#oc is a robot. so human au. and then fantasy au
pac1fythehunger · 4 months
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au of an au of an oc
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laurzzz-left · 1 year
The Freddy Fazbear Circus is in need of new character recruits!
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Hey, so I'm moving quickly with the plot for my fic, What's Written in the Stars (The Greatest Showman AU of FNAF Security Breach) and I'm kind of in need of new characters to progress in the next chapters. I could have opted for making characters of my own but I think at this point you guys should have an inkling that this is something I prefer doing.
If not then, simply put, I like building communities and including as many people as I can with my projects because I'm sure each of you have your own creative ideas that my stories would benefit from too!
Interested? Details are under the cut!
What kind of characters am I looking for?
I'm looking for characters that are either robots or downright humans! I know many of you guys have lovely cryptid, monster OCs but those lovely creatures aren't canon to the lore of the story so this is the boundary I need to set for the character/s you guys would like to share! Also they have to either have a specific "ghastly trait" that society would have shunned upon back in the 1800s or up until now (like being a dwarf, an albino, hairy, a POC etc.) and/or be able to do certain circus acts (like trapeze, tightrope walking, etc.)
How many characters am I looking for?
I don't have a set number just yet but probably around 5 because I love that number lol.
How to join?
Kindly post your character sheet/s on your blog, mention (@) my main blog (this one!) and include the hashtag "WWITS OC-Laurzzz" for me to be able to sift through them easily!
Who can join?
Artists, writers, anyone, as long as you can clearly describe your character's design and backstory, and you have a decent amount of knowledge in the lore of WWITS so far!
What should be included when posting/making the character sheet/s?
For artists: Your character standing and showcasing their designs, additional appendages, accessories, pre-show and during show attires. You can opt to describing one attire while the other is drawn if it's too much of an effort! Then, somewhere at the side or bottom of the character designs must include their backstories/important lore details, characteristics, quirks, etc.
For writers: Same with the artists, except you'll be writing down the details of your lovely character's designs of course! Be sure to keep it as detailed as possible for me to write them out as accurately as I can too! And just like with the artists, you must include their backstories/important lore details, characteristics, quirks, etc.
Is there a specific genre/theme in design?
Yes, essentially. Try to keep the design as similar to the fashion of 1860s as you can with their clothes. Robots can be made of metal or wood, up to you! But nothing too fantasy-based, like having superpowers or something lol.
Can you submit more than one characters?
Yes! Only if you'd like. I can't guarantee being able to use all character submissions though so please keep that in mind. I'm only one person doing all this and I can only write down so many characters AKDHSKSJ I appreciate them all nonetheless!
Until when can we submit our characters?
In around two weeks, I will close this event thing soooo April 11, 2023 probably at 11:59 pm (PST). I'll make an announcement about it when it closes!
Anything else you guys should know?
This is all for fun! I don't want you guys to feel pressured in joining as I know that drawing and writing takes a lot of time and effort. I genuinely just wanted you guys to be a part of this but you don't have to if you don't want to! I'm not doing this to get free fanart of whatever.
Also, by giving me the details and backstory of your WWITS OC, you'd be giving me permission and consent to fill in any gaps or change some parts to keep the characters accurately tied with the lore of the whole fic and the other main characters.
Lastly, kindly reblog so others who may be interested to join can see this too! Thanks, I hope to see your lovely WWITS OCs sooner or later! Oh and, have fun!
Got any other concerns or questions about this?
Send your questions in my asks so we can clarify and/or figure something out!
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if Deltarune was conceived before Undertale wouldn't that make Undertale a more edgy Deltarune AU where everyone is now trapped underground and is uterrerly miserable.
when the places that you know seem like fantasy~
anyway that would be so funny to take the awkward high school teacher and make her commit science crimes, and make the cops into a rebellious hero warrior who hates humans and a sad lonely snail farmer respectively, and the lazy guy from the store has incredible power every now and then, and his mysterious brother is the coolest guy ever, and the sad ghost is actually a robotic celebrity, and the angry ghost is a robot catgirl, and the nice older brother into a semi-evil flower, and the divorced flower shop guy is now a divorced king who’s murdered six kids, and the mom is actually a former queen with severe trauma, and all the main characters just aren’t there because the kid you thought was kris is actually just an oc that looks like them but smaller
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frayed-symphony · 10 months
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Once upon a time I had a Tales of Symphonia OC called Reimi.
It was the early noughties. I was a teenager obsessed with 2 things - Tales of Symphonia and Full Metal Alchemist. I had seen on my favourite website at the time; DeviantART, that people would sometimes self-insert themselves into their favourite shows/games and even though I'd thought about it before, I loved these two things so much I finally decided to do the same and 'Reimi' was born.
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She was my ideal version of how I looked and because I was being bullied almost every day at school, the world of Symphonia in particular was a great comfort to me. Anytime I had a particularly bad day I started to draw Reimi.
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I did have one real life friend, my best friend from primary school and we'd chat on the phone every night. I convinced her to play ToS with me and the two of us fell down this rabbit hole and I made her an OC too. We called her Beatrix and she was Reimi's older sister. It was your typical 'human girls fall into fantasy world and crush on their favourite character' story. I liked Lloyd and my friend liked Kratos. We would roleplay them together and write stories for each others birthdays and Christmases. It got me through the horrible things happening at school.
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In time we started to make other characters. I decided I wanted Reimi to have a summon spirit - a polar bear called Meikai who could change between human and bear form. My friend had a similar 'devil' summon, Kainashi and I started to draw them as well. (Totally stole this from Sheena but it was very fun)
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The final character we designed was Harvey - he was the only one we tried to give a canonical link to Symphonia. He was the Prince of the Tethe'allan royal family and Hilda's brother. The reason you never saw him in the game, we reasoned, was because he didn't want to be a Prince and left to travel the world in secret. He runs into our heroines and becomes a part of the group. I also wanted to write some love triangle stories at that point so he has a crush on Reimi.
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For a long time these characters were my whole life. They filled my brain and I would always be thinking of stories for them. The ToS characters always factored into these stories but I was too embarrassed to draw them or have anything romantic happening and that might have been because of the backlash I saw a lot of self-insert authors get. I kept my stories mostly off the internet.
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But I kept drawing them as the years went on, even designing bosses and creatures for them to fight, this was one such creature - 'Malcolm' the robot. One of Rodyle's machines.
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In time life got in the way. My friend and I didn't get to speak as much so the drawing motivation started to fizzle out.
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I still thought and cared about these characters but there was no fresh ideas forming for them. As I got older I started to have less time for them.
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This is the last drawing I ever made of them and though you might still see me draw Reimi from time to time, its been years since I drew any of the others.
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I did use them for animation practise on my University course though
So that's where we are today. I had a lot of AUs for Reimi. You may have seen this potion shop picture before, it's one of my favourite ideas where Reimi is living in the slums in Meltokio, working to keep her family's store open by selling potions. It even got a Daily Deviation on deviantART! I'm sure most people didn't know it was a self-insert drawing.
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Another idea I liked was Reimi being the daughter of Kvar. She's grown up in the human ranches (though largely away from their brutality) and Lloyd's group visit is a wake-up call to her that what her father and Cruxis are doing may be wrong.
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I came up with way too many stories to list here.. but uh... maybe I did draw some Reimi/Lloyd art occassionally...
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and thats all you're gonna see!!
Anyway I just wanted to revisit these characters since I've been doing that with my books this month. Maybe you already knew about this, maybe you didn't!! It's just a fun look into my teenage self. I am trying to draw a new outfit for Reimi now, to see how much I've improved drawing her. I hope I can post it soon.
Thanks for reading!
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kureocatto · 10 months
I guess they escaped my gallery after all, so here are my humanized Wubbox designs! (but at this point I treat them more like OCs)
Click the pic for better quality btw!
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I'm not sure if anyone would want to read, but there's an entire rabbit hole of lore on my personal AU and other stuff below the cut :,D
First things first, separate fullbodies for each of them.
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And now.. personal headcanons and more info-
These guys are part of my personal MSM AU called "Illuminated Lands"! It's.. a lot to explain but everyone is humanized and living in a mostly fantasy-themed continent rather secluded from the human world. I've done a lot of worldbuilding and character writing but besides "The Celestials suddenly went missing and a terrible illness is spreading around the lands" I haven't really gotten a clear cut idea on how the story would go 😭
Volt (Common Wubbox)
It's not very apparent at first, but Volt's a robot created by Galvana. He was tasked with a very special purpose from the beginning of his creation, to find and save the Celestials should anything bad ever happen to them (to which, it did). While he is kind and tenacious normally, Volt is deathly afraid of disappointing people that he cares for. He got attached to his friends pretty quickly. However, he struggles to find a sense of identity and a reason to live beyond his original purpose.
C.D / Compact Disk (Rare Wubbox)
C.D is a runaway child of the Electric Celestial herself, and supposedly Volt's "older brother". He was actually the one who was supposed to be given a certain important task, but that responsibility fell on Volt instead because C.D ran away fron home. Galvana thought it would be cruel to drag the child back if it was against his wishes, so decided on an alternative. C.D is rebellious and doesn't like being restricted by rules. He's also very flamboyant and carefree, even coming off as arrogant to many. But the truth is that he simply has his own ways of doing things, unconventional as they may be. C.D actually cares a lot for Volt and is always looking out for him in secret. Perhaps, this is his way of compensating for his past actions.
Twig (Plant Epic Wubbox)
Coming from a rather prestigious family of Deerfolks, Twig was always expected to go big. His parents always wanted him to go down a healer's path early on. Twig quickly became a prodigy when he mastered several types of medical subjects quite quickly. His mentor was actually Blassoom, though under a disguise as a regular resident of the lands. Being her star pupil, Twig was one of the few let in on the secret. When he graduated and officially became a doctor, life got busy. But seeing all sorts of patients from across the lands, it made Twig think about how there's so much more to see beyond his home. After an encouragement from Blassoom herself, he decided it would be good to become a traveling doctor. He'd still be able to help people, but he could also live his dream to see the world. Sometime during his travels, he became acquianted with Volt and the rest of the friend group.
