#peter parker x siren!oc
thesugarclubs-blog · 1 year
More to the Story - Bucky Barnes x OC
warnings: post-tfatws, fluffy bucky barnes, strangers to lovers, grumpyxsunshine
word count: 11.1 k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1334925555-more-to-the-story-priya
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It was only nine in the morning and Bucky Barnes was already losing his mind.
His phone woke him up, ringing obnoxiously loud enough to wake even the neighbors. Bucky had heard air raid sirens that weren't that aggressive. After a lot of grumbling from the super soldier and supportive yowling from Alpine, he'd figured out how to turn the volume down. Except now the vibrations had started, rattling against the glass coffee table Bucky had just put together last week and interrupting the little bit of peace he enjoyed every morning after he woke. There were only a hundred pages left in The Two Towers, the second installment of a series by Tolkien he was still waiting to be able to read, and Bucky intended on finishing before noon.
He called Sam in confusion, reluctant but eager to eliminate the source of his irritation. Why the hell did he even need a phone, especially one made almost entirely of very breakable and vibranium arm susceptible glass, was just one of the questions Bucky asked himself as Sam walked into the apartment. Or who Bucky thought was Sam.
"I'm here to save the day, gramps!" Peter Parker exclaimed as he entered, a broad smile on his expressive face. He was dressed for class, a black backpack on his shoulders, with jeans and a t-shirt that matched.  
Pushing his sunglasses onto the top of his head, Peter held out his hand, ignoring Bucky's confused state. 
"What are you doing here?" Bucky groaned as he passed Peter the object of his annoyance. 
"Well, Cap texted me, said he was busy and that you needed help," Peter replied, tapping at the screen. "Can't say I'm not disappointed it isn't, I don't know, aliens or terrorists, but setting a phone to "do not disturb" is pretty cool too, I guess." 
Bucky scoffed and suppressed a smirk, the kid's eagerness never failing to remind him of Steve. A low whistle from Peter made Bucky snap out of his thoughts and furrow his brow. 
"What? Why did you do that?" Bucky asked, reaching to swipe the phone and failing at being faster than someone for once. 
Peter's eyes went wide and he couldn't hide his amusement, the corners of his under eyes crinkling. Holding out the phone towards Bucky, the young man scrolled through row after row of unread messages in Bucky's inbox.
"Dude, you have, like, a million emails! Have you ever checked this thing?!" 
"Give me that," Bucky growled, this time succeeding in snatching the phone from his grasp. "And don't call me dude." 
Peter snickered and ran a hand through his dark curls, walking back from the living room to the door. 
"Well, Mr. Barnes, it's been fun but I gotta run to class. Hopefully, that'll help and seriously, check the emails. Maybe you'll find something cool!" 
Bucky grunted, scrolling through the app Peter had pulled up as the door clicked closed. He would have to remember to tell the kid thank you whenever he wasn't so goddamn irritated. Messages filled the screen, all promotions and requests for photo ops and interviews. It was one mindless subject line after another until one caught his attention. 
"Request to Interview: Bucky Barnes" 
It struck him as strange, someone using his nickname in one of these requests rather than his official name, James. He deemed that his excuse for clicking on the message, an email based out of the New York Times. 
He scanned through the text, the tone of the message professional yet somehow lighthearted, asking him if he would consent to an interview. It would be “informal”, the request stated a quiet chat over a nice lunch.  Bucky grunted once more but this time in amusement as the sender quipped that the Times would even foot the bill for the food.  There was an electronic signature at the bottom of the mail, Priya Abalan, a picture that was too small to see on his phone screen and of course, he couldn’t remember how to do the finger thing to enlarge the image.
He held the phone closer to his face, trying to make out the woman’s appearance. He heard that name before but he never got a face to match it. From what he could see, she had dark long hair that was slightly curled and tanned skin - that’s it. 
For a second he thought about just deleting the email but then he heard Sam in the back of his head, saying he should get his head out of his ass and socialize some more. Maybe he was right for once, and well, from what Bucky heard about Priya, she used to do professional interviews with lots of famous people, mostly politicians, so it couldn’t be that bad.
Bucky stared at his phone for a minute longer before he groaned and hit reply. “Goddammit, Sam,” he said under his breath.
Ms. Abalan, he started, moving as fast as his big finger would allow him on such a small keyboard. 
“I could mail a letter faster,” he grumbled but continued to type. 
While I am honoured, your request to interview me appears to be misplaced. I’m doubtful that the people of New York want to read stories from the mouth of a mean war-torn old man. You’re better suited requesting the time of Captain America.
He signed his name and fumbled with the send button for a beat too long. The incompetence a blow to his ego. 
“You’ve murdered aliens Bucky,” he mumbled to himself, “aliens!” 
He tossed the phone to the coffee table and rubbed the frustration off his face with his hands. Completely defeated, until he heard the soft chime of a new email in his already crammed inbox.
That sound was going to get annoying fast, he thought to himself as he let out a short huff, reaching for the small box that was making noise. It was something he was still getting used to in this new world of freedom, that people could just contact him any time they wanted. The old him probably would have loved it, but this him after everything, liked the quiet during the day. 
Still ignoring the long list of red dots in his email, Bucky clicked on the top notification, revealing a reply from that reporter already. 
Maybe she had realized she'd emailed him by mistake. 
Thank you for getting back to me, Mr. Barnes! I understand the hesitation with everything that's happened in recent years, but believe me when I tell you this is a story the city of New York would love. This is a story the city needs to hear and I truly believe they should hear it from you yourself before other news outlets run with rumours. Let me do you and your life some justice, you deserve that.
Bucky’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline as he read the message. He gaped at the screen and then shook his head, the comfortable frown settling across his forehead once more.
He typed then deleted, typed then deleted again, staring at his blank response in consternation.
“Well shit,” he said aloud as he typed once more and then tapped send.
Pinching the bridge of his nose he closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he slumped back into his couch. He was already regretting agreeing to the interview but he’d be damned if he knew how to unsend an email.
He received a response back from Priya, almost immediately, asking him if he would be able to meet her in an hour at the establishment of his choice. She expressed that she wanted him to feel comfortable and have an enjoyable lunch rather than be thrust somewhere he might not like. 
Bucky responded back affirmatively and gave her the direction to Izzy's so they could meet there. 
As soon as he sent his message, he got up from his couch and padded across the living room to the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror,  he debated whether he should change into something a little dressier for lunch and made sure his hair wasn't doing the weird thing it did in the morning anymore where it flipped up in different directions.
He would never admit it to Sam but going out like this, out of his comfort zone, in a world he didn’t fit into, was nerve wracking for him. He didn’t really like it but he had to do it. He couldn’t live on like this forever, though his little apartment and his books were enough for him. 
After doing his hair and changing into some new jeans and a dark dress shirt - Peter bought this for him, saying it would look “lit” on him (whatever he meant by that), he grabbed his bike keys and he felt something furry touching his leg. 
He looked down to meet the gaze of his little white cat, Alpine. 
“Hey girl, I’ll be back later okay?” He kneeled down and patted her with a soft smile on his lips. This cat was the best thing that happened to him after all the fights he’s been through. Besides Steve and Sam, Alpine was his best friend.
He locked the door behind him and made his way to the elevator, inhaling as deeply as he could before pressing the button. 
He could do this. 
The parking garage below his complex was pretty dead this time of day except for Lottie, the kind security guard that manned the front gate. Bucky pulled his bike up slowly to her gate. 
“Oh look at you,” Lottie leaned out the door, “all handsome. Where do you think you're going looking like that?” 
Bucky offered her a smile, she had that effect on him. “I have an interview,” he squeezed his legs tightly to the low rumble of his bike. Grounding himself to the feeling and giving himself something to hold onto while he battled his nerves. 
“You’re gonna do great,” she encouraged. “Don’t forget to show her some of that Barnes charm!” Lottie lifted the gate for him. 
“You’re the only woman in my life that gets that Lottie, you know that.” He pulled the bike from the garage into the warm sunlight and turned onto the busy New York street without hesitation.
The mixture between the sunlight and cool breeze that whipped past him as he rode seemed to calm the explosion of butterflies that threatened to take over his system. He'd done small interviews before but they were always focused on the fight or Steve and the rest of the team. This was the first one where he was asked about himself, and that was the scariest part. 
Although he wasn't exactly sure what was going to be asked of him, thoughts of the Winter Soldier flashed in his mind. That was a point in his life he was not willing to relive, especially not to some reporter. Hell, he hadn't even spoken to his therapist about that fully. 
Bucky did his best to switch his focus, mostly on the road but ideas of the reporter herself floated through. Her long dark hair and caramel skin, and what had looked like a bright, infectious smile. The corners of his mouth upturned at the thought of the small photo he'd seen of her. 
"You got this, old man," he whispered to himself as his bike hummed to a slow stop in an alleyway beside the restaurant.
Her heeled boots clicked along the sidewalk as she slipped away from the Uber she took over to Izzy's. Her recorder sat neatly in her bag, just in case Bucky was comfortable enough to let her use it. But if not, her small notebook would be more than enough for her profile. The idea wasn't to scare him off in any way, she just wanted to hear his true story and let the world see him for him, not whatever the government chose to put out there.
She was ecstatic this morning when she received the notification of his message back after a few days had gone by. She had worried that she might have been too eager in her initial message, or not enough to show she was serious about her request. 
Priya pulled open the entrance to Izzy's and she quickly scanned the floor meeting Sergeant Bucky Barnes' bright but nervous blue eyes looking back at her sitting at the table by the window farther back. The restaurant wasn't too full but the table he chose was private enough that if it were to fill up they'd still be able to talk at a normal volume. 
As she made her way to him, she saw him stand, stopping the anxious fidgeting with his metal fingers in the process and couldn't help but smile. 
"Hi Sergeant Barnes, it is so wonderful to finally meet you," she voiced happily, extending her hand between them.
He responded with a quiet “hi”, shaking her hand rather quickly before he pulled her chair back to let her sit down. She was startled by his gesture, saying a quick thank you and sat down. He nodded in response and took his seat on the opposite side of her. His brows were furrowed as her eyes met his. She didn’t know if he was just nervous or if he didn’t like her - maybe it was both. 
However, she tried not to let his behavior demolish her confidence and the plan she had for this interview.
"You can call me Bucky," he said, well he blurted.
"I'm sorry?" Priya fished her notebook from her bag, instantly knowing from his tense, pinned back posture that pen and paper would be the best approach. 
She watched him carefully, setting the things down on the table beside her glass, which had already been filled with water much to her surprise. Sergeant Barnes, a true gentleman after all, she thought. She knew her contacts wouldn't steer her wrong. This interview was exactly what she had been waiting for. Refreshing honesty from a soldier's perspective. 
"You called me Bucky in the email, you can... here too. I prefer it, I'm not that man anymore. The Sergeant." He swallowed thickly, his blue eyes clocking his nine and three as more people entered the restaurant.
It was obvious now that she’d noticed, the way his eyes would rapidly scan the room before returning to her and she felt a twinge of sorrow for him having led a life that had required him to be so vigilant that it was now an ingrained part of him.
Realising the silence might have been a little too long she nodded and widened her smile.
“Bucky it is,” she agreed.  “Thank you again for meeting me, and at such short notice.”
Bucky made a grunt of acknowledgement and then seemed to check himself.  He cleared his throat a little and the line between his brows deepened slightly before he spoke.
“You’re welcome.”
Priya looked around at the bar, a short walk from the subway station and in a part of Brooklyn that she never really had a chance to visit. The walls were a dark green, soft black accents and dim lighting that made her feel comforted. She wondered as she looked at the anxious hero in front of her if he received any small relief from the hole in the wall bar. 
"At the risk of sounding like a bad pickup line," Priya said with a tinkling laugh. "do you come here often?"
Bucky chuckled back with a nervous smile and she beamed hoping she'd get to see more of that throughout their conversation. 
"Quite a bit actually," he started, "I come to lunch with a um, an old friend here every week. Or used to, maybe we will again some day." 
He pressed his lips into a tight line as his eyes fell back to the table and Priya felt a small pang in her chest. 
"Did something happen between you two? And this is not for the profile or anything, but I'd love to hear more about your friend if you feel comfortable and it helps to talk about it..." 
"There's a negative side to every story Ms. Abalan," Bucky said, his hand flexing against the table like a nervous tell. "My time spent here with Yori was spoiled by the crimes of the Winter..." he inhaled through his teeth and his jaw ticked. 
"The Winter Soldier?" She asked and Bucky gave her a tight nod in response. "Listen, this interview is about you. I didn't ask for one with the man you were, I want a new perspective on who you are as a man now. The journey you took to get here. And please, call me Priya."
Bucky watched her for a moment longer, Priya just wishing she knew what was going on behind the icy glare. "Yori was a friend when I was acclimating to New York. The city you know, not the city I grew up in. The sounds," he inhaled again, puffing his chest and stretching out the muscles, "the lights and the crowds... the technology. It was too much. But Yori, he taught me how to navigate it."
"Do you mind?" She pointed to the notebook. 
"It's what we're here for isn't it?" He offered her a tight smile.
She scribbled down words, thoughts, and he waited for her to finish but before she could question him again the waitress arrived at their booth to ask for their order.
“I haven’t even looked at the menu yet,” Priya chuckled, reaching for the laminated card, but then paused and looked up at Bucky, “unless you could recommend something?  You’ve got to have a favourite, right?”
She almost laughed out loud at the expression on his face, he almost looked baffled.  Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth in thought he hummed a little.
“The, ummm, the salmon and avocado temaki are good.  Goes well with a beer.”
“Then let's go with that,” Priya smiled at the waitress before turning back to Bucky.  “I trust you.”
Bucky’s eyes went wide at her statement, his cheeks flushed and he sighed almost like some relief washed over him at her words. His eyes drifted back to the table. Priya wondered when the last time someone expressed any kind of trust in him, especially a stranger. 
He flagged down the waitress and she watched him as he ordered for them. The waitress seemed to know his usual order, down to the type of beer he liked to drink. She could tell that he was nervous. He kept flexing his hands, fiddling with his fingers. "Bucky..." She wanted to redirect him, make him more comfortable. "What do you do for fun?"
"Well," Bucky drawled as his eyebrows furrowed, the perplexed expression making Priya smile softly. "I like...to read?"
This time Priya couldn't contain her giggle and the grin she got in return from Bucky caused a surprising warmth to rise in her cheeks. 
"Why did you phrase it like it was a question?" Priya asked with a tilt of her head, black waves falling over her shoulder. 
"Because, I'm not sure if that's what normal people even do anymore," Bucky said with more enthusiasm than she expected, gesturing out the window. "All this technology and convenience, people don't slow down anymore. Don't take the time to just..." 
"Read? Something calming and quiet, is that why it appeals to you?" 
His blue eyes met her umber ones again and she felt that pull again. This wasn't planned. She was a professional and didn't get caught off guard easily. But here was James Barnes, making her blush in the middle of an interview with just a look. 
"Yeah," he murmured, his voice raspy as he picked up his glass of water. "It gives me somewhere to escape to. Helps me think of times where everything was simpler." 
Priya watched the flexing of his jaw as he took a few gulps from the glass and set it down. 
"But I don't think your readers want to hear all about a boring old man and his books," Bucky laughed softly. 
"Well, I've never cared what the readers wanted to hear," Priya replies sweetly, sipping from her own glass. "Only what they need to hear. And I feel like all of New York needs to hear more about you."
"That's encouraging," Bucky said, "do you...read?" He asked, his tone a little more lenient as he spoke. 
Priya had the urge to chase the sound of that laughter, she liked the way it made his eyes soften and shoulders relax. "I'm a journalist, it's kind of my job. What's your favorite book?" She asked, straying a little further from her preplanned topics but curious about the man before her. 
She had come into this interview with the expectations of meeting a hardened, battle-worn soldier but she was met by a book loving, sushi eating old man who looked at her like she was glowing. It made her feel warm, and seen for the first time in a while. Throwing elbows in the breakroom with a bunch of ancient white men who believed they were god's gift to earth had been leaving her feeling anxious and angry.
He dipped his head and Priya would even go so far as to say he looked bashful when he replied.
“There’s so many, I couldn’t pick just one.  But at the moment I’m reading The Two Towers.  It’s part of a series called…”
“The Lord of the Rings,” Priya finished with a smile.  “It’s a good one.  Have you seen the movies?”
She gasped slightly as Bucky raised himself out of his seat a little, his eyes going wide with surprise.
“They made them into movies?!” He exclaimed, and it was the most animated he’d been so far.
Priya let out a laugh, tilting her head back. "They're really good. About an entire day's worth of Frodo and the gang." Somehow his eyes went even wider, a child like quality washed over him that she could tell lived below his stony exterior. She didn't blame him for hiding it away, she only wished he would get more moments to show it. 
"Are they as good as the books?" He asked with a raised brow. The corners of his mouth curled upwards into a grin as she smiled back at him. 
"Just about." 
Bucky leaned back into his chair, shaking his head gently. The excitement coming to a head. "The world has changed so much..." He breathed in a gentle laugh.
Priya watched with an inquisitive quirk of her brow as Bucky tilted in his seat and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small notebook. Cover faded and pages worn, she could tell it was well used, flicked through and carried around.
“Sorry, I just—uh…” Bucky waved the book, “gotta write this down.” 
She nodded in understanding as he opened it to a page half way through the book, a list already started, and he glanced up looking a little lost. 
“You need a pen?”
“Please,” he smiled, reaching out when she held hers up for him to take. Their fingertips grazed as it was passed between them and Priya gasped softly at the touch. But then Bucky was writing and the moment had passed, instead she waited patiently as he scrawled onto the page.
Lord of the Rings - MOVIES. 
She chuckled quietly as he underlined it twice.
"How long have you had that thing?" She asked.
There was other writing in it, mostly lists. Some of it was consistent with Bucky’s handwriting and some of it wasn’t. Blockier, less slanted to the right. Definitely not his. 
She spotted more names: books, movies, public figures, and TV shows. Bucky’s face fell a little, sadness eclipsing it as it crept into his eyes. Suddenly, Priya felt like she shouldn’t have asked that question. She shook her head.
“We don’t—“
“No, it’s… it belonged to an old friend.” Bucky cleared his throat. “Kind of gave me a blueprint for coming back to the 21st century.”
He flipped it closed and tucked it back into his jacket, handing her the pen back with his left hand.
“No problem.” When she reached for it, the tips of their fingers brushed together. 
Sparks. Butterflies. They were swarming her belly, almost tormenting it. She took a deep breath. Professional, Priya. Professional. Bucky’s cheeks reddened before he quickly withdrew his hand and reached for his water, taking a long drink. 
Priya did the same and Bucky set his glass down.
“What else did you want to ask me?”
"Well... I want New York to know more about the real you, Bucky," She answered. "We know about the crime fighter, we should know about the man underneath all of that." 
Priya clicked the back of her pen a couple of times as she looked down at the few notes that she'd made for herself. Why can't I think straight? I had all of this thought out before I sat down. 
