#please let the dad be okay I am Incredibly worried
lordchairesq · 2 years
the menu music is really nice and relaxing, makes me kinda sleepy
wait flashback!! Oh fencing! that's where he got the sword skills from egds his hair is so fluffy!! (looks like my bedhead) I can see why he brushed off angela asking about it earlier he's adorable though
oh no no agh, excitable, extra enthusiastic characters are my weakness, game please don't do this to me … this game is Really going to hurt me
oh they're dropping info about the azran things already, a totally different ecosystem? like the golden garden? was the garden an azran thing?
young angela is also cute, asf i love this group :)
Wait, we get to see layton's parents! man I'm so used to parents only being mentioned if they died tragically or are evil (I am knocking on wood, do not kill his parents I am begging you game)
oh no
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poeticpascal · 11 months
I've Got You (Dbf!Joel Miller x Reader)
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Summary: When a date set up by your father goes wrong, your secret boyfriend and Dad's best friend races to protect you.
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: smut, 18+, MDNI, attempted sexual assault, abusive language, reader's date is a tory prick, soft!dom!Joel, blowjob, unprotected sex, use of pet names.
A/n: So... this is my first time writing smut. I am super proud of this one, so please let me know what you think! Requests are open so for more Joel/Pedro action, you know where to find me x
Dating your Dad’s best friend is hard. And stupid. Really, you have no clue why either of you thought this'd be a good idea. But you were so far down this path now, so entangled in late night meet-ups and whispered phone calls and unspoken thoughts that sounded a lot like ‘I love you’, that it was too late to turn around and steer the sinking ship of this utter mess back to shore.
More than anything, you hate not having any normalcy with him. You can’t fall straight into his arms after a hard day. You can’t cuddle into his side with a bowl of popcorn watching crappy weeknight telly. You can’t go to the store together, holding hands and making him laugh as you insist on buying a flavour of ice cream that you know he’d love. And it sucks.
Because everyone said Joel would never be one to settle down. He’s too wild, too rough to fit into a polished little box like that. And you’d thought the same. Until you fucked him, then fucked him again, and kept going back until you could see the pain in his eyes each time you left. You could practically feel the heaviness settle in his stomach as you left his bed to sneak back home. It hurts him as much as it does you, and if you weren’t so incredibly in love with him, that would’ve been enough to make you run.
Despite how long you’d kept this going now, a good 6 months at least, it never got any easier. Especially when your Dad started talking about dating. He was protective, but more than anything he wanted to see you happy. So when you suddenly became distant, hiding in your room more often and going out on dates much less, he was concerned. Nowhere near as concerned as he’d be if he found out why you were acting that way, you thought, but concerned all the same.
So when he came home one day, beaming and shouting for you to come downstairs, you thought nothing of it. When he explained there was a new apprentice at his work that he thinks you’d like, you weren’t surprised. And when he told you he’d set up a blind date with said boy, you felt sick.
Because you really couldn’t get out of it. You tried.
“Dad, I just don’t feel like dating right now.”
“Oh come on, you used to have a new date every few weeks. I’m just worried about you. Matthew's really nice, and he likes the same shitty music you do-”
“It’s good music.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I just…” he paused, his worry painted on his face, and there's no way you could’ve said no to him. “Honey, I want you to be happy. I don’t know what’s gotten into you recently” - your best friend, you thought - “but I just need to know you’re okay. So give this a go, for me, alright? And if you have an awful time, that’s it, I’ll never set you up again.”
You sighed. He was right; it’s just one night, one date. One box you have to tick to relieve the pressure that comes from having an affair with your next door neighbour, the one more than twice your age, the one your Dad would call a brother. And besides, your Dad would be working an overnight job, so you’d be spending the night at Joel’s anyway. Something to look forward to.
“Okay, yeah. I’ll go. For you.”
He pulled you in for a hug, tight, and you hugged him right back because you really do hate having to keep this from him. He pulled away, smiling - “great! It’s tonight at 7. He’ll pick you up.”
“You already arranged it?!” You near enough shrieked, but he’d already sauntered off to the kitchen, giggling as he went. 
So that’s how you ended up here, at 6:55pm, waiting by the front door for Marcus - or Michael, or something like that - to pick you up. Your phone buzzes, Joel’s name flashing on the screen, that alone making you feel that much calmer.
You’d text him as soon as you talked to your Dad, letting him know about the date. He understood, and you loved that about him; he was mature, compassionate, and he was more than secure in the fact that no matter who you talked to, who flirted with you on nights out, who you were set up with… you’d always come back to him. 
Don’t worry about tonight, baby. It’ll go quickly. I’ll leave the door unlocked for when you get back. Text me if you need picking up. J x
You smile at his initial at the end - it’s such a Dad thing to do, but it makes you happy, especially when he adds a little kiss. He only does that for you.
The sudden sound of a car door closing snaps you out of your thoughts, Joel’s text left on read as what you assume to be your date heads up the driveway. You take a deep, nervous breath, smoothing out your dress and heading to the door just in time for his knock.
You open the door, take a good look at your date, and he’s… okay. Not unattractive, per se. Though you’d come to accept a little while ago that being with Joel had soured your perception of pretty much every other guy. His dusty blonde hair is slicked back with gel, his teeth are way too white, and he’s dripped in designer clothing that just screams, “I have a trust fund.”
“Oh, hi! I’m Matthew.” Right. Matthew. “You must be (Y/N).” He leans in to peck your cheek, and all you can think about is how smooth his skin is as it grazes yours. Nothing like Joel’s coarse stubble that you love so much - especially when it leaves red patches on your cheeks, and your neck, and if you’re really lucky -
Matthew leans back a little, confused, and you’re brought out of your daydream. “Sorry, yeah, that’s me. (Y/N).” 
Well, that was awkward.
You just need to get through these next few hours, you think to yourself, smiling at the boy and letting him lead you out of the house and into his car. You can’t help but glance towards Joel’s place across the street; it looks quiet tonight, though his truck is in the driveway, and as soon as you look up you’re sure you catch the living room blinds suddenly draw shut. You smirk.
The date was going… okay. About as okay as a date you don’t want to be on, with someone you have no interest in, and another man constantly on your mind could go. You could see why your Dad liked him; smart enough, well-polished. His father was a partner in the company, you learned - oh, he’s a ‘Daddy’s credit card’ type you’d thought - and by all intents and purposes he was the sort of guy any parent would hope to see their daughter end up with.
It’s never that easy though, is it?
Because he isn’t rough around the edges like Joel. He doesn’t have his stature, or carry himself with the same brute certitude. You can’t imagine him fucking you up against the wall, working himself up until he’s almost animalistic, somehow using you and worshipping you at the same time. And you can’t see him wrapping you up so tightly afterwards, holding you close and whispering how good you were for me, how proud of you I am.
No, only Joel could do that, and that’s how you like it.
The bill comes, Matthew suggests you split it. You don’t mind. He takes out his credit card, flashing it in front of you. “This is my Dad’s. I can use it as much as I want.” He’s smirking like he’s got something to be proud of, and you really had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. Instead you just smile, before paying your share and making small talk as you head out the door and towards his car.
“So, I thought we could head back to my place.”
You freeze. Yeah, no, not gonna happen. He’s got this shit-eating grin on his face, one you knew all too well from past college boyfriends - that’s a boy who thinks he’s getting some tonight. You shudder, wrapping your arms around your waist and trying to sound sincere as you reply, “this has been lovely, but I’ve got an appointment early in the morning” - not really a lie, if staying in bed with a man over twice your age getting fucked or cuddled or both counts as an appointment - “so I’d rather just head home.”
You reach for the passenger side door, but it’s locked. You try again, pulling on the handle, but it doesn’t budge. You realise then that he’s stepped closer, too close, crowding your vision as you turn to face him while keeping one hand on the door’s handle. He leans an arm against the roof of the car, right beside your head, staring you down. 
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). I’ve got the house to myself tonight, it’ll just be us. I know that’s what you want, don’t be shy.”
His free hand pinches your chin, his touch aggressive where Joel’s is rough but careful, and he tries to close the already too-small gap between you.
You dodge him quickly, slipping out from under his arm and backing up, away from the car, away from him. Matthew just watches you, incredulous, before laughing to himself and taking a step forward. “Look, baby, I know you want this. What is it, are you scared your daddy’s gonna find out?”
“What? No, I-” you splutter, but he interrupts.
“Get in the car, (Y/N). You don’t have to worry about anyone finding out. I can see the way you look at me, I bet you’re dying to fu-”
A heavy sickness has flooded your stomach, your nerves shot from the sudden escalation of what was supposed to be a quiet, albeit tedious, night. But his words hit you, and before you can even think, you’re shouting back at him. 
“You seriously think I want to fuck you? You can’t even pay your half of the bill with your own money. Fuck that. I’ll make my own way home.”
The smug look on his face is quickly washed away with anger, and you continue to slowly step backwards as Matthew follows you. A lick of fear sets in now as the pale streetlights cast shadows on his darkened expression, and you scold yourself for opening your mouth.
“The fuck did you just say to me? Do you know who my Dad is?” - this really isn’t a good time to roll your eyes - “You think you’re too good for me, you bitch? I’ll show you.”
He stalks you, and your eyes frantically dart back to the restaurant you’d just left, though you’d backtracked far enough to be almost at the door again.
People are dining and laughing, some just sitting and watching the world go by. You’re well within their view, and you turn back to see that Matthew’s gaze has followed your own and he’s connected the dots. He can’t do anything in front of them. He locks eyes with you again, scoffing, heading back to his car and loudly shouting something that sounded a lot like “fuckin’ bitch.” Nice.
He drives away; you’re safe, out of the situation, and as the relief floods you the adrenaline does too and tears prick at your eyes. You sit on a small bench just outside the restaurant, dotted with shrubbery and stains from spilt drinks you assume, and take out your phone.
Your last chat with Joel is already open, and you breathe slowly in an attempt to still your shaking hands as you type quickly,
Please come and get me. He was trying to get me to go back with him. Wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’s gone now but I have no ride home.
The text is marked as ‘read’ almost as soon as you send it, though you receive no reply. You didn’t expect to; Joel wasn’t much of a texter. Like, at all. He was slowly getting used to it, what with it being one of the only ways you could really talk when slipping over to his place was too risky. 
In this particular instance, you already knew he’d have read the text, dropped his phone without a second thought and hurried to his truck while muttering to himself what he’s gonna do to the kid, how he won’t see what’s comin’ to him.
Just how badly Joel might react worries you. He’s protective, incredibly so when it comes to you, and that combined with his white hot temper was surely a recipe for some sort of disaster.
Secretly, though, you loved it. And so as you sat on that little bench, frosty air nipping at your skin, you couldn’t help but revel in the warmth that pooled in your core at the thought of what sort of beast Joel would become tonight.
It only takes him around 10 minutes to reach you, and you know for a fact he must’ve ran a red light or two because normally it’s a 20 minute drive at least into town. You stand, walking over to his truck, but before you can hop in he’s already storming out and wrapping you up in his arms, shielding you, eyes darting across the street.
“Where the fuck is he?”
“Joel, I-”
“(Y/N) where the fuck is he? I’m gonna kill that little bastard. Fucking-”
His body is tense, far more so than usual, and anger pours from him in buckets. You pull away to look up at him, his eyes still searching for the boy long gone, and you sigh. “He’s gone, Joel. He left.”
He finally meets your eyes, a cold frown etched on his face, and he somehow looks even angrier than usual. “Did he touch you?” His hands roam your body, searching for you didn’t know what, but you let him do whatever he needed to relax. To know you were safe.
“No, Joely, he didn’t. I’m fine, I promise.”
It usually softens him right up, your little nickname for him. Joely. The first few times you used it, he’d just scoff or roll his eyes, but the small smirk that crept onto his face each time let you know he loved it. Quite how much he loved it was a different story; you hadn’t got together then, though the both of you wanted it, and as your relationship blossomed you became the only one he ever let call him anything other than Joel.
It doesn’t work this time, though, and he remains stern, finally letting you go and searching your eyes for even a hint of anxiety or fear. “What happened?”
“He tried it on, I said no. He tried again, I backed up and made sure there were people watching,” you nod towards the restaurant, still bustling with life. “And he left.”
Joel nods. “You tell him to fuck off?”
“‘Course i did.” 
It seems as if he finally lets up then, giving you a proper hug, one arm around your neck and the other around your waist. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, hard, and the tension leaves him. “That’s my girl.”
You squeeze him tight, burrowing into his shirt and inhaling the scent of him that you loved so much. With one arm around your shoulders, he guides you back to his truck, opening the door for you and helping you. He does it everytime, but it still makes you blush, and you’re sure his lips smirk slightly as your cheeks turn red. Worth it.
The ride back to home is quiet, only the sound of his radio and passing traffic echoing between you. He keeps a hand on your knee, always protective, and every now and then you rub your palm over it to let him know you appreciate it. To say thank you.
Joel was never good with words, and you’d learned over the last few months just how much he relies on touch to express himself. To show love. You’d picked up on his habits, his little signs, his way of telling you his deepest thoughts without having to speak a word.
And when you reciprocated, when you wrapped your hand around his, or brushed his side at the neighbours’ BBQ, or kissed his shoulder in the kitchen, you knew just what it meant to him.
Your driveway is empty as Joel turns onto your street - your Dad must have set off for work already. You sigh in relief; you didn’t have the energy to explain all this to him, and certainly not the energy to try and sneak into Joel’s without him seeing.
Joel steps out first, taking a quick look around to make sure no nosey neighbours were watching, a precaution you were both used to by now. He grabs the door for you again, holding your hand and helping you out, holding you close to his side as he unlocks the door and you both slip inside.
“What do you want to drink?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
He pauses, looking at you, concerned. ”No. You need somethin’ to drink. You need to- to lie down, or somethin’.”
You follow him into the kitchen as he stalks past you, not giving you time to answer and filling a glass with water and ice. “Drink,” he hands it to you.
You take it, thanking him and sipping as he watches. It’s sweet; he cares about you, so much, and when he looks at you like this you can’t help but feel butterflies swirl in your stomach.
“I’m sorry.” It’s almost a whisper, so quiet you wouldn’t have heard if it weren’t so still already in his house.
“Hm?” You look at him, confused.
“I’m sorry he did that to you. S’not - s’not right. I mean, shit, what if you couldn’t get away?” He was spiralling.
“Hey, hey. Joel, it’s okay. I’m okay.” You set down the glass and take him in your arms. He calms, instantly, holding you tightly against him and cupping the back of your head with his hand.
“You shouldn’t have had to go through that.”
“I know.”
He sighs. “I just wanna protect you, honey.”
“I know.”
He pulls back to look at you, framing your face with his hands and running his thumbs along the edge of your cheekbones.  You lean in, letting his lips capture yours in that sweet but desperate way that only Joel can, and moan into his mouth. He slips his tongue against yours, letting one arm fall to your waist as his hand lingers around the hem of your jeans.
The kiss becomes desperate and you reach for his belt, your arousal becoming unbearable as the memory of him so full of anger and protectiveness spins in your mind like a carousel. He breaks the kiss and you groan, chasing his swollen lips with yours.
“We don’t have to do this.” His southern drawl is slick with need, his eyes closed as he rests his forehead against yours. The moment is so sweet, so intimate, that any thoughts of what had happened today were long gone and your mind was full with sweepings of him.
“I want to.”
He grunts, pushing himself further into you so his nose brushes yours like a cat. So much so, you almost purr into him, and it makes you giggle. You curse yourself as he pulls back, cocking an eyebrow and giving you that stare you’d come to know all too well; you’re a pain in my ass, it says. But the corners of his lips turn upwards, and you step forward so you’re once again pressed right up against him, pressing gentle kisses to his jaw.
“You’ve had a big shock today, sweetheart,” he sighs.
You know he’s given up. You know he needs this as much as you do. But you humour him, and tip his head down so you can kiss his lips again. 
“So make me forget.”
It snaps something within him, and you shriek as Joel sweeps you up in his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist in instinct and your head burying itself in his neck. He laughs at the sound you make, something you’d always known to be so rare for him, but that he does far more often now he has you. 
He carries you upstairs, gripping your thighs with his large hands, and the way he holds you so easily just turns you on more. He kicks his bedroom door open, all but throwing you on the bed and watching as you bounced softly on the sheets, undoing his belt that was already half-opened by your shaky hands.
“On your back. Lay your head towards me.”
You did as he said immediately, though your movements were slow, languid. He let you take your time; a part of you thinks he likes to watch you move for him, the way you put on a show, keeping your eyes locked on his and your lips slightly parted and puffy from his kiss. 
You lie on your back, your head dangling off the edge, looking up at him upside down. The hard outline of his cock is just centimetres above you, swollen already, and your desperation to taste it must’ve shown on your face because Joel groans out a soft, strangled “fuck.”
“You need this cock, baby? Need your throat fucked?” You just nod rapidly, desperate for him to do something other than just stand there and watch you, your arousal becoming unbearable. Joel seems to break, too, pulling down his jeans and boxers and gripping his hard length in his hands. 
It’s big at the best of times, but from this angle, his balls level with your eyes and his cock the only thing you can see when you look up at him, it’s painful how bad you need him.
You’d only discovered this position recently, on a night you’d spent at his place while your Dad was away with work, not unlike tonight. Joel had been floored, consumed with pleasure as the stretch of your spine made it so easy for him to slide himself through your mouth and down your throat, the muscles tensing around him and drawing his release much sooner than he’d have liked. 
He slides the head of his cock over your lips, painting them in his precum. You whine, lapping at his taste, desperate but you know better than to lift your hands off the bed. No, you give him control, and he lavishes it.
“Open up, babygirl.”
You comply, parting your lips and moaning as Joel pushes inside, giving you no time to breathe. You try to control yourself, inhaling through your nose and letting your muscles relax before he bottoms out, his groin almost entirely covering your face and your throat full of his thickness. 
It’s filthy, degrading, resigns you to nothing but his to fuck and use as he wants. 
You love it.
“Such a good girl, baby. So good for me, ain’t ya?” You can hardly even nod as your tongue flicks along a particularly swollen vein. He begins to move, pulling out almost entirely before slamming his cock back into your mouth. You moan again, and it hurts, in that delectable way that’ll spend the next few days reminding you of this moment.
Joel’s got one hand on the wooden foot of the bed, keeping himself steady. The other finds its way to your neck, and he stalls as he feels his cock beneath your skin, rapidly pushing in and out. He moans your name, his hips rocking into you harder and harder, chasing a release you knew he wouldn’t let himself have just yet. 
You’re completely at his mercy now, too consumed by his scent and his touch to think, and you hardly register him reaching for your hand and taking it in his own. He starts to mumble, and you only catch a few words - “my good girl. My girl. So- so fuckin’ pretty for me.”
He swells, your tongue working faster against him, his hand squeezing yours and his legs faltering when he suddenly pulls out and stands back with a whimper. Your eyes are glazed over, your sore throat misses him, and your pink swollen lips are trying to say something but you’re not sure what. It feels like his name.
“Come on, pretty girl, come here.” He sits beside you on the edge of the bed, wrapping his big arms around your back and guiding you into his lap. 
His fingers dance over your entrance, collecting the slick that soaked your thighs before pushing a single finger inside, revelling in your arousal. He admires you as you squirm, rolling your hips against his hand, desperate for more and moaning against his lips. 
It’s almost embarrassing how easy you unravel for him, and if it weren’t for your utter infatuation for the man, you’d have hidden your pleasure and at least tried to hold onto some sense of dignity. But you were obsessed, addicted to him, and he knew it. Because god, was he addicted to you, too.
He kisses you, letting another finger slip inside and catching your hiss with his mouth. “So fuckin’ perfect,” he mutters, opening his eyes to look at you, his cock twitching against your thigh. 
“Tell me what you need, angel.”
“Y- you, Joel. I need you. Please.” You hardly register yourself saying the words, but they do the trick, as Joel removes his fingers and instead lines the tip of his cock with your soaking wet entrance. 
“Please, please, fuck me. Fuck-” 
He snaps his hips upwards, driving his cock into your cunt and you gasp as he stretches you. You grip at his shoulders, sure to leave marks, but you know he loves it. 
He sets the pace, guiding you to bounce on his cock as his hips snap upwards again and again, fucking you so hard you can almost see stars. 
His head is buried in your neck, kissing and nipping at the delicate skin, and you try to regain some autonomy and roll your hips side to side making him mewl. 
“So - oh, fuck - so good baby, keep doin’ that.” He spurs you on as your breathless moans and the heavy slap of skin on skin fills the room, lewd but addictive.
