#now we get to the . Spicy stuff. hehe
fluffs-n-stuffs · 9 months
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Morty never feared the dive. Not until he learned how it felt to drown.
>>> Next <<< Previous (Destiny Bond; a Pokémon fancomic --- pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11, ???)
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hi bubby! hey, could i get a smut fic/imagine with top! regina teaching an inexperienced y/n sex stuff? y/n is all like "she is jst teaching me" but regina definitely has a crush on y/n and is taking the opportunity to make a move on reader?? lots of praise, size difference, thigh riding? pls? ^^ thanks
Sex Education
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Description: Reader and Regina are partnered for a project in health class. Regina learns that reader hasn't had ✨spicy✨ time before and offers a helping hand to her crush.
WARNINGS: top!regina, bottom!reader, praise kink, size kink (regina is 5'10 and reader is 5'3), thigh riding (reader receiving), oral (regina and reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), regina has a mommy kink hehe, aftercare, regina is a warning herself.
18+!!!!!! Get your holy water. Amen
Regina George always got what she wanted.
New car? Her dad had it for her within hours.
New shoes? Same-day shipping.
New flavor of the month? She had a line of North Shore students to choose from.
The only flavor Regina wanted, was one she had never even thought of tasting until recently.
Y/N Y/L/N.
The girl was a nobody to everyone at North Shore, but as of lately, she was everything to Regina. The blonde had noticed Y/N one day in health, trying to keep up with Coach Carr's weird lesson plans.
The girl had been nibbling on the end of her pen, listening to the droning sound of the man's voice as he tried to explain condoms to the class. Regina's eyes stay glued to the girl's mouth the whole class, the blonde imagining the filthiest things.
She had told Gretchen to get as much information on the girl as she could for her, which thankfully for Regina, didn't take long. She learned that Y/N had moved to North Shore halfway through their freshman year, played softball, and was gay.
Regina could already taste the victory.
For the next few weeks, the blonde was obsessed with Y/N. Going as far as to stay after school and watch the girl workout with her teammates. Y/N was noticing the attention she was getting from Regina, as did her friends, but she shook it off as Regina just playing with her mind.
It all came to a head a week later, as Coach Carr read out Y/N and Regina's names to be partnered up. The blonde smiled smugly at Y/N, making her blush deeply. As the man explained their "project" (he told them to go watch porn and write a paper about it), Regina moved over to sit next to Y/N.
"So. I know you workout after school, but how about you come over so we can do this project and...get to know each other more?" Y/N couldn't do anything but nod. The girl had no idea what she had just signed up for.
Hours later, the girls were in Regina's room, the blonde scrolling through PornHub, trying to find a semi interesting video. Y/N was trying to figure out how to write an essay about porn when Regina spoke up.
"So, what's your preferred category of porn, baby?" Y/N blushed deeply. "O-oh. I don't watch it." Regina looked at the girl curiously. "Really? That's adorable, baby. I'm honored to take your porn virginity."
Y/N's blush got even deeper. Regina instantly noticed. "What's wrong baby? Are you embarrassed? Don't be. It's just porn." Y/N shook her head and tried to go back to her outline but Regina gently grabbed her chin to stop her.
"Are you embarrassed about something else, sweetie? You can tell me. We're friends now, this is what friends do." Y/N didn't think that was true but she knew Regina was right somehow. Y/N sighed and whispered.
"I've never had sex with a girl before."
Regina felt like she hit the lottery. Oh, she was going to ruin this girl. "That's okay baby. You don't have to be embarrassed. If you don't mind me asking, who did you lose your virginity to?" Y/N looked down at her lap. "It was Jack on the football team." Regina smiled softly at the girl. "Oh, you sweet thing. I bet he didn't even make you finish, did he?"
Y/N shook her head. "It was more of an enjoyable experience for him." Regina nodded and rubbed Y/N's arm, pretending to ignore the goosebumps that formed. "Well, I have experience in making girls feel good. How about I help you out? Make you experience how you first time should've gone."
Y/N hesitantly nodded and the blonde smashed their lips together. The kiss started out soft and sweet but Regina turned it into a fiery, passionate make out. She pulled the shorter girl onto her lap, hands automatically going to her ass.
Y/N moaned at the contact, giving Regina the chance to begin marking up her neck. "Fuck. You're gonna look so pretty with my marks all over you baby." Y/N whimpered and began to softly grind against Regina's thigh. The blonde smirked and grabbed Y/N's hips, guiding her.
"Oh, my sweet girl, you just need some relief don't you? Don't worry, Mommy will take care of you." Y/N felt heat shoot straight to her core as she tried to grind faster, but the blonde kept her pace. "No, no baby. I wanna enjoy this. I'm gonna ruin you for anyone else. You're only gonna want me. Understand?"
Y/N nodded. "Yes, Mommy." Regina groaned. "And such good manners. I'm keeping you forever baby. And since you've been so good, use Mommy's thigh to get yourself off and you'll get a reward."
Y/N began to grind faster, desperate to please the blonde beneath her. Regina watched as the girl rode her thigh like a mad woman. She smiled at the desperation in Y/N's movements. She put her hands up Y/N's shirt, grabbing at her breasts as the girl moaned loudly.
"Cum whenever you need baby. You're doing so good." That was the breaking point for Y/N as she stiffened, her orgasm washing over her as Regina whispered praises to her. Y/N slumped against the blonde, Regina kissing her temple.
"Take your time baby, we have all the time in the world."
Y/N was now on her back, fully naked, watching Regina strip. "Since you've been so good, I told you that you would get a reward." Y/N nodded excitedly as Regina slowly crawled up the bed, kissing her way up Y/N's body.
Y/N was curious to know what her reward was when Regina crawled all the way up to Y/N's face, her pussy on full display for the girl beneath her. "Mommy is going to let you eat her pussy baby. We're gonna do something fun."
Regina turned and straddled Y/N's face, still hovering. "While you eat Mommy's pussy, Mommy is going to eat your pussy baby. Sound fun?" Y/N nodded and pulled Regina's pussy closer to her face and began to eat her like she was her last meal.
Regina was caught off guard but moaned at the feeling. "Oh fuck. Such a good girl aren't you baby?" Y/N moaned and Regina leaned down and gently sucked Y/N's clit into her mouth, causing the girl's hips to buck.
Regina smirked and began licking and sucking harder. Y/N was moaning into her pussy and the vibrations sent shivers down her spine. They began to bring each other to a shared high. Regina wanted Y/N to cum before her, since she had been so good and expertly slid two fingers into Y/N's core.
The girl moaned loudly as the blonde began to pump her fingers. Y/N kept eating Regina's pussy as she desperately wanted the blonde to feel good. Regina could tell Y/N was getting close, as was she. The blonde spoke up. "You can cum whenever, angel. Mommy wants to make you feel good. You've been such a good girl."
Y/N felt the pleasure bubble burst as Regina's words took her over the edge, the girl cumming all over Regina's fingers. Y/N cumming so pretty for her set her off as she came hard in Y/N's mouth. They helped each other ride out their highs as Regina adjusted and laid next to Y/N.
She looked at the girl, who had her cum covering the lower half of her face. She looked blissfully fucked out as Regina smirked at her work. She leaned over and kissed Y/N, also licking her cum off her face, moaning at the taste of herself.
The blonde got up, smiling at the whine Y/N let out. "Hang on baby. I gotta get you cleaned up." Y/N unwillingly let Regina go to the bathroom to grab a damp towel.
The blonde gently took the towel and wiped between Y/N's thighs, cleaning the mess as Y/N twitched. "Shhh...baby. I'm almost done. My good, sweet girl. So perfect." Y/N melted into the mattress at the praise.
The blonde finished her job and cleaned herself quickly before grabbing clothes for her any Y/N. After gently wrestling Y/N into the clothes, the blonde walked to the mini fridge she had in her room and grabbed a water, a gatorade, and a banana and gently coaxed Y/N to take the snacks.
Y/N drank all the gatorade, three quarters of the water and ate the banana and Regina pulled the girl into her arms. "You did so good for me baby. My sweet angel. All mine, huh baby?" Y/N nodded sleepily. "All yours, Mommy."
The next day in school, dressed in a pink hoodie a size too big, and covered in a fresh set of hickies, Y/N walked with her new girlfriend to Health class. No one said a word when Regina pulled Y/N into her lap, whispering what their classmates assumed the dirtiest things in her ear, the two girls fully ignoring Coach Carr.
No one said anything about the new couple, knowing better than to ask questions.
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junkissed · 1 year
something spicy, something sweet
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member — junhui x f reader genre — smut, fluff/comfort word count — 2.1k synopsis — the last few days you've been coming home from work exhausted, but now that you finally have a day off you have time for a little something sweet from your boyfriend. content warnings — established relationship, mentions of food (jun makes soup for dinner), there's one (1) screenshot of text msgs at the very beginning smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, unprotected sex, lots of kissing, praise, it's very vanilla but it's soft and sleepy and romantic notes — requested by @foxdaisy — i looove writing soft cute fluffy stuff like this so i was very happy to see this request hehe. i hope you enjoy!
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jun sets his phone on the counter, leaving it face up as he goes to start making dinner. you’d been staying late at work the past couple days to finish a big project, and he hated seeing you come home so exhausted and worn out. 
he sighs and turns the stove on with a click, setting a pot over the burner. the least he could do is have your favorite meal ready for you when you get home. he loves cooking for you, especially on nights when you’re much too tired to.
he’s so caught up in the recipe, making sure that everything will be perfect for you, that he doesn’t even notice how much time has passed until he hears your keys jingling in the front door and your soft footsteps coming into the kitchen. he turns around excitedly, waving at you as you walk towards him. “hi, sweetheart! i made dinner.”
you give him a tired smile, wrapping your arms around his stomach. “thank you, junnie. i appreciate it.”
he leans over to press a kiss to your forehead, grinning when you laugh a little. “of course.”
you kiss his cheek, then walk away to wash your hands in the bathroom while he dishes up the soup he made. he pours a generous amount into your favorite bowl, the red one with flowers on it, before setting it on the table at your spot and taking his own bowl to sit down at his spot while he waits for you.
you come back in and sit down, eagerly digging in. “this is delicious, junnie,” you say in between spoonfuls.
he smiles and reaches out to hold your hand. “i’m so glad! i put those new spices you got in it, i was afraid it might be too much.”
“no, it’s great. i needed something spicy.”
he giggles and takes a sip from his spoon. “so how was your day?”
“it was alright,” you shrug, wiping your napkin across your chin from where little bits of soup dripped. “we finished the project we were working on, though. i’m happy it’s finally done with.”
jun claps his hands. “yay! do you think you’ll get a break now?”
“probably not,” you laugh. ‘but i took tomorrow off anyway. i need a day to just sleep.”
“oh, that’s good!” jun grins. “we can sleep in for once! my boss told everybody not to come in tomorrow.”
you finish the rest of your dinner slowly, talking here and there about your day and laughing when jun gets soup all over his face when he bends down to slurp it from the bowl.
you stand up to wash your dish but jun waves you away, taking it from you instead and putting it in the dishwasher. “i’ll do the dishes later,” he says with a smile. “but now i wanna spend time with you.”
your cheeks warm but you let him have the bowl, giving him another kiss before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. too many nights you’ve come home and gone straight to bed, though jun always waits up for you because he likes going to sleep together. tonight you’ve got a little more energy than usual, still riding the high of finishing your work and having a well-deserved break.
by the time you’re done washing your face and putting on your pajamas, jun is already sitting on his side of the bed waiting for you, the soft glow of the lamp filling the room. you walk over and climb in next to him and when you nod he turns off the light, adjusting himself in next to you.
you lay on your side facing him, and you can still see him in the light of the streetlight shining in through the window.
“i missed you,” jun says with a smile. “i’m glad you’re home.”
“me too,” you sigh, relaxing into the mattress. 
jun slips his arm around you, scooting a little bit closer to you. it’s quiet for a few seconds, and you frown, thinking he’s already wanting to sleep. you’re finally home with time off, and you don’t want to go to bed quite yet.
“‘m not that sleepy yet,” you whisper, and he tilts his head to look over at you. you reach out and gently run your fingers along his chest, feeling how soft and smooth his skin is beneath your fingertips. goosebumps prickle on your body as you think about all the times you’ve seen him like this, his bare chest sitting in front of you as he holds you.
“you wanna snuggle some more?” he asks, and his voice sounds so gentle that you don’t know how to tell him you aren’t really in the mood for cuddling.
“maybe… more than snuggling,” you answer shyly, resisting the urge to hide your face in the pillows in embarrassment.
a knowing look spreads across his features, and he rolls over to get closer to you. “oh, really? like what?” he teases. he knows exactly what you want, but he likes hearing it from you.
“want—you,” you sigh out as his hands slide down your side, squeezing your hip encouragingly.
“i’m right here, baby,” he giggles, and you swat at his arm. “all you have to do is tell me.”
"missed you," you start as your hands begin to explore his body. "missed… having you inside me."
jun moans, and the sound goes right through you as his hand slip beneath your shirt, running along your skin, touching you everywhere. "missed it too, baby. god, i missed all of you."
you sit up on your elbow so he can carefully slip your shirt up and over your head, letting it fall to the floor behind you. he rolls over as you fall onto your back and he shifts on top of you, slotting his leg between your thighs as his lips find yours.
you exhale against him, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you as his kisses deepen.
he moves his mouth away from yours and begins kissing down your body, attaching his lips to your neck, your collarbones, your chest, anywhere he pleases. you giggle when he pushes his face into your boobs, feeling his smile against your skin. 
he readjusts so that he's laying fully on you, balancing his weight on his elbows on either side of your body. he leans down to kiss you again, and you thread your fingers into his hair the way he likes.
you can feel him starting to grind against your thigh, growing harder the longer he kisses you. he reaches down in between your bodies to pull his cock out of his pajama shorts, pushing them down his long legs until they pool around his knees.
you moan when you feel him tap his cock against your abdomen, guiding it with his hand up and down through your folds, collecting your wetness.
"jun—" you whine out his name, tugging on his hair to tell him that he's taking too long. it's been too long since you've had soft, sleepy sex like this, and you're needier than you usually are. 
he grins and kisses the side of your nose, resting his cheek against yours as he holds the tip of his cock at your entrance and begins pushing into you. 
your breath catches in your throat, the stretch burning at first before it starts to melt into pleasure.
once he's fully sheathed inside you jun captures your lips with his, swallowing all your whines and little noises.
he stays still for a long time, even after you tapped his shoulder to let him know it's okay to move, but he just shakes his head and kisses you again. it's nice, so nice, just being with him again, and you won't complain even if he just wants to cockwarm with you for the rest of the night.
"just let me take care of you, baby," he coos, and you whimper at how soft yet gravelly his voice sounds.
you can hear both the sleepiness and the lust laced in his tone, and you clench around him involuntarily. his hips jerk a little, and you whine at the movement, feeling so perfectly full you don't know how it could get any better than this.
after a little while longer neither he nor you can stand it any more, and he shifts his weight so he can slowly start rutting into you.
you let out a sigh that you didn't realize you'd been holding in, and jun kisses your cheek again, brushing his nose against yours.
he slips his hand back down under the sheets to rub gentle circles around your clit, and you gasp and arch into him as his thrusts begin to pick up speed.
"does that feel good?" he asks, voice low, and you whine out a "yes". he grins, brushing your hair away from your face with his other hand. "my good girl, you needed this so bad, hm? needed me to take care of you."
"yes, jun—please," you rasp, gripping tighter onto his broad shoulders. "love you, love you so much."
he moans and his fingers speed up their languid pace, fucking himself into you more roughly but still just the right pace. "i love you too, baby. missed you always taking me so well, missed feeling you like this."
all you can do is stutter out his name, moaning a broken string of pleas and promises as you clench around him, feeling him bring you right up to the cusp of your orgasm.
he presses his lips to you, his teeth clacking with yours just a little from the way his body moves up and down, rocking into you and filling you up so perfectly. 
he mumbles another "i love you" against your mouth, and with one more strong thrust you come undone around him, repeating his name over and over again. his hands caress your skin before stopping at your waist, giving him more leverage to fuck himself into you as you struggle through your orgasm.
it feels like a weight is lifted off your shoulders as you start to come down from your high, floating in pure bliss as the tension and stress melts away from your body.
“where do you want me, baby?” he pants, his hands tightening around your hips as his strokes become more and more erratic as he approaches his orgasm. 
“on me— wherever,” you groan. though you always love it when he cums inside you, tonight you don’t have the energy for much clean up, so the easier the better.
jun seems to understand that, because just seconds later he pulls out of you and frantically jerks his cock over your stomach.
you reach up to hold his face with your hands, and he releases onto you with a whine as his high overtakes him.
gasping, he falls onto the bed next to you, his chest heaving a little with each breath. you let your eyes close, feeling your heart begin to slow down as you clasp your hands together over your chest.
the room is quiet for a minute before you feel jun shift off of the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight as he shuffles off to the bathroom.
you open your eyes and watch him walk back into the room, a washcloth in one hand and a t-shirt in the other.
he leans onto the bed, wiping the cloth over your stomach as you stare up at him.
"hi," you giggle, your head still fuzzy and pleasant from your orgasm.
he grins and bends down to kiss you. "hey."
he hands you the shirt as he leaves again to put the washcloth in the laundry, and you slip it on, forcing yourself to sit up despite how your body aches and begs for sleep.
but just how jun always waited up for you, you wait for him to come back, sliding back into bed and pulling you close into his side.
his arms wrap around you and you nestle your head into his chest, his skin still a little sweaty but you don't care. you're just glad to be home and glad to be back in his arms, cuddling after too many long days at work.
he tucks your hair behind your ear, gently patting the top of your head as you struggle to stay awake.
"goodnight. i love you, junnie," you yawn, closing your eyes again and resting your head against him.
the last thing you remember before you fall asleep is him saying, "goodnight, my love", as he pulls the covers up around your neck just the way you like them and kissing your forehead one last time.
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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lightlycareless · 1 month
Hellooooo I hope u are doing well !! I found ur blog a couple weeks ago I love ur posts😙
I was wondering what it would be like for Y/N and Naoya going thru their first baby's pregnancy. I think it's cute how for the first child they have to get used to mood swings, cravings, baby shopping and all those couple stuff haha. But of course only if u want to !!
Aww, thank you so much!! Welcome to the club, we have only naoya. Enjoy your stay 😏
I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I was quite overwhelmed by other requests, I still am lol, but I manage to write a little something I hope you like!
I kind of went through all of those things, but I do feel like writing more about y/n's first pregnancy with Naoya :> there's just so much agnjakshgjakshgjaghjia
Anyways, here are the warnings: fluff. you're pregnant with your first baby. naoya is super happy. indulgent. you know hehe. but maybe a tiny bit of angst at the end.
happy reading!!
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Their first pregnancy would have to be the most special, loving, adorable, spoiled moment of their life!!!
Not to say that the others weren't, but this was the first time… experiencing everything, you know? So obviously, they couldn’t just sit back and not enjoy this moment to the fullest, taking it to the extreme, as they always did.
It is for granted that whatever Naoya does it will always be to please you; whatever request, no matter how big or small, he is at your command and you should take advantage of that, as he’d frequently insist. 
Starting with your cravings, not that he didn’t do that before, but now he’s just a bit more cautious, taking an extra step just to be sure.
“Honey, I think I want something—”
“Sweet, sour? Or spicy perhaps? Maybe a combination of all? I got all kinds of snack for you to choose from, but if that doesn’t work, I can go out and get —”
“I haven't said anything yet, Naoya!” You chuckle. “I think I just want something sweet, that's all.”
“Chocolate? Cake? Cookies? Gummies? Ice cream? Mochi?” He goes on, and you remain silent, thinking…
“...maybe a bit of everything?” you pout. “And perhaps something else too…”
“And something else too.” he repeats with a smirk before placing his hand over your belly. “Sounds like a plan for my princesses’”
“Stop saying that, it sounds like you already know their gender!”
“I don’t, I promise.” Naoya kisses your cheek. “I’m just guessing, that’s all.”
“Well, if our baby ends up being a girl I’ll take it as if you did know, and I’ll be very angry with you…” you frown, he chuckles.
“Hopefully not too angry to eat.” Obviously, you don’t mean any of those words as seen in the way you quickly hug him, pressing kisses across his face as you declare that regardless of the baby’s gender, you’re very happy to be forming a family with him, as well as how eager you were to finally welcome your little dumpling in your arms.
Followed by dates, outings, or however you want to call them: those are definitely Naoya's favorite of all. 
From making the most of the little time he has with you between missions and clan responsibilities, to wanting to show off how happy he can make the future mother of his children, once again there is no doubt that whatever you set your eyes on, it's yours, no questions asked—clothes, furniture, food, pastimes, anything; don't worry your pretty little head about anything, he’ll make it work.
“Oh, that crib is so cute…” you’d say once stopping before a furniture store, the two strolling around the mall right after getting ice cream from that one place you wanted to try out for the longest, but haven’t been able to due to Naoya’s… unwanted commitments. 
Your hand is tightly holding his because of that, almost as if you were afraid of letting go and losing him. Moments like this make you all warm, keeping them close to your heart.
��...But we already have one.”
“And who said we couldn't have two?” Naoya responds, more than ready to step into the store and buy the crib—he doesn’t care if the bedroom is fully decorated at that point, you want it, you’ll have it.
“No, Naoya! We can't take it!” You’d tug at his arm immediately after. “We can't just have two cribs because we want to!”
“Who says so?” He raises an eyebrow. “If anything, it’s only necessary—the estate is too big to just have one bedroom; I can’t have you walking from one edge to the other just to put our dumpling to bed, nor will I allow it.”
“Don’t be silly… that’s not even a real issue…”
“... but if we get another, does  that mean we’ll have more rooms to decorate?”
