#philza crit
rhiaarrow · 3 months
Hello, hello! The Ghostie with the penchant for long rambling walls of text here to give her unwarranted two cents on the current disagreement between the Tubblings and the Crows!
I'm offering my take as a purely unbiased outsider
(Yes, us Ghosties may be married to the Tubblings but when I first joined the Qsmp Fandom I was a Crow and a Crow only, before I died and became a Ghostie. Thus, while I like both qTubbo and qPhil I don't watch either of them often, ergo unbiased :D )
who has no real reason to attempt to villainise or place either character on a pedestal because to put it bluntly, they are not my cubito.
Without further ado I will begin my ramble.
Today's ramble of course comes with the disclaimer that with me not being a qTubbo or qPhil main there may be areas of their character that I'm not aware of since I don't watch every single one of their streams! Feel free to correct me on literally anything you think I've mischaracterized about your main just please be understanding that nothing is done with malicious intent! :)
I'm not attempting to paint either character as a villain in this ramble, I'm just publishing this in hopes to allow each community to understand that neither cubito is perfect and that's okay!
Okay! For anyone missing context; the current disagreement began when Tubblings expressed feeling happy that Chay was able to be a kid around qTubbo as opposed to being serious with qPhil then the Crows reminded the Tubblings that qTubbo is also attributing to Chay's hero complex through him acting as Chay's egg and asking Chay to protect him. Which has caused both sides to instinctively protect their cubito and is causing arguments within their communities.
As a Ghostie who is more than willing to write 1000 words to raise awareness, and is frankly sick of infighting within the QSMP fandom (it's why I left twitter, please don't bring it here 🫠) I figured I'd try to help 'squash the beef' if you will.
Polite discussions about cubito conflict is fine, going for each other's throats over character takes...yeah let's not do that! :D
Firstly, everyone has to recognize that Chayanne has an almost toxic hero complex. He's had it since the beginning of the server and while neither qPhil or qTubbo is doing it on purpose they are BOTH feeding into it!
He has an overwhelming urge to protect others with no regard for his own safety or wellbeing at times. In the beginning it only extended to eggs. As the older sibling he had a sense of responsibility over them, which was cute! But now it's borderline toxic although it's become so normalized as such a core part of Chayanne's character that no one recognizes it's no longer a healthy mindset.
Now Tubblings can make the defense that qTubbo isn't being entirely serious or that he doesn't truly expect Chay to put his life on the line for him but I watched him look Chayanne in the eyes and BLAME HIM FOR NOT PROTECTING 'HIS EGG'.
Even if that was immediately reincarnated qTubbo who was a little fucked up in the head, even if he no longer fully blames him, even if qTubbo was joking at the time, he looked that kid dead in the eyes and told him it was his fault. Tell me again how qTubbo isn't unintentionally feeding his complex?
Yes qTubbo allows Chay a more carefree space away from his overwhelming need to protect his younger sister and a space to be more relaxed.
Yes qTubbo is joking about a lot of things and a lot of the out of pocket shit he says isn't intended to be taken completely seriously.
BUT you cannot fully disagree with the Crows when they say that qTubbo feeds the complex too. BECAUSE HE DOES, JUST NOT ON PURPOSE THE SAME AS qPHIL!
qPhil is so used to his son being the strong warrior that he doesn't realize that that character trait is actively damaging his son's mental state. His attention is divided between Chay and Tallulah and since Tallulah is more open to talking about her issues he often isn't as attentive to Chay.
Is that a bad thing? Yes!
Is it intentional on qPhil's part? No!
Is it something the Crows need to recognize that qPhil does which unintentionally allows his son to continue to struggle with his hero complex? Yes!
qPhil loves his son unconditionally AND qPhil feeds Chayanne's hero complex are two statements that can and do coexist
qTubbo let's Chay be more of a child AND qTubbo feeds Chayanne's hero complex are two statements that can and do coexist
And as long as both the Crows and Tubblings are willing to understand that neither cubito is perfect and THERE'S NO USE FIGHTING OVER PIXELS then we're good!