At that moment, the waitress stepped back up to the table with their order of food and sat it between them before giving Bucky his beer. "It's on the house today, Bucky. Don't even try to leave anything for it. You overpaid for your lunch yesterday."
Bucky tried to protest as Priya's eyes grew wide, looking up at the waitress. 
"Does he do that often?" she asked the server, the girl's dark bob moving quickly as she nodded. 
"Oh all the time," she continued, her eyes lighting up. "Our girls get cheated out of a lot of tips and Bucky never fails to make up for it. You picked a good one for a date, girl." 
Before Priya could stammer out that this was not in fact a date, the waitress was making her way back to the bar. She looked embarrassed at Bucky, who was busy fixing his chopsticks to pick up the first roll of his lunch. 
"Don't worry about it, she likes to tease me all the time." Bucky scoffed, waving his other hand slightly and he dug into his food. "Says I don't get out enough so she just assumed-"
"That's okay," Priya murmured softly, starting into her own food with butterflies in her stomach. "I don't mind." 
"Don't mind what?" Bucky grinned and Priya saw the man in the photos at the museum for a brief moment. "The teasing or thinking this is a date?"
She flushed, feeling it high in her cheeks as she glanced down at her food. 
“Either. Both.“ Priya looked back up and met Bucky’s widened but pleased eyes. “I figure she’s right anyways- I did pick a good one.”
Bucky stared at her, his eyes full of something that looked like gratitude, before he shifted his gaze down to his metal hand, flexing and clenching on the table. He quickly relaxed it when she looked, flattening it on the table and drumming his fingers. 
“So, what uh- what else d’you wanna know?” Bucky asked, and Priya blinked a few times before looking at her notes again.
She was getting distracted by his looks and his charm, and that wouldn't do. Keep it together Priya, he's handsome, like real old time handsome. Open the doors for you and bring you flowers handsome, but you gotta focus on the interview first!
She looked over her notes, searching for what she should ask next, before finally settling on, "I'm sure you've faced a lot of changes, what's your favorite, well, anything, that you've encountered in the 21st Century?"
When she looked up, Bucky was looking at her, curious but contemplative.
"Honestly one of the first things that comes to mind is food which probably sounds ridiculous," he said with a shy laugh. 
"Hey I love food, so I'm all for that answer." 
Priya gave him a reassuring smile, urging him to go on. 
"Well back when I was young I liked food too and my ma made this great cobbler anytime she could but that was a once in a while thing. Then in the war and before I um- well before I became me again, I mostly just ate whatever field ration was available just to survive, you know?" he took a swig of his beer and continued, "Now I can actually enjoy it."
"What kind of cobbler?" She asked him, genuinely wanting to know the answer. 
"Peach," he smiled, "but I'd eat cobbler with just about any fruit." 
"You like fruit?" She jotted down and slipped the pen between her teeth. 
"Have you ever eaten a meal out of a can? The field rations tend to be slimy, and taste worse than a bullet between your teeth." He described to her, "coming home, getting the freedom to eat whatever you wanted. Fruit, it's the opposite, juicy and sweet. Erases some of the memories of tin from my mind."
"You're nothing like they describe," she sighed, staring across at him she realized that underneath all that scary stuff that the news outlets had spewed was just a young man trying to figure it all out after having it all taken from him.
She watched as Bucky's muscles tensed under his dark dress shirt at her comment. Even her boss was very reluctant to let her come to this interview alone, but something deep within herself made her believe that this was a story worth telling. 
“Thanks…” Bucky mumbled, taking a long swig of his beer. 
Priya watched him carefully, a soft smile lifting its way onto her plump lips, “you really are a good man, Bucky, I mean it.”
Her heart leapt at the blush that crept across his face and he busied himself with the food, pushing the plate of sushi towards her so that she could make the first selection.
“So the sushi then, that was obviously new to you.  What did you think of it?” She asked, using her chopsticks to pick up one of the temaki.
“When Yori first suggested it I was dubious, you know?” Priya nodded and he continued, “but I liked it.  Maybe it’s the company too, first Yori, now you…”
It was Priya’s turn to blush at his words but he continued to speak.
“You just gotta watch out for that wasabi crap. I thought I was gonna die. You shouldn’t be able to feel food in your damn nostrils!” He shook his head in exasperation and Priya couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of her throat.
His eyes flicked up to her, that charmed smile forming on his lips once again. Another wave of warmth coursed through her at the gesture. 
"Wasabi is like your Kryptonite then I suppose." She grinned, picking out one of the sashimi rolls, placing it between her lips feeling the weight of his gaze on her. 
Bucky cleared his throat, realizing that he was staring although she didn't quite mind it. Keep it professional Abalan. "Krypto-what?" 
She smiled, covering her mouth to swallow, "Superman?" 
He shook his head softly, "He's a comic book character. Strong, super speed, super hearing, among other things," Priya continued, "Kind of like you, but he can fly--" Her brows knit together, "You can't fly can you?" 
Bucky chuckled, shaking his head, "No, Cap flies. I prefer two feet on the ground." 
Priya nodded before continuing, "well, he's got one weakness, it's called Kryptonite. Some alien crystal thing... but he's also just trying to live as a normal human man, so I'm sure he's got more than just that." 
He considered her words carefully, "Are you comparing me to Superman?" He breathed a laugh, shoving another roll into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully. 
"You two are similar..." She smiled, "I prefer the real thing though."
“You always such a sweet talker when you interview people?” 
He caught her eye and Priya glanced down, not sure how to handle the twinkle in his soft blue irises, or the way his lips curved into a smirk — teasing in every sense. 
Bucky was oozing the charm that the old stories told of, and nothing like the recent reports. She felt a small glimmer of pride over that, that he felt he could relax a little more than usual in her company, given the circumstances. 
“Gotta be sometimes,” Priya replied truthfully. She glanced at her open notebook, pen laid across the page untouched since their food arrived. “But I haven’t written a single thing down in the past ten minutes so I’m not sure if we can class this as an interview anymore.”
When Priya raised her eyes from her notebook, they found his blue ones staring at her. Her lip upcurved a little and she quickly grabbed one of the sushi rolls with her chopsticks.
Bucky watched her every move, before copying her and grabbing a sushi roll himself. 
"I could live with that." he mumbled with a shy smile, before placing the roll in his mouth with ease.
"You're rocking the chopsticks, Bucky." Priya commented on his movements.
"Oh you should have seen my first try, doll." he responded before a grumbling laughter escaped his throat.
Priya felt the butterflies in her stomach again and she couldn't stop herself from laughing with him. "Yeah, first times are always embarrassing." she chuckled.
"Oh, yes. Should have seen me trying to order a coffee at Starbucks the first time. I've seen high-tech stuff in Wakanda, but none of that was as complicated as Starbucks. After the fourth weird question, I literally ran out of the building and never entered a Starbucks again."
“So not a coffee guy then.”
“No, I am,” he laughed. “I just… latte, cappuccino, cold foam… what the hell is all that stuff? I just want a black coffee in one of those little paper cups with the shitty lids.”
“The ones that burn your hand because the paper’s too thin?”
He pointed at her, his eyes lighting up. 
“That’s a real New York cup of coffee. Gotta be tough to even carry the damn thing.” 
Priya chuckled and shook her head.
“Well, I like lattes usually, but after a really long night out, I could get on board with an old fashioned bodega cup of coffee. And one of those greasy breakfast sandwiches.”
Bucky’s eyes rolled back and he let out a groan.
“They’re the best. I could live on those things.”
She chuckled. The more he opened up, the more she didn’t really care about the interview. She just wanted to get to know him. There was so much bullshit out there about him in the press. Assumptions, things that didn’t match up at all with the gorgeous blue-eyed man sitting in front of her. He was charming and funny, and the little nickname he dropped oh so casually made her heart skip a few beats. 
Priya fell silent and picked up another sushi roll. Bucky did the same and she took a deep breath as she chewed. 
“What’s been the hardest adjustment for you? Outside of running screaming out of a Starbucks and never coming back?”
“I didn’t scream,” Bucky retorted as she giggled. But the question made him suddenly contemplative, pain clouding his features. “But, if you want the honest answer, I’d have to say… that coming back to all of this felt like walking into a party that nobody wanted me to come to.”
Her brows scrunched.
“What do you mean?”
“Just… after everything I did… it’s hard to get people to—“ He cleared his throat. “Accept you. I felt like an alien. Everything I did, everything I said was all wrong. Everyone I knew was gone except for Sam," his eyes misted with tears that he blinked away in an instant. "I didn't think about how lonely it would be."
Priya frowned softly and without thinking, reached to rest one hand over his metal hand, ignoring the coolness she felt. "Bucky... I know whatever I say doesn't really help the matter. But I'm doing my best to change that if I can." 
She ran her thumb over the back of his hand, glad that he hadn't pulled away from her yet. "I've been to the museum and I know what you've been through... from the stories..." her words and her thoughts were getting tangled.
Priya sat up, shaking her head, starting to pull her hand away. “I’m sorry, I just mean-“ Bucky caught her hand in his, gentle but keeping her from withdrawing. 
“Thank you,” he said quietly but earnestly, blue eyes fixed on her dark ones. Priya felt her heart stutter a beat, and she nodded, realizing a beat too late that Bucky had released her hand. She pulled it back, grabbing her pen and spinning it between her fingers, nervous excitement bubbling within her.
"You know," Bucky started, then hesitated, poking at his food for a moment before he started again. 
"You know, I thought this would be horrible. But you're, uh, you're nice," His voice dropped to almost a whisper, so Priya had to lean forward to hear his next words, "You have a nice voice."
Priya felt the heat crawl up her neck and over her cheeks, "Really?"
“Yeah, it’s beautiful,” Bucky’s face softened and he blinked slowly. Smiling, he added “your accent reminds me of someone I knew once, a long time ago.”
Priya lost herself in his eyes. They glistened with such emotion as he remembered. She wondered if the person he was thinking of had been an old flame or a lost love. She took a breath, ready to speak, when he spoke again.
“Your voice is softer though. More soothing,” he refocused himself on the dwindling platter between them, “I could listen to you talk all day.”
Priya’s face flushed as she watched him casually place another roll into his mouth. His cheeky grin closed around the rice as he watched her. This 40’s boy had not lost one iota of his charm.
"Perhaps I should be asking you the questions."
“Perhaps…” she said in a softer tone as she looked at him through her lashes, catching him getting flustered at her flirty look. “But maybe not today…today shouldn’t be about me.” 
“Oh, so you’re assuming there’s gonna be a next time then?” Now Bucky was the one who got into his flirting skills, raising one eyebrow and pushing his tongue against his cheek as he leaned forward on the table.
“We’ll see,” she said confidently, her eyes not leaving his.
“Can’t wait,” he smiled as he leaned back again and got back to his sushi.
They ate in silence for a minute or two but it wasn’t awkward, which surprised her. Priya had always read about people “making eyes at each other” and now she finally knew what they meant by it. A whole conversation was held between them without a word being uttered until Bucky’s gaze turned mischievous, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
He leaned across the table and slid Priya’s notebook towards himself. Flipping to a new page he tapped the pen against the pad a couple of times and spoke, his mouth twitching into a charming smile.
“So, Ms Abalan, if you could describe your ideal date, what would it be?”
Priya watched the confidence wash over him in beautiful waves. The light of the bar glistened against the flecks of gray in his eyes, making it extremely hard to answer the question without saying, this. 
She sucked in a deep breath, leaning back into her chair as a smile formed across her lips. "Well, it would start out with dinner," Priya grinned when the pen started moving across her pad. 
"Hmm, okay go on," he grinned up at her. 
Priya laughed softly, "you're very eager Mr. Barnes," his tongue flicked over his bottom lip forcing her eyes to watch before flicking back up to his own. He rolled the pen silently asking her to keep going, "alright, alright..." she conceded, "after dinner we'd take a walk by the waterfront, the lights are beautiful at night." 
The pen stopped for a moment as he looked back up at her, "We?" 
It was her turn to grin at him. 
"Then--" She said ignoring his question, "enjoying one of those bodega coffees on the walk home."
Priya watched her pen dance across the page before Bucky finished up the last bullet point with a flourish of the word ‘coffee’. 
“Looks like a pretty good date to me,” he breathed, “could I maybe add one thing?”
“I thought this was my ideal date?” Priya teased, and Bucky scrunched his nose in playful rebuttal. 
“Humour me, sweetheart? We’re off topic as it is.” 
And she couldn’t resist the happy crinkles at the corner of his baby blues if she tried as she gestured with her hand for him to continue. 
“Make it dinner and a movie. You talk at dinner, you get to sit close in the movie theatre, or couch if you do that — what is it they call it… Netflix and chill?” 
Priya laughed as Bucky wiggled his eyebrows and her belly flipped. An all encompassing feeling of ‘this could be something good’ simmering through her limbs as they fell into a companionable silence.
"You know what Netflix and chill means, right?" she laughed while watching his brows knit in confusion while tilting his head a little.
"Yeah, watching a movie on the television. Through the internet. Isn't it?" he asked while quickly grabbing his own notebook to note down her explanation.
"Actually..." Priya started but struggled to hold back her laughter. "... it's more like ignoring the movie and having... you know... sex instead."
Bucky had started writing down every word Priya said, but before he could write the word "sex" his eyes raised and he looked at her.
His eyebrows slowly raised, his lips pulling apart.
"Oh. OH." he mumbled, his cheeks cherry red while he quickly closed his notebook and put it in the pocket of his jacket again.
"That would be a lot for a first date, huh?" he added, trying to hide his embarrassment as best as possible. 
"Yeah. But dinner plus watching a movie for real sounds like a pretty amazing date." Priya said, trying to change the topic and make him feel comfortable again. 
"Would you be up for that?" Bucky asked, his facial expression a mixture of excitement and fear. 
"Absolutely!" she answered almost immediately with a big grin on her face.
Bucky’s lips twitched in a smile, beaming back at her. “Wh-when would you like to go out? I mean, we didn’t really get to do much of an interview… I uh… could answer more questions for you.”
“I mean… it wasn’t dinner, but I’m not busy now,” Priya said, grinning widely as he stood up, walking behind her and pulling her chair out with her nod. Bucky made a wide gesture with his metal arm. 
“Shall we take a walk?” he asked, a crooked smile on his face as Priya tucked away her things, picking up her bag and sliding out of her chair. 
She could feel Bucky’s hand light on her lower back as he guided her out of the restaurant, saying goodbye to the waitress. As they stepped onto the sidewalk, Bucky offered her his arm, and she smiled, turning to look up at him, his eyes scanning their surroundings.
The afternoon weather was perfect for a stroll through the local park.  Bucky led Priya along the winding paths as they talked and laughed.  She enjoyed getting to know more about him, and the more she shared about herself, the more comfortable he became, opening up to her like a blooming flower nurtured by her presence.
Bucky talked about what Brooklyn was like back when he was a teenager and, at Priya’s request, talked about his family, but she never once asked about the war.  She wanted to know all of the parts of him that existed now – some of which were remnants from his youth – not the parts he wished he could forget.  Never those darker parts.
When the shadows grew longer and the afternoon turned to a cool evening, Bucky walked Priya to a quaint little hole-in-the-wall café for a hot cup of coffee.  The kind that almost burned you through the cup, just as they had discussed.  Everything about him was alluring.  She knew she should have kept it professional but being with him was effortless, and so refreshingly good.
She hadn't realised they had stopped walking by the wrought iron gates that lead to the street.  Warmed by hot coffee and the outstanding company, Bucky stepped closer.  He looked down into her upturned eyes and asked…
“How about that movie, doll?”
Priya's tongue swiped across her bottom lip before she pulled it between her teeth, keeping her dark eyes locked with his gaze, "I - I honestly probably shouldn't. It's against my ethics training to date my sources," she paused. 
The way Bucky's eyes flickered to the ground away from her and the nod of his head caused a mischievous smirk to cross her lips as she kept him waiting. 
"I understand..." he all but mumbled, the disappointment coming through in his tone. 
Breathing out a laugh through her nose, she reached forward and softly placed her hand on his chest, bringing his eyes back to her face, "but for you, I'll make an exception," she teased, shooting him a sweet grin.
A smile exploded across his face and she got another glimpse of that almost child-like joy that she wished would stay for longer. It belonged there and Priya vowed that she would do everything she could to make sure it returned.
“Is there anything in particular you wanna see?” He asked, pulling his phone from his pocket.
He tapped the screen a few times and stared daggers at it, as if it had done him some great insult.
“I can book us some tickets…apparently,” he grumbled.
“Do you actually have Netflix Bucky?” She asked, patting his chest gently.
Bucky glanced up from his phone, brows furrowed, before letting out an awkward breathy laugh, "I--uh.. I think so. Sam set it up for me, but I've never used it." 
She smiled, "I can show you how to use it," Priya offered, knowing that she was dangerously stepping over that ethical line, "I mean if you're up for it. Movie theaters are great too." 
He glanced up and down the street, the nervousness returning to him. "You want to come to my place?" He asked, the unsureness in his voice leaking through. 
"If you're up for it," She reminded him, not wanting to push him too far. 
"I'm up for it." He said a little more confidently, holding out his arm for her. 
Priya smiled, wrapping her hand gently around his bicep, "such a gentleman. I'm pretty sure the Lord of The Rings is on there, we can watch that if you're up for diving into three more hours with me."
Bucky shot her a playful look, "I've lasted this long darling."
“Well then, lead the way.” 
Bucky paused as they approached the street where Izzy’s was. 
“I uh— I forgot I rode my bike here, are you— we can walk back if you don’t want to—“
“I’ve been on a motorcycle before, Bucky. Plus, the quicker we get back the more movie time we have.” 
With the decision made, she followed Bucky onto his bike, trying not to think about how close they were as she clung to him, arms wrapped around his strong build as he zipped through the streets back to his building.
Before she knew it, they were rolling up to a security gate guard as they made their way through. 
Her kind eyes softened as they flitted from Priya to Bucky and back again before she shot the super-soldier a wink. 
“Not a word, Lottie.” Bucky chuckled as if he could read her mind. Priya raised her brow inquisitively and it seemed Lottie couldn’t help herself. 
“Looks like you put that charm to good use, Barnes.”
Bucky shook his head, riding off to his usual space before anything more could be said. 
“You are very charming, you know,” Priya told him once they were inside and waiting for the elevator. 
“You haven’t seen me first thing in the mornin’, Priya.“ Bucky countered, flashing her a lopsided grin as they entered the carriage and zoomed up to his floor.
Priya laughed as she got off of the elevator and waited for Bucky. “You haven’t seen me either. It’s a bit of a sight to behold.”
She followed him down the hall to his apartment and watched as he unlocked the door. As they stepped into the apartment, the sound of a trilling meow filled the room. “You have a cat?”
A petite white cat with the most vibrant blue eyes slinked its way towards Bucky, winding around his legs and purring loudly before sitting between its human and Priya.  The cat eyed her curiously.
