#probably an art or maybe edit of him and bunnies
v-anrouge · 7 months
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pharawee · 11 months
It's 7 July and as promised, Harikarn Solution (the production company behind Chains of Heart - you might know them better as Maximon Solution but they recently rebranded) posted the first part of the Chains of Heart special ep script.
I guess that means that the special ep really won't happen and that's it for the series.
Which is sad because (as you probably know by now lmao) I love Chains of Heart to bits and I'm not ready to let this series go (luckily there's still Love Puzzle and Art Adore En).
Anyway, the plan was to translate the script word by word but I don't really have the time for that right now (maybe I'll do it later if there's interest? I already have the raw translations and "only" need to edit them) but here's the gist of the script so far:
It's been two years since the events of the series. Sai and Dr Chanyeol got married exactly one year ago and everyone (that is: Sai, Chanyeol, Hin, Phayu & Ken) are meeting up. Ken arrives and immediately Sai and Hin go in for a hug. They want to know how he's been doing because they haven't seen him since the wedding. Apparently, he's lost weight and he's still dwelling on what happened.
Everyone gets drunk. Everyone except for Sai, that is, because Sai is pregnant.
Phayu and Hin are apparently still doing it like bunnies every single day. Phayu says Hin has gained weight. How charming.
Everyone calls Din Lue now because they've accepted that the old Din has basically died - for better or for worse. Still, they'd like to see him again. Sai and Ken especially. Ken says that their fate is and will always be entwined.
Late at night, Ken goes to sleep alone in his room. He's sad and tipsy and he misses Lue but eventually he manages to fall asleep.
A man enters his bedroom (the script identifies him as Lue but we're not supposed to see him directly). Much like in episode 1 he caresses Ken's face. Ken opens his eyes but he's not really fully awake and he's crying. The blurry figure in front of him takes his hand and gives him a ring. Crying and begging for Lue, Ken falls back asleep. The man/Lue kisses Ken's forehead and leaves.
The next morning, Ken wakes up thinking he's had a dream (apparently he's had many of these during the past 2 years) until he discovers the ring. He immediately knows that it was Lue who came to him last night, and he finally decides to go looking for him.
He wakes the others. Phayu and Hin are still groggy. Hin accidentally slaps Phayu's face. They argue and pout. How charming.
Ken and Sai talk alone outside and Sai promises Ken to help. She too wants to see Lue again.
And that's it for part 1 (of three - if Harikarn decides to post the whole script).
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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skellebonez · 2 years
Cotton Tails and Borrowed Time: Chapter 7
Edited (and planned) with the help of my friend Bucky! Couldn’t do this without you!
A couple notes: So.. It's been a heck of a week for me. There maaaay be a bit of a longer delay between this and chapter 8 because…
My car kinda broke and there was a whole thing about getting it to a shop (and me home). And then I hurt my hand while cooking… it's been a time. Typing on a computer is a bit hard at the moment, probably will be for a couple days, so I am now doing all actual fic writing on my phone because while it's slow it's not nearly as slow as hunt and pecking. Hopefully this author's note is completely unnecessary!
And we have art shout outs again! First, to silverorchideon for this wonderful rendition of Bunny Tang! And next to the amazing SwagginMun! While this art was not drawn for this fic they did give me permission to share it here because… well, I just love it that much.
Please enjoy chapter 7! Check out the AO3 link.
It was odd, being in the noodle shop without MK around and knowing that he wasn’t going to be returning for a couple days.
He’d always left for short stints at a time outside of just his deliveries: training with Sun Wukong on Mount Huaguo for a day or so being the most recent examples. But knowing he wasn’t going to be coming through the front door to say hi or grab more deliveries for the day? It felt odd somehow. They’d gotten back into their old routine so much that to have it interrupted again at this point felt both disconcerting and familiar in a way that Tang had trouble putting into words.
Without MK being available for deliveries it had fallen on Pigsy to deliver everything himself. Given the difficulty of doing that AND cooking, Pigsy opted to make it so the shop was only open to dine in and take out for the next few days. While there were far more people coming by the shop to pick up their orders than usual, it seemed as if only the usual customers were coming by to dine in.
Such as...
“So I wasn’t seeing things the other day...” a familiar voice sounded from behind Tang, startling him from the book he had been taking notes on.
“Mr. Jiang!” Tang exclaimed. For a split second, he almost pulled his scarf up to hide his face.
Then he realized that it was far too late for that. There was no hiding the fur or his bunny ears, even from the farthest distance. “Good afternoon, it’s uh... It’s good to see you again. I’m sorry for the other day, I—”
“Were clearly stressed about something.” Mr. Jiang said understandingly with a wave of his hand. “And I can clearly see what it was now. I thought my old eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw you running by. Or that maybe you had been wearing some kind of costume. Clearly I had been wrong on both counts.”
The dock worker took a seat next to Tang, groaning as he stretched out his back.
“It’s... a lot to take in,” Tang said with a nod as he slid a bookmark into his book and set it down. He’d been having trouble staying in his work for the most part, no matter where he seemed to be. For... relatively clear reasons when he really thought about it. “It’s been rough... Uh...”
“Three days,” Pigsy filled in as he came his way over to the counter between his two regulars. “Four, if you count today.”
“It feels like more and less than that at the same time,” Tang said with a sigh as he felt his glasses slipping slowly down his new nose. He reached under his ear, re-clipping the hair clip that had come loose over the day. Tang set his glasses back to where they had been before he muttered to himself. “I need to find a better solution for these.”
Pigsy gave him a small, understanding smile, before turning to Mr. Jiang.
“The usual?”
“You know it!” the dock worker said with a hearty laugh. “And I’ll eat here before heading back to my boat.”
With a nod of acknowledgement, Pigsy headed back into the kitchen to get his order ready.
“So,” he said after a moment before turning more to Tang. “Not going to assume what’s going on, but you look quite a bit more... rabbity than even the last time I saw you. Did something happen or...?”
“I would say... or is an appropriate way to put it,” Tang answered with a bit of a chuckle. “It’s... It’s complicated, but long story short, I have a curse on me and even if we find a way to break it I might be stuck as a rabbit demon permanently.”
“And how are you feeling about that?”
“Honestly?” Tang said with a shrug. “Scared. Of all the changes, mostly. It’s a lot to get used to. But...”
“But?” Mr. Jiang gently pushed.
“I can get used to it,” Tang said with a nod. “It’ll just take time. Mostly it’s all the fur and the noise. I can’t shower the way I used to with these ears!”
For a moment, Mr. Jiang stared at him in stunned silence before he chuckled. He shook his head with a smile of his own.
“If that’s the biggest problem you have, then I think you’ll be just fine,” he said brightly. “If there’s one thing I am sure of, it’s knowing when people have things handled.”
The way he said that made Tang pause for a long moment before he picked up a cup of tea that Pigsy had been refilling for him periodically.
“That’s... That’s the thing,” Tang said quietly. Out of the corner of his eye, he peeked at the kitchen to check that Pigsy was still inside. “I don’t.”
“What do you mean?” Mr. Jiang asked in concern, smile immediately gone. “Wait. You didn’t tell me everything, did you?”
Tang shook his head lightly, just enough to avoid swinging his ears. He was getting very good at that now. “There’s... If it was just what I told you, I would just accept it and move on,” he said firmly. “I know I would, now that I am starting to get the hang of all this. It’s just new and different. But I don’t know if...” the scholar lowered his voice as much as he could. “Mr. Jiang, I’ve told you things before, I know you can keep a secret. I... I don’t want anyone else to know that it might not stop at me being a demon just yet...”
The older man looked at Tang with confusion for a moment, eyes widening when he finally processed what he meant.
“I see...” Mr. Jiang nodded solemnly. “And I am the only one you’ve told?”
“MK is going to find out soon,” Tang admitted. “He went with the Monkey King to figure out what all this is. Just in case. If it turns out that is happening, then... I-I don’t know.”
There was a heavy silence between them.
“Well, if it does come to that,” Mr. Jiang said softly, after pondering for a moment. “MK’s a smart kid. He saved us all from the Lady Bone Demon. I think you can trust him to figure something out. And you have the Monkey King! I know enough about the legends to know Sun Wukong is as stubborn as they come when he has his mind set on something. Even if you... If it’s THAT, he’d tear about the Celestial Realm itself to find something to help you.”
“How does everyone around me know exactly what to say to make me feel better?” Tang said with a laugh as he sipped from his cup.
“I’m just an old man with a lot of life experience!” Mr. Jiang said. “But I’ve been coming to this shop for so long that I like to think I know you at least a little bit. I know you enough to tease you about your Totally Not Boyfriend.”
Tang shouldn’t have.
He really shouldn’t have.
He’d been doing so well, he’d even not even denied it when Bai He asked.
Maybe it was because he was just so used to the knee jerk reaction that was half serious and half joking for years at this point.
He didn’t even get to voice his usual protest before his hands felt like they’d been jabbed with needles and his cup slipped from his grasp, loudly smashing on the floor. His whole body twitched, his stomach aching for a moment.
“What happened!?” Bai He shouted, rushing out of the storage room. She got a quick answer when she noticed the mess on the floor. Running behind the counter, the girl snatched up a towel to cover the broken shards and absorb the spilled tea. “Is anyone hurt?”
“I, uh...” Tang stammered as he looked at his hands. “I-I think I might have a problem.”
He held them up, flexing them slightly as he took in their new appearance.
They’d... Not exactly shrunk, but they’d changed shape slightly. Less like human hands with long fingers. They were still recognizably hands, yes, but his fingers were rounder, shorter, and more closely resembled paws than before. His claws were much more pronounced now, clearly seen through his fur.
“Well,” Mr. Jiang said with astonishment. “That, uh... that’s going to take some getting used to.”
Tang flexed his hands again, looking down at them in surprise as a shock of concern rushed through him. That cold feeling flopped in his stomach again.
How many changes were left now?
“Tang?” PIgsy’s voice rang out before he could get too lost in his thoughts.
“I...” He said softly after a moment. “I’m okay. I’m sorry about your cup.”
Pigsy scowled, grabbing Tang’s hands gently and pulling them forward before checking his new paw hands and nodding.
“I ain’t worried about the cup,” he said gruffly. “Just glad you’re not hurt.”
The ache in Tang’s stomach lifted faster than he thought possible as he felt grateful that his new fur hid the blush on his face.
Just as his phone dinged.
“And sent!” MK announced as he pocketed his phone. “One arrival text was sent successfully.”
“Good!” Sun Wukong said with a determined chuckle. “Now... Hmn...” He stood there for a moment at the entrance to Scorpion Demoness’s castle, head tilted in thought for a moment.
“Do you think she would be able to hear if we knocked? This place is huge.”
“She wouldn’t if she happened to be inside at the time,” a voice sounded from behind them. MK yelled in surprise, spinning around and pulling his staff out of his ear to defend himself at a moment’s notice. Before him was...
A woman. A very pretty woman, he would admit. Tall, long green hair put up in a hairstyle that reminded him slightly of horns. It was so voluminous that she’d tied it up multiple times in a long ponytail, almost resembling a scorpion’s stinger. And she wore purple.
A loooooot of purple.
“Lucky for you,” she continued after a moment, clearly unbothered by MK’s reaction. “She was gardening. I never expected to see you again so soon, Sun Wukong.”
The way she said his mentor’s name made MK think that something had gone down between them. There was familiarity there: not angry familiarity but maybe some exasperated fondness?
Like he’d done something she’d been upset about at the time but she was okay with now.
“Yeah, I didn’t expect to be stopping by so soon,” Sun Wukong answered with a shrug. “I did want to visit you though, I uh... I don’t exactly remember our encounter completely and I kind of wanted to apologize for... wrecking your castle? I think I did. I remember going through a wall.”
“You did,” the woman said with a small scowl before it tapered away into a smile. “Not that it was hard for me to fix, mind you. No harm done.”
“Great! I think!”
“And who is this?” The tall woman asked with a tilt of her head, leaning down slightly to get a better look at MK. “Something about him seems... familiar.”
“This is Tang’s kid!” Sun Wukong said enthusiastically as he pushed MK forward. “MK, Scorpion Demoness. SD, MK.”
“Hi?” MK said awkwardly, raising a hand to wave at her before she snatched it up and started shaking it vigorously.
“NOW I REMEMBER!” the scorpion said with a laugh. “When I had him as a ‘prisoner’ he showed me your photo! You’re quieter than I expected.”
“You held Mr. Tang prisoner?” MK asked with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s normally a lot louder than this,” Sun Wukong explained as he ruffled his student’s hair. “It’s just been a long day and a lot of flying to get here.”
“It was more of a ‘kidnapped to be my friend forever’ kind of thing, I can explain later,” Scorpion Demoness waved off before looking them both up and down. “You didn’t fly ALL the way from the city to here, did you?”
“We did!” MK answered as he stood up straighter, fixing his mussed up hair. “We’re in a hurry, we need to help Mr. Tang, actually, Jin and Yin—”
“What did they do this time?” Scorpion Demoness asked with a sigh.
“This time?” MK blinked.
“Look, I really like Jin and Yin!” Scorpion Demoness said with a wave of her hands. “Really! They’re great friends, always keep me company and have the best ideas for games and things to pass time! But they’re not... They don’t exactly...”
“Think things through?” Sun Wukong offered.
“YES!” Scorpion Demoness said with relieved laughter. “They can’t seem to plan past—”
“Step two,” Mk said with a nod.
“Damn, you both really are familiar with them.”
“They may have tried to defeat me by running my dad’s noodle shop out of business.”
“Why would they think th—okay, just. Tell me what the chuckle heads did.”
“Okay so Mr. Tang and Pigsy and I were in the city doing stuff and they suddenly jumped me all like ‘oh, we’re gonna prove we can beat the Monkie Kid’ and then we fought and I was winning but then they pulled out some kind of curse thing and hit Mr. Tang with it so it wouldn’t hit Pigsy and over the last three days or four days I don’t know how you measure time he’s been slowly turning into a rabbit demon and Monkey King wants to make sure he knows how the curse was made so he can maybe fix it but most make sure that Tang isn’t going to be hurt by it!”
There was a beat as the two demons stared at MK. The panting boy drew in a breath.
“Sooooo... are they here?” he asked, adding a hopeful smile.
Scorpion Demoness blinked before answering. “They were. But you just missed them. They headed into Lantern City to buy some things and won’t be back until morning.”
“Then we gotta—” Sun Wukong started.
“No, no!” Scorpion Demoness said quickly, waving her arm before Sun Wukong could gather up his cloud again. “Like I said, they’ll be back in the morning! And I know a lot about curses, they come with the territory of illusionary magic sometimes. Maybe I can help? If it’s for Tang, I would be more than happy to. Besides...” She scowled again, glaring in the direction of the Lantern City. “Those brothers need to learn when to leave people alone. I told them messing with someone as strong as the Monkie Kid was a bad idea.”
“But we still need to sleep somewhere,” Sun Wukong said with a frown. “Do we just camp, or...”
“Stay here for the night,” Scorpion Demoness offered with a smile. “You can catch them when they’re off-guard!”
“That would make everything a lot easier,” MK agreed.
Monkey King narrowed his eyes slightly at his student. “You just want to explore her castle.”
Scorpion Demoness chuckled a bit at the exclamation from MK, shaking her head as she waved her hand at them.
“Well, come inside then,” she said. “Daylight won’t last more than another hour or so and you must be starving. You can explain what my two chuckleheads have done over some dinner.”
It took no time at all for MK to rush inside behind her, Sun Wukong following shortly after, sending another text on his phone as quickly as he could manage.
“You good?” Mr. Jiang asked as he watched Tang flex his hands around his phone awkwardly for the fifth time since he picked it up. The dock worker was hesitating, caught between needing to leave for work and his concern for his friend.
“I... Yeah,” Tang said with a soft sigh and chuckle. “I used to joke around that my phone was too small but, uh... I doubt I’m going to have that complaint again.”
The humor was a little to dry for anyone in the shop to really appreciate. Even him, outside of a soft chuckle from Mr. Jiang. But even that chuckle sounded forced.
Tang was able to pick up his phone, though with a little difficulty. The screen lit up to reveal a “we’re here, not dead” from MK. Which was, surprisingly, not an unusual message from MK. A few minutes passed before another text showed up. “SD here, she’s treating us to dinner, bros not home”, it read.
So there was... some kind of update. Which was better than nothing. If he was being honest, Tang was more concerned about his hands than what MK and Monkey King were up to. While he was able to use his phone like normal, it has been much easier to get it to register inputs from the built-in pen than his hands. With his fingers shortened, it felt like he was holding the pen with his knuckles. Too short, too close to his palm, and just awkward.
But not impossible.
“You’re a pretty stubborn guy, you know that?” Mr. Jiang said with a smile. “Or maybe tenacious is a better word.”
“No, I think stubborn is right,” Tang admitted with a smile.
“That means you’re gonna be just fine,” the elder man said with a nod before announcing his departure. He waved to each of them, heading back to the docks.
Tang decided then and there that Mr. Jiang would probably appreciate some more visits to his boat in the future.
“So, it’s going to take at least an hour or so to make something up,” Scorpion Demoness said as she laid out the myriad of vegetables from her garden. “In the meantime, why don’t you tell me what’s happening in more detail. I could point you in the right direction of where to look.”
“Well,” MK said with a shrug. “I kinda said everything I know already. Mr. Tang was hit by a curse and he’s turning into a rabbit demon.”
“But what kind of curse?” Scorpion Demoness asked slowly. Her gaze narrowed, clearly honing in on something as she thought about what he had said again. She turned to Sun Wukong, raising a brow to wordlessly ask him for a more clear explanation.
“You know those old truth curses that turned humans into demons?” Sun Wukong started. “Well—”
“Oh,” Scorpion Demoness let out slowly before scowling. “OH. Oh, I know those curses alright.”
“You do?” MK asked excitedly.
“Yes,” she assured with a nod. “Because they got those from MY library.”
The silence between the three of them was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife.
“IT WAS YOURS!?” MK yelled out in surprise once the information was finally processed.
“No! Yes! Kinda?” Scorpion Demoness clarified quickly, voice squeaking in the surprise before she hastily cleared her throat. “The curses aren’t mine, but my specialty is illusion magic. While not the same, curses and illusions can be intertwined in ways that most people don’t connect sometimes. Some curses rely on illusions to work, and some illusions can be held up by curses. My library has just about as much research on all the old curses over the centuries as you can find.”
“And Jin and Yin were given unfiltered access to all of those curses?” Sun Wukong asked with a shudder.
“I didn’t think they would actually use them!” Scorpion Demoness defended. “There’s more stuff in my library than just curse documents, like how to upkeep the castle and a bunch of old books I have found after travelers lost them over the years. They’re my friends and I... trusted them to not, you know... be dumb when I told them not to try anything dangerous.”
