#rachel dare fanfic
sweetygardenerpeach · 3 months
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Luke Castellan x F!Hephaestus!Reader pt.2!
Warnings!: Violence, Kissing, Pet/Nick-names smut, Blood, Curse words.
After Luke healed your wounds, you guys went to the woods instead of the beach, "Okay, Ready?" Luke asked and pulled out his sword, you nodded, "Yep."You said, "Could you give me my sword back?"You asked, "Here"Luke said and tossed your sword to you, but before you could catch it, A kid with Black long-ish curly hair, grabbed it and Stabbed it into the ground. They were was wearing a CHB shirt with jeans and a green jacket wrapped around their waist,"Wait, Stop." Desmond; Son of Dionysus said. "You two aren't supposed to be here and you know it."Desmond said, "Come on, We'll just be here for a few minutes."Luke said, "No. Chiron told me to keep an eye on Y/n, since She's been claimed by Hephaestus, He doesn't want here to burn the forest down."Desmond said, "Leave us be or I'll burn you"You said while gritting your teeth. Desmond scoffs"You wish, you can't even control your power."Desmond smirks. "Oh, Watch me."you said, and fire came out of your hands and you moved your hands to make the flames stronger. "Woah, there, Chill down.."Desmond said, "Chill down?! CHILL DOWN?!!"You said angrily, and moved your hand in a horizontal motion, burning desmonds arm, "Holy fucking shit, I did not know i could do that."You said and smiled while doing so. Desmond fell to the ground and crawled away while breathing heavily. You turnrd around to face luke, and looked down and noticed a tent in his pants.. "Uh, Castellan? You might wanna take care of that."You said and pointed to his pant, while smirking. He looked down at his pants and covered his erection with his shirt, Je chuckled awkwardly,"Uh, You saw nothing.."he said while backing away and running to his cabin. You laughed and went back to camp
Time skip!!
It had been a few hours since you and luke went to the forest to 'spar'. You had went to the campfire and sat down. And your friend; Evaril daughter of Aphrodite was sitting next to you, "Hey, Have you seen Castellan?"You asked Evaril, "Hm? No, the last time i saw him he was running to his cabin."Evaril answered, "Hmm..I'm gonna go check on him, Bye."You got up and walked over to the hermes cabin and knocked on the door, and Damiand; son of Hermes answered, "'Sup."Damiand said, "Hi, Have you seen castellan?" You asked. "Yeah, He's the only one in here besides me, But i was just about to leave. Bye."He said and walked out of the hermes cabin. You walked into the hermes cabin and saw luke without his shirt."Ugh, Put on a shirt, Castellan."You said, "I'm not gonna put on a shirt, My cabin, My rules" Luke said, "First, Not your cabin, Hermes cabin. Second, For my sake and everyone else's put on a shirt."You said, "No, i'm the Head counselor of this cabin and I'm the oldest at camp."He said and smirked, "Not true, I'm One month older than you, so, Techaniclly i'm the oldest."You said and crossed your arms. He stepped closer to you, "But i'm taller."He said, "By three inches."You said. "And i have more power."You said. He grabbed your chin, "But i'm hotter."Luke said, You we're about say something but had nothing to say, "..shit."You whispered, Luke laughed, "Nice try, Flame" He said."Flame'?"You asked "Yeah, Flame."He said and let go of your chin, "Okay.." you said, "Do I get to call you something?" You asked "Besides 'castellan'?"Luke asked, "Yeah."You said, "Sure what do you have in mind?"Luke asked and crossed his arms, you uncrossed you arms, "What about Chaos? Or scar boy?" You asked, "First, Never call me scar boy. Second, No."He said, "I'm totally gonna call you scar boy to annoy you, A hundred Percent."You said while grinning. "Son of bitch.."He said while rolling his eyes, but still smiled. "I got one."You said, "Pretty boy."You said while smirking, "Pretty boy? You sure?"Luke asked, "Yep, and don't say you don't like it, 'Cuz your dick says otherwise."You said while pointing to his pants, "Mother of Mercury.."He looked up at the ceiling, put his hands on his face and groaned. You chuckled, "Looks like you could use some help."You said while smirking, "I would, but what if we get in trouble?" Luke said, "We don't even have private rooms."Luke said, "True, But when i was with the heph-my cabin i built a secret cabin in the woods for me to sleep and work on my projects."You said, "Okay, Where is it?"Luke asked, "Follow me."You said smiling, "put on a shirt." You said, Luke quickly put on shirt. You walked out of the hermes cabin and went to the woods, You arrived at a cabin with fake plants covering it and a fire symbol above the door, You opened the door, but before you could tell him to get inside, He pulled you inside and pinned you to the wall, he had already closed and locked the door, He began to kiss you aggresivelly, he pulled away, "Does this mean I'm your boyfriend?"Luke asked while grinning, you kissed him and mumbled 'yes' against his lips, "Good"He smiled, and began to kiss you again, He put his hands on your waist, and moved them up your camp T-shirt, You wrapped your legs around his waist, He put his hands under your butt for more support and moved to the spare bed, He sat you down on the bed, He kneeled down and took of your pants/shorts/skirt, He spread your legs and moved your underwear to the side, He burried his face in your pussy, And began kitty licking it, You began breathing heavily, "Ah~- Luke-...", He still kept licking your core, You put your hands in his hair, He stopped about 17 minutes later, he kissed you to make you taste yourself.
