#not bc of this but because i just dont message for a week and suddenly its drifted apart
viovio · 2 years
i once had someone ask me what my intrusive thoughts were and I'm gonna be honest patrick i am not telling you that
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haemosexuality · 8 days
i blocked her so i can talk about this here now. in 2022 i became friends w someone from here and at least to me we were really good friends since tho there was some personality differences that kept chafing. also ive been really depressed especially this past year or so and i was not my best self i was not as reliable of a friend as i shouldve been. that made it worst. i (not on purpose) made her really upset over a thing (theres a lot of context to explain and i dont wanna type all of that rn) and didnt immediately acknowledge it bc i was busy (out with family all day) and then she ghosted me. we were friends for almost 2 years and she just ghosted me. and i dont, want to diminish her feelings in any way but from my pov i dont think it was that bad? that it warranted that? its been two months so i sent her a text saying i wish her well and then blocked her on whatsapp and on here. because i dont really want to hear what she has to say at this point (because she ghosted me for two months and i had no indication that would change). but im still sad. im really sad. ive been trying to not think about it because i dont want to break too hard but, man. she was my best friend for almost two years, we had kind of concrete plans to meet this year when/if i go to the us, i really cared about her even if i was horrible at showing it. another friend of mine is of the opinion that i wasnt in the wrong and am better off without her but i dont think so. i feel really bad. i hope shes doing ok. half of me thinks i deserve better than someone that ghosts me the other half thinks its exactly what i deserve for being such a dick friend and idk which to listen to. i dont want to hear anything she has to say but i also wish shed just say anything at all, even if she just cursed me off and blocked me
a lot of the stuff outside of my control that kept causing problem in our friendship was resolved like, in the first two weeks of her ghosting me. if theyd been resolved just a week earlier we probably would still be talking. i dont feel like i deserve any of it. not the meds, not the laptop, nothing. i know i was in a really bad depressive episode, i know how depression works but couldnt i have tried harder? and even outside of that, i cant just use depression to excuse my lack of communicating and all the promises i wasnt keeping, nothing was stopping me from being more honest except my own guilt. she didnt deserve that. its kind of devastating to have a friendship end so suddenly like this. i really really miss her. i havent blocked her on discord in case she does want to reach out even tho i know blocking her on whatsapp (the main place we talked) sends a big "never speak to me again" message. im good at repressing emotions but whenever i think about it too much i want to tear my organs out
i didnt even consider the idea of being angry or upset at her until over a month has passed. i was venting to another friend and she said that ghosting me was a shitty thing to do and the way she treated me before wasn't ok. i genuinely hadnt felt anything other than "im such a horrible person and a fuck up, i hope she can forgive me but i understand if she cant'' at that point and idk if it was just lack of self respect or if i really was super in the wrong and my other friend just couldnt grasp that from my pov of things. i dont know. i have more to say but talking about this very in depth for pretty much the first time is making me want to throw up so im going to stop writing
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mojaves · 2 years
OH??????? OHH????????? MARRIGE??????? WHO PROPOSES
so like. the basics of ghosts yes. there's that whole theory about people becoming ghosts because of "unfinished business" etc etc yes. and with eric being a ghost, what's his unfinished business?? he was supposed to be a parent right. and then that got snatched away from him. and then jason came along right. yes. with me so far. okay. SO. whats a [GOOD] parent's job?? look after their child, make sure theyre happy. all the good stuff.
and jason, as he existed from a child up until this point, was very much NOT happy. but now ruthie and danny are gone, and he has friends + a boyfriend who love him SO so much, and a dad who would literally give him the world given the opportunity. so eric is finally starting to achieve his 'purpose' right.
but at Some Point in the story, jason and marcus have a HUGE argument [details to be Confirmed. but hogirhgjhfgh it hurts!! IT HURTS!!!] and they kind of break up but not really, don't talk to each other for WEEKS. jason is in the trenches. on his own again. everyone turned against him [in his eyes] AGAIN. and now he's right back at square one. alone. he doesnt want to bring this up with eric. but eric Knows. he is a father after all he KNOWS.
and yeah it's still a very rough idea so i dont have All the details, but. something to do with marcus, morgan, + lou going to sort danny and ruthie out themselves, because they think jason's left Them, and abandoned the whole revenge idea. so theyre dealing with it alone now. none of them being strong enough to actually physically/mentally deal with the two of them, so things go downhill for them Very Very Fast.
while that's happening, jason finally decides to be Brave and confide in eric. BUT!!! THE THING IS!!! eric??? he's not home. he's not answering his phone. he's gone. gone where, you ask?? good question!! he's GONE. gone. like. vanished. into the ether. FULLY dead this time. forever.
jason Was happy, and eric knew that bc they spoke almost every day. and then suddenly, all contact had dropped. and he knew Something was up, that something had gone on between him and marcus. he knew. again bc Fatherly Instinct. and so, his genius idea was to make sure the two of them were together again, for good this time. no more breaking up, no more heartbreak etc etc. they Needed each other, they were meant for each other and the sooner both of them admitted that the better. so.
so what he does is. WHAT he does. right. gets his and ruthie's old wedding rings, puts them on the table, with a little note. and the fancy ring he needed in order to like, yknow, Keep Him Alive. thats there too. the note simply reads "you know what you have to do." the last thing eric ever said to him, the last message jason will ever get from him. RIGHT.
but what i do have is that marcus gets really badly injured, like critical. fatal. every bad word here. he is GOING to die and no one can help him. lou and morgan are, at this point, too far away, too weak etc to be able to get to him. but you know who CAN get to him?? our little hero jason.
so he's there. distraught of course, they havent spoken in weeks and now his kind-of-still-but-not-really boyfriend is DYING. in front of him. did eric know?? is that why he gave jason the ring in the first place?? haha (:
anyway! so. jason finds him, a little conversation, bla bla bla. he gives marcus the fancy ring - and remember. well no one remembers the lore post but I DO. so. fancy ring goes on the ring finger yes. important note. so jason puts the ring on his finger, and marcus is like "haha are we getting married or something" and jason is like. funny you should say that actually. because of. b. because. the wedding rings. yes. so. YEAH. so. THAT. YKNOW. YEAH. MARRIAGE. WELL THEY DEAL WITH EVERYTHING ELSE FIRST THEY DONT GET MARRIED THERE AND THEN BUT!!!!! IT DOES HAPPEN AND IT'S NICE BUT THE PROPOSAL. ACCIDENTAL PROPOSAL? INTENTIONAL PROPOSAL???? IT KILLS THE MAN [ME]
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smallerlovelier · 2 years
I wish people understood how easy it is for someone to relapse. You dont even have to say anything cruel and itll happen.
I was 10 and grandma told me I gained weight. All I did was hit puberty and my shape filled out. Suddenly i was wrapping myself with plastic wrap at night and spending hours exercising.
Mom said she had a scale I could use(unprompted) freshman year and I weighed myself and couldnt eat more than 1000cals for a few days. Then a few weeks. then a month or so. Why does a 14 year old need to weigh herself.
Sophomore year a boy told me Im attractive but I'd be prettier if I lost weight around my face. I went four days without eating and collapsed taking a shower at 3am and had to eat a banana on the floor of my kitchen at 4am because I couldnt stand anymore. I just had baby fat. I broke down in class because I had to eat a singular graham cracker.
Junior year a pro-ana account messaged me asking what the tag "e" meant on a picture of a girls outfit. It was just an outfit my character whose name started with an e would wear. I looked at their account and relapsed immediately.
Senior year I just saw a skinny girl and I relapsed. That was it. I saw a girl and I relapsed. The second time I relapsed senior year was because the girl I was Talking to called a girl skinnier than me pretty.
I am a freshman in college and relapsed because a guy who never saw my body said "I thought you wanted to be skinny" because I ate a bagel. That day I went from 3 meals to 2, then the same week I weighed myself bc of him at a fucking Petco(cant own my own scale) on their dog scale and now I'm restricting and trying to have under 500 cals a day. I plan to walk an hour to that Petco next week to weigh myself again.
Nearly a decade and it's all been random things. A sentence, mentioning a trigger, a skinny girl. Some of these weren't the other person's fault, I cannot blame a skinny girl for existing. I cannot blame my mom for owning a scale. I cannot blame petco for owning a damn scale. But holy shit theyve all ruined me beyond belief and between every one of these relapses, I truly truly believed I was recovered and never going back. Evidently I did not☹
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
Hi! I hope I’m not bothering you with this but I have an issue and I don’t know who else to ask. I’m pretty sure I have adhd and realizing this has helped me rationalize a lot of my actions and feelings. However, I’m still having lots of trouble ti RSD. These days I’ve been crying a lot over a friend of mine who seems to not really want to speak with me? We’re long distance and she’s one of the ppl I like the most because we have long conversations usually and understand each other. This year though it seems different. I understand being busy (we’re both in highschool) but she told me herself that she avoids opening my texts bc i send a lot and she couldn’t be bothered and then I just send more and that makes it worse? (i’m paraphrasing here because i’m also translating, she said it less harshly). I don’t understand because I like when she texts me a lot? It’s honestly a delight. When she replies it’s basically a fluke and then she’s back to being mia for another week, we basically can’t have a conversation most of the time. I’d have gotten the hint, believe me, but then for a week I didn’t text her and she complained about it. She also says often she wants to call me. Last Friday I asked her if she wanted to call and she still hasn’t replied. She must’ve seen the text unless she deactivated notifications from me. One time we were set on a call time and she forgot and didn’t open my texts. This was after she’d complained to me once that I couldn’t do a call one day because I had to go out with my friends. When I told her about the call she’d forgotten she said sorry but that I’d sent too many texts (I swear it’s like one or two per day? She doesn’t want to listen to long vocal texts either but I think that just means she doesn’t want to hear from me because it’s not like we talk in real life? I think that if she doesn’t like what I have to say or to hear from me then we should not talk at all?) When we talk on the phone we talk for hours though and when we’re together we have lots of fun and can spend hours having deep conversations. Sorry for the long ask but this is a thing that’s been bothering me for months now and I have no one to ask. I’m trying to understand if it’s the adhd or a real issue? I’ve had moments in the past in which I had a strong frustration and once I’d made it the other person’s problem I realized that it was kind of stupid? This has just been making me tear up a lot every time I think about it and I’m confused on what I should do.
i think the only thing you can do is talk it out with her. i dont know her side of the story here. it might be that shes just going through a tough time and receiving lots of messages is overwhelming.
i know from personal experience that sometimes, no matter how much you like someone and like talking to them, answering a message just feels too exhausting.
my boyfriend is a serial multi-texter. im talking on average 5-7 messages in a row when i open my phone. i love talking to him, of course i do, and i love him very much, but sometimes that can be very overwhelming and i have to mute his notifications for a bit. that doesnt mean i suddenly hate him, i just need a bit of space sometimes. and he knows that if he has an emergency and im not responding he can send me a message on normal text instead of dm and that will definitely get through.
it might be that your friend is feeling the same way. she loves you, she loves talking to you, but at times she gets overwhelmed and needs some space. ask her if she would like to set some boundaries around this to make her more comfortable, and if she does please make sure to respect those boundaries.
she might feel that if she tells you how shes feeling she will upset you, and she doesnt want to hurt your feelings.
but then again, this is all speculation. i dont know you or your friend. talk to her, communication is key to any relationship.
good luck, anon! i hope you get things sorted out :]
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uh i just got my shit back together and its like my sane self finally took over and locked up my dramatic demons back in its cage and im sure im sane now but all those drama and afwul shit i made you feel when i got my emotional outburst 🥶🥶🥶🥶 im too embrassed to talk to you. listening to myself write this is already horrible cause im acting normally again right now as if all those shit i did last week was "just an emotional ouburst" WHAT THE FUCK DUDE my behavior is disgusting. i wanna message you but bro after what i did for the THIRD time uh 😰 im a toxic person would it be better if i just fuck off? IM GENUINELY SORRY FOR HOW STUPID YOU MIGHT BE FEELING READING THIS SEEING ME ACT LIKE ALL THOSE WERE NOTHING WHEN I LITERALLY DID AWFUL SHIT. SO PLEASE JUST TELL ME HONESTLY IF I SHOULD REALLY JUST GO AWAY BC I DONT WANNA GO TEXT YOU ACTING SO NORMAL AGAIN THEN ONE DAY DOING THE SAME AWFUL SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN. i think youre just gonna get tired of this cause if im gonna bffr and hear someone tell me something like "yo this bitch broke down and cut ties with me and made me feel like shit when i didnt even do anything then suddenly come back as if he didnt just tell me to fuck off and never come near him again last week for the THIRD TIME" i would honestly suggest you to ghost that bitch and just leave them CAUSE BE SERIOUS HUH what the hell am i even saying atp
but the breakdown and all the feelings that were all over the place last week especially everything my dramatic ass said before saying goodbye again were all genuine i just didnt mean to show them to you because my normal ass wouldnt say all those so openly wtf
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n1k1tty · 3 years
enhypen getting you a snack you're craving at 3am
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hey! this is my first time writing in tumblr! :) constructive criticism is welcome and i hope you enjoy :p
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- would NOT hesitate
- he's sneaking out of his house at 3am because he loves you very much
- will deadass call you
- "hey babe? which one would you like?-- yk what i'll get both"
- once he sneaks into your window you immediately try to conceal your giggles
- give him lots of kisses >:(
- after you fell asleep he went home
- gets caught by his mom but it's okay because he loves you
the rest of the members under the cut!
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- you guys were facetiming
- "babe i'm kinda craving some (fave food)"
- "okay then get some"
- "i dont have them right now :("
- he sighs as he walks in the store, wondering what the heck he's doing there at this hour
- gets you (fave food)
- once he arrives to your room you smirk
- he looks away from you "i dont wanna hear it"
- ends up in your bed cuddling and watching a movie
- "thank you babe" "you're lucky i love you"
- you gotta give him lots of kisses
- ends up staying the night
- his mom allows it bcs she loves you
- you were surprised to see him at your window at 3am
- "don't worry, she loves you more than she loves her own son"
- "hey i brought you (fave food) though :)"
- you��re still in shock so you’re stand there like 🧍🏻‍♀️🤨
- “oh and i got you your favourite flowers:D”
- you gently smack him on his arm
- actually gets scared
- you forgive him because he's cute
- "jakey, i love you but GET YA ASS BACK HOME, I SWEAR TO GOD"
- he holds in his laugh because you’re whisper-screaming at him
- acts like he didn't hear you while he lays down on your bed
- "babe, it's fine. are you gonna come cuddle your cute boyfriend now or what?"