Bucky scooped the cat up into his arms and approached Priya as if showing off a newborn baby.
“Priya, this is Alpine. Alpine, this is Priya.”  The cat chirped in Bucky’s embrace as if it knew its name. “She’s seen me through some tough nights,”  Bucky stroked Alpine and brought her closer. 
“Aww, she’s gorgeous!” Priya held her hand out gently for Alpine to sniff, trying not to force herself into the cat’s space.  “Are you a good girl? I bet you’re a very good girl for your dad, huh?”
Alpine reached up to boop Priya’s hand with her nose and purred. Only then did Priya move to pet her.
“She likes me!”  Priya beamed a huge smile and looked up at Bucky to find the strangest expression on his face as he watched the two ladies interact.
Narrowing her eyes at Bucky, she kept a soft smile on her face as she tilted her head to the side, "what's wrong?" she chuckled. 
Bucky shook his head, and moved his vibranium hand to scratch the special spot behind Alpines ears, "no, nothing, I just -" he paused, smiling down at his little girl, "I've never seen her like someone so quickly," he looked back at Priya, a small twinkle in his blue eyes, "she must know you're special..." he all but whispered. 
A blush crept up the sides of her neck as her hand slowly dropped from the cat, turning herself slowly to look farther into Bucky's apartment. The story of Bucky Barnes was writing itself in her head but for now, her reporter brain shut itself off and allowed her to be just herself. Just a girl with a swarm of butterflies in her chest every time she looked into those ocean blue eyes. 
"You have a really nice home here Bucky, the plants, the books, it's really... you," she turned back to him with a smile, "I like it."
Bucky shifted on his feet, that lopsided smile returning as he looked around, assessing the room. Everything had it's place. Books were lined up neatly on the shelves, small medallions and picture frames sat in between the stacks. His free hand came up to rub the back of his neck as his eyes met hers again, "Thank you. It's finally... starting to feel like a home now." 
Priya ignored the pang in her chest at the thought of it once not feeling like that for him before turning to head towards a line of frames hanging in between a pair of windows. 
Alpine wrestled herself out of his arms only to beat Priya to the windowsill earning a chuckle from her father. 
"That's her favorite spot," he grinned, taking a step sliding himself next to her, "She likes to yowl at the kids on the street." 
She let out a chuckle, "Like father like daughter I'm guessing?" Priya raised a brow at him. 
"They get loud sometimes," he grumbled, biting back the smile on his face before moving to the TV and picking up the remote. "Here, if you can work your magic and get that thing to work, more power to ya," he said all but shoving the remote into her hand, "You want something to drink? I have water… beer, tea if that suits you. I usually only drink it when I can't sleep." 
With a nod, she let him take her bag and smiled, "Tea would be great."
Bucky nodded, “make yourself at home, there are blankets in that basket if you wanna get comfy.” 
“Thanks, Bucky.” 
With a soft smile, Bucky turned on his heel and headed to the kitchen, leaving Priya to her own devices. 
She got Netflix up and running easily enough and then turned her attention to the frames on the wall, wandering over to inspect them more closely. 
Black and white photos filled the two of them. A much younger Bucky — although only by ten years or so in looks — stood side by side with a scrawny Steve Rogers in the first. The second, a family shot, weathered and torn but taped back together. Something in her chest lurched at the sight of Bucky as a young boy and she turned away, suddenly feeling like she was invading his privacy. 
“You can look, sweetheart.” Bucky was there, two cups of tea in his hands and a melancholy expression on his face, “I trust you.”
Priya turned and looked at him, her cheeks colored pink. “That’s who you were talking about earlier… the notebook. It was Steve’s.”
Bucky’s head hung just a little lower and he nodded, his solemn expression more than enough to tell her that perhaps now wasn’t the time to press him for more memories, he had already gifted her with enough for one day.
“Nothing gets past that journalist brain of yours, does it?”  His smile was weak but full of care.  It was obvious that he didn’t want to push her away.
“Bucky,” she stepped closer, taking his hand that lay limp at his side and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here to listen.”
He nodded, meeting her compassionate gaze with acceptance.
“But in the meantime, I’m here for the child-like delight you’re going to experience when you see the movies they made of those Tolkien books you’re reading. Don’t think I didn’t see that bookmark near the end of The Two Towers. And mister! I’m here to tell you that we’re watching them all in order.”
“Them all?” Bucky perked up, that excited glint returning to his eyes.
“All three of them.”
“God no! We can save some for other dates.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Priya's heart swelled in her chest as the two of them smiled at each other for another moment. This soft, sweet man was not at all what she had been expecting. Rumours of the short, cut answers he had given to other reporters floated around the city like red leaves in the fall, and knowing what she did of others in her field, she didn't blame him at all. Her mind wondered what she herself had done differently to make him trust her, but that would be a conversation for another day too. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy the company of a perfectly good man who she really liked. 
She plopped herself down onto his black leather sofa, and patted the cushion next to her, "You ready?" She teased. 
A confident smile spread across Bucky's lips as he took a seat and draped his arm lazily along the back of the couch behind her shoulders, "as I'll ever be."
She beamed up at him before turning towards the TV and pressing play. The opening credits began and like a moth to a flame, his eyes were glued to the screen. Priya settled into the couch, her knee bumping his leg gently as she did. His gaze flicked to hers for only a moment as the smile grew on his face before they returned to the screen. 
As they got deeper into the movie, she glanced over at him. His lips moved gently with the monologues but his focus unbroken by her watching him. She couldn't help but smile to herself, seeing his favorite books come to life on a screen that she was sure he never thought he'd be able to see. 
Alpine had jumped down off the window and planted herself in Bucky's lap, curled up into the tiniest white fluff ball that Priya had ever seen. His eyes flicked down to the cat and then over to Priya. 
"You like it so far?" She asked, feeling his body lean towards hers. 
"There's how many more of these?" He asked, pausing as wraiths flickered over the screen. 
"Six if you include the Hobbit movies," she whispered, nudging him gently with a grin, feeling herself drawn to his warmth the closer he got to her. Priya sucked in a breath gently before scooting closer to him, his arm falling from the top of the couch and finally resting on her shoulders. 
His eyes went wide as he pulled her closer as if out of habit, "Six! We have a lot of dates to plan then sweetheart." 
Priya laughed, her nerves settling when he didn't push her away, "well… five now." She grinned. 
"Make it ten," he bantered with a smile.
“I’m sure we can find things to watch for an extra five dates,” Priya couldn’t hide her smirk as Bucky looked down at her resting against him.
“No doubt.”  He gave her shoulder a playful squeeze and turned his attention back to the movie.
The wraiths had cornered Frodo and the other Hobbits in the ruins at Weather Top. Bucky tensed as the music grew more ominous and they drew in for their attack. The screams of the wraiths made Alpine jittery in his lap, and she shifted, looking around for whatever heinous creature was lurking out of sight.
Instinctively, Priya reached to stroke her, soothing her with gentle long strokes down her back until her fingers brushed something without fur.  Bucky’s hand lay underneath her fingertips, stilled by the contact and heated, just like the rest of his body.  He lazily parted his fingers so hers would dip between his and he stroked there almost absently, cosseting Alpine with the motion.
On the screen, the Witch-King stabbed Frodo and Bucky jolted, causing Priya to gasp. She realised she had been holding her breath, captivated by the feel of his skin against hers, and by their closeness.
Bucky cocked an eyebrow as he turned his gaze down toward her, a glimmer of a playful smile dancing at his lips, "Are you okay?" He whispered. 
Her head nodded against his shoulder and she returned the smile, giving his hand a small squeeze, "never better," she whispered back. 
Nuzzling herself deeper against him, Priya did her best to turn her attention back to the screen, but the feeling of Bucky's thumb gracefully rubbing the side of her hand pulled her focus away from the movie once more. Every movement he made was careful and soft, purposeful and filled with intention. Through whatever he had happened in his life, some semblance of a man remained, tethered to the darkness that he so clearly thought followed him. 
It broke her heart to think about this good man stuck behind bars, watching the terrible things that went on around him. But the strength that radiated from this survivor was captivating in every way. It made Priya hold on to every moment with him. Every smile he'd flashed her had gotten brighter as their day had gone on, the confidence in not only his voice but his demeanour. A warmth spread throughout her body as she turned her dark eyes up to Bucky once more, catching him once again mouthing a few of the words as the film started to draw to a close.
Priya hadn't even realized the movie ended until he glanced back down at her, breaking the gaze she had studying his features. Every line, freckle and crinkle his eyes made when he smiled was not lost to her now. Nothing more perfect and nothing out of place. He squeezed her hand playfully drawing her attention back, "What'chya lookin' at darlin?" 
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she sat up gently, "You." She admitted softly, "I just..." Priya knew she was about to cross a line and the raise of his brow and gentle curve of his lips egged her on, "I'm just grateful you replied to that email," she pulled her toe back from the line. 
"Y'know, considering how tonight has turned out, I am as well." He smiled, everything in her core turning to fire. 
Alpine jumped off his lap, stretching her little body across the dark rug. Not once did their eyes leave each other hearing her yowl softly trotting her way into his kitchen. He untangled their still intertwined fingers and trailed his fingertips to her wrist. "Priya," he breathed gently, crystal blue eyes searched her own, "I'd really like to kiss you now..." he trailed off. 
She felt herself smile before nodding, "I'd really like that." 
That charming smile returned to his features as he lifted his hand, gently resting it against her jaw as he leaned in closer to her. Priya met him halfway, leaning into him with her hands planted firm against his chest. The hard muscle doing nothing to hide the racing beat of his heart hammering against his chest. Knowing he could hear hers trying to escape her chest. 
Bucky slotted his lips over hers, taking her top one first and leaning into her like she'd melt away if he didn't. Her fingers dug into the cotton of his shirt and she swore she heard a small moan fall from his lips as he pulled away from her sucking in a breath. "Was that okay?" He asked almost nervously. 
Priya nodded, twisting her fingers into his shirt even further, grasping onto anything she could, "more than."
He beamed, the blue in his eyes glistened as he dipped his head again, pressing his lips to hers once more.
Priya felt like she could melt in his arms right then and there. One of his arms wrapped around her waist, and she let out a small, happy sigh.
Bucky smiled against her lips, her sweet sighs making him deepen the kiss so tenderly she felt like she might sublime from solid form to vapour just from the subtle heat of it all.  He was truly a marvel, a paradox of hard edges and primal ruggedness offset with such gentleness and vulnerability that she thought she might never tire of his facets.
Bucky suckled her lower lip gently, pulling her body tighter against his chest so their hearts beat so close to one another.  His tongue sought hers out, but he didn’t push himself into her mouth – no – they met in the middle and danced there, exploring and teasing until, with a heavy sigh, Bucky pulled back.  He rested his forehead against hers, where a disbelieving laugh escaped them both together.
“That was…”  Priya’s words were lost in that exuberant giggle again. 
“I’ll say!”  Bucky grinned.
Their eyes locked as the tips of their noses brushed together softly, breathing in each other's scent and relishing in the moment that they had created for themselves. Here in Bucky's apartment, it felt like a safe space for him to be himself and he had allowed her to see this side of him. 
The black and white photos on the walls, with greenery draped about. The classic books that lined his shelves and the dark brooding furniture showed every bit of who Bucky Barnes really was underneath all the rumours and badness that surrounded his past. This wasn't who the government was telling him to be, or who Hydra tried to make him. This was him. This was Bucky. And it was clear to Priya that his story in life was just beginning, allowing her to be a small part of that. 
A loud ring sounded from Bucky's phone and brought the two of them back to the present. With a reluctant groan, and another soft, quick peck to her lips Bucky swivelled his hips to grab his phone off the coffee table, checking the messages with an annoyed frown. 
"Sweetheart, you have no idea how sorry I am for this, but it's Sam..." he grimaced, sliding his phone back away and returning his attention back to her, cupping her face in his hands. 
Priya hummed and leaned into his touch, turning slightly to place a light kiss on his metal palm, "It's okay, really... we have 9 more dates to plan anyway," she giggled, running her fingers gently on his forearm, "it's late anyway, I should probably go." 
With a disappointed sigh, Bucky stood from the couch and extended his hands, helping her up from the couch and pulling her flush into his body, smiling softly down at her, "you're really pretty, you know that?" 
Feeling the blush creep onto her cheeks, Priya's bottom lip found a home between her teeth, as she stretched up to place a kiss on his cheek, "don't let Alpine hear that," she winked, spinning herself out of his grasp and sauntering herself to the front door. 
Bucky's feet followed her quickly and he softly caught her waist, turning her back to him, "seriously though, I will call you as soon as this is taken care of and we can plan, I promise." 
"That sounds perfect," Priya whispered. 
Dipping his head once more, Bucky's lips caught hers in a soft, lingering kiss, followed by quick messy pecks down her jawline, pulling sweet giggles from her lips. 
"Ok Mr. Barnes," she laughed, tangling her fingers into his dress shirt and gently nudging him backwards, "I'm really looking forward to your call," she smiled brightly, "After all, I think there's a lot more to this story..." 
With a playful wink and another gentle kiss on his cheek, Priya left him on the other side of his apartment door. Bringing her fingers up, she placed them on her lips and let out a breathy laugh as the butterflies returned to swarm in her chest. 
That was something she was leaving out of the story. This Bucky Barnes, she was going to keep all to herself.
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elven-oracle · 5 years
the siren, act ii: tranquility |p.p. / part 14|
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[part one] [part two] [part three] [part four] [part five] [part six] [part seven] [part nine] [part ten] [part eleven] [part twelve] [part thirteen]
‘the siren’ trilogy masterlist
moodboard credit goes to @jupiterparker
to see other amazing moodboards:
by @starksparker click here
by @harryrholland click here
to listen to the playlist inspired by this series go here
AN: This part of “Tranquility” is my entry for @tominhoodies​ ‘s writing challenge, under the prompt “You took everything from me.” 
SUMMARY: A month after adapting to human life and being accepted into Midtown School of Science and Technology, Lena “the Siren” Potts starts attending school with Peter Parker. As love and family start to pour into her life, a mysterious force lurks in the background, threatening the wellbeing of both herself and all the people she loves…
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Siren!OC
“To our very own, Lena Potts, my lovely niece, for taking out a threat of the ocean in the most threatening, yet still diplomatic way possible. Cheers.”
By the confusion on her face, Peter could tell that Lena had never taken part in a toast, before. Glasses of gold liquid, some champagne, some sparkling cider, clinked together only to her delight. The smile on her face was bright enough to light the room. At first, he was disappointed that he couldn’t sit next to her, but being able to see the happiness gleam across her face was a much better gift.
Something about her had been different when she pranced off of the jet. She flung herself into his arms, wrapping onto him like a koala after he spun her around excitedly. The way she spoke, how she explained the way she demanded justice, it was like the weight in her voice had lifted. The burden of death no longer dragged her down in the arduous way that it used to. It drifted, it was still riddled amongst her elated words, but a majority of it had dissolved into the agreement that she had made with her former species.
It had been a dinner party that Mr. Stark planned, filled with the type of elegance that he was unused to. To his left was Colonel Rhodes, his laughter bouncing off the walls of the room. To his right was Happy, who, for once in his life, looked happy to be where he was. On one end of the table sat his Aunt, who had opted for a touch of makeup for the occasion, and the other end sat one of Lena’s doctors, Peter thought it was her physical therapist but he wasn’t sure. Across from him was Lena with Ms. Potts and Mr. Stark on either side of her. It was the first time she had worn that dress; a light, airy article that cut straight across her chest and had small straps keeping it on her shoulders. Hair wavy from her braids, she reminded Peter of classic depictions of Calypso. She flashed her eyes at him.
Some of my sisters spoke of Calypso. She was one of us until she decided to live the rest of her life on land.
Amongst the boisterous conversation, Peter half frowned-half smiled in confusion. What?
She bit the bottom of her lip, a habit she had picked up on when Peter made her nervous. He could feel the way her heart fluttered and knew that there was heat rising into her ears, followed by that lip bite, and her eyes bouncing all over the place. The interaction and sequence happened more than often, and Peter had memorized every detail.
They often said that I must be one of her direct descendants because our line of Seiren has a history of craving land. I will never know, but it is always interesting.
Peter had always thought of Calypso as a myth, but now that Lena mentioned that she was real, it made sense for her to be a seiren. The woman supposedly distracted men, the most well known being Odysseus, from their goals and aspirations. While Calypso was unconventional, she definitely still had her habits.
Odysseus was her Peirasmos.
His audible shock was masked by the adults laughing at something else entirely around them. He and Lena had escaped into their little world like they always seemed to do, communicating only with the thoughts in their heads. It was nice to be able to do that whenever they liked. It was like always going into a situation with someone on his team. And that’s what they were, weren’t they?
A team.
They brought the party to a parlor just outside the dining room, where the adults continued to laugh and sip champagne, while Lena and Peter found themselves drifting to the couch to politely listen. He felt a figure standing over him and found Mr. Stark holding two glasses with the golden liquid Peter had been seeing everyone drink all night. He leaned over between them and set the glasses down in their hands.
“You each can have two glasses, go ahead and refill from the bottle on the dining table that I left behind,” with a devilish wink, Mr. Stark went to find his place amongst the adults.
After his two glasses, and some quiet conversation with Lena, Peter decided that he liked champagne. Specifically, he liked the way that it bubbled and the warm feeling that it had left in his stomach once he had finished. The room was sparkling a little bit more than when he hadn’t had the bubbly alcohol. He wouldn’t say he was drunk; that would have been a stretch. He had definitely never had a sip of alcohol in his life, though, and it was proving itself to the drowsy feeling both he and Lena had.
At some point, her head had fallen into his lap, and she had begun to trace the bones in his hands with the tip of her finger, gliding it across his skin, chills running up his spine every so often. He watched as she concentrated, noting the way that her eyelashes flicked down and up as she blinked. They were blonde and feathery and practically invisible. Peter could only see them when he was especially close to her. He decided that he truly loved being especially close to her.
“It is far too loud in here,” Lena slowly commented and yawned. “Can we go to my room?”
Peter looked around. Aunt May was still in conversation with Ms. Potts, and Mr. Stark was about to crash in and probably make a mediocrely funny joke to them. While they were distracted, it was prime time to make their escape. Giggling, they found themselves in the elevator, lips not only locked, but lips finding their way to necks, lips tracing jawlines. Her face buried into his chest and laughed, almost drowning in the sea of his biceps. Peter laughed to himself. Lena would never be able to drown in anything.
“I can drown in my love for you!” she tapped his nose as she said the words.
Skidding down the hallway towards the direction of her room, Peter playfully chased after her, only catching up when both of them had tumbled through the door, his arms folding themselves around her tiny body. They became an entanglement of limbs as they fell onto the twin bed, laughter only subsiding by the silence of their kiss falling back into place. He liked the way that her hand was resting on his chest, and he liked the way that his hand had fallen just inside of her left thigh.
He would have liked to describe where the fun went from there, but Peter Parker was no kiss and tell.