A/n: the end,I'm lazy sorry, but p.s I'm never doing smut again.. sorry. I'll make a post about the fandoms/ stuff/ things i will do. ♡
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thetimetraveler24 · 15 days
Here’s a cut scene from DYBWAYM. It’s more crack fic than I would like for this fic, but I thought it was funny and you guys might like it.
~from ch four of DYBWAYM
“It’s Percy,” Miranda Gardiner said. “Of course we’ll back you.”
“Yeah, Annabeth,” Connor agreed. “Besides, you’ve already got one volunteer, right, Drew?”
Drew raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“You volunteered to go with Jason and Leo,” Connor reminded her. “Or was that just because Jason is hot?”
Everyone looked at him. Connor faltered under their looks. “What?” he asked defensively. “He is! Kind of like a blond Percy.”
“Do you find my boyfriend attractive, Connor?” Annabeth asked, eyes narrowed.
Clarisse looked absolutely giddy over what was going down. Will was pretty sure Connor was walking into a trap. Everyone else looked amused.
“No?” Connor said, voice cracking.
“So you think he’s not good looking?” Annabeth said.
“No!” Connor protested. “He’s… he’s fine. He’s…” He dropped his head in defeat. “Can we move on?”
“Welcome to the club, dude,” Rachel said.
“The club?”
“The ‘I Would Have Tried to Date Percy Jackson If He Didn’t Have a Scary and Badass Girlfriend He Loves More Than Anything’ club,” Rachel said.
“I’m pretty sure a lot of people are in that club,” Drew said.
“Are we implying Annabeth isn’t hot?” Lou Ellen asked. “Cause she is.”
“We are so off track,” Nyssa said.
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g0thnico · 5 months
How I would make Nico and Percy an end game
(a very long text that I wrote at 3 am):
Before Percy threw himself into the River Styx, Nico would declare himself, as neither of them knew if this would work, so all that romantic tension that was between Percy/Rachel/Annabeth would turn into Percy/Rachel/annabeth/Nico, this would help Percy think more about his feelings about Nico, so he would be "rejected" by Rachel and still be thinking about Nico's declaration. thanks to that Annabeth and Percy would never have dated and Percy would still be thinking that during the holidays after the war in Manhattan.
Percy would be kidnapped by Hera, she would remind him of Annabeth to manipulate him, he would find Nico and remember him (even though that shouldn't happen) okay, everything goes normally, but Percy's decisive moment in his decision would be when Annabeth saw him and immediately spun him around in a judo strike. From that moment on, he understood which of the two really cared about him.
Everything would go on normally again until they find Nico in the jar, Percy rescues him and they have a talk about feelings (as much as they both hate it, Percy knew it was necessary) They kind of go into a state of "let's get to know each other before we date" and that doesn't last long because suddenly Percy is in Tartarus with Annabeth. In Tartar, Percy and Annabeth talk about this situation with Nico (he doesn't mention that Nico also likes him because Nico hasn't come out of the closet yet) and they understand each other, realizing that maybe they would be better as friends anyway, They find bob and Percy is like "did Nico say that?" And falling more and more in love. When he poisons that goddess to save Annabeth, he feels resentful when she simply acts like he's a monster and tells him not to use those powers.
