#oh we have to shoot this ten second scene where u stare at me while i eat a popsicle
lorephobic · 4 months
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not to be emo but anyone else think about how sweet it was for jacob to take this picture of barry who was acting out a scene where he leans back and appreciates how beautiful felix is. literally jacob repaying the compliment.
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sehunniepotwrites · 4 years
let’s break the ice | m.l | two
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🏒  SYNOPSIS— in which your college’s hockey team crashes your lunch plans after practice and you have to get away before dying of embarrassment 🏒 GENRE— fluff, humor, crack, college!au, ice hockey!au 🏒 PAIRING— ice hockey captain!mark lee x reader 🏒 WORD COUNT— 1.5k 🏒 WARNINGS— sexual innuendos made; povs switching during the same scene; cursing 
🏒 AUTHOR’S NOTE— oh shit, does that say part two?? l m a o
y’all asked for it, so here it is! i’m turning this into a mini-series featuring random snapshots of mark with his love interest! no regular updates, the parts are just going to be randomly uploaded as we go. surprise surprise! i have a couple of moments planned already, so stay tuned! (i’m still working on the requests i have left as well as my other wips, please be patient with me!)
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You take that back, you absolutely hate hockey. More specifically, you hate the handsome devils that make up NCT U’s team and how they turned your meal with Jaemin and Jeno to a team dinner. 
You hate how they are relentless in their teasing and force you into a chair right next to their captain. And you absolutely despise how all eyes are on you as Mark tries to strike a conversation with you.
The group decided to forgo your original plans of eating at a Thai place, opting to visit the local diner they frequented instead. You felt sorry for the person waiting on your group; having to deal with a loudmouth team that wanted to split the check was always a struggle. They just smiled as they readied your seating, pushing several tables together to accommodate your group. They quickly took your drink orders, the others ordering milkshakes and sodas while you and Mark just asked for waters. Your friends mocked you for even getting the same drink and it just went spiraling from there.
“I’m so sorry about them,” Mark whispers under his breath, hand coming up to cover his small face. “They’re being dumb. I’ll tell them to stop.”
He’s leaning his body towards yours and you feel the team’s stares as you move to cover your mouth. “Are they like this all the time? I mean, I know Jaemin and Donghyuck are but the rest, questionable.”
He rolls his brown eyes to convey his extremely annoyed state, “They’re nosy assholes, all of them.” Mark shoots his mates a glare that’s meant to be intimidating but it’s far from that off the ice. He looks like an upset little puppy, face crinkled and eyes rounded in the cutest way. You want to pinch his cheeks but you refrain from doing so. 
“What are you two lovebirds talking about?” Donghyuck smirks from the other side of the table.
From beside him, Yangyang adds, “Yeah, share with the whole class!”
Mark groans— he can’t believe he has to deal with two loudmouths in his team. He looks to the older members: Sicheng is just silently grinning and Ten is wiggling his brows at the captain. The only one’s looking sorry for him are Jeno, the ever-so-sweet one sitting beside his boyfriend, and Sungchan, the shy new addition to the team. 
Jaemin, sitting on your right while Mark is squished on your left, laughs, “You’re not talking about being smashed by him, are you?” He’s obviously taking pleasure in your pain. You don’t think they’re ever going to let that go.
You smack him across the arm and he winces at the stinging contact, surprised by your strength. “Oh my god, stop! No one was supposed to hear that!”
“And yet, everybody did,” Yangyang says teasingly, eyes slotted and mouth upturned into a shit-eating grin. You don’t think he should be talking, you’ve seen his struggles with the person in the dinosaur mascot suit but that’s another story.
“Let’s just forget everything about that, please!” 
“I, uh, agree,” Mark says, clearing his throat. He smiles nervously at you and you return it with a shy one of your own. God, how can one person be so attractive? 
“So cuuuuute,” Donghyuck coos and the other players follow, loving the way their captain cringes at their voices. Not being able to take it anymore, you put your face in your hands as Jaemin joins in on the commotion. 
What in the world did you do to deserve this treatment, you wonder as your face heats up in your hold. You’re at the point where yanking your hair out sounds like a better time than dealing with the jokes the boys are throwing your way. You don’t know how much more of this you can take. 
You feel Mark shift in his chair. He brings his lips to your ear to ask, “Do you, uh, I don’t know, maybe, wanna get outta here?” 
His voice is low, soft, and comes off as a bit timid as he presents the question but it still sets the butterflies free in your stomach. They’re flying around, tickling you in the weirdest way but you don’t mind— it’s been a while since your heart fluttered like this.
Biting back a huge smile, your cheeks make your eyes curl into little slits as you nodded enthusiastically. “Oh my god, yes please,” you answer as you scramble for your belongings. 
Mark wastes no time, pushing his metal chair out from under the table before pulling yours out. He grabs his team jacket and slings it over his shoulder before guiding you out the door, his hand gripping tightly onto yours. The group of boys yell at you to come back and you ignore them, too busy reeling at the feeling of Mark’s hand in yours. It’s warm and inviting, the way his fingers wrap around your smaller palm. 
The cold autumn breeze hits you as soon as he opens the door and it gets worse when you’re running down the street so one of the boys can’t chase after you. You’ve made it two blocks before you stop running and that’s when Mark finally notices that he’s still holding on tightly to your hand. 
“Oh, I, um, sorry,” he mumbles as he rushes to let go. His high cheeks are turning red and it clearly shows how flustered he is.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him with a giggle. 
The wind blows through the holes in your knit sweater and you shiver at the sudden cold. Ugh, why didn’t you think to bring a thicker jacket?
Mark notices and he immediately takes action. “Oh, here,” he says before taking his team jacket and draping it over your shoulders. You quickly try to tell him it’s okay and shrug it off but he insists on you wearing it, a small grin peeking out on his lips. He watches you slip your arms through the blue sleeves and pull your hands out through the orange and white lined ends.
Before you could get to it, the blond hastily zips the jacket up to the very top for you, his knuckles brushing against your chin. It leaves your heart beating wildly against your ribcage, fighting its way to come out. Mark takes a step back to admire the sight of you in his clothes— his last name embroidered on one side rests proudly against your chest and it looks damn good on you. 
“T—thanks,” you stutter, not used to being treated this way. The move was so incredibly sweet and you think it’ll live in your mind for the rest of your life, rent free, along with all the other cute things he does.
Mark’s grin widens. “Yeah, yeah, of course,” he replies, glad he’s not the one stumbling over his words for once. Maybe he’s staring at you in his jacket longer than he needs to but you don’t mind, not when he’s looking at you with shining eyes you want to get lost in. 
You don’t though, your little moment being interrupted by the loud growling of your empty stomach. Your eyes become circles and you’re suddenly burning up in his jacket. Wrapping your arms around your middle, you let out an uneasy laugh.
Mark’s bright laughter fills your ears and soon, you’re joining in too, quiet giggles shaking your body. 
He clears his throat and scrunches his nose at you. It’s an endearing look, you think, as you save the sight in your memory. “C’mon, let’s go get you some food,” he chuckles, slipping his hand into yours once again. 
Mark leads you down the street, a loose grip on your hand, and he hopes you don’t feel how clammy his palms are through your sweater paws. His eyes are darting to anything and everything but you, too scared to look you in the eye. He thinks if he spares one more look at you, he’ll combust. 
“You were gonna get some Thai food, right?” Mark asks. 
You glance at him and nod in agreement, “Yeah, there’s a place Jaemin and I usually go to. We were just gonna head there.” You tell him where it’s located and it’s a bit of a long walk. He didn’t mind though, he quite enjoyed holding your hand.
You don’t see it but Mark secretly pumps his fist when you initiate the interlocking of your fingers. The feeling of his hand in yours is so comforting, you don’t think you ever want to let go.
Peeping over at him, you catch him do the same to you at the exact same time, right down to the second. He blinks at you, eyes widened in shock and another burst of laughter bubbles through you, entertained at how ridiculously shy the both of you were. 
Seeing the university’s golden boy as fumbly as you were in this particular moment relaxes a bit of your nerves, though. Many people see the famous Mark Lee as this picture perfect student athlete but during this moment, you just see him as a boy.
You’re just a girl walking time with a boy and you think nothing else could ever beat this moment. 
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2020
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foxie-roxie · 4 years
why rayllum is a MASTERPIECE part 3
i even rewatched it for this!
this time i’ll try to have SOME order, and go by episode. this will however still include unintelligible screaming
first off, affectionate eye rolling, nose boop, and head bonk is the best thing.
third, their teamwork and decision making is excellent. they agree to try and sneak past sol regem, and when that fails try talking to him and then decide to simply trick his senses with the scarf. and instead of rayla shooting down callum’s “smelltriloquism” idea, she simply adds onto it! LOVE HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS
“i think it’s good luck!” YES IT IS RAY THAT’S UR BOYFRIENDS SCARF
also, here you go. you’re welcome.
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first, CALLUM BEING SO EXCITED BY ALL THE MAGIC IN XADIA IS S O CUTE! MY SON. this might turn into an overrall review of s3. o well
third, THE ADORABURR FIELD! their smiles were so fond and soft and A. they make me cry of joy. 
an overall look on it, i like how this episode really shows their feelings clearly. no “will they won’t they”, at least for rayla. it’s clear she has feelings.
first i love how when rayla mentions that she’s excited and happy but also terrified, callum tries to comfort her. good boi. best boi.
second, elf callum. i love that scene so much even if the second-hand embarrassment kills me, and rayla is j like “why the fuck do i love you. im gonna kill him.”
third, DANCE! callum not being rude and saying her home is “modest” before rayla explains it’s an illusion, his BLUSH WHEN SHE HELPS HIM, and the softness in general. rayla’s excitement that she’s home and talks abt that she can show callum where she went to school, the best moonberry surprise place, until...
fourth, AH FUCK. A N G S T T I M E. rayla being crest-fallen before callum says that it must’ve been a mistake, and she realizes that ethari would probably understand!
rayla realizing ethari ghosted her too and then callum GOING O F F. he angy and when rayla runs out callum IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS (like in a later episode) and comforts her again.
when ethari comes down and breaks the spell and says to callum “trees to meet you too” and rayla’s like “don’t encourage him”
also callum trying to get on the shadowpaw and ethari being Concerned is AMAZING. concerned dad content
i’ll talk more about ezran/ruthari/the dark magic trio in a later ted talk
4. H E R E W E G O
first, rayla clearly being sad and callum picking up on that quickly (he even seems to be almost falling on purpose, perhaps to make her smile?) and asking if she’s ok before being shot down by rayla insisting she is fine. GOD DAMN. THAT HURTS.
second, their interaction with nyx is so amazing. rayla being protective of zym and callum being a DORK is awesome, but also their decision making.
after rayla reluctantly decides that they can go see how nyx could get them across the desert so quickly, they see the ambler and then their reasoning is amazing.
“what do you think?”
“the dragon queen is dying.” and then i forget the rest of the exact quote but they give a subtle nod to eachother. they make their decisions TOGETHER. AS A TEAM. AND THAT’S ON HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS X2!
third, callum continuing to gently press for rayla to express her emotions. he doesn’t pressure her, but seems to simply let her know that if she needs to talk (when she insists she’s fine), he is there. 
four, MORE FLUSTERED RAYLLUM. YES. TY NYX but also fuck u for taking zym but also ur hot- A N Y W A Y
rayla’s crying and callum tries to reassure her. nyx is plotting, while rayla runs away and callum follows. Y E S.
rayla talks about how there’s nobody left that cares about her and she lost everything.. and then the SPEECH. i have this speech memorized i’ve watched this scene so many times
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and then rayla kisses him and that’s all that happened. callum was not a dumbass. right? RIGHT???
first, rayla saving callum from the soulfang serpents and callum helping her get up is AMAZING, LOVE THAT.
second, callum tryna get a good position and rayla j saying to hold onto her and callum GETTING FLUSTERED. BOY IS PINING also he didn’t have to hold her that close.
also here you go again
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what can i say except YOU’RE WELCOME
once again won’t b talking abt ezran specifically but there’s some passing mentions of him from now on
first, rayla and callum reaching the stone thunder and callum asking “is it... a statue?” and rayla sadly saying “no. it’s not a statue” A. I CRI.
1.5 ayla and callum best dragon parents
i’ll get to an actual analysis later
second, THIS MOMENT IS UNDERRATED EVEN THO IT’S ONE OF MY FAVS why has nobody mentioned the lil tender moment where ezran is by phoe-phoe and rayla puts her hand on callum’s shoulder AND CALLUM PUTS HIS HAND ON HERS. SO SWEET.
callum is upset because of thunder and rayla sympathizes immediately. this is similar to how callum lets rayla let out her own emotions, and rayla is doing the same. he explains how he feels angry, upset, confused, sad, and rayla quickly empathizes. he keeps on venting, not knowing whether to feel regretful, or glad, and how he’s confused because that’s sarai’s spear. he feels sorry that all this happened, but rayla reassures him that zym and ezran are going to break the cycle! that’s hope! and then they hold hands and i screech
AND THAT’S SO FUCKING HEALTHY AND I LOVE IT. THEY RLLY BREAK ALL BAD HET RELATIONSHIP STEREOTYPES (coughbutistillheadcanonthembothasbiandcallumistransilldieonthishillcough)
7. angst but not rayllum angst so its ok
first, they begin to go up the storm spire and i really love their banter. “and i’m guessing the dragon queen didn’t make her den at a nice, halfway kinda place?” “nope. tiptop!”
four, AHSDHGDHFG THEY DEADASS FORGOT EZRAN WAS THERE. more flustered rayllum i love that
one, ibis is j a good boi. back to rayla and callum
two, rayla going in to see the dragon queen and when she runs out callum QUICKLY FOLLOWS to see if she’s ok. asks her if she’s ok, and she OPENS UP!! CHARACTER GROWTH BABY!!! and then they hold hands and i once again shriek
before we go to the actual angst, can i say that THE LAUGH AFTER RAYLA SAID “STORM SNEEZE” IS SO CUTE. CALLUMS IN LOVE. MY SON.
oh no.
