open for requests!!”(❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
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healingpuppys · 4 days
yippeee!! requests open :D thank you for your hard work i know it can be hard having so much to catch up on !!
may i request an age regressor finn the human stimboard? thank you!!! - @deadboystims
tysm for your kind words they mean sm to us!! i hope you like it!!
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agere finn the human stimboard
art by: unknown
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☆ Requests: Open ☆
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joeyzzzzz · 28 days
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Jake the dog moodboard!
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story-book-sillies · 1 year
Hello! Could I get some regressor!Rey headcanons? :D If it’s not too much trouble please with just black and purple letters! The brighter ones hurt my eyes a bit to read ^-^ but they’re pretty to look at!!!
Rey as a regressor!
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Characters from Star Wars
-Little age is 5-6
-She regresses due to trauma and because she missed out on a lot of her childhood
-Regresses both voluntarily and involuntarily
-Her main caregivers are Finn and Poe
-Rey had no idea what regression was at first, but she knew something was up when she kept feeling weird, overwhelmed, and like she was a kid again, just not in a good way. More of like, “I feel like I want to cry, where’s my mom?” kind of way
-She was regressing involuntarily, she just didn’t know that at the time
-She asked Finn about it first, (she wasn’t even embarrassed to ask him, she was just curious) but he didn’t know, so they asked Poe
-Poe had heard a little bit about regression, (everyone was coping with the war differently, and healthy mechanisms were being whispered about from time to time) but he wasn’t well read on the topic
-After some research, they all sort of figured it out together, and Finn and Poe both decided to try being Rey’s caregivers
-She’s started regressing for fun after that, but sometimes she still regresses involuntarily too
-Luckily, she’s got two awesome caregivers to help her out!
-Definitely a rowdy little! She’s got loads of energy!
-Loves to snack too! Always hungry!
-She has a difficult time listening to rules, not because she doesn’t want to listen, but because her mind is all over the place
-She can’t focus on more than one thing at a time!
-Plays with BB-8 when Finn and Poe are busy
-She will play tag with him, chasing the little droid around outside or through the halls of their base
-Poe is a mischievous caregiver and lets her gets away with everything
-Finn is more rule oriented and is always telling her to be careful!
-Will sleep in the most random places
-Sometimes she’s laying on the floor, other times she’s in some storage closet. She will nap in any nook and cranny she can find
-Doesn’t really have any gear, but she loves blankets!
-They keep her warm and cozy since she gets cold easily
-She does have some toys though because she never really had any growing up
-Finn gave her a porg plush that’s small enough to keep with her in a pocket or satchel
-Poe gifted her some model starships and they play with them together
-When she involuntarily regresses, she will cry a little bit and find one of her caregivers to seek comfort
-When this happens, the trio will form a cuddle pile!
-Physical contact from her two friends helps ground her and comforts her when everything feels like too much
-Everyone around base doesn’t think twice about her regression. They’ve all seen weirder things, and if that’s what helps her cope while fighting in the war, they believe she should do it
-And if anyone does question her, Finn and Poe are there to back her up!
Thank you for the request! This one was super fun to work on! Rey is quite the comfort character for me, so it was a pleasure getting to write out headcanons for her! I hope you like them!
Request are open! Just make sure to check out my pinned post before requesting something! Also, if you ever want anything specific for your request, please don’t hesitate to ask me! Even if you want certain colors for the text, I will 100% tailor it to your preference! If there’s anything I can do to make your viewing experience easier or more enjoyable, please don’t be afraid to let me know!
