#little!rey skywalker
Love these 3 chaotic kids!!! <333 I feel like I should write some Headcannons or a fic for the three of them together!!!
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
Omg I saw the dinluke post with them adopting Rey
What if they both just start adopting all our favorite characters
Like every time one goes out on a mission they find someone else to adopt. Luke brings back not just Rey but Finn and Poe as well.
Din just comes back with the entire ghost crew. And Luke is all ‘whatcha got there?’
Din just shrugs and says ‘a smoothie’ whilst the crew of the ghost is just standing there awkwardly behind him. Sabine paints his armor for him.
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siravalondulac · 4 months
these two would get along very well. no, i cannot explain why and i refuse to try
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tobytoaster · 1 year
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I was reflecting on how I feel about sequels and drew Rey
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zaddymaul · 1 year
no one ever:
me: fuck this im going to rewrite star wars
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basimibnishaqs · 2 years
au where tfa starts the exact same way with luke skywalker having vanished. and then it cuts to rey on jakku with luke. like luke is just there he's not missing. but she doesnt know that that’s luke skywalker- that’s just her dorky dad owen whitesun and they are each other’s whole world in that barren wasteland. cue leia sending one of her pilots there to follow a rumor about someone seeing luke- and when a droid meets luke and rey at their home and when finn recognizes Commander Luke Skywalker and Grandmaster of the Jedi in the market, rey discovers who exactly her father truly is
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solsthiems · 2 years
What is Star Wars but an autistic main character machine
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starwarsbian · 26 days
good night to everyone but people who hate rey skywalker or better yet..people who don’t love her
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cloud-starlight · 1 year
how i feel when i think about Bens death
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how i feel when i remember i can decide that hes not dead and reylo have a family together because i can
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Something that came to mind this morning that I'm really enjoying thinking about:
A sequel trilogy modern AU where all the main characters are just normal kids, about 8 years old or so, and Star Wars isn't real, or even a franchise, just a fun, nonsensical game of make believe played after school and on the weekends.
The story's pretty similar: Rey, an unimportant but determined young girl and her best friends, Poe (the best aerial ace of his time purely because he likes jumping off the swingset to do his "daring feats"), Finn (a kind-hearted escapee from the dark side who's up for anything, but needs to be home at 6 every day for dinner), and Rose (a mechanic with a rebellious streak--and the best dodgeball player in the third grade) are fighting against the nefarious Kylo Ren (played by Ben Solo in a too-big black jacket that his grandfather gave him for when he got older) and his right hand man, General Hux (who's usually less worried about military strategies than he is about Rose and Poe breaking another lamp).
Others get dragged in sometimes too--Han got brought in on a rainy afternoon only to be killed off by his own son (which he still gripes about), Ben's uncle Luke helps "train" Finn and Rey in saber fighting (consisting of kitchen utensils and the occasional broom handle) whenever he's visiting, and Ben's down-the-street neighbors sometimes make appearances as Liutenant Mitaka and Captain Phasma, which is always fun because then the sides are tied!--but usually it's just those six.
The questionable plot choices of the movies are a bit more excusable (and to me, almost endearing) in this case because they're just kids having fun!! Usually Kylo Ren is the Big Bad, but some days he wants to be a good guy too! In those cases, he plays as the redeemed Ben Solo (and by that count, Hux turns good too, because it's no fun being evil alone), and they all team up against the true enemy, the murderous Emperor Snoke (a very large, hairy, and friendly dog actually named Jar Jar who belongs to Mr. Kenobi, the friendly old guy next door). Hux got a set of walkie talkies for his birthday and became a "spy" for the weekend after he used them to help the others to escape Kylo Ren's lair (Ben wouldn't talk to him at school the next day lol). Luke Skywalker is a grumpy, jaded old man who's become disillusioned with the great war between light and darkness and would rather watch the world wither away from his isolated island--yes, uncle Luke, we know you're not really like that, but Ben and Hux say we'd have too much help and it'd be unfair if you were nice. Pleeeeaaaase?
Just,,,kids having fun :)
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I love these 3 so much and I just couldn't help but write some Headcannons!!!
Regressor!Poe Dameron, Rey Skywalker & Finn Headcannons
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First things first they all regress to different ages. I think Finn regresses the oldest, followed by Rey and then Poe. (When I say this I mean more so when they are together, if they are regressed without the others I think the ages change a bit) buttttt I think that Finn would be around the 7-9 age range, he's the oldest and he likes the big brother role he gets to take on. I don't think Rey would be too far behind age range wise, I think she'd regress to about 6. Poe is the youngest, he regresses anywhere from 3-5.
