#peak hill being the absolute worst in this
avengerscompound · 1 year
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Maria Hill
Secret Invasion (2022)
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request: oh my goodness, I've had this idea locked in my noggin for like, forever but I haven't had enough confidence to actually request it, can you write a Jax x Reader where they go out and look at the stars? Obviously, they aren't real stars, but maybe Jax had asked Caine for a favor or something.. I don't know, just WRITE I'M NOT GOOD WITH IDEAS PLEASE
Warnings: uhh cute dates and Jax being jax??
A/n: I'm so glad you could build up confidence to request to me! Don't be shy, I don't bite unless im asked to! (/j) in all seriousness though, the worst that'll happen is I classify it as heavy NSFW or I just... Don't do it for other reasons. Feel absolutely free to request almost anything!
"Jax, I swear to God if I end up breaking my nose or something because of you." You glared through the blindfold, obviously he couldn't see that but he could get an idea. He chuckled, "Wellllll, now that you mention it.." He playfully pushed you forward, almost making you trip on a rock. You gasped and smacked the air, attempting to hit him, which obviously was not working as you were just flailing your arms around. This made Jax actually laugh, and you pouted. "Are we almost there?!" You yelled out at him. He shrugged. You sighed, but then smiled. 'This is gonna be fun.' You thought sarcastically.
"Taaa daaa!" He smiled, taking the blindfold off and sitting down on the grass, tapping the spot next to him with a cheesy grin on his face. You smiled adoringly, the stars were so pretty. You gasped and sat down next to him slowly, just staring. (At the stars, not him..) "Jax, how did you.." You started, before he cut you off. "I may or may not have pulled a favor with Caine to get allowed outside tonight, but totally worth it." He smiled, looking at you. You grinned. "They're so pretty Jax, I don't even-" "not as pretty as you!" "Oh my god, do NOT use that cheesy [BLEEP]s line on me right now." You groaned, holding up a hand to his face and playfully pushing it back. He smiled a big ol grin, and booped your nose.
You stared at him for a hot minute with a 'seriously?' Look before jumping up and bopping his 'nose' full force. He gasped, and then glared at you.
"Oh it is ON, come here-" he yelled, chasing after you whilst laughing.
You both laughed as you toppled over onto each other in the grass, rolling down the hill fast but softly too. You grabbed Jax's shoulder for support, as you buried your face into his shoulder to suppress your laughter. This only made himself laugh harder though, causing you to still laugh as well.
Slowly, you two came to a stop on the hill, tangled in eachother's arms. You smiled up at him as you blinked, it was getting increasingly harder to keep your eyes open. You sighed, closing your eyes fully and snuggling into the giant teddy bear that was Jax. He froze for a minute, untill wrapping his arms around your waist as you drifted off. He smiled, (if you have bangs, read this part, if not, don't, ignore it) brushing your bangs onto the side of your head, he placed a tiny peck onto your forehead, watching the rise and fall of your chest.
Jax walked back into the tent with your sleeping form, he peaked over the walls with his head, making sure nobody was around. After he was sure, he walked into the main room still holding onto you. Caine appeared next to him suddenly, seemingly about to say something, but Jax put one finger to his mouth - or rather teeth. Caine got the hint, and nodded. He then looked between you and Jax. Jax rolled his eyes and nodded. Caine held up his fist, and Jax (against his will) hit his larger fist onto Caine's smaller one. And Caine was gone.
'Alrighty, now to get Sleeping Beauty off their Star-Sweet high and into bed.' He thought, walking faster towards the resting Corridors.(?)
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oh-three · 1 year
Anyway, an Andor analysis I’ve been wanting to make for a while:
Nemik, Skeen, and the concept of brothers.
In the Aldhani arc, we were introduced to Nemik and Skeen. A pair of rebels dressed as nomadic shepherds. In their introductory scene, we see Skeen sneak up on Nemik with a blaster, waking him. Almost like a prank between siblings. But also a lesson from the eldest to the one he strives to protect. And the following exchange: 
“Don’t tell Vel,” just as one would tell their sibling in hopes of keeping something from their parent. Not that I necessarily see Vel as a parental figure- but that’s not the point. This is absolute sibling mischief.
Flash forward to The Axe Forgets. Skeen and Cassian have a talk after he gets nosy and goes through the latter’s meager belongings. The conversation turns to the team. Skeen speaks of Nemik in a way that feels almost reverent, and the music adds to the moment. He may not speak it, but there’s something in the air that says he would be more than displeased with Cassian were he to somehow shatter Nemik’s faith in the cause. While his own reasons for being there may be selfish, he seems to care.
At breakfast, Skeen intrudes upon Nemik’s discussion with Cassian.
Skeen, almost teasingly: “Nemik sees oppression everywhere.”
Nemik, to Cassian: “Skeen pretends not to listen, but I know the message is sinking in.”
Skeen: still amused “He’s writing a manifesto. Did he tell you?”
This. It’s peak sibling relationship. Siblings will tease one another to no end, but beneath that is pride. Right here, Skeen is proud of Nemik’s work. He’s boasting about it. Even if he almost seems to be making fun of it.
Over the months spent together, Skeen has come to see Nemik as a younger brother, in a sense. Not by blood, no, but in the sense that he needs to protect and support him. He’s willing to keep secrets for him, to help him learn and move forward, and he’s willing to stand up and get Nemik to talk about his interests by starting the conversation himself.
Even at their last night at camp, when they burn the model of the Imperial base, Skeen stands right beside him. Looking after him. Comforting him for the destruction of such a fine creation, maybe. Whatever his intentions, his message then was clear: “I am right here beside you.” In mind and body.
And then again the next day, during their travels, we see the two of them hovering near the peak of one of the hills, Skeen’s hand on Nemik’s shoulder as he leaves to head back down and rejoin the others.
That night, the eve of the battle, he tells Cassian about his brother. It wasn’t true, no. He didn’t have a brother who drowned himself. But he did have a brother, one marching with him to what may have been (and was) their deaths, throwing away their lives to burn for a sunrise they’d never see.
It’s as if he’d known, at least that Nemik would not live to see the dawn, because he sits on the opposite side of Taramyn that he does. Preparing himself for the worst. Using physical distance to start building upon the mental side of it.
And when they’re dressed like the enemy, taking the final stretch to their doom, he stands in formation alongside Nemik- the whole way, either alongside him or in front of him. Never diagonal from him. 
Bathing in his company. It’s almost like a silent farewell. A silent apology that he will never utter himself.
Then all hell breaks lose, and in the midst of their escape, Nemik is crushed by the credits they’ve stolen from the Empire. Skeen is the first to notice what’s happened, and the one to pull Nemik from beneath it. He sits there and holds Nemik until the danger’s past and he’s fallen unconscious.
Skeen is the one who fights to go on the doctor detour. Yes, it suited his plan, but the passion, the urgency in his voice sets in stone that he did care for Nemik.
“This kid is the reason that we are here. He’s alive.”
“I don’t have a brother,” he says, as Nemik succumbs to his wounds back inside the building. And then, a man with nothing left to lose, he confesses his ill intentions, knowing full well what would follow: 
His death.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 4 months
How is Faerie Smut Not Its Own Genre at This Point???
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Ok, I've been on a faerie kick again lately, and I have just finished reading ACOTAR with a friend because he had started it and noped out, but agreed to try it again with me because he's the best. Like Fourth Wing, this book is a white girl BookTok darling, which means that the hype around this books peaks at "THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and "THIS BOOK IS THE WORST THING EVER WRITTEN AAAAAAAAAAAAA."
Y'all...this book is fine. It's aggressively fine. I think it has pacing and plotting issues, and it is absolutely oversold in terms of spice, but I didn't hate it, and there were bits that were fun. I would not kick this book out of bed. (I might kick it out of my classroom if I was teaching, but that's a separate issue.) Let's talk A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Spoiler warning here, because this book and series has been memed to hell and back, and I do not feel like avoiding spoilers is necessary. So SPPOILERS BELOW THE BREAK. Consider yourself warned.
Ok, so first thing's first: I like a good faerie story. I like a good scary faerie. And I am a wee bit of a sucker for a sappy love story once in a while. ACOTAR has all three of those, so objectively this book was fun. It hit some good beats for me, and I was not objectively opposed to faerie smut. Faeries are very flexible, they work in a surprising number of contexts--not to mention that the jump from "my boyfriend is a monster" to "my boyfriend is a high fae lord" is less of a jump and more of a sideways step. So just on paper, ACOTAR wasn't a hard sell for me.
For those of you who have been following my reviews--specifically the Artemis Fowl ones--you'll be happy to hear that Amarantha has been added to the Hall of Unnecessarily Extra Lady Villains with Opal Koboi and Semihrage. I am HERE for Amarantha girlbossing her way to absolute power while wearing the eye and finger bone of the dude she brutally murdered on the way up. I'm also a fan of her TRULY EPIC tantrum once Feyre has murdered two faeries, attempted murdered Tamlin and solved the goddamn riddle at the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND.
(And no, I'm still not over my John Oliver pitching a fit over the solution to the Da Vinci Code being apple levels of fury about THAT...but I digress.)
Amarantha fully leans into toxic girlbossing and just has FUN with it, and I'm never not here for that.
I also appreciated the little tweak of the Aos Si tradition of fairy hills and fairy mounds and fairy barrows into being under the mountain. Like, yes, that mountain is fae as HELL and I'm here for it. That was a nice little addition to the lore, and there's something about having an entire mountain above their heads that made Amarantha's court feel even more oppressive. I'm not sure how it managed not to feel like Khazad Dum, but it didn't, which was excellent.
The other thing I really liked was that the faeries in this series had a very clear sense of danger to them. No candy floss Disney Fairies here, the high fae are DANGEROUS and you can really and truly be fucked if you aren't fully on your game and know all the rules PLUS have a doctorate in rules-lawyering immortal beings. And even then, you could miss something and end up horribly murdered. Between Amarantha, the Night Court in general, the Attor, the Suriel, and the bogge, there was plenty of ambient danger around for our little human protagonist out of her depth.
The problems with this book for me were the aforementioned pacing and plotting problems, and also the romance. Let's take these one by one.
I think it's pretty well known that the last hundred-odd pages of Sarah J Maas books are where the action is, and while that can work for books (it worked beautifully for To Shape a Dragon's Breath), I wasn't buying it for ACOTAR. Feyre's time at the Spring Court draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged for me, and honestly I would have been happy with about a third of that timeframe. There was also some dragginess in the pacing under the mountain between the trials. A month between trials was just too long, and the time was not well-filled. A week. Just give it a week, you get the same bits between, and I'm not over here going "Why is this taking SO LONG??"
The pacing issues are at least a little exacerbated by the plotting issues. The first like...two-thirds of this book is a weird speedrun of a slow-burn Beauty and the Beast, except that Feyre isn't actually genre-savvy enough to KNOW that's what's happening, and the curse deadline actually passes (with everyone somehow blaming Feyre for this????) before anyone fills Feyre in on the fact that there was a curse in play at all. Then the last third of the book speedruns cursebreaking. Which was actually more interesting than "Feyre just kinda hangs out in a faerie castle for a few months," but very much felt like a completely different book.
Finally, we have the romance issues. And please, as y'all go into this, remember that I have a PhD in English and Film, and I have more life experience than your average 15-year-old who is inhaling this book. I am not the target demographic. Disclaimer out of the way...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???? Feyre spends more time with Lucien than Tamlin at the Spring Court, Lucien is the one who checks on her in her cell in under the mountain (yes, I know they explained it in the text, but it was a weak explanation and frankly, Tamlin could have TRIED), and then she spends a weird amount of time with Rhysand under the mountain, even if she doesn't remember most of it. She didn't have TIME to fall in love with Tamlin. I kind of hate to say this, but there was a huge sense of "You love the IDEA of him, sweetie" while I was reading. Not to mention that she kept flip-flopping on Tamlin while she was under the mountain. While he was physically in her line of sight she was all "I love this fae" but the second she's not looking at him, it's like he barely exists. Was this just an object permanence problem??? Like...Feyre, sweetie. I'm happy if you're happy, but you have not spent enough time with this man. You're just horny for the idea of him.
I also want to just...morally object to everyone BLAMING FEYRE for not knowing there was a curse? Like, even Belle knew that there was a curse in play, she was not expected to just...intuit that the Beast and castle were cursed. Like ten people told her about the curse. And I don't care that part of the curse was that nobody could tell Feyre, that did NOT serve the story.
The last weird thing I want to morally object to is everyone shaming Feyre for her illiteracy. Kids not having the opportunity to pursue education is a tragedy, but WE DO NOT SHAME THEM FOR IT. Feyre gets shit from EVERYONE about this, and the second trial hinging on an assumption that she can read just really hammered the "you are bad for not being able to read" home in the weirdest way. Just...What the hell???
All of that said, I want to reiterate that I would not kick this book out of bed. It has its problems, but I was indeed entertained--at least enough to finish the book. And full disclosure, my reading buddy and I are going to start ACOMAF next, so we're apparently hooked. And yes, you will eventually get a review of that one too!
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scaryscarecrows · 1 month
Link has definitely had worse weeks. The Calamity, ha, that. That was actually a weekend, but that was terrible. Shockingly, watching the world crumble and die before being brutalized by Guardians is, in fact, not fun. Or the week after he tried to ride the Lord of the Mountain. In his defense, he'd been awake for maybe a month at the time. He had no idea what it was other than 'horse-shaped'.
That time he got clobbered by Magda was terrible. He doesn't like to remember that week.
But this is up there! Ohh, it's up there. Zelda's missing--again!--his arm is...uh...well. He can use it, but it feels like it's being gnawed on by a Lynel pretty much constantly. Hyrule...he has no idea what's happening there, but this whole thing is a mess. And. It's selfish. Maybe a little tiny bit unheroic. But.
There's a veritable mob of people following him as he trudges across the field. All of them want something. Most of them don't even want Hero Business; there's somebody that wants a horse (catch one??), somebody else can start a business if he just gives them thirty pieces of amber (in this economy?), and still someone else wants him to bring a message to their third cousin twice removed in Hebra. The scientists are no better: Purah wants to try some new theory, but of course she can't just ask a civilian to leap off of Dueling Peaks, they'll die, so Linky, if you'd just climb up there...
Sweet mother of Hylia, he needs a nap.
The oozing hole in the ground comes into view. And. Look. He was going down there anyway. There's so many bomb flowers down there, and...well...he may have used more than a couple when he was riding on his stolen Yiga transport, firing wildly at the shrieking Bokoblins fleeing over the hill. It was justice. Those little menaces had knocked him off a cliff and into a pile of cactus. But he's out, is the point, so he was going down there anyway.
But this is absolutely in his top five worst weeks, and Furiosa wouldn't even let him have a Noble Pursuit because 'you're just too young!' He really has no idea if she's bullying him or believes it.
He stops at the edge of the hole. Takes a deep breath. And, before Robbie can ask to get another look at his arm, dives in.
If he screams "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" on the way down, well, he's earned it by now.
