#orion the battle king
ADBK: Orion the Battle King
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Epithet: The Master of Fairy Warfare
Voice Actor: Clyde Kusatsu
Tribe: The Fairy Kingdom
Biography: Although technically not the absolute power in charge, Orion governs the Fairy Kingdom with as much grace and skill as any just and wise monarch. He has trained all his life the Spells, Trap Incantations and martial arts moves necessary to defend both himself and his subjects from danger.
This is at least in part thanks to his time as a student of Exodia, who taught him one of his favorite Traps, the Spellbinding Circle. The actual monster in charge is the beautiful Gyakutenno Megami, goddess of healing and protection for both the people and their primary capital, the Aerial Sanctuary.
Orion mainly works in her stead while she works helping the Duelscape at large, and has elevated a cast of generals to keep the people safe from the constant encroachments by the Dragon Hordes and the ornery Winged Beasts despondent over the Harpie Lady alliance with The Kindred. Speaking of, Orion and Gyakutenno have been in talks with the Dark Magician, and have sent some of their own as a sign of goodwill, including Swordsman of Landstar and Injection Fairy Lily.
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shortfeather · 4 months
still can't write bc wrists still hurt but what i CAN do is daydream an entire star system's relationship to ritual combat and fighting prowess that will be relevant to only two people in hermnautica
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pastelpaperplanes · 6 months
Has KnockOut ever been insecure of stretch marks given how he prides on his appearance? I’m sure Breakdown doesn’t mind them, though. Also, can Megatron feel anything with that tremendous scar on his back and how does Optimus react once he first saw it?
Knockout is definitely vain to a fault, always he was all the way back when he was still a nobel, this extends to not just his appearance but also his need to keep his snazzy clothes and armor in perfect condition, as well his bow pristine!
However, what he loves most in the world is the life he shares with Breakdown. The highs and lows they faced in life beyond the Autobot Kingdom, scars and scratches they earned along the way–all are memories of how hard they fought for their life together and how much they loved the fact that they got to fight and WIN for that love.
The marks he received in life since bonding Breakdown are met with pride! (Breakdown lets little get past him to hurt KO, that and Knockout is a mean shot with his bow, both are the other’s protectors! lol, scars received are few and far in between)
Knockout’s stretch marks from Wildbreak– his greatest gift from Breakdown, his greatest gift to the love of his life, are by far his proudest yet. They made that baby!!! And that is the greatest joy and challenge Knockout has ever faced, but the best part was that he got to face it with Breakdown.
Yes, and ofc Breakdown loves the marks. Obsessed w them even–they belong to his super strong, soft, and hot hubby
As for Megatron’s burn marks, nope he does not feel them much at all, the burns were very deep and fried a lot of his nerves. It wasn’t always that way of course, healing took. years.
Optimus has seen every single one of his scars. When asked, Megs would talk his audial off telling Op the stories of each proud mark. Some range from petty fights with his brother long ago, some from his time in the gladiator pits, others from dumb youthful decisions, he's a story book ready for Optimus to dive into, he only needs to ask.
His first reaction to seeing them was of course shock, but secondly he felt truly sick. Of course at Megs, nor the melted, glassy flash, but the fact that someone could do something like that to another person. Megatron has long since been used to that look of shock, those who have seen it rarely can school their features–he eased the situation with yet another story.
The largest scar, his burns, now that is the one that everytime he talks about it, Megs cooks up a whole new story to pair it with. Megatron’s favorites are “I feel asleep in a hot spring” or “Fireworks and High Grade don’t mix” and “You see my dear Sir Orion, there is a reason why I am not allowed in any kitchen ever again so long as I live”. Optimus doesn’t really wonder anymore. He knows all too well that some well placed humor is just a mask for the too painful of stories. He does know that he has never seen a ‘burn’ scar quite like Megatronus’
“In a great flash of light, the Allspark disappeared and Left King Ultra and Megatron gravely wounded…” so the stories go. Those in the battle rumor that Megatron made a scramble for the Allspark and the artifact lashed at the unworthy King of daring to filthy it with his hands, King Ultra being too close, sadly being burned as well in It’s rage.
Megatron has his own side of the story. Not that many beyond the few trusted of his People he’s shared it with know the truth, perhaps one day the little Knight may be ready.
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greycloudsinwinter · 1 month
Master list ❤️❤️
A court of thorns and roses:
Platonic inner circle x reader x romantic azriel
Cassian x reader
High lord rhysand x reader
Thesan high lord of dawn x reader
Yandere inner circle x reader romantic
Kallias x reader
My hero academia:
Katsuki bakugo x reader
Endeavour x reader
Eijiro kirishima x reader
Twisted wonderland:
Azul x reader
Jamil x reader
Vert x reader
Poly bridgerton boys x reader
Colin bridgerton x reader
Game of thrones/ hotd :
The mountain x reader
Khal drogo x targeryan reader
Khal drogo x escaped reader
Khal drogo question
Khal drogo x reader smut
Jamie Lannister protected x reader
Maegor x reader
Rhaegar targeryan x reader
Maegor x wife reader with child
Aegon I x reader
Rickard stark x reader
Tywin Lannister x targeryan first wife reader
Jason Lannister x targeryan wife
Aegon I x reader with children
Maegor x male reader
Jaehaerys I x reader
Tyland Lannister x reader
Yanderes who become kings guard for male reader
Otto hightower x reader
Daemon targeryan x reader
Maegor x escapee reader
Ned stark question 1
Stannis Baratheon x reader
Otto Hightower x reader x platonic alicent
Poly viserys and Otto x reader
Poly viserys and Otto x reader
Poly viserys and Otto x reader question 1
Poly viserys and Otto x reader questions 2
Criston Cole x reader
Corys velaryon x reader
Criston Cole x reader part 2
Harry Potter / fantastic beasts :
Tom riddle x reader question
Gellert grindelwald x reader
Orion black x reader
Newt scamander x reader
Aberforth dumbledore x reader
Tom riddle x malfoy reader
Knights of walpurgis x reader
Cygnus black x reader
Cygnus black x reader questions
Cygnus black x reader questions 2
Pollux black x reader
Cygnus black x reader question 3
Cygnus black x reader question 4
Cygnus reaction to reader not wanting her children to be death eaters
Who wants the most children Orion or Cygnus black?
