#oh mom also uses honey and darlin' sometimes
ghastbutlikegay · 1 year
yknow due to internet poisoning when i saw someone had written a character addressing a family member as "babe" in their fic my first thought was "oh god theyre gonna get comments from ALL the wrong people" and it occurred to me that i have no idea how common that actually is as a term of endearment from family
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Hi doll!(wait no i don't like that one what are other better pet names?) your sign off was not too sweet (ha another honey pun) it had me blushing and giggling.
YES BEES!!! i'm a bit scared of them but that's only because i've never been stung once which is a flex that gets more and more impressive. a little fun fact but my mom has honey bees and when you collect nectar from them it tastes like whatever flowers there is to forage from at the time. i remember the very first batch we got tasted exactly like blueberries!
It's not weird to have favourite words mine used to be serendipity but i'm not sure anymore.
k so you know how we were talking about spiders last time? Lo i'm not even fucking joking a was almost asleep last night and a huge ugly daddy long legs(my least favourite kind of spider. why do they look like that? yuck) landed on my arm. no word of a lie i screamed one of those horror movie screams.
do you speak any other languages and are easily impressed by people who can? asking for a friend.
oooo medieval sign off this time!
Believe me your most loyal servant and humble petitioner while I live
- el
Hello darlin’! (That’s one of my favorites, being from the South <33) Honestly I think you could call me any nickname and I’d be blushing 😊
Hey I get it! I was stung once and it scarred because I have a minor allergy, but I’ve gotten used to them. I like seeing them around campus in the spring, doing their little pollinator thing. They’re cute from afar! That’s so freaking cool! I’ve heard of honey changing color but never changing flavors. Trying so hard to imagine blueberry honey right now, that sounds like it would be lovely on toast.
Obligatory rainbow honey picture because gay and it’s cool and also why not, but they were near an M&M factory!
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Serendipity is such a lovely word too! I’m fond also of eloquent and radiant, which are both words I could use to describe you <33
Oooooh, daddy long legs are some creepy sons of bitches. Thankfully they’re harmless! Their mouths are too small to bite us with! That said, if I was there, I would be super brave and cool and protect you while I take the little guy outside
Unfortunately, our language classes have always been subpar, so I can speak an elementary school level of Spanish, but I don’t really speak other languages. I am however super impressed by people who can. I really need to get back on Duolingo. I toyed with learning Dutch for a bit!
Oh medieval, how lovely! I adore anything medieval. Perhaps we could go to a renaissance fair sometime?
Your knight in shining armor,
- Max/Lo
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pizzaboyfromhell · 1 year
Female scholar jealousy is why Dr. Melinda Miller did not want her name mentioned on social media
I think the real reason you didn’t want your name mentioned was that you don’t want a lawsuit for being a lazy piece of trash for being a racist a lot of people have bad things to say about you Melinda Miller
Partially, there’s probably fudge because partially some women don’t know how to be feminists
We all have work to do but expectations are higher when the woman is highly intelligent
Do you guys know Melinda Miller? She thinks that I’m not very smart. Oh, she must’ve seen where you guys tried to mark my words.
But also that punctuation and grammar kind of semantics if I can use that word, I don’t think that’s the right word but
It’s a little bit irrelevant you’re really grasping at straws darlin’
Well Melinda, basically Mark didn’t know how to be a grown adult back in the day and so he figured he would try to suck a little girls asshole so he could be her. It’s kind of the equivalent of like that Greta girl being taken advantage of by some 60 year old pedophile, who never had the intellect of his own.
I could give a rats ass about your son, the apples don’t fall far from the tree
And then Melinda Miller says ha oh honey I could show you a lot of the underground world and then you wouldn’t laugh anymore but you don’t have a lot of life experience Melinda Miller despite being a woman in your 50s or 60s you are about what 65 or so
Dr. Miller you need to get on an airplane you need to visit a country that you’ve never seen before and you need to do it with an open mind
You need to also study such subjects such as Ebonics and Arabic. There are a couple of specific dialects of Arabic. I could recommend don’t worry Mark Saderholm can’t cross that line. Ha ha ha
— That is a assbackwards ashwin that doesn’t make sense
Ignore that comment Dr. Miller ashwin is a bit of a smart Alec
You could say that yeah
Well, you know originally his father was born in India like I’m supposed to be telling other peoples stories I hope I don’t get it confused and then you have it all messed up right because his mom may be speaks in American tongue could be could be
We’re coming up with some new Rikki Tikki tabby because of people like you
India isn’t it magical?
But you’ve never been I forget my audience sometimes I am so terribly sorry if I was terribly rude, I know that you are a provincial woman
But you know usually I’m just so down to earth and I say what woods???
Exactly the way that meant that man would have
You don’t have to know who he is or exactly where he was born that’s not your business, your businesses to save my life or his
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doopy-n-loopy · 3 years
Yan!TF2 × reader headcannons (SFW and NSFW)
// obsessive tendancies, mentions of violence, blood, sexual themes, noncon
Let's start with the defense classes
Deffo didn't admit that he loved you
Tbh he probably blamed it on his drunkenness
But dude you're always drunk
I mean seriously if he sobers up he'll genuinely die so like-
He would usually drink with you or just around you if you don't drink
He's generally a fun chill guy to be with
He would watch you from a distance at times, especially during battle you might distract the cyclops
He's okay with you asking questions
One time he broke his eyepatch and needed a new one
You gave him a nice black eyepatch with the demoman emblem on it
He gets all red whenever you say his full name, because he knows you remembered it
He is generally against kidnapping, I mean especially since he lives with his ma he'd rather not
And because he's a gentleman
If you ever reciprocate his feelings he'll make sure to treat you right
He is a messy person but for you? He'll clean
Probably would get carried away and make home made bombs with all the cleaning supplies 🤦‍♂️
Takes you to meet his mom
"ooo Tavish, yer gonna get me some grand kiddos are ya?"
That made you both blush like crazy
Soft cheek kisses
Probably made a special bomb and named it after you
"this one's for you, luv!" *Proceeds to set off all stickybombs which blows up the entire enemy team*
Blew up the last guy who looked at you funny
Hell, even worse when they make a sexual remark to you scout probably did it
Likes to give you your space but when he's paranoid he follows you to wherever or watched you from a distance
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Two words: big boy
Hugs are 10000000000/10
Sometimes it fewls suffocating but man it's like hugging a cloud
Soft forehead kisses
Russian pet names
He sometimes lets you touch Sasha, that's how he knows he loves you because he doesn't even let medic, his best friend, touch her
Probably named a gun after you or one of the pet names he calls you
You definitely met his family and they loved you
Zana especially
Doesn't get jealous easily but will not hesitate to unload 12 pounds of bullets into someone who even LOOKS at you the wrong way
Lord have mercy on the ones who dare flirt with you, rest in pieces scout
Doesn't really follow you anywhere (you're a bit too fast for him) but he does watch you and check up on you
He preforms okay on the battlefield but when you're around, he'll show off
Will cook for you, mainly russian dishes
He's very against kidnapping and would rather not do it
Doesn't shut up about you when he's around medic
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F l u f f y
Very softspoken in general but he gets all flustered when you talk to him
Will check up on you occasionally
"Darlin'" "Honey bunny" things like that y'know
Huge smile when you're around
Will cook for you most definitely, knows what you like
Makes little robots for you
Likes seeing you use his dispenser
Doesn't get jealous easily either but will try and take you away from someone who wants your attention
Likes just having you in his presence, doesn't need to talk to be happy with you around
Very very against kidnapping like all other defense classes, wouldn't do it unless if he truly felt the need to, last resort kind of thing
The last guy who flirted with you had a sentry gun shoved up his ass
Doesn't really follow you anywhere
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Nothing short of a horomonal teenager
I mean he's 21 but
He gets so giddy around you, very loud, tries to show off
He loves you very much
"oh yeah? Well I once absolutely smashed a guy into peices, he was still screaming when he was dead!"
He brags about brutal things but hey you love it since you're also brutal
Flexes his non-existent muscles around you
Would talk about his mom to you all day
Definitely got a tattoo of your face and name somewhere on his body, most likely his bicep
Your name is probably misspelled too but you never say anything about it because he can't read so it's fine
He hasn't really thought about kidnapping in all honesty, again, a last resort kinda thing if he can't get you to love him
He will make a damn SCENE if anyone flirts with you
"you think that's funny, chucklenuts? I eat guys like you for breakfast lunch AND dinner!" "I'll blow yer freakin head off if ya talk to y/n like that again!" Would definitely drag you away
God help anyone that makes you uncomfortable, he'll fuck them up, if that person is medic I mean he'll try to but we all know how fucking scary medic is
Follows you at times
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Seems more lovey around you
Definitely gave you a hand full of the enemy's bloody bones thinking it was a bouquet of flowers
Absolute baby
Just so precious, scary but precious
Hugs for days
Good luck trying to get their ass off of you when you're on cease-fire
Very warm though, they smell like smoke with a bit of blood
Likes petting you
Isn't against the idea of kidnap because they don't realize what they're actually doing, they think they're just taking you to a magical place
When someone flirts with you their whole world changes
Gets angry and starts yelling at them
Will not let you get a checkup alone, he trusts medic but not with you
Very sweet tho, he'll turn around when you need to strip down
Will follow you almost EVERYWHERE and if they can, while holding your hand
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Yells at you a little less than the others
At first doesn't realize how he feels but then realizes that he loves you
Is pretty protective over you
Rants about America all day to you
Probably got you an american flag to wear
Doesn't really take off his helmet but he likes seeing you in it, makes him proud
If you ever live with him you'll find out that he owns like 20 racoons
He loudly wakes everyone up in the morning but tries to avoid waking you up
Loves you as much as he loves America
Will show off on the battlefield for you
Isn't against kidnapping you, he probably did it early on if you showed immediately that you didn't reciprocate his feelings
Will blow any guy that hits on you to absolute bits
Probably put you on his back and rocket jumped just to show you what it felt like
Follows you around a lot, it's really obvious because he wears a bucket over his head and crashes into things, when you look back he'll stand behind a lamp post or somewhere really obvious
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Ah yes, everyones favorite class including mine
Very quiet
Takes secret glances at you
Pays more attention to you than the others
S h y
Asks how you are, how you slept, etc
Doesn't really need to be holding you, tbh he's against PDA
But he likes being in your presence
Just sit down next to him and he'll be fine
When he's on the battlefield, he'll look for you and make sure you're safe
God forbid anyone try to hurt you, he'll make them suffer
Talks about Australia to you and accidentally admitted that he wanted to take you there
Doesn't like the idea of kidnapping but he isn't totally against it, I can see him doing it
He smuggled you all the damn way to Australia
He'll nonchalantly show off to you on the battlefield, he'll let you get cornered and come in to save the day
"love" is a word he uses a lot with you
Will grumble to himself if he sees someone flirting with you
If it's a random person, well, that'll be the last time you ever see them
Has talked about you to his parents
Kind of follows you? I mean he sits atop a high placeand watches you through his scope whenever you're going somewhere
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He knows what he's doing
Will kiss your hand a lot
Likes to flirt with you and see you blush
Sleazy french fucker
Watched you from afar at first then approached you a little later
Isn't against the idea of kidnapping, pro kidnapping, definitely did it not only to have you to himself but for some sort of sexual satisfaction