“Naturally.”Naoya smiles. “Oooh, then can we get that other crib as well?” you cheer, gesturing at the one right beside it. “I’ve been wanting to do something with yellow, I feel like it could fit in nicely! I got so many ideas too, aahh I can’t wait to show you!!”
The Zen’in and your family would eventually come to think that maybe Naoya’s bottomless spending when it comes to doting you, as well as your willingness to enable his behavior might not be the best approach…
But unfortunately, your husband doesn’t care, quickly shutting down any unrequited comments before they came your way, focusing instead on nurturing the happy, safe family he always dreamed of having with you.
If you wanted to have matching outfits for you and the baby every day, then Naoya would take you to every store necessary, indifferent if it was on the other side of the country, or give you his credit card to order online, all depending on your mood, since pregnancy made you far more exhausted, as expected.
Which of course, Naoya was dutifully prepared for, showing how serious he was in preserving your wellbeing by arranging weekly, if not daily spa days for you to simply relax and unwind, only the best masseurs were allowed to tend to his wife—the slightest mistake would be met by his reproach, which thankfully rarely occurred since he mostly liked to be involved himself (jealous, perhaps?)
Your absolutely favorite moment had to be when he stood behind you, placing his hands just beneath your belly to relieve pressure from the baby by carefully lifting it, a gesture that while simple, made you just about the happiest woman in the world.
As well as the most miserable when he had to stop.
“You’re the worst husband!” you’d cry, pouting as he eventually retreated. Naoya tries his best to not laugh at the adorable way you complained, but he could only do so much when it came to you. “Why would you even do that if you’re going to leave?”
“I didn’t mean to, princess. But I gotta do things too, you know?”
“...Like what?” You frown. “What could possibly be more important than me??”
“Nothing, ever.” He smiles, carefully wrapping his arms around you and resting them over your stomach. “But you do know you can go to the bedroom to rest, right? You don't have to worry about any duties or such, our baby comes first. And if anyone dares bother you, just let me know—they’ll get what’s coming to them…”
“... I know, I know, but… I just wanted to be with you the most I could before you left.” you eventually admit, looking up to him with those teary, round eyes that always made him putty. “You’re leaving soon, aren’t you?”
Naoya feels his heart clench with regret, sorrowful when reminded of the truth.
“Yes, I have a mission.”
“Why do you even go on so many missions?” you protest. “I mean, I get it but—but you’ve been working so much this year, and we’re expecting a baby too! Shouldn’t you… shouldn't you have some time for your family as well? You deserve it—I deserve it!”
“Yes, I do. And you’re not the only one that thinks that, but as the heir and sorcerer, I also have—”
“It’s almost like you’re married to them, and not me.” you frown, looking away; he doesn’t need to hear more to know that you’re very upset (and even then, that might be an underestimation) by his frequent absence, but also, perhaps mainly, anxious for the arrival of the baby.
It was only natural that you’d feel that way, after all, your little dumpling was set to come in just a few weeks, introducing you to the last, most crucial moments of your pregnancy.
The doctors asked you to be cautious, reduce stress to the bare minimum and continue having a healthy routine, but that was always easier said than done, and though you’ve done your best thanks to the constant comfort and reassurance of those you loved, such as your family…
They could never compare your husband, whom you only missed more and more with each passing day as he was forced to undergo missions after missions, after missions.
You might not lack anything at home, and was greatly appreciative of it too, but all the things in the world could never replace his company, no matter how much you tried to tell yourself otherwise.
And thus, he takes one of the many decisions that not only proves his commitment to you, but the depth of his feelings, how excited he was for this new stage in his life, setting an example to his future as a husband and father.
“I'll stay home from now on.” Naoya promises, taking you in his arms and kissing the top of your head, before gently cupping your face, swiping away the tears on your cheeks and sealing his words with another kiss on your lips. “I'll arrange someone to take my missions, I won't leave you alone, I swear.”
The two couldn’t care less if the whole world was against both, as long as you had each other, everything would be alright.
Exactly what he intended to do, from the very moment his heart became yours, he vowed to do whatever it took to be by your side whenever you needed him, in the good and in the bad, for better or for worse…
Until one day, unfortunately, he couldn't.
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hahaha well I decided to connect this one thing with another thing I have planned in the future... detailing more of naomi's relationship with her dad and y/n's second pregnancy...
Also Naoya is like super detached (acts like it, he's not) when it comes to your decisions about getting stuff for Naomi, but if you buy matching outfits for the two he will die of cuteness. Test it. :) he loves it.
Well, I hope you liked this little something!!! Omg keep them coming I love domestic stuff between our two lovebirds 🥺especially when y/n is still pregnant hehe Naoya becomes an even more overprotective man aghjkahsjgasghasjgk or when Naomi is eventually born..........................
ugh thank you so much for sending this!!! I LOVED WRITING IT if there's anything else you want me to write be sure to let me know!!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Now take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
hello!! i saw you were looking for steamy stuff with daryl and was thinking about leaving him some steamy pictures with a polaroid, maybe they slip it to him at the worst time and he gets flustered and embarrasses himself or stick with steamy and he decides he wants to take his own pictures of them 😏
anyway, i hope you have a lovely day/evening 🥰
Sinful Distraction
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: You decide to leave a little surprise for Daryl. A little sinful distraction while he's away.
Warnings: umm... mentions of naughty photos? tiny bit spicy, fluff?
Set in Season 9!
Word Count: 1,2k
a/n: Thanks for the request, nonny! 😁 I loved it, hehe. Hopefully you like what I wrote! 🧡
Tagging: @km-ffluv @stitchintimefan @sweetpeapod @loz-3 @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lou12346789 @bookofsecretjourneys @azanoni @fuseburner @hotgirlsshareaccounts @in-this-minute
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A cheeky smile danced across your lips as you put the Polaroid you coincidentally found on the last run back in its hiding place, before you sat down on the bed and admired the pictures you just took. You bit your lip. They were perfect - and hopefully able to distract Daryl just a tiny bit.
Your man was going out for a few days, probably a week, helping Rick out, of course, to build the bridge, and you decided to not let him leave without a little... surprise. A gift, rather. He just had to find it. You'd hide the pictures in the back pocket of his baggy jeans, hoping that he'd need the red rug he always carried with him in that pocket. A perfect plan, wasn't it? You bit your lip, smirking; proud that you had this idea.
"Y/N?" Daryl's voice echoed down the stairs towards the basement you and Daryl called home. Hastily, you hid the pictures in your pocket, thinking he was coming downstairs. "I'm here! Yeah?!" He wasn't. "We are goin' in a bit! Thought ya might wanna come up and say goodbye?!" "You can bet your butt on this! I'm coming, baby!" You heard Daryl snort out a laugh. "Thought ya need my butt?! Ain't got nothin' to hold on when it's gone!" You couldn't prevent a rather loud giggle leaving your lips. You loved when Daryl once in a while got all humorous and sassy. He had such a dry sense of humour - and you loved it. "Well... Point for you, hon!" "I'll be outside!" You could hear the amusement in his voice. He was definitely smiling. You took a last look at the pictures, before you hid them again and quickly made your way up the stairs and out of the house. Daryl sat on the stairs on the porch, clearly waiting for you. As soon as he heard the door close shut, the archer stood up and turned around, facing you. "Ready?" He asked. You knew exactly what he meant. He asked it every time, just like you gave him the same answer - every time. "I'll never be ready to be separated from you." Daryl bit the inside of his lip - a habit you loved so much. "I know. 'M sorry. I hate leavin' ya, 's just..." "You have to, I know." You nodded, smiling and stepped with him down the stairs. When you and him hit solid ground again, you immediately reached for him; took his big hands into yours. "It's okay. It's who you are and what you do. I-I mean, I would've accompanied you, but Michonne needs me here a-and..." Now Daryl was the one who nodded, giving you a soft smile. "She does," he said. "Alexandria does." You smiled at him as well, touched by the utter sweetness of this man.
Daryl squeezed your intertwined hand and looked from side to side, checking his surroundings and making sure nobody was looking, before he dipped his head in order to give you a sweet kiss. Showing affection in public was still something he had to get used to, but you didn't complain, gave him all the time he needed. You leaned in the kiss, of course, trying to make it last as long as possible; even letting go of his hands, in order to wrap them around his neck. You were successful, keeping the archer's lips locked onto yours for a little while longer, before he withdrew, blushing ever so softly. He is so cute, you thought, suppressing an upcoming giggle. Then you suddenly remembered the pictures, which were still in the pocket of your jeans. That had to change, of course. So, you scanned the street again, pulling Daryl in another kiss and catching him quite a bit by surprise. Now that he was distracted by your lips on his, you reached for the pictures in your pocket, wrapping your arms around your man's broad torso, lowered your palms on his ass and finally managed to slip the cargo in his back pocket.
Daryl jumped at your sudden bold, intimate move and ended the kiss, looking at you with slightly widened eyes and an even darker shape of red on his cheeks. "What ya doin', woman?!" You giggled, remembering the conversation you had earlier with him. "Makin' sure it's still there. Testin' if I can still hold onto it, ya know." You said and winked, causing him to playfully roll his eyes.
After saying once again thoroughly goodbye to Daryl and the others who accompanied him, you retreated back to the little basement apartment you shared with the archer; hoping that your mischievous, cheeky plan was going to be successful.
After travelling to the bridge, alongside Aaron, Rick and Carol, Daryl went immediately to work. After all, the bridge didn't build itself. The archer didn't quite like to work with the Saviors. Former enemies, now turned allies, but he didn't have a choice, did he? They needed every help they could get. It was a big task and couldn't be done just by Alexandrians. Working in the heat of the summer wasn't exactly great as well, but that was also a thing which couldn't be changed.
It took Daryl almost two days to find the surprise you had hid for him but eventually, he found it...
"Daryl?" The archer lifted his head, looking up to face Aaron, who stood a few meters away from him. "Yeah?" "Have you got a rug or something with you?" Daryl nodded, sat back on his heels and reached for the familiar red rug in the back pocket of his jeans - only to find something what definitely didn't feel like his rug. His rug was there, too, but also something else. He frowned, but took the rug first, throwing it towards Aaron. "Thanks!" Daryl gave his friend a nod, before standing up and reaching for the other items in his pocket - which he had identified as Polaroid pictures, but the man didn't have a single clue what were on them, of course. When his gaze landed on the three pictures, his heart almost stopped beating for a second, eyes widening. He expected a lot - but not seeing you on them half naked, or well... very scarcely dressed. Goddamnit, woman, he thought, feeling his cheeks literally burn with how hard he was blushing. If he'd have found them in his tent, back at the camp, it wouldn't have been a problem, but out here? In 'public'? With all the men around him? No, he couldn't help himself but go as red as a beetroot. Nevertheless, he also couldn't help himself, but to skip through the pictures. The temptation was just too big. Just because he was slightly embarrassed, didn't mean that he didn't like what he saw... Quite the opposite. Daryl rather had to fight against the upcoming issue in his pants... On the backside of the last picture was something written on it, like he noticed. 'Thought you might need a bit distraction some time... ;)' Naughty girl, the archer thought, shaking his head. "Jus' ya wait 'til I get home..." He muttered under his breath. Revenge was sweet, after all, wasn't it?
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amazon160 · 11 months
Spot dabbles because the simps need to be fed:
(art ain’t by me I’m so sorry I couldn’t find the og artist 😭)
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-He is the single most awkward man alive, no doubt. Has no filter. Will compliment or critique you on the spot. Hehe. I just noticed the pun there lol. And if it’s not an annoyed critique, he usually gets all flustered after he realizes what he’s just said.
-Spot is real laid back if not an anxious wreck around you. Clearly a bottom. You’ll get him to be more assertive by telling him that when he does, it’s straight up H O T.
-He seems like a “work now, clean later” kind of guy. I mean, we saw how disorganized his house was. It reminds me of Dipper in this one Gravity Falls episode iykyk 😉. Once he moves in with you, he’ll push himself to pick up after himself more often. Until then, he would much rather come to you than you come to his apartment.
-The man can be a scientific perfectionist, but he does not like to clean :(
-Absolutely loves it when you lay your head on his stomach. He’s a lil chub, so he feels like a pillow :3
-Spot is very self conscious of his body, of course. So he will go ballistic when you caress his square like torso or his spindly limbs, like they’re the most perfect things in the world to you.
-He doesn’t understand how you could love someone like him :’(
-When you trace around his spots or sweet talk him about whatever, he can barely sit still underneath you. Any type of praise will send him through the roof.
-So when you’d say it was hot when Spot was assertive? Every now and then, he’ll take that advice. It’ll be easy to kinda just sneak up on ya from behind with his portals.
-He also likes to give you praise as much as you like to give him it. He knows that the assertion needs to go both ways.
-That’ll be its own blurb with more details for another day.
-I’ve always had a thing for hypnosis, I love it and I don’t see it used too often. But like, imagine Spot pins you onto the bed or the couch or somewhere comfortable. His portals are keeping your arms out of place and he forces you to look at him the way he makes Miles look to the side in the movie
Erm. 😳
-The spot on his face starts to swirl, or ripple, or whatever motion and you feel all groggy under his gaze, making way for Spot to take advantage of you while you’re under his trance.
-I’m not the usual fan of yandere but for a lil wimp like Spot to be acting that way would be HOO--MAMA--especially if this were after his transformation and the end of the movie.
-You wouldn’t stand a chance.
-AND tbh his voice is just so 😩 especially when it’s distorted
-Like is it just me-? Idk.
-He doesn’t like doing the spicy all that much, he’s mostly into the fluff and domestic bits of your relationship. Don’t get me wrong, he appreciates what intimacy he’ll get, but not so much the SPICY stuff y’know
-And this is whether or not you’d say he has his part. For some reason this became a discussion with me and some friends and one of them literally went “maybe it’s in a hole somewhere”. So if that’s where you wanna go, go for it. Heck, I’ve still seen some art of stuff coming out of that face-spot of his. Y’know, the one spot on his head 😋
That’s all the dribbles FOR NOW, but I intend on getting a not spicy but mild blurb of Spot along with that hypnosis concept XD
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 78- Prom
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Chapter Summary: BTS promotes fire and Jen becomes the next person to receive phone numbers in her sandwich. Bangtan thinks of a way for Jennie to experience her own Prom in Seoul. While on a prom weekend trip with a group of their 97 Liner friends, Jennie and Jungkook play a little game of dares which takes a spicy turn.
Words: 11,000+
Genre: Such a fluffy chapter! Promposals from the members and BIG Jungkook fluff! And smol Jungkook smut. (Not all the way. Just some smol stuff like oral. Short and sweet.)
Author's Note: I was experimenting with this and ideas just kept flowing. I hope you like it! I'll continue to do better in the smut department. A for effort! Lol, I'm biased and loved Taehyung's Promposal the best since he's my Bias in BTS hehe. I lost the photo of the dress I used for Jen's dress for prom smfh. If I ever find it I will add it in.
Backstage for Mnet Countdown, Jungkook was chosen to stay back, still recovering from his flu. Already in her attire for the show, a producer came up to her to discuss her role for today.
“Jennie. We’re going to change things up a bit since Jungkook is unable to perform today. So we want you to take over his lines for Save Me and Butterfly.”
“Okay!” she replied with a nod, feeling confident about herself.
From now on, she would try her best not to get so nervous about doing stuff like this. She got this. She will do Jungkook justice for the songs. 
In front of a Bangtan bomb camera, some of the members spoke about Jennie taking over his lines for the day while Jungkook was giddy about it, teasing her.
“It is so weird when a member is missing and you have to go on without them. And the fact that they want me to take over Jungkook’s lines, it’s a big responsibility. But I believe I can do him justice.” she said on camera.
Getting something to eat with the members, Jen was given a sandwich at the cafeteria. When she sat down with them to begin eating, she noticed there were small pieces of paper in the sandwich.
"Huh?" she took the pieces of paper out and examined them. A laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head. "Bold!"
“What happened?” Namjoon asked as he took a look at the pieces of paper.
“I got a few phone numbers.” she continued to chuckle.
“What!?” Jungkook exclaimed, rushing over to look at the pieces of paper.
Who in the heck would be this bold to give out their number to his girl? Who!?
“Numbers? What numbers?” Jin shouted
“Whoa, whoa, guys, it’s okay!” she looked at them in bewilderment.
“Okay!? Someone is messing with our ship!” Taehyung complained and grabbed her sandwich.
“It’s harmless, relax,” she reassured.
“Some idols already know I’m your boyfriend. Why are these guys trying to shoot their shot?” Jungkook grumbled.
“Jungkook-ah, relax.”
“No, I won’t relax, Jagi! I want to know whose numbers these belong to.”
“Oh Lord...” she turned her attention to Taehyung and grabbed her sandwich back. Taking a bite, she spat it out immediately. “What the heck is this!?”
It tasted weird. Nothing like the usual sandwich she would get. Did they make a new sandwich or something? She opened the sandwich and it contained bread, egg potato salad, cabbage salad and...strawberry jam?
“Ew. No, I’m not eating this.” she placed it down and went into her bag to see if she had any leftover snacks.
Meanwhile, the guys rambled on about people giving Jen their number. 
Checking out her bag, she pulled out another random piece of paper that someone supposedly snuck into her bag.
“Oh. Another set of numbers.” she chuckled.
“ANOTHER ONE!?” Jin yelled in horror. “That’s five numbers in one day! The heck!?”
“This is unacceptable. I don’t want these guys getting any bright ideas.” Namjoon frowned with Jungkook complaining.
“Do I need to have a talk with them?” Yoongi asked, cracking his knuckles.
“We should start bringing her lunches instead. Make her lunch, Jin.” Hobi eagerly suggested.
“Duly noted. What do you want to eat for lunch, sweetie?” Jin asked.
“Guys, relax! It’s fine!” she exclaimed while Jimin and Tae whined about their ship.
On the stage, wearing the same white shirt as the members but with black shorts, Jen exhaled shakily, looking up at the ceiling. ARMY noticed her hand shaking as the music came on. The 97 Liner slowly walks around, singing softly,
amugeotdo saenggakhaji ma
neon amu maldo kkeonaejido ma
geunyang naege useojwo
Jen listened to Tae’s soulful vocals as they all moved elegantly on stage. 
Covering her lines, she sang, “Is it true? Is it true? You, You. Neomu areumdawo duryeowo. ”
Untrue Untrue
You You You
Taking over the chorus, putting her hands together and moving side to side in sync with everyone, she went on, “Gyeote meomulleojullae. Naege yaksokhaejullae. Son daemyeon naragalkka buseojilkka. Geobna geobna geobna.”
siganeul meomchullae
i sungani jinamyeon
eobseotdeon iri doelkka neol irheulkka
geobna geobna geobna
Spinning to the middle, she looked up, singing, “Butterfly, like a Butterfly. Machi Butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom.”
The way she sang Butterfly was so angelic as some members of the crowd were saying ‘wow’.
Meanwhile, she had made eye contact with Jimin who had smiled softly at her, nodding at her performance so far. That gave her the reassurance she needed.
Butterfly, like a butterfly
machi Butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom
After Suga and J-Hope rap, Jin looked up and turned to the camera,
Untrue Untrue
You You You
This wasn’t as bad as she thought as she nailed the chorus again before Rapmon went on to rap passionately.
It’s all FREE for you baby
Standing with Jimin as he did his high note, Jennie revealed a pair of white butterfly wings on her back, that she had hidden with her shirt, which had amazed the crowd. She sang again with the confetti falling down as Jimin harmonized with her. For the ending pose, the boys turned their backs to the ground with their hands mimicking a butterfly while Jen faced the crowd, moving her body like a butterfly before outstretching her hand, and looking up.
For fire, the members walked onto the stage, hyped with fire all around the scene. Wearing their outfits from the MV, Suga placed his arm around Taehyung in the middle.
Fire Fire Fire Fire
When I wake up in my room nan mwotdo eoptji
haega jigo nan hu biteuldaemyeo geotji
Sticking her tongue out and catching the camera panning to her, she flowed fluidly with the members after J-Hope finished his verse.
da mansinchangiro chwihaesseo chwihaesseo
Losing her balance from staggering around pretending she was drunk while Yoongi rapped, Jen caught herself.
‘Whew, that was close.’ she thought as she continued to dance.
mak yokhae gireseo gireseo
na masi gatji michinnom gatji
da eongmangjinchang, livin’ like ppi-i-
Taehyung covered Jungkook’s parts as he stood in the middle.
ni meotdaero sareo eochapi ni kkeoya
aesseuji jom mareo jyeodo gwaenchanha
Errbody say La la la la la
“La, la, la, la, la!” Jen repeated with the crowd.
Say La la la la la
“La, la, la, la, la!”
soneul deureo sorijilleo Burn it up
Strutting up to the front, she flicked her nose with her thumb, changing her face into a serious expression.
Going hard in the dance break, making her hair whip around, she sang, “Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
Standing with Namjoon, she began moving her head side to side with him.
“Aye, live it up. Bangtan just exploded on the scene~!.”
Hey, burn it up jeonbu da taeul geot gachi
“Aye, shout it out! I’m turnt up, it’s okay, I’m keen~”
Hey, turn it up saebyeogi da gal ttaekkaji
geunyang sarado dwae urin jeomgie
geu malhaneun neon mwon sujeogillae
sujeosujeo georyeo nan saraminde
“So, what~!” she shouted with them, raising a hand up.
“Calling us extra yet you still want to hang. Bang to the tan, you wanna join this gang. Keep your eyes on me, I am still that chick!” she slapped her chest. “Don’t you stand too close, what, you think you slick? Admit we the shhh as we tear it down!”
When she said shhh, the members dramatically turned to her while she placed a finger to her lips before they followed her around as she continued to go on, “BTS is the flame they wanna water down! Bangtan is still here and we killin’ it still. We always start the fire, you just a fire drill!”
