#tasm!Spider man
jin0 · 2 years
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Summary : Peter lost you over ten years ago. Well, let's thank your niece, his favorite student, because here you are today, presenting your job to his class.
Pairing : Elementary teacher!Peter Parker X Reader
Warnings : 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, smut, fluff, angst, peter being stupid (when do i ever write him smart...), soulmate trope kinda, both are a little toxic lets be real, gwen in the middle but she's best girl so get off her dick and be nice, i kinda followed andrew and emma's story with that one too, creampie, pet names (pumpkin, sweetheart, baby), slight mentions of manhandling, use of webs, kinda exhibition because they do intimate stuff in the street, overstimulation, kinda subby peter, kinda dom reader, lots of cum too, slight titty worship, slight pussy job, lots of kisses and soft touches.
A/N : another one for you birdie ✨ i kinda LOVED writing that one, missed writing for this idiot 🙈
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Peter Parker could never really qualify as an idiot, but in that moment, he had never felt more stupid in his life.
It all matched perfectly and maybe it was the delusion that pushed him to ignore the signs but fuck, they were screaming at him now and he couldn’t just act like they weren’t there, like you weren’t there. It had been an entire decade of longing and confusion, and now, you were here, in front of him. Him and his entire class of little kids.
“Hi, I’m here with Mimi and I’m going to present my job as a lawyer.” You said, a tender smile on your face.
All the students cheered for you, some throwing looks at ‘Mimi', the little girl you were here for. Peter couldn’t hear any of the sounds around him, completely deaf to anything that wasn’t your voice. It echoed around him, sounding so distant yet close, as if coming out of his own head. It was a familiar feeling, but it never was this vivid before, not even in his wildest dreams or memory. He had dreamt of hearing your voice again, not in his head or memories this time. It had become so recurrent that the default voice for his memories or conscience was yours, even after all these years of not seeing each other.
You started presenting yourself and what you did on the daily to the weirdly attentive children. The teacher knew Mimi probably had something to do with it, the little girl so eerily similar to you. Now that he thought about it, he had been ignoring all the tells that slammed in his face. From her family name to her personality, she was like you, in so many ways it made him dizzy. She was like a tiny copy of you, a copy that seemed to look like you and you only, no one else.
He had been staring at your face with this stunned and pained look, as if seeing you was physically painful to the man, as if the vision of you was stabbing him repeatedly. A part of him knew you weren’t the one holding the knife in this situation, he was. He’d been holding it for a decade, waiting for the moment to hurt himself further, hurting himself until he truly felt the pain. He just didn’t expect to feel the pain in question in the middle of his class, with literal children watching.
The positive element here was that the kids seemed to be very interested in your job, this was definitely due to your way of explaining it. You knew how to make a topic fun for kids, you always did. From your facial expressions to your words, all of it was fun, you were the fun one. Even back in , you had been the one to always know where and when fun things would happen.
Peter never understood how you two ended up mixing together, when your crowds seemed to be so different.
Ah… Right… He knew how. It was stupid too.
You had figured out his secret identity when he jumped into your apartment thinking to was his. You helped him fix his wounds and from then on, helped in managing life and his nightly activities.
Until the hurricane came. Hurricane Gwen Stacy.
“Mr. Parker ?”
The man’s entire body jolted at the sudden voice and slight tug of his pants. Looking down, he found little Mimi smiling up at him with a proud smile on her face. That fucking smile, even that was the same. A slight hint of mischief mixed with all the love and innocence in the world. No, not innocence, hope. The smile he recognized it from you, a smile that you always had whenever he felt like giving up on the spider part of him. You had been his little ray of hope and one of his student was carrying the mantle.
He crouched to reach her level, smiling tenderly at her despite the little knot forming in the pit of his stomach at the idea of confronting the little girl, a child you had with someone else.
Like she always did, her little hands reached for his face to hold it still, she didn’t like it much whenever she was talking and the person wasn’t looking at her. Just like you. Her pupils were dilated in excitement and he could hear her heartbeat thumping inside her little chest.
“Mr. Parker, she’s finished, you gotta meet her now ! She’s real fun, just like me !” Declared the little girl, practically dragging her teach face first towards the source of her pride.
The man chuckled, standing up and handing the little girl his hand to let himself be guided towards you. Each step he took made him feel both heavier and lighter. The feeling of seeing you again brought him to cloud nine but the anxiety of your reaction buried him under the weight of the years that separated you both.
“Titi look ! It’s him ! Mr. Parker !” Presented Mimi, jumping into your arms to be carried, which you did.
“I know love, he’s right there, I can see him.” You smiled, kissing her forehead and making funny faces at her.
“I know ! But your eyes are bad, so I was making sure !” She responded honestly, looking at you as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
You laughed to yourself and Peter tried not to laugh and collapse to the floor at the same time. More than her name, face and mannerism, she also had your sarcasm. The resemblance was undeniable now, it was too late to run away or act blind. Two versions of you were cornering him, one, adorable as a button and the other, as beautiful as and mesmerizing as an angel fallen from the sky.
Her hands extended towards him, she was taking a step to make this a little less awkward, he knew it, that was what you always did.
“Hi, I’m Mimi’s aunt, nice to meet you.” You said, in your steadiest voice.
A sudden weight lifted off of Peter’s shoulders at your words. Her aunt. Not her mother, but the her aunt. He felt such relief in that moment, he could’ve jumped in joy, but refrained from rejoicing too fast, because you were acting like you didn’t know him, and that one hurt like hell. Even more than the possibility of you having a child with someone else.
Extending his hand to hold yours, he got lost in the feeling of your warm skin, it felt good, familiar, like home. His thumb caressed your skin as subtlety as he could but the tingling sensation spreading through him at the contact made it impossible to detach himself from you. He wanted more, he wanted to hug you tight, so tight that your only solution would be to live in his skin. He was going mental, that was evident, but fuck, he had missed you, all of you.
“Mr. Parker ?”
This time, it was your voice that pulled him out of his thoughts. Your head was tilted to the side with a slight grin, the kind that said ‘I don’t mind, take your time’. She was inviting him to take his time and reminisce. Why ? Why was she allowing him this much ? She just made it more painful to let go.
“Sorry…” He muttered, pulling his arm back slowly. Your touch burnt his skin softly, leaving behind nothing but longing and nostalgia. “So, Mimi’s Aunt right ?”
“Yes.” You smiled tenderly, looking down on the little girl fussing to get down. You put her down, letting her run off to her friends. “Her parents had to go abroad for work so I’m subbing for them. The lil’ pumpkin doesn’t seem too bothered by it so we’re having a good time together. But don’t worry, they’ll be back in a few hours, you won’t have to deal with me anymore.”
The pang in his chest was back. You’d be gone soon, disappearing out into the world again and reminding him how much he missed you. The idea of loosing you again was unbearable, his entire body screaming for him to move and do something. He needed to take a step towards you, one that would either give him closure or bring you back in his life.
"You're gone so soon ? Poor Mimi, I bet she's wasn't the happiest about the news."
"She doesn't know and please don't tell her, she'll chase me with a broom. She might be small but she manages to hold it perfectly."
"Don't worry about it. I see she enjoys your company, she talks about you every day. You're like her own Spiderman."
"How ironic..." He heard you mutter under your breath.
The deep parts of him he had tried to hide for years after you were gone just couldn’t be kept hidden anymore, not when you were right there and soon you wouldn’t be. So Peter did what his mind told him, he took a step towards you.
“Can we talk ?”
The question sounded so desperate, it was as if his life depended on whatever discussion he had in mind. That desperation to discuss things, to put words over whatever you were feeling before it was too late, you knew it better than anyone. You’d gone through it first, and now it was his turn.
You could be petty, god you wanted to. You wanted to make him feel the same kind of anger and sadness knowing him had you go through. You wanted him to be as desperate as you were to talk and grab your chance before it slipped out. You wanted him to have that chance and you wanted to be the one to rip it out of his hands, leaving him with nothing. But you couldn’t .
You could’ve stood your ground and said no, getting your own personal revenge on him. But what was the point ? It wouldn’t make you feel good and it was useless. You’d been through it and managed to sort your shit out. You walked out of that cave and saw the ‘light’. Now you were fine, you didn’t need anymore revenge or closure. And if he needed it, then you didn’t mind giving it to him. Because no matter how much he hurt you, no matter how much pain he had you go through, he was still your Peter. The clumsy idiot who could save an entire building but would lose his mind if his favorite scientist looked at him.
“Yes Pete. We can talk.” Your smile was so tender, so sweet, he wanted to drop to his knees and let himself be buried by the shame he felt. You took a step towards him, entering his personal space and letting your scent drown him in. “I’ll be waiting for you after class, just let me drop Mimi off first.”
He couldn’t speak, could barely move, but found the strength to nod, his eyes tightly shut. He had never considered the impact of your absence on his mind and body. There was something about your presence that was addictive, soothing and just made everything feel like home. From your touch to your scent, you brought out the best of him, pulled him out of his shell gently and guided him through the fucked up world he had to deal with.
Without you or anything to distract him from thinking about your absence, he was back to square one. Angry, cold, distant, absent. Once the spring had passed, he was back to his winter, back to reality, the reality that he had list you without even noticing and for a while. You had disappeared out of his life and he couldn’t avoid the withdrawal by distracting himself anymore, not when his place of refuge had left with you.
What a shitty idea to share your interest with your best friend. Now he was stuck desperately trying to find comfort in the things that he had enjoyed before you but couldn’t anymore. How could he when all of these things, he had shared with you and could only link to you now ? You left and took everything that he owned and was with you.
The rest if the day felt like the longest of his life, lasting hours and hours before he could finally say goodbye to his students.
He was anxious, trembling uncontrollably and biting his lip in anticipation. The knot in his stomach just kept growing, taking up more space and making his entire body dependent on tiny bits of positive affirmations to reassure himself.
“Mr. Parker ?”
He jumped for the hundredth time today, looking down towards the little girl who had started this trainwreck of a day.
“Yes Mimi ? Do you need something ?” He asked tenderly, or at least, as much as he could.
The little girl shook her head, signaling for him to get to her level. He smiled honestly, this little truly was like you. He loved her attitude, confidence and certainty in her words all cramped up in a pocket size human.
“Are you in love for my Titi ?”
If he had anything in his mouth, he would’ve chocked on the spot, but instead he choked on air. Coughing loudly and fanning his cherry colored face, he looked at the child in false confusion.
“W-Why would you ask that pumpkin ?”
“Well, you look at her like daddy looks at mommy. And also, you look like Dorothy’s shoes, all red and shiny. Are you okay ?”
Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz. That reference he hadn’t expected to hear it again. Not since highschool, when you used to make fun of him by calling him a Dorothy ‘s shoes colored weirdo. He had a tendency to blush at everything and she would make fun of him for it. At the time, he swore up and down that he hated it, but fuck. He needed her to call him that again, like she used to. He wanted her to make fun of him again.
He chuckled, caressing the child’s cheeks and pinching them, make her giggle and squirm in fake disapproval. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and he lifted her up, enjoying her loud squeals of happiness. He wasn't going to lie, she was his favorite student and she knew it.
"Mimi, i can't carry you everywhere you know ?" He chuckled, arranging her hair.
"Yeah you can ! My Titi does it, even at her work when she's very busy !"
"I'm not her thought and i'll make other students sad if i only carry you."
"It's okay, I'm fine with that." She smiled, making him laugh out loud. Yeah, she was exactly like you.
Catching his breath, he ran a hand through his hand before looking down at the curious little girl.
"I’m okay pumpkin, just a little warm. Now, about your aunt-“
“What about me ?”
Peter was very close to jumping out of his own skin when your voice appeared behind him. But the true surprise was your appearance. When he saw you, he suddenly felt like a highschooler again. After ten years of not knowing where you were, you still looked and dressed the same. It could be felt that morning but could be seen in that moment.
You always looked so different when you dressed fancy or professional, he was always left speechless, but nothing could beat your usual look, the one that maintained the memory of you as a teenager, kept you as you. The you that he knew the best and that knew him when he was still worth it, or so he said.
You and your little dress felt like a breeze of fresh air, blowing through his classroom with your natural glow. You were like the wind during one of these very hot summer nights, he had prayed for you to come and while in the back of his head he lost the hope of seeing you, when you eventually showed, he just couldn’t help the smile on his face.
“Titi in a dress ! Titi’s wearing a dress ! I can even see your knees Titi!” Squealed the little girl, pointing at her aunt’s exposed knees.
She twirled around her as soon as Peter let her down and jumped in joy when you did the same, showing how flowy your dress was.
Peter was lucky that you were too busy with your niece to look at him because he couldn’t handle what was going on in front of him. Maybe he was stupid or maybe he was easy, he didn’t know and quite frankly didn’t care. There was something about seeing you in a dress that just made his inside melt. But the main issue wasn’t there, he knew this dress because he had bought it for you. It was a birthday present, the last birthday you both celebrated together, like your tradition stated, before you both lost each other.
“You’re zoning out again Mr. Parker. And you’re staring too.”
He tried to pull himself together and get back to the real world, but when his eyes crossed yours, he just couldn’t focus on anything but you. He’d equate it to nostalgia and the fact that he was seeing you again for the first time in ten years, but there was more, he knew it and clearly couldn’t hide it anymore, he had for ten years plus.
“Titi, he was all red, maybe he’s sick !” Exclaimed the child holding onto the hem of your dress
“You think ? That’s not good. We can’t let your favorite teacher be sick, can we Mimi ?” You crouched down to look at her in the eyes, trying not to laugh.
“No no no ! Sick people have to get better! With sleep and tea, and lots of honey too! To make it taste all sweet !” She responded, smiling wide while trying to remember all the technics her mother had taught her to get better.
You knew Peter, and the Spider hero was still active. He wasn’t back into his normal human body meaning he still healed very fast and simply couldn’t get sick. You knew all of this because he told you himself and even allowed you to read his father’s journal explaining the changes in his body. And if everything had stayed the same in ten years, which seemed to be the case from what you saw in the news, he still couldn’t. He probably used his sick days to rest or go out.
Nonetheless, Peter couldn’t get sick, you both knew this fact. A part of you, the part you tried to bury after high school, was hopeful, dreaming that the red covering his cheeks was due to you and not some super disease who had eventually managed to get him. You wished he’d blush because he saw you in the dress he bought you and you promised to only wear when time would be right. It wasn’t a particularly fancy dress, more of a simple milkmaid dress, but it was yours because he had gifted it to you and you wanted to honor it.
The dress was important and so was his opinion of you. Maybe that was the reason why it was so easy for your heart to break because of him. His opinion was too important and you understood exactly how much when his eyes started looking at Gwen Stacy as if she was the only one in the world to ever breath.
You weren’t replaced, your existence was simply erased when she appeared in his life.
Shaking your head suddenly, you ignored all the unwanted thoughts dancing around in your head and you turned towards your niece, who luckily, was still busy counting the healing methods on her hands. Grabbing her hand, you smiled wide.
“Hey, pumpkin, I’ve got to take you home, your parents are going to be home soon and we gotta surprise them okay ?”
“Okay ! Are we making them a surprise cake ? I wanna make a surprise cake Titi !”
“I already made it baby, but we can make something else later, okay ? But we should leave, Mister Parker has to go home to get better.” You said, reminding the little girl of her teacher’s fever.
She looked to him before looking up at you and nodding in agreement. Peter stayed quiet through the whole discussion, happy to be able to witness you both together, enjoying the dynamic between you both. He tried to keep in his smile but it was difficult to do so, past high school and college fantasies surfacing all over again and flooding his mind quickly. He pushed them to the side just enough to be able to wave at the both of you as you walked away from him.
When you came back to the school later, after dropping Mimi off and dodging your sister’s questions about you wearing your ‘special dress’, you found Peter sitting by the entryway to the school, hos skateboard in hand. Some things never changed.
When he noticed you, you saw this glint in his eyes, the one he had whenever he would discover something new for his suit or whenever he’d see her. It was easy to recognize because he used to have it whenever you would appear somewhere. You wanted to slap your own thoughts, you hated every single one of them for making you feel this way. You had spent so long learning how to be happy for Peter and you were, but your heart had other plans. The moment you saw him, you started doubted yourself and whether or not you hat truly moved on. Words were easy to say when the main focus of said words was nowhere to be found.
"So... elementary teacher huh ?"
He stayed silent for a few seconds before looking down.
"You told me i was good with kids." He took a pause a'd looked up. "Lawyer ?"
"You told me I was great at arguing." You chuckled. "Mimi likes you."
He wanted to smile at the mention of the little girl but couldn't.
"Yeah, i like the little pumpkin too."
"You call her like you used to call me."
"Yup. She reminded me of you, i just never made the connection. Did you know i was her teacher ?"
You shook your head as a response.
"No... I wanted to think it was you but i thought that would be too far fetched."
Silence took over again a'd you were back to square one, him staring and you deep in your thoughts. It felt good to be seen again by him. You wished you could say you didn’t need it but a part of you was still heavily dependent on him, and that made you hate him a little bit every passing second. You were better than that, stronger too, so much stronger. But you felt this unhealthy need to be desired by him, to be craved, and you wouldn’t be okay with this kinds of emotions if he wasn’t the one responsible for them.
You were so deep in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed him walking up to you. He was hesitant, waiting for you to push him away, which he feels would’ve been deserved. Instead, you stayed still, not welcoming him, staring into him and digging holes into his soul. It was painful, humiliating too, you weren’t hiding like he was, but you weren’t open to him either. It was a dangerous combination, the kind that made him want to drop to his knees and apologizing straight away.
When his fingers brushed your forearms, caressing your skin slowly and as tenderly as he could, his own fingertips started to feel tingly, electric. A sensation of fulfillment, like his body was being charged with something unknown. His touch, initially as delicate as a feather, pushed into your skin, desperately trying to pull out more of that electricity. His hands ran up your exposed arms and held onto you tighter. He couldn’t let you go, not when this was what you made him feel, even after ten years apart.
“Pumpkin… Look at me, please…” His voice sounded higher and more desperate than you had ever heard coming from him.
You were still half out of it but you could feel it too, the electricity. Now, while his seemed to burn through you, the one coming from you was freezing. Your entire body burning cold under his touch. Was it your body’s way of rejecting him ? Telling him that you didn’t forgive him ? That you were pissed ? That had to be the biggest joke of the day considering the fact that in order to forgive, you had to consider that you had been wronged and at no moment had you ever felt like Peter had wronged. Or did you ? You couldn’t ignore the tiny parts of your brain and heart which seemed to get along when it came to this, agreeing that you got to be as petty as you want towards him.
You wanted to pull away and he felt it, tightening his arms around your biceps and pulling you to his chest. Had he been breathing this loud this whole time ? You could hear him from so close, inhaling and exhaling louder and louder.
