hoebaring · 1 year
Open Books (47) | Kim Namjoon
An unpredicted switch of journals brings two strangers close. Strangers with similarly perturbing experiences, and beautifully healing souls. Abused, bullied, and traumatized, they help each other, and those around them break away from similar experiences, heal and grow gracefully. With thoughtful emotions, and ever growing minds, Y/n and Namjoon are delicate heroes. They understand the best in each other, and the worst, like open book
Tags/Warnings :- Child abuse, domestic violence, traumatized characters, bullying, self harm, mentions of toxic relationships, angst. I know it's dark but trust me it gets better! namjoonXreader, Namjoon and Y/n, A slow burn romance, fluff, strangers to friends, strangers to lovers, self love, healing, etc.
Cross posted on Wattpad
Written by Author G
Word Count :- 875 words
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The metal fence to the sparkling lake feels cold like the wind that bites at her skin, forcing her to cuddle into the warm covers of her coat, her breath a shiver in the depths of her chest as she waits for Bo-ra to arrive.
It's opening night at the Oxford exhibit and it worries Y/n. Contrasted to what one might think, it's not the seminar that worries her, but the fact that she isn't nervous that does.
Where has the nervous excitement that she felt up until earlier this morning gone? Where are the jittery hands and enjoyably nervous laughs? Where is the excited chit-chatter that she drove herself (and Bo-ra) mad with? She doesn't know.
And that in itself is driving her mad now. Oh, the irony! Y/n scoffs at the thought with a small laugh before turning to greet the scuffling of shoes that grows closer, dried leaves crunching tenderly under the weight of the person.
"Here's your hot cup of tea Miss" Bo-ra jokes as she hands over the beverage to the 'Miss' in question, shuddering slightly at the cold air that she comes in contact with once the warm drink leaves her hand.
"It's cold" Y/n comments, rolling her eyes with a smile when Bo-ra replies with a 'duh'.
A familiar quiet blankets the air around them and once again, Y/n's mind drifts off to the confusing feeling of calm that she's afraid of.
"Come on. Spill" Bo-ra demands with a knowing look.
"Spill what?" Y/n feigns innocence.
"You know exactly what." She replies, leaving no room for argument whatsoever, and the tone brings a small smile to her face.
The mere thought of being able to act so casually around someone who isn't blood-related; the mere thought of knowing that their friendship is way past the lines of formal etiquette, warms her heart like no other has.
It might seem silly, but it's moments like these that Bo-ra absolutely loves!
As a kid, she never had anyone to speak freely with. Never had anyone to playfully insult, goof around with and more.
Sure, she didn't have as terrible of a childhood as Y/n, but, who's comparing?
She still remembers the time she first met her, but of course, who wouldn't remember when it's your best friend that stumbles into your life?
Quite literally though, Y/n had stumbled into Bo-ra, allowing the pile of books she was carrying to scatter all over the floor. A small 'sorry' was uttered, and a 'here let me help!' with a smile was all it took for them to become friends.
Wow- They do have a lot of history.
Bo-ra smiles at the heart warming thought.
"What's got you smiling?" Y/n asks, wiggling her eyebrows so as to change the topic, not wanting to face the scary truth of why she is, well, not scared.
Bo-ra sees right through her act though. If she doesn't want to talk about it, then, why force her?
"You." Bo-ra truthfully answers with a smirk, laughing out loud as Y/n rolls her eyes with a genuine laugh, the alarming thoughts no where to be found now.
"Feeling any better?" Bo-ra asks Y/n as she realizes what exactly happened.
"You're amazing, you know that?" Y/n laughs.
"Seriously though, what's on your mind luv?"
"Hmm. It's about the exhibit. It's kind of stupid, but, to summarize it, I am nervous, because..I am not nervous..? Aghh I dont know!" Y/n groans, covering her face with her hands in the process, the cup of coffee pleasantly warm against her face.
