#rambled a bit today 😅
Balloon Art Day 4
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3
25. Dog (not pictured) - (unnamed)
I got off to a rough start today! I was feeling listless and uninspired, but I want to maintain good practice habits, and my hands were itching to twist, so I started with a dog. Dogs are very simple, and I feel like I'm developing good command over them. This time I kept it small, because I wanted to try tearing the unused portion of the balloon away with my hands like I see professionals doing. I figured that if I was going to warm up with something so simple, I might as well shake it up and practice an underdeveloped skill. Anyway, I made the dog just fine, but I messed up the tear, so it popped on me!
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26. Dog - Tessie
This time the dog survived the tear attempt, and isn't she a cute one! This is my favorite dog so far, and dogs are by far what I've made the most of. I find the small size complements the roundness imparted by the balloons very nicely.
27, 28. Squirrels (not pictured) - (unnamed)
Now that it's been a few days, the animals I made on day one are visibly slightly deflated. Upon seeing the deflating squirrel sitting atop a bookshelf, I wanted to see if I could make a better squirrel now, from memory. One thing I identified as bringing down my first squirrel a little bit was that I made the arms and legs a bit longer than was necessary. I don't remember what was wrong with the first squirrel, but I evidently wasn't satisfied with it and popped it. It was back to being a rough day. The second one I remember a bit more clearly. I overcompensated, once again, and made the arms and legs just a touch too small. It was more noticeable with the legs, since the overall posture of the squirrel is held in place by pulling the nozzle, which sits at the tip of the squirrel's face, down through the arms, and placed in between the legs. I also made the tail comically long. I popped this one too, because I just wasn't feeling it by the end. Do I regret that? Not really, squirrels are pretty simple, and I can make another attempt at one pretty quickly and easily. I do wish I had left this exercise on a more positive note though.
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29. Jellyfish - Teigen
This was what I needed today! After hours of sitting and thinking "I need to get my hands around some balloons but there's nothing I strongly desire to create," this is what reinvigorated me! For some context, my current projects are limited by my supplies. I currently have balloons in a limited variety of colors, and two out of three crucial sizes. At some point next month, I'll have the rest of what I want to have on hand, but for now, there's a lot of projects that I want to take on that I don't have the material for. At first, I wrote this design off for that very reason. It calls for some size 360 balloons to fill the gaps in the outer wall of the bell, which is the size I don't have. I gave it some thought, though, and I figured I had an angle to try this time. Jellyfish are often translucent, so I figured a bit of negative space could work for me if I put something fun in the middle. Instead of closing the walls, I slid a couple pink balloons inside the room, tied them into donuts, hid the knots behind a pillar, and left them clear to see. I'm really happy with how this worked as an alternative! In general, I think this is a great design, and I'm very pleased with it. The tentacles here are my first time working with a size 160 balloon, because everything else I've done has just used the standard 260. I love how these tentacles look, and I enjoyed the change of pace they offered. My one nitpick is that the bell is a bit uneven. When I made that mistake, I was very early in the build, and with the day I was having, I considered scrapping it and starting again. I only considered that very briefly, though, and I'm glad I stuck with it until the end! This is definitely one I'd like to revisit later. I bet I could have fit an extra balloon or two in the bell if I wanted, and I also bet I could make this concept look incredible with some transparent balloons. For now, though, this is my new favorite thing I've made!
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good-beansdraws · 10 months
Little wip dump ~
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pixelated-dragon · 7 months
I should go to sleep soon whoops
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
Happy 2 Year Anniversary to The Chara Timeline ✨
I FINALLY made drawing references for you guys, yippie!✨
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It’s wild how long I’ve been working on this comic without reference sheets. I’m never that consistent with my art style, so I figured it was a waste of time 🫥💀😔 this is my first full comic okay…
Thoughts and Feelings About the Comic Below ❤️💖💕💞
Wow. It’s been 2 years??? I thought I would be done with this comic in 2 months! I don’t know whether to feel worried or accomplished!!
(With months between each update, I understand why it’s been 2 years. I’m a slow writer and artist and well- many things have come up in my life that had to come first, like my sisters wedding! 💞 and college 😅)
I want to thank my family and friends (WHO DO NOT READ THIS COMIC- THANK GOD) 💕 AND I want to THANK YOU! The readers! 💐💐
You guys are relentless! I’m as impatient as traffic and yet you guys wait for weeks or months at a time for like 4 pages?! You guys don’t even complain!!! I truly want to thank you all for that ❤️ it helps me so much. Being busy and getting burnt out are common and it helps me feel relaxed that i'm not on a timer. Literally tho- you guys keep this comic chugging I swear. Tysm 💐
Unorganized rambling about the comic ahead :) ⭐️🔥
My feelings with this comic are actually so complicated. On one hand I hate looking at my older art because GOD IT LOOKS SO OFF I want to stab it, and then on the other hand I am so so proud of myself for even continuing it this far. Ngl the weird route has been one of my favorite parts of this comic. It took me FOREVER to figure out an ending, but damn do I still get chills >:) hehe.
I’m still miffed that I named this project “Deltarune: The Chara Timeline” I could have gone for something so much COOLER. Doesn’t help I use like 7 different titles for it either. We got Deltarune the Chara timeline, Deltarune chara timeline, THE Chara timeline, chara timeline, Ct??? Man,,, I’m crazy. I take after my family so hard. We have 3 names for each of our dogs 💀.
Comic/Animation Tip i have learned. It is VERY GOOD to make the character relatively simple in design. Shape language is also super important, ((but I never really got around to doing that before I was half way through the comic, woops.)) These things can make ur process go by so much faster. This whole comic has been a HUGE learning curve. LIKE OH MY GOD. I had to learn how to draw backgrounds, write dialogue, plan a story, learn how to draw fast and draw noses (which god damn I really still can’t). And I had to learn how the heck to squeeze art into a tiny page and make it not look grainy. It's intense!
Anyways.... this has been such an awesome opportunity! Thanks Toby Fox!
I totally ran out of “art time” for my iPad and wanted to finish this today. So it’s a bit rushed. I’ll add weapons and possibly the other characters later :)
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Oh shi- I forgot to add this grainy image of the next few pages lmao
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AO3 kudos and comments - a very English polite request 🖤
I was thinking about the people who create today - those who write fan fiction or those who draw and paint and make digital fan art.
Thinking about the people who spend hours upon hours of their spare time making these amazing and beautiful things purely for fun and out of the kindness of their hearts.
They do it for FREE, guys. They bare their very souls onto the paper or the screen for your consumption (and for their own sanity, more often than not), for absolutely ZERO financial gain.
Do you know what all of these people have in common?
They absolutely love the ever loving shit out of getting a little kudos or a little reblog or a little comment on their work, letting them know that they're appreciated and that someone besides themselves enjoyed what they created.
It takes a mere second to hit the kudos button on AO3 and a couple more to leave a comment. But that little act of recognition? That will fuel a writer or an artist or a cosplayer for hours, days, weeks to come. It will spur them on to create more magnificent stuff and it will give them a little boost also.
So yeah, I guess all I'm saying is that it costs nothing to show a little bit of love to your favourite creators either on Tumblr or on AO3 or wherever.
I'm maybe being dramatic, but I'm asking the consumers of these pieces of our souls to please, please, PLEASE hit that kudos or that like or that reblog button.
Please leave a little comment saying, "I loved this!" or, "🖤🖤🖤" or, "skfheksksjdhffnakdhd!!!" 😅
Please just share the love and all of the creators will go to bed happy and well fed and ready to create another day 🥰
Thanks for reading my random brain rambles and reblogs would be fantastic please and thank you! 🖤🖤🖤
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echo-bleu · 7 months
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Day 21: Some post-Angband Maedhros research. Most fics/art set during his recovery have him recover physically quite fast, missing hand notwithstanding, but I want to explore other options.
Disabled characters series
Rambling under the cut, ID in alt.
[Discussion of his canon torture and injuries, going a tiny bit more in depth]
So aside from the previous torture, for which we can invent basically anything, he was hanging from the wrist for 30 years. I'm pretty sure that would kill a human in a matter of hours, but since he survived, in my mind he's got some serious shoulder and spine issues. Those stay for the rest of his life, but with a combination of support garments, elf-PT and just sheer force of will, he does manage to walk again and fight. I don't think he ever gets a great range of motion or much feeling back in his right arm.
This is me making use of one of my weirdest special interests (medical immobilization devices). I have a bunch of different design ideas for braces at other stages of his recovery, and this is just basic research for now. Here he still needs his arm in slight abduction and full support for his spine, and the big metal arm thing is correcting the angle of his shoulder (otherwise it is very dissymmetrical with the other).
In my mind, this is maybe a year after his rescue. 30 years of torture aside, I also headcanon that elves might heal more (as in, they can survive a lot more) than men but they also heal slower in the same way they grow up slower. Not pictured here is the fact that he's still mostly using a wheelchair.
This is a wild mix of pre-50 spine braces, modern shoulder and back braces and pure fantasy, and it's probably the simplest of the designs I have in mind 😅 Design-wise, I was thinking about the fact that it was probably made by Curufin people used to making armour, so it's the same materials (steel and leather) and similar kind of shapes. It would perhaps be more decorated because Noldor but I didn't have time for that today.
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ikkosu · 2 months
IKKO, very very important question 🫡💚. How would Pharma act if both him and maybe Tarn or prowl (your choice🫶) were after one persons affection
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RAGGHH 🛐🛐🛐 MORNING COMPY!!! :D ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂
Important question indeed. And of the highest order too 😺☝️ long ramble below because I love those two to bits !!
