#please play Alice madness returns I beg
springsketches · 2 months
Alice Liddell 2011
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❛ Be realistic. They’d never understand- they’d lock me up and throw away the key. Or worse. ❜ / alice
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inception meme ( accepting ) + @bandysnatched // bandit ( mentions of @whtrbbit and @sleepbreathe and @ithirial )
She can barely breathe like this. A heart that cracks, she knows! Of course she knows, when he dies, something goes with him, and even when she sleeps in the house of the mouse, she can FEEL IT IN HER BONES, something that startles her awake and earning not even a peep from Dori dumpling, who's deep sleep leaves her lost to her own dreamlands as she feels something wrenching within her chest. Oh! Off she must go, she has to, she must! Please, please, she wants to beg for the nightmare of it, let it be the dream she wakes up from, the one she can forget just as easily. The truth an ugly thing, even as she takes from this house in the middle of the night, a thief if there ever was one, skipping steps as she tries to hook her heel over the back of her foot in her haste.
Please don't let it be true... she'll cry, she'll sob, but her tears flow, regardless. Because her mirror has done something with her heart, and she knew that he was shattered, just like her. The both of them lost to a madness that they have begun to succumb to, the force of nature that is Wonderland itself having committed the act, but no, there's something far more INSIDIOUS there. Is it him? To that place, their place, she doesn't even need to see the body to know it, his mouth stained red on red on red on red. Her least favourite colour, he adorns it now like an anointed crown, for that itself was a sign of the viciousness of this attack.
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Her wail a loud thing, she'll collapse right there. Hands over her eyes, the teeth, the throat! It sticks itself in a mad place that refuses to budge, a thing she now CANNOT FORGET, even if the time turner tips, and she's left remembering... oh. Oh no. Please not that. Please not this. "You didn't mean to," it's like her own insistence, she'll re-write this storybook, find it a better ending then what has come. Gaze lifting, peeling, pleading, oh!
❛ Be realistic. They’d never understand- they’d lock me up and throw away the key. Or worse. ❜
How cold that hits her. As if he's given up already, that he's handed over it all to the Red Queen who likely gloats for this victory, this ACT OF TERRORISM against Wonderland itself. "You can't let them know," Alice, who never wanted to play accomplice, pushed to act. Rabbit lays bleeding, gone, the glass in his eyes, his palm cradled within her hand as she kisses his knuckles in tender affection. Her heart has not stopped beating. She has to hold onto that hope, that prayer. "Return to the Red Queen... and... and I'll take care of this. Please. Just... I can't lose you too."
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voltage-vixen · 3 years
A Wonderland of Pleasure (NSFW)
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Voltage)
Pairing: Rhion Hatter x MC (Female) This fic was for one of my contest winners, @promisefairy ! I hope this lives up to your expectations and that you enjoy! You were so sweet to chat with, and a huge thank you for joining my giveaway contest as well! 💖
Beads of water trickled down onto MC’s mane, slowly dribbling down her body while she sighed in the shower. Time had seemed to halt and she was at a standstill lingering as seconds passed into minutes since she was impatiently waiting for her lover Rhion to return from the penthouse. Her facial features were clouded in the shape of a pout because this morning was the morning that her and Rhion were supposed to have spent the hours in bed together-that is until Eisuke sent Baba and Ota into their shared quarters to summon the Mad Hatter when he had turned off his phone to woo his Alice and had failed to be reached. A faint crimson flushed her cheeks at the memory of the compromising position the two bidders had found them in.
Water splashed onto the walls of the shower as MC shook her head to erase that distasteful vision from earlier out of her mind. Thanks to the interruption of the auction managers, their alone time had to be postponed. That didn’t stop her from suffering in the misery of her pented up horniness though in the meantime. Biting her lip, MC was about to reach down to touch herself for some sort of relief to tide her over when she heard a surprising banging coming from the entryway of their home.
Rhion’s back!
“Darling? MC, I’ve returned,” Rhion’s honeyed voiced rang pleasantly.
The door to the bathroom flew open and his clothing was discarded onto the floor almost in tune to the blink of MC’s eye. He sauntered on into the shower, and instantly encircled her into his embrace. She relaxed into him, sighing at the rapid attack of his lips lightly grazing the smoothness of her skin.  
“Shall we finish where we left off this morning, my dear Alice?” he purred, playfully nipping at her earlobe. “I can tell by the way your eyes are begging me you’ve been waiting for me. Such a good girl you’ve been. Tell me, has my good girl already started the party without me?”
Her cheeks bloomed at his implication. Surely, he couldn’t possess a mind reading power now, could he? The innocence of MC’s reaction and the non-denial was enough of a confirmation for Rhion to assume his presumption was correct. A beautiful imagery of MC playing herself flashed in his mind, and the formed erection he was sporting had grown harder at the mere dirty thought.  
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Rhion whispered breathily, his hot breath blowing a reassurance into her ear. “But admit it. Admit that you want me. Tell me that my Wonderland is the only you will ever seek.”
Tilting his head, Rhion angled to try and kiss MC. However, since she was still feeling a tad bit annoyed that her man left her all alone this morning, an impromptu decision was made-it was her turn to take charge and rile him up for once. Denying his lips by burrowing her head in the nape of his neck, MC’s tongue flickered the sensitive spot on his neck, while her hands traced the cut muscles of Rhion’s abdomen, descending further south to reach the incredible heat of his arousal. A carnal groan pursed through the crease of Rhion’s lips as the slender fingers curled around the thick of heat that was pressing against her own thigh.
“You’re right,” MC huffed, sinking down onto her knees. “Your Wonderland is the only I’ll ever crave. Now allow me to lose myself in our own little version of reality.”
Glancing up to lock herself onto Rhion’s gaze, MC’s mouth encompassed the hardness of his length. He groaned out in a pure delight when the warmth he had long grown accustomed to, aligned in the sync of her seasoned movements, was pushing him beyond the brink of coherence. His angular fingers entangled around the locks of her damp hair, while the palm of his other pressed against the slippery shower wall to brace himself.  
MC took her time as she slowly ran her tongue up and down his erection. Each caress delivered a sweet tantalizing blissful jolting a burst of lust that tingled his every nerve. It felt good-more like great, but it simply was no longer enough. In a frenzied craving to join their bodies in a different matter, MC yelped when Rhion suddenly reached down to lift her up and planted her back against the wall.  
“You win this time, MC,” Rhion conceded, no longer caring about his initial agenda to toy with her.  “Let’s immerse ourselves in the high Wonderland has to offer together.”
MC enthusiastically nodded in anticipation, and mewled when Rhion’s fingernails dug into the contours of her curves. She willingly surrendered one of her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. With a swift jerk forward, MC moaned as his heavenly affection intruded upon her in the best of ways. Each thrust Rhion delivered founded stars in her eyes. The way Rhion’s hips snapped in attention to indulge in each of her sensuous whelms was launching her closer into a dreamy euphoric state.    
 “Go harder, Rhion,” MC demanded with a whimper, pleadingly blinking at him for more.
“My girl is a greedy one,” Rhion smirked. “And if I go any harder, I might break you. Are you sure you can handle that possibility?” His tone was no longer teasing but forbidding. Rhion’s warning was legitimate. For he was genuinely concerned that he would past the point of being able to stop if he did resume at the pace MC longed for.
“I can handle it,” MC begged, fervently rocking herself to match the pace of his thrusts. “Please, I can handle it! Now hurry up because I want you to break me!”
MC had no idea just how much her yearning fanned the flames of Rhion’s inner desires. A savage awakened within him and that savage wanted nothing more than to ravage MC. An arch of his eyebrows was enough of a cue for MC to jump up into his arms and entrapped his waist close to her body with her legs. Rhion uttered an animalistic growl when she lowered herself down onto the proof of his passion. This new position permitted Rhion to penetrate her deeper. He buried into MC, each stroke of his immersing the two into their very own rapture world of wonder.
She bounced in rhythm to match his movements, arching her head back when Rhion’s mouth brushed along the smoothness her swaying breasts. His tongue gently caressed at the mound of flesh, paying special mind to the sensitive bud of her nipple while he claimed one of MC’s breasts in his mouth. Each whimper that escaped MC elicited Rhion to want to hark in more of those harmonious sounds. Turning the consideration of his lips to MC’s neck to leave a trail of his marks, Rhion’s fingers inched until they connected with the swell that educed a cry of pleasure from the woman he loved ever so.
The exquisite way Rhion stimulated her body soon proved to be too much for MC, sending pleasureful eruptions throughout her body as her walls finally resigned their final flutter. MC’s body sank into Rhion’s. He reached to turn the spigot on the shower off, while MC heavily panted in his arms. After a few seconds, she regained her breath and cupped his chin to draw him closer.
“I’m not nearly finished yet. I want to stay lost in Wonderland with you….perhaps for even indefinitely,” MC breathed, tracing the lines of Rhion’s lips with her thumb.
She had no idea what she was babbling about at this point, but fortunately Rhion didn’t seem to mind much. Throwing open the door of the shower, Rhion squeezed MC closer to him when she shivered from the cool air in the room grazing her skin and proceeded to take her to their bed. Placing her down on the mattress, Rhion stole a glance at the beautiful sight of her lying bare before him.
If his Alice was a drug, he would ride the waves of any high if it went they could escape away into their own Wonderland for the rest of their days.
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softheartedscorpio · 4 years
Truth or Dare, Wolfstar AU
Remus dragged his feet as he reluctantly joined the circle of his friends that he was starting to regret having. It consisted of James, Peter, Lily, Alice, Frank, and Sirius. He had been peacefully reading when Sirius insisted on him playing with them. Remus wasn’t a fan of truth or dare but it was Sirius who asked. Sirius whose eyes makes his heart speed up, whose touch makes his body heat up, whose smile makes his stomach clench with nerves. How could he say no?
So here he was, sitting in this circle, trying to pretend he couldn’t feel the warmth rolling off his crush friend in waves. Lily, who was on his other side, shot him a smile that he returned. Alice, sitting across from him, cheerfully began the game. Secrets came out and dares were done.
He discovered that Peter had pink underwear. James sleeps with a stuffed animal. Lily flashed her bra. Frank told McGonagall that he was in love with her (which he recieved a strange look and a threat of detention for). Alice confessed to being afraid of kneazles “I just don’t like cats!”
Then it was Remus’s turn. “Truth or dare Moony?” Peter grinned. “Truth,” Remus said after a moment. After all, Wormtail tends to give gross dares and he wouldn’t ask anything too invasive. He took the small cap of truth serum and swallowed it before waiting for his question.
“Who do you have a crush on?” Peter’s grin widened. The Marauders had been trying to guess for months who Remus liked after failing to set him up on a date. Remus’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink as he tried to fight the potion. “...” He mumbled as a hand clamped over his mouth. “Oh come on Moons!” James reached over Lily and tugged his hand away, “Who is it? Answer the question.”
“Sirius,” He blurted out, cheeks flaring a bright red. Sirius’s jaw dropped as the others gasped before Remus fled the room, taking the stairs two at a time, up to the dorm. He locked himself in the bathroom, embarrassed beyond belief. How could he look Sirius in the eyes again? He ruined everything.
Remus closed his eyes tightly, fighting tears. This was a secret he had never wanted to share. He valued his friendships far too much and now it was out in the open. He could just imagine the disgust on the other’s face.
A quiet knock broke his thoughts, “Rem?” Remus stayed quiet as Sirius knocked again, “Remus? Please don’t hide from me. I’m...I’m not mad or weirded out...”
Remus snorted as he rubbed his eyes, “Look Padfoot, you don’t have to say anything. Let’s just pretend this never happened.” His voice was quiet as he stared at the floor. He heard a small thud as Sirius sat with his back to the floor, “What if I don’t want to pretend?”
Remus held his breath as Sirius’s words hit him. “What if I’ve dreamed of you saying this? Moony I—“ Remus stood and ripped the door open, Sirius yelped as he fell backwards and hit the floor, “Don’t.” Remus said in a low tone, “Don’t you dare.” Sirius blinked up at him slowly as he rubbed his head, “Remy...” Remus shook his head, “I don’t need your pity! Or if this is some...some prank—“
“Remus it isn’t like that,” Sirius stood as his voice shook slightly. “I’m not—I wouldn’t do that!” Remus could see the hurt shining in gray eyes but he couldn’t bring himself to hope that Sirius felt the same. “Sirius—“
“No! You listen to me,” Sirius cut him off, a familiar fire in his eyes. “I don’t like how you think I could be so cruel. I’ve liked you for almost a year now but I didn’t think you would feel the same.” “You like me?” Remus’s voice became small. “Merlin Moons,” Sirius breathed. “How could I not? You’re perfect.”
Remus’s cheeks flushed as he looked at his feet before he jumped as a hand touched his cheek. “You’re perfect,” Sirius repeated. “I’m not,” Remus mumbled. “You are. The way you rub your eyes when you’re tired. The tone you take when you are ranting at me whenever I do something stupid. The way your eyes light up when you’re feeling passionate about something. The weird way you keep your food from touching on your plate. The way you laugh and smile and fuck Moons,” Sirius’s voice became softer. “I can’t keep my eyes off you. I...”
Remus was sure he had died. He never in a million years thought Sirius would talk about him in that way. “Pads,” Remus choked out. His fingers grabbing onto the soft black shirt without permission. “Moons,” Sirius whispered as he took a step closer, looking up from below his lashes. “I...I like you,” Remus matched his volume. “I like you too,” He smiled softly. “Can I kiss you Rem?” Sirius was pressed against Remus now, both heartbeats thundering in their chest.
“Do you even have to ask?” Remus teased shyly before he gasped as soft lips met his slightly chapped ones. Amber eyes closed as his fingers slid from Sirius’s chest to tangle in curly hair. Sirius himself had tugged Remus impossibly closer as he ran his tongue against the other’s lips, begging silently for more.
And when Remus’s lips parted, both couldn’t help but feel like electricity was running through both their bodies. Remus had groaned softly because Sirius tasted even better than he imagined. A combo of coffee, cigarettes, and something that was just uniquely Sirius.
Eventually they parted when the need to breath overcame them. Eyes fluttering open and hearts in sync as they panted for air. “I can get used to that,” Sirius grinned, and in that moment Remus felt himself falling a little bit more for the other male. “So could I Pads. So could I.”
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Harry recognized that he was supposed to read next, and he was actually as surprised with himself as everyone else as he indicated he wanted his turn. There was something about what was fixing to come, some part of this nightmare night in the graveyard that, though the worst night of his adolescent life, held a meaning to him. It involved his parents, of that he'd known from the moment he arrived, and Harry wanted to be the one to regain the moment with his own words. So despite the fact that he had to let go of his hold on his mother and father, Harry took the book, straightened his back, and let the memories of that night come in without a fight.
Harry scrambled to find his feet to support his weight before the ropes were untied.
Lily groaned as she remembered Harry was injured on top of everything, that spider bite and his sprained ankle all on the same leg, there was hardly a chance of him properly dueling, let alone making a run for it.
Wormtail used his new hand to easily tear away Harry's restraints, and just as roughly pulled the material out of his mouth.
"Why do you call him that?" James demanded of Harry in a tone he'd never heard before.
Harry flinched at the near demonic look in his dad's eye, but explained himself calmly enough. "Because that rat deserves that nickname, it's the only way I've ever known him as that traitorous word."
The Marauders disagreed, thinking that backstabber didn't deserve a single thing they'd ever given him, and that name was one of the most important ones to them. However, they could see Harry's side, he'd never known Peter the person, but the man who'd gotten his parents killed while using that name.
Lily still wondered why Voldemort did, but she thought Harry had said it unintentionally. Voldemort had made it clear that while he rewarded Pettigrew for the help he'd given, Voldemort wanted to constantly remind him of what he'd lost. Using that nickname every time was rubbing salt in the wound, a slap in the face every day to remind him of what he'd once done.
Harry knew how much this hurt them every single second to be reminded of who they were hearing do this to him, but he couldn't see how using a different name would actually make it better as he forced himself on.
  The moment he landed, his first thought was to try and run, but that was made impossible as his damaged leg shook beneath him, and the Death Eaters closed ranks. Just beyond them, Wormtail was returning with Harry's wand, which he roughly gave back without looking at him.
Lily noticed for the first time that this seemed to be a common thing, the rat hadn't been looking at Harry all night it seemed. She hoped it was because he couldn't stand to see what he was doing to Harry, and to James through it, but most likely it was his own shame for his cause in this, always his own feelings first before he'd let himself think of others.
Harry had no choice but to turn back and face Voldemort as he asked if Harry had ever been taught to duel.
"I don't think watching Snape blast Lockhart across a room should count," Remus muttered. He'd been trying to come up with an escape plan for Harry since he'd arrived, and dueling his way out was very bottom of the list for the poor kid.
Harry distantly remembered once attending a dueling club, where the only spell he'd learned was Expelliarmus.
Harry felt an odd swooping feeling flow through his chest. He'd felt something for that spell the moment he'd first seen it used, and now even his own thoughts trying to mock him for how useless it was didn't quite cover the hope that was trying to bubble in him now, he was certain he'd found his solution.
What good would that do him, even if he did manage to disarm Voldemort he was outnumbered thirty to one.
"Thirty?" Sirius yelped in concern. "I'd only counted seven besides Voldemort."
Harry gave him a look of exasperation, the point still stood of how outnumbered he really was. It was that expression he was giving his godfather, 'really, you're pointing that out now?', that somehow managed to convince Sirius to smile back. He could see that Harry was still only just below panicking levels of the situation he remembered being in, but for just a moment he'd turned and talked to him like this was all normal, something they all needed.
He had never learned anything that could possibly fit him for this.
"I don't think anybody's actually trained for that situation," Remus agreed, "Dumbledore himself would feel a little trapped."
"You really are something not to just be on the ground begging for your life," James agreed without a hint of mocking.
He knew he was facing the thing against which Moody had always warned,
Harry said Moody's name a bit odd, certainly not in the normal way he had before this, but even he didn't seem to notice he'd done it, and it was such a small thing nobody paid much mind.
Avada Kedavra, and more unprotected than the first time where his mother had died to protect him from it.
Lily honestly wished that would quit being mentioned so much, for no matter how true it was she'd do the same every time, it hurt all the more she never could again.
Voldemort took it upon himself to tell Harry what to do, saying first they were to bow to each other.
"I hate formalities," Sirius sneered, "no one ever actually bothers with that kind of mess when your life's on the line."
Dumbledore would want him to show his manners.
"I don't give a damn what Dumbledore would want," James seethed, "he needs to stop talking to you like this."
Since Harry wished Voldemort would stop talking to him period, he agreed.
Harry was told to bow to his death.
Despite the monster trying to claw its way out of Harry's chest, screaming for him to run away from this, there was also a surreal moment tucked in there where Harry realized he wasn't dead, hadn't died this night. Instead he got something infinitely better for his night of misery.
Voldemort smiled at him then, like a cat playing with its dinner, but Harry refused to move. He was not going to let Voldemort taunt him into this before he died.
James didn't care if it went without saying, he never grew tired of telling his son he was proud of the way he was taking this, and the small smile he received in that moment never dimmed no matter how many times he saw it.
Voldemort wasn't having that, his wand appearing and an invisible force bending Harry's spine into the mockery of submission, while the Death Eaters around him laughed all the harder.
Remus was remise that he had no clue what spell that was, as he'd have loved to do the same thing to Voldemort as just the start of the retribution he'd get for doing this to Harry.
Sirius was just pleased Harry had stopped taking note of every little thing that rat had been doing. He wasn't sure what would have hurt more, to know he was laughing along, or to see him simply standing there, watching and doing nothing.
Voldemort released him and Harry immediately straightened back upright, and Voldemort gave a cruel grin again as he praised this, saying how Harry was going to die proud, straight-backed like his father.
James watched his two friends shake automatically as that was mentioned again, and he couldn't blame them, he knew he'd have felt the same way if that was constantly brought up about one of them. He wanted to say something, offer up some word as a promise to his brothers, but the words failed him as he replayed that last moment again in his head, what he'd died trying to protect. Somehow, he still couldn't hate the way his life ended, even if it was leaving those behind.
Done with his fun, Voldemort raised his wand and began the duel, by again hitting Harry with Curcio.
Harry's voice wasn't coming out in any way normal as flashes of remembered pain from that curse came pouring back over him, but he forced himself to press through that, because there was something more precious to him that happened this night, and it was another kind of pain, but almost a good kind.
Harry's scream of misery couldn't define the pain his body was in, falling to the floor again and writhing in place, when it stopped as suddenly as it had started.
James was now convinced his life was going to end any moment now the longer he had to listen to that curse being placed on his son, the thought of what had happened to Frank and Alice now weighing on him worse than ever. He could not just sit here and picture this being done without doing something!
Harry rolled back to his feet at once, but it was in no way intimidating, as he stood trembling as much as Wormtail had before his hand had been replaced.
James hadn't meant for that something to snap at Harry, "Don't you ever compare yourself to that thing!"
"What can I say, the memory sort of stuck with me," Harry muttered back without looking up.
Voldemort crooned to him if he wanted a break, asking if Harry wanted some breathing room before that was done to him again. Those pitiless red eyes watched his progress, death promising in the slits.
Harry was now more glad than ever he was the one getting this out, distorted words they were in his own voice from remembered pain, as a solemn reminder to those around him that at least that one thing hadn't been true that night.
Harry knew what he really wanted, to see him beg, which was not going to happen.
Considering Lily had mostly been in a state of the worst anger of her life with the situation Harry was in, she didn't think she'd told him enough how proud she was of her young man, and the answering gleam she saw in her own eyes imaged into his face was the best feeling in the world.
Voldemort grew impatient when he didn't get his wish, demanding Harry answer him, and using the Imperius Curse.
Remus wasn't sure if that was full blown hysteria trying to crack through as he felt his lips twist in a smile, for the irony of their griping about Moody putting this curse on Harry for the good it could do, and look how right that mad old Auror was.
Harry felt, for the third time in his life,
"Only the third time?" Sirius was sure that was his ears cracking, not his voice as he forced out anything like a mocking tone for this. "Moody placed that on you a ton more times to make sure you threw it off completely. You never even gave us that number."
Harry gave an unhelpful answer of muttering about how his mind hadn't exactly been going for specifics at a time like this, not wanting to put Sirius down when he'd been trying to help. It wasn't assisting his own mind that recently every time Moody's name had been mentioned he felt an even sharper poke to his conscious, which had been paining him more and more since he'd arrived here.
as everything melted away, leaving him the happiest he'd been in his life as all the worry and pain evaporated, all he had to do was answer no.
A firm voice snapped right back, that still wasn't happening. He wouldn't answer!
Even though James had already watched Harry pull this off once, this ranked right up there with his Seeker skills of impressive abilities. Moody in a classroom was one thing, not that he'd expect the man to go easy but still. This was Voldemort behind that curse, and Harry was still fighting back!
The battle didn't last long, before Harry threw the curse off altogether.
Silence rung in the graveyard, no one was laughing now.
"You show those pushovers what it's really like to stand up to that pompous idiot," Sirius nodded sharply.
Voldemort stood there for a long beat in surprise, his Death Eater's as frozen in shock.
"I'm sure they're all wondering why they never bothered to grow a spine and do that," Remus muttered.
Voldemort whispered to Harry that in not answering, he was disobeying. Obedience was a virtue that every man should learn before death, and Voldemort offered more pain should teach that lesson.
"Well now he's just being a hypocrite," James forced an eye roll, forced just one small second of a joke. "I'm sure Dumbledore's told him to stand down and he's never done it."
"Right, don't do what Voldemort does, I'll keep that in mind," Harry genuinely grinned at him.
Voldemort raised his wand again, but this time Harry was ready as his honed Quidditch skills flung him aside behind a gravestone, the crack of the spell missing sending shards everywhere.
"There's my boy," James whispered to himself, the image of Harry flying proud in the sky was one he'd envisioned since he'd first held his son, now instead of a broomstick those reflexes were being used to save his life.
Voldemort mockingly called to him this was not hide-and-seek as he continued approaching,
Harry felt himself flushing as he got that out, and it wasn't hard to realize that Harry felt ashamed of what he was now telling them he'd done. James wasn't going to stand for that, giving Harry a friendly nudge as he promised, "no one on earth could fault you for trying to catch your breath Fleetfoot."
Harry did look around at him in surprise for that, and James shrugged without remorse. "I found I'm partial to that for your Marauder nickname, covers all the bases really."
Harry's face stayed red, but for a completely different reason as he turned back to the book, more pleased than he'd ever been in his life for his dad actually insisting upon this as more than a joke, especially after another nickname he'd once endowed kept stabbing him in every way possible.
his soft voice calling for Harry to come back out, he'd end this game now. Voldemort could not promise it wouldn't hurt, he had never died.
"I'm pretty sure during the time where you didn't have a body, you were some classification of dead," Remus grumbled.
"Wish he'd stayed that way," Sirius quietly agreed.
Harry only remained crouched where he was for a few beats more as reason came back to him. He was no more going to sit here cowering than beg for his life. His muscles were already springing to his command, prepared to die upright like his father.
"I'd rather you not die at all," Lily murmured to herself, but aloud for her son's ears, "least you really did get the best parts of your father."
"There aren't any bad parts of me for him to get," James forced out just to simply pitch his voice into the conversation, he couldn't stand watching Sirius and Remus' face when they heard that any more than it felt right for his own ears to process.
Harry was back around before the next taunt could be given, shooting the spell for his foe, Expelliarmus,
"That's really the spell you went with?" Sirius shook his head affectionately, his long hair falling into his face to avoid his too wet eyes.
"Can't even fault him for it," Remus sighed, his voice coming out a bit too thick which no one blatantly noticed. "What better way to get out of this than to disarm the lot of them."
at the same time Voldemort cried Avada Kedavra.
"Not my son you bastard!" Lily howled in outrage, her wand the only thing steady in her as every part of her was telling her to block that curse from being near her baby.
Green met red in midair, but then the two colors merged into one, and Harry's wand began vibrating in his hand that he could not unclench.
"Err, that's not supposed to happen," Remus muttered uselessly. When two spells met in midair, they ricochet off each other, so one should have hopefully killed a Death Eater, preferably a pathetic rat among them, and the other should have disarmed one while Harry tried to break out of the ranks.
The color was now one thin narrow beam keeping the two wands connected, a deep gold.
One glance up showed Harry that no one around him had any more clear idea of what was going on than he had at the time, but whatever it was, this was the moment he'd been waiting for. Once Cedric had died, he'd shut down and hadn't been able to think of anything else until Voldemort had cut him free, where the very feeling he'd felt had now been trying to rise to the surface. Harry leaned just that little bit more into his parents, for some unearthly reason, almost excited to continue.
Voldemort's unpigmented face showed just as much shock, his own hand clearly trying to break this connection but having no more success, and then it got stranger.
The two were lifted off their feet by seemingly nothing, and carried away from the graves into a clear area before gently being set back down.
Sirius was mouthing wordlessly as he tried to wrap his head around this, tried to even vaguely pull a piece of information from his deflating brain on what could be happening, but there wasn't a speck.
The Death Eaters ran after them, shouting for instructions on what to do, most drawing wands.
Lily may not know what was happening, but she suddenly wasn't as sure she liked it. At first it had seemed some cosmic force was actively trying to save her son, taking him away from that unholy place, but now locked like he was, he had no way to defend himself from the other wands that could just as easily kill.
The deep ichor color keeping them connected was continuing to act all on its own, thin cords shooting from it and soon encasing them in a dome that the Death Eaters cries could not come through.
James wished he had a clue what was being done to his son, but so long as it actually seemed to be helping him he couldn't find the urge to complain about it. Was this odd, never before heard of magic the way his son survived this night? If so, he'd go out and learn it right now.
Instead all Harry could now hear was a noise he'd only heard once before, but something precious to him that filled him with warmth, phoenix song.
"Is, Fawkes going to show back up, or-" Remus struggled to get out a coherent thought, but that didn't make sense. Harry hadn't done anything grand like he had before to summon Fawkes to him, though now he thought about it that would have been a good idea to get the bird to try and summon him away. Not the point, and no one had an answer for him, Harry had only paused in shock before gathering himself back enough to keep going.
It was the sound of hope, and it gave Harry new resolve to do everything in him not to break this connection.
Lily was running her hand through his hair for as much comforting him through what he was reading as a warming to herself to remind her where her baby was. This still wasn't a particularly good thing happening, but finally it was a new moment, something shining down promising hope was coming.
The moment he promised the music he'd do no such thing, the harder it became to do.
Sirius longed for a time where he could have been hearing about this and laughing, Harry talking to music, and then of course what he'd just described felt like it described life. All he was really thinking on though was how much he desperately wished he was there with his pup, when he needed someone now more than ever.
His strip of wood was now vibrating so hard in his hand it was a wonder it hadn't disintegrated yet, and still something new was happening. Beads of light were appearing in the center of their merged stream, and they were slowly heading towards Harry's wand. The closer they got, the harder his whole arm shook.
Because this wasn't confusing and weird enough before. They'd all worn out of shock by now, so instead they were trying to comprehend what purpose this could hold, how and why this was happening to their Harry.
Some instinct, whether the song or some innate feeling, told Harry that what he needed was for the opposite, so concentrating harder than he ever had on anything in his life, his mind focused on those little beads, and slowly but surely, they began reversing course, and were now going for Voldemort's wand.
