#ok i watched the trailer and i can see why people are into it
stevesbipanic · 4 months
@steddiemas Day 26: Fake Dating
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Steve was ready for Hawkins to open up again and for the Upside Down to swallow him whole. Christmas was meant to be fun, well at least it was supposed to be fun now that he spent it with the Buckley's. Right now though he was glaring at his boyfriend and best friend across the table. Or wait not his boyfriend this evening, no tonight, Eddie was Robin's boyfriend.
Steve could only blame himself he supposed, one for loving the two idiots that were currently badly suppressing giggles and two because it was all because of what he'd said last week.
One week earlier...
"Robin, just tell your mom you're a lesbian or I'm not coming to Christmas lunch next week."
"Steve I can't do that do you want to ruin Christmas!?"
"She was already fine with me being bisexual she's not going to send you to hell, that's why we tested her with me in the first place!"
"No, I'm not ready!"
"Well I can't sit through another Christmas of your mom suggesting a Spring wedding!"
"You're my boy space friend can't we just let her live in a fantasy world where she marries into the Harrington's?"
"I don't even want to be one!"
"Could pop down to the courthouse and become a Munson, baby," Eddie supplied watching the back and forth while blatantly stealing from the candy display.
Steve gave him a deadpan look, "You need to propose to me better than that, Eds. No, Robin that's it I'm not going, I'm not being your boyfriend anymore!"
"What am I meant to do then, she'll be asking about you all day!"
"I'll do it!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Do what?" The other two asked giving him a questioning look.
"No, stop I hate when you do that twin thing it's creepy. And I'll be your boyfriend for Christmas, Birdie."
Which brought Steve to now. It had seemed like a brilliant idea, one Steve could enjoy his Christmas lunch peacefully being the golden boy of the table as Mrs Buckley dawned over him and two, no boyfriend questions. There was also the added bonus that lesbianism might seem like a better option than the town's drug dealer in the Buckley's minds. What Steve hadn't counted on, was the Buckley's loving Eddie.
"Oh, you're in a band that's so lovely, you know I played tamborine for a band back when I was your age, we thought we were going to be a big girl group."
"I hear you're working over at Thatcher's son, they're good men there you're certainly going to learn a lot."
Steve had been relegated to peeling the potatoes while Eddie was literally putting his feet up in the living room. He felt like the middle child of a family that just got a newborn baby, how dare Eddie steal his pseudo parents. What was worse was that Robin was finding this hilarious.
"Oh poor Stevie Wevie are you sad mom's not asking about how EMT school is going?"
"Yes! I had such a fun fake heart attack story she was gonna love." Steve pouted and for a moment he thought about stomping his foot in protest.
"Hey, it's ok, next year I promise I'll have told them, and Edward over there can come as your boyfriend, ok?" Robin reassured wrapping an arm around him.
Steve guessed that he could give up being the favourite this time, and it was nice seeing people be kind to Eddie, it hadn't been easy after Spring Break. It didn't stop him shooting daggers whenever Eddie and Robin decided to reassure Steve at lunch that he'd find someone nice eventually.
Steve and Eddie waved goodbye after lunch, promising to visit soon and hopped into the van.
"Have fun?"
"Oh yeah, I think Janice is already planning the Spring wedding."
"Well, I hope you enjoyed getting fawned over because we've got dinner with Wayne now, and guess who's his favourite?"
"Just because you know the difference between the Chiefs and the Packers, I'm his own blood and the minute you're there it's like I'm chopped liver!" Eddie exclaimed as they drove towards the trailer park.
Lunch had been interesting but he was very glad it was over as he laughed and slid his fingers between Eddie's between them, happy that he had his boyfriend back.
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dutchdread · 5 months
A small rant
I've noticed that a lot of places that discuss the LTD are less focussed on analyzing and explaining final fantasy VII, and more focussed on throwing insults at either the characters, or the people who support them. I think I've done a fairly good job at making sure this place stays relatively matter-of-fact, and despite believing that "Cloti" is the only interpretation of the story that makes sense I am usually pretty positive about Aerith as a person, and more importantly, as a character. My stance tends to be that the only version of Aerith I think is fundamentally unlikable is the one presented by Cleriths. So permit me to slightly backtrack on that as I ask:
Am I the only one getting sick of Aeriths character?
And I don't mean "the only Cloti supporter who is sick of Aerith", I mean isn't the general fanbase of the game getting sick of her?
I ask this because I was watching the new Rebirth trailer, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes during the scenes where Aerith sings, or where it tries to survival-bait the viewer. In FFVII Aeriths death plays only a small part in the grand scheme of things. It neither prevents nor causes holy, holy was summoned before she died and is actually held back by the will of Sephiroth, which is the bulk of the external plot. And it doesn't cause Clouds mental break, which was an inevitable outcome of his history with Tifa, Sephiroth, and Nibleheim.
So why does the trailer make it feel like Final Fantasy VII is the story of Aeriths potential death? I thought the point of Aeriths death was that it comes suddenly and unexpectedly, without a large fan-fare, leaving nothing but a hole in its wake. I thought the point was to show a death that wasn't like "in hollywood". So why does her death now get it's own musical accompaniment and stage play?
Aerith was once a normal girl with a big destiny, one that she was as unsure of as any of us, she was just a person, just like us, with maybe a hint of something more. She got angry, she could be petty, she could be clueless. In another words, she was human.
But what is she now?
Aerith is now Jesus and Mary all in one. Fans got so upset at her death that Square-enix felt the need to include her in everything and every time Aerith became a bit less human, and a bit more idolized, until in remake she became a walking, talking, deus ex machina. In advent children she was presented as almost angelic, giving guidance to lost souls both good and bad and healing the children. But it was still ok because most of it was centered around Clouds psyche. The problem isn't with Aeriths death having importance to Cloud. The problem is square-enix trying to milk Aeriths death for all it's worth, making it into a soulless spectacle.
Aeriths death is now the horror monster that loses its terror once you see it. It's everywhere and everything has to revolve around it and because of it it's no longer a good story, but cheap emotional manipulation.
Within the remake Aerith is no longer the playful and innocent GIRL she once was. She's Gandalf the white, come back from the dead to pass down quests and wisdom from up on high. Step aside Cloud, this is Aeriths story, all you other side-characters are only here for back-up. Aerith is now a self-insert fan-fiction character. She has no flaws, everyone loves her, her death is more important than those of other people, the universe, time, and destiny will all bend to make sure the Mary-godessue doesn't die. Because everything has to revolve around her you know? So yeah, of course Aerith can sing! Who cares that there was never before any indication of this. Sure, Tifa will probably get to play the piano, but here is the thing….Tifa being able to play the piano has actually always been a part of the game! Since when is Aerith suddenly a broadway performer? Probably since the same time that she became a picasso at random wall art.
Years of fan obsession have deified away everything that once made Aerith interesting. The grand story of Final Fantasy VII, the quest to save the planet, and the internal heroes journey about accepting the past and the true self. Clouds backstory and struggles, it's all overshadowed by the once irrelevant plotpoint of "will Aerith die?".
Like with Sephiroth, fan obsession has caused square-enix to destroy all sense of mystery, magic, and restraint in order to "give fans what they want", even if it ruins the product.
While I think the cheap spectacle of hyper focussing the marketing and potentially early game around Aeriths death have already essentially poisoned the remake, making it into a mere shadow of what it could have been, I still believe that Square-enix has enough integrity left to actually kill her and move focus back on what actually matters. But I have to say, at this point it's not even just because I want the story of FFVII to be protected and experienced as it should be. But also because I am just getting sick and tired of what Aerith has become, and would now consider Sephiroth stabbing her as a mercy killing for what's left of her character.
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titanelite22 · 3 months
Look, if you don't like Mean Girls (2024) then that's fine, no one is holding you at gunpoint. However, the constant hate is seriously getting tiring. (TW For Body shaming, Eating Disorders For Point 2 Part A, Point 4 and the TLDR)
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1) The people who were groaning like Minecraft villagers in the cinema every time they would sing confused me. It was stated that it is a musical movie and it is based on the musical. Do y'all not look at what you're going to watch before you watch it? That's not the fault of the creators, that's your fault.
2) Some of y'all need to leave Reneé Rapp ALONE.
2A - The body shaming that she experienced when the trailers were released was seriously disgusting. Let's keep two things in mind when it comes to this topic:
• Reneé has openly said that when playing Regina for the musical, The costume designers would change the sizing of her clothing without her knowing, and she was constantly body shamed. This led to her developing an eating disorder.
• The body standards back in the '00s were unrealistic and toxic. Rachel McAdams, from what I can see, is a naturally skinny person who probably doesn't put on weight as easily as other people. Now, if she was to gain a bit of weight, she would indeed be called "plus sized" back then. A "plus sized" model on America's Next Top Model, for example, was a size 6... Yeah, exactly.
Beyoncé was called fat back when she was in Destiny's Child (She's spoken about it, and there are probably even articles), which is crazy because she was slim. Very slim. And remember Dreamgirls? She lost weight for that film too, using very unhealthy diets and she didn't need to.
2B - Y'all need to stop lying to yourselves and saying that Reneé isn't a good Regina George - You just prefer Rachel McAdams' Regina George. Reneé did amazingly and she has an amazing voice and one of the strongest vocal performances. Reneé has been playing Regina George for years for the musical. Rachel McAdams herself even gave Reneé her blessing, saying that she can "do no wrong" and that she can't wait to see her on screen. She even introduced Reneé on SNL. I feel like some of you are trying to live out your Mean Girl fantasies, and you need to get a slap back to reality.
2C - "Reneé Rapp needs media training". When I first saw this, I thought that she was saying some extremely offensive things. Then, what do I see? Her calling out bad service from a business... People do it all the time, why is it different when she does it? Is it because she's a celebrity? I didn't see a problem with what she said at all. Reneé also has a very random train of thought from what I can see (Terrell even points it out on his show), but it's never anything to cause outrage about. It's just things that make you go "Oh! Ok lol".
3) "Why is Janis a lesbian in the 2024 movie? Isn't the whole joke that she's Lebanese?". Let me start by saying that while the joke was implied, Regina did not that this was the reason. Regina said that Janis started to get "obsessed" with her when she started dating Kyle (And it was probably more like Regina was more focused on her boyfriend and not much on her best friend, hence Janis probably asking Regina to spend time with her and Regina finding it "weird" because she's so self-absorbed...) and so she assumed that Janis is a lesbian. If the whole Lesbian/Lebanese joke was clearer, they would've had Regina state that Janis told her that she's Lebanese (Lesbian).
Secondly, Just because Janis kisses a boy at the end of the film doesn't mean she's not a Lesbian. For starters, there are things in the Musical that are changed from the original movie, and the 2024 movie is based on the musical (and Janis doesn't speak to Kevin at all in the musical. Correct me if I'm wrong). On top of that, there are many who later on realise that the sexuality they believed themselves to be doesn't fit them. For example, Reneé was Bisexual before she realised that she was a Lesbian. She's dated guys, does that suddenly mean she's not a Lesbian? No... Now, stop complaining about Janis being a lesbian in the 2024 film 🥱
4) The complaints about lines being changed/songs being cut e.g. "I never weighed more than 115" to "That filter you use looks just like me". Reneé was bullied and body shamed during the musical, why do you think they changed that line? I've seen quite a few people like "It's not even that offensive" like hello? Let's use our brains!
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I do agree with the complaints about songs being cut (e.g. Meet The Plastics) and I do agree that Tina Fey's speech about girls respecting each other should've been added due to Tina Fey herself saying she wanted to reduce the amount of slut shaming in the musical. I feel like it would've added a lot of impact (I don't think the scene was in the musical. Once again, correct me if I'm wrong).
My Thoughts On The Film:
• It was visually pleasing in my opinion, the dance numbers were really nice, beautiful cinematography and I think the cast was well chosen
• I wish that they had chosen actors that could sing - Avantika did a good job as Karen, but her singing was lacking. Same thing with Angourie Rice. People may not think it's a big deal and fair enough, but I just think that it stands out when you have her in the same film with Reneé and Auli'i.
• The soundtrack was amazing, but I wasn't a fan of some rearrangements. However, I can understand why they may have done it with Stupid In Love.
• A lot of funny jokes, and it was fun to watch
• You're allowed to dislike it. However, the constant comparisons to the 2004 movie and the constant complaints about minor things is starting to get tiring. Like oh no, Janis is a lesbian? YAWN, move on !
• Stop bodyshaming Reneé. Y'all are genuinely nasty individuals for doing this and you'll be the same ones preaching about Mental health and being kind to people... I hope she doesn't listen to any of you assholes.
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caitlynnrosespn · 7 months
Ok ok hi everyone betcha your bottom dollar it's ✨️THEORY TIIIIMMEE✨️
This theory comes from me @apexious @anja-the-sane-sibling @ceciliacloudss
So we were discussing Treasure, and Apex mentioned how it seemed like the story of Narcisses, who was tricked into watching his reflection forever. I've definitely seen lots of people saying he might be evil or Treasure is feeding into his ego, BUT. I'm gonna shock everyone and say it's not.
I mentioned how Jack seemed to be imprisoned, and Cecilia pointed out Treasure...
LOOKS LIKE ITS HAPPENING IN A BIRD CAGE. Do you notice the pillars curving around him??
Looks like a gold version of...
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This. Ana mentioned how he was like a songbird locked in a cage, which lead Cecilia to figure out this is the antithesis to Locked Out Of Heaven, since the bg is Heaven like, so this time he's Locked In Heaven.
