#rage blows up police stations
tssidesfics · 1 year
Credit to @wisecolorthing for helping me come up with this nightmare crack fic. I can't entirely remember how we started talking about it but the conversation wandered to Remus in a Spencer's and this was born. It is pure crack. Completely ludicrous and ridiculous while also being completely in-character because we're talking about Remus, here.
God should have skipped the flood and just unleashed Remus on the world a few thousand years early.
Then again, humanity might never have recovered at that point, so what do I know?
Welcome to my little circle of hell, everybody. Yes, you are all correct that my relationship with the others can be best surmised with the "this house is a fucking nightmare" vine, but you don't get any points for it because it's not hard to figure out. I subsist off coffee, spite, and sarcasm (but differently from Janus, who subsists off wine, spite, and sarcasm) and exist solely to, in Remus' words, "vibrate like an overripe chihuahua on meth and five espressos with a dildo turned on up its ass"--AKA I am an anxious mess when I'm not spiraling ever-deeper into the bowels of worst-case scenario-ism. I live in a very weird gay man's head with my roommates, some of which (Logan) feign sanity 80% of the time and the other 20% conduct deranged experiments on furniture, food, and sometimes people like he's the last mad scientist left and has to preserve his culture. Some of them are actually (mostly) sane, like Patton (although we have to affectionately--and in Rage's case, literally, but they have a complicated relationship--beat on him to make him start crying when he needs to, so all things are relative). Some are just plain weird, like Roman (seriously, he's not even a type of crazy I can qualify, he's just unhinged). Some delight in feigned psychopathy (Janus). Some really need anger management therapy (do I seriously need to clarify?...actually, yeah, Logan could use some too). And some, AKA the problem child of this fever dream, defy description, but a DSM-5 edition bursts into flames every time they get a very specific little lopsided smile on their face--the one that slowly dawns like panels of light until it's blinding and suddenly nauseating to look at. That feeling is always proceeded by destruction of property. Always.
And of course Janus and Rage are gleeful enablers. Is it any wonder why I yeeted myself off the first exit ramp out of that 24/7 Mardi Gras festival?
In case it was not made shockingly apparent by literally everything about me, hi, I'm Virgil. Kill me.
My Nightmare #347 began with Patton yanking himself out of Thomas' head into the passenger side car-seat with a giddy smile on his face. "Hi, Thomas!"
Thomas screamed and jumped so hard he swerved. I neglected to appear to him physically--given I didn't want to make matters worse--but I did start fluently cussing and climbed the wall.
"Patton!" Thomas righted to the car as a cacophony of honks chastised him. "Hi, buddy. Next time, not in the middle of traffic!"
"Oop. Sorry, Thomas." At least Patton was appropriately contrite. I didn't often consider him an asshole--"cinnamon roll" is so apt he literally turns into a cinnamon roll sometimes--but today, I could make an exception. "I was wondering if we could all hang out with you at the mall today."
"Pat, it's hard enough with you guys providing running commentary on my every social interaction in my head," Thomas pointed out. "I'd like to just enjoy seeing Joan again while they're in town and I will have to corral at least five of you if I let you out."
"But Thomas..." Patton whined, bouncing frustratingly in his seat. "The Mindscape is boring!"
"You can bake an endless amount of cookies and turn it into whatever you want. I literally don't see how it could ever become boring."
"Logan won't let us change it from your living room."
Thomas sighed. "What are the chances I can convince Logan to lighten up a little?"
I snorted so loud Thomas heard it.
"Thank you for your contribution, Virgil." Thomas rolled his eyes. "If I let the rest of them out, do you promise you won't let them get into any trouble?"
I squawked. "You're expecting Patton to control the others? Are you insane? Patton couldn't control a drowsy teddy bear!"
Patton popped back into the Mindscape to turn hurt eyes on me. I crossed my arms. "No," I said. "I stand by what I said. Your backbone is made of silly putty."
"All right, Virgil," Thomas interjected before Patton could crank up the Guilt Trip'O'Meter as high as it would go. "You raise a good point. Why don't I leave you in charge?"
"I would rather crawl into a hot and rot, thanks."
"C'mon, I can feel how stir-crazy you're all getting. It's making me more antsy than usual."
"I don't see why that's a problem, considering you have never sat still anywhere a single day in your life. Someone could hold Joan over a barrel of piranha telling you they'd drop them if you couldn't sit still for an entire five minutes and it would be all your fault that Joan died."
Too late, I realized my mistake. Remus cackled loudly and sank out somewhere I didn't want to know but had to follow lest he murder the literal only reason Thomas had ever gotten me remotely under control.
"Why would you do that?" Thomas asked dully.
"You see why it's a bad idea to expect me to control these lunatics?"
Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses and snapping his folder closed. God knew what went on in those things; we only got independent internet access when we manifested and he certainly couldn't raid a bookstore without manifesting, yet he always had one in his lap, diligently working. It was morbidly fascinated. "Honestly," he grumbled. "Thomas, I believe that yes, your mental health would benefit from letting us manifest as a group. I can control the others."
"Logan," I began. "Buddy. Pal. My guy."
"Call me three of those ever again and there will be scalpels plunged into locations you do not want to think about."
"You cannot control them," I told him. "History has demonstrated multiple times that the only person who can control us is Thomas, and he's going to be busy catching up. He's going to let go of Remus' leash. Do you really--and I mean think about this--do you really think the time you want Remus off Thomas' leash is in a mall?"
"Fine. Then we'll leave him behind. At least venting some of--"
"He'll just start shooting off intrusive thoughts like a machine gun. You let more than one out, you open the floodgates."
"You're being paranoid."
"Funny that. I can't imagine why I'd be paranoid. Sounds completely unlike me, I'm normally so laid-back."
"The sarcasm was unnecessary."
"You're finally learning when I'm sarcastic." I was impressed. "Nice, Lo. I was getting worried."
Logan clicked his pen menacingly.
I grinned. Logan was easily one of my greatest allies in the Mindscape--Roman was insufferable, Janus, Remus and Rage were out of the question, and Patton could be obnoxiously patronizing--but never let his capacity for violence be underestimated. I once saw him take Roman's katana to a bundle of sticky notes because one of them gave him a paper cut. Despite that capacity for violence, however, I delighted in pushing his buttons.
"Are we manifesting today?" Roman called down the stairs with barely-restrained delight.
"Unless you can guarantee Remus won't set the mall on fire, hell no!" I called back up.
There was a long moment of silence. "Remus, I'll let you have Mrs. Snuffykins for one night if you behave yourself if we manifest!"
I had absolutely no idea what that was--I wanted to think a stuffed animal, but with Roman and Remus, all bets were off--but Remus' ecstatic screech was enough to tell me I probably didn't want to find out.
Roman looked back down at me. "He'll behave."
I arched an eyebrow.
"Prince's honor."
"Historically meant shit, Princey."
"Yes, but not Disneyally."
"That is not...remotely a word," Logan said, somehow a mix between dumbfounded and awed.
"Look, I'm just not optimistic that letting Remus out when Thomas isn't keeping an eye on him would end in anything except Thomas going to prison for arson, murder, or public indecency. Or worse."
"I'll keep him in line," Roman vowed. "Please, Virgil? I'm going stir-crazy in here, we all are."
I crossed my arms.
Roman pouted.
I snorted.
Roman glared.
I arched an eyebrow.
Roman slumped.
I grinned. "Deal with it, everybody. No manifesting. Get comfy. Janus, think about pushing your luck and I am ripping out each individual one of your scales and burying them in places you don't want."
"How delightfully Remus of you. Except for the part where you'll actually follow through on the threat."
"From Remus it wouldn't be a threat, it would be a bonding activity."
"Speaking of," Patton said shyly. "Didn't Remus run off after you said something about Joan getting hurt, kiddo?"
My eyes bugged out of my head. I sighed and hung it. "Why is it always me?" I mumbled and sunk out to chase Remus through the Mindscape.
After fishing out Remus' limbs from a pond of piranha he'd dismembered himself into when he heard me chasing after him, I borrowed some super glue from Roman's room and stuck him back together. It should have fixed him up good as new but it was Remus and any attempts I made to change things around here were easily superseded by one half of Creativity. Which meant Remus was now walking around with his penis glued to his forehead, fully erect.
Not as much time had passed by the time we returned as I expected. Which would have been great if not for the fact that the Conscious Mind was conspicuously quiet. All the dishes were clean, there wasn't any crap on the floor, and there were no Sides milling about. I could have taken the time to check each of their rooms upstairs but why waste the time when I knew exactly where they all were?
"Roman, you are in your thirties. A store called Forever 21 is not for you," Logan was saying after I manifested in the general direction of the others. "Hello, Virgil."
I glared. "What did I say?"
"Aw, but Virge--"
"You're inviting a Remustrophe right now, you realize that, right?"
Janus grinned. My blood ran cold.
"I WANT EVERY DILDO YOU HAVE!" echoed across the mall, and with horror, I realized what I'd done.
I'd loosed Remus Sanders on the Spencer's department store.
The good news: nothing had caught fire yet. Potential loss of life was yet to be determined as Patton yelped and rushed over to the prone body of the clerk behind the counter. That also proved fine when I saw him slump in relief after probing her neck for a pulse.
The bad news: Remus had slipped the superglue I'd used to piece him back together out of my pocket and was now using it to attach dildos, ripped out of their packages with plastic and cardboard shredded across the floor, to his costume. He was also dripping with something viscous, disincentivizing me from touching him to stop him from unleashing more chaos.
By rights, seven dildos glued to his top should have torn the damn thing, but it was made of sturdier stuff than that. I studied him for a long moment, trying to work up the nerve to approach, while he just continued to wreak havoc. Janus, meanwhile, the only one not preoccupied with horror or despair at Remus' antics, meandered over to the bowl in which they kept their sarcastic pins, perusing them idly.
"You better be planning to pay for those," I warned, then looked around. "Wait. Where's Rage?"
Logan glanced around. "Likely inflicting property damage on a jewelry store. He rather dislikes those."
I pinched my sinuses. "Logan, could you rein in your alter ego, please?"
"I am too evolved for my alter ego to be that idiot," Logan told me with overblown indignity.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're the only one who can talk some sense into him. The cameras may not be able to recognize Thomas' face on all of us, but the less reason the cops have to potentially stuff him in a cell, the better."
It was true. Somehow, whatever bizarre magic allowed us to manifest in the real world also confused cameras and people so no one could trace the destruction of property likely to follow us back to Thomas. It was the only reason I wasn't already in the fetal position on the floor forgetting the basic components of breathing.
Logan rolled his eyes and broke off to track down Rage. I turned my attention to Roman.
"No," Roman said firmly.
"He's your brother," I told him.
"Yes, and it's your fault he's here. You were supposed to watch him."
"I wouldn't have had to take my eyes off him if you guys hadn't snuck out in the first place. I'm one Side. Do you really think I would have stood a snowball's chance in hell of keeping Remus from doing exactly this?"
"And I have any better chance?"
"No, but the alternative is explaining to Thomas what you guys did."
Roman glared at me.
I glared back.
Roman pouted.
I continued glaring.
Roman stomped his foot and whined.
I pointed at Remus, who was now smashing glasses on the ground and eating the shards. Blood was rushing from his mouth and gathering in puddles on the floor. He was still dripping.
"I hate you," Roman informed me bluntly.
"Oh, like you've ever made a secret of that?"
Roman adopted a punched puppy expression at that one.
I sighed. "Yeah, yeah, you've been doing better, now go wrestle your brother into a cage or something."
Roman dragged his feet over to Remus and summoned a hasmat suit he put on. Remus sliced into it with a rather sizable shard and sprinted away before Roman could catch him. Without thinking, I lunged after him, only succeeding in sliding down the length of his body like he was covered in lube.
Oh, wait, it was lube. It smelled like one of Remus' worst farts and tasted like it too. You would have thought the dildos would have either failed to stick with his clothes soaked in lubricant or at least they would have given me something to hang onto to stop him from escaping, but all they did was slap me repeatedly in the face with silicon penes of various sizes.
Remus left a slimy trail behind him as he cackled deeper into the store. I was positive he was headed somewhere with matches so he could set the building on fire.
I pressed my face into the floor, into a puddle of lube, and sighed. Miserably, I hauled myself to my feet and turned back to everyone else. "You are in so much trouble," I assured them without passion, dragging myself off to find Thomas and get him to suck Remus back into the Mindscape before additional damage could be done.
I found him in the food court, blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding deeper into the store. Altogether the world seemed relatively unaware of the happenings, another magical defense mechanism. It wasn't that people never noticed what we were doing, it was just that they were less likely to find it alarming. Although once the fire alarms started going off, people would pay attention.
"Thomas," I greeted without etiquette, coming to pause next to his table.
"Holy shit," Joan summarized perfectly. People aware of our nonsense were usually pretty good at spotting us and processing our appearances.
Thomas looked dejected. "No."
"Remus escaped."
Thomas flopped forward like a fish on land and smacked his head full into the table. The pain reverberated through my skull. "Time to--"
The fire alarm blared. Rage ran past with a shotgun, screaming, "Adios, coppers!" as he went.
Thomas watched him run past. "We don't have to stop him, do we?"
I considered it for a moment. "Nah, he can stay. As long as everyone goes back in, we should be able to keep Remus there."
People ran past screaming. A panicked exodus spilled from the food court. Some people knocked into me and I stumbled. Thomas caught my hoodie sleeve, then gagged and pulled his hand back.
"Remus," I explained.
"Right." Thomas looked in the direction everyone was running from. "I guess I have to go toward the fire to stop him, huh?"
I nodded sadly.
"Sorry, Joan," Thomas explained. "Next time, my place."
"Deal. Want some help?"
"You don't need to see what I'm about to see."
With that, Thomas and I made our begrudging way toward the fire.
It resolved relatively easily once Thomas gave Remus a disapproving stare. We all didn't do well with Thomas' disappointment, even Remus, so he moped back inside the Mindscape without much complaint. Everyone else returned to the living room in my doghouse and I locked myself in my room, refusing to emerge. Rage stayed out for a while longer and later we found out three police stations had been set on fire with all prisoners escaped. No loss of life, which I didn't know how to feel about.
Later, through mystical means, the stolen dildos Remus had taken were discovered in Ron DeSantis' home. We laughed for a week.
I amend my earlier statement. Maybe we really do need to use Remus as the next great flood. He'll just focus his attention on the fascists and we'll all be better off.
Yo, God, you should get on that.
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jinuaei · 6 months
Yandere!Self aware! Leon Kennedy x Player! Reader pt. 2
To be the person whose deity's eyes are cast upon is a bliss. This is what Leon feels, bliss. The slow descent to madness from being in this unholy situation is overwhelmed by your presence, your guidance and warmth suppressing the fear and stress. Truth be told he has not been paying attention to whatever Marvin is talking about but thats fine, you'll pay attention for him right?
He can feel himself flush, his insides burning hot with embarrassment and horror, though on the outside no splash of red can be seen on his cheeks. How dare he assign work to you when he is the one who is supposed to be doing everything? He is but your humble servant, he is the one who should be doing the task of listening to this boring police man, not you!
Leon quickly snaps back reality and luckily was able to catch where the emblems are located. Noting it down mentally, he descends to the western wing of the station after receiving a knife from Marvin. Progressing through the halls he thinks back to earlier when he was still trying to fight against your influence, he truly was an idiot. But he was still happy that he submitted to you sooner, rather than later.
A sudden crash of glass breaking pierce through his left ear, a groan following after. Leons body freezes up and a strong feeling of panic rattles his brain. He shot the corpse on the head within a second, blowing it up in pieces. The panic still flows through his brain but not the rest of him, on the contrary his whole body is calm but his mind isn't. As he tries to understand why the fear he is feeling is strange he soon realized that… It's not mine. I'm not scared, THEY are.
Hot rage courses through his veins as he glares at the lump of meat underneath him, his fingers itching to grab the leather grip of the knife and stab it. Again. And again. And again. How dare that thing scare you? Nonetheless, Leon can't do anything but just seethe quietly. After a while, he can feel the panic subside and his body jerks towards the stairs, walking cautiously. Nothing much happened after that, other than the licker almost nicking him, it was a very quiet journey. Going back to Marvin, the older man showed him the cctv footage of a girl outside, recognizing her as his companion from earlier. He felt relief upon knowing that she was safe from harm. He was then directed to the 2nd floor of the east wing where he'll be able to get her that way.
