#ohh to be cat with no worries or anything just meow meow
fairydrowning · 1 year
Posting some pictures of cats hanging on the trees.
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pipitwrites · 7 months
ohh i want trick or treat to if you can!!
happy halloween!! 🧡 this is. barely an outline. but i'm VERY fond of this idea ;;;;;;
ALEX does a cardcaptor sakura and accidentally opens a magical book that releases a deck of magic cards, and now he must save the world. charles is the keeper of the cards who in his magical form is a little cat and in his true form is a strange beautiful boy who wants to try all the delicious things that alex brings home.
at first, alex makes charles stay inside his apartment all day bc charles does not quite understand modern society norms and would certainly draw unwanted attention... but charles meows pitifully bc he’s curious and wants to see the world!! even if it’s from alex’s pocket. he likes alex’s pocket. alexander is smart and strong and good and obviously pure of heart to be able to open the book of cards, so of course he will find all the cards and restore order to the world!!
alex is the best person he has ever met in all of his four hundred of years, charles tells alex very seriously over soufflé pancakes covered in cream and fresh berries. alex thinks that this says more about the people that charles has met, people who have tried to use the cards (and charles) for ill. still, alex must try his best to succeed because he does not want to disappoint charles… charles is in many ways so easy to please... but sometimes it's the simplest things that are the hardest to find.... someone who will care for him and respect the power of the cards…
when alex and charles are like. in the final boss battle against the Big Bad who is trying to stop alex from securing all the cards. and the evil antagonist tries to distract alex by telling him that charles is just using him, he can't trust charles!!! alex immediately defends charles bc charles is Good and of course alex trust can him... and the antagonist says, "he's been lying to you all this time," and alex is about to tell him to fuck off again but charles is so, so pale and shaking, and alex asks, worried, "charles?" and the antagonist laughs! "see! he hasn't told you that the energy needed to seal all the cards is enough to kill a man." and alex can't believe it, but charles isn't denying it. "that's not true, right, charlie?" alex asks again, slowly becoming scared.
and charles is like very desperately, "i would never let anything hurt you, alex," and that's it. that's what alex was afraid of. because he understands immediately that charles was going to sacrifice himself to pay that price.
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
💛 for Damián from any of yours
[ Air kisses for papa deer! I'm sorry it's so late but I'm working through a pile of asks that came in around the same time writers' block hit ... ]
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you …”
Savvy looked down into the little shoebox she’d emptied out a few hours ago to accommodate the little gray tabby kitten that had found its way to her windowsill. She’d asked a few of her dormmates about it, but no one seemed to know anything. She knew she could get in trouble with Vil if she kept a pet without his permission, and … well, Savvy had never had a cat before. She wasn’t sure how to care for them.
She sighed and reached into the box to give the little roly-poly kitten a few pets.
“You’ll probably be hungry soon, too …”
A knock at Savvy’s door made her freeze up. She went to the door and opened it just a little bit at first, peeking out to find Rook on the other side.
“Ah, princesse? You have nothing to hide from me.” Rook smiled mischievously. “I heard your little houseguest mewing a while ago.”
Savvy sighed. “I don’t know who she belongs to,” she said. “Or where to take her.”
“Ohh? Has your heart already been stolen?” Rook chuckled. “There’s no need to fret. Grand Monsieur Cerf has arrived to rescue her. It seems she escaped from his shelter a few days ago.”
“Oh, thank goodness!” Savvy went over to the desk and picked up the shoebox.
“Looks like someone's come to collect you, little cutie. I hope they're not too worried.”
Savvy followed Rook downstairs, and it wasn't difficult to find the Grand Monsieur Cerf that he'd been talking about. Damián looked both out of place and perfectly at home in the Pomefiore lounge. He was tall and elegant, with striking features and an impressive set of antlers. Savvy could easily picture the Serendipia housewarden in her dorm’s uniform, but she also knew some of the more delicate members of her dorm would be skittish around the tall deer man. Still, he seemed friendly enough. He smiled when he saw Savvy approach with the shoebox.
“Aha, is that my little lost girl? She’s had quite an adventure if she ended up all the way over here.”
“I found her on my windowsill this morning,” Savvy said, holding the box out. Damián reached over and gently took it into his arms.
“I see. She must have climbed a tree to get there. I’ll have to name her something brave.” Damián chuckled. He looked down at Savvy, his smile spreading.
“It’s a good thing you took her in. I don’t get to come to Pomefiore very often, and that’s a shame. It has such lovely sights to offer.”
Savvy felt her cheeks turn pink, but she laughed it off. “You should come visit us more. I’ll make sure you feel more welcome next time.”
“No, next time you come visit me. I’ll have to introduce you to all of this little one’s friends.”
“I’d be delighted to.”
Damián was all the way up there, and she was all the way down here, but she did her best. Savvy stood on her tiptoes and, unable to reach his cheek, kissed the air next to the part of him that she could reach.
“You’re a peach,” she said with a smile. “Those kitties are lucky to have someone taking care of them. Let me know if you ever need any bouquets, ok? I’ll fix you up a lovely arrangement.”
“One that’s safe for cats?” Damián grinned. “They do tend to get into things, as you can see.” The tabby in his arms meowed, as if she knew she was being talked about.
“Of course!”
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Somewhere That’s Green P1
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I parked up beside the street as I usually did, shutting the little beetle off and climbing out, I pushed forward the seats and grabbed the two big bags of groceries holding them tight so as to not drop anything. I shut the door with my foot and headed down the little stairs noticing the darkness damn it the landlord said he'd get it fixed by seventeen and that was yesterday, I'll call him again later. So I headed down again deeper to my little apartment door. I unlocked it and opened it heading inside, dumping my groceries on the kitchen side. I went shutting my door and slipping off my hat and coat, to unpack my shopping as I got stuff that needs the freezer and fridge. I worked away silently for a good while throwing away stuff that had been in my fridge so long it has gone strange these eggs are still okay right? If eggs stink there good like the ones I just bought I grabbed one from the fridge and put it in the water ah. No that's floating like a duck. Okay, eggs are bad. Once I had put everything away I sat down at my table and had a look at my chess board it was exactly as I had left it.
"Meow" I heard which admittedly made me jump a little, I looked up and saw the family black cat wondering out of my bedroom giving me a look of how dare I wake it from it's nap, the cat came and sat on my table with a yawn 
"Hello Percy" I sighed "I leave that little window open because it let's some air in here I do not leave it open for you to come wondering in to sleep on my bed"
"Meow" he whined coming and nuzzling into my neck
"Come on, let's get you back" I sighed scooping the stupid cat up in my arms which he happily accepted I went up slowly doing my best to make sure I wouldn't loose the cat going up the little stairs to the apartment above mine in the first level down from the street instantly I saw it was much lighter now then how I had passed moment ago, I looked and saw the door to the apartment was open and I smiled a little taking in every inch I could.
She stood again the grey stone floor in her little pastel green heels not high heels but I'd say an inch or two of heel with little bows on the front, the stretched nylon of her stockings casting a sheer black over her legs with the white line running up the back of each leg of her stockings seams, she had white petticoats just poking out from under her dress, which was a sweet light pastel green matching her shoes with a slight floral texture to it, she had a little white knitted cardigan around her shoulders and pearls around her neck, her make up done perfectly with her classic sharp precision slightly overlining her cupid's bow as she has always done, her hair down to her shoulders with her sweet curls fresh from hot rollers, a green bow that matched her dress in her hair sitting perfectly in her hair. She was looking for something seeming concerned as she liked up the stairs towards the street 
"Percy? Percy?" She called 
"No need to worry I found him" I spoke up she turned and smiled widely coming closer and taking the cat from me 
"Ohh there you are percy, I've been looking for you forever" she says cuddling him closely "thank you Benny, where was he?"
"Three guesses"
"On your bed again?"
"Percy you have to stop that" she sighed 
"It's alright, I don't mind bringing him back"
"Thank you, would you like a cup of tea?"
"Uhhh yeah go on then" I nodded 
We headed into her apartment and I was as always taken aback by the place especially when compared to my own apartment just downstairs. She head a lovely little past blue kitchen with stand mixers and little tea towels, her living room a sweet sofa and chair with a small oval table, a large bookshelf impressive it even rivaled my own, her bedroom closed up but I could see thought her own little window the bedsheets made so perfectly with her clothing rail all her dresses in a rainbow order, all of it was old with scuffs and marks where it had all been well used but it all shined sweetly like it had been taken care of, every hole in the sofa or cushioned had been lovingly stiched, the rug cleaned and dried weekly, everything in her apartment was old not her own but she took such good care of it all as she couldn't afford new things. She was such a sweet thing with a long list of struggles.
She moved in here a few years back with her husband, she moved here so she wasn't far from her mother who was very ill at the time. It wasn't long before her mother past and not long after that before her husband left her, she's so sweet and kind even though all the terrible things her cat often wandered down to spend time with me and oftentimes I would make the effort to spend time with her. She set the kettle to make the tea so I sat on the little chair percy came sitting on his little bed beside the sofa, she stood a moment washing up empty milk bottles drying them and then sitting them on the little holder thy usually come in Sitting them by the door. By then he kettle was done so she made the tea and brought it over on the little cups and saucers I took it having a sip as she bought sugar, sitting it on the table, she smiled and sat on the sofa putting her feet up having slipped her shoes under the table.
"So how goes things?"
"Alright, I have some more tournaments coming up just stocked up the house with things" 
"You always stock up then you end up away for three weeks"
"I know. I have a bad habit of that"
"I can keep an eye on downstairs if you like make sure nothing goes bad in the fridge" 
"That'd be lovely y/n."
"You're not going anywhere till after the sixteenth are you?" 
“Uhh no I don’t believe so no”
“Then would you be able to keep an eye on my apartment for me”
“Ohh yeah sure, I mean you do when I go away, where are you off to?”
“Memphis for a week to see daddy”
“No worries, you talking Percy?”
“Of course, Percy has to go see his mummy and daddy too” she giggled 
“Yeah I’ll look after the place for you” I told her “when  are you going?”
“Saturday morning”
“Aww, you packed already?”
“Just a few more things to pack”
“You getting a taxi? To the airport?”
“I have already booked a taxi”
“Okay, but if you're going to be gone then I won’t get your help will I?”
“I suppose not,”
“But I always have your help to make me… feel better and keep my mind on my work”
“Well I suppose we… have time before I go and a little bit of time after I get back, before you go”
“We have plenty of time” I smirked taking her hand…
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yikestripes · 4 years
Good Morning, Sunshine
i was feeling something a little extra domestic and fluffy tonight so i whipped this up :)
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none; s o much fluff
“Hello?” You were barely audible, considering your phone ringing had not only woken you up, but the vibrating on the nightstand scared the living hell out of you.
“Hey babe, we just finished up the case. We’re boarding the jet now; I should be at your apartment in about 3 or so hours.” Spencer said, sounding exhausted himself.
“I’ll be waiting. You sound like you haven’t slept, please try to get some rest on the jet.”
“You don’t have to wait up, it’s gonna be like, 4:30 am D.C time.”
“Promise me you’ll sleep at least a little bit.”
“I’ll make sure he knocks out.” You heard Derek say on the other end.
“Thanks Derek. I love you, Spence. Have a safe flight.”
“I don’t really have control over that, but I love you too. See you tomorrow.” You shook your head with a small laugh; either Spencer really was delirious, or he didn’t know you at all. You always waited up for him when you knew he was coming home. It’s not like you’d be able to sleep anyway, you’d be awake worrying until you heard him come through the door and then make all the noise possible changing his clothes and slipping into bed. Sometimes you wondered if he even realized how loud he could be.
You put your phone back on the nightstand and climbed out of bed, pulling one of Spencer’s hoodies over your head as you made your way to the kitchen. You hummed to yourself as you looked around, wondering how you were going to entertain yourself for the next few hours while you waited. You looked to your bookshelf, but remembered that reading always made you tired. You looked at the TV and remembered that all the shows you were currently watching, you were watching with Spencer, and you both actively tried not to watch without the other. That left one option; baking.
You pulled the ingredients together quickly, already having a plan in place. You were going to make Spencer’s favorite treat; your lemon poppy seed muffins that you made every once in a while, which is what made them so special. Spencer fell in love with those before he had fallen in love with you, whenever you brought them to his office to surprise him when you two first started hanging out. He constantly joked that those were the reason you two were still together, to which you would smack his arm and he would give you that sweet little smile that only Spencer Reid could muster.
You grabbed your speaker from your bedroom and blasted some classic rock as you worked the ingredients together. By the time they were in the oven, an hour had already passed and Spencer would be there within another 2 hours. You looked to your cat, Peanut Butter, who had lazily strolled into the kitchen and just looked at you.
“What?” You asked him as he stared at you. He meowed quietly in response, and rubbed against your bare legs. You picked him up and scratched his little head, earning a soft purr in response. “I’ll go back to bed soon, PB. I’m waiting for Spence,” You said. You frowned to yourself and put him back on the ground, where he proceeded to swish his tail at you as he walked away.
“I’ve taken to talking to my cat. I’ve really lost it now. Oh great, now I’m talking to myself in my empty apartment while I bake at 2:30 in the morning. This is normal.” You said to yourself.
You shook your head once again and went to go watch a movie while the muffins finished. You decided to watch one of your old favorites, Jaws. Every time you watched it together (which was often, considering it was one of your favorite movies), Spencer would always critique the likelihood of a killer shark ever coming that close to the beach and killing that many people. You would argue back that it could have gotten a taste for humans, because sharks weren’t the brightest creatures, and he would argue that the only time in history a shark that we knew of existed at that size was the megalodon, which went extinct some time ago. Eventually you would stop responding, Spencer would wrap his arm around you to pull you closer, and you would just enjoy the movie.
The oven beeped about halfway through the movie, about 30 minutes before Spencer was supposed to come home. You grinned to yourself as you set them aside to cool, and started up the coffee maker. You pulled down Spencer’s favorite Doctor Who mug from the cabinet, set it beside your mug and the coffee machine, and went to grab his favorite pajamas from the bedroom. You knew Spencer was utterly capable of taking care of it himself, but you setting everything out for him was one of the things he loved most about you, it just showed him how much you cared time and time again.
You were in the last 10 minutes of the movie when you heard the floor creaking outside of the door, and your heart leapt into your throat. You could hear Spencer outside of the door fumbling with his keys, a sure sign that he was tired and probably had just woken up. You smiled at the fact that he had taken your advice, or Derek forced him to.
“Hey babe.” You turned the TV off and ran over to him, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Hi stranger.” You pulled away after a solid minute and ran your thumb across his cheek, taking in the circles under his eyes. “Oh baby, please tell me you slept.” Spencer smiled.
“Actually, yes. Emily actually had to wake me up this time, I slept through takeoff and landing.” He grinned.
“I laid your pajamas out on the bed for you, they’re your favorites.” Spencer placed a chaste kiss on your lips as he headed to your room. Although you hadn’t officially moved in together, Spencer basically lived at your apartment. It wasn’t out of lack of commitment or really anything else, it was somewhere between sheer laziness and not really asking the question. You both had keys to each other's apartments and could come and go as you pleased, not to mention Peanut Butter adored Spencer, but it had never really passed through your thoughts to ask him to move in.
You brewed some coffee for you both and made his just how he liked it, ridiculous amounts of sugar. It was amazing he functioned throughout the day without getting any sort of sugar crash. He emerged from your room a few minutes later, pajama clad and his hair sticking up at funny angles from the sweatshirt he put on.
“Coffee too? What did I do to deserve you,” He kissed you again, taking the mug from you.
“That’s not all,” You grinned and stepped aside, revealing the muffin tray on the counter.
“Oh my God, muffins!” He ditched his coffee mug and grabbed one, shoving half of it in his mouth. “Ohh my God, the lemon poppyseed ones!” He said through a mouthful of muffin.
“Ew, Spence, that’s disgusting!” You laughed.
“Sorry,” He grinned through his muffin-filled mouth. You shook your head as you sipped your coffee.
You looked out at the balcony as the sky began to lighten. You went over and pulled the door open, plopping yourself on one of the fluffy couches. Spencer grabbed his coffee and followed you, shutting the door just after Peanut Butter sauntered out. You patted your lap and he jumped up, purring. Spencer pet him gently, sitting snugly beside you. You leaned against him and took a deep breath, closing your eyes. You opened them to see Spencer staring down at you, a goofy smile forming on his face.
“What, Muffin Boy?” You laughed, wiping away a crumb from his cheek.
“Just looking at you, you look so beautiful in this light.” You blushed. Despite being together for just around 2 years, he still knew how to give you butterflies.
“I love you.” He kissed your head and looked out at the rising sun.
“I love you too.” You sat in silence for a little while, just watching as the sun lazily grew over the D.C horizon.
“Want to move in?” You broke the silence. Spence looked down at you with his eyebrows raised.
“Haven’t I basically done that already?” He asked.
“I mean yeah, but you’re still paying rent for your old place.”
“I would say I forgot, but I have an eidetic memory.” You giggled and Spencer grinned, happy to have made you laugh.
“So, what do you say?”
“Statistically couples who move in together have a higher chance of a successful marriage, whereas couples who get married and then move in together have a much higher divorce rate dependent on the age of the couple. So yes, I will move in.” Much to Peanut Butter’s chagrin, you sat up and turned around, locking Spencer in a passionate kiss. Before things could get too heated, Peanut Butter got jealous and swatted at your cheek. You and Spencer broke apart and looked at the small black cat, who just tilted his head.
“You are such a little asshole sometimes.” You said, staring him down. He stared back before turning around, sassily swishing his tail in your face before pausing at the door, and looking at you. Your jaw dropped at the attitude and Spencer let him inside, turning his attention back to you.
“I forgot, he’s so possessive over me.” Spencer grinned, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Shut up.” You grabbed your mug and headed inside, shutting the door behind you and leaving Spencer laughing on the porch.
You left your empty mug in the sink and climbed into bed, Peanut Butter and Spencer joining you moments later. Spencer put the cat down on the bed and climbed into bed beside you, pulling you closer as Peanut Butter settled in the middle. Spencer placed a chaste kiss on your forehead and fell asleep with a smile on his face. Nothing more than a calm, domestic life with you was anything he ever wanted.
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Kitten Me This
Heyyyy, so I know some people that have weak wifi connection and can’t access Ao3 so I decided to post my fic here, too.
Summary: "No, no, you don't understand. Lou..." Will took a deep breath, petting the cat gingerly as if afraid it would suddenly shatter in his hands. "This is Nico."
"Nico... di Angelo? Your boyfriend, Nico? Son of Hades? That Nico?"
"Yes! That Nico! He's been turned into a cat!"
"Lou! LOUUU!" Shouted Will as he practically broke down the door to the Hecate cabin.