I wasn't sure if you meant love triangle or individually 😭
Prowl wouldn't act on his affections. He'd hide it at first. And would would battle a long churning conflict between his logical side and his feelings — over countless cubes of engex Ratchet would diagnose him dead after
Mister-cold-to-the-bones-I'd-rather-die-than-ever-smile would definitely manipulate your surroundings to get him closer to you.
He'll move your schedule around, your seat placement (no harm in a little thigh touching, eh?) Maybe even discussing with Optimus about your 'work ethics' so he can flunk out your current superior to take his place. Yeah, sure. Totally because they were under performing. Totally.
He knows you yap alot, ranting about things in general so he purposely dawdles by until you notice him and just,,run your mouth
He pretends he's grumbling, saying it's wasitng his time but he's literally recording EVERYTHING you say so he can recharge to it at night (poor little pookie has nightmares, :( doesn't have anyone to coax him)
And you're always so surprised when he remembers an obscure fact about you,,,like sir,,,that's,,,a little 😅 um
but still you chalk it up to him being the strategic officer in charge of information, so not surprised that he knows
Despite his blatant attitude to you, you really don't fucking know what's his problem. Does he hate you? Does he think you're that bad at your job hes finally taking reign over your responsibilities?
So, confusing. He's like,,,got this stare that borders between his usual scowl and a squint.
And while you think you're about to get demoted, it usually means he's saving a picture of you in his processors. 😭😭 And a little note for it too (new shirt today, very nice.)
He's the type to be so stoned up and cold when he's approaching you, but the moment you smile at him (while imperceptible to you) Internally he feels like hauling himself off a bridge
Why do you exist, if not to make a fool out of him?!???2!#(
Pathetic pining. 100 percent
Doctor pharma on the other hand,,,,just invades your boundaries
🤨he's lucky he's naturally charming, you're not even suspecting why he's suddenly more interested in your wound stitching skills.
He's got his servos on you and guiding you through it and shit, whispering into your ear : "good little pet" for following his instructions to a t. He's obvious about his affections but not so vocal because while he recognizes hes caught some feelings for you there's no way he's going to be the one admitting it
So he showers you with gifts, flowers, and chocolates, waiting for the day you're going to realize what it all means.
Nope. You don't. Because a) you either think he's messing with you, ratchet did say he's kind of a flirt to everyone b) pharma being pharma c) asking you to cover another late night shift, which coincidentally, gets you stuck with him
Like prowl, since he's your superior, there's going to be a lot of schedule tampering and unlike Prowl he gets jealous, very easily.
(Prowl does get jealous. Nobody really likes him and he thinks you're obv going to like someone that's wayyy more genial and warmer than what he is. But he keeps it to himself because at least you're interacting with him)
Pharma gets,,, obvious about his jealousy in a very passive aggressive way which sometimes gives way to physical confrontations (pulling you away by your waist, getting in between you and the meh you're talking with, shooting daggers at the person who so much as to praise you)
Messy, messy doctor.
Oughhh so much things to add. Okay but more wholesomely, theyre both the type to put a blanket over you wen you're asleep at your desk, or giving you a drink when you're tired. Basically the tiny acts of kindness that's makes me go oughhh 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
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mykoreanlove · 6 months
Hey i was the one who asked for Taemin😅☺️
So my request is one where taemin and the reader (also famous one) where a couple and they casually meet at a restaurant in Paris after mnet concert so they spend the night talking (and confessing they miss each other)and the next day there are photos and videos of them and the fans start shipping them…
I appreciate very much🧡
Here we go - I hope u like it :)
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“I am starving! Can we go now?”
Your manager grabbed your coat and ushered you out of the venue. “You are unbearable when you’re hungry. You know that?”
A small smirk left your lips as you remembered who used to say the same thing to you, too.
He even carried snacks with him in case you got hangry. Your boyfriend was such an attentive man, always making sure that you were taken care off. Well, he used to, as he was not your boyfriend anymore.
Taemin, the love of your life, turned into Taemin, public figure you tried your best to avoid.
“Get in”, he opened the cab door for you. Luckily, there were only a few fans waiting for you outside, making this exit fast and effortless. You waved your goodbyes and got into the cab, exhausted and starving.
“What did you think of the concert, y/n?”
You turned around to face him – your manager was a handsome man. He was righteous, smart and dependable; a valuable asset you couldn’t miss in your life. And yet, that asset caused a lot of trouble for you.
You shrugged your shoulders. “It was okay, nothing I haven’t seen before.”
He chuckled. “Are you still in a bad mood?”
His comment stung. Still.
You were in a very bad mood weeks ago when you had to call it quits with Taemin because he couldn’t handle his jealousy. You wanted to slap the shit out of him for breaking your heart like that. He wasn’t jealous because of fans or exes, no, he was jealous of your manager. The one you spent most of your time with, the one that was way too good looking to be around you all the time like that.
Feelings of anger and heartbreak turned into sadness and apathy, but still, your manager’s comment was uncalled for.
“I know you didn’t like him, but I did. And loosing him like that was very painful to me, so yes, I am in a bad mood. Still.”
You shut down this conversation and watched the moving scenery out of the window. You had always been fond of Paris, no matter the season nor time but something about Paris by night filled your heart with the most joy. The cab passed the Eiffel tower, which was illuminated beautifully.
“We’re here”, your manager explained. You didn’t understand, though. “At Eiffel tower? What do you mean?” He chuckled and opened the door for you. “There is a very famous restaurant up on the tower. Not a lot of people get the chance to dine there. However, you do, y/n.”
You couldn’t stop gasping as you went up on the elevator. You had been in this business for a while, but you were not used to extravagant and lavish things like this.
“Let’s take a photo for your fans”, your manager nudged you. Both of you looked into the massive mirror that was attached to the wall of the elevator and smiled warmly. After that you took a good look at the reflection – you were wearing a beautiful dress, going up to an exclusive restaurant with a handsome man. This whole situation was oozing romance and you almost felt like a princess as long as you ignored the wrong prince by your side.
As you entered the restaurant you were greeted by polite waiters, ushering you to your place. The place was immaculate – a modern and stylish interior with giant windows which made it possible to overview all of Paris.
“Fuck me”, you mumbled under your breath. This was breathtaking, marvelous even. Gratitude was flooding your body, paired with a bit of sadness as you would have loved to experience this with the right prince by your side.
The waiter rambled happily, explaining each and every landmark of France’s capital. “It is amusing that you’re coming here today, mademoiselle.”
“And why is that?” You loved talking to the old waiter, he was full of joy and appreciation for life.
“Because tonight we also have another popstar from Korea with us. Perhaps you know each other?”
Quickly, you glanced at your manager who simply shrugged his shoulders. You had no idea that one of your colleagues might be here as well. Who could it be?
“Do you want to go meet him?”
You nodded and followed him, eagerly anticipating who it could be. Your waiter led you to a separé where a bunch of people were enjoying their dinner joyously.
“Here, mademoiselle y/n, our other guest from South Korea is-“
Your heart sank instantly as you recognized him.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck – the only thing that was going through your brain. On the outside, however, you appeared calm and collected. All those years of training definitely paid off, as you were able to mask any emotion.
Taemin however was caught off guard. He was dressed in all black, looking too good to be real. His hair black with some light accents, his eyes hooded from the alcohol and his lips slightly apart from the shock of seeing you.
“Hey everybody, funny seeing you here. Enjoy your meal, it looks delicious.”
You turned around and rushed out of the restaurant, brushing off your manager as you needed time alone to collect yourself.
Luckily, the elevator was still on your floor, so you got in and did your best to breathe. You didn’t want to cry, not here, not now. As the door was about to close a man jumped into the elevator, making it in in the last second before it shut for good.
“What the-“, you mumbled under your breath as you realized who it was.
“Y/N”, his voice still held the same amount of love for you as it did back then.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for a shoot. And then I went to a concert earlier and my crew wanted to come here, so I-“
“Not in Paris, Taemin. What are you doing here?”, you interrupted him.
He looked at you sweetly, making your insides churn.
“I couldn’t let you get away like that. I was in shock when you turned up at my table, honestly, I thought I was hallucinating you.”
You noticed a smile forming on your lips which you shut down immediately.
Stop getting your hopes up, you idiot.
“I wouldn’t have come if I had known that it was you. Sorry.”
Taemin grabbed your hand. “No, don’t be. Don’t be sorry, y/n. I am so grateful that you came over. What are the odds of us running into each other? Here? In Paris?”
His hand was warm, feelings of familiarity flooded you. The sound of the opening elevator doors ended this nostalgic moment for you as you pushed his hand off yours and went out.
Taemin ran after you and stopped you in your tracks.
“Y/N, please. Stay. I need to talk to you.” He was pleading, his eyes were sincere. “What is there to talk about?”
He sighed deeply. “I let you walk away once and that was the biggest mistake of my life. I’m not doing it again, y/n. I still feel the same way about you. Don’t you?”
There was this feeling again. In the pits of your stomach, you felt something vibrant, like a butterfly that survived the horrors of your heartbreak and still clung unto hope. Taemin took your hand into his, drawing small circles on it, knowing that this would calm you down. “Why don’t we go for a walk?”
You gave in and walked with him, your hand still in his, your heart already fluttering. Both of you remained silent, just casually walking side by side. You passed a garden and ended up at the river, appreciating the view from there, as well. “God, this city is the essence of beauty”, you admired out loud. Taemin’s eyes lit up as you were finally opening up to him.
“It is”, he agreed, “that’s why I always wanted to come here with you.” You mustered him suspiciously. “You did?”