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stinkybreath · 6 months
do you trust me to recommend you some books
I read ~170 this year and here’s reviews of my top ten, written for fb and crossposted under the cut in case you’re interested
1: Camp Concentration by Thomas Disch
-I know it’s not obvious from the way I conduct myself here, but I have a very large vocabulary. I was a kid who read the dictionary and also any thesaurus I had access to. So, that said, consider how much it means to me personally that this book taught me 30-50 new words. This isn’t a huge part of the reason I loved this book, but it is a very impressive fact about it that I think will grab the attention of people who might otherwise not read it. This book changed the way I read, the way I think about literature, and the way I evaluate what I have previously read. It’s offensive to me that I lived 30 years as an avid reader and culture sponge without hearing about this book. I cannot recommend it enough. I give it top spot on this list for a very good reason. I’d like to avoid spoiling any of the plot because while I called the twist easily, discovery of each point was so delightful that I want you to have that same experience.
2: Cockatiel x Chameleon by Bavitz
-You all have plenty of experience with me recommending works of fiction published online in formats that deter most readers. This is a normal Najwa activity. I know how it sounds and I know, therefore, that this plea will go more or less unheard, but I BEG you. Look past the fact this was published on AO3. This is one of the most remarkable books I’ve read, period. I mentioned in my worst of how much it bothers me that most writers can’t plausibly write about the internet. This book is the FUCKING ZENITH of writing about being online. It is the absolute peak and I will be shocked if I ever encounter another work that overtakes it. This is a book about people who are so strange they are barely human, but in ways that will be instantly familiar, intimately true, to those of us who grew up on the internet. There is violence and abuse and love and beauty and Chatroulette. There is art and gore and exploration of identity and apocalypse. There is fucking POSTING.
3: Serious Weakness by Porpentine
-Charity Heartscape Porpentine is one of our greatest living authors, opinions of snide Twitter users notwithstanding. I am an evangelist for her Twine game poetry because it is so singular and so affecting. Even a decade on, I can play through Their Angelical Understanding and feel freshly stabbed in the gut. Imagine the thrill I felt when she posted about her completed novel. I would (strongly) recommend this even to people who (somehow) bounced off her games, because her prose style is very distinct from the voice those are in (yet still recognizable). This is an incredibly violent, sick, stomach-turning, difficult, ugly, terrifying book. It’s also ultimately asking the reader a question about love and compassion. If you are sensitive to any trigger in written word about any violent action one person can do to another, skip this book, but if you feel like you have the strength, give her the nine bucks or whatever that she’s asking and devour it like I did. A hook for you: our protagonist has a chance meeting with an embodiment of pain. What follows includes torture, gender, climate disaster, and Columbine. Gorgeous. This book almost convinced me to start doing video essays so I could explain to people the incredible factors at play in it.
4: Negative Space by BR Yeager
-I have been trying to read this book for free for so long that I broke my streak and paid actual money for it. It was one of the better purchases I made all year. Thanks to finally reading some Stephen King this year I now have the requisite foundation to see how heavily his style inspired Yeager in this book, but I would die on the hill defending my position that Yeager does King better than King ever did. There is evil seeping out between the lines of this book. Have you ever had a nightmare that made you feel doomed the entire next day? Have you ever felt you were trapped in your shitty, dying home town? Have you ever been seduced by the excitement of activities that you know might actually kill you? Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and looked at your own dark reflection? Go back to the deepest point of your teenage depression here.
5: We Who Are About to by Joanna Russ
-One of the shortest entries on this list and so one of the easiest sells, but it is just as full of meaning as any other that made the cut. There is so much implied and unsaid about this protagonist. She feels whole, like this is the last chunk of chapters in a series centered on her, but she represents something universal. She is one member of a group from a crash-landed spaceship, a group small enough in numbers that there’s no way for humanity to last on this planet more than one more generation. Any attempts to do even that are so plainly cruel and self-deluding that she wants no part of them, but the others with her don’t see it the same way. Her story is womanhood under patriarchy, it is life and death, it is self-determination. Brutal. I read this at the airport and cried in public.
6: Carrie by Stephen King
-As much as I hate to say it, I gotta hand it to Uncle Steve (or really to Tabitha). This book very nearly justifies the rest of his career on its own. I thought had picked up most of it from cultural osmosis, but there was a truly shocking depth that I couldn’t have found without experiencing it firsthand. Maybe it’s funny to use this word here, but this book is humanist and compassionate and sincere in a way that King never finds again, particularly with the women he writes. Carrie is so vivid that I felt a protective instinct for her throughout the book even though I knew she was about to discover her own power. She reflects parts of me about as well as Lindqvist did in Little Star, which is the work of art that is THE most personal to me. A classic for a fucking reason.
7: The Doloriad by Missouri Williams
-This year, lots of the books that I read had strange echoes of each other. In this, I can pick out shades of Carrie, of Camp Concentration, of We Who Are About To, and even of Serious Weakness. Rarely if ever are these references by each author, but it has enriched my experience by having unofficial interlocking intertexts for all of them. This book has been very divisive with reviewers, and I understand why, because it is cruel and the prose is extremely stylistic. This is somewhat experimental and fully literary and sincerely philosophical. I get it. Not for everyone. But it was for me. A clan of inbreds at the end of the world with their eyes on their scapegoat, nonverbal and disabled Dolores. It shocked me and it challenged me and I loved it.
8: The Ice Cream Man and Other Stories by Sam Pink
-These short stories did the exact opposite of the thing that pissed me off about The Florida Project. These are about people who are varying degrees of sympathetic but the same degree of desperately, penny-scrapingly working poor. The easy pull quote is “unflinching,” because it turns an eye on very ugly parts of real life for so many of us. I think people who grew up middle class will find some voyeuristic, prurient pleasure in these stories, but they’re not written for you. They’re written for us, the people who have lived this way.
I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman 9
-I don’t need to tell you how great this book is, because the whole of booktok has told you this all year. Instead, what I will say is that it is much stranger and less tidy than you’re imagining when you hear the blurb. It’s a short read and it is one of the few times I haven’t regretted following booktok’s advice.
Only Lovers Left Alive by Dave Wallis 10
-This barely squeaked onto this year’s best of, because I started it before 2022 ended and finished it early in the new year. As I read it, especially in the first 20% of the book, I was confused as to how it ended up on my TBR. But toward the end, and throughout the year as I’ve continued to think about it, I understand more instinctively than intellectually that this is a remarkable work. A short synopsis: in the 80s in the UK, there is an epidemic of suicide, but only by adults. The teens left behind forge their own path.
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theclearblue · 4 months
My One Piece Arc Ranking
Hey, I just caught up to the One Piece anime after a grueling six-ish months of it absolutely consuming me, and in celebration and pure self indulgence I want to rank them worst to best (in my personal opinion, my bias will get in the way). I love this series so much and I want to gush about it even more now that I have all of this free time. Under each arc I rank I'm gonna talk a little bit about my thoughts on each one, what I liked and didn't like, but even for the lower rankings I don't think there really is a fully bad arc of One Piece. Another disclaimer that this is all my opinion and I want to know what others think! Otherwise I'll start my ranking under the cut, and spoilers for uhhhh the entire series ahead (particularly for Marineford).
31. Syrup Village
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I'm sure on reread/rewatch this arc will definitely be better for me, but this arc almost made me drop One Piece in the very beginning. I like Kaya a lot and there are some pretty good moments like Nami dragging Zoro down that hill and established the Nami and Usopp duo that I love. But this gets dragged down by stupid catboy that has the most convoluted villain plan, a setting that is maybe the most generic in the entire series, and maybe controversially, I just didn't like Usopp's introduction (do not fear I love him very much now) and also did not care about them kids. Some small moments and characters I really like and it also establishes the theme of a pirate's son right to exist but overall it just drags on for far too long for no good reason.
30. Long Ring Long Land
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Even though I'm ranking it this low, this is one I've seen people call filler and I do disagree with that. Yes it's very low stakes but it's a good breather before jumping into the emotional beating that is Water 7. It has some good humor, establishes Robin as a part of the crew, foreshadows the tides that end up being a big part of Water 7, and the Zoro and Sanji davyback fight is undeniably very important for both of their characters and just a good scene. But while all of that's true, it's ranked so low because the Foxy pirates pissed me off with the blatant cheating, the setting kind of pales in comparison to most other settings in the series, and it goes on for far too long (i know it got super extended in the anime though). Not my favorite, afro Luffy was fun though.
29. Whiskey Peak
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God I want to rank this higher solely because I love the scene of Zoro taking on all of the bounty hunters by himself at night. I think Zoro gets reduced to just 'cool guy' too often but this is my indulgent moment where, yeah, I do just love how cool he is here lmao. I like the setting as well where it's this western setting with undercover bounty hunters, and Miss All Sunday's introduction lives in my head rent free at all times. Unfortunately though this has maybe the most out of character moment in the entire series with Luffy attacking Zoro and Zoro actually engaging in a fight with him? I was baffled at both of them for this but especially Luffy. The Princess Vivi reveal was also pretty clunky but I know that it was a pretty last minute decision that Oda made that Ms. Wednesday was Princess Vivi.
28. Reverse Mountain
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This is only so low because it's literally like 2 episodes, there's not much to say. This arc gets a lot better in hindsight when we meet Brook and Laboon is connected to him, but that's about it. Umm Crocus is kind of a fun character as well I suppose.
27. Orange Town
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I don't really have a lot of bad to say about Orange Town, I did actually really like it on first watch. Nami's proper introduction is great, the establishing of someone's treasure and how that relates to Nami is great, and I did cry over that little dog protecting that shop. Really what holds it back is that it maybe is the most boring setting in the entire series, and while I'm in love with my failwife Buggy now, he gives very much villain of the week here.
26. Amazon Lily
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Ok maybe this is controversial. The obvious highlight of this arc is Boa Hancock, she carries this arc on her back. Her introduction is amazing, her dynamic with Luffy I think is very funny and cute, and her flashback is really haunting but also mature in how it handles the darker themes shown. I think this arc needs to exist as a comedic relief after Saboady and before getting into the real meat of the Summit War Saga. That said I think the cast other than Boa and the old woman are kind of weak and it also feels like we could have spent just a little bit more time here in the world of Amazon Lily, which seems really interesting but it's not really properly explored.
25. Punk Hazard
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On paper, I really like Punk Hazard. I think the side cast is one of the strongest with Law and Smoker/Tashigi, the island has such an interesting background as Vegapunk's old lab and the battle sight of Akainu and Aokiji, good comedy (particularly with Law), some really standout character moments for Zoro, and such important setup that gets paid off in Wano, and Caesar was a decent villain. Even with all of these positives, oh my god was this a slog for me. Did not care that much about the kids (objectively awful what happened to them, i just didn't emotionally connect that much with them), I also didn't connect very much with Kin'emon or Momo at first, and we spent a lot of time on both of those things. So many highlights but overall I think the pacing of this arc really brings it down a bit.
24. Return to Sabaody
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Not much to say on this, it's only like five episodes, but it was such an amazing moment to see the strawhats reunite with each other and show off a little bit on how much stronger they are. Good humor with the fake strawhats, especially with poor Chopper believing that all of his friends just turned into major assholes over the last two years. Also a big fan of Rayleigh and him seeing Luffy off was a very wholesome and sweet moment that I really love a lot.
23. Post-Enies Lobby
Great breathing room arc after the emotional rollercoaster of Water 7/Enies Lobby, while also getting some new answers and questions about the wider world with Garp and Dragon being revealed to be related to Luffy and seeing Ace confront Blackbeard. Another standout moment is Zoro standing up to the crew about Usopp coming back into the crew and also Usopp's true apology being fully accepted. Franky joining the crew officially is also a great moment. No complaints really, just a solid arc.
22. Reverie
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This is almost surely going to go up in ranking once we actually get some more of the questions presented here answered. Amazing to see Vivi and Cobra again, and to see Rebecca and Shirahoshi befriending each other with Vivi as well. Great moment of the celestial dragon from Fishman Island who was saved by Shirahoshi's mother stepping in to save Shirahoshi, I did not see it coming. I have no idea what the frozen strawhat or Imu is all about.
21. Baratie
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This is maybe ranked too high, Don Krieg is undoubtedly a pretty weak and one dimensional villain and there is kind of a double edged sword (no pun intended) where the best moment in the arc goes to the Zoro vs. Mihawk fight...even though this is Sanji's arc lmao. But! I think that moment is important to Sanji's arc too, and this is the arc that really started winning me over to One Piece. Fantastic introduction to Sanji and his character/ideals, great comedy with Luffy being put in a kitchen (a mistake), obviously Zoro vs. Mihawk, and Nami running away from the strawhats back to Arlong Park.
20. Drum Island
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Ohhh my poor baby boy Chopper. Chopper's backstory is obviously a highlight but really most of the arc really works for me. This is where I really fell in love with Vivi in her care for Nami and teaching Luffy when to fight and when to show respect and ask for help, which sticks with Luffy. Himbo Zoro diving into an ice lake is great comedy, and Luffy carrying Nami and Sanji up that mountain was such an impactful moment. The stuff with Chopper and the doctor is heartbreaking as well, such a great flashback. My only gripe is that Wapol kind of sucks as a villain, I don't care for him in any kind of way.
19. Little Garden
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You see objectively I know that Drum Island should be above Little Garden. But I had so much fun with Little Garden that I can't help myself. Zoro in the wax statue is in the top 5 gags in the entire series, and is really where this absolute idiot won my heart. Honestly the comedy is all so top notch for me and I also really liked the giants and dinosaurs(I'm mentally like a six year old, sue me). This also introduces Sanji as Mr. Prince and Crocodile, and I love both dearly. I think when we get to Elbaf this arc will only get better with time.
18. Fishmen Island
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Objectively one of the most beautiful and stunning worlds in all of One Piece, it was pure eye candy the entire time and it was so well fleshed out. The biggest highlight is the Fisher Tiger/Otohime flashback, where I thought the themes of racism were really well done and gave a lot of depth to Arlong that puts Arlong Park in a new perspective. I think thematically it's one of the strongest in the entire series, but is brought down a bit by kinda eh villains, I didn't connect too much with Shirahoshi's character, and, to put it nicely, some of the comedy falls flat (Sanji...)
17. Dressrosa
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This arc is a lot of good fun until it gut punches you out of the blue. The tournament arc Luffy is in is a lot of fun, I love the world with the toys and the darkness underneath, and Rebecca but especially Kyros are such compelling characters. But we all know the real strength of this arc is Doflamingo and Law's backstory. Doffy is the best villain in the series so far and I hate his guts, the Law backstory made me actually sob I'm being so serious. What brings it down a bit is I think even with just manga canon material, this arc went on a bit too long, and while I'm trying to keep the quality of the anime out of my ranking, Dressrosa undoubtedly suffered more than any other arc adapted so far with terrible pacing and bland direction.
16. Skypeia
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If there's one thing I know about Skypeia it's that everyone and their mother has an opinion about it. It falls in the middle for me, but overall I am a big fan. One of the most gorgeous worlds in the entire series, really great comedy throughout (Skypeia Zoro you'll always be famous to me), and the Noland/Calgara flashback followed by the ringing of the bell are big highlights of pre timeskip One Piece. There was so much foreshadowed here as well that I get very excited everytime I see Skypeia mentioned afterwards. The only thing drawbacks to this arc for me is that it does maybe go on for a little too long, particularly in the second act, and while I've accepted that everyone in One Piece is built different, I could not suspend my disbelief as literally everyone took multiple lightning strikes and after being knocked out for a bit were fine. I think why this bothers me compared to other instances where "Hey normal human beings Can't Do That" is because it really cuts the impact and threat level of Enel by a lot.