Now Harry could feel his own voice rising with strength, some powerful moment about to return to him, almost a peace settling over him as something of the warmth he was surrounded in now was leaping eagerly to return to his mind.
Voldemort looked almost as astonished as he did fearful.
"Congratulations Harry, not many people can say they made Voldemort piss himself moments after his rebirth," Sirius murmured.
It happened after such a tiring mental struggle Harry nearly sunk to the ground again in a new kind of pain, but finally the beads connected with that strip of wood, and Voldemort's wand began trembling harder than ever as screams of pain echoed from its contents, and a smoky fist arose from within, the ghostly image of the hand he'd created for Wormtail.
Remus choked as he realized what was being described, yet Prior Incantato certainly didn't have this magical property normally, so even just guessing that this could be a form of what was happening didn't help him at all.
The wand wasn't done yet, as the next thing to arise was even bigger, more solid and dense as first a gray, misty head, then a torso emerged, before finally Cedric Diggory stood before them.
Lily felt a whole new swell of emotion blooming in her as she heard of that poor young man who'd been simply tossed aside, and now making an appearance like this. His whole future ahead of him, gone, but now what was this? Good or bad?
Cedric took in the scene around him, and Harry couldn't quite tell what he was, not entirely a ghost as he looked too solid, but it spoke to him in his same voice, telling Harry to hold on.
Harry couldn't imagine how anyone else was processing this, he certainly was having a hard time getting past his own wonder. For just that one moment, Cedric was back, he was alive and hadn't suffered for Harry's existence. His throat almost swelled shut right then, as for a moment he thought this was his reward for suffering this night, Cedric being spared just a few more moments of life, but no. There was something soft resonating in him, gently encouraging him on.
Voldemort had no more knowledge of what was going on than him, fear tracing his scarlet eyes as he looked upon the being.
Remus would have been far more concerned if Voldemort had understood what was going on, as that couldn't mean it was anything good. Instead, he couldn't explain even to himself, but he was almost eagerly listening to Harry, his every being exuding that they should all be feeling this way.
Still the magic was continuing, as another was already forcing itself out as well, an older man who emerged just like Cedric and stood beside him, leaning on a walking stick as he took them both in. His first thought as he caught sight of Voldemort was to say his surprise of how he had been a real wizard.
James was surprised when he felt an honest smile flit across his face, that old man really had been something in his last moments, and like Cedric, it felt like a miracle he was being granted any extra time, no matter how mind blowing this feat of magic was.
He turned eyes on Harry next and gave the same advice, to keep fighting and don't stop. Though Harry had no intentions of doing so as yet another figure was coming out, and soon Bertha Jorkins stood among them.
Sirius was surprised at the burn that ran through him. He knew so many people from his school years set to die, and even just a random girl he'd never even liked being presented in this way still managed to set him off.
Her conviction was the same as the men, insisting to Harry that whatever he did, not to let go!
James shook his head for a moment as he considered, really stopped and thought, about what was going on. Harry was getting encouragement from a ghost against Voldemort!
The three figures began prowling their circumference of the golden enclosure, in opposition to the Death Eaters doing the same on the outside. They would whisper more encouragement to Harry as they passed, and hiss something unheard to Voldemort when near him.
"I can guarantee they weren't nice," Lily sneered.
Harry took a moment to stop, and just stare at her with a new smile they'd never seen before, and it was that look that suddenly had Sirius realizing just what exactly order these magical ghosts were appearing in, and why Harry could conceivably be happy for any of this...
Now more than ever Harry had no desire to make this stop, as he watched another coming through the wand, the woman he'd thought about more tonight than any other. Lily Potter materialized before him.
Lily and James were crying, and not even bothering to hide it. They didn't see the point as they now understood what Harry was seeing for the first time in his life, their echo, their shadows, but it was still more of them than even that mirror or any picture could hold.
She whispered to him his father was coming,
Harry felt something warm curling tight in his heart and promising to never leave as he heard his mother's first words. He had never considered his dementor memory as counting, as his parents last dying words were more heart aching to think of than something like this.
just hold on a little longer.
Her words rang true, as the final man to emerge, James Potter blossomed between them.
"I knew it," Harry whispered, unable to express into words how much it meant to him he was really seeing them now, as before he'd come here this was as close as he'd ever get to them.
There was hardly an inches height difference, their features so similar it ached as James looked him in the eye, and explained that once the connection broke, they would only linger for a moment. Harry had to use that time to get back to the Portkey, it would get him back to Hogwarts.
It really did feel like this was zapping the life out of Remus to hear about, because thinking about James as anything other than the Prongs huddled into his family right now, alive and breathing through a heavy chest but still as solid and alive as he'd always been. Still Remus' first response was to poke at his friend's comment, just like he always did to keep him on track, and ask what on earth that Cup was going to do, why would it be set as a two way Portkey? He couldn't get the words to actually move past his lips, it was too heart wrenching to even consider James in this way to move past it and say anything else.
Harry promised he understood, his own wand beginning to slip out of his fingers regardless to show he couldn't have held much longer.
Harry almost hated his wand in that moment, for forcing him to think of anything else other than drinking in as much of them as he could. It was enough to drown out another powerful feeling trying to remind him that though this was the most precious memory he had, it may not be the only one like it.
Cedric got in his final words as well, asking Harry to take his body back with him.
Harry wished that he could instead be living in a time where he could brush that off as a joke, like he'd ever leave any part of Cedric behind for the Death Eater's to do anything with, instead this came out as solemnly as his parents first words to him.
Harry swore he'd do this, and his father's voice urged him to break the connection, now!
Harry obeyed, with the hardest pull he'd ever had to do in his life the wands broke free, and Harry spun on the spot and ran like he never had before. The shadowy figures remained for a few moments longer, swarming Voldemort and blocking Harry from view.
Sirius made a wretched noise, rubbing at his streaming nose as he tried to get out, "see, not even your own graves could stop you helping him out." He'd meant it for James, and there was most certainly some form of happiness resonating in him for that being true.
Lily hummed in agreement, her hands never stopping the motion of curling through his hair. Her throat to restricted to get out anything more articulate until he was really away from that place.
Harry broke through the stunned rank of Death Eaters, took no notice of any of his injuries as his feet flew over gravestones and zigzagged a pattern around any oncoming spells.
From behind, Voldemort demanded he be stunned.
Harry could practically feel the mad adrenaline pumping through his veins again, his mind sprinting as fast as he'd forced his ungainly feet to move, and the others were so tight and desperate for Harry to be free now none of them would have questioned why Voldemort hadn't bothered to send that curse rather than telling someone else. Could it be because he longer trusted his own wand to do the deed? There was something significant in that train of thought, but Harry wanted to be done with his chapter already, so that he could set this book aside and really hug his parents again in gratitude for what they'd done for him even one more time.
He made it to Cedric's body, but the Cup still lay ten feet away. Harry couldn't carry Cedric, but his pursuers approach would be upon him in moments. Harry twisted on the spot and met the red eyes of Voldemort one last time as he cried Accio, summoning the Triwizard Cup to him.
James felt a wild gasp of relief finally escape him, watching Harry finish off the last few lines with gratitude so he could just stop, and think for a minute!
The silver cup was caught in his hand, and Voldemort's scream of fury was drowned out with the howl of wind carrying him away.
Harry snapped the book shut hard, and then proceeded to hug both of his parents to him as tightly as he'd ever been able to in his life.
James still hadn't even begun to fully process everything he'd just heard about the night of Voldemort's return, he was still too busy clinging to his only child and his wife to think past much of anything except for the fact that he never wanted to let go of either of them. That night could have so easily gone wrong, Harry could have never been here now, but instead would have remained like Cedric, dead and lost to the rest of the world forever. Whatever that magic was that had saved him, somehow his miracle had been granted, and he had finally been able to do just one thing for Harry, even beyond the grave. Later he could question how his ghost or whatever had even known the way to get back, later he would think about how that had all come to pass, later...
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midnighttmarauder · 4 years
Go Away - Part 2
Read part 1 here!
Pairing: James Potter x reader
Summary: Reader thinks that James is in love with Lily and refuses to speak to him, so he writes them letters in hopes that they’ll realize the truth. 
Warnings: like one mild swear word, rushed ending 
Tags: @evyiione @quokkatrash @accio-rogers
A/N: This isn’t my best work, but I wanted to post something in a sort of comeback. I won’t be on here consistently because I just went through, and am still going through, one of the hardest times of my life. i just want to reconnect with you guys a bit and chat. As always, my inbox is open whenever any of you need to talk or just want to pop in and say hello. Hope you enjoy. Love you all xx
The past month had turned you into a master of avoidance. You had avoided James, Lily, and pretty much anyone associated with them to the best of your ability, which left you with nearly no one to talk to. Anytime Sirius or Remus even looked at you, you disappeared. It had been so hard to sleep that you had visited Madam Pomfrey, begging her to give you something that would essentially knock you out. The potion was effective, but disgusting. You had only taken it twice before you had given up and resulted to sharing warm milk and stories with the elves in the kitchens at night.
You committed James’ schedule and routes to class to memory. You took different hallways, didn’t even think of going to certain sections of the school altogether, and avoided the common room like the plague. From the little that you saw of James Potter, he looked happy.
James hadn’t actually broken up with you. He had confessed his love to Lily, which was basically the same thing. He had sent you multiple letters over the past few weeks, slipping them under your dormitory door or having them delivered at morning post. You didn’t have the heart quite yet to tear them up, so they sat unopened at the bottom of your trunk. Maybe you could open them one day. Or maybe they’d go straight in the fireplace.
James cornered you in the common room just before you could slip up the stairs exactly forty-seven days after he broke your heart. Seeing his face sent a pang of sadness through your heart, but it was replaced by a flare of anger that heated your cheeks.
“Can I talk to you?” James asked.
You only glared at him.
“C’mon, please just let me explain. You haven’t returned any of my letters, so I assume you haven’t opened them,” James said. He took your silence as your answer. “Since you won’t read them, at least give me a chance.”
“I don’t want to talk to you,” you ground out.
“Then you don’t have to. Just—promise me you’ll read the letters,” James said.
“Why should I? I don’t owe you anything,” you spat.
“I know. If you won’t read them for me, read them for yourself. You must have questions and I think the letters can answer them,” James replied.
“You know nothing about how I feel. You seem fine and dandy with your Lily flower. I should just throw your stupid letters in the fire,” you said. James sighed.
“Promise me you’ll read them. I miss you,” he muttered. You huffed and turned on your heel.
“You don’t get to miss me.”
James’ handwriting was both illegible and elegant. Sharp printing entwined with looping cursive created a lazy script that told when James’ hand got tired. Even though you promised yourself that you would never read the letters, something deep in your heart made you believe James. You cursed your weakness as you tore open the first letter with a little too much force, sending the wax seal sailing across your bed. You almost smiled as you unfurled the paper and smoothed it out on your knee.
I know you must hate me. But I want you to know that I don’t love Lily. Not anymore. I owe you an explanation.
I know you heard me tell Lily that I loved her, and I did. I told her that I used to love her because Sirius let it slip, as if I wasn’t obvious enough when I was in love with her. But I told her that I only love her the way I love Sirius or Remus now—as a friend. I swear to you that she’s nothing more. I wasn’t over Lily when I asked you to be my girlfriend. I’ll admit that I was a prick for getting into a relationship before I was fully over her. But you changed that. I never loved Lily as much as I grew to love you. You erased her and every other girl from my mind. You surrounded me, every second of every day. All I could think about was your pretty smile, your laugh, even the way you walk. I love everything about you. I still think about you every day, but now all I can think about is how I’ve messed everything up and lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
You’re it for me, love. I hope you’ll find it in you to forgive me.
James had a big heart to a fault. It was what made you fall in love with him, the fact that he had so much room for love. He offered his entire heart to everyone he loved, and still had enough to go around. You sniffled and tore open the next letter.
I hope you’re well. I noticed that you haven’t replied to my first letter, but maybe it got lost in the post. Those ruddy owls have a habit of dropping mail in the wrong places.
I miss you. I’m sorry for lying to you and telling you that I was over Lily when I wasn’t. I should’ve been honest from the beginning. I was a different person back then. I only cared about myself. But I’ve realized now that you’ve helped me grow up and become a better person. I want to be better for you.
Sirius keeps bugging me about talking to you, but I haven’t seen you around much. We’ve got a big match against Slytherin this weekend. I hope to see you in the stands. I always play better when you’re there.
You let out a sigh as you put the letter down and reached for the next one. You hadn’t gone to the match, hadn’t attended the party in the common room after to celebrate their win. While part of you was still mad, the other felt bad that you hadn’t been there. Not for him, you told yourself, but for the party.
Suppose my last letter got lost too. Maybe I should take my owl to the infirmary or something. I didn’t see you at the game, but we won! 250-240, it was super close. I wish you could’ve seen it, it was one of the most intense games I’ve ever played.
Sirius and Remus are on my ass again about talking to you. Remus said he saw you in the library the other night, but he didn’t know what to say. He said you looked okay, working away on Slughorn’s essay. Funny enough, I checked out the book you used right after you returned it. That’s the closest I’ve come to you in weeks.
I’m so sorry. I’ll send you a letter to prove it for the rest of my life if I have to. I miss you like crazy. Please, write me back or give one of us some indication that you’re okay.
Your heart beat painfully in your chest as you skipped over the remaining letters and opened the most recent.
Alice told me you have all of my letters, you just haven’t been opening them. I understand that you’re angry and don’t want to read them. I guess it helps me to write these, even though I know you’re not reading them. I don’t know if I’d have the courage to look you in the eyes and admit that I’m a coward. I’d give anything just to see you. You’ve become a ghost. I’ll do anything if you let me talk to you for even a minute. Whatever it takes to make you see that I’m sorry and that I love you. I hope you still love me, but I don’t really blame you if you don’t.
You had read enough. You collected the letters and stormed out of your dorm, nearly knocking Alice over on the stairs. She squeaked as you brushed past her and towards the boys’ dormitory. The stairs mercifully stayed intact as you stomped up the steps and knocked on the door. Sirius swung it open, and something like relief flooded his face.
“Y/N, what are you-”
“Where is he?” you asked. James appeared over Sirius’ shoulder. His hair stood on end and his shoulder peeked out of his t-shirt as he nudged his glasses up his nose.
“Y/N,” James breathed. You pushed past Sirius and waved the letters in James’ face.
“What do you think you’re playing at?” you growled. You distantly heard the door click shut behind you as James staggered back.
“Wha-what do you mean?” he stammered.
“Why couldn’t you say all this to my face?” you asked. Tears welled in your eyes despite your best efforts to keep them away.
“Because I’m a bloody coward, that’s why! You wouldn’t talk to me and I didn’t have the courage to come find you. I didn’t want to see you looking at me the way you are now,” James replied. He ran an aggravated hand through his hair, and you would’ve laughed if you could at the way it stood up.
“And just how am I looking at you?” you muttered.
“Like you hate me. I don’t blame you, I hate me too,” James said. You had never seen him look so defeated as he sank onto his bed and put his face in his hands. You sighed and sat down on Remus’ bed across from him.
“I’m not mad because of what you did. I understand now that what happened was a big misunderstanding. I’m mad at myself for not reading your letters sooner, and I’m mad at you for not growing a pair and trying to talk to me,” you said.
“I did try. You just yelled at me,” James replied, his voice muffled by his hands.
“But it made me finally read your letters. I thought you didn’t love me anymore because you didn’t come look for me. I thought you were so happy with Lily that you had forgotten,” you explained. James raised his head.
“Merlin, Y/N, I wasn’t happy. I was just scared that you didn’t love me either and I tried to act like everything was okay so that nobody would worry,” James said.
“It looks like we’re both gits who need to learn how to communicate better,” you replied.
“I’m sorry. I understand if you want to break it off and just be friends,” James said. You stood from the bed and stepped in front of him. He looked up at you as you leaned down to press your lips to his. James froze for a moment, and then wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you down onto his lap.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” James whispered against your lips. You laughed and cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears away with your thumbs.
“I love you,” you said. James smiled, and you found yourself smiling back. It felt strange after so long, but so right.
“I love you, sweetheart. Until we’re stardust.”
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enm-enthusiast · 4 years
Jaime’s Revenge Part I - Payback Time for Thomas
This is a sequel to my previous series, Jaime’s Humiliation, who was stripped, humiliated and blackmailed by his three tormentors, and now that he’s free, he’s back for revenge, starting with Collin’s friend.....Thomas. 
The time had come. Jaime had finally put all the pieces in place after his last ordeal at the hands of Alice and her friends, Cody was still unaware that the evidence he had over him was now gone, and Colin too since spring break had ended and our parents returned home. Cody was preparing to go back home, but before he did Jaime had quite the surprise in store for him….Soon, he thought to himself, but first he had his brother Colin and his little punk friend Thomas to deal with first. After talking to his friends Sebastian and Toby of his revenge plans, they had convinced him to go easier on poor Thomas, who’s comeuppance would come in just a few short hours. In their first week back, he had studied Thomas’ schedule, and learned that he took an afternoon jog through the neighborhood after soccer practice before going home, and decided that was his opportunity to catch Thomas alone and off guard.  
Jaime sat in his car by the side of the soccer field, watching and waiting for Thomas to finish up practice, and while he did, he went over in his mind how he was going to punish Thomas for helping in his humiliation, though had to admit the kid did have a crush on him and had they been in the other’s shoes, Jaime might have done the same. Alice had been very disappointed she didn’t get to participate in Thomas’s punishment, but as Jaime told her she wouldn’t get much “fun” out of him anyways as he was gay. In Jaime’s reverie he almost missed the sight of the lean but buff figure of Thomas leaving the soccer field dressed in his jogging clothes...which he would soon be deprived of. “It’s time” he said to his friends in the back, Toby and Sebastian, the former a fellow football player and best friend, his long shaggy blonde hair stretched almost past his neck. Sebastian was a tall and muscled man with short black hair, he was a quiet guy but no less a good friend, which is why he immediately agreed to help him get payback for what those three had done to him. Jaime also couldn’t help but notice a lustful glance in Sebastian’s eye, as he gazed at Thomas with a look of both pure venom and also anticipation...perhaps he couldn’t wait for what they were about to do? Doesn’t matter, he’ll do his part Jaime thought to himself as he started up his car and slowly went down the same road Thomas started his jog at.  
“Remember the plan?” Jaime asked the two in the back, Toby gave him a sly smile and said “Don’t worry Jaime, we got it, the little brat won’t know what hit him by the time we’re through” he said, nudging Sebastian as if waiting for him to agree. He didn’t respond, instead he only gave a slight nod as he kept his gaze on Thomas, and Jaime looked in his eyes and saw something he decided he would deal with later. “Make sure to get plenty of pictures” Jaime smiled as handed Toby his phone. “With pleasure” he replied, as they neared Thomas’ location, he sped up the car a bit, and a bit further after that until they had just passed him and quickly stopped at the side of the road. Jaime unlocked the car doors as Thomas neared the car, then turned to his friends and said “get him” and upon that they jumped out the car doors and headed straight for Thomas who by this point still hadn’t noticed them as he had earphones in but upon Toby and Sebastian rushing up to and each seizing one of his arms he was quite alarmed, but noticed too late as they had too strong a grip on him, covering his mouth and dragging him over to the car. 
Sebastian quickly opened the door and hissed in Thomas’ ear, “Get in” and despite his panic he did as he was told and climbed into the backseat. As soon as he saw Jaime, his face paled and looked at each of his sides and found himself put between both Toby and Sebastian. Jaime restarted the car and drove off, and after a few minutes of silence it was Thomas who spoke first, “J-j-Jaime?, I-i-I’m sure you're probably mad about the part I played with Colin and Cody, but-please just let me go, I promise I won’t ever do anything like that again” he stammered out. “Oh don’t worry, we’re gonna let you go-” Toby started to say and a glimmer of hope dawned on Thomas’ face “-that is after Jaime here gets some payback” Toby finished. Realization dawned on Thomas’ face, and looked pleadingly at the three around him, but found no salvation in the resolve in their faces.  
“Get ready Toby, I wanna have some good keepsakes for after we’re done” Jaime said, and Thomas looked between them, fear written plainly across his face. “We’re not gonna hurt you little Thomas, we’re just gonna have some fun is all, and to make sure you don’t tell my brother or cousin about this we decided to take a few pictures…” Jaime said. He let that sink in for a few moments before he turned to both Toby and Sebastian and said “bind him”. Upon his command, they seized Thomas, holding his arms and legs in place while Toby pulled out some rope and started to bind his legs together while Sebastian pulled out a pair of handcuffs and bound his hands together behind his back.  
Thomas tried to fight but he was no match for the both of them, and soon found himself completely at their mercy as they bound his arms and legs together. With him secured and fastened, Jaime, feeling immensely satisfied thus far, looked back at his two friends again and said “strip him”. Sebastian practically pounced, he went straight for Thomas’ tank top, who ripped it straight off him with ease, while Toby went for his white undershirt, who started to rip it off until Sebastian gave him a hand and they both seized it at the same time, pulled and ripped it straight off him leaving his bare torso exposed. Jaime had to admit, Thomas was quite buff, his highly defined abs and muscled torso sparked a hint of lust in him too, and he could feel his cock twitching in his pants...but not now, focus he thought to himself as Sebastian and Toby gazed down to his shorts and noticed his bulge, making his pale face turn beat red. They undid his belt and slid his shorts right down his legs and off of his feet, leaving him in just his white briefs. But the most surprising part...was that Thomas was hard, fully hard. As the three gazed at his six and a half inch boner, Thomas turned a deeper shade of red as he found himself exposed and humiliated, which only deepened when Toby began to take pictures of him bound, helpless, and with a hardon.   
While Jaime drove on, Toby took tons of pictures while Sebastian just stared at his boner, and Thomas turned his head away in shame and embarrassment, but Jaime also could see a hint of excitement in his eyes as he turned away. “Go ahead Seb, I know you want to” Jaime said, and Sebastian whipped his head at him in shock, but quickly recovered and moved his right hand closer to and eventually reached Thomas’s barely concealed cock, the contact made Thomas whip his head forward but also let out a small moan as Sebastian fondled his bulge. He continued for a good while, then removed his hand and all three of them saw a huge precum stain where the head of his cock was. Thomas looked disappointed as Sebastian stopped, but turned a deep shade of red as he noticed his own precum stain.  
Then both Sebastian and Toby reached for the hem of his briefs, and slowly but surely started to tease their way down his legs. First came his treasure trail down to his strands of pubic hair, then they moved past his crotch, revealing his six ½ inch cock and balls, then slid them off his legs too, leaving him completely naked. Sebastian’s eyes flickered with excitement as he gazed at his fully hard cock, and Toby took more pictures which made Thomas hang his head down in shame. “Why Thomas, don’t be so down, try to have some fun with it” Jaime said as he gave Sebastian a knowing look, who nodded his understanding before grabbing a firm hold of Thomas’ cock, and upon contact Thomas gasped as he felt his cock get jerked by Sebastian, and his expressions were a mix of excitement and embarrassment. My my, it seems he’s discovering the exhibitionist in him Jaime thought to himself, and he gazed down at his own hard cock and thought, I might have more fun with him in the future then.  
As Sebastian continued to pump his cock with his right hand, his left began to fondle his low hanging balls, which made Thomas bite his lip, a sign that he was in pure heaven and hell at the same time as Toby, smiling as he both filmed and shot pictures of Thomas bound, naked, and having his cock jerked by Sebastian. He’s enjoying this too much I think, time to kick things up a notch Jaime thought to himself. “Toby, Seb, flip him over” Jaime said, and Sebastian stopped jerking his cock and helped Toby flip him over onto his stomach, exposing his entire backside to the. Toby took more pictures while Sebastian gazed at Thomas’ surprising bubble butt. ‘W-w-what are you going to do?” Thomas asked fearfully, and asked Toby to start recording before saying  “just some fun, and some well deserved payback, see, you’ve been a bad boy now haven’t you Thomas? And now you must be punished accordingly” he said. “P-please Jaime, don’t, I beg you” he said. “I’ll stop when you admit you’ve been  a bad boy and deserve your punishment, then I’ll maybe even reward you” Jaime said. 
“Spank him” he said to Sebastian, who gleefully grabbed a handful of his bubble butt before giving at first a light spank on his left ass cheek, making Thomas give off a light yelp in response, then slapped a little harder, and harder before all three of them could see his left ass cheek was bright red. Sebastian then moved to his other cheek, spanking his ass continually until it too was red. Meanwhile, Toby filmed the whole thing and Jaime occasionally glanced back as he drived, and Thomas let out a small yelp after each slap, but just before today Jaime made sure to tell both of them not to harm Thomas too much, spanking was as far as they would go he warned them. “Alright, that’s enough Seb” Jaime said, and he immediately stopped and waited for his next command. “Well?” he said to Thomas, and from where he was he could hear him say “I-i-I’ve been a bad boy, and this is my punishment” he muttered. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear all that, let’s clear things up shall we? Flip him back over boys” he said and they flipped Thomas back over and sat him back down on the seat. “Now, please repeat to all here that are present please” Jaime said, a devilish smile on his face. Thomas, beet red with humiliation said “I’ve been a very bad boy, and this is my rightful punishment” he said. 
Satisfied, Jaime nodded to Toby to stop recording and said “thank you Thomas, it means a lot to hear that, now as for your reward….I think it’s time we made you cum, go ahead Seb” he finished, and Thomas had to time to react as Sebastian once again reached for his still hard cock, and started pumping away like there was no tomorrow while also fondling his balls. He resisted at first, but Thomas couldn’t help himself, he started to moan out loud and he could see that he was enjoying every second of Sebastian jerking his cock so expertly. Sebastian looked very pleased, and couldn’t take his eyes off Thomas as he pumped his cock, and Toby just sat and smiled as Thomas was getting milked. Before long, he could hear Thomas’s moans shorten and his body tightened as Jaime knew he was about to cum, and Thomas flipped his head back in ecstasy and gave off a soft “f***” as he shot his load all over himself, and Sebastian made sure to squeeze every drop possible out. Toby took one last picture as Jaime parked at the side of a street, about half a mile from Thomas’ house, then handed his phone back to him. Jaime, feeling immensely satisfied at having taken the first big step in his revenge, said “you can go ahead and let him go now guys”. 
Toby undid the bindings on his legs, while Sebastian unlocked his handcuffs, while Thomas sat there, still processing what had just happened to him. He looks very embarrassed and humiliated, but also very….pleased with himself. I will definitely have some more fun with you later, and I’m sure Sebastian will too, Jaime thought to himself as he looked back and saw Sebastian continue to hold his gaze at Thomas’s naked body. When he finally recovered, Thomas looked at Jaime and asked “uhhh, Jaime? Can I have my clothes back please?” he said, and while he had already decided how he was going to handle this he put on a look of deep thought for a good moment before saying, “hmmmm, guys, give him his briefs back, but don’t let him keep anything else, and don’t worry Thomas, your not far from home, you’ll most likely get back without being spotted, but you better hurry before you do” he said. “Oh and before you go, I had Toby here take lots of pictures and videos here, and don’t worry I won’t share them...as long as you do as you are told and don’t mention this to Colin” he said, a dark look on his face. Despite his pale look he didn’t object as Sebastian handed him back his briefs, which were still stained with his cum, put them on and as soon as he exited the car made a mad dash in the direction of his house. Sebastian spoke up and said “You know, this was pretty fun...maybe we should do this with him again sometime? He said, a sparkle in his eye. Jaime laughed and said “Maybe, but for now...we have one down, and two to go”. 
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Chapter 9 thoughts! 🎃👻 (Not a review in any way, I'm just gonna scream about the chapter)
First of all, you CANNOT believe how many screenshots I took. It's like 1 line out of 4 was comedic gold. I counted and I have exactly a HUNDRED screenshots.
Ariel? The backgrounds? The costumes? THEY BLEW ME AWAY! Anytime a new character appeared on screen with their outfit I was screeching 😂 Especially Karolina. She was killing it. It made me consider making another side account. Love the Alice madness returns trio: Ellie as Alice, Tyler as the mad hatter and Tegan as Cheshire cat. You really did God's work 😔✊🙏🙏
Now to the chapter in general and the writing: at the moment I only played on my Claire account! I'll do Alistair later👌
Love how we start the chapter with Tadashi ALREADY being annoyed. Dick-shaped balloons? Tadashi saying "spooky vibes"? The "WhEn WiLL yOu LeArN tHaT yOuR aCtIoNs HaVe CoNsEqUeNcEs?!?" meme but Tadashi style? Perfect.
