#queue it for the vine
fiepige · 10 days
Since people seemed to like the first one:
So here you go: Spiderverse as Vines Part 2!
Click here for part 1
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warriornun-incorrect · 6 months
Beatrice, gazing at Ava from across the room: I wonder what she’s thinking about
Ava, internally: liam neeson, liam neeson's knee son, liam neeson's knees on his niece on e's on a nissan
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We all know Eggman’s a bad bitch, you can’t kill him.
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alsteneldoeight · 5 months
the drawing under the cut is related to the latest cookie run kingdom leaks. if you don't want to see it then feel free to scroll past!
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so called free thinkers when jester character (it's me i'm so called free thinkers)
shadow milk my beloved (i still barely know shite about them and they're still a leaked guy as of posting this)
also extra doodlage with pea vee
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Translation from Toki Pona to English:
"darkness! darkness everywhere!!" "STOP TALKING"
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princealberich · 1 month
genshin impact as vines (part 1)
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me, explaining Londo/G’Kar and The Elevator: and they were roommates!
my friends (who know nothing of the show except my love for it): oh my god, they were roommates.
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kazanskyed · 11 months
goose: what do you have?
maverick: a knife!
goose: NO!
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rossi: i do love working here, it's just...we all have a lot of laughs! *later* rossi: fuck off jj im not going to your fucking baby shower
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delimeful · 5 months
same anon as the roman and virgil bonding ask: depending on how close virgil and roman get after this, there’s a decent chance their gonna have “wake up sleepyhead!!” vine moment
im imagining a friend of roman's sneaking onboard to surprise him after not having seen him for a while and yeah it basically would go just like the vine except the gasp and shocked laughter at the end would be a scream of mortal terror
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autisticzenitsu · 7 months
Douma: I have a ton of followers. Gyokko: Oh, on what app? Douma: App? I’m the leader of a cult.
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incorrectfexi · 1 year
lexi, jamming to beyoncé: bring the beat in!
fez, running in with a beet: anything for you, lexi!
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pros of returning to art after a few days' break: my hand/wrist is no longer in constant pain! yay!
cons: i have forgotten how to draw
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etherealspacejelly · 3 months
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nice pre-canon heacanon thing
Mr. Quagmire, walking down the stairs: Hm, given it’s a Sunday and I don’t have work to worry about, I think I’ll attempt to make French toast with jam. The kids were talking about it to themselves last week. It would be nice to surprise them with it. Do we have enough eggs though? Is that why Joanie wasn’t in bed when I woke up?
*Mr. Quagmire turns, and walks down the hallway that leads to the kitchen. He sees the door is close, with Mrs. Quagmire standing by it...for some reason.*
Mr. Quagmire: Hello there, Joanie. Is there something fascinating with the door that I don’t know about?
Mrs. Quagmire, laughing: The only thing that can be fascinating about a door is what’s behind it, Q.
*Mrs. Quagmire opens the door. Mr. Quagmire sees Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley standing near the table, with smiles on their faces. The table has a tall glass of orange juice, and a plate of French toast with jam.*
Duncan, singing: ~You are our dad!~
Isadora, joining in: ~You’re our dad!~
Quigley, shimmying: ~Boogie Woogie Woogie~
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solarpunkani · 4 months
Saw your tags on that post about swamp milkweed about having trouble getting it started--you may already know this, but milkweed seeds need light to germinate! They only need a light dusting of soil on top of them (and putting them somewhere with a lot of light helps!); if you can't see the seed through the soil, it's buried a little too deep. They basically want to be laying flat on the surface of the soil rather than poked down into it, with just enough soil on top to help them retain moisture. Yes this does make it kind of annoying to manage moisture because you don't really want them drying out either (sorry 😭) but I hope this helps!! I mention it because this is the most common issue I see with people trying to grow milkweeds from seed. They also want 4 weeks of cold stratification (cool temperatures like in a fridge while also being in contact with moist soil; you can plant your seeds, pop the whole pot in a ziplock/cover it with cling wrap, and just refrigerate it for a few weeks) so don't forget to do that!
You know
it's really funny
because i like to call myself the self-proclaimed milkweed queen of tumblr (at least on my gardening blog but still)
And yet
constantly fucking forget about the light thing
IDK if that'll fix all my problems (the soil at my house is pretty sandy so I think that's the problem when it comes to transplanting at least) but regarding getting those little shits to germinate??? that might be the ticket
(one of the other problems I face sometimes is the seeds deciding to mold when they're in the fridge cold stratifying, i lost a good chunk of seeds to that last year but i don't see any signs of it happening yet this year so fingers crossed everyone)
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V2: Oh my god I love your lipstick, what shade is that?
Mirage: ... Cheeto dust.
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