#but yea its not gonna kill me or anything if i take it to the grave cuz its literally so
viovio · 2 years
i once had someone ask me what my intrusive thoughts were and I'm gonna be honest patrick i am not telling you that
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starlightingsss · 7 months
disposable - patrick bateman x reader
ur a budding starlet and hes patrick bateman and he loves you 😋
(its literally just you and him having a conversation then him overthinking the last part and convincing himself you didnt love him)
(hes so silly and dramatic in this story fr)
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she crawled over to patrick's laying frame, wrapping her arm over his stomach and snuggling into his chest.
"im gonna be famous, patrick." she told him, hope oozing into her voice. "the whole worlds gonna know my name."
"yea?" he said, amused by her antics.
"mhm! ill be in hollywood.. people are going to recognize me in the streets and everyones going to love me." she told him, her eyes bright as she spoke of her future.
"what about us then?" he replied, his voice stern - almost emotionless.
"huh? what do you mean?" she mumbled, propping herself up on her elbow.
"when you get famous and move to hollywood." he said again, disliking the idea.
"well.. we could make long distance work! plus we'll both be rich so we could travel to see each other!" she told him, still optimistic. "it'll be so perfect. ill be so happy!"
but to patrick, this was like a knife in the chest. he loved her, hes known that since he saw her, he would drop anything for her. he would give up his whole career and retire to the countryside for a life with her - if that's what she wanted. she was his only choice, his favorite, his everything. he would kill for her. if she said she liked a billion dollar dress, he would pay the billion. he would do anything for her, and she was his future. for him, nothing was certain. stocks were tricky and often unpredictable, he could lose his wealth and his whole lifestyle in a matter of seconds. and naturally, he wasn't very close with anyone else, no work friends, nothing. but he had her, the light of his life. and when because he had her, he had everything.
she was the certainty of his life, his rock. and she was just going to leave? when her career takes off, she would just leave him like that? what if he needs her and she's on the other side of the country? how was long distance going to work for either of them?
she knew he wasn't moving to LA with her. how could she say that it would make her happy? was she tired of him after all? was her "eternal love" for him actually not eternal? he couldn't even be away from her for more than a day without worrying so much he got sick, did she not share that same sentiment?
how could she be so happy about leaving him? once she got famous, would he just be out of the picture? would she forget him?
and how could a life without him be perfect? he knew he couldn't live without her, so how could she be so fond of the idea of being away from him?
he turned to look at the girl, engulfed in sleep. her features looked angelic as the light danced on her skin, highlighting her beauty. realization seemed to strike him, as he watched her breathe steadily - he fell for a trap.
a carefully woven web she had coaxed him into. how she broke down his walls and burrowed herself a hole deep into his heart, a hole that would be left empty once she left. her "i love you"s were lies mumbled into his ears, a trap he had fallen for. maybe he should have been more cautious, a little more guarded.
tears flooded the mans eyes, she was his everything.
how could her love be a trap? she was everything he had ever wanted, his perfect. but he wasn't that to her, he was disposable. something she would get rid of for fame, and as he came to that realization - it shattered him.
he could feel it. he could feel his heart shattering into a million pieces. the strain in his chest, the tears in his eyes. all he'd ever wanted was to be loved like she said she loved him, all he'd ever yearned for was the peace of her embrace, but all he ever knew was the lie of her love.
he was nothing to his everything.
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judasgot-it · 11 months
I’m in love with your writing like omg🩷could i request what kind of lovers are Dazai, tecchou and Nikolai?
(english is not my mother tongue so i dont mean cheat btw…)
I have SO many headcannons about these fools oh lord. Also hoping I got what you meant cuz I won't lie I am a bit SILLY.
Headcannons: what kind of lovers are they? Dazai, Tecchou, Nikolai
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He sees his own misery inside of you, which he thinks is romantic. He thinks its beautiful that the two of you can understand each other's suffering in a way no one else can.
I don't think I need to state that while this is romantic in a literary sense, it's a major red flag
Dude would 100% want to do things that he thinks are "romantic" for couples to do together.
For example - murder-suicide, robbing stores together, double-suicide, arson, planning each other's funerals-
Man has a sick sense of romance and death
But he can be romantic!! Sometimes.
Despite being young he knows how to actually take care of his lover - at least in technicality
What he really enjoys, however, he has to suppress
That cold cold sick heart of his wants to isolate them, keep them away from everyone - but he knows that isn't really a human thing to do
So the type of lover he really is the kind of guy who can really only bond over either sex or when you're drunk/sad over the past
dude wouldn't even be able to have sex without crying or would have to do it in the dark, like he just gets too emotional and insecure
100% obsesses over your own trauma and will take any time he can to talk about it - but never his own
sorry dude has red flags ALL over in my mind, I just don't think he would do happy stuff because he would think it's very fake
He can't enjoy any happy occasion, especially dates
definitely thinks weed, deftones, and sex is a good date
Don't date this man if you try to break up with him he will come to your doorstep whimpering and crying telling you that he's gonna kill himself and that you're the only one for him even though he cheated on you
he just strikes me as a messy kind of person
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Wants to be your hero. He knows your strong - but he wants to be strong for you. You deserve to be protected from the dangers of the world.
He believes in justice and is a MASSIVE dweeb for "playing the hero"
Man has good intentions that are EXTREME
So yea, he is a bit of an extreme lover
If he can, he'll protect you from anything. It's just his thing
He will try to eradicate all of your fears. Scared of the dark? Your house is brighter than the sun. Scared of bugs? sad, but he will chase them away.
Does this mean he's good at romance? Not really. He'll do anything you tell him too though
Literally anything. Almost. He wouldn't kill someone, but yea that man would 100% try a lot of weird and freaky shit.
would also not care if you weren't into sex. pretty sure that if he likes someone he is just LOYAL lol
although tbh he doesn't strike me as the horny type he just is too dedicated to his job like I'd give it 20/80
idk if he's a freak either like he's probably seen some weird nasty shit so he either is the most vanilla man to walk this earth or is into some weird ass shit.
(I bet it's cake sitting or some food shit. He and Ranpo are too similar, they would both be into weird food shit)
ANYWAY Tecchou is one of those guys who would do cute shit like open the door for his partner everywhere and hold their bags
It's very sweet. Bro 100% lifts.
probably calls while at work which is terrifying and horrible cause you'll hear gunfire but he'll pretend it's normal
Man is also technically property of the state so just know that if you're in a relationship with him you will always have someone stalking you, as you are now a threat to national security
but it's worth it for Tecchou <3
also, he has a huge bank account I bet but would buy either useless gifts or upgrade everything his partner owns cuz he probably only wears his military uniforms and compression shirts.
What's he gonna spend his money on, really?
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The world is cruel and predictable, especially with people like him. He hates someone having control over him, so he would only love someone if he chose to - which is fickle at best.
AHHHH omg he's so hard to pin down because Nikolai 100% would be the worst person to have as a lover (jk)
Hot and Cold by Katy Perry esq
Like, 100% if he loves them he LOVES them but if he hates them? he HATES them
but I don't think he really changes his emotions that much, he's sensitive but not so drastically
Definitely is an interesting person to love - would do crazy and weird shit for his lover
doesn't do normal dates. he's a magician, everything is a trick with him
probably gives riddles and doesn't wait for them to be solved - they just lead up to silly dates or gifts. The gifts are probably tame like a drink they like or like, flowers. Maybe some random fingers if he saw that a server was rude.
Does the bottle up his ass trick a lot. or says "do you like magic in bed?" and then never pulls his pants down he just shows every single magic trick he knows.
Listen. that man is WAITING for an audience he will take any chance he can. He'll even pull out some tricks while in the middle of doing it. Let him show you his magic tricks, he practices very hard on some of them.
ranking him as the type to be an exhibitionist and a bit of a freak - how much? idk but he has his coat so who knows what kind of stuff he has on him.
also don't get into a philosophical convo with him this guy will start to talk all sorts of crazy
or political
unless ofc there's common ground then CONGRATS
also I feel like he would be a gentleman. Would probably bring his lover flowers and shit.
once brought oranges though. never explained why.
