#okay it was Maxx at the head but she still helped.
kirbyliker12 · 1 year
What's ur full analysis on Susie
Ohoho….😏😏😏I suppose…..I’ll Unleash the Thoughts all at once😏😏😏😏😏normally you’d need more kirbyliker14EXP(exposure points) for it to be comprehensible but recommended levels are always wrong (this is the worst intro I have ever made
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Ok first of all to get That out of the way uhh the whole star Allies Susie desc got mistranslated(classic star allies!) basically it’s supposed to be like “helping other planets with technology” and the whole exterminate thing is supposed to be just crushing bad people okay are we clear did we get that good (also I’m gonna be putting my Suzy kaomoji between points because I Said So(It might act b me favorite ?? I’m reely happy w how it turned out 😙my magolor kaomoji ᴑ /₍⸌╷╷⸍₎\ ᴑ is close but I think it’s mostly bc I felt proud as hell after figuring out how to put the ears on one line)
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Ok first off her lore basically blah blah Suzy was Exposed To The Internet At A Young Age
Fun(?????????) fact😋 as it makes no sense for Max to have done those experiments with star dream with his only daughter in close proximity so it’s highly likely that Suzy disobeyed her fathers warnings and prohibition and technically caused her own disappearance (why am I mentioning dis??😏ermm aheu heu you’ll c)
Suzy returns after seeing the Horrors and now works for Max
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Come to think of it idk if Suzy even knew of max’s real goal like ik the novel made it so he openly misses her but ?? The novel also made him live at the end so No Im not counting that data in my
Anyway blah blah Suzy feels resentment for max and how either A)simple minded his goal of “unlimited money” is or B) that he doesn’t even recognize her
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Notably this is prevalent in the Japanese version as shown which means he intentionally tried to forget his feelings (in other words what makes a human=human) and then started forgetting them more after more usage but didn’t see a problem with it (why are the haltmanns Like That)
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Anyway time for the main story events
It’s been established that this is after Susie clawed her way out of hell(???) (before magolor made it cool) at like idk 11 years old so that’s slightly less impressive than the average Kirby adventure
Also that max has now lost abt 90% of his self (willingly??? Idk don’t ask me) and appears to focus entirely on money
Mr maxx pulls a questionable rant out at Kirby and tries to obliterate this 9 year olds entire world after losing a single battle but Suzy takes the helmet right after it touches his head(a tiny bit too late to enact the action?? A tiny bit too early???? Is this the worst outcome????Could he have survived and been reasoned with after defeat ???? I still don’t know STOP ASKING ME) and she enacts her famous line
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She was so real for that she yippyd before it was cool oh anyway she then comes out(WOOOO GOOD FOR HER💥💥💥💥💥) as someone who’s been Against max all this time (in other words…disobeying her father…..😏😏😏I can’t believe Suzy made a Suzy reference)
However her calculated plan backfires and as the helmet touched his head but he didn’t have the helmet he gets 99% of his entire self destroyed and now the cold calculated machine decides to destroy the universe (erm…WHOOPS!😂😂😂 susie is so losercoded I can’t believe everyone calls her the Normal Person how do you screw up a plan this bad like seriously oh my god marx and magolor enacted their plan perfectly and taranza managed to technically bring the heros of the lower worlds to sectonia but Susie completely screwed up they should start calling her Losie)
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However when learning of this susie doesn’t react in a normal way like there’s no sulking or sad face she gets up and immediately thinks of a plan to defeat star dream (giving Kirby the gimmick that notably cannot fly for very long without certain abilities and has quite short ranged attacks) then meta knight shows up n gives a much better plan by using his cool ship
As you can see her body language is all formal and cool and she’s all commanding and stuff (her autistic stare has captivated my soul) HOWEVER😏😏😏😏😂😏ohhh babyyyy I was dying after realizing this
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As soon as they fly off screen susie immediately establishes a more desperate pose and language (in like. Every other version I think this is the American version even Europe got it better Suzy uses a formal name for Kirby instead of pinky)
In other words Suzy refuses to show her weakness in front of people(LOSIE THEORY CONFIRMED??????) then at the end she immediately leaves pop star instead of like lingering around to celebrate with Kirby like taranza did or the end of rtdl with Kirby’s chums (u can probably use ur imagination for the possible reasons she chooses to be alone😙😙😙)
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ok robobot events over wooo anyway I Wasnt Sure How To Title This
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Robobot is known for having a similar lore story to Taranza where villian that dies actually lost their self prior to the events of the game and the villian who gets redeemed had a persona connection with them
When we later see Suzy in Allies she appears Completely Normal And Fine compared to taranza
However I really doubt that she’s just FINE I mean you saw during the cutscenes I bet offscreen she’s tormented by thinking abt what her dad could have been and how he ended up and how she caused his fate (ok I changed my mind I don’t want losie theory to be confirmed take it back)
Notably, she’s completely dedicated herself to max’s company even though she seemed to really dislike him at the end(she coulda just made a whole new company)is this her way of apologizing for destroying him ?? A way of making her dad proud ????? Where do these questions keep coming from
While taranza gets to openly grieve and dedicate some time to receiving closure Suzy does Not the whole thing abt planet robobot is constantly upgrading and improving and so on and GRIEF is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE (oouuhhhghgghh I feel like things obtained from evolution that are counterproductive to modern life could b soo interesting to explore with Suzy like uh adrenaline giving you paranoia and complex emotions such as guilt and embarrassment being a side effect of brains developing more)
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No more “girlboss” Susie we’ve advanced to LOSIE susie now 👍👍👍👍👍👍
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skygodtraumabond · 11 months
<Oops! This video file appears to be corrupted! Don't worry, I will provide alt text!>
<The video appears to take place in one of the small caves along the side of Mt. Chimney. The rescue team is battling through the last of the cultists, with Amy and Elodie fighting in one pair and Ray and Juno fighting in another. Despite repeated, shouted claims that they're the "elite members" of the cult, they go down just as easy as the rest. It's such a wash for the more experienced battlers that Juno even appears to be checking xer phone mid-battle—much to Reuben's dismay. Their dismay only grows when they're stuffed into Amy's fire-resistant suit.
Finally, they reach the end of the tunnel. The narrow passage opens into a much larger cave. Pele can be seen near the back of the cave, holding Marny by her hair near the edge of a steep drop. The distinct glow of a magma pool illuminates the room from the bottom of the pit, and Marny can be heard pleading with its rouge second-in-command. Her words are lost in the echo of the cave and the rumbling of the magma below, but it's clear that they're not working this time. By their feet, a Diglett with a googly eye glued to its head cowers behind Marny.
Ray is the first one to step forward, their gaze sharply focused on the mute. They're followed closely behind by Elodie and Juno, with Amy hanging back slightly more than the rest. It seems he's still bewildered by the concept of Marny forming a thriving cult inside of a volcano within a week, whereas the rest of the group seems to have expected it. Greer flies ahead of them a fair distance, but doesn't cover the entire distance between them and the two leaders. Cephus stays by Juno's heels, silent in their obedience. Ponch hangs back behind the group briefly before stepping up to Ray's side, Snicker and Cardigan clinging to his shoulder.
Ray, in a low voice: Remember what we discussed: they have an Armaldo on their team, we know that for certain. Since they're so confident starting a fight this close to a magma pool, we can assume that their pokemon are largely rock, ground, and fire types. We can also safely assume that they're higher-leveled than the previous trainers. Are we ready to deal with that?
Juno: It's not like the past dozen rock, ground, and fire trainers have given us a fight.
Amy: I don't think this fight will be as easy as the last few, but I know we can deal with them. We just have to stay calm and not do anything stupid-
Pele snaps their head over to the approaching party so quickly it's a miracle they don't break a vertebra. They also pull Marny down somewhat in their shock, drawing a yelp from the scammer as she stares in terror alongside Pele's rage. The second-in-command forces Marny to the ground, and she scampers behind them in obedient fear as they begin signing.
Elodie: Yeah, that got your attention, didn't it!? Listen up, cunt, you'd better give Marny back right now! She's a fuckin' idiot, irresponsible, and overall a pain in the ass, but she's OUR PAIN IN THE ASS. So you'd better hand her over so I can kick her ass myself or SO HELP ME CEL-
Amy: Don't do that. Listen, you seem like... A reasonable person. So, why don't you just give us Marny, you can keep the cult, we'll call it even. Okay?
Pele only continues to glare down the group, stepping forward and taking a pokeball off of their belt. Amy chuckles nervously as they approach, with Maxx stepping slightly in front of his trainer and sparking wildly. Ponch gently moves Elodie a little further away from Amy's side, seemingly aware of the danger at play.
Amy: So, is that a no, or-
Juno: What do you think, Wild Days?
Amy: I have a degree you know, I'm not just-
Pele, tired of the bickering, takes a ball off of their belt and sends out their Rhyperior. It looks back at them as the rescue team gets battle-ready, watching as they sign one command.
Pele: [KILL.]
The Rhyperior charges forward. Not at the pokemon, but directly towards the group of trainers. Without needing a command, Ponch intercepts and delivers a force palm, sending the massive rock type flying back a fair amount into the rocky cavern floor. The hit and impact are so loud, it could be mistaken for someone lighting dynamite in the tunnels. Rock dust and ash are kicked up in a massive cloud as the Hariyama glares down his target.
Then, surprisingly, it gets up. It's clearly damaged, stumbling and needing a moment to recover from the hit, but it's still okay to fight. Ray was right: these pokemon are much tougher than the ones before.
Ray locks eyes with Pele from across the room as Greer and Cephus join Ponch's side. The battle is only just beginning.>
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mamajake · 1 year
ships: (I'm unoriginal) SONAZE !
Whoo okay, I know I said two cents but I'm gonna give you a dollar. Only because this ship makes 100% cents (I'm sorry lmao)
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Abcense is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and kindles the great
Sonic, in almost every sense, makes Blaze burn Brighter. Whether it is wind fueling the flames, or the beauty of Sonic (and his friends) helping her control the emeralds and become Burning Blaze.
After her first transformation, I always imagine Blaze looking at herself in awe, with Sonic gazing at her and reminiscing about the first time he transformed. I'm in love with their kinship.
Sonic has done nothing but raise her up, teaching her to trust. No matter how many times she fought back, he was still there with a smile, wanting to help.
Even when they actually fought, I like to think that Sonic only fought back in the same way that he fought Chaos. He opened her heart.
Unwanted Contact
Blaze, being a person of solitude, strikes me as a person that doesn't care much for touch. She'll happily give a hand shake as thanks or a hug just for Cream and Marine, but she keeps to herself mainly.
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Now she is almost always seen holding hands with sonic and I'm all for it. It's affirmation of the trust they share.
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With all their hand holding and trust, it makes this panel more impactful for me. I don't think she would lean in that close to anybody, but it just shows how comfortable she is with Sonic. (Also look at that lil blush!)
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This final scene in Sonic Rush lives rent free in my head. The fact that Sonic clings on with his other hand shocks me. He knows what's at stake if they don't seperate, and yet he still holds on. Sonic doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he definitely shows it through his actions. He doesn't want her to leave.
The Tragedy
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Ah yes, the nitty gritty, the stuff that makes it canon for me.
The two are different sides of the same coin. Guardians with amazing abilities who kick ass and take names. The difference? Sonic is free, he's not duty bound. Blaze doesn't live a bad life, but I'd bet it's not the one she wants. There's an envy she has for the blue dude.
Blaze sees her pyrokenesis as a curse, Sonic sees his as a gift, something that grants him freedom. Sonic lives life to his fullest, while Blaze has a whole ass kingdom to run.
I wholeheartedly believe that there's feelings for each other in canon, but what makes it work is the wall between them. They can't stay together, it wouldn't work for multie reasons. Blaze can't abandon her kingdom, Sonic wouldn't want to rule, and oh yeah, the likelihood of dimensional demolition.
Sonic isn't a character who should be in a relationship, it's not his style. If he were in a relationship, it would have to be with someone who allows him his freedom, and could keep up with him. In fact, it's why I ship Sonadow (ooh just wait until I start talking about that).
Shadow and Blaze are people who would keep up with him and keep to themselves at the same time. However, as I said, the wall between Sonic and Blaze is what makes the feelings real for me. It keeps the characters in their lines without changing things.
Suggested reading
Sonaze is my life blood and every few months I'll browse for a big ol' chunky fic to binge through. Sadly there isn't a whole lot of Sonaze around, so for everybody, I'm gonna post some suggestions.
By yours truly, unshameful plug ;)
Don't leave me alone
By @marinaiguess
Need to want
By The Maxx
Winds to my flame
By Crimsonmoon3540
Never Alone - The 100 Sonic & Blaze Story
By WolfChalk
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daniellesimagines · 10 months
Broken Pieces (Cody Carson) - Part 2
word count: 1281 requested by: none but this is dedicated to @puppypatchsys!!!!! pronouns: she/her warnings: mentions of cheating, death/zombies, guns, like one swear, poor proofreading fandom: set it off  au type: apocalypse, best friends  summary: after finding out your boyfriend had been cheating on you with your best friend, cody tries to help you fix the broken pieces you thought were beyond repair  inspired by: none authors notes: i was reading part 1 and thought fuck it!!!!! i’ll write a part 2!!!!! other parts: one / two
Since the moment you left Jeffrey and Nicole and Cody walked you back to the house, you knew things would be different this time around. You never really felt like you belonged – not before the apocalypse and certainly not when it started – but the boys made sure you knew you were going to be okay. 
You could tell by the looks on Maxx and Zach’s faces that Dan had to practically drag them away from your now ex-boyfriend and best friend, and you knew you shouldn’t have, but some part of you wished he would have let them get in one good punch. 
