longlivethepoet · 6 months
é uma sensação desmedida de alívio quando não se tem mais medo de ser exposto. quando o estar com o órgão mais sensível aberto no meio de um tornado é apenas o estar vivo. mas esse é o tipo de coisa que só se fala em uma sexta-feira, nas segundas não se tem mais essa segurança.
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cybeout · 2 years
TikTok lancia il pulsante Non mi piace in tutto il mondo
TikTok lancia il pulsante Non mi piace in tutto il mondo
TikTok ha annunciato che aggiungerà un pulsante Non mi piace nella sezione commenti. La funzione è stata menzionata per la prima volta nell’aprile 2022 da TikTok nel tentativo di “promuovere la gentilezza” sulla piattaforma. In un tweet, TikTok Comms ha spiegato che la funzione era quella di consentire agli utenti di identificare commenti inappropriati o irrilevanti sull’app dei social…
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la-scigghiu · 3 months
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Sai chi mi disegna i passi? Chi mi detta di partire di tornare di sostare? Chi mi dice «lascia»? Chi mi dice «prendi»? Una luce pulsante la sua vita è la sua intermittenza la mia è manovrata dalle sue oscillazioni la tenuità di un segno a matita sempre provvisorio perché non mi sopravviva. Seguo l’evidenza della luce che non vedo ma sulla pelle avverto: sí, sí, sí.
🔸Chandra Livia Candiani - da "Pane del bosco"
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milanesa42 · 1 year
Si un personaje en una película tuviera un dolor abdominal tan grande que no le dejara dormir ni estar recostado porque siente que se muere, y este dolor le durará varias horas cada vez que le pasa, y este dolor fuera algo que tiene regularmente desde hace ya 3 años, y este personaje dijera que jamás fué al médico porque no sabe cómo sacar turno, y porque total "qué importa, si el dolor solo dura unas horas y aparece una vez cada 6 o 7 semanas"... Estaría muy enojado, la lógica del personaje es totalmente irraciona y es estúpidal!!!!
Ahora bien.... It's me, I'm the personaje.
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severequeenwerewolf · 2 years
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100 curtidas!
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dueminuti · 2 months
Cambio di guardia allo storico caffè del Viale. La gestione passa da Salvo Romano a Francesco Romano. La storia continua Oggi il passaggio di consegne fra Salvo e Francesco Romano allo storico Bar Roma: “Sono stati tutti giorni bellissimi – racconta Salvo Romano – e ricorderò sempre con gioia questi anni”. Dal canto suo, la “nuova gestione”, quella di Francesco, assicura continuità…
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enansa-europe · 1 year
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è un bene, non li sprecherete in investimenti inutili
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cecillian-hobbies · 1 year
Historia y evolución de las redes neuronales artificiales
Este artículo trata sobre las redes neuronales artificiales, una tendencia en las IA más importantes del mundo y que permiten una versatilidad en la información. #IA #Tecnología #Computación #RedesNeuronalesArtificiales
INTRODUCCIÓN La evolución de las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) ha sido un proceso continuo desde su origen en la década de 1940. A lo largo de los años, se han producido varios sucesos significativos que han impulsado su desarrollo y aplicación en diferentes campos. Uno de los sucesos más importantes fue el desarrollo de la retropropagación del error en la década de 1960. Este algoritmo…
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enansapolska · 2 years
bouton investir maintenant
Bouton : investissez maintenant ! Premier avertissement sur les affaires. Une route dangereusement facile. L'illusion de sauter dans une autre dimension. Seul un vrai produit est le fondement d'une entreprise honnête. Les marchandises sont la meilleure monnaie autonome pour les temps troublés. Les matières premières et le travail. L'énergie d'Internet. La dynamique des ventes. L'argent. Le cycle se referme. Le cercle éternel du monde de l'Internet. Nous fabriquons l'énergie du web mondial en Europe. L'énergie du web global commence avec un post. Commence avec le premier lien
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lonelysmile · 2 years
il pullman è passato in anticipo che suceso
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myillicitaffair · 4 months
Hands to myself | Esteban Kukuriczka.
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Sumario: mañanas tranquilas con tu novio.
Warnings: sexo explícito (+18), fingering, sexo desprotegido, dirty talking.
Notas: cómo argentina, me parece preocupante la falta de fanfics que hay de este hombre xx.