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sorry about the NSFW but I needed the giggles. I did in fact giggle
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formulawonu · 1 year
hello !! i like your writing sooo much <3 may i request how seventeen would be when they have a crush on you? tyvm ^____^
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seventeen & crushes
a/n: hi!!! thank u so much for ur kind words!! im back i missed u tumblr world. i miss svt so much. sorry this was a lil too long :”) alexa play crush by seventeen rn
seungcheol: plsss HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY MELT EVERY. TIME. SOMETHING CUTE HAPPENS BETWEEN U BOTH 😭 and his crush would be seen in the tiniest of details. like if cheol knew he was going to see u or ~potentially~ bump into u he would make sure to wear more of his cologne that u once said smelled really good. he wouldnt tell anyone but he would spend a lil longer getting ready to make sure he looked good if he sees u. practices what he could talk to u about. but in front of u he would be so nonchalant 🥱 fml it’d be like “oh? y/n ur here?” HE KNEW U WERE COMING THATS WHY HE CAME GET OUT CHEOL
jeonghan: no bec hannie would be so cute :/ like he’d affectionately annoy u throughout the day because he just loves having u part of his day. he just loves talking to u. specifically you. it makes him happy and giddy. and he doesn’t think much of it until someone else (read as: shua and seungkwan) brings it up dshjfdf “so jeonghan ur lil crush on y/n is cute” “what ?” then he proceeds to think abt it and its a lightbulb moment and then he gets kinda cute and shy around u and ur like “jeonghan whats wrong with you u havent said anything weird these past few days its getting weird” he just starts giggling around u shut up 😭 then masks it by saying smth like “so you DO like it when i annoy u 😏 my masterplan is working” ok gaslighter
joshua: SWEETEST. GUY. EVER. like i think shua is the type to regularly check on you throughout the day or leave u good morning texts idek 😭 like he’d say he hopes u have a good day and then lets u know he’s free to talk at night if u wanna talk abt how ur day went haha just in case haha but its no biggie if you cant haha (he’s really overthinking this is he being too pushy????) and i think he’d realize pretty quickly he has a crush on you when he notices he likes being near u when u guys are in the same place and he’d be like huh this is happening! but who wouldn’t like them! would continue being the sweet guy he is and hopes for the best 🤞
junhui: noooooo my sweet junhui 😭 he would really remember every single thing you tell him. you have a test on this day? he’s wishing you good luck first thing in the morning or buying you breakfast/coffee before it because u can’t take a test on an empty stomach! you have a job interview or an event? he’s helping you get ready for it and practicing whatever could happen to help you prepare. u like this specific snack and he’s going to be seeing u soon? takes a pic of it to send to u then buys it so he can give it to u. he’s such a selfless and caring guy by nature and all he wants is to be there for you in any way he can. IM ACTUALLY GONNA CRY LIKE we all see how caring he is towards the other members can u imagine being on the receiving end of his affection
hoshi: this could really go two ways honestly lmfao he is either EXTREMELY distant from u because he thinks anything else would make his crush on u waaaay too obvious and he needs to be the cool guy!!!!! and he can’t do that if he cant get his damn heart to calm down every single time ur around!!!! or he could literally be everywhere u are 🤣 its like fuck the cool guy look i like her what can i do ??? like u show up to a party and suddenly ur like omg soonyoung ur here. “yea u said u were going so here i am!” or u tell him ur alone studying at a cafe and he shows up bec he “didnt want u to be lonely” 😭 honestly he has the best intentions he just wants to be there for u bec it makes him happy and hopefully it makes u too :””) grrrrrr
wonwoo: this one kills me because he’d REALLY REALLY try 😭😭😭 and i don’t mean this in a tries to be someone they are not kind of thing but he’d make so much effort to connect with u ://// like whenever he sees u he’d find ways to talk to you even if it’s the awkward “hey how are you” “i’m doing good! how are you” “i’m doing good too (◠﹏◠)” then hes internally panicking scrambling running around his head trying to think of what else he can say so the conversation doesn’t end and he ends up talking/asking about the randomest shit like so do you come here often NO WONU Y/N DOESNT THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND’S HOUSE PARTY YOU KNOW THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE my god he’s so precious please take care of him please take care of his heart please love me back wonu *cue seungkwan imitating his laugh*
woozi: i almost teared up thinking about jihoon having a crush on u. my god like on the outside he’d be nearly the same he always is but those that know abt it see that his gaze flits ever so often to where you are when you’re around. just to make sure you’re okay. just to make sure you’re having a good time. just to see u smile bec that alone makes his day :/ PLZZZZ and every time u talk to him his heart flutters a lil quicker his smile is a lil bigger and the crinkles by his eyes come out a lil more. if ur someone close to him and u visit him in his studio regularly but u somehow stop visiting bc ur getting a lil busier these days he’d shoot u a quick text and be like why havent u been annoying me in the studio recently (thats code for: i miss you. i wanna see you. is everything all good with you?) KMN!!!!!
minghao: i think he’d be very honest w himself about it. like it’s just a crush it happens. these are minghao’s present feelings and he accepts them as they come ! my mature guy. he doesn’t try to force anything because he wants everything to just happen naturally!!!! ofc he makes it a point to say hello to you first whenever you come around and he makes sure to send u the name of that book he told u about and he could come with you to go get a copy if you’d like :”) ofc he thinks about u and how ur doing more often than he realizes. he just… he just loves the feeling of having a crush on you. it’s so exciting and new and the premise of being able to get to know you more and the potential things you guys could bond over is something so splendid so personal so special to him plz crush him back
mingyu: I DONT WANNA THINK ABOUT THIS BECAUSE MINGYU WILL NEVER HAVE A CRUSH ON ME but he would be so silly so cute so overwhelmingly charming everytime u are around. we know how clumsy the guy is but he’s stumbling over his words cracking the lamest jokes to make u laugh casually putting his arm around you when you guys are walking to protect u (hes freaking out should he have done that????) LIKEEEEE HE’D BE SO CUTE IDK IF U SEE THE VISION BUT I SEE THE VISION 😭 but he’d also be so freaking cool that u would never even THINK that he has a crush on you. because he’s just that endearing. he’s offering to bring you places because he’ll be in the area (he’s actually coming from his place) he’s hugging you a lil longer goodbye he’s calling you at night just to hear your voice he’s sending you pics of himself to update u on what he’s doing he’s so dhkjdsfghskjgf just one chance mingyu
seokmin: byeeeeee this man is the opposite of discreet hdfgksjfhdg but its the cutest thing ever 😭 the moment he realizes he has a crush on u he suddenly gets all shy around you always just smiling at you finding ways to be closer to you like maybe sitting across you when ur out eating with friends because it’s not too close but not too far and he could still talk to you and see you :/ he’s blushing every time u compliment him on something idek he’d just be so cute and flustered all the time ahshadajdh fr after he makes a joke and you’re like “seokmin ur so funny” he’d be like “REALLY 🥹” proceeds to make the same joke in variations just to make u laugh more and bec he knows u find it funny so it’s fool-proof!!!!! he’s making u laugh it’s music to his ears!!!! but would 9/10 panic if he was ever left alone with u and he isn’t that close to you so all he does is smile at u until u ask him smth and he can breathe a lil more and relax into the convo
seungkwan: awww seungkwan would be so comfortable around u. so caring. he’d look after you and remind u every day to take ur vitamins! don’t forget to feed ur pet! make sure to leave by this time so u aren’t late! but he’d also treat you like his best friend. like i think he realizes he has a crush on u while u guys are bickering over smth so stupid and he’s like wow i don’t think i would ever want to bicker abt something this stupid with anyone else :”””) hahahakillmenowhahahaha and he’d always be attached to ur hip when u guys are out like he’s just always looking out for you and is so carefree whenever ur there so it’s such a refreshing feeling for him to have someone like that in his life pls care for him back ;/ pls look out for him too bec thats the only thing he wants to do for you!!!!
vernon: mans is absolutely SHOCKED. FLOORED. like?????? he didn’t know he had time to have a crush?????? when did this happen?????? but then after thinking abt it for a while he’s like hm yea that does check out 🤣 tbh i think he doesn’t change how he is with you at all. it’s a crush he’s not in grade school anymore ! but alas it manifests itself in his life in different ways. suddenly he has to make sure you taste this amazing dish he had. he has to make sure u check out this dope song he found. have you even watched the world’s funniest movie (to him)??? there’s so much of the important and special things in his life he suddenly wants to share with you and he just cares so much about what you think and your opinion of things bec you’re so cool and he’s so curious about who you are and boom there you go mr chwe you DO have a crush so what!
dino: djhfgmhdgmf CAN LEE CHAN CUT IT OUT HE ISN’T GETTING MARRIED HE ISN’T IN LOVE ITS JUST A CRUSH GET UP!!!!!! this guy is literally overthinking everything. what should he do now ? does he confess ? are they the one ? 😭😭😭 slow down sailor u are simply fond of the person -__- he’s deep in thought and u have a member asking him whats wrong why is he so stressed and hes just like i just ruined everything my life is over i like y/n . BYE that shit spreads so fast whoever asked him is informing the gc and suddenly everyone is involved everyone is teasing him and he can’t do anything abt it because THEY ARE RIGHT HE’S A SUCKER FOR YOU 😭 would actually message u abt it and be like ahahaha hi how’s it going how’s your day been wanna hang out tomorrow miss you fml but he’s cute he’s boyfriend-coded just a lil lost at times but he means well 🤣
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queenie-blackthorn · 1 year
nothing sets me crying more than reading the teasers for the wicked powers/the black volume of the dead, so why not overanalyze them and wish for death in the process (i got all of them from the page on fandom)
❗️spoilers ahead ❗️
he kissed each finger, and with each one of them spoken a word. five kisses, five words. his last.
no 🫶🫶 (im hoping this is a flashback gurl plz i hope its not the ‘lightwood death in each series’ thing coming after my life)
"oh, god, the lovebirds," magnus said, pulling the pillow off his face. "i hate happy couples."
this could be anything tbh but prolly gonna be in tbvotd
belatedly, she realized something else. "do you... have anything?"
he didnt seem to have recovered from her last comment. "but do you mean - wait, do i have what?"
she slitted her eyes at him. "something important."
