#oh look... hype boy's stuck in my head now!
04jiwoo · 2 years
day three of checking out new jeans... 😌🙏
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vctrvn-ls · 10 months
Hi babes! Could you write something about Filly and Reader being together and they're filming a video and he is like clinging to her? Just like he's with Nella, he's a touch starved boy hehe
General Knowledge | Filly |
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warnings: language
wordcount: 2.1k
"Yeah maaaann!"
"...." Filly looked at you with crossed eyebrows.
"I'm sorry," you snorted "I'm sorry that was just really funny to me." You covered your face.
"Gyal's laughing at my intro." Filly turned to the camera "She's laughing at my intro."
"No, no, no, no," you tried to protest but the laughter just kept coming "No, no, no." You grabbed onto his shoulder, throwing your head down in efforts to hide your face.
"Oh my god who did I bring?" Filly stated glancing down at you, who was dying for literally no reason.
"Anyway!" Filly continued as you sat up and cleared your throat "Todays guest as you can see is the one and only y/n!!" He grabs both of your shoulders from behind, presenting his guest, whilst shaking you aggressively.
You hold on for dear life, trying your best not to laugh again. Filly's excitement and joy was so contagious that even the saddest mood would lighten up in seconds.
"Thank you for having me." You wave to the lens "I'm really thrilled to be here. And I can't wait to destroy him with my big brain." You point to your head with both fingers.
"Now the last bit was so unnecessary." He poked you.
"No, no I think it was. I mean I don't want to spoil the whole video, but I definitely think I'm gonna win." You nodded confidently.
"Well," Filly said in a cheeky tone "What you don't know...IS THAT YOU'RE GOING AGAINST DARKEST MAN!" His voice rung at the last part followed by cheers and claps from him.
You turned around seeing Darkest running from behind a corner with his arms up and smiling, waving from side to side like a football player who had just scored a goal. Of course you saw him earlier today, but never would you have guessed that you would be playing against him.
"Love, love everyone." He sat down next to Filly "Nice to see you again Miss y/l/n." He stuck his hand out for you to shake.
"Nice to-" your words were cut of with your mouth dropping open in utter shock as Darkest dodged your handshake, pretending to fix this beanie.
"Oh man." Filly covered his mouth "Just the beginning and he's already violating you." Filly poked your chest.
"Tsk don't touch me, Felipe." You rolled your eyes and swatted away his finger, actually feeling a tiny bit annoyed.
"Felipe!" Filly repeated for the audience "She got so mad she used my govvy against me." He screwed his eyes shut throwing himself onto you and making you retract your serious face, breaking into a series of small giggles while try hug him back.
To be fair it was hard to be mad at anyone with the presence of Filly. He really was a ray of sunshine. A very loud ray of sunshine.
After the explaining of the rules and the forfeit being The World's Hottest Chip, you and Darkest went serious and in full focus.
"Alright hit me." Darkest said sharply, hyping himself up.
"First round!" Filly announced "Flags."
"Oh shit." You cursed.
"Not a good sign," Filly chuckled at your words "Flag number one...Darkest you go first." he held up the phone to his friend.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Wait." You held your finger up and leaned forward.
Filly blinked at you in confusion, not knowing what you were going at.
"Filly what's with the sexism?" You state in monotone, trying your best not to crack up. Filly did though "NAAAH!" He yelped, covering his face, falling onto your shoulder while howling from laughter.
Poor darkest didn't know if he could laugh at that joke or not.
You turned to the camera, shaking your head while tutting in disappointment "The disrespect."
Filly gripped onto you trying not to pass out from how much he was already tired of laughing. But it was only the beginning of the video.
"You know what?" He managed to squeeze out a couple of strained words "You know what?" He wiped his eyes "It's funnier because of her face- Like do ya'll see how serious she is?" Filly looks at you again.
"It's funny because you think I'm joking when I'm not." You shake your head.
"Really?" He asked naively.
"No of course not." You giggle, pushing his knee "You idiot."
"A-am I interrupting something?" Darkest leaned over to the two of you, waving his hands "Should I maybe leave?"
"Nah, nah." Filly breathed out "We're done, we're done."
"No actually maybe you should." You replied, again with your serious tone.
"Great." Darkest leaned back onto the couch, crossing his arms and staring right into the camera, whilst in the background Filly's chortling chimed through the room.
After the first round you were behind by two points, which wasn't looking good for you. You really didn't want to eat that spicy chip.
"Round numero dos." Filly declared, looking at his phone "Maths."
You nodded enthusiastically "Now this is my time to shine."
"Is it though?" Darkest asked in a sassy tone.
"Hey listen yeah," you leaned over Filly glaring  at Darkest "Just because your forehead is big, doesn't mean your brain is alright?" The irony was probably funnier than the actual joke, considering the fact that you were losing.
"Oh my god." Filly dropped his phone, hiding his open mouth with the palms of his hands while staring at darkest.
"You see," Darkest shuffles in his position and moved forward, closer to the camera, as if talking to the audience "She's getting way too comfortable." He shook his head.
You bit onto your lip, trying not to laugh.
"I say one, ONE word to her and she just buries me." He sighs, dramatically dropping his head down, making you completely lose it and grab Filly's shoulder while biting onto your sleeve.
Now, words can't even describe how loud and high-pitched Filly's next howl was when he turned around and saw your hilarious face, eyes watering, eyebrows up and the fact that you were literally BITING down onto your hand so you wouldn't crack up.
The whole room instantly filled with the most outrageous forms of laughter. Darkest was swaying from side to side on the couch, holding onto his stomach, while Filly's friends behind the camera rolled around on the floor (the editor was also laughing after zooming onto your face).
Sounds dumb, but to witness your expression that you had pulled was really a sight to see.
Filly himself was back on you, vigorously clinging on and laughing right in your ear (you thought you were gonna go deaf).
"Oh my Christ!" You almost felt tears in your eyes "I-I-" you tried to speak, but another wave of Filly's hilarious laughter threw you off making you grab onto his sweater and pray to god that you weren't going to burst right there and then.
Few seconds later the atmosphere relaxed and you managed to say what you wanted to "I was gonna say, I don't know what I was laughing at more at the fact that you guys were literally on the floor," you pointed to Filly's friends "Or at your laughter that fucking almost made me lose my hearing." You looked at Filly and gave him a playful shove.
"Oh my days," he chuckled "This is on god the best video I have ever made."
"Maths." You stated.
"Yeah, yeah. Alright, so," he read from his phone "nine times n-"
"EIGHTY ONE!" You shout, jumping up.
Darkest and Filly exchanged glances.
"Thank you, thank you very much," you shook Filly's hand as you sat down "And that's," you turned to the lens "That's how it's done."
And that is pretty much how the maths round went, Filly didn't even have a chance to finish the question because you were already yelling out the answer.
Thanks to your wonderful mathematics skills, you were beating darkest by three points, leaving him in utter shock as the third round came by.
"Round number threeeee. Music."
You and Darkest both let out a groan.
"What?" Filly asked "This is probably the easiest one."
"Yeah well if it's not Drake or fucking Lady Gaga then I probably don't know." Darkest admitted, aggressively shaking his head in the funny way he always does.
"Pfffttt-AHAHAAH" You fell back, pulling Filly after you by his shoulder completely on accident, making him crash into you.
"Oh I'm sorry!" He wheezed, worried that he might've hurt you, but you didn't feel anything except him holding onto your arm.
While the two of you were busy laughing, Darkest was talking to the audience "I feel like I've been third wheeling this entire video." He blinks "I'm sad." He says dramatically knitting his eyebrows and sniffing.
"Aye Darkest, man," Filly sat up, eyes all wet "We love you, I swear."
"Well he does," you mumble "Don't make it we."
"Alright I'm do-"
"No no no I'm kidding!" You exclaim, reaching over to Darkest "I'm just playing!" You pat his shoulder before sitting back down.
"Phew, alright. Let's start."
An unfamiliar melody started playing and you looked at Darkest who was just as clueless as you were.
"Are you serious?" Filly's eyebrows jumped up as he noticed the two of you.
You shook your head.
"Not a clue."
"Honest. Baby Keem?"
"Huh?" You leaned in to look at Filly's phone.
"You know the one that sang Orange Soda."
You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Bitch sit on my face I attack that?" Filly hummed and tried to move his shoulders in a rhythm.
"Horror." Darkest said pointing at Filly's shoulders "Absolute horror."
Filly's mouth fell open in offense and he turned to you "You're not gonna back me here?"
You slowly shook your head "No he's right."
Filly theatrically threw his arms up and turned to the camera "Comment down below-"
"No honey don't embarrass yourself," you said in a California-girl accent while disappointingly shaking your head and putting one hand on Filly's shoulder in a sassy motion.
"What the-" Filly wheezed not even able to finish his sentence as his eyes screwed shut.
After a few minutes of calming down, you continued. Again.
"Next one. Now this is a friend test," he played the track.
A millie-second had passed, no not even a millie second, a quarter of a second. You had only managed to hear like three notes when you jumped up in your seat and roared out "100 BAGS!" You looked at Filly.
"Freestyle." You added, just in case.
"Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner..." Filly announced looking down "Y/N!!!!" He cheered, grabbing your hand and putting it up just like in boxing matches, while Darkest face planted the couch.
"She needs to understand that P's last quarter a hundred grand-" you had an imaginary microphone in your hand, handing it over to Filly who instantly caught on "Call me the runnin' man, chasing the next hundred grand...” “Rah, rah-”
To make a long story (or more like song) short, you both finished the entire track whilst doing questionable dance moves and Filly ended it with a tight and affectionate hug stating "This is what true friends look like."
But that wasn't the end. Definitely not. Darkest had a whole chip to eat.
The three of you stared at the red triangle that was in Darkest's hand.
You leaned over him while Filly peeped from behind you, hands on your shoulders as if "hiding" from the ghost chip.
"Can I- uh-"
"Say some last words?" You tried to guess Darkest's sentence.
Filly chuckled in your ear.
"I was gonna say can I have some milk?"
"He needs some milk." You called out, turning around to Filly, repeating the meme, feeling embarrassed straight away.
After another 15 minutes of fussing around over Darkest, he finally took a bite.
"How is it?" You ask almost instantly after he put it in his mouth (the chip, don’t be so dirty minded).
"Is it spicy?" Filly quizzed, still hiding behind you.
"How hot is it?"
"Does it hu-"
"Oh my god can you people wait!" He exclaimed, focusing on his chewing.
"Ah, oh my gohd-" He stuck his tongue out, now struggling to chew.
"You have to chew ten times blud. Otherwise it don't count!" Filly called him out.
"Nah, nah I can't," Darkest let out a shaky breathe before covering his mouth, getting up and aggressively pushing past the two of you, running for the sink.
"Oh my god-" You and Filly laughed at the series of spitting, finding it hilarious.
"Milk! MILK!" Darkest yelled. You grabbed the milk and shoved it into his hands, watching with both curiosity and horror as a sweaty Darkest finished half the bottle in seconds.
"I'm gonna be sick," he panted, wiping his mouth.
"Nasty." Filly commented from beside you.
"You didn't even like have any." You said in disappointment.
"Didn't have any!?" Darkest's voice went high pitched as he stared at you and Filly in disbelief "My mouth started melting just from smelling it!"
Filly hid his face in your arm as he tried to suppress his laughter from how funny this whole situation was: Darkest looking half-alive, while you and Filly witnessed his struggle and also mercilessly judging him.
20 minutes later you filmed the outtro, singed out and finished filming, Darkest's tongue still swollen and barely moving. (legend says it's swollen till this day)
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
The Bet
So @artiststarme wrote this blurb about the boys’ first serious argument being about how Steve doesn’t like Ozzy Osbourne. I was on my KNEES in the comment section asking if I could flesh it out, and this is the result. I hope you like it!! ❤️
The thing is, they actually have a really healthy relationship.
Everyone mentions it, whether in response to how similar it is to something their parents do, or something the complete opposite of what their parents do.
“Wait,” Max said once. “Weren’t you just arguing?”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other. “We disagreed,” Steve started cautiously. “That doesn’t mean we were arguing or fighting. Sometimes a disagreement doesn’t end in yelling, y’know? Actually it never has to end in yelling, but people are messy and emotional and that’s what it usually ends up as. But… no. We weren’t really arguing.”