The interactions with Claire were absolutely adorable. I thought I would panic when the first dialogue option showed up but it's Claire, so it wasn't hard to figure out! She's so sweet and I love her. The part where Scholar is praising her cooking and she's like "that's the perks of being French!" After that, how she gave Scholar a box full of cookies because she's worried about her skipping meals? CUTE. And the study group where Raquel and Axel are calling out Claire on her obvious crush? Bruh. That's some backstabbing, poor bby Claire 😖😖
Then, the next arc tease! I think it's the "FAXION" thing! So it's either Karol's arc or Neha's? Or both at the same time maybe? I'm interested: how is it gonna play out? A fashion competition where all the main 10 will somehow get involved sounds unlikely, so I guess it's like Tadashi's arc where everyone helps? Or something like that? But I have no idea what kind of problem can arise in a fashion competition 🤔
After that, we have the first illustration! Scholar is a cutie!!! Looking at herself all proud 😎 wish I had that level of self-confidence, when I pass in front of a mirror I don't even want to look at myself 😂
Then the party... Tadashi looking like he was DEAD while all the others look fabulous in their Halloween costumes... Poor Dashi. But love how he was terrified of the Arlingtonator, it's so precious that even though he's always so composed and serious he still believes in stuff like that 😆 Raquel was about to call him a p u s s y. Bruh.
I love the whole team messing with Tadashi but poor guy. He was really trying to protect his friends first before himself, he's so sweet I love him 😭
Later on, when Scholar was looking at Claire and she's like "oh yeah I was just checking you out UH- I mean the outfit! I was checking out the outfit!" I felt that cringe Scholar must've gone through 😂
Now. The next scene. The next scene took the crown for me. I LAUGHED. You guys cannot imagine how rare it is for me to audibly laugh when I'm reading something. I really stopped for a few seconds and kept staring at the screen while laughing. Andy "I CaN't WrItE cOmeDy" bruh no. The AMOUNT of happiness this gave me 😂 please, next time instead of 250 pages write 300 thank you 😌 (I'm only kidding! Serena will lose her mind)
I think I might or might not have this whole scene screenshoted. All the dialogue kills me.
"Al, consider our friendship cancelled."
"Tomorrow? You're all dead to me."
This scene will stay in my mind and in my heart. Andy thank you for the amazing food 👏👏 I believe this will stay "iconic" in the fandom 😂
Then we had the party wrap up, of course I chose to play boardgames with Karol, Neha and Claire since this is Claire's account. And I gotta say, I LOVE IT. Karolina looks so happy for once, I couldn't believe it. I also love how Claire is clearly a bit chubby, I want to hug her 💖💗 (or how the internet says: "Thicc" I guess) I got the achievement "in front of MY boardgame?" or something along those lines because Karolina was complaining that Scholar and Claire are flirting 😎
Then we got the spooky stories and a terrified Tadashi begging for his life... god this better not awaken anything in me 😂
And finally the last scene with Claire... God it was so ufozkfhzuhdkdpzjrudozrydo 💗💖💕💝💘💖💗💕💝💘
Words cannot express the diabetes I got from that fricking scene...
Anyways!!! As you can see this really wasn't a review at all, just me gushing about sweet elite like always. Is anyone surprised? The only bad thing about this chapter was that it was so sweet that I wanted even more wholesomeness after it was already over 😭 and I know that next arc is going to be even harsher than Tadashi's from what the SE team told us... goodbye happy times, I'll wait for the christmas/new year chapter for more heartwarming stuff. Hopefully it's chapter 12 or 13 🤞🤞 (Well, okay, I admit I'm also looking forward to the angst. I can go through any pain if there's happiness at the end 😔✊)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 9 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
A/n: Maybe the longest chapter I've written ... for now. 
Words: 3,298
Chapter 8  // Chapter 10
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Chapter 9: Lies
"Jenna, please wait," I say, taking her arm. She stops and turns to me.
"What do you want?"
"Sorry, seriously, forgive me for being so abrupt with you the other day, it was not my intention,” She raises an eyebrow waiting for more. I sigh, "Sorry for being a bad friend.”
I pout and try with my best puppy eyes.
“You'll tell me what happened with Lupin?"
Oh, that.
"It's no big deal on its own…" I bite my lip. "He agreed with Evans to be the best in every class, a stupid plan to make me fail my classes. I found out and talked to Slughorn."
She looks at me in confusion and analyzes my pathetic excuse, but seems satisfied.
"Idiots, nobody can compete with the Slytherin princess,” I smile and she imitates me. That was close.
"That's me. We’re fine, then?"
"We are," She locks her arm with mine, "Let's go to Hogsmeade"
“Wait, you’re not going with someone else? It seemed like you had a plan-” I suddenly realize what’s going on, “You knew I was going to beg your forgiveness, right?"
She lets out a laugh.
"I know you very well P," I should have guessed.
We both walked to the carriages and arrived in Hogsmeade in no time. At this time, it was already starting to get cold, it wouldn’t be long before it began to snow. Hogwarts is beautiful when it’s covered in white.
I’m wearing my usual jeans, boots, light sweater and a small scarf, while full Jenn wore boots, gray socks, a pink skirt and a cream sweater. Her blond hair is in a cute ponytail, several boys sent flirtatious smiles and she ignores them all the same.
“D'you know what would be great?"
"Eat?" I answer when I feel my stomach roar. She laughs.
“Yeah, but just before you came to your knees to apologize,” I growl. “A senior boy invited me out. I said no because I didn't feel like it. I want to start studying, I have a herbology test soon.”
"And?" She sighs.
“It's something I had to tell you before but I was angry. The thing is, I don't see anything fun in dating guys anymore”
“Maybe you’ll find someone during our vacations”
"I wish- ah, yes!" She says, shaking me, "I talked to Regulus the other day, will you stop ignoring the poor puppy?"
“Don't call him that, and yes. We're fine, I'll talk to him later,” We arrive at the three broomsticks and sit at a table near a window. A waiter took our order and left.
Jenna updated me with all the gossip at school after being a couple of days apart. When did so many things happen? I have no idea. I’d never been aware of anything, Jenna and Regulus took care of that, even if I didn't ask for it.
"Evans rejected Potter again, but this time he made a whole scene, some say he took all that out of a muggle book, Juliet and-"
"Romeo and Juliet- Shakespeare,” I interrupt her and she seems surprised.
"How do you know that?" I feel my cheeks burn and I shrink in my place.
"I heard it once,” Vile lie, the other night Remus and I talked about the popular Muggles books. He told me the plot and read some lines.
"Anyway, the plan did not work and Evans rejected him, it was fun," In that we heard the bell of the entrance and a group of girls come laughing. They sit a couple of tables away from us. "Talking about the devil…”
Lily Evans was with her friends: Marlene Mckinnon, Alice Longbottom and Elsa Smith. They haven’t noticed our presence.
"Just ignore them," I say without thinking. Jenna looks at me confused.
"That's what I usually say, because you, my dear friend, are the first to get her claws out, especially with Evans." She says raising an eyebrow. I shrug.
"I'm not in the mood to fight,” The waiter brings our butterbeers and our food.
"Wait, I didn't ask for food-“ I raise my head to call the waiter, but Jenna doesn't let me.
"I asked, I know you haven’t eaten well and that should stop.” I grimace. "Now eat, it's just a chocolate croissant, you love chocolate!”
"You play dirty,” She laughs.
The conversation continues smoothly, but something’s changed, I could see Jenna looking at the table where Lily was. She watched, sighed and turned to me with an absent expression.
"You're good? Is the table over there more interesting than my super story about how I plan to be the best Auror ever? ” She is startled.
"Everything is fine, just-" She laughs nervously, "One of the girls has a beautiful blouse, I would like to know where she got it," she says… blushing?
Wait. What?
"You should ask them, they are not far" I say finishing my plate. She shares her head.
"I know you wouldn't be comfortable if I asked, besides, I don't want to bother.” I frown.
At what time has Jenna stopped doing things to avoid making me angry?
“Come on, I know you want to go there, don't worry about me. You're just going to ask them something”
“You don't have to ask me for permission, Jenn. Just go.” She nods, happier than I thought. She gets up and goes to the table.
She interrupts the conversation, but something catches my attention: they receive her as another one of their group, make a place at the table.
I may be clueless, but I thought she was not welcome in that group either. I remember that Evans also treated her like me. This is odd, but I decide not to intervene and I only watch while I drink my beer, I surely look crazy, but I don't care.
They talk and laugh, Jenna seems in her element, when did they become such friends? I think I should pay more attention, will she ever tell me?
No, I dont think so. I finish my beer and the waiter arrives to collect everything, I pay him.
I think it's my time to go, I don't want to be watching all the time.
I get up and approach the table only to say goodbye to her, but on the way I realize something.
Marlene Mckinnon and Jenna share looks and complicit smiles, both are sitting facing each other and it seems they’re not really paying attention to Alice's story. 
I frown, but it all makes sense before my friend's actions. She takes Marlene's hand under the table and holds it affectionately, then they both laugh, Jenna places a strand of her hair behind her ear and at last, approaches Marlene to whisper something. She laughs.
This can’t be.
This cannot be.
That is the technique she uses to flirt! Actually, she has several, but with Marlene she has put them all together.
Jenna likes Marlene!
“Do you need something, Singh?" At that moment I notice that I’m right in front of your table, just watching and probably with my mouth open.
I shake my head.
"Sorry I just-" I don't know what to say, Jenna looks at me, maybe wondering if I saw her technique and of course I saw her. I share a look with her and bite my lip. "I... I was leaving and-"
I say, and they all just looked at me confused. Jenna gets up and takes me by the shoulders. I thought the surprises were ending, but no. A small glow catches my attention. I look at Marlene's hand and let out a gasp. Jenna quickly covers my mouth and surrounds me with her free arm.
"Well girls, we're leaving," She says as I try to talk about her hand causing only stifled noises. I move to get out of her grip, but it doesn't work.
Jenna drags me through the place until we get out of it, walks to a small alley and forces me to be against the wall without removing her hand from my mouth.
"You never call me that!" It's what I wanted to say, but only muffle noises keep coming.
"Stop moving!”
I can't with this. I pass my tongue over her hand and she screams.
”Persephone! That's gross!”
"Yes, good. You should wash your hands more often,” I complain and fix my clothes, “What the fuck was that?” She grimaces.
"What are you talking about?" I'm too tense for this.
"She has your bloody ring, Jenna!" I scream no matter who could happen to hear us, she doesn't try to shut me up, "Marlene Mckinnon! She has the ring that you never take off, the one you don't let me touch, the ring your mom gave you since you were little! Why the fuck does that mudblood-?”
No wait. That’s wrong. Jenna looks down for a moment and when it looks up my heart is shattered into a thousand pieces
"No, I mean-“ I clear my throat "Why does she have it... why?" Yes, better.
This is what I call progress. Her eyes tear up and she fidgets.
“Sorry, I didn't want to call her that. Sorry…” I say hugging her.
She cries a little on my shoulder and then returns the hug.
"What's going on, Jenna?" I say as we part, she waves a hand near her face.
"I didn't want you to know,"She sobs
"Wait, all that speech that you were fed up with all the boys here, was because you wanted to date girls?”
"Something like that,” We’re silent for a few seconds.
"I'm stupid."
"Persephone, I know what you think and maybe that's why I didn't tell you, but I think... I really like her, I don't care if we're girls or Muggles-“
"Stop there,” I say raising my hand "I am processing this.”
"All this time, you haven't dated anyone since we came here, and I just told you that you would find another idiot out of Hogwarts?”
"Yes?" She replies.
"I'm stupid. How did I not realize before?" I hit my forehead, "Sure, because you could only be with a boy- ugh,” I growl. "There are also girls-“
I look at her.
"Of course you can be with one of them- well you're with one-“
"Wait, I don't understand. Are you upset that you didn't realize?" It seems like a joke, but yes. I sigh.
"Sorry for not being aware of all this, Jenna" I hold her hands, "I feel like I've been very selfish for many years…”
"Hey, honey," She takes my chin and laughs. "It's okay!”
"No, it isn't" I let go of her grip, "I just thought about my problems and I didn't realize many things -with Regulus or with you- I feel like crap.”
She laughs again.
"What are you laughing at, idiot? I'm having a moment,” Now she laughs louder.
"P, I can't believe it," She says, trying to calm herself down. "I was scared that you might get mad because I like a girl or because she is Muggles' daughter, but it bothers you that you didn’t know."
"I don’t see whah’s so funny,” I pout.
"Quiet, P. Everything’s fine,” She smiles shyly.
"Do you really like her?" I venture and she nods. Suddenly I scream, "My best friend is in love!”
She tries to cover my mouth again, but now I stop her, we both fight as we laugh.
"Don't say that strong word!” I let out a laugh.
"Strong word your ass,” At some point, my leg fail and I fall to the ground, Jenna just laughs.
“It's a pleasure to be your clown, seriously. I live for that,” I say sitting up. I rub my back.
"You're an idiot.”
"You too. An idiot in loooove,” I tease and she blushes “Oh, are you shy now?”
"No, it's just weird to hear you say it," She says, helping me to get up.
“It’s not bad to say it or be it. Besides, you are in love, why would you give her your ring if not? ”
I say brushing off the dirt from my clothes.
"Well, I had to give her something, after being together for so long,” I frown.
"How long have you been dating, Jenna?" She is surprised and realizes what she’d said. “Jenna?”
How is it that a few minutes ago we were laughing and now I'm afraid of what she could say?
"Two years…” she whispers, but I can hear her perfectly.
"What!?" She steps back.
"I can explain it-“
"I hear you…” I step back a little and cross my arms. She opens and closes her mouth several times. "You have been dating her for two years. And you didn't deign to tell me?"
"I didn't know how to tell you!” The tears are coming back.
“When were you going to do it? When we leave school? While living together or would you also hide it? While one of you were expecting a baby!?” I exploded.
“No- I…” I can't do this, I don't want to see her crying, but I can't just say ‘Oh, okay, it was only two years that you lied to me.’
“After the scene you did before coming here because I hid something from you and you had the biggest secret of all…” Now I’m tearing up. "You know? It hurts that you couldn't tell me, I thought we were friends.”
"We are, but... you don't understand” I let out a dry laugh.
“I don’t, you're right- For two years…”
I’ve had enough. I leave the alley and walk through the streets of Hogsmeade.
I may be exaggerating, maybe she really didn't know how to tell me, was she that afraid of me? She thought I was going to be angry about her blood status or her sexuality? How bad have I been? She was wrong not to tell me, but I was worse at creating that insecurity.
My vision is clouded by tears, I don’t see where I’m going until I collide with a man, I step back a little and clean my eyes.
"I'm so sorry, I didn’t know where I was going-“
"My intention was to come to you, sweetie." I look up to meet a tall man, he’s got dark hair and eyes. His face is covered with freckles and a kind smile.
"Alphard?" I say with a smile.
He opens his arms and smiles. I don't wait any longer and hug him as hard as I can.
“This is a good hug, not like Sirius's. That boy is shy for everything,” I laugh in his chest. We break apart.
"Why were you crying, my love?" He says touching my cheek.
"Oh, it's nothing" He stares at me.
"You know you can't lie to me,” I huff.
“I argued with my best friend…”
"Tell Uncle Alphard everything.”
"Did you talk to Sirius?" The man nods, eating his candy. After going to Honeydukes we sat on a bench near a small bush.
"Yes, he seemed very upset, he told me about the great news of marriage," I shudder, "How do you feel about it, honey?” I sigh.
"Being honest- I'm angry, I didn't think they were going to do it, but at the same time I'm not surprised they did it,” I take a bite of my chocolate frog.
He nods.
“I understand you both. I think the strange thing was that they prepared it so soon, for me they did it at the beginning of my seventh year.”
"But you were never married, Uncle Alphard-“ He laughs.
"Maybe, but that didn't stop them from trying to arrange a marriage for convenience," I look surprised.
"How did you get out of that?"
"Oh, you have the same look as Sirius, but I'm sorry, it's not like I got out of that responsibility, sweetie," I grimace.
He sighs.
“I had a girlfriend when I was about to finish school, of course she was pure blood. Not that it was a requirement for me, since I was young I did not share the same beliefs as my family, but I suppose I was lucky to find Endora,” He smiles nostalgic, “she was sweet and affectionate, it was also pure luck that her parents had a Good job in the ministry. We were in love, and we planned to get married. I was willing to leave a lot of broken hearts.” He jokes and I hit his shoulder. We both laugh.
"What happened?" His smile is erased.
“She… she got sick. Shortly after she died- I was devastated, my parents felt sorry for me, they also loved Endora- so they didn't pressure me to get married”
I see the man sitting next to me, looking at the floor, maybe remembering those good moments.
I always thought of Alphard Black as the best uncle anyone could have. He’s funny, affectionate, always helped us with mischief or covered us when we planned something. He made fun of the other adults and didn't take things seriously, he was our best accomplice, the best partner.
"If Sirius dies, I may have a chance," I said half-joking.
“I don't believe it, sweetie. My sister can be hell, I don't think she is as compassionate as our parents,” He says.
We both laugh. He looks at me and puts a lock of my hair away.
“You look as beautiful as ever, I don't understand why Sirius and you aren’t together…” At that moment I feel a knot in my stomach and I groan, causing a laugh from him.
"Don't even joke about it”
“Oh, young people… so stupid. They don't realize anything-”
"Shut up, old man.”
"Do you remember when we stole Walburga's birthday cake?" He says excitedly, like a little boy. I nod laughing.
“You distracted the adults while we stole it. But Regulus was very small and clumsy, the cake fell down getting everyone's attention.”
“The best thing was that we ate it anyway!”
This was what I liked most about Alphard, he always makes the pain in my stomach go away.
"Uncle, I thought you were gone…” The four marauders come to our side.
I settle in my place, uncomfortable because of their presence. Remus gives me a smile and I return it for a brief second.
“Can't I enjoy a day in Hogsmeade with a beautiful young lady, nephew?”
"You can, just that you're missing the beautiful lady.” James and Sirius laugh like idiots and I roll my eyes.
“Don't be a jealous child, Sirius. Behave.” I look at the man. Sirius stops laughing and clears his throat. The only adult he listens to is his uncle.
“It's a pleasure to see you, Mr. Black,” adds Remus, always so polite.
"Yes, it’s cool. Sirius was very selfish in not telling us that you would come,” Potter teases, hitting his friend.
"I had to talk to him about important issues," Sirius mumbles, looking at me.
“I'm glad to see you guys too. But I think I must go…” I can't help pouting, watching his movements, “Come on, sweetie. I promise to have another meeting with you” I nod while Sirius lets out a snort.
Alphard gets up and gives me a hug.
“You know you can write to me whenever you want, Persephone.”
“Okay…” He kisses my forehead and moves away a little. He waves goodbye to the others and puts a hand on Sirius's shoulder.
“I hope our conversations has served you, guys. Although, I forgot to mention something…” He smiles, “You should ask for help from your friends, you’d be surprised of how many unions can be ruined by a good plan”
Everyone sees the man in utter confusion. Everyone, but one person, that understood clearly what he’d meant.
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107 @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight​   @ren-ela​   @avipshamitra​  @auroraaawrites   @findzelda
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mrsunderhill678 · 3 years
Oh, shit... Did I write something? Woops, those demons, eh? Always possessing your fingies and making you write.
“I ain't a sinner, ain't a saint, just the result 'a my brother's choice wrapped up in barbed wire and regretful survival, and I wondah, if 'e saw me 'gain, would 'e call me Lazarus? 'E put me down and spected me ta stay, but I ain't da kinda man dat dies so easy.” - Anthony Burningsky
“Lacin' a lie with sugar is da only way ta convince a man ta consume it, mate.” - Anthony Burningsky
“We're all scars, memories and graves, wonderin' a wasteland 'a sin. And I'v found, dat redemption is a small price ta pay when you're wookin' at eternal damnation.” - Anthony Burningsky
“I can't be the only one with a loaded gun, certainties and doubts in every chamber. All I can do is spin the chamber and pray I find certainty and stable ground, but only bullets of doubt and misery pierce my skull and bleed my mind.” - Pryella Burningham
 “I'm looking for the map to hope, cause I heard it's a journey, but here I am, fucking lost. In me, in doubt and everything in between, because I fear that with a family tree this sinful, I'm bound to become the very thing that scares me the most. My father.” - Pryella Burningham
“I fear the forest, yet I hide in it's shade, playing my game of Russian Roulette all on my lonesome. The ground shakes beneath me, as if it wishes to swallow me whole. And perhaps, when the dirt brings me into it's maw, and the grass waves above me, and I stand with no tomorrow, no yesterday and no today, is when I'll be at peace. Because with these memories? With these hauntings of my father's yellow smile? I fear death is my only release, and perhaps Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun is the only form of rest I'll ever receive.” - Pryella Burningham
“I have reason, the world has madness, but perhaps that is only my perception of it, slaying he who is mad only giving myself madness in return. If you have reason to your madness you're still mad, after all.” - Weston Sardisco
“This is a war of a different kind, and all I require is a six shooter followed by my wit.” - Weston Sardisco
 “I'll lay my hand on the bible and say a prayer for all who lost themselves in the brutality of this world, because I, intend to find them. For I care not who you were, only who you are, and if you see me on the horizon, please, remember, do not bring up your rights, in the midst of all your wrongs. Because one hundred twenty two rights does not make a life time of wrongs, holy.” - Weston Sardisco
“You will sooner find the dirt than my forgiveness, tired sinner.” - Weston Sardisco
“I am a creature of the night, drunk on the light of the moon, dancing under it's harsh glow with the blood of the fallen spilling crimson at my feet.” - Valentin Ogarzia
“Tell me, do you fear the howl or the wolf? The man or the blade? The gun, or the bullet? Or shall you simply fear all? Because I, am a devil, dressed in robes of false silken intentions, but you don't fear the crimson on these robes, for you simply believe them to be threaded embroidery and design.” - Valentin Ogarzia
“I have romanticized the art of murder, and you should fear the man who's built a masterpiece of scarred corpses and slashed throats.” - Valentin Ogarzia
“Beg and plead, wail and confess, every road ends with me. Every life ends with me. I am a moon drunk creature, howling under the blanket of shade and stars, and you should learn, that to fear me, my friend, is a choice, but to die, is not.” - Valentin Ogarzia
“I was born in the shadows of the pine, with the world’s darkness in my mind, wondering how oh how can a man stray from his family tree, when all he could ever do is crawl? But all I did was fall into my own shadow.” - Faustina Cordoba
“If the light from the sun had a choice, it wouldn't shine upon me.” - Faustina Cordoba
“I realized I had to say goodbye to who I was, because that isn’t who I am. Farewell, young man, dapper child, you fought so bravely, but I’ll take the battles from here on out. It's tiring, being who you're not, because you're always actin', and the mask is heavy, cripplin'. So farewell to every past version of myself, you did the best you could, and I'll bleed out for you, if only ta achieve the dreams we've held so dearly but hidden for so long.” - Kadel Smith
“I've spent my life battlin' myself, and though it wasn't 'a war 'a the trenches, or bullets cuttin' the air, it was a war 'a the skin, 'a the mind. As my old pal Duke would say, "It's a daunting task, wrestlin' with oneself," and I suppose I would know the feelin. Cause that's all I's ever done.” - Kadel Smith
“If life is a war, then I've been hit by a dozen bullets, but I'll continue to walk the path with this blood in my lungs and soul, cause though I've spent so long in this world's ugliness, I can still find the beauty all around me. Like the twilight fallin' of snow whilst you're sat with an old friend on two rusted pairs 'a swings. I can find beauty in that, in life, and most importantly, in me.” - Kadel Smith
“To the world, I am cannon fodder, I suppose my purpose is to continue to drop in sprays of red and sorrow, if only for the powerful to charge in leaps and bounds, clapping for all they’ve won, and all we’ve lost. To the powerful, the rich, the world is their home and I'm just an uninvited guest, suppose in a world that doesn't care for the weak, I'll always be God damn trespassing.” - Gabriella Vaxwington
“When I come for you, with my glock, my rage and my mother's eyes, you will see all the fury she hid, you will watch the sky fall and heaven's gates shake like thunder. Cause brother, my mother's up there, with her wings and her pain, and when your blood spills on the dirt, the angels will fuckin' sing, cause my ma weren't meant ta join their ranks by your hand. But you? You're meant to join the devil, by MY, hands, and that, is fate. Or 'ow did you put it? Karma always pays her dues, and I suppose that makes me, karma.” - Gabriella Vaxwington
“Execution, the act of killing a man for a damning transgression, sometimes it takes a guillotine, or a bullet point blank range, but usually, all it takes is a single word.” - Beautler De Niro
“You can get any barking dog to bite if you threaten it's existence or the life of another, and any man in anonymity will commit the egregious deeds they'd never dream of while under the spotlight. All you have to do to put a man under your control is to put him in the dark, take a dog's feeding bowl and he'll bite anyone for a morsel, all but the hand that feeds him.” - Beautler De Niro 
“You give a man half truth and he'll dive through hell to find the other half, even if it means he must burn.” - Beautler De Niro
“I am an untrustworthy man, but anyone will trust a man with a firm handshake and the same opinion as they. Trust is so easy to gain in a world of fools and cheats.” - Beautler De Niro
“All who stand up to me, fall, because they trust too easy and crumble upon the truth revealing who the villain was all along. But I propose to them a single question, if it was you who trusted the man who undid you, then who's hands was it dropping the guillotine's rope? Him, or your falsely placed trust?” - Beautler De Niro
“I do not enjoy the fight nor the battle, and though I end up victorious, it brings grief to he who loses. I would rather not fight, I would much rather offer a helping hand, but life tells me not to. It shoves a rifle in my hand and says, "By God, Bertil, by God, pull the trigger and spare yourself a moment of grief!" But I never can, not when my bullets indirectly harm those I never aimed for.” - Bertil O’Day
“To a paranoid man, every word spoken is a crime against God, and every dead end is a cliff-side. Some men pray, other's drink, me? I sit here, in my little corner 'a nowhere, and I leave well enough alone.” - Theodore Holymann 
“How terrible, to ruin someone's life with your memory.” - Theodore Holymann
“I'm guilty, with cuffs round my wrists and a rope 'round my throat, so oh gravedigger, pull the lever and watch me swing, cause I'm sure as all the air leaves my lungs the last thing I'll hear is a melody 'a cheers for the damned preacher.” - Theodore Holymann
“I'm paranoid, terrified that my past'll catch up to me God damn swingin. And maybe these days, I'd take the hit and drop.” - Theodore Holymann
“Oh heavenly father above, give me salvation or death, either way I rest.” - Theodore Holymann
“Someone took a dagger to this silk heart of mine, and I guess I'm nothing but a torn curtain, these days, only small rays of light passing through me.” Alice Sharenburg
“Who would've imagined, with our Halloween masks and toy guns, that we'd be marching into war? How could it have been, that in all our childhood wonder, we found darkness?” - Alice Sharenburg
“Draw the curtains, kill the fucking lights and let us bow to the crowd. Throw your roses and cheer for the lost boys and girls, but in the end, as the story wraps up in tragedy, just remember.... When the curtains draw, and the lights dim... That's all, folks.” - Alice Sharenburg
“I stand sturdy, smelling of ash and smoke, but zis is no after affect of var. I vas destroyed by no fire of war, but a fire of ze heart, a fire wrought with passion and love. I allowed it to consume me, to burn my whole state of being and make me anew.” - Gregory Kizerfretzen
“Vhen it scares jou to jour very core, and jou feel it in jour heart, zat's vhen you know it's real. Because as long as you haz love, and as long as you haz family, blood, or no blood, var can nezah vin.” - Gregory Kizerfretzen
“Oh fazah, I know I followed ze path jou would never want for me, but I followed in jour blood-stained footprints, and I learned ze same lesson jou did. Ve are all human, even if we stand on ze opposing side.: - Gregory Kizerfretzen
“Someone once told me, that when your demons are silent, listen for your angels. But what do ya do when all ya hear is radio static and your sins echoed in the buzz?” - Octavio Claytor
“I held onto my faith, but I guess I got butterfingers, cause my faith, my sense of self and my love tumbled from my fingers like ash and cinders.” - Octavio Claytor
“God ain't dead, he just damn well ain't here.” - Octavio Claytor
“Only the dead know a glory greater than the gods.” - Alistair Von Alisworth
“A king will always find himself crushed under the weight of his decisions unless he has blood black enough to make them.” - Alistair Von Alisworth
“Stand up to me, try to steal this crown reigning over my head, but all you'll ever find is that the crown was never intended for good men. The crown is for those who can handle it, the crown is for those who will enjoy the lives ended to earn it. I am death, and for all those who rise up, I am here to deliver.” - Alistair Von Alisworth
“Perhaps every church is Eden, there's bound to be shade somewhere between the flowers.” - Alders Holymann
“My heart's been capsized, and it ain't rowing to shore these days. I pray, and I pray for a rowboat, but all God ever gives me is a single broken paddle. What am I to do when all the signs lead to death?” - Alders Holymann
“God, please forgive me for doubting you, I pray and I pray, but the only answer I get are my own thoughts. Is that all a prophet ever hears? I say amen, I say grace, but all I hear is the emptiness in my heart. I fear I never heard God, it was only ever me.” - Alders Holymann
“I wear this cross around my neck and it's become a rope, stealing all my air.” - Alders Holymann
“My lord, my loving father above, I ask one question. Is it better to be crushed under the weight of your trembling faith, or to go forth with no faith at all?” - Alders Holymann
“Rev this motorcycle, and send me spiralin' down the damn highway, cause if I'm meant ta crash, so fuckin' be it. Give me a grave by the road, give me a wreath and a name etched onta wood, so long as I'm underneath the dirt, hearin' the engines roar and the traffic stand still. Cause brother, my whole life's been on the road, 'spose ta me, the revvin' 'a the engine and the screech 'a the wheels is a symphony. My own broke symphony 'a burnin' track and dead ends.” - Alessandro Bones