As he exits the doorway to the side extrance of the station a shout from below him captured his attention. Looking over the rails, the red jacket highlighted her form, of course it was--
Joyfully he walks down the stairs, but as soon as he takes a step your warmth is gone from his body. Why…why can't he feel you inside him? Did you abandon him?? No no no… You're still there, he can feel your eyes gazing onto him but his body can only percieve the coldness of the night.
Even with his inner turmoil the show must go on. Without his permission his body moves perfectly, their conversation flowing so smoothly it was almost like following a script. However he knows that whatever is happening is unnatural, the smile he gives to Claire seems robotic, he tries to take control with his body but the only thing that he manages to do was to smile awkwardly, a brief flash of fear in his eyes. Even if Claire did notice she didn't say anything, just talking like normal.
Tuning back to their conversation he can hear himself speak.
"That's good. Any luck with your brother?"
"No, not yet."
He tuned everything out again because he felt disgusted being controlled by something other than you. Soon an explosion interrupts both of them, the sound of groans soon following. They look at each other with understanding and separated ways. Within a second, your warmth encompass his body and fill him with new vigor, the bliss returning as he realizes your departure was only temporary. Then his thoughts became more dark and more desperate.
The feeling of losing you, even temporary was heartbreaking. Him sensing you but not able to touch you was torture. But…he will bear with it, as long as you come back to him. So please, don't ever leave him again.
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screeblees · 8 months
Hiii! I absolutely love reading your stuff and I especially love the angry!yandere drabble too! I do have a question though if you don’t mind answering, if by some miracle mc had escaped and managed to get back to their home, what would angry!yandere do/how would he react?
Anyways I l I’ve your work and keep up the good work but don’t stress yourself too much hun, thanks☺️
Hii! Ahh thank you so much!! Thank you for the question, I love receiving them! (Though I’m always nervous about whether it meets what the asker is thinking.) 
Link to Angry ! Yandere headcanons here !
Sorry it took so long to answer! I’ve been swamped with work irl :(
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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To set the scene; Reader somehow managed to escape despite the extensive measures and being in a furnished basement, and Angry ! Yandere was out of the house, studying or working.
Angry ! Yandere’s initial thought would be that you’re hiding, which is incredibly disrespectful of you to continue to do after he repeatedly calls for you and tell you he isn’t in the mood for playing “hide and seek”.
He finds this irritable and begins searching for you. Stomping slightly, shoving pillows and blankets and such out of the way, gradually almost ripping cupboard and wardrobe doors off of their hinges and slamming them shut behind him in frustration because where the fuck could you be hiding?! Maybe he finds evidence of your escape such as an open window or a stool placed near one thats against the ceiling, something alike and realises that you’re gone. 
He’s sent spiralling at the thought, for once his rage isn’t purely spurred on by anger or irritation; but raw fear. 
He is shaking violently, barely able to contain the overwhelming amount of emotion coursing through him, but despite his unsound mind Angry ! Yandere manages to decide on a course of action and begins breaking, entering and searching the full range of places he suspects you might have wandered off to; your old home, your “friends’”homes, the local police station and hospital, your place of work and/or school, anywhere and everywhere else you may frequent - and of course he’ll threaten and beat anyone in his way, using his hysterically unhinged demeanour to emphasise his usual intimidation, all the while blowing up your old phone with threats of what’s to come.
And when he finds you, you’ll be dragged back, kicking and screaming. Gone is the mercy he previously held for you to avoid any unnecessary pain for his dear reader. Angry ! Yandere is only overcome with unfathomable amounts of relief once he finds you. 
But you’ve earned yourself a plethora of punishments, arguably breaking every rule he has;
You didn’t reply to him when he called for you
You didn’t just try to escape but managed it
Which is incredibly disrespectful for you to do to him after everything he’s done for you
You were sneaky, hid your ideas, collected items and actions that resulted in you escaping
You entirely avoided him until he got you back
You answered none of his calls
You didn’t speak to him at all about this stupid “escaping” idea
He should’ve counted the amount of times you flinched away from him, from when you first saw him after your brief adventure to even now as you settle back into your rightful home
You shook so so much as he took you back, chest wracked with sobs and screams and pure agony
And escaping entirely avoids all the punishments you earned your actions leading up to this grand scheme
You ran so, so far, dashed even, desperately though the streets you thought you knew
For the next couple months (at the very least) you will remain completely bound, no matter the aches, pains or wounds it may cause you, especially whilst Angry ! Yandere waits on his newest precautions being delivered. Maybe your screams provide their own type of comfort he had never thought of before; the comfort that you’re still here, locked up in his basement for him and him alone.
He’s learned from his mistakes and will assure you will never leave him again…
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jewbeloved · 2 years
Yandere kyle alphabet pls ✨
Warnings: Kidnapping, Manipulation, Physical and Emotional @bu$e, Mentions of blood/gore.
Gender: Neutral
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Yandere Kyle Alphabet 💚💚😈😈😭💜
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He would be very clingy when it comes to giving you affection.
He would always follow you around especially if you're going to the bathroom.
If you yell at him or push him away, things might start to get violent.
So don't reject his affection 🤗
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
The last time he killed somebody was when you tried getting help by sending your bird friend to deliver a letter to the police.
Kyle found out and shot the bird before it could have a chance to fly away with the letter.
He also told you that he murdered the entire police station before he proceeded with his plan of kidnapping you.
Now you won't have any shitty popo to come and save you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
The only time he mocks you is when he's having one of his rage moments.
Whenever he mocks you, it's about you being so stupid enough to think anybody would ever come and save you.
And to think, you will ever have another chance with somebody else because he has already spreaded rumors about you so nobody would want to take you expect for him.
You really think you have control over him?!
You're such a fool in his eyes whenever he's like this.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He still wants you to be saint and have a personality so he wouldn't take too much rights away from you.
But he will absolutely not let you interact with people, go outside because you might try to escape, and he will put security controls on your phone so he can monitor whatever you do on it.
He has security cameras everywhere (including the bathroom-)
He will be a little perverted about looking at you in the bathroom, but will stop since he doesn't like making you too uncomfortable.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Ever since Kyle first saw you, his heart started pounding so fast and he wants you so badly.
He already had planned everything ever since.
To kidnap you, spread rumors about you, eliminating the police so they can't save you, and make sure you are finally his💖
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would get angry and he might slap you cross the face to get you to shut your goddamn mouth.
You're being extremely annoying to him with all your constant whining and complains.
And if you continue to fight him, the next day you will end up with a eye patch over your eye and multiple bandages all over your body.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He enjoys it so much.
I loves how his s/o is always trying everything to escape but it always backfires on them.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
You were cuddling with Kyle in bed.
You waited for him to fall asleep so you could grab his keys and escape.
When he fell asleep you grabbed his keys and dashed out of the room heading for the door.
When you were almost there, you were met with a innocent smiling Kyle who had his hands behind his back staring at you.
You were in complete shock and confusion, but how?! You literally saw him asleep!!!
"Y/n, I'm not that stupid okay? I only pretended to sleep to see if you would actually take the chance to try and escape, looks like I was right then".
He aggressively grabbed you by the hair and started to slam your face into the wall until your nose broke and your blood on the wall.
You were unconscious and severely injured from the last blow of the wall, Kyle dragged you by your feet with your head on the floor taking you back to the room to patch you up.
Ever since this day, you were scared to even try anymore attempts to escape....
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants you to love him forever and nobody else
He also wants to have his kids with you as well <3
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Hehe...I don't think I need to explain this one....
You know the drill, he will definitely get jealous and it won't be pretty.....
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Despite him hurting you and making you feel worthless.
He still wants his darling to be loved.
He gives you kisses every morning, afternoon, and night.
He is clingy like I said before so he will be cuddling you as well <3
But you better enjoy his affection towards you or else....
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He tried to confess to you but he saw that you were with another person and you were giggling and smiling at them.
Then he knew that he had to put his plan into action before he loses you for good....
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
It's the same usual Kyle everyone always knew
But when he's with you, he's a whole new person that's for sure.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Believe me, his punishments can be pretty brutal depending on his mood.
He knows that he may have went a bit too far with hurting you that badly so that's why he patches you up.
He patches you up because he feels a little guilty.
After he bandages you up, he will give you a gentle kiss on the lips while you are still asleep.
Be glad, that Kyle still has empathy in him.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Like I said, he wouldn't want take away a lot of rights.
He would only take away those that involves you socializing with people or using methods to try and escape.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He is patient with people
But won't be as patient If he catches you trying to escape thought....
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He knows that he already spreaded rumors about you.
If you try to get help from somebody they will give you a disgusting look and walk away.
Same thing with the police, they will kick you out of the station.
When everyone rejects you, you had no chance but to return back to Kyle.
When Kyle opens the door and sees you, he smiles and pulls you inside and starts pinning you to the couch while kissing you before you both start cuddling and watching a movie together. (No, he didn't do anything nasty to you he knows better then that, he doesn't like making you uncomfortable)
If you die, well that's mostly because Kyle accidentally killed you while punishing you.
He really messed up this time when he saw that you were moving and breathing.
Did he get down to his knees and start crying you assume?
Yes and no, he didn't get down to his knees but he did started crying because he accidentally killed the love of his life.
Blood pouring out of your body with your eyes hallow signing no life inside them.
He pulls your corpse into his arms as he cries.
He would cry until he sees no point in crying anymore because your gone and never coming back....
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
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Lmao, no
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Cartman literally always ruins Kyle's chance to experience love for once in his life instead of him always getting it from his parents.
Kyle wants to feel love and affection from other people! Not just only his parents.
And due to his mother's constant rage moments has also made him have this aggressive side to him.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
You. Are. Not. In. Control.
Don't even think you are!
You think your meddling crocodile tears is going to scare Kyle into being gaslighted by you?
How cute....~
Kyle finds you so cute when you cry like a whiny brat, it only makes him know that he is always 10 steps ahead of you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You can threaten to hurt Kyle's little brother Ike.
Kyle will not allow that to happen, he will not let anybody lay a single finger on him!
But Kyle will not submit to you trying to manipulate him into letting you go all because you try to hurt Ike.
If you actually do, Kyle will not feel bad about trying to kill you this time....
He never hurted your family so don't try to hurt his!
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, but only when you're bad.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Lmao, he ain't worshipping you.
Not in a million years.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
2 months.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes, but he still wants you to be loved and have a personality.
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Kyle yandere alphabet completed✅✅✅🥺💚🤗
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voraciousvore · 7 months
Bucky's (43/44)
***Contains hard vore, fatality, and some gore***
Chapter 43: Taking Down Bucky
The next morning, Ronny and Martin concealed their tiny girlfriends in their pockets and headed to work. Ronny was thankful to have a big guy like Martin as a sort of bodyguard; he felt like he at least had a fighting chance if they were ambushed by Bucky’s goons. Fortunately, they made it to the Big Corp building without incident. 
The company was in chaos from the scandal. Hardly any of the lower-level employees were actually working. Flurries of emails came from the higher-ups, attempting damage control. Police and reporters were all over the place. As Ronny and Martin walked in, one of the executives was being escorted out in cuffs, making quite a scene with his vociferous protests. 
Once the two Giants made it to the third floor, they took out their girlfriends and walked over toward Candy’s cubicle. Bianca was waiting for them, holding Cesar in her hand. 
“Patty!” he called to her, waving. “Hi!” 
“Oh my gosh! Cesar!” Tanya cried, ecstatic to see him. He was far more energetic than she remembered. When he was stuck at Bucky’s, he had been listless and despondent. “You escaped Bucky’s!” 
“Yes, thanks to Bianca here,” he replied, giving Bianca a tender look that she happily reciprocated. “I saw you on the news, and I just had to say hi! When you left, I hoped you had made it.” 
“Oh, yes! I just hope that Bucky goes to jail!” Tanya declared. 
“Bianca, what happened to Gio?” Candy asked. 
“Oh... things just didn’t work out between us,” Bianca admitted, omitting the more personal details. “But Cesar and I are a much better match!” She beamed. Candy was a little sad to see Gio gone, but she was glad to see Bianca glowing with such joy. 
Before anyone else could speak, Martin exclaimed, “Leon!” Everyone turned to see him striding towards them. “I’m surprised you’re here. I thought you’d still be at the hospital.” 
“I wasn’t hurt too badly,” Leon explained. “All that blood on me belonged to the CEO. My human friend here was hurt worse than me. Regardless, she insisted she wanted to see Tanya, so I brought her here... against my better judgement...” He sighed but smiled down at the tiny human in his hand. She was laying within the curve of his fingers. He maneuvered his hand down, careful not to jostle her with her injuries, so she could talk to Tanya. 
“Patt-er, I mean, Tanya!” Penny cried.  
“Little Debbie!” Tanya responded. “Oh, I’m so relieved to see you! I was worried you were severely injured, or worse...” 
“I’m okay,” she assured Tanya. “I have broken bones, but they’ll heal. Leon is taking good care of me.” She smiled dreamily up at him, then turned back to Tanya. “Oh, and you don’t have to call me Little Debbie anymore. My real name is... Penny.” Though she had trouble saying out loud her true name, after having to hold herself back all the time, her eyes grew wet when she uttered it. Using her real name was significant: It underscored that she was free of that wretched place. 
During all these interactions, Ronny stayed quiet. He observed with a simmering rage the humans who had suffered so much at Bucky’s and had their former lives ripped away from them. Prison didn’t seem like a bad enough punishment for such an evil Giant as Bucky. He feared, like Mr. Hardon, Bucky would be able to grease some palms and finesse the system to get himself released if he was caught. Even with clear evidence of human trafficking, they couldn’t trust the corrupt government to enact justice, especially when many of the politicians had accepted bribes from Big Corp Inc. The winds of change were blowing through, sure, but there were no guarantees, and he didn’t know if change could come quickly enough. 
These thoughts weighed heavily on his mind as the day wore on. His worst fears were confirmed when the startling news broke that Bucky had been taken to the police station and questioned, yet was released without any formal arrests or charges. Ronny knew then that he needed to act. Bucky had likely negotiated some underhanded deal to stave off his arrest. If he was angry, and thirsting for revenge, he knew who was responsible: Tanya. He'd come after her, and take her, and possibly kill him too. Ronny was agitated.  
“We need to do something,” he announced. “We can’t wait any longer.” 
“But what?” Tanya asked. She was trying to act unfazed, but Ronny could tell she was frightened. She had come to the same conclusion he had. 
“I... have a plan,” Ronny stated. “But we’re going to need everyone’s help: Leon, Martin, even Bianca. I don’t know what Bucky will do in retaliation, but it couldn’t hurt to have extra help.” 
Ronny went around to each person and explained his plan. Naturally, they all agreed to help. Bianca went out to run an errand, returning later with what Ronny required for his plan to work. He was becoming increasingly nervous. There was so much that could go wrong. He played with Tanya in his hand like a stress ball, gently squeezing her and rubbing his fingers over her. He had to do this for Tanya. 
When the workday concluded, Ronny left the building alone, aware that he was possibly being watched. He was holding something concealed in his hands, except for the discernable shape of a human head with long brown hair poking out of his fingers, and tiny hands holding onto his for support. He moved cautiously, constantly surveying his surroundings. He was nervous, on high alert for any potential danger. In order for his plan to work, he needed to return to his apartment, but he knew the danger involved was significant. 
His dread was palpable as he approached his apartment building. He started to doubt he was making a solid decision. The long shadows cast from the afternoon sun seemed to stretch and crawl and shift in his peripheral vision. His hands began to sweat, and he shifted Tanya in his hand nervously, but continued to keep her mostly hidden. He had come this far; he couldn’t lose his nerve now. 
He circled around the corner of the brick building, toward the entryway, and that’s when it happened. Ronny was snatched. Several pairs of strong arms grabbed him from behind and dragged him into a nearby alleyway. Ronny yelled in protest and fought back viciously, but his strength was no match for three other big Giants with the element of surprise. A fat knee contacted his stomach and he doubled over with a groan, winded. He was slammed against the bricks and his arms twisted back. He clenched his fists closed, desperately trying to hold on to the human in his hand. 
“No!” Ronny cried out as his sweaty fingers were pulled apart and the human was pried out of his grasp. “Tanya!” 