The pace is brutal, unforgiving as your thighs tremble and you wonder if he’s feeling the burn of his movements. If he does, he doesn’t show it, just ramming into you and moaning your name against your ear. 
His hand falls from your waist and finds its way to your clit, making you gasp as he circles his thumb around the spot. The near pornographic moan that falls from his lips as you roll into his touch is nearly enough to make you cum right there, but you know better than to cum before he tells you to.
Instead he hoists you further up, giving him better control of your hips, and angles his cock so it hits that perfectly raw spot deep inside you that has tears in your eyes.
“I- I’m gonna-” 
“I know, baby. Just hold on for me. I’ve got you.” You cry at his denial, though it’s quickly forgotten as he flips you over onto your back, his head still tucked under the crook of your neck, his cock still buried inside you. He resumes his fast pace, reaching even deeper inside you with your legs locked around his waist, and you moan so loudly you worry someone’s going to hear you.
Joel doesn’t seem to care as he pulls back to look at you, marvelling at how utterly fucked-out you look for him. His pace starts to falter, each thrust more desperate than the last, and he frantically pushes his tongue into your mouth as you moan in unison.
“Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock, that’s it.” You release on command, crying out as waves of pleasure spread like fire through your body, and the uncontrollable spasms of your orgasm make Joel groan as he spills inside you, still rocking into you and carrying both of your highs.
He doesn’t let his cock slip out of you as he wraps an arm under your back and rolls onto his side, holding you close as he brushes the matted hair away from your forehead and replaces it with a soft kiss. You hum, snuggling into him and trying not to gasp at the feeling of his cock inside you while you were still so sensitive. He can see you flinch and smiles, though he just wants you to rest for now.
“You okay, babygirl?” You just hum again, but he taps your chin and you look up. 
“Answer me, angel.”
“I’m good. Tired.”
Joel nods, running his hand through your hair and agreeing, “me too.” 
You’re quiet for a moment, almost dozing off as the heat that radiates from him lulls you gently to seep, when he breaks the silence again. “What’s his name?”
“Hm?” You reply, too fucked-out to really understand what he was saying.
“That little asshole. What’s his name?”
He’s looking down at you, brows knitted together, and you just sigh. “It doesn’t matter, Joel. He doesn’t matter. I promise.”
You cut him off with a kiss, and the tension that built in his shoulders is quickly dissipated. “No ‘but’s. Get some sleep.”
“Aright,” he resigns. “I love you.”
It slips out, sudden, and he freezes before he realises the joy that’s spread across your face from his words. It’s the first time either of you have said it, and the way your eyes light up are enough to let him die a happy man. You nuzzle his nose, your hand gently lay on his chest, your eyes falling shut again. “I love you too, Joel.” He wraps you up tighter, grinning, happy. In love.. “And no asking my Dad, either.”
He scoffs, “I wasn’t going to!” You just cock a brow, eyes still shut, and though you can’t see him you know he’s rolling his eyes. “Let me get you cleaned up, sweetheart.” 
He pulls out of you slowly, making you wince at the loss, and sits up on the bed. When you can still feel his weight beside you, you crack an eye open to see him quickly typing something on his phone, and you frown. “Joel?”
He startles and drops his phone, turning to you and kissing the top of your head. “Sorry, baby, I’m going - just gimme a sec to get you a warm cloth.”
As he leaves for the bathroom you snatch his phone, already knowing what he’d done. Your Dad’s name is at the top of the screen, the chat from just moments ago still open:
What’s the name of that kid (Y/N) went out with?
Matthew Wicks, he’s the new apprentice at work. Why?
Just wondered.
You’re weird, man.
Joel creeps out of the bathroom, frozen as he sees you lock his phone. He offers a small, guilty smile, quickly wiped away as you grab his pillow and playfully launch it at his chest. 
Thank you so much for reading! As ever, comments and weblogs are so appreciated, and please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in my future fics!
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thetriumphantpanda · 10 months
Come Away With Me | Joel & Tommy Miller (Monday)
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Summary | Day One of your trip to the lake house with Joel and you can't keep your hands off each other. It's all about making up for lost time.
Warnings | Fluff, 2(3?) lovesick fools, mentions of food and alcohol, explicit smut, breeding kink, oral sex (F & M Receiving), unprotected PiV sex (We can't all have a sexy Joel Miller to make us pregnant, please wrap it up), talk of UTI's (Honestly, not worth it, PEE AFTER SEX PLEASE), as always, Tommy kinda getting cucked and Joel just being Joel.
Word Count | 5.1K
Authors Note | The love that this series has received already, without me even posting a chapter has been overwhelming and I am so grateful to you all for being so enthusiastic about this. This little trio means more to me than you can ever imagine and I'm so incredibly happy to be able to bring them back to you. I would love to know what you think about this first instalment, so please leave your comments, reblogs and my ask box is always open if you want to scream about this with me. If you enjoyed this then please consider leaving me a tip on my Ko-Fi here.
SEASON TWO OF TRIAL & ERROR. Read the first instalment here (This probably won't make sense without it.)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You press a kiss to Joshua’s forehead as he keeps his hands around Tommy’s leg. He’s four now, toddling about, like a perfect little human, and still, whenever you see him, your chest swells with happiness and love in a way you didn’t think would still be possible. 
“You be good for daddy, okay?” You smile, ruffling the hair on top of his head, before bending down to his height, opening your arms for him to fall into as he hugs you, “I’ll be back soon, I promise, and I’ll call every day.” 
A whole week away from your baby boy was daunting. You don’t think you’ve ever spent longer than twenty-four hours without him, but you know he’s in good hands. His dad knows what he’s doing, you’re not worried. 
Tommy has picked Joshua up into his arms, the little boy clutching onto the collar of his shirt as he leans down to lock his lips with yours. You smile into his kiss, letting your hands drop to his waist to pull him a little closer to you. 
“You make sure you give the old man a run for his money, okay?” He smirks when he pulls away, hand running over your hair. 
“He’ll wish he hadn’t come up with idea.” You whisper back, one last chaste kiss to Tommy’s lips and Joshua’s head. 
“You ready?” Joel asks from across the truck, sliding into the driver’s side. 
“Yeah, I’m ready.”  
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Joel is nervous. He very rarely feels like this in his older age, especially when it comes to speaking to Tommy. They’ve grown up together, he basically helped raise him, had countless awkward conversations with him, including the one that got him here in the first place, waiting patiently for his birthday so he can steal away his girl and have one night with her all to himself, but he’s still nervous. 
It's the end of summer, Sarah will be leaving for college in the next few days, dead set on becoming a doctor, so Joel’s decided the only way to celebrate his little girl going off and doing what neither he nor his brother could do, and to ease the impending loneliness he’s going to feel at having this big house all to himself, is a cookout. He’s fed everyone, spent time keeping Joshua amused so you and Tommy can eat in peace, and now, a few beers in, he thinks he’s ready. 
He walks down to Tommy, who is cleaning the grill off, listening to the sounds of you and Sarah chasing Joshua around his garden, trying to tire him out. He puts his hand on Tommy’s shoulder and squeezes and they share a smile between them. 
“You alright, brother?” Tommy asks, brushing down the last of the grill. 
“I’m good,” Joel replies simply, “But I have something to ask you, a favour.” 
“Anythin’ for you brother.” He smiles, setting down his cleaning tools and picking up his beer. 
“I know we never discussed it, between us, but what happens between me and her, it makes me happy, y’know?” 
Tommy’s smile gets bigger, and Joel knows that because it’s all his brother has ever wanted for him, to be happy, and he doesn’t think he’s ever been so grateful for the man in front of him. 
“I know second time around it’s takin’ longer than we’d all like,” Joel sighs, you’d all been trying for months for the second baby – people had told you second time around was easier, but whoever decided that was a damn liar, “I just wondered, y’know, ‘cause she’s stressed and all, whether I could take her away?” 
“Take her away?” Tommy asks, eyebrow cocked with his lips on the bottle of beer. 
“Not from you,” Joel stutters, “Just for a week, somewhere quiet, I don’t know, the lake or somethin’, just see if her relaxin’ might help things.” 
“Where were you thinkin’?” Tommy asks. 
“I’ve been lookin’ and there are some nice places up in Colorado,” He rubs the back of his neck, not wanting to admit to his brother that he’s trawled the internet late at night trying to find somewhere he can afford, that in his mind he has it all planned out, “Close enough that we can get back if anything happens with Josh.” 
“I don’t know that she’ll get the time from work, Joel,” Tommy sighs, “It ain’t that I don’t want her to go, I know she’d love the time away, but she’s pressed.” 
Joel turns around and follows Tommy’s eyeline, you’re sitting on the grass with your back against the veranda, watching as Sarah plays with Joshua a little further away. Your head is leant back against the wood and Joel can tell you’re exhausted. A full time job, plus being a mother, whilst Joel’s got Tommy working longer and longer hours so they can finally get their business off the ground properly. 
“When was the last time she was anythin’ but a mother?” Joel asks, turning back to his brother, “Come on brother,” He pleads, “We can give her a break, give her the chance to be just her again,” Then he decides to sweeten the deal, “I’ll even give you the week off work.” 
“You really don’t have to beg me Joel,” Tommy insists with a smile, “If she can get the time off work, then you can have her.” 
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You’re three hours into the drive. Joel has insisted he can make it in one go, with a few comfort breaks on the way, despite it being a twelve-hour drive, but you’re not going to argue with him. He’s well and truly in charge this week and you’re more than happy to relinquish control to him. It’s nice, having someone else worry about you, whether you’ve got enough snacks to keep you going, whether you need to stop to use the bathroom, whether you need to close your eyes and take a nap, as opposed to you worrying about doing that for your son. 
Joel is tapping his hands on the steering wheel. Sarah had made him a mixtape before she left, supposedly full of the songs they used to listen to in the car together, though you can’t imagine Joel had allowed much Taylor Swift judging by how fast he was to press skip when the familiar sounds of Teardrops On My Guitar started playing through the truck. He’s just finished singing along to Bon Jovi, a smile on his face as he looks at you. 
“I love your voice,” You smile, running your fingers lightly up the arm that is resting near you, his warm palm on your thigh as he drives, “It’s not too late y’know, to make it big with your guitar.” 
He snorts but with a smile on his face, “I was never any good at bein’ on stage, always got choked up and froze,” He turns his head to you a little, “I’m happy to just save my singin’ for you.” 
The CD he’s got playing skips to the next song and the sounds of Destiny’s Child’s Survivor start filling the car. Joel is already moving to press skip so you grip hold of his wrist. 
“Don’t you dare,” You warn, “This is such a good song.” 
“Sweetheart, come on, you don’t really wanna listen to it.” 
You chuckle at him, “You’ve listened to everything you wanted, just give me this one song.”
“If I’m lettin’ you listen to this,” He growls, “Then you’re gonna owe me.” 
“Is that right?” You play coy, “And what do you deem suitable payment for a single Destiny’s Child song?” 
You watch his face, still trained straight ahead on the highway, but with that smirk that you always love to see from him. It means he’s thinking something filthy and filthy Joel is something you simply cannot get enough of. You watch as his eyes meet yours momentarily and then drop to his lap. If you hadn’t been so focused on his face, you’d have missed it, but your eyes trail down his body where you can already see him growing in his jeans. 
You lean back in your seat, nodding to yourself, “Joel Miller, grown man, wants me to suck his cock whilst he drives, just like a horny teenager.” 
He brings a hand to the back of your neck and squeezes, trying to gently drag you forward, “I’ve waited a fuckin’ year to have you to myself, pretty girl,” He speaks lowly, “Didn’t think I was gonna wait for a bed, did you?” 
You chuckle but move to undo your seatbelt. He keeps his hand resting on the back of your neck, but it’s gentle. He doesn’t pull you towards him, just waits for you to set your own pace. You reach across the console of the truck with your hand, palming him through his jeans, reveling in the way his head tips back and he lets a long sigh fall from his lips. 
“You missed me, huh?” You tease, bringing your fingers up to the button on his jeans, you should have known he had something planned when he turned up without his belt on. 
“You seriously askin’ me if I missed you?” He asks as you pop the button and drag his zipper down slowly. 
You lean over, lips pressing a chaste kiss to the scruff on his jaw, “Boost my ego, Joel Miller,” You whisper into his ear as your hand sneaks underneath the waistband of his underwear, “Tell me how much you missed me.” 
He lifts his hips for you a little so you can shuck his jeans down just enough to pull his cock out. You lean over, Joel’s wide palm still resting at the nape of your neck as you fist him, running your hand up and down his length. If you were a stronger woman you’d tease him, but you’re as desperate for him as he is for you, so you bring your mouth right to him, swirling your tongue over his tip, lapping up the drops of pre-cum that are waiting for you. 
Your wrap your lips around him and swallow him down as far as you can take him without him hitting the back of your throat, using your hand to pump the length your mouth doesn’t reach, swirling your tongue around him as you pull your mouth back up. 
“God fuckin’ damn, babygirl,” Joel groans above you, hand tangling in your hair as you continue to bob your head up and down on him, “You’ve done this before.” 
It strikes you in this moment that in the four or so years you and Joel have been together like this, he’s never once let you put your mouth on him like this. Before Joshua, he had always been hyper focused on your pleasure, whether you felt good, and in the years since, in those few short hours you had together, he’d never once asked for it, had stopped you when you tried, he’d only ever come for you when he was fucking you. 
You sneak your hand lower, cupping his heavy balls in the palm of your hand as you take him further down your throat. The added sensation of your hand has him bucking his hips up into your mouth enough that you have to pull away from him, coughing and spluttering. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” He worries, taking his hand from your head, “Are you okay?” 
“Focus on the road, Miller,” You demand, moving to get right back down to business, “If I choke to death on your cock that’s my business.” 
“Kinda hard to focus on the road when I’m seconds away from filling your mouth, pretty girl.” You can hear the strain in his voice as you start working his cock again, pulling off only long enough to reply. 
“That’s what I want,” You whisper, “You gonna come down my throat Joel?” 
“That what you want?” He grunts from above you. 
“Wanna taste you.” 
“Well pretty girl, you just keep goin’ and I’ll give you what you want.” 
He stays true to his word, and after a few short minutes, he’s gripping a fistful of your hair, breathing your name out, as his cum spreads across your tongue. Salty, masculine, musky, but distinctly Joel, and you think from this moment on you might be hooked on the taste of him. 
You pull back up, sitting back in your seat, Joel turning his head to watch you as you open your mouth, sticking your tongue out just enough to show him what he’s given you. Then, you close your mouth and swallow every last drop, wiping the small amount that had gathered in the corner of your lips back into your mouth.
“Jesus,” Joel breathes, “You’re somethin’ else, baby.” 
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It’s late evening by the time you and Joel arrive at the lake house. It’s dark so you can’t properly take in your surroundings, but it’s peaceful and quiet, and when you step out of the truck, it smells different. The smell of pine and fresh water fills your senses and it’s at this moment you realise you really needed this – a break away from the suburbs and the city you’re so used to. 
You make a simple dinner of chicken and roasted vegetables, washed down with lukewarm beer that hadn’t had a chance to properly chill. Joel insists on doing the dishes, silently cursing he didn’t pick a cabin with a dishwasher. The more time he has to spend washing up, the less time he can spend buried deep inside you, which is what he wants most right now. He’s hungrier for you than he’s ever been, you having refused his offer to pull off the highway so he could return the favour earlier. 
You’ve taken two fresh beers from the fridge outside with you. He can see you sitting on the small swing seat on the porch, taking small sips of your drink as you wait for him. You’re on the phone to Tommy, letting him know you arrived safely and then he can hear your voice change as you speak to Joshua – more high-pitched than normal. The conversation doesn’t last long, Tommy clearly needing to put Joshua down to sleep, so you’re hanging up the phone in no time. He notices you shiver through the window, so he digs out one of his flannels from his bag that hasn’t made it to the bedroom and takes it out with him, draping it across your shoulders. He takes a seat next to you, his thigh touching yours, as you hand him his beer. 
“I bet this view will be beautiful tomorrow.” You muse, taking another sip of your drink. 
“I don’t know,” He speaks back softly, looking at you, “It’s pretty perfect to me already.” 
You can feel your face grow hot at the compliment, but you smile. Joel drapes his arm across the back of the bench, and you automatically shuffle in closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder as his hand trails up and down your arm. 
“So, how have you really been in that house without Sarah these past few weeks?” You ask, hand coming to rest on his thigh. 
“It’s been strange,” He answers honestly, “But I’m so proud of her, my little girl training to be a doctor.” 
Your heart swells because you’re pretty fucking proud of her as well. She’d worked so hard to get into medical school the past few years, finally settling on what it was that she wanted to do, and you have no doubt that she’s going to find some incredible medical breakthrough during her career. 
“Still don’t know where she got her brains from,” He grumbles, “Sure as hell ain’t from the side me and Tommy got ours.” 
You swat your hand to his thigh, “What have I told you about being kind to yourself?” You chastise, earning a low laugh from him, “Don’t sell yourself short, you started your own business Joel, not everyone can do that.” 
He nods, but you think it’s more to placate you than understanding his worth, but you decide to let it lie, “You know, she’s not far from here,” You offer, “If you wanted, you could go and see her.” 
“I’d like that,” He smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “I’ll call her tomorrow, gonna have to think of a white lie as to why I’m all the way out here though.” 
“I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can think of something.” 
It’s silent for a while between you. Listening to the wind rustle the leaves on the trees is soothing. Pair that with Joel’s gentle tracing up and down your arm, and the way he’s slowly rocking the swing with his foot on the ground, and you’re almost ready to fall asleep. 
“Hey Joel,” You whisper, leaning your head up towards him, he answers with a hum of acknowledgement, “You wanna take me to bed?” 
He leans down, pressing his lips softly to your own, “I thought you’d never ask.” 
You stand, extending your hand to his, which he takes, letting you lead him back inside. Because he’s used to it, the routine of checking the locks at home, he makes sure he double checks all the doors are locked before letting you take hold of his hand again and lead him down the small hallway, into the master bedroom at the end. 
The bed is huge, white sheets resting on top, with plump pillows at the end. If it wasn’t for Joel’s hands on your hips and his lips on your neck, you’d be focused on falling into it and going straight to sleep. He’s walking you forward, trailing wet kisses down the expanse of your neck, then he turns you once your knees hit the foot of the bed. 
He brings his palms to your face, cradling it in his hands as he leans down, pressing those soft, plush lips to your own. You bring your arms to wrap around his shoulders, pressing yourself up on your tiptoes as his arms wrap around your waist, pulling your body flush to his broad frame as he opens his mouth, tongue licking into your own mouth as he deepens your kiss. It’s the first time he’s kissed you since last year, both of you having some form of silent agreement with each other that Tommy doesn’t need to see that. He see’s everything else you do when you’re together, when he’s watching his brother fill you up, this here, when Joel kisses the very breath from your lungs, this is just for the two of you. 
With his mouth still latched to yours, he uses his hands to push his flannel from your shoulders, before he reaches down and tugs your own shirt from where it was tucked into your jeans. He takes his time, unbuttoning it one notch at a time, until that too is pushed from your shoulders. You don’t even realise he’s undone the button on your jeans until he’s pushing them down your hips – too focused on the way his mouth tastes. 
“Sit down, pretty girl,” He whispers, dropping to his knees, “Been drivin’ me wild all day,” His hands trail up your legs, parting them in front of his face when you perch on the edge of the bed, “Thinkin’ about you all wet down here, after you sucked my cock.” 
He runs his thumb over the front of your panties, tracing the seam of your pussy, which has indeed been completely soaked for him since you sucked him off. He presses his mouth, wet and hot, against the delicate skin of your thigh as you let your head drop back and a sigh to escape your mouth. His mouth comes to rest between the crook of your thigh, where the seam of your underwear is, and you think he might just pull them to the side and give you what you want, but instead, he starts a trail of kisses from the opposite knee, moving slowly up your other thigh until you’re squirming for him. 
“Don’t tease me,” You beg, running a hand through the curls on his head, “Make me feel good, Joel.” 
“This what you want, pretty girl?” He asks, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, dragging them off you when you lift yourself off the bed a little, “Want my mouth here?” 
His thumb runs up the seam of your pussy, the friction without the barrier of your panties delicious now. You spread your legs for him, heels resting on the bottom of the bed, baring your spread, aching cunt for him. His palms are resting on the inner part of your thighs now as he leans in, lips pressing a single chaste kiss to your clit. 
