#jttw book club
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Oh, the agony of a monk living in a murderous world trying to explain to a murder monkey who got a lot of what he wanted through murder why he shouldn't murder :(
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digitalagepulao · 10 months
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Will Horse, Mind Monkey
i thought i'd do a little something today since the reading club for JTTW over at @journeythroughjourneytothewest hosted by @/sketching-shark officially begins tomorrow! to everyone embarking on this venture, i hope we all have a wonderful time, and wishing for us plenty of fun, learning, and inspiration!
also lowkey Bai Longma concept reveal! i based him off Mongolian horses because i adore them, i find their resilience and endurance a good match for the Will Horse allegory, and also the mental image of a long noodle dragon turning into a stout horse incredibly comical
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ryin-silverfish · 6 months
Chapter 18: What a Swine!
-A few pages into the chapter, and I found the first hook to go on a giant tangent: according to Gao Cai, Gao Village is located in the Kingdom of Qoco. I have no idea why Yu translated it as such, since the original Chinese name——Wusi Zang(乌斯藏, a transliteration of dbus gtsang) sounds nothing like that, but in short, it's the Ming dynasty name for Tibet.
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-However, a quick glance at this map would show you that the real Xuanzang didn't cross Tibet during his journey; rather, he went the long way around the Himalayas, travelling on the Central Asian Silk Road. In the Ming dynasty, if you wanna go to India, you could actually take the route through the Himalayas and Nepal, but it wasn't there in the Tang dynasty (because there were a couple of hostile kingdoms in the way; Tuyuhun, Tubo, etc.)
-Sidenote, I absolutely love how JTTW '86 adapted this chapter, with SWK getting his flirt on and the legendary "Pigsy Carrying His Bride" sequence that had made its way into many subsequence adaptations.
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-JTTW Research had written pretty comprehensively about Pigsy's origins, from the Daoist deity Marshal Canopy to his ties with Marici, an import deity with a boar mount who's also associated with the Dipper Constellation. As such, I only had one tidbit to add about possible inspirations for his character in folklore that predated the above.
-The earliest tale about a lusty pig demon could be found in the Tang dynasty Xuan Guai Lu(玄怪录). Guo Yuanzhen, a historical general during the reign of Gaozong and Wu Zetian, came across a mansion in his youth during travel. The whole place was lavishly decorated, as if preparing for a wedding banquet, but eeriely empty save for one crying woman.
-Turned out, she was the unwitting soon-to-be bride of a god called "General Wu"(乌将军), who demanded a beauty as his wife every year from the locals, and because they would pay a hefty sum to "buy" said bride, her own father sold her out to be this year's sacrifice. Furious, Guo disguised himself as a guest, pretended to offer General Wu some venison, then cut off his hand with the meat knife.
-Wounded, the General fled, and his severed limb turned into a pig's hoof once the sun came out. Soon, the bride's family and village elders came to the manor, ready to collect her body for the funeral, and were so freaked out by what Guo did that they were ready to sacrifice him to General Wu too, since the "god" was known to summon storm and hails whenever he didn't get his bride.
-Guo scolded them for being so damn guillible because no real gods would demand human sacrifices or, y'know, have pig hooves as hands, before gathering the young men of the villages and following the trail of blood to the pig demon's abode, where they proceeded to smoke it out and kill it with an assortment of arrows and farming tools.
-The woman, after calling out her terrible parents, pledged herself to Guo and became one of his wives, and all was well.
-Honestly, Pigsy's evolution from his folklore origins to JTTW Zaju to JTTW novel seemed to be one in which he became increasingly sympathetic; from basically being a more lusty version of Guanyin's goldfish, to an opportunistic kidnapper who took advantage of a pair of star-crossed lovers' family feud, to an ex-deity turned reformed demon who kinda got screwed over by his in-laws.
-Final note: Pigsy bragged that even if they could get the "Monster-Routing Patriarch" to come down from the Nine Heaven and exorcise him, he could still claim to be an old buddy of the guy. Which…wasn't wrong, considering that "Monster-Routing Patriarch" was the title of Emperor Zhenwu, Lord of the North, who was worshipped alongside Marshal Canopy as one of the Four Saints of the North Pole.
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crzyimp · 8 months
JJTW Chapter 6
Guanyin when arriving for the Peach Festival:
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Bodhisattva Guanyin finally shows up and already having to deal with Wukong's (and future) shenanigans.
One thing that popped out to me was that Wukong being merciful to Moksha and Erlang due to their ages. Wukong does/commit many things, but killing minors(but are they minors or just young adults?) isn't one of them. He did the same with Nezha earlier too.