The look of hurt on Scorpion Demoness’ face was as clear as day. It didn’t take an expert to tell she was genuinely upset the twins had done something like that without her knowledge.
“Look,” Sun Wukong said with an awkward smile as he put a hand on her shoulder. “Sometimes friends mess up. That comes with the territory.”
“I’m not used to being in that territory, you know that,” Scorpion Demoness said with a humorless chuckle. “I don’t know how... bad this is. Is it bad? It feels bad.”
“Oh yeah, it’s bad!” MK agreed with a nod. “The twins messed up big time. But Red Son broke into my apartment once and set it on fire a little back when we were enemies and we’re friends now! Kinda took him joining our team to be LBD and a loooooot of apologizing for taking advantage of his hospitality to steal one of the rings for the True Fire of Samadhi to get there, but we got there!”
“I... I feel your example is a little extreme—wait, are you friends with the bull prince?” Scorpion Demoness stumbled on her words, clearly at a loss for where the conversation was heading.
“I think what my successor is trying to say,” Sun Wukong said with a chuckle as he reached over and ruffled MK’s hair. “Is that he has experience in making the best out of a bad situation when it comes to friendships. He’s definitely better at that than I am!”
“...Well, I could definitely use the help in that department,” Scorpion Demoness admitted with a nod. “But that’s not important right now. What is important is that I might have everything you need before Jin and Yin even come back.”
She pushed her vegetables to the side, gesturing for the two of them to follow her.
“There’s a wing of the castle you can stay in for the night,” she explained as she led the way. “It’s connected to the library wing, while I make us something to eat you can start looking in there for anything that could help you with Tang’s curse.”
“Why don’t you let me cook?” MK offered. “My Dadsy owns a restaurant, I know my way around a kitchen! And it is your library after all.”
“Because I need some time to process all this and cooking helps me calm down and think,” Scorpion Demoness answered quickly. “I’ll make something fast, bring it in here for us to eat while we continue looking together. Sounds like a plan?”
They stopped in front of a large set of double doors for only a moment, the doors opening wide to reveal... well. A library.
A massive library.
“Holy shit,” MK breathed out in amazement even as Sun Wukong called him out on his profanity. “It’s huge.”
It was organized chaos. Though there were signs to label what each shelf was, the effect was kind of nullified by the piles of books, scrolls, loose pages, and pamphlets surrounding the shelf.
“Looks like my treasure room,” Sun Wukong said with a half chuckle.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Scorpion Demoness said as she turned away, coming back for a split second to scowl at them. “And keep everything to their assigned section when you put them back!”
They shouted their agreement down the hall as she rushed off, the two left in a slightly awkward silence.
“There’s something you’re not telling me,” MK said bluntly once they were alone in their assigned wing. “You promised that you would keep less secrets, Monkey King...”
“I know!” Sun Wukong said quickly, defensiveness getting the better of him for a split second. “I know. I want to tell you, wanted to tell you, but Tang... he asked me not to say anything until we knew for sure.”
“Mr. Tang?” MK asked unbelievingly. He cocked a brow as he stared at his mentor. “The guy who can’t even keep his crush on Pigsy a secret?”
“You’d be surprised what people can hide when they really want to, MK...”
“I’m staaaaarving, Pigsy,” Tang mockingly whined as he laid dramatically over the counter. Next to him, Bai He giggled. “I’ve been looking forward to your noodles for the last two hours while I worked on my lesson plans, take pity on me.”
“It’s done when it’s done, freeloader,” Pigsy snapped back at him with no real venom in his voice. The scholar could clearly see the smile that was just barely starting to form on his face. “You know perfection takes time.”
It was at that moment Tang’s stomach chose to growl.
“My stomach disagrees, feed me Seymour.”
The snort from Pigsy told him that, as cheesy as it was, he appreciated the little reference.
“Okay, okay, it’s finished,” Pigsy announced. “Two fresh bowls of Lanzhou beef noodle soup.”
He laid out the two bowls between his best volunteer and his number one freeloader, smiling at his handiwork. Two absolutely beautiful looking bowls of noodles and meat, that smelled just as good as they looked. Tang didn’t realize his sense of smell had increased so much, it was almost overwhelming.
“I’m so hungry I could eat this entire bowl in less than five minutes,” Tang said as he sipped the broth first. It tasted DIVINE. As expected from someone as amazing at cooking as Pigsy. There was something... different about it, though. Not bad, just different. Tang couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“Please don’t, you’ll burn your mouth,” Pigsy said as he went to get his own bowl.
“Wanna bet I can eat this before he comes back?” He whispered to Bai He conspiratorially, chuckling as she made a face of disappointment in his direction.
“You’ll make yourself sick,” she protested before he took a bite of noodles in tandem with her own bite.
The noodles tasted even better than usual, somehow.
“Maybe,” he acknowledged for a moment before looking down at the bowl. His mouth salivated at the idea of scarfing it down as quickly as he could.
He attempted to pace himself, but the bowl was gone in five minutes. That must have been a new record.
Tang leaned back in his seat as Pigsy chastised him for eating too quickly. The scholar and chef fell into their usual banter as Bai He had pulled out her homework to work on once all the late dinner stragglers left.
It was nice. Normal. For a moment, everything was right with the world.
But after a while, something felt... off. His stomach, to be more precise.
The scholar groaned as he finally lost concentration over his lesson plans that he had been attempting to finish up. The ache in his stomach was making it hard to focus on anything else.
“Mr. Tang?” Bai He asked with concern deep in her voice. “You don’t look so good...”
“I don't...” Tang trailed off, laying his head down on the counter in front of him. The coolness of it felt good as it seeped into his fur. “I don’t feel good, either.”
“What’s wrong?” She asked softly, and from the corner of his vision he could see her waving Pigsy over hurriedly. “Is it the curse? Are you dying?”
“If I was dying I would be much louder.”
“Tang?” Pigsy asked softly from over the counter. “You okay?”
“I think I ate too fast,” Tang said. It was the only explanation he could come up with. The only one that made any sense to him. The pain in his stomach became stronger and he couldn’t hold back a soft whimper. It felt like someone had reached into his stomach and yanked something they shouldn’t have. “I... I-I think I need to lie down.”
He barely paid attention to Bai He and Pigsy as they muttered something beside him, his ears registering it but his mind not.
“Come on,” he heard Pigsy say before the chef helped him stand up. They were... climbing up steps? “Kid wouldn’t mind you using his room for a bit.”
They were going to MK’s apartment. That was... MK would be okay with that, right? He wouldn’t mind, not when he was feeling so bad, right?
Something was making thinking difficult. It made paying attention to his surroundings harder, which didn’t feel... right?
They were at MK’s door before he realized it. Two of the hands propping him up moved away and Tang leaned heavily to one side. When the door opened, Tang started to slip off Pigsy’s shoulder.
That was a bad thing.
It made Tang’s stomach lurch painfully, as if it was being pulled and squeezed at the same time. He hadn’t felt this kind of pain in ages, not since he had eaten something he didn’t realize he shouldn’t have as a child.
The room rushed around him and he barely registered that he had made it to the bathroom until he felt Pigsy holding his ears back for him in one hand and his forehead up with the other. Bai He was frantically saying “pick up, pick up, pick up” in the background. Who was she calling?
“Tang,” Pigsy said firmly. “You okay?”
“...No.” He answered honestly. “But I... feel better?”
“Bai He is calling Monkey King and MK,” Pigsy said as he helped Tang stand back up. He grabbed a towel and gestured for Tang to wipe his face with it. “This... this ain’t normal for you, Tang. Even if you ate too fast.”
“...You’re right,” Tang agreed, turning on the sink and swishing his mouth out with water before following the other demon out like a guilty child. He allowed Pigsy to guide him to MK’s bed, awkwardly flopping down on it before immediately feeling guilty. “I feel like death.”
“No death talk,” Pigsy chastised instantly. “You’re not dying.”
“I’m not dying,” Tang repeated. “I just feel like I am.”
Pigsy sighed, rushing off for a moment before returning with a wet cloth in his hand. He laid it over Tang’s face, the warmth of the cloth seeping through his fur. It was nice. Very nice. Tang felt like he needed to do... something? Something like grinding his teeth but not in a bad way. Odd.
“MR. MONKEY KING, MR. TANG IS DYING!” Bai He suddenly yelled over the phone, startling the two men back into the present.
“No, no!” Pigsy said firmly, taking the phone from the young teen. “Tang is not dying, Bai He, I promise. But something is wrong.”
He directed the second part of his sentence to the phone, quickly ensuring Sun Wukong that Bai He was just worried.
“Hold on, explain to me exactly what happened,” Sun Wukong said as he waved at MK that he had the call handled. He listened intently as Pigsy explained everything, how Tang had quickly deteriorated after dinner and his odd behavior. “...Give the phone to Tang, I want to know how it felt from his end. To be safe.”
The explanation he got from the scholar was much the same. But the symptoms he described...
“Think, is there anything you did differently?” Sun Wukong asked. The fact that anything had happened was odd, there was... wait... “Tang, tell me what you did today. Everything. Walk me through it.”
The symptoms.
They almost reminded him of the few times he has accidentally eaten something like chocolate. He was a powerful demonic being, yes, but he was also still a monkey. And there were things he should never eat. He COULD eat them, yes, and it was much easier for him being as tough as he was and being five times immortal. But he really shouldn’t.
“I... got up,” Tang said. He sounded miserable. “Ate some fruit for breakfast. Water. Did my lesson plans. Went to Pigsy’s and—”
“Did you eat your usual order?”
Well. That didn’t bode well. Sun Wukong actually cursing did not bode well at all.
“Uh... Monkey King?” Tang chanced after a moment. “How bad is it?”
“Well, to put it bluntly?” Sun Wukong started as he sighed. He went silent for a moment, saying something softly off to the side before turning back to the receiver. “Tang, I need to tell MK. Either your transformation is finishing up faster than I thought it would be and you just happened to have the luck of getting some very specific dietary restrictions some rabbit demons have... or we were right to be worried."
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @flowercrown-bard! This was very fun.
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Top 5 works:
Spectre's Soul (A modern Jaskier meets a cursed ghost Geralt. this became much longer than anticipated and was very difficult to get finished and edited on time, but I did it! It was the first fic longer than 8k that I'd finished in nearly two years and I'm extremely proud of it.)
Sometimes it Takes a Prison Cell (Jaskier and Yennefer meet when they're imprisoned in a dungeon together. This one also became longer than expected, I had a wonderful time writing it, and I really like how it turned out!)
Happy Birthday, Here's a Bard (Geralt finds his daughter's favorite musician, Jaskier, on the side of the road. I had a lot of mixed feelings about this one while editing it, which made it even more satisfying when I got it out in the world and so many people liked it!)
Home (Geralt and Yennefer comfort Jaskier after season two. Retrospectively, I think this one influenced my writing style a fair bit and I'm fond of it!)
Grow Me A Garden (Forget Me Not) (My first and probably only MCD fic in this fandom. I'm fond of the writing style and it was my first Witcher fic to feature lyrics I wrote!)
Honerable mentions go to Rest My Head At Night Content and Publicity Pandemonium!
Top 4 current wips:
Sometimes it Takes a Prison Cell again (it's mostly done, but there is still some editing to be done and maybe a scene to write in the later chapters)
It doesn't have a title yet, but I have an AU brewing where Jaskier is cursed to be a sandpiper and Geralt has to care for him while they figure out how to break it. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I got the prompt, so it'll probably be my next project after the prison AU!
Sandpiper's Song -- a fic about Jaskier as the Sandpiper that's been sitting in my drafts for ages, but that I'm a bit more motivated to work on after Blood Origin
An assortment of other plot bunnies that have been floating around my head but not yet written down (a movie star AU, a winged!Jaskier AU, and a silly modern meet-cute, to name a few)
Top 3 biggest improvements:
Re-learning how to write longer fics
Gaining general confidence (and practice -- I managed to achieve my New Years' resolution of posting something every month!)
Experimenting with poetry/lyrics
Top 2 resolutions:
Write a proper novel (something over 40-50k), maybe?
See how many of my WIPs and ideas I can finish before season three comes out
Top 1 favourite line:
I honestly have no idea, but I am very fond of this stanza from a song Jaskier sings in Spectre's Soul!
You’ve been alone so long A ship that’s lost at sea I want to be your landfall I want to set you free
I'm not sure who's already been tagged, but I'll try @dreamofbecoming @wanderlust-t @karolincki @dama-art @elder-flower @linzod @penandinkprincess @theheirofashandfire @samstree @ghostinthelibrarywrites @rebrandedbard and anyone else who's interested!
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 4/18/2023
I said I was gonna do it and I did it: I finished chapter 4, which as predicted, ended up being chapters 4 and 5. (I really don't know how I thought it could be otherwise...even after the split, Chapter 4 ended up being the longest chapter in the whole thing, nearly twice as long as most of the other ones). Yesterday, I re-read Chapters 1-6. I had to kinda steel myself, because I was honestly terrified it was going to be Terrible, but it's Not Too Bad, Actually! I sent Chapters 2 and 3 off to the beta. I want to let 4 and 5 simmer a little longer before I do a little more minor editing on them, but it shouldn't be much. I definitely thought Ch 6 was going to Tonally Off, but it's actually ok, too.
It's really hard to emphasize the mess this thing was as recently as two weeks ago. I honestly cannot believe I have pulled it into the shape that it's in. I mean, I'm not gonna claim this is my magnum opus or anything, but it's sort of a very personal accomplishment. Part of that is because it's easy to write nice romance stories where they kiss at the end, or straightforward angst, but writing a prequel about a weird time in someone's life where they go through a really uncomfortable transition is not easy and it's sort of fundamentally unsatisfying. Of course it is, because it's a building block of a relationship that's going to take another 40 years before it starts looing up again. I don't particularly know if it's something people want to read, but it's what I wanted to write and I did.
Anyway, I am feeling very high on my horse today, but I do still have one chapter left to go. It's got three scenes. I have not looked at them lately, but two of them are Mostly Okay, but need endings. The third one really was Tonally Wrong and also I pillaged it for dialogue in another scene, so that will take some work, but overall, it's a lot less than I had to do last week and feels very doable.
After that, it'll still need some minor edits and polish (plus there's always the chance my beta is going to be like Polynya, this is gibberish, not that she ever has, but it'll happen one of these days) but maybe you'll get to see it soon! Believe it!!
I have been really off my art game and it's primarily because this fanfic has been eating my brain. I might do a little sketch requests thingie? For a treat? After I'm done, obvs. I am also going to work on that smut I started weeks ago. I didn't lose interest in it or anything, I just got really wrapped up in this one.
Anyway, because I love you and you have all been very, very patient with me, you can have a lil baby excerpt this week.
from Chapter 3
Rukia isn’t sure what she expected to see when she enters the dojo, but it certainly isn’t Renji sitting on the floor, poring over a large book. “Where’s Mr. Mochida?” she asks.
“Not up yet, probably. I don’t know,” Renji says, flipping a few pages.
Rukia narrows her eyes at him. “I thought you said it was time for training.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“But Mr. Mochida is in charge of training.”
“Well, yeah, but I found this book yesterday, you see, and I really want to try some of the stuff in it.”
“So when you said ‘training’, what you meant was ‘Renji bullshit.’”
“Sure, okay, but you wouldn’t get out of bed if I told you it was Renji bullshit.”
Rukia levels a death glare at him, but it is deflected by the protective layer of Renji bullshit hovering around him. She tries a different tack. “Renji, look at my yukata. Look at it, Renji. It’s got bunnies on it. Little itty bitty bunnies.”
Renji looks up, stares at her for exactly ten seconds, and then jabs a finger at his book. “Body weight exercises, Rukia! They require no equipment, so you can do them anywhere! This book has them all broken out by which muscle groups they make stronger!”
Rukia gives up, and hunkers down beside him. “Oh! It has pictures.” “They aren’t pictures, they’re diagrams,” Renji informs her pompously. “I want to do this one. It’s called push-ups. It will make our arms really strong!”
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nunchiimagines · 3 years
Choco Bun: 7
Choco Syrup
Tumblr media
— Summary: When you moved to Korea after finishing college to continue pursuing latte art and baking, the last thing you were expecting was to open up your very own coffee shop under BTS Corp, Korea’s biggest entertainment service company for idols, models, singers, and more. Thanks to your hard work, creativity, and approachable personality you managed to become friendly with some pretty big named individuals as well as up and coming talent. As exciting and fun as it was for you, you slowly began to realize how much your 7 bosses weren’t particularly fond of this, acts of jealousy, pettiness, and aggression poking through in the most unsuspecting of ways. But what could 7 big named dragons want with a little foreign bunny?
HYBRID TYPES: Reader-Bunny Namjoon-Earth Dragon Jin-Water Dragon Yoongi-Moon (Dark) Dragon Hoseok-Sun (Light) Dragon Jimin-Wind Dragon Taehyung-Ice Dragon Jungkook-Fire Dragon
— Pairing: ceo!mythical hybrid!bts x poc!curvy!hybrid!coffee shop owner!reader
— Genre: fluff / poly!au / ceo!au / hybrid!au / mafia!au (if you squint)
— Status: Completed
— Warnings: SMUT….just unfiltered, unedited SMUT....AGAIN, Unprotected sex…please use protection!!!, jealousy, a very poorly written fight scene (lol), fluff, breeding kink
— Word Count: 6.5k
CHAPTERS: Prev _ Next
CHAPTER 7 IS FINALLY HERE AFTER IDK HOW LONG! The whole chapter is sex…again...but the ending has a cute important part I guess lol… Finally the last few member have been written! Yay! Again please forgive any awkward smut parts, misspellings, and the like. I’m rethinking writing smut scenes from now on tbh because they’re kinda the reason it’s taking so long to get pieces out and to come up with ideas. I will come back and edit properly at some point...maybe. Again, this chapter also doesn’t utilize the actual title…I’ll (also) comeback to figure out how to put it in (maybe...probably). Thanks for waiting so long and being patient. It has become VERY difficult to get writings out. Regardless, please enjoy! :) 
P.S. There is only 1 chapter left before Choco Bun is over! Chapter 8 will be the last chapter and it will probably be very short lol.
“Use your words, love.” Jin whispered into your ear as he bucked his hips into yours.
You mewled loudly, tightening your arms around Jin’s neck as he slowly continued his actions. Your cheeks were on fire and your heartbeat palpitated so loudly you could hear it through your ears. You buried your face in the juncture of his neck out of embarrassment, Jin noticing quickly and laughing unapologetically.
“My love, we're the only ones in the bedroom right now, there’s no need to be so shy.”
“B-But when you..ahhh~ when you say things like that I...ehhhh~ I can’t help it.” you attempted to explain, moaning from each hip thrust.