15. Impel Down
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Impel Down is just fun all the way through, and is where I realized how strong of a protagonist Luffy is. Luffy building a makeshift crew out of the villains we've seen up to this point was just a brilliant idea, and each of them really shine even if they were a kinda of eh villain before (which might be all of them with the exception of Crocodile). The Dante's Inferno inspiration and the secret Rocky Horror gay dive bar was a treat, the introduction of Jinbe and Ivankov were both highlights, and even with the main supporting cast set aside (which in many other series I would despise), it really works in Impel Down leading into Marineford. As I'm writing this I feel like I'm putting it too low, because I have really zero complaints, but I just enjoy what's ahead a bit more.
14. Jaya
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Jaya is so short but is one that comes back around so much in the story and has such memorable moments within the arc itself. Bellamy and Blackbeard are such great foils to Luffy, and Luffy and Zoro taking that beating in the bar really cemented how they're just on the same wavelength and also that what Shanks taught Luffy really stuck. A lot of big character introductions such as Blackbeard, Kuma, and Doffy (look at his stupid ass bird walk above lmao). Jaya lays a lot of groundwork for the themes of dreams and the overall world in One Piece, while also just being a good time.
13. Romance Dawn
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Everyone talks about how you have to get to Arlong Park before One Piece really starts getting good (which on one hand is true), but I was immediately intrigued at the very beginning with Romance Dawn. The flashback with Shanks really establishes the core of who Luffy is and sets up so many themes in the series within such a short amount of time, and the Zoro flashback is also very strong writing from the beginning where we can immediately get a sense of his character from that and his introduction when he's tied to the post. Captain Morgan and Alvida are pretty meh, but I liked Koby a lot at the beginning as well and I enjoyed Romance Dawn when I was watching it and looking back.
12. Loguetown
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Short arc that has a lot of good little moments throughout, and another arc where this will get better with time (especially when we get to know more about Dragon I think). No negatives to this arc for me really, I loved the introduction of Smoker and Tashigi, Luffy seeing the execution podium and also the lightning strike coming down to save him, Dragon saving Luffy from Smoker, and Zoro and Tashigi in the sword shop are all such great moments that keep getting built upon as the series goes on.
11. Post War
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Post War is really where I fell in love with Ace's character and made his journey throughout the series way more impactful in retrospect. Seeing him say that he wants to become a pirate even if people fear or hate him, and seeing that happen after Marineford where he's so clearly loved by so many and it overwhelms him, that got me. Luffy and Jinbe both standout here as well, seeing Luffy being broken by grief and Jinbe holding him down and asking what he still has, and Luffy remembers his friends? It's such a bitterweet moment. Such a good arc to round out pre-timeskip One Piece. Only complaint is that Sabo has maybe the most obvious fakeout death here in the whole series.
10. Thriller Bark
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HEAVILY letting my personal bias win on this one, I know that people don't view it that favorably and I get it. It's a bit bloated pacing wise, the villains range from mediocre to the worst in the series (looking at you Absalom, but not my ghost girl Perona <3), and this is the start of Sanji starting down a dark path of being overbearingly pervy. I get it all. The positives of this arc really outweighs all of this though for me. I love the gothic setting and it feels like the first time Oda really plays with genre. This is a contender for one of if not the funniest arc in One Piece, while also having some of the darkest but best moments in the series with Brook and Zoro (I could write an essay on both of them during this arc). I think every strawhat here has a multitude of shining moments with none of them fading into the background, and Moria as a foil to Luffy as a failed pirate king is such brilliant foreshadowing for Sabaody Archipelago.
9. Zou
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A fun fact about me is that almost everytime I see talking animals in a story, I hate it (if you follow me for JJK you know who my least favorite character is...). Chopper was a pretty big exception already but I wasn't looking forward to this arc when I saw the focus was going to be a tribe of talking animals. Little did I know just how much I would love the Minks tribe, the world of Zou, and just the sheer amount of setup it accomplishes while still being such an entertaining and fascinating arc in of itself. I have been spoiled for a lot in this series, which for the most part I haven't minded, but I am so glad I was never spoiled on "Raizo is safe." Completely blindsided me and is genuinely a contender for one of the best moments in the entire series. The sidecast of the Minks is so strong, the information we get about Laugh Tale and Wano is so intriguing, and after a pretty long stint of Sanji being mostly reduced to perv jokes for several arcs, this is the start of his amazing character development.
8. Marineford
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So just know that I know that this is objectively a top 5 arc in One Piece, this is a kind of climax few series can ever hope of achieving, and it's not even the halfway point. It was so much fun seeing characters all the way from episode 1 to 450ish show up for this fight, but the stars of the arc for me were Whitebeard, Jinbe, Doffy, Croc, Marco, Koby, and Buggy (for the comedy lmao). This is a fantastic arc with very very few drawbacks. The reason it's ranked lower than it should be is because 1. This is a long fight, and while they are great it's not the real reason I love this series, and 2. that I got spoiled sooo much for Marineford. Like a ridiculous amount. The obvious one being Ace, and I'm especially annoyed about it because I got spoiled for it in such a stupid way. I really don't mind spoilers most of the time but this really cut the tension for me in a lot of places, and it didn't affect the quality but it did affect my overall enjoyment where it isn't an absolute favorite of mine. With that said, Marineford is still so good and has some of the best moments in the whole series.
7. Alabasta
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This arc is maybe the most classic kind of story found in One Piece, and this is maybe the arc I would say you could show to someone without much context needed and if they enjoy this, they'll probably like the rest of it. The strawhats all have standout moments throughout this arc, I particularly like Nami, Zoro, and Sanji in this arc, but the two who steal the show are Vivi and Crocodile (which while Doffy I think is the best villain, Crocodile is my favorite and acts a fantastic challenge to both Vivi and Luffy). Alabasta feels like the first time of really digging into the politics of the world, and is such a classic epic fantasy which I adore. Pell's sacrifice would be a contender for one of the best moments in the series, but this ends up being maybe the most offensive and appalling fakeout death in the entire series (and there are...a lot). But this is really my only gripe with the arc.
6. Wano Country
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If there's an arc where I can just feel love poured into it, it's Wano. The buildup and anticipation was (for the most part) paid off so well, and Wano is one of the most beautiful worlds in the entire series. I was a little annoyed at first that there was so much focus on the Red Scabbards, but I really fell in love with them and their story with Oden. Yasuie's sacrifice is another contender for one of the best moments in the series, and of course the reveal of Gear 5 as well. Wano has some of the highest high's in One Piece, but is held back a little bit by a few different small things for me. Kaido and Big Mom feel a little bit disappointing, and Wano is carried by it's minor antagonists I think. The raid goes on for way too long and has quite a few throwaway characters that I don't think needed to be focused on or even included. There also are quite a few instances where "deaths" of certain characters are given a lot of weight and then it's a fakeout, while other characters who actually die don't get that same narrative weight, which was just a bit strange and jarring. Even with these issues though, this was such a fun world to spend a lot of time in and is still a top arc for me.
5. Arlong Park
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Literally every person always says "Get to Arlong Park before considering dropping the series" and I was like ok....I was already enjoying it before, particularly with Romance Dawn and Baratie. But yeah those almost pale in comparison to Arlong Park. What hasn't been said about it at this point. Nami's character arc throughout the East Blue saga is paid off so well and the strawhats going to help her really encapsulate all of the love they have for each other. Everyone knows the iconic moments like the hat pass off and Luffy destroying the map room (and I love both of those scenes), but an underrated scene is when Zoro jumps into the water to test Nami's bluff, betting his life on if she was a true friend or not (and he knew that she was). This arc also gets better with age from what we learn from Sabaody and Fishmen Island.
4. Whole Cake Island
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There are drawbacks to this arc that should place it lower than fourth place. The pacing isn't great, particularly with the rampage in the second act, I would have really liked more for Chopper to do in this arc, and Big Mom gets a little bit overshadowed here. But this arc was so desperately needed for Sanji's character and he won my heart again and establishes him as one of the most complex and interesting strawhats. Apart from him, Nami and Brook get some really incredible scenes as well, and the side cast with Germa and the Big Mom pirates is maybe the best in the series. Judge and Katakuri are both excellent villains in completely different ways, and I was so invested in Pudding, Reiju, and Chiffon. Not to mention this is also a top contender for one of the best worlds in the series, and I'm a big sucker for fairytales, especially when they're twisted ones like with WCI. The themes of family throughout this arc are some of the best written in any media I've seen and I fell in love with this arc despite it's flaws.
3. Sabaody Archipelago
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I really don't mind spoilers, but if there's any arc I'm happy I didn't get spoiled on it's this one. Thriller Bark was for the most part a fun time, but it had some really heavy moments towards the end that I was sure when arriving at Sabaody that this was also going to be a good fun time. It's a theme park! The introduction of the Worst Generation which leads to some really fun interactions especially with Kidd and Law. There's some really good humor in this arc. But oh my god was this arc just a gut punch out of nowhere, where it's maybe the most fucked up island to date, and recontextualizes so much of the broader One Piece world. The introduction of Rayleigh and Luffy punching the celestial dragon are such amazing moments, but of course the ending to the arc is what stands out. Seeing them lose so clearly, and taking into account they surely would have died without Rayleigh stepping in and Kuma having secret motives, it's devastating. Zoro being the first sent away and Robin the last is maybe one of the most evil writing moments in the entire series, but god is it so good. This will surely only get better once I read Egghead and Kuma's backstory.
2. Enies Lobby
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Yeah real original opinion I know, and you can really count this as tied to #1 as well, but if I had to choose I personally prefer the next arc just a little bit more. The special thing about Enies Lobby to me is of course the culmination of Robin's arc where she finds that she wants to live and seeing her backstory, but also the fact that each strawhat fades into the background, I can point out multiple amazing character moments for each of them throughout. CP9 is a good challenge for all of them, Gear 2 and 3 are amazing, and Sogeking shooting down the world flag feels like the start of One Piece in some ways. And of course, I cried over that stupid boat.
Water 7
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Another super original opinion, but yeah this is an arc that has only the highest of highs and I cannot personally think of a bad moment throughout the entire arc. Another contender for one of the most interesting and prettiest worlds in the series, with an amazing side cast with Galley La, the Franky family, and Kokoro and Chimney. The CP9 twist also got me good, and I originally disliked Franky but he won over my heart as well. Just like Enies Lobby this arc has standout moments for every strawhat that I could about in length, but the internal strife within the crew and how they're tested is unlike anything else in the series, and Usopp's character arc in Water 7 was so well written, and this where I really started loving him after his kind of rough introduction. If Oda can somehow write an arc better than this one I'll be in absolute shock, this is just incredible writing that most could never achieve.
If you read through this all thank you so much <3 I don't expect a lot of interaction from this post which is totally fine, I made this more for fun, but I love One Piece a super normal amount (<- a lie) and I love talking about it, so I always want to hear other people's opinions as well!
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purplesurveys · 2 months
What's for dinner tonight? Too soon to tell, it's only 8 AM; I don't even know yet what food I'm craving today haha. I'll be in BGC this afternoon for an event though, so I'm already thinking of picking up Shake Shack – either that or Salad Stop.
Do you prefer cold or room temperature drinking water? Cold.
How many different things have you had to drink today? Just water and coffee.
When you read a book, do you use a bookmark or simply dog ear/fold the top of the page? I remember the general range of the page number I stopped on – like if I paused on page 67, I'll mentally bookmark it as simply the 60s – so I can read a bit of a recap and remember better where I left off the next time I read again.
What's the nearest city to you with a population of at least one million? QC.
During the pandemic, did you use reusable or disposable masks? Disposable ones.
What is your favourite local restaurant? It's a spot that serves Korean food. Authentic-anything restaurants are hard to come by here because *everything* is in Metro Manila, so I'm really happy we have this lovely nearby Korean spot where the owner is actually Korean, so everything is super quality.
Have you ever been harassed while minding your own business walking down the street? Yeah of course, by men.
Do you own a gun? Have you ever thought about getting one? Um, no. And no.
Do you know anyone who owns a gun? As far as I know, no. I'm better off not knowing.
What year is/was your 10 year high school reunion? Will you (or did you) attend? It should be next year, 2026, if we're even organizing something. I might! It depends if my friends from the batch wanna go though.
Do you cut your sandwiches into triangles or rectangles? I just keep the square sliced bread as is.
Have you ever seen a panda in real life? Where was it? I don't think I have.
Are there any postcards hanging around the house? If so, where are they from? Nope.
Does it snow where you live? No.
When was the last time you took a flight? Where did you go? Discounting the flight back home, it was a flight to Kuala Lumpur last June.
Is there a flight path over your house? Yes.
Does your neighbourhood have a lot of hills? No, it's gotten very urbanized here and you'll want to go to the provinces if you want to chance upon hills.
Have you ever had Covid? What was your experience like? Yeah it finally caught my ass last year, around October. My case was nastier than most others' – started off with a fever, then I started losing my voice, my sense of taste, then my throat started to stage a fucking rebellion and raised absolute HELL for a week. The throat was the worst part. At the peak of it my body felt like a combination of being composed of glass + an actual corpse and I was like 30% convinced I might actually die lmao.
It definitely took its sweet time hanging out, so it was a relief when my throat started to feel normal again and when I realized I could already sit up.
Do you have any alcohol in your house right now? We have a few bottles of wine.
Do you tend to keep alcohol around the house for when you might want it? Yes, or when I have friends come over.
Has a romantic partner ever given you a pet as a gift? No.
Do you ever talk on the phone with friends? I really only ever do this with Angela, and even then it's not all that often. I ultimately prefer just texting/messaging each other.
What was the last thing someone said to you in person? "I don't know, I'll need to ask" after I asked my sister if her friends like anything from Starbucks. I'm driving her and her friends for their little get together/lunch out today, and since I plan on getting coffee to-go, I asked her to ask her friends what they'd want too so I can include in my order.
Are you hungry right now? What would you like to eat? Tbh not really, right now I just want coffee.
How far away are your parents right now? My mom is like 20 feet away, in the other room. My dad is 15,000 kilometers away.
Do you believe in aliens? Yes.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? I don't think so!
Do you own any clothing made from animal products like leather or fur? I don't think so.
What's the best vacation you've ever been on? Thailand with my friends :)
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bslack12 · 11 months
End of Week 2 and Montmartre
As someone who had not been an enthusiast of the arts for much of my young life, I am quite content that I have nurtured a continued growth for all things artistic over the past five years or so. I used to think that going to the art museum with mom would have been the worst punishment in the world, but just before we left we went to both a museum and a botanical garden in a week span.
I think I can trace this shift back to a trip to Washington D.C. in 2018, when beforehand I had complained about museum travel, but then fell in love with the Smithsonian and all the different areas with which the museum had a dedicated section. I also remember the National Gallery, where a da Vinci, one that no one really revered or cared about other than the fact of its author, connected me to the rest of the world. It was not just paintings, as architecture, music, botanics, and many more of the humanities other than pure history had suddenly begun to grasp my attention. I think I had strayed away for the longest time because I was very bad at art and music, and did not want to spend time with things that I was not the best at. However, as I matured, I realized that I could appreciate these beauties while also being content in the fact that my talents lied elsewhere. I began to take classes on art and music that focused more on the history of the subjects, and I loved being able to have a new repertoire of facts to immerse myself in.