This whole time Jack has been distanced from the other dancers. The selfie, him smiling still in the trailer, his Twitter post, the list goes on and on. So I think Nightswan is gonna isolate Jack. AND THE WAY SHE DOES THATTT AAAAAA
So we see Jack look into his reflection, and supposedly see his mirrored form- color pallet similar to Nightswan, everything switching sides, and most notably his theater makeup missing (what do we know about Nightswans feelings of his performing??) But we see this more "Jack Swan" Jack perform to himself in a gilded cage. SO. I think Treasure is showing how Nightswan wants to isolate and imprison Jack in this gilded cage where he's happy and the only thing he doesn't have is his freedom- which is why this Jack is so happy. This Jack doesn't have what saved him last time- his friends. He's performing to himself because that's the only person he'll have in this reality. Another thing- the emoji the JD team picked a trophy to symbolize this map. Trophies belong on a shelf- nit meant to be touched, taken down, or messed with.
His theater makeup missing is actually so important because Nightswan both literally and figuratively took away his ability to be perceived by others. Litteraly, the audience wouldn't be able to see his face. Figuratively, no one can see what's really going on with Jack since he's isolated and no one can save him this time.
Treasure isn't about Jack's ego or hin turning evil- its about Nightswan making the perfect son who can't leave this time... one she can treasure forever.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Good Neighbors Part 12 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: I have one more chapter of this guys *cries*. I'm going to miss them when the time comes!
Warnings: Steddie smut and all that that implies (I regret nothing), Cameo from Wayne being a cute grandpa and the elder Harringtons being assholes. Lots of fluff. Like ALL the fluff lol
Word count: 3012
“Wow. This place is beautiful.” You fling yourself excitedly from the dining room of the home you four were looking at into the kitchen. 
“Mom! The rooms upstairs are big!”, Dylan’s feet stomp as he runs down the stairs. 
“Kid! Chill out. We don’t live here yet.”, Eddie giggles as he follows after him. 
“It’s right within your budget and down the street from this guy’s school.”, the realtor smiles at your son. 
“What do you guys think?”
“I like it. It’s closer to Robin to so I can sleep in longer before picking her ass up.”, Steve grins at the notion. 
“Oh, you know me, babe. I come from a trailer so this is like a palace to me.”
“Wonderful.” The realtor slams his briefcase on the desk and pulls out some paperwork. “Go ahead and fill these out. I can get that process started immediately. He points to sections on the documents, explaining things as you. “Now you and your husband will put your banking info and work information here—”, he gestures to you and Eddie. 
“Oh, um, I’m not her husband technically. Is that a problem?”
“No! Not at all.” He glances at Steve who shakes his head. “Ok, so then you’ll just put single for everyone and I’m going to need some more information for the three of you. I’m sorry for assuming. You said ‘babe’ and I just—”
“It’s ok. I’d like to marry her one day.”, Eddie leans over kisses your cheek. 
“Ew!” Dylan pretends to gag.
“Hey! You calm down over there.” The metalhead kicks his foot in his direction making Dylan laugh. 
“Hey Eddie.”, Wayne greets you guys from his place on the steps outside of his trailer. “And friends.”
“You smoke like Eddie!”, Dylan points at the man in front of him. 
“Oh my god. He used to have manners.” You look at him apologetically as Wayne chuckles. 
“Oh, don’t even worry about it, Y/N. That’s nothing compared to how this one was. Well, come on in. Where’s Steven?”
“He had to work but we were in the neighborhood looking at a house and I thought we could come by so you can finally meet this weird kid.” Eddie gestures at Dylan who responds by sticking out his tongue. 
“That’s thrilling. It will be nice to have a bigger place, I bet.”
The four of you spent the rest of the afternoon together. Wayne was wonderful with Dylan. You could see when they interacted that he was happy to be around a kid again. After lunch, he took your son outside to show him the land and the car he was trying to tune up. You grinned as you watched Eddie’s uncle point to things under the hood and explain to Dylan what they were.
After coming back inside to use the restroom, you found yourself distracted by Eddie’s room. You had been in here once before but because you were taking care of him you didn’t really get to look around. You ran your fingers over the posters on the wall, beaming at the doodles scrawled in random places. There were notebooks on the dresser and you grabbed one before lying down on his bed. God, it still smelled like him. 
“Get lost, Princess?”
“In your past, yeah.”
Eddie grins as he crawls into the bed, lying on his back beside you. You pointed at the writing in his journal. 
“Was this for you Dungeons and Dragons thing?”
“Yes, ma’am. One of the campaigns we did.” He watches your face as your eyes scan over the material. 
“This is really cool. I don’t understand why people would make fun of you for it. The fact that most of this came from your mind? Wow.”
When you turned your head to meet his gaze, you were met with his lips. “I wish we had known you in high school.”
You grin at him as you close the distance again, kissing him slow at first before it steadily grew more heated. Eddie quickly lifted his head, glancing out the window to make sure Dylan and Wayne were still preoccupied. 
“We’ll have to be quiet.”, he whispers as he presses his mouth to yours. Reaching down, you fumble with his belt buckle before unbuttoning his pants, pulling them down just enough to free his cock from his boxers. 
Eddie spits in his hand as your hips rise off the bed so you can push down your shorts. He pumps his length a few times before position himself outside your entrance. Your head lifts up slightly as you watch him guide his dick inside of you. You both groan as his head falls between your shoulder and neck. 
He’s quick and precise with his movements, knowing you both only have a short window of time. 
“Fuck, Eddie, baby. Just like that.” You murmur into the fluff of his hair as your hands tug at his shirt. His mouth attaches to your throat as he tries to muffle the grunts that escape. One particularly hard thrust hit your g-spot just right making you cry out causing Eddie’s hand to fly up and cover your mouth. 
“Quiet, Princess.” He chuckles as he bites his bottom lip. “You feel so fucking good, Y/N. Can you cum for me?”
With his palm still blocking your lips, you reached up pushing two of your fingers into his mouth that he eagerly sucks on, coating with his saliva. Bringing those digits between your legs, you rapidly began rubbing fast circles into your clit as Eddie thrusts into you faster to match your pace. 
As soon as he felt your pussy fluttering around him, he removed his hand replacing it with his lips as he swallowed and stifled every one of your whimpers as you came around him. He didn’t stop kissing you till his rhythm become sloppier and you felt him cum inside of you. 
Eddie gently pulls out before rolling on to his back and gasping for air. He takes your hand in his and bring it to his lips placing a tender kiss on the back of it. 
“I love you, Sweetheart.”
“Mom! Mom! Come check this out!”, Dylan calls for you outside. 
While you’re pulling up your shorts you lean over and kiss Eddie’s soft, beautiful lips. “I love you to.”
You smile at Wayne as you pass him, heading towards the hood of the car your son is leaning over while Eddie sits on the front steps with his uncle who offers him a cigarette. 
“I like them.” Wayne lights the cigarette before passing his lighter to his nephew. “Kid has picked up a lot from you it seems.”
“Oof. Hopefully not too much.”
His uncle glances over at him for a moment before focusing on the sight in front of him. “Eddie, you aren’t your dad and no matter what you think or feel you will never be him. You would never hurt that kid and that woman there would never allow it. She’s not your mother.”
Eddie’s eyes remained on you two but Wayne knew he was listening. 
“He called himself my son a couple of weeks ago.”
“And how did that make you feel?”
The metalhead smiled before taking another drag of his cigarette. “Proud.” When Eddie finally turned his head, he saw his uncle grinning. “Wayne, I never thanked you. For taking me in.”
Wayne’s grin grew as he tossed the butt of his cigarette into the yard. 
“You never needed to, kid,”
Steve knocked on the door to his parent’s house before slowly opening it and guiding you two inside. 
“Steve, honey, are you sure you want to do this?”, you whisper to him as you wrap your arm around his waist. 
“Yeah. It’ll be fine, I’m sure. My mom wanted to meet ‘the kid I’ve been seen with’ and my dad is at work so it shouldn’t be too chaotic.”
“Steven!” A beautiful brunette woman meets him halfway in the living room and quickly envelopes him in her arms. 
“Hey mom.”, he grins down at her. “This is Y/N and this little man here is Dylan.”
Unlike with Eddie’s uncle something about Steve’s mom made your son nervous as he remained hidden behind your leg. The man beside you immediately notices and bends down to take the boy in his strong, protective arms. “It’s ok, dude. This is my mom. She’s nice.”
“Oh, that’s ok. I can come on a bit strong! Hi there.”
Dylan politely smiles as he gives her a small hello. His mother reaches out to shake your hand and you grin politely as well. She leads you all to a dining room table where lunch has been premade and set out. Your son jumps on one of the chairs and reaches for a sandwich. 
The atmosphere remained awkward as small talk was made. Steve had never really told you anything bad about his mom but you knew enough about her to be hesitant. If you had been her you never would have allowed Steve to grow up in the environment he had feeling unloved and underappreciated. 
“So Y/N, you were married previously?”
Her question shoved you out of your thoughts. “Yes ma’am I was.”
“May I ask what happened?” 
“Hey Dylan. My old room is down the hall there. Why don’t you take my phone and go watch something.”, Steve hands him his device before watching him disappear down the hallway. 
“Mom, that was rude.”
“What? I’m just curious!”
“It’s ok, Steve.” You reach under the table to take his hand in yours. “He was having an affair.”
“Pfft, I know how that goes.” You and Steve stare at her as she takes a sip of wine from her glass. “My husband tries to hide it but as you figured out they aren’t really good at it.”
“Can we not do this right now?”, Steve begs. As if on cue, the front door opens loudly causing his eyes to squeeze shut. “Shit.”
“Well, this is a nice surprise.”, Mr. Harrington throws his suitcase on the couch before entering the dining room. 
“Speak of the devil.”, his mom raises her glass in his direction. “How was work, honey?”
“Good. Good. Exhausting.”
“I bet.”, she spits.
“Should I go get Dylan?”, you whisper to Steve and he gently nods before reassuringly squeezing your fingers. 
You politely smile as you pass his father and powerwalk to find your son. 
“So, Steven… still playing the family man I see.”
“I’m not ‘playing’, Dad.” Steve rises from his chair to face his father. “Y/N and I have been together for almost a year. I love her and I love that kid.”
“Yeah, well, you can’t pay the bills with love. I heard you’re looking into getting a new house. That’s exciting. Can Family Video cover a mortgage? What about things children need to survive, Steven? Do you even know what a kid needs?”
“Do you!?”, Steve snaps. “I may not know everything but at least I know not to abandon him to fend for himself while I go off to work conventions and parties fucking anything with legs.”
His father straightened up, challenging his son with his frame. “You better watch who you’re talking to, Steven. There may a come a time, and knowing you there will be one, when you need some financial support and I won’t be there to bail you out.”
“Dylan, wait!” Your son flew into the room and pushed himself between the two men. He looked up at Mr. Harrington with angry eyes. 
“Don’t talk to him that way! Steve is my dad and you should be nice!”
His father looked down at Dylan in complete bewilderment. Steve collected him in his arms and the boy promptly wrapped his arms around his neck. 
“Do whatever you want, Dad but no matter what this is my family.” He reaches for your hand which you eagerly take and head out the front door. 
“Hey, you good, little man?”, Steve asks Dylan as they enter your apartment. 
“I’m ok. Are you? When my daddy was mean to me it always made me feel bad.”
“I’m ok. Thank you for sticking up for me.” You son smiles up him before running to turn on the tv. 
“Hey, weirdo. I’m going to take Steve in my room so we can talk for a bit. Try not to burn the place down.” 
He scrunches his tiny face at you and you do the same back. Grabbing Steve’s hand, you lead him into your room. As soon as you turn to face him, his lips are on yours. He walks you back towards your bathroom, quickly shutting the door and pushing you against it. 
His mouth sucks and bites at your neck as his fingers pull at your jeans, roughly tugging them down. As soon as you step out of them, he lifts you by your thighs on to the counter. Steve holds your legs open as he sinks to the floor, pressing his face into your cunt.
You moan as his tongue invades your entrance. “Steve, please.”
He licks up your folds, pausing to wrap his mouth around your clit making your squirm. You watch him multitask as his hands reach down to pull off belt and push down his pants. 
“Steve, please.”, you beg again. “I want to feel you inside of me.”
He rises back up to his feet, pumping his cock with the precum that was leaking out before pushing himself inside of your needy pussy. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you whimpered. 
“Are you ok?”, he panted as he carefully pushed himself further into you. “You’re… really fucking tight.” His head falls on to yours as he leans in to place a kiss on your lips. 
“Yeah, I’m ok. Just go slow at first.”
“Anything for you, baby. I’m sorry.”
“Steve,” you giggle. “It’s fine. You two are just wearing this old lady out.”
A mix between a chuckle and moan escape his mouth. “You’re not old and I meant about today with my parents.”
He stood still when he bottomed out, just relishing in the feel of you around him. “Honey, you have no reason to be sorry.” You tenderly push his hair away from his forehead. “I’m sorry you have to put up with that.”
Steve begins steadily thrusting into you, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. “Jesus…”
“You…you can go a little faster now.”
His arms loop under your knees, lifting them up and sliding you closer to the edge of the sink. With his cock pumping into you more rapidly at this new angle, you felt like you were coming undone. You clasped your hand over your mouth to control the urge to scream out his name. 
Steve feels your pussy tightening around him as he drops one of your legs to rub his thumb over your clit. Your body shakes as you cum, your hand lunging for his own. 
Gripping both your legs again, he thrusts harder into you chasing his own high. His waist sputters as he releases deep within your body. 
After he pulls out of your now sore and sensitive hole, he reaches for the washrag in the cabinet and cleans you up. 
“Steve?” He answers you with a hm as he focuses on his task. “You’re not like him, you know. Your dad.”
He throws the rag in the sink behind you and lifts you up to place you back down on your feet. 
“I know.”
“Steve.” You playfully raise an eyebrow in his direction as he slides your panties up your hips. 
“I just… you’ll never have to worry, ok? I would never make you feel like I don’t appreciate you or that I don’t care about Dylan.”
“He called you dad.” You smile as he blushes, pulling up his pants. “How did it feel?”
“Good. The fact that he feels that way about us… it’s an honor. Scary but…”, he laughs.
