#not Terribly proud of this but its whatever
craftyrequests · 3 months
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qtubbo self-indulgent stimboard.. yay
x x x / x x x / x x x
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ferncloud · 6 months
hmm i wonder if tumblr user ferncloud likes ferncloud...
/.\ MAYBE...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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bunnis-monsters · 18 days
OK SO- I fou d you from your werebunny post which-
Was really good?? I- it made me feel things- If possible, more werebunny crumbs please? It could go either sfw or nsfw, I don't mind! (Or both but its up to you!)
It’s always fun watching his cotton tail wag with excitement when you’re near. He has the cutest pink nose, soft bunny ears and a fluffy tail that goes crazy with every kiss and touch.
Momo, your pretty bunny, really enjoyed having you near. His heart would explode with joy every time you kissed him, his bunny ears flicking as his nose twitched.
“Mmph… love~”
He couldn’t stand being apart from you, living in separate homes just wasn’t an option. He set up a nest in your room within weeks of your first meeting, unable to be away from you for more than a few minutes.
Lately, he had been extra clingy, and very possessive, which was uncharacteristic for him. Usually he was pretty submissive and sweet, almost like a lap pet that wanted all of your attention… but now he was more like a guard dog, constantly on alert, his body always subtly in front of yours.
It was only when you woke up to him humping your leg, his face buried in your neck that you realized what was going on.
He was in some kind of heat or rut… whatever it was, it was making him cling to you, desperate to mate and keep you safe.
All he wanted was to be close to you. The first stage of his rut had him making a cozy little nest in your bed, then spending all his his time snuggling you, his cute fluffy tail wagging furiously as he pulled you in for more kisses and nibbles.
The next stage… you weren’t ready for. You had sec with Momo before, but this was his rut. He was insatiable, fucking into your cunt fast and hard, unlike to gentle, sweet love making you usually experienced.
And his stamina was way too high, one breeding session lasting nearly 5 hours. Every time he came, he bit down on your shoulder or neck, his hips fitting against you as he begged for your forgiveness.
“Sorry, so sorry… just need it so bad, angel! Need to… g-give you my litter!”
After each session, he ignored his own exhaustion and pampered you, purring and bathing you, letting your head rest on his chest as his cotton tail wagged. Momo felt terrible, breeding you for so long… but he just couldn’t help it! His rut made him so horny, and he could only focus on filling you with cum and impregnating you!
But he adored you so, making sure you were treated like a princess once your baby bump began to show. Momo was so proud, not able to keep his hands off of your belly.
“My princess… gonna be a good mommy, the best…”
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phantomarine · 11 months
Clam's Quick Tips for Starting Your Very First Webcomic
Howdy! Here are the three bits of advice I tend to give people who ask me about getting into webcomic-making. Maybe they can help you jump into the fray with a little less fear.
1) Make Your First Chapter a Pilot Episode
You will be told by webcomic veterans to start with a short, simple comic idea first - which is wise - but if all you can think about is your big magnum opus, then you might as well hop in, right? Otherwise you'll just be glancing back at the other cooler project forever.
But if you can't start with a small simple story, start on a small, simple part of that larger story. Your first chapter should be a snapshot of the main conflict - show us a simple scene with few characters, ease us in slowly, keep things clear and focus on emotion/impact/clarity. Get the audience to care by offering something easily digested, but full of promise.
Once you're done with that 'pilot' chapter, and you're feeling more comfortable with the whole comic process, you can open the gates and show us the larger world. At that point, you'll be way more ready.
2) Simplify Your Art Style For Your Own Sanity
Always try to make your webcomic's art style as simple as possible - the standard rule is to use only 75% of your artistic skill for every comic page you make. Otherwise you will burn out quickly and terribly.
But you also need to be PROUD of your art style. If you're really feeling itchy, add a couple bells and whistles to your style so you can look at the finished page and say "Yeah, looks cool." You'll find the right balance the more you draw.
Also, don't be afraid to change your art style as you go along. Ultimate consistency is often impossible in webcomics anyway - so embrace your desire to try new things, streamline your work, whatever you feel needs to happen to be happiest. Sometimes the coolest part of reading a webcomic is noticing that style change - so don't hesitate to embrace it!
3) Resist the Reboot! RESIST!
The curse/blessing of drawing the same things over and over is that you'll inevitably get better at drawing those things. The trouble comes when you look back at old stuff and start thinking "Damn, I could draw that way better now."
You must recognize that this feeling never goes away. Not after a hundred pages. Not after three hundred. Not after a thousand.
I think everyone should be allowed one soft reboot for their first webcomic. Redraw some panels that bother you. Change up some dialogue if it doesn't make sense with your new story ideas. Do maintenance, basically. One of the beauties of webcomics is that they can be easily edited, without reprinting a whole book or remaking a whole game.
But if the ultimate purpose of a webcomic is to tell a story, then constant reboots will just be retelling the same story - slightly better each time, but the same at its core. We've heard it before. Most audiences would rather you save your strength and just keep going, rather than circling back year after year and going "Wait wait wait! I'll do it better this time."
Reboot early, not often, and only when you absolutely must! You're a storyteller, and you're constantly getting better at telling your story. Don't be ashamed of it - look back how much ground you've covered, and keep walking!
That's a good start. Happy webcomicking - don't be afraid to jump in, but be prepared to learn a lot very quickly. And if this advice doesn't work for you or adhere to how you did it, that's absolutely fine - webcomics are diverse by nature, and so are their creation processes. Feel out what works best for you, and good luck!
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privitivium · 3 months
*climbs onto stage and grabs microphone before getting close* dombot dio with a werewolf subtop reader. also facesitting. and riding. and whatever else u wanna add. that is all. have a gud day:) *drops microphone and leaves stage*
finally amiright?! trying not to think about how its jonathans body. this is during p3 but no one else is mentioned besides vanilla ice
afab dombot dio w werewolf subtop reader!
cw;; petplay, facesitting, riding.. f,,felching....... hooray!