Créditos: esta inspirado en la canción de Selena Gómez, las imágenes del principio no me pertenecen y las encontré en pinterest, sin embargo, el collage fue hecho por mi.
1.3k words.
La suave brisa bonaerense inunda el amplio cuarto, jugueteando con mis mechones, desperdigados en las almohadas. El sol empieza a colarse sin consideraciones por las ventanas entreabiertas, obligando a mis cansados parpados a perforar mi sueño.
Los fuertes brazos anclados en mi cintura me atraen aún más cerca del hombre dormitando a mi lado, su rostro anidado en mi cuello, su dulce y varonil aroma inundando mis fosas nasales, envolviéndome en su calor corporal.
“Buenos días, Tebi”- Murmuro suavemente, cubriendo sus hombros con delicados besos para despertarlo.
“Buenos días, preciosa”- Responde, despegándose de la somnolencia y serpenteando sus extremidades con las mías.
Hinco mis dientes seductoramente en su piel descubierta, salpicándolo con pequeñas marcas rojas en contraste con su tez pecosa. Ansiosa, deslizo mis piernas sobre las suyas, posicionándome a horcajadas sobre su regazo.
“¿Andamos cariñosas esta mañana?”- Socarrón, amasa la desnudez de mis caderas entre sus palmas, causando que nuestros sexos se rocen firmemente. La burlona fricción no está ni cerca de ser suficiente para calmar las llamaradas que empiezan a asentarse en mi estomago bajo.
“Dale, amor, ¡por favor te pido!”- Ruego impaciente, tratando de replicar sus movimientos. Su agarre me mantiene estática en mi lugar, sin permitirme mover.
“¿Por favor qué?”- Finge inocencia mientras las puntas de sus dedos empiezan a dibujar entramados sobre mis costillas, trepando hacia mis pechos.
Atrapa mis pezones entre sus yemas, jugueteando con ambos a la vez, hasta sentir como se endurecen ante sus atenciones.
“Tocame, te necesito…”- Aclaro sin aliento.
Con una sonrisa ladina, acerca su boca hacia el derecho, provocando el montículo con la lengua hasta empezar a succionarlo con urgencia. Me enredo en su cabello, tirando de el con ferocidad, ganándome un gimoteo de satisfacción de su parte.
Separándose de mi abusado busto, observa mis ojos con cierta malicia impresa en los suyos al tiempo que me restriega contra su palpitante centro. Una creciente erección se hace notar bajo la ropa interior que nos separa.
“Mira lo que me haces”- Acentúa su punto al embestir mi coño cubierto con su pulsante miembro. Mi boca se entreabre ante el placer repentino- “Me pones tan duro.”
“Tebi, no puedo más”- Susurro cuando su mano baja por mi estomago hasta hallar mi intimidad, desliza mi tanga por mis pantorrillas para así estimular el clítoris en premeditados movimientos circulares. Creo enloquecer ante sus ralentizadas caricias
Asienta su toque errante en mi humedad, sus yemas buceando entre mis jugos. Retira sus dedos índice y corazón, para luego sorberlos ruidosamente, lamiendo mi reluciente excitación.
“¿Quién te tiene así de mojadita? Mh?”- Pregunta orgulloso, sabiendo perfectamente que el es el causante.
Reanuda sus ministraciones en mi núcleo, colándose por entre mis labios para penetrarte con dos dígitos. Mis orbes fijos en sus movimientos, aun desconcertada por lo obsceno de su accionar.
Rápidamente acelera sus movimientos, curvándose para golpear la esponjosa cavidad. Su longitud roza todos mis puntos sensibles, acercándome a un inexorable crescendo. Sumergida en el disfrute, lo único que escapa mis cuerdas vocales son quejidos de satisfacción, entrelazados con gemidos nombrándolo.
“Contestame, nena. ”- Reclama, forzando el contacto visual al aprisionar mi mandíbula en su agarre.
“Vos, Kuku, ¡solo vos!”- Contesto, hundiendo mis uñas en la tersura de sus bíceps, marcando lunas crecientes para la posteridad. Una sonrisa engreída tiñe sus delicadas facciones al notar mi estrechez aspirándolo, signo de mi orgasmo aproximándose a pasos agigantados.
Meciéndome sobre sus largos dedos, comienzo a percibir las avasallantes olas de mi culminación; la presión en mi vientre amenazando con explotar, la euforia difuminando todo a mi alrededor, centrándome solo en el rostro de mi novio cercano al mío.