You knew damn well Jin was doing this on purpose. Every time you tried to talk he would intentionally buck his hips a little bit harder to hear you mewl or stutter. It drove him crazy when he could feel his cock twitch deep in between your folds, especially after each thrust. It only added to the lust evident in his deep blue eyes, him wanting to commit everything before him to memory.
Just as you both were in the middle of your moment, the alarm clock went off, signaling Jin’s current time with you over. He had a meeting scheduled with an important Italian client and could not afford to miss it. He sighed in slight annoyance, reaching over to halt the disruption.
You looked up at him with doe-like eyes, face flushed and lips pouty. Jin stilled for a moment, mesmerized by your beauty, his heart aching at the thought of leaving you here by yourself. No words were shared, almost as if you both were communicating silently. 
You smiled sheepishly at the man, boldly lifting your arm to trace gentle touches over his smooth elongated horns. He leaned into your soft touches, enjoying the feel of you brushing against such a sensitive part of him. Eventually, you spoke up, bringing him back to reality.
“Jin, we can always come back to this when you're ready. I'll be here waiting for you.” you said, beaming at him.
He hummed lazily, contemplating for a brief moment before a mischievous grin played upon his plush lips.
“No. I want you here and now. I want to fulfill our moment together before I leave.”
“If that will make you happy, then I’d love to. But...you won’t be late right?” you asked with slight concern.
He shook his head dismissively, caressing your cheek with the palm of his large soft hand.
“No worries love. I’ve been far too eager to make love to you for a while so I don’t think there’s
much to worry about. Just let me make you feel good.”
Your heart skipped a beat, a surge of excitement, eagerness, and love coursing through you. He felt you clench around him, a devious smirk appearing as a result. He placed his lips on yours as he started moving his hips again. Each thrust slowly quickened until he was pounding into your heat at a perfect rhythm. He was on his knees while your hips were up against his, back inclining from the bedspread. He hit deep within you and it felt so good your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“J-Jin~ Ahhhh~ I-I I’m gonna...eh~ I’m about to- Ahhhh!”
“Good baby, go ahead. Cum. Let me feel you tighten around me.” he growled.
Your release hit you hard as Jin continued to ride you out. Eventually his own hips began to stutter and then he slowly began to still, the all too familiar bulge expanding deep within you. It felt so good being knotted by these men, almost like it was a special moment of bonding only shared between you and them. When he was completely expanded, you both stayed in your position for a moment, waiting for it to be released.
“H-Hey, Jin?”
“Hmm?” he said, barely budging from his spot.
“I think we forgot to take into consideration how long your knot will take to release.”
“A little late now.” he said, with a slight chuckle.
You giggled at that, agreeing with his statement. But the melodic noise was cut short when Jin started to hiss. You apologized frantically, forgetting that sudden movements while knotting can be a bit painful for them. 10 minutes had passed and finally his knot exploded, the thick cum being caught in the condom. Unfortunately, you both felt a slight popping, quickly realizing the condom had bursted inside of you. You mewled at how warm it was when it leaked out and touched your walls. Once again, the thought of their semen inside of you makes you soar with joy.
“Shit, sorry babe. These condoms aren't very efficient for knotting.” he apologized.
You shook your head, still lost in the euphoric feeling of his knot still releasing inside of you.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” you admitted.
Jin just smirked at you, caressing your face once more.
“Oh~ Does someone like being filled with our future kin? The thought of breeding makes you happy, huh? What a good little mate you are. So obedient and full of our seed. Is that why you let jhope fuck you raw? So that you could be stuffed with his babies?”
His words started to turn you on but you felt oddly embarrassed too. Your lack of denial was enough to make Jin smile at you, internally admitting how happy that’d make him if you ended up pregnant. However, he realized he could no longer continue teasing you and eventually pulled out. You mewled again, your ears now falling limp from exhaustion. Jin made sure the condom was completely discarded and was about to aid you in cleaning up. However, you gently denied his help, urging him to get going.
“But love, what about you?”
“Mmm~ I’ll be okay. I kinda just want to sit here for a bit. Also, I don't want you to be any more late than you already are. I promise, I’ll be fine.” you said, interlacing your fingers together.
Jin eyed you one last time for confirmation, waiting to see if you’d change your mind. When you didn't, he caved and leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“If there’s anything you need, do not hesitate to call any of us. I’d dry up the entire ocean for you.”
You giggled at him, he laughing back at you in return.
“If you were to do that, that’d cause a lot of problems for a lot of people.”
“Yeah, maybe. But for you, anything~!”
You two shared one last laugh before eventually separating. Jin was always good at taking care of you. He was by far one of the more gentle ones, SUGA following shortly after. He practically lived on aftercare so you knew it hurt him when he couldn’t do so this time.
When you finally gained enough motivation to get up, you felt all of Jin’s cum sliding down your thighs. It was weird, almost as if you were peeing on yourself and you weren’t a fan. You immediately waddled to the shower. When you were fully clean, you changed the bedding and got dressed for today. You had the day off but the guys had to still go into work. That meant you had free time all to yourself.
You didn’t really do much however. You felt odd being in such a huge mansion, its vastness felt more lonely than anything else. It was cold and isolating and you’d do just about anything to keep your mind off it. You had spent much of your personal time throughout your life alone and it never really bothered you. However, in moments like this, you admitted that you missed being in the presence of one of the seven loves of your life.
To help keep your mind from roaming into a territory of thoughts that would sour your mood, you made your way to the kitchen. With express permission from the head chef and his staff, you were allowed to experiment with drinks and designs. Luckily for you, you had a plethora of individuals more than willing to taste test for you. This was a tremendous aid to how you were feeling earlier and on top of that you got to bond with many staff members you hadn't met prior.
A few hours had passed and you had received a sudden text message, the vibrations from your phone slightly startling you as you began cleaning up. When you pulled out the small device, you were very surprised to see Jungkook’s name pop up. He had asked if you’d be willing to stop by the gym at the work building and drop off some materials he had left in his room. They were essential for his trainee today and completely forgot to bring them along with. You immediately complied, excited to finally see Jungkook, as you hadn’t really had a chance to interact with him much since the start of the Moon Phasing.
Based on the description in his text, you found the materials and were driven to the work building by none other than Mr. Choi. You talked to one another as usual and departed on friendly terms after he aided in bringing the box into the building and onto a cart. You had a bit of an extra pep to your step, excitement elevating your mood as you were entering somewhere new within the walls of the vast building. You hadn’t actually been to JK’s gym studio before and you felt really eager to bear witness to him working at hand.
As you pushed the cart to the elevator and rode it all the way to the designated floor, you wheeled it out in the hallway where loud clanking and thudding could be heard. It sounded just like the metal scrapping from the heavy weights and the hard thumping from the cushioned mats. No matter where you are, every gym always sounds the same.
No one was stationed at the front desk so you took it upon yourself to head in. As you wheeled the cart a bit further down the hallway, you were exposed to a large window that allowed for people to look into a small section of the gym. This was clearly where all the noise was coming from as this was the weight room and there were several people inside. Some were hybrids and the rest were human. You became a bit hesitant at first, not being able to decipher who any of the individuals were, but you swallowed hard and entered the room anyway.
No one really paid attention to you at first, too absorbed in their own routine. But your scent eventually caught the attention of one of the lingering hybrids. He looked like a wolf of some kind, canine for sure. His ears perked up and his eyes darted towards you immediately. There was a predatory look deep within his yellow irises as he refused to stop staring at you. Your immediate response was to get defensive, your inner rabbit instinctively going into turbo mode at the sight of a threatening being.
The man smirked and licked his lips, eyeing you up and down with no shame evident in his features. Your skin crawled and you felt your blood run cold. You didn’t want to turn your back towards him but you no longer wanted to be trapped in his gaze. You put your head down and maneuvered as best you could to the back of the room where an office lay. He saw you trying to leave and felt the need to follow after you. You noticed this and began panicking, leaving behind the cart in the process for fear of your well being.
You weren’t entirely sure what made you dart in the direction you were going but something inside you screamed that your safety was imminent if you went there, even if the canine hybrid was close on your heels. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to realize why you felt that way as JK was coming out of the room shortly before you reached the doors. He didn’t notice you at first so when you barreled into his toned arms, burying your face into his chest, he was a bit more than taken aback.
“Babe, what's wrong?” he asked, all his focus on you.
You stayed silent and pushed further against his chest instinctively. He could smell the rise in your anxiety and immediately looked up at the lingering figure before him. It was Taewon.
Taewon is a 29 year old Mackenzie Valley Wolf hybrid. He’s tall, muscular, and very strong. His hair is an ashy blonde and his eyes are sharp with a bright yellow color. Because wolf hybrids are just as affected by the moon as dragon hybrids are, Taewon is currently in a state where breeding is a strong innate priority. That being said, unlike most of his kind at his age, his position as an idol has made it hard for him to find a mate without losing a vast majority of his fans. So when he goes too long without sexual activity, his mind tends to single out the most acceptable individual in his sights, one that his inner wolf craves. And that was you.
Many of these facts are solely the reason why JK was allowed to work with him during this time frame. JK, having understood exactly what Taewon is going through, knows how to keep him in check and out of trouble. Many ways to reduce the urges he feels under the influence of the moon is to exercise. What JK wasn’t expecting was for you to walk in with Taewon here. There should’ve been someone waiting out front for you as planned and the fact that there wasn’t, irritated him. But right now, his priorities were elsewhere. They were on you.
“Can I help you with something Taewon?” JK asked calmly.
Though he sounded normal, his eyes told a completely different story. JK made no hesitation in keeping an arm around you tightly, giving clear indication that Taewon was not allowed to come any closer. Most would’ve backed down by now but Taewon was a different story.
The slightly older wolf hybrid just smirked and glazed over the tight grip JK held on you. He chuckled just before scoffing.
“That little bunny yours?” he asked nonchalantly.
“What of it?”
“Didn’t know you were hiding such a tasty little snack. Do your big brothers know about her?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Hahaha, c’mon man! Someone like that can’t possibly be kept all to yourself. You and your
brothers share everything don’t you? I’m sure you’ve all had a round our two at fucking her
brains out.”
“Taewon. Don’t push it.”
“Hey, no need to get all feisty on me! I was just wondering if I could take a few rounds myself.
Ya know, with the moon fucking up eveything you’d be doing me a real solid letting me have a go at her. I’d even pay you extra.”
“You come anywhere near her and I’ll rip your fucking throat out myself.”
“Oooh~ look at the balls on you! Why so sensitive? It’s not like she’s marked and if she was, it’s not by your dumbass. Therefore, she’s up for grabs.”
At that point JK saw red. His blood was boiling and his heart was racing. He removed you from his arms and punched as hard as he felt appropriate into the jawline of Taewon without it causing serious damage. There was a loud thwack, so loud in fact that the other individuals opposite of your location went quiet and became alert.
Taewon fell hard to the floor with a loud thud. He spit out blood from his mouth, the indication of a bruise already forming in the area JK’s fist made contact with his face. As expected, Taewon didn’t take too kindly to that and was gearing up to retaliate. Luckily, just before he even had a chance, one of Taewon’s managers called out to him, reprimanding the wolf hybrid instantly without so much as an issue.
This man was shorter, bulkier, and resembled a rhino. Which is exactly what he is. You later found out that this was Mr. Woo and that he’s Taewon’s manager. It made sense logically to have someone strong enough to restrain someone like Taewon as his manager. In that moment, you thanked your lucky stars for Mr. Woo’s presence.
The other staff members came rushing over and aided in removing Taewon away from you both. When he was finally out of the immediate vicinity, the remaining staff bowed apologetically to JK and explained they were taking him elsewhere to cool off. JK approved of this and accepted the apology, but there was still a lingering anger deep within his eyes.
When everyone had officially left the gym, JK turned to you, that same anger still evident in his eyes.
Your long rabbit ears flattened as you backed up, your back hitting the wall behind you. JK took no hesitation in trapping you against it, his arms caging around your body. You didn’t realize that you had momentarily stopped breathing due to the tension filled within the air or how quickly you tensed up.
He dipped his head down close to your face and lingered around your neck. No words were shared yet, only a sudden squeak when you felt his tongue dart across your neck. Your reaction encouraged him to continue his actions, opting to suck on the sweet part of your neck more. A hickey was definitely going to form now. Your mewls eventually turned to moans as JK began pushing his hips deeper into yours, a slight friction from his thrusting making you shiver under his touch. You were only in a long sundress and he was in those god forsaken grey sweatpants, both material thin enough for you to feel his hardened member rubbing against your throbbing core.
“Shouldn’t we...g-go somewhere else? S-Somewhere more...ah-ahhhh!”
JK thrusted his hips harder on purpose, forcing you to cease speaking intelligibly.
“What? Somewhere more private? Not today babe. We’re going to do something a bit riskier.”
“What do you mean?” you asked innocently.
JK just chuckled and removed himself from you. He gestured for you to follow, which is exactly what you did. You both made your way over to the other side of the gym, the side that Taewon and his group were at. He stood by one of the weight lifting benches, grabbed a wet wipe, and began cleaning down the area. You watched in slight confusion as he thoroughly cleaned the area. Afterwards he repositioned the bench to where it looked kinda like a slightly reclining chair.
When he was done adjusting it to the position he wanted it, he promptly slid both his sweatpants and boxers down just low enough for his thick cock to spring out. He sat down where both his legs were on either side of the bench and leaned back, eyeing you with a beastial look. Your mouth began to water and you instinctively squeezed your legs together. Your face felt like it was on fire as you tried hard not to stare at his veiny and thick dick. You couldn’t remember if any of the others were as large as JK and something about that made your hormones rage uncontrollably. JK could tell.
He smirked and wanted to play around with you more but knew you all were running out of time. He motioned for you to come to him and you obeyed instantly. He began gliding his hands up your thighs and helped pull your panties down. Afterwards, he hiked your dress up and aided in you standing over him. He guided your hips down where he slowly spread your pussy lips and stuffed you full with his cock, nothing short of a moan coming from you as it happened.
“Are you comfortable?” he asked, waiting for you to become adjusted to him.
You nodded your head, desperately trying to maintain your sanity from this euphoric feeling.
“B-But why are we doing this?” you asked innocently.
JK just laughed, slowly thrusting upwards as you began gripping his shoulders to keep steady.
“This bench is Taewon’s favorite one. He uses it every time he comes here because it’s closer to the windows. A lot of females come down here and he always feels the need to show off and boost his ego. So as punishment for touching you, for touching what isn’t his, I’m going to fuck you into euphoria right here and right now so he can commit to memory who you rightfully belong to.”
JK began to thrust himself more thoroughly into you as you straddled his hips. The way the skin slapping echoed thoughtlessly throughout the room somehow turned you on a bit more. The way your thighs and fluffy tail bounced and jiggled was a beautiful sight to behold in JK’s eyes and he kept his eyes trained on that for quite some time.
“P-Please....please don’t stare..” you whimpered.
“My love, you are so fucking beautiful. All of this...” he said, slapping your ass and gripping it.
“This is the most beautiful creation I’ve ever seen. And I can proudly call all of this mine. All of
you, inside and out, it's all mine and it’s selfish but I don’t care because I love you.”
He kept thrusting, over and over again. You tried to keep up but he got so insanely fast paced that you ended up leaning against him in the peak of his motions. You failed at keeping your voice lowered as the tip of his cock found your sweet spot, ramming it over and over until your release hit. It wasn’t long after that he was reaching his own release and after a few more rounds of thrusting, his pace slowly died down, the all too familiar bulge expanding within you. You didn’t dare to move for fear of hurting him like you did Jin but he had such a tight death grip on you, you weren’t even sure if you could move even if you wanted to.
After some time the bulge finally expelled itself, the warmth filling your insides slowly. JK began petting your head, lulling you into his warmth and comfort in the process. Your face still felt flushed and you were still a bit embarrassed by “this” idea of public display of affection. In that moment you thanked the fact that no one was around and also that JK couldn’t bear witness to it. Speaking of, you both were silent still. It was a comfortable silence but you did ponder if he was ever going to explain himself. You knew why, of course, but you wanted to hear him admit he was jealous.
“I don’t think...I’d ever get enough of you, my love.” he finally said.
You giggled, your face feeling flushed once more.
“You’re so silly. But...I feel...the same way.” you said trailing off shyly.
JK’s chest rumbled against your cheek, a hearty laugh leaving his lips as he squeezed you in a tight embrace. When he released you, he grasped your face in between his large hands and admired your cheeks being squished.
“You’re so cute ya know?” he said laughing, messing with your cheeks further.
“Kookie~!” you whined.
He laughed some more and eventually stopped, this time playing with a lock of your hair and tracing his fingers over your jawline. You looked back up at him, this time with more courage than before. You two became lost in eachother, mesmerized by one another through admiration. At least until there was a slight cough. You both perked up, heads whipping quickly in the direction of the noise.
Standing there in all his glory was none other than Kim Namjoon, or, as everyone was instructed to call him, RM. Your face felt like it was on fire and you desperately tried to cover up the parts of you that were exposed, which wasn’t much really. Regardless, that didn’t stop you from being embarrassed. JK looked more surprised than anything else and waved happily to RM with that cute smile of his. You side eyed him briefly, unsure of how he could be so nonchalant about this. Unfortunately, your thoughts were ripped away from you when you noticed the massive tear in your dress.
“Why am I not surprised by you?” RM asked, directing the question at JK.
“I have a perfectly good explanation for this.” JK stated.
“I’m sure you do.”
RM made a beeline for you, unbuttoning his suit jacket before reaching you. He draped the article of clothing over the torn part of your dress, having noticed it when you did. You silently thanked him while holding an apologetic look. He stroked your cheek in hopes of calming your nerves down, having no ill will towards your previous actions with JK. Though he was a bit irritated with JK for putting you in a vulnerable position, he was far from upset at all, especially with you.
As JK was explaining himself, RM was half listening as he was aiding in removing you. Just as you stood up, all three of you managed to lay your eyes on how JK’s cock slid out of you, a stream of his cum following shortly after. Your face reddened and the other two layed mesmerized by it.
“F-Fuck…” JK mewled, feeling himself get turned on again.
You instinctively tried to cover yourself up and continued to get off on your own. You hadn’t taken notice but RM had stilled, eyes clouded with an unmistakable lust as he tried to maintain self-control. JK caught on and chuckled, even after RM glared at him. When you were done covering yourself up you were met with an invitation to RM’s hand. You took it without question but you were unsure where you were going.
“JK, clean up before anyone sees you. And if you’re going to do something like...this, make sure you don’t put her in an awkward position next time.” RM chastised.
“Hahaha, yeah I got it. Sorry Y/n.”
