sci-puns-decoder · 6 years
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You do not need to understand all the lines in order to get this Helium joke. I didn’t get all the lines when I first saw it either, hehe. I did some research and I’d love to explain each line here ;)
He is everywhere. In the Heaven and Earth- Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, being present at about 24% total elemental mass. On earth it is present but rarer: 5.5 ppm by volume in the atmosphere, created by radioactive decay and heavy elements
He makes the stars shine, yet He cannot be seen- stars are usually powered by nuclear fusion in the core which converts Hydrogen into Helium. This reaction releases enormous energy in the form of gamma rays. The photons of the gamma rays bounce each other in the core portion of the star, which lose some energy. When the rays arrive at the surface and get into the space, the photons have lost much energy and therefore become visible light shooting into the space and maybe received by our eyes. That is why we can see stars shine. We can not see helium because it is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non- toxic, inert noble gas on earth.
He is noble, abundant and fills the universe- already discussed above. FYI: Helium is a noble gas, which means it is in group 18 of the periodic table and very unreactive because its outmost electron shell is fully occupied.
He can lift you into the sky, and bring you gently down- Helium gas is lighter than the atmosphere, so it tends to go upward and has a lifting force of 1gram per liter gas if it is trapped in a balloon. Helium balloons are very common. So it is possible to lift a person up using sufficient amount of helium balloons. When gas slowlu leaks out of the balloon, you can gradually get back to the ground.
He can take many forms- Helium can be liquid at temperature close to zero, solid at 0.95 k and 25 ATM or room temperature with 114 thousand atm (very very great pressure, over 100 times greater than the pressure at the ocean’s deepest point.) Gas at room temperature and pressure, and plasma at the core of the stars. He can help heal. He can help kill- helium mixed with oxygen helps chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients breathe easier, because ur is a less dense gas that allows patients with COPD to empty their lungs better when breathing out. However, if you breathe only helium, it cut off oxygen supply needed by your cells. A man once attempted suicide by connected himself to a helium tank. He was found unconscious but recovered after a several weeks in the Emergency room. He can help create. He can help destroy- Helium can fuse to create large atoms such as oxygen and carbon in the core of the stars. However, such nuclear fusion can destroy surrounding matters by converting them to all energy. Praise Helium ;) Pic credit to: https://m.imgur.com/r/funny/HD8j6ID
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sci-puns-decoder · 6 years
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Who doesn’t use fancy wording on lab/research reports? ;)
Pic credits to: https://sciencebasedlife.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/what-scientists-really-mean-in-thier-research-papers-image/
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sci-puns-decoder · 6 years
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This one is related to logics problems in math (my favorite type of math concepts!!!)
Joke explained: The waiter asks whether ALL five customers want coffee. Every one knows his or her own choice, but doesn't know the choice of others. But if someone doesn't want coffee, he or she knows NOT ALL FIVE want coffee since he is one among five too. The first four people do not say no, implying that they don't reject coffee.
The first person says "I don't know" because he wants coffee but unsure about the other four. Similarly, the second person acknowledged that both herself and the first person want cover, but unsure about the other three who haven't spoken yet. This applies to the same response from the third and the fourth people. When the fifth person speaks, he already knows that all other four want coffee. And he answered "NOT all five want coffee." The only reason for his "no" is that only himself doesn't want coffee. Therefore, the waiter understands that she should get 4 coffee for the first 4 people only.
Pic credit to: http://mrburkemath.blogspot.com/2011/05/coffee-logic.html
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sci-puns-decoder · 6 years
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No explanation is needed today :)))
Pic credit to: my good friend Liz S
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sci-puns-decoder · 6 years
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Hahaha this is old, gross and funny at the same time.