Flash ahead to this month and I find myself in the capital of the arts world. Everywhere I turn and there is something new to marvel at and lose myself in thought if I give myself the chance. While the museums have been great and I think that I explain them deeper in other posts, I think my favorite art of Paris is what surrounds me all the time. The city itself is a masterpiece, with each street, building, lamp, gate, doorway, etc. giving itself to a new detail of the work. The architecture is just absolutely stunning and I still can not get over the beauty with each building I look at brings me. From the wonderful palaces to the uniquely Paris apartment buildings that come to their peak at the corner of a triangular block straddling two streets, there is always something wonderful that makes Paris the city that it is. One of my biggest gripes with America is the absolutely eye-wrenching design of most of the country for the sake of commercial interests. Square, plain buildings exist in large spaces with nothing but parking lots surroundings, creating eye sores wherever you look. It has been so nice to just appreciate what civilization can look like with effort, a care for history, and the eye of design at mind.
Moving on to today's events, I had finally recuperated from my Bastille Day adventures to attack another day in Paris. I decided to get another check off my list, going to the Hôtel de la Marine after breakfast. I had my interest piqued during Week 1 after I saw an advertisement for an exhibit with the tagline "Quand l'Anglais parlient français". I had been wanting to make it over for some time, so I ventured over to the Concorde and began my tour. It was like the museum of the future, with self-service kisoks, guided headsets that played recordings based on location, and dark rooms with special lights. The permanent collection included anceint works from around the world, while the temperary exhibit, on loan from the Victoria and Albert, was a cool look into medieval England and its relation with France. The rest of the building was decadent, as there were halls colored in gold, beautiful salons, and a great view of the Concorde.
It was then time for class at Montmartre, where some of the best views of the city were seen. Sacre-Cœur was stunning (another great example of architecture in the city), but I really enjoyed the old village of Montmartre, with the tiny, cobbled streets that went up and down with the hills. These moments are the ones where I feel blasted into the past and just relish the amazing society around me.
The day was not done quite yet, as stops at the Place Vendôme and Pond de l'Alma added some great sights and walk to the day and checked off a few more boxes on what seems like a growing list of things I want to do in my remaining days in Paris.
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dnf-fic-recs · 3 years
fav college/high school aus!
lovesick (the beat inside my head) by meridies
After moving to Florida, George relies on his online best friend, Dream, to help him adjust to his new school. But only a few weeks in, George falls head over heels for one of the most popular boys in school, Clay. With the help of his new wingman, Sapnap, and his best friend Dream, George tries to win Clay over. Surely nothing about this will go wrong.
It's when... by Mashed_Potatoes42
It’s August when,
Two things occur, George moves to Florida during his junior year and he ends up sitting in front of the boy he saw in the halls on the first day.
cadmium red by luckylikeyou & timelimez - Explicit
Dream is an art major stuck with an insufferably boring professor, but his interest in the class is instantly peaked when a cute international student is hired to model for figure painting exercises.
Computer science major George decides to take up an offer from the art department, and he suddenly finds himself modeling for a guy with paint stained hands who is maybe just a little obsessed with him.
jaw. by saintaches - Explicit
Dream and George attend the same prestigious conservatoire, and they fucking hate each other.
I Can't Tell What You're Thinking (Please Tell Me What You're Thinking) by jungkooksfic
“I can’t tell what you’re thinking,” George finally says, breaking their unbearable silence. His voice was pleading, begging for clues. Dream remains silent, and for once, George absolute hates it. He hates it so much that he feels sick. “Please tell me what you’re thinking,” George whispers, his voice low. He remembered when Dream had said that to him, voice raw and vulnerable, eyes filled with all the guilt in the world. And now here George was, not at fault, yet he was still the prey of miscommunication. “I don’t know,” Dream says slowly, “what I’m thinking.”
It all happened by accident, really. Dream was supposed to pass his computer science class, not fall in love with the cute guy who sat in the front row. (The funny thing is, Dream can read minds. Literally. He can hear everyone's thoughts. Falling in love hadn’t been an option… at least, not until this perfect, British asshole decided to ruin that for him.)
hug all ur friends by heyobsessions - Sapnap perspective
“Dude, my TA is so your type,” Sapnap said in greeting, sitting down across from Dream in the library.
“Huh?” Dream said. “How do you know my type?”
“He’s like… twink central,” Sapnap said.
Or, Sapnap watches his best friend fall in love.
Watermelon Sugar High by isntitcrazy
The same could not be said about his next move. Even if it had technically been Sapnap who started it, it had been Dream who kept it going.
“I dare you to ask him out.”
At first, Dream had raised an eyebrow. For one: who was him? Two: was Sapnap even being serious?
Taking that dare was either the best or worst decision of Dream's life. Maybe both.
pine hill by angelbeachcat
Academic rivals Dream and George get stuck sharing a room for their senior year at Pine Hill Academy. Dream doesn't have time to waste arguing with George; they already do that plenty during Robotics meetings and every other situation where the two of them are forced to work together. He's got more important things, like football and college to worry about. When George begins to disappear at odd intervals, Dream finds himself more concerned than he thinks he should be.
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Curious Travels - Geralt of Rivia x (f)reader
- reader is part of my Of Monsters and Men series
Summary: Yet again has your humble bard dragged you and Geralt to another kingdom for whatever reason, though as the snow falls outside, you know just how to keep warm.
Warning: fluff, SMUT, some actual plot
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Jumping off of your own horse you’re immediately greeted with the soft crunch of snow under your boots. Your pack of three mighty adventures have traveled all this way to the wintery mountainside kingdom of Turga for, as Jaskier would say, “food, festivities, and fun times to be had”. Not being one to ever walk away from such intriguing tidings, you’ve made it a point to accompany Jaskier on his trek to the kingdom.
Geralt on the other hand could absolutely not be bothered in the slightest to come for such “fun times to be had” but he loves you and begrudgingly decided to follow the two of you anyways.
The whole ordeal of traveling had taken about a week, through forest and fields, streams to pass and bridges to cross, until finally at last your horses had reached snow. And more importantly the wooden post naming the direction of said mountain kingdom, causing your bard to become even more chipper and talkative then usual.
Much to your amusement and Geralt’s silent moody frustration, though he would have liked to smack the bard across his head or quite possibly snap that lute in two. Watching your face light up at Jaskier’s jokes and stories from before he met both you and Geralt, so far has kept the grumbly Witcher to himself, just being able to see your beaming face is enough to make this trip all the better.
Though he’s still doubtful anything fantastic will actually come out of this journey in any way, considering most travels with the two of you end rather poorly.
You’re eyes grew big once they spotted the snowy glowing city of Turga sitting comfortably atop a silver hill in all her beautiful glory. Jaskier wasn’t fooling, this place is absolutely magnificent, it’s like a true winter wonderland.
Great evergreens stand tall at the large wooden gates of the town, two guards dressed in silver armor and a red sash over their breast greet you three with generous smiles of welcome tidings that take you more off center then you’d ever expected. How strange it is not to be looked down upon, or scrutinized by people who always tend to think the worst.
Jaskier simply grins, clearly knowing something you and your grouchy Witcher do not, but what could that possibly be, then again it isn’t exactly abnormal. Following closely behind, you and Geralt lead your horses along the snow covered streets as Jaskier leads the way to the stables.
The whole time your eyes have been wide in awe at the beautiful surroundings of the town, lanterns held up by steel chains hang in a line above your heads. Dashing evergreens keep watch from their various positions in the square. Oddly enough the stables look cozy, decorative pines are hung at the front doors, and from the opened windows you can see on the inside that there are rafters kept along with ornamental little flags of a hundred colors.
Soon enough the face of a dirt smudge stable boy races out of the wooden door, a wreath on the back of it jostles at the quick unexpected movement. Although on further inspection you realize he is a sylvan once you notice the two hooves peaking out from under his oversized cloak, he smiles brightly at the three of you while his big shimmering eyes shine a soft pink as he shuffles through the snow to Jaskier’s steed.
“Vallo Vaskier! Hove yuv bveen!” Exclaims the boy in a peculiar accent with a smile that could light up a room.
“Oh you know..” Shrugs the bard, “A bit of this a bit of that. But here’s something....I have made some loyal companions on my travels, they’re a real time, it’s been great honestly...although a tad bit dangerous at times but eh I’m still breathing.” He laughs, “So anyways, when’s the grand feast at the lady of winters hall?”
The boys face turns into a thrilled grin, “Are you performing?”
Jaskier glances to you before turning back to the kid, “Of course I am. Didn’t just travel all the way up here for nothing. So uh, when’s the feast?”
“Oh, right the veast. You hev to be invited first. But I vouldn’t vorry to vuch, vord alveys spreads vhen you’re here Vaskier.” States the stable boy with a curt nod.
“Boy you got any taverns close?” He snaps his head up to you, curls bouncing in the process as he gives a shy smile before nodding.
“Of course mviss. Vaskier knows ver they are.”
A smirk plays at your lips as you find the bards gaze, “I should have know.” You mutter, turning your head to find Geralt, “Now to find that tavern.” You add suggestively with a quick wink. Causing your man to hand you the smallest of smiles in knowing acknowledgment. 
“Alright, Finn. Take this pretty lady to her home for the night. You’ve got two others who’ll need a stall.” States Jaskier as he nods to his horse, “And uh, the one with the scary face and white hair, be good to his mare. She’s very special to him, more then the half-vampire that rides with us and..Oh! Oww! Y/N don’t hit me woman!” Stammers the bard as you fold your arms across your chest.
A smirk upon your lips at his flustered reaction, “What was that about Roach being more special then me? You didn’t finish what you where going to say.”
“Well I would have if I wasn’t assaulted first.” Assures Jaskier, turning back to the kid, “Anyways, we’re ready to find our stead’s a place for the night. Well perhaps a couple nights, we may be here for a few days give or take.”
“A few days? He never said anything about that?” Grumbles Geralt in that familiar gravelly voice of his, “Y/N did he mention a few days?”
Grasping your horses leather reigns in one hand, you rest the other on Geralt’s broad cloaked shoulder, “Oh where’s your festive spirit? Come on love this is gonna be fun. I can feel it.”
Turning to follow Jaskier and the stable boy into the barn, Geralt tugs for Roach to start walking, rolling his golden eyes as he watches you swagger into the large pine rimmed entrance. Though a small tinge of excitement rushes throughout his body when remembering that subtle wink you shared with him only moments ago.
Your crimson irises light up at the colorful flags and cozy barn atmosphere, perfect for the tired horses that so desperately could use a good rest. You’re never this impressed by such festive decorations most times, but it’s been a long while since you’ve bared witness to such things. It feels rather nice, and anyways, another adventure with your boys is always welcomed.
The stable boy quickly takes Jaskier’s horse to get settled for the night, leaving yourself to find your own stable and Geralt to do the same. You turn, leading your own mare into a hay covered stall and doing what you can to help her feel more comfortable.
Taking off her saddle, you lay it off to the side, going now to brush her brown back, smoothing her fur down as you do. While so lost in your own little world you can’t help but begin rambling about your thoughts to the patient horse.
“Now since it’s come to mind...I think this place isn’t too bad, ya know? I haven’t really met any of the townsfolk so my true impression of the people here have yet to be determined. Although I’m not really getting a hostile feeling coming from this place so that’s good.” The mare snorts in reply, or at least you think she does, causing you to chuckle at the horses timely reaction, “Yes, my friend that’s exactly what I was thinking but you already new that and now I am talking to a horse.....and Geralt is standing right over there isn’t he.” You rush, whispering the last part to your horse.
Geralt leans his large frame against the wooden stalls door, a small amused smirk pulling at his lips as he watches you brush the mare. “Not strange at all. I think they understand, in their own way.”
“Maybe it’s because I travel with you too much, look at me, I’m talking to a horse.” You mutter with a small laugh, “Though I guess their company can be better then an actual persons. I have a feeling you know my meaning.”
He smiles again, looking around the barn until his golden eyes find yours once more, “Better then most.”
You gently tilt your head in a small nod, brushing the last of the mares ruffled hide before setting the brush down. Then reaching for your belongings that are hanging from a metal hook inches from Geralt.
He politely steps to the side as you take your cloak and sheathed silver dagger from off of the hook, bundling them under your arm you take a step forward past him, stopping for a moment to not-so-subtly trail your eyes up to his handsome face.
“See something interesting?” He muses, eyeing you up just the same causing a swarm of butterflies to make themselves know in your stomach. 
Biting your lip you refrain from pushing him against the wooden wall and kissing him like your life depends on it, deciding to instead hug your things tighter and give him a small fangy smile.
“Oh, you have no idea.” Is all you can whisper out as you swiftly turn on your heel to go and find Jaskier before you change your mind and pounce on your Witcher like a cat to her prey.
It doesn’t take long to find him, the bard is casually seated on some blocks of hay as he gently strums on his lute while the stable boy brushes his horse for him. Jaskier is so caught up in his own world of playing that he neglects to notice when you’re standing directly in front of him.
“Jask!” You vocalize loudly, causing the entranced bard to jump and just about drop his prized lute if not for the strap.
“My gods Y/N, warn a man would you.” He sputters, setting himself a bit straighter once again as he gathers his bearings, “I could have dropped my dear lady just now.”
Taking a couple steps backwards towards Geralt, you chuckle, “In that case, I’ll try harder next time.”
Jaskier sends you a silent dirty look, causing Geralt to slip a couple hushed snickers out from behind you. “Alright bard..” Starts your Witcher, “where’s the nearest tavern? Considering it’s late and we’re all hungry.”
Jumping to his feet, Jaskier nods, “Right. Right. Of course, a tavern would be nice. Well my friend...and Y/N...let’s go find one.”
“Yes let’s.” Mutters Geralt, annoyance lacing his voice as Jaskier practically swaggers past the two of you, lute tightly in hand.
You turn to follow, nudging Geralt’s shoulder as you step past him, “Come on my White Wolf, let’s find that tavern. I could use a good rest, how about you?” The wink you send him is all but enough to fill his mind with wondrous thoughts for how his evening may truly end.
His heart admittedly fills with warmth and excitement as he watches you trail Jaskier out of the barn and into the wintery night air. Soft cool snowflakes kiss your warm skin as you stand in the silver wonderland, waiting for your Witcher to catch up.
A pleased smirk shows itself upon your face as you turn your head up to the dark clouds, enjoying the feeling of the small ice crystals as they float all around you. The night is absolutely divine, as you enjoy the small white puffs of air leaving forth from out of your mouth and nostrils.
You feel no chill from the harsh winter air, though you’re surprised when a certain someone unexpectedly attempts to throw a snowball at your back. Hearing the ball of ice swishing in the crisp air, you step inhumanly quick to the side.
A burst of laughter falls forth from your lips when the snow crashes into the shoulder of Jaskier as he looks from house to house trying to remember where the tavern is. He jumps back, his blue eyes wide as he snaps his jostled attention over to you, and the snowy haired man smirking from behind you.
“That was—was....Y/N!” Grumbles the bard with an angry pout before he begins to smile and eventually shake with laughter as well.
Chuckling still, you turn a raised brow to Geralt as he simply shrugs, “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Yeah okay, Sir. I-Didn’t-Even-Want-To-Come...” Suddenly your eyes narrow causing Geralt to loose his amusement, “You tried to hit me with a snowball, you fucker.”
Geralt takes a cautious step closer to you, a pleading look crossing his features, “And now I know how well your reflexes are.”
“You already know how well my reflexes are.”