Mike narrowed his eyes at Steve when he came to watch Hellfire once. “What’re you doing here?”
Steve shrugged, smiling. “Watching.”
“Why? You don’t even like D&D.”
“I don’t hate it. And Eddie likes it. We make time to engage in things the other likes. Share interests.”
Mike’s nose wrinkled as he thought about it. “Share interests?”
“That is what I said. He watches basketball with me. Can’t tell me a single thing about it, but he watches and gets excited whenever I do.”
“And we share music with each other,” Eddie added, smirking. “Stevie here’s officially a fan of Dio.”
The thing is, they don’t really argue. It gets to the point where people are starting to bet on when and what their first fight would be about.
Eddie brings it up during band practice one day. “I just don’t get it,” he says. “Steve and I have, arguably, the healthiest relationship out of anybody we know, and now everyone’s fucking betting on our first argument? Do they want us to fight? Do they want us to break up?”
“I mean,” Jeff starts cautiously, “You two are an unlikely pair. He’s part of the group that bullied us in high school. You two couldn’t really be more different if you tried. Like, I get that opposites attract or whatever, but some similarities could be a good thing, y’know?”
Eddie stares for a minute, then abruptly says, “Okay, so I’m not sure about the key on the first song,” and that’s it. Band practice continues.
Eddie, however, is stuck on that moment. He thinks about it all the way home, is preoccupied enough that Steve surprises him when he walks over and slides a hand over his back. “Eds?”
Eddie jumps slightly before turning to face Steve, inadvertently dislodging the hand on his back. “Steve?” Steve stays quiet, lets him think, put the words in the right order. “Do… do you think we’re too different?”
Steve jerks back in shock. “What? Eddie, where is this coming from?”
Eddie shakes his head, sighs, drags fingers through his hair. Won’t meet Steve’s eyes. “No, sorry, it’s stupid, just drop it.”
Steve ducks to catch his gaze, smiling hopefully up at him. “Hey. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
“I know,” Eddie says, then turns around. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing if it’s bothering you,” Steve returns. “To answer your question, though… I don’t think we’re too different. I mean, We’re working out pretty fine right now. We communicate, we work out our problems… we love each other, plain and simple. We try to get into each others interests. Sure, there are probably things each of us will never really love—you and basketball, for example, and I just don’t understand the hype surrounding Ozzy Osbourne—but-”
“Wait,” Eddie interrupts, brows furrowing. “You don’t get the hype surrounding Ozzy Osbourne?”
Steve shrugs. “No, not really. I don’t like his music.”
“Oh, that- that’s great.” He huffs a hysterical laugh and begins to pace. “I play him constantly, Steve, and you’ve never once said anything?”
“I don’t-”
“And if that’s a lie, what else? D&D? Metallica? Dio?”
“That’s not-”
“Hell, I told Mike that you liked Dio! Was that a lie?”
“No, it-”
“Do I have to go to Mike fuckin’ Wheeler and tell him I lied? Because you don’t tell me things like ‘I don’t like Ozzy Osbourne’?”
“It’s called being in a relationship,” Steve says, louder than either of them had been up to that point. “And I could say the same of you! I know you hate sports. I know you don’t understand basketball and you think football is boring. You refuse to run with me. I know you don’t like it but I thought that’s part of loving each other. Doing so in spite of everything we don’t like. Or has it all been an act for you? Is it all a character you’re playing?” He snaps his mouth shut, takes a few deep breaths, and shakes his head. “I’m going home. Come to me when you’re ready to talk, instead of throwing accusations at me.”
And there Eddie’s left, gripping onto the kitchen counter, watching as Steve walks out the door.
A few days later, Robin Buckley storms in. “Edward Munson, what the hell did you do?”
“Whoa there, missy,” Wayne says. “What’s got you up in a huff?”
Robin does, indeed, huff. “Eddie upset Steve.”
Wayne raises a brow, considers her, then nods. “How about a cup of tea after you’re done yellin’ at him?”
Robin stops short, thinks about it, and nods. “That would be nice. Thank you.”
Wayne just chuckles and shoos her in the direction of Eddie’s room.
She slams the door open, watching as Eddie jumps a foot into the air, his wide eyes opening even wider as he realizes who he’s looking at. “Yeah, dipshit, it’s me,” she says, crossing her arms. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done? Do you know how upset Steve is? He doesn’t know if he’s still your boyfriend, and I’m honestly considering telling him to end it now. What the hell could’ve happened to make you avoid him like you’ve been doing? You and I may be friends, but Steve and I are platonic-with-a-capital-p soulmates, and he’ll always come first.”
Eddie gapes at her. “I- he-” he groans and buries his head in his hands. “I fucked up, didn’t I?”
“Majorly,” Robin agrees. “I’ve half a mind to not let you see him, actually, except I know how sneaky you are, and I know you’d find a way regardless. If you thought it was important enough.”
“If-” Eddie gapes again. “He’s the most important thing. I was upset, and I took some things to heart that I really shouldn’t have, and oh, holy shit, I need to talk to him-”
Robin nods approvingly. “Go fix it, Munson.” She leans casually against his doorframe, then says as if completely changing the topic, “y’know, Nancy’s been teaching me to shoot. It’s fun.”
Eddie pales appropriately. “Robin Buckley, you are the scariest woman on the planet, second only to Nancy, and no one deserves you,” he says seriously, laughing when she nods.
Robin wanders back out to the kitchen, where Wayne hands her a mug with a grin. “Heard you gave ‘im hell.”
“Yup,” Robin answers. “He’s gonna go fix it. If he doesn’t, I hope you’ll be okay living on your own.”
Wayne shrugs, an amused twist to his mouth. “I survived thirty-eight years on my own. I think I can do it again.”
“Good,” Robin says, and that’s that, and they both turn to watch as Eddie races out the door.
“Shit shit shit,” Eddie mutters as he throws himself into the driver’s seat. He turns the car on and curses again as fucking Ozzy Osbourne blasts through the speakers. He ejects the tape and tossed it behind him, prepared to sit in silence on the way to Steve’s.
Eleven and a half minutes later, Eddie pulls up to Steve’s house and knocks on the door, shifting impatiently.
Steve opens the door twenty-seven seconds later, and twelve minutes after leaving his house, Eddie says, “I’m so sorry.”
It’s the first thing out of his mouth, flying out practically without permission. There was a plan, a script, but he sees Steve’s hazel eyes and forgets everything he’d ever known.
Steve regards him, then nods and moves aside, inviting him in with a wave of his hand.
“I got really insecure about something and exploded instead of just talking it through,” Eddie continues. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of what I said. I just-” he tears a hand through his hair, makes a frustrated sound.
Steve gently touches his arm, gets his hand out of his hair, directs him to sit on a couch. “I know,” he says quietly, then sighs. “And I owe you an apology. It takes two to argue. I shouldn’t have gotten riled up when you did. It didn’t help anything.”
“This isn’t your fault,” Eddie whispers, desperate to make him understand. “Stevie. This is completely on me.”
“How about we start over?” Steve suggests. “You asked if we were too different. Where’d you get that idea?”
“The band,” Eddie admits. “I was thinking out loud, wondering why everyone had started a betting pool on our first argument, and Jeff said that he thinks it’s because we’re really different. And then I kept thinking about it and got insecure about it. And then you said what you did, about not liking Ozzy, and that really got me insecure because that was the first real compliment I gave you.” Steve blinks, confused. “In the Upside Down? He bit a bat’s head off onstage?”
“Oh, shit,” Steve whispers, understanding trickling in.
“So I thought- I don’t know what I thought. I guess I thought it was all fake, that since you didn’t like or accept the compliment, or whatever…” he shakes his head. “It really is stupid. And I’m so sorry I let it go so far.”
Steve sighs. “And I’m sorry. I’d completely forgotten about that complement. I do know how much that means to you, though. And I might not like the guy’s music, but I’ve got no opinions on the man himself. I guess I should’ve specified. And like I said earlier, I never should’ve risen to the bait. I never should’ve said what I did about sports and exercise. So I’m sorry, too.” He holds a tentative hand up, and Eddie pushes it out of the way in favor of wrapping his arms around Steve, who huffs a laugh and returns the gesture. “Love you, Eds,” he murmurs.
“Love you, Stevie. ‘M sorry.”
“‘S alright. I’m sorry too.”
“‘S alright.” They both giggle and pull back a bit, just to lean in again and press their lips together.
“Next time we talk about it,” Steve mutters after they pull apart.
“Agreed,” Eddie says, then pauses. “So who do you think won the bet about our first argument?”
Permanent Taglist:
@justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme
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May i request a Yandere Moonknight System with a reader who’s like visiting London on work or something and they meet one of the boys. over their stay they get close as the boys show them around London and they sort of ignore the fact reader eventually has to leave untill they tell the boys they’re leaving the next day and they snap and take reader. Idk if that makes sense. 🤍
Cutting Ties (Dark! Moon Knight x Reader)
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A/N: This is Part 1 of a 3 Part fic. This is also a dark fic so please DNI Minors and others. (I got a little carried away with this idea Anon so thank you for the suggestion)
Now if you can interact or want to, please do! Like, reblog, reply!
DISCLAIMERS/WARNINGS: kidnapping, angst (like a ridiculous amount of it), light cursing, I've never been to London or England in general so I'm going based off of what I've seen, English is my first language I just suck at it. I do not own the picture above but i DO own the header below, it's something that I made. I might make a few others idk. Enjoy!
Summary: You're a former Widow on the run, only in London for a year you meet Steven Grant, a goofy gift shoppist. But is there more that meets the eye?
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You weren’t sure what it was about London, maybe it was the almost constant cloud looming over the city-or perhaps it was the way you barely understood what the people around you were saying- but you didn’t get what all the hype was about. Yes, it was beautiful if you put a filter over it looking at it through a tourist’s perspective. However, looking past all the buzz and touristy wonder, it was just like every other city- gray, busy, and foul smelling–filled to the brim with more people than it could possibly provide for. The only difference was the currency and the fact that everyone sounded like they came out of either Downtown Abbey or Derby Girls. 
You sighed as you reminded yourself that you were only going to be stuck here for another year, until this identity expired, then you got to go somewhere else, maybe somewhere warm and remote. Though you doubt it, that’s the thing about being on the run–you don’t get to choose where you go. You’ve been running close to 8 years now, almost a decade. Ever since Natasha Romanoff sent the Red Room hurdling from the sky and freed every Widow in the process, including you. How you got here exactly was a very long story, with parts you would rather not relive. 
You looked out the window of the bus, filled with thoughts of nothing but warm places with lots of sun and color with next to no people around. You could probably stay there longer than usual, hell maybe forever if you were careful. You could feel a small smile gracing your features as you thought of a nice, quaint home; decorated with plants, a nice kitchen to practice cooking in–oh and a sunroom that doubled as a greenhouse of sorts. You started making a list of flowers you would like to grow when you felt a sudden, foreign weight on your shoulder. You turned your head away from the silver light of the window towards the dark mess of curls next to you. You recognize him almost immediately, you don’t know his name but he always got off at that museum you’ve been meaning to visit, he always looked so tired with dark almost bruise like circles under his eyes; his dark hair almost in a permanent state of unkempt. You looked at his face a bit longer before your eyes trailed to his hands, his knuckles were white with how harshly he was gripping his bag and sweat was starting to form on his brow. A nightmare. You got those as well. 
As gently as you could you shook him, it didn’t take much until he bolted upright and took a few very sharp breaths. You could see his eyes dart erratically in fear before finally settling on you, you couldn’t help but remark on the lovely shade of brown his eyes were. A moment or two passed by before his eyes met the ground and his cheeks flushed. 
“I’m so sorry” he hurriedly apologized, eyes still trained on the ground, “didn’t realize I nodded off there.” 
“It’s quite alright,” you assured smiling gently at him, “if you don’t mind me asking but do you suffer from nightmares often?” his eyes went from the ground back at you, “I don’t mean to pry it’s just that I’ve seen you a few times on here and you always look exhausted.” 