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aew-kun · 3 months
*⁠.⁠✧MoonKnight x teen!reader/child!reader/platonic!reader/Regressor!Reader Masterslist <3*⁠.⁠✧
(all for personal reasons lol :) will be updated as I find more)
( * - Agere Works)
Baby Scarab
New to life
Burden of truth
Scribe of the Gods
One finn wonder
Friendly neighbourhood gift shopist
Help from your friends
Homophobic parents
Steven Grant as your older brother
Marc Spector as your older brother
How the Moonknight system is with a teen reader
Prom dress
Glimpse of the past
Guy in the chair
To the moon and back
Louder than words
The parkourist and the scarab
How to get fired
Tempers to rival
Idiots meet maths
Fish fascination
Water works
Chaotic normalcy
Shiny rock
Night stroll
Annoying partners
Their surprise
Would have stayed
By your side
Homework help
The best medicine
First meetings
Piano lessons
School stress
No time
Falling asleep on them
Friends with the moon
Quiet after a storm
The librarian
Marc as a Caregiver *
Steven as a Caregiver *
Jake as a Caregiver *
Steven as a Caregiver PT 2 *
Nighty knight *
No fight *
Sleep time *
Little scarab *
Communication *
Little moon goes to school *
Protector of the night *
The goddess of caregiving *
Protector of the playground *
Halloween *
Lights will flicker *
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hotbuttermilk · 6 days
Regressor Finn!! ⚔ AT
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I'm sorry I can't do the backgrounds for the life of me 🙏 but age regressor Finn from adventure time!! ^-^
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red-panda-agere · 6 months
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Regressor! Chuuya Nakahara
(These are all just personal headcanons of mine and I project onto Chuuya quite a lot, and have for a very long time, sorry if this feels “out of character” or anything. Also, this is sort of an au where Dazai and Chuuya share an apartment or something.)
(Also- to the few IRLs who now have access to my Tumblr, I warned you, and I’m so sorry-)
(!¡!Pull-up/Diaper/Accident mention!¡!)
Chuuya really likes sharks and has a shark plushie that Dazai won for him from a claw machine at the arcade they used to go to. (His name is Finn, but Chuuya refuses to admit he named it.)
He also has a lot of space themed stuff, like those glow in the dark stars that you put on your wall, and one of those moon nightlights.
Very prone to accidents, especially with all of the nightmares he has, and often has pull-ups that he keeps hidden under his bed. He really wants to wear diapers, thinking they’d be more comfortable and with as young as his headspace is, it would help him feel comfortable in that aspect to. However, he would never consider it, refusing to accept he’s anything but a ‘big boy.’ (Unless Dazai coaxes him into it or catches him at a really vulnerable moment.)
You’d think he’d be really difficult during changes, but he gets so embarrassed he just freezes. He wants to argue and kick but he doesn’t want to even talk about the current situation the two are in, and physically can’t without getting unbelievably embarrassed to the point he’ll cry, so he just freezes and lays still for Dada.
Tends to have nightmares about being abandoned by Dazai or his old friends being killed right in front of him. When he wakes up from one, he’s usually immediately a sobbing mess and will cling to Dazai and Finn like he’ll die without them. These tend to result in a large total of accidents.
“It’s alright Chibi. Dada’s here little buddy. I’m not going anywhere.” He holds him close, revisiting the struggle he’d previously endured when just trying to settle Chuuya down for the night. He’d hardly gotten him to sleep before, now after that awful nightmare, they’d probably be up until Chuchu wore himself out and even after that. He’d start to try to lay Chuuya down and he’d scream and cry, clinging tighter to Dazai. “DADA NO! NO LEAVING! YOU HAVE TO STAY!” The fussy regressor would sob. Dazai would lay down next to him, pulling him in close. “Calm down baby…I’m not going anywhere sweetheart.” He slid a pastel yellow blanket and Finn into his arms, then offering up a paci as well. “Shhh…” he’d gently coo, lips right above his head.
Chuuya doesn’t really know how old he is when regressed, but he’s nowhere above three, but can get very itty bitty, even so little the only word he’ll use is “Dada.” Even then, he just says “Da!”
Gets very embarrassed about regressing, ESPECIALLY since Dazai is the only one who he’s told about it. Dazai is the only person he trusts enough to know about it, while simultaneously fearing that he’s went and told everyone about it, or will use it against him like the bet they made as kids where Chuuya is ‘his dog’ and will do things like use a ‘snobby rich girl voice’ in conversations. Of course Dazai would never do that with such a delicate situation, but the fear is there.