Orion black part 2
Poly orion and Cygnus black x reader
Poly marauders x Slytherin reader
Walpurgis x muggle reader
Lucius malfoy x reader
Salazar Slytherin x reader
Hobbit/ lotr :
Thranduil x fairy reader
Thranduil x fairy reader with children
Thranduil x fairy reader 3
Thranduil x fairy reader part of the company
Thranduil x fairy reader question
Haldir x reader
Would yandere Thranduil still join the battle of five armies
Yandere thorin Oakenshield x reader
Marcus volturi x reader
Aro volturi x reader
Cauis volturi x reader
Marcus volturi x reader part 2
Marcus volturi x stubborn reader
Aro volturi x reader (who doesn’t care )
Beaststars :
Ogma x reader
Tem x reader
Poly gohin and oguma x reader
Erik lehsnherr x reader
Erik lehsnherr questions 1
Historical characters:
Henry VIII x reader
Henry VIII x reader question 1
Baldwin IV x reader
Knight x reader
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fallenlightsif · 4 months
Florian & Emil & Julian - Aftermath
A shared commission I posted over on Patreon. Here’s a snippet of it, and you can read the full thing over on Patreon with the Archmage tier and up!
Your fingers glow with a golden light as you kneel at his side, taking his hand in yours. The burn disappears before your eyes, and you see some of the tension on Julian’s face ease. He reaches forward, brushing a strand of damp hair from your eyes.
“Thanks,” He gives you a small grin, crooked and mischievous, but still more genuine than most people have seen from him.
When you stand again, you see Florian watching you with warm eyes, “Ari would be proud.”
“Ari was about to bludgeon me to death earlier when I almost stepped on the damn relic we were looking for,” You roll your eyes.
The king just shrugs, “She has her moments.”
“I’d remember you aren’t her favorite right now either,” Julian points out, “You and Emil were supposed to stay in Kesdon. Who’s even running the kingdom right now? You both burst in to save the day, when it didn’t even need saving mind you, and Ebia’s throne is vacant as a result.”
“Not vacant,” Florian shifts, glancing away, “Ezrah has things under control.”
Your eyes damn near fall out out of your head they get so wide, “Ezrah? My brother? That Ezrah?”
“He’s…capable.” Florian coughs into his fist, “And Orion is there!”
Julian sags a little, looking entirely hopeless, “Please do not let the Queen of Leydon know we’re letting her runaway general sit the throne in your absense. She might join the battle to have your head personally for the insult.”
“I would have let Rowan, if we’re being entirely honest, but Emil tossed that idea.” Florian pouts slightly.
“I don’t trust them around the council,” Emil says blithely, “I fear we might return to them all slaughtered if we leave Rowan anywhere near a seat of power in our absence.”
“That was my hope,” The king quips in response.
Julian snorts, shoulders shaking from the force of his laughter. Emil gives them both a disapproving look.
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runwiththerain · 4 months
an introduction to the marauders
for @gently-decaying-flowers
follow up posts will be made for the valkyries and skittles
james fleamont potter
also known as prongs
important canon information:
dead, died on october 31st 1981 defending his family from voldemort so lily could protect harry
his parents are fleamont 'monty' and euphemia 'effie' and we love both of them
his animagus is a stag
was head boy and a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team
had a mutually antagonistic relationship with severus snape
fancast information:
original fancast was aaron taylor johnson
second fancast was reiky de valk
my personal fancast is gabriel.stewart
other fancasts include nickisnotgreen and thomas weatherall
common fanon traits:
is known as the sun and a golden retriever character, wears red converse, swiftie, quidditch obsessed, early morning riser who tries to force other people too (doesn't work), loyal, hero complex, hopeless romantic, mischievous and loves pranks, often is desi or latino, would take a bullet for anyone in his life, definitely strutted and is a therapist friend, has a hard time opening up
jily/sunflower/flowerpott: james and lily evans
jegulus/sunseeker/starchaser: james and regulus black
prongsfoot: james and sirius black
moonchaser: james and remus lupin
sirius orion black
also known as padfoot
important canon information:
godfather to harry and best friends with james
left home at 16 to live with the potters
was wrongly accused for the betrayal of lily and james
served 12 years in azkaban before using his animagus form to escape
his animagus is a black dog
was killed by his cousin bellatrix lestrange
fancast information:
original fancast was ben barnes
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is conan gray
other fancasts include louis seriot and eren m güvercin
common fanon traits:
drama queen, massive david bowie fan, rides a motorcycle, experiments with makeup, genderfluid, compulsive and mischievous, gay, owns and wears a leather jacket, he thinks his initials stand for son of a bitch, short king, gets jealous easily, no concept of personal space, mommy issues, daddy issues, family issues, pretty crier, french, likes to paint his nails
wolfstar: sirius and remus lupin
blackinnon: sirius and marlene mckinnon (widely unaccepted now)
prongsfoot: sirius and james potter
remus john lupin
also known as moony
important canon information:
his nickname of moony came about due to his "furry little problem" (being a werewolf)
in prisoner of azkaban he taught d efense against the dark arts at hogwarts
has a child called teddy with nymphadora tonks
was killed in the battle of hogwarts
fancast information:
original fancast was andrew garfield
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is p4perback
other fancasts include paul ahrens and matthew hitt
common fanon traits:
always wears grandpa sweaters, craves academic validation, best friends with lily, grumpy around full moons, loves chocolate, the mastermind behind all the marauders pranks, goes to a study group, is a massive nerd, tall but it took ages for him to grow, self worth issues, raspy voice, swears a goddamn lot, welsh and no one can understand what he says
wolfstar: remus and sirius black
moonwater: remus and regulus black
moonchaser: remus and james potter
moonrosekiller: remus and barty crouch jr and evan rosier
peter pettigrew
also known as wormtail
important canon information:
traitor to the marauders
was james and lily's secret keeper but ratted them out to voldemort hence resulting in their death
his animagus form is a rat
hid in his rat form in the wealsey family as 'scabbers' until discovered by sirius and remus in the prisoner of azkaban
fancast information:
original fancast was dane dehaan
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is lewis capaldi
other fancasts include maxwell acee donovan and jacob batalon
common fanon traits:
friendly and sociable, plant dad, needs validation, great cook/baker, indecisive, cheeky, amazing at chess, not the smartest academically, childhood friends with james and marlene, quick thinker, unintentionally funny, wants nothing more than to fit in, sometimes forgotten, has a really healthy dating history, sometimes has the best pranks and suprises the others
pebill: peter and sybill trelawney
unknown ship name: peter and james potter (usually a one sided crush)
unknown ship name: peter and remus lupin
partyvan: peter and barty crouch jr and evan rosier (this is mostly made as a joke)
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erijuice · 3 months
And now, here are some of my money shots and concept art for Wish Upon A Star (my version/AU of Wish), complete with the Sleeping Beauty-esque aspect ratio and everything!
Starting with our lovely duo, Princess Asha and Orion the Starboy!
One of them is a little recreation of a shot from the canon movie that I found adorable. LOOK AT HIM!!
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Here's TWO for my version of the "At All Costs" sequence. I wish this was still a romantic duet between Asha and Orion. Imagine this being our generation's A Whole New World or Once Upon A Dream, and even the demo version is STILL on my mind to this day! Gosh darn we were robbed!!
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And now, here's something I haven't shown before, my versions of King Magnifico and Queen Amaya. Here, Queen Amaya is a dark-skinned Afro-Latina and a evil fusion of Canon!Amaya and Asha's canon mom Sakina, and Magnifico remains the same for the most part.
The wish orbs are more rainbow-colored, drawing inspiration from Disney's long-forgotten Star Darlings web series. (RIP 🙏🏾)
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and here's the Wishing Tree, where Asha makes her wish to the stars. I brought back the wish ribbons because I love the idea of the people of Rosas writing their wishes to the stars when Magnifico refuses to grant their wish. This would encourage Asha to fight her parents for everyone's wish to be granted. Notice how there is no North Star because it doesn't exist yet, because this is supposed to be about how the Wishing Star was born. (or Orion, wink-wink)
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And a few more money-shots that were inspired by the concept art that was shown at D23 Expo when the concept was first announced. (I suggest you look up the performance of This Wish / More For Us online to find out to know what I'm referencing.)
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In case you're wondering about the dragon, that is actually a silhouette of Magnifico's dragon form, because I CANNOT draw a real dragon, I just can't. BUT.. I will say that Magnifico will do so much MORE with his power in the climax of my AU. I would imagine a massive shapeshifting battle between Orion and Magnifico. HOLY MOLY THAT WOULD BE EPIC!!
Anyways, that's all I have to show for now! It was exhausting but I loved these little money shots. Goodnight, Kingdom of Rosas!
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AU time: what if Root had survived?
Hahah I want everyone to suffer today. This is a break down, book by book, of an alternate universe story for "if Root had survived".
Opal Deception: In the seconds before Opal's bomb exploded, Root managed to find a weakness in one of the restraints binding it to him. He managed to subtly take out his combat knife, slicing the arm and throwing the bomb away from him as it exploded and Holly flew away, truly believing he was dead. For the rest of that book, Root is in critical condition, severe burns all the way down his left side and one arm missing below his elbow.
At the end of the Opal Deception, the Fowl team defeats Opal, gets taken down to Haven, but just as Ark Sool is on his rant Root comes out and screams "You tried to murder my officer!" . Holly is so shocked she ligit collapses. In the end, Holly gets exonerated for the situation but takes a leave of absence, since everything that happened kind of proved to her that the LEP did not have her back when she needed them and were willing to throw her under the bus at the first opportunity. She goes to work part time with Mulch as a PI, and Root has to go on an extended medical leave for his injuries.
Lost Colony: Same as before, Artemis is up to some demonic BS, and Holly gets roped in by Section 8 to help. Root, mean while, realises he's no longer the right person to be commander of the LEP and has thus retired, being granted a spot on the council. The other council members assumed, however, that Root would merely see this as a pension and leave the governing to them. NOPE. Our man has some major changes he wants to implement and he is doing so LOUDLY.
He's also become regular drinking buddies with Mulch, and although they still have their differences, they have a much stronger respect for one another.
Through the adventure we cut back to him having to smooth things over with the council to help Artemis and Holly, making deals to get them and the demons the help they need.