“Yeah um,” he cleared his throat, “I, uh, I would guess so– not that I can’t tell the difference– it’s just complicated to explain–not that I wouldn’t tell you if I could, it’s just the best way I can explain it and I probably sound like such a knob.” You hold in a slight chuckle as his cheeks flush even more. 
“I don’t think so,” you say, “I get those kinds of dreams often as well. The ones you feel like they belong to someone else…but not at the same time, I guess it really is difficult to explain out loud.” you hold out your hand and introduce yourself as the man beside you hesitantly accepts it. 
“Steven Grant.” 
That was almost a year ago, after introducing yourselves you gave him your number (which he called not even an hour after he got off the bus). At first you would just meet up for tea but tea quickly became more intimate. You would call each other during the nights that were the hardest to sleep or to dream. You would tell him about your hope to live somewhere remote one day, in a place full of sunshine and color and he would be silent and listen. It wasn’t long until he confided in you about his condition, and you met Marc Spector and Jake Lockely respectively. 
You weren’t sure why but when Marc appeared he seemed familiar, for a moment you wondered if you had met him at some point but you were sure that you would’ve remembered. The Red Room forced you to have a good memory after all. 
Jake on the other hand was completely different from Steven and Marc, where Steven was shy and Marc stiff, Jake was suave. He had kissed your hand and said dirty things to you in spanish, to which you surprised him by replying fluently and dirtier. 
After some time you grew comfortable with Marc and Jake and went on dates with them as well. For a while you were happy, first time ever since coming to London. You were practically living in Steven’s small flat and you spent your days living as a normal person would. You pretended not to notice the weird things, like them leaving in the middle of the night or the strange looks they would sometimes get looking at absolutely nothing. You never pried or judged, it wasn’t like you aired out all the skeletons in your closet either. You never told them your real name (or at least the name the Red Room gave you) or where you came from or basically anything of substance at all about your past. You didn’t want to, it wasn’t like you didn’t trust them, but you feared what would happen if you did tell them. Tell them your real name, that you used to be a Black Widow and killed people. That the reason why you hated the color red was because it reminded you of the Red Room and the blood that stained your hands, how your nightmares were memories and that ghosts that haunted you refused to die. 
Somewhere along the way you started to forget that this life you were living with your job and your boys wouldn’t last forever. That sooner or later reality creeps in and brutally murders the fantasy you have created and as you hold the almost expired passport in your hand you remember the cold truth. That you never should’ve gotten involved, that you slipped and got attached and worst of all..you’d gotten someone else attached as well. Without you knowing the year you had left in London was almost up, in less than two months you will be off again to a new corner of the world with a new name and a new life. 
Deep down though you knew, knew that you couldn’t not go. Choosing to remain this person you’ve created with her perfectly normal job with her perfectly normal life with her not so normal–but still perfect–boyfriend was never an option. Too many people want you, for various reasons from recruitment to revenge for what you did as a Widow; and those people would stop at nothing to get to you, even if that meant hurting someone you’ve loved. 
You’re doing this, for them, you had to leave. There was no other option, and it was better to break it off now rather than leaving in the middle of the night. You fought the urge to be selfish, to keep living this life with them until you board your one way flight. So with a deep breath you stuffed your passport back into its folder in the drawer you owned and grabbed your trench coat and umbrella. You did not let a single tear fall as you hauled a cab to take you to the familiar route to their flat. You tried not to think at all, you knew if thought for a little too long you would talk yourself out of this. You knew this would probably be easier over text, you wouldn’t need to tell those big brown eyes goodbye and see them fill with tears or hate. It would be so easy…but you couldn’t. You knew that if you didn’t end it in person Steven, Marc, or Jake would show up at your door and wouldn’t leave until you did what you were doing right now. Telling them in person that it was over. 
You didn’t waste time when the cab stopped in front of his building, you told the driver to wait and that you would be back down in just a few moments. Your heels clacked against the wet pavement towards the door which a kind, elderly neighbor of Steven’s you’ve gotten to know opened the door for you to which you smiled and thanked him. Every move you made was robotic, you weren’t even thinking you were just on auto pilot. Hoping that they wouldn’t be able to tell the slight shake in your hand or how stiff you were. You reminded yourself that you were doing this for them, and for you as well. 
You entered the lift and pressed the button for their floor, the fluorescent light flickers a few times and the hum and rattle of the wires lifting the metal box do nothing to quiet the thrumming of your heart. Seconds pass by like hours before finally the sliding doors reveal the dimly lit hallway. One you’ve walked through dozens of times by now looks more like death row. You let not one tear drop as you walked, you couldn’t–you couldn’t let those doubting thoughts and happy memories pass through your head as you knocked on his door. Hearing a shuffling and the clattering of dishes before you hear them walk to the door. You could tell by the slight difference in gait that Steven was fronting and it hurt. You had hoped silently that it wouldn’t be him, your sweet Steven, with his unkempt curls and goofy grin. One who read you facts about Egyptian mythology and ancient history during stormy nights, who woke you from nightmares and held you gently like you were the most precious thing to ever exist. The sleepy man on the bus who laid his head on your shoulder and slept, who called you not even an hour after giving him your number. Please not him. 
He opened the door and sure enough it was Steven. 
“There you are love,” He said, a wide smile adorning his face as he ushered you in, “Me and the boys were wondering where you were,” he kissed your cheek and took your coat, “dinners almost ready if you need to wash up.” You stood there motionless, unsure of what to do. This wasn’t the first time you’ve cut ties with someone that you’ve cared for. However this was different, he was different. Steven, Marc, and Jake were probably the first people you’ve ever loved. You would do anything for them, anything, as long as they lived and were content and happy. 
Even if it meant hurting them. 
Even if it meant you could only watch from afar. 
You took in a deep breath, willed your heart to stop beating before speaking. 
“Steven.” He stopped immediately, you never called him by his name, only ever called him your sweetheart, or baby, or whatever other nickname came into mind but never his name. He turned away from the little stovetop and looked at you. You willed your voice to not falter as you continued, “we all need to talk.” 
“Oh god,” Steven whispered, “how bad?” 
“We need to talk,” You said not answering, “please.” 
Wordlessly Steven turned the stove off as he made his way to you, you held up your hand when he was only a few steps away. 
“Are they present?” You asked. 
“They weren’t before but now they are,” He said, eyes furrowing in worry, “we’re starting to get a little worried love what’s going on?”  
“I,” you start before swallowing the lump that has suddenly formed in your throat, “I’ve gotten a call from the main office, they’re relocating me in a few months to help on a different classified project.” 
“Oh,” Steven said with confusion written all over his face, “where?” 
“That’s classified.” You said, nails biting into your palm to stop yourself from getting emotional. 
“When will you be back?” 
Silence fills the room, you bite back the urge to say anything that would give him hope. After a few seconds you see his eyes widen as he looks at the mirror beside you. 
“No,” he said to the mirror, “no, no she’s not,” he turns to you with tears pricking his dark eyes making them shine, “love, tell them that you’re not-” 
“I am,” you say, careful to keep a cold tone despite the urge to cry, “I’m not coming back. It’s a permanent relocation.” 
“But you can still come to visit,” he says hurriedly, tears still pricking his eyes as he runs a hand through his hair, “we-we, we can um, we can face-call or um, or we can text and call and we can make this work, I know we can make this work love.” you opened your mouth to say something when he cut you off, a few tears leaking through and leaving wet streaks down his cheek, “or you could tell them no, tell them that you refuse the offer!” 
“I can’t say no,” you said gently. 
“Yes you can,” Steven said, his large hands gripping your shoulders, “you can tell them no.” 
“I can’t Steven,” you tell him, “I’ll lose my job if I do and I can’t.” 
“Then we can face call,” he says, his hands now cradling your face, leaving small kisses on your face that feel like knives in your heart, “we can make this work.” 
“We can’t,” you said as you gently pry his hands from your face, you reach into your pocket and grab the spare key he gave you after a month into your relationship and put it in his hand. “I’m sorry.” 
“Wait,” Steven says silently, his head hung, his crying seemingly subsided “can you please stay, stay with me, be with me until you go.” 
A moment of silence happens, for a moment you reconsider, but then you kiss his lips. Salt and vegan chocolate stain your tongue until you pull back, resting your forehead against his momentarily. You imagine what life you could’ve had with them, one full of good days and bad days. You’d adopt a cat with him, you would laugh as he declared the cat his mortal enemy for looking at Gus for a moment too long. You’d save up together and buy a nice cottage in the countryside, maybe you’d get married, maybe you wouldn’t. But you could imagine what it would be like to grow old with him, when your hair would turn white and gray, when your skin would start to sag and he would still be there to tell you you’re as beautiful as the day he met you on that small bus all those years ago. It’s a nice life, one you know you would be more than content with. 
But you know it’s not a life you can have. 
With that you left, closing the door behind you and walking to the lift. Walking away from the life you knew you could never live, not without constantly looking over your shoulders. You knew secrets always have ways of coming to the light, so even if you did stay how long would it be until he discovered yours. How long until he has a gun to his head and a target on his back? No, this was the choice, this was the only option. You made the right call, while you may not get to live that life; he still could. He’ll find someone else, someone to love and who will hopefully love him as much. 
The doors slid closed and the wires hummed and groaned as they lifted you back down where the cab was waiting. You decided to walk and paid the cab for their time. You knew with the heels you were wearing you would regret it later but you didn’t care, you needed some time to think. You walked through the lit streets, you watched as people laughed and a few occasionally public criers. You stopped and waved at the living statue man that Steven introduced to you before walking on. This was a path that you and the boys would walk sometimes, they didn’t like going out much and neither did you, but the exercise did you good. You checked your phone to see how much time you had left before you had to board your flight. It seemed like you had enough time to go home, grab your duffle and carry on before the cab you called before you left arrived. 
“Excuse me miss,” You turned to see a little girl no older than ten addressing you. She was a small thing, with dark curls and even darker eyes, she dressed as a white gown with a flower crown. “Do you care for some flowers?” You remember briefly seeing similarly dressed kids in the plaza not too far away, you gathered that maybe she had wandered away from the group unnoticed. 
“You know what,” You kneeled down to her height, “I would love some flowers, but first let’s get you back to your group alright?” the girl looked around as if she’s realizing she’s not where she’s supposed to be, for a moment you’re worried about her crying as you see tears start forming in her eyes. You take the hand not holding onto the small basket of flower seeds gently, “don’t cry little one, we’ll get you back to your group all safe and sound.” You see her nod as she holds your hand in her tiny one as you lead her back to the brightly lit plaza just a few buildings away. She points to two women frantically looking and calling out a name. You let her hand go and watch as she runs towards who you assume are her mothers. 
“Oh my stars,” you hear the taller woman breathe out in relief, “where did you run off too?” 
“I-I went to go give flowers.” You heard the little girl sniffle before she pointed at you, “she helped me.” You gave a small awkward smile and wave before the smaller woman gave you a hug. 
“Thank you so much,” She said before letting you go. “We were talking with the play director for one mo and the next-”
“No need,” you said, “she’s a sweet kid, adventurous too apparently.”
“You have no idea.” the mother sighed as she looked at the now giggling child in her wife's arms, “Angie loves to get into trouble.” you see her smile before returning her gaze back to you, “anyways thank you again.” 
“No problem,” you say before turning your eyes towards Angie and her taller mother, “it was nice to meet you, and you too Angie–listen to your mum’s.” you went to walk away before you felt a soft tug on your sleeve. You looked down to see Angie holding up a packet of flower seeds to you. 
“Here’s your flower miss,” Angie said sweetly, tears long gone, “thank you for helping me find my mum’s.” you gently take the packet of seeds from her and smile,
 “you’re welcome, good luck with your play.” You said as you waved her goodbye as she went to take her place next to the various other children in similar attire. You stood there a moment longer, watching this small family you’ve encountered. All you’ve ever known of family was what the Red Room told you of. Your birth certificate was destroyed along with every other Widow’s, even then you doubt that your parents still walked the earth. Dreykov wasn’t one to leave loose ends. 
You walked away from the plaza then, away from the brightly lit place and back onto dimly lit streets making your way past the few passersby and back to your building where a single duffle bag and carry on waited for you. 