Requires lots of praise and reassurance.
When Dazai left the mafia, Chuuya didn’t celebrate like he claims he did at all, he silently sobbed into Finn, holding the shark tight. He never sleeps without it now.
His favorite pacifier is a baby blue one with small stars and a crescent moons design on it. It has a matching paci clip that tends to be clipped to Finn’s dorsal fin. Dazai has only lost it once, and when they needed it, it was not a fun situation for either parties.
Chuuya tries to regress with any free time he has while Dazai has work. Being an executive, that time is hard to find, so he usually ends up regressing while Dazai is home. Even though he’s so accepting and even taken on the role of a caregiver for him, he still tries to hide any and all vulnerability, and usually panics at first, every time Dazai finds or gets him little.
Regresses involuntary almost every time he uses Corruption. If he doesn’t pass out immediately, he’s in so much physical and mental distress when he’s finished with the fight that all he can do is sob to Dazai, telling his Dada he wants to go home, while the brunette’s brow furrows a bit over the redhead’s wet pants. He shivers against Dazai before inevitably passing out, exhausted.
-He tends to have accidents a lot after literally allowing his entire body to be corrupted and attack in a mindless rage.
-Even further, he probably struggles to regress sometimes because he has to let go so much, and let his guard down so much that it can allow his Special Ability to act on its own, sometimes even causing him to experience corruption. Dazai is always nearby during this, quickly nullifying it. This is only an occasional thing though when he’s trying to willingly regress.
Chuuya is usually a fussy and grumpy baby. Clingy and needy, but pouts at everything and whines a lot. Too stubborn for his own good.
-Will probably cry and cry until he’s held but then will fuss, wanting to be set down because “he’s a big boy.” Dazai knows better though. Even casually, he’ll try to act big and pretend he’s a “big boy” and even if Dazai knows otherwise, he’ll play along with him.
“Alright Chuuya! If ya say so! But I was so hoping I’d get to see my little star when I got home! Oh well! Guess we can have a tea party another day! I had some paperwork I need to get in anyways!” But before he walks off, Chuuya grabs his hand. “…tea party?” He asks with a flushed face. Dazai smiles slyly. “Mhm! A tea party with all my baby’s favorite stuffies! But he’s not here right now, so it’ll have to wait for now! Siiiiiigh!” Chuuya whimpers, squeezing his hand. He doesn’t want to say he’s regressed, but he also doesn’t have to. Dazai opens his arms for a hug, and Chuuya slinks into his arms, pressing his face on his chest, hiding in his hands. “And we’d make sugar cookies! And I bought his favorite strawberry milk! I heard Finn was excited too! Such a shame!” As he says this, he’s already lifting up a regressed Chuuya into his arms. “You’re so mean” little Chibi grumbles with a small sniffle. “Hi baby…” Dazai whispered.
Very sensitive and hard on himself. If Dazai even tells him with a gentle tone that he can’t do something, he’ll be completely disappointed in himself and sit himself in the corner, punishing himself. Of course Dazai won’t let that stand, and he’s quick to coax his baby back into his arms.
He clenches his jaw, bites his lips and cheeks, and even grits his teeth when he’s angry or stressed. This tends to end up in a lot of pacis getting bitten through, so there’s always a spare somewhere. Dazai tries to offer alternatives like chewelry or teether toys. This usually ends up in Chuuya just becoming extremely embarrassed with his behavior and being very scared to use his pacis. Like most of his little things, it takes a lot of coaxing and encouragement for Chuuya to feel comfortable enough to use them.
They go on lots of aquarium trips when Chuuya is regressed. His favorite thing is the shark tank tunnel, and always insists all the sharks are his friends.
He also really enjoys arcades and has a fixation with claw machines.
His favorite nicknames are “little star” “little prince” “Chibi” (by Dazai only) “Chuchu” “little pup” (like a shark) and “little buddy”
Prefers sleeper onsies because they cover his legs, and he doesn’t like looking at his scars.