Escherichia coli (E. coli ) is one of the most common rod shaped bacteria. Most E. coli are usually harmless and they live in intestines to help breaking down food. But some strands, for example E. coli O157:H7, may infect abdominal tissues and cause diarrhea, cramping, or vomiting. E. coli can contaminate rawly processed beef if the cattle intestine parts is in or touch the beef. And E. coli is able to grow and reproduce at temperature at 10-45 C. News last month report that a brand of Canadian beef is recalled because of E. coli contamination again. https://globalnews.ca/news/4090667/lean-ground-beef-recalled-due-to-possible-e-coli/
What an intimate attachment E. coli colonies to room temperature Canadian beef ;) Joke credit to: https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/she-grew-on-him-like-she-was-a-colony-of-e-coli-and-he-was-room-temperature-canadian-beef.1969487/
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sci-puns-decoder · 6 years
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I was laughing at this page https://m.imgur.com/gallery/rXaal when I saw this pic and gazed at it, confused. Since Iron rust is Iron (III) Oxide Fe2O3, and is formed by Iron reacting to oxygen in the air, why does the picture say that water (aka H2O) rusts the pipes?
After some researches, below is the answer I find if you are confused about the same thing.
Rusting is a type of corrosion— a metal donates its electron to a nonmetal electron acceptor. Oxygen gas in the air is in its stable diatomic form O2 that doesn’t want to accept electrons. So water serves this job of electron receptor. Solid Fe dissolves into Fe2+ and 2e- in water. Water also breaks apart into H+ and OH-. OH- would take the electrons that Fe gives up according to this equation: Fe2+ + 2OH-➡️Fe(OH)2. Some oxygen dissolved in water would react with the compound too to turn Fe(OH)2 into Fe(OH)3. Then several Fe(OH)3 go through dehydration to produce Fe2O3 plus some H2O.
H2O is not consumed in the previous reactions, it just serves as a solvent for reaction to occur, which is also called a catalyst. I have learned something new today which maybe some of you guys think it’s obvious and silly, and myself as a “young dumb broke high school kid” is really thankful for your viewing of this blog :)
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, which means it has two layers of lipid consisting a phosphate group. Both layer contain water loving (hydrophilic) exterior or "heads" , and water hating (hydrophobic) interior or "tails". The watering loving heads are at the exterior because the outside environment usually contains water. That is why in the picture all water hating tails avoided themselves from the water gun. By the way the pear shape huge object in the picture is called intergral protein, it's embedded within the membrane and serve as transporters, carriers or receptors. This phospholipid bilayer property of the cell membrane often causes big polar (always water loving) molecules not able to pass through the water hating lipids in the membrane, so some specific proteins serve as channels or carriers. Joke (pic) credits to: https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/5a/46/00/5a4600d58802d846bf8f6fe4edc79915.jpg
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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Joke explained: Pavlov is famous for an experiment of classical conditioning. The theory of classical conditioning includes a neutral stimulus (can be anything, as long as it does not provoke any sort of response in the organism) and unconditional stimulus (something that reliably results in a natural response, for example you feel nauseous when you smell rotten eggs). If neutral stimulus and unconditional stimulus always appear together, the organism will associate them and after times the neutral stimulus will also automatically and involuntarily have the effect of unconditional response on the organism. Pavlov used experiments on dogs to show his claim. He rang a bell every time before he fed the dogs. At first the bell as a neutral stimulus has no effect on the dogs. But then the dogs soon learned that bell rings are associated with food. So the dogs would involuntarily salivate and drool when they heard bell rings even if there was no food present. This jokes points out that rom the dog's point of view Pavlov could be the one affected by classical conditioning, he associated dog's drool to his experiment and automatically started taking notes. Of course this is not the truth, because unlike drooling, writing is a voluntary act, so it can not be an unconditional response. But it is just funny to think of Pavlov this way. Joke (pic) credits to: http://pin.it/Q53bq80
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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Joke Explained: Ohm (Ω) is SI unit for electric resistance. Coulomb © is SI unit for electric charge. And sunglasses is cool. Read them ohm and Coulomb out loud and I guess you will understand.