El clímax se ve remplazado por un insoportable vacío cuando retira sus dígitos de mi calor, negándome la liberación. Un sollozo se cuela por mi expresión desahuciada, mis ojos alarmadamente abiertos cubiertos por una fina capa de lágrimas.
“No no no, por favor”- Lloriqueo en su oído, tratando de reganar el pasado contacto. Sus fuertes extremidades me aquietan por encima de su muslo, logrando que mis movimientos mueran lentamente.
“Tranquila, linda. Ahora te voy a coger, ¿sí?”- Pronuncia, apaciguando mis patéticos hipidos. Asiento frenéticamente, deseosa de sentirlo en mi interior.
Con un preciso movimiento, me enjaula bajo suyo, su largo cuerpo enmarcando al mío. Lo observo despojarse de sus calzoncillos, ardiendo al presenciar su desnudez absoluta.
Mis ojos merodean desde su esbelto pecho hasta los colorados vellos que trazan el inicio de su pelvis, gruesa y rebosante de líquido preseminal.
Casi ausente, permito que mi mano recorra su cuerpo, centrándome en su furioso pene. Con lánguidos movimientos, trazo su longitud, torciendo mi muñeca para proporcionarle el mayor placer posible.
“Me vas a matar, bebé”- Confiesa, acalorado y excitado. Sus rizos cobre empiezan a pegarse a su frente ante el esfuerzo físico, unas singulares gotas de sudor recorren su tórax.
Toma mis extremidades superiores entre sus garras para anclarlas sobre mi cabeza, dejándome completamente a su merced. Con un gesto busca mi consentimiento, el cual soy rápida en proporcionarle.
Su glande comienza a ingresar por mi núcleo, empujándose pacientemente dentro mío. Mas allá de la cantidad de veces que repitamos el procedimiento, jamás lograría acostumbrarme a la deliciosa manera en que me estira. El aire se condensa de sus suspiros de alivio al sentir su polla completamente en mi interior.
Así, inmóvil entre mis piernas, logro sentir cada una de sus vena latiendo dentro mío, las crestas y surcos que lo componen.
“Hace conmigo lo que quieras, Kuku, pero por favor movete”- Demando sin aire, todavía pasmada por la intrusión.
Ni bien las palabras me abandonan, Esteban retira su falo casi por completo antes de embestirme ferozmente. Su boca yace abierta, su cara contorsionada por el deleite, sus cejas arrugadas entre sí… La vista más bella del mundo.
Noto que mis caderas intentan acompasarse a su compás, encontrándolo a medio camino. Un frenesí casi inhumano apoderándose de ambos, obligándonos a acelerar el ritmo para satisfacer aquel deseo tan primal.
Su palma izquierda apresando mis muñecas fuera de su camino, la derecha se posa en mi abultada panza, advirtiendo la protuberancia que su pene delinea en mi vientre bajo. Un gemido nace de mi garganta al notar lo que ocurre.
“Así de profundo te estoy cogiendo, nena”- Gruñe en mi oído, su mano aún en mi estómago, sus penetraciones cada vez más hondas.
“Ay, Esteban, estoy tan llena”- Plaño frente a su boca, robándole un chape al notarme increíblemente mojada ante la imagen.
Vuelven a apropincuarse las primeras olas de mi culminación quemándome por dentro, consiguiendo desesperarme por concluir. Sin siquiera notarlo, mi voz se fuerza por vociferar el regocijo que me inunda, aumentando su volumen a medida que mi clímax me alcanza.
“Dios, me voy a venir”- Advierto, enloquecida por las sensaciones apoderándose de mí. El mayor se apresura, complaciendo mi pedido tácito.
Su boca busca de nuevo la mía cuando mi coño pulsa delirantemente su entrepierna, buscando conducirlo hacia su propia liberación.
“¿Ah sí? ¿Me vas a empapar la chota, amor?”- Cuestiona, sabiendo cuanto me gusta que me hable así de sucio.
Su nombre huyendo de mis labios como mantras, mis uñas anclándose en su espalda, marcándolo como propio.
Me entrego al orgasmo que me engulle, mi cuerpo retorciéndose espasmódicamente bajo su imponente figura, mi centro manchándolo con mi corrida al contraerse.
En la brevedad, aúlla desaforado pues su masculinidad pulsa hasta derramarse dentro mío. Su semen pintando mis paredes internas, colmándome por completo.
