#not putting this in all the discourse tags because certain discoursers I dont want to deal with keep finding it when I do that
chaos-in-one · 1 year
The way people will treat extremely new definitions for labels as the Only Acceptable Definition sometimes is fucking WILD
Anyways I'm a proud butch panagender (mix between pangender and agender) & genderfluid lesbian and ily all other lesbians who get shit for not fitting the newest box for what people expect lesbians to be <3
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vasyandii · 5 months
Slight call out post, You know who you are. I'm not here to fight or stupid shit like that, rather express my concerns.
Tumblr media
Right, okay. This is gonna be a little yap/ rant sesh real quick, then we can go back to doing fun stuff? Cool? Cool.
It has come to my attention I need to put some boundaries in place in regards to people who seem to not know. I was originally going to keep this to myself because I AM NOT A CONFROTATIONAL PERSON (Mutuals dw you’re fine I love you with all my heart.)
Content warning for aggressive language.
I keep tabs on almost everyone who follows me, this is a precaution to make sure that certain people; Young kids, users who are listed under my DNI, etc. don’t interact with my content as much. This is for my comfort.
The last week or so, when I was doing the OC doodles, There has been a a user who has been… VERY ADAMANT on having their Character drawn. (Which is fine! I get that people are passionate about their ocs and want to see their characters in other peoples work, completely understandable!) PLEASE JUST DONT BE PUSHY ABOUT IT. I HAVE SCHOOL.
However, A NOT GOOD WAY to get an artist to draw you something is to partake in weird behavior?? Because it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people do this.
Like Chat am I tweaking or Is it weird when a blog suddenly switches ages in their bio by SEVEN YEARS? Are you my age or not? Because last time I checked, you were in your TWENTIES a day after you DM’d me. Then you were 19, then 18. Then poof, ageless blog. Please make it make sense.
Another thing, This is very stupid but I feel that as an Oc creator, I am protective of my ocs.
I know I'm not a popular blog, not even by a little. But I KNOW most Oc creators can understand this experience. (I Didn't even THINK this would happen to me, I thought I was lucky)
Her face paint is a pivotal and important part to her design. Am I saying "Ughh Nooo your oc can't have face paint because my oc has it nooo nyehnyehnyeh" ? No, thats baby shit.
I'm saying please don't copy my oc's design. Please. I get that drawing from inspo is part of an artist's creation process. However with this user's past behavior of being pushy, I feel I have a reason to be suspicious?
I worked my ass off writing, researching, designing, redesigning, redrafting her. That's almost 90+ hours of planning. It feels bad when suddenly there's one that pops up that looks hella similar to her, you get me?
People are gonna get on my ass for this, I'm not here for discourse, I'm just venting a little. My dms are always open, I'm old enough to admit that I'm wrong.
Using the tags to get this out there a little, Ik tumblr doesn't like that but it does refer to oc creation.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I really don't get the issue with tagging stuff like goncharov as unreality, lmao.
"Oh why can't you just google it??" Because nonnie, having an entire website act like this one pretend thing is real can be disorientating even if the words on the Google search page say that thing doesn't exist, especially before there were articles specifying it was just a joke. Hell, i don't have any particular health condition that would require this type of tagging for my own continued wellbeing, but it was still extremely disorientating to log on one day and see everyone talking about this one thing as if it were a fully fledged movie while at the same time being told it didn't actually exist. I can only imagine how it felt like to people who are liable to experience hardship when confronted with this type of scenario.
Like, if you personally dont want to tag for a certain thing on your own blog, then all the power to you. Whoever doesnt like the way you do things can just unfollow you, no harm no foul. But people taking that idea a step further and saying "Oh, if stuff like goncharov upsets you then why are you on the internet in the first place?" is like me asking people with allergies or other diet restrictions why they go to restaurants every one in a while. "Like, hm actually sweetie, why are you eating out if you're intolerant to gluten/allergic to x? You cant expect the world to cater to your needs :/". "Why should I put an epilepsy warning in this movie or video? If you don't want to trigger an epilepsy attack the you shouldn't be watching videos in the first place.", so on and so forth.
"Oh but those are serious!" Not necessarily. An allergy can just leave you feeling itchy for a while, and lactose intolerance can just give you a stomach ache, depending on the person. "Oh, but those are physical conditions!" So? Why should that make them more worthy of your considerations? They are still health conditions that need to be accounted for and looked out for. And the people who have those health conditions should be able to go about their life without fear.
It's actually not that weird to ask the people that share your space for some kindness and consideration when it comes to dealing with your specific needs, especially if those needs can prevent you from coming into harm. As long as, of course, "asking people to tag a type of post" doesn't snowball into, I don't know, insults or demands or what not. I haven't seen that sort of post or discourse yet, but I'm just leaving the caveat to be safe lmao
This is becoming tedious. There's a disability need here that is clashing with the fundamental nature of the activity. People will make various choices about what to do about fundamentally incompatible needs. The end.
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genderfuckfreak · 2 years
welcome to genderfuckfreak.
im michael/dante/frankenstein, i hoard names & xenogenders! it/he/rot.
nonbinary, catboy, batboy, zomboy, vampyrgender, femboy. mlm + pan + poly + t4t.
i decided to make a xenogender blog because ive taken a liking to making pretty flags and coining new labels. this is a hobby that i don't take seriously :-3
read below for whatever!
multispec lesbians/gays
𖤐 this blog welcomes:
he/him lesbians & she/her gays
neurodivergent people of all kinds
people who dont experience dysphoria & people who do
sfw age/pet regressors
pro-choice, pro-BLM, pro-ACAB
𖤐 this blog does not welcome:
radfems, transmeds, gendercrits, etc.
(no)maps, aams, zoos, transx, profic, etc.
i actively use slurs, but i stick to ones i can reclaim. if you dont like slurs, dont follow me. i do not consider “queer” or “femboy” to be slurs & i will not tag them. use your filters.
anti-self dx
cishets. sorry! this blog isn't for you.
𖤐 other stuff b4 you follow:
i block very very generously. if you give me the tiniest hint of rancid vibes, i will block you and all of your alts that i can find.
i block harry potter & dsmp fans on sight. alters related to those fandoms are okay but current fans, even the "good" or "critical" ones, will be blocked. sorry.
labels and flags and pronouns dont matter, i dont care what fuckery you identify as. have fun with your gender. you're shitclowngender? alright good for you i love you :-)
i don't know what's up with the discourse around MOGAI, so dont start shit abt it. im not a radqueer or whatever, i just use mogai tags.
this is not a discourse blog.
the stripes of my flags will not have set meanings, theyre up for interpretation - i just make the pretty flag, its your identity.
anyone can use my flags. anyone. that means lesbians can use masculine flags and vice versa, etc.
credit is not required, but it's highly appreciated.
