#reblog for the non ao3 users
0sbrain · 1 year
here's a list of mozilla add-ons for all of you tumblrinas out there to have a better internet experience
also, if you like my post, please reblog it. Tumblr hates links but i had to put them so you adhd bitches actually download them <3 i know because i am also adhd bitches
AdGuard AdBlocker / uBlock Origin : adguard is a basic adblock and with origin you can also block any other element you want. for example i got rid of the shop menu on tumblr
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Privacy Badger : this add on will block trackers. if an element contains a tracker it will give you the option to use it or not
Shinigami Eyes: this will highlight transphobic and trans friendly users and sites using different colors by using a moderated database. perfect to avoid terfs on any social media. i will explain how to use this and other add-ons on android as well under the read more cut
Xkit: the best tumblr related add on. with many customizable options, xkit not only enhances your experience from a visual standpoint, but provides some much needed accessibility tools
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bonus: if you are into tf2 and wanna be a cool cat, you can also get the old version to add cool reblog icons
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AO3 enhancer: some basic enhancements including reading time and the ability to block authors and tags
Return of the YouTube Dislike : pretty self explanatory
Youtube non-stop: gets rid of the annoying "Video paused. Continue watching?" popup when you have a video in the background
SponsorBlock: gives you options to skip either automatically or manually sponsors, videoclip non music sectors and discloses other type of sponsorships/paid partnerships
Enhancer for YouTube: adds some useful options such as custom play speed, let's you play videos in a window and most important of all, it allows you to make the youtube interface as ugly as your heart desires. I can't show a full image of what it looks like because i've been told its eye strainy and i want this post to be accessible but look at this <3
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PocketTube: allows you to organize your subscriptions into groups
YouTube Comment Search: what it says
WayBack Machine: you probably know about this site and definitely should get the add on. this allows you to save pages and access older versions with the click of a button. while you can search wayback using web archives, please get this one as well as it allows you to easily save pages and contribute to the archive.
Web Archives: it allows you to search through multiple archives and search engines including WayBack Machine, Google, Yandex and more.
Search by Image: allows you to reverse image search using multiple search engines (in my experience yandex tends to yield the best results)
Image Search Options: similar to the last one
this next section is pretty niche but... STEAM AND STEAM TRADING
SteamDB: adds some interesting and useful statistics
Augmented Steam: useful info specially for browsing and buying games
TF2 Trade Helper: an absolute godsend, lets you add items in bundles, keeps track of your keys and metal and your recent trades, displays links to the backpack tf page next to users profiles and more. look it tells me how much moneys i have and adds metal to trades without clicking one by one oh may god
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IN CONCLUSION: oooooh you want to change to firefox so badly, you want to delete chrome and all the chrome clones that are actually just spyware and use firefox
if you already use firefox on android, you'll know there are certain add-ons compatible with the app, some of them even being made just for the mobile version such as Video Background Play FIx. while most of them are pretty useful, some more specific ones aren't available on this version of the browser, but there's a way of getting some of them to work
you need to download the firefox nightly app, which is basically the same as the regular firefox browser but with the ability of activating developer mode. you can find how to do that here. once you've enabled it, you need to create a collection with all the add ons you want. i wouldn't recommend adding extensions if the creators haven't talked about phone compatibility, but XKit and Shinigami Eyes should work
also, don't tell the government this secret skater move, but you can try using both the regular firefox browser and nightly so you can have youtube videos in a floating box while you browse social media.
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see? i can block this terf while Rick Rolling the people following this tutorial. isn't that tubular?
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bloggerspam · 6 months
Danny Phantom Masterlist
I realized I've accidentally become a Danny Phantom fic writer and I don't know what to do with this information...other than make a masterlist, i guess.
I add on parts via reblog, so I will put the lastest date when i update the link in MM.DD.YY format! (*) denotes completion, for now. Extras (ie. ** or ***) denotes bonus updates I hadn't planned on!
Magician!Danny AU - 9.27.23*
Danny learns sleight of hand and goes through Hijinks and Shenanigans. There are some DC offshoots where Zatanna is involved, with some inevitable angst from another user.
In the Interest of Medical Attention Addition - 10.02.23*
DCxDP - Red Hood goes missing. Danny, an eldritch horror tourist, just wants to be helpful. These two things are, unfortunately, related.
De-Aged Danny Angst Addition - 10.06.23*
DCxDP - Danny, having been capture and experimented on, gets de-aged with memory loss and some...physical complications. One of the Bats finds him. Dad!Dick Grayson implied.
Booo-merang Trouble Addition - 10.10.23
DCxDP - Jason gives off an ecto-signature, and tries to find a runaway/hiding/injured Danny in Gotham.
Baby Danny vs. The Joker Additions - 10.16.23*
DCxDP - De-aged Danny in a bat onesie wreaking havoc on the Joker for Funsies, and sort of getting adopted by Jason. There are a plethora of other reblogs that aren't included in the link, but this is where I've mentally stopped the AU at (personally). Highly recommend going through them for the fanart!
Candy Crush AU Additions - 10.31.23*
DCxDP - Additions written for @long-live-astronerd-ghost-king's Candy Crush AU. Dead on Main. LOTS of other reblogs that aren't included in the link, but this is where I've mentally stopped the AU at (personally).
Luck Rush AU Additions - 12.02.23*
DCxDP - Additions written for @virgamsysxvolumes's Lucky Rush AU. Please go read it, it's so good!!! I've also designed some stuff for this AU, but Vivi has released some official art for the AU in the masterlist too!
Phantom Siblings and the Batfam - 12.05.23*
DCxDP - Prompt fill: Danny and Ellie are de aged. Dan and Jazz are co-parenting as the older siblings. Completely unrelated, half the batfam are flirting independently at Jazz/Dan, and the other half are dealing with the chaos gremlins.
Super Strength Shenanigans - 12.10.23* [AO3]
DCxDP - When Danny gets an internship in Gotham, concerned for his and his identity's safety they figure out he has super strength he can't control for human-standard fights. Shenanigans ensue.