Just very uh... Lewd? Can't find the right word
He treats you very respectfully though
If he hears anyone else flirting with you he'll be fuming but won't show it
"Oh please, like you could EVER satisfy y/n's desires"
That person mysteriously disappeared that night
Very cocky bastard
Definetly follows you home, not only that but he watches you through your window
And stalks you
He knows everything about you
Would get you either by knocking you unconscious or by blackmailing you
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B a s t a r d
Gets LOUD when you're around
And giddy
Very touchy, always has a reason to put his hands on you
Talks a lot with you around, I mean he already talks a lot but now he won't shut up
Keeps his office nice and clean for you
He restocks on everything so when you come around you can take a loot at all his medicines
Big smile :D
Like spy he is not at all against kidnapping you
Makes sure you're comfortable during checkups
Will make you wait to be seen last just so he can take his time touching your body
"it's all part of the procedure".mp3
Compliments you in weird ways, ex: "your skin is so smooth and lovely, it's the perfect texture to make leather out of" "you have an amazing colon"
Look he's just trying his best here he has a screw loose
You're the only member who he's careful with really
Sometimes allows you to get hurt or has you get hurt by something just so you can see him
Always follows you wherever
Knows everything about you
If someone is flirting with you, he'll get quiet at first and use a low tone to speak to them
"you have guts talking to y/n like that"
They were never seen again
With kidnapping, he won't hesitate to use blackmail against you, or will just use anesthesia
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Bonus: Pauling
This lady values her work over her life, but to her you're so much more important
Will call you a lot on the battlefield to check in on you
Won't give you extremely hard missons to do because she doesn't want you to get hurt
"Hey (class), Pauling here. I need you... No not like that I just- I mean- for a mission yeah a mission"
Gets all flustered when you're around
Will take her only day off to spend time with you, what a sweetheart
Keeps multiple tabs on you
Follows you around
Doesn't really have time for kidnapping
But if it comes to that, she'll make something up so she has a reason to kidnap you
If anyone else is flirting with you she won't show that she's annoyed
She'll make something up as an excuse to execute them
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Has definitely thought of what you'd look like while naked
B l u s h
Has used a mental image of you to get off before
Probably has an actual photo of you
When he drinks a little more than usual, he'll accidentally brush his hand against your ass or get touchy with you
Will not force himself on you, he's 100% against that
If you decide to have sex with him, praise is what you're gonna get
"you're as beautiful as a shot of whiskey in the sunrise"
Very gentle with his hands
Not the type to masturbate
Unless if he gets THAT worked up
Again, against forcing himself on you
But if you want it no doubt you will top
He's also gentle with you
And loving
Praise is all you're gonna get
Sometimes russian sometimes broken english
Either way he will worship your body
Again, a more modest guy, doesn't really touch himself
Might just use a robot to pleasure himself when thinking about you
Probably has a photo of you and him around his workshop
Never forces himself on you
He's sweet and gentle when you do want it though
Sometimes gets help from his robot friends
Gets off on thinking about you
Won't force himself on you though
Sexual remarks × 100
Calls you handsome/beautiful in bed
I wouldn't say he's the best in bed but hey he's good I guess
Cuddles after sex most likely
Probablh threw out all his sexual magazines because they just didn't do the trick anymore
Sometimes when he runs past you, your shirt/skirt gets lifted up by a gust of wind and he can't help but look ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
Since I hit the text limit, I'll be making a part 2, stay tuned
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
A Mother's Love Part Two
Warnings: Pregnancy, fluff, major angst, implications of depression
Pairings: Dean x Wife!Reader
Characters: Dean, Jack, Sam, Reader, Cas (Mentioned only)
Word count: 3k
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You sat on the couch of your childhood home, staring blankly at the T.V. Your knees were pulled up to your chin as you had your arms wrapped around your legs. It had been three weeks since you left the bunker, and you felt empty inside.
Your mother sat beside you, a cup of tea and honey in her hand and a concerned look on her face. "Darling, you have to eat something. I know you haven't been feeling well, but you still need to stay healthy." You didn't respond to her as she set the cup of tea in your hands.
Everything felt numb. It was like you didn't feel any emotions at all. The world felt dull. Like all color had been stripped and it left you in darkness.
"Sweetheart, what happened?" She asked softly. Even though you had been with your parents for almost a month now, you had never fully discussed what happened with Dean.
"Mom, please-"
"No, Y/N." She put her foot down. "You call me one day, clearly upset saying that you and Jack were going to stay here for a while. You get here and you don't look like the daughter that I knew. You've changed."
You scoffed at your mother's words. "I'm getting a divorce, of course I've changed."
She sucked in a breath of air. "Y/N. What happened?" You gave your mother a brief rundown of what happened with you, Dean and Jack. "Oh, honey." She sympathized. "I am so sorry. You know that you and Jack are welcomed to stay as long as you like. I know your father is excited to have a grandchild."
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up to your mother. "What?"
"Jack, of course." She explained. "Look at them. Your dad's so happy. It's about time you give us a grandson."
"Lord knows you couldn't count on Chris for that." You rolled your eyes. "He can't keep a girl to save his life." Your smile began to fade slightly as your stomach did flips. Your mom noticed your green complexion and ran to grab a trash can. It was nearly too late as you felt your dinner from last night coming back up. She held your hair back as you did so, calling for your dad to get a wet washcloth.
You felt a cold cloth across your forehead, cooling your body. "Mom!" Jack said worriedly. "Are you okay?.
"She's okay, kiddo." Your dad assured him. "She's just not feeling too well." He mumbled skeptically.
You sat back against the couch, holding the rag to your head. "Jack," Your mom called. "Why don't you and I go make some cookies?"
Jack smiled at the idea, looking to you for approval. "You don't have to ask me, sweetheart. Go have fun."
You mother dipped down to whisper something unintelligible in your dad's ear before going to the kitchen.
"Y/N," He shook his head. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"Because I don't want it to be real." You muttered. "I don't want to think about the last thing that Dean said to me or the look on his face. I want to wake up and for this whole thing to be a dream. But I know it's not. I won't wake up next to him tomorrow and I don't get to tell him how much I love him." You chocked on a sob, covering you mouth with your hand so Jack wouldn't hear.
"Oh, my sweet girl." Your dad said softly, pulling you into his side. "I am so sorry, my darlin'." You rested your head on his shoulder as tears slipped down your cheeks. "That's not it, though. Is it? There's something else."
"Papa, I think I'm pregnant." You confessed. "I'm late and I've been sick all week."
"Have you taken a test yet?" He asked. You shook your head. "Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll go by the drug store and get a couple of tests, just to be sure, and I'll grab you some food on the way home. How does that sound?"
"Great." You said with a small smile. He kissed the top of your head before grabbing the keys and heading out of the house.
Five tests that had come back positive. Each one that you looked at made your heart sink more and more. "Oh god." You whimpered. "Damnit."
"What does it say, sweetie?" Your mother questioned from the other side of the door. You slowly opened it up and showed her the positive pregnancy test.
"Are they all positive?" You nodded.
"What am I gonna do?"
"I think you should call Dean-"
"No." You said firmly. "I'm not calling Dean. He made it very obvious that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore."
"Y/N," Your mother spoke firmly. "I'm not justifying what Dean said or did in the moment, however, he was just as hurt as you were because you were leaving with Jack and you didn't know how long you would be gone. I really think you should call him. I think he would want to know you're pregnant with his baby."
You sighed at her words. You knew she had a point. She was your mother, she's always right. "What if he doesn't care?" You whispered. "What if he hears my voice and hands up on me?"
"Then that's his loss, honey." She cooed. "The least you can do is try."
"Dean." Sam shook his brother. "Dean. C'mon dude, wake up."
Dean groaned as his eyes peeled open. "What?" He grumbled.
"You've been sleeping in here all night." Sam said, crossing his arms. "You should probably get some rest in your own bed, or at the very least, the couch. And charge your phone while you're at it, it's dead."
Dean stretched add he looked at the empty whiskey bottle set on the table and the picture of your wedding day beside it. It had been a rough few weeks since you had left. "You know I can't go sleep in that damn bed." He growled.
"Dean, I offered to switch rooms with you-"
"I don't want to switch rooms!" He snapped. "I want my wife back."
Sam frowned as he looked at his brother. He looked awful. He hasn't shaven in weeks, his hair's a mess, and there were dark circles under his eyes.
"Why don't you call her, Dean?"
"Because, after what I said, she'll never take me back. I was too harsh on her. Plus my phone is broken."
"One, you have ten phones, and two, yeah, you were a complete ass." Sam agreed. "You should have seen her when she left here. I had never seen anyone so. . . Broken before. You know they sparkle she had in her eyes?" Dean nodded. "It was gone. Her entire face seemed dull, almost like she had aged ten years."
Dean put his head in his hands, feeling defeated. "What have I done?"
"I don't know, but you had better make it right."
"Still no answer?" Your father asked. You had called Dean three times now and still no answer.
"Nope. Not a sound."
"I'm sorry honey," Your mother sympathized, rubbing your back. It's that anything we can do?"
"Yeah," You nodded. "I need space. I need to spend more time with Jack before the baby comes. I just want to know what it's like to be a mother."
"Of course." Your dad agreed. "Take the keys to the cabin in Colorado. I know that's a lot of good memories there and no pesky neighbors to worry about "
"Thanks, dad." You smiled. "We'll be outta here soon."
"You don't have to leave in a rush, kiddo. You know that we love having you here."
"I know."
"Why are we going to your parents cabin in Colorado?" Jack asked curiously as he peered out the window.
"Uh," You bit your lip as you tried to come up with a suitable lie to tell Jack. You hated how much you were lying to Jack lately, but you knew that he wouldn't understand the things that you were going through. "I just wanted to show you the place and stay up there for a little while. It's nice and quiet, you'll love it. It's cold up there and it's snowy in the winter. I used to go sledding all the time when I was younger and then my parents would call me in for hot chocolate and a movie. We can do that together. How does that sound, Jack?"
"It sounds great, Mom!" He smiled goofily. Every time he called you 'Mom,' your heart melted. You loved that Jack felt so comfortable around you to call you his mother. You knew that you would never be able to replace Kelly, and you would never want to, but you did want to make him feel safe and loved. You wanted Jack to know what a mother's love feels like. Jack blamed himself for the death of his mother, and you understood his grief, but you had told him time and time again that it wasn't his fault. Kelly wanted to go through with the pregnancy and refused to listen to anyone else's opinions on the matter. You just wished he understood that.
You felt a tear roll down your cheek, quickly wiping it away. "What's wrong, Mom?" Jack questioned. "Is it about Dean?"
You glanced over at Jack in surprise. "Why would you say that?"
"Well, Sam and Dean aren't here, and Dean hasn't called you to check up on you since we left. I know that whenever you go on a hunt by yourself, Dean calls you everyday to make sure you're okay."
You sighed heavily as you looked at the road in front of you. "Dean and I are. . . Going through a tough time right now. That's why I wanted to get away for a while. And I didn't want to go by myself, so that's why I wanted you to come with me."
"Are we ever going back to the bunker?"
"I don't know. . . It's a difficult situation, Jack. Right now, I don't think that I will be going back home anytime soon. But if you want to go back, I'll take you back. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do."
"I want to stay with you." He said firmly. "But I also want you to be happy. You don't look happy anymore. You don't smile or laugh the way you used to. You sit on the couch watching reruns of Friends, and I've heard you crying at night. Sometimes I think you forget that I don't sleep very much."
