#plenty of other much more logical explanations
prisonpodcast · 14 days
I think the reason why a lot of non-fans of Dream think his face reveal is the main reason for his decline in viewership despite that being a completely ridiculous explanation for it is because the face reveal is the only thing about him that they personally care about. They don’t understand that the people who actually watch him were always here for his Minecraft videos / him as a person and his face reveal was never the main focus for us like actual fans of his videos were never going to stop watching just because we know what he looks like now please be serious 😭
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
I have really mixed feelings about the small proportion of F/F fiction (original or fanfic), because yeah sure, people have their desires, they should write what they want, I get it. It all works out when I hear it from person to person. But somehow the logic only ever applies in one direction? "There are more male protagonists because men only care about male characters! Women also mostly care about male characters, because that's the majority of characters they get!" And then somehow we also yet kvetch when men write female characters (because it's incorrectly or something, nevermind if women are writing male characters correctly). Why don't we expect gay men to feel compelled only by femslash for the same reasons (but gender swapped) as the lesbian slashers/fujoshi? All of those very rational justifications are applied selectively, "for me for not for thee," and it all only leads to "idk I just don't wanna write femslash", for Reasons. Do we get to call them microaggressions yet?
No, you don't get to call other people's fantasy life a microaggression.
That is indeed "for me but not for thee" in the sense that you get to want what you want but other people aren't supposed to follow their id.
Do you also police gay men who spend too much time on drag and obsessing over female divas? That's an actual real world behavior that's somewhat equivalent. It frequently goes unchallenged, at least by progressives, because men are allowed to do whatever they want with chick stuff, while women are "stealing" if they dare to stray into dude stuff.
(God, I've seen so much more policing of drag kings being ~problematic~ for acting out stereotypical gender than policing of drag queens for the same. It's nuts!)
Fujoshi are often queer, but it's absurd to think we're mostly lesbians. We tend to be bi or asexual women with gender stuff going on, though there is a mix of everybody, including lesbians. There are also a lot of AFAB non-women who get lumped in with us. On the rare occasions I find a man willing to admit to being a similar demographic, he usually does like gender play in his hobbies and entertainment. It's just that men face even more pressure than women do to fit into tidy categories. Bi women get told we're whores. Bi men are told they don't exist.
Yes, I know plenty of lesbians who write more m/m than f/f, but in the big picture of all of AO3 or all of fanfic or all of media, they aren't the demographic driving these numbers. They're vastly outnumbered by the bi women, the asexual women, and the straight and gnc women.
The men we should be looking at as an equivalent aren't cis gay men but bicurious soy boys and the like.
Do most of us fujoshi object to equivalent men doing an equivalent thing? I've seen it sometimes, and I agree it's hypocritical. I'd like us to afford men the same ability to play and take on identities in their art. I remember enjoying Ranma fandom back in the day and reading quite a lot of f/f that was probably by men. It had some of that same sense of distance and fantasy that I so enjoy in m/m aimed at fujoshi. (I do consume some by-cis-gay, for-cis-gay content, both m/m and f/f, but it's often too literal and too bound up in specific named identities for my taste.)
On average, the people I see complaining most about men producing f/f material are the same people who think that because I have a clit, I should center my life around women exclusively. In other words, people spouting radfem ideology, perhaps on purpose or perhaps without realizing.
I do agree that some of the ways of expressing a lack of desire to write femslash can get pretty douchey. I want us to move away from some of the less accurate ones like "There are no compelling female characters" because of this.
But the reason for all these jerkass explanations is that women and people perceived as women who like m/m are constantly asked to explain ourselves. These aren't usually microaggressions: they're openly hostile. People get defensive and try to answer with important-sounding reasons about identity and pain because society at large won't accept "I like this" as the true explanation.
Pleasure is never enough of a reason for a woman to do something.
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fazedlight · 6 months
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“KARA!” Lena screamed. I killed her, Lena grieved.
She didn’t have time to linger as Eve attacked her again, Lena throwing one last punch before she found herself scrambling out of her jet. The explosion killed her, Lena’s mind shouted, thrashing in agony, a litany of damnation that she should never have brought Kara to Kaznia in the first place. It’s all my fault.
But to her astonishment, in the dark, a figure shifted ahead - blonde and burning and bright, and Lena thought for half a second to run back for the fire extinguisher, that Kara might be saved.
But as the figure turned, somehow unaffected by the flames that adorned her like a god, Lena halted. Kara looked concerned, confused. But she didn’t look injured.
Lena’s eyes drifted lower, to the bright S now etched on Kara’s chest, solid blue emerging amidst her burnt clothing. “Kara…”
“Lena,” Kara breathed, reluctance written on her face.
Lena hesitated a moment longer, before taking step after careful step, approaching the reporter as the embers continued to burn across her body. Lena’s hand drifted to the top of the suit’s crest, just below Kara’s neck, where yellow met red. Oh.
It was too much - the whiplash of the explosion, thinking that Lena had carelessly killed her best friend, to realizing that the reporter had once thrown that’s not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family back in her face.
Kara Danvers was her best friend. Did she ever really exist?
“Lena…” Kara whispered again.
Lena dropped her hand, her eyes raised to Kara’s, looking her over again. “Don’t,” she said. Without another word, Lena turned on her heel, and went back to her jet.
The flight back from Kaznia was longer alone.
Plenty of time for Lena to fume and grieve, for her to rage internally at weathering yet another deceit. Kara Danvers - or whatever the hell she was really called - had used her, betrayed her, spied on her. 
Somewhere in the back of Lena’s mind, there was a different acknowledgment - that her glide ratio in her custom-designed jet was good, but not good enough to reach the Kaznian runway when the engines had failed. That her assumption at the time that mountain updrafts had saved her ran contrary to the now-more-obvious explanation - that the kryptonian had saved her from aviation incidents three times now. 
Lena looked out the side of the window, where dawn was slowly rising. She desperately needed sleep, but was too wired from watching her best friend be blown up - and then revealed to be a traitor - and sleep was just… not going to happen. 
Lena could swear that she was seeing glints of red and blue, just behind her plane, a kryptonian possibly trying to stay out of sight while still being protective. It was infuriating.
It’s not Kara, Lena’s mind begged, trying to convince herself that the dead kryptonian was the clone she had learned about in Kaznia. It can’t be Kara.
It was with overwhelming horror that Lena watched the footage of Kaznia’s failed invasion, her brother parading around a dead kryptonian in his lexosuit arms, the supposed traitor Supergirl. 
He was a hero. For killing her. It can't be Kara. It can’t it can’t it can’t-
Trying to still her trembling fingers, Lena picked up her phone, trying to figure out what to text, what to say, anything to get a response from the kryptonian that she had shut out. Operating out of instinct more than logic, she pressed Kara’s name to start a call instead, holding it up to her ear, her stomach twisting with nausea.
But luckily, it only took one ring before Lena heard a familiar voice on the other end. “Lena,” Kara said softly
Lena pulled the phone away, and hung up.
There was no other choice in her mind. Not when Lex had regained legitimacy in the eyes of the country by “saving” it from Supergirl’s attack. Not when Lex sought to commit a secret genocide to solve the energy crisis and be named a hero. Not when Lena was the only person who would know where Lex would go.
Not when all Lena could see was Lex cradling Red Daughter in his arms.
The image was burned into her mind, and all Lena knew was that Kara was next - Lex would not rest until every kryptonian was gone. And Kara would be too kind and noble to seek anything but legal justice. But that wasn’t Lena - it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kill Morgan Edge, it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kidnap her mother from prison and poison her, it wasn’t Lena when she tucked her gun in her belt that morning.
A single bullet to the head, and Lex was gone.
Kara’s door opened just a few seconds before Lena reached it. Lena supposed Kara could hear her down the hall.
Lena ignored the shock and concern on Kara’s face as she stepped inside, making her way to Kara’s window as Kara closed the door. Truth was, she still couldn’t face Kara at all.
“I’m sorry, Lena,” Kara started. “I tried to save-”
“Don’t,” Lena said.
Kara grew quiet, flanking Lena’s side, joining her as Lena stared out onto the streets below. Lena shifted. “I thought she was you,” Lena said. “When Lex killed her, I thought she was you.”
She could feel Kara shrink, uncertain of what to say, of how to move forward. And maybe Lena didn’t know either. But she could try. If… “Is Kara real?” Lena asked, her voice cracking. “Or just a mask?”
“I’m real,” Kara whispered, prompting Lena to finally turn. And Lena couldn’t help herself, seeking the warmth of Kara’s arms, the kryptonian all too happy to wrap Lena in a tight hug as Lena stepped into it. “I… sometimes I feel more real with you than anyone else.”
Lena swallowed harshly, burying her face into Kara’s shoulder, holding back a tremble. “I want to believe you.”
“I’ll spend a lifetime trying to prove it,” Kara whispered. “If you’ll let me.”
Lena took a slow, trembling breath. “Okay.”
Idea taken from a tweet I saw floating around. If you're interested in a longer season 4 reveal, I also wrote No One and Nothing.
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syuga-s · 5 months
my love mine all mine
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w.c 7.8 k pairing. Johnny x afab!reader genre. fluff, angst, slight smut a/n. MDNI!!!!! people are a mess in the first part, a.k.a. cheaters, Jaehyun and Mark cameo!, there's a part with smut [don't hesitate to skip it, it's very fluffy overall tho] tiny alcohol consumption nothing crazy 🤝
t/w. the smut obviously and an uncomfortable moment with a friend[Jaehyun]
It all started when Sarah's boyfriend found out she was cheating. He was a mess, not knowing what to do or who to turn to, he came to you to try and find some sense of the situation.
Tuesday morning. He was waiting for you to get out of your class. Your friend, Lisa, was with you, both trying to discuss an upcoming test. But Jaehyun didn't care about that, nor the fact that they would be hearing about his problem. He knew that it was only a matter of time until every single soul on campus would know about his relationship and the fact that his girlfriend was a cheater.
He made sure to tell you everything he knew and how he found out. Jaehyun wanted you to help him find who was she cheating with. Matter of fact he already had someone in mind, actually.
Sarah's been one of your best friends since 13 years ago. If someone were to know her best, it was you or Danielle. But Jaehyun came to you, so now you had to get into their little mess. Which maybe you shouldn't have but, here we are.
Jaehyun planned this. He saw the opportunity now that Sarah had gone to an engineering seminar this week and wouldn't be coming back until Sunday night. It would give him plenty of time to figure some things out.
Jaehyun thought Sarah was cheating on him with Johnny.
They were at the same seminar out of town, so it was checking out for him.
But it couldn't be Johnny?
Johnny was with you.
Your thing was a secret though, it's been months since you started seeing each other.
It was your decision for you to be a secret, Johnny accepted it without thinking twice, all he wanted was for you to be with him, people knowing or not didn't matter to him.
Johnny was 2 years older. You’d met him at a café. You knew you wanted to be with him when you realized you were a shy mess the following times you were around him. To him, you had this cute baby energy that was much more than what you let everyone else see. He was sure he wanted to be with you based on how he felt when your eyes decided to look at him.
He didn't want to put much thought into why you decided to keep everything a secret. Secretly he was a romantic who had traditional dating views, styles, approaches. Whatever you want to call it. But he liked the change you represented in his life. He then also decided that he wanted to be with you and that having a secret relationship didn't necessarily mean you couldn't go out on dates or do what every couple does. Except act like one when you're around friends.
You didn't exactly kept his existence a secret. You just started introducing him to your friends without much explanation. He was your Johnny. You all hung out together as if he was just a new addition to the group. You didn't know if your friends were oblivious to the vibe you and Johnny had or just acted like it for your sake. Nevertheless, everyone was happy to have him around, he was like everyone's best friend, especially Sarah and Danielle’s. Which made you happy, too.
As much as they were your best friends, you didn't want to tell them about your relationship with him. Nothing personal but, it was just something you wanted to keep between yourself and him.
It was Thursday and you sent Johnny a text when you woke up. "Are you coming home with me as soon as you arrive on Sunday?" You knew he was going to, he had told you so way before he left.
It's just that you've been feeling weird all week. Everyone had messed up with your head and your relationship. Everyone had logical arguments about how Johnny and Sarah had something going on. Regardless of you knowing that Johnny wouldn't do that to you. It had you second-thinking about what you had decided earlier in the relationship. "If everyone had known we were together, this wouldn't be happening". It had you feeling insecure and sure you made a mistake in hiding what you had with your boyfriend.
But also, what's so special about Sarah and Johnny's relationship that had people thinking they were seeing each other? More importantly, something so special that was making your best friend cheat on her boyfriend.
Sarah and Johnny were both engineer majors and ever since you introduced them you knew they were going to get along well. So it didn't come as a shock to you that they texted every now and then. Him being far ahead of her made sense to you for them to talk outside your gatherings. Still, there were two times when she made you feel weird about it all. Which you couldn't help but think about while all of this was unfolding.
Johnny told you she had reached out to him through Facebook a while ago, and you thought nothing about it. But that time when she sent a screenshot to the group chat about them talking about some football match that was coming up, had you kinda confused. But nothing that you couldn't talk yourself out of. They were being friends and that was some normal friend talk.
But that second time. My god, that second time.
You and all your friends were planning to go out one night. Danielle, Sarah, and you were the ones deciding where to go. Simple as that. But a text made you feel as if someone slapped your face out of nowhere. "I already invited Johnny!!!!" What the fuck.
Next thing you knew, you were shouting to yourself in your room. "Doesn't she have a boyfriend? WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING INVITING MINE?!!" It was loud enough, trust me.
But as soon as those words came out of your mouth, Johnny texted you.
? Attached 1 picture.
As simple as his action was, it comforted you in all the ways you needed. Knowing that his course of action was to ask you what was going on felt huge. Your negative feelings didn't even have room to grow because he made sure to let you know that his mind was with you. Later in the day, when he got to your apartment, you both talked about how weird that was. You told Johnny you felt a pang of jealousy as soon as you saw her text. "I have no intentions of sharing you, I hope you know that".
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The seminar came to an end, and Sarah would return from her trip that night. Jaehyun needed to talk to someone at this very moment. His anxiety consumed him, still not knowing how to talk to your best friend, his girlfriend.
It also meant that Johnny would be coming home to you tonight. You guessed that going out and getting back before him would be alright. So you let him know that you were out with Jaehyun and some other friends.
While you were in a smoke break outside of the bar where everyone was, you were casually talking with Jaehyun.
He began sharing his thoughts about all of that was unfolding with Sarah.
You were the only best friend Jaehyun had, the only person who knew how to really listen to him, so he figured he could sort out his feelings and his thoughts and you’d help.
He asked if you thought an individual could talk or even kiss someone else without meaning anything while still being in a relationship.
You said you didn't know. You said you were still a romantic at heart, so if you were already with someone you wouldn't dare break the trust they had in you. “I can’t even imagine doing that.”
He started telling you that in all his previous relationships, all the friends of the particular girlfriend, flirted and crossed the line with him. He explicitly said that he thought that those things didn't matter, that if he played along with them was because they meant nothing to him, it was plain fun for him.
You told him you understood what he was saying. “It all comes down to how you feel about your partner.”
“Hell as long as you get to that kind of arrangement with them I think it’d be alright .”
He asked if you had cheated before.
”Well, basically yes, but it didn't count because the guy wasn't even my boyfriend.” — “I did hook up with two of his friends at the time.” You let out a bitter laugh at the thought.
He kept explaining to you how he felt or what he usually feels in order to have an ‘affair’. You were expecting it. You didn't want the words to get out of his mouth, but you did expect them, dreading them.
"What if we did that?" — "I get along pretty well with you, you're literally so cool, you listen to me, there's plenty of reasons for me to want to kiss you and I know it won't be a bad thing.”
A mix of emotions flooded through you—confusion, shock. You had built a strong bond with Jaehyun, but this proposition was dangerous territory, threatening the very foundation of your friendship.