On the other hand, Nico and Jason go to Cupid to get that scepter and Nico has to admit about his crush on Percy, but that's not so bad now that they're in a situationship, Cupid is kind of happy about it instead "muahahaha unrequited love! Pain! Suffering!" But he's still upset about being pulled out of the closet, but Jason accepts him and suddenly he became the #0 percico shipper.
when they meet again, after tartarus, Annabeth and Jason end up finding a way to get Percy and Nico alone to clarify things (and even kiss but that doesn't happen), Nico explains about cupid and Jason and Percy vents about Annabeth and misery.
This is a good start for them to get to know each other better and Jason was 100% trying to get them together, but it will take a while because they need to develop more to be ready to really to fall in love.
When they have to separate, when Nico stops to take the Athena Parthenon, Percy promises that as soon as this war is over, they would go on a date. and when Percy is leaving to prepare and face Gaia, he gets a lucky kiss.
(in this part I'm only going to talk about Nico because Percy's part doesn't have anything very relevant to the couple)
I don't remember exactly the order of things that happened in this book but:
Nico meets the Artemis hunters and something in him tells him to reveal himself to Thalia, after all, if her brother knows why not?
Before taking his nap, he ends up revealing he will go on a date with Percy to Reyna, he doesn't know her reaction as he went to sleep afterwards but she was like "oh, good for you man"
When he meets Hades, they have that father and son conversation and at the end he just says "...and I'm dating Percy" and hades "...the son of Poseidon? Wasn't there someone better?"
When Nico arrives at camp and Will Solace is babbling about births, and he just holds Nico's hand to place on his chest, in Nico's mind it's like "get out, I have a boyfriend" but he doesn't say that
This whole Nico arc is basically him finally feeling good enough about himself to come out to his friends and dad, but not good enough to disclose it to anyone. Still, it is a greater evolution than the original book.
The end of the war arrives and Nico is slowly turning into a ghost, Leo has died and so has Octavian, the air smells of death and victory and they need to rest.
The first thing Percy does as soon as he is free is to look for Nico, who was in the infirmary after using his powers a lot. Despite being tired, Nico never asks Percy to stop talking when he starts to tell every little thing about the battle when they were apart, and as soon as he finishes Nico lets out a "I love you, but right now I need to sleep for the next week." Percy thought he was joking when this literally happened. Reyna explained that this was normal and during Nico's nap, he planned their date.
The date: Percy was dressed up (like, with an improvised suit) and had a (stolen) rose in his hand, he took Nico to the entrance of the camp where Sally was prepared as his official driver (inside she was MY SON'S FIRST BOYFRIEND!!!) and there were snacks in the car because the trip would be long (They spent this time in the car talking about Nico's journey and how he came out to his father, Thalia and Reyna). Percy had asked for reservations at an Italian restaurant (a real one, with Italian chefs), because he remembered that Nico is Italian and he probably hasn't eaten real Italian food since he was a kid. They talk about everything, school, camp, friends, family. Until they both realize that neither of them know exactly what they want to do in the future. Nico wanted to continue life the way that is, doing missions for his father, traveling and meeting Percy (usually to save his life buuut who cares) While Percy wanted to have a normal life, going to camp in the summers to meet his friends and help the New demigods, but without going on missions all the time or risking your life, only if absolutely necessary, but still working in the mortal world (he doesn't want to go to college) and have his own house.
To conclude: they both followed their respective lifestyles, but they still met practically every day, and when they didn't, they called each other. Eventually they were falling in love. They only told a few people (Hazel, Reyna, Rachel, Annabeth, Jason, Grover, Thalia and Clarisse) and it was ok!
no one expected that this would end, But love is like that, it's very unpredictable
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lesbianbanana · 8 months
I love writing characters from pjo bc I just make them do feral shit and it's not even that crazy for their character bc they ARE feral
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poemsbyswift · 18 days
Welcome To Camp Half-Blood!
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Hi! I’m Nerissa (Or Rissa for short), I’m from cabin 15 which is the Hypnos cabin, and I’ll be leading your tour around Camp Half-blood new kid. I know this seems a bit disorienting but you’ll understand eventually, I’ll just ask a few questions then we can start!
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When You Look At Camp, What Do You Need Help Understanding?
The Dangers!! (Rules & More)
Who Are You Again? (About Me!)
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What Catches Your Eye First?