𖤐 i create:
please do not repost my flags for clout - if you want them on your mogai blog or something, just reblog.
pride flags
labels for genders / orientations
pride flag edits featuring fictional characters with no pre-established canon queer identity; if sans undertale was transmasc i wouldnt put him on a transfem flag, etc.
𖤐 i make flags for:
genders / xenogenders
sexualities / orientations
pronouns / neopronouns
species (for therians, otherkins, nonhumans, kintypes, etc.)
redesigns of pre-existing flags
"conflicting" labels
labels you made up/ideas you have for a label
joke labels (eg. taxevasiongender or smth)
overly specific labels
𖤐 i do NOT make flags for ...
cisgender / heterosexual / heteroromantic / straight or cis ally
ages / races / disabilities / disorders / etc.
[character]sexual / [animal]sexual / [age]sexual / [race]sexual / etc.
MAPs / AAMs / zoos / babyfurs / etc.
trans-x terms (eg. transrace, transabled, transtrauma, etc.)
ships / pairings
[character]kin / IRLs
personal terms (personally coined terms you dont want others to use / see / ID with)
yandere, stalker, or certain crime related terms
exclusive / hateful / anti-[x] terms
kinks / paraphilias / fetishes / explicitly nsfw things
religion-related terms (excluding angels, demons, etc.)
𖤐 submission info
politics-related terms
you can submit flags, ideas, & terms that you've created / coined
if you want me to redesign a flag, use the ask box instead
put inspiration images for requests in the ask box, not the submissions
𖤐 ask info
you can just say "hi" or start up a convo if you want
if you have questions, be respectful and ill answer, even if it seems like an offensive question
send requests, inspiration, or pre-existing flags as asks
keep it SFW
you dont have to BE a term to COIN a term. if you arent gay but want my version of a gay flag, go ahead n ask!
anons are off to minimize hateful asks. hateful or critical asks will be deleted.
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ljf613 · 11 months
Could you please not put untagged madrigalcest discourse in the encanto tag. Ruined my day again. This is why people put dnis on their stuff. They dont want to interact and be reminded of the rampant underage incest shipping. But yay for pedo bruno hcs
Oooh, Anon hate! I'm not sure I can even remember the last time I got one of these-- I was starting to get a little worried there.
I want to start by saying that tagging etiquette is actually super-important to me, so I want to actually address what Anon is talking about here, point by point.
1) Could you please not put untagged madrigalcest discourse in the encanto tag
Personally, I don't use the #madigalcest tag because I feel that it's overly broad-- what is and isn't considered incest varies widely across countries and cultures, so it's not one size fits all.
I do, however, make sure to tag all of my ship-related posts with the appropriate ship tags, so as long as you have the ships you don't want to see content for filtered out, you shouldn't see it.
But I'm pretty sure this ask is in response to this post I made yesterday-- which literally doesn't mention any ships in it at all, "madrigalcest" or otherwise, so I don't really understand what your complaint here is.
2) Ruined my day again
If seeing random strangers online sharing opinions you don't like ruins your day, I would recommend never using the internet ever.
3) This is why people put dnis on their stuff
Again, I'm assuming this is in response to yesterday's post (linked above), where I said that I really don't like it when people put DNIs in their fanfics, and, in particular, in their fic tags.
My argument there was partially rooted in the fact that tags are there more for the benefit of the reader, not the writer. Tags are intended to give the reader an idea of what to expect, or to allow them to filter out content they don't want to see.
And you, Anon, agree with me on this point. I know you do. That's why you sent me an ask telling me that you wanted me to change my tags-- because those tags are, in part, there for you (and anyone else who reads my posts).
This is why I generally think DNIs are a waste of time-- if there's something that you don't want to see, you are responsible for curating your own online experience. Don't rely on random strangers on the internet to do it for you. (We are not your parents.)
In short, tags are there so readers can decide whether or not that's a fic and/or post they want to see. They are not there so writers can dictate who is and isn't allowed to see their content.
(Once you share something publicly, you have virtually no control over who does and doesn't get to look at it. Imagine if someone published a book at put a large note on the back cover that said, "people who like star wars ARE NOT ALLOWED to read this book." Who on earth would take them seriously?)
4) They dont want to interact
If there's someone you don't want to interact with, block them. I'm fairly certain AO3 now has a block feature.
And again, that's your job. A reader is under no obligation not to look at your content just because you told them not to.
Also, as I mentioned in the tags of yesterday's post: someone you disagree with is not going to contaminate you just by reading words that you wrote.
5) and be reminded of the rampant underage incest shipping
I cannot emphasize this enough: if there is something on the internet that you don't want to see, don't look at it.
6) But yay for pedo bruno hcs
I will repeat again that absolutely nothing in yesterday's post was about shipping, let alone any specific ships (with or without Bruno).
Also, I do feel the need to inform you that I don't actually have any, as you call them, "pedo bruno hcs." Not to mention that I'm fairly certain that you don't actually know what a pedophile is. I recommend doing a bit of research-- a five-second Google search may help. The Wikipedia page on pedophilia might also be a good place to start-- read that first paragraph a couple of times until you're sure that you understand what it says.
Have a nice weekend!
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infodump-central · 1 year
have YOU ever wanted to share information about something so badly but had nobody/nowhere to share it to? now you do!!
this is infodump central where YOU can go on and on about whatever topic pleases u most (with some minor restrictions)! this means ANY topic, including but not limited to, tv, video games, movies, weird lore, headcanons, real life history, current events, architecture, music, random objects, vehicles, books, toys, people, psychology, astrology, literally anything and everything! all info regarding submissions and other questions will be under the readmore!