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I see this with him fucking with you constantly but you take it like a champ. you, a clear masochist of sorts, who's on par with dios’ build - only inches taller than him! he constantly talks down to you,,, you being some sort of henchman for him, akin to vanilla ice - being affected by a stand user of some sorts long before you meet dio that turns you into some kinda werewolf. ears and tail sprouting from your muscular body and having no control over your rather animalistic urges of wanting to sniff, chew, hunt, and breed. dio… he takes the reins over you rather easily. you submit yourself to him - someone who's a mythological being as you were, a vampire... fantasizing about his teeth sinking into your neck - while at times, jerking off to the opposite; your teeth in his neck… you'd doubt he'd ever let you mark him. [ he would wear it proudly! ]
dio, oftentimes discarding women and men alike and leaving you alone to roam the building with other stand users who didn't seem to like you. jaw clenched in anger as you pace.. your tail frazzled as you roam the halls before he merely mutters your name under his breath while on the other side of the mansion - and there you were, right in front of him. all it takes is dio to say your name - a simple whisper, and there you were so happily on your knees with a tail wagging and ears perked - nearly panting! corpses that were now zombies shuffling past you out the doorㅡ
“hnn.. there's my good boy.” ㅡ yes that's right. you were his good boy - nor was anyone else his good boy. you never heard him refer to anyone else as good, nor his own! trembling, so excited you can't help the blood that shoots straight to your cock at his words. unashamed to present yourself with a tent pitched in your clothing. he laughs at you… beckoning you closer. dio, so shamelessly naked, yet it's his words that make you pop a boner!? “so terribly eager… how can i not take advantage of that, hm? though, i never liked dogs…” but he likes you !!! some idiotic beast of a man who… coincidentally… is a sort of dog… dio cooing at you, calling you a horrible thing and insulting your existence, yet he's so proud to ride your cock and hum in satisfaction of how well you fill his cunt, reminding you that you're nothing but the dirt on the sole of his shoe - how you should be so grateful that he's letting you lay on his bed and letting you feel his innards like this - the usual.
dio thoughtfully scratched at your ears while methodically moving along your veiny girth, jaw clenched as he feels himself being stretched beyond just to accommodate your dick - it's been a short while of him fucking himself on you… making sure to mention that. something about your horrid mongrel cock filling him up so deliciously good. the way you unconsciously leer up at him, watching him in wonder with glazed eyes as he bounces himself on your upright prick and feeling the divot of the head along his walls…
watching as you bite your glossy lips - your adorable little fangs that could not be compared to his own - your huge hands clutching at his expensive bed sheets strewn about instead of his thighs - so good, “so good… precious.” knowing not to grasp onto the fat of his thighs and force him down at your own pace - such a good boy to listen… yet, your thoughts weren't as precious. staring up into his crimson eyes wordlessly as whimpers and little gasps fall from your lips; watching as his pretty blond tufts of hair bounce with his movements - desperately wanting to push him over and snap your jaw at the crook of his shoulder and fuck into him at a needy, hurried pace… a-ah…
“disgusting fucking mutt… have you no restraint? despicable,” he grunts in dissatisfaction, face scrunched in mild disgust and anger as your hips jerked into him, painting his walls white with your seed... your bulky body trembling underneath him and whimpering tearful apologies for how quickly you came inside him -
“s-sorry… i'm so sorry, you- you feel so good‐ sorry, so sorry Lord Dio!!” you can’t help yourself - he's so lovely and he's calling you his good boy and he f-feels so good-!! you've tried training yourself to last … longer… but it's futile… all he can tell you is just;; “... be a good boy and clean it up.” a dash humorously. you were so stupid and adorable, that he couldn't not exploit your affection for him. obviously, you wouldn't be opposed to eating your cum out of his cunt, right? of course not. you would never oppose him. wanting the others to write in jealousy like the bastard you were - that damned man you were rivals with - competing for dio's affection when it's so obvious lord dio has chose you as his little mutt to shower in insults and affection..
maneuvering himself to hover over your face, your cum dripping from his folds and fuck he looks so beautiful. marveling... you couldn't get enough of the mere scent of his cunt and now… fluttering above you - dio paying no heed to your twitching ears and a little uncaring of your sudden lowly whimpers and - promptly sits… your face buried in his cunt drenched in your cum, choking before steeling yourself over and eagerly lapping your disgusting salty fluids from his pussy - nearly begging as your tail whips at a lightning speed pace - arms wrapping around his thighs, no restraint as he so insulted you for… thanking him. as his good pet should! “thank you… t-thank you,,, lord dio.. mmfgh.” in-between licks, before focusing on the hole pouring his fluids - intermingled with yours… cock straining, nearly cumming again from the taste and scent alone.,,
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Title: Domesticated.
Commissioned by the very lovely, very inspired @elsecrytt.
Pairing: Yandere!Satan x Reader (Obey Me).
Word Count: 7.0k.
TW: Dub/Con & Non/Con, AFAB!Reader, Reader Is Straight Up A Bad Person In This One, Toxic Relationships, Semi-Public Sex, Bondage, Oral Sex, Overstimulation, Coercion, Prolonged Grooming, Mentions of Blood and Violence, Slight Stalking, and Obsessive Behavior. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
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You were the first one to find Satan.
It wasn’t difficult. You’d been around long enough at that point to know that the birth of a demon was a strange, spontaneous thing; loud and wild, often accompanied by pillars of flame and always violent enough to leave the earth scarred in its wake. While his brothers fell from paradise like stars displaced from their heavens, you followed the cloud of smoke rising from the wasteland that made up the Devildom’s outskirts, tracked the scent of cedar and ivy and sulfur until you found him, seething in a crater of his own creation, freshly charred feathers still littered around him as he lashed out blindly, his aggression without a target but no less volatile for its aimlessness. He was bare save for the ash smeared across his pale skin, and you could make out a lashing tail behind him, a pair of curling horns sprouting from his waist-length hair, a pair of cat-like pawed feet he’d grow out of in a few weeks – all the same shade of black as the obsidian that surrounded him and tipped with a green you could only compare to the color of toxic waste, to the kind of emerald shine an insect might wear to let you know it was venomous. Every part of him practically glowed with rage. If you’d been aware of which throne he would take after he and his brothers found their footing in their new realm in that moment, you would’ve thought it was fitting.