After the time skip to Hybras, they come back to find that Root is head of the council, and the fairy people are thriving under his leadership. Although his belief in the LEP being able to solve all the crime in Haven by brute strength alone is a little concerning. He was also Foaly's best man at his wedding since Holly couldn't be there. And visits Butler on the surface for weeks at a time, since as much as Butler is waiting for Artemis, Root is waiting for Holly. And Butler makes him promise that, if he dies before Artemis and Holly return, that he'll keep up the watch for them.
Time Paradox: Much of this books plot is the same, with the slight tweek that Root comes to the surface with the LEP once its revealed that Opal is behind it all. He now has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about her, seeing her less as an opportunistic pest, and more an evil he will do anything in his power to stomp out.
Atlantis Complex: Root attends Artemis's arctic summit with everyone else, and witnesses the Mars Probes attack. He is very torn up about Vinyaya's death, and does his best to keep everyone safe using the various gadgets Foaly built into his prosthetic arm. Once Orion turns up, Root is put in charge of keeping him entertained (so Holly doesn't strangle the poor boy) by recounting elements of the reign of King Frond and his battle strategies.
He is distraught once he learns about what his brother is doing, and is the first to suggest that they hunt him down. While they travel, he gives Artemis his prosthetic arm to repair so he has something to focus on other than his own mental breakdown (how considerate). Root tries his best to calm down his brother when they find him, but can't. And that fact, along with Turnball and Elanor's sacrifice for everyone in the hospital, will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Last Guardian: Through out the last guardian, Root is determined to stop Opal, giving Artemis, Holly, and Butler access to his personal security clearance so they can cut through all the red tape and get to the surface as quickly as possible.
While they're top side, Root jumps in Foaly's van to help rescue Caballine, narrowly escaping the time stop field as it closes over the goblins.
When they hear about Artemis's death, Root insists that the council hold a Haven wide memorial for the boy who saved them. He's far more choked up about it then people thought he would be, so much so that Holly and Foaly actually tell him about the clone they're growing. Root insists on helping, even going so far as to give up a whole room in his house for them to grow the clone Artemis in, since it's safer then keeping it in a storage unit. Besides, the mud boy needs someone to keep him company. He is right there with them on the day they bring Artemis back, and personally takes it upon himself to explain everything to his parents so they don't freak out.
Overall I could see Root becoming a much mellower person as the series continued, realising there is far more to the world then the military life he had clung onto for so long, and realising there were still many ways he could help the People.
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melishade · 3 days
Not sure if this was asked and you can answer it or not but: what would happen if Orion and megatronous met ymir in peaceful timeline?
This is a very interesting case with an actual stake.
Because while Optimus and Megatron in the main Peaceful Timeline don’t have to go back, Orion and Megatronus absolutely need to go back. The war is over for Optimus and Megatron, and they would want to live out their lives in peace protecting the family that they have built. However, Orion and Megatronus have people on Cybertron who need them and are worried about them and their safety making the decision harder to stay protect Ymir.
But let’s get into it.
So Orion and Megatronus would get sent to the AOT world 2,000 years ago. There probably wouldn’t be too many timeline shenanigans needed for everything to line up, since this is there younger years, but Cybertronians do live for a ridiculously long time.
How they get there, probably some shady shit Alpha Trion does. But they end up near the battlefield with Ymir in her Titan form. Orion and Megatronus are obviously trying to figure out what’s going on, but King Fritz spots them and orders Ymir to attack them. Megatronus has to push Orion out the way before engaging Ymir in combat. Meanwhile, Orion thinking that the Eldians are the enemy, tells the Marleyans to run for their lives.
During this debacle, Orion does manage to pick up on Ymir’s crying through her screams of rage. He ends up looking back at the battle to see Ymir attacking erratically while Megatronus is attacking with calculated precision and ease. Orion shouts for Megatronus to not kill Ymir, stating that something is wrong, which catches Megatronus off guard allowing Ymir to land a direct hit against him. Now it’s just her and Orion, and Orion is scrambling for his life, trying to appeal to her while the humans are screaming at them both. Ymir ends up grabbing Orion and tries to squeeze him, earning cheers from the Eldians and strangled cries from Orion.
And as Orion is getting crushed, he still here’s Ymir’s cries and sees tears streaming down her skull of a face. He pleads his case with her, saying he and Megatronus can help her and set her free. Ymir loosens her grip at that but Megatronus fries at her hand, forcing her to drop Orion and for Megatronus to catch him. Megatronus ends up pulling Orion out of the line of attack.
Orion is frantically saying that Ymir is a prisoner and they need to help her, but right now, Megatronus is seeing her as a combatant, especially since she attacked Orion. But Orion keeps insisting he hears her crying and begs for Megatronus to just listen. Megatronus is uncertain of this, what with the chaos going around and the Marleyans fighting the Eldians but he opens his spark and he listens. He does hear Ymir’s cries of pain and fear, and he also hears someone barking orders at her. Megatronus finds the noise and see King Fritz screaming at her to follow his commands. He sees the way Ymir flinches at him, despite her size and her might. Megatron hated how familiar that was. How it reminded him of the slave masters forcing the lower caste to do hard labor with force, or forcing them to fight in the gladiator arena. It angered him.
Megatronus merely leaves Orion and walks over to King Fritz, Ymir tries to attack but Megatronus merely shoots at Ymir’s arm without even looking. He continues walking towards the Eldians, towards Fritz. He notices, and is now afraid. He orders his men to protect him, and they try to, but their weapons merely bounce off of Megatronus and he crushes them through his walk without a second thought. Fritz tries to bark an order to Ymir just as Megatronus is right on top of him, but Orion gets her attention by gently cradling her massive face, requesting that she look away. Ymir listens to those kind hands and that gentle voice as Megatronus lifts his pride and crushes Fritz with it, getting his blood and guts everywhere. He steps on the remains one more time before sliding his pede across the ground, smearing his blood everywhere. The Eldians and even the Marleyans are shaking in fear at such a cold hearted act. Megatronus snaps his helm to the Eldians adorned in blue and says one word to them.
