#pick your valentine
baddieladdie · 1 year
I will write a fan fiction (fluff) for the Valentine's Date poll winner!
Poll ends on Valentine's Day <3
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thesensteawitch · 3 months
About Your Future Potential Partner!🌹❤️
Pick A Pile Reading
~valentine's special ✨
(Left to Right - Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls! 🌹
Thank you for the love you gave to my last blog! I am so grateful for all the reblogs!✨
Now, this reading is about your future potential partner.
This reading is purely based on your current energy. So the partner that comes out is based on your current energy/life situation.
Valentine's day is coming and if you wish to attract the right kind of love then book “finding true love reading” only at $10. Below I am sharing the links:
💌Booking Form|My Rate Card|Tip My Blog💌
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- 10 of cups, The Wheel of Fortune, 3 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 10 of Pentacles, Judgement, 5 of Wands
Hello, my beautiful, pile 1. I literally have tears in my eyes right now! I AM FEELING SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU! What I am about to say might feel unbelievable to you too. I just saw 10 of cups I was like wow. And then I saw 10 of pentacles and there was another wow. And then I read in a card, “You're very close to achieving your goals!” And currently, I hear, “I have waited long enough to finally say ‘I do’.....I swear I always knew. It's always been you!” There are other favorable cards too in this pile. So I see one thing very clearly an old relationship or a situation where you already knew this person is being renewed!!!!! My God! And I'll tell you why I had tears in my eyes. It's because I feel you had no hope. For you, it was over. Some of you even felt like or still feel that you have been on a waiting period for a very very very long time now. And even if it hasn't been that long it did feel that way. This person is going to bring the world to your feet. They will be looking for stability and something long-term. You've been in this period of recovery and finding yourself. I see rebirth! Wheels will be turning again and this time will bring a book into your love life. You'll finally have this partner for the long term. The only thing that I feel may stop you is the thought of the past because I see that things didn't go so well with this person in the past. You have so many doubts. You aren't capable of trusting them again. 10s and 20s may be significant. Everything will fall in place with this person again at divine timing. (If any of you guys' relationship has been toxic and you don't want them back in your life then this is not your pile my dear. I suggest you to choose another one.) For some of you, I also see that in the past there was third-party involvement and insecurities from one or both ends. Now let's talk about this person. Though I don't think that I have to tell you about who they are still I'll tell you about their intentions. They are looking for a family with you. They see both of you as an end game. I also sense that they are very emotional. I also sense that they are hardworking and care a lot about financial stability. If nothing's happening right now then know that they are exhausted with their life. But when their true nature is quite playful. I think they are going through something challenging right now and are trying to resolve some things in their personal lives. You're being advised to not think too much and surrender this situation to God. Energetically you need to let go of something from the past to let something new enter. I also hear, “They didn't even put up a fight. They didn't even make a sound. I found a way to let you in but I never really had doubt. Standing in the light of Halo I got my angel now.” You're just not supposed to do anything about this situation. Just focus on yourself. That's what the universe wants you to do. Don't even stay in the waiting energy. Just surrender! Book a reading with me if you want to manifest your true love. The reading is only for $10.
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Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Devil, Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, 2 of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles
The first thing I heard was that your future potential partner is not going to make you wait at all!!!! They are going to be so assertive and will follow you like crazy. Don't worry they won't stalk you, haha! They will have pure intentions! But I see they love to talk and love to say things out loud. They will be the kind of person who is always up to something. They will just see you and they will know that you are their person. You will travel with them a lot. They will be someone who takes no pride in going after what they want. They won't be egoistic at all. They can be quite blunt or brutally honest at times. But as quick they will be it will take a lot of time for them to finally have you. Their manifestations take time to come to fruition. They are someone who will have big dreams! They will be quick learners and will have a lot to talk about. They may also be drawn towards spirituality or their path will take them that road. I also sense that they will be someone who is always outdoors, enjoying life. They are so so so outspoken! Their talk will just blow your mind and your heart will race listening about their wonderland. I also hear a message from them, “If we go down then we go down together! We'll get away with everything let's show them we are better.” So I also sense that they won't want anything casual with you. Everyone will know about you and them. Participating in their wildest fantasies might scare you off or put you off guard. I also sense that deep down they have this fear of being left alone. That no one will ever join them in their crazy ideas. They won't be delusional. They will be someone who wants different things compared to the crowd. And it will be a quite transforming journey for you if you join them and I don't think you'll regret it. Their view of the world will be quite different. Though they will be fond of the sun there's a sun burning within them that lights up any room they enter. The challenge for you will also be to understand their wounds because that is what will make you irreplaceable in their lives. I also hear from them, “Nobody ever knows. Nobody ever sees. I left my soul back then and now I am too weak.” Their past relationships were too damaging for them. They can be someone with abandonment wounds. But I see they'll work through all their wounds they just need genuine connections. Because deep down they hold a lot of past wounds and they know what losing people truly means. Nevertheless, they will be a full package of love and light. Book a reading with me to manifest your person. The reading is only for $10.
