#obesity in america
hellisrealwhiteusa · 1 year
No ass Reece
What ass lmao
She’s so jealous well
We’ll make her more so
Well … lol Debbie dang what now
I saved that cunts waist line
You ain’t deb Ashley
Be humble no lip pedigo second to my period
So thru.
Well I hope you are because they’re lying to you
Lying shallow moron cunt
You have no ass
No nothing
Just illusion
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joseywritesng · 2 years
How much weight have we really gained during COVID Lockdown?
How much weight have we really gained during COVID Lockdown?
June 17, 2022 — A little bit of good news from the COVID-19 pandemic: Americans didn’t seem to fill all of the time they spent at home during the early months of the outbreak by stuffing their stomachs. A survey of more than 100,000 adults found that the nation as a whole took on the same weight as a result of home ordering than before the disease arrived. Some arrived, according to the…
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reportwire · 2 years
Brain’s Wiring, Not Lack of Willpower, May Drive Obesity: Study
Brain’s Wiring, Not Lack of Willpower, May Drive Obesity: Study
June 6, 2022 – “You want fries with that?” How you answer that question may have less to do with willpower than you might think. Virginia Tech scientists are taking a deep dive into the brain chemistry that drives cravings for unhealthy fatty foods. Their goal: To find out if the nation’s ever-expanding waistline has as much to do with that’s in our heads as what we put into our bellies. Armed…
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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Obesity in North America, 2021.
by abu_doubleu
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bulking-texan · 2 years
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Doing my patriotic duty
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coffeebeans1356 · 2 months
the only meal i want right now is a gun lol
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dailybehbeh · 10 months
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rickidaho · 3 months
The 1/3 pounder at McDonald’s didn’t catch on cause Americans thought the quarter pounder was bigger. The one time we weren’t fat and it was because we were stupid.
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DAILY DOSE: NASA Revises Costly Mars Sample Return Strategy; Getting Off Obesity Drugs Isn't So Great.
NASA SEEKS NEW PLANS FOR MARS SAMPLE RETURN. NASA is revising its Mars Sample Return (MSR) strategy to retrieve samples collected by the Perseverance rover on Mars, as escalating costs and delays have made the original plan untenable. Initially projected to cost between $2.5 and $3 billion, an independent review now estimates the cost at $11 billion, with a return not expected until 2040—delays…
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blkwag · 2 years
also please don’t come for weston because if any of your players did it yall would’ve thought it was hilarious and would’ve been kicking your feet and giggling about it 
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anarchywoofwoof · 4 months
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the funny thing is that i don't think younger people - and i mean those under the age of 40 - really have a grasp on how many of today's issues can be tied back to a disastrous reagan policy:
war on drugs: reagan's aggressive escalation of the war on drugs was a catastrophic policy, primarily targeting minority communities and fueling mass incarceration. the crusade against drugs was more about controlling the Black, Latino and Native communities than addressing the actual problems of drug abuse, leading to a legacy of broken families and systemic racism within the criminal justice system.
deregulation and economic policies: reaganomics was an absolute disaster for the working class. reagan's policies of aggressive tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and slashing social programs were nothing less than class warfare, deepening income inequality and entrenching corporate greed. these types of policies were a clear message that reagan's america was only for the wealthy elite and a loud "fuck you" to working americans.
environmental policies: despite his reputation being whitewashed thanks to the recovery of the ozone layer, reagan's environmental record was an unmitigated disaster. his administration gutted critical environmental protections and institutions like the EPA, turning a blind eye to pollution and corporate exploitation of natural resources. this blatant disregard for the planet was a clear sign of prioritizing short-term corporate profits over the future of the environment.
AIDS crisis: reagan's gross neglect of the aids crisis was nothing short of criminal and this doesn't even begin to touch on his wife's involvement. his administration's indifference to the plight of the lgbtq+ community during this devastating epidemic revealed a deep-seated bigotry and a complete failure of moral leadership.
mental health: reagan's dismantling of mental health institutions under the guise of 'reform' led directly to a surge in homelessness and a lack of support for those with mental health issues. his policies were cruel and inhumane and showed a personality-defining callous disregard for the most vulnerable in society.
labor and unions: reagan's attack on labor unions, exemplified by his handling of the patco strike, was a blatant assault on workers' rights. his actions emboldened corporations to suppress union activities, leading to a significant erosion of workers' power and rights in the workplace. he was colloquially known as "Ronnie the Union Buster Reagan"
foreign policy and military interventions: reagan's foreign policy, particularly in latin america, was imperialist and ruthless. his administration's support for dictatorships and right-wing death squads under the guise of fighting "communism" showed a complete disregard for human rights and self-determination of other nations.
public health: yes, reagan's agricultural policies actually facilitated the rise of high fructose corn syrup, once again prioritizing corporate profits over public health. this shift in the food industry has had lasting negative impacts on health, contributing to the obesity epidemic and other health issues.
privatization: reagan's push for privatization was a systematic dismantling of public services, transferring wealth and power to private corporations and further eroding the public's access to essential services.
education policies: his approach to education was more of an attack on public education than anything else, gutting funding and promoting policies that undermined equal access to quality education. this was, again, part of a broader agenda to maintain a status quo where the privileged remain in power.
this is just what i could come up with in a relatively short time and i did not even live under this man's presidency. the level at which ronald reagan has broken the united states truly can't be overstated.
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emstefani · 17 days
Gaming "pre-workout" is so fucking stupid. You are energizing yourself just to sit in a chair all day?
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Obesity in North America
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aelusnovaamora · 1 month
kinda weird how obesity is such a problem in the us when we have the whole culture about "eating everything on our plates" while companies have more than doubled the calories and massively increased the portion sizes in the past 50 years and are more unregulated than every other developed country in the world. i wonder how that happened.
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lsmolinari · 2 months
Could Ozempic be a new weapon in military arsenal?
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bli-o · 3 months
ha ha americans are so [symptom of poor standard of living] we’re so much more [quality only made widely accessible by well-funded public services] in [Western European country]
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