“No. Please… No…” He knew from you slightly pleading and saddened tone, that you were going to ask him to let you go. He couldn’t.
“I came here to talk with you Peter.” You sighed, letting him pull you even closer.
“I know. Fuck…” His finger detached themselves from you, one by one. It felt slow but was quicker than what you thought.
He looked at you, pleading with his eyes, begging for an opening, explanations, anything. He wasn’t just desperate, he needed this. He was being selfish, and childish, but he couldn’t just ignore it. After a decade of refraining it all, he couldn’t wait a second longer.
You watched him drop his bag and run his hands over his face. You stayed quite while he attempted to conceal the scream he let out. He backed up, pacing in front of the door, with a distressed look on his face.
“Peter…” You tried, stopped by him suddenly turning to face you.
“Ten years. Ten fucking years without you.” He declared, looking at you with what resembled anger. “Do you know how fucking dead inside your absence made me feel ? How each day was killing me a little more ?”
You wished you could’ve said something inspiration or dramatic, like in the movies. Instead, you chuckled, turning away from him. You could feel the anger rising and this time, it wasn’t just little parts of you.
“My absence was killing you huh Peter ? But when I was there it literally felt like I wasn’t ?”
“So you just fucking leave ? You leave me behind like I don’t matter ?” He responded, his voice raising in the heat of the moment.
“So just like you did !” You screamed, your voice cutting through the air and resonating in his head.
It was the first time he’d ever truly seen you scream in anger because of him. There was something murderous in the way you were looking at him right now, like he had never made you feel anything positive, anything good. You were looking at him like an enemy and it was killing him. Because he knew, he had messed up your friendship and anything more that could’ve happened but he couldn’t help being made at you for not giving him a proper chance. If not for him or you, for the two kids who used to joke about how they’d get married after college.
You wanted things to be civil, you wanted this to be a discussion, but it was so hard to tame the younger you who had spent years screaming inside, begging for him to feel just as bad as you did. You covered your face, breathing in and out, trying to regain your composure. You could feel him get closer to you and while you wanted to push him away this time, you couldn’t . You were too tired for this. One singular scream had exhausted you, but it wasn’t enough.
“I wish I could hate you Peter for making me feel like shit for an entire decade, even when you weren’t even there.” You began, smiling sadly while he tried not to cry. “Do you know how it feels to see your best friend fall in love for someone else ? For a girl as awesome as Gwen Stacy ? I didn’t , but I learned. Because that’s how it went. And I wished that it wouldn’t change anything between us, but when you love Peter, you love with everything you have. I had to learn that I got lucky when you showed me how much I mattered to you because you loved me with every good feeling you had in you. And I couldn’t be happier knowing that Gwen got to feel this. I just wish I would’ve known that it meant you wouldn’t have anymore space for me. That’s the story Peter. That’s us.”
If the world was caving under his feet, he probably wouldn’t feel it. While you felt a weight being lifted off of your shoulders, he just felt crushed under the guilt. That was the power you had on him, the kind he tried to forget or ignore. He was a fucking moron, and had been for years. Ignoring the spider, his senses and basic logic, he could feel how much pain you felt, had to go through because of him. Whatever you felt, he could feel it, good or bad. And he had been able to for years. It was a you and him thing, freaky in the eyes of others but normal for you both.
Walking towards you, his hands slowly moved towards your face, delicately holding onto it, caressing your flexed jaw muscles and trying to unclench it for you. He couldn’t stand seeing you, his bubble of light and happiness so angry and hurt, he just couldn’t. His hands were cold suddenly and your face warm, like the sun. He could feel the humidity under his skin, he made you cry. He lifted your face to look at him and saw it. Your beautiful eyes, reddened by tears.
“No, no, no, pumpkin please… Don’t cry… Please, I’m begging you…” He pleaded, trying to keep his voice calm despite wanting to scream at the top of his lungs. “I’m sorry… Please, love… I’m sorry sweetheart… Please don’t cry, you… You can’t… You have to smile and be happy, the happiest in the world…”
You scoffed, pushing him away with a faint smile. You wiped your face and sniffed loudly before turning towards him with the same forced smile he hated.
“I don’t want your apology Peter… God, I’m happy for you. You deserve to be with someone like Gwen, she’s incredible.”
“Stop. Don’t say that. I don’t want you to be happy for me. I want you to hate me.” He sighed, looking away.
“Would that be easier for you ?” You asked, genuinely trying to make it easier for him.
“Fuck, can you stop thinking about me !? It has to be easier for you ! You matter, I don’t !” He exclaimed, trying to pull you out of this state you were in. “I want you to hate me because that’s what would be right ! I broke your heart and you wish me the best with a girl I can’t look at without remember just how impossible it is for me to love her as much as I love you !”
In that moment, you felt the air in your lungs, disappear, sucked out by his words. You wanted to believe, you and all the versions you went through before now. The past yous who tried so hard to believe that they’d be okay not hearing about him or seeing him happy with another. They were all jumping in joy, all but one, the you from now. That you had seen all the delusion and false hope and she couldn’t let herself be fooled.
“Peter…” You started, but were stopped by his eyes, warning you silently, that if you spoke a single word, he’d loose it.
He marched towards you, pulled you by the arm to have his chest against yours. He could feel your heartbeat and just how much you were shaking, not in fear but anxiety. You were waiting for the other shoe to drop.
His palm was rough on your skin, but so warm, it felt like the rays of sun that would hit as soon as you’d wake up. They burnt your eyes a little but they felt good after a little. That was Peter, burning like the Sun. You could feel how hard he was trying to give you time, to wait for you to recognize his touch and all the love that was flowing through it, but you couldn’t, not when so much time had passed.
“Don’t even fucking try and stop me from saying whatever it is that I want to say. It’s been ten years without you, and definitely more years of refrained feelings. You always told me to live a life with no regrets and I tried but that’s fucking hard when the biggest regret in my life is letting you go and every passing day is a reminder of that. Even my favorite student turned out to be a punishment for letting you go. All of you lost over temporary happiness.”
“You don’t mean that Peter.” You scoffed, taking his hands off of your face and walking away. His eyes followed your every step, desperately trying to keep up. He recused to lose sight of you again.
"Why is it so hard to believe that i needed you ?! That i couldn't go one without you ?!"
“Because when I was there, Peter, you made it clear that you couldn’t love the both of us. It was either your best friend or your girlfriend and I know you. You couldn’t make that decision and act on it without feeling like shit, so I did it for you, because that’s what a best friend does. I did what would be right for the three of us. Every second we’d spend together after you met her was about Gwen. How pretty she was, how smart she was, how brave she was. Even helping you with your Spiderman activities had become a thing for the both of us. It doesn’t take a genius to get the memo Peter.”
“And from that… From that you thought you had to leave ?”
“I didn’t just leave Peter. You made me feel like an intruder, and I love you Buddy, but I’m not going to stick myself into an uncomfortable situation just because you don’t want to lose me or whatever. Even for you, I refuse to force myself into a painful situation to make you happy, you might be worth it, but whichever part of myself I would’ve lost wouldn’t be.”
Every word you said felt a little more painful but necessary to Peter. He needed to hear this, all of it. He wished things would be different, these words would be said in any other context, but it had to happen that way. He hadn’t been the only one hurting for all this time, you’d been hurting too and for far longer. He hated the idea of bringing you pain and now that things started to clear, he knew that if he had been given the opportunity to choose, he would’ve chosen to protect you too.
“I’m sorry pumpkin… So, so, so sorry… I wish I could do or say something to make myself look better but fuck… I failed on all accounts. As your best friend and everything else. You did what I never would’ve had the balls to do and it hurts… Because I let you believe that I would’ve chosen her over you when it would always be you… Even in my wildest dreams or without me getting to choose, it’s you. And I’m sorry it took me you being gone for noticing. I’m sorry…” He declared, letting out all the shit he wished he would’ve said when he started to realize.
You walked back in front of the entry doors, sitting down and crossing your legs. The elementary teacher let out a heavy sigh before meeting you on the floor. It felt just like old times, having you both seating on the floor next to each other, doing nothing much but being there for the other. It was as silent as it used to be, adding the faint wall you had built between you both. He tried to let it be, but Peter Parker just couldn’t do that, not even ten years after.
He laid his head on your lap, nuzzling against your skin and hiding his face into the fabric of your dress. You stayed still, watching him fully lay on the pavement and turn to face your stomach. Your eyes crossed his, the man casting you a quick glance and a grin before pushing his nose into your belly. You didn’t budge, welcomed him despite the deep desire to reject him. Desire was the funniest word of that whole sentence, funny considering the fact that it was a lie.
“I didn’t want you to leave. I’d never want you gone, pumpkin. And I’ll spend the rest of this lifetime working for your forgiveness. Even if it means that you forgive a grave.”
Your hand ran through his hair and you smiled honestly, for the first time since you had joined him for this little discussion you were having. You could feel his smile again your stomach but you could also feel the guilt grow and spread.
“You’re not being fair Peter.” You exhaled, taking your hand off his face and forcing him to look at you. “Not to me, yourself or Gwen, the awesome woman who loves you with every piece of her.”
Groaning against your body, he sat up, looking into your eyes with a playful grin.
“Gwen hasn’t been in love with me for nine years pumpkin. And I haven’t for a good decade.” He declared, the small smile on his face growing when he saw your confused expression. He was a simple man, and there was something absolutely adorable about your face when you were confused. The scrunch of your nose and the frown that made it look like he had said the stupidest thing ever was a hilarious combo he missed over the years.
“What the actual fuck are you talking about Peter ?” You asked, sounding a little angrier than you wanted. You weren’t going to get your hopes up but said hopes seemed to fly without the help of a pilot.
He chuckled, smile growing even wider. His hands took hold of your wrists, pulling you to his chest, between his parted legs. It was unnecessary to the story but he wanted to hold you, and by the time you weren’t going to push him away, he wasn’t going to stop himself. He wrapped his arms around your waist after placing yours on his shoulders before explaining himself.
“Gwen left for London after we graduated high school. We tried long distance but it just reminded me that you weren’t there either. We broke up, stayed good friends. I’m her son’s god father, she’s married now. Even has her own lab and stuff.”
Your expression got even worse and when you heard him try and keep in a laugh you couldn’t stop the punch to his biceps. It hurt a little but fuck that.
“Don’t laugh, you little shit ! What are you talking about ?!” You exclaimed, glaring at him.
“It’s as simple as it sounds pumpkin.” He said cradling your cheek tenderly. If you weren’t busy connecting the dots, you’d be swooning right now. “We broke up when she forced me to confront the fact that while she wasn’t there I wasn’t missing her as much as we both hoped I would. Even before that I was missing something else though, you. Hell, I was craving you, pumpkin. I needed you so much. And I still do.”
His words sounded so distant, echoing in your head. In a few seconds, your entire personality, the one you’d built to be Peter Parker proof was shot down and destroyed completely. You tried to keep your composure and stand your ground but it was useless. Maybe it was the fact that he was touching you, or the way he was looking at you, like you were the very reason why he kept breathing. You wanted to fold, all of you wanted that. But what you wanted didn’t matter, and after a decade of building yourself into a concrete wall, you weren’t going to fold so easily.
“Fuck you Peter.” You spat, looking at him with doubt before you stood up.
You couldn’t take a single step before being pulled backwards. Checking your dress and him, you noticed the long white web coming out of his webshooters and attaching itself to you. You squealed loudly as you dropped back onto his lap and this time, were kept between his arms. He wasn’t going to let you run off again, not when you could disappear for another decade. You tried to escape him by trashing around but he was quick to grab your wrists and force you to stay still by giving you this classic look that he would rarely use but would when it was necessary. You called it “The Brooding Spider Eyes”.
“Stop fighting me and try to listen for a second.” He ordered in a low voice that sent shivers all through your body. The more you’d look into his eyes, the fuzzier you’d get inside, that was the effect Peter Parker had on you, the deadly kind. You wanted to run, it was so much easier to run from him and to hide. After all this time, you couldn’t avoid it anymore, all that growth and improvement you tried to protect it wasn’t actual improvement, just you being able to forget him because he wasn’t there to remind you.
You were still the young girl who had begged her parents not to go to her own graduation, crying, because she was terrified of seeing him. They couldn’t understand and neither could you, all you knew was that seeing him with her was killing you. They had forced you to go but drove you home straight after, before he could even reach you. Then started the Great Cleaning of your entire existence on social medias and through your friends. You blocked a big majority of your high school except a very small group, changed your passwords because he had them all, deleted your pictures together, your socials and so on.
You had erased yourself to not be forced to confront the fact that you’d been in love with your best friend.
“Why didn’t you tell me, pumpkin ?” He muttered, his eyes fixated on your lips.
You knew exactly what he was referring to and that made you want to run even more, because that meant he knew and that also meant you were risking rejection. You tried to look away but he quickly took hold of your jaw and made you face him.
“Stop trying to look away, look at me and answer. Why didn’t you confess ?”
“Why would I ?” You responded softly, defeated. “You had a girlfriend, Peter. And you talked about her as if she was the brightest star in the universe. You told me about how great she was before you even told her you liked her, that was enough for me to understand that I wouldn’t stand a chance against that kind of love. And I know you would’ve tried to figure out the best solution to accommodate everyone, which would end up with you unhappy so I took the decision on my own.”
When your explanation finished, you tried to hide within yourself, lowering your head and turning it away from his. He kept your wrists tightly held while he searched your eyes softly, he needed to look into your beautiful eyes and see for himself, see the pain you’d been hiding from him for years. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, he knew that, but he was your best friend, you were his too. Hell, you were his everything, he should’ve known, and either you were the greatest pretender known to man or he just didn’t pay attention to you well enough, and he refused to believe that, because all Peter ever did was pay attention to you.
Blinded by your existence and borderline desperate to feel you at all times, he needed to observe you to be happy during the day, to see you well and smiling, otherwise he’d ruin whatever stood in your way, and that’s was what he thought was normal. Yeah, he clearly wasn’t the smartest and it took him years, but he knew as soon as you were gone that you weren’t just his best friend.
He closed his eyes and slid a hand behind your neck, delicately holding you still. The other reached up to your cheek, cradling it tenderly while his nose rubbed against yours. Never in his life had he wanted to see into your eyes more. The air in his lungs was gone, replaced by this unhealthy need to have you look at him. The years of ignorance started to pile up and he just couldn’t help the feeling in his chest. The kind of feeling that screamed to be explored, let out and exposed to the world.
“Pumpkin, please…” He pleaded, kissing your cheek softly.
You were moving out of his way but your body needed him to kiss you more, you wanted him to love you like this, just a little more.
“Stop…” You muttered, feeling his breath on your neck.
“I can’t… Don’t ask me to stop, please…” He said, rubbing his nose against your jaw.
There was something so intimate about the way his was searching for you, desperately waiting to be allowed in your space again, not just o’ the outside but on the inside. After ten years, you still brought him down on his knees, acting like a touch starved infant.
When you lifted your head, trying to save your own pride and avoid his lips, he did the same, forcing you both to face the other. He let out an exasperated breath, his eyes closed and his expression showing the inside pain he tried to hide. Both your forehead held against the other, you closed your eyes softly, turning away from him but keeping your faces close. When he thought you’d run again, he felt your hand on his cheek and suddenly could breath again. When you kissed his cheek, like you used too when you both very clearly needed this kids of intimacy, he smiled. The honest, goofy smile he was rarely showing these days.
“I’m sorry…” You whispered, finally giving in to whatever was pulling you to him so hard.
You kissed his cheek again, slowly going down to his jaw and his neck. Maybe you shouldn’t go so far after pushing him away so much, but Peter wasn’t the only one craving the other. You needed him just as badly. And he most likely wasn’t going to push you away, not when the feeling of your plump lips on his skin just made his heart stop a little more each time you’d kiss him.
When your hand ended up in his hair, playing with the brown locks, he knew he would do anything you told him. He was yours to play with right now, just like he was back then. He couldn’t stop himself from needing more but he’d start by taking everything you gave him like the greedy bastard he was.
“I’m sorry Spidey…” You repeated, kissing his chin.
There was absolutely nothing platonic about that, and maybe if you weren’t so fucking stupid you would’ve noticed earlier since you’d been doing this kinds of stuff for years. Everything was familiar and it still took you a decade to notice the very obvious situation you were both in. You truly were a match made in heaven.
His hands dropped down, freeing your wrists and instead, taking hold of your waist. Even that, he couldn’t do for long, too weak in the knees to hold you as strongly as he wished. There had to be some kind of magic in the way you touched him because his entire body suddenly felt like cotton candy.
You held his face and pulled away, ignoring the displeased growl coming out of him. You looked at his face, admiring it and swallowing back tears. You needed that man more than you needed air and you couldn’t ignore that fact any longer. You hated it, hated love and being so desperate and dependent on him but you couldn’t help it, clearly you had no control over anything anymore. You were working on autopilot.
“Kiss me again, please…” He asked, his voice so soft and polite, you swooned internally.
“I think we should talk instead…” You smiled, tenderly.
His eyes opened wide, a frown draw on his face. He looked funny and you knew that’s exactly what he was aiming at with the fake offended look. When he smacked his hand on his chest dramatically, you couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“Oh ! So, now you want to talk ? After I practically had to bed you to just look at me ? Okay, princess. Let’s do it your way then, fuck me and what I want right ?” He sassed, looking around dramatically.
When your laugh resonated louder, he felt peace all over again. Nothing could calm him better than your smile so the power of your laugh was godly. He grinned when you tried to catch your breath, but instead practically fell to the floor. Thanks to the quick reflexes, he caught you by the front of your dress and pulled you to his chest.
“I’m sorry ! I just… I just couldn’t… Handle talking to you ? I don’t know… We haven’t in so long and suddenly everything was going to go back to normal… I couldn’t handle that… What if we talked and you realized how awful I was and am still now ?”
“Awful ? Pumpkin, don’t worry about being awful. I just pulled every toxic trick in the book to get you to look at me. And I couldn’t most likely do ten times worse if it means having you talk to me. You made me a desperate man, sweetheart.” He nodded with a playful smile.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and grinned. This felt right, peaceful, like it used to. But there was still a little bit of things that needed to be discussed first.
“Peter, You’re aware that I’m in love with you right ? Like, romantically ?” You asked, hesitant and slightly anxious about the question all together.
“Yeah I’m aware.” He responded tilting his head to the side. “Thank God, you are. Otherwise our relationship would be very awkward, pumpkin.” He smirked.
You smiled but froze when you heard his words.
“Relationship ? Like you and me ? Dating ? Like a couple ? Like people in love who hold hands and kiss and go on dates ? Like, actually dating ?”
The whole babbling was adorable and he wanted to stay looking at you in silence while you just kept talking but he needed to clear things up first. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him with a smile that said just enough. The kind you’d give to someone you loved more than a friend and definitely more than a person you liked.