It's was heartbreaking seeing Wukong so defeated after scaring his own troop and even trying to join them inside the cave. I personally think he wanted to comfort his family before being stopped by the others. He didn't even fight the men waiting for him at the cave! He chose to shape shift away instead. I really wanted to know what was going through his head during that moment, the poor monkey king probably beating himself up for scaring his family and maybe even guilt for bring all of this mess to their doorstep.
Don't wanna ramble too much, so this is my take away from chapter 6!
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lavaflowe · 8 months
CHPT 7-9
Chpt 7
•”All this was probably refined in his stomach by the Samadhi fire to form a single solid mass” I know other deities can use the fire but I’m wracking my brain for when it used before(this point) specifically- My understanding was the furnace refined the immortal elixirs and fruit- I’m going to assume Laozi is just theorizing and doesn’t know what actually happened
•Diamond body….👀
•Erlang gets absolutely DRIPPED out, he earned it FR
•eyes permanently irritated by the smoke churned up the the Xun trigram, someone get this man some eye drops
•he is extra pissed
•”this cosmic being fully fused with nature’s gifts passes with ease through 10,000 toils and tests”
•Big war form out to beat serious ass, he’s not jokin bitch
•” bright and luminous; ….illustrious pearl of mani he is indeed” MMMMM comparing him to a mani- a flaming (wish granting) jewel is hilarious 💀
•Tathagata bringing in the big guns (himself)
•”how tf do you know The Way and not know who I am?? And you’re so….violent” I can sense the side eye
•I wonder if Wukong has previous incarnations?? Buddha says he just reached human form this incarnation but if his rock was there at the beginning of creation, wouldn’t his soul be ‘baking’ (for lack of a better term) the whole time until he hatched?
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•” and with a total lack of respect he left a bubbling pool of monkey urine” Iconic moment LMAOOOO
•smart for Wukong to leave a momento- too bad it didn’t matter lol
•ah so he was jumping to visit the pillars again, not run away(supposedly)- he’d rather prove he’s right than escape💀 that checks out
•monkey has been squished, it is now party o’clock
•are you allowed to give the Buddha drugs if it’s an offering? Like wine??🤔 “wtf is this allowed? Wtf”
•”Wukong is wiggling out”
“Dw, take this”
*slaps tag on the mountain like flex tape*
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•enough room to breathe and move his hands- I would lose my mind
•Molten copper & iron pellets mimic punishments in hell (just learned this🙏), shedding the Karma like water -I feel like 500 years is pretty good tbh considering everything
Woe molten metal and iron upon ye
Chpt 8 + 9 under cut:
Chpt 8:
•lots of lovely poems in this chapter
•a paragraph recap of the past 7 chapters
•wonder what Feast of the Ullambana Bowl is? (the notes say it’s a mass for the dead and is also know as the Ghost festival, practiced by Taoists and Buddhists)
•”the Chan mind shines bright like a thousand rivers’ moon; true nature’s pure and great as an unclouded sky.”
Lovely poem, and I’m beginning to realize this book is very heavily focused on the Chan school, which I don’t know why I didn’t pick up on sooner? White-Robed Guan Yin is a Chan specific form, usually depicted in their bamboo grove
•Tathagata reveals his 3 baskets of scripture after everyone is done presenting their poems, feels almost like he suggested the celebration to announce these
•Each basket corresponds to scriptures of Heaven, Earth, and the Damned- a total of 15,144 FUCKING SCROLLS
•oooo Guanyin poem!! “ a golden body filled with wisdom, fringes of dangling pearls and jade, …dark hair piled smartly in a coiled-dragon bun. With brows of new moon shape and eyes like two bright stars, her jadelike face beams natural joy. …Her orchid heart delights in green bamboos; her chaste nature loves the wisteria. The living Guanyin from the Cave of Tidal Sound.”
•5 Talismans: Embroidered Cassock that will protect him from falling back into the Wheel of Transmigration, a 9 ring priestly staff that will protect him from poison or harm, 3 tightening fillets- the Golden, the Constructive, and the Prohibitive Spell.
•Guanyin thinks this will take about 2 to 3 years💀 hooooo boy….