You had been brave the entire day, you had not let a single tear drop but once the door to your flat closed behind you all the resolve you had crumbled. You slid down the door as tears profusely fell down your cheeks leaving hot traces behind. You couldn’t hold back the sobs that had threatened to come out earlier. Your fingers shakily trace your lips as you hold onto the last kiss you shared with him. Your hand then went to your chest and clutched the material of your shirt as a sharp, throbbing pain in your chest grew. Every part of you was screaming, all for different things. There was physical pain like the ache in your feet and the pain in your chest, but the emotional pain–that was the worst of it. This was the kind of pain that teetered between hell and heaven.
So this was it. 
This was heartbreak. 
You don’t know how long you stayed there–teetering–but you knew you couldn’t be long. Soon you would have to pick yourself up, bite through every step as though it didn’t feel like you were walking on glass, grab that duffle and carry on, and leave. You let out a bitter smile as you remember that fateful day you met your boys, how you were planning on what flowers to plant in that dream home of yours. You reached into your pocket and grabbed that small bag of flower seeds. 
Purple Hyacinth. 
You laughed at the irony. 
How fitting. 
“What do you mean my flight is canceled?” 
“Just what I mean ma’am, the weather report-” 
“It’s bloody London, has there ever been a clear sunny sky in London?” 
“Alright,” you sigh, pinching the bridge between your brows, “I’m not trying to be difficult, I know you’re just doing your job, are there any flights cleared to take off?” You see the person type a few buttons on their keyboard and a few clicks of the mouse before looking back at you with false sympathy. 
“I’m sorry ma’am all the ones cleared already took off.” 
Shit, that leaves you with two options: going back to the flat or staying at the airport until morning…with a sigh you grab your bags and get ready to grab a late taxi back to your place. At least there you could shower and cry in private. First thing tomorrow morning you’ll get on the next plane to, you look at your ticket again Cincinnati, Ohio. At least you won’t stay there, your inside guy did you a solid and got you away from people. You’ll be in a small property big enough for one in a small town. It wasn’t ideal but at least you were away from the city stench. You’ll have to drive to places this time instead of hailing a cab, but you didn’t mind. All in all, it was an ok set up, much more preferable than your previous arrangement. 
You tried to hail a cab for ten minutes, everyone that passed was either already paid or just didn’t see you. Eventually you thought you were going to have to bite the bullet and sleep on the uncomfortable airport lounges when a cab finally pulled up. You thanked god as you put your luggage in the trunk and got into the backseat. 
“Where to miss?” the man asked, you didn’t even look at him as you replied. Instead watching the water drip steadily down the window pane. 
“Too bad for the weather eh?” This driver asked in a thick cockney accent. 
“Yeah I guess,” you replied, “though I guess it fits.” silence passes before he replies. 
“Tough day issit?” 
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” you said, closing your eyes, “it just doesn’t end.” 
“Know what that’s like,” he replies, “I had a share of bad days myself.” 
“Oh yeah?” You responded. 
“Like today,” You hear him respond, “I burned my hand while making dinner for me and my girlfriend, we’ve been going on for a year or so by now. She is the most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen, inside and out. Anyways the day only gets worse from there, she comes about half an hour early to dinner without warning. I knock my poor toe on the way to the door to let her in; hurt like anything. So I open the door, she’s as  radiant as ever, only she’s got this sad look in her eyes, something I’ve never seen before. Turns out, she’s been lying to me… she said her job was taking her away and that she wouldn’t be able to be with us anymore.” a sinking feeling settled into your stomach, “we begged, we pleaded but no. She was adamant, and then she left, without another word. Isn’t that cruel?” You open your eyes to look into the rearview mirror, a chill went through your body as your eyes met a familiar dark pair. “Isn’t it mi carissima?” the accent drops into the deep spanish accent. You’re about to open the door when you feel a pinch on the side of your neck, and slowly the world blurred and then faded into nothing.
(Here's Part 2)
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heartz4wonnie · 1 year
cafe boy.
Tumblr media
sunghoon x reader
authors note: cafe boy sunghoon. may or may not have giggled a little writing this
genre: fluff, strangers2potential lovers, sunghoon as the cute boy in the cafe, sunghoon and y/n having the biggest crushes on eachother.
Kicking your feet around while sitting on the edge of your bed, you tried to think of what there was to do. It was a boring sunday afternoon and you were getting sick of being indoors. Exam season just ended and for the past couple of weeks, you’ve done nothing but study, eat, sleep, repeat. The boredom and urge to go out and relieve stress has been eating at your mind for days, and finally, when you have the time, you have not a single clue what to do.
Frustrated you grab your phone and dial a quick number. It rings 3 times before the line clicks and you hear the voice of your friend on the other line. “Hey y/n! what’s up? enjoying the break?” you sigh before answering “Taehyun, i would be enjoying my break if i knew what i could be doing right now. I’m stuck at home. Extremely bored. Save your friend. please?” Taehyun lets out a laugh, “Y/n, I promise I’d help you if I could, but i’m out with some guys right now for lunch. If you want you could join us??”
“Oh no Tae I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t want to barge in. I don’t know your friends like that anyway but thanks for the invitation.” You can hear a breath come from the other line and a few seconds of silence before Taehyun’s voice returns. “Oh! Y/n, I know what you could do! There’s a new dog cafe that just opened up, apparently it’s all the hype right now. It’s also only a few minutes away from where I’m eating so if you don’t like it you could always stop by.”
You ponder on his words for a moment. A dog cafe does sound quite nice, and you absolutely adore puppies and caffeine. It was honestly a great suggestion. “You know what Tae, that might’ve been the best thing you’ve said in a while. I’ll head out now.” Taehyun chuckles and bids you farewell hanging up the phone and letting you get ready.
Walking along the street Taehyun sent you, you found yourself able to relax for the first time in a while. The breeze blew slightly and flowers bloomed indicating the arrival of spring. Contently smiling to yourself you pushed open the door to the cafe and walked inside. You were immediately hit with the smell of coffee and chocolate. Pastries lined the shelves and two little puppies were already at your feet. Bending down, you giggled and pet them both. “Hello there!”
“Welcome to our cafe! Can I get you started with anything?” Looking up in the direction of the voice, you were met with the most beautiful man you have ever laid eyes upon. His eyes were a dark brown and his features were sharp but soft. Multiple moles sprinkled his face, and his pale skin shined under the cafe light. “Oh! um, yea, yes i’ll get an iced mocha please.”
Sunghoon emerged from the craziness of the kitchen upon hearing the bell on the front door let out a ding! signaling the arrival of a customer. Walking out while still tying his apron, he throws the small towel he has over his shoulder, and says the usual “Welcome to our cafe! Can I get you started with anything?” However this time, sunghoon wasn’t expecting to be met with the prettiest girl he has ever seen
He pauses and so did she but the silence wasn’t awkward. It just felt like you were taking each other in. After a moment of completely fawning over you, he snaps out of it as you get up and approach him. “Oh! um, yea, yes i’ll get an iced mocha please.” Sunghoon gives you a small smile nodding. “Alright, your total will be 4 dollars and 25 cents, would it be cash or card?”
“Card please. I heard you guys just opened? It looks nice in here” You wanted to start conversation with this guy. Seeing some like him in a town like this was rare. You needed to do something. “Alright then please insert tap or slide here. And yes, we did just open. I’m glad you like it. Are you a student?” The tall man turns the card machine towards you and you slide your card. “Yea, I am a student. Are you?”
“Remove you card and sign here please. Yea, I’m also a student. I attend Decelis University.” You sign your name before responding. “No way? what do you study? I also go there.” The boy hands you your receipt and you get a chance to catch the name on his name tag. Sunghoon. “I study musical arts. You?” he smiles again. At this rate, if he smiles at you one more time you were going to faint.
“Oh, I study-“
“Sunghoon hurry out there we need you in the kitchen!!” a voice called from the back. Sunghoon turns and flashes you an apologetic smile. “I’ll find a way to get back to you, for now have a seat and your order will be out shortly.” Sunghoon flashes you a grin and he disappears between a pair of double doors.
Pouting and a bit disappointed that your conversation ended so abruptly you trudged over and sat in a seat near the window, a little puppy running up and getting comfortable in your lap.
~ ”Jay hyung I’ll never forgive you for that.” Sunghoon murmured as he scooped ice into a cup for your mocha. “Oh come on sunghoon we needed you back here. We have a busy shop you can’t just be all lover boy at the cashier all day.” Sunghoon grumbles as the rest of the boys and staff around them chuckle. “Sunghoon hyung I’ve never seen you speechless like that before. You always have something to say.” A brown haired boy named Jungwon commented
A taller but younger one snickered in agreement. “Your eyes were practically glazed over hyung. You were this close to..” closing his eyes the youngest puckered out his lips and made obnoxious kissing noises. Sunghoon could feel his ears turning red. “Jungwon, niki, remind me to never let you see me in any moment of weakness ever again.” Sunghoon says before he pours your drink into a cup and gets ready to make his way out to you.
When he makes it out of the kitchen however, he realizes how busy the shop has become, and there was no way he could sit down and talk with you. So, he opted for another strategy.
Watching as cars passed by, your hand pet the head of the dog that has loyally been laying in your lap since you’ve sat down. You thought of Sunghoon and considering how crowded the cafe has become, your conversation would most likely never be finished.
As the thought dawns on you, an iced mocha is placed in front of you and you look up to find a smiling sunghoon. “Enjoy your drink pretty.” You blinked. You didn’t even respond. You couldn’t, he walked away before you could say anything. Picking up your cup, you raised it to take a sip, pausing when you noticed something on the sleeve. A message scribbled in black ink.
“Should we finish that conversation? Let me take you out pretty. ###-###-####”
You looked over at the cash register a smile dawned on your face to see that Sunghoon was already there, looking at you. You nodded at him and he smiled, winking at you before disappearing into the kitchen.
Leaving the cafe, you made a mental note to
send sunghoon a text, and
thank taehyun.
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baratiddyappreciator · 5 months
baki boys with singer/dancer s/o please and ty
Can do!
He's shameless about it, especially if you're famous. Oh? What's that? You like a song? Well, his partner is a fantastic singer, and he can get her to sing that song for him no problem!
He admires your dancing. It takes strength, agility, stamina and grace to be able to dance, and it takes those same things to fight, so he can bond with you about that. During warm-ups, he'll try and help as much as possible.
It's when you sing that he just shuts his mouth and stares. It's like watching a kid discovering something they like for the first time, his eyes are wide and full of light and admiration, he's leaning forward, staring at you, and he is hanging off of every note.
His voice isn't nearly as nice as yours, and it's not terrible by any means, but asking him to do vocal warm-ups with you gets a firm but polite no most of the time. Get him in the car and start jamming along to a song that comes on the radio though, and you're not going to be the only one singing anymore!
He's so proud of all of your hard work. Once again, he brags whenever he can, which is surprisingly often, but he's not just bragging about how good you are at dancing and how beautiful your singing voice is, but just about you in general. He managed to bag a good one, and he is going to make that abundantly clear.
He acts outwardly neutral, but he very much appreciates and loves your talents. He can't move like that, he can't sing like that, to him it's an entirely different realm of skills, and he can admire the hard work and dedication that's gone into what you've done so far.
He'll watch you dance with this dazzled look in his eyes. Dancing for him is something that hypnotizes him, it grabs his attention and doesn't release it until you're done moving, and even then, he'll give you an awestruck look after you're done. It's stuck in his head now.
Your voice is something he can handle. He's still impressed, don't get him wrong, but he hears people singing all the time at the clubs and bars he goes to. Singing is something he just accepts as a thing he deals with, though he can admire your voice more than any drunken wanna-be karaoke god.
You can maybe get him to sway along with you in the kitchen or something if you're listening to music. Nothing complex, he's not that graceful, and outside of fighting or walking, the man has two left feet.
He humble brags in the most subtle ways. He sees someone dancing? Eh, he's seen your moves, he thinks you're much better. He hears someone signing? They're nice and all, but his baby has the voice of an angel.
Oh he openly shows how much he loves your voice and your dancing. He's your loudest supporter. Bring him to a concert if you're singing and he's the loudest in the crowd, right at the front, cheering you on. Tell security about him in advance because he'll get himself kicked out.
