#rage sanders
[TW: this part features talk of neglect and lack of self worth, if this triggers you, please skip this part, its not more important than your health.]
This part is connected to Logan's. read that one first.
enjoy :] <3 (you can find all the other parts on #arcend on this blog)
Logan's crying... What do i do? This is exactly why i didn't take care of Virgil, im not built for this. What am i supposed to do?
"im- im fine.. i just need a moment"
He's definitely lying, if he really was fine he wouldn't be closing his eyes to avoid crying
"are you really? You can tell me, I'll listen. You know i will."
"I- I dont know... I dont know what im feeling anymore"
"do you... Want to.. talk about it?"
I hope im doing well, i want him to understand i care about him
"i just dont know what im feeling. Ive had to suppress all emotions in order to be taken seriously- or well, attempt to be taken seriously. And then i had to suppress my sadness and anger when that didn't work, and i was only ignored and pushed out. And now-" he puts his hands out, like he's holding a big invisible bowl, "-i dont even know what feelings feel like anymore."
I wish i knew what that felt like, burning rage is probably worse than feeling nothing. It still sounds like hell, not knowing what you feel, if you feel.
"that sounds awful..."
"and ive sacrificed all that for nothing, too. Its not like its any better. They still wont listen, whenever anything happens it always ends up back in square one. There's no progress, no indication of a reason to keep trying."
I have nothing to say, ive never knew it was that bad.. i mean, i knew it was bad, he asked to FUSE with me. But i didn't know just how deep the cut was. The least i can do is keep listening.
"its frustrating, knowing im just a side character in their stories. And all I'll ever be is a support character thats only there for a moment, never my own character who's at the center of the story."
"thats not true.. you're your own main charact-"
"im not! Even in my own plot, even in my life, my WHOLE EXISTENCE, im still the side character! All i do is help Thomas! No matter what or who, IM ALWAYS JUST SUPPORT."
I place my hand on his shoulder
"Logan... Main character or not, people still care about you."
"who? Remus only cares about me because no ones cares about him, and you only care about me because i brought you back. No one cares about me."
"thats no true! I care about you, more than i care about myself.. you're THE MOST IMPORTANT side. Without you none of us would be here. You deserve to tear them to shreds, yet you choose again and again to make sure they're okay instead. You might not see it but YOU are the reason we're all still here."
Logan is speechless, but he knows im right, i hope.
"you really think so?"
"i know so."
"now come on, we both need calm down time. There's some ice cream in the freezer"
He smiles, a genuine smile. I did it. We both did it.
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phantomhunt · 17 days
hi :3
I had a sudden burst of inspiration and drew cronus’ eye
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It’s all sparkly ( ^ = ^ ) / ✨
He was a really cool character and I always loved the way you wrote him :)
This genuinely amazing, thank you so much for this <3
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tssidesfics · 3 hours
Looking for Prompts
I am in a writing slump and I'm a little burned out, but I still want to write, so. I'm taking a break from my big projects and I'm looking for prompts.
You can suggest anything with Sanders' Sides, but I prefer non-romantic suggestions, and ideally I'm looking for crack-adjacent ideas. A little absurd, fountains of humor waiting to be tapped into. Hurt/comfort is usually uninteresting to me unless it's got a good plot, even a brief one, behind it, usually one powered by a significant amount of angst. If you're looking for Logan or any of the Dark Sides, former or current, to be soft and cooperative with other people trying to comfort and reassure them, I am not the author you wanna come to because when I write those guys they're always emotional cacti. I will not write any touch-starved prompts, because I am touch-averse with an overactive imagination and that would trigger me.
Also, especially if you have any platonic prompts for Logan and the Orange Side (who I headcanon as Rage/Depression and wouldn't really know how to write differently), hit me with them. Especially if you know Rage in my series, A Story of a Soul and All Its Stripes
If you've got any ideas, hit me with them. You're allowed to suggest things that violate the humor or qualifications for hurt/comfort ideas, or even romantic prompts (as long as they're human AUs, SIdes-as-Sides romance gives me the ick--no judgment to you, that's just a boundary), just know that it's pretty unlikely I'll take them.
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typically-untypical · 2 years
Echoes of the Past - Day 24
Prompt: "One need not be a chamber to be haunted. One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place."
