#not me editing this like 12 times because i kept forgetting he was tied up
for either matthew or spence, whichever you prefer honestly <3
Y’all have decided that you can try and dom him tonight, just for the hell of it. You have him tied up, and you’re edging him..he’s super into it like moaning, panting, just..so hot. And obviously, you notice this, and it makes you feel more needy than dominant. So you’re also panting, flushed, looking up at him with huge teary eyes, probably squirming around more than he is. He notices & says something like “You’re pathetic you know? Do you like seeing me all desperate, angel?”. Maybe he makes you ride his thigh while you edge him, everything just feels so needy and desperate. And when you untie him he teases the hell out of you...
I got carried away I’m sorry!! I also wanna say you are my fav page, periodt. I hope you have the best week ever 🧘🏽‍♀️
Hi sweetheart! Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply! Thank you for your patience 🥺✨🤍Your ask is honestly ENOUGH but This concept literally gives me 🦋🦋 thinking of either Matthew OR Spencer!
my fave;
Season 11 Spencer 🦋✨
warnings; slight degradation, edging, dirty talk
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Oh this man
-this season for me really said switch!spence, i think he’d be such a bratty sub so he’d end up topping but it’s the confidence he had in Entropy that had me 🦋
-It would be something you’d agreed on trying a while ago, and Spencer planned to get home earlier than you
-He’d be sat on the edge of your bed, still in his work suit, just smiling at you when you walked in
-Wait omg imagine if you asked him what’s going on and he just leant to the side a bit so you could see he’d laid out his work cuffs, (lube too because he likes it sloppy😌) and some satin ties for variety
-he would smirk at your widened eyes and pull you towards him, jolting you out of a mini daydream
-just think about straddling this man, and kissing him with the most intense, passionate kisses you could muster, gaining more and more confidence as you feel him underneath you 👀
-you’d get more and more into it as he lets out little gasps against your lips, so you’d lean back and shed him of his work clothes, leaving the pants on
-pushing him back against the sheets, i think he’d slip into submission quite easily and quickly, especially when you run your fingernails down his chest and down to his trouser zip
-you wouldn’t even be 5 minutes in and he’d whisper out a few little ‘please’, bringing a hand down to stroke your face and buck up into your hand
-looking up at him with the sexiness I KNOW YOU HAVE BABY you’d grab the handcuffs real quick and cuff his hands behind his back, sitting him up against the headboard
-getting comfortable on your tummy in between his legs, stroking the outline of his dick and squeezing slightly just to hear his breath hitch
-‘that sounded cute Spence, say it again’ you’d say, going to unzip his pants but pausing to hear him beg
-he’d look into your soul with those cute puppy eyes and just mutter out a deep ‘please touch me baby, please’
-i honestly think you’d be breaking a little already and he could tell (profiling skills 💯), because you wouldn’t tease, you’d just pull him out of any layers in the way and immediately wrap your mouth around him
-his head would roll back, and he’d be so vocal i just KNOW IT, it would spur you on to give major throat
-you’d pull away when you felt his thighs tighten a little, and just stroke him real slow, watching his abdomen tense and relax, trying to see how on the edge he was
-‘i’m close (y/n) please,’ spencer would breathe out, forgetting he wasn’t in charge for a second and just grunt in frustration everytime you pulled your hand away and left him throbbing
-maybe you’d edge him 2-3 more times, completely obsessed with the way his chest would be flushed pink, his hair would start sticking to his forehead a little, and he’d be pulling at the cuffs in desperation
-but what you got worked up the most was the way he was squirming up into your hand, he was moaning out your name and just straight begging for you
-it gave you so much confidence, but also gave you butterflies and a dull ache between your legs that you couldn’t keep ignoring
-standing up to rid yourself of everything but your underwear, you’d almost grow nervous with the way spencer’s eyes burned into your body
-but youd come back to straddle one of his legs, pressing your lips to his but reaching back down to grip him tightly again, spencer once more moaning out into your mouth
-this time though you whimpered back into his lips, hips coming down instinctively and grinding against his thigh
-Spencer would immediately change, being able to focus on what your body was suddenly doing bringing him out of submission
- ‘n’aww baby, this got you all worked up? couldn’t keep that pretty pussy away huh?’
-you’d whine out and grind down a little harder, but you tried desperately to shake yourself out of the impending sub space clouding your brain already
-‘you just - fuck- you look so hot when you’re needy Spence’ you’d whisper against his lips, biting one a little before pulling your head back and giving him full view of the pleasure on your face
-you’d be stroking him still, but slowly as you tried to catch up with how close he was
-‘knew you wouldn’t last long sweetheart’ he’d be so condescending 😩 ‘keep grinding against me, good girl’
-you’d snap out of your headspace a little as you felt yourself grow closer and closer to your edge, remembering that you were supposed to be in control
-tightening your grip around his cock, you’d pick up your pace again and watch him crumble slightly, biting his lip and tensing up again
-you could tell he was right there, so you stopped your hand once again, staring right into his eyes as you wound your hips faster
-‘didn’t say you could cum Spencer’ you’d moan out, your other hand grasping the hair at the back of his neck
-i know he’d just do like, a low giggle at you
-‘sorry baby’ he’d say, with such a patronising tone
-as soon as you felt your body teeter on the edge, you moaned, whined and grabbed for the man before you, desperate for that release
-‘pathetic little girl can’t even hold off for a minute huh?’
-‘watching me show you how much i fucking want you has got you needy too hm?’
-‘you wanna cum so bad don’t you?’
-all of the dirty talk coming from spencer’s mouth just completely sends you over the edge, hips bucking against his thigh so fast, the throbbing inside you overwhelming
-once you’d regained your composure and caught your breath, Spencer spoke between gritted teeth; ‘Untie me now.’ and you’d comply straight away
-‘Oh baby you have no idea what I want to do with you..’ he would say, rubbing at his wrists before looking into your eyes with warning.
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personuhh · 3 years
I want your input on how you guys think the P4 cast’s futures would shake out! I have a general idea of where I want things to go, but I think having input from everyone is important too. Any characters that I’ve left off (Kanji, the Dojimas, Yukiko, etc) already have pretty solid arcs planned, so don’t worry, I didn’t forget them.
There are a bunch of numbered questions to make it easier to respond to, I’d be happy even if you guys took the time just answering one or two! Thanks for your interest, and hopefully you guys find this an interesting read at the very least lol.
(I’ve grouped all of the questions at the end in case you want to see them all together.)
General Info:
The game is planned to take place in 2015, so everything will take place 3 years after Arena/P4DAN/Golden Epilogue.
Because it’s centered around Inaba, it will only focus on characters still in the town (so Rise, Chie and Naoto will not be playing large roles in the game).
I’ve mentioned already where I see Yosuke in 2015 (directionless, just finishing college but still working at Junes) but I’ve also been tossing around a few ideas for future careers that I think would work for him. I think him being a mechanic or just generally handy with fixing things would be a good avenue to explore, not just because of his interest in motorcycles, but also because I think it would compliment his arc nicely; for someone who’s so afraid of screwing everything up, I think it would be good for Yosuke to realize that he’s really good at fixing things. it’s not too out of nowhere (he’s a broke college student, I’m sure he’s had to fix a leaky faucet in his apartment or something, and he must have tuned up and fixed his bike after he crashed it), and could be a thing he realizes (with Yu’s help ofc) over the course of his route that he just... never thought of as a legitimate skill before.
I’ve also thought about him joining the Shadow Operatives (Mitsuru’s team of shadow fighting elites, comprised mostly of former SEES members), which is usually my go-to when thinking about what his potential career could be, but in a lot of ways it feels like somewhat of a copout. On top of it glazing over Yosuke’s critical lack of personal identity, it also feeds into the idea that he isn’t anything special without his persona, which doesn’t exactly do much for character growth. I think it’s the most obvious and canon-compliant choice, and one that he would both enjoy and be good at, I worry about what it would mean for his character. Of course, Mitsuru recognizes his skills and would likely take him on no problem, and while I love the idea of Yosuke joining them and living a life full of excitement and badassery, I don’t think he needs to do much soul-searching to arrive at this decision.
#1: What jobs and/or hobbies do you see Yosuke doing that utilizes his skills (either preexisting or ones you believe he could easily develop)? Thoughts on what I’ve said regarding his potential career?
Yu has been giving me some pretty big headaches when trying to plot this game. Obviously, as the protagonist, giving him something interesting to do that also ties into the plot is important; which is why I’m leaning so heavily toward him working for the Inaba PD. It would fit with why he chooses to return to Inaba permanently, and would be plausible within the time period, along with obvious connections (Dojima) that could secure him a position within the force. My concern is that the game then becomes either too serious, or too heavily based around Yu as opposed to the rest of the cast. I definitely don’t want it to turn into yet another Inaba mystery, and choosing another profession for Yu would likely keep things a lot more lighthearted (if Yu’s working as an elementary teacher for example, the biggest problems he’s going to face are like, the stubborn kid in his class that won’t stop shoving pencils up his nose, maybe an angry parent, nothing TOO serious that requires a complex solution) and leave more time to focus on whichever route you choose.
HOWEVER, this job also would allow for easy cameos from outside characters (Naoto, Chie, Akihiko and the other Shadow Operatives) all of whom work closely with, or directly for the police. I just worry about it taking over and pulling the focus away from other characters. I don’t want it to be Detective Simulator: Persona 4 Edition, which is why I’ve also been throwing around other alternatives for Yu’s career (the obvious ones being teacher/daycare, and veterinarian) but it needs to be a job easily securable within the 3 year timeframe and a reason for him to move back to Inaba. If he’s still enrolled in college with the promise of a job at the end of it, there would be no reason for him to move and have to commute.
#2: Would you prefer Yu’s job be something more in the background rather than one of the major driving forces of the plot?
#3: Would you prefer Yu’s role be more of a player insert protagonist?
#4: Arena-style internal narration (first person, hearing Yu’s thoughts), or stick to P4′s approach (second person, slightly more objective)?
#5: Any suggestions for what you think would suit Yu as a career?
I’m completely fine having Naoki’s job staying as him just working at (and eventually inheriting) Konishi Liquors, but I think there’s still plenty to explore for his character outside of that. Because his SL focuses on Naoki grieving and Yu leaning not to treat him any differently, it doesn’t account for the rest of Inaba and how they treat Naoki. Small town reputations stick, and even if he’s managed to move past Saki’s death to an extent, everyone still knows him as the other Konishi kid, and I think he would really struggle to deal with that reputation. Even if he’s learned to open up to Yu, Yosuke, and a few of his school friends by the end of his SL, I can see him becoming incredibly jaded and growing tired of Inaba because he can’t manage to escape the public’s pity. I’ve thought about him turning to dangerous, risk-taking behavior and escapism as a result of this, but it’s pretty hard to change an entire town’s opinion of you and your family, and I don’t see where it could go from here other than him essentially running away from it all and giving up.
#6: Any ideas for Naoki’s route or character in general?
#7: Would you be interested in dating him, or would you prefer it either be platonic, or for him to be kept as a supporting cast member?
#8: Are you okay with heavy topics like (underage) alcoholism, or do you believe it would be better to avoid a plot like this?
Daisuke & Kou:
I’m honestly hesitant to include these two in the game at all, as I find it a little hard to believe that they’d stay in Inaba for that long.
#9: Any ideas for potential jobs that would keep them in Inaba?
#10: Would you prefer each of them to have separate routes, or have them grouped together?
#11: Would you be interested in dating them together, separately, or for them to have their route(s) kept platonic and for them be in a relationship with each other?
#12: Any general ideas for their route(s)?
Since I have no set time frame for the game, I’m open to including all kinds of seasonal dates, festivals, and events (like Valentines or New Years, for example) and I’ll decide on a time of year based on that.
Aside from shared events between all routes, though, I’d love suggestions for some cute character-specific dates (eg. Yu takes Yosuke to a concert, Kanji and Yu go shopping for yarn, something like that). Please go ahead and be as random and specific as you want, it doesn’t have to be a massive event.
#13: Any general date ideas?
#14: Any character-specific date ideas?
Full question list under the cut:
Question list:
#1: What jobs and/or hobbies do you see Yosuke doing that utilizes his skills (either preexisting or ones you believe he could easily develop)? Thoughts on what I’ve said regarding his potential career?
#2: Would you prefer Yu’s job be something more in the background rather than one of the major driving forces of the plot?
#3: Would you prefer Yu’s role be more of a player insert protagonist?
#4: Arena-style internal narration (first person, hearing Yu’s thoughts), or stick to P4′s approach (second person, slightly more objective)?
#5: Any suggestions for what you think would suit Yu as a career?
#6: Any ideas for Naoki’s route or character in general?
#7: Would you be interested in dating Naoki, or would you prefer it either stay platonic, or for him to be kept as a supporting cast member?
#8: Are you okay with heavy topics like (underage) alcoholism, or do you believe it would be better to avoid a plot like this?
#9: Any ideas for potential jobs that would keep Kou & Daisuke in Inaba?
#10: Would you prefer Kou & Daisuke to have separate routes, or have them grouped together?
#11: Would you be interested in dating Kou & Daisuke together, separately, or for them to have their route(s) kept platonic and for them be in a relationship with each other?
#12: Any general ideas for Kou & Daisuke’s route(s)?
#13: Any general date ideas?
#14: Any character-specific date ideas?
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moonlitmessages · 4 years
Reasons I think Saeyoung has ADHD
- Messy house. Hard to keep it clean. Everything just kinda piles up and he relies on Vanderwood to not live in a pig sty.
- He says early in his route (day five first story mode I think. When Vanderwood is first introduced) he says that Dr. Pepper helps him focus. He drinks it and gets super focused, but then the mess piles up even more because of the soda cans.
- Super smart, especially about very specific niches. I mean he's smart in general but also has his Thing™ (this can be applied to both ADHD and the autistic spectrum. )
- Insomnia. This is part of his work obviously as well but he's clear about the fact that his sleep schedule is hecking out of whack.
- Can't focus?? Let's do everything besides the thing we need to do. Even though it will do nothing to help the situation at hand.
- Cars. Going nyoom down the road could help with stimulation and sensory issues that come with ADHD. Something about the speed just makes it make sense.
- Hyperfocus. "Don't bother me I'm trying to work". Being so focused on work that he doesn't take the time to really even order a hot meal. Forgets to eat and sleep sometimes because of it. (a lot of instances it's simply that he CAN'T or he won't meet deadlines too so that also has to be kept in mind). Building robots out of thin air too is an example.
