#but I draw the line with the shit Susie did in this inter
opal-owl-flight · 2 years
Will susie and magolor ever end up as friends after back to zero? I think she probably needs to work on herself as well, along with realizing that obsessively trying to continue her father's legacy isn't the healthiest mindset
She did so much shit. I dont think Mags would ever forgive her. And I wouldnt, either.
She helped destroy an entire planet — an entire people. An entire culture. An entire history. Wiped away from the charts.
And shes still proud of it. She still thinks that what she was doing was right. It very reasonably makes Magolor upset and angry towards her. No one knew how deep it went until Mags started openly talking more about it.
More under the cut about how much of Halcandra was wiped. its…disturbing stuff about the invasion so be warned. (Tldr its colonization and genocide.)
Isnt it odd that there was literally no Halcandrans left? Youd think, that during the Mechanization war, theyd have sent some of their kind away, make sure the species survives. But no. The Haltmanns chased after them. They saw some sort of value from each and ever single one of them…its probably that sleeping magic power that theyve been suppressing/ignoring for generations. The Haltmanns…harvested that power? And then mechanized them. “Improved” them. (I havent finished Robobot, but isnt that what Susie does to Meta?) Set them back on Halcandra to catch more of their kin, harvest resources, and take important relics back to the Access Arc. Which the Haltmanns keep — obviously not out of respect for the culture that made said relics, but for the powers they hold.
Everyone knows Halcandra for its miraculous technology. Thats all that survived of it, after the Haltmanns were done with their invasion (which Susie calls a failure because a certain magician interfered with the plans and blew the planet to smithereens “before it was ready”). Thats the only thing the Haltmanns told about it. The only items that survived the invasion. The culture itself: the arts, the philosophies, the intimate, every day lives of the people, the language…all those intangible things. Gone.
(Theres more about the Ancients regarding these, than the Halcandrans. Its a near-full cultural wipe. The tech and ruins of other settlements can be found scattered all over the galaxy, but most are from a different age. Far from the culture that used to live on the planet itself. And well…most of the planet’s been blown up, and the mechanization process kind of buried many of the culturally important structures; old and new.)
“A shame that such technology was developed by barbarians. Oh well. Our technology was able to surpass theirs. Perhaps we should be the ones remembered for creating miraculous technology, instead of them.”
Its a sentiment that Susie still believes in. She still thinks that everyone is a lower life-form. Kind of like her father. But while her father saw everything as a means to profit, she (does too, but its second to— ) uses the business to “improve lives”. Improve lives according to her standards. She thinks she knows whats best for these lower life-forms. Shes helping them! If only theyd stop fighting back!
Halcandra’s culture survives on the lone mage. And after him, no one will follow. It causes Magolor great pain to think about how hes at the end of an entire race’s lifetime. (He doesnt want to have his own kits. He admits that hes not father material. What he wants are other Halcandrans to continue living the culture hes preserving/living out.)
He sees Popstar and all the other planets…he wishes that the Halcandrans were still around. Theyd enjoy sights like these. The songs that wouldve been made, the tapestries that wouldve been weaved…
It doesnt mean that a culture was heavily remembered for its tech means that thats all they had.
Mags, probably after Back to Zero, would focus on recording and teaching everyone about Halcandra. After…all those threats to his life, hes thinking of legacy. A way to be remembered — not just for him, but his entire culture.
He does not want everyone to forget about Halcandra the way he knows it.
And Susie?
Shes doing everything she can to stop him. Because its seriously ruining her already shaky reputation. Bad for business.
“So finish the job, bitch. I dare you. Point that gun to my head and end it all, right here, right now, if all Im doing is ruining your precious business.
Oh wait. No. Thats not what you did. Heeheehee!
You want Halcandran power? Youre looking at the biggest reservoir on the planet! The only reason I survived was because I was powerful enough to fight back! Go on. Take it. Take it and mechanize my body for your own ends. Let me join my people. Heartless bitch.”
(Man, going to have to mess with the timeline a bit after this. Make Mags old enough to have remembered things before the fall. Maybe Halcandrans age slowly? Kind of like what Meta’s species does?
Note, legends of Halcandra already existed even before the invasion; of its previous ages. The only things told about the “current” Halcandra are told by the Haltmanns. No one knew how it was destroyed until way, way later, with the appearance of Magolor in Dreamland.
Said it in the tags and saying it here too. Probably not going to write this out bc it touches on some really dark and sensitive topics.)
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