#one day I will have. a whole set of clothed dolls
shadowmoses · 14 days
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only took almost a year but i finally made merry a little outfit... she can finally stop borrowing from my other dolls lol
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dollfacefantasy · 5 months
Special Day
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pairing: mafia!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: this year your husband wants to give you a special present for your birthday
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, oral (fem receiving), fingering, daddy kink, breeding kink
word count: 5.2k
a/n: birthday fic for someone i am so happy to know and call my friend, @explorevenus. i love her so so much, she's one of the most fun and kindest people i have ever known. she's so totally cool and you all should wish her a very happy birthday.
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For my pretty little doll on her special day. I’ll see you tonight. I love you.
That’s the message scrawled onto the scrap of paper that’s attached to the hanger on the closet door. On the hanger, dangled one of the prettiest dresses you’d ever seen in your life. Your favorite color, flowy and shimmering. Of the hundreds of things he’d asked you to wear over the course of your relationship, this had to be in the top three.
It almost made up for the fact that he was going to be on the job for nearly the entire day. You weren’t even confident he’d make it home in time for the dinner reservations you had, but if you had to be alone, at least you would look good doing it.
If anything, you tried not to let his absence bother you too much because it could be worse. You make a point to yourself to remember that today wasn’t like years ago when you would’ve spent the whole day at work just to come home to an empty house. So far you've spent it out, getting your nails done, lunch at one of your favorite places, some light shopping. And it was all on his dime. This was the one day a year where he truly gave you no limits, no allowance, no teasing about your debit card being worn out. Your birthday always was about letting you indulge in anything you wanted as much as your heart desired. You reminded yourself of that when you felt the familiar pain of longing tighten up your chest.
It wasn’t like the feeling was a foreign one. He’d been at work on every birthday you’d had since the two of you got together. He’d treat you to the shopping spree combined with sending you a lavish arrangement of flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals, or whatever you had been wanting that year. Then he’d come to you the next day, or once you started living together, in the middle of the night. Always climbing into bed or coming up behind you with a hushed “‘m sorry, babydoll” and some gentle kisses to your head. And you’d never complain because the next day before you even had a chance to get annoyed, an expensive new bracelet would be on your wrist, and he’d deliver his apologies between your legs with his tongue, fingers, or cock. Your choice.
For the week leading up to your birthday this year, you had just been silently hoping it would be different. Considering he had been spending more time with you lately, and less time in sketchy meetings, it didn’t seem unreasonable. The higher he climbed in the dark world that he worked in, the closer you came to living the glamorous life he’d promised you from the beginning. His higher position scored the two of you the penthouse you currently sat in. It got you vacations to exotic places and clothes you previously only would’ve been able to afford in your wildest fantasies.
The sun had just begun to set, casting a warm orange-pink haze over your room. You figured you should put on the outfit he’d chosen for you. Lifting the dress up, you realize there’s something else attached to the hanger. Obscured from view at first glance is a delicate lingerie set, lacy pink bra and panties with rosebuds embroidered across them in rows. A smile rises on your lips as you slip off the clothing you had on and unclip the dainty articles from the hanger. Your fingertips smooth over the lace while visions of Leon’s hands dancing across your chest, squeezing your breasts and pinching your nipples, flash through your mind.
You slide the thin straps onto your arms and reach behind to clasp it into place. Then you pull the panties up, looking in the mirror at how they fit over your hips. The dress comes after these. You put it on and are left blown away by his choice for you. It looked good. Showed you off, highlighted your assets in the most flattering way.
As you admire your reflection, the main doors to the apartment open and close. Keys rattle as they’re dropped on the side table. He enters the bedroom and you hear a hum of adoration rumble from his chest.
“There’s the birthday girl,” he says softly as he makes his way to you.
Your eyes capture his gaze with a fond glance. He’d actually made it back when he said he would. Maybe things were looking up. You turn your back to him, revealing the parted fabric that left your back and the hem of your panties exposed.
“Zip me up?” you request.
Without a word, he pulls you close by your waist. You knew he loved doing this. Picking what you wore and watching your body slip into it, filling out his fantasies. His fingers tug the zipper upward and secure the dress together. He presses a tender kiss to your neck and inhales a deep breath of his favorite scent in the whole world, your perfume. His arms wrap around you as his palms rub down your body, over your belly and to your hips. He leaves a few more smooches on your throat as he directs your stare back to the mirror.
“That dress looks gorgeous on you. My perfect little doll,” he murmurs.
“Thank you,” you respond, catching his eyes in the reflective glass ahead of you. You scan the picture in front of you. His large frame engulfing yours, damn near lovesick expression on his face, hands and arms as possessive as they could be in such a basic stance.
“No, thank you,” he says, “You been having a nice day? Being a good girl? Staying safe?”
You sink back against his chest more as his low voice seeps out against your skin. “Mhm,” you answer with a slight nod.
“Yeah? You ready to have some more fun tonight?” he whispers, lips brushing your earlobe.
You nod, sweet and docile. God, it was like you melted in his presence. Could never hold onto anything with him around. It all went out the window in order to get his praise and feel the warmth of his affection on you.
“That’s my baby,” he coos with one more wet kiss on your cheek. He backs up as if he’s about to let you go, but as you turn around, he grabs your jaw. The pads of his fingertips gently dig into the flesh of your cheeks. In that loving and condescending tone that sent heat rushing through your body, he asks, “Who’s my pretty girl?”
It was such a simple thing. You didn’t know why it worked, but it always did. A big smile spreads across your face, and your eyes flit away with timid modesty.
“Me,” you confirm, tone soft but sure.
“That’s right,” he says simply and pulls you into an actual kiss.
After that, you’re almost giddy, high off the small gesture. It made your blood run hot and your head swim with a dizzy feeling of love. You all but prance to the rack against the wall that holds your shoes. Slipping on some matching heels, you face him once more and do a little motion to show off the completed look.
He chuckles at your twirl and opens his arms. You immediately go to him and find your place in his grasp. Kissing the top of your head, he mutters “What’d I do to get the sweetest girl in the world all to myself, hm?”
You shrug, and that’s all he needs before the two of you are ready to go. He stuffs his wallet in his pocket and walks towards the elevator with you tucked to his side. His fingers coast down your jaw and stroke your hair. Your eyes stay locked on him from the doors shutting to the little ding letting you know the trip is over.
The two of you float outside to the luxury car Leon rode around in now. Not even drove because he had been given a driver recently. All the two of you had to do was simply slip into the backseat.
He holds you close, nearly on his lap for the duration of the ride. One hand massages the back of your neck, keeping your head against his shoulder. The other delves beneath the skirt of your dress only to knead your plush thighs and feel your skin between his fingers. All the attention keeps your head spinning and your body craving his love.
It’s only around twenty minutes before the car pulls to a stop in front of the restaurant. You’re greeted by the familiar twinkling lights and neon letters of one of your favorite places. You beam at him and take his hand. He watches your pleasant reaction, so pleased he could make you happy with something so simple.
Getting in is quick and painless since he had called ahead of time, dead set on making this as special for you as possible. You’re seated at a booth in the back. It’s not completely private, but well secluded from the other patrons filling seats.
He slides in first, grinning as he pats the cushioning next to him. You follow, and immediately, he pulls you close. Your thighs are squished against each other beneath the table. His lips are caressing your neck as you skim the menu causing you to squirm and laugh softly.
“You get anything you want, pretty baby. Tonight’s all about my precious girl,” he whispers.
You nod and nuzzle into the affection a bit, brushing your nose with his. After deciding what you want, he orders your meal and drink. The two of you talk, and from this alone, it seems to be shaping up into the perfect night. You talk about everything and anything, catching up with him like you hadn’t in a while. You see the Leon you love, your Leon. The guy who comes home late with dark eyes and a flat voice is nowhere to be found, and you couldn’t be more pleased. He stays close the entire time, seemingly not able to help how touchy he was with you.
Eventually, your orders arrive, and things continue to look up. Your smile won’t leave your face as you eat and drink. Laughs fly between the two of you like neither of you had ever seen something bad in your lives. It’s only hours later, towards the end of dinner when you can see him simmering down a bit. His expression grows more serious. Different from usual though. It’s not stern. It’s more… vulnerable. He pulls you flush against him yet again and squeezes his arms around you softly.
“I’m happy you’re having a good time, sweetheart. You know I love seeing that pretty smile. And you should know, I’ve wanted your birthday to turn out this perfect every year. But now I can actually provide that,” he says, continuing to grow more genuine.
You nod, not totally sure where he’s going here but eager to find out.
“Usually, I’d have something big for you to open at the end of your day,” he starts. He almost looks nervous at this point, and it’s concerning you, “This year, I don’t have anything like that because I thought we might do something different for your main gift.”
You look up at him and shift your body to face him a little more. He had your attention now. You try to mentally run through different possibilities for a different kind of big present. Vacation? No, you’d done that before. Moving? That also seemed unlikely. Maybe it was related to his work? You honestly had no clue.
“What is it?” you ask.
“I think it’s time we start trying for a baby,” he says, his eyes going soft and his voice dropping to be more hushed.
Your heart jolts inside your chest. You almost don’t believe you heard him right. He must have said something else. That or he was just playing the most cruel joke in the entire world.
“But you said you didn’t want any?” you say skeptically.
“I know I did. But… I was wrong,” he says with a slight smile. 
Leon had told you on each rare occasion that the topic of kids came up that he did not want any under any circumstances. This life was too dangerous, he wouldn’t have time for them, he wanted you all to himself. All were reasons you’d heard over the years. You’d honestly just shoved your small hopes for a family away because he seemed certain of his position on the topic. You’d come to terms that it would never happen. It was him or the white picket fence fantasy, and you’d chosen him with no real hesitation.
“And you just changed your mind out of the blue?” you ask.
He shakes his head with a chuckle. He kisses your pulse point as his fingers start tracing small circles on your arm. “No, no. I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” he whispers.
Your breath hitches at the sensation of his mouth on your skin again. You tilt your head back and shut your eyes, letting him work. You were already buzzed from the drinks you had, and this wasn’t making it easier to think through your line of questioning.
“I’ve been having these dreams, y’know,” he breathes as if he senses your uncertainty, “Once every couple days, I’m seeing you pregnant. You’re looking fucking gorgeous, belly swollen and bright smile on your face. Then I wake up. And after a few times, I realized I don’t want that to only be a dream anymore.”
He continues trailing his mouth along your skin, leaving small love bites scattered throughout the sheen remnants of saliva. Your head is swirling with the mix of his actions and words, and what it means. He wanted you pregnant. It didn’t sound real to you even with his brief explanation.
“You want to change the entire direction of our lives because you had a few dreams?” you ask.
He laughs softly into the crook of your neck. “I’d been thinking about it anyway. I’m not getting any younger, baby. I guess I’ve softened in my old age cause what I want more than anything is to see my precious little doll holding our baby,” he says with a mix of teasing and seriousness in his voice.
It makes you smile and exhale with amusement. You turn your face in his direction and catch his lips in a real kiss. When he pulls away, his breath is coming out in heavier puffs. His eyes, blown out with love, are locked in a stare with you. His hand slips down to your midriff, palm flattening over your tummy.
“It wasn’t so hard to realize, babydoll. I’d be fucking insane to not want to see you carrying my baby. You’ll be the prettiest little mama,” he whispers.
His voice had become huskier, his thumb moving back and forth on your bottom lip. You were completely enraptured with him right now. Your head was growing fuzzier by the second, and the desire for him to fuck you full of cum was only getting stronger.
“You can’t even understand how much I’ll love watching that belly grow. How it’ll start sticking out of every shirt you have till we have to buy you a whole set of new ones,” he murmurs against your skin, “And don’t even get me started on how these are gonna fill out.” His hand moves to your breasts, gripping the plump flesh under his palm .
Now your breath was picking up a bit too. You shift in your seat in an attempt to alleviate the building tension in your center. His kisses become more aggressive and simple touches morph into rougher grabs.
“I’m not gonna be able to keep my hands off you, babydoll. Gonna have to fuck you like we’re still trying even when you’re in the last few months,” he grunts.
The softest whimper escapes you, but he hears it. You feel his smirk against your skin. He lightly nips at your throat and pulls back, letting you see his smug expression in its entirety.
“You like that idea, yeah?” he coos quietly, “So much attention for you, baby. Constantly being doted on. You’re not gonna lift a finger for nine months. Gonna let me take care of everything while all your energy goes into growing our baby.”
You look up at him helplessly. Big, sweet eyes that remind him of a puppy. He grins as your head bobs up and down in a nod.
“My good fucking girl. Let’s get out of here,” he says.
You’re quick to follow him out of the booth after he drops a couple bills on the table. Your fingers lace with his as he leads you to the main doors and back to the car. You take him in as he guides you. Just a few moments to admire his broad shoulders and muscular biceps. His protective grip and eyes that seemed serious to everyone else, but you could tell held more mischievous intent.
