#not every gathering has to take place in our kitchen
charonean · 1 year
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svnarin · 4 months
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it's xavier's first time entering your bedroom, and he didn't expect to find his rivals gathered up on your bed.
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xavier has been to your place numerous times, but he still has never seen your bedroom. the only parts he has ever reached from your place are any of the rooms on the first floor—this includes the living room, the kitchen, and the first floor’s bathroom.
“xavier, i need my charger. could you please get it from my bedroom upstairs?” 
“sure. where’s your bedroom upstairs?” 
“first room on the right,” you answer, to which xavier nods. 
walking up the stairs, xavier finally reaches the first room on the right. upon entering your bedroom, he stopped when a particular thing caught his attention—your bed filled with plushies the two of you won from claw machines. there’s the succulent bunny, hurty thistle, bunbun, fleecy, huggy bear—the list goes on. 
xavier stares at the plushies as he walks toward your bed. “so you are the ones she has been cuddling all night every night…” he mutters under his breath. “my rivals.”
picking up the first plushie the two of you won together, xavier stares straight into its beaded eyes as if he is trying to find its nonexistent soul. “i should be the one she is resting onto, not you…” he doesn’t realize that he is starting to squish on the plushie’s neck. heck, he doesn’t even realize that he is about to activate his evol. 
xavier is so busy having a staring contest with the plushie that he doesn’t realize the footsteps coming up the stairs and the door swinging open. “hey xavier, what’s taking you so long— um, what are you doing?” 
oh shit. xavier immediately snaps back into reality. “um, nothing…i just got distracted for a bit when i saw your plushie collection. i never knew your collection has become this big,” he excuses.
“oh,” you laugh. “well, i wouldn’t have that many if it weren’t for you.” you walk up to your bedside table to get the charger you tasked him to get. “anyway, i just finished preparing our snacks, so let’s go downstairs, shall we?”
you walk towards the door to exit the bedroom as xavier follows you behind. unbeknownst to you, as he walks behind you, his head is turned towards your bed, eyes are locked on your plushie collection with a look that clearly says, i’ll be back to deal with you.
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aetherdoesthings · 4 months
hi!! i was wondering if you could write a monster trio (seperate) x reader oneshot or hc's (whatever you prefer) where reader has a habit of gradually gaining blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals to the point there is only room for a very comfy reader ? thanks you!!
(also i hope you feel better !! im down with a bit of a cold rn so i get your pain)
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elo! i'm still semi sick when i'm writing this (it's been at least a week since this request was made) 😭 maybe i did get hanahaki after all 🤔
forethoughts: i'm in the library writing this rn and i'm just absentmindedly eavesdropping two girls talk about the supernatural and their beliefs in it. it's very interesting.
notes: gn!reader, fluff
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Since Luffy loved adventure and the outside world, he was rarely inside your shared bedroom, so your little scheme of collecting blankets and pillows and stuffed animals basically goes under the radar.
Luffy does see you climb on board the Sunny holding bags upon bags of stuffed animals and pillows (with Robin’s assistance) but never questions it because he just assumes you and Robin went out on a shopping spree.
When he eventually does go inside your shared room and find you buried in a pile of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals, he laughs it off and gets ready to jump in with you.
From that point you had created a rule that Luffy must have showered prior to getting into your pillow fort. 
Luffy didn’t even question your comfy fort when he saw it. Since he was in the room only every few weeks, and with that terrible memory of his, he just saw your fort and went, ‘oh yeah that’s how our room looks!’
At night, when Luffy has showered and is clean, the two of you like to snuggle inside your fort you built, and just talk about anything that comes up.
There was no doubt that Zoro had an affinity for sleeping, and doing so with comfort. 
Even though he was barely in your shared room because he had to keep watch at night, your operation went under the radar. 
But Zoro wasn’t Luffy. He eventually noticed the growing amount of pillows and blankets that piled up on the bed, occasionally catching you board the Sunny holding a stuffed animal he’s never seen before.
Within weeks of your operation, he already knows about your hoard and your plans. He doesn’t think much about it, and rather thinks it’s rather cute you loved and craved the comfort of having pillows underneath and above you. 
He never let you know that he knew about your scheme, rather letting you do whatever you wanted, except for a detail.
He would always steal one pillow from your collection to use while he was sleeping. Snatch a pillow and a stuffed animal, and take a nap somewhere on board the Sunny. He’d also snatch some blankets and pillows and put that on the crow’s nest, creating quite the comfy sleeping place for himself.
You didn’t realize your stash was starting to deplete, until you couldn’t find your favorite stuffie.
So you searched all over the place, and found Zoro sleeping on the deck with one of your pillows and your favorite stuffed animal in his arms, a smug smile on his face.
You snatched your stuffed animal back, accusing him of taking your stuffies and pillows.
He relented, and commented on how your hobby of gathering stuffed animals and pillows and blankets was cute.
From that day on, you had spared some of your pillows and blankets into decorating the crow’s nest for Zoro, so that even though he couldn’t spend the entire night with you, he’d still be comfortable while guarding the ship at night.
Sanji found out about your operation rather early on compared to the rest, as he would actually get a few hours sleeping with you before having to go to the kitchen to work on the next day’s meals. 
He finds it adorable and absolutely loves it (cue Sanji swooning over with heart eyes and his body turning into that noodle shape where it goes left and right)
He 100% supports your idea of gathering as many comfy things onto your shared bed, so he would give you cash to buy more, and even go on shopping trips with you to buy something he wants to add to the pile.
Sanji added a padlock to the door to your shared room, because he didn’t want anyone to see the fort the two of you were constructing, and he didn’t want anyone else to be a part of your fort.
At night, he’d bring a snack that isn’t wet or crumbly into your fort, and share it with you, hiding underneath the blankets and just talking to each other.
You two have a designated stuffed animal you chose for each other, and you treasured the stuffed animal Sanji picked for you. The stuffed animal you chose for Sanji can always be seen next to him. You chose one pocket sized so that it could be by his side like a good luck charm whenever he was in a fight, and had a hook so he could hook it to his belt so it won’t go missing. 
The kitchen is now covered in stuffed animals of different animals. The Straw Hats don’t question it. They just think Sanji’s just reconnecting with his childhood; they have no idea that it’s you who’s having this effect on Sanji.
Except for Robin, of course. She knows everything.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 9 months
Chapter 10, Pt. 2- Happy Birthday, Javi
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Summary: Javi is convinced that after the perfect morning you've given him, his birthday can't get any better. Little does he know, his birthday still has a few more surprises left.
Word Count: 11.7K (Told you it'd be 20K if i put these two parts together)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (pls be safe), semi-public sex (and kind of getting caught?), vaginal fingering, creampie, praise kink, breeding kink (are we surprised, cause I'm sure not), mentions of death/loss (but it's really sweet), mentions of alcohol and drinking, mentions of food, Steve Murphy not letting Javi have a moment of peace, Javi holding a baby (please don't mind as I scream into the abyss), if you've made it this far, you already know the sickening amount of fluff there's gonna be (hehehehe)
A/N: Our favorite birthday boy is back!!! I'm excited for this one cause it's CUTE. But when are these two idiots not like, the most adorable couple alive. Enjoy the rest of our sweet Javi's birthday!! Also please someone understand my self indulgent Foo Fighters/Blink-182 references
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“So you’re telling me I don’t get to know anything about the rest of the day? Coming from the person who hates surprises more than anyone I know?” Javi chuckled to himself, wrapping his towel around his waist as he stepped out of the shower, handing you yours as you followed behind him. 
“Okay, just because I hate being on the receiving end of a surprise doesn’t mean I don’t like to be a part of planning a surprise. So no, you don’t get to know. Although, I will say what happened this morning and the way you just pressed me against the wall and fucked me in the shower are two surprises I’m not upset about at all.” You smirked at Javi as you watched him run a towel over the damp curls of his hair, seeing his satisfied grin from underneath the fabric. “Now go get ready, birthday boy, you’ve got a big day ahead of you.” Javi pressed a gentle kiss onto your bare shoulder as you organized your things on the bathroom counter, rolling your eyes as you watched him look you up and down in the mirror. 
“If we didn’t have places to be, I’d bend you over this counter and fuck you right here.” The kiss on your shoulder being replaced by a nip, making you giggle and swat at his broad body standing behind you. 
“Javier Peña, you are a goddamn menace to society, go change!” The two of you laughed as Javi gave you a wink and a quick smack on the ass as he left you in the bathroom to start getting ready. 
A menace to society in-fucking-deed. 
You made sure to get ready as quickly as you could, wanting to make sure that you stayed on time for the rest of Javi’s birthday festivities. You had plenty planned to keep him busy until 4:00, the time you told Chucho you’d arrive at the ranch, giving your guests an hour to show up beforehand without ruining the surprise. After changing into a new, cute peachy dress with little white flowers, you met Javi in the living room, sitting on the couch watching TV, looking handsome as ever in the dark wash jeans and cream colored short sleeved button down. 
“The watch looks good with your outfit.” You teased, noticing that Javi was already wearing one of his birthday gifts that he had insisted on giving you a hard time about after finding out about its cost. 
“I love it, Osita. I’ll wear it every fucking day. And it actually tells time, which is helpful.” He laughed before turning his head around over the top of the couch to see you in your dress, jaw going slack as he watched you move about the kitchen, gathering things for the next part of your day. “Fuck me. Is that new?” he asked, taking an extra moment to appreciate how well the peach colored fabric hugged your body in all the right places, particularly as you bent down to pick something up out of the fridge. 
“Mmmhhmmm.” You hummed, trying your best to hide the pozole de pollo you had made for Javi the day before in your travel sized cooler. “Same shopping trip as this morning’s outfit.” You looked up at Javi, giggling, as he ran a hand through his hair, knowing he was using every ounce of self control in his body to let you keep working on whatever you were doing. “Alright, I think everything is packed and should be good to go. You ready, roomie?” You smiled, grabbing the bag you had packed in preparation for the next part of your birthday plans. That one made Javi grin from ear to ear, still processing the fact that you had asked him to move in with you. He had practically already been living there, but something about knowing you wanted him to be the first thing you saw in the morning, and the last thing you saw before you fell asleep at night every damn day filled his heart in a way he didn’t know was possible. 
“Ready. Sure I don’t get to know where we’re going?” He chuckled to himself as he got up, putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys, including the newest one to your shared apartment that he had already slipped onto the key ring while you were getting ready. 
“You’re starting to sound like me. C’mon, let’s go.” 
Walking down the stairs of your apartment, you grabbed Javi’s hand, knowing that he was going to lead you to his truck. Before he could lead you any further across the parking lot, you tugged him in the opposite direction, leading you towards your car. “Nope, I’m driving today. How were you supposed to drive if you didn’t know where we were going?” 
“You could still drive my truck, if you wanted. You’re always complaining about how shitty your car is.” 
He wasn’t wrong. After getting stationed in Oregon after his deployment, your oldest brother, Charlie, had offered to let you have his 1985 Jeep Wrangler. In reality, the car was only a decade-ish old, but the way he had treated it before he gave it to you had it barely hanging on by a thread. After your drive to Texas, Woodstock (the name you had given the car, given its obnoxious bright yellow color) was in rough shape, but, like most things in life, you were too stubborn to give it up and get a new one until you ran it into the ground. 
“Every ounce of feminism in my body evaporates if I even think about driving that truck. It’s huge, and I’m terrified I’m gonna crash into something, and at least one of us needs a car that isn’t an absolute piece of shit.” You sighed, throwing your bag in the trunk before hopping into the driver’s seat, Javi taking his spot next to you as a passenger. “Please, please, please.” You mumbled to yourself, twisting the key back and forth in the ignition before turning the car over, praying it would start. “Yes! She lives to see another day.” You nodded your head in satisfaction as Woodstock’s engine rumbled. Javi shook his head, laughing to himself at your antics you had convinced him were the key to getting your car to start. “Alright,” You said, backing out of your spot and pulling on to the road, “you’re in charge of music today. Sorry I don’t have the Grease soundtrack in my car, but I do have some ABBA which I feel like could be a good replacement if that’s what you’re in the mood for.”
Javi rolled his eyes at you as he reached up to pull down the visor in front of him, lined with the CD’s in its sleeve. Since the two of you normally didn’t drive in your car, Javi wasn’t used to your music selection. Flipping through the discs, he found some overlaps, Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumors”, Queen’s Greatest Hits, AC/DC’s “High Voltage”, along with some CD mixes that your brothers had probably given you, but he was surprised to find a few CD’s of bands that he had never even heard of before. “Blink-182?” He asked, holding up the disc with a picture of a bull with the band’s logo branded into its ass. 
“David really likes them. They’re okay, there’s a few songs on there that I like, but some of them are really weird. I’m pretty sure there’s a song on there called “Dick Lips”.” You snickered, peeking over at the other CD’s Javi was shuffling through. “Oh, oh, that album is amazing.” You pointed at the dark blue disc Javi was now reaching up to grab. “David and Charlie both love these guys. You know the band Nirvana? The guy who was the drummer for them made his own band after Kurt Cobain died. I’ve been listening to this album every time I drive.” 
“I don’t think I’ve heard you play it around the apartment. The Foo Fighters? Literally never heard of ‘em.” He shrugged, pressing the disc into your car radio. 
“I think you’d probably would’ve remembered if I played them around the house.” You huffed under your breath sheepishly. “They’re a little more… intense than what I normally listen to at home, so no judgment, okay? Skip to the second song, it’s the best one.” 
“Now I’m intrigued.” Javi responded, placing his hand on your leg after skipping to track 2, his face scrunching in surprise at the intensity of the guitar and drums now blaring through your speakers. It didn’t take long for you to start drumming against your steering wheel, nodding your head to the beat, as you sang along to the words. 
“Don’t wanna be your monkey wrench. One more indecent accident. I’d rather leave than suffer this. I’ll never be your monkey wrench.”  
Javi watched as you lost yourself in the song, belting the lyrics as you banged against the steering wheel, practically out of breath as the CD moved on to the next track from singing. Javi always loved watching you sing along to whatever music you had playing, but something about watching you now was different, like there was intention behind every word that you sang along to, like you were letting something out that had been weighing on your chest with every thud of your palm against the steering wheel. 
“Sorry.” You sighed, lowering the volume of the next track as you caught your breath. “It’s a great song, but this is my angry screaming in the car song if I’ve had a shitty day.” You tried to play off your comment jokingly, Javi sensing that you had more you wanted to say, but you weren’t telling him. 
“What’s the song called?” Javi asked, trying to pry more out of you. 
“Monkey Wrench.” 
“Like the tool?” He laughed, making sure he understood you correctly. 
“Yes, like the tool.” You half smiled back. “The song’s not actually about the tool… Well, I guess it kind of is. It’s about someone who gets pushed around and used because they’ve always tried to be flexible and adjust to make someone else happy, but eventually they realize they can’t take it anymore, and are done putting up with that person’s shit before it breaks them. You finally come to terms with what a fucking waste of time it was being with someone who couldn’t have gave a shit about you.” 
You sat there in silence for a moment, embarrassed by your last sentence, realizing your comment had definitely become a lot more personal than you had intended it to be. “Sorry, I don’t- I don’t know why I’m talking to you about this, I shouldn’t have said anything about the CD, this is supposed to be fun, it’s your birthday, and now I’m ruining it and-” You stopped to look down as you felt Javi squeeze your leg, like he was trying to stop the apology that was flowing from your mouth with his grasp around your thigh. “Sorry.” You whispered, your voice shaky as you tried to hold back the tears welling in your eyes. “I know I always joke about Paul being an asshole and try to play it off like it’s not a big deal, but I think it fucked with me a lot more than I’d like to admit.” You took a long breath in before exhaling, shaking your head to clear your thoughts. “Okay, that’s all I have to say about that dickhead. He doesn’t even deserve the time of day to take up any space in my head. He’s a piece of shit, and I have you, and that’s all that matters. He can go… He can go… eat… rocks.” The both of you snorted at your terrible attempt at comeback, easing the tension in the car. 
“You’re not ruining anything, Osita. I promise. I can understand why the song makes you mad. Makes me fucking pissed for you. I swear, if I ever meet that motherfucker, I’ll kick him in the dick ‘till he can’t fucking walk.” Javi snarled, the idea of someone treating you like how your ex did practically making his blood boil. 
“I’d pay money to see that. Okay, no more Foo Fighters. Pick whatever you want and don’t listen to any of my suggestions because I am 0 for 1 today on birthday music.” 
Shuffling through the rest of the CD’s ejected the Foo Fighters album to replace it with one he knew would make you smile. As soon as the keyboard riff to “Rich Girl'' by Hall and Oats started, your mood instantly shifted, wondering how Javi always knew exactly how to make you feel better. “Listen, Javi, you don’t have to use the song, you can just tell me that you’re in this relationship for the enormous salary I’m raking in from teaching, it’s okay.” Javi reached down to grab your hand as you giggled, giving it a gentle squeeze as he watched you sing along, dancing in your seat, with a smile on your face. Truth be told, Javier Peña was a simple man, and knowing you were happy with him was the best birthday gift he could ask for. 
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“Okay, we’re here!” You beamed, pulling up to the first stop of your surprise destinations for the day. Javi had lived in Laredo his entire life- he knew the city like the back of his own hand. That’s why when you pulled up to the small park entrance, Javi was perplexed as to where he was, or why you had taken him there. 
“Have I had it wrong this whole time, Osita? Are you the one that’s really the serial killer and you’re taking me out to some park I’ve never heard of to get rid of me?” Javi mocked as you playfully punched him before the two of you got out of the Jeep, grabbing the bag you had stored in the trunk. 
“Oh, shut up. Believe it or not, your dad is actually the one who told me about this place. C’mon, let’s go.” You hoisted the bag up onto your shoulder, making your way down the gravel path through the trees that lined the trail. Javi followed behind you, interlocking his hand with yours as you led him through the brush. The path opened up, revealing a small area overlooking Lake Casa Blanca, tucked away in its own corner, surrounded by trees and tall grass that swayed in the gentle summer breeze. It took Javi a moment to realize where you were, having been to the lake every summer since he could remember, but never once had he been here, shocked to find how quiet and peaceful the secluded patch by the water was. 
“Lake Casa Blanca?” He asked softly as you started pulling things out of your bag, laying down a big blanket, followed by a variety of containers and thermoses. 
“Mmmhmmm.” You nodded, fixing the edges of the blanket as you sat down, Javi joining you as you rustled around for the bowls and spoons at the bottom of the tote. “Your dad said you used to love coming here as a kid. So much that you would cry every time you had to leave. But he said there was a secret place hidden away on the opposite side of the lake where he always used to take your mom when they first started dating. They would be all cute and watch the sunset together before he had to take her home for the night. I know it’s not the sunset, and I know it’s definitely not your mom’s but um, I wanted to try and make you something for your birthday. I got her recipe from your dad. I know it’ll never be the same as hers, but your dad told me how much you loved it, and I-I hope that’s okay.” Carefully, you poured the pozole into one of the bowls, grateful that it still looked hot before you grabbed some of the garnishes out of the plastic containers and sprinkled them on top of the stew. 
“Is this… Is this her pozole?” He looked down at the bowl in shock, like he couldn’t even comprehend that the dish was really in front of him. He hadn’t seen the sight of his mom’s pozole de pollo in over a decade. He refused to eat anyone else’s, knowing it could never compare to his mamá’s. The memory of his mother lovingly feeding him bowls of the stew filled him with a comfort and heartache he wasn’t quite sure how to describe. He had never even bothered to ask his dad to make it, figuring like most of the things that brought him pain, it was easier just to avoid it all together. But then, there was you. How had you figured out this was his favorite? You must have gone out of your way to ask his dad? You made this just for him? You cared about him that much? He picked up the bowl and one of the spoons, realizing how nervous you looked as he scooped some up, bringing the spoonful of vegetables, chicken and broth to his mouth. 
You were practically holding your breath as he took a bite, praying to whatever higher power there was that he just didn’t hate it, or worse, that he was upset with you for even trying to attempt it in the first place. You watched hesitantly, over-analyzing every twitch of his face as he chewed and swallowed, looking up at you, tears welling behind his eyes. 
“Baby…” He paused for a moment, setting the pozole down. 
Fuck, was it so bad that you made him cry? Oh please, God, please not let it be terrible. 
He brought his hand to your cheek, caressing your jaw, his lips drawn in a soft sweet smile. His voice trembled, barley above a whisper. “It tastes just like hers. I-I never thought I’d get to taste that again. Thank you, Osita. You- You have no idea how much this means to me. It means everything. Thank you. Thank you so much.” A tear gently rolled down his cheek as he pulled you into his chest, cradling the back of your head as he brought you closer to him. He sat there for a moment, looking out at the lake then back down at you as he held you in his arms, the sweet scent of the pozole lingering in the peaceful silence. He wasn’t quite sure how you did it, but he swore he fell more and more in love with you by the second. 
“So, it’s okay? You’re not mad?”  
“Mad? Baby, how could I possibly be mad? I couldn’t be fucking happier. I love you so much.” He pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head, savoring the sweet scent of you as he buried his nose in your hair. 
“Well if it was really awful, it would be very fair if you were upset.” You let out a small huff of laughter, relief washing over your body, feeling like you could finally breathe again. “Like I said, I know it can never replace your mom’s, but it’s your birthday, and you deserve everything in the world- today and every other day. I love you too, Javi.” 
You were glad you had made as much pozole as you did, watching Javi practically inhale every last drop you had made. When you told him that there was still more in the fridge at home, his face lit up like a little boy on Christmas day. He was equally excited for the cupcakes you had made him, gobbling several of them down almost as quickly as the pozole. You sat at the edge of the water after finishing your food, listening to Javi tell you stories of his favorite memories at the lake, particularly enjoying the one where his older cousin had convinced him that you were allowed to take fish from the lake home as pets, and somehow managed to bring a full bucket back to the car with him before his parents found out. 
“Did you ever have any real pets as a kid?” You asked, finishing the last bite of your cupcake, still giggling from Javi’s story. 
“Besides all the cows and sheep and horses?” He laughed, face palming yourself for forgetting that Javi had literally grown up on a farm. “Yes in that sense, but never anything that lived in the house, besides that bucket of fish I almost got away with if my cousin wouldn’t have ratted me out.” 
“My house was a goddamn zoo growing up. I think by the time I was born, my parents already knew it was going to be chaos, so they figured, what were a few more animals going to do? I’m pretty sure at one point we had 3 dogs, a cat, Charlie had a rat and a snake which did not end well, and one day, Patrick and David came home from the pet store with an iguana, which only lived in the house for one day before escaping out the bedroom window at night, never to be seen again. Rumor is, that iguana is still roaming through the suburbs of Chicago to this day.” The both of you laughed, Javi raising an eyebrow, picturing you with all your brothers and animals running around the house. “After all of that, I am more than happy with just a dog, singular, not plural. I was close to adopting one when I moved down here, Paul hated animals- another red flag, despite how much I told him I wanted one, but it wouldn’t have been fair with me living in the apartment. I wanted to get a house when I moved down here so I could have a yard, but again, the giant teacher salary wasn’t doing me any favors, unless I wanted to live in a box by the side of the highway.” 
“I’ve always wanted a dog. I’d love to have one when we get a house.” 
We. When we get a house. That one put butterflies in your stomach. 
“When we get a house, huh?” You put a little emphasis on the word, the both of you blushing, quietly laughing to yourselves. 
“I mean, I love your apartment. I couldn’t be more fucking excited to live with you. But I mean- I don’t know, correct me if I’m wrong, I’m guessing you don’t wanna live there forever?” He traced his fingers along the small of you back as he sat propped up next to you. 
“I mean no, but again, not really rolling in cash over here in the money department, Jav.” You rolled your eyes, a part of you feeling guilty that your career choice always made you feel like a financial burden, despite how good you were with saving your money. 
“Listen…I don’t wanna sound like an asshole. I already know how much you hate the “I’m a man so I have to provide for you” stereotype, believe me. I’ve got a good amount of money saved up, and my job now pays better than the DEA even did. I just- I don’t want you to worry about it. I know how much you love teaching, and it’s un-fucking-fair how little teachers make, but I don’t ever want you to think you’re a burden because of it. I’d support you if you wanted to have 6 jobs, because if there’s anyone who could do it, it would fucking be you. But, I- I know you said that you wanted kids, and- and if you ever wanted to not work and stay at home with them, I’d support that too. I just want you to be happy, Osita. You deserve the world and I’d fucking give it to you if I could.” 
Those sweet chocolate eyes went straight to your heart. The way he looked at you made you feel like you were the only person on the face of this earth. He was right, you loathed the idea of a man telling how to live your life because he was the breadwinner, but you knew that’s not what Javi wanted. He cared about you. He cared about you so fucking much that almost hurt. He wanted to look after you because you were the only person in the world he ever wanted to treat this way. All he cared about was your happiness. And God, would more than gladly spend the rest of your life doing the same for him. 
“You trying to tell me you want me to stay at home and run the Peña household zoo while you’re at work?” You teased, giving him a little nudge as you smiled at him. 
“If that’s what you want, it’s what I want too. Although I may have to draw the line at having a fucking iguana in our house.” The two of you snorted, resting your head on Javi’s shoulder as he leaned down to kiss your head, placing a soft peck on your temple. 
“No iguanas is fine by me. Like I said, A dog is plenty. Maybe less kids than 4, but I could also be jaded from the 3 older brothers. But I mean- I guess, have you thought about how many kids you’d want?” You should have been embarrassed by how easily the question slipped out. There are lots of things you should have felt uncomfortable bringing up as you talked about your future together at this point in your relationship. You should of, but both of you seemed to agree that those should of’s flew out the window a long time ago. 
“Osita…” He paused, laughing to himself, shaking his head as he and those puppy dog eyes glanced over at you. “Baby, I’ll give you however many kids you want. I’ll give you a fucking football team if that’s what makes you happy.” Fuck, he’d give you a baby today if that’s what you wanted- but that’s one he still had enough willpower to keep as a should of, for now. Little did he know, you would have had as many babies as Javi wanted to give you right this very second. But that was a should of you could keep to yourself a little longer too. 
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The two of you spent a little more time enjoying the warm Texas sun by the edge of the water, Javi bruising your competitive pride in your rock skipping competition, as you tried to persuade him that you only let him win because it was his birthday. Glad that Javi had decided to wear his new watch, you were able to keep a close eye on the time, gathering your things and ushering him to your last pit stop before the Peña ranch. 
“Alright, stop number two!” You smiled as you pulled up to Eva’s Dairy Barn. “Wouldn’t be a good birthday if I didn’t take you for ice cream.” 
“I was hoping this would be part of the surprise.” He grinned at you as the two of you exited your car, grabbing your hand as you stood in line. 
“Of course, Mr. Sweet Tooth. What’s today’s choice? They have a flavor that’s called birthday cake! Or does that not have enough sprinkles for you?” You stuck your tongue out at him as he wrapped you in a bear hug, shaking you as you both laughed. 
“Even on my birthday, you’re not gonna let me have a moment of peace, are you?” 
“Never. Where’s the fun in that?” 
You had never been more thankful for Javi’s incredibly fast eating skills, the impressive speed that he consumed his ice cream at keeping you on time for his last surprise. 
“You sure my dad really wants to see me that badly? I told him I was spending the day with you and that we could celebrate a different time.” Javi asked as the two of you got in your car to begin your journey to the Peña ranch. 