•Green and Black complexion, Gleaming eyes like the lights beneath a stove, forked mouth with teeth like knives and swords, and disheveled red hair
•like that Wujing is using a priest staff he def took from one of the monks he ate lol
•Wujing fighting Moksa for his life only to drop everything to apologize and talk to Guanyin LMAO
•I like the interpretation that he could have been trying to signal a coup by breaking the crystal cup
•Guanyin hearing about Wujing’s string of skulls: it’s a surprise tool that will help us later
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•Wuneng is reincarnated, he got beat to death in Heaven for hitting on Chang’e LMAOOOOO GET REKT
•ah yes, casually mentions killing his pig family and then his life of eating humans. Lovely.
•I committed a little accidental arson, please bail me out
•Damn, he got a really short intro
•interesting that Guanyin id’s the Peach Banquet as Wukongs fall from grace. I would def agree with this- eating the peaches like he did was extremely reckless and the beginning of the end imo
•”who tf is talking shit up there”
•No one has ever visited Wukong, I’m guessing the Guards were horrible company
•I like how both Guanyin and Sanzang try to give Wukong a religious name- Guanyin is very happy to hear he has the Wu- prefix as well lol
•arrived in Chang’an, let the hunt begin
Chpt 9:
•Chang’an bb, all blooming flowers surrounded by 8 rivers (DAMN, that’s a lot of water)
•Guangrui got first place in the examination, good for him UwU
•”gave the girl to Guangrui as his bride” UM I THINK SHES THE ONE WHO GRABBED HIM LMAO
•Guangrui has some fated beef with these two random boatmen, Liu Hong and Li Biao- states that he was destined in a previous incarnation to be enemies with them, is this a result of bad karma?
•Liu Hong reminds me of Liu’er Mi-*gunshot*
•since they’re at the bottom of the Hong river, which Dragon King is this?
•Golden Carp coming in clutch, nice
•LADY YIN IS SO METAL LETS GO “she hated the bandit so bitterly that she wished she could devour his flesh and sleep on his skin” DO IT GURL, KILL HIM
•damn, too bad she’s pregnant with Sanzang….dw Girl I know you would kick his ass otherwise…
•there goes his toe…
•get named River Float idiot
•damn bro chill, that wasn’t very monk-like of you
•homie got called an orphan and cried JAKDJSJFJ I FEEL BAD
•she didn’t even check the toe I THOUGHT SHE DID- WHAT WAS THE POINT LMAO
•I guess licking the eyes is better than spitting on them…sigh…
•GODDAMN THEY RIPPED LIU HONG AND LI BAIO APART….good for them, deserved in fact
•Lady Yin committing suicide even after she was reunited with her husband makes sense, as there was a trend where wives whose husbands died or they were assaulted, killed themselves. This was show loyalty to their husbands and add weight to their claim of SA- Lady Yin’s husband coming back does not change the fact that everyone knows she was forcefully married :((
(I use the term ‘trend’ only as a way to describe the rise and fall in wife suicides tied to either a husbands death or as a response to SA)
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nikofortuna · 9 months
JTTW Chapter 4 Thoughts
Chapter Four for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group! There will be a bit of a rant in this, especially about the first official title Sun Wukong gets.
Anyway we got Horsegirl Wukong in this one! Yippie!
Plus I would like everyone to see the horses from the 1964 Havoc in Heaven movie. Look at them! They are so pretty with their cloud manes and so cute when they frolic about and interact with Sun Wukong!
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He puts so much effort into caring for the horses! And is really nice to the other stable workers as well, I don’t think he really cares much about hierarchy outside of actual work perhaps.
However I will forever be salty towards Heaven for messing up so badly in this. They were halfway there as well with giving him the perfect job, something he liked to do and did very well! But they didn’t give him a special title to reflect/acknowledged his actual power.
Nor did they explain how starting of low and ascending through the ranks works, which might have been able to prevent the outrage as well. They know that they can just explain things to Sun Wukong, the Gold Star literally did so at the Gate. And then the Jade Emperor even acknowledged that the Monkey King didn’t know how things worked yet!
Honestly at that point the only reason has to be that they wanted to mock him. And given the first official title he receives… not only is it conceived as an insult, but as if that wasn’t enough already the big reason why it is so is a practice that I would definitely deem animal abuse.
Hence why I will never call him that or even spell out the title.
Now factor in that Sun Wukong is a major family guy and it gets even worse with the history behind the title essentially being his kin getting enslaved and mistreated. I don’t think he actually knows this though. I’m just saying the Havoc in Heaven could have happened early.
And for what reason did they do that? He was very nice to the Gold Star inviting him to a banquet right away and at court once he did find out that he should pay respect he did bow.
Later this gets contrasted with the Monkey King appointing the one-horned Demon Kings proper positions. He is arguably displaying how he does a better job being a ruler than the Jade Emperor in this case.