- you did end up cuddling with him or whatever ig🙄
- it was around 3 am when you messaged him "i kinda want some (fave food) rn😁"
- says no
- you had to convince him like a million times until he finally agreed to get it
- "fine i'll get it myself"
- "that's not an option🙄, im omw anyways"
- once he gets to your room you give him a big kiss on the cheek and a tight hug
- he was secretly smiling bcs deep down he was happy when you're happy
- "you gotta give me head for the next three weeks in retur-" "yk what? suddenly im not hungry anymore. you can go hom-" "IM KIDDING"
- you force him to cuddle bcs you're very grateful for a boyfriend like him
- acts like he hates it is secretly smiling while his head was resting on the crook of your neck
- immediately says yes
- "im so excited😁" he says while he's calling you
- takes his time choosing the snacks
- turns it into a sleepover?
- "im gonna get both" pt 2
- once he gets to your house you give him kisses everywhere
- HAPPY BOY with a wide smile on his face
- "wanna watch a k-drama?"
- thinks ur an angel sent from heaven
- cuddles all night
- this little devil would definitely say no at first
- "babe im craving some (fave food)"
- "go to sleep 😐"
- “baby pls 😁”
- “i think there’s something going on with ur brain-“
- mf says no even though he was already on his way to the store🙄
- wtf am i doing here at this hour pt 2
- you didn't expect him to actually get you the food so you just layed down on your bed on your phone
- he sends you a message "look at your window dummy"
- his heart flutters seeing your smile what a cringe mf fr🙄
- "you're the best wonie" "i know😌"
- starts lecturing you to sleep early and take care of yourself.
- at first he'd ask for an exchange
- "what's in it for me"
- you give up at tell him "nvm, im going to get it myself AND get bunggeopang🙄"
- " gasp WAIT OMW"
- quickly puts on his shoes as he runs to your house
- "hmph," you walk ahead of him "i know damn well you only came for bunggeopang-"
- "FYI, i came here cuz i didn't want you going out at this hour and i miss you
- he mumbles it VERY quietly
- "you're so cringe" you tease, acting as if you didn't have butterflies in your stomach🙄
- it ended up being a 3am date
- you guys stargazed until sunrise
- “riki we should get home before our parents-“
- smooch
- you froze 🧍🏻‍♀️
- you peck him again and he helps you up and walks you home
- got scolded pt 2
- but it was worth it bcs you both had your first kiss ig🤭
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rinstars · 2 years
hey is everything alright??? you kinds disappeared on us. hope everything’s okay
hiiii everyone! everything's fine. now. at the very least, everything is starting to be okay. i'm sorry i disappeared for a while without saying anything or giving u guys updates about why and if i was ever coming back. there's probably a lot of questions you guys have so ill just break it down in a single post, making it easier for u guys to find what you wanna know.
1. what happened and where were u?
thing is, the last time i was here i mentioned something about being sick and that was originally the only time i needed off. i was just waiting to get better and it wasn't supposed to stretch into a month. however, a very unfortunate incident happened where i had to be hospitalized and monitored as i sustained an injury to my already very weak knee. growing up, my right knee has always been very prone to dislocation but it wasnt too serious to the point that i could still join cheerleading and excel in it. it wasnt until i was doing a dance required for one of my classes and my knees knocked and snapped that i fell so hard crying when i realized this time it was.. bad. i had a surgery that wasn't anything too crazy and got put in a cast until i was fully recovered bc simply popping it back to place like they always did stopped working. that, too, was fine. but finding out i'd have to take it easy on dancing and possibly cut off anything that has to do with the hardcore dancing i was used to for the rest of my life to make sure it wouldn't get any worse than it already was literally depressed me and put me in a slump and i just didn't want to answer anyone and tell people all about it yet. especially not on tumblr where i know people were waiting for something ive promised to finish. i was just very out of it and wasn't sure if i was even in the right mindset to ever continue being here at the time. so there's that but now that im able to tell u all about it, it means it's gotten a lot better and u dont have to worry about my knee bc it's healing fine :") im very thankful for all the messages and i read and appreciated all of them. im sorry it took me so long to respond.
2. what's gonna happen to cfm?
the very short answer to this is im not abandoning it and will continue writing the remaining 3 parts! dont worry! you can rest easy. however, ill take this in my own pace. ill work hard to post it in 2 weeks time but it's not a promise and i'm still wrapping my head around my whole knee thing and the start of my semester. but i love the series and it means a lot to me. i want to see it finished probably more than any of u do that's why you can count on the ending that will surely come. i know ive gone so long without updating and idek if any of u will still be reading it when i post it in a few weeks! but it's a risk im willing to take because we're so close to the end! and i am so excited for all of u to see how suna and yn end up living after where i left act x on hehehe
3. im not leaving and im sorry
i feel really horrible leaving u all in the dark for like more than a month now i think. that was a dick move. if an author i follow suddenly disappeared after what happened in act x i wouldve been mad and worried too so im really sorry. i didn't want to ignore any of u. i was just in a place where i didn't feel like moving. thank u to everyone who has been very understanding with me despite not knowing what was happening. to my friends on discord that i wasn't replying to, to all my followers and readers, to everyone who reached out to my friends hoping to know if im doing well, thank u sooo much and i love and appreciate u all so much.
im sorry this got so long but i hope i answered everything! if i missed anything, please just send me more asks, ill be happy to answer them hehe. love u!
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hashtagloveloses · 3 years
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I posted 16,736 times in 2021
511 posts created (3%)
16225 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 31.8 posts.
I added 3,990 tags in 2021
#queue on down the road - 3302 posts
#kaludiasays - 269 posts
#kaludiaanswers - 137 posts
#tfatws - 78 posts
#star wars - 50 posts
#thrawn - 37 posts
#tfatws spoilers - 33 posts
#bad batch - 30 posts
#bad batch spoilers - 28 posts
#loki - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#its the difference between him grandstanding and him being flustered by someone he actually likes!!! also he was like 19 have u ever met a 1
My Top Posts in 2021
loki coming out as bisexual and then immediately having romantic feelings for a version of himself that presents female has the same seemingly ok but suspiciously comphet energy as the doctor finally presenting as a woman but her version of the master suddenly presenting male again after presenting female literally last season….like on the surface it’s fine but…you made a DELIBERATE choice for opposite genders in your “groundbreaking” representation. what’s all that about
2134 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 04:19:50 GMT
what is star wars if not dave filoni’s obsession with the found family trope persevering?
2530 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 21:24:36 GMT
we all love himbos. however there are some characters who are actually quite smart, both in book and street smarts, but still make dumbass choices bc they drink their Loving People juice and suddenly have no brain cells. what do we call them?
schrodinger's himbo
these characters also drink respect women juice and are usually quite strong! but they're NOT stupid. they're just dumbasses and we do love them for that. schrodinger's himbo's achilles heel is a big heart.
examples include: Oberyn Martell, Percy Jackson, Sokka, Lance from Voltron, Glimmer's dad King Micah from She-Ra, Benson from Kipo, Kanan Jarrus, Edward Elric, Sam Winchester
4908 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 20:35:44 GMT
the sexual tension between jon favreau trying to make a space western and dave filoni’s absolute obsession with arthurian legend and the mysticism of the Force that george talked to him about, creating the mandalorian, a show about a space cowboy who is supposed to be a criminal, but he wears a shining suit of literal armor, saves children, his name is literally palaDIN, and he is an unlikely king with a legendary sword WHO LITERALLY SLAYED A DRAGON ONCE
12683 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 08:46:45 GMT
1 year ago today i was working election night, because i work in the news, after a year of working in the news in 2020, one of the worst years in a long time, at the end of my rope mentally because i had literally been doxxed by a white supremacist the week before, waiting for election results, when i went to the bathroom and got a message from a friend saying “we won.” i was like “won what?! there’s no election results yet? i dont see the AP reporting?!” and she said “check tumblr” and i said “THERES NO ELECTION RESULTS ON TUMBLR” and then
i checked
12928 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 05:49:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. ∞
a/n: this made me tear up a bit ngl bc haikyuu always hitting us with ‘theres no next year for us’ typa bull like BLS TAKE PITY ON MY SOUL AND STOP TIME AND KEEP MY BOYS TOGETHER :(((((((
it has an infinity symbol bc this is in the future so there isnt really an episode number 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
the third years coming back to seijoh the following year for a surprise visit, and watching over practice cuz they were in town for break. being impressed on how kyo has calmed down (a bit), kunimi actually giving a sh-, yknow the deal. just the growth of their kouhai makes them 🥺🥺 but THEN- Y O U walk in with the team’s bottles n the small gasp that comes out of your mouth when you see them. they GAWK cuz you’re maturing SO well (stfu oikawa- my eyes up are here) and just 🥺🤲
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oh god here comes the tears
it was something you knew was coming since yanno, third years and all that
but you were so sure you had more time left before it happened
didnt you just join the team and met them like yesterday?
nope love you met nearly a year ago
and they made quite an impact on you in the short term you were together
so during the day of graduation
it wasnt really a school day since it was mostly for third years and the whole ceremony but kouhais could come so they could send off their senpais
you already called each third year the night before, nearly 2 hours per boy, to talk to them and cry with them so you didnt have to cry during the day
but ofc
you were sobbing already when you saw your captain walk up and get his tube with the diploma inside
they tried to remain strong as they sat in their seats but a single glance at you and the team at the stands above, the tears were already either forming or full out slipping
i know yall finna beat me up for this but im not really familiar with the other third years in the team bc theyre not really shown in the anime or manga that much so i dont have a good grip on their character so can we pls pretend theyre not in here?? omg pls dont kill me though
the ceremony felt like a long time for the seniors but when it was finally over, they ran out of that building and yall did too and you bolted yourself into the arms of your captain
oikawa held you tightly against him and he didnt care about being seen by his fangirls, who were waiting outside for him, or the others who wanted to have you to them too
‘i love you, y/n-chan’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘mhm. i love you too, oikawa-san. i love all my boys’
iwa ripped you away from him and your face was buried into his chest
but it didnt last long since the others got a little impatient and just joined the hug turning it into a group hug
‘i dont want you to leave!’
kindaichi sobbed and kunimi sniffled, holding on tighter to the backs of his senpais
even kyo was sad but hes a tuff boy so he easily hid that behind his usual frown and glare
after seeing their parents and reassuring them they would be home soon, you started your trek towards your usual hang out spot
the second and first years were walking ahead of you while the third years fell back in step with you in between them
mattsuhana flanked your left while iwaoi were at your right
the tears were now gone but sniffles still filled the area and everyone was still down in their spirits
you held tightly to the warm big hands of iwaizumi and the soft touch of mattsun’s hand as if you were clutching your life-line
but you knew no matter how tightly you held on to them, they would still go and eventually leave you behind
the ramen shop was filled with another round of tears as everyone realized that this would be the last time seijoh og would have ramen here
kindaichi sobbed while kunimi aggressively shoved noodles in his mouth to hide his hiccups
you refused to eat because you were so sad that you were scared you might end up throwing it all up later so you settled on relishing your time with the boys
oikawa was busy talking to yahaba and telling him tips and tricks for next year while iwaizumi was consolling the others who were crying
that left you to harshly wipe off the tears and focus on the jokes that matsuhana were telling to help and lighten up the mood
‘think of it like this! you won’t have oikawa and iwaizumi fighting anymore!’
that kinda made things worse
geez makki stfu!!!!
you bursted into full tears and you sobbed, loudly and freely
you wheezed and then continued to cry
everyone flinched and got startled at the sight of you crying
theyve seen you cry before but not this intensely and sadly 
you wailed
everyone is so used to seijoh antics that they didnt even bat an eyelash when everyone started crying
‘damn it, i was trying not to cry!’
iwa growled and buried his face into his hands to hide the pain in his eyes
‘come here, y/n-chan’
mattsun cooed while sobbing and you went straight into his arms and his arms tightly wounded around you
he pressed kisses on your neck to calm you and he whispered promises to keep you from thinking that you would be alone
the boys were all still crying even when you paid for them and at the exit, everyone wouldnt let go of each other
ngl it was a weird sight of seeing these boys just hanging on and hugging the others and you were tightly pressed against makki’s chest 
‘dont cry, y/n-chan. we’ll be here, always. just a 4-hour ride to tokyo’
he promised but you shook your head
‘--too far’
you mumbled and he was able to make out a few words and he laughed
‘i swear you’ll see us in a few hours’
it took a few words of assurance from makki and eventually mattsun and iwa joined
oikawa stayed back because he already wanted to walk you home and iwa knew you were the one that was the hardest for oikawa to tell his plans to
waving them good bye, you fussed and made sure everyone was not crying anymore
‘you text me the moment you get home, all right? and kyo-san, let the food in your stomach settle before-’
‘before i take a bath-yea i know’
he rolled his eyes but he smiled lightly before hugging you
‘go home now, y/n’
he pushed you towards his captain but you pulled away one last time to give each boy a kiss on the cheek
their lips trembled, especially the third years, and wanted to keep their tears in but they rocket launched to space
yanno that one part in season 1 when kiyoko told them to work hard and then they just snot-rocketed and cried
oikawa interlaced your fingers as you both walked towards your house and it was quiet
you were sus bc it was too quiet and oikawa would usually be either skipping, humming a tune, or just yapping his ass off
but right now
he was quiet, slouchy, and,,,, not oikawa
you looked up to see his face and you knew it wasnt just the graduating part
it was like,,,, he was nervous
you squeezed his hand and that got his attention
‘oikawa-san, whats wrong?’
he suddenly stopped and your linked hands caused you to also stop so you watched him stare down at his shoes and you blinked at him in confusion
‘y/n, tell me to stay’
he,,, sounded like he was begging
desperate to hear you say it
‘why should i?’
you asked and he finally lifted his eyes to stare into your eyes
he gulped before further explaining himself 
‘coach got me a volleyball scholarship’
he whispered and your eyes widened before you launched into him for a hug and pulled back to cup his face
‘oh my god! tooru! a scholarship?! im so proud-’
‘in argentina’
he finished and your eyes dimmed, the lifted corners of your lips falling into a frown
you stuttered and pulled your hands away but he grabbed them, placing them back to his face 
‘but if you dont want me to go, i wont-’
‘NO! what?! tooru, its your dream! you and iwa-san wouldnt stop talking about that match with argentina and-and you want to go there! dont you dare let that slip away!’