“Ha! Finally!” Bucky called out from behind him as he wrenched her out of Ronny’s hand. “I got her!” His bloodthirsty grin faded into a frown as he regarded the human in his hand. “What the fuck is this?” Ronny wasn’t carrying a human. The thing in his hand looked like a human, was the same size and shape as a human, but the limbs were plastic, the face vacant and lifeless, the eyes glassy. Bucky had only succeeded in snatching a doll. 
Bucky leaned in on Ronny, smashing him against the wall with his weight. “Where’s Patty? I know you keep her with you. You can’t hide her from me,” he breathed into Ronny’s ear. Ronny grimaced. At such a close proximity, Bucky smelled like greasy fried food. 
“She’s... she’s in my pocket. Please, get off so she doesn’t get crushed...” Ronny gasped, defeated. 
“Cruor, Gore… turn him around,” Bucky growled. The two chefs, one on each of Ronny’s arms, flipped him around and smacked him roughly against the wall. Ronny squirmed helplessly.  
“Which pocket?” Bucky barked. Ronny didn’t answer, instead curling his lips back into a devilish grin. Bucky frowned, swelling with wrath, and stepped forward to frisk him. “That little rat… she’s made a fool of me for the last time. Lucky for me I was able to bribe the police chief. Oh, the things I’m going to do to her… I’m going to teach her the meaning of pain…” 
Suddenly, Martin charged from around the corner, shouting a war cry, and bullrushed Bucky, knocking him to the ground. Leon and Bianca followed, brandishing blunt objects as weapons. Leon clubbed Chef Gore hard on the head with a heavy plank of wood, while Bianca kicked Chef Cruor in the balls. The two Giants, caught by surprise with their hands full, were successfully brought to their knees. 
Ronny, now that his arms were free, jumped into the fray and helped Leon tackle the hefty Chef Gore to the ground. With Ronny holding down his arms, and Leon sitting on his legs, Gore couldn’t resist effectively as Leon smashed his head, dripping with blood, into the pavement. Leon forced a pill down the chef’s throat. 
Meanwhile, Bianca made quick work of Chef Cruor. She shoved him to the ground and collapsed her knees onto his chest with the full force of her weight. As he gasped for breath, she pulled a pill out of her pocket and stuffed it in his mouth. She clamped her hands over his nose and mouth, forcing him to gulp it down. 
Martin, with Bucky pinned beneath him, punched Bucky hard in the face several times. Bucky fought back savagely, delivering a well-aimed blow to Martin’s solar plexus that caused him to crumble in pain. He knocked Martin to the side and rolled on top of him. His face was swollen, bloody, and bright red as he cranked his fist back with a crazed look to slug Martin with all his might. Ronny and Leon grabbed his arm and wrenched him off of Martin. With a snarl, Martin dived forward and wrestled him into a chokehold. 
Gore and Cruor tried to interfere, but as they clawed at Ronny and Leon, the pills took effect. Both Giants convulsed to the floor as their innards burned and cramped. They shrank down, buried in their own clothes. Bianca snatched them up and threw the confused tiny men into a cloth sack. 
Bucky bucked and writhed with increased ferocity when he saw his henchmen shrink, but he couldn’t resist all three men at once. As they grappled him into submission, Bianca came at him with a pill. Bucky snapped at her fingers with his teeth, but Bianca was undeterred. She gripped his lower jaw so he couldn’t bite and jammed a pill between his lips. Bucky refused to swallow it initially, but Bianca didn’t give him a choice, smothering him and pulling his head up to elongate his throat until he strained and gagged and finally gulped it down. 
Bianca let go of Bucky’s head, and he gasped for breath. He slumped in the arms of the other men, realizing he had lost. “Shit,” he grumbled, before his face puckered up in agony and his body began to shrivel. Ronny and Leon found themselves holding nothing more than empty sleeves as Bucky’s arms receded. Martin stood up and dusted off his shirt. Bianca reached into the pile of clothes and pulled out the tiny form of the rotund man, now only about the size of a big meatball. She tossed him into the sack with the miniature chefs. 
“Now what?” she asked Ronny. 
“Well, we can’t trust the police...” Ronny expressed, scratching the patch of hair on his chin. “But we can’t let them go free either.” 
Bianca’s eyes gleamed with hunger. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking, then?” She grinned down at the squirming sack in her hands. 
Leon went pale. “Uh, I’ll catch up with you guys later. I’ll go back to the office. Our human companions should be safely locked up in my office, but it’d be best if someone was there... um...” Stumbling over his words, he scurried off while wringing his hands. 
Martin licked his lips and swallowed. “Well, if there’s really no other way to settle this legally and keep our humans safe...” Despite his misgivings, he was starting to drool as his Maneater blood fired up inside him. “It seems we don’t have much of a choice.” 
A cruel expression crossed over Ronny’s face and his dark eyes glinted with hatred. He may have changed, but evil Ronny was still lurking beneath the surface for when he was needed, and now was the time to use him. “Let’s do it.” They bundled up the loose clothing and discarded everything into a nearby dumpster. Ronny picked up the human-sized doll off the ground and stared at it. The plastic had been deformed by the mass of a Giant falling on top of it, and the limbs were bent at weird angles. Ronny felt a stab of fury as he considered that could have been Tanya. He threw the doll in the trash with the clothes and guided the others upstairs to his apartment. 
“There’s one of them for each of us, so plenty to go around. But I want Bucky,” Ronny growled, dripping with wrath. A whine of protest emitted from the sack in Bianca’s hand; she shook it as she ascended the stairs. 
“Can I eat the other guy, with the dark hair?” Bianca asked. 
Martin shrugged. “Fine by me.”  
They entered the apartment and lumbered into the kitchen. Ronny set a loaf of bread on the counter and pulled out condiments and other sandwich ingredients from the fridge. Martin stared down at the spread apprehensively, but hungrily. As much as he liked to be gentle, he couldn’t deny his base instincts. Bianca was hopping with excitement. She groped around in the sack until she found her prey and pulled him out. 
“Me first!” she declared. Chef Cruor wriggled weakly in her fist. Bianca grabbed a slice of bread and placed the small man down on it, pinning him with her finger as she layered cheese, lettuce, and tomato on top of him. She covered the other slice with mayo and slapped it all together. 
“Don’t forget, Bianca, you can’t swallow him whole. Unless you want to end up like Mr. Wolfe,” Ronny reminded her. The Giantess nodded firmly and flashed her teeth at her supper. Cruor flopped and flailed like a fish out of water in the sandwich, but as always, he seemed tired and defeated, simply going through the motions as was expected of him. 
Martin grabbed his own meaty snack and prepped his sandwich, loading it up as he preferred it. Chef Gore was a bit larger, and put up more of a fight, but Martin easily subdued him with his big strong hands. He clamped the red-headed man between the two slices of bread, so his head was sticking out on one side and his feet on the other end. Martin raised the sandwich up to his mouth and smacked his lips. If he was going to do such a barbaric act, he might as well enjoy it. 
Finally, Ronny fished out Bucky from the sack and held him up to his face between two fingers. Bucky had shrunk the smallest out of the three. “How does it feel, Bucky?” he gloated. “To have the tables turned on you? To suffer the same fate as all the humans before you?” 
“Fuck you!” Bucky spat, glaring at him. He had no remorse or empathy for the humans, only rage. Ronny mercilessly prepared his sandwich, just as Bianca and Martin did before him, and shoved Bucky inside.  
He lifted his sandwich up triumphantly. “Cheers!” Martin and Bianca also raised their squirming sandwiches, as if making a toast. The kitchen was filled with screams as all three bit into their sandwiches. The screams went silent and only the sound of cracking and crunching was heard as the Giants chewed and ate their sandwiches. All three savored and enjoyed their meals as trickles of blood ran from their lips. 
Bianca was the first to finish her sandwich and wiped off her face with a napkin. “Delicious,” she murmured. “I wasn’t expecting such flavor. He tasted like a fried fish fillet.” 
“Mmph,” Ronny agreed, with his mouth full. He swallowed. “Bucky tasted like pork tenderloin. How could such a repulsive man taste so good? It must have something to do with those pills.” 
Martin took the longest to finish his sandwich, since his was the meatiest. He gulped down the final bite and sighed, rubbing his belly. “He tasted like spaghetti sauce and meatballs.” Ronny gave Martin a jealous look, then laughed. 
“Let’s go back to the office. Our humans are waiting for us,” Martin suggested. He wanted to be back with Candy more than anything. The Giants cleaned themselves up, so their mouths and faces wouldn’t be covered in blood, and left. 
Chapter 44
Chapter 1
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Missed. PCY
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Fem! Reader x Park Chanyeol.
L&O: SVU AU! established couple, married, Dectective AU!
Plot: You lost you baby after being attacked by someone.
WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse and pregnancy lost, revenge, and violence.
You and Chanyeol have been through a lot during your marriage, good things, bad things, you are already married and the desire you shared together was to have a child, despite how heavy his work was but Chanyeol seeing that everyone was already with children or grandchildren, he also wanted a baby ... and more if it was with you, the person he loved and protected.
One day both agreed to do it, already having the resources both physically and mentally to have a baby, one day the symptoms showed after a few days of Valentine's Day. "Honey, I don't feel well" you said softly and the one at her desk looked at her worried and approached you, the dizziness was increasing and nausea the same, Amanda saw you and knew instantly. Says the voice of experience (she has two daughters). Your office phone rang and you answered "Dectective YLN." You said as you got up to attend to the case and fell to the floor. "YLN" said the whole squadron and approached you, everyone was scared and more Chanyeol called 911 and they took you to the hospital.
The doctors checked you and sure enough, you were pregnant, your shocked face was unique" pregnant?" You said softly. Chanyeol was outside and worried. The doctor called him and looked at you in the chair with a slight and soft smile "Mr. Park...Your wife is pregnant, congratulations" he said with a smile and Chanyeol came up to you and hugged you, he was feeling very happy. Tears in his eyes he was very happy"I'm gonna be the best father that baby has ever known" he said smiling broadly.
How could that change out of nowhere? I was at the station 7 months pregnant, Chanyeol was out on an operation with the team, I hated the desk job you went through the cells. Then you went downstairs and saw no one, you walked for an Iced Tea at the store near the precinct and several people accosted you. "Ow, it's too bad the detective can't defend herself, call the police" they said you only heard laughter and jeers as they beat you up, they took your gun and your badge "my baby" was all you could think about. A lady and her son passed by and called for help, Chanyeol arrived and didn't see you "and YLN?" Said Olivia, Captain of the unit.
One of the phones rang, Tutuola answered "Detective YLN is in the hospital, she was attacked" it was not a good idea to have put that on speaker Chanyeol was in shock, he looked for his things "We will take you" said Olivia and they rushed to the hospital, Chanyeol ran as soon as he saw the doctor "YN, how is she? How are they?" He said desperately looking for some answer in the Doctor's expressions "Mr. Park, your wife lost her baby, I'm so sorry. We are checking her" he said with a withdrew face, Chanyeol fell to the floor the team came closer scared" we lost it...the baby" his look was empty" The doctor will tell YN what happened...don't feel that weight on you Chanyeol" Fin said and Chanyeol looked at him and got up " I want to see her, where is she? YN" he said low and Olivia nodded and spoke to the doctor, by the time you reacted, the doctor was with you, he explained that the amount of blows and the force of them, you lost the baby and the proper extraction was performed.
Tears came out of your eyes and Chanyeol came in and saw you, he could not bear to see you like this, hurt and empty. "YN" said the soft one "forgive me" you said "it was not your fault..." said the soft one " I'm by your side" said the soft one and his voice broke and tears stayed like that for a while.
Those were sad days for both of you, you didn't want to eat and not everything was the same, each one took the mourning in a different way, Chanyeol didn't sleep at night, he had an inner rage that didn't let him, he put an investigation against the attackers, Chanyeol investigated on his own and found them, he called Fin and gave him details of what he found. They would do something, something outside the law, they found each one and slowly paid back everything they did to you and your son. "Oh...now you want to apologize to me?" Chanyeol said hitting him with the bat.
He was doing it with so much hatred " Chanyeol stop it" he said and Chanyeol didn't stop, he was so exalted, Chanyeol was going to give one more hit and this one stopped him" no...it was enough" said Fin and Chanyeol saw him "You think it was enough for them...to hit my wife and kill my son, huh?" He said looking him in the eyes his gaze was cold" come on...if Olivia finds out about this they will end up demoting me and expelling you" he said and Chanyeol took the bat away. He came home clean, he looked at you resting on the sofa" kitten" he whispered "they already got what they deserved... "he said and he put himself next to you and you woke up.
You never knew what happened, Chanyeol would tell you at some point, but not now.
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manuedws · 2 years
Too late to apologize - Part 6
Part 5 here
It was not yet 8 o'clock when she entered  the Duskwood police station, with a quick and sure step, her laptop case in her hand.  At this early hour, the place was quiet, the woman at the reception was busy reading a big file, a mug of coffee in her hand. She looked up when MC entered, and after examining the young woman dressed in a strict dark suit, she asked  : 
- "FBI ? ", Asked the woman 
- "First floor, the meeting room at the end of the corridor." Continued the woman without waiting for Mc's confirmation.
After climbing the stairs, Mc walked along the corridor towards the double glass door from which bursts of voices were coming out.
Just before reaching the meeting room, on the left, was a large room with a wooden door left open. Alan was there, sitting at his desk, and Mc greeted him. The man raised his head and looked at her. Dressed in that suit, her hair perfectly pulled back in a bun, her head held high and her face more relaxed, she was nothing like the frightened and lost little creature he had met a few hours earlier.
- "Hello MC,  I was just thinking of you,
I have some news that will probably please you :
I informed the prefect of last night's operations. He is strongly opposed to this type of action, especially in the vicinity of the mine. There are mine galleries everywhere down there, one blast could bring the whole thing down. The museum alone provides a large part of the region's tourist income, so local officials are not looking favorably on the latest events. All this agitation is not good for tourism, nobody wants to be between the police and a criminal on the run.  It also seems that the environmental associations, also informed anonymously, have also intervened with him to prohibit the continuation of these actions.
There will probably be sanctions against those responsible.
I'm sure you'll have great pleasure in informing agent Solis of the situation?
Alan said with a smile, getting up from his desk.
MC smiled, she had no doubt about the identity of the anonymous informant.She was surprised, but pleased with the cooperation of the police chief.
In the meeting room there was some commotion, agents seemed to be having a lively discussion about yesterday's explosion, not all of them sharing the same opinion. By throwing a glance among the assembly MC noticed that Solis had not yet arrived, which explained why the other agents were commenting on his decisions.
Accompanied by Allan, she greeted some agents of her acquaintance. Most of these men were good people, they were just carrying out the orders of their superior. After serving themselves a coffee and pastries from the buffet, they settled at a table, while a big guy was in charge of checking connections  for the video conference that was about to start. MC asked about Richy and Hannah :They were still under surveillance at the hospital, but they had not yet been questioned by the police, as Alan wanted to do it himself.  
Solis arrived at exactly 8 o'clock, and when he saw Alan's presence near MC,  he gritted his teeth, which made MC gloat, of course. She knew that Solis was not going to miss her, that she would have to explain her decisions, and that there was a possibility that her lies would be discovered at any moment.
They say the best defense is a good offense, and that was the strategy she had decided to take since her arrival in Duskwood, and she wasn't going to stop there. Attack him, provoke him, lead the dance, pace the game, forcing him to react rather than leaving him time to plan attacks against her.  Solis being a sanguine, he was likely to blow up at any moment, and lose his credibility.
At this point, she was convinced that, above being a big asshole, he had a responsibility in the Nymos case. For 4 years, he had been tracking the hacker relentlessly, with rage.  Of course, it was him who had arrested Jack Andrews 4 years ago, and it was under his responsibility that two federal agents had been killed, which could explain his desire for revenge. Nevertheless there was something unhealthy in this relentlessness. If at first, she had thought that he could have made a mistake at the time causing the death of his colleagues, and that he was still trying to cover up today, she was now convinced that it was much more serious than that. 
The connection with the headquarters of the cybercrime unit was established and on the screen, Sally Carpenter greeted the assembly. Next to her, Chief Johnson was talking with his deputy, leaning over a cell phone. Then he looked up and said that the meeting could start, he asked directly about Nymos.