Once you reach the car, he opens the door for you, giving you a quick smack on the ass as you climb in. He’s right next to you after that, and as the engine comes to life, you almost wish he’d waited to have that conversation in here instead. Because now you were gonna have to sit here, turned on and untouched for the ride back. Heated skin and glossy eyes, it was pretty obvious how you were feeling. Most likely everyone in that restaurant and the driver sitting one seat in front of you all knew that Leon was going to fuck you dumb as soon as you stepped through the doors to your apartment.
You come to figure though, that if it’s already so obvious, what’s the harm in being a little more overt? Scooting over to him, you lean into his firm side. He looks down at you knowingly. Your fingers curl over his thick thigh, nearly brushing the most sensitive area of his lap.
“Feeling a little impatient?” he teases softly.
You nod. Sure your driver could hear murmuring, you just hoped he couldn’t make out exact words.
“Yeah, what do you want me to do about it?” he mocks, “You need Daddy’s fingers in that tight cunt? Can’t even wait till we get home to cum?”
You bite your lip to muffle the whine blooming in your throat. Your face burns at the use of the title that melted your mind down to a few simple words. Yes Daddy. Thank you Daddy. Pretty please. Wanna cum. 
With another nod, you sink further into his chest. Your eyes remain up and keep their focus on him.
“Well, since it’s your birthday…” he starts. His hand swoops beneath your dress, bypassing your thighs this time and cupping your pussy, fingers coasting over the damp fabric.
You were pulsing with desire, your heart thudding against your chest. He pulls your lacy garment to the side to run his digits through your folds and feel the slick that had gathered for him. A low chuckle leaves him, and all you can think is how grateful you are for the radio being turned on, no matter how low the volume. From how wet you were, you were sure in dead silence you’d be able to hear more lewd noises than the words spilling from Leon’s mouth.
“Oh, you really can’t wait. You’re already making a mess all over my seats,” he whispers.
The pad of his finger swirls over your clit, and you hum quietly in relief. The pressure in the pit of your belly releases a bit as the warm flow of pleasure courses through you. Your eyes flutter shut, your hands hook around his arm for comfort, and you press your face to his shoulder to obscure your reactions to the feeling.
“My perfect little doll. I press the right button and look how well you behave,” he breathes.
You suck in a breath, narrowly avoiding a whimper tumbling into the car. He plays with your bundle of nerves for a minute more before slipping two fingers down and slipping them inside you.
Your fingers dig into the sleeve of his suit, clutching it as he pumps in and out of you. He works himself in, up to his knuckles. Your thighs part a little more to give him some space to work with. He shakes his head and playfully tuts at the display of need.
“Poor baby, Daddy got you so worked up, didn’t he?” he coos softly against your head.
You nod quickly. All your focus is on keeping quiet as his fingers move between your walls as you clamp around them. He smiles and continues lightly. It was your birthday so he would be nice, wouldn’t try to embarrass you too bad.
You’re so wrapped up in the throes of ecstasy he’s bringing you that you don’t even notice when the car has stopped. The only thing you notice is his fingers are now gone and you feel painfully empty.
Your eyes dart up when you lose the warm, filling sensation. Unlike usual, you contain your whine of protest as you realize your moments away from getting what you really wanted.
Like a movie of the beginning of the evening playing in reverse, you both make your way back to the elevator. He keeps a firm hold on your hand as he takes the lead. You stumble behind, all but collapsing in his arms once you're in the elevator. He leans down into some sloppy kisses. Your tongues meet, and your lips smoosh against each other fervently as if you’re running out of time.
After what seems like forever, you hear that little ding, and he wastes no time pulling you into the apartment. You’re kissing on the way to the bedroom, hands roaming one another as you bump into furniture and nearly knock clutter off tables. His suit jacket is gone before the bed is even in sight. Buttons on his shirt had already been popped open as he throws you on the bed.
He climbs on top of you, continuing to make out with you for a moment. His lips start to head south, finding their place on your neck again while his hands start pushing up the skirt of your dress to bunch it at your waist. There was no teasing tonight. You were the birthday girl after all, and he intended to keep his word that the evening was about you.
His entire body drifts downward now. Placing himself on the end of the mattress, you nearly can’t see him from fabric that was hiked up. You can feel him though. Tongue and teeth grazing along your inner thighs, making you shudder.
In the midst of his frenzy of desire, he seems to remember something. He rises to his knees and starts to properly remove the dress from your body.
“Almost forgot to unwrap my gift,” he says.
He’s discarded the dress to the floor in no time. You lie there, on display for him in the lingerie he’d chosen just for this. His hands stroke your sides as he takes in the view of your nipples pebbles beneath the embroidered rosebuds, the soaked patch of fabric between your thighs. He’s lost in the sight of you, feeling almost as hazy as you did.
“Sweet baby, the only present I ever need,” he mumbles before lowering himself to the bed again.
He yanks down the pretty panties and tosses them over to sit with your dress. Then you finally feel some of the relief you’d been craving. He dives into your cunt, lips moving as he envelops your sex in the heat of his mouth. 
His tongue strokes up and down the velvet skin. He laps at your clit, paying attention to the precious bundle of nerves that had you crying out and writhing in his hold. You reach down and tug at his hair, causing a loud groan to emanate from the junction of your thighs. He devours you with increasing fervor.
“Pussy’s so fucking pretty,” he mutters into you, “So cute. My favorite toy.”
Your head falls back while your hips roll against his face. Gasps and whines erupt from your throat freely as you rotate between clawing at the sheets and pulling at his hair.
“All for you Daddy,” you choke out, trying not to devolve into a complete mess just yet.
He smirks up at you, enjoying the pathetic lilt in your voice. His thumb rubs your clit in quick strokes now while his mouth takes a quick break to speak. 
“That’s right, baby. All for Daddy,” he repeats, words coming out slow like you’d struggle to understand if he spoke too fast, “All mine whenever I want it. Isn’t that right?”
“Mhm, whenever you want,” you babble back.
“My smart girl,” he teases before returning to licking your cunt.
The room is vibrating to you. You’re so high in the clouds you can’t register anything in your mind that isn’t him. You vaguely feel him working two fingers inside you again as his lips wrap around your clit and suck on it in a way that causes you to shriek.
He laughs and continues on, holding your body in place as it jerks and seizes under his touch.
“Good girl, babydoll. Cum all over Daddy’s face. You deserve it,” he encourages you.
You keep cumming. Your slick coats his chin and mouth, and he laps up every drop that he can. He pleasures you through the high. Once he’s worked you over the edge, and he can tell you’re coming down, he pulls off.
“My favorite sound in the whole world. Those pretty noises you make while you let go for me,” he murmurs as he crawls back on top of you. He nuzzles your neck, leaving some kisses on the skin in the wake of your powerful release.
“You know that normally, I’d keep going, but I think we both wanna get to the next thing. Want me to breed that sweet pussy till I’m firing blanks,” he says.
He finishes pulling his shirt off and removes the clothing from his lower body quickly. He’s back on top of you before you even register he was gone. Lazily stroking his cock, he slides it between your folds, gently fitting up against you.
“My little doll ready?” he whispers.
You hook your arms around his neck and nod. He can tell by your languid movements that you’re almost loopy off your release.
“Yeah you are. My perfect girl,” he whispers as he slides in, sheathing himself in the warmth of your pussy.
He grunts and tightens his hold on you as he sinks all the way in with no resistance. Your walls flutter around him, already beginning to charge up the hot coils in his belly.
“Swear you were made for me,” he mumbles into your neck, “Pussy made for me to fuck full. Precious little face made for me to kiss.”
“Mhm,” you hum absentmindedly. You hook your legs around his waist, locking his hips against yours as he starts to grind himself into your cunt. His pelvis rubs against your sensitive clit while the head of his cock prods all your favorite spots deep inside.
He grunts and groans against your throat. Both of your hot and sticky skin slides against the others. His breath fans across you in hot pants as he starts working his hips a little harder, rocking in and out.
“Everything about you is all for me. My perfect doll. My good girl. My gorgeous fucking wife,” he growls.
You nod eagerly as you pull him closer. His hips smack against yours repeatedly, his heavy balls clapping against you with each thrust. Your breaths are shaky. It feels like you're headed towards another release with no ability to hold it off or stop it. You whine for him and squeeze around his length. So fucking tight, he actually whimpers to stop himself from blowing his load.
After a while more, he knows it’s imminent for both of you. He keeps pistoning his hips, rutting deep inside you while kissing you and capturing those sweet little sounds in his mouth.
“You there, babydoll? Gonna cum again for me?” he asks quietly, watching for the nod he knew you’d respond with. Once he sees it, he works a little harder, bringing you to the peak. “Yeah? You ready for Daddy to cum too? I know you are.”
With his voice rasping in your ear, his cock drilling deep inside you, it only takes one more thrust of his hips for you to reach the brink. You spill over into your second release. Your hips buck, and your chest heaves as the second round of ecstasy zips through you.
He hums as you contract around his shaft, clenching and drawing him in further, as if you’re crying out for him to give you his cum already. His cock twitches inside of you as he gasps and erratically fucks it into you. His entire body weight is pressing you down into the mattress as he lets go and gives up on not crushing you beneath him. It only added to the pleasure though. It was the closest you’d ever felt, and not only because his cock was bumping your cervix every couple seconds.
Soon enough, he’s spilled all that he can into you. He remains on top of you though, keeping you right where you should be. His arms snake under your body and the shift causes you to whimper since he still hadn’t pulled out. He holds you to him like you really were his dolly, peppering kisses along the side of your face and dragging his nose against your head.
“So good for me, like always,” he mumbles.
You reciprocate the affection with a few lazy kisses of your own. Your arms rest around him with no actual grip, simply just a way to show you return the sentiments.
The two of you just lay there like that for a little while, taking in each other, enjoying the peace that comes with release. You break the silence soon enough with a whisper.
“Think this has been my best birthday yet.”
He smiles and smooches you a few more times. “You deserve it, baby.”
“Thank you for making it perfect for me,” you say and tighten your limbs around him.
“Mhm,” he hums like it’s nothing. He then pulls back a little and looks down at you. “I don’t know why you’re talking like it’s over though, sweetheart. There’s still a few hours left of your actual birthday, and even then, I’m not gonna let some numbers stop me from fucking my gorgeous wife.”
You return the smile and pull him into a few more pecks.
“And I wasn’t lying, we’re going until I’m absolutely certain you’re knocked up,” he murmurs as he rocks his hips against you again, drawing a soft whimper from your throat, “And you know how precise I am. Probably shouldn’t make any plans for tomorrow, actually, probably need the whole weekend too.” He looks at you with a cocky smile before continuing the roll of his hips.
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andyoullhearitagain · 3 months
Top Ten Least Bad Outfits in TNG
I'm gonna be honest and say that the non-uniform outfits in TNG are not my favorite costume design in the world, but there are some looks that stick with me:
10. That Girl Who Kissed Data That One Time's Outfit:
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I can never decide if I like this look or I think it's ugly, but I love the pants and tall boots combo. Her blouse is bad and the bouclé jacket is both too heavy and too fussy for this outfit, but I love the belt and suspenders combo, and the chevron embossing on the suspenders. This costume and all the others except #9 is a Robert Blackman design.
9. This Jumpsuit On That Girl From "The Dauphin":
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This is the only William Ware Theiss design on this list. I love his TOS stuff but most of his TNG designs leave me cold 🤷‍♀️. But I love this is extremely 80s jumpsuit. Love the pretty drape, love the ruching on the sleeves, love the harem pants silhouette. Only note is that the whole bodice should be a structured corset bodice instead of the kind of odd structured panel it has now.
8. Picard's Shorty Pyjama Set:
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TNG is absolutely full of the strangest pyjama choices you can imagine and Picard is no exception but I love this bold look. Would kill for this pyjama set. He also takes a work zoom wearing this one time which is insane.
7. Data's 1890's Looks But Specifically This One With The Shirtsleeves And The Blue Shirt:
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The best part of "Time's Arrow" is that Data isn't a fish out of water in the 1890s, he's absolutely killing it, and I love that the only real Casual Data look we get is this one. I prefer the blue shirt to the pink because Data should really wear more blue, it's a nice contrast with yellow. Please also note his emerald watch fob, which was 0% necessary to blend in, he's just having fun with it.
6. 12 Year Old Keiko's Linen Overalls:
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The paperbag waist! The bow! The little bows at the shirt cuffs! I can understand why she replicated a miniature copy of this outfit.
5. Beverly and Guinan's Dixon Hill Holodeck Costumes:
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I'm counting these as one because they're essentially the same design in different color pallets but what color paletts! Bev is pulling off the very difficult pink+red+red hair and the mint green on Guinan is 🤌. I particularly love how Guinan's hat is so 1940s yet also echos the silhouette of her usual costume.
