#psycological horrors
blurrycow · 2 years
the house of nightmares
words: 1522
fandom: pjo
characters: nico di angelo, bob the titan, will solace, more that i dont feel like writing
lil post toa thing i felt like writing
fandom mutuals: @italian-wall-lizard
He leans toward the voice. Bob and Will look over at him.
Will says, “Did you hear it again?”
Nico doesn’t answer, only listens. The voice does not say anything else; only the crackling of the fire is left hovering in the air. “Tomorrow,” he says, “We search.”
His companions nod grimly. 
“Is there a place you suspect we might find them?” Will says, curiosity buried in the tilt of his head. 
“The House of Nightmares,” Bob says, and Nico looks at his feet. 
He hasn’t been there in ages and doesn’t want to.
Then, he was a child, and now things are different, 
either for the better, 
or for the worse.
They have more ammunition now, more things to use to hurt and maim. They can turn his words and feelings into steely knives, and this time they won’t miss. 
He stands. “I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed.”
He goes. No one tries to stop him. 
The morning looks no different than the night, but the silver haze trickles down a little thicker. 
Nico opens his eyes. 
“House of Nightmares,” Bob says to him. “Are you ready, son of Hades?”
No, but he will have to be. Nico nods.
“You will suffer greatly,” he warns.
Nico knows this.
He shakes Will awake, and they set off, 
Nico had thought it might look like a haunted house, but it doesn’t, just a pit of darkness spreading through the ground, cracked and black, veins of evil worming their way to the top.
“This is a venture you must make alone,” Bob announces, looking into the pit. “The son of Apollo and I will stay here.”
Will nods and says, “Be careful, Nico.”
And Nico says, “I will.” 
(He won’t.)
“If you give a shout, we’ll pull you out,” Bob reassures him. “But for now, you must go by yourself. Face your darkest nightmare, and the child shall be freed.”
(No one said anything about a child.)
“Okay,” Nico replies. 
 The last thing he sees is Will’s smile. The darkness is overwhelming. 
Show yourself, Nico says.
There is only laughter. 
I will, says the thing in the ink.
Come out of hiding.
What happened the last time you came out of hiding?
Nico remembers Dalmatia. 
The thing shows itself.
Hazel smiles up at him.
No, but it’s not Hazel. Something is very wrong. Her face is too paper thin, head just a little less round, thin cracks like porcelain spreading from her eyes onto her cheeks. 
“Hello, Nico,” she says.
And then she is everyone, everywhere, and she and everyone Nico cares about is hating him, blaming him, shouting, won’t stop shouting, 
“Bringing me back only made me suffer,” says Hazel, and Jason says “Stop it, just LEAVE ME ALONE, you death freak,” and Percy says. “You were always an outcast, weren’t you,” and Leo says, “Maybe they should have left you in that jar to die,” and Piper says, “You will NEVER be good enough,” and Frank says, “You lead the enemy to destroy New Rome,” and Reyna says, “You lied to us for years,” and then she turns on her heel and walks away, purple cloak swishing in the wind, 
and Nico is left on the ground,
his sword falls from his hand into the pit below.
He watches as the sword, forged in darkness to defend the light, falls into the pit of its maker, twisting and spiraling.
Bianca catches it, and Nico smiles.
She has always been here for him. 
Then her eyes melt in her head, pupils turning black and liquid, and Nico recoils as the thing that is not his sister grins like a cheshire cat, corners of its mouth turning up in a slice of melon, 
and it says the worst thing of all, 
“You are NO brother of mine.” 
An olive branch, an arrow. It pierces his heart like a knife, and he falls backwards, a bird suspended in flight. 
Nico scrambles back from the pit, only now realizing how vast it is, a fucking black hole almost, and then they are all there, the people he’s hurt, not only Bianca but Jason and Reyna and Hazel and Percy and Annabeth and Frank and Piper and Leo. 
Are they here to kill me? 
They smile, and Nico says, “I am so sorry.” 
“I forgive you,” Bianca says, and Nico forgets what she’d just said before that, only he remembers the feeling of being cut down to the bone. 
She holds out her arms. “I promise, I forgive you.” 
So he goes into her hold, and he is no longer the fierce hero of Olympus, trapped in his nightmares, 
His only worry now is Bianca, and she is his sister and he is her little brother again, and he has missed this oh so much, the feeling of being comforted.
“Bee,” he says, lifting his head, and she smiles and strokes his cheek with her thumb, the same way she used to when they were kids (they were just kids, so innocent and unbothered) and then she puts her hands around his throat and squeezes, and she is the shadow monster again, the man with one thousand eyes. 
The thought running through his head is, 
i trusted you
i loved you
what has happened to us?  
And then the man with one thousand eyes is Nico, but he’s ten again, young and hopeful and still full of faith that the world is not cruel. 