He flashed you his brightest smile. “Of course, I did. I had it all planned out. We would stay in one of those beautiful hotels that has a direct view on the tower. And we would walk on the Champs Elysée, and I would buy you anything you want. We would eat all day, like crepes and macarons and we would be up all night, paying the city of love its proper homage. We’d fly back to Korea wearing those stupid I love Paris shirts and tell everybody about our trip and how amazing it was, because we’d been there together.”
His words were the sweetest, yet all you could feel was sadness. This trip was nothing but a fantasy that died in the moment you two broke up.
“I am sorry about what happened, y/n. I acted like a complete moron. I was just…. overpowered by my emotions and I couldn’t think clearly. Truth is, I miss you. I think about you every single day and I want you back. I want us back.”
You noticed a small tear running down his cheek and couldn’t help yourself, your own tears started flowing, as well.
Taemin grabbed you and pressed his forehead against yours. “Please don’t cry, my star. Let me make it up to you. I can fix this. I can fix this… if you let me.”
You slung your arms around him and hugged him tight. All the burden you had felt these last months finally fell off you and you were able to embrace whatever this thing between you was.
Taemin placed sweet kisses on the crown of your head, tightening his grip on you. “You know, my life has been so dark ever since we parted ways but now, I finally feel like the light is coming back.” He whispered into your ear: “My star is finally coming back.”
You looked up at him, touched by his words and vulnerability. Taemin understood you without words, he always did, and kissed you tenderly. This kiss felt like an explosion, a mixture of love, longing, and relief.
It was him who broke the kiss, chuckling happily as he repeated his endearing nickname for you over and over again.
“My star. My star. My star. I can’t believe it. I have you back. I finally have you back with me, y/n, my star, my love. I-“
You crushed your lips on his again, not wanting to terminate this moment just yet. “Easy tiger, we’re still in public.”
Ah, fuck.
You let go of him, slightly ashamed but still content. “Thank you for running after me, Tae.” He placed another kiss on your knuckles. “My pleasure, y/nnie.”
Your rumbling stomach interrupted this wholesome moment, reminding you that you were still starving. “It’s a shame I haven’t eaten before we left though”, you laughed out loud. Taemin’s hand searched for something in his pocket. You watched him pull out one of your favorite snacks, handing it to you. “I know this isn’t French cuisine but it’s better than nothing.”
Your eyes teared up again. “Did you carry this with you? Even after we broke up?” He nodded in agreement.
Fuck, I really love you. And you love me.
Taemin grabbed your hand. “Let’s go.”
“Go where?”
He smirked at you. “My hotel is right around the corner. Let’s go there and I’ll let you gaze at the Eiffel tower while I gaze at you.” You erupted in laughter. “Ewww, since when are you so cheesy?”
You woke up entangled in one another. Panicked, you recalled last night but calmness settled in as you realized that it was all true. You were back together and this time it would be different. Taemin was still asleep, looking like an angel to you. You noticed your phone lightning up and checked your messages, it was flooded with texts from your manager.
“Don’t even lie to me about last night, y/n. The internet is full of pictures of Taemin and you smooching it up. CALL ME!”
Panic flooded your body, you instantly shot up.
“My star”, Taemin mumbled half-asleep, “come back into my arms and sleep some more. Please.”
God, he was adorable but now was not the time.
You opened your socials and searched for the pictures. There they were – him and you kissing, him and you talking, him and you eating snacks.
Shit, this can’t be good.
“My staaaaar”, Taemin’s hands grabbed you and pulled him to him. You scanned the comments hastily.
OMG, I love them!!
They are so cute together.
In Paris? This is like a kDrama lol.
He is so hot! If I can’t be dating him, he should date someone as cool as y/n
My girl got lucky!!!
Taemin, his voice all hot and bothered in your ear, was ready to throw your phone out. “Is there anything you need to attend to right this instant, my star?”
Luckily, there wasn’t.
You placed your phone on the nightstand next to the bed and turned around, vanishing under the covers with your hot and heavy boyfriend.
“Nope, I’m all yours.”
** the end **
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silkythewriter · 1 year
So I’d like to apologize if polyamorous relationships aren’t really something you write (I didn’t see anything about it in your pinned) but…
…Legoshi x Bill x shy!male reader (romantic) hcs?
Poly! Bill x shy male reader x Legoshi!
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: (the last image) was Reddit and reposted on Pinterest (artist is unknown nor do I know if this is from the official manga or creator, if you do know please let me know!), first image was reposted and/or reposted by N Kumi on Pinterest
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Paru Itagaki.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: sorry if their outta character! Again I’m not so familiar with the beastars fandom since I don’t speed a lot of time in it nor did I even finish the show so again I apologize!😅
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
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🐅Bill and legoshi🐺
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At first it was literally battlefield with these two, they would literally stare at each other with death glare’s while they fought each other in their minds on who got to spend or do whatever with you, it could be as simple as who gets to hold your hand
So as you can tell the beginning of the relationship was definitely bumpy. Both of them couldn’t even rap their heads around the fact that they would have to share you equally with one another. If you couldn’t tell they don’t really get along with each other sense their personality’s are so opposite to one’s another
If we’re talking about the first season or Beginning of the second I would say Bill has a big ego, and is filled with pride. While legoshi is shy and a bit timid, so he understands your struggles with being shy it’s a real pain. So he would help as much as he could to keep you from awkward situations, is it hard for him? Yea but I mean at least your comfortable!
Once bill is comfortable with legoshi enough he would actually take a hit for both of you and your shyness, even if it’s small like ordering your foods for you both or shoo-ing someone who’s clearly over stepping. I mean have you seen how big this guy is? Im sure it doesn’t take a lot for the person to scramble away
Both of them are very protective of you, even if your stronger or smaller then them doesn’t really matter. I feel like legoshi is more worried about you then anything and Bill, is just being Bill and gets jealous when the spot light of your attention isn’t on him ( ̄▽ ̄)💧 he is quick to scare anyone away even if they weren’t doing anything or are just friends
Your guys relationship are most likely a secret, but it doesn’t last long due to Bill bragging about being with you which just leads to people seeing you being touchy or to nice to legoshi and they start assuming something’s up when they see bill doing the same thing so yea the dots connect pretty quickly. Does anyone judge or say anything? No, cause that would be a death wish at that point. I mean cmon ones a tiger and the others a gray wolf does anything else need to be said?
After people figure it out trust me it’ll be a blessing in disguise because their will be less awkward interactions which you a great full for
In most conversations you have with these two is usually full of bill rambling about something and showing off or legoshi Rambling about bugs he found today and any other things, but sometimes on rare occasions both of them just shut up and listen to you talk of your up for it! They love hearing about your day or interest, but if your feeling extra shy they’ll Carry the conversation for you
Sometimes when you guys are free these two love dog piling you (depending if your bigger or smaller) or the love when you lay on them, they usually fight over who you choose but you just end up laying across both of them how does this work? Not sure you gotta make due with you have
Speaking of cuddles onetime you guys were sleeping and just chilling in which ever room you choose, and bill kept hearing a band on the bed. He was pretty annoyed and just grumbled while shifting a bit until he accidentally shifted onto legoshi’s tail which he basically put his full weight onto. And that hurt like a Mf, legoshi was quickly to yelp while accidentally kicking bill pretty heard. Yea that wasn’t the greatest time for both of em, turns out the noise he heard was legoshi’s tail wagging 💀
Their like your personal bodyguards really, I mean they walk with you to class, to lunch, and to break so you can tell why that looks a bit… intimidating but on the plus side most of any rude people avoid you.
Oh! Legoshi’s roommates adore you, they find you very fun to talk to and think your cool!, they usually snatch you away whenever legoshi brings you so they can play games with you 💀that’s why legoshi brings you to bills room instead cause one time they stole you while legoshi was in the bathroom and this guy started freaking out when he couldn’t find you in the small room. Turns out they brought you outside to show you something cool they found
Bill noticed this happens often and has a bit of a sour taste for them, probably doesn’t like them that much to be honest so don’t expect him to come over to legoshi’s room sadly
Overall these two boys don’t mind having a shy partner! They still think your cool either way. Plus legoshi understands so he can’t really blame you. As for the relationship itself it’s bumpy for the first few months but calms down after bill and legoshi start agreeing to get along with each other!
AHHH I LOVE WRITING POLY RELATIONSHIPS SO MUCH!!!!! Their super fun to explore! Anyway I hope you enjoy (*^‿^*)
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daffi-990 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Taggedby @steadfastsaturnsrings @wikiangela @devirnis @callmenewbie @hippolotamus @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon. Thank you my dears for tagging me 😘💕
Bit of a longer snippet today. Wrote this the other night (before Christmas) when I had a random burst of writing beans and quickly pumped out 1.5K after a shower. It was unexpected and I wasn’t sure if it flowed or was just delirious ramblings, but I think it’s okay?
It’s from Chapter Six of Rival Firefighters 🚒, which is Eddie’s POV. The whole fic will be probably 10 chapters long and I’m excited to be over the halfway mark! Unfortunately I probably won’t be posting until the whole fic is finished cos my anxiety would flip if I started posting and it wasn’t finished yet 😅
Anyways … here you go …
Eddie’s time at the 118 is drawing to a close with only a few days left until he’s heading back to the 136. The mood at the station has been a bit down, the team already mourning the oncoming loss, Buck especially. Their resident golden retriever has been sulking around with his tail between his legs, throwing Eddie the saddest puppy dog eyes.
The thing is, Eddie loves being at the 118 and working with Buck, Hen, Chim, Bobby and the rest of the team. He wasn’t expecting to form such strong friendships here or find the perfect partner, but the 118 surprised him. Even though he’s not officially one of them, they have accepted him as their own.