You said nothing in response, knowing that Jack was right. You wanted to call Dean one more time, but you knew it was fruitless. He wasn't going to answer. But you did have Sam. When you finally arrived at the cabin, you sent Jack to unpack while you dialed Sam's number. After three rings, he finally picked up.
"Hello, Y/N? Are you okay? How's Jack?" He asked in one breath.
"Hey, Sammy. I'm fine, and so is Jack. I just wanted to call and make sure that you haven't gotten killed by anything."
"Nope, we're still alive." He gave a small chuckle. "How are you, Y/N, really? Don't lie to me, because I know when you're lying."
"I miss him." You sniffed. "Being away from him hurts me." Your voice cracked, forcing you to clear your throat. "We've been married for five years. And I know that to the average person that doesn't seem like a long time, but we're hunters, Sam. You know how hard it is to stay in a relationship in our line of work. I've been in love with him for half my life, and now, for us to be in this situation, it sucks, Sam. I can't think of any other word to describe it. It really fucking sucks."
Sam was quiet for a moment as he listened to you cry. "I'm sorry this is happening, Y/N. I never thought that this would happen to you and Dean. But I've known Dean my whole life, and I've known you since we were twenty, so I think that I'm entitled to make a judgement on this." You let out a small laugh. "You two have been in love longer than you've been together, but both of you have been to dumb to realize it. You argue like cats and dogs because you're so certain about what you believe in. You're both so passionate about things that you never let up. And now that you're finally together, you have been so happy. Dean has never felt this way about anyone that he's been with, male or female. He loves you so much, Y/N, that it kills him. You have both come too far to for things to end like this. I'm going to tell you the exact same thing I told Dean; fix this."
"I want to, Sammy, I just don't know how."
"Stop hiding, for one. You can't fix something when you're hundreds of miles away." You groaned as you felt a wave of nausea was over you. "Y/N?" You quickly made your way to the bathroom. "Y/N? What's going on? Are you okay?"
You leaned against the wall once you were done throwing up. "Yeah, yeah, Sam, I'm okay."
"What was that about, then?" Sam questioned. When you didn't answer, he began putting the pieces together himself. "You're pregnant."
"SHH!" You hissed. "Don't say that!"
"Why not? Because you don't want Dean to know?" He spoke coldly.
"Sam, please, don't say anything."
"How long have you known, Y/N? And how long do you plan on keeping this from Dean?"
You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I've known for a couple of days, okay? And I don't know when or how I'm going to tell Dean. He made it very clear that he didn't want anything to do with me the last time we talked. Besides, I tried to call him and he didn't answer my calls, so don't try to pin me off as the bad guy here."
"When did you try to call him?" The hard edge in Sam's voice disappeared.
"Three days ago, when I found out I was pregnant."
You could hear Sam let out a small laugh. "Three days ago I came in the kitchen to find Dean passed out on the table, hung over as hell and holding on to the picture of your wedding day. And beside him was his broken phone. His main phone, which I'm assuming is the one that you called?"
"Yeah. . ." You said meekly.
"Hang up and call his second phone. Please, will you do that for me?"
"Yes," You nodded, even though you knew he couldn't see you.
"I love you, Y/N/N."
"I love you too, Sammy." You sighed as you hung up the phone. You were terrified to call Dean. You hadn't spoken to him since that night all those weeks ago. You were still hurt, and you knew that Dean was hurting as well, and all you wanted was to hear his voice. You took a deep breath as you dialed his second phone number.
It rang five times before going to voicemail, making your heart sink. Not a minute later, the number called back. "Hello?"
"Y/N." Dean's voice said gruffly. "Sam told me you were going to call."
"Did. . . Did he tell you anything else?" You asked.
"Just that I needed to talk to you. What's going on?"
"I miss you," You confessed. You needed to tell Dean everything, and that included telling him how you felt. "I hate the way things ended between us, and I know that it wasn't solely on you or me. But I love you, Dean, and I will never stop loving you. And I know it's unfair I left and this is how I'm trying to get you back; over the phone. I would much rather be doing this in person. But I love you, Dean, and I always will. No matter what you say or do, I love you."
You could hear Dean struggling to breathe correctly. "Where are you?"
"My parents cabin, wh-"
"I'll be tomorrow morning." And with that, he hung up.
You paced back and forth in the living room, biting your nails. Dean didn't say what time he was going to be here, but he just said that he would be here in the morning. You had stayed up all night thinking about him. About the way his hair fell into his face after a shower, and how he always smelled like whiskey and firewood. The way his eyes would crinkle at the edges whenever he laughed, really laughed. But your favorite thing was when you had just finished a hunt, and you would go to lie down in bed, Dean would pull you close to him and whisper how much he loves you.
A sharp knock at the door snapped you out of your trance. "Who is it, Mom?" Jack asked, peering around the corner.
"Why don't you come see, kiddo." You wiped your sweaty palms on your jeans before opening the door to reveal Sam and Dean. "Hi," You smiled. Sam was the first to come inside and hug you. He grinned as he pulled away, ruffling your hair.
"Why don't I take Jack into town for a little bit while you guys work this out?" He suggested.
"Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. Jack, go put on your shoes, you're going into town with Sam for a little while." Jack beamed at your works, hurriedly putting his shoes on a following Sam out the door.
"Hi," You said once more after Sam and Jack were gone. Dean didn't say a word as he hugged you tightly. You melted into his touch, feeling comfort in his embrace. The familiar smell of whiskey and firewood filled your nostrils. You closed your eyes to savor this moment. "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
@vicariouslythruspn @mimaria420 @fofisstilinski @daphnen21 @katwed @anunstablefangirl @desimarie12 @alderpine @rebeccaitsnotwhatyouthink @akshi8278
Also, yes, there will be a part 3
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That is what you get for saving the enemies wife
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(I do not own the Gif) 
Characters: Jax, Juice, Opie, Tig, Chibs, Half Sack/kip, Gemma, mentioned ; HectorSalazar, Clay morrow
Pairing: Prospect Juice X reader, Jax x Sister!reader
Summary: When you walked by the clubhouse of the Calaveras, you notice smoke coming out of the building. After a better look you find out the clubhouse is on fire. You decided at first not to interfere but after hearing someone crying for help you climbed trough a window without hesitation. A women is trapped in the burning room, while you break open the door you try not to get notice because you’re on enemies ground. No one saw you help the women later know as the girlfriend of Hectar Zalasar, only leaving the building trough the window you came.
Zalasar is determent you started the fire and wants revenge. Sending you a package filled with an acid bomb which leaves you blind after opening.
Seven years after and still trying to make the best of your life you grow closer to the new prospect. He is the first one besides your brother you open up to over the incident.
Warnings: none?
Word count: 5,709
Navigating through a room filled with black smoke, I looked for the door. My lungs filled with smoke and my eyes full of tears I struggled to kick in the door. The silhouette of a woman was barely visible. I ran in and helped the woman to her feet. With one arm around her waist and the other I held her arm, which was over my shoulders. At walking pace we walked through the corridors to the main entrance. I let her go a few meters before the entrance. Saying she had to move on herself.
I turned around and walked back to the room from which I had entered. Looking back, the woman tried to identify me but all she saw was the logo on my jacket. The reaper.
With my whole body wrapped in cold sweat, I shot straight up in my bed. Gasping and coughing, I panicked and tried to look around but everything was dark. Tears came to my eyes when I found out it was a dream. After I had calmed down, I put my feet next to my bed. I stroke over my clock on my bedside table for the time, half past two. With a sigh I got to my feet and walked more cautiously to the kitchen.
Navigating through the hall with one hand on the wall, I found my way. In the kitchen, I took a glass from the counter and filled it with water. I felt the cool liquid slide down my throat. I thought back to my dream, I couldn't remember much of it, but from the way I woke up I had an inkling of what it was about. 
I had no regrets about the day or the things I did. Maybe if I had kept walking, my life would have looked different now. A second pair of footsteps came down the stairs, faster than mine. They walked into the kitchen and stopped there. ‘’Jax?’’ I asked out loud. The footsteps could only belong to one person, my brother. ‘’I'm here, darlin’. Another nightmare?’’ I nodded slowly. I heard Jax approach, he pulled me closer and put his arms around me. ‘’I wish I could do something about it, I hate to see you like this.’’ With my arms around his waist, I buried myself in his chest. ‘’It will be okay.’’ It came out less believable than I had hoped.
Jax heard the disappointment in my voice. ‘’I wish I could sit with you on the couch, waiting for you to fall asleep again but the club needs me.’’ I pulled away from him and put a hand on his cheek. ‘’Go, I'll see you later today.’’ I squeezed his cheek softly and smiled. With a kiss on my crown he walked to the door, there he stopped and called. "Will you call when you arrive?" After my accident, he was very protective even though he knew I could take care of myself. ‘’I'll be fine, I'll ride with Mom.’’ I shouted after him. The door slammed back into the lock. With a deep sigh, I refilled my glass with water and then found my way to the couch. I made myself comfortable and started a podcast that I listened to until I fell back asleep.
Later that morning, I was awakened by my mother. "Honey wake up, I'm leaving in thirty minutes." Slowly I woke up. I opened my eyes with a dull feeling. Sitting upright, I felt for the TV remote and paused the podcast. I rubbed my eyes extensively but gently. In the kitchen my mother was busy making coffee and as soon as she had her cup she went straight to the club, which meant that I had to hurry.
Feeling through my closet for the right combination, all my clothes were divided into compartments. Pants, T-shirts, tops, cardigans, blouses and even dresses. Separated by small edges at the top of the railing. My outfit for the day was simple, jeans with a T-shirt and flannel blouse. My shoes were down by the door. Before I left my room I grabbed my cane and sunglasses. 
Downstairs my mother had a cup of coffee ready for me. ‘’Drink up." She handed me my mug. ‘’Thank you, Jax is already at the clubhouse.’’ I gave her the heads up. ‘’I suspected it.’’ She looked over her shoulder. I stood against the counter and drank my coffee. Listening to the movements my mother made and the vibrations I felt under my feet, I got the feeling that she was stressed. ‘’Is something wrong, Mom?’’ With my mug between both hands, I looked in the direction I thought she was standing. ‘’The garage, there is another customer who is difficult and your father," she stopped mid-sentence. My father was Clay Morrow, Jax was John Teller's son. 
My dad ran the Sons of Anarchy, it was sometimes hard for my mom to agree with some of the decisions but she was 100 percent behind him. ‘’Dad knows what he's doing and we have to trust that.’’ I placed my now empty mug on the counter. ‘’I know, and I do.’’ She stopped and thought. ‘’Let's just go.’’ She said finally. I nodded and walked to the door. Before I left the house I put on my ankle boots and slipped into my denim jacket with my Sons vest over it. Matching my brothers style.
The ride to the club was not long, the sound of the engine filling my ears. The wind blew through my hair through the open window, with my face turned out I felt the rising sun warm my face. The radio echoed softly in the background. With my thoughts elsewhere, I didn't realize we were already there. The car had been parked for a few minutes. My mother taps my arm gently. ‘’Hey, we're here.’’ Blinking my eyes, I sat straight up in the chair. ‘’Thanks for the lift.’’ With a smile, I opened the passenger door and got out.
Always parked in the same place, the same way. Parked backwards in the parkingspot so the passenger was facing the club. That way I knew immediately where to go without asking. ‘’If you need me, I'll be in the office.’’ My mother called from her side of the car. ‘’Okay, I'll come by later, I think.’’ She nodded and walked to the office, without my knowing, I continued my way to the entrance of the club.