- Inattentive. When not super focused its almost like a disinterest in anything. His focus is on MC? Well gotta do something for MC. She'll like a flamethrower pup. That will keep her safe. Wait no it wont...I thought it would tho. Gotta work!! No but MC isn't safe. (Inattentive to his work cause super focused on MC)
Symptoms of ADHD include:
     - This goes along with the messy house. There’s a picture where he’s shown surrounded by chip crumbs. Vanderwood claims that his couch smells like soda. There are likely aspects in which he can actually be quite organized, but those would likely be in reference to his job, and computer/automotive repair.
Lack of focus 
    - This happens a little bit through different routes, where he complains about not being able to focus and doing some procrastinating, but for the most part the biggest example is the very beginning of his route where his focus is faltered because his mind is on MC. While that is a normal reaction to have for anyone regarding what was going on, it can’t be ignored that 1.) He WAS unfocused to the point he couldn’t do anything besides worry, or work on things that ‘Could help protect MC” regardless of if they were useful or not. and 2.) Dr. Pepper is part of the reason he is able to focus on things when he DOES focus. He says this himself in the first story-mode for his route. That he drinks it, then gets super focused. Caffeine has been proven to actually help the ADHD brain focus.
Act or speak without thinking 
    - “Im leaving the RFA”, breaking the RoboCat, and some of his procrastinating during his route could be considered put into this category. Also, I know he is by all technicalities saying things with thought in regard to MC when he’s saying hurtful stuff, however I still think it could be put in here because while it was said with the thought “I want to make sure MC stays away from me so she will be safe,” it’s without thinking about how he feels/what he wants and he ends up regretting it down the road.
    - Lets see, he has trouble focusing and when he can’t focus he ends up doing other stuff to keep his hands and mind busy. He has sleep troubles. I doubt he can sit still very easily if he isn’t super-focused on something life-or-death and/or a special interest. A good example could once again be the robo-animals he built. His focus was somewhere else, there’s little he can do to remedy the situation, he gets restless and tries to occupy himself with something he CAN focus on.
Difficulty coping with stress 
    - Source: His Whole Route
Mood Swings 
    - What I’m seeing as mood swings could also just easily be his stress and anxiety in the situation during his route causing him to bounce back and forth/ the mask he tries to put up to protect MC from getting involved with him being thrown up when he feels like he’s letting her to close. But nonetheless there are points where he will just seem sad and melancholy then get angry. 
   - I mean idrk how to explain this one for him, I don’t necessarily think that he has social anxiety, but maybe general anxiety (tho I’m not really sure how to explain how I see that in him) but regardless when he does experience pressure, he seems to have heightened anxiety levels. It just makes sense in my head so take this one a little lighter than the others. 
Low self esteem 
    - ‘I’m not a good person” “Why do you like me?” I would say that when it comes to his looks he’s fairly confident. But when it comes to his personality (I mean he has a whole identity crisis) and actions, it’s a whole other story. He puts himself down a lot because he genuinely thinks that he doesn’t deserve MC and that she should be with someone better than him.
    - Again, breaking Robocat. Felt impulsive and done without thought. His car rides could also be considered impulsive depending on how risky and speedy they may be. I recall at one point he texts MC while driving. 
Trouble controlling anger 
    - Source: His Whole Route
   - I feel like I keep bringing up the robo animals a lot, but they were also a form of procrastinating his work. (I suppose there are a lot of things that could be tied to those animals then, or maybe I’m just reading to deep into things). Uhm, idk I can’t think of anymore examples atm, and I know he tries not to procrastinate super important stuff. I feel like if I were to play the game again (it’s been a couple weeks) I would be able to find more examples for this even on a minor scale. Sometimes him teasing Yoosung could be seen as both him trying to relieve some stress and put off doing his work.
~•⭐ D e p r e s s i o n ⭐•~ 
- Yes I know his depression comes from trauma and abuse. However ADHD overlaps with different disorders quite commonly. A lot of his ADHD symptoms overlap with depression as well, such as the disorganization, mood swings, and insomnia. And depression can very often accompany ADHD too just simply due to the fact that mental illnesses do tend to come in multiples, and also the ADHD itself can be a contributor to depression.
Those are 12 different signs that he might have ADHD...and of course I’m no doctor. Everything that I listed were things that I found through an attempt to analyze him and his route, and online research regarding ADHD. I’m sure there are things I might have over-analyzed and taken some things out of context as it has been a couple weeks since I finished his route...So feel free to add your own thoughts/opinions, regardless of if you think I’m right or wrong. This has been in my drafts for a while and I finally got it finished and will likely go through editing later but I want to post it now. If anything is hard to understand let me know and it will get fixed to the best of my ability.
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vxlkyrie · 4 years
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pairing: steve rogers x reader
genre: angst, fluff, detective!au
warning: cursing, graphic crime details, violence, weapons, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex
word count: 5.5k
summary: steve gets his first partner and doesn’t know how to act
a/n: hi everyone! i’m so happy that a lot of you enjoyed “forget you.” it just motivates me to write even more! i’ve wrote this detective concept a few years ago, and i wanted to revamp it with steve as the main lead this time. obviously i don’t have any knowledge in the criminal justice field and mainly based a lot of the story on the true crime shows i’ve watched, but i hope y’all like it! (also i stayed up until like 6 in the morning writing this, so if there are any mistakes before i go back to edit it, i’m sorry)
steve rogers – detective at the 12th precinct, the intelligence unit. he has a 97% success rate in closing cases, which was pretty fucking impressive. his charm, strength, and wits are the keys to helping him solve many of his cases. his looks have also played a big role. 
obviously steve was a handsome man, which has caused many people to flirt with him – whether they were a witness, suspect, or even a victim. they would all try to ask him out, only resulting in rejection. being a detective meant having little free time to socialize outside his job. all he had was his fellow colleagues in intelligence who have become his second family.
steve was also brave, keeping calm and collected especially during hostage situations. there would be a gun aiming at his head, but it didn’t phase him as he talked to the gunman into surrendering, succeeding every time. so you could say that steve rogers was the top detective in his unit. 
there is just one problem – he doesn’t have a partner. sure, there would be certain occasions where he would partner up with bucky or sam, but they were each other’s official partner. he would sometimes even pair up with wanda for undercover work, but she usually stuck with thor – an odd pairing, but successful nevertheless. steve was left in the squad room with an empty desk placed in front of his.
“good morning everyone.” captain fury said, gaining everyone’s attention. steve, who was fiddling with his pen stood from his chair as he saw everyone gather in front of his boss. “there will be a new addition to intelligence.”
“who is it?” wanda asked.
“this detective is transferring from the 18th precinct and has a 98% success rate.” he answered, earning gasps from some of the detectives.
holy shit. steve thought.
“shit, that’s higher that steve’s.” sam chuckled, earning a light slap to the head from bucky.
“when does he start?” bucky asked.
“she starts right now.” a female voice called as the detectives turned their heads. you walked into the room, smirking as you placed the box that was held by your side onto the empty desk – the one right in front of steve’s. you walked up next to fury, hearing whistles come from some of the male detectives.
“everyone, this is y/n l/n.” fury said.
you had transferred over from the homicide unit to intelligence. a lot of detectives knew you by your almost perfect percentage of success rate, being the lead detective on most of your cases. fury had personally asked for you after learning that you had a vast knowledge in every type of combat, ballistics, and anatomy. some referred to you as a wild card. not to toot your own horn, but you were amazing at your job.
“hello everyone.” you smiled.
“y/n will also be steve’s official partner.” fury announced before going back into his office, cueing everyone to go back to work.
“lucky bastard. i’m stuck with this guy.” sam said, earning another slap to the head from his partner, causing you to giggle.
you walked up to steve, reaching your hand out for him to shake. “hello steve, it’s an honor to be working with you.” you smiled.
steve froze at the sight in front of him wow, she’s kind of cute. he thought to himself. you looked at steve in confusion, waiting for him to respond.
“this is the part where you shake her hand and introduce yourself you idiot.” thor said, causing steve to slightly shake his head.
“sorry,” steve chuckled as he grabbed your hand and shook it. “it’s a pleasure to meet you, although i should be the one who’s honored to be working with you. i’ve heard great things about you.”
“yeah, like what?” you smirked.
“for one, you beat me in success rate percentage.” he said.
“it’s just a number, that doesn’t mean anything.” you laughed as you settled into your chair, starting to organize your desk.
“don’t be so humble.” steve said in a playful tone, making you smile. he actually liked that you didn’t have an inflated ego just because of your numbers. he watched you as you placed things onto your new desk until fury walked back into the squad room, causing everyone to gather around him once again.
“listen everyone. there’s been a murder at one of the stark hotels. i need you guys to head down there.” fury ordered. everyone started heading out.
“i’ll drive.” steve stated as you grabbed your jacket. you nodded at him in response.
as steve and you drove to the hotel, he decided to strike up a conversation. to get to know his new partner, of course.
“so, what made you want to become a cop?” he asked.
you looked at him as he kept his eyes on the road. “it was kind of a spontaneous decision. no one in my family is in the criminal justice field, but they supported me from throughout college and the academy and even now. but i know they get worried about me sometimes.”
“that’s sweet of them.” steve said, feeling a tug at his heartstrings.
“how about you?” you asked.
“me? well, my best friend peggy encouraged me to join after i had served for two years.” he simply said.
“that’s nice.” you smiled.
“although, sometimes i regret being a cop. it’s like every person i talk to wants to jump my bones and confess to murder before i could even open my mouth. this one lady i was interrogating, clearly guilty, was trying to change the subject and asked me out to dinner after she makes bail.” he added, making you snort.
“one of my friends in homicide told me about that. the hot detective in precinct 12 that every female suspect, witness, and even detective wants a piece of.” you joked.
“oh, does that include you?” steve smirked, making you roll your eyes as your face heated up a bit. luckily before you could respond, you two had arrived at the hotel, passing by sam and bucky who were currently questioning staff.
in both your’s and steve’s years of being a detective, neither of you have witnessed a crime scene so brutal. before you could even notice the bouquets of flowers and bottles of wine that sat at the vanity in front of the room, there was blood that covered most of other side of the room. it was all over the walls, there were burnt marks on the bed sheets along with a ton of blood. the sheets were supposed to be white, right?
you held yourself together as you carefully walked around the room, trying your best not to contaminate evidence the crime scene unit was gathering. you and steve approached the body that was being examined by the medical examiner.
“hey bruce.” steve said.
“hi steve.” the older man responded as he looked up, locking eyes with you. “and you are?” he asked politely.
“i’m y/n, steve’s new partner.” you answered.
“it’s nice to meet you.”
you looked at the victim – body covered with every type of wound known to man and a pool of blood.
“the victim doesn’t even have a face anymore.” you muttered, feeling chills run down your spine.
bruce looked closely at the limbs.
“your perp burned the victim’s fingertips to the bone.” he said.
“they didn’t want the victim to be identified.” you blurted out loud.
“what’s the cause of death?” steve asked.
“it’s hard to tell. i’ll have to wait until i do the autopsy to find out which wound killed him first. overall, it looks like the victim has cuts, thin stab wounds, probably from an ice pick that was found a few feet away, and burns from both fire and rope.”
“let me guess, the perp wore gloves and there were no fingerprints found on the pick?” you asked, earning a nod from bruce. “it looks like the victim was tied up and tortured.” you added.
“i’m surprised no one heard any screaming.” steve said.
“well, this is a penthouse and the only one on this floor. and if you look closely, there are small specs of adhesive of what looks like duct tape by the mouth that was probably burned or ripped off either perimortem or postmortem.” you said, responding to steve’s comment.
“you got a good partner here, steve.” bruce said. steve turned his head to you, impressed by your quick wits.
maybe that’s why she has a higher success rate.
steve found himself lost in his thoughts again, not noticing you walking around the room to examine more evidence. you looked up to see him still in the spot you had left him.
“uh, steve?” you called out to your partner, interrupting his thoughts as he turned his body towards you.
“yeah? sorry, i got lost in my thoughts.” he chuckled nervously as bruce shook his head in second-hand embarrassment.
“i have a thought too.” you said, slightly teasing him.
“yeah, what is it?”
“well, it might be a reach, but i think the victim was knocked out, possibly drugged, in this room and was tied up to the bed and tortured,” you said as you point out the remaining rope on the headboard. “the victim had finally freed themselves. and judging by the blood on the walls, they leaned on the walls as they tried to make it to the door, eventually bleeding out and falling to the floor. or the perp could have returned and held them up against the wall and tortured them even more and dumped them onto the floor to die.” you continued. 
you looked at steve who was just staring at you in awe while bruce gave an impressed chuckle. to be honest, he zoned out as you kept talking, but was fascinated on how quickly you came up with a theory while still at the scene. that, and he also got lost in how beautiful you looked as you spoke with confidence.
“earth to steve?” you said as you waved your hands in front of him. “for a top detective, you sure do zone out a lot.” you joked.
“he’s not usually like this.” bruce commented as he passed you two.
“sorry,” steve blinked. “and you’re right, if the victim did try to escape, our guy must have left for a bit. if he was still in the room, there wouldn’t be this much blood. maybe our perp caught him trying to escape and decided to rough our victim up even more before they died.” he suggested. he was proud of himself for even coming up with a theory so quickly as opposed to thinking about it in the squad room after returning.
“that’s also possible. let’s check in with thor and wanda back at the precinct to see if the cameras caught anything.”
a few hours passed by in the squad room as everyone took a break, waiting to hear back from bruce and jarvis, the tech expert.
“how’s your first day in intelligence so far?” sam asked as he sat on your desk.
you leaned back in your chair as you looked at the man.
“honestly i’m impressed. i didn’t think i’d see a scene so gruesome. did you see how much blood was in that room?” you said.
sam noticeably gulped. “mhm,” he said, trying to keep his cool. obviously this man has also never seen a crime so horrible. you tried to not laugh in his face. “so, what do you do in your free time? do you bake? hang out with your boyfriend?” sam oh so casually asked. you could hear steve and bucky snicker in the background.
“never had time for either.” you casually said as you went back to filling out paperwork.
“is that so?” sam raised an eyebrow. 
“sam.” steve said, signaling his friend to stop trying to flirt with the new detective.
“yeah, i don’t think guys find it attractive that i look at dead bodies and get gunned down by drug lords all day.” you casually said as sam’s eyes widened.
“fair enough.” sam said, lifting himself off your desk and hung his head in shame as he returned to his, steve’s and bucky’s snickers getting louder.
“just got back from banner,” fury called out, getting everyone’s attention as he pulled up a board with different images pinned to it along with writing. “our victim is none other than tony stark.”
“tony stark, as in the owner of the hotel he was found dead in?” steve said.
“why was he even in a hotel room? doesn’t he live in a tower on the east side of new york?” you asked with concern.
“was he meeting up with someone?” steve asked.
“the hotel said the penthouse was under his name.” sam chimed in.