- Sincerely a Ghostie who just wants to try to bring understanding between the two fandoms by utilizing her rambling skills!
AGAIN, any severe mischaracterization you feel I may have included is unintentional and feel free to correct anything you feel like I'm misconstruing, they're not my main cubitos so there may be somethings that qTubbo or qPhil mains find to be untrue to the source
HOWEVER if you're gonna call me out for mischaracterizing a character simply because I'm bringing up their flaws and you can't accept a character has flaws, kindly fuck right off :D
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terezicaptor · 3 months
i couldn’t catch any of the streams, can you explain the whole phil bad thing, like how he doesn’t understand him.
i’m very lost lmao
phil was saying things abt bad that are just. Complete misreads of him lmao. Val said phil is a guy who thinks his first impressions of people are all he thinks of them unless he's forced to change his perception. Which I think is true as hell
Was "bad never lies". Blatantly untrue. This guy loves lying. Especially for the bit. It's like a sport for him. Bad loves The Bit.
Was him saying bad would escalate a war with fobo, when tubbo said bad wouldnt take him and foolish seriously in a war and he said phil would. He stated purgatory as his reasoning for this. When in purgatory the reason bad went so hard is bc both his children's and the other eggs' lives were on the line. Tubbo said bad wouldn't go hard unless dapper was on the line. Which is true. Bad is a silly guy. He would prank war that shit
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lionheartedmusings · 5 months
catching up on tallulah's situation yesterday, and i'm gonna be totally honest with you, a lot of her issues could've been entirely avoided and redirected if she'd been properly socialised, understood, and allowed to have "a village".......... but idk if we're ready for that conversation ☕
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lacystar · 8 months
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Wilbur: Who's the lucky- who's the lucky lady, who's Missa, what's she like?
Phil: It's a dude. *laughs*
Wilbur: Phil, you didn't tell me you were bi, and also polyamorous.
Phil: Definitely not.
Wilbur: What does Kri- what does Kristin think of your- of your... husband?
Phil: SHE'S NOT CANON IN THIS UNIVERSE! And we- and it's not like that, it's not like that- it's uh, we're- it's platonic, we're just dude's hanging out protecting an egg-
Wilbur: Who's the top?
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hwaddist · 4 months
i gonna be so real and honest here and say that some of you do not know how to read:
QSMP2024 is still the same damn server with the same damn lore and they are STILL ON THE SAME DAMN ISLAND
Phil pointed out yesterday how they were 200k blocks away, today Luzu tried using the waystones but they were deactivated because the waystones in the og spawn and surrounding areas are still there, when Cucurucho was going around talking to the islanders he asked “how are you liking THIS PART of the island”
there wasnt no lore restart nor this is a new server, the lore is still there, but this is day TWO of this new era of fucking course theres no lore, bad even said that today on stream that “there could be lore at any point.” the eggs even have immunity!
yes! it was kinda shitty that Richas and Pomme went without Phil to rescue Cellbit and Baghera but maybe, just maybe, you guys should remember that this people have lives outside of the server and maybe phil couldn’t make it to the recording of the video!
Willy pointed out today that the reason he stopped logging in when he first joined the server was because everyone else was already way too OP with literal castles and armor so tough they would barely get scratched by mobs when he barely had diamond armor, so he got discouraged and didn’t logged on again. Now that everyone is back at being balanced he wants to log in again! Maybe even tell Vegetta to log in again!!
edit but also general minecraft knowledge: they probably traveled so far out to get new world generation because they jumped from 1.18 to 1.20 (from what i can see because the spawn wouldn’t generate stuff like deep dark don’t generate on already loaded chunks), so that is why they are 200k+ blocks out. also the create mod didnt got taken out, its just disabled at the moment because the admins probably dont want another tubchunk.
you guys SERIOUSLY need to stop doomposting and trust in the admins and in Quackity.