Haze (Cold Epic Wubbox)
While the Water Region of the lands are primarily populated by humans, it's not common to find them anywhere else. Haze is one of those rare occurences, coming from the Cold Region. Her past is a big mystery, even to herself. All she knows is that Glaishur found her as a child and took her in. Another thing about her is that she's abnormally resistant to the cold, and she's capable of magic unlike other humans living in the Illuminated Lands. To outsiders, Haze is truly an enigma. But to her friends, she's the quiet yet caring and protective one among them.
Jet (Air Epic Wubbox)
A genius avian engineer that comes from the Air Region. Rumors about her say that she was terribly ill as a child. But because of a miracle from the stars, she's recovered and went on to do great things. The truth is.. more complicated, but Jet won't deny the part about miracles from the stars. After all, her father and her mentor were the Air and Mech Celestials in disguise. She is forever grateful for their support and care, and Vhamp's influence was the reason why she wanted to work with machinery in the first place. Anyways, Jet is rather introverted and doesn't like leaving her workshop. But she is actually casual and witty outside her work (to which she takes extremely seriously). She developed a deep sibling bond with Volt after they met by chance.
Ripple (Water Epic Wubbox)
The Water Region is split into two parts, the land and the sea. The former is mostly populated by humans. Meanwhile, the latter is a host to many wondrous creatures and species. Ripple is a seafolk of unknown origins. He'd been alone for as far as he can remember. When he was younger, he met with a young Anglow named Lily and became so close they were inseparable. He really didn't have anyone besides her, so to say it broke him when she and her species departed from this world and returned to theirs was an understatement. Ripple was then given to Hornacle for care, for he was a friend to all land-dwellers and seafolks alike. The grief still hurt, but it slowly heals itself over time. Life was alright from then on, or atleast.. until the day the stars dimmed and the Celestials disappeared all at once. Ripple now believes he is cursed, eventually becoming afraid to make friends or form bonds. However, when he found Volt and the others who said they might have a chance to find the Celestials again.. what has he got to lose by sticking around and clinging to that slim chance?
Rust (Earth Epic Wubbox)
Rust is a half-human half-dragon. When he was young, he lost both his parents and had to leave the Illuminated Lands to live with his aunt. However, she was heavily controlling of him and constantly forbids him to show his draconic side. Rust didn't complain as he was taught to respect and appreciate his family. He tried his best to do so.. until his aunt tried cutting off his horns entirely. He wasn't going to stand there and let her strip away a part of himself, so he finally fought back and escaped. His left horn was broken off, and he was bleeding all the way back to the Illuminated Lands. But luck smiled upon him as Scaratar had found the little boy passed out in a clearing. He lived happier with her ever since. Despite his rocky childhood, Rust grew up to be a supportive and caring person. He's always around to help anyone he can, both with his compassion and strength.
And so.. thats it! It was a bit nerve-wrecking to post this.. but I like talking about my stories, so who cares anymore! Expect random content of this AU from time to time as I develop the story more. And for those who's read this far down? You have my heart <3
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lynaferns · 5 months
seems like the OC topic is here! how many do you have? and what types of OC you like more? :D espero y tengas un muy lindo dia!
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I had to count them... uuuuh, at least 45 OCs not counting my sonas and selfiserts (and DCA AUs), all distributed between 10-ish stories, 33 OCs or so are from the same story and spin off of said story (yeah, I made a whole story and then took the whole cast of characters and put 'em in a completely diferent story and universe). There are many that I haven't posted anywhere yet, some don't have a story yet just the concept and some I haven't even draw them yet lol.
(one day I'll have to make a master post or something of all the OC's)
Y'know what? I'm making a list of the stories I have
(It got long, is under the cut)
A Shadow Between Worlds: Girl born with a shadow entity as her protector has nightmares where she gets chased by a monster she can't see, when she wakes up she's covered in all the wounds the monster made her. One day she gets tired and shearch for an old book her mother kept in the attic, the book contains information about entitys from other worlds. She opens a portal to an utopian world who's population is interested in knowledge, at a point where their world became the Universe's library.
Our Little Wonderland ^^Spin off: Nosy reporter enters abandoned mansion after a few rumours of some teenagers talking about it beging haunted with moving dolls, rooms that changed placement and typical haunted mansion stuff. Finds out the mansion is not haunted but it's magical and dolls want to search for the little girl that lived there with her father but they can't leave the mansion. The reporter finds the girl but she refused to come back to her old home at first. The dolls are fantasy characters from a story setting and needs the girl to do her rol as one of the main characters of the tale so they can complete their purpouse but the girl is not very cooperative.
Syra and Fayne (no title yet): Half human demon escaped her fathers fortress and went to live on earth. Along the ways she meets a forest spirit that decides to acompany her and later on she makes friends with a fallen angel she meets. They both live together as besties.
Robot and Cat (no title yet): Stray cat enters an old abandoned home already claimed by nature and accidentally wakes an old futuristic robot. The robot takes care of the cat and the house and search for evidences of where its owners/creators are and what happened to them.
Spike Boy (andry furries with powers): angry hegdog kid is pissed off with a guy who killed his parents and wants to beat his ass, meets a bunny girl who's parents were also killed by the same guy and she also wants to beat his ass. Said guy is the lider of an organization whos trying to dominate the world to rule it in his own way and make it a safer place but comiting several atrocities in the way to his goal
Khrono Cat (furries and automatons): A baby born dead is taken to the water and time spirits by his parents. Is revived in the lake's water by the spirits and a fallen star. Later on the kids life the spirits call him back to the lake to give him an automaton as his guardian to full fil his destiny of stoping a world catastrophe.
Fase REM (provisional title): There is people who are transported to an Earth like dream dimension when they fall asleep, they have to survive trough the nigth escaping from dangers and monsters. They don't know why but when they enter the dream they are filled with a feeling like they must find a person. If they die in their dreams they die in real life. One day a girl is visited by an entity who comes from the dream dimention and since then she's been afected by this weird event (and tormented by the entity who never left). She has to discover how this entity was created, where did it came from and why all of this is happening.
Heavenly Kids (provisional title, needs revision): Heaven and Hell where at peace at each other but one day corrupted demons started attaking the human realm and Heaven send 3 guardians representatives of parts of the body (bones, flesh and nerves) to save the earth and find out what is going on in the demon realm.
Shadow Family (no title yet, just a concept): A family of shadowy creatures who lives in the forest and sometimes disguises as humans to go unnoticed between them. The parents has some unresolved matters from the past and the kids goes investigate about it (this is actually a dream that I had where it was a show I was watching and got upset when there where no more episodes, then I woke up and got more upset because the show didn't even exist so I drew the family)
Magic Apprentice (no title yet, just a concept): Girl who is abused by her family and neglected finds a secret door inside of her closet that goes to several other closets until she gets to her grandmas house, except that the house now is diferent, is magic, and the world around her too. Her grandma is a witch and made that secret door for her to escape to when she got to be old enough (except that the grandma got tired of seen her grandkid getting mistreated and didn't wait anymore for her to turn 18). The girl becomes her grandma's apprentice and explores the world full of magic. (This is also a dream I had, I think my head mixed Harry Potter with Narnia(haven't even watched this) and Studio Ghibli artstyle for some reason)
I have... to do a lot... a lot of redesigns... and change a few names.
....This got longer than I intended. Well you can see the repetitive concept of non-human worlds or semi-human realms lol, and magic, dreams, and I didn't mention it in the list but there are a couple of stories that involve tecno-magic.
I generally like fantasy-sci-fi and retro-futuristic themes, non-human characters trying to live a mundane life or human and non-human (or diferent especies and cultures) living together. It's actually really hard to tell what type of characters exactly I like. I'm picky too, that doesn't help. If it's a robot I'm almost surely gonna like it, and if the robot has a living being as a friend I'm gonna like it more.
Y gracias! espero que tu también. Me he tirado aquí como 4 horas pero he entrado a archivos viejos buscando a todos mis OCs y he revisitado un montón de ideas viejas, así que gracias por eso también :D
Edit: I don't know what hapened but the cut moved placement and the images are one on top of the other, vertically instead of horizontally, I hope I fixed it. It doesn't let me edit from the phone so I went back to the computer.
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cathalbravecog · 8 months
since you have a lot of thoughts of whats out there in the toontown universe i wanna throw my 2 sents: so "toons" is short for carTOONS, the much is obvious. but as you & i both know cartoons can be so much more than your typical loonytunes slapstick humor. so i like to think there are other islands out there which represents a different genre, such as: a fantasy adventure land, a sci-fi land, a western land, a horror thriller land, a rom-com land, a detective mystery land, a preschool land. so on so forth. with all their own unique animation styles. with the only consistent thing is that all the land's inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals (GOLLY sorry if this is long)
OHOHOO. you caught me in a rambly day, so prepare for a long one, lol!! (i JUST talked about some world building for my deltarune AU in private) (and i just spent my whole day listening to video essays)
this MAY be ttcc specific but aside from some ttcc details, this could apply to just... toontown in general. but i am a ttcc blog and that's my hyperfixation so that's what i'll talk about.
i love that idea! honestly, something like that is what i've had in mind, too! maybe not everything being placed on island - but a majority of them being. (perhaps similar themes being on bigger islands or just masses of land with some wilderness and such between?)
i already have my idea for a prehistoric toon land, but it's also still based on your looney tunes type cartoon - just populated completely by dinosaurs! it's where my OC, archie archaeopteryx comes from.
an idea like this in general would allow for a lot of interesting places to be made, stories to be told, characters to be made... all that could eventually get into toontown and interact with our typical toons and interact together in interesting ways and have jokes and themes based around their different animation styles and genres.
it would also let the toons to be expanded upon even more, since, in my opinion at least, ttcc can lack that a little bit in some ways. (but going out of my way to look at toons a bit more rather than just the cogs does bring some small interesting things into the light, even if just singular pieces of dialogue, lol. sadly, i don't have examples on my mind right now.) i'm a big cog fan and all, but i wanna see more from the toons! but then again, we play in the role of the toons - so i suppose that's our stories to tell! :]
I also like the idea of everything being anthro animals (ignore the fact i'm a furry for a second) it just allows for more fun, diversity, and just consistency. human-ness being reserved for cogs is what makes this work more in my opinion, but even with that not even all cogs are humanoid. (i am so glad ttcc brought us more robotic cog designs!!)