If you start dancing, unless it's on a stage or something professional, he's joining you. He's not the most graceful, sure, he's go those gangly limbs and whatnot, but he's at least having a hell of a time. You two will wind up breathless, laughing and laying on the floor.
If you're singing, he's humming and nodding along to the tune as he listens, but he'll keep shooting smiles at you, especially if you're doing an audition or practicing. But if it's singing just to sing along to the radio, you two will wind up belting out lyrics together in the most dramatic tones.
You can absolutely 100% get him to join in with you. A simple smile and extended hand has him joining you wherever, in public or in private, with zero hesitation. It's wholesome and goofy, and if you have fans then they absolutely are now invested in your romance with Chiharu.
Outright bragging about you at every chance he gets. "My partner is the best! Listen to them sing! Watch them dancing! Look! Isn't this the best?" He will not stop, he is your best hype man and your #1 fan. If you have merch, he'll wear it out and about. Get him a bracelet and he won't take that thing off.
He, much like Chiharu, just outright shows how much he loves your voice and your dancing. He thinks you're wonderful and talented, and he won't hesitate to tell you that in the slightest. If compliments make you flustered, then yeah, he's going to fluster you non-stop.
He likes to stay quiet while you're singing, especially if it's just around the house so he can listen to you. You can usually find him sitting in the corner of the room with his eyes closed and a smile on his face while you're singing, though once he notices that you're closer he'll smile at you and open his eyes.
If you're dancing, he won't stop you if you drag him along. He'll join in, this man is graceful as all hell so you can expect to get twirled around and dipped once or twice, even if the song doesn't call for it. He just likes showing you how strong he is.
Oh he'll join you dancing, but singing he's a bit shy, so you'll have a harder time convincing him. His voice isn't terrible, but he's a little off-key. He'll be really quiet when he does, mostly because he wants to hear your voice more than his.
Proud as hell. If you walk into the same room as him he'll spin you and dip you to give you a kiss. He's showing off that for starters, he's romantic and you like it, and second, that you're graceful and can do all of that with a smile and minimum effort.
You'd think that he'd be quieter in his admiration of your skills, but no, he's loud and proud in his support. You're his partner, and he's proud of what you've accomplished and achieved, and honestly, he still wants someone to acknowledge his skills the way he acknowledges yours.
He watches you in silent admiration while you're singing, despite his loud praise otherwise. He wants to sit and listen to you singing in peace, because he truly does love your voice. It's calming for him.
While you're dancing, he's also watching you in silent admiration. How can you move like that? So fast, so graceful, and so elegant, he doesn't think he could ever do it. He's quick, sure, and he's not clumsy by any means, but he's not able to pull of the stuff that you are, and he can't help but get absorbed into what you're doing.
Sometimes you can convince him to dance with you, but there's not much he can do because of the height different. He can pick you up and sway with you a little, but that's the most he can and will do. As for singing with you, it takes him a while to actually cave and do so, but he doesn't have a bad voice. He's really quiet when he does, but he'll at least try for you.
He speaks of your accomplishments to everyone he can at any chance he gets. There's no hesitation, he's proud of you and your accomplishments, and he wants everyone to know that not only are you talented, but you're also his lover.
Quiet support is still valid support, and he does support you. He'll come to every rehearsal and performance if he's not fighting, he'll sit in the front of the row and watch you. He looks impassive but that's just his default expression, and he always has a snack and a drink ready for you when you're done.
He admires your grace when you dance, to the point where he's constantly telling you that you'd make a great martial artist, even if you're not taking the same route as him. He means it as a very high compliment, don't worry.
Your voice is nice, and he does appreciate it, he'll listen to you every chance he gets. He thinks it's nice whenever he has a headache, and he'll often just lean on your shoulder when you are singing.
You can't convince him to sing with you, but sometimes he might dance with you, as long as you promise to try learning a few fighting moves from him, he wants to see how that grace translates into combat.
He does brag about you very loudly whenever you're not in the room. He wants everyone to know just how lovely and talented you are, and he won't pretend that you're anything but. He loves you and sometimes you'll see his brother show up to your performances because he basically forced Kureha to come see you.
He's a busy man, so he can't always be there for you, but he does support you whenever he can, be it a kiss on the forehead before you leave for a performance, or a good luck text while he's on his break. Just know that he supports you in your pursuits.
He finds your dancing fascinating. He admires the strength and agility it takes, and he loves to watch your body work while you do dance. He thinks it's just the most entertaining thing to watch.
As for your singing, he knows it's wonderful, but don't just randomly burst into song on him or he'll get annoyed. If you practicing or singing along to the radio, he's fine with it, he understands, but he can't handle random bursts of song.
You can try all you want, but he'll never wing with you. He'll listen to you all day, but he won't join in. Dancing? Sure! He can do that all day, and he'll do it gladly! But singing? You can't make him. He won't do it.
He outright brags about you. Did he bring you to an event? You'll see him puff up with pride as he tells some big-wig in the medical industry how lovely your performances are. By the end he'll have you blushing and embarrassed about how much he brags, but he thinks you deserve it.
Adamant support. He is going to support you with this, and you cannot stop him. He thinks that you having skills like that is admirable, and he encourages you to practice even more than you already do.
He thinks your voice is stunning, he could listen to it for hours and hours. Sometimes you can find him sitting and watching a video of you singing with the dorkiest smile on his face.
Your dancing hypnotises him, he watches you like you're some divine being straight from heaven, and it's breathtaking to see the pure love in his eyes.
You can absolutely convince him to dance with you. He'll do his best the entire time. Him singing with you might be a lot rarer, but he can and will do it sometimes. He tries his best to do all of the things he asks.
He openly brags about you. You can sometimes just see him bragging to others he knows about you before you walk in and his entire face lights up so bright you might go blind.
He teases you a little, but in a way that makes it clear that he's supportive of you and your hobbies. Making it a career? No problem, he's got connections and he's willing to use them to help you.
He thinks your voice is great, and he looks forward to hearing you singing in the kitchen or another room while he's just around the house. He gets this corny smile when he does hear you.
Your dancing is fun and fascinating. He enjoys watching you, admiring you while you move, it's the greatest thing he's seen outside of martial arts, and he won't hesitate to let you know.
The kind of guy to join in, unprompted, with whatever you're doing. Are you dancing? Hell yeah, he'll hop in, swing you around a bit. Singing? He's got a great voice, you two are absolutely going to have fun.
He flaunts you around like the most valuable jewel in the world, because to him you are, but you being so skilled just makes you shine brighter to him and everyone else. He's openly bragging about you and your skills to everyone he meets, both with and without you there.
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disastrousduckss · 2 months
It is here!!!
TW/// blood, pictures taken without consent, mentions of being drugged, managers being creepy
Takes place after the party Hype mentioned in chapter 22 in "We Are In Sync"
Both Trickee and Ablaze walk towards their manager's room. After they got the description from Lane about the troll that could have possibly drugged Hype, they realized that the description matched the girlgroups manager, the very same one that was happy to have a collab with them. The very same one that gushed about his family, he even had a kid! 
“Sick bastard.” Ablaze mumbled as he squeezed a stress ball. Trickee grabbed his unoccupied hand, giving a small squeeze. “Yeah, which is why we need to tell Mr. Gilt what happened. He’ll know what to do.” Ablaze nods, his grip loosening on the ball. “Yeah, you’re…you’re right.” He squeezes his hand back, Trickee looks over at him, “What’s wrong?” 
Ablaze shrugs, “ It’s just…..you don’t feel any….weird energy from that guy?” Trickee thinks back to the times, he wouldn’t say he didn’t, he just chalked it up to not being around new trolls. Especially if you spent most of your life in a bunker, surrounded by four trolls everyday. “I mean….kinda. But I just thought it was because we haven’t really had an older troll boss us around before, you know.” Ablaze nods, “Yeah….maybe, maybe that’s why the others are so hesitant around him?” They look at each other and shake their heads, “No that’s not it.” 
It started out with Boom asking Ablaze to come with him and Branch to the dressing room whenever he changed. It didn’t seem strange, most of the time whenever Boom asked, it was mostly him helping Boom with his outfit, like that one time when he chose one with so many zippers. Of course the zippers got stuck, so they had to cut him out of the outfit. Much to Boom’s dismay. 
But this was different, Boom would have him lean against the door while he changed, he didn’t know why but then the door knob jiggles and a thud was heard against the door. It made both Boom and Branch jump, making Ablaze’s alarms start to blare a little. He put his hands up, silently calming the two down before he cracked open the door, just a bit. “Mr. Gilt?
The troll in question looks up at Ablaze, quickly smiling. “Ablaze! My boy, there you are, I believe Trickee is looking for you.” Ablaze nods, “Okay, tell him I’m in here changing.” “Oh, I would. But, he says it’s an emergency, and I know you two are fairly close, so I told him I would come and get you.”
Ablaze looks behind him, seeing both Branch and Boom shake their heads as they quickly change their outfits.  Ablaze look back over at Gilt, seeing him quickly lean away from the door. He closes the door a little more, “Uh, yeah. I’ll be over there soon.” He quickly shuts the door before Gilt could say anything. He looks over at the other two, “Is there something you need to tell me?” He points to the other side of the door. Boom and Branch look at each other before nodding, “He doesn’t knock.” ‘What?” Branch throws over a baggy shirt, “Yeah, he just barges in. We tried to tell him to knock so we can prepare ourselves.” 
Boom nods, grabbing the baggy shirt, “Yeah, he usually comes in when we are half naked, I mean. I understood the first few times when we were late dressing up, but now…..it’s weird.” Ablaze slowly nods, he remembers the time Mr. Gilt would run around the backstage, trying to find everyone. He actually walked in on him changing himself, but quickly backed out and yelled at him to hurry up. But now, things were different. They timed themselves perfectly, so they weren’t late again. 
“I’ll talk to him.” He walks over and ruffles both of their hair, making them giggle. 
“Just leave it to your dad.” 
— — — 
They were standing right infront of their manager's hotel room. Mr. Gilt had expressed strongly that if they needed him, wherever they were, to always knock on his door. They all agreed, believing that he too cared about his privacy. But right now, Ablaze was about to turn the knob before Trickee pulled him back, “What are you doing?” He hissed, Ablaze looks at him.
“What? Oh. Look, I need to get back at him, he walked in on me changing, so I need to get even.” He simply puts, before putting a finger to Trickee’s mouth to shush him. He then quietly opens the door and slips into his room. It was a two bedroom room, Mr. Gilt let the group have the suite, saying they deserved it for getting this far. 
Trickee follows in soon after, quietly closing the door behind him. The two look around, before hearing a small argument in the next room. Trickee and Ablaze look at each other. They both get closer to the door, seeing it cracked open a bit. They get down to the floor and listen. 
It sounded like Mr. Gilt..? And….that bastard. 
It seemed Mr. Gilt found the culprit as was ripping him a new one by the volume and tone of his voice. Trickee smiles, now they don’t have to see that guy again! He was about to get up to go back out but-
“You couldn’t have waited until the party was over, could you?” 
“You said no one would notice him going missing. That was the deal.”
Trickee freezes, staying still as he processes what he was listening to. He feels Ablaze’s hand on his shoulder, pulling him back down to the ground. He looks over at Ablaze, seeing him with the same expression as him. Shock.
“I only said you get to do whatever you wanted with him for forty minutes and that whatever happened after you drugged him was on you and I had no part in this.” 
“You had no part- you are a part of this. We signed on it. I help you and your band to make it to the charts, I get to choose who I want to have……fun with.”
Trickee felt like throwing up, but more importantly, he felt rage. Sure Hype was 20, but still. That was his kid that bastard was fantasizing about. He starts to mentally count down, trying to calm himself. He looks over at Ablaze and sees only one thing behind his eyes; rage. 
“You are impatient.” 
“You are too Mr. Gild, but at least I’m not trying to take pictures of-”
Ablaze gets up and storms in, making the two trolls jump. “Taking pictures of what?” He growled, he was trembling. Not from fear, but with anger. Mr. Gild gets up from where he was sitting. “You two didn’t knock.” Ablaze glares at him, “What pictures? Answer me before I get mad.” Trickee gets up from the ground, grabbing Ablaze’s arm.