"What??" Lou Ellen opened the door, irritation evident on her face. Her dark hair was rumpled, and her winged eyeliner was slightly smudged on one side as if she'd just woken up from a mid-afternoon nap. "You do realize that this cabin is built with magical stones? If you dislodged one with all your yelling and banging-"
"Yes, I could explode or turn into a tree- That's not important!" He moved past her and collapsed dramatically onto the nearest bed. "This is an emergency! Look!" He lifted up a small bundle of black fur.
"What's that?" Lou Ellen stepped closer to examine the bundle. The fur twitched and two brown eyes looked back at her. "A kitten? Did you bother me during meditation-"
"You weren't meditating, you were sleeping-"
"-To try and get me to take care of this scruffy thing? Will, my cabin is too dangerous to house an animal like this. It'd be getting into potions, ruining spells, and my younger siblings will try and do transformation experiments on it. Leave it here and it'll be a piglet by tomorrow."
"No, no, you don't understand. Lou..." Will took a deep breath, petting the cat gingerly as if afraid it would suddenly shatter in his hands. "This is Nico."
"Nico... di Angelo? Your boyfriend, Nico? Son of Hades? That Nico?"
"Yes! That Nico! He's been turned into a cat!" Will set the kitten on the bed, and the little guy stretched before laying down, curling up into a perfect little fuzzy black circle. It was admittedly a super cute cat.
"Are you sure that's Nico?" Lou Ellen hesitantly reached out to pet the kitten. Immediately, the cat perked its head up and hissed at her. It wasn't particularly scary, but she got the message: No touching.
"It's okay, Nico." Will cooed. "This is Lou Ellen? Remember her? She's our friend." He gently ran his fingers through its fur and cat-Nico began to purr softly.
"Okay, maybe he is Nico." She admitted. "What happened, exactly?"
Will shrugged, "We were sitting by the campfire, just talking! And I was like 'Oh, by the way I was thinking instead of going to normal lunch today maybe we could go someplace special to celebrate our anniversary.' And I searched through my bag to find my coupons for 'Benedetta's Pasta' which is this Italian pasta place in New York, and okay yeah it's not the fanciest pasta place in the world, but they do have a guy who knows how to play Taylor Swift songs on accordion and-"
"William. Focus." Lou Ellen snapped her fingers. "The longer this takes the harder it could be to transform him back."
"RIght! Uh, and when I looked up Nico was gone! And this little guy was sitting on the log, just staring at me!"
"You didn't see anything else?"
"No, I was looking for coupons."
"No magic sparks or incantations or flashes of light?"
"No, I was busy looking for coupons!!"
"Will, there's only so much I can do if I don't know how he turned into a cat. He needs the same kind of magic used to transform him into this to transform him back."
"Oh gods." Will put his head in his hands. "You're the most powerful, talented sorcerer we have at camp. If you can't do it then it's hopeless." Will sniffed as if beginning to cry.
Lou Ellen sighed. "You really think I'm the most powerful?"
"And smart, too." Will pouted up at her, hitting her with puppy-dog eyes. "If anyone can figure out how to save Nico, it's you."
"Ugh, fine. Alright. Let's talk to the satyrs and nymphs. They can talk to animals. Maybe Nico himself can tell us what happened."
So, the daughter of Hecate and the son of Apollo walked through the forest until they wound up by the riverbank. All things considered, it was a beautiful day. Hopefully the day was perfect enough that all the nymphs would be in a good mood and willing to help. Will stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"Hi! Hello! Um, I was wondering if someone could help us? We're trying to communicate with this cat." Will lifted the black kitten above his head like baby Simba in the Lion King movie.
No response.
"Please?" Will tried again. "He's actually my boyfriend and I'd really like him to not be a cat anymore by the end of the day, y'know? Isn't there anyone here who knows what it's like to be in love? To have that love taken away from you?"
No response. No movement. The trees and bushes and plant life didn't say a word.
Lou Ellen put a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled sweetly. "Why don't you let me try?"
"Hey!" Lou Ellen shouted harshly. "Listen up! This here is a child of Apollo! If someone doesn't give us five minutes of their time then he's going to start reciting some of his dad's greatest poems of the 20th century! And Apollo wrote a lot of haikus in the 80s." It was definitely spoken as a threat.
The trees and bushes began to rustle as if talking with one another. Will nodded to Lou Ellen in approval. They waited for about two minutes before she spoke again.
"Okay, Will! That's it! From the top, the poetry reading begins now! Don't say I didn't warn you all-"
"Wait!" Juniper hastily walked toward them. "I'm here! It's okay, everyone. I'm here now!"
"Hey, Juniper!" Will smiled, happy to see a friendly face. "What's up?"
"Will." She smiled back. "I was just out talking to Rosemary. She needed relationship advice." Then her voice dropped to a whisper. "A lot of shrubs are envious of my stable relationship with Grover. They find most satyrs to be... unreliable in showing consistent affection. Grover and I? We're the satyr-nymph power couple. I'm kind of like the local marriage counselor nowadays."
"And I'm sure you're wonderful at it." Will said sincerely. "Can you talk to cats?"
"Hmm, well, my feline might be a little rusty. We mostly get squirrels and birds out here, but I'll see what I can do!"
"That's all I ask." Will leaned down and carefully set cat-Nico on the ground. The kitten curiously sniffed at the grass.
"Cute little guy." Juniper grinned. "Tell me little one, what's your name? How did you come to be like this?" The cat gave a little meow-squeak in response. "I see..."
"What?" Will looked back and forth between Juniper and his feline boyfriend. "Does he not remember who he is?"
"They go by the title 'The Ruler of All Darkness.' Claims to have come to the mortal realm to 'incite fear into my enemies.'"
"Nico is always so dramatic..."
"You're one to talk." Lou Ellen rolled her eyes.
"Juniper, can you ask him if he remembers me?"
Juniper asked.
"'Yes, the one who smells of sunshine. Indeed, he is tolerable.' And... something about being worried you're going to abandon it?"
"What, just because he's a cat now? Nico, I would never!" Will leaned down and let the kitten nuzzle his hand. "Neeks, we're going to change you back. And- and if for some reason we can't, that's... that's okay. Alright? You'll stay with me, you'll be the most pampered and taken care of cat in the whole world. You..." Will got choked up at this point. "So what if the love of my life is a cat now? So what if... if... We can't do any of the things we planned to do together? So what if at the most you'll only live to be another twenty years?" Will started actively sobbing. "I won't abandon you. Ever. I'm sorry, Neeks. I should've payed attention. I should've stopped this from happening. I should've-"
"It's okay, WIll." Lou Ellen hugged him. "Shh, it's okay. Maybe we still don't know how to change him back yet, but we will. I promise."
Will leaned into her and cried. "This is all my fault."
Juniper joined in on the hug. "I can ask around and see if any of the nymphs saw what happened. We have eyes and ears everywhere, surely someone saw something..."
And who knows how long Will would've kept crying when suddenly they all froze at the sound of a familiar voice.
"There you are!" Nico's voice rang out from behind them. "Will, I've been looking everywhere for you!"
They turned slowly to face a very human, very not-a-cat Nico di Angelo. He was dressed in a nicely tailored suit and his hair had been neatly brushed. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, but they were beginning to wilt as Nico's anxiousness caused them to decay.
"Why... why is everyone crying?" Nico awkwardly tugged on his suit. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"
"Nico! You're- you're human!" Will stood up, glancing down at the kitten.
"How nice of you to notice." Nico said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.
"No, I mean..." Will frantically looked to Juniper. "But he said 'Ruler of All Darkness.'"
"Hmm... To be fair, most cats talk that way."
"She said." Lou Ellen corrected, examining the cat, much to the kitten's displeasure.
"What?" Will asked.
"She. This cat is female. Animal transformations can sometimes change the sex of the person in question, but not usually. That's, like, basic shapeshifting 101."
"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" Nico crossed his arms. "Will, I thought you wanted to go out for lunch? We're going to be late."
"Uhh." Will took the cat from Lou Ellen. "I got us this cat for our anniversary!" The black kitten stared at Nico and gave a pitiful meow.
"You what?" Nico sighed. "I tell you 'Hey, babe, give me five minutes and I'll shadow-travel to Italy to find us a real Italian restaurant for lunch.' And I come back to find this?"
"Ohh, is that what you said? I didn't hear you exactly because I was... busy looking for coupons." Will sheepishly avoided eye-contact with Lou Ellen. Still, he could feel her death glare.
"Will, I love you, but you are not using coupons at a restaurant for our anniversary. I'm rich. Just let me pay." Nico walked up to Will and traded him the flowers for the kitten. "Where did you even find this thing?"
The kitten reached out a paw and booped Nico on the nose. It gave another soft meow.
"Oh,' Juniper giggled. "She said, 'You smell like death. Perhaps we shall form an alliance, bathe in the blood of our enemies. Together, we can destroy them all.'"
"You got us a homicidal kitten?" Nico laughed. Gods Will loves it when Nico laughs.
"Only the best for you, babe." Will casually winked, ignoring his eyes were slightly swollen from crying.
Lou Ellen huffed. "I'm going back to bed. Will, you useless homosexual, you owe me." She marched away. Juniper politely nodded to Will and Nico before following suit. She probably had more couples counseling to do.
"C'mon, Solace. Let's get you dressed. We can go shopping for our newest little family member after lunch." Nico cooed at the kitten and she snuggled up against him. "Or maybe we can sneak her into the restaurant. Would you like that, piccolina?" Nico proceeded to call her a series of cutesy names that Will didn't understand.
"I love you."
"Interesting. You know what, Will?"
"I love you, too." Nico gave him a peck on the cheek. "C'mon, let's go..." They walked together in silence for a moment. "So, you thought I turned into a cat, huh?"
"Okay, in my defense, weirder things have happened!! It was a perfectly reasonable conclusion to come to, alright!! You absolutely would've done the same thing-"
"Ha! Yeah, right-"
"You totally would have! Look, I'm just saying-"
The End.
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gureishi · 3 years
I really love your writing! Could I request #2 for Saeyoung? Perhaps a hurt/comfort :)
Ohhhh, thank you so much!! That makes me really happy to hear ♡
And here is the fic! I think a lot about making Saeyoung go to sleep and honestly don’t know how I’ve never written this scenario before. Darling sleepy overworked boy.
two: fall into your arms again
SaeyoungXReader, T, words: 1764
You’re dreaming of driving when he calls you—it’s a recurring nightmare of yours, where you’re at the wheel and suddenly you realize the car has no brakes. The ringtone makes its way into your dream, and you’re panicking, you’re panicking—where is the phone, why can’t you stop the car?
You wake abruptly, eyes flying open in the way they sometimes do after a nightmare. The phone is still ringing. You scramble for it and find it tangled in the sheets.
You squint at the screen: it’s after three in the morning.
“H-hello?” You yawn as you answer, your head falling back against the pillow.
“Ohh…did I wake you up? I guess I lost track of time,” he laughs, but it sounds forced. You push yourself up a little in bed.
“Saeyoung, are you okay? Did something happen?” There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach. Things have just finally started to go well.
“No, no!” He’s too loud, too enthusiastic. “We’re okay! Saeran is asleep.”
“Saeyoung, it’s almost four in the morning.”
He yelps. “Really? I didn’t even notice! I’m sorry, babe. Ignore me and go back to sleep. Please.”
You sigh, sitting all the way up, propping the pillows behind your head. “Will you tell me what’s bothering you?”
“God Seven is bothered by nothing! God Seven was just doing some work and wanted to hear his kitty cat’s cute voice! Ha-hah!”
“Activate kitty communication mode! Meow! Meow? Meeooow!”
He’s too adorable—his distraction tactics are too good. Once upon a time, you would’ve given it to it, would’ve let him ramble nonsensically until he wore himself out. You know better now.
“Saeyoung, when was the last time you slept?”
You hear him counting to himself. “Twelve, thirteen, fourteen…twenty-six, twenty-seven…” Oh no. “Forty-four hours ago!” he sings triumphantly.
“Forty-four hours ago was when I last spent the night. You haven’t slept since then?”
“Nooope. But it’s okaaaay! God Seven can work for much longer without sleeping because it’s what he was programmed to do!” He draws out his syllables, speaking in a sing-song.
“Hey. Stop. Listen to me.” You know he hears the frustration in your voice because he shuts up right away. “You do not work for the agency anymore. Even Saeran is sleeping right now, like a normal person. You do not need to work through the night anymore.”
“But I do,” he says. His voice sounds a little more subdued now. “The agency may be done, but there’s still so much cleanup work to do. There’s so many loose ends. If I’m resting, they’re tracking Saeran, tracking Vanderwood, tracking you… I can’t—”
“No,” you say. “Uh-uh.” You’re already slipping out of bed, groping around in the dark for some sweatpants. “I know there’s still work to do and I know you’re worried about keeping us safe. And you can do that work. After you’ve slept for eight hours.”
He laughs and it sounds almost like a sob. “I’ve just found him,” he says, so quietly you can barely hear him. “I’ve just got him back. If anything happens to him…”
“I know,” you say. “I know, babe. But none of that matters if you work yourself to death in the process.”
You’ve got pants, you’ve got shoes. You grab a jacket and the keys to the rental car Saeyoung insisted on paying for so you wouldn’t be reliant on him while he was holed up in his bunker with Saeran.
“Hah,” he says. “It would take a lot more than a few hours of work to kill me.”
You’re outside, the cool air bracing you, waking you the rest of the way up.
“I’d like you one hundred percent alive instead of just barely hanging on,” you tell him.
You throw open the car door with perhaps slightly too much force.
He hesitates. “What was…are you outside?”
“Yes. I’m coming over.”
“You—g-gah, what?!” He sounds frantic. You hear a crash—almost as if he’s sweeping something (realistically, a pile of junk food) off his desk.
“I’m coming over right now and putting you to bed. If you don’t want me to stay, I won’t, but you are going to sleep one way or another,” you say. You start the car and you know he hears it through the phone—you’re not playing around.
“I’m perfectly capable of—” he whines.
“Thirty minutes. Love you,” you say, and hang up before he can respond.
You get there in no time because the roads are empty. He’s cleverly disabled the car’s built-in GPS so that the rental company can never access any of the data, never pinpoint his address (not that his bunker actually has an address). It doesn’t matter: you know the way by heart.
You give the password that will let you into the garage, park, and peer into the retinal scanner by the door—he’s added this feature for you, only for you. The door welcomes you by name and swings open with a soft click.
The bunker feels bigger and emptier at night; it’s completely dark except for the tiny ray of light coming from his office door, which is cracked open just a hair. You sigh. You’d had hope—just a little—that knowing you were coming would guilt him into just going to bed already. But he is stubborn.
You pad across the huge living room and knock gently on his door. He knows you’re here, of course—he’s probably been watching you on the cameras ever since you pulled into the driveway. But just in case—he’s not someone you want to ever catch off guard.
“Hi,” he says softly—his voice sounds far away. You push open the door.
“Oh, Saeyoung…”
His office is never exactly tidy, but this is a disaster zone.
There are chip bags and other assorted wrappers strewn over the desk and on the floor around it. Several creepy, half-built robots lay at odd angles on the couch and floor, as if he’s been fiddling with them as he works and then tossing them aside—one blinks eerily at you with its single eye. There are clothes thrown over the couch and the backs of his various desk chairs, as though he’s been managing to periodically change outfits without ever setting foot in his bedroom.
And there he is, your precious, anxious, manic boy, sitting in his chair with his knees pulled up to his chest, hunched over his desk, fingers still moving over the keys even as he turns to look at you.
“You didn’t have to come,” he says, his voice hoarse.
“That’s a crappy greeting for your favorite person in the world who just drove here in the middle of the night,” you say, but you’re not not really angry at him—how could you be, when he’s in this state? You cross the room, stepping over the piles of junk. Up close, he looks terrible—there are dark circles under his eyes and he has that pale, hollow look he gets when he goes too long without seeing the sun.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters. “Bright, wonderful people like you should be asleep at this time of night.”
“Everyone should be asleep at this time of night,” you tell him. You brush the messy, tangled hair off his forehead and kiss him on the cheek. He closes his eyes for a moment, humming contentedly; then he reaches for you, tilting his head up for a proper kiss. 
“Nuh-uh,” you say, and he deflates, pouting. “Find a stopping point—the first possible stopping point. Then you are going to bed.”
“Orrrrr…” he murmurs, nuzzling his head against your waist. One hand trails up your leg, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Fiiiine.” He reluctantly spins his chair around, types another line. “You go get in the bed,” he says, eyes on the screen. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Nope.” You cross your arms and sit on the couch, moving aside half of a robot dragon. “I don’t trust you.”
He makes a sound somewhere between a hiss and a groan and starts typing more quickly. Good. If he’s motivated to finish faster because you’re now losing sleep, then so be it. At least he’s stopping.
The sound of his typing soothes you. You fiddle with the little dragon—it will be very cute, once he builds the other side of its head. His typing slows. He hits a few more keys. You recognize the sounds of him finishing up—god knows how much collective time you’ve spent listening to him work.
“Okay,” he says at last, and you look up to see him getting out of his chair, a little clumsily.
You skip to him and grab his hand. “Bedtime,” you say seriously, tugging him behind you: through the door, down the hall. He laughs, and it’s the most genuine he’s sounded all night. You throw open the door to his room and take a running leap onto the bed. He’s still laughing, watching you from the doorway with warm eyes.
“Come,” you say, wriggling yourself into the blankets, holding out your arms to him. Obediently, he shuts the door and comes to you, falling headfirst onto the messy pile of pillows and blankets and you. He groans quietly, his shoulder muscles finally relaxing. You pull him toward you and he settles his head onto your chest.
“S’feels nice,” he slurs, snuggling into you. You see how hard the exhaustion is hitting him now that he’s closed his eyes; you make a snug nest of blankets around him, tucking them up to his neck.
“I’ve got you,” you whisper. “You can rest now.”
“Mmmmmm but…” His words are hard to make out, his voice already thick with sleep. “But there are soooo many other things we could be doing…in this bed…”
He tries to lift an arm, vaguely brushing his fingertips over your neck. You giggle.
“Shhhh, love. Maybe in the morning,” you tell him. You kiss the top of his head, nuzzling your nose into his messy, sweet-smelling hair. He doesn’t respond. “Babe?”
His head is heavy on your chest. You feel his breath on your neck, slow and steady. You smile to yourself—he’s already asleep.
So you wrap your arms tightly around him and close your eyes, head propped on top of his. You are a mess of blankets and limbs and heartbeats and you feel impossibly, indescribably safe. “Goodnight, Saeyoung,” you whisper.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
This blog is awesome! So glad I've found it! I have another headcanon request if that's ok with you? You mentioned that Sebastian got interested in his darling 'cause she is so 'cat-like'. But what if she really is a cat? If she could turn into actual feline? I'm avare this is probably one of the most cliche things ever, but I'm curious about your aproach on it. Sorry is my english is bad, hopefuly you understand everything?!