You turned your eyes to look at the door of the bar you had in front and took a drag of your cigarette. Then you patted Jaehyun’s back. In that moment, you had a choice to make—one that would have lasting consequences. And as you looked into Jaehyun’s eyes, you gathered the strength to respond, your voice laced with a mix of resolution and vulnerability.
“Let’s not risk losing this friendship Jae.” You continued. “You’re just going through something difficult.”
Later that night, Jaehyun offered to give you a ride home. Little did you know that this ride would become a turning point, a catalyst for even more confusion. As you sat in the passenger seat, a heavy tension filled the air, palpable and suffocating.
Jaehyun’s actions spoke volumes, even as words remained unspoken. His fingers found their way to your hand, and with each stroke, you could feel the weight of his struggle. It was a dangerous dance, a forbidden connection that should never have existed, considering he was still in a relationship with Sarah.
His fingers began to stroke yours, tracing delicate patterns that mirrored the delicate intricacies of the connection he was feeling. Each movement was laden with tenderness, as if he was wanting to caress not just your hand, but your very soul. The weight of his actions was palpable, his touch carrying the knowledge that he shouldn't be doing this, that it crossed boundaries he had vowed to respect.
Yet, at that moment, all rational thought faded into insignificance, overshadowed by the rawness of your friendship. It was as if time stood still, allowing this stolen moment to unfold, heedless of the consequences it may bring.
Jaehyun’s touch spoke volumes, whispering secrets and desires that words could never fully convey.
Confusion engulfed your mind as you wrestled with conflicting emotions. The lines blurred, and the boundaries you thought were steadfast began to crumble. What did his touch mean? Was it a desperate plea for solace, a cry for understanding, or simply a selfish act of betrayal? You longed for the ride to end, hoping that escaping the confined space of the car would offer clarity or, at the very least, a respite from the swirling chaos.
With each stroke, Jaehyun seemed to etch this moment into his memory. The lines of your palm, the delicate curve of your fingers—everything became a canvas for his affectionate exploration.
As the weight of the moment hung in the air, you turned to the simple act of resting your head on the window of Jaehyun’s car. It was an instinctual response, a way to create a sense of shielding yourself from the intensity of his gaze.
Your decision to avert your eyes from his was partly out of avoidance.
Instead, your gaze traveled to the entwined hands—his and yours—held together in a delicate embrace.
Every passing moment dragged on, the silence between you both growing more deafening with each mile. The weight of unspoken words hung heavy, suffocating any chance for coherent thought. You were trapped in a labyrinth of tangled emotions, desperately seeking an escape route.
As you finally arrived at your place, a mix of relief and apprehension washed over you. Stepping out of the car, you felt an invisible tether snap, freeing you from the suffocating atmosphere that had clouded your judgment. It was a brief respite, a momentary release from the confusion that threatened to consume you.
He stepped out of the car and walked around to your side, an unspoken understanding passing between you. The weight of the situation hung in the air, as both of you knew that this moment was crucial.
Jaehyun walked beside you, his presence a comforting yet conflicting force. With every step, the space between you seemed to hold a thousand unspoken words that danced on the edge of forbidden territory.
In that fleeting moment, Jaehyun enveloped you in a hug, his embrace both weird yet familiar. His lips brushed against your cheek in a gentle, lingering kiss, leaving a trace of longing and uncertainty in its wake.
Your heart raced, conflicted emotions swirling within you like a tempest. It was a bittersweet gesture, filled with affection and desire, but also tinged with the knowledge of the boundaries that had been crossed. At that moment, the weight of your choices and their consequences hung heavily upon your shoulders.
As you pulled away from the embrace, a mixture of gratitude and unease flooded your being. The complexity of the situation became even more apparent. It was a crossroad, a moment where you had to decide which relationships to prioritize and the impact of your actions on those you cared about.
With a heavy heart, you watched Jaehyun get back to his car, his presence lingering in your thoughts. The echoes of the night resonated within you.
Closing the door behind you, you stood alone in the quiet of your home. The boundaries of your friendships had been tested.
How could Jaehyun and Sarah betray each other in such a way? And why did you have to get dragged into the picture? Guilt gnawed at your conscience.
The glow from your phone screen caught your attention. It was a message from Johnny, a simple yet deeply caring question: "Did you get home safe, baby? I’m on my way to you already" The term of endearment made your heart flutter.
The contrasting emotions of the evening surged within you, creating a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Jaehyun’s touch still lingered, the weight of his actions pressing against your conscience. And yet, Johnny's message served as a grounding force, a reminder of the love you had with him.
Your mind raced as you contemplated how to respond. Part of you yearned to pour out the complexities of the evening, to share the turmoil that had taken hold of your heart. But another part of you hesitated, fearful of making Johnny think that you had betrayed the trust and connection you had built with him.
In the end, you chose to respond with a simple yet reassuring message: "Yes, I'm home safe baby. thanks for asking, are you close??" It was a way to acknowledge his concern and to convey that you were physically safe, without delving into the emotional turmoil that had unfolded.
As you hit send, a sense of guilt washed over you. You knew that secrets were corrosive to relationships, and the weight of the unspoken weighed heavily on your conscience.
Taking a deep breath, you resolved to confront the complexity of your emotions head-on.
As the weight of the evening's events continued to bear down on you, a profound longing for the comfort and solace of Johnny's presence overwhelmed your senses. The internal turmoil left you yearning for his loving embrace, the reassurance that only he could provide.
Unable to ignore the depth of your emotions any longer, you found yourself typing out another message to Johnny. The words flowed from your fingertips, carrying the raw vulnerability that consumed your being. "My love, I need to tell you something and it can’t wait, pls tell me you’re literally at the door :("
In that moment, it wasn't just the physical act of being in Johnny's arms that you craved—it was the emotional refuge that he offered. His hugs had always been a balm for your soul, a source of comfort that could ease the most burdensome of thoughts. It was in his embrace that you found solace and a sense of belonging.
As you hit send, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursed through you. You hoped that Johnny would understand the urgency and depth of your plea, recognizing the vulnerability that compelled you to reach out immediately a second time.
With each passing second, you anxiously awaited his response, your heart beating in rhythm with the ticking clock. The silence seemed interminable, the weight of your own emotions threatening to drown out the world around you.
And then, just as doubt began to creep in, a familiar chime cut through the air, signaling the arrival of a message from Johnny. The screen illuminated with his words of reassurance and love, providing a lifeline for your aching heart. "your man is here baby".
As you welcomed your boyfriend, you jumped to embrace him in a warm, comforting hug, one that you needed the most. The weight of the evening's events began to lift, replaced by a sense of security and love. His laughter filled the room, serving as a gentle reminder that you were not alone in navigating the complexities of life and relationships.
Together, you made your way to bed, seeking the solace of shared intimacy. As you nestled into the comfort of the covers, you knew that Johnny was the only person you could confide in about the events that had unfolded. With him, there was an unspoken trust.
You began narrating the events of the past week, from the moment Jaehyun entered your life with his troubled relationship to the intense car ride and the conflicting emotions that had left you feeling wounded by it all.
The anguish in your voice was evident as you lamented the pain of being treated like a mere object and the disappointment that came from those you had trusted betraying your friendship. The thought of Jaehyun, the boyfriend of your best friend, crossing boundaries with you weighed heavily on your conscience, and you asked Johnny for forgiveness for allowing it to happen.
“I don't know, Johnny. It's just...everything with Jaehyun and Sarah. It's all been so overwhelming.” You sighed.
“It's just been a lot to process. Like, I never expected Jaehyun to come to me for help with his relationship problems. And then there's the whole thing with people saying Sarah is cheating on him with you...it's just a mess.”
His furrowed brows and slightly parted lips revealed his dumbfounded state.
"Wait, what?" Johnny's voice held a note of genuine bewilderment. He couldn't help but feel a rush of confusion as he tried to reconcile the events you were describing with the relationship he knew he had with you.
As you continued, mentioning the rumors about Sarah cheating on her boyfriend with him, Johnny's eyes widened in disbelief. His mind raced, attempting to make sense of how such unfounded rumors could have circulated. It was clear that he was taken aback, not just by the situation itself, but also by the fact that people could even suggest such a thing.
His eyes locked onto yours, searching for a thread of understanding. "Sarah and me? Cheating?" His voice held a mix of disbelief and genuine innocence. "I mean, she’s your best friend, I think she’s nice, but I've never had any kind of romantic ~thing~ with her. I don't know where that shit’s coming from."
“I know, Johnny. That's why I love what we have. There's no one else I have ever trusted more than you.” — “and it pains me because all this week I’ve been beating myself up for not telling everyone that you’re mine, if I had done that simple action, none of this would have happened.”
But as you continued, recounting the intensity of the car ride and the pain you felt from being betrayed by someone you considered a friend, Johnny's brows furrowed. The pain in your voice resonated with him, the depth of your emotions hitting close to home.
Your words hung in the air, a tangible weight that both of you felt deeply. And then, when you asked for his forgiveness, for letting that happen.
A mixture of surprise and sadness washed over Johnny's features. He gently reached out, his fingers lifting your chin so that your eyes met his.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice a gentle reassurance. "You don't need to ask for my forgiveness. You've done nothing wrong. You're not responsible for other people's actions, and you definitely don't have to say sorry for our relationship, remember I agreed to this too."
“We’re not at fault for all the mistakes your friends are making.”
He hated that you felt like that and even realized that he loved you more than he thought when he reminisced about the part when you told Jaehyun that you would never imagine breaking your partner's trust.
“Johnny. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
He wrapped his arms around you and said “You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere baby.” — “No one has ever placed such unwavering trust in me before. Thank you for not believing what everyone was saying about Sarah and me.”
As the moonlight gently spilled into the room, the ambiance was serene, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation. Your heart pounded, echoing in your ears, you were sat on the edge of the bed.
Your eyes locked with Johnny's. In that moment, it felt as if time ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the connection between you.
Your conversation had been filled with intense emotions, revealing the depths of your love for each other. It had been a delicate dance of vulnerability. The tension between you grew with every word shared, until it reached its peak, and the both of you knew without a doubt that this was the moment you had been waiting for all week.
Johnny, with eyes that glimmered with affection, moved closer to you, his hand instinctively brushing against yours. You could feel the heat radiate from his touch, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. Your fingers delicately intertwined, the electricity between them intensified, creating an invisible force that drew you closer together.
When Jaehyun's hand enveloped yours, there was an air of tension, an undercurrent of fickleness that seemed to color the interaction. The touch left you feeling unsettled, a sense of discomfort gnawing at your thoughts. The weight of his actions created an atmosphere of unease, one that was difficult to shake off.
In contrast, when Johnny held your hand, the sensation was entirely different. His touch was gentle yet firm, a silent promise of support and unwavering love for you. The warmth that radiated from his grasp was a balm for your soul, a reminder that you were not alone in facing whatever was thrown at you. It was a touch that spoke volumes, conveying his devotion and understanding without the need for words.
With Johnny, everything felt like —a tangible expression of the love and trust you shared. His touch exuded a sense of safety, an assurance that you were cherished and protected. The way his fingers intertwined with yours felt like an unspoken vow, a reminder that he was there to stand by your side through thick and thin.
Jaehyun's touch left you questioning his intentions, while Johnny's touch reaffirmed your bond. The contrast between the two experiences illustrated the power of genuine connection versus superficial gestures.
In that instance, your gazes became magnets, irresistibly pulling them toward each other. Your lips inches apart, you nervously shared breaths, your anticipation building with every passing second. You could feel the rise and fall of Johnny's chest, mirroring your own erratic heartbeat.
With bated breath, you closed your eyes, surrendering yourselves completely to the moment.
Your lips met, igniting a spark that could set the world aflame. It started slowly, a gentle exploration of passion, expressing more than mere words ever could. Your mouths moved together with a tenderness, a delicate dance that conveyed their longing, desire, and most of all, a profound love that had been waiting to be unleashed.
As your kiss deepened, your connection became more intense, an intertwining of souls. Every touch, every lingering caress, manifested your commitment to each other. Time stood still, and the rest of the world faded into the background, completely irrelevant in the face of your love.
You broke apart only when the need for breath became too strong, your foreheads resting against each other. You were breathless, your eyes searching each other for confirmation, for the knowledge that this night had sealed your fate together.
Johnny knew that this kiss was not merely a physical connection.
As you continued to hold each other, your hands instinctively explored, fingers gently tracing the contours of each other's backs. A soft sigh escaped your lips.
Your bodies molded together seamlessly, every curve and contour fitting as if you were two halves of a whole. In the warmth of the moment, an unspoken longing hung in the air. Your eyes met a connection sparking like a flame. Time seemed to slow, stretching the moment into eternity. And in that perfect stillness, both knew what was about to unfold.
Your lips brushed together in a tentative, feather-light touch, a whisper of a promise. The sensation sent shivers down his spine.
With a newfound urgency, your lips met properly once again.
This time with an intensity that mirrored the depth of your emotions. His kisses deepened, a symphony of desire and longing intertwining your souls. You lost yourselves in the exquisite dance of your mouths, tongues caressing and exploring, a sensual rhythm that spoke volumes of your shared passion.
The world around you ceased to exist as your bodies molded together. Hands roamed with fervor, fingers tangling in hair, tracing the contours of backs, and gripping onto each other as if you were afraid to let go.
You leaned back against the pillows behind you with a contented smile. Johnny couldn't resist reaching out to trace the curve of your neckline with his finger, causing you to shiver pleasantly. His hand lingered there for a moment longer than necessary, taking in the softness of your skin and the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
You closed your eyes, savoring the warmth spreading throughout your body as Johnny's touch ignited a fiery sensation within you. You bit your lip gently, trying to suppress the moan that threatened to escape from your throat.
Across the room, Johnny watched in awe as your expression transformed from calm serenity to burning desire right before his very eyes. His heart raced with anticipation, eager to explore the depths of emotion that lay hidden behind those captivating brown eyes.
"Baby," he whispered hoarsely, reaching out to cup your face in his hands. "Do you want me right now?"
You nodded without hesitation, your lips parting slightly to reveal the soft pink flesh inside. Johnny couldn't resist the urge to dip his head forward and capture those lips with his own, kissing you deeply and passionately until you both lost track of time.
He could feel your breath coming faster and shallower, your chest rising and falling against his own.
Your eyes remained closed, lost in the ecstasy of his kisses as he trailed them down your jawline to your neck. He suckled gently at the tender skin there, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from your lips.
In response, Johnny grew bolder, exploring the contours of your body with his hands. He slid them underneath your shirt, tracing the curves of your waist and hips before moving higher up to stroke the sensitive flesh above your breasts.
You let out a sharp intake of breath, arching your back as waves of pleasure coursed through your body.
Johnny paused for a moment, savoring the sight of your bared torso quivering with excitement. Then, with a determined smile, he unfastened the clasp of your bra and pushed it aside, revealing two perfect mounds that trembled enticingly before him.
His lips parted hungrily as he captured one nipple between his teeth, suckling hard until it stood erect under his tongue.
You writhed restlessly against him, whimpering softly as you arched your back even further. Johnny moved on to your other breast, lavishing equal attention upon it, eliciting cries of delight and helpless arousal from your lips. Your breath came faster still, the soft rise and fall of your chest intensifying your need for him.
The sounds of your mutual desire filled the otherwise silent room, creating an erotic scenery that only heightened the intensity of this very moment.
Unable to contain himself any longer, Johnny took your hands in his own, lifting them to guide you toward the edge of the bed. With gentle precision, he helped you lie down beside him, your delicate frame curving gracefully into the indentations left behind by his body. Your hearts thundered wildly in sync, a rhythm that spoke volumes about the passion burning within you both.
A shudder ran through you as you stretched your legs wide apart, inviting Johnny to come closer.