CW: Forced imprisonment, less than sympathetic Patton, fighting, Implied Character Death
Depending on what philosophy someone followed, depending on their world view and their mindset, the palace that the different pieces of them called home would be set up differently. For some people it was a pyramid, based on a hierarchy of needs, for others it was a library, meticulously organized but each space having its own equal importance and value. For Thomas, it was a labyrinth of layers, inter mingling and constantly changing. Few knew his mind or the way it was structured. Few knew that one floor was in two separate spaces due to conflicting natures. Few knew their way around the twisting halls, but Janus knew. Janus knew exactly how many layers there were to Thomas' mind. He knew how the mind shifted as Thomas grew into his sexuality, he knew the floors, and subfloors, and he knew all of the different rooms that existed on each. Thomas' mind was a maze, but it was Janus' maze, always built to protect Thomas. Roman and Remus might have been the designers, but Janus was the architect. He knew the mind palace just as he knew his own face.
So why didn't he know where he was?
Janus had helped build all of these twists and turns. He had each corridor and its purpose memorized, each creature and being that lived here was under his care and protection. Janus knew the depths of the subconscious, the gleam of the memory corridors, but this was different, this was new. Janus didn't like new. The room he had woken up in was white, and completely empty. As far as his eyes could see, there was nothing, no shadows, no walls, and the cold emptiness made Janus shiver. There wasn't a door to escape either, and he felt himself unable to sink out. "Remus, if this is some kind of prank I totally appreciate it." He rolled his eyes, pulling at his gloves to hide the nervousness that rang through his body. He knew everything about the mind palace, and not once had he learned about a blank white room. He had to cling to this being one of Remus' pranks. What else could it be?
Still, it didn't feel like something Remus would do. Janus knew that, but he was Deceit. What use was that moniker if he wasn't willing to lie to himself every once in a while. Lying to oneself was how humans got past the worst in life. 
Too bad he wasn't human.
As Janus began walking around, trying to figure out how he was going to get out, he heard a voice, echoing through the empty space. It sounded like Thomas, not in the way they all sounded like Thomas but truly and completely Thomas' voice. That couldn't be though, not with the words that were being spoken. "You are unnecessary."
"I am not a liar, I don't need to be deceitful, it's wrong. That's a part of myself I'd rather not feed into, a part of myself I'd rather not have." The room suddenly shifted, whiteness disappeared, replaced with stone and mortar. Janus had been dropped into a box, a cell, and he knew this place. Panic set into his eyes. This was where 'unneeded' pieces were sent to be frozen until they were needed again, phases, sides, pieces that Thomas wanted to hide from himself. This went further than the 'dark sides', this was a place where things would stop having an influence on Thomas. If he were just Deceit that would be fine. Janus would wait until the others realized the mistake that had been made and then he would mercilessly gloat, but he wasn't just Deceit. He was self-preservation, the part that reminded Thomas it was okay not to burn himself out, the part that demanded care and Rest. Sure he fought for what he wanted through whatever means necessary, but without him, Thomas wouldn't fight for himself at all. Thomas wouldn't know when to stop. They were already heading down a cliff, but this was like stepping on the gas.
The ground began to fill with near boiling water. Janus hadn't expected it to be boiling, he had only seen people frozen in the clear cubes, caught in a fear they wouldn't escape until Thomas was ready to face hard truths about himself. He was supposed to be ready to face that he had a deceitful side, that that side of him was meant to be protective not malicious. They had been getting there, so what changed?!
Deceit hissed as the liquid reached past his shoes, burning up his legs. He was already frozen in place, unable to move. Despite the fact that it seemed like a liquid, as soon as it touched Janus' skin he could feel his body essentially turning to stone, no longer listening to his calls. "Thomas, please, be reasonable," He muttered, trying not to panic, trying to appear in front of Thomas, trying to plead his case but the decision had been made. For the time being, Thomas wasn't going to lie. He was going to suppress the part of him that was deceitful. This was going to be disastrous. He couldn't just let everything blow up in Thomas' face like this.
"Remus! Remus get me out!" The desperation was in his voice now as he struggled against the burning liquid, his body numb underneath his knees. Janus could feel his hope slipping from him with each new wave. He was frozen in place, the liquid holding him solid. He just needed one of them to hear him, one of them to feel him, to talk some sense into Thomas. If Remus wouldn't hear his calls, he would reach out to the others who might.
"Logan! Virgil!" He knew not to call out to Patton and Roman, they had their own motivations, but they were probably also the reason that he was in this situation.
He choked as he tried to struggle forward, his capelet caught in the liquid, choking him as he reached forward. He quickly unclipped it, pulling it from his neck as he shouted again.
"Thomas! Don't do this Thomas. This will not work the way you think." His calm drawl was gone, the sly edge to his voice replaced by his anger, urgency, and fear. He wasn't just Deceit.
He was self-preservation!
Did they understand what would happen if Thomas didn't have access to that part of himself? Did any of them realize what would happen if he wasn't there?
"I bet you not being around would be good for him, lying only gets him in more trouble."