It wasn’t the first time that her screaming had woken him.
What was abnormal for Lena was the thrashing and yelling that followed. The way he felt her fist came down onto his chest as he struggled to reopen his eyes and assist her. The blow came with an unnatural amount of strength that was hopefully unintentional.
“Wake up!” were the first words he could say before snaking his arms around her waist and burying his face into the crook of her neck, “L, wake up! You’re dreaming!”
He could feel her terror, which was almost the worst part. Along with their open book of emotions came empathy that had almost brought Peter to tears. Lena in this current state of not fully asleep but not fully awake was suspended in unrelenting terror. Her demonous sisters had sent her the worst nightmare yet as a punishment for her threat and their agreement. There was nothing either of them could do about it. The seiren had a mental tie to her that Peter wished he could cut with the world’s largest pair of scissors.
“YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME,” Lena bellowed. Her hands were balled into fists, and Peter could feel the sweat from her bare shoulder start to bead and transfer onto his bare chest.
He cooed at her, soothingly shushed her, ran his fingers through her hair, but this dream had been different. If he closed his eyes for long enough, he could barely make out the images of the creatures clawing at every part of her body, tearing her apart and doing the same to the people in her life that she loved. Peter, Tony, Pepper, Happy, MJ, Ned, they all were drowning or having their throats torn out, or being dragged down to the bottom of the Atlantic.
Sob after sob, Peter was starting to see that he wasn’t going to be able to calm her down easily.
Kissing her forehead, he whispered that he would be back as he pulled on his pants and shirt from the night before. If he knew his mentor correctly, he knew just where he would be able to find him.
There was the harsh sound of metal colliding with metal when Peter entered the shop, and the figure of Tony Stark sweating and working was just across from him, and the source of the sound. It was almost 5 AM, and this was where Mr. Stark had spent his night-going-on-morning. He popped off the protective goggles and looked at the half-awake Peter, the look on his face as if he wasn’t believing what he was seeing.
“I-I know I just woke up like 20 minutes ago. Lena just had...a really bad nightmare. Can you...drive us somewhere?” he asked, hoping the man would somewhat understand.
Mr. Stark’s left hand dragged across his shiny, sweat-dripping face, and much to Peter’s surprise he said, “Sure. Where to?”
By the time that Peter had successfully gotten Lena’s body to the car, she had stopped crying and resorted to a violent sort of shaking, which he wasn’t sure if that was an improvement or not. Still, he held her, and spoke to her softly, and traced circles on her shoulder. He knew how deeply sad and horrified she was, he could feel it on each one of his bones. Their connection had given him a special empathy reserved just for her, and it was painful to feel her in so much agony.
Approximately 45 minutes later, Mr. Stark pulled into the parking lot for their destination and put the car in park. Peter was the only one to move, going to the other side of the car to pull Lena from the seat and carry her to where Peter knew she would find healing. She had to.
It only took a couple of minutes to reach the edge, and he set her down in the sand, hoping that she would recognize the texture and open her eyes. She did, and when her eyes flittered open, she was greeted with the mix of a pink and orange sunrise over the Atlantic ocean.
Why did you take me here? She asked.
He was still standing. Instead of saying anything (partially because he didn’t know the whole answer himself), he pulled her to her feet and walked with her to where the waves were crashing into the shore, but just as their bare toes almost touched the sea foam-
He insisted, “One step. I won’t let you fall.”
When she looked at him, her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, and red marks showed where she had violently torn her hands across her face to yank the tears away. Biting her lip again, nervously, she stepped forward into the salty water, that curled around her toes as they started to morph into what would add up to be a tail. Without fail, she slipped, Peter holding his arms out to catch her from behind.
They sat in the shallow water for a good while, the waves encircling them, her tail stretched out farther than Peter’s legs. He could feel the rate of her heart declining as she stared out into the open water, inhaling the fresh, crisp, spring air. To Peter, it was a mystery as to how he knew this would be the remedy to her troublesome dream, but he could only guess that was all a part of their special connection.
She shifted forward, tearing off the white dress from the dinner party and plunging into the sea, allowing herself to fully submerge. He didn’t worry, he just waited for her to resurface, knowing that she needed to feel the Atlantic ocean wash over her to fully regain the strength that her former family had taken away from her only because they could. It was them trying to hold power over her, when in all actuality, Lena was the one with real power.
Peter wanted to show her that there was strength in existing as a human being. While she had the special abilities that set her aside from the typical human, what made her special was not only the fact that she was a seiren, but also that she was human.
He watched as she broke into the surface, her face masked behind her hands. When they slid downward, Peter saw the exhaustion that had found its way onto her features.
Thank you.
He nodded.
Peter returned to his apartment that night, knowing that Lena would likely not find her way back to sleep. When he shut his eyes, falling asleep in his own bed, he found that she had implanted a dream for him, cultivated by her, where they sat on that beach forever, watching as the waves rolled in.
T A G L I S T - if you reblog and tell me what you think i’ll love you forever<3
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mcuspidey-archive · 5 years
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       ˚  ༘  ༄  series by @spideypeach
𝙖 / 𝙣: i love this series with ALL of my heart and this is just a little fic i wrote based on allie’s characters, PLEASE go read the full fic because it is better than words could ever describe 🍃💙
      The nightmares were becoming an every night occurrence for Lena. She would wake up screaming from the memories that flooded back and their words ringing in her every thought, made them feel so real. It felt like she was back beneath the treacherous waves and she could never get to the surface. The sun was causing a beautiful glimmer, one that she tried so hard to touch but could never reach. She had been drowning in her own safe haven, against her own sisters but always fought a losing battle. They would never let her escape.
      So she screamed, shaking under the sheets of her bed until a pair of warm arms wrapped around her. His arms and he would hold her until the screaming and crying stopped. Until tears no longer stained her cheeks and her beautiful silver eyes were once again clear and devoid of any pain.
      L, I’m here.
      “I’ve got you. They can’t touch you.” Peter held her tighter, rocking her back and forth and using his thumb to wipe any more tears that fell, off her skin.
      Sometimes they would stay like that for hours, the time seeming to slow down every time they were near each other but she also noticed, that it was never enough. Lena had not said the words yet. He didn’t know, not really, that she had found her new safe haven in him. In his arms that seemed to fit around her body perfectly and his soft, soothing voice that she loved to listen to.
      ��How do you know?” She asked, lips still quivering from fear. Of the waves still crashing and darkness of the sea that she once missed. Of whatever tomorrow held and if she would ever find a way, find the courage, to just tell Peter what she had been keeping from him. Lena wanted to tell him that she was scared but she was not afraid of anything except losing him. She couldn’t.
      He looked down at her with a playful softness in his eyes and a smile appearing on his face. “Because... I’m Spider-Man.”
      Lena wiggled out of his arms, for just a second, so she could turn and see him perfectly. Her brows were caved in and her lips were stuck in a straight line until she began to laugh. Like really laugh. The kind that made it hard to breathe and makes you forget about everything else. Any lingering images in her mind, any ounce of fear, were all gone and there was just Peter.
      He watched her laugh, listened to the sound as if it were her song. Except she wasn’t intentionally using it to lure him in, she already had him.
      “Peter...” She said his name quietly between contagious giggles as as she placed her hand on his arm. I was being serious.
      So was I. He gave her one last smile before she watched it fade and he took both her hands in his, holding them delicately because he knew she loved it when he did. “They can’t touch you because I’ll never let them close enough to try.”
      “Peter, I-“
      I could never leave you.
      She thought about all the times he had said the words. They echoed in her mind every time she began to feel particularly stressed at school when he was not around or on missions when it felt like nothing was going right.
      He was waiting patiently for her to continue and when she didn’t, he nodded, assuring her that it would always be true.
      “I want to go back to sleep” was all she said but not before giving his hand a slight squeeze, letting him know that she appreciated him.
      Peter agreed, moving off the bed and letting her slide back to the side she usually slept on. He brushed a strand of her long hair away from her eyes, his fingers grazing her forehead and he didn’t want to leave her. He was afraid that if he did, that if he stopped holding her for even a second, that the dreams would return in the shape of endless water.
      “Stay.” He heard her whisper softly as she quickly locked her fingers between his to pull him back toward her bed.
      Peter was wrong, though. Her biggest fear was not her sisters or the ocean that had become unfamiliar to her. It wasn’t the constant anxiety of falling asleep only for nightmares to wake her in the middle of the night. She held a secret, one that could make her biggest fear happen and that, was him leaving. So she kept it.
      She kept it so that he would stay right here, with his arms holding her against his chest as she fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. She kept it so he would stay and never had a reason to let go.
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jasntodds · 6 years
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Serenity by @spideypeach​
↳ recommended by @dtftomholland​ Summary: When merchant ships start mysteriously going missing, Tony Stark enlists the help of Peter Parker to discover what could possibly be causing them to vanish from thin air. Unbeknownst to them, some mysteries go deeper than the sea itself.
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Can you pls recommend some Tom holland x black girl stories thx
I sure can!
- a night with you; fake it til you make it, darling- @savagesugaqueenxx-writes
- "it's readers first fashion show after having their baby", "can you do a tom holland x black reader where they travel to nyc and have a good vacation but slowly starts to suck because fans and paparazzi and no longer having privacy"-@blissfulparker
- isolation- @tomhollandisabae
- then there was you series- @cherthegoddess
- all night, shades of love series, lover of mine- @cosmicmoonie
- tuwaine's friend, hom holland dating a black woman- @jk-unless
- just hurry up please, "can u do a tom holland x black reader where her and tom go to one of toms friends small parties and toms ex comes to start some shit and reader puts a end to it ending in a phyiscal altertercation and tom gets furious at reader ending in smut/fluff", why do you hate him so much?, yarga mish shmarga, love <3, thottery, my daddy is so cool, he's supposed to be working; golf isn't a fucking sport, idc, happy new yearrrr- @tomdiddlyumptious
- feelings (black!oc)- @marvelouss-marvel
- tips- @alloftheimaginess
-the pain of loss- @manisca-rye
- "...i requested a headcanon and it was one about tom x black reader loving his gf's natural curls and helping oil and moisturize her hair"- @pocsforparker-blog
- this is not a love story- @waitimcomingtoo
- guns n' roses, one last time series, forget me not, bloodied crowns, crave, at your service, xoxo, dark fairytale, she's with me, the babysitter, @cherienymphe (not tom but some peter parker- dark fics)
- dating peter parker would include?- @blkroyalty1 (not tom but some peter parker)
- blue jeans series, in the dark series, beak my heart series, ungodly hour series, high quality hittin' series, break up with your girlfriend, sunny side up, into the woods, borderline, sabotage, birdie, bubblegum pop, cookie dough & other heartbreak remedies, here comes the sun, love supreme, bliss among sinners, dream a little dream of me, strawberries and cigarettes, and you let her go, three weeks, one in the morning, be my baby, siren- @venomsilk
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You Can Run Into Anyone These Days | Post NWH Series P. 5
Contains spoilers for Spider-Man NWH
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Catch up on parts 1-4 -> Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Characters & pairings: Tobey!Peter Parker x Female!reader/Black Cat (romantic), Benny Parker OC, Harry Parker OC, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson x John Jameson, J. Jonah Jameson
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, spoilers for SMNWH, mentions of violence. Implications of harassment. Flirtatious banter & sexual tension | female reader (she/her)
Premise: Ever have those moments where someone from the past pops up out of nowhere & you don’t know what to say? Yeah it seems like it’s one of those days for the Parkers. A day off of relaxation seems to not be in the cards because everyone and their momma decided to make reacquaintance.
Note: in this chapter, several characters from the Raimi movies appear including the ones listed above. This does diverge canon slightly so keep that in mind. Other than that we are over halfway done with this series 🥺
“Jesus Chris—!!” The masked robber was cut off when a foot met his chest sending him flying into the window. Glass shattered around the man as he let out a grunt when making impact with the harsh concrete. There was a feminine laugh and he lifted his gaze to see the infamous Black Cat peering at him with amusement.
“Uh oh,” she sing-sung, “looks likes somebody got into some troooubleee.” The robber huffs, pushing up from the ground. He unclips a knife from his belt, which only makes the Cat raise a brow. “That’s all you got, buddy? Guess this is gonna be easy.”
With a battle cry the robber jumps back through the window and starts slashing at the woman—who avoids every attack coming her way. She crouches down at one point, doing a back walkover to kick the knife from his hand. It falls to the ground and she spins to land a roundhouse kick to his chest. The man falls back to a table, shattering the wood making him drop to the ground.
The Black Cat *phews* flinging away the fallen hair from her face. “Babe you wanna handle this one?”
Before the man could make an escape his hands were webbed together. “What the hell—AH.” Another web meets his back pulling him up to the ceiling. His ankles were next making him fully retrained while hanging from the ceiling. “Get me down from here!” He starts to shout and wiggle causing him to slowly spin.
When makes a full circle, the Black Cat is no longer alone. Hanging upside down by a web next to her was Spider-Man, and her hand was up slowly caressing his masked cheeks given he had dropped down beside her head.
“Nice job, Spider.” She compliments while smirking at the detained robber.
“And you as well, Cat.”
She turns her head to look at the vigilante, fondness in her gaze. “Cops on the way?”
“Just down the street.” Sure enough the sirens were heard cutting the corner and racing to the location. Spider-Man nods his head up, “Meet you on the roof?” The Cats eyes become mischievous and he knows exactly what she’s about to suggest.
“Race you there.” She jumps from the shattered window, before lifting her arm to send a hidden grappling hook underneath her sleeve to the roof of the building. It mounts, pulling her up just as the first cop car stops in front of the store.
Her hands meet the gutter of the building, pushing her body up and over so she front flipped onto the floor before rolling to slow down the momentum she was enduring. When she stood up her lips fell to a pout seeing Spider-Man had already beat her. “Damn.”
“Getting slow, trouble.” He teases, pulling up his mask since they were out of sight. Peters blue eyes met hers, making her get lost in them immediately like they always seemed to do. They were just as gorgeous as the ocean and the moonlight enhanced their shine.
Y/n made a sound of offense. “I’ll get you next time, stud.” She stalks toward him, falling into his open arms and pressing her lips to his. Peter kisses her back, hands moving to her waist to keep her close. “How romantic of us—catching bad guys on Christmas Eve,” she says when they pull away. “Really captures the holiday spirit.”
Peter laughs, “Can’t catch a break even during the holidays, darling.” He takes her hand and walks over the roofs of the adjacent buildings. Every inch of the streets were decorated and of course the big tree was up by the ice rink. They both took a seat on the edge of one of the roofs overlooking the scene. It was pretty much empty on the streets—given it was the night before Christmas.
“I still can’t believe we ran into almost everyone today.” Y/n said after a few moments of peaceful silence. A chuckle followed, almost like she was still processing the days events. Beside her, Peter also chuckles glancing to her with a raised brow.
“I’m more impressed nothing happened. Between you or me.”
“Hey!” She said in mock offense, “I was good.” Her lips curl in a smirk, “As were you. Thought you and Erik were gonna tousle it out and make me bail you out—on Christmas Eve of all days.”
Peter rolls his eyes, “I would never subject you to that, Cat. Maybe yesterday I would’ve of.” He laughs when she playfully swats his chest, the man catching her hand to hold in his. “I’m just playing, Y/n.” He kisses her knuckles, “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“I know, stud,” she replies, adjusting herself so she was seated bridal style in his lap—arms going around his neck while his moved to hold her hips. “Although it does do things to me when you get so protective.” The bottom of her lip falls between her teeth while a lone finger traces one of the lines of his suit.
It was pushing midnight on Christmas Eve. The day had been a long one for the Parkers—luckily they both didn’t have to work and the boys were out of school on winter break. After all the chaos that happened almost three weeks prior they had lost track of time and completely forgot to send out holiday cards and gifts.
The morning was typical in the Parker household before they all got ready to head into the city to do some shopping. Y/n had made a list of everything she needed to get—and prayed there would still be available— which included a grocery list for some ingredients she needed for Christmas dinner and last minute gifts.
“C’mon boys lets go!” She shouted while pouring Midnights food into his bowl. “We’re not the only ones doing last minute things today so I wanna try and get everything before late afternoon.”
The boys ran down the stairs, quickly ate food while Y/n and Peter sipped on their coffee then were out the door ten minutes later. They again drove to where they normally did since they were going to have to take multiple trips with whatever bags they had. Once parked the first stop was to the very large Target on the main street and Y/n wanted to curse when she saw how packed it was.
Of course they weren’t the only ones having to do last minute shopping.
While the boys browsed, Peter and Y/n went off on their own. They first grabbed a pack of holiday cards that would fit for both Christmas & New Years before throwing some tissue & wrapping paper into the cart. “Babe could you grab some of those bags,” Y/n pointed to the area where gift bags.
“How many?” He asked, already walking to the corner of the aisle.
“Four,” she replied while shifting through the cute decorated gift boxes. He grabbed the amount of bags while she placed three of the boxes and placed them in the cart. Y/n started to push the cart in the direction of the grocery section. “I’m not in the mood to go to a liquor store for wine and bubbly, so lets hope they still have a few here.”
Her prayers were answered thankfully and they chose their favorite wine & champagne before grabbing some candies. They would go to a grocery store closer to their home as a last stop, but felt they needed to stack on whatever they could find in the Target. “Where did the boys say they were going?” She asked her husband while crossing some things off the list.
“Probably in the electronics,” he told her, moving to push the cart in the direction. They both skimmed the other aisles while heading to the electronic section. Y/n glanced a little bit longer at some of the home decor which had Peter giving her a look saying ‘we have enough of that.’ That made her pout.
Finally they reached the section and started searching for their children. It took a few minutes, but eventually they did which had Y/n placing a hand on Peter to stop him from walking any further. “Is that…?” She trailed off when her eyes landed on a familiar figure talking with the twins. His blonde hair was the first thing to catch her eye, then his face came into full view.
Peter squinted his eyes, before the realization came. “Oh yeah, I-I think that is, Brian.” Brian McShane to be exact. Who happens to have a certain Stacy as his mother.
Y/n mentally cursed, closing her eyes. “Well if Brian is here then that means—.” A loud voice filled the aisle from behind the couple.
“Y/n! Peter!”
“Behave, Cat,” Peter warned already turning to greet the woman. Y/n let out a scoff, muttering under her breath, ‘I always do for you, Spider.’ They both turned—semi-fake smiles on their face to greet the blonde bombshell known as Gwen Stacy.
“I thought I’d run into you!” She said with excitement, blonde curls bouncing as she walked to them before stopping. “—When I saw the boys I knew you two must’ve close by. My gosh how have you two been?—it’s been about eight months or so since we last saw each other nowt that Brian graduated.”
“Hey, Gwen,” Peter greeted warmly. “It’s good to see you. We’ve been doing great—a lot has happened,” he gives a knowing look to Y/n, “—but overall things have been good. How’s Liam—is here with you? And Willow too?” He looks around for Gwens husband and young daughter, but doesn’t see them.