Your gaze locked once again, conveying a mixture of desire and tenderness. Johnny lowered himself carefully between your thighs, his muscular form seeming larger and more powerful now in comparison to your figure.
Slowly, he began to move his hands along your thighs, causing your breath to catch in your throat. Every touch sent shivers of anticipation through your nerves, awakening feelings of raw, unbridled passion you hadn't experienced before.
Gently, Johnny positioned himself between your spread legs, the heat from his body seeping into yours. He studied you, noticing your breath become shorter and shallower as he drew nearer. Reaching out slowly, he cupped your heat, finding it wet and swollen with desire. You gave a small gasp of surprise, breaking your eye contact briefly. Johnny smiled to himself, knowing he was about to give you a night you would never forget.
His fingers found your entrance, and he teased you with a soft, circular motion around your core.
He watched your reaction closely; the playful dance of emotions on your face, the way your brow furrowed in concentration, your cheeks flushing red with arousal. With each movement, he brought you closer to the precipice of ecstasy without quite letting you fall over the edge.
Your breath came in short, shallow gasps as your body quivered with anticipation. Your eyes met his, silently begging him to bring you to completion. Johnny nodded subtly, acknowledging your desires.
Slipping his fingers effortlessly into your folds, he gently massaged your clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to send waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You arched your back, gripping tightly onto the sheets as you let out a low moan of pure euphoria. You could hardly believe the intensity of the sensations building inside you; the warmth of Johnny's touch combined with the exquisite tingling in your core was beyond anything you could have ever imagined.
With every thrust of his fingers, your breath hitched deeper, your body aching for release. Giving in to your instincts, you shifted your hips, encouraging Johnny to increase the pace and pressure of his touch. His eyes narrowed with satisfaction, knowing that he was bringing you closer to the peak of ecstasy.
Moans escaped your lips with increasing frequency as you neared the brink. The power dynamics shifted ever so slightly, now giving you control over him.
With newfound confidence, you guided Johnny's hands and mouth expertly, ensuring that every touch was precisely where you desired.
Johnny could see the fire blazing in your eyes, mirroring the inferno raging within him. The connection you shared seemed almost supernatural—a bond fueled by your undeniable chemistry and deep respect for one another.
Johnny gazed into your eyes, his expression a mix of adoration and reverence. He pulled you into a tender embrace, your bodies still entwined as if reluctant to let go of the intimacy you had just shared.
In the silence that followed, the weight of the week's chaos seemed to dissipate, replaced by the tranquility of the present moment. The contours of your bodies fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle finding their rightful place.
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The following week you had invited your friends for a casual evening of dinner and drinks at your place. Sarah and Jaehyun were the first to arrive, finding Johnny already there, making himself comfortable by the kitchen island. The four of you chatted, sharing snippets of your week. Most importantly Sarah and Jaehyun mentioned they were still together, still working through things, and Johnny playfully teased them about ‘couple goals’. All you wanted was to land a smack to the back of your boyfriend's beautiful head.
Danielle and her boyfriend joined the gathering next, their laughter blending seamlessly with the lively atmosphere. Mark, being fashionably late, arrived with an armful of drinks, causing cheers and applause from the group. The evening unfolded with everyone having a great time, enjoying the drinks, praising your cooking as you gave the finishing touches to dinner. The cozy ambiance, the clinking of glasses, and the laughter filled your home with warmth.
Seizing the perfect moment when the joy was at its peak, you decided it was time. You took a deep breath, looking around at the faces of your closest friends, each one dear to you in their unique way.
“Guys, I actually been wanting to tell you something" you began, a playful smile dancing on your lips. Johnny, sitting beside you, squeezed your hand under the table in silent support.
Before you could go on, Mark chimed in and said "Oh my god, you're pregnant."
Getting everyone to laugh, Johnny being the one laughing the loudest, but as everyone kept giggling their eyes were starting to show concern.
"Jesus Mark, I wouldn't be drinking if I was," you replied, joining in the laughter. Johnny playfully nudged Mark, adding, "Man, you just killed the surprise."
Jaehyun, couldn't resist chiming in, "Well, I would’ve loved one of those gender reveal’s you see on TikTok. Like color bombs or confetti falling from the ceiling. But I guess a quiet dinner is nice too."
The momentary diversion diffused your tension, and now, with everyone still chuckling, the atmosphere held a perfect balance between humor and anticipation. It was the ideal setting for letting your friends know you’ve been keeping a secret from them for months.
"Johnny and I have been seeing each other for a while now."
A ripple of surprise and realization spread across your friends' faces. Sarah, Danielle, Jaehyun and Mark exchanged glances, the puzzle pieces falling into place. Johnny grinned, his affectionate gaze fixed on you.
"On a serious note, though," you began, glancing around at each of your friends, "I need to say something before anything else. I know we've been keeping this a secret for a while, and I understand if that felt a bit... I don't know, like we were excluding you. But believe me, it was never about that. Johnny and I just wanted to make sure what we had was real before bringing it out into the open."
Johnny nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the same sincerity. "Yeah, we wanted it to be solid between us. Not that we doubted, but, you know, it's different when it's just the two of us."
You could sense a shift in the atmosphere, a comprehension in your friends' eyes. Sarah and Danielle exchanged a look, a silent conversation passing between them. Jaehyun, though still wearing a playful smile, showed a glimmer of understanding.
"I get it," Mark said, raising his glass, "We've all been there in different ways. Here's to keeping things real and, apparently, a surprise that's not a baby."
As the initial shock wore off, your friends began bombarding Johnny with questions and teasing remarks. He fielded them with a good-natured laugh, a perfect balance of humor and sincerity. Amid the banter, he leaned over to whisper in your ear, "Totally worth it, don't you think?" You nodded, feeling the shared joy of revealing your relationship to the world, or at least your cherished friend group.
"I can’t believe you guys have kept this ‘secret’ for so long" Danielle grinned, her excitement contagious. "Spill!, how did it happen? And why the secrecy? I need the tea!”
Johnny chimed in, his tone playful, "What do you mean 'secret'?" He made air quotes with his fingers, a mock-innocent expression on his face. "Were we that obvious?”
"Well, 'secret' might be a bit of an exaggeration," you replied, emphasizing the air quotes. "But, yeah, we did keep it on the down-low for a while. As for how it happened..." You exchanged a conspiratorial glance with Johnny, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Johnny leaned back, feigning surprise. "Wait, are you telling me we're a secret couple? I thought we were just being cool and mysterious."
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A few days ago, you and Johnny sat in your favorite spot at the park, a hidden alcove shaded by vibrant greenery. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow on both of you.
You took a deep breath, your hands tingling with anticipation. "Johnny, I think it's time we tell our friends about us," you suggested, eyes meeting his.
Johnny, always the joker, raised an eyebrow. "Tell them what? That we share the same taste in sandwiches? They already know that."
You chuckled, nudging him playfully. "No, I mean about us being together."
He feigned surprise, widening his eyes dramatically. "Together? When did that happen?" he teased.
You rolled your eyes, but there was a playful glint in them. "You knew the moment you laid eyes on me," you said, recalling that day when sparks seemed to fly between you two.
Johnny grinned, his expression softening. "Yeah, I did." He took your hand. "But seriously, why now? Why not keep it our little secret?"
You sighed, looking at the intertwined fingers. "Because, Johnny, our love is something to be shared. And, to be honest, I'm tired of not being able to jump at you when we’re around our friends. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep my hands to myself?"
Johnny's eyes widened, and then a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Oh, so you've been dying to jump at me, huh?"
"Maybe. And I think it's time everyone knows about it."
Johnny laughed, squeezing your hand. “Alright, alright. But how do we make it interesting? We can’t just drop it like that.”
You pondered for a moment, “What if we pretend like we were keeping it a secret to make sure it was real? You know, build up the suspense.”
Johnny laughed, nodding in approval. “I like it. Adds a bit of drama. Frees us from the guilt. Let’s do it. But just so you know, I knew it was real the moment I laid eyes on you.”
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"So, how long have you been keeping this from us?" Jaehyun asked, with a forced grin.
Johnny threw an arm around your shoulders, grinning. "Well, you see, we're ancient. Been together forever now."
Jaehyun chuckled, "Come on, give me a real answer."
You shared a conspiratorial look with Johnny before revealing, "Alright, fine. It's been a few months."
Jaehyun raised an eyebrow, "Months? Impressive."
Johnny said, “Yeah, that’s long enough to know secrets aren't always worth sharing." The atmosphere crackled with unresolved history, a quiet battlefield where the scars of unspoken words fought for acknowledgment.
"Clearly," Jaehyun replied, "I'm happy for you two.”
The memory of Jaehyun's words and actions lingered in the air, unspoken yet palpable. Johnny's demeanor remained tinged with passive-aggressiveness, a silent reproach echoing the discomfort from that night.
Feeling Johnny's tension rising, you discreetly pinched his leg under the table, a silent plea for him to keep his cool around Jaehyun. Surprisingly, instead of reacting, he responded with a subtle kiss on your temple, a quiet reassurance that he had everything under control.
Mark raised an eyebrow and asked, "So, are you two going to share the story of how you met? I remember Johnny just spawned in our lives, and we all had to act like it was the most normal thing in the world.”
Sarah leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Don't leave out any juicy details.”
"So, there I was, being all mysterious in this café, attempting to look like I was doing something important on my laptop—typical Johnny stuff, you know?"
He glanced at you with a smirk, "And then, in she walked, like sunshine in human form. Now, you'd think fate would be on my side, but no, she didn't even notice me. Can you believe it? The great Johnny, overlooked. But here's the thing, I loved the challenge. It wasn't about being the center of attention; it was about grabbing her attention."
Taking a sip of his drink, Johnny continued, "So, I'm there, crafting my plan to make a grand entrance into her life, and she's completely unaware. Classic love story, right? Except, in my version, I'm the hero with a laptop."
Cue a teasing grin, "I finally get the guts to talk to her, and we start chatting about everything—our favorite movies, embarrassing childhood stories, you name it. But here's the secret sauce: I intentionally spilled coffee on myself just to make her laugh. And folks, it worked like a charm. Nothing like a stained shirt to break the ice."
He winked at you, "Now, fast forward through the laughter and coffee-stained confessions, and there it was—the moment. I realized I was in trouble, deep trouble. I was in love. But did I confess right then and there? Nah, I played it cool. Who falls in love at a café, right?"
He leaned in conspiratorially. "When she excused herself to go to the restroom, I texted our group chat, 'Guys, I think I'm in trouble.'”
"But let me tell you, that ordinary Tuesday was the day my life got an upgrade. And here's the thing, she still doesn't know about the intentional coffee spill. So, shh, it's our little secret. That’s how Johnny fell for the girl who could make him spill coffee on himself and still think he's the coolest guy around."
"And the secrecy," Johnny added, "that was mostly her idea. She wanted to make sure I wasn't just blinded by her dazzling personality."
You shot him a playful glare. "Oh, please. You were the one making jokes about wanting to make sure it was real before telling people. Mr. 'I knew it was real the moment I laid my eyes on you.'"
Amidst the laughter and teasing, Johnny leaned back, crossing his arms with a dramatic sigh. "Well, I had to play it cool, you know? Didn't want you to think I was head over heels from day one."
"Too late for that," you interjected, earning a mock offended look from Johnny.
Sarah recalled. "Remember the time we all went hiking, and you two disappeared for like an hour?"
Johnny grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Oh, that? Just appreciating nature, you know."
Danielle, ever the curious one, raised an eyebrow, "What about that time you both disappeared during the beach on the 4th? We thought you got lost.”
Leaning back with a smirk, she added, "I also remember that rooftop dinner you invited us to. You guys just disappeared to 'check on dessert’.
Johnny shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "Can you blame me? She looked way too good to resist.”
"I can't count the number of times we'd be at a party, and you two would vanish into thin air. Once, I even caught you sharing a jacket. Classic move, by the way.”
Jaehyun, feigning innocence, added his piece, "And the cafe, the one where you both supposedly 'met by chance'? Yeah, right. I remember walking in on you two in the middle of what seemed like a deep conversation."
You laughed, "We were just in the middle of choosing the right coffee blend, right babe?” Leaning into your boyfriend’s chest.
Mark's innocent demeanor cracked into a confused expression. "Man, you got me good. I thought you two were just really good friends, like the 'know-each-other's-favorite-snack' level of friendship."
Johnny chuckled, "Well, we are that too. Just with a few extra layers, you know? Keeps things interesting."
Sarah playfully nudged Mark, "Oh, come on, Mark. You didn't see the signs? The stolen glances, the synchronized laughter, the subtle touches? It was practically a rom-com in the making."
Mark scratched his head, looking at you both with newfound realization. "Wait, so all those times you guys were conveniently sitting next to each other, sharing food, and finishing each other's sentences... that was more than just friendship?"
Johnny laughed, giving you a teasing look. "Mark, my man, you're catching on. Took you a while, but you got there."
You playfully nudged Johnny and stood up. You went to hug Mark and say, "Don't blame our baby, he's not a hopeless romantic like us, that's all."
Mark chuckled and returned the hug. "Well, I guess I'm witnessing the birth of a romance expert here."
Your boyfriend joined the joke, "Don't worry, Mark, we'll give you some lessons. Relationship 101 with Johnny."
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genshin-side-piece · 11 months
The Contract
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Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+, Yandere themes, Yandere Behavior, Power Imbalance, Dark themes, mentions of physical abuse, implied kidnapping, My bad writing, Slighty OOC Kaveh & Alhaitham, Anything Else I Missed
Characters: Yandere Alhaitham, Yandere Kaveh, G/N Reader
A/N: This is based off this post. Slightly (?) OOC Kaveh. In my mind, his drinking + his temper + his issues makes him far more dangerous than the game allows.   
How had he gotten here?  Kaveh sat in the office of what was supposed to be his home, staring eye to eye with a man he’d sworn off years ago. He hated that he was here again, almost as much as he hated the idea that Alhaitham had gotten involved. If he wasn’t completely desperate, Kaveh would have used any other option available to him. Unfortunately at present, his only one was the man sitting across from him. The cause of Kaveh’s desperation wasn’t the fact that he had bankrupted himself. Sure the loss of everything had been devastating, but he would survive. He had after his father died and his mother left. Now would be no different. The trouble was, he wasn’t alone. If it was him, and only him, then he would be fine. He had plenty of friends who would take him in should he need and with the right excuse, he could probably get away with a lie until he found a more solid financial footing. The same thing couldn’t be said for you.
There was no logical explanation for you. No one, outside of the man across from him, knew about you and with good reason. If any of his friends ever found out, he was sure they would write him off forever. Kaveh knew he had been stupid. He should have left well enough alone. He should have left you alone. If he had, then he wouldn’t be where he was right now. He wouldn’t have to worry about the proverbial storm that brewed just above his head. He wouldn’t have had to come Alhaitham for his help. The dirty secret that was you and how he held you would remain as it should, hidden. Kaveh wouldn’t have to face the ugly truth that was staring him right in the face this whole time.
“Do you have any questions?” Alhaitham’s cool tone broke the silence between them. Kaveh briefly focused his attention on his former friend before his eyes fell back to the contract in front of him. After everything that had happened, Kaveh could not deny that Alhaitham hadn’t been generous. Prior to Kaveh spilling his dark secret, Alhaitham had come to him, offering him a place in the home that Kaveh had stupidly given up. In his desperation, Kaveh had been quick to accept, except for one not so small thing. He had been forced to tell Alhaitham about you. More so, he had been forced to show you to Alhaitham. It had been somewhat humiliating for Kaveh to have Alhaitham see you as you were; tucked away in a cavern beneath the city, dressed in only the most basic essentials and covered head to toe in grime. In the past, Kaveh had always prided himself on providing you with the best he could find. He had draped you in fine linens, luxurious silks and the best jewelry he could afford.The faint scent of the expensive soaps and perfumes followed you everywhere you walked, but often lingered on his clothes after he pulled you in close and held you in his arms. It was devastating to see you now. If his secret had to be discovered, why couldn’t it have been when he treated you as a goddess? Why did it have to be now and why out of all people did it have to be Alhaitham? 