Rey is incredibly chaotic, not on purpose but she tends to act and do things without thinking of any potential consequences. Poe causes trouble (all in good fun of course) but yea he's super chaotic. Finn normally gets dragged into chaos but he's never quite sure how it happens as he's definitely the calmest out of the three.
Despite Poe being the youngest I actually don't think he'd be the most energetic, he may cause chaos but he's just too small and he needs frequent naps to make up for the fact that he gets sleepy from how energetic he gets. However Rey? Oh boy, this kiddo has endless amounts of energy.
BB-8 has taken the fall for them several times when things have got broken be that either by covering for them (giving them an air tight alibi that absolutely noone believes cause they all know that BB will do absolutely anything for Poe and the others) or even by taking the blame.
I'm honestly just imagining Leia walking into Poe's room to talk to him (cause like that's his mum lets not lie 🙌) and she just sees the three kids just all small. Rey's bouncing on the bed whilst Finn is telling her to stop, maybe with a kids book in his hands or something whilst Poe is colouring quietly, thumb in his mouth whilst BB-8 just chills with them. She kinda just nods and leaves, coming back a bit later with a bunch of snacks. Leia is very busy a lot of the time but she's happy to indulge the three whenever she can.
Movie nights >>> Just picture the three of them cuddled up on the sofa whilst watching a kids film. Poe absolutely falls asleep within half an hour.
Chewbacca has babysat the three kids on multiple occasions and he cannot tell if he loves or hates the experience.
Finn can and has braided Rey's hair several times, he is very good at it and no one knows how. Poe tries to copy him (he struggles and can't really do it) Finn has tried teaching him though.
Poe likes making stuff (robot and engineering stuff!!!) But when with the others he's too small to really do those things so they try to help him. They have to have supervision by either Leia, BB-8 or Chewbacca however to do that!!!
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im-yotsu · 1 year
May the 4th be with you!
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I was 13 when I drew that (horribly) and posted it also for may the fourth back in 2016. The Force Awakens had just come out and I looooved Rey.
Just wanted to remake that :).
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
So funny to me when people describe their fave fictional male character as "feral" and he's just some guy who grimaces or smirks a lot. My wife, who eats her steak rare with her bare hands, is more feral than him
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vandyrix · 6 months
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The sillies!!! :D
[ art for an RP friend whom I did a crossover with ]
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Just started TLJ for fun because it was a Long Day and I wanted some form of distraction that didn't involve the current Ghost Crew kinda high stakes episode I was halfway through and I must say..... this is so strange to me
#the brief scenes with paige just gutted me#you know that post about the unnamed servant in king lear (i THINK it's king lear at least) that has that cs lewis quote#that's paige. like. that's literally her that's her role in the story that's what she chooses to do and that's why#poe's Personally Sanctioned mission to destroy the dreadnought or whatever it's called succeeds. it's because of her#not gonna lie i wish we saw more of her!!!!!#anyhow there are a lot of things that were little gems. like our intro to rose is her sitting alone in an empty space sobbing#because she lost her sister as she's clutching the matching necklace. that was a really good bit#and finn being like. WHERE'S REY. HOW CAN SHE GET TO US IN THIS CHAOS.#and the sheer intensity of rage from kylo ren#unlike many of my fellow tumblr girlies (please don't burn me at the stake for this) i don't find adam driver very attractive and am a bit#puzzled as to what makes people like him So Much (mentally i'm like ???? which is my reaction to timothee chalamet enthusiasm too)#but i can give him one thing. he's absolutely terrifying. the intensity and sheer out of control FORCE of his anger terrifies ME#probably on the same level as hayden's anakin does tbh#i jumped a little when he punched the elevator wall. that man has got Deep Seated Issues that he REALLY needs to work out at this point#there are also bits of this movie that REALLY confuzzle me#like leia's force hovering through space (????) and poe's anger/control/defiance (??????????)#and also LUKE GIVING UP????? i was like. well the video essay peeps on youtube were right about THIS bit being#the Worst Part Thus Far. a luke skywalker abandoning hope is a luke skywalker i'm struggling to recognize#anyhow more thoughts incoming...... class has started and media analysis brain is on#is it EVER OFF THOUGH LOL#tlj liveblog
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mayaannart · 1 year
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Cannot wait for the dudebros to have to sit and listen to her being called Master Skywalker for two and a half hours 🫶 hate on her all you want I have a lightsaber and I know how to use it!
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