In short, he was beautiful. Awe-inspiringly, breath-takingly beautiful.
And you were never the kind of person who could resist beautiful things.
Carefully, with dampened footsteps and a preference for the shadows, you edged closer to him, never letting Satan leave your peripheral. You were still a hundred or so feet away when he snapped toward you, pointed teeth already bared and curved talons poised to attack. You couldn’t be sure how lucid he was, but whatever happened to be running through that empty mind of his, it wasn’t enough to stop him from snarling at you, from hunching his back and digging his claws into the ground and charging, intent on tearing anything he saw apart before his anger could cool. Elation overwhelmed you. You felt the corners of your lips curl upward as he lunged, your heart practically beating through your chest as his lithe body streaked through the flame-tinged moonlight, as you took in the rabid creature that would be your end. There were sixty feet between you, then forty, and then—
And then, something dark and terrible descended from the clouded sky, tackling Satan and pinning him to the ground. Lucifer, you discovered, once the dust cleared and you could make out his face, his wings (lesser by two and painted the color of impurity, you noted with a not inconsiderable sense of satisfaction). You didn’t wait for him to notice you. Slipping back into the shadows of the wasteland, you stole one more glance toward Satan only to find his attention still fixed on you, unwavering despite his new guardian. Your eyes met his, and without hesitation, you spared him a smile. Of course, he didn’t return the gesture, but you didn’t mind.
You slipped into the night, already dreaming of the day you’d see him again.
By the second time you got so close to Satan, he’d already gained a reputation of his own.
You couldn’t say you weren’t proud. His anger cooled in the months after his conception, and he found a place among his brothers who, in turn, established themselves in the Devildom’s admittedly lax hierarchy of power and pleasure and all the many things that thrived when given reprieve from the harsh light of the sun. You kept your distance. As greedy as you were, you knew better than to get involved with people who knew better than to get involved with you.
Instead, you watched from the crowd as Satan grew into his rank, as the more untamed parts of his demonic nature fell away and he came to resemble something… cleaner, something less animalistic. You didn’t care for the change, but still, you kept track of him. What could you say? Even polished, he was still a gem worth keeping an eye on.
Your dutifulness was rewarded, too. Or, that was what you told yourself, at least, as you picked the lock on the door of the lecture hall where he’d thrown his latest fit, where it’d taken Mammon and Beelzebub’s joint strength to restrain him. You let your fingertips graze past overturned tables and side-stepped the shattered remains of shattered chalkboards and wooden chairs, taking in the proof of his untamed rage as you approached him. He’d been restrained, left to fester in his wrath until he was calm enough to deal with properly. Silver chains adorned with hundreds upon thousands of archaic runes kept him bound to a marble pillar near the center of the classroom, his arms trapped against his side and his more demonic features still on full display, much to your delight.
Despite having been on his own for a few hours, now, his rage had yet to die down. His fangs were still bared, his claws still biting into his own palms, his thorned tail still lashing back and forth behind his back like that of some starving wildcat, agitated that its quarry had been taken away. He only had a fraction of the wild radiance you’d been so captivated by during your first encounter, but still, you found yourself grinning. Even diluted, he was still beautiful.
This time, you didn’t have to mind your distance. You came to a stop less than a full arm’s length in front of him, ducking slightly when the point of his tail made a jab at your throat. “It’s alright, princess,” you started, keeping your voice low, your tone light. Like you were trying to soothe a wild animal – which, to be fair, wasn’t exactly not what you were doing. “I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanted to see that pretty face again.”
He really was so unlike he had been, the first time you’d met. There was a flicker of recognition in those burning eyes, a slight change to his posture. He pressed his back against the pillar, squaring his shoulders as his rabid snarl dulled into a thin scowl. His tail continued to thrash and writhe, but he didn’t try to go for your throat again. “I don’t need your help.”
“I wasn’t going to make an offer.” His eyes narrowed, and you held his piercing gaze for a second, then another, before allowing your attention to drift lower. Surprisingly, his uniform hadn’t been damaged during his rampage, only displaced; his shirt missing a few buttons where he’d torn at the collar, the jacket he always let hang open pushed so far back, it now threatened to fall from his shoulders altogether. What you were looking for lied lower, though – in the unnatural creases and unusual tautness of his pants. It was a common (albeit, no less embarrassing) side-effect of supernatural creatures giving into their true nature, especially for younger demons who never learned how to control their more primal instincts. He probably knew that, but you doubted he knew how to take care of it, just yet. Especially with his older brothers still learning how to handle their own sinful impulses. “I mean, I would be willing to give you a hand, if you need one,” you went on, nodding to his painfully hard cock. “But, if you’d rather seethe and growl in an empty classroom until one of your brothers comes back for you…”
You held up your hands, moving to turn on your heel and leave him alone with his anger, but Satan’s eyes widened, straining against his bondage as he lurched forward, practically drooling at the first hint of fresh blood. “You… you can do something about that?”
The muted excitement in his voice gave away his eagerness, his desperation. You let out a breath of a laugh, taking half a step closer, testing the boundaries before trying to catch such an active spark in your hands. When he didn’t immediately lunge at you, you brought a hand up, cupping his cheek and running your thumb over his jaw. “Of course,” you said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. As if he was the foolish one for being stupid enough to doubt you. “But only if you ask me to. I’m not going out of my way to help someone who’s going to tear my throat out as soon as I’m done.”