“Pumpkin, listen to me and listen to me well.” Taking your face in his large hands, he kissed your forehead tenderly. “You’re my girlfriend and you’ll become more soon enough too. I’m not letting you run away from me again. Yes, this is a romantic kidnapping. Yes I intend on marrying you one day, if you’re not tired of me by that time. But yeah, we’re together in all senses of the term. In an actual romantic relationship.” Each word was separated by soft kisses all over your face, from your forehead to your cheek. He made sure to make you plead for more by kissing the corner of your mouth and your neck. Peter knew how to make you weak too.
“You’re okay with being my boyfriend, Pete ? I have a tendency to run, and I’m pretty fast.”
“I’m faster than you.” He responded quickly.
“I have issues with choosing myself too, I tend to put others first.”
“Great, I get to put you first instead. But we’re going to work on that whole people pleasing thing you’ve got going on.”
“I’ve got a niece who bites and protects me like I’m made of gold too.” You added, remembering events between your exes and your little niece.
“Oh really ? You’re pulling the niece card ?” He asked playfully. When you nodded with a large smile, he kissed your neck. “Good luck with that sweetheart because your niece loves me. She gives me a piece of the deserts you bake her every time she has some. Practically sure she chose me to be yours. Can that be considered a form of conditioning ? I don’t know, but I don’t mind.” It was his turn to babble, but it was more than fine, you loved it and so did he, seeing the laugh coming out of you was worth all of it.
You both stayed there for a little more, him watching you while he told the dumbest jokes ever and you laughing until your stomach started to hurt. You were back to who you had left behind years ago, who you could only be with the other. You were finally feeling the weight of lying to yourself for years. It felt right. You wanted to slap yourself for taking so many years to understand that lying wouldn’t make you feel any better, but it was a necessary period in a way. No mistakes, only fun experiences or lessons to learn from.
You were catching your breath when his thumb pulled on your lower lip, staring at your mouth with the kind of hunger he never felt for anyone else. You held his wrist in both hands while he kept playing with your lip. You knew what he was looking for and what you were waiting for too, the real question was, who was going to take the first step.
The answer was easy, you were. Leaning forward, you pecked his lips and retreated back to see him lose it right in front of your eyes. You expected a reaction but not to be pinned to the floor and be kissed with the kind of might that Thor himself would be surprised by.
Was he touch starved ? Not really, or maybe yes. But your touch was what he wanted. Gone was the soft moments from earlier, he was trying to show you exactly what your absence had done to him. One his hands grabbed your neck and pulled you to him with force, the other placed on the small of your back and pushing you forward, making your arch your back. He was holding your nape tightly and pushed his face towards yours, lips puckering before covering yours passionately. His fingers lowered, rubbing your thick thighs while his arm wrapped around your body.
He was working his lips with ease on yours, making your insides melt into a puddle at each move of his. His tongue was pushed deep in your mouth, making you moan, and you knew you weren’t going to last longur kissing like this. Not with the obscene tingle buzzing between your legs. He smiled into the kiss, knowing exactly what you were feeling. You couldn’t hide from him and his heightened senses. He licked the inside of your cheek, feeling his ego grow when you whimpered, pleading as if you were pushing yourself against him.
When he pulled away, the messy kiss left you numb and still on the floor. You were trying your best to catch your breath and settle your mind all at once. He stayed silent, watching you while rubbing his thumb over your flesh. When you felt calm enough, your eyes noticed the sign o’ top of your head that held the name of your niece’s school. Right. You were literally on the floor.
“Your brain’s still working pumpkin ?” He asked playfully.
You looked towards him in confusion.
“Why are we on the floor Parker ? And were you going to fuck me in front of my niece’s school ? In the street ?”
“Well, not at first. But now that you mention it, that could be a great idea, don’t you think ?”
The punch that followed was deserved, and he had supersenses to dodge so no excuse. You sat up while he was laughing and fixed your dress before getting up. He soon followed and looked at you up and down.
“That dress is made for you. You look beautiful.” He said, his eyes showing the kind of love and sweetness that could make you drop to your knees. You were weak to compliments but his were just different, they came from the man you loved and unfortunately you couldn’t resist those.
You looked away, hiding your smile when the man you now called your boyfriend lifted you up in his arms. You held onto him, tightly holding his neck while he laughed like he had just done the funniest thing ever.
“We’re taking a shortcut back to my place. I have a lot of things to talk about with you.”
No talking was done. Absolutely none. Maybe you should’ve seen it coming but you liked being delusional, it made life a constant surprise. Now, to say you were surprised by how the events had turned, would be lying again. You expected some kind of intimacy with Peter, but never that strong. You both ended up being swept away by the wave of desire you felt and were letting yourself drown, it was fine, you were drowning together.
There was something divine about the vision in front of him and the sensations born from said vision. If he could paint, or turn his memories into pictures, he would’ve made you the biggest one, kept hidden from the public for his eyes only. He was simple, to the point of being slightly stupid maybe, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to worship the very ground you walked on after tonight and even more now that you were gracing him with more pleasure, the kind that even his wildest dreams couldn’t provide.
“P-Pumpkin… Please b-baby… Please…”
He was sobbing softly, crying tears of pleasure under your mischievous smile. He was close and he needed his release but he didn’t want it to come just yet, he didn’t want it to stop, not so soon. He couldn’t hold on longer but he needed more, always needed more of you. Again, greedy, he wouldn’t deny it, but could you blame him ? You had rocked his world and left him to fend for himself for over a decade.
Maybe it was his senses, maybe it was the years of intrusive sexual thoughts or wet dreams that were just all working against him in that moment. All of these were good hypotheses for his current state but he was too fucked out and dumb to think about them clearly. His brain wasn’t processing much right now but one thing that was for sure is that he had his cock nestled deep inside you, so deep that he could see how pretty his thick shaft looked through your belly,
Inhuman quantities of cum were dripping out of your pussy in the most obscene ways, pouring down your inner thighs and other places on your body , and he was certain that he was going to shoot out more in the next seconds if you kept on torturing him like that with your pretty lips, all swollen from him fucking your thoughts and tasting his own cum in your mouth. Another thing he knew was that all that cum, he’d pound it back into you as soon as his brain would gain back a little bit of that power he had earlier, before you turned him into a literal puppet, ready to obey your every command.
He was squirming and crying more by the second, needy for just a little bit of peace but also begging for you to use him more. He was absolutely fucked, that was another certainty with you around. Less than a day back into his life and he was already going crazy, the rest of eternity would be fun for you both.
You could’ve been a little nicer and actually moved on top of him but it was your turn to have him dumb and begging for you.
“Come on, Pete… I-Ah… I know… Y-You can give me a little m-more of you… Please b-baby, I just need it… G-Give me all of it… Please…” The sound of your moans so close to his ear made him lose himself a little more.
You started off slowly, using your knees to raise yourself on his cock until it slipped out. You saw how hard it was, covered in both your cum and leaking thick droplets of more. He was full, so full, he could explode. Never had he been this aroused but that was until you. His entire body was releasing years of attempts to calm himself down with his hands in one night and he wasn’t strong enough to take it. Lucky him you didn’t seem to give a fuck about that, enjoying the whimpering mess you’d turned him into.
The restraint he wanted to say he had was slowly disappearing, with his capacity to think straight. You kissed his earlobe and bit his jaw, making him shiver and cry a little more. His own body was betraying him, searching for that friction, the utmost level of contact with you. He tried to stay still and silent but couldn’t and started moving
Rubbing your folds on his tip, you saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, oh how the table have turned. His hands were tightly wrapped around your waist but started sliding down to your ass, ready to grip on you and slam you down on his cock. He wanted that, god he wanted so many things right now. But all of it was about you.
Poor man felt like a teenager going through puberty all over again. His face was as red and a cheery and the more you teased, the worst it got. His skin was burning so much, you couldn't last long while touching it. That was what an overstimulated Peter felt like. His hips kept bucking up, trying to push at least a few inches of him inside you. Fuck, he needed to feel your warm walls or else he'd go crazy.
“B-Baby… Baby Fuck… Please, I’m sorry… Please… P-Please, please, please… Lemme fuck you Pumpkin… Please ? Lemme feel that dripping pussy all around me… Fuck, please baby, let me inside…” He sobbed, unable to stop squirming while he could feel your entrance clench on his tip.
You looked down at yourself then at him. He was still whimpering and squirming, his entire body shaking as he pleaded with his eyes for you.
You smirked before fully sitting down on his cock, letting it take all the space inside you, filling you up exactly like it should. Looking down, you could see his tip poking through again and so could he, he was definitely looking.
“P-Peter ! Fuck, P-Peter ! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck ! F-Feels… Feels so good !”
When you started bouncing on him again, fully jumping on his fat cock and letting the large throbbing girth invade you like nothing ever had before, he lost himself under you. He watched with admiration how your tits, still covered in cum from earlier, were bouncing up and down too. Fuck, his balls felt more full just from that image alone.
Tight and aching to be emptied, he could stop himself from getting more aroused. You leaned back, giving him full view of your pussy wrapped around him, sinking down on his entire length and taking every inch. Your dripping cunt was truly made for him, swallowing his dick down to the very last millimeter and moaning out for more like a bitch in heat.
His hands grabbed onto your waist, holding it tightly before he started to slam you down on his dick himself. As established before, he was a mess, but one thing he was good at was pleasuring you. No matter what, he’d always find a way to make you feel good. That night alone had been a sufficient proof of that.
At first he had been worried that using too much strength on you would hurt you, but when he noticed how much you loved being tossed around, he could hold back any longer, and he didn’t try to. He used the abilities given by the spider bite with care and if you wanted, he’d use them on you too. Today was the strength and tomorrow it could be the webs, who knew ?
“Y-You cockdrunk minx… Y-You like that huh ? Like it as much as I do…… That pussy’s killing me Pumpkin… Fuck, fuck, fuck… Please baby, tell me you like that… Like it when I fuck you stupid…” He begged, his lower parts guiding his thoughts and controlling his words.
“Y-Yes ! God yes ! Peter please ! M-More cock ! Please, gimme more ! Please !” You cried loudly, so loudly that your voice could probably be heard by the entire building. They probably weren’t used to the nice teacher neighbor bringing in this kind of company.
Slamming your poor weakened body on his cock with the strength of a bull in heat, he fed on the sounds resonating around the room. Your moans and cries of pleasure topped with loud sounds of your thighs slapping against his were the biggest ego boost ever. What truly did the work though was the sound of his sack slapping hard against your folds. Soft and swollen in contrast with the hard flesh of his balls. He was close, way too close.
Your entire body went numb, the thick load of cum you’d been begging for, invading every crevice of your pussy and oozing out of your already filled inside. Your little whimpers were the only thing that could be heard, with his own sounds. He’d never felt this defenseless before, weak to his instinct and clearly enjoying it.
Soon, he started moving his hips up and down, reaching for his end. His actions were so aggressive you couldn't even meet his thrusts or move freely, he was in control all while looking like he wanted to drown in your pussy. He was so red, just looking at his flushed cheeks and crossed eyes while he plowed into you made you even wetter. That reaction, you knew he loved it even more when his thick mushroom shaped tip pushed into your weak spot even harder.
He couldn’t avoid it anymore and you wanted it so badly, he could only oblige. He kept pounding into your spot, the throbbing head of his girth vibrating impatiently, he bit on his lip, his eyes crossed and his hands holding onto you for dear life. It wasn’t long before he came but he wouldn’t be the only one, never.
“F-Fuck… Ah, P-Pumpkin My sweet… Fuck, sweet princess… Taking… T-Taking everything from me… All that cum, all of it… All f-for you baby… All of me… Take it, take all of it…” He muttered, incapable to think of coherent sentences.
You were both trembling on the other, Peter still cumming inside you and you close to your end. He was dramatic and had he been able too, he would’ve most likely scolded himself for cumming first. But now wasn’t the time, instead, he pulled your warm body down, your breasts in his face just like he loved, and got to work.
He sucked one of your tits in his mouth while rubbing his thumb over the nipple of the other. His free hand was playing with your lower parts, rubbing on your clit while two of his fingers slid inside you. You arched your back, pushing your breasts in his face while he toyed with you. He loved that, finding put new ways of ruining you, even when you were already a mess. He’d play until you stopped him or until you passed out on top of him. A little sick, but that was Peter and you loved him exactly like that.
His fingers pushed around inside your filled cunt, pulling out to be covered in his cum. There was something about the image that filled him with pride. Maybe the way you accepted to be filled that way by him.
Letting go of your tits with both his mouth and hand, he laid it on your back, caressing you tenderly. His face went up to your neck, inhaling your scent and his mixed together perfectly. He kissed your jaw, cheek, neck and basically everything he could reach. His tongue licked small parcels of skin after each kiss, taking your taste with him. He was being tender and soft while his fingers kept rubbing on your clit. You didn’t last long before letting your sweet juices coat his large member and drip all over him. The sounds of your cries of pleasure in his ears were like music, the music he had dreamt of for years and finally he could hear it live.
You both stayed connected together, the poor man couldn’t handle the idea of pulling out and neither could you. Each breath you took ended up with him jumping out of nowhere. He would apologize but you could hear the laugh in his voice. He enjoyed this.
You stayed on top of him, your face, buried in his messy hair and his scent filling your senses. His face was in the crook of your neck, dropping butterfly kisses on your skin and biting when he felt especially playful. His hands stayed on your back, caressing you tenderly while his hips rolled under you. Yeah, he never said he’d stop moving, and in his defense, you were moving too.
“Hey, Pete. Do you think we would’ve ended up meeting each other again ? Even if you weren’t my niece’s teacher ?” You asked softly, kissing the crown of his head and siting up straight.
He smiled under you, his warm palm cradling your cheek and wiping remnants of your tears from earlier. He looked at you and you felt like you were the center of the universe. Because you were, the center of the universe and mostly of his universe. He was in love with you, and so were you. But no words could ever truly express how much he loved you, none.
“Listen to me.” He started, sitting straight to face you and stare into your eyes. “In every lifetime, planet, dimension, universe, whatever you want. In every single one of these, you and I, we find each other again. No matter what we do or who we are. Because you’re my soulmate, pumpkin. You’re everything to me, my everything. And I’ll let myself get swallowed by a black hole before I let anything change that. So yes, I don’t just think, I know we would’ve found each other again. We always do and we always will.”
There was some parts of truth in Peter's words and you both felt it, from the moment you met to the present. There was no way of explaining it or why but you knew you were soulmates. From the bottom pf your hearts you both knew it, because beyond words and actions, you were tied to the other. It was impossible to separate you both and doing so would never last, because you always found your way back to the other. Maybe it was fate or some kind of guardian angel, but you both knew it to be true.
You were soulmates and you had found you way back to the other again. With the help of your niece that you would both shower in bakeries. Maybe she was the guardian angel, who knew.
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variety-fangirl · 1 year
🔥🔥 body worship/praise with tasm!peter parker please!
Perfect To Me / tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader
Summary: Peter is a giver, loving to focus his time on your pleasure than his own. So, when you aren't feeling particularly good about your appearance, Peter helps show you just how beautiful you are to him.
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS SHOO not much! Smut (unprotected p in v, praise kink, pet names (baby, princess, good girl), female oral receiving, light face grabbing, slight overstimulation), reader feeling unhappy in her appearance, mention of mental health issues and self-esteem, lmk if I missed anything!
Author's note: thank you so much for requesting! I love this idea 😍 hope this turns out how you wanted! I loved the idea, sorry it took so long to do, life's been hectic lately 😅. College has been kicking my ass haha. Liking, commenting, and reblogging really help me out. Thank you!
To anybody who's ever felt bad about themselves, their appearance, or felt like they weren't good enough: you are beautiful, no matter what you or anyone else thinks. You will always be good enough, strong enough, beautiful enough, and worth enough, please talk to someone if you need support, don't suffer alone! 💜💜
Word count: 2.1k
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You arrived home to your shared apartment with Peter after a long day at work, your feet aching and your back sore. Today was a particularly hard day, you'd been overly tired and not feeling the best mentally as of late, and so your performance at work dipped a little. You made a few small mistakes and had a customer yell rude comments at you, making you feel worse. All you had thought about all day was getting home and taking a hot shower. Peter watched as you closed the door behind you, took off your shoes and coat, and went to the bathroom without saying a word. He frowned at the sound of the shower running and your light sniffles, shaky breaths leaving you. Peter got up from the couch and made his way to you, it wasn't often that he saw you like this but when he did, he knew what he needed to do.
You sobbed as you stood under the warm sprays of the shower, water flowing down your aching muscles. You looked down at your body and frowned, unhappy with the way you looked. Especially when that one man called you worthless and pathetic at work for making a minor mistake, it fuelled the insecurity and hate you already felt in yourself. You already had a rough few weeks of feeling down and bad about yourself, you didn't need the added extra bullshit from random arseholes at your place of work. The tears continued to fall quickly down your cheeks, mixing with the warm shower water. All you wanted was to have a nice shower, use your favourite body lotion and spray, and get into bed with your boyfriend to cuddle.
You sigh as you hear the bathroom door open, the gentle patter of feet walking across the cold tiles in your direction. You heard shuffling and gentle thuds of objects landing on the floor, and the clinking of the metal rings of the shower curtain being moved. Peter got in behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning over to kiss your neck. The overwhelming feeling of your loving boyfriend's comfort pushes you over the edge, more tears breaking free as a sob escapes. Your body shakes in Peter's arms as he holds you, hands grabbing to pull him closer as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear. Peter understood you so well, better than you know yourself sometimes, that he provided you with what you needed without having to ask. It made you feel so loved, cared for, and listened to. He took the time to make notes of what you needed in times of need and struggle, showering you with love and affection.
As your tears stopped and your breathing went back to normal, you started to wash your body to actually shower. You didn't really feel any better but the crying allowed you to release some of the tension you had felt about everything over the last couple of weeks. The soapy loofa was grabbed from your hands by Peter, "let me take care of you, baby, just relax." he whispered in your ear, placing a gentle affectionate kiss on the side of your neck. You nod, a soft sob escaping as you let your loving boyfriend wash you. You appreciated that he was taking care of you without prompt, he genuinely wanted to make you feel better and do what he could to show you he cared. You sometimes wondered how you managed to get someone so loving and thoughtful, someone, who so selflessly helped others without anything in return.
Peter took his time in caring for you, making sure he was attentive in his actions. He took extra special attention when washing your hair with your favourite shampoo and conditioner, scratching his fingers across your scalp to loosen as much tension as possible. He made sure to lather every inch of your body in your favourite body wash, giving your back a light massage as he went. With every action he could feel your body relaxing against him, your back gently and slowly slumping against his chest. A soft moan of appreciation leaves you as he works on your shoulders, your mouth hanging open as the tight knots loosen and your sore muscles begin to feel less tense. You could feel Peter harden against your ass, and despite how you were feeling, you could feel your pussy become wet with arousal.