When Carla had a family emergency two weeks into Eddie’s time at the 118 and Eddie had to go pick up Chris and bring him back to the station, Bobby had welcomed Chris with a warm smile and immediately begun showing him around. Eddie had tried to apologize, explaining Shannon was out of town so he didn’t know where else to take him and Bobby had simply told him that there, at the station with them, was the right place for him and that Buck had filled Bobby in on the situation as soon as Eddie had left to go pick up Chris. A flood of warmth had threatened to bring Eddie to his knees but he’d managed to remain standing, moving forward to embrace Bobby in a hug that showed just how much the small act of kindness had meant to him.
Eddie feels like he’s being torn away from the start of something special, but he also knew coming in that he wasn’t going to be here forever, it was just a temporary gig. He’s got three more days until he has to say goodbye to them. To Buck.
He knows Buck is going to stay in his life despite Eddie leaving to go back to the 136, but he has to say goodbye to working with him. Yeah they’ll probably see each other from time to time on a call and get to work with each other then, but it won’t be the same. Working side by side with Buck every shift is honestly one of Eddie’s favorite things, which is funny seeing as how once upon a time Eddie dreaded seeing Buck on a call.
Buck is funny, knows a whole bunch of random facts and has the biggest heart of anyone Eddie’s ever met. He’s also a giant dork who manages to get himself into all kinds of trouble, like right now Buck has somehow managed to tangle himself up in one of the hoses while doing an equipment check. Eddie shakes his head in exasperation as he makes his way down the loft to help Buck out before the 6 foot 2 lug breaks something.
No pressure tagging: @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @the-likesofus @athenagranted @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @shitouttabuck @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @jamespearce9-1-1 @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @theotherbuckley @loserdiaz @captain-hen @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @mellaithwen and anyone else who wants to share something 🙂
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi! So sorry you’re having a bad day, same here honestly 😓 it’s times like these where I think we really need a lovely soft Joe Quinn to cuddle 🥰 perhaps a sweet spooning session in bed after a hard day for both reader & Joe? Idk whether I want reader snuggling into Joe’s chest or the other way round, I’ll leave that up to you, either way, snuggles & hair playing. Soft vibes. Oh now I’m thinking about using Joe’s tummy as a pillow as reader lies between his legs while reading to de-stress! Can’t make decisions to save my life 😅 it’s that kinda day! Anyways, sorry for the ramble, hope your tomorrow is better 😊 take care love! ❤️
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Honestly, I needed to read this over today after having an even worse day at work than yesterday 🙃 I think it's time for fluffy snuggly af Joseph, need a bit of him
I hope your day's been better today! Lots of love x
Tysm for the lovely request ❤
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Joe sprawled across the sofa watching you as you slammed the front door shut behind you, ignoring everything in your path as your eyes made a bee line for the other side, you stomped into the bathroom and flung that door shut to. Today had been simply awful, and you were ready to sob your heart out alone.
You sat on the toilet seat, your head falling into your hands, silently screaming as you had done the whole day, work was really stressful and demanding this last couple of weeks and today had been the cherry on top for you to break. Usually, you were one to keep leaving bad days at work, but you seriously couldn't on this occasion.
A knock came from the side of the door.
"Y/N, are you ok in there?" You sniffled slightly as a single tear fell.
"Love, talk to me, tell me all about it if you want to, or don't I can just be there for you in silence too."
Joe was the sweetest and he was the only person who simply was able to calm you once you were in that state of mind.
"Open the door baby, please. For me." He cooed lowly.
How could you deny him? Simple answer, you couldn't. You unlocked the bathroom door and it creaked open; you stood looking the most vulnerable you had for a long time, and it simply broke Joe's heart to see it.
"You know what you need, you need a bit of snuggle time." You nodded slowly as he gazed into your sorrowful, puffy eyes, your cheeks had gone a little red and your smile he loved to see was nowhere to be seen.
"Come on, let's get under the covers. Let me make it all better." You wrapped yourself around Joe's arm, his fingers intertwining with yours as you tilted against him, slowly walking to your bedroom. Joe lifted the covers back for you to get in. Hopping in, you turned onto your side and in an instant, as soon your head hit the pillow the tears began to fall once more. Joe swooped in next to you, holding himself against you and wrapping his arm around your chest, the other snaked between the pillow and your neck to enable him to close the full space between you, he laid his head down and held you tight for the next few minutes in silent bliss. "We don't have to t-"
"Just keep holding me Joey, that's all I need, that's all I've craved all day." His nose nuzzled into the back of your hair.
"You got it beautiful."
A little later, you rotated around to face your man, your faces meeting at the same level, he gave you a sweet smile, caressing your cheek and wiping the rogue tears from your face. "I thought you'd fallen asleep for a second there."
You shook your head, lips remaining in a straight line but at least you'd stopped crying.
"I don't like seeing my girl like this."
You stayed silent moving downwards so your face could press into his chest, his scent was so homely and calming to you. Joe kissed the top of your head, enveloping you with his arm once more.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"I don't think so but ugh my head hurts so bad."
Joe had a lightbulb moment as he sat upward slightly, breaking the embrace and you furrowed your brows at him. "Why did you move, I was enjoying that."
"You'll enjoy this more. Come lay in between my legs, head on my stomach."
You did just as he said, switching positions and claiming the covers over your body once more as you were whisked away into a glimpse of heaven once Joe's fingers started to play with your hair.
You hummed at the small warm-hearted gesture.
"That feel good, babe?"
You nodded up to him, a slight smile creeping onto your face.
Joe's eyes lit up as he briefly saw the mere glimmer of expression. He took a deep excited inhale. "What's that I just saw?"
"What do you mean?"
He sat up further which slid you down to his thighs, leaning as close to your head as he possibly could. "That little smile trying to peak through."
"I don't know what you're talking about." You tried to hide the sudden giggle that fell from your lips. Joe grabbed a hold of your arms and pulled you up, you were now sat on his lap faced backwards against his chest, he moved your hair out of the way, kissing your neck in a swift motion. You giggled again.
"Y/N Y/L/N, was that ANOTHER giggle?" He said it as if he were talking to a child, you couldn't help but shake your head.
"Fibber." Joe sniggered back.
You were beaming from ear to ear now, his fingers began to tickle your sides and you barked out the biggest howl of laughter, purely because you didn't enjoy being tickled but in the weirdest way possible, it cheered you up.
"Joe... Joe! Joseph... stop!!" Your laugh was infectious to him and instead of tears of sadness, the tears that rolled out of your eyes this time were tears of joy.
Joe placed you down gently onto your back beside him and leaned over you, stroking your head and pushing your chin up to meet his gaze once more. "There she is my baby's back."
You took a sigh of relief. "I can always count on you."
"What for, love?"
"To make me feel good again, I don't know how you do it - you barely do anything, but you're just you and that's enough, I know I'll never be sad for long, so long as I have you. I love you so much."
You could almost see water in Joe's eyes, your words electrified him, he couldn't have loved you more. Your bad day suddenly washing away as you shared a passionate open mouth kiss. Joe spoke his next words so tenderly, "As long as you're smiling, my darling, I know I'm doing right. I love you too."
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heyjude19-writing · 2 months
I have not been an active participant in the Harry Potter fandom in a very long time and it's just recently that a coworker of mine suggested that I give Dramione fics a try.
Her suggesting was both a blessing and a curse—ever since I started looking into Dramione, I've found more than a handful of fics that I absolutely loved, Remain Nameless being one of them. Of course, I've done nothing but devour fanfics in my free time ever since, placing other hobbies and social outings on hold. I can't say I regret it much, though my sleeping schedule took quite a hit as well :')
I'd like to start by telling you how much I enjoyed the plot for Remain Nameless. I never was a fan of slow burns before, but it might seem like aging has mellowed me out quite a bit. It's either that, or the fact that I've been feeling like time just flew by lately (to be completely honest ever since the pandemic it feels like every time I blinked, another year passed by), and I desperately want things to slow down a bit, just so I can enjoy them properly—both in my life and in my reading.
There are plenty of stories about Draco and Hermione and them falling in love, but this one is definitely a favourite. I loved how the accent was placed on them and their evolution as people and their journey as lovers.
It was heartwarming to see Draco's transformation throughout the story and each interaction between these two characters, especially the initial ones at the coffee shop, brought me such joy.
The pacing of their friendship and then romantic relationship felt so natural, and I couldn't help but sit at the edge of my seat, waiting with baited breath to see if things are going to turn out well for our main couple (even though I knew it would be a happy ending, according to the tags :') )
Also, the characters that made an appearance fleshed out the story wonderfully. I'd like to say that the moments including Ginny, Theo and Sasha were some of my favourites, but then again, can I really have favourites when I loved each chapter so much?
The familial relationships were also points of great interest for me. I enjoyed seeing how Hermione interacted with her parents after everything that happened and her relationship with the Weasley members really warmed up my heart. The acceptance of Draco into Hermione's friend and family circles was also quite emotional for me, since he went through such complex experiences with his own parents and friends.
The writing was also marvelous and it really captured me, though I feel like I couldn't fully appreciate it since my eyes were flying over the words to know what happens next. I would love to pick up this fanfiction again for another read, just so I can fully appreciate the craftsmanship that was put into it.
Honestly, being reintroduced into this fandom reminded me why I love fandom and fanfiction so much. Sure, there might be people who sully the experience with their greed and pettiness (I've read a bit about those people what bind your fics and sell them on etsy and I recall reading an AN of somebody reposting your work on Wattpad and I'm so sorry that these things happened/are happening to you and many other fantastic writers) but it can also bring people together and be such a great source of comfort.
I apologize for the long message, I feel like I rambled quite a bit. I know there's much more that I would have loved to say, but words seem to evade me today. But I would like to thank you again for putting in so much of your time, effort, love, and passion into writing this wonderful piece of fanfiction and for sharing it with us.