“Oh yes they are—,” she gestures to the corner she had just came from. “I left them at checkout to grab Brian. We’ll be flying out tonight spend to Christmas with Liams parents since we spent it with mine last year.” She turns to give smile to Y/n, “had to get some last minute things—been so busy you know.”
“Oh I understand that,” Y/n actually laughed, brushing her hair from her face. “Holidays—they can get pretty hectic when life passes by,” she shares another look with Peter before returning back to Gwen.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Gwen laughs. “With Liam teaching at NYU, Brian now out of the house, and me having to balance gigs while taking care of five-year-old, I just wish time could take a pause. Or,” she says after quick pause, “I wish there was another me who could help me—that would be something.”
Gwen Stacy didn’t register the nervous laughs in the Parkers voice when they replied, “y-yeah, it would be.” Nor did she see the silent gaze between the two that spoke more volume than any words exchanged. The blondes eyes had trailed to where her son was talking with the twins so she missed the interaction between the couple.
“Well,” Gwen lets out a sigh paired with a smile as she looks between the two. “I guess I better leave you both—I know you two probably have a lot to do and we still need to get everything ready before our flight. But it was so good seeing you two—,” she surprised the couple by hugging them, which they both politely returned. “—and congratulations by the way,” the notice Gwen gesture to their hands where their rings laid. “I was waiting for when you two finally tied the knot—I’m so happy for you guys.”
The smile Gwen gave them was so contagious it made them beam back. “Thank you,” Y/n replied with gratitude. Peter repeated the notion and Gwen couldn’t help but clap with excitement.
“We’ll have to maybe plan a lunch sometime,” she suggested. “—or possibly grab some coffee one morning and catch up. Willow will more than likely join us—I hope you wouldn’t mind that.”
Y/n gave a shake of the head, “Not at all. We can maybe plan for after the New Year.”
“Wonderful,” Gwen cheered. They said their goodbyes while wishing each other a Merry Christmas and Gwen called for Brian before the two disappeared from their sight.
Once they were finally gone, Y/n let out a huff. “Well,” her tone was full of surprise. “That went really well.” The Cat couldn’t believe in the span of three weeks she managed to have two civil conversations with people she once hated—well Gwen she liked a little bit compared to the deep resentment she had for Mary Jane. Gwen was always nice whenever they ran into each other—almost too nice which often had Y/n suspicious of her intentions.
But Gwen had never insulted her when she thought about it—and anything that she may have been involved with to hurt Y/n was mostly because of Peter being corrupted by the symbiote. The kiss however was a different story—but again, Gwen didn’t know Spider-Man was Peter. Not to mention, Gwen found happiness and contentment with the life she had following all the drama in 2007. She got married to a man who treated her like a queen, embarked on a successful modeling career, and had two beautiful children.
Not once did she ever say or do something that made Y/n feel like she wanted to compete against her. Even though there would be no competition cause the Cat had the Spiders heart and soul. Peter reminded her every minute with his love and affection.
Peter let out a chuckle, putting his arm around his wife. “Seeeee,” he kisses her temple, “the world is just full of surprises nowadays. Although, you gotta admit Gwens’s a saint compared to you know who.” Y/n laughs at his reference, playfully swatting his chest.
“Hey,” she teases, “Don’t go bringing Voldemort into this. But I agree—I don’t hold any resentment to her and honestly she’s never done anything where I’d want to get the claws out. Ugh,” Y/n lets out a mock huff, “You can run into anyone these days.” They share a laugh, walking forward to meet the twins at the corner of the aisle.
They check out, making their way back to the car to load off the bags before heading to another store to pick up some gifts they had ordered online. When they got to the store they made it quick—not wanting to risk catching sight of anyone they knew cause they still had two more places to go and Y/n had yet to wrap all the gifts.
Plus the couple were going on patrol that night. So it was going to be a long day ahead.
The items were picked up and taken back to the car before they drove to their next stop and then eventually the final place which was the grocery store.
Now considering Y/n is the Black Cat, one would think she’d be immune to bad luck right? Well apparently it’s not the case because the trail seemed to lead its way to the store. Why? Oh because not only were the Watson-Jameson family there, but so was a man named Erik Hartsford. A man who interned with Y/n at Oscorp ages ago & had taken a likening to her—but couldn’t take a damn hint. Even after Y/n literally sent him flying into a wall when he tried to kiss her after she refused his advancements.
First order of business for the Parkers: the Jamesons. It was Mary Jane, her husband John, their three kids, and Johns father the one and only J. Jonah Jameson. When the family cut the corner of the produce aisle, Y/n had nearly ran over Peters foot with the cart while trying to stop and back away.
But unfortunately the commotion caught their attention.
“Parker!” J. Jonah yelled. “What er’you doing here?”
Peter wanted to roll his eyes at the obvious but stopped himself. “Same as you Mr. Jameson it looks like—trying to get some last minute stuff for tomorrow.” He gestures to the cart and notices how Mary Jane & John looked like they wanted to leave as much as they did.
Y/n took it as a sign.
“Well we’d love to stay and chat—“ That was a lie. “—but it’s Christmas Eve and don’t want to hold you all up. Bye!” She goes to lead them to the next aisle when a voice stops them.
“Wait!” It was Mary Jane causing the couple to still. They turned back, thinking Mary Jane was ready to get back to her old ways despite her apology the other week to Y/n, but were surprised when she offered them a small smile. “Have a Merry Christmas—and New Year.”
Both of their eyes go wide. Hell even John looks shocked by her words—although also appears to be cheering in silent victory at not having to hold her back from a possible cat fight. Y/n drops her tense posture, as does Peter, and they give Mj a nod in return with Y/n replying, “Merry Christmas to you as well.”
They move to the next aisle—but not without Jameson shouting to Peter he needs to send him the finish product of the Monday issue as soon as possible—and let out breaths of relief. “Holy shit, babe,” Y/n laughs under her breath, looking back to the aisle the Jamesons were on. “There must be some crack in this years holiday spirit to have me have civilized conversations with both Watson and Stacy in the same day.”
“I’m just glad the claws didn’t come out, Cat.”
“Don’t jinx it now, stud.”
Yeah Peter jinxed it cause not even five minutes later both of them were seconds away from having the cops called on them. But it wasn’t because of Mj or even Jameson, no, it was cause of a guy who couldn’t take the hint Y/n was not interested in him from the get go.
Erik Hartsford interned at Oscorp during the time Y/n had under Norman—before she had been referred to Octavius. They didn’t interact much, but he always would admire her from afar and even tried to ask her on a date. Y/n, who was not interested in romance and relationships after her last boyfriend, denied his advancements which only made him upset.
That’s when he tried to kiss her and she knocked his ass into wall before reporting him to HR—he was fired shortly after that. Y/n didn’t see him much once that happened—and during the times she did there was always an easy way to avoid him or she would threaten with violence if he tried anything.
Sometimes he listened, other times he didn’t and found himself with a broken bone or two.
So now nearly 20 years later the man still felt upset at the woman for her denial and for getting him fired. He acted as though he were still in high school with the bully-like attitude. Y/n didn’t care about his feelings at all honestly and would have no problem beating him to a pulp—or getting rid of him for good—but she was better than that. Plus Peter may have beat him up as Spider-Man shortly after he found out.
Erik was no match for the Cat and her Spider.
“Well, well, well,” he taunted as he approached their cart, bidding a glance to the twins who were right behind the couple. Benny and Harry had their arms crossed, glaring daggers at the man as if to say ‘try it, buddy.’ “—If it isn’t Ms. Y/n L/n—.”
“Parker,” she corrected with a sneer. “It’s Mrs. Parker, to you Stevens.” That seemed to make the man upset, Y/n noticing how his fists had clenched. She just rolled her eyes, aware Peter had tightened his grip around her waist and was squaring up. “We don’t have time to play catch up so if you’ll excuse us—.” She goes to move the cart, but his hand catches it to prevent her.
Peter steps forward now, his voice going low while his eyes darken, “Get your hand off our cart, Erik. You don’t want to start something here of all places.”
Erik scoffs and peers at him with challenge. “What’re you gonna do about it, Parker?” He then looks between the two and makes a disgusted look. “Getting your boy-toy to fight battles for you now, Y/n?”
“Oh, Erik,” she mockingly laughs, “My husband knows I can take care of myself. In fact,” she sing songs, “he’s practically granting you mercy—trying to warn you to turn the other way to prevent me from killing you in this store. I’d take his advice.” Her voice went menacingly low and Erik would be lying if he said he didn’t feel chills flow through him at that moment.
But his arrogance and overconfidence just had to get the best of him. “Please,” he huffs, “Like you could really do anything like that.” He didn’t miss how Y/ns eyes seemed to flicker and continued his taunting. “You’re just another weak whore—AGH!” A hand goes to the collar of his shirt and lifts him from the floor.
Peters eyes are filled with fury, practically burning holes through Erik as he starts at him with rage. “If you ever call her that again,” he hisses, tightening his grip while the man wriggles. “—I’ll make sure your medical insurance is put to use with what I have planned for you. I’ll break every bone in your body—twice if I have to.”
Erik grunts, cursing at Peter to put him down, but Peter refuses and continues his threats. It’s not till a soft hand is on his back and Y/n is whispering in his ear that people will be turning into the aisle that he does. Before he lets him go he says, “Don’t you ever come near my wife or family again. Understood?”
“Y-yes. I-I swear I won’t,” Erik stutters out and Peter lets him go, making him stumble when he pushes him back. The man catches himself before he could fall, not even turning back to look at them and goes to leave the aisle.
Peter signs in relief, feeling Y/n wrap her arms around him from behind and leans her chin on his shoulder. “My hero,” she kisses his cheek, voice soft, “I love when you get protective of me—of us.”
“I’d do it any minute of everyday, darling,” Peter tells her, turning his head to kiss her when a annoyed moan leaves Harry.
“Okay, we’re in a store,” he complains, going to push the cart, “no need to be gross. You can save that for the house.” Benny follows behind Harry, picking up items from the list while the couple follow hand in hand behind.
“It’s a crime to be affectionate in this family,” Y/n teases though her gaze is full of fondness. “I can’t wait for the day those two find love and we’re the ones having to tell them to stop being ‘gross.’”
Peter laughs, kissing her temple while the twins lead them the bread aisle. “That will be the day. And you were right about earlier, Y/n. You can run into anyone these days.”
Once the fiasco at the store ended and they were in the comfort of their own home, the Parkers settled down for the evening with dinner and a movie. While the movie played, Y/n addressed the Christmas cards, put the flowers they would be laying on May’s headstone in water to keep them fresh, and even wrapped the last minute presents to put under the tree—in the kitchen of course so they wouldn’t see.
It was nearing the end of the movie and the boys were aware their parents were planning on patrolling so they promised to make sure the house was locked before they went to bed and to turn everything off. It was Christmas Eve so they didn’t know how late they would be out, but knew the boys would more than likely stay up watching Netflix or playing games.
They hoped it would be an easy night, but it’s New York. The city that never sleeps.
At around 10:30 the two suited up and were out the window, but not before the twins told them to be safe and watch each other’s six. After stopping two robberies and a car theft, they found themselves seated on the ledge of a building overlooking the city with Y/n in Peters lap.
“Although it does do things to me when you get so protective,” Y/n had said after they recalled the event in the store earlier that day. Peter felt his lips curl up, hand slowly tracing circles on her thigh.
“I live to please you, darling.”
Y/n let out sigh, leaning more into him with sly grin. “Oh, stud, don’t say things like that—you know how I get.” He just laughs, holding her close to him while they listen for any sounds of trouble below.
It was roughly five minutes later they could hear the shatter of glass, both turning to see a man had just broken through an electronic store the next street over. With a knowing look, Y/n stood from Peters lap—the man following her movements, and they jumped from the roof to swing to the adjacent ones.
Y/n let go of the hold she had on Peter, rolling to the ground and running to the store while Peter swung onto the roof to intercept on the opposite side. Quietly, she snuck her way into the store—keeping low on the ground until she found the masked robber trying to break into the compartment with laptops.
With his back to her, Y/n continued to get close until she was just a few feet away. Pulling herself up with a smirk on her face, Y/n began to clap. The action startled the robber—make him drop the crowbar and bag in his hands.
“You knoooow,” she stopped clapping when he turned, freezing at the sight of her. “You should really work on your stealing skills cause we were able to see you in plain sight—unless that’s what you were going for.” Y/ns tone was less than impressed—which was understandable given she was a cat burglar.
“Cat?” His question made Y/n raise a brow, stepping back with her head tilted.
“What—you know me?” She said with confusion. “I know I had quite the reputation back in the day—but that’s long gone buddy.”
“It’s me—,” the man removed his mask, and Y/ns jaw dropped in surprise. “Robert. We did that one job in Brooklyn like twenty years ago.”
“Robert!” Y/n exclaimed, hand coming up to her chest while her face formed in grin. She couldn’t help the excitement—the situation was just too comical. “Holy shit, man it’s been so long! Wow,” she let out a laugh and completely dropped her defensive stance. “I didn’t think I’d run into you after all this time. How are you—wait,” she stops herself, gears turning in her brain. “I thought you were in prison.”
“Oh I was,” he doesn’t deny it, “got out like a year ago.”
“Ahh,” she hums, and notices how he was glancing at her new get up and how she looked like she was ready to arrest him. It made him stiffen.
“Are you like that Spider-guy now?” He says accusingly, hand already reaching to his pocket—which she sees. “—I heard you changed sides, but went off the grid for over a decade.”
“Oh yeah,” Y/n gives a nonchalant shrug. “The rumors are true—.” Just as the last word leaves her lips Roberts hands and feet are webbed in place making him unable to move. Before he could say ‘what the fuck—,’ his mouth is also webbed shut.
Y/n spins around to see Peter standing with his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent. “I hate to break up this reunion—,” she saw right past his lie, “—but the cops are on their way so we need to skedaddle.”
“Okay, okay,” she raises her hands, but excitedly points to the restrained man. “But Spider look! It’s Robert! You know the guy I did that one job in Brooklyn with before we met. Can you believe it?”
Peter gives a wave to Robert, “Nice to meet you, Robert.” The sirens reached their ears and Peter nodded his head to the window. “Let’s go, trouble.”
“Bye, Robert!” Y/n calls out as she jogs over to Peter, glancing back at the robber. “Try to stay out of trouble in the future! Otherwise we might be running into each other more,” she ended it with a wink, noticing how his head dropped in defeat. Peter took her hand, leading her out the store before taking her by the waist and letting a web haul them up.
Y/ns giggles filled the air, still in disbelief and let their words from earlier in the day flow through the night. “What a turn of events, Spider. You can run into anyone these days!”
Tag list: @secretsthathauntus, @eternalharry
71 notes · View notes
punchdrunkdoc · 2 years
Given To Fly
Chapter 8: The Girl On The Rooftop.
Masterlist here
TASM! Peter Parker x Original female character
Summary: After the events of Spiderman: No Way Home, Peter 3 is determined to make some changes to his life. It starts with a new job, and a chance meeting with a beautiful stranger in a bar.
Notes: The lonely, somewhat tortured TASM!/Andrew Garfield version of Peter Parker in Spiderman: No Way Home broke my heart a bit. This is my attempt to give him his happy ending.
I can’t say too much, as there’s a mystery at the heart of this tale that I don’t want to spoil.
But I can say this will be a multi-part story with a slow burn, enemies-to-lovers romance with an OC character (the x reader format doesn’t work for this particular story - sorry!)
Also available on AO3
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She sat cross-legged on her bed, frantically scrolling through twitter as the sounds of screeching sirens pierced through her open window. There’d been a massive explosion just moments ago, the fireball visible from her apartment building and she’d immediately jumped on social media to find the cause.
Apparently, a bus had blown up just as Spider-man was rescuing a small boy from the vehicle.
Eye witnesses saw him walk away from the blast.
She sighed in relief.
No, wait.
She didn't like Spider-man anymore!
Not after their encounter in the lab, when he'd broke her arm and ruined her plans to retrieve the serum for Mel. He was annoying, and nosy and...too talkative. She hated him.
But he was also the guy who had come to her fire escape to comfort a crying stranger. And he was the guy who’d risked his life just now to save a child. She didn’t want that guy to be blown to smithereens. He was a good guy after all. Just doing is job.
She was the scumbag.
A loud clatter outside her window made her jump. Peering outside she gaped in shock.
Spider-man was unconscious on her fire escape.
She clambered out the window and dropped to her knees, having to straddle his waist as his limp form took up the entire walkway.
She spotted the blood straight away. And there was a lot of it. His left side was dark with it, the rest of his suit sooty and torn from the explosion. She tried to lift his mask to check his airway, but the heat of the fire had melted the webbing, fusing the headpiece to the neck of his suit. She settled for resting her head against his chest, reassured when she felt the shallow, irregular rises that indicated he was still breathing.
Running her hands along his left side she searched for the wound, mentally taking stock of her meagre first aid supplies. How was she going to stop this bleeding? Should she just call 911? Would they even get here in time?
She gasped as her right hand slid against a sharp piece of metal, the jagged edge slicing into her finger. Her healing ability kicked in automatically…and a whole new world of sensation suddenly opened up to her. She could ‘see’ the piece of shrapnel inside Spider-man. Where the sides of it scraped against his ribs. Where the blood pumped from damaged vessels and leaked from torn muscle. She could ‘see’ the metal slicing through his left upper lung lobe and the tip-
Shit! The tip was embedded in the left ventricle of his heart.
The metal wedged in the gap it had created was the only thing stopping Spider-man from bleeding out in seconds.
There was no time to wonder how this was possible - how her powers were suddenly able to sense a body other than her own.  She had to save him.
If this were her own injury, her abilities would already be healing the wound without her having to even think about it. But this wasn’t her injury, so she’d have to do the hard work herself.
She placed both hands on his chest and concentrated, trying to project her power into the body below. It wasn’t enough to sense the damage, she had to fix it.  She strained harder, until she felt like she was one person in two bodies. His blood was her blood, his cells were her cells.
His pain was her pain.
Ignoring the sudden searing sensation in her left side, she went deeper, noticing the unusual DNA, the changes in his skin and muscle, the extra sensory regions in his brain. The doctor in her was fascinated, but she forced herself to focus, until she had control over his body, the same way she had control over her own. Starting with his heart, she contracted the muscle around the tip of the shrapnel, pushing it out of the beating cavity. When it was forced clear, she sealed the gap, encouraging super-fast healing of the wound, building up a thin layer of scar tissue that would normally take a human body weeks to create. Her fingers grasped the metal wedge where it protruded from his side and she started to pull it clear of his chest, repairing the blood vessels as she went and encouraging his immune system to attack any bacteria left behind. It took a few tries - her fingers, slippy with blood, kept losing purchase - before the full length of shrapnel was free. She dropped it off the side of the fire escape and returned to her patient.