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Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Ace of Wands, Page of Wands, 6 of Cups, Ace of Cups, The Devil, The High Priestess, Wheel of Fortune
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. Silence by Marsmello is your future person's vibe. They will have strong water placement. They are so stuck in their past! They just hold onto what happened to them and only reveal bits and crumbs of their life. They will also have trust issues. I hear from them, “How do I love? How do I love again? How do I trust? How do I trust again? I stay up all night. Tell me I am alright...Every night I am dancing with your ghost.” For some of you, I also sense that this is someone who knows from your past. This future person can be a past life partner too. (If you were attracted to pile 1, do read it. I think it may have a message for you.) This person will look for escape rather than facing their wounds. They will be someone deeply wounded. A wild panther who has been hurt by many people. They can also be an overthinker. They'll be overflowing with emotions but won't know where to navigate them and how to express them. Some days they may burst out with sentimental words and then the other days they may just waste overthinking about every action of yours and theirs. Honestly, they'll be too naive when it comes to love. They will be so lonely and maybe someone who would give in to temptations or will just put themselves into lots and lots of work so that they can run away from their true emotions. You should be cautious dealing with this person, pile 3. There may be parts of yourself that you need to heal to not let this toxicity consume you. Because for some of you, I see that you may end up talking to them because they will be someone from the past, someone who was dear to you. No matter what their experience has been nobody deserves to take in other people's toxicity. So they can be someone who just pulls back their energy as soon as they see a single sign of danger. I do see major shifts happening in this situation when they enter your life. A lesson that you may need to learn from this person will be surfaced. It's very specific but I see that they can be someone who sings or something about their voice will be very captivating. I feel that you'll be someone who will be a blessing from the universe in their lives. They may or may not recognize it. Choosing you will make their lives better but ghosting you and avoiding you will only mean that they are missing out on a blessing they wished to have when they were at their lowest. What a tragedy! You've got nothing to do. You just be yourself. Walk away immediately when you're not valued. Keep yourself elated. You are the light that the world needs perhaps that will be your role in their lives. Wish them well but never let yourself down. Honestly, your light will trigger them because they would have been in darkness for such a long time. Just a warning, that they will change their mind often and you're not supposed to keep getting into on-and-off situations with them. Be very clear while communicating. They may even self-sabotage (already warning you). But it's okay. At least you'll know your answer and walk away. To attract the right kind of connection either through this same person or from someone else book “Finding True Love” reading with me only at $10.
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thecruellestmonth · 3 months
Stop stealing women's traits to give to Jason Todd!!!
Jason as an adult didn't slit a child's throat! He just nicked him a bit, because JASON IS A COWARD.
My FULL-GROWN ADULT WOMAN Cassandra Cain STABBED an UNDERAGE MINOR in the THROAT! So badly that the TERRIFIED CHILD choked in her own blood and needed emergency medical care to save her life!
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Batgirl (2000) #64
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Batman: Hush
Have fun!! Let full-grown adults stab children!
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 4 months
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Made a Valetine's Day Bingo for any writer/artist/creator and fandom that wants to play along!
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jerzwriter · 3 months
Let's have a little fun...