The Beach (Percy Jackson Masterlist)
The Beauty (Piper Mclean Masterlist)
The Future (Rachel Elizabeth Dare Masterlist)
The Fighting (Clarisse La Rue Masterlist)
The Baker (Sally Jackson Masterlist)
The Architecture (Annabeth Chase Masterlist)
The Statues (God & Goddesses Masterlist)
The Shadows (Nico Di Angelo Masterlist)
The Storm (Thalia Grace Masterlist)
The Friends I Can Make (Extra Masterlist)
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Well, now the questions are over, feel free to roam around Camp! I’ll come and get you when it’s time for dinner and we can go over anything else you want!
@poemsbyswift 2024
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spiderbats · 1 month
brainworms trio of rachel, percy, and castor. they are literally so smart but so freaking stupid
rachel: so what were you not to do?
percy: almost die,,,
castor: and what did you do?????
percy: almost die….
rachel, a time traveler: so i was thinking of picking up tarot? yknow because i’m an oracle now and all
percy and castor looking at each other, both also time travellers, seeing how this could go horribly wrong but also make them a bunch of money: go on
castor, waking up in the middle of a sleepover to see rachel and percy just staring at each other in the darkness, both of their eyes kinda glowing: uhhh
castor and percy, holding hands at the lake
rachel: fucking finally
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Helpless part 38, devil's roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
Nico turned for the hundredth time, he checked the clock, 01:53am. He still hadn't been able to get to sleep, he stared out the window until he noticed a figure standing outside the infirmary. The doors weren't locked, he wasn't sure why but he walked outside trying to see who would be standing outside side the infirmary, by the look of it smoking at almost two in the morning. As he edged closer, still remaining perfectly silent he realised it was Will, he crept up behind him, not believing his eyes. As he got closer he realised he was crying, he sank to the floor as he brought the cigarette back to his lips, breathing the smoke in and out.
"Will, are you okay?" He said sitting down next to him,
"Neeks? What are you doing out here?"
"Couldn't sleep, saw someone outside. Will what happened?" Nico said, grasping his hand,
"Lost a patient today, she was barely seven. Isla Brown, I thought she was doing better, she said she was feeling fine, everything seemed normal, we were doing hourly check ups, she was fine at seven, then we walked in at eight and she had no pulse, she never said anything about being in pain, and we tried to bring her back but it- it didn't work. We never even found out her godly parent, I think she was an Athena kid though, she was crazy smart especially for her age."
"I'm so sorry."
"I should have been able to save her."
"You can't prevent every death, it's part of how the world work."
"But she was so young."
"I know, the world in cruel that way."
"It's my fault, I should have noticed I-"
"Noticed what? Something you still can't figure out?"
"I should have run extra tests I-"
"William. It isn't your fault, there was nothing you could do. She's happy, she's in Elysium, I can sense it, and she doesn't blame you."
"Shh, you said you could glow in the dark, can you show me?" A faint light started to appears from around him, growing brighter quickly.
"I can go brighter but I don't want to get anyones attention."
"That's so cool, why don't you show it off more?"
"I have the most boring powers, what's glowing in comparison to having perfect aim with a bow."
"Anyone with enough practice can learn to shoot a bow and arrow, don't think anyone can just try and suddenly glow in the dark." Will half smiled
"I guess." Nico glanced down, the light had revealed a scar on his forearm, he didn't want to panic but as he slowly turning his arm around more and more scars and cuts revealed themselves, most didn't look that old and they all looked very much self inflicted. How the Hades had he not noticed before? He thought back to every time he'd seen Will, he was always wearing a hoodie or some other sort of long sleeves. Fuck, he started to panic but managed to keep his expression calm, he knew he needed to say something but what the fuck was he going to say?
"I guess you think I'm a hypocrite now?"
"Telling you to quit drugs and smoking yet here I am."
"Why haven't you gotten help?" Nico asked, being careful around the subject, he wasn't exactly sure how Will would react and was trying desperately to not make him mad.
"I'm not worth it, even if I was I don't have the time for it."
"I've never been on a quest and I can't fight to save my life, I'm not worth helping."
"Without you all of camp would be dead."
"Clearly I'm not doing too good of a job, I've lost so many patients, more than Michael ever did."
"Two wars have happened, obviously more people are going to die after a war."
"He would ha-"
"No. No he couldn't, Will sometimes people die no matter what you do. If the fates decide it you can't save them, sometimes people are too close to death and no matter what you do you can't save them." He pulled him closer, pressing his lips to the taller boy's. "Everyone's worth saving Will, you told me that, so apply it to yourself." Nico ran his finger over Will's cuts, "And please, please tell me if you ever want to hurt yourself again. William, you're one of the nicest people I know, you care for people even if you know nothing about them, I've never even seen you get mad at someone, everyone would miss you."