Se retira de mis cavidades con lentitud luego de venirse, procurando que sus espermatozoides permanezcan en mi interior. Selecciona mi ropa interior de las desechas sabanas, calzándomelas como si nada.
“Así no se escapa nada”- Murmura, regalándome un pico. Me fascino ante la idea de mantener su eyaculación así de cerca de mí.
Lo arropo contra mí, exhausta y saciada, con la intención de quedarme atrapada en sus brazos por un rato más. Recíproca mi voluntad, reposando su cabeza entre mis pechos y acariciándome delicadamente.
“Te amo”- Digo luego de unos instantes, observándolo maravillada.
“Yo te amo más”- Responde, presionando nuestras bocas en un beso descuidado.
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lacharapita · 23 days
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BLAS DODÓI DA CABEÇA VENDO VOCÊ (Nós, pq ele é propriedade pública) USANDO AS CAMISETA DE BANDA DELE🗣️🗣️🗣️⁉️⁉️💥
Blas que fica todo coisadinho quando acorda de manhã e te vê na cozinha fazendo um café e usando uma das camisetas de banda dele. Vendo como a polpa da sua bunda fica quase toda de fora quando você fica na pontinha dos pés pra alcançar algo que tá em algum armário mais alto. Os olhinhos brilhando e a boca já tá salivando com a visão. Vai chegar por trás de você e abraçar seu corpo com o peito dele amassado contra suas costas, vai te fazer sentir como você deixou ele mesmo sem fazer nada [e você como uma loba selvagem vai atiçar o bixin], vai chegar pertinho do teu ouvido e sussurrar umas putariazinhas bem puto pra você "Cê acha que vai andar pela casa desse jeito, empinando essa bunda gostosa pra mim igual uma cadela no cio e que eu não vou fazer nada, nena?" Vai falar, fazendo você choramingar baixinho enquanto sente a ereção firme contra tua bunda. As mãos dele vão apertar teu peitos por cima da camiseta preta, a pontinha dos dedos compridos dele vão beliscar os mamilos [🤏🤏😫😫]. Vai te empurrar contra a bancada da cozinha te deixando bem empinadinha pra ele, subindo a blusa até toda tua bunda ficar exposta pra ele. A calcinha minúscula ele vai arredar pro ladinho, só pra brincar contigo com a pontinha dos dedos [😧😧⁉️💥💥] pra te deixar bem molhadinha pra ele [voce ja tava quase pingando]. Vai rodar o dedo indicador no pontinho inchado e pulsante e depois descer pra se empurrar pra dentro do buraquinho apertado bem devagarinho. Vai te fazer ficar bem manhosinha e implorar bastante antes de meter em você na mesma posição. Vai agarrar teu quadril e tua cintura enquanto soca em você com tanta força que você precisa agarrar a borda da bancada. "É uma putinha mesmo. Você adora né? Levar pau até essa bucetinha chorar hm." E você tá mesmo quase chorando. O pau dele indo bem fundo dentro de você enquanto você só consegue gemer e empinar o quadril cada vez mais 😫💥🗣️💔💔.
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blueberryarchive · 6 months
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 18+
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 3.2k words
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ still working on it. smut (non-con, mnster fucking, long tongue, bg dck! jimin, somnophilia, forced voyeurism?) scary (?) confusing, angst.
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If there is a God, he must be a cynical, cruel, tentative being.
Jimin squeezed his chin hard, his skull throbbing, eyes fixed on your wool coat-clad back. He was beginning to hate that olive green macrame that contorted in your tense muscles that you hadn't let him see for a couple of weeks.
Jimin thought that maybe it was your period the reason you didn't want him to touch you, that the headaches at night were from the stress of being so far from society. 
He always tried to be a good husband: making you tea, murmuring sweet nothings to you before going to sleep, giving you your space while he took Pepper for a walk to the lake. But winter has gotten crueler, the naked trees are like veins in the eyes of the white sky, pulsant and hideous, and your wall has grown in size. 
The nights have become silent. You only know how to do one activity besides sleeping: cooking. Mainly meats: grilled, baked, stewed and steamed. With spices, drunk in wine, boiled with basil, cut into pieces, and shredded by hand. Jimin started to hate the pungent smell of dead cows. 
Every night, you ate quietly at the table, and for Jimin to get the words out of you, it felt like he had to put his hand down your throat and spread them on the table. Barely audible, barely sentences.