UPDATE: Baghera has talked about having planning issues and thats why they had to cancel the rescue mission with Phil!
and Fit said that his lore is STILL ONGOING
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qtubbo · 4 months
also like phils lore is kind of solo lore. he relatively stays to himself (+eggs) while turbo's rp is heavily invested into morning crew, fitpac is heavily invested into morning crew, bagi and Mike both hang out a lot with them. Phil does hang out with morning crew ofc but the group dynamic isn't really a part of his thing, you know? so I can see why people don't really put him into their morning crew fics other than there sometimes because he is only there sometimes + he usually gets on a little later than everyone else if he does hardcore so he misses the initial log-in check in. like if you believe he's part of the group that's fine but imo he doesn't seem very heavily invested in it, just friends with most people in it yk? and that's fine!! he's just not a core part of it for most people's interpretations
Morning Crew is a very particular dynamic that formed from 3 people who hung out just with each other almost everyday because of how early they logged in. While at the beginning it was kinda undefinable, oh is it just Morning people? Is it a friend group? Is it just the name of a trio or a general title? As Fit, Tubbo, and Pac’s lore started combining, it became a very particular them thing, they help each other because they’re close. Tubbo’s lore specifically involves directly how Morning Crew is a group of 3, and does not involve Phil in the slightest it’s just not a consideration to him. Pac and Fit, while in very different ways, do engage a lot with how the dynamic of Morning Crew affects them emotionally, Fit relies on them for company, while Pac becomes stressed out without them.
Phil’s lore on the other-hand is very isolated, it has nothing to do with his dynamics with Morning Crew, they exist outside of him. There is no issue with people making solo lore, but all of his lore being so solo is a statement in itself about how he’s not part of that group. As you said even if we go with the requirements of logging on earlier, Phil is either entirely within the afternoon group, or as most times at the end of Morning Crew time. He is also not as grouped up as them like the newest inclusion Bagi is, when Phil hangs out with them it’s individual, he’s close with Fit and Tubbo but not them together. Plus not being close at all to Pac and Bagi, but as noted involving Mike that’s not fully limiting since he is not close with Tubbo. Bagi hangs out with Morning Crew as a unit, unless we are heading towards afternoon time she’s normally with all three of them, or at least a majority of the group.
It’s just that Phil doesn’t really fit the requirements people generally use to determine Morning Crew and as anon said he doesn’t want to. Phil exists within his own story, and his friendships are singular he has no intention of being part of the Morning Crew family. The other ccs also just don’t consider him a member even though unlike Bagi and Mike he was hanging out with them fairly constantly when they formed, he just makes no attempt to be part of the group and the group makes no attempts to have him join.
It sadly comes off to many that the inclusion of Phil in Morning Crew by fans is due to his popularity and want for their cubitos to be part of a group. It’s fine to include him, but just don’t get mad when others don’t.
Phil’s just their friend, close to some but he doesn’t need the title and he’s perfectly happy with that.
(This was not meant to be so long sorry)
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mangofanarts · 4 months
I'll be honest, I don't think Phil's fitting to be a father or guardian to the other islanders in the way that the fandom sees him to be -like an ultra caring father whose there for everybody (granted, not everyone in the fandom interprets him this way, though it's a lot of people). I don't see Philza as someone who has the energy or even wants to care for other people in a parental figure way. Much less the emotional vulnerability to do that when he views them as an adult too, someone on his level since, that's what they usually are - adults just like him. The way that Philza comes across to me is just a person who wants to take care of his eggs (Tallulah, Chayanne) and that's it. And I think it's fine if he wants to mind his own business and not involve himself with drama/conflict that's happening.