“Welcome to being a parent! It’s always scary but worth it. When he was born, I remember being terrified that I was going to fuck up but when I held him and he looked up at me I knew. I knew I would do anything I could to protect this kid and make him happy.”
Steve tugs on your shirt, pulling you to him for a hug. 
“So… they are going to Rivendell to destroy the ring?”, Steve’s eyebrows furrow as he glances at Eddie before focusing his attention back to the tv. 
“Noooo… they are going to Mordor to destroy the ring. They just left Rivendell.” You giggle at Eddie’s tone as he tries to not come off as annoyed.
“Mordor is the only place that can destroy it.”, Dylan’s eyes remain glued to the screen in front of him. 
Your phone on the counter rings and you smile as you get up to answer it, listening to them continue to banter. 
“See? He’s seven and he’s paying more attention.”
“I’m paying attention! There are just too many weird names to remember.”
“Hello?”, you laugh out. There’s silence as you listen to the person on the other end speak. “Oh my god. Thank you! Thank you so much!”
Steve pauses the movie as you hang up jumping towards your three boys with giddy excitement. “We got it. We got the house!”
“Are you serious?!” he gets up quickly, wrapping you in his arms.
“Wow, that’s fucking amazing. I don’t think I’ve lived in an actual house before.”, Eddie grins as you smack his chest before placing a kiss on his lips. 
“When are we moving?”, Dylan asks from his place by your side. 
You reach down to tussle his hair. “Um, next month. Jesus, there’s a lot we need to do beforehand.”
“Ay, Princess. Breathe. We have plenty of time. Tomorrow we can sort all that out. Today, we make fun of Harrington for not understanding Lord of the Rings.”
“It’s not my fault this stuff is confusing!”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks
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@eddie86baby @justmeandmymeanderingthoughts
@3rriberri @sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
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bookishdaze · 1 month
My too long theory post about Mae as Reverse Caesar? This is multiple theories, really...
My theories on Mae's origins have ranged from her just being a lone smart girl among feral humans, to her coming from an underground civilization living in a bunker (My personal favorite. I like Fallout, lol).
Here's one that came to mind recently. It's not my main theory for her, (I still think she's just from some colony of smart humans) but it's my most "creative" and "crazy" one, but if people are allowed their crazy astronaut theories, THEN I'M ALLOWED THIS ONE 🤪
I'm gonna be calling her Mae/Nova for this.
Feel free to poke holes in this theory by the way, hehe.
This theory came to me after watching the new trailer, where we hear her being called "Nova," and we also get a shot of her riding on horseback with Raka. It reminded me a lot of Nova from War riding with Maurice.
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So I thought, 'Huh, we're getting another blonde girl named Nova riding on horseback with an orangutan in the exact same way. It almost looks like the characters and plot for KOTPOTA could be a reworked version of what a plot could look like for a direct War sequel following a grown up Cornelius with Nova and Maurice and ohhhhhh-'
*puts on tinfoil hat* So my weird train of thought led me to this wacky theory: Mae/Nova is a human that was taken in by Raka as a child, and he has been raising and taking care of her. Just like Maurice did for Nova. She's kinda like Tarzan.
At first I had thought Raka met Mae/Nova because she was separated from her human colony and he was helping her get back home before they ran into Noa.
I also thought that maybe they come from a place where humans and apes already coexist, and I honestly still think either of these is the case tbh, but this part of a recent article made me think otherwise.
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The "rabbit-in-headlights" bit makes me doubt she comes from a place where there are intelligent humans. (It's still possible she could be. I'll get to that later). To me this sounds like she's smarter, but still has some "animal" behaviors.
As for why Raka took her in, it can totally just be coincidence that we have another friendly orangutan who adopted a young girl.
Or maybe it became some sort of, ehh, tradition? Him wearing a necklace with Caesar's symbol and talking about how apes and humans used to live side by side makes him sound like a religious person. Maybe somewhere along the line, it became custom for those who follow his faith to "adopt a Nova" to raise and take care of, like Maurice did.
There is a difference, though. Raka could have been taking care of Mae/Nova, but he still sees her as an...well, an animal. A very smart animal that he feels a responsibility towards. I know him viewing her as an animal sounds pretty harsh, but keep in mind that humans have regressed to be like animals at this point.
And there's also this scene where he just....tosses her some food. It's no different from the way humans toss a friendly animal some food, really.
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"But why does she seem frightened by the apes at the fireplace if she's been raised by Raka?"
I think she's scared of Noa here.
Orangutans are actually solitary creatures (I googled, lol), so it's very possible that it's just been her and Raka, and any newcomer makes her nervous.
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Ok ok ok, so he's a guy who has taken in an animal that shows signs of intelligence and has taken it upon himself to nurture and care for this animal because his personal beliefs tell him that in doing so, he could potentially make the world a better place.
Like Will did with Caesar.
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"So she's reverse Caesar." Yeah. That's pretty much what I've been trying to get at with all my rambling. Yay, parallels!
And we know Will cared for Caesar, but he always saw him as an animal. A very smart animal, but an animal nonetheless. He had him on a leash, and as much as he didn't want to, he still took him to the primate shelter. It wasn't Will being cruel, he just treated Caesar the way any human would have treated an animal, no matter how close they are.
Of course, like Caesar, Mae/Nova is gonna go through some changes. She's a young girl growing into adulthood. She'll have "needs and wants," as this article states.
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Those needs and wants could be many things. To be regarded as equal. No longer wanting to feel inferior. And if she truly is some lone smart girl among a world of feral humans, she's also gonna feel really really lonely. (Think about it. If she does not come from a colony of smart humans and she truly is the only one, that's tragic. I'd be depressed, man).
So she'll also want friendship and companionship. To have a friend or anyone she can relate with. She'll most likely find this with Noa, since the article says, "...there are far more parallels and commonalities between the two of them than they might have originally imagined."
Okay, one question came to mind when coming up with this theory.
Why is she smarter than other humans? I got a few theories.
Theory 1. She could still be someone who grew up in a colony of intelligent humans, whether it be a colony in an underground bunker or anywhere else. It doesn't matter. But something terrible may have happened, like her colony was killed off, or she was separated from them as a little girl. Then Raka found her and took her in. Like Tarzan!
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Theory 2. This one and the third one won't be as satisfying to fans, I assume. But maybe Raka noticed a lone child that was smarter than most, and he decided to take her in and help her intelligence grow.
Theory 3. She started off as an unintelligent feral girl, but being raised by an ape allowed her to slowly gain her intelligence back. I actually like this one. For starters, it's similar to the Planet of the Apes novel from 1963, where one of the astronauts became feral and unintelligent because of spending too much time in a cage with feral humans at a zoo, and Nova actually gained the ability to speak and became intelligent after spending a year or two in space with Ulysse, the protagonist.
Theory 4. She's like Megamind where she was launched into space from an alien planet as a baby while her homeworld burned all around her and she crash landed onto Earth. THERE'S YOUR ASTRONAUT THEORY.
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I'm kidding. That was a joke. I know April Fool's was two days ago.
As for her name, we've gotten three so far. Mae, Nova, and Echo. I like to think of her name as a sort of symbol or indicator of her character growth, where I assume she'll gain the ability to speak at the end, or will have grown into herself as a person.
She'll start off as Nova. A common generic name given to all humans, given to her by Raka.
Then Echo. A more unique name given to her by Noa, but still not her own.
Then, finally, Mae. Her true unique name that she was either born with, or she picks out for herself.
Aaaaand I think that's it. I'm done. I know that was long, but I wanted to gather all of my thoughts and theories on Mae/Nova somewhere before I watch the movie in a month. Whatever her story is, I cannot wait to see it unfold. Now it's time for me to SLEEP.
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The Bad Batch 3.1 ‘Confined’ Recap
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Image from this post by @isthereanechoinhere96
Fuck you for starting with that line
Why are the captions in a serif font?
Going heavy on the theme of freedom for the clones already in the recap. Foreshadowing?
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Meme by u/No-Needleworker5295 on Reddit
Ah fuck here we go again
Why must I be made to relive this?
Damn the music is really hitting hard and it’s only the recap
Spoilers for Season 3 below!
Mayday! *sobs*
Oh great, it’s fuck face again
Hemlock being a bastard as per usual
Poor Omega
“Prisoner? Omega, you are no such thing.” Said to the child kept in a cage.
Still not trusting and heavily side eyeing Emerie
Why do they let Omega carry around a little lunchbox? That seems like an obvious security risk. As does the cell with a window, even if it has a heavy grate on it.
LMAO Crosshair looks the saddest, wettest, most bedraggled little meow meow in existence
Who are those other clones??? I must know
Why are they taking blood samples from the top of the hand? That seems like the least useful place to take it from
“All of us serve a purpose here” Big oof
The shots and framing are making it pretty clear that the blood, and Omega's blood in particular, is important
So many commandos with the glowing visors
Oh, it’s a door scanner. I thought Omega was sitting in a cell in that shot in the trailer
Nala Se (derogatory)
Lmao that wasn’t even subtle. She just destroyed Omega’s blood sample without even hiding what she was doing
“This research, it’s not like what we did on Kamino, is it?” Pretty sure what you did on Kamino was just as horrific. Though you can’t really blame Omega for that seeing as she’s a literal child who was also probably experimented on
M-count. That’s midi-chlorians isn’t it. Lol they aren’t even being subtle about this. Force sensitive clones ahoy!
“Experiments on the specimens” Jesus H Christ
Vault? That doesn’t bode well
Everything about this episode is very eerie and sinister
Ok that is an excessive, overkill amount of security. Who the fuck is in there?
And straight into electrocuting space dogs. Great.
I knew the lunchbox was for hiding something!
Batcher? Aw, she named them after the Bad Batch
Yes, stick your arm into the cage with the aggressive space dog. That’s a good idea
He was shivering T_T
Who are all of these clones??? I keep pausing the video and zooming in but I can’t see any identifying characteristics on any of them yet. 
And there he is
Oh fuck Crosshair’s hand is shaking. I know most people have probably watched the clip of this already but I deliberately didn’t. Shaking hands for a sniper is Not Good. That’s his right hand too, so presumably his trigger hand/finger/whatever it’s called? Is this a physical injury inflicted on him by their experiments or PTSD or both?
I’m intrigued at how much relative freedom they’re giving Omega. She’s not being kept in a cell all the time like the other clones. Though I suppose this is part of their plan to make Nala Se cooperate.
Ok the tap dripping in Omega’s cell is definitely a visual metaphor for how repetitive, dreary, and isolating this all is
That’s 21 tally marks
Oh, she made a straw Lula. Ow
[shrieking in distance] – what shrieking? Captions, what are you going on about?
Oh fuck that’s a lot of tally marks. And a hair change. Lots of time has clearly passed. They’ve updated Omega’s model too but I think it’s a tad heavy handed as she hasn’t aged that much.
Wow, she didn’t even look at Crosshair. Is this attitude change Omega being ground down by what’s happening to her or something she’s doing deliberately to try and play along and be more cooperative so she can find out about more stuff? Also, that’s the second time she’s walked past Crosshair in the same spot at the same time of the day. That seems deliberate. 
Lol could you be any more obvious with the lighting in that shot that Omega’s blood is important? It’s like the vial of her blood has a moody spotlight on it. Important plot point here!
Nooooo Batcher’s hurt 😭
Bacta sponge?
“If I get the chance to escape, I wouldn’t think twice about leaving you behind.” Hmmm, you keep telling yourself that Crosshair
“I’m not them.” T_T
“Don’t risk anything for me. I belong in here.” Oooooooooowwwwwwwww
“None of us belong in here.” Damn right
There is some really lovely cinematography and framing in this scene between Omega and Crosshair
Well that was brutal and heavy handed
A successful transfer? A successful transfer of what?
The “specimen” has a high M-count. So they’re force sensitive. Now for the speculation on who it is?
“You should not question my loyalty to science, Doctor.” LMAO bitch what?
Urgh, of course they’re killing the dog once it’s friendly
Ahahaha squished
Aw, she’s setting Batcher free but she doesn’t want to go. 
“I didn’t know you were so cruel, Omega.” Oh fuck right off
Piss weak attempt to help there Emerie
Hemlock getting his evil baddie laugh moment
Clever. Omega knows why she’s here.
Urgh, of course Hemlock would threaten Crosshair to get Omega to cooperate.
Re-education?!?!?! You sick fuck
“Actions always have consequences. Sometimes not in the ways we imagine.” I am really hoping that line comes back to bite him in the ass later on
Oh fuck off with bring back the doll Emerie. That is such a bait to try and get Omega to like her and behave
That’s 164 tally marks. Omega’s been on Mount Tantiss for 5 and a half months
Aw, Batcher made it out. And that’s the crashed shuttle from earlier that she’s howling on the top of. More foreshadowing?
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ilovelawrencee · 5 months
I watched the trailer for Poppy Playtime and made some theories. So let's go because I don't have anything important to do right now.
-> this house
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As many people have mentioned, you can notice a Poppy doll statue on top of the house. Which makes us think that this would be the doll's house. but at first impression, I thought it was the place where the children slept.
because as we see later, the children's painting is in a place that looks a lot like a house. but to be honest, I believe that this house is an attempt to make children deluded, simulating a scenario with houses and trees so that they feel good, and feel as if they were outside. when in reality they are not.
but this house could also be a place focused on poppy, as she was probably recognized at daycare.
but I believe in two possibilities. The first is that this house is the same one where we have this room, with messy beds, objects thrown on the floor and a mysterious hole in the floor. The second possibility is the same as I mentioned before. The house is an attempt to simulate the outside of the factory, to give children a feeling of relief and comfort. Since drawings of trees and clouds are not enough to convince them.
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but I truly believe that this house is just the resting place. because it makes more sense.