The words echoed in the back of his mind. Patton had said them so many years ago but maybe he had finally acted on that minor thought. "Please, someone," he coughed out, arms frozen in place. "I need to protect him, please don't do this to me." He had his head tilted up, trying to resist as the waves continued to crash. He couldn't fight anymore. He would if he could, only for Thomas, always for Thomas, but he couldn't move, and soon the liquid was over his lips, silencing his voice and his cries. He closed his eyes, tears slipping from the human side of his face. He could only hope that he would be freed before Thomas got him into a place that would destroy him.
Meanwhile, Virgil fought furiously to ramp up Thomas' anxiety, but it was hard to maintain control when their host no longer cared for himself, his safety, his happiness, his social standing. Virgil was losing his grip, putting as much energy into his aspect as he could. "Remus, what the fuck is taking you so long?"
Two friends who hadn't talked in so long, joined together by a singular task.
"I'm looking Emo, I'm looking." Remus threw open another door. "Why did the snake have to make this place so complicated? Couldn't there be a fucking elevator or something." Remus was panicking just as much as Virgil was. He could feel it, he could feel the slip, the slide away from a healthy place. Normally he would revel in it, but not if it put Janus in danger. Janus had been there for him through so much. They had fought side by side, Remus wasn't going to just let him get hurt.
"I swear I'm going to skin my brother alive the next time I see him."
Roman was suddenly in front of him, "Good luck with that, Brother." 
Remus slid to a stop, manifesting his mace.
"This is what is best for Thomas, I won't let you find him." Roman stood proud in the middle of the pathway, always a shining beacon of 'what was best for Thomas' but his brother didn't know shit.
Remus almost dropped his mace, waiting to throttle his brother with his bare hands, but he charged instead. His brother knew, his brother was doing this on purpose. Anger filled him in a way he had never experienced before. Roman was many things, and dumb certainly was one of them, but he had never thought his brother would be this dumb, to throw himself into a scenario that could only end in failure.
"Poop for brains Prince, do you know what's going to happen if Thomas doesn't have access to Janus?" He stepped forward, swinging and barely missing as Roman jumped back. A mace was heavy, clunky, it hit hard but Roman fought with a katana, he fought with speed.
"He won't be a liar, he will stop hurting people with his manipulations." Roman slid forward as Remus attempted to recover from his swing. The prince sliced at his brother, falling into a routine that was familiar and yet echoed of the past. Remus didn't care. He didn't care that he had longed to spar with his brother, didn't care that his blood was dripping onto the ground.
"Tomithy won't have access to his self preservation you dumb ass."
"So he'll be less selfish!"
Remus rolled his eyes, sliding into Roman's space and hitting his brother with the handle of his mace, shoving it up into his brother's stomach. "He won't be selfish at all. He will give and give and give until he gives himself away. People need to be selfish!"
Roman stumbled backwards, taking in a few deep breaths to try to ease the pain of the bruise he knew was forming, but he didn't look swayed. He didn't understand the severity of the situation.
"Selfless people don't chase after their dreams," Remus shouted.
That made Roman pause, and Remus held his morning star over his head, ready to bash his brother's brains in.
"That can't be true," Roman looked horrified as the realization hit him, and Remus didn't have time to pity his brother as he let the morning star fall.
"Love you bro, but you really are a dumb ass." He began running past Roman, leaving him on the ground in the consciousness, he would be fine.
"Had a small hiccup, Emo, but I'm on my way now," he said, but the sound he got back worried him.
"Please hurry," Virgil's voice was far too soft.
"Shit, shit, shit." He ran faster, not bothering to give the nightmares a chance as he fought his way to the subconscious. He kept throwing door after door open until he finally found it. He didn't recognize Janus at first, broken by the expression on his best friend's face.
"There you are snaky, now I just need to get you out." He began trying to chip away at the clear block that had his snake frozen into place, but it wasn't working. "V, we might need another strategy. I don't think bashing my way through this will work."
"There's no one else. Logan went missing after his argument with Patton, you just beat up Roman, and P is the one who started this whole fiasco." Neither of them thought Patton did it on purpose, they really didn't think the puff ball had it in him.
Remus hesitated, morningstar raised above his head. "We have to call him."
There was silence on the other end. Neither of them knew what the consequences would be of asking him for help, but they didn't have any other choice, and Virgil apparently knew that. "Yeah, okay, I'll ask him for help."
"Tell him I sent you, don't take that burden on your own." 
"Yeah, okay Re, I'll do what I need to."
Why was everyone here so stupid? Remus continued to smash away at the block, he knew it wasn't going to work, but he had to do something. He couldn't just stand idly by.