You smiled and nodded, accepting his apology before following RM out the door. You threw JK one last wave and smile before disappearing, him treasuring it and offering one back at you.
Your walk with RM was oddly and eerily silent. Though he showed numerous times that he was not upset with you, you still felt that something was off. You both made your way all the way to the elevator, up to the top floor, past a few busy workers, and straight into RM’s office. He ensured the door was shut just before securing the lock and then led you towards a room you had never noticed before.
“You have a shower in here?” you asked surprised.
RM just chuckled as he navigated his way to the linen closet to grab some towels and other necessary supplies for the shower. He handed them to you and turned the shower water on. You just watched without question, mesmerized by how gorgeous and huge this bathroom was.
“Go ahead and clean up. I’ll have someone bring in extra clothes for you.” he said, pulling you from thought.
You looked up at him, cocking your head slightly. RM seemed almost fascinated by this and observed with an unexplainable curiosity.
“Won't you be joining me too?” you asked with innocence, unaware of what you were implying.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn't a bit taken aback by this. In fact, he needed a couple of seconds to fully register what it was you just said to him. The elongated pause started to make you worry as it almost seemed as if RM ceased functioning in front of you.
“RM? Are you okay? You don’t have-” you asked, almost concerned.
“I’ll join.” he interjected immediately, cutting you off before you could reclaim your offer.
There was no way in hell he was going to miss out on such an opportunity, especially when you were the one to initiate it. Such occurrences were rare given your shy nature and he wasn’t about to falter on this. What stroked his pride even more was the relieved and almost excited look on your face when he agreed. You were ruining him. Dear god you were ruining him.
You two situated yourselves before entering the shower. RM had noticed how less reserved you were about your naked body being seen by him and for some reason that turned him on even more. Despite that, though, there was still slight hesitation. He could tell you had never done something like this before and you were trying to get out of your comfort zone. You were too cute for your own good.
The hot water felt good hitting both of your bodies, the warmth cascading down your curves and entering the crevices that formed on your figure. RM felt entranced, following the paths the beads of water would make on your skin as they disappeared into your more intimate areas. The blood rushed to his cock, the shaft hardening with each wave of lust that washed over him. It took everything in him to not start taking you from behind. But then you, once again, surprised him with your actions.
You turned around and looked at him, your eyes instantly landing on his fully hardened member. You looked at it hungrily for a brief moment before shying away with a blush staining your cheeks. RM watched you, waiting to see what you were going to do next. You were playing with your fingers, trying to muster as much courage as possible to look him in his eyes and admit what was on your mind.
“Would you...like me to help with that?” you asked somewhat timidly, desperately trying to be brave.
RM raised a brow, a slight smirk appearing.
“Love, are you wanting to give me a blowjob?” he said teasingly.
The smirk was much more evident this go round. He caressed your face, thumb gracing your soft cheek as he studied your features. His eyes roamed down to your lips, imagining that small mouth of yours wrapped snugly around his cock. He shamelessly fantasized about this very moment more times than he cared to admit, his hand having to be used as a weak substitute for what he truly desired.
“Are you sure you want to?” he offered.
“Yes, I do.”
“Have you done it before with any of the others?”
“N-No. They’re usually the ones who do it to me.”
“Then I’ll guide you. Get on your knees and open your mouth.”
You did as instructed, your face now eye level with his hardened member. He patted your head lovingly before he continued his instructions.
“Take my cock in your hand and lick from the base up to the tip. Make sure to be gentle and slow.”
You grazed your tongue against the veiny underside of his dick, making a slick trail to the tip of his shaft. You managed to keep the same pace, slow and steady, like he had instructed and you were rewarded with his low soft grunts. Hearing him satisfied filled your stomach with butterflies, a sense of pride coursing through you.
“Now, go ahead and pick up a little speed. This time you can put it in your mouth. But be careful of your teeth. It could be uncomfortable or even painful. If possible, try to suck with your lips covering your teeth or your tongue being used as a guard between your teeth and my dick.”
The thought of hurting him inspired you to be extra careful, preferring to use your lips to cover your teeth. As his cock entered your mouth, he couldn’t stop the gasp that came stuttering out. Your pace had quickened and his cock slid in and out with ease. You made sure to utilize your tongue to make it extra wet as he penetrated your mouth with each thrust.
“Baby, you're doing so well. Keep going just like that.” he encouraged.
You became a bit more bold and started deepening his cock inside your mouth. You still kept the same medium pace, making sure to hold a steady rhythm. RM cooed loudly, his moans becoming more evident.
“N-Now, between a few of your deep sucks, switch to shorter bursts. Like rubbing, slapping, or playing with the tip of the head with your tongue or even doing what you did in the beginning. Alternate every so often.”
After deep throating him, you went and started playing with the tip of his cock. Your tongue brushed over the bulbous head a few times before deep throating him some more. Next time you switched to the short bursts, you began rubbing the tip all over your tongue. RM began to shutter, his breath becoming instantly heavy. You were wondering if he was about to cum. You admittedly were having more fun than you had thought, a sense of control over THE Kim Namjoon was more vitalizing than you had expected.
“B-Babe...p-play with my balls too. Twist your hand with each stroke when you suck.”
You took your right hand and began twisting slightly with each stroke as he entered your mouth and you took your left hand and began gently massaging his ball sack, a few pressured squeezes, but not hard enough to hurt him. Sometimes you’d take his balls in your mouth, tonguing and sucking on them before guiding your tongue back up the shaft of his cock. With a combination of all these things, he began thrusting his hips, wanting more friction and giving you the green light to quicken your pace. He was definitely about to cum.
You began deep throating, twisting and rubbing, and massaging his balls at a much faster pace, faster than you had done since you started. His fingers tangled themselves in your hair as he tugged you closer, deepening his cock inside your mouth. His hips began to thrust harder and he was losing control over his sanity. You allowed him to do what he wanted, even if it hurt your scalp a little.
Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Take me you fucking whore. Your mine, all mine. This mouth belongs to me. I’m going to fuck you like the good girl you are.”
Ahh, the dirty talk came back and hearing him say that caused you to moan loudly around him. The sudden introduction to the vibration was enough to send him over the edge, a few more thrusts before his cock began to expand like all the others. You both stayed still for a moment before his cock released his load inside your mouth. It was hot and thick and it made your cheeks expand. When he was done you spit it out, not really a fan of swallowing, but the fact it was there in your mouth drove you crazy. Kim Namjoon just fucked your mouth and released his load inside of it. How many people could say that? And for some reason that was enough to give you a high, a euphoric expression staining your face.
“Sh-shit! That was so fucking good.”
His voice was deep and rough, it made your heart skip a beat.
“So...I did well?” you asked shyly.
RM perked up, immediately helping you up off your knees (which were sore), and on to the seated area inside the shower. He placed you in his lap and nuzzled your neck.
“That is a complete understatement. You're such a fast learner and you did fantastic. Thank you. Did I hurt you?” he asked.
You smiled warmly and shook your head.
“I was perfectly fine.” you responded, feeling happy from his praise.
You two sat there for a brief moment, the comfortable silence blanketing you all and the water and steam soothing your bodies.
“Y/n?” RM suddenly said.
“May I mark you?”
Your eyes widened. You let it sink in what he was asking you. This mark means more than what humans could ever understand. It, in many ways, exceeds the bonds of marriage. What he is asking you is to be his, to be theirs. Permanently as their mate. Your heart was filled with so many emotions that you didn’t realize you were crying. RM did and stroked some of the tears off your cheek. He could tell you were happy and waited patiently to hear your answer.
“A-Are you...are you sure? What about the others?” you asked for much more needed confirmation.
RM chuckled slightly, still a bit high from your guy’s previous actions. He placed his forehead against yours and ensured your eyes met and stayed locked on one another.
“They’ve been asking for months. They’ve wanted to mark you so badly, to have you finally be ours. But we all just wanted to see for ourselves that you could handle...you could still love all of us, even this part of us.” he admitted.
You wanted to hit all of them so badly. You wanted to scream at them for honestly fearing that you could stop loving them over the good, bad, and mundane parts of them. But you also knew better than anyone the fear of it all because you were no different. And that’s probably why you go out of your way every time to give them each a little extra love and care when you can, even when it's not necessary or needed. You don’t want any of them feeling that you aren’t loving them enough. You don't want any of them feeling they don't deserve it.
“I don’t care how many times I have to remind you all that I will always love you. You’d have to do something completely fucking horrible to get me to stop loving you all. This,” you said pointing to his long horns and his glowing green eyes.
“This is so minor. I don’t want to diminish your worries but I swear on my life that this is so minor compared to what could be.”
RM smiled lovingly at you.
“Does that mean it’s a yes then?” he asked for clarification.
“Of course it is. It’s a yes for all 7 of you.”
RM kissed your forehead before moving his face back to your neck. He licked the area of his desire before sinking his teeth into your flesh. At first, it hurt a lot. But gradually the pain was replaced with something you couldn’t even fathom trying to describe. An emotion so complex, you would need a culmination of various words and their definitions to try to scratch the surface of explaining it. Your stomach tickled, your heart fluttered, and face was on fire. You didn’t even realize when RM had slipped his cock inside of you, the need to connect so intimately almost primal during such a moment. He began thrusting inside of you, fulfilling your newly birthed bond before you two shared your orgasms together.
The thought of doing this with 6 other men whom you care for so deeply filled you with a love you’d never thought you’d ever get to have. A love your imagination couldn’t even muster.
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truly-grimm · 3 years
So I thought I’d post some Miraculous Ladybug theories quickly just so that I can get them out there before the episodes air.
Theories are below the cut.
For starters, Kuro Neko.
I don’t think that this is going to be Adrien/Cat Noir being akumatized, as a general rule of thumb akuma names are tied back to the person akumatized in some way or another, and Kuro Neko is Japanese for Black Cat. While, yes, that does mean there is a black cat connection, Adrien doesn’t really have anything to do with Japan in cannon. It’s more likely that this is an Akumatized Kagami, due to both her being Japanese and a mirror to Adrien (This would also be notable as the second time that someone has two different akuma forms in one season, the other being Chris in season 3), or a sentimonster, which having the main antagonist in the season being a sentimonster has been happening more often this season.
Similarly we have Ephemeral, which I’ve seen people theorize could be Natalie, which I don’t think will be the case.
Ephemeral seems to be too abstract of a word to be used for something tied to Natalie, in fact, ephemeral doesn’t really need to be tied to a lifespan like people seem to think? It’s more of the abstract concept of something that is short lived, like childhood or a moment. Rose hasn’t been akumatized on her own this season and this feels much more like a Rose akuma, but going off of the concept art we’ve seen, it could also be tied to Nathaniel, Marc, or Sabrina, maybe it could be one of them or one of their family members, or it could even be someone we’ve never met before.
I don’t really have any solid thoughts on Qilin, but I really like old Magical Girl tropes and really want this to be our first actual look at Marinette and Adrien’s future children with one of them being sent to the past. We do have concept art of young Alix with the bunny miraculous so that could work.
I don’t know why I’m getting the feeling that Penalteam is going to be the reveal of Ivan with his miraculous, perhaps because he’s the shy type and going up against a team would be thematic?
Oh, yeah, and Luka’s going to turn on Marinette in the finale this season.
The reveal will probably happen this season or next season, not only do they seem closer in the promo art for next season, with the finale starting with an akuma that convinces people to take risks, and especially if I’m right about Luka, it feels fitting for Marinette to take a leap of faith in the ending of the season, not to mention it would be a good bookend to the season where the opening was about truth, lies, and trust. (Bonus points if she tells Cat Noir “I don’t want to lose you” or some variation before the reveal.)
His only defined character trait is that he hates lying and now he’s in on the biggest secret in the show? There’s no way that this is going to end well, not to mention the fact that the only reason that things turned south in the Cat Blanc timeline is that Adrien figured out Ladybug’s identity without her knowing or consenting to it, leading to him making decisions for her, which is exactly what happened in Wishmaker, I’m just saying, all the hints to Cat Blanc seem like a bit of a red herring, or that they’re going to be used in an unexpected way.
(EDIT: Also, adding in an Akuma that makes people take risks and you have a recipe for disaster, Alya has already matured past her desire to uncover and reveal who Ladybug and Cat Noir are, and she's not hiding her identity from anyone she cares about, she really has no reason to reveal their identities, unlike Luka who is clearly burdened by the information)
I think we will have, at most, one more season with Gabriel as the main villain, although I think it’s more likely that this season is going to be the last of him. We’ve seen hints of a new big bad to fill the void when he’s gone and I don’t think that they can keep raising the stakes with him at this point, especially with the lucky charms in place.
When Gabriel wishes for Emilie back, he’s probably going to take her place. This is a quick way to make sure he’s not a threat again without directly having the heroes kill him. Not to mention I don’t like the narrative that abusers love their victims and are acting out of love when they abuse them, and frankly that message should NEVER be in a kids show, so this prevents that, as well as the fact that Gabriel wants Emilie back so he can be with her again, and this would be the more cruel punishment to that. It also prevents Adrien from being parentless for the rest of the series.
I don’t know who would fill the power void if Gabriel does stop being the main villain in the next season or so, but I kinda want it to be a new type of villain, maybe a greater scope one that’s not specifically tied to the butterfly miraculous.
And finally, Lila is a future Hawkmoth. I don’t think that she’ll be Hawkmoth during the series at all, but unless they change their mind she’s definitely Hawkmoth when they’re adults, I think it’s more likely that the series will end with a stinger of her grabbing the butterfly miraculous than her being the main villain during the series.
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blu-archer · 3 years
I have these moments in writing when I get hit with a sudden realization that I have no idea what relationships are like, so if you notice anything that doesn’t quite add up... it’s because I’m winging the shit out of this
Standardly, there will probably be errors because its a common occurrence with me and I’m just embracing it at this point
Sickie: Tae
Caretaker: like Jhope/Jin/Kook 
Cold/Snz based [although I feel like I drifted on things]
AU: Magic and hybrids exist
[mild language]
word count:  4560
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Jungkook had to force himself to not snap at Taehyung when the witch had decided to follow him into the kitchen after Jungkook had specifically said he was going there to study in silence. He had to bite his tongue when his thought pattern had been abruptly cut off by Taehyung complaining about how his throat hurt or how tired he was.
If he was tired he could go sleep, and leave Jungkook in peace, but that seemed too much to hope for.
Feeling a warm weight press up against his back as he hunched over his notes, Jungkook let out a low growl. The weight didn’t disappear, then again he hadn’t really expected Tae to abide by his study rules when the elder had woken up in a much similar state as their universal favourite cat hybrid had been in just a few days prior. Jungkook felt awful for him sure, and concerned and empathetic, and a huge part of him wanted to just leave his work and hold the elder until he was content, but he had a paper that needed to be written up within two days that he had completely forgotten about as well as continue studying for his art history exam that was the following week. His jaw ached from how much he had been grinding his teeth and his head pounded with the beginnings of what he hoped wouldn’t lead to a migraine. He just couldn’t focus and Tae’s noise making and constant need for cuddles was distracting him from his work.
 “Taehyung.” Jungkook pushed back against the other so that he could relieve himself of the body weight, not bothering to look up from his notes to see the witch giving his signature sick-pout at him. “Can you please stay away from me right now, why don’t you go lie down or something. You are literally one big germ and I can’t afford to get sick again so soon after the last time. Especially not in the middle of my exams. I need to focus.”
 Taehyung sniffed thickly before collapsing into the seat beside the bunny, wiping his nose on the edge of the blanket that he had wrapped around him. He kept staring his boyfriend, coughing miserably only to be ignored. Yet neither of them were willing to complain about the others lack of helpfulness, rather it became a test of who would cave to the others vibes of annoyance first.
Tae was progressively getting more and more whiny, and Jungkook was gnawing down on the back of his pencil to keep from saying anything that he would regret later. He wanted to go lie down with his sick boyfriend just as much as said boyfriend did, but he didn’t have the time nor the ability to risk his health – not when he was so close to being finished with his finals for the year.
 “Kook…” Taehyung coughed softly before hooking his finger in the side pocket of Jungkook’s sweatpants, continuing with a strained voice. “You’ve been here for hours…. It’s cold in the bedroom alone.”
 Jungkook ran a hand through his hair,  giving a harsh tug on his one long, black ear to keep from letting out the frustration that had built in his throat. “Hobi should be back soon and while I’ve been here for hours, Tae, you have successfully made sure that my focus has been on everything except my work. So I’m going to be here for hours more.”
 “Uh..” Taehyung sniffled and pulled away. “Sorry, you’re right. I’ll just…”
 He stood up and shuffled from the kitchen without another word, realising that the bunny hybrid had returned his focus to his laptop and the pages scattered on the table.
Jungkook hadn’t even realised how much time had passed by the time he gave in to the aches of hunger in his stomach. In fact, he had thought that Taehyung would have wondered in asking for food or cuddles well before he would have decided to call it a day, but he hadn’t seen or heard of the elder since earlier that morning. He had probably managed to fall asleep, which was good. The witch had definitely been overworking himself to try and improve on what Namjoon and Yoongi had been teaching him, it was almost frustrating to watch Taehyung push and struggle through things that always seemed to come naturally to others. It’s not like he did bad at everything, once he is able to decipher and control his magic properly everything will come to him easier than the common witch or warlock – he was technically a mix of both, he’d be more powerful than a lot of people. He just needed to over come a few things first, and perhaps take a step back from experimentations until he actually had the control needed for it – but Jungkook was willing to stay and support him no matter what methods or route he took to achieve what he wanted. Even if that meant having to deal with a few potion after effects or a mass clean up after a spell went haywire – he’d come back to a flooded apartment more than once, one time Tae had even accidentally made it snow in their home for the three days straight and it had only been fixed through the help of Yoongi.
In any case, he was glad that the elder was resting now. Feeling relieved at how much work he had managed to get finished – he just needed to proofread and edit some sections of his essay before submitting – Jungkook decided to get started on making some food. It was a little early for dinner, but considering how tired he was, and no doubt after a day of teaching with extra class sessions after school Hobi will be too, it was probably for the best that a meal was made earlier so they could go to sleep quicker. Taehyung never really had much of an appetite when he wasn’t feeling well, so it would be much easier to get something in him before it got too dark.
He called Yoongi for the recipe of japchae that elder had shared with himself and Tae a couple of times, which had taken a while to connect and he’d been chewed out for apparently waking the elder – another person succumbed to sickness – but it was worth it. Taehyung had become obsessed with it, claiming that the only thing that could top it was his mother’s food and maybe Jin’s famous bibimbap, so hopefully he’d eat without too much of a fuss. Jungkook felt a little bad at having ignored the elder so blatantly earlier, but on an upside he’d managed to get a huge chunk of his work done, so when Tae woke up Jungkook would just have to make up for his actions earlier. Maybe if he made some of that tea that the witch enjoyed so much as well… and something to watch while laying together. Tae loved dramas. Cuddles and dramas. A solid plan.