“suspicious.” you muttered to yourself.
“stark was probably killed by someone who was probably pissed at him and wanted some of his money.” bucky said.
“stark pisses a lot of people off and everyone wants his money. i don’t think that’ll get him to meet up with someone.” you counter-argued.
“maybe he was threatened by someone.” steve said.
“none of the above actually.” wanda said as she and thor walked in. she placed more images onto the board. “jarvis went through the tapes of the camera angled at the entrance to the penthouse and found stark entering the room.” she pointed out as everyone examined the low quality image of what looks like tony stark with an arm around a lady’s waist.
“the female has blonde hair. that could be pepper potts, his wife.” steve said.
“that’s just motive. if he dies, everything goes to her,” you added. “is there footage of her coming out?”
“unfortunately, no. it seems that the camera went out as soon as they entered the room and did not come back on until seven in the morning.” thor explained.
“interesting. talk to the widow.” fury ordered.
you and steve were escorted through the stark tower, meeting up with a grieving pepper potts.
“hello mrs. stark.” you greeted.
“mrs. potts. i decided to keep my maiden after tony and i wed. but please, call me pepper.” she said, giving a small smile.
“pepper, first off, i’m sorry for your lost.”
“thank you.” she sniffled.
“we just have a few questions to ask you that could help in solving your husband’s murder.” steve said.
“of course.”
“to start off, where were you on the night of your husband’s murder?”
“are you suggesting that i’m a suspect?!” pepper exclaimed.
“it’s a standard question we ask everyone. it’s just procedure.” you said, getting pepper to calm down.
“obviously i was at home. i was busy with paperwork for stark industries.”
you and steve looked at each other, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.
you looked back at the widow. “pepper, we have you on tape with your husband around the time of his death. steve said, handing her a photo taken from the security camera.
“what are you suggesting?” she said, sounding appalled. “how dare you, i loved my husband!” she practically yelled.
“i’m sure you did. but with him gone, that leaves you, what, at least $500 million and sole inheritance of all of his property, including the company?” you said coldly. steve knew you had to get pepper to start talking, even if it meant being a little rude.
“you’re a bitch.” pepper practically spat at you.
“look, just tell us what happened.” you said, unfazed by the harsh comment.
pepper looked at the photo, holding it close to her face as it scrunched up.
“wait a minute, that isn’t me.” she said as she placed a hand over her mouth. “h-he’s been cheating on me?”
steve looked at you in shock.
back in the precinct, steve looks at the board, taking in every image and written detail as he tried to piece everything together.
“so if that’s not potts going into the room with stark, then who is she?” steve said to himself as he stared into the photo as if it would give him a clear answer.
you walked up next to steve, holding a cup towards him.
“coffee?” you asked, eyebrows slightly raised.
“sure. thanks.” he said, grabbing the cup from your grasp, loudly chugging down the hot beverage, masking the beating of his heart.
“obviously tony has a mistress. i thought he had stop his playboy days after meeting pepper.” you said as you took a sip of your own drink while looking at the board. steve couldn’t help but look at you, not moving even when you turned to catch him already staring. your face started to heat up until you both hear someone clear their throat behind them.
“i’ve got a lead.” wanda said, smirking as you two snapped your heads at her as if you two had been caught.
“what’d you find?” steve said, straightening his back.
“well, jarvis has been going through stark’s call logs, and there have been many calls over the past three months to and from one number. it belongs to a natasha romanoff. here’s her address.” she explained, handing you the file, letting you take a look. you were slightly confused at the red hair that sat on top of the lady’s head in her license photo.
“i’ll drive.” you said as you grabbed you jacket and headed over to the garage filled with squad cars.
steve was about to follow after you when he felt wanda grab his arm.
“so, you like the new girl?” she smirked.
“i just met her.”
“you’re not saying no.”
“i mean, she’s cute and very intelligent.”
“so you like her.”
“yeah, is that what you wanted to hear?” steve raised an eyebrow. wanda smiled, walking away from him like nothing happened, leaving him flushed.
later that day, you and steve arrived at the address. you knocked on the door.
“natasha romanoff, nypd.” you said loudly.
the door opened slightly as a blonde woman peaked through the small opening.
“may i help you?” she asked softly.
“we would like to ask you a few questions about tony stark.”
“the millionaire?” she raised an eyebrow. “he’s a celebrity. what’s that got to do with me?”
“oh not much, just that you’ve been seeing mr. stark for the past few months.” steve said.
“i don’t have to tell you anything.” natasha panicked, trying to close the door. luckily, you stopped the door with your foot.
“miss romanoff, you know if you don’t talk to us it just makes you look even more suspicious, right?” you raised an eyebrow at her. she managed to get your foot away from the door, slamming it in your face.
that went well.
“think she did it?” sam asked after you and steve explained what had happened to the squad.
“she won’t talk to us, which raises suspicion that she might be involved.” you answered.
“she could be involved, but do you think she had the will to carve up his body like that?” steve asked.
“who knows? she’s a mistress. tony’s probably been buying her expensive things and when she gets cut off or tony might want to break things off with her, she must’ve had a lot of anger built up and took it out on him. if she can’t have him, no one can.” you said as steve nodded at your wishful thinking.
“i got off the phone with hill,” fury said as he exited his office. “she got the warrant for romanoff’s residence.”
steve quickly drove you two back to the address, not minding how dark it had become outside.
you loudly knocked on her door.
“what are you doing?” she exclaimed. “i said i’m not talking.”
“you don’t have to.” you said as you held up the warrant to her face, pushing pass her. you and steve looked through her apartment, noting the different expensive brands that littered her rooms. “where do you work miss romanoff? i’m curious to know how you could afford all of these things.” you said as natasha sat on the couch, bouncing her leg anxiously.
“i found condoms in the trash,” steve said, exiting one of the rooms. “if we have them tested, will it match tony’s dna?”
“i suggest you start talking to us natasha.” you said as you and steve sat near her.
“fine.” she sighed. “tony and i have been having an affair – but i would never in a million years hurt him. i even bleached my hair for that man just so people would think i was pepper.”
“then why were you at the hotel the night he was murdered?”
“sometimes we would go there when we didn’t want to go back to my place. but that night, i wasn’t feeling up to it, so i told him i wanted to go home. he understood and let me leave. i think i left ten minutes after we entered the room.” natasha explained.
“well that doesn’t explain the cameras going out.” steve said.
“tony had automated the cameras to go off from the moment we enter the room until around seven in the morning to give both of us time to leave separately, so we can avoid getting caught.”
“he was covering up his affair.” you scoffed.
“i know i’m not a good person. i loved tony, and i would never hurt him, let alone kill him.” natasha said as her eyes glossed with tears.
“i believe you.” you said, laying a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
you and steve shortly exited her apartment and sat in the car. you let out a deep sigh.
“if we have more than eight hours of footage missing, how are we going to know what happened?” you asked, sounding frustrated as you leaned back into the passenger’s seat.
“it’s gonna be okay y/n. it’s only the first day of the case and your first day in intelligence. you did an impressive job so far.” steve said as he patted your shoulder.
“thanks steve.” you smiled tiredly.
“it’s getting late, do you want to grab some dinner before i drop you off to your place?” he asked.
“sure, i’d like that.” you shyly smiled.
you two munched on your burgers at the local diner as you two talked.
“i know sam beat me to this question, but seriously, how was your first day at intelligence?” steve asked, taking a sip of his coke.
you chuckled. “i liked meeting everyone. they’re very interesting. it’s refreshing actually. new people and a cleaner building.” you answered, emphasizing the “cleaner” part. steve laughed.
“oh yeah? do you like your new partner?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“i do. even though he likes to zone out while i’m talking, i think he’s very cool.” you laughed as steve pouted at your comment.
“well, does he live up to the hot detective expectation like everyone says?”
“oh definitely.” you smirked.
later that night, steve drove you back to your apartment complex, walking you to your door.
“thank you for today and for dinner. do you do this with all of your partners?” you teased.
“you’re actually my first partner.” steve said, nervously laughing. your eyes widened.
this man really never had a partner?
you blinked back into reality. “well, i’m honored to have the title of being your first partner.” you smiled
steve smiled back, getting lost in your eyes. he unconsciously flickered his eyes from yours to your lips, making you blush. you reflected his actions, leaning in. steve leaned in as well, meeting you in the middle as your lips met, molding perfectly against each other. what was supposed to be one kiss turned into a few and then to many kisses. you pulled away to unlock your door, leaving it open to invite steve in. as soon as you closed the door, steve pushed you up against the wall, continuing what was happening moments before.
the next morning rolls in. you wake up to see your body entangled around someone else’s bare and muscular body. you looked up to see steve sleeping peacefully as you smiled to yourself.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” steve said as his eyes were still closed. you laughed as you lightly smacked his chest as he slowly opened them. “good morning beautiful.” he said, kissing your forehead.
you checked the time on your alarm clock.
“it’s almost noon.”
“it’s still morning.”
before you could respond to him, you heard a ringtone echoing through your bedroom.
what a way to ruin the mood.
both of you sat up to see steve’s phone ringing on the floor. steve picked up the phone.
“hello?” he said as you watch him listen to the person on the other side of the line. “okay.” he said as he hung up the phone, laying himself down back onto the bed.
“who was that?” you asked.
“fury. there’s a new lead in the case.” he said, relaxing himself into your pillow. you furrowed your eyebrows at him.
“okay? get your ass up, we gotta get going.” you said, hearing your phone ring moments shortly. you answered it, getting the same message steve got earlier.
“do we have to get up?” steve groaned.
“yes,” you said sternly as you got off the bed. “maybe this is why i have a higher success rate than you.” you joked.
“wow. that hurt.” steve sarcastically said as he reluctantly got up.
“crime lab came back with the results from the evidence found in the many blood samples taken from the scene. there was one sample that had another set of dna that did not belong to tony stark.” fury said. 
“our perp got cut in the middle of wounding stark.” bucky said.
“results show that the dna belongs to a virginia potts.” fury added.
“also known as pepper potts.” steve said.
“the wife?” wanda asked.
“it makes sense now. she probably already knew about the affair. that night, she probably wanted to catch them in the act, but natasha left early, leaving pepper to confront only her husband. whether or not he denies the affair, pepper loses control and kills him.” you said, earning impressed hums from the squad.
“you think that woman really tortured her own husband?” sam asked.
“if she already knew, she probably had to keep her emotions to herself. all that built up anger can make you lose control. she wanted him to suffer like she did.” you answered.
“l/n, rogers, pick up mrs. potts. she was said to be seen at a house just outside the city.” fury said.
“yes sir.” you both said as you both grabbed your jackets from your desks.
“also,” fury said, making you two look up at him in confusion. “nice matching hickeys.” he smirked as he walked back into his office.
you and steve looked at each other, only now noticing the faint bruises on peeking out of your shirts. you both blushed as you briefly shy away from each other. the rest of the squad tried to contain their laughters.
you and steve arrived at the suburban residence.
“mrs. potts? nypd.” steve said as he knocked on the door. there was no answer.
“pepper?” you shouted through the door. no answer. 
you looked at steve, then looked down at the door handle, gesturing to him to check if the door is unlocked. steve grabbed the handle, slowly turning it to prevent any noise. he successfully opened the door. both of you pulled out your guns as you searched through the house as quietly as possible. most of the rooms were cleared. but when you two reach the kitchen, you were both surprised to see two figures standing behind the island. one of them was natasha, fear written all over her face as a gun was held to her head by none other than pepper, whose face was ridden with red eyes and tears.
“natasha. pepper.” you said, acknowledging the both of them.
“pepper, please put the gun down.” steve said as you two aimed your guns at her.
“no!” she exclaimed.
“well that didn’t work.” steve muttered.
“i thought you were more of a blade kind of gal, virginia.” you smirked, obviously mocking her.
“excuse me?!” pepper yelled, feeling offended.
“come on. we know you killed tony. you found out he was having an affair, and you were pissed. you took out all of your anger out on him. you tortured him, wanting him to suffer like you did.” you said.
pepper buried the barrel deeper into natasha’s temple, causing both of them to cry even more. natasha’s begs became louder.
“no one needs to get hurt. let natasha go.” steve said.
after a few moments, pepper pulled natasha away from the gun, shoving her towards you two, suddenly aiming her gun straight at you. natasha ran towards steve, causing him to pull his gun down to grab her.
“get out of here steve.” you said, never breaking eye contact with pepper.
“i’m not leaving you.” he argued.
“it’s okay, i’ve got this, just get natasha out of here.”
steve knew you weren’t going to back down. he sighed as he escorted outside, reporting everything through his radio.
“listen to me pepper, you don’t want to do this.” you said, your gun still aiming at her. you watched her pull the safety off the gun, ready to pull the trigger. you weren’t affected at all.
“pepper, i don’t want to kill you. and if you kill me, you’ll also be arrested for murdering an officer, adding more to your sentence.” you said as you kept your cool. although, it didn’t seem to convince pepper.
steve’s eyes widened as he heard a gunshot ring through the house. “shots fired, possibly an officer down. i need back up and an ambulance.” he immediately called in. he was about to run back inside when he saw pepper walking outside as you followed right behind her, holding her cuffed hands behind her back. steve let out a breath in relief.
“mrs. potts. you need to start telling the truth about what really happened to tony that night.” steve firmly said in the interrogation room, with you sitting next to him.
pepper sniffled, the handcuffs that wrapped around her hands jiggling as she tried to adjust herself in her seat.
“okay. our marriage was going downhill and tony had been acting different. sometimes he would stay in one of his hotel rooms just to get away from me for the night. but then i found out about natasha. i’ve known for a few months, only getting angrier when he would try to be nice to me. that night, i walked up to the room he was staying at and i knocked on the door, seeing a surprised tony.” pepper said, sadly chuckling. “before he even knew it was me, he said “you’re back so soon?” and he had fear in his eyes. i honestly think he shat himself. i looked behind him to see how he had the room set up, ready to make love to natasha like he couldn’t do to me.” pepper cried. “so yeah, i only wanted to confront him, but i lost control.”
you honestly had no sympathy for her.
“only wanted to confront him? well, mrs potts, seeing that you knew about the affair months prior and there is clear evidence of torture, you planned all of this.” you said, acid basically dripping from your words. pepper gulped nervously.
“i want my lawyer.” she said quietly.
“well, we already got your confession.” you said as you and steve left the room.
you turned to fury and a.d.a. maria hill who were looking through the one-way mirror from the other side.
“think she’s doing time?” steve asked.
“definitely. she just confessed to premeditated murder – that’s murder one in my books.” maria said as she and fury left the hallway.
after closing a case on your second day in the unit, you relaxed at your desk as you finish some paperwork.