“Uh, yeah, he called the other day while you were at work, and said that he had something at the house he really wanted to give you today since it’s your actual birthday.” You replied, trying your best to make your lie as convincing as possible. It wasn’t until just now that you began to feel the nerves building in your belly. The day had already been so perfect, you hadn’t stopped to think about the surprise party until now. What if Javi hated it? What if he was mad at you for inviting all of these people? What if you had ruined what had already been such an amazing birthday for him? Javi could clearly sense that your mood had shifted, noticing how tightly you were now gripping the steering wheel of your car as you drove. 
“You okay, Hermosa?” He questioned, looking over at you with concern. 
C’mon, pull it together, you literally have like 20 more minutes, don’t ruin it now. 
“Me? Oh yeah, I’m fine, my head just kind of hurts. Probably didn’t drink enough water today.” You shrugged, turning up the radio volume, your answer seeming to satisfy Javi enough to keep him from pressing anymore. You tried your best to keep your cool for the rest of the trip, singing along to one of the Rolling Stones albums Javi had found tucked behind one of your other CD’s. By the time you were pulling down the driveway, you could feel how sweaty your palms were, relieved to see that Javi hadn’t noticed any of the guests’ cars peeking out from behind the other side of the barn as you approached the house. He reached over the center console to give you a quick kiss before the two of you exited, taking a few deep breaths and frantically wiping your clammy hands on your dress before Javi interlaced his fingers with yours to walk up to the house. 
“Hey Pops, we’re here!” Javi announced, opening the door for the both of you. He stepped a little further into the living room, a concerned look now growing across his face at the lack of response. “Dad?” He called out again to the sound of silence. Javi wandered a little deeper into the home, peeking his head into the kitchen and down the hallway as he looked back at you in confusion. “That’s weird, he’s normally done working by now.” He looked around, placing his hands on his hips before looking down at you, crossing your arms and biting your lip. 
“You promise you love me and you’re not gonna be mad at me?” You asked, scrunching your brow. 
“Baby, what is going on?” His face now even more puzzled. 
“You promise?” 
“Of course I promise, Osita, what is happening, why are you being so weird?” He now mirrored your stance, crossing his arms over his chest, trying his best not to panic. You grabbed his hand, leading him towards the door of the backyard patio, letting out one last little gulp before you spoke. 
“I love you more than anything in the world, Jav. I know you said you don’t think that anyone cares about you or your birthday, but there are so many people who love you, me included, who think that you deserve to have the most amazing day ever. I know you don’t believe it, but I do, and so does everyone else.” You pressed up on your toes to give him one last kiss before opening the sliding glass door, watching him walk out to the back porch. He looked around to see the balloons, streamers and string lights hanging from the deck as you stood behind him, giving a thumbs up to Chucho, who had all of the party guests hidden on the side of the house. He turned back around to face towards you, completely bewildered. 
“Osita, what’s going-” 
Javi spun around to see not one, not ten, but a crowd of people now standing at the bottom of the deck, smiles stretched across their faces as they looked up at him. At first, he thought it was a joke. He looked back at you, nodding your head in reassurance, like you could read his mind. 
Yes, these people are all really here for you, pendejo. 
He looked back out into the sea of people standing in the backyard, now realizing just how many people had shown up just to celebrate him. His whole family- Aunts, uncles, cousins, and their children, his family friends, your 3rd grade co-workers, Carter and Miller, fucking Steve Murphy? And Connie? He turned around to face you one more time, tears welling in his eyes, truly in disbelief. “Baby… Did you… Did you do this all for me?” He cupped your face, cradling your cheek. 
“Yes, well me and your dad. Just about killed me to try and keep it a secret this long, I think I was gonna spontaneously combust if I had to tell you another lie.” Your gaze was soft and tender as you stared up at him, letting out a little laugh at the state of disbelief Javi was still in. “Happy Birthday, Javi. Te amo.” 
Taking his hands and grasping both sides of your face, Javi pulled you in closer, his mouth meeting yours with a passion that made your heart flutter, his kiss was deep and intense. It was almost enough to drown out the hooting and hollering of the crowd you forgot was watching you from the yard, Javi pulling away in laughter as he heard, who he assumed to be Steve’s loud “OW OWWWWW!” as the two of you found yourselves dangerously close to making out in front of Javi’s friends and family. Chucho joined you on the deck, his grunt from each step of the stairs giving away his presence as you ran over to give him a hug. 
“Lo hicimos, Chucho. Buen trabajo, Chiflado.” (We did it, Chucho. Nice work, crazy.) 
“Lo hicimos, Mija. Ven aquí, Javier. (We did it, mija. Come here, Javier).” Chucho held out his arm, motioning for Javi to join them in their group hug. 
“Feliz cumpleaños!” (Happy birthday!) you both beamed up at Javi, wrapping your arms around him. At that moment, Javi didn’t care how tough of a man he thought he was. He didn’t care that he was in front of almost everyone he knew. He didn’t care what anyone thought. The sight of the two of you wrapped around his waist, laughing and smiling together as you held him brought him to tears. You were the two people he cared about more than anything in this world, and the fact that you both cared about him just as much made him weak in the knees. For a very long time, Javi had convinced himself that he wasn’t worth caring for. Sure, people would say they cared, but words were really nothing but- They were just words. But then there was you. Your words, your actions, your kindness, your sweet heart. You. Everything about you. You cared about him. You loved him. For the first time in a very long time, Javier Peña could feel himself finally starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, he really was worth caring for. 
Chucho grabbed his son by the arm, giving him a firm grasp, as he too, wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks. “Te amo, hijo. Me enorgullece el hombre que eres. Yo se tu madre estaría tambien. Feliz cumpleaños, Javier.” (I love you, son. I am so proud of the man you've become. I know your mother would be, too. Happy birthday, Javier). You watched as the two of them embraced, Chucho patting Javi on the back, squeezing him tightly before pulling away and pointing at you. “She’s a good one. You better marry this girl, Javier. And not just because I want my nietos (grandkids).”  That one had both your faces turning an embarrassing shade of red as Chucho pulled you both back in for a hug before letting you go to address the crowd. 
“Vamos de fiesta!” (Let’s party!) 
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As the upbeat music began to play in the background, Javi grabbed you by the hand, leading you down the deck into the crowd below. It was no surprise to either of you that the first voice that greeted you was one you hadn’t heard since the beginning of june. 
“MIJAAAAAAAAA!” Maria screeched as she wrapped her arms around the two of you, squeezing you in for a hug before pulling away with a staunch frown on her face. “Why have neither of you called?! Apparently you two are in love and I have to hear it from Chucho?! Dios Mio, I cannot believe it!” You and Javi laughed as she swatted at the both of you, the two of you grimacing between your giggles. 
“Sorry, Maria.” Javi replied, leaning back down to kiss her on the cheek, easing some of her theatrics.
“Fine, I will forgive you. Only because it is your birthday. As long as I am invited to the wedding, I won’t complain.” She pointed a finger at Javi as he pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. 
“Maria… Please?” He looked down at her, giving your hand a little squeeze as you quickly caught him smirk in your direction. 
“Oh, pshhhhhh.” She waved her hand at him again, rolling her eyes. “I already know it will happen, so just keep me on the guest list. I really am glad to see you both so happy. Feliz cumpleaños, Javier.” This time, she ended her sentence with a genuine smile, bringing you back for one last hug before giving a wave and heading back into the crowd. 
“Well… This school year’s gonna be fun.” You raised an eyebrow at Javi, the both of you knowing Maria  was about to be a relentless investigator in your relationship once September rolled around. “I’m gonna go check on something inside really quick, are you gonna be okay if I leave you to fend for yourself?” You smiled at him, telling that as thankful as he was, Javi was still feeling a little overwhelmed by all the attention. He nodded, giving you a quick kiss on the head as you disappeared to make sure everything had made it to its proper place before the party kicked into full swing.  
Javi took a deep breath, relieved to find his dad approaching him, already holding out a beer in his hand for his son to take. “Figured you might need a little liquid courage.” Chucho chuckled, patting Javi on the back. Javi quickly took the can, cracking it open and holding it up to cheers with his dad, taking an extra long sip before holding it by his side. 
“She really planned all this?” Javi grinned at his dad in disbelief, looking out at the crowd around him. 
“Sure did, hijo. She’s been planning it for weeks, been over here more times than I can count while you’ve been at work. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you. That girl loves you so much, Javier. I hope you know how lucky you are.” 
Javi watched as you made your way back down from the deck, awestruck by every inch of you as you made your way back to him. Looking at you was like looking at a fucking dream. He was the luckiest man on the face of the earth. He knew that for damn sure. Before Javi could respond to his dad, he felt two hands grab him by the shoulders and shake him from behind, already knowing exactly who it was from the moment he heard his voice. 
“Happy birthday, you grumpy old bastard.” 
Never in his life did Javi think that he would be so excited to see Steve Murphy. 
“Hey, Murph.” Javi chuckled, grabbing Steve in a tight embrace, the two patting each other's backs before pulling away. 
“Fuck, you look old. What’d ya turn this year, 76?” 
“Fuck off, Murphy. Could say the same for you.” It had been years since the two had seen each other, but the way Javi and Steve picked right back up where they had left off made it feel like not even a day had passed between them. 
“Havin’ kids will do that to ya. Sure it won’t be long ‘till you find that out. Speakin’ of which, where’s the girlfriend?” Steve winked, taking a sip of his beer as Javi took an over exaggerated sigh, raising his own beer up to his mouth, relieved to find you walking up to the two of them. 
“Oh, you already got a drink? Okay, two for me then, I guess.” You shrugged, setting one of your beers down in the grass as Javi wrapped his hand around your hip, planting a kiss on your temple. “You must be Steve?” You asked, outstretching your hand toward his tall, lanky frame. 
“You must be the girlfriend?” He replied mischievously. 
“I wish. He’s just paying me to walk around with him all night to make him look good. Felt bad for the guy with it being his birthday and everything. What’d you say your name was again? Julio?” You snorted as you looked up at Javi, shaking his head as you nudged his side. 
“Fuck, she’s funny. I like her, Jav.” Steve grinned at Javi, raising an eyebrow. 
“You two are both the biggest pain in my ass I think I’ve ever met.” Javi retorted, smirking at you as he gave you a little nudge back. 
“Well, at least he’s got a type.” You held up your drink up to Steve’s, the both of you laughing as a petite blonde haired woman approached with 2 little girls behind her and one in her arms. 
“Hi Javi.” She smiled warmly, passing the baby off to Steve as she gave Javi a hug. “It’s so good to see you. Hope Steve isn’t already giving you too much of a hard time.” 
“Thanks, Connie. Good to see you too. Con, this is my girlfr-” 
“Girlfriend? I had a feeling. Steve told me all about you. It’s really nice to meet you.” Connie reached her arms out towards you, pulling you in for a hug. 
“It’s really nice to meet you too, thank you so much for coming.” You smiled at her, looking over at the two girls behind her. “Are these your daughters?” 
“Oh yes, this is Olivia and Abby, and the little one is Madison. Can you say hi, girls? Javi used to work with your dad a long time ago!” Connie cooed at the girls, playing with each other behind their mom. 
“Hi!” The girls waved shyly before darting behind Connie’s legs, giggling to one another. 
You and Javi both waved back as you crouched down on your knees to talk with them. “So Olivia and Abby, how old are you?” 
“10!” Olivia responded, trying to pull her sister away from Connie to get a better look at you. “Abby’s 6 but she’s really shy.” 
“I am not!” Abby demanded, stomping her foot at her sister. “I’m almost 7, so I won’t be 6 for much longer.” 
“Well it looks like we have two birthdays to celebrate!” You smiled as Abby peeked a little further from out behind her mom. “So let me guess, you girls are going into 5th grade and 1st grade? I teach 3rd grade, so I’m right in between you two!” The girls' faces lit up instantly as you told them about your profession.   
“I wanna be a teacher when I’m a grown up!” Olivia beamed, tugging at Connie’s sleeve. “Mommy, do you think she’ll play unicorns with us?” Abby now bouncing up and down in excitement next to her. 
“Oh sweetie, I don’t-” 
“No it’s okay!” You interjected, cutting off Connie. “Of course I can play. Just for a little bit though. I’m sure playing with you is way more fun than talking with grownups, but I promised Javi I’d spend time with him tonight because it’s his birthday, okay?” You stood up, now facing Javi looking like he hadn’t heard a single word you had just said. “Jav?” 
“Uh yeah, sorry, what’d you say?” He shook his head, trying to clear the strangely comforting feeling he had growing in his chest with how sweetly you had talked to the girls. 
“You okay if I go hang with these two cuties for a little while? Unless you’re also dying to go play unicorns, in which case I'm sure the girls will let you join since it’s your birthday.” You gestured back over to Olivia and Abby, laughing as you watched them already pretending to gallop around the backyard.
“I’m good on the unicorns, thanks Osita.” He chuckled as you pressed up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss before heading off to join the girls. 
“THERE’S NO KISSING IN UNICORNS!” Olivia shouted from across the yard making you, Connie, Steve and Javi burst out into hysterics, holding up your arms like you had been caught, turning around to point at Javi and give him a playful stank face as you walked away. 
“Goddamn, Jav. When you puttin’ a ring on that girl’s finger?” Steve and Connie both smirked as he passed baby Madison back over to her, Connie carrying her over to watch where the girls were playing.
“Murph, c’mon-” Javi tried to stop him from getting any further before he knew how much shit Steve was about to throw his way, regardless of what his answer was. 
“I’m bein’ serious, Javi. She’s a fuckin’ catch. Happiest I’ve ever seen you, that’s for sure. What the hell you waitin’ for, man?” Javi could tell Steve was being genuinely serious, something that didn’t happen often. Javi took another sip of his near empty drink as he rested his hands on his hips, staring back at Steve’s impatient glare. 
“I don’t know, Steve. I- She’s perfect. Fuck, I don’t know, it’s only been 3 months, I don’t wanna rush things or scare her off, I- I didn’t know you could love someone this much, Murph. I’m scared I’m gonna fuck it up somehow.” Javi’s gaze shot down to the ground, running his hands through the dark curls of his hair before setting his can down in the grass. 
“Listen, I’ll say one more thing and then I’ll shut up about it, I promise.” Steve held his hands up in defense as Javi nodded, waiting for what Steve had to say. “I dated someone before Con for 3 fuckin’ years and it blew up in my face because it just wasn’t it. I met Connie two weeks later, and I knew from the moment I met her I wanted to spend the rest of my fuckin’ life with her. Got married 10 months later. When ya know, ya know, Jav. And if there’s one thing I can tell for certain is that you’re fuckin’ lovesick fool for her, and she sure as hell loves you too. You won’t mess anything up, Peña. Now c’mon, I got a lotta birthday whiskey I need to give you.” 
Looking over Steve’s shoulder, Javi watched as you ran around with Olivia and Abby, that bright beautiful smile stretched across your face, his heart bursting as he watched you laugh and giggle with the girls in the grass. He hated to admit that Steve was right about anything, but there wasn’t a doubt in Javi’s mind that he wasn’t. He’d marry you tomorrow. He would have married you yesterday. Fuck, he would have married you 2 months ago. God, the only thing stopping him at this point was not wanting to hear the 10 pounds of shit Steve was going to give him during the best man speech at his wedding. 
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Despite getting roped into playing Unicorns for a little longer than you had intended, the party seemed to be going off without a hitch. People were having fun, the food Chucho had grilled was delicious, and more important than anything else, Javi was happy. Genuinely happy. You were worried that with the amount of people who had come, Javi would be overwhelmed by the attention, counting down the minutes until the night was over. It had shocked you how many times Javi had thanked you not only for everything you had done for him that day, but for inviting so many people that he had barely seen since his mom had passed. He was so excited to introduce you to the rest of his family that you hadn’t met yet, and found himself on the brink of tears as you tried to converse with them in Spanish, finding out that part of the reason you had spent so much time with Chucho was to learn more so you could talk to the people he cared about the most in their native language. It made him burst with pride how each friend and family member he introduced you to couldn't express enough how much they loved you, and how happy they were for him. Truth be told, the only thing that Javi had to even try to complain about was the fact that you still made everyone sing him Happy Birthday and blow out the candles on the cake you had made. Even when he told you that you were mad about it, Javi knew that you could see right through him, and that he couldn’t have been more thankful for every single thing you had done for him that day. 
Long after the sun had set below the horizon of the Peña ranch, the party was still in full swing, the string lights you and Chucho had hung along the deck now lighting up the boisterous dance floor the patio had become. Despite his genuine happiness, you were more than convinced that Steve’s birthday whiskey definitely had something to do with the fact that Javi asked you to go dance with him, but wasn’t quite enough liquid courage to keep him on the dance floor as you tried to drag him back out to do the Macarena with you and his tías. After a few of his cousins had dragged him inside for another beer, Javi found himself sitting at the kitchen table, still getting a good view of you on the porch as you sang and danced away. Javi took a sip of his drink, letting out a content sigh as he leaned back in the chair and watched Steve fumble his way into the kitchen, holding Madison with a desperate look in his eyes.
“Thank God, there you are. Can you watch her, please?” Steve outstretched the baby girl out to Javi, panting like he had sprinted to come find him. 
“Steve, what? Are you sure that-?” Javi looked back at Steve suspiciously, leaving Madison dangling between the two of them as Steve practically set her in Javi’s lap. 
“Listen, I got two little girls out in the backyard fightin’ over who the hell gets to be the purple mermaid, Con’s out at the car tryin’ to get the girl’s pajamas, so either you take the baby, or go help Olivia and Abby decide who the goddamn purple mermaid is cause I can’t do both.” Sensing the desperation in his tone, Javi took Madison in his arms as Steve went as quickly as he came through the kitchen. “Word of advice, Jav?” Steve yelled across the room as he moved towards the door. 
“Yeah, Murph?” 
“Don’t let the kids outnumber you.” 
Javi chuckled to himself as he looked down at the baby now sitting in his lap. “Guess it’s just you and me, huh?” Javi shrugged as Maidson as he bounced her in his lap. Javi had never really understood why people were so obsessed with babies, considering that they didn’t really do much. But as Javi listened to Madison babble and squeal as he rocked her up and down, he found himself with a grin stretched across his face that he was definitely not expecting. Now on a mission to get another cute reaction out of her, Javi held Madison in his arms, making goofy faces at her as her happy shrieks and coos continued. 
Realizing that Javi had been gone for a good amount of time, you looked around the yard, finding that Javi was nowhere in sight. Chucho mentioned something to you about seeing Javi head into the house with his primos (cousins) not too long ago, so you decided to make your way through the crowd to see if you could find him. 
“Oh hey, there you are, Hermosa!” you heard Javi’s voice greet you, your back still turned to him as you closed the door behind you. 
“Hi, birthday boy! I was looking for-” 
Oh, dear lord. 
The sight you had stumbled upon was nothing that you could have mentally prepared yourself for. It hadn’t helped that for some reason, Javi seemed to be a kid magnet- every child at the party wanting to come up and talk to him or wish him happy birthday. That in itself would have been fine. But what really sent you over the edge was the fact that he was so goddam sweet with every single one of them. Like when you had watched as he crouched down to talk with one of his youngest cousins, listening intently as he told Javi all about his soccer team, or hug one of Estelle’s granddaughters who had made him a birthday card, Javi thanking her in that same sweet voice you had heard him use with animals. It practically melted to the ground as you watched him wrap his arms around her, telling her “Que hermosa! Muchos gracias! (So pretty! Thank you so much!)  As she handed him the card. That alone was enough to turn you into a puddle. But now, here you were, looking at Javier Peña, making the sweetest silly faces to the baby he had sitting on his lap. You were ready to run home and toss your birth control out the fucking window. 
“You okay, Osita?” Javi asked, waiting for you to finish the rest of your sentence. 
“Yup. I am great. I am doing perfectly fine. I am feeling SUUUUPER normal about what’s happening right now.” You gestured to Javi, now propping Madison against his shoulder as he stood up. 
Oh my GOD, is he broad. That man could easily fit 3 more babies in his arms. I’m about to get him to put 3 more babies in- NO. STOP. STOP THIS RIGHT NOW. You aren’t even close to being engaged yet, let alone married, you idiot. You cannot have this man’s babies right now. Well, I meannnnn, I guess I- NO. Self control. Pull it together, you hormonal monster. Jesus Christ. 
Javi shook his head as he laughed to himself, almost as if he could hear the internal monologue going on in your head as you watched him carry Madison over to you. “What?” He smirked at you, bouncing the baby girl in his arms. 
“Don’t you what me, Javier Jesús Peña. You expect me to walk in on you holding a baby and just be normal about it? Here, let me hold her before I look at you any longer and my ovaries burst.” You reached up as Javi passed Madison over to you, holding her only for a brief moment before Steve came rushing back in, snatching her out of your arms. 
“If Connie asks, I had her the whole time and the girls didn’t have two extra pieces of cake to stop the mermaid argument.” 
Before either of you could say another word, Steve was back out of the kitchen, rushing through the patio door. His swift entrance and exit left you and Javi alone, standing dangerously close to one another, the sexual tension between the two of you so thick, a chainsaw wouldn’t have been able to cut through it. You were using any and all self control you had to not pounce on Javi after watching him hold that baby, but he clearly seemed to have even less restraint than you. 
“C’mere.” Javi rasped, his mouth moving faster than his brain as he grabbed your wrist to pull you down the hallway into his room, frantically closing and locking the door behind him. In seconds, your lips crashed into each other, moans escaping from your mouths in between each breath, as your hands grasped at tight fistfuls of the other’s clothing. Javi’s tongue swept into your mouth, kissing you like his life depended on it, the both of you becoming so needy and desperate in each other's arms. Javi’s hands hiked up the hem of your dress, sliding against your thighs before wrapping his arms under your legs, hoisting you up and carrying you into the ensuite attached to his room, using his back to push open the door. He set you down on the counter, quickly pressing the lock to the bathroom before he was back to nipping at your neck, the palms of his hands pressing against every inch of your body as he slid the straps of your dress off your shoulders. 
“Javiiii…” You whined in between his frantic kisses. “Javi, we can’t do this here, all your friends and family are outside, this is a bad idea.” Your words were less convincing than ever as you ran your hands through Javi’s hair, tugging at the ends of his thick, brown locks, wrapping your legs around the small of his back to pull him closer to you. 
“I don’t care. Fuck, I need you right now.” He planted hot, wet kisses along your neck and chest, pushing down the top of your dress, leaving your breasts exposed, your nipples pebbling against the cool air and Javi’s touch. He swiped his tongue against each, flicking and swirling them in his mouth as he dug his fingers into your hips, making it harder and harder to keep your moans quiet. 
“Javi, we can’t. What if someone finds us? I want your family to like me, and I’m pretty sure one of them walking in on us isn’t gonna help my case very much.” You couldn’t even bother trying to convince yourself at this point. You could already feel how wet the fabric of your underwear was, slick pooling along your thighs as you and Javi practically clawed at each other, feverishly desperate and worked up.  
Javi smirked, shaking his head as hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties, letting them fall to the floor as they slid down your legs. “You don’t have to worry about that, baby. They fucking love you. You know what everyone keeps asking me, huh?” He took his hand, placing it under your chin, forcing your gaze to meet with the dark, lustful pools of his eyes, the other sliding up your bare thigh, his fingers sliding through your wet folds, collecting the arousal already dripping from them. “They keep asking me when I’m gonna marry you.” 
He pushed his thick fingers into your heat, making you shutter as your hands white knuckled the edge of the marbled countertop. “Couldn’t stop thinking about it all fucking day. How fucking perfect you are, what good wife you’d be.” The calloused pad of his thumb pressed against your clit, the motion of him rubbing back and forth and his fingers pulsing in and out of you making you scrunch your face, your jaw hinged open, trying everything you could to keep quiet. 
Javi would have loved to do nothing more than spend the rest of the night making you cum over and over again, but the both of you knew now wasn’t the time or place to keep things drawn out. He pulled his fingers out of you, making you bite down on your tongue to keep from whimpering as Javi worked at his belt, hearing the buckle clink as he pushed his pants and boxers down his thighs. His cock sprang free as it flung out from under the waistband of his underwear, already throbbing and leaking precum from its tip. Javi spitting on his hand to stroke himself before collecting the slick around your entrance and pushing deep inside your heat. Javi held his hand up over your mouth, trying to keep from screaming into his palm as the sweet stretch of his length felt like it was splitting you open. “Shhhhh, I know baby.” He mewled, reaching his free hand down to once again rub against your throbbing bundle of nerves. “Gotta be a good girl and keep quiet for me, okay?” You nodded frantically as he took his hand off your mouth, biting down on your lip as his thrusts became quicker, pounding into you with a desperate intensity. “Jesus you’re so fucking wet. Does it turn you on, Osita? Thinking about me being your husband?” The way Javi punched against your walls had you writhing, squeezing your legs tighter around his waist and burying your face in the crook of his neck, toes curling with each satisfying thrust. You were practically incoherent- the way his hips snapped ferociously against you, fingers circling against your clit, talking about being his fucking wife? You let your words babble from your brain straight to your mouth, unfiltered, as they fell from your lips. 
“Fuck- oh my god - Yes, fuck, it turns me on so much. I think about it all the time. Fuck, I wanna marry you so bad, have your kids, I want all of it Javi. I want- Oh shit- I want all of it.” You could feel the tingle creeping from the base of your spine into your belly, digging your fingertips into the shirt stretched across the muscles of Javi’s broad back, crying out silently into his shoulder. The sounds that filled the air between you were wanton, hearing how wet you were as Javi slid in and out of you, his grunts strained against his gritted teeth, thrusting deeper and harder as he felt your pussy begin to flutter around him. 
“Jesus- fuck me - Makes me so fucking hard thinking about it. Making you my fucking wife, putting a ring on your finger, fucking a baby into you. I’ll give it all to you, Osita.” You balled  your fists around the fabric of his shirt, nearly ripping it off his back as you sobbed into his neck feeling how close you were. His free hand reached back up against your face, cupping over your mouth to muffle your moans, feeling you clench tighter and tighter around his cock. “That’s it baby. Let go. Soak my dick before I fuck you full of me.” The coil in your belly snapped as you whimpered into his palm, your orgasm overtaking you, body erupting with pleasure. 
Hi Javi’s thrusts became sloppy and sporadic, frantically chasing his own high, desperate to fuck every last drop of himself into you. “Fuck, Hermosa, you’re so good to me, giving me the best fucking birthday- mierda - you’re fucking perfect. All fucking mine. Oh shit, fuck, baby, I’m- ahhhhhh.” With one last pulse, his seed spilled against the heat of your walls, his cock throbbing inside you, pushing every last drop of himself into your cunt. He slumped his forehead against your shoulder, feeling the sweaty curls of his hair stick to your skin as your chests rose and fell in sync. Javi hissed as he pulled out, feeling the mixture of the two of you drip down your legs. Running his two fingers along the inside of your still trembling thighs, he collected your spend, bringing it back to your entrance before pushing his thick digits back into your heat, making you gasp. “Gonna keep you full of me all fucking night, pretty girl.” He leaned down to kiss along the trail he had swiped up before traveling his lips up your body, stopping at your mouth. He reached down to grab your panties, pulling them back over your legs as he helped you down off of the counter, shuffling them over your ass as he gave it a quick smack before pulling your dress back down to its rightful position. You leaned against the counter as Javi brought his pants and boxers back around his waist, fastening his belt buckle, looking up to see you grinning at him. 
