#positive affirmations for health care workers
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Embrace the healing power of your body with this positive affirmation
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sappy-witch · 1 year
do you know of any weight loss / metabolism boosting spell/spell jars? i've been trying to lose weight for a year now, and i really need a boost. i don't need a miracle worker, just something to put out into the universe that is something i desire and have been working towards. blessed be! :)
Hello darling 🥰
Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope you’re proud of all the wonderful work you’ve already put in!
While, of course, there is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, I understand that sometimes we need a little extra help from the universe to reach our goals.
Before I start yammering on, I hope you don’t need reminding that our worth is never determined by our physical embodiment, but what this beautiful temple holds within it. Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t treat our bodies with the respect and kindness they deserve, so here we go ✨
Here is a simple spell jar recipe that you can try to help boost your metabolism and aid in your weight loss journey:
✨🫙 Metabolism Boosting Spell Jar 🫙✨
1. A small jar with a lid
2. Dried ginger - increases energy, strength, and confidence. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.
3. Dried red pepper flakes - for motivation, courage, and passion, red pepper flakes are believed to bring fiery energy and vitality to a spell. They are also known to have numerous health benefits, including boosting.
4. Dried dandelion root - wish fulfillment and manifestation. Also a powerful diuretic that can aid in weight loss by helping the body eliminate excess fluids. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to support liver health and digestion.
5. Dried cinnamon - for love, success, and prosperity. It is also believed to have numerous health benefits, including regulating blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and boosting brain function.
(Feel free to alter as you see fits - based on your preferences or accessibility)
1. Begin by cleansing your jar by rinsing it with saltwater or leaving it in the light of the full moon for a night.
2. Add a tablespoon of each herb into the jar, visualizing yourself reaching your weight loss goals as you add each ingredient.
3. Close the jar and seal it with the wax of a green candle - a symbol of health. You can also use any other color that resonates with you.
4. Hold the jar in both hands and visualize the energy of the herbs filling the jar and flowing into your body, boosting your metabolism and aiding in weight loss.
5. Place the jar on your altar or another safe space in your home.
I would also recommend focusing on positive affirmations and visualization during your weight loss journey. Try visualizing yourself at your ideal weight, feeling confident and healthy. Repeat affirmations to yourself such as "I am strong and capable of achieving my weight loss goals" or "I release excess weight with ease and joy."
Remember to approach this spell with a positive mindset and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. A spell can be a great tool, but it is not a substitute for hard work and dedication.
And once again, remember to always treat yourself and your body with kindness on your journey towards your health goals. Your worth is not determined by your weight or size, and your body deserves love and care no matter what. Incorporating positive affirmations and self-love rituals into your routine can help shift your mindset towards a more positive and empowering perspective. Focus on nourishing your body with healthy and balanced meals, practicing movement that feels good for you, and celebrating your progress no matter how small.
I hope this helps you on your weight loss journey 💕 Best of luck to you!
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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sunrayretriever · 6 months
positive affirmations for fellow retail workers (specifically me since im freakin it)
you are not a bad person for calling in sick when you have a shortage of staff
the store will open again tomorrow it's not the end of the world
it is not your responsibility to find someone to take your shift on such a short notice
your boss is not mad at you for calling in and if they are they'll get over it unless they're a little bitch in which case who cares if they get over it they're a little bitch
it's okay to call in for a mental health day every once in a while
it's okay to steal from your place of wo- hey who said that
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anarchistettin · 2 years
The study looks back on COVID-19 deaths in 2020 and affirms what many had already known or suspected — that Americans who could not work from home and who labored in low-paying jobs with few or no benefits, such as paid sick leave and health insurance coverage, bore the brunt of deaths during the pandemic’s first year, said Jason Salemi, an associate professor in USF’s College of Public Health and co-author of the study.
Salemi said the finding, while perhaps expected, left him with two takeaways: That essential workers need more protections during an infectious disease pandemic, and that society’s desire to “return to normal” will mean different things for different people — with inequitable consequences.
“If I say I want things to return to normal, I’m in a position of advantage,” Salemi said. “I can work from home most days. I have access to a primary care physician, and paid sick leave. There are people in this study for whom that may not be the case.”
To conduct the study, Salemi and his colleagues analyzed nearly 70,000 death certificates for people ages 25 to 64 years old and who had died of COVID-19 in 2020, nearly all of which occurred before the first vaccine was authorized in December of that year.
But death certificates do not always include a decedent’s occupation, Salemi said. Instead, researchers used education attainment level, which is listed on all death certificates, as a proxy for an individual’s socioeconomic position. No education beyond high school was “low” while some college education was “intermediate” and anyone with at least a bachelor’s degree was “high.”
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roommates-au · 2 years
Reactions to Garcella being a sex worker? At keast I’m confident no one is judgmental
"Oh, it was the most likely occupation she would have. Sleeps all day, vanishes at night. Leaves all of her things here, where it is safe from being stolen. No bank account, as she has to take cash payments. She gives Carl her part of the rent in cash. The fact she had no home beforehand but still had money for necessities. Everything pointed to her being something shady, and due to her build of wide hips, thick lips, and sexualized behavior, I came to that conclusion long ago."
Whitney looked up at Hexx, who was beaming with pride at the affirmation of her theory. "What's a sex worker?"
"They're people who give the service of intercourse for money. It's shamed by society, but I see no issue with it."
"Okay, uh... what's sex?"
These two are gonna be at it for a while...