What songs are your OTPs listening to this Valentine's Day, and why? It can be any song... for any reason. It does NOT have to be all romantic and goey - just what they're listening to, and why. Here are mine, reblog with yours - or create a new post, but be sure to tag me so I can see! 😊
Tobias / Casey:
Casey is listening to this and dancing (really badly) all around their townhome. She's bopping around thinking she looks soooo sexy, and it's kind of not... but it's so damn adorable, she gets the desired reaction from Tobias anyway. Like when doesn't she get that reaction from him anyway? lol
Tobias is a huge Frank Ocean fan, and this is one of his go-to songs for when he's feeling a little 😏😏😏. I mean, it's Valentine's Day every day in the Carrick household, so they're gonna go big or go home on the actual day. (And yes, of course it works! lol)
Trystan / Carolina:
Carolina has been trying to introduce Trystan to Latin music, and since Luis Miguel was one of her father's favorites, he's one of hers, as well. This song isn't a typical Valentine's Day song because it's about longing and heartache, but that's kind of Carolina's vibe, even when she is madly in love.
Trystan is a Wham! stan. Sorry, it's canon. lol I think he's got a whole dance routine planned out... tight jeans, leather jacket, unbuttoned shirt, sunglasses... the works. And he ROCKS it. Carolina can't stop laughing, but this is why she loves him.
Ethan / Kaycee:
Kaycee is never leaving her Taylor era, and she really doesn't care that this song was written for Joe (Joe who???), and this little song reminds exemplifies her relationship with Ethan, so it's definitely on replay this Valentine's Day.
So, this ties into the Valentine's Day fic I'm finishing off for these two. But Ethan found her really likes this album, and this song in particular has a special place in his heart. I think it will become a Valentine's Day standard in their home.
I'm tagging some who I think may want to play along below, but please, anyone can play! Just jump in!
ANYONE can play!
@alj4890; @annoyingmillenialnewbie; @genevievemd; @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @secretaryunpaid @stars-are-within-me @tessa-liam @thosehallowedhalls @dutifullynuttywitch @trappedinfanfiction @tveitertotwrites @coffeeheartaddict2 @peonierose @cariantha @icecoffee90 @dr-colossal-pita @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @lilyoffandoms @moominofthevalley @aces-and-angels @oh-so-youre-a-nerd @mydemonsdrivealimo @choices-ceri @cadybear420 @missameliep @noesapphic @princess-geek @lorircreates @korgbelmont @ezekielbhandarivalleros @gaiuskamilah @rafasgirl23415 @angelasscribbles @petiteboheme @kingliam2019
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euesworld · 1 year
"The way I see galaxies in your smile, there has to be a universe of beauty hiding inside you.."
I've been searching the cosmos for you forever- eUë
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writing-good-vibes · 4 months
as a very special valentine's treat, i'm going to be writing some corey x reader valentine's drabbles !!
please send some PROMPTS from [THIS LIST] through my INBOX 💌💭, and i'll write some little stories for us !! (probably between like 100 - 500 words) and there's no limit on req's so send as many as you like 🥰
[if you have any adjacent ideas or a specific direction for one of the prompts, you can send those too !!]
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caemthe · 3 months
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Some (unserious) valentine day’s hcs for the trio:
Patroclus, to his surprise, is really busy during this time of the year. He has no idea why as he doesn't consider himself someone who ranks high in the popularity poll, he's just some guy™ but... If this was some sort of high school setting, he would be that one guy who has his locker filled with love letters, gets asked to go outside with someone during lunch break and has to politely reject them, and gets home with his backpack and a plastic bag full of chocolates. But he always makes sure to give everyone something back on white’s day because he's polite like that. It may be cute and all but imagine wanting to give Valentine's Day chocolate to Pat but when you find him, there's already a line of people who want to do the exact same thing...
But at least he's not as oblivious as Cú Chulainn. People, in general, don't even try to approach him because Cú is someone who goes at a different pace than most so it’s nearly impossible to keep up with him. Just getting a hold of him should be considered a feat. But, if the planets haven't aligned and you mention Valentine's Day before confessing, he’ll immediately assume it’s for friendship-related stuff since, you know, it's a day of love & friendship. He's busy on the 14th, going from one place to another because he prepares 'friendship chocolate' for all of his friends (and he has a lot of them). It's sweet, he's sweet, but imagine finally gathering the courage to ask Cú on a date but, before you can actually confess, he's handing you a little treat and saying he likes you as a friend too.