So, yeah, maybe this would hurt for a little while, but that didn’t mean it would hurt forever. 
Those boys were there for you every step of the way – through every memory that made you cry and every nightmare that woke you up drenched in sweat and everything in between. They distracted you on the bad days and celebrated with you on the good ones. They never made you feel like you were just tagging along or leeching off of them just to keep yourself alive.
They made sure you knew you were useful and that they needed you.
Five months later
It had been a quiet food run so far – aside from the boys cracking jokes on your journey back to your base, there wasn’t really anything going on around you. Of course, being the group’s so-called ‘ghost whisperer’, you knew the silence was never a good thing. Not even a cricket chirp or leaves rustling could be heard, causing you to be on high alert pretty much since the moment you stepped off the front porch two hours ago.
The chatter and laughter suddenly ceased when you stopped abruptly, throwing your hand up with a sharp shush. You didn’t say anything though, prompting them to look at each other nervously.
“What is it?” Zach whispered – they knew better than to be loud when you were like this. 
You remained silent still, your worst-case scenario coming true when you heard groaning nearby. Your head snapped to look over your shoulder, the boys’ quickly following suit.
“Ah, shit,” Maxx grumbled, already prepping his shotgun while the others did the same, “What do we do?”
Without even taking a second, you cleared your throat softly so the boys would look back at you. You pointed upwards, leading their line of sight to a group of trees that would make a perfect perch to pick off the walkers. 
Zach and Dan climbed up first, helping the rest of you get up as well. Maxx hopped up onto the tree with Dan while Cody and Zach helped you into their tree. Once everyone was sturdy in their positions, the boys began taking out the hoard.
Cody – as he would no matter how many times you’d done this – looked over his shoulder at you every once in a while to make sure you were alright. You’d always hug the tree trunk and keep your gaze in the opposite direction of whatever threat you’d come across, but that didn’t mean the gunshots wouldn’t make you jump every single time.
Once the hoard was dealt with, Cody gently patted your shoulder to get you to look at him. He rubbed his thumb against your shirt for a moment before he and Zach helped you back to the ground so you could resume what you’d been doing.
Six hours later; 2:30am
You found yourself in the kitchen, looking around for a snack that hadn’t expired yet. You were straining your eyes, far too hungry to wait to adjust them to the darkness in the electricity-lacking house. You thought about just saying ‘fuck it’ and eating something questionably old, but a voice from the doorway stopped you from reaching for it.
“Can’t sleep either?” You simply let out a small breath of amusement, shrugging your shoulders.
“Always hard to sleep after encountering walkers,” you reminded Cody without even having to look at him to know who it was, “Told you I never liked the sounds they make.”
“Well, you know what’ll help?” 
You looked over your shoulder to find him already behind you, holding out his arm. You gave him a confused smile but closed the cabinet door and gave him your hand anyway. 
Cody pulled you to the middle of the quiet kitchen, taking your other hand and bringing your arms around his neck before resting his own on your lower back. You couldn’t help but chuckle, not needing any more prompting to press your body to his and lay your head on his shoulder. 
You closed your eyes as you swayed in place, the only light coming from the moon through the broken blinds. You weren’t sure what song was playing in his head, but it was a welcome distraction either way.
“You and me...” Cody murmured after a few minutes of silence, “We’re pretty close, right?” You let out a soft, confused giggle.
“I like to think we are,” you replied, “Slow dancing in the middle of the night isn’t usually reserved for people I don’t like being around.” You felt him smile against your neck, his arms squeezing you lightly.
“You promise whatever I say won’t change that?” You lifted your head back up, finding him shyly looking down at your collarbones.
“Cody,” you said – and if you didn’t know any better, you would have thought you could feel his breathing hitch, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just... I never liked the way I feel about you, knowing you had a boyfriend,” he admitted the secret he’d been keeping since the day he met you, “I never felt good for imagining what it would be like if something happened to him before we found him – wondering whether you’d stay with me or insist on refusing to leave his side just to end up like him. I liked to pretend we would’ve convinced you to come with us – that I wouldn’t have to go the rest of my life worrying about what happened to you.” 
You felt your heart start racing at the confession – the one you’d been hoping for since the moment you met him – and it inspired you to let out your own feelings.
“I always felt guilty before I realized what had really been going on – that they were never even concerned about me or hoping I’d somehow made it out alive,” you whispered, “I felt guilty because I knew I liked you far more than I could have ever loved Jeffrey – I knew it even before I found out he’d been cheating on me. I could tell he was only saying he loved me to make me feel better – like I wasn’t someone they felt like they were forced to take care of because we were friends. But with you guys... I feel like I finally belong... I feel like people actually care about me and give me something to do when the walkers show up and don’t act like I’m a burden... I finally feel safe...” you swallowed, “You make me feel safe...”
Cody didn’t say anything – he just returned his face to your neck and hugged you tightly, lifting you off of your feet. You squeaked softly in surprise but happily returned the gesture, squeezing him just as hard as he was squeezing you.
“M’really sorry we met the way we did,” he murmured.
“But I’m thankful we met at all,” you finished the thought with a smile.
I’ll find a way to fix these broken pieces and let go 
other parts: one / two master list / master list for mobile users you can also check out my last imagine here, my to do list to see what’s coming up, and click here to go to the page for my calum fic :) Other apocalypse AUs: Michael / Calum / Ashton / Luke / Cody / Maxx / Zach taglist: @calumhoodslays @vendylewin @lunalove25 @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @maurine5sos @rachellwrites​ @itkindajusthappenedreally @breathinginthevapor @double-tap-to-edit @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you​ @silverchainbee​ @disastrxlogy @kikixfandoms @5saucewho​ @mycollectionofnuts​ @sunnysidesblog @youngblood199456 @boxofteenageideas @newhopenessie @5-seconds-of-mendes if you’d like to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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opal-owl-flight · 2 years
Will susie and magolor ever end up as friends after back to zero? I think she probably needs to work on herself as well, along with realizing that obsessively trying to continue her father's legacy isn't the healthiest mindset
She did so much shit. I dont think Mags would ever forgive her. And I wouldnt, either.
She helped destroy an entire planet — an entire people. An entire culture. An entire history. Wiped away from the charts.
And shes still proud of it. She still thinks that what she was doing was right. It very reasonably makes Magolor upset and angry towards her. No one knew how deep it went until Mags started openly talking more about it.
More under the cut about how much of Halcandra was wiped. its…disturbing stuff about the invasion so be warned. (Tldr its colonization and genocide.)
Isnt it odd that there was literally no Halcandrans left? Youd think, that during the Mechanization war, theyd have sent some of their kind away, make sure the species survives. But no. The Haltmanns chased after them. They saw some sort of value from each and ever single one of them…its probably that sleeping magic power that theyve been suppressing/ignoring for generations. The Haltmanns…harvested that power? And then mechanized them. “Improved” them. (I havent finished Robobot, but isnt that what Susie does to Meta?) Set them back on Halcandra to catch more of their kin, harvest resources, and take important relics back to the Access Arc. Which the Haltmanns keep — obviously not out of respect for the culture that made said relics, but for the powers they hold.
Everyone knows Halcandra for its miraculous technology. Thats all that survived of it, after the Haltmanns were done with their invasion (which Susie calls a failure because a certain magician interfered with the plans and blew the planet to smithereens “before it was ready”). Thats the only thing the Haltmanns told about it. The only items that survived the invasion. The culture itself: the arts, the philosophies, the intimate, every day lives of the people, the language…all those intangible things. Gone.
(Theres more about the Ancients regarding these, than the Halcandrans. Its a near-full cultural wipe. The tech and ruins of other settlements can be found scattered all over the galaxy, but most are from a different age. Far from the culture that used to live on the planet itself. And well…most of the planet’s been blown up, and the mechanization process kind of buried many of the culturally important structures; old and new.)
“A shame that such technology was developed by barbarians. Oh well. Our technology was able to surpass theirs. Perhaps we should be the ones remembered for creating miraculous technology, instead of them.”
Its a sentiment that Susie still believes in. She still thinks that everyone is a lower life-form. Kind of like her father. But while her father saw everything as a means to profit, she (does too, but its second to— ) uses the business to “improve lives”. Improve lives according to her standards. She thinks she knows whats best for these lower life-forms. Shes helping them! If only theyd stop fighting back!
Halcandra’s culture survives on the lone mage. And after him, no one will follow. It causes Magolor great pain to think about how hes at the end of an entire race’s lifetime. (He doesnt want to have his own kits. He admits that hes not father material. What he wants are other Halcandrans to continue living the culture hes preserving/living out.)
He sees Popstar and all the other planets…he wishes that the Halcandrans were still around. Theyd enjoy sights like these. The songs that wouldve been made, the tapestries that wouldve been weaved…
It doesnt mean that a culture was heavily remembered for its tech means that thats all they had.
Mags, probably after Back to Zero, would focus on recording and teaching everyone about Halcandra. After…all those threats to his life, hes thinking of legacy. A way to be remembered — not just for him, but his entire culture.
He does not want everyone to forget about Halcandra the way he knows it.
And Susie?
Shes doing everything she can to stop him. Because its seriously ruining her already shaky reputation. Bad for business.
“So finish the job, bitch. I dare you. Point that gun to my head and end it all, right here, right now, if all Im doing is ruining your precious business.
Oh wait. No. Thats not what you did. Heeheehee!
You want Halcandran power? Youre looking at the biggest reservoir on the planet! The only reason I survived was because I was powerful enough to fight back! Go on. Take it. Take it and mechanize my body for your own ends. Let me join my people. Heartless bitch.”
(Man, going to have to mess with the timeline a bit after this. Make Mags old enough to have remembered things before the fall. Maybe Halcandrans age slowly? Kind of like what Meta’s species does?
Note, legends of Halcandra already existed even before the invasion; of its previous ages. The only things told about the “current” Halcandra are told by the Haltmanns. No one knew how it was destroyed until way, way later, with the appearance of Magolor in Dreamland.
Said it in the tags and saying it here too. Probably not going to write this out bc it touches on some really dark and sensitive topics.)
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xxtoothachexx · 3 years
I see your requests are open!! I hope there’s still room for mine hehe. May I request for a drabble on how Daki met and started dating her male s/o? Thank you sm!! And please don’t feel bad that you deleted requests! You have the right to decide wether or not you wanna do it. You’re awesome and a really nice person maxx!!
a/n: thank you for the reassurance love!! and I bet you're just as awesome and nice too, thank you for your request. this kinda came out sounding more like what I'd write in hcs but I do hope you like it!
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Daki x reader
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If there was one thing Daki had learned through her life, both when she was a human and a demon, was that there’s no room for trust when it comes to anyone. She knew she could always count on Gyutaro, but she didn’t have any love in her heart to share with anyone else.
It was a way to survive. Despite her strength and spot amongst the upper moons, it made her all the more a target for demon slayers. If she decides to trust or like anyone they’ll have an easier chance at taking her head. Besides, she’s a demon. What does she need anyone in her life for?
With her distrust came the steps she needed to take to ensure her safety and avoid being found out as a demon. One of the Oirans had become suspicious of her lately and Daki knew she’d have to act before she’s found out and possibly killed. The last thing she wanted was to deal with a Hashira.
The last thing she’d expected when the Oiran decided to comfort her was the sweet Y/n to stand up for her. You’d always been a favorite to her, a kind man that she gave an ounce of her trust to. You didn’t seem like you’d ever hurt her.
You’d even managed to get the Oiran to back down from her accusations. You were well liked and trusted so they weren’t so quick to throw what you say away. You turned around to face Daki with a sweet smile. “I hope you’re okay!”
That was the moment for her where she felt something for someone. Her body felt like she’d just taken down a strong hashira, proud and excited. There was just something about you that she couldn’t help but feel this way about.
Daki tested the water carefully, allowing you to become closer with her. She was always curious about what you wanted from her. Did you want her to drop her guard so you could take her head? Or were you looking for hints that she was a demon?
Despite her worries, you seemed like you just wanted to be around her for the sake of the fact you liked her. She was shocked, but the warm feeling inside her was something she loved feeling. She wanted to keep you around for it.
Although she didn’t favor your relationship with the other Oirans. Jealousy swam through her veins and she wanted nothing more to dispose of them then and there. But you always came back to her, giving only her those sweet smiles that made her day.
Soon she realized what she wanted to do. Catching you before you were off to help clean up, she decided to tell you. “Y/n, I want you to mine.” She blurted out, more straightforward than she expected from herself.
The look on your face as you nodded and laughed made the tenseness in her body melt away. “Of course Daki! I’ve been meaning to tell you I like you too!” You lean in to kiss her softly. “I’ll happily be yours.”
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
@sugxrslushy gee how come you get two Perona's in a day? this is my half of the trade, thank you for my lovely art and I hope you enjoy <3<3
Perona x OC SFW Word Count: 1,111 [waaaay]
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Not a day went by where Mihawk longed for his peace to return. There was always so much noise now, all the yelling between Perona and Zoro, the fights and general unpleasant feelings between the two. He wasn’t sure if that grated on him more or less than the content girlish giggles that the young woman would let out whenever she spent time with the newest member of their little family.
He sighed inwardly when there was a scream from somewhere in the castle, followed by curses and the sound of a door slamming. Mihawk had never intended to settle down with anyone, certainly never wanted to have children and suddenly he’d become the father of two and possibly a father-in-law to their newest arrival.