Something to lighten the mood again after this lengthy rant, Sun Wukong sharing the wine after he’s officially given the title of Great Sage Equalling Heaven! He’s such a sweet guy! When he’s treated well.
With how often they mention everyone not daring to get in his way, yet he is still said to “fight his way out” I don’t think he is actually doing much more than waving his weapon around in threat if anything. It definitely can’t be actual fighting since nobody dares to engage in combat with him to begin with.
The German translation is coming in with some interesting trivia once again! The red and yellow robe as it is called in the Anthony C. Yu translation that Sun Wukong gets from the one-horned Demon Kings is actually more of an ochre yellow robe [褐黄袍 hèhuáng páo] or the colour of an Ancient Chinese emperor’s robe! This is also confirmed in the Audio Drama.
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Chapter 8
I'm not doing the read along, but I wanted to point out something that others might find interesting.
You will recall that the Buddha has a not so nice opinion about South Jambūdvīpa, a.k.a. the Land of the East (China).
I have watched the Four Great Continents, and the morality of their inhabitants varies from place to place. Those living on the East Pūrvavideha revere Heaven and Earth, and they are straightforward and peaceful. Those on the North Uttarakuru, though they love to destroy life, do so out of the necessity of making a livelihood. Moreover, they are rather dull of mind and lethargic in spirit, and they are not likely to do much harm. Those of our West Aparagodānīya are neither covetous nor prone to kill; they control their humor and temper their spirit. There is, to be sure, no illuminate of the first order, but everyone is certain to attain longevity. Those who reside in the South Jambūdvīpa, however, are prone to practice lechery and delight in evildoing, indulging in much slaughter and strife. Indeed, they are all caught in the treacherous field of tongue and mouth, in the wicked sea of slander and malice (emphasis added). However, I have three baskets of true scriptures which can persuade man to do good (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 204-205). 我觀四大部洲,眾生善惡,各方不一:東勝神洲者,敬天禮地,心爽氣平;北俱盧洲者,雖好殺生,只因糊口,性拙情疏,無多作踐;我西牛賀洲者,不貪不殺,養氣潛靈,雖無上真,人人固壽;但那南贍部洲者,貪淫樂禍,多殺多爭,正所謂口舌兇場,是非惡海。我今有三藏真經,可以勸人為善。
This is similar to foreign views of China that the historical monk Xuanzang encountered in India. Brose (2021) writes:
For many of the monks he had befriended, the decision [to return to China] was hard to fathom. “India is the birthplace of the Buddha,” they reminded him. “Although the Great Sage is gone, his traces remain. To travel around and venerate them is enough to make one’s life content. Why would you want to give this up after having come here? China is a barbarian land where people are neglected, and the Dharma is despised. That is why no buddhas have ever been born there. The people have narrow aspirations and deep impurities, so sages do not go there. The air is cold and the land is dangerous. How can you think of returning there?” Xuanzang reportedly responded by quoting an exchange from the Vimalakīrti Sūtra, where the noble layman Vimalakīrti asks Śāriputra, “Why does the sun come to Jambudvīpa?” The answer: “To illuminate it and eliminate the darkness.” If Xuanzang remained in India, the true Dharma might never be known in China (pp. 61-62).
Xuanzang believed he lived in the latter day of the law, so he felt it was important to return to China with fresh sutras so that Buddhism would continue to flourish there for centuries to come.
Brose, B. (2021). Xuanzang: China’s Legendary Pilgrim and Translator. Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala Publications, Inc.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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loyaltykask · 9 months
Chapter 5
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Love the smack talk.
Wukong: So rude Gods: You broke all the laws! Wukong: But I wasn't rude about it
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True peak: Cry about it
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Warlord Wukong really said: I have favoritism only for my own family
RUTHLESS. Love it.
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Love Wukong but it must have been a bitch to be one of those 72 Demon Kings that follow under him out of fear.
Talk about a toxic workplace environment. @journeythroughjourneytothewest
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creativeafterdark · 8 months
Chapter 8
So unfortunately this week I have no sketches for the chapter due to slight burn out and work related reasons (also I had completely forgotten we get introduced to the pilgrims minus Sanzang in this chapter and their designs are anything but ready). As a result, I'm just going to write my thoughts.