This comeback was her favorite out of everything as her happiness soared on stage with the guys. Performing this at a concert was going to be a rush.
geop manheun jayeo yeogiro
goeroun jayeo yeogiro
maenjumeogeul deulgo All night long
jingunhaneun balgeoreumeuro
As the backup dancers danced with them, Jen got hyped, shouting, 
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-“
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!” the rest of the members joined in
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
With Suga walking up next to V, he pointed to the camera. 
Once Jungkook was good as new, feeling much better, he went all out for the remaining performances. And thanks to ARMY, BTS had received their first win for fire as the confetti startled both Jen and Yoongi.
“Please give us your winning speech!” the MCs gave Rapmon the mic
“ARMY! Thank you to all the Armys who are watching this live, right now!” Rapmon said.
“ARMY is the one who gave us this award. ARMY is truly the best!” Jin said. “And to our members, please don’t get sick. We will always be with you guys so please continue to look after us!”
Taking the mic, Jungkook happily said, “Everyone, I’m really OK! I love you!”
“I love you, my family!” V waved.
For the encore of fire, the guys put the confetti all on Jennie as she tried not to laugh while singing her parts. Today was all in all perfect.
Walking backstage, she held the trophy, doing a victory dance before skipping around with Taehyung. After settling down, she waited until it was her turn to be recorded thanking ARMY for the first win.
“ARMY is truly one of a kind. You guys are always there to support us through our highs and our lows. And all because of you, we were able to win first place again. I can not thank you guys enough. Thank you guys so much! You guys are amazing and I love you so much!” she beamed.
For one music show, Jungkook was chosen to MC for Music Core. Looking over the script, he pointed out that there were a lot of aegyo and singing parts.
Jennie started cracking up at the script. “Oh gosh. This is going to be cute. And you gotta sing your Boy In Luv lines? How charming.”
“I think our 97 Liners should MC together one day,” Namjoon suggested.
“Me and Jennie?” Jungkook’s eyes lit up as a big bunny smile came across his face. “I’d love that.”
“That’d be fun actually.” she agreed.
Pulling her close, he looked down at her, smiling, “Cheer for me?”
“Of course. I love you. You’re going to do great out there.”
“I love you, too.” He gave her a sweet peck on the lips
“Aw~!” Hobi cooed with Jimin and Tae, causing the couple to turn in their direction, amused.
“I love you, too~.” Jimin teased.
“Cheer for me, Jennie? I love you.” Taehyung added.
“Of course, you’re going to do great out there.” Hobi joined in.
"Shut up!" Jennie said. 
She and Jungkook rolled their eyes, trying to ignore their teasing.
As the members got ready for the show, they looked at the TV screen to see Jungkook MCing with other idols.
“He’s doing well,” Jin praised.
Jennie smiled at her boyfriend MCing. He did look a little nervous with his trembling voice when he was singing but he was doing his best and began to get the hang of things. 
“He’s so cute.” she giggled.
“Ah, he’s so awkward, AH!” Namjoon laughed.
Once the show was over, Jungkook was in for a ton of teasing, even from Jennie as his face turned pink.
The next morning, Jungkook was drawing in his room to pass the time. His ears perked up at the sound of Jennie singing along with loud music playing. Jin had asked her to clean her room since it was looking a bit messy during their comeback season. 
Grabbing his video camera, he chose to take a peek at what she was doing. The sight of her dancing and singing to Raven Symone’s Supernatural, in front of her stuffed animals on her bed, made him press record. She was really giving her stuffed animals a concert. It was adorable.
When I get this feelin'
Something's about to happen
Without any reason
It's Supernatural
Some people call it crazy
Something's there's no explaining
Just believe what you see
It's Supernatural
Watching her jump and bounce around, Jungkook had suppressed a laugh. She even grabbed a big teddy bear and started to dance around with it. Setting the teddy bear down, she seemed to be more into dancing than cleaning.
As she danced to more songs, he even filmed her dancing and singing to The Party's Just Begun by The Cheetah Girls as she was still oblivious to him watching her.
Tell Me Something I Don't Know by Selena Gomez, the Another Cinderella story version, played while she sang and danced. She finally noticed Jungkook and pulled him into her room. She made him sit on the bed as he laughed and resumed recording while she dramatically sang.
I hear it every day
I hear it all the time
I'm never gonna amount to much
But they're never gonna change my mind, no
Tell me, tell me, tell me 
Something I don't know
Something I don't know
“Jennie, I don’t think this is what Jin Hyung meant when he said to clean your room.” he giggled.
“Shhh!” she replied with a grin. “He isn’t going to be back until a few more hours. Let me live!”
“Don’t jinx it~!”
After cleaning her room, Jennie and Jin sat at her desk with makeup all around as they began to have a V-Live.
“What is up Army!? Welcome to another episode of Let’s Put Makeup on Smartie featuring Handsome Jin~! Say hello to our viewers!”
“Hello, Army! I hope you have all eaten and slept well.” Jin blew a kiss.
“So far everyone has done a remarkable job making me look a mess.” she laughed nervously. “So, I really hope that this time will be different.”
“Trust me, I won’t make you look a mess. Now relax and let me handle this. Army, I got this.” he went on and put primer on her face. “I see you cleaned your room.”
“Yes, I did. Now you can stop bugging me about it.”
“I was not bugging you.”
She impersonated him, “Jennie, you need to clean your room. Your room is a mess. Why did you let your room get like this? I want it spotless when I return or no smarties. Okay, tomorrow you are cleaning your room. Sweetie, did you clean your room yet?”
“I do not sound like that!”
“Yes, you do.” she asserted as he finished putting a neat coat of foundation on her face.
Fans commented on how good of a job he was doing so far on her makeup. Way better than the other members.
“How am I looking?” she asked.
“You will see when I am done. So far so good,” he replied, neatly putting eyeliner on her.
Jin went for a more natural look in contrast to the others so far making her look like a "clown" in Jen's eyes. With the foundation matching her skin complexion, he applied it on until he thought everything was neatly placed. Then he applied a little bit of lipstick to complete the look.
"Done!" he announced.
"That's it? That was quick. Are you sure-DAMN!" she looked at herself in the mirror in awe. "Oh my God, Jin! This is-wow!"
"I know. I know." he grinned proudly.
"I can't believe he made me look this good. I love this!"
"Oh, that was to be expected, hehehe. I'm happy you like it, sweetie. ARMY, I did a great job, right?"
The following morning, Jen got up at her usual time. Walking into the kitchen, the delicious aroma made her stomach growl in anticipation as she saw Jin cooking.
Jin had been planning his Promposal for her for the past few days ever since Rapmon and J-Hope discussed it with him. To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He had hoped that what he planned to do wouldn't be corny and she would say yes to him.
“Good morning!” he grinned, turning to her.
“Morning! What are you making? It smells great!”
“Your favorite. Sit down. It’s already ready for you.”
Taking a seat, she looked at the plate that was made of her favorite blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He decorated the plate of food cutely as her heart soared. While looking closely at the pancakes, her stomach dropped when she saw the words ‘Prom?’ written in syrup.
Her lips parted as she sat there in astonishment.
Was this real? Why did it say prom? What was he doing? Was he really asking her? What is going on?
Looking up, she saw him smiling at her nervously.
“A-are you asking me to prom?” her voice shakily asked as her throat tightened.
“Would you do me the honor, Jennie? Go to prom with handsome Jin?”
Overwhelmed with joy, she let out a laugh as happy tears began to flow down her cheeks. Getting out of her chair, she rushed over to hug him, tightly.
“Yes!" she accepted, feeling his arms wrap around her. She took the moment to cry as he held her. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"
Pulling away from him she wiped her tears. "I can't believe this!" she rambled on. "We’re actually going to prom? Where? When? How? What is going on?”
He laughed at her excitement. “One thing at a time, Jennie. You have six other Promposals coming your way. But I’m sure mine was the best.”
Jin will never forget how Jungkook had almost fought everyone to try to be the first person to ask her out to prom. But in the end, Jin finally won after a game of rock, paper, scissors.
Following eating breakfast with Jin, she went to hang out with Yoongi to play basketball which they planned a couple of days ago. Yoongi thought of a simpler way to ask her and something basketball related.
“Check.” he gave her the ball.
Before she could check it back, she noticed writing on it.
“Smartie, let’s have a ball at prom!” she read out loud and looked up at him anticipating her answer.
She dropped the ball and ran up to hug him, making them both fall to the ground.
“Ow, smartie!”
“Yes, yes, yes, and yes!” she gladly accepted.
A gummy smile appeared on his lips. "Good. Now, let's play ball."
Back at Big Hit, Jennie had her usual dance practice with Hobi to clean up on any dance moves. Throughout practice, he couldn't contain his excitement and worked hard to not get distracted at the thought of asking her to prom.
"You earned it. Well done, today." he handed her an orange Nike shoe box.
"What is this?! New shoes!? Nike!?" she yelled excitedly.
Opening up the box, she looked at the new pair of sneakers, and on the top, it read, ‘Munchkin, just do it and dance with me at prom!’
“Yes!” she pulled him in for a big kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Oh my gosh, this is so adorable. Thank you! I would love to go to prom with you!”
Hobi squealed, running and jumping around the studio at her answer. “YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH~!”
After spending some time in her studio working on music, Jimin walked in with a small box and bag of Smarties. He chose to do something that related a lot to her.
"Smarties!?" she squealed, cheerfully accepting them.
“Check out the box.” he pointed out with an eye smile.
Opening up the small black box, she found two guitar picks that said ‘I couldn’t pick a better date... prom?’ which made her heart soar.
"Aw...Jimin..." she turned to him as he shyly looked down.
"Was it too cheesy?"
"No way, this is so thoughtful! Yes, I will go to prom with you!" she proudly accepted as she stood up from her seat.
“Yes!” he fist pumped, pulling her in for a warm hug. “I bet my Promposal was the best out of all the guys!”
Following running back and forth around the Big Hit building, Jen strolled down a hallway to see two people wearing...thug costumes and masks?
"There she is! Get her!" one shouted.
"Whoa! Hey! Get off me!" she shrieked as she got lifted over one of their shoulders.
Was she really getting kidnapped at Big Hit? What was going on?
"Oh no! It's Iron Man!" one voice dramatically announced.
"You'll never take us alive, Iron Man! We have Miss Potts! She's ours now!" the other sneered.
"Not on my watch!" a familiar voice was heard.
Getting set down, she saw someone wearing an Iron Man suit, "fighting" against the thugs. As random as this was, Jennie was entertained as she watched the action unfold. It didn’t take long for Iron Man to defeat the thugs and approach her.
"Miss Potts, are you okay? Come on. Let's get you to safety."
She got carried bridal style as she held onto him. Going back to her studio, she got sat down on her couch, while Iron Man took a seat on one of her chairs.
"Are you hurt by any chance, Miss Potts?"
"No, I'm not. Thanks for saving me, Tony. How can I ever repay you?" she played along with a smile. 
Standing up, she walked over to him. Carefully she removed his helmet to reveal Jungkook's face and his messy brown hair.
“You could repay me by joining me for a marvelous night at prom. What do you say?" 
Cupping his face, she gave him a big kiss. “Mr. Stark, you got yourself a deal. I would love to." 
He smirked softly and pulled her into his lap as she cupped his face again, giving him multiple kisses on his lips.
“Nice getup.” she gestured to his costume.
He chuckled. “I knew you’d like it,”
Just before leaving Big Hit’s building, Jennie stopped walking once she saw a walking...hot dog?
“The heck is going on?” she laughed at the sight, walking closer, only to see it was Taehyung who was holding up a sign.
“Oh...my God.” she covered her face and laughed. Uncovering her face, she read the sign while Taehyung had a boxy grin on his face.
‘Ennie~! Before any of these other weenies try to ask, I hope that you will choose this weenie as your date for prom!’
Giggling, she embraced him and pulled away, smiling brightly. “Ennie would love to go to prom with a weenie like you, Tae. Absolutely!”
“Yay!” he jumped up and down, dancing around which made her laugh again.
As soon as she made it back to the dorm, she went to her room to see a box on her bed along with a bouquet of flowers and smarties. Opening it, it looked like a small puzzle. She went straight to work on putting the pieces together to figure out what it was.
After around 30 minutes, she put the last piece together and took a good look at the puzzle. There was a cute photo of her and Namjoon and under it were the words, 'Jennifer Walker, would you give me the extraordinary honor of allowing me to be one of your dates for prom?'
"Hell yeah," she spoke out loud.
Later that evening with Namjoon engaged in his phone, he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek.
Looking up, he saw Jennie looking down at him with a smile
"I would love to give you the extraordinary honor of allowing you to be one of my dates for prom, Namjoon. Clever puzzle."
A chuckle escaped his lips as he felt his face warm up from her words. "Thanks, Jennie. Prom is going to be a night you will never forget. Trust us and be excited."
The preparation for prom was an exciting one for Jennie as she prepared for the event. Yoongi had taken her to get her nails and feet done, getting the color yellow. She even snuck a photo of him napping while he waited for her.
‘I’ll take you to get your nails done, he said. But let me take a nap. LOL.’ she tweeted.
Jin and Taehyung took her dress shopping. They argued constantly over which dress would be better. It got so bad, that Jen decided to call her good friend Sam Okyere for suggestions and went along with his pick instead which Jin and Taehyung loved.
Now, today was the day. Prom day. The event that Hobi and Rapmon set up with the rest of the members. They had managed to invite a ton of idol friends, renting a nice little venue for the get-together. They even thought of a theme for the prom which was a carnival theme. Jennie told the guys that the color she was wearing would be yellow, so they each wore something yellow to match her.
In her room, she checked herself out in the mirror, admiring her dress. She was actually going to prom and she couldn't control her nerves. Spinning around in the yellow dress, a giggle escaped her. She was so ready for tonight.
"I look great." she complimented, adjusting her hair which was in a bun with curls on each side.
"Munchkin, are you ready?" Hobi called out.
"Yeah, I'll be right out," she replied. 
Letting out a sharp breath, she opened her door, walking out to the living room where the guys were waiting for her. Nervously looking up at them, she awaited their reactions.
Jungkook widened his eyes at the sight of her, parting his lips. 'Wow...' he thought in admiration. He was freaking out on the inside, staring at her with heart eyes. She looked so beautiful.
Jin's eyes began to water. He loved how gorgeous she looked. She was all grown up and that dress was just stunning on her. The members stood there in disbelief as they couldn’t keep their eyes off her. As if on cue, the boys dramatically fell to the floor, shouting as they clutched their chests, carrying on about how pretty she was.
“Oh my Gosh!”
Jennie laughed at their shouts and squeals, making it difficult for her to control herself from cheesing hard.
“Look at you! Look at her! Look at her! This is my date!” Jimin shouted proudly.
“Our date!" Namjoon corrected.
"My Girlfriend!" Jungkook shouted.
“My Munchkin!” Hobi yelled.
“I met her first!” Taehyung reminded loudly.
“I taught her how to rap!” Yoongi yelled.
“My Daughter!” Jin declared. "Jennie, you look phenomenal!"
"Hahaha, thank you! You guys clean up nicely! Showing off those foreheads, I see."
"Let me put the corsage on you, Jagi." Jungkook swiped the corsage box out of Yoongi's hands, causing the members to argue.
"You always hog her! Give someone else a chance!" Hobi whined and grabbed the box. "I want to put it on her!"
"No, I'm the oldest so I should do it!" Jin shouted and took it off his hands.
"Who is the leader?! I am! I'm making the rules here so I should do it! Gimme!" Namjoon shouted back and snatched it out of Jin's hands.
"No! You gimme! I had this damn thing first!" Yoongi yelled and snatched it from him. 
"As the cutest member here, I should be the one to put it on her!" Jimin declared and yanked it out of his hands.
"I've known her longer than all of you and for that, I should have the honor of putting it on her!" Taehyung demanded and managed to swipe it out of Jimin's grip.
Jennie laughed wholeheartedly at their bickering, looking back and forth at their debate.
"Fellas, why not just play rock, paper, scissors to see who wins? So it can be fair," she suggested. 
In the end, Namjoon won as a loud chorus of complaints was heard. Grabbing the box, he approached her, smiling sweetly. "Nini, you look beautiful."
"Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself, Namjoon. Nice hair."
His hands were gentle as he carefully placed the cute corsage on her. Jennie admired it and went on to place a boutonniere on each of them. After getting situated, they took tons of pictures together, and Jen tweeted the photo of her with them all acting extra while laying on the ground, freaking out at her beauty, 'When your seven bros are your dates for a prom made specifically for you. Thank you for making my day. Let's PARTY!'
Walking into the venue, the place was decked out to make it look like an actual carnival. There were cotton candy, colorful decorations, popcorn, and games. It was a nice choice. And it sounded like Namjoon had borrowed some of Jennie's playlists because the music they were playing was top notch, making her feel right at home. Although the event was private, of course, the media were there to try to get a glimpse.
Watching Jennie rush over to greet Hayoon, Amber, Hyuna and others, Hobi and Namjoon high fived each other.
"Yeah, she's very happy." Hobi chuckled.
Jennie would not stay off the dance floor, dancing with everyone she could.
"JEN-NAY!" Jackson shouted.
"Jackson! Bam Bam! Guys! You're all here! Hey!"
GOT7 was blown away by her dress and stole her away from the BTS members to dance. The members hardly saw Jennie at prom since she was all over the place, hanging out with everyone. She was on the dance floor 70% of the time too as classics like the Cupid Shuffle and Michael Jackson came on. Then Jen was at the photo booth taking tons of photos.
"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time to announce Prom King and Queen!" Yoongi announced. "First, our prom King...J-Hope!"
"Woo!" Jen clapped, turning her attention to a genuinely surprised Hobi.
That sunshine smile of his was brighter than ever as he went on to accept the crown. He had his hands on his heart, bowing to everyone.
"And for our prom queen...Hayoon!"
Jin sighed as Hayoon and Hobi danced together. “I’m upset that I didn’t win. I am the most handsome guy here. And I didn't win Prom King? This is rigged." he jokingly complained, making Jennie laugh. "This is not funny!"
"Oh yes, it is."
"Would you like to dance?" he had his hand out for her. 
She accepted it immediately and he took her to the dance floor. Deja Vu by Beyonce came on as Jen got excited and did Jin’s famous traffic dance with him. Jungkook even did the worm with Bam Bam and Yugyeom. 
Feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, Jennie turned around to see Sam Okyere, who embraced her in a hug.
"Sam! I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Thank you for having me!”
Give It Up to Me by Sean Paul and Keyshia Cole came on as she happily danced with him and got spun around occasionally. She even got Namjoon to dance, making him cut loose on the dance floor. Feeling at home, she even battled Hobi for the percolator dance. Hobi went first, moving his body fluidly to the bubbly beat of the song as everyone crowded around him. When the beat dropped, Jennie danced, moving up to him, going hard as everyone cheered her on.
As more slow songs came on, Yoongi approached her. Clearing his throat, he gave her a gummy smile, "You save me a dance, smartie?"
"Yes, I did! Come on!" she got held into his arms as they swayed around. 
He even spun her around after a while and she was caught in the arms of Taehyung.
"Ennie~!" he dipped her, making her giggle.
With Jungkook, his eyes were on her the entire night, smiling at how radiant and cheerful she looked. The prom surprise was a success and he was elated to see her smiling so much. But he wanted to dance with her. It was like every time he wanted to approach her, someone else took her away. But he had something up his sleeve so he could spend some time alone with her. 
Locking eyes with her from across the room, a soft smile appeared on his lips. He tilted his head to the side, gesturing for her to follow him out of the room. 
Finally taking a glimpse at Jungkook made Jen's heart flutter. She hadn't interacted with him like she wanted since everyone was trying to spend time with her. 
When she watched him go through a set of discreet doors, she waited a few moments before going to follow him, excusing herself from everyone. Walking through the doors, she closed them behind her to see Jungkook's back as he walked through another set of doors.
'What are you planning?' she pondered while she continued to follow him through more rooms.
Arriving in the final room, closing the doors behind her, she looked around to see that they were outside in a secluded area just for them. Various flowers decorated the space along with string lights surrounding it. Soft music was playing in the background and she saw Jungkook waiting for her with a grin.
"Milady." he bowed and extended his hand out.
Taking his warm hand, she was pulled in close, feeling him gently wrap an arm around her waist. Holding onto him, she looked up at him with a smile. Swaying around to the music, they occasionally giggled, enjoying this alone time while they could.
"So, would you say this is your favorite dance out of everyone you danced with tonight?" he asked, making her laugh.
"Top ten." she teased.
"What?" he whined, making her giggle. 
He spun her around and brought her back into his arms as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Kidding. This is my number one. Thank you for making this night even more magical." she placed a hand on the back of his head and kissed him.
"Anything for you," he whispered and let her rest her head on his chest as they continued to sway.
To spend their prom weekend, some 97 Liners have gone to a private resort, with a beach house. To have no worries about cameras or fans following them and to just unwind with friends away from their idol life was a great thing for them.
GOT7's Yugyeom and Bam Bam, Jungkook, Seventeen's Mingyu and The8, IKON's DK, GFriend's Hayoon, Yuju and Eunha, Jennie, and Twice's Mina and Jihyo arrived safely in a private area in Hawaii.
With Jennie and Jungkook, Jungkook carried their bags, making their way into the room that he would be sharing with her. Meanwhile, the rest stayed in other rooms around the big beach house.
Jennie plopped on the bed and let out a long sigh. But her relaxation was short lived when she let out a groan due to Jungkook dramatically falling on top of her.
"A warning would've been nice." she chuckled, trying to push him off but he wouldn't budge.
"That'll defeat the purpose of doing this," he said as mischievous tendencies began to go through his head.
Jennie took a whiff of his cologne. "You smile nice. Smells like my perfume...wait. It IS my perfume! That I've been searching for, for weeks! You stole it!?"