Maxx had heard the shouting, Perona yelling about something, he just wanted to help the ghost princess. Arriving at her room he knocked on the door a few times, ignored it seemed. He sighed and tapped again before he heard a sniffle and a cry of ‘get lost’
“Hey, Perona. it’s me, Maxx…”
He heard the sobbing stop, the shuffle of platform shoes on hardwood floors before the door opened just a little. He saw her tear-stained face, signs of makeup smudging and running over her cheeks visible, also on the sleeve of her dress where she’d tried to make herself presentable to him, she bit her lip and looked up at him with big doe eyes, her eyebrows still furrowed.
“What’s wrong?” Maxx asked as he pushed the door to open a little more, wanting to peer into her room and make sure everything was okay, he had a feeling they’d had a falling out with Zoro, again.
“Kumacy,” she started, a whimper in her voice, tears starting to brim once more as she blinked long lashes at him.
“What happened?”
“Stupid, moss head, idiots ripped him, look!” She shuffled over to her bed, picking up the plushie and holding it up, the poor thing’s arm had almost come completely off, the leg a little wonky along with it.
“I can fix it, don’t worry.” Maxx offered with a bright smile, seeing the glimmer of hope in her eyes when he’d said that. “Really?!” she squeaked, the giddiness returning to her voice as she clutched the bear to her chest.
“Yeah, let me just grab some things, okay?”
She nodded and watched him rush off to his room, coming back with a small sewing kit. He sat on the bed, pulling out the tools he would need to fix the plush up. Perona floated over to her tea set, getting things ready, wanting to make them something to drink. Maxx looked at the bear, how he seemed so loved to death.
“You love this little guy huh? Don’t worry I will sort him out.” He said with a determined nod.
He worked away at the toy, gently attaching the arm, stronger than before, he checked over the other parts, anything that seemed precariously close to the damage he would stick up, reinforce. He looked over the bear and smiled, gently tugging on each limb, making sure it was all secure.
He noticed the hat was detachable, and that gave him an idea. He glanced over his shoulder, watching as she floated from place to place, making them tea, setting up the little tea set on the table, a smile on her pretty lips.
Mihawk’s favourite person in the world was Maxx, he was able to calm Perona down, keep her sweet and bubbly, lifted her mood and defused any situation the swordsman had managed to cause. Maxx was a valued member of this castle. Maxx started to work on a little extra project while his girlfriend was looking for the decorative tin that contained sweet treats, a perfect accompaniment to the tea she’d prepared.
He stitched and cut, he used a bit of one thread, then another, working on the project with diligence and haste, always looking over his shoulder when he heard the little clatters of china cups on matching saucers.
“I made us some tea!” she beamed, letting herself land on the floor, the clop of her platforms on the floor once more sounding like he’d run out of time, good job he’d just finished. He turned around, holding the plush out in his arms, a smile on his face.
Perona set down the biscuits before she let out a happy squeak, rushing over to her partner, grabbing the plush and hugging it so tightly to her chest, grateful tears started to spill, her makeup once again started to run, she didn’t cry though, she was happy. She let out a hic-up and threw her arms around Maxx.
“Thank you, thank you!”
“It’s okay! I’m always here for you okay? I’ll patch up any problem for my ghost princess!” Maxx smiled softly seeing how her eyes shimmered with more tears, pulling him against her and crying.
He was sure he’d have makeup splatter on his clothes, he didn’t mind. His princess was happy again, grinning ear to ear as she swung her prized plush around in her arms. They soon settled down for their tea party, the girl in much higher spirits than she was when he’d knocked on her door.
She was happily chatting away with Maxx, pouring another cup of tea, laughing and smiling. Her cute giggle-filled his ears and made his heart thump louder and faster in his chest. He did love his princess.
“I said I would help Mihawk with something, you don’t mind if I head out, right?” he stood up, walking to where she was sitting, arms around her neck, kissing her blushing cheeks, she could feel his smile on her skin.
She never thought she’d meet someone who fits so perfectly with her. He patched up more than a torn dress, a ripped hem, a tatty plushie. He had filled her heart and made it new again, reminding her of the fairytales she used to read to herself when she was growing up.
The ghost princess had finally met her spooky prince. She nodded to Maxx, knowing he would return to her side the moment he was done helping someone else. She watched her partner leave, making Kumacy wave his paw as he waved back, leaving the room.
Perona noticed something, the hat on the bear’s head seemed different somehow. She pulled it off and peered into it. There are coloured threads, like a patchwork made of letters said ‘Patched up with love, Maxx’ she whined out once more, letting herself sob and hold the plushie close.
“I need a waterproof mascara, don’t I Kumacy?”
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fbfh · 4 years
thankful for my (found) family - demisquad + reader thanksgiving special
platonic everyone + reader, implied future/potential leo x reader if you look real close, thalia has a girlfriend that I had to make up bc they never mention hunters of artemis but go off rick, calypso is not included bc she acts more like an antagonist imo, gif doesn’t have anything to do with it besides nostalgia lmao
happy thanksgiving <33
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You and Leo are cooking in the kitchen 
You have been all day
The doorbell rings, and Annabeth goes to answer, binder full of travel plans in hand
“That should be-”
Clarisse enters with a loud greeting and a hug to everyone in arms reach
Percy’s loud cheers echo from the living room as he calls out the new score of the football game he’s keeping everyone updated on
She drops her bag, hopping over the back of the couch to watch with Percy
“Woah woah, catch me up Jackson! What'd I miss?”
Hazel is helping Rachel make cute diy table settings and party favors 
Rachel, as with most art projects she takes on, is very focused on making it Martha Stewart levels of cute and amazing 
Frank and Piper are keeping everyone updated on the parade 
Frank pops down the stairs, calling out, “The last performance just ended, the dog show starts in 5!”
Hazel drops what she's doing and exclaims, “THERE’S A DOG SHOW?!” 
She runs upstairs to watch with Frank, her yellow dress swishing behind her
You chuckle, calling over to Annabeth as you mix batter in a bowl, " Hey Annabeth, how are the travel plans looking?"
She shuffles through some papers in her binder
"Magnus and Alex had another layover, but they should still be able to make it in time. Thalia and her hunter friend will be here in 10, and Travis's flight got delayed because of a sudden snow storm."
"Really?" You reply, "This time of year? That's pretty ironic for a son of Hermes..."
"I know, I'm looking at some shuttle services to see if that would be faster…" Annabeth replies
Nico enters, stealing a couple appetizers, "This is so stupid, I could just go get him."
Will, right behind him, eats the appetizer Nico hands him and replies, "No you can't. Doctors orders."
Nico starts to protest 
Will shoots him a look 
"Boyfriend's orders."
Nico tries in vain to stare him down,  "… Va’ a farti fottere." he says, cracking a smile
"Love you too," Will counters 
You and Leo shoo them out of the kitchen before they steal more of your recipes
Jason and Grover walk by with a bunch of pillows and blankets, setting up guest rooms. 
Grover calls through the pile of fluff he's carrying, "Hey, we're gonna need a few more pillows-"
Jason, over his pile of bedding, corrects, "A lot more!" And Annabeth runs over to help carry some of the blankets he's about to drop
"-A lot more pillows…"
You grab your keys
"okay uh… Grover, do you want to head to the store to get some more pillows-"
Leo, vigorously sautéing something adds over his shoulder, "And basil! And, uh… red wine vinegar, olive oil, and potatoes."
You rip a piece of paper off the notepad on the fridge and scribble a quick list 
You're probably going to need some more ice, too 
Tyson, very distressed, holds up an empty container of mellowcream pumpkins, declaring, "THERE'S NO MORE BABY PUMPKINS!" :(
you loudly add candy pumpkins to the list
Rachel approaches. 
"Are you going to the store?"
"Yeah," you reply, "how's crafting going? You need anything? "
"We're almost out of glitter and mod podge. It's not looking good. We could use some more fake leaves, warm toned glitter, and rhinestones - the nice ones."
Grover looks slightly lost 
You narrate as you add to the list, "Fancy rhinestones, mod podge, fake leaves, red, yellow, orange, and brown glitter…"
Tyson, still distressed, yells, "AND BABY PUMPKINS!"
You hold up the paper, "Already on the list, bud, Grover's gonna get them!"
"What if he gets the wrong kind?" Tyson asks 
You, turn to Grover quietly, "Grover, can you take Tyson?"
Grover nods
"Hey Tyson, Grover has a lot of stuff to get, could you go be his shopping buddy? That way you can pick out the right baby pumpkins."
He doesn't look convinced
He wants to keep working on a secret project he’s been doing out by the garage
"And…" you add, sweetening the deal, "you can get two candies for the way home."
He agrees
You turn to Grover; "I'll call you guys an uber-"
"I'll drive."
You all turn around, shocked to see Reyna awake. 
You thought she was still passed out 
She showed up at 9am and immediately fell asleep from traveling all night 
"Reyna, hi! Are you sure-"
"We'll be fine, I need to stretch my legs a little." She proves by rolling her shoulders
"Okay, as long as you're sure," you hand her the paper, re-entering the kitchen
She takes the paper from your hand as you shut off the beeping timer and grab a pair of oven mitts from the drawer
Reyna examines the paper, "...This is a weird list. Where are we supposed to get all this?"
Leo moves to the side as you pull out the rolls from the oven, using tongs to set them on a wire cooling rack, "Maybe target?"
Leo, still very focused on cooking, announces, "If you get me generic brand spices I will burn this place to the ground."
"O-kay," you turn back to Reyna, laughing, "there's a Wegmans and a Joanne's right next to the TJ Maxx, you can probably find everything there."
"We'll be back within the hour." She states, taking your keys. 
Rachel meets her at the door. "Here, use my card. Also, make sure you get the flat backed swarovski crystals. And please pick some glitter with a nice color shift!"
You remind them to call or text with any questions and be safe
Heading back into the kitchen, you fill up a big bowl with carrots, celery, cucumbers, and mushrooms
You grab two cutting boards, knives, peelers, and a plastic bag for the peels, tips, and tails
You set it all down on the coffee table in front Percy and Clarisse
“Can you guys get the relish tray started?” 
They agree, and immediately return to yelling at the referee
You shake your head laughing, and head back to the kitchen
“How we looking, Sparky?”
“Stuffing cups just went up in the oven, pie crust dough is chilling, and the green beans are almost done sauteeing. Rolls are cooling - could you stir the cranberry sauce? - and… the turkey is going up as soon as the stuffing is out.”
You stir the sauce as you continue talking
“Great! We’re making good time so far. Oh, I found a recipe for brown sugar pie, which Frank requested - apparently it’s a Canadian Thanksgiving thing - so I figured if you’re doing turkey I can handle the pies.” 
He pours some cooking wine into the pan, and shakes it as the alcohol burns off
“Sounds like a plan, babycakes.” 
You laugh at the nickname, and grab butter, salt, some herbs, and a stick blender to finish the potatoes
A few minutes later, you hear the door open 
Reyna and the boys are back already? That was quick
You wonder if they need help bringing groceries in
“Eeeey get over here you knucklehead!” 
Bags drop, and you hear Jason laughing in protest
You poke your head out of the kitchen, and see Thalia with Jason in a headlock
In spite of the fact that he’s about half a foot taller than her, she’s still noogie-ing him, pretending she can’t hear him objecting through his laughs
She finally lets him go, greeting everyone as he adjusts his glasses
She bear hugs Annabeth, punches Percy in the arm, and high fives and hugs pretty much everyone else
You run up the stairs to the guest room Grover was setting up before he left
You finish making the bed head back down, meeting Frank and Hazel on the way 
"Oh, Hazel, what did you think of the dog show?"
"It blew my wig!" She says giddily 
A confused smile settles on your face
"It was awesome and she loved it," Frank translates smoothly
He and Will are understandably best at deciphering 40s slang
Thalia is introducing everyone to Amber, a girl she’d met on the hunt and become really close with
You greet her, and turn to Thalia
“Your room is all set up if you wanna get settled in,” you turn to Amber, “and yours will be ready soon,” 
They share a look
“Oh,” Thalia starts grabbing their bags, “that’s fine, we can share a room. We share a tent on the hunt all the time, right Ambie?”
And then it clicks
“yeah, however you’re comfortable.”
You grab one of the bags, and help them upstairs
“Why don’t you guys take a while to settle in, I’ll tell the others you’re resting.”
They thank you, and you start to leave
“By the way,” you poke your head back in, “you two seem really cute together. Welcome to the family, Amber.” 
She blushes and Thalia gives you an appreciative look
You nod and head back down
You let the others know they’re going to nap for a little while, and not to wake them up
“Hey, any travel updates?” You ask Annabeth, on your way back into the kitchen
“Alex just texted, she and Magnus are finally on their way, should be here in the next few hours. As for Travis…” 
She holds out her phone, showing you Travis’s tiktok
He’s filming the mirror in the airport bathroom
“So uh, my flight’s delayed, I’m bored, I’m gonna fuck with some people,” he holds out a hand full of stickers that look like outlets
He records himself putting them around the airport, then gets people’s reactions when they try to use them
He ends the video asking for more prank ideas
You look back up at Annabeth, holding back a laugh, “Seems like he’s doing okay,” 
“Oh,” she replies, “that’s not all.”
She scrolls up, showing the next prank video where Travis goes around the airport having fake phone conversations to get people’s reactions
Conversation topics including ‘I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but slept with your grandma’, ‘hey bro I can’t come to the party, also turns out I’m going to be your stepdad’, ‘hey dude remember that old lady we used to cat sit for? Well, I found out I got chlamydia from her, so…’, and ‘yeah man, I’m so excited for the poetry slam. Also, it turns out my jazz fever is actually syphilis.’. 
Your hand flies over your mouth, trying not to laugh loudly enough to wake Thalia and Amber
“Yeah,” Annabeth says, fighting her own laughter, “he’s doing okay.”