*bonks rayla on the head* nO SELF SACRIFICING!!
although their fight is super angsty and i hate it, it does provide some conflict and more plot because it gives callum a reason to want to find out the truth about rayla’s parents. and then he does! people argue that this fight was unnecessary or that callum was a jerk, but this was needed i think. he did let his worry become a bit of anger, and that was not a nice move, but he knows he fucked up and fixes it!
and then we get soft rayllum this is fine
there’s not much rayllum featured in this ep, but the amount we do get is 80 PERCENT ANGST AND I WASN’T OK WITH IT
first, the fluff! callum trying to do the wing spell and rayla teasing “did you pull a muscle in the middle of a jumping jack?” is so cute. i LOVE THEM. also they hold hands and i SH RIEK again. 
also soren how dare you interrupt callum he was abt to confess
second, callum when he’s explaining the battle plan and his ZAP HAND. rayla is j watching him like “yep. that is my dork.”
skipping forward in time a bit for the angst oh no
third, callum going up to the storm spire after ez encouraging him to go to rayla. love that soft brotherly relationship. and we think “oh, soft rayllum, right?”
fourth, THEY DIDN’T NEED ME TO BE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR WTF. the fact that rayla’s blade went right in front of callum and he looks up and sees zym in danger, viren is there, and RAYLA is there, p a n i k.
and then rayla jumps and the entire rayllum fandom SC REAMS after callum’s “no!” before she jumps and “no, no, no, RAYLA!”
fifth, CALLUM NO WHY ARE YOU JUMPING TOO- oh wait its ok he did the wings and im still crying fuck
THAT CONFESSION THO- i cri tears of joy now. they’re in love
sixth, I J WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE EZRAN SHOWED UP. like it’s clear that they’re talking or something, but abt what is the question. also yes they hug and raylas fond
seventh, THEY HOLD HANDS!! soft bbs,,,
AAAND IM DONE! this is. quite long so if you read all of this i hope u have a good day and thnx for listening to me ramble with some coherent thoughts
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shishu-writes · 4 years
𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐔! 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Words: 1.6k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: My first piece, enjoy 🥺❤️
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Finding work fresh out of a college for the performing arts was never easy. Your resume was decent considering you had a good relationship with your directors during that time and they were able to slip small opportunities to be in plays or movies to you, but they were all small parts. Extras in the background to fill space, and as grateful as you were for those opportunities to grow your resume until the role of a lifetime fell into your lap, it was starting to get tedious. Another role, same as the others, had been offered to you, “Girl 6” they so gracefully named you. You were to sit in the background of a scene where the two protagonists finally share their first major moment together, the scene where they finally realize their feelings for each other just to run in circles around them for another hour, then to confess. Your job was easy, talk idly to the other extras to make the scene feel busier. The thought of having to share conversations with other actors aspiring to be in the positions as the title leads, makes you cringe internally. Wrapping a scarf around your neck and flinging it over your shoulder boredly, you let out a huff, grabbing the small purse that rested on the coat rack near the door and tugging its strap over your head, leaving it to lay limply across your chest. You open the door, heading out and locking it behind you before finding your way to the train station before the shoot started. 
As you arrived the hair and makeup team got to work, not much was changed from the way you had arrived and they pushed you off to the costume department. After you were dressed appropriately, in “20 year old university student” attire, you were escorted along with a group of people to the filming location. It was outdoors, shabby metal picnic tables were scattered around. Everyone was quickly assigned a location to sit and a role to play. You took your place under one of the large trees situated closest to where the leads would be settled, everyone else scattered amongst the tables and trees. You were handed a messenger bag with two books inside, to make yourself seem busy you pulled one book out to pretend to read, long beyond the book was empty and nameless. An airy chuckle left your lips as you flipped through cover to cover to see if the prop team had put any notes in it, but there was nothing but white pages. As you flipped through the sound of crunching grass and leaves got louder and a figure covered up the sun that you once bathed in. “A good read?” the figure asks softly. His voice was like honey, sweetness oozing off of his words. “If you're blind, I suppose.” sarcasm laced your tone and he smiled, taking his place next to you under the tree. As he sat you were able to get a good look at him. 
He had short grey hair, a tuft of it sticking up and flittering as the wind blew, his eyes were wide and had a beautiful hazel color in them that made your knees weak. A mole was placed under his left eye, and he had a wide smile on his lips, which, out of all of his features, looked the softest. One of his eyebrows cocked at your silence, “You okay? Do I have something on my face?” he asks, placing his hands on his cheeks. “A-Ah-No you don’t, sorry..” You whispered, fearing if you had spoken any louder your voice would crack. “Hm..Okay...well i’m Sugawara-I’m supposed to be your boyfriend in this scene..Is this your first time doing something like this?” he inquires, to which you shake your head. “I’m Y/n and...No-actually..I’ve had quite a few of these roles.” “Really? That’s so cool! This is-” “Positions! We’re starting!” a voice yells, he gives a small, bashful smile and scoots closer to you, in his own bag he pulls out a notebook and pen. As he settles his things in his lap he scoots closer once more until your legs are touching, and wraps a firm hand around your waist.
 As an actress, physical contact between your cast is a common occurrence, the first couple times you had to initiate any type of contact between your scene mates was embarrassing, but since then it’s become comfortable, intimate scenes were like a breeze for you, however, something as simple as Sugawara wrapping his arm around your waist made your face heat up, the tips of your ears dusted a light pink, and your body tensed. Suga felt your body tighten at the contact and leaned down a bit. “If you're uncomfortable I can scoot away and we can just hold hands or something..” he mutters, his breath fanning the shell of your ear. You simply squeaked out a no, and inwardly bashed yourself over the head for getting so embarrassed over something as simple as this. He nodded and rested his back against the tree, seconds passed before the directors called the scene and, swallowing down this seemingly new sense of nervousness you’ve never felt before, initiated a conversation. That was what you were here for anyways. You just needed to talk to him for five to ten minutes maybe, if the actors were able to get this down in one take, then you’d leave and never see him again. That thought, even though it was meant to comfort you, made you feel an uncomfortable sense of dread. Mentally sighing you turned to him, changing up your body language and smiling softly. “So this book is really good.” you giggle, causing him to snort in response. “Oh yeah? What's your favorite chapter?” He asks, amusing your attempt at forming a conversation that the two of you could maintain the entire scene, Mindlessly you flip through the pages onto another, identical blank page and point to it, your face lighting up as if the most interesting thing was written amongst the paper. 
You begin to speak to Suga about how great it was, but the cute expression spread over your features made butterflies fill his stomach. It was his turn to get flustered. His cheeks tinted a lighter, barely noticeable shade of pink as he took in the look on your face. He hadn’t even noticed you stopped talking to stare up into his eyes. Silence overtook the two of you until he cleared his throat, “u-uh...anyways...the chapter..” he mutters looking at the blank book, and you nod, turning to the book. “So it's about some kids with crazy superpowers and some old guy that's really buff but only sometimes.” “Only sometimes?” “only sometimes.” he laughs and takes the pen out of his lap, with his free hand he draws in his notebook, you lean over to see but he nudges you playfully. “Not yet!” “fine fine..” you murmur, still trying to peek subtly “I can see you, you know..” he says, setting the pen down before picking up the notebook to show you the terrible, poorly drawn semi stick figure man, hes old, a long disheveled beard being used to symbolize his age, hunched over with a cane in one hand, however half of his body is super buff and detailed. 
You cover your mouth to muffle the laugh that escapes it, he snickers at your reaction, taking the time to drink you down all over again while you laugh. He pulls his eyes away reluctantly, not wanting to make things awkward again. As you compose yourself again you take his notebook and pen, scribbling on it “Whatcha drawing?” he asks softly, trying to peek just as you had before. “Patience..” “You're one to talk.” he jokes. With an eye roll and a small huff you ignore him, continuing your work, looking up at him every so often to notice him staring back at you, then to immediately snap his head away as if he wasn't. You set the pen down as he had before and turned the paper to him, his eyebrows lifted a bit and he cocked his head to the side slightly. “Is that me?” he asked. You bobbed your head and he let out a breathy laugh in astonishment. “That's so cool! You’re really talented..” he praises, taking the notebook from your hands to admire it. “You should teach me how to draw eventually-I mean I’m pretty good already but a few tips wouldn't hurt..” He teases. “Mmm...I’m not sure lessons are expensive..” “Name your price,” he replies confidently. “Take me to lunch after this?” you propose quickly, before the confidence you had in yourself falters. He nods quickly, his faux confidence he had seconds before melting away at your request, stuttering out a quiet, “Y-yeah of course- s-sure..” you shoot him  a sympathetic smile and hesitantly rest your head on his shoulder, mumbling “Perfect.” under your breath. 
As you settle in your spot, you finally notice the deafening silence surrounding the both of you. Nervously your eyes shoot towards the director, who has a hand clasped over his mouth to suppress his cackles. “We had to call a cut- you guys aren’t supposed to be the one looking like you're falling in love for the first time!” he teases, laughter lacing every word, the cast and crew now laughing along with him. You and Suga both apologize profusely, the director waving it off as nothing.
After that day, Sugawara took on his favorite role yet. The role of a doting, supportive boyfriend, who made every day feel like you were the lead role of your own romance film.
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perlukafarinn · 5 years
Ooh! Love your work! What about soul mates, time loop, & misunderstanding for Destiel?
The alarm rings and it takes a moment for Dean to orient himself. He sits up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand as he blearily takes in the room. They’re in a motel just outside of Alamosa, on their way back home after working a case. Sam’s sleeping in the next bed over and Cas…
Cas is nowhere to be seen.
Dean sits up and checks his phone. No messages. He shoots off a quick ‘where r u’ at Cas and gets up, looking around the room. No notes or anything to indicate where Cas might have gone.
“Sam,” Dean says.
Sam turns over in the bed and grunts in acknowledgment.
“Did you see Cas leave?”
Sam opens one eye. “No. He’s gone?”
Dean looks down at his phone again, as if he might have received a message in the past minute without noticing. “Yeah.”
“Maybe he went out for breakfast?”
That’s a possibility but Dean still doesn’t like that he left without letting them know. Cas has been better lately about checking in and not leaving without so much as saying goodbye. He’d been planning on going back to the bunker with them. Dean was gonna take him out to play pool and he’d been excited about it.
Dean sighs. Cas probably has gone out for breakfast and he’s worrying over nothing. Still, to be sure, he decides to call.
Cas picks up on the second ring. “I’m on my way.”
He hangs up before Dean can get a word in. He looks at his phone, annoyed and a little offended.
“Everything okay?” Sam asks.
“…I guess so.”
Dean stares at the phone for a couple of seconds more, then puts it down and heads to the bathroom for a shower. 
They go through their morning routine and both are up and dressed by the time Cas shows up, looking a little grumpy but otherwise fine.
“Where were you?” Dean asks as soon as he walks through the door, even though he promised himself not to make a bigger deal out of it than he already has.
“I was taking care of something,” Cas answers without looking at him.
Dean waits a beat. “…Wanna elaborate?”
“A witch and a cherub.”
Dean blinks. He looks over at Sam, who seems as surprised as he feels. “Wait, what? You found a case here? We’ve been in town for like ten hours!”
“We’ve been here thirty-two days,” Cas says, as if that makes any kind of sense. Dean wracks his brain but nope, all he can remember is arriving in town late last night and heading straight for the motel.
Sam is quicker on the uptake. “We were stuck in a time loop? Like-”
“Like the one Gabriel trapped you in, yes,” Cas says, with the weary air of someone repeating themselves for the fiftieth time. Or thirty-second, as the case may be. “It wasn’t targeted at us. A witch cast a powerful spell in order to prevent her soulmate from dying, with the assistance of the cherub who brought them together.”
“And that took us thirty-two days to figure out?” Dean can’t help asking.
Cas grimaces. “The cherub was under the witch’s protection, I couldn’t sense him. And once we were on his trail he… distracted us quite successfully.”
Dean snorts. “Meaning someone got an ass full of arrows?”
“Yes,” Cas says, looking at him for the first time since he entered. “You did. Multiple times.”
Oh. Dean feels his cheeks grow warm, not helped when he sees that Cas is also blushing. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened which is good, because Dean is apparently enough of an idiot to let a freaking cherub get the drop on him.
Dean clearly got hit by the cherub’s magic and went straight for Cas. It’s a lot of work to make a person fall in love after all, but if someone’s head over heels already then it wouldn’t take more than a nudge. In Dean’s case, he feels like a light breeze blowing in the right direction might have been enough.
“I didn’t… do anything weird?” Dean asks, by which he means ‘tell me I didn’t try to molest you’.
“…No,” Cas lies, unconvincingly.
Dean doesn’t wanna call him out on it. He feels sick thinking about all the things he could have done that he doesn’t remember, everything he might have said to Cas.
“Well, I’m sure you’re itching to get out of here,” he says, shooting Cas a half-hearted smile that he doesn’t see because he’s once again looking anywhere but at Dean. “Let’s hit the road.”
Dean expects the next few days to be awkward. What he doesn’t expect is for Cas to avoid him altogether, so successfully that even though they’re both in the bunker they don’t run into each other once in over a week.
First, Dean is relieved. Cas keeping his distance means he doesn’t have to keep being reminded that he may or may not have molested his best friend while under a love spell.