Much to Kaveh’s surprise, Alhaitham didn’t flinch at the sight of you. Alhaitham’s only reaction to the situation was what happened after the truth had been revealed. A day or so after Kaveh had brought your unexpected visitor to see you, a new rental agreement was delivered to him; one that made allowances for both of you. For the most part, Alhaitham had maintained his original offer of offering his home to Kaveh and now you, the only real change was the condition that Alhaitham had tacked on to the end. One that Kaveh had found absolutely noxious. He had tried to reason with Alhaitham on it, but the scribe wouldn’t budge. Alhaitham was insistent and no amount of pleading would change his mind, which was the whole reason why Kaveh was here now. While Alhaitham wouldn’t cave on the added condition, it was Kaveh’s hope to negotiate slightly better terms on both of your behalfs.   
“You won’t -” Kaveh hesitated, the tips of his fingers anxiously pressing into the paper in front of him. He abhorred his next question, but now was his only chance. Part of his own personal duty towards you was to protect you. What if Alhaitham beat you or mistreated you? What if he disfigured you? What if he tried to kill you? How could Kaveh say he had done his duty to you when he hadn’t considered all the possibilities? Alhaitham’s demand to take full custody of you was already bad enough without the thought that Kaveh would hand you over to someone who would willingly harm you. Even if it was against Alhaitham’s nature to be unnaturally cruel, how could Kaveh live with himself if he misjudged Alhaitham’s intentions and gave you to a monster?
“You won’t hurt them, right?” He swallowed as Alhaitham impassively stared back. “I know I haven’t been strict with them when it comes to their behavior. I let them do as they please within limits.” Even then he wasn’t terribly overbearing. You were already unhappy with your current predicament. He didn’t want to make your general unhappiness worse by punishing you. “But you wouldn’t do anything unnecessary to them, would you?” “It depends on what you deem as unnecessary.” Kaveh hesitated again, hating that he had to think about it. Any type of punishment was unnecessary in Kaveh’s eyes, but he knew Alhaitham wouldn’t see it like that. Between the two of them, Alhaitham had always walked a harder line than Kaveh. “If you’re concerned that I’ll be physically abusive to them, then the answer is no.” That allowed Kaveh to release a small sigh of relief. “It is worth reiterating though that they are an unwilling participant in all of this. I’m not blind to the fact that there will be difficulties that arise, especially in this transition period. In those instances, the severity of the punishment will be at my discretion. If that means I have to take a firmer stance so they’ll learn, then so be it.” Meaning that if physical force was required, it would be used, but probably not as a first option. “But you won’t be heavy handed right off the bat? I don’t like the idea of you harming them for something small.” “I don’t like the idea of harming them at all. I won’t take any enjoyment in doing it.” Kaveh nodded, his fingers gradually relaxing against the paper beneath them. “But I will be far stricter than you when it comes to infractions and rules. As I’ve mentioned, they are unwilling.” Kaveh softly hummed in agreement, despising that Alhaitham kept bringing that particular fact up. 
It wasn’t like he had grabbed you out of a dark alleyway or along the side of the road. He’d been thoughtful about it. Kaveh had brought you home after he had fed you a few particularly strong drinks in a bar one night. At the time your home was on the other side of the city, too great of a distance to walk in his opinion, so he offered his home to you instead. He sold it as a place where you could safely sleep off the mixture of alcohol and sleeping powder he’d slipped into your cup when you hadn’t been looking. When you awoke the next day, you had been greeted with the discovery that his home was now your home and there wasn’t a thing he would let you do about it. “I’m taking a great personal risk in even knowing about it. Should this ever be discovered, then it would be the ruin of both of us. That’s why keeping them in line will be key. If they behave like you claim, then it won’t be an issue, will it?” Kaveh flinched, a reaction that didn’t go unnoticed by Alhaitham. “Don’t tell me you lied to me about them.” The dryness of Alhaitham’s tone grated on Kaveh’s nerves.
“I didn’t lie.” Kaveh spat that out a little harsher than he meant too. “Oh?” Alhaitham leaned back in his chair, folding his arms. “Then what is it?” Kaveh forced out a sigh, resting his forehead against his free hand. It was the one truth he tried so desperately to deny. 
After all this time. After all he had done to give you the life he felt you deserved, one constant remained the same. You still wanted to go home. The pleading had been incessant since his money trouble had begun. Night and day all he heard is that you wanted to leave, to just let you go. It was to the point that he had exploded at you the last time he had seen you. After that, you were silent. You wouldn’t even look at him. As for his apologies, those fell on deaf ears. It drove home the fact that the lies he told himself every time he looked at you could no longer hide the truth. The domestic bliss that he believed you shared was nothing more than a fool's paradise. As much as he wanted you to love him, you didn’t and at this point you probably wouldn’t. He had seen you flinch every time he reached for you. He had felt you squirm and try to pull away while he held you close. He had watched you cower every time he had a bottle of wine in his hand. Kaveh knew his temper was to blame for all of it. Your compliance to his whims and wishes was as much appeasement as it was fear. There had been too many mornings where he had woken up next to you, only to find the marks and bruises he had left of you the night before. He had always tried to make it up to you with gifts and gestures, but damage was long done. There was no changing it. Now with the change in keeper, Kaveh began to question just how difficult you could be for Alhaitham. 
He remembered how hard it had been in the beginning with you. Every day had been a struggle. All he had asked you for was to be able to bask in your radiance without anyone else’s eyes on you, but you had refused. Instead you fought, you scratched, you clawed to get away from him. Nearly every morning for the first few weeks he had found you trying to scale the garden wall. In the evenings you had waited until he had drunk himself into a stupor to try and steal his keys. Very late one night, he had come home to find you on the deserted street after you had successfully picked both the lock on your bedroom door and the front door. He didn’t remember much after that. Only that you stopped trying to run. Whatever he had done had been severe enough that you never looked at him the same way again. 
“It’s difficult.” He released a heavy sigh. “They don’t behave because I ask them to. They hate me too much to do that.” Kaveh didn’t bother to look up to see Alhaitham’s reaction. It wouldn’t help him to see it. He knew nothing gave the scribe greater joy than to not only force Kaveh to see reality, but to get him to admit to it as well. “I’ve ruined their life.” But it was justified. He loved you so unbelievably much. You were his muse, his light, his everything. He worshiped you. He wanted to share his world with you. Kaveh would give you anything, just to see you smile. After the loss of his parents, the loss of his home, could he really stand to lose you as well? “I-'' He didn’t know what to do. 
Letting you go wasn’t an option. Even if Kaveh sent you to another country, there was no guarantee that you wouldn’t notify the matra once enough time had passed. It’s not like he had the money to pay for your silence anyway. Running wasn’t an option either. While Kaveh believed he could get out of Sumeru before the matra could apprehend him, he knew Dori would get her money come hell or high water. If she believed anything was a miss, then she would track him down faster than the matra would. In the end, she would take all that Kaveh had and leave the rest to rot in prison. That only left him with two choices, give you to Alhaitham and endure that torture for the duration of his stay in Alhaitham’s house or end you altogether. Kaveh’s breath caught in his throat. 
God. Could he do that? Was he capable of that? Could he really bring himself to destroy the one person he’d sworn to protect? 
“Perhaps you’ll accept my advice, for once.” Alhaitham’s voice snapped him away from the dark thoughts that had consumed his mind. Kaveh looked up, gently nodding at the man across from him, blindly agreeing to whatever sage advice Alhaitham may have. “From my viewpoint, you’re at a crossroads.” Kaveh swallowed, sighing in agreement. “All of your options are bad.” “I don’t want to break my promise to them.” Kaveh forced himself to sit up. “I swore to take care of them. I can’t go back on that.” “Then sign the contract.” Kaveh’s eyes fell back to the paper that was resting beneath his hand. “In signing our agreement, you will fulfill your promise. They will be provided for. If you choose not to, then you will be forced to leave them somewhere that isn’t my house and hope that they don’t get away or that they aren’t found by someone else while you seek alternative housing.” Or the third option, which was that Alhaitham reported your location to the matra the second Kaveh walked out the door. Kaveh wasn’t a complete fool when it came to the world. What Kaveh had done was illegal. Nothing would change that. He knew that as the scribe, Alhaitham was under a specific obligation to report Kaveh’s crime to the matra. Nothing would stop Alhaitham from doing it should Kaveh refuse. The cost of Alhaitham’s silence was to sign you away to him.
“But it might be worth it.” Kaveh felt a false sense of hope surge through him. He grabbed hold of it, pushing away the ugly truth that was sitting right in front of his face. “We don’t need anything grand, right? Just four walls and a roof.” That was it. He snapped his fingers as the idea struck him.“The rainforest has plenty of abandoned places. For instance, there’s that abandoned farm outside of Gandharva Ville. I could fix it up for us.” “With what?” Kaveh sagged slightly, feeling some of his hope leave him. “Do you really believe Tighnari will simply give you that after the headaches you caused him?” Kaveh grimaced again. Remembering all the trouble he had caused with the Palace of Alcazarzaray. “He’s the forgiving type. It’s not like Dori will take everything every month. I can fix it up little by little.” “And how will you explain it?” Kaveh hesitated. “Won’t it raise some eyebrows when you arrive with a hostage in tow?” “They aren’t-” Kaveh felt his blood pressure begin to rise. Even if Alhaitham was only pointing out the obvious, it wasn’t necessary that he do so. “They’re not-” “They’re currently bound and gagged in the guest bedroom. Prior to that, you had them in a cave. We had to sneak them here under the cover of darkness.” Kaveh groaned. “Getting them out of the city will be every bit as challenging as bringing them in. You’re telling me that you would risk everything on the off chance that you won’t get caught?” “Alhaitham-” The scribe’s tone grew terser. He cut Kaveh off before he had the chance to use another excuse. “Gandharva Ville is right on the border with Liyue. Do you honestly believe that you’ll be able to leave them there unattended while you go look for work?” He didn’t. You would run the second you had a chance, but Kaveh didn’t want to give up hope. The dream of keeping you with him, even if it was only for a few moments longer, was too good to pass up. “Must you do this?” Kaveh slammed his free hand against the wood of the table in frustration. “I’ve already hit rock bottom. Can’t I have this one last little daydream before it all comes crashing down?” Kaveh didn’t bother to hide his exasperation. “No.” Kaveh felt his throat tighten as that word sunk in. “Daydreaming is what got you in this mess in the first place. The entire reason we’re even having this conversation is because you’ve put yourself into a situation that you can’t get out of. Hostages are easy things to keep when you have money.” Thanks to his own mistakes, Kaveh did not. “You’ve been careless and foolish in your choices, and now your greed concerning them is clouding your judgment.” “Greed?” Kaveh nearly choked on the word. “You honestly think this is greed?” “I would term it obsession, but you’re already way past the point of no return, so yes I would call it greed.” Kaveh swallowed, taking a stuttering breath as he did his best not to scream in Alhaitham’s face. He had the contract to consider. Should Kaveh say something he wasn’t supposed to, then both of them could end up on the streets. “Greed? Obsession?” Kaveh ground out the words, his tone shaky, yet calm. “Not love or passion or devotion, which is what it actually is. Maybe you would understand, if you had an ounce of feeling in you.” Alhaitham narrowed his eyes at him, clearly taking the insult to heart. The scribe’s tone iced over, becoming harsh and hard in a single breath. “If you truly loved them, you would have given them a choice to begin with. Instead, you made the choice for them.” Kaveh’s heart tightened at those words. 
“No” His nails scraped against the table as he closed his hands. “That’s not-“
“Your denial regarding your situation has made you delusional. From your perspective, you would give all that you have, all that you are, and all that you will be to them.” “Yes! Because I am devoted to them.” “Because you wish to keep them all to yourself.” Kaveh looked away, his eyes dropping to the table. “You can keep lying to yourself if it suits you, but I won’t let you lie to me.” That felt like a kick to the gut. Kaveh’s entire body doubled over, his face inches from the table, eyes fixed on the contract as Alhaitham continued. “They didn’t ask you for your so-called devotion. You’ve forced it upon them, just like you’ve forced this unfortunate situation on me.” Slowly Kaveh tried to shake his head, but he couldn’t manage it. Instead all he could feel was the stinging sensation as tears began to form in his eyes. “Admit it, you wanted them. You can preach your ideals to me all you like, but in the end, your own selfish desire won. Why else would you make yourself the center of their universe? The only logical reason is because you cannot stand the idea of anyone else taking that place from you.” Alhaitham paused long enough to take a shallow breath. “It still drives you, even as we speak.” Kaveh looked up, blinking back his tears as he stared at his former friend. He loathed that every word Alhaitham had said was true. “I’ve offered you a reasonable solution to your problem. I’m even prepared to help maintain this addiction of yours by keeping them as a prisoner in my house, yet you fight me. I don’t think asking to take charge of their care is a significant ask, but you disagree.” It wasn’t just your care though. It was full custody and full autonomy over you. Kaveh would lose all say.  Alhaitham could dictate down to if Kaveh could even touch you, if he so wished. That’s what made this so difficult. In his heart, Kaveh knew this was the best solution for both of you, given the options available to him. Alhaitham could give you a home, he could afford good food and comfortable clothes. He could give you all the things Kaveh would struggle to give. All Alhaitham asked in return was that both of you behave.
The two of them sat in relative silence. The only sound between them were Kaveh’s soft sobs as he stared at the contract through his tears. He had tried and he had failed, on every front. The idealized life he had shared with you was over, a victim of Kaveh’s own incompetence. The only way to salvage it was to hope that Alhaitham would be kind. That perhaps the scribe would allow Kaveh the fantasy of just you and he every once in a great while. He could tolerate Alhaitham’s control of you then. 
Slowly, his sobs ceased. Kaveh forced his body to sit up, his red rimmed eyes never leaving the contract. As much as it pained him, he knew what needed to be done. It was time. There was no going back. From across the table, he watched as Alhaitham’s eyes followed his hand as he reached for the ink pot and quill. There was nothing in them. They were as calm and unreadable as they ever were.
“One more thing.” Alhaitham’s eyes fixed themselves back on his own. “I’ll get to see them everyday, yes? You won’t be cruel and play keep away, will you?”
“This isn’t a large house. It would be difficult to keep them away.” That wasn’t the answer Kaveh wanted to hear. He pulled his hand back, giving Alhaitham his full attention.
“Please. Will you let me see them everyday?” Kaveh tried to sound hopeful, but Alhaitham’s face said otherwise. 
“I have no intention of keeping you apart, unless either of you do something egregious. As long as you operate with the understanding that they are mine once you sign the document, we’ll be fine. If you try to steal them or worse still, they try to run then there will be consequences.” Like locking you away. “One more concession-” Kaveh pulled out the quill, holding it over the now wrinkled and tear stained contract. “I get tonight with them. In the morning-” Kaveh released another sigh. “In the morning they’re yours.” It hurt more than anything to say that, but in his own mind he had no other choice. Logic had to win out here. Even if the entire situation was beyond all logic, Kaveh had to do what was best not only for you, but himself as well. He would get to see you. That was something, even if it was only better than nothing. “I’ll leave to get the rest of my things after breakfast. That will give you time… time with them.” The last part was barely a whisper, but Alhaitham heard it all the same. “If that’s what you wish. Just don’t throw a fit when you get back.” Kaveh nodded as he pressed the tip of the quill to the paper. A deep breath and a gulp later, his hand moved the pen across the page, forever signing away your life and his to Alhaitham.