Inside, Tig, Chibs and Oppie were sitting at the bar, with Half Sack as the bartender. The four men greeted me one by one. ‘’Hey there Doll.’’ Tig was the first to get up and walk over to me. With one hand on my cheek he gave a kiss on my crown. The goatee on his chin tickled my forehead that made me giggle. ‘’Hey Tig.’’ I said with a big smile on my face. Tig and I were always very close, now worse than ever. People sometimes thought we were together, maybe if he had been a little younger or if I was a little older who knows. Age didn't matter, but deep down twenty years was quite a lot. When Jax wasn't around, Tig was the first to stand up for me and be capable of anything.
Chibs sat at the bar and greeted me candidly. ‘’Oi, love.’’ Chibs was barely understood with his accent and he only said two words. For hours I could listen to him, talking about one of his many stories. The way he told it combined with his accent was everything I lived for. He often talked about his life back in Belfast. The place where he grew up in Northern Ireland.
On the other hand, Opie got up and greeted me with a hug. ‘’Hey kiddo.’’ His arms folded around me. ‘’Good to hear from you again.’’ Opie was on a ride with a few other members and was gone for four days. He was like a brother to me. The three of us grew up. It was always Jax, Opie and myself. ‘’I missed you.’’ I whispered into his chest. His grip around me tightened a little. ‘’Missed you too.’’ He whispered back.
The door behind us opened and by the way and sound of how they walked, Jax emerged from the chapel. ‘’Okay, listen, everyone is expected in the chapel.’’ Opie turned to Jax and stepped aside to show that I was there too. ‘’Hey.’’ Jax said with a smile in his voice. ‘’I'll have a very important job for you.’’ He stopped in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. ‘’Oh, really?’’ I looked at him with a tilted head. ‘’Yes, we are getting a new prospect this afternoon. But there is no one who can put him in his place.’’ I had to chuckle the way Jax conveyed it.
Whenever a new prospect came into the club, we treated them like he was less than us, that way we taught them to stand up for themself. Life in a motor club was not easy, the violence, the blood we had on our hands. ‘’So ...���’ he stretched the words. ‘’I was thinking about you, they need to know who to really fear.’’ I laughed. ‘’Okay, I have to do some shopping before the next lockdown, because someone forgot.’’ I emphasized someone and patted him on the chest. ‘’I had Half,’’ I interrupted before placing the blame on the prospect. ‘’No, it doesn't work that way, it was your job and now I can do it.’’ With one hand on my hip, I looked at him. ‘’Sorry, sister.’’ He spoke honestly. ‘’The things I will do for you.’’ I said with a sigh.
Before I closed the club doors behind me, I heard Jax say. ‘’Kip, go with her.’’ And moments after, Kip, also known as Half Sack, came running out. ‘’Hey, wait a minute.’’ He called as he tried to keep up with me. ‘’It's sweet of you, but I can go shopping alone.’’ A panting Kip walked up next to me. ‘’But who will help you with lifting the groceries, do you know how much you have to take back?’’ enough to feed an entire orphanage. ‘’Fine.’’ I said briefly.
I didn’t want Kip to drive us. It was not because I didn’t trust him in a car but I liked to walk. ‘’What do you think they are talking about back at the club?’’ Kip asked out of nowhere. ‘’I don’t know, if it is important we will know soon enough.’’ I answered his question, shrugging my shoulders. Important or not Jax would tell me anyway.
The club was under some stress with the Niners, the police were on our backs and my dad and Jax weren’t speaking on the same page. There was a lot they could have been talking about. On the occasion I was allowed in the chapel, be present by the meeting and be able to vote. Every other time I was not, Jax would always fill me in later on in the day.
The grocery shopping took for ever, people that were complaining that it took me to long to choose a product or that I hit them with my cain. One man, in his late thirties, was ready to start a fight and I was having none of it. Getting more and more angry, not of the fact that he accused me of anything because of my blindness but of my vest.
He was mansplaining me that women didn’t belong in the club and that we were only good for getting beer and sex. It took everything in me not to hit him but I got close. Kip did had to hold me back before I did. ‘’All I am saying is that it women belong in the kitchen not in the club itself and don’t get me started on women wearing the vest.’’ before I handed Kip my cain I checked where the men was standing. ‘’Hold this.’’ I said and let go of I it and took a step forward.
Kip who knew me and what I was capable of, jumped into action and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me back. ‘’If I were you, you should shut up and leave. Blind or not she has a mean right hook.’’ Kip warned the man. The man looked at me, but before he could protest he was asked to leave by the staff of the grocery shop. ‘’I am so sorry ma’am.’’ The young lady of the staff said. I smiled nicely at her. ‘’It’s oké.’’ And continued looking for everything else we needed.
After paying and double checking if we had everything we headed back to the club. Kip was carrying more then he could and I had two bags. ‘’Don’t you think we may have bought to much?’’ he had difficulty walking due the extra wight. ‘’No, with those animals, you can never have enough.’’ I thought back to a couple lockdowns back, we had enough to last two weeks. One week in and the kitchen was empty.
The prospect arrived just after Kip and I had left. The young man in his late twenties of Puerto Rican descent with a mohawk and head tattoos reported to my mother in her office. A soft knock could be heard on the door. ‘’Come in.’’ Gemma called from within the room. Carefully he opened the door and stepped into the small office. Gemma turned herself in her chair and looked at the young man. ‘’I'm looking for Jax Teller. Do you know where I can find him?’’ He immediately got into business. ‘’And who may you be?’’ She asked uninterested, ignoring his question. ‘’My name is Juan Ortiz, I'm the new prospect.’’ He continued talking.
Gemma looked him up and down. ‘’Great.’’ she said and stood up. ‘’Sit’’ She said as if he was a dog and walked out. He did what she said and took a seat in one of the chairs next to the desk. ‘’Don’t touch anything.’’ Gemma said before walking out the door, heading to the clubhouse.
We entered the parking lot of the club and headed inside. ‘’Maybe we should have taken the car.’’ I said as the realization hit me. My feet were sore and I felt bad for Kip. ‘’Need a drink?’’ I asked him, placing the bags on the pool table.
Kip placed his bags on the table as well and made a relieving sound. ‘’I can’t feel my arms anymore, and I am not allowed to drink, yet.’’ he said, pouting. It was one of Jax many weird rules, prospects don’t drink from the bar. ‘’Oh toughen up, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, I am the one who offers.’’ Making my way behind the bar.
Neither one of us knew my mother was in the chapel as well until they walked out. Kip was sitting on one of the bar stools and I stood behind the bar. Both a glass of whiskey in hand.  The door opened and every one walked out one by one. First my mother, followed by my brother and then the rest of the group.
The first thing Jax noticed was Kip drinking. ‘’What did I tell you,’’ he started but I stopped him. ‘’Shut up and let him have it. He deserved it.’’ I said trying to point him Jax his direction. Kip crabbed my arm and pointed it more to my left. Now I was pointing at Jax. Some chuckles filled the room, mostly of the others while Jax stood with an amused expression. I was the only one who could talk back to him like that.
After a good laugh my mother asked Jax to follow her. The others joined us at the bar for a drink. ‘’You know my poison, doll.’’ Tig said seductively and winked, while adding a sound effect. So I would now he winked, not that I wasn’t already thinking that.
I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge. Everything was labeled with braille, the shelves, the bottles, all to make my life easier. Placing the beer on the bar and before I could let go Tig already took it from me. ‘’Thank you, dear.’’ he said with the utmost sweet voice he could muster.
While we had fun in the clubhouse, talking and drinking, Jax walked back to the office with Gemma. Inside Juan still sitting on the chair, looking like a lost puppy. He noticed the two walking in and stood up immediately. ‘’I’m,’’ he started while holding out his hand, but Jax cut him off. ‘’Don’t care follow me.’’ Jax said and turned around to walk back to the clubhouse.
Every new prospect was treated like a no body when they first got here. The sooner you grew a pair and stood up against them the sooner you got treated as an equal. They both entered the room and all the heads turned to them. I stood still leaning against the bar looking ahead of me.
Neither of the guys spend much attention to Jax and kept talking. The two walked over to the bar, standing close to it to hear their conversation. ‘’One rule, don’t piss off the lady.’’ Jax said while pointing to me, knowing I could hear them. Juan followed his gaze and looked at me. ‘’I don’t see,’’ he started and a smirk played along my lips. Their it was, the one thing I hoped he would say. ‘’Well neither can I.’’ I said as the bitch I can be.
Everyone else tried to hold back their laughter. ‘’I’m sorry?’’ he asked a small panic in his voice, not realizing I was blind. ‘’What did he say about not pissn’ of the lady’’ Chibs said in the most Scottish way possible. The boy looked horrified. ‘’Well? What can’t you ‘’see’’?’’ I asked with quotation marks when I said see.
I looked in their directions, waiting for him to speak. ‘’I don’t see how I could piss of such lovely lady.’’ He stuttered a bit. Licking my lips I thought of what to say next, but I thought we had already scared him enough for now. ‘’Don’t worry, you don’t piss me off that easily.’’ I flashed him a soft smile.
But not everyone agreed with my statement because Tig snorted loudly. ‘’Watch it Trager, before I put real poison in your drink next time.’’ I shot him a death glare as I put down my sunglasses. He knew I didn’t mean any of it, and couldn’t help but laugh. ‘’You love me to much to have me dead, doll.’’ I shook my head and laughed, knowing it was true.
I turned back to Jax and Juan. ‘’Please take a seat.’’ I gestured to a hopefully empty stool. Jax excused him self and walked back into the chapel as his phone ringed. Juan took a seat and I pored him a glass of orange juice. ‘’Here you go.’’ I placed it on the bar and another fit of snickers and laughter erupted from the others. ‘’Orange juice?’’ He questioned.
Leaning with my elbows on the bar I turned to him. ‘’Got a problem with that?’’ I tried to look at him straight but failed, I ended up looking past him. ‘’No, not at all.’’ he said careful not knowing how els to respond. ‘’Good, so tell me, what is your name?’’ A playful smile lingered around my lips, the boy in front of me sounded to innocent and brought a different type of myself to the surface.
For a strange reason I felt comfortable around him, even tough we’ve just met. ‘’Juan Ortiz.’’ He held out his hand and waited for me to shake it. ‘’Yeah, we ain’t gonna call you that for ever.’’ Standing back up straight and ignoring his outstretched hand. Here most of us had a nick name or something els then our real name to go by. Most men just called me pet names in staid of my name.
Juan looked at me, more like staring at me. ‘’What is your problem?’’ He blurred out, realizing what he had said once it was to late. ‘’Excuse me?’’ I said turning my head once more in his direction. This time I meant being bitchy. The boys went silent and I could hear someone walking towards my side of the bar. ‘’Well you see,’’ I had to interrupt him then and there. ‘’That is my fucking problem, I CAN’T.’’ I said angry and ripped off my sunglasses tossing them god knows where.
I looked at him, my face exposed to him. It was the one thing I was insecure about, my eyes. The were pearl withe and glossy, but the skin around my eyes was red and burned. A gasp left his lips and he was lost of words. ‘’That’s what I thought.’’ I said and walked away, nearly tripping over someones feet. ‘’Sweetheart.’’ Tig tried to hold me back, he was standing behind me and it were his feet I tripped over. ‘’Don’t.’’ I said with a trembling voice.