First things first: Guanyin. I love Guanyin. They're just so calm about being attacked by two monsters and letting Hui'an handle combat. It also shows the sheer difference in strength between the four disciples, after seeing the trouble that he went through fighting Sun Wukong. Guanyin is a true being of mercy, not really making a big fuss out of being attacked and I commend them for it, I would be chewing Zhu and Sha's heads off. Though the "Perhaps in Two or Three Years" answer they gave the great Immortal, I'll need to pay attention to how much time passes to see if that's accurate (but I recall the full journey takes 14 years? Correct me if I'm wrong).
Next up: Sha Wujing. So after I'd previously read the Abridged Version, I was utterly confused as to why the Jade Emperor was petty enough to punish this poor man for BREAKING A CUP. Then I found a comic by antidotefortheawkward that explained how breaking a cup could be seen as a signal to attack. And I was like "...ah. That makes more sense now." Still a little petty, not hearing him out, but it made sense that it would be his first thought. Especially if he was cast out AFTER Sun Wukong's Havoc. I don't think we got a clear answer on that timeline (again feel free to correct me!). Even if he did eat people, I still love this pilgrim and can't wait for his chapter.
Next: Zhu Wuneng, aka Zhu Bajie. Quick to lower his weapon for a woman, lol. Jokes aside, it seems as though he's very unlucky with women (and vice versa). There is his flirting with the Moon Goddess (which is still unclear if it was consensual or unwelcomed, that would change my opinion of how this all went down), him killing his new form's mother and siblings (I've heard people say human flesh tastes like pork, so I guess that's where he got the taste for it, huh?), and the death of Second Elder Sister Egg (and him getting all her stuff). Unlike Sha Wujing, it does feel like Zhu Wuneng was begging a lot more for mercy. But Guanyin chose to believe his intent as being genuine, so he will be the next disciple.
Next: OUR DRAGON BOY. I'm gonna call him Bai Longma, as that's the name most know him by. I feel out of all of these, his punishment was the most unfair, and the fact that his father went to the Jade Emperor and seemed to be just fine with a DEATH SENTENCE honestly kills me. Like, I feel as though everyone was so on edge after Sun Wukong that punishments just amped up. I am glad Guanyin immediately jumped to his defense, and as a result got Sanzang a much better mount than any old horse.
And finally: Sun Wukong. Our old monkey. And the start of my favorite relationship in the story (the friendship between Guanyin and Wukong). Sun Wukong is still very bitter of Tathagata's trick but appears willing to do what he must to get free, though knowing what I do, I'm already thinking "Uh huh. Sure. Whatever you say, Great Sage" in a sarcastic tone. But that's for another chapter.
And with that, Guanyin continues their own journey to Chang'an to find our Tang Sanzang.
All in all, a very short but important chapter, setting the stage for journey and meeting the key players.
I probably will be doing more writing than drawing for the next few chapters (minus the intro to Sanzang), to both get off this burn out and because I don't recall any characters that show up more in the story aside from these chapters, so I don't see a point in making a design for them.
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cookiescackles · 1 year
On chapter 42, Guanyin is so brutal to Red Son. Tbh he was given multiple chances that he did not take very well, and the demon king has probably done worst stuff to others. But still, kid’s bleeding crying and begging. Gah.
Meanwhile Wukong is hiding behind Guanyin to avoid getting hit by Red Son, and he’s like “say it again, say it again.” Bruh. Zhu Bajie moment. Bajie literally did the same thing to him the previous arc.
Wukong was also so respectful in his interactions with Guanyin this time tho. Does this count as a 杀鸡吓猴 moment?
I like to think the reason Guanyin didn’t give the other two circlets that the Buddha gave her to give to the chosen guy who will journey west(Buddha gave her three), is so that Bajie and Wujing doesn’t have to wear it.
Wukong: When I was your age, being 300-400 years old, your uncle I was already a super powerful demon king.
Red Son: Same! also not your nephew hrrrrrr
Wukong: ok but I didn’t go around bullying all the tudi and mountain gods. And I didn’t eat monks
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sketching-shark · 10 months
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Not that long ago I threw out the idea of creating a Journey to the West reading group, and was delighted to see a fair number of people interested in the prospect! So in the effort to see this come to fruition while still taking into account everyone's different schedules, time zones, and busy lives, here's my general proposal for how this will work:
The version of Xiyouji that this reading group will start with will be the Anthony C. Yu English translation, firstly because while long it is the most complete and accurate translation out there, and secondly because thanks to @journeytothewestresearch it is completely free to download and read as pdfs! I'll create a separate blog specifically for this reading group, which will act as something of a hub/archive for people's analysis, art, reactions, memes, criticisms, additions of context, etc. as we make our way through the journey. The schedule that I'm thinking of would be to do one chapter per week, which would be more or less 20 pages per week. This group would "meet" every Sunday, which would be the day participants are encouraged to finish that week's chapter and/or submit their creative/analytical pieces about it. Sunday would also be the day where I'd give a quick recap on that week's chapter, and would mass reblog anything participants submitted to have that work in the archive. This is what I imagine for starters, but if it works out well we could try organizing larger events or even chat rooms.