Horror Movie Child!Danny AU - 12.18.23* [AO3]
DCxDP - Danny is adopted into the batfam having a coming of age movie, whilst the Batfam are going through Summer Horror Special.
Puppy!Danny AU - 12.28.23* [AO3]
DCxDP - Danny is Ace the Bathound AU! With Bonus Dan as Titus, Dani as Haley/Bitewing, and Jazz as Sparky and Dog. There have been multiple tags for this, so please be warned you WILL cry at part 3. Now with meme post. Any additional non-story posts will be under "phantom pups" tag!
Villain!Jazz AU - 04.07.23* [AO3]
**Disclaimer, NOT Jazz centered and heavily DP leaning** After lots of thought this AU will be exclusively updated on AO3 from now on! Please subscribe to it on AO3 instead of following it here :)
He’s fine… right..? - 02.05.24** [AO3]
Two-shot psychological horror based off some fanart of Danny crying melty tears.
Casseroles and Confrontations Additions- 03.10.24
DCxDP - Batman sends a few of the Batfam to Amity Park to investigate the ghost sightings. When they get there, however, Jason refuses to step into the town due to some instinctual feeling he has. Check "#casseroles and confrontations" tag for non-story lore!
NOW WITH AMAZING FANART by @animal-123-crazy
MORE CUTE FANART by @jamiethebee
Kon-El and the Phantoms - 02.07.24
YJxDP - Young Justice, specifically Kon-El, meets their newest member, Phantom's clone. Who just so happens to be a big fan.
Mama Canary AU - 05.27.24 [AO3]
JLxDP - Suddenly de-aged Danny meet Black Canary and accidentally ghost-wails at her...except all it does is push her back a couple feet, and make her think he's the cutest lil' canary in the world. Eventual Dead On Main.
Preschool Teacher Danny AU - 02.18.24* [AO3}
JLxDP - Clark comes across a meta-teacher with a class of seemingly meta toddlers. He asks if there's any room for Jon. Not sure if I will continue on Tumblr or continue on AO3, or both. Will update when I decide--this will probably be mostly ongoing as Naynay gives me more stories of her gremlins!
Sunshine and Stardust - 02.16.24 [AO3]
YJxDP - Danny is a clone of Superman AU, but he's a failure, a test dummy. Amidst the days of pain and experimentation, he hears another clone is being made.
Teen Titans and the Lost Boy Addition - 05.17.24
TTxDP - "After being on the run for a long time, Danny somehow stumbles his way into the middle of a fight. This leads to him joining the Teen Titans (much to his confusion)."
Thoughts about Death - 03.27.24*
"Do you ever think about how sacred life must be for Danny?" Oneshot.
Grunkle John AU - 04.23.24
JLxDP - Batman finds out that John Constantine is basically Danny Phantom(high level threat, ghost king)'s weird uncle. I tell you the story of how that came to be.
Not so Little Merperson - 05.02.24*
YJ/JLxDP - Superboy gets Prince Eric'd by Space Whale Danny, and all Kon wants to do is find the smoking hot not-so-little-merperson that saved him. If he has to pester Aquaman for it, so be it. Oneshot.
Estranged Brothers Dick and Danny Addition - 05.06.24*
DCxDP - Mr. Haley summons Danny to act in the circus, not expecting the Grayson's to take such a shine to him. The Grayson's die and Dick is adopted by Bruce, but Danny has to stay... Oneshot.
Phic Phight Phics:
Forgotten Fire: A little bit on who Ember McLain was, when she was alive. Complete.
Open Secrets: Everyone knows AU. (except, Danny doesn't know they know). Complete.
In Front of My Cereal? Crackfic for the prompt: Danny shuddered. The old man yaoi energy at that table was insufferable. Complete.
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naruhinamain · 8 months
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🌙 This December 2023, we officially bring you NaruHina Month 2023 made even bigger through our second NaruHina Fair! Enjoy the prompts, special games and other exciting events! 
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PROMPTS (PER WEEK) one -  two -  three - four - five
🌙 SPECIAL EVENTS: Event Icon Ribbon ⦾ Creator Spotlight ⦾ Exchange Gift ⦾ Live Q&A ⦾ TBA
🌙 Details and Guidelines:
⦾ Open to all kinds of content and genre! Artwork, Graphics, Fanfics, AMVs, essays, angst, N!SFW, fluff, anything under the sun!
→ However, incest, adult/minor, NTR and under-age (below 18 characters) N!SFW contents are prohibited.
⦾ Please make sure to specify if your content is Rated M/E in consideration to the younger audiences.
⦾ Kindly include #nhmonth2023 and/or #nhmonth in your first five tags to help us monitor and reblog/retweet your submissions.
⦾ Just a gentle reminder that any form of ship/character bashing are not allowed. Harassment towards anyone is not tolerated. Please be respectful and observed peace around everyone.
⦾ Commissioned work are allowed as long as the artist/writer permitted use, properly acknowledged, and credited.
⦾ Reposts and content theft will be ignored; please bear in mind to avoid doing so.
⦾ Please follow naruhinamain.tumblr.com (Tumblr) / @NaruhinaMain (Twitter) for updates and content.
🌙  Additional for NON-TUMBLR USERS (including anons): 
⦾ Twitter users may tag our Twitter mod @iamdslr or may visit @naruhinamain (Twitter)
⦾  You may also leave out your preferred penname or other online accounts including but not limited to AO3, Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, Twitter, IG, etc.
🌙 In case we missed out on your post, you may hit up event moderators: @saradesuchiha​ @chloelapomme @bornonthebreakofdawn
🌙 For questions and clarifications, please feel free to drop an ASK, PM or check out the FAQs.
🌙 Lastly, enjoy and have fun!
special thanks to @narutoevents @narutoborutoeventscalendar
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jscwrites · 1 year
Please Follow this Backup Blog for Vendetta-IF
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Hey guys, it's jsc, the author of Vendetta. I'm making this blog to backup all of the stuff I've posted over on the vendetta-if blog because I can't access my main account. Until I can access my account again, this will be the blog I'll use to interact with all of you and post updates. And in the worst case scenario, this will become the main blog.
