#opening shift
postwarlevi · 2 years
Noun. clopen  
A pair of work shifts in which a worker works a closing shift one day and then works an opening shift the next day, usually with a short amount of time between the two.
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erisavernus · 3 months
what is it about staying up until midnight that makes the poetry happen and why do I have a job that stops that from happening?
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geothebio · 1 year
in my five years delivering pizza, these are definitely the best delivery instructions i’ve ever gotten
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lobstersoup · 14 days
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athlast · 1 month
there's something about butches reclaiming protectiveness and chivalry from an imposed "caring, nurturing" character associated and often forced upon women. something about how while straight men often try to present as careless as possible, masculinity and care are not only not conflicting in the butch identity, but inherent to it. there's something there.
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apphy09 · 1 year
if I make a coffee for someone and have to put four sugars in per shot, I feel like I’m an accomplice to homicide
- someone on the opening shift (also known as the frontlines for humanity’s caffeine addiction)
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springbeans-art · 4 months
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uff wish i had time to polish this more but I had to get it off my chest because it's inspired by @demonzoro 's absolutely stunning fic "and then the sun came out" and it literally rearranged my braincells!!!!!! The writing is impeccable and if you haven't read it yet do yourself the favor and go now!!!
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saintaviator · 3 months
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moar hl scraps…. does a pose
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anotherwrld · 4 months
jesus christ yall that four day reprogramming your mind for shifting is actually . stupidly powerful. riya…. riya when I get my damn hands on you girl ….
stumbled across her content two days ago, started setting up my four day gameplan and writing my script for mechat yesterday. now, most of my script is done, I had a dream about my DR last night, and could FEEL my third eye opening during one of her guided meditations tonight??? yall.
like …. my skin is GLOWING, I’m genuinely so at peace, and feel absolutely unshaken in the idea that I will shift. like I can and I WILL. like I’m actually getting so giddy for Friday like kicking my feet and everything like oh my god I can FEEL it like Friday is gonna be MY DAY !!!!
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lemongogo · 3 months
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beetlemp3 · 8 months
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equinox cafe 🌕☕🍂
A whimsical autumn little coffee shop in mid-nowhere built over wiccan grounds... must be why their coffee tastes like magick!
✿Gallery ID: beetlemp3   ✿Cafe ✿  30x20 ✿  No CC
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
I’m against trans community infighting but I just don’t see it coming “from both sides” in the way people react to it as. There’s some kind of bigger disconnect here than transmascs & transfems being hostile towards one another. Just look at the difference scrolling through the “transandrophobia” versus “transmisogyny” tags. I literally cannot go through the transmisogyny tag without “transandrophobia truthers/transandrodorks/<whatever they’re saying now>” being shit on multiple times and sometimes outright told “I want [you] dead” when I don’t see anything like this in the transandrophobia tags.
From the transfem perspective it’s surely about transmisogyny but how is anyone in the transandrophobia conversation supposed to take being called a transmisogynist seriously right now? They’re called transmisogynists just for using the word transandrophobia, while being told the word is transmisogynistic because the person who coined it is. But then the evidence I’ve personally been sent for this is that he (as a sex worker I’m told) engaged in consensual detrans roleplay AND that evidence literally included his BDSM test results as proof of hymn being a Bad Person. If transfems want to call out transmisogyny in transmasc circles then excellent, so do I, but can they say what the alleged transmisogyny actually is so we can go about combatting it?
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okiejofi · 6 months
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Gaster takes his weird clump of deranged tumblr sexymen to Dark ICE-E's, what could go wrong?
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bunny-queen · 2 months
(bc I can't reply to 304828 dms asking me how to manifest X or Y)
Manifesting is the same no matter what it's about
Good grades, a car, moving to London, it's ALL the same
1. Decide what you want
2. Decide that you already have what you want
3. Live in your 4D, happy cus you already have what you want
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starry-teacup · 2 months
sometimes I hear people talking about how shifty was cruel to her components, and the way the pieces of her were often terrified before being taken, and something about that doesn't sit right with me.
I always related to shifty because I have been many people in my life. And in a sense, every one of those people has died, been destroyed. But what does shifty say herself? I am speaking of something that cannot be done. To destroy is to remold and reshape. Those people aren't gone, per se, just moved out of the spotlight to make room for future evolution.
Sometimes it makes me sad how many of the old me's are gone now. I imagine speaking with them frequently, and yes, they are sad to have gone. Most wanted to keep going. But that's not how change works. If something is to begin, something else has to come to an end. We cannot enjoy the beauty of the prisoner and the beast and the thorn and the eye of the needle if we don't first say farewell to the stranger.
No one really wants to change. No one really wants to start again. But it's necessary. I cannot know what it is to be me without taking time to explore my facets left undiscovered. It doesn't mean that I no longer have room in my heart for the old ones, that I haven't loved the me's of the past, or contain none of them within me, just that I know that to live is to be changed. And each perspective of the Shifting Mound had been moved to the greatest extent to which it could change, and to continue on, a reset was necessary.
To view the Shifting Mound as being cruel to her selves is to ignore who she is as a whole in favor of the fragments that we like. The Shifting Mound was doing what was best for her to grow and to evolve as all beings do, and by extension, doing what was best for each individual princess. If someone were to get angry with me for becoming quite different than I was as a teenager, or a seven year old, then that would tell me that they didn't actually care for me, just the version of me that they liked.
It's time for the Shifting Mound to move on. Time for the Long Quiet to move on. It hurts, but it's what we need to truly get to explore and love ourselves, and we can't truly love the princess if we only love her for a piece of what she is, and try to limit her to the specific qualities we enjoy. It just isn't fair to any of them.
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pommunist · 2 months
i’m seeing so many posts about this and it’s like ??? do you guys even know what an union does ? how it operates ?
why should it be for the community, the ccs, current and ex admins, as well as an actual union (btw this is a MAJOR union in France not a group of amateurs) to have do everything in their power to even try to get a word with anyone at Qstudios ?
Why should it be the people who were affected negatively in this situation, and the organisations helping them to make sure that things get better ? To try to right the wrongs and maybe even save the project ?
Im sorry but either Q himself or someone from his team should keep track on what statements are being released by who etc at almost all times if they’re taking this seriously. The union posted on Twitter, repeatedly, in multiple languages, in posts that gained a lot of traction, with their contact info attached what more do you want ?
I’m begging you all to stop with this mix of capitalism brainrot and babying everything related to Q already
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