It was a late winter afternoon, Jimin had tried to be flirty for the first time in a while since there was little time before he had to work again, and he wouldn't see you again for months.
It was a simple kiss on your neck that made your skin crawl, and you almost cut yourself with the knife in fear.
He was now sitting at the island, the kitchen illuminated by the grayish sun of cold afternoons. You were cutting the fat from a calf with the precision of a butcher. Jimin had both hands covering his mouth, thoughtful.
"Mom asked about you. I told her you were at the lake." He murmured to cut the tension of that odd rejection.
"I was sleeping." You put the knife aside, looking for another piece of meat in the refrigerator. Almost four pounds on the table, but Jimin didn't want to engage in your weird fucking activities.
"I've already told her like twice that you've been sleeping, she'll think you're sick or something."
You did not answer.
"I'm fine, it's just the nightmares. I don't sleep at night."
"I know, I know." Jimin sighed. 
He felt sorry about every time he found you curled up on the living room furniture, sweaty and breathing fast; you were sleeping but seemed forced. 
"When we go to Joon's house in the summer, we'll look for a doctor."
Your head tensed, tilting. Then you denied it.
"Don't you want to see a doctor?"
"I'm not going to Namjoon's house this year." You huffed like it was obvious.
Jimin frowned, both hands falling to the cold marble in surprise.
"But this year I'm bringing my parents to meet you, Namjoon is getting married in July, I don't-" he snapped, but you shook your head again while still doing your mechanical cut and throw movement.
Jimin cleared his throat, and you looked at him out of the corner of your eye.
"What?" You responded innocently.
"You really don't want to see my mom?"
"Jimin, I'm getting tired of this."
"What are you going to do, take another nap?"
The blood from the meat on your hands began to drip down to your wrists, the metallic smell causing you a voracious appetite.
"You want wine with the grill?"
"Are you fucking serious right now?"
You sighed, counting to ten. Just a few more hours.
"You can invite her to the cabin, if that's what you want. God knows how much we need someone else in this place."
"I already told you we'll go in a week."
"Without consulting me."
"What should we talk about? We've been planning this for a year."
"I don't feel like going anymore."
"These days you don't feel like doing shit."
You chopped the carrots on the bloody board, the chopping making noises in the immense silence between the two of you.
"It's like you want me to leave." He spoke.
You stood up when you pressed the knife on the cutting board; the tip stuck into the wood. 
That violence, pure and irrational force.
You looked at him with erratic eyes, Jimin didn't know if you were offended or not. Your hands clenched the counter, and your lips trembled trying to say something.
When you lowered your gaze, Jimin knew that your shoulders had not collapsed because of his tone, but because what he said was true.
"Oh my God, I'm right." A pained laugh. His body leaned back on the island that separated you two. "Is there anyone else?"
Jimin's skin chilled when before turning to the meat again, barely visible, he saw a tiny smile lining your lips. Self-conscious and cruel.
Before he could think, the sweet husband's façade had broken and with long steps, he approached until he turned you over with his fists in that damn coat. You looked at him with wide eyes, and you wiped your mouth as if the fact that Jimin was going to kiss you disgusted you. The blood of the calf covers your lips.
You were cruel, and he wanted so much to love you, to hug you and hit that distant look on your features. To squeeze your cheeks and spit in your face so you get off that fucking cloud. That you wouldn't look at him with so much hate, with that thousand-yard stare. Take that fucking knife and put it near your beautiful neck and scream 'LOVE ME AGAIN, I FUCKING DESERVE IT'.
"You think this is a fucking game? I've been wanting things to go back to normal since October, but you," His nose wrinkled. "You have become nothing, you are just another object in this useless old cabin."
Your eyes seemed to get closer and closer to Jimin's, your pupils dilating.
"And even as an object I can't fuck you, you're useless." He let go of your coat and walked away, each word dying in his throat. He couldn't believe that he could talk to his wife like that, what kind of man was he?
Then, a single person came to his head.
"Are you seeing Ryan?"
Ryan was the one who sold the land to Jimin, every now and then he would pass by the road and stop to drink coffee and fish in the lake with Jimin. It's not that Ryan is an attractive man, nor a man who knew how to talk to women because he was a first-class hermit. He was not a man you would cause your marriage to fail with...
"That's it. I'm going to sell the house."
"No." You were quick, your shoulders rose as if a puppeteer had lifted your strings, and you trembled again, denying.
"No, please."
"So it is because of Ryan?'