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in a JTTW themed reading group! Of course people should feel free to offer any advice, concerns, criticisms, or questions, but if this sounds like a solid plan for a tumblr based book club then I'll get to work on the reading group blog and a pinned post that will detail where people can access the Yu pdfs along with a good summary of the entire journey, and provide something of a tentative reading schedule. So here's hoping this sounds like a good set up, and here's looking forward to getting this journey started!
@ladyzerodark, @diedforourtransgressions, @bluecryptic, @nikofortuna, @loyaltykask, @bi-pisces07, @alienembers, @kiwipopping, @destagen, @marvinprefect42, @crzyimp, @chugg12, @matidream, @hectormybeloved, @casualfireenemy, @crazy-giulia, @imoreoesdue, @nordicwirdo, @wonderingwhatsgoingon, @gamerartistfan08, @rorylow, @smolcrimegoblin, @pointsfortrying, @lopsushi, @monkeyqueen2012, @mavratt, @leptosia-nina, @dandilamp, @tuberosumtater, @junichan, @emmamalga798, @maidenofthecloud, @sasunaru22fy, @birbs-n-cats, @sapphire-monkey, @arcadiaisland48, @nerdy-girl-named-pumpkin, @kiveyrose9064, @fl0ral-inkk, @nightshaderogue, @damn-it-day-dreamer, @jdhfjfkkk, @sixteenthchapel,
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digitalagepulao · 8 months
The Yu translation calls the King of Havoc's weapon as a scimitar, which I can only assume means a dao. There are many types of dao, and at the period this chapter should happen, that means that curved blades are only just starting to become a more common sight. They range from 84 to 114 centimeters, but for the sake of convenience, I'll pick a length that matches the human arm from wrist to shoulder.
The King of Havoc is described as "thirty feet" tall which is a hecking lot!! By average proportions, just his head is 3ft tall!
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Also by average proportions, that means that the length of his arms is somewhere around 340cm or 10'11''. Meaning that the dao that Wukong takes from him has a blade of about that size, and we can eyeball the handle as somewhere in the ballpark of 3ft or 92cm.
In academic terms, that's a beeg sword!
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
Chapter 27-28: Spooky Scary Skellington
(Finally getting back to the book club after a few busy months...)
Chapter 27:
-The White Bone Spirit is one of the most iconic demoness of JTTW, and, as JTTW Research's post on her origin suggests, is likely inspired by the White Tiger Spirit + the giant skeleton nearby in 大唐三藏取经诗话.
-However, when Tripitaka asked about the origin of said giant skeleton at the bottom of a fiery pit, the Monkey Pilgrim gave the strange answer that "This is the place where the Heir Apparent, Ming Huang, changed his bones."(此是明皇太子换骨之处)
-What does that even mean?
-Well, at first, I thought it was just referring to "Corpse Release"(尸解), where Daoists attain immortality by leaving behind a fake corpse——usually a transformed object such as cane, clothes or shoes——to literally trick death.
-Then I finally got to read "Birth of JTTW"(西游记的诞生) by Cai Tieying, in which he traces the "changing of bones" to a legend in the Song dynasty record, 默记.
-Summary: an assassin was sent to kill Tang Minghuang (after he basically abdicated due to the An Shi Rebellion), hit him with a hammer in his sleep, and the hammer just bounced off his head with a clang.
-Minghuang woke up and was like "Yep, I've been expecting this"; ever since he had consumed jade and a golden elixir of immortality under the advice of the famous Daoist Ye Fashan, his bones were transformed into literal jade.
-So if the assassin wanted to kill him for good, he gotta split open Minghuang's skull and take out the elixir——an advice the assassin promptly followed.
-That peculiar little trivia aside, there is a theory about SWK's ability to see through demonic disguises in the Chinese JTTW booksphere, which might explain why Tripitaka never seems to trust him on that regard.
-Unlike in TV adaptations, the "Fiery Eyes and Golden Vision" doesn't work like an X-Ray; rather, it's more like an infrared thermal camera.
-This means SWK can't literally see through a demon or immortal's disguise and perceive their true form, just the general "aura" around them in the form of demonic or auspicious Qi.