“Did you mean what you said? About- about all that stuff?” You asked, biting down on your lip, heat building in your face as your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Every fucking word, baby.” He cradled your cheek, running his thumb along your jaw, his face radiating with joy and content. “Osita, this has been the best fucking birthday I’ve ever had. Never in a million fucking years did I think someone would even care enough to remember my birthday, let alone do all this shit for me. I never wanna have another goddamn birthday without you. Today has been perfect. I’m ready to go and take you home to our apartment. Tú y yo, Osita. Para el restoro de mi vida (Me and you, Osita. For the rest of my life.) I love you so much.”
 Before Javi could lean down to kiss you again, your bodies both froze in fear as you heard the doorknob to the bedroom rattling. “Fuck…” Javi muttered to himself. “Wait right here, okay? I promise I’ll make sure no one finds out you’re in here. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He gave you a quick kiss on the head before carefully closing the ensuite door, trying his best to fix his hair and shirt as he heard knocking on the other end. 
“Jav! It’s Steve. I know you’re in there, you sneaky son of a bitch.” 
Javi groaned as he opened the door, stepping out of his room to find Steve smirking as he crossed his arms against his chest. “Whatchya doin’ in there, buddy?” 
“Fuck off, Murphy, I just- I had to go get something really quick.” Javi’s eyes darted up and down the hallway to make sure no one else was around. 
“Whatever ya say man. Hey listen, all the girls are cashed out in the car so we’re gonna hit the road. I just wanted to say it was so good to see you, Peña. The two of you need to come by sometime now that we’re close. I know I’ve given you a lot of shit over the years, but I mean it when I say I’m really fucking happy for you. Happy birthday, ya grumpy old bastard.” Steve pulled in Javi for a hug, giving him one last pat on the back before pulling away. “And Jav?” 
“Yeah, Murph?” 
“Your fly’s undone.” 
“Oh, fuck…” Javi muttered, quickly reaching down to zip up his pants while Steve was trying to keep himself from cackling. 
You snuck out of the bathroom to press against the doorway, trying to figure out who had almost caught you and Javi. Not realizing that Javi hadn’t closed the door all the way, you leaned just a little too hard, forcing it open as you sheepishly peeked your head out behind Javi. 
“Bye, sweetheart.” Steve winked at you before heading down the hallway and disappearing around the corner, your face beet red knowing you had completely blown your cover. 
“Bye Steve.” You muffled through the hand now completely covering your face in embarrassment before looking back up at Javi. “Better him than your dad, I guess? Or God forbid, Maria?” You both grimaced, the idea of either of those two finding you in the state Steve had making you shutter. 
“Jesus, I can’t even think about that.” You both laughed as Javi snaked his hand around your waist, pulling you flush with his chest. “Whaddya say we head home, roomie?” The name making you grin as you hugged your arms around his hips, laying his head against the soft fabric of his shirt. 
“Sounds good to me, birthday boy.” 
The two of you made your way back out to the party, the number of guests dwindling from the late hours of the night the party had extended to. You said your goodbyes to the friends and family still lingering, making sure to give an extra long hug to Chucho, thanking him again for everything he had done to help make sure the party had gone perfectly. 
“I can come over tomorrow if you need help cleaning up okay? Don’t need you complaining about your knees anymore than you already are.” You smiled, Chucho pulling you in for one last squeeze. 
“Cabrón. Mis viejas rodillas están bien.  (Asshole. My old knees are just fine). But if you wanted to come over tomorrow morning to help, I wouldn’t complain. I’m sure this one wants to come get the rest of his things and get out his old man’s hair once and for all.” He chuckled as he grinned at Javi, shaking his head at the two of you. 
“Sounds good, we’ll see you tomorrow, Chucho. Thank you again. You’re the best. You ready, Jav?” You squeezed his hand, giving him a little nudge. 
“Yeah, I just gotta ask Pops something real quick, I’ll meet you out by the car, okay?” He replied, giving you a kiss on the head as you gave Chucho one last wave before making your way back to the driveway. 
“Qué necesitas, hijo?” (What do you need, son?). Chucho raised an eyebrow at Javi, watching his son fidget with his fingers, leg bouncing anxiously. Making sure you had disappeared from his sight, Javi looked around the crowd one more time before taking a shaky breath. 
“I uh- I don’t need it now, but, I mean I’m still gonna give it some time- I um, I just wanted to know if, fuck, if um, I could- I could have mom’s ring?” 
Chucho’s eye’s glistened, beaming at Javi as he wrapped his arm around his son. “Javier. That ring has been sitting on my nightstand since I got home from Maria’s party all those months ago. I’m just glad you finally asked and I didn’t have to put it in your pocket for you.” 
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Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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pyramid-of-starrs · 8 months
Don't be Mean to Sannie
Pt 2 of stay with me
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Pairing: Clingy San x Black/Poc Fem reader
Genre: Fluffy, angst, Smut
Warnings: Jealousy, clingy boyfriend, cheating, kinda?, cursing, arguing, possessiveness, San is kinda Toxic idk lol, mentions of other idols (Wooyoung, Hyunjin and Ryujin)
Smut warning: Kissing, licking, rubbing, public sexual acts, oral sex (F and M receiving), mentions of asshole??, Hard sex, breeding (tbh it was bound to happen I love breeding lol), mentions of pregnancy, Switch San, Switch reader, uh- if im missing something lemme know
A/N: Pt 2 is finally here lol, San has been driving me fucking mad with his selfies they look so fucking good fuck.
Bad smut under the cut
Minors dni
It was around 4pm Friday afternoon, you had the day off today due to some random holiday and you were determined to go out with your friends this time because your besties laid into you last time about ditching them. Not this time, you needed to go out and experience life again, and you were going to, but the only issue? The blood sucking leech that was laying on your bed wet and covered in a towel from the waist down. San was off as well so he came over early this morning to bring you breakfast and he stayed the entire day, you let him know your plans and he agreed to back off, you got into the shower, and he of course started to feel lonely and go in with you. You were still on track to go out despite him fucking you in the shower until the water turned cold, even then when you got out, he felt the need to fuck you on top of the bathroom counter, you felt tired but grabbed a red bull from the kitchen to keep yourself awake. You got dressed in plain grey jogging pants with a cropped jacket to match it, you dried your hair and kept put on your favorite Von Dutch hat (Sans Von Dutch that you stole), and a pair of socks. Then you started to pack up an outfit and your make-up and hair supplies, your plan was simple, the more time you spent around San the more of an opportunity he had to seduce you into staying with him that night.
“Woah, woah where are you going? I thought you were going out tonight?” he said as he leaned up on his elbows.
You continued to gather all the items you needed as you replied. “I am, I’m getting dressed at Erica’s house.”
He tilted his head. “Why? What about our tradition of you letting me watch you get dress?”
“You mean the tradition of you watching me get dressed until you get horny and jealous then fuck me until I’m too tired to leave?” You turned to him and folded your arms.
“Well, yeah? It’s the best part of my Friday night.” He said smiling with his sneaky little grin.
“Well, it’s not the best part of mine, I want to actually go and experience my youth for once San. I can’t keep spending every day and night with you, I’ll go stir crazy.”
“I go stir crazy when I DON’T spend every day and night with you.” He sat all the way up at this point.
“You’ll live, I promise you will, it’s not fair that I can’t see my friends because you want me all to yourself, they want time with me just like you do. I’m sure your friends miss you too.”  You said as you placed your bag next to him on the bed to zip it up.
“I don’t give a damn about that; I only care about you.” He said giving you a duh face.
“That’s not good San, you should care! Even if you don’t I do and so do they. I’m not sure what you’re going to do tonight but I’m going, you should call your friends and see what they are doing. Wooyoung texted me earlier saying he wanted to invite you out anyways.”
“Why are you texting my best friend?” He said with a bit of irritation in his voice.
“First of all, you can’t be clingy AND jealous it’s not good, second of all, we text because you never answer the damn phone when you’re with me.”
“I can be as jealous as I want when my girlfriend looks like you, either way why are you even going out, what does a club have that I don’t? Besides your friends.” He got up to take off his towel and start getting dressed.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head “Don’t do that, don’t make this something it’s not.”
“I’m not making it anything, I’m just saying why are you getting all dressed to go to some sweaty club and be drooled over by people when you could be home with me getting drooled over.” He said as he looked at you while he buttoned his pants, he hadn’t put on a shirt yet because he knew you had a weakness for his broad shoulders and chiseled abs, even now he was still trying to seduce you.
“Maybe because there is more to life than sitting in my boyfriends face all damn day, I really shouldn’t have to explain this to you.” You had a bit of an attitude in your voice that he immediately picked up on.
“Don’t get an attitude with me.” He said with a serious look.
“I can get whatever I want with you.” You rolled your neck and bit and folded your arms, you shot daggers directly at him and he did the same.
“So, you’re really starting an argument because I want to spend time with you?”
 “You know damn well it’s not about that.”
“Then please tell me what’s it about?”
“It’s about the fact that you are suffocating me, all I want is a day out with my friends and you can’t put aside your weird ass insecurities to let me enjoy my night if it’s not spent with you. You always manipulate me into staying with you everyday and night and the shit is getting old as hell, I had a life before you, and I damn sure am going to have one with or without you.” You said, anger filling your voice.
“What do you mean without me?”
“Exactly what I just said, if I can’t go out and enjoy my life without you doing too much then…well...” you paused, trying to avoid saying something you would regret.
“Well what? Say it Y/N, say what the fuck is really on your mind. I get it, I can be clingy, but you knew I was clingy going into this relationship, even when we were talking, I was clingy and told you that. I understand that I can be a lot but don’t sit here and act like I’m oh so manipulative all of a sudden. If you want to go out and get felt up on by some sweaty guy at the club then go do that, but don’t be mad if I go do the same thing.” He put on his shirt and started to gather his items so he could leave as well.
“Fuck you San, you know I’m not going out to be a hoe, but you’re right 2 can play that game, if you wanna go and find another bitch good fucking luck. I hope she deals with all your goofy ass bullshit and when she doesn’t don’t fucking call me.”
“Whatever Y/N” he started to ignore you and walked out the room, you followed behind him.
“Whatever nothin’! If you walk out that door right now, I hope you know I’m going to do exactly what you said and act single as hell tonight.” He froze in front of the door as you stood behind him.
“What the fuck did you say?” he said in a monotoned voice. The air seemed like it got thin, and your heart started to pound, you could feel the anger radiating off of him.
“I-I said if you walk out that door, I’m going to act single as hell tonight.”
He nodded his head and licked his lips; he didn’t say another word just put on his shoes and walked out the door.
“FUCK!” you yelled as you sat down on your couch, this whole situation spiraled so far out of control for no real reason.
You decided to not let you and Sans argument ruin your night and still went out with your friends, Ericka got a section so luckily you didn’t have to be bothered. Of course, you wouldn’t want any guys talking to you, you were just saying that for argument sake. You were sitting babysitting your one drink and looking like a sad puppy.
“Come on girl get up and dance, stop being sad I’m sure San will get over it.” Your friend Katrina said as she pulled you out of your seat. You sadly danced along with her as she swayed your body back and forth. You looked off in the distance, all you could think about was-
“San?” you heard Ericka say, Katrina released you from her grasp and everyone stared in one direction, and you looked over to do the same. That’s when you saw it, the worse site ever, your boyfriend with his friends across the club sitting and giggling with a group of women, they were sitting so close, and one even had the audacity to out her hand on his thigh. You started to see red and wanted to march over there but then you felt your friends hand touch your shoulder.
“Don’t do it girl, it’s not worth it.”
She was right, and the best way to get back at him was to get even and even do a bit more.
“You’re right, lets go dance, Fuck him.” You said with a vengeful smile that your friends shared with you.
Your friend group entered the dance floor and started to dance, you attracted a lot of attention and it felt like the entire room was staring.
A group of guys walked up and offered to buy you and your friends a bottle for your section. You all gladly accepted and sat back down to mingle, one of the men specifically came over to talk to you while you were sipping your drink.
“Hello beautiful.” He said flashing a gorgeous smile.
“Hi” you smiled back.
“May I ask your name beautiful?” now that you were looking at the man, he had longer black hair wit a half pulled back ponytail and half down, he was very handsome his self.
“Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You reached your hand out to offer him a handshake.
He grabbed your hand and kissed it instead then looked into your eyes.
“Hyunjin, and the pleasure is all mine.”
He was a taller man, maybe an inch or two taller than San and had a slender and long build. He took at seat next to you.
“So, Y/N, are you seeing someone?” he asked, you looked over to the other side of the club and saw San still giggling and laughing with the woman, they seemed to be having a great time, he was giving her all the attention he usually gave you and it burned you up on the inside. You were never the jealous type but to see someone else touching all over what was yours really set a fire inside of you. There wasn’t anything you could do though, but you were single for the night, and you made sure to not let that go to waste.
“No, well not really, he’s an idiot so now I’m here.” A little more honest than you wanted to be but that was your truth.
“Well, if he lets a beautiful woman like you out of his site then you are absolutely right, he is an idiot.”
You giggled at him, you two talked for about 15 minutes, your friends and Hyunjins friends went back to the dance floor while you two hung back. San and the girl he was talking to could also be seen still getting chummy, at this point she was damn near in his lap, as if things couldn’t possibly heat up more you saw her lean into his neck, and it took all the strength in your body not to go drag her off of him.
“You know, if you want, I can help you forget about that guy.” Hyunjin said, you focused back on the conversation.
“Huh, what ?”
“That idiot guy, I can help you forget all about him, a sexy woman like you shouldn’t be stuck feeling lonely and excuse me if I’m overstepping but a body like yours shouldn’t go a day without being taken care of.” He said as he glided his long fingers up your thigh, naturally you would have told him to fuck off at this point, but you were pissed, you were hurt and just wanted to take your mind off of San.
“How so?” you replied in a seductive voice.
He smiled and placed his hand on your other thigh to grip it and pull you closer, he was actually pretty strong for such a smaller man. He placed his hand on the side of your jaw and brought his lips to your ear.
“Let me treat you like how you deserve beautiful; I can take you back to my place and fuck you so good the only thing you would be able to think about is me.” He whispered into the shell of your ear, his smooth voice sent chills down your spine, damn maybe San was right to be worried about the guys in the club.
“And how do I know you can do that?” you gave him a flirty little smile and took your hand and placed it over his crotch , it didn’t take long for you to feel his almost fully erect length, you started to breathe a bit heavier and bit your bottom lip.
“Does that feel like something you need baby?” he said into your ear, he started to drag his soft lips down your neck, you put your neck back a bit to give him more access and closed your eyes. The feeling was new and eased the hurt you were going through, you wanted to focus on the sensation but the only thing on your mind was San, you just wanted him to be touching you like this. You started to imagine it was him starting to slowly kiss down your neck. Imagining it was Sans fingers sliding up your dress and gripping your ass, it was San not Hyunjin telling you “Let me treat you right baby.”
You shot your eyes open and jumped a bit. Hyunjin stopped and looked over to who was calling your name, it was your friend Katrina.
“Excuse me, your friends are looking for you sir I think they said they were ready to go.” She said.
He smiled at her.
“Thank you for letting me know, Y/N make sure you use my number, okay?” Hyunjin said as he got up and waved both of you goodbye before he left.
“Girl what the hell was that?” Katrina said replacing Hyunjins place next to you.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Y/N, you need to fix whatever the fuck you got going on with your dude, you can’t be in here letting randoms kiss and touch on you.”
“I know…”
“Well bitch act like it, go to the bathroom and get yourself together we are about to go.”
You nodded your head slowly and go up to walk to the bathroom.
You opted out of going to the large bathroom instead you chose to go into the single unisex bathroom. You walked in and walked up to the sink and looked into the mirror. You stood looking at yourself in silence before tears started to sit at the corner of your eyes. You fought the urge to cry at the downfall of your relationship and just sighed, you hated to admit it, but you just wished you were at home cuddling with San watching TV while he gave you little kisses. A knock interrupted your thoughts.
“Someone’s in here.” You grabbed the towel and started to rub your eyes; you must not have locked the door because you heard the door open while you had your eyes closed to wipe them. The person walked in and walked up behind you.
They did respond then pressed their crotch to your butt and hugged you from behind.
“…Hyunjin?” you said as your eyes got wide, and you looked up to the mirror to see who it was.
“Is that what his name was? I’ll remember that when I try to find him to kill him.”
Yeah, that was definitely San.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you said. He chose not to reply, he immediately started to kiss your neck, dropping his weight down on you so you had no choice but to start to bend over the sink, you butt pushing against his crotch even more.
"S-San what are-"
"Shut up."
His hands slid up your thigh and immediately went into your panties, his fingers caressed your fold roughly, you let out small moans while trying to stay quiet.
"So that little bastard out there made your slutty little pussy wet or were you just imagining it was me touching you?"
"Answer me!" he yelled and with no warning he drove his two fingers into your hole, and you covered your mouth to keep yourself from being too loud, you used your other hand to grip the side of the sink. He drilled his fingers in and out of you like you weren't in public, San has always been the jealous type so honestly his acts of possessiveness shouldn't come as a shock, he hated when someone touches what’s his.
Let's look at this from San's point of view.
After he left your apartment, he decided to call Wooyoung and take him up on his offer to go out tonight just so he could take his mind off of the fight. Once they were there for 15 minutes San was already over it and ready to get back home and apologize to you so you two could cuddle the night away with his face shoved right between your boobs and your thighs wrapped around his waist. A few girls invited San, Wooyoung and the rest of their friends over to their section and Wooyoung accepted the invite telling San it would be a great distraction. Once in the section San had one drink and a girl sat beside him.
"Can you pour me a drink?" She said smiling at him.
"Sure." San said with an expressionless voice, sure this lady was probably flirting but she wasn't you, so he didn't really care. He poured her a drink and another for himself because alcohol was the only things that would help get him through tonight. San passed the woman the drink and took the other cup for himself.
"Cheers to being young and single?" she said as she held her glass up and waited for San to meet her halfway.
San sighed because the thought of him being single made him cringe but technically you two were being single tonight, so he clinked the woman’s glass, they both tapped their glasses on the table before downing what was in the cup.
"I'm San, it's nice to meet you." He nodded at her.
"Ryujin." she said while putting the cup back down, San decided to pour himself another.
"Woah you're getting fucked up tonight what’s the occasion?" she said as she watched San drink from his cup.
"I got into a fight with my girlfriend." he said then took another drink of his cup.
"Daaaamn and here I was about to flirt with you." she said with a slight giggle.
"I guess you still can because according to her we are "acting single tonight", whatever the fuck that means."
"Oh fuck what did you do? Bitches don't just say that to say it, you had to do something."
San looked over at her and decided to say fuck it and vent to her, he told her about the fight, and she was honestly intrigued.
"Yeah, it's just like I thought, you're the problem." She said as she finished her cup that San poured her while he was talking, meanwhile he was on his 4th and feeling the effects.
"What the fuck how?" he said, genuinely confused.
"Let that girl loose a bit, you can't keep her locked in a cage and get mad when she wants to break out."
San rolled his eyes.
"Lemme see her."
San quickly pulled out his phone to go to  your Instagram, he loved showing you off every chance he got. Ryujin took the phone and scrolled through the various photos you had posted, some of you, your life and of course you and San.
"Oh, wait never mind you're right keep her ass locked up she’s hot asf."
"See!!" he said looking at her with a red face, she laughed and passed the phone back to him, San started to stalk your page as well, he didn't notice Ryujin scoot closer.
"Honestly San, you two make a sexy ass couple so I hope you work it out."
"Thanks, I do too."
She flashed a devious smile leaned into his neck to whisper in his ear.
" Cause honestly I would love to fuck you both." Sans eyes got wide, and he looked up, he was going to respond but that's when he saw you and Hyunjin and he just froze. Ryujin got up and giggled and walked back to her friends. San was stuck watching Hyunjin kiss and rub on you, just like you, San saw red, he was going to kill that man that dared to touch his precious angel. Who did he think he was? He watched the entire moment up until Katrina stopped it and you walked to the bathroom. When he realized where you were going, he let Wooyoung know that he "had to pee" and followed you. Now your here with his two digits being pushed into you erratically.
"You fucking little slut, how dare you let that peasant touch what's mine. I don't give a fuck about what little fight we got into, I don't ever want to see another man’s hands or lips or anything near you. Do you hear me?" he said while his fingers fucked you so deep and fast that you had to fully behind over almost with your head in the sink, you were a moaning mess at this point.
"You can't talk now whore? Okay that's fine." he took his fingers out of your core as it unclenched and clenched around nothing, like it was begging San to enter you again. He squatted down and pushed your dress up to your waist. He immediately shoved his face into your wet pussy and licked a few stripes from your hole to your clit. You yelp at the feeling of his cold tongue on your hot pussy as he ate it from the back. San stuck his tongue in your hole and started to fuck you with his while his big nose little brushed your asshole. You started to pant and whimper trying to keep yourself together.
A sudden knock on the door scared you but San was unmoved, he continued to fuck you with his tongue.
"Y/N you in there sis?" You heard your friend say on the other side of the door.
San gripped the front of your hips and pulled you down on to his face, he didn't give a single fuck if someone caught you two, if anything he would love it, then you couldn't deny who you belonged to.
"Y-yeah, I'll be out soon." you stuttered.
"Oh, okay then I'll wait here for you."
"NO! I mean...no just wa-ahh~ wait for me at the seeeection please."
Your friend raised an eyebrow behind the door.
"Uh- okay girl." you could hear footsteps walking away from the door and your mind focused back on San silk tongue deep inside your walls. Your knees were weak, and your mind was blanking as you gripped both sides of the wet porcelain sink and leaned into it.
"S-San p-please I can't..."
His hands made their home on both your ass cheeks as he spread them apart to bury his face deep in your dripping pussy, you reached your hand back to push him back, yet your efforts were wasted because San didn't budge.
You could feel yourself reaching your peak, your eyes were rolling to the back of your head as you tightly bit your lip to fight back the moans that threatened to fall from your mouth. Just as you started to feel yourself fall apart San pulled back, he silently breathed heavily and stood up not saying a word, you whined from being denied.
"San please- I need to cum please-" you started to beg.
"No, sounds like something a boyfriend would do, you're single remember?" he walked over to the paper towel dispenser and waved his hand to grab a paper towel from the automatic dispenser and wipe your slick from his mouth and chin. You watched him move about in the bathroom with your eyebrows arched and your pussy still pulsing, waiting for someone to finish the job.
"Call the one guy, what was his name again? Hyun-?"
"Fuck you San." you said pulling your panties back up with an aggressive attitude.
"Nope." He said before walking out the door like nothing ever happened.
You exited the bathroom to rejoin your friends and leave the club, the next morning you woke up with a throbbing hangover headache and an empty bed. Usually San would be here, especially on weekends, sleeping under you while you woke up with his strong arms wrapped around you and his plush lips kissing the shell of your ear to wake you up, but not today. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and see no text from San but one from Hyunjin, guess you must have given him your number last night, when you opened the message, it read:
"Good morning beautiful, would love to take you out to breakfast, or have you for breakfast 😉"
you rolled your eyes, you forgot how much guys sucked, you were so used to being treated with the utmost respect by San that regular men disgusted you. You needed your man back and you needed him back now. Later in that day you decided to put your pride aside after not hearing from San and called him, the phone rang a few times before he answered, his background was noisy, and he was obviously with others.
"Hello?" you said first.
"What's up, I'm busy." He said speaking over the noise.
"I...I wanted to talk to you..." you said softly.
"Talk? What?"
"Can we talk, I wanna talk about what happ-"
"San get off the phone and come back." you could hear a female voice say, it made your stomach drop.
"Listen I gotta go, talk to you when ever bro." he said then silence, he hung up on you and called you bro? This shit was sick, you needed to do something. You texted San asking him to stop by that night if he was free so you could talk, your friends invited you out as well, but you decided to stay in since San texted you back saying he would try to stop by later. Unfortunately, later never came, you waited for hours for him to come by until you passed out curled up in your bed. You woke up feeling sad that you were on the second day without making up with San, this wasn't normal, this wasn't San. Fuck it though! If this was how he was going to act then fine, two can play that game!
And you would be the loser, a fully work week had passed and it was Friday night once again. You and San hadn't spoken since the last text, and you could put your pride aside again to reach out first, but damn was it killing you. You missed him so much and it was driving you crazy, between the overall sadness of him not being around and your horniness. You even decided to say fuck it and text back Hyunjin to pass the time, but no one could compare to San. You laid in your robe, fresh out the shower sprawled out on your bed just staring at the ceiling. Your phone started to ring next to you and you grabbed it to see who it was, your eyes got wide as you saw the 3 lettered name with a purple heart emoji flashed across the screen. You could feel your heart start to beat faster, you breathed in and out a few times before answering.
"What do you need San?" you said trying to play it cool.
"My biker jacket, I left it at your house, and I need it for tonight I'm at your door."
You got somewhat excited but tried to keep up your front.
"You got a key sir."
"I didn't want to just walk into your apartment, plus I don't know where I put it."
"Neither do I." oh but you did but let’s act coy for now.
"Look, are you going to open the door or not?"
"Fine, here I come." you hung up and speedily ran to the door as you pulled your bonnet off and fixed your hair a bit in the mirror by your door, you didn't have time to change but at least your robe was nice and short and showed a good amount of cleavage. you made it to the front door and calmed yourself before you opened it, when you opened it, you saw San standing there in a dark blue jean set with a black tank top.
"I thought you came over for your jacket you look pretty dressed to me."
"It's for tomorrow..." he said slightly annoyed.
"You're going out today and tomorrow?"
"Y/N why does that matter can I come in to look?"
You rolled your eyes and walked back toward your bedroom while San shut the door and started to shut the door behind him.
"Uh uhn, take your shoes off, you know better."
"Are you being serious? I'm only going to be here for a second."
"I don't care you're not about to be walking on my bedroom carpet with shoes on." Yes, it was only a small fluffy area rug but who cares.
He shook his head and went back to the door to remove his shoes and you both walked to the bedroom. You took a seat at your vanity, and he started to look through your closet. You started to brush your hair out to get ready for your night, you were invited out by your friends but since you and San were "single" you wanted to act just as bad as San and Hyunjin invited you over and you accepted. As San was digging through your closet, he noticed you getting ready.
"Plans with your friends tonight?” he said as he continued to look.
"No... someone else." you said as you also continued your task.
"oh... who?" he questioned
"That's not really any of your concern now is it?" you said quickly
"I guess not, must be a date then."
"Well good for you, hope he isn't clingy and annoying like I was."
"San I never said you were annoying."
"Right, you just treated me like I was."
"Oh my fucking god for someone with so much to say you sure have been ignoring my existence all week." You said as irritation started to leaked into your voice.
"Why would I contact someone that just broke up with me?" He said, knowing it was pressing your buttons.
"I never broke up with you San, you're just over fucking dramatic."
"Sorry I give a fuck about you."
"Whatever San hurry up and find your shit so I can go."
"Well get up and help me since you want me gone so bad."
You rolled your eyes once again and walked over to meet him at the closet and pushed him out the way.