So, please, follow this blog as I will be posting updates and answering asks like usual here. Also, for those who want to share their fanarts and other fanworks, please tag this blog too so I can see it. I'll also start reblogging some posts and asks from the Vendetta blog here in hopes of preserving them as much as I can. So, be prepared for a little blast from the past as we walk down the nostalgia road, I suppose.
I'm really sad because just earlier today, I checked my followers count and saw that we were 30 followers away from reaching 4K Followers in the main Vendetta blog, and I was thinking about what to do to celebrate it. Plus, there are also so many awesome fanarts and asks that I don't want to just be gone, which is why I'm making this blog to reblog all of them.
For those who are new and wondering what my story is all about, please check out the intro post I've reblogged. I might need to make another intro post in the future if I never get access back to my account, but for now, I hope it'll suffice.
[DEMO | Latest Chapter: 6 Part 1 | 272.8K words total] 
[ARTBREEDER PORTRAITS] [ROs] [Other Pt. 1] [Viktor] [Other Pt. 2]
[AO3 WRITTEN FANWORK] -> Currently 3 works
For those who are interested in what happened, I'll tell the details under the cut.
So, a few hours ago, I decided to open my iOS Tumblr app to check on notifications and stuff, as I usually do. But instead, I got hit with the Tumblr error messages over and over as it keeps trying to load in.
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At first, I just thought it was my cellphone Internet connection, so I tried logging in on the desktop. At first, after I input all of my login credentials, the page loaded, but it brought me to the viewing page of my Vendetta blog as a non-user. I tried again, and this time, it said that my account got terminated. I never got any email from Tumblr about this, and it came as a shock because I just used my Tumblr earlier today to reblog some fanarts with no problem and I have never really used my account for other non-IF related stuff.
So, I scrambled to ask my members in Discord whether my Vendetta blog is still up, and thankfully it still is. But, my main account is somehow gone. The problem is, my Vendetta blog is actually a sideblog to my main account, jsclarissa.
As you can see here, when I tried searching for my main account, it says "Ghost blog! This blog does not exist." despite me having used that account to respond to comments and send asks to other authors before.
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I have sent a support ticket to Tumblr support and also tweeted them on Twitter. I really hope they can give me my account back as I'm pretty sure this is some kind of technical issues on their end. I'm just worried about how long it would take them to respond and of course, the worst case scenario that it actually got terminated, so, I'm making this account.
Even if I got my account back, I'll still reblog stuff from the main blog here and maybe I can finally have a more personal blog where I can talk about stuff that is not really related to Vendetta.
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jisungsdaydreamer · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS After a lifetime of heartbreak, you try your chance at romance for one last time, meeting up with L.A.'s most beloved dating coach, Dr. Hwang Hyunjin. Lines are crossed and strange events ensue.
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~Chapters 3/5, Explicit, Ongoing~ Pairing: Hyunjin x Fem!Reader Genre: Non idol au, fluff, smut, romcom, drama, opposites attract Warnings: Swearing, explicit sexual content, dysfunctional relationships, taboo couples/relationship therapist and patient dynamic
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CONTENTS · Teaser · Chapter 1: The Love Fruit · Chapter 2: The Matchmaker Meets His Match · Chapter 3: Drunk In Love · Chapter 4: P.R.O.M. · Chapter 5: Grandmaster of Love
♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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Soo... after an eternity of delays, it's finally here! Thank you to everyone who has waited so patiently and put up with my horrible planning. I hope you like it! -Dreamy.
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TAGLIST @skzfelixlove @army-stay-noel, @hwangjuhong, @chizumiyoshi @hyunjinswifeee @geneziesm @sherryblossom @yeetfellx @bennetbutton @chillseo @hyuneyeon @seosalad @nhyunn @hyunjinnie2000 @ajxreads @n2tl4na @yeahsspider @8makes1scream ***The users that I could not tag are written in pink***
If you'd like to join the taglist, click here!
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©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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airbendertendou · 10 months
EVERYDAY THING! ♥︎ sano manjiro
synopsis : bonten!mikey comes home to you, always.
gender neutral reader ; [name] / you in place of y/n ; reader sweats a lil in their sleep ; normal talk of bonten activities ; mikey undresses reader non-sexually
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
You fell asleep listening to Sanzu ramble on and on again. Ran would add his input occasionally, Rindou saying a word or two. But, Mikey was usually quiet during these calls. He was fine with just hearing your breathing, reassuring him that you were safe. And, you were the same. Hearing his small hums of agreement brought a comfort to you that you couldn’t explain.
Mikey was away “for work” — really, he was, but the type of work he didn’t like to disclose with you. Phone calls and video messages became a staple in your relationship since he left two weeks ago.
Entering his room, Mikey was hit with a wave of heat. His eyebrows furrowed, mouth pulling into a frown at the unusual temperature. His room was usually the coldest, the frigid air keeping him awake and focused. When he caught sight of a figure curled up in his bed, though, his expression melted and softened immediately.
Sweat was forming on your forehead, the thick blanket crumpled and imprinted on your face. You let out a sigh, turning so a leg was thrown out of Mikey’s comforter — you were wearing pants, too, it seemed. No wonder you were sweating so much.
Mikey quickly adjusted the temperature, listening as the heat kicked off and the ceiling fan continued to whir. He changed out of his work clothes, mindlessly reminding himself to give the shirt to Kakucho. It was hopelessly bloodstained, but he hoped it could dry-cleaned anyways.
Walking closer to you, Mikey let a small, fragile smile hit his lips. He took the comforter off of you slowly, hoping he wouldn’t wake you. Ever so tenderly, Mikey grabbed your sleeping pants and began to tug. You let out another grumble, face scrunching in distaste. He smiled wider, still shuffling and shimmying your pants down so he could get them off.
You let out a small, sleepy huff. Prying tired eyes open, you could see a smiling, white haired boy peering over you. “‘Jiro?”
“Hi, baby.” He paused his actions, just staring down at you now. You let out a hum, rubbing your eyes lightly until he pulled your hand away.
You noticed the lack of heat, and your still-halfway-on pajama pants. “S’cold without you,” you explained quietly.