“you scared me earlier,” steve said as he sat across from you, interrupting your focus.
“aw, were you worried about me?” you playfully pouted at him.
steve smiled at you. “yes, i don’t want my partner and girlfriend dead on the second day of her job.” he said, making you laugh and blush at the same time.
“oh, so i’ve also earned the girlfriend title?” you joked.
“that’s if you want it.” steve smirked.
“being the hot detective’s girlfriend? sign me up.” you said, making him laugh. you didn’t care that you heard throwing up noises from bucky and sam.
“come on, let’s get out of here,” steve said as he stood in front of your desk. “you had a long day. how about we grab some food and crash at my place?” he asked with a cheeky smile
you smiled as you grabbed your bag, taking your free hand in his.
“i would love that.”
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jiminssizzles · 4 years
sparks fly
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Summary: It’s Gail’s birthday in a few hours… What do you do, Yoongi?
Pairing: Min Yoongi x OC
Genre: Fluff, slight angst (like really.. a tinge)
Rating: 18+
Warning: None!
Word count: 2,621
Author’s Note: It’s my beta-reader and closest friend’s birthday today so obviously, this is not edited. She doesn’t know too! Heheheehe.
Happy birthday @minyoongail​. I love you.
“Jimin, are you sure that you already ordered the flowers?” Yoongi asked while they were packing up their things after the nth time of practicing their routines. “Hyung, I even let Eunice pick what she would like, would you stop being paranoid?” Jimin answered, massaging Yoongi’s shoulder to calm him down. Yoongi nodded. He was about to say something else when all the boys spoke at once, “We already did it!!!!” They said, cutting off Yoongi’s hourly checking if they did the tasks given to them.
 It’s a really chilly day in Seoul. The boys are quick to ran to the shower rooms because as soon as their sweat starts to dry, it gets colder for them. It’s almost dinner time and Yoongi wanted to go to the grocery to buy ingredients, pick up Gail from their house, as he decided to take a leave for Gail’s birthday tomorrow. He wants to cook for her all day, if he could, and maybe go somewhere she wants to, and maybe give her anything she wants. It’s her day after all.
 Gail, Eunice and Toshimaru are all in Bangtan’s house. Gail and Toshimaru are both watching a movie in the living room while Eunice is cooking dinner for the three of them. Meggie, Toshimaru and Jungkook’s dog, is with Eunice in the kitchen, obviously waiting for some food to drop on the floor.
 Toshimaru leaned on Gail while they were watching, “What do you think oppa will do for your birthday? I bet it will be grand.” Gail smiled, “Yoongi doesn’t like doing grand things. He’s more of a little effort that means a lot kind of guy.”
 Eunice entered the living room, giving the two both of their beef bibimbap bowls. “Considering that they want us three to stay here in their house, I doubt Yoongi will go far tomorrow.” She said, Gail sighing. It’s been 3 days since articles came out that Yoongi already has a girlfriend, “Are you okay already?” Eunice checked on her closest friend, leaning on the couch and looking directly at her.
 “I’ll get by. He’s not yet ready to make a public statement. Sometimes I wonder if he really wants me, you know? I always forget that dating an idol is so fucking hard especially when his lips are always on mine and he’s always drowning me with his love.” Gail shared, opening up about the pent up feelings eating her brains out. Toshimaru started mixing and eating from her rice bowl, “Oh come on Gail-unnie, for someone who received hate from antis, you’re doing better than expected.”
 An article was published online a few days ago, telling the public that Yoongi already has a girlfriend and it’s someone from BigHit. How did the media know about this? No one knows. Some of the employees must be a snitch after all. This resulted to an angry Bang PD-nim for a whole day, wondering if he is placing his trust to some liar inside the company. Gail ignored all the articles, it didn’t show her face anyway, but the article was right about some details of their relationship. “Please, if I wasn’t patient, I would’ve answered those antis.” Gail said.
 Eunice nodded, “She’s only patient with Yoongi, Tosh. The both of them still can’t accept that they’re both head over heels for each other.” Gail rolled her eyes, “Right. He promised me that he’ll pick me up tonight because we’re heading somewhere.” Eunice narrowed her eyes, “Really? What time?”
 “He promised to be here an hour ago.” Gail said, making both Toshimaru and Eunice sigh. “Look, if he makes you wait for another hour, I’ll treat us drinks somewhere. We’ll catch Lexi after her training.”
 “Bang PD-nim is WHAT?!” Yoongi fumed as soon as he got out of the shower room. Namjoon rubbed on his nape, “He wants us to have a meeting right now about the rescheduling of tour dates.” The maknae line are all behind Namjoon while Hoseok and Seokjin are already on their way to the conference room.
 “On the night before Gail’s birthday?! He wants us to have a meeting.. right.. now?!”  Yoongi clenching both of his fists, “Can he let me off the hook this one time? I have plans and you guys know that.” Jungkook spoke in behalf of Namjoon, just so Namjoon won’t receive all of Yoongi’s death glares, “Hyung, Bang PD-nim wants to discuss about the upcoming album also. He wants us to update him on what we already finished.”
 Yoongi rubbed his face, “On this night? Really?!” He sighed in defeat, “This better be quick or I’ll cook Meggie tomorrow, Jungkook.” Yoongi said. Jungkook immediately latched on Yoongi, pouting as he got close to his hyung, “Ya, hyung! Don’t hurt my family.”
 It’s already half past 11 PM. The girls are all lying on the carpet of the living room, laughing and talking about their plans for the weekend. “It’s almost 12 and Yoongi’s still not here.” Gail blurted out. As if on cue, Seokjin entered the front door. “Why are you all lying on the floor?” He asked.
 “Oppa, it’s almost midnight and all of you aren’t home yet.” Toshimaru said, sitting up and looking behind Seokjin, searching if Jungkook is there. “You have to wait a little more, girls, but first, let’s go, Gail.” Seokjin reached out to Gail, pulling her up. “I’m taking you somewhere.”
 Eunice wrapped a blindfold just above Gail’s eyes and tied it on the back of her head, “Have fun!” She said. Gail heard Toshimaru and Lexi giggle before Seokjin pulled her outside. Lexi placed Gail’s things on the back of the car, “Advance happy birthday, Gail!”
 Seokjin drove quietly to where Yoongi instructed him to. “Oppa, why are you kidnapping me?” Gail asked, not bothering to take off the blindfold. “Because it’s your birthday,” Seokjin answered. “Are you excited?” He asked.
 “A while ago, yes, but after waiting for Yoongi for hours, I don’t know. It died down. I’m more of panicking right now because why do you need to put a blindfold on me?” Gail word-vomitted, Seokjin laughing at what he heard,“Ya! Don’t get mad at Yoongi. Bang PD-nim kept us in the meeting and Yoongi really fumed at him to dismiss us already.”
 “He did that?” Gail asked, her head facing Seokjin even if she can’t see him. “Of course! I might not believe him before when he said he has an online girlfriend, but ever since the two of you met, I never doubted his love for you.”
 “Wow, Seokjin-oppa, you’re really building Yoongi up for me!” She joked, making Seokjin laugh. “I am not! He really loves you, more than us!” It is now Gail’s turn to laugh, “That – I’ll have to disagree! He loves us all equally!”
 The two of them continued talking until Seokjin reached the parking lot of the venue. Hoseok opened the car door and held Gail’s hand so she can get out of the car safely. “Gail, advance happy birthday! Just a few more minutes, though.” Hoseok said, Gail instantly smiled at him even if she can’t see him. “Thank you, Hobi-oppa!”
 Hoseok guided Gail towards the hotel, Seokjin and Namjoon following the two of them, carrying their bag. They lead Gail to one of the event venues of the hotel. It’s already 11:59 PM, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Gail are all standing in front of the door. They still haven’t removed the blindfold from Gail and Namjoon is staring at his watch, waiting for the clock to strike 12 AM.
 When the clock striked midnight, Seokjin opened the door, Hoseok pulled Gail inside the events place and Namjoon removed the blindfold from her. Namjoon greeted her a Happy birthday and hugged her along with Seokjin and Hoseok. When the three of them walked outside the door, Gail was left in the pitch black room since the only light a while ago was from outside.
 Just when she was about to walk, green sparks started floating around in the pitch dark room. The ceiling illuminated a sky full of stars, too. She smiled while looking around, then a spotlight lit up.
 Gail finally saw Yoongi sitting in front of a piano, looking directly at her. He smiled at her with his gummy smile and started playing the piano, “Saeng-il chukahamnida, saeng-il chukahamnida..” Yoongi is still looking directly at her eyes while trying his best not to laugh as he tries to sing the Happy birthday song  while playing the piano.
 Gail can’t help but smile too, feeling like she’s over the clouds because Yoongi is singing happy birthday to her along with all these effects as if they’re in another world, “Saranghaeyo, Min Yoon—“ Yoongi continued, making Gail’s eyebrows furrow because it’s her birthday and not his. Yoongi pressed the piano harder, “—Gail. Saeng-il chukahamnida!!!!” He said, ending his song spectacularly with the green sparks moving lively than before.
 Yoongi stood up from his chair and walked to Gail. He’s wearing a white button down shirt and black pants – simple, in the eyes of many, but in her eyes, he looks like a god that’s walking to her. “Happy birthday, baby.” Yoongi said when he reached her, giving her a bouquet of flowers and kissing her lips. “I love you, more than you’ll ever know.”
 “Thank you. You didn’t pick me up,” she joked, making Yoongi hug her tight. “I’m sorry, baby. Bang PD-nim kept us for a while, but I’m here now, and I still have something to show you. Let’s go.” He held her hand to pull her outside, but Gail pulled him again to face her.
 “Baby, why is your hair red?” Gail asked, running her fingers through his hair. “This is your favorite hair color on me, right? I had it done earlier today.” Yoongi said, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I like it.” Gail said, kissing his nose. “And, I love you.” Yoongi answered. “Now, let’s go, I’m sure you’ll like this one.”
 He held her hand while walking outside the venue. They went out of the hotel and walked to the sidewalk. “What am I supposed to look at?” She asked, Yoongi laughing beside her, “You’re really impatient, baby.”
 Gail was about to answer when the rain started to pour. Yoongi immediately covered her head and tugged at her hand to go back inside, “Wait! I thought we’re going to see something?” Gail asked. Yoongi nodded, “Yes, but it’s raining and you might get sick.”
 “I’ll be sick with you, then.” She said. Yoongi shook his head and laughed. He looked somewhere in his left and nodded. Gail didn’t notice that Yoongi looked at Jimin to give him the go signal as he was tasked to tell Taehyung and Jungkook to start their task.. Yoongi wiped the raindrops on Gail’s face before kissing her again, “I’m always captivated by you, baby.” He whispered before completely pulling away from the kiss.
 “Now, don’t get too swee—“ Gail wasn’t able to finish her sentence as fireworks started rising up to the night sky. The dark, night sky was filled with different colors of fireworks that formed different shapes. What caught Gail’s eyes are the different sizes of YG in the fireworks show. She pouted, feeling that good hurt in her chest, as if it’s going to overflow with love, and looked at Yoongi – who’s already looking at her.
 “I love you,” he said again. Yoongi kissed her forehead again. After everything that happened these past few days, why does she feel like Yoongi is finally coming out to the world with this relationship? The hotel rental is no joke, and so is the fireworks show. What if they’re being followed right now? They’re on a sidewalk and it’s not impossible that there are people that might see them.
 “Hey, I know what you’re thinking about. It’s okay. Don’t worry.” He smiled and suddenly she felt that no matter how the world pushes them apart, she can never get too far, she’ll always come back to him. “I’m not worrying, silly, I’m happy.”
 Gail is busy rubbing the towel on her damp hair after taking a shower. Yoongi strongly insisted on her taking a bath after dancing in the rain with him. “Your turn, baby.” She said, grabbing a blower to dry her hair. “Sit on the edge of the bed,” Yoongi said. “Why?” She asked.
 “Just sit there, please, baby?” Yoongi softly pleaded. “Just because you asked nicely,” Gail joked. She sat on the edge of the bed while Yoongi walked to the cabinet, grabbing a box inside. He went in front of Gail and kissed her forehead before giving her the box, “You’ve been kissing me a lot, I like it.” She said, making Yoongi smile again.
 “I think I’ll be kissing you a lot for all time in this lifetime.” Yoongi answered, “Go on, open the box.” Gail nodded and pulled the ribbon. She removed the lid and saw a bunch of roses inside. “Why are you giving me flowers aga—“ She gasped when she saw a ring in the flower in the middle.
 Yoongi pulled the ring from the box and showed it to her, “The boys and I are still planning on when will we start out next tour, but I know I can’t take you with me, so I’m leaving something from me to you.” He took her hand and slid the ring on her fourth finger, “This is not yet a proposal, but a promise that I will always come back to you, no matter how far I go in this world.”
 “I love you, Yoongi.” She said, pulling him for a kiss. “Happy birthday, baby. I love you too.” Yoongi answered. Gail giggled, “You already outdid our first date.” Yoongi stared at her lovingly while holding both of her hands, “I’ll set the bars so high that you’ll always keep your eyes on me.” Yoongi said in full confidence.
 He asked Gail if he could take a picture of her because he wants a memory of this day. Of course, she obliged. Yoongi isn’t that much of a memory hoarder so if he wants memories, she’ll give everything to him.
 After taking the picture, Yoongi sneezed, Gail suddenly realizing that her boyfriend didn’t take a bath yet. “Ya! I told you to take a bath, you’ll get sick!” Yoongi laughed, “You know what’s a good medicine when someone gets a fever or clogged nose?” Gail raised one of her eyebrows, “What?”
 “Love making.” Yoongi answered before laughing out loud. “No! Go to the bathroom now and take a bath!” Gail said even if she’s laughing too. She pushed Yoongi inside the bathroom and closed the door. “I love you, Yoongi!” She shouted before walking back to the bed. Yoongi replied too, before pulling out his phone and typing a tweet.
 A tweet notified on Gail’s phone. She heard the shower pouring already so she did not expect it to be from Yoongi. She swore she never smiled that way before. Yoongi can really make the most little things this grand. She stared at the picture that Yoongi posted which is his hand holding her hand with the ring, the silhouette of her figure also in the photo. The picture touched her heart, but the caption made her smile crazier than before.
 방탄소년단 @BTS_twt
I don’t give a shit, I don’t give a fuck---about anything else. Only YOU, baby. #SUGA pic.twitter.com
- end - 
If anyone’s looking for Yoongi and Gail story, click here!
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ontowanderlust · 6 years
Hello there and welcome to my blog! Originally, this blog is for private inner musings that had consumed me for the past few years but with everything that’s been going on, I decided to dump every story I may write in here instead.