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Some rambles on the ending and the codependent nature of Constantin and De Sardet's relationships. Spoilers for the whole game under the cut.
When I played Greedfall for the first time, I couldn’t stop thinking about Constantin’s corruption arc. It didn’t really make sense to me. Why would he want absolute power over the island? He has plenty of power and probably lives quite a luxurious life already. He also says he finds politics boring if De Sardet asks him, so the desire to rule over the whole island full of people seemed to me very out of character.
I do understand that he went mad and everything, but my brain deemed it a boring explanation and kept searching for something more logical.
So here: I think his actions make more sense if they're driven not by greed but by jealousy, less hunger for power and more hunger for absolute love (either platonic or romantic).
Let me explain.
His family is all kinds of messed up. He thinks his father doesn’t care about him, and although we don’t know if he’s actually abusive, I can’t think of any good reason why Constantin would lie about this. His mother, if DLC is to be believed, is responsible for the death of his brother Laurent — Constantin being an heir is clearly more important to her than his wellbeing & mental health after the literal murder of his brother. We don’t know much about Laurent and Constantin’s relationship (although he doesn’t ever mention him & he says nobody cared for him but De Sardet, so maybe it wasn’t good? Maybe Laurent was better suited for politics? That would explain Prince d’Orsay’s disappointment. That’s just my theory though).
Anyway, what I’m saying is that a child needs unconditional love, and judging by this family and Constantin’s line “You've always been the only one to care for me. Our friendship is the only thing that matters to me”, he has only ever received love from De Sardet, which sounds like quite a fertile ground for unhealthy overly attached relationship.
Then the game starts, and the thing is… Well, they are not each other’s everything anymore. De Sardet goes to various cities & talks to every person imaginable & makes new friends, maybe even falls in love. Constantin meanwhile is chained to a palace, especially after his sickness is revealed. De Sardet's world grows beyond him, and he can’t follow them there.
So what do you do when the only person who matters to you grows apart from you? What do you do when you are driven mad with pain and may die alone, and they have to leave you?
Naturally, you find a way to bind them to you for all eternity, and in doing so alienate them from everyone but you. Constantin's smart enough to realize that if De Sardet's friends and allies fought against him, they would turn away if De Sardet joined him. But even if they wouldn't, they're mortal. Their death is inevitable. The only one who can keep De Sardet company for eternity is Constantin. Everyone but him will eventually leave.
That’s why “For you, for us”, that’s why “together, forever”. Not power over the island or some people, but power to keep the only person who loves him unconditionally close to him.
(Again, I acknowledge that this is extremely, extremely unhealthy. That’s exactly what makes their relationship so interesting.)
Anyway, as I said, it feels very in character for him to basically give up on humanity in favor of De Sardet. I can't look at him in the beginning or in the middle and say, “This character would do anything for power”. But I can look at him at any point of the game, any cutscene, and say, “This character would do anything for his loved one”.
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bluekittyyoyo · 5 months
listen to me. it only makes logical sense that trolls would have a strong understanding of the idea that the opposite of "love" is actually antipathy; having no strong feelings whatsoever. I know what you're saying, "but the quadrants have love and hate as a dichotomy, they clearly think of hate as love's antithesis-" no. wrong. the quadrants are obviously not representative of every emotion a troll can have, the quadrants are a concept of ROMANCE. see there's the keyword here. love and hate are both integral parts of this romance, they do not exist in opposition to each other as in one cancels out the other, they are two sides of the same coin. having quadrant feelings for someone regardless of alignment is indicative of caring about them, of being passionate about them. I know those words typically have purely positive connotations when used about human romantic understandings but disconnect that for a second. basically it comes down to a slightly warped version of "horseshoe theory" (where supposed opposites, in this case love and hate, are actually closer together than the middleground). I think this concept is firmly supported by canon, examples off the top of my head:
from the quadrants explanation;
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"The relationships each quadrant describes tend to be malleable, if not volatile,"
as stated with the pitched/flushed vacillation and the canon examples of pale/flushed, but also I think it is implied (though less so) that it applies to every quadrant and there are many ways unexplored in canon that every quadrant can bleed into another.
this famous line:
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"It should be noted that in troll language, the word for friend is exactly the same as the word for enemy."
this quote being on the page where equius pesters gamzee, citing that he does so with regularity and thus considers him a "friend" (but that's not the whole picture). this adds to the notion of these relationships not being considered opposite but stemming from the same root idea of investment in a person.
I think it's very interesting because I believe the authorial intentions of incorporating hate as an integral part of troll society and culture is meant to contribute to the idea of them as a cruel and violent society, and while that may have some truth for the ways in which individuals treat each other peer-to-peer in average situations I actually think the real overarching effect it has is trolls coming off as a more emotionally honest society at the cost of simplicity and peace.
the implications of hate being considered on equal terms with love to me paint an image of a society that encourages embracing all emotions to the fullest extent, a society that might even consider the worst thing you can be not as someone who is filled with hate but in fact someone who does not care at all. I'm reminded of the conversation between vriska and aradia in hivebent:
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vriska calling her a "miserable soulless witch" followed by repeating she hates her and "only regrets killing her cause it made her so BORING!!!!!!!!"
of course we also see plenty of times that "not giving a shit" is a thing that trolls are naturally inclined to do because you only have so much emotional resource to devote to a finite amount of things. moreover that alternia is a society that encourages emotional "balance", to embrace the love and the hate both with the same passion.
again as karkat rants to vriska also in hivebent:
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you may also recognize this conversation as the same one where karkat claims this (rather infamously imo):
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(adding more to the "trolls believe hate and love come from the same emotional source" pile even if the manner of it is slightly off-center here)
and vriska's response to karkat's ranting:
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"Did you learn this crap from your awful romance movies?" "THEY'RE REALLY INTRIGUING SOCIOLOGICALLY."
I hope this presentation makes it clear but for the audience in the back: karkat's interpretation of emotional composition of trolls is most likely complete bullshit and not at all factual nor, in my opinion, should be taken as biological information about trolls. for that reason I believe the reference to humoral medicine is completely intentional, invoking the imagerey of bullshit pseudoscience. just in the same way as I don't think it would be reasonable to make any similar claim about the nature of human emotions (and anyone who does is trying to sell you something). in A6A615 dave even states that "both humans and trolls are emotionally versatile sentient beings that can feel many hells of different things".
what I'm mainly getting at here using these quotes is that there is a cultural precedent for the claims he is making. karkat did not spawn these ideas about emotions out of thin air or scientific research, he got them from watching romance films. which particularly, as presumably low-culture media in much the same fashion as our own, would in fact make them excellent case studies on the general cultural attitudes of the society that consumes them. and that society, as karkat observes, makes indications that a) emotions of hate and love stem from the same source and b) trolls ought to have a balance of negative and positive emotions, where apathy is considered more undesirable.
so what I mean to say from all these observations, my formal opinion: to trolls there can exist this nebulous feeling of being emotionally attachment to someone, to desire any kind of relationship with them. and with that the average troll has a far better understanding that the most devastating response possible is actually none at all; to be completely unaffected by them.
so what am I saying with all this? it is my idea that in troll culture, trolls have a concept of relationships and emotions that can exist as a nebulous idea of just being *passionate*, of caring about something or someone and the distinction between negative or positive is merely a nuance rather than an opposition, and the actual socially reviled opposition to this feeling is being apathetic.
for example a troll rejecting another for a particular desired quadrant is heartbreaking (or diamondbreaking, spadesbreaking etc), but as there exists a desire for connection generally by virtue of the desire at all, it would be less devastating and possibly could become just as fulfilling for the connection to exist as a different quadrant, even on the other side of red/black. the most devastating possible outcome of a rejection would be that of total apathy, of the idea that one inspires no passions, no emotions of any kind in a person.
and with that established now we can get into my ideas about how alternian media rating systems work, such as a troll equivalent to rotten tomatoes where movies/books/films etc are rated on 5 different scales (also possibly two different modified 3 scale versions) in addition to a simplified two-scale version where the measure of "good" is based on "how much did this work inspire emotional reactions in you vs how much did you not give any shit at all"- the cane hooks me by the neck and pulls me off stage
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elena-mayfair · 2 years
Back in the dream
Paring: Morpheus x f!reader, Sandman x f!reader Warnings: swearing, blood, nightmarish images Summary: As a sorceress and exorcist you got used to the nightmares in your life, creatures that you fight fearlessly. But there is one place where your fear overcomes you, your dreams. Every night you dream nightmares and every night you see him. One night he decides to reveal himself changing your life in the process forever. Word count: 3.3k Note: Gifs are not mine, credit to the authors.
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Part one of the story: Lost in the dream
"I am Morpheus. Dream of the Endless. Lord of the Dreams." these were the last words that you heard before you drifted away into the dream. These were also the first words that you thought of after you opened your eyes. "Dream of The Endless..." you looked around your bedroom and outside of the window. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, the kind that brings a smile to one face, that promises a beautiful day full of joy. You scouted your bedroom once again and to your disappointment concluded that everything was normal, mundane even. The only unusual thing about this morning was the way you felt, you felt good, well rested, happy even. Like you slept for the first time in ages. There was no sand under your eyelids, no headache, no pain in the back, you felt wonderful.
"Lord of the Dreams." with that thought you got up from the bed, made yourself a large cup of coffee, and hit the books. You had plenty of them in your apartment, shelves full of old volumes binded in leather, with gold and silver letters on the spines that fade out over time. Occult books, grimoires, journals, and memoirs were filling in the shelves, piles and piles of mythology and legends books were filling in every smallest space of your apartment. Everything you could find, buy, steal or trade, your priceless possession. You were determined, you were curious, you needed to find an explanation. There was a part of you doubting that the events of the last night even happened "I must have dreamt it all," you thought to yourself while browsing through a particularly interesting volume about dreamwalking.
A lucid dream is one in which the dreamer is aware of dreaming and may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream's characters, narrative, or environment. Early references to the phenomenon are found in ancient Greek texts.
Nothing that you wouldn't know already. Has all of it really happened? Have you really got lost in the dream so much so that you ended up in a different, "different what? World? Reality? What exactly?" the thoughts were bothering you. "Was he really here? In my bedroom? Was it all a part of a dream?" The part of you, the one responsible for instincts and your ability to do magic knew that it indeed all of it was real, but that part was relentlessly fighting the other part, the logical one more grounded.
"I am Morpheus" flew though through your mind, chills went through your whole body on the recollection of that deep, dark voice, and his endless starry eyes. You decided that you could not have dreamt that and with that thought you switched from occult books to Greek Mythology. On the floor on which you were sitting books were surrounding you from every side. You grabbed a beautiful brown leather volume with gold embellishments and started browsing. "Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hestia, Dionysus... where the fuck is Morpheus?!" you were turning page after page sipping a second cup of coffee "there you are..."
Morpheus, son of Hypnos, the personification of Sleep, was the god of Dreams. His name reflects his role in Greek mythology: the Greek μεταμόρφωσις (metamorphosis) translates as “transformation”, which can be broken down into μετα- (meta-) meaning “after” and μορφή (morphe) meaning “form”. Μορφευς (Morpheus) means “form” or “shape.” He could form and shape the dreams of the sleeping.
“To kings and chieftains these at night display their phantom features; other dreams will roam among the people, haunting common folk. All these dream-brothers the old god passed by and chose Morpheus.” Ovid, Metamorphoses
"I'm wasting my time," realization hit you. You knew Greek Mythology, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norsk, Slavic you knew them all. In every mythology there were similarities. You could find a similar description of other entities in other mythologies that you were sure of. None of this was of any help to you, none of the information you could find in your books would explain last night's events and you refused to believe that he was a Greek God.
"Dream of the Endless." you reminded yourself of his last words to you. "Endless...." you knew that there was no point in hitting the books and searching for that word. You knew exactly what you would find, jack squat. There was only one person you knew that could have any useful information, but involving him was not something that you were eager to do. After all, last time you talked you didn't exactly finish up things on the good terms.
After a brief moment of contemplation and two cigarettes, you decided that you do not exactly have any other choice in the matter. You grabbed your phone, lid up the third cigarette, and waited for the signal to end...
"Y/N Wha''s up love? I''s bin a while, I assume 'ha' you've go' some'hin faw me. You would no' call me 'o check 'ah I'm doing." you heard in the phone distinct cockney accent.
"How you doing John? Seems to me you're alright, you picked up the phone after all. I would assume that there is no signal in hell" you replied with a sarcastic grin on your face.
"Ah love, 'o 'ell i'm goin faw a cha' an' a glass ov whisky. I''s good 'o be ou' ov reach ov annoyin calls once in a while."
"I'm gonna agree with you on this one," you replied "but honestly, you good?"
„S'ill live an' kickin. Wha' do you wan'" the courtesy was over, time for the business came.
"Listen, I came across this thing, and since you are in the business way longer than I am I thought you might have some information" you explained, but the fact that he did not ask you about your wellbeing did not skip your attention.
"Wha' 'hing?" he asked.
"What do you know about Endless?" you asked with no hesitation. Even though you really didn't want to get in touch with John Constantine again you knew that you needed answers.
"Time is endless love, air, space, an' bo''le ov bloody whisky af'er par'icularly good spell."
"What about Dream of an Endless?" you continued.
"Mee' up faw a drink in 'wo 'ours. We 'aven'' see each o'her faw a year. We goin 'o ca'ch up"
"You are in town?" you got surprised.
"Yes, 'ad some business 'ere. Same place as always." he replied "An' love, don'' you be la'e."
Two hours later you were sitting at the Smokey Joe pub, one of the best places in your town, if you were dark interior, old dusty furniture, smoking indoors, old British rock, and good whisky served in not so clean glass. You order yourself a glass of whisky and waited, waited for your old friend to show up. You couldn't help but wonder about all the times you were sitting here with John and agreeing on the terms with clients in need. You reminded yourself of all the drinks you drink with him after the job well done. These were good times. You would not admit that to him but you've missed these times.
"'ello love! you look 'roubled as usule." blond man in the tan trench coat seated himself on the opposite side of the table. Facing you he smiled at you.
"Hi John," you replied with an honest smile, despite everything you were happy to see him "it is good to see you"
"Tell me love, wha' kind ov mess you go' yourself in'o?" he did not waste a time for any small talks.
"I hope none, but something happened," you started but realized that you do not exactly know how to describe last night's events "Can you tell me something about Endless?"
"Why do you wan' 'o knah?" he asked
"John, just tell me..."
"I' does no' wawk like 'ha' love. You ei'her goin 'o 'ell me aw you goin 'o ge' jack on 'he pla'es ov fucks from me." he interrupted, "You 'ake me faw a plonker? folks don'' walk around 'own 'alkin abou' endless! I'm doin 'his gig way longer 'han you do. You've mee' one 'aven'' you."
"I..." you took a sip of an amber liquid from your glass "I think so."
"Which one ov 'he bloody endless you mee'?"
"Dream." you replied shortly. The image of the pale man dressed in black holding you by your arms and looking at you with depthless starry eyes flashed in your mind bringing chills to your body for a second time today.
"Bloody 'ell" John took a sip from his glass "So i' is 'rue. 'e is really back."
"So he is real!" you almost screamed from the excitement, after all it was not a dream, it was real "Who is he!? John tell me!"
"'e is a bloody Sandman, fuckin kin ov da dreams!" he replied with a scoff.
"Sandman is a fairytale John, a bedtime story. He does not exist" you argued yet you felt doubt in your own words.
John looked at you from behind the glass of whisky with amusement in his eyes.
"He is real..." you said to yourself "Holy fuck...." you stared down at the table, shocked in disbelief "Who is he? What is he? Is he a God?"