-> dead toys
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I didn't see anyone talking about it. So I decided to give my opinion on this thing.
and well, at first, I thought about the possibility of this thing being prototype 1006, as it contains several toys together. But upon closer inspection, I realized that this is just a sculpture, or a kind of temple. As a tribute, you know? And by the random way this is constructed, I believe this had been done by catnap himself, as a tribute or meeting point for 1006.
Because it's worth remembering that experiment 1006 is seen and worshiped as a god by catnap.
And I confess that this is my only guess about these dead toys. Because to me this really felt like a tribute made by catnap himself to show his adoration for 1006. But I'm not good at making theories, so forgive me if it seems weak.
-> that smilling critter (?)
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ok ok, I confess that I was very moved by this scene. Because you can see this is a bigger body, more specifically a smiling critter. And if you look closely, the ears are the same as the dogday. So I started thinking about the possibility of this character being dogday.
But I believe that dogday will not be as close to a catnap as in the series, since the characters can be enemies during the game.
And I'm pretty sure it was Catnap who chained Dogday up, probably because he didn't agree with his plans, or didn't think it was right to hurt the other toys or follow the 1006.
and remember the voice saying "Catnap. The prototype is your god. And this is what he does to heretics."? The scene cuts to the smiling critter in a cage, proving that catnap traps and tortures those he considers heretics ( as is the case with dogday. And I believe that's why he's caged ).
-> dogday
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I tried comparing some images, I noticed that these appear to be the same character.
and yes, this may seem stupid or pointless. But take a good look at his appearance. The ears are identical, the body appears to be incomplete, as it does not appear to have legs ( as can be seen in both images ). And he still has handcuffs on his wrists ( and the dogday in the first image is tied to the handcuffs ).
and well, focusing on this scene where dogday chases us through the tube, I started to wonder if he's really chasing us, or if he's actually following us after being freed from the handcuffs. But since I haven't reached a conclusion, I have three guesses.
first: dogday is chasing us, following catnap's orders to attack us. For the catnap itself threatens the smiling critters into working for him.
second: dogday is our friend, and he is following us after being freed by the player ( that is, he is on our side and will help us ). and will probably be the toy responsible for attacking and stopping Catnap at the end of the game.
third: catnap is controlling dogday, that's why he's chasing us like an animal.
and I believe in all three theories. but some people said that catnap has a cult following where all the smiling critters love the prototype, and that dogday is the only one that doesn't follow that idea. This is why naps are your enemy.
and also, there is a possibility that the red gas has a different effect on smilling critters, making them violent. and maybe that's why dogday is acting like this ( and this feeds into the theory that dogday is naturally calm ).
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and this may not be important, but I noticed that this creature's hands are identical to dogday's hands in the second image.
and I believe the character in this image is dead ( and you can see the blood on his hands, as well as catnap on the floor, which would indicate that catnap killed him ).
and this makes more sense if we look at the sentence above them.
-> poppy and kissy missy
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Well, from what I understand, both are on the player's side. and this is clear from the second chapter. but I confess that seeing Poppy and Kissy Missy together made me very happy. because this is proving that the two are on the same side, and perhaps following the same plans.
and looking closely at the image, you can see a kind of flashlight in Poppy's hand. and also, kissy missy seems to be holding something. perhaps her own arm is injured after struggling with a toy, or she is just holding an object.
random observation: the graphics are much prettier. especially in Poppy's appearance, as the doll seems to have more details in the hair region. and kissy missy looks different in a good and cute way
-> catnap
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he walks like a real cat...that's freaking amazing and scary!!
Before this trailer was released, I imagined that Catnap would walk on two legs. but he walks like an ordinary cat, using his front and back paws. and that's not a bad thing, it's a really interesting way to show the character. mainly because he moves so calmly.
and so far we have no confirmation that catnap can talk ( and believe me, the fact that he can't talk makes the character even scarier. Because imagine that thing staring at you without saying a single word ).
and I'm not going to lie, I'm captivated by his bigger body shape. because look closely at his legs, it's as if the bones are crooked when being stretched.
and as a last guess, it would be interesting if the catnap increased in size in front of the player. because I'm sure it's not a pleasant scene, especially since he must squirm in the process.
-> phrases in red
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I don't know if anyone has already talked about this. but I believe that these phrases in red are said by catnap
and an interesting detail is that the words increase in size as they appear on the screen.
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cjstheshethey · 8 months
I really wanna talk about Blue Beetle and why it's so important to me. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!
Ever since this movie was announced, I was excited because I have familiarized myself with the character of Jaime Reyes for over a decade now. My sister introduced to me to the character when we had our late night Young Justice marathons during a vacation in Mexico back in 2013. Eventually, we got to season 2, where Jaime was introduced. I remember when he would speak Spanish, I would say "Hey he speaks Spanish like us!" And sometimes my non-English speaking cousins would join us watching the show, and when he spoke Spanish, they were able to understand him. As time went on I kinda forgot about DC for a while since I was gaining other interests until Young Justice came back for its 3rd and 4th seasons(This is also your subtle sign that if you haven't watched Young Justice you should do that). Naturally, Jaime is still one of my favorite characters in the show. While I was still in my Young Justice hyperfixation, It was announced that a Blue Beetle movie was happening and even had some concept art shown. Me being the superhero loving Mexican nerd that I am, I was already hyped, and we hadn't even gotten a trailer yet. Then, on April 3rd of this year, the first trailer came out, and I was so excited. DC has been one of my special interests since literally as long as I can remember no joke one of the first shows I ever remember seeing was the original Teen Titans and so combine one of my special interests with one of the most important parts of my identity(my ethnicity) and an excuse to go to the movies? I was stoked. And so I finally saw it a couple of days ago, and I LOVED it. From the family dynamic to the music choices(La Chona in the beginning where Rudy was introduced was the most Mexican introduction ever and I love it.) and even a few references to Mexican culture I didn't expect, Blue Beetle was everything to me. Finally a movie centered around a Mexican family that wasn't afraid to go into topics like immigration and straight up racism towards Mexicans and those topics not taking up the whole story while also not stereotyping any of these characters and treating them like real people. These guys did their research, and it showed. During the part where Jaime comes back to Earth and starts saying something in Spanish, he's saying a prayer. I used to say that particular prayer a lot back when I was a kid, which is a good thing they added that in there because it makes relatable to someone like me. I really wanna make note of one of my favorite scenes from the movie. So after Jaime gets the Scarab and it attaches itself to him, he tries to find a way to get it off him. Once they go to Ted Kords' hidden lab and find out he can't get rid of it safely, he angerly walks out. His uncle Rudy follows him up to the roof. Rudy asks if Jaimes ok and Jaime apologizes for yelling at Rudy. Rudy then starts giving a really good talk about the family and how resilient they are. Then he says this. "I mean, look at your old man. He brought me here from Sonora....when I was 10." No joke, just ask @alextric-overload(Hey dude 😁) and my other friends who came with me, I legitimately gasped in that theater. Why? Because that's where my family is from. Never before did I ever imagine Sonora would even be mentioned in any media let alone a big screen superhero movie but I am so glad it was and I've said it before and I'll say it again: Never in my life have I felt so seen and so represented. The moment those credits rolled, I legit said word for word, "This! This is how you do representation. MORE. OF. THIS. PLEASE." This is why representation is so important because if we continue to make movies like this, more people like me can see themselves in media and feel the way I did. REPRESENTATION MATTERS! So please go support this movie if you haven't already, it's so worth it!
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artiststarme · 1 year
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 11
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
I'm glad so many people liked the happy part in Chicago! Now, back to the angst. Hope you guys like it, what do you think I should do for the next part?
When all of the younger teens of the Party reached the Wheeler’s basement, the space exploded into vengeful bickering. Each of the kids, bar El and Will who were watching the display with gazes of concerned worry, had their own opinion and placed the blame of Eddie and Steve leaving on someone else. Lucas and Max placed the blame on Mike and Dustin, the two that decided Steve needed space in the first place. Mike placed full accountability on Steve, as per usual, for leaving and causing such a fuss. Taking Eddie was just a bonus that exposed Steve further to Mike’s contempt. Meanwhile, Dustin blamed Eddie for driving Steve away and himself for not doing more to keep them both in town. 
He had never felt more panicked and guilt-ridden than he did at this very moment, a feat in itself because he’d been through a lot of shit. But he had now caused both of his older male friends to flee Hawkins and he couldn’t really imagine anything worse. What, was Robin going to leave next? Perhaps Nancy or Jonathon? He thought that this summer would be the best ever. The Upside Down was gone for good, the town had begrudgingly accepted Eddie’s innocence, and the Byerses were back from California. However, this summer sucked and he felt naive for thinking something in his life could go right for once. 
“Shut up, Max! You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You didn’t notice Steve’s car outside your trailer all night, how can we trust you to tell us if Eddie was coerced to get in or not?” Dustin tuned back into the conversation around him when Mike brazenly questioned Max’s credibility. 
Lucas quickly jumped to her defense and pointed a finger in Mike’s face, “Don’t talk to her like that! Why wouldn’t we trust her? She’s the one that saw them in the first place. And Eddie knows Steve, he wouldn’t have to be coerced into his car. They’re friends!”
“Don’t talk for me, Lucas! I can speak for myself,” Max said before turning to Mike. “Listen mouthbreather, I know you have a weird crush slash stalker obsession with him but Eddie chose to leave with Steve. Probably because Toothless over there hurt his feelings by telling him everything he’s ever been afraid of. Nice going, now we lost another friend.”
Will jumped in then with a hand on Mike’s shoulder when he saw the fury ignite in his eyes. “Ok but why are we all freaking out? I thought we were worried about whether Steve was alright or not. We know that he’s fine and Eddie’s with him. Can’t we just wait for them to come back?”
All he received were matching looks of disappointment before Dustin turned to Eleven. “El! Can you go look for them in the void to make sure they’re okay?”
She looked at Will for confirmation and raised an eyebrow, did they actually want her to look for Steve and Eddie? He sighed and nodded in resignation. It seemed that the others were going to keep hunting them down regardless of what they did. They might as well use El’s powers to take a look for safety purposes. She turned back to Dustin and nodded resolutely, “Yes, I can find them.”
Max and Lucas quickly turned the downstairs radio onto static while Mike hunted down an old blindfold. Dustin gently pushed her onto the couch and urged her to rush the process. After a moment of static and mind numbing darkness, El entered the void. She imagined Steve with his mother hen personality and sunflower yellow sweatshirt with Eddie in his black outfits and bitchin’ hair. A picture started to grow in front of her. 
She saw Steve and Eddie in a restaurant, a sports bar or pub it seemed. There was a long bar running along the left side of the building that faced a brick wall lined with booth seating and high top tables. 
“I see them.”
Mike squeezed her hand, “Are they hurt? Is Eddie okay?”
The man in question was scarfing down a Reuben with extra sauerkraut. His jaw practically unhinged as he shoved the huge sandwich, dripping with thousand island dressing and sauerkraut, into his mouth. Steve was watching him in disgusted fondness, pushing him away when he tried to lean closer into Steve’s personal space in an effort to escape the smell of vinegar on Eddie’s breath.
“He is eating a large sandwich.”
Max asked, “Is Steve okay?”
Steve placed his right hand on Eddie’s thigh out of view of the other patrons at the bar. He said something that made Eddie laugh so loudly, a few heads turned to look at the pair. When one woman’s eyes lingered longer than Eddie appreciated, he hissed at her and bared his teeth. The display was less intimidating than he expected due to the pieces of sauerkraut stuck between his teeth but it only made Steve look at him more fondly. 
“They are both happy. Eddie is laughing and Steve is looking at him like Dad looks at Joyce.” Unbeknownst to her, the kids glanced at each other in bewilderment. They would focus on that comparison later.
Moving on, Dustin asked her, “do you see any identifying information? Street signs, landmarks, anything?”
El did in fact see several things. She saw a Blackhawks jersey pinned above Eddie’s head, a team she recognized from watching Hockey with Hopper. And if that didn’t clue her into their location, she also noticed the Chicago flag situated on the wall behind the bar. However, she couldn’t bring herself to tell the others what she had found. Not when she noticed the way Steve was looking at Eddie, like he had finally discovered what happiness was.
“I will not say. They are happy, they do not need us to find them.”
Dustin almost screamed in indignance, “El! They need us and we need them back home! Tell us where they are!”
El took one last glance at the happy couple, Steve’s eyes were full of love while Eddie licked thousand island dressing off of his fingers and stole french fries off of Steve’s plate. They looked happier than she had ever seen them in Hawkins and she knew she could not disturb that. She removed the blindfold with blood dripping from her nose and a soft smile on her face. “They are home, we can not ruin that.” 
Dustin shook his head and jumped up from his spot on the armchair, “I can’t believe you’d be so unhelpful! But fine, I’ll find them without your help.”
He didn’t wait to hear El’s response or the defenses of the other kids made on her behalf. He made his way outside of Mike’s house and turned his bike to the trailer park. Without much of a plan and no idea which words he wanted to say, he knocked on the door of the Munson’s trailer. Dustin wasn’t sure what he was expecting but an annoyed Wayne probably came close. 
“What can I help ya with, kid?” The older man breathed out with irritation coating each syllable. 
“Hi Mr. Munson, I was wondering if you’d heard from Eddie? Max said she saw him leave this morning and I’m worried about him. Is he missing too?”
Wayne just released a bone weary sigh and ran a hand over his face as if Dustin’s questions themselves were aging him. “Look, Eddie went off for a while with that boy Steve. Y’all don’t need to worry about ‘im, there’s no one I would trust more with my boy. Alright? I think they both just need some distance from all of this. You kids, the town. They just want to be left alone for now.”
Dustin’s eyes started to prick as tears began to build. “But please, Mr. Munson-”
“Just go home, kid. They’ll be back when they’re ready. You need a ride back?”