4. Deanna's Teal Dress:
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Like all of you I prefer Deanna in the uniform, but this dress slays, ok? The space age asymmetrical neckline. The drop waist. The structured bodice. The slit almost all the way to the hip. And of course the matching tights and shoes CANNOT BE BEATEN. Also one time I saw a dude on a Star Trek forum call this a "ballgown" which baffles me to this day, this is clearly a slightly fancy day dress.
3. Picard's 1890s Look:
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You'd think Picard would go full posh in the 1890s but instead he gives us this working-class Shakespearean director look and he 👏 looks 👏 incredible 👏. Way to mix textures, Jean-Luc.
2. Lore's Turtleneck and Giant Vest:
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You and I know that Lore stole these clothes from the Pakleds because we pay a lot of attention to Star Trek costumes, but to a normal viewer Lore shows up and this is just his outfit!! It's giving, like, space-age goblincore and it's incredible. I want wear this oufit every day. I want to make a little doll Lore wearing this outfit to express my love for it. It's only not #1 because the pants are too orange and a strange weave.
Deanna's Ancient West Holodeck Outfit:
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Deanna!!! The pants! The hat! The calico! She looks 10/10 hot in this outfit. For sure the superior version of this is before she gives her neckerchief to Worf (it really benefits from that cool highlight) but either way this is the best anyone's ever looked on that holodeck.
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chaosandmarigolds · 1 month
you can skip this all u want but
I wanna know abt readers ex ngl
why does Ollie have attachment issues?
you seem like you could do soft angst, 👻
(I audibly giggled like a maniac when I opened this, because angst has my heart. it has my HEART- only when it ends in fluff tho, otherwise someone might as well just shove me in a ditch it feels the same- ahem, sorry, got sidetracked)
Let’s do a lil flashback and backstory to this whole…debacle shall we?
May 20th
“Annnn then we got get- got get, noo-no! Ister Riley no,” Ollie grumbles as he reaches over the block castle he had spent the last twenty minutes building to grab the toy Simon was holding- a tyrannosaurus, or as Ollie called him- The Superman. The little boy fixes the doll cape attached to the toy and then holds it back out, “Otay, is fix.”
Simon nods, “Good good, he needs to have his-his-“
“The cape gives him powers.”
“Oh!” Simon agrees and looks at the worn out toy, the cape like it would be found on an actual Superman toy but put on a dinosaur. He only looks back to Ollie as the boy goes on about grabbing the rest of the toys he thought they should have.
“Yeah, that what my daddy tell me. That-that my superhero cape make me have superpowers.” A short silence and he sets the toy fire truck down along with a tow truck, “It no give me power, but it does for Bo though.”
(Bo, the name of the T-Rex.)
Simon looks at the boy, watching his demeanor change and he holds how the toy, “‘ell your dad was right, Bo does have some super cool powers.”
To that Ollie takes the toy and then shrugs, “I guess. But my dad- he-he lies and you say lying is not good.”
“Ladd I’m sure your dad didn’t lie,” Simon returned, it was just a toy, and he couldn’t see the harm in letting a three year old believe in superpowers for his plastic T-Rex.
Ollie shakes his head, “But he do! He said he come back for-for my birthday and no come, he didn’t-he lie.”
“Oi, Olls, ‘m sure your dad wanted to come, he just couldn’t-
“My mom doesn’t like him anymore, I heard her talk to my Auntie Beth and she said my dad is lair and mean- so that mean he not good.”
Simon, upon a lot of other things, realized that little kids really did share anything that came to their mind. and that he should definitely do some more research.
July 2nd
“It is-“ you laugh out a sigh as you stumble into the entrance of Simon’s house, having left your umbrella outside, “Raining cats and dogs out there!”
Almost as it had fallen into some odd and domestic pattern, he helped you take off the coat and hang it off without much speaking and you then look to him as you take off your boots, “Thank you for watching him later, I didn’t know I would be working a double and it-“
“No problem, darling. Lil’ guy was out by seven.” He cut you off and hung up the coat beside Ollie’s on the rack, which hung beside his own, “You go’ dinner al’eady?”
You hum and stand back up, “Are you offering?”
“Aren’t I always?”
Dinner was a delicacy of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and oven cooked fries, matched with a hearty portion of sprite. And about an hour of what you would consider you yapping about your crappy day, and what he would consider it favorite part of the day- you finally faltered, leaning on the dinner table with a dull and lifeless laugh.
“I feel like…I owe you, god, I owe you my life or something.”
He furrows his eyebrows to that, “No’ why? ‘M no doing anything special.”
You give him a look, “Free babysitting for one. Not to mention the rides, you-you pay for him to go to soccer, and you go to the games and you buy him clothes and you love him and you care for him and-“ you cut yourself off and look up to stop the tears- which were threatening to flow, shaking your head, “I’m sorry. I’m…it’s just- no, it’s just been a day.”
Now, Simon was many things, a merciless killer and a solider was one of them but he always knew how to read body language. What really gave it away was how you messed with your ring finger, as if you were twisting a nonexistent ring, “What’s today?”
A glance up to him and you give a dull laugh, almost mocking yourself with your words, “I got married five years ago today. Wore the pretty dress and said ‘I do’ to a man that was a piece of shit but damn….i loved him. I did. I loved him so- and I’m, god, Simon you gotta tell me to shut up sometimes.”
He looks at you, and he knew you couldn’t read him, but there was sadness etched in his expression, “I never want you to shut up, luv.”
( That’s all the backstory you get for right now! Aka, I am doing this on my phone and my thumbs hurt…and all I’ve thought of rn- comments, feedback, and your ideas make my day!! Annnnyway that’s it! <33)
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Dear Hearts and Gentle People 5
Pure Indulgence
Summary: Cooper doesn't know how he got here, but he's with you, and that's all that matters to him. Now if only the other ghoul that wears a tricorn hat would leave you the fuck alone, he'd be having a much better time. However, for you, he could learn to share.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader / John Hancock x Reader
Warnings: Drinking and drug use. Plans are made some light petting.
Part 2 -> HERE
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John Hancock knows a good thing when he sees one, and you were definitely one of the best things that's he's ever lain his black eyes on. You were a wastelander. He could tell that by the way you held yourself, but the mayor could tell that you hadn't let the world shape you in a bad way. No, you took the world in your hands and shaped it to how you wanted it.
However, he could say a lot less about the ghoul that'd come in with you. He stuck to the back of the bar, feet kicked up on a table, and hat pulled down to cover his eyes. He'd not said a word, only dropped into the chair, but John wasn't stupid. The newcomer only had eyes for you, which made his game all the more fun.
"Well, not every day that someone new comes stumbling into my town," Hancock drawls as he steps up beside you, his voice rough and smokey, "Names Hancock."
He admires the way you cock a brow at him, not impressed what so ever, and repeat him, "Your town?"
John nods, his weathered lips pulling into a proud smirk, "Mhm, yeah. I'm the mayor of this little slice of heaven. If you ever need anything, I'm your man."
His cock twitches in interest when you regale him with a heavy lidded look, your lips quirking in an amused smirk that he wants to wipe away with a kiss, or his dick. Preferably both.
"Well, Mr. Mayor, I'll have to keep that in mind," you say, and Hancock picks up your accent this time and gives you a look of surprise.
"Not from around here, Doll?" He asks you and gets a nod in response. John sees movement out of the corner of his eye and notices that the ghoul has finally moved, stalking across the room to sit at the bar beside you. He eyes John, and something about the ghoul has his hackles rising, and his fingers itching for his knife.
"You makin' friends over here without me, Darlin'?" The newcomer asks, and you surprise John be snickering and bumping your shoulder against the cowboy.
"Wouldn't be me if I didn't. Are you getting jealous, Coop?" You tease and turn to send a wink at Hancock. He smirks right back and shifts in his seat, his knees bumping against your own.
Cooper would very much like to strangle the other ghoul that has your attention, please, and thank you. This guy's like him, whole and complete, not rotting with peeling skin and exposed bone. Fucker was probably handsome when he'd been a human. He doesn't like that you're so interested in him, and green jealousy burns bright in his chest.
"Any man would be jealous," Hancock says and boldly reaches out, his hand landing on the smoothskin's thigh, his thumb rubbing distracting circles. He flicks his black eyes up and locks with Cooper’s own, a dangerous smirk crossing his thin lips.
Coop sneers back, eyes full of blazing fury until you clear your throat and glance back at him. He grins at you, though it's mean and full of teeth with dark promises. An idea suddenly strikes him, and he cocks his head to the side then shifts forward, arm winding around your waist and chin hooking over your shoulder.
"One ghoul not enough for you, Sugar?" He purred in your ear and smirked at the way you shivered, eyes going half lidded with interest at his sudden change in behavior. Cooper met John's black eyes and eyed the other man, "You greedy for an extra set of hands?"
Hancock watched the exchange and smoothed his hand up your thigh, fingertips dipping in between your thighs and stroking along your clothed sex. The sound he makes is closer to a growl, and it lingers in his voice, "I think I can have that arranged."
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beabidobi · 2 months
I saw you needed ideas/requests, so I got u 👏
How would you imagine miguel to be when their partner gets their period? To me, he would be 100% mother goose 🪿 just full on overdrive. Getting everything they need - pads, tampons, weird food cravings, the whole shebang. And i totally envision him just peppering kisses all over them, cus he loves them so much and wants them to be comfy.
Yeah, at this point I'm venting cus I just got my period... Sorry for over-explaining 😅
★ Miguel O’Hara during your period headcanons
thank you for the request😩. hope you’re feeling okay!!
fem!reader x miguel o’hara
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• Would literally react like you’re dying every time. Treats you like a porcelain doll by keeping you on strict bed rest if you’re not feeling well and making sure to get everything you need
• Stocks up on pads and tampons a week prior as he knows your cycle
• If you have cramps he’ll buy you dark chocolate and heat up a hot water bottle for you
• He will try to do anything to make you feel better wether it’s running you a hot bath, buying you an entire store or just cuddling you in bed
• If you’re a spider person, he’ll sign you out for the week and take days off himself if it’s bad
• Your food cravings seemed a bit weird to him at first, but eventually he made sure to have all the food you might want in the house
• Cooks all your meals and makes you chamomile tea to help with cramps
• This man does not care about the blood. You leaked on the sheets? He’ll set up a bath for you while he washes them and puts on new ones. Same with if you got it in your clothes. He’d wash them and help you change into new ones
“I promise, it’s fine mi vida.” He’ll say when you keep apologising for getting blood on the sheets. “It’s normal, and I’ll get it out. Go get in the bath, I’ll get you some fresh clothes out.” When you’re still not very reassured once you’ve finished in the bath he helps you into the new sheets, cuddling you and tells you over and over he doesn’t mind whatsoever. [my life]
• He’s learnt how to handle your mood swings, when you’re angry he knows you might want some space. If you’re feeling down, he’d be all over you, telling you how beautiful you are and peppering kiss all around your face
“Mi hermosa niña.” He mumbles, fingers tracing circles on your hips while he runs his other hand through your hair, pressing kisses to your cheek. “So perfect.” [my beautiful girl]
• He’s freakishly warm almost like a human heater so when you sleep, he’ll keep his warm hands on your lower abdomen to soothe the cramps
• He’ll watch all your favourite movies with you, with ice cream and chocolate of course
• Gets Lyla to check your vitals every few hours even though you’re absolutely fine
• Expect massages. He’ll massage your stomach and back when you’re cramping, even uses some essential oils sometimes to help calm you
“Just relax, ángel.” He’d say while gently starting to knead your stomach, the smell of lavender oil eventually lulling you to sleep.
• Again, he’s memorised your cycle so he’s always extra careful with you the week before because he knows your a little delicate
• He’s not a big singer, but he’ll hum you to sleep, most likely some Spanish lullaby
• Will urge you to join him for a walk if you’re feeling up to it since exercise can also help cramps
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thank you for the suggestions so far, keep them coming :))
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lover-222 · 7 months
Birthday Boy (JF)
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warning: smut 18+
y/n had everything planned, she had went earlier in the day to victoria secret. she had found a perfect white lingerie set that she knew joão would love. it was his birthday so she wanted him to feel special. she set lit candles in their room and dimmed the lights.
she took a shower and lathered on her strawberry scented shampoo, she knew that joão secretly loved it. after her shower she dried and styled her hair. y/n already had her lingerie laid out on the bed, all she had to do was put on a little bit of makeup.
she sat down in font of her vanity and started her makeup. she did a simple small wing liner, waterproof mascara, highlighter, and lipstick. after that she changed into her lingerie set, it was a bit cold in their house so she also put on one of joão's white dress shirts that fit her big. she fixed their room since she knew joão was about to come home from training.
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she lit the last candle, then heard the door open. he wore grey sweatpants and a white hoodie, his hair was messily done. joão looked beautiful as ever. he looked for y/n, until he spotted her in the entrance of their bedroom.