“Fuck,” You breathe out, chasing the feel of his lips as he pulls away, you almost whine until you feel him push one of his delightfully thick fingers straight into your weeping pussy, “Fuck Joel, holy shit.” 
He’s grinning up at you like the devil when you look down, pulling his finger out all the way before slipping it into his mouth to clean it off, “You been this wet all day?” He asks, thumb moving to gather the slick at your entrance to drag to your clit, moving in featherlight movements. 
“Y-yes,” You manage to choke out, “This is what you do to me.” 
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he puts his face right back where you want it, tongue licking a firm, wide strip from your weeping hole and up to your clit, using the tip of his tongue to place precise flicks on your swollen bundle of nerves. He’s so fucking good with his mouth it actually hurts. He’s managed to learn exactly how you like it, what combination of moves with his mouth and the addition of his fingers bring you over the edge the fastest and that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. He slips two of his fingers back inside you, curling them straight up into that spot within you that makes you cry, lips sucking your clit into his mouth whilst his tongue still moves perfectly across you. 
“God fucking damn it, Joel,” You cry, fingers tugging at his hair as you push your pussy closer to his face, “Gonna make me come.” 
He doesn’t bother to pull his mouth away from you to tell you it’s okay like he usually does, just continues the movements just as they are until your crying his name out, the rope that was pulled taught inside you snapping as your pussy clenches around Joel’s fingers and you come so hard your vision blacks out for a moment.
You collapse down onto the bed, arms no longer able to hold you up as Joel takes his mouth from your clit, gently pulling his fingers from you. Without needing to be asked, you scoot up the bed, letting air fill your lungs. Your eyes are trained on Joel as he starts to undress in front of you, smirking at you when he drags his shirt over his head. 
“You should charge people for this,” You mumble, “Sure a lot of ladies would pay good money to watch you strip.” 
“Like this?” He chuckles, slowly undoing the button of his jeans, dragging the zipper down painfully slow as you start humming, encouraging him to really put on a show, “Zip it.” He laughs, pushing his jeans down his legs, his cock hard and pressing against the thin material of his boxers. 
He shucks them off his body as well and you watch, captivated as he fists his cock, he is, next to his brother, one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Joel Miller,” You breathe out as he clambers onto the bed, pulling you up slightly so he can take your bra off, “Do you know that?” 
His mouth is pressing kisses between your breasts, letting his teeth nibble small marks across your chest before he takes one of your nipples in his mouth. You can feel his cock pressing between your folds, running up and down your pussy as he settles properly between your thighs. You run your hand through his hair as he trails his lips up to your face, peppering your jaw with kisses. 
“Can’t say I’ve been told much,” He whispers into your ear, “But I’ll take it.” 
You can feel him reach between you, base of his cock in his hand as he brings the tip to your slick cunt. He thrusts forward just a touch, giving you the tip, lips settling onto your own so he can swallow the small moans you let out as he inches deeper and deeper into you until he bottoms out. You shift your hips underneath him, legs hitching around his waist. 
“Baby please,” He pleads, “You gotta give me a second,” His head dropping to the crook of your neck, “Fuck, how does it always feel like I’m fucking you for the first time?” 
You want to give him all the time in the world but you’re just as bad as he is. He needs to move, and he needs to move now otherwise you think you might actually die. 
“Please Joel,” You moan, rolling your hips up into his, hand still firmly tangled in the curls at the back of his neck, “You need to move.” 
“I ain’t gonna last, babygirl.” He groans as he pulls himself out and slams back into you. 
“Don’t care,” You moan as his lips attach themselves to your throat, “Just need to feel you.” 
He moves, placing his hands on either side of your head, pushing himself up, as he drags his cock from your tight heat and starts thrusting properly. You’ve had this man more times than you can count, two or three times a month for the past six months whilst you try for your second baby, but the way he feels inside of you never fails to set your body on fire. 
He’s always so big, and you feel so fucking full of him. You close your eyes and tilt your head back further into the mattress as he drives himself deeper into you, head of his cock brushing against your cervix. It’s pain and pleasure, it’s too much and not enough all at the same time. He makes you stupid when he fucks you like this. Focused on one thing, and one thing only. 
One of his hands clutches your chin, his voice hoarse with pleasure, “Look at me,” He demands, “Give me those beautiful eyes when I fuck you.” 
You do as you’re told, eyes opening and staring into his own chocolate orbs that are dark with lust. God, you love him. You know you shouldn’t love him this much, it’s dangerous, but he’s so fucking good to you, you can’t help yourself. 
“Good girl,” He praises, making your pussy clench around him, “Doin’ what you’re told, you’re so good for me, aren’t you?” 
“So good Joel,” You moan, fingers gripping the meat of his biceps as you hold onto him, hips rolling up to meet his with every thrust, “Want you to come for me.” 
“Yeah, want me to fill you up, pretty girl?” 
“Yes Joel!” You cry, “Fill me up baby, please.” 
His hips start to falter from their precise thrusts of before, he’s so fucking close, you can see it on his face, hear it in his growls. He dips his head back to the crook of your neck, teeth nipping along your collarbones as he pounds into you. He lets out one long moan of your name as he stills inside you, and you can feel the familiar warmth of his cum filling you up. He brings one of his hands down to cup your ass, lifting you up a little, as if he thinks the angle of your pelvis makes much of a difference when it comes to getting you pregnant. 
He groans into your neck as he slips out of you, letting your hips finally drop to the bed as he rolls off you, collapsing in a heap beside you as he catches his breath. You lean over, kiss pressed to his cheek with a mumble that you’ll be back in a minute once you’ve cleaned up, the pain of last month’s UTI still fresh in your mind after you fell asleep without going to the bathroom. 
When you return, two glasses of water in hand, he’s already pulled back the sheets and has settled himself back against the pillows. You hand him his glass, setting yours on the nightstand as you climb into bed, settling your aching bones against your own pillow when you realise this is uncharted territory with you and Joel. When you spend your one night with him, neither of you sleep – you spend as much time as you can connected, making each other feel good, and when he’s with you outside of that, with Tommy watching, or joining in, whichever he feels like doing that night, he’s always gone in a flash. You’ve never settled down to sleep next to him, you don’t know if he snores, you don’t know if he wants you to cuddle into his side and drift off to sleep together. 
“Stop thinkin’,” He sighs, “And c’mere.” 
You smile, crawling over the space between you as he moves his body down to lie flat on his back. You drape one of your arms over his tummy as his wraps around your shoulder, the other resting on your arm wrapped around him. You bring your leg up to wrap between his and let out a sigh. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve always wanted this,” He whispers quietly, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, “Somethin’ so simple as fallin’ asleep with you.” 
You hum against his warm skin, letting the thumb that’s resting on his tummy start rubbing small circles on his skin, “It’s nice,” You speak, punctuating it with a yawn, “Hope you don’t snore though.” 
His chest rising with a chuckle as he pulls you tighter to his body, “Go to sleep, babygirl,” He speaks quietly, “I’m gonna wear you out tomorrow.” 
You don’t know whether he’s referring to the hike he wanted to take you on through the mountains, or the fact that you both know what you’re really here for. Is he going to keep you right here on this mattress all day, filling you up until you can’t take it anymore? Either way, being here with Joel has already been the ointment you needed for your stress. Your shoulders are more relaxed, and you don’t have the headache you usually do at the end of the day from gritting your teeth. Whatever he’s got planned, you’re going to take it, and for now, you’re going to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach that this time, though longer than you ever get, is still fleeting. You can worry about that another day. 
Taglist: @morning-star-joy @sinsofsummers @dinsdjrn @cavillscurls @cupofjoel @tightjeansjavi @kaitangatatacos @paleidiot
815 notes · View notes
stcrgazings · 2 years
Mending the broken pieces | (c.l)
This is the second part of why won’t you love me to read the first part is here
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note: soooo, the part 2 of why won’t you love me is finally here and I am completely obsessed with how it turned out, I hope y’all enjoy it reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it, happy reading!! Btw pls leave your feedback and let me know if you liked it.
pairing: charles leclerc x female character/reader
summary: in the second part of why won’t you love me, you and Charles try and fix things but will it be enough?
warning: alcohol, cursing, cigarettes, slight anxiety attack, crying, fighting, slight mentions of sex. (didn’t know if y’all wanted smut so I didn’t included it)
word count: 3.3K
It had been three days since you left.
And every minute that passed Charles felt the sink in his stomach dig further.
Okay so he had been the absolute biggest dick in the whole country of Monaco, and he had the time to realize that as the hours passed after you left.
He couldn’t believe the way he acted towards you and it angered him even more that it took, you leaving for him to realize it.
He took the last caramel brownie that you had made on Friday that he didn’t even notice to his mouth, as he dialed your phone once again for the thousand time on those last three days.
He knew he was acting selfishly the moment he arrived and locked himself in that stupid simulator room, he knew he should’ve just eat the pasta, he knew you were incredibly excited for the trip to Portofino and that that cancellation would’ve hurt you and he knew that you made the brownies just for him to try, and he knew it wouldn’t have killed him to watched the movie with you, but he just didn’t.
Why? Because he just didn’t feel like it, because for that whole week he just assumed you’d be there, that you’d just take it because he knew that you loved him, he straight out took you for granted, assuming you’ll always be there for him, even when he directed an entirety of 20 words to you in the whole first week of the summer break.
So he had called, and texted and apologized through voicemails and messages but without getting a response from you whatsoever, not even a delivered on the sight.
“Come on baby, pick up, please” he whispered to himself as the phone rang for a third time, the clock in the wall marking almost 2 am.
He was starting to get to the point where he was basically worried sick about where the hell you were, since you hadn’t given any sign of life since you left.
He had call your mum and your dad and even your sister who lived back in England with her husband.
I mean he knew you were okay since he called Daniel about a dozen times and when the Australian finally pick up he cursed him with probably every cursed word in the book, and after Charles had apologized and begged Daniel told him that you were alright, that he had picked you up from the apartment you both shared but he didn’t say where you were staying despite Charles pleads, Daniel cursed him again telling him that when he picked you up you were made a mess.
“She said she couldn’t breathe and wouldn’t stop fucking crying, you’re a fucking jerk, she’s so awesome and you know she doesn’t deserves whatever you did to her, so you either fix it, or leave her alone” the words of the Australian driver still resounding in the back of his mind, shattering his heart as pictures in the back of his mind the mess he had made upon you.
“The number you have dialed it’s not available at this time, please try again lat…” the robotic voice replied in what Charles in what it seem now like it was mocking from the million times Charles had heard it in the last few hours.
He throw himself on the couch as he check the chat he maintained with you, checking to see if maybe by a miracle of higher power you had answered his texts.
But you hadn’t, not even read them.
So he rubs his faces and eyes as he felt his stomach sank further as he imagined all the possible scenarios you could be in right now, ana he knew he deserved each and every one of them, for not loving you the way you deserved, for not treating you the way you deserved and for not showing that in fact he did love you and need you more than anything in this world.
He was angry and disappointed at himself, and he had taken out on you completely ignoring you and pushing you away and now you had disappeared from the face of the planet earth.
At least that’s what he thought as he opened the TikTok app in an attempt to keep himself awake.
And lord did that work as the first video that popped up on his screen was one of you in a very tight black dress dancing in a booth of a very crowded club as you were being sprayed in champagne by Kelly Picket and some of your other friends.
His heart started beating faster than the f1 car he drove daily as he watched the video again, trying to convince himself that maybe it was an old video from someone’s birthday that you had maybe mentioned to him a while ago and he had forgotten, but all that convincing was for nothing as he took a glimpse of the video’s caption.
“Y/N Y/L in a club in Monaco earlier tonight, Charles Leclerc keeps winning”
Oh God, you were at a club?!
To say you were completely, totally and utterly wasted was the understatement of the century.
And you knew that as you downed yet another bottle of water as you tried to wash off the feeling of nausea that camped in the back of your throat, as you everything around you was spinning at a high speed.
You were sitting in the sidewalk outside of the bar back pressed against a stop sign as you prayed that the ill feeling would go away, you had drank an insanely amount of vodka, trying to numb the pain, to forget Charles’ careless words and to shut your on thoughts as they kept repeating in the back of your mind like the most sick ass mantra.
why won’t you love me?
You shook your head trying to get those stupids thoughts out of your head and as the phone screen lit up for the first time in three days it started beeping and vibrating like something you had never seen before, thousands of texts and calls from Charles one showing after the other all of them being pleads and apologies and love you’s.
You felt her eyes getting watery as she read one by one the texts she had received from her boyfriend, so with shaky hands and tears you started texting.
You wanted to say so much, you wanted to say how much you had missed him, how much you’ve been missing the thing you both used to have, but you’re brain kinda typed for itself as a single text was send in the chat you shared with the pilot.
I am trying to forgive you, but I’m struggling cuz I don’t know how.
sat. 2:16 am
You blocked the phone scared of what the answer of your boyfriend could be, a girl standing beside you, a worried look painted on her face.
“You ok?”
You chucked softly as you nodded drying the tears that kept running trough your cheeks.
“Girl you’ve been crying your eyes out for the past five minutes I’ve been here, you’re not okay, you need a cigarette”
You laughed again as you grabbed the cigarette from her hand.
“So what happened?”
“My boyfriend’s a douche” was the only thing you stated as you took a hit off the cigarette, throwing her head back in an attempt to relax herself.
“Yeah but he loves you” the girl said as she smiled as she smoked her cigarette too.
“I guess” you murmured softly as you press your plans against your face trying to keep
yourself awake and to dry the tears.
“If you have to guess than it’s probably not there” the pressure on your chest started to build up.
“If you had asked me a month ago, I would’ve probably said yes, but right now I feel like I’m falling from something that we built way too high and believe me, it’s a long way down”
“If you’re telling me this, after a fight you just had, then my chick from the club advise is, talk to him, you’re saying all that from a place of anger and fear, fear of what’s coming next, and what he might say to you but we all say things we don’t mean when we fight, so talk to him” the girl brushed her hand against your shoulder as you sobbed into your hands.
“What if he doesn’t love me anymore?” You asked as your voice broke a little, because she was right you were scared, scared of what he might say to you, of what might happen next, of everything.
“Well by the way your phone is beeping right now, he probably does, give him a chance.” She said as she pointed at the lit screen of your phone throwing her cigarette to the floor making her way back to the bar. “It’s better to regret about trying, than to regret of not trying at all, pick up, bye” she said goodbye as she entered the club once again with a small hand gesture.
So you made yourself look at the phone screen as Charles’ nickname “baby” adorned the screen surrounded with hearts and with all the bravery you had on your drunk self, you picked up.
“Mon amour, please let’s talk you— you know I love you I can— I can’t do this without you, please” the desperate pleads from Charles was the first thing that sounded, breaking your hearts as you head him uncontrollably sobbing waiting for your answer.
“Charles baby, calm down, please”
“I— I am so sorry, please let’s talk” he sobbed, you were now crying too, hating the current situation you both were in but you tried to compose yourself as you didn’t want Charles to get more agitated than he already was.
“I know, It’s okay, we’ll talk but can you come and pick me up? Please” you asked as a whisper basically, but you knew the answer before he spoke as the sound of keys clattering and a door opening before he spoke.
“I’ll be there in 10” Charles said before a comfortable silence filled up the line, you knew he hadn’t hanged up so when you were about to, he interrupted you as he dried the tears that fell through his cheeks. “I love you”
“See you, Charles” you muttered as you hung to start waiting for him in the empty street, texting your friends that you were leaving.
Charles didn’t lie when he said that he’d get there in 10 minutes, and you knew that the second you saw his Ferrari 488 pista spider across the street, all your friends cheering as you smiled towards them.
“Someone is getting makeup sex tonight!”
“Climb that man like a tree honey!”
Were some of the screams directed towards you as you gave them your goodbyes and the finger making your way to Charles car a surprise face showing up on you as the pilot got out the car, saying hi to you on a shyly manner as surrounded the car to open the passenger door just for you.
“For ma chérie” he said as he bowed for you to enter the car, making you giggle softly.
“Really, Charles?” You chuckled as you entered the car once again, him nodding.
“I just want to show you that I am, really sorry and that I shouldn’t have acted liked a dick” he said as he entered the car, putting his seatbelt on.
“We’ll you don’t really get to do that” you mumbled under your breath, as you took the hand he had placed on your tight back into his lap.
“But I am sorry, why won’t you let me show it to you?” He asked as he started driving back into your place, a serious expression planted on his face.
“Just like you didn’t let me show you how I love you back in our apartment? And plus how do I know this isn’t some kind of apology act? How do I know you won’t be back to your selfish and imbecile ways as soon we’re back to our apartment and I forgive you, how do I know you do love me?”
“I— I love you! I do!” He said as he stopped the car in a red light in the busy Monaco streets, the despair clear on his face eary eyes as he stared into you.
“That isn’t what you said just three days ago!” You fought back, because yes there wasn’t anything more in the world that you wanted than to fix things with Charles, but you were scared because you didn’t wanted to feel the way you felt last week locked in that miserable apartment taking all of Charles’ shitty attitudes, wondering what the fuck you had done wrong knowing there wasn’t any answer to that question, and wondering why your boyfriend won’t love you.
“And I didn’t mean any of it! I was angry and upset I know that I shouldn’t have said it and i am sorry” he argued back, but way more calmer than you, probably because he knew that you were drunk and if the both of you got upset and disturbed you’d probably won’t get to anything, and he didn’t want that, he wanted to fix things, to get you back, to go back to the thing you had before knowing that he was the one that wreck it, which destroyed him more.
“But how do I know that! How do I know you’re telling the truth!” You cried, making Charles’ stomach twirl inside of him, there was nothing that he hated more than to see you cry and he hated it even more knowing that he was the reason of it as he watched you visibly shake in the seat beside him, the alcohol in your system definitely not helping you as you started to feel the ferrari was getting smaller and the air was missing in you lungs.
He parked the car on the apartment parking lot as he got out of the car as fast as his feet allowed him to, surrounding the car to once again open the car door of your side but not for you to get out as he grabbed you by the legs turning around to face him as he crouched beside you, one of his hands grabbing you gently by the jaw, wanting for you to focus on him for a sec and not the awful thoughts he knew were filling your head by the second.
“Hey, hey, look at me, ok? Focus on me baby, c’mon” he called you out softly as he rubbed your tight in a sweetly manner in an attempt for you to steady your breath, you did as you were told wanting to calm down as well staring into his bright green eyes that somehow always gave you comfort.
“You know it’s true because…” he paused for a second trying to formulate what to say in his head as he smiled and continued. “Because I love with everything that i have, and I can’t even bare the thought of not having you in my life, because my chest hurts every time i even began to imagine a life without you by side, because this past few days without you in the house have been hell, because for i fact that can do this without and more importantly I don’t want to because baby the rest of the world doesn’t matter if I don’t have you, I want you and need you back because I don’t care about the fancy ass cars, and the parties and the championship because what’s the point of winning races if I don’t drink the celebratory champagne with you, because I love you, and you’re the only one I care and want me beside me, kissing as we celebrate and hugging after a crappy day and from now on there won’t be a day where I don’t show it to you I promise you that, and as well I’ll spend the fucking rest of the summer break proving to you that I am sorry for the way I treated you and how much I fucking mean it when I say I love you”
He wanted to say so much more, but he didn’t really had the chance to as you grabbed his face and kissed him.
Charles could swear he felt like he could breath again after those three miserable days as his lips touched yours, it was a sweet intimate kiss as your hand snaked to the back of his neck as the other grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie you wanting him to be as close as posible as he smiled into the kiss.
“I missed you” you finally admitted the confession that was stuck in the back of your throat since the moment you saw him arrive to the club making you both giggle.
“I missed so much too Mon Amour, all I’ve fucking done in these past days was be miserable as I thought bout you” you laughed into his lips as he began to leave a path of kisses through your jaw mumbling how much he had missed you in between the kisses.
“Couldn’t get you out my fucking head, it’s like you’re injected in me” he mumbled as you giggled softly once again, grabbing his face to kiss him again.
“I swear to god Leclerc, treat me or act the way you did again and I’ll cut your dick off” you threatened kind of jokingly making him join you in your soft laughter.
“Oh no chérie, that will not be happening again you have I promise you by my f1 driver honor” he said as he pressed one of his hands on his chest, by his heart like he was swearing in a court or something as the other snaked behind your knees as he grabbed you by surprise when suddenly he lifted you bridal style out of the car, making you squeal loudly as he closed the car door walking away from the Ferrari with you in his arms like it was nothing.
“That doesn’t even exist!” You chuckle as he got inside the elevator laughing too.