Carl shrugged. "I honestly thought she was doing petty crimes, so I guess I am glad she's not breaking into anything. I really don't care either way. She's doing what she can to survive and be seen as an equal, even if it harms her mental health. Is that not what we all do?" With a sigh, he continued the thought. "I just wish she'd find the strength to get out of her position. I don't care if she would make less money as a janitor somewhere. Being is such a position is really hurting her... "
"Why don't I have a vagina?"
"Whitney! You don't just ask that when the blog is up!"
Carl put a hand to his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter.
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naberriesamidala · 8 days
What makes you guys think celebrities don't face racism? Or misogyny? Or ableism? Which all hit Cardi both after she was famous and back when she was a sex worker barely scrapping by. She didn't tell you you couldn't vote she just doesn't fuck with two white men that don't care for her wellbeing and most likely want her dead. She has that right. Just as how you personally care more which candidate is least likely going to harm you even if that means they harm other marginalized groups you aren't associated with
Did I say anywhere that celebrities couldn't face any of those things? Did I imply anywhere that celebrities don't face any of those things? No, I didn't.
I said celebrities have the ability to use their wealth to avoid the consequences of some things others can't.
It's not an either or thing. Wealth is a privilege that she has. Full stop. She can easily move to another country if the US goes to shit. She can fly to other countries for health care if she needs it. She can afford any costs that might come with policies that undercut working class families.
The idea that "I personally care more which candidate will harm me" is a big idea for someone who doesn't know me. I care which of the *two candidates* will harm the least amount of people.
I hate the system. I hate that the choices are "kill millions of people" or "kill millions of people and also further ruin the supreme Court to cause current and future generations lasting harm". I don't take that lightly. I feel the weight of that.
However, I'm not forgetting the election of 2016. I'm not forgetting what 'refusing to vote for either of them' has led to. The recent ruling for allowing South Carolina to be further gerrymandered, harming the residents of color for now and years to come: helped by Trump. The ruling allowing Idaho to ban gender affirming care: helped by Trump. The ruling allowing Texas local police to arrest migrants: helped by Trump. I can go on for all the ways that marginalized groups have been and would continue to be more thoroughly harmed by Trump but we don't have all day.
So we don't need celebrities out here bragging about how they aren't going to vote for president because this race is already going to be stupid close.
Every other position on the ballot I can find someone I can respect, who I can have faith in will do better for all people.
In the presidential race there are only trolly problems and we all have to take part in them.
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lavernewilsonvalis · 1 month
Navigating Compassionately: Tips for Working with the LGBT Elder Community
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In our pursuit of creating inclusive and supportive environments, it’s essential to recognize and address the unique needs of every demographic, including the LGBT elder community. Historically, this community has faced discrimination, invisibility, and the lack of acknowledgment of their identities. As caregivers, healthcare providers, or community workers, it’s crucial to approach our interactions with sensitivity, empathy, and a commitment to understanding. Here are some valuable tips for effectively working with the LGBT elder community:
Education and Awareness: Begin by educating yourself about the challenges faced by LGBT elders. Understand the historical context, including the impact of discriminatory laws, social stigma, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Awareness fosters empathy and equips you with the knowledge to provide better support.
Respect Pronouns and Identities: Always respect individuals’ chosen names and pronouns. Use inclusive language and avoid assumptions about sexual orientation or gender identity. Creating a safe space where elders feel accepted and validated is crucial for building trust and rapport.
Cultural Competency Training: Consider undergoing cultural competency training specific to the LGBT community. These programs offer valuable insights into the unique experiences and concerns of LGBT elders, helping you deliver more sensitive and effective care.
Affirmative Communication: Practice open and affirming communication. Encourage elders to share their experiences, concerns, and preferences without fear of judgment. Active listening and validating their emotions can go a long way in fostering a supportive relationship.
Partner with LGBT Organizations: Collaborate with local LGBT organizations or advocacy groups to access resources and support services tailored to the needs of LGBT elders. Networking with these organizations can also help you stay informed about community events and initiatives.
Create Inclusive Policies: Advocate for inclusive policies within your organization or community. Ensure that LGBT elders have equal access to services and facilities without discrimination. Championing diversity and inclusion sets a positive example for others to follow.
Address Health Disparities: Be mindful of the unique health disparities faced by LGBT elders, including higher rates of chronic conditions, mental health issues, and barriers to healthcare access. Advocate for culturally competent healthcare services and support networks.
Celebrate Diversity: Embrace diversity within the LGBT elder community. Recognize the intersectionality of identities, including race, ethnicity, religion, and disability. Celebrate cultural heritage and individual experiences as valuable contributions to the community.
Promote Social Connection: Combat social isolation by facilitating social connections and community engagement opportunities for LGBT elders. Organize social events, support groups, or intergenerational programs that foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Respect Privacy and Confidentiality: Prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of LGBT elders. Respect their right to disclose personal information on their own terms and ensure that sensitive information remains confidential.
By implementing these tips, we can create inclusive environments where LGBT elders feel respected, supported, and valued. Our commitment to understanding, empathy, and advocacy plays a critical role in helping to improve the quality of life for all members of our community, regardless of age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Together, let’s work towards a future where everyone can age with dignity and pride.
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erpinformation · 1 month
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yogabilitymind · 2 months
NDIS Service Providers in Brisbane
The NDIS is a system that empowers people with disabilities to live full lives. Its defining feature is the plan, which is tailored to the individual’s needs and aspirations. Therapeutic supports are often a large component of this plan.
Registered ndis service provider Brisbane are required to adhere to the NDIA’s conditions and requirements. They must also have a complaints management system in place and employ approved support workers.