"hi my angel, what a pretty set you have on" he smirked as he looked her up and down; he wanted to devour her whole.
he wrapped his arms around her body and played with one of her long strands of hair.
"i heard it was a special boys' birthday today" she told him while looking up at his doe eyes. his brown eyes were a deeper shade of brown, lust filled his eyes. she took his hand and led him to their bed, she lightly pushed him on the bed, making him sit down.
joão took off his hoodie, leaving him completely shirtless. he reached out to y/n but she stopped him.
"no no no, not yet." she said as she started to teasingly take of the white dress shirt.
she looked absolutely beautiful to joão, her long black hair was flowy and soft. the white lingerie set hugged her figure, she looked like a doll; small and delicate.
y/n got on top of him making sure to give him small kisses on his abdomen, earning whines from the boy. she trailed kisses all the way to his collarbones, she bit him not too hard but enough to leave a mark. y/n kissed his neck while also leaving a couple of hickey's. joão was a mess under, his eyes were closed and he whined from the simple pleasure.
he was growing hard under her, "fuck my love you're teasing me".
"no i'm taking my time with you pretty boy, i like the way you moan for me" she teased him as she slightly grinded on his hard clothed cock.
y/n attacked his lips, she started making out with him. joão's hands trailed all over body but they settled on her ass. while y/n played and pulled his hair, making him groan.
she pulled away and looked at him, his cheeks were scarlet red and his lips were plump; the most beautiful sight ever. joão sat straight and leaned back on the headboard. he watched y/n's every move, she moved down and pulled down his sweatpants along with his boxers.
she kissed his thighs along with his cock, y/n looked up at him. he'd shut his eyes with the amount of teasing that y/n was doing.
"baby please please" joão whined.
"patience my love" she answered.
she took his cock in her hand and started licking it slowly. she kitty licked his tip and then would slowly twirl her tongue over his slit, that was already covered with precum. she took him into her mouth, while joão reached down to her head and grabbed her hair making a ponytail. he bobbed her head up and down, making her deepthroat him. her eyes were teary eyed but joão loved watching her taking him all in her mouth.
joão felt euphoric in her mouth, he was so close to his climax. the way she gagged on him and continued to spit and suck on his cock turned him on even more. she never lost the eye contact with him, her big eyes looked up at him. watching him come undone and watching him cum was incredibly hot.
he came in her mouth, he took her hand and pulled her up, so she was sitting on top of him. joão's cum was on the corner of her mouth. he reached out and wiped it off with his thumb, then made her open her mouth. she then sucked off his cum off of his thumb while gently sucking on it. y/n looked at the boy who was paying close attention to what she was doing.
at this point y/n's lingerie was on the floor, he was taking her all in. she was divine to him, she was a goddess to him and would do anything to worship her; and that's exactly what he did. he gently bit one of her breast yet still sucking on it, and then would massage the other. he desired her so bad, he was eager to have her.
"tonight's about you baby, my birthday boy" she told him then kissed him again.
she sat on his cock, and started to ride him. he was in pure bliss, he loved every second of it. she looked absolutely beautiful on top of him. the way her moans would synch with his would raised the sexual tension. every thrust into her was filled with so much pleasure.
y/n was reaching her climax as was joão, he swiftly grabbed her and was now topping her. his thrust became sloppier as they were both reaching their high. they came together, and laid next to each other.
"fuck that was amazing babe, i love you" joão said as he kissed her.
"you're welcome birthday boy" she replied then smiled.
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sturniozo · 5 months
Savage Love Part Eight
Matt Sturniolo x reader Mafia AU
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I play with the sleeves of Matt’s pajamas. The sleeves are only a bit longer than my arms are, and like the sheets the whole pajama set is silk. I’m scared I’m gonna slip out of the bed like a McDonalds burgers innards after you take one bite.
Matt had given me a tour of the house. It’s beautiful, high walls and beautiful archways and hand painted walls. It’s amazing that he lives here. Although you can tell that men live here and no women do, as the kitchen looked like it has never been entered by anyone ever, and there’s at least three rooms that have pool tables, as well as each TV having at least one game console hooked up to it.
I stare at my hands waiting patiently for Matt to finish with his shower. It’s awkward, but the first time staying at your boyfriend’s place is always awkward.
It’s so weird to refer to him as that. Boyfriend. It’s real to him but just a job to me. It doesn’t feel right to do this to him. I bite my lip at the thought and I hear the shower shut off. I sit up on the bed and watch the bathroom door to open. Within a moment, Matt walks out with nothing on but a towel hung around his waist.
He smile at me as he walks to his closet to dig through for some pajamas. “Did you just wait there doing nothing?” He asks with a laugh.
“I wasn’t sure what to do.” I say awkwardly.
Matt pulls out a set of pajamas and sets them on the bed. He lays next to me, still in his towel, his chest and abdomen drenched from the shower. He lays his head over my lap. “Hm.” He murmurs and closes his eyes. “You’ll be comfortable here soon enough.” He says in a soft voice.
Matt has never been so soft before. So domestic. He makes it seem like we’ve been together for months even though we only met just over a week ago. I run my fingers through Matt’s hair and he groans softly.
“Are you tired?” I ask him.
He nods and says “I had a long day. I just wanna go to sleep with my pretty girl.” He smiles softly at me.
“Can you tell me about your day?” I ask and Matt sits up slightly. I leans his head against the headboard of the bed and closes his eyes.
“You’re really interested in what I do, huh princess?” He says as he chuckles softly.
“I just want to know what my boyfriend does for a living. You live in what’s basically a castle, I wanna know about you.” I say as I lay my head on his chest.
“I don’t know what you do for a living. All I know is you love your job.”
I pause for a moment before replying “I’m a journalist.” Matt stays silent at my response. “Matt?” I try to break the silence.
“Hm?” He mumbles.
“What do you do?”
“I control a company that transports and distributes goods.” He says in a low voice.
“What company.”
“You’re asking a lot of questions, baby doll.”
“I just wanna know you.” I look up at him and he opens his eyes. His face softens as he smiles at me. His hand reaches to run his fingers through my hair.
“It’s not like it’ll be a company you’ve heard of.” He says and closes his eyes again.
“What makes you think that?”
Matt groans. “Doll, you’re too pure to know any of this.”
“Too pure to know my boyfriend?” I ask and bite my lip.
He pulls me in closer to him and buries his face in the crook of my neck. “Just go to sleep, doll, you’re gonna watch me work tomorrow aren’t you? You’ll see what I do then.”
I sigh. “Okay.” I say softly and curl in closer to Matt. He reaches over and shuts the lamp off, leaving to room dark.
“Goodnight, doll.” He kisses my forehead.
“Goodnight, Matt.”
The day started out fine. Matt woke up around 4 in the morning, immediately calling people and asking for ETAs and how things are going on their end.
I had showered and changed into the clothes I wore here. Matt didn’t seem to like that, as he had me go through a closet filled with women’s clothing to pick out something else.
I had asked him why he had all thought women’s clothes but he just brushed it off. I couldn’t help but feel a little hurt. Were they other girls clothes? Am I wearing clothes that belonged to one night stands Matt has had? But there were so many clothes in the closet, either he’s slept with dozens of women that all left at least one outfit and were all the same size, or Matt had bought clothes in my size.
The latter didn’t make me feel so hurt, but I did find it weird. I’ve known him for what, 10 days? His idea of a relationship is skewed to say the least.
Honestly our whole relationship is confusing to me. I just need to know what happened the night we met. Does he know I don’t remember it? He does, doesn’t he?
But now I’m following Matt around at 7am as he’s on a phone call while walking around the house.
“I want the shipment brought to the safe house. We’ll disperse the cargo tomorrow night. No I’m not free to do it tonight, I’m occupied with other matters.” Matt says into the phone as he sits at the dining room table. He motions me to sit in the seat next to him. “No, Chris is out on a delivery order, and Nick is busy tonight with Mark’s men and shipment. They can’t help you. I’ll be down tomorrow night.”
I stare at Matt in awe as he speaks so demandingly to the person on the other end of the call. He sees me staring and smirks at me.
“I have to go. Just do as I say and you won’t be…” he pauses. “Just do your job.” He hangs up and sets his phone on the table. “What do you want for breakfast, babydoll?” He asks me as he caresses my hand.
I shrug. “I’m not much for breakfast.”
“You don’t eat breakfast?” He asks and I shake my head. “You’re eating it today.” He sits back in his chair.
“I’ll order something.” He interrupts me. He looks at his phone again and types quickly. “There’s a restaurant that my brothers and I frequently order breakfast from on our earlier days.” He sets his phone back down. “It’ll be here in a bit.”
Matt reaches over and caresses my cheek. He pulls me in close to him and leans in to press his lips to mine. He pulls away and smiles softly at me.
“I cleared as much as I can off my schedule for today. I’ll have to take a few calls on the things I couldn’t move, but otherwise I’m all yours today.” He holds my hand in his.
“That’s nice.” I bite my lip. “What was the shipment you were talking about a minute ago?” I ask.
Matt laughs and leans his head back. “You’re so persistent to know what I do, why?”
“It just feels like you’re keeping something from me. You always dodge the question.”
“I’m not keeping anything from you, love. And if I were, I’d have a good reason to and you should trust that.”
I sigh. “I just want to know if I’m with a good person, and not some drug trafficker or something.” I say, hoping that will get something out of him.
Matt stays silent for a moment. “You be the judge on whether or not I’m a good guy by thinking about all the time we’ve spent together. Do I seem like a bad guy to you?” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me from my seat and onto his lap.
“Do you think I’m a bad guy?”
“No, of course I don’t.” I say and he squeezes me tightly.
“Good.” He kisses my cheek. “That’s all you need to think of me, dollface.”
Matt caresses my hip as he leans in to press his lips to mine. His hand stays on my hip as the other trails up my body to hold my jaw. Our lips dance together like a soft waltz and his tongue enters my mouth. I put up not fight as Matt claim’s dominance over me. His hand on my hip squeezes me gently before moving down to my ass and pulling me closer to him. His hand slides down to my thigh the move my legs over to either side of him as he sits in his chair.
My hands find their way to Matt’s hair and I tug lightly on his soft hair. I slowly grind my hips against his crotch which causes him to groan. He squeezes my thighs before his hands trail back up my body and his fingers linger under my shirt for a moment, tracing small patterns over my skin softly.
We stay like this for a short while, just softly grinding on each other and making out. But it’s put to an end when we hear the door bell ring. Matt pulls away and places a few soft kisses over my neck.
“That’s breakfast, dollface.”
Matt and I sit in the couch in his living room. My legs are over his are his hands rub the inside of my thighs. Both of our attentions are captured by the television, a show I had picked out playing. Matt told me he wasn’t much for watching TV, he’s usually too busy for that.
I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around my waist. He kisses the top of my head softly.
How am I supposed to believe that Matt is the ruthless leader of the Mafia when he’s so soft and sweet with me?
“Something on your mind?” Matt asks in a low voice and his lips hover over my temple.
I shrug. “Nothing important.”
“Everything about you is important to me.” He kisses my temple. My cheeks heat up in a harsh blush. “Tell me what you’re thinking about, dollface.”
“Just you.” I bite my lip and look down at his hands on my thighs.
“Oh? What about me baby, is it something good?”
“I’m just thinking about how sweet you are with me, that’s all.”
“Sweet?” He laughs.
“Yeah, like right now. You’re so nice to me but with everything else you’re…”
“Harsh and dominant?” He says bluntly.
“Y-yeah.” I breath softly and lean my head on his shoulder.
“I could never be rude to you, darling.”
“I know.” I say softly. It hurts to know that. I really do believe he genuinely cares about me. And I know what that means I’m going to have to do.
Tags: @stargirlsturniololover @sturniolobessed @eyelessdemon00 @sturnioloenthusiast @sturniolopookie @urmommysbathroom @qwertytit @whatever1021 @chrisfavoritepepsi @stramboli4life @sturniolosreads @timmyscomputer @iloveneilperry
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Bound To You.
PAIRING: Modern!Dad!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 2,605.
SUMMARY: Domestic life with Aegon has been bliss thus far, yet there’s still one, pestering thing troubling his mind, and he won’t rest until he hears the word “yes”...
A/N - I give you (chubby) Dad!Aegon!!! cause what’s more fluffier than DILF AEG?! I hope you all enjoy it! it’s not my finest work but the concept warms my heart, I hope it does yours xoxo
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The long anticipated birthday was looming near, your birthday specifically, and Aegon was dead set on spoiling you, like never before, on your special day.
Since you’d both crossed paths in life, since your time in college, ultimately becoming romantically involved, he was eager to spoil you with a lavish, comfortable lifestyle, and costly gifts whatever the occasion may be. Growing up from wealth had its advantages, for instance price tags were never an issue…
Although, now 4 years down the line, you now had a third party entwined in your relationship: a beautiful, baby girl. She was only just at the cusp of entering her “terrible twos” and thus far, she was a god-sent angel. She had her father’s unique, ancestral Targaryen features: the violet eyes, platinum silver hair, and yet, her delicate details, the shape of her eyes and nose, made her a carbon copy of you.