Supposedly, I had already managed to create this few months back but I decided to edit it since it looked chaotic to me. (I apologize for that, by the way)
Anyways, the reason I decided to list down and compile my stories so as my stories won’t be overshadowed by my constant habit of reblogging and queueing stuff whenever I don’t have anything new to give....
Edit (10/5/20): was planning on completely revamping the entire thing but I have this sentiment over the work my 17 year old self had put. And so with that, I shall be leaving this be but this won’t be my official Masterlist. Hopefully, I’ll be able to create a new one.
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Once Upon A Time
Scars (Requested) Reader and Emma are in a relationship and in some magic fight the reader gets a battle scar across their eye and is embarrassed by it.
What is Happiness? (Blurb) “How do you define happiness?”
Fascination (Blurb) “Why can’t I read you?”
The Boy who could’ve been (Poetry) “Is this who you’ll be?”
That Kind of love (Short Fiction) It’s not unrequited love, but it isn’t a requited love either...
Tom Holland/Spiderman: Homecoming
5 Times Peter thought Tony was hugging him and that one time he actually did (Fanfiction) Based on this fanart, fanfiction about Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s relationship
Hogwarts AU (Imagine) Remind me, whose fault was it why we’re not talking anymore?
The Flash
Even if it hurts? (Fanfiction) Pairing: Caitlin Snow x Barry Allen. “You pause for a minute and two then try again.”
Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan OUAT
Smile, for me? (Imagine) You were both co-stars in PoTC and you guys were in panel where a fan asked you which guy is your type and you described your perfect guy to which Johnny had pointed out that you just described Robbie.
It’s a mad, mad world (Requested) Cursed!AU where Reader and Peter can’t stand each other
Goodbye means (Song Fiction) Hero!AU where Peter Pan is one of the good guys and Reader sees the world in grey who happens to like Peter but does he like you as well?
Seven Kisses Series
Cursed!AU where Reader and Peter Pan was swept by the curse just like everyone else. Reader is the princess of the Underworld whose True Love happen to be the Prince of Lost Boys.
First Kiss (On the back of her hand)
Second Kiss (On her knees)
Third Kiss (On the nose)
Fourth Kiss (On the forehead)
Fifth Kiss (On the cheek)
Sixth Kiss (On the neck)
Seventh Kiss (On the lips) 
Jealousy Series
Cursed!Peter Pan x Reader where Peter learns that there are different types of jealousy existed...
The First Type: “I’m jealous but I’ll live,”
Shawn Mendes
I Love You (Imagine) How does one try to confess without the person ever knowing it?
Let’s play a game! (Blurb) “You’ll pretend you don’t know how I feel, and I’ll pretend I’m not breaking inside.”
2 AM (Insomniac!AU) Two insomniacs going for an adventure of their own
Only a Moment (Imagine) You say you’ve already moved on from him but why does he still have this effect on you?
Loki Laufeyson
Is this what [love] feels like? (Imagine) Because of a misunderstanding, Loki expects his relationship to burn down in flames but Reader kept on surprising him
I can’t lose you (Imagine) Sometimes, you need to know when to step back or walk away
1 AM (Insomniac!AU) Established!Loki x Reader where Reader is an Enhanced whose ability is to foresee and experience a stranger’s death
E correi (one-shot) 5 instances Felix called you those words and the one time he meant it.
See you again (entry) This isn’t an illusion isn’t it? This isn’t a dream of a dream where your brother is right there, right within your reach, is it?
Uncategorized Works
I wonder (Blurb)
5 Stages (Blurb)
I grew up (Short fiction)
Vulnerable (Poetry)
What I truly mean (Poetry)
Untitled Poetry 1
Untitled Poetry 2
Untitled Poetry 3
Untitled Poetry 4
Untitled Poetry 5
Don’t tell me (Poetry)
12:12 (Short fiction) ‘Tis a story of a guy trying to slip through the cracks of a broken girl
Forget the Past Series
An original story of mine created back in high school which depict the story of five girls who experienced the same heartbreak, created a band to forget what they’ve been through while doing so, they had forgotten what it really means to live their lives....
Fall (Prompt) “What’s gonna make you fall?”
If Only (Prompt) “Should I let my heart keep listening?”
Supernatural School Series
The idea behind this story sprouted from my daydreams after reading this story. However, this series focuses more on the relationship between Ian Nelson (The guy who played young Derek Hale in Teen Wolf) and the reader where they happened to be co-stars and Ian had always harbored a crush on the Reader. This series may also known as the Party Games series.
Part 1: Two Truths and a Lie
Part 2: Twenty Questions
Part 3: Would you Rather?
The 72nd Hunger Games Series
Before Katniss Everdeen volunteered for her sister’s place in the 74th Hunger Games and eventually igniting the flame of rebellion, there had already been several unfortunate children who had been fighting for their own little sparks.
District 1 Female: Reaping Story
Masterlist II
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thenuanceddebater · 6 years
Ugh. You absolute ass. This is gonna be long.
1: What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Graduated college, won a Spanish award, wrote over a 30 page paper, lived alone in a single apartment, ended the process of Yud Bais Chodesh (year-long Jewish Mourning process), probably some other stuff that I’m forgetting. 
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn’t make any last year. I did make some for this year which are holding strong and making a positive difference in my life so far. 
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
 Nope. No births in the family. 
4: Did anyone close to you die?
Also no deaths.
5: What countries did you visit?
I didn’t leave the country- last year of schooling and all and I graduated in the summer. Planning on going to Israel again this summer though. 
6: What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A good job after college. An apartment with my girlfriend. That’s about it. 
7: What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 3, 2017 when I graduated from college. There are specific memories I will always have (my swan song, watching my girlfriend’s thesis defense for her honor’s major, etc.) but I’m really bad with actual dates. 
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year
Graduating from college. That’s a pretty big one. 
9: What was your biggest failure?
Letting my anxiety rule my life too much. Part of the reason why I don’t have what I want was that I let my anxiety control me until it was too late. Getting better at that now. Always improving, right? 
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
No injury. But the aforementioned anxiety was officially diagnosed in 2017. I also started therapy. 
11: What was the best thing you bought?
Probably the six case law books from my college’s law library that they were going to throw away because they bought the new editions. It was around $5 for each and they had a wealth of knowledge. I had used them in some of my essays. They were good books. 
12.Whose behaviour merited celebration?
My girlfriend’s. She got out of her house, has an apartment with roommates now, bought a car, and has a good job in her field. That’s pretty damn good. 
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled?
Trump. And also my brother who stole money out of my wallet to pay for vaping stuff that he’s legally not allowed to have, and spent over $ 9,000 (according to an ongoing fraud investigation) in microtransactions. But mostly Trump. 
14. Where did most of your money go?
Books for college/ pleasure reading, living expenses. 
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Graduating college and moving on with my life. 
16. What song will always remind you of 2017?
Probably Despacito. Just because of how ubiquitous it became and the Spanish connection which was the last class I needed to take before graduating. 
 17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
Happier, fatter (though also more muscular, and working on that), slightly poorer. 
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Job applications, hanging out with friends and letting people know how much they matter to me. Oh, and studying. 
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Procrastinating. Worrying about everything and being paralyzed by anxiety. 
20: How did you spend Christmas
With the entirety of my paternal family for Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) and then with my mother, stepfather, brother, and sister for Christmas Day. 
21: Did you fall in love in 2017?
I was already in love in 2017. I did fall more in love though. I’m apparently a hopeless romantic like that. 
22. What was your favourite TV program?
New program? Mindhunters. 
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don’t really hate people or hold grudges in general. Even when most people think I probably should. So, no. 
24: What was the best book you read?
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America by George Packer, or The Dark Continent by Mark Mazower. Runner-up is One Nation After Trump (which was fun, but I knew most of already). 
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
New band wise? The Deer Hunter. Personally? Increasing my range while signing and seeing that I’ve somehow improved in sight-reading on the clarinet are probably tied (also re-familiarizing myself with the clarinet would be up there., but that’s not really a “discovery”). 
26: What did you want and get?
Most of the books I wanted, a week-long skiing vacation with my girlfriend. Video games. 
27: What did you want and not get?
A new PC. A good job. An apartment with my girlfriend. 
28: What was your favourite film of this year? 
Honestly, probably The Disaster Artist because I love The Room. And that movie was fantastic. That or Guardians of the Galaxy 2 which wasn’t quite as good as the previous one, but was still pretty great. Not The Last Jedi. Just. No. I really need to watch more movies though. I didn’t see nearly as many in 2017 as I usually do. 
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
My relationship. More than that, I refuse to say here. Though you’re welcome to ask. 
30:  How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017
I have no real style outside of dress clothes (where I really do have style). I mostly wore things that were comfortable and pretty casual this year. Much less preppy than 2015-2016. 
31: What kept you sane?
My friends and my girlfriend who listened to way too many rants. Good outlets. My mother and grandmothers (both of them). 
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I really, really don’t care about celebrities. I don’t get crushes on them (never really have), and I don’t follow their lives. Sorry. 
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
A lot of stuff. But the most would have to be a three-way tie between human rights concerns, Antisemitism rising in the United States, and the potential decline of the rule of law. 
34: Who did you miss?
My grandfather. Every single day. He never got to see me graduate. And he was definitely my father figure. That was hard. Alav ha-shalom Grandpa. 
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017
You are more than you let yourself be.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“Aint no grave can hold my body down” from the song “Aint no Grave” by the great Johnny Cash. Because I’m much stronger than I thought I was. 
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saibh29 · 7 years
Thief (Part 4)
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Pairings: Bellamy / Reader
Warnings: Violence, Torture, swearing. 
AN: Double update again tonight because I got my butt in gear and managed to edit this post as well. I was going to queue it but then though ‘fuck’ it I love my followers and i’ll post it as well.  You can find the other parts of Thief down here:::: Part One  Part Two  Part Three 
If you want to be tagged in any of my stories please add yourself to the Taglist Here.... TAGLIST 
@no-other-names-availible-blog @angelaiswriting @selldraug @thenovarose @georgiagrl1990 @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered @dontstopxx @iamabeautifulperson18 @madelinecraig03 @ka-x-in @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell @something--awesome @putinontheritzz @soulslaststand @fuckthatfeeling @ember1201 @coffeebooksandfandom @diaryoftherealme @glittered-unicorn-lava
"What exactly are you hoping to achieve here Bellamy?" you didn't like having your hands bound behind you back like this especially as it seemed he’d finally learnt to knot the ropes correctly to stop you slipping them. “Lincoln won’t answer your questions and neither shall I”
“And why is that Y/N?”
“Would you talk if this situation was reversed? If it was you in bonds and me wielding the questions would you give up your people?”
He sighed “No I wouldn’t” going over to a stool he pushed it over to you motioning for you to sit. “Finn is probably going to die, you were the one who told us that”
“Finn will die there is no probably. The poison is unstoppable without the antidote”
Bellamy took the stool opposite you leaning his elbows on his knees, staring over at you. “I’m not an idiot Y/N. You walked into our camp only wanting to help Finn a man you met for what 5 minutes?”
“Not for 5 minutes” you cut in “more like weeks. We’ve been meeting for weeks now”
“I found Finn outside the walls only days after escaping. He wants….” You laughed but it was without humour “soon to be ‘wanted’ peace and wouldn’t that just be better for all of us?”
Bellamy honestly seemed shocked at your statement. “You were talking about peace between the two of us. Peace between our people”
“Yes. Is that honestly so hard to believe?”
“Coming from the thief who stole all our ammunition?” he scoffed crossing his arms over his chest “yes I find that very hard to believe”
“Believe what you will Blake, you’re right though I walked in here only wanting to help yet I’m once again tied up with my friend blooded in your ship” you stared straight at him without blinking. “You wonder why we attack you. Yet what reason have you ever given us to trust you?”
Bellamy’s mouth was set in a thin line “and you’ve given us so many of those reasons to trust you as well. Your people drew first blood Y/N”
“First blood? You have no idea what you’ve done Bellamy Blake of the Sky people” you hissed angry now at his seeming self-righteousness.
“What we’ve done?”
“Those ‘flares’ you fired at the Ark to stop your people being sacrificed. They landed on our villages. Whole communities of women and children wiped out while you all were celebrating” Bellamy had paled at your words clearly as unaware as Finn had been at the damage they had wrought. “So tell me, who out of the two of us is the real monster?”
He didn’t get chance to answer because Raven burst into the tent, clearly furious.
“Finn’s losing this fight Bellamy and the other one won’t talk, we’ve tried everything. So it’s her turn”
Bellamy surprised you by standing and placing his body in front of yours. “We aren’t hurting her Raven”
“She’s a grounder Bellamy”
“She’s a grounder who walked in here of her own free well to help us Raven. We are not hurting her”
Raven scowled looking around him to glare at you still sat on the stool Bellamy had given you before.
“She doesn’t look like she’s helping much”
“You’ve tortured my friend and threatened to do the same to me. Not much incentive to help you is it?”
“Finn is going to die” Raven insisted yanking at the sudden hold Bellamy had on her to calm her jerk towards you. “You came here to save him…”
“And I still would”
“What?” she went limp in Bellamy’s hands. “You’ll help him?”
“I said I would. Let Lincoln go and I’ll save Finn”
“No” Bellamy cut her off making Raven stare at him in horror. “Save Finn and you are free to go Y/N, but Lincoln stays here”
“Then you have your answer Raven, it isn’t me you need to be torturing”
“Bellamy” Raven grabbed is hand to pull him out of the tent but he wouldn’t go. Turning back to you instead.
“The last time I left her alone to talk she vanished with the whole stock of camp ammunition”
“I’m tied up remember”
“That didn’t matter last time” he came around you to actually check the ropes around your wrists were still in place.
“You have my word Blake. I won’t move from this spot until someone comes to get me”
He didn’t look like he believed you but Raven grabbed him once more eyes pleading as he relented and allowed her to drag him from the tent.
No sooner had he left than a young girl who looked startlingly similar to him appeared in front of you.
“You’re a grounder. You know Lincoln?”
“I do”
“Can you help him? Please?” begging she crouched beside you “this is all my fault, he got hurt because of me” she grabbed your upper arm “you have to help me save him”
“And how do you expect me to do that?” you asked her curiously. “I’m tied up and in case you hadn’t noticed there’s guards everywhere surrounding Lincoln in a dropship with only one exit”
“Save Finn” excitedly she yanked at the knots of the rope, freeing your hands. “Saving Finn will create a diversion and we can get Lincoln out of here. There’s a hole in the wall you can get out of it leads into the woods around the back of camp”
Rubbing your wrists you got to your feet “you’re either a very foolish or very brave young girl. Standing there telling your enemy that there is a hole in your walls defence”
“And are you going to help me or hurt me?”