Champion Mentors
Champion Mentors is a registered NDIS provider who helps people with disabilities live life their way. They offer a range of disability support services, including help at home, social and recreational activities, adventure buddies, short term accommodation breaks and more. They also offer a unique point of difference by introducing their team of youthful, passionate mentors to bond with their clients and provide them with someone they can talk to and enjoy special interests or recreational activities with.
While coaches focus on goal setting and skills development, champions actively advocate for your success. They promote your achievements and tell others about related opportunities for advancement, so you can get the recognition you deserve. They are also at the table where new initiatives are discussed, ensuring that your interests and needs are represented. They can even help you secure plum projects and roles. If you are ready to take your career to the next level, apply for a job with Champion Mentors today!
Positive Moods
Positive Moods offers multiple mental health services to people with disabilities, including therapeutic support and behavioural support. Their team of qualified ndis disability support worker counsellors recognises that mental health treatment is not one size fits all, and they tailor their plans according to each client’s unique needs and goals.
Their individual counselling service aims to help clients develop insight into their life and to create emotional growth. They also offer group therapy, where a number of clients are treated simultaneously by a psychologist. This can lead to increased social interaction, more community participation and improved relationships.
Their behavioural support service offers highly intensive behaviour management interventions for NDIS participants. Their psychologists work with the participant and their caregiver to develop a behaviour plan that is customised to minimise destructive patterns of behaviour. This may involve temporarily using restrictive practises, but they always prioritise the participants’ safety and well-being. They also collaborate with other service providers to enhance the quality of care.
Easy Healthcare
Easy Healthcare is an NDIS service provider that offers standard quality and reliable customer services to people with disabilities. They provide a variety of supports to help participants reach their goals and live a happy life. These support services include financial and administrative assistance, navigating the NDIS, and revisiting participant plans on a regular basis.
They also offer cleaning and gardening services to help participants maintain a comfortable lifestyle. They also work with local foundations, governmental entities, and medical companies to make healthcare accessible and affordable for all.
The FTC alleges that Premom did not take reasonable steps to assess the privacy risks of integrating these Chinese third parties’ SDKs with its product and did not monitor changes in third party terms and conditions or privacy policies. Moreover, the company did not obtain affirmative express consent from users before sharing their data with third parties for advertising purposes. The largest ndis disability support worker and NDIS related event in Australia, the Brisbane NDIS Connection Expo 2024 sponsored by Easy Healthcare will be held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
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kakkaryash2601 · 4 months
Highlights of interim budget 2024
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Digitally infos: Highlights
There has been profound positive transformation in the Indian economy during last 10 years, said by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's.
Also, history is now been made as Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's has announced the sixth consecutive budget in particular of which it is matching the record that is set by the former Prime Minister Morarji Desai. Now it is just ahead of the Parliamentary elections.
Also, President Droupadi Murmu addresses on various aspects of the economy, and highlighted the achievements during the period of 10 years that is done by the Narendra Modi government.
· There will be four castes for the government which includes poor, farmers, youth and women that she added. · Because of budget, India is now becoming fastest growing major economy in the world. In the coming year India will become the world third largest economy along with $5 trillion GDP and this show how fast India is growing now. · Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Budget 2024 to Vote on Account and is planning to bring forth a way to that objective. · By presenting the Budget 2024-25 in the parliament, she put across that the government is working on their planning to make India a developed country by the end of 2047, which is good for India.
(1) Freed many people from multi-dimensional poverty:-
· With the announcement of interim budget 2024, we are proud to inform you that Modi Government is accomplishing the mission to freed people from multi-dimensional poverty.
· And so far they have freed 25 crore people from multi-dimensional poverty during the 10 years, said by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s on Thursday.
· During the announcement of interim budget in Lok Shabha Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s said, “While in the process of early approach for tackling poverty we came with enlightment result in very modest outcome”.
· We even make sure that there is transparency and assurance when benefits are transferred to all eligible citizens, said by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s.
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(2) To make India a developed nation:-
· Although Government is still working to make India a developed nation in the year 2047, said by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s.
· There have been periodically increased in Minimum support price(MSP) for 'annadata' (farmers), addressed by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s when she announces the Interim Budget 2024-25 in Lok Shabha.
· Also, she even affirmed that the Government and social justice is essential and beneficial model for the Indian economy, as a plan for making it a developed country.
· We always focus on the outcomes of the work that we have done during the year whether it is related to making India a developed country or freed people from multi-dimensional poverty and outgoings of the money does not affect the Government.
(3) Healthcare cover under Ayushman Bharat is expanding to ASHA workers:-
· Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri-Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) was established in Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Furthermore, it was introduced on 23rd September 2018. · Under Ayushman Bharat, Government has announced expanding of healthcare cover to all ASHA and anganwadi workers on Thursday. In addition, it is beneficial for all the workers as per accordance to healthcare cover. · Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri-Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) is the largest public financial support for health insurance scheme in the world. Moreover, scheme provides minimum coverage of Rs 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care in hospitalized.
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Date and time
Announcement of budget 2024 will be on February 1 at 11 am. Interim budget 2024 is set to be announced by the PM Modi Government. As this is the sixth budget of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's.
Budget 2024 determined to make India a developed country, put an end to multi-dimensional poverty, and play the part in India to become the third largest economy in the world. Additionally, it contributes to Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri-Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY).