Then, he’s pissed. Whatever happened didn’t actually really happen, so Dean shouldn’t be getting punished for something he never even did. 
Finally, he’s hurt. Is Cas gonna keep avoiding him forever? Was whatever Dean did so bad that it has irreparably damaged their relationship? Would there be anything Dean could say to make things better, even if Cas did stick around to listen?
He goes back to being pissed. It’s easier to handle.
About three weeks later, Dean finally manages to corner Cas in the library late one night.
“How long were you planning on avoiding me?”
Cas’ shoulders go stiff. He returns his book to the shelf, turning around to face Dean with a contrite expression. He’s still not looking Dean in the eye, though.
“Dean, I-”
“Because it’s bullshit! If I did something, then just tell me and I’ll apologize and we can get over it.” Dean crosses his arms. “But I didn’t even do anything in the first place, so letting me stew like this is really crappy.”
“I didn’t mean to… let you stew,” Cas says. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”
“Then why the disappearing act?”
Cas stares off to the side for a while. Dean watches him silently, waiting for the answer. He’s not gonna let Cas get away with not talking here; he can do this all night if he needs to.
“I didn’t want you to hate me,” Cas finally says, voice small.
Dean blinks, confusion cutting through his anger. “What - why would I hate you?”
“I’m sorry.” At long last, Cas actually looks at him, eyes big and sad, and Dean finds himself wishing he hadn’t. “You deserve to know.”
He raises one hand, bringing it to Dean’s temple. Dean draws in a sharp breath, hit with vertigo as his surroundings change in a flash. They’re back in that motel room in Alamosa, and Dean startles when he sees another Cas standing by one of the beds. He looks over at the Cas next to him, but he’s surveying the scene with a stormy expression.
Suddenly, another Dean enters as well. The other Cas turns to him.
“Dean, what is it? You asked me to meet you here, but-”
That’s all other Cas gets out before other Dean is on him, kissing him like a man possessed. Dean averts his eyes uncomfortably, feeling like an asshole for pressuring Cas on this. If this is what he had to deal with, multiple times, it’s no wonder he doesn’t wanna be around Dean anymore.
He’s about to apologize when a noise catches his attention. It’s a muffled groan, low but unmistakable, and Dean turns his attention back to the scene unfolding before them in shock as the other Cas starts kissing other Dean back, grabbing his jacket and hauling him in even closer.
“Dean,” other Cas breathes as they part. “What…”
“I love you,” other Dean says, easy as anything, and Dean’s chest hurts to hear it. He can count on one hand the number of times he’s said those words and it’s never been easy, not like this. 
Other Cas is staring at him like he’s never seen anything so wonderful. “Dean. I love you, of course I-”
Other Dean cuts him off with a kiss, and suddenly they’re frozen. Dean turns back to Cas, who gives him a wry look.
“It went on for a while before I figured out what had happened,” he explains.
“I’m not done.”
The scene changes. They’re still in the motel room, but Cas is again the only person actually there. Dean watches himself enter again, watches himself kiss Cas and tell him he loves him.
He watches as Cas lets him do it all, even knowing that he’s under a spell. He stops after one kiss this time, knocking Dean out with a finger to his forehead and placing him gently down on the bed.
The scene rewinds.
Dean enters again, Cas looks ready for him this time. He still lets Dean kiss him, lets him tell him he loves him before knocking him out again.
Enter. Kiss. I love you. Lights out.
Dean looks over at Cas, who is staring at their doubles with a pained kind of longing in his expression.
“Stop it,” Dean says. “Please.”
The memory fades away, and they’re back in the bunker.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Cas tells him. “I was the one - I violated you. I knew you wouldn’t have done that in your right mind but I let you anyway because I wanted to believe-” He cuts himself off, looking angry. “There’s no excuse.”
Dean swallows. “It was just a kiss,” he says weakly.
“I should have told you, but I was weak. I didn’t want you to hate me.”
And Dean knows maybe he shouldn’t be, considering how upset Cas looks, but he’s so fucking relieved. 
“You’re a moron,” he says.
Cas look sharply at him. “What?”
Dean leans in, cupping Cas’ cheek and tugging him in for a kiss. Cas goes stiff against him, letting out a sound that almost sounds wounded. When Dean pulls away, he can see that he’s raised one hand but kept it at bay, as if he wants to touch but is afraid he isn’t allowed.
“There.” Dean smiles, looking Cas right in the eyes and hoping that he can pick up on everything Dean can’t bring himself to say. “A kiss for a kiss. We’re even.”
Cas stares at him, eyes wide. He doesn’t respond for a long moment, and Dean is beginning to think he made a mistake when he finally talks.
“It was twelve kisses.”
He sounds hesitant and hopeful all at once, and Dean feels the last knot of tension loosen in his stomach. He steps closer, bringing their bodies flush together, a shiver running down his spine when Cas tentatively puts a hand on his hip.
“Is that so?” he asks, warm and low. “Guess I’d better get on that.”
Cas meets him in the middle this time.
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solara-bean · 4 years
First Meeting
I have like 3 different versions for how Zola met the Autobots ( specifically Optimus) but thos one's my favorite.
So this was it. I wake up. Shower. Feed RG0 ( pronounced Argo ) my Rottweiler, German Shepard mix. Eat breakfast. Workout. Then tinker and tinker till the day is spent on whatever project I'll probably never finish. I usually skip lunch and go straight to dinner. After that I'd read, paint watch tv or even practice playing my ukulele. Then I'd sleep and do it all over again as I've been doing for the past three years.
The best part is that my routine is never interrupted by outsiders since I'm alone in the woods. Or at least until now.
One night RG0 decided that he wanted to stray away from our normal path. I was fine with even though he was off leash. Nighttime in the forest no longer scared me. I felt more safe than anything. I still brought my shotgun just in case.
Then I heard a loud boom and stopped in my tracks. Before I knew it RG0 bolted into the direction of the loud sound. I hurried after him in a panic.
" Crazy dog! Now is not the time to be curious!!!"
He zoomed past the twisting trees over the uneven ground that slowed me down. Over the thumping of my heartbeat I could hear more loud sounds that were all getting louder. What was this dog leading me to? Thankfully he stopped at a dead end.
I recognized it as a small cliff that overlooked the largest valley in the forest. RG0 stood at the edge and stared down quietly with his ears perked. I slowed down and began to catch my breath only for it to leave my lungs again in shock.
The once peaceful, lush valley was now a warzone filled with....robots??? Why the hell are there robots?! And why are they fighting for that matter?!! There had to be ten - no - twelve of them. All with futuristic guns and other weapons used to harm and maybe even kill. But there seemed to be two groups. It wasn't just random fighting.
The ones with brighter colors seemed to only be fighting the ones with sharper, more threatening features. Wait did they have matching symbols? Ugh! I can't tell without my glasses.
Hang on...what were these things exactly? Some kind of government project gone wrong or maybe a test? It would make since sense these woods are deserted despite me and RG0. Wait did they not know I was here. I have been keeping a low profile. Maybe I'm not suppose to be seeing this. Holy Crap!!! One of the little ones just ripped off the other's arm!!!!
" Ok buddy," I held onto RG0s collar and began to step back slowly. " No clue what the hells going on but we're leaving right now."
Then as luck would have it, one if the robots was blasted into the cliff with an eerily human cry of pain. The force of the impact made me fall over and RG0 yelp. Apparently we'd been loud enough to be heard since the robot, who was tall enough to rest their elbow ( or at least what looked like one ) on the cliff's edge, spotted us.
They were red, blue and silver from what I could see. They also seemed to be wearing some sort of mask. But what really stood out was their glowing eyes that stared back at mine. They held so much emotion and intelligence. That and they were the most beautiful shade of blue.
Before I could admire the metallic stranger any longer, a screeching voice runge out.
" Well Prime, it looks like you've found one of the planet's many pests. Here let me dispose of it for you."
Oh that can't be good.
An energy blast from above missed me and RG0 by a hair. I frantically searched above the trees to see another robot high in the sky with a blaster pointed at us.
Oh great they can fly too!!!
Without a second thought we bolted back down the path with the flying bot hot on our tails. RG0 was taking the path home but I managed to signal him to follow me down another in the opposite direction. I hadn't been this way in a while but the last thing I need is them knowing where we live. It would have been a lot easier to runaway if I didn't have to keep running ina zigzag to avoid blasts. From the high pitched laughter, I could tell that this metal douchebag was enjoying our scurrying.
The robot must have gotten tired of flying since they landed on the ground. Right in front of us.
" As fun as this chase has been, human. I'll need to finish the job before Megatron gets suspicious of why my mission is taking so long. Not that you understand any of what I'm saying. With your inferior intellect and all."
Ok. Doucheness just went from a 10 to a 20.
They pointed their blaster at me, causing RG0 to jump in front of me and growl at them.
" Aw. The organic has a loyal pet. Let's see how well it handles my plasma beam."
" No!"
I held RG0 close to me and awaited the blast that never came. Instead another came from behind us and hit the flying robot's in their blaster, damaging it.
" Leave them alone Starscream!" came a noble, booming voice.
It was the red robot from before.
" Argh! How dare you interrupt my fun once again Optimus Prime!"
Ok good I've got their names now. Guessing that Optimus is the good guy.
Oh great now they're fighting and I'm way too close!
I barely managed to get out of the way as they tussled around, making the ground shake. Once I was a good I looked over my shoulder to see Optimus, the nice robot, pause to give me a look that said "run." He was distracted long enough for Starscream, aka the douchebag, land a kick on his injured side. That must be where he was shot earlier considering there was a hole leaking some sort of fluid.
Optimus groaned and fell to his knees. He was about to get up before Starscream pointed his still somewhat functional blaster at his face.
" You've disappointed me, Prime. Bested by a few blows? Where's that legendary power?! Ah well. No matter. Megatron shall be pleased when I deliver your helm to him."
That should've been my cue get RG0 and I ro safety, seeing that Optimus was only fighting this guy to give us an opening to flee. But was he really going to die? Or would he be fine if we left? It's not like we could help him anyway!
" Hey Starscream!"
" Huh-"
Starscream emitted a pathetic wail when one one of my rifle's bullets hit his face. Then another. And another.
" Why you little-"
Before he could aim his blaster, RG0 jumped on his foot and barked up at him loudly.
" Ew get off me you disgusting organic parasite!"
He hopped from foot to foot as RG0 jumped around his feet and pawed at them. Meanwhile I kept shooting at him, making a few noticeable dents in his armor. All the chaos made him do a panicked jig and whine. I couldn't help but giggle.
'Serves you right!!!'
He had enough once he accidentally shot himself in the foot trying to get RG0.
" ARGH! Oh that's it! Now you both die!"
Then Optimus, now having recovered some, shoved him at full force. It sent him tumbling threw a few trees, scratching his metal skin and bending one of his wings. He laid a groaning mess in a heap with Optimus' gun aimed at his head.
" I think it's time for you to go."
With that Starscream transformed into a jet- wait how the HELL- and flew away. I was so taken aback by his transformation that I didn't notice one of the now dented trees give out and fall towards me.
" Look out!" Optimus warned.
RG0 thankfully tackled me out of the way but my head hit the ground to hard and everything turned black.
I woke up with a throbbing headache and sore muscles. Even worse my bed felt terrible and the curtains were open in my room.
Wait a minute....
'This isn't my room!'
I surveyed my surroundings. I was apparently seating in the front seat of a truck.
Before I could panic for much longer a familiar voice came from the radio.
" Good morning. How are you feeling?"
" U-uhmm...fine I guess. Who am I talking to?" I said while staring skeptically at the radio and scooting as far into the seat as I could.
" Forgive me for not introducing myself properly. I am Optimus Prime. The mech you met from last night."
'Oh great! That wasn't all a weird whiskey induced dream.'
" But......you're a truck now???"
" Yes."
" Weren't you a robot before?"
" If by 'robot' you mean my primary form, then also yes."
I burried my face in my hands and groaned.
"Ughhh what's going on?"
I then remembered the lack of a certain furry companion. I was about to panic again until I saw RG0 a few yards away from us and playing with some of the other robots from last night. A small yellow one was on the ground, nearly mirroring RG0's play position. I would've found the whole scene cute if it wasn't so bizarre.
" If you don't mind me asking. I would like to know the name of the human who saved me."
I snorted.
" Saved you? No way. If anything you saved me."
" If you hadn't have stayed and distracted Starscream, I would've been severely injured if not offlined. You could have left me there and saved yourself. But you didn't. You showed true bravery."
" Aw stop with the flattery. I was just paying you back for helping us first. So consider us even."
" Then thank you miss....?"
" Princeton. Well Zola is my first name."
" Then thank you Zola. And I'm sure we have much to discuss."
" That might be an understatement."