"no, 'e is no' a god. Awer no' a god in 'he way you 'hink ov god. 'e is endless, bollocks 'ah 'o explain 'ha'..." he started looking at your child-like curious face "they are an an'hropomawphic manifesta'ions ov an idea, ov concep'. Always bin 'ere an' always will be. Da one you've me' is a kin ov dreams, as far as i knah 'e rules dreams, every single one ov 'he dream an' nigh'mares belongs 'o 'im an' is 'is crea'ion"
"Unbelievable... " you said to yourself "Wait, you said they"
"'e's go' siblings. Desire, Despair, Dea'h, Destruc'ion, Delirium, Destiny." he replied
"How do you know all of this?" you questioned.
"Bein on a good 'erms wi'h Lucyfer 'as i''s benefi's love." he replied with a cunning smile. "Listen love, wha'ever you 'hink ov doin don''. They are dangerous beings, beyond any'hin you have ever seen aw faced before. You come across any ov 'he bloody endless you run opposi'e direc'ion."
"I know how to take care of myself John," you replied "I don't need your concern"
"Yes, you do! because you are a bloody plonker followin emo'ions no' your fuckin brain! you goin 'o ge' yourself in 'rouble an' i won'' be savin you! fuckin don'' coun' on i'!" he hit his glass on the table spilling a bit of whisky.
"Don't worry about me," you stood up rapidly "I'll be fine." you gave him a small peck on the cheek and before he could stop you run towards the door "Thank you, John! Doing business with you is always a pleasure!" you said loudly and closed the door behind you.
You couldn't hope for the night to come quicker. You muted your phone to avoid John's calls, tidy up the apartment, put all the books in order, and even did some dusting just to waste some time and not think about Dream. But as soon as the night fell you took a sleeping pill, turned off the light, and got to bed. Your were breathing slowly trying to calm down your heart beating. Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale... you were waiting for the familiar spiking needles to start in your feet and put your body into paralysis. It did take long. Half an hour later your body was numb, blood was pumping in your ears, but fear was nowhere to be found. You drifted into the dream...
You've found yourself on the dark wet street standing in front of the hospital. It was raining. White and red lights or the emergency room were flickering ominously. You knew this place, you knew this hospital. You've been here before. You desperately didn't want to get inside. You knew very well what you will see in there. But it had to play out, you had to go through it. You took one small step and felt your heart rushing in frantic fear. "Why here? Why this? you questioned. You took one more step and suddenly you were standing right in front of the entry. You looked back and all you saw dark parking lot covered in rain. You looked back into the hospital and you saw it. Doctors and nurses running through the hallway next to the hospital bed. You looked closer and you saw it, you saw your dad... lying lifelessly, surrounded by doctors, tubes, and cables. He looked at you, "My daughter" he said soundlessly and you felt your eyes filling up with tears. "Dad..." you took one step inside "Dad...it's me." you rushed inside...
And suddenly everything was gone...
"Dad...," you breathed out loud but the nightmare disappeared. You looked around and noticed that you were back in the dying land. You looked up on the small hill, excitement was building up in your veins. Your heart was beating fast but not out of fear and all of a sudden it skipped a beat. He was not there. "What the hell," you thought to yourself. For months you saw him in this exact place, standing in the distance like a still statue, but this time was different, he was gone.
You took two careful steps worried that somehow moving too fast will break the dream and you will wake up in your bed, alone. But when the dream did not end you started running. Not walking fast, but running with all the speed that you could master. Running towards the hill on which he was always standing, running to see if perhaps you will find something there, running to see what he was looking at all this time. You stood up in the same place where he stood before and saw nothing, absolutely nothing. Just endless plains of dust, debris, wind howling lifting into the air dead tree branches and leafs. The landscape in front of you was somehow beautiful and sad. You felt sorrow in your heart, it must have been a beautiful place once, full of life. You imagined green fields everywhere within eye's reach. Forests blooming with life. Sky blue as in the fairytales, wind gentle and soothing. It must have been a beautiful place once. Now everything around you was dead. And he was not here.
You slowly turned around, you thought it would be best to return to the same place where you always appeared in this land. It was gone...
From one side of the horizon to the other there was a wall reaching way up to the sky itself, endless, neverending. And right before you, there were gates made of horn and ivory, shining in the remaining light of the dying sun. You tried to gather it all with your eyes but you couldn't, it was so beautiful, you forgot how to breathe. You could just stand there and stare at the view in front of you. You didn't even notice him standing right in front of the door, reaching out his hand towards it.
"Morpheus..." you whispered quietly yet in the dying lands every noise stood out like the loudest scream. He slowly turned to you and you could swear that you saw surprise on his face again. Even standing in front of the endless magnificent crafted gates he looked so unreal, like a marble statue dressed in black. You smiled unconsciously partially because you were happy to see him and partially because you just proved to yourself that you weren't dreaming last night. Yet you didn't have a chance to dwell on that because within a blink of an eye you found yourself standing right in front of him.
"You have a habit of wandering in places where you should not wander to," he said calmly.
"So you are real," you whispered. You could see him for the first time up close in the light, looking at him made your heart slow down dangerously. His skin was even paler than you thought, raven hair black as the night sky on a starless night, and his eyes endless, like the universe itself.
"I am." he replied. He spoke every word slowly, with care, like he was tasting it on his lips before speaking it, like he knew exactly what to say, what you will say, like there was no point of saying anything more or less.
"Thank you for the good night's sleep," you said with a slight smile.
"You are welcome."
"This is unbelievable," you whispered again "forgive me, I don't mean to stare but, this, all of this" you took two steps away from him and pointed at the gate "this is...my god...it's so beautiful."
"These are gates made from horn and ivory," he followed your hand gesture with his eyes "I carved them myself many eons ago."
"You made these?! Unbelievable..."
"Every Dream that passes through the gate is my creation, my responsibility, " he stated "But no one guards the gates anymore, there are no Dreams in the Dreaming anymore." there was sorrow in his eyes.
"What happened?"
He didn't reply to your question. Instead, he looked at you, he looked through you with his endless black eyes, like he was trying to find an answer to the question that he did not ask.
"You are not a Vortex," he stated more to himself. "What are you? How did you get here?"
"I don't know," you replied quietly.
"Mortals cannot wander into the Dreaming," he stated.
"I really don't know how I get here," you tried assuring him "all I know is that for the last couple of months every night I was dreaming a nightmare, and every night at the end every nightmare I was ending up here." you tried explaining.
"I mean not hear, like hear hear. I mean in this land," you looked around you "and every time I saw you in the distance, standing on the hill, looking over the horizon" you added.
He did not say anything. All he did was look at you trying desperately explain to god like being why and how you got to his land.
"Morpheus, I am not lying to you," you tried to sound confident.
"I know." he cut you off. He turned his eyes towards the gate "It used to be a beautiful palace here, and the land was green, blooming with life," he started slowly touching the gates "Everything died during my absence." he pushed gently onto the gate and they opened, commanded by his will. He turned to you and reached out his hand "Come, Y/N. I invite you to join me in the Dreaming."
You took his hand and suddenly you felt calm, at peace. You straightened your back and follow him inside the land.
"We have much to talk about..." he added quietly.
Part three: Through the Dreaming
Authors note: Damn, so I did write a follow-up! :) I'm kinda surprised because consistency is not one of my strengths. But Sandman inspired me so much, swallowed me whole. I am not quite ready to let it go yet. While I'm writing I'm listing to the soundtrack and images are painting themselves. Regarding John Constantine, I decided to go with John even though I do love Johanna's character simply because I know and love John's character for a long time, and he was a part of the original source material. Also, I wanted to express in the writing his distinct British accent, I do hope it wasn't too much. My apologies to all the Brits out there, English is not my first language, I am no British, it was a purely stylish thing. In the end, as always, Dear Reader, thank you for reading :)
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partyofwords · 7 months
How to Give a First Kiss ~ *Jiro Yamada*
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Summary: Jiro has yet to have his first kiss. However, since he's met you, he's wanted to give it a try. But he has no idea how to go about it. Perhaps all he needs is some brotherly advice.
Pairing: Jiro Yamada X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1326
Warning: one swear word
When Jiro was a little boy, Ichiro used to tell him that the person he gave his first kiss to would be his spouse in the future. That was his biggest reason as to why he had never kissed anyone. Of course he never told his brothers that, especially Saburo, as he knew he’d tease him relentlessly for believing it. His excuse for why’s never had his first kiss was that he wasn’t interested in things like romance. In reality, he was just scared about giving his first kiss to the wrong person.
This was all before he met you. 
You were different. You were special to him. You were someone he didn’t want to mess things up with because you were everything he wanted in a significant other and more. 
He loved you so much he wanted to give you his first kiss.
Now how to go about giving you his first kiss was tricky. The whole concept was completely foreign to him. But he was sure he could figure it out. After all, there were plenty of anime and manga out there that had to deal with the topic of kissing, especially first kisses. There had to be answers there.
So he started studying. And Jiro quickly learned that it wasn’t as simple as he thought. There were so many different kinds of kisses, from quick, shy pecks to long, sloppy French kisses. It was overwhelming! He knew more about kissing than he actually cared to know now. And he wasn’t sure which kind of kiss you would prefer for your first kiss as a couple.
While Jiro was watching another romance anime, Ichiro just so happened to walk through the door with Saburo. However he wasn’t paying attention to them. He had research to do.
“Whatcha watching?” Saburo asked, plopping down next to his older brother.
Pausing the show, he turned his attention away from the TV. “I’m just doing a little research, that’s all. Are you curious?”
Ichiro nodded at the paused show. “It’s a good anime, a super cute slice of life. But that’s not usually your type of show. What kind of research are you doing?”
Before Jiro could explain, Saburo burst out laughing. It took him a minute to catch his breath before he spoke, “So there’s a certain special someone you like huh? That’s the only logical explanation for why you’d watch something like this! Wow, you really are pathetic!”
Jiro blushed and looked away. Just as he suspected, Saburo was teasing the shit out of him. He should have watched this anime in his room, where he wouldn’t be disturbed.
Ichiro shook his head and put a hand on the middle brother’s shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with being a little nervous when it comes to your feelings, Jiro. Why don’t you tell us all about them!”
Jiro’s cheeks flushed. “I’d rather not, thank you.”
“Ah c’mon, why not?”
“Because it’s embarrassing!”
“For you it is!” Saburo stuck his tongue out at him. Jiro raised a fist to punch him, when Ichiro squeezed his shoulder.
“Hey, being in love isn’t embarrassing! Besides, as your big brother and your surrogate parent, you have to tell me!” Ichiro laughed.
With a defeated sigh, Jiro mumbled, “Fine, I’ll tell you. But not with Saburo around.”
His younger brother scoffed. “Alright, fine! I’ll be in my room if you need me, Ichi-nii. I’ll figure out what you tell him sooner or later, Jiro!”
He laughed as he walked off, causing Jiro to bury his head in his hands with a groan. Ichiro patted his back. “Are you okay? I’ll tell him to keep his mouth shut if he finds out.”
Jiro shook his head. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“I…” He didn’t know how to explain it. It was embarrassing! He didn’t know how to deal with the emotions he was feeling for you. But he was getting nowhere by himself. Perhaps he really did need to reach out for some help. And who better than Ichiro, who he was sure had dozens of admirers fawning over him.
“The person that I like, I want to give them my first kiss.”
Ichiro’s eyes widened. “Really? That’s a big step! You must really like them, huh?”
He nodded. “I do. I really do. But I don’t know how to kiss someone and I want it to be special. I mean, I plan on marrying them in the future, so this has to be perfect!”
“WHOA!” Ichiro all but shouted, placing both hands on his brother’s shoulder as if to steady himself. “It’s just a kiss, Jiro! Not an engagement!”
Jiro frowned. “But when we were kids, you said that whoever I kissed I had to marry.”
His brother gave an anxious chuckle. “Ah, yes, that. Well, I just said that so you didn’t go around kissing every person you saw just because. Kisses are very powerful, as you’ve already guessed.”
He felt his cheeks warm with embarrassment. “Oh. I see.”
Ichiro smiled at his brother and shook his head. “Look, you’re thinking way too hard about this. The best  way to go about it, in my opinion, is to sit them down, tell them how you feel, and ask if you can kiss them. This kiss is just as important to them as it is to you. Make sure you’re both comfortable with it.”
Jiro nodded, finally having some good advice after all his hours of research. He should have known better. Of course Ichiro was a love expert! He should have gone to him first! Standing up, he thanked his brother and called you right away. He had an idea.
Not even half an hour later, Jiro was escorting you to his room. Granted he thought it was far too intimate for your first kiss, but he wanted to do it now, as Ichiro had taken Saburo with him to complete a job. He wouldn’t get another chance like this for a while.
“Y/n, we haven’t been together for very long, but I have very strong feelings for you. At first I wasn’t sure what to do with them, much less knew what they were. But after hours of research and reflection, I realized that what I feel for you is love. And my research has told me that the next step in our relationship is the first kiss. I should let you know, I have yet to actually have my very first kiss, but I would be more than happy to give that to you. So may I kiss you?”
You didn’t say anything at first, and for a moment, Jiro believed he did something wrong. He was about to reassure you that you shouldn’t feel obligated to kiss him, but that he really did love you. However, you beat him to the punch by smiling softly.
“Jiro, you know, you don’t need to prepare a speech to ask me to kiss you. We’re both still new to this whole relationship thing. If you want to kiss me, just ask simply. I’m sure we’ll figure it out, okay?”
He nodded. “Yes, of course. Alright. I’m going to kiss you now.”
You giggled, making his stomach flip. “Sounds good.”
Hesitantly, his lips touched yours. He watched your eyes slip close as you pressed against him a little harder. As he also closed his eyes, he got lost in the kiss. It felt like fireworks and electricity shooting through his body. He could almost feel himself shiver from all the feelings he was feeling. But he was more concentrated on how your lips fit perfectly against his. It felt like he’s been waiting for this moment his entire life.
When you both pulled away, he sighed and looked deep into your eyes. He knew then that what Ichiro said to him when he was younger was absolutely true. He was going to marry you one day.
“Can we do that again?”
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jjs-other-other-blog · 7 months
It's insane how much supernatural's tptb hated Castiel. At some point during season 6 they must've realised "wait a second, a lot of the fans are starting to get really attached to the side characters instead of focusing on the brothers".
And it kinda makes sense, season 6 was a bit of a mess what with Dean trying to keep his thing with Lisa going, Sam being soulless, the Campbell's running around, civil war in heaven, the Alphas, the mother of all monsters being a thing, Cas plotting with Crowley, ... There was a lot going on, Kripke had just left the show and they were trying to find their footing after finishing the big heaven vs hell - Lucifer vs Michael - apocalypse arc.
So in preparation for season 7 they apparently decided to make some changes. Cas gets a quick moment of redemption and is then promptly killed off, Crowley only really appears in 5 episodes that season, Bobby gets killed off as well. They end up bringing Cas back of course, but he's only in a handful of episode in season 7 while in any other season after his original introduction to the show he appears in well over 10 episodes.
After that they start making Cas "smaller" in other ways. In season 6 he was already seperated from the Winchesters and made an antagonist of theirs, but he was still very present and plenty powerful. He was on the wrong track, not quite unlike Sam wanting to use demon blood for the right reasons, but still a powerful angel. Everything afterwards though seems to be a thinly veiled "Sam and Dean are the main characters here and stronger and more important than Cas" message.
[In season 7 he loses his memory, then his mind. In season 8 he gets brainwashed and tricked by Metatron (which makes him appear slightly naive and gullible, easy to manipulate, even though his core character trait as shown in seasons 4&5 is the exact opposite - he has doubts, he questions his orders and has his own, strong moral compass). In season 9 he loses all his powers, hits a new low, becomes human, defenseless, vulnerable, even dies because of it. Season 10 has him struggling with his powers again, his stolen grace slowly fading and even after getting back his own grace he's not back to full angel power. In season 11 he gets tricked and used as a weapon again first by Rowena then by Lucifer. Season 12 is pretty similar to 6, we see more badass Cas following his own agenda (even if the Winchesters disagree with him), but he's still not back to full power. The last three seasons I didn't watch personally, but as far as I'm aware they're more about interpersonal drama, he still seems to make a bunch of mistakes in the eyes of Sam and Dean, he never gets his full powers back.]