Solis spoke up :
- "We still haven't been able to catch him, but we have confirmation that he has been in the mines. With the help of the army and the local police, we have secured the perimeter, we are controlling the area, he can't escape. It is only a matter of time'. he said, proudly.
But, We have another problem here, before we continue this briefing, I have a special request : 
 Agent Martins has been acting suspiciously since she was assigned to this undercover mission.  I don't think she shared all of her conversations with Nymos with us. She even came here without prior authorization,  and I have reason to believe that she is protecting this bastard. I am requesting her immediate suspension while an investigation is conducted against her, and to avoid interference with the arrest of the target."
Johnson, visibly upset, cut him off:
- "Solis, you are making a very serious accusation.  Do you have anything to back that up?'
- "Since she has been involved in the case, she has constantly refuted the elements of the case, she even dared to question the psychological profile of the target which was established 4 years ago at the time of the facts. I believe that all this is a charade, she has been collaborating with nymos since the beginning."
- "Solis, I myself assigned agent Martins to this investigation. Should I also be suspected ?" replied Johnson
- "Chief, she..."
Johnson resumed : 
-"Agent Martins has only been within  our team for six months, so she can't be connected to that case ? And  in any way, why would she help a fugitive escape?"
- "As a reminder, Nymos has, among other things, embezzled more than 240 million euros, that's enough good reasons for me.
MC laughed.
- " Chief, she was in possession of a major information : she Knew Nymos was going to those mines, that could help us catch him, but she kept it to herself ..."
- "No, she informed me," cut off Sally, leaving Solis speechless, "She gave herself a few moments of reflection to know what was the best thing to do, but you arrived on the scene immediately afterwards."
- "I would like to add that at this very moment, it was no longer just a matter of capturing Nymos, but also of freeing two civilians from the mines, and Alan Bloomgate was also on his way there, " Added MC
- "Indeed," said Alan, "she sent me to the scene” 
It was a half-truth, and MC wondered about Alan's motives.
Mc continued:
- "Nymos trusts me, he would have come to me. I don't need to commandeer dozens of men to get him, nor do I need to blow up dynamite, nor do I need to burn down a forest to do it. She said insolently, staring at Solis who was on the verge of implosion.
Have you read the press this morning? The office is being shot down... We're being made to look like fools !  There's a regiment of cops in the woods and the fugitive is still at large. And all this because Agent Solis has lost all measure in this case, she says, he doesn't want an arrest, he wants an execution, he wants Nymos' skin."
- "That bastard slaughtered two of our agents" Solis almost shouted.
- " Maybe, but it's not up to you to decide the sentence, that's not how justice works!  And I don't want innocent people to risk their lives for your thirst for revenge, Solis, it's YOUR way that should be investigated!"
Johnson ruled with annoyance:
- "Solis, Martins, we got it. Put up your differences for now, or I'll suspend you both. We'll clear this up later !
Well ... let's continue ... so nymos would still be in the mine?"
- " No, MC answered, He sent me a message last night, he is far now." 
Sally spoke up:
- " Mc transferred the message to me, it is a simple text message, so it was simple to find the GSM tower that was used,  she says, clapping her hands, obviously terribly excited about these discoveries."
She typed on her computer and shared on screen  the map of the area .
“You're here,"
she continued as she circled Duskwood on the map. She pointed to another area,  west of the first point, and added  :
- “  The text from Nymos to MC was sent from this area last night at 10:10 pm.  Mc forwarded the message to me at 23:00. Luckily I was still in the office, I started tracking the cell phone about 10 mns later"
She drew a line on the map away from the second point and headed for the west coast, to represent the path taken by the cell phone.
"The cell phone appears to have stopped in this area around 12:30 a.m. and has not moved since.  By triangulation, we can determine within 200 m where Nymos was last night. It is a tourist area by the sea, with many hotels.
I lost the phone signal about an hour ago.  
This is just a guess on my part, but it is possible that Nymos made his first mistake :  He simply forgot to turn off his phone after texting MC. He would have thought of that this morning when he woke up. 
A man next to me asked:
- "Does this mean that the man we are looking for is taking a dive in the sea?"
- "At 7:00 this morning, he was safely in this seaside resort, indeed.
If we look at his route, we can assume that he would have left Duskwoood at the latest yesterday at 20:00 to be able to send a text message to MC from this place.  Logically, he must have prepared his departure, so we can even think that he could have left the mine before the security perimeter around it was established."
- "Can he lead us on? Make it look like he's there when he's still in Duskwood ? Johnson asked.
- " He has shown us many times how smart he is...indeed, he can easily hack a GMS tower. But in this particular case, he would have had to tamper with over a hundred relays. So, I sincerely don't think it's possible."
Johnson didn't answer anything, reading with a bored look a note that had just been brought to him.
- Well, I just got my ass handed to me by my superiors. Thanks Solis! I've got a prefect and an environmental organization on my back!  Everyone leave the area immediately," he finally said.
He turned to his deputy : 
- "I want a team of five agents in the area where Nymos was located last time, and I demand discretion this time. The rest of the teams are going back to their main assignments. The military are already on their way "
Alan spoke up before MC could:
- " I would like to remind you that we also have an investigation in progress here: the abduction of Miss DONFORT,  I wish I could check in with MC, who took part in this."
Jonhson Nodded :
- " Mc, I count on your collaboration with the local police. Anyway, we still have hope that Nymos will contact you. It seems more logical that you stay here, you continue the mission that she originally planned.  
Solis, before you leave Duskwood, I want a detailed report of the damage caused by your intervention, and I want it on my desk within two days. Moreover, I am asked to justify the money invested over the last 4 years in this investigation, you will have to be convincing.
  You two,  behave yourself in the meantime, we'll explain ourselves when you get back.
End of the meeting" he announced.
MC smiled, she thought of Lilly, and of the polemic she was in charge of launching.  And at the same time, she felt a certain apprehension : Solis had just been slapped on the wrist, and was in an uncomfortable situation, she feared that this would push him to act quickly and strongly. Looking at her phone, she saw Sally had sent her a message : “We need to talk, I'll call you during lunch break.” She replied with a quick answer and left the meeting room.  
She needed to get some fresh air before getting back to work. It had been two years since she last touched a cigarette, but at that very moment, she was craving one. 
On the ground floor of the police station, in the waiting room, were familiar faces. elle ne pu s'empêcher de sourire.
Jessy who saw her first, blinked in surprise.
- "Mc?" Detailing the young woman from head to toe. "Mc? Is it you?" While a beautiful smile lit up her face.
The two young women hugged each other, and MC heard her friend burst into tears in her arms. She was feeling the same pain: Richy!!! The two young women, moved, whispered words of comfort to each other.
Dan was looking at her, moved. 
- "You look terrible you know?" she said affectionately, while taking his hands and holding them. 
- "I don't get any comments from anyone dressed like a penguin”, he replied  mockingly.
- “Thanks for All" she whispered while bending over to give him a friendly kiss on his cheek.
Then she found herself in front of Lilly and the two young women looked into each other's eyes. After a rocky start, they had shared so much, and Lilly was perhaps the only person MC could trust at that moment. After all, someone had told Solis about Jake's presence in the mines, and it was probably one of them, but certainly not Lilly.  
- "How cute" ,a voice rumbled behind her, "Agent Martins, how are you going to explain to them that you've been making fun of them all along? "
Solis was standing there, leaning against the wall, looking evil.
- "Agent Martins," Cleo questioned?
- "What does that mean? Are you FBI?" Asked Jessy.
Lilly stiffened more and more at her, but Mc couldn't say a single word. 
-" Are you after hackerboi?" Dan asked, stunned, the disappointment visible on his face.
Only Thomas did not say anything, he just lowered his eyes and looked at his shoes, but his attitude said everything. 
Mc stared down, unable to find the words to defend herself. What to say anyway? She had lied to them, admittedly without really having a choice, but she had lied anyway.
She didn't see anything happen, she just felt Lily's hand clapping loudly on her cheek. 
- "You used us" Roared Lilly, angry, " You are …. You are… "
MC put her hand on her red and sore cheek, ashamed, and looked deep into lilly's eyes. She was understanding  her friend's anger, and almost excused her violent gesture. She was only scared that Lilly would tell anything that would jeopardize her safety and that of her brother. 
She heard that asshole laughing, he must have had a blast watching her get roughed up by Lilly.
-" You said you wanted to help us, But you just wanted to catch Jake" stammered lilly.
Mc stared intently into lilly's eyes, ready to react to any dangerous comment from the blonde girl. But finally, Lilly declared that she wouldn't stay in the same room as the traitor for another minute, and she left the police station.
Mc glanced apologetically at the others, who was staring at her, stunned.
- "I think you have a lot to tell us," Cleo said finally.
Next part here
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Little wolf - Jerome Valeska
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<- Previous Chapter <-
Warnings: gore, adult language, abuse, murder
Word Count: 1411 Words
Phoenix's P.O.V
My Father dragged me out to the car and practically threw me in the back where I found the wolves in chains. The rest of the family got in the car and my father just kept driving. No one said anything at all. After a while of driving my father broke the silence. "I told you not to go to the police station, I told you to stay away! You stupid thick-headed bitch! You can't do one thing right!" He yelled. After a while we stopped in front of a house. 
Everyone got out and my father dragged me out of the car. He pulled me inside and then threw me down some stairs. meanwhile I was sobbing as I hit the cement floor hard. It looked like a basement. Only little windows, cement walls and a cement floor, That's it nothing else. My father threw down each wolf without a care whether any of them were hurt or not. He shut the door locking it behind him with out a word. I felt and found a light switch and the lights turned on. I looked around for an exit however there were none. I banged on the basement door but to no avail. After a while I sat against the wall and continued to cry. Then gradually I got tired and fell asleep not knowing what would happen next. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
It's been 6 months. I've been kept in the basement for 6 months or at least I think it's been 6 months. My parents or siblings only ever come down when they want to blow off steam. So far, I've had quite a few broken bones. I feel sick, I haven't eaten in 2 days, My parents feed me very little food. 4 months ago, they took the wolves away. Said they killed them just to be spiteful. Now I just sit against the concrete wall and stare off into space. every now and again I'd cry but I feel little to no energy to even do that anymore. I practically look like a skeleton. 'I miss Jerome' I thought. but I can't miss him, he killed his mother. A part of me wishes that I told the police my parents abused me. Then I wouldn't be here.
By the looks of things, it was night-time. I just sat in the dark not even bothering to turn the light on. Then the basement door opened and light flooded into the room. In came my mother and my father holding a baseball bat. My father turned the light on as My mother swiftly grabbed me by my hair lifting me to my feet only to then kicked me in the stomach. sending me to my hands and knees on the floor. "You know you were always a mistake when you were born, let's erase that mistake. Shall we dear?" My father said to my mother. "Yes, It's time we erase this mistake." she said with venom in her voice. With that My father started Hitting my back hard with the baseball bat. I fully collapsed to the floor screaming and crying. Every hit went threw me like I was hit my a truck. Bang, Bang, Bang! Then suddenly something snapped inside of me. Something I never felt before. all of a sudden I felt this burst of Rage, I've never felt like this. It felt Powerful.
I quickly got to my knees and pushed My mother away causing her to go flying into the wall. I caught the bat just before it swung around to hit me again and yanked it out of my father's hands and hit him across the face with it. I'm on my knees and I look at my hands. I feel a sharp pain in my finger tips. Instead of nails they are replaced with sharp claws and black veins going up and down my skin. I look at one of the broken pieces of glass that was left on the ground. I saw my reflection except with glowing golden eyes and fangs replacing my teeth. Then my bones started snapping inside of me. I screamed out in pain. I started seeing things in red rather than clear as I struggled on the floor. I convulsed on the floor for a second which felt like hours and with one more push in my body, I screamed in pain then suddenly the pain stopped. I looked down and I was on all fours and my hands were paws! I felt this hunger for meat and this urge to kill anything with a pulse, a thirst for blood. Then everything went black.
Third person P.O.V
Phoenix had lost control completely . The animal had awakened and taken control of her. As the rage coursed through her veins the wolf grew hungrier. She was now fully transformed into a wolf. The wolf was at least 5 ft tall and had pure white fur. 
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Phoenix's mother had managed to stand up and grab the bat as she looked at Phoenix in pure shock. Before she could get a swing in phoenix had pounced on top of her mother and began doing what every hungry wild animal does, Attack. Phoenix started biting, scratching, and ripping her mother apart while her mother struggled and screamed for help. All that could be heard was her mother's cries of pain and suffering and Phoenix's rage fed off of her screams. Until it was all cut off with one snap. 
Then her mother fell limp, not moving  As phoenix was ripping her mothers chest open her father had managed to stand up behind her. Phoenix saw out of the corner of her eye and instantly charged at the man. In no time he was on the ground screaming and begging for his life like phoenix's mother had moments ago. As phoenix ripped into his chest and scratched out his heart. Her father's screams died out and there was an eerie silence in the air of the basement. The entire basement was covered in blood and ripped out human flesh was spread out all over the floor. The smell of metallic blood coated the air.
Then the blood thirsty Phoenix made her way up the stairs to the ground floor. She heard footsteps upstairs so she snuck up the stairs. She got up to the second level and looked down the hall seeing 2 open doors. Phoenix crept into her sister's room first. Her sister was asleep in her bed, her hair sprawled out across the pillow. Quickly phoenix jumped on top of her sister and scratched her face off. 
Her sister struggled in a panic but In no time phoenix had her jaws around her sister's neck. Her sister's arms flailed around as phoenix put pressure on her sisters neck. Within seconds a snap was heard, and phoenix's sister's body fell limp in phoenix's jaw. By this point what used to be white fur was now blood-stained bright red fur. Phoenix dropped her sisters dead corse back on the bed and turned her head as she heard the sound of shuffling. she got off the bed and walked out of her sisters room.
Phoenix crept down the hallway to her brother's room to see he was playing a game in front of the TV with his headphones on. Phoenix stalked towards him from behind and pounced on his back. she attacked the back of his neck, biting at it and then she bit into his right shoulder after her brother started struggling obviously still alive. her brother fell to the ground, Phoenix going with him. She ripped and slashed at his back until he stopped struggling and fell silent. After she had finished ripping her brothers back to shreds she walked back out into the hallway as She started feeling dizzy. she walked towards the staircase and began going down it. she made it halfway down the stairs before she collapsed on the stairs. As she blacked out again, her body shifted back into her human form slowly from exhaustion.
-> Next Chapter ->
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backtohawkins · 2 years
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good luck and have a bitchin’ summer!
In many cases, the eldest daughter in a family is treated like a third parent. They’re expected to be quiet, respectful and emotionally mature for their age. Julie learned about that early on. She was always expected to watch out for her siblings, Jo and Jack, and be a good role model for them. And in front of her parents, Julie always was. Julie was a Girl Scout, a flutist in the marching band, involved in her church’s choir, an actress in school plays, a B average student, and the starting setter in volleyball. She was seemingly the perfect kid. But it was all a façade.
Too much pressure led her to find ways of blowing off steam. It began small, with the occasional stolen sip of alcohol from her parents’ liquor cabinets. By high school, though, it had escalated to parties, hookups and dealing weed on the side. Julie was always careful, always stuck to people she knew wouldn’t rat her out. Every Saturday night was spent partying, and every Sunday morning found her sneaking back into her bedroom just in time to get ready for church. Jack helped cover for her when he could, and her parents were none the wiser. Julie knew to get what she wanted, she just had to dress up and play the part of the perfect daughter. And luckily for her, she was a great actor.
At eighteen, she knew she had to get out of Hawkins. As much as she was okay with her double life in theory, she knew she needed to find some way of taking care of herself without her father's money. Her parents supported her going to college, although her mother assumed she was going purely to get her MRS degree. In reality, Julie’s a raging bisexual who would rather die than become a housewife. So, she began to think logically about what she wanted to do with her life and one career came to mind - law. For as long as Julie can remember, she’s seen injustices in the world and wanted to help right them. She’s a free spirit with a desire to help those who can’t help themselves, which helped motivate a usually mid-level student to get through most of her Pre-Law degree at Indiana University Northwest.
During the summer before her sophomore year, Julie got the call that something had happened to Jack. He’d passed away in a fire at the Starcourt Mall very unexpectedly - so quickly that she hadn’t even had time to say goodbye. It broke her heart knowing that her little brother, her best friend in many ways, was just gone. Julie took a year off school to grieve, putting her life on hold while she unsuccessfully attempted to process Jack’s death.