“I know,” he stooped down to place a kiss to the middle of your forehead. Standing back up, his hands trailed up your legs smoothly before stopping at the band of your pants. Mikey tapped the sides of your hips with his pointer fingers. “I’m here now, though. Gotta get these off, okay?”
“Mhm.” You nodded and lifted your hips briefly. Finally, Mikey managed to shuffle your pajama pants off, throwing them to the floor mindlessly. You instantly felt cooler, less sweaty. You looked at him longingly, “and now we can cuddle?”
“All you want.” He grinned before plopping on top of you. Letting out a sleepy laugh, you wrapped your arms around his torso as one crawled to the back of his head. Mikey shuffled his face into your neck, pressing kisses there every now and then. “We can cuddle today, tomorrow — forever, if you want. ‘M all yours for a while, sweet love.”
You let out a satisfied hum, eyes falling shut in comfort. Placing a kiss to Mikey’s cheek — and then every part of his face you could reach — you cuddled him closer. “That’s what I like to hear. ‘Night Manjiro, I love you.”
“I love you, [name]. More than you know.”
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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sjmvillainweek · 1 month
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SJM Villain Week Rules/FAQ
Welcome to SJM Villain Week taking place on the 1st - 7th of October to kick off the scariest month of the year.
In order to inspire creativity within the fandom, we are running a prompt submission form to collect your ideas for what the prompts should be for the event! Each day will have two prompts, as well as a free day on the seventh.
The prompt submission form is now CLOSED, the prompts list will be up soon!
Click the read more to see the rules and FAQ for this event week!
To help this event run smoothly, here are the rules to follow-
This event is about the big bad guys of the SJM universe, but that does not mean that hate will be accepted. Remember to be kind and respectful to everyone joining in on this event. Any kind of hate mail sent will be deleted and the user will be blocked, no questions asked.
Projection of harmful stereotypes will not be welcome. Any kind of portrayal of the villains is welcome, as long as everything is kept respectful, and it is clear that certain kinds of behavior are not justified.
All relationships and interpretations of sexualities are welcome! So long as your villain of choice is at the forefront of your content. No shipbashing is welcome. You are also of course welcome to create general and non-ship content!
No A.I content is permitted and therefore will not be reblogged.
NSFW and mature content is allowed, so long as everything is appropriately tagged. That means on Tumblr, their guidelines for NSFW images are followed, and on AO3, or other posting platforms, the work is sufficiently tagged and rated according to that sites rules.
As we are dealing with the villains of the story, it needs to be clear, graphic depictions of SA will not be reblogged.
Whilst we all have different headcanons, and interpretations of characters, these are some characters that are not villains, and content centering around them will not be reblogged or otherwise featured during this event-
Eris Vanserra
The Inner Circle
Bone Carver, Weaver, Bryaxis
How do I participate in this event?
Any kinds of participation are welcome! Whether that be headcanons, fanart, fanfiction, moodboards, playlists, edits, or anything else you come up with! Remember, any A.I content will not be reblogged.
Who is running this event?
This week-long event is being hosted by @hieragalbatorixdottir, @achaotichuman and @readychilledwine
What if I have a question about the event?
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask to the event account! We would love to hear all of your questions, headcanons, or any content you wish to share with us! If you want your ask to be answered privately please state that in the ask, otherwise all asks sent in will be published.
And please remember to not send any asks regarding the event account to our moderators. Please send them through the ask box of this account.
Do I have to stick to the prompts?
The prompts are there to help inspire creativity, that being said you do not have to stick to them. There will be two prompts for each day, you can use both, just one, or none at all! Whatever inspires you to create work! There will also be a free day where you can go utterly nuts and write whatever you want featuring our villains!
What can I do for SJM Villain Week if I am not a creator?
Any kind of interaction with the creators' making content is the best way to support them and encourage them leading up and during the event week! Consider liking, commenting and reblogging the content you see! This is the best way to let the creators know their content is appreciated.
Up to and during the event, we will be reblogging and sharing content made for our villains. If you have seen or have created works for our villains don't hesitate to share with us so we can reblog it!
Without further ado, welcome to SJM Villain Week, where lies, secrets and evil abounds. We’ll see you in October.
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midnights-dragon · 6 months
Pinned post 📌
Feel free to skip over if you're just stalking my blog! (Here's a song for you to listen to.) ->
Hi, I’m Tristen! I’m transmasc and use he/him pronouns, bisexual, and religious-adjacent; a believer, not a follower. I am neurodivergent (ADHD specifically) and identify as a silly guy.
Important, first of all:
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in "don't like, don't read"
This user believes in "ship and let ship"
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
ALSO very important:
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So feel free to block me if you disagree. (ESPECIALLY do block me if you are an antisemite, or along that area of hatred towards people, if you're at all racist, homo/transphobic, etc). 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🎗️
Additionally, I do not usually post political things; this is first and foremost a fandom and personal blog. However, if I ever do, and you disagree, DO NOT attack me over it. Like, seriously. Just unfollow and move on! Block if you have to. I frankly could not care less.
Though, if you are transphobic, I ask that you don't follow me at all, as I do happen to be trans myself, as I said. And don't even try to send hate; anon asks are off, and I will freely blast & report you. I don’t have any “DNI” criteria except for obviously if you have any hatred or bigotry towards ANY group of people. Trans people, POC, Jews, ANYONE. And/or if you think one group’s suffering negates another’s. Period. Get off my blog if you hate someone for who they are.
Now that all of that is out of the way; onto the good stuff! ->
Things that I love/am hyperfixated on:
Good Omens
Hozier & Queen (average Good Omens fan)
Warrior Cats (cringe is DEAD)
Snakes, sharks, and birds (and dinosaurs)
My cat and bearded dragon (you will see pictures of them you have no choice)
Cliche old movies (The Parent Trap 1998, my beloved)
Bojack Horseman (run far away)
Hannibal (run further away)
Sometimes just random fucking shit that Tumblr puts on my For You, and that I will then reblog like 20 posts of in rapid succession, very unescapable, not sorry about that
ASKS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, AS ARE DMS!!! Nothing weird obviously, keep in mind that I am a minor (though I do enjoy smutfics, as any teenager does), but I LOVE random people saying random things, it makes me feel like a friend. Which you are to me! I love making mutuals as well, and if you want to be on a tag list for games like picrew chains, just let me know, I do those a lot. They're fun!