The Eldians scramble, and the Marleyans quickly run after them once they realize that Megatronus wasn’t going to do anything to them. Megatronus spots Orion still dangerously close to Ymir and bolts towards the both of them, grabbing Orion’s shoulder and pulling him back before aiming his blaster directly at her. Orion reasons with Megatronus that she’s no longer a threat. Megatronus challenges that. How is Orion so sure? They then see steam coming out of the back of the neck and see Ymir’s human form stumbling out of it. She ends up slipping and falling down, but Megatronus catches her on reflex. He’s a little bit weirded out at the sight of her, but he feels sympathy once she looks at him with tears in her eyes.
Helos ends up looking back as they chase the Eldians down and see Orion and Megatronus handling Ymir with such care. Orion ends up glancing back at Helos, and tells Megatronus they should go while they were distracted. Megatronus agrees and the two transform and drive off together, taking Ymir with them. (Note: that Megatronus’ previous alt mode before the war was a tank, or at the very least a ground vehicle.)
A few notes:
-The Marleyan take spin includes both Orion and Megatronus. Orion being the god of compassion while Megatronus is the god of war/justice, since he was the one who killed Fritz. Not Helos.
-If Optimus and Megatron have limited knowledge on humans, then oh boy, Orion and Megatronus don’t know jack shit! When Ymir shows signs of bringing pregnant, they don’t know what’s happening and Ymir doesn’t have a proper education so of course she doesn’t know how to properly explain. The best she can communicate is that she’s fine and that this is normal.
-Orion and Megatronus decide to take Ymir to refuge in an abandoned Cybertronian ship, since they don’t have holoforms and think that a place that could house all three of them is the better option. Obviously, it’s not comfortable for Ymir. She doesn’t have the proper clothes. She’s cold, she’s experiencing pregnancy pains.
-Also, because they don’t completely understand the importance of disguise, they end up coming across Solveig in their bipedal mode while she’s foraging. She’s surprised at the sight and thinks they are gods.
Orion: We’re not god.
Megatronus: Well-!
Orion: Megatronus!
Orion ends up asking Solveig for assistance and shows Ymir to her, and Solveig immediately gets to work checking up on her and giving her fresh plants that are safe for her to eat.
Solveig: God damn it how did you not know this?! How are you even born?!
Orion: Our souls come out of the ground to inhabit a body!
Solveig:…I take it back, you’re not gods. You’re idiots.
Megatronus: HEY!
Solveig basically take Ymir in and coaches Orion and Megatronus on human anatomy.
-There’s obvious concern between both Orion and Megatronus, considering that they have a revolution to return to. And they have no idea how to take care of Ymir. Honestly, if Solveig didn’t intervene and welcome her into her home, they might have accidentally killed her. Megatronus and Solveig do talk with Orion present, suggesting that she take care of Ymir while the two of them return home. Solveig calmly states it’s a bad idea, but Orion reluctantly lists out the reasons they can’t stay and how they could harm her. Solveig says to run it by Ymir and see her point, so they do, and Ymir immediately panics. She begs them not to leave her. Begs them to stay and that she’ll do anything in her weak and broken voice. She says she’ll help them fight, hearing them talk about their conflicts. She’ll work for them. She’ll do anything! Just don’t go!
Orion is doing his best to comfort her while Megatronus is stunned. They were so terrible at taking care of her but-! Solveig reminds Megatronus that they saved her. That can influence a lot of emotions.
-The village ultimately finds out about Orion and Megatronus and there is some worship.
(Okay that’s all I have for now.)
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My knowledge on he New Gods is sparse I'll admit. But like...isn't it supposed to be Highfather's job to deal with Darkseid? Where he at tho
Depending on when we are in continuity he might be dead (I have no idea where he is NOW but he was alive with a glow-up last I saw him) but his main dealing with him was trading sons and it worked for a hot couple of centuries.
Also, Highfather/New Genesis just ignoring Darkseid as a threat to Earth and the greater cosmos is somewhat of a more recent development and it was not what was intended by their creator Jack Kirby. New Gods was supposed to be an isolated story within DC but it got absorbed and I think the last writer to actually care about the source material and lore behind these characters was Walter Simonson when he worked on the Orion solo back in the early 2000s.
Before New Gods got integrated and Darkseid was passed around as Baddie of Week for various heroes to deal with, he was a New Genesis problem and New Genesis, Orion specifically, was dealing with him.
Why Highfather himself isn't going there and beating him to death with the Wonderstaff is because he had a shift in rolls as a New God and he is no longer Izaya the warrior, he put in his time (thousands of years??) doing battle and he is no longer that person.
So basically - Highfather/New Genesis HAVE been dealing with Darkseid but DC won't let them now for DRAMA. I have no idea where Highfather is now. The most recent incarnation I saw of Orion made me want to punch a tree. Tom King needs to get Orion's name out of his mouth.
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andrewmoocow · 9 months
Amphibians in Disguise lore and facts
In Cybertron's distant past at the end of its golden age, there lived a kindly data clerk named Orion Pax and a revolutionary miner turned gladiator with big dreams named Megatronus who both noticed something wrong with Cybertronian society. Though their planet was freed from the tyranny of the Quintessons eons ago thanks to the efforts of the Autobot warrior known as Noctis Prime, traces of their Functionist caste system still remained.