but the sheer contrast of a human-like robot interacting with ANY cartoon animal is what works in it's favor, y'know? makes the division more clear - even if there's a lot of stories and themes of these lines being blurried more. (like cog and toon friendship -> william and rain, misty in general, whatever dave has for the player toon, thomas warming up to the toons...) which i really like! gives more ideas for stories to be told and explored, and question the laws and logic of the world.
i guess this could also explain art style changes and design choices - like, for example, i don't exactly like the way flesh colored snouts look, it just doesn't fit my art style and so i leave them out. obviously, that's for all toons i draw - and honestly all art styles for just our regular toons are to be loved and celebrated. but y'know, this doesn't have to be! just a little idea i wanted to throw on the table as well.
one thing that could be interesting would just be different medias - i know toontown is a 3d game based on traditionally animated cartoons - but imagine the mixing you could do in art and in story telling! a classic cartoon coming across a pixar-esque cgi animated cartoon and them interacting, both baffled by one another - but still connected by their tooniness deep down!
it's a really interesting idea i like, thank you for sharing this with me and letting me ramble a bit! now, i'm going to list some genres or artstyles that i would like to see! based VERY OBVIOUSLY on my personal interests.
old kids edutainment game, i'm talking 90s - early 2000s. the jankier animation, bit-crushed voice acting, pretty off-model art... but all just very jolly and meaning to educate a young audience! could mix in cgi elements as well, since old games like this would have this. and y'know, some of these would be based on pre-existing thing.
honestly, just old games like that in general... the type of ones you don't see a lot, especially when spoken about online between more mainstream gaming places... but games you probably owned! games of mysterious origins, with very good charm tied to them despite their obvious lower production value... but maybe also something like pf magic petz! oh i'd die i'd love to see petz toons running around - except perhaps more anthro, but still four-legged since there are cartoons of non bipedal animals living more human-like lives.
just... digital in general? perhaps low poly cgi... listen i just like old games and their vibe. but we could do modern animated cartoon toons! both things from studios - but also indie things!
eastern european slav cartoon toons - hey, that's where i am from! i grew up with a lot of cartoons from here (czechia), russia and poland! (these being the most notable obviously) and... the themes, animation styles and vibes are very different to anything anywhere else in the world! i would love to see that! obviously, this is hinted at older cartoons - but newer modern ones could apply, too! i'm just unfamiliar with those.
a bit more on the previous topic, since my country has a big history of this type of animation... stopmotion and/or claymation!!
i'm NOT a comic book person, but oh my god would comic book toons be interesting to see! i don't even mean super hero - just comic book style in general! comes from someone who's only comics they read and own were like... my little pony, astérix and obélix, tom and jerry, smurfs and some ducktales. very toony things!
now, most of these relate to art mediums and art styles... i think those are a bit more interesting than genres, since after all art is an art medium, and genres come second. soo many possibilities. thought there are some genres i think would be interesting to see!
detective/noir type toon world? a mysterious place filled with crimes and mysteries to be solved! could make call-backs to things like scooby-doo, too!
kid's cartoon, like you've said! something cute, fluffy, there to entertain the whole family and teach the kids a valuable lesson. not to be a bluey enjoyer on main here but... bluey toons. that would be very very cute, i think.
on that note, one could argue there could be an adult animated cartoon place, but considering a place like toontown we probably want to keep things pg 13... maybe not! but it's still a possibility - as long as you take inspiration from good animation made for adults. i will not be naming any names here...!
okay, this one is MORE an art genre/style thing but... illustrated children's book type thing? maybe not for VERY young kids, but still filled with fun stories and anthro cartoon animals regardless! could appear as 2d cutouts.
medieval toons, but in the art style of medieval styled drawings...! based on old tales and fables! could also mix with some fantasy elements, of course!
just anime. toon beastars. shoutout to that one louis fan-toon i saw some time ago
and honestly...im out of ideas for this here! i don't really look at genres too often to be honest! they kind of fly over my head, so i'd probably want these to reference specific types of stories that could be told in one of these, but not enough to base a whole place on. anyways, running a bit low on steam here, and i'd repeat myself on possible video game genre based toon worlds, so...! that's it from me! hope you had fun reading this... and my many callbacks to other medias for reference.
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(also, your ask is not long! just long enough to be a delight to read! just look at my own responses here :,] )
also, question- should i get a tag for big rambles like this relating to like... world building and ideas in general? both for the cogs and the toons! would make it a bit easier to navigate, even if i am a little bit shy about people reading back through these, especially as my opinions may change. looking at you old thomas and robert ramble...
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chiro-asuta-vulpes · 2 years
Game anon back! 🎮
What is some of your favourite troupes?
Which oc do you wish to see more of from your mutuals?
Which oc of yours do you wish to have more content of?
Current fixation?
OH! Hello, Game Anon😄👋 this was my first to receive an ask from you dear one, I shall gladly answer your questions. Staaaarrttiiinnggg Noooowwww☺️
For your first question about favorite troupes?📝
--- Hmmm, I do love AU stuffs and reading other peps' AUs especially my mutuals AU's all of it are so very well written, detailed, planned, the stories they do are indeed intriguing, interesting and inspiring makes me wanna know more about it, read and curious about it too! Another about this, i like AUs, Genderswaps, Fantasies, Secret Siblings, Robots, Royalty, Canon Divergence, Demons, Warriors, Guardians, Crossovers, Au Collabs, AND MANY MANY MORREEE!
MY MOSTLY FAVORITE IS a Shy Boi and Cute Boi getting along and slowly falling for one another😌
Next question, which of ocs of my mutuals i wish to see more?✨
--- @caffeine-n-artwork I want to see more of your Oni Brothers, Techno Monster/s, Guardian of Dreams, The Skies Brothers both humans and bots, Evening Star, Legends of Zelda Au, Hero of Sounds, Forest Deities Au, moorreee Logan, and Lo. Again I love them they're stunning, detailed and exquisite designs, lastly theyre clothing it suits them so much, THEYYYY ALL deserves moreeeee LOVEEE and SUPPORTT! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, Lo! AND I WANT TO GET TO KNOW MORE LORE, FACTS, STORIES AND STUFFS OF ALL YOUR OCS🤩✨
--- @aesopsbaby I want to see more of yourrrr amazing stunning and fancy cute boissss Meztli, Nathan, Sylvester and Cupid!! they're design and clothing really suits them so much, their persona is perfect and their story is amazingggg very well planned and interesting too! I cant wait to get to know more about them, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, Ace! ALSSSOOOO MORREEE FACTS AND INFO ABOUT YOUR AMAZING OCS I WANT TO GET TO MORE ABOUTTT THEM!☺️
--- @boiling-potato I want to see more of this amazing lovely pretty friendly clumsy Oc of yours, Inky! Shes so adorable and cute! very delicate, whichever AU or any, INKY deserves moreeeee LOOOVEEEEE and gimme more of her, facts, stories, art, i wanna get to know more about this lovely gurl, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, Blue! INKKKYYYY IS A SWEET LIL BEAAAANNN SNOWWYYY WOULD HUG HEERRR ALL DAY!🥰
--- @hayden0666 I want to see and get more ideas, info, stories, and tons more about GUMMMDRROPPPP I MISS THAT LIL FUNNY GREMLIN RASCAL, Snowy's lil best friend! I hope if we have more time let's talk more ABOUT YOUR SWEET TROUBLEMAKER BABY BOI, sis! THEY DESERVE MOREEEE LOOOVEEEE & SUPPORT!🤗
Which of my OCS I wish to have more content of?
--- Well I want to make more contents focusing on my main 5 OCS: Snowy, Winter, Ivy, Viola and Prisma. Such as making each of they're artworks, designs, stories, facts, and etc.
--- Hmmm also I'm hoping to get to show you guys more of our new AU content I made with some of my mutuals here. Relating my OCS and they're ocs with different roles and fascinating stories.
Current Fixation?
My current fixation at the moment is making and planning about the Forest Deities Au, my main OCS solo art, stories, draft art, reference sheets, outfit lists, redesigning, redover? and many many more
I also make fanarts and stuffs well that depends on my time, like I said I make fanarts for fun and I make my mutuals ocs fanarts as a form of appreciation and love of my mutuals ocs, it takes a lot of time for me to finish them sooooo yeaaaa☺️
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ggukkieland · 4 years
📕CURRENT READS (2020 November)
🌹 Almost done with the list except for a few and I am excited to curate fics that are fitting for merry December 🎅❄🎄🤶 woot woot! 
I enjoyed this month’s reads - a mix of cyberpunk au, android au, werewolf aus, slice of life, exes and those on the verge of breaking up, and lots of beautifully-written drabbles which ended up in my list of favorites. 
Please send these authors some love by reblogging their content =)
✅ -  done reading   | S (smut) F (fluff) A (angst) 
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🥕[Ongoing Series - to check weekly] 
Still reading the ongoing series from October’s reading list, whenever there is an update 😊.
Onyx @springbean - JJK | ABO universe, omega!reader, rouge!Alpha!Jungkook, roommates, cyberpunk au | A, F (this is so fascinating)
[2/?] years after the war, Soketh has become a bustling electric city of life and death. a world now filled with mystery, danger, and rules, y/n finds herself rooming with her old friend while trying to find herself in the city of dangerous dreams. however, her world is turned upside down when a rouge alpha enters their life seeking refuge and help…
Vulgar and Divine @yeoldontknow - JHS | elf!hoseok au, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage,  fantasy au, horror, suspense | A, S
[1/?] The Elf King buys your hand in marriage as an act of political strategy - you, the Banshee Priestess and your ability to forewarn death in exchange for your people’s return to your original home in the River Lands. You hate him for the way his kind make a mockery of death. Even before you meet him, you decide you will not grieve his death - not even a little. But then, on the day of your wedding you begin to weep - and it is not out of love or rapture.