"like what? the phone number for the white house?" a moment later, under her withering glare, realization dawned. "oh." his was the expression of someone who has run out of gas in the middle of the desert, miles from help. "i..."
there are literally zero names in this one but i think its gonna be smth w dru and jaime (maybe the eternidad ??) but i swear if it turns out to be a joke imma flip a table
"what if i just love you? what if i love you but i never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then?"
i think this might happen after a conversation between kit and ty where either kit says “its too dangerous to love me” or “i dont love you” and then ty replies w this
"well, its a bit ironic, isnt it?"
"what do you mean?"
"all that effort to convince you i wasnt in love with you, and here i am, dying in your arms."
this is gonna kill me i just know it, but i have a feeling its gonna be kit saying the first and third lines and hes talking to ty, and then i can imagine it saying “dont say that,” ty said furiously
his face crumpled. "he hates me," he said. "all i do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, i dont know why."
clearly gonna be ty talking about kit (to either livvy or dru ???)
there was nothing less sexy than an angry-looking cat on your bed.
okay this is 100% magnus’s pov in tbvotd 💀💀
"actually, its short for maximum lightwood," said magnus. "as in the most amount of lightwood you can have."
… no comment. actually, yea i do have smth to say. i love magnus.
"no one who loved you would want you to sacrifice your own happiness."
if we’re going by the thing where kit doesnt want ty to love him for his safety, then someone is gonna say this to kit for sure
alec was beginning to understand how the slings and arrows of fortune and history had shaped magnus and made him what he was. it was a delightful sort of discovery, as getting to know magnus always had been. magnus was probably the one person in the world who'd never bored him.
im craving more malec scenes please dear god
"i was thinking about monogrammed towels," said isabelle.
"my name is going to be simon lewis lovelace lightwood," said simon. "no monogrammed towels."
first off, i forgot that simon wants to take isabelles last name
second, his initials are technically S.L.L.L oh my lord
it was late, and someone was trying to break into the high warlock of brooklyn’s apartment.
​magnus bane, the high warlock in question, felt this behavior was rash and foolish. he’d been passed out on his still-made bed, too exhausted to slip under the burgundy and emerald sheets, or even take off his robe, when he heard the noise of his window sliding open. he was grateful for the robe. he felt it would be demoralizing to face housebreakers in nothing but silk pajama bottoms.
​also, the housebreakers had done nothing to deserve such a sight.
seeing magnus bane in nothing but silk pajama bottoms is the stuff of dreams
jokes (even tho i meant it with full seriousness) aside, this is definitely gonna be the opening lines of tbvotd. if it turns out to not be, i will never show my face in public again because of how sure i am right now
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whowantslovergirl · 5 months
You Stupid Bitch
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Maddy Perez x reader (gender not specified)
warnings: cursing its euphoria yk, nate jacobs the homophobic gay woman beater, talks about the abuse, reader being an awesome person, somewhat happy ending, and yea! don't forget to smile!! ^ this means start the song 💋
euphoria masterlist
Summary: Maddy can't see that the perfect one for her is Y/N
posted: January 27,2024
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Almost everyone knows how toxic Maddy and Nate is. If you don't know anything about their relationship you basically live under a rock.
The person who knew the most was Y/n a timid person but with a loud personality that's why Maddy and them got along so well.
It even got to the point where everyone thought they were a couple and only Y/n wishes for such a thing.
Because they and everyone else believes they are perfect for Maddy.
Except Maddy. ^
You let the wrong people love you
But you don't see that, do you?
When you cry and need my comfort
I drop everything to come over
Nate fucked up again and Maddy is paying for it again.
They were in her room making out and her phone kept ringing. It was this guy that was like obsessed with Maddy.
Nate saw it, got angry, threw stuff like the man he is, Maddy started crying, Nate didn't care, and blah blah blah. He left and Maddy is still crying and immediately texted you.
You were doing homework and a project at the same time when you got a text.
Maddy <3
can u please come over need ur comfort again??
You immediately went to her house.
The homework and project is due next week anyway.
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
the perfect one for you is me?
You were over at Maddys again trying to her calm down. "He's such a cunt Y/n! I did nothing fucking wrong!" You were quick to agree and still trying to get her to calm down.
"Just count to ten and try to breathe babe." You call everyone babe so of course Maddy isn't gonna find anything weird with the nickname.
She slowly started to calm down. "Thanks Y/n I can always count on you. You're literally my soulmate." She smiled and pulled you into a hug.
If only she said that out of a romantic love instead of a platonic one.
Maddy is your soulmate.
But she's too fucking dumb to see that.
"Anything for you Mads."
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
the perfect one for you is me?
You and Maddy were taking a walk around the block. An old couple was walking the opposite way and they saw you guys.
"Oh well you guys are the most beautiful young couple l've ever seen!" The old lady says with a smile.
Before you correct her Maddy was a little too quick to jump to the opportunity.
"Oh we're not together I have a boyfriend." Yea for two more days, is what you wanted to say but the old lady just apologized and said
"Well I can tell the one you have now is not the one."
Literally everyone knows it but her.
You don't know what you deserve
And that's why you end up hurt
But you never listen
Take my advice as criticism
"Maddy he doesn't deserve you!" You and Maddy were arguing over the fact that Nate is a piece of shit. You think she doesn’t deserve to be treated like a piece of plastic but she believes that he’s just broken and needs someone to help him.
“You don’t known him Y/n! He needs someone to help him!”
“Yeah a fucking therapist! You shouldn’t have to pay for his actions Mads!” She just shook her head. “He treats you like shit! Every time something happens he storms off like a fucking bitch. He doesn’t care about you, Maddy. He just knows you will never leave him.”
“He does care Y/n! He’ll kill for me and I’ll kill for him. You just don’t know what true love looks like because you’ve been treated like shit in all of your relationships!” You knew she didn’t mean that so you just brushed it off.
“You don’t know what you deserve Maddy and when he puts his hands on you, which he will, don’t come crying to me!” You stormed out of her room and she heard the door slam and immediately started crying.
Her mom, who heard the whole thing. Just stared at her. Maddy looked up wondering why her own mother is not comforting her.
“Tienen razón Maddy. Puede parecer amor verdadero, pero es todo menos eso y muy pronto lo verás tal como es.”
(They are right Maddy. It may feel like true love but it’s anything but that and you will see him for who he truly is very soon.)
Then make the worst decisions
She went back to him but you weren’t surprised in any way. She can be stupid if she wants, you stopped caring.
You saw her the Monday after the fair and you guys made eye contact and she looked pale and very tired. She was also dressed in a turtleneck, since when did she wear a turtleneck in hot weather. Then it hit you.
‘I knew it, he fucking choked her.’
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
When you see Maddie having a breakdown in the cafeteria and only Cassie comforting her at school you can tell she needs you. Really bad.
So you go over and just sit down and hug her. No questions asked. And she gladly accepted the hug and just cried into your shoulder.
“It’s alright Mads.”
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
After Maddy had your comfort. She’s been on you like crazy. Trying to kiss you and all. You thought this is what you wanted but not like this. Not after Nate.
“Maddy please. Just chill out.” You said trying to pull her arms off you. and she’s still trying to kiss you and hug you.
“You know your the best ever right? Even better than Nate.”
This is fucking bullshit.
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
Another shitshow with Nate and Maddy. You’re honestly sick of this shit.
You gotta tell her how you feel.
“Maddy I can’t do this anymore.”
“Do what?”
“You know what Maddy! This fucking hot and cold shit. I’m done being the therapist.”
“If it was that serious why did you keep doing it?!”
“Because I was in love with you Maddy! I was fucking in love. But now I’m not so?!”
“What do you mean you’re not?”
“I mean I’m not Maddy. Bye.” You walked out and just left her.
You never felt so fucking free.
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
She just couldn’t see you were perfect for her and will continue to get hurt. But you’re okay with that.
The perfect one for you is me?
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An: GOT MY SHIT CHECKED but the spacing looks weird so I don’t know how to fix tht BUT HOPE YOU ENJOYED
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cultofdixon · 1 year
The archer’s apprentice
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • They/Them Pronouns • “Ain’t gonna hurt yea kid” “…how can I trust you?” “Take the risk” • SFW/ANGST • TW: Abandonment Issues / Separation Anxiety / Injuries / Scars
Requested by: Anon
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Stupid fucking rain Daryl thought as he quickly ran into the cabin after pushing what was blocking the door on the other side far enough to slip in.
But right as he did, a bolt whipped past his head hitting the wall next to him. Daryl turned where the shot was fired and saw the kid still aiming their crossbow at him before dropping it and cowering.
“Ain’t gonna hurt yea kid”
“…how can I trust you?”