"You can be really stupid at times, you know that?" Bo-ra asks with laugh, hitting Y/n on the arm before continuing "Isn't this the exact same thing that happened before our performance at the play back in 5th grade? You literally bawled your eyes out!"
"Oh my god- the one where I played the carrot!" Y/n exclaims, the trip down memory lane landing her at the time when she looked at herself in the mirror to be met by a girl dressed as a carrot, and another, dressed as half an apple.
Can you guess who the apple was?
"Exactly. And remember how well that one went? It just shows that-" Before Bo-ra can complete her sentence, Y/n, as usual, does it for her.
"I'm way too well prepared, or that I don't care at all"
"And I'm pretty sure it's not the latter because, you are nervous. Why? Cause' you're not..? You can be ridiculously silly at times darling" she replies with a shake of her head, the worry that filled Y/n's mind slowly clearing away like the misty fog around them.
"Yeah. I know, which is why it's a blessing that I have you by my side, Apple" Y/n rather lamely puts before cringing with a laugh.
"Ha ha- very funny. The apple in question, I remember, was missing a fricking half. Why? Because you changed it to a carrot in the last minute" Bo-ra grumbles out as Y/n doubles over with laughter.
"You looked pretty cute though"
"I know. Way better than you did" Bo-ra jokes, and that's all it takes for Y/n to pay her back for the hit on the arm earlier.
Yeah. They do have a lot of history. And they wouldn't have it any other way.
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frdaejeon · 8 days
신간도서 : 대단한 세상 - 피에르 르메트르 / Le Grand Monde de Pierre Lemaitre
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피에르 르메트르, 새로운 역사로 돌아오다. 거장 피에르 르메트르의 신작 『대단한 세상』이 출간되었다. Le livre Le grand monde a été publié en langue coréenne aux éditions 열린책들 (Openbooks).
저자 : 피에르 르메트르(Pierre Lemaitre) 옮긴이 : 임호경 출판사 : 열린책들 발행일 : 2024년 03월 20일 페이지 : 연장정 / 792 면 ISBN : 978-89-329-2414-4 03860 분야 : 프랑스 소설 / 장편소설 정가 : 23,000 원
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소설에서 무엇을 더 바랄 수 있단 말인가! ― 『더 타임스』
★ 『더 타임스』 올해의 책 선정 ★ ★ 공쿠르상 수상 작가 ★ ★ 프랑스 80만 부 판매 베스트셀러 ★
피에르 르메트르, 새로운 역사로 돌아오다
거장 피에르 르메트르의 신작 『대단한 세상』이 출간되었다. 55세의 늦은 나이에 소설을 발표하기 시작해 공쿠르상까지 거머쥐며 단숨에 프랑스 문단의 거목이 된 르메트르는 역사의 거대한 흐름을 그리는 야심 찬 기획을 선보이며 프랑스 리얼리즘의 전통을 계승한 작가로 평가받는다. 르메트르는 프랑스 근대사를 10여 권의 소설로 다루겠다고 공언하고 『오르부아르』를 비롯해 『화재의 색』과 『우리 슬픔의 거울』로 이어지는 <재앙의 아이들> 3부작으로 이미 제1차 세계 대전과 제2차 세계 대전까지의 시기를 다룬바 있다. 『대단한 세상』은 새로운 4부작의 시작으로, 이 4부작에서 르메트르는 프랑스 현대사에서 <영광의 30년>으로 일컬어지는 제2차 세계 대전 이후 프랑스 경제가 비약적으로 성장한 시기를 다룬다. 아직 전후의 혼란이 수습되지 않은 이 시기를 다룬 『대단한 세상』은 프랑스에서만 80만 부가 넘게 팔리며 대형 베스트셀러로 등극했다.