Kitchen Confidential @glitter-kookiedough - KSJ | chef au, slow burn, enemies to lovers | A, F, S
[3/?] After years of annoying the life out of you, your rival, Kim Seokjin, pushes you a step too far and he knows it. As angry and resentful as you are, you don’t realize that something has been brewing under the surface for years. This weekend, that will change. 🌟 new chapter🌟
enemiestolovers drabble series @sincerelyourfangirl - JJK | enemies to lovers, fwb, co-workers | S, A, F
[3/?] Maybe the line between love and hate is thin. Especially when you’re in bed with Jungkook.
Challenge Accepted | What Happens When You’re not Careful | Risky Business
The Lost Luna @hobisbeautifulass - KTH | werewolf au, soulmate au, rival clans | F, A
[2/?] One Luna is born per a hundred-year cycle or so and only appears after the previous one has passed away.  This Luna was forced into hiding for seventeen years, but now she’s back, bloodthirsty, and ready to reclaim her throne.
Mutual Help @personasintro - JJK | bestfriend au, fwb au, fake dating | A, S, F
[24/?] in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it a mutual help
Bite Me @cheeky-kookie - PJM | vampire au | A, F, S
[1/?] Growing up, you always learned to look over your shoulder at night, hoping to never run into the catlike gleam of a vampires eyes. Yet, one night on your way home you find yourself staring into the very things you feared most. Dangerously beautiful and undeniably confident, Park Jimin was everything you knew you needed to stay away from, but he had other plans.
Nut Jobs @ironicarmy - OT7 | slice of life, crack, humor, friends au | S
[5/?] Eight friends. One terrible idea. A whole lot of trouble. Welcome to No Nut November.
Cherry Pickers @kimnjss - JJK | social media au, smau, gamer, fuckboi, vixen!reader, virgin!reader | F, S, A
[4/?] [updates daily] known for your body and surrounded by rumors about your sex life… rumors that he doesn’t think to doubt. until he’s meeting you… forced to realize there’s much more to you then the thonged shorts and lacy costumes.
(or, you’re a video vixen with an assumed identity and jungkook manages to see past it.)
Across the Board @out-of-jams - KTH | 20s, gambling, mafia au, enemies to lovers | S, A
[1/?] And now you’re indebted to the city’s most dangerous mob boss, forced to pay your dues in blood one way or another. With a gun pushed into your hands and your life at stake; once you’re in, you’re in. You’ll never get out.
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🥕[Completed AUs/Series/Drabbles -  to read]
Through Time and Space @taephilia - 10.6k | KSJ | F, A, sci-fi, time travel au, adventure, doctor who au 
re: Untitled @to-star-lake - 18.8k | JJK | A, S, F, ceo au, arranged marriage, childhood acquaintance turned enemies (one of my favorites this month 🥰)  
01 02 03 04  ✅
Moral of the Story @suhdays - 7.7k | JHS | A, F, S, strangers to loves, soulmate au, OC can tell if people are telling the truth (really interesting)  ✅
In the Margins  @bonvoyagenoona - 31k | MYG | F, S, A, writer au, humor, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, editor!reader, writer!yoongi [also on AO3] 
01: Winter (5k words)   ✅ 02: Spring (6k words)  03: Summer (7k words)  04: Fall (13k words) 
Into my Bones @inkofyoongi - 15k | MYG | S, F, A, fwb to lovers, slice of life-ish, non-chronological (this is awesome 🌟) ✅
A Human Touch @snackhobi - 39.1k | KTH | F, S, robot au, android!taehyung 
01 ✅ 1.5  02 (will finish the rest of the chapters; this is so good)
Supply and Demand @scribblemetae - 5.7k | MYG | S, A, supernatural au, telepathic!myg, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers  ✅
More than Us @jeongi - 11.3k | KTH | F, S, college au, roommate au, best friend to lovers
Moirai @jimlingss - 46.9k | KTH | F, A, isekai au, fantasy au, reborn as a villain in a video game
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Taking Flight @rmnamjoons - 15.2k | KNJ | S, sci-fi, post-apocalypse, rivals to friends to lovers au
Lining’s Silver @sketchguk - 14.1k | MYG | S, F, College au, idiots to lovers, enemies to lovers 
Even a Forest Fire Dies Out @9uk - 6.6k | JJK | A, F, exes au (a re-read) ✅
Southpaw @starshapedkookie - 30k | JJK | A, S, F, childhood friends, college au, boxer au, kinda e2l-ish (a re-read, that fight scene was just exhilarating) 🔥🥊 ✅
All That We Had @starlightauroras-writes - 13k | JJK | Heavy A, S, F, exes au, reunion, ex-husband!JK ✅ (author said there’ll be Pt2)
After the Honeymoon Fades @onherwings - 13k | MYG | A, S, F, established relationship (on the rocks), producer!yoongi, professor!OC ✅
Cozy Thief @bratkook - 5.1k | JJK | F, S, roommates au, mutual pining ✅
Quiet Baby by bratkook - 3.2k | JJK | S, established au, pwp, exhibitionism✅
Come Over by bratkook - 7.2k | JJK | S, pwp, neighbors au, voyeurism ✅
Tear You Apart by bratkook - 17.4k | KTH | S, pwp, slight horror, paranormal
01  ✅ 02 (to read)
Breathe @ephemeralkookie - 6.9k | JJK | A, S, F, exes au, multiple break-ups   ✅
Shield @namgukgalore  - 18.6k | JJK | F, S, slow burn, security guard!JJK, co-workers au ✅
Imitation of Art by namgukgalore - 9.6k | KTH | F, S, romance, friends to lovers
High School Reunion @btsarmy9593 - 6k | MYG | F, reunion, second chances ✅
One Night Ride by btsarmy9593 - 3.8k | JJK | F, hints of S, college!JK, noona, one night stand au ✅
Off the Table @fakeleaves - 11k | KNJ | A, F, exes to lovers  ✅
By its Cover @crystaljins - 38.9k | JHS | F, A, enemies to lovers, demon au, magic/supernatural, witch!reader 
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 ✅
Your Eyes Tell @njkbangtan - 40k | JJK | A, F, mild S, soulmate au, roommates au, enemies to lovers, slow burn, a bit sugar baby au, lawyer!reader, artist!jungkook 
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15   ✅
Popular-ish (drabble series) @hansolmates - 16.1k | JJK | F, S, A, popular!JJK, normie!reader, college au, fwb-ish
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09  10 11 12 13  ✅ 🥰
One More Time (Finale) - 7.3k | reunion ✅ 
No One @dfdph - 21k | JJK | A, extreme sports, slice of life, epistolary (in form of letters), heavy angst (not kidding! with trigger warnings; written so beautifully but angst may not be for all) ✅
Repercussions: Suspenders, Satin and Stockings @pars-ley​ - 3.1k | MYG | S, pwp, established relationship ✅
Have Faith in Me @aroseforyoongi - 6.4k | KTH | S, F, werewolf au, soulmates au, bestfriends to lovers ✅
The Art of Boxing @seokiie -  3.1k | JJK | S, pwp, boxing au ✅
Beautiful Confession @btsracket - 6.3k | JJK | S, F, fake dating, friends to lovers  ✅
Tongue Tied @btssavedmylifeblr - 12k | PJM | S, F, minor A,  crack, demon au, idol verse, established relationship, pwp  ✅
Infamous @sugaxjpg - 12.5k | KTH | S, A, secret relationship au, fuckboy au  ✅
Familiar Stranger @army-author - 7.3k | KTH | F, friends to lovers, high school au, mixed-up identity  ✅
Strangers Again @minniefilms  - 11.4k |  JJK | A, F, enemies to lovers, best friend’s boyfriend
01 02 03 04 drabble ✅
Ruin Him @kingsuckjin​ - 3.5k | JJK | S, pwp, virgin!JK, coworker au ✅
Sex Education @extravaguk - 12k | JJK | S, F, A, brother’s best friend, virgin!OC (actually came out fluffier than expected 🥰)   ✅
In your Eyes @sweetaesuga - 10.6k | JJK | S, F, A, college au, fratboy au, ex-fuckboy jk, friends to lovers ✅
Drabble Series: In Your Heart [4/11] ✅
Lunar Violence @taetaesbaebaepsae - 7.4k | JJK | S, rock band au, werewolf au, ABO dynamics, strangers to lovers ✅
A Fallen Bookmark on a Thursday Afternoon @cutaepatootie​ - 19k | JJK | A, F, S, strangers to lovers, takes the same train every Thursday 😭 ✅
There You Are @joonkookiemonster - 13.4k | JJK | F, S, ABO dynamics, werewolf au  ✅
Here I Come @jiminssthetic - 3k | JJK | S, pwp, college au, friends to lovers ✅
Morning Rush @atdawnsuga - 3.2k | JJK | S, college au, exhibitionism, strangers ✅
(in)Satiable @thatlongspringnight - 11.3k | JJK | S, F, incubus au, lucid dreams ✅
The Red Pool @ksmuttherapy - 3.1k | JJK | S, horror, vampire au, dusk til dawn vibes
inTOXICated @sugarjaee - JJK | A, S, toxic relationship, college au, fboi au  
01 02 03 04 05 06  ✅
Inebriated [Jungkook’s POV] - 7.4k, read after chapter 4 ✅
You’re so Creepy (drabble series) @whatifyoulivelikethat  - 2k per member | OT7 | F, crack, university au, creepy girl au, (actually cute) 
There’s always at least one campus creepy girl. Or seven. Part 1 (1st kiss) Part 2 (2nd meeting)
kim namjoon - part i | part ii (fave)  ✅
kim seokjin - part i | part ii (fave)  ✅
min yoongi - part i | part ii  ✅
jung hoseok - part i | part ii (fave)  ✅
park jimin  - part i | part ii (fave)  ✅
kim taehyung  - part i | part ii ✅
jeon jungkook - part i | part ii  ✅
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Feeling @sometimeinjoon - 2.3k | JJK | demon JJK, established relationship, a bit slice-of-life | love this so much ✅🥰
Warmth @artaefact - 306 words | JJK | fluff, fantasy au, incandesce couple ✅
Too Close @taestybae​ - 1.4k words | JJK | expecting parents au, boxer au, angst  ✅
“i’m yours, in every way you’ll have me” by taestybae - 0.8k | KTH | S, A, fwb au ✅
“Are you Sure?” by taestybae - 2k | KTH | S, F, brother’s best friend | love this!  ✅ 🥰
“The strings are attached already” @taetaespeaches - 1.8k | KNJ | angst, fwb ✅
Deep End @latetaektalk - 2.2k | MYG | angst, fuckboy au, a bit of fluff  ✅
Game Boy @suqakoo - 2.7k | JJK | S, gamer au, enemies to lovers, a bit of fluff ✅🔥
Reese’s It’s All for You @joonkookiemonster - 3.1k | JJK | F, demon au, roommate au, Driving me Wild Halloween Drabble ✅
Transparent @kingsuckin - 793 words | JJK | S, pwp, established relationship, see-through JJK shirt 😉 ✅🔥
Savage Love @whatifyoulivelikethat - | JJK | S, pwp, OC is yoongi’s ex 😬 ✅
🌹  Drabbles by @zephyoongist​  - I love the way these are written. Just beautiful. Truly fluffy (like butterflies in my stomach) and also gives off a deep/for keeps type of dynamics between the characters:
you and yoongi had an unusual friendship... - 665 words | MYG | fluff, mutual pining, friends to lovers ✅🥰
kim taehyung had only met you a few times… - 1.2k | KTH | fluff, accidental pregnancy au ✅🥰 (a fave)
there wasn’t any particular reason as to why min yoongi chose you to be his mate - his luna… - 840 words | MYG | fluff, werewolf au, slice of life ✅🥰
jung hoseok found you when you were about to make the biggest mistake of your life… - 1.5k | JHS | fluff, runaway bride, slice of life | really cute ✅🥰
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godofevrerything · 3 years
OC Masterlist
Not including MM OCs or their second generation ( @mysticsitcom ) or Arcana OCs ( @apprentice-flame ) or OM OCs ( @demon-kisser )
Not including Hell Rising OCs (novel undergoing a rewrite, on AO3 and here on Tumblr) Aaaand not including TMC OCs (my webtoon, The Middle Child)
Bakugo Kaida (she/her), human, BNHA, Bakugo’s twin, heat manipulation quirk
Yagami Mizuki (she/they), human, BNHA, villian and previous UA student, water quirk
Yagami ??? (She/her), human, BNHA, Mizuki’s little sister, demon quirk
Yashido Emiko (she/her), human, BNHA, third year student, intern at Endeavor’s agency, destruction and mass manipulation Speed and agility quirk
Ruby Hastings (she/her), vampire
Alex Caldwell (he/him), vampire, Ruby’s ex husband
Caius Caldwell (he/they), also vampire, Alex’s twin brother and Ruby’s best friend
Eli Jacobs (she/they), human, Ruby and Alex’s girlfriend
Zephyr (they/them), human, a street fighter, free lance hacker and maker of robots
Aurora (she/her), robot, made by Zephyr to take care of them, also sort of their girlfriend (?)