“Take the risk” Daryl shrugs watching the kid scramble, ditching their weapon and climbing on top of the bookshelf in an alarmingly fast pace that was impressive and concerning. The only concerning part about it is they must’ve done that before for whatever other reason. “‘M just gonna hold up for a bit…”
No response to his words concerned him but the kid was still keeping to themselves afraid of the stranger.
The archer could only assume why the kid was alone and every thought didn’t make him feel any better. He carefully takes the bolt out of the wall making his way over to where they left their crossbow and placed it beside it. Then he went to make sure the rest of the cabin was secure while also exploring it himself.
He noticed the opened cans on the floor but also the few still in the cupboards of the kitchen. He took only one of them, because he was looking for food before the storm hit.
“How long have yea been here?” Daryl asks returning into the room in hopes that the short time of not talking that they would open up slightly. But all they did was readjust to be more comfortable on top of the bookshelf. “You can trust me yknow”
“H-How many walkers have you killed?”
Rick’s questions? “Too many to keep track of”
“Also…too many to keep track of” Daryl frowns sitting down on the couch that kept the door closed. “But not in ill intent. There was always a reason”
“Good reasons? How c-can there be good reasons for killing people…”
“They threaten the lives of those yea care about”
“Okay…but if that’s it, and not everyone threatens those you care about, then what is the reason”
Self defense? They’ve been bit? I can’t think of anything else? Daryl tried to think hard about it as the kid slouches.
“Killing is so stupid…n-not that the government was better in the old world…but still. Why does it have to only end with that…”
“Things have changed” Daryl frowns opening the can up noticing the kid’s glued stare on the item. Which lead to the archer handing it to them as they devoured its contents in seconds. “There’s so many open cans, but you eat like you haven’t in days”
“I can’t…get the cans open”
“You don’t have a knife?”
“Your bolt can help open it”
“I broke the others, that’s my last one”
“How did yea end up alone?” It was coming, even the kid knew that. But they didn’t want to say anything. It was fresh, and some part of Daryl knew that.
“Look, I just opened that one for yea. I’m gonna open another for you to eat and then one for myself. Alright?”
“You’re not—“
“I’m not gonna poison it, kid. You ate that one and haven’t died” Daryl states watching them inspect the can but decided not to think that he did something to it when they were given the next one. “How’d yea find this place?” He asks on his way back to the couch watching the kid climb down the bookcase then deciding to sit on the floor.
“It’s my uncle’s cabin…”
“Is your uncle around?”
They shook their head bringing their sadden gaze back toward the can as they started to eat more slowly this time. Daryl frowns feeling awful for what the kid must’ve gone through before he found them.
When the weather cleared, Daryl stepped out of the cabin as he was a bit surprised that the kid let him stay. But they didn’t seem to want to be alone during the storm because during the night they freaked out from the thunder and Daryl woke to them asleep on the floor next to the couch he slept on. Before he stepped out, he had placed them on the couch.
But a part of him didn’t leave.
Daryl heard quick shuffling inside the cabin seeing the kid run out in a bit of a panic. But once they saw him they straightened up and pretended they didn’t just do that.
“Never got your name”
“‘M Daryl, are you alright?”
“Uh. Yeah uh. You leaving I guess” Y/N stepped back pressing their back against the wall, fidgeting with the ends of their sleeves.
Deep down, Daryl didn’t want to leave the kid alone and he wasn’t going to. But he wanted to make it seem like their idea to go with him back to their community.
“I can teach yea how to shoot”
The light in their eyes sparked when he said such as they straightened up looking at the archer with a pleasing look.
“Mhm. I’ll give yea a bolt or two. Go get your crossbow, and I’ll set up” Daryl went back inside with the kid as they ran to get their things while he grabbed a few empty cans.
After Daryl had set up a little shooting range, he set his own crossbow against a nearby tree along with his pack before taking a few of his own bolts for Y/N who approached him unnoticed. He flinched which resulted in the kid doing the same.
“Holy fuck”
“Sorry” Y/N frowns gripping the strap to their crossbow. “Didn’t mean to spook you…”
“Yknow going unnoticed like that can save yea and others”
“If I can land a shot…”
“Which we’ll be workin’ on”
The basics, Y/N already knew and Daryl kept an eye on them along with their surroundings for any walkers while they loaded the bolt in and held their crossbow in the right position.
“Gotta widen your stance a bit, not too much but enough to plant yourself”
“How does that help with my aim?”
“Well. Best not to fall over when firin’”
“Mm. Okay” Y/N couldn’t argue with that but before they even could fire the bolt, the two heard a walker. But before Daryl could even get his own crossbow and tell Y/N to get behind him.
They discarded the crossbow and quickly grabbed a rock from the rock pile they had standing outside the cabin. Daryl looks at them confused as he ignored it to grab their crossbow that was already loaded and before he knew it, he watches Y/N climb a near by tree high enough and jump on the walker using the rock to crush its skull enough for them to swiftly take their knife out stabbing the gooey inside.
The sight was a bit horrific that Daryl wishes he could unsee it. But before he could try, he couldn’t help but notice the obvious.
“If yea had a knife, why didn’t yea use that to open the cans?”
“Cuz I had someone to do it for me! Then he died and I was alone for three days before you came” Y/N snaps as they took the rock they used to kill the walker returning it to the pile that clicked to Daryl.
It was a grave in a sense. Without the body.
“I’m sorry”
“Whatever…” They frown readjusting the rock formation a bit as Daryl handed their crossbow back once it was fixed to their liking. “So back to it?”
A few hours of this and Daryl knew he should be heading back to his community before someone will come looking for him. Not that he needs rescuing. Y/N is harmless for the most part.
One last time, they loaded the bolt into their crossbow and aimed it for one of the cans as Daryl gently pushes the end down a bit to help. That’s when Y/N took the shot and finally got the center of the can.
“Fuck yes!”
“Nice shot”
The unfamiliar voice startled Y/N to hug their crossbow as Daryl quickly assured it was someone he knew that also knew how to sneak up on people unnoticed.
“You didn’t come back so Rick sent me” Carol smiles crossing her arms at the two archers seeing Y/N bring themselves to hide behind Daryl. “I’m not gonna bite. I’m a friend”
“Yeah this is my friend Carol, she’s nice”
“Only nice?” She scoffs.
“Fine, and she’s got an ego” Daryl smirks only to get smacked in the chest by Carol once she approached as Y/N tried to fight back the laugh that escaped them. “But yeah you can trust her, she ain’t scary”
“Nice, not scary. Total package” Carol smiles watching the kid relax faster with her than they did with Daryl as he really had to take into consideration that he did barge in in their home. “You know they can come with us”
“I can?” Y/N quickly looks up at Daryl watching him nod. “Can…uh”
“I can still help yea with working on your bow skills”
Now that lead Y/N to quickly collect their things which wasn’t much but gave the adults enough time to talk about the time Daryl has been gone.
“You know why right?”
“Why what?”
“Why you didn’t leave them” Carol continues to smile at the archer as she watches Y/N step out of the cabin approaching the rock pile once more and taking one into their grasp before they went to retrieve the bolt. “You saw yourself in them…all alone in the woods with no one…couldn’t bear to leave them alone like how you were”
“You gettin’ sappy on me is gonna make it rain again”
“You could just say you are gonna cry” She nudges him followed by a grunt from him and a short lived laugh from her. “They’ll be in good hands. I know for a fact”
Soon the three were on their way back to Alexandria, Y/N kept close to Daryl as this was all new to them that when they stopped a few feet away from the gate…Daryl went to their side and taking it at their speed. Carol wishes she could document it for the books…
Alexandria’s crossbow duo
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celestialorcas · 25 days
Doctor Who S1/14 E3: Boom Spoilers Thoughts:
WOOOOOHOOOO Fuck me that was GOOOOOOOD Loving the anticapitalism stuff as always hell yea doctor you fucking tell them. Caught on with the stuff about the truth of the war around half way through and enjoyed it, Susan Twist was the ambulance! Girl is everywhere fr God they really crafted this episode perfectly so you could feel the stress, i was trying to calm down as the doctor was everytime a free moment was got something else happened- Can see him thinking "REALLY?? JUST LET ME BREATHE AND RELAX" "it is killing you just the right amount to keep you buying more" goes SO HARD Next weeks is looking good fr fr wont say much about it here in case some people dont watch the next time (dont blame you theyve been spoilery in the past but so far they dont show too much i dont think) but yea im real excited for next week Reminded me of oxygen a bit, obv god im a sucker for capitalism, ai and algorithm hate, was such a clever episode though, combat activated the ai, so the ai kept them buying weapons and killing them the right amount to meet its quota, anything for the shareholders am i right Really seeing the range of emotion with the doctor here too which i love, hes crying at companions "dying" and him being in a VERY bad situation Didnt see the dadbot taking over as the ending, what I thought was gonna happen was the doctor would explain to the ai that if he blows up, it'd cost the Villengard (loving the call back btw, RTD and Moffat are good at that) AI and algorithm a lot of money, and itd actually be more cost effective to keep them alive, but to be fair that would have been very derivative of Oxygen so, fair. Overall....wow, think it was better the The Devil's Chord which I wasnt expecting, loved it
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miahxrrington-blog · 8 months
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I miss, you
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ ⋆ ˚。⋆
steve Harrington x henderson reader
warnings- angst (and un prof read work promise I’ll do it later I’m just really tired
also feel free to leave feed back this is my first time writing anything like this and feed back would be great fully appreciated practice makes perfect!