On the bright side of things, you at least see him during the day, which cannot be said about Deirdre. Where is she? Where did she go? It's a mystery, maybe she's in a faraway part of the countryside reconnecting with nature or marathoning horror movies in a bunker, just appreciating the peace and quiet of life. She's very good at hiding (like crazy good) so there's almost no way to find her, and she only returns once most Valentine's Day-related stuff is on sale. So imagine wanting to ask Deirdre on a date or wondering if she will get you anything for the occasion but she straight up disappears the week before and only returns a day after the holiday like nothing happened.
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theloveinc · 1 year
why is this bakugo and do you think he does it to his lil daughters too till they grow up and have their own valentines
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😭😭😭i know i'm just repeat everything here but !!!
Every year waking up to a big bouquet of flowers and chocolates and presents in the kitchen that bakugo claims were all left for you at the door by "that damn stupid secret admirer of yours."
He even goes so far as to put on his glasses to make fun of the sweet words written in the card (typed bc he'd get too sentimental writing it all out AND it'd be obvious who it was), calling it all "sappy nonsense you shouldn't take seriously..." LIKE IT WASN'T HIM CALLING U PRETTY AND LOVELY AND THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE IF ONLY YOU'D JUST "NOTICE" THE WAY HE LOOKS AT YOU ... wahhh :((
And ofc he does it for your daughters (and probs even sons, too)! they end up catching on after a couple of years, esp the younger ones... but those first few years in school with your oldest: the student counsel is walking into her class with a damn near parade of stuff he "didn't" drop off for her. stuffies and roses and a piping hot lunch and a card W/ MONEY IN IT.
she comes home with flower petals stuck to her clothes and he's just going, "ew. tell the fucker to lay the hell off" jadslkfjasd.
lmfaoooooo he's spoils you and your kids so badly and VIOLENTLY REFUSES to admit it even if you all know <3... and even when they do have their own valentines, he's still trying to get 1-2 gifts in. least he always has you...
(I'm also thinking about the way he barely even lets you + your kids say thank you. They try and he's denying it... so the only way they can is to line up and all give him a kiss on the cheek. and then a real kiss from you once they're all in bed...)
thank u for sending me this, moni! i want to get to your cello ask soon☺️
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anamelessfool · 3 months
In the supermarket swarmed with men getting flowers but I always get my husband flowers. I'm the only woman in the flower aisle lol
I once saw a redditor say "The only time men ever get flowers is at their funeral" and I was like damn that is the saddest shit I've ever heard so I get him flowers 💕
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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My piece for the @deepspacevalentine zine! In which Tuvok is recovering from his Voyager illness at home and his emotions are still a bit out of whack...but T’Pel’s there so it’s okay.
Tuvok sits in bed while T’Pel reads quietly at the end of it. She glances at him. He has a dazed expression. T’Pel: Why are you staring at me so intently? Tuvok: You are...beautiful. T’Pel: So I’ve been told. Repeatedly. Tuvok: I simply...wish to reacquaint myself. (do not tease) Tuvok tears up. He looks at his wife, her brilliance, and remembers how pieced together his mind is. He closes his eyes. Tuvok: I...I...I do not want to forget. T’Pel moves closer, cupping her husband’s cheek. His hand rests on top of hers and a diamond-shaped burst of telepathic affection glows between them. T’Pel: My love...I will not be going anywhere. Tuvok telepathically fawns over T’Pel, calling her sweet. She blushes. T’Pel: Hush.
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alasarys · 1 year
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2022 | 2023
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ofdemonessence · 3 months
Feb 14th delivery
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Enjoy and share with that guy your going to marry...
Delia's eyes widened with delight as she gazed upon the beautifully arranged tray before her. The vibrant red strawberries, succulent cherries, and luscious raspberries seemed to sparkle under the soft glow of the room. Their enticing aroma filled the air, tempting her taste buds with their tantalizing sweetness.
Unable to resist any longer, Delia reached out and plucked a plump strawberry from the tray. Its juicy flesh burst with flavor as she bit into it, a burst of tangy and sweet sensations dancing on her tongue. She couldn't help but let out a contented sigh, savoring the exquisite taste. The combination of the rich red fruits and their vibrant colors was a feast for both her eyes and her palate.
As she continued to explore the tray, her attention turned to the elegant roses nestled among the fruits. Their velvety petals, deep crimson in hue, exuded a fragrant aroma that added a touch of romance to the setting. Delia gently picked up one of the roses, marveling at its beauty before inhaling its intoxicating scent. The delicate fragrance had already filled the room, enveloping her in a sense of pure bliss.