You start putting together ingredients for pie filling
“That is the most in character thing I could have imagined,” you laugh, and Annabeth shows Leo the videos
“There’s a bunch more, too,” she adds, “Around making tiktoks, he found a bus heading this way. He’ll be here in a few hours.” 
“Cutting it close,” you muse, filling pies, “I’m glad he’s not stuck at the airport though. How about Connor?” 
“Haven’t heard much from him, but he said he'll be here in time for dinner."
A little while later, Thalia and Amber re enter, joining Percy and Clarisse in the living room 
The door opens shortly after, and Tyson enters, arms full of containers of candy pumpkins 
Reyna and Grover are right behind him
You take Grover's bags, announcing that Thalia got here a little while ago
He bleats excitedly and runs to hug her, Reyna right on his heels
Piper and Tyson bring in the rest of the groceries
Tyson sets down the last bags in the kitchen, looks out the window, yells, "IT'S ALMOST SUNSET!", and runs back out into the back yard, presumably to finish his mystery project 
Everyone eventually makes their way to the living room, nibbling on appetizers and watching classic Thanksgiving specials 
The food is almost done, all that's left is decorating the pies and a little tidying up 
You walk over to Leo, placing your hand on his shoulder 
He looks up at you
"Why don't you go take a quick shower and change before dinner," you muse, knowing the hoodie and jeans he's been cooking in all day isn't the outfit he'd picked out, "I'll wrap things up in here,"
He thanks you, dramatically presses a kiss to your forehead, and exits the kitchen 
You decorate the pies distractedly, catching the doorbell right before the second ring 
You smile at the people about to enter
"Annabeth," you call, "Magnus and Alex are here!" 
She drops what she's doing, and runs over to greet them 
Leo is back down stairs a short while later 
His brick red hoodie replaced with a burgundy one - his fancy hoodie as he calls it - a heavy flannel layered on top, and a beanie pulled over his almost dry hair
His pyrokinesis makes you forget how cold he gets sometimes 
You're about to go upstairs to change out of your cooking clothes when Tyson enters dramatically 
"The surprise is done!"
Everyone files outside to see what Tyson made as he leads you all out to the garage 
Perfectly attached to the side, is a very small horse stable 
"Wow!" Percy starts, "Great job, dude!"
Tyson is beaming as he's showered with confused praise 
"So uh," Percy ventures, "what did you build it for?"
"Maybe something like this?!" Descending voices declare in unicen 
Travis and Connor land in front of you on no other than Blackjack
Everyone erupts into cheers
“I thought you were stuck at the airport! What about those tiktoks?”
“Saved in my drafts, baby!” Travis laughs
Percy greets Blackjack and everyone else heads back inside with Travis and Connor 
You run upstairs to shower quickly and change, and are back downstairs just in time for appetizers and drinks 
You're about to take a sip of coffee when the door opens 
An irregular set of footsteps echoes into the room, along with a familiar voice 
"Ah, children, I hope there's room for one more," 
Everyone turns in surprise as Chiron enters the room 
After lots of warm excited greetings and making sure he has a warm cup of tea, he settles in to chat for a while
"I was on my way to meet with my more, ah, rambunctious cousins, but I couldn't let a day like today pass without stopping by."
After two cups of tea and lovely conversations, Chiron heads out to meet up with the other party ponies 
Thalia, Percy, and Will get all the food on the dining room table while Rachel makes the finishing touches to the centerpieces 
Everyone finds their seat, and you make the first toast
"I think I can speak for everyone when I say I'm thankful for you guys - my found family."
Every glass is raised
You can all drink to that. 
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shortracha · 3 years
rattled: a valentine’s day shake
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a/n: sorta surprise! hehe i had so much fun writing this!! thank you @harrysgoldenbum​ for being my lovely beta and an all around gem! @soullikestyles​ , this is for you for loving these two as much as i do <3
summary: audrey gives harry his present early, and harry absolutely loses his mind (not really) 
warnings: cursing? a single spanish word? i think that’s about it. again, this is shmoopy fluff.
word count: 1.6k
If someone were to ask Audrey what her favorite item of clothing was, she would, without a doubt, tell them it’s her maternity sweats she found at TJ Maxx. They were $5, and a bit big when she bought them, but she’s never looked back. Harry’s bought her several pairs that are similar, but they don’t compare to that pair. 
This morning, she finds herself sprawled across the bed in her favorite pair of sweats. With a snack bowl in hand, she watches the baby kick at her. Harry and Audrey are sharing a quiet morning to themselves before Harry has to go attend to some major work details this afternoon. Should be back for dinner, but it’s just not the same. He leaves for a week tomorrow as well, so they’re trying to make the most of the little bit of time they have.  
The window is cracked, the birds are chirping, and the air smells wet like it just rained. To Audrey, it’s the perfect type of morning.
“Look at her, she’s so active this morning.” Not even born yet, she’s already left awestruck by her little girl who’s showing her parents that she’s here and kickin’. Quite literally. Audrey likes to think that it means her baby is already strong, she clings to that thought. But also, damn does it hurt. Not every kick, but her belly starts to feel sore in the mornings when the baby does her thing.
“Yeah, she’s beating you up pretty good today.” Harry’s response is almost instant. He looks up from his book and places a hand on Audrey’s belly, waiting to feel his baby girl kick again. When she does, he smiles and offers his babygirl a quick, “Good morning to you too, little peach.” And returns to his book. 
Audrey tosses a grape into the air and manages to catch it in her mouth on the first try. She throws her arms up in celebration, and Harry high-fives her without looking up from his book. He does chuckle to himself, but it’s unknown if he is amused from the book he is reading or the actions of his fiancée.
“But, can you do it three times in a row?” He carefully places a bookmark on his current page and closes the cover. He reaches across Audrey’s lap, attempts to grab a few grapes. She smacks his hand away and scolds him with a quick, “¡Déjalo! It’s mine!” before scooting the bowl further from him, almost to the edge of the bed. He rubs his hand and pouts.
“Um, ow!” He exclaims dramatically. 
Harry crawls over her, grabs a handful of grapes, just to bother her, and wiggles into a more upright seating position. Back to the headboard, he tosses two up and catches them both in his mouth one after the other.
Audrey rolls her eyes, “Showoff,” she mutters with disdain.  
“I’m a showoff? Do you really want to play this game?” He laughs, incredulous. 
“Whatever,” She waves him off. As weird as it may seem, it’s moments like these that Audrey enjoys the most. It's the little things for her. She tends to remember them more, compared to others. It’s not always easy, but the little moments she gets to spend feeling normal with her best friend are ones she’ll treasure forever. 
“Help me down? I gotta pee.”
Harry hops down from his side of the bed and walks around, grabbing her hands and holding her steady as she scoots her way off the bed.
She shuffles into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as she beelines it for the toilet. 
“Uh, baby, could you close the door, maybe?” Harry’s question is more rhetorical in nature. He knows she’s not going to get back up to close the door. 
Since Audrey got pregnant, she’s become a lot less...private about a lot of things. She was never one to really care too much about the things some people would feel embarrassed about, but things took on a whole different level after she found out about the baby. 
“No, it’s fine.”
“But I can..hear everything.” He laughs on the last word, in disbelief at just how comfortable she seems to be around him. It’s a good thing, to be sure. She just shows it in odd ways.
A few minutes go by, Audrey does her business and begins her exit from the bathroom. 
“Hey, babe, would you mind if I gave you your present early?” Audrey calls out from the bathroom, but she’s not really looking for an answer. She’s already grabbed the small box from the linen closet on her way out and is approaching him, doing her best to hide it behind her back. Unfortunately, she fails.
“Well, I don’t have much choice, do I?” 
Harry’s not one to say no to presents, but they had agreed to wait until he got back from his trip. However, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited for the gift exchange.
“Don’t make it sound like it’s so terrible that you’re getting a gift, H.”
“‘M not ungrateful, if that’s what you’re implying.” He pretends to be offended, clutching his chest and an exaggerated gasp leaves his mouth. 
“It is.” He rolls his eyes at her response, Audrey just giggles. 
“Well, are you gonna give me my present, or am I meant to guess what it is first?”
She sets the box on the bed, lifts herself back onto it and slides next to him. Her nerves are bubbling, making her restless. Now, Audrey knows that Harry will be happy with whatever the gift is, but it still intimidates her, when it comes to giving a gift to her loved ones. But this particular gift has her feeling vulnerable and slightly uncertain.
“Here you go, sport.” 
“Don’t ever call me that again.” Harry demands. Instead of responding, she presses a gentle kiss to his cheek and taps the box. 
“Just open it,” he smiles and shifts to sit directly in front of him, eager to watch his reaction. 
“Okay, okay..” Harry trails off, losing his train of thought while he unties the bowtie on top of  the rectangular box. Setting the lid aside, he lifts a small leather photo album out of the box and Audrey’s heart begins to pound in her chest. 
“What’s this?” He asks with such a gentle voice, it’s barely above a whisper. He doesn’t wait for an answer, though, and opens the album to the first page of 12.
Inside, is a picture of Audrey sat on her knees in a black bra and panties, baby bump on full display. He sits there, carefully examining the photo, expression completely unreadable. Audrey has absolutely no idea how he feels. It’s terrifying. 
He takes the time to examine every photo He takes in every detail from each HD shot of Audrey in sexy position or another. Audrey’s favorite is a closeup shot of her chest, arm covering her nipples and her engagement ring sparkling to the camera. As he flips through the album, he keeps the same stoic expression. Each second seems to feel longer than the last. It drives Audrey crazy not knowing what Harry thinks of his gift.
Eventually, Harry reaches the last photo and the slightest hint of a smirk lifts from his lips and Audrey breathes a little easier. It’s a miracle she’s managed to stay quiet the whole time. It’s absolutely no small feat for her. 
“So...What do you think?” She’s meek, cheeks warming up in embarrassment. “Do you hate it?” Harry snaps the book closed and looks up to make eye contact with her. 
He offers her a sly smile, while he adjusts his pants. “Of course not!” His voice cracks ever so slightly, and Audrey lets out the most ridiculous laugh he’s ever heard. More a chortle than anything else. 
She catches on. 
“Which one do you like best?” She crawls beside him and takes the album from his hands.
“When did you do this?” 
“That’s not what I asked.” She browses the album herself, curious to see if she can guess which one it is. If she had to, it would be the black and white shot of her on the floor, knees skyward and back arched slightly, baby bump on full display again. “I did this not too long after we found out about Peach being a girl.” She recalls the time she left for the afternoon under the guise of a “girl’s day”. Harry never suspected a thing. 
“And you managed to keep a boudoir shoot secret? I’m impressed, baby.” He kisses her head in praise. “You know what, I think we should blow this one up. Do you have access to the digitals?” He points to the open page, the black and white floor shot, just as Audrey suspected. 
“A few of them, yeah. What exactly do you want that for, if you have the album?” She looks up at him, curious. 
“I want this one in the living room.”
“Absolutely not!” 
“C’mon, it would look so good!” He argues with her, tapping the page for emphasis. “You look so good!”
She feels her cheeks warm up again, beyond happy that he likes his gift. “You’re very sweet, but we’re not hanging anything up in the living room.”
“Why not? I should be able to show off how sexy you look!”
“Harry, I refuse to have a picture of me, nearly naked might I add, hanging in our living room.” Audrey crosses her arms and keeps a light scowl on her face. 
With some discussion, they finally manage to compromise; Audrey lets him hang up a canvas of the floor shot on the wall by the bed when he gets back from his trip. The album finds a home in the bathroom.
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tiasgarden · 3 years
people care.
This is dedicated to @maad-maxx & @myworldisfictional , two of my favorite people who encourage me to keep writing.  love you both sm.
“ Can you just drop it, I’m fine Ash” Gina said as she walked way once more from Ashlyn.
She had been having one of her worst days in weeks. The whole fight with Carlos was pointless but still made me mad. Now with the chocolates and Ricky, that just was pure idiocy, she should have known Ricky wouldn’t of sent her chocolates. He had a girlfriend after all. As she made her way to the door, she noticed just how much snow was outside.
Great, it will take at least 20 minutes to get home instead of 10. I need to practice my routine and do homework, Gina thought as she waited for Ashlyn and Big red to catch up to her.
“You don’t mind us taking big red home do you G?” Ashlyn said as the three of them walked into the snow covered parking lot. Soon they reached Ashlyn car and the three got in. Gina although wanted shotgun, she let big red have it as he would be dropped off first and she could always have it as she was always going on car rides with Ashlyn.
“ Yeah that’s fine, just can we leave already, I have to practice some dances and I have homework “ Gina said as she slammed her door shut.
The ride home was loud. There wasn’t a peep from Gina though. She was just listening to her music and looking out the window at the snow. She loved snow but she wished she hadn’t been trapped in her school for hours and now had limited time to do her dances and homework.
Utah was one of the most beautiful places she had ever had the privilege of living. She was thankful  that she had the opportunity to see the full winter, it had been one of her first as she usually didn’t get snow where she lived. In the past she had lived in Arizona and Florida. Two states which were very warm and didn’t snow.
As she was thinking back to her memories,  She noticed that they had dropped big red off and were now back at the Caswell residence.  She took off her headphones and grabbed her bag and opened her door. She didn’t mean to but there was ice underneath the snow and she slid  and fell on her butt.
“ should of expected that, but I didn’t” Gina thought to herself as she followed Ashlyn into the house.  She at this point knew where everything went so she took her shoes off and went up the stairs.  She usually didn’t mind sharing a room, but at this point she just wanted to be alone. it wasn’t Ashlyn who was the problem. This was just one of Gina’s moods She had already lashed out a little at Ash and she didn’t need to anymore.  Lucky for her, the caswell’s had a guest room that Gina was free to be in if ever needed. Tonight was definitely one of those nights.