summary: steve and reader had broken up they now have to fight these supernatural beings together what happens when dustin confronts steve while y/n’s in the car and asks him about how he basically threw himself at nancy
I had broken up with steve a month ago its not that i didn’t love him still. it’s more that i knew he didn’t love me. his heart belonged to someone else. and i was foolish to think that someone was me.
because how could steve harrington ever love me. when he still not over his first love. at first I thought it was in my head. but i see the way they look at each other. the stolen glances here and there. and who was i to deny him the person he truly wants to be with.
so i had to let him go. because i loved him. and he loved her. he always has and always will.
it was the spring of 86 and once again we had gotten sucked into fighting the supernatural once again.
we had just been in the shed that eddie was staying in when we started hearing sirens with confused glances towards each other we look outside and see a bunch of police cruisers. we quickly tell eddie to hide under the tarp while we go investigate.
we all get in steve’s car and I get into the front seat while robin and the kids sit in the back. dustin and max look shaken up.
“hey it’s gonna be okay.” I console them turning around to look at them.
once we get to the scene, we quickly recognize a familiar face. nance. what was she doing there? I wondered. she gives steve a little wave and nods at him.
which steve returns.
we all make our way to the trailer park in which most of these events have taken place. we all sit at a picnic table I take a seat by steve being as thats the only seat that was left. I smile at him and then return to the conversation at hand. it doesn’t have to be awkward.
“so you’re saying this thing that killed fred and chrissy is from the upside down?” asks nancy
“if the shoe fits.” mentions steve
“our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. and whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the mindflayer or just love killing teens, we don’t know. ” dustin says trying his best to fill her in.
“all we know is that this is something different. something new” I mention.
“this doesn’t make any sense.” said a confused nancy
“it’s only a theory” reassures my brother
“no fred and chrissy don’t make sense. I mean why why them.” said nancy trying to figure out what the connection was.
“maybe they were just in the wrong place.” I answered
“they were both at the game”
“and near the trailer park” said dustin and max listing things on how this could all be related
“were at the trailer park. should we maybe not be here?” asks a concerned steve
“fred started acting weird the second we got here” said nancy
“acting weird as in??” asked robin
“scared, on edge, upset.”
“max said chrissy was upset too.” said my brother
“yea but not here. she was crying in the bathroom at school” adds max
“serial killers stalk there pray before they strike right? so maybe fred and chrissy say this vecman ” asks robin
“vecna” corrects my brother.
“i dont know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” says steve I nodded agreeing with him
“maybe they did. I saw chrissy leaving ms. kelly’s office. if you saw a monster you wouldn’t go to the police they’d never believe you. but you might go to your.”
“your shrink” I said finishing max’s sentence
once we were all done talking we headed to steve’s car. nancy clearly taking a different direction. i started opening the car door when i heard a
concerned steve yell over at nance
“whoa. whoa, nance, nance! where you going.” he asks. ouch. i try not to let this affect me. I mean isn’t this what I wanted. and more importantly what he wanted. I ignore the pain in my chest.
“something I wanna check on first” she answers
“something you wanna share with us?” asks my brother
“I mean yea I thought we were all in this together.” I say
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“yea, okay are you out of your mind? flying solo with this vecna creep on the loose no it’s too dangerous, you need, you need some to” steve tried to think of something
robin stares at me and clearly sees my discomfort.
steve then tosses his keys to robin.
“here. I’ll stick with nance, you guys take the car, check out the shrink.” if only he was that persistent when we broke up. I thought rolling my eyes at his behavior.
“I don’t think u want me driving your car” says robin
“why?” asks steve
“I don’t have my license.”
“why don’t you have a liscense”
“because im poor.”
“I can drive” says max
“no, no, no never again. please. anybody but you no.” said steve persistently
“alright just give the keys to henderson.” my brother raises his eyebrows and reachers for the keys.
“no obviously not you dipshit your sister”
“I mean yea I could drive but I don’t necessarily have my license either. are you sure you want to trust me with your car?”
“you’ve driven my car plenty of times I trust you.” said steve reminiscing those times he would teach you how to drive when you were first considering getting your license.
robin then stares at me obviously noticing I didn’t want him to leave with her. robin didnt really understand steve and how so clearly he could’ve chosen you the girl he loves but he keeps doing stupid shit like this.
“alright this is stupid.” said robin grabbing dustins walkie to insure we have communication she smiles and winks at me.
“us ladies will stick together. unless you think we need you to protect us.” I snort which then causes steve to glare at me they both make there ways to nancys station wagon.
my heart aches.
“be careful.” steve yells
ouch. see I was okay with them being together but them rubbing it in my face like this hurt. and maybe it wasn’t intentional all I knew is I never wanted to see this again.
“your just gonna stand there and gawk harrington.” noticing the same thing i noticed
“shut up.” answers steve
I enter the front steve of the car while dustin and max head for the back. I roll my eyes.
“why don’t we go okay?”
“shut up and get in the car and wipe your feet.”
“on the outside not the inside.” says steve in a disappointed mom tone I laugh
steve eventually get in the car.
“always the babysitter. always goddamn babysitter!” he hits the steering wheel.
we arrive at ms. kellys house and we watch from the car as she goes inside
“okay. she’s in”
“we can see that. im missing collarbones not my eyes.”
“so…. dustin continues. we gonna talk about it?”
“im sorry talk about what?” asks steve
“your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at nance.”
i snort.
“that’s not what happened.” steve mutters
“pretty sure that’s what happened it was pretty public. there were a lot of witnesses including my sister.”
“don’t bring me into this.” I say
“are you implying I have a thing for nance?” asked steve
“no im not implying. im stating as it relates to your steadfast refusal to get back together with my sister it’s pretty much the only logical explanation.”
“no way your the one putting these ideas in your sisters head henderson? that im still into fucking nancy”
“I don’t know steve you tell me”
“why are we talking about this situation as if I’m not here.” You mention
“no because you and your brother seem have this stupid idea that im still in love with nancy when so clearly the only person i care for is u.”
“steve can we not do this while my brothers in the car. please.” you pleaded tears threatening to fall out of my eyes
“alright so get out and cover your ears henderson. the adults need to speak ” he rolled his eyes looking out the window
“steve i promise we’ll speak later can we just focus on max.” I asked he nodded and we continued on our journey.
later in the day we made to nancys house we all had to keep an eye on max after everything we had just found out.
once all the kids were sleeping and only me and steve were awake he dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door.
“ we’re talking and I swear to god if henderson is putting ideas into your head that I’m in love with nancy-“
“steve it’s not dustin it’s everyone, we all notice the way you look at her you never look at me that. ever.”
“I don’t want to be in the middle of that you deserve better.”
“baby…..” steve whispers holding my face as he sees the tears I push him off.
“no steve i can’t keep dating someone who is still in love with someone else. I mean look crazy you got back at the trailer park”
“because she’s a friend and I care about her. I don’t see a future with her y/n I see it with you.”
“steve you can’t say things like that.”
“y/n im serious I see you being mrs. harrington one day and carrying my babies. I don’t see that with nancy I see it with you. and im tired of fighting because I miss you. and im sorry if I haven’t been verbal about how much you mean to me y/n but your my entire world..” I stare at him letting him console my cheek while starring into my eyes
“not nancy. you henderson. and I’d kill my self before I’d ever let anything happen to you.”
“im sorry…”
“it’s okay baby it’s, okay just come here.” he says pulling me in for a hug.
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alyssaswrld999 · 3 months
Why Do You Have To Be So Handsome?
Rick Grimes x Reader
*Y/n has had a crush on Rick for awhile and she and him finally confess feeling for eachother*
Warning: Kissing
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Y/n's pov:
I have had a crush on Rick Grimes for awhile now actually. Ever since I arrived in Alexandria he is all I could think about. He was always nice to me since the day we met.
He made me feel welcomed in Alexandria and even gave me somewhere to stay until I could get back on my feet. Pretty soon after I got here I decided it was best to do chores since it will pay off my debt if I'm going to be living here in Alexandria.
I get up from my bed and head to the master bathroom. I decided to take an early shower and then make my way to go see what I could do to help out.
From where I've been here for a little while I've made some new friends. But I am more closer friends with Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Rick, Carl, Michonne, Carol and Tara. They just understand me more and they are really nice.
I finally get dressed and I made my way outside and down the street to see what I could do. Eventually from walking I seen Daryl outside working on his bike.
"Your doin a pretty good job fixin her up Dixon" I hollered. Daryl looked up and seen me walking towards him and he chuckled.