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audeameus · 5 months
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──── tell me, shopkeeper. which should i regret .ᐣ what i became or what I didn't .ᐣ
NAME ﹕Yvoria Iolanthe Schuyler KOREAN NAME ﹕Jang Yae-in ﹙정얘인﹚ CODENAME ﹕Bordeaux AFFILIATION(S) ﹕Winery Assassins, Lifelong Medical Care NICKNAME(S) ﹕Yv, Yvo, Ria, Lanthe BIRTHDATE ﹕2004, August 31st ZODIAC SIGN ﹕Virgo PRONOUNS ﹕She / Her PLACE OF BIRTH ﹕Ichon-dong, Seoul, South Korea ABILITIES ﹕Combat, perfect aim, great at disguises, and can speak lots of languages﹙english, korean, japanese, chinese, tagalog, hindi, && spanish﹚ WEAPON(S) ﹕Colt Cobra .38, mainly because she finds it cute. RESIDENCY ﹕ Seoul, South Korea && Oakland, California EDUCATION ﹕Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of California OCCUPATION ﹕Student, Health Worker, Assassin PORTRAYAL(S) ﹕Jang Wonyoung﹙장원영﹚of IVE
HEIGHT ﹕173 cm BODY SHAPE ﹕Hourglass BODY BUILD ﹕Slim SKIN TONE ﹕Fair HAIR COLOR ﹕Naturally, black EYE COLOR ﹕Red that she conceals using dark brown eye contacts during her normal days (her non-killing time). NOTABLE FEATURE(S) ﹕Her red glowing eyes, visual, and height. SCENT ﹕Opera Prima by Bvlgari FASHION STYLE ﹕Chic, Old money, and Coquette
MBTI ﹕INFP LOVE LANGUAGE ﹕Words of Affirmation ARCHETYPE ﹕The Joker MORAL ALIGNMENT ﹕Chaotic Evil TEMPERAMENT ﹕Choleric ENNEAGRAM﹕ The Idealist, type 1 HABITS ﹕Doing her little dance when happy and excited, hiding her face when embarrassed, taking a deep breath when provoked, putting her hair in a ponytail before doing something. LIKES ﹕Taylor Swift, sightseeing, traveling, having a mission, arts, bunnies, scrapbooking, training, coffee DISLIKES ﹕Cucumbers ! loud chewers, odd-scented cars, insects, pedophiles, and snitches. POSITIVE TRAITS ﹕Balaced, driven, and responsible NEGATIVE TRAITS ﹕Deceptive, impatient, and cold-hearted
Trained at such a young age to kill and be useful, this didn’t stop Yvoria from having a life of her own. She attended school and aced her education, she had always been a top student and the class president—often being selected to compete with other schools and to attend national seminars for students. Yvoria thrived in living this double life and when she turned 14, her guardian brought her to the winery to officially register her as the youngest assassin the world has yet to see, years of continuous training made her earn the nickname ; prodigy.
color pallette ﹕#FFEFD5, #C2B280, #7B1113, #080808 psd ﹕the art we share by lwvnrs
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nbmsports · 11 months
These are America’s 10 best states to live and work in
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Good help is hard to find. In fact, these days almost any help is hard to find."You're seeing a confluence of factors that make this a unique point in history," said Josh Wright, an executive vice president at labor market data firm Lightcast.Older workers are retiring with fewer younger people in the population to replace them. The U.S. has roughly twice as many job openings as there are workers to fill them. And because this is as much a demographic phenomenon as an economic one, Wright said workers shortages are now here to stay."I think it's only going to become worse over time in certain regions," he said.But an increasing number of states see this as an opening. They are pitching their quality of life as a reason companies should locate there."(A) quality of life that inspires people to build their business, families and lives here," one state economic development website promises."Meet our people. See our work ethic. Experience our good life," says another.But only a handful of states are truly delivering on their promises.Life, Health and Inclusion is among the ten categories of competitiveness in CNBC's annual America's Top States for Business study, and under this year's methodology, it is increasingly important in a state's overall ranking.We use hard data to measure factors including crime, environmental quality, health care and childcare in every state. We consider anti-discrimination laws and worker protections. And with surveys showing a significant percentage of women factoring reproductive rights into where they are willing to live, state abortion laws are a new metric in 2023.The study shows that some states are falling short — America's Worst States to Live and Work in. But these ten states are America's best places to live and work in 2023.