"I put all your stuff in a box move so I can get it."
He moved out your way to sit on the bed and watch you, you stood on your tippy toes to reach to the top of the closet shelf to get the box, San was going to get up to help you instead of watching you struggle but your short silk robe was rising and revealing a bit of the bottom of your ass so he chose to sit back and watch instead.
"Where are you going on your little date?"
"No where, he just invited me to his house to watch movies and hang out."
"Netflix and chill? What is this guy 16?"
"Haha so funny." You said as you finally reached the box and brought it down, you walked over to the bed and placed it down next to him, you were about to walk back over to finish getting ready, but you felt a strong set of hands yank you back by your hips and pull you onto his lap.
"You're really going to go out to get some dick from some random."
You felt your face heat up, you missed the feeling of Sans touch and being able to sit in his lap, but you couldn't fold just yet.
"He's not random, it's the guy I met at the club the other day."
"Oh so you're going to go fuck him while some random movie is playing right?"
"N-no one is fucking me San, and you're one to talk, you had a girl all over you in the club and when I called you, I heard some girl in the background, how do I know you aren't fucking someone?" said while wrapping your arms around his neck and looking into his eyes, your big doe eyes could melt him right now.
"Because no one will ever be you."
"And no one can ever replace you San..."
You two gave each other a longing gaze before you both threw your pride out the window and your lips connected for a slow and passionate kiss, Sans hands still gripping your hips while one of them glided up the side of your body to rub your back and pull you in closer. The kiss progressed and you switched your position to straddle him, his other hand returned to your hips as he began to rock your hip against his crotch, a light moan came out of your mouth and entered his.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry for what I said and saying you're too clingy... this whole week all I wanted was for you to be here." you said as you cupped his sharp jaw.
"I'm sorry too, I need to learn to give you space sometimes." you both smile at each other then he pecked you on your lips one again.
"Well... does this mean we are back together?"
"Boy we never broke up." You said giggling at him.
"The way you were acting in the club I couldn't tell."
"... right... I'm sorry about that."
"It's okay Angel, but you gotta make it up to me now."
"And how would you like me to do that?"
"I don't know, he's been so lonely without you keeping him warm, so how about you say sorry to him too."
You already knew exactly who "He" was, you got off the bed and sunk down to your knees in front of San, he laid back while sitting up using his elbows and giving you full control. You unbuttoned his jeans to and shimmed them down his hips to the middle of his thigh, Sans dick was already so hard that you could see the print of if through his boxers. You cupped his length and started to rub it up and down then looked up at him with a lustful gaze.
"Did I make you this hard baby?"
"Yes, ma'am." He said as he hissed from the sensitivity.
"I need you so bad Y/N you don't understand how much I've missed you."
You pulled his underwear down as his beautiful rock-hard dick sprung out, you wrapped your fingers around his girth and pumped a few times as he continued to hiss and watch you.
"Mm, tell me how much you've missed me, Sannie."
The mix of the nickname and your hand jacking his dick was killing him but then you started to kiss up his shaft and he swore he could cum right then and there but chose to wait.
"So much baby, I couldn't even go one night without wanting to eat your sweet pussy or fuck you into this bed." You kissed your way up to his red tip that had precum drooling out of it, you cleaned it up with one long and slow stripe from the bottom to the top of his dick.
"Oh really? Why didn't you come and fuck me then Sannie? You always say this pussy is yours."
He gulped as you finally stopped teasing him and took him into your wet and hot mouth. Bobbing your head slowly as you made it to the middle of his dick and then coming back up to the tip just too slowly go back down. San whimpered a bit at the feeling, this was somewhat foreign for him. He rarely ever let you suck his dick because he loved to worship you, constantly wanting to kiss and drag his tongue across every inch of your body. When you did get the chance to suck him off it was always such an experience because San was rarely so submissive and whiny.
"Sannie, I asked you a question baby." You said to a very dazed San. "Why didn't you come and fuck me like the slut I am and put me in my place." you continued to tease him, returning your mouth to his length, and going even deeper on it, Sans incredibly adorable whimpering was music to your ears, he started to breathe heavy while his ears and face felt hot with a red blush taking over.
"I-I wanted to make you wait, s-so I could make you beg." He said biting back his moans.
You once again removed your mouth from his dick and used your hand to pump it, coating his dick in your saliva.
"And how did that work out for you? It looks like I'm about to have you begging me to cum."
Before he could reply your mouth was back on him, going deeper, his tip scraping the back of your throat, he couldn't hold back anymore, and pretty moans feel out of his soft lips. His hand flew to the back of your head to help you keep a steady motion up and down his rod.
"Fuck Y/N if you keep going, I'm going to cum down your throat." He groaned; you could feel his grip getting tighter on your hair while he rolled his hips for him to go deeper into your mouth. You looked up at him to see him falling apart, his mouth was agape as sighs and whimpers fell out, you could tell he was at his breaking point already, your eyes met and the next thing you know he said a drug out "Fuuuuuck" then hot liquid shot directly down your throat and you swallowed as it dripped out, but it started to become too much and you pulled back as you started to choke. The rest of the cum dripped down onto his underwear and down his shaft. You finished swallowing what was in your mouth then licked the remainder from off his dick.
"I guess you haven't been seeing anyone else, that was a lot." you said as you stood up. San didn't reply, he was too busy catching his breath. "Tired already baby? We aren't done yet." you undid the knot in on your robe to reveal your fully nude body underneath, it was like a cartoon the way Sans dick immediately started to get hard again. He removed his shirt and jacket and finished taking off his pants, he laid back down on his back and you straddled him, you hovered you soaking core over his hard dick as Sans hands sat on your hips, you leaned down to give him a quick peck before easing down his length, wincing a bit when you felt him enter you. San's head flew back onto the bed, and he moved back and forth between putting his head back and watching your pussy swallow him. Moans could be heard from both of you as you reached the base of his dick, even just fully sitting on San made you feel full, riding him was always a challenge.
"You're so fucking beautiful my love, but please move you're driving me crazy." He said trying to focus on anything but cumming again.
You placed your hands on both of Sans broad shoulders and started to move your body up and down his length.
"You're so fucking big San I can't take it." you said between your moans, his grip on your hips became tighter, you could even start to feel his nails.
"Yes you can beautiful, you take me so well, this pussy was made just for me right?"
You continued bouncing on him as you sped up the pace, your walls pulsing around him.
"Yes, only for you baby."
"I need more baby, I need more." San said, you were already stuffed full of him so what else could he possibly want. Suddenly you felt San lift you off of him and place you on your back next to him as he got on top of you. He place himself between your legs and placed your legs on his shoulders. Before you could even question it, he slid back into your velvet walls and started to thrust into you at a fast pace. You cried out then he leaned forward to muffle your moans with a kiss, he swallowed every cry into his mouth.
"I'm sorry baby I've missed you so much I just need to fuck into you so bad."
San was like a dog in heat the way that his strokes were fast and sloppy, he just needed to feel you, he felt crazy not having you wrapped around him for a week, he doesn't even wait that long when it's your time of the month. He placed his head into the crook of your neck as he continued to pound into you, you could hear his heavy breathing.
"You feel so fucking good baby, I want to cum in you so bad, feel you up nice and full." as the words finished leaving Sans lips your moans got louder and your pussy started to squeeze him, San being San of course noticed your reaction and decided to see how far he could go.
"Do you want that pretty? Do you want me to fill this pussy up?"
"Mm, San... please..." You said not wanting to admit to wanting it because you knew that would unleash a whole other demon you weren't sure you were ready for.
"Please what baby? You want me to cum in you and put a baby in your belly? Then everyone would for sure know you're mine, right?"
His thrusting became relentless, all you could do was moan and call his name, tears started to form in your eyes because of the amazing sensation you were feeling, you started to see the light at the end of the tunnel and Sans words only made it worse.
"Would you like that baby? Want me to make you a mommy?" he said, you tried to fight replying but you couldn't even think straight anymore, words just began to fly out.
"Fuck, yes please San, please cum in me! I want to have all your babies please Sannie, please."
San smiled and on command you started to feel his hot cum shoot into you, you swore you could feel him filling up your womb, San continued to fuck you while you felt his dick jumping inside of you, you started to cum as well. Covering every each of him in your slick, once San was done, he kept himself plugged into you and wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you so much Y/N."
You giggled at how cute he can be after rearranging your insides and hugged him back "I love you too San."
Your phone started to ring, and you reached over to grab it, you noticed it was now almost 2 hours after your meet up time for your date and he was calling. San took the phone and answered it for you.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"This is Y/N's husband, sorry she won't be talking to you anymore." San simply said as he hung up and laid his head back on your chest.
"San that was mean!"
"I don't care."
You rolled your eyes because why did you expect him to care?
After getting cleaned up and after a bath and some decompressing and Sans friends also calling happy that you two made up you and San got dressed for bed. He cuddled his head into your bosom while you played in his hair.
"Y/n, were you being serious earlier?"
"About what?"
"Do you really want to have my baby?"
"...Well... yeah"
"Like now?"
"I mean, if it was to happen now, I wouldn't be upset about it."
San popped his head up like a puppy when his owner seeing his owner come home.
"Yeah, I mean I love you and I do see myself being with you for the rest of my life so... why not?"
"Oh my God Y/N that's all you had to say! Come on let's go to the store and buy some pregnancy test and some ovulation and fertility test and-"
you interrupted his excited rambling by placing your hand on his shoulder.
"San... it's 1 am, calm down, we’ll prep everything in the next few days."
"...You're right...I'll calm down."
"But we gotta make sure you're good and pregnant, that means we have to go a few more times." he said with the cutest little smile.
"I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight." You whispered to yourself
The answer was no, no you weren’t.
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nerissavenus · 2 months
Lilies by NerissaVenus
Toto has a heartfelt talk with his daughter about her mother and how much she loved her.
Never would he forget such a magnificent woman.
Nerissa x
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The sound of a clatter startled Toto from his sleep. He got up quickly, throwing on his housecoat and rushing out his bedroom into the dark hallway.
His heart raced as he thought of the possibility of an intruder in his house - his house that housed both him and his daughter.
Stopping just before he reached the kitchen, he grabbed the vase of fresh lilies off the table. Taking a deep breath he crept into the dimly lit kitchen, raising the vase only to stop suddenly at the sight of his daughter on the floor trying to quickly clean up the cereal that was everywhere.
Singing in relief, he placed the vase on the counter and bent down to help his daughter. “Lily,” he spoke, causing her to look up at him with familiar green eyes that never failed to drive a stake through his heart. “What are you doing, Kleine Blume?”
She quickly stood up, all the cereal back in the bowl. “Getting cereal, Papa.”
He rose from the floor, taking the bowl and placing it on the counter. “Yes, I can see that, but why?” He placed her on one of the stools, checking her over to make sure she had no injuries, “why didn’t you come to me and ask for me to get you something?”
Lily blushed and looked down, refusing to make eye contact.
“Come on, Kleine Blume, tell me, it’s okay. I promise.” Reassured Toto, raking his hands through her dark hair.
“I can’t tell you,” she whispered, playing with her fingers.
“You can. You can tell me anything. I want be mad.”
As soon as she looked up, meeting his eyes, her own filled with tears and she broke; a flood incoming. “I’m sorry, Papa. I’m horrible — so horrible.”
“No,no, Kleine Blume. You could never do anything wrong.” Said Toto, bringing her into his arms, pressing a kiss on the crown of her head.
“I just didn’t want to bother you,” Lily said, muffled from her place in his arms.
Toto moved backwards and cradled her head in his hands and spoke very seriously, “You, my darling girl, could never bother me.”
“But,” she started helplessly, “You already do so much — all on your own.”
Suddenly something within Toto clicked and he sighed sadly, gathering his daughter in his arms and moving to the lounge to sit comfortably on the couch together.
“Lily,” he said, staring at her - his little girl, the only thing he had left of you. “I don’t do anything on my own. Your Mama is here,” he placed one hand over her heart and the other on his, “We are never alone. She is always here and she would hate for you to think any differently.”
“Yeah, but it’s my fault.” Sobbed Lily, burying her face into her hands, years of unnecessary guilt coming out.
“No.” He said firmly, taking her hands in his and wiping her tears, “There’s was no way of knowing that there would be complications. Your mother brought you into this world fighting and you want to know what she said to me?” Lily nodded with curious eyes, “she said ‘Our daughter will be the most important treasure you’ll ever have, Torger. No matter what happens, let her know that I love her — love her more than anything in this world - this universe.’ She knew if it came down to you or her, she would choose you every time. And do you know why?” She shook her head in a daze at hearing about how much her mother loved her, “Because you are worth more than the stars in the sky. To us, Kleine Blume, you are priceless.”
He sat with her in his arms for a couple of minutes before making his decision. “One minute.”
He rummaged around his office for the familiar orange box and once he found it, he made his way back down stairs.
Sitting back down, he opened the box carefully and picked up a sealed letter in the green envelope.
“This,” he said, placing the envelope in Lily’s hands, “is a letter from your mother. She made thirty in case anything happens — that’s how much she loved you. She was so… afraid that you would never know her or worse: hate her.”
“Hate her?!” Yelled Lily in surprise, “I could never — she’s my Mama.”
Toto chuckled lightly, remembering his wife - you - fondly, and tucked a stray curl behind Lily’s ear, “Yes, your Mama was quite an over thinker.” He gave her a pointed look and she flushed at the idea of having something in common with the woman she loved but never met.
“You are so like her.” He said, pain lacing his tone, eyes full of love and heartbreak, “You have her eyes that shined and made everyone instantly fall in love with her. You also have her smile that could charm anyone. And not just that, you have her kindness; she could see the best in people, even when they themselves could not.” He stared at his daughter with a melancholy smile, reminiscing the memory of you, “You’re much more alike than you think.”
It was silent for a while until Lily had the courage to speak, “I wish I could have met her.”
“Me too, Kleine Blume, me too, she was… wonderful, brilliant, everything good wrapped up into one.” There weren’t enough words to describe you, you were something beyond comprehension — you were too bright for something as frivolous as words. “She picked your name, though it was a no brainer.”
Lily smiled brightly, “Yeah, you’ve said before. Her favourite flowers were lilies.” Some would say it’s cliche, but to Lily it meant the world to know that something her mother held close to her heart and loved was given to her — a token of her love.
“You’ll always have her with you, Lily. She’d want you to know how much you’re loved.” Choked Toto, the thoughts of his wife louder than ever, looking at her spitting image.
“Thanks Papa.” She said, leaning in to give him a big hug.
“Of course, my lily-flower.”
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dulltoned · 5 months
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
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Branch spends the next few days trying his best to enjoy what time he has left. He stomps down the bitter sting every time his brothers get together to talk about the future and tries to bask in the little moments they allow him. Branch makes breakfast for Bruce and tries to wriggle a recipe out of him that he can cherish during the gray days. He spends an evening with Clay talking about novels and getting as many recommendations as he can so he can know what kind of books his brother likes. He even lets John Dory pick at a few of his projects so they can bond over their shared handiness born from their survivalist pasts. Branch has never gotten to know much about his brothers, he was so young when they left he can barely remember any of the little details, so he clings to everything now. Clay's ears flick when he's irritated over something insignificant, like a bent page in his book or the uneven amount of pencils at Branch's workspace. John Dory sleeps with that stupid glove on, and he cleans off his goggles every night because the routine helps him relax. Floyd hums rock songs in the shower even though he doesn't like the lyrics because he loves the melody. Bruce isn't a huge fan of seafood after so many years serving it back in his restaurant on Vacay Island but he loves Country Troll cuisine.
Branch gathers every little detail he can and he tucks it away because he knows that soon enough these few fleeting memories will be all that he has left to hold on to. Soon enough they'll be on their way and he'll be alone with only their ghosts to haunt him. He thought that he was finally done grieving. He thought that maybe he was finally ready to let go of the family that didn't want him. Now he can already feel their absence like a gaping wound even though they're still here sitting in the next room over.
Today is the day. Branch takes a fortifying breath and brushes nonexistent dust off his vest before slipping out of the kitchen to go gather up his brothers from the living space around the corner. He plasters a smile on his face as he steps through the entryway, leaning up against the arching entrance like nothing could possibly be wrong. John Dory has Clay tucked under his arm and is violently ruffling the younger troll's bright green hair. Bruce is cackling, nearly doubled over, and even Floyd is hiding a few loose chuckles behind his paw. Clay's hair admittedly doesn't look any different than it did before but that doesn't stop him from spewing protests.
"Are you guys done yet or should I give you some more time?" Branch teases, raising an unimpressed eyebrow that's betrayed by the amused smile spreading across his face.
John pauses his assault to look over at Branch and his grip seems to have loosened just enough for Clay to make his hasty escape. "I guess we can cut this short," John Dory shrugs, smirking while Clay grumbles and Bruce wipes tears from his eyes. John looks proud, smug in a way that Branch thinks only an oldest brother could be. His heart aches wondering if this is the last time he'll see that expression and he struggles to keep his smile in place.
"I'm sure the balloon is already set up so we better get this over with." Branch pushes off the entryway and tucks his hands deep into his trouser pockets in a hopefully subtle attempt to hide how they've started to shake. Bruce's laugh is still ringing in his ears and he can't help but ask himself if he'll be able to remember it so distinctly a year from now. He swallows thickly, eyes flicking from sibling to sibling and drinking in the easy smiles on their faces. They look so happy right now, joking and laughing and roughhousing like brothers are supposed to. Branch feels so out of place. Do they even care that they're leaving him behind all over again? Have they even noticed that they're ripping his heart to bits and stealing away the tattered pieces so he could never hope to be whole again without them? Do they think he's being childish because he's so heartbroken over something inevitable?
"I guess you're right," John Dory agrees, stretching out and popping his back. John throws Branch an easy smile and motions for the rest of their brothers to gather up so they can head out. Clay rolls his eyes and helps Floyd up from the armchair while Bruce stands from the couch. This is it. This is really it. Branch's heart flutters pathetically beneath his ribs and dread thrums through his veins. He wasn't ready to say goodbye. Not again. This wasn't enough time. He wanted more time. "Lead the way, little brother."
Branch is helpless to do anything else but swallow down the vile, bubbling emotions climbing up his throat and walk them out of the bunker towards the clearing Poppy arranged for their departure.
The pit in Branch's stomach only grows with each step and he listens with mounting irritation as his brothers chatter excitedly behind him. They're all excited to get back to their lives and Branch wishes he could begrudge them that. He wants so badly to be angry but he can't. They deserve to go back to their lives, their homes, their families. He doesn't want them to be miserable, he just wishes that he could be part of their happiness. He's well acquainted with loving others more than he's loved but the hurt never quite fades.
"Hey, Branch, you're quiet up there." Bruce calls and Branch looks over his shoulder curiously. Bruce smiles back teasingly, his eyes shining with bright mirth that Branch doesn't think the situation warrants, "Got something on your mind?"
"Or someone," Floyd joins in with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows that makes Clay cough a poorly concealed laugh.
Branch frowns, eyebrows furrowing, "What?"
"Poppy's going to be there, right?" Bruce asks like it's obvious and the pieces slot into place. They thought he was distracted because Poppy was going to be there to see them off?
"Oh. Not really," Branch shrugs. He turns back around when he sees their expressions shift, smiles dropping while they share confused glances. Branch figured it would be obvious why he was so quiet but maybe that was a bit presumptuous of him. He's been eagerly spending as much time with them as he could these past few weeks despite how obvious they were about their plans to exclude him. He guesses his silence now could be seen as a little odd, all things considered.
They don't say anything else for the rest of the trip. At least not to Branch. He hears them muttering but he doesn't try to listen in or even turn his head to look back again. He does his best to keep his eyes straight ahead and tune them out. Before he knows it he can see the large burgundy body of the hot air balloon growing steadily larger in the distance and the dread burrowed in his gut spikes. This is it. 
John Dory lets out an impressed whistle, "It's bigger than I expected," he admits but he sounds excited about it. It hadn't even occurred to Branch that his brothers wouldn't really be familiar with traditional Pop Troll transportation anymore. Branch offers a noncommittal hum and scans the area around the balloon's basket for a splash of pink. He spots her quickly and some of the hurt in his chest dissipates. He can breathe a little easier knowing that she's here.
It's only a few moments before Poppy notices them, Viva a bundle of energy at her side. Pink eyes find them from across the clearing and a smile breaks out across Poppy's face like the sun after a rainstorm. She bounces on the balls of her feet and waves excitedly, calling a loud hello instead of waiting the thirty seconds it would take for them to reach her. Branch can't help but chuckle, shaking his fondly with a roll of his eyes while John and Bruce yell back their own greetings. Viva rushes over at top speed, twirling around Clay before falling into step beside him like it was second nature. She's rambling excitedly about something that Branch doesn't have the energy to try and follow but Clay is smiling brightly and nodding along.
"Hey," Poppy greets him softly, sliding up to him and gently grasping the front of his vest so she could pull him in for a swift kiss. Her eyes scan over his face and a frown tugs at her lips, "Are you okay?" She whispers, ducking in close for some semblance of privacy.
Branch tries to offer a reassuring smile but it feels bittersweet and tired, "As good as I can be," he sighs, lifting a hand to rest it softly over hers, "Better with you here." He confesses and bumps their foreheads together. She smiles, though the worried furrow between her brows remains. Branch wants nothing more than to smooth out the creases, chase away the concern she's wasting on him, but he knows that there's nothing he can do to convince her that he's fine. She wouldn't believe him even if there was.
She presses another quick kiss to his cheek before pulling away to properly greet his brothers, sharing a few warm hellos, "So, is everyone all set?" She looks between them, hands on her hips, like she expects them to have luggage despite the fact that they arrived empty-handed. She doesn't wait for a response before she turns on her heel and gestures to the small grassy hill next to the balloon that would give them easy access, "You guys should have plenty of room and there's a bunch of blankets if it gets cold, I also packed a lot of snacks just in case you got hungry. Oh! And there are some games--" "Okay, okay, sounds great Poppyseed," John interrupts, eyes wide when he realizes that Poppy had no intention of stopping her ramblings. He raises his hands in an attempt to slow her down, "What about a manual?" He presses curiously, the shock bleeding away to a fond amusement that made Branch's heart pang.
"Here," Branch reaches up into his hair and pulls out the pilot's manual. He refused to give it back after Poppy'd thrown it out just a few months ago. It's been haunting him these past few days but he hadn't dared to forget it on the way out of the bunker. He steps forward and passes the thick volume to John Dory, trying not to look at his brother's grateful smile, "It's pretty extensive but you only really need to read the first and the fifth chapter for a quick trip." He clears his throat awkwardly, trying to keep up a lighthearted attitude
"I'll take that," Clay reaches over and plucks the book from John Dory's hands with ease, grinning as he completely ignores John's protests. Viva giggles by Clay's side and even leans in to get a better look at the manual while Clay flips through it to see the table of contents. Branch watches the two self-proclaimed Putt Putt Trolls and hopes that maybe Clay will come along when Viva inevitably decides to visit. Branch has come to really enjoy having another level-headed, fact-oriented troll around and one brother would be better than none. If he's lucky, which he can admit isn't likely, maybe Clay will even keep him updated on their other siblings.
"So this thing is all ready to go?" Bruce looks up at the large balloon, admiring the structure with muted curiosity. He doesn't look too interested but rather intrigued by something unfamiliar.
"Yep!" Poppy chirps, bouncing over to stand back and look with Bruce despite being well-acquainted with Pop Troll travel methods. She's already flown out to visit each of the other Kingdoms at least once since the end of the Rockapocalypse. "All the prep work was finished last night so all you need to do now is climb aboard." She explains with a curt nod, clearly proud of herself and her work.
"Well!" John Dory claps his hands together drawing everyone's attention back to him, "Sounds like that's that then, let's get this show on the road, huh?"
"We shouldn't drag this out any longer," Floyd agrees with a sad smile and a small nod. John moves first, stepping forward to ruffle Branch's hair before walking over to climb up the incline. He vaults over the lip of the basket easily and quickly begins looking around. Floyd follows after him, shuffling forward with a clear exhaustion weighing down his limbs. He walks right past Branch without even glancing back, hiking up the hill and accepting John Dory's help into the basket with whispered thanks. Branch swallows convulsively, trying to push down the lump growing in his throat. Did Floyd not even want to say goodbye?
A hand lands lightly on his shoulder and Branch turns around only to be wrapped up in Bruce's arms. Instinctively Branch hugs back, squeezing tightly and nuzzling into Bruce's comforting hold. Bruce's arms envelop him in a warm, secure embrace and Branch mourns the fact that he'll likely never get to feel safe in his brother's arms again. "It was really nice seeing you again," Bruce murmurs into Branch's hair with a soft sniffle.
Branch's own eyes burn but he forces out a small laugh, "Yeah, you too, man." He doesn't think he'll ever forget the joy he felt when Bruce first told them that he was a father. He was terrified and elated at the idea of being an uncle. Bruce pulls back and wipes his eyes, a bright and happy smile on his face before he, too, leaves. It's getting harder and harder for Branch to keep his expression neutral and he finds himself desperately wishing for Clay and Viva to make their leave before he starts to break again.
Clay, thankfully, steps in and pulls Branch into a side hug with the manual tucked neatly under his other arm. Viva detaches to go say her own farewells to Poppy and Branch is pitifully grateful for the modicum of privacy. Clay presses their temples together with a lop-sided grin, "Take care of yourself, okay?" He extracts himself quickly but also reaches out to ruffle Branch's hair like John Dory had and Branch doesn't even try to push him away.
"Yeah, you too." Branch tries to smile back but his world is starting to feel dark and desaturated again. He wonders if Poppy would notice. She insists that she can see his hues shift with his mood even when Branch himself couldn't tell. He wonders if she can see the color draining out of him the way it feels like it should be. Watching Clay turn away and stride confidently over to the balloon stirs something deep and anguished in Branch's chest and he stomps down the urge to reach out and ask them to come back. It was too familiar watching them leave and being powerless to make them stay.
Viva and Poppy wrap up their own muted conversation and share a tight hug before Viva rushes off after Clay. They climb into the basket together, talking excitedly about something or another, and it makes Branch's stomach churn seeing them all so content while his world crashes down around him again. He realizes with sudden and startling clarity that he has to say goodbye. He can't let them leave this time without saying something.
He scrambles forward before Poppy can make her way back to his side and looks up into the basket with wild eyes. Floyd spots him first and his merry expression drops immediately but Branch speaks before Floyd gets a chance to question him. "I know it probably doesn't mean much," Branch starts hesitantly and has to take a calming breath when his brothers' attention shifts unwaveringly to him. "But I'm going to miss you guys." John shares a confused look with Bruce and Clay while Floyd's frown only becomes more pronounced. Floyd moves back towards the edge of the basket with a shake of his head.
"What do you mean? Of course it means something," Floyd assures softly, leaning over the rim to better meet Branch's eyes. Floyd's scanning him over and it makes Branch feel exposed.
Branch tries to laugh it off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I guess I wanted to make sure that you knew this time." He cringes the second the words leave his mouth, "That came out wrong--" He immediately tries to backtrack before he ruins any chance he has at ever seeing any of his brothers ever again.
"Back up," John Dory cuts in, appearing at Floyd's side, "Why is this starting to sound like goodbye?"