It was only a few minutes before the cube began to melt, and despite Remus being exhausted he reached forward, ignoring the way the liquid burned. He grabbed Janus, pulling him into a tight hug.
"How long was I gone?" The side coughed, obviously trying to regain some of his decorum.
"Only an hour... I think." Janus nodded, but then looked up at Remus, fear in his eyes, a question he didn't need to ask.
"Let's go check in." He pulled Janus up to the conscious. Neither of them expected the scene in front of them. Roman was barely standing, using his sword to prop himself up. Patton was on the ground, head held to the floor by the polished black of another side's shoe. It looked like Logan, but Remus and Janus both knew it wasn't. Logan had never had such a cruel look in his eyes. 
"Let him go," Janus attempted to shout, not sure if he was referring to Patton or Logan, probably both.
"Really, I thought this is what you wanted, morality on his knees, the dark side traitor gone." Janus paled, what had he done to Virgil. "You called on me, so I took the nearest empty vessel." The implications of that were terrifying. What had happened to Logan?
The new side looked over to Remus, a smirk on his face.
"Oh and the Virgin says goodbye. I needed a lot of energy to come back and he so willingly sacrificed what he had left. We should see a new anxiety soon, but I'll hold the function until he comes back."
"Virgil?" Roman whispered in a voice so broken Janus had never heard it on him before. This wasn't how things were supposed to turn out. 
Janus went to step forward, went to take back control of the situation but his body lurched and the other side looked at him with a sneer. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." He reached down, pulling Patton up by the hair, "This is going to be fun."
@simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @melaniidarling @tsshipmonth2020
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Summary:  Where has Orange been this whole time?
Word Count:  595
Read on AO3
cws: caps used for shouting, destructive behavior, being restrained, being alone, breaking things out of anger
thanks to @fangirlwriting-stories for beta reading!
At a certain point there was only so much to smash in here.
Thank fuck for the mindscape repairing things, he supposed, all though it was aggravating every day to wake up to all of his hard work gone.
At least he could walk freely around his room. He'd heard Intrusive Thoughts regularly woke up chained to the wall.
Sides didn't need to eat, but still, he'd kill for a cookie or something. His food summoning skills were non-existent.
He got plenty of sustenance from the way the Core sides were anyways sniping at each other, anyway. It was like little bits of candy, the only treats he ever got.
Oh, and the others visited sometimes, but he'd hardly count that as a treat.
He'd only heard the news about Anxiety rising to "actually seeing Thomas in person" status because Thomas had been frustrated with Anxiety so he'd been paying attention at the time.
Turns out poor little Anxiety had been the frustrated one by the end of the video. It had been highly amusing, and he'd said so when Anxiety came to complain to him afterwards.
But then the Cores, and Virgil too apparently? had decided that little digs at each other were too mean and now they had to stop because it could lead to things like ducking out, as if that had even remotely been what the problem was, and he felt the mindscape shift,
and his room be shoved further down.
Really? Now a little bit of rudeness was too much? Was on the same level of bad as ideas like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute? He'd punched several new holes in the wall and gone to sleep fuming that night.
He'd also woken up to find his door locked. He hadn't been able to leave his room in years, but at least he'd been able to shout down the hallway at the others. Now he'd have to wait for them to come to him. His hand tightened on the doorknob and he ripped it off. What was the point if the door didn't open anymore?
Some time after that, Thomas decided to confront Remus.
Instead of him?!
The injustice! How could he? He was so mad he'd actually managed to summon some glass, which he smashed promptly. It was very satisfying, but only for a moment.
The Wedding.
Thomas had been so angry.
But he'd let NONE OF IT OUT.
He was already alone down here. And after that fiasco...
He tore at the rope on his wrists.
He could only walk a few feet away from the wall now.
Deceit still visited. Well, Janus. No, Deceit. It was Deceit when he was angry.
Deceit wouldn't get within range.
It was a good idea.
He wasn't sure what he would do if Deceit got close.
He couldn't close his eyes, lately. The orange glow was constant, and, nowadays, focused on one side in particular.
"I see you've found your window of opportunity," said Deceit.
He smiled ruefully. "And what else have I got, exactly?
"Nothing, I suppose," Deceit smirked.
"I hate you, you know."
"Who doesn't?"
He snarled and strained against the ropes. Deceit stood and brushed the dust off his cloak. It had gotten very dusty on the other side of the room.
Deceit turned, then paused. "I truly wish you the best." Deceit turned away quickly, but he couldn't quite hide his pitying expression.
He howled, orange light flashing wildly around the room as Deceit closed the door, and the lock clicked shut.
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loganslowdown4 · 7 months
Remus: Hey Bro-ho, I’m stuper sorry I ate the last slice of red velvet cake you were saving in the fridge.