you scolded frantically however oikawa’s face scrunched before he started crying
‘i-i can’t! y/n, i’ll be alone! its so far away! far from iwa, far from you-’
then you reached to your tippy toes and kissed his nose then leaned back with a big smile
‘no matter how far, ill always be right here. im always going to be here, waiting for you’
you mumbled and oikawa hiccuped then leaned his forehead against yours, eyes clashing that was so full of love and fear
‘then dont you worry, y/n-chan. oikawa-senpai will work really hard and he will come back and make you happy’
he whispered and you pulled him even closer to give him the biggest hug
‘im looking forward to it’
truth to be told with guilty conscience, the third years havent really been in touch
yes theyve called and messaged but there wasnt a normal kind of communication, especially with oikawa
but they decided to go over there during a simultaneous week break for universities in tokyo and iwa, makki, and mattsun pressured oikawa to fly back to japan just for a week to visit
‘iwa-chan im so broke righ-’
‘fine, we’ll see y/n ourselve-’
bahahaha im sorry i love oiks so much its not even funny
they agreed to not tell anyone, even coach, to surprise you all and to see your faces of surprise bc mattsuhana are little shites and they love to mess around
it was a normal day during practice
yahaba was teaching some first years how to serve while watari was giving exercising tips on how to bend their knees without shrieking in athritis
kyotani was doing jump serves while kindaichi and kunimi tried to block him
it was a normal day
the former third years knew the ins and outs of the place and oikawa still had his keys of the gym since he never gave it back so they were easily able to sneak in
they sat on the bleachers and observed everyones growth which really blew them away and took them aback by how much they improved in little time
like kunimis actually huffing and throwing a mini tantrum bc hes so into it and hes mad he didnt get that block right
they also noticed the larger amount of new recruits and based on their practice, it looks like they would be in good hands for the next few years
however, the true shock settled in when this happened
kyotani cursed loudly when the ball hit out but yahaba scolded him for saying a bad word in front of the first years
‘kyotani, dont say that anymore! its not good to teach the babies bad words!’
he ranted and the college boys shared a look of caution and fear, bracing themselves for kyotani’s normal screaming and tantrum for being called out
but they were the most surprised when the bleach-haired boy simply glared at him and turned away to go pick up another ball to hit
‘did,,,, did kyoken-chan-’
‘was he just calm right now?’
‘oh my god iwa-chan kyoken-chan got abducted by aliens!’
their eyes were wide and their attention snapped towards the bleachers where indeed, their 4 fathers sat
kindaichi screamed and he NYOOMED towards the stairs but kunimi grabbed him by the collar
‘come down here, senpais!’
yahaba urged and coach and naoi shared a look of initial shock but then transformed into happiness
it was nice to see the family together again
they quickly turned into a dog pile with the hugs that were given around like kyotani actually giving iwaizumi a hug and makki and mattsun affectionately ruffling everyone’s hair
the other first years were just staring in awe at the legendary third years of seijoh that theyve heard so much about
‘everyone, these are your seniors!’
yahaba presented and the 3 third years became very flustered but ofc attention whore oikawa soaked it up
‘yes, hello, my little disciples! you are my legacy so work har- IWA-CHAN!’
he was cut into his famous line when his best friend bonked him for being too self-absorbed again
‘waaa, l/n-senpai was right’
some first year mumbled at the scene and their ears perked up at the name
‘where is she?! y/n-chan!’
oikawa shouted and looked around
okay no but you actually walked in just in time, carrying the crate of water bottles, focused on not dropping them so you didnt really see the others
they were silent not because they wanted to mess with you and see how long youd figure out that they were there
they were silent because of how BEAUTIFUL you became
you gained a few inches and your hair is now longer with your baby fat slowly melting away and you were also finally showing your growth with your body
the eyes that used to gleam with childish innocence was now mature and poised like a perfect lady
even the way you walked with a crate made it seem like a ballet performance with the grace at every step and the flowery aura you exuded
you have turned from a ridiculously cute and pretty girl to a beautiful goddess
‘my god’
iwaizumi mumbled, flushing red and turning away to hide his fluster
oikawa whispered and he gulped, not remembering how strikingly attractive you are
‘have mercy’
makki whined softly, clutching his heart as it started beating fast and made his stomach feel all funny
did they act like this back in the day?
mattsun doesnt have control so he ran forward and you were just putting the crate down when you were lifted off of the floor and twirled around
so like yahaba waved off the others to go back to practice so its like not awkward to be standing around and see this happening
there was only one person who did this to you
you shrieked and you giggled happily as he put you down so you were able to hug him properly and eventually, catching sight on the others behind him
your gasp made them smile widely and you pressed a hand to your mouth to hide the shock and your overjoyed laugh
if they could take a picture of this and remember the amount of love your eyes held and the pure unfiltered happiness that swirled in those orbs
it was like they felt themselves falling in love with you all over again
‘oh my god everyone’s here too!’
you ran to them and jumped at the awaiting arms of iwaizumi and he was still the bara arm babie you remembered
‘i missed you, doll’
he whispered
‘hmmm,,,i missed you more’
he let you go and you skipped over to makki who engulfed you in his arms and you felt his soft brown hair because you remembered he loved it when you ran your fingers through his hair
‘youve grown! so much! you got even more beautiful!’
he exclaimed and you giggled, bashful at his compliment
‘hmm~, no i didnt’
he gave you a deadpan look and you chuckled before scurrying away towards the one you wanted to hug the most
he definitely got more toned and he got taller too
you didnt have any time to react since he grabbed you and squished you against him
‘youre here, oikawa-san’
he nuzzled his head against your neck
‘mhm, im here now, y/n-chan’
he placed a kiss on your nose and you scrunched your face but there was a big smile that was clear
then oikawa’s eyes trailed from your face to your,,, ahem,,, girls
‘jesus, y/n-chan really grew, huh’
he complimented and you blinked confusingly before trailing after his eye’s gaze and it landed on your chest and you punched him
‘urusai, oikawa-san! my eyes are up here! youre so perverted. pervert oikawa-san’
you pouted and moved to seek comfort in the arms of makki
‘hmm, oikawa’s perverted as usual. i think it got worse with all those argentinian women’
makki teased and mattsun joined to poke fun at their captain
oikawa whined and told iwa they were making fun of him to which his own best friend betrayed him and starting teasing him too
you simply watched on and your eyes watered, your sniffles catching their attention
‘eh? why are you crying, y/n-chan?’
oikawa asked while approaching you to wipe your tears with his thumbs
but you shook your head with a teary smile
‘n-nothing-just,,,, i missed you guys. an-and im so happy because its like our f-family’s back together and i just-i-’
you cried but it was out of happiness and their hearts warmed
ofc they felt guilty because they were aware that they werent as in touch as they shouldve been so you probably felt lonely and casted aside without any contact from your boys
but they know now to make sure you feel loved and cared for because as you keep saying, they were your boys
they were a family
seijoh is a family 
and you love them 
but they love you more
a/n: okay im sorry this is probably trash and all over the place and im crying and stressing but ive been writing in between my college alg homework and its been so hard like WHY IS NUMBERS SO HARD LIKE WHAT-?! but this has kinda been the baby of my break time and relaxing few minutes bc i procrastinate too much and i want to do something i like before i actually go insane and i promise PROMISE that once everything is cleared up i will edit this and im already working on the other requests so expect a few to be out by the end of the week or something like that!!
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milf-harrington · 2 years
this is going to be pure word vomit but i also have to get it out yknow but anyway i have this friend who my relationship is very weird with, as in they piss me off more than anyone else i know and theyre exhausting and i will go days without responding to them on purpose bc some evil thing in my brain likes to drag forward every bad feeling ever experienced in our 7 years of having known one another and clump it together until i block their number because just seeing their name makes me want to cry or break things but also half of the bad stuff thats happened between us has been my fault and my inability to handle things/handle things correctly in the past which i try not to blame myself for bc i doubt any 13 year old knows how to react when their friends try to cut themselves open at a sleepover with your parents steak knives but theres still times i could have been better when we were older but i guess the damage was done and it reached a point that by the time we were both in our last years of high school the status of our relationship was almost fondly referred to as "completely toxic" and we KNEW with the certainty of years worth of evidence that we're not good for eachother in large doses but god we know almost everything about eachother, there is no one else who knows those jokes or who was there at those sleepovers, who was on the other side of the screen or making faces in class or sleeping in my lap or awkwardly kissing my cheek that one week we dated, who got drunk on lemon cruisers and made pasta with me, who drove out to my house so we could eat bagels with chocate cream cheese in the front seat of their car so theres still this almost reluctant care for them despite the amount of times ive told them as plainly as possible that i wanted them to get the fuck out of my life but suddenly i went to message them about something only they would understand and messenger told me that they didnt have an account anymore, no facebook account or instagram account either, and their tumblr is gone too, and the part of me that always presses the block button is telling me to brush it off, that "at least there was no messy needlessly cruel goodbye this time" but the part of me that remembers having to put aristocats on after a scary movie and the loud laughter down an empty farm road while we yelled about "bushmen" cant help but worry that something has happened, that theyve gotten themselves trapped in something again, that theyre alone on the other side of the country with a boy ive never particularly liked or stuck back here with their parents that i know too much about and then the part of me that still feels a bittersweet protectiveness, that hung up on my sister in a restaurant because of stupid accusations, that always answered the phone years ago, that told them to put the knife away is so desparately hopeful that this is them healing, that maybe this is them trying to clear the slate completely and reinvent themselves the way we talked about sometimes but the other parts, the heavy sharp damp gross realistic parts are only worried and defeated, knowing that their phone number has been deleted for so long i dont even remember all of the numbers, only that at one point it was almost the exact same as mine except for the last digit, which was a 4 where theirs was a 3, so i cant even call them, cant even text to see if theyre okay if theyre safe and half of me is apathetic but the rest of me just wants to know with a kind of ache that stems from something a little deeper than nostalgia
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inchandescence · 3 years
To Anon
Question:  Yeolmaes hate baekhyun mostly because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never said anything about it, instead he kinda validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies Understand that yeolmaes have to deal with hundreds of hate messages written in Korean everyday and they are at a breaking point considering most of them come from bbh’s own fans How is it possible to like chanyeol and baekhyun at the same time in a situation like this? Do you even take chanyeol feelings into consideration? No? Not even once? He has to deal with thousands of nasty comments coming from bbh fanbase while bbh comes on Twitter reminding them how cute they are and how much he loves them If you cbkists choose to ignore this and baekhyun is actually in a relationship with Pcy it just means that you all couldn’t give less of a shit about chanyeol as a person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks
Answer: Anon...sighs you can't see something from one point of view only really, but it's okay i get you, ok so let us talk about this one by one: 1. You said: Yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never say anything about it -When you perceive the assumption that baekhyun stans hate chanyeol the most, did u believe it right or did u question it, like why its baekhyun stans, if its true then since when they started hating chanyeol, and why do they hate chanyeol, does their reason make sense or its just stupid like how other bbhls who hate other exo members too (for example some bbhls hate jd bcs both are main vocalists and they think jd is stealing bh's spot as a vocalist) -But at the same time, we cant find the exact number that would proof that bbhls are the ones who hate chanyeol the most, we only can see what twitter shows us, and it happened to me too that i see bbhls throw hate to chanyeol the most -But at the same time too, I've been seeing yeolmaes who throw hate at baekhyun too since years ago without me knowing the reason why they do that, and I keep questioning it everytime why yeolmaes suddenly started hating baekhyun so bad, when did it start -AND at the same time too, I've been seeing other exo member stans throwing hate to either baekhyun or chanyeol -But my twitter algorithm is the same as you anon, it shows that bbhls hate chanyeol the most and yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most, so I do often make the assumption that bbhls and yeolmaes are always on each other's throat -But yet again, I don't know who started hating the first time, is it bbhls, is it yeolmaes, and why they did that -This knowledge is unknown to me so based on this, to me the most right way is to think that both sides are wrong because hating is always the worse way to deal with things, the fact that we know is chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends they are always there for each other, usually when ppl see im saying this they will say its fake and its fan service, but people can choose to not see what they dont wanna see, so the easiest proofs to prove that chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends is one chanyeol is the only member in exo that baekhyun wished happy birthday on his instagram, two both of them support each other for candy and 1 billion views by coming to the mv bts, three baekhyun and chanyeol go to vocal lessons together, four chanyeol had taken a photo with all of baekhyun's bucheon friends before so in that photo baekhyun, chanyeol, and baekhyun's bucheon friends (istg if people see these as fan service then it doesnt make sense right?)