And, even then, you could’ve been persuaded to lay back and let him have his way with you if he begged prettily enough. Luckily, he was already distracted, already leaning into your touch and staring up at you with a new kind of reverence. He couldn’t have known he was doing it – his pride wouldn’t have allowed him to. As far as you could tell, this was all instinct. “Do it.”
You sighed, shaking your head. “You’ll have to do better than that, princess.”
He was quiet for a moment, then another. “Please,” he spat, finally, as if the word burnt his tongue. “Please, help me get rid of it.”
“No one’s going to want to do anything with you if you use that tone.” And yet, you stepped forward, resting one hand on his shoulder while the other dropped to the tent in his pants, to his cock. You ground your palm against his shaft through the thick material, and Satan grit his teeth. He didn’t know much, but he knew enough not to debase himself so willingly in front of you. “You’re lucky I’m such a bleeding heart. Otherwise, I would’ve left you here to suffer minutes ago.”
You watched him try to fight it, clenching his eyes shut as he braced himself, putting more effort into limiting his reactions now than he’d ever spared for his temper tantrums. With deft hands and saliva already pooling below your tongue, you shifted his pants down just far enough to free his cock – hard enough to press into his stomach. Like everything else about him, it was beautiful – pale but not ghastly, visibly veined but not overly defined, the head tinted a deep shade of pink you didn’t know you’d held such a fondness for, before you saw it on him. It was already leaking, too – pearls of precum dripping down his length and smearing against your skin as you wrapped your fist around the shaft and pumped lazily, playing indifferent to the way he bucked and writhed underneath you. “This,” you started, slowly, “is called a handjob. You can do it yourself, too, but it’s not as good. You’ll probably just end up making it worse.”
You swiped your thumb over his leaking tip, and he gasped, pressing himself flush against the marble pillar. You heard his restraints rattle and tightened your grip just enough to distract him, to give him something better to think about than getting away. “Pay attention, ‘cause you’re going to have to return the favor. That’s how this kind of thing works – I help you, then you help me.”
He nodded, sucking in a shaky breath. He wasn’t the brightest thing you’d ever come across, but he still might’ve proven himself to be a dutiful-enough student. “A h-handjob.”
“Good boy.” You teased the head of his cock by way of reward, then ground the heel of your palm into his base as a punishment for making you wait. When you were sure the lesson had sunk in, you took to jerking him off in earnest, taking on a pace just on the brink of satisfying and drinking in the little, stuttering moans that dripped past his lips in response. When his legs started to buckle, you worked a knee between his thighs and slotted your chest against his, staring up at him with as much adoration as someone like you could lend to something like him. You felt his cock twitch in your hand, heard his breathing turn raspy and shallow, and without warning, you pulled away, removing yourself from him completely.
He let out a desperate whine, the embodiment of pitiful. With an airy chuckle, you lowered yourself onto your knees, letting your hands fall to his waist. “This one’s a blowjob,” you muttered, just barely loud enough to be audible. He might’ve been a mediocre student, but you were an excellent teacher – always striving to fill curious minds with as much applicable knowledge as you could. “Some people call it oral sex, too. You’ll like it even more.”
His voice was so weak, so prone to cracking and breaking that in another world, it could’ve been cute. “…sex?”
“We’ll get to that later.” You pressed a fleeting kiss into his hip. “Just pay attention to me, for now.”
He really was lucky to have you. Anyone else might not have been able to handle how roughly he thrust into your mouth as soon as you’d taken the leaking head onto your tongue, might not have been willing to put up with his insatiable desire to bury himself in your throat – unaware or uncaring of your desire to breathe. You were patient, though, and strict, eager to swallow him down as deeply as you were able to before pulling back, pinning his hips down, and running the flat of your tongue up the sensitive underside of his cock. Whatever well of self-control he’d been using to bite back his pathetic little noises had clearly run dry. He moaned unabashedly, throwing his head forward and shuddering. His tail lashed out, his body determined to protect itself where his mind was unable to, but you didn’t pull away as it curled around your arm, didn’t waver as its curved thorns shredded your sleeve and sunk into your skin. Rather, you groaned around him, savoring the pure heat dripping down your arm, the way his agony seemed to drive itself under your flesh and make a home there. It was an overdue paradise, one that paled in comparison to what you could’ve had if Lucifer hadn’t interrupted you on that first night. You tried to treasure it all the same.
You fell into a steady rhythm quickly, no longer in the mood to tease him. You kept your eyes open as you bobbed your head, fixed to his flushed cheeks, his pained expression, the way he couldn’t seem to decide whether he wanted to shrink into himself or struggle against his restraints. “Stop, I—” He cut himself off with another moan, a quick jerk of his head to the side. As if there was anything he could do to hide from you, in a state like this. “There’s something wrong with—”
“You’re going to cum,” you corrected, pulling off of him just far enough to speak. With your lips still pressed against the head of his cock, you added, “That means you want me to keep going.”
If he had any mind to protest, he wasn’t able to put his complaints into words. Instead, all he managed to spit out was a fractured sob as you felt him throb against your tongue, as he came undone in your mouth. You milked him for all you had, pumping a fist over his shaft as he clumsily fucked your throat, his inexperience shining through once his inhibitions had been thoroughly pushed to the wayside. When you were sure you’d gotten everything out of him that you could, when your senses had been overwhelmed by the heady taste of him and the proof of your labor sat heavy in the pit of your stomach, you drew back, pushing yourself to your feet and taking in what you’d done to him. He was a mess, his face red and damp with sweat, emerald scales visible just underneath the collar of his shirt. With a slight smile, you fished something out of your pocket – a small, silver cage that you’d liberated from a succubus’ locker about an hour prior, when you heard Satan had lost his temper yet again. It fit the base of his cock as if it’d been made for him – pressing flush against his skin as it snapped into place with a satisfying click. When you were done, you pushed a kiss into the corner of his lips before stepping back.
