#previous life
dd122004dd · 11 months
Hello fans of Ardeth Bey. So if I was to write a fic with Ardeth Bey having a previous life in ancient Egypt, would any of yall read it?
Edit: I wrote it. You can find it HERE
2nd Edit: You can add yourself to the taglist HERE
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yoga-onion · 6 months
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Buddha to his disciples, mini-series (12)
The Pheasant Firefighter- One of the tales of the Buddha’s previous lives
It’s the story of the pheasant fire extinguisher, one of the oldest jātaka tales in India, are a vast body of literature from India that collects anecdotes about the Buddha's previous lives, mainly in human and animal form. Jataka stories, were depicted on the railings and torans of the stupas.
Once upon a time, a wild fire burnt down a forest. At that time, a pheasant (the previous life of Buddha), who lived in the forest, saw the fire and tried to extinguish it with his own power. The pheasant flew into the water, dipped its feathers in the water and tried to put out the huge fire with drops of water.
However, the fire was too big and the water was too little. The pheasant became tired and feeble from the frequent trips back and forth, but it did not bother him in the slightest. At that moment, the heavenly deity Śakra (Indra: Ref) came and asked the pheasant, “What are you doing?” The pheasant replied, “I am trying to save this forest because I pity sentient beings. This forest is well shaded and suitable for nurturing living beings. Many of my kind and relatives and many more sentient beings all live here as their refuge. I have physical strength. Seeing this fire, how can I be lazy and slothful and not help the forest?”
The Śakra said, “How long do you intend to stay to extinguish the fire?” The pheasant replied, “I intend to stay until I die”. The Śakra said, “Even if thy mind is so, who knows it?” Thereupon the pheasant swore an oath and said, “My heart is supreme sincere. If this belief is not vain, the fire would surely be extinguished."
At this time, the heavenly beings of the Pure Land (the colour world of purity where all desires are renounced), the great aspiration of the pheasant (Bodhisattva = the Buddha), immediately extinguished the fire. From time immemorial to the present, only this forest has always been dense and unburnt by fire.
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ブッダから弟子たちへ、ミニシリーズ (12)
雉(キジ)の火消し 〜 ブッダの前世の物語のひとつ
インドに古くから伝わるジャータカの物語のひとつ「雉の火消し」のお話。ジャータカ(本生譚)とは、インドに伝わる膨大な文献で、主に人間や動物の姿をした釈迦の前世の逸話を集めたものである。ジャータカの物語は、仏塔 (ストゥーパ) の欄干やドアの装飾品 (トーラン) に描かれていた。
昔むかし、山火事で森が焼けた。その時、森に住んでいた一羽の雉 (釈迦の前世) が火を見て、自分の力で消そうとした。雉は水の中に飛び込み、羽を水につけて水滴で大火を消そうとした。
しかし、火は大きすぎ、水は少なすぎた。雉は何度も何度も往復するうちに疲れて弱くなったが、少しも気にしなかった。その時、天上の帝釈天 (シャックラ、インドラ: 参照)がやってきて雉に尋ねた、「汝は何をしているのか?」雉は答えて言った、「私がこの森を救おうとするのは、衆生 (=いきもの) を哀れむからです。この森は木陰が多く、生き物を育むのに適しています。私の多くの種族や親族、さらに多くの衆生が皆ここをより処として生活しています。私には身体の力があります。この火事を見て、怠り、なまけて、森を助けないでおれましょうか。」
このとき、浄居天 (あらゆる欲望が断ち切られた清浄な色彩の世界) の天人たちは、雉 (菩薩=釈迦のこと) の大願を知り、即座にその火を消した。太古の昔から今に至るまで、この森だけは常に鬱蒼としていて、火に焼かれることはない。
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somerandomdog511 · 1 month
Dog rant
Anyone want to talk rn? Anyone who's bored and just wants to talk. We can talk about anything. I just don't wanna be alone. Not again. I'll do better. I'll be better. Just give me a chance.
As a domestic dog therian who's theriotype was abandoned I took the abandonment issues with me. I'm always scared someones gonna leave me. I keep to myself to stop myself from getting hurt. When I do I can't help but still feel attached. Why am I like this? Why do dogs love the people they hurt? Somehow I sympathize the people who hurt me when I was a dog. I'm still suffering from past Stockholm syndrome.
Is there anyone out there who understands? Anyone? How do I get through this?