FIRST AND FOREMOST, do not submit if you're uncomfortable receiving feedback from strangers on the internet. i myself will always be positive about submissions/listen intently to them and i urge others to do the same (BIG on this being a supportive space), however i do not control other people!
anonymous asks are turned on, however if you want to go off anon at any time, feel free!
now for submission rules!
please make sure no hateful speech towards anyone is in your ask before submitting (for example, lgbt+phobia, racism, threats, etc) however if you wish to share information about these topics (history of a topic, educating about a topic, etc) feel free! appropriate tws will always be tagged on my end.
attacking anyone who does not share your opinion will not be tolerated and your ask will be deleted. do not start discourse in your ask.
anything nsfw won't be posted here, realistically i cannot control who looks at this blog and as such would like it to be safe for minors to browse + post on.
overall, just be kind and considerate!
topics that will not be allowed under any circumstance include (more can be added to this list at any point, so check back before submitting each time!):
-harry potter/jk rowling
-rpf/real person fiction (talking about real people is a-ok! just not in shippy/creepy fashions)
other info:
again, appropriate tws will always be added in post by me, and they will always be tagged as 'tw [thing]'
posts will also be tagged with all relevant tags, for instance, if your ask is about a specific tv show, or is centered around certain characters, it will be tagged as such. this is to help people who want to filter these things out even if they don't have a tw tag
i myself will always try to keep posts entirely blank other than the ask itself, though i will try to reply to them positively in the tags! (if you at any point dont want me to "respond" to an ask (no offense taken btw!) feel free to say so or add 'no reply' to the end of your ask!)
similarly if you don't want your ask to be rebloggable just let me know or put 'no reblog' at the end of your ask and i will turn them off!
posts that are NOT infodumps will be tagged 'regularask' and posts that ARE will be tagged as 'infodumpcentral' (no spaces on either of these because tumblr can get weird with blocked tags + tag searches)
multiple asks for a single submission is totally fine, but i will manually stitch them all together into one post instead of posting them separately. (it would also be a good idea to number them as you send them!)
thats about it! have fun!
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couple of notes:
-a lot of submissions arent letting me queue them, because tumblr is functional. as a fix if yours isnt being processed im going to save the image and queue them manually since that seems to work. as a result though the submission source wont show up in the post. im kinda annoyed by that bc i really care about credit so im thinking of putting the credit in the post(like the image and then at the bottom something like credit: @_____) id love to hear feedback on that though.
-remember to include source in submissions. i dont know all medias and if its something i dont recognize ill reverse image search but it really helps out if you include the source either in the submission or in the tags.
-if youve noticed ive been doing a lot of submissions instead of requests theres multiple reasons. submissions are easier to process at most it takes finding a source and adding tags whereas requests require editing. ive also been getting a lot of submissions and my current queue system prioritizes submissions, though i might be changing the system soon. and finally ive been feeling a bit burnt-out with the blog and that makes it harder to fill out requests. not guilt-tripping this blog does rely on requests and if theres any i feel like are too much i will delete them, but if you havent seen a request those are likely reasons why. ill try to work on some more requests coming forward.
-with the last part about burn-out, ive decided im gonna need mods. i plan on making a formal mod application post soon but know that some of the requirements are going to include the ability to edit(whether on the computer or on the phone, thats where i edit) along with your opinions on certain topics(i try to stay neutral on discourse here but theres some types of people i dont really want to interact with). look forward to a more official mod application post coming forward
-last note but we reached 1.5k followers awhile back and i really appreciate that.
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
i now a lot off ppl n the fndm dont like rg caz they think there a big difference btween a 15 year old an a 17 year old but i think that ppl overlook that oscar smart 4 his age and i wouldn't be shocked if like ruby he got to skip a few grades but i get the feeling other would still see rg as a problem even if oscar was the same age as ruby or even if it was 2 year age gap and it was just a year or a few months
*insert the world’s longest exasperated groan right here* With all due respect anon-chan but…I really don’t want to get into the whole 2 year age difference with Rosegarden topic again since, pardon my language here, but I am honestly fucking tired of seeing it as a legit popular complaint against the ship.
Mind you, this has nothing to do with you, fam. I’m not lashing out at you personally.
It’s just that regarding the topic at hand, I’m just REALLY, REALLY fed up of seeing this dead horse being beaten repeatedly by all the antis who make it their mission to constantly harp on Rosegarden and its shipping community for it.
Oscar and Ruby are two years apart. If Ruby just turned 17 as of V7 then surely Oscar is on the cusp of turning 15 at some point, probably closer to V9 or so. If we’re looking in terms of grades---well I’m from Trinidad and Tobago and our education system actually reflects more of the British school system where instead of grades with pre-school, elementary school, junior high school, high school and then college/university, what we have is pre-school, primary school, secondary school and then university will be our tertiary form of education, more or less.
At their current ages from the show, if Ruby and Oscar were in my country, they will both be in secondary school. At age 14 going on 15, Oscar will be in Form 3 (and entering the stage where he is supposed to be choosing subjects for CXC exams) whereas Ruby will be in Form 5 (getting ready to take the CXC exams).
Either way, Oscar will be in Form 3 and Ruby will be Form 5. Ruby will be two forms higher than Oscar. That still doesn’t erase the fact that they are still only two years apart. Just 2 and ONLY TWO.
Do you want to know why I absolutely despise the two year age gap argument against Rosegarden anon-chan? 
Because it’s all completely hypocritical. It is hypocritical that certain-certain folks take such strong issue with the 2-year age gap when it comes to the Rosegarden pair but are perfectly fine with it when it comes to the more FNDM-favoured pairs such as Whiterose, Lancaster and Nuts and Dolts. Particularly Whiterose since that is the ship that people seem to THINK Rosegarden is fighting a shipping war against when in actuality, as a Rosegardener, I could care fucking less about entertaining any foolish nonsensical shipping war with anyone. 
Again, pardon my use of profanity here. That’s just to express how much I am done with this shit and hearing about it when it comes to my favourite RWBY ship.
While Ruby may be two years older than Oscar, she is also two years younger than Weiss, Jaune and Penny. It’s the same age difference no matter how you spin it. Yet it’s a case where the age gap is only problematic for one ship while being fine for another and that’s the contradiction that irks me.  
And y’know what else? You’re actually right about your last statement. The problem that certain-certain folks have with RG ISN’T even about the age difference. It isn’t the real issue and don’t think for one millisecond that it is. Because regardless of whether or not, Oscar was only one year younger than Ruby or one year older than Ruby or even the same age as Ruby---it wouldn’t really matter to certain-certain folks since the issue isn’t really about the age of the characters.
The REAL issue is that certain-certain folks just don’t want Ruby to end up with OSCAR. These people ship Ruby with someone else particularly a certain-certain snow angel, who according to them, has known Ruby longer than Oscar and therefore is entitled to end up with Ruby over him.
Yes, I shit you not, that is an actual claim that I’ve heard against Rosegarden in favour of another certain-certain ship…despite the show never really portraying that particular relationship to be romantic of any kind.