꿈을 좇아 떠난 펠티에 집안 네 형제가 마주하는 뜻밖의 세상과 예상치 못한 운명
소설은 레바논 베이루트에서 태어나 자란 네 형제를 주인공으로 하여 펼쳐진다. 각각 아버지의 사업을 물려받는 데 실패하고 파리에서 새 삶을 모색하는 장, 연락이 끊긴 동성 연인을 찾으러 사이공으로 향하는 에티엔, 고등 사범 학교에 입학했다고 거짓말을 한 뒤 언론사에 입사한 프랑수아, 부모의 품에서 벗어나기 위해 무작정 가출한 엘렌이다. 독자들을 처음 사로잡는 것은 인도차이나 사이공이라는 이국적인 배경이다. 에티엔은 그곳에서 연락이 끊긴 레몽이라는 연인의 행방을 찾아 나서나 그 연인은 죽었다는 사실을 알게 되고, 정작 그가 목도하는 것은 온갖 군상이 모여 있고 군사화된 신흥 종교가 판을 치며 대낮 길 한복판에서 살인이 벌어지는 무법 지대 사이공이다.
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Le Grand Monde est un roman de l'écrivain français Pierre Lemaitre, publié le 25 janvier 2022. Il s'agit du premier volume d'une nouvelle suite romanesque intitulée Les Années glorieuses consacrée aux Trente Glorieuses qui ménage un lien avec la trilogie précédente Les Enfants du désastre (comprenant Au revoir là-haut, Couleurs de l'incendie et Miroir de nos peines). Un changement majeur à noter toutefois est que le personnage principal ici est un « personnage collectif », la famille Pelletier.
La famille Pelletier. Trois histoires d’amour, un lanceur d’alerte, une adolescente égarée, deux processions, Bouddha et Confucius, un journaliste ambitieux, une mort tragique, le chat Joseph, une épouse impossible, un sale trafic, une actrice incognito, une descente aux enfers, cet imbécile de Doueiri, un accent mystérieux, la postière de Lamberghem, grosse promotion sur le linge de maison, le retour du passé, un parfum d’exotisme, une passion soudaine et irrésistible. Et quelques meurtres.
Les romans de Pierre Lemaitre ont été récompensés par de nombreux prix littéraires nationaux et internationaux. Après sa remarquable fresque de l’entre-deux-guerres, il nous propose aujourd’hui une plongée mouvementée et jubilatoire dans les Trente Glorieuses.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 프랑스 리얼리즘의 계승자 Héritier du réalisme français
르메트르는 개개인들의 이야기를 통해 한 시대를 조명한다는 측면에서 19세기 프랑스 리얼리즘의 전통을 따르지만, 단순히 거기에만 머무르지는 않는다. 르메트르는 당시의 시대상을 치밀하게 조명하되 19세기 소설에서와는 달리 단순한 드라마에서 벗어나 추리, 스릴러물의 기법을 빌려 옴으로써 독자들이 소설에서 눈을 뗄 수 없게 만든다.
Lemaître s'inscrit dans la tradition du réalisme français du XIXe siècle en éclairant une époque à travers des histoires individuelles, mais il ne s'arrête pas là. Lemaître éclaire soigneusement les circonstances de l'époque, mais contrairement aux romans du XIXe siècle, il s'éloigne du simple drame et emprunte des techniques au mystère et au thriller, ce qui empêche les lecteurs de quitter le roman des yeux.