Now, writing requests & my Ao3! ->
I do accept writing requests, feel free to ask for anything for fandoms I'm in (if it's something topic-heavy, CWs are appreciated in advance), but obviously I'm not going to write anything like underage content or proship; I AM ANTI-CENSORSHIP, as said, I just am not a writer of pro-ship content, myself.
My favorite tropes:
Angst, specifically Hurt/Comfort
Human AUs
Trauma Recovery
Anything involving domestic & non-sexual nudity
Religious Trauma Messages
Panic Attacks/PTSD (and being helped through that)
Generally, just. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Happy Ending, though. I sometimes write fluff one-shots I sweat it just does not happen Often
Mostly anything goes; obviously I'm at full liberty to delete any messages I get or not do them, but I LOVE requests and I usually more often than not do end up doing them! Just send it my way (ask box or DMs is fine) and I'll let you know. I write currently for almost exclusively Good Omens content, which can be found under the AO3 link below. Specifically, here is my Good Omens Masterlist!
A little intro to me as a writer can be found here from a recent ask game I participated in, if that is of interest to you. Also here from my 2023 Ao3 wrapped. My current writing 'order of things' (i.e., what I'm working on right now), can be found here.
I'm on a lot of other socials under a similar url! You can find my Twitter here, and my Instagram here, and then my Ao3. I mainly post similar content on all my socials, just reposting memes, art, and fandom stuff and sometimes posting stuff of my own! I'm a young artist, but proud of whatever work I muster up the courage to post. Which is not a lot, but nonetheless
If you’d like to support me and my work in any way, feel free to support me on my GoFundMe for my future top surgery/transition/therapy in relating to gender dysphoria if you are able and wanting! I am trans FTM, and use he/him pronouns, as it says in my bio. However, this is in no way an attempt to pressure anyone to do anything. Please think of yourself before a random stranger on the internet.
Link is also here for the post.
And here is also a link to a post you can reblog for my friend’s uni tuition, please reblog or share if you can with that as well!
Anyways, thank you for all of the love I've ever gotten across any platform, I love how kind people can be. And if you're mean, then, well, I prefer if you didn't interact, because this is what I try to make a safe space. Unless I was mean to you first (with disregard to transhomophobes and the like), then it's free game, and also, my bad. <3 Enjoy my blog!
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(PS. I am a certified loser, but also, I am Kenough.)
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frownyalfred · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry to bother but do you know about this?
If you don't, I hope you can read this, and maybe you can repost about this...
Again I'm sorry to bother but this woman is like Umbridge in Harry Potter. Really. It's terrified.
Yes, I've seen that. I've been pondering how to talk about this, as I've seen other authors/blogs bring it up.
It's no secret that I love and use ao3. I've been on fanfiction.net, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, etc etc in my time. I've seen fanfiction purges and policing, and it's almost always to users' detriment.
There are many topics and stories I don't personally agree with. I know the adage "don't like don't read" is a bit overused, but I stand by it. Personally, I hate reading stories about underage sex/abuse. It grosses me out. I stay away from stories about graphic sexual assault and rape; it triggers me.
But that doesn't mean I want those stories wiped off the internet. And who am I to really draw that moral line, anyway? If, say, I purge ao3 of pedophilia and any underage sex, will non-con and dub-con be on the chopping block next? Who decides that?
Proponents of "curation" on fanfiction sites make a similar, parallel "slippery slope" argument. They claim that easy and visible access to topics like child abuse or incest will lead to inappropriate behavior or beliefs in real life. It will legitimize these topics, and encourage such actions.
I don't think I need to tell most people that reading about something doesn't mean you like it, endorse it, or want to perform it in real life. Nobody ever asks men who read American Psycho if they maybe shouldn't have, in case they start killing women left and right. Just because I read a story where siblings sleep together (hello, Game of Thrones?) doesn't mean I want that to happen in real life!
The candidate referred to in the tweet seems to be not so subtly endorsing fandom censorship. You can read her interview at the link above, and it's chilling. She seems indifferent to the nuances of these discussions, ones we've been having for years on tumblr and in reaction to fandom purges.
Fanfiction is censored, corralled and contained when it looks bad for owners, companies, and sites. When advertising interests hesitate to put their ads next to graphic smut, capitalism reacts accordingly. IOS hides things on tumblr mobile because it's about money.
And that's exactly what ao3 was created to avoid. It is user-owned and operated. It is literally -- literally -- an archive of our own.
I support the hell out of ao3, and I always reblog posts encouraging others to do so if possible. We finally have a goddamned "safe space" for any kind of fiction under the sun -- any -- and we're risking it over a candidate who appeals to misinformed, underinformed moralism.
I can't blame new fandom members for getting caught up in it. Especially teenagers. They're still figuring out where they personally draw the line. Of course they're clumsy, and apply that filter to everyone around them. It's human nature.
I encourage every reader and non-reader alike to consider where their opposition to certain topics and stories stems from. Is it personal? Moral? If this story was a book at a library, would you ask the librarian to toss it in the shredder? Or would you simply put it down and walk away?
In the United States, even atheists and non-Christians are still unconsciously performing Christian, moralistic values. We do things for the sake of the "children" that make very little, logical impact on perceived ills. We are all (even me, and I'm Jewish) subject to this line of thinking, even if we reject it.
My opinion at the end of the day is that well-tagged, well-described, age-gated content should be allowed to exist on ao3 with very few, if any, limitations. If you don't like the tags -- great! The system worked! Read something else.
"Don't like, don't read" needs an update. In my mind, I've been calling it "bag it, tag it, don't wag it" which I know is silly, but it covers all the bases. Put your content in the correct category (explicit, etc) tag it correctly (sexual assault, etc) and don't shame others for what they choose to consume.
Anyway. If you're a member of ao3 (donated 10$ or more in the last year) you're eligible to vote in the board elections. I highly encourage you to do so. You can learn more about the discourse at the link above, or at ao3's elections page.