Bottom-line, certain-certain folks feel threatened by the RG ship since the showrunners seem to kinda, sorta, maybe, most likely want to develop the relationship between Ruby and Oscar beyond a friendship or at least they wish to hone in on pushing Ruby’s connection to this our little freckled farm boy to be a lot deeper than the relationship she has with other character and to those certain-certain folks, that’s a problem for them because in their heads, they want the showrunners to only focus on Ruby hooking up with their favoured partner for her…regardless of the series never really portraying that relationship they like to be romantic of any kind.
And THAT is the TRUE conundering conundrum we are in as Rosegardeners. Dealing with these certain-certain folks and their shit.
I’m sorry anon-chan but for future reference (and that goes for anyone else who might be reading this response post) do you mind not bringing up the so-called age gap issue with Rosegarden to me please ^^);
I’m fine with other topics just not this one since I’ve had enough. In the past, I’ve answered similar questions and inbox messages on this same topic and I’ve honestly reached a point where I no longer wish to discuss it at all on my blog.
It’s nothing against you or anyone else who may still wish to talk about this subject. This squiggle meister and squiggly Rosegardening Pinehead just doesn’t want to anymore since…how many times as a Rosegardener do I have to repeat the same information and set the record straight for the same none-troversey as Red Letter Media would put it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Rosegarden pair and wanting to  see them be endgame as an adorkable young couple. Certainly not because of their age difference. 
Because if Ruby and Oscar can’t be an “alleged” couple because they are two years apart then neither can Ruby get together with Weiss, Jaune or Penny since the gap is the same.
I don’t even want to hear anyone dare mention the Ozpin issue since that’s been debunked too in the show in the Lost Fable episode from V6. So really there are no real arguments that anyone can make against RG that hasn’t already been debunked by a) the fans who pay more attention to the development of the pair in the story than the antis, b) the showrunners and/or c) the actual story in the series. 
So the people who keep making a hullabaloo about it---making the same ole noise over the same ole things honestly need to stop. They are embarrassing themselves at this point and it sickens me to see their half-hearted arguments and claims against RG pop up on the tags on social media when I’m trying to enjoy my ship.
Or rather, I’d just need to stop listening to anything the antis say which I have. Or at least I’m trying to. This round for V8, I don’t know about other Rosegardeners, but I want to avoid the discourse like Neo in the Matrix.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
What’s your opinion on Kerry being available to only male V when it’s mentioned in-game that he’s bi (correct me if I’m wrong, I have terrible memory)?? I feel like they should’ve had bi romance options if they were able to implement both gay and straight ones.
Oh anon, oooooh anon. I love you dearly, but you intentionally or not might as well have thrown lit dynamite in my ask box. This discourse has been such a strange beast within this fandom and I have definitely shared some vague thoughts about it before. I’m putting everything under a read more, to help stave off some....harassment or putting it in people’s lives who may not want it. 
 I still remember I was frankly heartbroken and upset when I first learned Kery wasn’t romanceable by female V when the game first officially came out, but before I played it; River and Panam weren’t even really known about, cause they weren’t talked about much in the promo material,  plus Kerry was shown in romance scenes with what looked to be female V. So, if you go back far enough you’ll find me in December cope posting and being the saddest and angriest of beans, because other than Johnny who I knew was likely off the table. He was one of the only characters I wanted to potentially romance. Now, I’m further away from it, have  processed my feelings regarding it and am more rational I believe regarding the issue. 
But, that being said, a large issue of this sort of discourse is that; no matter what anyone says, someone somwhere is upset. I’ve been insulted, blocked, accused of fetishizing gay men, and so much over my opinion regarding this matter. I’m still currently debating if I even wanna tag this, cause the issue almost always brings negativity to my blog and to me. I have very little interest in being berated for this, so we’ll see how I feel after I finish typing this all out. I’m going to try to go through all my issues, my points, my troubles and feelings about the matter. But, at the end of the day, it is merely my opinion. If someone disagrees, fine, just don’t attack people or berate them over pixels in a video game. Just dont. That’s all I ask. Okay, so I’m gonna divide this into talking points and whatever, now. 
Firstly, Kerry is bisexual. Point blank, period. I’ve seen folks try to argue that his wife was like comphet, which if you dont know means that sometimes exclusively homosexual people will try to force themselves into heterosexual relationships because society has conditioned them to believe they have to be straight. While, I’m not negating the fact that this happens, as a bisexual/pansexual (I use the terms interchangeably to define my experience and feelings)  person I’ve struggled with it when making sense of my attraction to women. It genuinely is something that happens. This is not the case for Kerry; he doesn’t ever hide his attraction to men, between TTRPG lore and the video game he has had two wives , and he is stated by game developers and TTRPG creator to be bisexual.He is bisexual. Getting that out there, saying other wise, in my opinion is a level of bi erasure. That being said, I do still have my grievances with how the game chose to handle his bisexuality and bisexuality as whole, also imo, the game generally doesn’t seem...to treat players who are attracted to men well… 
But before I get into that, I wanna make clear, I feel like Cyberpunk 2077 should have had more romance options for every orientation. If you’re not going to create a player-sexual style of romance; ie where every romanceable character is attracted to the player regardless and wish to focus on each character having their own predetermined sexuality; only have one character for each sexuality is kind of bullshit. If you’re a lesbian player and you’re not into Judy, you get nothing, except a fuck around with Meredith (who I will get to later). You’re a straight woman, but not into River, shit out of luck. You’re a gay man who’s not into Kerry, sucks to suck bud. You’re a straight man who’s not into Panam (kind dont get how you wouldn’t be but who am i to judge), well, you can fuck Meredith… so woooo. Oh also, if you’re not attracted to women, you will still be forced to watch in first person pov a sex scene with Alt and if you want Johnny to like you, you gotta date a girl. Also, all the male love interests will be sidelined mostly…. Hooray… But I digress, either go in with all romance options bi/pan/player sexual, or give more options for romance. Cause now you have the issue of people not getting the partner they hoped for and not liking their only option. Now, you got people trying to make the Judy  bi, which is lesbian erasure and lesbophobic, along with people saying Kerry isn’t bi and can’t be with women which is bi erasure and biphobic. Whereas, if you had just gone in from the get go with either more options or a player-sexual romance system; we wouldn’t be here, CDPR. 