Branch freezes, dumbfounded, and blinks up at them. His anxiety is drowned out quickly by his confusion, "..isn't it?" He asks only to be met with two startled faces. Branch cranes his neck to look at Bruce and Clay so he can see if they're as confused as he is but they look just as upset as John and Floyd do.
"Hey, Viv, maybe we should give them a second." Poppy chimes in from somewhere behind him and he watches distractedly as Viva climbs back out of the balloon and walks off somewhere with her sister. He's sure he'll be grateful to Poppy for this later but right now he's just trying to get his thoughts sorted. Why were they so shocked? Did his brothers really think that he was that oblivious? He wasn't blind, it was easy to see that they were keeping him away from their important conversations.
John Dory hops over the rim of the basket and lands neatly in front of Branch, "Why in the world would this be goodbye?" He asks urgently. There's something desperate in his eyes that Branch can't quite discern but he doesn't understand why they're the ones making such a fuss about this. He was the one who had a right to be upset but he was trying to let them go.
Branch tilts his head and scoffs, sparing a glance at the hill where Bruce is carefully helping Floyd back out of the balloon before turning his attention back to John, "Aren't you guys leaving?" He raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms to keep himself from fidgeting with the hem of his vest. John Dory gestures to him frantically, making an exaggerated noise of disbelief before turning to the others like they could possibly help him.
"Yeah, for now," Clay looks at Branch like he's grown a second head and it was really starting to piss him off. What right did they have to be so flabbergasted? They were the ones who made plans to ditch him, not the other way around. This wasn't his plan.
"Where in the world did you get the idea that we weren't coming back?" Bruce adds on, asking the question that was apparently on all of their minds as he lowers himself down from the edge of the hill to drop down beside John.
"It's not like you've been subtle," Branch snarls, taking a sick pleasure in how his brothers jump away from the sudden tone shift. Good. If they wanted to play dumb they deserve to face the consequences. "You've been here for almost two weeks and every time I happen to walk into the room the conversation dies. A few days ago you were talking about just how much room Vacay Island and the Golf Course have for everyone without even a single mention of Pop Village. Are you kidding me! Why the hell would I think you were staying?" Recognition is blooming across Floyd's face and he can see the realization dawning for Clay like it was happening in slow motion. The green-haired troll's eyes widen just a fraction and his mouth drops open into a soft oh and it'd be funny if it wasn't because Branch had known all along that they were planning to abandon him again. He was so tired of being thrown away like he was nothing and they had the audacity to think he was too stupid to catch on? Maybe Poppy was right and he should just cut his losses and accept that they didn't want him in their lives. He was better off without them anyway.
"You got it all wrong!" John reaches out and places his gloved hand firmly on Branch's shoulder but Branch jerks back with a growl. There wasn't any guilt on their faces but instead a soft, bitter understanding that was starting to make Branch feel cornered. He was getting real sick of being left out of the loop.
"Branch, please, just let us explain," Floyd implores. Branch huffs, glaring, but some of the tension falls away at his brother's plea. Floyd looks at him with desperate lilac eyes that are starting to fill with rising guilt and Branch loathes to see his kind-hearted sibling so hurt. He doesn't want to cave, he wants them to deal with how they've hurt him and feel the weight of their actions, but it's Floyd who's asking and that's enough to break his resolve. Branch waves a hand with a sharp exhale, silently urging them to continue before he changes his mind.
His brothers sag with visible relief and John Dory quickly scrambles to take the reigns once more. "We thought you were uncomfortable," he tries to explain and his face his twisted apologetically with such genuine regret that Branch wants to believe him. "Whenever we started talking about our plans for after we went home you'd start to get all fidgety or you'd just kind of…"
"Leave," Bruce finishes off. John Dory's eyes flick back to Bruce before nodding.
"We thought that you didn't want to talk about it, which feels really stupid in hindsight." Clay admits with a disappointed sigh. Like he's realizing he should have known better but he'd been so caught up in the moment that it hadn't even occurred to him.
Branch can only stare at them in disbelief, waiting for one of them to laugh and tell him this was some sort of stupid joke. "Are you serious?" He seethes, paws closing into tight fists that shake at his sides. "The first few days you guys only talked about how eager you were to go home," Branch had been a bit flighty at first and, in the beginning, his heart would jump into his throat every time they started talking about how excited they were to go back to their lives. He was scared. Scared to lose them, scared that despite everything they just went through for each other it still wasn't enough to hold them together, and he didn't want to ruin their happiness with his own catastrophizing. "You laughed in my face when you thought I wanted us to be in each other's lives and you think I'm jumping to conclusions thinking that this is the last time I'm going to see you?"
Floyd looks horrified. Branch realizes that there's a decent chance that Floyd didn't know about that part. "Branch, I'm moving to Pop Village." Floyd says in lieu of any empty comforts he could've offered. What's done is done, they couldn't take it back.
"What?" Branch breathes, hesitant joy bubbling up and peeking through the anger still burning bright in his stomach.
Floyd smiles and it's bright and contagious, drawing similar expressions from their brothers, "I wanted it to be a surprise but after everything I really don't want to go back to Mount Rageous. I still need to talk the details over with Poppy but I wanted to move here to be closer to other trolls again. To be closer to you." Floyd looks like he wants to close the distance between them and Branch is glad that he doesn't. There's a tentative trust being built but Branch is still wired from the roller coaster this conversation has become and he's sure that one wrong move will send him tumbling.
"I'm coming back with him to pick up Rhonda but I plan to stop by often now that I know where this place is," John Dory gestures back the way they came towards Pop Village. It's plausible, it's all plausible, but Branch is still hesitant to believe them. He doesn't know what he'd do if all these reassurances were empty and meaningless.
Bruce steps forward slowly, raising his hands in surrender when Branch takes a hasty step back. His face is soft and open when he speaks, "I'm sorry we weren't really thinking, Branch. And we never should have implied that we didn't want to be a family again. We were frustrated and angry and tensions were high but adding everything up it's not too hard to see how you came to these conclusions," Branch wonders if this is what a dad voice is. He never met his father and he never really had the kind of friends that would introduce him to their parents. He imagines that this is what Bruce sounds like when he soothes his kids and tells them that everything is going to be alright and that makes something small and broken buried under his ribs yearn. "We want you to visit too, B. I want you to come to Vacay Island and meet your nephews and niece." "And I'd love to show you around the Golf Course!" Clay chimes in brightly, eyes shining with unshed tears that contrast with the fond smile on his face.
"Have you seen your bunker? You'd be amazing at camping." John Dory agrees warmly.
"We just got you back," Floyd murmurs but it's loud in their close proximity. "I don't think any of us want to say goodbye."
Branch feels the last of his protective anger drain out of him and sucks in a shaky breath. He smiles, uncertain and thin, but it seems to be enough to reassure his brothers. "Okay."
"We're really sorry, Branch," Clay insists, blinking away the wetness in his eyes and staring over at his youngest brother with blatant worry, "We really just weren't thinking, man. We never wanted to exclude you or make you feel like this was it."
"It's okay, really, I have a bad habit of overthinking this kind of thing," Branch sniffs, trying to be casual despite how his heart was still racing. He was already upset that he'd accidentally made a big deal out of nothing but it was admittedly nice to be reassured so sincerely. It soothed his frayed nerves in a way that was strange but welcome.
"It's not," Floyd disagrees quickly and Branch startles, "It's not, not really, but we'll have time to make up for it, okay?" And isn't that everything that Branch ever wanted? He'd wanted more time and miraculously they're giving it to him. Maybe this isn't the end, maybe it wasn't time for goodbyes after all. His heart starts to calm and a fragile hope begins to bloom where the anxiety was nestled under his sternum.
"Yeah," Branch nods, his smile shifting into something lighter, "I'd like that."
John reaches forward and snags Branch by the wrist, tugging him forward before Branch could even think to ask what was going on. John Dory's arms wrap around him in a bone-crushing hug, "I'll be back, got it?" He says firmly into Branch's hair. Branch nods into John Dory's shoulder, arms raised with shocked uncertainty. He gives in after a few beats and hugs his brother back as tightly as he can.
Branch lets the hug linger, grasping tightly to the leather of John Dory's vest until the contact starts to make his skin itch. He detaches himself stiffly, shaking out his arms with an awkward chuckle, "You guys really should get going, though. You're burning daylight." It still hurts to see them go but it feels different than it had before.
"That's probably for the best, huh?" Floyd agrees, reaching out a hand to Clay in a silent request for help that the older troll quickly jumps to oblige.
Branch uses the time it takes his brothers to hoist themselves back into the basket to compose himself. These past few weeks have been incredibly jarring and he thinks that he's seen enough of his emotions for the next few months but… it's also been surprisingly rewarding. He turns to scan the treeline hoping to spot a flash of pink but he doesn't even have to go looking before Poppy and Viva pop into view already making their way back over. They had to of been watching from a distance but Branch is confident that Poppy would have dragged them far enough away that they couldn't have overhead anything so he's not worried.
Viva bounds back over to the balloon and practically tackles Clay in her dash over to him. They immediately start talking quietly and this time Branch can admire their dynamic without any clouds of resentment hanging over him.
"You got this thing figured out?" Branch asks. "Totally. No need to worry," Clay assures, raising the manual and wiggling it for emphasis. Branch is glad that there's someone on that thing who'll actually read the instructions.
"I'll see you around, then, I guess." Branch smiles.
"Soon," Bruce promises.
With that they cut the ropes holding the balloon down and start the ascent into the open air. Branch and Poppy wave with vastly different levels of energy and their siblings wave back. There's no pit in Branch's stomach as he watches them get further and further away and no crushing sorrow when they say their goodbyes. It's not goodbye this time, not really, it's see you later. That makes him feel lighter than he has in days.
"You're looking blue," Poppy admires at his side, slotting her paw into his like it's meant to be there. You're looking happy, she means.
"I am." He admits quietly and is surprised to find that he means it.
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gardenofnoah · 11 months
hi bea 💕 saw your note from a few days about gently pushing a writing prompt in your inbox 💌 if you're still taking them, here's a thought i've let run wild in my brain. hope it helps with your writing rut! bakugou and kirishima coming home to a non-pro hero!reader after a grueling 2 month stint overseas. it's the first long mission they've gone on since starting this fairly new relationship. it's a little awkward, but everyone underneath is brimming with longing. no one's not sure how to break the ice and settle back into a rhythm. maybe some insecurities come out as dinner is awkwardly made. how do the three of us get back to a safe and vulnerable place? a lil sweet? a lil angsty? all up in our feels? 👀 is it a soft kiss that breaks the tension? a lingering touch? a massive dam that breaks with clothes haphazardly ripped off down the hall?
i am kissing your brain directly for this one omfg
it doesn't feel like you thought it would.
to have your beloved heroes back home should have filled you with the familiar contentment that only they bring you. the knowledge that katsuki and eijiro are here and safe, back to you like you made them promise, should be a welcome thing.
but the hours that scratched at your loneliness until it bled are between you now. a great divide—one that widens with every touch the two exchange in front of you. you stand on the other side of it alone—an unfortunate voyeur to the very thing you've yearned for but could not have. how odd it is that the very people you have loved bring up a completely different sentiment now.
how strange it is that some part of you wishes they were still gone.
the apartment that felt too big now suffocates you. the mahogany under your fingers seems a far better sight than the alternative. they chat idly about situations you aren't privy to, missions you haven't gone on—you keep your eyes trained on the wood grain to ignore what's looking you straight in the face: you are othered—you are outside of this. you trace a chip in the tabletop and think with some detachment that you could get up unnoticed.
"you tired, babe?" eijiro's head turns to you as you stand. it feels foreign to have his eyes on you. you gather your bowl and utensils in your hands and fight the urge to tell him to look away.
"yeah, no, i just—i'm not hungry."
"oh! do you want to pick a movie to watch?"
you shake your head, looking anywhere but him. your feet take you past him, headed straight for the kitchen or anywhere else but here. "no, that's okay. don't worry about it."
"oi," katsuki's rasp commands a pause in your steps despite intending the opposite, "what's that s'pposed to mean?"
you don't move an inch—it's enough effort to contort your face into something resembling a smile. something to appease. you can't look at either of them—you keep your eyes on the floor and will it to open up and swallow you whole.
you jump when you feel katsuki's warmth in front of you—far too close. he takes the dishes from you, setting them on the table.
"don't worry about what?" he murmurs, reaching up to tip your chin up. forcing you to meet his gaze.
it doesn't take much else to make you crumble.
you whimper as your eyes burn, blinking furiously to fight the way his face blurs in your vision. he keeps you there and it's torture—fighting the wave that won't stop coming when no one has taught you how to swim. full of fear that it might be the thing that washes away everything.
"baby—" eijiro gets to his feet, startled at your outburst.
"sit down, red," katsuki mutters, holding a hand to the side to stop him. it's absentminded at best yet still effective—and the only thing you can notice is the unspoken between them. there is a trust there that existed long before you and has only been strengthened in the months without you. eijiro settles back in his seat. the canyon deepens—you get farther away.
you know that fighting katsuki's grip on you is futile and you try anyway. he lets you get as far as arm's length away before his fingers close around your wrist and drag you back to him. distantly, you can appreciate the metaphor.
the palm that cradles the back of your head and traps you against his chest is a cruel one. heart to heart, something inside yours breaks.
"it hurts," you gasp. god, does it hurt—the wound sears as hands that feel familiar and wrong hold you tighter.
"take a breath,” he says it so gently that you’re not convinced he’s not someone else in this moment, “tell me what’s goin’ on.”
you do as he says—shuddering and staggered, all torn up in his arms. you feel put on display here in front of both of them—an actor who’s been the butt of the joke the whole time, unbeknownst to them until the final act.
"you left and i—" you squeeze your eyes shut, bearing down on the sob that would love nothing more than to punch its way out of you, "y-you had each other and i was alone."
neither one speaks—the silence stretches and waits patiently for you to fill it.
"you left and i was the one to miss you. i—i feel like i missed everything—i don't feel like i have a place in this anymore—"
the grief knocks the wind out of you when you get to the root of it. it was silly of you to believe you could ever have a place in this, really. two heroes at the peak of their careers, and you—a chain around both of their ankles. how could you have ever held on to those that are held just as tightly by a whole nation? would it have ever mattered, with the hold they already have on each other? there could never be enough room.
"do you think we didn't miss you?"
the blatant hurt in eijiro's voice brings you back to the present moment. katsuki moves back just far enough for you to see it etched on to the red head's face in a way you haven't ever. something about it makes you want to step back into katsuki's warmth, as if it could shield you from it. you can't answer him—and the silence is more shameful truth than you're willing to part with.
"baby," eijiro breathes, strained and thick, "i—we—thought about you every single second we were gone. every single second, i thought about how you'd be spending your day, and i was so excited to get to call you to hear about it. at night we would talk about how you were probably burrowed in blankets and our clothes on the couch, and about how badly we wanted to be there with you."
"you are a part of me," he goes on, goring you any way but softly, "you are a part of us. this doesn't work without you. i know you're hurting and i'm so sorry we had to leave—but sweetheart, you are what we come back to."
your knuckles are white as katuski brushes his thumb over them. he brings them to his lips—brushing over each one softly. you shake in his grasp and he doesn't falter.
"i'm tired," you whisper to no one in particular. it's a half truth—the why hangs in the air between you—but the fatigue is bone deep. it hurts.
"alright," katsuki's voice is raw in a way that feels like a knife in your side—stoicism given away to something far too vulnerable for him, "shower first. then we're goin' to bed."
the ritual you had in place before distorts under the weight of the night. the act takes on new meaning as you let him peel the clothes off of you and corral you into the shower. you're only under the spray a short second before he's gathering you in his arms again--warm and damp in the steam as he dips down to press his face into your neck.
"don't you run off on me," katsuki’s lips brush your throat and it only feels melancholic. he whispers his fear against your skin and all at once you realize that it mirrors your own. you feel eijiro's chest at your back, and when he reaches over your head to wrap a palm around the back of katsuki's neck, the pain fizzles out into something like remorse. how blind you'd been to the knowledge that they held the whole time—that you were the thing they'd wrapped themselves around and sworn to protect.
there's nothing left to say, and yet you speak your apology anyway, hoarse over the patter of water against tile. much louder is what you don't say: i love you. i need you and i'm afraid.
katsuki dries you off slowly, like he's trying to commit you to memory, and it makes you ache. you let him preen you in some animal attempt at strengthening the tear in the bond.
but it's only a tear. blood dries and wounds repair themselves just as the connection between you will. when you settle into bed, it gives under the familiar weight of the two halves of your heart. it's almost comical, the way they both wrap themselves around you—nearly swallowing you whole.
it might be to keep you there—but your heart settles under their tangle of limbs and love and for the first time in the months they'd been gone, you sleep through the night.
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roanniom · 2 years
just thinking about being soft with steve… taking our time and lots of praise and gentle touches 🥺
The Apartment
Steve Harrington x Fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, piv sex, unprotected sex, praise, discussion of financial insecurity (you and Steve have moved in together and it’s rough going starting out), fluffy sweetness that I don’t usually write
Stevie boy who is used to being the big bad school athlete. The big bad ladies man. The big bad babysitter. He’s used to having to be the one giving encouragement and praise. So you like reciprocating whenever you can.
It’s a Sunday night and you’ve got nowhere to be. The two of you have had a quiet evening in at your new apartment. You still haven’t gotten much, so you ate pasta in the empty living room sitting on moving boxes. But you’d lit a candle you’d dug out of one of the boxes and the two of you had split a bottle of cheap wine and had one of the best meals of your lives.
Now you’re both in bed, one of the few pieces of furniture you two had been able to afford so far (Steve moving out of his parents’ house hadn’t been easy). He’d made you cum already with his mouth, the gentleman that he is, so now you’re on top of him, rolling your hips slowly.
“Mmm you feel so good, Stevie,” you whisper, leaning down and peppering his face, his jaw, his neck with kisses.
“No you do -,” he tries to argue but you place a finger over his lips.
“Shhh let me tell you how good you make me feel.” You speak between kisses, laving your tongue against his skin after sucking on it. “How deep you are in me. How sexy you are.”
You nip at his earlobe after the last statement and he lets out a strangled chuckle.
“Says the sexiest woman ever.”
“I’ll allow the counter compliment,” you chuckle yourself. Your hand smooths up and down the side of his neck, moving down to play with the hair on his chest. “You’re too good to me.”
“You deserve the best,” he groans earnestly. You’ve begun to move up and down on his cock a little quicker now, and the pleasure has his brow furrowing. “I…I’m sorry I can’t give you the best yet.”
You know that he’s thinking about your stark living situations. Of his long hours at Family Video and his second job coaching kids at the batting cages to try and earn a little extra. Of the fact that you’ve been eating out of Tupperware and taking the bus a few times a week to save on gas.
But you’re thinking about the way he wakes you up every morning with kisses and coffee. The way he picks things you don’t like out of your takeout when restaurants get the order wrong. The way he dances with you in the kitchen while you wait for the pasta water to boil. The way he organizes nights with your shared friend group when you’re feeling down.
They way he takes his time with you. The way he touches you. The way he whispers beautiful things in your ear while his hands do beautiful things to your body.
“You give me the best every day, Stevie,” you whisper, humor gone from your voice. Your hands find his and you roll your hips harder, sinking down on him in a way that has his eyelids fluttering and his abdomen clenching. “Everything I could ever want.”
“I love you,” Steve moans out, his hands flying from yours to grip your hips as he nears his climax. It’s sickly sweet and you can’t help grinning down at him.
“Love you, too, Stevie.”
When he cums, he cums inside you for the first time. He clings to you, face buried in your neck, and you couldn’t bring yourself to ask him to pull out. You didn’t want him to.
Afterward you kiss every square centimeter of his face, including the tears you find gathered at his lash line. You don’t call attention to them - you know he would feel a little uncomfortable if you did. But when you finally kiss his lips, it’s only sweet.
The two of you fall asleep in one another’s arms, ensconced in the warmth of your empty apartment, confident in the fact that your love is enough to fill it.
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suguru-getos · 1 year
| bad day? | hawks x reader | fluff/smut/comfort |
-> summary: returning home feeling shitty could only last so long in the presence of takami keigo | warnings: oral (f-receiving), fluff, soft kei 🪽🥰
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ever since the clock ticked 5 pm for you, every single cell in your body ranted & whined about being at home. the idol chit-chat, the not-do-idol tasks in hand. people at work who you called your friends, people at work who you’d rather stab yourself than associate with; both, equally… were getting insufferable. it wasn’t anybody’s fault really. that you were getting annoyed by someone’s pace of walking… then again, it was not your fault either.
there are certain times your brain hits the ‘fuck this’ mark. where nothing could subdue the feeling of being broken apart by nothing & everything at once. today was one of those dreading times. your senses were dancing on the brink of actual craze, your head haywired from the information overload. nothing could soothe you.
still… you persisted, waited for your working hours which lasted longer than the most boring conundrum ever.
the icing on the cake was the heavy traffic on your way home. you could swear after taking a painkiller for your migraine that greeted you spitefully, you’d be better. nope — the buzz of the city followed with how claustrophobic and sensitive you felt were only exaggerating the pain in your skull & eyeballs. the pain of a thousand needles piercing your skin.
“fucking hell when will this bloody end god damn it!” you muttered to yourself, waiting impatiently with your index finger tapping on the steering wheel as the atmosphere overwhelmed you even further.
there was however… only one thought that your mind held, which was soothing. a stark contrast with the day you’ve had so damn far. takami keigo. you can’t wait to see him, your mind wants the imagination of you being couped up in his wings to be real — asap!
your reflexes, your body, your soul knew he is your reset. you know keigo would make it better. the perks of it were — he’d actually make everything better without even trying. it’s just his presence that pets you into a solemn place.
after zoning out several times, you managed to reach your shared apartment. hands shivering with gathered tiredness as you unlocked the door and let yourself inside. your bag dropping as your familiar feline companion, keigo’s and yours not so menacing & astoundingly mannerful cat came and greeted you.
unlike your normal, after-work interactions, you couldn’t make a conversation with him just yet, petting him & cooing at him before leaving to the kitchen for something — anything to fill your devilishly hungry stomach with.
without wasting much time, you took out the perfectly sliced fruits from the fridge, forking their way into your empty stomach when you heard the balcony door open. your autopilot mode turning off immediately as you perked up.
“kei? that’s you?”
a familiar, baritone voice echoed from your bedroom. “who else has the balls to enter our bedroom sweetheart,”
you smiled, humming & indulging in your so called dinner. before you heard another question from your man. “y’er okay?”
you blinked, doubtfulness and curiosity as to how keigo can figure you out just like that— immediately quenched when you saw a stray red plume caress your jaw.
“m’ not okay, i had a shitty day & it’s nobody’s fault.” you answered, “i’ve got a headache and i just feel very overstimulated & sensory overloaded y’know?”
ironically, the only thing you heard next was the sound of keigo’s boots approaching you to the drawing room couch. gloved hands tilting your chin up to make eye-contact with his golden pupils, a soft, friendly & familiar smile greeting you. “is that so, baby?”
you looked up, doe-eyed and awestruck at your man. you could never, ever get used to him. him in his hero costume— him as hawks~ then again, you still can’t get used to him as keigo either. he’s just so amazing…
“yeah” being daring enough, you leaned against his chest, feeling the lub-dub of his heartbeat while he tugged one of his gloves off with his teeth, visor neatly pulled up on his blonde waves, taking the other glove off and letting his wings falter to the ground like drapes. “aww — c’mere pretty.”
keigo hugged you, running his hands through your hair and kissing the crown of your head.
“the world’s being especially annoying and a pain in the ass to my girl huh?”
you could sense by the tone of his voice that he was slowly letting his familiarity sink into you. as if he was slowly calling you back from the hell you’ve resided in today.
“mm~ yeah,” you managed to reply, curtly. only because — your mind had already started fading off into bliss the moment you saw your mate, your lover around you.
“i know what could help-” keigo suggested, sounding ultra sincere & exceptionally sure of the sudden idea which had plagued his mind. you gazed back at him with eyes which were complying already.
“let me tend to my girl.” keigo announced, kneeling in front of you, two of his feathers doing the quick work of spreading your legs after keigo quickly tugged your shorts and panties off.
it’s an abomination how flushed you become — being with him since three years, whenever keigo gets his way with you. a deep exhale you didn’t know you held, left frantically from your heaving chest when you saw him pay no mind to any teasing & latch his lips directly at your clit, kissing it softly.
“fuck-” you gasped, looking down at keigo who’s eyes were stern in their determination to prolong their stare with yours.
“yeah, fuck, you’re so delicious baby—” keigo copied your tone, leaning in and swirling his tongue around your clit, spreading your pussy lips apart with his thumbs & latching onto your cunt hungrily. keigo loves to play with his food — normally, he’d tease you by kissing around your cunt, giving hickeys all over your inner thighs, have you soaking wet & desperate for him. not today.
your pleasure was starting to build, it felt like all your emotions though bad, were aiding into it tremendously, melting away, withering away until all that remained was a coil in your pelvis eager to snap.
“fuck— keigo- baby, ah! wanna-” you managed to contort broken sentences, writhing beneath the vigor of keigo’s love, keigo’s torture on you.
“y’ wanna cum baby? my pretty girl wants to cum f’ me?” keigo asked you back, smirking at how frantic & impatiently you bobbed your head in a nod.
“go ahead, i’ve got you sweetie — cum for me.”
as if the gates to a dam had opened, you screamed out, letting go for keigo and spasming beneath him, whining for him. the emotions you held within fading off, releasing into the prickling tears that made your cheek dewy.
soon — your moans turned into quiet sniffles as keigo continued to ride out your orgasm, extending it until your hands meekly pushed him away by the shoulders, indicating your overstimulation.
“i love you, gonna give me another one baby?” keigo asked tenderly, kissing your knuckles.
“mm~ on your cock kei,”
“i gotchu~ baby.”
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bloodandthestars · 8 months
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priest!suguru geto x fem!reader. a part of JUDAS, a kinktober drabble series.
tw: talks on religion, smoking :: edit: UPDATED
wc: 2k :: masterlist :: previous part
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Sunday went as smoothly as he’d mull over in his head. The sermon was made to be a continuation of the previous one: where to find strength through God in the path of life’s obstacles. With Suguru moving voice and emphasis, the communion consumed and praised Him to be.
Wednesday rolled around, and it was a night of Bible study but more importantly, the potluck everyone was waiting for. Mrs. Kaskai and a few other church women set the picnic tables outside in the courtyard, her husband getting the lights to work around wooding postings. Mr. Weren brought propane for the grill, excited to be cooking ribs he had marinating in the church’s kitchen for a week now. With the Father’s help, they worked together as one to make it all happen for their community.
Suguru clicks a spoon to his glass to gather everyone’s attention. It was once simple click and heads turned without a second wasted. Children were hushed to soft murmurs and babbles, and all eyes were on him. Like they always were. And as always, he presented himself with a smile.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that the food we have here today isn’t like any other. Practically have a few five start chefs among us.” The crowd laughs heartily.
“The effort is seen and worth appreciating, especially with the succession of the bake sale!” Claps and cheers could be heard all around, including the father’s. They simmer down for him to continue. “It’s worth the celebration, so here we are, to bless and be blessed. Let us bow our heads.”
