#please reblog to share it!
zuko-always-lies · 3 months
From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr's new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.
Please reblog this post, so it will get more votes!
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US folks, tomorrow (December 7, 2023) the senate is going to vote on sending $14.3 billion more in funding for Israel. (It’s a huge funding bill for “defense funding” for many things, but they also included more funding for ICE in the bill). Please take 2 minutes to use this action tool to call your reps and demand they vote no to more funding for Israel
And please share this action tool with 3 people you know. You can literally copy-paste this post to them if you don’t know what to say
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gazanarchive · 1 month
Life For Gaza: Each Cent Counts, Quenching the Thirst of Humanity in Gaza City
The Gaza Municipality is tasked with providing vital services such as water supply, waste management and sewage treatment. However, the widespread destruction in Gaza City has severely hampered the Municipality's ability to deliver even the most basic necessities to its residents. With limited access to water, the population faces a dire health and environmental crisis, especially affecting children.
By joining forces in this initiative, we cultivate hope and solidarity, fostering empathy and collaboration across communities while easing the hardships endured by those in Gaza. This collective effort reassures them that they are not alone in their struggle. The Gaza Municipality earnestly appeals for your support to help reinstate essential services, currently the foremost priority. In the northern regions of the Gaza Strip alone, over 500,000 individuals urgently require these services.
Where your donations will be directed:
- Water supply enhancement projects
- Maintenance of water wells
- Implementation of water desalination initiatives
- Management of waste collection and disposal systems
- Reconstruction of roads demolished during war
- Implementation of sewage water pumping and treatment schemes
- Execution of pest control and rodent eradication programs
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artlefty · 1 year
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pochiyaki · 11 months
Hey I’m Pochi, a Pan/Non-Binary Disabled artist with BPD. I am re posting this because some life things changed for the worse again. So i’m still in the same boat as I was in May 2022, unemployed. I’ve had a lot happen. My ACL was torn on a plane which will require surgery, which my doctor has now forbid me to work on till I have said surgery. Plus the ceiling in one of the bedrooms caved in. I’ve asked for it on twitter but i’ve been afraid to on here. This is a Approx. of what I’ll need just to survive
Electric (Weekly): $300.00 (The electric got raised and it’s been about $60 a day i’m drowning here)
Food (Bi Weekly): $150.00 (I can make stuff last but we need some food.)
Vet For Rug and Check up for Marmalady: $180.00 (This can be postponed But i’d like for it to be soon.)
Spay For Both Girls: $150.00 (Also postponed but again, sooner rather then later would be best for them.)
Cat Food : $50.00 (They have food mostly for now. But that doesn’t take long to run through.)
Med’s and Dr’s: One Med which is a 3 months supply is $75 alone and others range 0-$50. Doctors visits also vary but specialists have not been more then $25 so far.
Ticket to see Gir: $250.80 (This is a major want not a need.)
= So a lot, Close to $1000.00 give or take
The ceiling and plumbing repair is $15,000 I in no way am asking for that. I just need help with monthly bills while my Dr forbids me to work till after I have surgery.
https://href.li/?https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Pochimonster https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/pochiyaki I don’t know why the links wont embed/work if anyone has a suggestion please let me know.
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literateish · 2 years
the uk government is trying to scrap the human rights act.
i’ve not seen a lot in the media about this so i’m going to do my best to put this into words and explain what will happen if the government is successful in replacing the human rights act with the bill of rights (aka the rights removal bill).
this will mean that in the uk:
you won’t be allowed to say anything negative about the government
if you are disabled or chronically ill, you won’t be allowed to say no to being given a DNR in hospital
you won’t be allowed to bring ‘trivial’ human rights violations to court
public authorities (the police) won’t have to actively protect people’s human rights
the uk military will be allowed to basically do whatever they want overseas
if you ever commit a crime, they can disregard your human rights
the government will not be obligated to obey human rights
if you are from the uk PLEASE sign this petition, and also to everyone else, please please please share this.
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dressupbastard · 4 months
Sharing this here, because that's where i saw people sharing about this "free link to click" -> PLEASE STOP CLICKING IT AND SHARINGIT. IT'S A SCAM, AS SAID BY THE UNRWA ITSELF (see photo of the screenshoted mails here)
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(For reference, the UNRWA is the organisation where this free link site said the money was going!)
(if you have any questions, please use the comments so i can answer in one place)
Edit: the "/fr/" in the url is because of the language settings (french being my native language). It's not a different website... There's only one. (please look how urls work if you're not sure 🥲 /nm)
Edit 2: so i found out that people were reblogging a rb that called me a liar out of nowhere, and claiming the screenshots are fake...