Roman: *smiles* Oh that’s ok, my brother. I am also so so sorry that I punched you in the face.
Remus: Absolutely apology accepted-
Remus: Wait when was the last time you-
Roman: *punches Remus in the face*
Remus: You know what, I deserved that.
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runningonadhd · 4 months
Logan’s such a silly guy
So silly. The silliest. Can’t wait for him to silly all over the place.
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 7 months
"You're going to forget," said Virgil.
"I set an alarm," said Thomas.
"Doesn't matter. You're going to forget anyway."
"Why?" said Logic.
"What do you mean, why?"
"Can you explain why you think the alarm isn't going to help?"
"Because it isn't," Virgil snapped. "He's going to forget, because he always does, so he shouldn't even bother trying, and... and..." He tried and failed to suppress a huge yawn, and scowled fiercely. He hated having to show vulnerability in front of the Main Sides. He hated not being able to completely control his body when it rebelled against him like this, and he hated that he cared so much, and he hated having to argue such an obvious point with someone who should have some fucking sense. "Whatever."
Logic blinked. Virgil was really too tired to deal with this, and he hated that too.
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pupperish · 1 year
I hope we get to see Orange's room and everyone starts beating the shit out of each other
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nico-the-overlord · 21 days
any orange side headcannons?
Ok well, I’ve yelled about my head canon here I made of him being a flamboyant cowboy. Literally only because it would be cool if he was one
And idk if this is a headcanon on him, but I think he’ll also be linked to or affect Roman somehow. I haven’t put that much thought into this one so…how? Can’t say.
I’ve also thought about where he’ll appear if confirmed real in the series a lot. Will he pop up in Logan’s place? Dramatically descend down the stairs behind Virgil, to Logan’s old place, similar to how Remus came up behind Roman? I like the latter idea a lot.
Other than that I don’t really have any set ones…? I usually semi absorb other head canons LIKE ORANGE BEING A SHADOWY GUY/OF NON-CORPORAL FORM?? Love that, also the idea of him secretly admiring Logan, or backing him up as a friend is lovely.
Also also love people saying his emblem is straight (gay) up going to be an orange
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Roman, Logan, put the guns down-
Also glad your voice is back Ro! Good to see you're feeling better!
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not to imply that this is whats happening to you man but not expressing anger or feeling it fully can be a learnt trait which hurts you over time, like a bottle warping as water freezes in it. the water is still there, and its spiky now, and the way you would normally process it is bent out of shape. it also means that other strategies people might use you might not be used to
there are clearer physical things you can do to cope with anger, even if it seems pointless. sleeping, eating, water, the same boring stuff as always. venting to friends, especially to anyone who understands what youre going through can help with processing that stress and anger
anger is a hard emotion to deal with! and for a lot of people it manifests in different ways. especially if you grew up learning that there are bad emotions you have to hide away. working through what the causes of your anger are, no matter how silly and things to get through it and feel better are your best bet atm. while internal communication is important, its also good to make sure that other people you know are talking to you and are aware you aren't doing well.
pushing away the feeling of rage, even if its silly, or feels dangerous or wrong, or initially manifests unhealthily will lead to it feeling worse and less manageable over time. you got this man!
-lotus (ooc: im new here lol so if i got shit wrong about canon ignore that part of the ask)
"but that's the problem!! Nothing works!! And now the only person I'm happy with hates me!" Thomas puts his head in his hands, struggling to keep his cool.
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claer · 1 year
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james fenner // twilight prince // fiona apple // santiago caruso // ash sanders
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tssidesfics · 1 year
Credit to @wisecolorthing for helping me come up with this nightmare crack fic. I can't entirely remember how we started talking about it but the conversation wandered to Remus in a Spencer's and this was born. It is pure crack. Completely ludicrous and ridiculous while also being completely in-character because we're talking about Remus, here.
God should have skipped the flood and just unleashed Remus on the world a few thousand years early.
Then again, humanity might never have recovered at that point, so what do I know?