Before we go to the next thing, I have this assumption that chanyeol and baekhyun are two members that have the highest popularity in sk, either they are the top 3 or top 4, and my reason is bcs everytime there are individual album/photobook covers sold offline, their individual covers sold out the fastest, everytime, even with nature republic stuffs, ok so there's this possibility that we keep seeing yeolmaes and bbhls on each other's throat everytime bcs well both of them are two of the most popular exo members in SK (i mean even in china, chanyeol and baekhyun are the most popular members with sehun, there's data for this)
2. You said: Baekhyun never say anything about this, he kinda "validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere and voiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies"
-First of all, let's look at a bigger picture, is there any idol in the k-industry like ANY IDOL that ever said to their fans "guys don't say that to my member" IS THERE. ANY.? what I know is: there is none, none at all zero zip nothing, and if there's at least one or two idols, then its just one or two idols right -And thats it anon, thats just about it, idols dont have the absolute freedom of speech, they never do, and its hurting them all of them, all they can say is: "I love EXO, I miss EXO members the most, EXO is my home" and most solo stans who see that will just say "its bs" yet solo stans are also asking for proofs that the members relationship are fine -None of these kpop idols ever say anything about hate speech from their fans that are thrown to their friends/bandmates, and this kind of thing happens in every fandom anon, not just chanyeol and baekhyun, it's just how korean entertainment industry is, idols never have the ultimate freedom to say or do anything
3. Not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him, saying he doesnt like musical movies -That not showing up to the box premiere really changed the way you think huh anon, yeah I think that event also changed many yeolmaes' perspectives sighs okay, not showing up to the box premiere is like a very open information we can easily see it from one tweet that didnt mention baekhyun name during that event -BUT for other cases "avoid mentioning him" and "saying he doesnt like musical movies" is not a very open information, by this i mean u have to read alllll of the things baekhyun say, look at the trans for all of his vlives/shows/etc, read the whole trans for baekhyun's last vlive before he goes to the military, so u or other yeolmaes after that situation are either trying to "search for baekhyun's act or words that deny fans opinion about how they hate each other" bcs u still "have hope in baekhyun" or "search for baekhyun's act or words that support my perspective about how he hates chanyeol and never defend cy from bbhls" -"Validate their feelings" how? once again, it's just what bbhls think, did baekhyun do and say all of that because well "his motive is to support bbhls that hate chanyeol" and who are you, who are we to say that, are we our bias? can we go inside their minds and goes aha! this is why they do this and that! well no. because once again thats the entertainment industry, the chances for idols to "explain" all of the bad situations esp when its about how their fans act, is very veryyy low, or like the chance is even minus
-We are just fans who watch them on cam, without knowing what's on their mind or what is everything they are going through behind the camera, we know nothing, all of our opinions are just perspective that our mind created that turned into assumptions, we could never know the truth because kpop industry prevents their artist from showing the truths that may "hurt" people, who actually deserve to be hurt, but those people are the "money makers" for the company, it's bad it's toxic it's awful that just bcs they have to "maintain the money makers" idols can never get that freedom -Same goes with baekhyun, gdi we dont know him, we really really dont know him, his mind, his motives and reasons for his actions, who are we to judge him and call him selfish? -But what we know is baekhyun helping to defend chanyeol when that fake rumor was spreading by tweeting the mosquito thing, what we know is baekhyun and chanyeol doing their choreo for DFTF together that was practiced since early 2021 until before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun saying chanyeol he's fine when fans asked on japanese fansign, what we know is them still doing vocal lessons together, going to vocal lesson tgt too on march after the box premiere (bcs chanyeol's hair was grey in the vlog) before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun loving and singing "tomorrow" tgt with chanyeol, so what we know is they keep spending time with each other as bandmates and friends 
"do you ever take chanyeol's feeling into consideration, you all couldnt give less of a shit about chanyeol as person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks" 1. Baekhyun tweeting that mosquito tweet to defend chanyeol -Responses>> People went: oh he's just defending himself, he's being selfish once again, he doesnt care about chanyeol 2. Baekhyun answering fans question about chanyeol's condition -Responses>> No one translated this after few days OP has translated Original post Jan 29: https://twitter.com/tomo_exo/status/1355177834185064451?s=20 First ever translation on FEB 13 (AND FROM A CBKIST): https://twitter.com/NTH_2705/status/1360626904756228096?s=20 Also this cbkist isnt always active translating, I know her, she's not on Twitter as much as other trans account and she doesnt understand japanese, so she actually found the post on weibo and translated it from chinese thats why it was translated 2 weeks after, but before her? does ANY account translate this? well no. 3. Baekhyun and Chanyeol doing choreo in DFTF tgt -No BTS, no anything from SM, people who hate seeing them tgt can ignore easily, chanbaek stans can only watch the part over and over 4. Baekhyun and Chanyeol practicing their hitting the woah part in just usual mv -Again no one commented about this, except chanbaek stans bcs this is easily ignored 5. Lesson With Baekhyun -Responses>> yeolmaes went "chanyeol don't do this, chanyeol im not watching this, chanyeol what are you doing, i want chanyeol only, oh god why is chanyeol with him again, chanyeol is feeding chanbaekist, his fans (bbhls) gonna come at us again, fuck this im not watching" and bbhls went "the translation is wrong look theyre trying to sabotage bbh" and yeolmaes replied with "good for him haha, ya serves him right for being selfish" and also "why is it always chanyeol who does this kind of thing and never baekhyun? oh right because hes selfish hes sm golden boy he never gonna do this bcs his channel is own by SM" "look he promoted kyoongtube even in the nng" "look SM posted kyoongtube but not NNG u can see whos the mistreated one him"
All of those 5 things I mentioned, even tho some are small things....they got mostly negative responses from yeolmaes and bbhls who are not cbkist dont they? The things that prove chanyeol and baekhyun are always there for each other and they are bandmates, true friends, nothing change between them And yet, what did bbhls and yeolmaes do? Throw negative shits and comments to those things, esp Lesson With Baekhyun, and until now still hate Baekhyun... when Lesson With Baekhyun, is a vlog recorded by Chanyeol alone, he taped his phone in the car, he added Candy MV BTS with Baekhyun calling him "chanyeol ah" and baekhyun smiling while holding the food, a vlog where he praised baekhyun's vocals, prepared playlist for him, sing tomorrow together with him, laughing during their vocal lesson, and just...doing things tgt
And yet people still call it a fanservice? feeding chanbaekist? baekhyun is still selfish? when chanyeol worked hard preparing that vlog, providing it for us, baekhyun and chanyeol practicing their part tgt for DFTF, baekhyun tweeting the mosquito tweet
When Chanyeol and Baekhyun have done so many things together, after the fake rumor, after the box premiere, proving they are still good friends... so do you even take chanyeol's feelings into consideration? oh wait not just feelings, his efforts, his time, him uploading to NNG about him hanging out with Baekhyun, have you ever take that to consideration? or just ignore all those facts because "whatever i still hate baekhyun" 
So two options: 1. Hating and keep hating and telling others selfish because yall hate the fact that baekhyun never do this and that, that yall wanted him to do, but actually we don't know the reason why, we just don't know anything at all, accept assumptions that "baekhyun validated fans feeling" and thats according to you, your mind, your perspective, oh wait... it's all about you? 2. Know and accept and support and love, chanyeol and baekhyun's friendship, because thats what we know, thats what themselves say to us, thats what themselves been doing, accepting the fact that "chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends" and know we are not in the position to turn the friendship into bad relationship bcs what? bcs it comes from chanyeol and baekhyun themselves, not yeolmaes, not bbhls, not even exols, and so be a fan that know chanyeol and baekhyun have good relationship, keep reporting bbhls who said bad things about cy and vice versa, bcs what? we never want chanyeol to see that after lesson with baekhyun, apparently his "fans" still think baekhyun, his best friend and bandmate, is still a selfish person who doesnt care about chanyeol, so chanyeol is happy that we know and appreciate his relationship with baekhyun, with exo members because we care about chanyeol's feelings, because we trust his actions, his words, and we love everything he does, and also we love everyone around chanyeol that he loves
So choose... and last thing, are social media and on cam interactions, are enough to "measure" a group of people's relationships, so if your best friend never post any picture of you on their instagram and never tell stories about you to other people who well, actually are also strangers, living thousand miles away from you and your best friend, then it's okay for those strangers to say that your best friend hates you? avoiding to be affiliated with you? a selfish person? Have people ever think that it's tiring that just because you're a celebrity, you have to show everything, including minds, feelings, emotions, actions, personal reasons, to your fans? For them to be validated? And for them to turn into facts? Well, at least for me, the things I don't know then I don't know, I don't have the right to judge, and the things I know, especially positive things, that came from my own idols, that's what I'm holding on, that's what I support. *extra note: exo members always call us as EXO-Ls, not bbhls, not yeolmaes, not anyone, but EXO-Ls, so when they say they love us, "loved ones" are those who say themselves are EXO-Ls, who loves EXO as 9 members, because that's the fact
Have a good day anon, stay safe and healthy, God bless you, spread love and not hate
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dearhaos · 3 years
while we wait pt 2 of emotional rant with no point but like . (its a lot of talking to say nothing don’t mind me)
ok this is like . obvious and all but i really do love my friends a whole lot like . wow unbelievable ik . but like im a pretty shy nd reserved? nd quiet person so like making friends isnt the easiest thing and even when theres ppl who are like . friendly w me im usually still too scared to like actually make an effort to like talk to them or spend time with them (,,, actually even with my actual friends. but) bc like ... idk i dont like bothering people and i know i'm boring and i can't keep a conversation going and i usually don't have much to say . once again bc i'm boring . but like even when i do i tend to not want to say anything bc i dont wanna ruin the mood with like an awkward joke or smth and also . i tend to speak quietly and ppl asking me to repeat what i said is truly so embarrassing to me like ... ik it's because they genuinely didnt hear but like i. . dont wanna say whatever i said twice i alr feel self conscious nd when i repeat myself more ppl are listening nd paying more attention nd it's like suddenly there's an expectation that whatever u had to say was of value yknow . all that nd also i just . tend to think my presence doesnt rlly matter because of that because . i tend to just observe idk i don't add anything to the conversation . like .... i really enjoy just ... being there ? just being around my friends just watching them have a time? i don't really enjoy participating in games nd stuff when we hang out also so that adds to the boringness but so like . i was talking to anna (one of my uni friends tm) recently nd she mentioned that whenever we have a class that i share w them they all tend to ask themselves if ill be coming. them just greeting me with open arms when i actually do show up. when they all took the time to say bye to me before they left that one time i drank too much and was just laying on the floor in anna's bathroom. when they were simply just . okay with me not playing uno with them nd just watching them play. its just so ? when i disappear into a depression bubble for weeks nd they dont see me nd dont hear from me for all that time but then i appear from nowhere nd they dont . question it or dont act any different than they would before it's so .. comforting idk the reassurance i get from there being always at least one person to mention me in the discord or even going as far as messaging me directly on whatsapp (because they know im more likely to see their message there) when theyre making plans to make sure im included . . . like . i think it might be the first time ive had (irl) friends like that ? and that feels mean to say because i had a close friend in brussels nd shes still v important to me but it really feels like we're growing apart when we don't talk as opposed to my uni friends who just . idk . idk how to phrase whatever i wanna say. but my uni friends are so very beloved to me.
and on a note abt tumblr friends my belovedstest its. obv a bit different but like to anyone ive actually talked to in any way . thank u for bearing with me ik im awkward nd i dont have anything to say ever so sometimes i just !! reply nonsense to ur posts or send useless asks but !!! i have a v strong desire to connect with u all bc u ARE so very beloved to me i just dont know how to go about it </3 and once again ik im not the only one struggling w that so once again im far from being unique in that aspect but like .. yeah .. its like .. i wanna talk to u all i rlly do but i dont know what abt </3 so like sorry to lu for always just bringing up entxt lore nd nothing else like ever sorry to eri just like in general bc she's probably the mutual ive talked to the most off tumblr nd i ... (stares off into the distance) am pretty annoying im trying rlly hard not to be i hope the effort shows but like also thank u erieri for like ... actually messaging me first possibly every time (im saying that like its been 3836266 times . but) because like !!! i really do appreciate it so much i get v 🥺❣❣ the point is i would absolutely talk to ven nd bri nd iri nd lu nd eri nd ro nd vi 24/7 if i could . other mutuals too but i listed people who ive actually talked to a bit i just feel sorry i can't talk to them more </3
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You Left
For @yes-sir-hotchner who requested : I was thinking maybe Hotch (from cm) and reader are childhood best friends and it’s kinda like a love triangle (where reader likes Hotch) and at some point reader says “you weren’t there! I spent the most awful years of my life without my best friend” and she breaks down crying bc of all the bad things that have happened to her. Sorry if it’s so long and all over the place I just think it’s be so cool for someone else to write something I wanna reader idk but tysm if you do it and please tag me
You fidgeted nervously with the visitor badge clipped to your sweater. You’d just gotten back to Virginia that week after spending several years living out on the West Coast. The elevator you were on dinged and you stepped out, suddenly on the edge of a very busy room. People were walking in all directions, some on phones, some with stacks of paper but everyone looked like they were in a rush.
“Hey, can I help you? You look lost.” A woman appeared in front of you and you couldn’t help but smile slightly. She had her hair all done up and her makeup was flawless. Her dress was colorful and had polka dots and she was wearing an eccentric pair of glasses.
“I’m looking for Aar-Agent Hotchner’s office?” She nodded and smiled genuinely, pointing towards the other end of the room, you followed her hand.
“Right up there, it says his name right next to the door.” You thanked her and nervously made your way to the door. You hadn’t seen Aaron since you left. You’d been unable to make Haley’s funeral and it was still something you regretted immensely, even if you did send flowers, you knew it wasn’t enough. You reached the door and read the title, “SSA Aaron Hotchner” you remembered when he was still a prosecutor. Hell, you remember him long before that. With a deep breath you knocked.
“Come in,” A familiar voice called and it felt like coming home. ‘No.’ you had to tell yourself. Too much had happened, and while the voice still belonged to the man you knew and loved, you knew once you opened that door the memory would be gone and replaced with a new reality. So you breathed in deep and opened the door. Aaron looked at you from behind his desk, pen in hand. “Can I help you?” He didn’t recognize you, but he looked practically the same just older.
“Hey Aar,” you didn’t mean to whisper the old nickname but you did and he looked at you with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, before suddenly you got to watch realization dawn on his face.
“Y/N?” It wasn’t often you got to see Aaron in full shock.
“In the flesh,” you joked. He got up from behind his desk and came to you, eyes still wide and mouth slightly opened.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, stopping just in front of you, eyes scanning up and down as you took in the sight of his old friend. You shrugged slightly, crossing your arms over your chest nervously.
“I’m back in Virgina, you changed your cell phone number. I knew you still worked for the FBI and I wanted to.. Get ahold of you.” You explained. That was what had hurt the most. When you found out your job was moving you back East and you tried to call to tell him you were met with a disconnected number message. He never contacted you with a new one. Just like that he was gone, and you weren’t going to let that happen again. At least he had the decency to look ashamed.
“Y/N, I’m-” Someone opened his office door, a pretty young blonde woman, she glanced at you then looked at Hotch.
“We need to go. I’m briefing everyone on the plane.” Hotch nodded and turned to you.
“I’m sorry,” You weren’t sure if he was finishing his last apology or giving you a brand new one. You nodded your head and shrugged smiling slightly.
“It’s okay.” Aaron went to his desk and grabbed something before scribbling something on it and coming back to you. He handed you a business card and you turned it over to see a cell phone number.
“Call me, I promise you we will catch up when I get back.” You nodded and pocketed the card.
“Sure.” And with that you watched him walk away, another familiar sight.