Why did I have the feeling that this would be requested very soon after I wrote about the feline s/o😂? Don’t worry, I’m always happy when I get new requests. Also don’t worry about your english I understood you just fine.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, clinginess
Sebastian with a darling who can transform into a cat
Tumblr media
🐈‍⬛Let’s continue where we stopped. With you as the new servant in the Phantomhive manor. Since the first day the s/o entered Sebastian wasn’t able to stop thinking about them. Their scent and their cat like behavior made Sebastian feel a tingling sensation whenever he was near them or even catched a small hint of the darling’s scent. What was wrong with him? Whenever the s/o passed him he had a hard time to not stop doing whatever he was doing and watch their graceful movements.
🐈‍⬛Very soon he noticed how much cat like the s/o really was. Whenever there was a rat or a mouse in the mansion they would have this exciting glint in their eyes, slowly sneaking up to the small animal, waiting for the right moment and then jumping nearly lightning fast at them. He absolutely adored their satisfied face when the little thing was squirming under their hands. Another thing that was very pleasing to him as well was that you purred when being petted. It was more of a coincidence that he had found that out. At that time you had finished a more complicated past and Sebastian had petted your head for whatever reason, but when you had suddenly started to purr he had stopped for a moment and had given you a surprised look. You on the other hand had started to blush like crazy and had quickly excused yourself. After that incident Sebastian started to pet your head more often just to hear that gorgeous sound again.
🐈‍⬛But at some point he started to get suspicious. The s/o was somehow just too much like a cat, not that he didn’t like that, no he absolutely adored it, but he had realized that some things about them weren’t normal. Their senses were way to high for a normal human and whenever they went out they would attract cats like a magnet. He had also noticed that they seemed to understand the cats, answering all of this lovely creatures with meows and chirps. The other servants had also informed him that the s/o left the manor always at night, telling them that they would go on a walk. So Sebastian decides to watch them at night, hoping to find out their secret like this.
🐈‍⬛He followed you quietly outside the mansion, watching from a safe distance and the next thing that he witnessed thrilled him! One moment the s/o was standing there and in the next moment they suddenly disappeared and instead of them a beautiful looking cat stood there. For a moment Sebastian was too shocked to do anything before he completely lost it. He didn’t even try to hold back and just stormed towards the cat, immediately kneeling down, petting and stroking this pretty creature. He didn’t let go of them for the rest of the night, busily cuddling and showering them in affection. And let’s be honest, you enjoyed it as well, he could tell from all the purring.
🐈‍⬛After that he questioned the s/o about it, having figured out that they weren’t a normal human. The s/o, seeing no point in hiding it, told him truthfully that they were a cat hybrid, being able to understand and talk the language of cats and being able to transform into a cat themself.
🐈‍⬛Whatever adoration Sebastian had hold for you beforehand increased a hundred times after hearing this. You’re able to transform into a cat?!?! That’s fantastic!! Now this guy is hooked up on you. He was completely enamored with the s/o after that.
🐈‍⬛After that Sebastian would almost provoke the s/o to see more of their cat behavior. He would sometimes bring rats and noises into the manor to see them hunting the thing down and to see their proud face when catching it. He would sometimes place things that the s/o needed at higher places just to see their agile and elegant movements when they climbed up to get it. He would pet them even more often than before, wanting to hear the s/o’s purring. Sometimes he would even chirp at the s/o when they were busily working on something and would have a huge grin on his face when they would meow back unconsciously. This man would tease the hell out of you after that, making you blush in embarrassment.
🐈‍⬛And of course this guy wanted to cuddle you in your cat form! Whenever you went outside for some alone time in your cat form this guy would suddenly storm towards you out of nowhere and nearly suffocate you in affection. Stroking your fur softly and playing with those cute little limbs of yours whilst making you into a purring mess. The s/o really tried their hardest to not enjoy this, knowing that this was humiliating and degrading in every sense, but damn this man knew what he was doing!!
🐈‍⬛But you don’t really expect the s/o to just take all of this without getting a little revenge, do you? The s/o can be very mischievous and cunning when they want to and ohh, they wanted to pay Sebastian back for all of that. They were well aware of the fact that Sebastian was adoring them with every inch of his body and decided to show him something that they hadn’t shown him yet. They giggled insidiously when imagining Sebastian’s reaction to this.
🐈‍⬛Soon after you put your plan into action. That day Sebastian had followed you once again late at night, waiting for his chance to pamper you in affection once again, but he didn’t expect this!!! You were already waiting for him, sitting on the ground with cat eyes, a cat tail and cat ears!! You hadn’t told him back then that you were also able to only transform some of your human form into a cat. You grinned when you saw Sebastian’s shocked expression and walked slowly over to him, asking with an innocent expression on your face what was wrong?
🐈‍⬛Sebastian’s brain stopped working and he flinched when you slowly started to trail his jawline with your claws, tickling him slightly with your tail and purring seductively at him. He felt weak in his knees, but was still to shocked to do anything. You hadn’t told him this! God knows for how long you teased the living hell out of him, taking your pleasure in seeing how his breath hitched every time in his throat when you tickled him with your tail or trailed your claws over his face and body.
🐈‍⬛After you were satisfied with your revenge you purred a short goodbye in his ear and left him, not missing the chance to slap Sebastian teasingly with your tail in his face. You quickly jumped back to the manor feeling a deep feeling of satisfaction inside of you, leaving a nearly drooling Sebastian back.
🐈‍⬛If you would have turned around you could have probably seen Sebastian’s burning gaze on you, his eyes turning pink. He was, to say it clearly, a mess. He was panting heavily and his whole body was shacking. He felt a burning want flowing through every part of his body, his mind clouded with imagines of your half cat form, still feeling your fingers and your tail on his skin. He was never really attracted to cats in such a way, but in that very moment that changed. He growled lowly, feeling highly frustrated. Why couldn’t he do anything? Why did he just stand there frozen whilst letting you treat him like this? Ohh, what should he do with you right now after this?~
I’ll finish it here. I kind of got lost in it and this is turning too long. Hope you enjoyed it~
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misplacedxeggos · 4 years
Preference - TikTok
for the characters, it will be an alternate universe where they have phones —————————————
JAEDEN You had set up your phone on the counter and asked Jaeden if he would come be in your video
Once he got there you grabbed a sheet of paper, a pen, wrapping paper tube and some ice in a cup
You came back and hit record
"Okay, so today you're going to be going skiing."
"Ohh, I love skiing."
"Alright, I drew a couple of x's on the paper that are going to be trees and all you have to do is avoid them"
He grabbed the pen and went around them
"Okay good now do that really fast a couple of times."
Once he did it three times you asked if he could do it with his eyes closed
When he closed his eyes you grabbed the wrapping paper tube and ice
After he did it one time you hit him on the head with the tube and threw the ice on his chest
He immediately opened his eyes confused at what had happened
"You hit a tree" You innocently explained to him
When he remembered that he was "skiing" he started laughing and chasing you
WYATT You saw a trend of asking people what sounds animals made and then spitting water on them
You set up your phone and called Wyatt over
You had a cup of water in your hand and told him you had a challenge for him
"Alright, what sound does a cow make."
Wyatt was confused as to what was going to happen
"Um, moo?"
"Okay," you took a sip of water, "what sound does a horse make?"
"And what sound does a whale make."
You took another drink of water, this time keeping it in your mouth
"I'm not sure."
You spit out your water at him making a spraying sound
It took him a minute to realise that was the sound and when he did he started laughing along with you
JACK You had something that you wanted to try before the trend died
Without tell Jack anything you had asked him to film you
Before he started it you grabbed a clean shoelace you had just bought
"What are you doing?"
"Don't worry babe, it's just a trend on tiktok."
You both sat down on the floor and Jack hit record
You put the shoelace in your mouth and started to tie it
When the beat hit you pull the strings tight making a face at the camera
Jack's mouth hung open staring at you
"What the fuck was that?" Jack asked putting the phone down
"I told you, it's a trend right now."
"That was fucking hot."
He said right before kissing you
FINN You had seen some people capturing their friend's and significant other's reactions to dancing
You thought this would be really fun to do with Finn and the savage dance
You asked Finn to sit down on the couch and give his opinion on the dance
When you started to record his head started bopping along
He started to hype you up
But he also knew the dance that you were doing
Right before it said "nasty" he ran over and picked you up
He laid you on the couch and started pressing kisses all over your face
In between the kisses, he said, "That's for me and me only."
You started laughing and kissed him back
You couldn't believe how much you loved the boy
BILL Bill was always playing video games, even when you were over
If you came over and he wasn't playing then he would pay attention to you
It started to become a habit that you would go on your phone while he played
You were scrolling through tiktok one day and saw a trend
It was of girlfriends walking in naked while their boyfriend was doing something and seeing their reaction
Seeing as he was occupied at the time and no one else was home, you decided that it was a good time to do it
You walked into the bathroom and stripped
Then took out your phone and started to record
When you made your way into the living room you started to call his name
It took a little bit for him to look over at you
When he did he did a double-take
He quickly got off the game and ran towards you
STAN While Stan was taking a shower, Y/n set up her phone in front of the shower curtain
They could see the outline of their boyfriend
"Hey, babe I need to ask you a question."
Y/n walked into the shower fully clothed
Stan just started to stutter, "Uhhh hi."
"Hi, um I'm making breakfast and I wanted to know what you wanted."
You couldn't stop laughing cause he was so confused
"Uhhhh pancakes? W-wait no. Waffles are better."
"Okay, thanks." You said while getting out of the shower
"What just happened?" Stan asked you.
"It's for a tiktok, don't worry."
EDDIE You had been scrolling through tiktok while cuddling with Eddie and saw one that said
"Your boyfriend has gotten a boner for other people"
You didn't really care but thought it'd be funny to see his reaction to you getting upset
So you started a new tiktok and asked him if he got a boner for anyone else
Eddie looked horrified at your question and didn't know how to answer it
You got up from the couch walking into your room while Eddie was confused at your action
You locked your bedroom door and sat on your bed waiting
You heard Eddie get up and start walking towards to door
He knocked on the door, "Hello? Are you okay? It's just a tiktok baby."
He got on the ground and brought his hands under the door
"Come on don't be mad. I haven't got one since we've been together."
You opened the door to see Eddie's reaction as grateful and he got up to hug you
RICHIE You had seen a trend around tiktok where you put pens in between your friend's fingers and then squeeze them together to see what noise they make during sex
It was hilarious and so you tried it with your boyfriend Richie
You set up your phone and called Richie into the frame
"Okay, we're going to try a tiktok challenge today."
"Alright." Richie was confused with what was going to happen since you had some pens out in front of you.
You put them between his fingers and asked him what sound a dog made
"Okay, now what sound does a cat make?"
"Good, now what sound do you make in bed."
Before Richie could react or even process the question you squeezed his fingers together
He let out a small grunt and then 'ow'
You just started laughing while he stared at you dumbfounded with what just happened
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rayadraws · 5 years
Raya-san, do you have any OPM OCs?
Ohh!Hm, well, I don’t have any that I have like... fleshed out, regularly draw or RP with or anything like that... I have a few that I’ve made up for my fics where I needed a certain perspective or some such? These are the ones that spring to mind...
I will put this under a Read More, on account of the quotes making the post a bit long...
The oldest one I have, I guess, is from The unwilling patient (2016) where we study Genos’ body through the eyes of a young cyberneticist working for the HA, tasked to repair Genos after he’s injured:
By all accounts, he should have felt beyond excited. As far as he knew, no one had ever been given the same opportunity - the same honour. This would be a true testament to his skills. He'd be able to say, afterwards, that "ah, yes, that is the result of my work! Look at him go, how I fixed him!" Something to put in his resume, for sure. Something to brag about later. He should have been ecstatic.
The truth, however, was that he only felt very, very nervous. Primarily thanks to a pair of gold-on-black eyes that shone with an absolute fury. Directed straight at him.
A few months later I made a follow-up to that one, where the guy is fleshed out a little more and we learn that his name is Sato Ichigo (and that he has a girlfriend who tells him to tone down the fanboy:ing). That piece is titled Ten Visits and is about Genos visiting Ichigo for repairs that he doesn’t want to bother Kuseno with, gradually forming a sort of friendship (which was Kuseno’s plan all along, heh) as well as seeing Genos/Saitama’s relationship through an outsider’s view, which is one of my favourite things to write...
If Ichigo had been braver, he might have asked Doctor Kuseno if maybe he could come for a visit to see his lab and his work, one day. But that felt too large a request, especially knowing how the old man preferred to work in the shadows.
Instead, he diligently took to pestering Genos a while later, when he was still waking up and too out of it to put up much of a fight.
"Will you take me to see him?"
"Come on!"
"Pretty please?"
The cyborg was still on the table, blinking at the harsh lights above him and looking rather lost. Saitama hovered nearby, watching everything but not in the almost hostile way he had when they first came in. If anything, he looked intrigued by Genos' confusion.
"I'm not usually there when he wakes up from bigger repairs like this. I guess I get why now... he probably doesn't want me to see him in this state" he said in an amused tone, poking a soft cheek and chuckling as the other tried to swat his hand away, metal palm not quite hitting the mark as he waved it almost 20 cm too far to the side. "Is he even really awake?" "Yes. His brain is fully active. It's just his body that's rebooting and calibrating. It's taking longer than usual because I had to disable so many functions when I worked on it today." "'seno id-on" "What?" the other two said together as Genos attempted to speak. He took a moment to give them each a half-hearted glare before taking a deeper breath and trying again. "Kus...eno. De-ion." "Kuseno's decision?" Saitama offered, used to trying to make sense of his disciple in various states of disrepair... and abilities to speak coherently. "Yes." "If the kid can visit him?"
"But you will ask him for me, right?" Ichigo replied immediately. "Please? I mean... The more I learn about his work, the better I can help you, too? You'll at least ask, right?"
"Man, you really dig the old man, huh?" Saitama offered when Genos remained quiet.
"I, yes, I do! I mean, just look at Genos! He's amazing!"
"Sensei... amazing" Genos murmured, but said sensei just jabbed at his cheek again in response to that. This time the cyborg managed to grab the offending index finger, but instead of pushing it away, he continued to hold the hand close to his face. The show of affection was not lost on the cybernetician.
"Sap" he teased, smiling.
The next one after THAT was in a piece called Left in the past, where Saitama and Genos chance upon Genos’ cousin from his childhood. Saitama is surprised that Genos apparently cut all ties to him years ago despite losing the rest of his family, but eventually learns why.
"Man, those girls really love you huh" he asks ruefully after they barely escape another round of fans begging for his autograph. "They do!" Saitama answers for him, giving Genos a mild shove, Kaito laughing at his flustered expression. "Do they know it's a lost cause?" Kaito continues and Genos' somewhat pleased expression immediately turns sour. "Enough from you" he mutters darkly at the other who smirks back challengingly. "Well, he's right, isn't he?" Saitama chuckles. "Demon Cyborg is definitely married to his job!" Kaito laughs with him, but Genos is quiet for the rest of the walk home.
A honourable mention for the Crazy cat lady monster in Catnos, because I actually quite dig her (and I very lowkey want to make some sort of follow up where like, Saitama is like “ok but I wanna try being a kitty too” and they find her again, so I can write about Saitama’s turn to be a cat...)
 ”Life is simpler as a cat, is it not? Eat, sleep, play. Not so many responsibilities, not so many worries. Well, if you can forget them, at least. But you still remember, don’t you, little kitty?”
 ”So do I, so do I. I remember them all. All the people who mistreated me, who were cruel to me. Cats are better than people. Cats are never intentionally cruel to anyone…”
 Genos blinked up at the monster, but it paid him no mind as it continued.
 ”It was just me. Me and the cats against everyone. And I wished it was just me and the cats, and no one else at all. And then… it was. Such a thrill it was, to have that power…”
 Like a striking snake the hand suddenly struck out and grabbed Genos by the scruff of the neck. He yowled loudly, twisting and struggling to get away, fighting for his life as he was lifted high into the air, but it seemed impossible to escape the monster’s grip on him.
 ”Easy, easy…” the monster murmured. It was looking straight at him now, pale eyes unreadable, illuminated by the moon and a flickering street light. ”Now you can’t hurt me either. All I wanted was to be alone, but you couldn’t even let me have that? So mean… you’re better off as a cat…”
 Genos hissed as he dangled in the air, willing the monster to extend its other hand so that he could bite it, scratch it, anything.
 ”See? If you weren’t so mean, I wouldn’t have had to change you. If you’d just left me alone… But there’s no place for me in this world, is there? Not as a human, not like this…”
There’s the baby girl that I have actually drawn, here, although I don’t have a name for her or anything... but it’s probably her in the oneshot titled Pop where Genos has his torso filled with popcorn kernels while he sleeps, although she’d be a bit older there...
 Genos awoke over an hour later, no thanks to himself - it was an alert that roused him, beeping and blinking at the edge of his vision.
 ”Whu-” he flailed an arm around, blinking the light from his eyes. He’d been attacked? Why hadn’t his proximity sensors awoken him, what could possibly-
 A chubby face looked down at him from where he laid, breaking into a wide smile when she realized he was awake.
 ”H-honey? You’re up?”
 ”Yeah!” the little one proclaimed proudly, and reached her hand forward, towards his chest - why was his shirt pulled so high? He got his answer immediately as his daughter resolutely pushed something into his exposed vent, giggling in absolute glee as it disappeared into his body with a low rattle.
 ”What are you-...” carefully Genos pulled himself into a sitting position, pulling his shirt down as he did so - only to hear a strange, clinking noise, like pebbles in a can. A lot of pebbles. From inside his torso.
AND the very last one is... well, for ages I’ve had this idea of a group of little old ladies that live in City Z, not the abandoned parts like Sai but not too far from him, probably? They’ve lived there their whole lives and they’re not going to move now just because weird critters have started showing up more often. Fierce little ladies that spend a good portion of their day fighting with that bald man over the sales and scaring wolf level threats away with their purses and canes. I lowkey want to write about Genos and Saitama’s struggles with them, haha.
Bonus: One day Kuseno visits and the ladies see him and they are blown away and demand Genos introduce them to him and Genos is just suffering (and like Saitama, he’s used to just... fighting and arguing with them, normally, so it’s all very weird to him!)
Me, before answering this: alas I don’t really have any OCs, do I?