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minewtweek · 9 months
short and sweet: minewt mini weekend 🍭
hellooo!!! time flies, and minewt week is upon us again! only it’s so soon til the @mazerunnersecretsanta assignment day (that’s october 1st!) that going with a small scale event seemed the best thing to do. this year your mod is @its-tea-time-darling , thanks @sidekcks for passing on the torch!
when? friday + saturday before tmrss prompt reveal, 29th & 30th september
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thanks for those who suggested prompts! image transcript of prompts under the readmore break.
combine prompts at your leisure, post your submissions to tumblr on either of the days!
when posting tag this blog, and add the tag “minewtweekend2023”
additional submissions will be reblogged until 1 week after, 8th of october.
any type of submission (art edit fic podfic and more) welcome
you are welcome to post your submissions to the ao3 collection.
no minimum word count for fic.
ot3s are allowed! eg minho/newt/alby or any other ot3 with minewt you can think of!
collaborations are welcome
can be combined with other ongoing events! @tmr-cultures
explicit submissions are only allowed from adults
any rating + topic allowed—but tag appropriately! in doubt err on the side of caution. submissions where tumblr community warnings apply (eg explicit content) will be marked with that warning upon reblogging.
ao3 specific: needlessy negative comments are to be deleted without reply. this rule is non-negotiable, we will not give negativity our time of day 🤍
if you're not in the mood for potential downers in the comments you can, under "Who can comment on this work ?" click "Only registered users can comment".
happy minewt-ing 🥳
prompt transcript 🔽
It's always been you.
Jk. Unless...
The Fever Code
First day
Can I help you?
Free prompt
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
New and Genuine Tumblr Update Proposals
Bring back the corner flap that opens the post's permalink in a new window
Add a badge that changes color depending on how many bots you've blocked. Blogs with a higher "tier" of badge get priority on whether their reporting is taken seriously, to reduce spam
Add a badge to new accounts that disappears after a month, both to combat bots and to allow users to more easily identify people that don't know how to use the site yet
Bring the green mutuals mark (visible on the followers page on the current version) to the dashboard beside a person's username, for easy reference if you're mutuals with someone you're about to reply to
Make desktop dashboard configuration HTML-configurable, in the same way blogs are (Ao3 skins are a good reference for how this would work)
Make the mobile dashboard color-customizable in the settings, allowing the user to pick the color of the background and text with a color wheel
Accessibility toggle: Takes ALT descriptions and makes them appear as text below the images they're attached to
Change the notes configuration from "comments and tags, tags," and "other reblogs" to a dropdown list of toggles: "show comments," "show tags," and "show other reblogs"
Add a "replied from [username]" message beside replies in notes, to be able to determine who a reply is aimed towards. Extending from this, make this message a link to the post in the reblog chain the reply was made from
Add a "show reblogs only from [username]" box to the notes, with the [username] portion a blank space to be filled in by the person looking
Add an option to the search function to exclude tags
Add an option to the dropdown search menu to sort by most additions
Add an option to the dropdown search menu, specifically for the type of posts, to filter by asks
Add an option to the search menu to "search text only" or "search tags only" to improve search functionality. For example, if I'm searching for "witcher," I have the option to choose to see things tagged only as "witcher," rather than getting every post that says something like "I'm done with the Witcher, now moving on to Skyrim"
Add an option to the report menu for "suspected bot activity"
Add an asker-side toggle for an ask to be replied to privately. Currently, this is on the side of the person asked, and the asker has to request "please reply privately" and hope it's respected
Inform a user who asked anonymously if their anonymous question has been answered
Add a "screenshot post" button that makes a copy of the post in png form and adds it to your clipboard
Divide tags into "indexed" and "non-indexed," configurable by a symbol. For example, #i am up too late would not be indexed and therefore hidden from searches, while #real coffee hours* would be indexed and able to be searched
Add the ability to include multiple tags for search in the archive page of a blog
Add the ability to exclude tags from the archive page of a blog
Change the sideblog list in the "account" menu on desktop to a list of icons along the left side of the dashboard, each one being that sideblog's profile picture, and toggle between dashboards when each sideblog is clicked
Change "post now" at the bottom of a post to "post to [username]," to help with accidental posts to the wrong sideblog. This can be a movement of the dropdown menu from the top of the post to the bottom
Add a toggle to the settings menu for "loop video after completion." The current default is to loop endlessly
With each algorithm tab, include an information button (a question mark, for example) that explains in plain terms where it gets its data. For example "based on your likes" would say "these posts were liked by 10 people you have also liked the posts of," or "in your orbit" would say "these are people that 10 of your mutuals follow"
Add a sorting function to both the "followers" and "following" tabs, for example: "sort by A-Z," "sort by order followed (descending/ascending)," and "sort by date last posted"
Add an option to "block this post" in the meatballs menu of a post, removing the post and subsequent reblogs from your dash and adding them to a blacklist that can be found in settings
Add a search box to both the drafts and queue page, allowing users with several posts in both of these to find and edit posts more easily
These are just off the top of my head. I've purposely stayed away from "remove function that everyone hates" in terms of updates, as I'm aware that some of those have certain criteria and/or are out of Tumblr coding staff's control. The single exception to this is the first point about the corner flap, because I believe its inclusion adds functionality and ease-of-access to the site.
If any of these look good, go ahead and code them in. No permission/credit required, I'm just invested in the future of the site.
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subconwoods · 11 months
Snatistical Evaluation
I was really surprised to see Snatcher x Reader lose Round 1—when I seeded the bracket, I put it up against Conductor Divorce (which was a joke option I added to round out the poll) as a gimme. The round was designed this way because, as Conductor's Divorce isn't actually a pairing, it would just be giving me a ballpark for how many people actually liked x Reader.
Granted, the AHiT tag on Ao3 isn't that populated to begin with, but Snatcher x Reader is the only romantic pairing other than DiscoTrain to even appear in the Top 10 relationship tags.