“You’ve seen it all,” says Young Nico. “And this is how they treat you?”
Yes. They never stop hating you, no matter how much you do for them.
Stop, Nico tells himself. Stop, stop, stop. This isn't real. It’s just a nightmare. 
“You’ve told yourself that a thousand times,” Young Nico says sympathetically. “And yet you live through it every day.” 
You don’t know me.
“Oh, but I am you. I know everything about you.”
Nico thinks to himself, that is a very scary thought. 
Young Nico walks toward him, intent glittering in his brown eyes. “Listen to me, Nico. You are nothing. You will always be nothing. Your sister was so eager to ditch you for immortality. After all you’ve done for people who you don’t even know, they still shun you and call you scary and push you away.” 
Oh, Nico knows this all too well.
He speaks quietly to the child; his Not Nico, his conscience still stuck in a time clouded only by darkness. 
“If you were me,” he whispers, “Then why are you saying these things?”
Young Nico stops short. “What?”
“I was so hopeful when I was your age,” he says to the child. “If you are me, you should be trying to stay optimistic.”
The child blinks. 
“I’m sorry your family is all dead,” Nico tells it. “I’m sorry your friends shunned you and the only people you loved detest you, but you’re NOT ALONE.”
“I am here,” he says. “Come to me.”
The child erupts into light, and Nico thinks it feels a little bit like forgiveness.
The birds come. 
The sky is still twisting, dark and clouded spires piercing a bloodred sky. 
“Lift me,” Nico tells them. He is the son of Hades. He commands the dead, the dead do not command him.
The people he’s seen are dead in his eyes. He will cast off their bodies once more.
The birds lift him up. 
There is a creature, Nico sees, as he is being flown on the back of the birds, crossing the darkness that never ends. He does not know if it ever will. 
Goodbye, son of Hades, says the birds, and they drop him, 
And something holds him up, just a hair breath away from eternal doom. 
Nico knows with crystal clear certainty that he is going to die. 
One. Nico squeezes his eyes shut, the ghost of Bianca hovering behind his eyelids.
Two. Jason. Jason, perfect, golden Jason, spear driven through thick muscle, unseeing, cold blue eyes no longer filled with sparkle.
Three. His mother crumbles under the weight of Zeus’s thunderbolt, and all Nico can see is red.
As the creature releases him into the pit, someone’s distantly familiar voice shouts Nico! Something grabs his arm, 
and then he is curled up in the heart of Tartarus, and Will is shaking his arm, and Nico is sobbing and quaking and tired and he can’t seem to stop twitching.
Will says, “Can I hug you?” and Nico says, “No, not yet,” because he does not know if this is a dream, an illusion, does not know if Will will be the next one to tighten the grip on his throat. 
Will respects this and steps back, and Nico can finally breathe again. He does now, sucking in a lungful of the salty, sulfurous air. 
“Have you found what you were looking for, Son of Hades?” Bob asks, silvery eyes aglow. 
“Yes,” Nico says. He has found what he was looking for, and all he feels is hollow. “Let’s go home.” 
The sky only shines brighter, the color of freshly split blood.
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yandere-writer-momo · 29 days
Why write the usual when I can make everybody sad? This is a different take on the Yandere trope with the reality of being involved with someone who is obsessed with you (worse case scenario).
Yandere Short Stories: The Consequences
Yandere Ex Husband x Deceased Fem Reader
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“(Your name)?” Alec stepped back in disbelief, his hands rubbed his eyes to make sure that the figure in front of him was really real. “(Your name)! Oh my god!”
Alec ran towards the young woman and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. His whole body trembled as his hazel eyes began to spill salty tears. He couldn’t believe it… he couldn’t believe this was real.
Her hair still smelled like (scent)… this couldn’t be a dream! This had to be reality! Yes… she came back to see him again.
They were together so many years ago and then she vanished into thin air. To see her again was like a dream come true! To know she was still on this earth and she had returned to his side was all the relief he needed.
Alec pressed a kiss to her head before he pulled away so his hands could hold her face. His thumbs traced over her pink lips as a sad smile crawled on his lips.
“You… you don’t look a day over twenty six…” Alec’s brow furrowed. How did she still look so young when it’s been over a decade since they last saw each other? How was that even possible?
(Your name) softly smiled at him, her hands rose up to gently hold the backs of his palms. Her hands were like ice… no. Her hands were as cold as death.
“This isn’t real, none of this is.” (Your name)’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I died, silly. Don’t you remember?”
“No… you’re not dead.” Alec’s lip quivered and his eyes became crazed. “You can’t be dead, we just had an argument was all.”
“Yes… and you killed me. Don’t you remember?” (Your name)’s form slowly began to melt away into that of a rotted corpse. “You stabbed me to death and buried me in the garden.”