Placing his hands on either side of her head on the bed, looking down at her, he laughed. "Are you sure? I don't recall. I bought this a few days ago."
"You!" she grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the face with it, making him fall off the bed with a thump. 
Continuously hitting him with her newly acquired weapon, Jennie resumed calling him a thief.
“Ah! Hey!" he shouted as she straddled him to continue hitting him. 
He could easily turn them over but this was entertaining as he let her have her way for a bit. She grabbed his arm and placed it between her legs for an armbar, holding it for a moment until she felt him biting her leg.
“Ow! Did you just bite me?” she released him, rubbing the bite as she stood up with him.
Since she was distracted, he quickly got behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. 
"Oh gosh, don't suplex me~!" she shrieked as she was lifted in the air. 
Jungkook's back landed on the bed while she got thrown backward for the wrestling move. He then laid on top of her for a pin.
"1! 2! 3! Winner and still undefeated! The Golden Maknae! Jeon Jungkook!" he got off of her and raised his hands up in victory, being extra.
Loud giggling was heard as they saw Mina and Yugyeom secretly recording them to tease them about later.
"Oh no! You were recording!? Delete it!" Jennie chased after them with Jungkook.
"Run Mina! Run! I got this!" Yugyeom shouted, grabbing onto Jungkook as they wrestled around playfully.
Mina and Jennie ran around the kitchen with Eunha giggling with Hayoon as they watched them. 
After unsuccessfully getting Mina and Yugyeom to delete the video, Jennie and Jungkook went to play volleyball outside with Mingyu and Hayoon. With Jennie being the best at volleyball, she effortlessly won for her team. After that, they switched teammates as Mingyu teamed with her while Jungkook teamed with Hayoon. 
"You ready to win!?" Jennie cheered.
"Hell yeah, I'm teaming with the GOAT of volleyball. I got nothing to worry about," Mingyu grinned and highfived her. 
As they predicted, Jennie won again for her team as she celebrated with Mingyu, doing their secret handshake and jumping up to bump shoulders.
"How do you keep winning!?" Jungkook complained.
"She's the GOAT of volleyball! That's why!" Mingyu praised and laughed at his complaining.
"We'll get her next time, Jungkook," Hayoon reassured.
"Yeah, we definitely will," The Golden Maknae agreed.
"Hey, you're better at me in bowling! Let me enjoy this moment of beating you!" Jennie giggled.
Later on, everyone gathered around to eat lunch. Jennie expressed how elated she was that they were able to do this fun get together and hoped to have more 97 Liner trips down the line. She also mentioned how appreciative she was that they showed up for Prom and that she loved them all. Her sweet words made them happy as they told her how much they loved her too.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Jennie glanced at her phone to see a text from Jungkook as they all ate and talked among themselves.
JK: Want to play a game?
She looked up as she sat across from Jungkook who smiled at her.
Jen: Lol. Sure.
JK: Dare, darer or darest?
A game of dares, huh? What's the worst that could happen?
Jen: Hm....dare
JK: I dare you to chug your drink
Jen: Easy as pie!
She grabbed her full glass of iced tea and began to chug it effortlessly. When she was halfway done, she started to get the attention of some of the 97 Liners as they watched her in surprise.
"Wow, was it that good?" The8 asked with an impressed look as she laughed and set the empty glass down.
"Heck yeah, it was good! I need a refill," she grabbed the pitcher and poured another glass of tea.
JK: Lol good job.
Jen: Dare, darer or darest, my love?
JK: Darer
Jen: I dare you to do 20 push ups
JK: Your wish is my command
Getting out of his seat, he immediately started doing push ups. Some of the 97 liners started laughing at him while others looked confused.
"Really? While we're eating?" Bam Bam giggled.
"I forgot to do my daily pushups," he explained as he continued to do them until he was done and went back to his seat, feeling pumped from the workout.
Jen: Nice job, Kookie
JK: Dare, darer or darest, baby girl?
Jen: Darest
JK: I dare you to stand up and shout "It's my money and I need it now!" 
Jen: Oh Goddddd. I shouldn't have shown you those commercials lmfao
A while ago she showed him different JG Wentworth commercials on YouTube. She told him it was some of her favorite commercials that would play whenever she binged the channel that showed Maury, Jerry Springer, and Cheaters in the mornings.
Standing up, Jennie shouted, "IT'S MY MONEY! AND I NEED IT NOW!"
Her face immediately felt flushed when everyone's eyes turned to her. She covered her mouth in a fit of nervous giggles as soon as she sat down. Jungkook laughed out loud while clapping, pleased with her performance. 
"What in the world..." DK chuckled. 
"Your money? What is going on?" Mina asked, amused.
"Jennie, are you having a sugar rush? You're so silly," Hayoon giggled.
After settling down, Jennie texted Jungkook again. 
Jen: Dare, darer or darest?
JK: Darest
Jen: Lol I dare you to start barking 
"WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!" he said out of nowhere, causing her to cover her mouth to try to hide her laughter.
"What the heck?" Yugyeom asked as he laughed in confusion with the others.
Later in the evening, Jennie changed into an orange bikini with jean shorts and a buttoned white cover up, planning to go in the hot tub later. She sat with the rest of the 97 Liners to test their friendship by playing Uno. The 12 of them sat inside the house at a big table with snacks and drinks scattered around. Jen sat in between Yuju and The8 while Jungkook sat in between Yugyeom and Jihyo. 
Jennie and Jungkook sat across each other as everyone was immersed in conversation about how fun it had been to be here so far. Starting the Uno game, Bam Bam was in charge of shuffling and distributing the cards. Like always, Uno turned into chaos quickly.
"I'm placing down two of my yellow 3s." Yuju placed them down on the table.
“That’s not how you play the game!" DK called out.
"What do you mean!? If I have multiple, I want to put them all down!"
"No!" Mingyu exclaimed.
"Yes!" Yuju stood her ground.
"Oh dear." Eunha cringed.
"That is how you play!" Bam Bam agreed with Yuju.
"No, it's not!" Mingyu yelled.
"Yes, it is!" Bam Bam yelled back
"NO!" The8 chimed in.
"I prefer to put multiple cards down," Jihyo added as a huge debate started around the table. 
Jennie casually ate her smarties, watching the action unfold. She and Jungkook were sitting out for this game since the maximum number of players was 10. Truth be told, she was waiting for the drama to happen. This was going to be an interesting game night. She didn't care how Uno was going to be played for tonight. She loved the game either way and played it many ways depending on whatever rules someone wanted to put in the game. But if she had to choose, she'd rather put multiple cards down to make the games rotate faster since it was a lot of them playing.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
She looked at her phone to see a text from Jungkook.
JK: Dare, darer and darest?
She glanced up at him and he smirked softly as she began to smile.
Jen: Darer
JK: Unbutton your shirt a little
She looked at him with an amused expression as he raised an eyebrow suggestively. Letting out a soft laugh, she started texting back.
Jen: Is this your way of getting a nice view of my chest?
JK: Maybe...
Jen: Dirty...lol. Fine.
Deciding to tease him a little, she took her bun out and let her hair fall. Making eye contact with her boyfriend, she slowly unbuttoned a button and then one more, showing more of her chest for him. She observed his pleased reaction as his eyes wandered down with a satisfied smile.
JK: Wow...Orange looks good on you
Jennie sent a winky face emoji and the both of them started listening to the conversation again. 
"...actually it is. You can put multiple cards down if it's the same number." Hayoon spoke.
"Nah, nah. We are not playing like that. One card only." Jungkook asserted.
"Yes, we are playing like that." Hayoon asserted back, making him widen his eyes.
"Ooooooohhhhh!" the 97 Liners got hyped at her speaking.
Jungkook playfully glared at her before turning to Jennie, "Babe, are you going to let her talk to me like this?"
Jennie glanced at Hayoon and then Jungkook, "If my best friend says that this is how we play then we are playing like that." she replied, having Hayoon's back.
"I trusted you," the Golden Maknae looked offended.
"Hehe, multiple it is!" Hayoon cheered.
"One card!" he demanded.
"One card!" Mingyu chimed in.
"Multiple!" Yuju shouted.
"This is hilarious..." DK laughed.
A long debate occurred once again and they decided to settle it by rock, paper, scissors since it was clear that people played Uno in various ways. Finally, it was settled that they could only use one card which gained the annoyance of those who wanted it to be multiple. Yuju took back one of her yellow 3s, grumbling at how unfair this was.
As the game continued, Jennie noticed that Jungkook was still glued to her chest and she started to text him.
Jen: Dare, darer or darest?
JK: Dare
Jen: Keep your eyes up. Stop staring at my chest
JK: Whaaaaat? Seriously? :(
She sent laughing emojis and buttoned her shirt back while he looked disappointed.
JK: Dare, darer or darest?
Jen: Darer
JK: Unbutton your shirt again and allow me to keep staring at you
Jen: Seriously?? There needs to be some rules, you can't reverse it!
JK: Too bad lol. Let me see you
Jen: Ughhhh. Fine lol.
She did what she was told as he enjoyed the view. She watched him as he stretched and her mind began to wander. She wondered if she should take the risk to try to be a little bold and playful with her boyfriend at the table. She wanted to see where this new territory would take them. 
When a new game began with Jennie and Jungkook playing this time, the 97 Liners watched as the first card placed down on the table was a blue 8. 
As Jungkook was occupied checking out his hand, she decided to have one of her feet rub against his, catching his attention. She continued to look at her cards, ignoring his look as they started to play footsie for a bit. Her foot slowly started to go up his calf which caused him to chuckle softly, locking eyes with her. He thought of it as a cute gesture with her.
With the rest distracted with the game, they didn't have to worry about the attention on them unless it was their turn. So perhaps she could go along with this bold plan of hers to test the waters. 
Jen: Dare, darer, or darest?
JK: Darest
Jen: No matter what, stay in your seat for 5 minutes. I'll put a timer on.
He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
JK: Easy. Fine by me
'We'll see about that,' she thought as she put a timer on her phone.
After a minute, she raised her foot to rub against his calf again but this time went further up until she boldly pressed against his crotch which caused him to shift in his seat. 
He gave her a warning look while she smiled innocently. As she pressed further, rubbing against him, he flinched in his seat. He immediately grabbed her foot to stop the sensation but his shorts began to feel tighter.
'Fuck...' he thought as he managed to bite back a groan.
That was the last thing he was expecting her to do for a dare like this.
JK: I highly suggest you tread lightly
Jen: Me?? Tread lightly? It doesn't feel like you want me to
JK: Jennie...
Jen: Yesssss?
JK: Tread lightly...
Jen: You sure? 'Cause I'm flattered by how you're so quick to react to me. It looks like you're about to lose, Kookie. Want to throw up the white flag?
"Your turn Jungkook," it was announced as he was distracted by her.
"R-Right. Sorry. Here," he quickly put a card down as the game progressed.
As music played in the background along with loud conversations regarding the game, a low groan escaped him when her foot pressed against him again, making his arousal grow. He managed to keep his composure as he watched her smirk and wink at him.
'Confident, huh?' he thought.
JK: Last warning. Don't start something you can't finish, Jennie...
She looked at the message and back at him as he gave her a sharp stare which she thought made him look hotter. 
Oh, she was loving this...
Jen: And what are you going to do about it, my love?
She was pushing it. Her confidence was through the roof as she assumed he was going to break and have her win this entire game. But he continued to control himself, going along with the dare. He couldn't lose. Not like this. He had to win this game.
JK: Bet.
Reading his text made her even more amused as he took a page out of her book when she'd say that from time to time. 
Jungkook chose to be a patient man, plotting revenge later. They never did anything like this before but it was exciting and he wondered how far this was going to go between them. In the meantime, he managed to wrap his hoodie around his waist to make sure to hide his arousal when he planned to excuse himself once the timer went off. He was thankful everyone was occupied with the game as it was getting intense.
After another minute, the alarm on her phone went off. And Jennie giggled to herself as she watched him quickly excuse himself, claiming forfeit for this round so he could use the bathroom. 
Jennie continued the game and after they started a new game, Jungkook came back, less tense, watching the action unfold until they were ready for a new game. She waited for him to text back for another round of the Dare game but he didn't and she decided to patiently wait.
"STOP BEING A TROLL!" DK shouted at Bam Bam for constantly putting reverse cards down.
"Jeez, how many reverse cards do you have?" Yugyeom asked.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game. Now pick up a card from the deck DK." Bam Bam giggled.
"Mingyu! Don't you put that card down! If you put that card down I will never talk to you again!" Eunha warned when he teased her with the draw four card.
Placing it down anyway, Eunha playfully punched him on the arm and was forced to pick up four cards.
"Are you kidding me!?" Hayoon shouted after two people put down draw 4 cards when she was waiting to put down a wild card to change the color.
Everyone was shocked at how out of character she got because she was usually on the quieter side. During the game, she had the least cards but now ended up having the most. 
"You sure you want to do that?" The8 asked her when she was about to put down a green card.
"No regrets. I'm trying to get rid of these cards," she replied.
"Welp." he put down a reverse card, which made her shout in frustration because that was the last green card she got rid of. He seemed pleased to see someone getting all the cards to make the odds better for him to win.
"Jungkook, I'm sorry." Jihyo put down a draw 2 card.
"Don't be. I have a draw 2 card. Sorry, man." he turned to Yugyeom after placing the card down. 
"I think we need to stop being friends, Jungkook." Yugyeom sighed, picking up four cards.
"UNO!" Bam Bam shouted, having one final card.
"UNO!" Jennie announced next before placing down a red 7. 
She maintained eye contact with Bam Bam, as the competition heated up.
"Are you cheating?" Hayoon demanded, looking at Bam Bam angrily.
"Wh-what? No! Why would I?" he sputtered.
"Don't lie to me. Throughout this whole game, you keep getting the good cards." she narrowed her eyes making her look scary.
"What is that on your lap?" Mina pointed out
"Hidden cards?!" DK called out.
"Oh, so you cheating?" Jen called out as the guys stood up and chased Bam Bam around the house.
Later in the evening, Jungkook, Jennie, Hayoon, Mingyu, Jihyo, and DK hung out in the hot tub, chatting amongst themselves. Jungkook had his arm around Jennie, sitting next to her. As their time in the hot tub progressed, he removed his arm and then placed a hand on her knee.
"Final round. Dare, darer or darest?" he asked in her ear, taking her by surprise.
He still wanted to play? One last time?
"Are you serious?" she murmured to him.
"Unless you want to forfeit."
"No way. I'll play. But if I win this whole game, I want you to buy me that new video game coming out soon. The one I was telling you about,"
"Fine by me,"
"And what is your reward if you win?"
"You'll see when I win this final round,"
"Confident are you? Darest,"
"I dare you to be quiet," he said as she raised a brow.
Be quiet? That's it? That was easy. He just basically gave her the game.
She shrugged and turned her attention back to listening to the conversation their friends were having about funny moments living with their groups. She had already shared her piece with Jungkook on the moments they dealt with at the dorm so she eagerly listened, occasionally smiling at a comment here and there. 
Suddenly she felt Jungkook's hand slowly go further up on her thigh which caused her breath to hitch. She gave him a look while he looked ahead, unphased, and had an innocent smile on his face.
"You all right, Jennie?" Hayoon asked.
Feeling him lightly grip her inner thigh she jumped a little. "Ye-ah! Yeah! I'm fine! I just remembered I gotta catch up on the episodes of this American show my friend was telling me about. Another new episode should be out."
'So, you're sensitive here...' Jungkook thought, making a mental note.
After she wasn't the center of attention anymore, she felt Jungkook raise his hand up further which caused her to squirm in her seat. She refrained from having a whimper escape her lips and immediately grabbed his hand to make him stop.
'Mission ABORT!' she yelled in her head as she pondered on ways to get out of this situation. 
She was about to try to move to get out of the hot tub to avoid her fate but he immediately grabbed her and kept her securely next to him.
"Mm mm. Don't run now," she heard him say in her ear, making her shiver. 
She felt him kiss her cheek afterward. From their friends' perspective, it was like he was just giving her a sweet kiss for a little PDA which was something they were used to. But boy was she in shambles on the inside.
Once the rest thought of watching a movie, they began to get out of the hot tub. Jennie attempted to move again, hoping to leave with them but Jungkook continued to hold her securely, making her stay with him.
"Enjoy the movie. We're gonna stay here and spend some quality time together," Jungkook announced.
'Oh my God...what have I done?' she thought.
"Aw, cute! Have fun! I'm gonna leave and turn in, I'll see you guys, tomorrow!" Hayoon grinned and got out of the hot tub.
"Y-you're leaving? Already?" Jennie called out as Jungkook began to smirk to himself.
"Yeah, I'm sleepy. See you two tomorrow!" she waved and started walking away.
'No, no don't leave, sis!' Jennie begged in her head as she watched her go back inside after shutting the door.
And now she was left alone and at Jungkook's mercy.
Jungkook's mind raced with various scenarios on how this could go down. He could go the usual route and tickle her. But his mind began to wander to how she made him feel earlier. How quickly his body reacted to her and how he imagined what it would be like to make her feel good in a more sensual way. She had officially awakened a side of him that he didn't think he had. And everything she had done tonight made him want to do more.
"Alone at last..." he said proudly.
Turning to him, she attempted to try to sweet talk her way out of this. 
"Kook, listen I-"
Before she could continue, he cut her off with a heated kiss. She moaned against his mouth once his hand reached her core, rubbing against it, making her squirm. She weakly tried to move his hand away but he continued as his kisses traveled down to her neck, making her whimper.
"J-Jungkook..." she gasped, trying to keep her sounds low.
He could really get used to hearing her say his name like that.
The sensations and everything he was doing were driving her insane as she began to grind against his hand. His pace was steady as he listened to her sounds.
"Where'd the confidence go, Miss Bangtan?" he teased in her ear as she let out a soft curse. 
She couldn't even answer his question as she cried out for him. She underestimated how he would retaliate after she teased him earlier. But she didn't want him to stop what he was doing as her panting increased and she threw her head back.
Suddenly, the pleasure stopped as he let her go and pulled away.
"I win," he grinned.
Dazed, she looked at him in shock, "Wh-what!?" she exclaimed breathlessly. "I-I-hey! That wasn't fair!"
"I told you to be quiet for the dare, baby girl,"
"You didn't say anything about doing this! And why did you stop?!"
"You lost as soon as you answered Hayoon's question earlier. And as for what just happened...you shouldn't have teased me," he replied as he got out of the hot tub.
"You're leaving!? You're just gonna leave me, like this?!" 
"I said don't start something you can't finish. Good night, Jagi," he smiled and left her alone, going inside the house.
"I...this little shit..." she grumbled as she crossed her arms.
Who told him to be this bold? She was loving every bit of this side of him. It also amazed her how quickly she submitted to him. She had to fight back next time and take control.
As frustrated as she was that he didn't give her that release, she enjoyed herself and was curious to see what else they'd do.
The next morning, Jennie got ready for the day while still in her pajama shorts and tank top. She gave everyone a head's up yesterday that she was going to sleep in and chill for the morning while they went out for their fun activities. She'd join them later in the afternoon. For now, she wanted to lounge around and then maybe go for a jog later.
"Oh, hey. Good morning. You didn't want to join the others to go out?" she asked as she saw Jungkook walk into their bedroom, shirtless with just a pair of grey sweatpants on.
He smiled and shook his head. "Good morning. Nah, I didn't want to leave you, so I stayed behind. I was waiting for you to wake up,"
"Aw, you didn't have to. I know how much you love hanging with the guys. I would have been all right,"
"And miss the chance of being alone with you? No way. I'll go out later,"
"So...about last night," she brought up. "Can we talk about it?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Did I go too far?"
She shook her head with a smile. "No way, I enjoyed it. I'm just upset you left me hanging. It was nice. It felt really good. Maybe I should start teasing you more often,"
He chuckled. "Maybe you should. I'm glad you liked it,"
"Did I go too far? You know, at the table,"
He shook his head. "It took me by surprise but you initiated something I've been thinking about for a while. I'm glad we're comfortable with this,"
"Me too. Oh so about the game...I lost. So, what do you want as your reward?" she asked, feeling curious since he hadn't brought it up yet.
The statement caused him to smirk. "You'll see,"
"It's nothing embarrassing is it?"
"Nah. You'll enjoy this more than me," he reassured and glanced at the bed. "Lay down,"
"Lay down?" she looked confused.
"There's something I've been wanting to do for a while now,"
"Alright," she shrugged and got on the bed, laying her body against the soft sheets. 
She laid her head against one of the satin pillows and watched as he smiled and got on top of her to capture her lips intimately and slowly. She melted into his touch as he caressed her and felt his lips travel down her body. As she felt his kisses down her stomach, she gasped.
"Wait..." she breathed out as she felt his hands pulling on her shorts. "N-not there. You don't have to do that," she fidgeted and gently pushed him off of her.
"What's wrong?" his eyes turned into concern while she sat up with him. "Did I hurt you?"
"No, no, I just...you don't have to do that, okay?" she felt herself getting nervous.
Deep down she wanted to but she began to feel a little shy. She always thought about getting head from him but she'd feel self conscious. What if she smelled? What would he think when he sees her? Does it look okay down there?
"I want to. This is what I wanted to try. Are you nervous?" he asked.
"A-a little. I never experienced it before,"
He smiled understandingly. "Me either. It's something we can try together for the first time. I told you I wanted to be your first in other ways. I want to make this experience a good one for you. Don't be nervous, okay? Just relax, Jennie. I got you," 
He gently pushed her back down and kissed her. His kisses slowly traveled down to her neck, making her tremble. 