You entered the coffee shop and looked around, spotting Aaron towards the back of the shop, back to the wall and two mugs on the table. You approached, giving him a half smile.
“Hey,” He greeted, gesturing for you to sit, “I hope peppermint tea is still your favorite.” That shouldn’t have upset you as much as it did. You sat down and stared at the steaming mug. Of course it was still your favorite, but how dare he do that? How dare he just so casually remember such a small detail from your past when he couldn’t even remember to pick up the phone and call. “Are you alright?” He asked and you looked up, eyes slightly glistened.
“I’m fine Aaron. Now I am.” You hadn’t intended to start off like this immediately, you did want to catch up a bit before easing into the confrontation that was well over do. He frowned.
“What does that mean?” you laughed slightly, shaking your head.
“You know what? This was a bad idea.” You went to grab your purse but Aaron grabbed your wrist instead.
“Dont.” He shook his head, “Don’t do that, Y/N. You always do this, sit down and talk.”
“I always do this?” You asked and he winced slightly, realizing maybe that wasn’t the right choice of words. “You don’t know what I always do, you haven’t seen me, spoken to me in years!” You were trying hard to keep your voice down in the public venue you had mistakenly agreed to.
“You left,” He reminded you, leaning forward slightly and keeping his own voice down, “You chose to do that.” You pointed at him, jabbing your finger slightly.
“You know why I did that. I lost you as a friend long before that.” Aaron groaned and leaned back.
“No you didn’t,”
“Yes I did Aaron! Haley never liked me and you know that! I was your best friend and she didn’t appreciate it.” You were visibly upset, someone at a nearby table looked at you and you made a face back at them. Aaron tisked at you, god he wasn’t always this boring. “You-You knew I loved you. So did she, but I knew you loved her. We were okay as friends, but you took her side and you deserted me.”
“Shut up for once and let me talk, you asked me, let me answer you,” You took a steadying breath, “You promised you would always be there and that we would always be friends and you broke that promise. You weren’t there, Aaron! I spent the most awful years of my life without my best friend. And I couldn’t even reach out. And then I move back, and I went to call you to talk to you. To get some closure for myself and you’ve changed your number, no word to me. Do you know how that feels?” You asked, and he just looked back at you. “Thanks for the tea.” You grabbed your purse and stood up.
“Y/N,” You didn’t turn to look at him, instead you walked quickly towards the door. When you got outside you made a left and began your not too long walk home, not turning around once. “Y/N,” He called again, jogging to catch up to you.
“Leave me alone, I said what I wanted to say,” You continued to walk quickly but he easily met your stride.
“I didn’t to reply.”
“I don’t want to hear it,”
“That’s not fair”
“Tough shit Aaron,” He laughed and you finally stopped walking, turning on him, finger pointed at his chest, “Don’t you DARE laugh!” You yelled, and he stepped back hands up.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s not funny I just… I missed you, even this part of you.” You glared at him. He tried to step towards you and you stepped back still glaring. “You’ve always been passionate. Fiery.”
“Stop! You have no right to tell you you’ve missed me or that I’m passionate, you have no right to remember my favorite drink or anything, you’re not my friend Aaron, I don’t even know you.” He nodded his head.
“Alright. You’re right. Okay? You’re right, you’re right Y/N.”
“Fuck off,” You turned and started to walk again. Maybe you’ll get a cab just to get away from him. He followed again.
“I’m being serious! You are right! You know how many times I wanted to call you but I couldn’t because of my own guilt? I knew I hurt you, alright? I knew you loved me, and I did-did love Haley. But that didn’t mean I didn’t care any less about you and it was hard, but we were married. And I felt guilty, alright? I felt guilty telling Haley there was nothing to worry about when I knew that was partially a lie. I would never cheat on her but every time I looked at you I felt like I was, emotionally at least.” You stopped again, but didn’t turn to him this time. “I thought I was doing what was best for you and me and Haley. I couldn’t continue how it was and I am so sorry Y/N, that I did that to you. Please look at me.” You looked over at him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked. He shook his head.
“I couldn’t. I wanted to and I should but I couldn’t bring myself to. And I regretted it, but then you left and I thought maybe I really did do the right thing. You were leaving to live a wonderful successful life.”
“I was running away.” you admitted and he nodded.
“I know that now and I am sorry. I’m going to make it up to you I promise.” You shook your head.
“I don’t need you to make it up to me, Aaron. I need.. your friendship in my life and I need you to do better this time.”
“I will.” He nodded, “I will. Do you…” He trailed off and you waited, “Would you like to meet my son?” You smiled slightly and nodded your head.
“I would.”
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rainingspellforlove · 3 years
falling again.
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Tell me once again, tell me you love me like, you did that day.
 I couldn't believe it, everything about you was like looking in the mirror, we were so much alike. 
 But your lips that had spoken of love, don't say a word like they're locked shut, I can't understand with my heart, why you said you loved me. 
 But now you're trying to run away 
                                                                              Baekhyun - Love Again
The continuation of shouldnt have. 
It's been three months since then. Hyukjae been living well in Tokyo. He did his best to overcome his broken state. He did many things there and it really helped him a lot. He did yoga class, worked out his body, studied new languanges, even composing some new songs. for these three months, he already recovered well and he can back to his normal bubbly self again.
Hyukjae decides to come back to korea after feeling well. In a sunny sunday morning, hyukjae finnaly arrived at south korea. He walked alone with lot of luggagges with his mask on. Then he saw one familiar face to pick him up,
"Lee hyukjaeee"
Leeteuk comes to pick him up because he promises to grab a meal together later in a seafood restaurant..
"How are you hyukjae? Feeling better?"
"Eung of coursee hyung. I cant wait for our comeback finally"
"Of course we will have best of the best for this comeback. Lets work hard okay"
Then they enjoy talking to each other about how hyukjae's life in tokyo and how about the members doing while he was gone. They were doing pretty well with their individual schedule as well.
"Uhm so how was him? Is he doing pretty good these days?"
"You dont contact him at all?"
"Nope hahahaha"
"You really want to get rid of him huh?"
"Not to that extend lol he did messaged me sometimes, for the first week i went to japan, he texted me a lot like "what should i do" "im sorry" "i'll do everything for you to forgive me" "please" he did it so many times until 5 days maybe? Then i replied at the 6th day , i said "im okay. Youre not at fault. Just live your life as usual okay? Im fine here dont worry. " 
"I thought you blocked him lol"
"No way i cant block him we're still gonna work together right"
"Wah our pro-idol lee hyukjae. Amazing im proud of you. "
"Nothing's to be proud of. So how's he been?"
"Nothing special because we didnt meet him often bcs of our individual schedule"
"Oh then?"
"But i already met him few times actually asking him for a meal together, he wasnt like himself either i think. His soul is like leaving his body lol"
" He's not that lonely right if i left him like that? He already had a lover anyway"
"I dont know either. maybe you both need to talk it out, dont you feel it to try to talk to him?"
"Yeah ive been thinking about this too hyung. Maybe i will talk it out with him later"
"Good then"
After getting a meal with leeteuk, hyukjae comes back to the dorm with the help of leeteuk to bring his lugagges. And when he opened the door,
"Suprisseeee welcome back uri myeolchii"
Turned out the members already prepared the welcome back surprises with many foods and confettis.
"Oh my goddd guyss hahahahhaa"
"Welcome back uri hyukjaee, lets eat together!!!" Shindong said
"Yesss lets celebrate!" leeteuk finally said
Then they eat happily and tell so many funny stories like they always did.
"How is it at tokyo?" kyuhyun asked
"It's fun of course i did many stuffs there to clear my mind"
"Im glad you're feeling well right now.. we're so worried about you really. You should think less and dont overthink too much okay? You have us to lean on man!" yesung said
"yeah, we can help you anytime bro just tell us about anything" ryeowook said
"Of course i will haha im totally fine right now really!!"
Actually there's donghae too there who's been just smiled blandly at the situation. Fortunately bcs of this crowded condition, no one realized that donghae havent talked a single word to hyukjae yet. Then some times after they had fun and ate well, the members starts to go home one by one. There's leeteuk and donghae left , ofcourse with kyuhyun and hyukjae too.
so hyukjae  cleaned the dishes first and the rest of them cleaned the main room. When hyukjae washes the dishes, donghae actually comes to him and helps him cleaning the dishes
There's like silent in them for like few seconds.
"So, how have you been?" Hyukjae starts off the convo
"Nothing much it's just the same. You?"
"Yeah i did many stuffs there"
"Oh... im glad then"
Then silence again..
"Uhm, i- apologize for-"
"Nah it's not a thing for you to apologize anyway. Im totally fine"
"but im not..."
Silence again....
"Why? It's not that youre lonely without me right?" Hyukjae jokes
"hm maybe?" They laugh softly
Then hyukjae tried to ask something.
"How's thing with her?"
Donghae feels a bit flustered..
"yeah we're fine" said donghae plainly
"Good then"  hyukjae smiled
"I miss you" finally donghae said it
"I miss you too.. lets work hard more for our comeback soon. Lets just get back like we used to be okay?" but hyukjae not acting like he’s flustered. he acts cool
"Uhm sure.. "
Then hyukjae was about to go to the main room then donghae said
"im sorry.. lemme just say.. ehm- dont cry again hyukjae."
"sure i wont" hyukjae left and smiled after that..
The day after hyukjae went to japan, donghae was like a soulless man. He ignored all of the calls and messages in his phone. He just wants to talk to hyukjae. He wants to meet him rightaway but he cant. He cant disobey leeteuk because he always obedient to all leeteuk's words. He resisted himself and stayed at his house for almost a week. He ignored all of the messages and phone calls. He just wanted to see hyukjae's reply. But he didnt reply at all. He didnt answer his calls either.. donghae was really like a zombie.. then hyukjae suddenly replied to his messages in the 6th day. Donghae was startled like hell. Then he replied.
"it hurts to see you cry dont cry again.... im so sorry. I dont know what should i do... dont hate me...please.... im so sorry"
But then of course hyukjae didnt reply him again.
Actually donghae became so confused after hyukjae left. He thinks about him a lot. He thinks how hyukjae acts around him this whole time. He just realized this whole time, hyukjae must be suffered to hide this feeling alone. When he's the one being so touchy and stuffs....
He didnt know either why he feels so hurting while he's the one who hurts his friend. He hates being left especially when his important person who did it to him. He feels so confused after hyukjae left. He didnt know what happened to his mind recently. He cant think of anything. His mind was full of hyukjae. especially the kiss he gave that night. 
It feels like he poured all of his feelings to it.. but it was the most heartbreaking kiss that he ever felt. the tears that fallen in his cheeks. and his warm lips that melts into his. 
he hates to acknowledge this but he wants to feel it again... but not after feeling like this.   he missed hyukjae so much... it feels so wrong but he missed him so much......
but life must go on,  donghae tried to forget this confusing feelings and try to meet his girlfriend.
He actually met her few times. But donghae always didnt look fine at all. He always been on his mind and cant focus on her at all. And it's always been like this..
Donghae didnt seem to reply at her mesaages as often as before. And he rarely pick up her calls. Donghae was like a whole different person.. sometimes he would be ignorant or careless... even he was not actually like this.. 
he had a fight with his girlfriend recently.. because donghae keeps losing his focus when they met. And he keeps ignoring her messages and calls. He said that he was busy with works and stuffs. Still his girlfriend had it enough and asked him for break up. Donghae asked her not to end it so quickly. he said they can figure it out together. But his girlfriend insisted that they must break up. She was so tired of him. So they break up in their 5 months.. 
Donghae was shattered... he was miserable..
 he thought "maybe life was fair enough"
end of flashback
Donghae intentionally didnt tell hyukjae that he's already breaking up with his girlfriend. He thinks maybe it's for the best to stay like that. It's already been 1 month since he had broken up. And it's the time for hyukjae to come home to korea too. Actually donghae already recovers from his broken state too after 1 month. But now he saw hyukjae is a whole different. He's like happier, shining, and lovelier. It's like he's really getting himself better. He's getting way cuter... donghae seems a lil bit flustered to see hyukjae arrived... he was stunned for a lil bit. 
“is it just me or he gets cuter after coming back......” he thoughts.
Fortunately after their little talks, they can be like they used to be again.. 
The comeback is near.. so they keep practicing and practicing. They have been busy all the time after hyukjae arrived. They have been busy with many things to prepare the comeback.
Hyukjae is working hard too. He's even more refreshed for now. Donghae and hyukjae come back as they are used to be. Playful to each other. They are just being professional to not mix their private life and works. So they act like the things that happened 3 months ago are also dissapearead.. they just act like nothing happened.
They finally released their comeback songs successfully. It was a hit and success. They did many shows, interviews, and some variety shows to promote their comeback. They are so busy because of these schedules. But they are happy because finally they did a comeback again after a long time.
So after the day they brought a first win from mcountdown, they celebrate it in a restaurant and have a big feast there. Then they had drunk too after having those meals. It’s time for going home and there were no schedule tomorrow so leeteuk said just rest well for tomorrow. The members are going home one by one.
"Hyung, tomorrow i will have schedule for new journey to the west, so i cant come home with you. Is it okay for you to come home alone?"
"Nah it's okay. Bye bye kyuhyuna"
But actually hyukjae is in drunk state so he will go with his manager to come home.
then donghae comes
"I can take him home, i bring a car here so you dont need to worry managernim"
"Oh? You bring a car? Okay then i'll just come with you." 
Then hyukjae and donghae go home together with donghae's car. It's the first time for them having a drive like this for just both of them. 
"Hyukjae-ya, are you sober enough?"
"Hmmm 60% sober i tthink why?"
"Actually i want to tell you something"
"What is it?"
"I... i broke up with her"
"Her? Your lover? Why?" suddnely he’s 90% sober up
"Some things happened and we fights then she asked for breaking up. uhm yea thats it"
"Oh.. since when?"
"It's been like almost 2 months before our comeback"
"Ah... so you already broke up that time i ask you?"
"Hm yes.... sorry for not telling you the truth, im just scared that it will make you uncomfortable yknow"
"It's okay i understand... uhm.... so, you okay?"
"Yeah i had been not okay that time but right now i feel better a lot"
"Good for you then, hope you can find another person who's better for you then. life must go on right" 
Then silence... donghae doesnt give him any replies. 
They stopped at the red lights apparently..