“Against all known reason I’m going to help you. I need Lincoln’s medicine pouch, it has the antidote to the poison in it”
“It’s upstairs”
“Figured. Can you get us up there?”
She nodded the two of you slipping out from the back of the tent and heading towards the ship. The girl led you to the far side pointing up. “There’s a lose panel halfway up, opening it will put you on Lincolns level. I’ll meet you there”
You nodded turning to the wall finding an easy hand hold you scaled the ship waiting at the panel until from within you heard a man’s voice.
“Octavia! Bellamy forbid you from being here”
“Well Bellamy isn’t here”
You moved the panel and slipped behind one of the guards while the girl, Octavia apparently, kept the other distracted. You wrapped an arm around his neck and pressed on the pressure point leading him to drop instantly into unconsciousness. At the crash of his body the other one spun looking shocked at you and his now unconscious friend. You waved at him watching as from behind him Octavia lifted and crashed a pipe into his skill dropping him as well.
She raced to Lincoln while you found his medicine roll. “Lincoln where’s the book?” you asked him, speaking English for Octavia’s benefit.
“In that one’s jacket”
Following his nod you found Lincolns note book in the jacket of the boy you’d downed. Quickly finding the right page you pulled the correct antidote out taking it over to Octavia.
“Give this to Finn. Half now and half in another 12 hours. Don’t forget the 2nd dose, the poison won’t realise him without it”
Octavia took the vial. “I won’t forget” she cast one more look at Lincoln. “The hole in the wall is exactly opposite the hole in the ship. Follow the tunnel along and you’ll come out in the woods. You won’t have long”
“We won’t need long” with Octavia’s help you freed Lincolns hands helping him stand. Octavia gave him one last look before heading to the hatch.
“I’ll lock it behind me. Go fast”
“We have to hurry Lincoln. Can you climb?”
“I’ll manage” he gritted his teeth and followed you down the dropship. You found the hole in the wall exactly where Octavia had said it was.
“Go Lincoln” you pushed him in first. “Quickly”
You were halfway gone at Bellamy’s shout. Surprisingly he was alone not surrounded by other delinquents coming to capture and tie you up once more.
“Y/N I can’t let you leave”
You smiled at him. “Are you going to stop me Bellamy?” he plainly looked torn as you came out from the passage standing close to him.
“You know about the passage, about our defences. How am I meant to let you leave?”
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me” acting on pure instinct you reached up pressing your lips against his, Bellamy’s hand went to your hip to steady you as he kissed you back.
Lips tingling you smiled at him once more before stepping back leaving a stunned Bellamy stood there as you vanished into the passage. Lincoln was waiting at the end leaning against the wall.
“Everything alright?”
Touching a finger to your lips you nodded. “Sure. Come on Lincoln we need to get you back to the cave”
Grunting he reached out to lean on you. “Energy’s nearly gone”
Letting him rest on you with your arm around his waist you helped him into the forest and back towards the cave.
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lascivias · 7 years
Dance Tutor
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Jimin x reader
summary: Jimin is your dance tutor
edit: his is one of my first fics i hate it so much dhdjsjfk
genre: smut, some angst
word count: 2K
The day was exhausting. The whole day at school was kind of hectic seeing as it was finals week. Stress was getting the best of you because you felt like you couldn’t do anything right. You felt like you were stupid, incapable, lazy…
So you were headed to the dance studio. Dancing was one of the ways you managed to relieve stress but seeing as today was Thursday, it was just going to get worse.
Well, some days you could come to the studio alone and just do you but on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays you had a dance tutor. And Park Jimin was the biggest pain in the ass ever.
You’ve never met someone so annoying. He demanded so much, pushed you to your limits and mocked you when you couldn’t do everything right. Just thinking about going there now made you stressed.
You sighed loudly as you pulled over in the parking lot in front of the studio.
You took deep breaths. ‘Just remember, ignore him, do your best, you love dancing so stop thinking about it so much and let it go.’
When you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was another car pull up to the parking lot, just a few meters in front of you. Immediately as it pulled over, someone got out of the car.
Jimin was carrying a bag that looked heavy under his arms and you could see his bicep flex as he tried to pull it up.
Pussy. You thought, smirking at yourself.
He shut the door and locked the car, heading to the entrance. He hasn’t noticed you staring.
When the doors shut behind him, you got out of your own car taking your bag and heading inside, trying to avoid him as long as possible.
After changing into your crop top black hoodie and your black yoga pants you tied your hair in a high pony tail and took a deep breath.
You ran your hands over your body looking at yourself in the changing room mirror.
’Calm down. Ignore his words. Just dance.’
After calming down a bit you grabbed your water bottle and headed to the practice room.
Expecting to see him inside already dancing like he always did, you walked in slowly trying not to get noticed.
But surprisingly, he was not there, only a younger group of girls getting ready to leave.
You got inside feeling a bit relieved but confused, because Jimin was always there.
Shrugging it off and taking a sip of water you walked over to the girls that were just leaving.
“Hey, you need that?” You said pointing to the big boombox next to them.
One of the girls smiled, “no we were just leaving.”
You nodded and smiled back, pulling out your phone getting ready to place it on the boombox.
“Hey you’re the girl that has Park as a dance tutor right?”
You were confused for a sec but you nodded as an answer anyway.
“Lucky.” Two other girls said at the same time.
You snorted from laughter. “Why? Park Jimin is noting but a big pain in the ass. Believe me, you don’t want him as a dance tutor.”
You took another sip, now scrolling through the songs trying to find something to dance to.
“I don’t know about that, “said the girl again, “but I know Park Jimin is a hot peace of meat.”
And they all giggled as you stayed shook by their words. These girls were only about 12 years old?
But you couldn’t deny it. Even though Jimin was an annoying piece of shit, he was pretty good looking. If he wasn’t the way he is maybe you’d find yourself thinking about him more. How his hair stuck to his forehead when he got sweaty, how his body moved so smoothly, no matter which song was playing, how he flexed during some really hard moves, how his tongue sometimes stuck out and how his face looked when he was concentrated on what he was doing.
“I mean…"you shrugged, admitting that he is hot but also showing that you were not fazed by it that much.
“I prefer dancing on my own.”
The girl nodded and giggled again.
The conversation was done and you were glad because of it, their giggles were starting to really annoy you.
After a minute, they were finally gone and now you finally had time for yourself. Jimin was still not here and you were partially hoping he wouldn’t come at all. But also, you hoped he would come, just for the visual.
The door closed and you finally played the song on full volume.
When you danced you felt nothing else, only the beat moving your body. It was like pure bliss and seeing yourself dance in the mirror made you proud of yourself because you were actually pretty good.
The third song was nearing to an end and Jimin was still not there. What was going on? Suddenly you couldn’t dance, your thoughts became wrapped up only around Jimin.
You cringed at yourself. ’No. Stop. What are you thinking about?’ You tried to get him off your mind and you tried to dance.
But the image of the one time Jimin’s shirt raised up while dancing made you trip over your own feet and you slammed down on the floor.
You hit your leg hard on the floor and you hissed at the sharp pain in your kneecap.
You shut your eyes trying to stop a tear from falling. How embarrassing is it to fall and hurt yourself because of something like that?
You calmed down for a bit and just kept laying down staring at the ceiling. The music was still playing loud so you didn’t hear the doors open and then shut.
But what you heard was laughter. And it was damn well familiar. The mocking laughter of Park Jimin.
“Yes that was really funny.“you groaned sarcastically as you got up to your feet. You stared at him standing behind you in the mirror.
His face showed that he was really enjoying this. He walked over still laughing.
“It was hilarious, could you do that again please?“he continued to laugh at you.
He suddenly started acting out your fall and you clenched your fists out of anger trying to remember what you said to yourself before getting here.
“Okay could you just do your job please and tutor me or something? You know? Sounds familiar?” You sounded so stupid while angry.
He stopped laughing but you could still see it in his eyes. He will not forget this. “You’re right, you need some obviously.”
Sighing and rolling your eyes you tried to continue everything normally.
“Okay so can we start where we left off?”
You wanted to start as soon as possible because that meant Jimin was going to concentrate on dancing more than you and that was very much what you needed.
Half an hour passed and it was mostly good because he wasn’t commenting as much as usual but of course there were some usual remarks here and there.
“No, the right leg. Jesus…”
“Straighten your back you’re not the hunch back of Notre Dame.”
“Oh my god, stop that! No! You’re to slow can’t you hear how the fast the song is going.”
“How are you already that sweaty, even I don’t sweat that much.”
You ignored it each time as best as you could.
But some comments could not be let go.
“Why are you even here when you’re that bad?”
You stopped abruptly. You turned to him, noticing he was only about five feet away from you. You felt your cheeks getting red and your fists clenched so hard, your nails dug in your palms.
That shout surprised him. And honestly, it surprised you too. You’ve never yelled like that at anyone. But you couldn’t stop yourself.
You asked for praise. Oh my god. ‘Just stop. It’s getting worse.’
Jimin stared at you blankly for a few moments. He was obviously shocked at your words.
But something was wrong with you. Suddenly you stopped being so mad and the only thing you could think about how his hair was pushed back from his sweaty forehead, how his chest was rising rapidly up and down trying to catch a breath, how his full lips were slightly parted and how his eyebrows were scrunched in the cutest way ever.
You could feel the temperature rising as you took in his every feature.
‘It’s wrong.’ You said to yourself. ’How can you see him like that right now?’
The silent moment between you two seemed to last forever.
And then something happened. Something you never expected.
Jimin walked over to you and-
he kissed you.
Park Jimin was kissing you. The one that always criticized and mocked you. He was now kissing you.
You were shocked, so much that you didn’t even know what to do with your hands.
The kiss was hard but at the same time soft. It was like he waited a long time to do this. It was hungry.
“Oh come on."he mumbled against your lips. He grabbed your hands and put them on the sides of his face, like he was encouraging you to kiss back.
And as soon as your hands found their way you kissed back. And he groaned in approval.
You never realized how much sexual tension was between you two. Not until this moment.
Your hands wrapped around his neck and suddenly he grabbed you by your thighs and you instinctively jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist.
He grabbed your ass squeezing it and moaning into your lips making you moan as well.
He took the opportunity of your parted lips to slip his tongue inside deepening the kiss.
You didn’t even fight for dominance because he obviously had it in him to lead.
He walked forward, slamming you into a wall, his hands immediately finding your exposed waist and belly caressing it up and down.
His body felt so good against your own. It felt like it was supposed to always be like this.
Your fingers found their way in his hair. You moaned again, parting away from him, leaning your head back, letting his soft lips attack your neck.
He bit and sucked on your neck, undoubtedly leaving marks all over. And feeling him groan against your neck made it feel even better.
"Ah, Jimin…"you moaned.
Then, like it was a signal for him, he slipped his hand inside your pants and his fingers found their way to your already wet core.
He stopped kissing and he leaned his forehead on yours staring at your lips and eyes intently, wanting to see your face as he pleasured you.
His fingers rubbed circles on your clit and the feeling was so good it made you jolt up a bit.
You watched him bite his lip hard as he put even more pressure on you.
You could feel his bulge on your leg and you moaned at the feeling.
"Jimin, please.” you let out short breaths.
“What do you want me to do to you (Y/N)?” He said seductively in your ear.
His fingers moved faster and you couldn’t stand it. You needed to feel him.
“I need you-"you were interrupted by your own moaning.
"Tell me."he groaned as he grinded on your leg with his bulge.
"I need you inside me."you managed to say through your shaky breaths.
And with no second thought, he pulled out his hand, pushed your legs down on the floor pulling your pants down. He started to take off his as you quickly stepped out of your own.
You pulled your hoodie up leaving yourself in only a sports bra. It annoyed you that he had to see you in that instead of something prettier.
But he licked his lips at the sight and that encouraged you to drop down on your knees and to take the bra off.
”(Y/N)…“he groaned at the sight of you on your knees in front of him.
He pulled off his shirt revealing his glorious abs and chest.
Licking your lips at the sight of it you started palming him through his underwear.
His hands found their way on your head and he groaned, "Untie your hair baby.”
You did as you were told. You untied you hair letting him tangle his fingers in it as you kissed his bulge teasing him a bit.
“(Y/N) no teasing please…"he said with his eyes closed and his head thrown back.
Listening to what he said, you pulled his underwear down his beautiful legs letting his length spring up free.
You almost gasped at the sight. You never imagined Jimin being this big.
You could see him smirking at your expression and he licked his lips. "Wrap those pretty lips around me now baby.”
And you did. You kissed the tip first, tasting the precum on it and then started to slowly take him all in your mouth, not caring if it’s too much. You just wanted to please him and so you did.
You started to deep-throat him, feeling satisfied because of the sounds he was making. His hands were on the back of your head as he started to push himself even deeper inside, hitting the back of your throat causing a tear to fall from your eye.
Seeing you like that he pulled out not wanting to choke you. “You okay?"he asked with concern in his voice.
Your only answer was to take him in your hand and to lick his shaft from bottom to top swirling your tongue around him at the tip.
"Oh shit."he threw his head back at the feeling. You felt him twitch in your hand and you stopped what you were doing.
Seeing what you wanted next he made it come true as he picked you up from the floor again and slammed you against the wall once more. He kissed you hard, pulling on your bottom lip with his teeth.
You moaned at the feeling of your breasts against his strong chest.
You looked behind him, catching the reflection of you two in the mirror. You loved he sight of his back muscles flexing and it turned you on even more.
"I need you now Jimin."you breathed next to his ear, biting the earlobe softly.
And as soon as you said that he lined himself at your entrance and he slammed into you with no warning.
You screamed out his name in pleasure as your nails dug into his back leaving scratches.
"Oh God! Yes!"you couldn’t seem to breathe as he started to slam into you mercilessly.
”Fuck you’re so tight.“he hissed on your neck gripping your thighs tightly.
You gripped his hair as he kept pounding as fast as he could.
Jimin was filling you up completely and it felt so good that you couldn’t even make a sound for a few moments. It felt like you were choking back on your own moans.
"I’m close…"you managed to say somehow.
"I’m close too baby."Jimin breathed.
He kept going but even faster, all while letting out moans of pleasure.
The sounds that Jimin were making were so hot you felt cumming any second.
”(Y/N) I’m..“Jimin started stuttering.
"Fuck Jimin…"you breathed. "Kiss me.”
He kissed you and you moaned into his mouth.
Your walls clenched around him and he groaned at the feeling.
And with a couple of thrusts more you came all around him, screaming his name out loud.
He pounded a couple more times and then he pulled out, you dropped on your knees in front of him and opened your mouth wide waiting for him to shoot his load.
Pumping with his hand a few more times he released, cumming all over your face.