Welcome to my little circle of hell, everybody. Yes, you are all correct that my relationship with the others can be best surmised with the "this house is a fucking nightmare" vine, but you don't get any points for it because it's not hard to figure out. I subsist off coffee, spite, and sarcasm (but differently from Janus, who subsists off wine, spite, and sarcasm) and exist solely to, in Remus' words, "vibrate like an overripe chihuahua on meth and five espressos with a dildo turned on up its ass"--AKA I am an anxious mess when I'm not spiraling ever-deeper into the bowels of worst-case scenario-ism. I live in a very weird gay man's head with my roommates, some of which (Logan) feign sanity 80% of the time and the other 20% conduct deranged experiments on furniture, food, and sometimes people like he's the last mad scientist left and has to preserve his culture. Some of them are actually (mostly) sane, like Patton (although we have to affectionately--and in Rage's case, literally, but they have a complicated relationship--beat on him to make him start crying when he needs to, so all things are relative). Some are just plain weird, like Roman (seriously, he's not even a type of crazy I can qualify, he's just unhinged). Some delight in feigned psychopathy (Janus). Some really need anger management therapy (do I seriously need to clarify?...actually, yeah, Logan could use some too). And some, AKA the problem child of this fever dream, defy description, but a DSM-5 edition bursts into flames every time they get a very specific little lopsided smile on their face--the one that slowly dawns like panels of light until it's blinding and suddenly nauseating to look at. That feeling is always proceeded by destruction of property. Always.
And of course Janus and Rage are gleeful enablers. Is it any wonder why I yeeted myself off the first exit ramp out of that 24/7 Mardi Gras festival?
In case it was not made shockingly apparent by literally everything about me, hi, I'm Virgil. Kill me.
My Nightmare #347 began with Patton yanking himself out of Thomas' head into the passenger side car-seat with a giddy smile on his face. "Hi, Thomas!"
Thomas screamed and jumped so hard he swerved. I neglected to appear to him physically--given I didn't want to make matters worse--but I did start fluently cussing and climbed the wall.
"Patton!" Thomas righted to the car as a cacophony of honks chastised him. "Hi, buddy. Next time, not in the middle of traffic!"
"Oop. Sorry, Thomas." At least Patton was appropriately contrite. I didn't often consider him an asshole--"cinnamon roll" is so apt he literally turns into a cinnamon roll sometimes--but today, I could make an exception. "I was wondering if we could all hang out with you at the mall today."
"Pat, it's hard enough with you guys providing running commentary on my every social interaction in my head," Thomas pointed out. "I'd like to just enjoy seeing Joan again while they're in town and I will have to corral at least five of you if I let you out."
"But Thomas..." Patton whined, bouncing frustratingly in his seat. "The Mindscape is boring!"
"You can bake an endless amount of cookies and turn it into whatever you want. I literally don't see how it could ever become boring."
"Logan won't let us change it from your living room."
Thomas sighed. "What are the chances I can convince Logan to lighten up a little?"
I snorted so loud Thomas heard it.
"Thank you for your contribution, Virgil." Thomas rolled his eyes. "If I let the rest of them out, do you promise you won't let them get into any trouble?"
I squawked. "You're expecting Patton to control the others? Are you insane? Patton couldn't control a drowsy teddy bear!"
Patton popped back into the Mindscape to turn hurt eyes on me. I crossed my arms. "No," I said. "I stand by what I said. Your backbone is made of silly putty."
"All right, Virgil," Thomas interjected before Patton could crank up the Guilt Trip'O'Meter as high as it would go. "You raise a good point. Why don't I leave you in charge?"
"I would rather crawl into a hot and rot, thanks."
"C'mon, I can feel how stir-crazy you're all getting. It's making me more antsy than usual."
"I don't see why that's a problem, considering you have never sat still anywhere a single day in your life. Someone could hold Joan over a barrel of piranha telling you they'd drop them if you couldn't sit still for an entire five minutes and it would be all your fault that Joan died."
Too late, I realized my mistake. Remus cackled loudly and sank out somewhere I didn't want to know but had to follow lest he murder the literal only reason Thomas had ever gotten me remotely under control.
"Why would you do that?" Thomas asked dully.
"You see why it's a bad idea to expect me to control these lunatics?"
Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses and snapping his folder closed. God knew what went on in those things; we only got independent internet access when we manifested and he certainly couldn't raid a bookstore without manifesting, yet he always had one in his lap, diligently working. It was morbidly fascinated. "Honestly," he grumbled. "Thomas, I believe that yes, your mental health would benefit from letting us manifest as a group. I can control the others."
"Logan," I began. "Buddy. Pal. My guy."
"Call me three of those ever again and there will be scalpels plunged into locations you do not want to think about."
"You cannot control them," I told him. "History has demonstrated multiple times that the only person who can control us is Thomas, and he's going to be busy catching up. He's going to let go of Remus' leash. Do you really--and I mean think about this--do you really think the time you want Remus off Thomas' leash is in a mall?"
"Fine. Then we'll leave him behind. At least venting some of--"
"He'll just start shooting off intrusive thoughts like a machine gun. You let more than one out, you open the floodgates."
"You're being paranoid."
"Funny that. I can't imagine why I'd be paranoid. Sounds completely unlike me, I'm normally so laid-back."
"The sarcasm was unnecessary."