"Seeing you in that bikini really made me want to do this," he added. "And not to mention with you teasing me and how you sounded in the hot tub...I want to hear you say my name like that again,"
For a while now he wanted to try this with her. Being able to give her pleasure by his mouth with his head in between her thighs. It was new to them both and Jungkook was eager to learn more about what she liked when getting pleasured. Eager to learn more about how her body reacted to him.
"You trust me? Can we try this?" he asked as he looked at her for consent.
His words made her feel at ease and she nodded.
"I want you to say it verbally,"
Face flushed, she spoke, "Yes. I trust you. We can try,"
Once he got confirmation, he brought her to the edge of the bed and kneeled on the floor. Removing her shorts and panties, he pushed her legs apart.
"Beautiful..." she heard him say as she felt him kiss around her inner thighs, making her squirm in anticipation.
She cried out at the sensation as his wet and warm tongue slid against her folds, making her back arch. He started slow, taking his time as he held her in place. 
Her eyes squinted shut with pleasure, and her breathing quickened as she desperately tried to grip on something. She became a mess under him, grabbing his hair while he continued to experiment and listen to her feedback.
Jungkook thought she looked beautiful like this as he watched her with lustful eyes. He studied the way her face moved and how her body tensed. She was all desperate and needy for him as he felt her shudder in pleasure and moan out his name. The way she tugged on his hair and cried out for him gave him affirmation that he was doing well and he felt a sense of pride that it was him making her feel this way.
As Jennie continued to enjoy herself, she noticed that it seemed like Jungkook was a talker, speaking sweet nothings to her as he pleased her. She found herself appreciating that and pondered how it would be when they decided to have sex since this was already getting her going.
Once she felt her release coming, she began to try to push away. Everything was feeling intense for her and she felt like she wasn't going to be able to handle what was about to happen.
Pulling her back to him, he spoke, "It's okay, I got you. Just let go,"
While he buried his head back in between her legs, a strong wave of pleasure took over as she cried out his name in bliss. Pulling away from her, he smirked at the sight of her trembling and breathing heavily.
"Good girl," he thought out loud, praising her.
Jennie felt her face flush at the new nickname and she found herself loving it as a light laugh escaped her and a tired smile came across her face for a moment. He was going to be the death of her if he kept this up. And this was only the beginning of them doing things sexually.
Jungkook watched her reaction and realized that she liked the way he praised her, keeping a mental note of it. He was going to enjoy getting better and better at this so he could see that satisfied look on her face often.
"You all right?" he asked softly. 
She couldn't speak for a moment as she continued to catch her breath, trying to calm down from her high.
"What...the hell...Jungkook?" she breathed out as he chuckled and sat on the bed.
"Did I do okay?"
"Yeah, that was amazing. I feel amazing. Wow..." she continued to catch her breath, still feeling out of it. "What has gotten into you?"
He grinned. "I couldn't help myself."
In the afternoon, Jungkook went to spend time with the guys and checked out the sights while Jennie went with the girls to a local zoo after Hayoon excitedly suggested the idea.
“Wait, don’t you think we should go by the map?” Mina advised as they all watched Hayoon run off like a child with a bright giggle.
“There she goes.” Jen chuckled.
“She really likes animals, huh?” Eunha added as they went to catch up with her.
“Look at how cute it is!” Hayoon pointed at the monkeys. “And this one! And that one!”
They all walked around while Hayoon took over the entire trip, pointing out where she wanted to go. She even ran straight to the gift shop to buy a toy giraffe, which sparked Jen’s creative mind to create a giraffe themed birthday box for her once her birthday arrives.
Continuing to explore, they observed the cute pandas, birds, and snakes which creeped some of them out, and now it was onto the fish. Walking over to the touch bank, they watched the stingrays swim around. Mina hesitantly dipped her hand in the water and flinched when she felt the smoothness of the stingray, pulling her hand out.
“Oh my gosh.” she giggled in surprise while the rest of the girls followed suit.
“It’s so squishy,” Yuju said as she tried to touch one.
After the zoo, Jennie received a text from Jungkook that made her stomach flip.
JK: I'm taking you out. Let's go on a real date. :)
Jennie got ready quickly and then went to the mirror to do her makeup along with Jungkook waiting for her in their room. He watched her apply lip gloss on her lips as a soft smile came across his features.
‘With or without makeup you’re still beautiful to me always.’ he thought.
“What?” she smiled, bringing him out of his thoughts.
He grinned. “Ah, nothing. You ready?"
"Yep! I'm excited!" she grabbed his hand as he led her to where their date was.
He took her to a nice romantic picnic that had a great view of the beach. He made sure to take lots of candid photos of her while they ate. He made her laugh so hard that she snorted again which was something he hadn’t heard in a long time. It was pretty rare that it happened. Whenever she laughed so hard and snorted, she’d get embarrassed about it. But Jungkook thought it was cute over the years and made sure to tell her that. Because of this, thanks to him, Jennie started to feel more comfortable about her unpredictable snorts.
After their lunch, they walked around the beach, holding hands. He then suggested carrying her as she got on his back, checking out the view. Finding a Hammock, Jungkook lounged in it with Jen resting on top of him. He held her close as they watched the ocean, clouds, and blue sky.
A moment they'll never take for granted as they enjoyed each other's company and thought about how lucky they were to have each other.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she murmured, feeling one of his hands run up and down her back affectionately.
Kissing the top of her head, he guaranteed, "I know. Me too. We’ll go on more vacations. This one is just the beginning,” 
She looked up and kissed him. Pulling back, she smiled. “I can’t wait.” 
After their date, Jennie spent time with Hayoon, finding her around the area, bike riding. She rode bikes with her and then sat at an empty table near the beach.
“Hey, hey!” Bam Bam grinned and took a seat with them as he did some shopping.
“Bam Bam!” Hayoon beamed.
“Yo~!” Jen grinned. “Nice of you to join us.”
“I just came to see Hayoon.” he teased.
Miss Bangtan narrowed her eyes. “Oh okay. I’ll remember that when you want my baking.”
That caused his eyes to widen. “Wait, no! Please, I’m sorry!”
“Nah, you f’ed up.” she waved him away before everyone laughed in unison.
“There’s this smoothie place around that I saw earlier today. Want to grab some?” he suggested.
“I’m down.”
“Yes, let’s go,” Hayoon added.
After getting smoothies, Bam Bam whipped out his phone to film them walking around the beachside, enjoying their drinks. Jen noticed him filming and threw up the peace sign while Hayoon happily waved.
“Hi~! Blueberry smoothies are the best!” Hayoon proudly said.
Abruptly, Bam Bam dabbed and started laughing with Jennie.
“Do it with me.” he encouraged and dabbed again with Jen while Hayoon sighed, unamused.
“I need new companions.“ Hayoon walked past them, causing them to laugh harder.
“Wait! Come back!”
Sitting at a table by the beach, the three spent time sharing funny dorm stories and how their idol lives have been. Jen even posted a video of recording Bam Bam mocking her performance for fire.
“Guys, I do not dance like this,” she said in the video.
“Yes, you do! And then you move your hips like this.” he dramatically rolled his hips around in a circle, looking extra which caused Hayoon to let out a high pitched laugh.
“Stop encouraging him!” she groaned while playfully scolding her.
The trio decided to play Uno again to get back at Bam Bam for cheating. The two best friends demanded that he play fair and watched his every move. Hayoon was also in charge of distributing the cards. She did not have much luck during the first round and it was down to Bam Bam and Jen who had one final card left.
Jen had a blue zero while Bam Bam had a green five. Everything was in Hayoon’s hands as they waited for her to put down her next card. Miss Bangtan’s heart rate quickened in anticipation. She just had to win this.
Once Hayoon put down a wild card, she announced “Blue!” as the new color.
Slapping her blue card down, Bam Bam wailed in defeat.
“NO!” he shouted.
“YES! TAKE IT, BITCH!” Jennie stood up and raised her fists in the air
Sitting back down, Jennie took a photo of herself smiling victoriously with an annoyed Bam Bam in the background and a delighted Hayoon. She tweets it with the caption, ‘Decimated, embarrassed, schooled, BODIED! #Jen’
After playing a few more rounds, with Hayoon and Jennie beating him every time, they grabbed Bam Bam’s small speaker to dance around for fun and taught each other their group’s choreography.
“Let’s throw it back.” Jennie put on Tambourine by Eve. “Follow my movements, all right.”
She did some basic moves as they followed her. Soon after that, she went to record them to post on Twitter.
“Shake what your mama gave you! Move those hips!” she encouraged.
Hayoon did as she was told which surprised both of her friends.
“What was that!?” Bam Bam yelled, impressed.
“Damn girl! Where did that come from?” Jen grinned.
“You said to shake what my mom gave me,” Hayoon replied innocently.
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madfantasy · 5 months
Mani's Blog Guide
Hello this is Mani! And here I share what I don't want on my platonic- bromancing of a blog ( @madmanii ) like drawing favorite ships and naughties for fun trash. 18+
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Main tags:
★Current obsessions #SeverusSnape, #Tintin, my ocs.
★Spicy posts tagged with #naughties, access to them going forward is now for my Kofi monthly subscribers, for extra safety Nd stuff. 🌝
★ diary/rants/ anything personal in #drawingJourney
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Ship tags:
I draw lots of Severus & admittedly he's the only character I'm personally invested in, and so as a toxic trait— or rather pure 'for the heck of it' attitude I like to throw ANY ships at him and show all kinds of aftermaths, good or bad. And in this house, we all know he faked his death and deserves some fixing, hehe
Favs being:
My go to is Harry ditches being aurora & pursue his passion, spots hermit Sev along the way and basically keep chasing him, they both need to cancel eachothers trauma, I say :'x (my au tagged with #Cauldrons&Brooms )
Probably the most intense and toxic relationship throughout the stages of Severus's life, I love it
#Sn— anything at this point if it moves my muse, honestly 😝 either fluff or nuclear there's no in between
While totally sticking by the cannon cuz being Ace, vigorously identifying with an underestimated, politely unhinged shorty who get things done and his job requires traveling the world, I also dream of living with my besties in a mansion one day and have said adventures lead together or solo and return to spin our yarns whole we cradle our tea cups. I also enjoy the concept of Tintin being magnetic to dilfs (as he constantly chases alot it them lo) Soo:
#hadditon I mean, it's considered 99.99% cannon 😌
#alcatin my actual favourite pair ':, yes, one sided unhealthy infatuation at that x'
#with anybody who moves a muse, per usual lo
And anything really that I'm hyper over, specifically obscure things cuz that what being undiagnosed is like😛
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Support Mani on Kofi to stay online (it's off usually around 23th-26th) and to save up for necessities & art stuff. My monthly subscribers get 10% off of commissions &lt;;3
Hope you enjoy your visit, dears 🖤♥️ c':
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mxngldmxdnsss · 1 year
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The Hunt - series
Chap 2. Blue Magic - Recom Miles Quaritch
spicy parts will take a while because I like build up, but be patient, build up in the story builds tension and tension = good sex
Na’vi is going to be in blue
pairing - recom miles quaritch x omatikaya!fem! reader
cw! torture, the machine that was used on Spider basically, death, gore (?), very descriptive stuff sorry, sexually suggestive things hehe 🤭
mature content ahead : proceed with caution!
Give up the Sullys, your people, give up everything you’ve ever known for these demons. That’s what they wanted from you. The whirring of the machine was worse enough, but to give up your entire life? You couldn’t think of any other hell. Squeezing your eyes shut, you listened as the tiny woman called General, demanded you think of something, anything. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t give up your clan.
You sobbed, the pain was unbearable. It felt like the torture went on for hours, days maybe. There were moments when you almost gave in, almost just fessed up. You knew you’d be banished if you made it back to your clan. That’s if they kill you once they got what they needed. You knew at some point they’d figure out where Sully went whether the information was from you, Spider or simple clues.
Mustering some strength you prayed to Eywa, words jumbled as you fought against the pain. This only pissed the General off even more as Spider reluctantly translated for her. “We can do this all day. Either you fess up now or we find more painful ways to get the information out of you!” The General was too confident you thought, too confident in her stupid sky army and inventions. You just needed to resist a bit more, maybe they’d give up, or maybe you would. It was an internal battle you knew they figured out by now, after all they had your entire mind on display.
You figured you could use it to your advantage, think of something to combat them. Something to show them your strength and resistance. You’d think of crushing them, starting with the tiny woman in front of you. You pictured her in your mind, waiting for the observation of the little people in white coats. Once you heard them alert her, you moved on to the next phase in this scene.
Making sure the thought was clear in your head, you pictured yourself plunging your knife into her body. Hearing her scoff, you opened your eyes, making sure she saw your determination. Before she could walk away, you did your best to think of their fortress in flame, crushed under your peoples fist. “Very theatrical, you and your people, shame you’re all so stubborn, your clan would be great allies.” You hissed at her, watching as she moved to stop the machine, finding no more use in you.
You sighed in relief as the machine slowed, and the restraints loosened around your body. Looking down, you observed as she gestured for the soldier from before to take you away. You almost fought against him as he grabbed you, but the exhaustion was stronger. Going limp in his hold, you gave the woman one last glare before being pulled away from the machine.
Before you could get back to your room, you had to be checked by the ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’. Once the Colonel was given the green light, he pulled you up by your arms, and began making his way back to your holding cell. Spider followed behind, ducking under the Colonel’s tail as it flicked behind him.
“Y/n! Are you alright? I’m so sorry they had to do that to you.” You groaned in response, the boy’s frantic voice piercing your ears drums. “Go away.” Huffing, you attempted to lay down on the table in the room but were stopped by the buffoon that got you into this mess. “Uh uh sweetheart, doc says you gotta stay awake for the next hour or two to make sure your brain’s alright”
Smacking your teeth, you slapped the Colonel’s hands away and sat back up. Before you could argue with the man you were grabbed by Spider. Wrapping his arms around you, Spider squeezed you tight. “I’m sorry Y/n. I know you think I’ve betrayed your people, but please just listen to me.”
Hearing a pained grunt from you, Spider pulled away and stood back up to full height. You truly did not want to hear the excuses but he was just a boy you thought to yourself. “Go ahead.” You sighed and patted the place next to you for Spider to sit.
“Look, I know it looks bad and all, but I was captured just like you, and they used that machine on me too. And if I could go back in time and make sure I died before they caught me, or got away, I’d make sure of it.” The Colonel chuckled snidely to himself at this, drawing out a growl from you. Turning, you faced Spider and placed a hand on his shoulder. He let out a shuddered breath, that of a sob. “You have to see me Y/n, please. You have to understand that I’d never give up the clan.”
You were torn, within the first few minutes of seeing him in this cell when you woke up, you’d accused him of betrayal to the clan. Rightfully so, which Spider assured you. You had every right to lose faith and trust in him, after all he was without restraint in this place, and the man before you is his father. Well, was. Spider explained everything to you, with the protest of the Colonel, or ‘Miles Quaritch’. He even explained that no, they couldn’t let you go, not even if you begged, or were of no use to the General. They couldn’t risk it. So you’d be stuck here until they somehow captured and killed your former clan leader.
General ‘Ardmore’ would find a use for you, whether you liked it or not, was what ‘Miles’ told you. And within the hour, she did. You’d help the Recom Crew blend in, learn some of the ways of The People. Against your wishes of course. It was one thing to have a human boy raised amongst the Na’vi, but it was another to have a Na’vi, let alone an Omatikaya member.
You’d be fed and given a room to stay in. “We ain’t that cruel.” Is what you remembered ‘Miles’ saying, in a deep accent that made you giggle. Everything he said was hilarious when he sounded like that. Even his half assed threats.
By the end of the day you’d figure out the names of some of the soldiers you saw from Spider’s descriptions. You wondered just why, would these people who hated Na’vi, want to become one? You knew that back home, everyone would find it humorous. Imagining your friends asking about their funny hands and feet. Your clan accepted Jake Sully and his children for their differences, but these dreamwalkers? Never. They’d never become Na’vi.
You chuckled to yourself at this thought. They were signing themselves up for certain failure. Even Jake Sully himself said that the training was tough, and he gave it his all. These people were too clumsy, worse than children, and reluctant to even accept their new identities. But as ‘Miles’ explained, these people, were only meant to be clones. Given the memories of dead marines. It almost comforted you, thinking that these people may have chances to change, but you knew better than to expect more from less.
Laying down on your cot, you sighed and looked up at the ceiling, wishing for the forest noises and night sky to quell your anguish.
For now you’d go over what soldiers to look out for, advice from Spider. ‘Miles’ you knew, was your best shot, if you could get under his skin, or convince him go change, maybe you’d have a chance at escaping. The thought invaded your mind. Just how would you use ‘Miles’ to your advantage? The more you thought, the more your mind shifted to him entirely.
“‘Miles’..” You said his name aloud. Testing it out on your tongue. It was nice but also pitiful almost, to waste such a man on a task. How useful he’d be back home with those arms. That you were focused on most. And his voice, how powerful you sensed it was. As stupid as his accent was, it almost, ignited something inside. Hearing him speak. Watching him move. The way his muscles ripped beneath his skin.
You shuddered at the imagine forming inside your mind. This man had captured you, you couldn’t allow yourself to be deceived by him. You grunted to yourself and flopped onto your side, pacifying yourself with wishes for home, as turmoil filled the back of your mind. Colonel, Miles, demon, dreamwalker, whatever he was, you couldn’t allow yourself to become another piece in their game.
You dreamt of home that night, and the wonders it would become with Miles.
Chap 3. I Caught Myself
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hamofjustice · 1 month
Julinemo Week, Day 3: Study Session
(This could probably be better but this week is an exercise in just posting without being a perfectionist and I wanna go to bed, so)
The late afternoon breeze streaming through Nemona's window kept her room smelling as fresh and alive as a new adventure, as she and her favorite guest did something quite a bit less exciting: reviewing their Battle Studies homework.
Nemona was on her bed, leaving just enough space for her napping Pawmot, while Juliana and her Gardevoir were down on the plush green rug she'd picked out for Nemona the previous week (which Nemona insisted on paying for). The Battle Frontier Channel was on the big TV as familiar background noise, though Gardevoir at least seemed more interested in looking up at that than the open books.
"Uhhh… question nine… 'Which kind of Terrain protects from ailments instead of powering up attacks?'" Juliana read out.
"Oh, um… Misty Terrain! I was just thinking about that one. It might help you remember that one's different 'cause it's not called Fairy Terrain."
"Oh yeah, huh. Good point."
"It's not teeechnically correct to say it's the only one that does that, 'cause, like, Electric Terrain keeps you awake, and Misty Terrain does power up Terrain Pulse and Misty Explosion, but… I think you can safely ignore those since there's no 'none of the above' options… right?"
"Uh… nope, there's not. Wow, Mona… you know more than these books do, huh? Hehehe…"
"Heh. Nah, they're probably just tryin' to keep it simple. I've never used Misty Explosion in my life!"
"Oh. Well, I appreciate trying to keep it simple, 'cause some of these things have so many arbitrary little details to remember…"
"I know, right? I guess it's not like anybody sat down and designed 'em all elegantly like a video game, though." Nemona pointed out, before starting to tap her pencil eraser to her chin and then her temple as she looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder if Misty Explosion might be decent BECAUSE no one expects it…"
"Maybe? Mmm, I dunno…"
"I've actually gotta figure that out soon. When you get into Advanced Battle Studies like me, you'll have to--"
"IF I get into Advan--"
"WHENNN you get in, 'cause you're smart and cool and attr-- attentive, and a Champion like me, and have me helping youuu…" Nemona insisted, briefly pointing her eraser down at Juliana as if it were a threat. Pawmot kept sleeping, fully accustomed to its Trainer's volume. "… You've gotta make theme teams for all these field conditions! It's kinda fun, but… I dunno how good some of these would be. They start ya off easy with Rain, but… hmm…"
"Oh, is that what you're working on up there?"
"Eh, sorta. I've got the Psychic Terrain one for this week figured out ahead of schedule, so I'm getting started on the Misty Terrain one now."
"So you could just… not be doing homework right now, if you wanted?" Juliana prodded.
"I mean… I guess, but then I'd probably just be bored and houndin' you to go out with me. Uh, f-for battles and stuff."
"Mmm. Yeah, probably. Well… thanks for matching my pace, then."
"Hehe… "
They both smiled at each other for a bit before getting back to work. Each of them sighed happily and gave their partner Pokemon some petting. But eventually…
"Uh… I'll be right back. Gotta use the bathroom." Juliana quietly announced.
"Mmmkay. Be my guest."
Nemona looked up from the page and gazed off into space as Juliana stepped out, but then…
"Hey, Gardevoir." she whispered.
"Devoira…?" Juliana's companion answered sleepily, turning its head up to Nemona.
"Can you… show me how Juliana feels about me?"
"Garde." the Embrace Pokemon said with a nod. It rolled its neck a bit before scooting a bit closer and reaching out to Nemona with its green hand.
"Ooh, are we gonna do a mind meld? Heh…"
Almost as soon as she took its hand, Nemona's eyes shut and brows shot up like she'd once again misread a teaspoon of Spicy Herba Mystica as a tablespoon. After a few moments, however, she seemed to become accustomed to whatever had been put in front of her mind's eye. Her expression became one of curious awe, then wholesome warmth, then giddy delight as she wiggled her feet happily behind her. She opened her eyes back up as the emotional transmission ended, needing a moment to refocus on reality. "Oh… oh man… th-thanks bud. I, uh… huh…"
"De gara, devoira."
Juliana came back into the room to find Nemona blushing and giggling, and immediately looked down at herself to try and find a reason for it, to no avail.
"Hehehehe… Hey, I think I might be moving down to the floor with you, actually." Nemona decided, picking up her book.