He has a LOT of Tuxedo Sam merchandise, including a sippy cup and a throw blanket that he loves to carry around when little.
Very well behaved in the bath, and likes playing with a bunch of shark bath toys. He thinks bath bombs are silly, and bath crayons are one of the best inventions known to man. Dazai always puts a towel in the drier for Chuuya for when he gets out.
Has one of those special play tents that he hides in when he’s feeling shy. It has a lot of pillows and blankies in it so it’s basically just a cozy little “hide-y hole” for whenever he needs it.
Doesn’t really care for coloring books, but loves drawing
Knows an absurd amount of shark facts, and talks about them nonstop when regressed. He will explain in detail why he thinks Dazai would like a certain kind of shark.
Despises thunderstorms, and will throw a fit if he’s alone during it. Even just waking up to storms is enough to bring him to absolutely hysterical sobbing. Dazai has special headphones for him to wear during storms, but he doesn’t like the way they feel on his ears, so he just continues to throw a fit.
Very shy about it, but loves being bottle-fed. He would deny wanting to and never EVER ask, but he loves it when Dada lets him fall asleep in his lap while being babied in such an intimate way.
Dazai is usually his caregiver, but if he’s also feeling small, Chuuya only trusts Kunikida to see him like that. They both refer to him as “Kiki.”
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finnegancosmos · 15 days
✎﹏﹏Welcome to the Cozy Corner﹏﹏
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◟ About me .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂❄️
〘 Pronouns 〙. . . They/Them 〘 Age 〙. . . 21! 〘 Name 〙. . . Hi! im finn, and im your host in the comfy corner! I am an age regressor, neurodivergent and probably close to being physically disabled soon.... I like the winter, and i stream a lot! mainly with my husband :nodders: 〘 Theme 〙. . . Christmas theme!
◟ Relationships .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂🎄
〘 Sexuality(s) 〙. . . Pansexual, asexual spectrum! 〘 Gender 〙. . . Nonbinary, but i can't tell if there's a fem or masc lean 〘 Status 〙. . . I am happily taken by my loving fiancé ! We have been together for a year, and are working out long distance. We will hopefully be together in June if all things go well!
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◟ Boundaries .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⭐
〘 DMs 〙. . . Please do not DM me and ask to be friends. If you've only just followed my blog and ask to be friends, i will ignore you. Do not DM me to ask me to make things for you, i do not take customs unless paid but will be nice and do samples (like channel or other templates) via asks, and don't DM to be mean. You will not get a nice response back. 〘 Romance 〙. . . Do not interact with romantic\sexual intent. Its gross, its weird, and im taken. I don't wish to see your dick, or your pussy, leave me be. If you dm pretending to be friends just to take advantage of my kindness, expect to see the barrel of a gun. and i don't mean from me 〘 Stealing 〙. . . Don't steal things I write/make, post them as your own and claim them. Anything I make that will be FTU will be marked as such. Don't be a dummy and get reported.