 “When that starts to get uncomfortable,” you started, grinning. “Come and find me.”
You didn’t give him a chance to protest before slipping away, leaving him panting and half-dressed for someone more tender-hearted to take care of.
He made it three weeks before seeking you out. An impressive lapse, considering he’d been hard again by the time you left that classroom.
This time, you made an effort to keep your distance. No more trailing behind him as he walked with his brothers or standing on the outskirts of the crowd as he picked a fight with yet another low-ranking demon – no, what he needed from you now was separation, the time it would take for him to think to look for you in his peripheral and then, later on, to convince himself the pleasure you could give him was worth the blow it’d deal to his ego. You’d started to lose hope by the time bridged the gap at one of Lord Diavolo’s frequent balls, thrown to celebrate Satan and his brothers ascending to the rank of Avatar. No one could seem to remember there ever being a rank by that name before their arrival, but legislation was for the Celestial Realm. Citizens of the Devildom were always more than happy to sample their prince’s generosity, regardless of the occasion.
You’d just finished slipping a stunning silver ring off of a witch’s finger and onto your own when he found you, red-faced and visibly out of breath, as if he’d just run from one side of the castle to the other. You grinned, moving to speak, but he clearly didn’t have an interest in whatever you might’ve said; taking hold of your arm and dragging you out of the main ballroom by way of greeting. You made no effort to resist. Struggling was for people who wanted to run, people who’d lost control and needed to be somewhere else. You, on the other hand, couldn’t imagine being anywhere but here.
You let haul you down a dimly lit hallway and through a simple wooden door – almost meager, by the prince’s standards. It was a storage closet, as far as you could tell, the shelves stocked with miscellaneous supplies and the light limited to what little could flood through the gaps between the doorframe after Satan slammed it behind him. You didn’t mind it, but you would’ve preferred something a little brighter. You would’ve preferred to have him on a podium, underneath a spotlight, where you could see every last inch of his perfect body. You would’ve preferred to have him on a stage, posed to your preference for the approval of an eager audience. You’d always been charitable, like that.
But, you couldn’t linger on how you would’ve liked him when you already had him right in front of you. As soon as he’d ensured you were alone, he was scrambling to find your hand in the darkness, to press your palm into the outline of his throbbing cock and whine ­– a sound it’d taken him minutes to make, the first time you were alone together. “I can’t take it off, and—and it hurts.” His speech was frantic, disjointed, prone to slipping and tripping over itself between coherent words. You couldn’t imagine how he’d spent the past few weeks. Even his brothers would’ve noticed something was wrong, if he was always this worked up. “The cage burns when I touch it, and it won’t stop leaking—”
“Ah, ah, that’s enough.” The saint that you were, you chose to put him out of his misery sooner rather than later. “Why don’t you show me the problem?”
At that, he froze up, his neediness momentarily overwhelmed by pure, unadulterated shame. His fangs caught on his bottom lip as he looked away from you and towards himself, his hands shaking ever-so-slightly as he brought them to the button of his adorably uncharacteristic dress pants. His brothers must’ve picked out his clothes – partially, at least. You didn’t know whether to be amused or endeared by the fact that he wasn’t quite ready to make decisions for himself, just yet.
Under your instruction, he stripped quickly, the pieces of his suit falling away until he was left exposed in front of you, dressed only in your last gift to him. Speaking of – his cage was… stranger than you’d remembered it bring, the silver bars pulsing with a dull violet glow. A lasting enchantment, you figured. You should’ve expected as much from something you’d snagged from a succubus, those freaks.
You ran a finger over the curved spine, taking a long moment to appreciate the craftsmanship before you turned your attention back to the source of Satan’s suffering: his cock, already hard and, like he’d said, already leaking. You probably should’ve been more selective when it came to how you restrained him. The flesh of his shaft strained painfully against the bars of his cage, the tip already drooling enough pre-cum to smear on your palm and pool on the floor in between his legs. The poor thing looked nearly suffocated – pale and ever so slightly discolored, sensitive enough to twitch and send a rough shudder up the length of Satan’s spine as you ran your thumb over what little of the underside remained exposed. He only had himself to blame, really. If he’d only swallowed his pride and come to you earlier, he wouldn’t need your help so badly now.
He wouldn’t need to prove that he deserved your help, after ignoring you for so many weeks.
“Poor baby,” you half-cooed, taking his face in your hands and pressing a lingering kiss into his forehead. “I should’ve known you wouldn’t be able to take something so difficult so soon. I’m sorry for making you suffer, like this.”
Immediately, you felt him stiffen. You could only hope it was a habit he’d never grow out of. You couldn’t imagine a version of Satan who was driven by anything other than the ongoing, everlasting need to prove himself and, when that failed, tear down everything that could claim he hadn’t. “I’m fine,” he said, as if he hadn’t been on the verge of tears only a second ago. “I could take this and more, if I needed to. It’s just— you said I would need to find you, eventually, and I wanted to get it over with before—”
“That’s enough.” You were sure he would’ve gone on for the next century if you let him, but you weren’t really interested in what he had to say. Not while he was so put-together, at least. “Do you want my help or not?”
He might’ve been a bad liar, but to his credit, he wasn’t delusional. Shakily, he nodded, keeping his lips pursed and his eyes pleading.
“Is that all you’re going to give me to work with?”
“…please.” He was more hesitant than he’d been the first time, but not quite so acidic, not quite so aggressive. He was begging, now, and you could never seem to turn away those in-need. “I’ll do anything.”
You sighed, the gesture airy and drawn-out. Eventually, when it seemed like his already-tenuous patience was starting to thin, you let your touch fall away from him altogether. “Why don’t you get on your knees?”
His expression fell – not so much disappointed as he was confused. “How will that—”
“I have other things to do tonight.” An expectant smile, a nod towards the floor. “I can’t help me if you don’t help me too, Satan.”