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spicybylerpolls · 1 month
yeah, that underage doubtful anon about minors filming spicy scenes... that just seems like another kind of byler doubt to me, except rather than being about byler getting together at all, THIS flavour of byler doubt is byler sex doubt! Hahahahaha
we dont need that at all!! byler sex is speculative and somewhat far-fetched, and even though I believe it has serious potential to show up in the show, its still the wacky cousin of the byler community who showed up with some beers and a boombox. it's so fun at spicy byler tumblr, and if we start bringing classic Byler Doubt TM in, we're just going to ruin stuff! cos sex isnt guaranteed here anyway, so why doubt it? we've only just got through the gauntlet of the underage issue, please let's just have fun now for a bit lol
also im going to add my own tangential poll to this post: for me, one of the biggest 'evidences' of spicy byler times incoming is that noah and finn (noah in particular) react in a certain kind of blushy/secretive way during press/social media that does not merely speak to me of their characters getting a simple romantic ending, or just a kiss. i can completely understand why many people don't take anything outside of the show itself as evidence, and i wish i didnt, but i just can't help it. cos shows are fiction and made to manipulate you as a viewer, whereas real people, even actors, have tells. im not claiming to know finn and noah's personal tells, but for me, as two humans, their body language does not lie!
noah especially gives off the vibes that he will have to portray something extremely giggle-worthy (and thus spicy) next season. that tiktok at penn where he almost gave spoilers? 'there's some crazy stuff, some iconic scenes in there' and his smile was GUILTY AF. yeah, crazy stuff could be a showdown with vecna or a lore reveal. but would that make him BLUSH???? and it could be *just* a masturbation fantasy scene (would love that for the narrative too), but then we also now seeing finn blushing furiously and flickering his eyes around during press like he's in an interrogation room whenever s5 is mentioned. it just screams 'two friends and coworkers who know they have to get it on on-screen' to me.
so has anyone else got finn and noah's behaviour as good evidence for spicy byler incoming?
yes all the way! though i try not to think of that and focus on byler themselves/the narrative clues
yeppers peppers and i love to see it! add it to the pile of proofs hehe!
no, everything is meaningless but the show you FOOL! (affectionate)
no, i notice their blushing but i dont think it relates to the show. maybe theyre in lurrrvvvveeeee
finn and noah are blushing a lot cos it's hot in whatever room theyre in and means nothing lmao
one day we will all die so none of it matters or makes sense and who is byler?
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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augustghosts · 2 years
1988 - Eddie Munson
A few more looks into my stupid lil take on Eddie surviving and escaping Hawkins. The sequel to 1987.
Word count: 8k (lol)
Warnings: Minors DNI. 18+, gets a lil spicy multiple times. There isn’t any full detailed smut in this one, but lots of allusions to sex, basically in every month hehe. Slight mention of knife play and Eddie’s famous handcuffs. Gets pretty angsty as well. Eddie crying multiple times is defo its own warning. Smoking and alcohol are mentioned throughout. Talk of alcoholism and addiction. Weed is used, but only in one month. Talk of nightmares. Talk of therapy and ptsd. Jealousy. But also some disgustingly sweet fluffy stuff too! Just a bit of everything really. only lightly proofread so if there’s any mistakes just pretend they aren’t there…
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January, 1988. Rain pounding the pavement. Earth saturated. Eddie, running from his car to their apartment block entrance. The ground is slippery, winter - old ice and new rain. Terrible combination. Especially for a clumsy man wearing boots. He’s fumbling in his pockets, where the fuck were his keys? Shit. Did he leave them in the car? He looks up, their front facing apartment visible. Kat is perched at the double doors which lead to the balcony. Peering through the glass, almost mocking him. He sighs, making his way back to his car. 
20 minutes later he’s sitting in the car, but this time outside of her work. A quiet bookstore, her shift doesn’t finish for another half an hour. They had just got back last week. New Year's eve. December 1987 had been spent apart. Christmas, back in Hawkins. Him and Wayne tucked away in Wayne’s new house. One bedroom - small, but good enough for Wayne. Her with her family on the other side of town, just like back in Highschool. They had met up once during this month long ‘break’ in their relationship and fucked in a motel room. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry.”  “Fuck, you feel so good, Ed’s. I love you.” 
Apologies, whispered praises and promises. The cruel game of love that they had been playing since they were teenagers. Sneaking back to their families after ‘running errands’. Just like old times. He had felt mad without her. Although, sometimes, Eddie thought that he was never sane to begin with. They had been doing well since they got back. Happy to be out of Hawkins again, back home. Together. Belonging. 
When he walks in, she’s at the counter, hunched over a book. The store is empty, dimly lit. She jumps as the bell above the door rings. Slamming the book shut, ready to greet a customer. Her tight customer service smile fading and being replaced by a genuine grin when she sees her boyfriend sheepishly standing in the doorway. Water dripping from his hair and clothes. 
“Did you walk here?” She jokes. Walking to the other side of the counter to greet him. He takes a few steps towards her, stopping when he notices the droplets from his boots are leaving footprints on the carpet. 
“No, i uh - i think i lost my keys.” He chuckles, his teeth slightly chattering. January weather. He looks around. “Are you here alone? Is that safe?” 
She frowns, watching him shiver, rain dripping from his bangs. She walks around him, locking the doors. How many customers are going to come in half an hour before closing during a storm? 
“Come here,” She says. Reaching for his shoulders, slipping his wet coat off. Throwing it to the floor. The store is warm, and so is she. Always warm. She hugs him tightly, pulling back to wipe the wet hair out of his face before pulling him down for a kiss. Cold lips meet warm. He groans against her mouth. Trying to pull her closer. 
“I’m gonna close up now. Then we can get you home, get you in the shower.” 
He scoops his jacket up from the floor as she walks away. A smirk -  “Are you going to come in with me?” 
February. Cookies. A new hobby for her, baking. Truly domestic bliss. For her at least. Eddie would complain the whole time, it takes too long, it looks boring, I miss you, come cuddle. She had heard them all. He would complain, up until he got to taste whatever she had made. Today was no different, he was waiting. Leaning on the counter, elbows on the marble and his head resting in his hands. Brown eyes watching. You can’t eat them when they’re hot, Ed’s. She had told him. 
“Do I need to wait for these to cool down?” He mumbled, eyes fixed on the treats. Kat was beside him on the counter, almost mimicking his expression. 
“Yes, honey.” She laughed, moving to untie the apron she had on. She was dressed in the apron one of Eddie’s shirts and her panties. Fuck, she looked good. He leaned further over the counter to look her up and down. 
“Wait,” He said. Her hands paused on the strings. “That is very cute.” 
She giggled as he approached her. His strong arms wrapped around her waist. “You like it?” She asked. 
“Mhm.” He hummed, hungrily taking in her form one more time. One of his hands slid around her back, pulling the strings. Apron now on the floor. His hands under her ass, hoisting her up into his arms. 
“Ed’s!” She squealed as he lifted her up onto the counter. His large hands squeezed her thighs. She was the luckiest woman alive. As much as Eddie wanted to deny it. Lips joined as he leaned against the counter between her legs, his arms on either side of her, caging her in. His weight on top of her is familiar and welcome. As they kissed, she felt Eddie grabbing something on the counter behind her. When she pulled away to look he was holding a small knife she had used earlier to open the packet of sugar she had been struggling with. 
“Do you remember how much fun we used to have with these?” He smirked, his mouth inches away from hers. She grinned back at him. Memories flashing through her mind, Eddie’s trailer in high school. His handcuffs and the switchblade he used to carry with him. Nothing dangerous, always fun.
“Yeah,” She mumbled against his jawline, a groan rumbling in his chest as she pressed her lips to his ear. “It’s a shame you didn’t keep those handcuffs, baby.” 
“I can always get us some more.” He whispered, his voice low. Bringing the knife up higher towards her cheek. Pressing the cold metal against her warm skin, not hard enough to leave any marks. Trailing it down to her throat. Eyes dilating. 
“From where?” She laughed, watching his face as he dragged the blunt edge of the knife over her skin. 
“I don’t know. Sex shops are like, in right now. We didn’t have one in Hawkins, we can get you some fluffy ones.” He teases. Dropping the knife to kiss her again. 
“We can get fluffy ones,” She agreed. Arms wrapping around his neck, legs around his hips. “Only if you let me tie you up with them.” 
March. Still cold, not quite wedding season yet. Yet here they were. Almost 1am, in a crowded hall, surrounded by mostly strangers. One of her colleagues is getting married in March. Stupid, she had thought. Sitting at a round table, glasses and confetti littering the cloth. Eddie, leaning back in his chair with a sigh, hand absentmindedly stroking her knee. Wearing all black, jeans and a button up. “You know we’re going to a wedding, not a funeral. Right?”  She had joked before they left. He looked beautiful. As usual. 
 He reaches for the pack of cigarettes, leaning into her ear. “Lets go outside.” 
She nods, downs her drink and follows him outdoors. A deep sigh, the fresh night air a welcome change. Eddie passes her a cigarette, he leans down to light it for her when she places it between her lips. A stir inside of him as she looks up at him. She looks amazing. He can’t help but wish it was their wedding instead. He pushes the thought aside, lighting his own cigarette and leaning back against the brick wall. Cold. She leans into him, head on his shoulders. 
“When we get married, I don't want a wedding like this.” Her voice surprises him. 
“When?” He smiles. Sometimes he thought that she could read his mind. 
“Yeah.” She says, still leaning on his shoulder. “When. We’ll invite Wayne. Dustin maybe. Head down to a courthouse or something and do it there. I don’t need all this, unless you want that?” 
“Fuck no,” He laughs. “We could go to vegas.” 
“Wayne would hate that. 
“Yeah he would.” Eddie confirms. They both laugh. A rare conversation between them. Eddie usually isn’t the type, it scares him. Maybe it’s the alcohol, he thinks. He’s wanted to marry her since the day they met. When he found her in the Hawkins High parking lot in the rain yelling at her car for breaking down. When she had hopped into his van and stolen his cigarettes and waved at him from her front door after he’d taken her home. 
“I haven’t asked you, though. Like, properly.” He mumbles. Finishing his cigarette and stomping it into the dirt. 
“You don’t really need to.” She says. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug.
“No?” He smiles. Thank fuck for that, he’s never been able to imagine himself doing the down on one knee and big wedding thing. He’s always on his knees for herself anyway. He just wants her as his wife. He wants her forever. 
“I want a ring though.” She smirks, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He hums in agreement, his hand moving up her arm to softly grasp her throat, pulling her into a kiss. He kisses her deeply, full of love. Her fingers grasp his hair, tugging lightly. Almost as if trying to pull him closer, they were already impossibly close. His knee sliding between her thighs. His hand is still around her neck protectively, squeezing a little harder now. 
Her hands drift down from his neck, stroking his chest on their way to the front of his jeans. Her fingers grasp the cold belt buckle, undoing it hastily before going for the zipper. 
“Are you sure?” He mumbles into the side of her neck. The skin on her neck is hot from his mouth, but her hands feel cold as they brush his stomach. He wishes he had brought his jacket out to drape around her shoulders like in some romantic movie. 
“Yeah. No ones gonna come out here looking for us, we hardly know any of em’” She giggles breathless as her hand dips into the front of his jeans, stroking him over the fabric of his boxers. 
“Fuck, okay.” He groans as she finally wraps her hand around his semi hard cock.
“Your hands fucking cold though.” He laughs as she begins to work him just the way he likes. He latches back onto her neck to quiet himself, just in case. 
“You’ll have to warm them up then, baby.” 
April. It’s late, the apartment is dark. He’s stressed, She’s stressed, Kat is also stressed - watching his parents fight. Eddie knows what would cure him instantly. He longs for it. The exact cause of the rift happening right now. 
“Will you stop that?” She snaps at him. He’s pacing, jittery and frantic. He’s tired, she’s angry. She’s so fucking angry at him and he hates it. 
“Eddie!” She calls his name again. Stern. He swings around, the tears running down her cheeks makes his chest hurt. Or was it something else doing that? He wasn’t sure anymore. 
“We need to talk about this. I can’t do it again.” She sighs.
“It-it’s not that bad.” He stutters, he feels sick. He sits down and puts his head in his hands. “I’m fine.” 
“You’re not.” She has her arms crossed. Staring at him, he doesn’t respond. She makes her way over to him, he’s on the couch, she sits on the coffee table in front of him. “Eddie, please.” 
He needs a cigarette. They’re arguing about him, about his drinking and about those fuckin pain killers again. They help, he’d said. The drinking helps him sleep. Stops the nightmares. The pills help his head, it always hurts when he doesn’t sleep enough. He looks exhausted, she thinks.
“I’m trying to help.” She whispers.
“I know,” He practically sobs.. The dam finally breaks, the tears brimming  his lashes start  falling freely. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
He leans into her lap, his forehead resting on her knees as he cries. Repeating apologies. She rubs his back, runs her fingers through his hair - anything to calm him down. He’s shaking, but he mumbles something. 
“Huh?” She cups his face, wiping his tears when he lifts up his head. 
“I’m scared.” He whispers. “The nightmares, they scare me so fucking much. I’m scared that they won’t ever end.” He paused, sniffling. He feels pathetic. She waits for him to continue- “I just - I’m so tired. I never meant to hurt you. I love you.”
“I know.” She takes his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I love you too. So fucking much, Ed’s. There’s steps we can take, help you can get. People you can talk to-“ 
“I'll talk to you.” He cuts her off. “I do talk to you.”
The thought of telling anyone else about his problems makes his headache worse. What was he supposed to tell them anyway? 
“I know but I mean someone else, professionals.” She smiles. Ugh, he sighs. She continues: “I need you in top shape for when we get married.” 
This makes him smile. He rests his head back on her lap, he’s desperate to sleep. She hugs him close. 
“I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to get tired and realise you deserve better.” He says. Still in her lap. He could never say this while  looking into her beautiful eyes. “The nightmares scare the hell outta me but you leaving, that scares me more.” 
She doesn’t respond for a few seconds. She’s delighted that he’s opening up, telling her the truth. Eddie had always been so reserved when it came to anything other than happiness. He never wanted to burden people with his problems. From a young age he had decided that if he was always the happiest person in the room, people would like him more. People would want him there.
“I’m not going anywhere,” She says softly. “This is okay. Rough patches like this, it’s all okay. We can get through it. You can get through it.” He wraps his arms around her waist, head on her chest. Heartbeat. “It’s gonna be okay, Ed’s.” 
“I know.” He whispers. “We’ll be okay.” 
May. Eddie’s birthday. He had been working so hard recently. Familiar for him, around this time of year. He never liked to celebrate. He needed this, she knew. As much as he didn’t want to admit it. He had been doing well mentaly, as well.  He’d been sleeping well mostly, and when he didn’t, he would actually talk to her about it. She wanted to show him she was proud. She told him all the time, but Eddie was no good at accepting genuine praise. Not outside of the bedroom, anyways.  She wasn’t much of a cook, but his favourite meal was take out anyway. So, a win for her. Kat had been following her around the apartment. Like he could feel the energy coming off of her. Sniffing around the gifts in the living room. 
When the sound of his keys jingling on the other side of the front door drifts through the apartment. Both she and Kat jump to attention. He opens the door slowly, almost as if he’s awaiting something. He knows her too well to think that she doesn’t have something waiting for him on the other side of the door. But boy, did he have a surprise for her instead. 
When he finally enters, she's waiting. She opens her mouth ready to say something, probably a Happy birthday baby! Or a Surprise! But when she sees what he’s holding in his arms she stops, Kat freezes beside her as well. She covers her mouth with her hands, a whispered what the fuck? As she approaches him. 
The small cat in his arms watches her before it looks back up at him. It’s claws digging into his leather jacket as it tries to bury itself further into his arms.
 “I uh, i found him.” He smiles, sheepishly. “Well, actually he’s been hanging around the shop for a few days. He’s so skinny, look. I’ve been feeding him and it's raining tonight so..”  He trails off, watching her smile as she reaches for the animal. It shys away, moving closer to Eddie. Kat is at his feet, trying to join in and see what everyone’s looking at. 
“He’s shy.” Eddie says quietly. “But I think he’ll like it here.” 
“I think so too.” She beams, taking the cat from his arms. It stiffens for a moment, nervous as it looks back at Eddie with pleading eyes. “Did you name it?” 
“No,” He says, watching as it relaxes in her arms as she scratches its head. Something he knows all too well. “You know how bad we are with names. He’ll probably end up being Kat number two or something.” He jokes. They both laugh, quietly so as to not disturb the nervous cat. 
“I know,” She agrees. “What are we gonna do when we need to name children?”
Her words cause a stir inside of him. He’s grinning as he leans down to greet his first child. She walks into the lounge still cradling their new one. “These are for you!” She gestures to his gifts. Putting the cat down on the couch and approaching him. Before he can protest with a You didn’t have too, she takes his arm, hugging it tightly, leading him into the living room. The cats surround them as he opens them. A new guitar, only an acoustic one. She knew nothing about all the electric ones, too complicated. Plus, his acoustic guitar had gotten broken when they had moved in over a year ago, when he kept dropping all the boxes. He still hadn't bought a new one. A new vinyl player. The one he had now was the same one they had danced too in high school in his trailer bedroom. And a few of his favourite albums. 
“Baby, i-” He starts. He doesn’t know how to finish. So he practically crawls over to the couch instead. He climbs on top of her on the couch and kisses her with as much love as he can. 
“You’re welcome.” She smiles against his lips. He tells her he loves her, whispered into his mouth. 
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” He says, fingers squeezing her waist - finding her thigh to hook her leg over his hips. “At work on my fucking birthday when all i wanted was to be here with you.” 
“And them.” She points to the cats who are inquisitively sniffing around each other. The new addition already a part of the family. 
“And them.” He confirms with a smile. 
“Anyway,” He continued, grasping her jaw to look her in the eyes. “Are you gonna make me wait any longer?”
She would never deny him. Never could. Especially not on his birthday. She slides out from underneath him with one last kiss. Taking his hand and leading him to their bedroom, his other gift lay in wait on the bed. He laughed loudly as he laid his eyes upon the pair of pink fluffy handcuffs lying on the sheets. 
“Oh, fuck yes!” He exclaimed. Giggling with her as he grasped her thighs, hoisting her up into his arms to lay her down on the bed. Best birthday ever, he thinks. 
June. Eddie, awake early. As usual. In High School, he used to sleep late and wake up late. The opposite now. Funny how things change. 6:30, the clock says. He’s sitting on the balcony. Kat on his lap. The new cat, they’d been calling Two for a month now, was asleep with her in bed. Always cuddled up under her chin. Eddie was convinced that they had to give him a silly name like that, exactly like they had done with Kat. Because what kind of parents were they if they only bothered coming up with a cool name for their second one? ‘Babe, we literally named our first cat, cat! We can’t give number two a cool name. How will Kat feel?” 
His notebook in front of him, his guitar next to him which he’d put down when Kat joined him. Taking the place of his guitar on his lap. He didn’t mind. He sipped his coffee, smoke from his cigarette floating into the bedroom. He secretly hoped it would wake her up, he missed her every second they were apart. Even when they slept. He just didn’t have the heart to wake her. She had work soon anyway, so did he. Maybe he would have too. He sat out there watching and listening to the city for another half an hour, lighting more cigarettes and drinking his cold coffee. 
“Good morning, love of my entire life! Did you sleep well?” Her cheery voice sounded behind him, just as he was thinking of waking her up. He laughed, turning to face her as he leant down to kiss his cheek. 
“What?” She laughed with him. 
“That’s always exciting to hear.” He said. Passing her the cigarette box, watching her lips as she lit one. 
“Because it means you want something.” 
“I can’t tell you that you’re the love of my life without wanting something? I’m hurt.” She asked, sitting in her usual chair opposite him. The city was beginning to awake. More cars, louder. He tutted, shaking his head. Shooing Kat off of his lap and sitting back, patting his thighs. She took the hint, shooting up immediately and perching on his lap. He held her tightly, her arms around his neck. 
“I need a ride to work.” She mumbled into his hair.  He laughed, whispering  I knew it into the skin of her neck. His head resting on her shoulder.
“You are the love of my life, though.” She took his face into her hand, tilting his face up to kiss him. 
“I know.” He said between pecks, “Because you’re mine too.” 
He loved this balcony, and he loved kissing her. Her on his lap, out here the sun rising and the sounds of the city. Her lips on his, her hands in his hair, cupping his face. A life like this was something he thought he would never live. Something he thought he didn’t deserve. 
“You look beautiful.” He whispered into her mouth, his hand kneading her thighs. She pulled away smiling. 
“Flattery will get you everywhere, baby.” She said, beginning to stand up. 
“Yeah?” He asked, playfully trying to pull her back down onto his lap. 
“Yeah, everywhere being a shower with me,” She took his hand, tugging him to stand up. “I need to get ready for work, but i want you first” 
“I like everywhere.” He laughed, following her back into the flat. The cats sat side by side on the bed, watching their parents make their way into the bathroom together, instead of making their way into the kitchen to fill up their food bowls. 
July. Almost 2am. Late for them, but they both have a day off tomorrow, so no harm done. It’s a clear starry night. She’s fascinated. They’re both laying out on the balcony - side by side. Their chairs pushed aside, a blanket laid out on the concrete surface underneath them. The blanket is thin - all the thick ones apparently ‘too expensive’ to be put out on the balcony floor. 
“I feel dizzy.” She says, quietly. 
“Gimme’ that then.” Eddie says, his voice slow. Holding out his hand to take the joint from her. 
“I haven’t smoked since before we moved.” She mumbles, still transfixed by the stars above them. Eddie has to admit, they do look nice tonight. Maybe it's just the weed though or maybe it’s that fact that she thinks they’re so amazing that he automatically does as well, he isn’t sure.
“Me neither.” He says, exhaling the smoke towards the sky. 
“I don’t think I like it anymore.” She whispers, turning to look at him. He looks beautiful. She can hardly see him, just the lit end of the joint between his fingertips, the moonlight. The flat is dark behind them, her insisting that the light would interfere with the view of the moon. But still, she knows he looks gorgeous. 