And it was.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
i’m gonna liveblog my rewatch of 2.08 because i can
it’s stupid long so here’s the cut
just to give you an idea of how fast this switch flipped for me at the start of this episode when uther is like “u will find no one who embodies nobleness better than my son arthur” i went “PFFFFFT” & had a good chortle
i have a lot to say about this duel challenge sequence. 1. why are strangers always coming in and tossing their glove on the floor. everyone in that room is armed. just take them out! 2. arthur picks up the glove first this time, unlike 1.03. guess he can learn after all 3. he does it BEFORE SEEING HER FACE god classic he’s so fucking stupid
everyone getting their panties in a twist over having to fight a WOMAN when in reality she goes on to kick his ass is like...both tiresome & hilarious
i used to really be on the fence about the Vibe between merlin & arthur because while they seemed quite happy to die for one another from the get-go most of the time arthur is just being MEAN and merlin isn’t as mean back and it’s like :/ ok i don’t get what everyone else is so heart-eyes over. but in 2.08 they do a lot of confiding in one another and just general talking about plot-stuff where arthur’s insults are...not absent, but kept to a minimum, and idk it’s nice! it’s nice. less like arthur is a massive bully and more like they’re Companions. i’m not hopeful about it lasting bc this show doesn’t know the meaning of the words “consist continuity” but it was reeeeeaally good here
arthur’s face when he lost to a G I R L and uther just walked out with no comment. even back when i still hated him i was like “ouch”
that being said it was a welcome change of pace to see merlin giving ARTHUR shit for once. finally
upon morgause and morgana’s first meeting when morgause says “i hope you will remember me fondly” i went “WOW THAT’S GAY” because i didn’t KNOW and cathy told me later she had to put her head in her hands for five whole minutes. don’t shoot me i’m just the messenger they’re the ones who wrote it that way
my favorite thing about morgause is that i couldn’t immediately figure her out. i’m in the habit of throwing out guesses about future plot points for fun, because i’m a writer and that’s how i deconstruct things, and since this show was kind of meant to be kid-friendly i’m usually right. but as far as morgause went...i didn’t have a clue. i had NO IDEA this whole ep would be like this
i’ve said this before (not on this blog tho) but arthur is like...really eager to die. i keep joking that he has a death wish but upon further reflection i don’t think he’s actively seeking to end his life as much as he would be relieved to die for something noble like honor or whatever because then he would have...done it right, if that makes any sense, and wouldn’t have to worry about screwing it up anymore. he doesn’t want to die but he craves a good death. to prove to his dad and himself that he’s made of the right stuff?? i’m not being very clear. this concept requires more thought
it’s REALLY a lot for me that uther would rather throw arthur in his own chambers than have him find out about ygraine. yyyyikes
merlin sneaking in that rope was so cute. he finally got the group’s communal braincell for a few minutes
on the other hand after the troll episodes i am SO tired of dung being played for laughs. i really suffered
also man i’m so glad morgana finally got some sleep it’s what she deserves
this Dead Parent talk really mcmurdered me. both merlin and arthur lost a parent when they were very young & they now cannot remember said parent and we HAVE THAT IN COMMON so every single word they said was like an arrow straight to my heart!!!!!!! like as good as the ending to this episode was (and OH it was good OHHHHH it was GOOD) i think this right here is what truly softened me up towards arthur. this is relatability, this is emotional vulnerability, this is a genuine human connection made between EQUALS and frankly it’s exactly what i’ve been wanting from these guys for a season and a half. their willingness to die for each other is good stuff to be sure but it’s EMPTY without some meat to back it up & we’re finally getting what we deserve
“i’d do anything for even the vaguest memory” like they didn’t have to go that hard & read me for filth like that but they did. they did. arthur. babe. my guy.
almost every time someone comes in to speak with uther he’s eating and he has like an entire mini-banquet in front of him even though he’s all by himself. like, an entire plate of grapes, a whole-ass chicken, an intact loaf of bread, a bowl FILLED with whole uncut apples...wtf??
“what would YOU know about magic, merlin?” “nothing ;)” i did have a good chortle truly
i’ve already made my points about arthur and a good death but MAN he was hasty to put his head on that chopping block for no good fucking reason at all. holy shit. him casually doing that swing-thing he does with his sword to the axe ahead of time really adds a lot to this entire thing and also aged me ten years
when arthur was like “what if my father’s attitude towards magic is wrong” and “surely not everyone who practices magic can be evil” i gasped so fucking loud. so fucking loud
and the worst part is you can practically feel merlin’s heartbeat pick up. just LOOK at his “wtf am i hearing is this for real could my dreams actually come true” face. but at the same time, he’s got to be the one with a healthy suspicion here because arthur is in over his head. so he STILL can’t trust it. and then naturally it goes to hell so quickly that the chance for merlin to confide in arthur is lost. i can’t believe this took 4 irl years and five seasons. watching this live must have been like TORTURE. i’m practically bingeing it and i’m still suffering deeply
it’s very odd to me that arthur specifically said his mother died before he opened his eyes but the first thing ygraine says to him is that she remembers him staring up at her. to me that’s an obvious clue that she’s a fake, and the cutaway during that line to merlin’s face tells me he had the same suspicion (and that he’s kind of horrified by it)
i know for a fact that ygraine’s telling of these events is slightly altered from the truth too...there’s no way that uther would have been so overcome with grief that he went on to commit genocide if he knew beforehand that his wife would die and was willing to sacrifice her
on the other hand, there’s also a cutaway to morgause’s face during this speech in which she looks surprised or confused at what ygraine says, which doesn’t add up if she was pulling these strings, so...What Is The Truth
not to be like this but merlin bearing witness to this whole series of events is like...there’s some things that once you go through them with somebody things between you change and there’s a new intimacy there...i don’t expect much from a show that likes to return to the status quo but in my heart it’s how i feel
OH BOY HERE WE GO. arthur arrives in camelot and pulls his sword out as soon as he leaves his horse leaving a visibly spooked merlin behind him this is the STUFF
“arthur was born of magic” is really a hell of a line because even though i already knew this backstory i hadn’t stopped to consider it like that...no, magic is not a crucial part of arthur’s identity and how he views himself the way it is for merlin and morgana, but it’s still a part of his history and what made him who he is, that made him alive and different from other people. his hatred and fear of it becomes so much more tragic in that light. i think also there was such a clear line drown before between people who are magic and people who are not and for me, mentally, arthur kind of...swapped sides, or is at least straddling the border
merlin’s absolute FURY at uther’s hypocrisy is like...........fucking. another thing i wanted to see for a season and a half. imo there’s not nearly enough meat to the fact that merlin is magic and ultimately serves uther who is trying to decimate him and his kind - has actually SAVED UTHER'S LIFE on MULTIPLE occasions. this is the first time this show actually went “hey uther is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people and that’s really not at all ok” and i am SO into it. like, no, he’s not misguided. he’s not “just grieving.” he’s a murderer. he’s responsible for genocide.
the final 9 minutes of this episode feature arthur pendragon being absolutely FURIOUS. he’s LIVID. he’s PISSED. and i love it more than anything else this show has done so far
i genuinely, truly believed he didn’t have this in him. never in my WILDEST DREAMS could i have imagined arthur doing this. i had written it off as the stuff of fanfics. but holy shit my man snapped
reasons i did not see this coming at all even a little: 1. i figured there was no way arthur would get over his anti-magic thing until near the end (i know it must come back later, but STILL) 2. i did not believe for one second he could ever seriously stand up to his father for more than a few minutes at a time 3. most of what’s making arthur so goddamn pissed is that he thinks his dad killed his mom on purpose but he’s also showing a fair amount of horror at the fact that uther hunted down and killed everyone even remotely associated with sorcery like animals. do you know what that is? does anybody else understand the enormity of this? HE IS SHOWING EMPATHY. i DID NOT believe he was capable of it.
i do feel a way about how uther started this scene from a place of cool confidence - he was handing out orders, “leave us and no one comes in,” manipulating the situation, “she was lying to you, magic users are trying to destroy us,” and finally trying to close the door on the topic and reassert control, “i am your kind and your father and you will SHOW ME SOME RESPECT” - and arthur was not only having none of it (the way his eyes narrowed as uther’s casual “she was lying”...oh boy) he TURNED THE TABLES and had uther ON THE DEFENSIVE. the number of times we’ve seen uther shut other people down and get his way because he’s king and everyone is afraid of him and this time uther was the one who afraid LITERALLY for his life. HOW’S THAT TASTE BITCH god it was SO satisfying. like, there’s one shot where arthur is walking slowly towards him after all his verbal tactics have failed to de-escalate the situation and he’s in the backround with his eyes so fucking wide and he looks TERRIFIED. i LOVE IT
“you are my son. you would not strike an unarmed man.” “i no longer consider myself your son” AND HE STRIKES HIM
when i say that i LITERALLY screamed i am not at all exaggerating or using hyperbole. cathy asked twice if i needed to pause & collect myself. i could not have paused if my life depended on it
i’m really on the fence about merlin stopping arthur. on the one hand, arthur has suffered enough and doesn’t need to suffer more by having to carry the guilt or dadmurder. under the other, uther is a monster and needs to die, and the entire world would be better off without him
like...arthur’s face when he says “you have caused so much suffering and pain”...he really finally got it. for one beautiful brilliant moment he understood
i am NOT on the fence about merlin lying to arthur. that was the wrong way to do it. arthur 6000% deserves to know the truth and that’s only gonna come back and bite them later i’m sure (unless it never comes back at all in which case i’ll be pissed)
i’m not sure that arthur would have backed off if they had told the truth and said “uther didn’t realize your mom was gonna die so really that part wasn’t his fault”...he was really mad! but he might’ve. lying was not the way to go. i’m so angry at literally everyone in that scene for allowing arthur to walk away believing he was wrong. he was so full of conviction and he was about to do a really good thing - not good for him personally, but good for the world - and everyone he trusts lied to his face in order to maintain the status quo and not have to deal with anything ugly. i HATE it. i’m team arthur now. i’m in the arthur defense squad. all those dumb liars aren’t good enough to be his friends!!!!!!
like, even his dad’s words were sooo carefully chosen to avoid lying but also avoid telling the whole truth. even in that moment when arthur was laying it all bare and they could have made some sort of progress as character and as people. we had to go BACK TO THE STATUS QUO
Once Again Arthurs Heart Is Hardened To Magic i hate it thanks
honestly look uther telling arthur that he’s a trusted ally in the fight against magic should make him feel a lot more distressed than what we got. i mean i’m sure he’s glad his cover is safe but he should realize that if uther approves he’s doing something wrong
furthermore, uther hasn’t changed a bit. he says he came to thank merlin and that merlin is a loyal servant and trusted ally, but then threatens his life before he leaves. honestly we should have just let arthur stab him
i do appreciate them making a point of mentioning that merlin was tempted to let uther die and that it would have been better for him if uther HAD died and he only did what he did to protect arthur but like...there were ways to do that that didn’t involve lying i think. this is an optimistic show most of the time. it wouldn’t have messed with my suspension of disbelief if arthur had dropped the sword knowing the real whole truth! but no, The Status Quo
i don’t know if i will still love arthur so much in the coming episodes.................we’ll see. i’m kind of nervous because i don’t know how they’re ever going to top this. i think we peaked right here and it’ll never be this good for me again
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zuucc · 6 years
Netflix & chill?: A. Matthews I SMUT
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Word count: 7,096
Smut: Yes
Summary: You and Auston are best friends with a hint of something more and Auston loves to tease you by calling your movie nights “netflix and chill”. This particular “netflix and chill” might live up to its name. 
Author’s note: Can you tell that I am in love with Auston by now? Maybe. Feedback is greatly appreciated!!
Masterlist linked in bio
“Netflix and chill?” you rolled your eyes as you read the message you just got from Auston, your annoying best friend. “What?” Amber, your friend and fellow student asked. She was sitting across from you at the library, the two of you had spent the entirety of your Friday afternoon in the library at U of T, helping each other out with your assignments. “Just Auston being annoying,” you mumbled, putting your phone back down, deciding that he didn’t deserve a text back immediately - because he was being annoying. “What’s new? Tell me, when are the two of you gonna fuck?” she looked up from the book she had been trying to get something out of for the past two hours. “Shut up, Amber,” you said a little to loud, causing the only other person in the library on a Friday evening to shoot you a death glare. “Honey, if you can tell me that you can’t feel that sexual tension between yourself and Auston, you’re lying to me. Also, better do it before someone else does,” she lectured you. You decided to not answer her either and went back to reading the same three sentences you had been reading over and over again for the past twenty minutes. 
“Fine, what did he text you that was so annoying that you couldn’t even bother to text him back?” she said after about ten minutes of silence. You had finally moved on to the next sentence, but looked up anyway. “How’d you know I didn’t answer him?” you squinted your eyes at her, already calling her bullshit. At first she shrugged, but gave up quickly when you didn’t let your squinting stare falter. “Fine, because he is now annoying me, asking me why you are leaving him on ‘read’,” she confessed. You rolled your eyes again, he really knew how to annoy you out of your mind. “He asked me to netflix and chill, which, before you say anything, means regular move night, not putting on a movie and then fucking before you’re five minutes in. And he knows that it annoys the shit out of me that he calls it that god awful, cliché, sexualised term,” you rage, putting on a fake smile to emphasise that you were done with the topic, before turning back to your book. “Well, please text him back, I don’t care what, but he is blowing up my phone,” she begged, showing you her locked iPhone that at the time showed five text messages from Auston that all said ‘Amber’. “Fine,” you mutter. “Also, you should go... to regular movie night, you deserve it, you’ve been here all day,” she said, sincerely. “Fiiiineeee,” you drag out the word, but you’re smiling. 
“netflix & chill? no, absolutely not. movie night? yes. pick me up at the library.” you finally texted him back, poor boy had waited thirteen full minutes. “i’ll be there in ten, can’t wait to netflix and chill,” he quickly responded. You once again rolled your eyes as you read his text, but you couldn’t help but smile. “annoying asshole,” you replied before diving back into the book in front of you, figuring you could probably force yourself to read about two more sentences before he showed up. 