“It does!” He defended himself. “You’re just not a f1 driver so you don’t know about it amour”
You denied with your head still laughing as he smirked at you.
“How about we go back to our home baby, and you let me show you how sorry I am” he whispered, mouth pressed in your ear as you felt the skin in the back of your neck go cold and your lower abdomen flutter in anticipation
“Jummm, that does sound good Mr. Leclerc” you smiled at him, as you pressed your forehead with his as the elevator opened in your floor.
“Well let’s go baby” he said as he made his way on to your apartment.
So you both got into the apartment to the shower where Charles truly showed you how sorry he was he took off your dress and washed your body and hair leaving kisses in everything inch of it, to then wrapped you in a towel and brush your hair with you sitting in his lap.
Then you both basically pass out on the bed till the day after at 2pm.
Where he woke you up with the best breakfast you had eaten in a long time and two tickets for Portofino and all the bags already packed as he also showed you in some other ways how sorry he was.
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zweetpea · 4 months
He loves me, he loves me not
CW: F bomb gets dropped once (pg13 ish), Non Canon compliant, Third person, Fem reader, mean Gojo, some angst, some Geto/Nanami and Haibara x reader, some Utahime x Gojo, No (Y/n), Honorifics, the main character(reader insert) may suffer from Mary Sue syndrome.
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“Satoru, Suguru, Shoko.” Satoru looked up from his video game, Suguru closed his book, and Shoko hid her cigarettes from Yaga. They were lounging in the courtyard when Yaga interrupted them. “I’d like you three to meet our new transfer student. She’ll be joining the other first years. She’s from America and has only recently picked up Japanese so please be kind to her.” Yaga nudged her forward.
“Uh, hello. I’m…”
“Pfft! Ahaha! Yaga-Sensei, what is this?” Gojo laughed. “She’s a stuttering little idiot.”
“Come on Satoru be nice.” Geto smiled at the new girl.
“Tsk, whatever. She’s probably weak anyway.”
“Hey! Did you just call me weak?”
“Just speak English, your pronunciation is terrible.” Gojo mocked.
“If I don’t practice, I’ll never get better. Now look who’s being an idiot.”
“What did you just call me short stack?!”
“Gojo, shut up for a second.” Ieiri glared at him. “Something feels wrong.”
A tiny noise sounded from your backpack. It was like a mixture between a growl and a whine.
“Hey short stack. You’ve got a curse in your backpack.” Gojo stated bluntly.
“Okay newbie, we’ll take care of this-”
“NO!!” She cut off Geto and held her bag close to her chest. “She’s not a curse. She’s my best friend.” A little black Chow Chow head popped up from her bag. Yellow spiral eyes blinking furiously, adjusting to the light.
“Arf.” The curse squeaked.
“This is cub. I’ve had them for two years now. My friend Hannah named them. Hannah is an incredible person. She has the makings of a great sorcerer, but she’s not interested.”
“I’m sure she’s lovely.” Shoko smiled at her. Gojo just scoffed.
“Yeah, you should see her use her technique! It’s telekinesis, she was able to lift literal tons! …I miss her a lot.” She said meekly.
“That doesn’t explain why you have a curse with you.” Gojo rolled his eyes.
“Cub is a special curse. Their kind is able to reproduce, back two years ago my dad and I took out the rest of their family. They were cowering in the corner of an abandoned cave system and he let me domesticate them.”
“Great, curses can breed now.” Geto groaned.
“No, just cub and their kind.” She smiled at the three second years. “I’ll be nice and give you one warning. If I see any of you try to hurt them I will make your life hell.”
“I’d like to see you try.” Gojo smirked.
She lifted Cub from her backpack and carried them off. “Cmon Cub. Let’s go unpack in our dorm.”
“Yaga-Sensei! You can’t seriously allow her to keep a curse.”
“There’s nothing I can do about it. The higher ups themselves have ordered her transfer and approved her request to keep the curse.” Yaga sighed.
“Ugh, spoiled brat.”
“Look on the bright side Satoru. This could be interesting.” Suguru smirked.
“Since when were you an optimist?” Shoko rolled her eyes.
“Hey, I just think that could have fun with this.”
“Like what, Suguru?” Satoru moued.
“Don’t know, guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
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The next day the new girl introduced herself to her new classmates.
“…but you can call me whatever you like. I look forward to working with you both. Oh and this is Cub. Don’t worry, they’re harmless.”
Haibara gasped excitedly. “They look like a baby bear!”
“Yeah, they’re so cute!”
“Totally! You’re like their mama bear huh?”
“I suppose I am.”
“Can I call you Kuma-Chan then?”
“Of course! But you have to let me call you Yu-Chan.”
“What about you Nanami-San?” She turned to the blonde boy.
“Yeah! Use a nickname.”
“You don’t have to.” She assured him.
“Nickname! Nickname! Kuma-Chan! Kuma-Chan!” Haibara clapped along with each syllable.
“I’ll think about it… Kuma-San. Ugh that sounds weird.”
Haibara cheered excitedly. Yaga smacked him and started to teach.
After class Haibara invited her out to lunch.
“Hey Short Stack. Come over here.” Gojo beckons her over, curling his finger in a come here motion.
“You may think that you’re special, having the old farts drooling all over you and all, but you’re nothing more than a wet hole they can toss away at any moment.”
“Wow. If this is how you see women, it’s no wonder why you’re a virgin.” His smirk dropped, as hers curled tightly onto her lips.
He grimaced at her, stepping toward her to tower over her. “A weakling like you should watch your mouth. I’m the strongest sorcerer in the world, probably all of history.” He slammed her against the wall. “I shake the foundation of the world.” He placed his hand around her throat. “No one would even care if you were to disappear one day.”
She held her hands in a circular position and brought them up to her eye level. Before he knew what happened purple rope surrounded him on the ground then more apparated and entangled his limbs.
“What the Hell?” He grunted.
“Strongest my Ass.” You mumbled and limped away.
“Kuma-Chan! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, Yu-Chan. Just a little light headed. I hate to say it but that Gojo guy is pretty strong.”
“He’s a Gojo, of course he’s strong.” Nanami piped up.
“What do you mean?”
The boys explained the details of the Gojo Clan and Jujutsu society as a whole.
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After lunch the Higher ups brought her down to the basement of Jujutsu high. “What is this?”
“This is Tengen. Nullify their energy.”
She held her hands up in a familiar manner and purple rope surrounded the sorcerer.
“It didn’t work.” One of the higher ups remarked.
“Hang on.” She pulled off her backpack and pulled out Cub. “Come on now, Cub. Absorb Tengen’s cursed energy.” They winced and hid into her shoulder. “Please Cub. I know that you’ve been a bit sick but please, try for me.” Cub looked toward Tengen and tried to absorb their cursed energy. “Nothing? Okay bud.” She put them back in the bag.
“Wait.” Tengen called out. “You said that curse could absorb cursed energy?”
“They can transfer it to someone else too.”
“The Star Plasma Vessel will be here in a few days. I want you to absorb their energy and feed it to me.”
“May I know why? I’ve been flown across the world, to an underground bunker, in the forest of an island nation. I have no clue what’s going on.”
“Men, leave us.” The higher ups leave the two sorcerers and the curse. “I am dying, it is happening very soon. My consciousness will evaporate and I will morph into a higher plane of existence. The Star Plasma Vessel has the Cursed Technique to renew my form but they can only use it upon death, thus can only be activated once. I believe that your pet can absorb it and transfer it to me without casualties.”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
Tengen had gone quiet after that.
“Okay…” She turned and walked out.
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The day of the full moon was the day of the merge, and it was also the scariest day of her life. The day started out with Haibara and Nanami asking her to accompany them on a mission; she declined.
“Huh? But what could be more important than this?”
“Don’t worry about it Yu-Chan. The higher up’s gave me a different mission and I have to stay here.”
“Just let it go Haibara.” Nanami pat him on the shoulder and the two left.
Next she went to the armory to get a weapon just in case of emergencies. “Ooh a machete. What do you think bud? Should I go Jason Voorhees on their asses?” She swished the machete around as cub sits on the floor.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
She then spent the rest of the day chilling on the roof of one of the buildings, keeping watch over the school to see when the boys would return.
Eventually Geto ran past her and Cub. “Geto-Senpai!”
“Satoru is in danger! If you want to be useful go help him!”
“Take Cub with you!” She threw her pet down to Geto, Riko, and the maid.
She then went off to find where Gojo was. On the way she came face to face with Toji Fushiguro.
She assumed a fighting position and shouted, “Who the hell are you?” He didn’t respond as he pulled out a gun from his worm and shot her. The bullet pierced through her stomach.
“Out of my way.” He spat coldly as he stepped over her. She lay unmoving on the floor as he walked away. She didn’t need to give him a reason to think she wasn’t dead and risk him coming back to finish the job.
After he was a good distance away she felt that it was safe to get up. She pulled the bullet out with her hands as red vines surrounded the wounded like bandages. Then she pulled on them and they disappeared along with the wound.
She got up ran in the direction Toji left in. “No doubt he was already to the elevator by now.”
She got there just as the elevator doors closed and she saw Toji looking surprised at her. She used the Machete she had borrowed earlier to pry the elevator doors open. She then sliced the cables on the elevator. “Who says you can’t bring a knife to a gun fight?” She then takes a different elevator down and runs through the tunnels to get to Geto and Riko.
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On Toji’s end he had heard the snap of the elevator cables and been quick. He pried open the doors and used one of his swords to plunge into the space between the doors and jam the elevator still. He took a moment to catch his breath. He then opened the ceiling hatch and crawled up into the open. He looked between the cracks and saw that he was only a few feet from the bottom to if he hit it it most likely wouldn’t kill him. He hesitantly crawled back into the elevator and slowly pulled his sword out. The elevator plummeted down to the bottom and Toji lost his footing and hit his head pretty hard. “Ugh. That brat, I should’ve finished her off when I had the chance.” He rested for a few seconds before he got up and walked through the tunnel.
Halfway through a snarling wrathful creature came charging a him. Cub bit into Toji’s right side as he swung at the poor creature. Toji kept swinging but Cub started to jump around and claw at the man. He was getting tired of the creature but he couldn’t really do anything to them. After a few minutes he finally grabbed Cub and threw them hard against the wall. Cub whimpered and crawled towards Toji, not willing to give up fighting yet. Toji stabbed them in the side and walked on towards the other side of the tunnel.
When he finally got to the end he yelled exasperated. “OH COME ON!! I shot you, and you gave me a head start when you cut the elevator cord, but somehow you got here before me!”
“You’re not getting the star plasma vessel that easily.”
She apparated a glowing white metal chain to her and struck him with it. He grabbed it and pulled her closer to him grabbing her and threw her down the tunnel behind him.
She heard a familiar whimper come from farther down and she rushed to see Cub. “Oh shit! No no, please! Cub!” She surrounded them in red vines and smiled softly when they licked her hand. She sprinted back down the tunnel in a fury.
she handed Cub off to Riko who had been abandoned by the boys who were fighting. She summoned her chains and swung over to them. She struck Toji in the face and again on his back. She kept swinging. His arms his legs his sides. Geto had to physically stop her as she jumped closer to the assassin and was almost hit by one of his curses.
“Careful Kohai!”
“I’m going to kill him! He nearly killed Cub!” She screamed as tears poured down her face.
“I’ll handle this! You get Riko to safety.”
“No offense Kohai but you’ll get in my way if you jump in guns blazing. Go help Gojo, get him to Shoko.”
“Okay.” She swung away. “Senpai! Here!” She pointed at him and a light blue ribbon shot towards him and was absorbed into him. She pulled Riko and Cub away down one of the tunnels to get to the elevator.
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“Gojo!” She and Riko called out as he stood in front of them. He ran toward the two and hugged Riko. It did feel like a bit of a punch that he’d greet Riko first, but it’s not like the two were close so she shouldn’t feel bad about it, right?
“Hey Gojo-Senpai, Geto-Senpai wanted me to get you to Shoko Senpai.”
“No need.”
“Alright then, come on Cub, absorb Riko’s energy.”
“WHAT?!” The two scream.
“Riko can Absorb Cursed Energy and either transfer it to someone else or use it to amplify their attacks. I could boost their ability to do so if I had any energy left but I used the rest to boost and refuel Geto-Senpai.”
“Back up, back up. What can you do?”
“I have purple rope that nullifies, white chains that attack, red vines that heal, and light blue ribbons that buffs someone. I well it’s more complicated, I can use the last bit of my cursed energy to refill someone’s cursed energy as well as boost the strength of their attack.”
“You’re like Shoko and Utahime combined, but weaker.”
“I don’t know about that. She was beating up that assassin pretty easily.” Riko smiled.
“I don’t know what world you are living in but that was not easy.” She declared.
“Weak.” Gojo Whisper yelled.
“Shut up!”
“Here, if you need cursed energy have your little bear thing refill yours with mine.” Gojo held out his hand towards the curse. Cub nearly bit him.
“Do you by any chance have a high amount of cursed energy?”
“Yeah, it’s basically unlimited. Why?”
“So you’re why Cub’s been sick lately!” Cub started to consume energy as their human kept talking. “They get kinda sick and cranky when they’re surrounded by a large amount of Cursed energy.” The two did the transfer and Cub took away Riko’s cursed energy. “Now if you two will excuse me I’m going to go help Tengen.”
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A few days later and life was getting on at Jujustu High. Riko and her maid had gone home, Tengen was stable, Shoko had healed Geto, and no one had heard anything about Toji since he fled.
“Hm? Short stack! Where are you going?” Gojo called out as he saw her leaving the premises with her suitcases and Cub riding in her backpack.
“Good luck with your future endeavors Gojo-Senpai!” She smiled back at him. “I’ll be taking my leave now.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” He ran up to her.
“My purpose for coming to Japan is fulfilled. I’m going back to America.”
“What? You’re leaving?” He asked exasperated.
“Yes. Is there a problem?” She tilted her head slightly confused.
“You can’t leave!”
“Why not?”
“Because there aren’t as many curses anywhere else in the world. If you want to get stronger you have to stay.”
“I’m strong enough to protect myself and those I love.”
“Oh really?”
“Why do you even care?”
“I want to fight you. You beat me once but rest assured that will never happen again. I want you at your strongest so that I can destroy you.”
“Ugh. Can you be any more petty?”
“You’re not leaving Tokyo yet. I’ll talk to the higher ups and get them to let you stay.” He pats her on the head like she’s a dog.
“The world doesn’t revolve around you, ya know. I don’t want to fight you. And after this past week I don’t think that I want to become a sorcerer anymore.”
“Just… stay for the rest of the school year. If you really want to leave after that go ahead.”
“Is your ego really that fragile that anyone who can possibly crush the brittle piece of masculinity you have has to be “put in their place”?”
“You wish. Like I already told you. I am Gojo Satoru. I am the strongest sorcerer in history. Mountains crumble before me. Raging oceans calm at the snap of my fingers. I can destroy everything that you’ve ever loved so be a good girl and sit tight while I get ready to humiliate you.”
She just looked at him bored. “You know, your fly has been down this entire conversation.”
He blushes and looks down to see that she was lying and looked up to see her giggling to herself and walking back towards the dorms. “See you later Tomato Face.”
“I’m going to kill her one day.” Gojo mutters to himself.
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Weeks went by without her even realizing it. Everyday was rigorous training; her speed, strength, and stamina had all increased.
“Okay, let’s try domain expansion.” Yaga said as he held up a clipboard jotting down notes for an examination to determine her rank. They were out on the track field measuring the strengths and limitations of her cursed Techniques.
Haibara and Nanami came out to support her while the second year students came out because Gojo wanted to make fun of her.
“Oh, um… I don’t have a domain. See, because I can nullify cursed energy I can’t exactly use a domain to amplify my nullification. They kinda cancel each other out.” Gojo snickered watching from above at the top of the stairs. Geto elbowed him in the side as Shoko glared.
“Don’t worry Kuma-Chan! You’re doing great!” Haibara yelled supportively.
“Can’t you just put me in grade 4? I don’t really know if I want to stay here anyway.”
“Listen, I know that this isn’t the most ideal situation, but you’re here at Jujutsu High anyway and most people want you to succeed.”
“Look, I’m hungry, I’m tired, I want to go take a hot shower and finish up my day by watching Naruto. Can we please just finish this up?”
Yaga sighed and clicked his pen in. “Fine, we should have enough Data to sort you.”
Haibara ran over to her. “Kuma-Chan! Don’t you want the fame of a Jujutsu sorcerer?”
“No not really. I think you and Nanami-San will be great sorcerers. Ieiri-Senpai and Geto-Senpai will be amazing too.”
“What about me, short stack?” Gojo teleports behind her and wraps an arm around her shoulder.
“Yeah yeah, you’ll become the strongest sorcerer and you’ll have women throwing themselves at you, you’ll be so rich that you’ll use paper money to wipe your ass, and if anyone ever talks back to you you’ll kill them without a second thought.” She replied sarcastically.
“Wrong! I’m already the strongest.” He booped her nose. She rolled her eyes and pushed him off her.
“Drop dead SENPAI.” She said tauntingly, and walked off.
Geto smirked and walked alongside her. “You sure told him off.”
“…Can we not talk about him Senpai? How have the curses been.”
“Tasting like Shit as usual.”
“Do you want me to make you some sweets?”
“That sounds lovely sweetness.”
“Since when did they get so close?” Gojo side eyed the two.
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A year later Yaga sent Haibara and Nanami out on a mission.
“Can I come along?”
“Are you sure you want to?” Nanami asked worried.
“Can’t let you two have all the fun, now can I?” She smiled and left with the boys.
“Pfft. She thinks that she’s all that.” Gojo rolled his eyes.
“She is pretty nice.” Geto replied smiling at the thought of the yummy pasties that she’d cook when she got home.”
“Oh yeah. I bet you’d know all about it seeing as you two are best friends.”
“Are you jealous?” Geto’s voice held a bit of mirth to it as he teased his best friend.
“NO! I just don’t like that she’s taking away everything that is rightfully mine! My title as the strongest, my best friend, next she’ll take away my girlfriend.”
“You don’t have a girlfriend. And she tied you up once a year ago, I highly doubt that you could call her the strongest.”
“Okay second point first, it’s still a blow to my reputation, okay? And while I don’t have a girlfriend yet once I do she’ll probably go around spreading lies about me.”
“Who would you even want for a girlfriend? Riko? Shoko? Utahime?”
“Um… someone who can keep up with me. Someone who’s kind and thoughtful. Someone strong enough to keep my family off my ass but someone I can protect and provide for. She’ll have to be okay with me leaving for missions all the time though.” At Gojo’s confession Geto bursts out in laughter. Gojo blushes. “What’s so funny, Suguru?”
“Your ideal girlfriend sounds just like the woman you were bitching about not even 15 seconds ago. She doesn’t just kiss your ass, she’s made me pastries on many occasions to wash out the awful taste of curses, she has incredible power but overall doesn’t want to become a sorcerer, and since she’s been on several missions she’d understand the hardships of having to travel for work.”
“No, Suguru that’s crazy talk. I don’t love her and I’ll prove it to you.”
“I’m going to tell Yaga that she left without permission.”
“What? No, Satoru. Do not narc on the poor girl just because I said that you have a crush on her.”
“I do not!”
“Gojo has a crush on who now?” Shoko appeared to the boys.
“No one!” Satoru shouted.
“Okay, calm down!” Shoko sighed.
The next day the three came back, Nanami carrying her in his arms.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry!” Haibara sobbed into Geto’s shoulder.
“What happened?”
“She took a hit for Haibara… her Achilles tendon was slashed and she lost a hand. Haibara broke one of his ribs and the curse ripped his arm clean off. Eventually we were able to get her enough cursed energy to heal herself and Haibara, but she overdid it and she hasn’t woken up since.”
“HAIBARA!! NANAMI!! YOU ASSHATS WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!!” Satoru yelled as he ran into the room. Geto had to physically restrain him and explain the whole situation. “She wasn’t supposed to be on that mission.” Cub walked over on their hind legs and pawed at Gojo, sucking up some of his energy. They then rushed over to their human and refilled her energy so.
“Yu! Kento!” She shot up she pulled Yu into a tight hug and as the other three boys in the room watched on. “Jackass. I thought that I’d lost you.” She softly sobbed.
“Okay Short Cake I think that’s enough excitement for one day. I’ll bring you back to your dorm.” Gojo pulled her away from Haibara and picked her up.
“Hey! Put me down!” She screamed as he started to walk away.
“Call me Satoru and I just might.”
“This isn’t funny Gojo-Senpai!”