Me, after answering this: oh
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jafndaegur · 6 years
When the Light Falls Apart
Ohh how about an angst fic where Jumin and mc getting into an argument because Jumin constantly overworked himself and not getting any real rest. Jumin storm out and left for the office. Feeling guilty, mc decides to go to Jumin to make ammend but she doesn't make it because something happens to her while she is on her way. I'll let you decide whether mc lives or not and can you make this angsty please. ^_^ 
Well well well, @bat-yo-us , in honor of hitting 200 followers (sugoi-neeeee??? Thanks so much guys!!!) I decided to write your request. I hope you like it!!!
The glass overlooking the Seoul skyline was foggy. Whether it was because it was that cold outside or that dewy, Jumin couldn’t tell. But the city and its silhouette was almost completely blurred and invisible due to the mist. It must have been early in the morning: his fourth morning without sleep. Looking at the mirror that overlooked his work desk, he realized that his face appeared a bit more haggard than usual, and a very faint stubble prickled along his jaw. Sighing, he knew it was time to go take care of his countenance.
Afterall, it would be unfitting for him to appear anything other than perfect.
Cold water slowly turned warm as he took his shower in the guest room, not wanting to wake up his precious MC if he had bathed in the master bath. It gave him the opportunity to stay beneath the hot water longer, to enjoy the soft scents of pure steam that wafted around him in comforting tender tendrils. Under normal circumstances, he would have preferred enjoying his morning routine with MC: starting by sleeping in bed just a little bit longer than he should have, then washing up together, enjoying a casual breakfast before work would call them both. But with this new international deal that literally dangled a lifetime of advantage for C&R, Jumin had been working night and day to make sure that he made no mistakes in negotiations. Benefits earned through this partnership wouldn’t just benefit himself and his company, but also his family in the future.
He turned the water off, toweling off his body and his hair—shivering at the frigid temperature in the bathroom. Wrapping a robe around himself, he set from the guest bath to the master bedroom, intent on dressing quickly and quietly as not to wake his wife.
However, when he got to the bedroom, the light was already on and MC had disappeared from the bed. A work suit had been laid out on the lounge chair in their room; she’d chosen a soft grey suit with a dark forest tie. Smiling faintly, Jumin changed quickly, pulling on the clothes and smoothing them out so that not a wrinkle was in place—so not a thing looked misplaced. He stared at the mirror.
Had his eyes always glittered so lifelessly?
Stepping from the room, he followed the sounds of clatter and sizzling. MC hummed softly, standing over the stove while eggs crackled and sausage hissed. Her long hair had been braided back, and it flowed down in a messy twist over her t-shirt and shorts. The dark circles under her eyes worried him, had she not been sleeping well either?
Jumin stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head in the crook of her neck. “Good morning.”
Her free hand reached back and gently brushed through the soft raven locks of his hair. “Morning Juju.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you, darling,” he murmured, his body feeling leaden and worn. “I was trying to be quiet.”
“I know,” she laughed lightly, patting his head. “But I was already awake.”
Jumin nuzzled neck, relishing in the sensation of the faint goosebumps on her skin against his nose. “What’re you doing up so early?” If he were to close his eyes right there, would he fall asleep instantaneously?
Turning around in his arms, MC held him close and gave his sides a light squeeze. “I just couldn’t sleep.”
“Is something wrong? You really shouldn’t lose your sleep, MC.”
“You’re one to talk.”
She hadn’t meant for it to come out in such a curt bite. Really she didn’t. It bothered her that he would push and push and push himself until he was on the brink of collapse. But she never tried to say anything because she knew that came with the job. And yet, MC pushed the wrong button.
Jumin’s brow scrunched a bit. He wasn’t mad, just puzzled at the reprimand. “I was working.”
“Love, that’s my point,” MC exhaled, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You’re constantly concerned with my health, which I’m very grateful for. But I almost never see you consistently taking care of your own wellbeing.”
“It’s an important business deal,” Jumin took a small step back and ran his hand along the nape of his neck through the stubby little hairs there. “I have to make sure that everything goes smooth and well-fashioned.”
“I know, you work so hard for the company.” MC cupped his cheek gently, trying not to get frustrated. “But sometimes you work a bit too hard. When was the last time you’ve slept? Your employees might not be able to see it, but I know Mr. CEO-in-line’s exhausted face by memory.”
“I cannot allow for any mistakes with this upcoming agreement,” Jumin huffed, his eyes narrowing just a bit. God he was tired. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, MC.”
He hadn’t meant sound brusque.
“You wouldn’t expect me to understand?” She echoed, her eyes widening just a bit, whether in indignance or confusion, it was too early to tell.
Trying to amend the situation, he egged on. “Yes, it’s a very complex and difficult matter. A lot of bylaws must be taken into consideration as well as compensations and the like. I wouldn’t expect just anyone to understand it. Afterall, I’ve been in this business for quite some time and it still gives me a headache…”
The twitching nerve at her temple told him that he had crossed a line.
MC placed her hands on her hips, staring up at him in challenge. “Jumin, I may not understand your dumb business deals—”
“Dumb?” He spluttered.
“But I hope you know I understand my husband.” She insisted, her brow furrowing together.
“If you really understood me,” Jumin counter, his arms crossed stiffly over his chest as he glared down at her. “You’d acknowledge that all of my hard work is for an incredibly important set of negotiations between another company and C&R. I cannot mess up, which means I cannot rest until I know it has been completed in whole.”
“It would have been perfect anyways!” MC shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. “Anything you do is almost flawless. You don’t need to compromise your health for that!”
Jumin rubbed his temples, closing his eyes and trying to regulate his breathing. “How un-mercantile of you, dear. Not bothering to even consider the intricacies that go into agreements.”
“Are you calling me thoughtless?”
“Please remember that those are your words, not my own.”
“Jumin,” MC growled, “You are working yourself lifeless, and I won’t have it.”
His eyes snapped open. She wouldn’t have it? With a grim chuckle, Jumin walked into the study only to return with his briefcase and trench coat. Donning the coat, he walked past MC with a narrowed glance.
“It is not your decision to make on regards to my work ethic,” he rumbled. “Clearly you need time to calm down. I will leave you be.”
“What about breakfast?” She demanded.
He could smell the burned bits of meat, and he wrinkled his nose in mockery. “Forget it.”
 MC stood there for several minutes after he left. She watched the smoke from the frying pan waft upwards, and she barely minded to pull it off the hot burner. The last thing she wanted was to set the fire alarms off. Immediately after Jumin had left, she realized that she had been too naggy. His whole life he’d hated people who’d tried to control him. Whether it was his father, or his father’s women. Jumin never wanted to be restrained by people who sought to bend him to their will.
Was that what he saw it as? She wondered meekly, sinking to the kitchen tile. Her arms wrapped around her knees and she inhaled in shaky breaths. I hadn’t meant to start a fight. I was just worried about him…
Elizabeth the Third meowed from the adjacent room before padding over into the kitchen. The snow-white cat rubbed herself against MC’s legs before hopping up onto her shoulders. Purring happily, the feline settled on the back of MC’s shoulders against the wall.
“Did we scare you with our argument? I messed up Elizabeth,” MC whispered, rubbing her face in exhaustion. “I was trying to tell Jumin I was worried about him and instead I ended up nagging him and getting frustrated.”
The cat mewed before jumping back to the floor and sauntering away again.
I’ve got to apologize. MC decided, standing up.
She slipped into a pair of pants and put on a cardigan. It took her a moment to realize that she looked as if she’d just rolled out of bed. That didn’t matter however. She had to apologize to Jumin and make sure that he started his work day off well. He was obviously trying hard for something that meant a lot to him. And regardless of how she felt in his approach to his work, she had to be supportive for him. He had always done the same for her.
The security guards seemed rather alarmed when she raced by. She managed to give them a quickly hollered excuse before rushing to the parking garage outside the penthouse. Leaping into her car, MC wasted no time starting the ignition and putting her vehicle into gear. The little blue car hummed to life, and she sped out of the garage without hesitation. Her vehicle buzzed down the street, morning time traffic just barely starting. Good. She wouldn’t have to worry about too many opposing drivers on the road today.
Reaching over to her dash, she snatched up her phone that threatened to tumble onto the floor. She dialed Jumin’s number, dismayed when she was sent instantly to his voicemail. She redialed. Voicemail.
Huffing, she stayed on the line. “Jumin. I wanted to apologize, in person…I was pretty unfair to you. I…I’ll see you at the office.”
She stared at the screen as she ended the call. Did that come off as too demanding? Accelerating, pushing her foot harder on the gas pedal, she sped past a stop sign and a street light. God, she didn’t want it to make it seem like she was apologizing to him because she had too. She should have left a more heartfelt message.
The sound of a horn startled her, and she barely had time to hit her breaks as the car coming from the other side of the intersection collided head-on with her vehicle.
 “Mr. Han, there’s a call for you,” Jaehee’s voice shook on the other side of the intercom.
Jumin rubbed his brow. “I left my cell at home.”
“The call’s waiting on the line, sir,” she whispered, his pitch dipping anxiously. “It’s from Eunpyeong Hospital.”
Jumin didn’t wait for his assistant to say anything else, and instead picked up the phone at his desk immediately. “Han Jumin speaking.”
“Good morning, Mr. Han. Are you the current closest relative to Han MC? You are the first emergency contact listed in her records.”
“I’m her husband.”
“We would like you to come to the hospital, Mr. Han, to fill out some paperwork. Mrs. Han has been taken into emergency care due to a car collision at 5:12 this morning—”
He hung up the line, not bothering to hear the rest. Rushing from his office, he made it to the front where Jaehee’s desk and the elevators were. Briefly, he told her to cancel all of his meetings for the day before he stepped into the elevator. It took him little time to get to the first floor, and then to the car outside.
Driver Kim was astonished to see his employer leaving only an hour after arriving, but he said nothing—noting the look of urgency. Even more so when his boss insisted on heading to Eunpyeong Hospital.
Jumin folded his hands in his lap, his leg bouncing slightly with anxiety. God. God. Why couldn’t he have just ignored her barb this morning? She hadn’t even meant it. He had never been much of a praying man, especially when he began to focus more on the company. But…but…Please.
Please don’t take her from me.
Jumin did not wait for Driver Kim to pull to a complete stop when he came to the emergency exit of the hospital. He ran. It didn’t matter if his appearance looked haphazard. If his hair looked wind-tossed and strewn, then so be it. In seconds he was at the front desk, demanding to see his wife. Where was she? The receptionists were trying to calm him down, telling him they were looking for MC’s name and room number. Well look faster. The said they found it. Please, I have to apologize.
“She’s in a procedure right now,” the nurse gave him a sympathetic smile and gestured to the seats in the waiting room. “Her condition was unstable earlier due to the amount of injuries from the crash. Please, wait here until you’re allowed to go visit her.”
What do you mean I can’t see her now?
Someone escorted him to the chairs. The room smelled of antiseptic. Against his hips, the seat was uncomfortable and harsh. On the other side of the window, outside, the sun broke over the horizon—scattering splinters of sunlight across Jumin’s view.
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The Smurfs That Canon Forgot, Chapter Thirteen
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Previous Chapters: Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12
In the “present”...
"Smurfs!" Gargamel exclaimed.
Papa and Dabbler quickly dived back into the bushes from which they had just emerged. Dreamy remained, standing alone in the open, right in Gargamel's line of sight.
“Dreamy!” Dabbler hissed. Dreamy was motionless.
"I thought I saw..." Gargamel shook his head in confusion, then turned his eyes to Dreamy. "Well, what do you want?? I know there were more of you pests just now!"
As it turned out, Dreamy having been left out in the open was currently the least of their worries. It was only at the last moment that Papa Smurf sensed a presence behind him and dived out of the way as Dabbler, not so fortunate, was swept forward with a swipe of Azrael's paw. He landed outside of the bushes, a little ahead of where Dreamy stood – closer to Gargamel.
Papa hit the ground hard, spraining his ankle in the process.
Azrael triumphantly strolled forward, the smug cat leaving the two stranded smurfs the option of either allowing Asrael to come closer to them or to move towards Gargamel... Dreamy and Dabbler tensed.
"Not today, Azrael" Gargamel grumbled. "Today I don't want to have to deal with those pesky blue beasts. Come along!"
Azrael meowed insistently in complaint as Gargamel began to walk away. Away from them. Azrael was then casting a confused glance at the smurfs and making one last swipe at them before hurrying after Gargamel. Dreamy and Dabbler barely managed to dodge the half-hearted strike, Dabbler still clutching the deep scratches already embedded in his side thanks to his previous encounter with Azrael's claws.
Gargamel didn't seem to be paying much attention to his surroundings, and that's when they saw it – they noticed how the ground stopped abruptly up ahead. He was heading right towards where the ground dropped off sharply. "Gargamel!" Dabbler called, following after him. "Watch out!" Gargamel looked back coldly, quickening his pace to hasten away from Dabbler. "And just what do you think I'm doing, you little blue vermin? I'm getting myself away from you." "Wait, stop, there's...!"
"Can't you just leave me in peace?" The old wizard didn't know it, but he was playing with danger, walking by the edge of a swift fall as he currently was, and he was about to lose. He took another step forward, but found nothing beneath his feet.
He went forward at an angle. Managed to somehow grasp onto the edge with his one good hand after a desperate scramble, but now that was the only thing keeping him from falling.
Dreamy and Dabbler ran over, Papa Smurf also making his way over from behind them with some effort.
“Gargamel!” Papa Smurf arrived at the edge where Gargamel could see him.
“Papa… Smurf? Oh, noo, I’m delusional!” Gargamel cried.
"No, you’re not delusional. Now... Give me your arm, Gargamel. We'll help you up." Papa Smurf’s voice was calm. He gestured to the arm that was dangling by Gargamel’s side. "You can't lift me up - you're too small” Gargamel shot back. "Dabbler and I will use a spell. But we need you to reach out your arm." "…You're not Papa Smurf. This is all just cruel trickery! I won’t let you-“
“You’re not the real Papa Smurf!”
“Gargamel, we’re not trying to trick you, you need to listen-“
“Just for one single day, I wanted to be left alone!” he said miserably. “I… I wasn’t even trying to catch any of you!”
“You need to give us your arm or you’re going to fall!”
Gargamel fell silent, hesitating. But mistrust was still written all over his face. And in the meantime, he was starting to slip. His arm shook from the exhaustion of holding on.
He was slipping… and then he slipped.
They watched him fall.
Several metres he fell, into a stream so shallow it did nothing to lessen the impact.
…Maybe there was a chance he’d be alright? Pained noises rose up from where he lay.
"Come quickly. We must go and help." Papa urged.
"But how? We can't exactly jump after him, Papa Smurf." Papa tried to set off at a run, but couldn’t get far on his still sprained ankle. Dabbler ran up, with some herbs they’d collected in their basket earlier. “These should be good for a sprained ankle, right?”
Papa nodded, and soon Dabbler and Dreamy were following after him as he led the way, leaving the stunned and anxious Azrael.
“We can reach him.” There was a long, but safe way around to get to where Gargamel had fallen.
At length, they arrived. Azrael’s cries could still be heard from up above – the cat had elected not to move, not knowing the long way around to reach Gargamel.
Dabbler walked about briskly, examining the suffering wizard.
“His legs seem to be broken… He’s still conscious…”
"What do we do...?" Dreamy muttered. "We need to get him out of the stream. We need to get him help” said Papa Smurf. "None of us can hope to lift him" Dabbler pointed out. Dreamy looked at Dabbler. "A spell?" Dabbler shook his head. "No, that spell's only good for a second or two at best to lift him up."
"Scruple... Where's Scruple?" Papa Smurf looked about. He turned to Gargamel. "We'll go get Scruple. Where is he?" "What do you... Care?" Gargamel breathed out. "Gargamel, we're trying to help!" Dabbler exclaimed. "Gargamel..." There was a rare sharpness to Papas voice and his expression was very serious. "Where's Scruple." No reply. "Dreamy, go to Gargamel's hovel. It's the most likely place he'll be." "You won't... Find him there." "Then tell us where he is!"
"...You might not trust us, but you're going to have to let us help you, unless you want to continue to stay here stranded with little chance of anyone else finding you." Gargamel strained against the pain to speak again. "He moved out... He's staying in the village..." "The human village" Papa Smurf frowned.
"Papa Smurf, the closest human village is much too far, I can't smurf there quickly on my own." Dreamy pointed out, and Papa Smurf nodded. "Of course not. Dreamy, I need you to go back to our village and then take Feathers there. Dabbler and I will stay here and see how we can help Gargamel in the meantime. And take some smurfs with you - I don't want you going into a human village alone." "Yes, Papa Smurf." Once they confirmed again with Gargamel where Scruple could likely be found, Dreamy set off running steadily back the way they’d came, and back to the village. He'd been jogging for some time when he saw Brainy come flying through the air and promptly land some metres in front of him. "Smurfed out of the village again, huh?" Dreamy quipped as he ran by. "H-hey! Wait for meee...!" Brainy called after him and raced to catch up. "Don't you know that Papa Smurf says not to run, that it can be dangerous?" He asked as he ran alongside Dreamy. Wow, my lucky day, Dreamy thought to himself dryly before replying. "Really? I think you're confused, Brainy. Landed on your head again, I see. Hefty goes for jogs all the time and it's not an issue." I think he means, and got mixed up with Papa Smurf saying we shouldn't run indoors... But he wasn't about to smurf Brainy that rope in the conversation. "That's, er... Well I-I say that running is-" "Besides, Papa told me to be as quick as I could." "And I remember Papa Smurf saying... What I mean is..." finally, Brainy abandoned the thread. "Why are you... Why are we running?" Dreamy's voice took on a more weighted tone. "Gargamel broke his legs. He's back there in a stream…” Brainy looked concerned. "Did we-" "No! We didn't do anything!” Dreamy snapped. “Gargamel didn’t smurf where he was going!” "Oh. So then... Well, it doesn't really smurf as part of our business…?” Brainy trailed off. "Ah, yes, so we should just leave him out there to suffer. What a smurfy idea! You should have been the one left behind at the village while I had the chance to go on time travelling adventures. You would have fit right in." "I don't find your tone very smurfy" Brainy replied crisply. Dreamy was saved from having to reply as they had arrived back at the village.
“Scruple, huh? That scrawny little kid?” Grandpa mused.
“Oh, he’s not a little kid anymore” Dreamy pointed out between pants. And he never was ‘little’ by our standards anyway!
“So Vanity, you coming along to go seek out Scruple?” Brainy asked. “After all, he can hardly go alone!”
Vanity shrugged. “Well… I did have plans. I’d set aside this afternoon for reflection gazing in the River Smurf, but… I guess I’ll come along.” As long as he had his mirror, after all.
“Great! So that’s the three of us, then.” Brainy nodded.