"You haven't seen every part of me, you don't know how many people I've hurt. I hate myself."
"Will, you can't be perfect. Nobody's perfect, everyone has different sides. You're only human."
"But I hurt them, I was trying to hurt them and I did."
"What are you even talking about?" He said, pulling the cigarette out of his boyfriend's hand and taking a breath before getting rid of it, he knew he wasn't meant to but he needed it.
"When I first came out, people started to say stuff, it made me hate myself but I wouldn't fight them. That- that was until one time a group of Demeter kids were beating the living shit out of Kayla for being les so I... I sort of fought them... I broke a few jaws and arms until Annabeth stopped me. I don't regret it but- I shouldn't have hurt them, I'm a fucking healer I'm not meant to fucking hurt people."
"You did the right thing."
"I should have called it down, not made it worse."
"You stood up for your sister, that's nothing to feel bad for."
"I still shouldn't have hurt them."
"I would have killed them, you're did a lot better than I would have."
"I'm a fucking healer, and that wasn't the only time."
"You're a person, you're whole life isn't your power, you are a living, breathing, human being who sometimes does things that aren't perfect. I don't know who told you otherwise, tell me who hurt you, and let me make life hell for them."
"Don't do that, they don't deserve it."
"Look me straight in the face and tell me you wouldn't do the same if someone was in your position."
"I- but- they-"
"Will, you deserve to be happy just as much as everyone else, I don't know why you don't believe that."
"My own blood doesn't want me."
"What would you say if Leo said that?"
"But that's different, he's brave and smart and a genuinely amazing person. He's fought and his life's been hard, he's had to work so hard for everything."
"Apply that to yourself."
"I'm worthless, no one fucking wants me, not just my family."
"I want you. Will I want you and I love you no matter how much you hate yourself I will always love you."
"You'll get tired of me soon enough, they always do."
"I swear I won't, I swear on the river of Styx I will never stop loving you William."
"Why would yo-" His sentence was interrupted by a kiss, Nico wrapped his hands around his neck, Will smelt like smoke and strawberries, he was warm even in the cold night. He wiped a tear from his eyes,
"Just being honest, come on Sunshine." He whispered, pulling him up, they walked with each other inside the infirmary.
"Will, can you stay?"
"Course Neeks." He started to walk towards the chair
"Sleep, you need it." Will wanted to protest but his tiredness got the better of him so he slipped inside the bed next the the raven haired boy, kissing him on the forehead before they both fell asleep.
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It’s the summertime in Westport, Connecticut.
Elsewhere in the world, a war is being fought. The forces of good and evil collide, and unbeknownst to the woman, her son is about to die.
But no one is dying here.
Here, where plates of burnt cookies and peanut butter sandwiches in Tupperware containers and plastic cups with Kool-Aid litter the rooms. Stuffed animals of various horrendous monsters line the walkways.
May Castellan bakes cookies while her son takes his final breath.
She has no idea that he will never return home.
About a day later, in Westport, Connecticut, the air is humid and hot, but May is out and about  anyway. She’s getting ready to bake cookies. Her son’s favorite. His eyes were like his father’s, you know.
But somewhere else in the world, only about two hours away by car, another girl begins to speak. Her name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare, and she’s been taken over by the Oracle of Delphi. The son of Hades is finally not an outcast. Rachel becomes the first Oracle in a very, very long time.
Two hours away, a middle-aged woman collapses.
And one of two things happens in Westport, Connecticut.
May Castellan might have been baking cookies inside her home. When she collapsed, she might have hit her head against the counter on her way down, knocking her out. The cookies, left unattended, caught on fire. May might have died. The firemen, called when the neighbors noticed black smoke billowing from the residence of May Castellan, might have found her in the same place, still with a measuring spoon in her hand.
May Castellan might have woken up in a lobby in Las Vegas. She might have flexed her fingers a little, shocked and finally free of the Oracle’s curse. She might have numbly given the ferryman some cash out of her wallet. She might have appeared before the judges of the dead. They might have declared that ultimately, she had cared greatly for those around her, and had made a brave sacrifice in trying to host the Oracle. She might have been sent to Elysium.