“No! No, I didn’t…” Alec began to sob and shake his head. There was no way… he didn’t. He wouldn’t have… he loved her!
“It’s too late, Alec. What’s done is done.” (Your name) the crumbled onto the floor in a pile of bones.
Alec fell to the floor in a panic. Her tried to piece back together her bones back together but it was futile. “No! Please stay with me!”
Hot tears flowed down his cheeks, another sob racked through his chest. He pulled her skull toward his chest to cradle it. “I’m sorry… I just didn’t want you to leave me! We were so happy and… I wanted you to be happy forever.”
Alec continued to sob on the floor that slowly melted away into that of a white padded cell. Reality slowly began to slip in.
(Your name) would be happy forever in death while he would rot forever in this padded cell. This was the reality of his kind of love. This was the consequence of his actions.
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bunnieswithknives · 2 months
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Chaos and Fizzy love me. They love me because if they didn't they would kill me.
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purgatory2 · 3 months
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why do cute girls have to suffer💔
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
Deciphering - Masterpost
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And here we are, kittens! 
Deciphering is a detective surrealistic love story about our loveable walking disaster of an ex-attorney trying to confess to his best friend prosecutor. The story also touches sensitive topics as: alchoholism, suicidal ideation, psychological and physical abuse, depression and self-sabotage. And a murder, of course. It is a detective story too after all.
Chapter 1: It won’t be easy - 1-10, 11-19, 20-23
Chapter 2: I want to help you - 24-29, 30-37 
Chapter 3: Duel - 38-46, 47-49
Chapter 4: Call of the Void - 50-51, 52, 53, 54, 55-57, 58-61, 62, 63-68 new (OLD - 63-68)
Chapter 5: Charming - (full chapter 69-97), 69, 70-73, 74, 75, 76-79, 80, 81, 82-84, 85-89, 90-91, 92, 93-94, 95-97, 98-99
Chapter 6: Watch me drown - 100-101, 102, 103-106, 107, 108-110,
♥ [FACADE] - Deciphering’s little sequel - 1-4, 5-9, 10-13
• NaruMitsu BONUSes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
• And my other Ace Attorney drawings: Phoenix pencil sketches, Beanix and Trucy, Franziska, Godot, Merry Christmas, Klapollo 1 & 2, Gumshoe
Дешифровка на русском: [VK], [acomics], [SelfManga]
Фасад на русском: [VK], [acomics], [SelfManga]
DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/arainmorn
Insta - https://www.instagram.com/arainmorn/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ArainMorn_art
VK - https://vk.com/arainmorn
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space-bee3s · 6 months
If you like psychological horror, if you love being put into cosmically horrific situations, if you consider yourself to be someone who relates a bit too much to the spiral in the magnus archives, this book is for you!
It was originally a short story that just sort of grew into something more and I’m so incredibly proud of what I’ve created and put into the world.
Please please read the book! Leave reviews! Tell your friends, family, and enemies about this book and enjoy it!
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Horror movie idea:
A day in the life of a normal salaryman. He wakes up, gets ready for work, gets to work and begins working. Every couple of shots there's a shadowy thing watching and just sort of staring toward the camera.
But all this is a distraction. Instead, the horror is subjected to the viewer.
From the beginning of the movie, there's a constant buzzing noise which initially is undetectable but slowly increases over the course of the movie.
The movie screen starts tilted by .001 degrees and rotates very slowly until the movie is sideways.
The red and green tints are gradually moved in opposite directions of the sliders.
Every several frames, there's a single frame of a child who's been twisted into this horrific image and every time the image flashes, it looks more human.
Meanwhile, the actual unaltered video is just the guy working at his computer. Maybe sometimes he gets up to stretch or have some water. But there's nothing strange, except that shadow thing appearing randomly in the background.
Then at the end of the movie, everything snaps to normal when the salaryman's alarm goes off and he clocks out and goes home. Last scene is him in bed. He turns out the lights and goes to sleep. Final shot shows the shadowy thing watching while the guy is asleep.
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supermeem2002 · 1 year
Credit to the pic in the background and the character goes to @partycoffin (Also, TW for big iris's if you're scared of being stared at by them in the second picture-)
But heyyy, guess who got into a pretty neat looking unfiction horror series recently, the art and aesthetic style so far has been so good!💗
His pants were a bit of a hassle but I like how Wally came out, I think I almost nailed the style down :)))
"D'aww, this guy looks so sweet and friendly! Such a cute little fella! Hope nothing bad happens to him!"