"Do you already have a person you like this moment?" Suddenly donghae asked
"no there isnt. I didnt think of it at all because we've been so busy"
"Youre right"
Then the green light appears..
Donghae drives again... 15 minutes in silence and finally arriving at hyukjae's dorm..
"Okay.. would you want me to take you to your room or-?"
It turned out hyukjae already sleeps. He didnt dare to wake him so he puts hyukjae in his back and piggy backs him to his room.... and he still sleeps soundly at donghae’s back.. 
Donghae puts hyukjae to his bed and tucks him in the bed softly.. then unconsciously, donghae leans in to hyukjae's face..
Donghae pressed a soft kiss to his forehead...
"What if you're the better person for me hyukjae? What you’re gonna do if i fall for you?" He said while carressing his hair softly.. 
After that, donghae turned off the lamp and went home rightaway....
actually hyukjae didnt fall a sleep at all... 
he listened to all of them.
"The hell is that just happened...... oh my freaking God what the hell just happened....." he wakes up rightaway.
Hyukjae still can feel donghae's kiss in his face. he cant sleep at all that day. Even after hyukjae's arrival, they had been in a good terms. It is like nothing happened back then. They acted like they used to. Everything seems so natural. There were no feelings for each other.. hyukjae completely erased his feelings for donghae but why did he act like that last night....
"God he's confusing me again.... "
After that confusing situation for hyukjae, he will never know that was the start of all donghae's affections to him.
 and it's likely more affectionate than he ever imagined.
They did many shows and got many interviews. In those shows, donghae always finds chance to get close to hyukjae even doing some skinships to him. But it's like he did it unconciously and natural. It's like the usual donghae but it's more clingy than usual.
He's always backhugging him when they played something, or when in a music show ending, and many more. But hyukjae just lets him bcs he didnt want to be so obvious of avoiding donghae in the tv or shows.
Hyukjae hates to admit this but he liked it. It's like he misses these moments so much but in fact he's already moving on.... or...... are those feelings coming back again...
His warm and soft touches against his body are endearing. He just loves those affections. He missed how to be loved by someone...
But he didnt want to admit it.... never. it’s too contradictive. his mind says he’s already moved on but his heart told him otherwise. 
He still cant get over what donghae said few days ago....
Day by day passed by, and the promotions are coming to an end...  they did their last music shows on inkigayo. hyukjae went to the rooftop to rest for a lil bit because the members are just too noisy right now.. he didnt feel like to talk too much today. 
"what are you doing here alone hyukjae-ya?" 
"Oh donghae, uhm nothing just sight seeing" he’s startled by his voice
Donghae comes to hyukjae
"Do you have something burdening you?
"No actually i just feel grateful finally we can success this comeback.."
"im proud too for myself and the members too. we’re doing great"
they smiled together and felt the wind that breezed for them. and hyukjae got some dust into his eyes
"Aaah my eyes" he tried to rub his eyes but donghae held his hands
"Hyukjae-ya are you okay? Which eyes?"
"Leftt aaaah its stuck"
“dont rub it, i’ll blow it for you”  
Then donghae just blows a little to hyukjae's left eyes while cupping hyukjae's cheek.  hyukjae’s heart is pounding like crazy while he did that
"I-Is it gone?"
"Maybe.." hyukjae tried to open his eyes and he's surprised, donghae was just 5 cm in front of him
Then donghae looks into hyukjae's eyes  and carresses his cheeks softly... hyukjae cant back off and staring into donghae’s eyes also
"I think you're more beautiful in this comeback" while holding his cheek.
"How so? I just feel so usual"
"It's your eyes. Your eye make up is stunning"
"U-uhm thanks"
“this comeback fits you so well”
They still stood like that for a while until donghae leaned in to hyukjae.. and hyukjae automatically closes his eyes... donghae just pressed a soft kiss into hyukjae's left eye...
Then he pulls out and smiles..
"You must be tired today. Lets just go home.." donghae said and grabbed hyukjae's hand to enter the building...
Hyukjae is dazed and cant say a single word... he just follows him to the building in silence... 
One day hyukjae drinks alone again in the usual bar. He just wants to drink because he wont have no schedule tomorrow.. and he talks alone in the bar.
"Im getting confused again. Why did he do that then?"
"If im just a rebound of his broken heart, i swear i would kill him rightaway.. gosh but he's already broken up from long time ago... eish but i doubt he likes me though he's fucking straight"
"he's weird. Or am i? Huh idk"
Hyukjae been blabbering for himself there for a few minutes..
Then such a coincidence happened, there just came donghae and jinu who were hanging out with the others because it's their friends who own this bar.. and donghae just watched hyukjae drunk alone and ran to him quickly. his face shows he’s worried as hell. 
"lee hyukjae.. hey what are you doing here? I thought you slept because you didnt reply me at all. you cant come drinking alone like this. you know you cant support youself enough while drunk. why are you like this?"
"Oh hey cheonsanim is it my death yet? Why there's cheonsa here.. thats so weird" he blabbers and doesnt listen to donghae’s nagging at all
"Hey get yourself together hyukjae-ya" 
"Oh im totally fine! what time is it? I should go practicing. let me go. comeon lets practice!!!"
"There's no practicing schedule for today and it’s almost midnight... lets just go to your dorm"
"No but cheonsanim, there's still liquor left i must finish-"
"Shut up and just lets go home. understand?" donghae’s face becomes all serious suddenly. and hyukjae shuts his mouth and let donghae do what he wants. he’s kinda scared too actually even he’s drunk. 
Donghae just pulled hyukjae from the seat and put his arms into his shoulder and starts walking to the car.. donghae brings him home again... like that day
after the silence for a while, donghae finally softened and his serious face gone
"This reminds me of how you were so drunk back then and you keep sobbing because of me.."
"Back then i really didnt know. Yes im a fool didnt realize your feeling and im a fool too bcs i fell in love too easily with some women. Maybe im just too lonely. But i realized that i actually not lonely this whole time. I have you. Thats a shame of me who didnt realize it. Im just so sorry.."
He said while holding hyukjae's hand. Meanwhile hyukjae is sleeping since donghae starts driving.. he’s always like that after being drunk. he sleeps rightaway. 
"You're becoming more refreshed and stunning. Im so flustered to see you like “ah it turned out im really friend with this beautiful human?" Thats exactly my thoughts for you when u came back"
"then i doubt it myself why would i have that kind of thoughts. I feel like i wanna have you for myself. Your cute face, funny jokes, and even your weird actions. It's like i wanna keep it all for myself. I even got jealous when you acted cute in front of the fans lmao i shouldnt do that but idk myself is just being weird."
"i love those smiles of yours. Your gummy smile. Thats just so pretty. It warms me up. I even think why didnt i realize i live with the prettiest angel for this 20 years." 
donghae still driving while looking at the road.. and he keeps pouring his words...
"Youre really my important person hyukjae. I wont ever erase you from my list. Youre my person... your presence to me is a healing and strength. Without you im nothing. You complete me. You're really my everything. Please just erase those bad memories of us. Just let me fill it again with good memories of us... let me try again.. im hoping i can be your source of sunshine too.. like you give me those warmest smiles every time we met... thats the most amazing feeling ever..."
Then silence...
"I knew you're not sleeping right... im not asking you for anything but i just wanna tell you that... and we're almost arrived"
Hyukjae cant hide again from his so called sleeping,, then he’s awkwardly wakes up and straighten his back... 
"uhm.. uhmm..  thats quiet long speech of yours.... uhmm okay..."
Honestly hyukjae is speechless as hell, he never knew donghae will talk it out and he's basically confessing??? But thats so ambiguous...
"Can i hug you?" Donghae asked before hyukjae opened the car's door
"uhm s-sure"
Then donghae hugs him... donghae's hugs always feels so warm... his big body is covering hyukjae's small body... it’s always been these hugs that he loved the most.
donghae who circling his arm into hyukjae’s neck and hyukjae who hugs donghae’s waist tightly.. its always been like this. their typical hugs from time to time. 
"dont go out alone to drink.. bring me,   so i will take you home"
hyukjae just nods in  his warm embrace.. 
Donghae takes off his arms from hyukjae and presses a soft kiss to hyukjae's forehead...
"Good night.. rest well for today"
 hyukjae is gotta explode. 
He's confused too and doesnt know what to do either. But his mind is a total mess right now so he acts like he's totally not in his right mind too.
his act and his mind are always fighting. it’s not completely going in a one way. it’s totally contradictive!!
hyukjae in his not right mind suddenly leaned in and kissed donghae's cheek quickly. 
He's so red and dying inside, then he just
"g-g-good night too bye bye" he's so flustered and running quick to his room
Donghae who feels hundred times flustered than hyukjae, cant even move a flinch after hyukjae's cute lil kiss. He's smiling like an idiot and messed up his hair. 
"im really going crazy" 
Meanwhile in the other side, hyukjae runs to his room and throws himself to his bed and screams.
"arghhhhhh why did i do that you fool lee hyukjae you fooool"
One day after that lil kiss event, donghae asked hyukjae (as if nothing happened) to a drive. he’s that amazing to act like nothing happened between them. 
"hyukjae, are you free this sunday?"
"Uhm maybe, why?" hyukjae pretends nothing happened too. BUT he’s just pretending. so he just replied casually
"i want to have a drive, wanna come? its no fun if i drive alone"
"u-uhm sure. But where to?"
"Hmmm it's up to you"
"Me ? Ah no, it's you who should decide donghae-ya"
"Finee, then beach? Lets watch sunset. How?"
"Call! Good idea!"
"Okay see you on sunday i'll pick you up"
"Of course"
Hyukjae didnt know why he agreed to his plans lmao he’s too excited to watch sunset. 
"eish what should i do.. that god damn smile wtf i cant even ignore him"
"Nah its okay we're usually like this. Its a usual thing for us to have a drive tgt. We even watch sunrise together every year.. it shouldnt be a bad thing right........ right..... but for now i should try calming my heart more" he’s trying to convince his heart more 
Sunday comes and they really go to the beach....
They have so much fun in the car, they sing and laugh happily in the car.. hyukjae who jokes a lot while donghae who gives his best reactions to it. It's just their  another ordinary days.. but its been so long so they're beyond excited for themselves.
It's winter and they wear warm clothes right now.
"Hyukjae, dont you feel cold of just wearing that coat?"
"Ah this. Hmm maybe i can bare it haha"
"You can wear my padding, i'll wear yours"
"Eish no need. Im fine really"
"Uhm okay then"
They have arrived at the beach and they go to the side of the beach while playing with the water. They had so much fun playing and running for each other.. they're just like kindergartens..
"It's unbelievably cold goshhh maybe you’re true though,  my small body cant bare it haha" hyukjae been shivering for a while and he almost stutters because of the cold wind.
"I told you so.." then donghae stands behind hyukjae and opens his padding to back hug the shivering kid. his padding completely covered him and hyukjae together. Hyukjae is small human being so it fits for them together.
"Ya- what are you doing let me go" hyukjae tried to let go but of course he’s lost. 
"Its cold its better like this right" he tightens his hugs more. 
Hyukjae cant say a single word he's just dazed while feeling the cold air from the sea.
They stayed like that for a while until sunset..
"Beautiful..." finally hyukjae mouthed a word
"Uhm.." donghae hugs him tighter from the back
"We're almost the same height but why i feel you're so tiny" donghae said
"im 3 cm taller you know!! but i admits im a real myeolchi because im not that workout holic like you. and im not the type who builds my body like you. the bulkier type. nah i didnt like it"
"Alright alright  i agree for that"
they enjoy this so much. and maybe hyukjae loves it too much. it feels like the cold air is completely gone because of donghae’s back hugs. it warms him up...
after some moments of the sweet warm sunset, they think of going back. they can freeze if they stay too long. 
"Should we go back?"
Its time for going back and its time for donghae to let go of his hug.... why hyukjae feels dissappointed all of sudden...
Donghae lets go of the hugs and he pulls hyukjae to face him...
"O-oh why?"
Donghae takes out his hands and carress it softly... then brings it into his lips... donghae just kissed every hyukjae's knuckles one by one..
Donghae turned to face hyukjae and leans in slowly..
Hyukjae stops him by pointing his forehead..
"can i-?”
 he didnt finished his words but suddenly hyukjae said
"kiss me"
Donghae got startled but he smiled softly and leaned in to kiss hyukjae
Donghae moves his hands to cupped hyukjae's cheeks while hyukjae's hands slowly circling donghae's neck.. they kissed slowly and softly.. donghae takes a lead and hyukjae tightens his hands... they never expect this day would come.. they pulled out for few seconds, then hyukjae cant get enough and kiss him again.. they kissed so long but slowly...
then they got losing a breath and plus they cant bare the cold air then hyukjae pulled himself from donghae... his ear got so red and he cant even say a word.
"i-its cold lets go home." hyukjae said and ran  leaving donghae who smiled softly..
They go home with hyukjae who covered himself with his scarf.
Donghae who laughs softly said
"Hey dont cover yourself like that, i cant see your face" he teased
"I dont want to see your face idiot"
Donghae chuckles and takes hyukjae's hand... he pressed a soft kiss to his hand...
"stopppp argghh focus on driving bastard" he pulls out his hand quick
Donghae drives home with a widest smile ever
Arriving at hyukjae's dorm, he packs his things and ready to get out but..
While on the way driving here, the snow falls so hard even donghae drives his car slowly to go here..
"You know, the s-snow is falling so h-hard right"
Then donghae turned his head to hyukjae waiting him to say something
"So...” hyukjae hesitates..
"Eh hem so?" Donghae waits while smiling to him
"Eish stop smiling like a weirdo you bastard"
"Hmmmm So?" donghae teased 
"Y-you can come to dorm until tomorrow morning i-if you want-"
"Of course i will. Lets go" donghae quickly answers and goes inside
Donghae has expected this , no way he would let his best friend fighting the snow falls for himself.
They enter the dorm together.. and it's already almost midnight..
"Kyuhyun is home already maybe he's already sleeping... you can sleep on the sofa or other rooms here okay bye im going to bed" hyukjae was about to go to his room but donghae stops him
"What now?"
Then he gestured his head in hyukjae's room (it's like “i wanna sleep with you” gesture)
"N-no way!"
"Aaah we used to sleep together why cant we"
"Its different! We're grown ups right now!"