In short: He's constantly presented as this guy who's generally trying to help and who used to be strong, too, but now he's physically, mentally and emotionally fragile and often additionally untrustworthy, he needs to be saved from himself before he makes another stupid mistake.
And even inbetween the big plot points he's constantly overpowered in fights where even Sam or Dean come out on top - even though Cas is a seasoned warrior, a military expert and excellent fighter with at least some super strength left. There's no logical explanation for that.
Now lucky for us, us Cas fans we don't automatically assume the Winchesters are right and Cas is at fault for everything that happens, a lot of us are in fact rather critical of Sam and Dean. Also a lot of the above mentioned plots were actually super interesting. Cas becoming human for example was intense. Tptb also miscalculated big time: Making Cas less badass and powerful never made us love him any less. The pattern however remains.
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Hello. I love Conner Kent and have compiled pretty much every time Conner and Tim have had any kind of intimacy since he was brought back to canon.
Let’s go in order!
Young Justice 2019 (not to be confused with the OG)
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For the record, this is pre-bisexual-realization Tim. tbh I’ve been thinking about just how bitter Tim sounds here despite still being oblivious to how freaking gay he is. Like, seriously “Whatever dumb thing or person makes him happy makes me happy.” Like, why they gotta be dumb, Timbo? While not anywhere near as weird, it also feels very strong for Tim to say with his whole-ass chest “he’s my best friend and I love him” solely given how recently he recovered those memories.  But if they had resolidified into him by that point, it’s not too strange. Stronger things have been said about them and by them.
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Conner goes right for Tim. (In fairness, Cassie’s already got him and Bart isn’t in the room yet, but still)
(Also please join me in desperately trying to ignore the Drake outfit for the next few images because Yikes)
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Conner was being such a Mom to Bart before this that this just reminds me of when they started Young Justice and he made a comment about how Bart would be a handful for other heroes or parents and Tim just gave him a Look and he was like “Oh, no! I am NOT the mom!” Sure, Jan.
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More cute Bart, but it’s just...the thought. Bart knew Tim would want to see pics of Kon punching Luthor in the face and I love that for them.
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I couldn’t not include the subsequent hug. THEY’RE SO FRICKIN CUTE.
That’s about it for Young Justice (and thankfully Drake). Next is the Tim Drake Pride Special, most of which is also in Batman: Urban Legends. Though Conner is only in Urban Legends for this one hot sec.
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Kon doesn’t end up helping with Bernard because Tim is a stubborn dumbass with a habit for self-sabotage. But he saves the day and gets the boy anyway.
(For the record, I am endgame TimKon 100%, but Tim and Bernard are also very cute together and I’m so excited to see more of them! Honestly, read the new Tim Drake: Robin comics they are so flippin cute and we get to see Bernard being a ridiculous conspiracy theorist like he was on New Earth and it’s actually pretty funny and so cute UGH)
Then this is I think exclusive to the Pride Special, and we are post Bisexual Awakening.
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So many people loved this page. Including me. But this part of the special was more about getting Tim to talk to Stephanie again. Because he’s an awkward loser who is trying to find himself and will occasionally just distance himself from people to do so. Despite generally being self aware and knowing better.
Anywho, the following is from Dark Crisis: Young Justice. Which isn’t too bad, but sometimes feels a bit wonky, especially with the girls. But it’s not totally out of character, especially given the Fresh Trauma, and it gets in the boys’ heads. And there’s...A Lot.
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This is...well, these are Cassie’s thoughts. The plot hole made here, “Conner never find[ing] out” which shouldn’t be true because both Cassie AND Tim told him about this, is hand waved later because the whole thing with Rebirth is everyone’s memories are Fucked. I mean, Kon and Bart should have not been included in that because they were “off-world” when the N52 reboot happened which is the explanation for the 90s/2000s versions to come back basically as they had been, but y’know. Comics.
But anyway, this is bringing up, in case you live under a rock and were unaware, the time when Kon died and Cassie and Tim started dating for a hot second almost entirely because of their shared grief over Kon. Cassie had literally been in a Superboy cult and Tim was in the desperate process of trying to clone him.
You know. Fun times.
Dark Crisis actually has a lot of Kon@Tim stuff. I mean, plenty of the mutual affection still, but Kon is very focused on Tim, whereas Tim is trying to be more logical and, funny enough, listening to Bart.
Everyone forgets Bart is Super Smart, in part because he’s actually naturally clever but has a goober personality, but also because part of his trauma response to getting his kneecap blow off and having to have surgery done with little to no anesthetic because his metabolism burned that shit right out, he literally consumed an entire library. Like, read every single book there at super speed. Boy Knows Things. Plus he’s experienced to much more trauma since then, he’s become a quick thinker (pun always intended).
But you’re not here for my Bartholomew Is Great lecture, you’re here for TimKon!
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Coffee Boy Confirmed
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Oh, Tim...
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All three of them go flying out of a car and Kon grabs Tim, but fuck Bart I guess? Bart brings this up later but it’s still frustrating. Sure, Tim and Kon are besties, but they love Bart. He’s not a third wheel in their friendship. He’s part of it. Just...sigh.
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I love “You know I can run, right?” This is just a little glimpse into while Kon’s brain seems almost exclusively reserved for self pity and Tim, and Tim is still very much more focused on Conner, Tim is still paying attention to Bart (even if he doesn’t feel like it). Tim didn’t need to grab Bart at all, but why not?
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Again, Kon brushing Bart off entirely, and Tim acknowledging Bart’s point but still showing preference to Kon.
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Tim is So Done with these two and it’s so funny.
Also want to note, “process this with Babs later”. Is Babs acting as his therapist? I think she has the training, or at least a degree in psychology? That would actually be kinda sweet.
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This seems so much more “ow my heart” out of context...the context is, Kon is being a dick to Bart. Tim ultimately disagrees with Conner, but not enough for Bart to not storm off, as seen below.
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For the record, that’s not Cassie. Which is pretty obvious from the jump. But even here...yikes.
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This stunned look (which is oddly glassy-eyed and unnerving tbh...) is in direct contrast to his calm understanding when Cassie actually told him, and then when Tim tried to talk to him about it. He was initially like “that’s kinda fucked up, but I get it and I forgive you”. Which...honestly sounds super big and sweet, but he also had pretty much the same reaction to “I was in a Superboy revival cult” and “I tried to clone you 90+ times and considered tossing you in a Lazarus Pit” so...
What I’m saying is Kon, in true Kent fashion, is a himbo.
But this could set off so many trains of thought here. Cassie told him it was out of grief that she did it--Tim never gets to explain his side. But what if it was a grief reaction for Tim? (It was.) Does that mean he was projecting his feelings for Conner onto Cassie? (Probably.) Tim knows he likes boys now, does that mean he liked Conner? (Likely.) Either way, what does Kon do with this?
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Okay, this isn’t TimKon, but these boys are so fucking funny. Have I mentioned that I love Tim Drake? Because I love him. (Also reminds me of the time when Bart’s head was fucked up and he thought he was Batman...look, the 90s were weird, okay?)
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They just had a fight and Tim’s first move is to stabilize and comfort Conner. Just....aaaaaaaaaaaa
And then we get to the fourth issue...which is probably my favorite because we’re finally in Conner’s head! We’ve been bopping between Bart and Tim until now (and also Cassie and Cissie elsewhere), but nearly this whole comic is Kon’s POV and it’s both hilarious and a little heartbreaking. I...I love him. He is my Favorite.
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So, they’re being attacked by a whole fake Justice League and Titans (I see Roy and Kory and Kyle and Donna and--) and Big Bad is fucking with the sound waves. Until Conner is like, “Okay, but what if we didn’t?”
He’s the one who’s been trying to convince the other two that this fake world is okay, that it’s better and they should stay, despite things being noticeably Off, and despite the distinct lack of Jon, Damian, and Wallace. (As far as I know, Bart doesn’t know Wallace too well, but Kon and Jon at least met and got on okay, and Tim and Damian are...well, they’re at a point in their relationship of begrudging respect and affectionate verbal violence rather than, y’know, actual violence). Bart wants to GTFO, and Tim was wishy-washy at first, but at this point is firmly with Bart and wants out. I mean, he started getting Bad Vibes when Fake Batman said him wanting to date Bernard over Stephanie was “just a phase”. I didn’t include that image despite loving it, but Tim’s internal thoughts are, verbatim, “@#$&#&* what?” which can, I would guess, be translated to, “Fucking what?” Tim is very curse-y in this series.
But I’m getting sidetracked. Kon wants to stay, the others want out, and Kon throws a bitch fit.
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“The man was too stunned to speak”
Poor Bart, figuratively and literally carrying this fucking team.
Here we go.
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Hey. Hey, Conner. Buddy. What the fuck does that mean, man?
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I cannot begin to tell you the number of ways this page hurts me. Just...all three of them are so fed up with everything and aaaaaaaaa
And then Bart rightfully goes off.
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Like, that’s not quite true, but it sure do be feeling that way right now. And while even in this post I’ve shown just how much both of them can care and pay attention to Bart, they have always been more focused on each other. At first it was because Tim was secretive and Kon thought he had a stick up his ass meanwhile Conner was new to the world and being actively manipulated by people. And then it’s because they’re best friends. Like, heterosexual life partners levels of best friends. Platonic (or not-so-platonic) soulmates levels of best friends. They both consider Bart their best friend too, but they hold each other above pretty much everyone else. Which, after they’ve all lost some footholds in reality with their seniors missing, those small slights feel more pointed and are getting to Bart a lot more. He’s hurting and Tim’s the only one listening, but Tim is favoring Kon and it’s driving him up the wall. All that frustration and resentment come to a head. Hopefully to be resolved.
I’ve made this a Young Justice Boys post instead of just a TimKon post, but I regret nothing!
For the sake of my image limit I haven’t given everything I love about this issue, but even if you don’t read the rest (which is fair, it gives some people Bad Vibes at the start) please read this issue. Conner’s inner monologue is so stupid and so funny and I love him so much.
But anywhozits, proceeding!
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I want it noted that Bart was attacked right before this and is held on the ground but Conner immediately goes for Tim. Unbelievable.
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(I refuse to crop out Bart when he’s funny)
I’m, uh, not a fan of Superboy’s face here, but y’know, more him focused on Tim. While Bart is in a similar predicament.
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He finally mentions Bart...after he seems to have nearly been able to save himself.
(Yes, the bad guy’s name is Mickey. Yes it’s awful, but that’s the point. I think.)
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Now, here’s a big point for me, so I’m breaking down the page.
Mickey-boy conjures up images of new and revised characters (ex. Jon Kent and Harley Quinn) and Tim sees
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And the next panel?
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He sees Tim looking at the image of his boyfriend...and he changes his tune.
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And they they all go off on a speech that’s touching in context but incredibly cheesey out of it. Also a bit obnoxiously meta, but so is this whole storyline.
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“What are you gonna do about it, Conner Kent?” I don’t know why that gets me so much but it does.
That’s all for now. Last DCYJ comes out November 15 and I’ll probably edit this post at that point to add what’s in there but I’m impatient and made this whole thing and I need people to love and appreciate these boys.
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shakertwelve · 1 year
the obvious defense of this point would be that Victoria is simply supposed to be Wrong About It, which I would love, except that the narrative very carefully bends to make sure that Victoria is Always Right, and ESPECIALLY Always Right about Cape Science
[ context: the quote we're talking about: “I guess it doesn’t make sense as a thing powers would do.  Powers tend to steer clear of the suicidal, the helpless, the invalid, or people who are limited.” ]
my best guess as to what wildbow meant, if he put any thought into this at all? this is ward's version of the scene in worm that goes out of its way to make clear that labyrinth is not autistic and had a "normal" mind before her trigger (and the similar clarification about bitch). wildbow didn't want to write about developmental disabilities, probably because he thought he didn't know enough about the subject not to mess up and get in trouble for writing something offensive, so his solution was to just state that no one in parahumans is meant as "representation" of that demographic and avoid the issue altogether. this at least makes some kind of sense, if you are wildbow.
the obvious issue here is that this quote doesn't just single out developmental disabilities, but is phrased broadly enough to apply to almost any kind of illness or disorder. worm presents superpowers as explicitly tied to a traumatic event and as a metaphor for the effects of trauma, and experiencing other forms of illness and distress make someone much more likely to process an event as a trauma, so logically, mentally ill and disabled people should be overrepresented in the parahuman population (feeling "helpless" or distressed enough to be suicidal are common elements to many parahuman triggers), and the ways capes tend to act in the text of both books consistently reflect this. the only other explanation i can think of is that we're using an extremely restrictive definition of mental disorders (i.e. we're being the guy who thinks adhd isn't a real neurotype, so imp and kid win don't count, and low-empathy is just code for being a bad person, so cradle doesn't count, and so on...), and even that doesn't explain why we're claiming physically disabled people also can't get powers, when wildbow has written about it happening plenty of times (thank you @john-cherry-the-6th for bringing up this wog about triggers in suicidal people that includes the trigger event of a coma patient). also, we've seen that powers can cure illnesses as part of the trigger (see: vikare, famously the first hero ever, whose powers manifesting cured his cancer) if they really need to (they don't even do it all the time if the host isn't dying and can still fight with the power, like genesis), so why would they care if a prospective host is disabled? but whatever--let's disregard all evidence to the contrary and assume that all capes were 100% Mentally Normal (a very objective standard) before their triggers, so their erratic behavior after triggering must be purely the influence of their superpowers.
of course, now we have to go back to the first part of the quote. victoria claims that she doesn't think it's likely that finale's powers would affect her mental development after she manifested them, because powers want their hosts to be able and ready for action. so that can't be why capes like labyrinth and bitch exist, either; powers avoid choosing "limited" people as hosts and they also don't want to make their hosts limited, therefore all parahumans must be healthy because shards want healthy hosts. except there's absolutely no way any scientific study of parahumans in this world would come to this conclusion! scores of therapists run themselves ragged dealing with the various complexes of just the heroic capes, and capes on the "villainous" side are understood to be, on average, even more unstable! victoria has been working with jessica yamada, who definitely knows this, for ages! what the fuck is she talking about!
CONCLUSION: ??? wildbow got confused while writing about his own setting's alien brain parasites and started describing yeerks instead
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tmntxthings · 1 year
request: can I get a platonic Rise!Turtles(mainly Mikey cus I love that boy way too much, also can you add April if possible?) x GN/Male Reader. The prompt is that the reader is this omniscient spirit-like entity from a different dimension who likes to travel through worlds and interact with them or simply watch them from afar through astral projection and just so happened to lend into this one and had caught an interest by the Turtles(because they're the only beings so far that radiate magic energy) and decided to follow them around
In This World
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author’s note: omigosh so sorry for the wait, I rlly rlly rlly rlly hope you enjoy >.< to tumblr, u need auto save, like I was almost done (._.) three perspectives are missing, don’t do this to me AGH
warnings: platonic relationships, fluff, comfort, unedited
Leo never thought a silly game of ouija board would amount to anything other than him scaring the bejesus out of Raph and Mikey, he didn’t have any hopes to scare Don. But as fate had it, unbeknownst to them all, you were watching the game and decided to have a little fun.
Now Leo had planned on pushing the piece around the board, and acting as if a ghost had done so. But before he could apply much pressure the little glass piecing was already moving to the letter ‘y’ after he had asked “Is anyone out there?” Leo immediately suspected Donnie had went ahead and moved it so Leo shot him a glare
But Donnie was raising his eyebrows and giving him a look that said what?? “Alright wait a minute, everyone let go..” Leo said and everyone retracted their fingers from the glass piece. “Is anyone out there?” He asked again and watched in horror as the piece moved on its own. Spelling out yes.