He got to work on chopping up various vegetables while he waited for the water for the noodles to boil, his mind flicking through the series of tasks he’d set to make his boyfriend feel better.
 Taehyung had given himself exactly fifteen minutes to cry, which was as long as he’d managed to walk before he’d caved and waved down a taxi to take him the rest of the way to his friends place. From then he had scrambled to try dry his eyes and blow his nose into the handful of tissues he’d stuffed into the deep pockets of his coat before having left. Doing anything to seem remotely okay in case Jin was busy and couldn’t let him stay, he didn’t want the elder witch to feel pressured into keeping him company.
The warmth of the taxi had caused his stuffy nose to start running at an annoying rate and he was regretting not bringing a mask. Although he hadn’t given his actions much thought besides tossing on a sweater and coat, switching his pajama bottoms for a pair of black sweatpants before slipping on sneakers and walking out – he hadn’t even tried to be quiet but Jungkook hadn’t seemed to really care what he did, as long as it wasn’t around him.
Taehyung shook his head, burrowing deeper into his coat and training his eyes on the blurring world outside as he got closer to Jin’s house. He didn’t want to think about how his chest had pained worse than anything he’d felt that morning when Jungkook had told him to leave. A part of him understood, his boyfriend was probably stressed and had just been saying whatever he needed to in the moment, but Taehyung had still been upset by it.
He sniffed deeply, the thick icky sensation in his throat made him want to do nothing more than be back at home, in bed with his boyfriends gently running their hands through his hair or down his back or just being close to him – the bare minimum at least. Anything.
The car gradually pulled to stop. Tae got out and thanked the driver quickly before needing to cough into his sleeve. The wind whipped at him and his nose twinged as the cold air bit at his now heated skin. If anything, his nose had begun to run even more. He took a moment to blow his nose again, dragging out more than a few bothersome itchy sneezes that had left him leaning heavily on the front gate of Jin and Namjoon’s house to catch his breath.
The blowing hadn’t helped much, his head was heavy and congested, and he just wanted to sleep now. He was so tired.
Coughing downwards as he huddled against the cold and welcomed himself into the couples yard to get to their door, he could only hope that he didn’t look as dreadful as he felt. He didn’t want to be a bother. He just wanted to be around someone, and Hoseok was working, Jimin too, and Yoongi had also been booked off sick and probably wouldn’t even be awake – so this was his last resort.
He knocked on the door, praying that either Namjoon had closed the shop early or Jin had already arrived home from the school days exam schedule. It was a bit of a long shot, but he vaguely remembered Namjoon mentioned during that week that Jin hadn’t been needing to stay as late as usual, and some days didn’t even have to go in to help the second nurse at the school. Taehyung rubbed at his nose and knocked again when the wind shook him with a particularly cold breeze, his breath hitched inevitably once more. Defeated, he hovered a single hand in front of his face and waited, panting desperately with furrowed brows.
..hh..hehh..snff.. .. hhh’Heh’HESHH.. HE’ITSH’UHhh… he’hh..hEHH’TSHH’uh..
He felt a sturdy hand grip his shoulder and pull him out of the wind, into the warm safety of the house. Jin – because it had to be Jin, even if he wasn’t quite aware of his immediate surroundings with how his head was spinning, Namjoon had never been able to craft the level of concern that Jin was able to put into his voice and touch – kept his hand on Taehyung’s arm as the younger had bent forward to catch  another wet double into his hands, even when he made sure to push his front door shut once more.
Breathless and dripping, Tae was led to the familiar family sized couch that Jin had purchased upon moving into their home. He had claimed it was for guests but Tae had always had a suspicion that it was bought in case Namjoon tried to stay up late and ended up falling asleep while working. It was incredibly comfortable. Taehyung couldn’t help but sigh as he dropped into it with a tired cough.
 “Tae… What are you doing here?” Jin ran a hand through the young witches hair, carefully running his eyes down the mans form as if he could figure out what was happening through sight alone. “Joonie messaged me saying he was working alone today… I would have thought that meant you’d be at home?”
 Taehyung sniffled thickly, blinking away fresh tears before he grabbed the last few of his unused tissues and blew his nose once more. It was beginning to pulse in time with his throbbing headache, and he just knew that it was probably all red from its recent activity. It wouldn’t be much longer before his blowing would make his skin raw.
 He scrunched a tissue into his fist to wipe at his nose gently before he managed to give Jin his full attention. Thankfully the man was patient. “I just.. had to leave. *snf*.  Jungkook needed… space. I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind me coming over..”
 Jin’s lips pursed tightly. The congestion was sinking into Tae’s words in a way that made him think the younger witch definitely shouldn’t have left home. He ran a hand over Taehyung’s cheek to swipe away a stray tear that had slipped out and then leaned in closer. “Well it’s a good thing I love having company. I was just about to go fetch Namjoon, but how about I ask Seokie to do that for me and we can drink some tea and watch a movie.. hmm?”
 Taehyung nodded, letting Jin tug off his coat and shoes before following the momentum from Jin’s hands – pushing him to lie down on the soft couch with the gentle promise of ‘being right back’.
The elder retrieved a pink, fluffy blanket that he tucked around Tae’s body, ‘like a warm hug’, Tae had smiled and pulled it closer to embrace its warmth. Vaguely Taehyung could hear Jin on the phone, once the man had moved to the kitchen to fix up the tea, but he couldn’t bring himself to focus completely on what was being said. His mind was mostly being entertained by the hopes of sleep and trying not to sneeze again, but a part of him was aware that it was probably Hoseok on the other side of the phone. He smothered a cough into the blanket, the force shaking him and paining his throat. He would have groaned if he didn’t know that it would just hurt him more. Just a little more time, and then Hobi will be there with him. That’s all he could wish for.
 He was woken up by a gentle hand shaking his shoulder, and upon blinking his eyes into the light of the afternoon sun,  immediately crumpled forward with  a harsh ‘hehH’ESHEW!’.
 “Bless you…” Jin set down the cup he had been holding to help pull Taehyung to sit upright without the blanket falling from around his shoulders. “I let you sleep for a little bit, because you looked like you needed it, but I want you to drink and eat something too.”
 “mm ‘ot hungry.” He mumbled, letting out a yawn that shifted into an irritated cough that grated at his throat. He took a hold of the cup Jin offer, holding it through the material of the blanket and pulling it closer to rest on his chest.
 “It’s not a lot,” Jin promised. “Just some crackers with your tea.. It’s not negotiable, unfortunately.”
 Jin sat next to him with his own mug of tea and a plate a crackers’ settled on his lap, pointedly being pushed closer to Taehyung. “Tae…. I love having you here, but I want to help if you need me too. Did Jungkook really tell you to leave?”
 Tae hesitated, sniffling thickly as the steam from his tea worked its way to his sinuses. “Not exactly, but… I didn’t feel.. okay.”
 He spoke about how he had woken up sick and what he had been feeling, as well as all of the things Jungkook had been going through with his studies – breezing over vaguely of what had been said that morning – then finally speaking about his decision and plan to come where he would be accepted. Jin listened intently, every so often handing him a tissue or a cracker, depending on what he felt Tae needed more as he snuffled through his words. He didn’t say anything either, just letting Tae lean into him and occasional letting out a soft grunt of disapproval – mainly towards Jungkook’s actions and Tae having thought walking would be a good idea.    
 “I’ll put on a movie, okay?” Jin said softly after Taehyung had admitted to ‘just wanted someone to hold him’ and ‘be there’. If he needed comfort then Jin would provide, he just couldn’t believe Jungkook had shunned his boyfriend. Even if the bunny had needed to focus, he usually always had time to spare for Taehyung. “Eat a few more and then we can finish our tea and get comfortable. Hobi should be coming here soon too, so you can look forward to that.”
 Taehyung couldn’t stop a small smile tugging at his lips. While Jungkook gave great cuddles, and Jin gave amazing hugs, there was an atmosphere so uniquely ‘Hoseok’ that made Taehyung crave him. He was warm. There was no better way to describe it. His presence was enough to be satisfying.
For now, he made do with his friend. Letting himself be pulled down to rest on Jin’s chest once he’d finished his drink. The elder had set a box of tissues within grabbing range so that Tae could catch each flurry of damp, heavy sneezes into the soft tissue – his nose growing brighter with each passing minute until he had merely lay his head onto Jin’s lap and held the tissue in a ball against his nose, fighting his eyes to stay open and watch the action movie Jin had found, but eventually falling to darkness.    
  It hadn’t taken long for Hoseok to leave work – calling his afterschool class to a close earlier than usual so that he could pick up Namjoon and go see Taehyung. Jin hadn’t told him much of anything, mostly just explained that Tae was sick and Jungkook had said some stuff that had hurt his feelings – which was absurd because those two never intentionally hurt each other, especially not with words. It was one of the things he had envied about them, how well they worked. His next concern was that Tae was sick and had still left the house. His homebody boyfriend felt better leaving their home because he didn’t want to be around Jungkook?
Nothing was making sense.
Namjoon had had to tell him to slow down three times before they’d finally reached his stylish home. Hoseok had left his car parked partially in the street and had moved past Namjoon to get into the house first. He’d swung the door open so hard it had slammed into the wall, but thankfully the only reaction that was given was Jin’s startled yell and Namjoon’s complaints about Hobi breaking things. Taehyung was asleep on the chair with his head nestled int Jin’s lap and soft congested snores sounded from him. Thank goodness he hadn’t been disturbed.
 “Sorry.” Hoseok murmured as he moved to kneel by his boyfriend. Jin’s face softening a little bit. “Is he alright… he looks like he has a fever…”
 “I think he does.” Jin agreed, stroking his fingers through Tae’s hair. “He’s been getting warmer, but other than that I think he just wanted someone to be with him. Jungkook had apparently told him that Tae was distracting him from work and that he needed to stay away because he was sick? Or something? I don’t know, it seemed like a small thing.”
 “It’s not.” Hoseok said, his voice hardening.
Jungkook had told Tae to stay away from him because he was sick? The same Jungkook that would cling to either of them every chance he got whenever he possibly could? Not to mention that he said that when Tae was clearly not well…
A heat spread through him that made his jaw clench.
“I should probably get him home.”
 “I didn’t give him any medication, but just take some back with you. Joonie?” Namjoon stepped behind the chair and lent down to lay peck on Jin’s lips and cheek. “Hey… can you fetch a few immunity boosting potions, as well as some of the cold and flu  ones that I made earlier?”
 “Sure, I’ll put a variety in. I have some balms and ointments that will help with any fevers or raw area’s.” Namjoon added before trailing off further into the house, muttering about what else could help.
 Jin smiled with reassurance and Hobi let out a sigh as he moved to retrieve a balled up tissue from Tae’s hand. . “He’s fine. The worst of it really was that he seemed lonely but was afraid of being a bother, which is unlike Tae.”  
 “I know. I just – Sorry.” He stood up abruptly as he searched his pockets for his phone that had started blaring. Tae shifted in his sleep and Hoseok scrambled to find it faster, answering as soon as it was out. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to speak before Jungkook started rambling on in a state of panic.
 “I don’t know where he is! He was here and then I thought he was asleep but he’s not asleep because he’s not here! And he’s not answering his phone, please tell me you have him?!”
 That heat from before amplified. If Jungkook was going to be sounding that scared of Taehyung not being around then why the hell did he send him away in the first place?
“You asshole.” Hoseok hissed, then lowered his pitch to avoid waking the sick witch. “You basically told him that he was being a pest! What the hell is wrong with you Jungkook? You didn’t even know that he left until now? He tried to walk to Jin and Namjoon’s place. In this cold weather, because you couldn’t be bothered to spare an hour with him.”
 “I-I didn’t realise –“
 “You didn’t realise?  You have been dating him longer than I have Jungkook, you should have fucking realised! What the hell is wrong with you?”
 “I’m sorry!”
 Hoseok bit his tongue as he heard the choking tears in the hybrids voice. He shouldn’t be snapping at Jungkook. He shouldn’t be picking a side. They were supposed to be open and honest and understanding with one another. Clearly something had gone wrong, but he had a feeling that Jungkook understood his mistake, even if it wasn’t understood as quick as it should have been.
 “Okay. Okay, I’m going to bring him home. He’s safe – just… he looks plain exhausted.”
 “I’m sorry..” Jungkook repeated softly. “I didn’t think he’d leave.”
 Hobi took a deep breath. “We’ll see you at home Jungkook… Just hang on there.”
  Taehyung had woken up about halfway home, coughing deeply into the blanket that Jin had lent to them. It was harsh and crackly and overall, just didn’t sound good. Hoseok had sped up just a bit to get him home faster, so that they could get him medicated and in bed… maybe a bath would help.
 “Sleep well, Baby?”
 He got a rough, undecipherable mumble and Tae struggled to push himself upright from where he was lying down in the back seat.
 “We’ll be home soon.” He promised, watching Tae rub at his eyes and then his nose in the rear-view mirror. Then added. “Jungkook was worried about you.”
 “He told me to.. to le-ehh hh’-ve…. hh’HE’HEITCHh… HUH’HRESHH’uhh…ugh.”
 “Bless. And I know, I don’t think he realised the impact his words had.”
 Tae sniffled and rubbed his nose with the edge of the blanket. “He’s jus’ stressed. I over reacted,”
 “I don’t think you over reacted.” Hobi answered honestly, that heat from earlier still present even after he’d tried to stamp it down. “He said something wrong when you needed him, perhaps if it happens again then it might be wise to talk about it instead of leaving without telling anyone though, or at least take your phone with you. But the three of us are in this together, neither of us like seeing you sick and Jungkook shouldn’t have taken his stressors out on you.”
  He didn’t get an answer. Taehyung just stared blankly out of the window at the dying light out the world until they pulled up at their complex.
After wrapping him tightly in the blanket and draping his coat over Tae’s shoulders, they began their climb to home.  Hoseok kept a steady arm around the witch and had to catch him once when Tae had snapped forward into a bout of surprise sneezes that had almost caused him to slip up the stairs when heading to their apartment. They went a bit slower after that. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see Jungkook waiting outside the door for them. He had been perched on the ground with his back to the door chatting politely to their neighbours six year old daughter, and by chatting the conversation had probably mostly been about wanting to play with Jungkook’s floppy ears and asking when he could teach her to draw ‘like a real artist’ again. He didn’t seem as invested as he usually was, and after having glanced up and seen his boyfriends, had almost burst into tears. Taehyung had actually started crying, both choking out apologises.
Hobi smiled. They’d all be fine it seemed. He greeted the child and encouraged her to get out of the cold, waiting for her to be inside before he opened their door and gently tugged his boyfriends inside. The smell hit him first and he sent Jungkook a questioning look.
 “Did you make food?”
 “Yeah,” he swiped at his face with a sniff. “I thought if I made japchae then Tae would want to eat something.”
 The news only caused the witch to let out a sob that had him coughing for breath.
 “Tae, baby… please calm down, you’re going to make yourself worse…” Hoseok laid a kiss to his burning cheek and reached to squeeze Jungkook’s hand. “Why don’t you and Kookie go take a bath? I’ll fetch you some water to drink and get the food reheated, okay?”
 “Will you join us?”
 “I think you two should be alone for a bit, I want to read over everything that Joon and Jin gave us for you.” The dancer placed kiss gently on the tip of Taehyung’s nose, grinning widely as the witch’s tears were halted with a hitched breath. “Don’t take too long though, I missed you both so much today. These extra classes are going to kill me.”
 Hoseok took a moment outside the bathroom door to listen to his boyfriends whisper soft words to one another, a flurry of apologies made a second appearance from Tae but was cut off abruptly. Hoseok took that as his cue to get everything ready for when they got out.
Everything would be worked out by tomorrow and yet he was definitely still going to be leaving his classes early to join in on whatever mess was going to be happening here. Taehyung had never learnt the ability to not share anything in his life.
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livewireprojects · 3 years
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I feel bad for @naegamimonth​ right now because I’ve been doing nothing but a shit ton of Naegami Month posts on my art blog. At least this is the last post for day 16... jfc I made so much for this day...
This is just fashion AU, it was inspired by that non-despair AU were the DR2 cast are scene kids(along with maybe Junko & Mukuro), Izuru is punk goth & DR1 cast are pastel goths in the early 2000s. Like I said(because I don’t know how to say shit) this is inspired by it but instead of the 2 casts being scene kids & pastel goths they have their own styles.
Byakuya is a hipster that loves to take selfies with his boyfriend & later their babies when the twins eventually come in. Makoto is a pastel goth still but looks kind of different from the version from the scenekids/pastel goths AU. Because this isn’t in color I couldn’t show that he has a galaxy textured hoodie jacket on.(Then again I can’t make galaxy textures very well anyway) He also has a bunny on his choker because for some reason I keep giving him Usami imagery sometimes. His sneakers are pastel green with eye balls on them... I use this to much on character designs that are pastel goths.
Honestly wasn’t sure how to dress Byakuya & this probably wasn’t what I was thinking of when I did fashion AU RPs. I dunno how to make hipster designs so I was Googling shit & searching on DA. Why did I give him a hat?
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Finally at the end! I am sorry!
This comes from my favorite game series Harvest Moon(the official games are now Story of Seasons since the creators left the people with the rights to call it Harvest Moon), Makoto is dressed in the default clothes for the girl in my favorite game of the HM series Animal Parade. It’s a really nice game & I’m also a little obsessed with the wizard in this game... The only thing missing is a port/remake for the Switch... But enough with my rambling that I had to delete because it’s off topic.(It’s just rambling about my love for HMAP & why the remake of Friends of Mineral Town while good scares me on if AP got a remake because I worry they’ll edit things they shouldn’t in that game too)
So anyway Makoto is doing farm work when Usami comes over with a letter from Makoto’s boyfriend. Usami is taking Finn’s(the Harvest Sprite meant to be your guide in the game) role in this which given she’s meant to be both a magic girl bunny & a teacher is adorably perfect.as she can give advice to Makoto & enjoy their adventures around Harmonica Town & so on.
Interestingly Gill reminds me some of Byakuya but he technically is more friendly than Byakuya. Both kind of had to grow up earl as kids but for Gill it’s because the death of his mom hit his family pretty bad while Byakuya’s is from whatever shit his terrible dad did to his family. Both are also blond with blue eyes, weirdly enough Gill when he’s dressed in his sweater vest instead of his white suit vest looks a little like how I use to dress Len.