Dustin just shook his head and clambered back onto his bike. He heard Wayne close the door close behind him and let out an angered sound of frustration. He started pedaling as hard as he could with tears now streaming readily down his face. Dustin didn’t know what else he could do. Hopper couldn't find them using police resources, El refused to tell them what she saw, Steve hadn’t called him back since he had missed his first call, and now Wayne was gatekeeping information about their whereabouts. 
The unfairness of it all pushed Dustin to pedal harder. The tears in his eyes clouded his vision but he just pedaled faster. Until his front tire hit a rock and threw him over the handlebars. His palms skid along the harsh cement and his shin split open upon contact with the dingy pedal of his bike. For a moment, Dustin just sat on the ground and sobbed. Usually in this situation, he would go to Steve who would patch him up and feed him dinner, typically in the form of a cheese pizza and Coke. Or Eddie would pick him up on his way home from Family Video visiting Robin and Steve. But, he drove them all away and now all he’s left with is his miserable self and torn skin. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Taglist: @nickavalens @conversesweetheart @themostunoriginalpersonever @swimmingbirdrunningrock @eddiethegreatteddybear @harrumphingtons @call-me-big-eyes @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove @thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt @luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era @newtstabber @bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog @00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch @imzadidragonfly @freddykicksasses @krimsonsimp @whatthefuccck @delta-piscium @anaibis @tinynebula @darkwitchoferie @evix-syne666 @tawghasa @pyrohonk @lillys-weird-world
If anyone else wants to be added to the tag list, let me know!
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steakout-05 · 6 months
OK SO THE TRAILER FOR THE NEW GARF MOVIE CAME OUT (and of course youtube didnt tell me about it until now) AND!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!! so here's me yelling and screaming and fanboying about how much i love how this movie looks so far :D
ok first off, BABY GARF!!! HE IS A TINY BALL!!! LITTOL GUY!!!! :D
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he's so miniscule! so microscopic! an atom! he's tiny!!! but he's just living in a box who would abandon such a little guy :( (his dad probably. yeah he's in this movie and i hope Garfield's mum is also in here because she appeared in a classic Garfield special and she's so lovely)
after this scene we see our first look at Jon (my beloved) eating alone at an Italian restaurant, and like, this means so much to me. look at these shots:
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i'm not sure if they're in order or not but like. look at the way he watches the family! he has a look of bittersweet love and sadness in his eyes and i'm just,,, 🥺 he just wants to be a dad.... i love how Jon has always kinda been portrayed as a father figure to his pets, in classic shows and specials he calls Garf and Odie his boys, in Garfield Gets Real he calls them his kids and now here, he wants to be a father so bad i'm going to burst into tears i love this man
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the garf appears!! the littol baby has arrived!! the tiny little miniscule microscopic molecule atom of a cat has approached the window!!!
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the way Jon puts his finger to the window, the way he cuddles baby Garf with so much tender loving care and adoration..... he's so sweet i love him!! how can people hate this man?? look at him!!! look this sweet and loving father figure in the eyes and tell him you hate him. you cannot. he's too pure for this world
also i haven't mentioned this yet, but it's commonly accepted in the Garfield fandom that Garfield was born in a pizza shop and then was transferred to a pet shop where Jon then adopted Garfield in 1978, but to be honest, i didn't really like the pet shop part of that backstory. the pizza place part was great but i dunno, Jon just going to a pet shop and buying Garfield isn't as heartfelt to me. this backstory though? i LOVE. two lonely creatures meeting each other and forming a family is so adorable and sweet, especially for modern Garfield. i feel like we need less cynicism in modern Garfield and more stuff like this i love it so much,,, also this movie looks fucking beautiful holy shit
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i really like this part because like, Garfield didn't develop his bizarrely huge diet over time. dude was BORN with it. and like look at that look on Jon's face, he looks like he hasn't even finished processing what just happened yet and is just staring into the mist wondering what and how and why that happened. beautiful. also that second image is really funny to me it should have a silly ominous text post caption on it
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also this shot, i didn't notice it the first time but holy shit the look of absolute HORROR on Jon's face!! he is witnessing the TRUE extent of Garfield's powers and he is NOT ready for it man i love this shot so much
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okok so what i REALLY LOVE about this specific shot is that it reminds me of a classic Garfield strip where Jon is attempting to give Garfield a bath!! here's the strip it reminds me of:
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Jon doesn't actually wear anything but like. the fact that he has to go through so much preparation to give Garfield a bath so he doesn't claw him up in the movie, it just has to be a reference to this strip it's gotta be man i'm betting money on it. also hiii Lyman :)
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this scene is so fucking pretty!!! look at the warm colours! it feels so homely and it's exactly how i feel reading my dad's old Garfield comic books! all the warm bright colours and gentle lighting, all the freshly baked lasagna that i really wanna eat because it's so delicious looking.... how can people say that Jon doesn't feed Garfield when he is RIGHT THERE grating extra cheese for him because he knows Garfield likes extra everything in his lasagna. such a sweet adorable man :') i'd like to see ihatejonarbuckle make a good rebuttal to THIS
there's some other neat little references in this movie too, like the Stuck On You plushies made by Dakin being referenced with Garfield smacking into a car after his dad throws him out of a train,
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and a reference to the giant Garfield balloon at a Macy's Thanksgiving parade that makes me think that 'Garfield' the comic is canon in this movie, it's created by Jon (cause y'know he's supposed to be a cartoonist) and it's based off his own stories with Garfield and it is now an international phenomenon like in our world. neat!
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the question is though, does Garfield know he's a worldwide sensation or does he have absolutely no idea? it'd be funny if it was the latter option honestly cause he'd be extremely confused yet flattered as to why there's a random giant balloon dedicated to him in the city
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so the big dude on the left is Garfield's dad, but also, this reminds me of this other Garfield comic where Garfield meets his former self from 1978 and they proceed to eat all the food in the fridge together. thought that was cool :D
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(it'd be really funny if this was Garfield's dad and he was messing with Garfield by telling him they are one in the same haha)
oh yeah and here's the two of them eating everything in Jon's fridge from the movie:
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see what i mean? there's a similarity there and i think it's really funny. also Jon's probably thinking "wtf there's two of them now???" like Garfield got so fat that he just split into two cats or something lol
so! does it look like a good movie? abso-fucking-lutely yes!!! i am SO excited to go see this one! i think this is the best Garfield media we've gotten in YEARS! i love the colours and the shots, i love the slight modern redesign they gave Jon, Odie looks a little weird but he's still super fun and adorable, and while i do find it odd that the Garfield balloon looks more like Garfield than he does, i do like how expressive the characters' eyes are and it's miles better than the previous 3D Garfs we got! i really wanna see this movie and boy am i going to be RAVING about it for WEEKS this blog will be FILLED with Garfield for the next few weeks when this goes digital!! super jazzed to see it!!
and with that, here's one more comparison that i think is extremely funny:
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thepringlesofblood · 3 months
so. i watched the trailers for the A:TLA live action netflix series. i went in expecting nothing, and I gotta admit some parts look intriguing. the casting, the set, the bending, the costuming, all look pretty cool. not a big fan of the cgi or how it always seems to be the dead of night in the fire nation, but i was considering watching the first episode at least, out of curiosity and mild respect.
then I saw Zuko's scar.
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I thought well, it is really dark, I should wait to get a better look at it before totally freaking out.
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are. are you kIDDING ME?
[important: I know nothing about this actor, this aint a dunk on him, I doubt he had a lot of input into his makeup.]
for reference, here is zuko in the OG show.
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zuko’s scar isn’t a fucking bad eyeshadow job. His ear is half-melted. It takes up like 1/4-1/3 of his face. It’s not just his eye - it’s his cheekbones, it’s his forehead, it’s all down the side of his head, boy should not have a second eyebrow! I swear to god if they spend their money animating each individual hair on appa but don’t bother to get something as iconic and central to the series as zuko’s scar right? it'd be like messing up Spock's ears, except real-life people don't have Spock ears and struggle with how they are perceived by society because of it.*
*that I know of. maybe there's a secret Spock ears genetic condition I don't know about in which case I apologize
also... there was this bit. we get a quick flash of this shot
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ok, we know this shot. we've seen this shot. it's the agni kai where zuko gets his scar. note the relative positions of the two people, and what the floor looks like.
then a little later, we get this shot
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it's clearly the same scene. it's ozai burning zuko. but. why is there fire on both sides of zuko? it looks like he's deflecting it. like he's fighting back.
it. it is so so so important for zuko's arc and character growth that he refuses to fight his father in his first agni kai. he shows mercy when ozai does not. he is a child - he does not think to defend himself against his own father. throughout his whole arc, the whole show, but most especially season 1, it is so important to remember that the last time he showed mercy and humility, he literally got burned. that's why he's so aggressive and angry and scared and defensive.
so. why is he defending himself? is this why his scar is less pronounced? because they decided to mess with established history?
maybe we can give them the benefit of the doubt and say this is a different agni kai, or zuko re-imagining how it could've gone, or something, but like. why choose to show this then?
further rant below the cut bc its very long I haven't felt righteous fury this strong in a while
I just. I personally don’t have a facial scar or birthmark or anything, but when Hollywood sugarcoats or makes them look less “gross” or “obvious” it’s a real fuck you to people out there who do have obvious scars, birthmarks, differences, that don’t fall into the neat lines of what is considered “presentable” by the film industry. It’s important that it’s not downplayed bc then the people who see themselves in the original get betrayed by the adaptation that tells them they’re not pretty enough or that they’re “too much” to be seen on tv in live action.
Excuses I have seen thus far (mostly on reddit admittedly)
“They didn’t want to make it look too gruesome so that kids would want to watch it too" Think about that sentiment for 10 seconds, and tell me what it says to people out there who have scars like this. Are they too “scary” to be seen by children? Is their existence automatically PG-13? Something horrible and uncontrollable happened to zuko, and because of that, his life and body are irrevocably changed. People with scars like his who related to and felt seen by his representation and the way he struggles with acceptance, both by himself and by others, will receive the message that can only happen for people with less “gruesome” scars than that. Seriously.
“Of course it’s going to look different in real life vs in animation” Yes, it will. I’m not talking about the appearance of the burn necessarily, but the extent of it. The new series has it limited mostly to his eye. His ear and eyebrow are unaffected, as are his cheekbones and forehead. That is not the case in the animated show. I’m not expecting a big monochrome pink and purple blotch like there is in the OG show - animated visual shorthand is different from live action. But it should look like burned skin. And it should be as extensive as it was - it goes over his ear and eyebrow, and partway down his cheek. the whole point of it is that it’s big and unavoidable and horrifying, and that zuko was a 13 year old kid who didn’t deserve it, but now is stuck with it. That’s war. That’s what ozai is capable of.
“The makeup would be too hard” It really wouldn’t, especially not for something as important to the series as this. Zuko’s scar is central to ATLA as a whole - a symbol of the cruelty of his father and the fire nation, and more importantly his survival and eventual resistance to it. Even if it did take extra time to apply, which I don’t think it would, I’d say it’d be worth it. I’ve seen cosplays and Halloween costumes [and this excellent fan film] without access to a professional makeup and prosthetics team that looked closer to show accurate than what they’ve currently got going.
Let me also point you to examples of both comparable and much more dramatic makeup/prosthetics used regularly (as in every episode, every week, for many years) on 2 shows with smaller budgets, older technology (as in, from the 1990s), and many more seasons: Star Trek: the next generation & ds9
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trust me. they can do it. this is a choice.
“What it if made it hard for him to act?” See above for examples of other actors in much more dramatic prosthetics crushing it.
"Well at least it's better than the other live action adaptation"
that CANNOT be the bar we measure things by. standing still and doing nothing is also better than getting brained with a shovel: that doesn't mean it's good.
"He has darker skin than the animated Zuko. the burn probably blends in more."
that's not how burn scars work. it's not just a darkening of the skin - the skin itself is fundamentally changed in texture and color. and again, even if the burn has a different general appearance, it should at least be as big and extensive as it is in the OG show, and it's clearly not.
“They probably didn’t want to shave his eyebrow” No, really I saw this as a point on a Reddit post. Drag queens and cosplayers have been making their eyebrows disappear and reappear for decades without access to a professional makeup and prosthetics team. He’ll be fine I swear.
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10 11 (but who's counting?) QL actors and characters that make my brain vibrate in interesting ways.
I haven't been tagged directly, but I want to do it, so I'm taking @blmpff's post here, @my-rose-tinted-glasses's post here, and @colourme-feral's post here as permission to do what I want. 😏 (Yes, it took seeing three posts tagging everyone to get me to do this - thank you)
Look, my ass is mostly ace, but these people have me leaning into the horny. They could all probably and for different reasons get me to say yes, under the right circumstances.
In no particular order:
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Billy Patchanon (as Nuea in SCOY and Phaya in The Sign) - this kiss rewired something in my brain. There's just something about a person who oozes desire. And he does it so well. Also, also, that saunter while taking off his vest in the rooftop fight scene in The Sign 🥵
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Choi Yu Na (Song Ji Oh) and Jang Jae Young (Park Seo Ham) Semantic Error - No, you can't make me pick one. Disaster bisexuals with piercings and tattoos and attitude. I realised I was some flavour of queer due to a very pretty lady with lots of piercings when I was in uni, so piercings are my forever weakness.
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Tiffy (Zorzo Nathanan) in Lovely Writer - bisexual biker, yes please! Perfect character, no notes.
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Poppy Ratchapong (in anything ever, but especially in YYY) - dude is ripped as hell, so good at character acting, and so pretty in a dress. Ummm, I'm looking disrespectfully, sir.
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Mild Lapassalan (Miw in 3 Will Be Free) - I will watch anything with Mild in it just for her. Miw in particular could step on me and I'd thank her.
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Ohm Pawat (Pat in Bad Buddy) - I've had a thing for him since Make it Right (I know, I know) and it's just gotten bigger with Bad Buddy. His shirtless gym videos, you agree.