I assume people do it because Philza seems to be the "old" one (old in quotations because there are other characters who are older than him) and from the whole bit of everyone calling him dad from his team in purgatory. But, trying to label Philza as an (adult islander)'s dad feels strange to me. Adults can just be friends with each other, it doesn't inherently have to be a certain role so that they can be a family.
There's only two exceptions that would make sense to me, one would be Wilbur (he introduced himself as Philza's son and Philza has said that Chayanne is Wilbur's brother, from what I remember- but take it with a grain of salt. it's just me going off memory.) Their relationship is something that they established as a father and son dynamic, Tallulah even calling Philza her grandpa before she was adopted by him and then changed it. The second exception is Baghera because she wants him to be a father figure to her, she wants that kind of dynamic with him. Even then, Philza has referred to her as a "friend" to his kids before when Tallulah asked if they weren't safe anymore because he doesn't actually view Baghera as a daughter. He sees her as an equal, a friend. Nor do I think that Philza will want to be a father figure to Baghera in that kind of way.
I've just been seeing people label Philza as other people's dad often and it's just not something that I understand, at least from what I've seen of his character.
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saphflare · 1 month
Personal take on "Chayanne as a Glass Child Interpretation" that no one asked for
Apparently people have been using the "Chayanne has glass child syndrome" thing to rag on q!Philza, which I haven't seen, at least not overtly. Or at least not with the purposeful intent of labelling q!Philza completely as a Bad Parent. But I can get why ppl would feel like that is an attack on his character (*stares at DSMP*)
But I also kinda wish some ppl understood that when we interpret the fact that Chayanne is a glass child, it isn't necessarily to blame q!Philza and his parenting.
Because anyone that has a singular critical thinking brain cell can see that the man is trying so fucking hard to raise his two children, and that he loves both of them so much. And that is the sad thing isn't it. Because the thing about glass children is that practically always it is not intentional, and the parents never mean to neglect or force their more capable/older children to become so. That it is often just a consequence of the circumstances of their lives together, and it is something that isn't obvious most of the time until it of course becomes an issue. That for all the efforts of the caretaker(s), they sometimes need to focus on one child more because of their needs and that is perfectly understandable, especially if it is health needs. But as a result, there are gaps in the support and needs of the family. And so, other children in the family that are capable of helping just end up doing so because additional aid and care is needed.
And if you especially look at the Death family's circumstances, we can see those circumstances in play. That the island is dangerous compared even to "normal" society, with the government system provides little to no additional care for its residents & their families. If not downright making it basically punishing them because they have children, due to needing to work for additional resources for their kids (cookies, tasks, etc.) And then there are the monsters and external forces trying to kill and torment all of them. Now that is already fucked, but then you consider the fact that Philza has two children, as he is their primary caretaker due to q!Missa's frequent absence. Which not blaming q!Missa, as the family still loves him and like probable lore reasons, but regardless that adds to the circumstances of the family. That q!Philza is the only one, for the majority of the time, responsible for two kids instead of just one for most of the other parents.
Which again, I will say that other residents also help out with taking care of other eggs of their own and all that, I won't deny that. But they can't always know or be able to pinpoint all things that the two children specifically need or be reliable as the island limits their ability to help.
That at the end of the day, Philza in specific is considered the official guardian for Chayanne and Tallulah, and the one that they spend most time with in their development on the island.
That with the constant danger and additional circumstances surrounding them, it is no wonder that Chayanne ended up taking more responsiblity, becoming more mature in the process. That like any other kid that could see their family struggling and also feel it, he wanted to help his dad. And especially at first, when they had Tallulah and it was evident she needed support due to her asthma and health issues (aka internet issues). She needed not just the support of Philza, who was already lacking consistent support of a partner, but also her brother to help out in case. That it might not have been the intention for Chayanne to take on these burdens or have to grow up so fast, but it happened out of necessity.
That it was as a result of everything they have faced on that island, both good and bad, for Chayanne to have turned out the way he has now and before.
