dijon-mayonnaise · 25 minutes
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The second list of alternative/experimental compilation albums that are raising funds for Palestinians, NGOs, and activists.
You can still acquire our album by sending us the receipt of your donation to PCRF or any other valid fundraiser (be careful of scammers for your own sake). [email protected]
Take care of yourself and your loved ones, oppose colonization and oppression, fight for universal human rights. Make noise.
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dijon-mayonnaise · 2 hours
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Happy Pride Month
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dijon-mayonnaise · 2 hours
The Ace Attorney translation is so funny because if it were translated today it would probably just be normal but since it was the 2000s and American brains couldn't comprehend Japan there's randomly an insular village that strictly practices Shinto divination in Southern California
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dijon-mayonnaise · 9 hours
Would you guys beat me up if I had to ask for Uber money outside of the gofundme...
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dijon-mayonnaise · 11 hours
Hello ! Thank you so much for being patient with me ! I am a Palestinian academic educator from bleeding Gaza. Life is dire and desperate that is why I am asking you to support my donation campaign to help evacuate a whole family from this catastrophic place. Your contribution helps the children of the family live in peace and safety. Don't spare this moment of giving your hand to people in bad need to you. You can help either through donating or sharing the link to others. Let children of Gaza live in peace.
Fadi Ayman
Of course, I’m so sorry for everything you and your family have gone through and I hope you get what you need as soon as possible
This is currently just over 3000 of a 35,000 goal, I recommend you go to the link to read the full situation as it is very in depth
This has also been vetted by nabulsi
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dijon-mayonnaise · 11 hours
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dijon-mayonnaise · 11 hours
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My son was in good health before October 7 But because of the war, his health condition deteriorated, which led to the death of my child
I need help so I can save my pregnant wife Please share or donate if you can, every dollar makes a difference 🙏
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dijon-mayonnaise · 11 hours
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dijon-mayonnaise · 12 hours
Help me get my children out. I want to see them safe. Help my family
Hello my friend :)
I just donated 5 euros and im saying now that if youre reading this, match my donation if you're able or give 1 euro if you arent. It takes less than a minute. Again, I'm not asking kindly, I'm saying to do it.
Your family will be safe - we promise. Please take care and know that there are many of us who want you all safe
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dijon-mayonnaise · 12 hours
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dijon-mayonnaise · 12 hours
I left Gaza for Italy due to an invitation to participate in the World Championship and represent Palestine. I was skating as a professional amateur. The World Championship organization contacted me to participate. I was supposed to get one of the winning positions, but I did not participate because of the war because my mind is scattered and I am always in a state of chaos and worried for the sake of my family and my family. Gaza, but my life is not life. I always think and do not sleep because of thinking about my family. I lost my father, but will the rest of my family live or be killed? I do not know my mind. I cannot control it, so my family must be taken out to get some comfort and safety. This is my picture when I am in Gaza. I hope you support me for the sake of my family. In order to return to life a little If you have trouble donating, there is a PayPal link in your bio
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dijon-mayonnaise · 12 hours
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My friend is organising for their family to evacuate Gaza.
Please share and contribute if possible!
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dijon-mayonnaise · 18 hours
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We had a beautiful house in which I lived with my family, but now our house was destroyed and we left our area and became displaced, and now we live among garbage and snakes.
When I want to get drinking water, it takes between 4 and 6 hours, and when we prepare food, it takes between 3 and 4 hours, and we have no light or electricity.
Our life is very difficult and tiring. Please help me get out of this life as soon as possible. Please🥺🥺🥺
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dijon-mayonnaise · 18 hours
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This the where my family stay right now they are staying in a school without any kind of privacy or any comfortable accommodation.kindly asking your help small things can help us in this situation
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dijon-mayonnaise · 18 hours
What if we both kissed at goochella and were both ghouls? 🥺👉👈💕💖🫣💖
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dijon-mayonnaise · 18 hours
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dijon-mayonnaise · 18 hours
On a good note I’m graduating yippie! On a bad note I currently have some outstanding school fees that total to $1200 CND$. I currently work one part time job that only gives me 2-3 shifts a week so I already barely make enough to cover my own expenses but I will be putting money towards this. The fees are due June 13 and any help is appreciated greatly!!!!
I will be updating this post with the donos I get as well as what I personally put towards or can scrounge up. I am trying to get a second job since I have a more open schedule but jobs just don’t get back quick enough.
I spent a lot of time in my academics and struggled a lot as a Black enby with ADHD and complicated family issues, the ongoing pandemic complicated a lot more of my life and it sucks that my one victory of graduating is overshadowed rn by fees. Once again I appreciate every share and donation thank you!
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