The weight of his given name seemed to do the trick. Slowly, his movements stilted and reluctant, he lowered himself onto his knees, his eyes quickly falling away from yours and find a home in his lap. You were glad you’d chosen to wear what you had – making quick work of the sashing binding your robes together and discarding your panties while Satan watched out of the corner of his eye, too embarrassed to stare but too curious not to look. You were tempted to take him by the hair, to find something to wrap around his neck and pull it tighter and tighter until he was exactly where you wanted him to be, but you couldn’t let yourself be so selfish. You couldn’t let yourself forget to take care of him – even if you could justify putting it off until he’d taken care of you.
With little warning, you brought up a foot and ground the toe of your heeled shoe into the shaft of his caged cock. He hissed, throwing his head forward and shrinking into himself, shrinking against you; his chest pressing into your thigh as he bucked mindlessly against your foot, the lewd act coming to him more naturally than you ever could’ve dreamed. Now, you raked your fingers through his hair, jerking him upward and guiding his mouth to your cunt. His eyes widened, a surprised grunt slipping out of some vulnerable pocket of his chest, but you held him in place. “Remember what I showed you last time?”
He hesitated, but not for very long. There was a slight lapse, a pause as he tried to bridge the gap between your anatomy and his, but after a moment of scraping your dull nails over his scalp, of grinning down at him with as much love and patience as you could muster, he let his eyes fall shut and opened his mouth, his tongue darting part his lips and lapping tentatively over your slit. His next swipe was a touch more confident, and the same went for the one after that, and the one after that. A slight groan bubbled up from the base of his throat, his hands coming to rest on your thighs – his curved talons biting shallowly into your skin. You embraced the spark of pain without complaint. As if you had the heart to interrupt such a valuable learning moment.
It was slow work – as sloppy as it was messy, his enthusiasm barely managing to overshadow his inexperience. You couldn’t tell how much of it was on purpose, if he meant to grind the bridge of his nose against your clit, if there was any rhyme or rhythm to how he drew his tongue over your entrance, but it was savage enough, animalistic enough to draw a shallow moan from your lips, to earn the flattened edge of your heel ground against his cock. It took ages for his tongue to slip into you, the tapered point curling and probing against the walls of your cunt. He was lucky to have been born such a rabid creature, to have been gifted such a pretty face. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be worth a minute of your time.
It was a good effort, but it wasn’t enough. With a sharp jerk to his hair, you pulled him away from you and threw him to the ground, his pointed talons leaving a row of raised skin in their wake. With a startled expression and a fog over his eyes, he blinked up at you, barely bothering to try and push himself up before you brought your heel down on his chest and pushed him flush against the floor. “Stay down.” You flashed him a smile, trying to pretend you meant for it to be comforting. “Don’t you trust me?”
He didn’t answer. You didn’t wait for him to, shedding your robes completely and straddling his waist. His prep work had been… minimalistic, to put it kindly, but you’d never been one to back down from a challenge. You met his eyes, holding his half-lidded gaze as you wrapped your hand around his cock and pulled his cage away as easily as if it’d never been there at all.
You took slow, agonizing seconds to line him up with your entrance, rolling your hips to spread his precum over your slit. He let out a slight whimper, then managed to find his voice. “What… what are doing?”
“I think I’ve already told you about this one,” you said, your smile now genuine. “We’re going to make love, princess.”
In your own defense, you gave him a chance to protest, to complain, to throw you off of him and rejoin his brothers in the prince’s ballroom. You waited a second, then another, and when he failed to do anything more than stare up at you with that pleading expression, you lowered yourself onto him, only stopping when you were sure he’d bottomed out.
You were able to bite back your voice, but Satan wasn’t so skilled when it came to hiding his reactions. His body went stiff underneath yours, his eyes falling shut as a sinful moan trickled past his lips. You heard his breath hitch, felt his cock twitch, and then he was coming undone inside of you, likely marking the first time he’d cum inside of anyone, because of anything but your mouth. You couldn’t help but laugh, drinking in his fractured whines as you started moving, rolling your hips and grinding against him, riding him properly – not that he’d know the difference. “S-stop,” he managed, though little pained noises and blissful gasps. “It— It hurts—”
Overstimulation, clearly. It was amazing, how sensitive a demon so ferocious could be. “You’ll like it once you calm down. Just try to tough it out for me, alright?” With one hand on his chest, you let the other slip between your legs and to your clit, sorely neglected by his earlier guesswork. “I’ve made you cum… how many times now? Twice? I think I get to take a little something for myself.”
If he was capable of responding, he didn’t seem to think it was worth the effort. Instead, he only collapsed underneath you, his talons scraping against the stone floor and his point fangs biting at his own lips while you used his cock as your own, personal toy; as something to be played with but otherwise left on the outskirts of your consideration. While he might’ve been willing to fuck anything you put in front of him, you held yourself to higher standards, seeking out whatever made heat pool in your core and that aching knot in the pit of your stomach draw itself that much tighter with a refined sense of determination. You’d known how pretty he was, but there was a different kind of beauty to the way he looked writhing below you, to the pitiful sounds he made every time you clenched around him or moved in a way that threatened to milk his cock – still hard, despite his whining, still needy – dry. It was clumsy, little more than reflex winning over dower rationality, but he tried to move his hips in time with yours, to seek out the heat of your cunt whenever you threatened to pull away and abandon him completely. Not that you were going to. As pathetic as his sensitivity was, you weren’t much better – the anticipation you’d built up in his absence more than enough to make up for his inexperience. Your climax rolled over you in thick, lethargic waves, dimming the edges of your vision and pulling a raspy, vaguely humored gasp from somewhere deep in your chest. It wasn’t much, but it was enough. You’d make him keep going until he gave you something better, next time.
