#read a fucking book
that-rad-jewish-girl · 6 months
The irony of saying #landback and “we live on stolen land” while condemning Israel’s existence is so strange.
You want land to go back to the natives - no matter how long ago the land was taken - unless it belongs to Jews. Then they can go F off.
And because you don’t have a reasonable defense for this weird combo of beliefs, you just deny the indigeneity of Jews altogether. This is something that can be proven with simple google searches and logic. Our ancient artifacts and structures are in the land, and our “origin stories” are largely about the land and us residing in it. Yet, you refuse to believe we are indigenous.
Even more funny is that you then argue Arabs are the real indigenous people to this land. Arabs are colonizers in the Middle East and North Africa. Arabic is a colonial language. They originated in the Arabian peninsula, and took over MENA countries. They had nationalist policies that largely eradicated the people and/or cultures already present in those lands. A lot of the people present were Jews, who were killed or driven out by pogroms.
Educate yourself for crying out loud.
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cochxnasworld · 2 days
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credit from "Death Follow Us" by Kieran Dimitri
(@writtenbykieran on insta)
i hope to read it asap <3
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the most annoying thing about the Staged reviews and discourse is when the critiques of the latter seasons harp on it for getting too meta as if that wasn’t set up in the first season/series by making the play they’re rehearsing Six Characters In Search of an Author.
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varisciterocks · 2 months
Science doesn’t care
“Just come back to church,
read the scriptures,
and learn to love men”
Believe me when I say
I would rather burn
than keep company with you in heaven
I want none of your so-called charity
and its righteous condemnation
Spare me the support you would give me,
while still “not condoning my lifestyle”
Keep your thoughts
and prayers to yourself
Swallow down your opinions
on my ability to find happiness
I hope you choke on them
People like you always say
that science doesn’t care
about our feelings
I challenge you:
Take a biology course
learn about all the examples
of queerness in nature
and learn about gender differences
intersex people
transgender brain scans
that align with the gender they self-identify
Take a psychology course
learn about the scientific studies
on gender affirming care
on homosexuality
on the suicides of queer youths
who grow up being taught
that they are inherently wrong
And then ask yourself
how many of your grandchildren
you want to kill
with the slow but deadly poison
of your own willful ignorance?
Read a book
stop burdening others
with your bigotry
Because you know what,
you’re right
science doesn’t care
about my feelings
or your feelings
or anyone’s feelings
Science doesn’t care,
but good people do
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phatburd · 7 months
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getvalentined · 9 months
Begging and pleading on my hands and knees for people to do research on a character's backstory before drawing art of them as children. Please. Oh my god, please do an iota of research.
The barest skimming of a wiki article will show that this character you are implying was a lifelong environmentalist actually grew up mining fossil fuels—and goes back to mining different fossil fuels postcanon—and was in full support of the environment-destroying technology that he has since dedicated his life to destroying.
In fact, he definitely only got into the environmentalist "resistance" group that he now leads—which he had nothing to do with founding, it wasn't even founded on the same continent—as an excuse to attack the company responsible for that technology. This was entirely and canonically an excuse he made to shoulder the blame for the deaths of all his friends and family onto the company, rather than blaming the person that let them in and convinced those friends and family to support the technology to begin with. Because that person was himself.
He only got into this because he needed a way to absolve himself of the blame for what happened to his loved ones without having to actually face his part in it. Without having to accept that he had anything to do with it. He literally admits this outright.
He was not an adorable little gardener in a big scary desert who founded an environmental resistance because he always just cared so much about the planet. Portraying him this way is probably the most egregious mischaracterization of him that I've ever seen—fuck almighty, he's a good character because of this backstory. He's a good character because he fucked up. He's a good character because he (eventually) accepts that he fucked up, and sincerely tries to keep what happened to him from happening to anyone else. Not because he was always the only "good person" in a town built on selling coal.
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macwantspeace · 3 months
Do y'all remember James Inhoff with his snowball in Congress? Arctic cold air wandering is happening because of more thermal energy at the pole. Air flow wanders. We had 2023 as hottest year on record. Globally.
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apollos-bunnybee · 1 month
different from my usual content because im mad as fuck and need to rant:
I hate how transphobes' reasons for not believing in all medical doctors are right because trans people are acknowledged???? by medicine???? and allowed???? to exist????? and then go and misgender and insult trans people directly. it boils my fucking blood
they're so fucking ignorant and proud of it. read a fucking scientific article for once. oh how I hate that people get away with ignorant stupidity and remain in the majority enough to genuinely attack and strip the rights of people who are biologically, psychologically, and medically proven to exist. shut the fuck up and go drown in a hole, you stupid stacks of shit.