“That doesn’t concern yo-”
“Just tell them already Mr. Gilt. It’s too late to deny anyways.” Ablaze points a finger at the troll. “You can shut up. I’ll deal with you later.” He then looks back at Gilt, “Don’t make me ask again. What pictures is he talking about?” Trickee watches his Gilts eyes, seeing them move from them to the closet. Gilt was fast, but Trickee was faster, he pushed him on the bed and ran for the closet. When he opened the door, he only saw suits and jackets, he started to rummage the top layer, hsi hands grazing along a box. 
He brought it down, it was small, like a shoe box. He hesitates to open it. He starts to pray that it’s just bird photos. But once he opens it, he feels his heart drop to his stomach. There were pictures alright, just not of birds. Some of them were pictures of him and Ablaze while they were either shirtless or changing out of their clothes. His heart stops when he sees pictures of Branch and Boom. Most of them were the two in clothes. He finds one with Ablaze in front of Boom as he gets out of a pool, blocking his body. He remembers that day, it was a pool party, it was also the day Branch would stay low in the water where he practically drowned.
Was this what Gilt was doing….taking pictures of them for…..he doesn’t wanna think about it. He feels violated, even though he never felt a hand on him. He feels his eyes start to water, was this why Boom and Branch were trying so hard to avoid Gilt. 
Why didn’t they say anything to him or Ablaze?
He continued looking through the box, a few more pictures of them, some of them were of them sleeping. It was then a short realization came to him. There were no pictures of Hype.
“Trickee?” Ablaze calls out to him. Trickee rubs his eyes, feeling the tears sting but he can’t go out there looking weak. He picks up the box and walks back out of the closet. “Ablaze….” He walks over to Ablaze, picking one of the pictures of himself. “He’s been taking pictures of all of us.” Ablaze looks over at him, before he quickly snatches the box from his hands. Trickee watches his expression as he goes through the box. He closes the box after a few seconds, before glaring at Gilt and the other troll. 
“You’re both fucking dead.”
Gilt puts his hands up as Ablaze stalks closer to him. “Now Ablaze, let me explain-” “I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT!” He pushes Gilt towards the other troll. “You both are gonna wish you were never born.” 
“Ablaze, wait.” Trickee looks over at Ablaze, seeing him looking back at him. “We can’t….” He walks over to the door, Gilt lets out a sigh of relief, “Thank you Tric-” “Not while the door is unlocked.”
The door shuts, along with the clicking sound of the lock. Trickee then turns around and points to Gilt and the other troll.
“Ablaze, attack.”
— — — 
Trickee winces as Ablaze applies the disinfectant wipes over the cut on his cheek. The two were now in the bathroom, with Trickee sitting on the sink. Both had a bit of bruises. A few small splotches of blood on their skin and clothes, nothing that makeup and laundry soap couldn’t get out. “Sorry.” Ablaze says as he rubs a soothing circle over his hand. Trickee nods, “It’s fine.” He nods, continuing to clean Trickee’s cut. His skin was softer than Ablaze’s, so he was able to bruise more easily.
“How are we feeling Trickee?” He asks as he looks through the first aid kit for a band aid big enough to cover the cut. Trickee looks over at him, “I…” He starts to cry, alarming Ablaze as he quickly wraps him in a hug. “I FEEL SO STUPID! HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THE SIGNS!” He continues to sob as Ablaze rubs soothing circles on his back. “Shhhhh. There was no way you could have known. I didn’t even know.” Trickee looks back up at him, “I’m the oldest ‘Blaze. I’m supposed to watch out for this type of stuff.” He looks down at his hands. 
“What kind of…..guardian am I?” He hides his face in his hands as he continues to cry. Ablaze stares at him, before quickly realizing. Trickee’s color was fading. His Trickee’s colors were fading.
“No, no, no, no Trick. You’re not a bad guardian.” He lifts his face, wiping the tears that were falling. “Who was the one that carried  Branch back home after he fainted?” Trickee sniffs and looks at him. “M-me?”
“And who was the one that stayed up late with Boom when he had nightmares?” 
“Me.” Trickee smiles. His color slowly coming back.
Ablaze smiles, “Who was the one that carried Hype to bed after staying in the study room for almost half the day?”
“Me. Gosh, he would be asleep half the time.” Trickee giggles, the other half he would be awake but still wanted to be carried to bed. 
“And who was the one that encouraged Branch to sing again?”
“Okay, first off, that was all of us.” Trickee says as he rubs his eyes, wincing as he accidentally rubs over the cut on his cheek. 
“Yeah, but you were the first.” Ablaze says as he grabs Trickee’s hand. “You are a great guardian. It’s not your fault that you didn’t see what was going on.” He looks down, “I should have seen them when Boom first asked me to stand in the changing room with him and Branch.” Trickee looks at him, “What..? When?” “It was a few shows ago. At first I didn’t think anything of it, just thought he needed my help with an outfit. But when….when that bastard tried to walk in, I should have known.” He lets his head hang down. “I…I talked to him, thinking that maybe he forgot all about etiquette and told him he should knock before opening doors.”  Trickee lifts his face, “You only thought he was being rude, not that he was being a perv.” He cups Ablaze’s face with both of his hands, thumbing over a smear of blood on his cheek. “It’s not your fault.” 
Ablaze puts his forehead against his, “It’s not yours either.” 
They stay silent for a bit, just taking each other’s warmth. Trickee sniffles a little bit later, rubbing his eye. “Damn it, you’re gonna make me cry all over again.” Ablaze smiles, “Sorry,” He opens the band aid and places it over Trickee’s cheek. He then smirks, “Want me to kiss it better?” Trickee giggles, “Please?” He leans in and gives him a quick peck over the band aid. “Better?” Trickee nods, “Mmmhmmm. Thank you. Now it’s your turn.” They switch places, Trickee pulled out another disinfectant wipe and started to clean Ablaze’s hands, having small cuts on them since he decided to wrap one the chain necklaces he found and repeatedly punch the daylights out of the manager. 
After he was done bandaging up his hands, the two quickly washed their faces. Once they exited the bathroom, they were met with the aftermath of what they did. Two trolls laid in their own small pool of blood, their clothes were tattered and torn. They tried to get away earlier when Ablaze was on his blood lust,  so the door had claw marks and bloody hand prints. 
Ablaze kneels down close to Gilt’s body. “Now….I hope you guys learned your lesson.” He doesn't reply so he harshly grabs Gilt by the hair, lifting his head up, getting a yelp from him. “Did you hear me?” Gilt nods his head, “Yes, yes. Please just…..no more.” Ablaze smiles and drops his head, “Good, now we are gonna be taking those pictures with us, and the ones of Hype you gave to that fucker.” He says as he walks away and grabs the box, he already searched the other manager's body, but he couldn’t find any of Hype’s pictures on him. 
As they leave, Trickee looks back at them, “Never show your faces near me or my family again, if you know what’s good for you.” He doesn’t waste time to wait for them to answer, quickly shutting the door and following Ablaze right back out into the hotel hallway.
“Think they’ll report us?”
Ablaze shrugs, “Maybe, but don’t worry,” he wraps an arm around Trickee’s shoulder, “We’ll take care of it.” 
Trickee smiles and nods as he wraps an arm around Ablaze’s waist, “Yeah, we will.” 
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belabeya · 1 month
Trigger warning:
Abuse, homophobia, cussing.
"C'mon Lance," he. Said hyping himself up and slapping his cheeks. "It's just a confession. What's the worst that can happen?"
"He could hate you forever,"
"You'll never be friends again,"
"You know that we are right,"
His mind continued to taunt him endlessly. "Shut up!" He shouted in a whisper. For once, the voices were silent. He got up from his comfortable place on the bed and walked over towards the door, opening it and heading to go get food.
He arrived, grabbing a plate of food and sitting to enjoy, eyes scanning around for a certain someone.
"Hey Lance!" Keith called from a bit over, walking over towards the table Lance was sitting at and placing his food down. He sat down next to Lance and began to ramble about the troubles of today and how he got yelled at my pidge for putting his reds in with the rest of the washing. After 10 minutes of chatting and eating, Lance and Keith head back to Keith's room.
"So, what are we going to do?" Keith asked.
"Well, um, actually... I need to tell you something..." Keith focused on the taller boy, ready to listen to what Lance had to say. "Look... Keith," he took a deep breath." I'm not straight, and I really like you. " he rushed past the last part. It had already taken far too long to say. Lance looked up at Keith with anticipation but was met with a face of pure discust.
"What the fuck!? Ew" he said, scrunching his face up. The pure look of discust of Keith's face would have been enough to shatter Lance, but it continued further as his eyes brimmed with tears, threatening to fall " Your GAY? Why? That's so gross, you are discusting"
"But- it doesn't change anything" Lance sobbed lightly.
"Yes it does, that isn't normal, get a grip on yourself, or someone needs to fix you" Keith continiued to spit at Lance, each insult, each rejection, stuck into Lance, driving a dagger further and further through his already bleeding and shattered heart. As Lance stepped forwards to attempt to make things right and apologise, Keith pushed him away. "Get away from me you fag!" He yelled, pushing Lance violently further towards the door. As a heart broken mess, he looked back one last time at Keith, a violent and descusted look plastered across his face. Lance finally stumbled through the door as a crying, Sobbing and aching mess.
"He's gay?? And he likes ME. Uugh, is shouldn't have said those things, he may be ... gay... buy he is my friend.
"Oh please you know being gay is wrong, and un natural, and filthy and-" Keith shuddered, sitting down on his bed.
"Oh God... I'm turning into my dad". Keith reluctantly remembered his father, the abuse, trauma, homo and zoo phobia. Worst, he was a paedophile. Him and his sister Sabrina had the scars, although whilst most of Keith's were physical... Sabrina on the other hand...
"Uugh shut up you stupid brain", he scolded himself harshly. "I just need to go over there and apologise, simple." With that out of the way, he got up, making his way to the most likely place that Lance was...
His room
Keith arrived and knocked on the door
"GO away" Lance's voice still sounded dry and croaky.
" Lance I need to apologise" this, seemed to grab Lance's attention, he blew the door open, fury riddled across his tear stained face.
"Oh fuck off." Lance spat at Keith.
Look, dude I know what I did was wrong but I didn't mean-"
" what the actual fuck do you mean "you didn't mean it" he mocked "What makes you think that you can apologise now, what gives you the right?!" Keith opened his mouth to speak. "No, shut the fuck up you homophobic bitch. Why do YOU get to come here and apologise after you broke me, I don't care that you rejected me, I care that you ruled it in and were an over all fucker about it! You don't get to come her to apologise to me just so that you can clear you own guilty conscious!" Shiro came around the corner to see what was going on with Hunk and pidge in tow. "I'm sorry" " doesn't cut it, I need to see results!"
"Hold on, what is going on!?" Shiro demanded
"Shut up shiro" Lance snapped "I need you to have said those awful things in the first place, do you understand me Keith. Just because you had a rough upbringing, doesn't mean that you can take your internalised homophobia out on me! Okay!?..." Keith looked at Lance in awe. Pidge, shiro and Hunk were simply staring, mouths agape and eyes wide open. Finally, there was a strange silence that hadent been heard for a long while at this point.
"I fucking hate you Keith, get out of my sight." Lance spat and slammed the door.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Okay, on account of recent requests, I now have something to ask. What Usopp, Barto, and Kid with an S/O who's hobby is art but can pretty much only draw stick figures. How would they react to finding a painting of themselves in stick figure form?
a/n - barto would cherish that drawing more than he cherishes his Luffy posters I just know it 😭 tysm for this request anon! This is so adorable 🥺💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid lmao
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- He loves you so much, but this boy is the definition of “Aw sweetie you’re talented in other things!”
- … I’m sorry but it’s true
- Barto can’t do art, it’s just not very compatible with him
- Idk once he tried to paint something of you (I think he put Luffy in the background somewhere) and he accidentally dropped the paint bucket on his head, turning his hair pink for around a month
- He supports every single one of your hobbies, it doesn’t matter what the hobby is!