A few weeks ago, her family let her know that Jack had come home finally. In their minds, he was just missing. He’d been found living in a commune in the forest. But how the hell was that possible when he’d died? The possibility of seeing Jack again was enough to get Julie out of Gary, Indiana and on a bus straight back home. While she tries to figure out just what happened to her baby brother, Julie’s gotten an internship with the District Attorney’s office. Maybe hanging around City Hall and the police station can help her uncover some of the truth about the sleepy little town she grew up in.
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dharlesblog · 3 months
Go Blog Post
Out of all the films we have viewed in this class, Go has the best opening scene out of all of them. Shugihara is the main character and starts the film off by beating up a majority of the basketball players he is currently on the court with in a fit of rage. With all of the screaming and jump kicks, it is a very humorous scuffle. Following that display, Shugihara gets involved with some yakuza members and proceeds to play chicken with a subway and race it before it comes to a stop, which he succeeds in doing. After a high speed chase, Shugihara and his associates are arrested and then his father beats him up in the police station. This high intensity opening set a gritty yet humorous tone throughout the whole movie.
While for me personally this opening set of scenes is never outdone by any other scenes in the movie, the rest of Go is filled with characters that are exaggerated caricatures of tropes you would see in western films. The love interest for example, instead of being an underdeveloped character for the main character to become attracted to, has her own air of mystique around her, and their relationship develops realistically for the setting Go takes place in. The true wild card throughout the whole film however is Shugihara’s father. He is a North Korean and is shown giving discipline to Shugihara through quite violent means throughout the whole movie. By the end of the movie, you will have seen Shugihara take so many physical and emotional blows that you feel exhausted just by watching him and the consequences of his actions. At one point, Shugihara even gets in a boxing match with his own father, who cheats and knocks out one of his front teeth.
One of the primary conflicts that Go tries to tackle is the idea of identity, since Shugihara is Korean, it causes him social issues at school and makes him feel like an outcast to everyone around him. Because of the nature of his identity, his social life including that involving his girlfriend, who temporarily breaks up with him because of his nationality. Go feels like a movie reaction to western films like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, with the main characters of both films breaking the forth wall and directly discussing what type of film this is going to be and what to expect from it. Since the film starts off with multiple action scenes, it sets the tone of a high-octane thriller, but Shugihara directly tells the audience with voice over that this is a movie about a love story instead. Go stands out as a film with unique ideas compared to the other films viewed in this class, discussing themes of identity in an over the top comedy format.
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steele-soulmate · 7 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 492, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death
WORDS: 1171
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“Quiet! Don’t wake her up!”
I was awake at once, my heart pounding loudly in my chest as I feigned sleep.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw… look at the cute little baby!”
“Hard to believe that Master Eric took her as his spiritual bride and she married another man!”
A wild gasp flew out of my mouth as my eyes flew open. The first things I saw were three copies of my childhood rapist’s face clustered around me.
“Ah, welcome back to the land of the living!”
I whimpered as one of the cult members reached into Baby Violet Marie’s hospital issued bassinet and took her out, bouncing her in his arms, getting a soft whimper out of her.
“I can see why Master Eric liked you,” continued another man, reaching out to touch my cheek. “I bet your pussy is-”
The next few seconds happened so fast, but the next thing I knew was that a horrifying roar exploded at the door before the three intruders began to fly all around the room.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DUMB SHITS DOING TERRORIZING MY WIFE AND NEWBORN DAUGHTER?” roared Peter as he battered the celt members around in a full rage.
Security rushed into the room as my older husband bashed two cult members’ head together, snarling and panting as he placed himself in front of my bed, blocking me from my harassers as he cradled our newborn daughter in his muscular arms.
BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP screamed the monitor that was measuring my heartbeats, sending a duo of worried nurses racing into the otherwise chaotic room. I was gently forced back into the pillows and had an oxygen mask fitted over my face.
Peter I screamed. I want Peter, I want my husband-
“Sweetheart, oh my sweetheart,” my soulmate whimpered, nudging a nurse out of his way so that he could shuffle in closer to me. “What do you want from me?”
I need to suck my teddy cock.
“Sweetheart…” he grumbled as Baby Violet Marie woke up and started to fuss lightly. “I’ll just be over here, changing Baby Violet Marie’s diaper, okay? I’m not leaving you- I promise.”
I watched as he settled her onto the hospital issued changing station, looking comically out of proportion with my imposing in height soulmate as he changed her diaper, singing and making funny faces at her the whole while.
“Bum bum bum boo budda bum,” he sang out before as he made a face at her and playfully poked at her tummy. “Yabba dabba doo!”
“How long have they been camped out in the waiting room?” I rasped out, loving how affectionate and sweet Peter was being to the result of our neverending love to each other.
“Since the morning after you were admitted to give birth,” a nurse told me, her voice honest and worn. “They have been quite literally terrorizing all who sets foot into the hospital and have been told to leave many times. We also had to call the police on several such occasions to have them forcibly removed from the property, but they still kept returning.”
I removed the oxygen mask from my face once more in order to ask a question. “But if the Eric Dessmor fan club is a terrorist organization classified by the FBI, then why haven’t they all been arrested at this point?”
“Hey there, I have my college degree in nursing, not criminal justice!” teased the second nurse as she pressed a stethoscope to the pulse point in my wrist. “Your heart rate is still a little bit high, but I don’t think that’s really anything to worry about- not with all the unwanted stress that you’ve been under!”
“Thank you, ladies,” Peter sighed, turning back to face me with Baby Violet Marie looking like an adorably snug little bug in a rug from where she was cocooned in blankets against his manly chest.
“Is he truly as big are they say he is?” the first nurse wondered as she was retucking me back into bed.
“Shilo!” gasped the second nurse, smacking her in the backside of her head.
“What? You were wondering back at the nurse’s station!” tattled the first nurse with a huff. “Don’t you dare deny it!”
Shilo was dragged from the room by a bright red nurse, who couldn’t look either my grumbling husband or I in the eye.
I flopped backwards into my throne of pillows, roaring with giggles of mirth.
“I never should have done that fucking PlayGirl spread,” he bemoaned. “It was just a dumb publicity stunt that I did to pump up my music career.”
“Well, you do know that the kids will probably find those pictures one day, and when they do-” I started to point out, bursting out into laughter at the look that shot me.
“NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.” His nostrils flared out as he sulked about with Baby Violet Marie in his arms. “I will quite literally do anything- anything at all- to preserve our kid’s sense of childlike wonder and innocence.”
“But my love, those pictures are up on Google for everyone to see,” I informed him, accepting Baby Violet Marie in for a cuddle and to let her nurse from my tit. “And you know how curious kids can get. We can try our absolute best at shielding the kids from that part of your life, but it just simply will not ever be enough.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” he glowered darkly.
I chuckled at his state of mind before turning to coo down at Baby Violet Marie, who had grasped onto a thick strand of bright red curls and was staring up at me with her mommy’s sapphire blue eyes.
“Baby Violet Marie, how old will you be when you first discover you father’s naughty pictures?” I asked her.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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jjkafterhours · 2 years
“reversal of the heart” actually captured my heart. the way you wrote it felt so natural and I’m glad it headed in a different direction than straight-up angst…lol….i don’t think I would’ve been strong enough for that…..you’re excellent at characterizing these characters and it’s genuinely just beautiful writing. bravo
TAGS/WARNINGS;; angst, slow-burn but I’m impatient, guilt, nudity (not very explicit), kissing, fluff, everybody needs a hug @m00dycr4nkybitc @brumous11
WC;; 5K+
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NOTES;; FINALLY GOT MY LAZY ASS TO WRITE I’M SO SORRYYY. Also I have received several asks for part 8, but I just wanted to honor this one, because it was the first ask/comment I had received when I first started this series, and look how far we've all come. Thank you so much, anon, as well as everybody else, for hanging on so far <3 PART ONE PART TWO PART THREE PART FOUR PART FIVE PART SIX PART SEVEN
mini playlist ♡♡♡
“So you ran away.”
Megumi does not reply. His head is bowed to the ground, as if Toji’s words felt more like blows to his back. A sense of coldness has frozen over his impassive expression. You realize that he has little sympathy for his son, and although you do not think that he would demean or insult him, you knew silence hurt more than anything. Silence meant apathy, disappointment, quiet rage, and you knew the knowledge of that hurt more than a scolding, no matter how harsh.
“Any reason why?” He asks. He is only met with a sniffle. Tears are silently rolling down the boy’s cheeks. Enough, you think, hoping that Toji would spare the boy some words of comfort. Megumi’s small; his stature weak and unassuming next to his father’s broad, intimidating form. Toji radiates anger, the fury in his eyes replacing the soul-crushing relief you had seen when he had seen his son at the police station. He had been awake for days, wild with fear, his head in his hands, weeping, asking you what he had done wrong for his son to not to want to stay in the same house as him.
You knew that Megumi was not aware of that, and no matter how much you wanted him to understand. You don’t think he has even seen his father cry. To a child it would only seem that their father was disappointed. Although you knew there was no way to justify his actions, you knew that Megumi only wanted his father’s attention, to see some sort of indication that he was cared and loved for. Perhaps that was why he always kept getting in trouble whenever Toji was around.
“Well?” Toji says harshly, and you wonder if you should confront him now, or later-
“Because I hate you.” Megumi blurts out, then stiffens in horror. His eyes widen when he registers what he said. You see for the barest of moments; how Toji’s expression changes into one of grief, before settling back into an expressionless mask.
“I see.” Megumi opens his mouth, more tears rolling down his cheeks, trying to explain. His eyes flit back and forth, his lip quivering uncontrollably. His lips move silently, the words dying in his lips which echoed what was left of them.
“You’re grounded,” Toji says. “For making your mother worry.” It’s all he manages before the tremor in his voice threatens to give away. He stays pauses, for a moment, but then it gives away to silence. He had nothing left to say. How could he scold his son for something which he thought he had brought on?
He walks away, feeling his heart cave in. Megumi’s breaths are quick and shallow as he stares after his father's form. You run to the boy as he collapses.
“You need to apologize, okay, Megumi?” You said softly, when he regains his composure. He nods, hiccupping slightly.
“I know you did not mean it, but we don’t say things like that to people that we love.” You continued.
“Are you angry at me too?” He asks, while you wipe his tears with the pad of your thumb.
“Nobody’s angry at you, Megumi. We were worried but now that we’re all together, it’s alright.”
“You still love me, right?”
“Of course, Gumi.”
Just when you think that things have improved, you seem to fall back into square one. Tsumiki has become quieter, Megumi mostly cooped up in his room, and Toji rarely at home. The frigidness in his eyes returns, and you see him soundlessly brush past you whenever he runs into you. Megumi occasionally looks up at you, his lips quivering, but you could offer little comfort, mostly grasping his hand and giving it a squeeze. You know you cannot brush the incident off like it had been nothing, but you did not want to scare the boy either. So you decided to keep your distance and prayed that it would not be taken the wrong way. The walks to school with Tsumiki had gone quiet as well and it suffocated you, the unresolved tension which resided in the house.
“What?” You finally ask, exasperated.
“I didn’t say anything.” He muttered, looking away.
“You keep staring at me, like-” You protest.
“You’re just imagining it.” He replies coolly.
“I would rather have you tell me rather than silently glare at me; you know?” You demanded. The black look in his eyes doesn’t leave him. You could feel his eyes boring holes at the back of your head; wasn’t everything going well a few days ago?
“You did the same thing when you were at the Zenin Estate.” He winces at that. Ah, you indeed had caught on.
“It isn’t like pretending like everything is normal is going to make anything better.” His mouth twists into an ugly expression, his eyes narrow and accusing.
“I’m not here to fix you Toji.” You said quietly.
“Bold of you to assume that I’ll change because of you.” He sneers.
“Is it really wrong to want to spend time with you?” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up in frustration.
“I don’t want to talk about this.” He says stiffly. Does the man even hear himself?
“What do you mean you-” You yell. “Toji!”
“What?” His voice rises, fury clear in his eyes. “Is there really anything more to talk about?” Was he really just going to storm off like this?
“I’m not trying to fix you!” You scream, feeling your eyes sting.
“Clearly you and I aren’t any happier. I’m the last person who is going to make you happy!” He hisses.
“You have made me happy-” You swallow. Your throat hurts. “These couple of days were wonderful-”
“Are you really going to take those couple of days over a whole year?” He bellows. What had gone wrong? Why was he suddenly angry at you?
“So you’re just going to walk out?”
“Don’t you think it’s time we had a break from each other?”
“This is just going to make it worse.” You plead. “Please, just stay and tell me.” He feels like a child when he hears you say that, and it makes him angrier. In his right mind, he probably would not have taken in the wrong way, but the problem was that he wasn’t. He was angry, a random sequence of buttons pressed underneath his skin, making his face feel hot, heart thudding against his chest.
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N.” You see him deflate slightly even as he grits his teeth. “I honestly think whatever’s done, it’s going to be the same, and it’s going to be an endless loop of this and getting your hopes shattered.”
“It won’t-” “Just quit it, Y/N. It’s annoying, and it is pointless.” He says coldly. The truth was that it was a cycle he can’t escape from, building and then sabotaging his own relationships past the point of no return. He had been selfish and failed to create a proper relationship with his children, and because of it he had lost Megumi’s mother.
Was he really thinking of her at a time like this?
Why why why-
-Could he not be satisfied with what he had? He knew exactly what was going to happen. He was going to fall back into misery, point out bits and pieces where you fell short; reducing you to a poor replacement for-
(Then break it. Break the cycle. All it cost was his pride wasn’t it? This whole argument was his fault wasn’t it? He just wanted to drive a wedge between you and him because he felt like shit.)
He pushes back the thoughts far, far down. No— he cannot do this to you, not you. He was vile, the worst of the worst; he knew, and you did not deserve that kind of cruelty. He was not going to bring you down to him.
“You’re so mean.” You whisper, salty tears spilling from your eyes. “I can’t believe I fell in love with such somebody who’s so mean to me.”
“Then don’t.” Toji’s voice wavers for the slightest of moments before he goes silent. He cannot continue. If he stays, he knows he would say something he would truly regret. He quietly walks away, his heart sinking.
He doesn’t think he has ever seen you cry before.
“Y/N.” His voice is soft, quiet. Night has fallen. He had been out for the rest of the evening.
“No.” He hears in reply, your voice still shaky from tears. His feet silently pad across the room as he makes his way to the corner of the bed and sits down. Close enough to talk, but far enough for you to tell him to leave. The bed creaks slightly with him shifting uncomfortably on it. He cannot see your face; your entire body is buried under a pile of blankets in an attempt to muffle your crying; save for your hands which peek out of them, tightly hugging a pillow.
“Apologize first.” You say. You half-expect him to scoff and walk out of the room, say that you are overreacting; or perhaps argue that he was hurting too, so why didn’t you understand?
But you’re met with silence instead. No sound of distaste leaves his mouth, and you feel the bed slightly shift.
Realizing his mistake, Toji lies down next to you. You hiccup slightly as he places a hand on your shoulder. Warmth radiates from his palm and you feel it even through the literal layers you have created in an attempt to distance yourself in case he tries to coax you into forgetting the moment.
“I was wrong.” He admits. “I’m sorry.” The guilt does not leave him completely, still a bitter residue in his mouth as he hears you weep. He lets his hand rest on your shoulder, strangely heavy, offering you to brush it away. When you don’t, he takes it as a notion to move closer in an attempt to comfort you.
Gently pulling you to his chest, he presses a kiss over the locks of hair which have escaped through the mound of blankets. He lets go the moment you begin to shift and turn towards him. The dim lighting does not hide your tear-streaked face. He cups your face for a moment, his thumb brushing under your eye before he leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss on your lips. The urge to stay angry at him gradually leaves as he tenderly cradles you to his chest.
“I think I’m ready to talk about it.” He breathes. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me right now, but I just want you to know how I feel.” Because I cannot stand seeing you in pain like this.
“You always know the right thing to say.”
“You’re the only person who seems to think that.” You reply weakly.
“So do the kids,” He pauses. “Our kids.”
You open your mouth but he continues, laughing mirthlessly. “Well, they’re more like your kids. They don’t really, uh, like me that much.”
“That isn’t true.” You say.