"Sorry baby, you're just so beautiful and when you make those little noises, I can't help it," he whispers into your neck, his voice shaky and almost breathless. His hands travelled down to your waist, holding you as close to him as he possibly could. You couldn't help the thought that popped into your mind, the insecurities and self-doubt still looming in the back of your mind. "I'm not" it slipped out before you could catch it, before you could stop the dreaded words from leaving your mouth. You knew Peter would hate that you were doubting yourself and take it personally, feeling that he wasn't loving you enough for there to be doubt. You felt Peter's hands tense on your waist, his fingers digging in but not enough to hurt you, he wasn't happy.
"What?" he muttered, turning you to face him, his tone hurt and filled with disbelief. You face him slowly, keeping your eyes on his naked wet chest to avoid his intense stare. You sigh, "I'm not beautiful." you whisper, exhausted with your current mental state, just wishing you could believe his words. Peter grabs your chin firmly and forces you to look at him, a gasp leaving you at his force, he'd never been this harsh with you before. "Look at me, you stop that right now. You're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on," Peter grabs your hand and places it on his throbbing hard cock, "look at what you do to me, I'm so hard for you baby." He groans as your fingers grasp him firmly, wrapping around his massive length.
You whimper as he lightly fucks your hand, his face moving into the crook of your neck. "You're so beautiful," he whispers breathlessly as he works his lips across the wet skin, sucking to leave marks in the areas he knew were particularly sensitive to his touch. "I'm going to show you, you want that?" he asks as he stops his actions and pulls back to look at you for reassurance and the 'okay' to continue, he knew you'd had a bad day and didn't want to push you if you didn't want to do anything. He smiles as you nod, his lips connecting with yours in a passionate kiss. As his mouth explored yours, he reached behind you to turn the shower off and led you to the middle of the bathroom. He broke away to gently dry you both, neither wanting to have a wet bed to sleep in that night.
You lay down on your back on the bed, wet with anticipation of what Peter had in mind. His mouth latches onto your left nipple, licking and sucking while his hand plays with the other, pinching the swollen nub in his fingertips. Your panting with need, eyes watching his every action. You watch as Peter kisses his way down your body, taking his time and teasing you as much as possible until you were squirming with need. When he finally reaches where you need him most after what felt like hours but was probably only ten minutes, you're dripping with arousal. His fingers dip into your needy hole with ease, slipping straight into you to the knuckles without restraint, "Jesus baby! Your so wet for me, such a good girl." You whimper at the praise, your pussy clenching around his fingers inside you.
Peter slowly pumps his fingers in and out of your pussy as his mouth attaches to your clit, earning a gentle whimper of approval from you. You can feel him smile against you, his eyes staring up at you with a look of pure hunger and lust, it felt so intense that you had to look away. You felt Peter's mouth move away, your head snapping back to wonder why he'd stopped. "Nu-uh, you watch me, princess. Don't take your eyes off me," he commanded, waiting for your nod before continuing. You give him what he wanted, making sure to keep your eyes on him as he worked you closer to your orgasm with each passing moment, his fingers still pumping slowly. He didn't take his eyes from yours, making sure you were watching him pleasure you, he wanted you to see how much he enjoyed pushing you over the edge.
Peter knew you were close when he felt you clench around his fingers harshly and fingers pulled at his hair, your back arching and mouth open wide with panting breaths. It took everything in you not to look away or close your eyes as you came all over his fingers and mouth, explosions of pure pleasure clouding your vision. Peter's crash to yours, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue as he explored your mouth. He wasted no time in lining himself up with your dripping entrance, looking at you for permission. You nodded frantically, needing him to fuck all the bad thoughts away. You both gasp as he slowly entered you, your slick allowing him to thrust fully to the hilt without pain or struggle. You were so wet and ready for him that you asked him to move immediately, "fuuuuuck baby, you're so goddamn wet for me." Peter groaned, the sound of your juices filling the room along with skin slapping.
His thrusts were quick, dragging against your walls with precision to hit all the right angles, and slamming back into you with intent. His cock hit your g-spot repeatedly, his finger returning to your clit in slow circles to stimulate you further. "Fuck Peter." you moaned loudly, head thrown back, nails dragging down the skin of his back. You felt like you were going to explode with all the pleasure coursing through your body, pushing you over the edge once again with a loud scream of Peter's name. He slowed his thrusts down once you rode your high, taking a slow but passionate pace instead. Peter's hands roamed your body, appreciating every dip and curve, every perfectly imperfect inch of you that he loved unconditionally.
"I love you, baby, you're so perfect to me." Peter moaned as he pulled you into a mind-numbingly passionate kiss, one that took your breath away as he pulled away to nestle into the crook of your neck. "I love you too, so fucking much." you sobbed, tears flowing down your cheeks, your body was overwhelmed with blissful pleasure and intense adoration from your boyfriend. "So so perfect," Peter whispered to himself with a deep groan as he secured your legs around his waist and pulled your body close to his, cradling your head in between his arms so you could stare into one another eyes as he fucked you senseless. You could feel another orgasm approaching despite your clit throbbing with overstimulation, "you can give me another one baby, you've been so good for me. Cum with me." Peter pecked your lips as his thumb found its way to your clit, pushing you over the edge.
You scream as you see stars in your vision, your whole body shaking in ecstasy. Your pussy clenching harshly around Peter's cock sent him over the edge, his hot cum filling you over and over again as he rode you both your highs. Peter collapsed on top of you, both sweaty panting messes, careful though not to crush you. You both took a moment to catch your breaths as you bask in the euphoric bliss and try to regain feeling in your body again. Once Peter's cock softens inside you he gently pulls out and grabs a washcloth to clean you. You wince with sensitivity as he tries his best to gently clean you, kissing your thighs as he goes along to apologise. Tiredness overtook you once again, you knew you'd get a good night's sleep tonight.
Peter lies on his back and pulls you to lie on top of him, his large warm arms enveloping you, they made you feel safe and loved, wanted by the one person who always managed to make everything better. Peter continued to whisper sweet nothings and compliments into your ear as his lips kiss every inch of skin he could reach without disturbing you, his fingertips tracing gentle patterns over your skin until you fell asleep. Peter would remind you however many times it would take to convince you that you were beautiful, and to him, you would always be beautiful in his eyes no matter what. His beautiful perfect girl.
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hanasnx · 2 years
rain - spider-man / peter parker
summary: sweet sweet spider-loving. MINORS DNI
character(s): spider-man / peter parker x fem!reader (can be any spider-man you imagine like tasm)
word count: 5k
warnings: explicit sex, spidey being very impatient, mask kink mask kink mask kink & suit kink <3, VERY SLIGHT dub con because there was no explicit ask for consent— things were implied, no capitalization i apologize if it bothers u
notes: this is my first smut fic that’s been finished. ive been writing for a long time but this is the first time i’ve put it on anything :) i imagine spider-man from the 2018 insomniac game on ps4 “marvel’s spider-man” his voice actor and his character design is my favorite but you can imagine any spider-man u want, holland, garfield, maguire hehe
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the droplets of rain pitter pattered onto peter’s suit and he shivered from the biting cold. the combination of water and fifty two degrees. he sniffed and rubbed his nose. “wish i had read the weather report before i went out.” he thought aloud to himself. early in the game he realized no one could hear him when he was perched on the corner of rooftops. it was safe to let that little voice inside become vocal. everyone had one. everyone talks to themselves. he likes to think it helps him organize. realistically, it’s less lonely.
ah, aloneness. he used to covet it. the isolation. it was quiet and safe, and he knew himself best. he didn’t have to talk to anyone. no one talked to him.
“god, i’m gonna go crazy.” peter aimed and swung away, looking for trouble.
he dialed. he waited. she picked up. “yuri? tell me you have something,”
“uh… no. not right now anyway. you’ve pretty much cleared up the last of the loose ends, spider-man. nice work.” her tone was refreshingly grateful, but his heart sunk with disappointment. he needed some action, itching for it. if he had ever been addicted before, he would recognize this as a need for a fix. something had to get his adrenaline pumping. yuri realized the silence. “what? you only answer to ‘spider-cop’ now?” she taunted. peter didn’t take the bait unusually. “hey, is there something wro—?”
“thanks anyway, yuri. gotta go.”
“um, ok—“
he hung up and landed on an edge. he groaned to the sky, as if he needed to tell it his frustrations. he should be happy to go home, have a night off. but he just felt stuck. and restless. he raised his arms, level to his shoulders, stretching out his chest. “breathe, spidey, breathe.” he closed his eyes. inhale, hold, exhale. he tipped backward, falling. inhale, hold, exhale. in perfect form, he flipped. over and over again. when did i get used to this much g-force? how has my head not been bashed in by a ledge? how many times can i flip before i forget which way is up? inhale, hold, exhale.
peter’s eyes opened. he saw the world familiarly, zipping by him. it was too much. he shut them again. and in the comforting darkness, you returned, like a dream. you were an imprint on his brain.
“peter,” you cooed lovingly, “why don’t you come over, peter? you never visit me anymore.”
he opened his eyes. the ground was growing increasingly nearer, faster than he remembered it could. oh, but he couldn’t let go of you now. not yet. he squeezed them closed, desperately grasping onto the cusp of this new fantasy.
“i’m getting tired of waiting for you, peter~” you growled, disguised as a humble murmur, and you sank deeper into the cushions of the bed. your impatience poisoned him. he wanted to please you.
but you were just so irresistible, pouting or not. he took notice of how he pictured you. wearing a lavender silk nightgown that ended high on your thigh, with dangling strings of bows and dainty mesh.
god her nipples are hard.
your eyebrows raised as if you heard his thoughts and he felt blush heat up his cheeks. embarrassed, until your eyes wandered down his abdomen, landing on his clothed sex. “guess they’re not the only ones that are hard, huh?” you got on her hands and knees, and his pants tightened; frozen in place as you crawled towards him. he knew he’d start stuttering by now if this was real. blubbering as he helplessly watched you undo the buckle of his pants. “but you know what’s even harder, peter?” you asked him in a whisper, raising yourself properly on your knees so you could ghost your lips over his.
he leaned into you, chasing your mouth. “what?” he replied in a murmur, determined to silence you with his kiss.
you lingered a moment, gaze flickering from his eyes to his lips. your hand grasped his length and peter’s breath hitched in his throat. “the ground when you don’t pull up.” you lulled. he hesitated, drawing back.
your voice rang clear, resounding in his skull like a bell. “pull up, peter. pull up!”
“woah!” he opened his eyes just in time, webbing an edge at the last second before he flattened on the pavement like a real bug. his fingers curled around the ledge and he pulled himself up to sit, breathing hard. he pushed the air from his lungs in a huff, going limp and laying on his back on the rooftop. he picked up his phone.
there was nothing on your snapchat story besides your cat. instagram too. you weren’t busy.
yea, you weren’t busy. not really. you were watching the second princess diaries movie because you felt like getting your heart squeezed by chris pine. however, it wasn’t occupying your thoughts like you hoped it would.
a ding from your phone alerted you to a text from a friend.
i left my dress at your house :,(
you furrowed your eyebrows, responding promptly.
your dress honey? which one?
it’s black. goes down to the thigh i think
you stood up from your lazy boy and took a look around.
where’d you leave it babe?
im guessing bathroom?? it was last saturday. i crashed at your place after My Night Out On The Town™ & borrowed some of your clothes to sleep in
you stepped in and turned the bathroom light on. you didn’t see it.
oh right ! the simpsons tshirt i was wondering where that got off to
i think im gonna keep it
you keep that i keep the dress
fair enough sugar plum. we make the trade at midnight. deal?
deal. i’ll see u at midnight, im sure i’ll find your dress by then
thank you my dear!!
you smiled. she’s sweet. you pocketed your phone and kept an eye out. sure enough, the dress was thrown haphazardly over a chair. you almost didn’t recognize it blending in with your clothes but this was definitely something she’d wear. you held it out in front of you by the straps, examining it for stains when you noticed how cute it looked.
damn. well i’m sure she won’t mind i try it on a second. you thought.
so you peeled off your pajamas and shimmied on that dress. it really was cute. spaghetti straps and a deep v-neck. made your girls pop too. you turned around and stretched the material taut over your ass. “shit, girl, you look good.” you remarked.
a moment passed of admiring yourself. “well, i have to complete the look.” before i have to give it up. your fingers hooked into the bands of your stilettos and you grabbed a shawl with melodramatic potential from your closet. it added but it didn’t complete. so you tapped the palette with your brush and dusted your eyes, “god, forgive me for wasting good makeup on a night in.” you said through a funny, concentrating expression.
it was a worthy sacrifice. you shouldered the shawl and checked yourself out in the mirror. you were nearly there. what was missing? you discarded the shawl, it was no longer working. your eyes trailed from your painted toenails over your shaved legs and good boob day to your hair.
my hair…
so you pulled and twisted and bobby pinned but it just wasn’t right. undoing what you had done, your hair unraveled into accidental perfect little curls. if you kept still, you could keep those perfect little curls around a while longer…
no. better use hairspray.
to get the proper experience, you rushed over to your full length mirror in the living room. safe to assume, you were stunning. you hardly recognized you. “oh, my god. oh, my god!” you strutted, posed. “yes.” you stuck another one. “oh, yes.” and another. “really feel it, babe, look at you!” you twirled, pretending to be your own photographer, praising your modeling.
you tried to sit in your lazy boy in an intimidating, temptress sort of way. claws placed purposefully on the arm rests, your legs crossed over one another. you embodied seductive villainy. you felt hot like one. bad. it felt so… good. “you’re killing it.” you flattered yourself, but it was hard to take yourself seriously when you were sitting in cushioned leather. you needed a real throne. in the meantime, you didn’t think twice about having more fun.
“ah! spider-man, baby, i’ve been expecting you.” you cooed. you pursed your lips in thought; that was way too cliché.
you spun on your heel, “spider-man?” you gasped dramatically, a hand over your chest in shock, the other, pretending to fashion an opera length cigarette holder, “in my living room? get out of town!”
your hand rested on the edge of a table, letting you lean on it for support as you twirled your glass in your hand, mixing it as if it was alcohol like brandy or something villainous like that. it was just sweet tea. “oh, spider-man. you’re here early.” you lulled, and took a seductive sip of your tea. slowly, letting your lips kiss the glass, and the smooth liquid to glide past them. you lowered it, leaving a red stain of lipstick. “care for a drink?”
you couldn’t help but smile as you checked yourself out one last time. your friend should be picking up the dress soon, so it was time to hang up the villain version of you and go back to sweatpants. maybe treat yourself to a little ice cream as a reward for looking so good. as a last hurrah, you winked at your reflection, “baby, you’re so hot i might just fuck you senseless myself.” you joked.
“i think that’s my job tonight.” a voice coming from behind you brutally awakened you from your trance and you yelped in surprise. you spun around and your arms wrapped around yourself on instinct, as if you were nude.
the blue and red of a friendly neighborhood superhero caught your eye. attached to the ceiling, the webhead hung, lightly swaying as he watched you with tempered anticipation. praying for a positive reaction. “hey, (y/n).” he tilted his head. “cute outfit. what’s the occasion? prom?”
“oh, shut up, perv.” you fisted the fabric of a pillow in anger, tossing it at him haphazardly, which he didn’t dodge.
“i deserve that.”
“how long were you watching? how long were you in my house?” you demanded, blush heating your cheeks. it was embarrassing, being caught red headed. you were just messing around, everybody does that. spider-man seemed to take notice of your blush, and crept toward you on the wall, stalking closer in a stance that reminded you of a cat readying to pounce… or more appropriately, a spider.
your skin tingled with anticipation, side eyeing him crawl closer. he faced the floor and picked up his legs keeping his fingers glued to the wall. in a model of peak human condition, he flipped over and skillfully lowered himself onto the floor. you gulped. he was so hot in that suit. he strode towards you but you didn’t back down. instead of stopping to tower over you, establish his dominance, he passed by you, saying, “i thought you liked me watching you.” which somehow made you feel even smaller. you swallowed again, staring at his back. those corded muscles rippling underneath that skin tight suit was enough to make you salivate. he was toying with you.
“that‘s not the point here and you know it.” you started again, feigning strength in your voice but it was failing you. he could hear that. you know he could.
he halted to gaze out of the open window to your balcony. “have you been waiting for me? you left the window open, i assumed it was an invitation.” he glanced over his shoulder. you couldn’t see the smile on his face. you felt the need to explain yourself, sheepish from the interruption of your dress-up game. “and in this outfit too? you didn’t want me to ruin it?” the question was laced with disbelief, as if it wasn’t a ploy you put on in order to lure him.
it was so hard to think when he talked like this. you swallowed thickly and set your drink down, unable to tear your eyes away from him. “it’s not my dress.” come to think of it, your friend was coming at midnight, you should stay vigilant for that. spider-man wasn’t bothered at all, offering a solution as easy as breathing.
“take the dress off then.” heat pooled in between your legs at the statement. when you couldn’t speak, he added something else, “the rest is yours right.” he bowed his head as he generously looked you up and down, “i recognize those heels,” he reminisced knowingly, surfacing the memory within you of wearing these during one of your escapades with him in the past. “the makeup is yours.” as he spoke, he sauntered closer, taking note of how your eyes were glued to the way his hips moved. his gloved hand came up to tangle in your hair, “this hair…” yanking downwards to force you to look up at his towering form. even in your black heels he was taller than you. lengthy, toned, and lean. this suit made you want to lick stuff off of him. “obviously yours. the jewelry— i was there when you picked this choker out.” his hand came up to hook his finger in the necklace, drawing a line underneath it absentmindedly. he resisted the urge to remind her his hands were her favorite choker. “you gonna take the dress off or should i? because baby, i’m getting tired of waiting.”
it had been so long since this scene was played out with you two, where he desired you enough to take the control away from you. it was invigorating, and lit a fire in your chest that drove you to listen. your hand reached behind you to grasp the base of the zipper, dragging it down in order to reach the zip, and tugging it slowly and smoothly, until you were able to push the straps off your shoulders. this has happened so many times, that the look of spider-man no longer bothered you. blank eyes only hid the brown ones underneath that held so much lust for you. it was exciting, not being able to see his face. the dress pooled around your legs, and you stepped out of it, kicking it to the side. because of your lack of planning, you didn’t pick out a cute set of lingerie. you were simply bare. naked and hot. at the sight of you, you heard spider-man exhale sharply. now it was your turn to move things along, “well? what are you waiting for?” it was breathless. vulnerable. a plea. in minutes, the hero had you begging for him all over again.
his hand came up to pinch the hem of his mask, about to lift it up over his lips. your hand halted his, fisting his suit after to get him closer as you told him quickly, “leave the mask on, dear god, leave it on.” without wasting a second, he stooped to pick you up by your thighs, bringing you over to your kitchen table to set your back onto it. one of your chairs was kicked out of the way causing it to skid. the spider was gearing up to eat you out like he’s been thinking about for hours. have you writhing and coming on his tongue over and over— but you were explicit. leave the mask on. his hand squeezed your thigh involuntarily at the thought, his other one running down from your clit over the opening of your sex causing you to whine. being patient was painful, so you curled towards him to guide his movements but he wouldn’t have it. snatching your wrist and pinning it next to your head. in a skilled maneuver he webbed it to the table, trapping that arm above your head. “hey!” you called, but he ignored you, smacking your pussy to cause you to keen. “baby, i need your fingers, i need you, i need something,” you were desperate, surprised at yourself that he could goad such a response from you with nothing but a few words and a dry spell. he granted you friction, circling your clit with his finger.