"Hnggggggg pplleasseeeee or i will nag at you until morning"
Donghae keeps nagging and nagging so hyukjae just lets him to go to his room
Hyukjae already changed his clothes and brings his clothes for donghae to change also.. then hyukjae goes straight to sleep and doesnt want to wait for donghae who changed his clothes
Donghae who comes back after changing his clothes, climbs up the bed beside hyukjae... hyukjae  sleeps facing the other side and donghae feels dissappointed..
"Face me while sleeping or i cant sleep"
"Its not my business"
"We just kissed why do you treat me like this?" He pouts
"Eishhh sssssshhhh. fine fine. i'll face you lets just sleep"
"Hyukjae ya"
"Hmmm" he already closed his eyes
"I wanna hug you"
"why are you so demanding"
“arghhh fine” 
Then donghae hugs him and places hyukjae's head in his chest
"It's cold i must keep you warm" hyukjae stays in his embraces like that without complaining.. he's too sleepy to complain.. 
"Hyukjae ya"
No answer...
Then donghae leans in closer
Hyukjae feels donghae's breath becomes so close and slowly opens his eyes..
Hyukjae stops him again by placing his fingers to his lips..
"lee donghae......." hyukjae loses all his drowsiness.... and his eyes looking at donghae's
"I like you..." donghae said with his softest eyes ever
This. those puppy eyes of his. His soft voice.. his gentle touches. His body's heat that runs into hyukjae's body.... it drives him crazy
 hyukjae never been so speechless.. he's weak.. he doesnt know how to act...
Hyukjae feels his heart about to explode..
"Y-you know.. b-but i dont know... i cant understand my feelings at all.... i-"
"I know.... i know.. i'll wait for you"
"but why?"
"Because it has to be you. I love being with you. I just love it so much. youve heard me before. in the car, i told you everything. it’s just you."
Hyukjae cant say anything and keeps his head down in donghae’s chest... he cant face donghae.... he might explode... he bets his ears are all red... and he feels so damn hot even it's winter...
"Can i kiss you?"
Then hyukjae nods softly..
Donghae slowly moves his hand towards hyukjae's cheek and the other hand pulling his waist closer...they kissed again.. but its more passionate and have more feelings... they didnt feel cold anymore, they are heated by the kiss...
donghae who's now on top of hyukjae and keep kissing him like there's no tomorrow... it's like hyukjae is his property only..
They kissed until they both are out of breath and pulled out from each other.... donghae hugs him again from the side while carressing hyukjae's hair and kissed it for few times.....
"잘자요 hyukjae ya"
"good night.." hyukjae who feels embarrassed to death and he just hides himeself in donghae's chest...
They both stay like that until morning comes.... they embrace each other warmly and they sleep like babies.
Morning comes and hyukjae slowly opens his eyes...
"emhhh.... oh my.." he still doesnt believe it either what he saw...
The first thing he saw is donghae's face beside of him.. he suddenly remembers the kiss.. 
"He already looks so good even he's sleeping, like how.."
"eishh whats wrong with me"
hyukjae tries to come down from the bed slowly because donghae's hand still in his waist.. so he slowly removes it.... afraid to wake him up... when he's about to success for coming down, then a pair of hands slip into his waist tightly and a voice appears next to his ear closely..
"where do you go?" said donghae who just woke up with his hoarse voice. He put his head above hyukjae's shoulder and keep whining
hyukjae almost jumped after hearing it *dammit that hot voice*
He always knew this kind of voice every morning they woke up after sleeping together.. because they did it often back in those old days.. but now, it is not the same,  it's like hyukjae always got heart attack when donghae comes close like this
"maybe take a shower and buy a breakfast..."
"sleep more :(" said donghae lazily in hyukjae's shoulder
"it's almost 9 am... i must go to gym later.."
Then he pouts cutely..
"Let me take you there then..."
"Lets take a shower together"
"NO eish i can shower alone lemme go" donghae still hugs him tightly from the back
"Lee donghaeee comeonnnnn"
"letsss take a shower together like the old dayss"
"No fuckin waay lemme gooooo" hyukjae tries so hard to let it go and finally succeeding
Donghae just whines and tries to wake up also.
They both already been showering and they will have breakfast together..
After finishing breakfast and stuffs. Donghae drives him to hyukjae's gym.
"Okay then thankyou for dropping me off" said hyukjae awkwardly
"Of course. Dont overwork yourself, rest well after this. Bye bye"
"Sure bye"
"Oh wait." Donghae said
"What is it? Is there something i left in your car?"
"You left this"
Donghae shamelessly pressed a quick kiss in hyukjae's right cheek.
"bye bye!" Then he winks and leaves
"Eish im really really going insane"
Day by day passed and donghae keeps being clingy to hyukjae. But extended version, he always kissed him goodbye while parting ways. It can be forehead kiss or cheek kiss. Hyukjae is lied if he doesnt like it. He liked it so much but he didnt show it and always runs away from donghae after that...
"Ah where is the boy who used to cry here bcs of his bestfriend? Is he really opening up his heart again?" Teased leeteuk
"Hyung please"
"Hahahaha you arent bothered at all right by him? I knew you love it"
"No way"
"You cant lie to me hyukjae. You fall for hin again right?"
"But i hate for admitting "that feeling""
"It's been so long hyukjae, it's okay for falling in love again"
"I dont know hyung... but why it has to be him? i just dont know"
few days after, hyukjae who just woke up suddenly gets a call from leeteuk..
"Lee hyukjae it's urgent, donghae is sick and i cant go there bcs i have works. Can you come instead of me? He's been in high fever. im scared he will faint or something"
"Okay hyung i'll go there asap"
Hyukjae is worried as hell and he brings all the medicines from the dorm for donghae.
As he arrived there, he found donghae sleeps on the floor.. and he's freaking out
"Yahh lee donghae, are you okay? Hey, lemme take you to hospital come one wake up"
Hyukjae got so worried and try to lift donghae's body.
"Ehmmmh oh what time is it? Why am i on the floor? And why are you here hyukjae?"
"Leeteuk said youre sick af so i came.. lemme take you to hospital right now. can you stand by yourself?"
"Ah.... im not sick.. i just got hangover and maybe i fall asleep on the floor last night..... im totally fine but a little dizzy"
"what the-”
then he realized 
“Aish leeteuk hyung i'll get revenge on you someday arghhh" then hyukjae stands up and ready to walk out
"Im going home then. Bye im wasting my precious times"
"Aaaah dont go im really dizzy... can you help me please eung?"
"Its ur fault anyway"
"But i always help you after you drunk so many times..."
"Okay t-thats... ugh- fine"
Hyukjae walks to donghae and lifts him up. He helps donghae to get on the bed..
"Okay it's done im going. Eish wasting my time  worrying for nothing"
"Are you worried that much?"
"Bye im going home..."
Donghae pulls hyukjae's hand..
"Can you just stay with me?"
"Why should i?"
"I need your company.."
Donghae pulls a lil harder until hyukjae's body falls on his chest..
Donghae hugs him rightaway so hyukjae cant go...
"Hyukjae-ya.. there’s no a single time i would not think of you.. you know what, when you went to japan, i messed up all of things.. i cant get focused on anything... i just wanted to meet you.."
Hyukjae who still in donghae's chest said carefully
"How can i trust you? I cried so hard that day.. im tired of hurting"
"You know it hurts to see you cry. That day my heart breaks into pieces... i think how much i hate myself... i was so dumb. i knew.. but now i realize how can i live without you.. i cant stay away from you... i wanna hug you so tight and give you every little kisses every day.. i dont know when this started, but i want to make you mine every time i see you..  i wanna protect you and embrace you.. i cant take my eyes off of you"
"Hyukjae-ya look at me" donghae lifts hyukjae's head who leans in his broad chest then he saw hyukjae is crying...
"dont cry sweetheart please dont cry.." donghae carressed his tears away softly..
"I-i think i completely forget you. i convinced myself that i already moved on. i believe i had erased you completely.But i just realized i cant... how can i? i really cant forget you at all... i just keep pretending that i was fine if i keep this feelings alone.. i thought i already threw away my feelings. But you suddenly came to me again with those affections.. how... how can i just forget you easily.. i just cant.... life is so unfair i cant understand"
Donghae suddenly sits and lifts hyukjae easily to sit in his lap.. hyukjae who's still sobbing got flustered by his sudden actions.
"Ssssh dont cry... you know that im the crybaby, it's not you. You shouldnt be crying.. youre not supposed to cry... "
Hyukjae still sobs.. and palmed his face..
Donghae leans in and takes hyukjae's hands from his face slowly
He cupped hyukjae's face and leans in.. donghae's forehead touched hyukjae's completely..
"I love you so much.. can you love me back?"
Hyukjae still sobs but he nods softly..
Donghae smiled softly... this sweetest smile that always stuck in hyukjae’s head
"Say that you love me back" 
Donghae wiped off the tears that keep falling in hyukjae's cheeks..
"i-i like you so much i could die.." he sobs cutely
"good.. and i love you too"
Donghae leans in and kisses hyukjae's watery eyes delicately.. he pressed those little kisses slowly from hyukjae's forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, and finally his lips...
The way hyukjae's lips melt in donghae's.. he kissed hyukjae passionately... the finally-you-love-me kiss that he always hopes.. not that heartbreaking kiss again, this kiss feels more delicate and warm. donghae moves his body and presses hyukjae down to the bed..
"Do you mind if..."
"just do whatever you want”
hyukjae never thought that this day would happen for real.. his shirts and pants are on the floor... his  outfits that he wears prettily today is all on the floor mixed with donghae's.. they both are covered with blanket with donghae's hand for hyukjae's pillow.. hyukjae cant say a single word after all of the things that happened so quick in few hours..
"Say something babe"
"You idiot bastard how can i say something after you marked me like this... we just- arghhh i shouldnt say yes for whatever you will do... ive been tricked."
Donghae turned to sulky hyukjae and kiss hyukjae's shoulder..
"you know i cant resist you.. "
then donghae pulls hyukjae and hugs him close to his broad chest and hyukjae slowly hugs him back..
"stay with me until tomorrow?"
"Of course" hyukjae nods and hugs him tighter
"Dont you feel cold?"
"Nope. You hug me is enough.."
Donghae smiled  softly and hugs him tighter... 
“best day of my life.” donghae kissed hyukjae’s head softly
While hyukjae finally asleeps, donghae quickly messages leeteuk
"Hyung i will appear on your youtube more often!! i promise. Thank you for everything hahaha!"
"Eish this little punk. Happy now? Stop calling me just for crying that you miss him so bad. Ughhh im so tired listening your broken ass.  Dont send me even a single pic of both of you or i'll kill you."
"HAHA i was about to lmaooo bye bye hyung♡"
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Chapter 3 - Earth and the Lost Soul
The Butterfly Who Lost Her Wings
Word Count: 3981 | AO3 Mirror | Previous | Next
Summary: Marco returns to Earth and sets out to right a wrong.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ☾ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
A rift in space opened up in the Diaz family’s living room. Marco emerged from it a second later, dimensional scissors in hand. He was exactly where he had intended to land, in the middle of his living room. But only when the portal had disappeared did he realize that he hadn’t fully thought that decision through.
His mother, Angie, immediately noticed his arrival from her standing place in the kitchen. “Marco, you’re home!”
A cold wave of dread washed over him as he caught sight of his mother’s unknowing smile. She threw her arms around him in a hug, but he was completely lost in his thoughts, dismayed by his realization. I’m going to have to be the one to break the news to everyone in Echo Creek…
“Welcome home.”
“Hi, mom.” Marco tried to politely excuse himself to his room, but Angie wasn’t about to let him go so easily.
“Did you get everything figured out with Star?” she asked, letting up on her grasp. “I know she didn’t leave on the best terms.”
He turned around slowly, opting to stare at the wall behind her instead of making eye contact. “Actually… can we talk about it later? I’m really tired.”
Unfortunately, Angie was smarter than that. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m tired,” he repeated. “I’m really, really tired.”
“Marco?” She could only repeat her son’s name as he turned his back and ascended the stairs without responding further. “Marco!”
He shut his bedroom door behind him, trying to listen through the door. When he was certain that his mother hadn’t followed him in an effort to demand answers, he slid down the wall to a seated position on the floor and sighed heavily, his exhaustion finally starting to catch up with him.
His phone in is pocket was being bombarded by incoming messages, now that he’d returned to a place with cell service. He remained there on the floor for several moments before he was able to convince himself to look through his notifications. There were a lot of unread messages from his friends, mostly Jackie. As he was attempting to read through them, he was bombarded by several new texts from Janna.
Janna: yo diaz
are u home yet?
u better answer me
Because of course Janna somehow knew that he was back on Earth. He supposed it really wasn’t all that surprising, once he thought about it. I’m not sure if I’m in the right headspace to put up with this right now…
Marco: Yeah I am, how did you know that?
Janna: not important
ur gf has been harassing me bc u werent responding
next time maybe give some notice before u disappear?
Guilt flooded over him. She had every right to be upset with him, as far as he was concerned. Everyone did. He was the one who left without notice, and aside from a parting message to Jackie—apparently she had still tried to contact him anyways—no one else in his immediate friend group had known where he was.
Marco: I’m really sorry
I didn’t mean to be gone as long as I was
Janna: save your sorries for your gf dude
u cant just disappear for a week w/o warning and pretend nothings changed. shes got every right to be mad if she is
i kinda do too, lucky for u im not the grudge holding type
did star come back with u or is she like staying on mewni or whatever
Marco collapsed backwards onto his bed, defeated. His phone fell out of his hand, currently of little concern to him, now that he was so lost in his thoughts. There’s just no escaping this, is there? Everything had always been about Star, and everything still was about Star. Just as suddenly as she had crashed into his life, she was gone, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, about how the last thing she’d thought to do before disappearing in that explosion was to apologize.
A piece of his world had went with her, and he couldn’t help but feel that he was somehow responsible. There had to have been warning signs, right? Should he have done something differently, or done something sooner? “I hate this,” he murmured aloud, burying his face in his hands. “I hate this…”
Star probably hates this, too, he admitted inwardly. She always did everything in her power to be a positive force in people’s lives. The last thing she’d want is for everyone who cared about her to be moping around. I really hope she knew what she was getting herself into…
He finally spared another glance at his phone.
Janna: ???
Marco: Sorry
I don’t know if I want to talk about it right now, if that’s ok
Janna: yeah sure
if things are awkward between u two now thats ur business, not mine
jackie isnt mad at you fr that btw
Marco: For what?