부가 정보 / Plus d’informations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Openbooks http://www.openbooks.co.kr/html/open/newView.html?no=2013
Kyobo https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000212676093
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#BookReview It Happened One Summer (Bellinger Sisters #1) by Tessa Bailey ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ItHappenedOneSummer is amazing, entertaining, very hot and sexy romance that follows LA socialite, Piper, being sent to a small fisherman’s town, Westport, as a punishment to learn responsibility by running her late father’s dive bar but unexpectedly she finds herself getting connected to her roots and falling for not just the town but grumpy bearded sea captain. The story is about self-discovery, connecting with roots, belongingness, trust, faith, and love. I didn’t exactly like Piper in first few chapters but as story progressed we see many layers in her character and then it’s hard not to love her. What I loved most is it’s not just Piper who developed in this story but also Braden. Supporting characters are also amazing. Hanna and Fox are my favorite. I also loved the sibling relationship. Romance is super sexy, hot, and swoon-worthy and so so perfect. It is well balanced with rest of the story. It’s not just sexy scenes that are in abundance but also emotions, hilarious moments, lovely and romantic moments, and many surprises not like twist and turns but more like characters surprising me. Overall, this is delightful, fun, touching, and swoon-worthy romance with lots of emotions and hot sexy scenes. Swipe to read highlights QOTD - Which is your favorite small town summer romance? . . . . ..... #booksteacupandreviews #BellingerSisters #TessaBailey #Avonbooks #Romance #adultromance #summerread #summerromance #smalltownromance #GrumpySunshinetrope #Indianbookblogger #bookbloggerofinstagram #swoonworthyromance #romancestagram #bookandcandle #openbooks #bookgram #bookaesthetics #bookishphoto #bookphotography #readersofig #bookishflatlay #bookishfeed #booksarelife #bookishlove #readmore #readmorebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CgPDJt0LdCN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brandonmillman · 2 months
Create Openbook Market ID - Raydium Market ID 0.23 SOL
What is an Openbook Market ID?
Raydium.io, one of the most popular DeFi platforms on the Solana network, requires you to create an "Openbook Market ID" to list and trade your token project on the platform. OpenBook is a decentralized and open-source tool of the Serum V3 program on Solana. Creating an Openbook Market ID is mandatory to list on DeFi platforms such as Raydium.io.
0.23 Creating a Market ID in exchange for SOL
The cost of creating a Market ID on Raydium.io is usually around "3 SOL". However, through Openbookgui.com, one of the platforms that supports Openbookv2, you can create a 100% compatible market ID for only 0.23 SOL. With this method, you can create a market ID that is fully compatible with Serum V3 liquidity. You can access the Openbookgui.com website via the following link https://www.openbookgui.com/
Note: On platforms like Dexlab, it is strongly discouraged to try to reduce the fee by changing the "Length" values. This is the wrong approach and can lead to errors in Serum V3 liquidity. As a result of these errors, users may encounter frequent errors in trading, which will seriously damage your project's reputation. I have made the video below for you to better understand all the steps and to see how easy the process is.
Steps to Create Openbook Market ID
First, go to https://www.openbookgui.com/ and connect your Phantom wallet (Openbook v2 is only supported by Phantom and requires a non-mobile device).
Base Mint: In this field you need to enter your token contract address.
Quote Mint: You do not need to change this field, but you can use USDC or USDT if you wish.
USDC Address: EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
USDT Address: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB
Min. Order Size: This is set to "1" by default, but you can customize it if you want by referring to the table below.
Price Tick: This is set to "4" by default, but you can customize it.
You can use the examples below to customize your Tickers settings.
Review all your settings and make sure you have enough (0.23 SOL) in your account, then click the "Create" button to complete the process. Market ID creation takes approximately 15 seconds.
In my next article with more information about Raydium.io liquidity, I will try to explain the topic with simpler explanations and examples. Goodbye for now and good luck!
Openbook-v2: https://github.com/openbook-dex/openbook-v2/blob/master/idl/openbook_v2.json
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simplydnp · 3 months
very excited to see fellow Dan and Phil fan in stem
i know that i have a degree in dan and phil studies but genuinely my true passion is actually mathematics and i am So sorry
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theopenbookwigtown · 2 months
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A busy second day at The Open Book! I opened from just after 10 and after a quiet start, things really picked up around lunchtime.
A lot of people were visiting the area yesterday and popped in to look for books by local authors. If I didn't have what they were looking for, I sent them down the road to The Bookshop, The Old Bank Bookshop or Well-Read Books.
I sold books on how to be right, Victorian prophets, nature and freelancing as a journalist (I wonder who bought that one...) before breaking for a late lunch at Café Rendezvous. The salad was 10/10.
After lunch, I took a trip to Well-Read books (my neighbour!) and marvelled at their crime selection, as well as Number 11 is Wigtown Festival Company's book and gift shop.