Aegon was utterly smitten with her the moment you’d given birth: a grueling one yet worth every agonizing second. He was infatuated by her: her tiny frame engulfed by his massive size, the way her little fingers just managed to grip his pudgy pinky, and yet, he was ever so tender and cautious with her. He refused to let anyone near her proximity as she slept peacefully in the bassinet, let alone hold her, unless it was himself, you or his dearest mother to whom he trusted. Determined not to take any risks with his little princess, he was annoyingly protective over her. Even more so, he had more ammunition to spend his money carelessly. Whenever you guys were out and about, his wandering eyes would spot something precious that he felt his daughter just had to have.
“Oh Y/N, she would look the sweetest in this! Please! You can’t deny, she’d look so adorable!”
“C’mon hun, look at how she loves to play with it already! If I take it away, she’ll hate me!”
“Aeg she’s only 1, she has no use for so many clothes and toys that she’ll definitely outgrow and most likely out-love-”
Yet, there was no point in arguing, it was like talking to a brick wall. Aegon was stubborn with his ways, especially when it came to his little girl. It only heightened after eventually discovering that her first word was inevitably “Dada”, it drove Aegon ballistic, like he’d won the lottery, and the endless bragging that followed.
“Y/N did you hear that?! You heard it right? Grab me my phone- Say it again, princess!”
She was Daddy’s little, precious girl, that you could say with the greatest certainty.
“Bubba, now what are we going to get for Mumma?” Aegon softly coos, just above a whisper so only his little girl can hear, as he playfully bops her in his thick arms.
Too distracted with her new tiny doll, that Aegon sporadically caved in and bought just moments ago, he nervously glances over the stainless glass desk, an array of glistening jewels of all gems, carats and cuts, laid methodically out before him. If he could [more so if you would have allowed for it], he would buy the whole store out for you, although your prior prep talk a month ago, you made Aegon promise not to go above and beyond for such occasions.
“Is there anything I can help you with Sir?” The sudden, polite voice startled Aegon awake from the distraction of his own, deep thoughts, caught in a dilemma of what to choose. Met with the friendly smile of a middle-aged clerk woman, he returned the favor, even prompting his little girl to say “hi”, before she shyly buried her face against his chest, as he resumed explaining the situation at hand. After thoroughly inquiring, presenting Aegon with countless of stunning necklaces and bracelets, Aegon remained unconvinced.
“So sorry, how long did you say you’ve been with your wife for?” The saleswoman intrigued as she set aside the row of jewels Aegon had politely declined.
“Oh-Oh we’re not married. J-Just have a baby together… I mean not that I-I don’t or wouldn’t plan to, I just haven’t exactly decided when or how I’d ask.”
“Interesting- I mean I don’t mean to pry, I just assumed 4 years down the line, with a little one, perhaps she is expecting something soon… It seems you guys are pretty adaptable, go with the flow type of people. If you ask me, I think a potential engagement ring or even a promise ring, if you wish to buy some more time for a plan, would really surprise her in all the right ways.”
Spiraling in his own thoughts and memories, Aegon reminisced his relationship with you from the beginning. There was brutal truth to the stranger’s words, your relationship was neither premeditated nor were you each other’s type. In theory, on paper, Aegon and yourself would not work well, and yet against all odds you’d proven otherwise. Change and compromise, as you had always reasoned. As much as he hated to admit, neither was his little princess a planned circumstance… You’d fallen pregnant without thought, sometime after graduation and despite the fears and worries that parenthood foreshadowed, knowing you had each other to support and rely on, without the fear of abandonment, Aegon was comforted by the prospect of fatherhood.
“Sorry, Sir-I didn’t mean to meddle in your affairs. I was just suggesting perhaps-”
“No-No, it’s fine. If anything, you’ve just given me a reality check. I-uh-If it’s alright, I would very much like to see the rings, please? Hate to take up so much of your time.”
“Not a problem at all, Sir. Of course, I have just the perfect set in mind-” As the woman warmly agrees, she skims away momentarily, unlocking and bustling through the shelves of a drawer. In the meantime, Aegon’s little girl grows more and more restless in his arms, her little legs kicking and sprawling against Aegon’s plush tummy [he had grown quite a Dad bod, since fathering his first child, suffering from more cravings during your pregnancy than you]. Bored from the entertainment her doll had occupied her with, she now craved for her Daddy’s attention, eager to see what had kept him busy.
“I know, I know, baby. Home soon-” He softly whispers into her tiny ear, gently brushing her thick, platinum waves out of her eyes, as she nestles her tiny head onto his collar. Planting a small, faint kiss atop her head, her presence helped to reaffirm his decision.
“Finish getting Mumma a present, and then it’s nap time for you, hmm?”
“Surprise baby! Happy Birthday!” Aegon excitedly shouted, standing by the dining table with his baby securely wrapped in his arm: his other free hand warmly embracing your body.
The sight before you was, indeed, a welcoming one, quite rewarding after a tiresome, stressful day at work. Aegon had organized and prepared a feast for just the three of you all, desperate for something small, and intimate, any other festivities could wait for the weekend. He’d ordered your favorite takeout, and even set up the birthday cake with the candles burning bright, you knew by the intricate detailing of the chocolate cake, it was one that you’d most enjoyed and grown to love during your pregnancy.
“Aeg, this is all too much. You took the day off just for this, you didn’t have to!” You softly interject, as you plant a loving kiss on his plump cheek, before planting a tender forehead kiss on your little girl. A bright smile beaming across both their faces, you were content enough with their affections and presence.
“Don’t be serious, Y/N, this is the least I can do… If I had it my way, we’d be half-way across the world on some honeymoon type of vacation,” Aegon teased, although he was intent on being meticulous with his words, wanting to gain any, even the slightest bit of a reaction from you, to his instigation of proposing.
Ever since the saleswoman planted the idea of marriage, the thought had begun to sprout in his mind like a flower in the spring. Vivid, realistic visions began to swarm his mind, of the ring on your finger, you in a beautiful, custom wedding gown that you’d look so divine in, made perfectly to cater for your body, tight in all the right angles, walking down a lavishly designed alter towards him and your little girl waiting atop. Set in stone, that you’d be bound for each other in life and death. Also contemplating visions of your family expanding in numbers, his heart grew double in size by the thought. He desired for such visions to be a definite possibility, eager to prove to you that his devotion would remain timeless and undying, against all adversities.
“Honeymoon? That seems a little out of reach for us… Maybe one day,” You slyly comment back, exchanging a taunting wink to Aegon before, setting out the plates he’d piled on the table. In response, he could only meekly laugh. Your response was not as direct as he had hoped for, although he was willing to take the risk. For god’s sake, you had shared a child together… The word “no” would kill him, however, it would take death itself to greet the man before he was ever forced to leave you, it would take a beast like a dragon, to tear him from you…
“She’s fast asleep, poor thing, you must’ve exhausted her today! What’d you have her doing?” You quietly pestered Aegon, not wanting to awake the girl, as you exited her bedroom, returning to the kitchen as Aegon was finishing up tidying the dishes. Sated with the delicious food and cake, your daughter enjoyed herself lively with the little energy she had remaining. By the end of the celebrations, the poor girl was helplessly yawning soft “aww’s”, sighing, as she rubbed her heavy lids, falling fast asleep, melting away into her father’s lap, before you’d carried her off swiftly to bed.
“Our little princess helped me make a very important decision today… She helped me pick out the most perfect gift for you, or so I hope it will be.”
“Is that so?” You taunt, as your arms wrap around Aegon’s broad shoulders, enveloping around his dense neck, as your fingers run through his short, platinum strands. You feel his muscly arms snake around your waist, his rough hands sneakily squeezing at your clothed cheeks, encouragingly pushing your body forward as it presses against his sturdy physique. Despite the confidence in his gestures, Aegon could feel the anxiousness beginning to stir in the pit of his stomach: it was a possibility that you would say no, but if that was the case, why stay with him for so long? Why bear his child? Why not leave the moment you felt the relationship was no longer viable? He refused to believe you could be that cruel. Although you'd only briefly discussed the sacred notion of marriage, he knew you were not completely against it either. “If it happens, it happens” were your precise words, if he could correctly recall.
“You okay, Aeg? You seem distracted, my love?”
“Follow me-” His half-hearted smile eased your concerns, as he firmly held your hand, guiding you down the hallway in a beeline towards your shared bedroom. Before he’d opened the door to turn on the light, Aegon instructed that you wait outdoors, until he told you otherwise. As he disappeared before you, politely shutting the door in your quizzical face, it was only in those sparse, lonesome moments, did the realization sink in that you hadn’t stepped foot at all in the bedroom since arriving from work. Aegon was swift in taking your belongings into your room, as he urged you to remain by, distracted and tending to your little girl, before the festivities would commence. And now you understood for good reason…
“Come in, babe.”
Slowly opening the door, a hint of fear quivering inside of you, unexpectant of what was to be met, you noticed the room remained dimly lit, with lit candles strategically placed across the room, red rose petals streaked all across the carpeted floor, before realizing they led a path to the neatly made bed. Spelled legibly with more rose petals across the clean, ivory white linen were the thick lettering of the words written “WILL YOU MARRY ME?”
And kneeled before you on the floor, Aegon, precisely down on one knee, a longing look strewed across his face, with the most opulent, grand diamond ring you’d ever laid your eyes upon, held upright in the palms of his hands. It’s intricate details flashing in the dimness, the silver, stainless steel band coated in smaller, lustrous diamonds, as the main centerpiece was a pear cut, glistening with such intense clarity. Naturally, you felt the hot tears swelling in your eyes, a hand instinctively going over your neckline, as the other fell onto your stomach, where once a babe had grown cosily.
“F-Forgive me, my beloved. I know that this has been long overdue, but my feelings remain indifferent. O-Over the last few years, this thought has echoed in my mind, and since you’d blessed me with the greatest gift of all, nothing I say or do could amount to how I truly- how much I sincerely feel about you, Y/N. You, you and our little bundle of joy, you both mean the absolute world to me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you both. You have stuck by me since the beginning, not knowing what you’d be walking into, with a man like me, and yet you persevered. You not once considered walking out on me nor did you ever show your discontent with me. Forever I am grateful, I-I am undeserving of you… So please, the selfish man that I am, I ask more of you. I ask that you do me the honor of becoming my beloved wife, so that I wish to remain bound to you in this life and the next, against all odds, just like we’ve been doing since day one, baby.”
Not even a second passed by before your decision had been definitively made.
Much to your amusement, as a gleeful smile tore across your face with joyous tears streaming down your scarlet cheeks, Aegon looked surprised by your acceptance. Caught in a daze, that you would decline, the answer “no” ingrained into his mind since the drive home, it took him a minute before his senses had settled in. Hastily kicking himself off the ground, he moved towards you instantly, now a similar, bright smile etched across his face, as his lilac eyes glistened with tears of relief.
“You-You said yes?!”
“Of course, Aeg! Baby, I’m so in love with you, have I been that blissfully ignorant in wanting to spend the rest of my life with you? My dear, dear husband.”
The word just oozing so effortlessly from your lips, made Aegon’s cock twitch with enthusiasm. Naturally, he swiftly placed the hypnotic ring on your delicate finger, the both of you mesmerized by its rich appearance for a few fleeting moments, before embracing one another, sharing a long, passionate kiss, as Aegon led you towards the plush bed.
“Should we not call your family, tell them the news?” You interjected, as Aegon plopped you down, remaining stood, as he undid the buttons of his fitted shirt.
“They can wait… Perhaps they shall be expecting not only a wedding, but another grandchild, niece or nephew, soon, after I’m done with you tonight.”
GENERAL TAGLIST - @evenstaris​ @chompchompluke​ @fan-goddess​ @malfoytargaryen​ @ilikeitbetterangsty​ @bibli0thecary​
AEGON TAGLIST - @who-told-you-this-was-butter​
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neochan · 2 years
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PAIRING | sugar daddy!jaehyun x sugar baby!reader
SYNOPSIS | when he notices other men giving you attention, jaehyun drags you into the nearest bathroom and reminds you why you're his.
WC | 2.2k
WARNINGS | mentions of catcalling, dom!jaehyun, slight degradation, jealous!jaehyun, clothe ripping, fingering, dirty talk obvi, wall sex, daddy kink, finger sucking, petnames ie; baby, slut, doll (he only says it once to mock reader) creampie + cute dimpled jae
A.N | requested by anon! hope you like it !
you shouldn’t have worn a skirt today.
long stares and quick glances alike have you on your toes, eyes shifting to jaehyun who only glares and squeezes your hand a little tighter, but ultimately, he keeps on the sidewalk, dragging you past shop after shop.