“Yes. But...” He pauses for a moment, trying to think of what to say next as you await an answer, finally he takes another step closer, bringing his hand to tilt your head up with the tips of his fingers. His face so close now you can feel his hot breath against your skin, “I’ll deal with your wrath all night long if that’s what you’d wish.”
Gently removing his hand away from your face, you lean in even closer, your lips practically brushing past his own, “I think that is a deliciously appealing proposition, my love.”
Geralt has no time to answer before you swiftly shift away from him, leaving the man with his thoughts and slightly tighter pants as he watches you walk over to Jaskier once again, knowing exactly what you’re doing to him.
It took about a good fifteen minutes to actually track down the tavern of Jaskier’s choice, an admittedly large and homey hall appropriately called The Silver Faun Inn. Quite the name for quite the tavern, as per usual when walking into anywhere on the continent in a place like this.
Your marry band of three was immediately greeted with a multitude of cautious glares and many other intrigued excited glances. Though to your relief, no one dares bother either of you while you make to find a quiet corner for the late hour of the darkening evening.
Soon fresh food and tasteful ale is to be had, filling the three of you up just enough to be satisfied for the night, but not too much, you’ve got plans for later. Plans that are so obviously unnoticed by the titular bard who’s now decided the tavern is in desperate need of entertainment.
Leaning into Geralt’s strong side, a lazy smirk upon your face, you watch in amusement as Jaskier joyously strums his favorite lute. “Don’t think I’ve heard that ballot before.” You whisper.
Your quiet Witcher hums in reply, earning him a light friendly squeeze to his forearm that rests on the table next to yours, “The enthusiasm radiating off of you is just, astounding.” You chuckle, burying your face into his shoulder.
Geralt smiles affectionately at your adorable reaction to his less then impressive one, his heart swells with more silent joy when you pull away once again. Only to stop yourself from speaking, your scarlet irises so caught up in your lovers humored face.
You remain quiet for a moment, your face stoic though your eyes crinkle with mischief before you finally break out into a large beaming grin. Without a second thought, Geralt leans in to gently press his plush inviting lips against yours for a beautiful moment of love and lust.
He feels so lovely, you can tell just how much he truly wants you, but all to soon does he pull away, “I think we should find that room, what do you say Y/N?”
Biting your lip, you stare longingly into his golden eyes, “Fantastic idea. I got the keys so let’s get outta here.”
In a heartbeat do the two of you slip from the taverns quiet corner to wander past your oblivious bard as he belts out another marvelous tune that sends the crowd into fits of song and laughter. Soon all is forgotten and left to the back of your minds as you lead your Witcher up the steps and down to the end of the hallway where your room just so happens to be.
Quickly going to unlock it, you’re bewildered when the little metal key won’t turn left, huffing in frustration you try and force it as gently as you can muster. Geralt leans an arm against the doorframe doing nothing to help you focus on your new task at hand.
“Y/N just turn it left.”
“I am turning it left.”
“More gently.”
“I am turning it gently.”
“How much did you drink?” He chuckles.
Snapping your head to him you playfully make a face, “Same as you idiot, now if only I could fucking get this bitch open then we could...” Errreck. Crack. “Oh fuck me.” You deadpan.
“I’m trying.” Muses Geralt.
Smacking Geralt against his arm you take a step away from the broken lock, “Dammit. I broke the fucking key....and I think the lock too.”
“Can you open it now?”
Sighing in annoyance you raise a brow at your man, “Well uh, guess we’ll find out.”
Turning towards the thick wooden mahogany door with its freshly broken lock, you nervously reach a hand up to turn the golden door handle, sucking in a breath you twist the knob only to be met with resistance.
Pursing your lips together you lean your head against the door, “Whoever made these shit locks I’ll fucking cut their hands off cause apparently they don’t need them anymore with whatever kinda fuckery this is.” You growl.
All you wanna do is get it on with Geralt, this is not helping.
“You could just force the door.” Suggests Geralt.
“I’m not forcing the door love, I really don’t need a bounty on me for breaking a knob.”
“Well, guess we’ll just have to sleep in Jaskier’s room tonight then.” Replies your Witcher with a shit eating grin, he knows just how much you want him right now. And so help you god if you don’t get what you want when it comes to a night with Geralt of Rivia.
“No! No! I can handle the fucking door!” You sass.
Taking a step back into the hallway, he folds his arms over his chest, “Alright then. Open the door Y/N.” Smirks Geralt, urging you to create some chaos.
Huffing, you take a step back, readying yourself to charge the grand mahogany door. The smirk on your Witcher’s face is admittedly smackable or kissable, you just can’t bring it in you to focus on anything else but opening this door. He watches in anticipation as you charge, hands out and ready to force open the closed entrance as you make hasty steps for the tavern room.
Without warning the giant door swings opens, taking you off guard as you fly through the new opening and into the grand room before falling to the hard floor with a grunt. Your chin smacks the wooden floorboards with a thwack sound, your opened palms doing just the same when you land.
“Ouch.” You mutter, lifting yourself up from the ground, turning when your nose catches the scent of someone new.
Snapping to your right, you’re caught with big brown fearful eyes of a young maid, “Oh, uh....your room is ready miss.”
Not aware of the less then friendly grimace adorning your face, Geralt steps into the room before you decide to shove the girl out yourself, “Sorry. The lock wasn’t working, I think we may have broken it.”
Quickly snapping out of her frightened trance, the girl turns a nervous eye to your Witcher, “Um, that key you have there...it’s not the right one. I’ll just uh....leave then.” She whispers, her eyes never leaving yours as she hastily slips out of the room and down the hallway.
Geralt gently closes the door, shoving a chair under the handle to create a makeshift lock while you take a couple steps forward over to the large mattress, resting a hand on the bed. He turns to you, “Well that was...”
“Entertaining much?” You scoff, rubbing your split chin, “I think I’m bleeding....no yeah, I’m definitely bleeding.”
Geralt hums, nodding before walking over to find a small spare cloth on the nearby table, “Sit on the bed I’ll clean you up.”
Doing just as directed you sit, watching as your silver haired lover walks across the room to seat himself next to you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
Rolling your eyes you pout, “Funny is it? The things I do for you, and now my fucking chin hurts.”
Suddenly his eyes go soft, though there still remains a tinge of humor in them, “Y/N, you’ve already healed and the pain will die soon enough....here, let me just clean the blood away.” He mutters, reaching his arm up to press the pale cloth against your blood smudged skin.
Fine, ignore my pain you ass.
Though you’re still annoyed, the feeling of being tended to by Geralt is enough to dissipate away all your recent frustrations and brewing anger. Sending you into a blissful minute of staring lazily into your mans pretty golden eyes like a dazed lover.
Once he’s confident all the blood is gone, he sets the pink cloth in his lap, saying nothing as the two of you stare deeply into the eyes of one another, the sexual tension of the room rising by the second. You slip out a soft breath, the tiniest of smiles pulling at your lips.
“This is the part where you kiss my pain away. Right here.” You point at your chin, just below your lips. His golden eyes dart down, following your directions.
Ever so meticulously slowly does he lean in closer, the blood smudged cloth left and forgotten as it falls to the floor when his large hands go to touch your face. His lips press softly onto your chin, then cheek, then the other, and another two over your jawline. Earning a satisfied hum of approval from you, much to Geralt’s satisfaction.
Your own hands grasp onto his thick forearms, the rest of yourself feeling rather warm all over as Geralt kisses all over your face, slowly as ever.
“You know..” Kiss, “Geralt, mhmm....my lips are right here...” You mutter, just as he presses a heated one onto the preferred area you’ve asked. He tastes so sweet, like the ale he drank earlier in the evening, but this is admittedly much better then any ale you’ve ever drank.
Soon his hands fall to your waist and arm, then to many other places as he decides to explore your body with his calloused hands. Not being one to hold back, you do just the same, earning a low husky moan from deep within his throat when you palm him just to see what’s going on down there.
Fortunately he’s decently hard, the fabric of his dark pants are nicely stretched out from what pleasantries await you soon enough. Leaving him be for the moment, you gently break away from his sweet lips.
“Oh don’t give me that look.” You chuckle at the annoyed expression adorning his handsome features, “I’m just, rather wet down here and I’d like to get things rolling. Though don’t get me wrong I could kiss those lips of yours all fucking day.” You add, deliberately doing your best to give him your bedroom eyes.
He pauses for a second, his eyes trailing from your clothed nether regions all the way up to your shimmering lust filled gaze, “You’re already wet?”
Rolling your eyes you reach out to pull him further up the bed, “Oh fuck off, you’re already harder then a frozen ice cycle and that was before we even got into this room so shut uh uhh mhmm...” Is all you’re able to ramble out before he’s attacked your neck again with those beautifully plush lips of his, the rest of his body hovering just above you as he rests a knee between your parted thighs.
His lips leave a wet trail all the way down your throat until they reach the edge of your tops laced fabric, where a clear V is had that reaches down to the area between your breasts. He kisses once on the lace and exposed skin on your sternum, then another further down.
He’s just about driving you wild with the frustratingly grand lack of friction in certain areas that are so desperately craving such attention. Done with his teasing you lightly tug at his long white hair.
“Geralt just fuck me already.” You mumble, sucking in a quick breath when he gently squeezes your breast without warning.
Kissing your cheek, his face remains mere inches from your own as he stares mischievously into your crimson eyes, “We may need to take some clothes off first.” He chuckles, planting a quick kiss to your lips before sitting back on the bed.
Laying there, body hot and pulsing with pleasure unreleased, you hastily sit up and fumble as fast as you can to remove your grey top. Flinging it to the floor as your eyes find Geralt’s once again, though this time he’s completely shirtless.
Drinking up every last little piece of your muscular Witcher, you bite your lip as he smiles at you, “And that’s a sight I could look at everyday.” You just about swoon at his quick witted words, no doubt feeling a bit heated the longer he stares at you.
Winking at him, you swiftly shed the thin dark material calling itself an undershirt, a playful gleam in your eye as you watch Geralt quickly find your two exposed breasts. Beautiful and soft, your nibbles perked at the arousal coursing throughout your entire vessel.
Wanting to be bold, you wiggle a brow at him before confidently standing, your eyes never leaving his. He watches with an intrigued curious gaze before you begin unbuttoning your black trousers, earning another blissful smirk across the mans face.
Soon enough are all the buttons finally undone, with a spectacular dramatic bow do you then go to shimmy out of your pants, kicking them to the wooden floor in a rush as you’re now left in nothing but your small whole filled and slightly ripped underwear.
As to be expected, Geralt reaches a hand out to touch your exposed legs, getting nothing but a quick playful kick to his hands as you hum in disapproval. Instead you go to set a hand on your hip, nodding your head for him to remove his own concealing attire.
He hums in reply, standing to his full height as you unabashedly watch him fully undress himself, tossing his pants and undergarments to the floor ever so dramatically. He stares you down with those big beautiful golden eyes of his, you keep your sights locked onto them and painfully ignore his now exposed member that’s hard and dripping with pre-cum.
Biting your lip, you try your absolute best to keep from smiling, “Fuck me I love you so much.” You speak breathlessly, your eyes turning more serious again, “Now sit, please.”
Geralt hums, seating himself upon the soft billowy mattress just as directed, deciding to lean back on his arms and let his body lay open and ready for you. Blinking slowly you finally reveal a pleased smile down at him, just about mirroring the same one that he’s handing you so freely, just like his body.
Slowly you walk forward on the bed, your legs held firmly to either side of his lower waist as you kneel down, hovering your soaked womanhood right above his glistening member. You let out a breathy chuckle, resting your palms against his broad shoulders as he does the same action but with your bare hips.
“May I?” You politely ask, leaning your head against his as he gently squeezes the flesh of your hips in reply.
“Of course.” He mutters, low and gravelly in your ear as he patiently awaits your body, his very heart about to explode with how much he loves you right now.
Parting your legs wider, you remove one hand from his shoulder to quickly grasp his thick cock, “Alright let me just...” Bringing it to your dripping entrance you line it up perfectly, “I’m coming in..” You laugh, “literally.”
“Y/N you don’t have to say it...”
Digging your fingers into the side of his shoulder you quickly tilt your head to shut him up with a kiss, “Yes, but you laughed.” Pulling back to look at your face, Geralt’s mouth opens to reply, though his words are left on the wind when you slowly slide yourself onto him.
The new welcoming warmth of your core sending his mind swirling with nothing but a colorful bliss. Yours about the same, he’s big as he sinks deeper and deeper into your body until finally he’s completely filled you up.
Closing your eyes, your face scrunches up in slight discomfort at the new thrilling contact, this feeling isn’t anything new it’s just he’s quite large and you need a couple moments to adjust before the real fun begins. Sensing your slight displeasure, he keeps still inside you, trailing a comforting hand over your cheek as he watches your brows furrow together as you adjust.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I don’t mean to hurt you.” Worries your beautiful Witcher as you open your glistening scarlet irises to find his concerned face.
Shaking your head you slowly roll your hips into his, “Never. Apologize for a big dick Geralt....you’re honestly about to work wonders so keep that pretty mouth shut and make me scream.”
Holding in his laughter, he decides to do just as you’ve asked, a second later do you gasp in surprise when both his hands dig into your hips. Pushing you down onto him even more as he pulls you with each roll of your hips against his. Creating a blissful synced rhythm that begins to bring a low pleasurable build into your soaked core.
He suddenly thrusts up into you as you bounce down on him over and over again, your chests rubbing against one another as you both attempt to hold each other’s gazes for as long as you can try. The room feels hot and sticky, the smells of sex, sweat, and Geralt filling into your sensitive nostrils that drives you mad with lust.
All that can be heard is the familiar slapping of skin on skin as you both move against one another in quick passionate motions. Without warning Geralt thrusts deeply into your sweet spot sending you into a flurry of moaned curses as he thrusts his strong hips into you over and over again.
Your body falls flush against his as you whimper and moan into his shoulder from the intense buildup of pure pleasure that he’s slowly filling you with by the second. He can tell you’re close and with that thought in mind you’re pleasantly surprised when he abruptly holds your back, keeping you against him as he quickly lays you onto the soft mattress.
You audibly moan at the new positioning, not being able to hold back any more whimpers of pleasure as he fucks you into the comfortable bedding like his life depends on it. You’re visibility sweaty now, the slickness of yourself and Geralt doing everything to increase your growing pleasure as he slides in and out of you like a crazed man gone years without a proper fucking.
Another moan escapes from your lips as Geralt bounds you into the mattress, hitting you with deep precise thrusts each and every time, leaving you with nothing to keep you steady but his bare back that no doubt is covered in fresh pink scratch marks.
He keeps flush against your body, his manhood buried deep within your parted thighs as he intertwines his fingers with yours, his lips so soft and inviting as they press against your neck and jaw. You can’t remember if you’re ever felt such pleasure from this man as he pulls you to the edge of oblivion.
He suddenly moans against your ear sending new waves of bliss deep into your core and just like that do you come, moaning his name over and over again as he relentlessly thrusts into you with all that he has left.
He grips your hands tight, his warm seed spilling into you a second later, causing you to squeeze your legs tighter against his, “Ugh fuck Geralt.” You moan, your lips brushing past his as he pumps into you for a few more blissful moments before he falls limp against your body.
Utterly spent with your heated love making session, you chuckle at his honestly adorable actions as he lays flush with you, his cock still buried deep inside. He may be a large heavy man, but you’re no common human woman who lays underneath this handsome Witcher.