Edythe Angelo (she/her), human, the daughter of a mafia boss, aspiring hacker and one of Zephyrs best friends
Ember Angelo (she/they), human, Edythe’s twin sister, also the daughter of the mentioned mafia boss, manager at the street fighting business, Zephyrs other best friend
Serena Angelo (she/her), human, model, voice actress and the mother of the twins
Laurence Angelo (he/him), human, Serena’s husband, the twins father and the mentioned mafia boss
Kiyo (he/they), kitsune, aspiring actor, stripper, hairdresser, the father of twins
Violet Erie (she/her), half siren and half human, singer, actress, model, Kiyo’s girlfriend and the adopted mother of the twins
Nicholas (he/him), half kitsune and half human, small child, chaos maker, Kiyo’s son
Jasmine (she/her), half kitsune and half human, also small child, hair braider, aspiring peacemaker, Nico’s twin
Addison (she/they), previously human and now a ghost, Minnie and Nico’s aunt, spirit that looks over Kiyo and the twins
Sara Barrows (she/they), human, took a hammer to her husbands car after he left her at the alter and was put in an insane asylum
Althea Crowe (she/her), human, may or may not have killed her abusive husband, was sent to the insane asylum and met Sara
Adaeze (she/they), human, grew up on an alien planet and only recently came down to Earth
Leia (she/her), human, kindergarten teacher, eldest sibling of four kids, Adaeze’s girlfriend
Derek Cain (he/him), human, mafia member, father of Mia
Rose Cain (she/her), human, firefighter, Derek’s little sister
Avi Evans (they/them), human, deceased in some AUs, mafia member, Janelle’s spouse and simp
Seth Morehouse (he/him), deceased, previous mafia member, Derek’s once fiancé and father of Mia
Janelle Evans (she/they), human, fantasy author, Seth’s sister, Avi’s wife
Lucas Meyer (he/they), human, restaurant owner, free lance singer, Rose’s boyfriend
Mia Cain (she/they), human, Derek and Seth’s daughter
Ace (he/they), human, illusionist, street performer, son of [REDACTED], Vienna’s twin
Vienna (she/her), human, acrobat, dancer, fire eater, street performer, daughter of [REDACTED], Ace’s twin sister
Zodiacs, (a story made by me and @fairylightsandthings)
Ava (she/they), Ox Zodiac spirit, local mom of the Zodiacs, ex college student and kidnapped by God
Tora (she/her), Tiger Zodiac spirit, a fighter, slight tsundere with supernatural strength and speed whos not so secretly soft, poly lesbian, Jin’s gf
Jin (she/her), Dragon Zodiac spirit, selective mute, can and will kill again if necessary, does her best but is emotionally constipated, Tora’s gf
Allistor (he/him), Sheep Zodiac spirit, soft boy, heavily manipulated, tries to keep his twin in check but often fails, one of God’s favorites
Emily (she/they), Dog Zodiac Spirit, does not know the meaning of sleep, bossy but doesn’t mean to be, also heavily manipulated, God’s spokesperson and Allistor’s twin sister
Raine (she/they), current reincarnation of the Goddess of Death, apathetic and cold, morally grey, occasionally shields the Zodiacs, has a demon
Noir (they/he/she), mentioned demon above, was summoned by Raine and now under a strict contract with her till she dies, doesnt mind at all, simp but also feeds off of human souls and still can and will kill
Feel free to ask about any of em ^^
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raynydaystorytime · 3 years
Here are a bunch of AU settings to insert your characters into
Perfect for AUs, OCs, Prompts, or Crossovers
Non Specific/Historical:
Coffee Shop/College/High School (the classics)
Pirate/High Seas (perfect for enemies to hostages to lovers)
Survival (Characters are caught in a shipwreck/plane crash/ train wreck and are now stranded in the middle of wilderness)
Medieval/Witch (Character A is a terrifying evil witch... or are they?)
Space Opera/Sci-fi (like the pirate one but in space)
Superhero/Villain (western comic book style or japanese sentai, your pick. who’s a hero and who’s a villain? are the villains actual evil people? or just misunderstood?)
Victorian/Steampunk (self explanatory)
Youtuber/Social Media (are the characters on tumblr? twitter? discord? how does everyone type?)
Sengoku/Samurai (are your characters honorable warriors? or underhanded knaves?)
WWII (Wartime angst, so much angst)
Fighter Pilots (WWI, Steampunk, or modern/ace combat setting , your pick)
Mecha Pilots (Steampunk? sci fi? pacific rim?)
Wild West/Oregon Trail (don’t catch dysentery)
Great Expedition/Atlantis (your characters are exploring a new unknown land, what kind of threats await them? why are they exploring in the first place? do any of them have closer ties to the place being explored?)
Zombie/Robot/Alien Apocalypse (dont get bit, zapped, or exterminated)
Musician/Dance/Band (what instruments do characters play? what kind of group do they play in? orchestra? rock band?)
Circus/Acrobats (what are your characters acts in the circus? do they like being a part of the circus? is it the only place that accepts them?)
Actors/Filming (your characters are now actors in a theatre/movie/tv series, is the movie/tv series the setting/story they originally came from? what are all their quirks as actors?)
Detectives/Phantom Thieves (who’s a phantom thief and who’s trying to catch them? are they a world renowned detective? a simple security guard? or somewhere in between? what’s the phantom thief’s mundane identity? do other characters interact with them in their everyday lives?)
Urban Fantasy/Halloween (are characters vampires? werewolves? ordinary humans? are monsters being hunted? do they deserve it? or are they just trying to blend in?)
Specific Franchises:
Pokemon (Classic franchise setting. What’s everyone’s partner pokemon?)
Avatar the legend of Aang/Korra (What elements can your characters bend? are they even benders in the first place?)
Kingdom Hearts (Keyblades)
Bloodborne/Dark Souls/Demon Souls (prepare to die. hopefully it isn't permanent)
Monster Hunter (is everyone a hunter? or do some characters work for the guild? or do other kinds of work? what weapons do the hunters use?)
Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing (who just moved into town? why? what characters were living in town already?)
DnD/Tabletop Roleplaying Games (who’s DM? what’s everyone’s characters? who has the best/worst luck with the dice?)
Danganronpa (what’s everyone’s talent? or do some characters not have talents? who kills who?)
Minecraft Server (who runs the server? what’s everyone’s playstyles? do characters get into fights?)
Titanfall/Apex Legends (what’s everyone’s special equipment/ability? what titans do they pilot? are they part of the milita? IMC? Apex Predators? or a different mercenary company?)
OMORI (obligatory, kek. Character A starts having vivid dreams, why? how do their happy saccharine dreams relate to the other characters in real life?)
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wh-wh-whu · 3 years
Whumpmas in July 2021 Day 1 - (Re-)Introduce yourself and/or your creations!
Hi! I don’t think I ever made an actual intro post so I’m using this chance!
I am C, 25, and I have been into whump ever since I can remember (though I only learned this word much more recently, and even then I thought it was only about sickfics and stuff for a long time but that’s a story for another day). English is not my first language but I have been reading stuff in English online for over 10 years, and writing for almost as long (though not well, back then) so it’s a language I’m very comfortable using for my writing hobby (it’s even more comfortable than my mother language when it’s spicy stuff).
This blog is probably not older than a few months. I have written and published mildly whumpy stuff for fandoms I’m in before but I felt the need for content that is focused on the tropes rather than on particular characters, and on the way I found some very talented writers and their amazing OC stories. Unfortunately I can’t follow from here as this is a side blog to my fandom account and having a “messy” dash is a nightmare for me, but I check the whump main tag and the blogs of my fav creators + the people on my notes almost daily.