Tonight, though, you had better things to do than babysit. With a shallow inhale and a moment taken to compose yourself, you pulled away from him and pushed yourself to your feet. Satan let out a displeased growl, loud enough and deep enough to rattle off the walls of the storage closet, but you shut him up quickly, pressing the sole of your boot into his shaft and rocking with just enough force to leave him spilling ropes of thick, ivory cum on his stomach, the evidence of his depravity left splattered against the pale skin of his midriff and the dark leather of your shoes. He moved to grab your ankle, to keep you that much closer to him for that much longer, but you pulled back, straightening yourself and shrugging your robes back on while Satan watched you, his eyes glassy and his fangs bared. “Maybe, next time, you’ll be able to take the lead,” you wondered aloud, then laughed. “Wouldn’t count on it, though. I think you’re cuter when you don’t have to think for yourself.”
You could still feel his eyes burning into you as you slipped back into the castle.
He started asking you to meet him in the House of Lamentation, after that. You told him you didn’t have a problem with empty classrooms and storage closets, but he insisted. You weren’t surprised. Just as he was learning that he would have to be well-behaved for you, you were starting to realize that you’d have to be gentler than anticipated with him.
That’s what you were doing now – being gentle. The collar wrapped around his neck was loose and lightweight, the leash that connected his throat to your hand allowed to fall lax for the moment, at least until the next time he did something that you would need to. You’d even let him take charge, laying back while he buried his face between your thighs, a skill he was eager to hone after you admitted his natural talent left more than a little to be desired. He was making progress, too. He’d learned to bite back his pride while he lapped over your cunt and pushed aimless patterns into your clit, spurred on by every twitch and moan he could draw out of you. There was a pillow between his legs, something soft and pliable he could grind against while he took care of you, but the thin golden ring sitting at the base of his cock made sure he wouldn’t have his fun before you had yours. This one wasn’t enchanted (you’d been tempted, but magic could be fickle and you didn’t want to bring an arcane locksmith into your time with him), but it worked well enough, and he’d never really gotten the hang of taking care of himself. To be fair, that was something he didn’t have to learn. He had you to dote on him, and you weren’t going anywhere. Not for a few hours, at least.
His hand curled around your hips, spreading you open further as the tapered end of his tongue lavished your clit, his drool mixing with your slick and staining the inside of your thighs. You let your eyes fall shut, using your legs to pull him closer as you bucked into his mouth and used his tongue to nurse yourself through your climax, only letting him go when the first pangs of overstimulation began to set in. Even without your encouragement, he didn’t go far. You felt the mattress shift, sensed his body on top of yours, and then, his mouth was crashing into your own, his kiss all teeth and tongue and violent lust. Within seconds, you could taste your blood on his lips, make out the little, airy noises only partially muffled by your connection. You could—
Your fist was crashing into his cheek before you had time to think, to stop yourself. Your knuckles caught his jaw with enough force to pry him off of you and leave him on the floor, still sitting up but visibly folded into himself. You cursed under your breath, your eyes only flitting to the door once before you lowered yourself to the ground beside him. There was a half-hearted snarl, but it died in his throat as soon as you were close enough to cup his cheek. You let out a softened coo as you pulled him close, pressing a fleeting kiss into his forehead. “Ah, I know, I know.” Another kiss, this one to the bruise forming along his jaw. Your remorse, although left mostly unspoken, was genuine. Anyone would’ve mourned leaving a mark on such a beautiful face. “Are you hurt?”
“As if something like that would affect an Avatar.”
As sharp-tongued as he was defensive. You were thankful for his ego-serving tendencies in this moment more than most. With an airy laugh, you strung your arms over his shoulders and let him bury his face in the dip of your shoulder. “Just don’t surprise me like that again, alright?” And then, after he managed to nod, “I know you’re strong enough to take it, but it’d break my heart to see you get hurt. Because of something so trivial, especially.”
When he didn’t pull away, didn’t respond at all, you sighed. “Do you have anything to say to me?”
It was little more than a mumble, spoke just under his breath. “Thank you,” he paused, melted that much further into you, “for taking care of me.”
“Good boy.”
You left a few minutes later, dressed in one of his shirts and little else. For your own peace of mind, you decided not to think about how long it’d been since you’d seen him bury his teeth in anything aside from you.
Honestly, it’d been weeks since you’d seen his fangs at all.
You’d had this problem before. Ever the romantic, your idle mind tended to linger on what couldn’t be reclaimed, to drive you towards the pursuit of wild beauty despite knowing that truly untamed things couldn’t be found twice, let alone a few times a week, whenever the careful surveillance of his brothers lapsed and Satan could seek you out like some mangy, prowling predator, spurred on by the promise of relief. Really, you would’ve given up on him after that first encounter, after he failed to sink his claws into your neck, or—
A ragged grunt drew you out of your thoughts and back into the present moment, back to Satan where he hovered above you. You were in some shadowed tunnel of the catacombs underneath the House of Lamentation, tonight, and you’d been kind enough to let him take charge, to keep your thighs wrapped around his waist as he fucked into you like a trained mutt, rather than the wild animal you were looking for. The stone of the altar he’d laid you over was cool against your skin, his horns pleasantly calloused where your hands were wrapped around them, and yet, your mind still wandered, the feeling of his cock beating against the walls of your cunt numbed by your lack of interest. Satan was less unaffected, his eyes clenching shut as he buckled against you, burying his face in your chest as he pushed open-mouthed kisses into whatever he could reach. It was sickening, the thought that he might’ve wanted you to return such tender affection. It was sickening, the thought that he could be capable of being so banal.
His hips crashed into yours, and you felt his lips turn upward, his cock twitch inside of you. “I think—” A pitchy whine, a half-swallowed whimper. “I think I’m in love with you.”
God. You might’ve been starting to hate him.
You let your hands fall to his shoulders. “Down, boy.”
He shook his head, too lost in his own bliss to listen to you. You scowled, shoving lightly at his chest, attempting more to get his attention than to force him off of you. “Down. Unless you want me to assume you’ve forgotten how to be obedient.”