This story made me giggle, it made me cry, and it made me feel so many emotions, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it.
hello hello!
wow, thank you so much to your co-worker, this was lovely to receive. sorry about the sleepless nights 😅 but i am happy you enjoyed your time with my story and other fics.
and yes, there's some bad actors out here making fandom a not-so-fun place at the moment, but as you rightly noted "it can also bring people together and be such a great source of comfort." It's certainly why i stick around and thank you for this beautiful message that reminded me why i've loved my time here. your kind comments about my writing brought me so much joy, thank you 🥰
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Can I make a self indulgent request please 😅, I'm a middle school science teacher and I'm stuck in my apartment all grading papers because procrastinated. I line alone with my little dog and I just need some fluffy comfort with Spencer. Maybe he just sits with the read on the couch with some soft indie music playing in the background. Helping her grade papers. Just a very comfortable silence and he just looks at her when she is not looking and he is just so in love.
Hiii, thank uuu so much for this cute request! I'm sorry it took a bit longer😅(0.6k)
It's Friday night and you're sitting on the couch, surrounded by a pile of tests. You've put off, grading the papers all week, not feeling like doing them at all. You don't really feel like doing them even now. But Spencer's been gone for the last few days and he called you, saying he'll be home tomorrow.
You don't want to waste the little time you usually get with Spencer by grading papers. So you decide to do them. It's easy at first, but the longer you are at it, the more tired and irritated you are.
You are now regretting, putting it off for the whole week. But you try to push through, you even put your favourite music on to help you.
It works for a bit, but the pile never seems to get smaller and you are beggining to wish for it to just dissappeared.
You are just about to give up and put a movie on instead, when you hear the unlocking of your door and a few seconds later, you find yourself clinging tight to your boyfriend, Spencer. He didn't even get 2 steps into your apartment, before you were jumping on him.
"Spence! What are you doing home?" you question. He told you, he was coming tomorrow.
"The team decided to catch an earlier flight, so here I am" he says as he hugs you tightly, he missed you a lot," I'm so glad, I'm home."
"I'm happy, you are home, too" you mumble into his chest. Spencer hums in agreement, content to have you in his arms.
You part after a few seconds, "you must be hungry, let me make you something to eat." You start to walk towards the kitchen, but Spencer catches you by your arm.
"Wait," he says and before you can ask wait for what, he kisses you. You immediately melt into the kiss. When your lips move apart, you sheepishly smile at him, give him one more peck on his lips and head for the kitchen. You fully expect him to go get a shower as he always does.
And he does. But on his way to the bathroom, he notices the mess of papers in the living room. It's like, there was an explosion of papers in the room. Spencer doesn't even need to think about why is that.
He takes a very quick shower and goes to you. He finds you making him his favourite sandwiches and quietly humming some song.
"Sweetheart?" he gets your attention, you look at him with a sweet smile, "is everything okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, why?" you look confused at him, but after a few moments, you remember. You completely forgot about the pile of papers.
"I-I was trying to grade all the papers. I put off grading them all week, because I didn't feel like doing them. But you said, you were coming tomorrow, so I wanted to get them done before you came, " you ramble swiftly, "But I didn't finish, it was a lot. So I'll do it in the morning when you'll sleep, I don't want to waste the time we have together by grading stupid tests."
"In the morning? Nope. We'll get it done today," Spencer's always up to help you with anything.
"Yeah, we. I'll help you."
"But you are definitely tired, Spence. You should just go to bed, I'll do it alone-" he instantly cuts you off.
"What? Babe, I'll help you. It will be quicker this way." He doesn't give you anymore space to argue, he takes the plate with the sandwiches, kisses your cheeks as a thank you and pulls you to the living room.
You both sit down on the couch, the music is still playing. "What should I start with?" he asks and you only just think about how this man just got home from a tough week, full of work and wants to spend god knows how many minutes grading middle schoolers tests. Your heart warms up as you think about it.
"I love you, thank you for doing this" you blurt out, looking very softly at him. He pauses his looking through the piles and smiles big at you.
"I love you, too." You two spend the next hour grading the papers, while comfortly sitting on the couch and listening to the music. It's much more better doing it with Spence, than alone.
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nametakensff · 1 year
Sneaky Bastard (s/teddie)
Had a sudden flash of a scenario in my mind out of the blue that triggered a 2.7k fic of kinky fucking with very little plot 😅
E/ddie has an allergic reaction to S/teve's feather pillows, unbeknownst to the younger man, and attempts to push S/teve over the edge with his sneezing while feigning innocence
M/M, established relationship, anal sex, both S/teve and E/ddie have the fetish, E/ddie is turned on by his own sneezing, feather allergies, manual inducing, some spanking and a little bit of power play
NSFW from the get go so stuck under a read more!
Eddie groaned into the pillow he’d all but buried his face into, Steve thrusting masterfully up against his prostate in a punishing rhythm. He’d barely finished knocking on his boyfriend’s front door not 30 minutes earlier before Steve had yanked him through the door frame and stripped him down in record timing. It had been a little while since Eddie had bottomed out for Steve – not because he didn’t like it – in fact, he fucking loved it. But quite honestly, unless they were in a particularly patient enough mood to adequately prep (or a distinctively impatient one where prep went out the window altogether – oops), they were normally content sucking and stroking each other to orgasm.
Today was clearly not one of those days – Steve knew just what he wanted – had told Eddie in a rare authoritative and painfully arousing voice exactly what he was going to do to him, and Eddie had been like putty in his hands. Of course, he loved that Steve was normally so attendant and sugary sweet when they made love, even when things got kinky, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t an exhilarating treat when Steve took control. Eddie encouraged it, even. It felt good to be pushed around by King Steve (god help his subconscious for that one), and he met him with equally enthusiastic energy.
Once Steve had expertly eaten him out and fingered him into a shaking mess, he’d pulled Eddie up onto all fours and pushed into him with an impressive erection. Despite having felt the length and weight of the younger man’s cock in his palm and throat innumerable times before, it always shocked him just how big it felt sliding into him. It was the sweetest kind of agony. Steve would get fully seated and then give Eddie a minute or two to get adjusted, mercilessly massaging his ass and back as the metalhead panted underneath him.
When he finally begged Steve to fucking move already, the former jock had pistoned forward with perfect aim right up against his sweet spot, drawing a pleasured yelp out of him. His cock bobbed neglected between his legs, and he’d attempted to balance on one arm to jerk himself off with the other, but Steve had slapped his hand away and replaced it with his own. Eddie wasn’t gonna say no to that, jesus fucking christ.
And so, here he was, moaning and sighing and mumbling profanities and litanies of praise to Steve as he was utterly and thoroughly fucked. He’d long since slumped down onto his forearms, ass up in the air and face down. It probably wouldn’t hurt to join Steve for some push-ups every now and then, if only to maintain a sex position that required even a touch of athleticism, but he knew even as the thought grazed his mind he wouldn’t commit. Steve certainly didn’t seem to mind whether he held the perfect aesthetic arch for him, if the ceaseless thrusting that shook the bed frame beneath them was any indication. He knew Steve loved to hear to his voice and his filthy ramblings so he simply let whatever sounds pour out of him do as they would. He didn’t miss the way Steve’s cock twitched inside him when he let out a particularly ruined groan.
“Hehh!! Ehh’TSHHieww!! TSSH’ieww!! EH’GXT’shieww! Mmnn….”
 He was focusing on the obscene twin sounds of Steve’s balls slapping against his ass and the shlicking noise of Steve’s broad palm as it pulled at his cock, biting down on the tip of his tongue, when he felt a tickle buzzing in his sinuses. He barely had a second of recognition before he was gasping and sneezing into the pillow he’d nestled down into.
Ohh, but it felt good to sneeze, the fluttering sensation of it sending a new wave of goosebumps across his already sensitive skin. He clenched around Steve with each sneeze, temporarily slowing his rhythmic thrusting. He felt the cock in his ass throb, threatening imminent orgasm, heard the choked moan from his boyfriend, and he couldn’t help but smirk a little. He clenched around Steve again, this time on purpose, earning a quick smack on his ass. It was his to turn to groan.
“Bless you, baby. Fuck…”
Steve seemed to regain his composure, no longer at risk of shooting his load just yet. Just as well, Eddie thought. The buzzing in his sinuses seemed to linger, even after those intensely satisfying sneezes. He rubbed his nose against the pillow, but it didn’t help in the slightest.
“Thank you, angel. Got a snff tickle in my nose.”
Steve’s hips bucked involuntarily, particularly forcefully and pressing right up against his prostate. Eddie heard them both moan, his cock dripping a new surge of pre-cum against Steve’s tan fingers. He’d pressed his face deep into the pillow again. It was so soft and pliant, much softer than he remembered it being. It was almost as if…
It dawned on him in an instant. This was a feather down pillow. Not the polyester stuffed ones Steve had bought specifically for Eddie so they could actually sleep together in his bed without the long-haired man waking up to sinuses miserably swollen and stuffed up. Steve must have brought the feather ones back out after the last time he’d been here and forgotten to change them back. He’d been so desperate to fuck Eddie he probably wouldn’t have noticed if said dungeon master had grown a second head. Eddie grinned.
He would let Steve know about this little…situation in good time. For the moment, he was gonna fuck with Steve. Figuratively, of course – he was covered in the literal sense. He pressed his nose up against the pillow and inhaled as subtly as he could. It was just enough to amp the tickle back up to the point he would probably sneeze again soon. He fostered the itch as best he could, taking shallow breaths through his nostrils - an increasingly difficult affair between moans and the familiar sensation of his orgasm creeping up on him. Finally, he felt the tickle crest, and he plummeted over the edge with another allergic fit, so tickly he felt tears prickling at the corner of his scrunched up eyes.