- Cooking? Of course! He’ll help in whatever way he can :) Writing? Omg you better read him bed time stories 😭
- Today, he was walking around the ship, looking for you in literally every room
- “Y/n?!” He was so confused- where the hell did you go ?!
- He found you seated at the table, extremely focused on something, so he decided to try and be quiet for you
- He tiptoed (like those fucking cartoons) trying not to make a single peep
- He looked over your shoulder, struggling not to make a noise
- You were drawing! But.. Why did that stick figure kinda look like him??
- His eyes widened when he realized you were drawing him
- His heart melted, his eyes turning into little sparkles of amazement and care
- “Y/n is that me?!”
- “WHAT THE FUCK?!” You were startled, man forgot he was supposed to be quiet
- You scared the living shit out of the poor boy, “WHA- WHAT’S WRONG?!”
- “Barto- why’d you sneak up on me?!”
- Poor boy didn’t mean to scare you! He was just so amazed by that drawing of him
- It doesn’t even matter if the drawing was good or bad, he literally didn’t care
- He took that drawing and framed it in his room, and he asked you to draw another one so he could keep one with him at all times 😭
- This boy will do anything for you, and seeing you draw him? That just made him fall even more for you (if that’s even possible, man’s already head over heels for you)
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- Honestly Usopp is a pretty good artist himself!
- He painted the strawhats flag after all!
- He was going about his day, gathering random scraps of materials he found scattered around the ship
- He went to go say hello to you, his precious, amazing y/n (who always protected him in his times of need)
- He paused when he saw what exactly you were drawing today
- He tried his best not to just burst out laughing
- “Oh- Usopp!” You said with a grin, looking up from your stick figure drawing
- Usopp gazed at the photo with a snicker, taking a look at how- long his nose was
- how dare you make his nose 3 inches longer than it should be?! 💀
- he was yelling at you while pointing at his nose for a while after that
- “I’m gonna sue you!” He shouted jokingly
- “Mhm with what money??”
- …
- “NAMI?!” -Usopp
- pssssssst- he kept the drawing anyways 😭
- he uses it as hype up material for when he’s scared or about to fight someone strong hehe 🥺
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- Kid’s a mechanic, not an artsy guy
- he lets you do you though, it’s not bothering him, actually he kinda likes seeing whatever you end up drawing from day to day
- your drawing today was of him, and instead of stick figures, you decided to practice some anatomy! (It obviously went wrong)
- His chest was extremely disproportionate to the rest of his body (it was literally like you stuck watermelons onto his chest 💀)
- Perhaps that’s how you saw him
- Kid looked over your shoulder and immediately took a step back
- Was that.. HIM?!
- Man got so angry lmao
- He had to lecture you about how he’s actually not that large and how his tiddies are “small”
- You couldn’t even practice anatomy in peace with this dumbass tulip head
- “KILLER! My chest isn’t that big right?! Y/n’s fucking blind!”
- Killer snickered, and he agreed with you, the drawing you drew was pretty accurate
- … kid you need to calm down 😭
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a/n - lmao I love barto 😭
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the-merry-otter · 1 year
Hozier EP Thoughts
(Now that I’ve had a couple of listens through and can stop screaming for long enough to try and form coherent thoughts again)
Eat Your Young
Ngl, the excerpt he posted has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days so I was super hyped for this one and BOY HOWDY DID IT DELIVER. I was absolutely NOT ready for that bridge holy fuck I think my soul leave my body. I’ve listened to it three times now and every time I cease to function. I’m going to play this a normal number of times in a reasonable amount of time ok I promise.
All Things End
Mbfjdngbgjhhhhhhhhh ok so this one wasn’t as immediately “oh ok I’ve died and this is heaven actually” as the others, but it is still a very solid banger and I can’t wait for the lyrics to come out so I can go feral over them. “Never watched my future darken in a single tear” like Mr Andrew heLLO?? YOU CAN’T JUST-
Through Me (The Flood)
This one has me by the THROAT holy FUCK I cannot even pretend to be normal here this is MGNDNFNCNDJCNSNG. I’m not gonna try and write down all of what I can catch of the lyrics here but holy fucking shit. Fuck. “I think of loss and I can only think of you” I am NOT OK. THIS. THE GRAVEMDNGNSNVDNV THE OCEAN THE REALM LOOKING DOWN AT-
In conclusion
Help me if the whole album is like this I’m simply going to start vibrating at a frequency incompatible with the physical realm until I cease to exist as a mortal being entirely. If you think I’m joking, just fuckn wait.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
Salutations! Question for you. When did you realize the silly German man was going to be stuck on your head forever? Or when the “He's so me fr fr!!” struck? I know you love to write about him so... Might as well let you do that :]
So this is a mix or how I began to like Medic and get into TF2 in general, I hope this makes sense bc I am very tired right now but I wanted to answer this question before I started work on some other fics 😭
Oddly enough, this all started because I was looking for album covers on Pintrest for my Spotify albums, and I saw a picture of a tumblr post that was debating on if Medic was a twink or not. I was super confused because I had never seen this character before, but I kinda shrugged it off and just made a tumblr post about it for laughs.
I kinda just said whatever and forgot about it, but then someone reblogs the post going feral over him, and I'm just like, confused? Why are people acting so weird about him. So then I decide I'm just going to look at fan art and some posts to see what the hype is about and oh boy.
So, of course, I deny the fact that I like this character, like any sane person would do. (I was so embarrassed about it for like no reason 😭) And just ignore it. For some reason, though, I literally just couldn't stop thinking about him? It was super weird, so I eventually caved and finally started to learn about him and the other TF2 mercs, and then let the brainrot set in, and here we are.
In case you were wondering, July 29th, 2023, 8:45 a.m., was the catalyst.
Ty for the ask and being a mutual, ily 💖
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veilder · 9 months
9 people you want to get to know better
Ooh, alright then! Here we go!
I was tagged by @eomma-jpeg (thank you! :D)
Last song: Listen... Idk why, but I just went on a crazy La La Land song binge last night? Just outta nowhere? So, while it's not the last song I listened to (that was probably whatever was on in the car on the drive home from work), this is what's currently stuck in my damn head. XD Lovely Night - Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone
Currently reading: Um! Well, as far as actual books go, uh... 😅 Although, I did buy This is How We Lose the Time War (by recommendation of a certain Bigolas Dickolas XD) that I need to get to. And also Camp Damascus, haha.
Current fic: God, too many to count. 😰 But I am super duper looking forward to the conclusion of @eomma-jpeg's absolutely phenomenal Trigun fic, In the Meadow! :D (Last chapter comes out TOMORROW, I'M SO EXCITED!!!)
Also really wanna read @noaafishfieldguide's Trigun mermaid!AU fic, omg. Really need to get to that someday? As well as like a hundred other assorted Trigun fics, omg. XD
Currently watching: Uh... Well, I binged a whole bunch of really sad history videos about terrible things that happened last night. Does that count? 😅 Nah, but for reals, the only show I'm watching rn is the Rurouni Kenshin reboot? Haha, it's just that and rewatching Trigun and TriStamp over and over when I'm not on YouTube. XD
Next on my watchlist: FUCKIN CASTLEVANIA NOCTURNE, BOIS!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT, I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT SHOW?!?!?!?! There are also a handful of movies I'm interested in, too, if I ever get around to them, omg. And, y'know... TriStamp season 2, whenever that will be, omg.
Current obsession: I'm sure y'all might have picked up on this by now, but I have fallen hard back into Trigun, omgggggggg. It's actually ridiculous how much this has no taken over my life. 😫 But besides that, my love of Genshin Impact has been rekindled with the update, so I'm like back on board with that, too? To a lesser degree, I'm also lowkey obsessing over FFXVI because that game was amazing and it seems like no one's talking about it for some reason, omg. And also hyped about whatever new pieces of FFVII Remake info is trickling down. Oh, and CASTLEVANIA NOCTURE OF COURSE, OHOHOHOHOHOHO! And, last but not least, there is always my lingering love of DBH there in my periphery. Ah, I will never fully leave that one I think. XD
@woppy42 @mothric @laoness @detroitbecomeonline @titaniumpsychologist @keltii-tea @sharysisnhmoonshadow @frankedz @timebird84
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escvision · 3 months
My Melodifestivalen 2024 final top 12, much love from Finland ✌🏻
12. Jay Smith — Back to My Roots (it’s not… bad, country music just isn’t my taste and i was kind of shocked it made it to the final at all. here’s what my sibling said after this song qualified: ”what? why? even gunilla was better than this country song!”
11. Lisa Ajax — Awful Liar (her voice is good. i don’t really have anything to say about this one, that’s how boring i think it is.)
10. Cazzi Opeia — Give My Heart a Break (i don’t know what it is about this one that straight up annoys me lol is it the song? the singer? the outfits and the colours? her mouth?? everything??? the chorus does get stuck in your head easily)
9. Annika Wickihalder — Light (i like her voice and i quite like the song too, but i don't think it's winner material. but! i do enjoy it)
8. Jacqline — Effortless (jacqline is what sells this song and performance, she does make it look effortless. there’s nothing wrong with the song per se, but if jacqline wasn't the one singing it, i don't think it would deserve to be in the final.)
7. Dotter — It’s Not Easy to Write a Love Song (i really enjoy her voice and she’s gorgeous. the melody isn't super memorable and i don’t think the performance and the staging help. she keeps spinning bare foot on the piano and it looks kinda awkward. but all in all it’s really good. if sweden were to send this one i think they’d do well!)
6. Danny Saucedo — Happy That You Found Me (i actually first thought that this was quite forgettable but i take that back now. this is the type of music sweden does well and it shows, this would be a great winner! he’s got a great voice and the melody is very pleasant. the staging could be improved, though, and the outfit is quite ugly lol)
5. Marcus & Martinus — Unforgettable (i’m 90% sure the twins are going to win this year and they honestly wouldn’t be a bad choice even though there are acts that i prefer more. it’s clear that the boys are professionals. the song is somewhere between good and ok for me. i am in the minority here but i actually do not like the staging, it’s messy, there’s too much going on, too many lights and the dancers make the stage look crowded in a bad way. their outfits look a bit cheep too. otherwise, they did a great job. it’s clear the budjet is big)
4. Maria Sur — When I’m Gone (i didn’t care for her song at all last year, not to mention her vocals were totally off, so i was really pleasantly surprised when i heard her new song! it got stuck in my head instantly and the staging looks impressive. wow!)
3. Smash Into Pieces — Heroes are Calling (it’s too bad they competed with six feet under last year because it would most likely be my winner this year. anyway, this one is very similar to six feet under, just not as good or catchy. that being said, it’s still really good and i would love for sweden to send this one!!)
2. Liamoo — Dragon (i love it when there’s a lot of fire. i think this is the whole package, the song is memorable and the staging is great. i know he won’t win or anything but personally i love it! it's been on repeat.)
1. Medina — Que Sera (this song makes me sooo happy when i listen to it!! really hypes the crowd up like yes, i am here for a good time! anyway, sweden would never actually send anything like this which is a shame, but i really hope they place in the top 3, good luck medina!)
oh and one last thing: Fröken Snusk (and Gunilla) should have qualified
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darksiders-junkie · 11 months
Hi, i just found your blog! Might i request a match up? 🤔👀🙈😳
I'm a 22 y/o girl (so yeah, She/Her) i have Autism, i seem shy in the beginning but if i notice people with the same interests i will not hesitate to info dump hehe. I'm a pretty big horror and fantasy nerd! I tend to hyperfixate alot on tons of mythical beings and horror stuff! funny enough my 2 main hyperfixations at the moment are the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Nazgûls lol. I'm 5'1 ( 1 meter and 56 cm ) in height, on the chubby side and have short hair, i wear glasses and see terribly without them. I actually love to draw and i also do cosplay and fursuiting. That's all i can think of, i hope it's enough for a match up? Hope you have a great day/night!
Oh that's plenty!
In my opinion I believe Strife would be the best for you!
Strife is the most human friendly horsemen. Unlike his siblings, he's not so closed off in the beginning. He's not willing to dump all of his junk at the doormat, but he is willing to actually knock on the door if you know what I mean!