You inhaled all the air in the room, your eyes a predator. 
"Ryan is a parasite in front of him, filth, a mere fly on the wall." You barked causing echoes to reverberate off the walls of your boyfriend's chest. Your trembling fingers covered your mouth instantly.
The knife in your hand, the fingers bloody from the fresh meat, that green coat that you didn't take off, the tangled hair. Jimin didn't recognize you, your sweetness had turned bitter; like a viscous liquid made from plants. Raw and strange.
"You're a fucking whore." His voice trembled, the sting of tears wanting to flow like shooting water.
He took his coat, with a whistle he called Pepper and they both went with a roar through the wide, dense forest.
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The afternoon became denser in the forest, the leaves did not move and Pepper spent the entire way sniffing the trees, howling at the birds that passed by without squawking. Jimin put a hand in his coat, the other looking for some signal to call Hoseok, his mother, the damn police. Whoever.
He found his headphones in his jacket and placed them on top of his head, connecting them to his cell phone. He turned on the Bluetooth.
"Come on, fuck." He mumbled until Hoseok's number started ringing in his ears. It rang once, twice, five times before he could hear anything.
"Seok, couldn't you last longer to answer the damn call?" The lake did not move, his boots made the wood of the dock squeak as he walked from one side to the other. 
"No, I just need you to help me with something, I don't want Joon or my mom to worry, but I need you to find a doctor and come here...p-preferably someone with knowledge of mental problems."
"Hello? Hoseok, hello." He repeated, turning on the Bluetooth again. 
"No, it's just a little seasonal depression, but I don't want it to escalate into something worse."
"Shit, fucking headphones." On impulse, he grabbed the device with the cell phone and threw it as hard as possible into the gray water.
And with the cell phone falling, he glimpsed the pale skin of a being on the other side of the lake, it didn't look like a bear or a deer. Pepper started barking, loud and fast.
"Quiet." Jimin tried not to alarm the creature emanating from the foliage, his dark eyes approaching the evening light.
Jimin stayed still until he saw how the creature's feet approached the tip of the other dock, his eyes narrowed to see his own reflection, blonde hair, and the same features. A being as tall and wide as a log, he was wearing a coat that Jimin had given up for lost months ago, but it was dirty and torn due to the size of the beast.
He was seeing a Behemoth in his own skin. A dim Jimin, a monster, an abomination of himself.
His feet began to move as the animal threw itself toward the water in his direction. Pepper stayed behind him, but he couldn't think of saving her. He was going to die.
He prayed it was a hallucination of his tired brain, a joke of his own mind. But he could hear the earth tremble with each approaching footstep.
Every tree looked the same, the path home had vanished and all he could do was scream for his mother, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Mom, please, help. Help." He screamed as his feet were grabbed, the wet earth choking on his whimpers.
"Help!" The creature screamed even louder, in the same voice but drowned.
Crawling wasn't worth it, the creature had grabbed him by his hair and flipped him over. Seeing his face, rough and full of scratches, caused an abominable pain in Jimin's chest; he wanted to vomit out his organs and die before continuing with this terrifying reality.
The last thing he remembers is his head crashing into a log, the guttural roar of his mammoth twin, and the green inferno engulfing his body as he falls to the ground.
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When he opened his eyes, Jimin was in his room, his body tied to a couch in the corner. His mouth was muffled with a kitchen rag: the disgusting, metallic taste of the beef made him nauseous.
His eyes were guided to where your body was lying, you had the Prince t-shirt that Jimin had given you on. Your wet hair, the smell of coconut shampoo, the shower running in the other room, Pepper's howling in the distance. This was the first time you looked so angelic in a long time, so peaceful in your own dreams.
He couldn't move, his body felt heavy and slow. His fingers moved, his eyes too but it was as if it was a ghost of his body.
You sighed suddenly. With his hair standing on end, Jimin tried to call you but his voice didn't come out of his lips, a mere hoarse. Word dust.
Your body stood up unsteadily. You rolled your head to the entrance and smiled: there it was, on all fours, his mouth dirty with blood from the meat you had saved for him, those cupped pupils that you missed.
His body crawled closer until it reached your knees where he pressed his huge hand on one of your thighs, the wine bottle running down your body with each touch.
"Love," he roared until he climbed and transformed into a tower above you, nearly seven feet of pure dedication. You fed him daily with everything you had in the house. "My love."