"You're finally learning when I'm sarcastic." I was impressed. "Nice, Lo. I was getting worried."
Logan clicked his pen menacingly.
I grinned. Logan was easily one of my greatest allies in the Mindscape--Roman was insufferable, Janus, Remus and Rage were out of the question, and Patton could be obnoxiously patronizing--but never let his capacity for violence be underestimated. I once saw him take Roman's katana to a bundle of sticky notes because one of them gave him a paper cut. Despite that capacity for violence, however, I delighted in pushing his buttons.
"Are we manifesting today?" Roman called down the stairs with barely-restrained delight.
"Unless you can guarantee Remus won't set the mall on fire, hell no!" I called back up.
There was a long moment of silence. "Remus, I'll let you have Mrs. Snuffykins for one night if you behave yourself if we manifest!"
I had absolutely no idea what that was--I wanted to think a stuffed animal, but with Roman and Remus, all bets were off--but Remus' ecstatic screech was enough to tell me I probably didn't want to find out.
Roman looked back down at me. "He'll behave."
I arched an eyebrow.
"Prince's honor."
"Historically meant shit, Princey."
"Yes, but not Disneyally."
"That is not...remotely a word," Logan said, somehow a mix between dumbfounded and awed.
"Look, I'm just not optimistic that letting Remus out when Thomas isn't keeping an eye on him would end in anything except Thomas going to prison for arson, murder, or public indecency. Or worse."
"I'll keep him in line," Roman vowed. "Please, Virgil? I'm going stir-crazy in here, we all are."
I crossed my arms.
Roman pouted.
I snorted.
Roman glared.
I arched an eyebrow.
Roman slumped.
I grinned. "Deal with it, everybody. No manifesting. Get comfy. Janus, think about pushing your luck and I am ripping out each individual one of your scales and burying them in places you don't want."
"How delightfully Remus of you. Except for the part where you'll actually follow through on the threat."
"From Remus it wouldn't be a threat, it would be a bonding activity."
"Speaking of," Patton said shyly. "Didn't Remus run off after you said something about Joan getting hurt, kiddo?"
My eyes bugged out of my head. I sighed and hung it. "Why is it always me?" I mumbled and sunk out to chase Remus through the Mindscape.
After fishing out Remus' limbs from a pond of piranha he'd dismembered himself into when he heard me chasing after him, I borrowed some super glue from Roman's room and stuck him back together. It should have fixed him up good as new but it was Remus and any attempts I made to change things around here were easily superseded by one half of Creativity. Which meant Remus was now walking around with his penis glued to his forehead, fully erect.
Not as much time had passed by the time we returned as I expected. Which would have been great if not for the fact that the Conscious Mind was conspicuously quiet. All the dishes were clean, there wasn't any crap on the floor, and there were no Sides milling about. I could have taken the time to check each of their rooms upstairs but why waste the time when I knew exactly where they all were?
"Roman, you are in your thirties. A store called Forever 21 is not for you," Logan was saying after I manifested in the general direction of the others. "Hello, Virgil."
I glared. "What did I say?"
"Aw, but Virge--"
"You're inviting a Remustrophe right now, you realize that, right?"
Janus grinned. My blood ran cold.
"I WANT EVERY DILDO YOU HAVE!" echoed across the mall, and with horror, I realized what I'd done.
I'd loosed Remus Sanders on the Spencer's department store.
The good news: nothing had caught fire yet. Potential loss of life was yet to be determined as Patton yelped and rushed over to the prone body of the clerk behind the counter. That also proved fine when I saw him slump in relief after probing her neck for a pulse.
The bad news: Remus had slipped the superglue I'd used to piece him back together out of my pocket and was now using it to attach dildos, ripped out of their packages with plastic and cardboard shredded across the floor, to his costume. He was also dripping with something viscous, disincentivizing me from touching him to stop him from unleashing more chaos.
By rights, seven dildos glued to his top should have torn the damn thing, but it was made of sturdier stuff than that. I studied him for a long moment, trying to work up the nerve to approach, while he just continued to wreak havoc. Janus, meanwhile, the only one not preoccupied with horror or despair at Remus' antics, meandered over to the bowl in which they kept their sarcastic pins, perusing them idly.
"You better be planning to pay for those," I warned, then looked around. "Wait. Where's Rage?"
Logan glanced around. "Likely inflicting property damage on a jewelry store. He rather dislikes those."
I pinched my sinuses. "Logan, could you rein in your alter ego, please?"
"I am too evolved for my alter ego to be that idiot," Logan told me with overblown indignity.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're the only one who can talk some sense into him. The cameras may not be able to recognize Thomas' face on all of us, but the less reason the cops have to potentially stuff him in a cell, the better."