It wouldn't take very long for you to catch his eye either! Your shyness is too alluring and you'll find yourself on the end of majority of his teasing.
He truly means it all in good fun! And if he finds you becoming uncomfortable or it seems just a tad too much he'll pull back on the reins just a bit.
Some of the things he'll do to tease:
Definitely take you glasses and hold them high over his own head and watch you jump for it. He finds it all too amusing for you to try and obtain something you'll never get unless he hands it back.
Purposely put things far out of your reach and just watch what you'll do to obtain it. (Example would be to put something on the top shelf and watch you climb the counter for it)
Poking, pinch, and pull at your cheeks anytime you become red or flustered
Light touches to your back or arms to purposely get you red just so he can pinch those pretty red cheeks! (And yes he will tell you that as he pinches them)
Once you've become more acquainted with him, and less shy. He'll calm down, but will still throughly enjoy teasing when he can.
Once he deems you as a friend, he'll start to get into what you like just so you can lore dump on him.
He'll sit there with a dopey smile on his face, even if you can't see it with the helm on, and let you talk for hours. And if you try to apologize and leave room for him to talk, he'll just say
"Oh no sunshine, you keep going. You're on a roll! You can stop now just as it's getting juicy!"
Solely so you can continue your little rant. He's sure he'll have time to rant to you as well.
Once he actually falls for you, oh boy, get ready.
He'll be the clingiest person you've ever met, you might even have to set some boundaries with him.
He'll open up more. He'll start telling stories of his battles and quests, mostly to try and impress you. And if you mention at all that you even seem slightly impressed, he'll walk around with his chest puffed out all day.
Do little things for you like pick up or clean so you don't have to, even though it's his least favorite thing to do.
Bring you little gifts and trinkets from his adventures. Anything that he thinks you'd like. He'll be the happiest man if you put them somewhere on display and boast about it to anyone who will listen to him.
And once you're together? Well, good luck finding any alone time. He'll be stuck to you like a leech. Constantly asking what you're doing and where you're going, and most importantly, if he could come along.
He'll be even more into your hobbies and will absolutely watch every single horror and fantasy movie as long as you're snuggled up with him eating popcorn.
He will look at every drawing and absolutely hype you up!
"That's the best drawing I've ever seen!"
"It belongs in the most famous museum, honest!"
And if you're making a fursuit? Well you better bet he'll be there and ready to pass you whatever you need! Scissors? He's on it! More fabric? Anything for his little sunshine! Oh you want a different movie on? No problem he's changing it as you speak!
And once it's done, you better be putting it on and doing a little spin for him! He didn't help just to not see the final product!
He'll definitely love the chubbiness too. Infact his favorite thing is to rest his head on your stomach. His own personal pillow. Your thighs are a very close second.
And if you DARE to try to take it away due to insecurity, well, he'll be teaching you all night just how much he loves you. So unless you don't want to be walking in the morning, I suggest you just let him lay in his favorite spots and look at his dopey ass smile that you can see this time.
Posted: July 9th, 2023
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the-demons-within · 1 month
Klance angst week: Tuesday
Trigger warning: homophobia, cussing,
"C'mon Lance," he. Said hyping himself up and slapping his cheeks. "It's just a confession. What's the worst that can happen?"
"He could hate you forever,"
"You'll never be friends again,"
"You know that we are right,"
His mind continued to taunt him endlessly. "Shut up!" He shouted in a whisper. For once, the voices were silent. He got up from his comfortable place on the bed and walked over towards the door, opening it and heading to go get food.
He arrived, grabbing a plate of food and sitting to enjoy, eyes scanning around for a certain someone.
"Hey Lance!" Keith called from a bit over, walking over towards the table Lance was sitting at and placing his food down. He sat down next to Lance and began to ramble about the troubles of today and how he got yelled at my pidge for putting his reds in with the rest of the washing. After 10 minutes of chatting and eating, Lance and Keith head back to Keith's room.
"So, what are we going to do?" Keith asked.
"Well, um, actually... I need to tell you something..." Keith focused on the taller boy, ready to listen to what Lance had to say. "Look... Keith," he took a deep breath." I'm not straight, and I really like you. " he rushed past the last part. It had already taken far too long to say. Lance looked up at Keith with anticipation but was met with a face of pure discust.
"What the fuck!? Ew" he said, scrunching his face up. The pure look of discust of Keith's face would have been enough to shatter Lance, but it continued further as his eyes brimmed with tears, threatening to fall " Your GAY? Why? That's so gross, you are discusting"
"But- it doesn't change anything" Lance sobbed lightly.
"Yes it does, that isn't normal, get a grip on yourself, or someone needs to fix you" Keith continiued to spit at Lance, each insult, each rejection, stuck into Lance, driving a dagger further and further through his already bleeding and shattered heart. As Lance stepped forwards to attempt to make things right and apologise, Keith pushed him away. "Get away from me you fag!" He yelled, pushing Lance violently further towards the door. As a heart broken mess, he looked back one last time at Keith, a violent and descusted look plastered across his face. Lance finally stumbled through the door as a crying, Sobbing and aching mess.
"He's gay?? And he likes ME. Uugh, is shouldn't have said those things, he may be ... gay... buy he is my friend.
"Oh please you know being gay is wrong, and un natural, and filthy and-" Keith shuddered, sitting down on his bed.
"Oh God... I'm turning into my dad". Keith reluctantly remembered his father, the abuse, trauma, homo and zoo phobia. Worst, he was a paedophile. Him and his sister Sabrina had the scars, although whilst most of Keith's were physical... Sabrina on the other hand...
"Uugh shut up you stupid brain", he scolded himself harshly. "I just need to go over there and apologise, simple." With that out of the way, he got up, making his way to the most likely place that Lance was...
His room
Keith arrived and knocked on the door
"GO away" Lance's voice still sounded dry and croaky.
" Lance I need to apologise" this, seemed to grab Lance's attention, he blew the door open, fury riddled across his tear stained face.
"Oh fuck off." Lance spat at Keith.
Look, dude I know what I did was wrong but I didn't mean-"
" what the actual fuck do you mean "you didn't mean it" he mocked "What makes you think that you can apologise now, what gives you the right?!" Keith opened his mouth to speak. "No, shut the fuck up you homophobic bitch. Why do YOU get to come here and apologise after you broke me, I don't care that you rejected me, I care that you ruled it in and were an over all fucker about it! You don't get to come her to apologise to me just so that you can clear you own guilty conscious!" Shiro came around the corner to see what was going on with Hunk and pidge in tow. "I'm sorry" " doesn't cut it, I need to see results!"
"Hold on, what is going on!?" Shiro demanded
"Shut up shiro" Lance snapped "I need you to have said those awful things in the first place, do you understand me Keith. Just because you had a rough upbringing, doesn't mean that you can take your internalised homophobia out on me! Okay!?..." Keith looked at Lance in awe. Pidge, shiro and Hunk.were simply staring, mouths agape and eyes wide open. Finally, there was a strange silence that hadent been heard for a long while at this point.
"I fucking hate you Keith, get out of my sight." And Lance slammed the door.
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pigeonwit · 6 months
for the fic title:
“stitching loose threads in my soul (in the morning, i’m bulletproof)”
i love noah kahan and long fic titles so here ya go <33 have fun !!
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
... okay look i know the majority of people are here for newsies and i do love newsies very much but oh my god this is so david frances coded. it really is. i can't help it i'm sorry-
in my head i'm thinking of this like a 5+1 - 5 times david had to force himself to be brave + 1 time he didn't need to be. the first time is right before 'confederate fag', when david arrives late and needs to hype himself up before going back to school after his suicide attempt. he's been outside school for way too long, he tries texting brody to no response, and he looks up to see that fucking flag waving above him like it's mocking him - so he tears it right down and spray-paints it, because it's his now, and his life is his now and everyone who has a problem with it can get fucked.
the second time takes place with the group at the creek before billie and brody find them all; peaches and david are talking about the plan to move to LA while mouse makes daisy crowns. david obviously wants to get the fuck out of winchester creek, but his whole life has been stuck in this fucking town for years, and i do think there'd be a piece of him beneath the idealism that's scared the whole world is just one big winchester creek with no place for him in it. but then billie and brody show up, tell him about their plan on how to keep brody from getting outed, and wow, it turns out the jock who spent his whole life in the closet and the cheerleader who's never taken a stand in her life are braver than he is. billie shows him how to shoot the gun - he's scared, of course he is, because he knows how dangerous this thing is, but he can't help but be enamoured by it. and he's anxious to shoot it, laughing awkwardly when he gets it wrong. but billie's guiding him around the trigger and showing him how to shoot straight, and he can do it. he can. and then all their phones start blowing up, especially brody's - and he's terrified, because everything that happened to him is happening all over again. but billie's handing him the gun and saying 'this keeps us safe', and he has to believe it's true.
the third time is after mouse gets attacked. brody's been outed, david's been thrown under the bus, the money's gone, billie's in jail and mouse is hurt. mouse, his friend, his brother, the little kid he watched grow up and swore would never be as scared as david was to exist. and it's all closing in - their escape plan is gone, they're all stuck here in danger forever with no way out, brody's information was given to a conversion camp, everyone is even more furious and hateful towards all of them and none of them can do anything as mouse gets attacked in broad daylight. and david wants so badly to be scared, to break down and cry, but he can't. because he's the dreamer, and he's always failed them once. so when mouse says their piece about it being 'a hard rite of passage for weird boys in small towns', david wants to be proud of them - but he's just furious with himself that he's let another weird boy get beaten. so he's going to do something about it. he has to.
the fourth time is his thought process before and after 'saint david', starting with him on his knees in front of ms banks as she asks him how can he expect anything else than what he got when he insists on rocking the boat. he has to have something wrong with him that makes him thrive on people hating him. he has to. and she's telling him it won't last, that someday he's going to look at himself in shame and hide himself all over again, and he can't let that be true. so he forces himself to be brave, to be a saint, to martyr himself if it means shielding every other queer kid in town from what he went through. so he takes billie's gun and he goes to find kelly, because what other choice does he have? he has to be brave now. for him and everyone else.
the fifth time is during the standoff, when he's holding the gun at kelly and feeling power for the first time. he could actually save someone here. kelly's the ringleader, she's the one who keeps them tormented. if she's gone, it's safer. people know they can't just push them around anymore. mouse won't get beaten up in the hallways. maybe billie will still be able to go to college. he can do this. but then billie's there, begging him not to do it, telling him there's no reason to, and all he can do is scream at her to shut up, just shut up, because he knows. he knows there's no reason to kill kelly. he knows it won't solve anything. but he is so tired. he's so fucking tired. he can't take this anymore. but billie's taking his hand, telling him that this won't end anything for him, that he deserves to live his life as beautiful or as ugly as he wants - and david's so scared of that, of never getting that life even when he tries for it, of the thought that there really, truly is something wrong with him that he can never get away from. but he listens. he puts the gun down. he has to keep trying. trying to be brave. trying to believe his life is worth living.
and then the time david doesn't have to be brave at all; this would be after the events of the show, including the final scene at the pride parade. the group is all back at the creek, breaking their 'once a year, anytime, anyplace, anywhere but winchester creek' rule for the first time. david's just walked through his shitty home town in a skirt and a t-shirt that reads 'gay-boy' and he's still kind of reeling over it. billie's passed the bar. peaches is sleeping on her girlfriend's shoulder, because she can actually sleep now. brody, the jock he used to fucking despise, is wearing a shirt that says 'himbo' on it. and mouse is twenty-two, four years into testosterone and still making little crowns out of daisies. and they tie that crown on david's head, and it's like they're kids again, except not, because mouse has a rat-stache that they absolutely refuse to shave and the scars on david's wrists are pale pink instead of angry red and there's nothing in his head except for the sound of frogs and a crown of daisies and he's fine. he's totally fine. he doesn't need to be brave anymore. because he's fine.
... i think the post you made said 'SHORT synopsis' jac but. i don't care this is my blog and i am god here. sorry it's not newsies, i just really love billie the kid with all my heart and i want to write something for it SO bad and when i saw the quote the ideas just started coming and wouldn't stop. but if you want to send in another or have me re-do this for newsies just let me know and i can!!!
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