You had managed to lay an entire paragraph behind you when you felt two strong arms snake around your neck. “Hey, babe. Hey, Amber,” Auston smiled before kissing your cheek. “Hey, asshole,” you smiled back. The entire school thought that you dated Auston Matthews - in fact, you were known as ‘the girl who dates Auston Matthews but doesn’t admit it’ - and when you thought about it, you didn’t blame them. You blamed Auston - he was handsy, clingy and everything in between, and only with you. To be honest, you loved it, you loved the attention and always having someone to cuddle or to give you a comforting hug when you really needed one.  But he was Auston Matthews, the Auston Matthews, that everyone in the entire country of Canada knew who was. Having Auston Matthews hanging over your shoulders, holding onto your hand or kissing your forehead, meant a lot of unwanted attention for you. You even had haters - you didn’t really care about them, you just thought that they were pathetic for being jealous at someone like you. Most of them were pretty, blonde, party girls who just wanted to sleep with him. Whenever one of them would come up to you with a snarky comment, you would always reply with an overly sarcastic answer like ‘yes, he is soooo good in bed, couldn’t even come to school yesterday, I COULDN’T WALK’. It didn’t really help your case, but you loved seeing their reactions. Then later you would go to Auston’s and tell him how a couple of his puck bunnies had come up to you that day and he would laugh is ass of when you told him your answer. 
“What’s up?” he asked, plopping down on the chair next to you. “Oh, you know, just hanging out, having the time of our lives,” you answered, looking over at him with the fakest smile you could manage. “Wow, you’re a delight,” he answered, just as sarcastically as you had. “How do you guys stand each other?” Amber looks up from her book to look at the two of you, finding Auston with his arm reached towards you, trying to ruffle your hair, and you leaning over the side of your chair, holding onto his wrist with both hands, trying to get away from him.  “What? We love each other,” Auston smiles dumbly. “Clearly.. Please leave before Ms. physics over here tries to kill us all,” she whispered the last part, pointing over her shoulder at the girl who had been annoyed with you before Auston even came bursting in. “It will be my pleasure, Amber,” Auston answered, making you laugh while you shoved the last book into your backpack. “See, she loves me,” he then pointed out, making you put on a fake frown again. He then proceeded to steal your backpack out from your hands and running out of the building before you could yell another feminist lecture at him again - which you did whenever he tried to carry things for you, that you could obviously carry yourself. “Bye, Amber, see you Monday,” you said, quickly giving her a hug before you ran out after him, immediately finding your place under his arm with yours around his waist as soon as you caught up to him. 
“So, do you want actual food or just snacks?” Auston asks, looking over at you, as the two of you walk into the grocery store closest to his place. “Uh, both?” you smile up at him, innocently. “Food wreck,” he mumbled under his breath. “Fuck off, Matthews,” you chuckled, grabbing some guacamole and some chips. “You know that guac is fake, right?” he comments, judging you. “Hey, just because it’s not as good as your mother’s does not mean that it’s fake. And we both know that you’re gonna eat just as much as me,” you argue, pointing your finger at him. You had met his mother once, and Auston had made sure that she made her famous guac for you before she left - and he was right, every other guac tasted low key shit after that, but it was still guac and it still filled your guacamole needs. Auston just rolled his eyes, knowing that you were right. You grabbed a couple of more things before heading to the check out, fighting Auston in front of the cashier to let you pay for the food, and then driving the last bit to his apartment. 
You stepped into the elevator, holding onto the bag of groceries. Auston stepped behind you and you leant back, resting against him - tired after a long day of studying. An older woman stepped in just a second before the door closed and smiled at the two of you. “Where are you going?” Auston asked her kindly as you were stood right next to the buttons. “28th, thank you,” she smiled and Auston pressed the button placed a few rows down from the one you had pressed when you walked in. Auston then proceeded to put his arms around you, rubbing your arms in the chilly elevator. You looked up at him smiling thankfully and he kissed your temple. You turned your head back, meeting the older woman’s eyes. She smiled again, clearly thinking that you and Auston were together and that you lived together with him, nineteen floors above herself. The elevator came to a stop at the 28th floor and the woman looked directly at you before stepping out. “You should keep him,” she smiled, and then disappeared around the corner before you could say anything back. Not that you would know what to answer. Auston burst out laughing the second the doors shut. “Fuck off,” you mumbled, but couldn’t quite keep the smile off your lips. “She’s right though, you should keep me. I’m such a keeper,” he said, smirking. “Asshole,” you mumbled and looked up at the ever changing number over the door, waiting for the number to reach forty-seven. “But you love me, though,” he mumbled back, but you just kept quiet, patiently waiting for the blush on your face to fade out. Auston tightened his arms around you, hugging you to him. 
Half and hour later you had just about licked the box of guacamole clean and you were twenty minutes into a terrible, clichéd Netflix original movie. “I’m cringing so hard, I might die,” you complained, squeezing your eyes shut as the short and awkward main character once again tried to kiss the girl that was about a light year out of his league (and a foot taller). “It’s not that bad,” he argued, but you opened your eyes just in time to see him cringe at the scene as well. “Can we just put on Friends or something?” you whined, reaching over to poke at him until he gave in. “Fine, but on one condition,” he said, pointing at you. You rolled your eyes and leant back in the sofa. “What?” you groaned. “You have to come over here and cuddle me,” he smiled, opening his arms. You pretended to be annoyed but you couldn’t quite hide your smile. This time he didn’t tease you about it, though, he knew better. 
Auston grabbed the apple-tv remote and turned on a random episode of Friends. Both of you had watched all the seasons, so whenever you couldn’t agree on what to watch, you just turned on a random season and episode of Friends. You moved up on your knees and then laid down on top Auston, who laid on the other end of the sofa. His arms immediately embraced you. You placed your head on his chest and got comfortable. “Happy now?” you mumbled into his sweatshirt. “Mhm,” he breathed into your hair. “I think you’re pretty happy, too,” he then added, kissing your head. “Don’t push your luck,” you whispered, but moved one of your hands to the back of his neck, letting your fingers play with his hair, just like you knew he liked it. 
You were halfway through the third episode of the night when Auston groaned. “Can we move? My ass is falling asleep,” he lifted his arms from your back. “Mm, but I’m so comfortable,” you whined, your head tucked in under his chin. “I promise you can be just as comfortable,” he begged. “I worked way too hard on these glutes for them to die and fall off,” he then added. You slowly lifted your body from his and stood up beside the sofa that you had been camped on for the last couple of hours. Auston looked up at you with big eyes, surprised at how easily you’d been convinced. “What? Auston, I would do anything to save your ass,” you said, seriously. He laughed and got up, stretched and jumped up and down a few times to get the circulation going again. “It’s that good, huh?” he smirked. “Yes, it’s gods gift to women and gay men,” you nodded, making Auston shake his head in disbelief. “You only love me for my ass,” he pretended to be hurt. “True,” you shrugged and laid back down on the sofa. 
“What are you doing? We’re still going to cuddle,” Auston whined, not seeing the potential cuddling positions when you were sprawled out on your back. “Calm down, needy boy. We’re just trying something new,” you told him and pushed yourself to the edge of the sofa. Luckily, Auston had a huge ass sofa. “Stop calling me a needy boy,” he argued. “You are a needy boy. Lay down on your side here,” you patted the space between you and the soft sofa pillows. “I know, but you don’t need to use it as a nickname,” he mumbled, but did as you told him. This was what your relationship with Auston was about - constant cuddling and bickering/teasing back and forth. “I’mma nickname you whatever I want, needy boy. Now, you can lay on top of me without crushing me to death,” you smiled at him and he smiled back, fitting himself underneath your arm, resting his head on your chest - your hand immediately finding it’s way into his hair again. There had been multiple occasions where Auston had laid on top of you, and every time you had nearly died from lack of air. “This is great,” he sighed happily, clearly satisfied with the position he was in. “I know, right? It’s like you’re my human blanket,” you smiled, running your fingers through the hair on top of his head. “Mm, and your tits are great pillows,” he mumbled, literally into your tits. “Again, don’t push your luck,” you said, sternly, but not really minding the fact that Auston enjoyed your boobs - it wasn’t the first time he had commented on them. Let’s be honest - if it hadn’t been for Auston hitting on you at a bar two years ago, you wouldn’t even know each other today. You didn’t hook up with him, but his pick up line was too damn funny for you to let him go.
About seven episodes into what had turned into a Friends marathon, Auston started tracing circles on a little piece of bare skin, peaking out from underneath your sweater. By the eight episode, his entire hand was underneath your shirt, his thumb moving in a little circle on your waist, as the rest of his hand laid flat on your hipbone. Your focus slowly moved from the TV-screen to the feeling of his big hand on your bare skin. His hand moved upwards, so slow that you didn’t even know if it was intentional. His thumb was coming fairly close to the thin material of your bralette. “Aus,” you whispered. “Hm?” he responded. If you could even call that a response. “What are you doing?” you continued to whisper. “What?” he whispered back. You didn’t even know why you were whispering, and Auston was clearly unaware of what he was doing. When you didn’t answer, he lifted his head to look at you, only to find that your eyes was on his hand underneath your shirt. “Oh, shit, I’m so sorry,” he quickly pulled his hand out of your shirt. His cheeks turned red and he looked down, avoiding your eyes. “I didn’t think about what I was doing, I’m sorry if I,” you interrupted him. “No, hey, it’s fine, you don’t need to be embarrassed,” you told him sincerely, putting your hands on top of his shoulders, signalling for him to lay back down. He smiled shyly and kissed your cheek before laying back down on your chest. 
His hand now laid still on your stomach and you found yourself wanting to touch his hand, kind off missing the way his hand felt on your skin. Your fingers were already running through his hair, it wasn’t like more contact would hurt. You moved your free hand on top of his, your fingers tracing his, until he tangled his fingers with yours. “Can’t keep your hands off me, huh?” he teased, lightheartedly. “You’re one to talk,” you snorted and you could feel him smile against your chest. And then he was quiet for a while again. Awfully quiet, didn’t even chuckle when Joey for some reason made a fool off himself for the hundredth time. 
“Auston?” you whispered, thinking he might’ve fallen asleep. “Yeah?” he asked, leaning up on his elbow to meet your gaze. “You were just so.. quiet,” you smiled. “I was just thinking,” he smiled back, moving his hand to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. His hair had fallen in front of his eyes, and you tried to tuck it back like he had just done for you, but it kept falling back down. He chuckled at your many failed attempts. “It’s not going to stick. I’m pretty sure that all the product that was ever in my hair is on your hands now,” he told you, smiling sweetly, making a tiny blush creep onto your cheeks. “You say that like you don’t like it,” you mumble, looking away. “Oh, no, I love it,” he smiles again. It was something about the way he was smiling that made you blush, so you kept looking away from his gaze - or his smile. Auston laid back down, placing his head closer to your neck this time. You could feel his breath on your collarbone and you couldn’t get him out of your head.
“So, what where you thinking about, that made you so quiet?” you asked after a while, your finger tracing the back of his hand. He was quiet, you could only hear him breathing. He was quiet for so long that you didn’t think that he would answer. But he did, and his answer didn’t exactly help your case. A case that you didn’t understand. “You.. Us, I guess,” he mumbled into your shirt, his fingers once again taking hold of yours. His answer must’ve somehow weakened your vocal cords because you had a hard time finding your voice after that. “Okay?” you managed to get out after a while, hoping that he would tell you more without you having to fish it out of him. “Yeah,” he breathed, and you bit your lip hoping for more. You didn’t know what was going on, usually when the two of you got deep and serious it was about hockey or missing your families or stressing about uni, never about us. It had never been an us. You took a deep breath that somehow reminded Auston to talk. 
“I just, I don’t even know what I’m thinking. It’s just me, and you, a lot of you, and this,” he spoke, lifting his body again, to meet your eyes. You nodded, unconsciously biting your lip. You didn’t even realize your were doing it, until you felt Auston’s thumb on your lower lip, carefully pulling it out from between your teeth. “Don’t do that,” he whispered, and you nodded, your eyes completely lost in his. His finger stayed on your lip for a while, before moving over your cheek, and then ending up cupping the side of your face. “You’re just,” he sighed, looking away from you, staring out into the room. “I’m what, Auston?” you whispered when he’d been quiet too long, your hand touching the side of his jaw, making him turn his attention back to you. “You’re my favourite person,” he shrugged, making the sides of your lips turn upwards. “You’re the only person that puts up with me, with my humour, with my clinginess and my constant need for physical contact, even if that changes so much for you. You’re still here, even if that means unwanted attention, and.. I know I only say that I love you when I’m like, joking and stuff, but I really do love you, and I hope you know that.” You nod your head yes, a small smile on your lips. Auston smiles, too, but bites his lip, scared he’d said too much. Scared that he stepped over a line with the ‘I love you’. 
“Don’t do that,” you repeat his words, whispering, putting your thumb on his lower lip, just like he had done on yours. He released his lip, but you couldn’t make yourself remove your hand from his face. You slide your thumb over his cheek, feeling his stubble against your smooth skin. Auston closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He leans closer to you, resting his forehead against yours. You move your hand to the back of his head. “Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath and then his lips are pressed against yours, and you’re kissing him back and everything is perfect. Your lips part but then they’re right back on each other again, moving together like it was their purpose to do so. You find yourself wishing you’d done this before, but then again, no. You would have never gotten to know him like you do now if you’d fallen for his pick up line, instead of laughing at it. If you’d followed him home, instead of asking him to go get curly fries with you. If you had slept with him, instead of sitting in that diner until they were closing, laughing at each others jokes. 
Auston pulled back to catch his breath, his eyes finding yours immediately. “I love you so much,” he whispered, letting his finger trace your swollen lip. “I love you, too, Auston, I really do,” you sighed, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Like you wouldn’t have to worry anymore. Everything you would ever need was right there in front of you, and you hadn’t even realised until now. The last two years you had spent comparing every potential partner to Auston. They were never funny enough, never kind enough, never cuddly enough, never tall enough, broad enough, hockey enough... They were never Auston enough. You spent the next minute smiling at each other, before you eventually decided that you wouldn’t want to spend another second of that night without your lips pressed against his, and you leant back in, fitting your lips to his like they were meant to be there. 