“It is, damn it.” He mumbles. “They’re really happy, and I’m so glad you love them too. I mean, they’re not your own so I always thought it would be extra baggage or…no, that came out wrong. I mean, I don’t think they’re baggage but, you probably wanted somebody to have your own with; not that I would be any good at that either-”
“Toji.” You shake your head. “Nobody is any kind of baggage, okay?”
“I’m rambling.”
“I’m…” His voice wavers. “I’ve never been good with kids. I won’t try to deny that, but…”
“You make it look so easy.” Toji laughs. “It used to make me jealous. Until you began to spend time with me.”
“At first, I thought it was an act, so it used to irk me but then over time it felt different. I have realized that you’ve been kind to me, and I know I have not reciprocated.”
“I’m not...used to affection. It’s difficult.” He admits. “I know that this is not a proper apology, but for what it’s worth, I do want to spend time with you. I don’t just want to throw a bunch of words at you without any kind of explanation. You shouldn’t be the one consoling me, because I hurt you. I just…” —He grasps your hand as he says this— “I really hope I can make it up to you.”
You do not see much of Toji after that, but his words echo in your head. You have never seen Toji speak more than a couple of sentences strewn together, and yet his words were sincere, heartfelt. It is difficult to tell what the man was thinking but you knew that he would have rather stayed quiet, as was his habit; but he didn’t.
It confuses you.
“Toji-oh my god-” You gasp as he stumbles into the house, drenched in dirt, the side of his face caked with dried blood. He is limping, leaning against the wall to steady himself. You knew what kind of work he engaged in, but you had never seen him carry it out, and now you had a pretty steady idea of it.
“Ran into trouble.” Toji grunts, as if that would explain everything. His eyes, normally focused into a shark-like stare, were now darting back and forth, pupils narrowed into pinpoints. Part of his clothing were ripped in places, blood seeping out of the numerous lesions inflicted on him. You were surprised that he could stand so nonchalantly like it was a nothing out of the ordinary. Wait, did something of this sort happen every single time on his missions?
“I’m fine.” He murmurs, seeing your expression. You are not sure if he says it to console you, or if he is delirious from the blood loss and really does not register any sort of pain. You are horrified, but at the same time relieved. Delirious or not, at least he managed to find his way home from wherever the hell he had to go to.
“You need to wash your wounds.” You insist. Sleep has completely left you; you could not possibly sleep until you’re sure that he has been attended to.
You wince, and automatically place your hand on his chest, making sure to not brush over any of the horrendous-looking gashes which had broken through the skin, allowing the situation to sink in. He does not complain, and the only thing you hear is both of your breaths mixing, for the briefest of moments.
“I’m tired.”
“It’ll get infected, Toji.” More like several wounds. The best-case scenario was that he was going to bleed out on the bed for the rest of the night. The worst-case scenario? Most likely multiple infections which would result in a trip to the hospital. He hated being sick to begin with, much less having to stay inside a ward with other sick people and nurses who would constantly remind of it. He was tired. He decided that he was only willing to indulge you for the next couple of days.
When he peels off his shirt you try not to stare. The man looked like he had been fucking mauled in the streets. You really hoped he had taken his shots (no, not alcohol, that would just thin the blood. Shots as in injections).
“Just strip.” You sigh, and he raises an eyebrow.
“I can do it myself.”
“I insist.”
He scoffs. “If you wanted to see me naked, you could have just asked.”
“Are you stupid?” You snap at him, with little warning. “You look like you’ve been in three different accidents, I’m not just leaving you here. I don’t care how manly or whatever you’re feeling right now, because you also look like you’re going to bleed out into the goddamn floor.”
He’s scowling now; the dazed veil over his face completely gone. “Just go to bed.”
“No, you listen to me,” You hiss back. “Shut up and get in the bathtub.”
He’s still glaring at you like a petulant child, when he does. Part of you cannot believe that even in such situations, he chose to act aloof.
“Maybe where you’re from, you’re used to walking around having an 8-inch gash splitting your chest, but we don’t do that here.” You mutter.
“This is my house too.” “This is our house, and I’m calling the shots now, since you’re clearly not in the mood to.” His face is flushed red; clearly, he has never been scolded like this.
He winces when he sits down, the warm water stings his skin, as you bring a bundle of washcloths. He freezes when you reach for him, cupping the side of his cheek. It relaxes him somewhat—it is a luxury to have a home he could return to, even more so to have somebody waiting for him.
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I got them?” He mutters, half-expecting you to bombard him with questions he would be too tired to answer.
“I have one.”
“Go ahead, I think I can answer one before I faint.” He says, and your lips quirk up slightly. You wring the washcloth, gently dabbing it over his chest. He winces slightly, but does not protest.
“Whoever did this to you,” you say. “They look worse than you right?” Toji pauses for a moment, before grinning.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Good.” You frown when you see that the water has changed to a faint shade of red. He watches you drain the tub before letting it fill up again. The sound of running water is repetitive yet soothing as he watches you methodically press the cloth over his skin, very gently scrubbing the dirt off unbroken skin. He shifts slightly to make the task either for you, yet can’t help but study the way your lips formed a tight line, your brows furrowed in concentration.
Your gaze occasionally flickers to his. It looked ridiculous, the size of your palm against his broad back. You have to drain and fill the bathtub a third time, and a second bundle of washcloths before the water becomes clear, before focusing on a proper shower.
“You can do the rest yourself; I think.” You say, wringing the cloth a final time. You make a mental note to throw them in the washing machine in the morning, you didn’t want Megumi to see such a gruesome mess in the morning of his birthday; but it’s 3AM. After the initial height of adrenaline you got from trying to finish wrapping up the wounds, you were somewhat at ease after you managed to drag him in the bathroom. “I’ll wrap you up when you’re done. Don’t catch a cold.”
“I think you’re doing a better job than me.” Toji says, and you find no sarcasm in his voice. However, his eyes glint slightly, as if some idea had struck him.
“Weren’t you complaining about how much it was hurting a few minutes ago?” You tease.
“I changed my mind; I quite enjoy being fussed over by you.”
“Oh, so that’s what it’s about. Aren’t you the sort to prefer doing things by yourself, though?”
“Mmm. But I still think you will do it faster. Don’t you think I’m a bit clumsy when it comes to cleaning up?”
You snort. “I can tell from the way you enter the room, darling.”
He does not appear to sense the slight jab. “Plus,” He continues. “Haven’t you been working all day? I think you should have a nice, warm bath too.”
You blink, confused for a moment. “I mean it-wait-” Your mouth drops in horror when you realize the full intention of his words. His hands, which had been resting on your waist, tightened for a brief moment. You had not even noticed-
“Toji, no-” You gasp as you feel yourself stumbling sideways as he pulls you in with one swift movement. You collide with his chest, and yelp as your ankle collides with the side of the tub., as your hands wildly flail for something to hold on to. You fall into his arms; his hand clutching the back of your head to prevent you from hitting the wall. There is a loud splash with which half of the water from the bathtub spills out into the tiles, not before drenching your clothes completely. Toji is laughing, his voice loud and booming, his eyes screwed shut when he sees your bewildered expression.
“Oh my god, you’re horrible.” You hiss, rubbing your ankle before slapping the side of his arm, making sure to not aim over any of his injuries.
He grins. “That’s my consolation prize for yelling at me. Now strip.”
“Wha-” Your face reddens.
“Hurry up, you don’t want to catch a cold, yeah?” Did he just-
You glare at him and he sniggers. “Ass.” You murmur. “So this was your grand plan, huh?”
“I’m quite proud of it. I thought of it not more than a few seconds ago.” His fingers slightly tug at the hem of your shirt.
“How dastardly.” You mumble. At least the water is relatively clear, not that you could really take a bath without being distracted by his shit-eating grin while you sat on his lap. The bath was slightly bigger than a regular one, built to accommodate Toji’s huge frame, leaving you with ample space. Feeling your face heat up, you slowly began to strip, pulling the shirt over your head. It feels heavy from the water, sticking to your skin, and you struggle for a moment.
“Toji.” You groan as you hear him quietly start laughing again. “Shut up.”
He’s snickering when he helps you pull it off. You squeak when he begins to tug at your pants impatiently, lifting yourself up slightly to allow him to. Your hands awkwardly cover your chest in order to have some semblance of modesty. However, he clearly has different plans in mind when he pulls you up to his level, fulling pressed up against him.
“Be careful-your foot-”
“Ow-damn, this was way sexier in my head.”
He’s still smiling when you cup his face in your hands, gently lifting his face to kiss the top of his nose.
“Oh my god-” He rolls his eyes before pulling you in, planting his lips on yours. It’s a brief brush of the lips, not long enough; and before you know it, he pulls you closer, his fingers moving down the length of your back, while your hands run through his hair. Your skin tingled wherever he touched you, before settling into a warm sensation which rested on your chest; the butterflies in your stomach calming down to embrace the moment. You don’t remember the last time you have been kissed like this, and when you pull away his face is equally flushed as his breath fanned over your lips.
“You should have done that first.”
“I couldn’t think of a proper excuse.”
“Really?” You whisper, and he smiles against your lips.
“The excuse is that I haven’t seen you all day.” Toji says and kisses you again. It’s slower, sweeter.
“Okay, from now on you don’t need excuses to do it.”
When Megumi wakes up, he finds himself snuggled up against her. Over time, he finds it easier to call her his Mom. Every time he does, he feels a pang of guilt; but from the way her face glows with pleasure, it softens the sting. The more the days pass, the less harsh the sting feels. He sometimes scolds himself when he does not feel it, but then consoles himself.
Mama would have wanted him to be happy.
He studies her face. She does not look like Mama at all, but when he sees how her hands grasps his, he thinks she’s beautiful, maybe not in the way Mama was, but beautiful nevertheless.
He shifts slightly, careful not to wake her up, but bumps against something else.
“Morning, Megs,” He freezes, then whips his head to meet his father’s eyes, shocked.
“Dad.” He croaks, wondering if he’s still dreaming at the moment. His father’s stoic expression is replaced by a softer one, most likely because he had been half-asleep before startling his father awake. Megumi exhales when his father’s features soften more when he offers him a smile. Suddenly he thinks he is going to cry. The weight in his throat becomes heavier when his fingers ruffle his hair.
“I’m sorry.” Megumi manages to say, before going quiet. His eyes are watering.
“’s bad luck to be sad on your birthday, peanut.” His father says, and he feels his hand rub his back. His father’s arms are rough, strong; familiar.
“Besides, I forgave you when you came back home.” He continues. “So don’t be sad, okay?”
“I was mean. I said I hated you.” Immediately the weight returns. “I’m sorry, I can’t believe I said that, I’ll never say that again-”
“I know Megumi. Don’t be sad, yeah? You’re safe, that’s really what matters.”
“Okay.” He mumbles, his hands reaching up to cling to his shirt. He sees a glimpse of the gauze wrapped carefully around his chest, and frowns. “What happened?”
“Just work, you know. I fell. Your mom patched me up.” He explains. Megumi does not miss the glow in his eyes when he mentions her. “Had to stay a bit longer so I could be home for your birthday.”
Oh. So that was why he had not seen him all day yesterday.
“You’ll be home, then?” Megumi asks. His dad smiles; it’s rare to see him in a good mood, but Megumi’s glad he is. He liked Dad better when he was happy. He talked more, held him more. It made him feel warm.
“Yeah, I’ll stay as long as you want.”
He sits up, hugging his dad. “Thanks.”
“ ’course. Birthdays are special.” He replies. “Hey, no crying. It makes me sad too.”
“No, I’m happy.” Megumi’s voice wavers. “I just feel-“
“That’s good.” Dad replies, his voice gruff. “I want you to be happy.”
This really isn’t so bad, Toji manages to admit, when he sees you standing in front of the mirror, brushing your hair. A little frown etches your face as you scrutinize yourself, your fingers pawing at the ends of your hair.
“My hair’s grown some,” You muttered, before turning to look at him. “Toji, do you like it this way, or shorter?”
When he pauses, you continue, “If you like it long, I won’t cut it.”
“You look pretty either way, do what you like.” He mumbles, his eyes flickering elsewhere. You smile.
“That’s sweet of you to say.” You reply, as you began to part your hair into sections, wondering if it was long enough for you to braid it. Toji moves closer to stand behind you, curious. He watches you for a few moments before placing his arms around your shoulder. You look up at him, and the reflection falling on the mirror reminds you once more of how bulky he is.
“I like you.” He says, before kissing your cheek.
“I like you too.” You reply, letting out a breathy laugh.
Megumi decided to ask to go to the theme park to celebrate. He doesn’t remember the first time he had gone; and from Toji’s stories, he had immediately fallen in love with it.
“It’s so run down.” Toji complains, when the children are out of earshot. You raise an eyebrow.
“You were the one telling Megs about it.” You say, and he shrugs.
“I guess it seemed nicer when I was a kid.” He replies. “It’s one of the nicer memories. Not that it was exactly for me. I think it was Jinichi’s birthday.” You recall that name from the family tree tapestry, a single line connecting his name against Toji’s. His brother. You know very little about the Zenin clan, other than the usual banter which rose of from it being part of the Big Three. You’re just thankful for the little bits of information he tells you. Toji rarely spoke for long lengths of time, and you knew this was something painful for him to talk about to begin with.
“I once went with my sister.” You say, suddenly remembering. “I think we were both seven. Ayako spilled her milkshake all over me. I think I cried for the rest of the evening.”
“Really? I thought you were the quiet type even as a kid.”
You grin. “I’ll show you pictures sometime. I think I brought my album. It’s probably collecting dust in the attic.”
Toji looks at you, then shakes his head, his lips slightly quirked up. “I don’t believe you.”
“I’m serious! I made a fuss about everything when I was younger. If only you knew me, you could have vouched for it.”
Toji thinks about when he was younger. Mostly cooped up in his room, because he was not allowed to talk to the other clan members. Jinichi used to visit him sometimes, but then stopped, the clan’s poisonous words perhaps getting to him at a young age. It was clear when you were at the receiving end of it.
He sometimes walked out. It was not like anybody would come looking for him anyway. He walks for a long, long time, until he stops, seeing a group of kids his age playing at the park. Clothes which looked brand new compared to his dusty yukata ridden with holes, no welts on their arms or legs.
He stares for a bit, not at any particular person in particular. His heart ached for somebody to talk to. But when he looks at them and then back to his own self, his hands tremble and his feet grow unsteady. He stands there for some time before making back to the Zenin Estate.
He tries to imagine a younger you running up to him and dragging him back to the park. Probably pointedly asking him about his appearance; children did not exactly speak with any filter after all; and then asking him to join you.
Yes, you did seem like the kind of person to do that. Perhaps he would have liked it.
A/N;; Y'all are too kind 😭😭😭 💜💜💜
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secret-kpoplibrary · 2 years
Unexpected Pt. 4
Pairing: Jimin x Reader, Hoseok x Reader & Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: I mean none specifically- a few threats and some cursing but- not much else
Genre: a lil angst with a fluffy ass ending
Summary: Working as a medic for the police you've seen your fair share of interesting situations, to say the least. So when you find yourself tasked with helping 3 omegas following an underground fighting ring bust you absolutely don't think any of them would get attached to you, let alone all three. But now that they've decided you're their alpha it seems you've got a few changes to make.
You pull into the police department with barely contained anger even as you walk in.
"Oh hey y/n." Namjoon is the first to see you, on his way out as you're walking in.
"Where is Yoongi?" You ask.
"In his- office I'm pretty sure. Why?" Namjoon frowns.
"I need to see him." You say blowing past him to the office you've been to a handful of times before.
"Hi Y/n, nice to see you. What brings you here?" Yoongi asks- his smile disappearing when he sees your expression.
"What the fuck." You say tossing the ransom note on his desk.
"What am I looking at?" Yoongi frowns.
"Someone from that fighting ring bust a couple months ago left it in my house. How is that possible Yoongi I thought you arrested all of them." You grit out. He grimaces almost unnoticeably.
"A couple of them got a tip and made it out before we showed up that night." Yoongi explains.
"And you never thought to mention that?"
"We didn't find out until after we interrogated everyone." Yoongi sighs.
"So you just did nothing?"
"Of course not we put out a warrant but we assumed they'd left town. Without a place to start we didn't have much else but that warrant." Yoongi says.
"Well you'd better find a place to start Yoongi these people took my boys."
"Wait what?"
"The omegas we rescued that night. They were staying with me. These people took them from me." You say.