I brushed past him and walked outside, forgetting my cain behind the bar. ‘’I.. I uhm didn’t know.’’ Juan started but didn’t know how to continue. ‘’It was kinda obvious, you could have seen her scaring, even whit sunglasses and there is braille everywhere.’’ Opie stated the obvious. Juan began to feel more guilty by the second. ‘’I should talk to her.’’ he started and looked for my sunglasses to give them back to me. ‘’I don’t think that’s the best idea.’’ Jax said, standing in the door frame leading to the chapel.
He walked over to Juan and took the glasses from him. ‘’Don’t take it personal. Losing her sight took a toll on her.’’ For the first time ever to a prospect, Jax spoke in a soft and empathic way. ‘’She wasn’t always blind?’’ He looked up at Jax, registering what he had said. ‘’No, and that is not my story to tell.’’ With a sigh Jax walked outside looking for me. Already knowing where I would be.
We both shared a lot of things, from music taste to disliking the same people and even our hiding place when things get to complicated. It was on the roof of the office, at first it was scary to climb the latter but now it didn’t bother me any more.
Hearing the familiar screeching of the latter I knew someone was coming up. A while back Jax had brought up two chairs to sit on so he took a seat next to me. ‘’What is wrong?’’ he asked worried. ‘’Everything.’’ I said in between sobs. Without saying another word he pulled me closer in to a tight hug. ‘’I didn’t mean to lash out to him like that.’’ I said after a while still crying my eyes out.
Somedays everything got to much to handle and I needed a good cry. ‘’He knows.’’ we sat like this till I completely calmed down. ‘’So, wanna tell me what happened at the store today?’’ I shook my head. ‘’Not really, it’s not worth it.’’ it really wasn’t I could take care of myself. ‘’Alright.’’ he said quietly.
Jax gave back my sunglasses and cain, we were about to head back inside when he was once again intercepted by the ringing of his phone. He looked at the caller ID and put the phone away. ‘’He can wait, family is more important.’’ He threw his arm around my shoulder. We entered the clubhouse and I took a seat on the cough.
The rest of the day went by rather quickly. Jax had yet another club thing to discus and my mother was also making over hours, so I asked Tig to drive me home. That night another nightmare corrupted my sleep.
Fire, everything was on fire. The walls, the floors. The heat alone was burning my skin. The smoke filling my lungs. Tears filled eyes, trying to find my way to the screaming women.
Finding her wasn’t the difficult part, it was getting out unnoticed what would be tricky. My mouth covered with my sleeve, searching for a way out. Climbing out the window I came in from.
With a gasp I jolted up straight. Panting heavily, crying softly. Cold sweat covered my body once again. Never had I nightmares of the accident that caused me to lose my vision, it was always what I had done to deserve it.
The nightmares got worse and worse each night. It would be seven years ago, in a couple days and the days leading to that anniversary, always took a toll on my mental health. At night I didn’t sleep and the day I tried to distract myself by bonding with Juan, who I kept calling Juicy or Juice. All because I still give him a glass of juice when we gather around the bar for drinks.
Not only did I feel worse each day but I looked worse too. Walking into the clubhouse I was greeted by Juice. ‘’He… oef you look like the dead.’’ he joked and kissed my cheek. ‘’Careful, before you are son.’’ Chibs said with a laugh in voice. I let out a tired laugh. ‘’Don’t worry, you are to adorable to kill.’’ I patted his chest before making my way to the cough and sitting down.
It was a slow day until Jax called everyone on a run. ‘’Alright, we are needed by our brothers in the town next door, so saddle up.’’ Jax looked around the room and saw sitting on the coughs with my knees to my chest and my chin resting on them. ‘’Juice,’’ he started waiting for the prospect to look up. ‘’I need you to stay here. I need some one here to look after my sister.’’ He too looked at me. ‘’Of course.’’ he said, at the time not knowing why it was so important for Jax.
I was so in my own thoughts that I didn’t catch a word of what had been said. I felt the couch sink in next to me. ‘’Hey, darlin’.’’ Jax said softly, placing a hand on my arm. ‘’Uh?’’ I asked turning my head to wards him. ‘’Did you heard what I just said?’’ he asked and I shook my head. ‘’The boys and I are leaving. Juice is staying here with you.’’ He explained.
I was to tired to argue so I nodded. ‘’Be careful.’’ I said as I hugged my brother. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me as close as he could to his chest. ‘’When am I not?’’ He jokingly asked, causing me to laugh. ‘’Don’t get me started.’’ I had a list of the times he was everything but careful.
Every one got an hour to go home and pack, before meeting back at the club. Now everyone was ready to leave. Juice and me stood outside. I never let them leave without a hug. Once I couldn’t hear the roaring of their motors, we headed back inside.
Together we sat at the cough. ‘’What do you want to do?’’ Juice asked me, a little nervous. I could feel him bouncing his leg. ‘’Can we just listen to music. I don’t feel like doing anything.’’ I said between yawing. ‘’Sure.’’ he said and put on a playlist.
It didn’t last long before I fell asleep. My head fell on his shoulder and I tried to make myself comfortable. Juice looked down at me and smiled. He too noticed how tired I was lately, he tried to make me talk about it but I didn’t want to.
Juice tried to lay down on the cough without waking me. He took of my sunglasses and lay them on the table. Together we lay on the coughs, wrapped in each others arms. First it was a peaceful slumber but soon was corrupted by nightmares. I started to twitch slightly and murmur in my sleep.
Not knowing what was going on, Juice looked down on me again. ‘’Are you oke?’’ he asked quietly, but not getting a respond. The nightmare got only worse by the second and soon enough I screamed out in terror before waking up.
For a second I didn’t know where I was. Juice got up too and grabbed my hand. ‘’It was just a dream.’’ he said in a soft tone, trying to calm me down. ‘’What ever happened can not hurt you here.’’ He pulled me into a hug and held me till I stopped crying. ‘’Please talk to me about it. I hate to see you like this.’’ He wiped away the tears from my face.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. ‘’Alright, I will tell you what has been haunting me for seven years.’’ It took me a significant amount of courage to say those words. Of course everyone who was there that day knew what happened but I never talked about it with no one except for my brother. As we sat back down on the cough I started my story, reliving it as I spoke.
Seven years ago, I walked trough rival territory, fully aware that I shouldn’t have been there. As I was walking down the street, the smell of smoke filled my nostrils. Looking around the area I noticed smoke rising in the air. I followed its trail back to the source and saw that it came from the Calaveras club house.
With my head low, I walked trough the crowd that had gathered in the street. Once I was clear from the crowd I picked up my paste, knowing I needed to get the hell away from there.
Walking past the burning clubhouse I heard a women screaming for help. It pained me to hear her scream, begging for someone to save her. Till this day I still don’t know why none of the firefighters went back inside to save her. With myself in battle of what to do, I either lost or won, but I went inside trough a back window.
Following the woman’s scream, covering my mouth with my sleeve to prevent smoke inhalation. The screams came from behind a closed door, it was either locked or blocked. Kicking in the door, was the only possible way to enter. Black smoke filled the room and I could barely see the woman in front of me.
I ran towards her and helped her up. With one arm around her waist and the other holding on her arm that laid over my shoulder, we made our way to the door. The closer we got to the exit, the more screams from the outside I could hear.
Mainly I heard the screams of Hector Salazar. ‘’My wife is still in there!’’ So they knew that she was missing. I brought her as close to the exit as I could, she had to walk out the last few meters. No one could know I was there.
Carefully pushing the women to the exit I said. ‘’You got this, just keep moving.’’ She nodded and held herself steady against the wall. ‘’You got this.’’ I said again before turning around to make my way out trough the same window I came in from.
I thought that she had already turned around before I did, but she didn’t and saw my vest. She saw the Sons logo on my back and she tried to tell her husband that I saved her. But once he heard that the sons were involved he made the conclusion I was also the one who started the fire. And he wanted revenge.
My voice was horse from crying and talking. Juice held my hands the entire time I talked, to let me now he was still there. He would squeeze my hand every now and then to let me know he was still paying attention. ‘’But that still doesn’t explain you losing your sight.’’ He noted, after I was silent for a couple minutes.
It made me laugh weakly. ‘’You are so impatient sometimes.’’ I said with a small giggle in my voice. ‘’First he showed up at the clubhouse, threatening me. He had me followed by his men to harm me. But when I didn’t left the clubhouse anymore in fear of my safety, he had to get creative.’’ My heart was beating way to fast and breathing was uneven.
We sat around the bar having a laugh and a drink when Tig brought in a package. For me. He placed in front of me on the bar. ‘’For you, doll.’’ he said, kissing the top of my head, that being the first time to see me that day.
Not remembering I had order something, I examined the box. For as far I could see there was nothing suspicious about it so I opened it. As I opened it and looked inside something exploded and a wet substance burned its way onto my face.
Turning my head to my hands I continued. ‘’It was an acid bomb, not big enough to take me out. But to leave a message. That is how I lost my sight.’’ New tears filled my eyes and I didn’t fought to hold them back.
I let them stain my face, I let everything that I had bottled up the past seven years out. ‘’I never should have been walking in that neighbourhood in the first place. Cause this is what you get for saving the enemies wife.’’ I faced Juice, pointing at my face. ‘’I hate waking up, every day, not being able to see the faces of every one I care about. I hate my self,’’ Juice interrupted me by placing his hand on my cheek.
He tilled my head slightly up so I faced him head on. ‘’You saved a life, she is alive because of your bravery. Never hate yourself, cause to me, you are perfect.’’ I was lost of words and couldn’t help but smile. I hugged him once more and never wanting to let go.
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duchessfics · 5 years
Valentine’s Day with Sarah Paulson’s Characters
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Billie Dean Howard
She has just returned from intense filming for over a month, so the idea of going out and possibly seeing fans is not something she wants to do. And you prefer staying home as well. So rather than going out somewhere, you both decide to stay in and spend the evening at home together.
You try to cook a meal of lasagna for her, however you’re not a very good cook. After watching the pot of pasta boil over and seeing the poorly cooked meat she swoops in to save the meal. 
Honey, why do I smell something burning? Here, let me help.
You then cook together, listening to her instructions and guidance. You eat the surprisingly delicious lasagna with dim lighting and candles. After eating you give her a present you have been dying to give her since you bought it a month ago. It’s a small necklace with a small Black Tourmaline crystal as the pendant.
I don’t know much about crystals, but the owner of the shop told me this is a crystal used for protection from negative energy and I figured with all that you experience it couldn’t hurt...
It’s perfect. I love it, baby.
She then tells you to close your eyes and hold her arm. She guides you to the guest room and opens the door. You open your eyes and see a cream-colored cat with green eyes. It was one you had seen when volunteering at the local animal shelter, but you didn’t want to bring it home without her permission. 
Does this mean...Is she ours?
She sure is, baby.  
You let the cat sniff you before petting her and she is very sociable. After awhile you decide to leave her alone and head to your bedroom. You shut the door so the cat doesn’t interrupt and end up a sweaty, breathless tangle. Before going to sleep you open the door so the cat can come in and lay in each other’s arms.
Happy Valentine’s day, Billie.
You too, baby.
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Lana Winters
Even though people are getting to be more accepting, there is still a lot of judgement concerning two women being together so you both choose to stay in. 
Instead of a fancy dinner, you end up reheating some leftovers from yesterday. Then you eat, listening to some music on the radio. But you can’t help but feel bad about not treating your girl right.