“baby! can we go in there?” you ask excitedly, pointing at the large windows displaying sexy lingerie, and shaking his hand to grab his attention. the prettiest blue lace top was worn proudly on the mannequin and paired with matching bottoms, inviting you in with a promise to find something to you and jaehyuns liking.
“later.” he replies gruffly, not bothering with a second glance.
from across the street you hear a group of men whistle and catcall you.
“pretty skirt doll!”
“nice ass!”
“why don’t you come hold my hand?”
jaehyuns head snaps towards them, a glare overtaking his whole face and for a second you feel like he’s going to pull away from you and confront them, but you giggle and squeeze his palm, “come on jae, ignore them.”
but he can’t.
this has been happening all day. the whistles, the taunts, the jeering, the fucking cat calling, and it’s driving. him. mad.
“ignore them?” he sneers, still glaring at where they’re laughing and drinking on the front steps of a pub, “i wanna fucking end them.”
you roll your eyes, “you’re so dramatic.”
he glances at you before setting his jaw and tugging you faster. ‘dramatic’ he mumbles under his breath, walking so fast you stumble, heels scraping against the concrete.
‘slow down!’ you whine, but he doesn’t.
where was he going? the car was in the other direction and you were getting to the end of the strip mall, only abandoned shops towards this end. very few people were walking around down this way, so it still begged the question where the hell was jung jaehyun taking you?
you squeal when he gives you a sharp pull into a bathroom off the strip, slamming the metal door closed and locking it.
“jae!!” you shriek.
“oh shut up doll,” he mocks, pushing you back against the bathroom door and curling his fingers under the fabric of your t-shirt, “what no giggles for me?”
“come on-“
“no” he interrupts, thumbing the skin underneath your bra, and leaning closer to you, almost nose to nose now, “you wanna be all smiley for those random fucks out there. you think they could fuck you like i do? pay for your fucking lifestyle like me? provide for you like i can?” his hands yank down your bra, ripping it like it was only a piece of thread.
“jae!!” you squeal.
“yeah that’s my fucking name baby, no need to wear it out.” a chilling grin stretches out on his lips before he dips his head down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking harshly on the sensitive bud. one of his hands drops down to toy with the hem of your skirt, wondering to himself if he should rip that too.
“what has gotten in to you?” you breathlessly ask, fingers threading themselves into his hair and tugging at the roots when he bites down on your nipple.
“oh shut up.” he stands up tall and spins you around, pushing you flat against the door. his knee knocks apart your thighs, two of his fingers snaking under your skirt and into your underwear to rub between your folds, “is this for me? or them?” he asks, alluding to the fact that you were so wet it was leaking past your panties and onto your thighs. jealousy drips from his lips like venom and it has you subconsciously arching your ass back against him.
“better be me.” he sneers, pushing his fingers into you, the squelch of your arousal ricocheting off the bathroom walls. you pulse around his fingers with each flick of his wrist, and he can feel himself growing hard in his suit pants, “what? you like hearing how much of fucking slut you are? that’s why you wore this pretty little skirt, isn’t it? so every man that looks in your direction wants to fuck you?”
“no daddy! just you.” sobs leave your chest in spurts and your legs want to give out from how hard Jaehyuns fingers are pistoning in and out of you, but you stay in place.
a satisfied hum leaves the back of his throat right before he takes his fingers and puts them to your lips, “suck.” you open up and he shoves his fingers down your throat, the taste of yourself heavy on your tongue, “good girl. gonna fuck you dumb.” he mumbles, busying himself with undoing his pants.
“jae we can’t-“ you start, worried that someone was going to need the bathroom and find it locked then call maintenance or something and the two of you would be caught. you were an overthinker at its worst.
“oh yes we can. and you’re gonna enjoy it right?” he snarls.
“y-yes, but -”
“no buts.” he interjects, “i’m gonna fuck you until you remember who you belong too because apparently it’s been forgotten in that tiny brain of yours since you wanna show off for other men.” his hand guides his length against you, rubbing it between your folds before pushing in with no warning.
“a-ahh” you moan, palms slapping against the metal door in attempt to hold on to something, anything, while he slowly pushes into you, bottoming out for only a split second before pulling out and doing it again.
“god your pussy feels so good, so fucking tight for daddy.” he groans, his own eyes fluttering shut when he feels your walls reflexively spasm around his cock. one of his hands reaches up to fist your hair, pulling it tight so that you have to lean back against his chest, your ear next to his lips and his other hand grabs at your waist, your skirt bunched just above it.
you squirm against him, the stretch of his cock a little too much for you to take. usually he prepped you well, but with this impromptu session, that wasn’t an option, and you could feel just how sore it was going to leave you later. “fuck, you’re so deep!” your cheek is smushed against the cold metal door and your words come out a bit garbled, but jaehyun knows what you’re saying, after all, he’s been able to make out your sentences when his cocks been stuffed down your throat in the past.
“yeah? still want the attention of all those other men, or is mine enough?” his jealousy still peeks through despite the position he has you caught in, “they couldn’t come close to how good I feel in you, huh?” when you don’t answer him, too caught up in how good it felt to have his cock thrusting in and out of you, he tugs harshly on your hair, “answer me slut.”
“i don’t know daddy!!” you sob, scalp hurting and legs about to give out from the force of jaehyun pressing into you.
“oh you don’t know?” he sounds a bit disappointed, “you think they could fuck better than me?” his hand drops out of your hair and favors the other side of your waist, fingernails digging into the skin which leaves you to yelp and jump in his hold, “i’ve got some news for you baby,” each word is punctuated by a distinct and harsh thrust that abuses your  g-spot and leaves you incoherently moaning, “no one fucks better than me.”
even though he sounded a bit full of himself you knew it was true. every time jaehyun opened his wallet for you, you knew you were getting fucked into next week. it was the agreement between the two of you; the sugar mixed with spice, and you had everything nice to give him.  
“d-daddy please.” and even though you’re whimpering like you can’t take anymore, you find yourself throwing your ass back against him, meeting each thrust and making it way more pleasurable than you were used too.
“please what slut, i’m already fucking you.” he chuckles into your ear, the grip on your hips becoming tighter as he starts to reach his orgasm, but he’ll be damned if you don’t cum first.
the way his hips snap into you has you crying out, legs wobbling and lips trembling.
“i know you love getting used like this,” he grunts, tongue poking a dimpled cheek, “but it’s pathetic that i have to fuck you in a public bathroom because you refuse to dress yourself properly. don’t dress like this if you don’t wanna be a free use slut, okay?” he presses a cheeky kiss to the back of your neck and inhales the fruity scent your shampoo leaves, groaning when your walls squeeze him sporadically, the telltale sign you were about to finish.
“j-jae..” you mewl, your growing orgasm becoming more intense with each thrust of his cock. the way his chest feels pressed against your back ignites the fire deep in your tummy till you’re burning up. his chest muscles made you dizzy when you saw them, and here you were feeling them; you felt like you could pass out.
“i know baby, i know.” he coos into your ear, rapidly fucking into you, “cum on my cock, thaaats it.” he draws out the last couple syllables, fucking you through your orgasm, a rush of your arousal leaking all over the front of his suit pants.
“oh my god daddy, right there!” you squeal, sobs wracking your chest as you come apart, easily pliable under his rough hands now that you were left vulnerable to his touch. you try catching your breath but your head is spinning, “i- i came.” you declare pointedly, trying to gather you bearings, but jaehyun has no intention of stopping.
“that’s good, but i haven’t yet.” he growls, his left hand coming up to wrap itself in your hair again, threading the fingers through the roots he gives a harsh tug before absolutely destroying you.
you didn’t think it was possible for him to go harder, but apparently it was because you’re pretty sure if anyone was standing outside the door they would be able to hear just how hard he was fucking you. the overstimulation is a little too much, his swollen cock bruising your sensitive walls, and the pressure makes your legs shake, leaving you to involuntarily close your thighs. he catches on, “open those legs before i pick you up and fuck you against the wall instead.”
it was a promise, not a threat and it has you opening your legs back up despite your brain yelling at you. you’d rather take the brunt of it now, knowing that if you were strung up in jaehyuns arms you’d be subject to his jealousy. there was no way you could stand another orgasm… or two, or three.
“wanna be filled with daddys cum?” he groans, and you find yourself rapidly nodding your head yes, “gonna stuff this pussy full pretty girl.”
you can feel his cock twitch in you every time you squeeze around him, and his thrusts become sloppy while he loses himself in you, the sweet smell of your perfume driving him absolutely crazy. he’s surrounded by you, in more way than one and he can’t help but lose himself, driving deeper than he has before.
“fuckkk.” he curses, long strings of moans and grunts rumbling deep in his chest as he empties himself into you, fucking his cum deep. “take it, baby.” he says through gritted teeth. his hand is wound so tightly in your hair, a few strands come out when he releases his hold.
you’re left panting, cheek still held against the door, even when he slips out of you and tucks himself back in his stained suit pants. “baby?'' he questions, a curious brow raised, “you okay?”
“i’m fine.” you chuckle, pushing yourself off the door and stumbling a bit. he latches on to you and helps you regain your balance, “just a little wobbly.”
jaehyun presses a kiss to your forehead and hugs you tightly, the spicy smell of polo red invading your nostrils, “you did so well for me darling. i’m sorry my jealousy got a hold of me.”
“it’s okay jae,” you start, hands hurriedly trying to fix your shirt but realizing your bra was ripped beyond repair, “aw man, i really liked this one.”
he recognizes your disappointment and is quick to squash it, “ah my love! let’s go visit that shop you wanted to see and i'll buy you three new pairs. I shouldn’t have been so rough with you-“
“jae.” you reiterate, “I’m fine. i loved it, don’t worry.”
he chuckles, deep dimples poking the sides of his cheeks, “okay then. first we go to the shop to get you some new sets, then off to get me new suit pants –” you giggle into your palm when you see your arousal mixed with his cum splashed across the crotch of his light grey suit pants, and he smiles, “and then lunch maybe?”
you nod, gracious for this wonderful being you’ve been graced with.
even if he was just a sugar daddy.
tag list | @rainyjeno @peachjaem00 @angelwonie @yincotton @nctdom @allforhyuck @tennieboiii
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babyjakes · 1 year
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | jan '23 blurb night
summary | you love when your daddy gives you your special exam.
pairing | soft!doctor!daddy!steve rogers x little!reader
warnings | ddlg (soft sweet gentle loving daddy!steve <333), very long idk why, medfet elements: exam table, gloves, speculum, rectal thermometer, fingering, clit play, anal play, multiple orgasms, encouragement and praise, slight mocking/humiliation? in a very loving way
word count | 1,426
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requested by @bucky-boo-bear | ok. so for the blurb night, how about consensual medfet. Like daddy!(character of your choice) preparing everything earlier, talking you through the steps even though you have done this before. Checking in with you every once in a while and taking care after.
an | friend!!!! thankyou so much for sending this one in. i was hoping we'd get to have a soft daddy moment tonight hehe <3 dr. rogers is where it all began for me, and i love this take on him. hope you enjoy!!
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okay so. steve definitely runs his practice out of his home. similar to a rare condition, he has a little clinic attached to his house with a separate entrance and everything. it's a clinic for daddies/mommies and littles to come and do medical play, which he often helps out with. but your favorite times are when daddy closes the whole clinic just for you, for your designated daddy and baby exam days <3
being your daddy, he wants to make sure he's keeping a close eye on your physical health, especially down in your special areas. plus both of you love the experience of doing the exam together. there's something so special (and undeniably sexy) about the whole process for you: the table, the medical instruments, the orgasms your daddy always spaces out through the entire ordeal. plus, the sight of your daddy all dressed up for his work as a physician is just the cherry on top; you adore the way his muscles bulge in the tight white button-down shirts he wears. and the white nitrile exam gloves he buys are just the right size, fitting so snuggly around his massive hands; the tightness almost never fails to make you drool. and daddy loves the medical play just as much as you do, of course. out of all the little patients he gets to see, you're his favorite by far- none of the rest even come close to comparing.
so maybe today's the day, it's been a few months and daddy says you're due for another exam. he's prepared an exam room for you already, your favorite one with the pretty butterfly stickers on the wall. he takes you over to the clinic and into your room, helping you out of your clothes before draping the scratchy paper gown over you. "you gonna be a good girl for me today, sweetheart?" he smiles so lovingly when you give him a big nod. "of course you are, you're always so good for daddy, aren't you baby?"
next you're lifted up onto the exam table, the roll of paper crunching softly beneath you as you're set down with your legs dangling off the edge. "okay doll. go ahead and lay back for me," steve prompts. once you're lying flat, he helps you scoot closer to the edge of the table, adjusting the stirrups a little wider for you before guiding your legs up into them. you squirm a little as your gown's lifted, earning soft encouragement from your daddy. "it's okay, sweet girl. that feel a little chilly?"
he rubs his hands together for a few moments before grabbing a pair of gloves from their box on the wall and snapping them on. then, he settles down on his little rolling stool and positions himself at the end of the table, rolling his tool tray over by his side. he reaches up and adjusts the lamp above you to better illuminate your perfect petals, sitting so prettily as they wait for your daddy's tender touch. lifting up your bottom, he eases a large gauze pad underneath you to catch anything that might... eheh... drip... "okay honey. let's have a look here..."
he spreads you apart with both hands gently, cooing at the sight of your arousal already beginning to pool up in your tiny little hole. "everything looks good, sweetheart. this feel okay?" he asks as he manipulates your lips a bit more, pulling you open this way and that, "no pain anywhere?"