“Ohh, Stevie, I n-nee’heed to sn-sneeze againnn…! HIG’tchieww!! Hah’EGXT’tsieww!! IGSHHH! HIHD’tchiewww!!”
He sprayed the pillow openly, rubbing his itchy pink nostrils against it for good measure when he was done. This second fit had felt just as good as the first, maybe more so. He was definitely going to come soon.
The same could be said about Steve, who shuddered from head to toe as Eddie bucked and strained beneath him. He’d held himself still inside Eddie at that verbal warning and steeled himself against the onslaught. Each sneeze squeezed him tight in the most exquisite way, and coupled with the desperate sounds of them, and the image of his boyfriend drenching his pillow in spray, he’d almost swooned with the pleasure.
“Fuuuck, Eddie-! Are you okay, baby?”
Steve started to thrust again almost immediately, doubling the efforts of his hand on Eddie’s throbbing cock – the older man knew this was an attempt to have him coming before Steve, who must be right on the edge following his latest outburst. Normally he would be happy to oblige and cum his brains out obediently, but right now he was having too much fun working Steve up.
“Bless me. I’m fine, honey, just have this insane little tickle all of a sudden. Probably gonna sneeze again soon.”
Steve’s hips stuttered again, as did his breathing. Eddie smirked. This was intoxicating. He loved being a tease, and for whatever reason concealing the source of his sneezing from Steve was amplifying the entire experience for him.
A sudden jolt of pleasure wracked him, and he moaned openly. Steve was stroking and pulling at his sensitive cock for all he was worth and hitting his prostate more often than not. If he wanted Steve to come before he did, he would have to work fast. He was intending to bury his face in the pillow again when he noticed the small quill of a feather sticking up out of the cover. Perfect.
He plucked the feather out as subtly as he was capable, admiring the small, fluffy object for a moment, heart leaping in his chest as he imagined how tickly the downy barbs would feel inside his nostril. He brought it to his nose and managed to ease it gently inside – no small feat when he was being jostled repeatedly under Steve’s dutiful ministrations – and started to tease.
It was a cute little feather, too small to properly reach the back of his nostril where it could really get him going. Luckily, he was already feeling sensitive enough that even the sensation of his finger nails at the rim of his nostril as he twisted the feather around was enough to leave his chest swelling with rhythmical hitching.
“Are you – are you making yourself sneeze?”
Shit. Steve had slowed to a lazy pace, though Eddie could feel him twitch and twitch inside him – he was right on the fucking edge, the stubborn bastard. Delaying the inevitable. Eddie had been just about to sneeze, and that would have been it for Steve, he was sure. He paused, caught in the act, feather coming to a halt inside his flaring nostril. He feigned innocence, poorly.
“N-no? I’m just rubbing my nose-hh!! Like I said, I h’haave this tiiih-this tihh’HIH!!”
He’d stopped tickling himself, but the damage had been done. The fluffy feather, pressed up against the sensitive wall of his nostril, seemed to push him over the edge all at once, sending him sprawling helplessly forward as he sneezed against the pillow.
“HAHG’KTCH’ieww!! EDH’tsieww! Hah’IGCK’tchuu!! Ohh…”
The base of his cock started to tingle and he knew he was almost there. Steve cursed and started to thrust rapidly, obviously out of patience and desperate to come himself. Eddie cried out against the sudden increase of power, limbs electric and head swimming as Steve pounded into him for all he was worth.
“You’re a – terrible – liar – Munson-!” Steve gasped out as he pistoned his hips, burying himself to the hilt inside of Eddie. The slapping sounds of sex and their moans echoed throughout the room. Eddie bit down on the pillow, a low, gravelly groan escaping him. Steve was so fucking good, good at everything, knew just how to make him come hard and deep and fast. He focused on the dual pleasure in his ass and cock, welcoming his oncoming orgasm with open arms. He’d almost forgotten what he’d just been doing when Steve’s sudden request jerked him back to the present.
“Do it again-!”
Eddie nodded, moaning, out of it, hardly able to think but willing to do whatever Steve asked as long as he just kept going. He reached for the small feather, forcefully ejected onto the pillow in front of him with that last little fit, but it was pitifully drenched and entirely useless. He buried his face in the pillow instead, inhaling as deeply as he could. Like the embers of a dwindling campfire suddenly sparking back to life, the tickle reignited with such a force that his resulting gasp hung dramatically in the air. He pitched forward, helpless to stop it, and sneezed with all his might into the pillow.
It was too much, as he knew it would be, and as he heard and felt Steve cry out his name in orgasm, his own climax shuddered through him, cock throbbing in pleasure as it coated Steve’s long fingers with a deluge of his cum.
They rocked together in this rare instance of simultaneous climax, shivering and moaning against each other. Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist and pressed his face against his back, the extra weight forcing Eddie’s knees to buckle until they slid down onto the bed, Steve lying flush on top of him. Eddie could feel the sticky sheets bunched up against his stomach, but in that moment he couldn’t find the energy to care. He was too busy making his way back down to planet earth.
Eddie listened, eyes closed, as both of their breathing patterns returned to normal. As great as the full body skin-on-skin contact felt, Steve’s solid form was starting to weigh him down a little unbearably.
“Mrmm?” Steve rubbed his arm softly.
“Can’t breathe, hon.”
“Shit- sorry, one sec.”
Steve lifted himself up, strong arms bracing the sides of Eddie’s head as he attempted to withdraw himself from Eddie’s body as considerately as possible. He slid out at last, forcing a quiet hiss out of the older man. They’d used plenty of lube but Steve was still huge, and they hadn’t exactly been gentle in their fucking. Yep, he’d definitely be feeling this tomorrow.
Steve rolled next to him, landing with a gentle ‘oof’. Eddie heard the gentle snap of latex as Steve removed the condom and wiped his hands with a tissue. The former jock then reached out to brush a stray bang from Eddie’s face, said metalhead still planted firmly on his front, face turned to the side as he nestled into the pillow.
“Hey.” Steve smiled at him.
“Hey yourself, stud.” Eddie smiled back at him, feeling satisfied right down to his bones. Christ, that had been good. Eddie felt his eyelids starting to droop as he basked in his afterglow.
“You’re a sneaky bastard.” Steve said after a beat.
Eddie giggled, eyes closed, leaning into the hand that Steve cupped his cheek with. He’d happily accept the accusation, and he’d happily tease Steve as often as he pleased if it meant their sex was always this good.
“What did you use? To make yourself sneeze?”
Steve was cuddled up against his side now, pressing kisses to his bare shoulder.
“Feathers. More specifically, the pillow.”
He felt Steve pause mid-kiss to his shoulder blade.
“Shiiit, man, I’m sorry – I’ll go grab-“
“No, no, leave it. I mean, for now. It’s fine, baby. It’s not that bad. I don’t want to move yet.”
To prove his point, Eddie nestled further down into the pillow. It really was exquisitely comfortable, his allergies and those poor geese be damned. His nostrils twitched, but he ignored the sensation for the moment. Steve seemed to take his word for it and relaxed against him once more. His hand trailed down Eddie’s spine, leaving goosebumps in its wake, before settling on his ass, where it squeezed hard.
“Such an ass man.” Eddie snorted as Steve continued to grope him. He felt Steve’s grin against the skin of his shoulder.
“Well, maybe if you had more in way of the breast department…” The younger man teased. Eddie laughed.
“Dude, I barely have anything to work with in the ass department!”
“That’s not true!” Steve squeezed him again, followed by a gentle smack, as if to prove how much he had to work with. Eddie reached around Steve to take a handful of the younger man’s ass in his own hand. It almost made his mouth water.
“Maybe I don’t have the flattest ass in Hawkins, but I have nothing on this fucking wagon you’re draggin’, King Steve.”
“Don’t ever say that again, oh my god.”
Eddie smirked and groped harder, covering as much surface area as he could with one hand.
“Mmm. I could fucking live between these cheeks.”
“Please. Please stop.”
“I’m serious, dude. I’ll prove it to you. Promise.”
He started to slide a finger down Steve’s crack to tease at his hole, smiling against the crook of Steve’s neck as he hard him gasp in response.
“Better make good on that promise, Munson.”
Eddie kissed his neck, sucking at the skin lazily.
“If that’s what you want, big boy. Maybe I’ll need to sneeze while I’m inside of you. You know how these pillows get to me.” He purred against the column of Steve’s throat, feeling his racing heartbeat against his lips.
That had been the final straw. Steve used one strong arm to flip Eddie onto his back, the older man grimacing slightly as the sheets, tacky with the result of his own orgasm, peeled away from his stomach. Steve, not noticing or not caring, straddled his hips and took both of their budding erections into his hand.
“Fuck me, baby. Finish what you fucking started.”
Eddie shivered, cock pulsing against Steve’s fingers.
“Oh, yeah.”
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
CEO! AU Where their employee is too naive about innuendo 😅
Too pure and these guys wreck her during a personal "meeting" in their office.
(Separate scenarios please 🙏)
Me dearest moot,
I apologize this took me so long. 😅 I find it hard to write ooc scenes, but then again everything written outside the Narutoverse is considered ooc. So I just rolled with it, didn’t feel it at first. Sat on it, went back edited it — added more and hopefully the outcome is to your standards.
I truly am committed to writing almost any ask that is sent my way.
I do apologize, this got lengthy. I cannot not write anything less than 3k it seems when in the mood. Lmao. I give you smut with minor plot, because I love a bit of backstory and I adore characters that have a familiarity between them or some fluffy shit like that.