All the brothers were up from their spots around the board, running to the edges of the room and screaming bloody murder! “A GHOST IS HAUNTING US!!!” Leo couldn’t believe it, he thought everything had a rational explanation, but he couldn’t exactly refute what his eyes were seeing.
After things settled down and more questions were asked, full blown conversations had with not a ghost they found out but you! Turns out Donnie’s whole theory about the multiverse and space time continuum was true, Leo didn’t know what that all meant but basically it meant you weren’t dead, nor a ghost, nor haunting anyone, though you admitted to them all that you found them very entertaining
Leo might’ve become a little more entertaining after that, but the coolest part was when you finally revealed your astral projection/image, the two of you got into trouble plenty of times after that, mega pranks being pulled, if Leo was ever bored out of his mind, he’d go to you with a big smirking expression on his face, “Y/n~~~~ who do you wanna prank this time???”
After finding about your existence you better bet your bottom dollar that Donnie is taking the ouija board in his lab and asking all the questions his big brain can think of, this turtle has some hard hitting inquiries too. “How is this possible?” “How does your power work?” “How many realities have you been to?” “What made you stop in this one specifically?”
Come to find out, the turtles mystic energy is off the charts after the events with the kraang. I was drawn to your power signatures but I stayed because it’s never a boring day here, you tried your best to answer all of Donnie’s questions, you found it quite endearing how curious he was, to you having become used to the traveling you didn’t think it was that special
Donnie would try conducting experiments once you revealed your astral form, though much to his dismay he found that he couldn’t exactly hook you up to a bunch of wires, they’d just fall to the ground right through you, what boggled his mind completely was when you would hand the wires back to him with a shrug, not being able to explain how you could touch things, yet things couldn’t touch you
The logic befuddled the genius turtle, but it seemed a lot of things as of late were defying logic and reason, don’t even get him started about the whole gravity situation by metro tower during the kraang invasion, some things just weren’t meant to be explained, he guessed he would have to classify it as magic: science that has yet to be understood.
“Y/n I think I’ve come up with an alternative method of experimentation,” Donnie said as soon as you floated into the lab, “but if this fails I have 36 new questions I would like to discuss.” His goggles come down looking real scientific, definitely meaning business as you held back a smile, his enthusiasm to learn knows no bounds!
Splinter was used to the crazy weirdness of the world. So he wasn’t that shocked when his sons finally introduced you to him. You reminded him so much of the Hamato Clan legacy, how they too showed up in a similar form as yours, helping Splinter and his sons when they needed it most.
He didn’t mind your presence when you came to float by his recliner in the projector room. As time passed he came to accept you just like he had with April. “Hello friend #2” he’d smile, Hello Master Splinter~ you would reply. You would indulge him as he talked about his past and adventures as Lou Jitsu.
Sometimes late at night when the brothers were all asleep, you would float back into the room to see Splinter was still awake, on those nights he would talk to you about his worries, how he didn’t think he did a good job raising his sons, how he wished he could’ve done things better, he wished he would’ve thought more about them than himself..
Well, I think they turned out to be just fine, but I think you still have time! They may be teenagers but they still look up to you greatly! Splinter would nod, it would get quiet and he’d stare off at the projection, not paying much attention to the commercials. “Yes, I think that is what I shall do.”
“Don’t tell my sons, but you are my favorite.” Splinter said sneakily as he looked over the recliner to make sure neither Red nor Orange heard. Purple would be absolutely devastated. Blue probably not so much, though Splinter loved him, all his sons. Your secret’s safe with me you promised.
Raph would be skeptical about you at first, he didn’t have a good track record with beings from other places. Especially since they had finally recovered from the kraang. But with time he came around, realizing you were different, you meant no harm to them or the rest of humanity for that matter.
Though you did like to pull pranks with Leo, which Raph was a victim of plenty a times. Poor guy actually would let a high-pitched scream every time you would pop in to hang out with him. Raph may be the biggest and strongest, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have fears. He hated scary movies and you resembled what he would call a ghost for a lack of a better term.
“AH! Oh- it’s you!” He’d breath out in relief as you smiled sheepishly. The whole lair would know whenever you tried to hang out with Raph. Which would mostly be when he was working out or training. One time when he had finished a particular brutal workout he had been too tired to pick up the weights.
I can help, you offered and floated over to the heaviest dumbbell. You picked it up with ease and floated over to where they were stored. All the while Raph’s mouth was gaping in complete shock. “You’re really strong!!” He gushed, the only other person who could lift that besides himself was Mikey when he was using his mystic abilities.
You didn’t have the heart to explain to Raph that it all came down to mental will, which as a reality shifter you had a lot of, so it just came down to how badly you wanted to pick up the weight. He watched as you quickly cleared up the rest, Raph would definitely be asking you to workout with him!
Mikey was also afraid of you at first, but he came to trust you way more swiftly than Raph. He absolutely loved the idea of having a friend who was ready and waiting to hang out! He’d call out to you to do just about anything together. “Hey Y/n do you wanna watch me color? Look I made this for you yesterday!”
Wow Mikey, it’s gorgeous! Thank you so much you beamed as he added it to your designated pile since you didn’t have a place to put them. He would ask you if you wanted to watch him cook, or to watch videos with him, or if you wanted to go out to the surface together!
Mikey rarely wanted alone time, and if you weren’t hanging out with one of his brothers then you were there by Mikey’s side, listening to his rambling. One day he took you by surprise, turning to you, looking down as his fingers came together. “Y/n?” Yes Mike? “Do you think if I made a portal, I could reach your reality? Then maybe we could hangout.. for real?”
You listened intently, you knew of Mikey’s powerful abilities, his mystic energy was the greatest out of all his brothers. You had been drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Though that may be possible, I am perfectly happy with the way things are now… thank you for the offer though Sweet Mikey
You smiled at him as he looked up with a slight smile, sighing, “yeah you’re right things are fine this way,” he didn’t want to admit it to himself but it would probably take a lot out of him to make another portal so soon. As long as you were happy though Mikey wouldn’t do anything risky. “You just let me know if you change your mind Y/n, maybe Donnie could help too!”
Now you weren’t exactly the normal friend that April had been hoping for, but a new/astral projection/person was a friend nonetheless. During the day when the turtles were asleep you would hang out with April. She was very aware you were around during school, seeing you pull pranks inconspicuously.
Those pranks were mainly pulled on the students who gave April a hard time, aka bullies. They’d be bending down to use the water fountain and it would suddenly be spraying them in the face. You tried to keep it toned down since you didn’t want rumors of the high school being haunted spread around.
April would always shake her head saying she didn’t you to do that. But you could tell she secretly liked the thought of having a friend who wanted to stick up for her. Someone who could extract a little harmless vengeance. “Yo! Y/n you there?” April would be walking home from a long day at school and the sidewalks quieted down with little to no traffic. You would appear floating next to her, Yup! How was your day?
April rolled her eyes, like you didn’t already know every little detail. But she obliged, telling her point of view and how she was feeling, what she was looking forward to. “I’ll be heading to the boys later tonight, can you let them know for me?” You gave her a thumbs up and she waved goodbye as she entered her apartment complex.
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rolkstone · 25 days
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Viktor had been persuading his brother that Wayne was dangerous and deserved his fate as a lab test subject. Besides, he paid him well and gave him access to a state of the art lab and gave him plenty of time to work on his own projects.
At one point Sasha injected some of Wayne's DNA and [insert a logical explanation here] the rat began to take on Wayne's characteristics in some ways. He is more intelligent than the other rats, though so far not more intelligent than a young child.
Sasha has been growing fond of this rat and adopted him as a pet, much to Viktor's disgust and discomfort, because he hates rats.
idea by @drcossack2402
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nikofortuna · 7 days
JTTW Chapter 41 Thoughts
Chapter 41 for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group!
Starting off with the first poem at the beginning of the chapter, the German translation has translated its last part very differently or at least it seems so. However I won’t exclude the possibility of the meaning being the same after all and it just not having been as clear to me.
I am specifically referring to these lines:
“Five Phases hobbled wreck the grove of Chan,
Certain as rising wind’s frigid.”
In the J. F. Jenner translation they read pretty similarly:
“The Five Elements smash the woods of contemplation;
When the wind blows it is bound to be cold.”
Though in German they read:
“Kehr’ die Wandlungsphasen um trete in den Tempel ein,
Denn sobald der Wind sich regt wird es bitter frostig sein.”
Or as I translate them into English again:
“Reverse the Five Phases and enter the temple,
Because once the wind stirs up it will be frigid.”
The notes of the German translation provides the context of reversing the Five Phases also basically referring to reversing your aging as the regular cycle would be life and death. So internal alchemy strives to reverse the direction or the phases and direct fire or the spirit into water or life essence to combine and create new life force.
Now taking a quick glance at the Chinese Original with the help of Google Translate it seems to be closest to the J. F. Jenner translation in wording. Though given that the German translation provides the explanation it does it probably is a case of all versions carrying roughly the same meaning but some wording it much more poetically and others being more direct, which lead to my confusion.
Lovely how Sha Wujing is coming in with logic and teamwork as the solution!
Sir, he asked WHERE your brothers are, not who. I mean it still made clear the information requested, but technically that was not what he asked.
Plenty of marine animals! I won’t take a close look at each of them this time though as from a quick glance they seem to be a lot more complicated if not specific names in the Original Chinese version than the simple animal names we got in the Anthony C. Yu translation. Overall it seems to match up for the most part though. However what I am squinting at from a logical standpoint is the tortoise given that tortoise are land animals and not aquatic.
So you are telling me Buddha had blue hair?
Also it makes sense for the rain to fuel the fire instead of quelling it as it was described previously that water is also part of the magic to begin with.
He has a Bag of Holding you say? Why the group should take that with them! Could make carrying around the luggage a bit easier perhaps.
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batw1nggg · 3 months
Same anon here who brought up that stuff about Nagito's contempt for the Reserve Course being intensified in the simulation by misinformation. For a number of reasons I'm much more accepting of the premise of literal brainwashing than other fans. In fact, controversial opinion, I actually think it is a more logical and coherent premise than the idea of Class 77-B all becoming terrorists of their own free will.
Now just to be clear I do agree that the idea of insta-brainwashing via a Despair video that Junko had all along is daft. Since on top of it being kind of anticlimactic, it retroactively means she was sitting on an "I win" button the entire time in DR1. But to summarize why I don't think the idea of literal brainwashing is an unreasonable premise, it mainly comes to three points.
The first is that the precedent for brainwashing technology had already been set in the DR universe. DR1 established that it was possible to precisely erase targeted memories. DR0 took that to the next extreme by showing it was possible to create a new persona through that same technology. UDG established that helmets to mind control victims existed too. So the idea of Class 77-B also being brainwashed is far from outlandish in the setting. In fact I accidentally predicted the V3 twist before reaching the end. Since I initially assumed they would have gone through a more visceral version of what was done to the V3 cast (though possibly with some other nastiness like sensory depravation and solitary confinement).
The second is that...well, the premise of Junko indoctrinating them one by one into a cult sounds deep and clever until you seriously think about it for like 5 minutes. The timeline simply doesn't work. Junko would have maybe 10 months tops to pull something like this off. And making matters worse is that she's in a separate class, and has a whole lot of other shit to prepare in the year leading up to the Tragedy. Manipulating Yasuke and Izuru, arranging for the school council massacre, getting Monaca and the Warriors of Hope on her side, and all the while keeping up appearances as a member of Class 78. A class who were implied in the DR1 photos to be abnormally tightknit by Hope's Peak standards, like Class 77-B was with Chisa and Chiaki.
I've seen plenty of headcanons for how she'd go about it. And yes, stuff like the Twilight Syndrome incident could help things. But that only applies to about a third of the class. And overall just about every explanation I've heard treats Junko and Class 77-B like they exist in a vacuum. With none of the other people at school noticing that anything is off. Which is just nonsensical. DR0 shows a lot of the events right before the Tragedy from the perspective of people like Kyoko, Yasuke, Makoto, and Jin. And NOBODY seems to think there's something kind of off about Class 77-B, or brings up that Junko seems to spend a strange amount of time around them. Makoto of all people would be just the kind of person to try and bond with some of his senpais. And the Ultimate Detective not seeing any signs of bizarre cult-like behavior among the school's students is pretty absurd.
Not to mention that it requires that while they're still at school the Remnants never behave in such a way that's counterproductive to Junko's plans. Like Teruteru is briefly alluded to in DR0. Now am I really expected to believe that someone like him, who presumably would already be part of Junko's cult that late into the timeline, wouldn't already be doing some fucked up shit? Like increasingly creepy sexual harassment or violent mood swings? Same for people like Hiyoko, Nekomaru, Akane, Ibuki, and so on. This premise requires them all to be good little robots and rein in the Despair antics until after the riots spiral out of control. That's a level of subtlety that many in Class 77-B just don't have.
And finally...I'm sorry, but no. You can't have it both ways. You can't have the Remnants be fully responsible for carrying out their misdeeds of their own free will. And then have them be rehabilitated and redeemed via the Neo World Program. Using targeted amnesia to rehabilitate criminals is unethical to an absurd degree. If you're going to say "These people deserve a second chance", then you're going to have to commit to doing things the hard way. Detain and rehabilitate them with their memories intact. Literally the only scenario where something as extreme as the Neo World Program would ever be remotely justifiable would be an equally extreme scenario like a subject having been subjected to literal mind control.
So yeah. That's my controversial take. I disagree with DR3's depiction, but think the Remnants being brainwashed as more than just a figure of speech is perfectly reasonable. Mainly for pragmatic reasons related to story consistency, due stuff like DR0 not only doesn't have any hint of Junko secretly running a cult, but makes a lot less sense if we assume that's going on offscreen. But also for some ideological reasons too. Plus the alternative requires a level of competence and manipulative brilliance that it wildly inconsistent with what Junko showed in DR1. There is no way that someone who could convert all of Class 77-B with the constraints listed above in such a short timeframe, would be so easily thwarted by stuff like Sakura's sacrifice and Makoto's rallying speech at the end. In fact Class 78 should have all gone completely mad after a year in isolation with her if she was as brilliant as some fans hype her up to be.
OK WAIT NO NO NO i didnt mean to imply that junko should like. Run a cult or something. i agree with all of these points, i think that TOO personalized of manipulation would be unrealistic. the way dr3 did the brainwashing seemed lazy and anticlimactic for junko but also junko is smart and wouldnt put in all that unnecessary work for a class she doesnt care about.
youre right that brainwashing and mind altering does consistently show up throughout danganronpa, but i do also really really wish we couldve seen it be pulled off in a slightly more personalized manner. i used mikan as an example in that post but i didnt mean to imply i wanted them to show junko doing that to like. Everyone. i just personally wish they wouldve taken the “the brainwashing takes advantage of your personal desires and hopes” thing a bit farther somehow. like elaborated a little more
i dont have a clear vision of how danganronpa 3 shouldve ended. i think i’d be a lot more on board with the brainwashing if theyd just. Done it a little better, made it more climactic, made the scene more intense or something idk. it’s just so obvious to me that dr3’s ending (and dr3 as a whole but especially the ending) really seemed rushed and careless. we BARELY even get to see the remnants while theyre despaired, with the exception of komaeda. which SUCKSSSS SO BAD i wish they couldve at least incorporated THAT. like for dr being about the apocalypse we dont really get to see much of. The Apocalypse. outside of udg.
and ohhh yeah the forcefully inducing amnesia on a criminal thing is a point i never even considered. youre totally right there i have no comments to add about that
To Conclude. it does make sense that the brainwashing had to be done and i do admit that it is consistent with dr. But Also. It was Anticlimactic and the way they wrote it seemed half assed to me
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