 “I live life on repeat these days, the same mile, day in, day out. And once I close my eyes, I put my engine in reverse, and wake up at the beginnin' 'a the damn highway, preparin' to rev my engines for a single mile, yet again. I don't trust myself ta go a mile further, I'd have ta face myself, and with all that anger and regret, I'd fear he'd gun me right the fuck down. I deserve it, anyway. But I ain't never had the courage to go careenin' off the side 'a this road. Don't got the courage to die burnin', prayin' ta every God. All I want, is ta die quiet in the night, empty bottle in my hand, nuthin' but a mess 'a blankets and sheets on the damn bed.” - Allesandro Bones
 “I am lost, travelin' the same mile, again, and a God damn gain, cuz it's the only path I can take without resistance. And I fear resistance, cause that means a fight, and that's all I's ever done. Give me no more riots 'a the self, give me no more wars 'a the road, give me peace, or give me death.” - Allesandro Bones
“I've always told myself I was Rumpelstiltskin, spinning hay into gold, but alas, alas, the old crone has fooled himself, and he only spins hay into more hay while Rumpelstiltskin dances and laughs, holding in his arms the old crone once had.” - Peragrin Hufflesburg
 “We've only ever fooled ourselves, it's funny how other's can catch our lies but we can never catch the ones we tell ourselves.” - Peragrin Hufflesburg
“If I had a dollar for every time I prayed and got an honest to God answer, I'd be begging on the fucking streets.” - Peragrin Hufflesburg
“I ask to be forgiven, but why? What would being forgiven do for those I have hurt? Would they look at me and say, "Oh, look at that changed man, his hay has turned to gold and his sin to faith!" Or would they simply pull the trigger?” - Peragrin Hufflesburg
“I sit here with my wheel, spinning all this hay, praying one day, I'll have a pile of gold. But all I ever do is drown in more God damn hay.” - Peragrin Hufflesburg
“We're stars shining in the night sky, lighting up the dark knowing we too, one day will end, we'll implode upon ourselves as stars do. But perhaps, it isn't the end of the journey that matters, but the miles we walk.” - Melinda Myers
“Life can be pain, it can be cruel, but there's strength to be found in that grief.” - Melinda Myers
“I've spent my life surrounded by love, my two sons are the light of my life, they're my stars in the night sky, and I know it's my job to watch over them. To implode before them. But perhaps I'll create a galaxy in my wake, and whenever they look to the sky, and see the stars and the beautiful silence of the night, they'll smile.” - Melinda Myers
“If he's a sinner for loving that man, then let me have a talk with God. Because if someone can look at a love that beautiful, and say, "God condemns you," then they need to realize, they condemn them, God, does not.” - Melinda Myers
“If ever I returned to those I love they would call me changeling, fearing that the fairies had stolen me away in the night and swapped me with an eldritch beast that knew only the vileness of nature. But oh, can't you see? I'm crawling, ever crawling, with broken fingers and battered knees, scraping against the bloodied flowers and roses of all I'll ever be.” - Richard Notorangelo 
 “Legends are realities we forgot, often twisted by those in power so the common folk fear what was never real. Does that make me a myth? Or another victim of it?” - Richard Notorangelo
 “I met evil when I was only a child, and oh, how I wish it hadn't been me.” - Richard Notorangelo
“My daughter, oh my beautiful little girl, if ever I crawl my way out of this garden, this maze of my own lies, throw me back in. For it's what I deserve. Shout at me, throw me to the fairies from whence I came, for I fear I am a changeling, a twisted shadow of myself, vile and cruel, sick and diseased.” - Richard Notorangelo
“I do not deserve death, for that is peace. With all this blood on my hands and these wicked deeds in my memory, I imagine, the single thing I deserve, is life.” - Richard Notorangelo
 “In the end we're all by ourselves, no one follows us into the dark, not even our shadow dares.” - Tricia Jenefine
“I can't remember the intricacies of her smile, the melody of her laugh, or the beat of her heart when I laid my head on her chest. I was hers' and she was mine. Not only do I miss her, I miss the parts of myself that left with her. My heart is a wisp without her, she was supposed to be my eternity, but now life is a curse, without her.” - Tricia Jenefine
“I could have a roof over my head and the rain would still find a way in.” - Tricia Jenefine 
“The only pieces of me that remain are the parts that remember her, and the parts that remember pain.” - Tricia Jenefine
“When the sun forgets to shine on you, and your shadow slinks back to it's kin, all you have is yourself and the memories that once brought smiles, but will only ever bring tears.” - Tricia Jenefine
“I'm the damsel, the dragon and the knight, and some day, I'll burn myself to cinders.” - Priscilla Sage
“I am a witch on the stake and the farmer with a torch, perhaps I too, am the flame. Of hatred, of grief, of pain, no matter what I am made of I still end only in ashes.” - Priscilla Sage
“Perhaps one day, I'll be free of myself, perhaps one day I shall be the raven, soaring through the air, singing my own happy song. And though no one but the sun shall hear me, perhaps she'll smile down at me. If only I could feel the wind rush past me as I leave everything behind. Oh how I would love to be free. But I am a cage, and what can I do when I don't have the key?” - Priscilla Sage
“I am rottin' bark and fallin' leaves, I flutter ta the soil as if it weren't my demise, and oh how I wonder why it is, always am I crushed 'neath the damn boot.” - Levina Rainbolt
“We're all guilty in some way, that's life. We lie, we cheat and we steal, but we love a helluva lot better than we hate.” - Levina Rainbolt
“Perhaps I am rottin' bark and fallin' leaves, perhaps I've been crushed under the boot more times than I can count. But I've found, that whenever I fall ta the soil, someone I love picks me up, and puts me in their favorite story book. Perhaps it ain't bout how many times ya fall, maybe it's bout who picks ya back up everytime.” - Levina Rainbolt
“I will stand at the edge of my doom and leap. From these heights I shall fall until it is my demise I receive, because it's all I deserve.” - Albus Kirk
“I am wrapped and bound in silken secrets and forbidden treasures, speaking from the tongue of a mad man, for only a mad man hides secrets from himself.” - Albus Kirk
“I could compare myself to a beast, I could give you metaphors, I could give you lies. But at the end of the day, I'm human and mad, it's what makes me so ugly and twisted, I suppose.” - Albus Kirk
“My father always told me I was meant for great things, I would build fortunes but all I built was my own misfortune.” - Albus Kirk
“We're trapped in Pandora's box, and perhaps, we're the horror they wish to keep at bay. We're a plague, an illness, but we poison ourselves. This world we live in is quite simply put, Pandora's box, harboring the horror and shade others wish not to deal with. We are the price of tranquility for others, our suffering is the price they paid to forever live in peace. We are the soldiers, we are the sheep walking to the butcher, we are the testing subjects and the victim. We are a price, meant only to be paid. So what can we ever do, but stand at the edge of our doom and leap?” - Albus Kirk
“I am the one who pulls the trigger, the one who knocks on your door and gives you only the gift of death. Peace is a double edged blade, my friend, for with true peace, comes death. And I am simply here to give you, true peace.” - Palazzo Bullet
“Most men live and die in a single day, they stay stagnant, they're a grave before they've ever stopped walking.” - Palazzo Bullet
“You should fear the man dressed in black, who has your grave freshly dug, gun in one hand, bible in the other.” - Palazzo Bullet
“Look up to the sky one last time as the dirt covers you. Pray to the fucking stars. All they'll do is continue to shine, because the world never needed you. Watch from heaven as the sun rises, without you, and watch as it sinks. Because you, aren't important, and the world simply goes on, without you.” - Palazzo Bullet
“So dance, my marionette, twist and spin, avoiding the bullets coming your way. Stay focused on the threat at hand, only to realize you weren't saving your life. You were saving it for me.” - Palazzo Bullet
“You can never stain the river crimson, the stream always runs itself clear. Life goes on, it always does, the sun sinks, the moon rises, but we still have light.” - Jameth Waterbrood
“War does not bring peace, it brings pain. A battle does not make heroes, it makes survivors. The only true thing that can bring peace, is love.” - Jameth Waterbrood
“I intend to live life as if I was meant to, because perhaps, our destiny was never grand, maybe our destiny was never war, or some higher purpose. Perhaps, our destiny was always to simply live, love, and be loved. Because that, no matter what way you put it, is a destiny worth fighting for, a destiny worth laughing for, and a destiny worth living for.” - Jameth Waterbrood
“You can think yourself high and mighty, king 'a the hill and master 'a the crop, but there's always a man willin' ta take you down. Cause there ain't nuthin' mightier than the man who watches the crown tumble from the head of the king but doesn't take the throne. The strongest message 'a all is ta kill a man, and give no reason.” - Justice Hansell
“You, my friend, are the cigarette, I'll crush you under my boot once you've lost my interest. The echoes of wolves echo in my heart, their howls ricochet in my ribcage, I am a beast by heart, and you should fear the man standin' at his own grave. Cause he don't fear death. Which means he don't fuckin' fear you.” - Justice Hansell
“My threats are promises I keep, and I fear if you try ta snag this crown from my head, all you'll find is one 'a my promises ripped inta fruition.” - Justice Hansell
“You can't swim 'gainst my tide, you will drown far before you ever reach the source 'a your damn misery.” - Justice Hansell
“I just want the rights of my corpse, to be free, to be still, to be me, to be me, to be me. But all I've learned, is that a millions scars makes me the man I'm not.” - Rin Otishiro
“My father always said hard work always pays off, good friends never grow old, and good always prosper, and oh how I wish that was true. Because my hard work has led to pain, every good friend I had is a corpse, and the good never prospered.” - Rin Otishiro
“The good ol' days vanish when the bad times come, how can I smile, when every good memory I had, is tainted with the tragic outcome that followed?” - Rin Otishiro
“Why the hell do we fear the dark when all the monsters stand in the light? They don't fucking hide anymore, man. They've come from the shadows and claimed the light.” - Rin Otishiro “I guess I've always lived just between the valley of death and the shadows of my past.” - Rin Otishiro
“You wanna know me? Walk a mile in my shoes, but don't you dare walk two, because you don't want to see what I've been through.” - Rin Otishiro
“The past exists to remind us that we’re not there anymore, we’re here, and that’s what matters.” - Renna Forbes
 “My aunt has always said, she doesn't pick favorites, and maybe that's because in love, there is no favorites. Love doesn't choose who it touches, it doesn't envy those who hold more of it. It just is. It always forgives and it doesn't remember wrongs. It just exists despite the overbearing weight.” - Renna Forbes
“Cut out my heart and serve it on a silver platter for all who wish to choke on its' darkness.” - Mortley Dekruiful
“One day you'll learn there are more miles of darkness than there are stars, just because there is light, does not mean the darkness has not won.” - Mortley Dekruiful
“I am a clown, the lion leaping through the ring of fire, fearing the burns he may receive on his pelt. I, am a man of the circus, a sinner at heart, and though we are all sinners, not many take it to a higher degree.” - Mortley Dekruiful
“I fear myself, no thoughts nor prayers could save me, for if they can't save those I've killed, why should they save me?” - Mortley Dekruiful
“If I were to serve my heart on a silver platter to myself, would I choke and sputter on the shade? Would I finally be able to swallow this darkness within?” - Mortley Dekruiful
“All I can ever do is crawl away from the spotlight whilst it burns my back, and pray that the shade will bring me what little refuge it can. At least it is less blinding, but alas, just as cruel.” - Mortley Dekruiful
“We are our own beasts, and we bow to no man.” - Bortley Dekruiful
"Maybe life is a series of consequences good and bad, or maybe I'm just blind to all the dark. I don't know. All I know, is that we're only human, and placing blame only gets fingers pointed in the wrong damn direction." - Jake Bonefire
"My silence has been a chamber for too long." - Jake Bonefire
"Gods above, witness my blood spill, hear my prayers, for if the afterlife, is a cell, I, am the key." - Starburden Vaganbrok
"All it takes is one bad day, and I intend to give you a year of them in a matter of hours." - Hugo Valritten 
 "They say life is whatever we make it, they pump their fists in the air and cry, "We are in control of our own destinies! We are our own fate!" But then they look men like me in the eye, they laugh in my face and they say, "Get off the tracks, boy. This is a revolution, and you're in our damn way." - Corvo Crinklewick "Da hares wage war against da dogs and ask why dey are losing." Brickylda Hildengarde
"Peace and death are not the same thing." - Gunhild Brokldottir "Ow am I ta be 'eard if my screams sink to da bottom 'a my silence?" - Archie Upperton
"I'm just the same, brother, just because I was a dream, damn well don't mean I can't be a nightmare." - Zafavri Holts
"This is my end, Madusius? I believe you mistook my beginning for my reckoning, my rebellion for my downfall. You're a tyrant, and I suppose I'm the snake that crumbles the Garden of Eden." - Dayvella Ma'Vayar 
“Get away with it? My boy, no one in history has ever gotten away with it! Jack the ripper's name is tarnished, Julius Caesar lies dead with a thousand knife wounds in his back! We're all doomed, creatures vying for a throne no one can ever have. I'm not here, to get away with it. I'm here, to go down in history.” -  Madusius Crudelis 
 "I shoot and stride for the throne, I am the king above kings, the man above God. I, in of myself, am a dynasty, both a relic and the future, an idea, that cannot be killed." - Madusius Crudelis
"You, can crush, my dynasty, but you can never, destroy the idea of it." - Madusius Crudelis
"You can run from your debts, my friend, but you cannot run from me." - Lorcan O'Venefrives
"Nothing good was ever done by force." - Mortley Dekruiful
"They say you are dead to me Rolf, you are dead. But I say, I am alive, I am alive! And isn't that what frightens you?" - Rolf Lambs
"I look inside me, and see a devil's dog, howlin' at the darkest side of his own moon." - Zafavri Holts "The sun ain't gonna rise for you buddy, you just watched it sink one last time only for you to fade along with it." - Eddy Lambs
"We're in the circus, dancing, jerking and twisting away from the spotlight because the shade was always more comforting than the blinding light." - Mortley Dekruiful
"You will face a thousand tragedies before the sun fucking rises, and you ain't lucky enough for your death ta be one of em." - Zafavri Holts
"I, am where myth starts, and legend begins, but you, my friend, are where history starts." - Defforest Van Patten
"Life will hang ya from a tree and call ya three heads taller simply cause your feet are three feet off the damn ground." - Sampson O'Connel "Soldiers? Soldiers?! We're the civilians of a foreign country hiding from the fucking gunfire! But they don't care, brother, they don't FUCKING care! They'll drag us out anyway. To a firing squad, everyone is cattle." - Burasbley Highersman
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blueishfood · 4 years
Wind in our sails
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Fandom/Ship: Maraudrer era in a Pirates of the Caribbean au! Jily, Dobby x Winky, Alice x Frank, 
“Lily Evans, a young Lady of El Puerto Del Rey, meets Lucius Malfoy for the first time as she is promised to him. Malfoy is one of the few counts of Slytherin Island, a persuasive and revolting man. Miss Evans sees no way out of the nightmare her parents has landed her in. 
That is until the infamous Marauder, a known and feared pirate ship sailed by Captain James Potter, attacks The Serpent on their way to her wedding. Lily sees and escape and grabs on tight. 
Set sail with Lily Evans as she joins Captain James Potter and his mates in swashbuckling adventures of romance, mystery and lionhearted bravery.”
Warning(s): Only a little bit of fighting, what is pirate life without it?
Words: 1,3 K
A/N: This is an old fic which I have tried to fix up and make better. If there are any mistakes from my young years as a writer, I would be very happy if you pointed them out to me. Also; I actually really like this story so I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 2
A young man dragged a hand through his hair, enjoying the burn of the sun. His earlier white, now light yellow shirt snapped in the wind, and he popped open another button.
"We're wait'n for yer orders Cap'n!", one of the older members of the crew shouted, turning towards the man with a wicked look in his eyes.
"Aye, I know.", he answered resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. He heard the shouting from the pirates behind him and a pleased smirk spread across his lips. With his raven black hair whipping in the wind, he swirled around.
"Prepare the cannons, get ready to board." The captain grabbed the wheel, and grinned to his first mate. "And hoist them colors!"
A few days earlier:
A young woman stood on the balcony of her fathers house. She sighed heavily. With her hair flowing in the wind, she looked towards the stables. What she had not given for a ride now.
"Miss Lily? M- miss?" She turned her head towards her maid. The young girl looked concerned as she fidgeted with the sleeve of her pink dress.
"Yes Winky?" Lily looked curiously at her maid as she turned away from the setting sun. Winky glanced up at Lily, then back down to the floor.
"Your father and grandfather wants to talk to you," she muttered quietly.
One of Lily's eyebrows lifted and she squared her shoulders. "And why is that?"
"They did not tell me, I'm afraid." Winky looked at the ground, but Lily only shook her head.
"That's alright, Winky." Lily took in the large house in front of her and wondered what horrifying surprise her parents possibly could have waiting for her on the other side.
Winky lifted her large brown eyes to look at her Lady and said carefully, "Miss, if it is not my place to say; do tell, but I saw a man with them. He looked quite rich."
Lily frowned and found herself straightening without thinking about it. A man she said? Then, she turned her head towards Winky and smiled.
"Thank you. Where do they await me?"
"In the dining room miss, it's down the hall a- " Lily nodded to stop her sentence.
"I know my way around the house, Winky. You're dismissed." The maid curtsied and walked away.
Lily drew a large breath before walking down the hall, towards the three men. She knew this could bear nothing but bad news for her, but she forced herself to swallow the fear. An Evans never showed her emotions.
The dining room was large and white, the columns on each side decorated with gold, but Lily did not stop for a second to admire the beautifully done handwork. Three men were arguing in front of her. Before Lily could listen in on the conversation, the shouting promptly stopped, and her father gave her a warning look.
"Mr. Malfoy." He said to a man with long, white-washed blonde hair.
"I want you to meet my daughter; Lily Evans." The man took a few steps towards Lily and kissed her hand slowly.
"You're more beautiful than I could have imagined." Lily nodded politely, and carefully pulled her hand from his grip. She didn't know him, but he was clearly a man with connections. Like many of the men in her life, she had to be careful when she was around him. Her father cleaned his throat loudly, and Malfoy turned, slightly miffed, to look at him.
"Lily, your mother and I have decided that this man will become your..." he trailed off, hesitating before he uttered the word, but Lily knew what was coming. "...husband.", her father said, sounding defeated.
Lily tried to hide her rage, but a look crossed her face before she could catch it. How could they? How could they bind her to a man she had never spoken to? She didn't know if he was kind or cruel, at least if they chose the commodore, she would know he was an honest man.
Lily took a deep breath and nodded. Her parents would not have done this if they did not have to. Lily knew very well that if she uttered a word about her opposition in front of this man, her -now- fiancé; she would be punished hard. She did not say a word. She would say a lot after Malfoy was gone, but for now; she let him push the ring on her finger and talk shamelessly to her. As he said his goodbyes, he kissed her cheek, and Lily had to keep herself from retching in disgust.
"Someday soon, love; you are going to end up in my bed." He whispered to her. Lily closed her eyes to hide the tears of frustration. "I am looking forward to our next meeting, Miss Evans. You will not have any qualms of this marriage when I am done with you." His whispers were louder now, and Lily tried not to snap at him.
She failed.
Lily slapped him as hard as she could, and felt his sideburns scratch against her palm.
Without any remorse Lily ran to the stables. She shouted at the stable boy who quickly fastened the seat on Moonlight. As Lily galloped away from the estate, she could hear her mother screeching after her. But the young Lady had to get away. Away from her life. She knew that she would have to return, but for now; she would like to forget.
"Do you even know what troubles you could have made?!"
Vivida Colarenta Evans talked fast and the air was filled with tension. She was mad. Mad at her daughter; with her father's red hair and therefore also his read-hair temper.
"Of course I know mother!" Lily's green eyes struck lightning. Those eyes could scare even the bravest of men, but Vivida Colarenta was not a man.
"His words were shameful and I don't regret a single action." Vivida fumed in front of her daughter, but calmed herself so her words were low and completely in control.
"You shall thank the Lord that Mister Malfoy is a humble man, and forgave you." Lily laughed loud at her mothers words.
"Humble? My arse!" She scoffed and missed Vivida's eyes widening.
"Language!" She shrieked at her daughter, face reddening, but Lily ignored her. She turned her back to her mother and stabbed her dagger into her bedside table. It already had many marks from the same knife.
"The man probably said something like; Oh she's just a wench! I'll get her to bed, you mark my words!" Vivida did not answer Lily's statement, and so the redhead knew she was right. She stood up and pointed at her mother with the glinting knife in her hand.
"How could you bind me to such a cruel man?!" Vivida had no mercy left now, she stared at her daughter with no love in her eyes.
"You shall trust your parent's decisions!"
Lily was about to interrupt again, but Vivida silenced her with a harsh slap in the face. Lily clapped her hands to her cheek and looked at her mother with wide eyes. Vivida clenched her jaw.
"Why can you not be more like Petunia?! She was married willingly to Dursley and is now bearing his child!"
"I am not Petunia!" The dagger hit the door with a thud and Vivida rolled her eyes.
"Yes I can see that.", she said, loathing lazing every word, "When she was playing with dolls; you went talking to that stable boy! You have never been one of us."
Lily smiled bitterly. "And thank God for that."
Vivida blinked, ignored the comment and finished what she had come to say.
"Tomorrow, you will board Malfoy's ship, and sail to his land. The maids have already packed your bags."
Vivida walked out of the room, closed the door and flinched as she heard another dagger hit the wood behind her.
She had never understood Lily, the girl had always stayed with ether the horses or begged her father to teach her everything on his ships. It was almost as if she were a boy! Now that she got a husband who could buy her everything she wanted; was she not pleased? Vivida herself, had never disobeyed her parents orders, so why should Lily?
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Love How You Hate Me - Sam x Reader
A/N: As usual, feedback is always incredible. I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Smutty dreams. Sexual tension. 
Word Count: Roughly 4,400
“I get the back!” You flew into the seat, sprawling out across it before anyone could argue. Wiggling your feet lightly as you got cozy against the leather. The ground was filled with a cooler and everyone's bags, but the long bench more than made up for the cramped conditions.
“Cute.” Sam rolled his eyes as he leaned down into the open door.
“So, I've heard.” You looked him dead in the eyes. Challenging the primal piece inside of him that had reacted to the thrust of your chest before. The reminder seemed to spark it lightly between you two as he rested against the old, muscle car.
His hazel eyes looked more blue in the sunlight than you'd remembered seeing them. Leaving the direct contact, you lowered your eyes to trail over his tight fitting flannel; the red and blue complimenting him perfectly. Emphasizing his size beneath it.
It didn't show just how built the man was, though. The only thing that truly gave it away was how the material stretched across the muscled shoulders. How his veins popped out against his forearms. Utterly ridiculous. Even his damn thighs were cased all too well behind the thick material of his jeans.
His hair was highlighted in the bright outside; looking better than any male's had the right to. You couldn't help but to wonder if the locks were as silky as they looked. The urge to wrap your fingers in it and yank was overwhelming.
Then, he licked his lips; drawing your eyes after the action. A too sweet pink begging for some kind of attention. They weren't as full as his brothers, but they certainly captured your attention. How they stuck together in the corners as he took a deep breath. His tongue pressing against the bottom one as he stared down at your sprawled out body.
He was meant for a good lay. Too bad his personality made petting a porcupine less risky. It really is a shame...
As you checked him out, something just over subtle, he returned the favor. Your E/C eyes were lined, but other than that, you didn't bother with making up your face. H/C hair was left in your natural state. The upper body supported by your elbows so that you could see him when you mocked him.
Hazel drifted lower. You were in a blue flannel shirt; left unbuttoned to reveal the black tank top underneath. The tank didn't leave much to the imagination. Letting the soft curves of your breasts peak out from the top. Rising and falling in tune with your shallow breathing.
The same silver chain from that night dipped down, hiding inside your cleavage. He had no idea what the charm was, and the mystery of it only drew his attention there more. Lingering too long to be polite.
When he finally pulled away, his eyes landed on the pale, faded jeans that encased your sprawled legs. A pair of dainty looking- to him- female style, combat boots poked out from beneath the hems. Matching every other hunter in the world.
His eyes moved back up to your lips just in time to catch the way you trailed it between your teeth. The sight was enough to make his blood pump harder. Reminding him of how it had felt in his dreams to do the same.
You turned away first, stretching your neck to peek at what all was tossed in the front seat. Ensuring you could pawn off a bag or two if claustrophobia kicked up. Trying to ignore the heat of his stare in your body.
Sam's gaze trailed down the angle of your throat before he found the ability to pull himself away. Slamming your door with more force than necessary, he stalked away. Aggravated that you'd managed to move on as if you weren't affected. Something he'd been incapable of.
His breathing was a little too raged as he glanced over to the shadow beyond the tinted glass. Dean had forced him to this. Thinking about his brother slowed his heart rate enough over the next minute or so. Once the urge to climb in behind you passed, Sam slid into the car as carefully as a man his size could. Determined not to look back at you.
Dean whistled as he approached the vehicle. It died on his lips as he realized you two had already settled into the Impala without him. You had your headphones in; staring out the window. Daydreaming as modern rock blasted in your ears. Sam simply fiddled with his phone, silently.
Carefully, the older brother let the engine roar. Sam didn't react at all. Then, he simply turned up the radio without saying a word, and turned away.
A concerned glance back at his brother revealed a jaw clenched lightly as he looked out the window. Withdrawing into his mind. When Dean glanced at your reflection in the mirror, you were smiling lightly. The thrill of the hunt already getting to you before you even got onto the road. It was then that he decided he'd made the right call. Even if Sam didn't agree.
A quick tug to your hair had you moaning before you even felt his body cover yours from behind. Sam seemed to like the sound, his own grunt of approval that emitted from his throat. His calloused hand stroked down your side to keep you pinned. Kinky bastard.
You gripped the edge of the table in the library as his breath tickled along where your throat met your shoulder. A light kiss pressed into the skin, earning a shiver in response. He was being deliberately slow to drive you mad. You were sure of it. Arching your spine, you hissed for him to get on with it.
He took his cue ridiculously well; slamming into you roughly from behind. Knowing you were more than ready. That you could take it. You wanted him to give you everything he could. The noises you made simply confirmed it.
You couldn't see him, but you sure could feel him. He stretched your walls impossibly well as he thrust. Both hands had come down to dig into your hips- tight enough you were going to be left with marks. Not that you cared. As long as he didn't cease his ministrations.
Of course, he did. An animistic cry of protest escaped as he pulled away; leaving you clenching around nothing but air. Sam wasn't done, though. Instead, you were yanked around. His fingers dug into the meat of your thigh, urging you to jump up.
You were too desperate not to follow the silent order. Sam caught you easily, letting you wrap your arms around his neck. Ankles locked around his hips. The harsh lips crashed into yours sloppily as he maneuvered you in his arms. Shoving back inside of you as soon as he could.
It was slightly awkward at first. Trying to find the right rhythm without losing contact. He didn't brace you against anything, just using his strength to hold your body where he wanted you. Letting you do the rest.
Sam broke the kiss; moving to coach you in your ear. Huskily telling you when to speed up. Slow down. And you listened to every rasped command at first.
Until you decided that you were in a position where you could do what you wanted. Your hips twisted and lifted at the pace you craved. Your eyes connected with his, letting him see the defiance in your eyes. There was no hesitation as you wrapped your fingers into his hair. Yanking just hard enough to let him know you were in control.
As if Sam would let that fly. Your ass hit the cool wood that you'd been bent over before. Laying your body flat; his solid hold pinned your wrists above your head. A deep slam into your body followed, making you whimper. Nails dug into your palm when he slowly pulled away. His grip wasn't hard enough to hurt, just enough to keep you where he wanted you. A small punishment for trying to take control.
You loved every second of it. Your body arched into his, seeking friction in every way as he took his time pressing back into you. Exquisite torture. His teeth scraped against your throat as drew it out, making you moan even louder.
Finally, you gave him what he wanted, “Sam, please.” Your breathy voice flipped the switch. His pace picked back up to the brutal pace from the beginning, making you scream his name. “Y...ye...yes. Fu...fuck...Sam!”
Your eyes shot open, leaving you disoriented. Instead of the familiar room you'd lived in for two years, you smelled leather. The small roar of the Impala in your ears reminded you of your location as you came back down from the high of the dream. Fear gripped you, then.
Breathing hard, you rubbed at your eyes. Trying to ignore the dampness laying between your legs. You'd talked in your sleep. Bane and Alice used to complain about it all the time. There was little doubt that it would be any exception this time around.
You cursed internally, moving to sit up to see the damage. You had always been a glutton for punishment. Sure enough, it hit before you could stop rubbing your eyes.
“About time,” Sam's voice placed him directly in front of you. Sure enough, he had taken charge over the vehicle. “I thought you were going to wake up Dean.” Your heart stopped at the words. “Good dreams?”
There'd been some kind of noise. That much was obvious. But, he didn't add anything further. Making you believe that his name hadn't been part of it. Instantly, some of the tension left your shoulders.