Janna: uh
at the party?
Oh, right, Marco grimaced. Just before she left for Mewni—and subsequently vanished—Star had confessed her feelings for him in front of everyone at their end-of-the-school-year celebration. Even now, he still couldn’t help but hold some resentment towards her for how hasty that decision of hers had been, especially when she knew he was dating Jackie.
It was almost like she knew that was the last time she’d ever see him, and that her true feelings had been a weight on her chest that she could no longer bear to keep bottled up.
And yet, at the same time, his resentment felt unfair. He had no way of knowing when these feelings of hers had actually emerged, but Star never stopped trying to help him get Jackie’s attention. Even once they were finally dating, Star still went out of her way to include both of them in her lives however she could. As much heartache as it likely caused her, she must have valued their friendship over everything else, if she was able to force herself to put up with it for such a long time.
Conflicted feelings about Star aside, he still had overwhelmingly negative memories associated with that party. He preferred to forget about it where possible.
Marco: Gee, thanks for that, Janna
I’d almost forced that party out of my recent memory, but now it’s back.
Janna: sorry lol
Marco: Why would Jackie be mad at me about that? Star having feelings for me doesn’t change anything
Just wondering why you think that
Janna: i dont, im just repeating what she told me
and she told me she wasnt mad at u, sooo
i dont think shes mad at all tbh? that was a week ago anyways
go talk to her urself dude, im no therapist
Marco: Alright
Thanks, Janna
Janna: no prob
Though he did feel a bit guilty for withholding the truth of the situation from Janna, he swore to himself that he’d be honest about what really happened as soon as he felt able to. Janna was a mixed bag, and even though they were friends—at least, I think we’re friends?—he had no idea how she was going to take the information. He wanted to give himself time to come to terms with it all before trying to explain it to his and Star’s friends.
He had some things he needed to take care of, first. There was someone that he needed to apologize to, more than anything. Hopefully she was home.
His door creaked open, and he slowly made his way back down the staircase. His mother looked up from the book she was reading on the couch, her eyes lighting up with concern. “Marco?”
“I’m gonna go see Jackie,” he said quietly.
“Okay…that’s okay.” Angie stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of him cautiously. “Just… if you need to talk, I’m here for you, sweetie.” She extended her arms in an offering for a hug.
“I know.” He accepted her gesture and rested his head on her shoulder. “I just need to talk to her first.”
He headed out to the garage. It didn’t take long for him to wheel his bike out of the garage and suit up. He never really felt like taking his bike out was all that notable. Nothing would compare to when he tried to teach Star a couple months back, but she—
No, stop it, he told himself, shaking his head as if it would help unscramble his thoughts in any way. Stop thinking about her.
He was sure that the last thing Jackie needed was for him to suddenly show up on her doorstep in tears, especially when he had already done such a terrible job of communicating with her during his impromptu trip to Mewni. His only message to her about the entire situation had been incredibly brief.
Marco: I’m going to Mewni to make sure Star is okay. It sounds like something bad is about to go down there. I’ll be back soon, I promise. Love you
If he could go back in time a week, he would have done a better job of explaining himself. But it’s too late to worry about it now. I just need to focus on the present.
Once he’d shut the garage behind him, he headed off in the direction of Jackie’s house. His gaze rarely lifted from the street, and he couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with any neighbors that he passed, out of fear of encountering someone who’d ask questions or demand answers.
It almost felt like some of the color in his life had been leeched away. The only thing that didn’t look any more faded to him was the moon, which was painted a vibrant and shadowy red, slowly climbing its way out of the magenta-colored morning sky—wait, what?
Marco rubbed his eyes fervently in an effort to snap himself out of it, but it didn’t work. No, his fears were completely correct, and he found himself staring up at the Blood Moon, hovering behind the clouds. It wouldn’t be visible for much longer before it sank behind the trees, but the fact of the matter was that it was here. It was still here, lingering in the background like a silent menace. A shudder ran up his spine as he watched it, unable to look away.
The front wheel of his bike suddenly collided forcefully with the curb, threatening to launch him over the handlebars. Miraculously, he managed to plant a foot on the ground to prevent himself from landing in a heap. He let out a trembling exhale as he stared up at it with an intense gaze.
Okay. Why it’s here isn’t important. You’re here to see Jackie, he repeated in his mind, over and over in the hopes that it would stick. She’s worried about you. You haven’t spoken to her in a week. You need to apologize.
With one last fleeting glance at the moon, he backed his bike away from the curb and continued down the road towards Jackie’s house.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ♦ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
“King River has returned.”
Moon’s gaze snapped up from the book on dimensional travel she had been scouring through. Even if she had publicly said that returning Star wasn’t first on her list of priorities, that didn’t mean that she was about to drop all of her efforts. As she viewed it, her status as as queen was an entirely different person from herself. Queen Butterfly was the one who would look after the kingdom, and Moon was going to find a way to contact her daughter. But hearing the news of her husband’s return reminded her that this situation was far too great in scale to look at it in such a black and white way.
“Is he alright?” she demanded, standing up.
The guard nodded. “He appears to be, yes.”
Moon let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. “Thank goodness…”
She left her notes behind and quickly followed after the guard. It was a slightly unusual scene that she walked into, as there were several large eagles perched around the foyer. But her husband was there, too, and that was all that mattered to her in that moment.
“Moon-pie!” he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. Their common formalities were forgotten as both of them rushed towards each other and met with a tight hug in the center of the room. “I’m so glad that you’ve returned safely.”
“And I you,” Moon murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I didn’t know how much more of this I could take...”
He pulled back from the hug to hold her hands instead. “You know, you really had me worried, leaving so suddenly!”
“I’m so sorry,” she apologized.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, because I do! But if you and Star had to leave so quickly, it must have been serious...”
She’d sworn to herself that she wouldn’t cry, but her composure was betraying her. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, her voice choking up on the last syllable.
River frowned in concern. “Did something happen?”
“I-I tried— but I didn’t— Star, s-she— I couldn’t...” River brought a hand up to cup her cheek, and she met his gaze with sad, watery eyes.
She lurched forwards and buried her face in his shoulder, holding him close as tears began to flow freely.
The few knights that were left in the room lowered their heads and excused themselves from the room, granting them both some privacy.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ☾ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
After a very brief internal pep talk, Marco was finally able to convince himself to knock on Jackie’s door. As anxious as he was to see her, he tried to focus on the floor as he waited, in the hopes of not overthinking anything.
When the door finally opened and he was face to face with her for the first time in an incredibly long week, he felt a grin take shape on his face. “Hey, Jackie—“
“Marco!” She darted forwards and caught him in a tight hug. “God, I was so worried about you, doofus!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m the worst.”
“No you’re not,“ she argued, holding him tighter. “I saw your message… but I sort of hoped you brought your phone anyways, just in case.”
“I can’t exactly get cell service on Mewni. Earth phones don’t work there,” he reminded her, chuckling halfheartedly. She laughed too, and it managed to brighten his smile a little. There was something comforting and familiar about hearing her laugh.
“I know! I know, it’s just… you left without much of a warning at all. First Star, and then you… you guys really scared all of us.”
“I’m really sorry. I should’ve talked to you first. I didn’t mean to make you worry so much.”
“It’s okay, Marco. I know you didn’t mean to.”
A beat of silence passed as he tried to think of what to say and she patiently waited. Where do I even start?
“Do you think we can go sit down and talk about everything? It’s… a long story.”
“Yeah, of course!” She nodded and beckoned him through the door. “Come on in.”
He followed her upstairs—after a brief hello to her parents—and took a seat in her desk chair. She sat down criss-crossed on the foot of her bed and looked at him expectantly.
Jackie was the first one that dared to break the temporary pause. Her voice was cautious. “I take it that something bad happened?”
Marco was surprised by her forwardness. “W-what?”
“I can tell you have bad news, Marco. Well, either that, or something exhausting happened. I can see it in your face.”
“Oh, uh... yeah, your first guess was pretty on point.”
Jackie frowned sympathetically. “I may not know much about this Mewni stuff, but hey, I’m probably easier to vent at than a brick wall, right?” She leaned forwards and put her hands in her lap. “So lay it on me.”
“...How much do you want to hear?”
“Tell me as little or as much as you want to. If it’ll help you feel better, I want to hear it.”
But there’s so much that’s happened! “Gosh, where do I start?”
“The beginning, maybe?”
Marco nodded, and, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself, he began his story.
“Well... there’s always been a bunch of monsters from Mewni that kept coming after Star. Their leader was named Ludo. He wanted her wand, but him and his lackeys are pretty incompetent, so they never managed to take it. Not until this guy named Toffee came along.”
“Toffee? That’s a weird name…”
“Yeah, I don’t really understand Mewni’s naming conventions, either,” he laughed. “Maybe it’s a normal name there. I mean, to be fair, most of Star’s family is named after celestial bodies, so it’s probably not that weird.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s fair.”
“Anyways, Toffee kind of showed up out of nowhere, and we could tell that this was a lot more serious than what we were used to with Ludo.”
“You didn’t ask anyone for help?”
“Star’s not exactly the type to ask her parents for help, so no, we just kind of dealt with it ourselves.”
Jackie pursed her lip. “That sounds like a really bad idea.”
“In hindsight, yeah, definitely. We had no idea who this guy was.” Queen Butterfly made it sound like he’s pretty infamous, he remembered, silently wishing he had asked for more information on Toffee when he had the chance. “He’s the only one who ever managed to take the wand. He kidnapped me, and then he tricked Star into—“
“Excuse me?!” She interrupted, somewhat outraged. “You got— you can’t just gloss over that!”
“But this isn’t about me!” Marco protested. “I’m perfectly fine now, so it’s no big deal.”
“If you’re that calm about literally getting kidnapped, I’m not sure how comfortable I am with you going to Mewni all the time...”
“It’s not a regular thing, I promise!”
“Okay, okay,” she sighed in defeat. “Fine. What happened there? Besides the whole hostage-taking thing.”
“He used me as blackmail to make Star destroy the wand.”
“I thought you said he wanted to take it?”
“That’s what we thought, initially,” Marco admitted. “He had Star use this really weird spell that set it off like a bomb. The whole castle blew up, Toffee included. We thought it killed him, but… well, it obviously didn’t. He came back.”
Jackie furrowed her brow, thinking for several moments. “Not to insult your storytelling or anything, but I’m really lost.”
“Yeah, I’m, uh... kind of skipping over a lot. Sorry.”
“It’s okay... I know there’s a lot to go over, probably.” She glances around her room once before an idea came to her. “Wait! What was up with the night of the school dance? In the graveyard, when that weird little bird dude showed up.”
“That’s Ludo,” Marco explained briefly. “Long story short... when Star tried to destroy the wand, it actually split it in two. Star kept the first half, and Ludo had the other one. That night in particular was when he stole the spellbook from Star.”
“What does that Toffee guy have to do with this?”
Marco tried to recall as much as he could about the days prior to Star’s disappearance, but the fact of the matter was that he hardly knew anything about Toffee’s involvement with the whole situation. There was obviously a lot more to it, far beyond his own knowledge.
“That spell Star used must have put him inside of the wand. For some reason, she used it again, and she got caught in the blast that time...” He took a pause, having a hard time thinking about those that few moments before she disappeared. “Toffee got out. Wherever the spell put him, it put her in his place. I think that might have been his plan all along.”
He was leaving out a lot of the details—he could tell from the slideshow of emotions on Jackie’s face that she knew his explanation wasn’t quite lining up—but frankly, he could hardly make sense of it, either. Even if he had visited Mewni several times now, everything about it and its magic was otherworldly.  He couldn’t imagine how crazy it sounded to someone who had never even been there.
It wasn’t that unlike the Neverzone, in that way, though Mewni was certainly a lot less intense. A few things had stuck with him once he left—mostly learned skills, like how to drive a dragoncycle or wield a katana—but all the rest of his memories of that place had faded in a matter of weeks. He supposed it was time shenanigans of some sort, but it was still weird to him that he had acquired these skills when he didn’t remember practicing them at all.
Jackie had remained silent, mulling over his words. In the temporary break in conversation, Marco went on, saying, “Apparently this guy has been involved with Star’s family in the past, but I don’t really know how.”
Finally, she spoke up, offering an idea of her own. “Can’t someone use the same spell, or something? Anything at all?”
Marco shook his head. “I don’t think it’s that simple. The wand seems to be broken for good now, and I think that’s the only way to get to where she is.” He stared at the floor as he was reminded of just how dire this situation was. “She’s trapped in a dimension that no one can get to, and… I can’t tell if that’s worse.”
Jackie immediately dipped her head in understanding, and her sadness was apparent on her face. “Gosh, this really sucks.”
“That’s a heck of an understatement.”
“You were there when this happened? I can’t imagine how hard that was.”
He nodded once, averting his gaze from her when he felt his eyes begin to tear up again. “It should be so easy, but it’s not… everything that could have possibly gone wrong did go wrong.”
Despite his efforts to hide it, Jackie was quick to notice his defensiveness. “Hey... come here.”
He hesitated for several second before finding the energy to move. When he got up, she stood as well and met him halfway in a hug.
“I-if I had known that was the last conversation I was going to get to have with her,” Marco mumbled, his voice never rising above a whisper, “I, I wouldn’t have just let her leave without—“
Wordlessly, Jackie pulled him in tighter, resting her head against his shoulder. “I know,” she murmured. “I’m so sorry.” Marco could tell from her tone of voice that she was upset, even if she wasn’t really showing it in the same way he was.
In that moment, he felt awful for subjecting her to all of it. She and Star knew each other, of course—it was hard for anyone not to be charmed by Star’s infectious personality—but he wasn’t sure if him dumping all of the information on her without warning was a fair way to relay it. I hope she doesn’t feel guilty about what happened.
Nobody should have felt responsible. Not Jackie, not Janna, not Marco. It felt awful to admit it, but Star had been a victim of bad circumstance, and that was all. It wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t supposed to be a mind reader.
A shudder went up his spine. But why do I feel so guilty?
“I’m so glad you’re here, Jackie,” he said, attempting to redirect his thoughts.
“And I’m glad you’re back,” she replied. “I’m so happy that you’re safe.”
At least he didn’t have to wake up for school tomorrow. That was something he didn’t think he could manage.
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