-Thus, when this aura is hidden by ambience Qi, altered to fit one's general appearance or less on-the-nose(as later chapters would show), SWK's magical vision also takes a dive in accuracy.
-Furthermore, prior to WBS, none of the demons they encountered had used a human disguise in order to capture Tripitaka.
-So even if SWK said "Hey master, I can totally see through demonic disguises" after he killed the demoness(which he didn't), without precedents, it's gonna sound like he pulled the ability right out of his ass, as a shoddy excuse to justify murdering humans——something Tripitaka did witness before.
Chapter 28:
-Fun fact: during the Qing dynasty, there's a big-budget opera adaptation of JTTW called 升平宝筏, exclusively performed in the royal palace. In this version, the White Bone Spirit and Yellow-robed Demon are actually sworn siblings!
-After Yellow-robed Demon kidnapped the princess, she was the one who helped talk her into accepting the marriage. So when she was killed by SWK, Yellow-robed Demon was furious, and, as revenge, kidnapped Tripitaka + turned him into a tiger later.
-Combining different arcs, much like adding unnecessary romantic subplots, is actually quite common in Qing opera adaptations of JTTW. This change, however, makes more sense than the others.
-First, it explains the "family" that WBS offhandedly mentioned, secondly, the two arcs are already sequential, so making the two demons related doesn't seem like that far of a stretch.
-The burning of FFM is heartwenchingly described, and arguably where most villainous characterizations of Erlang come from. However, hear me out——I don't think he actually did it.
-At the end of Chapter 6, after Erlang caught SWK, his brothers was like "Enough talk, let's take him to the celestial realm." To which Erlang replied that sorry, they were not recognized as part of the celestial bureaucracy and literally not allowed to meet the Jade Emperor.
"But don't worry, I'll go report to the Jade Emperor together with the devarajas, you six stay behind on FFM to do a thorough search of the mountain(搜山). Once you are done, return to Guankou, and right after I get the rewards, I'm heading straight back to share it with y'all."
-Indeed, in the next chapter, after the Jade Emperor gave him a lot of gifts, he said his thanks and returned to Guanjiangkou, where his temple was at.
-My theory is, Erlang did not lead the burning personally, or give a direct order to——he was still in the Celestial Realm, making reports while FFM burned.
-And his six sworn brothers, being hunters and martial men, interpreted "search the mountain" rather liberally in his absence and left out the details once he returned with their reward.
-Just as usual, another job well done, let's get the victory party started.
-Of course, whether Erlang was personally there, leading the burning, makes little difference to the monkeys of FFM; it wasn't him, but he sure as hell wasn't NOT involved either.
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crzyimp · 8 months
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Centuries of consequences finally caught up to our favorite monkey that the Jade Emperor called Buddha to help him. I definitely missed on my first time reading that Buddha was to defend the throne. I was confused at first since Buddha isn't part of Heaven, but then after a brief reflecting; I realized this could be an alliance between religions over ancient China. Keeping the peace and helping allies in need.
During the chapter was the fact Sun Wukong was quiet compared to earlier chapters and attacking anyone in his way. Up until Buddha showed up, new face and person to Wukong. Someone who had no part to what's been happening to him up till now and he (somewhat) peacefully talked to him and listen to Buddha deal. I strongly think if Wukong haven't PISSED ON BUDDHA'S FUCKING HAND and asked for a do over, he may have not be under a mountain.
(Writing on my hand? Eh, I'll get over it and I can wash off, but pissing on my hand? Haha! NO. Asshole move and some crimes can't be forgiven. 'Pisshead ape' go to naughty jail for 500 years to think about his (Piss) crimes)
The rest of the chapter was about the Heaven court asking Buddha to stay, party, and receive gifts. Everyone, but Buddha and his disciples cause their monks and don't drink at all, was getting drunk and celebrating that Wukong's gone.
Once Wukong got his head out of the mountain, Buddha used a golden seal to ensure he can't escape and gave instructions that someone will come to remove it 500 years later. And giving Wukong iron pellets for food and melted copper to drink. There has to be a reason or symbolism for this, but right now my mind is drawing blanks. Or there is none and really hammering in on punishing Wukong for crashing the festival.
I think that's all I have to say right now, but up for discussions!