It’s plain as anyone could see, though you’d cut the throats of anyone bold enough to take a peek at your secretive actions.
Humming in content, Geralt moves to lay at your side, bringing you along with him so that he can stay inside you for a bit longer. You smirk, holding him close as he does the same, “A little needy tonight are we?” You muse, placing a chaste kiss against his puffy red lips.
“Maybe I missed you in more ways then one.” He replies, his golden eyes finding your crimson ones, “It certainly doesn’t help that Jaskier is always with us when we set up camp. I never get a true moment to myself with you.”
Trailing a hand down his scar covered back, you smile once again, “Well you’re about to get a whole week with me if you’re lucky. And I’m looking forward to every single second of it.”
The way you make him feel cannot ever truly be expressed in Geralt’s mind, though you can tell he loves you deeply even when no words are said at all or perhaps when he gets flustered and stumbles on his tongue for the right ones. Though right now he seems to have you vexed, completely entranced and utterly opened and surrendered to him.
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel the same, his eyelids close in content as you gently trail your fingers down his cheekbone, earning a low hum from deep within his throat that sends shivers down your spine even with something so innocent as this.
You break out into a grin, your fangs showing as you let out a couple chuckles once you realize he’s still inside you. His own lips curl into a tired smile, though he doesn’t open his eyes. “Y/N?” He mutters, wondering what on earth could be so funny right now.
Pushing a few stray hairs out of his face you blink, trying to contain yourself once more, “Oh nothing, you’re just being....dare I say, cute. And all things considered, you’re still inside me.”
Geralt shows you a lazy grin, “I like being inside you.”
“Yes and what if I have to relieve myself, or get a drink?”
“I see no problem when you’re lucky enough to be laying next to me.”
Fake scoffing you gently tug on his silver locks, “Geralt of Rivia you’re blessed enough I love you so much you ass.”
Finally he opens his eyes, the most adorable of smiles crossing his face, and only for you, “Well I guess someone has to.”
“Yes.” You smirk, “And I’ll make disappear the next confidant fucker who dare think to take you away from me.”
“So I’m assuming that last tavern wench we met a month ago went missing....not, under mysterious circumstances?” He wonders, a brow raised in humored accusation.
Rolling your scarlet irises, you give him a friendly pat over his bare shoulder, “I wasn’t appreciating that foxy look she was giving you, looked like a horny buck ready to pounce.” The look he gives you is enough to make you burst with laughter, “What? Don’t give me that face Geralt, I didn’t do anything adherently evil....all I did was leave her in the middle of the woods...near another town!” You protest, trying to make your little petty adventure sound less terrible.
 “Well, at least you were nice about it,” Muses Geralt, “though I’m not sure if that’s better.”
“Oh shut it, I couldn’t help myself if you’d like to know alri...” Knock. Knock. Knock. Three raps against the thick bedroom door immediately draws your attention away from Geralt. Propping his head up by his elbow, he turns a protective glare at the mystery person keeping themselves on the other side.
Wanting to snap at the hidden individual who dare break you away from your rather pleasant evening, you push away from the soft comfort of the mattress, quickly pulling out of Geralt, you maneuver yourself into a seated position. “I’ll see who it is, can’t be anyone with a personal vendetta against us, well.....at least I don’t think so.”
Pursing his lips together in slight apprehension, Geralt silently watches you slip from the bed with nothing but a thin white sheet to keep your nakedness from any prying eyes. Your steps to the barred door are swift and silent as an owl in flight, just the same when you remove the chair from the door knob.
With one hand on the golden knob and the other grasped tightly onto the bunched up bed sheet, you turn a curious glance to Geralt who’s now seated fully upright on the mattress, a thin sheet covering his previously exposed manhood.
Finding your sights upon the door once again, you turn the knob, swiftly opening the door where you’re both greeted with the nervous wide eyed face of a young elven boy, who looks only to be about fourteen, dressed in lord-like attire. A suspiciously high status pose about him that sends your brows furrowing in confusion for this strange unexpected intrusion.
Wearing a soft purple scarf over a pure white thick fur laced jacket, his green eyes shift warily from you to your shirtless Witcher then back to you again. His cheeks most certainly reddening the longer he stares, mouth slightly agape, clearly this kid was not expecting the sight before him.
Deciding to relieve the awkward atmosphere, you clear your throat, “Well you certainly don’t look like an assassin, nor do you appear to be ready with coin for a wanted killing. So, do relieve us of this suspense...I was kind of in the middle of something important.” You state, the tone of your voice appearing slightly annoyed even when you try and hide it.
His big emerald irises flicker as he blinks, swallowing his nerves, does the elven boy in the fancy coat and purple scarf stand a bit straighter, “Hello. I am Venemyr of Rorym, messenger to Queen Allira and her husband King Gabriel of this winter kingdom of Turga.” He stammers, eyes shifting nervously from Geralt to you, suddenly he pulls out a folded piece of white and gold craftsmanship in the form of a beautiful card.
His hand shakes slightly as he reaches out for you to take the concealed letter, finding no ill intent from the boy, you fearlessly accept. Once in your hand does he finally begin his explanation, “I come to ask the Princess Y/N of Alkatraz and the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, if they will accept this invitation to the King and Queen’s eldest son’s banquet as special guests of honor.”
Oh, now things have just gotten very intriguing.
Not positive on how to correctly respond to this large proposition, the young elven messenger nods, “My adversaries had been made aware of you two by a bard named Jaskier who is thought of warmly in this kingdom, then it appeared that the eldest prince became very interested in meeting a lady dhampir and a Witcher of Kaer Morhen.” 
Oh, Jaskier you motherfucker.
Smiling politely, Vesemyr watches with wide foresty eyes when he catches sight of your fangs, noticing his apparent change of demeanor, your face falls, “Uh, well, thank you for the message and this invitation? We’ll see to it soon, and without a doubt report back accordingly sometime tomorrow.”
“The banquet is in two days.”
“Is it now?” You reply in a knowing tone, your brows raising, “Good to know, now if you’ll excuse us...the hour is late and you’d better get to wherever you’ve come from before it gets any colder outside.” And with that said do you flash him a wink before slamming the door into his scared little face and high end attire without a second thought.
Looking down at the strange yet exquisite invitation placed in your hand, you turn it over and find the golden waxes seal of a house sigil. “Y/N come to bed, I think I’d like to have a look at whatever fuckery Jaskier has roped us into.”
Raising your attention back up to the naked man seated casually against the headboard, you smile, making swift steps to the mattress before launching yourself next to his side causing the bed to shift and creak at your jostling movement. Instead of finding his annoyed expression, you’re fortunately greeted with an arm pulling you flush against his side.
With the two of you wrapped up in the white bedsheets, leaning comfortably on one another does Geralt slowly take the parchment from out of your hand. He holds the letter up, studying it’s beauty in the side table’s candle light as you rest your head on his shoulder with one arm slung over his muscular waist.
His breaths are slow and calm, the rise and fall of his chest gently pushing you up and then back down again only ever so slightly while your Witcher carefully observes the golden wax of the houses sigil. “A stag, with a crown of leaves....should we open it?” Muses Geralt, fully aware of how much you want to see what’s inside.
Geralt I swear to god.
Gently giving his waist a loving squeeze, you nod, “If you’d be so kind.” Humming in reply, Geralt makes quick work of the letter, soon its cut open and pulled out for your eyes to witness its ink marked contents.
“Fuck.” Mutters Geralt dismally, “Guess that kid wasn’t fucking with us.”
“And I guess we’re going to a party.” You exclaim, much more excitement flowing through your voice then what Geralt could ever give.
He quickly turns his head down to you, “Y/N no. I don’t give a shit if this prince wants to speak with us, I have no interest in becoming involved in something like that.”
You lightly chuckle at his less then stellar mood before turning your face to press a chaste kiss to his bare shoulder, he sighs, meeting your crimson gaze once again, “Think of it, free drink and food, and this prince wants to see us....we’re practically the guests of honor and I cannot wait to see Jaskier tomorrow cause I’m gonna slap him for it...then I’ll thank him.”
“Ugh, fine.” Begrudgingly mutters Geralt as you press your lips to his.
Maybe a part 2 later on, idk we’ll see. Hope you enjoyed this :)
Tagged for series:  @seninjakitey​  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work) @a-girl-who-loves-disney
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florencwrites · 3 years
ECHOES, PAGE NINE 〚dreamwastaken〛
Sam allows Dream to write a singular message, one that he so desperately seeks. A visitor comes to cheer her up, he never fails to. series homepage
The walls of the portal room had been smoldering and sizzling ever since it was built, however, even though the prison itself was built from the same stone they were not one and the same ore.
You see, the portal room had been built from stone extracted from the deepest of caves, lukewarm water with scorching magma. They had been melted and merged until they ultimately would form the blistering mineral they were now.
The prison itself needed more stone than the measly chamber, obviously. So, to cut costs, the prison itself was built from surface lava, a stream that had appeared in splotches across a field somewhere close to the mountain ranges. The water they had used was icey, freshly molten away from the very peaks of the extreme hills. This made it easier to not only mine but also place, gather, and lean against for prolonged periods of time.
Which is exactly what was happening for hours on end, within the tepid confines.
Dream had never felt more useless, bored, simply.. Blasé. Spiritless, indifferent. He could keep mustering up words, carving them down into his singular chest with the blunt pen he had received from the warden. He had been given a full chest of books, and when he grew excited for new reading material; he quickly learned for them to be empty. Devoid of a singular word. All of them.
Sam had rolled the unsharpened pen over the netherite hedge with a level of disinterest even he was quite jealous of. He had shot up from the corner of his cell where he had been bathing his feet in a built-in pond of sorts. His wet feet splattered against the tiles, sliding away from where they were set down in the slightest. "Is she still there?"
"Sam!" He knew not to lean on the bricks themselves, having learned the amount of voltage on them the hard way many a time before. "Sam! Is she still there?"
The man had already stepped back onto the platform that would take him back through the drowning lava. "I'm not doing any of this for you, I need you to know that."
He finally turned back to face Dream, adding, "Write her something."
"A goodbye, Dream."
She, however, had been oblivious to her friend's unwavering protectiveness. She had not a clue that the letters her lover wrote had been disbanded piece by piece, only because they didn't convey the message Sam so desperately desired.
There was not a doubt in his mind that their parting would ultimately be best for her and her mental well-being. Dream, however, was a stubborn man. He was not someone who got intimidated easily, he was patient and there would always be that one thing Sam could never account for, nor change; Dream's love was set in stone.
It was carved in the walls of every cave he had explored, it was etched into his skin with runny ink. He was feverish with love, whether it was the matching prints they had gotten together that had gotten infected after all, or whether it was simply his unfaltering affection for her.
They had taken away everything, his freedom, his friends, his mask, even his bright eyes had been dulled by their hands; but they would never take her away.
Sam spent his days in the library, hours upon hours spent exploring the aisles and scrutinizing seemingly endlessly long pieces of text in the hopes of finding a way to break the spell he had on her. His every waking moment was brought to by the windowsill, surrounded by towering piles of ancient books.
And, was his mind not occupied by the swirling letters, his eyes would always trail around the waterline in search of her. Not much of a search it was, though, she would always be sat exactly where he reckoned her to be.
He let his eyes wander over the permanent sorrow etched into her face, the trail of grass floating on the waves. "What I'd give to take your place."
She knew there were little men who were as persistent as her, who could drown themselves in their wit for as long as she had. Her tears had dried, deciding to spare themselves for when she truly needed them. Her shoulders were raw with the aches they had had to endure for the longest time, the uncontrollable shaking they would endure for the entirety of every night.
She never really slept anymore, sleeping meant to see him in the worst state imaginable. However, that wasn't the worst thing. The nightmares she could handle. Seeing him all bloodied and tortured, some days he would seem content, happy. Those hurted more.
The worst thing about the nightmares was that whenever she awoke from one of them, for a split second her mind would reassure her, "It's just a dream."
A blade to the heart, constricted airways every morning when she inevitably had to come to the realization that it was not just a dream. The nightmare becomes reality, the hunter becomes the hunted.
"Hey." A scratchy voice sounded from a few feet behind her. "Still sad, huh?"
She rapidly crawled to her knees, pulling her feet from the water that had started to wilt her skin. "You fucker."
She embraced him as he, too, fell to his knees. "You absolute prick."
A smile on her face, bright enough to light up the entirety of the realm. He, almost instinctively, returned her beam, his eyes squinting with the force of it. He'd missed her. "I'm a minor, you can't swear in my presence."
"Please, just shut your mouth for one goddamn second." She giggled in his shoulder, oh, how she missed the times he had been a little boy. The days where she could pick him up with a small huff, throw him on the back of her saddle and return him to his father after another one of his little escapades. How Phil would always thank her with the most genuine eyes, telling her that he wished he could promise that it wouldn't happen again, but how it probably would again tomorrow.
"You're mean to me, I'm gonna tell Philza you said that." He pulled from her embrace, deciding to sit criss-cross from her in the grass, letting the blades tickle his exposed ankles. He truly needed new jeans. "I reckon you missed me more than I did you."
"I'm sure I did, Tommy."
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our-heroes-rise · 4 years
slip of the tongue
pairing: todoroki x bilingual! reader
request:  Hi, I want to request a scenario for Todoroki. It’s about a reader who is actually his gf, but she talks portuguese as maternal language. When she got nervous, she start to panic in Portuguese, and she’s nervous to meet Shoto’s mom. How he will help her( something like that). I hope you like this idea. 🇧🇷🇧🇷✌🏻✌🏻
hero name: @todoroki-vivian
a/n: hi, lovely! omg yes, you can aboslutely have a todoroki request, i adore this boy. and i loved this idea so much! it was so darn cute. as someone of mixed race who grew up with a heavily hispanic family i think it’s always fun to imagine bringing home one of the bnha boys/girls. seeing how they’d react to be introduced to the sort of music, food, and p a r t i e s that i grew up with. i’d be completely useless teaching them any g o o d spanish though cause my mother never taught me when i was a kid :’). i only know a couple of phrases and the bad words lol. i don’t touch on any of that here because i’m not too familiar with portuguese culture and i don’t want to offend anyone by getting something wrong because i am uneducated on the subjectttt. there’s only like two words of real portuguese in here and they are from google translate because i wasn’t sure what the difference was between the spanish pronunciation and the portuguese pronunciation. OKAY after that whole thing i hope you enjoy this little scenario, i had a lot of fun writing it and it was super duper cute. thanks for requesting baby hero!
word count: 1,717
warnings: none! this is all fluff :)
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Your knee bounced with the subtle rocking of the train cart, heel occasionally tapping against the floor when the wheels ran over a bump in the tracks. No matter how hard you tried, no amount of slow deep breaths or mental reminders that everything would be fine, it would go well, would calm the ever growing bundle of nerves buzzing within the pit of your stomach. It crawled beneath your skin, flinching at the tips of your fingers which picked at the worn plastic seal of your seat, pinched at your bottom lip.
You watched the blur of winter barren trees whirl past the window, not really watching at all, thinking of every way not to mess up this very important day. This very, very important day on which absolutely nothing could go wrong because this was - it was his -
A comforting warmth pressed into your shoulder, calloused fingers wiggling their way through the gaps between yours, bringing a halt to your incessant fidgeting. Striking blue and grey find your gaze, softened by the unspoken question of concern knotting his brows.