Okay, so next thing, now that I’ve addressed my issues with the entire romance system and that yes, Kerry is bi. Should Kerry have been able to be romanced as female V? Yes and no. Which sounds vague, but I’m going somewhere. With the current set up of it; Kerry being romanceable to a female V would have unfairly given female players an additional love interest over male players. Female V would have the option of Judy, River, or Kerry. And Male V’s would have the option of Kerry or Panam. That’s not fair. I get that, inherently. CDPR painted themselves into a corner, by only letting there be two romances for “each” gender, one for “each” sexuality, and then using a canonically bi character for one of them. They played themselves, they were either gonna have to give an unfair amount of love interest to one side of their gender system or make a bi character who will only pursue one gender. So, they went for the latter. 
Now, some people feel thats fine, because Kerry having a gender preference is fine and its okay for bi people to lean a certain way in regards to gender and its okay for them to not be attracted to people. And that is true. I am a bisexual woman who leans a little more towards men, I get that. However, I have only been given one reason for Kerry’s preference for male V over female V. And it was by a developer of the game who stated that Kerry pursues Male V and not Female V because Male V reminds him more of Johnny… And I hate that. I personally, hate it so deeply, because to me it does a complete disservice to Kerry and V’s relationship and Kerry’s arc. Because even with female V you see him being preoccupied with Johnny and V’s connection to Johnny, then you see him move past that. So, to then state, its still a deciding factor in him romancing V is so wrong to me. Like why???? Why would you do that to people who like Kerry??? Why would you put that in their heads, that Kerry on some level, subconsciously or not, was thinking about Johnny when he decides to romance V. Cause that’s not in the game, in the game you get the vibe he’s moving on past Johnny, like he’s growing, developing, genuinely likes V. But that stupid tweet, just radiates rancid vibes, whyyy???  
And then, outside of that nasty tweet, I have to ask what other reason is there for why he prefers male V over fem V.  They’re...the same characters essentially, just with different pronouns and body type. They also can look like whatever you want; they’re completely customizable. So, Its based off of what the game associates with  gender characteristics and nothing else, meaning, his attraction is rooted solely in their gender and he turns down fem V by virtue of them being a woman and nothing else. Which, yeah, bisexual/pansexual people have preferences but when that preference completely excludes a gender based on nothing but gender…. Uhh????? See my issue???? 
And I’ve seen people saying, well, its better than CDPR playing into slutty will date anybody bisexual stereotypes. But, the thing is...THEY STILL DO THAT which is what drives me up the god damn wall; they managed to do slutty bi stereotypes and I don’t even get kiss the boy, which again, I get the need for fairness but wow, just wow. And lemme explain. 
Meredith is the only character, other than joytoys, whom you can have sex with regardless of gender, body type, etc. She is the only character who shows that she is attracted to V on some level regardless of gender. 
She is a one night stand. Her sex animations are the same as joytoys. She treated like a promiscuous love phobic woman.  And having characters like that is fine, my own V is promiscuous and love phobic. But, we can acknowledge that in a video game by a AAA game company having the only character who is at least physically attracted to the player no matter what, be nothing but sex fodder...isn’t great bi representation, right? 
Oh, and Kerry himself still is a promiscuous bisexual man, he just won’t romance female V because apparently, according to a dev, they don’t remind him of Johnny enough. AND THATS THE DEVS WORDS, NOT MINE, I HATE THAT. Like, Kerry is shown to have people’s lingerie around his house. He’s stated by Johnny to be someone who fucks around. He gets a blowjob from a man in a stairwell. 
The two most blatantly canonically bi character in this game are promiscuous; one wont romance V at all and just wants sex, the other will only romance a male V because at worse, he’s comparing them mentally subconsciously to his dead friend and at best….because….reasons…. Literally, from what I understand for Kerry to romance V, they have to have the “male” body type and “male” voice. Meaning, fem V could literally by all appearances look like masc V, body type wise, but because she uses female pronouns and has a feminine sounding voice...no… the stars say no… 
In my honest opinion, it is bad bisexual representation and a not so well thought out romance system for a game. 
But, that being said, I literally never romance anyone, because I’m a Johnny simp. So, the fuck do I know.
oh god do i tag this.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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here's the thing
no, no topic should be banned or censored either in fanworks or not, ao3 shouldn't censor their works, and people have the right to write whatever they want
and no, no trope/ship/whatever (or well, almost no trope/ship. shit like uncritically using the mommy trope is racist end of story) is inherently problematic to write about, and yes, it does depend on how its written and dealt with. god knows i write about abuse all the fucking time
and no, writing dead dove fics doesn't mean ur a bad person or are supporting these things, it just means ur exploring heavy topics in ur writing. again, god knows i do that
but that doesnt mean that
you cant criticize specific works that do handle certain topics in a problematic way
you cant point out that a fandom in general has a racism problem, or that the reason why a particular trope is so popular is because of racist/biphobic/etc bias
i know there are people who advocate for censoring in fanworks (although honestly, theyre a WAY smaller bunch than yall like to pretend), but over time this discussion (which is valid and important, because we should talk about art and heavy topics and how they intertwine) has become basically an excuse for ppl to think themselves, or their fandoms, above criticism
I've never met anyone who advocates for fanworks censoring, but over the last year, in the same fandom, Ive seen ppl call someone a bully for mentioning on their blog that a particular fic/author (without mentioning who the author was or giving any information that would make that obvious) bothered her because they wrote a latina character in a racist light; Ive seen people be cut off completely by previous friends for saying (nicely and upon being asked) that they didnt care for a ship said friend was writing about; Ive seen a person be kicked out of a fandom server for saying that they dont like a specific ship, without previous warning. not that it was wrong, not that it was disgusting, not that it should be censored. that they didnt like it. Ive seen any calling out within that fandom of racist or otherwise problematic tropes and works be shut down and regarded as "bullying" or "being the purity police". I've been assumed to be in favor of censoring because i complain on my fucking personal blog, with tags, while not advocating for shit, about things that i dont like within that fandom. Ive been assumed to hate a particular ship that i ship for pointing out that its fandom has a tendency to be acephobic. Ive seen people go out of their way to write untagged triggering content just to "make antis mad". I've gotten hate anons for posting about disliking certain characters (and even for making jokes about characters that i actually like), despite the fact that whenever i complain about that i always tag it as both hate for the specific character and a general tag for when im complaining about stuff, plus another tag for discourse shit, and i never ever put it on the general fandom or that character's tag or any other tag that isnt the ones previously mentioned. and that's all within the year, in the same fandom
and like its funny because the "anti-anti" crowd likes to say that ppl who criticize racist tropes and similar stuff (whom they all strawman as "antis" who "want censorship") dont know anything about Nuance and dont understand that you can mention problematic topics without being problematic. but they're the ones who suddenly decided that any and all criticism or debate within fandom means wanting censorship, banning of content, and bullying
and it's so clear and obvious that this has become simply an excuse to put yourself and the things you consume above criticism and to shut down, well, minorities as a whole, but notably people of color, who are upset by the bullshit we see in fandom every minute of every day, and that directly affects us and our mental health. and to make entitled ass people act like everyone must like everything they like, every ship and character and trope, and try to get people who dont (again, not even people who think it's problematic, just people who dont like it) to be bashed and excluded, all under the excuse of some sort of anti censorship activism
and it's fucking tiring and ridiculous and frankly disrespectful of a discussion that is extremely important, but that has just become a go-to excuse for spoiled ass fans to think themselves and the things they like as supreme and undeserving of criticism or even dislike of any kind
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petitprincess1 · 4 years
So, there are shipping wars going on Twitter between Chaggie and Charlastor because of a certain art post. NO, I will not say who made it nor show a link (if you want a link, I will send it to you in private). I just kinda want to share my two cents and get it off my mind:
I do not care who you ship (unless it's incestuous or pedophilia), how you draw it, your opinions on it, or even if you make it dark or fluffy. Go and have fun. I don't care. HOWEVER, if you do make death art of a major character (especially if it's of a character that people love deeply) and just label all those that get upset by it "toxic", then that's where I have a problem. Not in the art, not in the ship, but you.