As she collected her stuff she noticed Ashlyn in her “ we are watching a movie tonight “ pajamas and she felt bad.
“ Wait G , where are you off to? I thought we would watch a movie?”
Gina for the first time all day didn’t feel angry. She was at her breaking point and that meant the tears were coming.
Soon she could feel her mouth quiver and she hadn’t cried in front of Ashlyn yet and it scared her. She always out her walls up as it was the best defense to learning not to care and brushing things off.   she tried to think happy thoughts , but the only ones she could think of were those with her mom and those with Ashlyn.  The two people who had made her feel loved. She had been ranting to Carlos about how she felt out of place and it was true. She still didn’t feel 100% moved in and at “home” yet but it was more than she wanted to admit.
Then it happened.
The tears started falling. It wasn’t worth trying to stop them. She had to let  them out, maybe then she would feel better.
“ Hey, G it is okay, we don’t have to watch a movie. I can help you with your homework  if needed or whatever.  I didn’t mean to make you cry”
“ No it’s fine Ash, it wasn’t you. I’ve just been so stressed with trying to please people and also ive never had friends  before so its a lot. I still feel like im not meant to be here, like maybe I should have just gone home” gina said as she  wipes her eyes with her hand.  She hadn’t ever admitted it to Ashlyn, but knowing she knew now, maybe just maybe, she could start feeling better. She knew she owed Carlos a actual apology  as she wasn’t a good listener looking back at their fight.  She also owed her whole friend group one, as  she had been on edge lately and she didn’t want to be a lily. She had put on that whole charade when she moved here of being the mean girl. She liked it for a little but then she found that people actually cared about her. It was a nice change from her previous high schools.  One’s where she wasn’t  known  as Gina the overly nice girl, Gina the girl who is super good at English.   She was so tired of being put in a box and maybe that was the problem all along. She changed herself.
“ G, you know I’m always here to listen right? I’ll always drop what im doing to listen to you.  You don’t need to act tough around me, if you ever need time away from me just let me know. I  know sometimes I can be too much and it’s okay. We are still best friends and your still the best sister I could ask for” Ashlyn told her.as she pulled her into a hug.
Gina’s head rested on her chest, a position she usually was in when she was with her mom. The sound of the human heart was extremely calming to her and soon enough it was making her tired and soon before she knew it she was out. Ashlyn didn’t mind Gina sleeping on her, she could still enjoy a movie and Gina could sleep for a little.  
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discotenny · 4 years
!Spa Day!
Chuuya, Tachihara, Junichiro, and Twain spending a spa day with their significant other
I suppose there’s an implied fem reader with Chuuyas scenario. Love you too babie ❣️❣️
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!Requested by @girlwithsoftsound!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Chuuya takes care of himself! And he’ll take care of you!
He’s already been having spa days before meeting you, so the first time you mention needing one he already has a plan laid out
Chuuya’s usual place to chase relaxation is a typical hotel with a spa built into it
The staff know him well enough, and greet the two of you at the door. While he’s a little upset that there’s no co-ed bathhouse, it’s all worth it when you come up to him afterwards and bring his cheek to your lips
You two move onto the massage area, holding hands as you both lay down on the beds
While waiting for the masseuses to arrive, you turned to Chuuya in your relaxed daze
“Thanks for this babe, I uh— had an awful day. I really needed this today.” You smile loosely at him, and you feel his thumb run over your knuckles
He moves up just enough to see your beautiful form, “I’ll do anything for you y/n, don’t forget that”
You both leave the spa with all tension and stress alleviated, and you take a moment to just rest on his bare chest before going to sleep
Chuuya’s snores fill your head as you tap your fingers along his body. Taking a deep breath of the now lavender smelling room, you smile to yourself and nuzzle into him more
Spa days are date nights and whatever you two decide to do, you bet you’ll come out of it relaxed af 
these weren’t really spa day hcs I’m sorry >.>
You two find a 5 minute crafts video on top life hacks to achieve the perfect spa day
It takes Tachihara a while to get on board, as he wants to set himself up to be a manly man who don’t need no spa day
but everyone needs one at some point in their lives uwu
I’m sorry but it ends up being a fucking disaster
His apartment barely has half of the ingredients necessary to complete the tasks you want to do, so you resort to substituting literally half of them
Your DIY face scrub ends up looking more like cookie dough and some how smells burnt?
His bath tub is barely big enough for one person, and the romantic couple bath you dreamed of is gone
Tachihara laughs his ass off as you attempt to salvage what you created, your failed crafts providing a little too much entertainment to him
However, even he knows boundaries. As he goes to make fun of you again for screwing up your candle mixture, he sees tears stream down your face
Instantly, Tachihara forgets all previous failures and goes to comfort you
“I-I just wanted to spend a nice day with you, you asshole!” You lightly punch his sholder, attempting to bring him away
He can’t stand the sight of you in tears and strikes up an offer
As an apology, Tachihara takes you to a public bathhouse, as well as taking you to a restaurant afterwards :3
Naomi is the one that sets the whole day up
Having received one of those home spa kits that you find at TJ Maxx from Dazai [who didn’t know what to get her at all for Christmas], she decided to plan out a day for her and her brother
Of course, she extended the invitation to you as well. Coincidentally, you also received the same kit from Dazai too [turns out he bought all the women in the office the same gift]
Junichiro is the only one not dressed in a fluffy robe, and he tries to assure you and Naomi that it’s fine if he can’t participate
You pull him back however, begging him to take part in the spa day
With the two most important women in the world to him begging him to stay, how could he possibly refuse?
Naomi helps you and Junichiro put on your masks, and you’re tasked with helping your boyfriend put body cream all over his figure
After Naomi gets out of the bath, you and Junichiro take her place
By then, he’s decked out in an avocado clay face mask, hair tied up and out of his eyes, shoulders covered in body scrub, and he’s smelling like mint. You’re relatively the same way
As you two get in the bath, you assist each other in washing off all the product
He’s feeling great
“Hey Y/n”
You perk up, stopping the scrubbing of his back
“Thanks for today,” and with that, your boyfriend turns around and kisses you, pushing you into the tub
You would squeal if his mouth didn’t cover yours
Though you both would like to continue, Naomi is waiting outside :3
Okay so a spa day with Twain is sort of like a spa day with Tachihara, except things actually go moderately well???
Don’t get me wrong Twain knows nothing on relaxation, but he’s really into creating his own masks, candles, scrubs, etc.
Due to this, you end up with a lot of extra spa goodies
Most of the fun that day comes out of your little DIY session with your boyfriend
When it comes to the actual ‘spa treatment,’ it’s hard to keep him still
He’ll splash water at you in the bath, complain about the temperature, and attempt to eat the face mask he made
Twain is shoving snacks into his face, getting crumbs all over you and him
It’s really hard to catch relaxation with him around
Eventually he’ll get puckered out and just fall asleep next to you
Then you can finally enjoy all the goodies you two made together uwu
But you should get him out of the bath before he ends up looking like a prune
These are bad I’m sorry babs >.< The only one that could be considered a real spa day were Junichiro and Chuuya’s because they actually got their shit together lol. Also is it Junichiro or Junichirou? I’ve seen both
In any case, Enjoy ~~
Lmao so I tried looking up Japanese spa practices for this request and now my search results are filled with couples getaway locations help
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mermaidxatxheart · 4 years
Okay, I’m on the struggle bus big time. If you’ve sent me a request, rest assured I am working on them. I’ve had to return to work and I have all long days. Y’all are thirsty for TJ Maxx. We’ve never been so busy. Holy shit. Anyway. This request is for @nickmxller I hope I did what you asked for, love. 
Pairing: Sam X Reader
Word Count: 1643
Warnings: swearing, but not much else.
Summary: Bucky sees Sam with a girl and his interest is piqued.
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The day is overcast, cloudy, rainy; a thunderstorm is rolling in. Most people are rushing through the city to find shelter, any kind of covering to protect them from the rain. 
 So, why is Sam Wilson walking along with no sense of urgency, whistling away as if it’s the nicest summer day?
 Bucky just can’t figure this guy out. But he does wish he’d hurry up just a little. Bucky’s freezing in this downpour. 
 The cafe is really more of a diner, purple vinyl seats, chrome countertops and all. He stops just inside the door and shakes off the rain before heading for a booth. 
 Bucky grumbles and stands back across the street, annoyed that he can’t follow his friend inside. He tries to fit under a small awning to watch what Sam is up to. He’s been sneaking around for months. Bucky can appreciate refining a skill set, but he’s not following anyone, not even acting sneaky, except for when he leaves the tower. 
He watches Sam approach an already occupied booth, the beautiful woman seated stands up to greet him, a smile on her lips as she presses a kiss to his cheek. When they sit down, she’s still holding his hand. 
 Bucky’s jaw falls slack as he realizes that Wilson has a girlfriend and hasn’t told anyone. And they’re supposed to be partners.
 He heads back to the tower, his brain working overtime. He knows the perfect person to help him get information. But Steve likes to pretend he has a moral high ground, and didn’t spend most of his childhood lying through those perfect teeth of his. So, Bucky isn’t certain Steve will help him spy. 
 Steve is sitting at his desk, frowning at a file. Bucky approaches, trying to fix his face into one of innocence. 
 “Hey, Stevie.” He starts. 
 And without even looking up to appreciate all the hard work Bucky put into the correct expression, he replies. “No. Not even a little bit.”
 “What?” Bucky frowns.
 “I’m not helping you with whatever idea you’re cooking up.”
 “You don’t even know what I was going to say!” Bucky protests. 
 “Sure I do. You were going to ask me to help you find out what Sam has been up to.” Steve crosses his arms. “Don’t you think you and I are a little old to be doing this, Buck? Just let the man have his privacy. We all deserve some.” He pushes himself up and takes the file. “Give the guy a break, Buck.” Steve says, clapping him on the shoulder and leaving his office. 
 “Yeah right.” Bucky rolls his eyes. 
 “I’ll help you.” A voice says behind him and Bucky turns slowly, his startled heart pounding in his chest. But on the outside, he shows no sign of it. 
 “Clint. I didn’t even see you there.” He mutters as Barton climb down off the top of the bookcase. 
 “Neither did Steve. See? I’m the perfect guy to help you.”
 “You’re down to spy on Sam?” Bucky asks uncertainly. 
 “Of course.”
 “Alright then.” 
 There’s a knock on the door. It’s Sam’s room for all intents and purposes, even though he has his own apartment. He keeps clothes here, just in case, and for after missions for when he doesn’t want to go home covered in blood and guts. Or he sleeps here when a mission is too draining and he’s too exhausted to make the trek home. 
 Today, however, it’s the former. He has a date tonight and he doesn’t want to take the time to go all the way home to shower and change before meeting you for dinner. It’s easier to just shower here. 
 “F.R.I.D.A.Y. Who’s at the door?” Sam calls, buttoning up his shirt. 
 “Captain Rogers.” The AI replies evenly. 
 “Let him in.” The door clicks open and Sam sits on the end of the bed, pulling his boots on. 
 “Hey, Sam.” Steve greets, leaning against the door.
 “What’s up? You have your serious face on.”
 Steve chuckles and opens the folder in his hand. “You used all your vacation time.” He says.
 “Yeah. That’s what it’s there for.” Sam grins.
 “True. Will you be able to shift it around if an emergency pops up?”
 “Possibly. But don’t let any emergencies pop up and we’ll be good.” Sam says, straightening up and clapping Steve on the shoulder.
 “I’ll do my best.” Steve laughs. “There’s one more thing.” He starts and Sam frowns.
 “Which is?”
 “Bucky. He’s being nosy, asked me the other day about what you’re up to. I think he’s bored. Just watch out. I told him to mind his own business but he’s never been good at taking orders.”
 Sam raises an eyebrow at his friend and Steve rolls his eyes.
 “Yeah, yeah. Shut up.”
 “Thanks for the warning.” He nods and steps past Steve.
 He could feel Bucky’s eyes on him as he left the tower. Creeping, stalking. Sam could have just let it go. What did it matter? But this was a matter of pride. Bucky couldn’t be allowed to win. Not this one. So, Sam took a confusing, twisting route, losing his tail in the process. Now he could continue to you unhindered. 
 You open the door and he can’t help but stare at you. He never thought he’d meet anyone that makes his heart stop in his chest, or make him stammer like an idiot. And yet here you are. 
 “Sam? Are you okay? You look distracted.” You touch his hand and he follows you into your apartment. 
 “I’m being followed.” He sighs, deciding to tell you the truth. At least you’ll get a kick out of it.
 “Followed? By a criminal?” You ask worriedly. 
 “Well.” He tilts his head. “By Bucky. For someone who likes their privacy, he doesn’t give any to anyone else. I guess he tried to ask Steve to join him in spying on me.” 
 You sit down next to him. “And Steve said?” You prompt. 
 “Steve said no, and that I should be careful with how much vacation time I’m taking.”
 You roll your eyes. “Does Bucky know about me? Or is he just taking shots in the dark?”
 “I think he’s taking shots in the dark, but I can’t know for sure. And I can’t just go and ask him.”
 “Well, I think you should spy on him back. That way he’s following you following him following you.” 
 Sam tilts his head. “I think I followed all of that?”
 You grin. “You’re gonna do great.” You say confidently before getting up and going to the kitchen. 
 “Thanks. I think.”
 Clint perches himself up on a building, a perfect view of Stark Tower and the surrounding streets. He also has easy access to jump from one to another to follow his prey. 