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lavaflowe · 8 months
Pt. 2
Chpt 4 Thoughts:
•the fighting immediately at the gate should have tipped everyone off this wasn’t going to go well💀 doomed from the start
•the hand holding with Gold star of Venus and Wukong I am not okay, I’m exploding it’s so cute
•Holy shit the poem about Heaven is LONG
•Wukong handles being called a bogus immortal very well?? I thought he would be angrier about that… I guess he knows its true tho🤷‍♀️
•Wukong is fantastic at his job- the best horse girl around (for the 2 weeks he was there lol)
•tantrum™️ kicks over his desk and smashes everything with his ruyi bang, causes property damage and LEAVES
•interesting that I’ve seen a lot of adaptations have him release the horses and do a mini havoc in Heaven
•love that it’s just 2 random demons who suggest 齐天大圣 to Wukong, not anyone important or anything JAKDJSJ
•Spreading Flower axe sounds so cool, prime design material
•”eyes glowered strangely like burning stars; past his shoulders two ears, forked and hard; his voice resounded like bells and chimes”<- poem about Wukong, so lovely
•Theme I’m noticing: Wukong treated like an animal until proven otherwise (makes sense but also not)
•asks Nezha whose little brother is he, and Nezha immediately spits back like 3 insults JAKFJSJSJ, he is not here to mess around🔫
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•the old bait and switch then smashing Nezha’s shoulder (flash back to all the paintings of Nezha running off while holding his broken arm💀)
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•Love that Wukong called himself the little brother of the fraternal 7
•Gold Star Of Venus more like Master Negotiator/Mediator
•….is Gold star lying??? WUH
•”Peace and Quiet” and “Serene Spirit”- it’s like they don’t know that’s gonna bore the shit out of Wukong💀 like watching a train wreck in slow motion- HES NEEDS ACTION AND SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH
Chpt 5&6 under cut:
Chpt 5 Thoughts:
•uses all his free time to make more friends
•Gold Star realizes that he may get bored so they give him an extremely tedious task that will also probably bore him JAKDJAJAJD
•HELP HE JUST STARTS EATING ALL THE PEACHES WHAT- he behaved for probably like 2 weeks (again) and then decided he couldn’t wait any longer to try the OLDEST AND RAREST FRUIT IN THE GARDEN!!! AND HE PICKS MULTIPLE, NOT JUST ONE
•I’m yelling he does this multiple times
•okay but him playing around and eating making him tired and taking a nap on the branches when he’s 2 inches tall?? Adorable, no longer mad he ate all the peaches, he’s just a little guy
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•ah so he only ate the really good ones. Ofcourse.
•Gently breaking the news that he’s probably not invited to the banquet 😬
•immediately freezes the peach maidens- WHY??? WHAT WAS THE REASON???
•Identity theft smh
•he is feeling….mischievous
•he is so wasted he accidentally wandered into Laozi’s lab
Wukong: I’ve never met Laozi….now is for SURE the perfect time to make friends, when I’m so drunk I can’t walk straight
•He keeps putting things in his mouth, very monkey™️ of him
•IMMEDIATELY sobered up and knew he was in deep shit
•he lived in heaven for over a century 👀👀, Wukong says half a year- so maybe like 175 days?
•he goes back to get wine for his monkeys 🥺🥺
•next day/year Everyone one complains about the Havoc LMAO, they just kept coming, I know the Jade Emperor is distraught HAJDJAJ
•Wukong was going to straight up ignore the heavenly army they sent if they hadn’t busted down his door😂
•all his demon Allies were captured while he did a 1 v 6 with Nezha and the 5 Devarajas
•Wukong starting to get lost in the sauce, doesn’t care his ally’s were captured as long as his monkeys are okay
Chpt 6 Thoughts:
•Guan Yin Rolling up their sleeves to fix this mess
•”nothing but an invitation to disappointment” THE DRAMATICS
•I wonder if the Greek constellations were actually listed or if that was a translation choice??
•interesting that he outlasted Moksa instead of outwitting him- I feel like there’s a deeper meaning to that
•Guan Yin: I have a solution…..call in your Nephew
Jade Emperor: GENIUS
•Erlang is PUMPED to fight Wukong
•something something Erlang Shen is HAWT
•Erlang Shen: I’m here to kick your ass and arrest you
Wukong: your MOM
Erlang already swinging:
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•Warform fight pt 2: Electric Boogaloo
•”they darted as stars to fill the sky”
•Erlangs eye being called the Phoenix Eye sounds SO COOL
•spotted bustard has no standards-I stand by the whore joke
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•Erlang having fun with their fight LMAOOOOO
•Wukong defeated with an assist from Laozi and Xiaotian
•stabbed for his crimes
•it’s execution time
•really loved that the poems were used to describe all of the fights
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