She might have looked around at the host of other dead people, there in a paradise and very confused. A boy might have caught her eye. Barely an adult, with sandy blond hair and a scar down his face. He had blue eyes. Like his father. May Castellan might have approached carefully. She had seen her son in the face of so many people. Was this an illusion, too? She might have asked him, “Luke? Is that you?”
That might have happened.
But it didn’t.
A middle-aged woman collapses on a sidewalk in the heat of a Connecticut summer. Her neighbors call 911, scared that the crazy lady who lives nearby might have finally kicked the bucket. The ambulance arrives quickly, and the paramedics whisk May away to a nearby hospital. She finally wakes up, and begins to take solid foods again. May feels as if she is in a trance—finally without the Oracle’s curse, she doesn’t know what to do with herself. She has become the insane woman, the woman without a child or a job or friends or even an okay house. How does she go on from here?
Two hours away, a girl with fiery red hair and paint on her clothes and skin talks to a boy with pale skin and a skull ring. “She’s been freed,” the girl tells the boy. “I could sense her leaving.”
Two days later, the girl and the boy show up in May’s hospital room. They aren’t technically allowed to be there, but a little Mist goes a long way.
May looks at them suspiciously. “Who are you two?” she asks. “I don’t have any relatives other than my son, and he’s…” she lets that hang in the air for a second.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Castellan, but it’s true. Your son died a hero,” the boy says softly. The girl shoots him a look, but May needed the truth. She’s been living a lie for too long.
“We came to make sure that you were okay,” Rachel says softly. She makes eye contact with May, and a certain kind of understanding passes between them.
“You will make a wonderful Oracle,” May tells her firmly. “Do not doubt that. I was young and foolish. I made my choices. But you are stronger than I.”
“Thank you,” the girl says softly. 
“Now,” May says, “Can you two tell me more about my son?”
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lynariadne · 10 months
The world needs more pure love Perachel fics
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bhhstilinski · 5 months
Now That We Don’t Talk
~A Percabeth AU
When Annabeth Chase has a run-in with her childhood friend, she’s not sure how to feel. Percy Jackson suddenly stopped talking to her three years ago, and they haven’t spoken since. Can anything happen after friends have become strangers? Senior year has a lot in store for them.
Set in a universe where Percy and Annabeth are seniors in high school, Grover Underwood is Percy’s best friend, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare is his girlfriend. Annabeth’s best friend is an original character based off of my friend Emi! Her last name is La Rue as a nod to Clarisse, her favorite character.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
- Annabeth/Rachel
- Annabeth/Rachel having a child
- Percy is said child’s father (thru sperm donor thank gods)
- Nico crashing with Luke in Elysium
- Because he messed with Luke’s brothers and now has to hide.
- And also there’s Nico & said brothers couple tag in the fic’s description.
I still can’t believe I just read all of that in one fic…
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sweetygardenerpeach · 4 months
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Luke Castellan x F! unclaimed!Hephaestus!Reader
Warnings!: Curse words, Kissing, Blood, and Violence.
You were training with Luke at the beach,He tried to grab your wrist but you grab his wrist instead and pinned him to the ground, Head to the sky, and Back to the ground.you stepped on his shoulder to stop him from getting up. "Nice try, Castellan"You said with a grin on your face, "At least i didn't get kicked in the stomach like last time."He said with a smile, you stepped off his shoulder and put your hand out for him to take, He took your hand but instead of getting up he pulled you down with him, You land on top of him, Laughing. "I still won, Castellan" You said, "I know"He said with a grin. You got up off of him and picked him up off the ground, you dusted yourself off,But when you did you accidentily cut your left palm on your dagger that was strapped to the side your thigh, "Shit!"You hissed. "You okay?"Luke asked, "I just cut myself on my dagger, No big deal."You said, "Let me see."Luke said, you handed him your hand. "Hmm, Well, It looks okay, Just wrap it with Bandages"He said, "Okay."You said. After that you two walked back to camp, When you walked back clarrise was waiting for you, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..."you muttered, "Ahh, Y/n, Finally, i thought you were gonna chicken out." Clarrise smirked, "Clarrise, not now.."you said, you put your hand on the back of your neck and scratched it, "Really, you're gonna chicken out again?....Weak."She said, "No! Fine! I'll do it." You said, clarrise grinned "Good, Now come on"She grabbed your wrist and pulled you away to the woods,When you arrived in the forest she threw you to the ground, and pulled put her spear and put it to your neck, what she didn't know was that Luke followed you and was watching, "You gonna fight back or what?"Clarrise asked, "Um.." you realised you had left your sword with luke, "Fuck.."You whispered, "Wait.." you had rememberd that you still had your dagger, you pulled out from its pocket, 'Oh, this is gonna hurt' you thought, You pushed clarrises spear off your neck with your right hand, Cutting it in the process. "Shit! FUCK!"you yelled, Luke clenched his fist trying to stop himself from running to help you as he watched from behind a bush. Now both of you palms were bleeding, You ignored your bleeding hands, You got up and slashed clarrises arm. "Ow! What the fuck?!"She yelled, 'oh, my gods, i just cut someone..' you thought, You stepped back and fell to the ground. Suddenly a tree caught on fire. You gulped nervously. Hephaestus's symbol appeared over your head. You looked up at it in suprise, "Holy shit.."you said. When luke saw he stumbled back and fell. You and Clarrise look at him,"Castellan."You said, "Luke."Clarrise said, "Y/n."Luke said, "I'm gonna go.."Clarrise said and she ran. "What are you doing here?" You asked, "When clarrise dragged you away, I followed you guys, Just in case.."He said, "Really? Wow.."You said.