Auston hummed against your lips, making you smile at the same time as it sent shock waves down to your core. Your lips slipped open and Auston took his chance to slip his tongue inside, lightly moving it against yours. His hand trailed from the side of your face all the way down to your waist, where he pulled you closer to him, making room for him to move you both to your sides. His hand slowly moved underneath your shirt, his palm pressing to the curve of your back, making you arch into him. Auston groaned as you did so and you finally realized which way your innocent kisses had quickly taken a turn. The voice in the back of your head said ‘this is moving too fast’, but the hand slowly sliding down your back towards your ass said something completely different - and your body apparently wanted to listen to that hand. You lifted your leg to let it tangle with his legs, Auston’s thigh moving in between yours. It was innocent at first - just a way of being even closer to each other - but then his hand moved down to your thigh, hiking your leg over his hip as his thigh moved higher, pressing against your heat. The action made a low moan slip from the back of your throat, but you didn’t know if Auston heard it, he was focusing on slowly rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, while making sure his tongue still tangled with yours. 
Your hand went from Auston’s hair to feeling the muscles in his upper arm work when his hand gripped around your jeans clad thigh. From there, it went to fisting his sweatshirt, to sliding down his torso, slipping underneath it, slowly sliding over his abs, to his waist, to his back. Auston hummed against you, his lips starting a trail from your lips to your jaw, ending up underneath your ear, his breath creating goosebumps on your neck. “Mm, you’re handsy, aren’t you?” he spoke, softly, dragging wet lips down your neck. Normally you would have a witty response, but your brain didn’t work as fast as it usually did. “Shut up,” you breathed, pressing your heel into his ass, pushing him against you. The act not only resulting in a moan against your neck, but also the feeling of something hard against your hipbone. “Fine,” he chuckled lightheartedly and continued his trail of kisses down to your collarbone. His hand moved underneath your shirt again, his rough hands leaving you with goosebumps everywhere they touched your bare skin. You couldn’t help but dig your nails into his back muscles when he lightly bit into the skin over your collarbone, his tongue sticking out between his teeth. He groaned, moving onto the other side of your neck. You immediately tilted your head the other way, eager to feel his lips on your sensitive skin. He kissed his way all the way back up to your face, where he pulled back to look at you, all breathless and hot for him. 
“Touch me,” you whispered, breathing heavily. You watched Auston’s reaction carefully, seeing his eyes light up and then darken. He smashed his lips to yours, while his hand moved down your front, quickly undoing the button and the zipper of your conveniently loose mom-jeans, before it slipped inside both your jeans and your underwear. His fingers immediately finding your wet slit, slipping in between your lips. “Fuck,” he cursed against your lips. “What?” you breathed, looking up and seeing Auston looking down to where his hand disappear into your underwear. “You’re so wet for me,” he whispered, like he was surprised - like he didn’t think you’d be wet after making out with him for twenty minutes. “Yeah?” you smiled, wanting to tease him for his stupid statement, but your voice was clearly affected by his fingers in your pants. He looked up at you with a wide grin on his face and you just shook your head in disbelief. “After you rejected me big time and sent me straight to the friendzone in that bar two years ago I guess I just never thought I could get you like this,” he said, his cheeks turning red at the same time. You couldn’t help but laugh and you were about to say something overly sarcastic and mean, but Auston let one of his fingers slip inside of you and you just ended up moaning way too loud - much to Auston’s amusement. 
Auston pumped his finger in and out of you at a slow pace, adding a second one after a few minutes. Your breathing was heavier than ever and another loud moan rolled off your tongue when Auston finally found your clit, letting his thumb roll circles over it. You couldn’t concentrate on kissing him anymore, too caught up with the familiar feeling that slowly started to appear in your stomach. Auston’s lips once again trailed down your neck, stopping to suck at a spot he noticed was extra sensitive. You had a fistful of Auston’s hair in your hand, and one of his sweater in the other, feeling your high coming closer and closer. “Aus,” you breathed - your voice low but your breaths heavy. “Yeah, babe?” he spoke into your neck before looking up. “So close,” you breathed again, not being able to form a full sentence. You saw Auston smile - or more like smirk - and then his fingers started to move faster. His other hand went into your hair, grabbing a fistful too hold you in place, wanting you to look at him. You mentally thanked yourself for the time you had drunkenly told him about what you liked during sex - one of the things being hair-pulling. “Come on babe,” he encouraged you - his eyes looking straight into yours. And you came - hard - with a string of breathy moans.
Once your breathing had slowed, you open your eyes to see Auston with wide eyes and his mouth hanging slightly open. “What?” you chuckle, smiling. “That is... that is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard,” he said, in awe. “What? What sound?” you asked, not understanding what the hell he was talking about. “You coming, that like breathing-moaning thing you just did, fuck babe,” he explained and you felt like all the blood in your body rushed to your cheeks, your hands immediately going to cover your face. “No, stop, I mean it,” he grabbed your wrists, pulling them from your face. “It’s just embarrassing,” you whined, but your smile was wide and toothy.
You decided that you’d had enough attention for a while and turned the conversation, and your hands, over to Auston. You lowered your leg from his hip, just leaning your knee against his thigh instead, to give your hands more space. “But over to what you said earlier, did you really think that I wasn’t attracted to you? Just because I rejected you? Just because I didn’t fall for your pickup line?” you teased, as you slowly let your hand slide over his stomach and down to the rather big bulge in his pants. Auston swallowed hard, looking down at where your hand was sat, before quickly looking back up at you. “Uhm, no, not to sound like douche but like, I saw you look at me earlier that night, so I could tell that you either just thought that I was hot or something, or you knew who I was.. And usually my pickup lines work when they know who I am, and obviously if you know... it sounds so douche that I’m not even gonna say it again,” he told you, his breath becoming heavier by the second. “Mm, but I did knew who you were,” you told him, leaning in to kiss his jaw. “Yeah, but you knew a bit too much,” he chuckled, referring to what you had said to him that night. 
‘Wow, Auston Matthews, the Casanova himself... Is that how you’ve managed too sleep with half of Toronto?’ 
“Hm, I thought I did, you proved me wrong,” you hummed into his neck. “Mhm,” he hummed back. “But it never meant that I didn’t find you attractive. Just because you think someone is attractive doesn’t mean that you wanna pounce - and also, one can change it’s mind,” you continue talking against his neck, your lips barely touching his neck. Auston didn’t answer, though. He groaned, hooking his hand underneath your body and pulling you up, closer to his face. His lips immediately pressed against yours, hands still pulling you closer. His hand finds its way inside your still open jeans, sliding down on your ass, grabbing a handful as his tongue slipped into your mouth. You moved on to elastic of his sweatpants, quickly slipping inside - both the pants and the boxers. You didn’t just hear him groaning, but you also felt it against your lips, and it sent shockwaves down to your heat. You started to slowly give him a hand job, loving the feeling off his heavy breath against the side of your face. 
All of a sudden, Auston grabbed your wrist, holding your hand still. You pulled back to meet his eyes. “Do you really want this?” he looked so vulnerable - in more ways than one. Not just in the way that you literally had his most vulnerable body part in your hand, but also in a ‘please don’t break my heart’ kind of way. You let go of him and pulled yourself free from his grasp, placing your hand on his chest. “Auston,” you wanted his attention, fully. He took a deep breath and looked into your eyes. “I promise you that I want this, I didn’t know that you didn’t think that I.. That I didn’t like you like this? But I do, Auston. The past two years I’ve spent constantly comparing every guy, and girl for that matter, to you - and every single one came up short,” his expression softened and you moved your hand to the side of his face. “It took some time to understand why I did that and to admit it to myself, but it’s you, Auston, it’s always been you,” Auston kissed you immediately, and you kissed him back like your life depended on it. 
This time, the kiss wasn’t rushed, it was heated and deep and passionate, but it was slow and loving, like you had all the time in the world to kiss each other. Auston pulled you even closer, hugging you to him as you laid beside him on the sofa, your legs tangled with his. Your shirt moved up your back, his hand slowly sliding it up, wanting to feel every part of your soft skin while he removed it from your body. As soon as it was off you, you started on his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against yours. While you were at it, Auston climbed back over you, stilling to take you in and let his hands run over your stomach and your waist, before lightly moving his thumb over your nipple, which clearly showed through your thin bralette. You reached out for him, pulling him down on top of you. Your lips are back on each other in seconds, like they’re magnetic polars always attracting the other. Your hands ended up on his back and in his hair, grabbing onto whatever could help you keep him close to you forever. You arched your back and Auston’s hand slipped underneath you, unclasping your bra. He pulled away from you to remove it, leaving you with a lingering kiss. He stopped to admire your bare breasts, his fingers lightly dancing over the incredibly soft skin.  He bent back down, but let his lips move over your nipples before slowly kissing his way back up to your lips. His hand stayed on your breast, massaging it, while he focused on having his lips on yours. 
You let your hand slide down his chest and over his torso, feeling his muscles working underneath your fingertips. You hooked your legs around his hips, using your feet to help you push down his sweatpants. Auston kicked them off and quickly moved onto yours. Sitting up on his knees to slide your jeans down your thighs and letting them fall to the floor. He then moved his fingers in between your thighs, leaving a trace of goosebumps from your knees to your heat. His fingers hooked into the sides of your lacy underwear - his eyes moving back to yours, asking for consent before taking them off. You nodded and they ended up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. His thumb disappeared into your slit, dipping into you before sliding up to your clit. “Aus,” you moaned and sat up, getting up on your knees to reach him, pressing your lips to his. You pushed his boxers down his thighs and took him into your hand again, giving him a few tugs as his hands ended up on your behind, one hand grasping your cheek and the other disappearing in between your legs. A finger slid inside you while he, at the same time, pulled you closer to him, pressing his erection in between your bodies. 
Auston’s hand moved to the back of your thighs, dragging your knees from underneath you, making you fall back on the couch. You giggled and he smiled back at you. It was one of those wide, real and genuine smiles, that very few were able to get out of Auston. You were lucky enough to be one of those few. He stood up beside the sofa and let his boxers fall down his legs. You watched him as he stood, a hand on his member, looking around himself. “I need to get a condom,” he mumbled as he turned towards his bedroom, but your quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist. “I’m on the pill,” you breathed, desperate to have him back in your arms. “You sure you don’t wanna?” he asked, standing over you. “As long as you’re clean I don’t see why not,” you smiled, placing your hand on his cheek. He nodded, big smile on his face. He climbed back on top of you, carefully laying down between your legs. 
He moved his lips to press against yours, one hand underneath your head and one caressing your waist - sometimes moving further up and touching the side of your boob. His erection laid pressed against your heat, teasing your clit. You spread your legs out further, giving him more room. He moaned when more of your wetness came to touch him. He slid down your body, but just a couple of inches. His face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your slick and swollen lips, and he stared into your eyes as he took hold of himself and slowly pushed inside you. You watched as his mouth fell open and his eyes closed. “Mm, you feel so good,” he hummed as he nuzzled his face into your neck, stilling to let you adjust to his size. You were thankful for his patience, Auston was big and you needed your time to get comfortable. “Just tell me when you’re ready, okay?” he said, his hand moving to caress your cheek. You laid still for a little while longer before you half whispered-half moaned into his ear. “I’m ready.” Auston came back up and kissed you, and let his lips stay on yours as he slowly pulled back out and then thrust back in. His movements paired with the slow and sensual kissing provoking a moan from you. 
His hand roamed over your body - finger trailing over your nipple, before cupping and massaging your breast, then moving on to your hip, before it disappeared behind your back and he pressed you closer to himself. And then his hand ended up on your thigh, slowly moving a flat hand up and down the back of it, before he hooked his hand behind your knee and hiked your leg up on his hip. This gave him a deeper angle, letting him hit places inside you he hadn’t been able to reach before. Your mouth fell open against his lips, low, breathy moans escaping. His hand kept sliding up and down your thigh, his calloused fingertips leaving goosebumps on your soft skin. Auston moved his lips to your neck, making sure the moans that came out of your mouth never stopped. You moved your hand down his back, letting your other hand stay on the back of his neck with a fistful of his hair between your fingers. You moved your other leg over his hip as well, securing them together around him. 
This urged Auston to speed up a little bit. He upped his tempo as he let his lips move down your throat, leaving lingering kisses above your collarbones. His thrusts were still kind of slow, but they were harder and he hit the right spots every time. Your fingers dug into his back and you tightened your legs around him, feeling the knot in your stomach become unbearably tight by the second. You heard Auston’s breathing become heavier and every once in a while, groans made an appearance in his throat. “Babe?” he started but you answered his question long before he could ask. “I’m so close,” you breathed, turning your head towards him and he placed his lips back on yours. 
His hand moved in between your bodies, moving down until he could place his thumb on your clit. Your legs, as well as your insides, clenched around him as he managed to get you even closer to your high. The sound of Auston’s deep moans and heavy breaths also helped you closer to what would be your second orgasm of the night. At this point, you weren’t really kissing anymore, it was just open mouths against each other, while you both panted and moaned. “Babe,” Auston moaned, and you knew that he could barely hold it in anymore. “Let go,” he encouraged, putting extra pressure on your clit while he still pushed in and out of you. And you let go with a long, breathy moan, As soon as Auston felt your walls clench around his member he let go as well, lazily thrusting into you a few more times, eyes clenched and a long and groan coming out of his open mouth, before he collapsed against you with his head falling to your chest. 