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It wasn't like the poll simply failed to reach people who like x Reader content, either; I recognized a few names in the notes from the tag reblogging it, and x Reader accounts tend to heavily interact with other x Reader accounts. It didn't make sense to me that so few people voted for it, but towards the end of the polling period, I had an idea for what might have been skewing the results.
So, I made a spreadsheet to test my theory.
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I went through the entire Snatcher/Reader tag, noted down every single author's username, and added a counter every time I encountered another upload by them.
(Interestingly, while I went through the entire tag at least three times to double-check I hadn't missed any, the total only added up to 72. It only just occurred to me that the missing four might be hidden from users who don't have an account, which I forgot was a site feature. Oops. Anyway, they aren't taken into consideration for this analysis.)
Here are our results.
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Of 72 total uploads:
Six (6) were from anonymous/orphan accounts. Although one or more of these could have been written by the same user, for our purposes, I'll consider them non-recurring.
Twenty-one (21) were from unique authors, "unique" meaning that the user only had a single upload in the tag on their account. Counting the anon/orphan uploads, that's 27 from non-recurring users.
Forty-five (45) were from recurring authors, "recurring" meaning that the user had two or more uploads in the tag on their account. There were eight (8) recurring authors in total, but of those eight, three of them had two and two of them had three, making for twelve (12) uploads from five (5) recurring users.
Then there were....a few names that cropped up again. And again. And again.
4. Thirty-three (33) uploads were from the same three accounts.
Here's the same data represented by percentage.
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62.5% of individual fanworks in the tag are from accounts who have posted more than one, while 37.5% are anonymous or from accounts which have posted exactly one.
The top three posters make up the highest percent of any category. Not only do they outnumber the rest of the recurring authors, but three users have created 45.8% of the content in the tag, more than all of the unique uploaders combined.
I expected going in that the number of total works might be inflated by the same users uploading many, but I couldn't have guessed the results would be this extreme.
Verdict: Snatcher x Reader is not actually that popular of a pairing. The people who like it just really like it.
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naruhinamain · 2 years
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🎟 This December 2022, we officially bring you NaruHina Month 2022 made even bigger through our first NaruHina Fair! Enjoy the prompts, special games and other exciting events! 
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PROMPTS (PER WEEK) one -  two -  three - four - five
🎟 SPECIAL EVENTS: Event Icon Ribbon ⦾ Marriage Booth ⦾ Creator Spotlight ⦾ NH Fair Perks ⦾ FAQs 
🎟 Details and Guidelines:
⦾ Open to all kinds of content and genre! Artwork, Graphics, Fanfic, AMVs, essays, angst, N!SFW, fluff, anything under the sun!
→ However, incest, adult-minor, NTR and under-age (below 18 characters) N!SFW contents are prohibited.
⦾ Please follow @nh2022 for updates and content
⦾ Kindly include #nhmonth2022 and/or #nhmonth in your first five tags to help us monitor and reblog your entries.
⦾ Just a gentle reminder that any form of ship/character bashing is not allowed.
⦾ Please make sure to specify if your content is Rated M in consideration to the younger audiences.
⦾ Reposts and content theft will be ignored; please bear in mind to avoid doing so.
🎟 Additional for NON-TUMBLR USERS (including anons): 
⦾ You may use the SUBMIT feature to create a post or share a link/s to your work
⦾  You may also leave out your preferred penname or other online accounts including but not limited to AO3, Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, Twitter, IG, etc.
⦾ Twitter users may tag our Twitter mod @iamdslr or may visit @/naruhinamain (twitter)
In case we missed out on your post, you may hit up @quirrrky​ or @saradesuchiha​ 
🎟 For questions and clarifications, please feel free to drop an ASK, PM or check out the FAQs.
🎟 Lastly, enjoy and have fun!
special thanks to @narutoevents @narutoborutoeventscalendar
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airbendertendou · 2 years
s/o w a non-sexual oral fixation ♥︎ [including mikey, draken, yuzuha & senju]
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
MIKEY ♥︎ tbh i can see him being the same ♥︎ he always needs something sweet in his mouth if he isnt talking ♥︎ has gotten into the habit of bringing your favorite candy with him everywhere! ♥︎ if you’re like me n chew on things you shouldnt [cuticles n lip skin] he notices n yanks your hand away from your mouth to put a piece of candy in there  ♥︎ has mitsuya n draken carry your fave candies too! ♥︎ no one in toman allows anyone to say anything mean to you abt your habits <3 [baji has put someone in the hospital before when they called you a baby for sucking on a lollipop ♥︎]
DRAKEN ♥︎ has literally dealt w this before bc of mikey lmao ♥︎ always holding your hand so you cant mindlessly chew on it!  ♥︎ someone once made a lil sexual ““joke”“ abt your habit n they were on the ground before you could even blink ♥︎ you literally were jus saring down at them w this giant seething half-bald guy behind you menacingly  ♥︎ knows to keep your mouth busy when you’re bored or not talking ♥︎ has helped you out so much ):  ♥︎ i also grind my teeth all the time so i can see him like squeezing your cheeks until you stop or else your jaw will b sore
YAZUHA ♥︎ challenges you to eat spicy food w her stinky older brother ♥︎ you win bc taiju sucks <3 n you get a kiss on the cheek from her so win, win! ♥︎ has bought you so many different brands / flavors of lip balm to stop your teeth from ruining your lips  ♥︎ tries new lollipop flavors before giving them to you bc her fave must b the one you like more ♥︎ also paints your nails if you bite them! nail polish does not taste nice, youve discovered ♥︎ made hakkai start carrying around some lil treats for you when you come around n she isnt home <3
SENJU ♥︎ makes you drink ice cold water before shoving mint gum in your mouth ):< ♥︎ says its to stop you from self destructive chewing but tbh jus wanted to laugh at you! ♥︎ also chews on candy when her mind is elsewhere ♥︎ gave you personal permission to steal wakasa’s lollipops <3 [he buys you both your own bag off-handedly but you can see him watching you fondly ):] ♥︎ takeomi now has to watch after the two of you n hes got such a headache lmao ♥︎ has choked on a piece of gum mid-fight before so she makes sure you always spit it out n take precautions 
i know this wasnt properly written out but i hope its okay! i also took an oral stimming route on this lmao thank you for your request ♥︎ 
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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nouies · 9 months
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hello and welcome to this month’s fic rec featuring my favourite works from what i’ve read during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! 🔒 = only for ao3 users rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ 🔒 Ice, Ice, Baby by cherrylarry / @beelou (G, 1.1k, ice skating) Figure skater Harry takes Louis out on the ice for the first time
໑ Love is Limitless by @rockstarlwt28 (NR, 2.8k, canon compliant, married couple) Louis is counting down the days, minutes and seconds until he can throw his arms around Harry, kiss him passionately and inhale his distinctive aftershave that smells like cinnamon and pine needles. It's hard enough being apart from his beloved husband, but it seems equally and if not more unbearable and difficult, for Harry, because he breaks the two-week rule - the unwritten and unspoken rule. 