“Me neither, to be honest.” Eddie says, putting it out in the ashtray beside him. He sits up to take a sip of the water bottle beside him, offering it to her. She says she thinks she’ll throw up if she sits up. He laughs, laying back down. 
“We used to make a lot of money from it though, when you used to sell it.” 
“It wasn’t a lot.” Eddie snorts, “Barely enough for gas for that fuckin’ van.” 
“It was a lot for us!” She says, maybe a little too loud. “We could afford pizza almost every night.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” He laughs, reaching for her hand. Holding it tightly. Looking at the rings on her fingers. His eyes fix on the empty space on her left hand. 
“I miss the van.” She says, watching him play with her hand. 
“Me too.” He sighs, “I miss fucking you in the back of it.” 
“Eddie!” She giggles.
“What?” He laughs with her. “I do! You gave me my first blowjob in the back of that van. I’ll never forget it.” 
“Neither will i. Would you get another one?” 
“No,” He says quickly. “That ship has sailed, I think. It would remind me too much of, you know, the past.” 
She nods, staring at him while he stares up at the sky. She whispers: “Sometimes the past can be good.” 
“Not mine. You’re the only good thing about my past. I never wanted anything but this,” He gestures between them. “I don’t wanna go back to it. Not hawkins, not the weed, not the van. None of it. Only you.”  
She registers the tears in his eyes and the way his hand shakes and grasps hers tighter. “Okay.” She says. Simple, but he knows that she's saying she isn’t going to pry anymore. An understanding between them, he appreciates.  She shuffles closer to him, throwing her arm over his waist, nuzzling his neck. Just them and the moon and the stars. All he’d ever wanted. All he’d ever need. 
August. Loud voices and crowds. Two things she hated. The reason she missed so many of Eddie’s shows with his band back in school. Something she regretted now. She clung to Eddie’s hand as they left the cinema building. Beginning the walk home,  not far from their apartment. A warm August evening, Eddie looked gorgeous in the sunlight. His short sleeved band t-shirt, minus his usual leather jacket, his own personal style that he still clung to. 
“I thought that was great!” He smiled, swinging their hands back and forth. She had a different opinion. Horror movies, they’d always been Eddie’s favourite. He had sat her down on the couch and convinced her to watch hundreds during their relationship. How was there so many? Who was making these? 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah it was good.” She agreed - lied. The sun was beginning to set, the streets getting quieter now as they got closer to their building. He felt her squeezing his hand a little tighter. Turning to look over her shoulder every now and then. He smirked, taking his hand out of her grip and throwing his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close into his side. She grasped his hand again as it draped over her shoulder. 
“You scared?” He teased, lowering his voice as his mouth neared her ear. 
“No.” She mumbled. 
“You sure?” 
“I’m not scared. That movie was just… weird. I don’t know how you enjoy those so much.” 
“Don’t worry, baby.” He said, fishing his keys out his pocket as they approached their building. “I’ll protect you.” 
She nodded, looking around again as he unlocked the door. She hated the hallway outside their apartment. During the day it was annoying, a long walk after taking the stairs. But at night, it was terrifying. It wasn’t just long. But dark as well. Eddie paused at the top of the stairs, looking down the hallway. 
“What?” She asked. He didn’t answer, without warning he sprinted down into the darkness towards their apartment. 
“Eddie!” She hissed, running to catch up with him. Hearing his laughter at the end of the hallway. “Don’t do that!” 
He was still laughing as she  joined him at the front door. The cats surrounded their feet when he opened it, making sure she got in first. Even though he had just abandoned her in the terrifying hallway. 
“That’s so not funny.” She whined after he had safely locked the door. Pushing him away when he mumbled an aww and tried to hug her. 
“Fuck off.” She groaned as he wrapped his arms around her, much stronger than her. He attempts to push him away feeble. “Such an idiot.” She mumbled against his chest. 
“Aw, I'm sorry sweetheart. Did I leave you all alone in the big bad hallway?” He practically giggled into her ear. He brought his hand up to her jaw, tilting her face so he could join their lips. “I’m sorry.” He laughed against her mouth. 
“I don’t know if I can forgive you, Ed’s.” She said as he  moved to kiss her cheek. Suggestively - “You might need to show me how sorry you are.” 
“Oh?” He whispered, their foreheads touching. She nodded. “Oh, I can definitely do that, baby. Come here.” 
He bent down, one of his arms hooking under her knees as he lifted her up into his arms. He crossed the threshold of their bedroom, dropping her onto the bed. Lifting his shirt over his head before climbing on top of her, ready to show her just how sorry he was, a loud meow from the doorway  interrupted them. Both their heads turned to the doorway to see the cats standing next to their empty bowls, the cinema trip meant they had missed dinner time. 
Eddie sighed, getting up from the bed to his feet, “Wait there.” He said sternly, pointing at her lying on the bed. “I want those clothes gone when i get back.”
She laughed as she began to strip the offending garments off of her body. Lying back in wait for her boyfriend who was currently apologising to the cats, the sounds of their food being poured into the metal bowls ringing through the apartment. God, he was fantastic. 
September. A cold evening, a store. The bane of Eddie’s existence - shopping. He was pushing the cart. Full of, frankly, stuff they didn’t need. A weekly occurrence for them. Grocery shopping for ‘essentials’ only, and arriving home with more than they needed.
“You know, I don't think we’ve picked up a single thing on this list, baby,” Eddie sighs. The love of his life was currently making a beeline for the newly put out halloween decorations. Why do stores keep putting this shit out in September?
 “And halloween isn’t for another month!” He calls after her. 
“Yeah, but look!” She laughs, eyes drifting over to the pet Halloween costumes. Eddie couldn’t lie, he didn’t want to step foot in that aisle. He felt stupid, but honestly, the bats made him nervous. Although these ones were all cute and cuddly. He started to take some deep breaths, March 1986 was a long time ago. But he couldn’t stop his heart rate picking up at the sight of the light up bats on a string, the paper bats that hung from the ceiling almost taunting him. He started to back away slightly. She followed his eyes to the ceiling, the bats hanging above her.  She suddenly felt guilty.
“Are you okay?” She asked softly, putting the cat pumpkin costume down. 
“Yeah. Yeah - no, I'd uh, I'd just like to leave.” He mumbled. She nodded, offering to take the cart from him. He let go quickly, shuffling over to the next aisle and taking a few more deep breaths. 
“ I’m sorry, Ed's,” She said, standing a few steps away from him. “Do you wanna go home?” 
“ No! No, it’s okay!” He said softly, walking back over. “It’s okay. It's just, you know, down there.” He pointed to the offending aisle.
 “This list is still pretty long.” He forced a laugh and a smile. Taking the cart back from her. 
“You can wait in the car if you like? I don’t mind.” She offered.
“No, I'm fine! Honestly.” He assured her. His shaky hand came to rest on her shoulder. She looked around at the empty aisle they were in, before leaning up to wrap her arms around his neck. Pulling him into a tight hug - full of love. He relaxed, resting his head on her, his own arms squeezing her tightly, 
“I’m proud of you, baby.” She whispered. He smiled against her hair. “I love you.” She cradled his face to look into his eyes. 
“I love you more.” He said, hands travelling up and down her back. 
“I don’t think so.” She jokes, pulling away to look back down at their shopping list. He pulls her back, grasping her waist so his chest is pressed against her back. He pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin of her neck, his lips ghosting over the mark he had already made earlier in the day, before whispering:  “I think I showed you just how much I love you this morning.” 
October. Eddie is locked out of his own bedroom. Sitting with his back against the wall next to the door. Kat beside him, Two on the other side of the door with her. Both cats are equally as confused as Eddie. Well, he shouldn’t be confused, he fucked up. Big time. 
“Honey, I’m sorry.” He knew you could hear him. He was met with silence. “Please. We need to talk about this.’ 
“I don’t want to talk to you. Not right now.” The first words he’d heard from her in almost twenty minutes. 
“Please. Give me five minutes. Let me explain.” More silence. 
“Explain what? Explain why you’re drunk? Explain why your new girlfriend was trying to make out with you in front of me?” 
“She wasn’t! She’s not and she wasn’t! That- that’s not what happened. I’m not drunk either, I promise.” He stuttered. Fuck, maybe he was. He put his head in his hands, his knees pulled to his chest. “Baby, please. I don’t even know who she is. I just met her.” 
“Okay? That doesn’t help. I know what I saw.” He could hear that she was crying. His heart was fucking broken. This was it, wasn’t it? The last straw. She was going to leave him. She was probably going to fuck off back to hawkins and leave him here in this big city all alone. All his fault, like always. 
“I know what it looks like you saw. I promise it wasn’t. I’m gonna explain. ” He whispered, his head resting against the door now. She didn’t respond, he started talking anyway.
Eddie had been out with friends from work, a rare occurrence for  him. He’d become a home body since they had left Hawkins, something he was completely fine with. He was in some dirty bar with his dirty new friends who he honestly didn ‘t like that much. All he wanted was to be home with his girl. One of his new friends had brought his girlfriend who had brought a friend. A friend who had been giving him the eye all night. Eddie had pretended not to notice. He wasn’t very good at turning people down, but turn her down he definitely would. He had the most beautiful girl in the world at home waiting for him. The most gorgeous woman in the city who was probably sitting up on the couch with their two cats. The only place he wanted to be right now. He had been drinking, that was wrong of him. He can admit - he had been doing so well. He was just so nervous and he thought he could handle it. Lesson learned. He had called her, the most gorgeous girl in the city, to come pick him up. 
“Look, baby, I'm so sorry. You gotta come get me.”
“Have you been drinking, Ed’s?” 
“Yes. I’m sorry.” A sigh had come from the other end. 
“Okay, I'll be there in a sec. Stay safe.” That had made him smile. He told his friends he was leaving which had caused complaints, his girl was coming to pick him up, he’d said. He didn’t miss the pout from the friend who had been eye fucking him all night. He had smirked. His acquaintances had offered to come stand outside with him, to have a smoke and keep him company while he waited. The girls had followed. Just as the love of his life had pulled up in his car, the friend who had suddenly started standing very close to him had twisted her ankle on her heel. Eddie, being ever the gentlemen, obviously didn’t want to let her fall. But now, hours later, he was pretty sure she had done it on purpose. He wished he had picked that up at the time. Actually, now he thinks about it, was she even wearing heels? Anyway, the way she had fallen into him and thrown her arms around his neck could not have been an accident. And that's exactly what his love had seen. He had helped the girl stand up straight, her and her friends giggles had  infuriated him. The car ride home was silent. And here he was. Now locked out of his own bedroom. 
“And that’s it.” He promised. He was crying now too. “Please open the door. I’m sorry for drinking so much, I messed up. I can admit that and I'll make it up to you. I swear.” 
He sniffled, listening as he heard shuffling on the other side. He continued, “But the girl, it was nothing. I promise. I was just trying to be nice. I didn’t know she was gonna do that. I’m sorry you saw it but i would never. Baby, i would never.” He practically sobbed the last part. “Please. You’re it for me. I love you. I love you so much. I would never ruin this, ever. Please.” He pleaded one more time. Tears trailing down his cheeks. His head hurt now, from the crying or the drinking - he wasn’t sure. He just wanted to sleep. He wanted a hug, and he wanted to sleep. In his own bed, with her. Not the couch with Kat. 
The door opened. “Really?” She sniffled. Her face matched his. Sad, tears. He nodded, his big brown eyes full of tears, looking up at her. 
“Yes. I promise. I wish I could prove it to you.” He whispered. He was still on the floor, she crouched down next to him. 
“I’m sorry.” She said, “I-” 
“No, no I am.” He cut her off, taking her hands into his. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Ed’s. I’m sorry I didn't let you explain.” She put her arms around his shoulders. He basically curled up into her lap. “I just- I guess I got jealous. There was no need, I trust you Eddie. And I believe you. I’m so sorry. I love you.” 
They stayed like that for a while, on the floor. Whispering apologies and promises of love. She got up to make him a drink. He downed a pint of water and crawled into bed next to her. That was his last night out for a while, he thinks. Hopefully forever, she thought. 
November. Balcony doors open, the curtains rustling. Cold, 9am. Way too cold, now that Eddie was no longer beside her, or inside of her. Her legs are still shaky, hair a mess. Rumpled sheet. The smell of coffee and cigarettes coming from the kitchen. Eddie’s voice, talking to the cats. She smiled. When he reemerged, two mugs in hand, the pack of cigarettes he had been looking for in the draws now in his hand. 
“I told you they were in the kitchen.”
“Whatever.”  He mumbled, muffled by the one in his mouth. He passed her the pack after placing her mug down on her bedside table. He climbed over her to his side, placing his own on the other table. A mumbled come here, gorgeous as he opened his arm, urging her to curl up into his side. Leg thrown over his, his heartbeat in her ear. Happiness. 
“You know, I can’t believe you still  have a ridiculous amount of sugar in your coffee.” He said, taking a sip of his own. “I thought you would have grown out of it or something.” 
“It’s the way I like it.” She scoffed. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Dunno.” He looked down at her, the hand around her shoulders coming up to run through her hair. “I think we have cereal.” 
“Mhm.” She hummed at the feeling of his fingers on her scalp. “We like cereal.” 
“Yes, we do.” He whispered. Tilting her head to kiss her. She pulled away too quickly for his liking, but before he could reel her back in she had bounced up and placed herself on his lap. Their lips met again, his hands going straight to her ass, pulling her closer against his chest. Her tits pressed against his skin made him groan into her mouth and knead the skin in his hands. 
“Round two?” She smiled against his skin, her lips travelling to his neck. Marks she had already left, a slight burning sensation as she sucked on them again. He loved it. 
“Damn baby, I thought you were tired?” He gasped as she reached down between them to grasp him in her hand. He went straight for her chest as he worked him slowly, his mouth closing around one of her nipples. Her hands tighten in his curls. Heat in her abdomen spreading, their mouths exploring each other once again when, like clockwork - two high pitched meows. 
“Hey!” Eddie pointed at the offenders, “I’m trying to seduce your mother! Go away!” 
Both of them laughed as he pushed her backwards off his lap, hand cradling the back of her head, his face above hers. Coaxing her to wrap her legs around him as he slid home. 
December. A snow storm. No Hawkins for Christmas this year, something Eddie was secretly pleased about. The glittering tree she had insisted they put up flashed in the corner every time a car drove past. The headlights catching the god awful tinsel. He didn’t hate the tree, he hated the decorations. The cats kept stealing them. They kept waking up to the living room covered in plastic and tinsel. Maybe he just hated cleaning. 
The awfully cheesy Christmas movie was long forgotten after he had convinced her to make out with him on the couch instead. Something that was going well until the words ‘hot chocolate’ had been mentioned on screen. Then suddenly, she had to have one as well. So here he stood - in the kitchen, arms wrapped around her waist, his chest to her back as she stood at the counter. Stirring the drinks that had distracted her from his body. 
“Stop pouting.” She giggled, looking at him from the corner of her eye. 
“I’m not.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before stepping back. 
“You are.” She cooed, bringing a hand up to pinch one of his cheeks. He shooed her hand away, mumbling an ow. 
“Come on!” She laughed, leaving the kitchen - mug in hand. He took a sip of his own drink before following her. He had to admit, it was fucking good. 
“Very well done, my love.” He commented as he joined her on the couch. 
“Thank you.” She giggled as his lips met her forehead. 
“Please don’t put that movie back on.” He whined. 
“What else do you wanna do then? There’s nothing to-” 
She stopped talking as the whole apartment went dark. The only sound, the cats paws as they both ran in, skidding to a stop in front of the couch. 
“Well, I was going to say I had something in mind.” He teased, his hand reaching her thigh. “But now, that seems to be the only thing we can do while we wait for the power to come back on.” 
“I don’t know about you, but I'm gonna finish drinking this.” She brought the mug to her lips. “And I'm gonna go find some candles.” 
He watched as her silhouette left the room. Eddie sipped his own drink again, hearing a commotion in the hallway. Neighbours asking each other “is yours out too?”. He laughed to himself. 
“Do you have your lighter?” Her voice behind him. Her arms are full of candles. Placing some in the kitchen and some of the table in front of him.
“Yeah, here.” He said, reaching for it where it lay next to his cigarette pack. While they were busy lighting candles, they failed to notice their two children eyeing up the presents under the tree. Two made the first move, dragging a small, badly wrapped box out from underneath. Obviously wrapped by Eddie. The corners are thick, and there is too much tape. While their parents kiss and giggle in the kitchen, Eddie whispering things in her ear that made her want to cross her legs, the cats get to work on ripping off the paper. 
“You hear that?” Eddie asked, pulling his mouth away from his girlfriend's chest. 
“No.” She mumbled, sucking on his jaw, trying to pull him back. But the unmistakable sound of rustling paper foiled her plans. 
“Those little shits!” He exclaimed, running to the lounge. Trying not to trip in the dark. The candles gave just enough light to see what they were doing. His eyes widened as he realised which one they had picked up, just enough paper being ripped off to expose the velvet box underneath. 
“Fuck! Not that one!” He gently pushed the cats away, scooping up the box. 
“What did they get?” She asked, coming in behind him. 
“Nothing!” He said, a little too quickly. Stuffing the box into the pocket of his sweatpants. 
“What? Let me see!” She laughed, trying to reach into his pocket. 
“No!” He grabbed her hands, stopping her from grabbing the box. “It’s one I got for you.” 
“Looks tiny,” She joked. She tried to reach for it again, “Let me see it! The cats have spoken, that gift is an early one for me to open now.” 
“No, this one's special. You can’t see it till christmas day.” 
“Oh,” She pouted. “Why do you hate me?”
They both laughed against each other's mouths, him trying to pull her back down onto the couch with him. A distraction. Hate? Well, the ring currently in his pocket would beg to differ. Those damn cats.
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lotusmi · 1 year
Success story here ( and no I didn’t get in the void but still success, so you don’t need the void to manifest!)
Me and my bf we’re ldr so it’s hard to find time together but I want him to call me everyday and have some time for me so I affirmed “He calls me everyday” “We always have time for each other” Guess what? Now he always have time to videocall me everyday which normally we only called 1-2 times per week.
Another fun one is a bit juicy🫣 (minor don’t read this imma be watching you lmaooo)
I kinda miss having spicy time w him since we haven’t done it in a big while and I know he’s only free to do that on sunday. We haven’t called each other on Sunday for almost A MONTH. So I affirmed “He’s gonna call me THIS Sunday” “He loves doing it w me” “I am irresistible” “I am all he thinks about” stuff like that. Kinda like vaunting.
At first he told me he doesn’t wanna hangout on Sunday. I almost spiraling but thought “Fuck it. The 3D doesn’t matter. He WILL hangout w me TONIGHT.” and 40mins later he texted me saying he changed his mind and he misses me🤭 just like my affirmations hehe
We ended up having a really good time together and we did it too so it was amazing ahahaha😹
omggg SUCESS STORYY!! this was super lost in my inbox 😭😭
😭😭😭😭 omgg babe congrats!!!! i am so happy for u hahahah 😳😳😭
i hope you two have so much good memories together <3 !!!
and yes!! thats the importance of stay unshakeble no matter what happen!!
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tvrningout · 6 months
get to know me meme
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1. favorite colors: blue, purple, and orange ( but also all the colors actually )
2. favorite flavors: when i say i love nearly everything you put in front of me... but i'll admit when i see something sour or spicy, i'm immediately fighting back the urge to impulse buy it :' )
3. favorite genres: fantasy, horror, and romance!
4. favorite music: i listen to a little bit of everything, but pop and movie/show/game scores are probably the most common stuff i listen to atm. been listening to a lot of ajr bc they give me a lot of muse inspo for yoshiaki
5. favorite movies: into/across the spiderverse, rise of the guardians, coco, practically any ghibli film, and probably some others i can't think of rn
6. favorite series: all of us are dead, kingdom, new girl, community, and once again! probably others that i'm not thinking of :' )
7. last song: " alone we have no future " from the death stranding score! i really love the entire score and highly recommend it as well as the soundtrack <3
8. last series: all of us are dead :' ) i keep re-watching it bc i love emotional damage and zombies hehe
9. last movie: my friends made me watch this old animated film that i barely remember now bc i was so distracted by their baby asdfg prior to that, i think? i last watched across the spiderverse
10. currently reading: ruin and rising by leigh bardugo, third book of the grisha trilogy! the only reason i'm not done with it is that i don't want it to be over :( i've been eyeing my copy of howl's moving castle lately, too... maybe it's time
11. currently watching: i started re-watching outlander bc a lady falling through time in scotland is right up my alley B) and bc i didn't get very far during my first watch. i'm also working up the nerve to watch the second season of jjk bc i wasn't ready to see this part of the story animated back when i first read it, and i'm not ready now :' )
12. currently working on: got a lore drop about dorverold's afterlife/spirit realm i'm dying to write bc even though i know i probably won't write 90% of these dorks, i love thinking about the deities!! i'm also working on yoshiaki's bio and contemplating a slight reworking of yubari's bio as well as tsugumi and miyuna's just to make them more story-like rather than bullet points. i need to add " notable connections " sections to my muses' stats, too. there's a lot i'm trying to work on, now that i'm thinking about it asdfg
tagged by: @impishsensei & @espectres thank you both very much <3 tagging: @vonerde @fanaticist @fallesto @mythcaels @diaboelic @avaere @futurefind @mellodiies @un1awful and if you haven't done this yet, pls yoink it from me <3
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
home for the holidays — chapter two
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Series Summary: The Cabin Fever gang spends Christmas in Frankenmuth. ||  Companion series in the Cabin Fever universe
⮡ part one
Chapter Summary: The gang explores a very festive Frankenmuth. (Danny's POV)
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner, Josh Kiszka x Reader, Jake Kiszka x Reader | Genre: holiday fluff | Word Count: 3.5k | Chapter Warnings: spicy remarks, talk of sexuality, mention of the devil's lettuce
A/N: My first time writing Danny and Sam from their perspective! Also, fair warning, everything I know about Frankenmuth is from the internet, so forgive me if it's not accurate hehe. I hope you like it! ♡
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Sam dropped their bags just inside his bedroom, giving a theatrical, contented sigh as he stepped in.