It's unfair to label everyone who gets upset by a ship as toxic and just leave it as that. Dont get me wrong, I know there are people, who just like starting shit, but that's not everybody. Some people have ships as comfort or as a coping mechanism or they're just extremely. They are allowed to be upset if they see something that bothers them or even triggers them.
Yeah, maybe they should block it or whatever, but that doesn't mean they won't see it if another reblogs/retweets it. Plus, this is assuming they're following you and they didn't just get tagged or linked to it. I'm not saying that you should censor yourself. Draw whatever you want, I don't care and it doesn't hurt me either way.
BUT, if you're gonna go as far as to just laugh at those who are harmed or label them as "toxic" or "haters", then you are filled with some prideful ignorance. Not everyone is a hater, maybe they shouldn't have commented, but they're allowed to their opinion as much as you are to yours. Have a conversation, talk to them, don't just be ignorant and assume that people want to start a fight. That's how shipping wars or fandom discourse starts.
Just talk, get to know their side as they get to know yours. It's not as black and white as you think.
Note: I am not trying to say I am more mature or trying to seem that way, just putting out my thoughts.
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liquidstar · 5 years
Hi! Sorry to trouble you like this, I was wondering if it was okay to ask you a question about how to tag something properly? (Been trying to get better at tagging recently). I wanted to ask first in case you weren't okay with mentioning the heavier content being tagged and stuff. If you can't answer that's fine!
ill do my best to write a guide as straight forward as possible but sometimes i end up needlessly elaborating lol, but ill do my best to help out anon! ironically i wont be tagging things in this post bc im gonna talk about a LOT so im putting it under the cut
what do you tag?
first of all there are certain topics that should always be tagged even if you havent been explicitly asked to tag them. these include: pedophilia, incest, rape, discourse, reblog bait, and things like homophobia, misogyny, racism, ableism, antisemitism, etc.. basically any type of oppression because people shouldnt have to be constantly exposed and reminded of their trauma in regards to it. just to be safe, anytime anything sensitive is being discussed tag it as whatever that  is. 
anything else would be something that people have explicitly asked be tagged, either in their abouts or though an ask to you. these things can vary wildly and you should never ask why someone needs something tagged even if its weird. everything from “religion” to “boiled eggs”
when do you tag it?
im going to use “homophobia” as an example here, but it can apply to anything. here are examples of when to tag it
if the post is sharing a news article reporting on something homophobic, ex. a report of a hate crime or homophobic law being passed
if the post is a gay person talking about their experiences or the general experiences of gay people in a homophobic world
if someone in the post is being homophobic, even if theres a snarky reply. like a screencap or reblog of a very homophobic post with some type of comeback. the post itself still contains homophobia
if the post is a discussion on homophobia
if the post is a scene from a show that features homophobia
if homophobia is mentioned literally at all
i could keep going but the word “homophobia” is starting to sound fake. just always tag it! always! there are a billion examples. rule of thumb, if you ever have to think “should i tag this?” the answer is yes, you should
how do you tag it?
there are lots of ways to tag stuff, but that just makes it harder to navigate this place safely since people like having 100 different methods of it. generally, id say its best to just tag it as the thing itself, if the issue is misogyny, just tag it as “#misogyny” and nothing else. however with topics like pedophilia, incest, and rape, i think adding “tw” might be important so people dont think youre actually posting that stuff. generally people tend to blacklist “[topic] tw” and “[topic] cw” so if you want to add those on thats fine. also if something is only very lightly mentioned, you can tag it as “[topic] mention”
DO NOT use anything like // or / or ~ or ^ or - or * or anything else like that!! the reason that adding slashes to the ends of tags like that is a thing is because of old blacklisting extensions that arent used as much anymore because tumblr has its own blacklist, and unlike those extensions the post is blocked based on the tag itself not a single word in the post. it does nothing except for make it so it wont hide the post to people who have actually blacklisted the word.
DO NOT CONFUSE REBLOG BAIT WITH TAG GAMES!!! reblog bait is stuff like “reblog or else your mom dies” tag games are stuff like “reblog with your favorite color”, tagging them as reblog bait only makes them inaccessible to people with ocd and paranoia and other issues like that, excluding them from fun games. its like if you had a friend who was allergic to strawberry juice but loved raspberry juice, so to keep them safe from strawberry juice you label ALL red juice as strawberry juice and now if they want raspberry juice they have to take a leap of faith. of course... some people need both tagged and if they also ask for tag games to be tagged, tag those too!!  
generally, its a good idea to always tag different fandoms and ships. some people need those tagged for one reason or another, but it also helps you stay more organized. 
thats all :) good luck friend
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Hello Fucking Hi.
Okay so I told myself I wasn’t going to get involved in discourse again, buuuuuuuuuut it’s happening, it’s all over my dash, and it’s not good.
So here we go.