Another random thing is that this is the only HM/SoS game I know of were once you get married(to the main candidates not the special ones sadly) you get a free ticket to the island you unlock at some point. Using the ticket while with your now spouse will lead to getting a Honey Moon cutscene.(I haven’t gotten to the marriage yet & the only LP I’ve seen of this game had the guy marry Witch so I dunno how the cutscene for the honeymoon looks.(I saw the cutscene once but due to my weird memory I remember very little)
What I’m failing to get at is Byakuya & Makoto enjoying their honeymoon on the island. Cuddling together as the sea comes up the sand & touches their feet as they sit near the water. Makoto likely has a seashell from the trip on a shelf.
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I kind of made Usami a human/Harvest Sprite form for this. I gave her Chiaki’s haircut because often times Chiaki is shown with her.(Even shown holding her in the final(I think) episode of DR3 were Hinata is likely imagining her while on his way back to the island with everyone)
I’m not as interested in DR2 as I am in DR1 but Usami/Monomi is probably my favorite character. I also keep showing an edited(because her design’s details kill me, they’re to much to draw) version of her as a plushie my kind of OC Asumi has a security blanket.(I’ll explain Asumi one day)
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partnersatfazbear · 3 years
Updates | Vday Sketches
I thought I’d post an update, so you guys know why I haven’t been posting. It’s nothing really serious, but I’ve been taking some time to spend with my wife before she starts a very long solid week of work with no time off, taking care of the apartment for her, ect.
I’ve had back pain, sciatica pain again as well as nightmares, so my sleep hasn’t been good..
I haven’t had any inspiration for poor William and Henry lately, but it is something I want to get back to. My interests change often, but I don’t want to abandon this ship anytime soon. I would be updating the fic, but I can’t get the middle sorted out. I haven’t sat down to finish Resurrection Seeker, although I’d say the last few chapters are about 50% done. As for the comic, I’ll upload that tomorrow. Out of pure laziness / back pain I haven’t finished coloring the most recent pages, but I’ve been looking forward to specific scenes and I really want to put my all as each page goes, hopefully improving the quality.
You have all been amazing, leaving lots of kudos. I appreciate that. I feel guilty for the lack of updates...
I admit what energy I have had has gone to my game, which still doesn’t have a name. I think I’ve almost worked out a plot I am happy with. I’m going to watch some horror movies today and get some inspiration. I’ve also been watching a lot of RPG Maker horror games (if you haven’t watched FlareBlitz, I highly recommend him... wife made fun of me because she says he sounds like PJ. If FB could read a little smoother, maybe. Nonetheless, FB is great for some relaxing RM content. Sadly, he’s doing a lot of VNs lately and it’s really not my thing.)
Anyway, to actual speak of my game, I’m really trying to figure out my story while mapping, which is probably a mistake, but I’d rather have a realistic house for a map that realistically conforms to the story. Having said that I realize that games like Pocket Mirror and Crooked Man stand out as my favorites and I’d like to include some fantasy elements at some point, but how to make it work with my grounded supernatural settings my work is set in is difficult.
Other random stuff I added to my to-do list is to make a Thousand Arms FNF Mod, but uh, it’s about 20 sprites not counting the death ones [just for the BF] (which I probably will only mildly modify). Then those 15 or so sprites must be copied / lowered a few times each to match the sprite sheet. This project is something very far off my radar, but I wanted to mention it.
So, right now my plans are to finish a chapter of something even if it’s typing up the first chapter of my MichaelxCharlie story, and post it. Second, work out my game’s plot a bit more. I have to establish this story with my 12 book long novels, which isn’t as hard as it sounds since this is near what I call “the end of the timeline” and I am planning with a sequel in mind. So, I want this game to have a lot of vague lore that gets answered in Part 2.
I just hope you can all support me in my game endeavors. I want to finish it by Easter. It’s isn’t my first RM title, but it’s something I would easily love to make a living out of someday.
Oh, and for some FNAF related stuff, we finally tracked down Glamrock Chica’s plush the other day when spending time with a friend. We still haven’t found Frostbear, unfortunetly. I’m going to have to pay scalpers for Chocolate Bonnie and Frostbear, sadly. The next book will come out in a month or so, IIRC? Gumdrop Angel? I don’t know if I’ll have anything to add for that. I also finished the Twisted Ones GN, so I’m out of material to read. Except to find that Google Drive post about the Shadow animatronics and read about them... because I intended to start a YT channel, but I’m too shy. I can’t do it without anyone to bounce my ideas off of and my wife is busy.
I will be taking a haitus between 2/20 and 2-28. My wife has vacation and we also moved our V-Day celebration to then. So, don’t expect too many updates that week, especially early on as we’ll be out of town visiting families.
I think I’ve rambled too much. If you made it this far, thank you..
Edit: Someone on twitter wanted Willry V-Day art. I might try my hand at it so I did some sketches... Springtrap literally giving his heart, Charlotte as flower girl (Henry has a plaid tux and William has bunny accessories), and then a scene from Resurrection Seeker.
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spookylilkiddo · 4 years
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hi I’m spooky welcome to my age regression blog! est nov 2020🐻 🌈 plz read my about below 🧇
intro 🧸
about my big self: real age is 21! as my big self im a boy. im still figuring out my name but thinking of artie! im bi, im an artist, im mixed white n latino! i live in the us
about my little self: my little age is somewhere from four to seven? idk I don’t rlly know what kids of different ages are like, i don’t hang out with them very much - i might not match a specific age milestone wise, specially cuz im autistic. i don’t feel as gendery when I’m regressed so they/them or he/him pronouns are good! i go by spooky or frog here but u can jus call me nicknames too :)
about my regression: regressing is something i do, or try to do, consciously, rather than an innate reaction. it’s a therapeutic technique for me. trying to vibe with the idea that it’s never too late to have a good childhood. mental health is pretty frequently shaky n regressing relaxes me and makes me happy! ill probably reblog aesthetic and positivity here and make some of my own moodboards and outfits and stuff and maybe art and activity sheets! activity likely to be irregular cuz i don’t have a very good memory and hyperfixations jump around a lot
about my brain: im autistic! i also have adhd! i got some trauma but i won’t talk about it here cuz this just Isn’t that space
community stuff: im not 100% sure of what the community rules are so im probably kinda noncom but i’ll tag with agere i spose. i post no ns/fw interaction or content or cg//I of any kind. edit: ill tag with cgre, nsre, csre too since these communities look like they’re safe and open! also i might be more age dreaming than age regressing but idk i do my best \_(ツ)_/
dni please: anti-regression/agedre (obviously), interaction from kink/nsfw blog, lgbt+phobic, pr0-4 or th1nsp(!), pro-a$, prom4p
other: im also a selfshipper and i’ll probably make agereg content of my f/o’s cuz i like relating to them, when i’m regressed i just think of them as my friends :) my f/o list is super obscure and distinct so if u recognize me from it shhhh no u don’t please
petre: i think petre sounds really fun and pet regressors are super cool people and automatically my friends, i haven’t tried it but i might cuz seem relaxing and freeing in a way
REG’d Info:
favorite foods 🧇
goldfish crackers, pbj, corn dog, soup, pretzels, peanut butter, brownies, cookies, ice cream, pizza, noodles, lofthouse cookies, appy slices, pancakes, waffles, granola bars, gogirt, cinnamon roll, peas, mnms
favorite things to do 🖍
activity sheets, drawing, coloring, watching tv and movies
favorite colors 🌈
blue, yellow, green, pink, purple
favorite vibes 🥞
cozy/yellow/honey/breakfast, halloween, elementary school, wonderland/tea parties/forests/mushrooms/whimsy, bedtime, winter, cookies and desserts, bright rainbows and colorful kids tv programming, nature and animals
favorite plushies 🦀
a pink pickles the frog, a turtle, a crab, a pink cuttlefish, a lamb
favorite animals 🐢
turtles, frogs, monkeys, bears, rats, bats, leeches, bunnies, cats, dogs, horseshoe crab, possums, toads
regression wishlist 👕
more boyish clothes! maybe some t shirts with animals on the front and stuff and some like big shorts. zoopals! and a pillow pet. oh and some coloring books! and maybe one of those subscriptions where they send you mysteries to solve :)
favorite kids’ characters 🧚
alice from Alice in wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, tigger, piglet, owl, eeyeore, pickles the frog, sumikko gurashi, curious George, Care Bears, Dora, Diego, snoopy, Calvin and Hobbes, Scooby doo and mystery inc, classic universal monsters, Pillow Featherbed, Crumbs Sugar Cookie, Spot Splatter Splash, Dollop Light N Fluffy, Toasty Sweet Fluff, Toffee Cocoa Cuddles, neopets, magic school bus, Oscar the grouch, Grover, count von count, some Disney, Kim possible, bedtime bear
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bonesthebeloved · 4 years
Complicated- creativitwins
Digging up old drafts baby here we goooo.
The father in this story doesn't have a name so you can imagine it as anyone you'd like/ as simply a stranger. Happy reading.
Trigger/ squick warning: father figures, complicated relationship with parental figures, mention of screaming, child services mention (in like...one sentence) mention of crying, mention of animal death (bunnies) mention of homophobia. <- if I missed any let me know.
Edit: I did not check spelling. We die like men
Pappa had always been with them.
When they were three and just formed their first memories they might remember in distant futures when all was quiet and nothing was holding them back from reminisent, they would remember about the time they’d gotten two big stuffed bears bigger than themselves When Papa had still been alone and Dad hadn’t been with them yet.
They would remember the soft fur in their little hands as they cuddled close to the things when it was naptime.
Pappa was always there for them
When Roman was five and he woke up from a nightmare where a squirrel was chasing him around the playground pappa was there to wrap his long arms around him and tell him that he was safe and that he would get his squirrel catching gear out of the supply closet the man they had started calling Dad had built for them, first thing in the morning.
When Remus faked being sick the first day of school because a kid in his class had laughed at the white streak in his hair he'd had since birth pappa had come and picked him up, explaining that poliosis is nothing to be ashamed of and laughing warmly as his son tried to pronouns the word.
Pappa would always protect them.
When Roman first talked about his pappa and dad in school the teacher had looked like she'd eaten something nasty. Later on Roman was moved to the same class as his brother, his own teacher saying she didn't want to be associated with his kind.
When Pappa came to pick him up that day Roman asked what that ment. And for one of the first times in his life he'd seen pappa frown.
They baked a cake to celebrate them being the same class that evening and Pappa and dad lifted the two of them high up in the air and twirled them around while cheerful music played.
When Remus got told off by a teacher for the first time because he had pushed another kid in his class he had to sit in the corner for ten minutes.
When he was allowed to go back to his spot Roman thanked him for protecting him and Remus threw the paper ball that had been thrown at him right back.
When Pappa came to pick him up he and the teacher had a long talk and they left quickly afterwards. Pappa holding both his and Roman's hands in his own big one's and telling them about how they had done the right thing.
Pappa would always comfort them.
When Roman came back home with scrapped knees and an attitude Pappa had asked him what had happened.
Roman hadn't answered and his brother had later told their dad's that he had seen Roman getting pushed around by some older kids. The had been yelling a word he didn't know the meaning of. When he had told it to pappa he had looked angry. And told his boys that those kids were mean and to never use that word because it made fun of good people.
When Remus began to get more friends his pappa asked him to include Roman in all of their games.
His brother had trouble connecting to people and was quickly becoming the bullied kid. And while Remus would gladly take any bullets for him he couldn't protect him at all times.
And while Remus played star wars with his friends, running around the playground and pretending to know the characters, Roman sat and drew in the little notebook pappa had given him for school.
And Remus bought him a new one with his own pocket money when a mean kid threw it in the lake nearby when they went there to explore with the class around the time that eggs would magically appear in their garden and they pretended like it was a bunny putting them there.
Pappa would always be with them.
When they went to highschool and Remus his friends could no longer play starwars with him because one moved away, one said she’d never liked him and two others went to the same school but suddenly forgot about their being friends, he sat with his brother more often.
And when Roman got friends that he wasn’t sure he liked but hung around anyways because it was better than sitting alone, Remus was left sitting at a table at lunch, other kids coming to sit at the same one in the hopes he would get up and leave.
When he had refused to do just that they’d began whispering about him pretending he didn’t hear them. And when he acted like he didn’t hear they had began calling him mean things.
After two months at the new school they came home and both called for their Pappa with shaky voices too quiet to bare any sort of good news.
And when Remus showed off his bruised wrist he’d gotten when a kid had grabbed him harshly and Roman told him about how his friends hadn’t been friends but bullies in a trenchcoat and a mustache to make him think they were friends before telling him he was too weird to hang around, Pappa had brought them both into his arms. Whispering something like ‘oh my poor, brave boys,’ before holding them a bit tighter and then telling them that sometimes, the world was mean like that and that, sometimes, it takes a while before you find the right people.
And when they went to bed that night they laid in the room and stared at the same ceiling. Both pretending they couldn’t hear Pappa arguing with Dad in the hallway.
Both pretending they weren’t crying silently until they fell asleep to Dad accusing Pappa of being a vile and horrible human being.
Pappa didn’t have all the answers.
They learnt that when they were on their second year of highschool and both of their pet bunnies died in the same night. 
Roman had sniffled and stood near the gardendoor as he watched them dig a deep hole all the way at the back of their garden. 
Remus decided that he would be sad about this at night when nobody would see or worry and stood close by Pappa as he put the two bunnies in a shoebox and put it in the hole. Saying they had probably died because of the rat poision Dad had spread across the lawn and that the mice must’ve gotten into their food somehow.
They learnt this when Dad and him had sat them down after breakfast that had strawberries to tell them that sometimes love died and that weddingrings would rust and be put in two seperate homes in two seperate boxes that would never be opened again.
They learnt this the fifth time that Remus came home with bruises and Roman began to listen to darker music and emote less dramatically. Unlearning all the expressions he’d picked up from those animated childrens series they weren’t allowed to watch but watched them anyways. He faked having imagined a happy place when the woman that was supposed to help them through the divorce told him to invision one. Instead invisioning Remus, and how he should have punched the guy that had made him drop his books the moment he saw it happening.
Pappa was  a human being.
They realised this more clearly than ever when he’d found out why Remus only wore long sleeves and got sent to therapy after their Pappa had hysterically cried over it and begged his son not to leave them before he could grow old.
When Roman stared at the ceiling after he’d taken 14 paracetamol and googling how many it would take to leave them before he could grow old, only to find that he would probably be fine and go to school the next day feeling as empty as usual. Pappa had yelled at him when he had gotten back to be more careful and not get invloved with his brothers troubles after he’d shown off the scratched shoulder from where he’d been thrown against a fence when he'd tried to stand up for him.
And when Remus got diagnosed with dyslexia and Roman with depression they said nothing. Roman shaking his head when the doctor suggested therapy and Remus sitting quietly as they explained that he might have adhd aswell.
Their father wasn't perfect.
They learnt this when Remus came back from school with a black eye and a failed math test and the test was all that was focused on. Shouting not unlike the one they'd heard all those years ago when love began to die and rings began to rust booming through the house and piercing through the music Roman was listening to in his room. A bottle cap with water falling off his desk and the little growing plant in it falling with it.
They learnt this when Roman said he was asexual aromantic and their father said that he should consider therapy again because surely that couldn't be normal.
And when Roman told him that maybe they weren't normal he'd been send to his room. Doors slamming shut and noises too loud for Remus to process.
Their father was wrong sometimes.
They realised this when Remus first brought a friend home and jokes about countries the kid wasn't from were made around the otherwise uncomfortably quiet dinner table. And when religion was brought up in a house full of atheists Remus stood and took his friend's hand, saying that they'd eat something at a foodtruck and storming of, leaving Roman to feed little stripes of unseasoned meat to the cat.
Their father was bad sometimes.
They learned this when the both of them started college and the racist microagressions turned into jokes about how they'd never make it since they were both going to art schools.
And when Remus showed him his homemade costume he huffed and said it looked great in a tone that Implied anything but. And when Roman showed him the finished piece he'd worked months on he said it looked nice even if it had mistakes while pointing at every single one of them while his son, hands still stained with markers and pencil smudges, gave a watery smile and the artwork was put in a art map to never be looked at again.
Their father wasn't good for them.
They realised this. Finally realised this, when Remus was twenty and had decided to move out, getting a small apartment would have been to expensive had his brother not eagerly asked him if he could come with him.
And they told their father while their bags were already packed and the rent was already payed.
And their neighbours registered a noise complained and whispered about calling childservices when their father started another screaming match to tell them how much he didn't want them to leave and how they wouldn't make it.
And they painted the walls mint green while Roman painted a mural around the spot where their couch would be.
And they ate lukewarm noodles from the plastic canisters while sat on the empty apartment floor.
And Roman bought a dozen succulents to take care of and make it feel more like home.
And the wall was always covered in outfit designs and storyboards as the jar they had put the sticker 'for a couch' on slowly filled up.
And they still send him Christmas cards but didn't plan on visiting that house for a long long time.
And their father would have killed them for the mess they made of the apartment sometimes.
And they preferred it that way.
This is both an extremely specific vent and goes out to all the kids with complicated relationships with their parents.
You're allowed to not like your caretakers. You're allowed to not want contact with them after you've moved on. You're allowed to think how they treated you was unjust because it probably was.