Customers: 20
Takings: £31.85
Outgoings: 5 books, apple and caramel cake
Currently reading: Preloved by Lauren Bravo (finished last night,) The Glass Cliff by Sophie Williams
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lisa-lostinlit · 2 years
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💬 What are you currently reading? 🤎📖 A literal star-studded anthology that delivers a love story for every star sign straight from the hearts of thirteen multicultural YA authors. A haunted Aquarius finds love behind the veil. An ambitious Aries will do anything to stay in the spotlight. A foodie Taurus discovers the best eats in town (with a side of romance). A witchy Cancer stumbles into a curious meet-cute. Whether it’s romantic, platonic, familial, or something else you can’t quite define, love is the thing that connects us. All Signs Point to Yes will take you on a journey from your own backyard to the world beyond the living as it settles us among the stars for thirteen stories of love and life. These stories will touch your heart, speak to your soul, and have you reaching for your horoscope forevermore. Thank you to @inkyardpress for sending me a copy of the book. . . . h a s h t a g s : #AllSigsPointtoYes #inkyardpress #storygramtours #titlepage #openbook #booknerdigans #bookworm #bookish #bookishthings #readersofig #booksofig #bookworld #booklovers #bookhoarder #totalbooknerd #totalbooknerd https://www.instagram.com/p/CeKJUobu9DV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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booktineus · 2 years
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Today has been a pretty good day. Why? Because I submitted two assignments (one more to go!) and I FINALLY released my Kingdom of the Wicked bookmarks 🔮🐍💀 There are five new designs available as part of this KOTW set: three quote bookmarks, and two variations of a bookmark inspired by Emilia and Wrath’s bargain tattoo. This bookmark is the “Powerful” design. Check out my stories or my Etsy shop for a look at the other designs. I feel like I’ve been on the cusp of releasing these bookmarks for a month now 😩 Between the weather and uni assessment, I had to delay them more than once. I’m so glad to now have them available in the store 🙌 Q: What bookmark are you using right now? #KingdomoftheWicked #Auskiwibooksta #KOTW #PrincesofHell #PrinceWrath #KerriManiscalco #KingdomoftheCursed #KingdomoftheFeared #popularbooks #bookquote #openbook #WrathandEmilia #aussiebookstagram #witchybooks #Etsysellerau #etsyseller #bookishetsy #bookmarkshop #newproduct #booktineusbookmarks #booktineusdesigns #smallbizau #shopsmall #readersofig https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQPFu4rKsD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladymacabrebeth · 2 years
Lately, I haven't been sharing my whereabouts with anyone—not even friends or family. Being an open book in the past led people to use my misfortunes against me and spread it to people who never deserved to know that. And in the end, that only made them feel pleasure witnessing my downfall. Hence, I've grown mistrustful of people, and whenever people ask me how I am, I give vague responses. So lately, I've been living a private life, and it's been peaceful, protecting my energy from evil eyes.
Lady Macabre Beth
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leopardsealz · 1 year
guess whos back bitches
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aurorawatcherak · 1 day
Oddly Coincidental
Have you ever had a weird experience that led to an improvement in your work? (like something came up at an event or on tv that was oddly timely.) Rules: 1. Link your blog to this hop. 2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop. 3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs. 4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting. 5.…
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hoebaring · 2 years
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OB's namjoon and y/n yall. again!! THIS IS SOOOO THEM!!
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frdaejeon · 6 months
신간도서 : 뇌 1 & 2 - 베르나르 베르베르 / L'ultime secret - Bernard Werber
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뇌 1 & 2(L'Ultime Secret)은 2001년 프랑스에서 출간된 베르나르 베르베르의 소설이다. 최근 열린책들를 통해 한국어로 출시되었습니다. L'Ultime Secret est un roman de Bernard Werber, paru en 2001 en France. Il vient de sortir en coréen sous deux tomes aux éditions Openbooks.