“Bite me,” You grumbled. Your voice still husky yet from both the dream and sleep. Running your hand through your hair, you zeroed in on the problem. A song that you didn't recognize played softly. The rasped voice promising every kind of filth possible. Well, that explains the mood. “What time is it?” You stretched, feeling more awake. The sky was getting brighter as the sun was preparing to rise.
“Five AM.” He answered gruffly. It was easy to blow off the tone. Lack of sleep and your presence naturally turned Sam into a boar.
“Too early,” You sighed, flopping back down onto your flannel that you'd removed and used as a pillow the night before.
“Don't go back to sleep, yet.” Sam chided, making you wince. “I'm about to stop and gas up. If you need anything, now's the time.” You groaned in nothing short of misery. “Don't worry,” His voice hit a note that you'd only dreamed of, “you can go back to your dreams when we're done.” The tone made your thighs squeeze together. Why can't he talk like a normal person? Jack ass, you grumbled internally.
As he pulled into the nearest station, you fixed your bedhead as much as you could and pulled on your wrinkled flannel. The forgotten liner was wiped away as best as you could. Ensuring no raccoon jabs would make their way to you.
When you climbed out of the car, Sam had bent down to place the nozzle into the gas tank. Leaving his jeans pulled taunt against his well shaped ass. Making your hormonal problem rise back to the surface. Warm cheeked, you trotted into the building. Refusing to stay and gawk a second more.
After you were done, you made your way out of the restroom. A song that you actually knew was playing softly throughout the building. While you grabbed a small snack, you danced lightly. Feeling refreshed enough to rock your hips a bit as you walked.
“Make sure I'm on my toes; on my knees. Keep him pleased; rub him down. Be a lady and a freak.” You sang along, lowly. Not caring if the only other people in the station heard you. “Beating my drum like dum di di day. I like the dirty rhythm you play. I wanna hear you callin' my name. Like, hey ma, ma, mama, hey ma, mama.” You weren't singing it loudly, but not quietly either as you approached Sam at the counter.
The teenager behind the counter looked like he was going to explode simply from a real live woman singing about being on her knees. You and Sam both shot him a look to ensure he hadn't expired on the spot. Yours was more concerned for the boy's ability to ring you two up without overcharging. Sam's was just completely unimpressed by the lack of control the kid had over himself.
His ire was raised high and proud. Not by the horny kid, though. No, it was you.
You just had to go and moan his name in between all kinds of sounds. Noises that he hadn't even been able to conjure up in his filthiest dreams. That wasn't the worst of it, though. Oh no. It was that damned, desperate, 'please' you'd gasped out. As if you'd desperately needed whatever he was willing to give to you.
He'd had a hard on that wouldn't die ever since. The alphabet backwards. Listing every way possible to kill every monster. None of it was working. Instead, your needy whine replayed through his mind. Then, there was the 'bite me'. You'd never have said it if you knew how badly he craved to do just that.
Sam just knew his imagination would adapt. Becoming the more real with the newfound knowledge. The furthest thing from what he wanted. He needed to find a woman he didn't know. Get you out, instead of off.
Then, you had to go and start singing along to Nicki Minaj as if you were the one who had wrote damn the lyrics. That husky little note from your dream still present in your tone. Even the kid at the counter ended up reacting to it.
Sam had to try and discreetly adjust himself as he paid, while you continued to sing along. Your body moving lightly to the beat, as if you couldn't control yourself. If he hadn't taken the risk, you wouldn't have been able to miss his reaction. The last thing he wanted you to know. You already had far too much arsenal at your disposal, while he had little to none in comparison.
“You scared that kid to death, you know.” You chastised as you walked out of the building behind him; attempting to keep up with his long stride. Sam had only had to glower down at the kid when he'd been bold enough to ask for your number, promising to call you 'mama'. More awkward than creepy.
“Best thing I could have done for him. Spare him the grief that comes with you.” Sam stated venomously.
“Okay, I am not that bad. You're just unreasonably biased.” You hissed out. Unwilling to take the attack. “You always have been.” Sam didn't bother responding. He just climbed into the driver seat. You narrowed your eyes before climbing into the warm vehicle, glad to be out of the chilly night air. “One day, Sam...”
“One day, what?” He asked after a second, starting the car. Expecting a threat.
Instead, your quiet voice punched him in the gut, “One day you're going to figure out that I'm not the monster you're painting me out to be. The real villain in this story? Is you.”
Not another word left your lips. A weak sigh left your lips as you moved to lay back down against the leather. Just to escape the animosity until Dean woke back up.
“Hi,” You beamed at the cowboy that walked up your way. He'd been silent when the boys had introduced themselves as FBI agents. Refusing to answer any questions until they gave up. Choosing to find different witnesses. Leaving you alone with the stranger.
“So, you're an intern, huh?” He'd caught that much, at least. “I'm Zach.”
“I am.” You lied, leaning against the fence to admire the horses in the pasture. “I'm Y/N.” Mares grazed under the heat of the sun while foals nosed at their udders. Their tails lazily flicking at the occasional fly. “So... did you know the victim?” Your head tilted back towards him. Taking advantage of the friendly behavior.
“A bit. He was kind of a reserved guy.” He shrugged nonchalantly. Moving up to wrap his arms around the wooden fence post. A booted foot came up to rest on a lower post.“He didn't deserve to go out that way, though.”
“No one does.” You agreed, readily. The victim had been found down by the river three days after he'd turned up missing. Chunks ripped out of his skin. Paired with the nest's signature. The body pulled into pieces postmortem. The vampires were merciless to their victims. No dignity left to even the dead. “Do you remember him talking to anyone new? Possibly a girlfriend?”
“You think a girl is responsible for this?” He was clearly appalled by that idea. You fought back the urge to kick him down a notch. Information was too valuable to be risked by pride.
“I think every woman has the potential to murder if pressed hard enough.” It was supposed to be a teasing warning. However, it was nothing less than the truth. You'd been a fine example of it by the time you were a legal adult. Self defense, but a kill none the less.
“Yeah?” He smiled brightly towards you, clearly amused. Missing the serious undertone. “I guess you know best. The job and all.”
“Yeah,” Your lips skewed to the side, “kind of.” You looked back towards the horses, smiling as a small, paint colt tried to get his mom to play. “So, girl”
“Yeah,” He leaned further up on the fence. Giving you exactly what you needed. “There was a new girl.”
“Always is.” You sighed, as if the world just wasn't fair.
“Not always...” He trailed off. Not so subtly letting you know that he was yours for the taking, if you so chose. “Do you ride?” There went all pretenses at professionalism.
“I used to.” You could have taken the chance, and turned it into what he'd been hinting for. But, the urge wasn't quite there. “Very limited experience. One of the places I grew up had horses. I picked up on a bit before leaving.”
You should have wanted to jump his bones. Zach was taller; close to Dean's height. His reddish blonde hair was a bit shaggy. Messy from the breeze in the air. His skin was tanned from his days out in the sun. A black t-shirt clung to his body, emphasizing the strength in his lean body. Light dimples formed when he smiled your way, or talked. Slightly lighter stubble lined his jaw. Even the dirt and dust that coated him from his job seemed to highlight his looks rather than to hinder them.
You should have been more interested. There was just something about him that held you at bay. Oh, yeah. The chauvinist thing.
“Before you go, you should stop back up here. I'll take you on a ride.” There were those dimples. Hoping you'd say yes.
It really was tempting. Give you a chance to knock the younger Winchester out of your head. A chance to enjoy yourself, and take the edge off. His views on women didn't exclude one night stands, clearly. That's all you really needed from him.
“Your boss is going to allow that?” You asked, raising a brow. Leaning in just a bit.
“I'm sure I can swing it.” His grin grew broader. Reading the signals you were sending out.
“Oh, yeah? Why is that?” You turned even more his way. Tilting your head in interest. Giving him a chance to do a once over. Zach didn't hesitate.
“Because I'm his step son. Run this place with him. Own half of the horses.” He wasn't arrogant about it. Simply stated the facts.
“Oh,” You hadn't realized. Different last names. Manager status. You really couldn't be blamed for the mistake. “Guess that would make it a little easier.”
“Just a little,” He laughed heartily. It was such a rare sound for you, that you couldn't help but to react to it. Your own smile coming out.
“We're throwing her to the wolf.” Sam pointed out to Dean as the guy they'd been talking to left to return to work. He'd been useless. Just like the other three. The victim had apparently been a hermit.
“The wolf who runs the place.” Dean pointed out, looking where Sam was. At you and the manager of the farm. “He wasn't going to talk to anyone but her, Sam. And she's more than capable of handling him.”
That you were. Sam watched as the guy's head threw back in laughter at something you'd said. You had practically charmed the pants off of the man with a single look. And from the looks of things, were well on your way to having him wrapped around your finger- if he wasn't already. It was sickening.
“Poor guy is so entranced by her, he can't realize that he's being played.” Sam shook his head. A small breath that translated to a short laugh leaving his lips. It was disgusting.
“She's not playing him, Sam.” Dean snorted, Making sure his brother knew he thought Sam had lost IQ points on the drive over. “She's...what I remember. What I get to see.” The jab wasn't easily missed. To be safe, he continued. “You'd know that if you really knew her.”
“One day you're going to figure out that I'm not the monster you're painting me out to be. The real villain in this story? Is you.” The words echoed through his mind as he watched you interact with that man.
The way you smiled. How easily you talked. How you laughed. It was so unguarded. So different from your approach to him. He'd seen glimpses of it before. But, it was never as prominent as it was with the manager. The grin was larger than a kid in a candy store as you pointed towards the horses, and tilted your head as you awaited an answer to whatever it was you asked.
You should have looked out of place in your dress slacks and green blouse, but somehow you didn't. You blended into the environment seamlessly. As if you really belonged there.
History seemed to repeat itself. “There were some great ones that I desperately wanted to be adopted into.” He wondered if one of them had been a setting like this. Or, if you'd simply learned to let certain pieces of yourself shine through in order to survive. To find a place to fit in. Adapting, and changing yourself to fit to your environment. A never ending cycle.
He couldn't imagine living like that. As often as he'd had to play another role, it was over as soon as he was back around the people he knew. That he trusted. Sam wondered for the first time if you ever had that freedom.
“Yeah,” The younger Winchester finally stated. Stuffing his hands in his pockets as he watched the way your face dropped a bit when your head turned towards him. “I guess you're right, Dean.”
“I mean it, Sam- Wait, what?” The older brother's mouthed remained in an 'o' as he tried to find a logical explanation for what was happening. His dark brows slammed together. Turning between his brother and you. “You...you mean it?”
“Yeah,” Sam shrugged it off. Playing it cool. He turned away. Refusing to look back in your direction as he spoke. “I don't know more than one important thing about the woman. Don’t know who she really is.”
“Can I ask you something, then?” Instead of gloating, like Sam had expected, Dean surprised him.
“Why did you- do you- give her such a hard time? I mean... yeah. She kinda messed up that first day with the coffee. But, after that... I just can't see it.” Green, questioning, eyes searched Sam's, making him shift uncomfortably and tighten his lips.
“You know, Dean...” Sam shook his head lightly, his brows furrowing together. His lips tugged in tight. “I can't give a good reason.” His hands dug further into his pants as he shifted awkwardly. Almost as if he was ashamed. And truth be told? He was. At least partially. “Part of it was that I was convinced she was using and leading you on. But, the rest... nothing I can put into words.” He didn't mention his conviction that this life would be your doom, and another heart break to Dean's list. It was a little too close to the current situation. Speaking of it felt as though it would curse you.
“Look,” Dean began. Voice thick with authority. “I appreciate you looking out for me. But, it was never that. You gotta let it go, man. It isn't fair to her.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “And the rest? That's your hangup, Sam. I can't tell you to get over it. Hell, I can't even tell you to look past it.” Once Dean got going, he didn't stop until his point had been made. His voice lowered as he leaned in. “All I can do? Is tell you that,” He pointed to you subtly, “that woman has been through a lot. Not as much as us- no one can top that end of the world crap. But, it was enough to really mess her up.” His lips pursed in thought before he decided to go on. “On top of that, she's done enough for the both of us these last few years. Doncha think she deserves some kinda chance?”
“I'm not making any promises.” Sam turned just in time to see the cowboy's hand move to rest on your lower back. His jaw tightened in response. “Have you... have you ever had someone get so far under your skin that just the sound of their footsteps is enough to make your pulse race?”
“Can't say that I have, Sammy.”
“She...She's that person, Dean.”
Part Six
Tag: @burningmusicmachine @missmarrinette @sherlockedtash88 @rathersuspiciousbumblebee @sasbb23
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon @supernaturalginger
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courtorderedcake · 5 years
Hallow : ch VII - CSSNS 2019
“The Goblin King was prepared to host the Darkness, stealing Fae women away to their corrupted lands underneath the ground as concubines. The Darkness chose another in his stead, but not before this selected vessel enacted a devastating attack in its vengeance, revealing its hatred & rage. The battle was a lesson the old kings had forgotten; never underestimate an opponent.
Many more lives were lost as they razed over any who dared defy The Goblin King’s will. Only the pure love of our rulers united in matrimony, breaking the Vorpal Dagger, sealed the darkness and the Goblin menace away. The light flourished under their fair rule, and the queen bore a child as pure as moon beams, swan feathers, and starlight. They lived happily ever after, and shall be written in history as Heroes for All Time.”
This is the history Princess Emma memorizes from the day she is born, paraded about and presented only with the highest protection. The palace is a cage she wishes to escape, desperately. Not careful what wishes she made, Emma discovers history is written by the victors - The Dark One has an entirely different version of the events that took place.
Read on AO3 here.
Rated E for explicit themes, Mature situations, and Fae fuckery.
Written for @cssns
Ch 7 / ?? - In which there are new and powerful dynamics in play.
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The first day that Emma didn't come racing back in realization of her folly, Killian did not worry. She was stubborn, plucky, and absolutely, intolerably obstinate. She would return, he was certain of it, and he stoked the fire smugly while the Darkness coiled in him, winding tighter with each tick of the clock. 
It was no mistake that the voice of the Darkness mimicked the voice of his crocodile-skinned previous master. They both delighted in feats of evil and hated to wait for anything, impatient in every dastardly moment. The days passing made the Darkness break him in ways he hadn't faced since before his imprisonment, with nothing for it to take its anger out on besides him and the body that they shared. 
On the fourth day, it shrieked non-stop with no throat to make raw or lungs that needed to draw air, just a steady shriek within his head that rarely switched octaves. When an eardrum burst, it would heal enough to warble tinny scratches before jolting back into shrieking until it burst again in a terrible cycle. Killian could no longer stoke the fire as heavy summer rain poured from the sky and rolled into his abused ears, his hair sticking to him as he sat in the deluge. 
On the sixth day it broke his fingers in sections, further mutilating his already swollen and weeping hand that had been scratched by the Dagger, the skin tearing open anew and pouring forth foul smelling gunk. He wrapped it in an old shirt padded with some herbal salve Emma had made and left behind, absently wondering if she left it on purpose for him, or had simply forgotten it. Maybe she would return for it? 
Hopeful? You're hopeful she will return? What do you not understand about how hapless and nugatory you are? How futile your stupid hope is? She is not coming back, you insignificant barnacle. This all could have been avoided if you had just listened to me, if you had taken the deal Nil gave you!  
"So what do we do?" 
The Darkness did not answer, and his head cleared to an eerily sinister silence. 
"What do I do?" 
Again, no answer came except for the wind moaning through the trees. For another three days, he suffered more of the Darkness' cruelty before he gave in and realized Emma truly was not returning. Or… 
A barely there whisper in his mind broke through, a small stab of worry in a distant corner. What if she could not return? What if something had happened, what if something was wrong? Emma had no idea about the outside world, about the customs or cultures her parents had abandoned in the creation of the United Realms. 
Moving with a manic frenzy, Killian tore down the camp with a single goal in sight. He was going to find Emma and save her, then chastise her to high hell - 
Or, at least get the Dagger piece from whoever had her in their grasp - 
And he knew where to start: tracking the two women who took her, Alice and Cheshire, from their ill-fated meeting at Never-Wonder Land. Transporting himself there took more energy than he cared for with the Darkness as loud as it was. Focusing on it not overwhelming his already muddled state of being, he pushed past the yellow tape partitions put up by mortal detectives to enter into the ruins of the club. 
"Looking for a souvenir, Killian? Maybe some recommendations on where to get a good gyro?" Tink's voice rang out from the shadows. 
"You're still here? You're free Tink, why -" 
"We may be free, but that doesn't mean we have anywhere else to go," Tink called down, a heavy sadness in her statement. There was a rumble and a low purr before he caught a shadowy glimpse of the Sphinx stretching on a broken wall out of the corner of his eye. He turned back to Tink. Tink sighed, and he could hear the shrug in her voice. "It's home."
 Killian kicked at a broken light that was covered in mirror pieces. It still glowed slightly in the dim room, shooting out shards of light. 
"The Light One is not with him." Wendy's voice echoed from behind him. "How odd. Why have you returned here, Dark One?"  
"I need to find Emma. I believe she is in trouble," Killian called into the dusty gloom. Bricks crumbled nearby, the sound catching his attention before a large paw pinned him down. 
"Half truth. There's some honesty you have left out. Puzzling." Wendy's eyes flicked with golden light, her claws digging through his shirt and trousers as she pushed down on him. Her tail flicked back and forth; Killian couldn’t reply, his lungs crushed and impossible to make noise with. Wendy's eyes widened, her pupils growing as if she could magnify her sight. "Oh. Oh, I -" 
She stepped back, staring at a space near a broken beam. Tink's voice called down to her. "What is it? What's the truth he would not say?" 
Wendy hesitated, but removed her paw. "He's scared of being alone with the thing inside his head. He's scared that it will take over or drive him mad without - " Killian protested loudly, and the Darkness giggled in a jeer he could almost see. Wendy's tail swished agitatedly. "Not important. He wants to find Alice and Robyn, but has no idea where to find them."
"Why should we trust him?" Tink asked, moving to an easier perch to spectate from. "He seems to be in terrible shape. I bet you a meat pie that the princess found a new boyfriend."
Wendy flapped once, the force of her wing beat sending him rolling and forcing his noise of disgust back down his throat. She laid her large head on Tink’s lap, making Tink look even tinier. 
"I told you, they weren't together. There was something, but it was not yet romantic. Truth. And I won't take that bet; it's most likely the truth the princess abandoned him in some capacity.” Wendy wrinkled her nose. “He reeks of Darkness. Also a truth. I say we lock him in with the Tweedles, but as a permanent snack. Delicious truth."
"Please," Killian moaned, voice more wheeze than request. His spleen reconnected and reorganized itself, his innards processing their crushing. 
Tink's eyes went wide. "What was that? Say again."
Killian licked his lips, the Darkness trying to heal him, and let out a groaned rasp. 
Tink pushed off Wendy's head, and landed on the floor gracefully as Killian coughed and his ribs knitted back together. 
"The Dark One never asks for help, and never begs." The Darkness sharply jammed another rib into place in agreement. "Why did you ask us for help, and not anyone else?" 
"I was hoping our previous… experiences with each other might lend me favor." Crawling to stand and moving into Tink's space, he rocked on his heels, smiling with what he hoped was a smolder. “We could even discuss a few things like last time - " 
"Liar," Wendy purred, and Killian debated briefly if he should stuff and mount the beast. "He's seeking physical distraction from the Darkness and his fears for the Light One, but he does not really want it, even in the form of forni -" 
"I've got the idea Wendy," Tink hissed. "So you're trying to distract yourself from Emma. No way are we ever going to be - no. Just… no. You were practically possessed when we - I mean just dark and angry. I'm not that desperate anymore, and have absolutely no idea what I was thinking. It was awful. No." 
Wendy let out a snort, and a slow, mewling, "Truth."
"Wendy, for the Goddess’ sake!" Tink yelled, and the Sphinx made a hissing noise in annoyance, her tail swinging. Pointing at Killian and jabbing him roughly in the chest with her finger, Tink hissed. "Killian. Tell me the truth."
Killian paused, clenching his fist, the other too swollen to close. "I'm worried for Emma. If she's hurt, I cannot be free… And I don't want her to die." 
Tink glanced up at Wendy, who gave an affirmative nod. Leveling a gaze at him, she stepped back to put space between him and herself, smiling curtly. "Fine. We will help you. I have a few guesses where they may have gone, but the top tier - They could have gone to Ursula, but if they did there's no way we could help."
Killian wheezed harder. " The Ursula? The witch who defied her father and Triton in order to save the Selkies from -" 
"Yes," Tink said gravely. 
"But she's dead, Triton killed her. I saw it when I -" 
"She was cursed. She is still cursed. We won't be able to reach her without a guide." Tink sighed. "According to our sources, the Goblin Prince is using Triton this very instant to wreak havoc on the water, presumably looking for your princess. Ursula is hidden very well, and will have added more defenses, whether she has the princess or not."
Landing next to Tink with a thump, Wendy grimly stared Killian down, her tail curled up into a loose twitch back and forth. Tink scratched her chin affectionately as Wendy made a small chirp. "We could… We could ask Marta. I know her truth and she would -" 
"That's brilliant, yes, I'm sure she doesn't know about Triton’s capture. If she did, we would know."
Killian cleared his throat. "So, that means…?" 
Wendy smirked. "We're all going to Iceland to get Marta, who will get you in to see Ursula. This can work. It will ." 
Tink grinned her sharp toothed grin. "And if it doesn't, at least Marta can finally get closure." 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
  Riding Wendy was stomach turning, even with Killian’s experiences of mishaps with gravity. Tink seemed to have the better seat in Wendy's mane of hair. This combined with the fact that she had frail wings that she would use occasionally gave her a leg up on him, and obviously allowed her to enjoy a more pleasant ride. He, on the other hand, found himself spending most of the trip wishing it was over. 
They had at least filled him in on who Marta was, and he had raised an eyebrow at that: a neutral party, one of the last  holdouts between the Merfolk and Anisapi schism that made up one part of the war. She was a mistress of Triton's who happened to be some sort of Selkie royalty, another dirty secret left buried in the old world when the Fae realms were divided. 
Ursula had taken a firm stance on the Selkies being included in the new realms, free of their lesser status and free of the degradation they received from other Fae deeming them 'animals' or Anisapi deeming them too 'Fae' or 'Hume'. The latter was practically a slur in the Anisapi culture. The loss of the Selkie colony was still a division in Mermaid culture, and the Seafolk did not associate with the Anisapi, or vice versa. 
As part of the rebellion, many Seafolk who sided with the Anisapi shed their traditional tails in favor of different choices. Ursula earned the title of Sea Witch for her skill in brewing potions to help the Seafolk do so. She herself chose the gauche form of a sleek, jet-black octopus, spitting in the face of her brother, Triton. His banishment of her, and her own magic creating her secret hideaway of Pacifica for her following, were taboo war stories that the United Realms ignored with gusto - but not Tink or Wendy. 
"When you live in the world of the left behind or exiled, the stories they ignore become your culture," Tink said with a shrug. "The royals and all those rules… I hated Pann, don't get me wrong, but I can understand how someone could go crazy. All that stuffy, pretentious bullshit. It's why people are rallying around the Goblin Prince here, even if he's lying straight to their faces - they are desperate for a change. The princess and you working together and her freeing those in Pann's clutches is giving him a run for his jewels, though. She's becoming quite the folk hero."
Killian rolled his eyes. "Both are terrible choices. Good to see that politics never seem to change."
Wendy grunted. "There is cynical truth to that. Now prepare yourselves, we are almost there."
The clouds parted, and the rocky coastline of Iceland appeared as they approached Reykjavik. 
Marta lived in a simple home in the countryside on the beach, the dark sand leading right up to her porch. Killian could see right away that she was a Selkie, even without her pelt. Silver gray hair was elegantly pulled into an arrangement over her sharp eyebrows, bright eyes, and rounded face. Her grimace made her look starkly angular, teeth far too sharp to be a human’s, fingers tightening on the black shawl she wore over a navy blue dress. 
She spoke in a gravelly and heavily accented voice as they approached, Wendy breaking away to chase the waves with the delight of a kitten. 
"What brings you to my door, Tinkerbell, part Siren of the waters near Oikos and part Fairy of the Olive Groves? What companions do you ask me to invite over my threshold? What news reaches me on this shore?" The woman's gaze was eagle-like, her dark tawny eyes lit with gold. Up close she looked regal, and far less tattered. 
"I am afraid I bring bad tidings to your door, Marta, and grim news. I wish I came with good fortune, but what I have to tell you would break your heart. It is better I tell you than leave you in ignorance."
Marta sighed, and waved a hand for them to follow her. "I'll make some coffee, and get your Sphinx a bowl of cream. Because you speak the truth, Tinkerbell, I will also give you a potion for her to look Hume if she so chooses."
"Marta," Tink let her eyes widen as they entered the shabby kitchen. "Don't use that -" 
"I've been considering reclaiming the word 'Hume' from the slur it has become; especially for those of us who are left and have faced what it means to be looked down upon one way or another. If it offends you, truly, I will refrain." Marta poured coffee into mismatched mugs, and emptied a carton of cream into a patterned bowl. She returned to the deck, setting the bowl on the edge as they sat in deck chairs. 
Killian shrugged, and Tink squirmed slightly. 
Marta turned her to intense stare at him, looking him up and down. She placed her mug on a table and steepled her fingers. "You stink of Darkness, guilt, and broken promises. What are you?" 
And you smell of old fish and briney tea, you awful - 
"I'm the Dark One, but my given name is Killian Jones. My family name is -" 
"Blackwater." Marta nodded, cocking her head in thought. "I knew your mother and father. Your father was a terrible bastard, and I am sorry for the way he must have treated you boys."
Killian tensed, and the Darkness swirled in anger and betrayal at the old memories. "That was a long time ago."
"Your feelings give you away, but that is not something I am willing to unpack - why have you come?" 
Tink gave a heaving sigh, and squared her shoulders as she put down her tea. 
"Triton has been captured. He's currently being tortured." Marta dropped her tea cup, her hands shaking. "The Goblins are using his magic to search for Ursula." 
Marta let out a noise of despair. "No. No, he - " 
"I'm sorry," Tink said quietly, gently rubbing Marta's shoulder. The Selkie looked stricken with panic. "You need to go to Ursula, and that's why I brought the Dark One. He has business with Ursula, and you know the way. Take him, and Ursula can help you both."
"That's… I can do that. He will need a tail or two, but I will do it. Goddess be good, my Triton, oh my heart. Do you believe Ursula can help free him?" Marta trailed off, clutched her chest, rubbing in small circles.
Gain their attention, vessel, we have better things to do than watch this pitiful display of emotions.  
"I'm right here, so I can hear this conversation," Killian said dryly. "I just need -" 
Tink ignored him. "That's who they pitted him against by trying to storm into Ursula's lair, which… Poor decision on their part, but that's Goblins for you."
"Alright. Are you coming?" Marta asked Tink, and Killian threw up his hands with an exasperated huff. 
Tink shook her head. "No. I need to get Wendy to her brothers, and we have a lead to where we can find work."
"You're going to leave me with - " Killian tried to interject, but both women were standing, Marta guiding Tink to the door. 
"Be safe. I will see you sooner than later, I hope? Your sisters pop by occasionally when they get a chance. Would you like me to pass on anything?" 
"No. They haven't known where I’ve been, and I can't begin that conversation right now. Especially between Roselia and Fawn. It'd be too much." Tink sighed, and Killian moved to the doorway, trying to gain their attention, but became distracted by the sight of Wendy with cream dripping down her face. The Sphinx belched, and Tink let out a laugh, mounting her back. Marta shook her head, and waved as they left, leaving Killian alone to figure out this Marta woman. 
"Well." Marta turned to him, with a look of grim determination on her face. "We should hurry, it's a long ways off to get to any of the entrances to Ursula's. You are not able to breathe underwater comfortably, yes?" 
No drowning works for you, does it? Not in rum, self hatred, pity, foolhardy attempts at destroying yourself -
Killian ignored the hiss of the Darkness, following her back into her cottage, frustrated by the entire ordeal. "No. Not particularly." 
Marta eyed him thoughtfully. Gesturing to a wall of vials and small bottles, she smiled warmly. "How do you feel about an eel tail to go with that dreadful gloom of yours? I have lovely draughts for a Muraenidae that I mixed with a Torpedo marmorata to make a real electric eel. None of those ridiculously muddy knife fish variants, along with a pinch of Myctophid for style. They give you the most lovely glow if you end up in the dark." 
"I refuse. I know the risks of messing with these potions - " 
"I forget how old and out of touch you are. The risks of these are no longer as threatening, and they really never were." Marta gritted her teeth, taking a breath. Letting it out in a heavy exhale, she traced a finger over the labels. "It was a lie by the Merfolk to keep bloodlines pure. Looking back now, it seems silly to think that these terrible risks only happened to Merfolk, Nymphs, Naiad, Sirens - never to the already mixed kin or those who chose to stay in an animal form."
"That sounds -" 
"Like something that the rulers would do? Imagine my surprise at still having to correct Merfolk, Fae, humans, and even my own kind that we don't have to wear a skin completely - that we can be partially female or male Fae. Personally, I wear my seal skin up to my breasts - not because I am modest or opposed to nudity, but because scratching your bosom on the crags is a good way to gather sharks and catch an infection. It also simply hurts like a bitch." Looking at him with humor in her smile, she gave a wink. "Not that you would know. Now, for you I think… Eel or a deep sea shark. Something murky, so you can hide in the gloom, but secretly flashy and with too much ego. I have octopus and squid, but getting the hand of, er, well, eight more hands - it’s not great for beginners. The shark tail is good for speed, but less great for tight maneuvers..."