Some Valentine’s Day.
Oh Darling, it’s a social construct anyways. 
After eating, she holds out her hand and pulls you closer as a slow song plays on the radio. You melt against her touch and rest your head on her shoulder while she guides your slow movement. At the end of the song, you look up at her and she leans her forehead on yours. 
I love you, Lana.
I love you too.
She takes her hands and moves them to cup your face, her thumbs gently stroking your cheekbones. You both study each other for a moment before she moves closer and kisses you. You both stand there, the music forgotten, and keep kissing until you have to catch your breath. 
How’s this for Valentine’s Day?
It’s perfect.
You kiss again before heading to your bedroom hand-in-hand. You shut the door, forgetting about the dishes and music. Then you both help each other remove the other person’s clothes, moving slowly and deliberately. After making love, you both turn to face each other with tired grins.
Goodnight sweetheart.
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Cordelia Goode
Even though it’s Valentine’s Day, she still has plenty of tasks as the Supreme. So you decided to make dinner reservations for the night so she doesn’t have to worry about it. Then you just tell her what time to be ready by. 
Even though you are not really into wearing dresses, you put one on that she really likes and has complimented before. Then you fix your hair, but leave it down since she likes that as well.
Oh, sweetheart, that dress looks beautiful on you and your hair looks so nice. Are you sure you want to wear a dress? You don’t have to.
I’m happy to. You look beautiful yourself, Delia.
She says goodbye to the girls and you head out to one of the nicest restaurants in New Orleans. You knew that she liked this place but didn’t go often because it was so fancy and expensive. 
I’ve got to admit, I’m impressed with all of this.
Oh good. I have been planning this whole thing for a month. I honestly don’t know how you handle all of the responsibilities as the Supreme. I was stressed over a dinner reservation. But I am so glad see you enjoying this without having to be in charge of something. You deserve some pampering.
You’re too sweet, darling.
After dinner it’s not late, but you both decide to head back to the house. When you get back to the house, after making sure that the girls were doing alright she tells them goodnight and takes your hand leading you to her bedroom. Once there she draws a steaming hot bath and puts a blend of herbs and Epsom salts in it.
Come here, sweet girl. While I love that dress on you, I would love to see you without the dress and in here with me. 
Your wish is my command, Delia.
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Bette and Dot Tattler
Because of the small town of Jupiter, you are limited to spending the day at the circus or somewhere secluded. So you invite them to a picnic for lunch.
You gather some food for lunch and a spare blanket from your storage. Then you meet them at the edge of the circus and only walk a short distance to a large shade tree. You’re delighted when Dot lets you hold her hand and you see a smile on her own face.
The lunch is simple, but you stay out there enjoying the break from the circus buzz. They let you lay down and rest your head in their lap while they play with your hair. 
You know you’re both so special to me, right?
B: Of course. Even Dot talks about you sometimes before we go to bed.
D: Bette! 
Unfortunately you have to head back for the show tonight since Elsa has a show every night. So you walk back and sit in their tent as they get ready. They even let you brush their hair.
B: Oh, that’s a nice feeling. Right Dot?
D: Yes, it is...nice.
Good, I’m glad you both like it.
The girls performance is dynamic and gets a standing ovation as you operate the spotlights from the back. Then, for the first time, they invite you to spend the night in their tent. As you all sit on the bed, Bette shyly asks if you would like to kiss her and you agree. Eventually, after Bette is asleep and you lay next to Dot, you ask to kiss her. She agrees and gives you a deeper kiss then Bette.
I love you Dot. I love you both.
I--I love you too. I never thought I would feel what that’s like.
I never thought I would have this feeling either until I saw you two come here with Elsa. I knew then that you two were special to me.
You’re flirting is as bad as Bette...But I don’t mind. Sweet dreams.
Sweet Dreams, darlin’.
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Sally McKenna
She isn’t one to celebrate things like Valentine’s Day, but she knows you love it so she tries not to complain. In fact, she tries to make the day as special for you as she can. Even though you both can’t leave the Hotel Cortez, she writes you a letter.
It isn’t much. You can throw it away if you don’t want it.
Are you kidding me? This is beautiful. Thank you.
That night you both sit at the bar and have some drinks. Then she leads you to your bedroom with a mischievous glint in her eye.
This is when the real fun begins, baby girl. This will be a night you will never forget.
You get to the bedroom and see that she decorated the room with paper hearts and she has a heart-shaped box of chocolates. She studies your face, making sure that you like it. And you get misty-eyed from the wonderful surprise.
Did you really do all of this for me?
Of course. I also have a few other things for you, but those involve you naked and on our bed.
You smile and begin to strip while she watches. Then she has you lay on the bed before giving you the best orgasm you’ve ever had. She keeps going until you beg her to stop. Then she takes off all of her clothes and you happily return the favor.
Jesus Christ, baby girl. 
Just returning the favor, sweetheart.
Eventually you both have to stop, nearly passing out from exhaustion and wake up the next morning tangled up together. You wake up to Sally holding you close to her chest and rubbing your back.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Baby girl.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Sally. 
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Audrey Tindall
While Audrey assures you that you don’t have to do anything for Valentine’s Day, you know she is a sappy romantic so you plan something special for her.
Really, sweetheart, it’s alright if we don’t do anything.
Audrey, darling, we are doing something for Valentine’s Day!
She takes the day off and you spend the day with her, doing different things that you have kept secret from her. The day involves: going out to brunch, getting a couple’s massage, and going to one of the fanciest restaurants in LA.
Love...you really planned all of this? For me?
Of course, Audrey.
As you eat dinner, Audrey thanks you for spending the day with her and doing all of these different things. And she says she actually has a surprise for you too.
So after dinner, you go home and see a vase filled with red, pink, and white roses. Then as you step closer you see there is an envelope attached. Inside is a short, cheesy poem that you are sure Audrey spent hours thinking of as well as two plane tickets to London. 
A-Audrey, are you sure? This must have cost so much.
I am absolutely positive, y/n. You are so special to me, sweetheart.
That’s when she confesses her love for you and she wants you to meet her family/see her old stomping grounds. You say you love her too and look forward to the trip.
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Ally Mayfair Richards
For Oz’s Valentine’s Day party, the students are allowed to bring their parents to the party so Ally plans to go. But you are surprised when he asks you to come too, even though you have been dating his mom for a couple months.
Is y/n coming with us, Mom?
Wait--you want me to come?
Of course! Right Mom?
We would love for you to come with us, honey.
You both go and have a good time at the party, letting Oz excitedly tell his teacher about you two. Then you take Oz home from school and Ally tells you she has a dinner reservation for you both later tonight. 
You better freshen up, teacher’s pet. We’ve got a dinner reservation tonight. 
So you get ready for that and once Oz is set with his babysitter, you and Ally go out to dinner. You let Ally order the food and wine, knowing that she is an expert on what food and drinks pair well.
Anytime you go out with Ally, you love to just talk and spend quality time with her. She loves to talk with you too, relaxing from her duties and opening up to you.
You look stunning tonight, Ally. Thank you for bringing me out with you.
You are so welcome, sweetheart. Any time I get to spend with you is a pleasure.
After dinner you both go for a short walk before heading home. Then after wishing Oz goodnight, you draw a bubble bath for Ally, lighting a bunch of candles to set the mood and you share a nice, steamy bubble bath with your darling girlfriend.
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Wilhemina Venable
While you’re all stuck in the outpost, when you find out that it’s Valentine’s Day, you make sure to do something special for your first “valentine,” Wilhemina Venable. There isn’t the option of buying chocolates or flowers so you scrape together what you can.
Throughout the day, she is busy dealing with different tasks and people, but after dinner, you sneak her a note asking to meet with her after everyone retires for the night. She agrees so you put the final touches on your plan.
After everyone goes to bed, you sneak over to her room and she lets you in for the night. That’s when you tell her happy Valentine’s day and give her a shy kiss. Even though she doesn’t act super excited, she feels unusually special because of you.
I thought I would give a small present to my special valentine.
You’re...You’re valentine?
Of course, Mina! You are my darling valentine.
Then you give her these small origami hearts you made with small notes in them and she finds it adorable. She thanks you and you assume it’s time for you to leave. 
I know it isn’t much, but I learned how to make these as a kid and thought you may like a couple.
I really like them y/n. Thank you.
You’re welcome, Mina. Well...um, I guess i’ll head out then.
However, Wilhemina stops you and surprises you with a long love letter that makes you tear up. You thank her and for the first time she asks you to sleep in her room. That makes your heart flutter and this Valentine’s day turned out so much better than you ever thought it would.
Wait! I--I made something for you.
Wilhemina, this means so much to me. Thank you.
You’re welcome, darling. Happy Valentine’s day. Also I thought that...maybe you could spend the night in here...with me?
**proceeds to run into her arms**
Oh thank you, Mina! I would love to. Happy Valentine’s day to you too.
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granpafrisbee · 5 years
Truth or Dare Part 1
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Warnings: Cussing                    
Word Count: 3,752 (it’s gonna get longer tho)
Pairing: Bucky x OFC           
Summary: After going to Italy and avoiding any romantic relationships for pretty much all her life Joey comes back to the U.S. to move in with her life-long best friend, Sam Wilson, and his two closest friends from college. Joey’s met Steve but is apprehensive to meet the elusive Bucky, whom she’s always missed despite having visited Sam consistently throughout college. Once she meets him, however, she wonders how she’ll be able to run from love when they share a bathroom.
A/N: Hey, so I'll be updating this most Wednesdays. I'll try my hardest to stay regular. 
I wrote this using an OFC bc I cannot work my brain to replace my name with fucking Y/N and I know I'm not the only one. (I always end up reading it as fucking "yuuhnnumm"). I am fully in love with Zazie Beetz so our OFC is completely based on her except maybe a lil chubbier because why not. Really for the apartment just picture the layout of the New Girl loft.
I always have a confusing time picturing characters in fics so I'm gonna lay it out for y'all. Steve is full nomad, them honey brown locks and the full beard. Joey's hair is natural like Zazie so often wears it. Bucky is just Seb in fall/winter 2017 because I am weak for the I, Tonya press tour look. Sam is Mackie's classic look. The rest of the characters can be left to the imagination.
Also  I mention good music so listen to that if you want. Please let me know if you like this and follow my hot garbage tumblr.
Special thanks to @buckybarnesxoxo for asking to be tagged!
the AO3
Stay Sexy
It’s the bathroom that really impresses Joey. She believed Sam when he said the apartment was nice. On seeing it for the first time when moving in, she discovers that her best friend is distinctly incorrect. A working sink is nice. A proper heater is nice. A nearby laundromat is nice. This loft, this four-bedroomed palace, is exquisite in comparison to her previous abodes. The kitchen has all its necessary appliances. There are a washer and dryer in unit. The walls are thick enough that if Sam was stabbed in his neighboring room, she would maybe hear it. Four bedrooms with their very own closets. All of these have her speechless as she tours around. However, as stated above, it’s the bathroom that is killer. The idea of sharing said room with three men is maybe one of the more foreboding aspects of her new sweet digs, but once she sees the giant clawfoot shower and tub, she is sure the positives will heavily outweigh the negatives.