"no pain, daddy," you tell him, trying to keep your voice steady.
"good. just gonna insert a finger, bub. deep breath in for me..." you mewl as his first digit enters you, earning a smile from the doctor. "good, took that so well, pretty girl. everything feelin' okay?"
stumbling a bit over your breaths, you nodded. "f-feels okay, daddy. feels good."
"good," he croons, gently working his finger in and out of you. "just feeling around, baby. gonna insert a second finger. you ready?"
"y-yes daddy, yes please," you try to keep yourself from begging.
he chuckles a little at your insistence, easing in a second finger to fill you up more, building the pace of his thrusts gradually. "good, now daddy's gonna work your g-spot, okay honey? you remember what happens when daddy does that?"
swallowing hard, you nod. "y-yes daddy, i... i cum daddy, can i cum, please?" at your words, the blonde man finds your special spot with the tips of his fingers, stroking with relentless force and consistency.
"of course you can, sweet girl. go ahead, you can cum," he allows, praising you enthusiastically as you clench down on his fingers. "there it is, good girl. so good for me baby..."
he lets you recover and replaces his gloves before returning to the big drippy mess you've made, cleaning you up a little with some paper napkins before adjusting the light a little further down, turning up the brightness a few notches. "alright, little one. time to take a look at that pretty little clit of yours next." with just the tips of his gloved fingers, he begins to pull back the skin surrounding your sensitive button, smiling as it peaks out from underneath its hood. "just gonna test your sensitivity, sweetheart," he tells you before dragging a thumb up through your sticky wetness, smearing the slick all over your tiny bundle of nerves.
you whimper and squirm a bit at the feeling, and steve coos knowingly in response. "i know baby, it's so sensitive, isn't it? that feel good? you like it when daddy spreads you out and rubs right there, right on your poor little clit?"
you try to form words, but your brains all mushy as he uses one hand to spread you out, the other working its thumb in precise circles over the little knot of flesh. "please daddy, p-please," you whine.
"look at that, getting so swollen already. can feel your muscles tightening up, baby. are you gonna cum again for me?"
he's just finishing his sentence as you tumble over the edge once more, this time squirting out a little onto the gauze below. steve chuckles as your poor pussy clenches and contracts around nothing. "good, so good for me," he praises again.
next is the speculum, normally steve would lubricate it but he never has to when he's examining you. your eyes water a little at the sight of the dreaded instrument, prompting your daddy to rub your inner thigh soothingly, "you're okay, doll. daddy'll be real gentle, i promise." maybe this time you're a little extra weary of the tool, so steve rubs your clit as he inserts it to ease the discomfort. "good," he sings as you take the plastic inside your little cunt. "just gonna rotate it and open you up now, honey. deep breath- that's it..."
you whimper at the stretch, but soon you're able to focus once more on his steady strokes against your clit. "good," he breathes, adjusting the light as needed to look inside. "everything looks healthy and normal in here, little one. doing so good for me. you ready for your temperature?"
this is the last part of the routine exam, and admittedly the part you struggle with the most. steve sees the dread in your eyes, offering you a sympathetic smile as he prepares the thermometer with a hard plastic covering, opening up a packet of lubricant and squeezing it out onto the tip. "we're almost done, sweetie. just gotta put it in, then you can cum again. you gonna be brave for me?"
tears built up in the corners of your eyes, you nod down at your daddy. "good girl. alright honey," he uses his thumb to drag some of your wetness down, smearing it over your tighter little hole. you let out a squeak in fear, earning soothing shushes from steve. "shh, darlin'. just gonna feel a little pressure here..." you whine softly as the tip is inserted, but as soon as its in place, steve's thumb returns to your clit and you're able to relax again. "good girl, did so good for me," he praises. "think someone deserves to cum again, hmm?" you reach the edge quickly, the sight of you spread out before him, little clit so puffy and swollen, cunt forced open by the wings of the speculum, tiny ass stuffed with the wand of the thermometer, the most glorious thing steve's ever seen.
"come on, sweetheart. cum for daddy, you've been such a good little patient today."
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danisbrainrot · 2 months
lott modelling new clothes she bought for you to cheer you up after a rough day :(((
lottie matthews x reader
I love cute little blurb ideas like these <333
her shopping bags landed messily on the bed as she crawled on top of you, shifting so you were between her legs and she could press her forehead against yours. "you okay, baby?" lottie murmurs, kissing you softly.
you shake your head, leaning into the kiss and not letting her lips go. finally, she pulls away, looking at you seriously as a sigh leaves your mouth, "I had a shitty day," you reply. she pouted, pressing another kiss against your lips before pulling away.
"well, I finally used my t.k. maxx credit up, do you wanna see some of the stuff I bought?" lottie asks, you nod eagerly, your mood lighting up immediately. she laughs at this, but crawls off you and opens some of the bags. "close your eyes," you do as instructed and wait patiently until she allows you to open them again.
her first outfit is cute, a pink miniskirt and a white top. she gives a little spin, flourishing with a small curtsy. "you look like a Barbie doll," you tease, she flicks her hair behind her shoulders and blows you a kiss, before getting unchanged again. you close your eyes, letting her next outfit be a surprise.
lottie shows off five more outfits—making you worry how bad of a habit this whole stealing shitty clothes from t.k. maxx was. finally, she covers your eyes with a scarf she'd bought, "your eyes definitely have to be closed for this next one, because I bought this somewhere else," she whispers, her tone seductive; you grew excited by what she meant.
"you can take the scarf off now," she instructs. once the fabric is ripped off your eyes, your jaw drops at the sight. she was dressed in a scant red lingerie set, showing off her long legs and gorgeous figure. you swear you could feel drool in the corner of your mouth. she giggles at your reaction, twirling around to show off every inch of her. "do you like it?"
you finally unfreeze, gaining the ability to talk again. "I love it," you admire how gorgeous she looked standing before you in her red bra and undies, "in fact, you should wear that more often," she giggles, before crawling on top of you again. you pull her in for a passionate kiss, feeling the full weight of her on top of you, as you grip her waist tightly with you hands. "thank you, my days better already," you mutter against her lips.
a wide smirk appears on lottie's face as she begins moving your hand from her waist further up to her boobs. "just wait until you feel what's underneath it," she teases, shooting you a cheeky wink.
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misskattylashes · 17 days
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This essay is so big, it needs two parts!
The EYCTE cycle
Part 1
From ‘I Just wanted to be one of the Strokes’ to ‘I’m scared of love’ and why I don’t think we will get TLSP 3 any time soon.
There is no doubt that Planet Milex is a different place to where it was in 2015. Back then, they hung out in LA, treated girlfriends like third wheels, were pictured cuddling and behaving like a couple outside The Kills gig, and then went onto record Everything You’ve Come to Expect.
Planet Milex 2024 seems like a desert. No official pictures of them together, the only indication they are still in each other’s lives being Miles frequently mentioning in interviews about hanging out with Alex, still sharing clothes, a picture of them walking the streets of Shoreditch, a sneaky photo at a Scott Walker tribute concert (which interestingly was taken down immediately). Then ultimately, Alex wanting his beloved to be the support act for the final days of the tour, when it was clear at times Alex felt a little overwhelmed by it all, and of course, Miles was there to hold his hand and bring him back down to earth.
‘Maybe I was a little too wild in the seventies’
It’s interesting out of all the Monkey’s songs, it is I Wanna Be Yours that Alex then merged with Star Treatment (often adding ‘I just wanted a jet ski for the moat’ – more of that later), which kind of confirms who I Wanna Be Yours is about – I have no idea why no none has ever questioned the addition of ‘secrets I have held in my heart’.
I think the EYCTE period was one where feelings deepened and promises were made. The one to watch is Miles. At the beginning of the promotional period, Alex looks like an adoring boyfriend, but Miles is quite composed and whilst flirty with Alex, it’s no more than he ever was before, during the SIAS and AM eras. By the end, in the days of Sziget and Rock en Seine. Miles is looking like a soppy puppy with eyes full of love (pretty much how Alex has looked at him since 2008!). But judging by the lyrics of Star Treatment (which Alex started writing during EYCTE), Alex was aware their little bubble couldn’t last ‘here ain’t no place for dolls like you and me’, but Miles, having fallen hard thought they could keep it going.
Alex went off to France to record TBHC leaving Miles stranded in LA, friendless and a bit lost, meanwhile Alex went through a period of self-reflection and justifying to himself why he had let Miles down. Not all the songs on TBHC are related to Milex, Alex was influenced by a whole variety of things, but songs like Star Treatment, Golden Trunks, Batphone and The Ultracheese address their situation. The Ultracheese even ends ‘I done some things that I shouldn’t have done, but I haven’t stopped loving you once’. I see TBHC as Alex’s ‘excuse album’. Sorry I let you down Miles, but look what a big superstar I am with all these big responsibilities, but know I love you’
Miles on the other hand was angry and hurt and wanted to lash out. Coup de Grace is full of angst with thinly veiled digs at Alex (of course during the official promotion, Miles said it was about Hannah his ex but I do think mentioning Alex’s personal information in Killing the Joke is kind of telling). Wrong Side of Life is possibly one of the saddest and most desperate songs I have ever heard. And on Silverscreen, how do you explain Two Faced Johnny as being a woman?! The only hint at self-blame is on Too Little Too Late, with the lines ‘I’m too fickle set in my ways, I’m too little too late’ – which has echoes of Troubled Son. Personally, I think one of the reasons Alex possibly wanted to go back to how they were prior to EYCTE was because Miles had never committed before (see most of AM!) and it was a case of do the hurting before being hurt. But CDG ends with Shavambacu, which in an interview Miles said was about an ex and they used to call each other Shavambacu as a silly little name (cue footage of Miles calling Alex Shavambacu on stage). And the last line is ‘oh honey I love you’. Like TBHC, CDG ends with a declaration of love.
In between CDG and CTS we have the night at La Cigale (which I will write about in a different post) where I think their fall out came to a head, because not long after that, we have grainy footage of them hanging out in East London. At the same time Miles is writing Change The Show, and whilst the songs are still a bit angsty, there is a lot more pragmatism. See Ya When I See Ya stands out, and we have the ‘Johnny’ character again, but instead of being angry with Alex for his double life and secrets, Miles has resigned to himself he’ll always be there for him and keep his secrets for him. I think because they had reconciled to a degree, Miles realised they weren’t going anywhere, but it didn’t mean Alex didn’t annoy him. Final track Adios ta ra ta ra indicates exasperation at their constant battles, but there is still an air of resignation.
Part two tomorrow
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hbojoel · 3 months
18+ minors DNI! dom!richie jerimovich x sub!reader, established relationship, impact play, face slapping, subspace, crying, pet names (sweetheart, baby, pretty girl, pet), richie refers to himself as your old man, titles used are daddy and sir, more foreplay than anything
a late happy birthday to the old man himself who plays the asshole who rots my brain ❤️‍🩹 long live ebon (not proofread so pls let me know if u find any mistakes😭)
Richie's apartment has a balcony.
And thank fuck it does, because he lives in a no-smoking building, and God only knows what would happen if that man didn't have his six cigs a day. A longer life span, certainly. More people with their heads bitten off. He guesses the pros outweigh the cons, no matter how much you try to talk him out of it; he has his vices.
So when you come home and find the apartment seemingly empty, the only light coming from behind the curtain, you know where to find him. He sits on the padded armchair, hunched over in his work clothes, a few buttons of his shirt undone, his hand cupped around the cherry to shelter it from the wind. Something about the crease in his brow or the turn of his lips lets you know it wasn't an easy day. He doesn't look up at the sound of you sliding the door open, or the latch clicking into place. He tenses, minutely, at your hand dropping lightly on his shoulder, your thumb rubbing back and forth to try to ease the tension away.
"Good day?" You ask, letting the sarcasm drip from your voice.
Richie's sardonic laugh turns into a grimace as you circle the chair, kneeling down so you're face to face. "Yeah, shit. I guess you could say that, baby." He raises his arm slowly to tilt your chin upwards with him thumb, soft and slow. "What about you, hm?"
You shake your head and scrunch your face up. "Not important."
You angle your head downwards, catching his thumb in your mouth. Immediately, his posture shifts. His shoulders lift, and, unconsciously, he seems to straighten, puffing his chest out as he rests his half-smoked cigarette on the ashtray. He entertains you for a while, letting you suck and nip and kiss at the skin of his thumb before he withdraws it, smiling cruelly at the whine that found its way past your lips.