"I really don't care, as long as it gets us there."
"Well, well, look at you. You are very worried about this princess you care nothing for." Killian froze, stiffening. Marta pressed a bottle of shimmering white liquid into his good palm, the throb under the bandage on the other hand particularly sharp. "I can smell her on your thoughts. To think, Darkness chasing Light. It's kind of romantic - " 
Disgusting. After this is over, I believe that her pelt will make nice slippers. 
"No. There's nothing like that at all, I just don't want her to be dead. She's a naive woman, with no idea how infuriating her demeanor is. It's easier having her as a Master or Mistress because she doesn't - " 
"Sure, it's fine." Marta smiled, pulling gray material up over her body, wearing it like a dress. It clung off her shoulders, but her arms and hands were free, even as she dipped a seal tail into the water where her legs had once been. "Come along, then. It's a long swim."
Killian took a deep breath through his gritted teeth, closing his eyes. Taking a small sip of the vial, the Darkness let out a purr of pleasure at the magic binding to them - not white like Emma's, but darker, almost more black than gray, old and esoteric as it forced its vessel to its knees. Killian tried to hold on, his fingernails scraping gouges into the rockscape of the coast as he changed. Shedding his clothing with quick flicks of magic, and slipping into the cool water, he felt relief finally from the potion’s effects. His long eel body felt like pure muscle, dark and striped coiling strength that propelled him with ease by just a flex in the muscles below the navel. 
"Looks good on you," Marta commented, quietly. "And, although we shouldn't, it will scare any merfolk that we come across in the opposite direction. Eel kind aren't welcome in the United Realms without surgery or magic."
"They really went all out to keep themselves as traditional merfolk. That's disgusting," Killian hissed, bubbles rising. His tail pulsed slightly with an electric charge. 
"Just another example of blood magic and strength, but in a different way. They fear that they will be lesser by diluting pure traits." Marta's smooth movements were pure grace, schools of fish scattering around her like silver coins. "They don't realize that accepting new blood, new ideas, new growth makes us stronger." 
He hummed in agreement, and they let themselves be pulled into the strong southern current, speeding down the coast. 
"Why does Nil seem to know where Ursula is if no one can get to her? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of her safety? If he can use Triton to just blow her off the map -" 
"Ursula is the only one that can let people in or out with her blessing. That's her curse, and what punishment Triton himself put upon her for her disobedience. Not only did she refuse her tail, but she married a half Fae Warlock, Merlin, who gave them both Anisapi bodies. He was a prolific brewer of potions, better even than Morgana. Ursula still blames herself for his punishment. It was far worse and more cruel than hers by far."
“Are you sure Ursula will welcome us with open, er, arms?” 
“I used to be the Selkie princess. I introduced Merlin to Morgana, and she introduced him to Ursula. I am free to come and go as I please. Especially since I visit Merlin in his prison.” 
The Darkness gave a strange quiver at the sound of the sorcerer's name. “He’s still alive?” 
“He was cursed by Snow Margueryte. ' A Mortal who wants to experience the elements they use for their own gain, straying from natural law, shall be granted their wish tenfold ,'" she recited, lazily back stroking with the current. "He is cursed to be an oak tree, his earth magic forcing him to grow roots. He used to be able to speak but his voice has been almost completely swallowed by the bark." 
How fitting of a cage, it seems we were not the only ones kept under royal lock and key.  
"Bloody hell."
"I've tried to free him, but my guess is that the curse can only be undone by either Ursula reuniting with him, or Queen Snow reversing it herself. Both are unlikely." Marta paused thoughtfully. "Do you think your Light One could help? She has powerful magic - " 
"She's not mine, and I don't know. Emma - the princess, I mean, she is too willing to help and throw herself at sympathetic tasks. While she would probably say yes, it would be reckless for her to do so. I doubt she even could."
"Well, you must have a relationship with her to be so defensive. You smell of Darkness, guilt, and this almost cloying pining - " 
"Why don't we just swim in silence, yeah? I don't need some sea mongrel telling me about the notes of my bouquet," he snapped, agitated. 
Marta looked at him curiously, but to her credit stayed mum for the remainder of their long journey. It was strange to feel muscles burn that he did not truly have and to experience the raw strength of what he could do in this form. While the eel's body was not meant for these long voyages, he could definitely see its use as they moved closer to the hidden portal that would lead them to Ursula's gates. 
Marta had broken the silence that stretched between them to warn him of the tight path they would need to take. Both of them wriggled through an impossible series of tunneling caves, sometimes against currents or in almost pitch black darkness. As far as Killian could tell, the only way Marta could find her way was as a full seal, for at some point she had slipped her cowl completely over her upper half to transform completely. Eventually, they came to a small cylindrical chamber that led down to a shimmering portal at the deep bottom, like a well. Killian went to zip downward, but Marta nipped him, slowly removing her cowl and releasing her head and arms again. 
"Stay quiet. Move slow. Just drift down gently with the current. You don't want to hit it too fast or the current on the other side will rip you to shreds…" She slowly pointed to small flickering orbs of pink that had begun to light up around the upper edges of where they had come in. "And you'll upset the Reaper Shrimp." 
Killian blinked, almost laughing at the thought but listened, staying still while letting himself float slowly downward. A rock fell from above, most likely jostled by their entrance into the space, and Killian watched it push through the on and off glow of the shrimp. The rock wasn't small, the size of a large orange when it began - it passed a few of the pink creatures and broke, the small monstrosities shearing it to dust loud enough for him to hear the grind. 
Killian could suddenly understand why Nil had not found an entry into Ursula's protected waters. 
The entry into the portal was strange, his tail hitting first and dragging him in; one minute he was in slow motion and the next was being ripped into a suction-like current, unable to see as it jettisoned him through a path lined by stalagmites. He moved slightly, and the current responded to the sudden resistance by shoving him against one, cleanly slicing the flesh of his shoulder. He hissed, but did not move again. 
After what felt like hours, the current roughly deposited them onto a sandy cave floor, a steady path that led to a cavern just visible ahead. Relaxing his tense body, he swam up for air. The water lapped at the soft rock shore, and he slid out of the water to lie on the cold stone, actually tired. There was a loud cough, and he snapped back to attention to see a large face frowning at him. 
"I'd say look what the cat dragged in, but Marty, you aren't a cat and damn it if you didn't get pulled by this bastard nine tenths of the way here."
Marta laughed, pulling herself out of the water, and towards the giant woman in front of them. "Hey, Sully."
"Mmmmhmmm. Don't you ' Hey Sully ' me when you drop this cretin in my midst. Dark One, what business do you have with me, in my realm? And remember, you're talking to Ursula the Sea Witch here. I will tear you apart just to watch you knit back together." 
Ursula had aged since he last saw her, no longer a young woman, but not old either. Her brown skin was wrinkled at the corners of her eyes, and her forehead showed a pinch where her frown pulled her brows in confusion at their arrival. Her size was still the same as it was when she had fought in battle during the war, the enchantment locking her into a gargantuan form. Tentacles colored in shades of wine, maroon, and nearly pitch black writhed from mottled skin under her navel, suction cups as large as a man's hand stretching along a length of fifteen feet. She moved gracefully around the large chamber, even at her full height that dwarfed Marta and his own many times over as she reached to add ingredients from a carved shelf to a large shell reservoir. 
The biggest change was her braids. Once a lustrous and dark shining ebony, many - if not all - were now a silvery violet or white. It made the veins from the magic in her skin that held her in the cursed form she wore stick out, lightning like, glowing dark purple that pulsed lavender over her temples and arms. 
"Marta, why have you brought this creature into my safe hold?" Ursula boomed, not looking up from her potion making to acknowledge their entrance, as they stood on the edge of the rocky outcrop. Marta slipped off her seal skin, and bowed low, but Killian spoke before she could utter a word. 
"Ursula, Mistress of the Sea and Queen of the magic that holds its secrets. It has been ages since our last meeting." He tried a low bow, but the eel tail that he wore was unstable, coiling on the ground. Marta smacked a hand over her forehead. 
Turning, Ursula lowered her gaze to stare with malevolence at Killian, her pupils a bright violet. "Yes, Dark One. That was intentional," she said dryly. 
"I have come to see if you are holding a prisoner here, one who is in grave -" 
"Oh, you dear, naive, stupid boy. You really have not changed since we last met, have you? I admit that in the past I've been nasty, but you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways. I've repented, seen the light, and made a switch." Ursula tutted, bringing her body completely around to face him. He could see now there were bones, shells, and bleached driftwood twisted around the ends of her braids like beads, some vaguely humanoid. Her chest was scarred and lined on both sides of her ribcage with lightning like pulses of magic. She leaned forward, laying her head on a long arm. Her head was easily the same height as his entire body as she gave him a poke with her thick, tree branch-like finger tipped with long black nails. "What is all your idle babble for? Intimidating me? You think that you can scare me here? That I'll give up a prize just because you march - or slither as it were - your cute little butt in here?" 
"I - what?" 
"I said, you haven't learned shit from when you were under the thumb of the Darkness completely, spreading its poison through my waters and killing innocent Fae. Even wrapped in this scrumptious little hors d'oeuvre of a package, you still spread death, Dark One. How hard that must be for you. Pretty face, that lays everything to waste. Even without hearing that dark leech, your body language alone speaks nothing but lies. I'm unfortunately taken, though, so a nibble is out of the question."
"I don't know what you're bloody well talking about. I'm here to find the Princess of the damned United Realms -" 
"So is the Goblin prince, his sentries, and many others who have come to my door. Yet, you're the only one who has made it past my portal, I'll admit. The person you seek may be here, or they may not. If they were, they'd be either under my protection, or my prisoner. Either way, I wouldn't let you within a tentacle’s length of them." Ursula poked hard with her nail, stabbing against his sternum. She grinned widely, teeth flashing white. "Describe her to me, and maybe I'll remember which she is, a prisoner or a political refugee. I get many Fae flocking to my cauldron. You may have heard that I know a little magic, a talent that I always have possessed. Who knows who all the Merfolk alone I've helped? Some princess is just another day on the books for me."
"No. This isn't a game and I'll - " 
"Then leave! Do you think I don't have better things to do? I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day! The position of annoying, death-spreading, evil, dark magic-using man-child has already been filled by Nil, who is wreaking havoc on the ecosystems with his magic. So, what the hell are you doing still standing here?" Ursula boomed, eyes flashing with a malicious gleam. A thick tentacle gripped and lifted him, making to throw him against the rocky cave current. 
"Wait!" Marta yelled, and his eel body did what it was built to do, writhing in her slipping grip as electric shock poured off him. Ursula dropped him hard to the ground, Marta wincing with a flinch. "Sorry, I should have warned you. He's an electric eel, Sully, my own formula."
"You and your gods-be-damned potions, Marta. Congrats . I should rake you across the coals for hurting my good tentacle like that," Ursula spat sarcastically, bringing the shocked tentacle up to her face to examine it. 
"You want a description of her? Alright." Killian coughed slightly, dazed as he felt the electrical current fade away like pinpricks. Marta shook her head, but he ignored her pleading for him to stop.
"She's pretty, I guess, if you like blonde and aristocracy. Classical beauty, her skin is almost all cream with a touch of sun," he began, licking his lips. His brain felt short circuited and he tried to picture her in his mind’s eye. It felt like it had been too long since he saw her, and while the Darkness was silent in its own daze, a quiet voice whispered gently that yes, it had been too long. It had been too long, and he owed her an apology - so many apologies.
"She's kind, too much for her own good really, well read, funny, bitingly sarcastic with so much wit. Brilliantly smart, but never overbearing, and where there isn't grace in her movement there is purpose instead. She's incredibly strong, so powerful. It's unbelievable that she doesn't know just how much so, or how much she affects others simply by her presence - " The Darkness roared back, and he swallowed bile that rose. "But just as with her family and so many Fae, her 'beauty' and 'purity' is as false as calling a speck of dirt a diamond - she's a vain, shrill, over glorified, annoying, whiny, preening, narcissistic, high born, undeserving, and obstinate brat worth only the crown that will grace her fat head someday. So if you do have her, regardless of whether she's a prisoner or political refugee, let's cut a deal for her to get her off each other's hands, hmm?"
Ursula shook her head, clicking her tongue, while Marta looked on with her hand over her mouth in shock. Someone had brought the Selkie a robe, and a few other women sat with her now, watching him with clear unease. 
Ursula spoke coldly. "You have no idea what a pompous, arrogant, assuming fool you look like chasing the princess down here. She's right, you are absolutely oblivious - " 
"She's - Emma's alright then? You have her? She's an absolute idiot who needs constant supervision - " 
"Says the man who is scandalizing most of my court," Ursula cackled spitefully. He looked to see that the eel potion had worn off, and he was standing nude before the Sea Witch. Against his will, he could feel his ears going red. He waved a hand and his clothes appeared back on his form, just as a chime sounded somewhere down the adjoining corridor. 
Ursula sighed, looking tired again. She leveled a harsh stare at Killian. 
"Don't you ever get tired of being the villain in these tales? Don't you think you should take a look and see if you can set the story right, especially after all this time? Or are you just a dumbass who has a nice jawline and magic that can destroy an armada?" Ursula gave him a half smirk, and flipped her braids behind her shoulders. Inwardly, Killian flinched at the accusation and how much he didn't want to remember. 
But you do remember, don't you? You remember what you did, how good it felt, and how you didn't care about ending your family name as long as you could get revenge. Every part of you that fights it is a liar. There is no happy ending for the Dark One - for you. No, that's not an option for this coward, this milk sop who can't even find a hapless princess who has run away - 
Emma's voice filled the chamber, startling him as he tried to determine if it was a trick by the Darkness itself, but no, she was real. She walked in with a red headed woman, both of them drying their hair with linen towels while they wore the standard silken robe that the Selkie seemed to prefer. When she saw him she looked as if she had been struck, rearing back. Somewhere far off, he felt his shoulders go slightly less tense, his relief a tiny sound. 
"What is he doing here?" Emma hissed, pointing at him like he was a ghost. He probably looked like some ghoul, he realized, wet hair sticking in all directions and his face unshaven. "Who brought him here?" 
"I did. I seek Triton and his freedom; the Dark One seeks his own ends," Marta said, speaking up and standing. Emma took a step back, putting herself behind one of Ursula's thick tentacles. "We both need answers - " 
The red head spoke up, in a haughty tone of voice that made Killian immediately believe she was a royal. "And who are you? You're not from this colony. What business do you have with my father?" 
Marta looked pained. "We should discuss that in private -" 
"No! What business do you have with the King of Atlantica, Selkie?" The red headed woman flushed and stomped her foot. 
"I… Oh Ariel, please. I don't want to cause you distress. Just - " 
"How do you know my name?" 
"Your father and I, we were… We were close. He and I… It's complicated. Look, I heard he was in trouble and I want to help. Please." Marta's pleading tone only further seemed to infuriate Ariel. 
"That's not a good enough answer, especially when you travel with the Dark One," Emma hissed, refusing to look at Killian, seemingly trying to compose herself. "The Dark One tried to sell me off to the Goblins, the same ones that hold Triton captive." 
"Emma, I -" Killian started, but Emma cut him off, eyes snapping up to look at his face. Her eyes were tired, but fiercely focused in her rage. She looked older, and unlike her companion, was stiffly solemn in her fury. 
"You do not have any right to address me so informally, or to speak to me at all!" she yelled. Killian startled slightly, seeing her as if she was stronger, different than when they parted. 
"So please excuse Ariel and I for not believing a lying, traitorous pig and his newfound companion,” Emma continued, the defiant coldness in her voice settling over him as he processed her change in demeanor. “Do not address me like we're friends either; that informality has died - is gone. How many days were you alone before you realized that the company you provide is toxic?" 
"Please, Swan, hear me out. I came here to -" 
"To sell me to a different bidder? Do not call me that, do not come here and act like you have any right to call me Swan. You do not have the right to grovel at my feet. How dare you. Why on earth would -" 
"To apologize!" His shouted reply rung through the caves, but Emma simply scoffed at him, looking livid. "Em - Princess, I needed to apologize for my part in the quarrel we had. I was out of line, and I am sorry. Please forgive me." 
"You're forgiven. Now, leave."
"No, Emma - That's not what I meant - please talk to me, I -" 
"There's nothing to talk about, Dark One. Begone. I don't like looking at you. I don't like hearing you, especially my name said in your voice. I don't like - no, I hate that you are here, and I don't feel safe because of your presence. I hate that you think that you have the right to just walk up to me and demand that things be like - for there to be no walls. Walls you made me build! You can't - you don't ask that of people."
"I'm sorry, but who was left in the middle of a forest without any chance of freedom? I didn't make you do anything. You built your own damned fortress because you are afraid of grief, not because - " 
"Leave. I am not afraid of grief, and the hypocrisy of that statement is… Just leave. I can't do this, and I can't stand you. I am glad I left you there. I only wish I had never met you at all." 
She stormed away. As he tried to pursue her again, the thick black and burgundy tentacle was back, gripping him tightly around the waist and throwing him to the ground away from Marta. Ursula towered above him, while Marta and Ariel glared at him from their sides of the cavern. 
"That poor girl," Marta tutted shaking her head. "I thought you said she would be happy to see you?"
"I thought she would be. She could barely manage on her own when we were last - " 
Ursula and Ariel laughed at that, a tentacle smacking him back down as he tried to stand.
"Emma can handle herself just fine, and has been. Alice and Robyn left her here because of that, and their trust in the princess speaks volumes. We have had plenty of time for her to see that she isn't some damsel like you tried to make her out to be." Ariel shrugged, her voice icy towards him. "I don't think she needs your brand of saving anymore."
Ursula chuckled lowly. "Nope. The princess is quite formidable without you. Shame that you are the last to notice. Alice even said she saved your sorry ass at Pann's club - " 
"We worked together in that instance. She - " 
"Prevented you from being dinner for a Sphinx. At least, that's how half of the Fae community is telling it. The Princess is becoming quite the rallying cry here in the realm of those left behind," Ursula drawled, the tip of a tentacle delicately lifting his chin as his jaw ticked. 
"She was popular in the United Realms too, and people still believe she will save them." Ariel chimed in. "My father and I believe it - we prayed to Poseidon to bless her. I know she'll help; she's taken to the water like a natural - " 
"Is Triton alright? Have you heard anything about his treatment, or if he's been hurt?" Marta blurted out, wringing her hands. Ariel shot her a look that was clearly full of mistrust. 
Killian glanced between the Sea Witch and Marta, unsure what to make of what was happening, even as Ursula sighed and rubbed her fingers against her temples. 
"Go on Marta. The girl deserves to know."
"I deserve to know what? We don't mix with Selkie kind. You're lazy filth who refuse to worship the gods, or serve their chosen kings. There's nothing to know."
Killian bristled, and the tentacle next to him came down in a hard smash, the boom echoing throughout the caves.
"You will not use that language in my domain, little Mermaid," Ursula gritted out, half yelling at Ariel. 
Selkies in both forms poked their heads in from smaller caves, watching with varying expressions. Many were angry, and he couldn't blame them for their derision at the Mermaid princess’ dismissal.
"Your mother was a lovely Mermaid, and truly kind,” Marta began. “I adored her and respected her for what she and Triton had. It was something I could never give him, even though we were very much in love before he was pushed into their marriage. Then she passed in that terrible accident, and all of you had been born. I could not bear to bring my desires to Triton while he mourned the loss with his children. I grieved for Calypso, for Triton to lose such a wonderful wife and friend, and for you girls to lose such a fierce mother. She loved you so very much. Your aunt Sully, er, Ursula was trapped here. No one had seen Morgana since the sword in the lake incident with Arthur and her exile North… With Poseidon gone on to follow his mother in death, Triton had no one left. No one but me. And I missed him.
"Your father and I reconnected. It was like falling back into a lazy current, right where we left off. He made promises that he would change the laws so we could be together, but he refused to let me meet any of you, refused to let me live in the United Realms with your kind, refused to understand why my kind will not worship your grandfather. Instead, he kept me hidden like an embarrassment, just like before when Poseidon forced us apart - but this time, my heart couldn't take that pain again. I told him to find someone who he didn't have to hide, and to stop lying to himself, to stop lying to me - and I swam as far as I could. I've lived with the humans in Iceland ever since. Your father never gave chase."
Ariel wrinkled her nose, looking at Marta with disgust. "But you're, you're a - he couldn't risk letting more of your kind disrupt our civilization, we are peaceful - "
"What have I done, what has my kind done, that would make us so disgusting in your eyes? What disservice have we brought you, when you, a Mermaid, love a human?" 
Ariel sputtered, her face going as red as her hair. "That is not the same in any way, shape, or form. Humans aren't Fae or privy to Fae politics -" 
Killian laughed out loud, and eyes drew to him from all corners of the cave. Rocking on his heels to regain his normal swagger, he waved a hand accusingly at Ariel. "So, because he has no idea how anything works and is ignorant to all that has happened, it's alright. Are you keeping a pet, Merprincess? Or do you actually love him?" 
"Like you know anything about love, you - " 
"He's right, Ariel. What do you love about this human?" Ursula asked, her eyes dark and dangerous. 
"Eric is kind, funny, smart - he loves animals and the sea. He isn't like other mortals, at all. He wants to be with me even though we're different, and promised me that he would bridge the gap between our worlds in anyway he could - " 
"Then he is much better than you or my idiot brother," Ursula snapped. "You treat humans better than your kin, see in them what you should see in us. Do you not know what humans do to us?" 
"Eric would never -" 
"I believe you," Marta said quietly. "And I think your Eric probably is all those things, because Triton is too. He spoke about your kindness, your love, and your passionate curiosity that drove him insane. He was always the most worried about you. I wanted to meet his wild daughter so badly. My hopes were higher for this meeting, Ariel."
Out of one of the caves, Killian saw Emma sit with two plump spotted seals, her eyes noticeably red-rimmed even at this distance as she watched Ariel.
"I just…  what could my Father like about you? You are dignified for a Selkie, and seem more intelligent, but I just don't understand why he would risk - " 
Emma booed loudly from her small cave, other Selkies following suit. Ariel shot her a glare, but Emma only shrugged with her own eyes narrowed. 
"Aren't you trying to risk everything for some human?" Killian asked, and Ursula allowed him to move closer to the Mermaid. "Why is any Fae lesser than you, especially one that your kind used to share this sea with? Is there any particular reason why you have to make yourself feel superior to them?" Killian pointed to the Selkies, who clapped and cheered their approval. He heard Emma's voice among them, and glanced at her. For a moment, he thought he caught a hint of approval in the sea glass color of her eyes. 
"I don't need a lecture from you of all people, the man who murdered his own kind so indiscriminately. Blood ran thicker in the current than water that day. I may be young, but my people tell their children tales of the nightmare you created, Dark One." Ariel jabbed a finger at him, jutting out her chin. "If I had not escaped the Goblin's clutches in Emma's palace, I would never have imagined in my wildest day dreams that you would try to convince anyone that you were sorry for your actions. I lend a command to Princess Emma, and henceforth demand that you leave."
Scrubbing his face, Killian pointed at Ariel with annoyance. "You can't 'lend a command'. That’s not how any court protocol works!" 
"Then I'm demanding you leave, you awful bully! In case you need reminding, I'm a princess, I can do as I please without protocol!" Ariel shrieked at him, and he saw Emma drop her face into her hand, most likely in embarrassment. 
"Like hell, I'm not -" Killian began to protest, but Ursula slammed a tentacle between the two of them, separating him from the Mermaid. 
"The Dark One has asked for a chance to redeem himself to Princess Emma. He has failed, but I am not in a position to grant him safe passage away from their and our mutual enemy. I will allow him to stay as long as he does not make my other guests uncomfortable or unsafe, and I will have Marta chaperone him. I ask that you, Ariel, use your abilities to follow through with our accord; bring me the shipwrecks so we may face this Goblin menace head on, so I may lend you and your beloved Human help in freeing your father. As a steward of goodwill, I will house Emma in this emergency, and Killian may take one ship once we are victorious in freeing Triton. Until then, Marta and Killian will also help you with this task. Maybe even redeeming themselves, yet."
"I need some time to process this," Ariel huffed, her nose in the air. She slunk back into the water, her tail flipping with a splash.  
"Make up your mind quick; you act as if I have all day to play royal mediator. I damn well better be freed of my curse after this!" Ursula yelled after her. 
Killian watched Emma slip on a cuff, her body partially turning to jade, silver and gold, a tail flipping below the surface almost silently. The caves dripped, and he was left to watch her leave again while Marta discussed how they would go about bringing sunken shipwrecks into the cave. Watching the water for any sign of the princess, he tried to formulate some way to get the shard. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
  Emma felt like she had been slapped hard across her face, head still reeling from seeing Killian again. He had followed her, the audacity of that bastard to have found her, to try and speak with her - 
She let out another shriek into the empty water of the kelp forest, letting herself float down to the sandy bottom. Looking up, she couldn't see the surface, only the brackish depths and swaying strings of long underwater vines. Her chest ached, and she took a deep breath of the salty water, relishing the coldness of it. He had looked so disheveled, had looked at her like he was seeing a phantom too, but for an entirely different reason - 
She had changed. She wasn't the princess he knew any longer, but the beginning of something completely different - more resilient, more in control, more cold and world weary, more cautious.  Killian did not know her any longer. Alice and Robyn had bolstered her, emboldened her to be stronger than ever. Emma had learned to, as Alice put it, give no fucks . Watching Ariel and her antics just proved that. Ariel’s complaints about their hosts’ simplicity set Emma's teeth on edge, and that was only one of the more banal issues Emma took to heart. Ariel could be shallow, brash, impulsive, and petulant in ways Emma had never dreamed of being. 
Whereas Emma's parents had raised her to work hard, to be studious, well rounded, and perfect in matters of decorum, Ariel was the youngest of seven sisters. She was a gifted musician, but skipped classes, caused mischief, disrupted others, created mayhem with her magic, refused to listen to her father's reasoning, and found no joy in any of the harder aspects of ruling a kingdom. The woman all but balked at hard work, expecting to be waited on. She seemed more content to have Emma as a source of gossip than as an ally. It was clear that Ursula was frustrated with Ariel as well, even if they were both frightened for Triton. 
Ursula's idea of using the old Fae armada that currently lay in half-restored pieces near her kingdom was ingenious, as far as Emma could tell. Eric, Ariel's beau, was happily providing more ships that people were scrapping in his shipyard for the cause, and Ariel's talent of making portals through the water was working exceptionally well when they were done piecing together new parts and old like a jigsaw to make something new. Ursula had amassed three ships already that floated in a cave, waiting to be boarded. The Sea Witch had confided her hopes in Emma early on, realizing her competency. 
"If this all goes right, if we free Triton and he knows that I helped, I hope he will return me to my original form so I can beseech Queen Snow to appeal Merlin's curse. It has been too long since I have hoped for any sort of redemption, but your arrival heralds in the beginning of a new era for the forgotten that lay here in wait."
"I can't say my mother will be able to give you an audience, Ursula, but I pray to the goddess that she does."
"Thank you, Princess Emma, you are too kind." 
"I am nothing but a weary bearer of hindsight."
Ariel swam by, sighing in a whine. 
"So. What do you think of this project Ursula has me on? I can't believe I have to work with that… that Thing , and then that Selkie who believes she can chastise me - " 
"Both parts of that are worrisome but for different reasons," Emma said with her own tired sigh and a shrug that rustled the grit she lay on. "Very different reasons, actually - I am worried about you and Kil - the Dark One working together, because he's… He isn't a good person. But I'm more worried for this Marta woman, to be honest." 
Ariel scoffed. "You have to be the most bleeding heart royal I've ever met to believe her Selkie sob story. I'm surprised she's not wearing a crocodile skin with the tears she was faking over Daddy. My father would never sink as low as to encourage a Selkie’s attention, let alone dally with one." Ariel floated down to lay beside Emma, and Emma moved slightly so she could rest on her side, observing Ariel critically. 
"She was telling the truth, Ariel." Emma stated firmly, tail betraying her agitation with its quick flicks in the sand. "She seems like a very nice woman, and she would have to be to not get chewed up and spat out by the Darkness that permeates his presence."
"But Emma, didn't he - didn't you say that you remembered - " Ariel began, and Emma held up a hand with irritation written in her scowl. 
"Yes, I might have remembered that I was stupid when I was drunk, and he got us home. A lot happened after that, so that kiss was inconsequential, and a symptom of the chaos that was our narrow survival. After that, when Elsa… He showed his true colors."
"Yeah. I wish that you had someone fighting for you like I do with Eric. I can't wait to give him that cuff back, I miss him," Ariel said dreamily, dismissing the seriousness of the conversation again. "Your talk of kissing reminded me."
Emma smiled a strained but polite grimace. Squaring her shoulders, she rose up slightly to cross her arms and change her stature to reflect her annoyance. With a hand on her hip and the other extended to gesture, she spoke. 