“Why so cold? Not even 5 seconds ago I you used Haibara and Nanami’s first names. Come on~ three little sounds Sa~To~Ru~”
“I’ll give you a kiss if you be a good girl and say my name!”
“Yu Yu! Kenny! Help me!”
“Now they have their own nicknames? You’re being so mean.”
“Sugu! He’s your friend! Do something!”
“Even my own best friend gets this special treatment. Oh how you wound me.” He pouted.
“Should we do something?” Kento asked.
“Nah, I’m going to love teasing him about this for the next month.” Suguru smirks recording the whole thing.
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At the end of the year She and Gojo finally battled; he wiped the floor with her.
“Congrats, strongest sorcerer.” She smiled at him.
“Thanks. In a year how about we have a rematch? Does best two out of three work for you?”
“Only if you count this round one. I don’t think I could go three rounds with you.”
“Technically this is round two since you beat me as a first year. Next year at your graduation winner takes all.”
“I wasn’t really trying back then but you’re on.”
“Gojo are you bullying this poor girl?”
“Look who decided to show up. Short cake this is Mei Mei and Utahime.”
“Nice to meet you both.” She smiled.
“Gojo! You should show me more respect as your senior!” Utahime glared. As the two started to bicker Mei Mei pulled the other woman away.
“Sorry hun. He’s taken.”
“I can tell that you have an interest in him, but look at them over there. Do you see his smile? The fire in his eyes when he looks at her? The way he laughs so carelessly? His heart belongs to Utahime.”
“Sa- …Gojo-Senpai, I have to go. I’ll see you in a year.”
“Wait. You’ve still got two weeks til you have to go back to school.”
“Yeah, um. I think I’m going to go back to America.”
“Why? You were just there.”
“Six months ago for Christmas break.”
“Oh… has it really been that long? Okay well. I’ll see you around!”
She went back to her dorm and sobbed into her Pillow. After a good hour she bought a ticket to go home, and started to pack.
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“Wow. Sweet Eighteen has done you well.” Gojo smirked.
“Tch. Don’t be a creep.” She said as the two assumed a fighting stance.
The battle was chaos. Attack after attack was fired. Eventually she nullified his cursed technique and jumped on him. She got onto his shoulders and started to hit his head.
“…Short cake… hang on for a moment… I’ll surrender if you do something for me.”
“What exactly.”
“Squeeze your legs together. As hard as you can.”
“Are you kidding? That’ll suffocate you!”
“That’s kind of the point sweetheart.” As he said that she just fell back in shock. He caught her as she fell. “Is that a no? If you’re not into that I’m more than willing to suffocate in your chest.”
“Shut up!”
“Short Cake, what happened to us? You haven’t talked to me in a year. We were so close after you nearly died.”
“Oh don’t act like you care about me! Just go off and marry that Utahime chick!”
“I don’t want to marry her.”
“Please. I saw the way you looked at her at your graduation.”
“Oh you mean like how you’re so touchy with Suguru and Haibara and Nanami, and all those assholes on your social media accounts!”
“Are you kidding? You have no right to judge how I chose to move on from my heartbreak. It’s not like you’ve been very chaste anyway. You’ve “supported” a few girls financially here and there over the past year and you have the balls to act like I’m in the wrong?”
“You ghosted me!”
“Because Mei Mei said that you were in love with Utahime!”
“Yeah? Well she lied. Utahime has never made me feel like I was at threat of being overthrown as the strongest. For two years you came at me with comeback after comeback and I finally felt alive! Two years I watched you give Suguru sweets and I begged him to share even half a crumb with me! Two years I watched you squander your potential because you didn’t feel like you deserved to be here! I’m done holding back.” He grabbed her by the back of her head and kissed her, he then whispered her full name lowly in her ear and vowed that one day soon he would marry her.
“Come here dumbass.” She kissed him again. “I love you Satoru.”
“I love you too.”
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“I could have been named Sasuke?” Her and Satoru’s 5 year old son pouted.
“Toru suggested that name and I shot him down. We already have one emo son in Megumi. We didn’t need another one.”
“Kakashi! Nezuko! Why is my very pregnant wife and your very pregnant mother out here in the cold?”
“Hun, it’s September, and 75 degrees out.”
“Sorry Papa.” The three year old girl teared up.
“Great Satoru. Now you’re making our daughter cry.”
“Sorry Short Cake. Megumi! Can you help your mother to the couch?”
“She is not my mother. No offense.”
“Non taken. I know that you only say that because then technically he’d be your father.”
“Hey! He’s a great dad!” Kakashi defended.
“Yeah! He’s the best daddy!” Nezuko adds.
“I suppose you are great, aren’t you Daddy~?” She teased. The children painfully unaware of the meaning.
“Are they like this all the time?” An unfamiliar voice called from the foyer of the Gojo Estate. Her face burnt up in embarrassment.
“Mrs. Gojo. Meet Itadori Yuuji and Kugisaki Nobara, Megumi’s new classmates.
“Please pretend like you didn’t hear me earlier.” She requested meekly.
“Done. Gone from my memory.” Yuuji smiled plainly.
“Yeah yeah, I don’t really care about Sensei’s bedroom affairs.” Nobara hand waved it away.
“Megumi. How about you show your friends around and put your siblings down for a nap?” Satoru suggested.
Megumi nodded and everyone left the two alone.
“I love you Mrs. Gojo.”
“I love you too Mr. Gojo.” And as Sakura petals fall the two embraced in a tender kiss.
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definedbydaylight · 8 months
“Change In Pressure”
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ (The Large Age Gap Fic)
A Matty Healy x OC Fanfiction
Part 1 Masterlist: .°˖✧ Word Count: 1624 Warnings: nothing quite yet but i promise you there will be quite a few warnings in the future...
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Series Summary: Aurelia Hawke is the newest artist signed to Dirty Hit but she is in no way new to the industry, the second child of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke seems set up for success, but a string of unfortunate events sets her on a path she thought she'd never walk down, and somehow it has everything to do with the lead singer of The 1975.
The steps up to her new apartment felt miles long, her sister and father already inside setting up a bookshelf they had bought earlier that day, a decently heavy box positioned uncomfortably in her arms, she pauses to resituate the box and carries on up to the front door. Already slightly ajar she uses her foot to push it open farther, she stops her sister Maya laying facedown on the floor as their father reads the instructions to the bookshelf, the way Maya groans she assumes it’s not the first time they’ve gone over it.
Setting down the box alerts her sister of her presence. “Aurelia! God please save me from him, he’s convinced he can do it, but I’m pretty sure we’re missing several pieces.”
Aurelia laughs and sets a hand on their father’s shoulder. “Dad, let's just go buy nice vintage furniture that doesn’t need assembling tomorrow okay?”
He smiles up at you. “Whatever you’d like, Aurie, I just want to make sure everythings perfect for you.” He sighs. “Having you an ocean away is already hard enough.” 
“I know Dad, why don’t you and Maya go grab the last 2 boxes from my car, I have to get changed for my meeting today.” She takes a deep breath. “Then I’ll meet you both back at the hotel for dinner okay?”
He nods and kisses the top of her head, making his way towards the door as Maya speaks up. “I expect to be compensated for my labor today!”
Aurelia scoffs and smiles at her as she follows their father out the door.
She grabs her bag with her change of clothes and heads to the bathroom to change, the place feels empty but she knows in a few weeks Timothee will be coming back from LA and it’ll finally start to feel like a home, most of all she’s grateful to be out of the hotel she’s been living in for the past month. Fixing up her makeup in the small mirror above the sink she begins to worry, she’s already got the offer and all she needs to do is sign the contract and start recording for the EP, but she can’t help but feel like something horrible is going to happen. Aurelia pushes the thought deep into the back of her brain, she exits the bathroom to grab her bag and keys before heading out the door to her car. 
The drive to the Dirty Hit office is filled with screaming along to The 1975 to ease her nerves, not only was she getting signed to an incredible record label, but also the one that just so happened to house her favorite band in the world. It felt like a fever dream, although she can’t dismiss the fact that her family has definitely helped her in her career and she is forever grateful for the opportunities it’s brought her, she’s just glad people took her talent into account. She finally arrives and finds a spot to park about a block away, she takes the time of the walk to practice her breathing and calm herself before entering the building, the weight of the front door feels 1000 times heavier than normal.
Aurelia is greeted by a woman at least a head taller than her dressed in a pencil skirt and grey blouse, she starts to feel extremely underdressed.
“Hello I’m Terri, and you must be Aurelia Hawke, am I correct?” The woman’s voice is like butter with what Aurelia would only assume people would call a posh accent.
She smiles in return. “Yes that’s me, it’s nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, I’ll take you up to Jamie’s office, he should be ready for you.” Terri smiles back and waves her along to follow.
They take the elevator up 3 floors to a very modern yet laid back waiting area, Terri bypasses the seating area and heads straight to a large set of double doors and opens them up wide, she looks back at Aurelia and her eyes tell her to follow. 
“I’ll be right outside if you need anything dear.” She says as she lays a comforting hand on the singer's shoulder and walks away.
Aurelia turns into the office and is not only greeted by Jamie, but George Daniel is also sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Aurelia! Pleasure to finally meet you in person, please take a seat.” Jamie gestures to the seat beside George.
The meeting goes well, she’s signed for a 3 album contract after the EP is released, she’s unbelievably nervous after being surprised by George joining in on the meeting. Jamie said he wanted him there because he’d be helping her with the mixing for the EP, they discussed the songs she had for it and played them the demos she had made for them to review, Jamie seemed pleased and George was over the moon about getting to mess with the mixing on “Supercut” which calmed Aurelia’s nerves because that was the song she was least sure about. She thanks them both and they all say their goodbyes, before she leaves George stops her to exchange numbers and emails so they can discuss and send tracks back and forth.
“It’s been great talking, can’t wait to get to work with you.” George smiles.
“Me too, thanks girl!” She freezes in place, feeling stupid with the comment she’s made.
“Ha! Girl, I like that! Well see you later girl.” She thanks god he didn’t find it too weird and waves him goodbye and exits the office’s front door.
The walk back to her car has her giddy, she pulls her phone out to call her boyfriend to tell him about the contract details and how excited she is, the phone rings a few times before he answers.
“Hello?” Timothee says.
“Oh my god I have never been more nervous for anything in my whole life, and now it’s over.” She sighs into the phone, digging around in her bag for her car keys.
“It’s already over? How’d it go baby?” He asks, sounding excited but a little distracted, but Aurelia can’t blame him, she knows he’s been insanely busy these last few weeks.
“It actually went amazing! I got a 3 album deal after the EP releases, and you wouldn’t believe it, George Daniel was there!” She’s beams sliding into the driver's seat.
“Who?” He asks, confused.
“George Daniel? Drummer for The 1975? They’re my favorite band babe I talk about them all the time!” She says, a little hurt he didn’t remember after all the times she’s talked about them before.
“Right, right. I’m sorry baby I knew that, I’m just a little all over the place right now with work at the moment, I’m on set right now.” He sighs after he speaks. “I’m just excited for the next few weeks to fly by so I can be with you in our new home.”
She smiles at his words. “Me too, sorry for the stress, I’m glad we got to talk but I’ve got to let you go so I can meet my dad and Maya back at their hotel for dinner. I’ll see you soon enough, I love you.”
“Love you too, bye baby.” He ends the call and she collapses back into her seat.
Being away from Timothee makes their relationship feel unnecessarily stressful at times, she wishes she could just see his face when she spoke to him, she could always tell how he was feeling by the look on his face. The drive to the hotel was smooth and dinner was nice and easy, she updated her family on the contract and her day, then said her goodbyes once again to head back to her apartment. Greeted by boxes stacked taller than her and furniture shoved in random places, she sighs and heads to her kitchen where she knows she’s at least got the necessities to make a cup of tea before she gets cleaned up for bed. 
Aurelia can’t seem to sleep in the unfinished apartment so she stays up scribbling lyric ideas in her journal late into the night and early morning, it’s around 1:30 when she receives an email from George with a new mix for “Supercut” and a message that reads;
Couldn’t stop thinking about this track so I just had to work on this tonight, let me know what you think, the songs is going to smash the charts I promise you that
She calls George immediately after listening to the audio track.
“Yes?” He answers, sounding nervous.
“It’s fucking brilliant George! Truly! I hadn’t even told you any of my ideas and yet somehow it’s like you pulled the sound I wanted straight out of my brain, it's unbelievable!” Aurelia shrieks with joy.
“Oh thank god, I’m just glad you like it.” George sighs with relief.
“Like it? Did you not just hear what I said? Girl, I love it!” She beams.
“Okay, okay, thank you very much Girl.” He laughs at her.
“Oh lord this is going to become a thing now isn’t it?” Aurelia mentally face-palms.
“Oh it most definitely is.” He laughs again. “Goodnight Girl, we’ll talk more tomorrow.”
She smiles at that and says her goodnights before they hang up.
Feeling an air of calm and security after the phone call puts Aurelia in the mood to sleep finally, she sets her journal on her side table and cracks the bedroom window before slipping into her sheets, the breeze and light sounds of late night city noises lull her to sleep faster than anything has in a long time, she feels like tomorrow it’ll only get better.
Part 2 (coming at some point)
a/n: so i'm not totally dead, but life has been kicking my ass so bear with me loves, anyway i love this character sm so i'm really going to be trying to keep up with this one <3
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rc-writes · 1 year
I just read your Ethan Morgan Drabble and it was so freaking adorable. It’s so nice to see people writing for MBV as I love that show so much.
I was wondering if I can request an idea? I don’t know if you write this type of stuff but if you do then can you please write some fluffy Dad!Ethan Morgan or Dad!Benny Weir scenario (i dont know why but they both give goofy sad vibes if they were parents)
If you don’t write that sort of thing that can you write Ethan Morgan x reader, where he has to take care of his sick significant other
Thank you again!!!
𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: ethan morgan x reader
warnings: nothing besides the reader being sick i believe
a/n: i'm glad you loved my other ethan fic! and i agree that's its so cool to see people still writing for this show. our fandom may be small but it lives on lol. and i decided to go with the sick reader request (wasn't sure if you wanted it to be hcs or an imagine so i just went with hcs because i've been wanting to write more of those) but completely agree see either of the two with kids would be both incredibly cute/funny! anyways, i hope you like the hcs!!
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ethan had texted you earlier that day asking if you wanted to go see the newest zombie movie 
which on any other day you would’ve jumped at the chance to spend the entire day with your boyfriend
but today you woke up feeling like you were the zombie
but you decided against telling ethan that in fear of him going overboard
you loved that he cared but sometimes he was a but much
last time you were sick he convinced himself you must have been cursed by the monster of the week
so you opted to just tell him that you were just a bit too tired to go anywhere
which wasn’t technically a lie
you did just sleep past noon and hadn’t gotten out of bed yet
ethan was a kinda disappointed that you didn’t want to go be he understood wanting to do nothing
saving the world would take a toll on anyone
when ethan replied that he understood you’re worry of making him worry went away
unbeknownst he did still worry
you didn’t even realize in your dazed state that you responded rather deadpan-y
usually you’d crack a joke about how tiring saving the world was, or something along those lines
not just “sorry i’m just a bit too tired today :(“
ethan immediately got a feeling that there was more to the story, so he planned to go to your house and seeing you in person
curse him and his caring nature
the jig was up the moment you opened the door wearing a haphazardly thrown on robe, hair a mess, and bags under your eyes
“ethan, what are you doing here?” 
sneeze #1
“i came to see if you were alright, which you don’t seem to be”
“don’t be silly i am-” sneeze #2 “alright”
he did not believe you for a second
even if he did the multiple sneezes gave it away
let caretaker ethan mode begin
don’t even think about getting off the couch any time soon
he will insist of getting anything and everything for you
want to change the channel? he will get up and get it for you even if you’re closer
getting kinda cold?
immediately throws the biggest blanket he can find on you
need a snack?
don’t worry he spread out a million different things he found in your cabinets the moment he set foot in your house
which at first he tried to find only healthy types of snacks but your sad pleading eyes convinced him to just grab everything
“you can’t eat only oreos all day”
“but they make me feel better” *sad eyes intensify*
“okay fine”
will make it his duty to find every tissue box in the vicinity and stack them up within arms reach
“i don’t think i’ll need that many”
“it’s just in case”
besides the many snacks laid out be prepared to be eating many bowls of soap
i don’t think ethan knows how to properly cook so it's mostly likely from a can
not that you’re complaining, the hot soap makes your throat not feel as scratchy
he’d probably call up benny at least once
“what’s up dude!?”
“is your grandma home?”
“you want to talk to grandma??”
as much of a good friend benny is he isn’t exactly the best at spells or potion making
so he was hoping grandma weir could stir something up that could make you feel better
and grandma weir loved you so of course she does
best she can do on such short notice is make a little home remedy that clears your nasal cavity for a few hours
you take it as if she offered you gold
“i can breathe again!”
“why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t before!?”
“i was just exaggerating a bit e”
“oh” you tell him that he worries too much
but you mean the world to him, how could he not worry?
you two would spend the rest of the day binge watching random movies
eventually you’d fall asleep on ethan’s shoulder
he’s a bit upset that you fell asleep during his favorite part of the movie
but he’s more than happy to see you finally sleeping peacefully
he falls asleep not much later
thankfully for you both you woke up the next morning feeling much better
and you about to cheer for joy when ethan suddenly starts sneezing
guess it’s his turn to be sick
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joelsgreys · 2 years
Names (Steve Rogers x Female!Reader)
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Summary: You and Steve name your twin babies and you choose two very special, meaningful names.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Warnings: Just to be safe I am going to say this is slightly AU, please do not come after me Marvel gatekeepers. Also, it is Dad!Steve. Need I say more than that?
Length: 567 words
A/N: Okay, last Steve fic I had sitting in my drafts, I promise! Just felt like writing something cute and really fluffy today because my mental health went into the bin this weekend.
“I can’t believe they’re actually here,” Steve murmured softly. 
He gazed down lovingly into the sweet little face of his tiny, newborn daughter.
From the moment she’d entered the world, he refused to let her out of his arms.
“I can’t believe it either,” You agreed, letting out a sigh of content. Your son, who had arrived not too long after his sister, was sleeping soundly on your chest. You lifted your hand and very delicately brushed your fingertips through his tufts of soft, dark blonde hair. Although you were told that they weren’t identical twins, both babies shared the same, dark blonde haired trait. You looked forward to discovering what other traits your children would share—although Steve had expressed on more than one occasion that he wanted them to look like you, you secretly hoped that they would take more after him instead. You smiled at the thought of your two babies inheriting his cerulean blue eyes. “They’re perfect, Steve. They’re both absolutely perfect.”
Steve leaned down and gave you a gentle kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered, his lips lingering against yours. 
Your heart had never felt so incredibly warm and full. “I love you too.”
As he kissed you again, the door to your delivery ward opened, startling you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” a female nurse apologized as she walked into your ward.
“It’s quite alright,” Steve assured her, drawing himself back up to full height. 
“Are we going to be discharged from the facility soon?” You asked her, eagerly. 
She nodded, holding up the data pad in her hand. “Yes, but first, we need to get some more information to finish filling out birth records for the babies.” 
You and Steve glanced at each other. 
“Names,” You realized with a gasp. “Steve, we haven’t given them names yet!”
He frowned, glancing at the nurse. “I’m sorry, could we have some more time?”
The nurse chuckled. “Not to worry, Captain. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Steve sat down on the bed beside you as she disappeared from your ward.
His movement caused your baby girl to fuss, but he effortlessly soothed her with  a gentle rocking of his strong arms and a few loving words. “It’s alright,” he cooed, “I’ve got you, my little girl. It’s alright, Papa’s got you.”
Your heart swelled with pure joy. 
There was never a doubt in your mind that Steve would be an amazing father.
“So,” You broke the lingering silence. “Do you have any names in mind?”
He seemed to hesitate for a moment. “Well, I have an idea for our daughter.”
“What is it?”
“Sarah,” You repeated the name and smiled. Naming the baby after his mother seemed like the perfect idea. “I like it, Steve. I love it, actually.”
Steve seemed slightly surprised by your positive reaction. “Really? You do?”
“Of course. It’s a beautiful and classic name.”
“Okay. And what about for our boy?”
You lightly touched your son’s back as you quietly thought it over in your mind.
It didn’t take long before you realized that your choice was the obvious one.
“We should name him after you,” You decided, confidently. “Grant.”
Steve’s blue eyes instantly filled with pride. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” You nodded, grinning. “I think Grant suits our son very well.”