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"Oh shit he's a bit fucked up actually-" 👀💧
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m00nm4dn355 · 1 month
One of these days I just want someone to respond to "I've been here the whole time" with absolute horror, the realization overwhelming their psyche, and the only thing they can mutter out to the camera is "I don't know how to tell you this... But no he wasn't"
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shibaleeart · 5 months
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discussing a timelooped au with friends on twitter, but each reset Izaya has to kill the original timeline version of himself cause I love putting this man through psychological turmoil :)
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crawlaroundmyheart · 6 months
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yurizuu · 5 months
corru observer
guys i recently got into this game called corru.observer its so AWESOME and underrated and i love the style of the game so much + its free and web based so u dont need to download anything AND THE PLOT IS SUUPPER COOLLLL, it revolves around 2 people trying to search for info on what happened to a team of aliens that went missing, they do this by forming a connection to a cyst and inside they can look through thier memories and thoughts and like way more stuff its super awesome its like a visual novel but they also add other game features also the enviroment of the game is literally so bizzare which is what makes it unique, for example a dude with 2 giant eyes for his head (even though thats not actually how he looked like since he is actually human its just that the memory cannot remember how his face lookd like so ye) AND I NEED MORE CONTENT OF CORRU OBSERVER THIS FANDOM IS SO SMALL THERES ONLY LIKE 2 MEME COMPILITAIONS ABOUT IT ON YOUTUBE I NEED MOREERRERERERERERERE I NEED MORE PEOLPE TO SEE THIS ACTUAL AMAZING MASTERPIECE WHAT THE FLIP in so if u see this peeleeleleleaase go check it out ill link it rn :3 corru.observer ^^^
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bobateaboo · 1 year
i could have done art today but instead i made a uquiz :]
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unavoidedbyme · 1 year
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a/n: this is my first time writing, please don’t judge me too much.
You are not perfect, and i am too.
tw: mentions of death and killing
SUNNY x Reader
everything is pitch black, he doesn’t know where he is. All he could see was… a tree…? wait a minute. Don’t tell me he-
A nightmare.
this was a rare occurrence happening to him for the past 4 years, ever since his sister died he has been shutting himself from the real world. He has been distant with everyone else including you. His bestfriend and crush. You and Kel has been trying to get him out from the house these past couple of years and neither of you are giving up trying to get him outside. In the end all of the efforts finally start to pay off, Sunny finally came out from his personal bubble and tried to reconnect with his old friends.
You were having a sleepover at his house, Kel and Hero wanted to share this moment one last time before Sunny move away leaving them all behind. It honestly made you upset but you try to ignore this pained heart in your chest.
Sunny woke up covered in sweats all over his body, he started crying silently not knowing somebody was up at that hour. You just came back from the bathroom finding only a sobbing Sunny on his bed, trying to wipe his tears away. Sunny was shocked seeing you there but was also embarrassed to have you seen him in this state, he still has a huge little crush on you and he thinks that he is weak for crying over a nightmare. You quickly rushed into his side and asking him what’s wrong, he was touched on how much of a gentle person you are and it made him even more guilty about killing the person you loved. He asked you on why would you help a monster such as himself? why are you so nice to him? why- just why?! he hates himself for it. He killed Mari. Basil loved her and he killed her, Aubrey loved her and he killed her, Kel loved her and he killed her, Hero loved her and he killed her, He loved her and he killed her, You… y o u loved her and yet he killed her. He hate this, he hate the fact that you made him feel loved, he hate the fact that he had lied to you, he hate the fact that-
“O..oh god.. Sunny, why are you crying..? please don’t cry.. i am here for you.”
You hugged him close, he starts to cry even more on your shoulder and yet you just let him be. Once he finally calmed down, you asked him about his nightmare but ofcourse you told him that if he doesn’t want to that’s totally okay. But eventually he told you about it, you were honestly concerned about the nightmare. It felt like it wasn’t just an ordinary nightmare, it felt so real it has so many details that no dreams or nightmares should have. But you didn’t pay any mind into it though, finding Sunny’s feelings more important than the dream. You told him reassuring words that we would never leave him alone again, you would never leave him alone again. Trying to soothe him more you started to rub circles around his back while still hugging eachother. You also had a crush on him since you first met him if you were going to be honest. His presence alone made your heart and body calm bringing a smile onto your face.
“It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to make mistakes. You are not perfect, and i am too.”
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
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Deciphering, page 62 Oh Edgey... [Previous page]  [Masterpost]   [Next page]
 [OLD] Deciphering - a story about two friends solving a murder case and finding out a true nature of their relationship. Based on Ace Attorney.  Insta - https://www.instagram.com/arainmorn/  DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/arainmorn/gallery Twitter - https://twitter.com/ArainMorn_art
VK - https://vk.com/arainmorn  
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numberonenat · 1 month
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>> commissions open <<
found this from 2021, weird drawing but i thought the idea was so fun….so i showed my friend and she told me to keep the background and redraw yoonbum…so i did.
the collage effect looks kinda off now? yes…but does he look SO MUCH BETTER? YES.
did this just for fun, but i guess posting is nice.
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