L'intrigue de l'histoire nous emmène à la découverte des sources de la motivation et de l'expérience de James Olds, au terme d'une épopée où se mêlent syndrome d'enfermement, intelligence artificielle et chirurgie cérébrale...
시간이 지나도 바래지 않는 베르베르의 영원한 걸작 『뇌』
과학적 연구 성과를 바탕으로 인간 머릿속의 작은 우주인 <뇌>의 세계를 신비롭고 매혹적으로 묘사한 『뇌』가 강렬하고 신선한 표지로 독자들에게 다시 찾아왔다. 베르나르 베르베르의 일곱 번째 장편소설인 『뇌』는 약혼자와 사랑을 나누다 사망한 체스 챔피언의 사인을 추적하면서 인간을 움직이는 궁극적 동기가 무엇인지 찾아가는 과정을 담고 있다. 베르베르는 이 책을 통해 우리 인간이 무엇에 이끌려 행동하는지, 우리가 무언가를 하거나 하지 않기로 할 때 뇌에서 어떤 일이 일어나는지, 뇌라는 미지의 대륙을 탐사해 낱낱이 밝혀낸다. 동기와 쾌락의 관계라는 추상적이고 까다로운 소재를 추리적 기법을 통해 흥미진진하게 파고들며 소설적 재미를 한껏 맛볼 수 있게 해주는 뛰어난 작품이다. 한국에 출간된 지 20년, 이번에는 독자들에게 더욱 친근하게 다가갈 수 있도록 읽기 좋은 판형과 가벼운 장정으로 모습을 바꾸었을 뿐 아니라, 달라진 맞춤법을 반영하고 풍부한 정보를 제공하는 주석 역시 현재를 기준으로 내용을 수정했다.
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« Qu'est-ce qui nous motive ? «C'est au cœur de notre cerveau qu'il faut chercher la source de tous nos comportements», estime Samuel Fincher, un brillant neurologue cannois. Le problème, c'est que Samuel Fincher meurt d'extase amoureuse dans les bras d'une top model danoise, le soir même de sa victoire au championnat du monde d'échecs. Samuel Fincher avait-il trouvé au fin fond de nos crânes un secret qui devait rester caché ? Peut-on mourir de plaisir ? Deux journalistes scientifiques parisiens, Lucrèce Nemrod et Isidore Katzenberg, veulent en savoir plus sur ce décès étrange. C'est donc sur la Côte d'Azur qu'ils vont mener l'enquête, de la morgue de Cannes à un étrange asile psychiatrique où les fous sont utilisés pour leurs talents particuliers. Ils vont aller de surprise en surprise jusqu'à l'extraordinaire dénouement basé sur une découverte scientifique peu connue mais réelle. Après l'enquête sur les origines de l'humanité (Le Père de nos pères), c'est cette fois sur les mécanismes de l'esprit et la compréhension du fonctionnement de notre cerveau que nous invite à réfléchir ce nouveau roman de Bernard Werber, mêlant suspense, humour, science et aventures.»
사랑을 나누다 사망한 체스 챔피언 그가 밝히지 않았던 <은밀한 동기>란 무엇인가
저명한 신경 정신 의학자인 사뮈엘 핀처는 컴퓨터 <디프 블루 IV>를 꺾고 세계 체스 챔피언 자리에 오른다. 컴퓨터와의 두뇌 대결에서 다시 인간이 승리를 거두게 된 것이다. 그날 밤, 그는 톱모델인 약혼녀 나타샤 아네르센과 사랑을 나누던 도중 황홀경에 이른 표정으로 돌연 죽음을 맞이한다. 경찰의 수사 결과 그는 복상사를 한 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 <과학부의 셜록 홈스>라는 별명으로 불렸던 기자 출신 이지도르 카첸버그는 직감적으로 수사 결과에 의문을 품고 『르 게퇴르 모데른』지의 기자인 뤼크레스 넴로드와 함께 수사를 시작한다. 이지도르는 <뇌>가 이 사건의 핵심이라 말하며, 그 이유로 핀처가 컴퓨터를 이긴 세계 최고의 두뇌라는 점과 체스 경기 직후 인터뷰에서 「이 승리는 어떤 은밀한 동기 덕분에 이루어졌습니다」라고 말하며 무언가를 밝히려는 듯한 눈빛을 보였다는 점을 든다. 이지도르와 뤼크레스는 삶을 이끄는 주된 동기들을 찾아 핀처의 진짜 사망 원인을 추적하면서, 그 동기들 가운데 가장 강력한 영향력을 지닌 <최후 비밀>이라는 무언가가 인간의 뇌 속에 있음을 알게 된다.