That's what he called you. Jimin shook his head in the corner, his eyes threatening to close, his neck stretched out trying to reach you uselessly.
"Ah," his pale black tongue unrolled to reveal discolored pills at the tip.
You stuck out your tongue and let the creature's hands squeeze your neck so you would open wide, open better so his tongue would enter directly into your throat. The tickling in your esophagus from the movement of the wet muscle had your core tight.
When you stuck your tongue out, saliva connected both of your mouths, your eyes tilted; drunk and in love.
"More," he claimed, taking your small body in his hands until he had you anchored to his waist, both legs dangling. His fingers tore away what was covering your pussy, and Jimin could see the marks on your body, some yellowish about to fade, others a vivid red.
You lowered his sweat with the balls of your feet, his thick red cock throbbing at your entrance. Your body began to feel the effect of the sleeping pills, turning you into a nebula hanging from a warm mass.
When the tip entered you screamed into his chest, your nails scratching the flesh until it bled. The monster groaned in pain and knocked you to the ground causing the floor to shake with the weight of both of you.
You didn't have time to complain as his sharp teeth clamped down on your shoulder to keep you from moving as he took his cock all the way in, blood pouring from your shoulder.
The pain was such that you imagined how the inside of your organs was breaking, the bones creaking under his hands on your breasts, your voice becoming a thread until it was silent with each roar in your ear.
The watery, repetitive sound. The bulbous tip covered in juices went in and out so easily that the fabric covering your stomach seemed like it wanted to tear at any moment.
"Fuck, fuck, Minnie. Hurts good." It was like you were communicating with a caveman, but your brain didn't function properly when it came to him.
"Good, I like hurting you." Thick, dark blood ran down to his chin as his tongue smothered you again. Your eyes closing, your hands trapped in one of his. Your moans cover the dark heart of the beast with a soft layer until your limbs gave up, unconscious and so wet for them.
Little human trapped in his forest, an inferior being praising a God she does not understand out of pure lust. You were adorable, warm inside, you made him big and unstoppable and he thanked you by filling you with his cum every night after you fed him. That was your only request, every time.
Now he was named Minnie and you shouted his name every time he did something right. Learned words like more, hurt, inside, want, fuck.
And just because he molded himself into something you already had, you adored him.
His tongue came out to snake around one of your breasts, his wide, long thumb holding your mouth open. Your dead eyes casually open to see your tied husband, your head wobbling and arms hagging in the air with every pounding like a rag doll.
He couldn't bare it, you were being raped in front of his eyes, and he couldn't do anything else than stare at your unconscious body, like a fucking parasite, filth, a simple fly on the wall. 
With a few steps, the creature approached Jimin, leaving your warm body on his lap. Your eyelids throbbed softly regardless of how the demon destroyed your pussy with every crash of his hips. 
Your lips were wet with foreign blood, wet hair stuck to your temples, and open hands that fell to each side of the furniture.
You looked like the girl he had that morning when he showed you the cabin, like the one from the first night when you two made love on the living room rug, like the one that bathed naked in the lake even though someone could see her. 
A nymph, just a beautiful wildflower.
And Jimin knew at that moment why that beast had you in his claws, why he grabbed you by the neck and squeezed you to wake up from your sweet dream. 
When you looked up and saw your husband's face, Jimin knew that he had to give up, because that thousand-yard look was a path that was forbidden to him, that he did not know and could not learn.
You were no longer his but from the forest. A red and grotesque fairy, who moaned instead of singing and collected bones instead of flowers.
And yet you were more beautiful than ever.
You smiled at Jimin and your hands moved down his face to remove the dish towel and kiss him like you've never done before. The sulfuric smell of a dead animal on your soft lips was enchanting.
"Oh, God, yes." You whispered in your sleepy voice.
The Beast bruised your hips until pumping your pussy with cum, thick and gray.
You and Jimin looked at the growling monster, picking up pieces of the wooden floor with its long nails. They looked up, and exhaled deeply, snorting like an angry bull seeking respect.
Before you could say anything, he was gone. Leaving your bruised body between your tied husband's legs.
Your fingers brushed your face as you felt something damp: the tears in Jimin's eyes flowed like summer rain, thick and abundant.
"Tell your mom you'll find a better girl, okay?" Your lips trembled, trying to dry each drop from which another came out. Jimin nodded, bringing your forehead to his.
"Am I really not going to see you anymore?"