My masterlist is pinned, if anyone is interested. I usually write for a single fandom at a time, so now that I am dividing my time between my main fandom and whumpy stuff, I am still figuring out how to post often in both (how do you multifandom guys do it???), and it doesn’t help that this is a busy year. So my masterlist is currently short, but I hope to expand it soon.
Under the cut I rant about my works that I post here and talk a bit about my fav whump tropes
I am into slavery whump and dehumanization and this sort of thing. I’m not particularly into the “pet aesthetic” part of pet whump but I don’t mind, it and pet whump has a lot of Good Stuff so it’s probably what I have the most of in my reblogs. The part I am the most into is the whumpee having their whole life in someone else’s hand (be it a whumper or caretaker), and being unable to seek help because the whole thing is legal and socially accepted. I’m a big fan of non human whumpees (aliens, robots, clones, fantasy creatures, etc) as long as they look human, like, I want them to mostly look like a regular person but have the added angst bonus of not being one. I think the only whumpee species that is not fully humanoid that I actively search for is merpeople (all because one day I stumbled upon this art and got obsessed with the concept - I have a whole verse based on it that I hope to write soon).
As for my creations, when I was very young I would come up with whumpy scenarios but they were always random, with unrelated original characters I didn’t care much about. One day I got tired of having to come up with world rules every time, and so I made up a verse with well defined rules that I could use for all my scenarios from then on. As time passed, this verse evolved and I grew attached, I started making characters and plots and changing the rules to fit in with my new tastes. I actually started writing this story back in high school (and showed it to people, rip me) and got stuck when I realized making it more whumpy and making the characters be decent people were conflicting goals. I am currently focusing on making it whumpy and posting snippets of it on tumblr since now I know there are people who are into this stuff like I am, bless you guys (both my stories “Ni and Jay and Jane” and “Joy and Henry” come from it, focusing on different characters)
My other story that I post here is focused on my OC Violet, which I made in high school when I was learning to deal with my teen angst. She started as a self insert, but then I made it whumpy and sci fi and gave her self healing abilities and a creepy evil doctor to torture her so I guess it doesn’t even count as self insert anymore. I have three short chapters written of it that I am currently rewriting and translating, but I have a bunch of ideas, old and new, to try.
I also have in my future plans the mer verse I mentioned earlier, other characters from my big whumpy verse that I would like to write about, and a couple of fics from back when I read catboy AUs in fandoms I’m not in anymore that I want to rewrite and make whumpier. I’m basically dumping here a lot of old stuff that I see in a new light since I learned what whump is and that never reached its full potential back then because I thought no one would want to read a story only about a character suffering lol
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resetting37 · 4 years
My oc aus, as of now.
- The undead au. Audrey is a necromancer and brings back a couple of strangers from the dead, because a. she has no friends, and b. they have unsolved murders.
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- the magnus au. My current favorite au ! It’s one I’m currently drawing a line up for. Basically if my characters served entities in the world of the magnus archives. My only au that takes place in an actual alternate media. 
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- highschool au. If all of my characters were teenagers in the same high school. Basically that’s it.
- animal au. Everything is the same except my ocs are anthropomorphic. 
more designs
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-roadtrip au. I totally forgot about this one ! It’s if my project ocs weren’t lab experiments and instead buddies on a road trip. It’s wholesome and fun :-) I need to bring it back.
-demon au. Oh this one is old too ! I have a whole ass tag for it on my main tumblr. This universe is hyper fantasy. looking at the tag I just wanna drop my current wip and redesign the hell out of all of these. revamp this from the bottom, this was a fun au !
If you didn't go through the tag, it’s just if there was a magical world and there were demons (some are good and some are bad) and demigods. and humans, because we gotta compare the monstrosity to something I guess.
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- super hero au. Oh this one is sooo old. I wanna bring back this one and develop it too. I’m not gonna link any posts, this au is so old it’s on a whole other account. Like, this was one of my drawings for it. That’s Audrey, guys. She got in an accident and had to become part robot I guess. 
Anyway it’s less so heroes and more so mutated people that were taken in by some government thing to their advantage ? Also Sean can fly in this au. That’s all I did with him which feels lame given his character.
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- musical au. Everything is exactly the same as the canon story except there’s musical numbers. This will never be developed any further because I cannot write songs.
- vampire au. This one I never talk about but sits in my head whenever I’m thinking about vampires. Audrey is a newly bitten vampire and befriends some loser vampires who were rejected from some of the biggest covens, so they make a new one. That’s all I have for this. The projects, instead of being the weirdos in this au, are vampire hunters.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Why can't I hold all these cool stories?
CURRENT CRAVINGS: Please see this GDoc, because I have some plots I’d like to try! I’m primarily interested in original plots and characters; setting them in original worlds or fandom worlds is fine. I am not interested in playing canons other than as side characters/world filler as of right now.
I’m over eighteen, and would prefer my partners are, too. This doesn’t mean I’m interested in NSFW-heavy plots; I do not write smut. It just means I’m more comfortable writing and interacting with other adults.
I consider myself to be lit-adv. I tend to enjoy partners in the lit+ category, but as long as you’re an enthusiastic and engaging partner, I don’t care about perfect grammar. I would rather write with someone just as involved and excited as I am, than I would with someone who isn't very engaging but knows exactly what to do with obscure punctuation.
I’m not interested in playing only one type of character or playing against only one type of character. I typically don’t enjoy writing with people who are only interested in playing one type of relationship dynamic or one kind of character (such as only m/f, playing the female, or m/m, playing the “bottom”). I have no problem with these dynamics or characters at all, nor do I have an issue playing against them. I just prefer more variety, compromise, and opportunity.
 OOC chatter is really important to me. I can’t write with someone that I don’t feel like I can get to know. I’m looking for friends, not a faceless reply robot. I won’t communicate over any medium but Discord. I've tried Kik, Hangouts, etc.; they just don't stick for me. If you would prefer first contact be through email, you can shoot me a quick message and your handle to [email protected].
I’m fine with threading in a GDoc or a server, but I will not thread over DMs. It’s difficult to have OOC chatter and the thread over the top of each other.
If you're looking for a partner that writes a reply a day without fail, that's not me. I prefer that we don't have "posting schedules” or set posting times, because I find that it turns writing into a chore. It's great if you reply immediately, and it's totally okay if you need a week to figure something out! You’re absolutely free to poke me. I’m not always the most mindful. However, I’m not going to reply every day. Three to four times a week is my frequency.
I’m interested in both fandom and original settings, and I’m down for playing both canon characters and OCs. I don’t necessarily prefer one or the other. 
I definitely prefer canon doubling from my partners in fandom plots; I mesh better with people who do a little give-and-take when it comes to that. If you only play one canon character or only play OCs against canons and won’t play canons, I don’t think we’ll work.
I can play as many characters as needed, whether it's just one or it's six. Whatever our story calls for, I can manage that. In fact, I would love to play multiple “main” pairings so we can both get what we want, versus a single main pairing (unless it’s a pairing/dynamic we both like equally well). I find more than one facet to a plot really interesting, and multiple characters helps flesh out a story’s dimensions.
I’m absolutely interested in joining groups, so please don’t be shy about asking me to participate in plots with more than two players. So long as they don’t involve me writing sexual NSFW, we’re Gucci; everyone else writing NSFW isn’t a deal breaker for me.
Multiple threads and plots at the same time are no issue for me. In fact, I love the idea that we click so well that we just can't stop coming up with good ideas! So definitely don't be afraid to pitch something new to me, whether it's because you want to switch gears (and drop a thread for another), or want to do everything at once.
Romance is a must for me! I prefer slow and agonizing journeys to get there, but my attention is best held by romantic chemistry between characters.
I can provide writing samples upon request, though I never require them from my partner. Additionally, I have some plots written out if you're interested in that sort of thing. Otherwise, we can brainstorm together!
I’m very much a fandom player. I’m always down for AUs, or inserting our own characters into the plots of fandoms! This is in no way a complete list; never be afraid to ask if I’m into something! I’ve probably forgotten a hundred things I love. 
Most of my fandoms will have favorite canon characters listed with them, both who I like playing and playing against; you’re always welcome to ask about others not listed.* There’s a good chance I’m pretty good with them!
*I will play OCs in every fandom, but I might not play canons in every fandom.
The Bartimaeus Trilogy (Nathaniel, Kitty Jones, and Bartimaeus), DC (any Titan, Jinx, Arthur Curry, Steve Trevor, Circe, and Diana Prince), Elder Scrolls (player canons and/or OCs preferred, but feel free to ask about canons), Fallout: New Vegas and 4 (Arcade Gannon, Paladin Danse, R.J. MacCready, Arthur Maxson, Veronica Santangelo, Cait, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, and player canons), Game of Thrones (Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Ramsay Bolton, and Willas Tyrell), His Dark Materials (OCs preferred), Hunger Games (OCs preferred), Inception (Arthur, and Eames, but OCs preferred), Marvel (Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Bucky Barnes, Miles Morales, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Gwen Stacy, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Kitty Pryde, and Megan Gwynn), Miraculous Ladybug (Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste), The Mortal Instruments (Simon Lewis, Raphael Santiago, and Alec Lightwood), Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Will Solace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez), Star Trek (Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, S'chn T'gai Spock, and Pavel Chekov), Star Wars (Obi Wan Kenobi, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, Mara Jade Skywalker, Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Sintas Vel, and Ahsoka Tano), The Walking Dead (Glenn Rhee, and Negan), Warriors (Firestar, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, and Hawkfrost)
Boku no Hero Academia (Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Todoroki Shoto, and Uraraka Ochaco), Bungou Stray Dogs (OCs preferred, but feel free to ask about canons), Digimon (OCs preferred), Dragon Age (Fenris, Cullen Rutherford, Cassandra Pentaghast, and Dorian Pavus), Final Fantasy VII (Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Reno, and Sephiroth), Harry Potter (Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Regulus Black, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Luna Lovegood; play my favorite ship with me, and I'll do whatever you want, literally.), Mystic Messenger (Choi Saeyoung, Han Jumin, Kang Jaehee, and Choi Saeran), Naruto (Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Gaara, Hyuuga Hinata, and Uchiha Sasuke), Ouran High School Host Club (Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, and Hitachiin Kaoru), Pokémon (Red, Blue, N, Guzma, and player canons)
Avatar: the Last Airbender (particularly Zutara), Eragon, Howl's Moving Castle, Kiznaiver, The Legend of Zelda, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, Tokyo Ghoul, Twilight, Yuri!!! on Ice
For the most part, I’ll genuinely play most any genre! Of course, everyone says that, but then they shoot down all your suggestions because everyone has stuff they don’t like doing. I’ll try to make this as brief as I can, and know that if something isn’t listed, but you’re pretty sure (based on everything else) that I’m into it, then definitely let me know what you’re thinking!