"It's up to you, regardless, Ariel, but I will say that regardless of what you think of Marta or customs outside your own, I do not find your views befitting anyone I would have in my close confidence. You should lead by example and make your own choices from your own experiences. Talk to Marta."
Ariel stuck up her nose, sitting up with arms crossed against her chest. "By that logic, I should give the Dark One a chance as well!" she yelled as Emma turned to leave her alone to stew. 
She shrugged before disappearing into the kelp, looking at Ariel with pity. "I did, and look how that turned out." 
It wasn't a far swim back to the secret entrance to Ursula's lair, and then into the Selkie caves. The three main chambers were connected by tunnels that spread out to thousands of honeycomb style chambers, some with water flowing through them in little creeks that babbled musically into waterfalls that fell into the bottom pool. Ursula protected the first chamber, her fleet in a cave off of that and her cauldron near the center. The bottom was almost completely submerged with a proliferation of crystals and slabs of limestone, while a current swept along the floor that could take even an experienced diver by surprise. You could enter through that opening, but to leave the same way would cut you to ribbons, and Ursula guarded the other exit that lay at the edge near the other chambers, her own among them. The middle chamber was filled with rock platforms where trees and ferns took root in small gardens and a small waterfall fed a pond covered in lotus blooms. The greenery seemed to attract the nymphs, who giggled profusely at Emma walking past with no tail or pearl bead littered hair. 
The last chamber was for socializing, dotted with tables and balconies. Different flags and banners waved in beautiful fabrics. Crystals and moss grew that lit up in the evening darkness, and changed the water color to a startling bright blue. A volcanic spring heated pools on the far side for cooking and cleaning, while the cooler pools allowed for bathing and relaxation. 
Emma's room was in one of the higher areas, a small cave with a ledge for a pallet and her things. A few steps cut into the rock led down to a brook that carved its path past a slight bend and into the chamber she had met with Ursula in. A curtain covered the archway that led to where the brook turned, allowing for privacy even at this height. 
A clothesline was also provided, and Emma had used it with gusto when she first arrived. It was when she discovered that both her white gown from the failed appeal so long ago and her blue dress were covered in blood: Goblin, her own, and Elsa's… Emma was thankful that the caves were set up so that very few heard her screams when the panic sporadically struck, when all she could do was hold the fabric and weep as that night played over and over in her head. 
Occasionally she found sleep, but it was hard to get real rest. Since the attack, when she dreamed, visions of Nil all but ruined those completely. She had to stay strong and focused, but everything felt wrong. Even her movements felt delayed, but pride would not allow her to go to Ursula or Ariel with her complaints. 
Her mind fell back to Killian, and Ursula's decision for him to stay. There was no doubt that they might run into each other, but as long as she was under Ursula's protection and good graces, it was not as if she could leave the waters. He was probably already trying to locate where she was staying in the cave system. He was an even match to her stubbornness, to her great consternation. She considered having Ursula just put him out anyway, knowing the Sea Witch would do so without a thought beyond how much of a 'poor unfortunate soul' he would be on his own; however, it left her with a mouth full of ash. She would prove to be not much more than a damsel if she could not dismiss him without a mediator. 
That was one of the worst things: it felt as if she was ripping old skin away from new whenever she wanted to remember the good, and not what he was, what he did, what he said. There was no good. She had imagined it when she was drunk, high on adrenaline, confused, and exhilarated just to be alive - imagined how he felt against her like some idiot debutante that he had fled from. That in and of itself should have been enough, but he had lied about it, so blatantly even; the way he had looked at her as he acted playful in those moments before she had failed Elsa was different than before. 
That was the only regret she held, and the only unspoken matter left between the two of them that Emma was willing to issue amends for. It was her fault Elsa was dead, the guilt squarely on her shoulders no matter how she dissected those moments in her mind. Every argument that could be made started with the catalyst of her arrival, and ended with her failure to dispatch the Goblin or heal Elsa. Even though the blade had clearly hit Elsa’s lung and part of her heart, Emma couldn't understand why she froze, why she didn't try to heal her friend regardless, why she didn't exhaust herself in every attempt. It haunted her; between nightmares of Nil, panic attacks, and her lack of sleep, she wondered how anyone managed to survive. 
And while every part of her screamed to make amends like the diplomatic daughter of royalty she was, what good would it do for anyone? Emma curled further into herself, wishing she didn't feel all at once surrounded, smothered even, but still so alone. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
  The morning of their mission to procure the rest of Ursula's armada was bright and serene. Marta was excited and anxious to spend time with Ariel and her human paramour. Killian focused his attention on simply hammering out the work and implementing a plan of action that would allow him to at least get Ariel to speak to Emma, potentially softening her to the idea of speaking with him. The sea princess was unlike Emma in many ways, and prone to falling for the pitfalls he set, or simply biting onto bait he placed to fish for more info. That was, until Emma herself joined their merry mission. 
If he had thought she looked tired from afar, up close she was clearly exhausted, barely functioning as she lazily swam with Ariel, who whispered to her in a concerned manner. Killian heard snippets of their conversation, the Darkness gleefully taking in the scent of Emma's weakness. 
If an accident were to happen where we could get the shard, no one would be any the wiser. Especially with how close the princess will be to a portal leading to waters outside Ursula's domain. 
A pleasurable current ran up his spine, the Darkness growing more fond of his eel form every time he donned it. Killian had caught Emma staring; and even in her practically asleep state, fascination was obvious on her face as she watched his tail cut through the water or curl in fluid motions. 
Not fascination, in disgust and horror. Don't think that she is not still scared of you just because she managed to raise her voice a few decibels. Focus.  
Ariel opened a portal easily, swimming in quick circles with a swirl of magic that opened to the true ocean. The water was dark, much colder, and much more unruly. Killian and Marta struggled through the opening, Ariel following behind as Emma gave a wan wave while holding it steady with her own magic. 
Only a few yards in, he glanced back and the small portal was barely a glow through the choppy waves. They were going to bring a boat through this? 
"I know that this looks crazy, but Eric's up top on the skipper and he'll help with the extraction. We just have to attach the chains to the hull, and pull it through."
Killian looked up; he could barely make out the shape of a large boat floating above, the rusted chains slowly grazing the sea floor and sending up clouds of murky silt. 
They pulled the chains over the hull of the first barely held together ship, its wrecked carcass shuddering through the portal with a groan. Emma looked pale from using her magic to widen the portal, but ushered them through easily. 
The next ship was buried in a deep quagmire of sand which required Ariel and Marta both to help him, along with a few other Selkie, Nymph and Naiads. Sandy clouds billowed in thick columns from where they dug, rising and falling thick enough to make them cough. They worked for what felt like hours, scooping sand, pulling, and digging out the sediment that resettled, only to repeat again and again. The water grew progressively more rough, waves rattling and jerking the chains, causing more sand to shift. Thunder cracked from above and a green bolt of lightning illuminated the water so brightly that the seafloor looked bathed in other worldly emerald sunshine. Green coated where the bolt hit, leaving a shiny residue that seemed to boil the water before fading. 
The party scattered, fleeing towards the portal desperately at the sign of magic while Ariel raced upwards towards her human lover without any worry for her own safety. 
"Ariel! Look out, stop!" Marta darted after her as sea animals in groups of unnatural and dissimilar species swam towards them from the surface of the water. Killian shot upwards, shocking with electricity several seals that circled the women while pulling another's jaws away from Marta's shoulder. Red began to rise from the wound, Marta's cry of pain barely audible over the roar of the surf while the pummeling current briefly dazed him. Ariel was tearing gulls away from her as she tried to breach the surface, a great cracking noise and thunder rattling his teeth as he fought off another onslaught of seals. 
"I thought seals liked and listened to Selkies?" he managed to yell, Marta throwing jets of scalding water at schools of what looked like jellyfish. 
"These sea creatures are poisoned or bewitched. Jellyfish usually just float - they don't hunt like this, and we do have kinship to seals - Ariel, oh Atlantis, watch out!" Marta abandoned her attempts as she pushed Ariel aside. A piece of heavy debris hit her as the ship above gave a giant metal groan. Ariel didn't even look back as she grabbed at a piece of debris, pulling out a human man who was clearly unconscious. 
"Move, we have to get him through the portal, and back to the air!" Ariel shrieked, and Killian crested the surface to look above, even as waves and birds battered him. A tall, wide, patchwork metal ship glowed green in the circle of a storm, speeding towards them. Goblins . Grabbing a floating glass jar, he dove below, opening the sealed container upside down and handing it to Ariel. 
"Go! Get him through the portal!" Killian shouted at Ariel, and she was gone in a flash. 
The water was lit again by the ghastly green lightning, and Killian searched for Marta desperately before the light gave way to murk again. She was pinned between a large metal piece, weakly fighting off fish, and he dug to free her as she whimpered. Pulling her to him, she went limp, and he sped towards the portal. Ariel was in front of him, pulling on the chains that had fallen, her brow strained as she pulled the ship they had been working on through so they could slip past. He could hear Emma’s cries from the other side of the portal ringing out as he helped push the ship through, her calling for Ariel and Marta. 
Ariel pushed Eric through the minute there was a big enough gap, straight into Emma’s arms, screaming at her to get him to air. Emma was gone in an instant as the mermaid swam in circles to keep the portal open, the ship inching along as Killian handed a Siren Marta's unconscious body through the widening gap. Ariel yelled at him, roughly elbowing him as a shark barreled towards them, its dead eyes glowing green and jaw wide with sharp teeth. Killian hit it hard with an electric charge, stunning himself with the force of the current. In the moment of dazed consciousness that came after, he heard Ariel shriek, the shark too incensed to be affected by the shock as it bit down on her tail. Killian punched it hard in the nose, willing the portal to hold, to stay open as her circles stopped. The realization dawned on him of what he'd have to do, and he braced himself. 
Don't you fucking dare you - 
  Before the Darkness could seize up his muscles, he shoved Ariel roughly through the portal against the ship's backside, watching her wide eyed stare as it blinked into nothingness before him. The shark circled back, along with more seals, more fish, and a swarm of jellyfish. Fighting what he could, he was shocked to feel a warm hand yanking him backwards, the portal going closed in front of his eyes as he was dragged through. 
He turned to see Emma, who let go of him as if she'd been burned. Red hung in the clear waters, her face pale and cast in a greenish tone. Emma panted, her eyes closed as she let her chest heave. 
"Emma, are you al-" 
Emma shot away from him, fleeing through the gathering crowd. The injured were being pulled back into the cove and into the caves where they presumably could be treated. 
The princess is weak, now is your chance, we can break her -  
He swam into the caves, only to be greeted to the sight of Marta being bandaged in fish scales, gauze, and kelp. Robes lay in piles by the upward slope, and he wrapped one around himself as he willed the magic controlling his eel form away to transform back. There was no sign of Emma, although Ursula was moving all her tentacles at once, handing out towels, gauze, fish skin bandages, poultices, potions, salves, and lotions. Ariel sat near Marta, still with a tail, cupping her humans face as he worried about the bite on her thigh and applied pressure with a cloth. The sounds of moaning and whimpering filled the cave coming from all over and echoed through the halls. The Darkness purred at the sound and his stomach turned over in disgust. 
"Killian, oh Goddess' I thought -" Marta started, as she began to tear up, before suddenly wrapping him in a tight hug. He froze, awkwardly trying to pull away as she cried. "You saved us, you saved Ariel and Eric, and we left you -" 
"If there's one thing I am good at, it is surviving." Freeing himself from her hold, he kicked a rock with his bare foot, and muttered under his breath, "I always survive."
Ariel looked up at him with a strange look of appraisal. "I owe you - we owe you our lives. Eric wouldn't have made it without that air, and you pushed me through while that shark -" 
"Yes, I was there. I don't need to relive the buggering memory." He gritted out. "I need -" 
"Name it, and I'll make it happen if I can," Ariel said, wincing slightly as she adjusted her position. 
"Where's Emma?" 
Ariel winced again, this time from his question. "Except for that. Leave her alone, she's - " 
"Help me get back into her graces. That's my request for the debt you owe me for saving you." Killian crossed his arms, watching the flustered mermaid princess weigh her options. Pointing to her grim-faced mortal paramour, he offered his good hand. "For saving both of you. Shake on it."
"Emma does not want to see you, she's made that clear even to me," Eric began, and Killian glared at him with a crazed half smile. 
"I wasn't aware that I asked you, mortal. If you're speaking for your woman, you may want to first discuss her opinions about you being an inferior species to her. In many of our views, a pet or play thing." Ariel looked horrified as the man looked at her with hurt. 
"Ariel, what does he mean?" Eric asked, and Killian chuckled softly. 
"Should I elucidate on who exactly deserves rights in your opinion, darling?" Killian smirked, and Ariel glared at him. 
"She's in the upper east part of the caves. Follow the green turtle carvings. Please just let her be."
"Killian -" Marta began, but he shook a finger. The Darkness rose proudly in his chest. 
"Oh no no no no, I'll do without the suggestions. You three owe me a debt, which I fully intend to collect. I'll expect your cooperation from now on, as I could have easily let all of you be chum. Start thinking of ideas to get Emma to trust me again while I do some work of my own."
"You're a bastard," Marta spat. 
Killian laughed, turning on his heels as he magicked his clothing back on. Shooting her a cocky wink, he called over his shoulder, "And don't you forget it, love." 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Emma was sure she was breaking, her body too hot and breathing ragged as if she had eaten glass. The red in the water, the cries of pain, the portal closing around Ariel as Killian’s hands disappeared back into the dirty dark water as a shark flashed by… The stab of panic and despair made her swallow bile. She could not lose another, not another, not even if she hated him - 
Opening the portal she grabbed blindly, gripping his shoulder, the feeling of a harsh electrical charge making her fingers numb. She curled them through it, wrenching him back as the shark shot towards them, dead eyes and teeth all she could see as the portal closed. 
She let go of him as soon as possible, clutching her hand as it regained feeling. The world was spinning, the single minded focus of saving him giving way to realization of what she had done, to the sounds, the taste and smell of the blood in the water in her mouth. Nausea hit her roughly, a metal ball churning in her stomach, forcing her to close her eyes and steady her breathing. There was so much red, too much red -  
"Emma, are you al-" 
Her body reacted for her, choosing flight instead of fight. Pushing past the onslaught of Fae that were swimming out of the cave towards the sounds, Emma ripped off her cuff and threw on a robe as she ran. Twisting through tunnels and chambers, she found a path that led downwards, stumbling onto the beach's multicolored sand. Light flooded from a hole high above, tinting the still waters with the different colors of crystals that lay at the bottom. 
Falling to her knees, Emma let out the first sob, digging her hands in the sand as it echoed around her.
Sbe hated this. It was weakness, her emotions in the way of her duties. She should be healing, should be composed - she needed to prove that she was no damsel in need of rescue. This wasn't resilience, this wasn't control, and this was nowhere near strength. She was failing, failing in every aspect of her change for the better. How could she ever prove to be a leader like this? Another cry shook her, her hands shaking even as she dug them further into the shore. Why? Why couldn't she control this, push it away, push it down and lay a smile over it?
Emma thought of her mom, the tired smile she gave that her eyes did not reflect. Emma had only seen her give it when she was upset or something was amiss, and she wondered if it was the same smile she gave delivering news about deaths in the same bloody water, the same red-tinged depths. 
Her stomach heaved, the taste of copper on her tongue making her retch. There was nothing in her stomach apart from a few mint leaves she had chewed, her appetite far diminished, but her body tried to push anything out of her throat. Footsteps from the corridor surprised her, and she dreaded being found, curling herself into a ball. There was no one she wanted to see her like this, her old flaws laid out like a spill of ink into clear water. Peeking out as the footsteps stopped, she saw black boots against the rock hewn floor, just before the sand. There was quiet for a moment and she shut her eyes tight. Not him. Anyone else but him. 
Footsteps started away from her and her stomach violently lurched with panic, even as she was glad her hands were buried so she could not reach for him. Flashes of Elsa's hand going limp mad her lungs tighten, images coming unbidden, fast and without stop. Her body and mind weren't her own anymore, these reactions getting worse, like a flood that could not be contained. Her heart beat out of her chest, and she flopped on her back shivering. This was a terrible way to suffer. Her father's bleeding skull in her mother's lap was in sudden focus as a sharp whine took over the noise around her. 
She couldn't breathe, everything crushing at once, but then she was being sat up by soft hands - 
"Emma. Emma it's okay, take a breath for me and focus on my voice." 
Emma whined in response, opening her eyes to see a worried Robyn examining her. Alice stood behind her, moving from foot to foot, and wringing her hands. 
"She's having a panic attack. He said that she hadn't looked well and fled here," Robyn commented, placing a cool rag on Emma's forehead. Emma sighed in slight relief, still shaking and numb in her fingers, toes, and legs. "Emma, have you eaten much today?" 
"Nuffin'." Emma bit out, teeth chattering. Robyn's face fell, her eyebrows knitting together. 
Alice knelt by her side, holding her hand. "He said she looked tired, too… Emma, babe, are you not sleeping? Are you not eating?" 
Emma looked away, unwilling to meet Alice's eyes with her own. She attempted to curl her body away, but Robyn held her firm. 
"You have to take care of yourself, too," Robyn said slowly, wiping at Emma's brow. "You can't keep every emotion inside and bottle everything up. You can't just ignore the pain and hope things get better, you need to talk about it, to take care of yourself and let people know if it's too much - " 
"I'm scared to," Emma admitted, crying harder. Alice hugged her tightly, and they sat together as Emma lost herself in her grief. After some time, a strange catharsis set in, and they sat back together in soft conversation. 
"Why are you both back? I thought you were going to Merlin to see if my magic could free him?" Emma murmured, her voice hoarse. 
"Well…" Alice began, exchanging a glance with Robyn. 
"He wasn't there," Robyn said slowly, with a sigh. "The tree stump is, as if it was cut down, but there's no indication of when, or by who, and if they cut it down we have no idea if he's alive or - " 
Alice lightly touched Robyn on the shoulder, and she stopped. Emma nodded, chewing her lip hard enough to hurt. Another person her parents had probably destroyed. 
"That's not what brought us here, though. Tink and Wendy are looking for more on Merlin, covering leads and rumors, because we - Well, someone needed us here," Alice said, her voice strange. 
"Me." Emma sighed, her resignation and frustration flaring. 
The two exchanged glances again, Robyn nervously adjusting her glasses while Alice twirled a blonde strand of her wildly curled hair. 
"No, actually," Robyn mumbled. 
Alice took Emma's hand again, examining her palm with interest. "You know, I can read palms right? Look at that love line, so rocky at first, and there's a little chip out of your li - " 
"Who was it then?" Emma asked, making Alice tense. 
Robyn looked Emma dead on, her face serious. "What is your relationship with the Dark One?" 
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negaifreak · 6 years
It was a long while before Shihai and Kinoko returned to the lounge. Their faces definitely showed tints of red as they sat down next to each other. Were they going to start dating? Did they share a first kiss? Those were the thoughts of everyone else, and the two could that's what they were thinking as they felt their stares.
"Please stop..." the Black Quirk user begged, hiding his face in his hands.
"It's okay, Kuroiro," Yosetsu reassured as he patted his classmate's back, "What you did was really bold and awesome!" he added with a thumbs up. That didn't make him any less embarrassed.
"Um... why don't we see who goes next?" Itsuka suggested, wanting to spare her friends from any more embarrassment.
"Good idea!" Toru agreed as went over and spun both wheels. Everyone watched in anticipation, awaiting the result of who would sing next. As the spinners finally halted after a few moments, a few people gasped.
"Eijiro Kirishima and Ibara Shiozaki!" Mina exclaimed upon seeing the names the pointers were indicating.
"Me?" the vine haired girl uttered in surprise, pointing at herself.
"All right!" the Hardening Quirk user yelled excitedly as he stood up from his seat, "And I've got the perfect song in mind!" he added, running over to the laptop.
"W-Wait just a moment!" his eventual singing mate stuttered out, making him stop as she stood up, "I'm... not sure I wish to sing..." she admitted sheepishly, glancing off to the side. The spiky haired teen blinked in surprise.
"Oh, come on Ibara!" Setsuna argued, "We're all gonna do it eventually, so why not get it out of the way?" she inquired to her.
"Yeah, you'll be great!" the Class B representative added encouragingly.
"It's not that I won't participate in this activity..." the rather nervous girl pointed out, causing everyone to perk up in surprise, "Rather... I'd think it would be best if I sang my own song..." she confessed, "I'm not sure that... his will be appropriate for me..." she added bluntly. Rather than be offended, her partner took the comment in stride and gave off a small grin.
"Here, why don't I show you what I wanted to sing?" he suggested to her, offering his hand to her astonishment, "Then you can decide," he said.
"...Okay," she replied after a moment. The pair took a few minutes to look over the lyrics of the song, with the Vine Quirk user widening her eyes and starting to smile as she read the words.
"I wonder what Kirishima had in mind for a song..." Izuku muttered, placing his hand onto his chin.
"Whatever it is, Ibara seems to like it," his girlfriend noted.
"Maybe he's making a confession like the last two," Tsuyu bluntly chimed in. The remark immediately caused Laura Eucliffe to perk up and blush instantaneously.
"Whoa... Laura..." Reiko Yanagi uttered upon seeing her flustered state, "You okay?" she asked worriedly.
"Cállate..." she muttered in reply, turning her head away.
"Okay... we're all set!" Eijiro declared as he and his singing mate took their microphones from Mina, "You ready, partner?" he asked the vine haired girl beside him.
"Yes," she replied with a nod.
"All right, hit it!" he called out, enticing the pink skinned girl to press play on the keyboard. A melody started to come out from the speakers, and the Class B student was the first to start singing.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, whoa~!" she exclaimed repeatedly.
"Whoa!" Itsuka yelped, surprised by her friend's vocals, as were the others. A saxophone played in the background of the music
"Whenever I'm dressed cool, my parents put up a fight~..." the Hardening Quirk user sang.
"Uh huh, uh huh~," his partner chanted.
"And if I'm hot shot, Mom will cut my hair at night~..." he continued.
"Uh huh, uh huh~," Ibara chanted again, "And in the morning I'm short of my identity~!" she kept going.
"Uh huh, uh huh~," Eijiro chanted.
"I scream Mom and Dad, why can't I be who I wanna be~?!" the Vine Quirk user exclaimed passionately.
"Uh, huh, uh huh~," her partner repeated again before they glanced over at each other and smiled.
"To be~!" they yelled together, "I just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I am~!" they sang, "I just wanna be myself and I want you to know, I am my hair~!" they screamed together before the beat began to kick up and move faster, "I've had enough, this is my prayer, that I'll die livin' just as free as my hair~! I've had enough, this is my prayer, that I'll die livin' just as free as my hair~! I've had enough, I'm not a freak~... I just keep fightin' to stay cool on the streets~! I've had enough, enough, enough~... And this is my prayer, I swear~! I'm as free as my hair~! I'm as free as my hair~! I am my hair~! I am my hair~!" they exclaimed beautifully.
"They're singing... about hair?" Sen Kaibara guessed as he arched an eyebrow, hearing them repeat the same chant.
"I don't think it's that simple..." Robbie chimed in as Kyoka leaned against him, enjoying the rhythm.
"Free as my hair, hair, hair~! Hair, hair, ha-ha-ha-hair~! Hair, hair, hair~! Hair, hair, ha-ha-ha-hair~!" Eijiro sang, bouncing around happily.
"Free as my hair, hair, hair~! Hair, hair, ha-ha-ha-hair~! Hair, hair, hair~! Hair, hair, ha-ha-ha-hair~!" Ibara exclaimed as she hopped up and down.
"Boy, I can see why she's really into this..." Setsuna noted with a grin.
"Sometimes I want some raccoon or red highlights~!" the Hardening Quirk user continued, "Just because I want my friends to think I'm dynamite~!" he sang. The lyrics resonated with a few of his friends in the crowd, who gave off shocked expressions.
"Kirishima..." Mina uttered.
"And on Friday rock city high school dance~! I got my bangs to hide that I don't stand a chance~! A chance~!" the vine haired girl screamed happily.
"I just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I am~! I just wanna be myself and I want you to know, I am my hair~!" they sang together, "I've had enough, this is my prayer, that I'll die livin' just as free as my hair~! I've had enough, this is my prayer, that I'll die livin' just as free as my hair~! I've had enough, I'm not a freak~! I just keep fightin' to stay cool on the streets~! I've had enough, enough, enough~! And this is my prayer, I swear~! I'm as free as my hair~! I'm a free as my hair~! I am my hair~! I am my hair~!" they exclaimed. While their singing was far from perfect, their overall charisma and joy in echoing the tune was more than enough to alleviate that fact. Well, to some...
"This is crap," Katsuki muttered, earning himself another smack to the back of his head from Alice's right hand, "OW!" he yelped, glaring at her, "STRIPPER, DO YOU WANNA DIE?!" he questioned angrily as small explosions emitted from his hand.
"Bakugo, shut up!" Denki shouted, "They're getting to the good part now!" he pointed out excitedly.
"I just want to be free, I just want to be me~... And I want lots of friends that invite me to their parties~!" Eijiro kept going, smiling all the while.
"Don't wanna change, and I don't wanna be ashamed~! I'm the spirit of my hair, it's all the glory that I bare~!" Ibara screamed. She had never been this loud before. Yet her classmates were infatuated with her voice.
"She's like a literal angel..." Juzo Honenuki commented with a blush across his face.
"Y-Yeah..." Yosetsu stuttered in agreement as his face turned red. Shihai refused to even say a word, fearing that his relationship with Kinoko would be in jeopardy, but he still smiled.
"I am my hair, I'm my hair~! I am my hair, I'm hair~! I am my hair, I'm hair~! I am my hair, I'm hair~! It's all the glory that I bare~!" the pair of aspiring heroes sang delightedly, "I am my hair, I am my hair~! I am my hair, yeah~! It's all the glory that I bare~! I am my hair, I am my hair~!" they chanted. They repeated the bridge for a few more times before finally reaching the chorus. "I've had enough, this is my prayer, that I'll die livin' just as free as my hair~! I've had enough, this is my prayer, that I'll die livin' just as free as my hair~! I've had enough, I'm not a freak~! I just keep fightin' to stay cool on the streets~! I've had enough, enough, enough~! And this is my prayer, I swear~! I'm as free as my hair~! I'm a free as my hair~! I am my hair~! I am my hair~!" they sang. Practically everyone was clapping to the beat at this point. With how the song went down, the Hardening Quirk user thought it best to let his partner finish the tune.
"I'm as free as my hair~! I'm as free as my hair~! I am my hair, I am my hair~! Ooh I'm my hair, I'm my hair~..." she finished, "Ah..." she breathed out afterwards, lowering her microphone.
"WOOO!" Setsuna cheered, while a lot of the others clapped excitedly.
"That was amazing, you two!" Miles complimented.
"Yeah, real manly, Kirishima!" Tetsutetsu added with a grin.
"Thanks, you guys!" Eijiro replied as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
"Kirishima, I appreciate your encouragement to sing that song with you," Ibara said, catching his attention.
"Oh, no problem," he responded, not noticing Laura trotting over to him, "Figured something like that suited us both, so- MMMPH?!" He was interjected as the mutant suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Everyone widened their eyes in shock. Minoru's jaw dropped to the floor.
"OH COME ON!" he complained loudly. Once the brown haired girl released herself from the Hardening Quirk user, she stared into his shocked red eyes.
"Idiota," she muttered, letting go of his shirt and returning to her seat, while his face flushed a mad red.
"Okay, what just happened?" Ochaco asked, blinking in surprise.
"I think she mistook that for a confession..." Rachael whispered.
NOTE: The song here is "Hair" by Lady Gaga! This was a request via Tumblr, so be sure to put up a few if you wanna see more!
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barchiefanfiction · 6 years
Can you write a fanfiction where Archie walks in during Betty's serpent dance, and is shock. Then stomps up to the stage and carry her over his shoulder out. He gets mad at Jughead. He could possibly kiss Betty? Please? 🙄(Begging eyes)
Thanks for the prompt! It’s not exactly what you asked for, but it’s pretty close!
I Find It Hard to Tell You
AO3 // ff.net
Archie stares after the car for what feels like a lifetime.He watches as it disappears into the night, taking Veronica with it. He’s stillbarely comprehending what just happened.
It’s over, hetells himself. That’s what Veronica had meant by I’m sorry.
He clenches his jaw, feeling hollow. He wonders if anyoneinside will serve him a drink. Serpents don’t care about drinking age laws,right?
He walks back inside, and he can still hear the Mad World playing over the speakers, sohe mustn’t have been outside as long as he thought. A few seconds. That’s allit had taken for his relationship to be over.
He spots Jughead amongst the crowd and weaves his way overto him, noticing about halfway Jughead’s pained, almost guilty expression.Archie follows his friend’s line of sight to the stage. His stomach drops. Isthat Betty?
She’s dressed in nothing but some flimsy black lingerie,twirling herself around a pole. He’s stunned for a moment, his brain unable to amalgamatethe Betty he’s seeing now with the Betty he knows. His shock only lasts amoment, before it turns to confusion. Whyisn’t anyone doing anything?
He can’t see Alice anywhere, so he strides over to Jughead.
“What are you doing?” he hisses, his confusion quicklymaking way for anger.
“Watching my girlfriend completely degrade herself for mysake,” Jughead snorts.