She immediately slides down into her new porcelain palace. She’s a medium height at 5’6”, and even she has to point her toes to touch the far end of the tub. She sighs comfortably and is already planning an essential oils combination for her first real bath when the door swings open and her fantasy is interrupted by one her new roommates. He’s the one she hasn’t met yet but Sam and Steve have shown her plenty of pictures. His hair looks soft and well-coiffed and he wears a tank top under an unbuttoned striped short sleeve button down. Rather than judgment appearing across his abnormally handsome face, he smiles like there was nothing else he could have expected when entering the bathroom.
“You see I specifically told Steve to get a bathtub that doesn’t come with a human.”
“Oh no, you got it all wrong. I’m actually a ghost here to haunt you but hygienically. Instead of boo, I say floss.” She says without a beat and he nods, very seriously, in response to this.
“You know I’m pretty sure I just carried in a bed to our fourth room that might be more comfortable than the tub, but who am I to judge one’s preferred sleeping arrangements.” His quip is followed by another fantastic smile, and based on the past ten seconds of her life Joey is absolutely sure that this is her kind of human.
She smiles back and extends her hand from the tub. “Joey.”
“Bucky,” He shakes her hand and nods again.
“You guys brought up my bed? I told Samuel to let me handle that shit.”
He laughs and scratches his beard, “Ah just gave me another opportunity to show Sam how much stronger I am than him. And Steve the chance to show up both of us.”
Joey chuckles and silently appreciates how Bucky balanced his dig on Sam with some light self-depreciation of himself. Although it would be unrealistic to pretend that anyone was stronger than Steve. The man is built. “Seriously though, I’ll come help y’all out. I’m not gonna be the useless roommate.” She gets out of the tub and starts out the door.
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that, I think Sammy’s got that title covered, Darlin’.” He follows her out and therefore doesn’t see her face cringe at the pet name.
She considers calling him on it when Sam yells from the front door, “I know you’re not in there besmirching me to my very own best friend Barnes,” He enters view sweaty and smiling, “And I especially know she wasn’t participating, because she is my best friend and therefore automatically on my side.” He wraps his arm protectively around her shoulders causing her to shrug away from him with her nose scrunched.
“Consider our friendship on sabbatical until you take a shower, Wilson.” Joey continues backing away.
“Jesus I always knew your personality stank but I guess the inside always comes out huh.” Bucky mirrors Joey’s disgusted face as he walks towards the door.
Sam rolls his eyes, “Not funny.” Although the involuntary “Hah!” Joey lets out at Bucky’s comment seems to contradict his statement. Sam just flips her off.
“Thank you, Doll. You see Sammy, even your best friend thinks I’m right.” Bucky mocks as he heads back outside.
This time Sam sees her face twist in reaction to the nickname. Misinterpreting it he grumbles, “Oh come on there’s no way you can smell me from over there.” He starts to head to his room, presumably for deodorant.
Joey follows Bucky downstairs to help with some more furniture moving. Steve is outside their building, ass in the air, bent over picking something up. “Damn Rogers,” Joey calls out appreciatively, “If I knew I’d be getting a view like that I would have shacked up with you years ago.”
He stands up, holding up an entire bookshelf on his own, further challenging the poor under armor shirt that is being stretched to hell on his giant frame. “Hey killer, thanks for joining us.”
She picks up a lamp and smiles at him, “Well I figured you guys needed the extra muscle.”
His smile is bright against his beard as he walks into the house with the ease of a man who isn't carrying a bookshelf.
The four of them finish loading their sporadic furniture into the loft and the afternoon fades to early evening. An old but amazing and huge high-quality leather sectional provided by Steve’s mom. Sam’s flat screen, whom he’s named Esmeralda, and may or may not have a near sexual attraction to. Bucky’s records and a player that’s older than any of them, plus a big wooden dinner table his Dad handmade. Steve’s varied level of completed canvases and paint stuff. Joey’s shelves and chairs she found on the side of the road her senior year in college. A mix of plates, bowls, and utensils have been loaded into varying drawers and cabinets. As well as cooking instruments, although, beyond Joey’s waffle iron and an old cast iron from Steve, it’s all Sam’s. Everyone’s personal boxes and furniture is piled in their own rooms.
Joey sits on the kitchen island as the boys lean against it, all sipping the cheap beer Joey bought as penance for them carrying her bed in. She takes that moment to appreciate the weird chain of events that got her where she is now. She and Sam have been friends since grade school. They went to different colleges but remained good ol’ buddies throughout. When they graduated Joey traveled around and did an apprenticeship with an Italian glassblower. Sam went to Culinary school, and when he graduated the second time around Joey was offered a job with a world-renowned blower (god she will never get tired of calling her profession that) stateside. After little luck finding a two bedroom inexpensive enough for the two of them, Steve, one of Sam’s old college buddies Joey had met many a time during visits, mentioned his friend's dad owned a couple lofts in the neighborhood they were looking in. Sam toured with Steve and Bucky and the three of them signed the lease that day. Sam called Joey that night and announced he was so confident that he forged her signature. He was insistent that it was the best option they’d find, all Steve is a good guy and fellow artist, and even Bucky is sometimes bearable but don’t tell him that. Steve paints and sketches in his free time and works as a personal trainer to pay the bills. Joey knows he isn’t passionate about it, but with his perfect body and matching attitude, she is sure he is fantastic at his job. Sam is starting at a new restaurant with a name Joey can only pronounce thanks to high school French. A plus for living with Sam is that he brings work home with him. Although Joey had visited Sam plenty over the years and even struck up a solid friendship with Steve, she always seems to have missed Bucky. They had never met but she knew he was a language major with a focus in Eastern Europe and Russia. Sam had told her Bucky translated English books into Russian and vice versa and made more money than he should. Earlier Joey had heard him curse in some sort of Slavic tongue when Sam “accidentally” dropped his end of a coffee table on Bucky’s foot. She also had heard a few stories about Steve and Bucky’s childhood, the rambunctious troublemakers lived up to every tall tale. As the four nursed their beers she felt confident that this was going to be a very important group of people in her life.
“Joey?” Sam snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Barnes suggested we get more beer and pizza and invite some friends over. Are you down?” The three men looked at her expectantly.
“I say hell yeah. Who are we calling?” She looked down at her watch and was surprised to see it was only 6:30.
“Well there are the couples, Nat and Wanda and Thor and Bruce,” Steve suggested.
“I told Shuri I’d pay her in alcohol if she set up all the tech shit,” Bucky adds.
Steve nods, “Now that you mention it, we should probably invite Tony, he’s the reason we got this place.”
“Tony means at least Rhodey and probably Pep, Clint is a must, and if we invite Wanda we should call Pietro too.” Sam finishes his beer and scrolls through his messages.
“Brunnhilde and Okoye are in town too.” Joey hops off the counter and recycles the empty bottles collecting on the island.
“Alright you guys decide who to invite, and I’ll go get libations and sustenance,” Bucky grabs his keys.
“With the list we’ve got you’ll need some help, I’ll come with,” Joey volunteers.
Bucky smiles vibrantly and nods towards to Steve, “You okay babysitting Rogers?”
“As long as Killer doesn’t mind your unreasonably picky ass,” Steve’s retort is so quick that Bucky and Sam raise their middle fingers simultaneously at their aggravator.
Joey and Bucky decide to start off to the pizzeria three blocks away and pick up the beer on the walk back. The walk begins in mildly uncomfortable silence.
“So… you’re picky?” Joey asks to spark some sort of conversation.
“Nooo..” Bucky’s defensiveness creates an endearing drawl, “Those two pompous asses just don’t understand that I like my pizza simple. Margherita pizza is a fucking gift. Who am I to screw it up with a bunch of American bullshit?” He gestures widely as he speaks.
“You’re kidding right?”
Bucky’s must have misinterpreted her smile as he quickly responds, “Alright I’ve been judged enough in my life, I know you lived in Italy and-”
“No, no, Bucky!” She grabs his forearm, “Margherita is my favorite! I ate it all the time in Italy, judgment-free.”
“Jesus Christ Doll, where have you been all my life?”
She smiles and they continue a brisk pace to the pizza place. “How did you know I lived in Italy?”
“Ah, I know plenty about you. Sammy talks about you non-stop, has since I met him. Steve even thought he was secretly in love with you until he hung out with you in person.”
This makes Joey raise her brows, “Really? Wow. What, if I may ask, ultimately caused him to accept our relationship as extraordinarily platonic? Was it the sibling-like side hugs? The lack of sexual tension in our banter? The fact that I knew him during his first mustache phase?”
“Are you telling me there was a skinnier mustache than the one we know and mildly tolerate?”
“I’m talking Prince but pubescent. It was so thin models asked his mustache for dieting tips. It was so thin his first girlfriend thought he had an eyelash over his top lip. I mean you would’ve thought he drew it on with a ballpoint pen. In fact, it’s very possible it was. Just because I never saw doesn’t mean he never-”
Bucky is laughing uproariously, “Please, please, you’re killing me. I’m gonna need pictures as soon as possible.”
“No can do. I will recite the epic of the mustache homer-style until the day I die, but any physical evidence shared will prompt an all-out war between Samuel and me. That is just something I can’t afford.”
“Oh now I have to see them. What’s your secret shame, sweetheart? Bangs? Braces? Please tell me it was an emo phase,” As he lists off he starts walking backward, the goofy smile didn't dim once.
“I’ll never share, but trust me when I say if you find something behind my back, I’m sure Steve will be more than willing to share some pictures of your past. Emo phase is a good guess, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say that was a projection, hmm?”
That does a good job of replacing his smile with pursed lips and a quirked eyebrow, contemplating his next move in this battle of embarrassing adolescence. “Steve would never betray me.”
“Don’t be so sure, all men have their weaknesses,” She smiles deviously.
“Oh yeah, you gonna seduce him for a picture of me in eyeliner?”
“First of all, I would seduce Steve for much less so thanks for confirming my emo theories. Secondly, I may not know Steve like you do, but I know him well enough to see that seduction would hardly prove fruitful.” She holds the door open for him and they both bask in the practically orgasmic scent of the pizzeria, “Steve is so suspicious of anyone who wants to sleep with him that he’d see through me. My method would be to trick him to do some sort of high school ‘Where are they now?’ portrait. He’d be so inspired he’d paint your lined eyes and black, I’m guessing, over parted hair in a second.” The line is moving slowly and he admires how she never lowers her volume or hides from strangers eyes.
“Damn, Doll, you’re good.”
“I minored in manipulation.” The store isn’t too packed for Saturday night and Sam Cooke is playing lightly in the background. She’s nodding her head and he’s mouthing along to words and when they both realize this they share a smile at the music.
“So Steve is a suspicious mind in your book?” She chuckles at his reference.
“I’m not the biggest drinker and neither is Steve, so when Sammy went hard when I visited, Steve was always good for a tipsy talk. The poor guy has the same self-esteem he must have had in high school. Unlike us three cool cats Steve will show me pictures of his past self. I know you were there through it all, but just because the outside changes doesn’t mean the inside follows suit. I have seen the most dedicated and gorgeous women throw themselves at him and yet he remains sure that she was ‘just being friendly’. It’s actually impressive.”
“I know what you mean. To be fair though a lot of that is just his college girlfriend. She really did a number on him.” He runs a hand through his hair but doesn’t hide his contempt for whoever she is.
Solemn surprise covers Joey’s features, “I never knew. Never met her on any visits.”
“She wasn’t big on him talking to other girls, probably hid him anytime you came around. Although that isn’t my story to tell, I’m sure the punk will tell you about it sometime.” She follows his eye line down to his shoes. He’s drawing stars with the tip of his shoe, a tic she’s just noticing.