 Bucky is on the ground, ear piece nestled in place as he follows the man. Samuel is walking easily through the crowds, not in a hurry, seeming almost happy. 
 Clint keeps him updated about Sam’s movement; a left, a right, another left, and then a right and a right and then a left before turning into a... parking garage?
 Where the hell is he going?
 Bucky follows silently, but Clint has lost visual and is no longer any help. He’s flying blind now. He searches the first floor before moving on to the second. The hair on the back of his neck stands on end. 
 He’s being watched. 
 His pulse quickens in anticipation, skin feeling alive with electricity. He turns around sharply coming face to face with Sam. He’s leaning against a column with ease and looking completely unsurprised that Bucky is there.
 “Hey, man.” Sam says with a smile. 
 “Fancy meeting you here.” Bucky tries and Sam chuckles.
 “What’re doing, Buck?”
 Bucky looks around. “I’m, uh, parking.” He shrugs.
 “Parking your car?” Sam asks, a grin tugging at his lips. 
 “Bucky.” Sam says, sounding very amused.
 “Sam.” Bucky replies.
 “You don’t have a car.” Sam reminds him and Bucky curses. 
 “You’re sneaking around and being weird!” Bucky accuses. 
 “If you wanted to meet my girlfriend, all you had to do was ask, man.” Sam sighs, rubbing his face. 
 “How did you even know?”
 “I only look like an idiot. C’mon, Bucky. You and Clint can come to dinner.” He says.
 “Wait, how did you know about Barton?” Bucky asks, frowning.
 “He fell asleep in the air vent the other day, started snoring. Kind of obvious.” Sam lifts a shoulder. He turns and starts walking out of the parking garage, not waiting to see if Bucky would follow. 
 Presumptuous bastard. 
 Bucky follows with a grumble and as they exit the structure, Barton drops next to him. “We’re being fed?” He asks happily.
 “Good job being stealth. You fell asleep in the vents! How does that happen?”
 “They’re comfortable. Good place for a nap.” Clint says unashamedly. 
 “You’re an old man.” Bucky shakes his head. 
 They both follow Sam a couple more blocks to an apartment building. He takes them up a couple floors before knocking on a door.
 “You don’t have a key yet? That’s a bad sign.” Clint mutters. 
 The door opens to reveal the girl Bucky had seen before. Her eyes light up when she sees Sam, even though she had probably been expecting him. 
 “I see that didn’t take long.” She says, flicking her eyes towards us. 
 “Piece of cake.” He says, scooping her up and kissing her for an uncomfortably long time.
 “You boys hungry?” She asks when they finally pull away. She lets them in and Bucky sees the table is already set for four people. 
 He was set up. 
 He looks at Sam’s girlfriend and she’s smiling at him, an easy, friendly smile. “I’m Y/N.” She offers her hand. 
 “Well played, Y/N.” Bucky says, shaking her hand. 
 This will be fun.
 Everything Tag List
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kittysuicoffee · 4 years
Marinette runaway chapter two
it’s been a few months since Marinette went missing and a lot has happened during though months. the first day that Marinette has went missing the police came to her school to question all the students and teachers about her and where she has gone to. Most of the students was helpful but others were not so much miss. buster's class was the only on that didn’t have anything nice or helpful to say about the missing girl.
  All they’re response about the girl was that she was a bully and she just doing this for attention, the only two who have anything nice to say about the girl was Lila Rossi and Adrien agreste. they both said that Marinette was sweet and kind to help anyone in need and she was willing to do anything for the class without asking for anything in returned.
  when the police question Lila about this morning interruption she explain that Ayla had something out for Marinette so she made up some lie that would get the said girl in trouble the police nodded not sure to believe her or not. the police ended their investigation saying they will be back to ask more in the near future.
  it’s been three weeks when the police found Marinette’s phone in the trash and they found some interesting things on it the fact that the class truly  didn’t believe that Marinette has went missing to the amazement of the police the only one that stuck out was Ayla’s texts they were full up with the downright hurtful texts its seems like the police needed to have another word with Ayla...
  “I’m telling you Marinette didn’t runaway her parents are just hiding her away! Question them not me! Ayla exclaimed officer Maxx didn’t look impress “listen Ms. Césaire we have already questions Marinette’s parents already they were for helpful to us telling us everything we need to know and her school life.”
  “okay and!?”
  Maxx looked annoyed “look I just come to ask about yours and Ms. dupain-cheng relationship with each other, before ms.Rossi came to your school.”
  “why does this have to do with Lila?” Ayla said narrowing her eyes officer maxx shook his head
  “this have nothing to do with her. We’re just trying to understand what happened to her.”
  Ayla still looked suspicious but decided to go along with it she begun to start from the beginning
  “me and Marinette met during the first day of school I was the new girl their but me and her become quick friends and during the few years I known her is was the best girl I could ever asked for. But then she changes when Lila came around, she was accusing Lila of being a liar and other things to then, she started to hurt Lila and our friendship started to go south after that. I don’t know what the problem was Lila a great girl if Marinette have just given her a chance none of this would have never happened.”
  “I see.” Maxx said he signed looking at the tape recorder than back to her.
      Officer Maxx looked at her
  “Ms. Césaire I would like to show you something is that okay.”
  “sure.” Ayla said uneasily
  Maxx smile “now before we brought you in ms.Rossi came to us with some information about you and Ms. dupain-cheng relationship the way she put it make it seems like you two was never friends.”
  Ayla looked shocked “w-what?”
  Maxx pick up a tape recorder
  “now do you know what this is?”
  “yeah it’s a tape recorder.” Ayla said not sure where this is going Maxx nodded
  “good now I want you to listen to this.” As Maxx said this, he push play on it.
  Ayla was surprise she didn’t know how to feel after listening to her so called best friend on the tape recorder this has to be a joke right Lila never lied to them once but this was a straight up lie she and Marinette been friends on the first day of school. The class loved and cared about Marinette they had a strong relationship but… the words that came out of Lila mouth were all lies
“w-hat is this? This is some kind of joke did Marinette parents paid you to do this…” Ayla said her voice quiet maxx shook his head “no Ms. Césaire this is not a joke.” And just with those few words Ayla world started to break.
  Adrien was miserable not only was his miraculous was taken away from him, but his best friend had went missing. Missing out of all the people that he care about why his best friend had to go missing why does everything bad had to happen to him, out of all people he had to get the worse of it his mother disappeared, he has an uncaring father that will not give him the time of day, plagg gone forever and now his friend is gone. He wanted to cry but he can’t sit here and cry forever he must find Marinette and bring her home everyone misses her very much the first step is to get his father to help look for her. With that Adrien got off his bed to go look for his father to help with the search party he walked out of his room with determination “Adrien you can’t go in there.” Nathalie said stepping in front of Adrien but his didn’t stop him “Nathalie please move I have to talk with father about something especially important.”
“is this about your missing classmate?”
Adrien eyes went wide how did Nathalie know?
She shook her head than said “your father doesn’t have time deal with stuff like that.”
“b-but…” Adrien was cut off by Nathalie “no buts Adrien now we have to talk about the up and coming events for….” Nathalie words die in Adrien ears don’t have time don’t have time he never had time for him he only care about himself that all he cared about himself anger was the only thing that he felt that day anger at himself and at his father. He couldn’t take it anymore he just walked away as he did Nathalie called after him just ignore her and walked back to his room, he has to talk to someone, and he know who to talk to.
Coraline was happily skipping though out the little town school just got out and she was heading to her new home it been a month snice she left her old life but she was happy plus couldn’t just leave this place after Oliver and Michael show her around this place she decided stay instead of going to her designated place. “I’m home!” Coraline exclaimed with a bright smile
“welcome home dear.” Ms. beauty said with a bright smile of her own Ms. Beauty was an elderly lady that Coraline live with she is an overly sweet old lady she was also the grandmother of Oliver and Michael “how was school dear.” she asked as she walked up to the young girl Coraline skipped to her “school was great me and Oliver got a good grade on our project!” she said happily “oh that wonderful dear.”
“I’m going to my room now.” With that Coraline left when she gots to her room, she signed she taking off her bookbag and walking to her bed to sit on it taking out her phone she check Paris news “so far no akumatizion so far…”
“that a good thing, right?” Tikki said looking at Coraline
“yeah it is but why do I feel so weird about it.”
“what do you mean?”
Coraline looked at her kwami “Tikki it’s been a month since I left and nothing, they should have some high emotions but nothing none from my class. My parents will try to keep clam especially my mother and my father would try but I don’t know I guess a part of me hoped something will happen. “she confesses looking down Tikki looked at her and signed she petted Coraline head with a smile “it’s okay  Marinette your old class showed their true color. Its time to move on.”
Marinette giggled and kissed her kwami “remember Tikki my new name is Coraline not Marinette she long and gone now.”
“oh sorry” Tikki giggled “still getting used to the name.” they both laugh laying back on her bed she was thinking about what Tikki said and she was right it was time to stop thing about it. Marinette is dead and gone now now its Coraline bellamy now and nothing would change that.
“Coraline! Abby is here to see you!” Ms. Beauty called “coming!” with that Coraline left her room to see her friend.
  Lila was over the roof when she heard that Marinette had went missing now nothing will stop her from taking over the school. But there was a problem thanks to Ayla big mouth now she was under suspicion by the police now she must come up with a really good lie luckily for her. She knows that the police were idiot so they will believe whatever she says first was the what was Marinette like and where she may have gone to Lila told some truth in her lie about said girl next was to throw Ayla under the bus in which  she did it was so easy to do because she know that the class already hate Marinette thanks to her it would be no problem to convince police she had nothing to do  with Marinette. To say this was a good thing now she just has to sit back and watch the fireworks and if Ayla turn against her well, she ends up like Marinette lonely and friendless.
Lila was unaware that her plan will backfire in her face hard.
here is the long waited chapter two of Marinette runaway I hope you like this chapter give me some feedback on it and what I need to change from it or not. I’ll work on the chapter three when I get a chance. on I proofread it and edited it if there any place where it don't make any sense or its a run on sentence or any misspellings please let me know so I can fix it!
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
in support of Black Lives Matter, @mystifiedgal donated $30, and requested Tony Stark/Stephen Strange pre-slash. Thank you for donating!
to get your own personalized fic, please see this post. (no longer taking prompts)
It’s a real busy month. The superfriends break out of supermax, with the help of a blond beefboy who flings frisbees at the security cameras and doesn’t care who sees his face; the UN goes ballistic and demands Tony help; Tony gets extremely, extremely drunk like he hasn’t in years and sends Ross a manip video of Tucker Maxx getting rawed by a donkey dressed as a colonel instead of responding; the superfriends crash back into America, and Natasha--traitor--lets them back in to the Avengers compound upstate; Tony, still drunk, decides to let them stay instead of incinerating the damn thing from space; Wanda gets kidnapped by a wizard; Tony and Steve have to go save her. Tony and Steve. No, Tony’s not bitter.
“I’m struggling to come up with a reason why I shouldn’t have my house nuke your house from orbit,” Tony says. Steve gives him a bitchy look. Yeah, what else is new. He lifts his chin, looks at the wizard through his green glasses. Everything’s better in green. “Anything? Mister Wizard?”
Said wizard gives him an unimpressed look. Tony doesn’t know why. His facial hair is even more ridiculous than Tony’s, and Tony cultivates this shit. “Strange.”
“Yes, you are,” Tony says, and Steve sighs and cuts his hand through the air before Tony can continue.
“Doctor,” he says, polite. Tony rolls his eyes. Wanda, in stasis halfway up to the skylight in this weird-ass mansion, pulsates in angry red, trapped in amber. “You have to understand that things were--different. The Avengers have no desire to go to war with the--Sanctum.”
“The Sanctum has no desire to go to war with the Avengers,” the wizard says--and, jesus, what is his name? Blue eyes, good hair, cape that seems to float in magic wind. Fancy Bastard isn’t something that should go on a birth certificate. “However, you are harboring a magic user who could cause extreme damage to the innocent people of this plane if left unchecked.”
Steve frowns. “Now, look--” he says, and the wizard’s eyebrow cocks and he waves a hand, and in the circle of amber that appears midair (how?) there’s a perfect 4k, 3D view of the deaths of innocents in Lagos, of the devastation of Johannesburg after the Hulk was enraged there, of a man with red light crawling up his neck and the terror filling his eyes before his neck snaps.
Above, Wanda’s silent fury goes quiet as the red dims. Steve looks constipated, which Tony can admit inside his own head actually means he looks grim and upset and heroic. The wizard looks between the two of them. “This is a problem. It would be wisest to transfer her to an alternate plane, or at least to have her abilities removed.”
“They’re part of her,” Steve says, immediately. Tony looks up. Hard to see, from down here, but he can see that Wanda’s eyes are closed, inside her amber prison, and her face--he looks away. “You can’t remove them without killing her.”
“Well,” the wizard says, and doesn’t look even remotely regretful--who is this guy?--and Steve’s shoulders square up in that muscular way that presages a truly stupid fucking fight that’s about to ensue, and Tony opens his mouth without a single iota of a plan and says, “Wait a minute,” and the wizard and Steve and Wanda all look at him, and oh, for fuck’s sake. That means--
Doctor Stephen Strange. Brilliant surgeon. Incredible asshole. Drama queen, and the worst kind of all because he pretends not to be. No one has that beard without wanting to cause drama. Tony would know. Unfortunately--Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, and Stephen Strange, super wizard, and Stephen Strange, taking over a wing of the compound, coming and going as he pleases in a whisk of amber light, and Stephen Strange, Tony’s lab companion for the foreseeable future.