Dreamy frowned. “Now wait just a- Brainy! I didn’t say you could-“
Brainy held up a hand. “Dreamy, Dreamy, Dreamy. Papa Smurf would obviously want me to go with you! You need a brave and ingenious smurf to smurf by your side! Now don’t you worry. I won’t let you smurf there without me.”
Dreamy groaned. So two smurfs were now coming with him, neither of which he’d actually asked. “This isn’t some fun adventure, Brainy! Gargamel’s seriously injured…” And the more time he stood around wasting words on the brick wall that was Brainy Smurf, the more time he was wasting.
“Grandpa?” Dreamy asked hopefully. “I think you’d be a big help-“
Grandpa Smurf held up his hands. “Ohh, no. You don’t need me; I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Grandpa had already had enough travelling around and listening to Brainy’s bluster for a lifetime. Otherwise, he probably would accompany Dreamy.
Dreamy sighed. “Well, there is room for one more smurf… I’ve already wasted enough time as it is…” he turned to Hefty, who sighed.
“Sure, I’ll come with ya, Dreamy.”
Safe in the knowledge that at least one smurf going would not liable to be distracted by his own thoughts or reflection, he got Feathers ready and they all seated themselves atop promptly.
Before Feathers took off, Brainy made sure to give Dreamy a grin. “As you can see, you were wrong about me earlier. I, Brainy Smurf, am more than willing to help Gargamel our enemy if he is in need, therefore-“
Dreamy held up a hand. “Okay, okay! If you say so, Brainy…” He made sure to have Feathers take off before Brainy could start up again, or even change his mind.
The trees cleared, and the human village began to come into view. Feathers began to descend so that they could get a better look, circled around a little bit until they managed to identify the building that matched Gargamel’s description.
“This is where he must be staying” Dreamy told the others. Feathers flew up, perched on a windowsill. The window was already open, but the shades were drawn.
“Okay… here we are, then” said Hefty as they hopped down from Feathers.
“I’ll wait outside” Vanity suggested, “And keep watch?”
Hefty frowned. “Keep watch for what?”
Brainy cast a glance at Vanity. “His own reflection, no doubt.”
“Okay, that’s enough chit-chat” said Dreamy, wearing a determined expression. “Are we going to get Scruple or not? I’m going in.” He swiftly slipped past the blinds and stepped into the room beyond, before Hefty knew it. Not wanting Dreamy to be in there alone, Hefty quickly followed after. Brainy and Vanity reluctantly stepped into the room too.
“It’s so dark in here, I can hardly see myself” whispered Vanity, gazing earnestly at his mirror.
“…Scruple?” Dreamy called out.
“What if he’s not here?” Hefty wondered.
“Well, that would just be annoying. He better be here. What are we to smurf if he’s not-“
A loud curse and sudden movement came from off to the side of the room as Scruple began to sit up. He swore again as he began to make out the smurfs in the darkness.
“Scruple! Gargamel, he-“ Hefty quickly dodged out of the way as something suddenly went flying right at him. It missed him, went past the blinds, past the window and out into the street beyond. Scruple had already grabbed another nearby object to throw.
“Stop, Scruple! Stop!” Dreamy insisted. “Just let us speak!”
“Urgh… What the hell do you guys want?! Do you mind? I’m trying to sleep here!” Scruple’s voice was much lower than the returned smurfs remembered.
“…It’s the afternoon” Hefty said simply.
“Yeah, it’s also Saturday” Scruple shot back.
“Gargamel’s badly hurt. He can’t walk, he needs assistance, that’s why we’re here” Dreamy said quickly, before Scruple could throw anything else at them.
“Gargy? What the-“
“He had a nasty fall.”
Scruple paused. “Okay, yeah. Ever since his mother died…” He suddenly seemed to realise something, and started swearing heavily. “Today…! Today must be the… it’s the anniversary.”
He got up, stepped across the messy floor, let some light into the room with a wince.
“Okay, whatever, I’m up. I’ll grab a doctor and then let’s go to wherever Gargy is.”
“You’re going to go outside, looking like that?” Vanity coughed, looked away from Scruple’s immediate glare. “I mean, if you insist…”
Scruple was looking rather dishevelled.
“I’m sorry, but not all of us just have flower hats lying around” came his reply. “And I don’t think we can afford to waste any time- wait, wait.” He caught sight of Brainy. “You’re wearing glasses.”
Brainy didn’t know how to reply to that.
“You’re… hold up, hold up. You’re that, oh my god… You’re the one who doesn’t know how to shut the hell up.”
“I haven’t said anything to you this entire time!” Brainy protested.
Scruple ignored his words, nodding. “I remember you. Wow, haven’t seen you in a while. Thought you must have been one of the ones that died with Papa Smurf or whatever.”
“Um, hello? You haven’t seen me in a while either” Vanity pointed out, then gestured to Hefty as an afterthought. “…Or him.”
“Huh? Okay… If you say so. I thought that flower was a new thing you must have been trying though. Whatever.”
“We have to get going” said Dreamy, trying to bring everyone back into focus for once. He could see by the expressions of Vanity and Hefty that they were rather displeased that Scruple could remember Brainy but neither of them, but he could not allow them to start on it – they’d already wasted enough time. Scruple had swiftly managed to upset all three of the other smurfs, and there was no use waiting until it was Dreamy’s turn.
Scruple hurried to fetch a doctor, and then the smurfs rode on Feathers, leading Scruple and the doctor on their way to Gargamel.
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inklingleesquidly · 6 years
Lee Squidly gets a special call by the headpriestess of Knifefish Shrine to take part in special preparations for one of the biggest Holidays celebrated by Inkopolis’ ghostly neighbors, Yokai. Yo-Fest is only a week away and it’s up to Lee to make sure the fesitivies go off without a hitch.
He’s not alone though; joining him is his pals Guist, Juddinyan, and his many Yokai friends who are just a dial away via his Yokai Smartwatch.
Featuring the characters of @askvincent
Chapter 2 can be found here
Word count: 7,791 words
It was another day at the scenic Knifefish Shrine and Yo-Fest, one of the most cherished celebrations for all Yokai was fast approaching. The bamboo harvest to commemorate the event was growing perfectly even after all theincidents that hampered its progress.
Strolling through the dense orchard was the harvest's own reluctant protector, Lee Squidly. Joining him on his morning walk was his trusty Yokai chums, Guist; the guiding spirit of wayward squids, and Juddinyan; the ghost of the most famous cat in the world.
The feline poltergeist had gotten distracted with a random tall blade of grass; pawing at it, jumping at it to catch it, and gnawing at it. While he was busy being a cat, Guist fluttered about gleefully. "Woohoo, the bamboo's looking sa-weet today, Cus!" He received a calm nod from Lee in reply before he shared more, "And how radical is it that there's an excellent eclipse tonight too?”
That certainly was quite the coincidence that a total solar eclipse was occurring so close to the holiday. The shrine had no formal plans to celebrate the event but the maidens who tended to the grounds were positively atwitter with their plans to view the astrological event together. As for Lee as much as he was fascinated by outer space phenomena he had other interests in mind."It's gonna be great," he agreed, "Especially since a couple of my friends are coming by to watch it to."
That came as a bit of a surprise to Guist. "Issat right?" He wondered.
"Meow?" Juddinyan was equally taken aback at hearing that.
Going off the path of the bamboo orchard, they walked through the surrounding forest where the two curious yokai trying to make sense of what they heard. Guist asked, "That's wicked cool we get to meet more of your buds but is something up, Cus?"
"Meah? Are yanyot having fun with us anymore?" Juddinyan spoke with a joking inflection, adding to it by tapping his foot and crossing his paws over his front.
Lee wasn't receptive to the gentle sarcasm so he quickly stuttered out an answer. "No no no, you guys are great fun, honest." He gave a sigh and explained, "It's been a blast getting to hang out here but it's just, I've been here awhile and I really miss my mom and my friends at school and--." He passed under a tree where suddenly it began to shake. With it all of the morning dew collected on its leaves was thrown off. The scattered droplets all fell on Lee, dousing him, leaving him a damp and dripping mess.
In the aftermath; Guist and Juddinyan stepped back in confusion with the baffled and drenched Lee left frozen in dismay. Then came some sort of noise. "Ya ha ha ha." It was a laugh, a ghastly laugh followed by a snickering shout, "Gotcha again, Leeker." Peeking out from the dense growth of leaves with the most pleased grin was the culprit herself, Leakina.
As she flew away, satisfied with her deed, Lee began to tremble. He balled up his fists, bared his teeth, and wrinkled his cheek while the side of his eye twitched. "I MISS BEING DRY!" He screamed out to the heavens.
 As upsetting as that was, he wasn't going to let such trickery get him down. Later with Guist and Juddinyan in tow, Lee waited at a rustic, worn-down bus stop near the shrine. Visibly vibrating with excitement; it was clear to see how eager he was over the impending arrival of his two friends. Eventually the sight of the Inkopolis city bus he anticipated made him eke out a tiny squeal from between his clenched teeth. It came rolling to a stop at the quaint little station and his tightly balled fists shook when the door swung open. It seemed like that giddy look just wouldn't fade from his face.
Then he bared witness to the only passengers disembarking from the bus; of all things it was a pair of yokai.
“Hi!” One of them, a cheerful little blue cat yokai raised his paw in a friendly greeting.
“What's good?” The second; what appeared to be a jellyfish with bright, burning eyebrows, a little backpack, and a hip disposition addressed coldly.
Lee's smile and optimism faded as he watched the bus shut its door and speed away. Stuttering, he began, “D—are you— you--?”
The ghoulish jellyfish gestured with his tentacles as he said, “Yo if you lookin’ for Ronnie she couldn’t make it ya hurr?” He spoke with such a definable urban droll.
Before Lee could attempt to reply, the cuddly cat added, “Nyanmi couldn’t make it either so they sent us instead.”
“Here's ya homework, homeboy.” The jellyfish said, handing him a thin packet of papers from his knapsack.
Taking the collection of assignments, Lee found himself glaring questioningly at the offbeat visitors with one question above all others prevailing in his mind. “You two know--?” He found himself unable to complete the inquiry as whatever answer they had would only create more questions.
The blue cat seemed to read his mind as he happily exclaimed, "Ya-huh, Nyanmi is my bestest bestie in the whole world and I want to be yours too! I'm Kakkonyan!” He introduced himself with a gaily double fist pump and a giddy, adorable grin. He certainly had a polarizing demeanor to the jellyfish.
That became clear when Guist fluttered in with his Y-pad in hand, identifying the enigmatic poltergeist. “Whoa Cus, that babe you know is buds with a local Legend! He’s Wonderzan; the ultimate Spirit of Wanderlust. They say he only appears to dudes and dudettes that reach all the safe travel shrines in Inkopolis.” That's where Lee recognized him! Throughout all of Inkopolis's main roads and rail lines there were small shrines housing tiny figurines in honor of the workers who built the roads when Inkopolis was first founded. The workforce was mainly comprised of jellyfish. It was said that travelers who honored the shrines were granted safe travels throughout the city but who knew there was a yokai attached to the legend?
Something seemed to set Wanderzan off though as he fired back at Guist with heated anger. “Eyyyo, don’t be showin' disrespeck to my girl by callin’ her a babe!”
Worried, Geist held up his pale tentacles in defense. “Whoa dude, chill, chill, I didn't mean anything bad by it, honest.”
"You better." Wanderzan wasn't convinced so he bumped his chest against Guist in a threatening display. "Cuz if you don't, we gonna have a big problem, ya feel me?"
"Ye-yeah, no problem-o," Guist timidly answered, finally getting the spectral jelly to back off.
Wanting to dispel the air of anger, Kakkonyan excused, "Oh don't mind him; he's just overprotective." Wanting to help more, he opened his arms to Guist, asking, "D'ya want a hug?"
Seemingly snapping back to his usual mood, Guist gladly accepted. "Sure furry dude, who would say no to a hug?"
As the two embraced, Lee took note of a distinctly relaxed smile washing over Guist's face. As he seemed to lull into Kakkonyan’s arms, Juddinyan snickered, “Meow, meow, meow, I never would have thought I'd see you two this far out in the fish sticks.”
Seeing the famous feline made the other cat delighted. “Eee, Juddinyan, it's so exciting to meet you! D'ya want a hug?”
Friendly intrigue came to Wanderzan as he said, "Yehyeh, good to see ya!" Lee watched as he and Juddinyan slapped fists in a complicated handshake.It was safe to say even among Yokai; Juddinyan was just as much a celebrity as he was with Inklings. Afterward Wanderzan encouraged, “Yah dawg give ‘em all the hugs you got.”
Hearing this got a giggle out of Kakkonyan. “Mew mew, aww don't worry,” he said, “I'll always have plenty of hugs set aside for my best buddy ever.”
“Turn down Homey,” was all Wanderzan dryly had to say.
Guist twirled through the air, urging the group along, "C'mon dudes, the party is goin' on up at the shrine, let's quit bummin' roun' the bus stop and head out." He took a minute to peak over what could pass for his shoulder and call back. "Yo Cus, you comin'?"
No one else had noticed Lee lagged behind to twiddle his fingers. "Y-Yeah, I'm coming," he answered with a muttering stutter.
 Sometime after, the advent of the eclipse was at hand. In all the laughter and merriment of the gathered shrine maidens and Yokai, one seemed uninterested in interacting with the assembly. Nobody paid any mind to Lee who sat on the stoop of one of the shrine's many small buildings, fiddling with his phone. He first messaged his friends who were supposed to arrive; both expressing an equal amount of regret at having to cancel on him but were far more thrilled to know he was friends with Yokai and bore a Yokai Watch just like them. He found himself wanting to smile at this newfound sense of comradery with them but couldn't. There may have been one last bastion of hope but the unreplied message he returned to dashed that away.
He had invited his mother to come view the eclipse but she declined. "Ohh sweetie I'm so sorry your friends couldn't come to see you. I wish I could watch the eclipse with you but I'm stuck at work until late tonight. :,( But cheer up honey; I'll definitely make it to Olden Days I promise. I'm so so so excited to see how it's coming along. Anyway, be sure to remember to not look directly at the sun and remember to brush and floss before bed. Love you, XOXOXO"
Giving a sigh, he knew that was it. Same went for the many other declined invitations across his contact list.
"Where's Lee and what have you done with him?" Lee peered up to see that serious voice came from Lyra who was approaching him. As she sat beside him she asked, "You look like the kind of kid who would be the life of the party but here you are suking—ahem, sorry, sulking in the corner like you want to go home."
Did he have the heart to tell her how apropos that assumption was? He didn't so instead he answered, "No no Miss Lyra, I'm fine, honest I am." He was being truthful, at least partially. As great as Guist and Juddinyan were for keeping company, Lee was used to meeting and interacting with many others in his day-to-day life. Here, it just wasn't the same; he couldn't bother Lyra or the other the shrine maidens as they busied themselves with their duties. When it came to Leakina he would say the less seen of her, the better. "I just miss my mom and friends back in Shee-Booyah," the worried boy admitted.
Lyra expressed her sympathy with a gentle cupping of his shoulder. "I'm really sorry you're feeling homesick but think of like this; they'll still be there when you get back," she softly persuaded. She then patted him on the shoulder and gesturing outward. The priestess reminded, "But for now look at all the Yokai friends you have here."
Following the wave of her arm; among the gaggle of shrine maidens were Guist and Juddinyan mingling with Kakkonyan and Wanderzan, a group of Moleymoreys accompanying Boss Moley, and Leakina chatting with Tropicanna and her father. They all looked to be having so much fun in anticipation of the eclipse—but Lee could only look at the crowd with a grimace that made it clear to Lyra that wasn't going to improve his mood. She hadn't the patience for that kind of inexplicable teen angst.
Standing up and lifting her hand away, Lee was face to face with that same strict and rigid glare he knew her to have. The gentle concern she seemed to have gave way to her usual seriousness as well. "Listen, I think you need to learn to appreciate what you've got. Take me, I'm getting close to my 30's and have devoted my life to my faith. I never even knew my parents but I'm thankful for my grandmother and grandfather for taking care of me and for training me through priestesshood. Now I get to pass that onto the other maidens, and all of them I consider my family." She paused for a breath and finished, "What I'm trying to say is even if things aren't how you want them to be, you can still be happy about what you have. So for your own sake try and think about that."
"Hey Lyra, Leeker, the eclipse is about to start!" Their conversation was ended by Leakina summoning them and everyone fitting themselves with special sunglasses if they didn't already have them on. Even over the ooo's and ahh's around him with everyone watching the moon roll into place in front of the sun, Lee's thoughts lingered on Lyra's words. What made this astronomical event extra special was that the moon would follow the sun until it completely set in the evening, creating the longest night of the year.
 Later on, after all the shrine maidens departed for the day, Lee was getting ready for bed. Though he was still feeling confused in contemplating what Lyra had said to him he felt a sense of joy knowing that as of tomorrow he was officially over half way to his goal of reaching Yo-Fest. The sooner it gets here, the sooner I can get to go home, he thought, ever more motivated as he slid open the wood and paper door leading to his quarters.
"Yo get off that roof and fight f'real!"
"Why don't ya make me get off, dude?"
"Meow, don't you dare grab that hammer!"
"Nyah'm gonna get it, and you're gonna get it, mew mew."
Lee didn't expect to see all four of the small yokai together all playing some kind of game on four separate Y-pad tablets. "You guys are still here?" He aimed the question at Wanderzan and Kakkonyan.
Pausing the game, Kakkonyan replied with a visible shiver, "It's too dark for us to go home on the bus."
Wanderzan rolled his eyes. "Yo’ tails light up and I'm brighter than any street light, what you worried about?"
"We might get catnapped!" Kakkonyan shook, his paws held over his mouth.
Letting out an annoyed groan, Wanderzan reasoned, "But nobody can see us!"
Timid and fearful, Kakkonyan mumbled, "I'm scared though."
The gelatinous poltergeist shot his companion the most irritated glare. The answer he gave was a sigh of defeat before begrudgingly turning to Lee. "So, you gonna be real and let us stay here?"
Puffing out his cheek, Lee stuttered, "I-it's not really my decision to make," he admitted.
They seemed to take that as an invitation as Kakkonyan happily cheered, "Yay, we're gonna have a sleepover!"
Lee watched as Wanderzan slipped his backpack off of his shoulders to use it as a pillow. Rolling onto his side, the street-smart Yokai grumbled, "Least this place is comfy," before he seemed to drift off to sleep. Turning around, he spotted Guist sound asleep, vacantly hovering in the air with a bubble blowing out of his mouth. It all seemed to be happening so fast that he didn't notice Juddinyan and Kakkonyan went to sleep as well, picking the futon laid out for him as their resting place.
Seeing that made Lee click his tongue and mutter to himself, "The one thing worse than a cat taking up your bed is two cats." Not wanting to disturb them, he did his best to crawl into his bed but even huddling as close as he could, he could only cover half of his body with the blanket.