"Whatcha doin outta bed thought ya was supposed to be restin" Daryl said. I nodded my head In agreement but then again I'm stubborn. "Well I am supposed to be but I feel better enough to do at least some chores" I answered.
"Well if ya want ya can go on a run with me in awhile" Daryl said. I looked at him with a shocked expression. "Really? I can go" I said excited. "Yea I mean I'm fine with it but its just gotta make sure Rick agrees" Daryl added.
That's when I it felt like my heart went to my stomach. "Daryl you know how Rick gets he will get over protective and say "oh she's not ready" or some other things" I said in defense. Daryl looked at me and just chuckled a little.
"I'm serious Dixon please" I said. Daryl nodded his head and agreed not to tell Rick. "On one condition though" Daryl said. I looked at him with a full serious face. "Anything" I added.
"I'll take ya on this run but ya gotta prove that ya capable of takin care of ya self ain't just gonna be me always Savin ya" Daryl said. I mean it made sense he ain't always gonna be there to save me. I gotta prove to him that im capable of killing walkers on my own now from were I'm feeling a bit better.
"Deal" I said.
Well the run was a fail for sure. There was at least five times that I fell and almost got killed but luckily for me Daryl was there. As we got through the gates to Alexandria I got off of Daryls bike.
"Y/n" Daryl hollered. I ignored him and ran to my house. Lucky for me I actually made it there perfectly fine. But when I got in my house I was just tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. "What's wrong with me" I thought.
Daryls POV:
Well that run didn't go well and we almost died. "Y/n" I hollered but she still kept walking. "Damn it" I thought. I'm gonna have to report this to Rick because well we didn't really come back with anything.
I drived my motorcycle to the garage door of my house and parked inside. As I was fixing it to stand up Rick appeared beside me. "Hey Daryl you ok?" Rick asked.
I looked over at him and nodded my head. "Ya gonna have to go and check on Y/n. She's got a concussion from the run and she ran to her house before I could take her to the infirmary" I said.
Rick nodded his head and began to walk away. "Daryl.." Rick said. I turned and seen him looking at me. "Thank you... for telling me" Rick added. I nodded my head and looked down at my fingers.
"Ya welcome besides she's ya girl so I mean it's the right thing to tell ya" I said. Rick nodded and then exited the garage to go find Y/n.
Y/n's POV:
I slowly walked to the kitchen with the massive migraine I had. "Why do I gotta be so stupid sometimes" I thought. As I make it finally into the kitchen I grab a bottle of water. Then suddenly I heard a knock at my front door.
"Great" I thought. I slowly start walking to the door and the person kept knocking a little bit. "I'm comin hold ya horses" I shouted. I open the door to be met by Rick.
"Oh... hey Rick" I said. Rick looked at me and nodded his head. "Hey Y/n you feelin okay?" Rick asked. I nodded my head and held the door. "Y-yeah I'm alright" I said.
Rick looked me dead in the eyes and he had a face of deep concern. "May I come inside?" Rick asked me as he nodded his head towards the living room. "Y-yeah of course" I said moving out of the way.
Rick walks inside the house and I close the front door. "Daryl told me what happened on the run..." Rick said. I turned and looked at him to see that he was looking at me with his hands on his hips.
"Rick-" I started to say but then was interrupted. "No... Y/n you have to be more careful. Especially on these runs you could have died.... it could have been something worse than a concussion Y/n" Rick said.
I just stayed silent and listened to what he was saying. I wasn't being careful with my life especially Daryls today. I wasn't being responsible like I usually am.
"Come on... let's go to the infirmary" Rick said getting me out of my thoughts. I looked up and seen him right in front of me. He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed it lightly.
"Rick..." I whispered and Rick nodded his head. "I know... come on let's go" Rick said.
We finally got to the infirmary and as we were walking up the stairs I looked over at Rick. "Why do you have to be so handsome?" I asked. Rick looked at me and chuckled.
"Why do you have to be so beautiful" Rick asked. I then went quiet and blushed. Rick seen that and chuckled. "Y/n I love you" Rick said.
I looked at him and I could feel my heart beating faster. "I love you too Rick" I said. Rick smiled and then kissed me on the lips. I could tell this was a good day even if I did have a concussion.
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xhanelia · 3 months
What i feel about you based on your main agent (bad edition)
I will write the requests but i am in my writerblock era so hoping this will cure it. Love u all <33
Please stop smoking our entrance when we are the attackers please i beg you.
You never speak nor listen. We all know your mic and the whole team is either muted or you are basically deaf.
I have never seen a child play him so you are old. I mean old old. Like a dad or smth
The chamber nerfs are a delusion you suck either way
Stop spending your whole 800 credit to a pistol that you will forgot for the rest of the game.
"I was in my prime before chamber nerfs guyss!!🤓🤓" Yea yea we get it.
Can you stop saying "I kNoW eXAcLY wHErE U ArE" for five seconds?
You cannot aim so you place a setup that is unbreakable to attackers and letting your traps do all the work for you. How smart. (Thats me)
Cannot do shit when the last one left. You get one or two kills with your trap and u die middle of the round.
Stop placing sensors to our back, trying to hold the backsite but enemy can slow walk and bypass you u know? Then you be raging "I PuT a SeNSoR ThErE"
Istg if i get tangled down by your c one more time im gonna ragequit.
Your ult never gets anyone yet there is the whole five of the enemy team.
Your prowler shows no one, girl. Stop throwing it at the start of the round.
Stop trying to control your c you are losing so much time and its gonna get no one.
Ult when your team is near PLEASE. Its no effective if you are by yourself and scream "FACE YOUR FEAR" bcs you are the one that will be facing it.
No one mains iso.
Stop smurfing. Its no fun.
Go back to your own league. You coward.
You are a little child screaming into mic bcs you dashed forward to enemy and died.
Stop sitting onto the keyboard and actually aim maybe you'll get a kill.
Play with the team once. (I hate you with my whole heart)
You either never use your flashes or you blind just your teammates.
Your ult doesnt makes you undying you know? Stop running towards to the enemy like its new paradise.
The most avarage player. Middle fragging the whole game.
Just gives the info, maybe gets one or two kills because of the stupid dasher enemy jett and dies.
That turret be doing no damage if its on your team but be dealing 50+ if its on the enemy team.
Dont just sit there and wait FUCKING ROTATEEEE
Omen (my main)
Stop using c and teleport mid fight. Its no chamber tp or yoru tp. It takes time to teleport and takes time to handle the gun. You are going to die.
That blind hit no one. Stop being delusional and do not push. You are going to die.
If you do not know how to put a smoke when you close the 'astra' mode, do not. Place it slowly if requires. And again, if you dont do it fast enough, you are going to die.
That flash will hit you. It doesnt matter if the phoenix is on the enemy team or on your team. Or worse, both.
You are not that bad, you just need some humanity.
I hate you if you are an egirl that instalocks sage just to be a pocket sage to your eboy that plays reyna like reyna cannot heal herself. Stop. Also stop talking. Your voice irritates me.
Her voicelines are so unnecessary. Especially the ones at the start of the round.
We all know you are on top of your wall that closes mid. Dont peak. Also, stop throwing slows to OUR entrance.
Nobody is going to do anything about your arrow that you throw at the start of the round and showed three or four people. The team will still push. Stop trying to learn freaky arrows and waste your time.
Shock dart kill? What is that?
This agent is not friendly for beginners. Stop making your friends that just started the game play sova. They will show no information for you. Even being a pocket sage is better than a new-starter sova.
Its ok if you do not have linups. But if you do, then we all know that you havent touch the grass for a looong time and you probably smell like her ult. Please shower.
She be no mommy to you. She is kind of woman that rejects chamber, what made you think that she will even let you look at her way?
"Last player standing"
Like kay/o. That flash is here only to blind you. Not the enemy.
Taking the spike and going to another site, saying you'll be back to us then will die and make it drop at the farest site possible. Either stop taking the spike or dont do this shit.
You either bottom frag or top frag. There is no in between. And you are probably 12-13 years old.
I have never seen someone mains, even plays astra.
So i have nothing to say. Im so sorry :(
Your smokes looks pretty tho. Keep it up!
You are a man that cannot stand woman. If a woman says anything bad about you, you will blind them, hit them with all of your abilities and do whatever it takes to make them unable to play the game. (Totaly not single-handed experience)
I hate your abilities. Very much.
I do not have any good experience about someone that plays this agent. Not a single one. I will dodge the game if someone picks breach no joke.
Your molly is useless. I have seen once maybe twice that it kills somebody.
You have so much potential with wingman when you are the last one standing but wingman is the last thing that comes to your mind. Use it.
Why tf that trash is pickable and usable more than once??? Why?? (You are a nice person tho. Cannot move on without saying it.)
Players that plays harbor are no joking. They are not here to learn the agent. They MAIN main him. But that doesnt makes a difference because this agent is close to useless.
Tbh he could have been my main if his abilities were a bit more versatile. Its just smoke and smoke. All about closing the sight of enemy. So fucking boring.
I bet if harbor was a girl, there will be so much people that would play him. Either way, he is boring.