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terracemuse · 2 years
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Ruth Montgomery - Here and Hereafter - Fawcett - 1968
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kortinarius-archerus · 5 months
Well, I am creating this au where Steven died and his gem was shattered, then they were both buried in Kindergarten and somehow he was "reborn" without his memories but Pink Diamond's shattered gem is still in him so he has some blurry memories of his previous lifes
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tamashiinookazu · 3 days
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天女の歌 作詞:高畑勲 坂口理子 作曲:高畑勲
まわれ めぐれ めぐれよ 遥かなときよ めぐって 心を 呼びかえせ めぐって 心を 呼びかえせ 鳥 虫 けもの 草 木 花 人の情けを はぐくみて まつとしきかば 今かへりこむ
空海とか遍照、源順(みなもとのしたごう)、源融(みな もとのとおる)、紀長谷雄(きのはせお)
源融 ではないでしょうか。
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my mentally ill toxic best friend got married. when i had to log on f4c3b00k a few months ago i noticed that she had changed her name. i asked my (other) ex best friend (the one who dropped out of school bc of her mento illlness and then got impregnated by a male whose parents were giving him money to stay the same weight bc they gave up on paying him to lose weight since it was not working) to investigate this further
so she got married and the only detail i know is that the mean ginger guy from our high school class was a witness (they were never besties, to my knowledge, unless something changed during those almost 5 years sice we wen’t no contact). she got this info bc our history teacher died and they both went to his funeral. i wasn’t informed bc i don’t hang out with them on f4c3b00k and of course nobody told me (i wouldn’t go anyway)
being reminded of my past life hurts. i don’t like this. i don’t like being reminded of the fact that i do have some history even if i’d like to pretend otherwise, that im not a person who appeared yesterday without any background, and that i do have some connections to people, however they’re mostly old broken connections and lost friendships and forgotten acquaintances and people who i ignored repeteadly until nothing was between us except for disdain for me. i don’t like to remember that i used to be different and my life was very different than it is now. i don’t like remembering that i used to have friends and that they turned out to be not very good/healthy people
i had a somatic response to this . i suddenly felt pain and then wanted to cry and then everything was very weidd
i’ve known her since 2012. we used to jokingly plan our wedding. we wanted to go to either Finland or Iceland to get married, as girl besties, not like homosexual women. our plan was to rent a tank to have a very untypical and cool alternative to boring wedding cars
she lived with me for a short but a very intense period when my parents took her in after her mother kicked her out (did she really kick her out? or did she paint it this way. hmmm). she caused a lot of turmoil during this time. for example she tried to commit suicide multiple times (one time she had a plan to kill herself on my birthday lol), including one time when i was away and my mum had to call an ambulance for her. she also did many things that i hated but at the time lacked the vocabulary to even express why do i think they're wrong. and why i don’t agree to her doing these things in my parents’ house.
i don’t know. i don’t like this. i don't understand why did i have a very intense reaction to someone who hadn't seen in almost 5 years
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ryoukio · 7 months
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ssshh-im-a-secret · 1 year
I had a dream and I swear to God I visited a past life or another universe or something.
Here's what happened:
OK, so, I'm having an out of body experience, and it's a giant ship surrounded by snow and ice. But it's not like a ship we'd see today, it's like a giant wooden raft. It's floating, it's perfectly fine, and it's stable. There are people on it. And it's HUGE! Absolutely ginormous!
But there's a blizzard, some sort of storm, and everyone is panicking. I'm sort of speedwalking across the front of the ship, when there are screams, and I can feel it shifting below me. The ship, flips on top of me, and I feel cold. I feel very cold. And I'm not, fighting it? I'm not trying to swim, I'm not trying to get to the surface at all. It's like I just accepted my death.
And I remember feeling this immense pressure. All over my body, pressure. Like something was crushing me. I knew, logically, once I woke up, oh, that was the pressure as I got deeper and deeper into the water.
But it was peaceful. It was quiet and calm. Despite the pressure and the fact that I was dying, I was, at peace.
What the fuck happened in that dream?! Was that some fucked up symbolism? Did I relive my death from a past life?
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MC Relationship History
Open Tag from @writingpotato07
Don't know who to tag, so anyone that wants to
Rules: briefly (or not) describe what kinds of intimate relationships (platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise) your MCs have had PRIOR TO THE BOOK STARTING. Have they had their hearts ripped out before jumping into your fluffy romance? Are they aro/ace and have never been in a long-term relationship before?
Abriella - dated a human, Enrique, who she almost gave up her powers for but did not. Leviathan at one time owned the deed to her soul, but they were not in a relationship. She was mated to Abbadon, the Destroyer. That mating has been voided and is the cause of current drama and strife.
Cruz - his relationship history is murky. He is secretive and selective in what he shares. There have been women he has been close to but no one knows the extent of their relationships. He is fiercly protective of Abriella. Arch is his best friend and they are closer than brothers.
Olly - before becoming the Horseman of Conquest, Olly was a playboy and slept around. Since taking up the mantle of a Horseman, he's been celibate of his own choice. Life has become more serious and with the things going on, he hasn't really had the time or inclination to go looking for love.
Deacon - being a gay man made Deacon feel like an outsider for most of his life. He's come to terms with it, and is accepted by his friends, but he hasn't found anyone that he feels comfortable enough to explore a realtionship with. He's the most reserved of the Four Horsemen in all respects. There are things coming for him though. He is very close to Abriella and Arch.