◟ Do not interacts .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂🧤
〘 Bigots 〙. . . Do not interact with my posts if you are homophobic, transphobic/lgbtqia+phobic, racist or back the blue, pro-life or MAGA, A zionist, transmed, a terf, anti-agere/petre, and sexists. 〘 Dangerous 〙. . . Do not interact with my posts if you are a MIK, MAP, Anti-recovery blog, Thinspo/meanspo blog, pro-ana or other, engage in dangerous kinks(like g_n play, r@pe kinks, etc), post pro-self harm, gore, or believe regression can be sexual. Age regression is a coping mechanism. it is not DD!LG, Icky kiddo or other. 〘 Age 〙. . . Do not interact with my posts if you are under 13, or over the age of 29 (so 30+ DNI)
More may be added later
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#☽ ⌇FinnyAsks = 30 days or question lists #⟡ ⌇ FoxAnswers = My answers tag #☼ ⌇ FinnyPosts = Any posts made by me #☆ ⌇ FoxReblogs = Reblog tag #♡ ⌇ FinnyMakesStuff = Any discord stuff i make and wanna show/ letters for discord !! I will let you know if my things are F2U
◟ Links .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂🥾
〘 My Twitch 〙. . . https://www.twitch.tv/finneganstravels 〘 My Twitter 〙. . . https://x.com/StarryEyedFinn 〘 My Server 〙. . . https://discord.gg/Dej2ewcZYf 〘 My Ytube 〙. . . https://www.youtube.com/@FinnegansTravels 〘 My Agere blog 〙. . . @space-station-nursery ⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧ 〘 My Husbands Tumblr 〙. . . @fdtw1 〘 My Husbands Twitch 〙. . . https://www.twitch.tv/fdtw4 〘 My Husbands Server 〙. . . https://discord.gg/VemeEES4Rg 〘 My Husbands Ytube 〙. . . https://www.youtube.com/@fdtw_
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Banner made by me, DNI, will be used at the end of my posts
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I love these 3 so much and I just couldn't help but write some Headcannons!!!
Regressor!Poe Dameron, Rey Skywalker & Finn Headcannons
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First things first they all regress to different ages. I think Finn regresses the oldest, followed by Rey and then Poe. (When I say this I mean more so when they are together, if they are regressed without the others I think the ages change a bit) buttttt I think that Finn would be around the 7-9 age range, he's the oldest and he likes the big brother role he gets to take on. I don't think Rey would be too far behind age range wise, I think she'd regress to about 6. Poe is the youngest, he regresses anywhere from 3-5.
Rey is incredibly chaotic, not on purpose but she tends to act and do things without thinking of any potential consequences. Poe causes trouble (all in good fun of course) but yea he's super chaotic. Finn normally gets dragged into chaos but he's never quite sure how it happens as he's definitely the calmest out of the three.
Despite Poe being the youngest I actually don't think he'd be the most energetic, he may cause chaos but he's just too small and he needs frequent naps to make up for the fact that he gets sleepy from how energetic he gets. However Rey? Oh boy, this kiddo has endless amounts of energy.
BB-8 has taken the fall for them several times when things have got broken be that either by covering for them (giving them an air tight alibi that absolutely noone believes cause they all know that BB will do absolutely anything for Poe and the others) or even by taking the blame.
I'm honestly just imagining Leia walking into Poe's room to talk to him (cause like that's his mum lets not lie 🙌) and she just sees the three kids just all small. Rey's bouncing on the bed whilst Finn is telling her to stop, maybe with a kids book in his hands or something whilst Poe is colouring quietly, thumb in his mouth whilst BB-8 just chills with them. She kinda just nods and leaves, coming back a bit later with a bunch of snacks. Leia is very busy a lot of the time but she's happy to indulge the three whenever she can.
Movie nights >>> Just picture the three of them cuddled up on the sofa whilst watching a kids film. Poe absolutely falls asleep within half an hour.
Chewbacca has babysat the three kids on multiple occasions and he cannot tell if he loves or hates the experience.
Finn can and has braided Rey's hair several times, he is very good at it and no one knows how. Poe tries to copy him (he struggles and can't really do it) Finn has tried teaching him though.
Poe likes making stuff (robot and engineering stuff!!!) But when with the others he's too small to really do those things so they try to help him. They have to have supervision by either Leia, BB-8 or Chewbacca however to do that!!!
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space-station-nursery · 7 months
𑁯ᰍ Rainbow Agere questions!