As uncomfortable as it was on its own having his back exposed to the air, Lee slept sporadically and restlessly throughout the night. He couldn’t explain why but it felt as though there was such a strange heaviness lingering in the air around him, making it impossible to relax. Where did that feeling come from? Time slipped by in the dead stillness of the night and eventually he felt exhausted enough to drift off to sleep despite his discomfort. Until—
“Wake up! Get up, get up!! We've got a big problem!!!”
“Get up ya bunch of puddles or it’s cold showers for you!”
The five amassed in the shrine's common room all jolted awake in a mass startle. In Lee's panic he suddenly awoke to find that he couldn't breathe. “Mmmf, muh— pleh!” Fully regaining consciousness, he sat up and found Kakkonyan sliding down his front. “Haah,” he finally breathed, “Kakkonyan what are you doing?”
The cuddly yokai explained, “You looked cold so I wanted to warm n'you up.”
“But why did you sit on my face?”
The little blue Ghost rubbed his hands together as he reasoned, “Because your face looked the most cold. D'ya want a hug?”
Lyra was quick to silence the entire group with a stern, "Can it!" She then exclaimed, "We've got a big problem here."
She seemed tense, more so than usual so Lee tried to reason with her. "Ms. Lyra if it's about the bamboo harvest, I promise we'll go check on it first thing when the sun comes up."
"It's 1 in the afternoon," Lyra said wryly.
"Acck! WHAT?!" His voice came out in an incredulous bark before he darted past the priestess and her watery companion. Bursting through the open sliding door of the shrine, Lee was able to put it all together. Despite his Yokai Smartwatch reading 1:00 pm it was still dark as night outside. As if that weren't odd enough there was some mysterious chill in the air that made his short breaths visible.
Lyra joined him on the balcony in order to explain, "There's been some kind of shadow hanging over not just the shrine but all of Ikabashi according to the rest of the girls. I've told them not to come to the shrine today until we can figure out what's going on. I'm sure a Yokai is responsible for this."
There was a loud protest from Guist who zipped between them. "That's just unfair shrine-babe, you can't just go blaming everything on Yokai! How do you know this is--," he turned around to be met with a terrifying rigid stare from Lyra. "--Okay, maybe there is a big bad Yokai around.” That quickly shut him up and made him sink behind Lee's shoulder.
With that, Lyra instructed, “Lee, I need you to find out what’s going on around here; that bamboo needs as much direct sunlight as possible if we're going to stay on schedule. If there is another bad Yokai then I want you to deal widdum—deal with them, sorry, however you see fit.”
“B-but Ms. Lyra, aren't you going to help me?” Lee stuttered in protest.
The answer was a shake of the head, confirming no. “I have to stay here and put up wards to protect the shrine.”
Leakina quickly interjected, “And I'll help protect the baths!”
His natural timidity left Lee still feeling uncertain about his new mission. “But Ms. Lyra, I can't do it by myself; if this Yokai's doing all this then--.”
“--You're not alone,” Lyra reminded, “You have them.” She pointed to the four pint-sized poltergeists; all meandering about close by in the chilly darkness, each reacting in a manner of curiosity and bewilderment by the new environment they found themselves in. “Have faith in your friends, they'll help you out.” When she turned her back and Leakina followed there was no getting around doing what needed to be done—no matter how dangerous it could be.
Directionless was a more fitting description for what the apprehensive Inkling and his Yokai troop found themselves in. "I can barely see my nose in front of my face," Lee complained, struggling to see with the aid of his cell phone screen's light.
Guist followed his lead in attempting to shine through the utter darkness with the glow from his tablet computer. "I can't see anything either, Cus." He gave up and tucked the handheld computer away. "We need a better source of light, we need--," he paused, coming to a sudden realization as he, Juddinyan, and Lee all looked back.
Together, they focused on Wanderzan who annoyingly struggled to free his arm from the iron grip of the needy, cowardly Kakkonyan. His powerfully luminescent brows gave them all an idea; one the street tough spirit was not keen on given the looks they threw his way. "Yo," he said with a defensive stance, "Keep cool homies."
They pounced on him; kicking up a cloud of dust with arms flailing and shouts flinging every which way. Finally, the dust settled and a wriggling, snarling Wanderzan was immobilized, taped to a tall plank held up by Guist and Juddinyan. "Eyyo, you dawgs be trippin', this ain't cool, this ain't cool at all!" He was hoisted up into the air, having been made into a makeshift lantern.
Over Wanderzan's angry curses, Lee said, "Umm, guys, I had their card, I could've called Bulbysaur to come help us." In his hand he held up a Yokai card depicting a pint-sized dinosaur creature with a glowing light bulb for a head.
Guist replied, "Too late Cus, besides this is more fun." Their mischievous nature shown through and that exclamation was met with more angry curses from Wanderzan as they continued to roam the frightfully dark grounds.
"Don't worry, I'll have a hug just for you when we finish," Kakkonyan offered in hopes of pacifying Wanderzan. That only served to make him groan and roll his eyes.
The longer they walked the more they noticed aside from the utter absence of light and warmth there was a startling sense of emptiness encompassing them. The shrine was normally made so warm by the countryside sun and was so teeming with life. The sounds and sights of insects, birds, running water, and sometimes even a visitor in the middle of their pilgrimage were so welcoming. Now though—nothing, what could be powerful enough to create this feeling of emptiness? That thought was so all consuming that Lee failed to notice his Yokai entourage taking a turn toward the bamboo orchard. He just shuffled along into the woods, accidentally separating himself from them.
 It was so unbearably quiet; Lee could swear he couldn't even hear the crunching of leaves and dirt beneath his feet. "This doesn't even feel like the same place, it's so creepy." He expected to hear a response from one of his companions but he found himself met with only silence.
"Guys?" He stopped in his tracks.
"Guys?" He looked back and forth, finally realized he had gotten separated from the group.
Taking a cautious step back, trying to regain his bearings but finding the complete absence of light left him utterly lost. There was no point of reference he could find to focus a single one of his senses on until he felt something whiz past his feet.
"Huh," he gasped, "J-Juddinyan, is that you?"
He tread as lightly as he could, his feet shuffling along in a slow, nervous pursuit of whatever it was that ran past him.
It was all quiet again, and still impossible to see. "Hello? Hello? Whoever's there please come out." He swallowed a hard breath and ran his teeth over his dried lip. "I'm really scared," he confessed under his breath.
This kind of isolation and utter lack of stimulation was growing more unbearable, that is until something caught his eye. Though the darkness was so muddling he could see something clear as day, something that made him gasp with joy, something that was indistinguishable to him. It was another person. Their height and the way they moved, it was all too good to be true. "Mom," he breathed in disbelief. There was no doubt about it, he could see her, and for some reason she was walking away deeper into the night. "Mom! Mom, wait!" His breaths may have been cold but the fire in his heart blazed fiercely as he began to give chase, wanting to catch up to his mother.
No matter how hard he tried to focus he couldn't make out any more than her vague silhouette. Not only that but despite how fast he tried to run he couldn't catch up to her even though she only seemed to be walking at a casual stride. "Mom! Please! Stop! Wait for me, please! Please!" That didn't matter to him though, he had to see her. He pleaded to her in short bursts until somehow, mysteriously; she faded away right before his eyes.
"Mom?" Lee whispered in a pleading voice.
As if hearing him, she appeared again out of the dark. From what he could see of her she had her arms crossed over her front, and her stance was lofty and unmoving. "Mom!" He repeated breathlessly, rushing forward to meet her—only for her to swipe her arm through the air and turn on her heel. He skidded to a halt, finding this behavior rather odd for her? "M-Mom, are you okay? Mom? Mommy..."  Why was she so cold and detached from him? Why wouldn't she look at him or even acknowledge him. He sputtered out his questions.
Reaching out his hand to her, she faded away before his eyes.
As bewildering as that was, Lee's breath hung in his throat as he stared long at his empty hand. He was so happy to see his mother—and she vanished without a word. That wasn't the end for Lee; all around him more figures obscured by the darkness began to seemingly materialize out of nowhere. He recognized them, every last one of them; they were classmates from school, acquaintances from town, and friends he knew personally.
Lee began to walk through the figurative sea of familiar silhouettes, calling out names along the way. Each one would respond similarly; some would turn away from him, others would turn their noses up at him, and many still would just dissapear right in front of him. Name after name, he could identify all of them and they wanted nothing to do with him. Each attempt became more desperate; his voice going hoarse, and his face turning red as he couldn't gain acknowledgement from a single person.
"Somebody please! Answer me!" He frantically shouted, his voice breaking, his legs wobbling as he stumbled in the darkness. Nothing could prepare him for what he would see next.
In the midst of the crowd was someone unmistakable to the shaken young Inkling. With their tall and confident stature, long tentacles secured in a big bow, there was no doubt about who it was. Their appearance made Lee's eyes begin to dampen and widen. His bottom lip quivered; he couldn't believe it, was it really her? Unlike the rest of the mysterious appearances, this one seemed to finally acknowledge him and even begin to approach him.
So focused on her; he failed to see the others around him dissipate into nothing, leaving him alone to face her one on one. His whole body shook, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. He fought to maintain himself; his mind had shut down from the overload of overwhelming thoughts as she got closer and closer. There wasn't anything he could do to prepare for this encounter, and there was even less he could do to keep himself stable in facing her once more...
What are you doing? WAKE UP!"
Every last one of those feelings dissapeared in an instant thanks to the biting sensation of cold water drenching his face. "KOFF, KAK, KUH, KAH." Lee hacked and wheezed as the water dripped down his face, and he was vigorously shaken into full consciousness by none other than Leakina. "Huh-wha—what happened?" He stammered in a frightful stupor.
Leakina clenched his shoulders, wondering, "What were you doing out in the middle of the woods screaming and crying?"
"I—I was?" He seemed so completely lost on what had happened to him in such a short amount of time. There wasn't any time to think about it as the sounds of hissing, yowling, and shouting all at once was happening within close proximity to them. Without uttering another word, Lee and Leakina dashed to the source of the noise.
They first came upon Kakkonyan; clutching his paws and whimpering. He gave a weak plea, “Everyone please, there's n'yo need to fight. We can work it all out if we just have a hug.”
"You pulled Juddin-dude's tail ya dillweed, don't deny it!"
"M'you were smashing Guist, meow, admit it!"
"Both ya'll finna get these hands f'what you did to Ronnie, now what'd you do with her?"
Right before their eyes, the three began to brawl; punching, kicking, biting, and scratching. The whole scene made Kakkonyan cover his eyes and begin to snivel, weeping at the sight of the others fighting. Lee on the other hand wasn't about to sit idly by. "There's definitely a Yokai messing with us," he confirmed, activating the search function on his smartwatch in order to scan the area. He shined the blue light all around; training it on Guist, Juddinyan, Wanderzan, and even on the worried Kakkonyan before looking over the surrounding scenery.  "Ucck, what's going on, there's nothing here!" Despite his assumptions, he was unable to detect anything or anybody hidden from their sight.
Leakina hovered in front of him, quickly instructing, "Shine your light through me, Leeker," as she pointed to the back of her head. That proposition confused him until she elaborated, "Water refracts light; if you shine it through me it'll spread out everywhere, and he'll have no place to hide."
"I'll try anything once." Lee admitted before pointing the bright blue light of his Yokai Smartwatch through Leakina's liquidy cranium. It spread out in a cone; coating a wide area in blue shine and sure enough--.
The Yokai Watch did detect something, something all around them. It was some kind of viscous inky black mass that moved and bubbled in a smooth, ropey undulation that looked like molten lava. Once it had been revealed the strange substance began to ascend up toward the sky, even lifting off of the three brawling Yokai and mysteriously freeing them of their aggression. The stringy goo floated up and up before mysteriously dissapearing before their eyes, leaving Lee and his group in the same silence as before.
"Well, well, looks like I've been found."
There was some voice, one that sounded like it was all around them, but nobody could see it until Guist pointed upward. "Dudes, look, up there!" His call came out as a shriek as he gestured toward the moon where they were met by some kind of ghostly grinning figure on the satellite's face.
"But do you think that will help you against the shadows of darkness itself?"
Scratching his siphon, Guist asked, "Who's that?"
Juddinyan seemed to know but it was expressed with a fearful yowl, "HOLY SHRIMP!"
Recognizing their adversary as well, Kakkoynan also cried out. "OHH N'YO!" He yelled and joined Juddinyan in scampering up Lee's legs and hiding underneath the boy's shirt.
"Not again," Lee yelped, "Oww, ooo, eee, st-stop, ahh, the claws, not the claws, oww-hoo, yow!." He stumbled about, imbalanced as the two scaredy cat yokai struggled to find a safe, secure foothold against his body.
Pulling at Lee's shirt collar, Guist spoke to the two quivering lumps clinging to Lee's thorax. "Yo dudes whats got you all bugged out?"
Kakkonyan answered, "Don't n'ya know?"
"That's Paranyahmbra," Juddinyan quaked as he answered.
"Paranumbra?" Guist repeated.
His voice came out through cries but Kakkonyan added, "He's one of the baddest of the bad!"
Juddinyan gave a swipe at Guist to urge him to leave them. "He's a Meowkai criminal that makes you feel scared at night, meow, he's supposed to be in the Hoosegow forever!"
"I ain't scared of him," Wanderzan declared, "I ain't scared of nothin'!" He bravely stepped forward, rooting around in his backpack until he unveiled a cracked wooden baseball bat.
Leakina hovered to the front, determination flaring in her gaze and her voice. "I'm not either," she said, hiking up the front of her dress over her chest and yanking up her shoulder straps. "These Yo-criminals have been nothing but wet heads; I'll take him on myself!" She swung her fists in a challenging gesture, damanding to Paranumbra, "Come down here you! I'm gonna wash you away! I'm gonna--!"
Seemingly out of nowhere, a massive, shadowy foot materialized out of thin air, stomping on Leakina until she was crushed flat.
"Leakina!" Lee cried in absolute dismay. The group did a double take with the cat yokai popping their heads out to view the scene. What they saw was the puddley remains of the powerful A-Ranked Yokai who got positively floored.
"I'm okay," they heard her call out, "Just wait 'till I reform." They hadn't the time to wait on her as Paranumbra continued his attack on Lee and the rest of the Yokai. Shadowy apparitions appeared all around them, forcing them all to run around in a screaming panic.
Wanderzan proved to be the bravest of the bunch as he swung and smashed his cudgel at the shady pawns but it did no damage to them. In no time they overwhelmed the tough jellyfish spirit, taunting him by tossing him back and forth between each other. Lee, Guist, and Juddinyan didn't fare better; they attempted to run away but were impeded and attacked multiple times by Paranumbra. The Boss Yokai gave a maniacal laugh as it battered and bashed them about.
The only one left was Kakkonyan who hid behind a tree, his whole body quaking as he watched the scene unfold. Soon enough, the inky specters all merged together into one and they approached. The little cat yokai looked up at the frightful, towering entity; through his whimpers his gaze shifted all around to see his allies were all down and out, leaving him utterly alone. Even in this situation his first instinct was to sweetly ask, "D''ya want a hug?"
The response he received was a backhanded smack that sent him careening through the air. "Daaaaaaagh—tuet!" Kakkoynyan let out as a scream, tumbling helpessly before crashing against a tree. The shadowy yokai's laughter rang out again as it reveled in overpowering them all. That laugh, the violence, and the skullduggery was too much for Kakkonyan to contend with any longer. His fangs bared, his paws curled into fists, and he shot up to his feet. He growled, "That tears it! I might love a lot but I can hate a lot to! You're gonna get it, ya big bully! Nyah!" He finished with a mighty mew, pulling out from behind his back, of all things, a pair of Tentamissile launchers.
Despite the damage he had taken, Guist floated over. "Whoa dude, where did you get those?" He gasped in astonishment.
"From the inter-n'yet," Kakkonyan answered. He took aim at the bewildered Paranumbra and declared, "Eat this," before firing a volley of missiles at the big bad yokai. The missiles all struck true, repeatedly blasting their enemy until he was sent careening to the ground.
Collecting themselves, the entire group joined together in congratulating Kakkonyan for felling the boss. Leakina was the first to offer praise. "Way to go Scaredy Cat, you mopped the floor with him!"
Juddinyan added, “Mew really saved us, meow.”
Out of them all, Wanderzan was the most awed and amazed by his companion's show of bravado. “That was tight; I didn't know you had it in ya!” Pride echoed in his words as he touched his tentacle to Kakkonyan's shoulder, making the feline poltergeist emit a gasp.
That wasn't the end though, Guist frantically pointed, “That lame-o is tryin' to get up!” Sure enough, Paranumbra was shakily struggling to push himself up to his feet but he wasn't going to get away that easy.
Snickering, Kakkonyan readied his missile launcher. “I've got one more left,” he said, training his sights on the disabled enemy.
“Ey, lemme give ya hand,” Wanderzan suggested. He fired an orb of ghostly fire at Paranumbra which stuck to his wobbling body. The orb was like a beacon in the darkness as explained by the street tough yokai, “You ain'tgonna miss dat, now blow that sucka back to the Yokai Realm.”
Readying his aim, Kakkonyan said, “This is all for you, nyah.”
Just as Kakkonyan’s paw squeezed the trigger, Lee shoved his way through and smacked his palm on the heavy weapon, causing the missile's trajectory to be diverted. It rocketed past its target, winding through the woods before exploding in the pitch black sky.
All eyes were now on him. As confused as the new arrivals of the team were, Leakina was the first to voice her disbelief. "Leeker, you can't be serious right now," she said, impatiently crossing her arms over her front.
"Serious about what?" Kakkonyan asked in confusion.
Guist held up his tentacles, attempting to stop Lee from advancing. "Cus, I love you like a cousin, but I don't think that's gonna work this time."
"What's not gonna work?" Kakkonyan added.
Lee let out a long breath, justifying, "It's worked before, just let me try, okay?"
As the Inkling boy began to cautiously make his way to Paranumbra, Wanderzan could only shake his head. He exclaimed, "This the last time I come out to the boonies."
His approach was cautious and his nerves showed in his voice as he shakily raised his hand to greet the Yokai. "Heh-eh, umm, hi."
Paranumbra lifted his head in surprise then quickly acted. "BOO!" He weakly held his shadowy hands up to his face in an attempt to startle the corporeal teenager.
He stopped in his tracks, looked from side to side, and then vocalized the extent of his surprise, "Uhh—I never thought Yokai actually did that."
"Wait, you can see me?" IT was Paranumbra's turn to be dumbfounded.