“oh, you need something, alright,” he told you, alternating giving your clit attention, and plunging a finger inside of you to tease you further. frustrating you was in order, after everything you’ve done to him since the last time you two got together. “all those pictures, and those texts,” he groaned. images of your new bikinis, new bras and panties in red, your perfect tits in candlelight or your toys playing with your wet pussy. “you need a good, hard fuck, don’t you?” he added another finger, and another, feeling you loosen like putty in his hands. you nodded feverishly, filthy sounds pouring from your mouth now that he was curling his fingers inside of you. “oh, c’mon, angel, say it. you’ve been waiting for me so impatiently, now that i’m here, you can’t even tell me you missed me? that you wanted me here?” you cried at this words, unable to open your eyes when they were rolled so far back in your head as he abused that spongy spot inside of you. it was so sudden, no prep, and he was expecting you to have coherent thoughts, and then speak them. it was too much.
you tried. you tried really hard. “yes. yes,” you agreed, “please don’t stop.” his pace didn’t falter, he liked that you were responding, and he loved knowing how hard it was for you to respond. his teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he eyed yours, parted in sinful pleasure, awaiting a kiss to swallow your moans. this mask thing was so hard, but so enticing. “c’mon, spidey, i wanna come on your fingers.”
“no way.” he told you, enthralled at the idea of denying you for all of your terrible teasings while you two were apart. at the words, you picked your head up to look at him with such a delicious, crestfallen countenance. he wished to savor it a little longer, but he couldn’t pass up another chance to bully you, “i’m gonna edge you like you wouldn’t believe,” you whined in protest, but he was busy, paying attention to your clit, and when you tried to close your legs, his hand pushed your thighs apart harshly, “oh no no no,” he said with a malicious laugh, “don’t give up now, sweetheart, don’t you wanna make me proud?” it was such a mean thing to say, and it made the coil in your belly tighten regardless. he had you where he wanted you, “can you believe this is only two fingers?” he snickered, and your only free hand reached for him lazily. “don’t make me tie down this one too.” his wanting was punctuated by adding another finger inside you, and you cried out at the feverish pace.
“god, peter, please!” there it was. his name. he didn’t even have to tell you to say it this time. he wondered if that sullied the illusion of the spider-man roleplay, but you didn’t seem to mind too much. your back arching off the table. he could feel you clenching around him like a vice, but you were so wet he was able to maintain his cadence.
his voice dripped with false sympathy, “you gonna come, baby? c’mon, angel, are you?” he demands your answer, and you can only nod, your face contorted in rapture. that was his cue to slow down, which made your frustrated noises all the more satisfying, attempting to grab at his wrist in order to fuck yourself. that earned you complete denial, and he slipped his hand out from you, leaving your pussy throbbing, dripping all over your kitchen table.
“you’re being so mean,”
“you like it.” he rounded the table and drew your free arm to him, successfully webbing it down to match your other restraint. like a bitch in heat, you reflexively moved to dip your head over the edge of the table, opening your mouth as you eyed his pants. you were asking to suck him off. the act was so devious, he gave in immediately, hooking his thumb in the hem of his pants and freeing himself, his other hand tangling in your hair to help guide his leaking cock to your mouth. he would never admit how much he loves this position. watching your straining throat, the vibrations of your grateful hum around his cock, your tits bouncing with each of his movements that made him lean over to clutch one of them, earning another one of your moans. he exhaled, finding it much harder to compose himself, “you are so damn good at that,” he crooned as your tongue swirled around him just how you knew he liked. when you gagged he pulled out to let you catch your breath, a string of his precum mixed with your saliva connecting your mouth and his cock. as soon as you reached for him again, he obliged, and to show his appreciation, his fingers returned to your neglected sex, filthy sounds pouring from the both of you. it was music to his ears.
you needed more, and once he noticed your change in pace, he took it as his hint to move on. panting, you looked up at him with such a drunken content face, once perfect makeup smudged, he felt like coming all over it. your tongue came out to lick your lips and he wished he could kiss you. a second he lingered, but got a hold of himself, ripping apart his webbing entrapping your arms like string. his hand at the back of your head aided in helping you up. “i know you said you would edge me more but can we do that after we—“ you started, stepping onto a chair while he circled the table, pulling you up from the surface so you could safely walk down. immediately, you were in his arms again.
“after we fuck? yes.” he finished for you, and by his tone it seems your little ploy of getting his dick in your mouth again worked its endless wonders once more in getting what you wanted. you grinned, and kissed him over his mask to his surprise. he felt your lips mold into his through the thin fabric, and he figured this was good enough, his fingers digging into the plush of your ass in desperation. thinking of everything he could do to you on his day off. out of instinct, he began to part his lips to play your tongue with his but had to stop himself when there was a barrier.
once your lips detached, you were free to say, “where do you want me?” but you already had an idea. it was confirmed when he whipped you around, bending you over the table again. you laughed breathlessly, your tits squished underneath you, feeling the coldness of the wood. it was obvious this was one of his favorites when you wore heels because now your entrance lined up perfectly with his—
“i’ve missed you so fucking much,” he confessed, unable to wait any longer to plunge his aching cock into your silken folds. it was too much to bear, causing you to clutch onto the table in delicious pain. he was so big it hurt in all the right ways, sliding against every inch of the inside of you. you were so wet, it allowed him freedom in his pace, your hole loosening in order to accommodate him. you rocked back into him with his thrusts to meet him, his hands on your hips providing a support. you moaned his name, causing him to reach forward and push your head down onto the table, your cheek resting against it. you whimpered as he continued fucking into you with reckless abandon. clearly, he did miss you. and you missed him so dearly. your fingers weren’t as long as his, your dildo was nothing compared to him. this scene he’s created as been so enjoyably rare, you loved every second of him taking control this time, taking what he wanted.
you couldn’t answer him, instead greedily taking what he was giving you, he praised you, “i love this pussy, baby, you’re taking me so good. i love filling you. you’re so hot bouncing on my cock like this,” it made you work harder, fucking yourself back onto him, and getting more force from him in return. the pace was unimaginable, you were screaming with his thrust. his tip repeatedly kissing your cervix in a way that made your toes curl and your legs shake. that coil in your core was back and worse than ever, making you beg.
“don’t stop, please, whatever you do, peter, don’t stop,” you ordered, tears seeping from your eyes onto the table as you closed in on finishing. he couldn’t help but squeeze one more position out of you before that happened, guiding your back to him by your hair, sending pleasant tingles shooting down your spine as he blew your back out. his hand enclosed itself around your throat as the new angle reinvented your idea of pleasure, a chain of screams emitting from you. everytime he did this to you, he made sure you could never close your mouth.
“you like that, baby? how do i feel?” holding the ability to speak over your head would be cruel, if you couldn’t hear how close he really was in his voice. his movements were becoming more erratic, and he couldn’t keep himself quiet either. the position he had you in gave you a front row seat to his breath on your ear, and gift wrapping his whines in perfect packaging that had you reeling.
“so good, spider-man, you feel so fucking good.” he had such an exploitable kink for his superhero name, keening himself in a way that caused you to moan loudly, “i love hearing you, baby,” he listened to you, letting every sound spill from his lips.
“you close? i can feel you. i can hear your heartbeat, smell you. tell me.” he spoke over the sopping sounds of your pussy and the snapping of his hips against your ass.
“i am, yes i am, i’m gonna come,” you admitted, the last word resounding in a pitchy whimper, making him groan.
“do it, c’mon, baby, come all over me,” his hand attached to the arm around your middle moved down in order to rub circles into your clit that made you tremble in his arms. you didn’t have to be told twice to let go, feeling the warmth of you drip down your thighs. to get him to stop putting too much pressure on your clit, you had to put his hand over his, waiting for him to follow your lead and come inside you. he fucked your wetness back into you with fervor, tensing up and no longer keeping pace. his eyes squeezed shut behind his mask, and you felt his seed flood inside of you as he let it go, moaning in relief. it trailed down your thighs along with your own. his forehead fell onto your shoulder as he moved until he was too sensitive.
“spider-man,” you say in surprise, “you’re so dirty for a super-hero,” he chuckled at that, pulling himself out of you and ripping his mask up off his face, revealing his familiar face and his grin. he was so happy to see you, and when you faced him fully he took you up in his arms. you were at a loss to how he still had energy to pick you up, and you squealed.
“c’mon, let’s go take a shower,” he threw you over his shoulder and you cried out again.
“what? we should really clean up so i can get started on that edging i promised you.” he told you, your hands at the base of his torso to keep yourself up. you eyed the back of his head.
“my friend is going to be here any minute, and i have to return that dress.”
your friend knocked, and after a second, you opened it wearing an oversized t-shirt. “hey, hon!” you greeted, and she took note of your appearance. disheveled hair, frizzy with knots in your curls. black makeup smudged under your eyes, running down your cheeks. if you had thought to fix it before opening the door, you would’ve.
“rough night?” she asked slyly, her meaning shining through with her mischievous glance.
your eyes widened, and you sheepishly muttered, “you could say that.” you handed her the dress. “thanks again.” she handed you your simpson’s t-shirt.
“no problem, sweets.” your friend replied, tossing the dress onto her shoulder like dishrag and waved good-bye. you closed the door, pressing your back against it with a sigh of relief. you heard the shower running, and pete’s voice calling for you.
“you coming?”
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marie-swriting · 9 months
You Would Both Be Okay - TASM!Peter Parker
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Marvel Masterlist
Summary : You're having a bad day, thankfully your boyfriend knows what to do to help you.
Warnings : neurodivergent!reader, panic attack, school pressure, hurt/comfort, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
A/N : This was requested by my talented best friend @kaeinherworld I'm very honoured that she wanted me to write an one shot for her so, Kae, I hope you'll like it as much as I liked the Stefan Salvatore one shot you wrote for me years ago (and unlike you, I won't delete it!) ❤️
Word count : 2.2k
French version
Prompt : "Person A is having a panic attack and they desperately try to hide it, but Person B sees right through them and knows the right thing to do to calm A down." from this prompt list made by @creativepromptsforwriting
Song inspiration : Love The Hell Out Of You by Lewis Capaldi
Too much. If someone had asked you to define that day, you’d have answered it was too much. Too much stress. Too much noise. Too many people. Too much of everything. 
As soon as you had woken up, you had felt this day wouldn’t be the best and the following hours had confirmed it. University was particularly exhausting. The end of the semester was quickly getting closer and the pile of assignments to hand back and study to do was growing at the same rhythm. Your focus and motivation were struggling more and more to stay by your side. You were only waiting for spring break to - finally - breathe and isolate yourself.
On top of the pressure from University, you hadn’t seen Peter the whole day. Even if you didn’t have the same classes, you would always find a way to meet for lunch or at least ten minutes during the afternoon. Unfortunately, Friday was your busiest day and it was impossible for you two to see each other on campus, therefore, you were even more edgy. Sure, you’d spend the night at his place for your weekly viewing of Star Trek but you wanted to be in his arms as fast as possible. 
As soon as your teacher finished his lesson - not without adding an umpteenth assignment, you packed your things. Despite the knot still present in your stomach, you could take air into your lungs a bit more easily at last. However, you were waiting to set your eyes on your boyfriend to take a real breath.
Upon arriving home, your parents didn't take the time to greet you or ask you how your day went, they rushed to make a snarky comment about your school grades without even knowing what they were talking about. Your anxiety was slowly turning into frustration and you did everything in your power to not say a word, you were holding on the last bit of calmness you still had. Without glancing at them, you went to your room and closed the door without wasting a second before laying on your bed. 
You had less than an hour before Peter was over with his classes. You took advantage of that time to get away from the stressful atmosphere. Your noise cancelling earphones in your ears, you took the book on your nightstand, Lord Of The Rings - you couldn’t say how many times you had read it. What was supposed to give you some sense of comfort got you more frustrated. Your mind was too overworked to focus on your reading and the way you had been around too much stimulus didn’t help either. Annoyed, you closed your book ten minutes later and waited for Peter impatiently.
Relief could be read on your face when you heard Peter knocking on your door. Unintentionally, you glanced at the window. It wasn’t rare for Peter to come see you before or after his night patrols and as he had to be discreet, he’d come through the window.
After putting your earphones and your book in your bag, you took it in your hands and met Peter at the entrance. He kissed you for the first time since the night before. The kiss was quick but full of love. He took your bag and put it on his shoulder whilst you took his hand in yours. Following this contact, your shoulders relaxed a bit.
On the way home, Peter was the one speaking, telling you all about his day. Normally, you would have answered him with passion and would have told him about every single thought running through your mind but being too tired, you preferred to stay silent. Peter, always being the caring boyfriend and knowing you since childhood, noticed your mutism instantly yet, he didn’t comment on it. With a simple look, he understood you had had a long day. While he kept talking, he paid attention to your gesture, being ready to react if you needed anything.
The trip to Peter’s seemed longer than usual, you couldn’t see the end of it. You held yourself back from sighing several times in the subway.
Once you were at his place, you went to the kitchen where you swiftly greeted Aunt May who had to leave for work. When you were alone, Peter took two glasses and a bottle of soda whilst you took some popcorn for your night. 
In his room, Peter gave you one of his tee shirts that you put on fastly, wanting to smell his scent on you. His tee shirt looked more like a dress but you didn’t mind it. Peter changed into more comfortable clothes as well. 
Once you were on Peter’s bed, you laid on your left side, putting your head on your boyfriend’s chest while the computer was on his legs and the bowl of popcorn between you two. During the first minutes of Star Trek Into Darkness, you were able to focus then you thought about University, in spite of yourself.
The thought had just crossed your mind for a second, nonetheless it was enough to distract you. Mentally, you made a list of everything you had to do. The more you were thinking, the more you were aware of the work you still had left. Feeling your hands starting to shake, you knew the panic attack was around the corner. You tried to take deep breaths discreetly, hoping to not catch Peter’s attention - his spideysense could betray you at any given moment. When your heart began racing as well, you knew it was too late. Hiding your jerky breaths as best as you could, you tried getting out of the bed normally with teary eyes. You didn’t have the time to move a leg that Peter was already facing you, he was on his guard. Bluntly, he put the computer and the bowl of popcorn on the floor and helped you to sit on the bed correctly. You brought your hand on your chest, the pain becoming stronger and at the same time, your tears were running down your cheeks.
Peter was looking at you without touching you, afraid it would make the situation worse - he knew you weren’t fond of physical touch so he was always making sure he was respecting your boundaries, especially in those kinds of situations. Rapidly, he hid his panic, you needed to see him calm.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” Peter assured you. “Can I take your hand to put it on my heart ?”
You nodded with difficulty as an answer. Delicately, he took the hand that was on your thigh in his. His grip on your hand was light, giving you the chance to take it out if you changed your mind. He put your hand on his heart and he gave you a reassuring look before adding : 
“Alright. We’re gonna breathe together slowly. It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay, Y/N.” he repeated. “You’re safe. Take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth.” Peter told you, doing it with you. “Look at our hands.”
At his sentence, you did what he told you. As you kept looking at the fixed point, you felt Peter’s calm heartbeat through your hand and it helped you to feel more shielded. You were still struggling to breathe but after the fifth inspiration, your heart and your tears began to calm down.
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” Peter whispered. 
A few minutes later and thanks to Peter’s help, you were respiring normally again. He stopped talking, allowing you to pull yourself together at your own pace. You kept your eyes on both of your hands for a few more seconds, enjoying the calm. Peter’s eyes didn’t leave your figure, making sure the panic attack wasn’t coming back. 
When you got a hold of yourself, you stopped looking at your hands whilst a feeling of shame went through your body. You avoided Peter’s gaze and you wiped your wet cheeks with your free hand. It wasn’t the first time Peter witnessed one of your panic attacks however, you didn’t like being that vulnerable in front of him. You took your hand from his chest and started playing with your fingers. You didn’t dare to break the silence first and Peter understood it clearly.
“Do you want to talk about it ?”
“There’s not a lot to say.” you stated with a deeper voice than usual as you were tired.
“You hadn’t had a panic attack in a long time.” Peter noticed.
“Well, the end of the semester doesn’t really help not to be anxious.”
“There’s something else.”
Hearing his sentence, you couldn’t help but be a bit annoyed. He knew you like the back of his hand. Despite your efforts, you couldn’t hide anything from him so you sigh before admitting reluctantly : 
“It just wasn’t a great day. It’s nothing. I’m fine.” you brushed it off, forcing yourself to look at him for a second.
“You know you can tell me everything. You also know I don’t mind listening to you and helping you.” he reminded you softly.
“I know.”
“I mean it, Y/N. You've always helped me, especially after I became Spiderman so it’s only fair I return the favour.”
“I just don’t want to be a burden for you.” you confessed with difficulty.
“You are not a burden and you never will be. I will do everything for you. You’ve helped me and you’ve loved me so much so just know, I will always love the hell out of you.”
Not knowing what to answer, you leaned in and pressed your lips on his. You kissed gently, enjoying each other’s presence. With that kiss, you wanted to show him all your love and gratitude. He knew what to say to make you feel better and you knew he was sincere in his words. Peter would have brought you Heavens if that was what you had needed. He would have taken all the pain you were going through if he could have and he still would have smiled at you while doing so. He would have done everything that was possible and impossible for you and you would always be grateful for it.
Peter let you take control of the kiss, allowing you to break it whenever you wanted to. When you did it, you looked at Peter tenderly whilst he was smiling at you with the same softness.
“We can talk about it later, if you prefer.” he said, knowing you needed time. “Do you need anything ?”
“I’d like it if you grabbed my noise cancelling earphones for me and if we stayed in bed for a few moments.” you answered slowly.
Peter took what you needed in your bag and handed you your earphones. You put them in your ears, the silence comforting you a bit more while Peter was laying back down on the bed. You didn’t fully bring yourself closer to him, still needing some space but you took his right hand and played with his fingers. You let go of a sigh whilst Peter was watching you, still on his toes just in case.