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Joss Wayar (Neo in 3 Will Be Free) - yes, yes, I know the gif is from the Vampire promo trailer, but! Hear me out - anyone who can make Gawin look small is tall enough to climb. And that does things to me.
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Yoshi Rinrada (Sand in The Sign) - She's just so pretty 😍 and her banter with Yai is so real and fun.
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Maeda Kentaro (Ohara Yamato in Kimi ni wa Todokanai) - There are beauty marks on his face. And he is a ballroom dancer who also has a blackbelt in karate. You know he can move.
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Xiang Hao Ting from History 3: Make Our Days Count (Wayne Song) - Yes the end of this show leaves me in tears every time (that's why we have fanfic). This giant puppy deserves so much better! Also excellent at the making me believe he wants his acting partner carnally.
Ok, I'm going to stop there. If you see this and want to do it, but haven't been tagged - what are you waiting for???? This is your invitation to join us in horny jail 😎
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leelei1980 · 10 months
Cabin Fever🌶️
🚤- Prompt for @oneforthemunny ‘s Summer Writing Game
🛑Mature Content- 18+Smut Warning- Minors DNI🛑
TW: P in V ( Remember to wrap before ya tap people), fingering, oral- I think that covers all the bases!
" This weekend is going to be absolutely perfect." You smile as you throw your suitcase into the back of Eddies van.
Steve Harrington had graciously offered that you and Eddie stay at his Parents cabin on Lovers Lake, no one else was using it and he knew that the two of you could use a little time away but couldn't really afford to go anywhere, so this was perfect. This meant that you would be watching the Sunrise and set on the lake from your own Private beach, on your own private dock and Steve even threw in the use of his Father’s boat.
The week had been long and work had been rough , but none of that mattered now. You were going to be spending a nice , quiet, well maybe not quiet, relaxing weekend away with Eddie Munson.
" You packed an entire suitcase full of clothes, Sweetheart? That might be overkill, I don't think you'll be wearing much this weekend." Eddie smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close.
You draped your arms around his neck and lightly kissed his lips. " I'm sure I won't, but I packed an awful lot of pretty little things. A variety of lacy, silky things, because a girl has got to have options."
" I really like the sounds of that." He leaned in and kissed you again, then slapped your ass." Let's not waste any time!" Eddie threw in a small backpack with his belongings then shut the back door. He walked around and opened the side door for you." Your chariot awaits, m'lady."
The log cabin was absolutely gorgeous. It blew your mind how someone could own such a beautiful property and not use it. There was a spacious porch on the front, a fire pit with Adirondack chairs around it, hammocks, and as promised a private beach with a dock, and a really nice boat tied to it.
" So this will do." Eddie surveyed the property, hands on hips a big smile on his face. " If the outside is this nice imagine what the inside looks like."
" Let's go find out!"
You ran up the deck and Eddie opened the door with the key that Steve gave him.
" Holy shit."
It was absolutely amazing inside. Big stone fireplace, and beautiful living area ,nice kitchen with shiny new appliances. You ran down the hallway hand in hand and looked in the master bedroom, it was huge with a four post bed, attached bathroom with a huge tub.
" How can someone have all this and not use it? This is fucking amazing."
" I'm totally taking a bubble bath in that tub!"
" I am totally fucking you in that giant bed! And in front of the fireplace-"
" Absolutely. Baby, this is going to be the best weekend ever."
Eddie clapped his hands together. "Let's get this party started."
You went out and unloaded the van, bringing in our food and clothing and got it put away in record time.
" Why don't you go run us some bath water Sweetheart and I will get a fire started for when we get out."
You raised an eyebrow at him." Do you know how to start a fire?"
Eddie scoffed." Do I know how to start a fire. Did Wayne not tell you about my pyro stage when I was younger?"
You laugh." No!"
" Oh yeah, you know that shed behind the trailer?"
You furrowed your eyebrows together. "I don't remember seeing a shed-"
" That's because it isn't fucking there, I accidentally burnt it down when I was 12. I was fucking around with some matches and a roman candle firework I bought from a kid at school. I lit the fucker, it shot off into the shed and it caught on fire. I was so fucking scared, I tried to put it out with the hose but I couldn't. The neighbor called the fire department and I had to call Wayne at work and tell him what I did."
You smiled." What a little Shit!"
" I promise I won't burn the place down."
" Ok, I trust you." You went into the kitchen and popped open a bottle of champagne that you brought and rummaged through the cupboards for some fancy flutes. " I will meet you in the tub."
" Be right there Princess!"
The bath was heavenly, soaking while being wrapped in Eddie's arms. Between the tub and the Champagne you were completely relaxed. It was wonderful. And now it was time to surprise Eddie with a racy little number from overpacked suitcase. You decided on a red silk nighty and a matching red thong. You loved the way the material felt against your skin.
" Hey big boy, you got room for one more down there?"
Eddie was sitting on a blanket that he had laid out in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a robe and drinking the last of the champagne when he looked over and saw you. You could see his eyes widen to the size of saucers in the firelight.
" Holy shit Kitten, you look fucking exquisite."
You smiled." This old thing?" You slowly walked over than knelt down next to him on the blanket.
He licked his lips, then reached out and cradled your breasts in his hands.The soft silk brushing against your breast automatically made your nipples hard.
" Fuck Sweetheart." He scrambled to his knees and brushed the hair off your shoulder,slid the strap of your nighty down and started kissing your neck. "Your so fucking soft, " he murmured into your skin." and you smell so fucking good, I could eat you right up." He lightly bit your shoulder and it sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel his hands under the silk sliding the nightgown up and over your head. His eyes roamed all over your body, and though he had seen you like this many times before, his expression, the look in his eyes was always like he was seeing you for the first time. It was so sweet. And then he comes out with, " Your wearing a fucking thong? Jesus Christ! Do you know what your doing to me?"
You laugh." Why do you think I'm wearing it Eds? But honestly, I don't know why I even bother wearing any of this stuff. I put it on and you literally take it off 2 seconds later. Some of those outfits take forever to put on-"
" Those fucking corsets. Look so fucking hot but take so fucking long to unhook. 50 clasps keeping me from one of the things I love the most."
" I remember the time you lost your shit trying to unhook them in a hurry.You kept fumbling-"
" Like a fucking amateur. I just wanted your titties so fucking bad-"
" That you cut the corset off with scissors! I got that little number specifically for Valentine's Day-"
" I know darling, it was in the heat of the moment. I apologized."
" You did. Don't worry, everything I packed for this weekend is easy access."
Eddie smirked." Can you do me a favor Sweetheart?"
You raise an eyebrow at him. " Always, what is it?"
" Turn around so I can see that sweet ass."
" Take off your robe and I will."
" So demanding, I like it." He smiled. His robe was off in seconds and then it was your turn.
You slowly turn your back to him, lean forward and stretch like a kitten, ass in the air. You hear a rumble from deep in his chest and you smile to yourself, you knew exactly what you were doing. You turned and looked over shoulder at him, biting your lip and the expression on his face was priceless.
He was a total goner. Eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, hands reaching out in slow motion.
" Baby, you still with me?"
" Your so fucking hot. " he snapped out of it and ran his hand over the rounds of your ass. He looked up at you, biting his lip.
" Go ahead and slap it, I know you want to."
He smiled and slapped your ass. The sting of it sent a rush through your body. " I'm going to tear that fucking thong off you with my teeth-"
You snickered. " I'm waiting."
" Your so fucking cheeky tonight." He slaps your ass again and you whimper but not from pain, he softy rubs at the handprint that he left. " Ya good Princess?"
" I'd be better if you were fucking me."
You looked back over your shoulder and winked.
Eddie smirked." Your driving me insane." He pressed himself up against you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up so that your back was flush with his chest, he ran his hands up your rib cage and squeezed your breasts.
" Mmm, what are you waiting for." You breathe,
He nibbled on your ear." Just contemplating how I'm going to fuck you Doll, do I want to take you from behind, so I can watch your ass bounce as I bury myself deep inside you, or do I flip you over so I can watch you fuckin come undone as I pound into you-"
" Enough chit chat Munson, I want you inside me."
You felt him growl against you and in an instant you were being spun around and laid on the floor. He attacked you with his mouth, kissing and licking and nipping at your skin, starting at your mouth and feverishly working his way down your body, his kisses and nibbles giving you goosebumps. When he reached the waistband of your thong he stopped, looked up at you with his big brown eyes, smiled mischievously and grabbed at the lace with his teeth.
You smiled and kept eye contact with him as he slowly pulled them halfway down with his teeth then slid them off the rest of the way.
" I told you I would tear it off with my teeth." He beamed.
" You sure did baby. You always keep your word."
" Fucking right I do. And now, I'm going to make you cum multiple times, because I'm feeling super generous even though your being extra needy and impatient," he kissed your stomach, then each one of your hips, the mound between your legs, the soft skin of your inner thighs then he slowly licked your slit. " Your fucking soaked Sweetheart." You gasp as he flicks at your clit with his tongue.
" You taste so fucking sweet Princess,"he murmured into you, his breath only intensifying the sensation. Your heart started to race as you felt his hand slide along your inner thigh, his thumb slowly circling your little bud and two of his fingers slipping inside.
" Oh fuck, baby-" you moan , weaving your fingers into his hair, his expert tongue and fingers have your hips bucking up as he lapped and worked his fingers inside you, slightly curling them so that they were hitting just the right spot.
" Eddie, I'm going to cum-"
" Cum Sweetheart," he circled his thumb again and it was enough to send you over the edge. You groaned as your orgasm shook your body," That's it, that's my girl, I've got you, let yourself go."
You felt like you were melting into the the floor, your body limp and loose but still humming with want and need. "Baby, I need you-"
" Don't you worry Darlin, "  Eddie leaned down and lightly kissed the tip of your nose, then your lips. " I made you a promise." He lined up his cock with your entrance and buried himself inside you. He was so hard, and so thick and he filled you so perfectly. You were still so wet that he pounded into you with ease.
" Oh fuck,you feel so fucking good, your perfect, tight little pussy, taking me so fucking well."
You wrapped your arms and legs around him, pulling him to you,wanting his body as close to yours as possible, needing that skin to skin contact.
You slid your hand up behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss,tongues swirling,teeth nipping, it was hot and sloppy and it was perfect.
Eddie moaned into your mouth as he slowly rolled his hips into you, his cock gliding along your walls as you clenched around him.
" Fuuuucck-" he mumbled against your lips." Feels so good, so fucking good."
" Mmmmm,Baby." Was all you could manage, you could feel yourself starting to fall apart as he thrusted into you and whispered sweetly into your ear.
" Your so fucking perfect Sweetheart. I love you so fucking much-"
You felt the wave of pleasure wash over you," Eddie, oh god-"
" Is my sweet girl going to cum again?" He continued pounding into you until you both came together.
You pulled his head to your chest and ran your fingers through his hair as you caught your breath. He sighed, satisfied and content.
" Do you know why I love you Edward Herman Munson?"
He laughed." Baby that is not my middle name- "
" Well until you tell me what it really is I will make up a new one every time-"
" It's fuckin dorky, it's embarrassing."
" Can't be any dorkier than the ones I give you- well anyway, Edward Ulysses Munson, do you know why I love you so much?"
" I would love to know, please enlighten me Sweetheart." He slowly rolls off of you and props himself up on his side, facing you eyes half closed with smile on his face.
" I could go on and on, but I will give you the key points, first of all- you are insanely good looking- so fucking sexy, your a bigger nerd than me and I appreciate that, you are a very talented guitarist-"
" Princess your going to make me blush-"
You smile." You have the sweetest smile and the biggest-"
" Cock?"  He interrupts, A shit eating grin spreading across his face.
" I was going to say biggest heart, but yeah, you have a very impressive cock."
" Thanks Doll."
" Welcome Baby. " You lean over and kiss him again because he's just so goddamn adorable you can't help yourself. " I love how-"
" I give you multiple orgasms?"
You chuckle." That too, you are the best lover I have ever had. Your very generous. And I love how you love me."
He rolled onto his back and pulled you on top of him." Well that's good Baby , because I plan on loving you for a long, long time."
That next morning the two of you slept in, made love and lazed around, it was amazing. You made breakfast while Eddie sat outside on the deck, drinking his coffee and playing his acoustic guitar. You watched out the window, lightly strumming and quietly singing and it melted your heart. You loved seeing him relaxed, the man was always wound up.
He smiled when you joined him on the deck with two plates stacked with pancakes .
" Smells so fucking good."
" I put extra syrup on yours, I know you like them super sweet, like me." You wink.
" Fucking right Cupcake." He cut into the hot cakes and took a big bite. His eyes fluttered and and he groaned. " Goddamn Baby, you make a mean pancake."
" My specialty." You take a bite and nod." Yummy."
" So I was thinking maybe after breakfast we could take that sweet ass boat out for a spin?"
" Do you know how to drive a boat?"
" Would I take you out on it if I didn't?"
" Probably, just because I know you want to drive it."
" Baby-"
" Ok we will go for a ride around the lake. I could use a little sun anyway."
Eddie smiled, mouthful of pancakes. "Awesome, will you be the Gilligan to my Skipper?"
" Absolutely."
" Perfect!"
You finished up breakfast,changed into your bathing suits, grabbed a radio and a few other items you knew you might need and you were off. Much to your surprise Eddie seemed to know exactly what he was doing, so you sat back and relaxed and enjoyed the scenery.
The water was calm, and the breeze was cool, it was a beautiful day to be out on Lover's Lake.
" This is so fucking relaxing." Eddie kicked back in his seat and smiled at you.
" Yeah it is, I could totally fall asleep out here." You took the sunblock out of your tote and started applying it. You smirked as you watched Eddies eyes follow your hands as they glided over your body.  You made sure to take your time applying it on your chest, your legs. You went over and straddled his lap, grinding into him as you gently pulled his head forward to put his hair into a messy bun and give him a face full of cleavage. You heard him moan and it brought a smile to your face. " I've got to take care of my Baby."