Lee answered, “E-Yeah, yeah I can.” He scritched his cheek with the same hand he wore his Yokai Watch. Even though he wanted to talk to the big bad boss he did not think of how to approach someone who forced him to contend with his deepest, darkest fears. In the end, he kept his question as simple as could be. “So umm—can I ask why did you attack us?”
Perhaps it was his weakened helpless state, or the death glares fired his way by the gang of Yokai just beyond Lee's shoulder but Paranumbra answered honestly. “I was told that if I block that field from getting sunlight I'd go free and have my Lot changed. And I happened to see all of you roaming around in the dark and thought I'd have a little fun.”
There was one part that stuck out to Lee most of all. “What's a Lot,” he queried?
Floating up beside him, Guist scoffed, “Chyah, Cus, you hang around Yokai so much and you don't know what a Lot is? It's a-- it's like a—kinda like--,” he scrambled for his tablet, “It's a lotta something.”
Just as he was struggling to find the information, Juddinyan chimed in. “When Meowkai are born they're given an order of how they live their afterlife. Every Meowkai has one and it dictates our very being.” Lee looked around at the gathering he had come to know. He knew Yokai had an all consuming compulsion to inspirit and haunt but he didn't think that it would extend to their entire reason for existing. His eyes scanned them all; they were all so complacent with this idea, even Guist who was hurriedly agreeing and confirming Juddinyan's explanation. That is except for Leakina; when Lee's eyes met hers she diverted her gaze and clutched her arm.
As curious as that made him, Paranumbra returned to the center stage of the conversation to admit to his woes. “Ohh sure, centuries ago it was great! Everybody was afraid of the dark, and was so afraid of what hid in the dark. I could scare the ink out of anybody who dared to wander around in the veil of night. But now--.” He lowered his head in defeat as he mumbled, “No one is scared of the dark anymore. All I want to do is be the shadow of something else, something big, important, that gets a lot of sunshine everyday.”
His voice sounded so desperate, so lamentful; it wasn't a good reason but he had one for attacking them. The thought of questioning who put him up to this passed by Lee as he said, “I think I might have an idea.” He guided the wayward Yokai toward the main area of the shrine. “It's a bit out of the way from most things but why not be the shadow of this shrine?”
“You would let me do that?” Paranumbra wondered with his mouth agape. “Do I still have to scare people?”
It suddenly occurred to Lee that this certainly wasn’t his decision to make but it was the best thing he could think of to soothe the Yokai.“Y-yeah,” he stuttered, “And you probably don't want to do that.” The only excuse he could think to give was, “I mean Yo-Fest is really close so--.”
“--Yo-Fest?!” Paranumbra suddenly gasped and smiled, “I've been locked up for so long I forgot when Yo-Fest even is. Say, as thanks for letting me stay here I tell you what, I'll move the shadows in a way that your bamboo will get as much sunshine as possible.”
Lee nearly bit his tongue. “You would do that for us?” He asked, still taken aback by how much Yo-Fest meant to Yokai.
Paranumbra swiftly answered, “Absolutely! And between you and me; scaring the Jeepers out of folks isn’t even fun anymore.” Lee never thought he would hear something like that from a Yokai but everything seemed just fine as Paranumbra bid farewell. "I guess I'll see you around, thanks again."
Right before his eyes, Lee watched the Yokai sink into the ground, their inky black body molding with his shadow. Suddenly, he then felt a hint of warmth at his back. The boy turned around, only to have to shield his eyes as a sliver of sunlight pierced through a wafer-thin split in the eclipsing moon. The moon seemed to sprout more cracks over time until it shattered into many pieces like a broken glass plate. The broken pieces of the moon disintegrated into nothing, finally allowing the sun to bathe Knifefish Shrine in its healing light.
He was in a state of awe that his solution appeared to work.  As usual he was shaken back to reality by a bombastic cheer from Guist, “Whoa Cus, you were totally there again bein' the Yokai Whisperer!”
Juddinyan joined in, “Score another victory for mew, meow,” he said as he waved a tiny green pennant with Lee's face on it.
“Ya ha ha,” Leakina snickered deviously, “Wait till Lyra hears you're letting another Yokai live here.” He didn't think about that. With Lyra it was hard to tell but he knew he was pushing his luck as it was letting all the Yokai they’ve met squat at the shrine.
Not wanting to be out of the celebration, Kakkonyan dispatched with his usual polite requests and jumped onto Lee's chest to give him a hug. “That was a-meow-zing, I lost my cool but mew saved the day by being n'yice.” He said after living his head up from nuzzling in Lee's front.
Lee modestly replied, “Hey now, don’t look at it like that. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have had a chance to even try and talk. You helped out a whole bunch.”
“Really?” Kakkonyan said. His eyes sparkled with delight at his sincere compliment. He was so overjoyed that a bright, glowing light instantaneously irradiated between them. It flashed and, in that moment, Kakkonyan hopped off of Lee, leaving his Yokai Card in the child's hands.
Before Lee could even look over it, “Ahem,” Wanderzan cleared his throat. “Eyy, Imma say you was really some'n else out there.”  He clutched the straps of his backpack and kept his head tilted away, avoiding eye contact with Lee. “I see now why Ronnie finna think you so hot."
"She-she really said that?" Lee stuttered.
Wanderzan clarified, "Not in those words but a lotta things she says about you is true so--," he mysteriously held a tentacle out in the air. Lee stared at it for a moment only for the urban spirit to shake it in frustration. "Go on already, take it!" He didn't understand gripped the outstretched hand of the little Yokai. Once they came into contact there was another glowing light that once faded away left Wanderzan's own Yokai card in Lee's hand.
It was always such an event to receive a Yokai's symbol of friendship, but to get two in one day was nearly overwhelming to him. "Wow, y-you guys really want me to have these?"
"Nya'of course," Kakkoynyan confirmed, "We wanna be your bestest besties to!"
The writing was on the wall for Wanderzan who added, "Yehyeh." Though he actually had some choice words for his own companion, "But youI don't give you the credit you deserve, 'specially after what you did back there. Keep cool homey but I'm proud t'be your friend."
As gratifying as his previous praises were, nothing could compare to that declaration in Kakkonyan's heart. He was so thrilled that he gasped before speedily throwing his paws around Wanderzan, hugging him with the tightest, unbreakable lock. As he lifted the jellyfish off the ground and swung him about in his arms, Wanderzan quickly realized the error of his ways. "Aww jees, I said keep cool homey!" Much to his even greater dismay, Lee and the other Yokai all began to heartily laugh at his dilemma.
Even Lee couldn't help but laugh at his new friends's affectionate display. Friends—he looked over the assembled entourage and remembered what Lyra had told him. While he still missed his family, and acquaintances back in Shee-Booyah he couldn't devalue the ones he had here. He needed to do as she said and have faith that they were here for him, and he could count on them no matter what.
Could he...?
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Meow P3
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I giggled like crazy as I jumped into benny's bed and he followed soon enough behind me kicking his jeans off into his bedroom floor I smiled laying on my back innocent laid with my legs open fiddling with my hair he smirked undoing his shirt as he climbed into the bed with me "ummm on your stomach kitten, while master gets ready" he smirked kissing down my neck pressing hard open mouth kisses down the crook of my neck and the to of my breasts before he pulled away sorting himself out getting hard again
"No" I giggled slightly pouting
"No? Does my little pet not wanna get fucked anymore?" He asked and I shook my head "come in you've been begging me for weeks, I'm finally gonna let you and you don't want to?' 
"Nope" I giggled licking his nose 
"Ooooohhh… you don't want me to let you? Do you kitten?" He smirked kissing down between my breasts and down my stomach "you just like torturing your master"
"No" I smiled petting his hair 
"Oh, my little kitten just wants to make her master feel good?" He smirked "then get on your knees pet. Before master ties you to the bed" he ordered I did as he asked turning to lay on my stomach and he grabbed my hips hard forcing my butt against his hips gently grinding himself against me as he got the condom on 
“Benny be gentle with me” I whine as I got cosy with the pillow
“I will kitten, don’t worry” he reassured kissing my head before gently pushing in, I could already feel him stretching me out my walls trying desperately to grip onto him already, his hands grasped my hips and arse tightly slightly digging his slender fingers into my skin “fuck kitten, your so tight” He smirked 
“Uhh not to hard Benny” 
“H- Kitten I haven’t even gone all the way in yet”
“Awww Is my kitten surprised how big master is inside her?” he smirked 
“Maybe” I giggled nuzzling with the pillow 
“Don’t worry, just a little more kitten” He growled pushing further and further, I felt like I was being impaled slightly biting on the pillow trying not to moan as all he had done was push inside me I clenched around him a couple of times trying to get used to him every time I did his grip would tighten on me “Fuck! Kitten… Ummm your so tight pet.”
“Why don’t you fuck me loose then Master?”
“No, I wouldn't change this or anything kitten” He smirked slowly moving from hilt to tip slowly in and out I bit harder on the pillow and my eyes rolled back feeling the rubbing of him on my insides “kitten, I’m not gonna last much longer” He growled “You feel so good kitten, I don’t think I can stop” he moaned moving faster and faster inside me unable to stop his hips moving quickly and forcefully so much his hips almost pushed me over every time he pushed deep inside “Uuuuugh uuuhh! Kitten!” He groans moving his hand to gently rub my clit and the few little rubs he did made me hit my orgasum rather quickly and shockingly clenching around him extremely tightly, he grabbed my arse hard his hips jerking at odd angles, I knew I squirted on his cock and he moved pushing hard inside me hilt deep almost pushing me over “Uuuuuuhhhhh! Uuughhh! Kitten! Kitten!!” He moaned gently moving until he suddenly stopped and pulled out collapsing on the bed beside me with his arm around me “Fuck… that was amazing kitten”
“Ummm amazing Benny” I smiled cuddling close to him “did I make master feel good?”
“Of course you did kitty cat” He smirked as he gasped for breath cuddling me tightly “You wanna move in with me?”
“What?” I asked 
“You wanna move in with me?” he asked “do you want to live with me?”
“Yeah, I’d like that benny” I smiled, kissing his sweet lips “You owe me six bucks”
“What?” he asked very confused 
“You said the bad word. Six times since you got home from the store if I counted right”
“Fine” he sighed getting his wallet out his jeans laying on his stomach as he counted up the dollars from the billfold of his wallet the covers around his butt protecting his naked body or well only just, He counted them up and handed me the folded bills throwing his wallet on the table as he put his elbow on the mattress and his hand on his chin as he smiled at me, I counted up and found he only gave me five 
“You’re missing one Benny” I smirked 
“I know” He says “I’ll owe you kitten” He smirked leaning over and kissing my lips softly and playfully
I yawned and wrapped the black shirt with a few faint white stripes. I did a couple of buttons up and began walking across the cold stone floor of the basement apartment pushing open the little glass door some more. I saw Benny sat at the table playing though a game he was reading about, he sat tucked up to the table in his green button down shirt, his chains against his skin, his jeans tight to his body 
“Hi” He smiled as he saw me looking at him as I leant on the doorframe 
“Meow” I giggled 
“Come on then kitten” He encouraged so I smiled going over and sitting on him wrapping my legs around his waist nuzzling my head into his neck moving my nose up and down the curve of his neck and jaw gently running my hands up and down his shirt, and gently playing with the exposed skin of his chest “You’re gonna start purring in a minute” He smirked 
“Maybe I will master” I giggled 
“What's the matter with my little kitty cat? Why have you been so clingy lately?” he asks gently playing with my hair 
“Maybe your little kittens in heat Benny, and she needs her master” I cooed kissing and licking his neck
“Ohh does she now?” He smirked “Is my little kitten in heat? Does she need her master?”
“Meow” I giggled sucking on his neck a little to leave a hiki on his neck
“Does she want her toy?” He growled and I nodded “Does my little kitten wanna play with this toy?” he smirked moving his hands to my hips grinding me against his half hard erection 
“I want my master” I whine 
“Do you now kitten?” he growled grinding back as I had began to take over the grindings myself so he didn’t have to move me at all “Uuuhh kitten,” he gasped wrapping his arms around me tighter his hands on my back, he nuzzled his head into my cleavage kissing down my neck and my breasts between the shirt “Ummm what are you doing?” he smirked biting on the shirt’s button line “Kitty cat’s don’t wear clothes Kitten” He smirked undoing the buttons and throwing the shirt the floor leaving me naked on his lap “There? Thats better isn’t it” He smirked caressing my skin on my back and waist 
“Meow” I giggled nodding nuzzling with his neck petting my fingers across his exposed skin, often my hands going further under his shirt then just what was exposed Before I could do anything else He undid his belt and pushed his jeans off and his underwear stroking the shaft of his cock 
“Kitten wanna play with her toy?” he asked
“Meow” I giggled grinding against him “But I can’t play with master” I whine 
“Aww don’t worry kitten,” He smirked moving his hand under the table and a strange rip sound came and when he hand came back with a condom in his hand with a little tape on it from where he had taped it to the table 
“Hiding them now?
“I Need them at hand with such a desperate little kitten around” He smirked offering it to me so I smirked and bit the wrapper ripping it open “Good girl” He smirked slipping it on and it took me meer seconds before I sat up and let him slip inside me “Uhhh! Fu-”
“Benny” I warn 
“Fudge” He says quickly “Good boy” I smiled licking his cheek and nuzzling with his neck
“Come on kitten. Ride your master if my little kitty needs me so much” he smirked I rested my head on his chest nuzzling with the exposed skin and put my hands on his shoulders, bouncing myself up and down struggling to contain my moans “Uhhh kitten! I love how tight you are kitten,” he smirked so I giggled and intentionally clenched a few times as I moved “Uuhhh! Dirty little kitten” He smirked slapping my butt hard grabbing the skin as he did I smirked as I bounced faster and faster trying desperately to fule this fire of pleasure getting so close already scratching my nails out his back though his shirt “Uhh fuck come here” He groaned pulling my neck to kiss him passionately and hungrily his hand returning to my butt grabbing it hard pulling me tight to him kissing me desperately as I bounced “Uuuummmmmm uughhh uuhhh! Kitten! Faster please I’m gonna cum kitten!” he groaned resting his forehead against mine 
“Yes Master” I giggled getting faster and faster tightening my legs around him until I hit my peak squirting slightly around him tightening around him a lot and scratching his skin 
“Uhhhhh! Uuuuhhh! Uuhh!” He groans grabbing my hard pulling me tight to him his eyes rolling back his head slightly throwing back “Uuuhhh fuck kitten… I love you” He groaned grabbing me tightly to him as his hips bucked up wildly and uncontrollably before he collapsed against my breasts and gasped for breath 
“What?” I asked a little surprised at his words 
“Hu?” he asked still struggling to breath
“What did you say benny?” I asked pulling his head up to look at me 
“I said I love you” he said between gasps
“I love you too” I smiled hugging him tightly and kissing him sweetly and passionately.
“Benny?” I whined as I walked through the apartment 
“What’s the matter kitten?” He asks 
“Do I look fat?” I asked leaning on the other chair as he sat playing chess in his usual robe and jeans
“Well… yes” He says
“What! You do!” He says “You rather I lie to you?”
“No… but it’s still not nice to say” I sighed “it’s not nice to call someone fat benny”
“You are six months pregannt y/n” 
“No I’m not”
“Yes you are”
“No I’m not, I’m seven months pregnant” “You’re gonna be fat kitten. You are growing another human inside you” 
“You’re fat” I argued 
“I know, It’s pizza and lack of doing anything” he says as he plaid “Ohh by the way I think Our milk is Off” He says 
“Wait what milk?” I asked
“The bottle of milk in the fridge” 
“You drank that?”
“I made coffee with it. It tasted sour” He complained 
“Wait the glass bottle or the plastic bottle?”
“The plastic one… why?” 
“That wasn’t our milk benny”
“It wasn’t?” he asked looking worried “so what exactly was it then kitten?”
“That was a breast milk sample I had to take to the doctor tomorrow”
“Ooohh… why was it in our fridge?”
“They said I had to refrigerate it” 
“You couldn’t label it!” he complained “Too late. I’ve drunk it now” He sighed
“How was it?” I giggled
“It tasted better than the milk from the grocery store” He shrugs “does that mean you're a fat cow now?”
“You what?” I glared
“You are fat. And you are making milk.”
“Call me that again benny I will personally bite your balls off”
“I believe that's what you said when you found out you were pregnant” 
“No, it's what you said when I found out I was pregnant” “Did I?”
“Yes, you did benny” I laughed 
“How is baby? Really kitten?” he asked holding my hand 
“Fine, Tired. Hungry. Missing her daddy” I smiled sitting on his leg and nuzzling with his neck
“Awww I missed her too” He smiled, kissing and caressing my baby bump as he plaid. 
“Kitty?” I heard Benny call “Kitty cat?” he called again “Oooohhh Kitty?” He called wandering around the apartment before he poked his head in the door as I sat on the bed my back against the wall in my little dress “Awww there’s my pretty kitty cat’s” he smiled as he leant on the door in his black T shirt and Blue jeans his chains against his shirt his hair a little fluffy but wet where it had been raining in new york today 
“She’s Missed you” I smiled 
“I’ve missed both of you too” he says putting his bag on the bed digging around a moment just as she finished up so I moved little Quinn away as she had finished her drink moving my dress back up “Aww do you have too kitten?” he complained “I thought I was going to get a turn now quinn was done” He smirked sitting on the bed beside us “Hi kitty cat” He smiled kissing my head 
“Hi Benny” I smiled “How was your trip?” 
“Fine, I won.” he says “I Missed my girls” He says “Hi honey” He smiled giving Quinn a little kiss and playing with her little fingers and she giggled so I handed her over to him “Hi, they little one. Daddy missed you” he told her as she giggled happy to see him and he cuddled in his arms again “Hey, daddy got you a present” he told her getting something out his bag a little brown teddy bear almost as big as she was 
“You spoil her” I laughed nuzzling with his neck 
“Yeah, But I wanna make her happy” He says sitting up and taking her to her little crib close to our bed and tucking her in with her bear and he came back sitting with me “sooo…. Can we have a little snuggle kitten? Now little ones’ in bed?”
“Later benny, I have things to do” I smiled giving him a kissing and going out to start on dinner
“Awww come on kitten. Please I’ve missed you so badly” He complained wrapping his arms around me as I tried to cook
“Okay, come on Benny” I smirked pulling him to kiss me “But quiet you don’t wanna wake her” 
“We won’t” He winked “Come on I want my little kitten”
“Meow” I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to kiss me...
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forever-rogue · 7 years
Words and Paper - Part III
Summary: Y/N is a brilliant young lawyer who was hired by Tony Stark himself. She didn’t expect half of the things that would happened, but she was sure glad Bucky happened.
A/N: Here is part 3, finally! I know this is a fluff fest, but plot will come in the next part. Thank you guys for all the support as usual! If you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know! :)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: just lots of fluff!