His breathing was steadier now, his chest visibly rising and falling. She assessed his pulse - strong and regular. She placed her hands over his wound…but could no longer sense him. She checked her injured finger. It was completely healed.
She must have needed her own wound to be able to ‘transfer’ her powers to him. And now that it was healed, that ability was cut off.
The wound in his skin was still open, oozing slightly. And she hadn’t healed the damage to his ribs.
Should she cut herself again?
No, she realised. It would be too suspicious if he woke up without a scratch on him. How would she explain that?
She’d have to patch up his skin the old fashioned way, and let his ribs heal on their own.
She sat back on his stomach, contemplating how on earth she was going to drag his dead weight through her small window and onto her bed. She couldn’t stitch him up out here.
His hands suddenly landed on her hips. Startled, she looked down to see Spider-man shake his head, as if groggy. Then the reflective lenses on his mask seemed to focus on her.
“Hey,” he whispered weakly. “Am I dreaming? Because I’m sure I’ve had dreams that’ve started just like this.”
Realising her compromising position, she manoeuvred off him, then bent over to help him to his feet. He swayed and she grasped him around the waist. “Woah,” he said, leaning against her. “Sorry, I…I’m not feeling so hot.” He shook his head again.
She helped him into her apartment, worried about his confusion. “Yeah you were injured in an explosion. Here, lay down and let me fix you up.”
He collapsed back on her bed and clasped his side, groaning at the pain. His fingers moved over the wound as if searching for something. “There was metal…,” he mumbled.
Not wanting to explain - not knowing how to even start - she lied instead. “No. No metal, but you have a nasty laceration.” She ducked into her small bathroom to look for supplies. Re-emerging with her first aid kit tucked under her arm and a bowl of water in her hands, she found Spider-man passed out again, his breathing deep and even.
She sighed in relief, spared any further questioning, and set about treating his wound.
Once finished, she sat back on her heels and contemplated the figure sprawled on her bed. Her fingers itched with the urge to remove his mask and find out who lived beneath. The scissors were right next to her…she could easily cut it-
She knew what it was like to have to hide who you really were. To live in fear of being discovered. To have secrets.
She would respect his.
She tidied up her supplies, washed her hands, then curled up in the chair by her bed, suddenly exhausted.
As her eyes drifted shut, her last thought was that she hoped Peter wouldn’t turn up tonight after all.
This would be really hard to explain…
The first thing he registered on waking was the pain.
Everywhere. A dull ache pounded through every inch of him, concentrated on his left chest.
But he was alive.
How was he alive?
That last swing onto Jane’s fire escape had taken every last bit of effort he had. He remembered collapsing onto the metal walkway and feeling the strength just drain out of him.
He remembered feeling like he was dying. He remembered his eyes drifting shut before he got the chance to see her again.
He remembered nothing after that.
Cracking his eyes open, he glanced around his surroundings. He was in a bed, the floral duvet cover faded and worn. To his right, a window was open, a slight breeze entering the room along with bright sunlight.
To his left sat Jane, curled up asleep in an armchair. She held her glasses loose in her hand, and her head was tipped forward until it almost touched her chest. She looked uncomfortable, and exhausted…but he was alive and with her, so to his eyes she looked absolutely wonderful.
She must have slept there all night after patching him up.
He touched the side of his chest, feeling the bandage and the slight tug of sutured skin underneath.  Taking stock, he could also feel various scrapes and bruises from his tumble across the road. He could feel the tight warmth of a burn on his neck and, based on his breathing, he must have at least a couple of cracked ribs.
It made an unwelcome change compared to the last time he’d woken up with a woman.
But gazing at the rumpled, tired doctor sleeping two feet away from him…he wouldn’t trade her for Jen for all the money in the world.
She stirred then, stretching her arms above her head and yawning widely. Catching him watching, she froze, then covered her open mouth with her hand, looking embarrassed.
“Morning,” he said softly.
She gave him a strange look.
And that’s when he realised he’d spoken to her as Peter - not as Spider-man, who barely knew her.
At that, he suddenly panicked, hands coming up to check his mask.
Still on.
Shit, did she take it off at any point-
“I didn’t peak,” she said, reading his mind.
“Uh, that’s good. Thanks. But, uh, its for your benefit as much as mine - its not a pretty sight under here,” he joked. “Zits, monobrow, gnarly scars, the works.”
She gave him a weak smile.
Maybe he should just tell her, Peter thought. Their kiss on the rooftop felt like a turning point. They were together now, right? And he wanted her to trust him with whatever she was dealing with. So maybe he needed to trust her in return.
But could he deal with the potential fall out? What happened to Gwen…it happened because she knew he was Spider-man. She never would have been there that night otherwise.
No. Spider-man needed to be alone. Peter could have Jane, but Spider-man couldn’t. It was safer that way.
Ignoring the fact that keeping secrets was a shitty way to start a relationship, he tried to engage Jane again. She was strangely quiet. “Thanks also for, you know, patching me up. I thought I was a goner for sure.”
She watched him silently, biting her lip as if debating something.
“Is everything ok?”
She shook her head. “I’m debating how much of a selfish arsehole to be right now.”
That got his attention. He levered himself up, so he was sitting against the headboard of her bed. “Well, you saved my life. So as far as I’m concerned, that entitles you to be the biggest, most selfish asshole on the planet.”
“That’s just it. I…I need to ask you for something. A- a favour”. She stumbled over the word, as if she wasn’t used to asking for help. “But I don’t want you to feel that you owe me. That I only helped you to get something in return-”
“I don’t think that. I want to help you. Please let me help you.” This was the chance Peter had been waiting for.
“Ok.” She took a deep breath. “There’s this girl I know. I need you to meet with her.”
Peter frowned. “Are you setting me up on a blind date? Cos I’m kinda taken.”
She smiled. “No, its nothing like that. She’s actually the one who needs help...I’m just acting as the go-between.”
So this wasn’t his chance to help Jane, after all.  But intrigued - he thought Jane didn’t know anyone else in New York - he agreed.
She looked relieved. “Ok. She’ll be waiting for you here,” she handed him a folded note. “At 6pm tonight. Do you think you’ll be ok by then? No offence…but you look a mess.”
He glanced down at his blood-stained, torn and burnt suit. “I look worse than I feel. A couple more hours of rest, and I’ll be good as new.”
“Great, that’s great. You can, um, stay here if you want. I need to go into work, but you can sleep here, and help yourself to any food that’s in the cupboard-”
“I’d actually really appreciate it. I don’t feel up to making my way back to my apartment right now.”
She gave him another strange look. “Its funny, I never thought of you having an apartment. But of course you do. Its not like you hang out on cobwebs across the city.”
“Nah, webs aren't as comfortable as you’d think."
She stared at him, unsure if he was joking or not. He shrugged.
Checking her watch, she sprang up out of her chair. “I need to get ready. Thank you, Spider-man, for agreeing to this.”
“Thank you for saving me…-”
“Thank you for saving me, Jane.”
The next time Peter woke he felt a million times better - the perks of accelerated healing.  
According to the time on the microwave, he had a few hours before his mysterious rendezvous with Jane’s friend. He was dying with curiosity. Who was this woman? And why the secrecy? There was no name on the note Jane left him; just an address, and instructions to meet on the rooftop.
He checked out the cupboards and grabbed a Pop-Tart, eating it cold straight out of the packet. He’d pick up a more substantial meal on his way home to change, but he needed some instant calories. Healing from an explosion used up a lot of reserves.
Perched on the kitchen table, munching on his snack, he took his first good look around Jane’s apartment.
It was…sparse.
No, sparse wasn’t the right word - there was plenty of furniture. It was…impersonal. No pictures on the wall. No photos in frames. No trinkets on the windowsill or the bed side table.
There was nothing of Jane in this place.
She’d been in New York for almost a year and yet it looked as if she’d moved in yesterday. He knew from watching her that she spent little time here, preferring to be at work or in the cafe across the street; he spent little time in his own place, but it still held mementos and sentimental items.
This place was so barren. And it made him worried for her.
Why did she not allow any warmth in her life? She kept herself so apart from anyone.
He remembered how she looked yesterday when he found her on the rooftop. So…broken and desolate.
“I’m trying to keep you from being hurt.” Those were her words to him.
What could she be involved with that would hurt him?
He took another look around the room, noticing the chest of drawers by the door to the bathroom. So many secrets could be concealed in those drawers…
He’d already stalked her as Peter and invaded her home as Spider-man. He wouldn’t go hunting for clues.
Besides, he wanted her to tell him. To trust him enough.
A pang from his conscience reminded him of his hypocrisy regarding his own secret. But, keeping his identity a secret was nothing to do with not trusting her, he reasoned with himself. It was a matter of her safety.
He checked the time again. 4:05 in the afternoon.
He’d missed a whole day at work.
Peter hadn’t shown up to work! The day after kissing Jane, he hadn’t shown up to work, or visited her like he promised he would.  He’d seen her last night and this morning as a Spider-man. But from her perspective, Peter had ghosted her the day after kissing her on the roof.
He groaned. This was not going to help foster any trust between them. She must think he regretted it, or was just playing with her.
Peter jumped to his feet, annoyed with himself, with bombers of buses and with the universe in general.
Couldn’t he catch a break?
She sighed and pushed the journal article away. She'd been trying to read the same paragraph for five minutes, but her brain wasn't co-operating.  There were too many other things to think about.  
Number 1. Was Spider-man ok? She'd left him in her apartment this morning looking...not good. Sure, he was conscious and talking, but the guy had been literally blown up. He still bore the scorch marks on his skin where his suit was torn away.  
Number 2. Had she done the right thing by asking him for a favour? It wasn't in her nature to seek help. She'd become an adult far too young and had spent too many years being in charge and shouldering all the responsibility for her tiny family of two. It didn't feel right involving a stranger in her mess - especially when it had the potential to be so dangerous.  
But watching over Spider-man last night, thinking about how he always stepped up to the plate to help the people of his city, how strong and capable he was...she felt like she could lean on him.  Despite their less-than-friendly interaction when he caught her in the lab...strangely she felt she could trust him. Rely on him. In a way that she didn't dare with Peter.  
Which brought her to number 3 on her compulsive thought list: Peter.
He'd caught her in a rare moment of self-pity yesterday on the roof, her failure to secure Mel’s cure bringing on a flood of frustrated, hopeless tears.  
And Peter had found her in that state  
All her resolve to push him away had crumbled and she'd collapsed in his arms. Wanting to be held by him. Held up by him.  She was so desperate to confide in him, to share the burden of her fears and struggles. And he wanted that too - had practically begged her to let him in.
But she couldn't.
Because she'd have to tell him everything.  
And she'd have to watch the care and compassion on his face distort to anger and disgust as he'd realise she tricked him as Jen.
And lied to him as Jane.  
No. She couldn't reveal the truth. And she couldn't risk putting him in danger. Allard was a murderer; a sociopath who didn't care about the lives he ruined in pursuit of his goals. And the organisation he worked for were even more ruthless.
She could live with Peter hating her.
She couldn't live with herself if anything happened to him.
So she'd denied him the truth, and selfishly taken comfort in his arms...and she’d kissed him. 
It had been...magical. And full of love. At least on her end.
She loved Peter.  
And she hadn't heard from him since the kiss. 24 hours and counting...
She sighed again, and scrubbed her hands over her face.  Did he regret it? Had he wished they'd just stayed friends? Yeah, so the kiss didn't have the passion of their first encounter, but she thought it had been more special and more meaningful than anything they'd shared as Jen and Peter.
Did he disagree?
Or was he sick? He never made it to work and she assumed he was avoiding her, but maybe he was hurt...
God, this was torture! Why didn't she have his number or his address? She had no way of getting in touch with him.  
Enough, she berated herself. She had shit to do and it didn't involve moping over a guy.  She was meeting with Spider-man in a couple of hours. She needed to get her head in the game.
And she needed to change.
The Thief was needed again.
Peter dropped down to a crouch, his silent landing on the rooftop allowing him to scope out his mysterious contact.
She was standing near the edge of the darkened roof, her gaze on the city scape in front of her. Her short hair was covered by a baseball cap, and she wore sunglasses, dark jeans and a leather jacket.
It all felt very clandestine.
So, of course, he had to try out his best 007 impression. “'In London, April's a spring month,’" he quoted.
She spun around, startled. "What?"
"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Its from James Bond - a codeword between spies."
She laughed, the sound shaky and nervous. It didn't match her confident pose and badass outfit. "What am I supposed to say in return?"
“I can’t remember. Something about freezing your butt off in Russia."
She laughed again, the sound a bit more relaxed. "Thank you for coming."
He shrugged. "I was asked a favour by a beautiful woman. How could I say no."
She ducked her head, a small smile on her lips.
"How do you know Jane?" he asked.
She lifted her head. "We...we have a mutual friend."
"Well, that's not vague at all."
It was her turn to shrug.
"OK. Can I get your name at least? Its always a good start to a first meeting."
“You can call me Maria. But it’s not our first meeting." She removed the hat and sunglasses, revealing short black hair and bright green eyes. It was the would-be thief from GenTech.
He took a step back. "You."
"What the hell is this? How do you know Jane?" he repeated, more forcefully. Was Jane mixed up in something criminal? Something dangerous?
“Jane’s not important. What’s importa-“
“Jane’s important to me.”
The thief cocked her head, a strange expression on her face.
Peter backtracked. Spider-man had only a passing acquaintance with Jane, after all. “She saved my life. I need to know if she’s in danger.”
“If you help me with this, she won’t be.”
“Is that a threat?” He was getting angry now.
“No!” She dragged a hand through her hair, ruffling the short strands. “No. Just listen, please. We’re on the same side.”
“I’m not usually on the side of criminals.”
“I’m not a criminal!”
“You electrocuted me!”
“Well, you broke-!“ She stopped. Closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if composing herself. “Please,” she continued, her voice calm now. “Just hear me out, and if you don’t like what I say, or you don’t believe me, you can call the cops on me. Just, maybe, give me a five minute head start? I can’t jump off buildings like you.”
The last bit was said with a small, beseeching smile and dammit if he wasn’t falling for her innocent act. He remembered thinking after their last encounter that she wasn’t a typical criminal; that there was something desperate - and not malicious - about her. Maybe his instincts were right.
“Ok.” He said, boosting himself onto a nearby vent. “Let’s hear your pitch.”
She exhaled, shakily, then reached into the bag at her feet. She removed a battered looking laptop and handed it to him. “Read the file on there. It lays it all out.”
Peter grabbed the machine and flipped open the lid. A single folder was present on the desktop, labelled ‘Allard’. He glanced up at her in question, but she just gave him a small nod. “Read it. Please.”
Opening the folder, he started clicking through and skimming the various documents within: newspaper articles from obscure publications….a timeline, dating back to France in the 1980s…medical journals documenting breakthroughs in gene modification…eye witness accounts from study subjects…redacted government documents about an organisation named Hydra…
The frown beneath Peter’s mask grew deeper as he read on, a horrible picture starting to emerge.
Finished, he slammed the laptop shut. “Is this for real?” His voice was hard.
“Professor Allard is conducting illegal human experiments?”
“In a hidden lab beneath GenTech.”
“On behalf of a secret Nazi science organisation?”
“Stop saying ‘Yes’!” He yelled, irrationally angry at her calm, measured responses.  
“Well, the answer is ‘Yes’!” She yelled back. “Everything in there is true. Allard is a monster. He’s obsessed with unlocking the secret of gene modification. He wants to create a race of superhumans, and he’ll stop at nothing to achieve it - murder, kidnapping, human experimentation, nothing!”
“Then why haven’t you gone to the authorities with this?” He waved the laptop at her. “Or the press?”
She bit her lip, looking away briefly. “I will,” she said. “But I need something from that lab first.”
“Are you kidding me? If this is true, there could be innocent people trapped in that lab and all you can think about is how to get something for yourself?”
Tears sprang to her eyes, but her voice was firm. “I’m well aware of what a selfish piece of shit I am. But there’s a serum in that lab that will cure someone I love. And I’m going to get it with or without your help.”
“Help? You didn’t seem to need any help the last time you broke into GenTech.”
“Yeah, well, thanks to you, my plans had to change.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “Explain.”
“The last time I tried to access the lab was after the latest round of Allard’s experiments failed. There were no test subjects on the premises. And no test subjects meant no guards.” She started pacing. “Now there will be guards. Hydra soldiers. And I can’t go via the elevator in his office, he’ll have shut that down after the break in - he’s paranoid and smart. So I have to access the lab through the other entrance.”
“What other entrance?”
“There’s an access tunnel. It starts above ground about a quarter mile from the facility. I don’t have the access pass for the entrance, but I’ll get it somehow. And when I do…” she hesitated, looking at him. “When I do, I’ll need your help to get past the soldiers.”
He was all for shutting down Allard’s operation. If even half the dossier he’d just read was true, the guy deserved to be locked up for the rest of his life. But could he trust her? “Why should I help you?” He asked. “For all I know you’re going to sell this serum to some terrorist group, or use it to make your own batch of supersoldiers.”
She pulled a faded, creased photograph out of her back pocket and thrust it at him. “This is my sister. She’s scared of the dentist. She loves pretty shoes and handbags. She likes to sing at the top of her lungs when she’s driving. But soon she won’t be able to drive anymore, or even walk. She’s dying - slowly - and she’s all I have left in this world. And that serum is going to save her.”  
Peter stared at the picture, seeing a vibrant, pretty young woman smiling at the camera. Glancing back up at the girl in front of him, he didn’t see much of a resemblance. But he believed her - the pain in her voice was unmistakable. “I’ll help you.”
“Yeah. But we do it soon, we rescue anyone we find in that lab, and we bring down Allard straight after.”
She nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Okay then.” Peter held out the photograph. Their hands brushed slightly as she took it back from him…and his Spidey-sense activated.
The same way it did for Jen, then Jane.
‘This woman is important.’ He wished his instincts could be a bit more specific, but that was the only sense he got. That she was important. The third ‘important’ woman he’d met in the past few months.
Would she end up disappearing like Jen? Or confounding him like Jane?
Time would tell.
But for now…he would trust her.
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lostinornes · 2 years
There is no I in Team
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Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield Version) x F! OC Hero Reader | 3.9K | SFW
Being Spiderman was a lonely existence, but one Peter had grown fond of. After long days of working, he relished in the hours he spent alone on the night watch. But when he spots a new girl on the scene, his mind is unable to comprehend what she is capable of.
13+, minor swearing and a tiny bit of violence. Heavy flirtation and banter.
I like every other person on this planet, have fallen wholeheartedly back in love with Andrew's Peter, therefore please enjoy something I wrote to help with that.