“It’s settled then.” Steve’s grin matched your own. “Welcome to the world, Sarah and Grant Rogers.”
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Hazel meet Jade.”
A/N: This is set the day after Jade was born.
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The next day in the hospital was so exhausting, you just wanted to take your newborn home and sleep in your own bed. Truthfully, you missed Hazel and you were really worried about her, you knew she was in good hands but being without her was hard. You couldn’t help but feel like a huge part of you was missing.
Jack hadn’t left your side, the last 24 hours was an emotional rollercoaster and you somehow felt even closer than before, even though it was hardly possible.
Jack was incredibly attentive asking you constantly if you needed anything or wanted him to go get you something to eat. You knew the night before really affected him, so you were really patient and affectionate toward him.
“Thank you for everything last night and this morning” you yawned and he scooted closer to your bed side, leaning himself on your bed.
“You don’t have to thank me, I’m just glad you and Jade are alright” he smiled and you leaned over to kiss him even though you were incredibly sore.
You looked over at the clock, “Hazel should be awake now, if you want to try to FaceTime her” you yawned another time and Jack walked over to his phone that had been charging specifically for this moment.
The two of you were eager to FaceTime her and let her know you were alright but mainly to tell her that you missed her. Maggie was watching her this morning and you couldn’t be more grateful for your mother in-law.
“Hey mom” Jack smiled at the camera and they talked briefly, she was concerned about how you were doing and you assured her you were much better today.
Hazel heard your voice and immediately came running “is that mommy?”
Maggie handed her the phone immediately. She always stood too close to the camera which made the two of you laugh.
“Mommy? Is sissy here?” Hazel half- giggled into the camera. She was clearly excited to meet her baby sister and you were relieved at her reaction to it all.
“Can I come see you soon please?” She asked and Jack assured her that as soon as he got the okay from the nurses he’d pick her up and bring her right over to you and the baby. You assumed that today would be the day so Jack told her to be ready.
“I told you she’d be fine” Jack smiled as he hung up the call.
“I know, I’m excited for them to meet” you smiled as the nurse wheeled baby Jade into the room for a feeding.
“How’s mommy feeling?” The nurse asked chipper as ever and you smiled sweetly despite feeling like you had just survived a human wood chipper.
“I’m excited to see my baby!” You cooed and she helped you adjust in bed before ultimately handing Jade over to you.
Jack stood back, giving you the space to adjust not wanting to overwhelm you with his presence.
He admired how easily you transitioned into “mommy mode” and watched you with big doe eyes.
Before the nurse left the room you motioned at Jack to ask her what the two of you had been wanting to ask all morning.
“Oh, we were wondering when we would be able to have visitors? We wanted our oldest daughter to meet her little sister” he said as he puffed out his chest, he was always such a proud dad and you loved to see it.
“As long as mom is up to it, visiting hours are from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm” she smiled at you and you thanked her as she left the room. You were looking down at Jade, she looked so much like Hazel when she was born and it made you smile.
“I think she’s going to look just like you too” you giggled as you admired her features.
Jack smacked his lips “no, this little girl, is all you” he smiled with his arms crossed, you could see how fidgety he was instantly.
“Gimme a kiss and go get our Hazey girl” you watched the smile grow on his face as he walked over to you both, giving you a kiss and softly kissing Jades forehead before turning to leave.
“Be safe!” You loudly whispered as he made his way out of the room. Jade made little noises in your arms as she fell back asleep.
“Well Jade, that was your daddy, I’m sure you recognized his voice since he was always singing or rapping to you” you admired her features as you continued “while he goes to get your sister I thought I should tell you a few things.”
What you didn’t know is Jack had left in such a hurry that he forgot his car keys, he was going to enter the room immediately until he heard you talking to Jade. He was leaned against the wall, eavesdropping as the same nurse from earlier walked by, he put a finger up to his lips to “shush” her and she smiled at him and continued to walk down the hall.
“Well like I said, that was your daddy. Let me tell you a few things about that wonderful, wonderful man” you sniffled as you started to tear up. “He really will do anything for his family, which means he might be a little overprotective of you, but he means well. You just have to be patient with him.” Jack, still in the hallway, nodded at that, he knew you were right.
“One thing about your daddy, his name is Jack, well Jackman but we can talk about that later” you giggled, “he will do anything for you and your sister.”
You wiped your face with your free hand before continuing. “ Also, you have an older sister named Hazel, she is just like your daddy so you and I have our hands full little lady” you smiled down at her.
“Hazel will love you just as much as mommy and daddy, she has your daddy’s heart, pure gold and your mommy’s attitude so bullies need to watch out” you smiled as Jade seemingly cooed in response.
“Mommy loves you so much already, I hope you never doubt that, I’d do anything for you. Never question that, ever” you sniffled again.
Jack was fighting back tears himself and decided to enter the room, eyeing you as you quickly wiped your face.
“Forgot the keys” he nervously laughed, “you alright?”
You nodded “just emotional, you know how it goes” you replied shyly and he gave you another kiss before rushing out of the room.
The entire drive to the house Jack couldn’t stop thinking of all the beautiful things you said about him, he knew how much you loved him and he never doubted that, but hearing all of that made his heart skip a beat. When he showed up at the house Hazel was waiting outside for him with his mom.
“DADDY!” She ran over to him, frantically looking around. “Where is mommy and sissy?” He smiled at her as he picked her up and placed her on his hip “we have to go see mommy and sissy at the hospital.”
He asked his mom if she wanted to come but she wanted the four of you to have your moment, so she stayed back at the house making sure it was clean for baby Jade to come home to.
The drive back to the hospital felt incredibly long for both Jack and Hazel as the two of them were anxious and excited.
“Daddy?” Hazel swung her legs as she sat in her car seat.
Jack looked at her through the rearview mirror “Yeah Hazey?” She looked nervous to ask him, but she did anyway “is mommy okay?” His heart fluttered recalling your words about her having a heart of gold and smiled, “yeah mommy is fine! She just has to stay with the baby at the hospital but once the nice nurses and doctors say we can go home, mommy and sissy will go home with us.”
Hazel held Jacks hand as they walked through the parking lot, he warned her that you would be sore and that she needed to use “nice hands” with you and the baby, she nodded as she understood instantly.
When Hazel and Jack entered the room you immediately felt like your cheeks were going to fall off from smiling so hard. “IS THAT MY HAZEY BABY?” You said excitedly as she ran to your bedside.
“Is that her?” Her eyes got wide as she looked at Jade.
“Yes, this is your sister”” you smiled and Hazel looked over her features.
“Is her name still Jade?” She asked curiously and you and Jack both answered at the same time.
Jack stood directly behind Hazel who acted a little shy at the sight of her little sister. “Can I hold her?” She smiled up at you and Jack helped her wash her hands before having her sit down on the sofa in the room. You were proud of how well Hazel was handling the situation, and so was Jack.
“My mom said I cried when they brought Clay home” he laughed and you did too, “I am not surprised by that, at all.” He playfully rolled his eyes before gently taking Jade from your arms.
“Hold your arms out Hazey girl” you reassured her that it would be okay and she did as you asked.
“Make sure you support her head too” that was your way of reminding Jack to watch that too.
Hazel giggled as she held her, the two of you watching her with smiles on your faces. Jack couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as his daughter intensely watched over Jade.
“What’s making you giggle Hazey?” You matched her giggles and Jack couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with love.
“She looks like me mommy!” Hazel giggled as she kicked her little boots around the hospital sofa. You and Jack started laughing at her cute reaction.
“Do you want me to take her from you now?” Jack asked as Hazel struggled to hold her.
“Please daddy, she is heavy” Jack laughed and took Jade back from her.
“Mommy, can I lay with you?” Hazel asked as she leaned up against your hospital bed. “Yes baby! Just be careful, mommy is still kind of sore” you slowly moved over to make room as Jack bounced Jade in his arms. Hazel crawled into bed beside you, and you wrapped one arm around her.
“What do you think of sissy?” You smiled, waiting for her reaction.
“I like her, I guess we can keep her or whatever” she joked and you couldn’t help but laugh. “You never fail to make mommy laugh Hazey, you know that?”
She giggled as she scooted closer to you, “Mommy can we carve the pumpkin when you get home?”
You smiled “of course Hazey.” It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, you assumed she hadn’t slept all night and knew if you asked your mom or Maggie they would tell you, you were right.
Jack continued to bounce Jade gently in his arms as you and Hazel took a nap, it was his turn to talk to Jade privately and he couldn’t wait to tell her just how lucky she was to have a mom like you.
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quarterdollar · 2 years
gabrielagresteofficial ultimate swag reveal
mmmmhey guys it’s meee i’m the one making all those poasts :)🦋 my name is victor and i ❤️ insane old people
i had this whole insane melodramatic idea to wait until season 5 ended to go public but i forgot show hiatuses exist and i’m starting to feel like an asshat letting everyone’s kind messages and tags go unacknowledged so here i ammm. i just want to say thank you to everybody who’s gotten a kick out of the blog, it really is fantastic to hear that i can make people laugh and that’s what i love to do most so i just wanted to let you all know that i appreciate everybody so much. it’s actually been an insanely bad year for me LOL but goofing around on the internet and having people enjoy the jokes and jests has been a net positive. you guys have been so sweet and it really does mean a lot.
i also just wanna say that there are a lot of you (2300+ like holy shit) and you guys send a lot of asks and i Love And Appreciate Them All. and if i don’t get to yours i PROMMY it is NOT personal i probably just couldn’t think of an in-character response that was as funny as the original question OR i was tired OR tumblr ate it. alas i am but one man roleplaying as a different, animated, much worse man
WHAT ELSE. uh. i’m constantly rotating gabriel’s hysterically flat french ass in my mind i do love him so much legitimately but i’m not really involved with the greater fanbase beyond like, talking to myself and tagging posts about him with the most insane bullshit the ops have probably ever read. my main fan thing is actually Pokemon, and surprise surprise all of my favorites from that are the various insane dad-aged fantasy terrorists. i have a type and it’s stupid as fuck and i’ve accepted this <4 please don’t think i’m an apologist though i’m just addicted to studying sillay cartoon freaks under a microscope
that’s all i really wanted to sayWait I just remembered i have 3 acknowledgements:
@wanderingaviator for being the blog’s first follower all the way back last year when i made it on a whim as a goof. THANKYOU for investing in small businesses
@sunfoxfic as i need to thank you for your endless enthusiasm and incredibly kind comments But Also i must now officially turn down your various marriage proposals. alas i am already happily committed to someone else but i am flattered nonetheless
@dupainchengisthenewblack for being my swag mutual. stay winning
okay now i’m done xoxo. thank you again everybody for your continued support of gabe’s tumblrina era i cherish you all immensely. this will be the first And last time gabrielagresteofficial breaks kayfabe so look forward to more erratically scheduled and incomprehensible evilposting in the future (i’m a lil burned out atm but he never leaves me don’t worry). ok thank’s bye
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juless27 · 11 months
I see you do Ronance fanfiction? I’m low key obsessed with sick fics and I haven’t been able to find a lot for Ronance. Do you know of any/would you want to maybe write one? I prefer one-shots, fluffy, and please have it be like any sickness besides covid. If you can’t, that’s perfectly okay but I thought I’d ask.
ok it's been freaking forever and im very sorry for the delay but here it is i hope you like it! (feel free to request fics in my asks if you want but keep in mind it will most likely take me a few weeks to finish)
read on AO3
Robin Buckley did not have the flu. Anyone who said otherwise was lying. Robin Buckley did not have the flu because she needed to keep going to work and she needed to keep going to school. She was so close to graduation and maybe, finally, getting the hell out of Hawkins if she could save up enough money. 
“Yeah?” Robin’s voice was muffled by her stuffy nose. 
“Go. Home,” Steve told her, for probably the millionth time. 
“I can’t.”
“You look like you’re about to drop dead.”
“Aw thanks for noticing, Harrington,” Robin replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Steve did his classic I’m-not-your-dad-but-I’m-about-to-act-like-it-because-it’s-my-love-language pose. Head tilted, hands on hips, eyebrows raised, legs shoulder width apart. Robin liked it better than his I’m-Steve-Harrington-and-all-the-ladies-want-me pose, but not by much. 
“Robin, you need to go home.”
“First of all,” Robin said, jumping off her usual perch on the counter and then groaning and clutching her head because that hurt, “you,” she pointed at Steve, “are not my mother or my boss. I don’t have to do what you say. Second of all, I need the money.”
Steve considered her for a second. A worrying light entered his eyes, as if he’s just had a really good idea. Robin braced herself. Then, “Okay.” And he turned back to the pile of returns he was sorting. 
That… was suspiciously easy. But Robin’s brain was too foggy to figure out why. “I’m taking my fifteen,” she said, heading for the back room. 
Steve waved a hand, “If you’re not back in twenty, I’m going to assume you died back there and I am not going to be the one to find your body.”
Robin bit back an insult involving the words “dick” and “wad” and the vivid image of her wailing her heart out over finding Steve’s dead body, should he happen to go before her. Which was incredibly likely. 
The couch in the break room was lumpy and covered in stains that should be studied by the goddamn government, but once Robin got Steve’s extra sweater from the cubby and laid it down to cover the petri dish that was the couch cushions, it was actually pretty comfortable. 
She slowly drifted off to sleep, the cadence of Steve’s voice talking to their first customer of the day lulling her like a lullaby. 
Hours or days or seconds later, Robin blinked awake to a hand on her shoulder. 
“Robin,” a soft voice said, and Robin’s eyes tried to focus on the source. There was a bright light and a shadow in front of it, creating a halo around the person’s head. 
“Oh my god. Steve was right. I’m dead.”
The voice laughed, “You’re not dead, babe. Not yet, anyway.”
Robin knew that laugh. Knew it because she chased after it every single day. Because every joke that passed her lips was for the sole purpose of hearing it, of seeing the radiant smile that came with it. 
“Can you repeat that part where you said I was right? I want to get it on tape,” said a voice that was unmistakably Steve’s. Robin ignored him. 
“Nancy?” Robin squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light, revealing two brunettes staring down at her, one with concern and one with a smug smirk that begged to be punched. 
“Yeah, hon. Now c’mon, let’s get you home,” Nancy helped her sit up and Robin’s eyes finally decided to work and she could see Nancy’s face somewhat clearly. Gorgeous brown curls, impossibly wide eyes filled with worry. That had Robin sitting up faster than she probably should have. The room spun but Robin ignored it. 
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is that you have the flu. And since you refused to go home when I told you to, I had to call in the cavalry,” Steve crossed his arms over his chest. 
“The cavalry…” Robin repeated, “Meaning Nancy?”
“Okay, I just woke up so help me out here. Why did you call Nancy?”
“Because you listen to her. And you don’t listen to me,” Steve said, “And you need to go home and rest so I called Nancy to come pick you up and make sure you do.” 
“Uh-huh…” It might be time to admit she was sick. Her brain was impossibly foggy. A cool hand pressed to her forehead. 
“Jeez, Robin, you’re burning up,” Nancy said, leaning closer to peer into Robin’s eyes, which refused to focus on her. 
“Ugh, stop that. You’re making me dizzy. My eyes won’t focus.”
“But you’re fine, right?” Steve said smugly. 
“Okay, okay. I might be just a little bit… sick.”
Steve raised his hands victoriously. Robin would have rolled her eyes but she wasn’t sure she could do so without passing out. 
“I can’t leave, though. You’ll be alone out there.”
“Robin. Three people have come through that door today and they are all standing in this room. I’ll be fine,” Steve replied, reaching out and squeezing her shoulder, “Seriously. Go home and rest. I’ll bring you some soup later.” 
Nancy and Steve helped Robin up and then Nancy walked her to the door like an extremely awkward three legged race, considering Robin had a full head of height on her and was not doing a very good job of holding her own weight. 
“I’m holding you to that soup promise, Harrington!” Robin called over her shoulder as Nancy attempted to open the door and get them both through. 
Robin stumbled over the curb and nearly sent them both tumbling onto the cracked pavement. She squinted at the ground, “Someone needs to re-pave this.”
“I’ll alert the mayor,” Nancy said, leaving Robin leaning against the car as she unlocked the passenger door. “Alright, in you go.”  
She put a hand on the top of Robin’s head as Robin ducked into the car, “Aren’t you supposed to tell me my rights?”
“What?” Nancy said, baffled. Then, an eye roll. “You are not being arrested, Rob.”
“Well, you should arrest me.”
“Is that so?” Nancy asked, shoving Robin’s legs inside so she could close the door. 
“Yeah, because I’ve captured your heart.”
Nancy groaned and Robin laughed, then closed her eyes and leaned back against the chair because laughing hurt and thinking hurt and everything hurt. 
“Glad to see your dumbass sense of humor is still intact,” Nancy said, pretending to be annoyed but Robin opened her eyes just in time to catch the adorable blush that bloomed on Nancy’s cheeks as she shut the door. 
Nancy drove as smoothly and safely as she always did. As in, not at all. Looking at her, you’d think Nancy was the safest teenage driver in Hawkins. But looking at her you’d never know that Nancy Wheeler keeps guns in her shoeboxes and hunts interdimensional monsters and drives like it’s the Indy 500 (300?). Robin herself had fallen into that trap, and she feels endlessly lucky to be one of the few who get to know the real Nancy. Except for her driving, which made Robin fear for her life. 
Nancy takes Robin to the Wheelers’ place and Robin’s desire to lay down overpowers her hesitation and she lets Nancy haul her out of the car and into the house. 
“Nancy?” Karen called from the kitchen as they came in, “Is that you?”
“Yeah, mom, it’s me,” Nancy called back and, under her breath, “Who else would it be?”
Robin grinned. She always enjoyed her girlfriend’s snarky remarks when they were aimed at someone else. The trek up the stairs is one of great difficulty, involving many tangled limbs and bumps against the walls. 
“Nancy, what the hell are you doing?” Mike demanded, coming out of his room down the hall. 
“Hey, lil’ Wheeler,” Robin greeted. 
“Robin,” Mike looked her up and down, “You look awful.”
“Why thank you.”
“Go back in your room, asshole,” Nancy said, scowling, coming to Robin’s defense even against Mike’s very true comment. 
They finally made it through the door and into Nancy’s incredibly pink bedroom. At first sight, Robin had thought Nancy’s room was pink because duh, the princess of priss would have a pink room. Then, after getting to know Nancy, she thought maybe it was something her mom forced her into. One day she finally just outright asked: “Why is your room pink?” 
Nancy had looked up from her book, “Because I like pink.”
Over the months, first as friends and then as more, Robin had spent a lot of time in Nancy’s bedroom. Snoop that she was, she had touched nearly every trinket and item Nancy had, sometimes asking Nancy where they came from or why she had them. Seeing someone’s bedroom was Robin’s favorite way to get to know someone and Nancy was her favorite person to get to know. 
Nancy deposited Robin on her bed and bent down to untie Robin’s converse. Robin stared at the ceiling, which was beginning to spin in a truly nauseating way. She groaned and closed her eyes. 
“You okay, babe?” Nancy asked, slipping Robin’s second shoe off. 
“Spinning,” Robin mumbled, “Everything’s spinning.”
“Okay, sit up, c’mon,” Nancy grabbed Robin’s wrists and pulled her back into a sitting position. Nancy shucked off her Family Video vest, folded it neatly, and placed it on her desk chair, a stark contrast from the way Robin tossed it on her floor after every shift. 
Finally, Nancy tucked Robin into her bed and Robin immediately relaxed into the mattress, snuggled under the comforter and resting her head on a pillow that smelled like Nancy. And she promptly fell asleep. 
Nancy let herself watch for a moment. Reminded herself that she was Robin’s girlfriend now, that watching her girlfriend sleep when she’s sick is not weird. She’s allowed to do these kinds of things now. Robin lets her do these kinds of things. Robin likes when she does these things. She looked absolutely adorable asleep in Nancy’s bed, her face squished against the pillow and the comforter pulled up to her chin. She leaned forward and placed her hand against Robin’s forehead. She was burning up. Nancy wished she had managed to get a fever reducer in her before she fell asleep. 
Nancy set the half finished glass of water on her nightstand next to two Advil pills. She fished a post it note out of her desk drawer and wrote Robin a note: downstairs, making you soup. Don’t move. And take the medicine. - N
Maybe it was some sort of placebo effect, but chicken noodle soup always made Nancy feel better when she was sick. Who didn’t feel better after some warm soup? Besides, this was Nancy’s thing. Chicken noodle soup, simple as it was, was the one thing Karen had never mastered. Nancy was always the one who made soup for her younger siblings when they got sick. As much as she tried to fight it, her nuclear family upbringing had drilled into her that cooking was how a woman showed her love. Or maybe just generally taking care of people. Nancy had spent many many hours psychoanalyzing this tendency in herself, but eventually she concluded that she just liked taking care of people and left it at that. 