" Your so fucking good to me Sweetheart."
You grab the sunblock and squirt some into your hand then rub it onto his tatted body, shoulders, chest, abs,his head rolls back as you work further down to his happy trail. His skin was glistening and you could see his core muscles tighten as your hand glided lower towards his waistband. He was so fucking sexy.
You look around, you guys were literally out in the middle of the lake and there was not another boat in sight. You kissed his neck and continued to grind into him. You could feel how hard he was through the thin fabric of your bathing suit. The friction, the pornographic sounds spilling from his lips, the " Oh Fuck's.", and "Jesus Christ Princess," as you kissed and nipped and at him , his hands squeezing and pinching your tits was enough to get you off. You groaned as you rolled your hips into him.
" Sweetheart, I'm going to cum in my shorts if you don't stop-"
" Don't cum Eddie," you breathed , "I have plans for that cock." You reached down between the two of you and slid your hand under the waistband of your bathing suit bottom. Your finger slipped easily through your slit and you slowly circled your clit. You groaned.
" Holy shit Princess, I'm so fucking hard right now-" he slid his hands under your bikini top and ran his thumbs over your nipples. That sent your body into a spiral.
You threw your head back." Eddie-"
" Are you cumming? "
You bit your lip and nodded.
" Jesus Christ." Eddie rocked your hips with his big hands as you rode out your orgasm.
You bashfully buried your face in his neck. " I guess I kind of got caught up in the moment Baby, sorry."
" Why are you apologizing. That was the hottest thing I have ever seen. When I saw you slip your hand down the front of your bottoms- Fuck Sweets. Can you feel how fucking hard I am?"
" I can, why do you think I got off so quickly. Baby it was hitting just right."
Eddie smiled. "Glad to be of service."
You smiled. " Now it's your turn." You  slid your body off his lap and onto your knees in front of him, disappearing under the hull of the boat.You tugged at his swim trunks and freed his aching cock from its restraints. You didn't waste any time, you kitten licked the tip, lapped at his shaft than took him into your mouth.
" Oh fuck, oh god-" he wound his hand into your hair and lightly guided your head as you bobbed back and forth, taking in as much as you can, eyes watering. " Look at me Darling,-"
You lock eyes as you pull off with a pop then licked the length of his shaft . You saw his eyes flutter but never close. You slide your lips back around his dick.
" God you look pretty with my cock in your mouth. Mmmmm...Fuck."
You cradled his balls in your hand and swirled your tongue. You felt his hips buck, you heard him panting,then you felt his warm release spill down your throat. His body went limp and you looked up to see him sprawled back in his seat.
" How was that Baby?"
" Fucking amazing. Thank you kitten."
You smile up at him then crawled out from under the hull. " It's hot under there, I'm going for a little swim!" You ran than dove off the back of the boat. Moments later you were joined by Eddie. He wrapped his arms around you and you both bobbed along in the water.
You swam until your fingers were wrinkled then boarded the boat again.
“ Want to take another spin around the Lake Sweetheart?” Eddie asked wrapping you in a towel.
“ Aye, Aye Captain!”
“ Well alright, let’s go.” Eddie sat in the driver’s seat and started the boat back up while you got nice and comfy sprawled out on a long bench seat. The wind was in your hair and the sun felt magnificent on your skin. This had been a wonderful day. And then it wasn’t.
The boat started to slow down, started sputtering and chugging. You looked over at Eddie and you could see worry and confusion in his eyes.
“ Eddie, what is happening?”
“ Uhhhhh…not quite sure Sweetheart.” He started frantically pointing at and checking the knobs and dials on the dash. He nervously laughed. “ I, uh, think I figured out the problem Princess. It appears that, ah fuck, we uh, have run out of gas.”
You laugh.” Ha ha Eds, very funny.”
“ Ohhh I’m not joking , Sweets, I wish I were. We are 100% out of gas.” His wide eyes met yours.
“ You’ve got to be fucking kidding me Eddie? You didn’t check to see how much gas we had before we left?”
Eddie ran his hands over his face in frustration.”No, I didn’t. Harrington said we were all set. What kind of Dumbass leaves someone a boat that doesn’t have a full tank of gas?”
“ Apparently Steve.” You sigh. You really wanted to ask what kind of dumbass takes a boat out without checking the gas but you knew he already felt bad enough about the whole situation so you weren’t about to add salt to the wound. “ So what do we do Eddie?”
“ Fuck Baby, I don’t fucking know. Can you give me a minute Doll? Let me try to to come up with a plan?” He leaned forward and cradled his head in his hands.
“ Absolutely baby.” You went over and rubbed his shoulders, trying to be helpful but also battling with the panic you felt rising in your chest. So you were stuck in the middle of the lake, you hadn’t seen anyone for hours, at least you brought water and snacks in your tote.
You looked around and noticed that there were paddles, but surely the boat was way too heavy to just paddle around. You started searching the boat, looking under every seat, every space until you found an bin with an emergency kit.
“ Well, we have have a flare!” You state trying to sound optimistic.
“ I can’t believe I got us into this fucking mess. Goddamn it! I’m such a dumbass!” Eddie slammed his hands down on the steering wheel .
“ Baby it’s fine, it’s not like we are out on the ocean or marooned on a deserted island.” You went up and kissed the top of his head, then chuckled.” Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip….” You sang the theme song to Gillian’s Island.
“ Jesus,” he laughed. “ Your not supposed to be cheering me up, your supposed to be pissed at me for fucking this up.”
“ Being pissed about it isn’t going to get us to shore, so let’s just chalk it up to us having an adventure.” You reached into your tote bag and pulled out a thermos of water. “ Here, take a drink and eat a snack.”
“ That’s you answer to our emergency?”
“ For now, yup.” You threw him a granola bar and watched him open it and take a bite, than take a sip of water. You started rifling through the emergency bin. “ Fuck yeah!” You smiled as you pulled out a walkie from a backpack. “ What are the chances that there is any charge left in this thing?”
“ I think Harrington took the squirts out fishing last weekend-“ he took it from your hands and turned it on. “ Yes! “ he pushed on the talk button. “Hello? Is anyone there? This is a code red, do you here me? A code red! Henderson? Wheeler? Anybody?”
You waited a moment for a response, and you saw Eddie’s shoulders sink.
“ Eddie? Is that you?” There was a voice on the other end, it sounded like Erica Sinclair.
“ Erica! Is Lucas there? I don’t know how much longer this thing is going to work-“
“ His stupid ass is at Dustin’s house-“
“ Erica, we are stuck in the middle of Lovers Lake, our boat is out of gas-“
“ Your dumbass didn’t check the gauge before you left?”
You laughed. This girl was something else.
“ Clearly I did not. Can you call Steve and let him know we are stranded? We need gas.”
“ Yeah I’ll call him, you owe me Eddie, you owe me ice cream the rest of the summer whenever I want-“
“ Yeah yeah, I get it, just please call Steve.”
“ I will . Your welcome by the way.”
“ Your my hero.”
“ Just sit back and hold your horses. Over and out or whatever your supposed to say.”
A huge wave of relief washed over Eddies face. “ Thank god for fucking Henderson and his goddamn walkies.”
You flopped into a seat,relieved.” Help is on the way. Now we just sit back and wait.” You open a bag of chips and popped on in your mouth.
“ Thank god you kept a cool head Princess.” Eddie comes over to sit beside you.
“ We are in this together Munson.” You put a chip in his mouth and watch him chomp down on it.
“ We are a good team. I’m fucking lucky to have you. “ He kissed your salty chip lips.
“ Maybe you are.” You winked at him.
“ Sooo what are we going to do while we wait?”
“ Snack-“
“ Fuck?” Eddie smirked.
“ How about we save that for when we get back to dry land?”
“ Fair enough.”
The two of you snacked and chatted and laughed and still managed to have a good time despite the circumstances and within an hour and a half Steve and Dustin were heading towards you in a much smaller boat with a gas can.
“ Before you say a goddamn word to me about not checking the tank, let me remind you that you told me I was all set, with everything-“ Eddie pointed at Steve.
“ Yeah , yeah , yeah. I will take partial blame for this one. I forgot that I took the kids out and didn’t refill the tank. But don’t worry, I will have you up and running again in minutes.”
Steve definitely knew what he was doing and had the boat primed and ready to go in no time.
“ You guys enjoying the cabin? I don’t need any of the horny details-“ Steve put his hands out in front of him.
“ It’s been amazing. Thank you so much. It’s just what we needed. “ You smiled at him.” I promise we will leave it spotless.”
“ Don’t worry about it, we’ll just call the maid that we have come and clean it after it gets used-“
You raised your eyebrows at him.” You have a maid?”
“ Yeah, she’s more like a cleaning lady-“
“ Same thing-“ Dustin scoffed.
“ She stops in and checks on the place from time to time, stocks it when she knows my parents are going to be there.”
“ Ahhh, to be rich.” Eddie snorted.“ Oh, by the way, which room is yours?”
“ Why do you need to know that?”
“ Because I want to snoop around in your drawers-“
“ You want to fuck on my bed! You dirty fucking dog ! Nope, no way! First the chair in my room, then my pool house, I’m not going to let you taint my cabin bedroom too. I’m going to beat you back to the cabin and lock the door to my room-“
“ Your going to beat me back there in that little dingy? Good luck.”
You rolled you eyes and Eddie laughed.
You knew Eddie was just trying to rile Steve up, it was what he did best.
“ I mean it Eddie, stay out of my room!”
Eddie smiled at me. “ Better hold on Sweetheart.”
“ You should atleast give him a head start. It would be the sportsman like thing to do.”
“ Your right. Ok Harrington, you get a head start.”
Steve fired up his motor and took off, causing Dustin to fall back into the seat. You laughed when Dustin cursed.
“ Out of respect we can’t have sex in his room, he was nice enough to let us use the cabin-“
“ I agree but he doesn’t need to know that. There are plenty of other places we can fuck in that house.”
“ Your so romantic.”
He gave you a shit eating grin.” That’s why you love me. Now hold on baby, we are going to see what this boats got.” He cupped his hands around his mouth.” Ready or not, here we come!”
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As always I love comments and re-blogs❤️Thanks for reading ❤️
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thesimulacrasimp · 4 months
I just watched the first 2 eps of hazbin hotel so im gonna shout out my thoghts abt it. There will be mostly my opinion abt voices and songs n few others things. There also will be screenshots so..
Ok so idk how to start it. Ig ill start with voices
I really like new Charlies voice and her character changes in general. She acts and sounds like a disney princess, but with swears. Shes not just some naive little girl now, SHES A DISNEY PRINCESS WHO CAN SWEAR :DDD
Ok is it just me or Angels voice sound like- exact same like in the pilot? Maybe its just me. But i actually like it! Idk what else to say srry
Ok, Alastor- u may not be agree with me but i dont like his new laugh. Everything else in the voice is okay but i just always really liked og Alastors laugh and now its kinda meh, im sorry
Adam is a freaking bastard n i dont like him as a character, but his voice is AMAZING, especially when he sings (his voice was literally made for metal songs), n its really befitting his character (also his little song was amazing too, my 2nd fav of all songs so far)
Sir Pentious' voice situation is kinda the same as Alastors. Im okay with it but i like the original one more.
I really like Velvettes voice its really befitting her! Well gotta say everyone from VVV have awesome voices that really befitting their characters.
Valentino (idk if i spelled his name correctly)--- as with Adam, I dont like his character (fuck abusive partners), but his voice is cool, its exactly how i expected him to sound like. The only thing i didnt expect is his accent which goes like: "UngRRRateful whoRRRe!! D:<" idk why its funny to me sorry--- Also as i said early his voice is really befitting that type of people whos actin like: "cmon babe come back, i miss youuuu 🥺🥺🥺💔💔" *5 secs later* "COME BACK U STUPID WHORE, U GREESY BITCH—,
and omg... Vox....... Yk why i saved him for last? Cuz im gonna talk bout him ALOT. I already really loved his voice when i first heard it in the trailer, but when he appeared on screen I JUST FEEL IN LOVE. Not only his voice by itself is amazing, BUT ITS ALSO BECOMES STATIC N GLITHES WHEN HES ANGRY❗❗
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(ok im gonna shut up now-)
Another thing i wanna talk about is how fucking TERRIFYING Alastors demon form looks. JUST LOOK AT IT. ITS SO FCKIN HORRIFYING
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also i really didnt expect to see sir Pentious cry-- its actually made my heart melt.
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And the last song is really cute ❤️
soooo yeah! thats my thoughts so far, I didnt wanna put my thoghts on lore cuz it would be too much spoilers. (also if i didnt talk about voices of some characters, that means i like them and/or okay with them)
My review/thoughts on eps 3-4
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
My review/thoughts on eps 7-8
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Adventures in Babysitting
A/N- I have never in my life wanted kids but Eddie gives me the WORST case of baby fever🫣
Summary- Eddie needs your help after he agrees to watch his neighbors kid
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- Mentions of pregnancy (not the reader)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @hellfirewh0re @paola-carter @whiplaaaaaaaaash @ladyapplejackdnd @thatlonelypieceoftoast @efvyqrs
Words- 3.3k
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(ugh i’m so upset i couldn’t find the gif i used before 😭 it was so cute)
You sat at the kitchen table finishing up whatever was left of your homework from yesterday. College was definitely a lot harder than all your teachers from high school said, but it made life a whole lot easier when you got to pick your classes. Thankfully during high school you were pretty responsible with your money, saving up whenever you could to afford to send yourself to college right after graduation. Nowhere too fancy, just a local community college, but it was nice being able to still hang out with your friends during the week and still have time to work and see Eddie.
You figured he was off with the guys, at band practice or doing one of their campaigns like they always did, it was Friday night after all. And those nerds did love getting deep into their campaigns and play late into the night. It was only about 7:30, so at this point they were probably at the halfway point.