And, I want to stress this so fucking much that neither Philza nor Tallulah are responsible for this. No one in this family is completely at fault because for fucks sakes it isn't exactly like they fucking meant for Chayanne to be a parentified child. That yes their circumstances contributed to to the situation, but that is the same as saying the island has given them lemons and they had to just do the best with it. And that in some ways, they are still growing out of their original dynamics, even months now that they have changed so much and literally have been displaced onto a new place. That in this manner specifically, Philza sometimes still falls into the same mentality in believing Tallulah is still the same little girl that he needs to constantly look out for, when she has become so much more and grown to be able to defend herself. Honestly almost, if not, just as well as Chayanne. But I also acknowledge that he has improved quite a bit, and given her much more freedom and autonomy, especially since they all reunited after Purgatory. But he is still getting used to it, and even in these few months, he has learned to give them room to grow a bit.
Also, I don't blame him for sometimes falling back on the old habits considering you know the dangers he is so guarded against are real and most definitely out to get him and his eggs.
The whole thing of people having flaws and making mistakes yada yada ya, they don't know everything they need to do all the time, especially with things changing constantly and all that shit.
And in some ways, I look at Chayanne right now and I see he is more of a glass child healing from their early circumstances. That his family has acknowledged in some way that he had to take on so much more than what a kid should have. And while I don't think they have unpackaged everything, and that it something that will take a lot more time. Not to mention all the new issues that pop up every other fucking day (for void sake, let this family have a goddamn break). But the thing is they are improving. That they are definitely moving towards that direction in which they are looking in retrospect of what they had to deal with and realizing things. And then, they are having conversations about it together.
And look, for all the things you can say about Death Family, they are all trying their best. That yes perhaps their family is dysfunctional due to fact that it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to cultivate a healthy stable and safe environment for them to grow up in. And yes, of course there are interpersonal issues and current trauma that they need to work through because of all the things they experienced on the island, there are issues in every family, small or big that needs to be worked through. But that doesn't negate the fact that they are trying so hard to the best of their abilities because of each other. That it is undeniable that they have sought to improve and grow and become who they are because they love their family, and hold each other closely in their hearts. That they are still people actively trying to discover things about themselves. And it will always be a struggle in their places as the family they are, but they do so out of love for each other.
But yes whole point is, "Chayanne has experiences that can be comparable to that of a glass child" and "q!Philza is a flawed person that is trying his best" and "Death Family is dysfunctional but also loving of each other" are all statements that can exist together.
Death Family isn't perfect and I love them for that <3
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qsmpcryptid · 3 months
Oh man i wonder what phil is doing on his stream lemme check qsmpen
QsmpEN: updating on Philza as if he was the main character of a Brontë novel
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anomonos · 6 months
I genuinely believe that this whole discourse AMONG THE FANS about q!Sunny and q!Philza is just a simple case of bad miscommunication. Both in role-play and out of role-play. Something cc!Phil AND q!Philza alway establish is that the museum is an area that is outside of role-play. Sometimes he does bend that rule, however, majority of the time most conversations in there he doesn’t take seriously. However, the admin for q!Sunny chose to make that conversation about q!Tallulah cannon which there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so. As a matter fact, I feel this is a very great story opportunity for an egg to have some slight tension towards another parent and am curious to see where this goes.
I can’t stress enough that what q!Sunny is feeling is absolutely valid for their character. Obviously an adult making light of very serious topics when their parent happens to leave is scary. It’s even more scary knowing that q!Sunny’s admin plays her as somewhat younger than the other eggs (at least that is what I have been learning). Of course she’s not gonna see q!Philza in a good light. And that’s fine.
The problem that many q!Philza viewers are getting annoyed by, including myself, is the constant mischaracterization and just plain villainizing of q!Philza by the fanbase .
No. He doesn’t dislike q!Sunny. He thinks she’s cool and often encourages q!Tallulah to get to know her!
No. He’s not resentful of her and taking his frustrations out on her. I genuinely don’t know how this idea came about.