It was true. Somehow, whatever bizarre magic allowed us to manifest in the real world also confused cameras and people so no one could trace the destruction of property likely to follow us back to Thomas. It was the only reason I wasn't already in the fetal position on the floor forgetting the basic components of breathing.
Logan rolled his eyes and broke off to track down Rage. I turned my attention to Roman.
"No," Roman said firmly.
"He's your brother," I told him.
"Yes, and it's your fault he's here. You were supposed to watch him."
"I wouldn't have had to take my eyes off him if you guys hadn't snuck out in the first place. I'm one Side. Do you really think I would have stood a snowball's chance in hell of keeping Remus from doing exactly this?"
"And I have any better chance?"
"No, but the alternative is explaining to Thomas what you guys did."
Roman glared at me.
I glared back.
Roman pouted.
I continued glaring.
Roman stomped his foot and whined.
I pointed at Remus, who was now smashing glasses on the ground and eating the shards. Blood was rushing from his mouth and gathering in puddles on the floor. He was still dripping.
"I hate you," Roman informed me bluntly.
"Oh, like you've ever made a secret of that?"
Roman adopted a punched puppy expression at that one.
I sighed. "Yeah, yeah, you've been doing better, now go wrestle your brother into a cage or something."
Roman dragged his feet over to Remus and summoned a hasmat suit he put on. Remus sliced into it with a rather sizable shard and sprinted away before Roman could catch him. Without thinking, I lunged after him, only succeeding in sliding down the length of his body like he was covered in lube.
Oh, wait, it was lube. It smelled like one of Remus' worst farts and tasted like it too. You would have thought the dildos would have either failed to stick with his clothes soaked in lubricant or at least they would have given me something to hang onto to stop him from escaping, but all they did was slap me repeatedly in the face with silicon penes of various sizes.
Remus left a slimy trail behind him as he cackled deeper into the store. I was positive he was headed somewhere with matches so he could set the building on fire.
I pressed my face into the floor, into a puddle of lube, and sighed. Miserably, I hauled myself to my feet and turned back to everyone else. "You are in so much trouble," I assured them without passion, dragging myself off to find Thomas and get him to suck Remus back into the Mindscape before additional damage could be done.
I found him in the food court, blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding deeper into the store. Altogether the world seemed relatively unaware of the happenings, another magical defense mechanism. It wasn't that people never noticed what we were doing, it was just that they were less likely to find it alarming. Although once the fire alarms started going off, people would pay attention.
"Thomas," I greeted without etiquette, coming to pause next to his table.
"Holy shit," Joan summarized perfectly. People aware of our nonsense were usually pretty good at spotting us and processing our appearances.
Thomas looked dejected. "No."
"Remus escaped."
Thomas flopped forward like a fish on land and smacked his head full into the table. The pain reverberated through my skull. "Time to--"
The fire alarm blared. Rage ran past with a shotgun, screaming, "Adios, coppers!" as he went.
Thomas watched him run past. "We don't have to stop him, do we?"
I considered it for a moment. "Nah, he can stay. As long as everyone goes back in, we should be able to keep Remus there."
People ran past screaming. A panicked exodus spilled from the food court. Some people knocked into me and I stumbled. Thomas caught my hoodie sleeve, then gagged and pulled his hand back.
"Remus," I explained.
"Right." Thomas looked in the direction everyone was running from. "I guess I have to go toward the fire to stop him, huh?"
I nodded sadly.
"Sorry, Joan," Thomas explained. "Next time, my place."
"Deal. Want some help?"
"You don't need to see what I'm about to see."
With that, Thomas and I made our begrudging way toward the fire.
It resolved relatively easily once Thomas gave Remus a disapproving stare. We all didn't do well with Thomas' disappointment, even Remus, so he moped back inside the Mindscape without much complaint. Everyone else returned to the living room in my doghouse and I locked myself in my room, refusing to emerge. Rage stayed out for a while longer and later we found out three police stations had been set on fire with all prisoners escaped. No loss of life, which I didn't know how to feel about.
Later, through mystical means, the stolen dildos Remus had taken were discovered in Ron DeSantis' home. We laughed for a week.
I amend my earlier statement. Maybe we really do need to use Remus as the next great flood. He'll just focus his attention on the fascists and we'll all be better off.
Yo, God, you should get on that.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Jennifer Walters (a.k.a She-Hulk) the superhuman lawyer has to deal with relationship drama, impatient superhuman clients, bureaucratic red tape from Mallory Book and a phone-call from Reed Richards.
She-Hulk v4 #12, 2023
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firebreathingpandas · 8 months
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some messy sketches of orange side because I think he’s neat
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