10. Connecticut
A runner crosses a bridge amidst autumn colors in the woods.Colin Keaveney | Cavan | Getty ImagesConnecticut residents enjoy some of the best health care in the nation, and it shows. Frequent physical distress is among the lowest of any state, according to the United Health Foundation. Access to care is among the best anywhere, with one primary care physician for every three residents. Crime is low, and worker protections are robust.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion score: 233 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B)Strengths: Health Care, Low Crime, Worker ProtectionsWeaknesses: Air Quality, Voting Rights
8. (tie) Massachusetts
Huntstock | Disabilityimages | Getty ImagesThe Bay State is another health-care powerhouse, with the nation's lowest percentage of people without health insurance. It is a legacy of Romneycare — the health-care reform signed into law by then-Governor Mitt Romney in 2006, which became a template for the Affordable Care Act. Worker protections are robust in Massachusetts, and so are reproductive rights.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 240 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B)Strengths: Health Care, Worker Protection, Reproductive RightsWeaknesses: Air Quality, Childcare
8. (tie) Colorado
A family of bikers, riding on bicycles in Crested Butte, Colorado.Michaelsvoboda | E+ | Getty ImagesChildcare is abundant in the Centennial State, with 55 licensed facilities for every 100,000 residents, according to the advocacy group Child Care Aware. That is the fourth-best in the nation. Colorado is positioning itself as a haven for reproductive rights and gender-affirming care, with a set of laws signed by Gov. Jared Polis in April.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 240 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B)Strengths: Childcare, Inclusiveness, Voting RightsWeaknesses: Air Quality, Crime
7. Washington
People march in the middle of Broadway during the "Fight Starbucks' Union Busting" rally and march in Seattle, Washington on April 23, 2022.Jason Redmond | Afp | Getty ImagesThe Evergreen State has the most worker-friendly wage policies in the nation, according to Oxfam America, which measures wages relative to the cost of living. Protections against discrimination in Washington are among the strongest of any state, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 242 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B)Strengths: Worker Protections, Inclusiveness, Reproductive RightsWeaknesses: Crime, Childcare
6. Oregon
Mount Hood is seen in the background as a sign reads "Resist Gilead," a reference to The Handmaid's Tale, during a protest by abortion rights activists after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe Vs. Wade, overturning abortion rights, in Portland, Oregon, June 24, 2022.John Rudoff | AFP | Getty ImagesNo state protects its workers the way the Beaver State does. Oxfam points to laws giving workers' broad rights to organize. Reproductive rights protections are among the nation's strongest as well. In 2000, Oregon became the first state to require all elections to be conducted by mail, making voting easy and secure.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 248 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B+)Strengths: Worker Protections, Reproductive Rights, Voting RightsWeaknesses: Crime, Childcare, Health Care
5. Hawaii
Colin Anderson Productions Pty Ltd | Digitalvision | Getty ImagesWho wouldn't want to live in Hawaii? The air is pure, according to American Lung Association data, health care is plentiful, and crime is generally low. And it's Hawaii! But once you have gotten used to living in paradise, you will find that childcare options are limited. And reproductive rights and voting rights, while protected, could be better.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 263 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B+)Strengths: Air Quality, Health Care, Low crimeWeaknesses: Reproductive Rights, Voting Rights, Childcare
4. Minnesota
Woman and her dog Skijoring.Jmichl | Istock | Getty ImagesPeople in the North Star State pride themselves on being "Minnesota Nice." It's more than just a feeling. The Minnesota numbers back them up. The home of the famed Mayo Clinic is fourth in the nation for access to health care, according to the United Health Foundation. In 2023, the state codified reproductive rights and expanded voting rights.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 269 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: B+)Strengths: Health Care, Reproductive Rights, Voting RightsWeakness: Crime
3. New Jersey
The Ocean City Police Department leads the 111th Annual Ocean City Baby Parade in Ocean City, New Jersey.Donald Kravitz | Getty ImagesIt's no joke. The Garden State is one of America's most inclusive, with broad protections against discrimination, and among the nation's strongest guarantees of reproductive freedom. New Jersey is one of America's safest states, according to FBI crime data. Its violent crime rate is among the lowest in the nation.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 282 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: A-)Strengths: Reproductive Rights, Inclusiveness, Low Crime RateWeakness: Air Quality
2. Maine
Mother and daughter running on the beach at sunset. Mom is in her forties, and girl is 6 years old. Both are wearing wetsuits. Horizontal full length outdoors shot with copy space.Martinedoucet | E+ | Getty ImagesThe Pine Tree State's serene reputation is well-deserved. The crime rate is the lowest in the country. Childcare and health care are both readily available. Maine is also a welcoming state, with broad protections against discrimination.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 288 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: A-)Strengths: Low Crime Rate, Childcare, Healthcare, InclusivenessWeakness: Air Quality
1. Vermont
Mike Brinson | The Image Bank | Getty ImagesBy the numbers, living in the Green Mountain State is stress-free, easy and healthy. Vermont offers America's best air quality with zero high ozone days per year, and the nation's most accessible childcare. Vermonters enjoy broad protections against discrimination, and it is one of the nation's easiest states to vote in. Life in Vermont is good.2023 Life, Health and Inclusion Score: 327 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: A+)Strengths: Air Quality, Health Care, Childcare, Voting RightsWeaknesses: Worker Protections (strong, but not as strong as the rest) Source link Read the full article
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pashterlengkap · 11 months
Pride Month this year holds special importance for the LGBTQ+ community as we confront a wave of extremist bills across the country aimed to remove us, especially our trans siblings, from public life. These attacks on queer and trans rights are a dire sign for our democracy and are inextricably linked to the ongoing attacks on our freedom to vote. This year alone, we have seen 491 bills targeting LGBTQ+ rights in addition to 150 bills targeting voting rights.  --- Related Stories Why one Maryland senator fought to repeal his state’s anti-sodomy law “We shouldn’t be making judgments on how people love each other.” --- LGBTQ+ rights are human rights and workers’ rights, and attacks on our community are meant to make us invisible and remove us from society. LGBTQ+ teachers represented by the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association are being driven out of their profession by “Don’t Say Gay bills’ that make it impossible for them to do their jobs. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. Anti-drag laws, like the Tennessee law that was just overturned by a federal judge, create complicated legal obstacles for drag performers that tour the country, including those who are part of the Actors’ Equity Association. Bathroom bills threaten the human rights of trans workers to safely and comfortably exist in public.  