Luke brought you to the hermes cabin and pulled out a box of first aid stuff from under his bunk-bed. "Uh, Why do you have a box of medical stuff under your bed?"You asked, "Usually, after capture the flag i get hurt, see?" He lifts up is camp T-shirt revealing a scar on his abs, You gulped,"uh-huh" You said. He wrapped a bandage around your Left hand then your right, "Do you wanna spar later?" You asked, "Sure"Luke said
A/n: sorry got lazy, But i'll make a part 2!!
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thetimetraveler24 · 2 months
Holy shit I’m actually here. I’ve made it to the end of Keep Your Face Always Towards the Sun and I’m writing the very last chapter now. I never thought I’d ever make it to this point. Oh my gods.
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fanficwritingcentral · 2 months
He who stepped up chap 3 (ao3 link)
Chapter summary: Oh Hyacinthus, Apollo thinks as he looks down from his chariot to see all of his lover's plants wilting, what have you done?
Note: So I just keep having more thoughts about this and I've now decided that Michael found Hyacinthus just after the trails of Apollo ✌️ hope you enjoy it and we'll see if there's a fourth chap lmao.
Have fun 😘✌️
"What has happened to him?" Apollo demanded. The newly reascended god stood in the midst of the Grove of Dodona. "Why haven't I been allowed to see?"
A gentle breeze came through the trees and lightly rustled the leaves and chimes, "there are forces older than thee Phoebus Apollo." The Grove whispered to his ear, "Forces in the deep and dark still with strength to affect your domain."
Apollo's eyes blazed white, "who dares to entrench on my domain? Who dares to withhold him from my sight?" He asked with a voice so deep with fury it shook the ground.
"We cannot say," the Grove whispered.
Wrath Apollo had not felt in millenia built up in side him, yet, before he could burst, the Grove whispered again, "hold Phoebus Apollo, prophecy may be withheld from you regarding your Hyacinthus. However, it is not withheld from us, distant from you and ancient as we are."
The wrath Apollo felt died down as quickly as it came, "what?" He begged, "what have you to say?"
The gentle breeze turned into a strong wind, the rustle of the leaves and clanging of the chimes grew louder and the Grove annouced its prophecy:
"There once was a prince of Sparta,
Who loved the sun like no other.
He lost him in death,
Only to protect the children with one last breath.
All hail the twice dying prince of Sparta."
"So someone is preventing you from Seeing Hyacinthus?" Rachel said as she paced back and forth in her cave. She was on a short visit to Camp to see how everyone was after their fight with Emperor Nero.
"That's right," Apollo said stilling gracefully on one of her bean bags watching her.
"And we know that Hyacinthus is most likely protecting one of your children and it's taking all of his energy to do so which has then lead to the wilting of every single Hyacinth flower in the world, because he is all of those flowers?"
"Right again," Apollo said tiredly, "usually he doesn't take this much energy to protect them and I always give him a little boost to help but this time I cannot feel his essence at all. When I try to See him there's this block in my mind that I can't get past so I can't even see which child of mine he's protecting either." He then got up and began to pace as well, "And now the only thing that remains of the man I love is disappearing because he is destroying himself to save my child. And I cannot See where he is!" He shouted in frustration with his hands fisted in his glorious hair and did his best to keep his divine power within his form as to not hurt Rachel.