@purp-man @crazycookie13o @deceitifullies101 @sapphire-knight @ragingdumpsterfiremess @chronophobica @lance-alt @mylifeisadeceit
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Survey #435
from yesterday, don’t feel like updating the answers. :^)
When you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into? Uhhh. I really don't know... I mean maybe doing all I can do avoid debt? That's what my parents mostly argued about, and I know financial strain can really affect a couple. I never want that burden. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? My damn self. Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No; my parents didn't grow up here. Wait! I THINK Mom had one of my college professors? I don't recall for sure, and I definitely don't remember who it was. Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge? Nah. Are there any songs that inspire you? Certainly, such as "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne, "Get Up" by Shinedown, and more. How do you feel about celebrities getting involved in politics? Do you think that the celebrity world and the political world should be kept apart? Not at all; everyone has the right to share their opinion and should not feel like it's necessary to censor it. Let them be people with morals and beliefs, too. I'm totally fine with them CHOOSING to be quiet about controversial subjects, but they're more than welcome to share their thoughts on any topic. What is one pro of living where you do, and what is one con? What is a pro and a con of living where you wished you lived? I guess the only real pro (and this is horrible to be the first thought) is that we're under the radar; like, not really a target for terrorism or anything, lol. I'd get kinda nervous if I lived in, like, Washington D.C. or something. We have A LOT of cons: there is NOTHING to do, we're essentially a hub for crime, the scenery is boring and bland as fuck... I could go on for a long time. I'd love to live in many areas in North America, but I'll go with Alaska, since that would absolute RULE. A strong pro would definitely be the cold climate and the sights, but it would definitely be a con to me when that relentless dark era lasts for months on end. I need the sun (from inside anyway, ha ha) sometimes, because it being dark for what, half a year?, would really damage my happiness. What is your favorite episode of your favorite TV show? Referring to Meerkat Manor, it's actually the one where Mozart dies, I think, even though it destroyed my heart. I just think the writer portrayed it as so beautifully tragic, and the clips shown were so pretty. Does having others watch you do things make you uncomfortable? What sorts of things make you extremely uncomfortable if you are watched while doing them? Are there any things that give you confidence to do if you have an audience? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY. Do NOT watch me on the computer (especially when writing), I literally will not draw if someone's watching (inevitably besides in Art classes, I think Sara is legit the only person who's watched me draw a bit), I really don't like people watching me edit photography, I'm nooot a fan of others seeing me exercise (though I kinda have to suck that up with having a personal trainer), etc. etc. Just don't watch me do anything, lol. I don't know what actually boosts my confidence if I'm being observed. Does someone in your house speak a different language on a regular basis? No. Do you follow or care about any big sports events? Not at all. Are there any activities people normally do together that you prefer doing alone? Hm. I dunno. If you are going somewhere where you’ll have to wait for a while (i.e. a doctor’s office), do you bring something to occupy yourself? My phone, yeah. How long is your favorite song? I checked, and it's almost six minutes. Do you think you’d ever want to be “internet famous”? I'll admit I've somewhat thought about it, only because my career choices are running so dry, and I'd be able to do it alone. However, I've got noooo idea what I'd actually do, and I also don't think I could handle ridicule or anything like that for any reason. Having a spotlight on me would stress me out. Who was the main cook of your Thanksgiving meal last year? My older sister. What moment in your life have you been most scared? Probably this one occasion where Dad had to pick my sister and me up from school one day and make the 30-minute drive home. Well. He was clearly in a hellish mood because he was flying. He ran stop signs and red lights, passed people illegally... I was in the passenger's seat and absolutely convinced we were going to crash. I can barely believe we didn't. Who was the last person you slow danced with? -_- Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Earbuds. I like how they block out external sound better, and they don't hurt my ears like headphones do. What person/people do you trust the most? My mom. Who in your life do you care about more than yourself? My parents, sisters, my nieces and nephew, Sara... A lot of people, if I'm being honest. I don't value my life as much as I should. Which wild animal would you most like to have as a pet? I am DESPERATE to rescue an opossum one day. :''''( What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? I have no idea. Have you ever felt seriously violated? No. Do you watch American Horror Story? I adore(d) the first season; it was mine and Jason's "show." We watched most of season two as well, but I lost interest in the later half of it. I haven't really watched it since, save for the pilot episode of some season I forgot. Does your hometown have any urban legends/scary stories? Not to my knowledge. What’s the scariest nightmare you remember having? Something involving my dad that I won't speak about. Pancakes or French toast? Oh my god, French toast. That sounds delicious rn. Are there any apps you’re addicted to? Not addicted, nah. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? Yes; it was a bunny holding a multicolor polka-dotted blanket. Do you still collect stuffed animals? Hell yeah. Have you ever had eggs cooked over a campfire? No. What colors of mascara have you worn on your lashes? Just black. What font do you usually use? I mean, it depends on what I'm doing. Is it supposed to appear professional? Aesthetically pleasing? It varies too much to answer this with one font. What about font colors? Usually just black, but again, it depends on what I'm writing. Are you good at making graphics or designing layouts? Ha, no. Do you put gel or mousse in your hair? No. Sleep with just one pillow? No, I use two. I am VERY uncomfortable with just one. Ever woke up crying? Yeah, from nightmares. Do you like big dogs or small dogs better? It depends on the breed and their energy level. I don't really prefer one over the other as a general judgment. Are you going to graduate high school on time? I did. Been to the zoo lately? No, but I'd love to go. :/ Now that I'd consider myself at least a pretty decent photographer, I'd love to see what shots I could take. I LOVE photographing animals with how unpredictable they are. It's like playing the lottery; you really don't know what you're going to get, but you have the chance for seriously priceless moments. Even if we could afford the trip, though, I know I wouldn't last long whatsoever with my legs being as weak as gelatine. I know especially that there's a notable incline in the path, and I'd never make it up it. I really, really look forward to the day where I can really start feeling a difference in my body thanks to the gym. Have you ever been to Mississippi? No. What did you do for your last birthday? We went to The Cheesecake Factory. Do you like to cook? No. What is the worst thing that has happened to you in your entire life? If I'm looking at the big picture and what truly damaged my pleasure in life the most, it'd be developing depression and such intense anxiety. I've given up so much and changed so negatively because of it. Do you know when your next family reunion will be? We've never had one. My family is too spread out. What is your favorite thing to do with your significant other? I'm single, but even in a relationship, I love playing video games together. I've got multiple memories of just having a great time doing that. Where is “home” for you? Wherever Mom is. Is there an animal that creeps you out? Whale sharks, maggots and other bug larvae, centipedes, many beetles, and some other bugs. What is the name of the last band you discovered? Uhhh.. good question. I admittedly don't listen to new music a lot. I tend to stick to the stuff I know. Do you prefer group projects, or would you prefer to work alone? I would rather kick my ankle against a Razer scooter than do a group project. Have you ever been to Hooters? No. Do you have a brother? What’s his name? Yeah, Robert, but everyone calls him "Bobby." Have you ever thought that your life was so bad you wanted to give up? About a billion times. I still do sometimes. Do you have a ceiling fan located in your bedroom? Yes. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No, but I was supposed to visit one in the fourth grade. The water was way too aggressive that day, though, so we had a change of plans and went to a closer island. Hell, it might have been the better option, because it had horses. I remember collecting seashells, too, and just watching the power of the ocean hammer at the shores. It was really pretty. Have you ever been bitten by an animal? Only playfully, like by a cat. Well wait, I think my old baby iguana may have bitten me once (he sure tried to, ha ha), but I don't remember for sure. Did it rain today? Yes. It rains pretty much every afternoon here in the late summer. What was the name of the last dog you pet? Zeke, my sister's German shepherd. He's adorable. Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? No. Do you have certain friends that you hug every time you see them? I pretty much always hug my friends when I see them. I'm a big hugger. Have you ever witnessed a tornado? No, thank the fucking Lord. Who is your favorite person to talk to when you’re down? Sara. What are you listening to right now? "Blood For Blood" by Powerwolf. Can you get over people easy? Hell no. I do NOT handle loss well AT ALL. And not just romantically. What was the last thing you carried to your room? A drink. Do you drink water that comes from your sink? Only once it's been filtered. Have you ever prank called the police? That is fucking awful. No. What’s your LEAST favorite smiley? XD looks so stupid to me I'm sorry lmao xD reigns supreme. Do you like Italian food? Yeah, more than I used to. Have you ever put red lipstick on just to make lip marks on something? No. Do you watch Shane Dawson on YouTube? Isn't his career pretty much toast now? I DID used to love his videos, though. I still occasionally watch his fiance, though, and he pops up sometimes. Regardless of everything, I still think he's funny as fuck. Would you ever spend a day to see what it’s like to be homeless? NOOOOOOO NO NO NO NO. I am TERRIFIED of living on the streets someday. I want NO idea what it's like. Is the house you’re currently living in over 50 years old? I highly doubt that. Have you ever had a yard sale? Many. What is your favorite color? Baby pink. Did you have a good day or a bad day? Today was extreeeemely dull and felt like it lasted eons. Do you know anyone that has/had cancer? I sadly know maaaaany. Have you ever read somebody else’s diary? No, that is incredibly rude. Do you enjoy going to school? I hated it from start to end. Like I have good memories, but overall, I hated school. Were you a big jump roper back in the day? OHHHH YES. I almost learned how to double-dutch, even. I could jump with two ropes, but not jump in with two. Are you a local celebrity? Definitely not. Do you eat candy daily? No. I'm already fat dude, I don't need candy. I avoid candy as best as I can. Do you get nervous with public speaking? Like you would not believe. How old were you when you got your driver's license (if you have it)? I'm 25 and still don't have it. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Yes. What memory are you most afraid of losing? Meh, I don't know. A lot of what I consider my "favorite" memories I'd honestly be better off losing, probably. Who accompanied you to your first concert? My mom, younger sister, and Jason. Would you rather have tickets to see your favorite band in concert, or $100 to go shopping? TAKE ME TO THE OZZY CONCERT. What do you usually eat for breakfast? It really varies. I'd say cereal most often, probably? Do you wish you were more outgoing? Yeah. Do you know anyone who wears a hearing aid? I don't think so?
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Writing/Art Update 7/9/2021
So, I did it. I finished act iii of a little in love. It’s off getting beta’d at the moment, but I’ll probably start posting it in the coming week, unless it turns out there’s something severely wrong with it (there are 14 chapters coming). It’s honestly the biggest thing I have accomplished in a while. I feel kinda weird right now, like I don’t really know what to do with myself. It’s not like the thing is done, I’ve still got two more acts to go (which will hopefully be shorter??? please??), but I think I’m actually going to take a break from it for a bit. My “word count” was dismal this week, but it’s because I was doing a lot of editing and throwing out as much as I was writing. I worked hard, that’s all that matters. The final word count for act iii (and this counts the chapters that are already posted) is 67,868, which, for comparison, is roughly the length of Treasure Island.
I actually got a bit of a plot bunny this week, and I’ve been debating whether to work on it or not. It’s a fun idea, but I had a feeling it’s gonna Get Long, and I just can’t handle that right now. This is the exact same reason that I haven’t (yet) continued the Tattoo Artist AU. I hate that I am now intimidated to write things because I am absolutely incapable of judging the amount of effort they would take, but that’s where we are.
I think I am actually try to do some work on the Ginrei Comes to Visit fic. Every time I look at it, there’s actually more written than I think. I am trying to take a “perfect is the enemy of good” attitude toward it, because I think I would feel a lot better if I could just get it done. I started it so long ago that it has my old indent style, plus there’s bits of it spread over a couple of other documents. I might start a “clean copy”, which is what I had to do at some point with Call Me Back, but I’m not really ready to do that, so for benchmarking purposes, I’ll just say that the main body of it currently at 38,937, wordcount starts there.
My kids going to camp has not been the relief that I hoped it would. Getting everyone to and from has been a major stressor, and my son has been having trouble adjusting, so I go through the day waiting for The Phone Call, or that I need to go pick him up early. This is really the first out-of-the-house activity he’s done in a year and a half, which was a huge period of emotional turmoil for him, including an ASD diagnosis, and overall, I think it’s worthwhile, but it’s still hard. The lady who runs the camp has been far too kind to us. Keep your fingers crossed for me that maybe next week will go a little smoother!
In case you missed it, my Ichihime Week art piece is here! Ichihime is a cute ship-- I like it, but I’m not super into it, but it’s been a really fun week and I’m grateful to the people who organize and participate for livening up my life for a bit. I wish we could have a Renruki week, but I don’t want to suggest it because every week is already Renruki week at the ol’ Polynya blog. I am hopeful that when the anime comes back, we might get some new writers and artists, since the TYBW arc was real good to my precious goons.
Also, my birthday is next week! I am turning Old as Shit! (aka 40). Maybe I’ll draw Renji in a bathing suit! We’ll see!
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ngame989 · 4 years
“Friends” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 12
Tumblr media
Writing: @ngame989​​
Art: @toxicpsychox​​
Editing: @ubercelloczar​​, @seddm​​
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: Ludo needs help making friends and turns to Star and Marco for help, but things quickly spiral out of their control.
Comic Page
It's been an incredibly trying month for me and I'm unsure about a lot of things in my personal life now, but this isn't one of them. I'm so happy to finally be getting back to my feet so I can make more of the Starco content I want the world to see. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for your patience. (Also, fair warning, there’s one ever so slightly steamy Starco scene here)
“Have you ever wondered why heart thingies are hearts?” Marco stopped chewing on a bite of his burrito as he turned his full attention to Star. It wasn’t the most confusing thing she’d ever said, but it was up there. “Like, why does this symbol mean hearts and love and stuff?” she clarified, holding up a piece of heart-shaped candy from the post-Valentine’s Day shopping spree Eclipsa had taken her on weeks ago.
“Dunno,” he responded. “Maybe it’s what people used to think hearts looked like or something.”
“None of the hearts I’ve seen on hunting trips with Dad ever looked like this. Although one was made of chocolate.” She shrugged and popped the treat into her mouth, dumping some more from the bag into her mouth soon after. Her cheeks were puffed out, stretching her heart marks wide and Marco couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. “What?” she mumbled, still chewing. He pantomimed the sight in front of him, pointing to his own puffed-up cheeks. Star quickly grabbed two more candies, licking the backs of them before sticking them to Marco’s face, smiling quite smugly at her handiwork. “Now we’re heart twinsies!” She scooted around the table next to him and leaned in, snapping a selfie. “The kids will love this one.”
He swallowed the last bite of his burrito, thanking the heavens for the new Taco Baco location on campus. The other food options there were… lacking, to say the least.
“The Valentine’s Day Chocopalooza was a smash hit, but I have no clue how to follow it! I can’t have peaked after half a year, Marco!” The memories came flooding back: brownie batter as far as the eye could see, melted chocolate inflicting its goopy wrath on every surface in the kitchen, and so much frosting that he still didn’t want to even look at the stuff.
“I think they just like spending time with you. You’re really good with kids, Star. Besides, the only other holiday coming up is Easter, and you’re terrified of it.”
“It has a giant rabbit that lays eggs, Marco! How do you not see how horrifying that is?”
A loud cough from the bushes behind them might normally have only caught Marco’s attention for a passing moment, but another voice frantically shushed it. “Dennis, quiet! The giant bunny schtick is too good!”
“Ludo?” Star and Marco said in unison.
“Hello, Star and Marco!” Ludo exclaimed with an emphatic wave. “So wonderful to see you again! How’s your kid?”
“She’s not… she’s fine,” Marco relented, estimating that it wouldn’t be worth the hassle. “So… how’s it going?”
“Things are fine, family’s good. Bird and Spider told me to say hello.” He seemed even twitchier than Marco remembered. Dennis prodded his brother with a wing, clearly trying to be surreptitious about it and failing spectacularly. “Ahem, well, there is one teensy tiny issue… I ran into Bearnicorn a few days ago. I totally froze up! Things were pretty awkward last time I saw the whole gang and I think I’m finally ready to try again, but I have no idea how to do that. You might not know this, but I have some issues getting over things,” he stated earnestly. Star and Marco exchanged a bewildered glance - he couldn’t be serious, right? Wait, what were they thinking, Ludo could totally say something like that seriously. Ludo took a deep breath and continued, “But Dennis suggested that I come to you two for help, since I had actually managed to work everything out with you.”
Star munched on another chocolate heart as she mulled over what he was saying. “So you want our help to… make friends?”
The edges of his beak-mouth turned up in an ecstatic smile. “I would like that very much!”
“You’re sure about this, Star?”
“He’s not hurting anything, Mom.” Star didn’t glance up from the piles of clothing she was rummaging through at the sound of her mom’s wary question; it wasn’t an unfair one, considering the history involved. Even though he was friendly now, Ludo was too much of a wildcard to completely discount as harmless. Still, though, Star saw no reason to suspect any tricks up his sleeve (though there were probably some bugs there). The nostalgia of reconnecting with Ludo was oddly calming for Star, and considering how quickly Marco agreed to help Ludo with his issues, despite the craziness of midterms approaching, she guessed he felt the same. Drawer after drawer bore no fruit in her quest to find the sweater for Marco’s all-important psychology ensemble - the book and glasses had already been secured.
“Though I didn’t say anything, I admit I was initially hesitant about you two sharing living quarters like this, but I must say Marco’s organizational skills seemed to have rubbed off on you,” Moon said with a snicker. She bent down and checked under the bed, pulling out stray bags of cereal and bottles of soda that Star recognized from her and Marco’s late night movie marathons slash cuddle sessions. “...somewhat.”
Think Star, think! When was the last time you saw that dang sweater? Let’s see… he wore it on our Valentine’s Day date so it can’t be that hidden - it was a bit snug on him which made it extra adorably handsome. He’d said he’d wear it more if I wanted, and I fell over laughing when he wore it just last weekend before we… oh corn. Star now recalled where the sweater would almost certainly be as a wave of horror washed over her. She slammed the dresser drawer and whipped around for a mad dash to the nightstand, where- pegasus feathers. Moon had just found the sweater, which was great, and with it was the exact last box she wanted anyone else (and especially her mom) to find, which was... greeeeeeat. Star generally felt she had a solid, trusting bond with her mother, but she’d never been - and still wasn’t - the first person Star blabbed to about her personal affairs.
“Mom, I can explain-”
“Star, sweetie, I’m not upset. What you do with Marco is none of my business, you’re a grown young woman who is more than capable of making her own decisions. If anything I’m simply relieved that you’re taking such sane precautions. I may be old, but I’m not ready to earn my place in the Grandma Room quite yet.” Despite her embarrassment, Star had to admit she was eased by her mom’s understanding,. “And don’t worry,” Moon said softly, “I’ll handle the subject with your father for you, if you’d like.” And just like that, any comfort was washed away by a tidal wave of beet-red cheeks and incoherent sputtering.
Marco poked his head in, causing Star to yelp and jump off the bed. “Hey, you almost ready?”
“Yep! Totally, totally, totally ready and not discussing anything about our personal lives with mom!”
“Uh-huh…” Marco responded. “Well, I’m ready down there if you are. Oh hey, there’s my sweater. Good, we’ll need it... I, uh think we have our work cut out for us.”
Star was worried, but also kinda happy to have an excuse to leave the current conversation as soon as Mewmanly possible. She handed the sweater from her mom to Marco, who put it on as they walked downstairs to where Ludo was curiously poking around the living room.
“Oh, hello Star! I was just admiring your lovely castle. Bit small for my tastes, but what do I know, haha!”
“Yeeeeeeah…” She then leaned over to whisper to Marco. “So, like, what did he say so far?”
“He said that he tried practicing talking to people with garbage dolls.”
“I don’t even know where to start, really.”
“Hey Ludo,” Star called out, walking over and sitting on the couch next to him. “So, bud, whatcha need us for here, exactly?”
“Ah, yes, well… I’d like to be able to talk to my old friends again without being their boss. You know, the whole scheming to defeat you… steal the wand… take over Mewni and rule it with an IRON FIST-” He had gotten so worked up that he was on his feet jumping up and down on the couch, but stopped and took a deep breath before chuckling. “Aha, see, there it is again! It’s usually not like this, it’s been months since I’ve even once brought up the wand in a game of cha-rads…”
Yeah, this might be a liiiiiiittle tricky. She tented her fingers as she came up with a plan. Could I… nah. Would it…? Mmm, no go. Wait, Star, duh! “ Alright, Ludo, it’s time for some patented psychomological work from Star Butterfly, H.P.D. We need to see what’s going on in your head.”