Not only are these bills bad for human and worker rights, but they are also detrimental to our democracy. Moreover, this wave of legislation is not being driven by public will. Poll after poll has shown that most Americans support queer and trans rights and view the number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills as political theater and a distraction. State legislators are appealing to only the most extremist part of their base and secret money front-groups that have funded anti-trans attack ads, lobbied against the Equality Act, and funded extremist school board candidates. Current disclosure loopholes allow corporations and billionaires to fund these candidates and positions with no transparency or accountability. Research from the UCLA School of Law demonstrates that LGBTQ+ inclusive laws are strongly associated with democracy, and autocracies have been shown to be less inclusive regardless of public support for LGBTQ+ rights. This wave of anti-queer and trans legislation is a dangerous sign of democratic backsliding. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the Montana State House, which voted along party lines to censure out transgender state Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the first time that mechanism has been used in recent Montana history. They kicked her out of the chamber she was elected to serve in for nothing more than voicing her opposition to dangerous legislation that would deny her transgender constituents representation in matters that impact them. This anti-democratic action was used to push through legislation banning age-appropriate healthcare for trans minors, despite robust consensus from the medical field that gender-affirming care is safe and improves the overall well-being of transgender people. The health of our democracy and LGBTQ+ equality go hand in hand, and in order to secure our freedoms, we need a democracy that truly serves and represents all of us. Congress has the power to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and restore the Voting Rights Act, which would help to ensure our freedom to vote is protected, end partisan gerrymandering that dilutes our voices and empowers extremists, and require disclosure of political spending so we can know who is funding the attacks on our communities and hold them accountable.  Our country is strong only when the human rights of our most marginalized citizens are protected. As we reflect on Pride Month and the dangers facing our community from extremist factions, it’s imperative that we work to safeguard our democracy so our voice – and our freedoms – can continue to flourish. Jerame Davis is the executive director of Pride at Work. http://dlvr.it/SrH527
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spoonsforminutes · 1 year
Medical Regulation on Trans Bodies
(*note: essay written in April 2021, summarized for tumblr)
The current biopolitical position on transgender healthcare restricts access to gender-affirming medical care by requiring a gender dysphoria diagnosis, and although Conservative proponents argue that gender dysphoria prevents non-trans from undergoing gender-affirming practices that they may later regret, requiring a diagnosis from a medical professional can further prevent trans patients from necessary healthcare as well as contribute towards social prejudice. Much like homosexuality in the DSM, the pathologicalization of gender identity through structural barriers promotes the damaging association that transgender identities are a disease/illness that can thus be "cured." Therefore, by modifying the biopolitical framework into an anatomo-political policy, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals can reestablish autonomy over their bodies and thus experience increased social equality.
Biopolitics is a philosophy founded by Michael Foucault which states "the regulation of human life processes and bodies...[is controlled] by political institutions and policies." Despite the political discourse that exists surrounding the role of government involvement on healthcare, government regulation is needed because in comparison to private companies whose only concern is to make a profit, the government generally maintains that practices and policies within healthcare are ultimately enacted to promote human health and wellbeing. Biopolitics can then be a good thing because it allows patients to be protected from harm; however, specific biopolitical policies can be crafted to encourage discrimination, specifically when addressing vulnerable minority populations. Historical precedent demonstrates that pathologicalization of social minorities occurs due to a lack of scientific understanding about different social groups, and thus medicine was used as a form of control by either attempting to eliminate the social identity (i.e. electroshock therapy for homosexuality) or to prove its inferiority (i.e. false medical papers claiming brain size of women and African Americans proved lack of intelligence). For transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, gender dysphoria as its defined in the DSM IV refers to the marked incongruence between gender identity and biological sex, and although gender dysphoria is an improvement from "gender identity disorder" which directly pathologizes the trans experience, the requirement for gender dysphoria has shifted the perspective towards transgender gender identities as a mental health issue, thus still encouraging the idea that transgender patients need curative treatments. Since medical diagnosis is required for any gender-affirming treatment, access barriers in receiving healthcare can prolong the emotional distress and worsen physical/mental health outcomes. Furthermore, discrimination and prejudice from healthcare workers can prevent access and lead to direct harm (e.g. abuse/harassment), so even when patients "prove" their identity, healthcare workers are placed in a biopolitical position of power where prejudice impedes their health and infringes on their rights. Ultimately, the current biopolitical environment for transgender healthcare devalues patient self-determination and infringes on rights that should be protected.
The definition of gender dysphoria is inadequate due to the lack of research surrounding transgender healthcare and the biological nature of gender/sex diversity. The Western gender binary is an outdated and incomplete theory that posits the development of biological sex through chromosomes and hormone levels while gender identity is developed through gender-influenced ideas on traditional masculinity and femininity that align with "inherent characteristics" of sex. Not only has history proven that concepts belonging to femininity and masculinity can change over time (i.e. shift from color blue for girls to pink for girls and blue for boys), but also scientific research prominently demonstrates the complexity in biological sex for humans and animals. Many animals can change sex during their lifetime (e.g. clownfish), and several people (known as intersex) are born with a chromosomal genotype that doesn't match the expected phenotype for strictly gender binary classification. Neuroscience has also debunked the myth of strictly male/female brains, further noting that gender cannot be easily mapped onto previously established biological sex differences because biology is a complicated mixture of gene expressions that change throughout a person's lifetime. The mere existence of gender non-conforming individuals challenges the notion that gender behaviors uniformly match gender identity; however, since the medical field relies on a list of standards that need to be met for a gender dysphoria diagnosis, healthcare workers tend to uphold binary assumptions about sex and gender that might not represent a particular patient. Thus, failing to perform gender in a certain way can prevent trans patients from accessing gender-affirming care and can damage necessary health behaviors like self-advocacy that are needed for patients to maintain positive health outcomes.