Sighing, you closed your notebooks and put them back into your bag before the kitchen phone rang.
You stood from your seat and leaned onto the wall as you pulled it off of the handset and put it to your ear, furrowing your brow as you could hear a baby crying,
“(y/n)? Oh thank god,” It was Eddie, and he sounded frantic, “listen i need you to come over and help me with this.”
You shook your head in disbelief, not fully understanding what was happening over on Eddie’s side,
“Help? With what? And why does it sound like you have a baby?! Are you babysitting?”
“I’m not babysitting! One of my neighbors asked if i’d watch her kid while she went out to do some stuff, she said she’d pay me so i told her i’d watch… I think her name’s Beth.”
You giggled to yourself,
“Sweetie… that’s babysitting. And it’s nice of you to watch her baby while she’s out but what do you need my help for?”
“You babysat a lot in high school, i figured you’d know how to stop her crying better than i can. She’s been like this nonstop for 10 minutes and i don’t know what’s wrong!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed,
“Ok fine, i’ll be over in 10 minutes. Just hold her and sit on the couch until i get there, gently rock her back and forth to try and calm her down.”
You hung up the phone and quickly grabbed your bag and keys, turning out the lights as you get into your car and sped down the road to the trailer park.
It was surprising that someone trusted Eddie with a baby, and you knew he really had no experience with kids. No one ever really trusted him as a babysitter until his name was cleared, but even still, people were wary of him. He had told you before about one of his neighbors, Jennifer, a young mom who was only a few years older than the two of you, and from everything he’s said she seemed like such a kind person. And she must trust Eddie a decent amount to leave her baby with him.
As you parked your car in front of the trailer, it was eerily quiet around. The gravel crunching under your shoes, the crickets chirping in the grass, it was the calm before the storm. You walked up the steps and knocked on the door, waiting for Eddie to let you in like he always did. He opened the door and your eyes widened.
His hair was pulled back but it was still messy on top of his head, the shirt he was wearing had a little bit of spit up on the shoulder, and a tiny baby was being held in his arms. Her little hands balled up into fists as she whined and cried in her purple onesie that was a bit dirtied up from her spit up. You could see the exhaustion in his eyes,
“Thank god you’re here, what do i do?” You stepped in and closed the door behind you as Eddie went back to sit on the couch, rocking her in his arms.
“How long have you had her?”
“Only an hour, she was fine earlier! I mean she pulled at my hair so i had to put it back but i don’t know what made her start crying-“
“Jennifer’s her mom right? Did she give you a diaper bag or something?” You looked around and spotted an unfamiliar bag on the kitchen counter, quickly going to grab it and bring it into the living room, rummaging through it. You pulled out a small, soft blanket, one of her baby bottles, a new onesie to change her into, and everything you would need to change out her diaper, “I’ll take her off your hands for a bit, you lay that mat out and get all the diaper stuff set up around it and i’ll try to calm her down a bit.” You gently scooped her up into your arms and Eddie did exactly as you said as you held her close to you, petting her back to calm her as you gently bounced up and down, softly whispering to her as Eddie finished up.
“Ok, it’s all set up. Now what?”
“Now, we’re gonna change her,” You gently laid her out onto the mat and undid the buttons on her onesie, “and you can change your shirt and feed her when we’re done.”
As you started to undo the little elastics on her diaper, Eddie cringed and covered his nose, making you giggle.
“Ugh, thats her?!”
“Yes it’s her! You have to check her diaper like every 30 minutes, babies can’t really control when they go.” You cleaned her up and handed him the dirty diaper to toss, “Here, go throw this one away while i get her dressed, and then you go change.”
As he walked back into his room after tossing the dirty diaper, you slipped Beth into a new, clean onesie and grabbed her a pacifier as you picked her back up. Her crying had stopped the moment you put her back into your arms, but she was still whining as you gave her the pacifier. Her little blue eyes opened finally and you smiled as she looked up at you, petting down the wisps of dark hair on her head, whispering softly down to her as you gently bounced her in your arms,
“Shh, it’s ok sweetie…”
“You’re really good with her. Well, better than me.” Eddie said with a laugh as he walked back into the living room in a fresh shirt, his hair retied and fixed up.
“You learn a thing or two after having to watch them all the time.”
He walked over and stood behind you, looking down at Beth with a smile as she looked up to him,
“She’s real cute when she’s not crying you know.”
You giggled and turned your head to kiss his cheek,
“And you’re cute when you don’t have baby vomit on your shirt. I’ll hold her for a few, you go warm up her bottle and then you can feed her.”
“Why don’t you feed her? She seems to like you a lot more.”
“Because her mom asked you to babysit, not me, so she’s your responsibility still. I’m just here to help.” You sat on the couch as Eddie went to the kitchen to warm her bottle, “And if you’re gonna babysit, you have to know how to take care of a baby.”
You looked down at her in your arms and smiled, her little eyes wandering all around the trailer before becoming fixed on Eddie as he walked back into the living room, sitting next to you with a bottle in his hand.
“Did you heat it up right?”
“I think so? What’s the right way to do it?”
“There’s really no ‘right’ way to do it, you just have to make sure it’s not too hot for her. Put a little bit of it on the back of your hand, if it’s warm then you should be ok.”
He did as you said and wiped the spot of milk off of his hand onto his shirt,
“Fells fine.”
“Good! Now you take her,” You carefully gave her to Eddie, making sure she was comfortable in his arms as he leaned back onto the couch, “and you’re gonna make sure her head it tilted up just a little bit while you feed her.” He was following your instructions very carefully, adjusting her head slightly as it rested in the crook of his elbow.
He took the pacifier out of her mouth and replaced it with the nipple of the bottle, holding it up for her. It was finally quiet in the trailer. Peaceful.
Seeing how Eddie was being so careful with the little baby in his arms made you smile. He’d been around kids before, and he was always great with them, but taking care of a baby was an entirely different story. As she was laid peacefully in his arms, he was thinking about how her mom must feel. He was exhausted after just an hour but he couldn’t imagine how it would feel to have to take care of something so small and fragile 24/7.
As Beth drank from the bottle Eddie was holding for her, her hands reached up and her little fingers wrapped around one of his and you could feel him tense up slightly.
“You ok?”
“Yeah…” He said quietly with a gentle smile, his eyes never leaving from the baby in his arms.
You leaned your head onto his shoulder,
“I think she likes you.”
“You think so?” He said with a laugh, “She really liked yanking on my hair earlier, she’s got a tight grip!”
“Well i’m sure you liked to pull your dads hair when you were a baby,” you said with a giggle, “babies don’t know it hurts when you pull on other peoples hair.”
He smiled, but stayed quiet for a moment, deep in thought.
“Do you think i’ll be a good dad?” His eyes finally looked up from the baby in his arms and met yours. You could hear the slightest bit of fear in his voice and his eyes were glossy. He was thinking about his childhood, his parents, everything that led up to him living with his uncle. He’d never been in a situation that made him think over something like this, but holding that little girl in his arms and having her finally be so peaceful around him made him realize he really didn’t know what he was doing when it came to kids, let alone babies. His parents definitely didn’t know what they were doing with him when he was a baby.
You gave him a gentle smile and softly kissed his lips,
“You’re gonna be a great dad. It takes a lot of learning when you’re a parent but i think you’re gonna do great when we have kids.”
“But my dad-“
“You’re not him.” You cut him off quickly, wanting to destroy any thoughts of him becoming like his dad. He wasn’t someone who scared easily, but you knew that becoming like his dad was something he feared more than anything else in the world. “You’re not anything like him, and you know you’re not.”
He said nothing, only nodding before giving you a quick kiss, looking back down at Beth as she finished her bottle.
“Looks like she’s all done,” he pulled the bottle from her lips and slowly lifted her from his arms and supported her head as he laid her over his shoulder, “and i’m supposed to pat her back right?”
You nodded and gave him a gentle smile,
“Yep, but be gentle, just do it until you hear her burp.”
He patted her back for a few moments and chuckled as he heard the tiniest squeak come from her over his shoulder,
“Man, i forgot how cute babies are,” he lifted her off of his shoulder and set her upright in his lap, her little hands balled up with one of them in her mouth, “they’re so tiny. We were this tiny once.”
You laughed and reached a finger out to tickle Beth’s tummy, making her smile in Eddie’s lap. He then did the same, moving his hand down to tickle her as she giggled again.
He moved himself down onto the floor with her still sitting in his lap,
“Hey, grab one of those bigger blankets from the bag would you?”
“Yeah sure,” you stood and walked back over to the diaper bag, taking out one of the larger blankets out and laying it onto the carpet, “what for?”
He gently set her down onto the floor on her tummy and sat down before her,
“Jen said to let her crawl around for a little bit before i put her to bed, and she was looking kinda sleepy,” you sat down on the floor across from him as he laid himself out on the carpet to face Beth, her little eyes peeking up at him made him smile, “i wanna see if she’ll crawl over to me.” You could hear a hint of excitement in his voice.
You watched as he laid out on his stomach, looking at Beth across the blanket on the floor,
“Come here Beth, come on…” He tapped the spot of blanket before him to get her attention and she slowly inched her way towards him, grabbing small spots of the blanket in her little hands and kicking out behind her to push herself forward. His smile got bigger and bigger as she came closer and closer, the littlest smile on her face as she kept pushing herself forward.
There was suddenly a gentle knock on the door and you stood up from your spot on the carpet,
“I’ll get it, you stay right there.”
As you opened the door, a woman just about your height was standing there before you. Dark hair, bright blue eyes, this had to be the Jennifer that Eddie had been telling you about.
“Hi! Are you (y/n)? I’m Jennifer, i’m Beth’s mom, i just came to pick her up.”
“Hi, yeah, it’s so nice to meet you! Come on in,” you let her inside and shut the door behind her, “they’re just over here in the living room.”
As the two of you stepped in, you could see Beth’s little hands gripping onto the hair on top of Eddie’s head. Jennifer rushed over to grab Beth,
“Oh gosh, i’m sorry Eddie, i should’ve warned you that she liked to pull hair.” She said with a laugh, taking Beth into her arms after removing Eddie’s hair from her grip.
“Oh it’s no problem.” He said laughing as he stood up from the floor, folding up the blanket and getting Beth’s things together into the bag, “I’m glad i was able to give you some time away from her for a little bit, she’s adorable but i know babies must be pretty stressful.”
“Yeah, she’s a bit of a handful sometimes, but me and Matt are managing. It’s just been tough since he switched over to the night shifts at work, it’s been hard to find time to run out and get errands done but i really appreciate you watching her Eddie, it means a lot.” she reached into her purse and pulled out a few $20’s, handing them to him, “Here, it’s the least i can i do for having you take her on such short notice. And (y/n), i’ve got some for you too, i hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
“Oh, no, you don’t need to give me anything! Eddie did most of the work with her, i just came over to help, i hope you didn’t mind.”
“Of course not! To be honest, it’s the two of you i really trust with her out of everyone else in this park. Eddie was such a big help while i was pregnant and i really appreciate everything he’s done to help out me and Matt.”
You remembered a few times that Eddie told you about a couple months back. He would help her up the stairs to their door during the last few months of her pregnancy, and would even go over and mow the lawn for her while Matt was out at work, he was the only one out of everyone else in the park to help them out when they needed it.
Eddie finished gathering up Beth’s blankets and bottles into the diaper bag and handed it back over to Jennifer,
“Well, anytime you need someone to look after her, i’ll gladly take her off your hands.”
Jennifer slung the bag over her shoulder and held Beth with the other arm, her little hands reaching back out to grab for Eddie, making Jennifer giggle,
“Well it seems like she’s gonna want to see you again soon. Do you think you’d be able to watch her again next week?” She gently bounced Beth in her arm as she started to yawn, leaning her head onto her moms shoulder.
“Yeah, absolutely! I’m always here if you need a babysitter,” He said with a smile, “And don’t worry about paying me, you guys are stressed enough as it is with her and i know moneys probably pretty tight.”
“Eddie, you’re an angel, really you don’t know how much i appreciate you watching her.” Beth started to slowly drift to sleep in her moms arms, her little blue eyes closing and the pacifier in her mouth almost falling out, “I think i better get back home before she decides to wake up again, i think we both need some sleep. Thank you both again for watching her.”
“Of course! It’s no problem at all!” You said with a smile, walking with her to the front door and opening it for her, Eddie following soon after to say your goodbyes as Jennifer made her way back to her trailer with Beth over her shoulder.
You shut the door and turned back to face Eddie,
“You are too sweet, who knew ‘cult leader’ Eddie Munson was so good with babies.” You said with a giggle, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Well like you said, i should probably learn how to take care of them, especially if i’m gonna be watching her a lot more.” He smiled down at you, arms going around your waist, pulling you in closer for a kiss, “You know when we were talking earlier while i was feeding her you said ‘when we have kids’, not ‘when i have kids’… Trying to tell me something?” He smirked and raised an eyebrow, making you laugh.
“No babies! Not right now at least, but i mean, we’ve been dating for how long now? And we’re getting older, and getting into the whole ‘domestic’ kinda thing, maybe eventually we’ll have one.”
“You think so?” He held you close by the waist, his forehead resting on yours, “Might be nice to have a little (y/n) or a little Eddie running around here.”
You giggled at the thought, a little curly haired toddler running around the trailer, Eddie holding them while playing his guitar, and you know he would be the best dad he could be.
“Maybe…” You smiled and leaned up to give him another kiss before he reached his hands down and hoisted your legs up onto his waist.
You giggled and wrapped your legs around his hips, his hands firmly holding onto your ass to keep you up,
“But we definitely don’t need something like that right now, taking care of a baby 24/7 doesn’t sound like that would be too fun. Besides…” He trailed kisses up and down your neck as he carried you into his bedroom, “i think making a baby sounds like a lot more fun.”
If you’d like to read more of my work, make sure to check out my masterlist 🥰
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