And Robin was her favorite person to take care of. It was so easy to make her happy. She would beam at her if Nancy so much as tied her shoelace. Every little thing was big to her and Nancy loved it. She finally felt appreciated. But that was a psychoanalysis for another day. 
She was just adding the noodles to the simmering pot when she heard footsteps on the stairs. She turned, expecting her mom or her brother, but only saw Robin. 
“Robin!” She rushed over to help her girlfriend sit at the counter, “Didn’t you read the note? I told you to stay in bed.”
“Yes, I did. And then I immediately decided to disobey it.”
Nancy tried to look at her disappointedly, but she knew Robin could see the twist of her lips hiding a smile. 
“Did you at least take the medicine?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Robin offered a two finger salute, reminiscent of an old haunted house, a grandfather clock, a brick through a glass window. 
Nancy ladled the soup into a bowl and set it down in front of Robin, “Let it cool down for a second.”
Robin put down the spoon that was already halfway to her mouth. Nancy smirked, turning to lean back against the sink. 
“Aren’t you going to have any?”
Nancy shook her head, “I made it for you.”
Robin frowned, “You should eat. Taking care of me is hard work, you know. I’m a handful.” Sick as hell and still worrying about Nancy. 
Nancy smiled and filled a second bowl, “Oh, I know.”
They sat at the counter and sipped at their soup silently, both mutually looking over to make sure the other was eating. They took care of each other like that, Nancy supposed. When they were done Nancy placed their bowls in the sink and stepped behind Robin, wrapping her arms around Robin and resting her chin on her shoulder. 
“Wanna go back to bed?”
Robin shook her head. 
“You should get some sleep,” Nancy murmured. 
“And you shouldn’t be this close to me,” Robin countered, “I’m gonna get you sick.”
Nancy shrugged, “Don’t care. Cuddles are the best treatment for the flu, you know.”
Robin leaned back into her, “Oh, is that right?”
Nancy tucked her head into Robin’s shoulder, breathing in the honey sweet smell of her hair, “Mm hmm.”
“Well, I’ve heard the best treatment is having a movie marathon.”
Nancy pulled back to squint at her, assessing. Robin turned to look at her. 
“How about one movie, and then bed?”
Robin pretended to consider, “You drive a hard bargain, but I accept.”
They made their way into the living room and Robin flopped unceremoniously onto the couch. Nancy tucked a blanket around her before crossing the room to slide a tape into the VHS player, not needing to ask what Robin wanted to watch. The Princess Bride flashed across the screen in light blue and Robin clapped, as delighted as ever for the movie she had seen a thousand times. Nancy climbed over Robin and tucked herself between the back of the couch and her girlfriend, wrapping one arm around her like a seatbelt and stroking her hair with the other hand. Robin hummed contentedly. 
She fell asleep sometime between the shrieking eels and the cliffs of insanity, entirely missing her favorite moment (when the boat smacked against the rocks and bounced, clearly showing it was fake) and Nancy’s (the classic ‘as you wish!’ falling down the hill scene). After that she drifted in and out, dreaming of ROUSes and the Dread Pirate Roberts, feeling entirely secure with Nancy’s arm around her. 
When she woke up, it was dusk outside and Nancy was no longer behind her. She blinked awake blearily. The living room was softly illuminated by a single lamp and Nancy was sitting on the ground, back against the couch, surrounded by a circle of papers and photographs, working on a piece she refused to let Robin read until it was perfect. 
“Morning, sleepy head,” she said, affectionately, without turning around. 
“Mmph,” Robin responded. 
Nancy reached a hand up and Robin leaned forward without thinking, making her forehead more accessible. Nancy pressed a hand against it and nodded. 
“You feel a little cooler. How are you doing?”
Robin took a moment to assess. The room was certainly less spinny and her head wasn’t throbbing anymore. “A bit better, I think.”
“Good,” Nancy said, standing, “We should probably get you home.”
“Noooo!” Robin moaned dramatically, throwing a hand over her forehead like a damsel in distress.
Nancy laughed, “Yes. You’ll sleep better in your own bed.”
Robin reached up and took both of Nancy’s hands in hers. She stuck her bottom lip out and gave Nancy that look she could never refuse, “Pwease? Can I stay with you? Just for tonight?” 
Nancy pressed her lips together, but something in her eyes told Robin she had already won. “Fine. But just for tonight.”
Robin beamed. 
“Dinner and then bed,” Nancy said. 
“What? C’mon, Nance, it’s only like five o’clock.”
Nancy put on her I’m-in-charge-look that seriously rivaled Steve’s, “Alright, I’ll just get my keys then.” She pretended to look around, patting her pockets. 
“Okay, okay!” Robin gave in, “Dinner and bed sounds perfect.”
Dinner consisted of Mrs. Wheeler’s fantastic lasagna, followed by Nancy ushering her upstairs for bed. Robin brushed her teeth with the green toothbrush she left at the Wheelers’ and then changed into the sweats and tee Nancy had found in the drawer she had designated for Robin (which had been the cutest thing, Nancy blushing pink as she presented the empty drawer for Robin to keep some clothes in). Nancy made her drink more water and take more medicine and then tucked her into bed on Nancy’s usual side, with the better pillow. 
“Will you stay?” Robin asked, “You can keep the light on and read or whatever, if you want.”
Nancy smiled, “Of course.”
She left her lamp on, turning out the rest of the lights. Then she leaned over and kissed Robin’s temple, “Get some sleep, love.”
Robin hummed in response, eyes falling closed, “Read to me?”
“Sure, baby.”
“Love you.”
“I love you, too,” And then she began to read, “ ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife…’”
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thetriumphantpanda · 8 months
pining & desperately waiting | javier peña
take the weight off his shoulders - chapter two
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Chapter Summary | As much as he’s trying to keep his distance there is just something about you that Javier cannot stay away from. Drawn to you like a moth to a flame, so to speak. He's worried about you too, putting yourself in harms way for your work.
Chapter Warnings | Mutual pining, slow burn, sexual tension, flirting, mention of smoking and drinking alcohol, mention of drugs, drug deaths and the drug trade, explicit smut - masturbation (F)
Pairing | dbf!Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word Count | 3.2k
Authors Note | When I tell you I love this (specific) man, I am telling you I love him. He consumes me. Thank you to @hellishjoel for letting me scream about these two with her and helping me figure this chapter out! If you like this I would love for you to join me in my ask box for screaming and please consider reblogging to support me! If you enjoyed this, you can make a donation to my Ko-Fi if you'd like to support me that way.
I no longer use taglists. Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs to be notified of new updates.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi | Series Playlist
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You dream of him every night for a week after that night at the bar. They’re filthy, depraved sometimes, and you always wake up, slick pooling between your thighs, fingers working furiously before your alarm goes off to try a satiate you, or at least tide you over until you can climb back into bed that night and really take your time to imagine all the ways Javier would take you apart with his fingers, with his mouth, with his…. 
“Are you even listening to me?” 
You want to answer honestly and say no, you were busy daydreaming about getting railed by your dad’s buddy, but when you look across the table and see your boss practically glaring at you, you realise it’s probably for the best to lie a little. 
“Sorry,” You mumble, picking up your pen, “Didn’t sleep well, what were you saying?” 
“The fundraiser tomorrow,” She speaks, “For Dylan’s foundation, would you be okay to cover it?” 
You nod, because it makes sense for it to be you. Dylan had overdosed just over a year ago – seemingly on top of things, doing well in school and incredibly bright, found slouched over on a street corner, dead from an overdose before he’d been able to leave the small town for whatever bright lights he was destined for. He was just one of a string of drug-related deaths over the past twelve months – an ‘epidemic’ as they had coined it – the town too close to Mexico to escape the trade that Javier himself had worked so hard to quell. Dylan’s parent’s had set up a small foundation after his death, hoping to help other young kids who could be lured into this stuff to have other opportunities in their lives. 
“What kinda thing are you thinking?” You ask, starting to jot down notes as she speaks. 
“Just some reaction from people there, why they’ve decided to come out and support, maybe try and grab one of his parents, just the usual really, and we can run a story in the following days, might help drum up some more support for them if nothing else.” 
You nod, doing your usual with your notes of underlining the important parts, making notes on the kind of questions you’ll ask when you speak to people, “How many words have I got to work with?” 
“I think we can give them a page,” She says, looking to her boss who nods in agreement, “So whatever you produced for last month’s story, that should be good.” 
You nod, making a note of that too, and then continue to zone out for the rest of the meeting as everyone talks amongst themselves, mind going right back to Javi and what he would feel like putting his weight on you, settling between your thighs. You really needed to get a grip. 
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“Oh, isn’t it so nice to see such a good turn out today?” Your mom gushes, looking around at what feels like the whole of Laredo milling about a number of stalls that are selling all sorts of different things. 
“Sure is good to see,” Your dad agrees, putting his hands on your shoulders to give them a squeeze, “You want us to leave you to your reporting, pumpkin?” 
The nickname makes you wince a little, a moniker from your early days, before you’d filled out into your body. It was cute, but at twenty-five years of age, you do sometimes wish he’d find something else to call you. 
“I shouldn’t be too long,” You turn around and smile at him, “I can come and find you in a little while.” 
You wander around, introducing yourself to a few people asking them questions and jotting down notes. You’ve just finished speaking to Martina, famous throughout town for owning her own candle business, about why she’s supporting the foundation, when you step back and feel two sturdy hands holding onto your waist. You’re about to turn around and slap whoever it is for touching you, when that deep voice hits your ears.
“Careful, querida,” Javier fucking Peña, “Almost stood on my foot.” 
You whip around, mainly to put a bit of distance between the two of you, because it felt like his lips had been inches from your ear. He drops one of his hands, but keeps the other ghosting at your side, maybe to keep you steady more than anything as you wobble from the speed at which you’ve turned around. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t stand too close then?” You offer, making sure it comes out more playful than anything, because actually, all you really want is for his body to press against you more often. 
“Fair point,” He shrugs, “Thought I recognized you so I wanted to say hi,” He finally lets that other hand drop from your waist, “So hi.” Is... Is he nervous? 
You chuckle a little, “Hi,” you respond simply with a smile, “I didn’t expect to see you here,” You say honestly, this wasn’t his kind of scene before, you can’t imagine it’s any more appealing to him now, “Didn’t think it was your kind of scene.” 
He rubs a hand nervously over the back of his neck, “It’s not, I’ve been made to come,” He nods his head behind him where Chucho is talking to a group of other ranchers, “Apparently I’ve got to start showing my face more.” 
“Well, it’s a nice face,” your mouth speaks before your brain can catch up with what it’s saying, you inwardly cringe when you realise what you’ve said, “I mean, I’m sure people are happy to see you around.” Is all you can think to say to try and get him to forget the weird compliment. 
He seems to smile, but like it had been across the table almost two weeks ago, his smile seems forced, “Just wish I could skip the bullshit about everyone being proud of me.” 
“But it’s true,” You shrug, moving away from the stall with him so other people can in front of you to look, “You did really good things out there.” 
He scoffs now, shaking his head a little, “You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspapers, querida,” He speaks, “Surely you should know that more than anyone.” 
You don’t know what he’s actually trying to say, but you decide to play it light, “Are you accusing me of lying in my stories, Peña?” You say with a smirk. 
“Perhaps not you,” He offers, “But I know plenty of journalists who know how to twist a story to get what they want,” He looks down at his shoes, kicking at the gravel a little, “Just don’t want you thinking I’m something I’m not.” 
“Been gone a long time,” You muse, “You might have to spend some time reminding me who you are.” 
It’s flirting the lines of maybe being too much you think, but you’ve not said anything that’s not true. He has been gone a long time, and if what he’s said is anything to go by, he will have to remind you of who he is or show you how he’s changed. 
“Not sure you’d like who I am now very much, querida.” He says simply. 
You’re about to open your mouth to respond, tell him you’re pretty sure that wouldn’t be true and that there isn’t a thing he could do on this earth that would make you think he was a bad person, but before you can, Chucho is coming up behind him, a firm hand on his shoulder. 
“Ah, mija,” He smiles at you, “You here alone?” 
“Hey Chucho,” You greet with a smile, “Mom and dad are around somewhere, I’m just here working on a story.” You hold up your notepad and pen.
“Let’s see if we can’t find them, huh Javi?” Chucho muses to his son, “Get you a nice cold lemonade for when you’re finished?” He motions to the blazing sun and then back to you. 
“Sounds lovely, thank you,” You motion over their shoulder to where Dylan’s parents are stood, “I just need to speak to them, and I’ll come and find you.” 
Javi doesn’t say goodbye, just follows closely behind Chucho as they disappear into the crowds, leaving you to wander over to Dylan’s parents. They’re not strangers to the paper, your boss had written a story with them not long after Dylan’s funeral, trying to spread awareness as to just how deep the drug problem ran in town. The Laredo Morning Times had always been supportive to them, so you didn’t feel the same anxiety you normally did when gathering information for stories, cold calling or knocking on doors trying to introduce yourself before doors are swiftly shut in your face or phones are hung up with a ‘no comment’. 
They’re warm with you as you speak to them, thanking you for coming, thanking the paper for agreeing to cover the event, they even smile, which for a pair who lost their only son in such a horrible way still shocks you for some reason. Their loss hasn’t defined them, only made them stronger, made them determined to stop their pain from happening to anyone else. You make a note to write something equally as poetic in your article. 
The crowds are thinning out a little as the midday sun does its worst. You can feel beads of sweat gathering behind our knees and you curse the fact you hadn’t remembered your hat. You can feel the heat prickling your skin as you spot your parents, sitting on a picnic bench with Javi and Chucho sat opposite them. When you’re close enough to the table, you can see everyone has plastic cups full of lemonade, but there’s one, put in front of the spare spot on the bench next to Javi, that is pink in colour instead of the cloudy yellow of everyone else’s. 
“You get everything you need?” Your dad asks, as you try and fight your legs over the bench in the most graceful way possible. 
“Yeah,” You nod, “Think it’ll make a great piece, Dylan’s parents seem really positive about it all,” You pick up the cup and take a sip, pink lemonade, your favourite, “Thanks for this.” You nod in the direction of your dad. 
“Don’t thank me, Javi got these,” He smiles, “Remembered you preferred pink lemonade and everything.” 
It actually makes your heart swell in your chest. He was always thoughtful, even before he left. Observant almost to a fault. But even after all these years, all of his stress, everything he’s seen, he still knows you well enough to know you prefer the sweeter pink lemonade. You turn your head to him to find him already looking at you with a little smile on his face. 
“Thank you.” You say quietly, sipping through the straw. 
“You’re welcome, dulzura.” 
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Javier Peña is doing a piss poor job of staying away from you, even by his standards. He lasted less than a week before he was waltzing over to you, hands on your waist, buying you pink lemonade because he knows you prefer it. There hasn’t been a night where he hasn’t wrapped his fist around his cock and made himself cum over the thought of you. He finds it easier to drop off to sleep once he’s done it, but his nights are still fitful, full of nightmares, tossing and turning, waking up to sweat soaked sheets and a heaving chest. He wonders briefly, when he lies awake watching the dawn arrive through his curtains, whether your body next to him would ease his nightmares? But then he thinks what if it doesn’t. What if you have to wake up, look at him with those innocent doe eyes and see him for what he really is?  No, he can’t let his darkness cloud you, you don’t deserve that, you deserve someone that going to be gentle with you, someone softer, not him with all his jagged edges. 
He's currently sitting in his truck, just outside of the liquor store, contemplating how badly he wants that packet of cigarettes and the bottle of whiskey he’d driven out to buy. He’d done alright so far, chewing on his Nicorette gum, but his fingers are itching for the familiarity of a cigarette between his fingers, and he’d finished the bottle of whiskey last night. 
Then, almost like he’s being punished by God, which would make sense really, all things considered, you’re in his eyeline, walking down the street with a woman who is a little older than you, with your notepad and pen clutched in your hand. It’s late and he wonders where you must be going to report at such a late hour, and then he worries, because in his experience, nothing good happens after dark that worth making the newspapers. As the two of you approach him, he leans further out of his open window, holding his arm out to catch your attention. 
“Hey Javi,” You smile, coming to a stop in front of his window, “What are you doing in town?”
“Just picking a few things up,” He answers simply, because this isn’t about him, he needs to know where you’re going, “Where are you going this late?” 
You turn to the older woman you’re with, tell her to go on ahead and you’ll catch her up, “There’s been some kind of drugs bust a few streets over,” You explain, “Sounds like it might be quite big so we’re just going down to see what’s happening.” 
“Your dad working it?” He asks, because if he is, he knows you’ll be okay. 
You shake your head, “Nah, he’s not on nights right now,” You’re shifting back and forth on your feet, clearly itching to get going, “I’ll be alright though, sounds like plenty of dad’s officers are down there.” 
He turns his head back to the steering wheel and then back to you, “Be careful, alright?”
You smile at him again and if he’s not careful, he really could get used to being the person who draws that from you more often, “I know what I’m doing,” You chuckle slightly, and he doesn’t doubt it, not really, “Been covering this kinda shit for a while.” 
Without really thinking about it, he leans over, roots around in the glovebox and pulls out the little card he knows that’s in there. He passes it over to you, letting you take it, “It’s got my number on it,” He explains, “I’ve been in this shit and I just…” He trails off with a sigh, “Just, call me before you write something that might get you in trouble, okay?” 
“Worried about me, Peña?” You smirk, and he thinks above your smile, he’d like to make you smirk more too. 
“I’ve just seen too many good journalists write things that ruin their careers,” He shrugs, trying to play it off but probably doing a terrible job of it, “Don’t want you to make the same mistake.” 
He watches as you turn the card over in your fingers a few times, before smiling at him one last time, “I’ll call you if need you.” And he really hopes you do. 
In that moment, he gives up on trying to resist the call of the liquor store, pulling out his keys from the ignition and opening his door, climbing down onto the pavement. He stalls a little, before he puts a hand on your shoulder and gives it a squeeze, “Go and get your story, reporter.” And then motions his head for you to go. 
He buys a bottle of whiskey and two packs of cigarettes, smokes two of them before he gets home. He thinks if he were a stronger man he’d have managed to quit, but he’s not, especially when it comes to you. Sure, he knew you before, but this new you? He’s known less than a month and he’s already struggling to stick to his own rules. He steps down from his truck back on the ranch, walks in and pours himself a healthy double, trying to convince himself it’ll be okay, he just needs to keep to himself, but when he’s led in bed at night, thinking of your sweet smile, he thinks this might just be another thing he fails at. 
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It’s late. Too late for you to be awake when you have to be at the office in the morning, but you can’t stop looking at the series of numbers, printed on the little card, underneath the words ‘Javier Peña, DEA.’ It’s out of date, clearly, the DEA nothing more than a memory to him. But it’s the principle of it that matters most. He’s worried about you, and he would only worry if he cared right? 
You set it on your nightstand, switch off the little lamp and plunge yourself into darkness, right at the same time as you plunge your hand under your sleep shorts and through your folds. You’re soaked, because you always are when you think about him, it’s actually sort of pathetic. You sink two fingers into yourself, only briefly, letting out a satisfied breath, dragging your slick fingers back you to slowly circle your clit. 
It's new, the way you always need to take care of yourself. The brief relationship you’d had in college with James hadn’t given you much to work with, you hadn’t really felt desperation to get yourself off like this before. 
Your other hand, currently running over your peaked nipples through your tank top, is itching to reach across to your nightstand, pick up the phone and dial that number. You want to breathe down the phone at him, tell him you’re being so bad, that you need him to help, need that deep voice to guide you through it. As you press your fingers harder into your clit, speeding up your circles and bucking your hips, you wonder what he’d actually do if you did call him. Would he tell you to get lost? You don’t think he would, you think he’d do exactly as you asked, talk you through it. 
You imagine his voice in your ear, telling you how good you’re being for him. You imagine his hand replacing your own, sinking his fingers into you, using his thumb to work your clit, the rough of his moustache running over the skin of your neck as he kisses you there. It’s the image of him looking down at you, smiling as he makes you cum that tips you over the edge. That flood of relief that rushes through you as you bite down on your bottom lip to keep you from whispering his name as your body shakes through your orgasm. 