Through an anatomo-political position on biopolitics, transgender patients will have full bodily autonomy to pursue gender-affirming healthcare without direct interference from governmental entities. Michael Foucault defined anatomo-politics as the "discipline [that] tries to rule a multiplicity of men to the extent that their multiplicity can and must be dissolved into individual bodies that can be kept under surveillance." In the context of gender-affirming care, transgender patients will have full body autonomy over gender-affirming medical treatment which will allow more flexibility in gender expression and presentation. The government's role in terms of surveillance should only apply to gender-affirming medical treatment and its impacts on human health; government should only control aspects surrounding the safety, cost, and efficacy of providing treatment without harm. Specifically, research that examines both the long-term effects of sex hormone replacement therapy and its effects on patients with pre-existing conditions is sorely needed as much more research is available on queer identity and mental health. With more government regulation over the medical profession, prejudice and discrimination can be curtailed as the final decision over what treatment is appropriate is determined between patient and the body of medical research.
Because healthcare is privatized in the U.S., the healthcare system has no obligation to respect the freedoms and rights of any patient. This is seen time and time again with health insurance, pharmaceutical costs, and medical professionals dictating the accessibility of health and life despite the protection of life in the 14th Amendment. In a government where life and property appear in the same clause of protection, capitalism and the continued transition of public governmental power being handed over to privatized businesses has and will further reveal the failures of American politics.
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xtruss · 1 year
A Hypothetical Argument: America Is Again Failing Afghanistan’s Women—and Itself
(In Fact It Was ‘The War Criminal, Loser, Hypocrite, Hegemonic, Conspirator, Double-faced and Fake Democracy Preacher United States’ Who Destroyed The Afghanistan and Brought All Kind of Chaoses in a Peaceful Country. No One Can Deny It)
The deteriorating status of women under Taliban rule is a strategic disaster for Washington.
— By Xanthe Scharff | March 8, 2023 | Foreign Policy
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A burqa-clad Afghan woman walks past as a U.S. soldier belonging to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) keeps watch during a patrol outside Bagram airbase, 50 kilometers north of Kabul on February 28, 2009. Shah Marai/AFP via Getty Images
On Aug. 16, 2021, the day after Kabul fell to the Taliban and the United States began its hasty withdrawal, journalist Zahra Joya woke up in despair.
Joya, then 28, was a woman to be reckoned with. Eight months earlier, using money from her government salary, she founded Rukhshana Media, a newsroom committed to listening to women and telling their stories. By 2021, it had already produced articles that won international acclaim. Now, the Taliban threatened to dismantle all she had built.
Today, 18 months later, her newsroom is a fraction of what it once was, and most of her staff toil in secret. But they persist, often anonymously—shining a sliver of light into the increasingly dark world of the women of Afghanistan.
The United States and other Western governments should take note. The women of Afghanistan, after 20 years of relative freedom, will not be content to slink into the shadows. Their continued protest and fight are an essential lever of power for the United States and all other countries that share a stake in promoting recovery and ultimately peace and security in Afghanistan.
How a nation state empowers or disempowers women is a key predictor of how it will behave among the community of nations. More than two decades of research have affirmed that women are essential to security, and their well-being and empowerment play a determinant role in the prevention of war and assurance of peace. We also know that women have a central role in advancing democratic freedom.
Simply put, it is in the strategic interest of the United States to create and maintain a foreign policy that prioritizes women. To do so, it will first have to understand what it got so terribly wrong in Afghanistan.
Whatever Gains Women Made in Afghanistan During the past two decades have mostly slipped away over the last 18 months. In 2021, women held 27 percent of the seats in Afghanistan’s National Assembly, worked in government positions, and attended university. Afghanistan and the international community financed the training and deployment of thousands of midwives, reducing the maternal death rate from 1,600 women per 100,000 births in 2002 to 638 women per 100,000 births in 2017.
Now, a steady drumbeat of onerous restrictions ensure that women are kept in their homes, unable to access jobs, health care, and education. This year, the Taliban ordered all female health care workers to wear a full hijab, including face coverings. In late December 2022, Taliban leaders issued a decree that bars Afghan women from working for nongovernmental organizations. The lost income from barring women from the workforce could cost Afghanistan as much as 5 percent of its GDP or about $1 billion, according to the United Nations—plunging the country deeper into poverty, exacerbating food insecurity, and threatening stability.
The United States and its allies in the war on terrorism invested billions of dollars to bolster the status of women in Afghanistan, pushing programs to elevate basic health care, include women in governance, and advance educational opportunities. Many of them fell short.
For example, the Afghan Ministry of Interior Affairs—with support from the internationally funded, U.N.-administered Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan—set a goal of hiring 5,000 female police officers by June 2014, yet it failed to plan for and build restroom and locker room facilities to accommodate them. Afghanistan never reached its goal. That, in turn, created a counterinsurgency security gap. In a gender-segregated society, female police officers are essential for conducting searches of women at checkpoints. Now, some suicide bombers disguise themselves as women to evade searches.
We already know in many cases that the programs created to advance women’s inclusion lacked a key component: the voices of Afghan women on the ground, the only people who truly understand how to navigate the strictures of Afghanistan’s male-controlled society. The United States’ 2017 Women, Peace, and Security Act affirms that women’s rights should be at the center of peace and security planning. Yet in the reality of the war-fighting bureaucracy, women are often an afterthought. Indeed, the U.S. National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy, two essential documents that guide the country’s peace and security posture, included few references to gender issues except with regard to gender-based violence.