WE LITERALLY LIVE IN THE AGE OF KNOWLEDGE. you have the entire internet at your fucking disposal, but you CHOOSE to get ALL of your information from either a fucking organized religion or some fucking news article with no credible sources. there are public databases. there are people working hard every day to reduce the blocks and pay walls that research sits behind. use the fucking tools that you are blessed to be given, the benefits of the age you live in, and EDUCATE YOURSELF.
real people are hurt by this ignorance and it makes me so so so so mad.
tldr: trans woman releases a girly pop song and is met with, once again, hate and misgendering online. i am filled with rage at the blatant ignorance of transphobes.
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edenfenixblogs · 6 months
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mayamistake · 5 months
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transmascmikey · 9 months
im so fucking exhausted. i spent 3+ hours yesterday debating how trans people deserve to be referred to by their desired pronouns even if they aren't in the room. press f to pay respects
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aito-mation · 10 months
anxiety IS a disability. it is legally classified as one. it is a long term mental impairment that restricts a persons participation in society. how is that not a disability? people with anxiety disorders are discriminated against in the workplace and by doctors. why do you think anxiety disorders aren’t disabilities?
does anxiety increase ur risk of covid ? is it making u wear a mask to protect other people ? does ur anxiety mean u lose ur benefits if u get married ? disability does not begin and end w legal definition n ur 19yo ass got some fuckin balls comin in my disabled ass inbox. let my crippled ass catch u using a handicap space ill beat u w my crutches n then ull really need it !!
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stanleykubricks · 2 years
americans will literally watch rrr and get uncomfortable seeing a brown guy praying so they read 1 article and think they know everything about hindutva what a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nonotetextposts · 8 days
just got unreasonably pissed off because autocorrect recognizes “ableist” but not “ablist”
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eerieeccentrix · 12 days
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alyosiuscreightonward · 3 months
Dear Diary. As the New Hampshire primaries are just around the corner, I am truly so sick and tired of seeing such bullshit on my electronic babysitter.
If you’re anything like that young child that I met, then you’re truly an idiot. This child, probably about sixteen or so, who thinks he knows something about politics. He sits in front of screen scrolling through various social media sites and he believes all of the fodder.
I remember asking him if a woman should have autonomy over her body. I sincerely think he did not know the definition of autonomy. He began to quibble with me and another guy about the bible and how those words were playing out in front of him. So…I brought up Ezekiel 23, Verse 20 - “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was like that of horses.” Google it.
Then there’s Leviticus 18. Talking about being naked. Child. Please. The fucking hypocrisy of it all. To the best of my knowledge, certain men in power, or those higher in the caste system, they’d use a young boy for their pleasure. If you care to, the Bible has several sketchy and several blatant areas of nakedness and nasty things like lying between her breasts. Gick. I know. What you do, I don’t need to know just like most men will never admit that they urinate in the shower.
Then I see the electronic babysitter spew the volcanic vortex of voluminous vapid viscous vitriolic vomit from various vacuous vacant vagabonds s such as they are valedictorians of valuelessness.
If you’d like to get extremely technical down to the molecular level, just past the double helix, Nimarata Randhawa, is an anchor baby. Yet she continues to deny her heritage. I celebrate my ancestors because I’m Swish. I’m half Swiss and half Irish. My people came from Switzerland and Ireland. Also, she gives off those Susan Collins of Maine vibes. Say one thing today, Thursday, and then by Friday night, “What I meant to say was…”
Then there’s another triggering moment: something about the two most hated politicians are … and I know. I’m not an idiot. Then there’s Florida.
Look here Motherfucker, listen and hear what I say: No matter who are for or against, you’ll get screwed in the end. I’ve been involved in politics a great portion of my life. I remember, I was involved with a group called, “Young Americans for Freedom,” and they protested the Vietnam war. I clearly remember being at a rally where Bob Hope spoke about his involvement as an entertainer and his thoughts about the Vietnam War. Child. Please. If I could actually recall what he said, I’d post it here, but I was like eight or nine back then.
To bring this RANT to a close, yes, we all can say quite clearly that we ALL have issues with politicians starting off with the Dog Catcher up to the President and the folks in between. Chaos, negativity, and just plain bullshit from the past. Yeah, we fucking know. As a Grey Panther and just your every day pedestrian Arrogant Bitter Old Qween, I am not going to apologize for anything, but do know this, we currently have an ADULT residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They want us to live in our truth, they want us to thrive and they want us to have cognitive dissonance. The others want to scam us, bamboozle us, give us lots of smoke and mirrors and then without realizing it, its round up time. Time to cull the herd and unbeknownst to y’all, some are getting on the box car and getting a number tattooed on their wrist.
Lastly, it was “Infrastructure Week” for how many months? Where’s the Healthcare Plan? If someone can actually show ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION that benefitted absolutely everyone in the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and I’ll make sure Ronnie Milsap is your Uber Driver.
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