"They took them?" Yoongi finally looks at the note.
"They want to trade them."
"Then we call." Yoongi shrugs.
"What?" You blink at him.
"It's a lead. We'll set up a trace, see if we can pinpoint a location." Yoongi explains.
"Yoongi- you have to find them." You look at him.
"We will."
"They've been through so much already Yoongi I can't- they don't deserve any of this." You say softly. Yoongi stands from his desk and walks around to you. He places his hands on your shoulders and looks directly at you.
"I will make sure they come home to you. I swear." Yoongi says.
"These people were in my home. You'd better." You say.
"Give me twenty minutes to set up a trace with our tech so we can call them." Yoongi says leaving you in the office. Your phone rings after just a couple of moments and you pick up without fully processing the contact.
"What?" You snap.
"Woah don't bite my head off. You're the one who's late here. Did you forget we were meeting?" Jin scoffs.
"Shit- yes I forgot." You sigh.
"Well where the hell are you?"
"The police station." You say.
"Woah- what? Why? Are you okay?" Jin's concern is evident.
"The guys have been kidnapped. Jimin. Hoseok and Jungook have been kidnapped." You say.
"I'm sorry what?!"
"I'm figuring it out now. I don't know if I should even say anything. It's in relation to that fighting ring so I came to Yoongi."
"How are you doing?" Jin asks quietly.
"I want to rip their fucking throats out." You grumble.
"Seething rage- yeah that sounds about right for you." Jin hums.
"These people were in my home Jin. They took my boys. I'm livid." You huff.
"You're bonded to them too? When did that happen?" You can almost hear the amusement in Jin's voice.
"They've been living with me for months now Jin." You roll your eyes.
"Right right. It's just nice to hear you talk about them like that." Jin says.
"Y/n- we're about ready to set up the call." Yoongi returns to the office.
"Jin I've got to go. I'll update you later." You say.
"Alright- good luck sweets." Jin says hanging up. You follow Yoongi out of the office to the room where the call will take place.
"We'll coach you through the call the entire time." Yoongi explains.
"Alright." You nod.
"This is only the first step but I promise we'll get your omegas back and bring in the losers who took them." Yoongi tells you.
"I'm trusting you Yoongi." You warn.
"Then let's do this." He nods to you. You have to remind yourself that this is only the first step as the phone rings. Each ring makes you swallow a seething breath until a gravelly voice picks up the phone.
You couldn't trace the call. Which means you had to make a deal with them. They gave you three names, date and time, and a place. Yoongi and Namjoon brought the three guys in an undercover squad car. They were wearing plain clothes and you drop in your own car. Another transport vehicle is just up the road from the shipping yard they asked you to meet at. You get out of your car first. There are three guys standing in an open space, one next to Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook whose arms are tied behind their backs and feet tied together.
"We told you to come alone." The one you presume is the leader growls at you.
"Do you think I'm fucking stupid? Why would I come alone? You didn't." You cross your arms over your chest.
"I don't think you're understanding what's going on here. You don't make the rules."
"I'm not about to let you guys set me up. I'm strong but I'm not 6 vs 1 strong." You roll your eyes.
"Where are our guys?" He glares at you.
"In that car. Let my boys go first." You say.
"We do things our way sweetheart." He tells you. He's clearly in charge between the three of them but they're all obviously beta wolves. You turn your glare briefly to the one guarding Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook.
"Let them go." You order.
"We're not doing anything until our guys come out of that car." The one who's been doing all the talking says to you not realizing that his friend already lost the battle of wills and cut the boys free.
"Boys, come here." You say to the trio who hesitantly rush over to you.
"You came." Jungkook hums, burying his face into your neck.
"Of course I did." You ruffle his hair as you watch the talkative one glare at his companion.
"What the fuck man?" He snaps.
"I dunno! She ordered me to- like wolf ordered." Guy number two explains in a hushed tone.
"Pro tip- next time you wanna kidnap someone it might be helpful to make sure you outrank your opponent, beta." You smirk.
"Of course we outrank you. Chicks can't be alphas." Guy one scoffs.
"No?" You tilt your head curiously. "Kneel." You growl out. His eyes widen as he fights his body over following the command, a fight he ultimately loses.
"What the fuck." He pants.
"Guess chicks can be alphas after all huh?" You bat your lashes at him. "You too. Kneel." You order guy number two and before guy three can get out of sight you snap a command towards him "Stay. The fun's just begun." You say.
"What happens now?" Jimin asks.
"Yoongi and Namjoon are here. There's a transport truck around the corner. They'll take care of them." You shrug. Namjoon and Yoongi get out of their car as the truck pulls up beside them. Namjoon immediately goes to grab guy one while Yoongi comes over to you.
"I told you I'd make sure they got back to you safely." Yoongi says.
"Yeah- thanks." You mutter already more concerned with fussing over the trio. "Are you guys okay? Did they hurt you? I was so worried-" you rattle off as you check their faces one by one.
"It's not anything we won't heal from." Hoseok smiles.
"They didn't have us long enough to do any real damage." Jungkook shrugs.
"Any damage is real damage. You're my babies." You frown.
"Can we just go home now?" Jimin mumbles quietly.
"Of course we can Jimin. Let's go home, okay?" You gently run your hand through his hair and across his cheek soothingly. The four of you pile into your car and after shouting a quick goodbye to Namjoon and Yoongi you leave with the boys. You're sure they haven't a good rest if any at all in the week they were gone and you know they're probably exhausted, not to mention hungry. You'd made some food before this setup was meant to take place knowing you'd be too tired after to cook anything but wanting the boys to have a nice meal if they wanted to eat after.
"I made food- if you're hungry. If not you can totally just get ready for bed and eat tomorrow." You tell them when you walk into your house.
"I'm hungry." Jungkook says.
"Me too." Hoseok agrees as the pair head to the kitchen.
"I'm just gonna shower and head to bed if that's okay." Jimin says.
"Of course it is hon go for it." You tell him joining the remaining two in the kitchen once he shuffles upstairs. Jungkook and Hoseok don't talk much at all while they eat but even without the sound of their chatter the house feels brighter just with them here. It felt so empty while they were gone and you really never want to experience that again. You stay with them just until you hear the shower upstairs turn off and Jimin go into his room. Excusing yourself from the kitchen, you make your way up to Jimin's room and knock gently on the door.
"Come in." You hear tiredly and you go inside sitting beside him on his bed.
"Do you wanna talk about anything Chim? I'm sure this week has been really hard on you and you've been so quiet. I just wanted to check in before you go to bed." You say. Jimin lets out an unsteady breath.
"I never want to go back there again." He tells you.
"You won't. Yoongi's certain they got everyone-"
"It was awful."
"I'm sure it was. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner." You frown.
"You aren't going to leave us- are you?" Jimin asks quietly.
"No- of course not. What would make you think that?" You wrap your arms around him.
"The whole time I kept thinking- what if she doesn't find us? What if she doesn't care to? What if it's more trouble than it's worth to her? I mean we did just impose ourselves on her life anyway what if-"
"I came didn't I? This week was torturous. Not knowing if you guys were okay- if you guys were even alive. I hated that feeling." You assure him.
"I like it here. With you guys." He tells you.
"I like it here with you guys too. The house was much too quiet without you." You shake your head.
"I'm sorry."
"Are you- apologizing for being kidnapped?" You pull back enough to look at him.
"No! I'm apologizing because we were gone and you were upset by it and now it does sound like I'm apologizing for being kidnapped." He frowns and you chuckle at him.
"Only you would find a way to apologize for being kidnapped." You shake your head.
"I wasn't trying to." He says.
"I know honeybun but you have nothing to apologize for. Are you sure you don't want something to eat before bed?" You ask him.
"I'm sure. I just want to sleep in my bed knowing you guys are all here and that we're safe again. With you." Jimin says.
"If you say so-"
"Aw Jimin!" Hoseok swings the door open and practically tackles the younger boy in a hug. Jungkook comes in after him and throws his arms around Jimin as well.
"Were you guys eavesdropping? I hope you cleaned up downstairs before crashing in here." You playfully reprimand.
"We did!" Jungkook smiles obediently. You ruffle his hair and nod in approval as they continue to crush Jimin.
"Guys- come on." Jimin grumbles trying to slither out from underneath them. You watch in amusement as Hoseok loudly expresses his fondness for Jimin who reluctantly voices his reciprocation between ignored requests for Jungkook and Hoseok to let him go.
These boys were one odd bunch and from what you've seen so far you know for a fact that they'll be keeping you on your toes for as long as you're in each other's lives. You hope that's forever. This may not have been how you thought that fighting ring bust was going to go- but you can't say you're mad at what you got in the end, even if it was unexpected.
Part 4/4
Tagged Users: @wickedblue34
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centrally-unplanned · 3 years
Identity Crisis: Forever War Edition
Of course no one is truly surprised at the collapse of authority in Afghanistan, as the fall of Herat today caps off a 2+ week push by the Taliban that marks their control of about a third of the country at this point (EDIT: Whelp Kabul fell like 2 days later, makes all this particularly apt). The speed of the advance shows exactly how little US forces were doing in the country, not how much - this was a timed advance, waiting for the inevitable US withdraw, and their capacity to maintain strength during that wait shows how ineffective military operations over the past decade have been.
But of course how much strength is needed for such a push is open to debate - reports show towns “falling” to groups of only ten soldiers, and the fall of Herat seems to have begun with government police leaving the city before the attack and the Taliban taking the police station unopposed. For anyone who has been around for this whole sorry affair, it can’t help but bring up memories of the fall of the Taliban 20 years ago: 
(Northern Alliance fighter) Khan captured his first city, Taloqan, without firing a single shot. He did it by persuading the local Taliban leader, a man named Abdullah Gard, to switch sides. Gard was no dummy; he could see the B-52s. I guessed that Khan had probably used a lot of money, but he never allowed me to sit in as he worked the Taliban chieftains on the radio. The day after Taloqan fell, I found Gard in an abandoned house, seated on a blue cushion on the floor, warming himself next to a wood-burning stove. His black Taliban turban was gone, and he had replaced it with a woolen Chitrali cap just like that of Ahmad Shah Massoud. “All along, I was spying on the Taliban,” Gard said, his eyes darting. No one believed him, but no one seemed to care.
(from The Forever War, if you care) Foreigners like Americans and Al-Qaeda care about “the cause” but for the local Afghans like the Taliban its a game of survival, and dying just means losing; when a new wind blows no reason not to bend in its direction.
I don’t want to get into the Afghan side of things too much though, but instead of the interaction of this reality and the US’s operational understanding of its war and aims. America’s adventures in Iraq & Afghanistan have been ruinously expensive, but not in the ways commonly understood. At the peak of “nation building” the US was spending over $100 billion in Afghanistan, but the basic military expenditures in FY2020 amounted to only $17 billion - and there are a lot of luxury items on there still. You will often here statements like “the US can’t afford to be in Afghanistan forever” but at $17 billion they absolutely could. Oh they shouldn’t, they shouldn’t have invaded Afghanistan to begin with, but on terms of practicality its affordable. The idea of a Forever War makes no sense when you are Vietnam-style drafting entire age-cohorts to get shot at in a jungle, but to station a few thousands guy and an air base overseas? Its so doable we even had a word for it: Empire
Which gets at the crux of America’s failure - its steadfast refusal to *be* an Empire, at least self-described (yes yes A.G. Hopkins & co., I hear your howls of rage). If you tell a group of self-interested warlords you are hear to stay, this is going to be a client state and you have the guns to Make It So, so its join up or get blown up, that can...actually work, for a time at least. Its exactly how the British played India - perpetually vastly outnumbered by actual armed Indian troops in the country, but with the locus of power centered on them and local stakeholders in their pocket who were better off with the British than without. If you want to build a lasting regime aligned with your national interest, you need to commit. The British Civil Service in India during the height of the Empire had a minimum service term of 25 years, and about 20,000 British citizens lived more-or-less permanently in the country supporting this mission - that is a wind that keeps on blowing.
Meanwhile the average commander of US operations in Afghanistan over the past decade has served in the post for about 2 years; Americans do deployments, rotate out, live in bases, then leave. We have far more people per capita than the British ever had in Afghanistan, have spent ludicrous sums on development, and yet our actual presence is a ghost - why would any local stakeholder buy into our mission? Why would you pick “our side”? Instead you wait the US out - they are duty-bound to leave.
Thus the contradiction - the US goal was to nation-build. But nations are *built* from stakeholders, people with vested interests in the outcome. The US vision of the future of Afghanistan had no stakeholders, including the US! There was just an unwillingness to admit that this mission was an “Empire” mission, and required the tools of Empire, which as a matter of identity the US is completely unwilling to use, its not “who we are”. 
Which is why it should never have taken on the mission at all, of course. 
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Your blessings are your curses.
Also on AO3
Dead All Might acts as a guardian angel to this heroic quirkless kid he runs into. Izuku gets put into a dangerous situation and turns out – DNA wasn’t needed to pass OFA. Just intent. Izuku gains the ability to see All Might along with the ability to use his quirk.
Sadly, AFO notices.
Now Izuku is on the run with a ghost for a guardian after AFO’s goons kill his mother.
Your blessings are your curses:
TL;DR: Dead all might, acts as a guardian angel to this quirkless kid he runs into. Izuku gets put into a dangerous situation and turns out – DNA wasn’t needed to pass OFA. Just intent. Izuku gains the ability to see All Might along with the ability to use his quirk.
Sadly, AFO notices.
Now Izuku is on the run with a ghost for a guardian after AFO’s goons kill his mother.
So – In the fight between All for One and All Might six years before canon, All Might loses.
Not horribly. All for One is still left almost dead and retreats into hiding, but All Might falls unconscious never to open his eyes again, later dying of sepsis in the hospital. His eyes may never physically reopen, but he does awaken – translucent and noncorporeal.
For a while he doesn’t know if it’s a latent quirk, or maybe something All for One did as a final blow, but no – it’s One for All. One for All has a mind of its own and refuses to disappear until Yagi has found a successor. Not that Yagi knows that.
His old haunts are too painful to hang around, the whole nation is grieving for him and seeing that pain on his old friend's faces burns something fierce. So he does what he’s always done. He helps.
Midoriya Izuku is nine when his favourite hero dies. He sees how the nation is grieving and his desire to be a hero only burns brighter. The bullying he suffers worsens, hate crimes against the quirkless and those with ‘villainous’ quirks uptick. Japan isn’t a pillar of safety and security anymore – crime rates have risen to match or overtake worldwide averages.
Still, he feels almost, safer? He gets luckier – the book his classmate stole shows up in his bag by the next period, bullies trip more often, and sometimes as he runs from villain attacks or classmates with their quirks popping against the nape of his neck, he feels a broad hand push him forwards, giving him an extra burst of speed.
He decides it must be the All Might charm he bought the day before the news of All Might’s death broke. A small solid plastic charm meant for a phone with a bright yellow bell attached, along with a tag reading “I AM HERE”. He fills the bell with scraps of paper so no one can hear it ring as he holds it tight in his hand when he gets nervous.
Midoriya Izuku is nine when he is almost killed.
With All Might gone, organized crime spikes. Quirk trafficking rings spring up – very rare, but no less real. It’s one of these such rings that kidnaps Izuku on his way home from school. He awakens, sore and blurry-eyed in a warehouse with a half dozen other crying children. One by one they are forced to show off their quirks, to gauge their value.
Izuku has no quirk to show. He has no value to these people. They growl at him to stop playing around, to stop pretending to be a hero (his All Might charm is almost cutting into his hand from how hard he holds it. He needs his luck more than ever please all might save me one more time - ). He can't bring himself to shut his eyes as a flaming hand reaches towards his face.
For a moment it feels like he's being held. He feels safe.
A shockwave levels the warehouse, leaving he and the other children untouched, the villains buried in the rubble. Green sparks sink into his skin, dancing over the rapidly purpling bruises decorating his arm. He runs.
He comes back to himself in a park, sobbing and shaking, arms wrapped around his shaking form and an oddly familiar voice murmuring apologies and praise as a broad hand runs gently through his hair.
It seems One for All never needed DNA, only intent, to pass itself along. With the passing of the quirk, Yagi should have dissipated, but he refused, clinging to the child he’d accidentally burdened with his legacy, the same quirkless child he’d been playing guardian angel for all this time.