Joke Credit: Myself Pic Credit: Myself :)
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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This one jokes comes from myself and my wonderful friends in H Genetics class :) Omg I love the class so much.
Joke Explained:
Translation is the last step to convert DNA to protein. The nucleotide of mRNA is decoded in the ribosome subunits. Every three mRNA nucleotide is called a codon. Codon AUG signals the start of translation, codons UAA/UAG/UGA mark the end of translation. Other codons code for amino acids. The long chain of amino acids created by translation, called polypeptide, will fold up and become protein.
Rnase is a type of small protein. Its function is to catalyze the degradation of RNA.
So in the joke, basically RNA created an enemy instead of a friend….actually it is a sad story :(
Joke credits to: myself and my lovely friends in my lovely Genetic class.
Oh also thx for my idol A.C who often is my motivation when life gets tough aww.
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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Joke explained: I guess many people know the famous quote of James Bond: Shaken, not stirred. But this time it is IONIC bond haha. An Ionic bond is formed by one atom transferring another atom electrons. In contrast, covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing the electrons :) That is why ionic bond says: “ taken, not shared.” :) By the way I love that the two sentences “shaken, not stirred” and “taken, not shared” rhyme.
Joke (image) credits to: http://www.thethingswesay.com/the-name-s-bond-ionic-bond-taken-not-shared/
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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A physics joke today :) This one is kinda easy and you can get it if you passed high school physics. I post it here today just because I saw it today on Pinterest and I love cats.
Joke explained: mew is a Greek Letter μ, the coefficient of friction. f=μN, so friction is relevant to NOT gravity BUT normal force, the force pendicular to the surface the object is on. By the way, there are two kinds of frictions: static fs=μsN and kinetics fk= μκN. μκ and μs depend on the roughness of the two surfaces touching each other. μs can not be bigger than μκ (guess why~ or ask me in DM)
If the force is bigger than friction, the object accelerates. If smaller, it either doesn’t start moving or it decelerates.
So the smaller the mew, the faster the cat slides down the roof :) And mew sounds like meow, of course.
Joke Credits to: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kellyoakes/17-jokes-only-physics-geeks-will-understand?sub=2692886_1847282&utm_term=.vd0m5Q4a2#.le2072ZvO
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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Joke explained: During the translation (creating proteins in a cell from its DNA or RNA strands) process, mRNA, aka Messenger RNA, conveys genetic codes to ribosome where translation takes place. One specific type of codon ( a series of three nucleotide bases on mRNA) signals the addition of an specific type of animo acid chain, aka polypeptide, to make up the protein. There are both three types of stop codons for RMA and for DNA. A stop codon binds signals to stop the translation process and the ribosome releases the polypeptide. UAA is one of three stop codons in RNA. Joke credits to: http://pin.it/2GfLhrL
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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Joke explained: Amoeba is a single celled eukaryotic organism. Being eukaryotic means amoeba has a NUCLEUS and other cell contents enclosed by membranes. Because amoeba is single celled it has no mouth parts. It eats food by phagoctyosis— its membrane extends and changes shape to enclose the food. So an amoeba’s “hug” is for food instead of friends.
Joke credits to: https://nerdmonkey42.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/an-interesting-take-on-phagocytosis/amp/
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sci-puns-decoder · 7 years
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Joke explained: both DNA and RNA contain four nitrogen-containing nucleobase in its nucleotide strand(s). The unique combination of four nucleibases determines a specific DNA or RNA. The four bases in DNA strands are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine © , and guanine (G). A pairs with T and C pairs with G. In RNA, there is no thymine, instead, Adenine pairs with Uracil (U). Uracil only exists in RNA, not in DNA. Uracil=U=You. 
Say this to your love ❤️ 
Joke Credit to:http://ansiogolc.tumblr.com/post/17854604701/oh-dear-god-i-find-this-far-funnier-than-i
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