Desiring equality among their people, Orion and Megatronus were united by a common goal and became almost like brothers. However, their relationship fell apart when Megatronus, now calling himself Megatron, demanded that the High Council cave into his violent ideals of peace by making him the next Prime, but the Autobots were more won over by Orion's more peaceful ways. Corrupted by anger, hatred, and betrayal, Megatron gathered his followers and turned them into what is today known as the Decepticons to begin the Great War.
Orion Pax initially wanted to stay out of the war out of guilt for causing Megatron to go down this path. One day while he and his Elite Guard spy friend Ariel were visiting the space bridge that his other friend Dion worked at, the Decepticons attacked. Orion and Ariel were wounded in the crossfires, but Dion was offlined by a cosmic rust cannon blast from Megatron. From then on, Orion knew what had to be done and after accepting the Matrix of Leadership, which housed the spark of the Thirteenth Prime Optronix Prime, he became Optimus Prime.
After years of the Autobots waging their battles to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons, their war reached a stalemate as both sides realized they were slowly bleeding Cybertron's resources dry and they needed to find somewhere else to replenish. However, Megatron had other plans to get rid of the Autobots via a teleportation device he stole from the scientist Primacron that he hopes will send Optimus's entire army to parts unknown, never to return. However, a treacherous member of Megatron's inner circle known as Starscream had plans of his own for the device.
As the Autobots left Cybertron and the Decepticons gave chase, a squad consisting of Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave, Soundwave, and a bunch of Vehicon mooks, broke into the Ark and tried to use the device on Optimus. Unfortunately, things did not go according to plan. In his lust for power, Starscream seized control of the device and it warped him, the other Decepticons, Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Ratchet to the strange organic world of Amphibia.
The eight Cybertronians were all forced into emergency stasis lock for eons afterwards. However, Megatron was woken up by Amphibia's ancient inhabitants a few decades afterwards and was kept beneath the caste of King Aldrich Leviathan, who saw Megatron as a useful ally since the emperor of destruction has been to numerous worlds during the war. Also alongside Aldrich was a being known as the Core, a collection of the smartest beings in Amphibia housed within a single hivemind built from the remains of none other than Noctis Prime.
Long before Megatron was discovered on Amphibia, Noctis was hailed as a hero for saving Cybertron from the Quintessons. But one accidental bath in a vat of Dark Energon drove Noctis insane and gave him a connection with the monster planet Chaos Bringer Unicron, who plotted to use Noctis as a herald for his eventual coming. Fearing the worst, the High Council of that era banished Noctis Prime to Amphibia, where he would eventually be found by its residents and become the Leviathan family's liaison to Unicron. Whatever world resists being conquered, they will become food for the planet eater.
After the disappearances of their respective leaders, the Autobots and Decepticons chose Ultra Magnus and Lugnut to fill in for Optimus and Megatron once they awakened on Earth after millions of years. Among Magnus's most loyal followers included his apprentice Hot Rod, Elita One, Jazz, Prowl, Ironhide, and Blurr. Meanwhile, Lugnut was closest to Barricade, Blitzwing, Knock Out, Swindle, Lockdown, and Slipstream.
Much like Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, Cybertron had its own fair share of Calamity Trios among the Autobots and Decepticons. For example, Orion Pax was once the Anne to Ariel, later Elita One's, Sasha and Dion's Marcy. After becoming Optimus Prime, he became the Anne to Sentinel Prime's Sasha and Ultra Magnus's Marcy. Likewise, Starscream was once the Sasha to Jetfire's Anne and Jetstorm's Marcy before the Great War convinced Starscream that he could be more than a scientist, he could be a leader. However, Jetfire and Jetstorm were vehemently against Megatron's extremism, which ended the trio's friendship.
The Cybertronians' time on Amphibia would greatly change them all. Optimus learned from Anne to loosen up a little, Bumblebee learned from Sprig to grow up a little more, Arcee learned from Polly to have a little fun, and Ratchet learned from Hop Pop to appreciate the time you still have left. As for the Decepticons, Shockwave was encouraged to follow his heart through the time spent with Sasha and Soundwave becomes more willing to speak his mind, becoming incredibly sassy as a result.
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Got bored and decided to do a basic Wiki search of the new personas + new Velvet Room attendant name.
Jánošík (aka, Juraj Jánošík): a Slovak highwayman who robbed from nobles a la Robin Hood. His story is mainly known in Poland and the Czech Republic, and he is a symbol of resisting against oppression.
(Interesting that Wonder’s Persona is like Robin Hood. While that archetype of a person stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is a thing, considering one of Goro’s Persona is Robin Hood...maybe there’s a connection between them, or a hint of what this game and the world going to be about via Goro. Or not. Again, a common archetype. Wouldn’t be surprise by this, consider Atlus are jerks regarding Goro’s fate that is now just annoying.).
Awilda: A Scandinavian female pirate from the 5th century. The daughter of an Scandinavian king, Awilda got so impressed with a prince of Denmark, who was battling her at the time, she revealed her true identity and married him.
(That means for sure Arai is connected to the baseball man with the ‘Palace’. Desire. Still confused with the terminology at the moment. She’s might be a gender flip of Ryuji’s character and his arc. I hope that somehow, these two meet and talk to one another.)
Rob Roy: Full name Rob Roy MacGregor, he was a Scottish outlaw who partake in the Jacobite rising in 1689 (and others), and later became the head of his clan, watching and protecting cattle from raids. Rob Roy also had a feud with the Duke of Montrose at the time and robbed his cattle.
(Honestly speaking Rob Roy’s life is a lot to give the basic somehow. But at the very least I know why Luffy’s codename is now ‘Cattle’. I can’t find any connection between Rob Roy and owls though.)