When Izuku sees All Might he freezes. It’s not All Might as he knew him, rather – this is the All Might that died. He’s translucent, faded around the edges, with a tattered and bloodstained costume, thick padded bandaging over his stomach hiding stiches staining to close infected wounds, doing little to stop the blood oozing through. Still – All Might’s eyes are bright blue and kind and his smile is as it always was. Izuku throws himself onto his hero and sobs.
All Might – Yagi, as he insisted Izuku call him – led him to the nearest police station, as he tried to explain what had occurred. It wasn’t easy considering Yagi didn’t seem to be sure himself, but Izuku was pretty sure the quirk he’d been accidentally gifted was sentient.
Izuku held his arms up to the sky, stretching his fingers to the pinpricks of light in the night sky. Sparks of glittering gold, green, white, blue and red jumped across his skin, like the static shocks he’d get when he wore his wool socks in bed, but less painful. They almost felt playful.
“What are they called?” Yagi looked at him, confusion clear on his face. One of his spikes of hair drooped, and if Izuku could ignore the dust and blood that ran through it it would almost be funny.
“They? My boy, do you mean the sparks? If so, they don’t have a name.”
Izuku frowned, letting his hand drop. He could feel the sparks gently brushing his injuries, almost soothingly. “No, I mean your quirk. They should have a name, they’re so nice to me.”
Yagi coughed, dark blood spilling from his mouth, never to hit the ground. “One for All. It’s called One for All.”
Izuku’s frown deepened.
“All Might, mama says it’s rude to call someone an it.”
Inko is reunited with her only mildly injured son, now excitedly gushing about a quirk he’d somehow manifested. She privately thanks whatever spirit finally decided to smile upon her son, even if it took so long.
Their happiness doesn’t last long. Days later Izuku receives a summons to the head office. He freezes when he sees the police officer, Yagi’s comforting hand on his shoulder the only thing that keeps him from running.
It was a villain attack, the officer says with kindness so forced Izuku wants to cry. Yagi looks angry. If you’ll just come with us so we can get you to the safehouse with your mother –
Yagi almost growls with rage. “She’s lying.” He whispers, habit enforced despite the fact Izuku is the only person alive that can hear him. “Follow her out of the school then run” Izuku does exactly that, quirk sparking up his legs and pushing him forwards, down the familiar path to home. He takes the stairs six at a time, quirk chipping the edges of the concrete as he hurls himself forward.
Their apartment is in shambles, bookshelves tipped, small objects laying scattered on the floor, a pale arm laying limply from a half-open bathroom door.
Yagi pushes him out of the apartment and confirms the identity himself. He urges a sobbing Izuku to say his goodbyes to his mother’s corpse as they quickly gather all the money in the house, a few spare clothes and whatever food and water Yagi could knock down from the pantry shelves for him. Izuku crams it into his backpack as he sobs, Yagi guarding the entrance as he boils with rage and guilt.
He didn’t think All for One would find Izuku. He didn’t think he would even be looking. He was wrong and now his boy was paying the price.
So starts his time on the run.
He meets Shinsou first, saving him from some rubble in a villain attack. He meets him again later, battered and bruised – not from a villain, but from his foster parents. Shinsou joins him, no matter how Izuku explains hes in danger. Shinsou wants to be a hero, and if the only way he gets to be a hero is stubbornly keeping Izuku out of trouble? That’s not a bad trade-off, considering izuku was the first person to save him.
A little while later the two run into Shouto feverish and badly burnt and try to nurse him back to health as best they can. A few days in Touya and Toga run into their little camp guns blazing, expecting them to have kidnapped Shouto only to see Izuku patiently trying to feed him rice porridge with a veritable pile of ‘liberated’ fever reducers on the floor beside them.
They apologise but Shinsou and a still feverish Shouto refuse to talk to Touya or Toga for like three days bc they made Izuku cry.
They refuse to leave no matter how Izuku explains he has a centuries old villain after him. These kids are ride or die. So Hitoshi, Shouto and Izuku are like 9 and trying to learn what they can from libraries and newspapers, never settling down for too long. Toga (12) and Touya/Dabi (14) try and keep them all alive by working or stealing what they need to live. It doesn’t take long for them to evolve into a mini vigilante group.
Aizawa becomes familiar with the messy group of short vigilantes that seem to bounce from prefecture to prefecture every second day, to the point that the force is pretty sure one of them has a teleportation quirk because they don’t seem to have any kind of home base. He’s completely uninterested in trying to arrest them in the beginning – they aren’t hurting anyone and are not half bad at what they do.
That changes when he meets them.
Battered and bleeding out in a rainy alley with a villain looming over him with a knife, Aizawa is pretty sure this is the night he dies. The knife swings back, glinting in the streetlights as he tries in vain to scramble backwards with heavy limbs. It never connects. The villain jerks back as a brilliant blue plume of flame cuts him off, burning the tips of his hair. Not expecting backup the villain bolts. Aizawa feels small hands helping him into a sitting position – his stomach starts to sink. When the short masked figure with curly hair speaks he feels his heart turn to ice. The figure couldn’t be older than 11, probably closer to 10.
He wakes up in the hospital and he makes it his mission to save these kids.
Ghost All Might is having a rough time. His boy is in danger and the best he can do is rattle windows and trip sprinting villains. He can’t help them enough.
He has a plan though.
He warns Izuku that he’ll be gone for a while and to keep safe without him and he goes out scouting. Being invisible and impermeable is normally a curse but when trying to find a paranoid 200-year-old super villain? It’s pretty damn useful. It takes months but eventually he’s not only tracked down All for One’s main hideout he’s also memorised his schedule. It’s nothing impressive considering the man is still mostly bedbound after what All Might did to him, but he won't be a pushover. It’s a start, though.
Izuku cries tears of joy when he sees All Might again and cries even more when he shares what he found. It’s do or die time. He offers every one of his friends the chance to split now because there is a good chance they’ll die, but none of them wants to leave him. With that, he starts planning.
They’ll need Eraserhead, no bones about it. Without him, there would be no way to strike the final blow. They spend a few weeks refining their stealth then they seek Aizawa out.
They knew he’d have a price for helping them, but they never expected it would be so high, but simultaneously so kind. In exchange for his help and a vow of silence he wants each child to let him help them, to find them a safe place to live, a school to go to – a future. Izuku has spent his whole life being told he doesn’t have a future, from when he was diagnosed quirkless to the almost 2 years spent on the run from Japan’s most dangerous villain. He’s still not sure he’ll have one, even with All for One dead, but he knows he wants his friends to grow up happy and safe.
He accepts.
With Aizawa’s help, with Dabi and Toga clearing the way and Shinsou standing in the wings as the last resort, Izuku kills All for One as he sleeps. Nothing flashy, nothing fancy, just quiet footsteps, a sharp knife and shaking hands.
Aizawa is horrified this child just killed someone in front of him, but Izuku is sobbing and All for One is notorious in underground circles so he keeps his quirk up until the blood stops flowing from his neck. He takes the children and flees.
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whosscruffylooking · 3 years
The Purest Things-A New Home
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
a/n: this is a repost considering it didn’t show up in any of the tags yesterday. have i mentioned how much i despise tumblr sometimes :) again, i want to give a special shoutout to @avengersbau for giving me a second set of eyes on this one.
word count: 2k
warnings: canon-typical violence and descriptions of injury.
The Purest Things Masterlist
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gif is not mine! credit goes to @hqtchner
au! october 2007
Bookend: “It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
"I am SSA Hotchner. Welcome to the team Agent Y/L/N," his voice reminds you of the transatlantic accents of Hollywood stars of old. The kind you used to hear in the old black and white movies you would watch as a child.
"It's an honor to be here sir," you stare directly into his brown, soulfully deep eyes.
"J.J., get us started, please," SSA Hotchner suggests.
Sitting down, you look to the screen that displays the frightful footage of bombs detonating in various locations.
"Yesterday, an 81-year-old woman was severely injured when a bomb exploded in the toilet of a women's restroom," J.J. informs.
"Interesting spot to hide a bomb," Agent Prentiss sneers.
Jennifer flips through the slides and shows another bombsight located in a subway station, "Last year a similar bomb that had been attached to a phone box detonated. No outstanding injuries were reported. However, the bombs' similar makeup alerted detectives to dig into other bombings throughout the years. They have positively identified attacks over the past twelve years as perpetrated by the same bomber."
Spencer adds, "His M.O. is similar to George Peter Metesky, better known as the Mad Bomber. He terrorized New York City over a period of 16 years. He planted bombs in theaters, subway stations, libraries, and offices. They were left in phone booths, storage lockers and restrooms."
"Do you think we are looking at a copycat?" Derek questions.
"If we are, we need to stop him soon," declared David.
"He's escalating-becoming bolder and more vicious," you say, scanning the report.
"Tell Boston we can be there by 9:30," Hotch notifies J.J...
"It seems like he's a textbook paranoid schizophrenic. People suffering from this disorder may think that other people are regulating them or plotting against them. They tend to be reclusive, antisocial, and obsessed Hwith hatred for their presumed enemies," you twist a loose string from your shirt around your finger, unwind it, then repeat the process.
It's a nervous tick you developed over the years that has worn down numerous tops before achieving their intended lifespan. You glance at Agent Hotchner, seeking a sign of approval. His eyes meet yours, and he poignantly nods.
Did I say too much? No. Don’t overthink this. They can probably smell fear.
"In his letters left at the bombsights, he uses words like 'broad' and 'chick' to signify women," Dr. Reid chimes in.
"Do you think the unsub is motivated by hostility towards women? "
"It's possible," he continues, "These speech patterns age him significantly, however. Phrases such as these were mainly used in the 30's, 40's, and 50's."
Agent Hotchner begins to delegate tasks before the jet lands, "Morgan and Reid, I want you to head to the bombsights and see if you can't work out the motive. J.J. and Prentiss talk to the victim's families, determine our victimology. Y/L/N, Rossi, and I will head to the precinct and familiarize ourselves with the lay of the land and see if we can't formulate a geographical profile."
At the precinct, you observe Agent Hotchner's ability to singlehandedly transition an entire police force's obligation to under his jurisdiction.
"Captain Moreno, this is SSA David Rossi and SSA Y/F/N Y/L/N," the Unit Chief introduces you.
The captain tilts his head at you, "Aren't you a little young to be in the FBI? How old are you anyway?"
You nail him with a you're-full-of-crap look. 
Everyone gets to be young once; your turn is over, old man.
Choosing to take the high road, you say, "I'd like to get my hands on the bombers handwritten notes. There has to be something in those letters that can give us a clue into the who, what, when, and where of this case."
Skeptical of your request, he narrows his eyes and looks to David and Agent Hotchner.
"You hear her," Dave exclaims, "Lead the way!"
Your enigmatic smirk no doubt gives away the great pleasure Dave's gibe brings you.
"Agent Hotchner," you hand him your preliminary geographical profile. With his arms crossed, he intimidatingly peers into your research.
Don't burn a hole in my paperwork; I worked hard on that.
He is impressed by your work, taking in your comprehensive outline of proof that details the unsubs point of origin. For someone so young, your attention to detail puts even his most observant profilers to shame. "How did you come to this conclusion?"
"My family is from Chicago. When I was little, I used to read through my grandfather's old newspapers that he collected throughout the 1950's. On the jet, I knew some of the phrasings that Dr. Reid was using sounded familiar, so I cross-referenced it with some of the particular articles I remember from my childhood and found his wording to be exact iterations of the Chicago Crier."
Without taking his eyes off of the paperwork, he commends you, "Impressive use of your prior knowledge. Often, the information drilled into us through education is lackluster compared to that of real-world experience."
You turn to walk back to your makeshift desk when he calls out to you, "And Y/L/N, call me Hotch."
Your shoulders relax from the tension you hadn't even realized you'd been clinging onto, "Alright. Hotch."
You immediately regretted your decision. In pursuit of the unsub, you had wandered off down an abandoned subway tunnel and cornered him.
"Harold Watts, FBI. Gently place the remote detonator on the ground," You shout. Grappling to keep your gun from slipping between your clammy palms, you grip the weapon tighter.
Ordinary people's first days of work are uneventful; they're given a series of mundane tasks at most. Me? Of course, my first day involves being secluded in a subway tunnel facing down a man decked from head to toe in explosives and wires.
"D-don't come any closer. I have my finger on the trigger! I'm not afraid to die, and I will not hesitate to take you up in flames with me," he stammers.
The stampede of footsteps, no doubt from your colleagues and half of the Boston police force, resonate through the echo chamber you're standing in. Watts spooks and loses his balance. You begin shouting for the people behind you to stand down.
"The tracks are live, one wrong step, and we all blow up. I repeat, stand down!"
Turning your attention back to Watts, you attempt to soothe his irrationality. You slowly return your gun to its holster, raising your hands up in surrender. Hotch yells something unintelligible from behind you, but your focus is on the unsub and trying to prevent any more casualties.
"Harold, let's just talk this through for a couple of minutes. My men behind me will leave us alone. It's you and me now. Before this, you never wanted to hurt yourself. You wanted to be heard. All of your life you felt like you were forced into the shadows, and you began to fester there in your pain and rage."
He tenses up; you have his attention now.
"Those girls who teased you and ripped your masculinity from you needed to be taught a lesson. But you didn't just stop there; you decided to do all women a favor and demonstrate to them the kind of pain they could cause, hoping to prevent them from making the same mistakes. In fact, you helped me to see what I can do better. I never want to make someone feel the way you did."
"Y-you learned that...f-from me?" Harold quietly sobs.
You nod, "Yes! Yes, Harold. And you can still be heard, but not if you die today. I could be your greatest advocate. If we walk out of here right now, think of how famous you could be. Harold, you will never be stuck in the shadows again."
It is crucial to your survival and your teams that you are brave just long enough to analyze the situation and keep your self-control. Panic won't do anyone any good right now.
Your mouth dries as you await Harold's next move. Suddenly, he hunches over, extending the hand gripping the detonator. Pausing for a moment to be sure he isn't making any drastic moves, you promptly hurry to his side and gently pull it from his clutch.
As the police officers and your colleagues rush to your aid, Harold looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Make me famous," he murmurs with a grin that churns your stomach.
Hotch ushers you away from the unsub, backing you up against the wall of the tunnel, "You actively defied my orders."
Searching every inch of his face for an accurate reading of his emotions, you are unsure of how to respond.
"I'd like to think it won't happen again," his eyes studying you just as intently.
You swallow hard, aware of the lump in your throat and take a deep breath, "You have my word, Agent Hotchner."
"Good," he affirms, eventually freeing his hold on your arm.
You let out a shaky sigh of relief and relax your spinning head against the wall.
Opening your eyes, you observe your new team tieing up all loose ends. They're safe. You are safe. Despite this first day not being as mundane as others, you wouldn't have it any other way. This feeling is what you signed up for, and it's already fulfilling you in ways you couldn't fathom before stepping inside the BAU office this morning.
Aboard the jet, you tuck your legs underneath you and open up a book to read.
A cup of steaming hot coffee appears on the table in front of you.
Hotch sits across from you with a similar cup and offers you a subtle smile, "Impressive work out there today. I'm sorry your first day of work couldn't be more eventful."
A joke? I didn't take him as the joking kind.
Rolling your eyes, you put on a disappointed tone, "God...if you guys drag your feet like this every day, I might have to consider a transfer."
In a more serious nature, he asks, "How are you feeling?"
"Alright, I guess. You were right, you know, no amount of studying or lectures can truly prepare you for what it's like when you're staring into the eyes of a killer. I've learned the negotiation techniques and memorized the textbook 'put the gun down' speech, but all of that flies out the window when you're in the moment."
"You will find that improvisation at times is the key to success in this job. Just know that this team is a family. You will never face this alone or be at a loss for anything. Your career is in its infancy, but I can tell you have a long and triumphant journey ahead of you. We will do whatever we can to ensure that you are at home here and can use this team as an opportunity to refine your abilities. All I ask in return is that you work with us, not against us. You have nothing to prove. They see your resourcefulness. So do I. You are one of us now."
Some gazes are the promise of protection; his is all that and more. The words "at home" resonate in your mind. You've spent your whole life searching for a home, and here it is, its doors being opened to you. After a lifetime of running from place to place, perhaps this is where you can finally settle down.
"Get some rest," Hotch whispers to you. And with that, you lean your head against the chilled window and shut your eyes.
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