Small groups crowed around the food tables to get their pieces. As Suguru gives a nod of gratitude for Mr. Everest putting some on his place, he glances down to the array of foods. Each with their own signed cards of what was made and by who. His eyes glance over the varied names. His steps slow as they narrow in concentration, wanting to be sure he was seeing things correctly. A dark chocolate cake sat in front of him, with your name signed at the bottom. Did you come through here already? How come he didn’t see you?
He glances around, searching for your face in the crowd. When he came up empty-handed, the priest moves to allow the line to flow again.
The night went on as lively as ever, talking with each smiling patron after the next. He’d smile back, laugh with their jokes, but feel as though he was much farther from everyone than he really was. His words were half-hearted at best. Every now and then his glance takes him outward, looking to his surroundings. After the third or maybe fourth glance around, he eyes figure sitting on top of the hood of a car. A figure he’d recognize from his distracting thoughts.
“Are you alright, Pastor?”
He nods, blinking himself back into conversation with an older woman and her daughter. “Yes, my apologies.”
Those eyes wonder about again after the reassurance was made. Suguru knew the real answer to that question, and the one thing he could do to fix it.
The church parking lot only had about four street lights. You were under one of them, sitting atop your car, with a scent that he knew as clear as day. He shouldn’t approach you. If you looked like you wanted to be left alone, the result would have been just that. But his dress shoes keep their path, walking in your direction. Your head turns when you seemed to notice him approaching. Eyes glance at him up and down, he surely wasn’t mistaken on that. “Evening, Father.”
He greets you back with a mention of your name. Glancing away, he catches how you has a good view of everyone in the courtyard. Looking back, he asks. “Not one for these kinds of things?”
You blow out smoke to the side with a scrunch of your lips. “Not particularly.”
“May I ask why?”
Your smile feels like fingers crawling up his back. “Aren’t you off the clock, Father? No need to try and pull a confession.”
A warmth spreads on his cheeks, causing him to look away with an embarrassed chuckle. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“
“I’m only teasing you.”
What you pull from your pocket causes Suguru’s mouth to dry. A pack of cigarettes with a slight dent at the top. You pop open the carton, pulling out a stick. You look to the pastor, who watches your hands until he catches your gaze on him. It’s like you’re getting even worse for him to ignore— trading one slight for another.
He nods his head in your direction and you give him the pack. He hears the flicker of a lighter as he puts a cigarette on the trim oh his mouth. It parts, about to ask you for the light, until he feels something grab his shirt. Suguru looks up to catch the end of your cigarette with yours. Your eyes focus on making sure his lights, while his eyes can’t seem to turn away from your face. Not when you were so, so close. His heart picks up in light patters, hoping— praying, it was masked in his breathing.
He could only find himself to relax just as you finished lighting. You pull your head back, hand holding your sitting firm up from behind. Suguru leans his weight against the car with his back to you, entirely quiet.
There he was swirling in a spiral of water that never seemed to end. Why did you do that? The lighter was right there. He was just on the brink of being swallowed whole in your proximity. If only you ate a bit more.
He pulls the cigarette from his lips with shaky hand, blowing smoke off to the side. The silence remained so, but surprisingly to him, his shoulders begin to slack. His exhales become heavier as they roll out every stress of just that week. All in the intimate quiet you two shared.
“I suppose this was a much needed break.” He speaks up behind another inhale. You let your cigarette hang off your mouth as you glance to him. “Even you need breaks from all that religious zeal, Father?”
You were teasing him, he caught on it this time. Suguru laughs quietly, letting smoke follow after. "Of course I need a break," He replied. "As the head of this community, I feel responsible for everyone's well-being. Sometimes it's difficult to look after so many people at once.”
You both took a drag from your cigarettes. Your eyes look to the sky, watching as your smoke dissipates. Once again, you felt yourself be honest on holy ground. “I can’t imagine having to listen to them. Trying to solve every problem they have with a book older than the earth itself.”
Suguru didn’t know if he was supposed to take offense or not. But you weren’t exactly wrong. He knew how the people in the congregation operate. “People don't realize how much they project onto these ancient scriptures," Geto replied, nodding his head in agreement. "They don't consider the context of when they were written and how it may apply to their own situation."
He took another deep drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke. You slight your head in agreement. "Some people love to rely on something outside of themselves to tell them how to feel and how to live, I suppose."
What was that that felt like a wound in his chest? Pride?
“You don’t exactly sound like a believer.” He huffs.
“Neither do you.”
Something twists in his stomach. The same feeling of having your hand caught in the cookie jar as a child. He lashed his head to you, you and your calm expression that gives him even more whiplash. You shrug, pulling the tobacco tab from your lips. “Promise,” You finger traces an X over your chest. “I won’t tell a soul.”
Suguru catches your witty smile. Another tease, at least he had hoped with the hard swallow down his throat. Still, you did manage to get an amused exhale out of him.
“I…” He begins, only for his eyes to fall to the ground. His words change. “I just see things a bit differently than some of them.”
The pastor takes a quick inhale. "I believe a priest should listen to the scripture and offer guidance where needed, but also try to instill their own values and morals into the teachings."
You arch your brow. “That just seems…normal.”
He took the cigarette from his mouth, holding it in one hand as he leaned his back against the car further. "Some members think that's a blasphemous way of looking at it," he added. "That I'm perverting their precious lessons."
He laughed, exhaling a puff of smoke.
"I say, what's so blasphemous about using your own brain?"
Your brows quirk together, turning your head to the lively scene ahead of you both. “I didn’t know there were some in your congregation that find you that way.”
"I've learned a lot about my own congregation," He explained. "The members who are devout to the scripture are very sensitive to my every action. Any perceived flaw is bound to become a rumor in these circles."
Suguru paused, taking another drag. "Thankfully, I've managed to build up a good reputation within this community."
He glances over at you, eyes doing a once over before speaking. “To which you seem all the more distant from.”
You scoff, a cloud of smoke harshly pushed onto the air. You take your eyes back to the lively scene. The children playing in the grass, the sun setting behind the fumes of a grill. Chatter and booming laughter. It all seemed perfectly cut out for a holiday card. “I’m doing all this for my mother.” You murmur. “And I know when I don’t belong somewhere.”
He looks back to the ground. Those words sounded like ones that were temporary. He hoped not but the idea of you being here permanently didn’t seem too right.
A nudge of his neatly dressed shoulder snaps him out of his thoughts. His head bounces up to look at you. You were already half way down your cigarette when you talk. “Speaking of…you should go back.”
Maybe those words were his saving grace. A holy light appearing in the confusing darkness, perhaps a blessed creature creating a path to redemption. A way for his thoughts to distance themselves from your consumption. Perhaps your words were a moment of actual divine intervention.
"I think I'll stay with you." He states, almost confidently. “I…enjoy your company.”
The ends of your lips quirk up. Your hand pats a spot next to you on the hood of the car. Suguru looks between before obliging. Once he gets himself situated, he sees the view that she has of the social event. The congregation was in bursts of small groups. There was one person however, going from one group to the next with a slight of urgency. That group looks between each other, one straying off to act like the first— questioning and questioning. Suguru only let out a sigh, not a doubt in his mind what they were looking for.
You notice, turning your head to look at him. Huffing, you throw your finished cigarette on the gravel. He reluctantly goes to stand, running a hand through his hair as your hand pulls another cigarette. You place it at your lips. “Seems that’s your-“
That evening air beginning to settle in seemed long forgotten. You’re frozen in place as you’re met with his cigarette lighting the end of yours. His hands were placed on either side of you on the sleek hood. Suguru stood still between your legs to ensure that it would light— that he wouldn’t throw up his own heart. He simply just— moved. Jumped at the opportunity when it was clear for him. His tab was much shorter than when yours in the beginning of your smoke session, making your faces all the more closer. He could feel your breath tickle his face, just as still as he was. His eyes slowly look up to yours, that have been staring at him this whole time. The look within them changes. One that makes his throat too dry to speak.
“Careful there, Eve.”
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tags: @getousrep
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auteurdelabre · 6 months
Say, Thank You. Dark!Dave York x f!Reader
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Rating: 18+ (y’all this is deplorable filth)
pairing: Dave York x f! Reader
Words: 6.3
Summary: After driving you home from babysitting his kids, Dave York has a proposition for you that you just can’t refuse.
Warnings: whoooeee there’s a lot here folks. Name callin’ (slut, whore), uneven power dynamic, aggressive brutal sex, dubious consent, infidelity, blow job, oral sex (both m and f receiving), spanking, hair pulling, handcuffs, come,  unprotected p in v. I think that’s it… But y’all this is DARK DAVE. He is not a nice fella, especially to our MC.
A/N: Y’all please don’t judge me. I watched the Equalizer2 for the fiftieth time this year and I just couldn’t stop my tippy tappy fingers from writing out this filth with Dave York.
You've been babysitting for Carol York for about five months before you meet her husband Dave. 
Not because he's an absentee father or because he lives abroad. He just tends to work late because of his job and so by the time he gets home, you're paid and long gone. From what you've gathered he's a special type of cop. 
Sometimes he gets home so late his girls are in bed smelling of strawberry shampoo and dreaming sweet dreams. On those nights he presses gentle kisses to his daughters' foreheads and crawls into bed next to his wife. 
Carol is always there with open arms, curling against him and sighing that she missed him, that she wishes he didn't work so late. He kisses her forehead as well while quietly promising that he does it for their family, for their future. She always accepts this as she always will. He provides for her and the girls. 
But Dave feels guilt. The kind that twists his stomach when a familiar name is written on paper given to him. The kind of thing he can't tell Carol about. The kind of horror he can't share with anyone except his fellow killers. The kind of pain when his gun turns on a familiar face and he's forced to pull the trigger, or jab in the knife. 
It's him reeling from such an event in Brussels the week before that has him returning home three whiskeys full and emotionally spent. There is also a coiled anger in him, a terrifying thing that carves away at his innards leaving nothing but gleaming bone and fury. 
He wasn't always like this. 
He unlocks the front door to see you in the kitchen. An unfamiliar body in the cluttered landscape of his familiar suburban home. 
You're oblivious to him, listening to music through your ear pods as you scrub the dishes in his sink. Your body calls out to him like a sirens song and he watches as you twist along to the music. Your just what he likes, curves in all the right places with an innocent looking face.
Feeling eyes on you, you turn in surprise to see the dark-eyed man surveying you. He's dressed as if he's just come from the office, powder blue linen shirt, navy blue slacks, Gucci belt all under a long tan raincoat. He's handsome, strong jaw, strong nose but deliciously pouty mouth. 
"Oh hi," you say, eyes wide in surprise. "You must be Dave. Carol just went to bed a little while ago. She said that you'd be able to drive me home? I don't live far."
Dave stares at you a moment before breaking into a character he knows all too well. Suburban dad. Charming, kind, normal.
"Yeah of course," he says smoothly. "Grab your jacket and I'll take you right now."
You smile and follow him out to the driveway and inside the SUV you're struck by how good he smells. Like expensive aftershave and cologne. As you pull on your seatbelt and he twists the car in the ignition you can't help but admire the breadth of his hands, the deep shores of his knuckles. 
You listen to the radio, humming along. Dave asks you all the polite basic questions one does. What are you studying in university? Do you like it? What's your favorite class? Are you excited about graduating in a few months? All the same boring, basic things you answer every time you go home for the holidays. 
You answer politely, your eyes setting on the darkness outside the vehicle. You've given him your address so you're confused when he stops a few miles from your apartment. 
"Did my wife pay you already?"
"Uh yeah," you answer distractedly glancing out the window. This area is desolate, the houses in various stages of being built. 
Dave is looking thoughtfully over at your folded hands on your lap. He seems at ease, tilting back in his chair and just watching you. Forever a predator observing its squirming prey. 
You however feel a quell of panic working its way through your veins. You don't like how his eyes scroll your body, gaze sloping over your curves making an invisible map of your tits, nipples hard under his heavy gaze. 
"Why are we parked here, Mr. York?" 
You don't mean for it to come out breathless, but it does. It's dark in the vehicle and you can only see hints of Dave in the moons light. 
He turns his eyes on you in a shaft of the moons glow and this close you can see how dark they are. So dark you can see your nervous face in the reflection. You swallow at the vulgarity of this statement. 
He reaches between your seats and you watch his wide hand fall to the hem of your dress. You say nothing as he slowly drags it upwards, grazing along your thighs and leaving goosebumps with every uncovered inch. 
He watches this with fascination, marveling at skin he's never seen before, at shuddering breaths from the woman next to him, practically a stranger.
Finally you sit with panties exposed and your dress bunched to your hips. Dave removes his hand, still not having actually touched your skin, only the fabric of your skirt.
You feel hypnotized by his actions. They're so obviously wrong but done with such quiet intensity that speaking against them feels wrong. 
He can see from here that you're soaking through the fabric of your cotton panties.  A damp patch is evident in the middle, seen briefly before you drag your thighs to seal together. 
"Mr. York-"
Dave's teeth clench in the face of the honorific. And yet the air around him is gentle, non threatening. Like a spider who lingers on the periphery as the fly makes itself at home on its web. 
"Dave," he corrects softly. 
You swallow. "I don't do this sort of thing. Not with a married man." 
"I'll pay you." 
You pause at the proposition, waiting to see the facade crack. Waiting for him to laugh and say he's tipsy and it's all some weird joke you'll try to forget. But he doesn't. He's watching you, his eyes swimming over your face before coming to stop at your eyes. He raises a brow, a silent urge to answer. 
"Why me?"
"Why not you?"
You don't know how to answer him on that. Instead you just duck your head, giving it a shake with your face flaming at the vulgar suggestion. 
Dave nods, neither angry or upset. Simply existing. He hadn't been expecting you to say yes. He supposes just saying it had been enough for him tonight because he's already hard. 
"Your choice."
Except it doesn't really feel like your choice. Not really. It feels like a test that you're bound to fail if you refuse. 
"I'll take you home," Dave promises and starts up the car engine again. He means it. He'll give you an extra fifty too because he doesn't think you'll be by to babysit anytime soon after this. 
He puts the vehicle into gear while you think of the student loans piling up. You think of how Dave is handsome and smells good and before you can stop yourself you've taken your seatbelt off. 
Dave looks at you, seeing the answer in your eyes. He turns the car back off and again you're drenched in silence. It feels sticky and oppressive. 
"How much will you pay?"
Dave thinks for a moment, pulling out his wallet and rifling through. He pulls out six twenties and three fifties and puts them on the dashboard. 
You look at that money and swallow before darting a nervous look at him. 
"Are you going to t-touch me?"
His reply is flat. You look at him and then at the money. He seems genuine. 
"What do you want?"
"For you to follow my instructions." 
You try to ignore that you're so far away from civilization. So far away from anyone that could help you. Your phone is in your purse at your feet. But you don't think you'll need it. 
Dave nods, indicating with his chin that you should take the money. You do so, thrusting it into your purse and righting yourself in your seat. 
"Lean your back against the door and face me."
You nod, twisting until your spine hits the door. The blue night bathes you both and since you're tilted by the car window, the moonlight is streaming down and hitting your body. 
Dave is still half in shadow in his seat but you can still see him hard in his slacks. You assume he'll face you as well but he remains sitting as he was when driving, simply glancing down his shoulder at you.  
"Take off your panties." 
His voice is a rasp and you smirk gently at them being called panties by a grown man but you do so. You slip them down your legs, curving at the waist shyly as you prepare to put them in your purse. 
"Give them to me," Dave commands and you see his wide hand emerge from the shadows, palm up. 
You pause, considering this before handing them over. You watch Dave shove the fabric into his pocket before settling again, his body still facing the dashboard. 
You lean back against the door again, thighs pressed tightly together, skirt lowered back to your knees. You can see Dave is unimpressed with this development, breathing heavily through his nose. 
"Show me your tits."
With shaking hands you lift your shirt to your throat. You lower the cups of your bra, exposing your nipples to the cold air of the SUV. His dark eyes drink this in, his mouth pursing. 
"Spread your legs."
You feel you must be blushing all the way to your roots. You think of the money in your purse and with clenched teeth you let your legs part. 
Dave let's his mind take this sight in. This beautiful stranger leaning against the door, her tits spilling out over her shirt, her cunt glistening as she parts her legs lewdly for him. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright. She's nervous. Her breathing rapid and shallow. 
What a picture.
"Touch yourself," Dave says huskily. You feel your body tense but your hand slides down your abdomen, shaking fingers making their way between your soaked folds. 
You're so wet. 
You begin to trail your fingers over your clit and you find it remarkably sensitive. Obviously your body enjoys Dave's heavy stares even if your common sense does not. You whimper gently, arching into the sensation as Dave palms himself through his slacks. 
"That's it," Dave purrs as his eyelids shutter briefly.  "That's a good little slut."
This comment immediately puts you off. You've never been called a slut before and you don't care for it. You frown but then you think of the money crumpled in your purse and your fingers begin to circle your clit again. 
Dave watches for several moments, shifting in his seat. He palms himself through his slacks, his cheeks flushing slightly. 
"One finger."
You swallow before your forefinger breaches your cunt, slipping inside with no resistance. You give a surprised groan when you feel your body prickle with pleasure. You hadn't anticipated it feeling this good. 
Dave's eyes are glued to your cunt. His mouth barely moves when he demands you add a second finger, then a third. At three the stretch is uncomfortable but not unpleasant. Your breathing is increasing, your calves tightening as you cant your hips into your hand, thrusting your fingers into your sopping hole. 
It feels so much better than you expected and you attribute it to the dark -eyed man's burning gaze sliding along your body. It's performative, it's lurid, and yet you enjoy it. Your legs spread further, allowing him a better view and your mouth curls when you hear Dave groan. 
You watch as his hand goes to his slacks, popping the button and drawing down the zipper. Suddenly the mood shifts and your lazy smile drops. 
"Wait I...." You trail off, fingers stilling against your clit. You don't know why but you'd just assumed he'd keep his hands where you could see them. 
Dave glares at you when he sees you've ceased your movements. 
"Did I say stop?"
"No, but-"
"You took my money," Dave says sharply. "Now you make yourself come for me." 
You panic slightly. You're not going to be able to come this way. You need to be laying down with your vibrator pressed against your clit at just* the right angle. 
He won't know if you fake it.
You continue to curl your fingers within you, your lids half lowered. Dave watches this, his hand flexing before he releases himself from his boxers and slacks. 
He's thick and throbbing when it catches the light. The head is beaded with precum. You swallow, watching his hand begin to stroke his cock languidly. 
"C'mon," Dave grits. You're unsure if he's talking to you or himself but you move quicker, letting out little mewls of pleasure. 
There's something about this illicit moment, both of you pleasuring yourself next to one another, the sounds Dave makes as he jerks himself off. 
He's watching you out of the corner of his eyes, his chin jutting as he brings himself to the edge. You're just wavering though, unable to bring yourself over. You try to fake it, but you’ve never been that good an actress. Dave is red-cheeked, pulling at his cock almost angrily.
"Fucking come."
"I can't -" you groan. "I can't like this it's-"
You let out a sharp cry when he suddenly launches himself at you across the seat. You drop your hand, going to pull yourself back tighter against the door.
His broad hand slides between your thighs and you watch as two long fingers breach your cunt. 
"You said... You said you weren't going to touch me," you moan, your body arching violently against his much wider fingers. And you haven’t even gotten the sentence out before you’re gasping in pleasure.
He begins to finger fuck you with one hand, the other continuing to stroke his cock. You're shamed at how easily they work within you. His thumb circles your clit, the meat of his palm grinding against your pussy. 
"And you were supposed to follow instructions," Dave answers smoothly. "Looks like we both lied."
His long fingers curl within you, pulling out your pleasure whimper by whimper. You can see the head of his cock weeping. The sight of it sends a thrill through you and you buck against him. 
He's grinning a shark-tooth smile at you, watching you come undone under his fingers. 
"Little slut needed my fingers to come on, is that it?"
"Not a slut-" you sigh, your hands clutching at the seat. You're desperate to feel more of him. "F-Fuck! Deeper, please!" 
He thrusts his fingers into you deeper, hitting that sweet spongy spot your fingers can't reach yourself. You start to cry out, sharp whines.
"Pussy drenching the fingers of a man you don't know?" Dave chuckles cruelly. "You're whimpering for more and you don't think you're a little slut?"
You say nothing to this, trying to ignore his oily smirk as he coaxes your orgasm from you. 
"Say you're a little slut that needs my fingers to come on."
You want to resist, but his fingers curl again and you can see your arousal dripping down his wrist. 
"I'm... I'm a slut," you whimper for him. “’N I need your fingers to come on."
Dave gives you a feral grin, nodding and stroking you both. He feels so good, his wide fingers stretching you perfectly. 
He can't ask Carol for these things. She wouldn't understand the harsh language. Wouldn't understand why her sweet husband of ten years would suddenly be so dark. Couldn't possibly understand the tolls his job takes on him daily. 
And you don't have to understand. You just have to do what he says. 
"Say you want my come."
"I want your come," you moan, your orgasm taking you over. Dave watches you shatter under his touch, relishing how your body responds.
He kneels next to you on the car seat, stroking his cock at a wild pace as you come down. He breathes harshly between gritted teeth, cheeks a blotchy pink. 
He doesn't ask your permission. He doesn't warn you. He simply strokes himself over you, releasing thick ropes of cum directly over your cunt as he comes.
You gasp at the sensation of it hitting your pussy, watching his face go from tense to languid calm. He watches his spend seep into your skin. 
"Say thank you," he demands huskily.
You swallow, still dazed. "Thank you."
His breath is ragged when he tucks himself back into his slacks, sliding back into his seat and starting the car. 
He glances over at you, still covered in his spend, your thighs still spread. He takes a moment where his eyes linger, memorizing this before his attention is back on the road. 
"Seatbelt," he reminds you as the last fifteen minutes have not happened. 
When he drops you out front of your apartment you can't even make eye contact with him. You simply walk into your apartment, wide-eyed and still smelling of him.
It's another few weeks before he comes home to find you there. You're putting away the girls toys, humming to yourself. When he walks in the living room you freeze like an animal hoping to outwit a predator, dropping the stuffy you'd been about to put in the toy box. 
"He-hello," you say. "Mr. Yo-- Dave."
Dave is just as shocked to see you. He assumed that after your last interaction, you'd be long gone. Carol always takes care of babysitting and he never really checks in about it. 
He regrets that now because he wasn't expecting you. Wasn't ready to see your face and body in his house again. Didn't ready himself against the instinct that has him semi hard in his slacks already. 
"Where's Carol?"
"Upstairs," you tell him swallowing. "I think she's having a shower. She asked me to clean up before I left."
He nods, seeming to fight an internal battle. He drops his suitcase beside him. You watch him walk slowly over to you before pausing, tilting his head. You realize he's listening to hear if Carol is still in the shower. 
When he hears the water still running he rapidly closes the distance between you two. You stare up at his clean-shaven face; see the haunted look in his dark eyes. He seems more un-tethered than last time. 
You let out a small little whimper when his hands come to cup your breasts through your shirt. He worries your nipples into little points through the fabric, humming softly when they harden in his palm. 
"So responsive."
You allow him to back you against the couch. You're both silent as he seats you on the arm of it, tugging down your panties until they pool at your ankles. His fingers drag up your bare legs, grazing your inner thighs. 
He can see your pupils blown wide, your chest flushed with arousal and he hides a smile at how fucking eager you are. 
He pushes you gently by the shoulder and you tumble backwards until your spine is against the seat cushion, your hips angled up against the arm of the couch. You go to cover your exposed pussy, but he bats your hand away.
"Shut up," he says softly. 
He shoves your shirt up under your chin, letting your tits free in front of him. The nipples crinkle as they hit the air. He watches this silently. 
He parts your thighs widely with his palms, inhaling as you're exposed to him. Your face is heated with both shame and arousal as he stares at it twitching there beneath his gaze. 
You watch in silent fascination as he parts the lips of your cunt before a long string of his saliva drops from his full mouth into it. 
You wriggle at first at the sensation, frowning and about to complain stopping only when his dark eyes capture yours in a silent command to cease. 
Like a spider he crawls over your body, his dress shirt fabric brushing against your exposed cunt. His wide hands brace themselves on the cushion beside your head. With wide eyes you watch him lower his face to your ear.
"Don't act like this isn't what you wanted," he rasps. His breath is hot and insistent against your ear and you shiver. "You knew that this was inevitable the second you stepped through my front door."
He's right.
That's exactly why you've been returning every week for Carol York. Hoping for glimpses of Dave. Wearing skirts and cute underwear in hopes that he'll offer to drive you home again. 
You haven't been able to stop thinking of last time. How wrong it was. How good it was. 
You don't know about this though, having him spread your legs on the couch in his home while his wife is upstairs taking a shower? You weren't prepared for this. 
All doubts are erased when his tongue licks a broad stripe up the seam of your cunt. You arch into his mouth, your body flushed with desire for him. When you try to touch him he shoves your hands away. 
"Under your back," he orders and you acquiesce, twisting your arms and sliding your hands under your back, pressing them into the sofa cushion. 
He works his mouth between your thighs hungrily, holding you down by the stomach as you arch against his lips.
"Shut the fuck up," he growls when you start to keen. 
You realize that despite the sound of the shower upstairs, noise can travel in the two level home. 
He's relentless, his mouth pulling your orgasm from you brutally.You grab a pillow from the couch, covering your face with it so you can whimper.  
He makes you come like that, pillow over your face to muffle your shriek of pleasure. You peel it from off your face, your breathing ragged. 
Dave looks down at you with your flushed face and mouth pink from biting down to stop your moaning growing too loud.  He doesn't think when he grips you by the upper arm, dragging you up and over the arm of the couch again. 
He pauses, hearing the shower still running. 
Emboldened he whirls you from him, pressing you over the couch, your ass tilted at his hips level. He flips up your skirt baring your ass and slick cunt to him.
"This house is a fucking mess," he growls from above you. 
"I-I'm sorry-"
"You're hired to do a job."
Irritation flares within you. "My job is taking care of your kids."
He drapes himself over you.
"Your job is to keep my house clean while you do it," Dave grunts against your ear. He presses your cheek to the couch, his hand gripping the back of your neck to hold you down. 
You don't say anything when he nudges your ankles with his foot to widen your stance. You only whimper when he drives himself up and into you. 
Your body jolts under him, your ass deliciously rippling under his driving motions. Your cunt is slick and takes him so easily is like it was made for him. He stands there, fucking you over the arm of the couch, head tilted forward. 
"Take it," he murmurs, thrusting into you brutally. "Fucking take it." 
And you do. You let him fuck you against the same couch he has his family movie nights on. The same couch he consoled Carol on when her grandma passed. He fucks into the body of his babysitter, marveling at how different she feels, how tight, how wet. 
The sound of his bare hips against the meat of your ass makes lewd slapping noises. You can hear the shower still going and you're thankful Carol can't hear as her husband fucks you from behind. 
You allow him to hold you down and fuck into you every bad feeling he's carried in recent weeks. You take it and you arch 
for more because it feels good to take it. You like how it feels to take it. You don't know why he's angry and you don't care. 
"Good little pussy," Dave grunts above you. "She's gonna take all my come tonight."
And you do. You take him deep, feeling him fuck it deeply into you as he bites down on the flesh between your shoulder and neck. He rocks into you a few more moments before you can feel him softening inside you. 
He still has his hand on your neck and he tits your face until he sees your eyes. 