"Any time you want," you assured, your voice echoing a dozen times like whispers spreading across the room. A choir of hushed angels saying the same thing over and over again. 
"Every time it rains, leave the door open, and I'll know you need me."
Your naked body turned to place Jimin's head on your chest, he sobbed himself to sleep, and you counted his eyelashes until it was time to leave.
With a kiss on his forehead, you let him sleep, when he woke up you were no longer there, the green coat was hanging in the back yard and the smell of your hair filled every corner, a floral ghost.
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Voglio essere la tua fantasia, quella che senti dentro sempre ad ogni ora, il tuo cibo...
Il tuo pensiero, pulsante, incessante,
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blogitalianissimo · 2 months
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Per quanto tempo ancora dobbiamo scontare il fatto che la Toscana è stata il cuore pulsante del Rinascimento e ha dato i natali ai più grandi geni della storia dell'umanità? PER PIACERE MOLLATE SANREMO E TORNATE A DIPINGERE LE CAPPELLE, SONO IN GINOCCHIO
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gimmenctar · 16 days
pussy drunk!jisung
menores não interajam!
jisung x leitora mais velha jisung é inexperiente, oral (ela recebendo), noona kink(?)
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"noona, me ajuda." jisung lambe os lábios, ele admira sua buceta com o pau latejando na calça, mas a inexperiência o impede de tomar qualquer atitude.
é a primeira vez que park vai chupar uma mulher, ele não sabe muito bem o que fazer, e isso te excita demais. vê-lo tão preocupado e inseguro, com a ereção enorme contrastando tanto com o jeitinho dele.
sua intimidade baba com a pureza fofa de jisung.
"amor, lambe a noona bem devagarinho."
o comando é muito carinhoso, o homem segue quase imediatamente.
"assim?" ele indaga em sussurro, enfeitiçado pelo gosto afrodisíaco no paladar.
a língua grande de jisung havia percorrido desde sua entrada até a testa lisinha numa lentidão agonizante, mas muito, muito gostosa.
"de novo."
ele repete com prazer, dessa vez com o olhar fixado nas suas reações. park resolve seguir com os movimentos e observar as suas respostas, ele morde um pedacinho do seu grande lábio, sugando levemente antes de soltar.
o nariz pontudinho rela no clitóris enquanto ele se delicia com seu sabor acumulado nos lábios menores, sentindo seu quadril investir contra o rosto todo melado.
"noona." ele arfa sem perceber, chupando sua lubrificação como se estivesse desidratado. a voz grave te causa delírios, e você puxa o cabelo do mais novo por reflexo.
o pré-gozo arruinando a cueca nem o incomoda mais, jisung está completamente absorto nos barulhos causados pelas chupadas fervorosas que ele te dá. poderia morrer assim, devorando sua buceta feito um maluco.
"você faz t-tão bem, jisungie. a noona tá orgulhosa." balbuciou a declaração com a respiração entrecortada, é muito complicado se concentrar quando sente park jisung escrever o próprio nome com a língua na sua intimidade encharcada.
"minha. minha pra sempre."
jisung leva dois dedos à sua boca para que os sugasse, ele te prepara usando as digitais como uma tesoura no buraquinho prestes a ser abusado pelo pau doído e teso ainda dentro das calças.
o problema é que park não consegue parar. assim que deslizou os dentinhos pelo botão inchado e pulsante, sendo agraciado pelos seus gemidos descontrolados, ele seguiu te fodendo com os dedos e chupando o clitóris até que você visse estrelas.
"ji, tá sensível... espera um pouquinho." você pede uma coisa, mas seus quadris rebolando na face dele dizem outra.
ele resolve ser desobediente dessa vez e segue engolindo cada gota do seu gozo, sem se importar consigo mesmo e com a bagunça enorme que você espalha pelo rostinho desenhado.
"noona, você é deliciosa." park declara.
"park jisung." você o separa do seu centro, respirando aliviada, mesmo sentindo que está excitada de novo.
"deixa eu continuar, por favor?" os olhinhos ardem nos cantos exteriores, ele está realmente afetado.
"não, ji." você sela o lábio encharcado de jisung, sentindo sua própria essência. "agora a noona vai ajudar você."
ele treme na base quando sente suas mãos desfazerem o cinto e abrir o botão da calça. trocando de lugar com o mais novo, fica por cima e, mesmo com as pernas tremendo, sabe que sentaria por horas a fio se precisasse. jisung merece a recompensa.
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