He cups your face in both of his hands, encompassing what feels like your whole head, his fingers grazing the curve of your skull. "You wanna help your daddy feel better?"
You don't get a chance to respond because he uses his grip on you to nod your head up and down for you. Like a doll. Like a toy.
Richie smiles. The city skyline reflects back at you in his blue eyes, boring down, searing through your skin and searching your very soul.
You remember through the thick fog of your impeding submission, somehow, to give verbal consent. Your voice is small and weak and sounds far away, even to your own ears, as you say, "Please, daddy."
Richie lets one hand fall down to the back of your neck and you can't even think to hold back your moan of pleasure as he squeezes with just enough pressure, setting stars shooting across your vision just from the feeling, just from the knowledge of what he has proven comes after this.
He inches himself further off the chair, boxing you in with the width of his legs. You shiver, and it's not because of the wind. And he laughs. Because he knows.
"Barely touched you yet, sweetheart," he croons, his thumb gently rubbing the bump of your jaw. "Open."
Like a dog trained, you let your jaw slack and tongue loll out of your mouth, saliva building at the corners of your lips. Richie smooths your hair back in the same moment as he spits into your open mouth.
Your face screws up, tears beginning to cloud your vision, because he hasn't given you any orders yet. You sit there, knees digging into the rug you picked out, trying not to let his spit fall out of your mouth.
Richie watches another few seconds, delighting in the agony on your face as you try not to disappoint him while trying not to make any decisions he hasn't cleared for you. A tear begins its slow descent down your cheek and he takes pity on you, taking your chin in his hand and forcing it closed.
"Swallow," he orders, voice hard and unforgiving.
He looks down at you expectantly, and you once again open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out to show that you behaved.
"Good girl," he says sweetly, and your blood turns into molten lava in your veins. "You doin' okay so far? Your knees hurtin' at all?"
You blink dazedly for a second before you realize he's expecting you to answer. "A little, sir," you breathe, just above a whisper.
Richie considers, for a moment, letting his hand rest on your throat while he does so. "You wanna stay down there for me and get comfortable, or you wanna come up in my lap?"
The options weigh heavy in your mind, but one thing ultimately takes precedence, and that's staying here, where Richie makes you feel small and safe and taken care of.
You nod to yourself. "Down here, please."
Quick as a whip, the palm of Richie's hand makes contact with your cheek and your whole body jolts from the impact. You try to bring your own hand up to ease the sting, but he catches your wrist with ease. "Please what?"
Tears are flowing freely down your face, no doubt ruining whatever mascara still clung to your lashes after a long day. "Please, daddy," you hiccup. "I'm sorry, sir."
"That's okay, sweet thing," he tells you, voice soft as butter as he releases your wrist and cups your cheek in the same hand he slapped you with. "Dumb pets can't be expected to remember rules, can they?"
You shake your head miserably, sniffling even as Richie catches your tears with his thumb.
He shifts slightly and you whine, eyes following his movement intently. He grabs a pillow from the chair next to his, scoots his back, and places it on the floor in front of you. He snaps his fingers and points to the center of it. "Come. Now."
You crawl over obediently, rearranging your legs so they're crossed over one another, giving your knees a break.
"Better?" He asks, picking up his forgotten cigarette with deft fingers.
"Yes, sir," you nod eagerly, staring up at him with glassy eyes. "Thank you."
Richie takes a drag and tilts his head back to blow out the smoke, his adam's apple bobbing with the movement. You lick your lips. "You ready to get yourself off, pretty girl?"
Your head cocks to the side in confusion. Get yourself off? You were supposed to be making him feel better. But he laughs, again, so amused by you and your mind moving as slow as molasses once he gets you here, in the space carved only for the two of you.
"Yeah, you heard me right. I thought it over and decided, watching my baby grind on my boot would really make your old man feel better."
Fuck. Your breath comes out in trembles, but it's lost to you, because you can't hear anything over the sound of your blood rushing in your ears. Immediately you're dizzy, swaying in the air like nothing more than a dandelion in a field.
"Sir?" You ask. Your lips try to form words but you can't articulate them, not through the fog in your mind, not when Richie threw you for this big of a loop.
"What?" Richie asks, a smile playing on his lips. "You think you know better than daddy?"
Immediately, your head shakes so fast your vision gets blurred, and Richie has to take your face in his hands again to stop you from moving so erratically. "Good. That's what I thought."
For a moment the furrow in his brow unfurls, and he leans down to press a gentle kiss to the skin between your brows. "Your safeword?"
"Cleaver," you whisper.
Richie nods in approval. "And if you can't speak?"
You will your limbs to listen to your mind, and see rather than know that your hand has found Richie's calf and squeezed once, twice, three times with all the strength you can muster.
"Good girl, sweetheart. Very good." He leans down and catches your lips in a kiss, not letting your tongue go past his lips, pulling away before it got too deep. You try to follow him, your eyes closed in bliss, but the hand on your neck makes you stop.
"You ready to get to work?" Richie's tone is bored and he leans back and lets his arms fall on the rests, but you know better. It makes it even sweeter when he acts disinterested, like he's only doing it because you need it. It burns and it stings but it hurts so good, and you want more more more.
You wrap your arms around his thigh, lift your hips so your clothed clit sits right over the toe of his boot. "Yes, Richie."
And this time when the hit comes, you laugh, dazed by pleasure.
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littleseasiren · 8 months
Hot Chocolate
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff
Words: Just over 700 words
A/N: Welcome to day 2 of Flufftober. Alternative Prompt: Hot Chocolate. Hope you enjoy! Thanks @flufftober
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The sound of thunder booms in the small apartment, windows rattling at the display of nature's power. Your clothes are dripping with rainwater, causing your whole body to shiver.
"Here you go, doll. Why don't you climb in the shower and get warm while I grab you some clothes? I'll set them on the counter for you," Bucky says as you enter his apartment.
A hot shower sounds divine. "What about you? You must be freezing too?"
"I'm used to the cold, I guess years in cryo can do that to you. Plus, I have the serum, so I'll warm up fast. I promise, as soon as you jump in the shower, I'll change into dry clothes. But you need to warm up quickly. I don't want you to get sick."
"You're so sweet, Bucky."
The lines by his eyes crinkle as he gives you a soft smile, "I have to take care of my best girl, don't I? I plan for you to fall madly in love with me, so I need to keep you healthy for the next hundred years or so."
"Hundred years? That might be pushing it, you'll get tired of me eventually."
"I doubt it, doll." He leans down and kisses you slowly, making you feel so cherished that a tremor runs down your spine.
Hasty, he breaks the kiss and turns you towards the bathroom. "Shower now, babydoll," he growls, mistaking your shiver for being cold. He gives you a gentle nudge and watches as you leave with a smile on his face.
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When you enter the kitchen, you find him stirring a pot over the gas stove. "I'm making some hot chocolate, have a seat on the couch, and I'll join you as soon as it's done."
"Mmm, I love hot chocolate, especially with weather like this. I told Steve the weather was going to cause issues with our mission, but the idiot didn't listen," you huff as you sink down onto Bucky's soft couch. You pull your socked feet under you and stare at the gorgeous man in the kitchen. How did he manage to look so sexy in a soft jersey, sweatpants, and socks? It should be a sin to look so good.
"Of course, doll. Steve should have known that the car we stole would break down miles from home and leave us stranded in the rain. He's Captain America, he should think about these things!"
Laughter bubbles out from you, Bucky is so adorable! "Exactly!"
Bucky pours the hot chocolate into two cups and then hands you one as he falls down onto the couch next to you. You take a small sip and then groan in delight as the taste explodes in your mouth. "OMG, Bucky! This is delicious!"
A small blush appears on Bucky's cheeks at your words. He still struggles with accepting compliments, regardless of whom they're from. "Thanks, my mother always had this idea of a decadent hot chocolate recipe that she wanted to try when the war was over. I remembered bits and pieces, so I tried to make what I thought she would have liked. This was the result."
Your heart bleeds for Bucky. Every day, you discover something new that was taken away from him in some way. You knew without asking that he never saw his mother and sister again after he joined the war. He was either too busy fighting Nazis or he was a captive of Hydra.
"I'm sure she would have loved this, Bucky. It's so chocolaty, rich, and creamy, it's to die for!" You take another sip and moan again at the amazing taste. It was like drinking melted chocolate but better. "Jeeze Bucky. I don't want to sound weird, but I think this might even be better than se-"
Bucky cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. "Don't say that, babydoll, or I'll have to prove you wrong, and we're not at that stage in our relationship just yet," he says with a smirk as he looks down at you.
"Fine, but I'm holding you to high standards, Bucky. Especially after this hot chocolate."
"Duly noted." Bucky laughs as he pulls you into his side and wraps his arm around you, making you forget about the drink in your hand.
Well, almost.
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mirai-e-jump · 5 months
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ViVi Magazine, February 2024 Issue Murakami Erica x Hirakawa Yuzuki Interviews (translation below)
Publication: December 22, 2023
Erica and Yuzuyan's rambling talk
The close combination of Hirakawa-chan, known as Yuzuyan, and Erica appear for the first time in ViVi. During this photoshoot, we could feel the close friendship between them, as they giggled and talked the whole time. We asked alot about these two, who are a hot topic right now.
-Our youth is now! Anyway…I'm so glad we met~!-
"What do you call each other?"
Erica: Everyone calls her Yuzuyan.
Yuzuki: I've never had a nickname before, but I got one for the first time on set (laughs). I call her Marie.
Erica: I think everyone at ViVi was surprised to call me by that name. Actually, my real middle name is Marie, and everyone on set of the show calls me Marie. I'm so happy about my secret name~
"What is it like on set?"
Yuzuki: We chat alot while waiting to film. There's the 6 of us filming together, and when we've all gathered, it's like break time at school (laughs). It's so loud and noisy!
Erica: Someone will get into things, someone else will join in and do something stupid, and so on and so forth (laughs). Every day is jam packed with inside jokes. It's silly, but the 6 of us spending time together is so much fun~.
Yuzuki: We've been filming together almost every day for 10 months, so our friendship levels are amazing. From the very beginning, when we first started filming, we were all in perfect sync and got along well. But, when the cameras start rolling, everyone gets serious. It's amazing how everyone's faces change so quickly!
"What kind of personalities do you two have?"
Yuzuki: Marie is, in a single word, a bomb (laughs). Marie's explosive power when she's tired is insane (laughs). She'll suddenly explode and become cheerful. And, we all get caught up in it and get excited too (laughs).
Erica: We spend so much time on the set, that if we don't talk, I get sleepy, so I feel at ease exploding because everyone will pick up the pieces (laughs).
Yuzuki: She does things that go way beyond what you'd expect, so I never get tired of watching her. I'm like, "Even though you're so cute, why would you do something like this?" She's constantly one upping how interesting she can be (laughs). I can't tell if she's trying to be funny or if it's all natural.
Erica: Thanks for letting me do it, and for being on the receiving end (laughs). Yuzuyan is everyone's "straight man" older sister, but she can also be everyone's little sister.
Yuzuki: I'm often described as being a 5th grade boy~. We're the "mess around" combo.
"What does your existence mean to each other?"
Erica: After becoming an adult, I never thought I'd meet someone who I could mess around with so much, even more so through work!
Yuzuki: I'm so glad that someone like her exists, where we can joke around and laugh like this as friends 💜.
"What were your first impressions and current impressions?"
Yuzuki: I knew of Marie's modeling from reading ViVi, and I thought she was just so~ cute and looked like a doll. But, the more I learned about her, the more I thought she was like a bomb (laughs).
Erica: My first impression of Yuzuyan was that she was a very refreshing person. But in reality, she talks alot and is hyperactive (laughs). She notices things that other people don't see and takes the initiative to follow up, and is very considerate. From the very beginning, I felt like she was a dependable older sister. She's also good at remembering directions (laughs).
"How was today's shoot? How do you like Erica as a ViVi model?"
Yuzuki: When I look through ViVi, Marie is so cool…..she doesn't always look like this! It makes me want to get involved (laughs). She wears cool clothes and her expressions are amazing! It's so cool!!
Erica: This was the first time for the two of us to do a photoshoot together for a fashion magazine. I was happy to be able to work as a model like I usually do. We were able to shoot as our usual natural selves, which was alot of fun and very fresh. I thought it would be so much fun to shoot with someone who understands me.
Yuzuki: For today's shoot, she led me around alot, and I was impressed by the fact that she was such a great ViVi model!
"Do you see any similarities between yourself and the role you play in Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger?"
Erica: I think we share the same caring nature. However, I myself am not strong willed, so I admire her for that.
Yuzuki: I think we're similar in that we have humanity. We're both basically no nonsense, and we have our "on and off" switch. However, while my role is to be immovable, I'm actually extremely hyperactive, which is the complete opposite.
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