You had unclenched your legs from him and now you were just tracing circles and lines on his back with your fingers. Auston’s head was tucked underneath your chin and he, just like you, was tracing patterns on your skin. “You don’t have work tomorrow, right?” Auston asked, his eyes focused on the patterns he was drawing with his finger. “No, why do you ask?” you hum into his hair. “Do you have something else planned?” he asked, not really answering your question. “Should probably do my assignment, but you know, I can finish that on Friday...” you answered, sensing were this conversation might be going. You could feel him smile into your chest and you move your hand up to lightly ruffle his hair. He got up on his elbows to look at you. You met his stare with loving eyes, adored by his tired eyes and messy hair. “I was just hoping that you’ll stay the night and like, the entire day and maybe that night again,” he smiled shyly. “Of course, Auston,” you chuckled, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Good, ‘cause I’m going to bed right now and I was i no possible way going to accept sleeping alone tonight,” he chuckled as well, before he quickly pulled out of you, got up and lifted you up - making you squeal. 
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fortjester · 6 years
Musicals As Vines
The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee: Iridocylcitis
A Chorus Line: Oh my gosh, Marlene, your speech was so good. ReAlLy CaUsE i DiDn’T eVeN lIkE iT iT wAs JuSt ImPrOv AnD i JuSt- OH MY GOD WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TAKE THE FREAKING COMPLIMEEEEEENT
The Addams Family: go ahead and pull it through *cat paw through a hole pulls a cord through*
A Gentleman’s Guide To Love and Murder: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! what the fuck dude? we’re trying to sleep. *hysterical laughter*
Amélie: *A sweet saxophone solo* Hi, welcome to Chili’s
Anastasia: Who’s that Pokémon? IT’S PIKACHU! It’s Clefairy! F U C K!
Avenue Q: ShAwTy I dOn’T M I N D/that Nanalan vine where she says fuck
Bandstand: *toy cat on the floor* and i DONT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE ME *cats neck extends horrifically*
The Bands Visit: GET TO DEL TACO. THEY GOT A NEW THING CALLED FRE SHA *giggles uncontrollably* FRE SHA VOC ADO
Bare; A Pop Opera: welcome to bible studies, we’RE ALL CHILDREN OF JESUS! KUMBAYAAAAAA MY LORD-/Two bros, chillin’ in a hot tub, five feet apart, ‘cause they’re not gay
Be More Chill: Hey, bro, what do you want to eat? THE SOULS OF THE INNOCENT- a bagel NO- two bagels
Billy Elliot: *That kid dancing in a far off elevator*
Bonnie and Clyde: Just put the money in the bag. Okay, do you have a bag? We had to bring our own bag? How inconvenient.
Bring It On: PATRICIA! Get it together sweetie, we have a show tomorrow
Cabaret: Two shots of vodka *glug glug glug glug glug*
Carrie: HoW dO yOu KnOw WhAt’S gOoD fOr Me? THAT’S MY O P I N I ON
Catch Me If You Can: *screaming* WHY RE YOU RUNNING? W H Y AREYOURUNNING?
Cats: Dress for the job you want! Oh, you want to be a vet? No, I want to be a cat.
Chess: hi, thanks for checking in, I’m still a piece of garbage!
Come From Away: Canadian animals can be extremely dangerous, but if you respect them, they'll respect you. What the fuck - get OFF THE CAR, YOU STUPID MOOSE
Dear Evan Hansen: *Kid in a tree* Dad, I’m scared! Do you trust me, son? Yes. *Kid falls out of tree, dad turns to camera* Rule number one, never trust anyone/kEVIN, WATCH THE LIGHT, DUDE. wATCH THE LIGHT. *Kevin pauses, and then smashes his pillow into the light, breaking it*
Dogfight: Sarah? Yeah? Never fight and ugly girl; she’s got nothing to lose. Okay, grandma
Evita: *Screaming in a shopping trolley as it rolls out of control in a parking lot*
Falsettos: *Slow zoom in* *doorbell* OOOOoOOoooOOOOOO
Finding Neverland: *Frantic recorder playing in a parked car*
Fun Home: Dad? Is this where you’ve been for the past ten years? *dad sinks back into blackness* DAD N O/*Just that vine of the dad talking on the phone while his kid tries to play frisbee with him and him slapping the frisbee out of the air whenever it comes near him*
Grease: baby it’s You You’Re the ONe I LoVE YOU’RE THE ONE I N E E D
Groundhog Day: It was a gopher, and it was controlling time. I had to shoot it, yeah, I did
Gypsy: Where do you want to get a healthy snack, Rebecca? I want Chipotle. I said a hEALTHY SNACK-
Hadestown: *discordant strum* I love you bitch *discordant strum* I ain't never gonna stop loving you, b I t ch
Hairspray: This land is your land. This land is my land. This land is your land. THIS LAND IS MY LAND, THIS LAND IS MY LAND
Hamilton: So, basically, what I was thinking was *slap* oH fUcK i CaN’t BeLiEvE yOu’Ve DoNe ThIs
Heathers: Don’t tell your mother. Kiss one another? DIE FOR EACH OTHER! *Falls out of chair*/*Guy walking out of 7/11, trips, spills slurpee* SHIT
In The Heights: Zach stop/so, as it turns out, I’m not going to college, I’m going to hell, I’m, uh, not excited
Into The Woods: *screams at kid coming around corner* *kid screams and then stares at the camera in a pissed off way*/oh, I would, but I've just got too much to do, tonight *cuts to him chugging beer and playing a synth on his bed*
Jesus Christ Superstar: I brought you frankincense. Thank you. And I brought you...mhyr. Thank you. MHYR-DUR! *sassy gasp* JUDAS, N O!/Don’t cross me, shout out to Jesus...what rhymes with Jesus?
Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Coat: *Shovelling snow and slips and falls for six seconds before recovering, miraculously*
Kinky Boots: *Crashing noises* *Door opens* I got new shoes
Legally Blonde: Girl, you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.
Les Miserables: wElL wHeN lIfE gIvEs YoU lEmOnS *fun jingle*
The Lion King: Be nice to the babies *cat pushes one kitten off the dresser* NO
Little Shop of Horrors: Put that candy back, I’m not buying you all that mess. OOP, TRY ME BITCH
Matilda: What’s the one thing worse than a rapist? BOOM. A cHiLd. N O-
Mean Girls: *scoffs* you can’t sit here! Actually, Megan, I can’t sit ANYWHERE, I have hemorrhoids
Miss Saigon: daddy? DO I LOOK LIKE-
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812: What have you got for me, today, Mr Postman? Just this LETTER! JOhn I don’t love you
Newsies: BACK AT IT AGAIN AT KRISPY KREME *flips*/what does it say? Hot boy. HOT BOY HOT BOY HOTBOYHOTBOY
Next to Normal: Dad, look, it’s the good kush! This is the dollar store, how good can it be?/THAT’S IT, GET ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE, GET UP THERE! THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING N I G H T M A R E!
Once On This Island: We all die, you either kill yourself or get killed. WATCHA GONNA DO? WATCHA GONNA DO?
Phantom of the Opera: Dad, I found my new favourite song. *Opening chords of Phantom of the Opera* *dad looks disappointed and vaguely uncomfortable*
Pippin: I wish I could fly away and never come back! Your wish is granted. I miss my xbox
Rent: *All the soft drinks into one cup* Fuck you/*Completely Giving Up, starring Me*
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Wait a minute. Who ARE you?
Singin' In The Rain: *just that guy skipping down the street to that Lady Gaga song*
Sound Of Music: *class full of students singing along to a piano* AW SKEET SKEET MOTHERFUCKER, AW SKEET SKEET, GODDAMN
Spongebob Squarepants: What if my nose was *gasps* Hello i’m squidward haHahA *Begins to cry*/SQUIDWARD! *Squidward dabs* *fans scream*
Spring Awakening: What happened while I was gone? Yo Jessica had three kids. What? I was gone for a day! She been fucking./When we gonna churn butter and chill? EZEKIEL! After my chores
Urinetown: *Kermit sitting on a log* 3 2 1! *water gets poured on him, cuts to him falling off a building*/*kid with a mullet bottle flips a wine glass and dabs, with Mad World playing in the background*
Waitress: I can’t give you the display bagel; it’s not real. TASTY. N O
Wicked: And they were roommates. Oh My GoD tHeY wErE rOoMaTeS
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agent-spidey · 7 years
New Rules
Title: New Rules
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Can you do something with tom or Peter based on the song new rules by dua lipa? It would be great if you could 😘💖
Word count: 2,582
A/N: I literally listened to this song nonstop while making this and i didnt edit any of it so its all raw writing but i really liked how it turned out. enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, angst, very hostile actions, alcohol 
Tagged (permanent): @tomllholland , @manyfandomstohandle , @superheros-and-books , @jor-da-na , @ferls212 
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You and Peter have been friends since diapers, you were there for him when his parents died and he moved across the hall from you, he was there for you when your mom died from cancer.
You both made a pack that you would always have each other no matter what, but right now in this moment it felt like peter had abandoned you.
You were at Liz's party, the music loud and Peter trying his best to get Liz's attention while you were being harassed by drunk teenage boys.
"Come on it won't hurt I just wanna touch em." That's it you thought that's he line, "Peter please let's go." You yelled your plea over the loud music Flash was DJing.
"Y/N come on I've only gotten to talk to Liz once." Peter spoke without making even a glance your way. You finally got the strength and pushed your way out of the small amount of guys trying to not just harass you but sexually harass you and if Peter isn't going to help then I just have to help myself, as soon as you were out of the small circle you felt a hand slap your butt and with instinct you turned around as slapped the guy who touched you.
The sound of the slap echoing around with the music which finally grabbed the attention of your so called best friend, Peter. His eyes widened at the scene before him. A hand print on some guys face and tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
You connected your eyes with his for a split second before turning on your heels to go and find Ned to walk home with.
You had hoped that maybe Peter would run after you, stop you and talk to you about what happened but when you turned around to see if he would follow you saw him get stopped by Liz and not make any other effort to try and get to you.
You huffed and turn back around to continue your search for Ned, you were leaving with or without Peter.
You finally found Ned in the kitchen awkwardly staring at the bowl of chips set out next to the wine coolers, "Hey Ned you okay?" Ned jumps slightly making you let out a small laugh.
"Hey yeah sorry, what's up? Where's Peter?" Ned asked his scanning for Peter around you "he's off with uhh well you should know.." you shrugged "but I really wanna leave and Peter won't listen to me so do you you could walk me home?" Your pleading eyes catching Ned's.
"Alright, let's go." Ned sighed taking the lead toward the front door of Liz's house.
You brush past Liz and Peter trying to make yourself unnoticeable, which shouldn't be hard to do since Peter only ever has eyes for Liz, But a hand catches your arm before your out of the living room.
"Hey Y/N, where are you going?" You rake your eyes up the hand and arm that caught you only to be greeted by the brown orbs you were trying to avoid.
"I'm leaving and Ned is taking me home." You huff pulling your arm from Peters hand and catch a glimpse of hurt in his eyes before turning and continuing your trek out of the large house.
"There you are." Ned released a breath as you stepped onto the front porch.
"Yeah sorry, Peter stopped me..." You let out a shaky breath before continuing "Shall we go?" You smile over at Ned. "Sure." He smiles back stepping off the porch with you right behind him. You slip you hands into the small pockets on your jeans. "Hey Ned, could we just go to yours?" Ned laughs lightly, nodding his head fro your answer.
"Thanks." you sigh, seeing your breath come out into the air in a small puff cloud.
Ned and you have been walking for about 10 minuets which meant that you were almost to Ned's place. You only asked to go to his because you knew you would have to call your dad to come pick you up from a party which you weren't even suppose to be at in the beginning but peter had talked you into it. Now that you were thinking about it Peter did that a lot, convinced you to go out and 'hangout' as he put it but you saw through the lie, whenever you two would hang out it would be somewhere with Liz.
You felt your chest start to throb and hurt thinking about how much Peter liked Liz and not you, she hardly ever gives him a sideways glance when I'm always going out of my way just for him, why can't he see that. You puff seeing your breath come out again. It's getting colder and you didn't have a coat.
"Hey Ned do you have a jacket at your house i could wear?" you speak up, "Uh yeah, we'll be there in like ten minuets." Ned replied looking over his shoulder slightly at you.
You saw figure appear out of an ally next to the pathway to Ned's place. A nervous feeling surged through your body telling you not to move further but you didn't listen, instead you followed Ned across the street, he must've gotten the same feeling.
As soon as the two of you passed by the figure and the ally the feeling subsided and the feeling relief replaced it. But that didn't last long when you felt a hand grab your midsection and another hand slap over your mouth. You tried to scream but it was only muffed by the large hand covering your face. Ned snapped his body back to see what had happened and his eyes widened at the scene.
"Give me all your money kid and she doesn't get hurt." The figure spat at Ned which sparked him to search through all his pockets, scavenging what looked to be just a dollar, "Come on kid, you gotta have more than that, what about your wallet." The man spat again at Ned, his grip tightening around your waist. You felt tears roll down your face and your life flashing before your eyes. What-what if Ned doesn't have what he wants and he kidnaps me, or .. kills me. Your mind flips to the worst situation that could happened causing more tears to fall and screams to come out of your muffled mouth. "Shut it." the man hissed in your ear making you crawl in your skin.
"Come on kid hurry u-" the grip around your waist vanishes along with the hand around your face, "Didn't anyone tell you, stealing lunch money is sooo last season." You whip your head around to see who saved you and your friend.