It makes sense for q!Tubbo viewers to assume things about q!Philza based on just cc!Tubbo’s pov alone. They don’t know his character that well unless they watch him. It also makes sense that from q!Tubbo’s and q!Sunny’s pov, q!Philza is kinda rude and insensitive.
On that same thought, it makes sense for q!Philza to genuinely be unaware that his words and tone are scary/mean to both q!Tubbo and q!Sunny. He doesn’t know.
Two things can be true at once.
Just like people are allowed to dislike a character and their actions just as much as people are allowed to defend a character.
The whole thing about q!Philza’s tone is another can of worms entirely. Cc!Phil is quite literally a blunt, no bullshit type of guy. That’s literally how he is with EVERYONE, eggs included. But once again, q!Sunny is valid in feeling scared and a little put off by it.
This goes for both sides in saying that they just don’t know each other that well to read/understand each other. That’s why it’s so important that q!Sunny and/or q!Tubbo COMMUNICATE their feelings. Otherwise how is q!Philza supposed to know?
As a cc!Phil viewer, it really sucks seeing so many people paint q!Philza as this malicious figure that is INTENTIONALLY trying to bully an insecure child when that just isn’t the case. Could he have worded things better? Of course. Does that mean he was trying to make q!Sunny feel bad? No. Once again, it’s just bad miscommunication. Something that can easily be cleared up by both adults talking.
It’s also crazy to me that this got blown all out of proportion based on 1 damn sign talking about his tone.
Either way, you can like/dislike whoever you want. Just remember that it’s not always black and white.
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
I do think people underestimate just how real that is for Tubbo 😭 he’s uncomfortable so he’s going to make light of the situation and that just translates poorly through the lore sometimes.
This is a very important fact that I don't think non-tubblings are always aware of. Tubbo being unserious isn't necessarily him being out of character or not respecting the lore/rp. Both streamer and character react by making jokes to ease the discomfort. Depending on the situation that can be a really good approach for dealing with children. For example when Sunny doesn't want to talk about something Tubbo will frequently redirect to lighter topics and come back to it later. He's not ignoring the issue he's just trying not to press. Doesn't work for every situation but it is a realistic reaction.
I think this is a big factor in the friction between crows and tubblings because when Phil does stuff like that tubblings tend to analyze and crows come in shouting that Phil wasn't in character. On the reverse when Tubbo does that crows talk about fail rp and tubblings have to defend the actions as making sense for his character. That's not always how it happens but it is a pattern in the fandom.
The amount of people that fail to realize how much of irl tubbo bleeds into qtubbo leads everyone to make assumptions that aren’t true or completely misguided. His ND traits play a large role in how he acts because, believe it or not, he’s ND. I think that’s also a big gap between crows and tubblings too, they don’t realize that tubbos “fail rp” is him being himself and being ND, which has traits that aren’t always socially acceptable or rp acceptable (because there’s a standard apparently).
The fact that crows get upset over us analyzing Phil makes zero sense to me because he’s a character that interacts with ours so we will have thoughts on him. Just bc they aren’t always positive doesn’t make them less valid 🤷🏻‍♀️
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sharptoothed-gaze · 15 days
Apparently Lullah’s admin got doxxed /multiple/ times. I swear the mcyt fandom sometimes 😤
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lacystar · 2 years
I was gonna make a post about how Phil isn't gonna remember his son anymore but honestly its not like he did in the first place
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ghost-town-dwellers · 2 years
‘c!phil and c!techno have done fucked up shit and are like objectively in the wrong’ and ‘from their point of view its understandable why they did that (to a degree)’ and ‘they are my skrunkles and the fact that they are villains only makes me love them more, i love violence and killing and murder’ are takes that can and SHOULD coexist
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spacee-pirate · 2 years
sbi dance au where techno does ballet, tommy does tap, and wilbur does jazz. phil is the dance mom, obviously.
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