Here's my last reblog on the subject, in which i posted all the emails one by one.
As i said in the last comments, i'm personally gonna take unrwa's word as is, and not click or share that shitty link anymore. Better safe than sorry. You do you. But whatever you do, i DO NOT appreciate being called a liar behind my back and people getting misinformations on the issue. I'm an honest person. I don't know what more i can do here, but i've done all what i could. Peace out. Bye.
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nikki-rook · 8 months
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but with you I see stars insp
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cerastes · 1 year
Drimo you are famous please divulge the fact that twitter is about to drop any game accounts bind like arknights where you can log through twitter accounts.
Noone is gonna be able to use twitter to access to arknights very soon.
I’m not famous but I will stress that this is a very serious issue.
Here’s a short article on it, but basically, Twitter is ending free access to its API, thus, games would have to pay for a package to access this, which includes features such as binding syncs for accounts.
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Starting on February 9th, free access will no longer be supported, meaning, there’s a very real chance that your Twitter-bound account for your favorite mobile game, like Arknights, won’t be accessible through that particular venue any longer, possibly locking you out of your account. There’s no telling which developers will be purchasing this new access package, so better be safe than sorry: Go to your accounts and make sure they have another bind so you don’t get locked out of them.
Please let as many people know about this, so no one gets locked out of their accounts. Twitter gave a single week’s notice, which might catch some people unaware, and this is sudden on game developers as well, so, again, better be safe than sorry, bind your accounts in other ways if you use Twitter binding.
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elegyofthemoon · 3 months
Global Strike on March 2nd
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shutitdown4palestine has called for a global strike on 2nd March
What to do for 2nd March
Walk out from work and/or school
Picket Israeli embassies and consulates
Picket against companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestine (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Elbit Systems)
Host speak outs
Wear kuffiyehs
Wear black armbands
The website linked has further information about this strike as well as protests that may be occurring in your area.
Aside from this, as usual, boycott, call your reps, and donate when you can.
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horusmenhosetix · 21 days
Hi, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.
I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again.
I cannot afford the surgery but it would drastically improve my quality of life.
I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain.
Can people please reblog this so that it can get traction?
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US folks, please take literally 30 seconds to send an email to your reps demanding they immediately stop sending money to Israel.
Link here: https://act.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/a/no-more-weapons-israel-c2e
Also please use this tool (also takes literally 30 seconds) to demand your reps reinstate funding to UNWRA. UNWRA funding will run out in less than two weeks. This is SUPER SUPER URGENT!!!
Link here: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/tell-congress-demand-biden-reinstate-unrwa-funding/ 
Please also send these tools to 3 other people off of tumblr!
If you don't live in the US, please reblog anyways and share with anyone you know who does live in the US
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Autistic People Often Need More Time…
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mousedetective · 10 months
^ GoFundMe
^ PayPal.me for mousedetective
^ Homeless Help Amazon Wishlist
If anyone wants to help, these are the main ways you can help! The GoFundMe is to collect money for various things we may need, but it doesn't pay directly (it takes 3 - 4 days for donations to hit my account).
The PayPal link sends money directly to me, so it's the best way to help immediately, like if we need food or gas.
This particular wishlist on Amazon is just things we need that can be sent to the address where we pick up our mail. There are a lot of gift cards on there that would be a huge help, plus other things we need.
(Also, while I don't have links to them, you can use Venmo and CashApp as well: my Venmo username is @penaltywaltz and my CashApp username is $afteriwake23)
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nothingelsetobe · 3 months
Palestinian child recounts the moment his pregnant mother was shot in fr...
Please watch this video. Make sure it reaches people's suggestion pages too. Share it, Spread it, Reblog, Repost, Anything you can do.
Here's the full documentary on Faisal and his story. Bisan had a big hand in making this video and is the interviewer. Please go watch that and Repost, etc as well.
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notvv0ltz · 7 days
Please talk about Georgia (the country!!), the pro Russian ruling party Georgian Dream overridden president's veto of foreign agents law (russian law). People of course are pissed and protesting. Like, why there are only up to 5 people talking about this on tumblr?
Once again, by accepting this law the parliament betrays Georgians and it sabotages it's road to EU and they want country to become a Russia's puppet. I don't care what you all think about EU, Georgia and Eastern Europe in general suffered from Russian imperialism for centuries. Please reblog.
More information about this law and how it completely disregards privacy and will work as a tool for oppression (from this post):
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