What’s wrong?
“I’m just - It’s dumb, really,” you laugh softly, able to recognize how terribly ridiculous you would sound now that the words sit at the front of your mind. “I’m just overthinking things. I’m okay.” For extra reassurance, you give his hand a small squeeze, offering a smile.
Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to buy it.
“You’re not okay if something’s worrying you,” Todoroki says, head dipping to catch your eyes as you try to look away to hide your apprehension. “It might help if you talk about it.”
Bottom lip caught between your teeth once again, a soft sigh blows through nose, and you lean further into his shoulder, grateful for the gentle heat that bleeds through your jacket sleeve, soothing your nerves. You drop your attention to the spot where your fingers are now intertwined sitting atop his thigh, his thumb tracing over the ridges of your knuckles, saying he’s content to wait for as long as you need.
Well, at least until the arrival of your last stop where you would inevitably have to step off the train and face the anxiety tearing through your head.
It’ll be fine, stop worrying so much. It’ll be fine, it will be fine, it will be -
“What if she doesn’t like me?” You blurt suddenly, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as the eyes of a few curious strangers flicker over to you. Your face sinks further into the protective cocoon of your scarf.
His thumb pauses briefly before picking up its mindless pattern again. “What do you - ?”
“I - I mean, what if I say something wrong and end up sounding really stupid in front of her.” And the dam came crumbling down. “Your mother. The - like - the most important person in your life! I’d end up making a fool of myself in front of the most important person in your life. Then she might think ‘what’s Shoto even see in her? he could do so much better’. Which, you could, by the way. You could do worlds better but you’ve settled for me and sometimes I don’t really get it because - well - I’m me - “
“I don’t see a problem with that. I like you for you and if you are what settling is then I will gladly never settle anywhere else.”
“But what if she - “ your fingers tighten around him at the thought “- what if she doesn’t think I’m good enough for you? What if she thinks we should break up because she thinks I’m rude and annoying and uneducated?”
“Uhm. . . Y/n.”
“What if she thinks I’m a bad influence on you? I don’t want to make her hate me forever, that would be the worst feeling ever because I know she means so much to you.”
“Y/n. . .”
“That would just put so much strain on our relationship and I wouldn’t want you to feel guilty about what happened, ever. You don’t deserve that. You deserve so much better than that, Sho. I just - “
“Meu Amor.”
The name strikes a chord in your throat, catching you breathless, butterflies swooping in to replace the recoiling knot in your stomach. You whip your head around to find the corners of Todoroki’s lips pulling up in a small fond smile, eyes light with amusement. To begin with, Todoroki wasn’t big on pet names, preferring to use your given name, claiming it was sweeter than any silly nickname could be. Though throughout the seven and a half months you two had been together, he had referred to you with the occasional ‘love’ or ‘hon’. However, the number of times he had used that name could be counted on one hand.
Three. It was three times including right now.
He asked you how to say it while you were teaching him random phrases, goofing around in the middle of what was supposed to be a study session, the question being enough to make your face burn. His pronunciation had been rocky the first time, mouth working awkwardly around the words, throwing you into a fit of flustered giggles that had him pouting adorably at you, mumbling not to make fun of him for trying. But, now? Now his near perfect pronunciation left you wondering how many times he had practiced by himself. 
Meu Amor was the Portuguese phrase for My Love. His love. His love. 
“Y-Yeah?” It’s at that very moment that realize you have slipped out of your usual Japanese tongue, rolling through the tumbling hill syllables of your maternal language. “Oh, s-sorry. I. . . I did the thing again,” you mutter, flipping back to Japanese.
Todoroki huffs a short laugh that makes your heart flutter pleasantly as the sound reverberates through your own chest. “It’s okay, I think I got the gist of what you were saying. It’s cute when you do that, anyway.” He says the last part softly, meant for himself. You press your cheeks further into your scarf, hiding your own shy smile.
Todoroki takes a minute to speak, gazing at the same window you were just a moment ago, lost in thought. 
“Y/n,” he finally says. “Meu Amor, -” four times “- frankly, my mother could care less about who you are. I think you could introduce yourself as a high school drop out with a criminal record and her main concern would still be; do we make each other happy? Do you make me happy.”
You allow yourself to absorb the impact of his words.
“And. . . I make you happy?”
He shoots you an incredulous glance, then snorts when he sees you peaking earnestly above the edge of your scarf. “Irrevocably so. Do I make you happy?”
“It’s impossible for me to think about you without smiling.” You give him a bright cheeky grin when his cheeks flare with a noticeable shade of scarlet that crawls all the way up his neck to the tips of his ears.
“Good. Then that’s more than enough.” He squeezes your hand, pulling you closer into his side. “There isn’t a doubt in my mind that she won’t absolutely adore you the same way I do once she meets you. If she doesn’t already, of course.”
The statement piques your curiosity and you arch one brow at him. “What do you mean if she doesn’t already? Have you. . . Told her about me already -- In your letters to her?”
“I thought you already knew that,” Todoroki says, frowning in confusion. “She’s always asking about you and how you’re doing. I was pretty sure I mentioned it before.”
“What the heck? Shoto you’ve never told me that!”
“So - So then she’s okay with us being together?”
“I think she’s more than okay with it,” he replies, his quiet smile returning. “It’s possible that she’s more excited than I am for you to meet her, which would be saying something.”
“That would have been nice to know before I rambled off the entire Portuguese dictionary to the whole train,” you grumble, rolling your eyes.
“Sorry,” he says, but it sounds like he’s trying to suppress another laugh. And you really can’t stay upset with him for long.
Rough fingertips push gently at the tips of yours to splay your palm out over his, pressing them together. Lightly you run your nails down the long runs of his fingers, memorizing every bump, scratch, and scar, sweeping your forefinger along the wrinkle of his lifeline, then across his heart line. This - the way you were touching him - may not seem like much at all to anyone else, but it was worth worlds to you. It had taken Todoroki months to comfortably hold your hand, even longer while in public, then some to kiss you for the first time. PDA wasn’t what bothered him (not entirely, at least), it was the displays of affection part. Because of the way he grew up, physical affection was a foreign concept, often leaving him lost and a mess of rigid limbs and awkward apologies. But now, he could easily seek your hand in the middle of a crowded train, or wrap his arm around you in the common room, or press a kiss to the top of your head before the start of class. To know that he had made an effort to open himself up to you, allowing you to see this side of him, the side he had only shared with his mother before, made your heart melt and your eyes swim.
Shoto was right, this was more than enough.
A calm voice announces the arrival of your stop and you two stand as passengers begin to climb off the train. 
“Still nervous?” Todoroki asks, threading his fingers through yours once more now that you have both stepped into the morning rush, not wanting to lose you amongst the chaos.
Letting him guide you through the thick crowd, you smile softly, raising your conjoined hands to press your lips to the back of his.
This would always be more than enough.
“No, I think I’ll be okay now.”
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corinthbayrpg · 3 years
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NAME. Kit Berker AGE & BIRTH DATE. 35 & July 19th, 1986 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/him SPECIES. Werewolf OCCUPATION. Unemployed FACE CLAIM. Serkay Tütüncü
( tw: domestic abuse, gore ) Kit was born in Harlan, Kentucky to Abigail and Arthur Weiss. His mother worked at one of the highway diners all day while his father worked in the mines. Mostly anyone under the middle class made a living working in the Harlan Hills. The moment that Kit was the legal age he joined right up with his father. Coming home covered in coal dust and dirt, smoking a cigarette and nursing a beer on the porch. Kit was so tired most of the time that it became real easy to tune out the yelling and screaming of his parents having their nightly domestic. Often ending with a crash of something breakable and his mother weeping in the bathroom with a glass of wine. Harlan County was the kind of place where you don't ask too many questions and you don't stare too long. Everyone kept to themselves, you certainly did not confront your neighbor who you saw coming home late last night covered in blood, and you absolutely did mention a troubled marriage. Everyone knew what was going on; nobody dared say anything. The worst was in church with the side eyes and whispers. 
When Kit turned Twenty-two his father was killed by his mother. Across the dining room table, a beautiful dinner was laid out. His father on one end, his mother on the other. He was talking too much, saying derogatory things. “You’re worthless, you call this food?. What kind of a woman are you?” etc. She must have finally had it and let a shotgun shell cut straight into Arthur’s head. Brain matter and blood splattering the window behind him. Kit hadn’t been home at the time and ended up finding out after getting off a shift at the mine. Called down to the police station, the scene was described to him and told that his mother wouldn’t be going to prison. On the account of claiming it was self defense. Everyone in Harlan County knew she was being abused. It was just a matter of time before she lost it. 
Living under the same roof as his mother was uncomfortable, sure Kit loved her and understood entirely why she did what she did. But there was some tension and uneasiness that Kit would feel whenever he would sit across the table from her in the same spot where his dad got his brains splattered on the dining room window. So he left, quit his job at the mine, took all his savings and headed North. Finding a job up there wasn’t hard. Getting himself sorted on a ranch that raised livestock, most of his duties were fixing things and herding the cattle too and from grazing grounds. The owners were especially nice to him, and they ended up getting pretty close. They were a younger couple who inherited the farm from their family and just needed help around the place since it was such a large property. Kit happily obliged, and of course the paycheque helped. There were a couple of ‘em, people looking for jobs that paid mostly under the table, but they were all good folk. 
There were predators that would come and pick off the cattle now and again, most of the time it was just pesky coyotes who were easy to scare off. But a couple mornings, the farm hands would stumble across the corpse of a cow ripped apart by something much bigger. Everyone assumed it was a bear, and night patrols were set out in the evenings. Armed with a rifle, Kit headed out on his own, riding a horse around the property. Keeping the cows herded closer to the homestead. He could remember the moon being at its peak when his horse started acting strange because he could clearly see the fearful whites of the horses eyes as he was flung from it’s back and hit the ground with a hard thud and snap. His hand catching his fall and snapping under the pressure, letting out a painful cry and holding the broken wrist against his chest, eyes rising to watch his horse running off in the opposite direction, gaze trailing to the tree line where he spotted two yellow orbs staring straight at him. Everything after that was chaos, he tried to get up to run but his legs felt like jello, he went to grab his rifle but it was impossible to hold right with only one hand. The thing got closer and closer, a low growl emitting from it’s form. From a distance, Kit thought it was just a regular wolf, but as it got closer it got bigger and bigger. A massive beast that could fit Kit’s entire head in it’s mouth if it wanted. He clumsily fired off a shot that hit the wolf in the leg, it didn’t even flinch. Lunging at the man who was now helpless on the ground. 
Kit could remember a lot of pain in his arm before blacking out, found only half an hour after the attack since the ranchers heard the gunshot. Miraculously they managed to get him to the hospital without him bleeding out. In the emergency room for only a few days before the large bite wound in shoulder was on it’s way to being completely healed. “A miracle” the doctors and nurses would explain to him as he finally came to with what happened. No matter how much he insisted he could go back to work, the kind owners of the farm wouldn’t allow it and said that he should take the month off after a scare like that. But as the days went by Kit was only feeling stronger and stronger, like a second wind was breathed into him. He left the hospital a week later when they could no longer rationalize keeping him there. But it was in the weeks that followed when he realized something was wrong with him. The full moon approached rapidly as he was tending to the animals making sure they were all herded back before it got too dark. 
The way he felt that night he couldn’t possibly describe, it was a mix of anger, strength, fear all mixed together that sent his body into a quivering mess beneath the full moon. Everything he was feeling was amplified and he had to have thrown up at least once or twice as he curled up in the middle of the pasture. His horse had run off, the livestock wouldn’t come anywhere near him and as soon as the last cloud passed away from the sky and the moon hit its peak, his body snapped and fractured, breaking down on itself. If you asked Kit to recall how he felt in that moment the absolutely couldn’t, after both his legs snapped out of place he blacked out. Only waking at sunrise in a misty field with his face buried in the rapidly cooling corpse of a cow. Luckily no one had spotted him out there in the pasture and while naked and covered head to toe in blood he wobbled back to his cabin on the property, hiding behind the locked door for days.
Irrationally he believed that it was obvious he was the culprit, he was the last one out there, but the body of the heifer was mangled to a point that pointed towards a large animal not a “human” He had to get off the farm, at least for a little while, while no one suspected him. After the first time he went through the shift, Kit had grown to be more careful, making sure he was alone whenever a full moon came around. Controlling his emotions well enough to keep from shifting out of the blue. But the dates slipped his mind, he’d been working so much and was getting exhausted and careless. He never would’ve gone into the city had he known. It was just supposed to be a quick drink at one of the local pubs and then he’d head home, but it turned into a couple drinks and by the time he left the bar the street lights had come on and the moon was rising further up into the sky. He could feel the power tingling down his arms and through his fingers. A change he couldn’t control no matter how hard he tried. He didn’t have many options, peeling away from the streets he ducked into an alley to let the wolf take control under the cover of darkness. It wasn’t ideal and the fear of killing someone in the city was ever present in the forefront of his mind while his body shifted and cracked into a monstrous form of broken bones and torn flesh. 
A wolffish creature emerged from where the small human once was, a mind of its own as he scavenged through the dumpsters and garbage that scattered around him. It wasn’t long before it caught the scent of a human walking by. A poor victim for the monstrous beast.the growl that erupted from the back of his throat resonated off the close walls of the alley way, creeping forward as yellow eyes fixated on the now frightened form of a young man. The moment his victim spotted the wolf, he lunged, hackles raised and long teeth the size of kitchen knives tore into soft flesh. It took every ounce of Kits willpower to tear the beast away from the boy before he could mangle the corpse pass recognition. By the time he left, he thought he had killed him, with the amount of blood he left behind. But the wolf wasn’t satisfied, stalking the streets looking for a feast. 
Again, Kit would wake up surrounded by the sickening scent of blood, however instead of the corpse of a cow, it was a person. A man, no older than 35, body torn to pieces, missing a arm. Looking around Kit felt sick to his stomach when he couldn’t find it around the body and assumed the worst. Crawling to the side of the road he retched whatever remained in his stomach. It took a couple more minutes to realize he wasn’t in a pasture or a forest where he wouldn’t be noticed. He was on the corner of a street, a cross walk just a couple feet down from him where he spotted people approaching, someone had already pulled out a cellphone to record. Panic set in, and again butt naked and covered in blood he made a run for it, luckily he was on the edge of town and could cut through the forest to make it back to the farm. Too bad his wolf self didn’t kill that poor sap just a mile down the road. 
By the time he made it back to the farm it was daylight, the farmhands were already out and about and making it to his cabin was no easy feat. The only way without being seen was to go around the homesteaders farm house, where he saw the wife cooking with the tv on through the big bay windows, while hiding in the shrubbery he could hear a loud travel ad for Greece came on, tickets were cheap for economy, and the exhausted and out of ideas Kit, made the decision to grab what little he had and make a beeline out of the country before he could be identified.
+ hardworking, passionate, selfless – nervous, impulsive, stubborn
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westanabadguy · 4 years
Hmmn... Well Deidara had an immense thirst to learn an art form that was forbidden in his village. It was an art form that required the kneading chakra in clay. He violated the law and the means to achieve the creation of this art form. He then performed a forbidden jutsu on himself to obtain those extra mouths, which could infuse chakra along with the clay. And so at last, he was finally able to create the kind of art he had longed for. [1/2]
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I hope this formats correctly, but I absolutely agree with everything here lol.