You stayed in the same position until the sun left the sky. At one point, you even closed your eyes without sleeping. Once you felt a bit better, you took your earphones off and opened your eyes. Peter gave you a light smile and you did the same to him before he spoke.
“You want some tea ? I’ve got everything for your favourite tea.”
“What did I do to deserve you ?” you rhetorically asked, your smile growing bigger and your eyes full of love.
“You punched Josh Stewart when we were six because he had thrown my stuff on the floor.” he answered, making you laugh, the memory of your first meeting playing in your head. “So, tea ?”
“I’d like one.”
“I’ll be right back.”
After kissing you on your forehead, Peter left his bedroom. A few minutes later, he came back with a mug in his hands. He gave it to you while you sat up, resting your back against the wall. You took a big sip, enjoying the taste of black tea with lime, orange and spice. You kept the mug in your hands and Peter grabbed the book in your bag. He didn’t need to ask you to know you had brought one with you, you always had a book on you, no matter what. Peter laughed lightly when he noticed you were rereading Lord Of The Rings. He got on the bed, sitting next to you. While he was opening the book, you snuggled into him. Peter put his right arm around your shoulders, drawing you closer to him. You took another sip of your tea and Peter started reading where you had stopped.
As you were listening to Peter reading, you couldn’t help but feel grateful to have him in your life. He knew exactly what to do and say to help you feel better. You couldn’t have dreamed of a better boyfriend. You knew there would always be moments where you wouldn’t be okay like that day, just like Peter would have his bad days, but as long as you were together, you would both be okay.
Marvel Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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lukreziaaa · 27 days
“Peter, I know things have been difficult lately and I’m sorry about that. I think I know what you’re feeling. Ever since you were a little boy, you’ve been living with so many unresolved things. Well, take it from an old man, those things send us down a road.
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They make us who you are. And if anyone’s destined for greatness, it’s you, son. You owe the world your gifts. You just have to figure out how to use them. And know that wherever they take you, we’ll always be here. So come on home, Peter.
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You’re my hero. And I love you.”
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
Peter's Way Home | Chapter 1: Peter's Ladybug
{ Masterlist }
A/N: Image header by me using Canva; divider by @silkholland
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It had been the hardest three months after losing your mom and now today is the first day back at Midtown Science High School. While it wasn’t the first day of school, that’s what it felt like to you.
It had been an accident they said. The fire couldn’t be contained in the restaurant's kitchen. She died saving her coworkers. She was a hero. Yet, it didn’t feel like an accident when it felt more like negligence on her job’s part. Had the fire extinguishers been properly maintained or the windows not been painted shut, you would still have your mother.
The sound of a skateboard along the sidewalk drew you out of your thoughts. “Hey, ladybug!” Your best friend calls out to you.
“Hi Peter,” you say softly, needing to get used to using your voice again.
“Are you sure you’re ready to come back to school and deal with the idiots?” He teases.
“Someone has to keep them in line right?” You bump your shoulder with his. “So tell me everything that I’ve missed.”
You smile as Peter starts on his rambling catching you up on everything that had been going on at school.
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The morning at school had gone by quicker than you anticipated. Your teachers had already been reminded that you had been homeschooling while you were in your months of grief.
It wasn’t easy. There was no point in lying about it. There were days when you would do your schooling at your dad’s fire station. On other days, you stayed with Peter’s Aunt May and Uncle Ben. They had always been great neighbors since you moved into the neighborhood but in the last few years, they became your second family.
During lunch, you head to the courtyard and you spot Peter and make your way to him. Before you can reach him, you hear him telling Flash to put another kid down. Next thing you know, Flash is beating Peter up.
“Eugene!” You yell out at the same time as Gwen approaches him. “I’ll walk with Flash. You check on Peter,” you tell Gwen, knowing of Peter’s crush on her.
You had once hoped he would crush on you but his happiness mattered more to you, so you would help him win the girl of his dreams.
“Flash! What the hell was that for?” You ask him harshly. “You promised me you would leave Peter alone.”
He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in close for a hug. “I’m sorry. Welcome back to school. I should have given my best girl a hug before now.”
You return the hug. “Thank you, Flash! But I won't tutor you again if I see or hear you making fun of Peter... No matter what.”
You didn’t notice that, as you talked with Flash, Peter spotted you and felt annoyed that you two were hugging. He knew he had no right. You were entitled to your own friends. But did Flash have to be one of them?
It was surprising to anyone to hear that Flash Thompson and you were friends. You were considered one of the nerds. Flash was the jock everyone loved. Well, mostly everyone. Your friendship with Flash blossomed from your days studying at the firehouse. His father and older brother were firefighters, so he would often visit and sit with you as you tutored him.
“Since you’re my best girl, it’s only fair that I take you as my date to homecoming,” he says smiling charmingly at you.
“That would be fun,” you reply. “Come on, let’s get to class and we can talk more later about homecoming.”
“Actually,” he shuffles his feet nervously. “I was hoping you’d say yes to being my girlfriend. I’ve got a crush on you and well we’re a good team.”
You weren’t blind. Flash was handsome. You both got along pretty well. You both actually had things in common. Though it’s not the guy you would have hoped for, you nodded yes. 
“Woooo! She said she’ll be my girlfriend,” Flash yells with a laugh.
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When you’re in class, you can hear Gwen asking Peter if he knew his name. You try not to giggle when you sense him getting flustered at talking with her. 
After school, you and Gwen discuss what topics to go over at the next debate team meeting. The subject then changes to boys.
“So I heard Flash asked you out,” Gwen says with a teasing smile.
“Did the whole school find out?” You reply laughing.
“Oh Flash was telling everybody that would listen that he got his dream girl.”
“Dream girl?” You scoff in disbelief.
“That’s what he was saying to the basketball team in gym,” she continued teasing.
You groan and hide your face. Never had Flash shown any such interest in you so it left you confused as to why he would say you were his dream girl. It’s not that you weren’t pretty, but you knew the more popular girls in school would typically be the Dream Girl for someone like Flash. 
Of course, hearing those words boosted your self-esteem a bit. It took you a few more minutes to refocus on the debate team. 
Once done with debate, you waited for Peter to finish his photographs so you could walk home together. 
“Ladybug!” He came and hug attacked you, wincing when his sides brushed up against your backpack. 
“Peter, when will you stop calling me that?”
“Mmmm… Let me think about it… Never.”
“What about when you get married? And then I get married? And we’re both old…? You’ll still call me ladybug?”
He turns to you and grabs your shoulders. “We’ll be ghosts and I’ll still call you ladybug… Besides, it’s how I keep your mom’s memory alive.”
You stop walking for a moment. “What?”
“Your mom. The day you moved into the neighborhood… you were wearing a ladybug dress and so was your mom. She was calling you her little ladybug.”
“I never knew you knew.”
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Arriving home, you find your dad had the night off today. “Hey! So I decided we could have pizza and wings. I also got your mom’s favorite movies so we can make fun of her taste,” he teases but the pain could still be heard.
You rush to hug him. “Sounds like the best night we’ve had in a while… So, uhm guess who asked me out?”
“Peter finally asked you out?”
Your eyes widen. “No. Why would you think it was Peter?”
“Because you two are always together and inseparable. I know one day you’ll end up together.”
“Sorry to burst that bubble, Dad. But it was Flash that asked me out… Both for homecoming and as his girlfriend.”
Your dad sighs deeply and pouts. “I don’t want you growing up. But know I’ll help you with anything for the dance… You know you have May to help too… I have some of your mom’s jewelry that you can use.”
“I love you, Dad.”
As you’re getting ready for bed after the movie, there’s a knock on your window. “I’m decent Peter. You can come in.”
He smiles at your fuzzy socks and the fact that you’re wearing your mom’s cheerleading sweater as your pajama top. “Do you still have her perfume to spray on the sweater?”
“Yeah. I sometimes wear it to feel her close again.”
“Tell me more about her,” he says as he lays on your bed. He knows you have been having a hard time sleeping after your mom’s death so he’s kept his promise of being there with you at night to help you sleep.
Only that today would be the last night for a while he would be there for you. Eventually, another entity would take over your thoughts at night.
PWH 🏷 List: @dxmerons @1lellykins @scarlett-witchh @asoulsreverie
Whiskey's Barrel (Permanent Tag List): @askmarinaandothers @bayisdying @breadsquash @callmemana @callsignscupcake @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @hisredheadedgoddess28 @ladylanera @starlit-epiphany
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weird-is-life · 2 years
Can i walk with you?
Pairing: Tasm!Peter Parker x fem!Reader
Summary: You get dared to ask Peter out, but that doesn't work out. Maybe meeting him at a cafe will bring you more luck
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking, game of truth or dare, mentions of tea
Words: 1.5k Masterlist
A/N: English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes
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Taking a dare seemed like a good idea. I mean playing truth or dare with your roommates was fun, so you thought why the hell not.
Well that was, until you remembered, that your friends were crazy and that you were all drinking.
"I dare you to finally ask Peter out" one of your friends said.
You froze at the spot and your mouth was wide open.
There was just no way, you would go and ask the insanely hot boy out, only to be rejected, no way. You were ready to chicken out.
You've had the biggest crush on Peter Parker, ever since he'd stumbled into your chemistry class 20 minutes late, apologising shyly to the profesor.
He sat down a few seats down from you, hair all ruffled, glasses almost falling from his nose, but relieved to make it there.
Ever since then you've been falling for him. But you didn't try to make a move and you wouldn't do that now either.
Your friend saw your mortified face and tried to convince you, "c'mon y/n, it's for fun and besides we all know he is gonna say yes."
"Yeah, he likes you!"
"It's not funny and he does not. Just give me something else" you begged her.
"Nope, you chose dare, there's no backing out now. Sorry, babe" she nudged you with her elbow.
"But.. It's too late, i'm sure he is asleep by now" you proteste, even tho it was only something past 10 p.m. .
"On friday night?" one of your other friends raised her eyebrows.
"Quit with the excuses and get up. We are going with you" you reluctantly got up and scowled at them.
"I'm not moving, sorry not sorry" you crossed the arms on your chest.
They all exchanged looks and smirked at you. They started dragging you from the room, despite your loud protests.
They dragged you in front of Peter's dorm and before you could protest some more, they knocked on the door and ran away with giggles.
You were too stunned to leave, before the door had opened.
"Hey?" a boy, who you only knew as Peter's roommate opened the door.
You glanced at your friends, that were hiding behind the corner and grinning at you like some idiots.
"Uhh.. Is-is Peter here?" you uttered.
"No sorry, he's not here now. Would you like for me to mention you were here...." you knew, he was asking for your name, but you just shook your head.
"No, it's okay. Thanks, bye" you quickly left, practically running to your dorm.
The girls were expecting you to say something, so you did "he wasn't there."
"Ughh, that sucks. Maybe next time" they expressed their dissapointment.
You didn't know what to feel. You were glad, that he wasn't there and kind of sad, too?
Maybe just maybe, you hoped you would ask him out and he would say yes and then you would go on a date. Yeah, it was stupid.
You stopped yourself from thinking about it any more and tried to have fun again.
It was a few weeks, since you'd tried to ask Peter out. You haven't really seen him ever since, you weren't sure if it was because his roommate had told him about it or if it was that you somehow unconsciously avoided him.
It wasn't until you walked in the small coffee shop near the university, that you saw him.
He was sitting alone at the back of the cafe, his head burried behind his notebook and the books.
He looked like he had, when you had first seen him. Hair everywhere, glasses at the tip of his nose and confused expression on.
And it wasn't until you'd ordered your tea and a biscuit, that you noticed, that the only seat left was in front of him.
You thought about your options. You could go to your dorm and be stuck with your obnoxiously loud friends. Or you could ask him if you could sit at his table and study in the quiet of the coffee shop.
After a lot of thinking, you decided for the latter.
"Umm hi, could i sit here? Every other seat is already occupied..."
Your sudden sweet voice startled Peter. He looked up at you and his glasses fell on the table. He looked so cute, you thought.
He knew who you were. Of course he knew. You were one of the smartest people in the class and definitely the most beautiful one.
He most ceirtainly had a crush on you. Like how could he not, when you've always looked so pretty and gave him the most lovely, shy smiles from across the room.
"S-sorry?" he blurted, completely forgetting what you'd asked.
"Could i sit here, everything else is full" you repeated, embarrassed.
"Of-of course" he nodded, "let me just move this away, sorry for the mess" he clumsily moved away the books and notepads from the table. A few of them fell from his hands and you helped him pick them up.
"Thank you, Y/N" he sheepishly smiled and you smiled back, taking the seat.
"Wait, you know my name?" you questioned.
"We have chemistry together?"
"Yeah you're right, we do. You're Peter, right?"
"I am Peter" he agreed bashfully and you stayed quiet after that.
You studied in silence, glancing at Peter more than you thought was appropriate. But honestly, Peter was the same, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Only looking away, when you picked up your gaze, eyes almost catching his.
You were done with your tea and with your studying. It was time to leave, altough you felt yourself not wanting to. But you had no other choice, it was already getting late and if you sat there any longer, you would have to walk in a complete dark.
You packed all your stuff and got up from the chair, "thank you for letting me sit with you, goodbye Peter."
And again you gave him the shy but pretty smile and it had him weak in his knees.
"N-no problem, bye " he stuttured and you saw he wanted to say more, but stayed quiet, so you left.
You didn't notice the pen falling from your notes as you hurried away from the coffee shop.
"Wait, please! You lost your pen" a voice called after you. You turned around and saw Peter running to you. His bag was half closed, his things almost spilling from it.
He extended his hand out and handed you the pen, "you lost your pen."
"You ran after me, because of a pen?"
"Um yeah" his ears grew red. You didn't mean for the question to come across as mocking.
"Thank you, really. I appreciate it, it is my favorite pen" you lied to make him feel better and gave him a soft smile.
"Glad, i could help..."
"Would you-"
"Yeah?" he wanted to ask you out, but he got cold feet and stopped.
"Nothing, sorry" your beam went down and you were about to leave, but changed your mind. If he weren't gonna ask you out, you would.
"Would you like to go out with me sometimes?" you rambled.
"Yes! Yeah, i'd like that" he admited.
"Really?" you beamed and Peter couldn't help but to smile, too.
"Yeah really, i've wanted to ask you out for a long time" he said.
"Why haven't you?" you had no idea where the sudden confidence came from, maybe from him saying yes, but you went with it.
"Thought, that maybe you already had someone" he scratched the back of his neck .
"And how do you know, that I do not?" you teased him.
"Do you?"
"No" you chuckled.
"I'm glad" he chuckled aswell.
"Are you going to the campus?" he questioned.
"Yup, that's the plan. The walk from here is not long" you confirmed.
"You are going to walk there?" his eyes widened. You were slightly confused by his reaction.
He looked even more alarmed then before, " you are gonna walk there. Alone. In the dark?"
Oh. That's why he looked so worried.
"It's just a few minutes long walk" you stated, you've walked from the coffee shop many many times.
"That doesn't matter, what if something happens to you?"
"It's fin-"
"No it's not" he frowned at you, "Can i walk with you?"
"S-sure" you softly responded. You guys weren't even dating yet and he was already worried about you. It made you want to melt at the spot.
"Great, let's go."
"You really shouldn't walk alone, when's dark..." he started as you walked side by side.
You had a big smile on your face as he listed all of the reasons of why you shouldn't do it and even alternatives how to get home safer.
One of the alternatives, that he'd proposed was that he would walk with you. That made you smile even more, the affection for the boy was already sky high and you feared it would only get worse after the date.
Hey guys, thank you for reading. Posted this for the second time, it wasn't showing up in the tags...
Let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.
Have a great day and stay safe everybody. Peace out ☀️
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years
TASM!Peter Parker Period cramp hcs
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Peter's stuck to your hip until the cramps subside or at least the pain lessens.
He's always trying to make you laugh.
Peter will throw on one of your favorite movies to try and distract you from the pain you're experiencing. He gets all of your favorite comfort snacks for you and wraps you in a blanket.
Peter buys this tea that Aunt May recommended to him that helps dull the pain for period cramps.
He will have you rest your head on his thigh and play with your hair and massage your scalp because he knows that will relax you or at least distract you. 
Peter will hold the heating pad to your abdomen for you when you just want to rest your arms. He doesn't mind doing things like this; he enjoys helping even if it's the smallest thing.
If you're struggling with something he will help you no matter what. Need to get some tea but can't get off the couch? Peters already got the stove on. Need to change your pad cause you feel like you're bleeding through the one you have on, but it's too painful to move. Peters is already carrying you to the bathroom so you can change it.
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A Little Longer {TASM!Peter Parker}
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Plot: Sometimes all Peter Parker needs is a day in bed with you.
Character: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) x Plus Size Gender Neutral Reader
Notes: Just fluff. Pure fluff.
His alarm blared from the beside cabinet beside the bed and immediately, he hated everything and everyone (besides you, never you). He groaned loudly, pulling the duvet over and above his head hiding you both under it.
"You know it won't stop even if you hide," you mumbled groggily as Peter's harrumphing woke you up, well that and the now slightly muffled alarm.
Peter groaned loudly, throwing the covers off of the two of you and pressed the 'STOP' button on his phone. The alarm went silent. He fell back into bed, rolling over and pulling you into his embrace, "Time?" You mumbled against his chest. You loved the feeling of pressing your face into his toned chest, cheek pressed against his warm, soft skin. Peter wrapped his muscular arms around you, covering you with his warmth as you intertwined your legs together, fully tangled in each other's limbs. You didn't mind anymore that his hands were resting on your side right where your fat rolls were. You'd long since gotten accustomed to Pete's touches. As a plus size person, you'd always shoved your partner's hands away from your stomach and sides but now? Now you liked having Pete's large hands all over your stomach and sides. Of course he never minded that you were plus size, he genuinely couldn't care less about your weight and your size but he loved your body. He loved how soft and warm you were, loved the way your tummy looked in your clothes. He just loved you. Mornings like this were your favourite. You loved waking up to him, loved the morning cuddles he gave you and the way his hair was tousled in the mornings. It was perfect.
"Doesn't matter," he muttered, yawning into your hair, "back to sleep."
You shook your head, "Got that thing with Aunt May at ten and then got lunch with-"
He pulled back so that you could look into his eyes and you noticed how tired he was. He had purple bags under his eyes and he just looked exhausted. The cuts and bruises on the side of his face were healing and he had gone through a lot in the last week, "Please," he said, eyes begging you. Quickly, you nodded as you realised that this wasn't a case of him just being lazy, he needed you; he needed bed, he needed comfort and nothing else. Peter always took on way too much and he would always need a few days of just nothing and today happened to be one of those days.