You looked up at him with a satisfied look on your face. He licked his lips looking pretty happy himself.
This was something you never expected to happen but you were glad it did. You didn’t know where this was going to lead but you were hoping it would happen again.
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messrsmemoirs · 7 years
do you think Remus ever forgave Severus? i mean he said he did but how could he? (this is about the last post you reblogged)
I’m such a poor ask answerer that I’ve forgotten which post this was. I tried to go back and find it but I ran into Remus’ birthday marathon (90 posts, I think) and... I realized I tend to leave asks a little too long. Whoops. Sorry! So that just means you’ll be getting a broader post about a couple more Snape-Remus incidents, to really tackle the issues of Forgiveness.
To answer the question most openly and honestly, no, I don’t think Remus forgave Snape. There’s a lot of significant things happening between them over the years, and I think Remus tried to. I do genuinely believe that he tried, that he wanted to be the person that could and that perhaps he even told Harry that for more than just appearing to be the mature Adult. I think part of that is trying to also reaffirm to himself that it happened. But Remus is one of those people who has struggled in a particularly subtext way: I’m betting he’s had his fair share of “Get away from me werewolf”, (sorry Ron), but I’m willing to bet even more that on top of that is a layer of, “Yeah I don’t think we can hire people like... that.” It’s easier to be cruel behind the scenes. Remus suffers prejudice and poor reputation before he opens his mouth. And he tries to cement a few times that it hasn’t affected him, that the world can keep on pushing and that he’ll keep on chugging. But... let’s be honest: he’s a little bitter in his heart.
“Dumbledore wanted a spy, and here I was... ready-made.” HBP16.
“This time tomorrow the owls will start arriving. They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry.” PoA22
These are little examples of the ways Remus doesn’t openly speak of his experiences, but they are hinted at nonetheless. Up top, he’s not mad at Dumbledore. He’s bitter that Dumbledore’s right--that he really is the man for the job that he really doesn’t want. That he’s already a werewolf, so why shouldn’t he be the one to go and face the others of his kind, something probably traumatic and triggering--or at least disturbing and uncomfortable for Remus, a man who straight up abhors anything wolfy let alone werewolfy. And the second? He just knows without having to think about it how mothers and fathers will react to him: the same way job makers do when he applies for a position, the same way landlords do when he applies for a lease. Hell, half his conversations in OotP are about how it’s impossible for him to find a job, and even the werewolf bitten in the ward is getting scared looks a full two weeks before his first transformation. Remus constantly pushes himself down, degrading his accomplishments and personal character, describing himself as a monster when we know he’s a kind, loving, brave, fiercely loyal and intelligent man. But nonetheless, he’s been beaten and brutalized mentally so much that he’s internalized it and he happily does it to himself, too. That’s not a happy man. That’s a bitter man. Remus says otherwise, but his words speak the truth for themselves.
To keep with that, Snape has never treated Remus particularly well.
He snapped his fingers, and the ends of the cords that bound Lupin flew into his hands. “I’ll drag the werewolf. Perhaps the dementors will have a Kiss for him too--”
“Don’t ask me to fathom the way a werewolf’s mind works,” hissed Snape.
These are minor quotes from right around the same part of PoA as the above. Look at the disdain Snape has for Remus--not even as a person, but as a creature. Snape doesn’t say, “I’ll drag the professor,” or, “I’ll drag Lupin,” no--it’s: “I’ll drag the werewolf.” “Don’t ask me to fathom how a werewolf’s mind works.” In other words, “Remus Lupin is not a man, he’s a savage beast who doesn’t even think like a human because he isn’t one.” And I’ve got several things to say about “drag the werewolf” too, but... I won’t. Not here.
Snape and Remus may have had their childhood quarrels, which explains Snape’s personal dislike. But during PoA Remus tries more than hard to maintain a civil relationship with his colleague, save the incident with Neville which I’m willing to write off was more to really deflate Snape in Neville’s mind than to straight up humiliate Snape, who by then had already spoken to Dumbledore about not hiring Remus at all and who was making wolfsbane potion for Remus anyway. Remus had had 12 years to distance himself from Snape, and he probably didn’t want to start stirring the pot on day 1.
At this point, it’s arguable whether Snape has done anything that really warrants forgiveness. Remus and Snape haven’t seen one another in 12 years, and I’m sure there are incidents we don’t know about. But the one we do know of is the most important one from that period: the Shack incident, in which Remus was seen by Snape and Snape was forced into secrecy. I sincerely doubt that Remus would actually hold this against Snape in any way. Remus knows Snape has it out for him. Remus expects the behavour our of Snape. And everything would have gone as normal if it weren’t for Sirius. Sirius is the one at fault here, not Snape, and I don’t think Remus felt any lasting resentment for that. Rather, I think he felt fear at having his greatest weakness handed to his worst enemy by a friend. I would argue that even knowing Dumbledore had bidden Snape into secrecy that Remus lay awake at night in terror of what Snape might do with that information. And I further argue that Snape probably made Remus’ life a living hell when he could, using that specific information. Just look at what he does 12 years later as a grown man: the infamous “turn to page 394″ business. It’s no secret that Snape was trying to get the students to figure it out, and quite actively. He was trying to get someone to shun Remus for him, because he was tied by some darn red tape into being a decent person and keeping his mouth shut.
But this doesn’t prevent Snape from spilling the beans by the end of the book, of course. And this is the first of the larger-scale things I would argue fall under the “forgiveness” umbrella, because while I think after having been loose on the grounds, arguably an understandable accident but dangerous nonetheless, that Remus would have resigned anyway. He knew that was an unforgivable error on his part, accident or no (not that he sees it that way, though) and that he didn’t want to allow the possibility to manifest ever again. Resigning was the right choice. Now, Dumbledore didn’t fire him, either. Formally, Remus quit. But Snape went ahead and told the entire school about his dirty laundry anyway. Snape outed him to the students, who outed him to their parents, who outed him to the larger wizarding world through gossip and outrage. I’m sure there was a Prophet article, and even a controversy about it. But the thing is, Dumbledore convinced the Minister of Magic himself that Remus was trying to save their lives that night. So Snape, outraged about the loss of his Order of Merlin, took it upon himself to “accidentally let slip” that Remus was a werewolf. At breakfast. In front of the entire school.
And Remus?
Lupin shrugged. “The news would have leaked out anyway. We both know he wanted my job, but he could have wreaked much worse damage on me by tampering with the potion. He kept me healthy. I must be grateful.”
Except that Snape was under orders to make the potion, obligated by potential murder charges and job loss to make it correctly, and Remus is essentially saying, “Sure, he cost me the best and most stable job I’ve ever had, but at least he didn’t poison me.” I mean, Snape did want to have Remus’ soul sucked out of his mouth and all, too. But Remus has to be grateful. What’s worse is that Remus believes that he has to be grateful, too. Sure, he says, he and Snape will never be bosom buddies. Too much history with Sirius and James and Severus. But at least he didn’t poison me.
I probably didn’t explain this in the best way, but think of it all like this: Remus thinks he deserves that kind of treatment, or he isn’t surprised by it. He expects it. But that doesn’t mean he’s not affected by it, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to live with the realities of what Snape does to him. And that doesn’t mean that he isn’t privately bitter about it, because as we’ve seen he is affected profoundly by the life he’s lived. Whether he goes, “I hate Snape” or not, I don’t think Remus forgets that Snape has that part to play in the way his life has unfolded. I don’t think Remus is angry about it, but that doesn’t mean he forgives Snape even if he expects it. Remus trusts Snape because Dumbledore trusts Snape. That’s enough for him. But I don’t think they would actively work together without that tie to bind them together. I think Remus probably feels that Snape is a largely unchanged man, and I doubt he would honestly go to Snape for help unless he was going to die, and then he’d half expect to be laughed at, die, and have Snape kick his body off his doorstep like a man flicking something disgusting off his shoe. How can Remus not feel a level of resentment? Even if he wants to be the bigger man and say, “yes, I have forgiven him,” I don’t think that’s completely true. And I think that’s okay, that that’s human, and it’s especially so that Remus is trying to get himself to forgive. It’s astonishing, really. But I still think that there’s a pocket of underlying resentment that really stops it from becoming completely true, if that makes sense.
And I had more thoughts on this so I may edit or reblog and add more, but alas my free time has ended and now I have to cut it short here. So anyone else, feel free to add on to this or start a discourse or what have you.
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1824 Thursday 11 November
8 10/60
Breakfast at 9 35/60 – Mrs Barlow came at 10 10/60 ready to go out shopping immediately –
asked her to sit down for iust one minute and we sat love making till ten minutes before twelve then went to a shop in the rue neuve saint Roch (not far from here) and bought 4 ells each of cambric at 18 francs . . . per ell – Mrs Barlow to hem me my handkerchiefs – got back at 12 3/4 – found Madame Galvani waiting for me – spent all the time in conversation – she left me at 2 10/60 –
then immediately came Mrs Barlow to go out again she iumped upon the window seat to see if it rained I locked the door as usual then lifted her gown and placed her on my knee by and by said she is the door fast I forgetting got up to see then took her again upon my knee and there she sat till four and three quarters when Miss Desssentt ask if I could receive told the maid I was ssorry I could not I had got so bad a headache the fact was I was heated and in a state not fit to mee anyone I had kissed and pressed Mrs Barlow on my knee till I had had a complete fit of passion my knees and thighs shook my breathing and everything told her what was the matter she said she did me no good I said it was a little headache and I could go to sleep –
I then leaned on her bosom and pretending to sleep kept pottering about and rubbing the surface of her queer then made several gentle effortts to put my hand up her petticoats which however she prevented but she so crossed her legs and leaned against me that I put my hand over and grubbled her on the outside of her petticoats till she was evidently a little excited and it was from this that Miss dessent maid roused us
Mrs Barlow had once whispered hiding her head on my shoulder a word or two which I think were do you love me but I took no notice still pretending to be asleep she afterwards ssaid once or twice it is good to pretend to be asleep and then once added when I was grubbling outside pretty strongly you know you pinch me from this she never attempted to escape before when rubbing her in front she had every now and then held my hand but always let me have it back again after Miss dessent maid had roused us she took her chair close to the bed I sat on the bed and partly knelt on one knee to as to have her quite close and she began to reproach herself saying she was a poor weak creature and what should I think of her I protested love and respect said it was all my fault and I should be miserable if she was sso severe to herself can you not love me one little bit for all the great deal I love you if do not love me I cannot forgive you are too cruel thus to sport with the feelings of another but if you do love me I am happy what do you think said she oh I replied that you do she answered if she did not love me she could not have one as she did I kissed her mouth several ti mes when it was a little open and rather warmly
iust before she left me said she was tired I asked why she answered because her feelings had been excited she told me she had always kept all others at a great distance I said I did not doubt it for if she could keep me at a distance under present circumstances she certainly could others when not so tried
I said she frightened me she had talked to me before we went out this morning about settling near southampton with the widow of her husbands oldest brother general barlow who was also her aunt her mothers ssister and about fifty she had a son and daughter grown up –
Dinner at 5 1/2 -saying I had a headache, came upstairs immediately after dinner – brought Mrs Heath with me to sit a while – and meeting Miss Middleton could not but ask her also – she came about 9 – we had tea brought here and they sat till a minute or 2 after Mrs Barlow came at 10 10/60 and naming the hour, both seemed well enough satisfied with the visit
Mrs Heath evidently not glad to have our tete a interrupted she had told me of a captain of an india man she might marry but her heart always ssickened when it came to the point yet she thought if she married at all it would him iust before she left india after her husbands death a colonel wrote her a most romantic letter asking her to marry him but she said she must return he followed her and died on the voyage this she could not bear to think of it was a piece bad fortune explained how happy she had been with her husband from her account he must have been much attached she said people did not always like her at first but when they did know her they liked her very much I told her how stupid I thought her at first now how much the contrary etc etc said she was odd had much humour and candour and by these she won people speaking of about in of hers she said he was very clever but she really thought a little mad on considering all I have seen of herself I think the same may be her case her tiring of things as sseen as gained tho she says she does not tire of her friends and all she said to me tonight remind me very much of flightiness -
Mrs Barlow stayed with me 11 1/4 – she looked a little grave as if half shamed and wondering how I should treat her I was very respectful tho affectionnate said I had fancied I had much to may to her but all seemed gone and I had not a word to say I was happy yet could cry like a child if I chose little as this was ever my custom she said this would better suit her I denied this asked her to sit on my knee she refused saying she did me harm I still entreated and she yielded on my promise to behave well I wished she could remain with me instead of expressing any obiection she said but as it is impossible I had better go and then went –
now that the ice is a little broken what will it end in has she any hope of attaching me really she is ssufficiently yield in saying to madame Galvani that she was pretty no not at all said she beacoup plus laide que moi and that she looked eight and thirty her skin and complexion were bad – I thought of all this when kissing her and thought it would not do for always –
Madame Galavni brought me 2 editions of Martial to look at – 1 2 volumes 12mo Barbou Paris 1754 – no notes – the other ‘ paraphrase et notis variorum selectifsimis, ad usum serenifsimi Delfhini, interpre- -tatus est Vincentius Collesso, J.C. numismatibus, historias atque ritus illustrantobusm exornavit Lud. Sruids, M.D. Amstelaedami …..1701’ – 1 thick 8⁰⁰, handsomely bound in red morocco, in very good presentation price asked 40 francs – all the obscure epigrams collected together at the end – and a copious vocabulary –
Fine day – highish, whistling wind tonight – Fahrenheit 67° at 1 25/60 p.m. (a good fire in my room all day since 12) at which hour had just finished writing all the above of today –
said Mrs Barlow go to bed early do not write tonight I answered I have not much to write no need of it I can remember today without xxxxx without writing –
Till 2 55/60 looking over the above last named edition of Martial then quarter hour reading iohannes ssecund and incurred a cross –
Venereal condition with flow of medium virulent discharge, one time treatment on the day, two times treatment in the evening –
1/4 hour eating grapes –
0 notes
seahawkerspodcast · 7 years
3 IN, 3 OUT – Body Blow – Seahawks vs. Cardinals
by fellow 12 Clinton Bonner
OK Flock… this one might be on me. At about the 19min mark of last week's special video edition of #3i3o I implored our beloved ‘Hawks to get out of the desert with a W any way we possibly could. I failed to request to the Hawkra gods that we leave the greater Phoenix area intact… So, I'm administering a self-enforced #DoBetter and asking for a cleansing of our collective Hawkra. I needed to get that off my chest Flockers!!!
With that, this game certainly had it's INs and OUTs… and hey, we got the W, and hey… we are 6 – 3… and hey, we still have one Russell Carrington Wilson! So, all is not lost Flock, let's demand some bacon as we make lemonade outta some of these lemon, shall we?