(When I wrote this, I was not aware of your preference for Itachi at the time. Shisui CEO was already in the works. Honestly am not entirely convinced this is good. I would be willing to do Itachi in a separate ask, I just didn’t want this to be like 15k of figuring my shit out).
NSFW; airhead-ish intern; smut w/plot; praise kink; oral; vaginal; unprofessional work environment; sex at work; Enjoy!
wc: an exorbitant fucking 3.4k; fuck and I’m not editing it much more right now. Will go back, I just felt like the worlds biggest piece of shit for taking so long lol
As fresh blood in the world of accounting, credentials meant everything. Especially if you want roll with the big boys. Which is why when accepting an internship nearly six months ago from the most prestigious accounting firm, you didn’t hesitate to accept. It would look good on your resume and if lucky enough, you’d be offered a job and avoid the hassle of sending out hundreds of applications.
So far things have been mild and mundane.
Coffee this, tea that. Dry cleaning. You hardly even made an appearance into the conference room except on few occasions.
Today was one of those days your presence was requested. Shisui Uchiha, CEO, owner and founder of Tomoe LLC. An accounting firm for high profiled clients.
Yea, your designated boss was that guy.
The one who made tabloids left and right with his fuck you money and all. The guy who probably had every woman in the office, including yourself, humid and longing. Didn’t even have to try, and there was no lying. How unfortunate you had the hots for him. Regardless of your stance, you retained the upmost professionalism in his presence.
When Shisui walks into the conference room, all eyes are on him. Composed, clean cut and admirable. As an intern your job is to take minute notes, jot ideas he spouts off and anything of importance. At the end of his hour and a half long ramble. Everyone is dismissed.
‘Except you.’ Words you didn’t really expect, but nonetheless did as you were told.
Once the room is cleared, Shisui’s gaze catches yours. Sharp and observant, you felt under the microscope of his heavy dark eyed gaze. ‘I need your help on something.’
Which was great, usually.
This is what you’re here for. If it was coffee, you’d fetch it. If it was picking his dog up from the groomers, that too. You got to use his shiny new car, which was a treat. He made sure you knew nobody before you had that privilege.
‘I’m listening, Uchiha-san.’ Submissive and severely cute as you retained his attention. Even if unintentional, it made his eyes flicker whenever you called him that and he straightened up a bit. A smug grin on his face.
Ever the good girl.
Shisui taps at your laptop, quickly you open its notebook app, ready to record his thoughts. ‘I want you to draft your own document on project of your choosing. Consider it a ‘review.’ How can you make this company grow?’
Oh, it was one of those reviews. The preliminary ‘give me your thoughts and maybe you can have a job’ situation. He continues, ‘on one condition… meet me in my office after work. And we’ll discuss it more personally.’
‘Anything specific I should focus on?’ It wasn’t confusing, but you had the sense there was something particular he was looking for.
He smiles and gazes over you. Shisui always said he appreciated your tenacity and go-getter attitude. ‘Just whatever comes to mind; nothing too serious…..when you write this document, just remember it's for me. It should be tailored to suggestions you think I would….be interested in.’
‘Right, for you…for the company.’ You sheepishly smile back. Why was the room hot, why did your stomach disappear and leave you feeling sick almost. Not in a terrible way, but well….no. He’s your damned boss!!
‘Good girl.’ Something crawled up your spine when he said those words. Your body treasonously gushed, and it was hard not to flush warm in the cheeks. ‘Make sure to send this off before you stop by my office. It would be…beneficial for me to know before we further discuss this in a personal setting.’
A personal setting. After work.
You weren’t stupid by any means, part of you truly believed your boss was hitting on you and the other half was partial to the fact Shisui just knew how to get what he wanted. So, for the last few hours of your day, you focused on real issues within the company. You didn’t want to insult him, but there were things that could improve the numbers and have an impact. Small minute details you picked up the last few months. The document was sent off the last half hour of the day before you walked down to the elevator and took it three floors up to where the higher-ranking individuals in the company were stationed.
Maybe you could be up here. Maybe your ideas would actually mean something. A small smile spreads your face before you knock on his office door.
When Shisui opens the door, he immediately steps aside and motions for you to enter. That’s good sign, right? His gaze lingers as you take in the office that you see maybe three times a month. Your actual duties are handed down to the secretary on your floor directly from him.
A soft click of the door closing has your nerves striking flint at one another.
‘I like how you took this assignment so seriously….’ Taking a seat at his desk, hands folded together. He takes her in.
‘You’re not offended?’ Of course not! The numbers didn’t lie, you had found a hole in his company’s bottomline. Money was being filtered out. If anything, he was grateful you did this so thoroughly.
Shisui’s eyes seem almost piercing, ‘I’m not offended at all. In fact, it’s impressive. Very impressive….now exactly how did you figure this out?’
Oh, that was a toughie. It was by accident, really, you explain. Within the first few weeks of your internship, you were granted access to classified information. Unsure if this was even allowed, you figured that if a potential job was to be had. You needed to know the numbers. Unfortunately for Shisui, undoubtedly, someone was stealing money from him. He had his suspicions prior to your upheaval, but no real way of confirming without causing the perpetrator to become aware. Aside from that it was intricately encrypted, meaning you were incapable of providing further details of who.
Shisui eyes you the whole time, his unwavering gaze felt unkind almost, but sincere. ‘So, you were just casually going through the inflow and outflow. Just so happen to discover…. money missing?’
You exhale heavily, this sounded like it could backfire. ‘Y-yes. I’m sorry if that was a breach of my contract, I figured if I was granted access—’
Shisui’s light chuckle interrupts you, a sort of calm, almost relieved feeling washes down your nerves. ‘You’re fine, I admire your determination and commitment to this company. It seems I can’t trust everyone here…’
‘I suggest, if you’re open to it…. calling tech support, they might be able…’ the words hit your face from the floor. Someone in tech support would be the perfect position to lay low and hide or dispose of backlogs. Shisui quirks an eyebrow at your acute observation. ‘Tech support would be able to see behind all of that.’
At first, he is surprised, then perturbed. Tech support would be capable of seeing behind the encryption or worse. Creating it. Leaning back in his chair, he folds his hands under to his chin. ‘A smart observation….that is….unfortunate. For them, if so.’ A hint of admiration in his voice has you smiling at his praise.
Shisui can’t help but stare at you for a moment. That smile is adorable, even more when you’re not completely flustered by him. When you’re almost comfortable in his presence. ‘You’re a very sharp girl…and you have a good grasp of this business despite being just an intern….’
‘It’s nothing….really. I was just…trying to get on top of the game.’ A soft shrug is all you manage. What else could you say? Now wasn’t the time to toot your own horn.
Shisui leans forward in his chair. He can't help but notice you’re a still bit shy, reserved and overtly quiet in his presence. More times often than not are you loud and boisterous with the friends you’ve made here. Something lurches in the back of his mind; his tone of voice softens.
‘I’d like to commend you for your efforts. You’ve outdone yourself and even figured out someone is potentially funneling money from me.’ He pauses briefly, ‘just out of curiosity though….why did you accept this internship?’
The harsh truth resurfaced with a prejudice. You were bitter the first few weeks, though you were grateful for this opportunity here. Not a word back from a single firm within the five great nations when you sought them out. It was nearly a month later after you had sent out the portfolio did Shisui’s firm respond. ‘You were the only firm to return interest and extend an offer.’
This was not something Shisui expected to hear. It disheartened him and left a foul taste in his mouth. Surely other firms would have been interested. He hadn’t sent a reply as quickly beforehand. Thinking you would take an opportunity in another country. Most people wanted to leave their home cities; he responded solely on the fact he was too eager in his selection for you. The portfolio, while small, was exceptional. Organized and precise. His stubbornness made him hold off but the business side of him does what’s best for itself.
He had to have you, to see the woman behind the mind. Even if you weren’t the spectacular woman before him, he still would have hired you. He wasn’t discriminatory in that matter, only if you would be beneficial to the firm. He knew from the initial interview that you would be, it was just a bonus that you were drop dead gorgeous.
‘No other company reached out?’ The irritation in his voice was severe and brought blasphemy in his eyes.
The hardened look on his face softens once more as you continue, ‘I was shocked to receive your extension to interview.’
Another unexpected answer. Shisui didn’t expect that the other internships went unanswered, but he never once turned down the free labor hours of an internship. There wasn’t a damn thing that made you unworthy of a position here. Intelligent, well calculated….submissive. You did every thing he threw at you from silly errands he couldn’t be fucked with, to listening to him bitch about Genma’s vacation in the Land of Tea being two weeks.
‘So here I am. Almost the six month review. I was hoping that this recent development would…be a retainer for a full time position…’ the words taper off. Hearing how silly you were.
Scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours was not at the forefront of your mind.
But it was his and, well, the funny thing is. Shisui’s back, is on his cock. That’s exactly the kind of back scratching he was referring to earlier when he asked for you to come up with a minor presentation for him. He figured this one wouldn’t fly over the crows nest, but it had. You didn’t quiet catch his intentions.
He would just have to be more…direct.
A small smile spreads his face, the fact that you were just so bashful with your request. Shisui rounds his desk quickly, his hands at your forearms. Sights sharp with intent. Deep baritone grows soft when he addresses you, ‘consider me impressed.’
You quickly dial in at his hands holding you so, so intimately. ‘Why?’ Is that really all you can manage? Though you didn’t understand, ‘why do I impress you? I did something that someone else should have been doing.’ Your brows pinch.
Shisui doesn’t answer right away, he takes the time to consider you. He thumbs small circles on your left arm, as if he is trying to properly convey the words of adoration without scaring you off. ‘You’re right, I should have someone doing this. I am just impressed you were that person when it should have been someone more experienced in this company.’