"Okay," you whispered, hand gently caressing his cheek. Peter moved into your touch, relishing in the way it made him feel. He reminded you of a lost puppy when he had days like this, he just needed cuddles, tenderness and lots and lots of love and of course you would so happily give it to him, "I'll cancel everything, no worries, okay? It's alright."
Peter nodded against your hand, giving it a small delicate kiss, "Thank you, sweetheart," he murmured as he pulled you back into his chest, "I just really need you today."
"I know, love," you said as you kissed his chest, "you've got me all day, I promise." Your heart ached for him on days like this; days where he was sad and lost and where the ghosts of his past haunted him. Peter was always taking on too much and sometimes it took its toll on him. He always made the effort to make you and everyone else around him feel good so today it was your turn to do that for him. You'd lie with him in bed all day if he wanted, only getting up to make food or to pee. You'd spend forever doing this for him if that's what he needed. He always did so much and now it was his turn to just take a break and recharge his batteries.
"I love you," he whispered through a yawn.
"I love you, too."
It wasn't long before he was snoring softly. You pulled back to look at him. He looked a lot younger when he was sleeping, the worry lines faded and his mind was clearer. You'd let him sleep for as long as he needed, he deserved it. Your hands traced his face gently, careful not to wake him, for a while before you settled back into his arms and followed him into the land of dreams.
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heyitsme1040 · 2 years
Home [p.p]
summary : You knew your boyfriend was Spider-Man. Anytime he had to protect the city, you would worry. Even when you began to help him from the safety of the Roosevelt train car you were concerned. Every time Peter was about to be in a dangerous situation, he would claim his earpiece was damaged and turn it off. You’d lose your only way of being in contact with him, and were resigned to worrying until he came by your apartment after the battle. After his most recent battle against the Scorpion, you need to patch him up more than usual. You stay calm until you finish bandaging Peter’s injuries, then finally break down. You tell him that you can’t take the worry anymore, and Peter promises to do better by you. The two of you manage to figure out what needs to be done, and fall asleep while the city wakes up.
pairings : TASM!Peter Parker/Reader
warnings : Mentions of injury (mainly bruising and mild burns), kind of angsty until the very end, sappy ending, crying. No use of y/n. If I missed anything please let me know.
word count : 3k
AO3 (x)
a/n : Any Spider-Man fics I write are likely going to be The Amazing Spider-Man based. So while it is Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, I’m also using the comic books of tasm as reference material. Maybe later on I’ll do the MCU’s Spider-Man (somehow have still not seen any of the movies and avoided spoilers), and I don’t think I’ll write any focused on Tobey’s Spider-Man because while I grew up on those specific ones they’re more nostalgic than interesting to me at this point.
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You dropped a token into the turnstile and rushed through it while taking your backpack off. While the train car came up from the tracks you grabbed the earpiece Peter had given you and put it in. Once the train doors slid open, you rushed in and went to what you had claimed as your workstation.
“Alright, Peter, what’s happening?” You demand as you place your laptop on the counter and log into the system you helped him create.
“I’m almost on scene,” Peter talks over the sound of rushing wind. “Maybe seven blocks out? What do you see?”
“It looks like the police managed to clear out all bystanders. It appears that the Scor–”
“Scorpion!” Peter’s sudden yell has you wincing as you hear the thud of him landing. “What’s the matter? You get lost looking for your burrow?”
“Peter, what are you doing?” Your fingers fly across the keyboard as you try to pull up the traffic cameras feed to see what’s going on.
“Spider-Man, what took you so long?” Scorpion laughed.
You tried to get into the camera feed, but you didn’t have the time to figure out the access code. With a frustrated huff of air, you decided to pull up the news feed that was inevitably covering the scene. From the aerial feed you saw Scorpion’s tail move, revealing a passed out bystander. The spiked club on his tail was hovering over their head and was aimed at your boyfriend. Acid dripped out, narrowly missing the head of his hostage and melting through the street below with ease.
“Peter, you need to be careful. His suit’s different, and it looks like his acid is stronger,” you warned.
“What do you want, Scorpion?” Peter called with his hands moving in a manner to show he didn’t want any trouble.
“You’ve been making things very difficult for us.” Scorpion raised his tail and drew it back, “So we decided to start making things more difficult for you.”
Scorpion whipped his tail forward, releasing the unconscious man toward Peter. You watched as Peter caught the man and took the impact of them crashing into a nearby building. Peter emerged with the hostage, and swung him behind the police line before returning to where Scorpion was waiting. As he approached, Scorpion launched himself at Peter and sent them crashing into another building.
“Peter, you need to try and lead him out of the city,” you desperately instructed.
The only response you heard was a groan and more crashing, the news feed unable to capture what was happening inside. You held your breath as you saw Peter crash through a window, a stream of acid following him as he fell before swinging to the top of a nearby building. Scorpion emerged seconds later, punching into the building and using his lodged fists to scale the side of the building. As Scorpion approached the top, Peter swung away once again to lead them away from the city.
“Peter look out,” you gasped, but it was too late. A stream of acid melted away his web, and Scorpion was once again tackling Peter.
Peter was unable to push Scorpion off of him, but webbed the spiked end of his tail. You worried as you saw Scorpion land punch after punch on Peter. Before another hit could make contact, Peter finally forced Scorpion off. He managed to swing away once again, just before Scorpion melted the webs off his tail.
“Peter, you need to lead him to the east of the city. The direction you’re going now has another police barricade coming up in five blocks, and we can’t guarantee he won't harm someone else,” you guided him.
“Got it,” Peter confirmed.
You watched the news feed as Peter began turning a corner, but there was a sudden shake as the camera’s view dropped a couple feet. The edge of the news feed captured a stream shooting through the sky. It panned down and you saw Scorpion with his tail aimed directly at the helicopter.
“I think he just hit the news helicopter that’s behind you,” you warn. “The feed isn’t steady anymore, you need to get them out of it before it goes down!”
Through the graininess of the feed, you saw Peter clinging to the side of the helicopter. He got the pilot and reporter to hold on before he swung out of it. He swung in the direction of where you told him the police barricade was approaching. Once he had swung to safety, the feed completely cut out.
“Are you guys okay?” You heard Peter over the earpiece. “Two blocks that way is a police barricade, you’ll be safe there.”
You waited in silence for a few moments, hoping Peter would continue to lead Scorpion away from the city. You once again tried to access any of the street cameras in hopes of being able to see what was happening.
“How’re you holding up?” You ask as you try to get the camera access codes from the police’s database.
“I’m okay,” Peter’s voice strained from swinging through the city. “He clearly got a bigger upgrade than I thought, that new suit is making him a real pain to fight. I’m pretty sure he’s stronger than me now.”
“There isn’t much of him exposed. Whoever managed to break him out had a reason to. They decided to make him as armored as possible,” you thought aloud. “If you could manage to damage his suit enough, then you should be able to stop him and–”
“I think my earpiece is messed up,” Peter rushes in a tone you’re far too familiar with. “Maybe it was hit when–”
“Peter don’t you dare turn it off again,” you warn. “Every time something bad is about to happen, it just conveniently breaks.”
“Hey, that’s not true!” His voice ticks up an octave.
“Peter. If you shut it off instead of letting me help you, I swear that–” but you get cut off as static fills your ears.
You tried reconnecting the earpiece to the other channels the two of you use, but each one held the same static of dead air waiting for someone else to connect. You move away from your workstation and pace out of frustration. You have no idea what’s going on right now between Peter and Scorpion. Your frustration quickly sours into panic as you can’t help but worry over what could happen tonight.
“Every time,” you mutter, frustrated. “I don’t know why I even try. He clearly doesn’t want my help.”
Knowing that Peter won’t turn his earpiece back on tonight, you resign yourself to an evening of worry. You begrudgingly log out of the system that was made so you could help Peter while he was fighting and patrolling the city. You shove your laptop into your bag, rougher than necessary, and grab some of Peter’s bio-cable capsules. You watch as the train car lowers itself below the tracks once again and retrieve the token that was ejected from the turnstile. Slowly making your way out of the Roosevelt station, you carefully navigate the city towards your apartment as the sky begins to darken.
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You’ve lost count of how many cups of coffee you’ve drank by the time you hear the window to your apartment finally lift. You cover the short distance from the table in your kitchen to the living room just to see Peter sliding the window closed and locking it. As the sky lightens with the beginnings of sunrise behind him, you try to fight the pricking of tears that come to your eyes upon seeing him. Raking your eyes over him, you take note of the burn holes in his suit and the dirt covering his face from the rips in his mask. You walk toward him and guide him toward the bathroom so you can patch him up.
You ignore Peter as he’s sat on the closed lid of your toilet while feeling his eyes on your face. You open the drawer you keep the first-aid supplies in and see him tug off the damaged mask. You remove the mask from his hand and place it on the counter. It’s silent except for your occasional sniffle, and the shuffle of supplies in your first-aid kit. You grab a cloth and wet it with warm water, finally meeting his eyes as you clean the dirt from his face to better see his injuries. Peter gently settles a hand on your waist and uses the other to wipe away the stray tears that make their way down your warm cheeks. You do your best to ignore the stress and worry you’ve been feeling for hours, but the more of his skin you reveal the harder it is to forget about. You wring the cloth out and take out the rubbing alcohol and cotton pads from the kit.
“Sorry,” you mutter as he winces from the alcohol cleaning the cuts on his face.
“Not your fault,” he reassures, tugging you closer while trying to lock eyes with you once again.
You refuse to look into his eyes, because once you do it’ll all be too much. You can’t imagine just how hard tonight was for him. He hasn’t come home this hurt since Doctor Connors was the Lizard. You use butterfly bandages to help keep the cut on his temple closed and apply neosporin to his split lip. You wish there was something you could do for his bruises, but know the only thing that will really help those are ice.
“What’s the verdict doc?” Peter jokes, smile falling slightly when you don’t react.
“Your face is all patched up, but I can’t patch the rest up when your suit is still on,” you state.
“If you wanted me to take it off you could’ve just asked,” Peter joked again as he began to try and remove his suit without hurting his injuries further.
“I made sure to grab some more of your web capsules, by the way,” you mention softly to keep your mind busy as you help him peel the top part of his suit off and let it dangle from his hips. “I couldn’t remember whether or not you’d need more if you stopped by.”
“What do you mean ‘if’ I stopped by?” Peter sat back some so you could assess his upper body. “O‘course I was going to come over. I always come ‘n’ find you after playing hero.”
You didn’t say anything as you took stock of the bruises that littered his body. You knew they would need to be iced later, but they should be completely gone by the morning.
I guess they’ll be healed by tonight then, you think once you see the light outside slowly turning the sky from blue to orange to pink.
Your main concern was that he had what looked like a few burns from the acid. The burns weren’t too serious, but there were plenty of them. You carefully moved his arm to look at the largest burn on his side. You saw the smaller burns scattered along his arms and shoulder, and had to swallow down the lump forming in your throat once again. Lightly prodding around the burns, you quickly retreat your hand when Peter releases a pained gasp.
“You’re fine,” he quickly reassures whilst reaching for your hand. “You didn’t hurt me, I swear. But, you’re not going to be able to wipe those ones clean.”
You tilted your head trying to think of how to clean the burns without hurting him further. You needed to disinfect the area so his super healing could do its job better.
“Do we still have that antiseptic spray you found last time?” Peter prompts.
You nodded silently and pulled out two sprays to show him, “I found another one, it had pain relief on the can. I don’t know how good the pain relief would work in your case, but figured it was worth picking up.”
“I trust your judgment,” Peter spoke with a fond smile.
“It doesn’t feel like you do,” you grumble as you spray the antiseptic onto his burns and then secure dressings over them.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You don’t bother answering him as you pack up the first-aid kit and return it to the drawer you’ve turned into a medical supply cache. Once again, you feel Peter’s eyes trained on you as you close the drawer. You walk out, avoiding the hand Peter reaches out to stop you. Now that he’s home, that you’ve patched up his injuries so they can properly heal over the next few days, you have nothing else to keep your thoughts at bay. You make it to the living room and collapse onto the couch with your face buried in your hands. Your tears fall fast, no longer having a good reason to be held back. All the panic and worry you’d been feeling overshadow any bit of relief you’d been clinging to upon his return.
Peter emerges from the bathroom minutes later. You look up at the sound of his approach, seeing through the blur of your tears that he took off the rest of his suit and was wearing the sweatpants you insisted he keep here. The calm that washes over you at the realization that he’s here, that he’s still alive, makes the tears falling from your eyes speed up in frustration. Peter rushes over, and as he’s about to pull you into his arms you stop him with a hand on his chest.
“You’re an asshole,” you sniffle while wiping your eyes with your sleeve. “Why did you turn off the earpiece again? I had no way of knowing if you were okay! I thought you were really going to die this time.”
“Shh, baby, I’m okay. See? I’m alive, and I’m right here, and there’s nothing for you to worry about,” Peter holds the hand on his chest over his heart.
The steady beat of his heart under your fingertips reassured you that he really was there. The calm that washed over you earlier felt heavier as the anger inside you began to slowly fizzle away. You knew you could never hold what Peter did as Spider-Man against him, and that if you did then what kind of a girlfriend would you be?
“You’re not okay. You could have died tonight, Peter. I know what caused those burns, and you’re lucky the acid didn’t just melt you,” you’re voice was wavering more and more with every point you made while your hands weakly hit his chest. “When you first told me you were Spider-Man, I was worried sick every single time you went out. You suggested I could be your lookout while you were out there being a superhero. We agreed!”
“I was trying to keep you away from the fight. I don’t want you hearing when things get too serious out there,” he comforts tenderly.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” you whisper. “It’s been eight months of you going off the radar in battle, and every time you do I can’t take it. I don’t want to lose you, but when you turn off the earpiece I worry worse. I know the only times you turn it off are when things are going to be bad. I need for us to–”
“Please, don’t do this,” Peter’s voice shook as he interrupted.
“What if I gave you control? I’ll stop turning off the earpiece, listen to you more, make sure you’re as involved as possible.”
“Peter, I’m not trying to break up,” you rest your head against his uninjured shoulder, “I just don’t want to lose you. You mean so much to me.”
Peter wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap, “After almost two years together? You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I promise you won’t lose me.”
“You can’t promise that, though.”
“What if I stopped? I could give up the mask. If that’s what it’ll take, then I’ll stop being Spider-Man.”
“I don’t want you to stop being Spider-Man, I just want you to let me be there. I know I can’t do much, but I feel better knowing someone’s watching over you while you watch over everyone else.”
“I’ll work on it. We can even work on setting up a better base in the train car for you. Whatever it takes for you not to worry like this ever again, I’ll do it all.”
You hold onto Peter a little tighter, glad that he was okay. Your tears had stopped, all that remained of your worry and anger was the occasional hiccup. Peter buried his face in your hair as he laid the two of you down on the couch. You kept your ear pressed against his chest while avoiding his bandages, finally allowing yourself to relax into him. You gazed at him as the sunrise cast the room in a golden hue and turned the brown of his eyes into honey.
“I’m really glad you’re okay,” you whisper against his chest as your eyes droop.
“I’m sorry I didn’t consider how my protectiveness was affecting you,” Peter ran his hand up and down your back. “You can sleep now, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Promise,” you breathed out trying to fight the tiredness off.
“Promise. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else; I’m home.”
You stopped fighting the tiredness that clung to you. You focused on the steady beat of Peter’s heart, the feeling of his hand rubbing your back, and let his warmth relax your worries.
Home, you thought. Anywhere you are feels like home to me.
You felt Peter briefly shift beneath you, then a blanket was settled over the two of you as he pressed a kiss into the crown of your head.
“I love you so much,” he confessed softly.
“I love you more than you know,” you kiss right over his heart.
Your heart beats slowly begin to match the other’s as your chests slowed their movements and allowed sleep to take over each of you as the city awoke outside your apartment.
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Author's Note : Reblogs are appreciated, likes are welcome, and if you want to read more of my fics then maybe follow.
©heyitsme1040 If you find this post on any platform under a username different than heyitsme1040 it is not their work.
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have you guys met falcon and the winter soldier? If so, what were they like?
Peter 3: oh my god Sam’s a HOOT! He’s hilarious.
Sam: …listen I will not hesitate to murder to protect you but if you make that pun again I swear to god—
Peter 1: Bucky’s pretty cool!
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Marvel; Winter Dates with Secretary Spidermen
Can you guess when I was supposed to post this.That’s right, early December. I have a bunch of backlog holiday posts I’m not sure to do at leisure or get them out quickly. I guess I’ll flip a coin.
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TRILOGY!PETER (Get away cabin)
It’s not a date as much as it’s a vacation. Once a year you use a bunch of your saved vacation days to peace out. You guys have a deal of some sort. He budgets and schedules this getaway for you, maybe even throwing in some money, and you approve his emergency time off that the company will have no choice but to honor if you have no concerns. You're technically duping the company but hey, you're not stealing money. Just time.
So early December you and Peter say your goodbyes, hop in a car, and off to the airport to not be seen for five business days. Peter would 100% stay with you during Christmas to have an excuse from family parties but it’s a lot more money. But if you need an out he always has you covered.
You’d think it would include activities but you’re two office working adults who have to bargain for company benefits and work overtime to meet quotas, the entire time is spent relaxing. It’s quite domestic. There’s a sort of unspoken rules you have. Whoever gets up first has to cook and whoever wakes up last has to wash the dishes. Rooms will be decided by rock-paper-scissors, first win takes dibs. Never bother the person in the bath unless it’s to discuss food or it’s been two hours and you need to know they're alive. You also made a rule that no gifts were to be exchanged. That last rule has never been followed.
TASM!PETER (Beach bonfire)
There are many reasons Peter is beloved in the office. Convincing the company to trust him with their black amex to put together the company Christmas party every year is up there as far as reasons go. Last year he got everyone Disneyland day tickets and dinner reservations. The year before that he rented out a castle and a murder-mystery kit (He was the killer and you were unfortunately one of the victims). This year he got a spot on a private beach for a bonfire, and it was nice as hell. Sand so white and soft you’d think it was clouds, low tide gently brought in seashells, and the huge gazebo had couches, a bonfire, and a lot of food and alcohol.
He feeds off of the gossip and knowledge that everyone is enjoying themselves so he is your designated driver to hear it all sober. The fact that he’s a light-weight also influenced this decision but nobody else has to know that. He’ll make sure you're safe, happy, and not recorded doing something stupid. He’ll keep some recordings though. You know, as payment for his services.
You’re a stupid drunk, forgetting simple things like putting on your shoes when you reach the boardwalk is not unexpected. He takes you home and he just resigns to staying because he knows how miserable you’re gonna be in the morning. You are groaning in the morning and he really wants to laugh but he does like these moments.