He misses Bruce.
The compound isn’t comfy. The various wings are divided into factions. Steve and the superfriends, hiding out from the UN and all of the other dozens of countries that want to prosecute them, are on the east side where the sparring rooms are. Tony’s set up on the west side where the labs are, and he didn’t think to put a bedroom in the lab because he thought this place would be all kumbaya, superhero summer camp, and figured maybe they’d actually want to talk to each other when they were all here. More fool him. He sleeps on the couch in the lab most days, when he sleeps at all, and it means he’s got a great view every time there’s a swirling mind-bending circle of amber light and all of a sudden there’s a fucking wizard in his house, ready to work with Wanda on how not to accidentally kill thousands of people.
This morning, for example. Morning? Tony drags a hand over his face, smears drool and engine grease. “Good morning, Mr. Stark,” Strange says, and Tony mouths it back at him schoolyard style--what he assumes normal kids did in schoolyards--and Tony lets Friday speak the room into brightness, telling him the time and the weather and whether the world’s blown up, while he’s catnapped.
“How’s the scarlet terror?” Tony says, knuckling his eyes. Christ, this sucks. 69 degrees and he can’t even make a joke about it.
A pause. “Progressing,” Strange says. He’s still wearing that stupidass cosplay outfit. Cape and all.
Tony squints at him, slumped back on the couch. “You know, if you were a real wizard, you’d magic me up some coffee.”
Strange looks at him. He always looks stern. Like Tony’s failing some test. It’s tiring from the rest of the supercrew; it’s not better from some rando in a RenFaire uniform. Strange gestures, with his left hand, and unfurls the fist of his right at the lab table, which--abruptly becomes a coffee table, in that there’s a pot of steaming coffee and toast and what Tony thinks is--fucking lox?
“From that deli on 44th,” Strange says, matter-of-fact. “You know, when I’m not a sorcerer I’m a doctor. In my medical opinion, you could look less like shit.”
Tony staggers upright, fetches up against the table. His head gongs like a--like a fuckin’ gong. It’s too early for metaphor. He pours a cup of coffee and ignores that his hands are trembling. “In my layman opinion you can suck my dick,” he says, friendly, and Strange rolls his eyes but he--he smiles, too, and he--doesn’t look like nearly so much of a dickhead when he smiles. Cape or no. Tony holds the cup (finest porcelain, like Tony has drunk coffee at Buckingham Palace in less-nice china than this) and squints, brain still offline, and Strange shakes his head and says, “Good luck, Tony,” and whisks away to deal with their little magical terror, and leaves Tony to think of what the hell. Just--what the hell.
Turns out there’s a big difference between kinds of magic. And here was Tony, just thinking that physics were physics. “No, no,” Strange says, impatiently. “There is of course the physics of our plane, which follow their own laws. Then, naturally, there is the magic of Asgard, brought forth from Yggdrasil the world-tree and the belief therein, which is the sort that Loki and Odin may perform. Then there is the magic of the Infinity Stones, which perform their own miracles, and of course there is our problem with Miss Maximoff.”
He’s drawing a chart in the air with his hands as he talks, marked out in amber light. Tony says, “Friday, take that down,” and the house grabs the image of whatever magic Strange is doing and transmutes it into data, neatly transcribed in cells and manipulable forms for Tony to grab and hold and think about, and Tony grips Strange’s leatherette-and-cape shoulder and says, “Buddy, I could kiss you,” and Strange rolls his eyes but his cape swirls up and pats Tony on the hand in a brush of woolly affection, and Tony doesn’t really think about that because he’s locked into the possibilities and sees a lot of sleepless nights ahead, but that’s okay. He’s got time to think about it, later.
Strange won’t give up much info about the rest of his little magic crew. Numbers, attitudes, location. “I am the representative on Earth,” is all he’ll say, and--jeez-us, what a statement.
“I am the representative of the Avengers in Oneida County,” Tony says, in exactly the same tone, and then pauses, flicking armor designs from one ephemeral bin to another. “Shit. Am I? Maybe it’s Steve. Okay. I am the deposed representative of the Avengers in--”
“You’re the one I’m talking to,” Strange says. He’s still sitting in the antique armchair he magicked up for himself, sipping tea. Seriously. Like every single thing he does is for the hashtag-aesthetic. “Mr. Rogers is certainly impressive, but it’s you who has had every actionable idea on streamlining Ms. Maximoff’s abilities. Don’t undercut yourself.”
Tony raises his eyebrows, lowers his hands. “How dare you,” he says, lightly, even if his chest feels--some kind of way. “I have never, in my life, in my entire existence, undercut myself, and in fact I think I’m going to set the StarkTech legal team on you--Friday, call up Pepper, see if we can sue the entirety of the Sanctum Sanctorum and also magic itself, and throw David Bowie in there too--”
Yes, Mister Stark, Friday says from nowhere, lightly amused just like she should be--good girl--and Strange rolls his eyes. “Don’t bring Bowie into this,” he says, mild, and Tony grins and Friday cues up Fame without even needing to be asked.
“Oh, very good choice,” Strange says, looking up at the ceiling, and Tony waves the armor out of existence and says, “Okay, Mister Wizard--dinner, and we’re talking Bowie and we’re talking King Crimson and we’re talking Yes, and you’re putting in an opinion about those star-and-moon pants Page used to wear, let’s go--” and Strange says, “First, they’re incredible; second, only if we’re getting Thai,” and Tony--Tony could just--
A bad night. Tony lays on the couch in the lab and hugs a bottle of very good, very rare, very expensive scotch against his ribs, and doesn’t drink it, and wants to. Above he’s had Friday peel away the armor of the ceiling and the sky’s a patchwork quilt of stars. Enough sound baffling and he can’t hear whatever might be going on in the rest of the compound; if Steve and the others are training; if anyone’s even here, but him. It’s peaceful. It sucks.
A swirl of amber. “You look ridiculous.”
“Yeah, well.” Tony shrugs. “Sometimes you get sued by grieving parents for your technology being used in exactly the way you intended and you think, fuck, they sure have a point. And then you want a ham sandwich and no one will get you one. It’s tough.”
He thinks he maybe sounded more bitter than he needed to. He maybe should’ve tried harder. He watches a satellite track across the sky, feels his body. Even now, when he breathes deep, there’s still a twinge where the reactor should be. He wishes sometimes--but it’s stupid. The reactor didn’t make him him. It wasn’t any more accountability than any other pain could’ve been.
There’s a sinking sensation, by his feet. Strange, sitting on the couch. “I could get you a ham sandwich,” he says, quiet. “But I suspect it wouldn’t do the trick.”
“Clever man, Doctor,” Tony says, acid. He closes his eyes. He doesn’t want to be acid. He imagines--the armor--dissolving slowly, the facemask melting into a broken sizzle of empty gestures. He maybe should’ve had less to drink.
“We are making progress, Tony,” Strange says. “Every day. Time... isn’t always on our side. But we do what we can. That’s all there is. What we can.”
Tony stretches his legs out. His shins bump Strange’s back. He’s not wearing the whole ensemble--cape and leather and whatever the hell. He’s in a sweater, and jeans, and he looks like someone Tony can actually touch. Something that obeys the physics Tony understands. Something real.
He puts the bottle of scotch on the floor. “Maybe a ham sandwich wouldn’t hurt,” he says, finally.
Strange--Stephen--touches his knee, lightly. He smiles at Tony, in the dark. “Mustard?” he says. “I can do whatever you want.”
Tony breathes deep. Settles. He says, “And you better add a pickle, cheapskate,” and feels Stephen squeeze his knee, and feels--well. Some kind of way.
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Something Blue (and Red)
Part 4 of “And A Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe.”
AN: Well, it’s been a while, but here is the final part of the wedding fic! Thank you guys from the bottom of my HEART for all of your patience!! It has been a crazy semester for me, but I am finally free!! Look out for more promptmas stuff coming, secret santa, and a few more WIPS in the near future!
In his twenty-four years of being alive, Peter’s not sure that something’s ever been so right-- ever felt so right. Rarely have the stars aligned in such a way, so perfectly as they had in that specific moment as he stood, waiting in the winding check-out line of his local TJ Maxx, his arms already full of items he didn’t necessarily need.
But when he saw them, he knew.  
There was nothing else to do, no choice left to make.
No question in his mind as the bored teen mindlessly scans the treasures, as he swipes his debit card, as he answers the age old question on the pinpad, “amount okay?”
MJ, however, seems less than impressed with the purchase, holding the limited edition Spider-Man socks between her fingers as if they might bite her, her nose crinkling in disgust.
“Seriously?” She asks, fixing him with a quizzical brow.
“Seriously,” He beams, obviously more excited than she was. “I had to.”
“Uh-huh,” she speaks slowly, carefully examining the blue and red socks. “And you don’t think that it might have been a little reckless for you, Peter Parker, to buy Spider-Man socks?”
Peter gives an innocent shrug, mouth twitching into a nonchalant frown. “Nah. The cashier just thought I was a big fan. We had a nice chat about Spidey. No biggie.”
Her face remains expressionless as she stares blankly at him, save for the skeptical quirk of her brow.
Peter decides to simply ignore the doubt radiating from his fiancée, his lips pulling back into a mischievous grin. “That’s not all…”
She barely has any time to ask before he hikes his leg up, propping his foot on the couch, revealing the exact same pair of socks.
“Now we can really be the most powerful couple out there.”
MJ can only shake her head in response, forcing an exasperated breath through her nose as the faint beginning of a smile tugs at the corner of her lips. If she were being completely honest, she wasn’t in love with the idea of becoming one of those couples; she loved Peter, more than anything, but…
Enough to wear matching socks?
Peter doesn’t mind her immediate dislike of the garments. In fact, he almost welcomes it. One extra pair for him; just means that he doesn’t have to do laundry as much, right?
(MJ tells him that that’s not what that means.)
And perhaps he wears them a bit too much, especially for someone who’s quite literally donning socks with his own (masked) face on them. It had started as a weekend only, nights-in at home thing, though it wasn’t long before he was wearing them to work, to date night, family dinners, everywhere. She’s never surprised when she sees the masked cartoon peek from under the hem of his jeans.
He claims that they’re comfy, that they’re warm, that all his other socks were dirty, etc., etc.
And really, Michelle doesn’t mind or care all that much. Whatever Peter wants to wear isn’t any of her damn business. It’s funny, it’s cute, it’s just her loveable, dumb fiancé.
But it does make their more, ahem, intimate moments a bit more difficult.
If only because seeing those damn things in all their bright blue and red glory on his feet, after he’s whispered the things he’s whispered into her ear, after he’s been trying to be so sultry and serious.
MJ can’t help but tease.
“Those staying, too?” Her voice is steady, just barely hiding the humor in her tone as she gestures at his feet.
He pauses momentarily, his shirt now crumpled in his own hand, confused for a moment before following her gaze.
And then, she laughs at her own question, hiding her face behind her hands as he playfully throws his shirt at her; he nearly trips as he steps out of his boxers, making a point to show that, yes, MJ, the Spider-Man socks stay on during sex.
It’s no surprise when she sees the very same socks as she steps out of the shower, set out next to his black and white tux the morning of their wedding.
She wouldn’t expect anything less.
A small smile tugs at her lips at the recent memory, just hours before, as she stares at herself in the floor-length mirror, her mother and May both working diligently (yet gently) at the buttons on the back of her dress, Betty standing in front of her.
That same warmth she always feels around Peter has been in full force today, and she even finds the old, yet welcome fluttering of butterflies in her stomach when the dress is finally on . Throughout her life, she’s never quite understood what it meant to “feel like a bride.” It was just a white dress; how could it have so much power? Even when shopping, when buying the dress, she didn’t get that exact feeling. Sure, it made everything much more real, but it wasn’t this .
Yet now, in spite of all of her past notions, she finally gets it; the delicate lace on the bodice and the long, elegant sleeves, the deep-v neckline, that final addition of something blue, and with that same shattered Black Dahlia necklace Peter had given her all those years ago.
Damn it, she feels like a bride.
Her mother subtly wipes at her eyes as she moves to stand in front of her daughter, clasping her hands to her chest with an almost dreamy sigh. “God, you look beautiful, Michelle.”
May nods, smiling warmly, her own eyes sparkling. “Agreed.”
“So pretty!” Betty adds, her giddiness shining through.
MJ huffs out a light chuckle, mumbling out a quiet, “Thank you,” as her hands smooth over the soft satin of her skirt. Her mind immediately goes to Peter, what he’s doing right now, how nervous he must be, and what he’ll think when he sees her, when she walks down the aisle; and just like that, her stomach does a few more giddy backflips, and she bites her lip to keep the excitement in.
“And now,” May starts, breaking the silence, a knowing grin on her face as she moves to open the final box. “For the finishing touch.”
MJ was so incredibly wrong.
Now .
Now, as the veil is placed on her head, she honestly, truly , feels like a bride.
“There,” May says, gently adjusting the fabric a fraction of an inch so that the veil lays prettily against Michelle’s curls.
Again, Michelle’s mother sighs, though along with the misty eyes comes a twitch of a frown fighting back the tears.
MJ playfully rolls her eyes. “I’m not even married yet, Mom, come on,” she gently teases as she pulls her mother into a hug.
“I know, I know,” the older woman says with a soft, sheepish laugh. She pulls back, looking at the two Jones women staring back at them in the mirror. “Give me a break, okay? I’m just so happy for my little girl,” she adds, squeezing her daughter’s side.
Michelle utters another, “thanks,” looking down to hide her widening grin.
“I don’t blame you,” May says with a shake of her head and a kind smile. She looks to Michelle, expression warm and excited. “You ready, Em?”