“Ooo, sounds fun! So for starters I think there’s some lice-”
“No, no,” she responded calmly, “I mean we need to find what’s making you tick.”
“Yup, I’ve got ticks too!”
Marco put a hand on her shoulder, his worried expression clear even to her peripheral vision. “Are you sure he should be in the same house as Mari-”
“Not now, Marco,” Star hissed, swatting his hand away while keeping her gaze trained on Ludo. “Why are you having trouble talking to your old friends again? What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say ‘Boo Fly’?”
“Buff Frog?”
“Excellent spy.”
“Lobster Claws?”
“Putting his claws on the wand- oh, wait, I see now! This is like cha-rads but with just words! You almost got me!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re getting it! OK, one more… Toffee.”
“Candy! It’s so delectable with chocolate-”
“You know what, that one’s probably for the best,” Star murmured. “Well, Ludo, it seems to me like your biggest problem is that you aren’t even thinking about your old crew as regular people. Try this. Think of doing something you’d normally do with your brother.”
“Picking the worms out of our feathers to eat-”
“Yeah, no,” Star cut him off. She wanted to help, she really did, but she had a million other things on her mind and now was just not a great time for endless Ludo shenanigans. “I was thinking something less gross…”
“Basketball?” he cheerily offered.
“Sure. Imagine yourself playing basketball with your brother…” She paused a moment as he started miming out dribbling in his seat. “Now imagine doing the same exact thing but with Bearnicorn there instead of your brother.” His arms twitched a bit.
“Keep dribbling, man!” Marco called out encouragingly. Ludo shut his eyes in concentration and after a moment got back into his awkward, gawkish basketball form.
Ludo’s bulbous eyes snapped back open, frantic with glee. “Aha, yes! I think I see it now! Oh, thank you, Star and Marco! I’m off to go find my friends again!” With that, he bolted out the front door and scurried down the road until he was out of sight.
“You think that’ll work?” Star asked hopefully.
Marco sighed and hugged her from behind. “Not a chance.”
“Alright, we have a few minutes left in class so if anyone has any questions on the graded midterms I just passed back, let me know. Otherwise you’re free to leave. Have a good weekend!”
Marco hunched over in his chair as he quickly scanned through the multiple choice questions and short answers. A few stupid mistakes here and there, but still an A - he’d even gotten a smiley face next to his essay assessing some example personality type or another. All in all, things felt right. Karate, sword-fighting, and adventuring were important to him but he’d always felt the most fulfilled helping others with their problems - psychology just seemed right.
A high-pitched, squawking voice interrupted him. “Hey, dude, what did you get for number 12?” Marco looked up at another student - Matt, if he was remembering correctly - who was hovering over him at an uncomfortably close distance. Even with how much life had changed in the past few years, his academic reputation stayed the same.
“Uh, C,” Marco responded absentmindedly.
“Oh, that makes sense. And what about 13?”
“And… 14 through 35.”
“Just talk to Mrs. B, man,” Marco irritatedly replied, shaking his head. Normally he enjoyed helping classmates if he could, but he had promised Star he’d helm the planning for the daycare’s Easter party on account of her phobia - well, that, and he’d heard Matt bragging about how he’d blown off studying to play the new Super Slash Sisters game all night long. He looked back down to check over one last page and grinned to himself. The final essay prompt hadn’t been for a grade, but instead asked a simpler question: Why are you here? Without context, it might have seemed odd or downright rude, but the teacher had spent the first few months of the semester encouraging all the students to reflect on their goals and what they hoped to gain from the psychology program. The blunt prompt had caught him off guard, but after realizing what it was asking, he’d spent probably about as much time as he had on the rest of the exam combined describing his experiences and motivations on Mewni that drove him to help and support others.
Of course, he couldn’t help but talk about Star at length as part of that. His adorable, brave, compassionate best friend that inspired him to be more. Where would he even be now without her? He could still be at college, he supposed, but that wasn’t saying much. It was humorous to imagine: waking up, being driven to college by his mom, waving hello to Jackie every day (his foolproof plan to woo her had involved eventually moving past nodding, after all), getting straight As, working fruitlessly towards a red belt after classes, then… what? The world had so much more to offer him, and vice versa, and Star was the one who’d helped him realize that. The words had just flowed right out of his pen, paragraphs and paragraphs of glowing praise and affection, enough to leave his chest feeling as warm as it did when she was physically there.
“Hey, Marco, I have a question-”
Stirred from his contemplative state, Marco wheeled on the figure that had just tapped him on the shoulder, ready to tell Matt off for interrup- oh.
“Ludo? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, well, I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d just drop in! But also, please help me. I did what you said but then I dribbled Boo Fly on the ground and he got really upset and-”
Marco sighed. Hope Star’s fine with me being late.
Most days, Star loved everything about her job. It was hard work, but it was so satisfying bringing smiles and warmth to the faces of the kids in her care and seeing them light up with stories to tell their families at the end of each day. Her hours were flexible, she got to spend time with Marco, and Antonio was a wonderful boss.
Today, however, was not most days.
Of freaking course Easter was Antonio’s favorite holiday.
The kids seemed to be enjoying his antics as he pranced around in a bunny costume, but for the life of her she just couldn’t understand why. Is it a normal rabbit or a person-sized one? No one even seems to know what it is! Does it lay bird eggs or rabbit eggs? Both are pretty horrifying if you ask me! If you get chocolate eggs in your Easter basket, does it lay them too? I’m not eating any soft brown rabbit droppings, Marco! They didn’t even get any days off for it, so Star was convinced the best thing to do was ignore its existence as a holiday entirely. Her incredibly valid concerns had largely been met with amusement, even by Marco, but Antonio had at least offered to let her keep her distance and work behind-the-scenes for the party they had planned, which was now going on in the main playroom.
Packing baskets with candy was easy enough. Chocolate, gummies, cookies, donuts. Candy corn for the humans and candied corn for the Mewmans - as much as the humans liked Mewman corn, they hadn’t quite accepted it as a valid dessert yet. There were a few special ones marked down as well. Some marshmallow mice for the Septarians, a ribeye steak for the Johansen - her third cousin or something like that, she wasn’t even sure exactly whose kid he was - and some dried bugs for the kappas… wait, since when were there any kappas at the daycare? She yanked the full list out from underneath the pile of sweets and quickly scanned it. 105? Aren’t there only 104 kids in the program this semester?
She almost missed it at the very top of the list: “Manudo Avarius”. She vaguely remembered hearing about a sibling with that name at some point… maybe they just joined? Something still seemed off to Star but she pushed it aside and finished the last of the baskets just in time for the end of the party. As the kids left, Star cheerfully handed out the baskets to the tune of joyous squeals from the kids and careful warnings from the parents to not eat too much at once. Pffftt, come on, I eat cake for breakfast and I turned out fine!
Curiously, she hadn’t spotted anyone that resembled Ludo yet even as the remaining crowd dwindled to almost nothing. Antonio had already begun to put away decorations when she finally spotted the figure, taking the basket over to them. But when they turned around, showing a braided beard… oh pegasus feathers.
“Star Butterfly! So good to see you again.”
“Hey Ludo,” she said. “Are you picking up Manudo?”
“Why would Menudo be here?”
“Well the paper said Manudo-”
“No, no, that’s not how it’s spelled, but besides, I’m here by myself. A large man with a magnificent beard asked me for my name and told me I was missing a party with lots of sweets! He kept calling me a child and I said I was a man and that my name was Ludo, but who cares when there’s free chips, am I right?” He reached into one of the five chip bags in his arms and stuffed a handful into his beak.
Man-udo. Dangit, Antonio. “So… good to see you, but what brings you here?”
“Well, I talked to Marco just the other day because it still just wasn’t working, but then I tried something else and that still didn’t work, so now I need your help again. It all started on Tuesday-”
Star slumped down into a beanbag chair and reached into the basket, deftly avoiding the bugs as she searched for cookies to nibble on. This is going to be a while.
“So what did you say this place was?” Tom asked as he glanced around the restaurant. The vibrant cherry-red booths and soulful singer crooning over the speakers created a very different atmosphere than anything in the Underworld, but he liked it.
Sitting across from him, Marco downed another fry and took a sip of his water before responding. “Diners are the best places to go for comfort food. Burgers, onion rings, waffles, all that kinda stuff. Emilio’s is the best in town.”
Next to Marco, Star was wolfing down onion rings by the handful. “The secret is that he hired a bunch of Eclipsa’s old chefs, so they make great Mewman and monster food too. Don’t tell Mom but their Mewnipendence Day pies are the best I’ve ever had - though they don’t call it that anymore.” She was still chewing when she spoke, but after so many years of knowing Star he had no trouble understanding her garbled words. “It’s really cool that Emilio was able to get back on his feet after the incident.”
“What incident?” Tom asked, eliciting an irritated groan from Marco.
“So basically, a few years ago, Ponyhead and I-”
“Oh boy, a Ponyhead story,” Janna sarcastically said, rolling her eyes, and Tom elbowed her side.
An older man with olive skin approached the table. ““Does everything taste alright? If your dining experience isn’t absolutely perfect, please let me know, I can get you anything. More to drink, dessert, maybe some mushrooms...”
“It’s great, Emilio,” Marco mumbled.
“Good, good…” Emilio was smiling a bit too hard as he backed away, his eyes lingering on Marco’s meal.
Marco caught Tom’s curious gaze and buried his head in his hands. “Look, it’s a long story. There was this pizza, then spiraling alcoholism, then a bit of arson…”
Janna’s hand, resting on Tom’s leg, unconsciously twitched as she perked up. “Woah, OK, now I actually do want to hear this.”
“Too late, no take backs.”
“Aww, you’re no fun.”
“So anyway, we picked the restaurant this time so have you two decided what we’re doing after?” Oh crud, we forgot to plan. Tom’s initial instinct was to claim a beginner’s mistake, since it was only the second of their monthly double dates and their first time planning the after-dinner entertainment… except the actual reason was that he and Janna happened to get into their first major makeout session the night they had set aside for planning, burning thoughts of accomplishing anything else to a crisp in the process. Star and Marco were the last people that would be squicked out by romantic affection- that wasn’t the problem. After years of slacking on responsibilities and having any kind of social life at all in a misguided attempt to chase after Star, he couldn’t help but feel extra guilty over this specific lapse.
Janna leaned in, whispering in his ear. “Can’t we just hit up the Sands of Eternal Torment?”
“For the tenth time, Jan, no,” he hissed through his teeth. “There’s, like, a 25% chance you’d all have your souls violently ripped from your bodies.”
“Only 25? Ew, nevermind, just let them pick.” She leaned in even closer, her breath hot in his ear. “If it’s somewhere boring, we could always just sneak away and-”
“Good evening!” Tom squeaked and quickly turned his head at the sudden boisterous call from his other side, almost smacking Janna in the temple with his horn in the process. It was an incredibly short bird creature with a thick grey beard - a kappa, if Tom was remembering correctly. It wasn’t their same waiter from before, but hey, what did he know about how Earth restaurants worked?
Tom held out his glass, but the supposed waiter ignored it. “Yeah, can I have a refill on the demonade, please?” Star and Marco glanced over at the waiter, their eyes opening wide before they both groaned and smacked their faces on the table in unison. Alright, maybe he’s not a waiter then.
“Star...” Marco uttered. Star removed her wandering lips from his neck and propped herself up to look lovingly at him, shivering slightly as she abandoned the warmth of his bare skin. It had been probably over a year now since they’d first become more intimate like this, but the fire still burned just as hot. Heck, it was better now than those first forays, Star reckoned; with time came confidence and experience that let them enjoy themselves and each other to the absolute fullest. They’d both had busy lives the last few months or so, and with the end of the semester fast approaching Star knew they would be even busier soon, but none of that seemed to matter in this time they’d taken for themselves. Even after a break for a shower and snacks, their present cozy state under the blanket with nothing between them still felt as radiant as any proper afterglow could.
“Mhmm?” A devious thought crossed her mind, but she tried her best to feign innocence as she slowly slithered down his body, leaving fiery trails of kisses down his chest and sweet, sweet abs.
“Not that I don’t like, you know, doing this but I don’t, uh, know if I have it in me for another rouuuuuuuu-” His voice shot up an octave and his whole body jolted as she blew raspberries on his belly button and snuck her arms up to tickle around his armpits. “Star, please- I can’t- I’m- can’t breathe-” he sputtered out between hysterical bouts of laughter.
She was laughing too by the time his flailing pushed her off of him. Before he’d even collected himself, he lunged forward, trying to catch her with a determined-but-still-goofy grin on his face. Star dodged and backed away from the bed entirely as Marco grasped at her limbs. He finally gave up, lying on his stomach while resting his head on his chin and staring up at her. Even though his tush was right there for the ogling, Star was instead captivated by his enamored gaze and dopey smile.
“Dangit, Marco, you know I can’t resist that look,” she huffed, allowing him to take her hands and pull her next to him on the bed.
“I know,” he said smugly. “You’re not the only one who can weaponize being all lovey dovey.”
“The student has become the master,” she quipped, their hands still joined between them as they lay on their sides.
“But I do mean it, Star. I love every single part of you, and that’s not gonna change. Things have been hectic lately for both of us, but stuff with the daycare, what you want to do for a living, Ludo… we can figure that all out. Just reach into your pocket if you need me.”
She gently patted his head, running her fingers through his freshly shampooed hair. It was alluring to smell, to hold, to feel brushing up against her. Though the problems they faced now were of a different kind than the forces of evil that they’d spent their earlier years tackling, his presence was still what she needed most to ground her and make everything feel alright. Her face dipped in for a kiss, initially short and sweet but quickly succumbing to a familiar hunger. She pounced on him but miscalculated her momentum, rolling the whole way over him and pulling him with her so he lay on top. Not complaining, she thought as she hugged him close and indulged in the sensory bliss of his skin on hers.
He lightly rested his forehead on hers. “Do you, um, mind if we maybe don’t, y’know…” he trailed off sheepishly.
“Marco,” she crooned, holding his face in her hands. “How many times do I have to say it: I don’t want to do anything if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“I-I can try that, um, thing again, though, instead if- if you want?” Oh sweet, sweet Marco. Even after years together, he still couldn’t rest until he was sure he’d done everything he could for her.
“Yeah,” she implored, breathy with the mounting anticipation as he began a trail of kisses downward.
“What thing are you two talking about?” Time seemed to stop as any building pleasure completely evaporated. Marco grabbed the crumpled bedsheet and pulled it over the two of them as the couple stared at the window in complete incredulity to where Ludo was standing on a flapping Dennis’s back. “Well, anyway, I need some more advice-”
Marco rested his chin in his hands while Star paced in front of him. Three months. Three months of Ludo showing up at the most inopportune times, three months of Star trying and failing to feel satisfied with her efforts at the daycare, three months of a semester so intense that they were both at their wit’s end with all of it. Ludo had once again come to the college for advice after his 26th attempt to regain his old friends failed just as catastrophically as the previous 25. He was persistent, Marco had to give him that, and the old monster crew had even been pretty supportive when Star and Marco had tracked them down themselves and explained the situation. The issue seemed to be entirely from within Ludo’s own mind, which made it a dozen times harder to solve. It was the last day of the semester and they’d been haunted by thoughts of every minute of summer vacation spent throwing themselves at the brick wall of Ludo’s psyche, so they’d made a pact that today was all or nothing. Neither wanted to ditch Ludo, he wasn’t a bad guy, but enough was enough.
“Any ideas?” Star piped up, sounding entirely lost and uncertain as her gaze kept nervously darting over to Ludo who was brushing his beard and snacking on its droppings in the empty playroom. “We’ve tried psychology, reverse psychology, pep talks, reverse reverse psychology, all-you-can-eat chips, ygolohscysp-”
“Which still isn’t a thing,” Marco interrupted.
“Well I’m sorry, I’m not the one with a fancy degree, Marco!” she growled, tossing her arms out. “Ugh, sorry, this is just so frustrating. Doesn’t he have, like, a thousand brothers and sisters he could hang out with? If he can’t relax around the monsters, why does he always have to pester us when he could-” Her pacing instantly halted as her eyes opened wide. “Oh crud.”
He stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, unsure whether her apparent epiphany was a good or bad thing. “Star?”
“He came to us for help becoming comfortable around his old pals again because he already was comfortable around us.”
“Way too comfortable,” Marco muttered with a wince that Star mirrored. They were still a little bit traumatized from the shower incident. “But that means-”
“He never needed his monster pals, he just needed… friends,” she said just as he had the revelation on his own.
Marco smacked his forehead and sighed. “And he spent so much time fixating on this one thing, and we spent so much time just trying to solve his problem and shove him out the door, that we never tried just… being his friends.”
They both looked through the little window into the playroom, where Ludo saw them and waved with a giant smile.
Star buried her face in her hands, messing up her hair like she was prone to do whenever she was feeling frazzled. “Ugh, I feel terrible.”
“Same, but… we can’t be his only friends, though. I feel bad for him, but I don’t know if I have it in me to be his BFF.”
“You’re right, you’re right, but who else could even handle that? Who? The guy’s so hyper and weird, ugh, he reminds me of me as a kid, except way less cute.”
“...a kid.” They both mumbled simultaneously. It was as if a single lightbulb had gone off above both of them at once as all the pieces fell into place. “That’s it!”
Star bolted out the door to gather the handful of children that hadn’t been picked up yet while Marco got Ludo. A few minutes later, they met up at the rec center basketball court where Antonio helped them set up some kid-sized hoops. It took a bit of coaxing, but after a few minutes Ludo was having the time of his life tossing the ball around. The kids seemed to enjoy it, too, as he regaled them with tales of his adventures on Earth (and a few about a space princess with a cyclops and robot for friends that Marco was pretty sure he made up). Star and Marco had joined for a few games but both decided to just step back and watch from the bleachers for a while.
As they observed the scene, listening to the ecstatic wails of everyone on the court as they ran around with the ball, there was a smile on Star’s face that was more content than Marco had seen in a while. “See? You made their whole week just by giving them someone fun to play with,” Marco said, lacing his fingers through her hand. “They like you a lot more than they like balloons and candy.”
“Even I don’t need candy with you here being so sweet,” she cooed, nuzzling into his shoulder, neither taking their eyes off the courts. Ludo passed the ball to Trevor, who spun around and passed it back in a fluid motion that allowed Ludo to score. The blissful, carefree sight was soothing after the intensity of Marco’s life lately. Just some kids and a small bird man having fun playing a game together… life didn’t always have to be so complicated. The serene moment abruptly ended when Ludo’s beak caught on the rim, leaving him dangling above the ground and shrieking for help. As Star squeezed Marco’s hand, sighed, and stood up to go help the poor kappa, Marco knew it could never be truly simple either.
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