Engaging in a war and subsequent stability operation without this key intelligence has real consequences. The United States “often struggled to understand or mitigate the cultural and social barriers to supporting women and girls,” which led U.S. agencies to set unrealistic goals, wrote John Sopko, special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, in his August 2021 report, “Lessons From Twenty Years of Afghanistan Reconstruction.” As Melanne Verveer, executive director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, pointed out at a recent Atlantic Council panel I moderated, had the United States done more to empower women and done it better, Afghanistan might look different today. “When the dust settles and we finally go back and analyze all the things that went wrong [in Afghanistan], one of them will certainly be that we did not fully ensure the meaningful participation of women in Afghanistan,” Verveer said.
These shortcomings deserve close examination, both for reasons of accountability and the potential to learn from these mistakes. From its start, the George W. Bush administration used women’s rights and empowerment as a justification for its war in Afghanistan. “The fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of women,” then-first lady Laura Bush said during the administration’s weekly radio address, delivered on Nov. 17, 2001—a little more than a month after U.S. ground troops began their assault. She focused on the suffering of women and children under the brutal rule of the Taliban. In the Obama administration, then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the Taliban that women’s rights were nonnegotiable, and she led efforts to advance understanding of the connection between gender and security within government.
Yet 20 years of war and more than $2 trillion later, the Taliban are back in power, and women are once again veiled, shut in their homes, and excluded from civic life. Given the grandeur of past gender goals and scope of the United States’ failure, U.S. taxpayers deserve a reckoning. The U.S. response to the fall of Kabul raises stark questions about whether women’s rights are valued, especially in the midst of a crisis. As the Taliban took over Kabul, officials scrambled—caught off guard—and turned to civil society to help evacuate and get visas for women leaders, who faced imminent danger.
If The United States Wants To Maintain Peace, Stabilize rogue nations, and ensure that its next military endeavor succeeds, it must examine how its policies and practices to support and empower women went so dreadfully wrong in Afghanistan. We need to know what went well so we can replicate it—and what failed so we can fix it.
The bipartisan Afghanistan War Commission is tasked by Congress with conducting a review of U.S. military, intelligence, foreign assistance, and diplomatic involvement in Afghanistan. The 16 commissioners include only two women, a composition that hardly lives up to the United States’ own Women, Peace, and Security Act, which affirms the importance of women having a full seat at the policymaking table. If this commission is tasked with examining 20 years of involvement in Afghanistan and gleaning the lessons learned with regard to women’s rights, then it is seemingly off to a poor start.
Afghanistan—the failures endured and the inroads achieved—provides some of the most important potential policymaking lessons in recent history related to applying a gender lens to foreign policy, lessons that stand to be lost if not given their full due by this commission. Gender issues are such a pervasive contributor to the United States’ failures in the country that one could argue they deserve to stand at the center of this effort, if not as a stand-alone commission.
We don’t know—and may never know—whether a different approach to women’s rights and empowerment in Afghanistan would have changed the outcome, but we need to ask the questions. The findings should inform U.S. security strategy going forward.
Until we have better answers, we must do what we can to keep what little the United States built for the women in Afghanistan from crumbling further and to support Afghan women leaders, both inside and outside the country, who have established inroads to support others—even if the effort takes decades. The Taliban are erasing women from public life in Afghanistan, wrote Richard Bennett, U.N. special rapporteur on Afghanistan, in a recent report. Women said they feel targeted and unsafe, but “they continue to resist violations of their human rights,” he wrote. “We know that what has happened to us is not right. Some of us could have left the country, but we did not. We decided to stay and fight for women’s place in Afghan society,” the women told Bennett.
Afghan women don’t have the option to walk away from the consequences of the failed promises that now govern their daily lives. The U.S. government shouldn’t either. The United States cannot hide in the shadow of its failures and hope to dodge its responsibilities. The situation is dire, and the world is watching.
The arc of history is long. If the United States give up on supporting women in a forceful way, then it will pay for it down the line. Not investing in the well-being of women is a factor in military failure. If the United States and its allies want any chance at maintaining stability and security in the region, then they must support women leaders at every level, both in and outside of Afghanistan, to promote immediate and long-term work as well as spur other countries to do the same. Most importantly, they must listen to the women of Afghanistan. That’s why we at the Fuller Project continue to support Afghanistan’s female journalists by publishing their stories and amplifying their voices—women like Joya.
Joya’s life in Afghanistan mirrors the triumphs and struggles of the women and girls of Afghanistan. She began her life under Taliban rule, dressing as a boy to attend her elementary school. In 2001, after the United States chased the Taliban from the country, Joya shed her disguise, finished her education, and embarked on her journalism career. She was often the only woman in the newsroom. The absence of women’s voices motivated her to create Rukhshana Media, named for a young woman stoned to death by the Taliban.
Joya belongs to a generation of women who experienced an Afghan society free of the Taliban. She is accustomed to freedom, and she feels its absence acutely. She feels, she said, like she has traveled back in time.
These days, Joya works in exile after Taliban threats against female journalists forced her to flee Kabul. She edits stories from her remaining colleagues in Afghanistan. When the Taliban took power in August 2021, 2,490 women worked as journalists. By December 2021, that number had dwindled to 410, according to Reporters Without Borders.
“It’s very painful and sad,” Joya told actress Angelina Jolie in an interview for Time magazine’s Women of the Year. “Honestly, we don’t do simple journalism these days; we are trying to write for our freedom.”
She is ready to do her part to pull Afghanistan back. She wants to hire more journalists, tell more stories, and maintain the freedom of expression she sees as her birthright.
That is democracy building worthy of investment.
— Xanthe Scharff is the CEO and Co-founder of The Fuller Project, the Global Newsroom dedicated to groundbreaking journalism that catalyzes positive change for women.
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