“What about you? You have a girl hiding you away, distracting you during your collegiate years? She the reason our meeting was so unluckily delayed until today?”
He thinks about the answer for a second or two. “Nah, no anchor to this ship. At this point, I’m just convinced Wilson just didn’t tell me you were around because he knew you would like me more than him.”
“Well turns out I like Steve better than both of you.”
He puts his hands up and reassures her, “I don’t need to be first, Sweetheart, just as long as I’m on your radar.” As he lowers his hands the song changes and they simultaneously recognize the song, both begin humming the initial notes. “Penny & The Quarters fan huh?” He asks.
“Nobody, baby, but-” she sings before quickly turning her attention to the cashier, “We’ll have two large Everything Pizzas and one large Margherita.” Facing Bucky again she smiles and drops another line that makes his heart race, “Just for you and me, huh?”
The pizza is out quick, and a trip to the local gas station provides them with more than enough beer. They continue discussing music, Joey is surprised at their similarly irregular taste. He describes his favorite Etta James songs, but can’t forget the Simon and Garfunkel song that he thinks is his first love encapsulated. He lists his top three favorite rappers after ranking contemporary folk bands. She adds in her opinions sporadically, and he apologizes twice for dominating the conversation when they get in the elevator.
She is being honest when she says, “There’s nothing I want to hear more than whatever you’re going to say right this moment.” He thinks that every lyric in every song he’s just listed doesn’t have shit on that sentence.
He’s about to tell her so when an alarming large hand last minute catches the elevator as it closes. The doors open to the Thor and Bruce. The couple is the lynchpin of every good party, from rager to kickback. Thor is the greatest hype man in history but is never hammered, probably because it would take two handles of tequila to get him there. Bruce is much more chill but a secret god at beer pong, not to mention he always has weed. Bucky’s favorite part of their presence always happens when Bruce is particularly high and begins a lecture on some sort of subject no one else understands. He isn’t exactly captivating, especially not to anyone far from sober although his passion is palpable, but Thor will plop down on the couch next to him and watch him like he’s the only thing in the universe (while rubbing Bruce’s neck to keep him from getting too wound up). Bucky loves those guys.
“Looks like we arrived just in time, wouldn’t you say Thor?” Bruce shakes Bucky’s hand and smiles at Joey.
“Of course! I was worried we got too much pizza, but now that you’re here Thor I’m sure you’ll help us with any surplus.” Joey sets the pizzas down before Thor pulls her into a bear hug.
“Joey, you know I never leave a damsel in distress,” Thor agrees as he sets her back on her feet.
Joey’s eyebrow playfully shoots up, “Who are you calling damsel, Odinson?”
“In this case, definitely Sam. I’m surprised he even let you order out.” Bruce answers for his boyfriend.
“My love is right in my insinuation. Never ever have I seen you anywhere near damsel status Joe.” Bucky watches their interaction with curiosity.
The elevator dings and Bucky asks, “This may seem like a dumb question but how do you guys know each other? Just through Sam?”
Joey picks up the pizzas as Thor holds the door open, ”Thor’s siblings and I were all in a group home together as teens. I’ve known this big lug long before he was the Nordic party god we see before us.” Thor laughs and he and Bruce go to greet everyone inside.
“Are you telling me Thor hasn’t always been a blonde beefcake?” Bucky whispers in Joey’s ear as they set the pizza and beer on the counter.
“Sadly no, he’s looked like that since I met him. I just like making that joke because he’s too humble to care.” She makes note that he doesn’t question the foster home part of her story. She wonders just what Sam has told him about her past.
People start to crowd the food and drinks, so Joey and Bucky greet everyone who has arrived. Nat is there sans Wanda, who is at home sick. Bucky knows this means Nat will be leaving early. Pietro made it despite his ill sibling, but he still looks pretty sick of the conversation in front of him. Shuri and Clint are mid-argument about the chicken and the egg when Bucky thanks them for coming. Clint gives him a smile and points to a fake succulent on the table and mumbles, “Got you guys a housewarming present,” before returning his attention to telling Shuri that the Chicken is the obvious choice. Shuri tells Bucky she set up the wifi and the apple tv and Clint doesn’t even register that she’s talking over him. Bucky kisses her cheek and hands her a beer.
Steve is sitting with Bruce and Thor on the couch, all of them engrossed in conversation and pizza. Sam is chopping fresh onion for his pizza when Bucky asks, “These are the few you could bribe to get here?”
“These losers are the only ones without any plans on a Saturday night,” Sam says without looking up.
Clint and Pietro both look up and say a simultaneous, “Hey!” Before turning their attention back to their conversation.
“T’Challa and Nakia are in Paris. Brunnhilde has a gig tonight. Okoye hung up on me when I said pizza and beer. Parker has an exam. Tony named six events he was invited to tonight and would’ve kept going if Steve hadn’t hung up. Pepper and Rhodey are probably plus thing one and two wherever Tony ended up at. Thus, this motley crew is all we got.” Sam sprinkles his diced onion on top of his already spilling slice and when he bites into it his groan stops the conversations surrounding the apartment.
“Lame. Your intestines are not going to be thanking you for that monster you are devouring under the alias of pizza.” Joey makes a face as he continues to stuff his face.
“Like eating just mozzarella and basil is enjoyable at all,” Sam dismisses her and joins the rest of their crew.
“Heathens,” Bucky dramatically admonishes their friends, “You ready Doll?”
This time he catches the tightening of her expression at his comment, ”Born ready.” They both grab a piece of their untouched pizza and taps crusts in cheers.
Part 2
Part 3
Thanks for reading!
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wcnderfulrush · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @twiilightmultimayurp ( thank you darlin’! ) TAGGING: @txnukichika | @hekigankiseki | @muse-eutopia | @idolstart | @sxnodaumi | and everyone else who wants to do this!
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? "Kotori! It’s nice to meet you!
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? “Th-That is my real name…I guess I could give you my full name; that’s Kotori Minami!”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? “Not really, though my mom and dad gave me the nickname little bird because they said my voice was high-pitched and song-like, and that I was just flying all over the place! Hehe~”
“Yes! Wait --- Oh, u-um...Nico and Umi would kill me if I said yes, so I’m just going to say ‘No comment!’, okay? Please put that in the article instead.”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? “I don’t have any superpowers, though everyone says that I’m really good at designing and making clothes, my cooking, my maid work, my work in the nurses office, and my singing and dancing. So I suppose those could count as abilities!”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? “Honey yellow!”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “No, and I don’t ever plan to in the future. I like my hair the way it is now!”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Yup; I have my mom and all the people in μ! They all take such great care of me, and I’m glad to have loved ones so close to me~.”
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? “Ah, not anymore. We used to have a family golden retriever ( check cite ref. 4 or Kotori’s Holiday ), but we gave it away to a family member who lives more down south, my mom and I becoming too busy to take care of it properly...But! One day I would like a pet again! Though, I’m not sure what kind...”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “Hmm...I don’t like garlic that much. I rarely use it when cooking, unless it’s in a marinade bottle I buy, then I try to overpower it wit other flavors.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “Other than sewing outfits for idol work and practicing everyday, I sew clothes for myself to wear around town or on special occasions! And I suppose all of the things I mentioned as abilities count too, hehe...”
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? "I...I think I did once. Though I was hurting too, I didn’t realize the effect my words and actions had on her and snowballed onto everyone else. But that’s in the past now; we made up, said our true feelings, and now everything’s okay again!”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? “E-Eh?! No; of course not! I would never hurt anyone physically, let alone steep so low as to murder another living being!” ( The kotocult hints otherwise, darlin’~ )
“I’m a bird! I even use the emoticon all the time! ( o 8 o )”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. “...I can be indecisive about things sometimes, getting Honoka or Umi to help me make a decision or just make it for me outright. And I’m not the best at expressing my emotions, either, a-at least the negative ones. I need to work on both of those more; b-but I’m trying my best!”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? “Honoka and Umi. They’re so strong, and their personalities shine so brightly, unafraid of showing off everything about themselves. There’s also my mother; so wise and with such a calming nature about her. I want to be just like all of them someday, and be able to walk next to them as equals in their own rights.”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? “I’m Bisexual!”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “Of course! I go to Otonokizaka High School; my mom’s the chairwoman!”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? “Mm, I do. I think it’s be really great if I could design my own wedding dress and my spouse’s wedding attire; maybe even my kid’s clothes too! Ah, everyone would look so cute~!”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? “I do have a small fandom, I suppose, what with my idol work and with being ex-charismas maid Minalinsky; even though I lost the title as charisma maid in Akiba, a lot of people still love to come and see me, which makes me really happy for their continuous support!”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “...Losing my friends and loved ones is a big one. I’ve lost loved ones before and it’s...It’s not plesant to say the least. A little fear of failure and loneliness stems from that too; I want to make everyone proud of me and smile and be happy, and I want them to be around me always. But sometimes, life just doesn’t work out like that, you know?”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Besides my school uniform and maid outfit, usually it’s trendy or cute blouses and nice shorts or skirts to match! Jeans and fashionable jackets when it’s cold, and I love changing up the bow in my hair with different ribbon or even sometimes hair clips and hats!”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “E-Everyone, honestly...*coughs*Nozomi, Minato, Justin, Umi, Honoka; they all rock my world*coughs* O-Oh goodness! I’m so sorry; I must be catching something! Hahaha;;” ( all of the names a links; go love them now )
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “H-Huh? Do you mean year? I-I thought everyone knew...Regardless, for those of you who don’t know, I’m a second year! Does that answer your question?”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “Well, the other eight girls in the idol group, Hideko, Fumiko, Mika, Justin, Minato...P-Plus all of the sweet fans that always love and support me!”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “I love pie! It’s not my favorite dessert, but it’s still great!”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? “Ah, anything calming, sweet, or caffinated...I suppose those are all on opposite ends of the spectrum, huh? Hehe, maybe I’ll find drink that’s all three of those things one day! Though I doubt it.”
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? “At home, or wherever I’m loved, and surrounded by friends and loved ones~”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? “W-Well, yes...But I’m not saying who, or giving any hints, so everyone will just have to guess!”  
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? “I-I have no such thing! A-Are you okay; do you know exactly who you’re interviewing? Do you need to go home and lay down?”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “The ocean, even if the water at times can seem so vast and scary. But it’s also so beautiful and mysterious, and everyone else has fun at the beach and swimming in the ocean, which makes me forget about my small worries!”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? “Ah, let’s see...Somebody who’s very kind and sweet, and that I can feel warm and safe around. Someone who can make me smile just by walking into a room, and who can lift me up on my worst days. Someone I can love and hold forever; give them endless amounts of affection and they wouldn’t mind, and be able to hold me in the same kind of emotional embrace or kiss me in the most sentimental way...Th-That might have been too much detail; c-cut that out please?”
“I-I’ve never...I’ve never had sex before or done anything sexy or fetishistic before. I’v thought about what I’d maybe like, but it’s more just turn ons and not fetishes, and I wouldn’t know if I actually like them until I actually do them, s-so...For right now, no.”
“A-Again, I’ve never had sex, so I wouldn’t know. Though...I-I suppose I could be a bit of both? P-Probably more submissive, b-but you never know, I suppose...”
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? “Oh thank goodness, no more romance questions...Um, I love both! I’ve done both before with all of the girls, and they both offer unique adventures and memories to make!”
37. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? “Y-Yes, a bit, actually...”
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