I wouldn't be surprised if Kishimoto was suffering from burnout/overbearing editors at the time, since this was at Naruto's peak in terms of viewers/readers (I think? That sounds right but I'm not 100% sure haha). I think he even said that one of the reasons that the kakuzu/Hidan fight was so short was because editors were pushing him to get back to Sasuke :/ Apparently he had a lot more planned with Hidan's abilities in particular and what his scythe could do. I think of all the members Kakuzu's death was the worst. Like, how did this almost century old ninja not hear Naruto coming?? At least with Sasori being killed it was later explained that he kinda let it happen, but that's not in Kakuzu's character at all so it just doesn't make sense. Don't get me started on the fact that Shikamaru's plan was literally impossible to pull off.
Honestly the only death that felt decent was Itachi and Kisame's, but even then I feel his character was a bit fucked over. Kisame deserved to be redeemed and I'll die on that hill. Sasori's wasn't too bad, he definitely had the best fight, but I would have like to see more of him before he died.
As for the topic of Deidara's death, yeah, no. Sharingan is just bullshit no jutsu. It got WAY to powerful by the end of the series. At some point it went from "cool illusions and mimicking moves" to "absolutely over powered unstoppable force that can work in all situations no matter what for some reason". The power creep in Naruto is horrible, which is a large part of why the akatsuki just became pushovers by the end of it.
Also, never feel bad about submitting stuff like this, I may be hella slow to answer, but I do like discussions like this... and hating on Kishimoto's writing. That's always fun :p
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HASO Origins “Ramirez.”
This is what my rain wanted to write today, so this is what you guys get to read lol. I am a slave to the whims of what catches my stupid brain’s fleeting interest. This was actually pretty fun o write though, so I hope you like it :)
The sound of steel cutting over ice: it’s sharp like the scraping of a blade on concrete though much more satisfying. It’s a sound he associates with weightlessness. He imagines that if he could fly this is what it would feel like. He holds his arms out to the side cutting backwards across the ice in large sweeping strokes, his feet moving in familiar patterns so effortless he could definitely do them in his sleep. He spins in a tight circle rotating  over the ice on the tips of his toes using the picks at the front of the skates to gain purchase against the cold, frozen material.
“Yo! Angel!”
He skids to a stop sending up a wave of ice crystals against one wall.
On the other side of the rink a youth hockey team is practicing drills.
“Looking good, baby.”
If he had rolled his eyes any harder he might have been able to see his spinal column.
He could see them waving at him through the glass arms around each other like they were about to break out into the throws of passion. 
Wasn’t it so nice that both of his exes had gotten together.
He sighed, guess that’s what he got for only dating within the olympic team. HE stepped off the ice and sat down on the bench pulling off his skates and setting them to the side. The two lovebirds walked closer.
Christina Swanson and Michel Castle both up and coming olympic competitors working together on a partnered ice routine they were sure was going to win them a gold medal at next year’s winter olympics.
Both of them were super hot Christina with the body of an angel and michel with the body of a greek god, but all Ramirez wanted to do was punch Michel in the dick and slap the bitch look off of Christina’s face. He wondered if that was the way everyone felt about their exes.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Christina giggled, “Michel and I were just discussing how good you are in b-”
He held up a hand, “The last thing I want to hear is a score roster for my private performances.” He pulled on his sneakers, “So if you will excuse me, I’m out before this gets petty.”
Michel smirked, “Oh come on Angel, just a bit of friendly banter. You know you would probably skate better if you got that stick out of your ass.”
“Hmm that’s weird because I distinctly remember that being your thing.” He threw his skates over his shoulder and walked past the two of them trying to ignore their side comments. He found it very funny that they were being rude to him when he distinctly remembered it was Michel who had cheated on him with christina the second time and christina who had dumped him the first time.
Not for the first time he wondered if he shouldn't just pick one side and stick with it, at least then he wouldn’t have to run risk of being forced to watch his exes dating each other...or never mind he was sure he could find a way to make that happen. He always seemed to have the worst luck with girls, or guys. He had the worst luck dating in general.
He stepped out into the hallway walking past another group of kids at the rec center and then out into the hallway where the elderly janitor was pinning up notices to the cork board.
“Morning Elliot.”
The old man turned around, “Oh Morning Angel.” The two men shook hands.
“Good yo see you up and about. The youth seem to like to sleep in, but you know what I always say early to wake early to rise.”
“Keeps a man healthy and wealthy and wise, yeah, I know.” He glanced over the man’s shoulder and towards the new gloss holo-posters. The largest one stood out, it was a recruiting poster for the Marine Corps, “Go to space with the marine corps.” He read aloud, “What are they on about.”
Elliot waved a hand, “Didn’t you hear. They’re flying that new fangled interstellar space whachamachallit out in the next few years. Guess they are looking for marines in case they get attacked by-” He wiggled his fingers, “Aliens.”
Ramirez laughed, “Cool.” He glanced up at the sky, “I’ve always thought it would be cool to go to space.” 
Elliot waved a hand, “Don’t you have some ice dancing to do or something, kid.”
His shoulders wilted a bit, “yeah, guess I do.”
He said goodbye to the old janitor and stepped out into the Texas sunlight. It was hot out here after all the ice.
Overhead he could hear the distant roar of jet engines from one of the nearest air force bases. Seemed like they had been working with jets a lot recently. He swore he had seen about a million and a half of those M-90s fly overhead in the past few weeks.
He walked over to his car and slid into the Driver’s seat staring blankly out the windshield.
What was wrong with him?”
He had been like this for weeks.
All mopy and pathetic…. Was it because of his exes, the last breakup, nah he was over them.
He slumped down in his seat and started the car heading home  with a case of some serious moodiness. When he got back he could almost forget about his issues since he was immediately tackled by his younger sister who proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him in a wrestling match. But then again she was also on her way to becoming an olympian, so that didn’t surprise him.
This family was pretty talented at sports.
His older sister played soccer professionally, and his youngest brother was star of his middle school football team so something could be said about that.
“Morning Angel, how was practice today?”
“Absolute shit.”
“Hey watch your language.”
“Sorry mom, just hit a slump or something.” 
HIs father looked up from his tablet where he was sitting at the table, “Sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah yeah, fine. I’m just going to head out today maybe catch up with friends or something.”
“Alright have fun, don’t do anything stupid.”
He had gone and tried to do tons of stupid things, but none of those things were what he really needed. Nothing could take his mind off the increasing feeling of dissatisfaction, which he couldn’t explain for the life of him, and that night found him sitting on the roof watching the sky darken as the sun set behind the distant line of hills. The air was hot and dusty, so he only wore shorts and a white cotton shirt  where he lay against the roof’s sloped surface. A breeze rolled past him, a breeze that carried with it the sound of some pretty colorful cursing in his family’s native tongue.
He frowned and glanced over the edge of the roof.
His grandmother held up a hand to shut him up as she crawled onto the room still cursing violently and grumbling, “Why do you always have to go and mope in places restricted to old people.” Still speaking spanish.
He helped her onto the the roof to sit next to hi her old wrinkled hand gripping onto  his arm like a steel vice. People said he had a lot in common with his grandmother. He had definitely inherited her dark tan skin dark, almost black, hair and amber eyes, “What are you doing here?”
“I told you, I’m up here to see what you’re moping about. Did practice not go well today.”
“No of course it did.”
“Get rejected?”
“Than what do you have to complain about?”
He smiled at her bluntness and leaned back watching as the first stars winked into place in the night sky, “I don’t know… I just…. You ever just feel sort of empty?”
“That’s called crippling depression.”
He snorted a smile, “No, not that. I mean like you aren’t doing something you should be doing, or that your life the way it is is meaningless.”
“Your one year away from being an olympian.”
He sighed and sat up resting his arms against his knees, “That’s the problem though isn’t it. I am a year away from being an olympian and it's not…. Well it’s not exciting. Shouldn't I be super nervous, excited or even proud.” He shuffled his feet, “I mean I have been working on this for years, I used to love skating…. But now…. I mean I still like it, don’t get me wrong, but it all seems so…. so …. Petty.”
He turned looking over to find her raising an eyebrow at him. 
He shrugged, “Never-mind.” Just me being dumb I guess.
“No keep going. I’m listening.”
“Well… I'm at the peak of my game, the best I will ever be, and I should be proud of that, but the more and more I think about it the less…. Important it seems. Like I just… It's like I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing off for praise and admiration only to get old and break down and then regret my youth. I have always been good at any physical activity I tried, and instead of using it for something worthwhile or useful, I'm doing this.”
“Isn’t the pursuit of betterment in itself a worthwhile cause?”
He shrugged, “I have no problem with other people doing it if that’s what makes them happy, but I just…. I don’t know if this is what makes me happy anymore.”
“Then quit?”
“After years of training. Wouldn’t that be wasting my life and my talent. Years of preparation just thrown in the trash”
“Better to waste a decade than three. Believe me, I am old enough to know. Besides, you're not even old enough to drink. I can hardly consider the years being wasted ”
Overhead, the stars winked down on him. 
He walked into the rink the next day like on any other day skates hung over his shoulder. He sat on the bench with the others listening to their coaches discussing sponsors , discussing how things were going with getting their team ready, about who was going to be doing what, but he could barely pay attention.
He looked around at the others, friends he had had for many years, watched them lean forward in their seats eyes wide with excitement. He could practically hear the eager beating of their hearts as they bounced on the balls of their feet. 
And he felt….. Nothing 
He glanced over at Michel and Christina, the two most vapid people he had ever met (yeah he was apparently great at picking them), and saw the eager hungry expressions on their faces.
Even they were ready, willing and prepared.
They looked excited.
He felt frustration, anger and hopelessness beginning to build up inside him. He stared down at the skates sitting in his lap. He stared out at the ice rink, a 30 by 60m oval of ice where he would be paraded for the rest of his short lived career until his young body degraded and he either walked off or someone younger and more talented pushed him off.
It was hopeless 
He felt meaningless.
He stood abruptly, skates clattering to the floor. He watched them as if in slow motion clatter and bounce. All eyes turned to look at him. His coach looked on in confusion.
“Angel, are you ok?”
The voices echoed in his head, and he turned walking out of the rink ice skates left forgotten on the floor. He heard footsteps behind hi, voices calling his name.
“What is he doing?”
“Why’s he being such a drama queen.”
He walked out into the hall passing by the cork board where-
He paused glancing down at the poster from earlier.
The marines.
A hand reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder, “Angel,  you ok.” She shrugged the hand off and walked out into the parking lot. He could feel the eyes of the other skaters pinned to his back staring at him. They loved drama, and this was getting interesting.
He stood in the parking lot staring at the sun and swiveling his head.
Ah, there.
He began walking across the parking lot.
His coach grabbed him by the arm, “Angel, are you ok. Do we need to call someone. A hospital maybe. Perhaps you should sit down and take a breath and let your head clear.”
“My head is clear.” He heard himself say.
He stepped up to a door in the little strip mall and shouldered it open, stepping into the cool air conditioned room. The carpet was drab and grey, and nothing could be heard but the distant sound of a vacuum and some typing. The others piled in after him as he swiveled his head looking for the correct door.
He found it.
He pushed it open startling the man behind the desk whose name tag read Sgt Myers.
He seemed surprised as the odd eclectic group crammed themselves into his office.
Sgt Myers tilted his head, “Can I help you?”
Warm honey light dropped from the window onto his strangely patterned uniform.
“How do I sign up?”
“ANGEL! What are you doing!”
Behind him the others gasped. Sgt. Myers looked very confused.
“Er Well, we have some paperwork and a background check.”
“When is your next bus leaving.”
“Can you get me on it?”
His coach grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around, “Angel what are you doing! Have you gone insane! Is this some sort of psychotic break. Do I need to call your parents! You can’t just throw away your life by joining the army.”
Ramirez pointed at the wall, “Marines.
Sgt Myers sat with his mouth open.
Ramirez shrugged his coach off, “Can you get me on that bus.”
“Er…. yeah. I guess we probably could. You’d have to do a physical and….”
More protests raised from the back.
“This isn't about the breakup is it?” Michel wondered.
Ramirez snorted, “Not even close, but getting away from you will be a perk.”
“Angel, try to think for a moment.”
Ramirez held out his arm allowing the man to scan the implants under the skin. There was a beep as the information automatically filled out the paperwork on file. The man looked through his background check, and seeing nothing major he shrugged. “I'll send it out to be approved…. But Kid….. maybe you should think about this for a minute. No hasty decisions.”
Behind him the others threw up a ruckus agreement.
He stayed calm, “it’s my life and my regrettable decisions to make.”
He couldn’t really argue with that.
“Angel, why are you doing this. You’re too talented to be wasted in the army. Please just come back, you’ll feel better once you get back on the ice.”
He turned to look at his coach, the other members of his team who looked on in confusion. He felt surprisingly calm and collected, “You’re right.” They looked relieved, “The ice does calm me down, which is why I don’t want to make it a career.”
More uproar.
He raised his voice, “You guys are all so excited, and the fact that I’m not just proves that I shouldn’t be here.” His heart was hammering now as his body began to catch up with his mind.
He felt the beating, pounding of his heart, the rush of blood in his head, the fluttering feeling in his chest.
And he felt a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, his nose and eyes prickling with heat.
A shiver of excitement rolled down his spine, and a grin broke out across his face.
There it was.
He hadn’t felt that sensation in a 
He held up a hand against their protests, “Look I am going to miss all of you, and I wish you luck. I am super proud of all the work I have seen you guys give to this, but this is where I have to say goodbye.  Have made my decision. I am going to be a marine.” 
“You did what!” His mother’s voice was loud over the phone as he slouched back against the tarnished bus seat as the other young men and women filtered on.
“I joined the marines?”
“Angel Antonio Ramirez, tell me you are joking.”
“No mom. I…. I did what I had to do.”
Behind her in the house he could hear the gasps of his younger sister, “But Angel, we were going to go to the Olympics together.”
That part he did feel a bit sad about, “Sorry Izzy, but you were always meant to be the cool one in the family.”
“What is going on?’ His younger brother asked.
“Your brother joined the marines.”
“Not not cool.” His mother said, “ANgel get your ass home right now.”
He sort of just smiled as -- from the background his father cut in, “Sounds exactly like something Angel would do.”
His mother was about to protest when rockus laughter cut through the background. She went silent in confusion before, “Abuela?”
“Go get em boy! See those aliens!.” She continued to laugh, “Proud of you angel, was hoping you had the balls to go and do it.”
“You knew?
“Course I knew, runs in the family. Your grandpa  ran off to join the army during the pan-asian war didn’t he?”
“Well yeah.”
“Proud of you Angel, now go get em.” She continued to laugh, and that made him smile.. Even if it was just her supporting him, he would be ok.
A sigh, his mother, “Angel, are you sure this is what you want.”
“Yes mom, I’m sure.” 
“Ok…. well call us and let us know ok?”
“Love you.”
“Love you to.” 
He hung up and leaned back in his seat just as another weight dropped down beside him. He looked over, coming eye to eye with a short-blond woman with blue/hazel eyes, and a short blond buzz.
Damn she was cut.
“Sup.”she said sensing him staring 
“Nothing much.” He Said with a smile. He held out a hand, “Ramirez.”
She took his hand with a strong grip, “Maverick. So what brings you onto this ronchy ass bus.”
He grinned, “Long story.”
“I’m sure we’ve got time.” 
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