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The midnight patrol, Peter’s favourite time of day. After 10 hours stuck inside a stuffy lab, with barely enough windows and broken aircon. Peter relished the fact he had the opportunity to just spend hours outside, in an attempt to unwind. All be it, his way of relaxing was far different to that of the average person. Yet Peter enjoyed the stillness of the night, the quiet city slept beneath him, as he tried to process all the thoughts he had throughout the day. It was the one time he truly felt like he could be himself, with no one around to ask anything of him. The cold air of December nipped at his skin through his Spidey suit. The chill felt like small needles which continued to prick against his body, while he swung through the air. Peter enjoyed the sensation, it kept him awake at a time he knew he should have been asleep. His wrist flicked and caused a new string to fly from his palm, his left hand gripped it tightly, his body swinging at speed around the next building. But as he felt his feet settle against the glass, he could feel a rush of adrenaline shoot up his veins. That all-familiar spider tingle had started to work its way through him, which caused his hairs to stand on edge. His body tensed at speed, in an attempt to prepare for whatever was to come next. His eyes squinted against the night, his pupils darting in all directions as he endeavoured to find the cause of his tingle. That was when he observed the reason. Near the docks he spotted a woman standing in the middle of the street, her body bounced from side to side as she seemed to prepare herself for something. Intrigue drove Peter to silently swing closer, and take a moment to assess the situation.
With a quick “thwip” Peter found himself attached to the side of a warehouse. His fingers spread wide as they clung to the bricks and his toes pressed against the cement. Her body continued to bounce, and her neck craned from side to side allowing her limbs to release a satisfying cracking sound. He could feel her heart rate continue to increase as the seconds drew on. Her hair was a pale colour, almost see-through. The street lamps light seemed to bounce off of her, emitting a soft glow. Her body was covered by a black and white outfit. Her arms and legs were coated by a white spandex type fabric and her body was framed by a black bodysuit, which sat at top of the white. It almost looked like a layer of amour. Her eyes were protected by a black mask and the neck of her suit stretched and settled over her mouth and nose like a makeshift mask. “I can do this, I’ve got this” She repeated the words to herself like a mantra, in an attempt to convince herself. Peter crawled slightly closer, but his attention was soon stolen by the sound of screeching tyres. His head spun and watched the unmarked truck speeding in her direction. Two men stood on the outside, the sound of sirens soon followed behind them. His body moved into overdrive, his wrist stretched out wide, and his hand shooting a web in her direction. Yet when he went to aim, she was gone. Her spot is now empty. Peter turned his attention back to the truck and heard its tyre’s screeching to a halt. The two men on the outside screaming in some foreign language, like the one inside panicked and slapped his hand against the wall.
“Hey, uber for Spiderman?” Peter joked dropping to the floor. His body landed in front of the vehicle which caused all three men to swear. The man on the left side of the truck lifted his gun from his side and began to pepper shots in Peter’s direction. His body flipped and dipped as he dodged the bullets until his clip was empty. “Carry on and I will only rate you four stars” Peter shot out a web and grabbed the weapon from the man’s hand and threw it across the floor. While the man defeatedly watched, Peter shot again and glued his body to the vehicle. His attention then turned toward the other man on the outside, his fingers ready to do the same as he raised his weapon. But Peter notice a flash of light hit against the gun, his eyes squinting as he tried to reassure himself he was not seeing things. As the man attempted to shoot in Peter’s direction the gun fell apart in his fingers. His trigger finger left pulling on empty air. Peter webbed up the bewildered man, leaving him even more confused. The cop cars finally made their appearance around the corner and with no route for escape, the driver of the vehicle had already admitted defeat. His hands lifted above his head, while he waited to be taken away.
“I didn’t realise this was an Uber Pool” The voice caused Peter to jump. His body instinctively shot a web in the direction of the noise, but he watched as the fluid passed straight through her. “Hey, less of the webbing, please” She joked letting her body settle back into a solid form. “I’m all for being tied up, but not in public jeez” Peter let out a nervous laugh, his mind confused as to what had just happened. How did his web, just shoot right through her and where had she been the whole fight? The sound of shouting cops filled their ears, as Peter continued to stare at her confused. Although he could not see it through her mask, her tone made it clear she was smiling underneath it. Her eyes continued to watch him with intrigue. “Anyway, I best be going. The last time I did this, they threatened to arrest me. See you around Webs” Her knees bent ever so slightly, as she pressed her toes against the hard ground. The earth soon left behind her, as she took off into the night’s air. Peter had less than a few seconds to comprehend what he had seen before the Chief of police ran to his side and questioned what had happened.
The next day, all Peter could think about was her. His normally logical mind was unable to understand what had happened. She looked like a perfectly normal person, so what had caused her to be able to alter her form so his web could pass through her. He could barely concentrate on the data he was working on, so when the clock finally hit five, he rushed out of his office quicker than he ever had before. For the first time, he felt himself wishing for some crime, in the hopes he could see her again and gain some answers.
Peter laid against his sheets, his hands held across his chest and his feet swinging off the end of the bed while he listened to the police scanner. Only minor incidents seemed to be occurring, nothing that would need the attention of Spiderman. He could feel himself growing frustrated at the situation and he needed to escape. He rummaged around in his beaten old backpack until he found the friendly suit and slipped it over his limbs. His face was soon coated by the familiar fabric and his eyes adjusted to the slightly obstructed view. He leant against his desk chair and twisted his back, in the hopes to loosen a few knots which had made themselves a home in his lower spine. His arms swung in front of his body, and his legs stretched into a deep lunge. Once he felt the bones click into the place, he knew he was ready. His body dived over the fire escape and his instincts took over as he swung through the night.
“Anything interesting going on in there?” Peter’s body jolted and moved into battle position when he felt a finger press against his head. His Spidey sense had not even perceived anyone joining him at his favourite spot. After hours of aimlessly swinging around, Peter decided to take a moment and rest his body on the empire state building. His favourite place to just come and observe the views of the city below. No one else in the world could reach him there and if they could he would have known about it. However, his eyes were soon met by her's. Her mask scrunched around her neck, like a turtle neck shirt and a bright smile on her lips. “You're so jumpy” She laughed, settling her body next to his. His heart took a few moments to adjust itself back to a normal speed. “I was just doing a once over of the city, you know to make sure everything was clear” She waved her arm toward the empty streets below. “And then I spotted this mysterious figure perched on the side of one of New York’s highest buildings, and you know I had to come and investigate” She let out a sad sigh, and settled back on her arms. Her head flat against the building, her eyes glued on the stars above. “Hopefully one day you won’t try and attack me just for saying hello”
“Can you blame me, you’re a walking… well-flying jump scare” He joked trying to ease the atmosphere. After Gwen, Peter had become guarded. His walls were built so high, in an attempt to keep the emotions out. He had worked through the seven stages of grief, with anger being the hardest to control. But even after all this time, he still thought, well knew he would be better only having to worry about himself. Her sarcastic tut scolded him without any words, his body settling into a comfier position as he crossed his legs. “So, do I get to know your name today, or am I going to have to just refer to you as jump scare?” Her finger tapped along her chin, and her smile turned into more of a smirk.
“Ah Ah Ah, you think you can get my government name out of me so easily. What if this is all part of your plan, and once you know my identity, you turn me into the cops and get me arrested because you are jealous there are now two heroes in town?” Her hands moved animatedly in front of her face, her eyes bright while she spun this elaborate tale. “Jumpscare will do just fine Webs”
“That’s such a shit nickname” He joked, which caused her body to bolt up in shock. Her hand held to her chest and a disappointed look was painted on her face.
“I worked hard on that” She whispered, but all Peter could do was laugh. His body leant forward and his hand rested on her shoulder with a supportive squeeze.
“It’s okay, not all of us can be good at everything. Sadly, I don’t know how that feels, but I do feel sorry for you” With a laugh she let her eyes meet his, he felt as if she could see him through the mask. But as his vision glued to hers, his body started to lean forward. Her fame disappeared from in front of him and left him to fall and land against the glass with a thud. Her laughter from behind ringing in his ears, as he rolled over with a grunt. “That was rude”
“Oh, I am sorry, manners are just another thing I am not good at” She mocked, her body floating ever so slightly in the air. A devious grin painted onto her lips, as Peter rubbed the sore spot on his head.
“So, from what I have seen you can fly and disappear… is there anything else I should know about you?” He questioned. Half of him knew she had something to do with the gun falling apart yesterday, but until he had heard it from her mouth, he thought best not to assume.
“I can possess things as well. Hence why that truck came to a sudden stop yesterday” She said the words so effortlessly, as if it was a completely normal thing to be able to do. Her body bent toward him in a bow. “You’re welcome”
“You’re are a ghost, fantastic” He mocked. For years he had felt haunted by the thoughts of Gwen and his Uncle Ben. The two people who had always believed in him, let down in an instant by his decisions. So, to now actually be faced with practically a physical spirit, Peter felt like it was some cruel joke from the universe. “Can I ask how you got these powers?” Her body floated closer to his, her face just centimetres away.
“My mom told me to not fuck about with a Ouija board, I fucked about with a Ouija board and accidentally invited a not so nice spirit into my home. I tried to close the gate, he was having none of that and somehow, we got into this fight and then I died for like ten minutes” Her hand beckoned Peter closer to her, while she whispered into his ear. “Which can I say is not fun, it’s just boring” Peter shook his head, a man of science was being told that the other side was boring… he didn’t quite know what to make of it. “Anyway, I woke up, my mom had a cross in my face and was screaming prayers at me and then from then I could do all of this” Her hands moved up and down her body, indicating to herself.
“How comes I have never seen you around before?” From the way she was talking it sounded as if she had been living with her powers for a while, and yet yesterday was the first time he knew of her existence. However, having learnt more about her, it was clear that potentially her powers helped to block her from his senses.
“I moved here like a week ago, I was living in a little town where nothing ever happened. It didn’t really give me a chance to work on my skills, so I packed up and moved here. Although I didn’t realise New York’s very own superhero was too good at stopping crime. So If you could let me have a chance to save everyone, I would appreciate it” Peter sometimes wished he had a suit with technology built-in, that allowed his suits eyes to move with his own. Because currently, he sat in a state of shock.
“I am afraid, that isn’t possible. It’s not really in my nature to just, not stop crime” Her body moved away from him, but he leant forward to close the gap again.
“Fine…” She bit on her lip ever so softly, as he watched the gears in her mind turning. “How about a challenge?” Peter’s head titled with curiosity, his heart racing with excitement at the chance to do something fun for once. “Over the next few days whoever stops the most crimes gets to be the hero and the loser their sidekick” This was a challenge Peter could get behind. It would be easy, the newbie in town vs the boy who had grown up there. There was no way he wouldn’t win.
“How do we keep score? Because I don’t know you well enough, to know you won’t cheat?” She shoved her hand deep into her pocket and rummaged around until she pulled out a sharpie marker. Her body drifted towards the edge of the building and found a bit of metal. Peter crawled along to her and watched her scribble their names above a tally chart. Her hand held the pen next to the drawing, which Peter webbed to keep it stuck in place.
“Every morning, 8 am, we meet here and mark our scores from the evening. I would say later but I have work at 9, so it will have to be 8” Peter shook his head with a small chuckle, he was thankful as he too had worked at 9 so it fitted in with his schedule as well. “Do we have a deal?” She held her hand out toward him, which Peter took gingerly into his. Her hand wrapped around his palm and they both shook firmly. “I will see you at 8 am” She pressed her body back from Peter’s and let her limbs float just over the edge of the building, but Peter could not pass the opportunity. His wrist leant forward and shot a web around her ankle and anchored her body to the ledge of the building. Her figure tugged and pulled as she attempted to get out of his hold.
“Sorry, we didn’t set any rules” With that Peter dove over the edge of the building and took off swinging, the word Webs echoed behind him in her screaming tone. But Peter had a bet to win.
“There is no way you stopped three guys last night! I only heard about two on the scanner” She moaned as Peter added an extra tally under his name. His body just turned to her with a shrug, his fingers digging in his pocket until he found his phone.
“Well I knew after yesterday’s argument you wouldn’t believe me, so here is my proof” Peter held his phone in her face, his body holding it just out of reach as she attempted to grab it. “No touching” He warned, his finger swiping along with the photos. The first was a selfie of Peter in front of two guys on his web. The next was him pulling a thumbs up, next to a woman in the back of a cop car and then an action shot of him pulling a gun away from a mobster. They had been at this game for three days now, and the scores were close. There had been a few incidents where they had been at the same place at the same time and therefore they settled on half a point each. Yet she constantly argued with Peter on his wins, so he decided to start providing evidence. He was used to a camera, so thought why not use it to his advantage. “As you can see, I’ve won” Peter tapped his foot against the tally marks, her arms folding in frustration as he did so.
“No way, we still have tonight” She rebutted, which caused Peter to laugh. He could tell she was not going to give in so easily.
“You're making up the rules as we go along!” He shouted, but she pressed a finger to his covered lips attempting to silence him.
“My game, my rules. Just one more night” Peter rolled his eyes under his mask but nodded. Secretly he was having fun, the most fun he had enjoyed in a while. She was pushing him to a new level which he had never gone to before and for once it felt rewarding being Spiderman. Part of him didn’t want their games to end. “I will see you at 8 am tomorrow, and don’t worry I have your costume sorted already. I hope you like booty shorts” Her body took off into the early morning sky, leaving Peter to release a laugh as he watched on. It was December, there was no way he was going to be swinging around New York in booty shorts.
“Hey medieval times, the natural history museum called they said it’s past your bedtime” Peter shouted across the street, toward the guy dressed in full knight's amour. A large joust in one hand, and sacks full of money in the other. He had blown his way through the back wall of the bank and was attempting to run off with multiple bags at once. Peter took a few cautious steps across the street, however, his eyes grew as he watched his joust illuminate with that familiar glow. The wooden object snapped in half in the man’s hand and fell to the floor. While he was distracted Peter took the opportunity to stick his feet together, sending his body rolling down the steps of the bank. Peter’s foot soon rested on the man’s chest, as he waited for her to appear.
“This is my point, I am claiming it right now” She shouted appearing at Peter’s side. However, Peter’s fingers just pointed to the webs around his ankles and his foot on the man’s body. “No, but I stopped him first, I broke his joust”
“Excuse me, sir, sorry to bother you” Peter shuffled his foot up the man’s body, and kicked the faceguard up. “Hi, nice to meet you. I am Spiderman, and this is my sidekick” Her knuckles made direct contact with his arm, as she sent a firm punch in his direction. “Quick question, whom would you say stopped you?” The man grumbled and groaned, attempting to free his body but he shortly accepted his efforts were useless.
“You” He coughed out, which caused Peter to smile with delight.
“Can you say that a bit louder please?”
“You” He groaned again, which caused her to grab the sides of her head in defeat. Her mouth released a frustrated groan, while her body turned to walk away. Peter allowed her to take a few steps at first, but then shot a web at her wrist and tugged her back toward him.
“Where do you think you’re going? Can’t handle defeat?” He teased lowering his head to her height. Her mask covered her nose and mouth, but her eyes showed enough emotion for Peter to tell she was annoyed.
“I have a costume to return” She grumbled, folding her arms like an annoyed child. Peter’s web was still attached to her, which caused his wrist to jolt due to her movement. “Best two out of three?” She questioned with a glint of hope in her eyes. But Peter just shook his head.
“The rules, no matter how loose they were, were clear. I have won and now you have to be my sidekick” He leant in closer to her, his nose practically brushing against hers. “Don’t worry I have lots of fun things planned for you. Like collecting my dry cleaning, making a scrapbook of all my wins, you know sidekick things”
“And what if I say no?” She was taunting him, a smirk on her lips as she did so.
“Then you aren’t playing by the rules and therefore there will have to be some form of punishment” Her eyes squinted toward him, as her lips released a small hum as a response.
“Please just send me to jail, watching you two is worse than any punishment I could ask for” Peter flicked his wrist and shot a web to stop the man’s mouth from moving anymore. His eyes did not leave hers as he did so. Her face leant in ever closer, her lips settling next to his ear.
“You’ll have to catch me first” With that Peter felt a sudden gust of airbrush against his face, his body left in the wake of her sudden disappearance. He couldn’t help but laugh, his mind slightly berated him for not thinking of tying her down to stop her from running away. But it seemed as one game ended, a whole other one was just about to begin.
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jord-w-bush · 3 years
Turn Off the Dark: Prologue
Hey all! As promised I'm going to be posting a multi-chapter Peter Parker (TASM) x OC fic! I've got the first few chapters done, and just wanted to give you guys a little taste of what to expect! I hope you all enjoy Turn Off the Dark!
***I do not own Peter Parker or any other characters contained within the Marvel Spider-Man creative content. Josie and the rest of the Butlers are characters of my own.***
***I found this gif in the search and it's perfect for the chapter setting so thank you to the creator you're a star. Bless you***
Chapter 1
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“Gwen Stacey was a hero. She was a hero that I think no one expected. She saved me. Several times actually…when I first moved here, a poor scared little girl from the desert, Gwen took me under her wing and showed me how to live in the big city. Our friendship had it’s ups and downs, like most, but I will always remember her as the spunky blonde girl in my 3rd grade class, who always knew the answer to everything. You know, when I think about Gwen, one particular memory always sticks out…”
1 year ago
“Okay guys, great work today! Enjoy the rest of your day, and I’ll see you all tomorrow after school!” Mr. Goodman said to his drama class as the bell signaling the end of the period began to ring. Josephine Butler pushed the door to the auditorium open and walked toward her locker. Midtown Science High School’s spring musical was just around the corner, so the cast was rehearsing tirelessly to make sure the show was perfect. She waved at Gwen and Peter who were chatting at Peter’s locker, signaling to them she’d be right back to chat. She moved quickly to the restroom and flung open the door, realizing she was the only one inside, and went about her business. As she was washing her hands, she heard a strange sound coming from the stall she had just occupied.
Thinking the toilet was just broken, she approached the door and peeked inside. Josie discovered that the whole toilet was vibrating, and the noise got louder and louder and the whole stall started shaking. She backed up toward the wall of sinks slowly, not totally frozen in fear, but unable to process the fact that she should probably leave the bathroom. Suddenly, the toilet was seemingly pulled into ground, and she let out a loud scream of fear. From the giant hole in the floor, she noticed a clawed hand reaching up toward her. Her brain finally connected with the rest of her body, and she sprinted out of the bathroom and toward her friends. They looked at her with questioning glances, but before she could say anything, the giant lizard thing from the bridge burst from the bathroom and let out a loud roar.
“Take Josie and go!” Peter shouted to Gwen.
She gave him a look of defiance, but he grabbed her arm and pushed her away, “GO!” he commanded again.
“Peter what about you??” Josie cried, as Gwen pulled her away.
“I’m right behind you, I promise” he said, before she was pulled around the corner and she lost sight of him. She and Gwen ran from the building and out into the street, where the rest of the student body had congregated. Sirens could be heard in the distance indicating that help was already on the way. Josie turned to Gwen and saw that she was still staring at the school, with a worried expression on her face. Through the windows, the bystanders were able to catch small flashes of blue and red attacking scaly green.
“Gwen, what are you thinking…?” Josie asked her friend, realizing quickly that whatever was going on in the blonde’s head was not a safe thought.
“I’m going back in there to help Spider-Man” Gwen replied matter of factly. Josie felt her eyes get wider than saucers, as she grabbed Gwen by the arms tightly.