Merope: A common name in Greek Mythology. One Merope for instance, was the queen of Corinth, the foster mother of Oedipus. Another Merope was a water-nymph. Another Merope was a princess who the hunter Orion was engaged with, and was later assaulted by. One last Merope to be mention here, is Merope of the seven Pleiades. The youngest of the seven sister, this Merope married the mortal Sisyphus, and thus became mortal herself.
(Looking at Merope’s official artwork, she lacks the well-known golden eyes of the rest of the attendants P3 onward. She’s has more in common with Belladonna, Nameless, and the Demon Painter. Okay, the last two don’t show their eyes, but Belladonna lacks the golden spark too! I think and hope Merope is someone to keep an eye on. hehe. eye on.)
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vilandel · 3 months
Black Clover Next Generation III ♣️💘
Family Tree of House Vermillion
Fire Vermillions
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Plant Vermillions
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I've already talked a bit about Mimosas and Langris children here, so I won't go too much into details yet (that will be for the profiles).
Just so you know, Kirsch is actually an excellent uncle and to Mimosas surprise, well loved by her children. He also became an uncle for Finrals and Finesses children.
As for the Fire Vermillions, Esclarmonde and Yogan are the oldest of their generation.
Yogan is the only son of Mereoleona and Yosuga (their marriage/bond/whatever is rather special in many ways I'm still figuring it out^^'). He is actually as calm as his parents are wild.
Yosuga and Mereoleona can have their most fierce, devastating battle training and he can just sit unbothered in the middle of it with a book.
Just so you know, he is very powerful magic-wise, in fact he is double as powerful as his parents... Him being such a calm boy was a relief for EVERYONE. Yogan also gets along great with his uncle Fuegoleon.
Yogans birth is quite the story, because Mereoleona was fighting an herd of powerful Magic Beasts and some renegade noble bandits WHILE giving birth to her son. Come on, this is Mereo, of course she would give birth during a battle or something.
His parents are still very proud of him.
Esclarmonde is the calmest one of her siblings. She has a romantic soul and the story of her parents underlines this trait even more.
She also wants one day to become Wizard Queen, learns and trains hard for that. This includes also doing charities and learning no-magic first aid. Plans already to make this a basis for Magic Knights training and has talks with her father about it. She and Fuegoleon are really close, a true Father-Daughter trust.
Is determined to join the Crimson Lion Kings and also to become their captain one day.
Orion is wilder than his older sister, but still calm. Let's say that he is calm but with passion.
Doesn't talk much, but shows more. Not very stoic, though, as he smiles often.
Aliénor is much younger than her siblings, another kind of surprise child.
Personality-wise, she is like auntie Mereo.
Leopolds wife is another OC of mine (I'll made a profile one day for her). To sum up, Venus is a peasant, a member of the Green Praying Mantises and rather crazy (she can cut with her Foam Magic).
Their daughter Eleonora is as loud and wild as her parents. She has a soft spot for volcanos, much to auntie Mereos delight.
Their son Espumaleon is practically the shy baby. Was very sick when he was a baby, so his parents are protective about him and his big sister even more.
Unlike Eleonora, Espumaleon prefers calm and fluffy places, especially with pillows and blankets. Or a bubble bath. He also doesn't want to become a Magic Knight.
Yogan as straight and long dark red hair, which he usually wears in a low pony tail, his mother's blue eyes with the Vermillion red eyeliner and he has powerful Lava Magic (Don't make him angry, as he doesn't yell, remains calm but his lava quickly runs wild).
Esclarmonde, Orion and Aliénor have all their mother's nacreous eyes and their father's red Vermillion eyeliner. Esclarmonde has wavy waist-long hair, red has Fuegoleon's and also has inherited her father's Fire Magic. Orion has dark purple hair like his mother, but shoulder length and soft just like his father, he also got Litals Star Magic. Aliénor has a wide curly mane like her mother, the color is a redish purple (a mix of her parents hair colors) and got Seafire Magic, a powerful one at that. Noelle one day almost got a heart-attack when little Aliénor accidentally put her Sea Dragon's Roar on fire^^'
Eleonora has long and slightly curly red hair, her mother's jade green eyes, with typical Vermillion eyeliner and got her father's Fire Magic. Espumaleon has black hair like his mother, grass green eyes and red eyeliners from his father, with Venus' Foam Magic.
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pastelpaperplanes · 6 months
How did Optimus get the scar on his chest?
also for a knight he doesn’t really have a lot of scars which could mean he’s either really good or really inexperienced (or both)
The scar on his chest is from this incident right here!
Granted this AU doesn’t have a linear plot in mind organized, I‘ve just used this event as a major conflict Megatronus and Sir Orion face. It would take place not long after Optimus finds out ‘Megatronus’ is actually King Megatron himself. Obviously this reveal wouldn't go down so well, making their partnership out of convenience so much more high stakes now that Optimus knows that this mech he’s shared his journey (and his heart) with isn’t after a bounty on the sacred Allspark at all–but has every intention of securing it by any means necessary to save his own people.
In the height of all this drama, Megatron leaves Optimus’ side per the Knight’s wishes, soon after facing a near blinding blizzard and getting ambushed by a hoard mercenaries who caught word of the mission and had every intention of taking both down getting everything they knew about the Allspark out of them. Optimus ends up following after Megs (those damn FEELINGS) and ends up taking a couple of very nasty hits by the straggling few Megs managed to miss after he was finally brought down! Here is where KOBD shows up to pull the near frozen mechs out of the snow and drag them along to the Dinobot Isles where they eventually recover
He doesn't have many scars, but the arrow wounds definitely are the worst of them.