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It had been a few hectic weeks since Y/N’s big move to New York, and she couldn’t have been more happy with her decision - or her new friends. Tony had been nice enough to give a month off, paid of course, to get adjusted and settle down. She found that life in New York suited her: it was fast paced and crazy, much like California, but in a different way, which she enjoyed tremendously. Plus, the chillier weather and more diverse seasons was something she had been looking forward.
Tony had introduced her to the various members of the Avengers team, she had liked them all. She could already tell Natasha was going to be a good friend, and everyone else was extremely helpful as will, offering help however they could. Although she wouldn’t be directly working with them or probably even seeing them on a daily basis, she liked her new circle of friends. But much to no one’s surprise, Bucky had become her closest companion.
Y/N was putting away one of the final boxes of knick knacks that she had brought with her from San Francisco, when she heard a soft knock on her door. She cast a look over at Pickles, who was curled up busy napping on window sill bench, trying to get any sunlight she could during the overcast late afternoon. She hadn’t expected anyone to come over today, so she debated even answering the door. She decided it was probably nothing to worry about, so she padded over to the big wooden door and looked through the peephole, and to her surprise it was Bucky.
“Hello there,” she grinned as she swung open the door in excitement, “I wasn’t expecting you.” She gave him a quick once over and felt a slight blush creep up in her cheeks when she realized how good he looked, although he always looked good, he never really had to try. He was dressed simply today, a button down and some jeans, but damn, he made it look good. In his hands he clutched small bouquet of flowers.
“Hey, Y/N,” he beamed at her and held the flowers out to her, “these are for you. A sort of little housewarming present.”
“They’re beautiful,” she stepped aside and let him in. Pickles, suddenly wide awake, hopped off of the bench and ran over to greet him.Y/N smiled at the two of them, Pickles wasn’t usually so friendly with people she was still getting to know, “she approves too. And they’re my favorite. You remembered.”
“Yes, daisies,” he bent down to pick up the small cat and started giving her cuddles, “You told me 2 weeks ago. But you prefer lighter pastel colors over the super bright ones.”
“Alright,” she grinned as she headed to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase, “I’m extremely impressed you remembered all of that.”
“I don’t forget things about people I like,” he admitted somewhat sheepishly. He sat down at the island counter and watched her work, “what’s today’s thing you have decided to share?” The two of them had kept true to their word and were telling each other new things about themselves on the daily.
“Hmmm, what indeed,” she mused as she set the finished flowers on the counter. She tried to give him a variety of different facts to keep it interesting, alternating from telling him random things about her family, her high school years, or random things she liked. She loved getting to know little bits and pieces of Bucky, just as he loved learning about her, “my favorite type of people are ones who remember little details about me.”
“Oh come on, that’s a given and doesn’t count,” he laughed at her.
“Fineeee,” she sighed and leaned against the counter as she racked her brain, “Quentin Tarantino is my favorite director.”
“What?!” He was now full on laughing, barely keeping it together. It amused him to no end how someone so gentle and soft loved the exact opposite. She ran into the adjacent living room and  grabbed one of the pillows off of the couch and hit him with it, “oh, you’re serious?”
“Yes, you jerk,” she stuck her tongue out at him, “I think he’s great. Just because it’s violent, doesn’t mean I can’t like it. He has a vision, you know. Story telling is his forte!”
“Alright, alright, Princess,” he appeased her and played along and got on his knees, clasping his hands in front of him, “please forgive this poor peasant for ever doubting you.”
“I mean...I suppose. This Princess likes her Buckaroo,” she extended her hand out to him to pull him up. He bowed his head and reached for her hand. He stood up more abruptly than she was expecting and they slammed into each other. Bucky wrapped his arms around her to keep from falling as he balanced them out, “ohh hello.”
“Hi there,” he smiled down at her as he inhaled her soft vanilla scent,, “are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No, I’m good,” she nodded lightly. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute, as they both stood unmoving. She could feel the heat radiating from his strong body on her smaller frame. They had never been this close and entangled before.
She was pretty sure her growing feelings for him were undoubtedly not so secret anymore. What she didn’t know was that Bucky felt the same about her. It had been so long, decades really, since he had had feelings for anyone. Especially nowadays, when people still feared him and he didn’t make many close connections. Neither of them wanted to move; everything in this moment felt right..until she heard a loud meow behind her, “oh!”
Pickles sat on the floor in the kitchen next to her water bowl, signaling it was time for her dinner. What great timing she had, indeed  Bucky and Y/N slowly let go of one another as she walked over to feed the cat. Bucky was sad to have to let go of her but didn’t want to make things awkward. He stood there and scratched the back of his neck.
Y/N quickly fed Pickles before turning back to him, “I-uh, sorry. She’s so needy.”
“It’s okay,” he responded, thinking of how to make his next move, “it is dinner time after all. Have you eaten?”
“No, actually, I was just putting away the last of my stuff, eating hadn’t even crossed my mind,” she admitted as she glanced over at the small and still half packed box.
“I don’t know if you had plans or anything,” he chuckled nervously, “but would you want to get dinner or something?”
“I do not have plans,” an idea crossed her mind, “but how about we order in and watch a movie? Maybe a Tarantino one? I have all of his films.”
“That sounds great,” his heart did did somersaults at her plan. He couldn’t think of anything he’d rather be doing right now, “what sounds good for dinner?”
“Chinese, for sure,” she was never one of those girls who couldn’t make up her mind, “unless you’d prefer something else?”
“No, Chinese is always good,” he agreed as he walked into the kitchen and opened the drawer where he had started a collection of menus for local restaurants. You never know what you could be in the mood for or when, he had told when he first started the growing collection.
He already knew what she liked, but he didn’t want to give away how much he actually remembered about her. Stalker vibes was not something he was wanting to give off. He knew she loved her egg rolls and fried rice, “do you want anything in particular?”
“The usual! I think that sounds perfect right now,” she gave him a big smile as she went to grab some blankets from the small hall linen closet. She sneaked peeks at him as he pulled out his phone and called their favorite spot. She listened to his smooth and voice him, watched as he nodded his head as ordered, the way his smile reached his blue eyes, making them seem bluer and brighter than ever. She wondered what it’d be like to kiss his soft looking lips.
“Y/N?” Bucky caught her off guard, as she had zoned out as she was watching him. He waved his hand in front of her face.
“Huh? Oh sorry,” her cheeks deepened to a bright crimson as she realized she had been caught staring at him, “I got so caught up thinking about which movie to watch.”
“Sure, Princess,” he gave her a wink that made her want to melt as he sat down on the couch and put his feet on the table, “the food should be here in about half an hour. What film were you thinking about?”
“How about Reservoir Dogs?” she held up the box in front of her face as she walked over to the TV, “underrated if you ask me, but one of his best.”
“I agree, his earlier works might be slightly better than his old ones,” he watched her eagerly put into the move into her Playstation. He loved how easy, and yet wonderful everything felt with her. He patted the couch next to him and she sucked in her breath a little bit. As often as they spent time together being so close to him still gave her butterflies. She sat down a bit tensely as she too put her feet on the coffee table. She left just a little bit of distance between.
They started watching the movie, although neither of them were completely focused on it. Both of them were hyper aware of the heat flowing between them and the closeness of their bodies. Bucky was trying to push himself to make a move. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her chest rise and fall lightly, her eyes trained on the TV. Just as he was ready to finally put his arm around her, a knock came at the door. He groaned inwardly, but stood up to answer it.
He opened the door and quickly grabbed the food and put it on the table, ready to turn around and get some plates. Y/N scoffed a little bit, which caused him to turn around, “what?”
“It’s Chinese, we’re supposed to eat it out of the container,” she said dramatically. The corners of his mouth turned up in a small smile, “unless you’re afraid of my germs, Buckaroo.”
“Not a bit,” he rejoined her on the couch and grabbed the chopsticks she was holding out to him, “you just can’t go hogging everything, like last time.”
“Oh come on! It was one time and I was really hungry,” she protested as she started shoving an egg roll into her mouth. She immediately regretted her decision as the bite was too big to shove. She gave a muffled grunt, “oops.”
“My point exactly,” she narrowed her eyes as at him as she tried to swallow the last of the bite. She struggled breaking down the big bit as she continued to chew and chew.
“I got it all down,” she said triumphantly a few moments later and stuck her tongue out at him, “and there’s more for you. See I can play nice!”
“We’ll see about,” he countered as he started getting the chow mein they had gotten, earning himself a jab in the side from Y/N with one of her chopsticks.
They finished their food in relative, comfortable, silence as they turned their attentions back to the movie. About halfway through, Y/N felt her eyelids start to droop and a few shivers ran down her body as she was getting cold. Bucky noticed and grabbed one of the big fluffy blankets and draped it over them. He finally got enough courage as he put his arm around her and pulled her close to his chest. When she didn’t argue but burrowed even closer into his side he couldn’t contain the goofy grin on his face.
It wasn’t long before Y/N was asleep and snoring softly on his chest. He watched the rest of the movie in happy silence, moving as little as he could as to not disturb her. Pickles even got up on couch on his other side and rubbed against his hand. He gave her a few scratches and she contently curled up into his side.
As the end credits started rolling, Y/N started to slowly wake up. She blinked a few times before she realized what position she was in. She was pulled away to the side and looked over at Bucky, hoping she hadn’t done anything too awkward or embarrassing, like confusing her feelings in her sleep. He smiled over at her as he kept his arm draped over her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered in small voice.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he stated as he pulled his arm from around her shoulders and sat himself so they were facing one another.
“Did I snore?”
“Like you were sawing logs,” he joked and she groaned and hid her face her hands. He gently pulled her hands away and rand thumb over cheek, “I’m just kidding, it was so soft I almost didn’t even notice.”
“Yeah,” he nodded before getting a wicked idea, “the drooling though...that’s where I draw the line.”
“You’re such a liar,” she challenged him and he burst out in laughter.
“You got me there,” he admitted. He studied her face, trying to read what she was thinking. He figured things had gone well enough so far, he might as well try his luck, “Y/N?”
“Hmm,” she made a content sound and pulled the warm blanket closer to her body and away from him with a wicked smile.
“I never told you anything about me today,”
“Oh, that’s right you didn’t,” she realized they been too caught up in eating and movie watching, or in her case, snoring, “go on then.”
“My fact for today is that I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the day we met,” he admitted as he waited with bated breath for her response. He tried to read her facial expressions, which he mostly read as surprise.
“Really?” She asked as her face broke out in a big smile, making her eyes crinkle at the corners, something he had noticed early on.
“Yes,” he admitted as he was the one who now had a faint blush starting on his cheeks.
“Are you gonna actually go ahead and do it?” She asked as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms his neck and pulled him closer, “because I’ve been waiting for you to make a move for a while now.”
That was all Bucky needed to hear as he closed the distance between them and put his lips on her soft ones. They both felt the instant spark between them and felt as though time was standing still. Only when they needed some air did they finally pull apart.
She rested her hands on his shoulders as he cupped her cheeks. He leaned his forehead against hers in a small but intimate gesture. He kissed her lips once more and they grinned at each other like lovesick teenagers. Y/N sighed contently and closed her eyes.
“That was worth the wait,” he admitted.
“It was about time,” she joked as he nodded in agreement. She reached up and invited him back under she stolen, “now that that’s settled, what movie is up next?”
Bucky pulled Y/N back against his chest and decided in that moment that it really didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was them and their happiness.
Taglist: @sebstanwassup @ladyabby-1996 @bookaddic @jems8241
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otp-is-at-it-again · 7 years
11 Questions
Rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people I was tagged by @crookedlovestory ! Thanks so much for tagging me! I love answering questions aha ♪( ´▽`) Emily's Questions: 1. what tv show are you currently bingeing? who are your favorite characters? Um I'm not watching anything currently cause I'm on vacation, but the last show I binge watched was the Flash. I'd have to say my fav characters are between Barry, Iris, and Cisco. Barry cause he's cute and dorky at times, Iris because of her determination and friendly nature, and Cisco because of the puns :^) and overall that he can play both the clown and show everyone up with a scientific explanation for happenings 2. what is your guilty pleasure? Russel Stouffer eggs hhhh. I only get them if they go on sale, around the holidays, and even then it's not always easy so get my favorite flavors (because they sell out quick when cheap enough). My favorites are red velvet, truffle, and coconut cream. 3. what’s your biggest character flaw? (just being me in general) Um I'd have to say my depression is probably the biggest flaw I have currently. It comes up when people (my parents) yell at me, because I'm trying my best but even that never seems to be good enough. And when I get into that state I shut down physically, and mentally loop on the negatives on how useless I am as a person. It usually also comes up when I'm in a stressful situation, for ex when I'm overloaded with school and social and home problems at the same time. Though recently I've noticed I get it at random times now too, so idk. I just go along with it at this point. 4. did you have an imaginary friend as a kid? what were they like? what was their name? Ha.. Yeah I had an imaginary friend, when I was a little on the older side of childhood (middle school), though there's kind of a backstory to him. I was ahead of the curve with relationships amongst my friends, starting as early as 5th grade (compared to most who started in 7th or 8th). But the ones I had at the time sucked because the guy got bored or stopped caring or was too far away for anything to happen. I tried to move onto other guys, but when I tried to ask them out (yes I was /that/ kind of person) I always got rejected. Of course to my friends I played it off as no big deal, but each time I got rejected, each time after I asked a guy out he would ignore me like I wasn't even there despite us having classes together, it got to me and wore me down. So to compensate I guess my overactive imagination came up with the "perfect guy" so I wouldn't have to worry about being rejected any more, because he would always be there for me.. His name was Marcus. He's Japanese/White mix, about 6 feet tall with a slight muscular build. I used to have trouble sleeping at night because of the insecurities that built up after the rejections, after seeing my other friends have successful relationships so easily despite how much effort I put into starting my own and being shot down.. But in those times- again my overactive imagination came into play- I felt a presence on me that I manifested into Marcus, so that I could imagine someone being there with me, someone who could comfort me and make me feel like everything would be okay. For a while that helped, but it got out of control pretty quickly. Into high school I stopped imagining things like that, or having dreams about him and I, where I could experience a healthy relationship. At that point I gave up on trying to have a relationship, and figured it would be easier just to fill in that spot on Facebook so people would stop bugging me about finding someone. So I made a Facebook account under his name, Marcus Takahashi (I deleted the actual account, but I made a fictional character page that a lot of people have begun to like recently ?) and made it look like we were in a relationship. What I didn't expect was my mother-like friends to come on and start asking a bunch of questions like 'how did you two meet?' and 'where are you from?' and other informational stuff that I didn't want to answer so suddenly.. so I just knocked it off and told people it was just a joke. After that I ditched the idea of Marcus as my imaginary friend and adopted him more an an original character. So he's still around, it's just the context of his character is different now. 5. if you could tell your past self anything, what would it be? Don't fret so much over relationships. That is by far the most destructive thing you can do so early in life (at least speaking from my past experiences). If you express interest in someone and they don't put as much effort as you do into maintaining the relationship, drop them right then and there. It isn't worth the emotional and mental stress of blaming yourself for things you're not even at fault at. Just focus on the friendships you have and things will work out fine in the end. 6. what’s your favorite flower? why? ohh hmm. I think the plumeria would be one of my favorites. My grandma used to have a yellow plant in her backyard, near her pool, and I always thought it was the prettiest thing.. And as I got older and my family and I took walks around the neighborhood, I noticed a lot of people had them in their yards in a bunch of different colors. I think nowadays my favorite one of that species is the pink plumeria because it looks and smells really nice. 7. recommend one of your favorite books. what is it about? why do you recommend it? Boy oh boy. I have a lot of favorite books, but recently my favorite has been Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. The pov from the main character is nerdy and dorky, but relatable a lot of the time. Plus it has a bunch of old, obscure video game references which is pretty cool. I grew up with the games mentioned in the book, so it's kinda nostalgic reading about them. Totally would suggest others to read it. 8. what is a quote that has resonated with you? why is it important to you? Okay this is going to sound kinda stupid compared to all those inspirational quotes out there, but I really like this quote I found in a fan fiction, where the character says, "my sexual desires can be equated to the thirst of a camel". It was a pretty bad fanfiction (not really bad, just too cheesy even for my taste) but I thought that quote was absolutely perfect. Even after I dropped reading it, I kept a screenshot from that for the last three years because it's pretty accurate for me. I joke about it a lot with my boyfriend (which makes him cry a bit but it's still pretty funny). 9. what’s your favorite emoji? Hm. I think 👌🏼 or ✌🏼 would be my favorite ones because I use it a lot in my twitter posts. Like I'll update with something and be like 'this cool thing happened to me dudes 👌🏼👌🏼' or whatever. And I use the peace sign a lot irl so they're pretty useful. 10. what’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? *inhales* boi I have a bunch of weird dreams haha.. Um I think one of the weirder ones was from when I was younger.. It was the tail end of elementary school and I had a crush on these three boys that were best friends. I had a dream where I found them at Soak City, but it was super distorted (because almost all my dream places are). So we stood at the top of the colored slides and instead of being their normal height, they were probably 3-4 times that, and on rickety stilts instead. Of course one of the guys told me is was okay to slide down the red slide, so I made a jump for it (scary af). We went on another ride after that (I forget which) and then I followed the guys to the log ride. The guys went in, but I got sidetracked because I saw a cat in the planters next to the entrance. I went over to pet the cat and next thing I know there's a bunch of them surrounding me and meowing. I thought that was awesome at first cause I love cats, but next thing I know they're all scratching me and I kept flinging them off me because I was freaking out. I ended up backing into this room which turned into a distorted version of Chuck E. Cheese. The cats were gone, and I was at the entrance standing in front of an attendant. She said I was a special customer so I got a bunch of free tokens and some food, but at one point I got sidetracked again when exploring. I guess I found the entrance to the employee lounge, which was a maze, and went in because I wanted to see if I could find the end. Turns out an employee found me and asked what I was doing, so I fibbed and said I was looking for the bathroom. They escorted me out, and I ended up in this place that looked like a gift shop with stuffed animals and random toys on shelves. And I think the dream ended there. Pretty weird lol 11. which planet is your favorite and why? Hmm I think Jupiter is pretty cool because it's gaseous and has a bunch of different swirling colors on its surface, plus since it's so large it has a bunch of moons in its gravitational pull (and I think moons are neat). Though speaking in terms of connection to Roman mythology, I also like Neptune because of its relation to the god of the sea heh. I'm not going to do the questions because I already did them on my other blog ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ My main blog is @turqouiseorange if my other followers here want to check that out. Thank you again Emily for the tag <3 Even though I already did this and tagged you from my main, I answered your questions here because I thought they were really interesting and fun! Nice way to end the day heh ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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