Deion says, “If you ball, you get the call.” … I think he stole that from us TBH. Because, when we WIN we start with an IN, so let's have it!
IN – Legion of Whom?
First, let's thank Richard Sherman for all he has given to our franchise over the last 7 years. We may even take Big Perm, Big Sherm for granted as crazy as that sounds. He, along with Earl Thomas (yeah #29!!!), are 1st ballot HoF-ers. Big Sherm, you know the Flock loves you… Heal as quickly as you can and we'll see you back on the field in 2018. From every single #12, thank you #25 !!! Hey Seahawks, why don't we dedicate the rest of this year to Sherman… what do we say???
Here's the bottom line. You don't replace Richard Sherman, you learn to play your best football without him. In a Thursday Night tilt that didn't have a lot to offer in terms of enjoyment (we'll get into that in a bit), and with no Earl Thomas on the field for the 2nd straight week, others needed to step up.
This IN is a comic book meal-deal where the IN love gets spread around to a few unlikely heroes.
We all know the X-Men… but remember those a'ight off-shoots like X-Factor, X-Force, and the New Mutants? The Legion of Whom?… is bringing us some new heroes we need to recognize are ready for the primetime love.
1st, McDougald played a very, very solid game. This ‘sneaky good' signing in the offseason was one the boys from the pod talked about in the dog days of August. IMO, McDougald starts at Safety on 2/3rds of other NFL rosters. With Earl literally learning how to walk again in the off-season, McDougald has been a great signing, contributing on ST and playing solid Seahawks football as part of a banged-up LOB. Hat tip to you Bradley… Dilly, Dilly !!!
2nd – Shaq continues his ascent to stardom. If Sherman has to go all Professor X for a few months, then it's time for #26 to step into the Action Green limelight and emerge as our next LOB super hero.
3rd – Kam… OK, he's not new, but he deserves the love here because in a game where Earl was on the sidelines, Kam stood out and had his most impactful game of the year. No Cardinals reception went without a punishing hit from Kam and his presence as a 4th LB during run downs was seen over and over and over again, including his safety-inducing tackle to put our ‘Hawks up 9 – 7 in quarter 2! In a match where the LOB was more than just dinged… the Dark Knight stepped up and made sure we got out of that building with the W.
While we all can surely name multiple members of the X-Men, let's not forget that off-shoots like the New Mutants brought us brand new heroes …
… Right now some of these members might be known as the Legion of Whom? But history tells us, they are ready to step up and step into the natural evolution of the one, the only… Legion of Boom!!! Shaq, your time to shine kid!
OUT – Terrible REFerences
Sorry Flockers… I know nobody wants to read about some poor old sot bi$%h*%^ about the refs, but this goes deeper than our ‘Hawks losing a game… obviously we won.
The point here is that this game should NEVER have been close. Of course some of that is on our offense that can't run block at all, but the ONLY way the Cardinals were allowed to stay in this game was via terrible, terrible defensive penalties called against our ‘Hawks in the first half.
PIs, Hands to the Face, and other calls that simply were complete and utter #FakeNews ‘sustained' 2 Cardinals drives, kept our defense on the field for approximately 10 extra minutes in the 1st half, and ultimately lead to this game being close deep into the 3rd quarter.
Calls like this are an abomination to the sport …
Here's the pass interference penalty that extended ARI's drive on 3rd down and led to only ARI points. If this is pass interference, how are players supposed to play defense? http://pic.twitter.com/Dxmj2hNz7i
— Ben Baldwin (@guga31bb) November 10, 2017
Now you might be saying Flock… so what? We still won… Yes, we won in spite of a disgusting display by the NFL, but my anger flows downstream a bit more than just the game.
This was the type of game that should have been an absolute blowout by the mid-3rd quarter where the Cardinals, maybe, would have scratched together 3 points at that time.
The refs (combined with some offensive ineptitude) kept the Cardinals in this game. This kept our defense on the field deep, deep into the match and IMO directly lead to the batch of injuries we witnessed our defense suffer.
The mob has turned on TNF in general… I don't love these color-enhanced games by any means, but to me, it's a much greater/deeper problem for the NFL that due to terrible officiating, many games, including this one, are simply a bad product, and very, very difficult to stomach. NFL … #DoBetter !!!
OK, swing to the positive… we need it!
  IN – K to the J
If we are the X-Men, then KJ Wright is Iceman … and no, not Val Kilmer's “You can be my wingman” Iceman… let's keep our pop-culture references tight Flock!!! Mind you this is no knock to KJ, but on a team with Wagz, Kam, Bennett, Avril, Sherm, Earl and others… hey, we all can't be Wolverine.
KJ Wright was a monster on this day. I didn't embed this tweet above to celebrate Kam's 2-point tackle because I wanted to save it for K to the J!!! KJ blew up this play, clearing a huge lane for Bam Bam Kam to fill… and then watch KJ stick with the play until we were all assured that AP was going nowhere but backwards on this futile attempt to escape his own End Zone.
#Seahawks defense = brick wall
That's a SAFETY, and the second in two weeks for the @Seahawks!#TNF #SEAvsAZ http://pic.twitter.com/2j2l7dGpsn
— NFL (@NFL) November 10, 2017
This wasn't KJ'S only highlight by a long stretch.
AP averaged 1.4 yards per carry… 1.4 !!!
KJ ended up with 9 tackles on the day, with big tackles for a loss or right at the line on repeat! He may be our Iceman of the group, but dang KJ is a huge part of why we win… The IN to you KJ !!!
  OUT – Downright Offensive
This OUT will be short and sour. Germain Ifedi isn't cutting it. About a quarter of the way through the season our pass-blocking was starting to gel. Joeckel got dinged, we moved some pieces around and it's been a mixed-bag since. It's almost as if when Duane Brown took Ifedi's #76, he took Ifedi's abilities with him. Call it a reverse Spinal Tap if you will as 76 – 65 = 11… only this time, ‘going to 11' has resulted in Ifedi forgetting how to play football.
At one point both Ifedi and Rawls combined for 1/2 a terrible chip block, resulting in another Red Birds sack of RCW.
  Ifedi + Rawls = half a chip block???
— Clinton Bonner (@clintonbon) November 10, 2017
And let's not discuss our run blocking … because it just doesn't exist. Like I said: short and sour.
IN – The RedZone Barron
Somewhat despised, certainly kicked around by many a 12… not me.
Look now… Jimmy is tied for TDs by TEs in 2017. He's ahead of Gronk, he's ahead of Kelce.
In our last 5 rumbles Jimmy has:
24 receptions
6 TDs
And perhaps most importantly … Russell Carrington Wilson is learning to hit Jimmy from within 10 yards and routes that aren't low-probability fade routes!!!
  No tenía oportunidad de parar a Jimmy Graham (Lleva 5 TD's en sus últimos 5 juegos)http://pic.twitter.com/qud2GurWt0
— Cobertura NFL (@CoberturaNFL) November 10, 2017
  As our schedule turns up down the stretch, we'll need Jimmy to be this big if we're going to turn out!
We hear you Jimmy!!!
  OUT – Just Beat It
Ooooof toofie Flock … 2 separate members of our O-Line ending up on the wrong side of the ledger in the same week against a bad football team… Que lastima!
But, the truth shall set us free… right?
Pocic has gotten a bit of a pass this season and I think it's been fair. He's a rookie who has been asked to play and practice at every position on the O-Line and when he's been plugged in, he's done OK enough to not be signaled out.
Well… Thursday night wasn't a good showing for the young Padawan. When Brown went down, I expected Tobin to get pushed around (boy did he)… but I didn't expect Pocic to be routinely beat on running downs… yet here we are.
Pocic is in year 1 and has been asked to do a ton… we recognize that. But Thursday he was mostly bad… let's clean that up and get prepped to take on the Dirty Birds at the CLink next Monday night !!!
  From the Flock!
Our fave section because it's all about the Little Flockers getting their opinions heard, word! Let's see what members of the Flock waxed poetic this Thursday night!
Ross Bell brought the VERY late night, UK snark to us all on TNF – a-thank-you Ross!
  The one plus to #skycam is watching AP repeatedly running in to his own blockers and/or Bobby Wagner #3I3O #in (I think)
— Ross Bell (@RossBell1984) November 10, 2017
  Well done Young Choi…
  DCH = Always Wise !!!
  The Pod and Ash combined to remind us all that apparently a catch, 3 steps and a fumble… is… an incomplete pass??? Once again NFL #DoBetter !!!
#3i3o. Apparently 3 steps after catching the ball is out.
— Ash (@ashthecuz) November 10, 2017
  1,2,3… What's Next!???
Dirty, dirty birds come to our house on Monday night!
Mamma Cleo likes our chances.
Mamma Cleo likes Dwight Freeney to get to Matty Ice and surpass his sack total all of last year with ‘dem dirty birds.
Mamma Cleo likes a more aggressive LB core to cause more pressure with Big Perm, Big Sherm sidelined.
Mamma Cleo likes Russ to carry the night in primetime.
Get the W and stay healthy boys… Go ‘Hawks!!!
  All Seahawks fans if you are not listening to and subscribing to THE best Seahawks podcast out there, you need to #DoBetter – Enjoy the Sea Hawkers Podcast today!!! 
iPhone – get it here
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via The Sea Hawkers Podcast http://ift.tt/2zDiyPU
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natasha-tv-blog · 7 years
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By Natasha webster
A wide shot with a massive puddle. A spirit wandering through the remains of a burnt house her idle singing of a sad song makes her seem indifferent to emotions, water running down through the holes of what once was the roof of the house. The camera tracks her feet walking through the burned down house.
Janet: “why should I be the one in pain when I did nothing wrong, I have died once but still feel like dying.” Close up on her face fading out to see her ghostly figure
She sat in the one chair that was not burned in the fire, the one she was tied to.
Janet: “oh no. flash back time again (sigh) how many times must I relive this moment?” wide shot
Janet is tied to a chair with a red scarf whilst a murderer leering over the bodies of her family. Their screams still lingering in her ears and seeming to echo in the large house. Her sobs broke the silence in between the psychotic laughter of the killer, karma Anderson. A two shot showing karma and Janet.
Karma: “hahaha well I think that’s my fun done with now although I will leave you alive I expect to see you again soon!”
Janet (still crying)
Scene two
The memory fades into a swirling pool of black whilst we are brought back to the ghost girl sitting in the same chair as that night.
Another flash back starts with her classmate john carter.
John:” hey Janet… nice to see you. How do you like your new house?” wide shot
Janet:” what are you talking about”
She was scared but portrayed a strong character. She could see the bloodlust in his eyes and ran to the house of sad memories now ablaze in crimson flames licking at the windows from within their confinement. The once blue house was now black and red, the colours will haunt her she could feel it.
Janet:” why would you do that?”  Over the shoulder shot
John: “because I wanted to, YOU are a homeless, family-less stupid girl hahaha”
As john walked away laughing she cried but she saw something in the flames, the face of her family's killer, karma Anderson. She runs into the house and tries to tackle the man but he just throws her to the glowing floor of the hose now groaning under the weight of itself whilst the flames devour its foundations, switching from a close up of their individual faces and then a side view two shot.
Karma:”I think it is time for you to join your family, girl.”
Janet:”why did you kill them? What did we do to you?” she said flailing her arms in exasperation.
Karma: “who cares, any last words?”
Janet: “just answer me one last question. Please?”
Karma: “what is it?”
Janet: “what possessed you to do this?”
Karma: “your reactions, say hi to them for me ha-ha”
The memory suddenly fades again and we are left with the thoughts of the girl and the reality sinks into her as she cries once more, a close up of her face
Janet:” I never could say hi to them since I have not been reunited with them until I have come to terms with being dead but… I want to see them......I tried but ...I can't move on ...I can't forget”
As the shot gets wider as the camera moves back everyone can see her crying.
made the storyboard with...
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The synopsis of our telling the story idea is that one of the sisters are lost and as the other sister walks through the forest she has flashbacks of where her sister was, she finds a scarf with a note attached to it from the lost sister. In the telling a story task my role is a producer. My responsibilities as the producer are to make sure that the schedule is kept and that everyone has what they need to be able to do their responsibilities. I will also help where needed and try and help filming go smoothly and without disruption. My role model producers are Steven Spielberg and Tim burton because they made sure that their movies run smoothly and became big hits most of the time.
In the run-up to filming our telling a story piece, we did little exercises to do with using Marantz and how to make sure of our audio quality in our short drama piece.
When we started filming we realised we had a problem as our actors had cancelled on us so we had to make do without them, so myself and our video editor Meghan said we would act as well as our official roles.
In my case, I acted as well as being the producer, in some ways I think it benefitted me by being an actress and a producer as I could put in my input more freely and help the production run even more smoothly since I was already so involved in its happenings.
We are currently in the editing part of our project and have realised that we spent more time on bloopers then footage but the footage we got has good quality and are great for our drama piece.
Originally I was the producer so I had the job of making sure everyone was doing their part and to make sure the production. In order for that to happen, i also had to act as we had a small problem with casting, in order to keep it running smoothly I volunteered to act in the short drama.
I feel that if I would have been more prepared and gave more help to the director then we would not have had a problem with the casting. I feel that we as a group handled it well by not panicking and using what we had and who we had.
After watching our drama we got a lot of feedback from the class...
1.       Plot underdeveloped - the plot was hard to understand maybe we should have tried to make the storyline more obvious.
2.       Camera work could be improved - a lot of the shots could have been done a little bit better or done with the tripod to ensure that the shot was done to a higher standard to achieve a higher mark.
3.       The characters could have been developed more - we see the characters and find out their names later on but we do not actually hear one of them talk so we do not actually know how the characters develop, we could have done a better job of that in the editor even a voiceover.
4.       Camera angles were good - the camera work although shifty had some very good angles and some great perspective shots.
5.       Maybe more extreme close-ups - we could have had better close ups as an extreme close up of reading the letter could have put more feeling into the drama.
6.       Looked very cinematic - this was a good feature in my opinion because the characteristics of the short drama worked better.
7.       Music could have been less loud - the music drowned out the feeling and the sound effects in some parts as it was a bit too loud.
8.       The plot develops well as it starts telling the story - once we get past the slow development at the beginning we then start to understand what is going this helps us to understand what is going on, thus helping the plot to develop.
9.       Open to interpretation at the end - even though there are two endings they are also cliffhangers as they do not draw a conclusion or closure to the story.
10.   More space in camera angles - instead of just having a person in the scene we also keep a lot of the background.
11.   Continuity was fairly good .
12.   Could have been an internal monologue so that people understood the story more.
13.   More dialogue to also help us understand the story.
0 notes