"Say thank you."
You let out a shuddering breath. "Thank you." 
He drives you home in stony silence. You say goodbye and he doesn't respond. He drives off as you walk towards your apartment two hundred dollars richer with his spend dripping down between your thighs.
"Hey there," Carol chirps over the phone a few weeks later. "We won't need you this week. I'm taking the girls up to see my sister."
"Well I hope you and Mr. York enjoy the time together," you say with forced cheer. You haven't seen Dave since that last time and you can't stop thinking about him. 
You've touched yourself to the memory, drunk on reliving the stolen moments. You've tried facebook stalking him, you’ve tried to google him, devastated when nothing pops up but old grey-haired real estate agents. It’s like he doesn’t exist online.
"Oh Dave's not coming," Carol says and you can hear the disappointment in her voice. "He's got too much work stuff so he’s staying behind. It's a girl’s trip this time!"
Dave is staying behind.
You know it's a long shot but that doesn't stop you from taking the bus to the York residence that Friday night as usual. You ring the doorbell, moving anxiously from foot to foot. 
Relief blooms in your face as the door opens and his handsome face peeks out. Your heart leaps because he's here, he's home. 
"Evening," he says with a surprise raise of his eyebrows, crossing his arms and leaning a shoulder against the doorframe. When he does that you see how the fabric strains over his muscled arms. 
"Why are you here?"
"I thought I was babysitting tonight," you lie, your face crumpled in false confusion. 
"Mhmm," Dave hums, his eyes surveying how you're dressed, how you smell like cheap perfume and the gloss to your lips. He hides a smile, seeing through your performance easily. "Carol and the girls are gone for the weekend."
"Oh I totally forgot," you claim, trying to look sincere. "Do you mind if I get a glass of water before I head home?"
"Not at all."
You head towards the kitchen, ready to sail by Dave. He stops you immediately, one wide hand falling over your shoulder. The front door closes behind you and he pushes you against it before forcing you to your knees. 
"We both know why you came here."
You gaze up at him as he gathers your hair into a ponytail atop your head. The motion is almost tender. He pulls at his belt with his free hand, tugging the zipper down and bringing his hard cock out. 
You do, not even flinching when he slips his cock over your tongue, fucking into your mouth as you groan. Fucking your mouth right there at the door. Your eyes grow damp as his thick cock works against the back of your throat, making you choke. 
You love it. You love how he doesn't hold back. Your mouth is stretched, your hands on his hips for purchase. He holds tightly to your hair, keeping you in place. 
Dave marvels at how well you take him without complaint. How sweet you look on your knees, desperate to please him. 
 “Love sucking cock don’t you?”
You give a wonton moan of agreement, your eyes rolling back as the head of his cock hits the back of your throat.
He pulls you off of him, breathing heavily through his nose. His dark eyes watch the spit trail from your bottom lip to the tip of his slick cock as you look up at him concerned that you've done something wrong. 
"You want more?'
You nod. 
"Eager little slut," he purrs, smiling. He pulls you by the hair to a stand before pushing you gently up the stairs. He watches your ass twitch in front of him as you jog up the stairs. Your heart is hammering excitedly as you enter the forbidden sanctum of his bedroom. It’s cheery and homey and you can only assume that Carol decorated everything.
"Undress," he orders when you reach the end of his king-sized bed and you don't hesitate. You pull off your dress over your head, free of underclothes and you stand there naked and waiting for him. 
He takes his time sauntering into the bedroom, eyeing your naked form at his leisure. You watch as he slowly unbuttons the cuffs of his dress shirt, rolling them up halfway to his elbows.  
He moves to his dresser drawer and you hear a clattering. Your eyes widen when you see him retrieve a pair of handcuffs, but they don't look like the ones you've seen in sex shops. These look real. 
He pauses, looking at you and raising them to eye level. He's waiting for you to leave.
"I'm ready."
There it is; a ghost of a smile on his lips when you say that. You say nothing more as he pushes you onto the bed or when he raises your wrists above your head, securing you to the headboard with the handcuffs. They snap around your wrists so tightly you wince. 
He lowers his boxers, giving you an unobstructed view of his cock, heavy and aching and he crawls up the length of your body, his tongue dragging along your throat. He shuffles until his hips are at your chin. He takes his cock in his hand, dragging it along the seam of your mouth, playing with you. 
"You still want it?"
"Yes," you pant as he drags it along your lips. Your tongue darts out to lick the tip. "Please."
"What do you want?"
"Want your cock, Dave. Please."
Dave smirks, biting his lower lip. He's turned on out of his mind. You're eyes gazing up at him, mouth ready to be stuffed with him.  
Without warning he yanks back your head, thrusting his cock back into your mouth and thrusting furiously. It shocks you and you instinctively twist under him.
"Quit it," he groans angrily. "You wanted this cock and I'm giving it to you."
He tilts forward, hands gripping the headboard for momentum. He slams his hips against your face, fucking into your mouth with gusto.
"Swallow it,” he grunts out, starting a brutal pace. “Swallow my cock, little slut."
Your nose is buried in the wiry hairs at the base of his cock, warm and musky. His balls slap against your chin, his cock choking you as drool seeps out the corner of your strained lips. 
He pulls out, letting you catch your breath. He's breathing raggedly, staring down at you. He fists his cock, holding it and slapping it gently against your cheek.  
He pauses, tilting back and slipping his fingers into your cunt. You whimper at the sensation against your throbbing cunt. You feel him slide a finger in knuckle deep before pulling ruthlessly out. 
"Think you want more," he coos, dragging his wet finger along your lower lip. "She's so wet."
As you shake your head in protest he nods his, sliding his cock back along your tongue. And while you try to deny it, the feeling of being suffocated by his cock is turning you on. You're groaning around his length, your hands twisting against the cuffs as you begin to hollow your cheeks. 
"There she is," Dave grins down at you, his hips snapping over your chin. "Little cum slut." 
He lets out a grunt shortly after, spilling himself down your throat. You swallow it, sucking at him, cleaning every drop. He pulls out of you, his soft length dragging over your lower lip. 
"Say thank you," Dave rasps.
"T-thank you."
You watch as he peels off his clothes, his muscles rippling as he moves. You make a soft whimpering sound as he turns, your mouth in a small o as you see his cock already semi hard. 
"Hope you don't have plans," he tells you serenely as he crawls up the bed towards you again. "Because you're not going anywhere."
He wraps your legs around his waist, cock erect and pushing himself into your dripping cunt. Your wrists pull against the cuffs, your spine arching. You watch as his cock slides into you, pulling out to reveal him shiny and thick. He thrusts back into you, hard.
"You're gonna stay here until I've had my fill."
He fucks you for hours in all positions through the night. Even when you're sore and begging for reprieve he pulls orgasms from you. 
"I told you to fuck yourself on my cock."
"Please," you beg, tears streaming from the corners of your eyes as his belt around your hip  tightens. He grips it and pulls you back against his length, sliding it between your glistening folds.  
"I can't..."
He ignores you, thrusting into your soaking pussy and grunting that you wanted this, that you needed it. He tugs you back along him again and again as you grip the bedsheets and feel himself fuck deeper and deeper into you.
He watches you in the mirror over the dresser across the room. Watches your head dropped forward, your ass jolting as he rams into you from behind. He watches himself with glee as you moan under him, sex loud and squelching. 
"Fucking scream for me you little slut." 
And you do. You come for him, loudly sobbing his name as he grins sadistically down at you. He feels better than he has in years. All the tension, all the guilt seeping out from him into you with every orgasm. 
He flips you around, flattening your body under his on the mattress. He bottoms out inside you, grunting loudly, his body heavy and warm.  His mouth is inches from yours and you know he'd never kiss you. 
"Spread your legs," he orders, bucking his hips into you. "More."
You hold your thighs apart so he can get better access, a new angle, a driving thrust that has you crying out. He feels so big, he feels so thick, he feels so…. Much. Too much. Too much good that has you sobbing in both pleasure and pain.
He cuffs you back to the headboard, only this time facing away so he can swat your ass, relishing in the pale pink handprints he leaves. The satisfying smack ringing through his normally subdued bedroom.
When perspiration dots his hairline he pulls you off the bed and takes you in the shower, amongst his wife's soaps and lotions. He let’s the water fall over your body, soaping your tits, squeezing them until you shriek and then fucking you against the tiles. 
He makes you ride him in his bed, thinking of how he'll fuck Carol on the same sheets when she gets back. How they'll still smell like you when he does. 
He watches you bounce on his hips, tits jerking and your mouth open as you crest again and again. 
"Little whore," he hisses, smiling. "So eager to ride a married man's cock." 
You whimper, eyes shuttering. Guilt goes through you only to be quickly replaced with pleasure as his thumb finds your over-stimulated clit. You come quickly, your pussy dripping down his cock. He's relentless, his cock still driving up into you, your body jolting. 
"Beg me."
"Please give me your come," you cry raggedly, your hands flying to his as he begins to thrust you down over him, fucking into you. He watches your mingled come drip over his length and he empties himself into you with a roar, his large hands gripping your hips so tightly you know you'll find bruises tomorrow. 
He finally releases you, panting and you slide down next to him on the bed, amongst the damp sheets.
Your body twitches as his knuckle drags down your spine. That's all the comfort he offers you. 
When the sun comes up not long after he seems to come back to himself, as if the dawns rays are a silent alarm.  He helps you get dressed, your entire body sore. He helps you into your shoes, his hands running along your calf before drawing back to a stand. 
He drives you home in silence and when he parks outside your apartment and goes to hand you the money you shake your head, pushing it back to him. 
"Thank you."
He smiles at this, one that doesn't seem laced with menace. 
"You're welcome."
It's the last time you ever see him.
That last memory of Dave in his SUV driving off into the blue morning is forever etched in your mind. 
When Carol calls you weeks later sobbing to tell you that Dave has been killed in action you can't speak. 
She tells you that she's moving, that she's taking the girls away from all these memories. 
But all you can think of is your own memories. The way Dave's eyes burned, the way his voice felt in your ear, his finger along your spine. 
Months later you look at the small swell of your belly, running your hand down where your child grows. 
You wonder if he'll look like his father. 
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anthracite-writes · 8 months
Obey Me! Oneshot; Comfort Crowd
Follow up story to: Duty Calls
NB! Satan x gn!reader || SFW || Pronouns: You/Your and They/Them || CW // TW: Jealous Satan if you look hard enough, possible OOC Satan???, slight angst if you look hard enough - General Summary: After the events of last night, Satan requests you spend more time with him only for his brother to constantly steal you away every second of the day.
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The morning air of the Devildom was crisp as you walked the stone path, carrying grocery bags and the breakfast Lucifer asked you to pick up over a text. Apparently, Beel has emptied out the whole fridge and the pantry in one of his sleepwalking trips late at night - and it was your job to get groceries from the list Lucifer set you to replenish the brothers’ pantry and kitchen for a week and to get the take-out Lucifer put in. At least Diavolo allowed you to use the card he gave you when you became the attendant for the newly formed demon brothers - Diavolo promised the brother’s would reimburse you for what you spent on his behalf. You let out a sigh as you approached the familiar towering house, catching a curtain demon’s attention who was standing in front of the gates.
“Good morning, Y/N. What are you doing here and up so early? You don’t usually come before the rest and I have breakfast.” Satan said, his eyes looking at the bags of food and the take-out in your hands. “Is this all for Cocytus Hall? I didn’t think you and Solomon needed that much…”
You let out a soft chuckle as you stop in front of him, placing down the bags to give your hands and arms a break - stretching them out as you explain the situation, Satan listening to every word and nodding in acknowledgement.
“I see, why can’t that arrogant and stuck-up Lucifer get it himself?” Satan said with a hiss in his voice, his hatred for the Avatar of Pride that created hated him clear in his expression as his eyes darted to the side as he spoke. “He of all people should be aware how hard you work for us alone let alone having to take care of yourself as a mere human, just thinking about how he’s using his position of power to make you do things just because you’re our attendant makes my blood boil-”
“Satan, it’s fine. It’s my job to make sure you and your family-”
“Not my family…”
“-settle into the Devildom seamlessly, Lord Diavolo’s order as the attendant appointed by him on impulse.” You finish you though, completely ignoring Satan’s remark.
You look over to the stone street in front of the house, the cats mingling and mewing at each other in the early morning moonlight, making your lips crack into a soft smile - unaware Satan was staring at you intently as if he was holding back something.
“I see you’re doing your hourly cat-watching, huh?” You said with a slight chuckle, looking back at Satan, the demon’s cheek becoming flush and his body language stiffening when your eyes met his.
“Y-yes… um” Satan cleared his throat, “Y/N, can I ask something of you?”
“Is it okay if you talk to me later? I should really get these groceries into the pantry and fridge.” You asked, gathering up the handles of the bags of groceries in your hands and lifting them slightly up from the ground.
“N-naturally, I’ve been holding you back from doing this task. Apologies, here - let me take some of those bags off your hands” Satan said, reaching out for you to hand him some of the bags.
“No, No, that’s okay. I can handle the bags. You think you can open the gate and the front door for me though?” You ask with a warm smile.
--- It was dead silent in the kitchen, the sound of your footsteps against the stone floor and the rustling of materials as you got the items that filled the bags and sorted them in their respective place in the kitchen. Satan leaning up against the door frame, his emerald green eyes watching and tracking your every move, his arms crossed. You catch him staring from the corner of your eye as you organize the pudding cups in the fridge, letting out a soft chuckle.
“You know it’s extremely rude to stare, Satan.” You said with a soft smiles, your eyes forward, not noticing that Satan’s cheek flushed up again and his eyes widening with embarrassment from your words. “You said you wanted to ask something from me earlier, yet you’ve been silent this whole time.”
“... It’s kind of an embarrassing request to ask from you.” you hear Satan said in a quiet tone. 
You look over at him as you stand up straight, “You know I won’t judge you or anything. I’ve had much weirder requests from your bro- I mean ‘the others’ - so it’s probably not that weird or odd of a request that I’ve heard before.”
Satan took a shaky breath as he looked down at the ground to avoid your gaze, “I… want to know if you’d like to spend time with me today… I mean, after breakfast and when you’re on duty of course.” he said quietly. “I… really enjoyed last night and was wondering if we can do that again… you know…” Satan looked over his shoulder to check if any of the others were around to hear him before looking at you, his eyes meeting yours once again. “Holding me and just listening to me?”
You let out a soft sight as you folded up the grocery bags to take back to Cocytus Hall to reuse, the way he was looking at you was almost like he was pleading with you to say ‘yes’ to him. To the young demon, you were the only one who would give him the time of day to hear him out and look past his uncontrollable anger. You finish folding the bags and leave them on the wooden prep table in the middle of the kitchen before walking over to him. “I’d be happy to, I don’t think there’s any other tasks the others have asked me off for today so -  I might be able to spend the day with you if that makes you happy.” You say with a smile, watching Satan’s eyes twinkle at the thought of finally getting to spend time with you – just you and him. No one else bothers the two of you.
“O-okay… thank you in advance…” He said with a smile, his cheeks turning a faint pink before he cleared his throat, “Can… um… you do the thing…? I know we usually do it when you come by after breakfast… also can we throw in a hug? I like those now.”
You smile softly and walk over to the blond demon, giving a slight nod in response. You wait for Satan to open his arms to you and you step closer to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, feeling his arms wrap around your body tightly. “You’re going to be okay today, Satan… I know you will.” You started, feeling the demon’s nuzzle the crook of your neck as he buried his face into it. “You’re gonna have a great day today - no tantrums, no rampages, no angry outburst…”
- - -
Satan was walking to the house’s main library to return some of the books he’s been keeping in his hoard, noticing you being dragged by the lavender-haired third born demon. Like a magnet, he turned on his his heels and followed you closely, “Um, Hello Y/N.” He said quietly, getting you to look at him.
“Hey Satan.”
“Um… about my request I’ve asked of you this morning…?”
You let out a soft sigh, smiling in an apologetic manner “I promise I haven’t forgotten, I’ll go straight to you’re room after I help Leviathan here. Mammon took one of his limited edition figures hostage again…”
Satan took a breath, and nodded, “Okay… I can wait till then.” He said with a hint of disappointment, silently reminding himself that you were an extremely busy person. He turned around and continued on his way to the library, ‘They haven’t forgotten… they’ll come, I know they will…’
- - -
Satan was heading outside to the house’s garden, cat food and toys in hand to play with some of the wild cats that wander between the Devildom and the Human world. Passing by the kitchen he sees you helping out the twins cook something for lunch. He didn’t realize he had stopped in his tracks and was gawking at you, nor this he notice he had crushed one of the cans of tuna with his bear hands out of annoyance.You were supposed to spend the day with him, doesn’t anyone know that…?
“Satan.” You called out to him, getting his head out of his raging thoughts. He blinked a couple times, noticing you were in front of him holding a couple paper towels. “You made a mess, you crushed one of the cans your hold there.” You said, gently taking it out of his grasps and throwing it away before you took his hand ever so gently, wiping the demon’s hand with the paper towels. “You’re going out to see the kitties again, huh?”
Satan just nodded, his eyes glue to your soft expression, “Y/N… about my request…”
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his as you flashed him a smile, “I didn’t forget… Belpie just wanted me to help him and Beel make lunch for today, he’s worried that Beel would eat all the ingredients when taste testing. I’ll be with you after this okay?” you reassured him with a gentle tone, letting go of his hand. “Don’t keep the kitty cats waiting okay? Lunch will be ready soon.”
- - -
Satan was starting to reach his limits with his patience, he just wanted to spend time with you after all and his so called “brothers” were distracting you from the task he asked from you. He goes back to the library to look through the books to find something to kill time only to catch a glimpse into Lucifer private study - seeing you with the first born as the two of you went over paperwork regarding RAD. This was the final straw for him. He stormed out of the library, the annoyance turning into rage. He slammed the door of his bedroom that made the room shake. ‘Of course Lucifer would try to eat up your time. That son of a-’
“Satan?” He hears you calling out to him, turning around before he could throw the book in his hands, realizing he had destroyed his room.
He felt himself absolutely break down, dropping the book to the ground, the rage subsiding, hanging his head in shame.
You walk over to the demon, pulling him into a hug, feeling the spiked tail wrap around your leg gently.
“I-I’m sorry… I um… I don’t know how to explain how I was feeling… “ Satan mumbled, “It’s like there was a lump in my throat and like a stabbing feeling in my chest every time one of the others took more and more time from you to spend time with me… it felt like they were doing it on purpose….”
You smile softly, holding the young demon close to you as you rubbed his back, feeling his head press into your neck as you comforted him. Finally getting the one thing he wanted from you this whole time. Finally having the company he wanted. Finally being with the person he craved.
“I was getting worried you might have forgotten…” he muttered.
“ “I’m here now, Satan…” You cooed.
“You’re here…”
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0v3rcast · 1 year
You can give no more than you have already. You leave.
(Abandoning a relationship, for your own sake. Angst.)
(Content warnings: I dunno, it's just sad? Mentions of a failing relationship?)
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Three bags of your belongings sit at your feet.
In the largest bag are your clothes. Not the clothes they'd given you or any of their clothes that you'd claimed - they are your clothes, both from before the relationship and that you'd purchased for yourself, as well as several sets of traveling clothing that you'd purchased a piece at a time in the past months.
In the second largest bag are your toiletries. Soaps for your skin and hair, a toothbrush and toothpaste, fine-toothed combs, several ornamental hairpins that had belonged to a relative, a small lint roller, and small bottles of both perfumes and colognes.
In the third bag are personal possessions. Mora, photos, a music box you'd been given as a young child, a favorite painting you'd removed from the frame and gently rolled up.
You take nothing of theirs. Nothing they'd given you. Nothing you'd found shared meaning in as a couple.
The weapon you'd learned to master rests against your leg from where you sit at the kitchen table a final time.
On the table lie the supplies you'll require to outline your grievances. Word of mouth does not carry the same hollow permanence as a written message.
It takes you some time to gather all of the scattered emotions in your chest into a tight, controlled ball.
Ink meets paper, pooling for a single solitary moment, and you begin to write.
'To my beloved:
I am sorry, but I can't do this any longer, and I suspect from your lateness and distance in recent months that neither can you.
At the beginning of our relationship, you were the only person I could see - no other living being on Teyvat had the same attractive nature you did. You were everything to me, and in some ways, you still are.
I have tried to sustain this crumbling connection we share, to preserve the magnetism that bound us so tightly. Every morning, if you are even still there when I wake, I do not recognize the person I see.
My concerns for your health seem to go unnoticed. When I make you a meal, you've either already eaten or are too tired to sit with me.
When I plead with you to rest, you refuse to, even though I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.
My presence seems to irritate you. Our conversations tend to either devolve into fights or slowly go quiet.
You feel as cold as your side of the bed we used to share.
When I ask you to join me on my trips to enjoy a night with others or to visit a restaurant, you are unavailable due to work or simply have no interest in the journey.
I know you have not been finishing what I make you. I have found the meals in the trash, often with very little having been eaten.
You have given me gifts in recent weeks. Trophies of your victories, symbols of your status, proof of your work. Once upon a time, I would have lovingly collected them and placed them in our home in such a way that all who visited would see them, would know my pride and love for you.
They are no replacement for your presence in my life. You cannot expect them to be an acceptable substitute for all the little moments we no longer spend together.
But I suppose I should thank you, as well. The argument we had last week has given me much to think on, including myself.
Your behavior leads me to a single conclusion: the fault lies with me.
Was I not enough?
Did my actions push you away?
Was it something I said?
...is there another, one who can take care of you the way I cannot?
Am I so thoroughly unsatisfying?
The answer doesn't particularly matter anymore.
I wish to ask for one final favor. You may reject it, but for both our sakes I hope you will humor it.
Find another. Move on. Heal from this. Live a life you will not regret. I will do the same.
Perhaps in another life, this would never have come to pass. But here it has.
I doubt we will meet again.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for pretending. Thank you for being here long enough to make me feel special.
Beneath this note you will find two stacks of documents. The first are a collection of every expenditure I have incurred during our relationship, in the form of invoices, receipts, and bills, itemized from most to least expensive.
The second stack are records of withdrawals from my private funds for the purpose of repayment, with signed affidavits from bank managers to confirm that I have done this of my own free will and through legally-accepted channels.
I cannot give you back your time. All I can do is return the money.
When you read this, I will be gone. The world is too vast to stay and fester miserably in the absence of you.
This is goodbye, both as a person and as your partner. I do not do this to hurt you, but to spare us both more misery.
I want you to be happier.
I love you.'
You gently lay the letter down, pack away your writing tools, and tuck them into the third bag.
The front door shuts behind you with a sense of finality, and your shadow slowly follows you in the afternoon light.
You leave the place you once thought of as a home with no outward expression of the grief and sorrow oozing inside of you like wicked poison.
Those who question your sudden departure are simply told you are going to visit family, but otherwise you say as little as possible.
When they come home, the stars now twinkling in the night sky, they find the note.
As you said, you are gone. You crept over the horizon with the sunset hours ago.
And the weight of your absence slowly begins to settle on their chest.
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noirsfantasy · 6 months
On the first day of Christmas...
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𝔄 𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔬 ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Actor!Michael B Jordan x OC!Naomi Samuels
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛ 4.2K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ Returning home for the holidays, 29-year-old successful artist Naomi Samuels from New York finds her trip taking an unexpected turn. Things take an exciting twist when her brother Daniel arrives, accompanied by none other than the renowned actor Michael B. Jordan. As the next few days unfold with this unexpected guest, Naomi's holiday promises to be anything but ordinary. What adventures await in this unexpected reunion?
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ I'm gonna be honest, this story has me really excited. When I tell you I love Christmas, it's real. I want y'all to know that I fully intended this story to sound a bit hallmarky, so please bare with me. It gets good ;)
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
Part 2 Here
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The Samuels family's Christmas is always a hit. Family comes from all over down to the small town of Leavenworth, Washington just to gather together for this holiday. This is where my grandmother and mother lives, keeping the roots strong. Although, we haven't really had a big family Christmas since before COVID hit, so this one is bound to be special.
Just a week ago, I completed a project for a high-paying client, affording me the luxury of having the entire week before Christmas off. Usually, I am booked up to my ears at this time, so I am grateful for the vacation. I got to the house late last night, and so far, only a handful of aunts, uncles, and a few younger cousins had arrived. As the sole young adult present, I find myself shouldering the full force of our family's 'charm'.
I wake up early this morning in my old bedroom, starting my day with a warm shower. Once I'm dressed and freshened up, I head downstairs, hearing some chatter. I greet my grandmother, who is on the couch, watching her shows. She is always excited to see me.
"Good morning, Grandmother." I say with joy as I give her a warm hug.
"Oh, my beautiful Mimi." She calls my childhood nickname, her hand reaching out to cup my cheek with a gentle tremor. "You are turning into such a beautiful and remarkable woman. I can't tell you how proud of you I am." Her eyes reflect pure love, and I can't help but return her smile. The connection between my grandmother and me is unique, given that I am her first granddaughter.
"Thank you, Grandmother. I'm so happy that I could get to come see you. I know I haven't been around as much since I moved to New York for work," I admit, a twinge of guilt behind my words.
"Don't you worry about that, dear. You're here now, and every moment with my grandbaby is a blessing," she reassures me warmly. "I think your mom and aunts are in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Why don't you go in and see how you can help?" She suggests.
With a nod, I rise from the couch, placing a tender kiss on her cheek before making my way into the kitchen. As I enter, the lively banter of my mom and aunts fills the air, mid-gossip in the midst of breakfast preparations. I'm embraced by the scent of bacon and brewing of coffee. The women pause their gossip for a moment, shifting their attention to me.
"Well, look who decided to get up bright and early!" My mom exclaims, giving me a quick embrace. "Here, you take over the bacon for me. I need to get started on the pancakes," she adds, directing me to her spot at the stove. My aunts greet me with a cheerful "good morning" before seamlessly resuming their conversation with my mother.
The kitchen was bustling with activity, filled with the savory aroma of the many dishes being cooked. The Auntie's hands are kept busy as they catch up on the latest gossip and I snicker to myself as I focus on my task. The house starts to wake up as I hear my little cousins stomping down the stairs, their childish giggles over the chatter of the rest of the family.
I'm lost in my thoughts when my attention is abruptly diverted by an unexpected question from Aunt Pat, who's currently cooking the eggs.
"So, Naomi, you got a man yet?" The other ladies in the kitchen fix their gaze on me, awaiting my response. I stammer for a moment but then decide to keep it light.
“Well, no. I’m not really focused on that right now,” I reply with a shrug, hoping they’ll drop The subject. They don’t, of course.
“Come on now. You not getting any younger.” Adds my aunt Tina. My mom gives them a disapproving look as she closes the fridge.
“Y’all, leave my baby alone. It is too early for this.” Mom defends, but they roll their eyes.
“We’re just chatting, Angie. Besides, don’t you want some grandbabies?” Tina asks, Aunt Pat nodding in agreement.
"Naomi can wait for the right man as long as she needs. Better that than popping out babies without a ring," my mom subtly throws shade, her lips pursed. Aunt Pat raises an eyebrow.
“You tryna say sumn, Ang? Cus' whoever I think you're talking about has definitely gotten married since.” She says matter of factly. My mom ignores her.