Below are questions you are free to ask! Just click the "riddle me this" button and ask away! Be sure to include your anon tag (if asking anonymously) and We will happily answer! ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦ ꒰ 🍄 ꒱ How long have you been regressing? ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ When/how did you find out about age regression? ꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Do you have a CG/Little? ꒰ 🔥 ꒱ Introduce your stuffies! ꒰ 🎃 ꒱ Do you have any regression gear?(outside of stuffies) ꒰ 🥕 ꒱ Are you open, or closeted about your regression? ꒰ 👑 ꒱ Inside or outside? ꒰ ⭐ ꒱ Sippy cups or bottles? ꒰ 🍯 ꒱ Pacifiers or teethers? ꒰ 🐍 ꒱ What's your favorite show when regressed? ꒰ 🌵 ꒱ What's your favorite regression food(s)/snack(s)? ꒰ 🍏 ꒱ What's your regression aesthetic? ꒰ 💎 ꒱ What's your favorite Disney character? ꒰ 🌀 ꒱ If your CG could have super powers, what kind of super powers would you want them to have? ꒰ 🌧️ ꒱ Do you like naps? Why or why not? ꒰ ☔ ꒱ Skirts or Shorts? ꒰ 🔮 ꒱ Long shirts or nightgowns? ꒰ 🍇 ꒱ Pink or blue? ꒰ 🩰 ꒱ What's your favorite regressed activity? ꒰ 🍥 ꒱ What's your favorite song when regressed? ꒰ 🌷 ꒱ Do you babytalk? ꒰ 🧸 ꒱ Are you a verbal, semi verbal, or nonverbal regressor? ꒰ 🧺 ꒱ Why do you regress? ꒰ 🍪 ꒱ How does your CG help you when regressed? ꒰ 🦢 ꒱ Coloring or drawing? ꒰ 🍼 ꒱ What's your favorite game while regressed? ꒰ 🥛 ꒱ What's your favorite nickname when regressed? ꒰ 🎙️ ꒱ How do you help your CG into headspace? ꒰ 🎧 ꒱ What's your favorite thing to do with your CG? ꒰ 🧷 ꒱ What's your favorite holiday? ꒰ 🎱 ꒱ Baths or showers? ꒰ 🐦‍⬛ ꒱ How do you regress outside? ꒰ 🖤 ꒱ Minecraft, Stardew, Or Animal Crossing? ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
Do not rewrite and post as your own
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ageregressionss · 5 months
there’s gonna be so many age regressors when the new generation is a bit older- none of them are getting a chance to be kids :(
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litlpawz · 3 months
💛 Jake agereboard
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lovesicksyndicate · 4 months
Hello!! Welcome to our blog 🤍
We are a AUDHD & physically disabled CDID system of 100+,, this is our sys blog! The host is also active on their other blogs:
@murruspins • main blog!
@faunafeature • animal blog!
@pluralculture • “plural culture is…” sideblog!
We collectively use they/them, unless you know who’s fronting. If we want to tell you who’s fronting; we will in the post! :3 (we’ll just add a little name signoff, this’ll also help us track stuff)!
We are currently in a relationship with our partner system of 9+ months!, we may mention them in some posts.
Extra . . .
• Endogenics & Pro endogenics. All systems are traumagenic, or you’re not a system. Claiming to be endogenic is wrong as being ‘endogenic’ (a system without trauma, or formed in a non traumatic way) isn’t possible. This includes any origin that is not strictly traumagenic.
• Anti Agereg &/or Petreg. Pet regression and Age regression are both very valid, and any hatred towards them will not be tolerated, please don’t int if you don’t support one (or more) of these. We have regressors in our system!
• Bodily over 30 (unless we interact first)
• Bodily 12 or under. We aren’t comfortable with talking to people that young! I’m sorry
We are bodily a minor. If you are uncomfortable with this, please dni! And if we accidentally interact; feel free to dm us and we will unfollow asap! Thank you 🧡
Frequent fronters:
• Murruyu
• Yuki
• Jeff
• Courtney
• Miku
• Finn
• Rave [Subsys]
• Syd
+ more.
Tags …
#lovesick credit • reblogs of the sources for any user boxes or borders we use!
#lovesick reblog • any reblogs!
#rave subsys • all posts made by rave!
#lovesick intros • alter introductions!
#lovesick chatters • general posts!
Thank you for reading, we really appreciate it. Have a nice day, and enjoy !! 🖤
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9 notes · View notes