And then there were the chocolates, carefully arranged in a corner of the tray. Delia's eyes twinkled with anticipation as she reached for a piece. The smooth, velvety texture melted in her mouth, making her moan. Each bite was a heavenly indulgence, a moment of pure decadence that she couldn't help but relish.
Grateful for her best friend's thoughtfulness, Delia couldn't wait to share this delightful surprise with her fiancé, Will. She knew he would appreciate it just as much as she did. With a smile on her face and a tray full of love in her hands, she turned towards the door, calling out to Will.
"Will, you won't believe what Greta got for me! She sent over this amazing gift full of red fruits, roses, and chocolates. It's absolutely delightful. I think we should share it together and enjoy the treats. I wanna get her something in return, what do you suggest? Help me think of something that can top this."
@gretaphasmatosmartin (ty <3) @worldofsenelfy
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Hi! Forgetful anon here again!! I would like to retract my previous statement. I read a few of the drabbles and.... I cave,, your writing is just too delightful! (ノ´∀`*) Ive never requested anything ever in my life from anywhere and im just going off what ive seen other people say terminology-wise... buuut for the candy hearts event, could you do sxf ler!franky/lee!reader? With ❤️Be Mine and 🩵Smile!! -💫 ♪ヽ(´▽`)/
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
Heyo friend! :D Aww, you're so sweet! Thank you! No worries, you did great on the terminology! I haven't written for Franky in so long? Holy canoli he is a joy to write for! I hope you like it friend :3
CW: Possible drinking
Be Mine: "Oh that is IT! Come here!" + Smile: "I didn't know you were ticklish here."
“Heeeeey~” Franky slid up to you with an easy grin, two glasses and your favorite beverage in hand. “Doing anything in the next few hours?”
“Yes. Drinking that.” You grinned as he poured you a glass, sliding it over with surprising grace. “Wow, you’re good at that- if the informant business doesn’t work out, you could be a bartender.”
“Haha, very funny.” Franky took a seat beside you, watching you as you took a happy sip. “Though if you were my regular, I’d take up the job.”
“Charmed.” You grinned, making him snort mid sip. Laughing as he sputtered, you clink your glass to his. “Careful not to do that too often- won’t be impressing many people if you can’t hold your liquor.”
“We-ehehe! We’re not even drihinking that!” He wheezed through coughs.
“Hmm- even worse. At least the liquor you’d have an excuse.”
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” Recovering quickly, Franky put his drink down and tackled you into the couch. With one final gulp, you threw your glass to safety as his fingers dug into your ribs. “AH! Frahahhanky!”
“Whoa, that worked? I didn’t even know you were ticklish here!” He laughed, dancing his fingers against your sides as you laughed and squirmed beneath him. “Wow, an agent who’s ticklish! And here I thought Twilight was the only one!”
“Twihihiihihlihihihight’s tiihihihihiklish?”
“Shit- didn’t mean to let that one slip.” He winced, realizing he dug his own grave.
“Oohohohohoho, I’m tehheehhehehelling!” You teased through your giggles, arching with a squeal when he dug harshly into your lowest set of ribs. “AHhehahhahahaha, Frhahahahanky!”
“You absolutely are NOT telling! If I find out you snitched on me, I’m gonna make your life even harder than it is!” Despite the threat, he was grinning at you, eyes twinkling with mirth as you giggled and tittered on. “Prepare yourself for Franky’s ultimate tickle technique!”
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He's back in town and he won't be undermined Got a bone to pick and a fucking axe to grind You're blushing while he's crushing cause' you've known it from the start There's more than one way to lose your fucking heart
Love hurts In my mine Blunt force Then you die
In the mining town of Harmony, a drilling accident is caused by the son of the owner, Tom Hanniger. On Valentine's Day, Harry Warden, the sole survivor of the accident, awakes from his coma in the local hospital, and he kills twenty-two people. Ten years later Tom, having survived the tragedy, returns to Harmony after the death of his father. Upon his arrival, a new bloodbath starts taking place and the locals fear that Tom's return is the cause of it.
Check us out on @ddriverpicksthemusic / @girlshunttoo ♥
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shadowwmosess · 9 months
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