"And Tina, don't start on Mimi, what about Ashanti? She still don't got a man either. And she 'bout the same age as Naomi." My mom adds.
"My Ashanti is a famous and successful model. She is busy building her life right now and taking care of her business. Besides, she's seeing someone," Aunt Tina states, turning her nose up. Sensing that my mom is about to say something else, I decide to intervene.
"Let's all calm down. I don't have a man, so what? It's not the end of the world. And, for the record, I have a successful career as well," I declare, raising my hands in defense. Aunt Tina's comment lingers in the air like a passing storm, briefly unsettling the familial calm.
"Just saying, you're almost thirty. Time to settle down. And I'd hardly call those cute little drawings you do a successful career," she persists, earning a disapproving look from my mother. I clench my jaw, determined not to let the remark sting.
"But we'll drop it," Aunt Tina announces, attempting to change the subject. The kitchen regains its lively atmosphere as they return to their culinary duties. My mother shoots me an apologetic glance, understanding the delicate nature of the topic, but I reassure her with a soft smile. I've grown accustomed to my family's concerns about my love life, even if their ideas of success differ from mine.
"Where is Teresa, anyways? And James? I saw the kids last night, but I haven't seen them." I ask, looking at my Aunt Pat.
"Oh, they're upstairs sleep. They really got a handful with them kids." She explains, shaking her head. I laugh a bit.
"Well, it seems like I'm not the only one who needed this vacation. Hopefully we will all get to relax." I let out a sigh.
"Well, don't you worry, none. Ashanti will be here any moment! I know y'all always have a good time together." Aunt Tina says. I look at her out of the side of my eyes and give a fake smile.
"Oh, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun." I respond, trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice. As they chop, stir, and laugh, I find myself wondering what's to come of this trip. My thoughts go back to what my aunts said about my love life.
Even though I'm almost thirty, I've never been one to go searching for a man, much less settle for less than I deserve. My art, my "cute little drawings," as Aunt Tina put it, is not just a hobby—it's my passion. And while it may not fit the conventional definition of success in their eyes, it brings me fulfillment and joy. And I want that when it comes to love as well.
As I plate the last pieces of bacon and turn away from the stove, my phone rings. It’s my brother Daniel.
“Hey Danny.” I greet as I walk out the kitchen.
“Naomi! You already at mamas?” He asks me.
"Yeah, flew in last night. We're about to have breakfast," I reply.
"Bet, well, I'm on my way there, about nine hours out. Been on the road for a while. Just calling to let you know I'm bringing a guest." My interest piques, and I raise my eyebrows.
“Oh? Is it a girl?” I tease. I can almost feel him rolling his eyes at me.
“No, it’s not. It’s one of my colleagues who needs a place to be for Christmas, so I offered to let him come.” Daniel explains.
“Oh, okay. Just a heads up, the aunties are already in my business so make sure you got your shit together.” I share a laugh with him and, over the sounds of the road in the background, I can barely make out a second laugh. I choose to ignore it.
“Who knows, maybe my guest can help you get your shit together if you, uh, catch my drift.” He teases. I roll my eyes in return and give a sarcastic laugh.
“This is not about to be you tryna hook me up with one of your friends again. We both know how that ended up last time.”
“I know, I know. Don’t worry, it’ll be none of that, I promise. But don’t tell anyone I’m bringing someone. I want it to be a surprise.” He tells me.
"Sure, secret's safe with me," I respond, curious as to who he could be bringing.
"Alright, I'll catch you when I get home. Hopefully, everyone will still be up." He chuckles and I laugh along as well.
"Yeah, we'll see. Drive safe. See you when you get here." I say, before ending the call. As I hang up with Daniel, I can't help but wonder about the mysterious guest he's bringing. Returning to the kitchen, I start setting up the table as the delightful aroma of breakfast fills the air. Yet, my thoughts persistently drift back to the impending surprise.
A rhythmic knock echoes through the house coming from the front door, which promptly swings open.
"I'm hereeeee!" All of us in the kitchen pause to glance toward the entrance as my cousin, Ashanti, strides in. Draped in a fur coat and chic heeled boots, she's come with numerous bags.
Smiles light up the room, and everyone rushes to welcome her with hearty hugs. I hug her as well, but it's a bit stiff. Shanti and I grew up together and we used to be very close. But somewhere along the line, she started competing with me and it put a rift between us.
Amidst the flurry of greetings, I catch a glimpse of Ashanti's perfectly styled hair and the air of confidence she exudes. Despite the awkwardness between us, I manage a genuine smile, hoping that the holiday spirit will bridge the gap that has quietly settled over the years.
As the family gathers around, Ashanti unveils a cascade of presents from her bags. "Gifts for everyone!" she announces, and the room erupts with excitement. The children eagerly approach, but she urges them to wait their turn. The tension between us momentarily fades as the joy of the holiday season takes center stage. The gifts she gives are lavish and luxurious. As everyone gets their gifts, she saves the last one for me.
"And last, but certainly not least, this is for you, Naomi." Ashanti hands me a neatly wrapped gift. I smile and open it, eager to see what is inside. While I had no specific expectations, what I got is far from what I had expected. As I tear away the paper, I find myself holding what appears to be a Dollar Tree sketchbook, lacking the quality I might have hoped for.
"Oh, a sketchbook..." I attempt to conceal my disappointment, realizing she intentionally chose a less-than-impressive gift.
"No need for thanks! I just knew you'd love it. You know, with your little artsy thing you got going on. I figured it would be a perfect gift," she says, offering a feigned smile and a hug. Despite having plenty of similar sketchbooks, I decide not to grant her any satisfaction, accepting the gift graciously.
The room is still buzzing with the cheer of the holiday festivities, and as I hold the seemingly ordinary sketchbook, I take a deep breath, reminding myself that the value lies in the gesture rather than the material itself.
I manage a polite smile, masking any traces of disappointment, and reply, "Thank you, Ashanti. It's thoughtful." She beams, seemingly content with her choice of gift, and the tension between us lingers beneath the surface.
The following hours whirl by in a flurry of activity. I spend most of the day hanging out with my younger cousins, keeping them occupied while everyone else relaxes. It's a great feeling to be home and around my family once again, no matter how old I get.
There are a couple gifts beneath the tree and the fireplace blazes brightly. Grandmother, nestled in her recliner by the fireplace, skillfully crochets a blanket and my uncles huddle around the TV to watch a football game. Mom has just set out hot chocolate for the kids, while the aunties are talking with each other in the study. Ashanti is upstairs, probably on her phone or something. Meanwhile, I find myself on the couch, sketch pad in hand, allowing my creativity to flow.
The sun has dipped below the horizon and a flurry of snow blankets the world outside. I glance toward the window, crossing my fingers that the roads won't freeze over and that Daniel and his mystery guest will arrive soon. The children steal the TV, watching some cartoons while a few of my uncles head onto the porch for a smoke. This calm is one I've longed for over the years—it gives me a sense of nostalgia, sending me back to the carefree days of my childhood.
My cousin, Teresa, who was asleep all day, comes downstairs and sits beside me. I smile as I look up from my sketches at her.
"Hey, cuz!" She says, giving me a hug.
"Hey, you slept good?" I ask, giggling a bit.
"Girl, yes, it was MUCH needed. You really don't understand how much you miss naps until you have children." She sighs heavily and I nod sympathetically.
"Yeah, I figured when I saw James come down here and not you, you were still getting your rest." I say teasingly. Teresa rolls her eyes.
"Hey, those beds are comfortable." She retorts, defending herself.
"Well, at least now you get a break, right? You got some help." Teresa sits back and nods.
"I'm so glad to just be here. It's been a while since we were able to take a trip like this."
"Something tells me that this trip is gonna be one to remember." I say, mostly to myself.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Teresa says, before standing up and heading to the kitchen.
As time goes by, I hear the doorbell ring again. I remain seated, engrossed in my drawing. Mom answers and her sudden loud exclamation echoes through the house as she lets the visitors in. Intrigued, I look up from my sketches, wondering who it could be. I get up and walk over to the door, first seeing my big brother standing there. He's smiling widely as he sees the shocked look on Mom's face. However, as I approach, I see who she's really screaming about.
There, standing beside Daniel on the doorstep is none other than famous actor Michael B. Jordan. My jaw drops in astonishment as I can't believe my eyes.
"Danny, what is this? You didn't tell me you were bringing a guest!" She exclaims, the unspoken emphasis being, 'You didn't tell me that you were bringing Michael B. Jordan!'
"Just thought I'd surprise you, Ma. And Michael, here, didn't have anywhere to stay for Christmas. So I invited him to stay with us for the week. Is that alright?" He asks, sporting a sheepish grin. My mother stammers for a moment, caught off guard by this surprise. She glances at Michael, who presents her a giftwrapped bottle of expensive-looking wine, flashing that gorgeous smile of his. Still in shock, she stammers as he hands her the gift.
"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Samuels. I hope I'm not intruding too much." He gives her a hug, giving her a squeeze. My mother, still processing the surprise, hugs him back, her eyes gleaming with disbelief.
"Oh, you're not intruding at all! Well, welcome to our home, Michael!" She starts as he lets go of her and stands in the doorway. "We're honored to have you join us for Christmas."
"The honor is all mine." He responds. By now, news of Michael's arrival has spread through the house. Danny brings him in, brushing snow off of himself, and I catch his eye. He winks at me knowingly as our family rushes to greet Michael and take pictures. I smile and shake my head at Daniel. It seems his "colleague" was quite the understatement. My little cousins jump excitedly at meeting the man who played Killmonger and my aunties and uncles are chatting to him loudly, talking over one another.
I watch all the commotion with a smile, when I lock eyes with Michael. He looks as if he is gonna approach me, but he's stopped by Ashanti.
"Hi, my name is Ashanti! You look like you need a drink." She says, before grabbing his arm and leading him away from the lively group. I suppress a sigh of awkward disappointment as she shoots me a mischievous glance over her shoulder. Just then, Daniel drapes an arm around my shoulder, steering me toward the study for a chat.
"Daniel!" I exclaim in a hushed tone as a cheeky grin plays on his face. He simply shrugs, not making a response. "Daniel!" I repeat, this time playfully socking him in the arm with an excited smile on my face.
"Surprise?" He offers, having anticipated my reaction.
"How the hell did you manage to get Michael Bakari Jordan to come to the Samuels household?!" I try to contain my excitement, but my words come out with an unintentional squeal. He laughs, feigning pain as he clutches his arm.
"It's like I said. He didn't have anywhere to be for Christmas. I didn't tell y'all, but this last project I was working on was with Michael and it was set to go into the Christmas holiday. Luckily, we ended up finishing early. Michael had tried to plan ahead and sent is parents and siblings on a Christmas cruise so they'd still have a good time. Well, during the project, Michael and I talked frequently and he mentioned not having anywhere to go, so I invited him to come here." He explains. I'm still in disbelief.
"This is insane. I never expected you to actually bring him. And he's staying until Christmas?"
"Yep, so he gets the full Samuels family experience for the holidays. But, you should go out and meet him yourself, Mimi. Knowing Ashanti, she's probably talking his ear off by now." He pats my shoulder, and I take a deep breath before stepping out of the study.
My heart is racing in my chest as I walk towards the kitchen. I've been a fan of his for the longest and now he's in my house. I'm trying to think of what I'd say to him. I find myself, instead of going to meet Michael, pacing around the dining room away from everyone else. I'm not usually this nervous or shy. But something about this man just makes me go crazy.
"Come on, Naomi," I say to myself, rubbing my palms on my jeans. I pace a bit more before I shake my head at my ridiculousness. With another deep breath, I head out of the dining room and towards the kitchen once more. There Michael and Ashanti are sitting at the bar, engaged in a conversation. It looks as if Ashanti is just talking about herself and her many accomplishments while showing him her photos. As I get closer, Michael glances over and notices me, giving me that famous smile again.
"Hey, Michael..." I start, and he watches me, waiting to hear what I'm gonna say. I decide to just go for it. "Mind if I steal you away for a bit?" I bite my lip, avoiding Ashanti's eyes as she glares at me. The corners of Michael's mouth turn up as the sound of my voice reaches him.
"Well, actually, Nao-"
"Yeah, I don't mind." He interrupts Ashanti as he stands, grabbing his glass . "Thanks for the drink, Ashanti." He says, but she rolls her eyes as she watches us leave. We make our way to the upstairs common area and sit on the couch. Michael sits a bit close to me, draping his arm along the back of the couch as he gets comfortable.
"You know, I was just looking for an excuse to take a break from her," He says, leaning into me. "Thanks for rescuing me." I laugh a bit at his words.
"Well, I'm happy to help. I'm always willing to answer the call of a damsel in distress." I joke, trying to break the ice. He chuckles a bit.
"It looked that bad, huh?" He replies and I nod, overexaggerating it a bit. "Well, then I guess that makes you my knight in shining armor." He grins charmingly and I have to stop myself from melting.
"Ah, where are my manners. I'm Naomi, Daniel's sister. I would've introduced myself sooner, but you seemed a bit busy." I laugh nervously, struggling to sit still under his gaze.
"So you're this troublesome Mimi I've heard so much about?" Michael questions and I freeze, blushing in embarrassment. There's no way Daniel really told him about my nickname. I regain my composure and clear my throat.
"First of all, I don't know where this troublesome idea of me came from, cuz it's definitely not true." I retort, playfully turning my nose up.
Michael grins, his eyes filled with amusement. "Hmm, I don't know, Daniel talks about you quite a bit and based on his stories, you seem pretty troublesome to me." He leans back, a playful glint in his eyes as he observes my reaction. "But don't worry, I'm all for a bit of trouble."
I chuckle, feeling a bit more at ease with his easygoing demeanor. "Well, if that's the case, I hope you're ready for the full Samuels family experience. We're a handful, but it's all in good fun."
"So, Naomi," Michael begins, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, "Aside from being a troublemaker, Daniel tells me you're an artist."
I playfully roll my eyes at the "troublemaker" label. "Oh, yes, it's my favorite thing to do. I love to draw, paint, you name it."
"What would you say inspires you?" He asks, his expression showing genuine curiosity.
"I just feel like art is my way of keeping some semblance of sanity in this chaotic world, you know what I mean?" I explain.
"Yes, I know exactly what you mean." He says, nodding his head. "It must be a nice escape from the chaos of the world to be able to express yourself through art. I love listening to music; it helps me find clarity when my thoughts get too messy."
"I completely get that. And it's just a plus that I get to do it for a living." I say with a content smile.
"So being an artist is your full-time job?" he questions, his tone laced with intrigue.
"Yeah, at first it was a hobby, but it got so successful that I was able to quit my other job and do it full-time."
"An artist, huh? Anything I might've seen?" he asks, genuinely interested. I shrug casually.
"Possibly. I do commissions for all types of people, I've got a few pieces in the Brooklyn Museum, I also run an art page on Instagram, so maybe you've seen some of my art." I pull out my phone and show him my page. He takes the phone from my hands, scrolling and raising his eyebrows in surprise.
"These are amazing," he says quietly, clearly impressed. "Do you draw from real life often? It's so realistic and…detailed" He continues, running his fingers along my phone screen lightly.
"I'm experimenting with some other media forms, but yeah, all of these I painted from real life. Some of them even went for really high prices. My most recent piece went for $3,000. But I've been working on that one for months. It was a commission for the governor of New York."
"Wow! It's amazing. You got some serious talent girl!" He praises, giving me a high five. I laugh, blushing a bit as he compliments me. He hands me my phone back and pulls his out, going to my account on his Instagram and following it. It takes everything within me not to scream.
"Thank you. Art is just a huge passion for me. I love to make other people happy with it as well." I admit. Michael notices me blushing when it sinks in he just followed my account.
"Well, you've got a new fan." He says with a sly grin, leaning against my shoulder. "I might have to use your services sometime." He says, his gaze lingering on mine.
"Yeah, I mean, I'm down to make anything you'd like." I blurt out, before realizing what I'd just said. "I... didn't mean it like that." I let out a sheepish laugh and clasp my hands together. Michael laughs as well, but he really is just enjoying himself.
"How about you make a portrait of me?" He suggests, a hint of playfulness in his tone.
"When? Right now?"
"I'll leave it up to you. We got the next couple days." He reminds me with a wink.
"Okay, but you'll have to be on your A-game this whole week. Are you up for the challenge?" I question, matching his tone.
Michael leans in, his voice low and teasing. "I'm always up for a challenge, especially if it involves spending more time with someone as captivating as you."
I feel a flush of warmth, and I playfully roll my eyes. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Jordan."
He grins, unfazed. "Is that a promise, Ms. Samuels?"
"Absolutely," I reply, laughing a bit and enjoying our banter. Even though we've just met, it feels like we've been friends for a while. Michael takes note of the easy chemistry that we have, and that chemistry sets the tone for a vacation filled with shared moments and the promise of a memorable Christmas.
"Any other hidden talents I should know about, Naomi?" He questions me. Somewhere in our conversation, we've gravitated so close on the couch that there's no space between us. Yet, the proximity feels comfortable now, and any initial nervousness has dissipated.
"Well, you'll have to find that out, won't you?" I respond with a sly smirk.
"Oh, she wants to be mysterious now?" Michael chuckles, his dimples showing as he smiles at me.
"She does indeed. As you said, we've got these next few days. You'll just have to see for yourself," I reply, glancing at the clock to realize how late it has gotten. Most of the children have already fallen asleep, and the aunts and uncles have retired to their rooms. It appears that the family is settling down for the night. Michael and I exchange glances, acknowledging the quieting atmosphere around us.
"I guess it's time for us to call it a night," Michael suggests, a yawn coming from him. I nod in agreement, feeling a sense of contentment in the air.
"Yeah, it's getting late. Goodnight, Michael." I say, rising from the couch. Michael follows my actions and stands up.
"Goodnight, Naomi." He pulls me into a brief hug, and I reciprocate, my arms instinctively wrapping around his waist. After a moment, we separate, and I turn to make my way to my room.
"Uh..." Michael utters softly. "Which way is the guest room?" He asks. I smile and chuckle.
"It's down the hall, second door on the left," I reply, pointing him in the direction.
"Ah, okay, goodnight again." He says, before walking towards his room.
"Goodnight," I say softly, heading into my bedroom and getting ready for bed. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and stare for a moment. Out of nowhere, I break out into a victory dance and squeal silently. I still cannot believe that Michael B Jordan is at my house, or that he's going to be staying here for a week, or that he might even like me! I take a deep breath and compose myself once more, worried I might wake someone.
As I settle into bed, the tranquility of the night wraps around me like a warm blanket. Reflecting on the unexpected turns of this day, I realize exactly how crazy this whole day has been. I can only hope that this isn't a dream. With a contented sigh, I drift off to sleep, eagerly anticipating the things to come these next few days.
To Be Continued...
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lou-struck · 1 year
Angelic Insecurities
Simeon x reader
~ Your Angel may have had a bit too much Demonus at dinner time.
a/n: Two Simeon posts in 24 hours... I guess I like him a lot.
It's Solomon's fault, really…
Before the meal at the Demon Lord's castle was served, the Sorcerer proudly announced that he had helped in the cooking process of a specific dish. The chatter in the room dissipated, and everyone stared at him in fearful silence, for tonight was the night of a hundred dishes.
This idea was cooked up by Barbatos months ago, But it took just as long to grow, gather, and prepare all the ingredients for the bite-sized dishes from the Human, Demon, and Celestial Realms. The Butler had stretched himself thin in preparation for this event, and everyone knew it. 
Diavolo broke the silence, first placing a large hand on the Sorcerer's shoulder and beaming down on his with his usual Princely grin. "Well, I suppose we all thank you for your assistance, Solomon. Do you remember which dish you improved?"
He gives his head of white hair a shake, "No, not at all. I guess we shall see if we can find it?"
"We shall see," the demon says, giving him a pat on his shoulder before turning his attention to the rest of the party. "Come, everyone, let's take our seats. The feast is about to begin."
You watch as Lucifer leads his brothers into the room, shutting the door and glancing back at the Butler. His normally calm features are furrowed with concern as he scurries into the kitchen to no doubt try and find the tainted dish.
"Poor Barbatos," you murmur as Simeon's hands wrap around you from behind. "He has worked so hard on this dinner."
"The rest of the meal will be wonderful, don't worry, Mc, "his soothing voice whispers into the shell of your ear. "Are you afraid?"
"Maybe a little bit," you laugh, turning your head towards the Angel. "Solomon's cooking scares me."
He lets out an airy chuckle before pressing his lips to your forehead. "Don't worry. As your guardian angel, I have sworn to protect you from all the evils the realms have to offer; if I eat it before you do, I'll be sure to let you know."
His hand comes to rest comfortably on the small of your back as he escorts you into the dining room, where the first course of bite-sized dishes were being brought in by the attending lesser demons.
The table is quiet as you approach, and everyone is on high alert, using their inhuman senses to try and discern what beautifully prepared dish had been poisoned by Solomon's interference as they lie upon the pristine tablecloth.
If this were a normal meal, Beel would've already begun chowing down, but you can see that even the Avatar of Gluttony was apprehensive.
The array of multicolored eyes flicks over to the kitchen door waiting for the Butler to come back into the room, hoping that he had sniffed out the dish. 
If Simeon wasn't still holding your hand, you are such you would've picked your nails down to nubs in anxious anticipation.
After far too long for your liking, a Dejected looking Barbatos comes back into the room. The polite smile that adorns his mouth tells you all you need to know.
He couldn't find the ruined dish.
As he takes his seat, the demon lord clears his throat and puts a merry mask on his face. "Now that we are all here, let the feast begin."
Every bite was like a game of Russian Roulette.
Each time you raised your little spoonful, you waited for the heavenly taste of fine dining to turn sour in your mouth; every time, it never did. A part of you just wants to find the damn dish so you can enjoy the rest of your meal and peace. You look around at everyone else and see they are faring just the same.
In order to keep his angelic smile plastered to his face, Simeon turned his attention to the seemingly never-ending fountain of demonus.
The handsome Angel's cheeks become more and more flushed as the night continues. 
"Psst, Mc," he whispers, trying to lean in closer to you; the shift of weight in the chair makes the legs wobble, and he almost falls on top of you. But he is a bit too drunk to notice.
"Yes?" you ask, giving the Angel a sweet smile, 
"I think I've had a bit too much to drink," he chuckles lowly, swaying back and forth in his seat. "Do you think anyone has noticed?"
"I don't think so," you say, gently cupping his face. "Are you feeling sick at all?"
He shakes his head, leaning more into your touch. "No, no, it's just that I'd hate to embarrass myself like this." He glances from side to side suspiciously before lowering his voice even more. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm an Angel."
You stifle the laughter that threatens to come out with your hand and look at him tenderly, "I won't tell anyone," you say softly, playing along with his silly mood.
His blue eyes shine with adoration as he looks at you. "I knew I could trust you," he murmurs sincerely. His attention is fleeting, however, and he becomes captivated by the next round of dishes that are laid before him.
The rest of the evening is pleasant, and the delicious taste of Barbatos's cooking has almost completely wiped the threat of danger from everyone's minds. The brother's lively bickering and Diavolo's booming laughter bounces off the table; even Barbatos looks pleased with how the evening is turning out.
Simeon, still very intoxicated, has taken to sneakily trying to hold your hand under the table without anyone knowing. Shooting your loving grins and trying to feed you bits of his food.
"Open up, my love," he slurs, holding up a spoonful of dessert for you to try. "This tastes wonderful."
You hear a clinging of silverware and see Asmodeus and Mammon staring between you and Simeon. A look of jealousy resides on their handsome faces.
"Oi, what are ya doin feedin my human like that?" Mammon says, getting to his feet.
"Yeah, if anyone is feeding MC, it's going to be me." Asmo winks at you before crossing his arms in displeasure at the Angel.
You glance at the end of the table and see Lucifer crossing his arms, getting ready to interrupt his brothers. But before he can do that, A loud sound of silverware cluttering against porcelain breaks the tension. And poor Luke's coughing fills the room.
"I found it," he says as little tears pool in his eyes. The little Angels fair skin looks sickly green as he gets to his little legs and rushes to the Bathroom.
"Oh dear," Barbatos says, getting to his feet and following behind the poor guy to help him out. "Please excuse me," 
The table is quiet, and the ruined dessert has been discovered at last. "It seems that this variation of celestial sponge cake was what upset Luke's stomach," Satan says, looking at the greeish tint of the cake's fluffy icing.
"Poor little guy," Beel says, helping himself to the remainder of Luke's plate since he will no doubt be tapping out of the rest of the festivities.
"That's peculiar," Solomon says, resting his hand on his chin, "Luke must be allergic to Zombie Iguana scales."
The table falls under another heavy silence as they stare at the Sorcerer in shock. 
"Was that what you put into the cake Solomon?" you ask politely.
"Ahh, yes," he says, his eyes lighting up. "I read somewhere that they can help with the setting process in creams, so I thought it would be of help to Barbatos if I used them in the batter."
You nod politely, wondering if the little Angel will ever be able to eat sponge cake again after this little incident. 
An hour after the conclusion of the feast, poor Luke is still emptying the contents of his stomach in the restroom. On his way to find his little Angel friend, Simon had found himself lost in the large hallway for a long while. This prompted Barbatos to suggest that both Angels stay the night at the palace so that they can recover from the festivities.
"Mc," Lucifer calls, holding out a hand to you, "Shall we go?"
You shake your head and give him a smile, "I think I will stay a bit longer and help out."
He looks a bit disappointed but acknowledges your choice. "I see; well, if you want someone to escort you home, give me a call," he says, gesturing his brothers out the door and into the night.
"Mc, could you help Simeon to his room?" Barbatos asks, gesturing over to the chaise where the Angel is currently resting.
You nod and approach him; even when plastered and sprawled out on the furniture, he is still one of the most beautiful beings you have ever seen in your life.
His eyes open sleepily, and he gives you a tipsy smile. "Mc, I wassh just dreaming about youuu." he slurs, holding his arms to you.
"Really?" you say, helping him to his feet.
"Yesh," he says dreamily. "We went on a date under the stars, but everything was underwater, and we kis~"
You stifle a laugh at his antics, "You're drunk, Simeon," you say. "Let's get you to you to your room."
He smiles and mumbles something incoherent as you guide him down the hall to the spare room the Butler has prepared for him.
As the two of you walk into the room, Simeon's giggles turn into hiccups.
"Are you okay?" you ask, allowing him to flop down on the plush mattress.
He nods and looks up at you sweetly, a deep blush on his cheeks. "Will you stay? I don't want to be alone right now."
You find it near impossible to deny him when he looks at you like this. "I'll stay," you say softly.
"I wish you could stay with me forever," he says earnestly. "I wish we were closer than this."
You feel tightness in his chest as he retakes your hand, kissing the skin tenderly. "We are close, Simeon." you say, "You know I love you."
"And I love you so, so much. I don't know what I would do without you," he says, tears lining his light blue eyes. "Please, mc. Make a pact with me. I want to be yours and yours alone."
"Oh, Simeon," you sigh, rubbing some soothing circles into the tipsy Angel's back to calm him down a bit. "I can't do that; you are an Angel; you don't make pacts with Humans."
He furrows his brow a bit as your words wash over him. "Oh, I suppose you are right," he says at last. "Then, promise me this then. No matter what, keep me in your heart."
You giggle and give him a soft kiss on the forehead in response. "You don't even have to ask."
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