You wipe your slick fingers on the skin of your thigh, roll over in bed so your back is to the phone, trying to get your breathing under control. You drag the covers up under your chin, closing your eyes and trying to sleep without imagining his strong arm around your waist, his broad chest against your back. Does he snore? You wonder as you try and fall asleep. Would he keep you warm? It’s all running through your head as you sleep, conjuring up dreams that come morning have you realizing something has to give, you have to know, you have to have him. You needed Javier Peña more than the air you breathe, no matter how bad it was to admit that, no matter what it meant, no matter what it would cost, you needed him and you think to yourself as you drive to work, that he might just need you as much as you need him. 
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polyhexian · 2 years
Nate ranks every transformers thing ever
- Eugenesis
i have no idea how i can ethically rank this as good or bad. its good. its bad. its canon. its fanfiction. it is what it is. dont read eugenesis. please read eugenesis.
God tier:
- Rescue bots
i am not joking. i am not memeing. rescue bots is the best thing to ever come out of the transformers franchise. its the only series to break the three season curse and get a fourth season. it has more episodes than any other series, over 100. it didn’t get cancelled because it wasn’t popular, it ended because they ran out of stories they wanted to tell. then they dropped a sequel series with TWO more seasons. they gave nicole duboc a mainline series for this.
- Mtmte/lost light
life changing. incredible. ruined my life. saved my life. jro is my enemy. jro is my best friend. jro is my dad. i met him once. i showed him my hard copy of eugenesis i paid 150 dollars for and had him sign it. he probably thinks im insane. he DID sign it tho. i think about whirl and cdrw every day of my life
- Cyberverse
I LOVE CYBERVERSE SO MUCH... I don't think any series has captured the pure unbridled chaos of the entire franchise so well. It has so many characters and all of them feel RIGHT. I love the art style. I Love this unhinged soundwave. I LOVE the fresh and interesting new ideas if brought to the table. Season 3 was incredible. The season 4 specials destroyed me. TARN??? TARN IS HERE???
- Rise of the Beasts
I think that Bumblebee is an objectively better film, I just had more fun watching ROTB lol
- Bumblebee movie
- Rescue bots academy
- Earthspark
- Botbots
Yes I am in fact putting botbots this high. This show was so unrepentantly funny. The goof at the beginning show us like oooh space ENERGON crashed to earth the war... Anyway none of that matters lets go to the mall. That is SO funny. They did a chopping mall parody and a Hamilton parody. The protagonist is an unhinged megalomaniac burger.
- Beast wars
don't worry about the visuals you get used to them so fucking fast. beast wars is incredible. the storytelling has so much depth. tigatrons big episode about the cost of their war against the planet and defining what protecting the planet even means changed me. theres an entire episode about farting and rampage and depth charge wanna hate fuck SO bad its fucking unreal
- Recordicons
you WILL acknowledge david willis’s contribution to lgbt history and you WILL laugh at his very funny memes
Great tier:
- Transformers Prime
- Transformers Animated
waspy baby.....
- Idw shattered glass
- 86 movie (Bluray remaster)
-the five minutes at the end of earthrise when cog became the main character for some reason
This was the funniest shit I've ever seen. One of the worst most boring shitty tf shows I've sat through with characters I truly care nothing for suddenly lurched sideways as out of fucking nowhere and for no reason at all a random background character suddenly took over the plot and gave the most harrowing performance I've seen in awhile in this horrifically tragic death scene that had my jaw on the floor. And then we just moved on and never spoke of it again ckdhzhcjof. WHAT WAS THAT.... LITERALLY WHAT WAS THAT AND WHY DID THAT HAPPEN....
- Armada (the starscream and Optimus parts)
It is UNREAL how good the starscream and Optimus bits are in this show. When the rest of it is pretty terrible. I would say after starscream dies it's pretty meh but not outright bad, just sort of nothin. The first couple episodes tho are so funny because they're so bad they had no script and were all but ad-libbing the whole thing. They couldn't go two minutes without getting a characters name wrong. Incredible. Anyway this starscream is legendary for being such an interesting and dynamic character with the best design ever. And just like. The coolest character arc.
Okay but also just like do not watch this show in English. The English version is awful and it is More than just a dub!! The Japanese version was finished AFTER the American version despite being animated in Japan!! Because the show! Was not! Done!!! The Japanese version of the show is called micron legend and it's practically a different show. Do yourself a favor and watched micron legend subbed.
- Victory
also the plot hinges around the premise that current autobot commander star saber found a human infant floating through space and legally adopted him. That's incredible come on
- IDW windblade mini
saren stone could kill me with a brick and i would thank them
Good tier:
- Transformers RiD15 IDW comic
-Beast Wars 2 movie
- IDW2
- MMC mnemo/notif comic *
- Transformers go!
- Funpub shattered glass
- Beast Wars uprising
Okay Tier:
- Wfc: Siege
- Zone
- Challenge of the Go Bots *
Bad tier:
- The rest of IDW1
- G1
I'm not sorry for this. I don't like it. Boo
- Japanese headmasters
- Armada (the rest of it)
- Energon
- American headmasters
- Robotix *
im fucking unironically convinced when this flopped they just reused the plot for headmasters
- Wfc: earthrise
- Super god masterforce
- Beast wars 2
- Beast wars neo
- Beast machines
- RiD 2001
- 86 movie (pre bluray remaster)
- Cybertron
- Vanpires *
the wildest shit ive ever seen. ive watched every episode. imagine the cgi of beast wars season 1 with integrated live action. theres vampire cars and they "drain the gas from innocent cars" when cars??? not sentient???? the human children got irradiated and now they can turn into fucking horrible car beasts. why was this fucking made
- Bayverse
- Machinama’s Prime Wars
You know a series is bad when the first thing I want to complain about is the sound mixing
- Go-bots (transformers branded)
- Wfc: kingdom
Elite one my beloved I am so fucking sorry
Burn in hell tier:
- Rid15
Copaganda to rival paw patrol
- Exodus
This book called me a slur
- Hayato sakamoto’s Transformers Legends
- Kiss players
The worst thing transformers has ever done
??? (I still havent read/watched these) tier:
- Robot Masters
- Devastation
I played twenty minutes of this
- WfC
I’ve actually played a few hours of this but i got bored and didn’t finish so I don’t feel like i should rate it, but ultimately i just found it kind of generic and it didnt grab me
-Wings Universe
-Unite Warriors
this is illustrated by hayato sakamoto and ive seen enough of like, the horny bathtub art and oversexualized female characters to assume its most likely shit tier, but i think he also brought breakdown back to life and canonized kobd? I do legitimately want to read this eventually
-Marvel comics
-GI Joe transformers crossover comics
-Dreamwave comics
-new energon universe image comic
-Q transformers
I have actually watched the subbed episodes of this but, there’s so few of them and its so clearly not intended for me since this is like a little silly flash cartoon specifically for japanese fans of transformers that its like, of course i dont really get the jokes or anything so even though i found this kind of boring i dont think its bad and i dont feel comfortable putting it on a tier
- TFP tie in games
- Bayverse tie in games
- Earth Wars
Energon enema though
- IDW MLP crossover
- Nezha
Nezha is lost media but it has toys and I have one so uhhhh I guess I'm acknowledging it theoretically exists
* don't act like this doesn't count, once you're deep enough to make a list ranking every transformers thing ever made you have to start counting this type of shit too
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elliesbelle · 6 months
belle what the fuck happened??? are you okay???
long story short (prob won’t be short, knowing me oops):
tw: drug overdose, suicide, hospitalization mentions
work has been one of the biggest stressors in my life lately. i’ve been getting relentlessly harassed and bullied by a coworker (and my boss has done very little in regards to it), and something happened the other day with an extremely cruel parent of one of my kids, and it triggered something in me.
i was already having a difficult time the night before in regards to my ex (had a late night arguing with him and there were many countless unkind words said about me and the kind of person i am), and i was already in an incredibly bad place, so the work thing just pushed me to the edge. so i left work early, purchased a lot of cold medicine, went home, and took it all on top of sleeping pills and other stuff i can’t remember. said goodbye to my loved ones before i eventually went to sleep.
after that, a lot of it was a blur, so what i’m relaying right now is either from the few times i was lucid or from what other people have recalled to me.
live-in ex had been driving around trying to find me after my friends at work alerted her that i’d left suddenly, but she eventually made her way back to our apartment where she found me cold in our bed, and so she called 911. she tried rousing me but she was unsuccessful. paramedics eventually came and they kept trying to wake me up and eventually brought me to the emergency room.
i’m not sure what they tried to do to me in there, but obviously they tried to flush all the drugs out or whatever. i remember very little during this time, just that they had to cut my clothes off of me and i couldn’t stay awake for long. live-in ex was there the whole time, but they didn’t let her in the room until my mom got there and declared her as family (they wouldn’t let her past the waiting area bc we’re not related, so my mom had them list her as my spouse so she could be with me).
eventually, they placed me in the ICU where i was placed on bed rest (literally was not allowed to get off my bed because there were at least like, five or six wires attached to me) the whole time. a nurse has to be in the same room as me at all times, so they rotate these different nurses in 12 hour shifts, apart from the regular lead nurse who does hourly rounds to check on me. thankfully, they allowed visitors, so live-in ex stayed with me for most of it (so did my mom and my dad briefly, but they’re not as important). when they deemed me “healthy” enough (basically they wanted to make sure i didn’t lose my liver or something), they moved me into a regular hospital room.
been in here for the past day or so now. i can still have visitors, so live-in ex, both my parents, and my baby sister have all visited me. one of my coworkers who i’m close to also surprised me with a visit (which was so sweet, i was trying not to cry). they’re thankfully allowing me to have my phone and all (i’d be going insane if not), but i’ve been mostly sleeping honestly.
i tried asking them to not admit me into the psych ward cause i hate being in the looney bin, but i don’t have much of a choice because of the “severity” of my attempt. tried to opt for outpatient, but gonna be put in inpatient whether i like it or not, so i’ll be spending christmas here in the hospital alone unfortunately. oh well.
oops, yeah, not long story short lmao. anyway, sorry for worrying y’all. i really was not as lucid as i believed i was at the time that i’d made all those cryptic posts. i wanted to spend some time writing while i’m in here, but my emotional state has been so raw recently and the past few days being in here has caused me to be a lot more blocked in regards to that. my writing is tied to my emotions, so i won’t be able to write for y’all until i can process my emotions better again.
i don’t necessarily plan to abandon y’all, but if i’m slightly less active on here than usual, please understand why.
love you all.
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orchid-151 · 1 month
Good luck with your comms. Maybe while you're at it, uplift the voices of my people who died as children and won't be able to go to a zoo.
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(I'm sorry... Is this sarcasm or are you being serious?
Below the cut is for the anonymous asker ONLY, read at your own risk as it has mentions of a suicide attempt and mentions of depression... not in full detail, but just to be safe, it is mentioned...
I am really tired of political views being put into my ask box... my thoughts on the matter are not for online viewings, and what I value is only for those who know me IN REAL LIFE...
Other than that, this blog is for a fictional world building ONLY, not for people to do this... any future asks about anything happening in real life involving politics or wars WILL automatically be deleted. I will not engage with them any further.... I will not acknowledge that you ask Something like this... Please keep your drama and political views to yourself and do not bring this back in my ask box again...
Besides, I do have a mun side blog if you want to ask me directly without cluttering up my character blog... there is a direct link in the pin post for it...)
(I have written my response to this ask over and over again... But frankly, this is all I have to say to the anon who sent this.
Take a good listen to this song And you will understand my feelings on why I don't like it when you put something like this into my ask box...
I can't do much for other children, and if i couldi I would, but saying this to me without context is a good way to turn someone OFF whatever cause you are advocating for...
This just shows you being a jackass just because someone is doing something for their children. I certainly don't look at the parents who are bringing their kids to Disney World for a few days and look at them and say this^ to them...
Those parents would rightfully get pissed off...
I don't have a lot of money to be able to do this with my children And for me to ask if it would be okay to open commissions to do so really opens up about how I really want to do this for them... I've been trying to save money to have A rainy day fund in case an emergency where to happen, But let's be Frank I'm poor as dirt and the things that I want to do with my kids cost lots and lots of money. I do vaguely still remember that my mother took me to the zoo and I got to ride the train and see the giraffes, The fact that it rained and my dad ran to get me a pancho for when me and my sister got off the train [ It's one of those little carnival ride trains but it's still fun to ride on As it goes through the whole zoo]... I still have very fond Memories of that time, And I want to do that for my kids...
As i've said, if I can't do much and if you worry about every little thing in life, you will never enjoy the little things that you do have...
I was incredibly angry to the point where I wanted to yell at this person for what they have sent, and though they are vague on what calls they are talking about... It is sad to think about the children who will never get to do things like this with their own parents.
So dear anon and I will keep them in mind BUT, Do know that I will be focusing on my children for the time being and making their lives more enjoyable every day. I do think about what would happen if I were to pass or if something were to happen to them... As a mother, this is always on my mind, and it always triggers my depression and morso as of recent... And do keep in mind I am not taking any anti depressants or any medication for this depression...
I have had those thoughts, and even once tried to act upon them... But now the very children that I am trying to make money for to give them a chance to enjoy the zoo are the reason that I am alive today...
Any future asks, as I've stated before, that are like this will be automatically deleted and will be the reason I take anon off...
Have a wonderful day dear anon...)
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ironboyxs · 2 years
The Greatest Love of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr's Life
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Fandom: Marvel/X-Men
Pairing: Charles Xavier x Son!Reader; Erik Lehnsherr x Son!Reader; Scott Summers x Male Reader
Summary: On a mission to rescue mutants in Brazil, Charles and Erik found a small baby wrapped in a dark green blanket, Charles knew right away that the child was a mutant. The two eldest's eyes met the baby's strong eyes (E/C) and they had never felt such pure love in their lives... the rest is history.
Word count: 1522
Warnings: The story takes place after the incident in Cuba and Charles is still walking, and none of the bad things have happened, the team is still together.
Scott Summers was new to the Xavier Institute for gifted children, he had recently discovered his mutation and with the help of his brother, Alex, took up residence at the Institute. While leaving the literature class taught by Professor Xavier, he bumped into a boy with (H/C), he was short and skinny but had the features of an angel. Both boys' books crashed to the floor.
- I'm sorry. – The shorter boy said immediately.
Scott still couldn't take his eyes off the boy's angelic features.
- Hey? Are you okay? - Said the boy a little worried.
- Of course, I'm sorry! I've been a little distracted, it's all a little new to me.
- Okay, I understand. Have you ever taken a tour of the mansion? - Said the boy getting excited.
- Professor Xarles showed me some places but not all.
- Come with me, I'll show you my favorite place. By the way I'm Y/N Lehnsherr.
- Scott Summers. – He stopped for a moment to reflect and said – Wait, Lehnsherr as the teacher?
- Yes, I am adopted by professors Xavier and Lehnsherr. So I think officially Y/N Xavier Lehnsherr.
- Nice to meet you.
- It's my pleasure! Come quickly, before my parents find me and ask if I've done my homework.
Scott was a little confused. His brother had already said that Professor Xavier and Magneto were a couple, but he didn't know that they had managed to adopt a son. With Xavier's powers it shouldn't have been too difficult to get the adoption paperwork.
The two boys headed towards the forest at the back of the mansion, it was still late so it was well lit.
- How long are we going to walk? – Scott asked
- Just a little more, lazybones, don't worry, we're almost there!
For twenty minutes the kids walked around and talked about random conversations, their favorite movies and books, what they liked to do in their spare time, favorite subjects and stuff like that.
After a long walk they arrived in an open place, the sun was not so strong that it could interfere with the vision. And what Scott saw in front of him, even through the red lenses, was something beautiful.
It was a clearing, with countless flowers, all spread out in a blooming field with a few trees shading.
- Come, you can lie on the grass and flowers here under the tree, this is my favorite place. - Said Y/N.
- Wow it's beautiful, what are the flowers?
- They are wisteria, I planted them myself, when I found this open space I couldn't contain myself in making everything more beautiful.
- Did you plant all this yourself? – Scott asked shocked.
- Well, I didn't use the orthodox way. - Said Y/N as he made a red rose grow and handed it to Scott.
- This is my mutation, I have control over the vegetation, over nature in general, but I focus more on plants. Papa says I can go too far with my gift, but Dad is afraid I might lose control.
- Papa? – asked Scott.
- Yes, it's how I say daddy in German, or when I see he's angry it's vater, and sometimes when I'm sad and sleepy vati.
- Do you know how to speak German?
- A little, my vater was born in Germany, so I have some German lessons with him.
- It seems incredible to have mutant parents who accept you so well. – Scott said a little sadly. And besides, thank you for the rose. Is it really red?
- Yeah! And forgive me I forgot that your lenses only let you see red. Close your eyes for a moment, please.
Scott closed his eyes and waited for the smaller boy's order to open them.
- Wow. Now it's more beautiful. What did you do?
- Wisterias are usually lilac but I changed them to red, so you can see their beauty.
- Didn't need to, didn't want to spoil your field of flowers.
- Don't worry, I keep changing them colors for a change.
And then came a calm, not awkward silence, just two boys lying in the flowers, relaxing and enjoying the sun. After a while Scott finally worked up the courage to ask.
- If I'm being rude please let me know, but how did Charles and Erik find you?
Y/N tensed a little, but relaxed soon after.
- Well, there was a time when the Brazilian government along with other anti-mutant governments developed a law that tested all newborns for the X gene, and I was lucky to be one of them. My birth mother didn't want to go through the pain of having to hand me over to the army so she left me in a dumpster. And by a miraculous coincidence, the X-Men were in Brazil rescuing mutants and dad felt me, he and vati were running to where I was. They always told me it was the purest love they felt when they looked at me. Since then, I'm their son, dad messed with some people's minds so that adoption can be legalized and I don't have too many problems.
- So... you've lived with the X-Men since forever?
- Yeah, it's quite fun actually. Obviously, they never let me go on a mission, but it's like we're all one big family.
As Y/N spoke, Scott blatantly stared at the boy's face and inadvertently said:
- I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life.
Y/N's face immediately flushed.
- You're not bad either, ruby ​​eyes. – Y/N said still amidst shyness.
Suddenly Scott realized what he said and sat up abruptly.
- I mean, you're nice and a really charming guy, I didn't mean anything else you know. You don't have to think I'm weird or anything.
- Scott, we're in a place where people shoot lasers out of their eyes, a boy turns to ice and do you really think sexuality is an issue here?
- It's just that I... I've never said something like that to any boy.
- And I'm glad I was the first. My father often asks me to welcome newcomers, but I don't know why, the moment we bumped into each other I felt the same connection I feel with plants. You, besides my parents, were the only one I introduced this place to.
- I guess this counts as a date then?
- Definitely not, ruby ​​eyes, I'm a difficult boy you know? You need to take me somewhere that's special to you too... and face vati.
The last part definitely scared Scott, but he wasn't about to give up on the beautiful flower boy so quickly.
Later that night...
There was a noise at the door of Y/N's room and he knew it was vati.
- May I come in meine kleine sonnenblume? (my little sunflower)
- Yes vati!
Y/N was reading one of Lord Byron's works as he was getting ready for bed.
"I don't know how your father manages to make you read these things..." said Erik.
"Maybe you should give it a chance before you judge" Y/N said with a slight laugh.
- I noticed that you spent a lot of time today with Alex's brother, should I be worried about something?
- No, of course not. I went with him to the wisteria field.
Erik's eyes were surprised.
- I thought it was something that only your father and I knew about.
- I know... but do you know how I feel the vividness of plants? The sprouting of a flower? The germination of a seed? When we bumped into each other in the hallway I had the same feeling, and the first thought I had was to take him there.
- Are you sure about that mein prinz? (my prince)
The door opened again and this time it was Charles.
- Erik, don't get jealous, please.
- It's not jealousy, I worry about who our son hangs out with, you know it's a dangerous world.
- Yes my love, the world is dangerous, but here we are safe.
- Y/N - Charles said approaching his son's bed. “I don't like getting into people's minds without permission, but I guess I have to admit that like your vanti I worry too… and Scott is a wonderful boy, give him a chance.
- Is this serious? - Erik said indignantly.
- Erik I think it's time for you to accept that our son has grown - Charles said laughing.
- Okay, can you two stop embarrassing me and let me finish my reading? - Said Y/N.
- It's okay my love, I love you more than anything. Have a good night. - Charles said placing a kiss on his son's forehead.
- I love you too, daddy.
- Good night mein hundenbay, (my puppy), ich liebe dich (I love you). And let me know if that boy causes you any trouble.
- Alright vanti - Y/N said smiling - ich liebe dich auch (I love you too)
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