The bride looks up again at her reflection, taking everything in again.
It was happening.
Today was the day.
And MJ had never been more ready.
Peter could have sworn he was dreaming.
This whole relationship even.
In what universe was he lucky enough to land someone like Michelle Jones, to get her to marry him, to marry his dumb ass and all the trouble and shit he gets himself into? What did he do to deserve such a partner-in-vigilante-justice?
He looks to Ned at his left, his best friend giving him an encouraging grin and a subtle (yet actually not all that subtle) thumbs up; then to his aunt, to his mentor, to his friends in the seats in front of him.
But when his eyes finally land on her, his very soon-to-be wife, he finds that he can’t look anywhere else.
Not that he’d ever want to.
He always thinks that she’s perfect, no matter what; she could literally wear a brown paper bag and he’d still marry her. But, cheesy as it sounds, the air feels like it’s quite literally been taken right from his lungs.
Even now, after six whole, wonderful, perfect years together, without fail, MJ still manages to make him forget how to breathe, the sight of her in that simple white dress, holding the bouquet of white roses and black dahlias, making his chest tighten at just how pretty she is. He knows that there’s probably tears in his eyes, but he honestly can’t tell, nor does he care when he sees the faint smirk painting her lips from under the sheer veil.
Again, he really is the luckiest loser in the world.
A lucky loser who happens to be wearing blue and red Spider-Man socks.
What can he say? It’s the nice boost of confidence. Ned has his hats, Peter has his Spidey socks.
He’s unable to hold back or fight his smile--though it’s not like he’s really trying all that hard--as she finally reaches him. She glances down, and he can see the toothy grin from behind her veil, the soft expression causing his heart to swell. He helps her pull the veil back, finally able to see her after a whole day apart.
The officiant welcomes everyone, beginning the ceremony with a short speech of thanks that both Peter and MJ had written before hand.
However, Peter finds that he can’t hear what the man is saying over how beautiful his fiancée is.
He almost doesn’t hear him ask to start the vows.
Peter snaps out of his trance, pulling a folded piece of paper from his jacket. “Oh, yeah! Sorry. Uh, yeah. Vows.” A faint pink blush settles over his features as he stammers. A quiet murmur of good-natured chuckles briefly fills the room, MJ joining in, of course.
“MJ,” He starts. He feels the lump in his throat, the emotion fluttering in his stomach. He coughs, looking between the paper and the love of his life. “You are my favorite person. My best friend in the entire world. Sorry Ned.”
That gets another laugh, both from MJ and the room, and Peter passes a teasing, fake-sheepish smile to his best man.
Ned waves it off with a laugh, shaking his head.
Peter continues. “I feel so overwhelmingly lucky and proud to stand here with you today. Honestly, I feel like I hit the jackpot. When I’m with you, MJ, I’m the best version of myself. Because… with you, I’m always utterly and unapologetically myself. You accept me for who I am, even if I can be a bit of a dumbass sometimes. There’s not much for me to say that I haven’t already said, you know me, and there’s not much to give that’s not already freely given. But… I’ll give it a shot.”
He takes another deep breath, glancing up to see the warmth and love in MJ’s expression, his chest tightening. “I promise to always try and make you laugh and smile, no matter what, even if my jokes aren’t really that funny, because let’s be honest, those are my best ones.”
MJ shakes her head, not even trying to fight back her smile.
“I promise to be a better roommate, and to actually put dishes in the dishwasher instead of in the sink or on the counter by the sink. I promise to send every conspiracy theory I find, even the ones you’ve already heard. I promise to listen to your advice, and even occasionally, I promise to take that advice. I promise to love you more and more. After every win. After every fight. After every laugh.” He pauses for a moment, clearing his throat once more, combatting the shakiness. He looks back up at her, no longer reading from the folded piece of paper. “And finally, I promise to always strive to be worthy of the love you give me so freely and openly, and to never, ever take that love for granted, and to always give it back.”
He wants to make some dumb joke about how she’s a thief, taking his breath away, but he doesn’t.
“I really like you, MJ.”
Her face crumples slightly at the callback, though she holds herself together, if only so she can get through actually reading her end of the vows, as Betty hands her her own paper.
A beat of silence passes as MJ gathers both her thoughts and emotions.
“Peter,” she starts, a slight shake already to her voice. Be it from nerves or overwhelming emotions, she’s not sure. “You’re my best friend. My partner. My supporter. You’ve loved me through easy times and hard times, and I am so incredibly grateful for you and the support you have always given me. Now… Promises have always scared me. Maybe I’ve been too cautious in making them, too afraid that a change in circumstance or myself will rip the world out from under me. But… over the years, I’ve found that they can remind me of solid ground when things get shaky. Here are some promises that I can happily give to you.”
She looks up at him for the briefest of moments, heart warming. “I promise to put you first, and love you, even when you’re purposefully trying to annoy me.”
A warm laugh.
Her grin turns more playful as she looks back down at the paper. “I promise to always admit when I’m wrong--which we both know, I never am, but that’s beside the point--and to forgive you when you are. I promise to try to laugh, a real, honest laugh, at your jokes, even if they aren’t funny.”
MJ hears him scoff, her lips twisting into an even bigger smile at the sound. She continues. “I can’t promise to never make fun of you, but… I can promise to always kiss you after, just to say sorry,” she vows, shooting him another glance. “I promise to be there, no matter what, to help you when you need me. And I promise to keep updating these as we go. Because one set of vows can’t cover a lifetime of getting to grow and change alongside you. Of falling more and more in love with you everyday, which is what I promise to do for the rest of my life.”
She hands the paper back to Betty before taking his hand in hers. She’s pretty sure that’s not entirely in the whole wedding protocol, but she doesn’t care right now.
“I really like you, too.”
And then it all happens too quickly, neither of them seeing or hearing anything else as they exchange the rings.
There are no more words spoken between them, apart from “I do.” No more thoughts.
… besides finally as they hear the fateful, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
And so, Peter does.
He’s not sure what song is playing now as he holds his new wife on the dance floor; he’s certain it’s not a song that you really slow dance to either, but he doesn’t care. After the very first one, he’s sort of lost track, too lost in his arm around her waist, hand on her back, the other holding hers.
He attempts to twirl her, though she has to awkwardly duck down under his arm, the mishap causing them to both erupt in giggles.
“I told you we needed ballroom dance lessons,” Peter tsks, pulling her close again.
“You’re right,” she remarks dryly, though he can feel her breathe out an amused smile against him. “Here, I’ll twirl you.”
He obliges, laughing when he’s able to pass under her arm much more easily. Mid-spin, his eyes land on her necklace once again, and he can’t help the way his heartstrings swell like the first violin section in an orchestra.
“Black Dahlia,” he points out, much like he did on the bridge all the years ago.
MJ nods, chuckling. “Something old.”
He hums in acknowledgement, giving her an affectionate squeeze. “I’m glad you still like it.” He pulls back slightly. “And the something new? Will I get to see that on tonight?”
Her head tilts and she takes a small corner of her lip between her teeth. “Maybe.”
“Can’t wait.”
Soon, the last cadence of the song fades out, and the familiar base-line of My Girl by the Temptations comes on.
They sway together a little longer, before Peter continues. “Something borrowed?” He asks, realizing she’d never told him.
“May’s veil,” she answers simply with a grin. Though it’s been put away again for the reception, MJ gestures to where it would have sat on her head.
Peter’s head jerks back a fraction. It had looked familiar. “Oh, God, how did I not know that?”
“I won’t tell May, I promise,” she teases. “She’ll never know you didn’t know what her own veil looked like.”
“Okay, okay, come on.” He shakes his head in good-humor, growing quiet for a moment. It’s when he doesn’t speak for even longer that MJ grows concerned.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” he answers truthfully, but she can hear the emotion in his tone. Another beat passes between them before he elaborates any further. “I’m just really happy that you got to… that you got to use that, you know?”
Somehow, she pulls him even closer, into a comforting squeeze. “I know.”
Silence falls over them again as they sway back and forth, not really dancing anymore, though still held in a close, loving embrace.
Suddenly, MJ pulls back slightly, to Peter’s utter confusion, taking his hand in hers and pulling him away from the dance floor and into one of the hallways.
“Where are we going?” He asks through a curious laugh. “What’s--”
“I need to show you something,” she says over her shoulder, before tightening her grip on his hand.
Without any question or hesitation, he happily follows her, the anticipation of what exactly she could be wanting to show him so badly that they needed to sneak away from prying eyes almost too much. They weave through friends and family, dodging questions with relative success as they reach the ends of the reception crowd.
Finally, they reach one of the welcome areas, MJ sits on one of the chaises, practically yanking her new husband down to sit with her.
She reaches down, pulling up the skirt of her dress to show a comfy pair of her black converse--a sight Peter’s not all that surprised to see, yet he still has to chuckle. Mostly in confusion still. “MJ, what--?”
She takes one of her shoes off, showing her very own pair of limited edition, Spider-Man socks.
Now that comes as a surprise. He huffs out another laugh, his brow crinkling as he looks between her sock-clad foot and her mischievous eyes. “Again… MJ, what?”
She leans in to kiss that bewildered expression off his face, only being the slightest bit successful. Her hand remains in his, her smile growing, eyes gleaming with pride and delight as she answers with a nonchalant shrug.
“Something blue.”
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missanthamaree · 4 years
So, I guess I’ll start this Blog/Journal with what’s been bothering me the absolute most. My son. He’s been having some struggles recently, been ongoing for about the last 3 years, maybe longer, but the last 3 years have been the absolute worst.
I was 19 when I had him. I wasn’t ready to be a mother, and I was too involved with his father and all his drama to really worry much about my sons needs. (it’s pathetic, I know, but I’m not going to act like I was the mom I am now, from the very beginning) So, I mostly let my mother parent him, tend to him, watch him, play with him, get up with him in the mornings, bathe him, all the things a mother should do. I did the bare minimum. I would only do anything for him when my mother wasn’t around, or when she would start bitching that I never did anything for him. My mother is a drug addict. She was a terrible parent to me and my brother. She was the “guilt parenting” type. I let this woman have most of the influence in the early years in my sons life, and it set the pace for what I’m dealing with in him now. I have no one to blame but myself, that much I know.
His father wasn’t really much help either. He was a drug addict himself, and a people pleaser. Whatever his friends wanted him to do, he did. Whatever the “girl of the moment” wanted him to do, he did. I’m not going to lie, we both played a part in the whole thing. We were terrible to each other, and having a child together didn’t change that. Getting married didn’t change that. We were young and dumb. So, when Konner was a little over 1 year old, I left him.
Eventually, I moved on, with my daughters’ father. That was it’s own mess of mistakes, but lets’ not talk about that, this isn’t about him. However, he was a decent father figure for Konner (when he was sober - see a pattern here?) He was around for like, 3 yearsish off and on (thinking about it, it doesn’t seem like a long time, but in my heart - I guess time is measured differently when it comes to the heart) Konner always fought with me about things, but overall, he was a decent boy. He did his chores without much fight. He kept his room cleanish. He did okay in school. Maybe if I put enough thought into it, this is around the time the issues became solidified. Maxx, my brother moved in with us for a while. Moms’ presence was still prominent. Me and Tyler fought most of the time in the last year or so. Then, his father died. 
Lots of things contributed to us moving to Florida after Vance died, but we only spent a year there. Konner got to meet/spend time with his siblings, and get to know his dads side of the family. When we moved back to Indiana, I thought things were going pretty good. I got a home for us, just us, and had a good job so they had what they needed and some of what they wanted. Then, I got a boyfriend that didn’t like kids, and things went south again.
We tried Konner on medicines, he’s been on 6 different ones so far. He was admitted to an inpatient facility and he was gone over Thanksgiving one year. He cut off his eyelashes, he jumped out of his window saying he wanted to die but didn’t want to get dirty, etc. DCS gets called on me all the time from him going and saying things at school, or doing things like running away from the bus, or “strangling” himself with his backpack strap. He talks out-loud, not really even with any purpose but to hear himself speak, or for someone to hear him and ask him what’s up. He doesn’t like to have to talk to someone, cause when they start asking questions, he says he feels like he’s taking a test. He goes and tells people how I punish him. 
I’m convinced he believes I’m a bad mom. I definitely used to be, but for half his life now, I’ve been trying my absolute hardest to just do anything I can think of to help him. Also, he struggles with a lot of the same things I struggle with. I haven’t figured out how to handle my own shit, how can I help him figure his things out? 
We had a talk the other night about how he saved my life. When my father died I lost most of my will to live. When I was pregnant with him, I cut myself so deep, I scared the shit out of myself. I promised him I never would again. I told him that’s when I realized that he was my angel, sent to me because I needed to be a better version of myself. It just took me a while to get my shit together enough to apply that knowledge. 
I am also teaching myself on the daily how to not be the parent that my parents were. I loved my father, but my parents weren’t parents either. they were young when they had me and they never had a wake up call that made them “good” parents. They were drug addicts, and had many friends they shouldn’t have had around their daughter. They had their own priorities, and it shows. I never needed for anything and had lots of toys and freedom, but I never was taught how to handle myself. What’s appropriate and what’s not. How to pay bills, file taxes, do laundry, wash dishes, clean house, be an adult. So every day I learn a new way to do something, and most days I learn that I’m doing everything wrong when it comes to Konner. 
There’s so much going on with him, it’s hard to even pin down when it started, when it got worse, what exactly I can even do to help him at this point. I’m so lost, and so confused. 
I guess I thought if I put all this out of my head that I would find some closure with some feelings and be able to move on into a better place of peace and be able to handle my son with the patience he deserves. 
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