Stop running and jumping around like an autistic.
You will never be able to nail those neon edits that you saw on tiktok. You look like an idiot while running towards enemy and dying first.
I hate her ult.
You are a child. A problematic one indeed.
Probably siblings with jett mains.
I bet even i could do better satcheling than you. (i have never played raze)
I have no words.
Stop instalocking her. You are no useful.
Either top frag and smurf or bottom frag because your friends said that she is strong and you should play her. (0/11 powerspike. Yasuo of valorant.)
Just like kay/o and yoru. But that flash will hit the whole 10 that plays the game.
Deserved nerfs tbh.
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sunny1616 · 3 months
Deluded Pt. 1
Matteo Riddle x Reader
Summary: You and Matteo have a toxic yet addictive bond. Both of you know it and can't help but feed into it further. But what happens when the limit is found and crossed?
Warnings ⚠️: toxic relationship, swearing, arguing
"Sttawpp Matteeo.. i have to get to class..." Matteo, has you trapped in an outdoor alcove at the courtyard. His hands bracket your hips, and his head is nuzzled in the sweet spot between your neck and collar bone. At your request for him to stop his perusal of your neck, he responds with a giggle that tickles you under your jawline. "This is no joke! McGonagall will kill me if i show up late for the third time this month!!... MATTEO IM SERIOUS.." You then brace your forearms against his chest and push off.
"Comme onnn. That old witch won't notice. Know-it-all-Granger takes up all her attention in that class. I know you dont want to go, so why are you wasting this precious, precious time?.." At the last two words, his face is back on the same sensitive spot. And you wiggle again with less will to end it.
"Ughhh, at this rate, we both won't ever graduate. Don't you ever take anything at least a bit seriously?" This was partly a jest, but you also wanted to know if Matteo had the right priorities.
"Why do you have to ruin the mood? Who the fuck cares about school? Both our families are loaded anyway. You could work at any department at the Ministry even if you didnt pass Divination. Besides, no one goes to classes anyways. Blaise, Crab, Goyle, and Theo- even Pansy doesn't give a shit most of the time! BE MORE LIKE HER AND STOP KILLING MY BONER" He ends with an annoyed exasperation. You just gape at his complete disregard for school. Sure, you weren't a stellar student, but you gave at least 60% of an effort. Better than 0, duh?!
"I dont want to be like all those people!! If i want to do something worthwhile after grad, imma have to learn a thing or two to be of some use. My mommy and daddys money can't buy that STUPID!!" Eyes wide, you think about picking up your bag to leave, but before you can reach down, he's already hissing again.
"Holy fuck... your such a fucking tease right now. Fine. Go. I dont give a fuck. You're not irreplaceable, there are 20 other bitches that'll gladly take your place with me right now over some dumbass class." He then frenziedly takes out a cigarette and lights it. Not even looking at you.
After a pause and a breath, you finally say, "Wow. How fucking fragile are you? You cant even go a minute without having your dick wet can you? Its pathetic... Im sorry that i have other priorities than you, a raging manslut!! And since you have 20 other girls under me, i invite you to go to them because im sooo fucking done with your ass. They're all probably waiting oh so patiently too for me to let you go. Too bad for them to soon figure out what a DISAPPOINTING MESS YOU ARE."
"Haha yea right. Let's see how you like it when you can't have me. You're gonna wish you had chosen differently. While i on the other hand get to finally HAVE SOME FUCKING FUN. GO DRY YOUR PUSSY OUT WITH MCGONAGALL AND TRY NOT TO GET RUG BURN WHEN YOU CRAWL BACK TO ME." You're already halfway across the courtyard and dont even turn back when you scream:
You sort of speed stomp across the yard to reach the hallway. Then quickly go to the changing staircase to get onto the right set of stairs in order for you to arrive to class on time.
Now that the nerves of almost missing class have subsided, you are now fuming about everything else. How could he say all those things to you? Though you know Matteo and what he's capable of your delusional thoughts creep in to ask; did he truly mean all those things? He won't actually hook up with other girls, right? Deep down, you knew the answer but still refused to trust it. Matteo is more unlike his father than he is like his father. But in regards to keeping true to his threats, you could say it runs in the family.
Author note: i hope yall are angry at Matteo. Hehe. Part 2 coming soon!
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ayoharuko · 1 year
How about how the yyh guys work deal/react to you being hurt
Yay first request for yyh! Tysm Anon-chan :)
This is gonna be headcanons only, because it’ll get too long if I do it in scenarios that it’ll pass the character limit T-T 
I hope you all (and anon-chan) enjoy this! Reader here is Gender Neutral (they/them)
REMINDER: These characters dont belong to me to Yoshihiro Togashi. This is also fictional work so please try not to take this too seriously :)
~Yusuke Urameshi~
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- First of all, this man is protective, but not too much that his babysitting you.
- He hates seeing you get hurt tho...your one of the most precious people to him so if he sees you getting hurt...he’ll actually go berserk. Especially if you're human and have no abilities whatsoever.
- Since he has a lot of enemies, they will use you against him, and when they do, trust me they’ll get spirit gun-ed outside of existence lol
- If your injury is a minor one, then he isn’t really all that worried! He just lets you deal with it since he knows you can take care of it yourself.
- But if its a serious one...expect him to get really mad, he’ll start asking you questions like ‘Who did this to you?’ or ‘Give me their name!’ basically like an angry Bakugo.
- Once you give him a name, he’ll go and teach that person or demon a lesson. Don’t worry about him, his not the one getting hurt after all :)
- When his done, he’ll ask Genkai (Because you were brought to her) how your doing, and ones he knows your gonna be fine. He’ll rest easy and go to you and scold you.
- In reality, he really is worried about you...I mean you've stuck yourself to him this far, and he knows how insufferable he is sometimes.
- So don’t leave him early...alright?
‘’Dumbass...I told you not to involve yourself and now look at you...thanks for sticking with me I guess...’’
~Kazuma Kuwabara~
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- His an absolute sweetheart, the first thing he’ll do when your hurt is to make you smile<3
- For him if your happy his happy, but it doesn't mean that he isn't mad at whoever hurt you. He will stick his spirit sword up their ass you bet yea he will.
- If its a minor injury, he’ll just kiss the pain away! he saids, which earned him a bonk from Shizuru lol
- He also lets you pet and cuddle his cat. Eikichi, yea he’ll get jealous because he wants to cuddle with you but he’ll tolerate it, because you both are so cute :3
- If its serious...you best believe he’ll start panicking, he’ll calm down once your fine but...his still worried and also sad that he couldn't protect you...
- Like his supposed to be your knight in shining amor! The best boyfriend to you! So his actually really sad. Once you noticed that his upset, please comfort him :(
- But all in all, he’ll try and make you smile and happy because to him, he doesn't wanna see you sad or hurting. No....thats not what a man does!
‘’Do you need anything more honey!? Ah you want Eikichi? Alright I'll get her right away! Don’t worry you're knight in shining amor is here to serve you!’’
~Yoko Kurama~ (Shuichi Minamino)
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- Lets just say the person who hurt you won’t be alive for that long. No, their not gonna get a beating, oh no, their actually gonna face the wrath of Yoko Kurama. No one touches what's his.
- Now since we have Yoko and Shuichi, Shuichi would most likely have a chat with that person first and then see what he wants to do, but Yoko on the other hand, would want to kill that said person.
- But the thing is, he can’t do that, or otherwise the spirit world will be on his ass about it...so a little torturing wouldn't hurt....right?
- Also if this was a demon obviously that said demon who hurt you is gonna die a slow death, like Elder Toguro for example :)
- If its a human...well I guess scaring that human to death is more then appropriate~
- If its a minor injury that was caused by you, his fine with that! He’ll just ask you to be careful next time :)
- But if someone causes it...well their getting a way to calm smile from him :>
- After his dealt with everything, he goes back to check up on you, if your fine then he’ll smile lovingly at you, only you get to see that smile by the way ;3
- He’ll whisper sweet words to you, cuddle you, comfort you, words of promises, and basically be the best (fox) boyfriend you can ask for!
‘’My love, are you sure your alright? Would you like some cuddles? My love...please do know that no matter what, I’ll protect you..’’
~Hiei Jaganshi~
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- Looks like he doesn't care but actually cares, when his informed of you getting  hurt minor or serious, he isn't exactly gonna be by your side in an instant. More like just watching you from afar.
- His a silent protector by all means, his like Xiao (from genshin) a protector who would rather follow you and look after you from afar (isn't that stalking?)
- If its a human then he can’t really kill that human...because of that damn spirit world so he’ll...just give them a warning.
- If its a demon, then that demon is gonna be burned to a crisp aka ashes. Thats all.
- When he finally decided to visit you, he’ll call you an idiot for putting yourself in danger like that, but on the inside (he just won't admit it) he does care. He just doesn't know how to show it.
- If you ask him to stay by your side while you rest, he’ll complain yet he’ll actually stay by your side until you're healed.