‘But…?’ Waiting for it. For the let down of not having a position here.
Shisui runs a hand through his hair, the other still on your left arm, ‘this is the first time I’ve ever thought about extending a full-time position to an intern in awhile. But…from now on, you will not be an intern…’ a pregnant pause makes the air thick and stale for a moment. ‘You’ll be my assistant.’
‘Assistant?’ That wasn’t working with numbers, ‘that’s not…numbers or anything close to it…’
Shisui’s laugh fills his chest and reverberates in his throat stopping at a light hum, the grip on your forearm tightens a little to capture your undivided attention wholly. ‘Do not worry. I never said that you would stop working with numbers. That will still be part of your position here. But, moreover, I want your input on other aspects of this company. Marketing, communication, etc. a more….intimate experience at my side.’
You gawk. ‘How can you consider that from a near bare portfolio. I surely haven’t worked my weight in ryo here, not even close.’
In this moment, you look adorable to Shisui. Exasperated and uncertain. Almost undeserving. ‘You’re forgetting exactly why I chose you for the internship. I knew from the moment I interviewed you that you were a very sharp young lady. My trust in your abilities has grown exponentially these past few months, and hence…this new position for you.’
A soft click of your tongue, it was all coming full circle now. ‘This sounds like a curated position that was just made up.’
Shisui’s lips curl into a devious smile, that slips below subtle smirk. He narrows his eyes a bit, those eyes ever intense and drinking you up like the finest whiskey. That calm and composed side of Shisui is replaced by a commanding and dominant presence. Unholy even.
‘Uchiha-san?’ A sharp exhale as Shisui snakes a hand around her waist.
He brings you flush to his chest, running a hand through your hair. Drags his nose along your jaw and up to your cheek before his lips stop at your ear. Hot and raspy, Shisui’s intentions are more than clear. You notice how tall he really is, just towering over you. How much older he is too.
‘What…are you doing?’ A whispered hiss of astonishment at his direct approach.
‘What do you think I am dong?’ Sweet like honey, his voice is deep. Commanding. Possessive.
‘I’m partial to believe this is not in my job description….’ Your soft breath fans the his cheek as he rakes a hand up the nape of your neck.
‘I never suggested it was….’ The words send shivers down your spine, his thumb traces down your cheekbone. His warm breath smells sweet, you know this is not appropriate. Against policy. And as much as you’d hate to admit it.
You enjoyed it. ‘Then what is this for?’
You graze your nose in return over his cheek, the boldness amuses Shisui. How much did you like this? ‘This is part of the perks that come with your new job. If you haven’t noticed by now… I tend to enjoy your company.’
Well no, you didn’t notice. Not until now, ‘no, how could I when I’m hardly doing as an intern should?’ That was cute.
The small moan from your lips is even more adorable as Shisui dragged his lips down your neck. Delirium filled your head space, this was moving too fast. Before you knew it your tight pencil skirt was shucked to above your hips and you were laid on his desk.
Subservient to his desire, fueled by your own deplorable greed within. You could just let Shisui have his way with you, not that you saw it this way. Sex was currency, was also free and felt fucking good. The part of you that may or may not have fantasized this exact scenario unfolding was in charge now.
Spread out, legs over his shoulders holding his head in a vice squeeze. How did it get far this fast? Nose in your heat, lapping and twirling his tongue over your clit. Fingers curling in the confines of your taut muscles. Muscles that ached for it; were drenched for him. If your knocked a few things off his desk, Shisui would forgive you. This was the reason why he’d drawn you in after hours, the sounds you made were no less than a few doors in range: if anyone was still here after hours. They’d hear and pretend they didn’t the next day.
When his cock stretched you, molded you to him. He reamed a hand around your neck and pressed your back into the keyboard. Every time you came close to coming, he squeezed and stopped thrusting. Making you writhe and submit further to him.
‘..please.’ Your desperate whimper.
Those soft eyes of yours caught his attention, ‘..please let me come Uchiha-san.’
He kissed you sweetly, but fucked you like an office whore as you came all over him. ‘Such a good girl…’ rang your ears every so often as he softly panted out between thrusts. Shisui flipped you to your stomach once you succumbed to his relentless pounding. Wrung his hand in your hair and craned your neck back to expose the delicate flesh. Nipping your pulse point, he sheath himself once more. Slower, needier. On the verge of filling your sweet hole with his genetic markup. Gripping your waist to steady your body, he whispered many things of promise if you accepted his job offer.
His bed, car and money. What on earth had gotten into this man? Shisui couldn’t figure out for himself exactly what he was saying either, but it was all forgotten the split second your salacious whimper and saying you were coming again. Had his hips steam rolling and slamming into you harder. Pumping his thinking length as he coated your insides. Holding your back to his chest as you both moaned out loud.
Surely, this was unprofessional. The entire time you fixed your clothes, you expected him to rescind his decision. That didn’t happen. Not when he fixed his tie, adjusted your skirt and covered you with his coat. Not once did his resolve change as you both walked out the dark office and got out of the elevator. He took you to dinner, paid an extraordinary amount of money for too little food and ushered you home. Opened your door and lead you by the small of your back to your front door and gave you a chaste kiss.
‘See you in the morning, ill be here at 6:30am’ It was fully decided by now that you did have a a full time position now, and he handed you a check for the firsts three months salary, and then some that had your head spinning.
‘This is unnecessary..’ It was money that you’d only ever seen on paper, let alone now held in your hands.
‘Consider it a bonus, and a reward.’ Shisui lifted your chin, and kissed your cheek.
You watched as he waited for you to go inside of your apartment, then he left.
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cosmicdream222 · 4 months
have you entered the void before?
I'm asking cause I've seen you post about it a bunch times with different methods to enter
Also, thank you for introducing me to the phase method! I'm using it and another method (one I created) to enter
Hey! Glad to hear the Phase has been helpful for you! Happy to answer your question, but it’s a bit more complicated than a yes/no answer and I’m feeling rambly today so you’re gonna get a whole backstory on how this blog came to be 😂
Backstory about me & this blog
I’d been in the personal development manifestation community since around 2016, and it was my life for a long time. But the kind of manifesting these people taught was basically like… wake up at 5am, work out, journal, meditate, shadow work, tarot cards, affirmations, cold showers, start a business, post no less than 10 times a day across your 5+ social media channels, and maybe if you hustle hard enough and cleared enough past life karma and Mercury isn’t retrograde, then the universe might grant your wishes... (if you don’t die of exhaustion first. 😅)
It really was a mess and realize now despite the facade of positive thinking and good vibes, the whole community really just keeps themselves identifying with lack & victim mentality so the coaches at the top profit off everyone else’s misery.
I believed in manifesting and had faith I would achieve my goals, but despite years of trying a million different things, only saw small or short-term successes and never seemed to get anywhere. I was feeling pretty burnt out and miserable, so summer 2023 I decided to stop trying so hard and just spend some time focused on myself and what I wanted. I went back to the two methods that I’ve always loved and had success with: affirmations and tapping.
I tapped every day and started making affirmation art and lockscreen wallpaper for fun. I posted the affirmations on Pinterest, which eventually lead me to finding affirmations pinned from tumblr. I think it was a screenshot from blushydior I saw at first, but her blog was deactivated by then. So I started stumbling around tumblr (around Aug-Sept 2023 at this point), where I eventually came across loa, the void, and shifting.
I was surprised because despite my extreme research into all things personal development & spiritual, I’d never heard of it. Although I’d read about quantum physics and more supernatural things, every coach/teacher had major limits. “Manifesting” only meant getting logical earth things like making 6 figures in your business through hard work and hustle so you can afford to travel and buy luxury cars & Chanel bags. Stuff like changing the past, waking up with all your desires, etc was absolutely impossible and not even talked about except “you can’t change the past”.
So having only heard about these incredible overnight life-changing manifestations from tumblr, I was skeptical and wanted more information. I basically started this blog to collect information from outside tumblr to prove it to myself and share with others. Which of course sent me down a rabbit hole of research and overconsumption and overcomplicating the void 😅
I did get kinda obsessed and throw myself into trying every shifting & void method I saw right away, which just left me frustrated with “failed” attempts. But I see now I was just repeating the same victim mentality from the old community - that everything had to be hard and a struggle, that I was a victim of circumstance and limited by a higher power. (This is also a really commonly held limiting belief in religion and society in general that affects many people.)
It took me more than a few months to realize, but I’m finally switching my default programming to that of a creator instead of a victim. Because I don’t want to be obsessed and put the void on a pedestal, I’m currently just working on my self concept that I am in control of my reality and can manifest whatever I want - with or without the void. I still do want to experience it of course, just want to make sure I’m going at it with a healthy mindset.
About a week or two ago I read someone’s void success story that triggered a memory from many years ago: I realized I actually did wake up in the void and manifested something, long before I even knew what manifesting or the void was 😭 Because I’d always believed in supernatural things, I thought I had a “psychic dream” but now I know it was the void! (If anyone wants storytime I can make another post with more detail).
And since at the time, I entered without even knowing about the void’s existence, I realize we here or tumblr really do overcomplicate it. Like the video I posted where the void is described as the midway point between wake and sleep - it really is that simple!
I’ve noticed now that whenever I wake up naturally (not getting woken up by an alarm, outside noise, or cat jumping on me) I do always seem to wake up in the void. It’s the same kind of experience, and I don’t hear anything, but my first natural instinct when I wake up is to wonder where the sounds of my environment are. So I end up tuning in to my room and snapping out of the void.
I guess I just have to train myself to make my first thought an affirmation for my desires instead of just wondering where the sounds are 😅 But regardless, now I know it’s absolutely real and possible for me, I know it’s only a matter of time until I figure it out!
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