You freeze seeing the familiar red and blue suit of the local hero, spider-man. He shoots a web at the guy trapping both his hands on the pavement and one more at the guys mouth silencing his words. "Thank you Mr. Spider-man!" Ned practically shouted with a smile bigger than the sun on his face. How could Ned smile after a situation like that? "It-" the hero coughed, "it's nothing, are you two alright?" his voice lowered slightly as his head switched looking from Ned to you.
You couldn't do anything, you're still frozen, no words able to come out so all you did was nod as the last of your tears fell from you face. "Hey, hey your okay now." Spider-man began walking toward you with his arms open ready to hug you, and you accepted the hug needing some kind of comfort at the moment and the guy you really wanted here to be with you wasn't so a superhero was a pretty good substitute.
You were the first to pull away from he hug and wipe your tears off your face with the back of your hand, "would you like me to walk you guys home?" the hero spoke taking a small step back from you.
"I'm good spider-man but Y/N here lives a bit away, do you think you could walk her?" Ned asked from the side of you. Your head snapped over to Ned direction than back to looking at the masked hero in front of you, "You really don't have to, I can just call my-" you were interrupted by spider-man "Oh not its no big deal, plus you need to stay safe and no where is safer than with a hero." he said proudly putting his hands on his hips. you felt a small smile creep onto your face and agreed to let him walk you home.
"Good night Ned, please be safe." You waved to your friend who contained walking to his house. "So where do you live?" your eyes glanced up at the heres mask, specifically where his eyes should be, "uhh right off of park avenue." You practically whispered tearing your eyes away from his mask and began walking home with spider-man.
As soon as you reached your apartment building you thanked your masked hero and took the stairs to the floor your apartment was on.
You fished your keys out of your pocket and opened the door. "There you are!" your dada practically ran you over as you came in the door, "Where were you young lady." you smiled, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes because you loved your dad so much and what happened just a little while ago made you realize just how much you needed to show him how much you loved him, "I was with Peter and Ned, we went to grab some food and then a movie." you spoke walking to your room, yes you loved your dad and you had a life changing experience but you can't let him know what happened, he would be furious and worry about you non-stop. You didnt want to add to his already full plate.
As soon as you were in your room you changed into your pajamas and slid into your bed, under the covers and tried your best to get to sleep.
"Hey!" the familiar face of Peter's comes into your view "Hey." You sigh shutting your locker and make your way to your first class of the day.
"Whoa whoa wait Y/N!" Peter shouted grabbing your arm so you would stop, "What's wrong?" you could hear the confused sadness in his voice, you didn't dare turn around because you would fall back into his trap of doing what he wants and him forgetting you even exist because Liz is in the same room. "Nothing, Peter I'll talk to you later." You pull your arm away from his grip and continue to your class.
Lunch finally rolls around and you can't be more happy to just go to the library to relax from the world and eat your food in private while shoving your nose in a book. But as soon as you reach the clear see through doors of the library you see Peter sitting at the table you normally find yourself at.
You catch his eyes and instantly regret ever coming to the library in the first place because he gets up out of his chair and starts toward your direction. You can feel the panic rise in your stomach and instead of being the mature person and talking to Peter, you turn on your heel ad head in the direction back to the lunch room.
"Y/N!" you hear Peter yell as the library doors slam close. your feet begin to pick up speed as you see the lunch room entrance and frantically look for Michelle, you spot her at the corner of the lunch room with a book in one hand and an apple in the other. You head to her table, set your stuff down and practically slam your head on the table.
"Tell me when he's gone, ok?" you speak just loud enough for Michelle to hear.
"He's headed over here." Michelle spoke in her monotone voice while she put her book down on the table, "Whats going on?" you lifted your head from the table to be greeted by Peters worried looking face. "You said you'd talk to me later and its later so what is going on?" you slowly turned your head to look at Michelle for some help but only saw her pack up her things and grab her lunch tray before leaving, "Thanks MJ!" you sarcastically shouted as she walked away with a small wave.
a sigh escaped Peters mouth causing you to put your focus back on the distressed boy, you couldn't help the guilt that rose in your throat because of how bad you were treating Peter.
"Listen Peter-" you didnt get to finish as peter interrupted you "Is this about last night? I'm sorry i wanted to talk to Liz, it was my chance and i decided to take it." Peter grabbed your hand, squeezing git slightly "You understand right?" you were disgusted by the smile that graced his face. "No Peter it's not only about last night but overtime we fucking 'hangout' we always seem to go where ever Liz and then you forgot that I'm even there god dammit." you couldn't help your voice raising a little bit, you were mad, mad that the guy liked was sitting across from you treating you like he didnt even see it. "wha- no i wasn't-" this time you cut him off, pulling your hand away from his.
"No Peter, I'm not done.." you sucked in a deep breath before continuing "did you know last night was getting harassed by a group of guys? I called you and asked for help but all you could think about was Liz and-and when i finally got the courage to stand up for them and leave asking you to leave with me you didnt, you-you-you got distracted by Liz, fucking Liz so i went to find Ned.." you let out a shaky breath, trying to control your emotions and actions.
"And when Ned and I were walking back to his house we got jumped Peter, we got jumped Peter Parker!" you practically were shouting by now with tears threatening to spill from your eyes "And all i could think in that moment was that I was going to be kidnaped or killed and you weren't with me...you-you weren't with me, you were with Liz."
you tear your eyes away from Peters, everything getting too intense for you. "Ned and I got saved from Spider-man, Peter." By this point tears were falling from your eyes as you furiously wipe them away. "So Last night i decided.." you pause taking in another breath before continuing "I decided that I can't do this anymore. I'm in too deep and i don't , no I can't bare being hurt by you anymore Peter, so goodbye."
you stand from the lunch table leaving your tray of food and the broken heart of Peter Parker behind. You look back one last time as you leave the lunch room, seeing Peter already staring at you with tears spilling down his face.
"This is better for both of us, I promise." You whisper more to yourself than anyone else. You were done with being hurt.
You're playing by your rules now and rule 1 is Peter Parker is out of your life because if you let him back in you'll be stuck in an endless loop of pain.
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butt-lore · 4 years
Oh yes hello I’m alive! Want another fic? Of course u do! I had the MOST fun writing this cuz Sehyoon is one of my fave ppl for his facial expressions alone!
That one birthday fic I put off
Summary: you and Sehyoon had been dating awhile now, have had many shared shenanigans together. And when a fan asks about how Sehyoon is when he’s drunk, you’re more than happy to share...
Words: 1480
Warnings: it’s grossly fluffy? Alcohol usage, cursing I think
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Not my pic but how I see him when he’s defeated.
“Happy birthday!” Sehyoon blinks aimlessly, a party hat strapped to his head upon entry, a placid smile on everyone’s face but his. They cheered and popped poppers around him in merriment, chuckling at his flat annoyance. Usually one to keep to himself on special days, or share his day with a very few, a group of thirty is a little much. If he was enjoying this, he wasn’t showing it, a full range of emotions but joy passing through dulling brown eyes. You move a bit closer, waving a timid hand pass his face. “Yoonie?”
“Thanks… I love it.” Even and full of disappointment, his husky voice pushed through clenched teeth. While his lips picked up, the rising star’s thousand mile gaze stayed put. Your own mouth threatening to break open in laughter, holding his stare, enveloping the both of you in a world much more familiar: a world you two have been sharing happily alone for two years. He said thanks, and he meant it, but here, where there is only you, he asks what the fuck?
You insisted, a party for Sehyoon would be amazing to celebrate debuting and his birthday, he deserves it. It was much easier than spending the day bouncing around from place to place visiting. A long, tedious tradition you hoped to avoid this year and hopefully many more. Please, try to have fun, your smile said, and you meant that. You knew, the hardest part of living in your head was interacting with others. Sehyoon was improving, but, you see now perhaps this was not thought all the way out. Shit. I’m very sorry.
Yes. Acknowledged. Then he was whilst away in a whirlwind of the many pieces of memory he’ll have of his twenty-fourth birthday. Drink after drink all but poured down his throat. Kim Sehyoon wasn’t good at drinking. And what you witnessed this night would live in infamy in your heart, and it all started with a single beer.
“To be fair it was a beer and soju.” Toned arms cross over a fitted black sweater, Sehyoon’s lips dipping to a frown.
“Yes honey we know.” You responded patting his thigh affectionately. “I thought I said that?” You look up claiming innocence, humming softly.
“Mm.” Peach gloss disappears as a line presses his cheeks up when you look back after a long moment of silence. His eyes pinned you down, shining in bewilderment. You weren’t sure what to call this face but it was very effective, you bursted into laughter and he soon followed. You both calm down to chuckling, Sehyoon fidgeting with imaginary dust on the desk the phone sat upon. He clears his throat twice before speaking. “After a soju and beer.”
“Right, after a soju and beer-“
Everyone had scattered to corners of the house, breaking off to smaller conversations, Sehyoon passed around in a ten min rotation. You watched, concerned for his social battery and well being, but after a drink poured for him by Chan, Sehyoon didn’t seem to have trouble keeping up. He wasn’t very talkative, but when spoken to, Sehyoon kept pace, even if he was slurring words. He spoke of a multitude of things he likes with passion a total of six times, something he does mostly when he feels like it: even then that’s when Sehyoon felt he could trust them. His forty-six minute rant about avocados was new to you, however, and by the end of it, you’re not sure if he’s for or against them, or why and how they were brought up. It was the way everyone zeroed on him, transfixed it seemed, holding onto the words spilling from him.
“I don’t care one way or another about avocados.” Sehyoon throws his hands up, licking his lips in the same motion he swoops black bangs between long fingers. “Hope that answers your question.”
“He’ll eat em.”
“Just don’t have an opinion on them.”
As the night neared its end, many participants heading home, meaning you, too, would have to leave at some point. As it dwindled to just you, the crew, and group members, Sehyoon truly came alive.
“I have a confession.” He almost said, the syllables dragged out longer than necessary. “But none of you can tell anyone.” Jun is first to lean in, trying to make sense of the gibberish he’s attempting at. Sehyoon sits bolt right, speech clearer. “I have a girlfriend.”
“Oh?” Chan just about shouts, jumping onto the cushion next to Sehyoon, bright eyes promising mischief.
“Mmm. Yes. She’s very pr-pretty. And very interesting.” Sehyoon carried on, you watch helplessly as he exposes you both so randomly. Sehyoon has a lot of secrets he can confess, you knew it, and he had been good for about two years. No one but your families knew up till now, not even the other members, you both were content with that for now, so if things don’t work out there's no questions, no scandal, a clean break if need be. And here he was, drunkenly ranting about you thighs. At least he hasn’t called you by name, it would be the strawberries on top of his birthday cake, you might start laughing. In fact, this whole situation was so funny to you. Seeing him so completely relaxed and friendly, not to mention by this time Byeongkwan had claimed Sehyoon’s lap for this important announcement. You watch Jun stretch himself across both Donghun and Chan, hundled close to their storyteller.
“What’s she like,” Jun laments, leaning his silver head into Donghun.”Tell us.” He’s equally if not more drunk, only adding to your enjoyment of the scene. You are grateful no one has kicked you out yet, but who would with the way you are holding your mouth covering a series of snorts. You meant no harm, posed no threat, well, not one to anyone but your own stomach, which was starting to ache.
“Y/n?” You zone back in, shaking your giggles free to prepare for you doom. It’s Jun again. “Do you know Yoonie’s girlfriend?” His smile mirrors that of his friends; drunk.
Chan and Donghun are snickering, you can understand why, you were just seconds from bursting into a cackle.
It's what Byeonkwan says that stops your fun time, “Is this the same girlfriend or a different one?” His comment is innocent, genuine curiosity in his soft tone.
“We’ve been together for three years, keep up, Kwannie.” The two drunken men descend into chaos, dragging the one on Sehyoon’s lap in by proxy.
“You told us…” Donghun answers, “Twice, dear.”
“Oh.” Sehyoon looks dissatisfied, with what, you can’t place. His black straight eyebrows knitting together in concentration. “Did I tell you who?” Well isn’t that just about the dumbest thing your boyfriend has ever said.
“Yes, Y/n is literally right there.” You’re not sure who had more patience, A saint or Donghun.
“Oh right. Y/n did I tell you?”
“You know that look you get when your brain just shuts down and you feel so defeated you can't do anything but just sigh and think about what life events got you to the current situation you’re in?” Sehyoon pushes his office chair back, a sharp bark from his chest as he doubles over. “I felt like Satan had won that day.” You keep your tone plain, sipping from your coffee mug. Sehyoon is still howling behind you. You just blink ahead, he’ll tire himself out.
His laughter continues to echo as you carry on the tale of a Drunk Sehyoon.
“No, you haven’t.” You smile brightly. “Who?”
Sehyoon doesn’t have an answer for you, not a good one for that matter. “I don’t remember her name.”
You knew this wasn’t right, to tease a drunk person, but he already confessed twice before, a harmless prank wouldn’t hurt. “Is she made up?” You tilt your head gently, listening to the mixture of his ranting and the others staggered amusement. “Well why don’t you call her here then?” You shoot when he tells you you suck for not believing him.
“I will.”
“I will never live it down ever. They won’t let me. The crew, the group, Y/n. And now you all.” Sehyoon’s soul slips from his eyes again, shoulders sagging. “And that’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done.”
“It was a good birthday though.” You hummed, remembering how he refused to let you go home after that phone call, it ended with you holding him close against your chest. Drunk Sehyoon was just as cuddly as sober Sehyoon.
“From what I hear I had a good time.” Sehyoon swipes at the back of his head sheepishly. “I’m glad this year we decided against that, though.”
“Wouldn’t want to confess to your girlfriend that you have a girlfriend again right?”
“Well that’s a good place to end it, thank you for joining us today-”
“You’re confusion when my phone rang was just the cutest.”
“Thank you, bye bye.”
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