I wanted to remain a neutral blog for everyone in the fandom. I wanted to be the middle ground for anyone and everyone, which is why I tried not to block people. I strongly believe that even if we don’t agree on certain things, we can still have fun in the fandom and, i don’t know, be a decent human being to each other. Which is true for some, and even if we don’t agree on certain ships, that’s fine. I know that some people, even if we disagree are really good people just trying to live their lives. 
The thing is, there are people out there harassing and mocking others for shipping something they disagree on. Telling them they’re homophobic, or that they should die, then writing it off as a joke (You can read Kiki’s post about it here). You say it doesn’t affect them. You say it’s not harmful, but it does affect people and that is not okay. NOTHING about harassing someone should be okay. That, and it pushes more and more people away from the fandom, especially content creators. It makes people scared to make more content of the things they love. Including me. Including the fans i know who left because of all the harassment. 
Being in fandoms used to be something nice. I remember the k/g/pr/ (is this how you not get things in the tags,) fandom being known for not having ship wars or ship hate. It was peaceful. It was the reason I loved the fandom. 
But here we are. Sending anon hate, mocking people and thinking that’s perfectly fine, because it’s a joke. Here we are, getting the best part of being in the fandom sucked right out. You know, the part where we should be able to interpret things freely, make headcanons, appreciate, disagree or get excited about canon material and, idk, have fun?? with it?? 
I don’t want both sides to be attacked. No one should be harassed for liking/disliking a ship. Expressing your opinion is fine as long as it’s not harmful, you can disagree as much as you like, but harassing people and being downright disrespectful is not the way to go about it, and this isn’t just about the fandom, it includes being an absolute asshole to Jin, someone who had continued to write the novels even though he was homeless for a certain time. 
I didn’t want to involve myself in this because honestly, I’m scared of what people have to say, not just in this fandom but in others too. But you know what? I’m done with that. I’ll draw what I want to draw, I’ll say what I want to say. I’ve never been one to express my opinions even with people I’m close to because I’m afraid of being attacked, but I’m done with that.
So yeah!! If you decide that you hate me after this post, go ahead and unfollow and block me. And for those who have been supporting me (looking at you, kiki and ems and others i wont mention bc i dont want to drag them into this) I’d like to give one big thank you for that. And to all who want to create content but are afraid to do so, you have my support!! Do what you want, say what you want, draw what you want as long as you’re not hurting anyone.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways this post is heavy enough, ill just put some stuff here to lighten things up and brush some dust off my blog
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and of course, let’s not forget our one and only,
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butterscotch-cookie · 2 years
I like drawing for people when i feel like im allowed to take my own time
But since this blog is mainly for crk writing,
You can request any art over on my main. It doesnt jus have to be cr characters (just not too difficult pls)
But just a note, i wont be doing digital requested. If i feel like digital, ill do digital. But mainly i draw at school or just grab my sketchbook at home and get too lazy to digitally draw it so all i have then is paper and pencil
Not expecting a lot of people to see this cuz im not tagging with the crk x reader tags ^^” its not related to it so id feel bad putting this in those tags when it could actually be writing for people to read
My main and important things before you head there under cut (so the post isnt too long)
Again, no pressure no rushing ect. Im still a student, i have many appointments to get stuff done for mental + physical health, i have far more down days and just need time for myself, and if i want to do multiple things, i have to choose just one. If i do one thing, im too tired to do other things and if i try im most likely to get overwhelmed and just stop and dont get back to it.
And be mindful, my main is my main. Its not a full on art blog. I reblog far more than i post. I reblog discourse stuff or posts to bring attention to important things but kinda rarely since i tend to avoid it too. Block the tag ‘discourse’ or just dont follow. I dont want my main to just be for drawing for others. I have MANY original stories and characters and would really appreciate asks about those because i love talking about what i create. Im not saying if you’re just there for art you have to leave. Im saying if all you want from me is to draw for you, please dont follow or interact. I dont owe anyone my art or time. And remember, i have major social anxiety and may not respond right away. And DONT DM ME. I get scared, freeze, and just leave the situation. Social situations are always a fight or flight instance and my mind always chooses to freeze. I only accept dms from people i know or if someone needs to inform me about something like asking me to tag something a certain way
My main is @pinksparklelps go wild but not too wild
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thclcstgirl · 6 years
So I’m just going to let loose with some potentially unpopular opinions about our deteriorating rpc and what I- both personally and based on talking with others- think is our problem, which of course is us.
Story time, when I first started writing roleplay online the people I met used this as a hobby, a break from life, a way to enjoy characters outside of media. Was there discourse? Sure, occasionally. But they didn’t put much stock in this because it was a hobby and they didn’t have to care about these random online presences they met through writing, they just had to enjoy the writing. And they were so much happier than we are now, guys.
The tumblr community seems to operate under the exact opposite of that theory. People use this as a validation for when life isn’t going smoothly. Which alone is a whole other can of worms because tumblr is that kind of toxic that pretends it’s progressive but really it’s just toxic.
The tumblr rpc takes characters/the show plot way too seriously (I say fully aware of my intense love of Bellamy Blake and my subsequent dislike of t100 s5) but there seems to be a trend of letting this affect you on and offline, and affect those around you. You can’t stand seeing this Thing, it makes you sad/upest/angry/ick/ect. But instead of blacklisting or tublrsavior’ing your way away from it, you don’t want to because some of your friends talk about it and it feels “rude” and you end up feeling disgusted on your own dash. It’s not rude to not talk about shit that annoys you. This is a hobby. You shouldn’t feel annoyed doing your hobby.
On that note, no one treats this like a hobby anymore. They treat it like a job, a popularity contest, an all-inclusive-or-you’re-a-giant-bag-of-dicks kind of thing. You can’t just write what you like, or what you’re feeling, because then you’re labeled “elitist”. You can’t just write with your friends for the same reason. You HAVE to write with everyone who wants to write with you or you’re labeled “unfriendly” or “bitchy”. You HAVE to respond to threads in a timely manner or you’re accused of “ignoring” people or “forgetting” them which seem to be equal insults whether or not it’s true. You HAVE to be nice and friendly and peppy all the time or you’re labeled “mean” or again, “bitchy”.
Now, best case scenario if any of the above happens, you get a few bratty people or a few bratty anons and life goes on. Worst case scenario the guilt tripping and the vague posting starts, and once it starts it rarely ends. People put so much importance in being important to online presences on tumblr, and when they feel wronged/upset/ignored/invalidated/ect the ooc posts start up, designed to entice sympathy but really just making people uneasy and uncomfortable because these posts are directed at them as though they’ve done something wrong to make someone feel this way, but it’s almost never about them, it’s about the poster.