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Dans ce livre, Bernard Werber répond à la question : « Qu'est ce qui nous motive ? » en dressant une liste des motivations humaines, de la plus primaire à la plus évoluée. Selon l'auteur chaque humain pourrait être manipulé par le critère correspondant le plus à sa personnalité, à ses besoins et à ses craintes. Les réponses sont dans l'ordre :
la cessation de la douleur
la cessation de la peur
la satisfaction des besoins primaires de survie
la satisfaction des besoins secondaires de confort
le devoir
la colère
la sexualité
les stupéfiants
la passion personnelle
la religion
la promesse de l'ultime secret
l'expérience de l'ultime secret
l'élévation de la conscience
현재와 과거가 갈마들며 펼쳐지는 쾌락과 인간 심리, 뇌 속 비밀에 대한 탐구
현재 시점의 이지도르와 뤼크레스 이야기와 번갈아 가며 과거 시점의 리스 환자 루이 마르탱의 이야기도 전개된다. 리스(LIS)란 의 줄임말로, 신경 체계가 마비되어 눈 깜박임만 가능한 질환을 의미한다. 몸은 꼼짝할 수 없지만 뇌만은 생생하게 살아 있던 루이는 핀처의 도움을 받아 시신경을 컴퓨터와 연결시키고, 뇌와 정신에 대한 연구에 돌입해 잊혀 있던 <최후 비밀>이라는 것을 찾아낸다. <최후 비밀>이란 무엇인가? 시간은 1954년으로 거슬러 올라간다. 당시 미국의 신경 생리학자 제임스 올즈는 전기 자극을 주면 뇌에 쾌감을 느끼는 부위가 있다는 것을 알아내고, 이 사실이 알려지면 인간에게 부정적인 영향을 끼칠 것을 걱정해 숨긴 적이 있었다. 그러나 이 연구를 함께했던 체르니엔코 박사가 마약에 중독된 딸을 구하기 위해 숨겨진 판도라의 상자를 열어 버리고, 이 일이 현재 핀처 박사의 죽음까지도 연결되면서 사건이 점점 얽혀 간다. 제임스의 뇌 연구와 리스 환자 마르탱, 그리고 사망한 핀처는 무슨 관계가 있던 걸까? 뤼크레스와 이지도르는 핀처가 죽은 진짜 이유를 알아낼 수 있을까? 인류를 파멸로 몰아넣을 수도 있다는 <최후 비밀>이란 대체 무엇일까? 자칫 복잡하게 느껴질 수 있는 어려운 과학 이야기가 베르베르의 유머와 정교한 플롯 덕분에 술술 읽히며, 이야기 속 세계에서 헤어날 수 없게 만든다.
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damnreddragon · 11 days
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CFz '24 Badges - Kinto Openbook
First of the Confuzzled badges, for Kinto! They're curious about what they'll find out their Ocean Odyssey! More Links: https://darkoverord.info/2024/04/19/cfz-24-badges-kinto-openbook/ 
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ponykagy · 1 month
How to reduce price to Open book Market id.
You can create in 0.35 sol from my tool. and also can adjust it with custom. Normaly it takes 3 ~ 4 sol
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theopenbookwigtown · 2 months
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There's a fake book hiding amongst our shelves... can you help to find it?
This Thursday from 7pm, come by The Open Book for cheese, wine and book-hunting
Spread the word and I hope to see you tomorrow!
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