- Hiei will show that he cares through small actions, such as, carrying you wherever you wanna go (With a complain) and actually cuddling you :0
- Hiei loves you, he just doesn't know how to show it but he does, and trust me. Anyone who hurts you, will be burned to ashes.
‘’Hmph..your an idiot if you thought that you could take on a demon like that, what? now you want me to carry you around? Hmph.....your lucky...’’
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DONE! thank you so much for that request Anon-chan! I enjoyed writing it as my first ever Yu Yu Hakusho post :)
Sorry for all the references btw lol
Now since I love this idea a lot, maybe I'll make a part 2 with other guys from yyh! Hehehehe this is gonna be fun~
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciate! :3
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ariesluvz · 2 years
PAC: A letter from "your greatest love"
Disclaimer this is only for entertainment purposes! Only take what resonates and leave what doesn't <3
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♡ 1 ♡2 ♡3
For Y/N
Group 1
(Blueberries and stones)
Hey baby,
I'm shy when I'm writing this. Is this gonna be too cheesy? I don't care love, cuz I'm expressing my love to you thru this. You are mine! Remember. I remember that you told me not to be this possesive baby. But you know you love this me. I won't let anyone take you from me. I'm your black leathet jacket.
I tell everyone how proud of myself I am. I don't exist if you are not with me. Yea I'm a baby to you. Only for you. Please love me more than anyone else and I will never let you down. I will fight with the whole damn world for us. The only thing I care is us being together. We are unbreakable. Ok ok now I know you are thinking that this is totally not me 🙄. I always tell you how much I love you na? No matter how cool I am, this is a must princess 😉. You are my treasure 💖.
I can never be tired of praising you and telling you how important you are to me. Ok :D this person (he's talking about me 🥲) is forcing me to stop and say something else 🙄 (how rude man!) You know you shine the brightest! My queen I love you.
Your love,
Black leathet jacket 😉🥲
Group 2
This group has a bad b type of energy. 🥲
(Red scarf and cigarettes)
Hey beautiful. (They are telling me to write something else but that's not pg 🥲)
My rockstar!! My queen! My woman/man you are!! Damn you hottie!!! All I want is to watch you all day, damn you are so effortlessly hot, without doing anything. How can someone look so hot while reading?! My eyes just won't look anywhere else, just your pretty face. Your duality is killing meee.
Ok ok I have flirted alot. But you are gorgeous my love. You shine so bright. It is always so astonishing to me how so small things in life make you smile so bright. How can someone be so cute. You definitely are one in a million, or billion(?). You are the best no matter what. Hey, i know I never tell you how strong you are. Do you feel my love? I always question this. I want to make you happier than ever. In every way. I wanna kiss you whenever I see you. I wanna hold you into my arms. My angel, what did I do to deserve you? My rockstar! My fighter! I wanna hug you so badly.
Yours ever,
Group 3
(Roses and beads)
Dear YN,
You make me crazy. Sorry for starting this way. But what is this you are doing to me? Why do I cry for you? Why do I breakdown for you? I want you by my side...every day when I wake up, when I go to sleep. I want you. Do you feel the same way? Have you ever felt this way for me.. or someone else? Please say its me. I want to protect you, buy you gifts. I wanna know more and more about you. No matter how close we are, you are always a mystery to me.
I hope we understand what we feel for each other. I will care for you. Protect you. We have so much in common. We always look at each other when in trouble. But I look for you all the time. I want to rely on you. I want you in my life. I'm addicted with your presence. How do you get me always? Wow, I have so many questions. Will you please answer them for me? I want you. I love you. If its love, then I love you so much. You are always here for me. I will be the same person for you. I will be there, support you. Unconditionally.
Yours ever,
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sleepythemvp · 1 year
Hi! Can you please do a headcanon on obey me the 7 brother with mc who has the same personality as onion cookie from cookie run pls. Like, shy, timid, crybaby and afraid of demons because of her nightmares. Always carry her plushie with her as a company.
<Well, i will give you my best try- since my grammar sometimes kinda mess up-
What if MC have the same personality as Onion Cookies?
Warning: Fluff, OOC, Crying and screaming! Yea bad grammar
Yeaaa idk where to start, how about this? Can you imagine you, yourself just following his order because you scared of him
He look likes he could kill you at any seconds like- the sharp looking eyes ooh-
He just gonna make you sit on his lap while he doing those boring paper work
Asking how’s your day been and why are you have that lil plushy with you 24/7, etc etc, trying to make you feel comfortable
Tell you to have some deep breath when you just about to cry-
Oh hell- hug you gently and I CAN EVEN IMAGINE HIS LITTLE SMILE-
“Hey MC? Can you come here for a second?”
You following his words, come near to the table thats have a lot of paper, prepare to run at any seconds because you might gonna be his next meal in the following breakfast or lunch or dinner.
“W-well, what do you need?-“
You don’t even have time to finish your sentences. He pick you up and place you in his lap, you just look straight, asking yourself what in the devil is going on
“…um- i- why are you-“
“Are you comfortable?”
“Well yes..”
He start to asking you about your day, do you have any trouble, how’s what the meal, anything that make you uncomfortable, what is your favorite type of clothes, how many plushy do you have, how was your sleep, etc and etc-
And it seems like nothing else is going pretty well between both of you, you start to relax your body and mind, oh about the future! Its already up to you.
This dudeee
Now we are talking.
GIRL/BRO- THIS CLINGY DEMON IS GONNA ASK YOU FOR YOUR GRIMM SINCE HE LOOK LIKE A ✨P L A Y B O Y✨ and you don’t want to get in any trouble or getting shatter because of him
“Can I touch your plushy” it’s definitely the first thing he will ask when you rush in your room when you doing your homework
Following you for 24/7
He will carry you to the bedroom since you pass out when you first arrived at Devildorm (CARRY TO TAKE CARE NOT THAT KIND OF BOOM SHAKALAKA YOU KNOW?)
“Hey ya MC! How’s the day?”
Fooking kick your door, you accident throwing one of your plushy because you was scared and start to screaming like crazy
Trying to keep you quiet and make you comfortable, because you’re standing on the wardrobe trying to defend yourself from him and sobbing at the same time
When you got down from the wardrobe, he just hug you and ruff your hair
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m here to protect you y’know?”
“O-oh, thank you”
And the you guys just chilling with each other, he will definitely buy something for you like, drink stuff, or just some snacks.
Since both of you are introvert- this is gonna be a pretty awkward moment
He just sitting in front of his pc and you just sitting in front of his manga collection
After like- probably- an hours or so, you guys finally start to speak to each other
“Hey MC! Check out this new anime, it’s really interesting”
“I- never seen anything like this one before!”
And then you guys just sitting on the floor and watching anime with each other. You just hugging your plushy meanwhile he just hugging his body pillow
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<I’m sorry kinda busy lately- this is all I got for you guys atm:,D. Thank y’all for supporting me even though I’m still busy as heck<3 have a nice day, stay hydrated!
Slee is going to take a nap, brb.
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bulletproofthroat · 8 days
been a hot minute since i respired here
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yea i aint even gon hide shit lol im suicidal i fw ts heavy lool i been too short tempered w everything bc my wrong wired brain cant keep up w mock exams and bitches in my way i cba LOL
mocks are somewhat ok, my history teacher decided to be funny and fuck both classes over on the exam paper which was absolutely astonishing and i definitely didnt cope by drinking and smoking ts LOL i hope my russia paper carries me tho but its fucking annoying because i know the glorious revolution back to front side to fucking side and i did wass in my actual paper but fuck dude not even extra time had me lock in like nobody fucking understood shit wtf????
anyway yeah i need to lock in for psych paper 2 and law on friday which is 2hrs so idk im lowkey going mia on these bitches lool i js be quiet n mysterious (nah im planning my suicide) and im ngl if i bite the curb with these mocks im gonna pull an eva smith and chug bleach, im not bluffin im gonna down a whole bottle of bleach til my throat burns from the inside,
sick of my life lol
also if youre gonna pretend to gaf me please dont waste your time by messaging me not like anyone is but just the reminder to the small cohort of retards lol bc who even be real these days??? yall just be askin n taking shit from me like im some slave lol
also lovely i finished CBT therapy and now my mama aint want me to do fuckin psychotherapy bc she thinks my bpds just not even that "severe" ??? i dont even wanna sound like sm retard who wines bc they sm pussy n they cant handle anything in life BECAUSE YALL JS SM FUCKIN DUMBASS PUSSIES WHO CANT EVEN TOUCH GRASS WITHOUT CRYING "WAH WAH WAH THE GRASS JUST ABUSED ME WAH WAH WAH IM SO SAD IM GONNA CUT MYSELF" bitch go kys
i stg i fuckin hate ppl that just bring "oh i wanna cut myself" or some corny ass self harm joke to the convo go fuckin do it then tf??? who stoppin yo fatass??💀💀💀 i hate retards that come out of nowhere n wanna bitch and tell me their life be depressin
then go kill yourself fuck you want my ass to do?? do i look like a damn nurse LOL??? anyway human interaction is outside of my priorities so fuck yall go kys love yu
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