“Home sweet home.”
Danny chuckled as his boyfriend flopped unceremoniously on the bed, a display he’d seen many times in their youth when they came home tired from soccer games or gigs or long nights finding trouble to get into. Not that there was much trouble to be had in quiet little Frankenmuth — they’d mostly gotten their kicks from a dime bag and one of Sam’s records. This bedroom had seen countless hours of the two of them playing music, helping each other with homework, talking about everything and nothing. To Danny, the Kiszka house was a second home, and Sam’s bedroom had been the safest and most wonderful place in the world for many years.
He moved their duffle bags out of the way and perused Sam’s record collection, small as it was with most of it moved to their apartment in Nashville.
“I've been wondering where this was,” Danny said, pulling out a Cat Stevens record. He put it on the old, beat-up turntable and let Teaser and the Firecat play.
Sam rolled to his back. “We should take all those back home when we leave,” he said. “We left a lot of random stuff here.”
“That’s because you were in charge of packing up your room,” Danny reminded him. “And you're terrible at packing.”
Sam grinned as Danny sat in the edge of the bed. “Yeah, but you still love me.”
Danny gave a soft laugh. “Lucky you.”
Sam nudged his knee against Danny’s back. “Hey, you love this song.”
Danny smiled. “I know.”
“I listen to my words, but they fall far below,” Sam sang along absently. “I let my music take me where my heart wants to go.”
He sat up and stretched. “Where does your heart want to go, Dan?”
Danny moved Sam’s legs out of the way and laid back on the bed, his feet still on the floor. “Right now? My heart wants to go to sleep.” 
Their pre-dawn flight had sounded like a great idea when they’d planned it, but he was exhausted now and they hadn't even gotten started on all they planned to squeeze into one day.
Sam laughed and sat cross-legged at Danny's side. “You can’t sleep now. We just got here. We still have lots of stuff to do.”
Danny groaned and draped an arm over his eyes. “Don’t remind me.”
Sam ran a hand over Danny’s chest in a soothing motion. “You’re really tired, huh?”
“You want more coffee?” He got off the bed without waiting for an answer. “I’ll go make you some.”
Danny propped himself up. “You don’t have to.”
Sam smiled. “I want to. Maybe mom has some of that fancy creamer you like.”
Sam was only gone for a minute, and Danny gratefully accepted the mug of coffee with sugar cookie creamer when he returned.
“Thank you,” he said with a contented sigh.
Sam smacked a kiss to his cheek with a goofy muah, making Danny laugh.
“You’re welcome, honey.”
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, Sam rifling through his things and showing Danny any interesting discoveries as Danny drank his coffee. He looked up at the posters haphazardly taped to Sam’s ceiling; they were all male rock bands and musicians, some in various states of undress like the Mick Rock photo of Queen that was almost a boudoir shoot. Danny chuckled.
“What's so funny?” Sam asked with an affectionate smile.
Danny shook his head. “I can’t believe it took you so long to figure out you were into guys.”
Sam gave him a wry smile. “Yeah, well, not all of us were born self-aware bisexuals, Daniel. Some of us had to go through gay trauma.”
Danny looked over at him. “What do you mean?” He’d known it had been a little harder for Sam to come to terms with his sexuality than it had been for Danny, but he didn’t remember anything close to trauma. 
Sam gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m kidding. There was very little trauma involved, if any. Aside from realizing I was hopelessly in love with you and not being able to tell you.”
Danny sighed. “Sweetheart, I think that was just you being dumb,” he teased. “You could have told me any of those million times we were in here goofing off and trying to act straight and I would have told you I felt the same way.”
“Not if you were making out with girls all the time,” Sam needled.
“Minor detours,” he said. He finished his coffee and set the mug on the nightstand. “I was always on the road to you, Sammy.”
“Now you sound like a Rascal Flats song.”
Danny laughed until he was out of breath, and Sam wore a lovesick smile as he watched him.
“You know I spend every waking minute trying to make you laugh?” Sam said, coming to sit beside him on the bed. “It’s my favorite sound in the whole world.”
“Aw, love. You’re secretly a romantic, aren’t you?”
“I am not,” Sam said. “Take that back.”
Danny smirked. “What are you gonna do if I don’t? Make swoony romantic love to me?”
With a quickness that made Danny blush, Sam straddled his lap and pulled his arms behind his back.
“Does this feel swoony and romantic to you?” Sam asked.
Danny smirked. “Kind of.”
Sam immediately took down the facade and released Danny’s hands to cradle his face and kiss him gently. That suited Danny better; usually he was the one giving the business to Sam, and he liked it just fine.
“I love you,” Danny said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Sam smiled and buried his face in Danny’s neck.
“I love you too,” he said. “You know, it’s been a while since we fooled around in this bed.”
Danny snorted. “It’s barely eight in the morning, Sam.”
Sam gave him a serious look. “You know you can do the deed even when it’s not dark outside.”
Danny laughed. “You’re funny.”
Sam was pleased with the compliment and rewarded him with a kiss. Despite what he’d said, Danny felt himself warming to the idea of “fooling around,” and he broke the kiss before it got too hot and heavy.
“Hey,” Sam protested. “Be nice.”
“Don’t tempt me. You’re the one who said we have all this stuff to do.”
“Forget I said that. We can stay in bed all day.”
Sam kissed him again, and Danny had almost agreed to stay in bed when a knock sounded on the door.
“Let’s go, lovebirds,” came Jake’s voice. “It’s too early for all that.”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother’s impeccable timing. Danny chuckled and gently eased Sam off of him.
“Come on,” he said sweetly. “Let’s go look at Christmas lights or something.”
Sam softened. “You sure you’re not too tired? You can crash for a while if you want.”
Danny shook his head. “I’m feeling better after having some coffee. In fact, I’m rarin’ to go.”
Sam grinned and took his hand as they went to meet the rest of their friends at the door.
“Are you coming with us, mom?” Sam called, pulling on his jacket.
“No, you kids go have fun. You girls take nice pictures, because I know none of these boys can.”
Sparrow and Baby laughed.
“Yes ma’am,” they chorused. 
Bundled up in scarves and hats and big jackets they hadn’t had to use since they moved, the six of them crunched through the few inches of snow that had already accumulated on the ground. Danny took the driver’s seat again, reaching his hand back to find Sam’s.
“I’m assuming you don’t want to hold my hand,” Josh teased, slapping his palm against Danny’s.
Danny took Josh’s hand and squeezed it. “Who says?”
Josh laughed and returned the affectionate squeeze before Sam batted his hand away. 
“Hey now,” Sam said. “Hands off my man.”
Danny felt Sam’s wiry hand in his own and ran his thumb over Sam’s knuckles.
“You’re gonna freeze with no gloves, Sam.”
“I do have one glove,” Sam said. “I guess you’ll just have to hold my other hand to keep me from getting frostbite.”
The drive to town was quick, but it took ages to find parking. Even with the light snowfall, people were out and about, enjoying the snow-capped and colorfully lit Little Bavaria of downtown Frankenmuth. Danny was happy to be back; he’d missed the sights and sounds of his hometown at Christmas, and he was glad they’d decided to come home for the holidays.
They all cheered when they finally found a parking space, and Baby pointed out that they were right near one of the “Stop and Snap” picture spots. 
“Get in,” she ordered with all the seriousness of a general directing her army, gesturing to a giant ornament with a wide seat in the middle. “We’re doing all fifteen stops so we can get our collector’s edition ornament at the Visitor's Center.”
They did as she asked, squishing together, sitting on each other’s laps to fit.
“Put those long arms to use for a selfie, Daniel,” Sparrow said, just as dedicated to the cause as her best friend. 
Danny smiled and did as she said, fitting everyone into the picture and taking millions so the girls could pick out the one they liked the best. As they walked around town, they stopped and took more pictures, each one more ridiculous than the last, and Danny felt the infectious joy of good company as they explored the town they knew like the back of their hand.
“We ought to stop in and say hi to Mr. Miller,” Sam said as they rounded the corner near where the record shop stood. 
“Hey, we should!” Josh agreed. He nudged his shoulder against his girlfriend’s. “And maybe Santa can get me that John Denver record I’ve been looking for. What do you think, baby?”
She gave him an innocent smile. “I don't know, honey. Have you been a good boy this year?”
He whispered something to her that made her blush. “Joshua,” she protested, but her smile gave her away.
They came into the record store and basked in the warmth for a moment before spreading out to flip through rows and rows of second-hand vinyls. All of them had spent countless hours there searching for good finds growing up, and the owner, Mr. Miller had always been a kind friend and musical mentor to them. They went to say hello to Mr. Miller, and he was delighted to have them back; he gestured to the boxes of records he hadn’t yet put out and told them have at them.
“I know you kids like to hunt for hidden treasure,” he said with a twinkling smile. “Knock yourselves out.”
They did, and they found several records they asked Mr. Miller to keep for them behind the counter until they were headed home. He did, saying he was “always happy to see young folks interested in good music.”
Danny and Sam looked together through the jazz section. The smell of old records brought back a flood of memories for Danny, and he gently tapped his boot against Sam’s.
“You know, Sam, I think I fell in love with you in this store.”
His boyfriend gave him a heart-tilting smile. “You did? You never told me.”
“I mean, I'd been in love with you forever,” Danny, a little bashful as he remembered the years of fumbling, hesitant flirtation with his best friend. “But I do remember one time when we were in here, a few weeks before we went to the cabin. You found a copy of Teaser and the Firecat — the copy we were listening to earlier, actually, because you ended up buying it — and started singing ‘Rubylove’ loud enough for the whole store to hear. But you changed ‘Ruby’ to ‘Danny’.”
Danny was surprised to see Sam blush bright red.
“Oh, god, I remember that,” Sam said with an embarrassed laugh. 
Danny himself felt a little embarrassed at the thought that Sam didn’t remember that day with as much fondness as he did.
“I thought you were flirting with me,” Danny said, hedging. “I guess I was wrong.”
Sam looked surprised. “I was!” He came close and eased Danny’s embarrassment with a lopsided smile, tucking his hand into the crook of Danny’s arm.
“I was definitely flirting with you, honey,” he said, kind and affectionate. “I mean, I sang you a love song from your favorite album of all time. I was one hundred percent wearing my heart on my sleeve and making a complete fool of myself.”
Danny softened and gave him a chaste kiss. “I don’t think you made a fool of yourself, love.”
Sam raised a brow. “No? What if I did it again right now?”
Without waiting for Danny’s answer, he pressed his clasped hands to his chest in a dramatic gesture.
“Danny my love, you’ll be my love. You’ll be my sky above, Danny my love.”
Danny laughed and shushed him with a hand to his mouth as they gained troubled glances from other customers and a wolf whistle from one of Sam’s brothers.
Mr. Miller called to them from behind the counter. “Haven’t you boys quit flirting and actually gotten together yet?”
All of them laughed, and Jake wryly assured the older man that the two singing idiots had indeed gotten together.
Mr. Miller shook his head. “About time.”
Sam looked up at Danny with a beaming grin. “I was flirting with you this time, too, just so you know.”
Danny chuckled and gave him a quick kiss. “I figured.”
After a while, Danny found Baby flipping through the John Denver section with a look of concentration.
“Don’t you have most of these?” he asked. She and Josh had adopted John Denver as “their” artist, and from what he could remember of their collection at home, they had almost all of his albums.
“Yeah,” she said, a little distracted. “But we don’t have Rocky Mountain Christmas yet, and I wanted to get it for Josh this year.”
He helped her look, and after a few moments, he pulled out a blue and white album with painted mountains on the cover. “This one?”
She gave him a sweet, joyful smile he couldn't help but return.
“Yes!” she said happily, taking it when he offered it to her. “Thank you, Danny. That's exactly what I was looking for.”
She looked up at him. “Did you find anything for Sam?”
He shrugged. “I can’t think of a record he wants that he doesn't already have,” he said. “He’s hard to buy for, you know that.”
“Tell me about it,” she agreed as they walked to the counter together. “Josh and I got him a Polaroid, so I hope he’ll like it.”
“He’ll love it,” Danny assured her. “That’s a great gift for him. Did you have it shipped here?” Since they’d decided on the trip, they’d been sending their packages to the Kiszkas' for Kelly to hide, and they had a lot of wrapping to do that night to get everything ready.
She nodded. “Kelly said it got there yesterday, so it was just in the nick of time.”
She handed the record to Mr. Miller and asked him to keep it with the rest of their picks, and Danny blocked Josh’s way when he tried to come close.
“What are you, her bodyguard?” Josh laughed.
Danny shook a stern finger at him. “Christmas is no time for snooping, Mr. Kiszka.”
Josh grinned. “Fine. We’re ready to go when you guys are.”
They rejoined the group when they’d said their goodbyes to Mr. Miller, a little relieved to find it had stopped snowing while they were shopping. Sam took Danny’s hand as they walked, and Danny laughed when he found that Sam actually did only have one singular glove.
“Here,” he said, making to take off his own and give them to him.
“Aw, Dan, you don't have to give me your gloves,” Sam said, surprised but touched that he would offer. “Just hold my hand and I’ll be fine.”
Danny gladly did as he said. The feel of Sam’s hand in his still sent a thrill through him like the first time he’d felt it, and he knew he’d never tire of the little ways Sam came up with to be close to him. 
“Alright, boys, strap in,” Sparrow said, rubbing her mittened hands together in gleeful anticipation as they came up to Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland. The gigantic building was festooned top to bottom in garlands and lights, and even from the outside it lived up to its billing as the world's largest Christmas store. Danny smiled as he watched Jake join in his girlfriend’s excitement and saw Josh snap a picture of the sign with the disposable camera Baby had brought.
“You ready?” Danny asked, looking to his boyfriend with a grin.
Sam shrugged. “Oh, sure.”
Danny chuckled. “You promise you won’t hate it?” he teased. Though Sam would never admit it, fearing to tarnish his rockstar reputation, he loved going to Bronner’s and looked forward to it every year.
Sam gave him a grudging smile. “I think I’ll survive.”
They wove through life-size nativity scenes and towering nutcrackers until they came to the door, entering into a sprawling display of festivity. The girls gave delighted giggles and dragged their boyfriends off to look at the huge Christmas village exhibits and hundreds upon hundreds of ornaments that sparkled and shone from every corner. Sam and Danny took a moment to take it all in, looking over the waterfalls of twinkling lights, giant baubles suspended from the ceiling, and many-tiered displays of Santas, presents, and brightly-lit trees.
Danny snuck a glance at his boyfriend and softened at the look of boyish wonder and excitement of Sam’s face. Spurred by affectionate impulse, he kissed Sam’s cheek. 
“Merry Christmas, love.”
Sam pinked and gave him a bashful grin.
“Merry Christmas, Dan.”
They whiled away the morning at Bronner’s, spending a long time in leisurely enjoyment of the sights and sounds of Christmas. When they’d seen all there was to see and successfully dissuaded the girls from buying the entire store, they had lunch at the Christmas Town Pub at the farmer’s market and talked over mugs of mulled wine.
“You’re not doing this whole vegan thing with Sammy, right?” Josh asked, snagging one of the fries that had come with Danny’s bratwurst. Baby batted his hand away and pushed her fries towards him.
“I don’t mind sharing,” Danny said, giving her a smile. “And to answer your question, Josh, I think I’d qualify myself as a selective vegan.”
Sparrow laughed. “So not really a vegan.”
“Well, we’ve been doing it at home,” Sam said. “Danny’s been a real champ so far.”
“I’m not going vegan for you, Sparrow,” Jake said. “I mean, I love you, but I really, really like meat.”
“Yes, honey, I know. You and your steaks.”
Jake put a hand to his chest. “You don't like my steaks?”
She rolled her eyes but smiled all the same. “Of course I like them, Jakey. I like anything you cook. You know what else I like?”
He smirked. “My world-famous kisses?”
She laughed. “Those too. I was going to say mulled wine, but if you would be so kind as to get me some more, I’ll let you give me one of those world-famous kisses.”
Josh and Baby asked for more too, and Sam offered to help Jake carry them.
“You want another one?” he asked Danny.
Danny finished his drink and raised his mug. “Sure, why not.”
They lingered for a while over their drinks, and Danny started to feel the pull of exhaustion again as the wine and warm food worked their magic. Sam’s hand running up and down his back, though a welcome touch, wasn’t helping him in his losing battle. Sparrow and Josh, too, were looking ready for a nap, and their partners were happy to have them rest their heads on their shoulders. 
“We’re losing them, Jake,” Sam said with a laugh. He looked over at Danny. “My big guy's about ready to crash, huh?”
Danny gave him a drowsy smile. “I like it when you call me that.”
Sam chuckled. “I'm glad. You are my big guy.” He brushed Danny's hair over his shoulder. “You ready to head home?”
Danny stifled a yawn behind his hand. “Probably. If everybody else is.”
“I think we should call it before Sparrow falls asleep at the table,” Jake said, kissing her cheek. “We can take a power nap and come back for ice skating later.”
Jake offered to drive home, and Danny leaned against Sam as they rode. With a bit of persuasion, Sam got him out of the car and into bed.
“Just one more minute, sweetheart,” Sam said, kneeling down to take off Danny’s boots for him. Danny felt his heart squeeze at the selfless gesture and rested his head against Sam’s for a moment.
Sam breathed a laugh. “You alright?”
Danny hummed in agreement. “I love you a lot, Sam.”
Sam set Danny's boots to the side and tipped his face up for a kiss, which Danny gladly gave.
“I love you a lot too, big guy.”
Danny snuggled close to Sam when they were both under the covers, and Sam brushed Danny's hair back from his face.
“I’m glad I get to spend Christmas with you now, Sam.”
Sam's laugh was soft. “We’ve always spent Christmas together, love,” he said. “Even when we were kids.”
Danny cuddled closer. “You know what I mean. I’m glad I get to spend Christmas with you like this.”
Sam relaxed with a contented sigh and gave Danny a gentle kiss.
“Yeah,” he agreed, and Danny could hear the smile in his voice. “You’re right. This kind of Christmas is way better.”
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if you’d like to be tagged in this fic, please send me an ask! ♡
fic taglist: @shutupdevvie @streamsofstardust @cal-a-bungaa
gvf taglist: @gvfrry @ohhey1293 @the-chaotic-cow @mountain-in-springtime @xserenax-13 @stardustjtk @brooke-gvf @weightofdreams-gvf  @jakeydoesit  @gretasmokerising @loofypoofy @hayley1623 @doodle417 @finestoflines @brokenbellz @bowievanfleet @s0livagant @trplshotofdopamine @strugglingtodoshit @deadbeat-z @s-u-t @kay-jordan @gretavanfleas @jakeyboiiiiiii @gretavansteph @gretavanbitches @myownparadise96 @luverleaver @weightofdreamz @greatervanfleet @maedesculpaeusoubi @jakekiszkasbestie @pineapple-photographer @baguettejuliette @alexxavicry @levi-wants-ur-bones  @carlybubs @cowboysamkiszka 
sorry if tumblr didn’t tag you — it’s stupid sometimes. but i’m real thankful for you, sweet peaches! and if you’re a new bestie and would like to be added to my taglist, check out the form right here!
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goodmorningnona · 3 months
nine people you'd like to know better, tagged by @evilwomanenjoyer (YAY i love tag memes)
last song: europapa van Joost Klein i am SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR EUROVISION AND JOOST IS TOP 10 ARTISTS FOR ME AND i could rly infodump abt how good this song is eofhdjnd
favorite color: just like prev, forest green!! :D i use it mostly in decorating because something bad happens to all my green shirts but i have to run my decisions by my friends bc im blue-yellow colorblind
currently watching: this kind of question always gets me cause I dont really watch tv but that makes me sound homeschooled and it's not that i don't like tv it's just that nothing ever grabs me quite as much as like, yuri on ice or the owl house or smthn and i only engage w stuff I can totally obsess over. BUT i do watch a lotta movies bc like, sure ill watch 90 mins of an adventure then be done with it. I suppose im technically watching youtube series? Like im waiting for the next hermitcraft ep rn. I guess im technically watching hazbin hotel even tho i got one ep in and dont really intend on finishing it..?
sweet/savory/spicy: hmm okay it really depends but it's NOT spicy. I like spicy food but my GI tract Does Not. I mean i wouldnt say savory necessarily but salty food is my heaven. Sweet can be very hit or miss for me depending on strength and type.
relationship status: another great question im married to miss earth and I'll kiss just about anybody but also enjoy serious dates but also a fucking tumblr post made me realize im in my slut era. Idk you know that kk slider quote "the music wants to be free" it's me im the music i think we should be able to do whatever we want forever and i think we should kiss about it. i dont rly define my relationship status in terms of things that people will easily comprehend bc the ways i experience affection are just too fundamentally different and non conforming for that tbh. relationship status- ASK (always stay kissing)
current obsession: always tlt but tmagp has snuck her way in there, and I'm still watching minecraft youtube. I swear my obsessions and daily schedule revolve around the seasons they change like four times a year so mayhap i am simply waiting for the next one
last thing you googled: dragon quest games on switch hehe i just got my switch repaired and a couple years back a coworker got me eshop giftcards for hanukkah just before it broke so now i can finally use them!! dragon quest best game series hehe
tagging: @blaquidow @abigail-pent @senseoftheday @cavalierprimary @softieghost @nooomagnus @deadcart @perfectly-fuckingcivil @vvormooze ik i know the last three of you p well but how are you doing :)
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