Arch - Like Cruz, no one knows much about his romantic history. There are rumors that he is gay or bi. No one knows for sure, and no one is brave enough to ask. Abriella and Cruz are like family to him. Deacon he treats as a son, working with Deacon's true father often.
Dez - while Dez hasn't had any formal relationships of mention, he has had casual partners of both genders and some that cannot be defined by human terms. Dez was once close to Abriella, having been her patrol and fighting partner when they would hunt demons that roamed the streets of Chicago before she was called as the Horseman of Death. He has always bumped heads with Cruz, which has not improved since his death and resurrection. Dez and Olly are forming a friendship that confuses
Talon - Talon was at one time close friends with both Abriella, Cruz, and Dez. Due to actions of his mother, Clotho, and sister Talia, he separated from them and had gone off lost contact. Due to a contrived situation where he thought Talia had been kidnapped by Leviathan, the four were reunited and he is rebuilding those friendships. While Talon and Abriella had never dated, there was a connection between them that was closer than mere friendship. That bond has almost completely been mended. In addition to rebuilding his previous friendships, Deacon has become his best friend over their love of video games and gaming night. While Deacon is more reserved to Talon's more extroverted nature, the two are often found together hanging out.
Kellen - As King of Uffern, he has courted many females in search of a Queen for his realm. None have measured up to his standards. His best friends are Grae, his Chancellor, and his two brothers: Karlen and Korben. His two sisters are more of a challenge to his sanity: Calliope and Persephone.
Grae - Grae has shunned romantic entanglements due to his position. Most of the those he's been interested in pursuing in a romantic sense have wanted to court him mainly due to his influence with Kellen. When he has had carnal needs, he has used one of the Court Succubi or Incubi. That was until he met Addalicia, and now things are changing for him. Where that leads will be interesting to see in the future. Kellen's brother Karlen is his best friend and he has devoted a lot of time trying to find the woman that has been haunting Karlen's dreams for the last 300 years.
Karlen - Kellen's youngest brother has had only one woman he wants, and he's been unable to find her for the last 300 years. He knows she's real, but he cannot find what realm she is in and he believes she is sliding through time. It seems like whenever he figures out where Sophia is, he's one step behind wherever she's off to next. As much as she claims to want to be with him in her dreams, he is confused by their missed times. With Grae's help, he hopes to one day track her down.
I have over 60 characters in the whole series, but these are the characters that are at the center of the Web Of Lives that make up The Imperium Chronicles.
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mausblume · 1 year
I truly believe I had a past life.
Before I turned 3 years old, I had a sense of sartorial style. I was rigid in my fashion sense. I chose my clothes and would not settle for less.
I remember refusing to wear frilly socks with my Mary Janes because I thought they were ugly. I had to wear pantyhose. And not just any pantyhose - each dress had its own assigned set of pantyhose. The red dress matched with white pantyhose with delicate red hearts. The pink dress was matched with pure white pantyhose. The blue dress matched with a lacy design set of pantyhose.
I also had knowledge of food I should not have had. I knew what kimchi tasted like years before I ever had it. I knew I would like it. Other foods were the same way, but kimchi is the strongest because I didn’t have access to it until after I graduated from college. Espresso was like that. Some Italian desserts.
My baby babble sounded more similar to German even though I was learning Spanish. (My first language was Spanish, but I stopped speaking Spanish when my English-predominant parents moved away from my Cuban babysitter when I was 2.) When I took German in high school, the deja vu was similar to how I felt when I took Spanish earlier in high school. The familiarity with the language and knowing words without being taught those words. How I addressed my father wasn’t a Spanish or English word - it was 2/3rds of a German word that dealt with his profession.
When I went to Europe, I felt at home in Germany. I feel like I left a piece of my soul in Bayern. No other place has felt like that. I think I lived there in a previous life.
Who did I use to be?
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keeper-of-books · 9 months
A theory
What if our perception of time depends on the being we were in our previous life.
People who had a much shorter lifespan in their previous life feel like the +/- 80 years they get now are really long. They don't know what to do with all of that time. (Imagine a mosquito suddenly gets to live 80 years)
Meanwhile people who had a much longer lifespan before are constantly worrying about how they're gonna fit all the things they need to experience before death into the short amount of time they have. (Imagine something that died at like 200 years now only gets to live for 80)
The people who had a similar lifespan before don't really worry about any of that and just believe that everything is gonna be alright.
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aslyran · 4 months
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starzovermarz · 11 days
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more incorrect quotes w my guys
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
I just met up with someone from my previous life. We have known each other for just 2 weeks back in 2016 and then never kept in touch after that. But it was a positive person that i remember to this day even if we met for such a short time. So i forced myself to write and send a message asking for a reunion after all thee years. And it was really nice. We walked for 10 km next to the river bank, under the trees, in the dark, talking about everything. We both have mushroom tattoos lol! No conclusion here, just wanted to say that i love human contqct and people who are friendly and peaceful even to such awkward & nervous beings like me.
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