A/B/O (I will not play only alphas for only omegas, nor will I play overly trope-y, non-con, “boys love”/"yaoi" plots.), Age of Sail, alien worlds/alien invasions, celebrity, fairytales and mythology (including “inspired by” retellings), fantasy (including medieval, urban, and high fantasy), alt-historical and modern royalty, mutants/gifted, organized crime, science fiction (especially including aliens), some historical (excluding medieval, colonial, and the Roaring Twenties/Great Depression), supernatural, Victorian (especially the London ton), post-apocalyptic
arranged marriage (I’m always down for slinging our characters together, whether or not they want to. It’s always a bonus if their families hate each other.), enemies to lovers (I love conflict of any sort, especially romantic!), human x not-human (The not-human must be sentient.), bad guy x good guy, intellectual x emotional, captive x captured (especially when the captured is willful, annoying, and full of fight), step-siblings (I don’t play step-parents x step-kids, so please don’t ask!), status/power imbalances (such as characters being from different socioeconomic strata or different ranks/positions in an organization), celebrity x bodyguard (I’m okay with the celebrity being the son/daughter/offspring of someone famous!), famous x not famous, rivals of any sort, unwilling traveling companions, unwilling soulmates
  If any of this interests you, please feel free to reach out to me however! I'm really looking forward to hearing from you!
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1, 8, 12 and 52 for the writing thingy!!!
Look at me finally answering these after like a whole month lol
Thanks for the ask!
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Which one lol, I’ve got many of them. Too many. Really. That, coupled with the fact that I am a slow writer because I keep getting distracted and procrastinating (like with answering these asks,,,,) means that pretty much everyone on this site will die of old age before I finish like any of them :’D
Anyway, I guess I’ll give brief summaries of all of the… main ones. This is gonna be a long one, fellas! I guess in the order I came up with them? Or the order I’m pretty sure I came up with them in.
TT: My original story I’ve been low-key working on and reworking since… 2012…? It’s a fantasy story, and it is… way too long probably. Also needs a lot of work. Worldbuilding and character building and plot building… At the moment, I guess I could summarise it as, our world gets wrecked for some reason, and the main characters, these two girls, who got saved into another, fantasy world with like… a bunch of other survivors, leave the Earth-refugee camp and get tangled with like, politics? Of that world? Well, politics and then eventually like, a war type thing… I didn’t say it was good, and I did also say it needs a whole lotta work. I’m pretty happy with some names younger me came up with though! Also it has dragons, so. Yup.
Fantasy fanfic: I am very good with names, as you’ll come to notice. Anyway this is a.. Hetalia fantasy fic..? I came up with in, like, 2014. I’m not actively working on this one at the moment, but I would like to maybe write it one day, and my most beloved OC originated in this story, you may have seen me mention her in my tags? I haven’t managed to come up with a name for her, but I call her the Asshole Goddess, because she’s a goddess, and also an ass. So.
Anyway this one’s pretty cliche, and it’s like, an absurdly large cast of Hetalia characters ending up in a fantasy world, where a bunch of other characters, who’d gone missing earlier, have apparently been taken to? Then it’s a journey to find and get them back, friendships are formed and magical things are encountered, but uh oh! They’re mortal here and can die! And many do. You may note I was 14 when I came up with it, so. Well. It is quite edgy. Had some good concepts though!
Kingdom AU: Great with names, as I said. This one is also a Hetalia fic, because that is the fandom I’ve been stuck in forever, though mostly just because I’ve so many fics for it. This is the odd one out in my fics though! This is like, a royalty AU of an rp AU me and my friend made by accident one time? The RP, not this AU, this is all my invention. It’s really just for me and my friend, since it’s based on that strange RP and the main thing in it is like and OC x canon character ship? That’s also why it’s the weird one, I don’t usually have much romance in my fics because I’m not big on ships and just prefer gen stuff, but this one is like primarily romance? Lots of pining. And it’s very soft. And I love this AU with all my heart. It’s also got a whole lotta angst!
Basic plot is the more or less classic, kinda cliche, peasant girl goes to get a job in the royal palace to help her poor family and meets the crown prince, and they become friends, and slowly fall in love.. Except, well, this is weird also in that the end point isn’t them getting married or confessing their love or anything, that’s like...Maybe the midpoint? There’s also politics, kinda worldbuilding? It’s set in like a 1700s type setting, I think, And while it’s not really a fantasy world since no magic, it’s not like, a real world setting. Anyway, yeah, this is near and dear to my heart.
The Home Front Fic: This! This is the one I’ve been trying to work on lately! It’s about life on the Finnish home front during WWII, and yes this is uh, also a Hetalia fic. Sorry. Though to be fair with this one and the previous one everyone’s probably gonna be so OOC and the setting is so different they might as well just be original works lol. Anyway, it’s a human AU, and also had a lot of OCs for that reason because it’d be tough to make a story of this scope with like. Three characters.
Basically! Tino is a 8, soon to be 9-year-old boy living in the Finnish countryside in 1942. His dad’s gone off to war, as well as the farmhand they had at the farm, and his mom and grandma can’t take care of the whole farm by themselves. So when they hear a nearby factory and some other farms in the area are getting extra work force in the form of Soviet prisoners of war, they decide to ask for one, too. They get a worker, his name’s Ivan. It takes some time, since they’re technically enemies, right, but eventually Tino befriends him and slowly he kind of becomes a part of the family… But you know what happened when the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union ended in September 1944? :) Well, I’ll just say that Stalin did say “There are no Soviet prisoners of war, only traitors.”
This one also has angst. But it also has found family! I like it a whole lot, I wish I’d written it already, but I have been having such a hard time starting it. :(
That BNHA Fic: I can call it that because I’ve only got one so far! So this is a My Hero Academia fic, and hmm. I haven’t talked about it too much, but I do like it, even though my focus has been pulled back to the Home Front Fic again. I do wanna write this one!
So this is like a future fic? It’s canon divergent because some stuff happening in the manga rn is not gonna work with the plot, I guess it’ll diverge at least from like… all the New Year’s chapters? I don’t remember what the number is.
Anyway, the main character is Eri, who’s been going to like this boarding school meant for kids with volatile quirks. She wanted to go there herself when some years ago her quirk had gone bonkers, she thinks? Something like that, she doesn’t remember that well anymore, but anyway, she’s going to apply to UA! Just the Gen-Ed, her quirk isn’t any good against robots. She’d love to be a hero, though, she knows so many heroes and she just wants to help people, but her quirk is no good. :( Anyway she’s back in Musutafu for the summer break in her last year of middle school, and she meets Mirio and Aizawa at the train station, and they go around the town meeting everyone! In the entrance exams she meets Kouta, who for some reason doesn’t want to be a hero though he’s got a really good quirk for it, and he’s proud of his parents who were famous heroes! They both get into UA, and she manages to convince him to try to get into the hero course through the Sports Festival, and he does! She doesn’t get that far in the festival though, because even though she’s practiced using her quirk, she’s scared to use it on people when in battle and stuff. Anyway, she’s very upset about it, and when she tells Mirio about how she wants to help people, but can’t, because her quirk sucks, he gets this look on his face and later tells her that he knows someone who could help. They go to meet this scarecrow lookin’ dude, and oh wait, is that All Might?? Why’s he refusing to help her out from Mirio’s request?? And later, what’s this One For All Mirio’s talking about?? And whose kind arms does she keep dreaming of in her sleep??? 
So yeah. That’s the BNHA fic. One more WIP to go!
Space Fic: Back to Hetalia, and this is technically an older fic but I decided to someday actually write it just recently. So it’s my Historical Human AU No. 3. It’s based on a space facts video fact, where it said that in 1963 Kennedy had proposed the USSR and US go to the Moon together, and Khrushchev had been meaning to agree, but then Kennedy died and the plan was abandoned. This story idea was like, but what if they’d gone through with it? And then, because why not, what if they’d included other countries as well? And this WIP was born. It’d be like, the main characters would be representatives of their home countries, sent to take part in the program and they’d all be candidates for going to the Moon, but there’d be only 3 spots on the rocket so like, they’d kind of have to compete for the spots? And the ones that wouldn’t pass would take part in the mission on Earth. So then there'd compete, there’d be personal drama, their personal relationships would be affected by the relationships between their home countries, but overtime friendships would be forged, and they’d all just become… one big ole found family. A space family. A big ole found space family. And the Overview Effect would also play a part. This is kind of on the back burner, this’ll need lots of research and the Home front fic also needs a lot of it, so I’ll try to.. write that first, I guess? We’ll see.
So that’s all my WIPs. There are other fic ideas that I haven’t put much thought into yet so they’re not on the list, but yeah!
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
I don’t have any one person who I’ve talked to about all of my stories, but I have discussed my stories with a few people! Both online and irl. I’m also on a couple discord servers that are for writing or where people talk about writing, even though for the most part I’m too shy to talk much on any of them ;u; But the people who’ve been awesome enough to listen to me ramble about my stories have helped me a lot!
12. Which story of yours do you like best? Why?
Aaaa, don’t make me choose between my children! ;__; I love them all,,,
Well, I am very fond of TT, since it’s my own original story and I’ve worked on it the longest… Then again, the Kingdom AU has a lovely aesthetic and those two pining idiots in it… But also, that BNHA fic has some really nice plot and character moments? But also I’ve spent so long researching for the Home front fic and it’s got my boys in it! And the atmosphere in it is so nice, and it has found family,,, But then also… Space??? And even the fantasy fanfic has the Asshole Goddess in it?? And a nice storyline with Liech?? See I can’t choose ;_;
To be fair, the story my dumb brain takes interest in changes every now and then, for example lately I’ve been mostly thinking about TT, the Kingdom AU and the Home front fic, so I guess those would be my favorites at the moment? But a couple weeks ago I was really into the Space Fic, and at the start of the year it was the BNHA fic. So it depends! But I do love them all.