And you're right, it's a bit of both!
Optimus, Sentinel and Elita were all knighted about a decade after the Great War. The Council found themselves in need of a lot more Guard leaders with the looming possible threat of the Decepticons making a return, as well as the dire need for spirited and eager to serve young mechs to venture out for their kingdom to recover the Allspark, wherever it may be. All three nobels were set on the fast track for knighthood due to their status, as well as their prowess on the training grounds.
There were few things that could keep Optimus’ mind occupied from the weight of being the last member of House Orion, pushing his skills and body to the limits in his training seemed to work best. Out of his partners, Optimus was without a doubt the most experienced and promising of all.
Knight Elita’s untimely death was a terrible loss for both the Guard and Council, as Iacon lost one of it’s most promising potential command units which quickly fell apart due to grief. Sentinel and Optimus never emotionally recovered and the rift between them was to great for even the Council to make attempts to amend, such wasted potential…..Knight Optimus was promptly demoted from his station after claiming fault for the incident, however, he still holds the title of Knight for ceremonial/status purposes despite being removed from official service.
Since all those years ago, he does not lead any guards whatsoever and he mostly helps to train young and plucky new guards in basics. (He is the favorite instructor of just about every soldier that comes his way) So no, Optimus has not seen true battle nor faced much injury in his time as a ‘glorified’ Knight within Iaconian walls. Again, grueling training, and now his ragtag group of unlikely friends, Bulkhead, Bee, and Ratchet, are some of the few reasons that gets Optimus up in the morning.
Currently though, the quest to recover the Allspark is his sole purpose in life so that he may pay his penance to his Kingdom and Elita. He’s faced a lot of danger throughout his quest, but with Megatron watching his six, very few have come close to touching him.
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binvibin · 2 months
Wolfstar medieval AU where Remus is the son of a farmer and while he's driving his wagon to a village when he comes across Sirius, the runaway crown prince. Sirius asks if he could hitch a ride with him, and Remus who was raised to be polite says yes. They get along really well but then they get attacked by assassins! Sirius manages to steal a bow and arrows and a knife off them. And then they have to stay in the woods together!
They have to keep evading the assassins, but they manage to sneak into another village to steal blankets, a tent, and bandages. Remus is naturally kinda suspicious of Sirius and Sirius confesses that the reason they're after him is because he's the prince and he's vulnerable because he's not with his guards! Remus asks him what his plan was after he got out of the castle and Sirius confesses that he'd just been very angry at his parents after an argument and had had no real plan.
They stay in the forest for another week and start to crush on each other as they venture nearer to the city the palace is in. When they get to the city they end up having an epic battle in the market place against the assassins. They end up winning against their attackers but Remus is arrested and Orion sends the order to execute him because he thinks Sirius ran away to be in love with Remus. Sirius finds James(who is a duke) and they rescue him!
Orion has heart attack immediately after this and dies so Sirius becomes king, and he takes Remus has his royal consort.
Just imagine! Remus teaching Sirius to forage, Sirius teaching Remus how to hunt with the bow and arrows, them playfully bathing together in a river, stargazing, cuddling together for warmth
this is so well thought out, omg. for a second i thought you meant sirius' parents sent the assassins. i think a medieval au is a great idea. would remus be alarmed and try to get him to go back to the castle?
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kalahannikolai · 2 months
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My original Megatron design, in his Present form (left) and a sketch of his Civil War form (right). Easily both my best Transformers art yet, and also my favorite designs I've ever executed. He is truly my magnum opus, it's amazing.
Lore and story below!
Lord Megatron, former leader of the Decepticons and now a shadow of his former self. Once upon a time, he and his sister Arcee had been masterful gladiators in the Pits of Kaon. They were the ultimate fighters, but Megatron found himself wanting for a better life for the both of them. He sought it out beyond the gladiatorial pits, and climbed his way past the obstacles of society to call for a better Cybertron.
But one's path doesn't always go the way they originally intend.
As followers came to his side, rallied by his call for the Senate's dissolution, Megatron would find himself losing his way. Glory and conquest would wet his appetite, and give him a craving for more. The Decepticons he'd founded, gathered under the desire to break down their oppressors, began to wholly relish in destruction. Megatron himself began to laugh during battle, engaged his combat that made him feel the vigor of the pits again.
But Megatron's bloody path would not proceed without an obstacle in its way. The young Orion Pax had been chosen, raised to Primehood and ready to fend off the Decepticon hostilities. Thus was the Autobot Resistance forged in opposition to Megatron's own ambitions. And oppose him they did, so fiercely that they would lead Megatron to fall on a last resort.
Megatron tapped into the dark forces of the universe, and found the gaze of the Destroyer fell upon him.
Unicron himself overwhelmed the Gladiator's true wishes, and began to seed the Decepticon faction with darkness. Seeing his own men reduced to bloodthirsty monsters opened his eyes to what they'd already become. Unwilling to see their people become slaves, Megatron called for a true between the Decepticons and Autobots. The deliberations mediated by Vector Prime himself, it ended with Megatron stripped of command and sentenced into exile.
He took the fall from grace with honor, and left Soundwave as leader in his place.
Today he lingers in exile as he wanders the fringe wilds of Fódlan. Unwilling to interfere in history anymore, but unable to keep himself away, Megatron has found his fate intertwined with a one Byleth Eisner. He watches her journey from the shadows, nudging her when necessary in the right direction; to become the hero he knows she can be. After all, it had taken a hero to defeat him once upon a time. Byleth will need to become a proper one to be what the world needs her to be, and the once and glorious King of Kaon will ensure it.
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