You’re not allowed to like certain things. You’re not allowed to dislike certain things. You’re not allowed to say this, or that, because it’s offensive. And I’m not talking ‘you can’t make a racist joke’ I’m talking ‘you can’t dislike this character over a personality because they’re a poc and that makes you racist’. That’s what tumbr is guys. It is the extreme leftist, where everything you say is potentially offensive and you’re surrounded by literally millions of people with the protective cover of internet anonymity who are just waiting to crucify the next person for the next perceived slight.
As though there haven’t been enough rules, there’s the rules about following/writing with people. You can’t unfollow people, at least not without A. having to explain yourself to them or B. inspiring a string of guilty-trip/sympathy posts painting you as the bad guy who made this person feel so shitty about their life and themselves. You can’t just not want to write with a certain character, because that’s reflective of your feelings about the mun apparently. You can’t just not see yourself writing against a style, because that’s reflective of your feelings about the mun apparently. If you DO end up writing because you don’t want to be painted as an asshole, you can’t stop writing, because then it’s indicative that the mun has somehow offended you and angered you. You can’t ask to change shit in a thread because then you’re saying the mun can’t write right. And the breaking of any of these rules end up in vague, guilt-trippy posts that “aren’t about you” but we all know they are, even if we can’t prove it because they were deliberately vague. And a lot of these guilt-trippy posts are tagged with ‘delete later’ ‘idk why i’m saying this’ ‘it doesn’t even matter idk why I’m upset’ ‘i dont’ want to talk about it’ but like, those are clear lies because why make the post in the first place then? You want the attention, you just don’t want to explain why you made a post rather than spoke to someone directly. Which I mean, we all want attention that’s why we write on a public forum. Just own up to it.
Even the supposedly simple concept of friendships isn’t exempt from being poisoned by the tumblr mindset. You can’t just have internet friends anymore. And that’s largely because of what I outlined earlier about this not being treated as a hobby and people putting their self-worth into the internet ( again, extremely unhealthy please for all that is good go outside, make in-person friends, find a different hobby, love yourself bc the internet will not ). The friends you make on here have to be important to you, have to be a priority, have to be loved and cherished and doted on and you have to do this for eeeeveryone. You can’t just be vague ‘we write together’ friends, you have to be best friends. And while yeah, you will definitely bond with some people on here in a way that translates offline, the statistical probability of that happening with every single solitary person you ever meet around here ( especially given that you have to try to give everyone a chance or you’re an asshole ) is astronomical. And for those that you don’t end up bonding with in that way? You guessed it: sad, guilt-trippy posts about how they’re not worth being special to people.
I might be paraphrasing here, but it seems to me a lot of the issues people have on tumblr can be solved by simply caring less. Not to be confused with not caring, don’t misunderstand. Sill try to be nice, try to be a decent person, don’t go out of your way to be an asshole and if you find yourself hitting the anon button for anything other than sending an ask from a sideblog, you’ve done something wrong.
But this is a HOBBY my guys. Let it be a hobby. Let it be something innocuous and easy and mindless and fun. Not everything that someone does is a direct shot at you, your self confidence, or should have this big an impact on your self worth. Because these are just people on the internet, and in the rpc we’re just connected by a love of writing… or procrastinating writing, which lbr is way more common.
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dreamnoteprincess · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 4,846 times in 2021
45 posts created (1%)
4801 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 106.7 posts.
I added 275 tags in 2021
#me - 64 posts
#my fanfics - 58 posts
#my fanfictions - 38 posts
#random post - 30 posts
#important post - 23 posts
#my fanfic - 22 posts
#reblog - 14 posts
#ask me - 9 posts
#vent post - 9 posts
#lalaloopsy - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#to my followers who dont like vanessa please don't hate me. i needed to share this
My Top Posts in 2021
What is my luck tonight???
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She took me about four or five gatcha’s and I had about 19 soul stones!
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See the full post
22 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 02:44:32 GMT
My thoughts on the Vanessa Discourse
Never thought I would be making a post like this.
So I guess the Vanessa discourse is back on the spotlight again, and I guess I’ll throw my coins or I should say post out there.
It’s fine if you hate Vanessa or don’t like the ships like Snatchnessa and/or Princenessa. I respect your opinions, but when you're bullying and harassing people who do love Vanessa or making content putting her in a good light, that’s when you're way out of line! Just block us, or ignore us, simple as that!!
You guys harassing fans for liking Vanessa or harassing ANY FAN IN ANY FANDOM for their opinions is inappropriate and makes people (I know a few including myself) uncomfortable and not want us to post things.
Did Vanessa make bad choices? Yes. But it doesn’t give you the right to be the fandom police and track those who write Vanessa in a positive light.
How would any of you guys feel if your friend liked a character you don’t because of their actions? Are you just going to drop your friendship with a drop of the hat?
Going to “brainwash” them to get these people on your side?
Or are you going to respect their choices?
If you plan on doing any of the first two then you guys are horrible people. Respect your friends!
All and all I’m trying to say is respect people’s opinions and not to harass them. If you hate it block the tags.
Thank you.
22 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 03:39:28 GMT
Please Help If You Can
My job closed due to COVID and I’m in need of support. If you can please donate to my Ko-Fi account https://ko-fi.com/dreamnoteprincess
If you can’t donate please reblog and spread the word. Every little counts. I may open commissions sooner then expected.
33 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 02:09:28 GMT
Since some people wanted to see them, here you go! Tang Headcanons!
-Tang got his love of the Monkey King and his stories thanks to his mother (his mother read him so many legends, but the Monkie King is his favorite)
-His mother was an amazing cook hense why he loves Piggsy’s noodles so much
-He has dreams of being a teacher or owning his own book store in hopes to one day tell kids the story of Monkey King or even MK
-He tried to get into a high ranking university and got rejected (around the time another tragedy happened in his life)
-The other tragedy that happened, Tang lost his parents in an accident. He was depressed for a while, and met Piggsy who gave him free noodles since he looked down.
-When Tang first met MK he made it his goal to be a big brother figure to him, though it sorta evolved into father figure.
BONUS HEADCANON: Mei was the one to help Tang with his Food Critic Blog and look in the episode Minor Scale.
52 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 14:14:01 GMT
To those who collect dolls like Lalaloopsy and are over 20, in high school or college. How do you go buy a doll and not feel anxious or judged?
61 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 18:48:59 GMT
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