52. Who do you write for?
Well, primarily probably for myself. I do often find myself in a situation where I’m looking for fics or books to read but none of them really click, and then I realize I’m looking for my own story. Which I haven’t written. So that’s definitely a big one! Then, to some extent, I also write for the people I’ve rambled about my fics to, so they might maybe someday get to experience the whole thing through something other than just my ramblings :’D But mostly for myself, I think.
Thanks for the ask again and sorry for taking so long!
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the-resurrection-3d · 5 years
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So anyway I edited my fic masterlist to procrastinate. This is only the Eddsworld portion, divided up by ship. The very end has my multi-ship collections, so if you want ficlets of X ship, check those. Includes nsfw links. I’ll keep this post updated!
melty future - it’s hard out here for a lost time traveler and a bunch of mutant freaks  | rated T | 1.5k | Tags - 3-sentence fic collection, found family 
tasteless - tom takes a demon to Denny’s | rated T |  2.3k | tags - fantasy / CB AU, underage drinking, brief eye horror, arson 
thank god I’m pretty (in bits and pieces) - when Matt is fourteen, his aunt tells him the world is going to end. | “finished”, 6k | Tags - misgendering, gender fantasy AU, minor character death 
we buffer, we suffer - edd and Tord try and write a reader-insert fanfic about their favorite OC, Clownius Thundercock | rated M | 1.2k | tags - cock slapping, tentacles, rescue, breast fucking, bukkake, characters writing fanfiction 
sunshine sparkle -  matt wonders what it would be like, living someplace other than a gremlins’ den | rated T | .6k | tags - background polyworld, matt gets irl cyberbullied 
went for the kiss and got the bite - tord and Matt spend the last hours of Christmas together, and maybe set a guy on fire in the process. | rated T | 1.2k |  tags - implied drug use, zombie AU
bezoar -“Fine, whatever, but if he pukes on me I’m putting all your heads on pikes.” Instead of his giant robot, Tord gets the flu, and Tom tries to get even | rated T | 1.2k | Tags - sick fic, canon divergent, post The End, vomiting | FFN mirror | Wattpad mirror 
Dumb / I stole my dad’s fic and made it tomtord because I like giving him a stroke - fuck you, dad you suck  | rated M | .3k 
Only God Forgives - what a lovely, useful idiot | rated E | 1.2k | Tags – A/B/O, Cervix Penetration, Vaginal Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
orange  | rated M | .5k | tags – gentle sex, fluff, cockwarming
and everything you say gives me a real bad feeling – five times Edd lost Tord and the one time he found him again. (tonight, I am pleased to announce a comedy in six parts) | wip, 7.5k | Tags – canon divergence, high school AU, zombeh AU, creatures and monsters AU, green leader AU, post-canon, alternate timelines, pining, one-sided relationship, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending | FFN mirror 
crush - “i’m gonna get Matt to burn that,” Edd says...Tord runs his fingers gently over Garfield’s face, the white thought bubble asking, Why me?, before he simply says, “You wouldn’t. You think my pain is too funny.” | rated E | 1.7k | tags - omegaverse, cannibalism, vaginal sex, weird biology, metafic, mild gore 
peter pan syndrome- edd asks, what do you want to be when you grow up? it sounds better than so where the fuck have you been? and I dreamt an even uglier version of you made me eat lead. | rated T | 1.3k | tags - minimalism, drugs mention, sexual humor, morning after, reminiscing | FFN mirror, Wattpad mirror 
nobody - he didn’t buy that old cloning machine for nothing | rated E | 1.5k | tags - exhibitionism, referenced TomMatt, oral sex, fingering, over-stimulation 
show me your blood - "see, we have all worked very hard to put value down on paper, and I am not going to dishonor our efforts by never stealing from another man.I said yes to the world and I have never been told no since.” | rated T | 7.3k | tags - established relationship, time travel, green leader au, hurt no comfort 
The Pinnacle of Romance – “I just wanted to have a romantic evening” | rated M  | Tags – gun kink/play, power play, roughhousing, reunions, porn with feelings | FFN mirror  
werewolf heart - this is the part Green Leader finds easy | rated G | .6k | tags - implied brainwashing, noncon kissing 
interlude to a guiltless exile - matt looks into those haunting eyes – silver pools without white, only large cuts of black. Shark’s eyes. Looking for too long makes Matt feel like when he’s dreaming and the tide’s pulling the earth out from under his feet. “How long can you survive out of water?” | rated T | 1.5k | tags - mermaid AU, fluff and hurt/comfort
mortals sipping nectar at five cents a glass - tom needs help relaxing, and Matt is happy to indulge him... | rated M | 1.1k | tags - experimental style, implied alcoholism, massages, fluff, angst with a happy ending, non-graphic smut, background polyworld | Wattpad mirror 
survivors - “the premise is that this doctor gets stranded on an island and eventually has to start cutting off his own legs and stuff for food” | rated T  | .5k | Tags – sexual humor, zombeh AU, references to drugs, references to cannibalism, pov second person
always said I'd be famous (guess that I lied) - sssh, it's okay baby, he soothes, petting Tom's hair; I have a dick big enough for all of us. Matt snorts, hides his grin behind his hand. Tord inspects his nails. Before Tom can chip in (holding onto him tight enough so he can't move his arm back for a good gut punch), Edd snaps at Matt, Just read the damn story. | rated T | 1.1k | tags - pillow and blanket forts, reading aloud, mild sexual content, fluff without plot
birthday cake - "you ungrateful —" Matt goes in for the side of Edd's stomach, the kill zone. "It's my birthday and I'm not only giving you head but a piece of modern. art.—" a few quick cuts of his hand to frame his face "—to commemorate the occasion." | rated M | .9k | tags - oral sex, foursome - m/m/m/m, shyness, hand jobs 
[insert neutral milk hotel quote] - matt gets fucked ; a direct sequel to ‘stupid fucking bullshit’ | rated E | 2.8k | tags - gangbang, oral sex, metafiction, monster tom, bottom matt, dirty talk, subdrop, over-stimulation, trans male character 
but I am home - maybe in this story the wolf doesn’t have to die | rated M | wip, 2k | Tags - subdrop, aftercare, nightmares, hurt/comfort, implied pet play, self harm mention, rape mention, red riding hood AU, bookstore AU
damnatio memoriae - shakespeare was wrong; most of us are not players. |  rated T | 1.2k | tags - one-sided attraction, army life, public execution, first person pov 
daze - "and then they fucked." - William Shakespeare | rated E | .3k | tags - vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, porn without plot, triple drabble 
our love gorges - while Red Leader and his unlucky human friend negotiate over dinner, Paul and Patryck are left to their own devices | Paultryck, background PaulTordtryck | finished, 10.4k | Tags – fantasy AU, bdsm, scratching, comfort sex, dom/sub, aftercare, mild blood, burnplay, blow jobs, outdoor sex, unhealthy coping mechanisms, suicidal thoughts, body horror, control issues, praise kink, consensual but not safe or sane, dead dove: do not eat
soft boy hours - let’s be young for a while | rated M | 1.6k | Tags - massage, frottage, fluff and smut, foreplay, post-canon | FFN mirror 
the ren and stimpy show - on today’s episode: Tord has very strange fantasies | rated T | 1k | Tags - domestic fluff, post-canon, sexual humor, minimalism | FFN mirror 
lain with holy wars - do you want kids? | rated T | .6k | tags - post-canon, implied child abuse / domestic violence, fluff, light angst 
some fuckin stupid bullshit just read the tags and get off my balls - I reach into hat labeled “story ideas.” It says, “Everyone gangbangs Paul.” Again? Hat falls and spills. They all say, “Everyone gangbangs Paul.” | PaulEdd, Paultryck, PaulTord, TordPauPat, PaulTom, PaulMatt, MattTom | rated E | 2.5k | Tags - gangbang, ruined orgasm, anal sex, blow jobs, handjobs, creampie, bondage, dom/sub undertones
A.T. Field - “show me where you wanna be touched.” It’s disgusting | Tordtryck, background Paultryck | rated E | 1.3k | Tags - vaginal fingering, angst, implied character death, implied traitor AU, unhealthy relationships, consensual but not safe or sane 
a real crowd pleaser - there are a lot of advantages to fucking your boss. | rated E | 1.3k | Tags - threesome- M/M/M, blow jobs, dom/sub, bondage, orgasm denial 
presented without context - who’s going to tell their fuckbuddy they probably caused their parents’ divorce as they’re getting blown? Never mind, Tord would. | rated E | 1.5k | Tags - threesome, praise kink, spitroasting, dom/sub
violence – you’ve made this place unbecoming. Do I have to stay? | rated G | .6k | Tags – sharing a bed, cuddling and snuggling, hurt/comfort, minimalism fluff | FFN mirror 
clowns, all of you clowns - You fall asleep with his arm clutched to your chest. Various eddsworld ficlets/scraps from the last year | EddTord, TomTord, EddTom, Paultryck, TordPaultryck, Tordtryck | wip, 9.3k | Tags - high school AU, zombies AU, fantasy AU, hurt/comfort, humor, fluff. First chapter is the table of contents. | FFN mirror for chapter 18 [TomTord], FFN mirror for chapter 24 [EddTord], FFN mirror of chapter 20 [Gen, Rejects] 
warped tour - dreamwidth doesn’t have any Eddsworld presence so I’ve declared the 3-Sentence Fic-A-Thon free real estate. First prompt: Tordtryck, there was a hidden message in their miserable Christmas presents | Tordtryck, MattTom, Edd & Matt & Tom & Tord, Tomatoredd & Scribble Tom | finished, 1k | Tags - 3 Sentence Fiction, college AU, bookstore AU, sexual humor, angst and humor, post-apocalypse, zombies | FFN mirror of Rejects parts 
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