໑ unaware of the fall, unaware of my fate by @thepolourryexpress (T, 3508, psychic louis, fortune tell) Apparently Harry's birth chart isn't doing him any favors.
໑ In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers by @ladyaj-13 (T, 9.1k, canon divergence, famous/non-famous, read tags and notes) Online dating isn't exactly working for Harry. In fact, it couldn't really be going much worse. But then the door of the bar opens, and the pack of friends walking in parts and - that’s Louis Tomlinson.
Louis fucking Tomlinson.
໑ defying stars by localopa / @waterloux (T, 9.2k, marching band au, enemies) the marching band au only one person (and that was me) asked for.
໑ It’s Only Sunny Cause the Planet’s Dying by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 (E, 13.6k, con artist louis, detective harry) Or the one where Louis is a thief and a con-artist who’s used to getting what he wants, using any means necessary. And Harry is is the straight-laced detective who might just be tired of always doing the right thing.
໑ Not Safe For Work by bluegreenish / @greenblueish (E, 23.2k, a/b/o, coworkers, psychic abilities) or, the one where the boys work at Niall's fashion start-up 28 Programme Designs, and omega Louis has a lot of not safe for work thoughts about his colleague Harry, but little does he know that the alpha can read minds.
໑ Lullaby Garden by @rockstarlwt28 (G, 29.2k, astrology, kid fic, foster home) Tarot reader Louis Tomlinson and fortune teller Harry Styles, better known as the Tomlinson's, are the proud owners of a children's home, Lullaby Garden; in the heart of the hilly town of Scarborough. With eight children to keep them on their toes, the pair aren't short of good-hearted family fun.
໑ science & faith by @soldouthaz (M, 36.4k, enemies to lovers, uni au, stem major louis, philosophy major harry) louis tomlinson is a science major who's dedicated his life to proving that love doesn't actually exist.
harry's the philosophy major determined to prove him wrong.
໑ Suddenly Last Summer by @disgruntledkittenface (E, 44.7k, american au, the hamptons, mystery elements) Louis is bored, rich and lonely. He has no reason to expect that this summer in the Hamptons with his friends will be different from any other – until he meets Harry. Suddenly he has someone who listens to him and cares about what he thinks. Someone who really sees him. But their happily ever after is forever marred by an incident at a party during Labor Day weekend, and Louis is left with a choice to make.
— rare pairs / categories —
໑ My Home Is Your Body by edensrose / @holdingthornsandroses (louis/henry cavill, E, 15.3k, a/b/o, exes, model louis) ...where Louis is a successful omega model and the last thing he expects is his ex to become the co-partner of the new company he works for....
໑ Don't Take Love Off the Table Yet by harriet_vane (louis/liam, T, 26.2k, wedding planner louis, emotional cheating) A wedding planner AU, in which Louis plans absolutely fucking flawless weddings, until he tries to plan Liam's wedding to Danielle.
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themirokai · 1 year
I read you post about webnovel and how they make money off of fanficiton? Isnt that very fucking illegial due to copyright from the creators of the characters used in fanficitons?? Idk im nust more highly concerned that companies or what not could potentially find out leading to another fanfic legal battle or some shit that’ll bite back the fanfic creators yet leaving webnovel itself unharmed…
Hey there Anon. Thanks for the ask.
I think if you were to ask Webnovel, they would say that they are absolutely not trying to get people to monetize fan fiction on their site. They want original fiction only. Because yes, while there are a lot of nuances, making money from fan fiction is one thing that points to a work being a violation of copyright law. And certainly, if you were to ask Webnovel, they would tell you that they absolutely don't mean to do that.
BUT that stance is completely undermined when they try to recruit people *on AO3, the non-profit fan fiction website.* And not only are they recruiting writers from AO3 (and ffn and wattpad, according to the notes on that post) but they're strongly fucking implying that they want fan fiction! Some folks have left replies and reblogs on my post saying that they've seen fan fiction on Webnovel.
I am incredibly fortunate that @lymmea put this thorough and correct breakdown in the replies of that post.
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Some people in the notes of the post are focusing on the fact that the first part of the TOS that I highlighted is pretty standard for platforms that host user content. I appreciate that clarification. As I said (probably not explicitly enough) this isn't my area of practice (I mostly do small business contracts, real estate stuff, and environmental stuff) and I didn't take the time to compare this TOS to others. But I think it's important for people to understand that when they put their content on a site they are granting that site a license to the content. To me, there's a really big difference between granting that license to a non-profit site like AO3, or a social media site like tumblr, and a site that is created with the intention of selling people the right to read your writing.
The reason I wrote the post was that I *regularly* see people on tumblr upset about AO3's no monetization policy. These people are ripe targets for Webnovel to exploit, either for free or for ridiculously low pay with horrendous contract terms (there's more information in the notes of that post about how some people can get paid by them, but it's still a scam).
As to the part of your question about a fan fic legal battle, it's not impossible. If someone puts fan fiction on Webnovel and Disney sues, like lymmea says, Webnovel would try to blame the writer and could easily be successful. Probably it would get resolved with the work being taken down, but the party hit the hardest would be writer, who likely had no idea they did anything wrong. And that's also why I wrote the post.
Thanks for the ask, Anon. I hope this sheds some additional light.
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