"There is... something," Rachel said, after a moment, "something I can feel or hear, I don't know, but it started when you came out of the woods and it's just felt louder and more forceful as our talk has gone on and I can't ignore it anymore." Rachel then dropped down to a bean bag, pressing her hands against her head and began to moan.
Apollo quickly went over to Rachel, "let it out," he said with a gentle rub on her shoulder, "it'll only hurt more to keep it in."
Rachel then looked up at Apollo with glowing green eyes and said with a deep voice unlike her own "begged on bended knee, victories belovèd will show the way."
With the sentence complete whatever held Rachel released her and she began to gasp in air. Apollo continued to rub her shoulder in comfort and used a bit of his power to help her calm down easier.
"Victories belovèd? What does than even mean, it doesn't make sense, how do victories love anything?" Rachel said once she calmed down.
"No," Apollo said as he starred down at a little shoot of a plant in front of them that had just broken through the hard floor of the cave, "it makes sense, it didn't mean victories as in many victories, it meant literal Victory."
"Victory's belovèd," he whispered and brushed a finger against the tiny leaf of the little Laurel shoot, "I know where to go."
He looked back up at Rachel, "tell my children nothing of this, not until I return."
"But, Apollo, we can hel-"
"Nothing, Rachel." Apollo said as he starred down at his Oracle, "this is a matter that I will deal with. I will not foster this onto my children or anyone else."
Rachel swallowed and bowed her head, "I understand, Lord Apollo."
Apollo nodded and disappeared from the cave and went to a place he had sworn he would never return to.
Deep within an ancient forest in Greece, Apollo appeared. He walked through the woods that had been untouched by mortals for millenia. As it should be, given that he was the one to hide it from them.
Apollo walked under the warmth of his sun until he came upon a great tree he had only ever seen once. A great Laurel tree.
"Daphne," he called out, "what has happened to him."
Barely a second passed before a translucent visage of a beautiful Nymph that his divine heart still skipped a beat for, came out from the trunk of the tree.
"He came to me for help," she said, " he protects your son somewhere dark and dangerous, and he can't hold for much longer."
Apollo closed his eyes and dropped his head, oh beautiful, beautiful Hyacinthus, he thought, what I would give to hold you once more. And a son Hyacinthus protects, but which son? He could account for all of them. Which son of his needed saving?
"Will you help me find them?" He asked quietly as thoughts of all his living children raced through his mind.
The second she took to respond felt like an age, "Yes," she said and Apollo's head shot up in surprise, "yes I will."
"You will?" He asked.
"Why are you so surprised? You wouldn't have come if you thought I'd do nothing."
"You're right, ' Victory's belovèd will show the way', my oracle told me, yet I didn't want to hope."
"Victory's belovèd, hmm," she said, "he Named me that you know, when he called on me for help. I am not too sure I like still being thought of belonging to a god, nothing good ever comes out of it. But," she paused and starred straight into his eyes, "I much rather be beloved of Victory than of you, Apollo."
Apollo felt a sharp pain in his chest and nodded once, "I understand."
Daphne's face tilted to the side, "You do, don't you?"
"I do," he confirmed.
She hummed and then nodded to the ground where a small Laurel tree had just grown, "take that with you," she said, "I will lead the way."
Apollo waved a hand and picked up a pot that now held the plant, "Thank you, Daphne."
Daphne said nothing and turned back into her tree and disappeared.
The plant in Apollo's hands rustled without wind and a voice came into his mind, "head to the nearest cave," Daphne told him.
Apollo disappeared and reappeared at the mouth of the closest cave. A glitter of light sparked in the corner of his eye and looking to the side he saw Δ shining against the dark stone. He touched the symbol and a dark doorway opened, "go in," Daphne told him as she rustled in his hands, and without a thought Apollo walked into the darkness of the Labyrinth ready to save Hyacinthus and his son.
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thepjoguidebookzine · 7 months
Some more check-in updates!
Art by @/the_artist_gem from Athena's cabin and @worteltje7 , huntress of Artemis.
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evadne01 · 8 months
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Poseidon when he is questioned about the threats he made on Athena and Annabeth
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Poseidon, when he is trying to persuade Percy into staying forever at Atlantis
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Read on AO3
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