“Why aren’t you doing anything?” Archie says. Jughead looksat Archie angrily.
“You think I asked her to do this?”
Archie gives Jughead a look of pure disgust, shaking hishead, before charging through the crowd towards the stage, slamming intoseveral Serpents on his way. If Jughead isn’t going to stop her, he’ll do ithimself.
He hoists himself onto the stage, not bothering with thestairs, and stands in front of Betty, blocking her from view of the crowd. Theystart booing him, but he pays them no mind.
“What are you doing?” she hisses at him, stopping her dance.
“What are you doing?”he returns.
“I’m doing this for Jughead,” she tells him. “Now move, thesong isn’t over.”
“No way! Betty, it’s one thing to take your clothes off foryour boyfriend. But this is a room full of strangers! Most of which are creepymen twice your age!” he says urgently. Betty’s expression changes from one of defianceto one of doubt, as if the reality of the situation has only just hit her. Shebites her lip, and Archie feels a surge of protectiveness. He has to get heroff this stage, now.
“Come on,” he says, and she lets him lead her off the stage.He scoops to pick up her clothes on the way. He keeps his hand on her back ashe leads her to a secluded corner where she can dress privately. He’s stillangry, but he doesn’t want to take it out on her, so he keeps his mouth shut,keeping his eyes averted while she puts her clothes back on shakily. Jughead joinsthem a second later. Archie feels a surge of resentment towards him. He’s supposedto keep Betty safe, not subject herto the leering eyes of a bunch of perverted criminals.
“I need to talk to Betty,” Jughead says.
“How could you let this happen?” Archie snaps, and Jugheadflinches before his face hardens.
“What’s your problem, man?” Jughead bites back.
“My problem is that you keep putting Betty in dangeroussituations. I trusted you—”
“You trusted me? You trusted me with her? Is that what youwere going to say?” Jughead accuses. “Like I was just keeping her safe for you untilyou were ready to come back and get her for yourself?”
“No, of course not!” Archie says. “She’s not some piece ofproperty.”
“I know that! And I’m fully aware of the danger she’s inbecause of me. Which is why I need to talk to her,” Jughead says, less angrynow.
“Can both of you stop acting like I’m not here?” Bettysnaps.
“Betty, can we talk? Outside?” Jughead says. Betty nods, andJughead gives Archie a regretful look as he heads for the exit, Betty behindhim. Archie runs his hand over his face. He tries to calm his racing heart. Thewhole situation has him riled up. Today it’s a pole dance, tomorrow, who knowswhat it could be. Niggling thoughts that he’s tried to squash for months nowcome bubbling to the surface. Jughead isn’tgood for Betty. He’s not right forher. He’s not good enough for her.
Archie would never have let this happen to her. If he was herboyfriend, there is no way she would have convinced herself giving a striptease to a room full of strangers would please him. And within these thoughts,Archie manages to spot the bottom line.
If he was herboyfriend. He swallows. He wonders what Jughead is saying to her. Unable tokeep himself away any longer, he follows them outside, just in time to seeJughead walking away from Betty, back towards the Whyte Wyrm. He doesn’t pausewhen he reaches Archie.
“You don’t have to worry anymore,” Jughead mutters as he passes.
Archie goes to Betty’s side. Her eyes are red and puffy,tears still streaming down her face.
“He broke up with me, Arch,” she whispers. Archieimmediately pulls her into his arms.
“Hey,” he whispers. “It’s going to be alright,” he promises.He presses a kiss to the top of her head. “We’re both going to be alright.”
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 149: A Very Frosty Christmas
It looked like a paper chain explosion in here, there was a garden gnome painted solid gold with a tu-tu on top of the tree, and a very annoying song was blasting from a radio, but they all fought back a sob of relief to find themselves in the Burrow's living room. Nothing had nearly tried to kill Harry here!
Most of them landed on the many available couches and chairs, Regulus had smacked against the frost covered window, Remus had nearly landed in the lit fire. Lily was misfortunate enough to nearly have said tree wobble dangerously and nearly crash down on her until Potter was there, supporting its massive weight and getting many decorations in his face as she fell the rest of the way to the floor in exhaustion.
Madam Pomfrey would normally have them all on half a dozen potions to revitalize their energy and doing hourly check ups to make sure there were no ill side effects as well as feeding three square meals a day and making absolutely sure they were getting their rest with zero strenuous activity; getting flung around the universe was the opposite of what all of them needed right now.
Alice rushed over and helped Lily back to her feet as James finished straightening up the tree, trying to guide her towards the kitchen and up the stairs for the rooms, but Lily stubbornly dug in her heels and looked up. The book was resting near the top, it hadn't fallen out of the branches.
"We need to take a break hun," Alice pleaded just as much for her own sanity as her friends.
"I know," she promised, "I don't want to finish, I do not want to leave here yet. Just down to the last few paragraphs...just in case." She visibly exhaled, breathing really was a luxury she didn't indulge in enough.
"Ah," James nodded in understanding, and no one was going to deny her paranoia right now. He jumped without further ado, snatching the silver spine where the little green six was almost invisible amongst the fir needles, but wobbled as he landed and leaned against the tree for support now.
She watched with a heavy heart, had she not managed to heal the rest of his leg?
Shaking it off like nothing had happened, he flipped over the couch and landed next to Sirius, who was still sprawled from his original landing half off as he watched his little brother shake his hair back into place like looking at a photo of himself doing it, one mum and dad would never dream of taking after what he'd just done...Merlin he'd never respected that kid more than right now.
"A Very Frosty Christmas!" Prongs said with all the cheerfulness in the world for the dreary title.
Alice whispered for anyone, "would someone at least like something to eat then? Helps not to sleep on an empty stomach."
"Darling come sit down," Frank pleaded, especially when Lily visibly grimaced and rubbed at her stomach. She still waited until Lily curled up in the warmest chair by the fire and watched maternally as Regulus stumbled to the nearest couch, barely sitting on the edge before going to Frank's arms and listening as Harry recanted to Ron what he'd heard.
At least nothing too memorable in the following bit happened, just some normal Christmas cheer, the Marauders were even too exhausted to react to the fun idea of throwing knives at each other! Even Lupin making another friendly appearance felt like a pleasant thing, at first.
It didn't remain that way when Remus began defending Snape!
James looked up wearily from the book to his Moony sitting on the hearth, his somber look as he gazed into the flickering embers and twiddling with his wand to lower the music from moments ago replaced with one of pure loathing at all Snivilus had done to Harry and Sirius in this future, even Remus himself to some degree. The explanation, that all it had taken was Dumbledore's word and some potion would have sounded pathetic to him if it came from anyone else in the world but one of his best friends, who no longer had anyone in this future.
"Was that all it took to win you over?" Sirius asked, trying very hard not to frown at Moony but instead put in another joke. "All those Animagus years for nothing, just had to get you a bloody potion!"
"Don't say that Padfoot," was all Remus had in him to whisper, clamping his hands so tight in front of him he looked as if he were trying to stop from strangling something, like himself. Sirius and James had always been there for him when it mattered, he must have gone barmy without them!
Sirius finally sat up proper from his wonky position on the couch and kept watching in greater concern as Harry changed the subject by asking what he'd been out doing this whole time.
The answer made said werewolf jump to his feet and watch the book like his pants had been set on fire. "I'm what!" He'd never even met another of his kind, and he was out there living with them! He'd infiltrated and been living with other werewolves?! For how long!? This entire time, away from Sirius and Harry and everyone, all because Dumbledore had told him to?!
Sirius got up uneasily and went to his side, but Remus' angry words from before stopped him from doing anything. 'Privacy' he reminded himself, but it killed him to just stand here and do nothing as Moony watched Prongs read like it was his eulogy in the following deadly silence.
The story proceeded like he was being drowned and set on fire all at once, there was no air in here. He felt more immensely hot and uncomfortable in his skin than any transformation he'd yet suffered. His father had offended the worst of them all and Remus had paid the price. Now he was working under Greyback to try and convince others they had a chance at a decent life when he clearly wasn't even living that.
James couldn't take it anymore, he'd apologize to Evans later. He slammed the book shut and threw it with deadly accuracy, watching it sail out the window into the snow beyond like that would somehow dispel what he was watching his friend go through once more.
"You didn't know?" Alice easily deduced, watching the child in that photo scream as a monster made its minion in real life on his face.
He shook his head slowly in answer and then went outside into the cold December night, slamming the door behind him, the rest of the loose glass fell from the window.
Sirius bolted after him before the first snowflake had even fluttered in, dogging his path and assuring himself when Remus didn't turn around and yell at him to leave he'd done alright this time, he hadn't said or done anything in front of the others so this should be okay, even if it had been just as awful to see Moony like that as it had been Evans. He knew exactly how useless Prongs felt now. It didn't feel right to have done so though, not when Remus had so clearly needed...
He'd barely rounded the low garden wall before he finally whirled around and watched Sirius approach him. The weary look on Padfoot's face peaked his anger at himself, he really was destined to screw up every part of his life from the moment he'd been bitten. He just wanted the noise in his head to stop!
Remus' fingers were already like ice as he reached out and cupped his face, tears of anger or fear Sirius didn't know were frozen in place as he leaned in. He kissed him back with all the warmth in him even as he was pressed into a frozen branch and felt the icicles in his hair.
Moony pulled back still breathing in his face, the wild look only just abated as he spat, "Greyback! I have spent half my life pitying sodding Fenrir Greyback! I'm, what, supposed to be some sort of- no wonder my dad never lets me around anyone! Dumbledore's always kept an eye on me, it's a miracle that mutt hasn't come for me yet! Merlin Sirius, I don't know what to do, I don't want to- I can't-"
It wasn't just a nameless, faceless other like him to feel sorrow for on some accident. He was a pawn in a game he didn't even know was being played!
"You're not going anywhere Remus," Sirius stated, holding his hands in place, despite the fact they still seemed to be getting colder. He was trembling so hard it wouldn't surprise Sirius if he did transform.
"It was bad enough before!" His hot breath on his face was the only alive part of him, the rest of him was still glacially reacting, even he didn't seem to know if he was more afraid of this sudden development or angry at it. "I don't even want to go back anymore Sirius! I know we keep almost dying and shit, but I don't okay! Back there it'll, it'll be-" and he leaned in and kissed him again like he thought it would be his last.
His hands were in that long dark hair he loved so much, if he was hurting Sirius with as feverishly as he pressed into him Padfoot never tried to stop him, only pulled him in closer.
He'd stormed out here with a mad idea of being able to get far enough away he'd travel back in time enough to transform, wishing for it for the first time in his life just to get out of the screams of his youth that echoed in his head. The curse Greyback had set upon him would be the downfall of that monstrosity, he'd never change back until he returned the favor in kind and ripped his throat out!
Not with Sirius along though, he'd never risk having Padfoot in that fight, he would get himself killed. It was a simple fact in his mind then, to keep him pinned like this instead.
Nothing lasts forever.
When the anger was spent and the two watched each other to see what would happen next, Remus begged of him the only thing he could ask in this mess. "Sirius, please- please don't tell James about this," his voice was stuttering, but not from cold. If Padfoot told James, then the dream would be shattered, he couldn't just go back to pretending this would all be okay anymore. If James knew, if anyone else knew, Remus would have to wake up to the reality of this horrible future pressing him from all sides. A secret only worked so long as you didn't have to look at what was being hidden.
Sirius watched him for a long time with such sorrow in his eyes, for him he knew. He just wanted to help. He reached up and touched his neck, but Remus took it in both of his hands.
"I don't understand. Privacy, I know, I really am trying to get it, but- " Sirius sighed, watching Remus crush his hand in both of his and still not pulling away even as miserable as it was clearly making him when he agreed. "I won't tell, but I wish you would Remus, I really do."
The fright stayed at bay, only frozen for now, but he had no delusions that would last this time. Winter came and went like everything, and he'd melt into a puddle without them. He didn't know what to do though, he felt trapped. He never should have indulged this, but it was too late for that! He probably would have exploded long ago if he hadn't had this now.
If he tried pulling back, Sirius noticed and only started asking questions. If he admitted his crush now and Sirius didn't reciprocate in any meaningful way, who knew how awkward and distant he'd get. They'd still be friends, he knew they'd never abandon him for full moons at the very minimum, but like Sirius was only half-heartedly trying with Peter now, and he couldn't live with that!
It might even be better when they got back to school, Sirius would get distracted and maybe Remus could just go back to pretending like this never happened...if he was very, very non observant about where Sirius went with others ever again, and maybe tried seeing other people a bit more...or even kept himself busy hunting down Greyback...the distance would just become natural then. Like all unreciprocated feelings...
Instead he said nothing and just nodded, like he was conveying as much as he could right now he'd get there. He just didn't know where 'there' was. He released Sirius' hand, but Sirius just pulled him back into a hug, not saying a word as Remus buried his face in his neck like he could hide in his hair forever.
Eventually though Moony's shaking got so bad Sirius pleaded in his ear for them to go back inside, which Remus mercifully nodded to. The book had not resumed thankfully, and as Sirius peeked out first he even still saw it sitting right there in the snow. Holding his breath in hope, they crossed back over the threshold in relief to see the others asleep.
There were only three in front of the warm fire. Alice and Frank had gone off to Arthur and Molly's room, Lily to sleep in Percy's, and the other boys to pile around on the many available couches and chairs in here.
James watched Peter and Regulus curl up with many available throw blankets on the couches, but watched Sirius' little brother flip his hair around as he got comfortable and pat down the fluffy arm into a comfortable sort of pillow in mild fascination. It was the opposite of Sirius, who could fall asleep in any position on any surface. James whispered something he knew he'd owed the kid back in the other room. "Thanks, for Evans."
Regulus watched him for a few moments before actually shrugging, like he hadn't started this whole thing wishing them all dead. James couldn't even make the joke he'd done it for his own survival of getting out of here, that had been no self preservation, there had been no mistaking the look on his face. "It's what anyone would have done," he said simply enough as he laid out, like he was pretending he wouldn't be booted from his home for saying such a thing. Was he really that far in denial of how the rest of his lineage was? He was asleep before Peter's soft, self deprecating little noise even registered.
"I know Wormtail," James promised. "I hate myself for not reacting better that time too. What would we have done if we all thought of that though, huh? Started wrestling over the bezoar, maybe accidentally swallowed it ourselves?"
Peter gave a soft little laugh just like he always did, but James could hear how forced it was.
"You ever tell anyone it was you who saved us from the basilisk?" James asked curiously, which was a fat lot more good than he'd ever done.
"Like that's some great thing, being bait," Peter shot back quietly. "About as useful as keeping Moony distracted while you get him off. No, Prongs, I don't think anyone's wanted to remember that giant snake long enough to know or care that detail."
"Don't sell yourself so short mate," he scolded as he kept his eyes on the door but stayed in his own chair upright. "We all need to stay on our toes, and you can get us out of a few scrums the rest of us can't."
Peter didn't entirely agree, getting out wasn't the same as being useful, why Regulus was asking him instead of Sirius about that animagus stuff still boggled his mind. Even as on the outs with his brother as he was, it was unbearably obvious who was still the better at magic, even James had unconsciously known the same even if he was nicer about it. He whispered his thanks to Prongs anyways and fell asleep too.
James removed his glasses but only fought off his itching eyes long enough to see them heading back through the repaired window and slip inside. Sirius grabbed the last few available blankets and whispered something in Remus' ear.
Remus couldn't have protested the offer, not now, as Padfoot cocooned the blanket around them both, while Sirius sat against the warm hearth. His head rested on the inside of Sirius' thigh as he shivered and didn't fight back a sob anymore. Sirius just ran his hand gently up and down his back all night while the snow piled into the repaired windows.
He'd kept telling daddy all week there was a monster looking down through his window, but Lyall would just sleepily give his son a kiss and turn another light on for him as he went back to bed. There were three now plus the one in the hall, but there were still shadowy corners in his room. The darkness moved and crept slowly into a shape. Not quite human, and not quite animal, naked in the bare light of the full moon, skin twitching in anticipation and pleasure as the monster licked his lips, the sores and blood caked into every crease of his hairy face. Remus screamed but the cracking bones drowned him out-
He groaned softly as the arms held him and whispered in his ear before easing off. He didn't know what was said, but he believed it.
The bite did not come, two distinct shapes fought the animal off, back away from him... but there was something wet, dripping on him, blood?
Drip. Drip.
Cracking one blurry eye open, he found himself hugging a pillow on the floor in a cocoon of blankets that still felt warm, but James' smug expression was hovering over him, and his heart thudded in confusion as another warm plop fell on his nose.
"Up and attem Moony! You know I'll sit on you if you don't."
"Why do I put up with you?" He groaned, rolling over and burying his face into the pillow. The next drip hit the back of his neck and he moaned, moving one hand sluggishly to brush at the slightly sticky feeling.
"You mean besides my charms, good looks, and masterful Quidditch skills?" He asked, before continuing said threat and sitting on his back.
Remus groaned louder and muffled a cry for help that went ignored, there was only a slight lull in voices not too far off in the background and a barking laugh. "You're awful at Charms, your hair is a laughing stock, and your humbleness could topple mountains!" He shot back as he tried to wiggle out.
"At least you know not to diss the important details," James nodded in approval as he got up, now offering him a hand.
Remus took it with still scrunched up eyes, finally seeing in his other hand a warm glass of eggnog he was no longer trying to torture him with. His eyes blinked fuzzily for a moment in confusion though as he saw what he had on.
"Got you a present!" James crowed, throwing a partially wrapped gift his face caught.
"Stealing Weasley sweaters now? Have you no shame?" He asked warmly as he unwrapped the maroon one and shrugged it on, it even fit rather well.
"None whatsoever. I told Sirius that would fit," James grinned, "bean pool you two are."
"Unlike yours," he chuckled. The bright pink material was stretched tightly over his shoulders, his arms looked like he'd tapped bits of wood on they were so stiff and wouldn't bend right, the edge would not quite reach his waist as it should. The golden G was stretched comically into something closer to a Q.
"Evans won't be able to keep her eyes off of me!" He said grandly, before wincing a bit and finally dropping some of the enthusiasm. He'd done this as planned, Moony was smiling at the sight of the absurdity. Sirius had certainly been all for it when he'd woken up and seen him still hovering over Remus like he hadn't slept at all. What had come out of his mouth had been pure autopilot and hadn't even occurred to him until now.
"She's alright Prongs," Remus said at once. "I know she'd never hold it against you, nobody saw that coming."
"Yeah," he muttered, watching the door to the noisy kitchen still for several moments before swallowing and making a very painful smile, "first time that woman's ever flirted with me and I get her poisoned. Think that's the cosmic universe telling me to drop it?"
"You did no such thing," Remus said firmly now, sighing in relief when James dragged his eyes back to him. "If Sirius and I had drank that in Slughorn's room, we'd have been dead before anyone even knew what happened. You probably saved all of our lives by being a nosy git Prongs."
He'd winced for the blunt statement, but gave himself a firm shake and a real smile again. "Stop distracting me Moony!" He scolded with a fond clap on the shoulder that made a tear appear under his armpit and steering him towards the others now. "Alice is making a feast in there, and she's threatened if we don't all help, we starve."
"That woman wouldn't let Snape go hungry," he scoffed.
"I wouldn't test her," James chuckled, "she's already at her limit trying to convince Sirius to lift a wand."
"Poor thing has no idea what she's getting herself into," Remus said in genuine pity. Padfoot would eat a meal of grubs before he admitted he had no idea how to do any house-hold spells.
They entered to see she'd found a compromise though. He looked exhausted, but he was utterly delighted to be smashing parsnips the Muggle way and trying not to get any on his blue sweater, also with a golden G imprinted on it that was far too large around the shoulders and bagged under his arms, leaving him having to concentrate with effort. He was doing a remarkably poor job of that and making a great mess.
Peter and Regulus were sitting across from him casually enough with no clear tension in the air as Regulus guided his wand carefully to knead some dough and Peter was cutting up vegetables the Muggle way, stopping occasionally to use a silver sweater as a dishrag, the glint of the golden P on it flashing in and out of focus. Remus' heart twinged why Molly had still bothered for the prat before eagerly jumping in to help, offering to make dessert.
They ate in alternating comfortable quiet and soft mutters. The shock of 'yesterday' still felt heavy in the room, and Sirius cleaned his third plate in record time and could not take any more silence right now. He looked up with every intention of making a joke at Prongs, only for his eyes to land on Evans.
She was running her finger over the rim of her still full drink, a mountain of uneaten food on her plate with barely a bite touched. Alice kept shooting her worried looks and even reached over past Frank at one point to teasingly steal a bit of turkey. Lily had laughed and tried to keep eating, but it was clear her stomach nor heart was really in it.
Sirius slugged back the rest of his own drink, refilled it, and then set it in front of her with a very teasing, "don't worry, I didn't spike it."
She grimaced and felt herself turn a little green around the edges, but sighed when she saw him wince. She knew he'd been trying to make her laugh, but she still felt tender on the inside even looking at the food, let alone anything liquid again.
Frank glowered at him and opened his mouth to say something at her side, even taking his arm off the back of Alice's chair to straighten up, but his girlfriend brushed her nails along his spine in a silent urge to wait. Sirius was trying to help, in his way, and she really hoped it worked as their patient silence hadn't.
Sirius reached over and plucked it away again with a cheerful, "oh I know! You're the Queen of the Slug Club, so you need a royal tester first! How could I forget?" He took a noisy slurp, making sure to let some run down his chin so there's no way he could fake it before setting down the now half empty glass in front of her, and smiled. It softened his features so much it was remarkable.
"As if I want to drink your backwash," she half-heartedly scolded, but Sirius smiled wider to see she'd lost the nauseous look at least as she stared back.
He tipped his feet up on the table and rocked for a few moments as he kept eyeing her, before grinning with that mischievous look she used to loath so much. He let himself fall back to all fours then and leaned in conspiratorially now, "bet you a shot of it I can make Peter laugh with just one word."
Evans pursed up her lips, but he'd guessed right. She could not resist a challenge. Guess she was a bit like Prongs. "Alright," she finally agreed.
Sirius was grinning in triumph already as he turned with maddening timing, Wormtail had just started taking a sip of his own drink as Sirius shouted, "Spoons!"
The poor guy coughed and spluttered half his drink out his nose and down his front, the rest of the glass ruined the sweater. Even as Regulus thumped him on the back and offered him napkins with a disgruntled look, it was clear to all Peter was laughing mirthlessly.
"Padfoot!" He moaned while rubbing at his face. "You swore you'd stop doing that!"
"Eggnog was not in the terms of our agreement!" He happily barked back.
"Add it to the list you arse!" He snickered.
Lily cursed softly, she should have known better, but turned back to him very curiously, "you swear that's not some old hex on him?"
"On my wand," he said at once, crossing his heart. "Marauders swear!"
"Then what's the joke?" She finally asked with a bit of a giggle.
"Uh uh, pay up first," he tapped the drink. "The story's worth another shot."
She sighed, swallowed her sense of disgust for the feeling of anything going down her throat again, and picked up the glass while meeting his eyes. Fighting back a gag, she threw it in her mouth, forced the rich flavor to sit on her tongue for a visible moment, and down the hatch it went. She exhaled and tried not to look at anybody as the tension began easing out of the room, she really hadn't thought the others noticed.
"Atta girl," he beamed. "Round two?"
"Yes, alright," she agreed at once this time.
Sirius threw his shoulders back with pride as he took off, "okay, so Christmas time last year right? We were still working on our Animagus bits, and Prongs here got his antlers stuck on his head, happened all the time, but we had Quidditch practice and he was trying really hard to get them back away. Wormtail though got the bright idea to dare challenge me to try decorating them in the meantime! I couldn't let that stand!"
"He's being literal," James nodded with a resigned sigh. "I think he'd explode otherwise." He paused with an odd look on his face, but Sirius grinned at him as always for the add in, nothing like extra details to make a story!
"So we start running around the room grabbing everything we could to put on him, socks and shit, Pete starts jabbing old homework assignments on him like mock papier-mâché while James is cursing us blue in the face, but I grabbed up," he paused for dramatic effect. They were all smiling in anticipation now. "A spoon! So, couldn't just chuck it, that wouldn't be any fun-"
"Oh the horrors," James interrupted lightly, crossing his arms and making a visible tear line on both sleeves which he didn't even seem to notice.
"And I couldn't magic it on, that would be cheating!"
"Something he's never done on his life," James smirked.
"So I licked it, and it actually stuck to the fuzzy bits!"
He preened in delight as the seven of them all got a laugh at that mental image. Lily obligingly sipped her drink once more, but Sirius wasn't quite done. "Peter laughed hysterically, I can't even describe it right, he pissed himself and it was glorious!"
"Did you have to add that bit," he protested back. "Two shots says I can get them all to laugh at the time you got fleas!"
Sirius spluttered in protest, but Lily shushed him and watched with delight. The game escalated, they started piling the last of the food into one bowl to make a huge mess of turkey and pudding and daring others to eat it if they laughed at the next story. James was so enthusiastic while telling about Moony meeting a centaur he ripped Ginny's sweater entirely and had to shrug on Fred's before they'd let him finish. It fit him even worse than Sirius and seemed to swallow him whole and he did not care. They all failed miserably and ate the concoction, which wasn't arguably that bad.
All full and laughing now, Remus finally gave Sirius a soft kick to get him to stop that and volunteered to go back to the book with only the barest hint of unease still in his voice. Sirius still didn't get up until after he and James did and fought the urge to put his hand on Moony's back as he went after them.
They lounged semi-comfortably once more under blankets in front of the fire, and Remus still made no real protest as he sat under the same blanket with him, backs on the wall right next to the fire while James went outside to fetch the book. Sirius had resisted the urge to throw his arm over the back of the chair half the meal as they got comfortable and been discreet with his hand on his knee, petting gently with only his finger tips. James had noticed no such thing on his other side, eyes still on Evans even as he tried to actively pretend otherwise now.
He let his hand creep gently, the thick blanket made it non-obvious he was sure, aware of every movement, but nobody was purposely looking at them. It was a miracle none of them had asked any further questions, and whether it was lingering awkwardness or pity neither of them were going to ask as Sirius put his hand gently back on his leg.
Remus made a huffy little noise, but it was that indulgent sigh he always used right before he added into their prank as he grabbed Sirius' hand, but held it this time so Sirius couldn't start up again. It had been soothing at first, but then putting ungentlemanly thoughts in his head the longer it went on, and he didn't really buy the others would let them just casually go snog out in the snow again.
Sirius gave a remorseless grin and happily interwove their fingers. Then he saw Alice and Frank doing the same thing and pulled his hand back with a quick apology, earning a bizarre look. Shit, he still had no idea what boundaries Remus was after, and he'd never spent this much time around someone after so much repeated physical intimacy. Remus bunched up the blanket around them and stretched uncomfortably, they only had moments left as Prongs came back in dusting snow off the book and himself as he leaned in and whispered, "alright?" Touching his hand to be clear, though he'd crossed his arms with an aggrieved look so he was probably an idiot for asking. It was the only comfort he could still think to offer him though.
He received a spectacular snort for his efforts and Remus actually smiling as James flipped to the chapter while he said, "yes Padfoot," perfectly normally, turning his palm to meet him with his own curious amusement.
"Just checking," he muttered as Remus shifted again, the blanket barely moving with him as he dropped his arms and held his hand under it again with a delighted smile.
He hadn't protested when Sirius did this at Hermione's place, but he'd been so annoyed back in the apothecary when he'd casually touched him then, and he was starting to get a headache keeping track of when this was and wasn't allowed. Did a door have to be closed? That's when he was most comfortable. He had not liked the way Moony had talked out in that garden, a distance he kept trying to intermittently instill between them or something else altogether, but he couldn't ask now.
Sirius burned to ask if Remus was ashamed to be with him in that way, but feared asking would only make Remus fluently deny it and pull away further, something that felt intolerable to him now.
James had reacted right before his son had spoken up, so the very first thing he read was Harry unintentionally and almost repeating one of their very many werewolf jokes, his son practically saying Moony's furry little problem, and then Professor Lupin getting a good laugh out of it. The Marauders got a particularly cheerfully snicker for that one at least.
"And nobody really questions that?" Frank finally asked in amusement. He admittedly hadn't before everything as well, but they'd been dealing with a lot.
"I know I never thought about them long enough to do so," Lily shrugged. "Far as I know, nobody in the common room thinks twice about it."
"You're not exactly the social butterfly though Evans," Sirius cheerfully reminded. She flipped him the bird, and he laughed so hard the blanket started to fall from his shoulders and he didn't even twitch to put it back up.
"Peter keeps an ear out if anyone does look twice," Remus half heartedly explained the rest.
It still wasn't comfortable to any of the four of them to be explaining this, it had been their secret for too long to feel natural, but sharing so many of their stories had helped ease that away, and nobody asked for more. Thankfully the subject was changed to a horrible dream being the last of the real unpleasantness. Then Harry woke up to presents, with Ron getting a remarkable necklace from Lavender, and what should have been a nice meal before Percy and the Minister showed up.
That did not go well, and they all shifted and grumbled unpleasantly for the Ministry still trying to use Harry as some sort of poster boy after all he'd been through last year. James finished with an ugly twist of his lips even as he cheered for his son getting the final word in.
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