“Are you crazy??” She exclaimed, “Spider-Man can handle himself! He’s got spider powers or whatever. What are you gonna bring to the fight, Gwen? Your 5.0 GPA and quick wit??”
Gwen smirked at Josie and backed away, “I promise, I’ll be right back! Go find Peter! Maybe he left through the back exit!”
Josie knew there was no stopping Gwen Stacy when her mind was made up, so she let her go, albeit reluctantly. She watched her blonde head get further and further away. Not even 5 minutes later, she caught a glimpse of Gwen in the sky bridge windows, wielding a trophy and then almost immediately being tossed out said window by Spider-Man. Josie rushed to her friend’s side, shaking her head. She may be crazy, Josie thought, but she sure is awesome…
“Gwen was the kind of person that set her mind on something and didn’t stop working for it until she saw it through to the end. And that’s what I like to think that’s what she was doing in her final moments. She was always set on helping others. She saved lots of people by clearing them off the streets that night and I know those people will forever thank her, and she will live on in their memories as well. She would want us to live on, and set out to achieve the dreams we never thought possible to achieve. To face the obstacles we never thought we could face. I know I will. Because Gwen Stacy taught me that the only thing stopping you from reaching the stars is your own feet stuck on the ground. I’ll miss you Gwen. We all will.”
Josie looked up into the crowd, at all the people who had gathered for Gwen’s funeral. Her mother and brothers, friends from school, random people she didn’t recognize. They all shared the same sorrowful expression and tear soaked cheeks while experiencing the loss of such an outstanding young woman. She made eye contact with Peter Parker, and he quickly looked away, presumably to hide his silent sobbing. She stepped away from her spot in front of Gwen’s casket and rejoined her parents in the crowd.
After the funeral was over, Josie excused herself from her family and approached Peter, who was just staring at the recently dug grave and cleared her throat to alert him of her presence. He didn’t even flinch.
“Hey Pete,” she started, “I just want you to know that I’m here for you okay? If you need to talk or for someone to just…be there. I’m here. You know I always will be.”
When he didn’t reply, she gave him one last glance before walking out of the cemetery with her family.
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spiider-girl · 3 years
DEW DROPS || Peter Parker
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Series Summary: Caitlin Wilson's entire life comes crumbling down when one night mysterious people come to her house and cause a disaster, claiming her mother's life in the process.
Her mother's last words were to get somewhere safe and the only place she could think of was Peter Parker's house.
Now wound up in this strange and dangerous path, Caitlin must uncover what really happened that night and who those people were.
Series Pairing: Peter Parker x OC
Word Count: 1.1k
Taglist: @aurora-cycle-unofficial
A/N: I know I didn't post last week, I don't have a good reason for it. Maybe I'm waiting for more reads, I don't know. Anyways this chapter will be the last in the short chapter chronicals lmao. The next one will be longer. Thoughts on Peyton? Do you guys like him or is he too much?
T/W: None I think
Part 5: Found
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Peter was sitting in a cafe, sipping hot chocolate and nibbling on a donut. Across from him, Peyton was stirring his tea and playing with his biscotti. They both seemed like they wanted to talk but weren't. Especially Peter.
"I won't tell anyone Peter, I lie for a living."
"Yes, because that's reassuring."
Peyton kept the small spoon on the saucer and looked at Peter. "Do you know where Caitlin Wilson is?" When he didn't reply, he continued talking. "I'm here to help, you need to believe me. I've been all over every data available to me more than enough times and I still can't get any information on her. No bills, no birth record, no hospital traces, zilch."
Normally Peter knew what to say, infact, he often said things that weren't meant to be blabbered. Albeit right now, he had no words. He wanted to say so much and he couldn't.
"I know Caitlin, I've known her my entire life. She may not be telling me the entire truth but I trust her. She's been through a lot, and I can't pressure her into telling me anything. So tell me, if there aren't any records of her, how do you know of her? And most importantly, how did you find me?"
Peyton wiped his face. "I live around her area, seen her before, seen you before." Peter let out a laugh, as if he had been expecting that answer and waited for Peyton to continue. "I had been looking for you, you never seem to be alone you know," he scoffed, "but lucky me, I found out where you disappear to. Spider-Man huh?"
"What how?"
"How did you know I was here?"
"Oh that was easy Peter. This time, I just kept following you." Peter raised an eyebrow and Peyton laughed. "Tracker, bag, the tiny one." He pointed as Peter scurried through the compartments.
He pulled out a metallic circle, almost the size of a small button. It looked awfully similar to a coin battery and easily one could miss noticing it.
"How did you put in on me?"
"Oh you don't want me to answer to that."
"I think I do actually. Unless of course you sneaked into my house in the middle of the night, which wouldn't have been a good idea." Not to mention that Peyton would then have no problem locating Caitlin.
He placed the tracker on the table as Peyton slipped out his phone. He turned on an app and soon enough the coin was stuck to the cup, then the plate and finally settled on the tissue holder.
"I put it on MJ and much to my luck, it made it to you."
"Luck? It's been on your side a lot don't you think?" Peyton laughed and kept a couple of bills on the table. He got up, waiting for Peter to do the same.
"I truly am a lucky man Mr. Parker. One might even mistake me for Domino, had It not been for," he gestured to his entire face and Peter gave him an amused look.
One could hear sirens at a distance and Peyton knew what it meant. "Look man, I gotta go, but, meet me here, tomorrow, same time."
"No can do, but yeah, we'll meet again Parker." With that Peter went flying, much like a skilled acrobat, towards the high rising towers as the boy stared at the now empty sidewalk in front of him.
To say that Peyton was shocked would've been an understatement. Peter Parker, the clumsy teenager he had been following was not only the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but Peyton's hide had been saved by him on multiple occasions and he had no idea.
He immediately rushed home, knowing where to work next.
Peter obviously knows where Caitlin is, he has no motive, and even if he did, he would never. He wouldn't tell him where she is.
His identity gave him so many answers, raised so many more, but at the same time created barriers he hoped wouldn't be there. He had no means of tracking him anymore. Getting near him would be a task as he would know what hit him way before he even did anything.
The further answers he needed were with Peter Parker and it was time to follow him no matter the consequences.
    It had been over twenty four hours since Caitlin made her way through the Parker residence and May had to confront the girl if she ever would be able to help her.
She picked up a few files and stuffed them in her locker.
"May there you are, they need you in OR 3."
The tired woman dropped everything and ran to the room after her colleague.
  The smell of wood burning was pungent to Peter's nose. The smoke was making it hard for him to breath and he was coughing non stop.
He had two civilians in his clutches as he swung out of the balcony, landing safely in front of the fire department.
"Are you okay sir?" They asked.
"Thank you so much Spider-Man." Peter saluted with his hand as a thank you and goodbye at the same time as he made way for the firefighters to blast water at the building.
"Do you know what caused the fire? It feels sabotaged." Said one of the men wearing a red jumpsuit.
"It's just a gas leak, but it'll still be good if you guys could check it out."
He looked one last time at the situation and the fading fire as he shot a web to a distant building, making his way to the Wilson residence.
    Caitlin was still at her place, with MJ and Ned. They were all in her mother's office, going through every file she could possibly find.
"All of this, this is all evidence leading to years in jail."
"Kate, nobody knows, nobody has to either."
"I'm a hundred percent sure someone knows Ned because," she exaggerated her hands into a circular motion, taking in the situation. "Where did Pete go?"
"I don't know, but I'm sure he had a good reason of leaving."
"Guys, see this." Both of them rushed to MJ.
She was holding a file, it had a photo, a name, a price and information of a person written on it.
"No freaking way."
"That's impossible." They both said simultaneously.
The photo had a girl no less than their age. Her eyes green and her hair red, she had freckles beautifully resting on her face like constellations in a night sky.
"Your mom set a bounty on Mary Jane's head."
    The fall of snow on her nose was as soft as a feather. She let out a laugh as more snow surrounded her, blanketing her like a cocoon. She laughed as it danced around her.
"Mary Jane get inside you'll catch a cold."
"Yes Mrs. Beverley." She replied and rushed in.
I love feedback. Taglist is open, just personal message me or send in an ask.
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57 for ship of choice
//Oooh… I like. I like this one. Oh, and the prompt too.;) Sorry it’s a bit short, but I like it. XD 
57: Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths
Summary: In which MJ saves Peter from a supervillain and commits a serious feminist blunder.
Characters: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones
Wordcount: 1,218 
Warnings: Sarcasm, Subverted Tropes
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He told her to get to safety. 
That’s all that Peter can think about as he looks at MJ, his breath heavy and gasping. He can’t tell if the roaring he hears is the sloshing of the water settling around him, seeping through the rocks beneath his feet, or if it’s the blood pounding in his ears. If he wasn’t so shocked, he would probably have been shivering, but the chill of the water that soaks him from head to toe doesn’t compare to the warmth that is spreading through his chest. 
He remembers seeing her dart out of his field of vision after the metallic, wriggling arms pierced out of the water, but he had been too busy fighting off the clawed blades that were trying to detach his head to do anything more than pray that she had made it to shelter. 
His prayers had not involved MJ electrifying the soaked, metal-clad villain with a taser filched from an unconscious police officer, but as he looks at her now he wonders if they should have. 
As Peter slowly regains his breath and his hearing, he can’t help but stare. MJ stands in the rocks a few feet away, taser clenched in her shaking hand. She looks even taller and more willowy than ever; her curls are soaked through and plastered to her head, neck, and shoulders, dripping all over her drenched clothing. The t-shirt Peter bought her (black, with “this is what a feminist looks like” in red lettering) hangs off of her, along with the beige jacket she loves so much. 
Her eyes, though slightly widened, are locked on his own, and fire blazes in them as she offers him a shaky grin from where she stands behind the twitching body of the fallen villain. 
Peter thinks she looks like Joan of Arc, and he can’t breathe. 
He doesn’t even look as the webs leave him, cocooning Doc Oc to the rocky shore. The roaring of his own heartbeat is fading, lost with the chill and with everything else as the world drops away. He doesn’t remember beginning to move across the rocks, swift and with intentionality that brings him to her side immediately. 
“MJ, I…” he trails off, unable to continue as he looks into her eyes. She does not look away, and she blinks several times as the grin fades away, leaving her lips slightly parted as she takes in the admiration that is written all over his face. 
“I just-” 
The sound of sirens, distant but droning louder against Peter’s super senses, snaps him back to reality. “Oh. Uh.” He glances at her, then over his shoulder, then back to her again. “Um, let me just-” 
Peter quickly begins to climb back onto the soaked bike path of the park they had been walking in, offering his hand to help her move quickly and safely over the treacherous terrain. She grips his forearm tightly, fingers wrapping around it as she picks her way over the rocks unsteadily. 
His heart pounds, and suddenly Peter is talking. 
“Um. That was… That was incredible. I didn’t– I’ve never seen– Uh, I just- I mean, I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to intervene or anything, it’s just that Doc Oc– well, maybe one of her goons, I don’t really know– she hacked my suit, and then I couldn’t, uh, activate those taser webs. Or any webs, really. But I didn’t mean for you to be in danger, I was hoping you wouldn’t… Not that I think you need protecting, or anything! I mean, you kind of proved that, I just…” 
Peter swallows as she is silent behind him, and he can’t make himself look back to see if this is an amused silence or an unimpressed one. His heart hammers as he finally settles on, “…Thank you. I… I’m glad you’re okay.” 
In order to distract himself from the hammering of his heart and the awareness he suddenly has of her touch, he focuses on getting her onto the path, breathing a sigh of relief as soon as they move to steady ground. 
Once both of their feet are on soaked asphalt, Peter lets out a breath of relief, beginning to turn back to MJ. “So, uh the police are on their-” 
Her lips are on his, and Peter’s eyes drift shut before he even has a chance to speak. 
Peter’s back arches into the kiss immediately as her lips fit against his, knocking their teeth together lightly as he adjusts his footing so that his hips are facing hers. The taser clatters to the ground; her hands have risen to his face, one cupping his cheek while the other cradles the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his soaked curls. His hands freeze at first before drifting down to her waist instinctively as he leans into the kiss, resting chastely there. 
Several of her wet curls fall into his face, but Peter does not brush them away. The sirens in his ears are nothing compared to the absolute storm of firecrackers going off in his mind, sending sparks of warmth arcing down his body as he melts into her. Her lips are gentle and firm, and they do not leave his until Peter can tell that both he and Michelle need a moment to resurface from their moment.
When the kiss breaks, neither moves any farther than it takes to draw a breath. Their lips brush as Michelle parts hers slightly, inhaling carefully. Peter’s eyes are still closed as he breathes in the moment, heart pounding like the settling waves against the shore. 
“I’m a horrible feminist.” 
The words are breathed against his lips, and her mouth lightly brushes his cupid’s bow as he starts slightly in surprise, not moving away. 
“What?” he murmurs, eyes finally fluttering open to meet hers. They are warm and searching, scanning his face and lingering on his lips for a moment before rising back to his. The satisfaction in them is soft and warming; she is pleased with herself. 
If she isn’t careful with looks like that, she is going to get a really big head. 
Peter shoves the thought away, his hands carefully travelling so that one is cradling the small of her back and the other is cups her neck, lightly brushing his thumb along the edge of her jaw. He doesn’t make any move to step away, and neither does she as her eyes dance. 
“I’m a terrible… Feminist.” MJ draws in another breath, adjusting her positioning slightly so that her shoulders are relaxed as she maintains their close distance. Her words are whispered against his lips as she hums her explanation. 
“Interrupting someone by kissing them. Total sexist, hetero-normative trope.” 
A small, awed grin begins to spread across Peter’s lips, brushing them against hers with all the delicacy of a butterfly’s wing. The satisfied gleam in her eyes fades, replaced by something breathless and fragile as she takes in his expression of wonder.
“Well… On behalf of all the suffering, oppressed white males everywhere, I think I’ll forgive it just this once.” 
The laugh that leaves her lips at his breathless sarcasm is like music to Peter, and he hums in appreciation with the song of Michelle Jones as her lips meet his again.
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elven-oracle · 5 years
t h e  s i r e n (trilogy masterlist)
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mcuspidey-archive · 5 years
here so you have a place to put it: Your Turn ;)
As soon as Mr. Stark texted, Peter felt himself relax just a little bit. His heart stopped racing and he was grateful for the distraction of the surprise Tony had for Lena. He knew that he deserved it, he should have told her about his studies as soon as he had started them, but her anger toward him was something that he hoped he would never have to go through again. He never meant to hurt her. Causing her any kind of pain was the last thing he would ever want to do.
Peter had known about the pool for weeks, only finding out by accident when he overheard Pepper and Happy discussing the blueprints. They all knew he was bad at keeping secrets but he vowed to keep this one. He knew what this would mean to her.
“Oh, Mr. Stark asked me to put this on your eyes,” Peter said, reaching up toward the front seat to put a pair of goggles over Lena’s eyes.
She had no idea what was going on and Peter wouldn’t tell her anything, kept saying it was a surprise - like the party they had thrown and her new suit. All she knew was that she was done being angry. She hated the rage surging through her body, the kind that only reminded her of them; her sisters and the tidal waves set across the Atlantic as seemingly the only emotion they ever felt, possessed the waters that she could no longer call home. Lena was upset with him when she saw the journal, pages filled with his doodles and notes. She felt betrayed but as soon as his brown eyes filled with despair, she couldn’t bare the thought of hurting him any longer.
When she saw the pool - the “surprise” that she had unknowingly grown impatient for - her silver eyes grew wide as salty tears stained her cheeks and she didn’t understand why. Why was she crying when she was so happy?
Happy tears. Peter thought, smiling as he watched her gaze in wonder.
Her very own pool, a new place for her to finally swim after months of missing the silky water cascading around her. A passing grade on her exam, which meant she would be going to school with Peter and while she was still anxious, that fact would always calm her. Any ounce of resentment from before was gone. Her heart felt light and airy, as if she were already swimming.
“What are you waiting for, L?”
She ran as if she was finally set free, toward her new ocean that she decided as soon as she felt the wetness on her skin, it was perfect and enough. Mostly because he was still there while Tony and Happy were gone. Peter was leaning over the edge, searching for her with such happiness on his face that made her swim back up to the surface. After the day they had had, the yelling and the pain, all she wanted was to see him as happy as she felt in that moment. Her peirasmós.
“Peter,” Lena whispered his name, sweet and gentle as she positioned herself in front of him. I’m sorry.
He shook his head and reached his hand up to cautiously push a strand of wet hair off her forehead.
She leaned into his touch, embracing the softness of his skin and feeling the love he had for her all in the same fleeting moment. The same love she felt for him was there and she knew that but she couldn’t help the terror that would always reside inside her.
“I love… it.” Glancing around at the lapping water around her, she swished her tail back and forth to stay with him and steadily brought her hand up to his face. Her thumb brushed across his cheek so delicately, as if he would fade away if she were anything but, and she never wanted him to leave.
“I told you. I could never leave you.”
this got long because i love this story with all my heart and i love THEM,, anyways ‘s your turn gwanda💓
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ragnarachael · 5 years
here’s all the drabbles and oneshots i’ve posted! requests are currently closed! you can also find my new and old works that aren’t on this list on my blog by searching rachael writes or [character name] x reader!
click HERE for the masterlist to my chaptered fics such as: JUKEBOX HERO, PLEAD THE FIFTH. click HERE for the masterlist to my ongoing series such as: PROOF TONY STARK HAS A HEART, THE VALIANT ARSONIST.
last updated — june 20th, 2020
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ironstrangeao3 · 4 years
The God's Lullaby
by LadyNikolea
Anaeluna, a siren and a witch has been patiently waiting for her soulmate all her life, not aware that he was looking for her as well. Set two years after the battle with Thanos, HYDRA comes to invade an island that has not only superhero children, but mutated one's. Their protector, the hero Lullaby tries to take them all on her own. They brought an army. Time to call in the Avengers. *I suck at summaries*
Words: 2508, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Loki X OC
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mama Bear - Fandom, AntLord - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Stephen Strange, Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Cassie Lang, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Harley Keener, Diana Stark-Strange, Valerie Stark-Strange, Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), StarkStrange, supreme family - Relationship, Antlord - Relationship
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24325165
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 4 years
The God's Lullaby
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WSqOHe
by LadyNikolea
Anaeluna, a siren and a witch has been patiently waiting for her soulmate all her life, not aware that he was looking for her as well. Set two years after the battle with Thanos, HYDRA comes to invade an island that has not only superhero children, but mutated one's. Their protector, the hero Lullaby tries to take them all on her own. They brought an army. Time to call in the Avengers. *I suck at summaries*
Words: 2508, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Loki X OC
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mama Bear - Fandom, AntLord - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Stephen Strange, Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Cassie Lang, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Harley Keener, Diana Stark-Strange, Valerie Stark-Strange, Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), StarkStrange, supreme family - Relationship, Antlord - Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WSqOHe
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