MCU!PETER (Paper cranes)
He wanted to do a project with you but he didn’t want to be seen as a child, so; paper cranes. He tells you about the origins, how the crane in Japanese myth lives a thousand years and that’s why you need to make a thousand of them. When you ask if he bought a thousand papers and he says yes, you then ask if he thinks you can do them all in a day. He realizes how long that would take and apologizes.
You, of course, do it with him because it is a fun activity and the promise of a wish is nice even if it might not happen. But it’s broken up in sections, starting from mid-December to the new year. He loves this time with you. Hanging out together outside of work is a nice thing, always.
At the end of it you offer him the wish because you don’t really have anything to wish for. Without thinking he says, “I want to stay in today forever.” And you didn’t understand he meant with you because it was a day off and everyone wanted days off. So you laugh and say it won’t come true because he said it out loud. When he pouted you just told him to make a new one in his head. I’m gonna give you a hint; it’s a lot less vague than the last one.
PETER B. PARKER (Ice skating)
You were super excited when he said you weren’t going to the gym. But that bubble popped when you pulled up to the ice rink. Your displeased face made him chuckle, telling you to lighten up as he gave you a present. It was a really nice pair of ice skates. You ask him if he thinks you’re gonna use these throughout the year and he says no, but that’s not your only gift for the year, just the one you get that day.
Peter, as someone who works out regularly with you, has no problem on the ice. Unfortunately, you do not have the best balance, ironically something you were working on in the gym. He has enough empathy to help you but only after seeing you fall a few times. Skating around hand in hand is embarrassing for you, because you feel like a child, but it is nice to have this light-hearted afternoon with him. At one point when you lose your balance he saves you from hitting your head on the ground but you end up in a weird back bend and he stretches in an abnormal way to stay up. It is very uncomfortable and not at all Hallmark.
After sustaining bruises, you go for a much needed drink. You had hot cocoa and he insisted he needed coffee. It was a nice moment of silence. Until people started to come up to you two. Christmas is a very busy time and everyone is feeling grand and bold. Trying to start a romance during this time is not uncommon, especially because both of you are hot. But after the day was highs and lows you both had fun.
MILES MORALES (Charity play)
You spent the better part of November and December helping a winter play that all proceeds go to helping people living paycheck to paycheck get the help they need, not only toys for their kids but clothes and stable jobs. It is by pure chance you ended up as a cast member. A supporting role, an elf who makes gifts slower because they make them with each kid in mind. Miles almost turned down his chance but then he found out it was the character yours focused on he took it. He didn’t know how he felt about playing a grouchy snowman but he sucked it up.
Best believe his family came to one of the shows. His parents, his uncle, aunties and cousins. And they were loud too. You found it endearing but his mom fussing over him made him want the floor to just open under him. The younger cousins were all over you, one claiming it was love at first sight and how he would marry you. Miles started shooing away his family faster.
After everything you told him how glad you were to have him with you through this entire thing, that you believed in the cause and it was a lot of fun doing this with him. He freezes for a minute like a computer getting a factory reset. He tries to be cool but ends up stumbling over his words, it’s very cute.
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variety-fangirl · 2 years
(Marvel Masterlist)
Peter Parker:
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I'll pop down the initials of which Peter so that everyone can read whoever they chose :) I'll probably be writing mostly Tom and Andrew.
Give This A Chance Part 2 Part 3 🌸🥺🔥(AG)
Perfect To Me 🌸🥺🔥(AG)
Always Been You 🌸🥺 (AG)
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marie-swriting · 9 months
Vous Iriez Bien - TASM!Peter Parker
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Marvel Masterlist
Résumé : Tu passes un mauvais jour, heureusement ton petit ami sait quoi faire pour t'aider.
Warnings : neurodivergent!reader, crise de panique, pression scolaire, hurt/comfort, dites-moi si j'en ai loupé d'autres.
NDA : Ce one shot a été commandé par ma talentueuse meilleure amie @kaeinherworld ça a été un honneur pour moi de voir qu'elle voulait que je lui écrive un one shot donc, Kae, j'espère que tu l'aimeras autant que j'ai aimé ton one shot Stefan Salvatore que tu m'as écrit il y a des années (et contrairement à toi, je ne le supprimerai pas !) ❤️
Nombre de mots : 2.2k
Version anglaise
Prompt utilisé : "Person A is having a panic attack and they desperately try to hide it, but Person B sees right through them and knows the right thing to do to calm A down." (Personne A a une crise de panique et iel essaye désespérément de la cacher mais Personne B voit clair dans son jeu et sait la chose à faire pour calmer A) de cette prompt list faite par @creativepromptsforwriting
Chanson qui m'a inspiré : Love The Hell Out Of You par Lewis Capaldi
C’était trop. Si on t’avait demandé de définir cette journée, tu aurais répondu que c’était trop. Trop de stress. Trop de bruit. Trop de personnes. Trop de tout. 
Dès ton réveil, tu avais ressenti que cette journée ne serait pas la meilleure et les heures suivantes l’avaient confirmé. Ce jour-là était particulièrement éprouvant à la fac. La fin du semestre se rapprochait à grand pas et la pile de devoirs à rendre et de révisions à faire s'agrandissait au même rythme. Ta concentration et ta motivation avaient de plus en plus de mal à rester à tes côtés Tu n’avais qu’une hâte pouvoir profiter de tes vacances pour - enfin - souffler et t’isoler. 
En plus de la pression de la fac, tu n’avais pas pu voir Peter de toute la journée. Même si vous n’aviez pas les mêmes cours, vous trouviez toujours une solution pour vous retrouver pour manger le midi ou au moins une dizaine de minutes durant l’après-midi. Malheureusement, le vendredi était ta journée de cours la plus chargée, il vous était impossible de vous voir sur le campus, par conséquent, tu étais encore plus à cran. Certes, tu allais passer la nuit chez lui pour votre visionnage hebdomadaire de Star Trek, mais tu voulais être dans ses bras le plus vite possible.
Quand ton professeur finit son cours - non sans rajouter un énième devoir, tu rangeas tes affaires. Malgré la boule toujours présente dans ton ventre, tu pouvais enfin respirer un peu plus facilement. Cependant, tu attendais de poser les yeux sur ton petit ami pour prendre une vraie inspiration.
En arrivant chez toi, tes parents ne prirent pas le temps de te saluer ou de te demander comment s’était passé ta journée, ils se dépêchèrent de faire un commentaire désobligeant à propos de tes notes sans même savoir de quoi ils parlaient. Ton anxiété commençait à se transformer de plus en plus en frustration et tu fis tous les efforts du monde pour ne rien répliquer, tu tenais au peu de calme qu’il te restait encore. Sans leur lancer un regard, tu montas dans ta chambre et refermas la porte sans perdre une seconde avant de t’allonger sur ton lit. 
Tu avais encore une petite heure avant que Peter finisse son dernier cours. Tu en profitas pour te déconnecter de cette atmosphère anxiogène. Tes écouteurs à réduction de bruit dans tes oreilles, tu pris le livre sur ta table de chevet, Le Seigneur Des Anneaux - tu n’aurais su dire combien de fois tu l’avais lu. Ce qui était censé t’apporter du réconfort te frustra un peu plus. Ton esprit était trop surmené pour réussir à se concentrer sur ta lecture et le fait d’avoir été au contact d’autant de stimulis au fil de la journée n’arrangeait rien. Agacée, tu refermas ton livre dix minutes plus tard et attendis Peter avec impatience. 
Le soulagement pouvait se lire sur ton visage quand tu entendis Peter frapper à ta porte. Inconsciemment, tu jetas un coup d'œil par la fenêtre. Il n’était pas rare pour Peter de venir te voir avant ou après sa patrouille et comme il devait se faire discret, il te rejoignait en passant par ta fenêtre. 
Après avoir rangé tes écouteurs et ton livre dans ton sac, tu le pris en main et retrouvas Peter à l’entrée. Il t’embrassa pour la première fois depuis la nuit dernière. Le baiser était rapide tout en étant rempli d’amour. Il prit ton sac et le plaça sur son épaule pendant que tu te saisissais de sa main. Suite à ce contact, tes épaules se relâchèrent légèrement. 
Sur le chemin, Peter fit la discussion, te racontant sa journée. En temps normal, tu lui aurais répondu avec passion et n’aurais pas arrêté de lui raconter toutes les pensées qui traversaient ton esprit, mais la fatigue de la journée était plus forte alors tu restas silencieuse. Peter étant un petit ami bienveillant et te connaissant depuis l’enfance, il remarqua ton mutisme instantanément, mais ne commenta pas. En seulement un regard, il avait compris que ta journée avait été longue. Tout en continuant de parler, il prêta attention à tes gestes, se préparant à réagir si tu avais besoin de quelque chose.
Le chemin jusqu’à chez Peter ne t’avait jamais semblé aussi long. Tu t’étais retenue de soupirer de nombreuses fois dans le métro. 
Une fois chez lui, vous vous rendîtes dans la cuisine où vous saluâtes rapidement Tante May qui devait partir au travail. Quand vous fûtent seuls, Peter récupéra deux verres ainsi qu’une bouteille de soda alors que tu sortis du pop corn pour votre soirée. 
Dans sa chambre, Peter te donna un de ses tee shirts que tu mis rapidement, voulant sentir son parfum sur toi. Son tee-shirt ressemblait plus à une robe mais cela ne te dérangeait pas. Peter enfila également une tenue plus confortable. 
Une fois allongés sur le lit de Peter, tu te mis sur ton côté gauche, la tête posée sur le torse de ton petit ami pendant que l’ordinateur était sur ses jambes et le bol de pop corn entre vous deux. Lors des premières minutes de Star Trek Into Darkness, tu arrivas à te concentrer puis tu repensas à la fac malgré toi. 
La pensée avait à peine effleuré ton esprit mais ça avait été suffisant pour te distraire. Mentalement, tu faisais la liste de tout ce qu’il te restait à faire. Plus tu réfléchissais et plus tu prenais conscience que tu avais encore beaucoup de travail. En sentant tes mains commencer à trembler, tu compris que la crise de panique n’était pas loin. Tu essayas de prendre de profondes inspirations discrètement, espérant ne pas attirer l’attention de Peter - ses sens décuplés pouvaient te trahir à n’importe quel moment. Quand ton cœur se mit à battre à toute vitesse, tu sus que c’était peine perdue. Dissimulant ta respiration saccadée du mieux que tu pouvais, tu tentas de sortir du lit normalement, les larmes aux yeux. Tu n’eus pas le temps de bouger une jambe que Peter était déjà tourné vers toi, les sens en alerte. Il posa l’ordinateur et le bol de pop corn sans ménagement sur le sol et t’invita à t’asseoir comme il faut. Tu portas la main sur ta poitrine, la douleur devenant plus forte et au même moment, tes larmes commencèrent à couler sur tes joues. 
Peter te regardait sans te toucher, craignant d’aggraver la situation - il savait que tu n’étais pas fan du contact physique alors il faisait toujours attention à respecter ton espace personnel, surtout dans ce genre de situation. Rapidement, il cacha son affolement, tu avais besoin de le voir calme. 
-Hey, ça va aller, t’assura Peter. Est-ce que je peux prendre ta main pour la poser sur mon cœur ?
Tu hochas la tête avec difficulté pour répondre. Délicatement, il prit la main qui était sur ta cuisse dans la sienne. Son emprise sur ta main était légère, te laissant ainsi la liberté de la retirer si tu changeais d’avis. Il posa ta main sur son cœur et il te fit un regard rassurant avant de rajouter : 
-Très bien. On va respirer ensemble lentement. Tout va bien. Ça va aller, Y/N, répéta-t-il. Tu es en sécurité. Prends une profonde inspiration par le nez et expire par la bouche, invita Peter en le faisant avec toi. Regarde nos mains sur ma poitrine. 
À sa phrase, tu fis ce qu’il dit. En continuant de regarder le point fixe, tu pouvais sentir le cœur de Peter battre calmement à travers ta main, t’aidant ainsi à te sentir plus protégée. Tu respirais encore avec difficulté mais au bout de la cinquième inspiration, ton cœur ainsi que tes larmes commencèrent à se calmer.
-Tout va bien. Tu vas bien, murmura Peter.
Quelques minutes plus tard et grâce à l’aide de Peter, tu arrivas enfin à retrouver une respiration normale. Il arrêta de parler, t’autorisant à reprendre tes esprits à ton rythme. Tu gardas les yeux sur vos mains pendant quelques secondes de plus, appréciant le calme. Les yeux de Peter ne te quittèrent pas, faisant attention à ce que la crise ne reprenne pas. 
Quand tu te ressaisis, tu arrêtas de fixer vos mains pendant qu’un sentiment d’embarras t’envahit. Tu évitas le regard de Peter tout en essuyant tes joues mouillées avec ta main libre. Ce n’était pas la première fois que Peter était témoin d’une de tes crises de panique, mais tu n’aimais pas être autant vulnérable devant lui. Tu retiras ta main de son torse et commenças à jouer avec tes doigts. Tu n’osais pas briser le silence en premier et Peter l’avait bien compris. 
-Tu veux qu’on en parle ? 
-Il y a pas grand chose à dire, déclaras-tu avec une voix légèrement plus grave à cause de la fatigue. 
-Ça ne t’était pas arrivé depuis un moment, remarqua Peter. 
-La fin du semestre aide pas vraiment à ne pas être anxieuse. 
-Il y a autre chose.
En entendant son affirmation, tu ne pouvais t’empêcher d’être légèrement agacée. Il te connaissait par cœur. Malgré tous tes efforts, tu ne pouvais rien lui cacher alors tu lâchas un soupir avant d’admettre à contrecœur : 
-Ce n’était juste pas vraiment mon jour. Ce n’est rien. Je vais bien, mentis-tu en te forçant à le regarder pendant une seconde. 
-Tu sais que tu peux tout me dire. Tu sais aussi que ça ne me dérange pas de t’écouter et de t’aider, te rappela-t-il tendrement. 
-Je sais.
-Je le pense, Y/N. Tu m’as toujours aidé, surtout après que je sois devenu Spiderman donc c’est normal que je te rende la pareille. 
-Je veux juste pas être un fardeau pour toi, avouas-tu avec difficulté.
-Tu ne l’es pas et tu ne le seras jamais. Je ferai tout pour toi. Tu m’as tellement aidé et aimé alors sache que je t’aimerai toujours autant. 
Ignorant quoi lui répondre, tu te penchas vers lui et posas tes lèvres sur les siennes. Vous vous embrassâtes avec lenteur, appréciant la présence de l’autre. Avec ce baiser, tu voulais partager tout ton amour et ta gratitude à Peter. Il savait quoi dire pour te faire te sentir mieux et tu savais qu’il était sincère dans chacun de ses mots. Tu savais qu’il le pensait quand il disait qu’il ferait tout pour toi. Peter t'aurait amené le paradis si c’était ce dont tu avais eu besoin. Il aurait pris toute ta douleur s’il avait pu et il t’aurait souri en le faisant. Il aurait fait tout ce qui était possible et impossible pour toi et tu en serais à jamais reconnaissante. 
Peter te laissa prendre le contrôle du baiser, te permettant de retirer tes lèvres quand tu le souhaitais. Quand tu le fis, tu regardas Peter avec tendresse alors qu’il te faisait un sourire avec la même douceur.  
-On peut en parler plus tard, si tu préfères, te dit-il, sachant que tu avais besoin du temps. Tu as besoin de quelque chose ? 
-Je veux bien que tu me passes mes écouteurs et qu’on reste allongés pendant un petit moment, répondis-tu lentement.
Peter récupéra ce que tu voulais dans ton sac et te tendit les écouteurs. Tu les plaças dans tes oreilles, le silence te réconfortant un peu plus alors que Peter se réinstallait dans le lit. Tu ne te collas pas complètement à ton petit ami, ayant besoin d’un peu d’espace, mais tu te saisis de sa main droite et jouas avec ses doigts. Tu lâchas un grand soupir alors que Peter te regardait faire, toujours sur le qui-vive au cas où. 
Vous restâtes dans cette position jusqu’à ce que le soleil se soit couché. À un moment, tu fermas même les yeux sans dormir. Quand tu te sentis enfin un peu mieux, tu retiras tes écouteurs et ouvrir les yeux. Peter te fit un léger sourire auquel tu répondis avant de prendre la parole : 
-Tu veux un thé ? J’ai tout pour ton thé préféré.
-Qu’est-ce que j’ai fait pour te mériter ? demandas-tu rhétoriquement, ton sourire grandissant et en le regardant les yeux remplis d’amour. 
-Tu as frappé Josh Stewart quand on avait six ans car il avait jeté mes affaires au sol, répondit-il, te faisant lâcher un rire, le souvenir de votre première rencontre en tête. Alors, un thé ?
-Je veux bien. 
-Je reviens tout de suite. 
Après t’avoir embrassé sur le front, Peter quitta sa chambre. Quelques minutes plus tard, Peter revint avec une tasse dans les mains. Il te la donna pendant que tu t’asseyas sur son lit, le dos contre le mur. Tu pris une grande gorgée, appréciant le goût du thé noir avec du citron vert, de l’orange et de l’épice. Tu gardas la tasse entre tes mains alors que Peter récupéra le livre dans ton sac. Il n’avait pas besoin de te demander pour savoir que tu en avais amené un avec toi, tu avais toujours un livre sur toi, peu importe la situation. Peter rigola légèrement en voyant que tu relisais Le Seigneur Des Anneaux. Il te rejoignit sur le lit, s’installant à tes côtés. Pendant qu’il ouvrit le roman, tu te blottis contre lui. Peter passa son bras droit autour de tes épaules, te rapprochant de lui. Tu bus une nouvelle gorgée et Peter reprit la lecture là où tu l’avais laissée. 
En écoutant Peter lire, tu ne pus t’empêcher de te sentir reconnaissante d’avoir Peter dans ta vie. Il savait parfaitement quoi faire et dire pour t’aider à aller mieux. Tu n’aurais pu imaginer un meilleur petit ami. Tu savais qu’il y aurait d’autres moments où tu n’irais pas bien comme ce jour-là, tout comme Peter aurait ses mauvais jours, mais tant que vous étiez ensemble, vous iriez bien.
Marvel Masterlist
{Ceci est mon blog secondaire donc je répondrai aux commentaires sous le pseudo @marie-sworld}
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lukreziaaa · 7 months
“What a pretty girl.” “Yeah. That’s what uncle Ben said.” “Did you ask her out? Why?” “Can’t.” “Why?” “I’m just no good for her.”
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“Peter Parker, if there’s one thing you are, it’s good.”
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
Peter’s Way Home Masterlist
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💭summary: Bad Timing. That was always your curse. Will timing ever be on your side and give you a chance with Peter?
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{ Playlist }
Chapter 1: Peter’s Ladybug
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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🏷️ List: @bayisdying @callmemana @gracespicybradshaw @cycbaby @ladylanera @starlit-epiphany @1lellykins
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