“I—I love you,” he repeated, and then again, “I love you.” One of your legs was forced over his shoulder, his chest pressed almost flush to yours – bending you in half in a way that would’ve been painful, if you’d been anyone else. You let out a throaty growl, marking the first time you’d stopped to his level, but Satan didn’t hesitate, didn’t relent, only bowing his head and letting his rhythm deteriorate into something less calculated, less taught. You would’ve been pleased, if you hadn’t been so angry with him. “We— We’re going to be together, and you’re going to be mine, and I’m going to be—”
You could see tears running down his cheeks, hear his voice shake from something entirely separate from pleasure or desperation. You cursed under your breath, dragging your nails down the length of his spine and clawing at his back with enough force to break the skin, but he didn’t seem to notice, didn’t seem to mind, to care, to notice.“I’ll be yours.” He sounded so pathetically determined, as he thought it would come true if he only spoke loudly enough, if he only fucked you desperately enough. He probably did. You’d never taught him any better, and you weren’t sure he had anyone else who would even know to try. “I’ll only be yours.”
You were struggling, now, thrashing underneath him, but he was still an Avatar, still ranks above any station you would ever be able to reach. He held you in a bone-crushing, heart-wrenching embrace; close enough for you to feel his heart beating through his chest, to pick up on the half-muffled sobs catching in his throat. He only pulled away to bring one of his hands up to your jaw, to hold you in place while he pressed his lips against yours in a kiss so soft and so gentle, you would’ve been tempted to call it loving had it not been so vile.
By the time he drew back, he was smiling, and you couldn’t seem to remember why you’d ever thought he could be anything but hideous.
“And you’ll never have to leave again.”
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seijorhi · 8 months
tw: date-rape, breeding kink, pregnancy
when you find out you're pregnant after being drugged and assaulted at a party, your best friend vash is the one you turn to for help. he convinces you to keep it. the baby growing inside of you, it didn't have a say in its conception, he tells you. it's innocent in all of this. a terrible thing happened to you, he won't argue that, but... maybe some good can come of it, with this tiny little life that's yours. you'll be a great mom, vash knows that better than anyone.
and he'll be with you every step of the way, he swears it. he'll take you to all your appointments and help baby proof your apartment, he'll even go out on those late night snack runs when your cravings kick in. he'll be your shoulder to cry on, the one you turn to when you're close to breaking, your whole support system in one. vash'll do whatever he needs to – say whatever he needs to – to make sure you don't give this baby up.
he's not exactly proud of the steps he took to get you here, but it's partially your fault, too. if you weren't so stubborn he could've done it the right way. he wouldn't need to lie to you.
but it's okay, all that matters is that you're here with him, and your baby's safe and this budding family of his – he's gonna protect it with everything he's got.
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strawberryforks · 4 months
drunk fools to lovers // jj maybank x reader
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summary: a drunken hookup has a bettering ending than anyone expected (terrible summary but i’m exhausted)
warnings: swearing, allusions to sex (nothing too crazy i still have no clue how to write smut), underaged drinking
word count: 1098
the first thing that registered in your mind was that the light was too bright and someone needed to shut it off. the hand you draped over your eyes was reflex just like what you shouted, when hands started pounding against your door, trying to knock it down or at the very least get your attention—which they had. “shut the fuck up!” you screamed in response. your head was throbbing, mind lagging behind, and thoughts still suspended in whatever liquid you’d drank way too much of the night before. fuck, you felt like you were the door. “jesus! alright, alright, i’m coming,” you groaned and shoved at the comforter. it wouldn’t budge. you kicked a bit, winding your legs up, because they were trapped. trapped under a blanket, trapped—someone groaned.
awareness returned, your hand stopped covering your eyes. fingers kneaded into the mattress as you pushed yourself up, bending at the stomach. you looked down at yourself first—missing your bra and no doubt panties, and with a boy in your bed, quite literally on top of you. it wasn’t the forst time this had happened and probably wouldn’t be the last, but the embarrassment slammed into you like a wave anyways. the kind that would knock you from your board and bully you underwater for awhile… fuck, you weren’t proud, but this was… it was manageable. the knocking never ceased but you were getting used to the pounding. if the door didn’t break becore you figured out what mistake you’d taken home with you, you’d be fine. john b was a protective bastard but he wouldn’t have to know. push the nameless one-night-stand out your window and be done with it. yeah, that would work.
looking down at the mess of blonde hair, you prod the boy. your eyes are still blurry, your head still hurts but unfortunately, the light you need turned off is the fucking sun, and you’ll have to deal with it for another 12 hours. “hey,” you whisper. “hey. wake up. you gotta go.”
the figure who’s figure you take the time to admire groans again. ringed fingers swipe through their hair, messing it further, as you shove harder. “my brother’s going to kill you if you don’t get out of here. kill, as in… murder.” there’s not many other ways you can explain this but the boy seems to finally understand. he startled, and when he lifted his head up, your eyes met and fuck. woah, okay. it was jj. jj maybank.
your jj. your brother’s bestfriend jj. that jj.
your brother really was going to kill him.
now you’re panicking.
“y/n i swear! let me in or i will kick down this door!” your brother threatens.
“i’m fine john, shit! give me a minute to get dressed!” you’re staring at your brother’s bestfriend with wide eyes but at least you’re not lying. you get up, scramble to put on an oversized t-shirt, and make crazy gestures with your hands.
jj, like you, is freaking out. he’s slipping on his shirt, putting on his boxers and then jumping into a pair of sweats. he looks good, really good, and your tongue darts out to wet your lip. you can see how this happened—what you can’t see is where to go from here. “oh my god oh my god.”
you’re nodding, agreeing, because this is crazy and unexpected and you’re not sure that either of you remember what went down last night. goddamn keggers.
“the window!” you’re whisper-hissing, helping him hoist it open and holding it that way as he crawls out. “we’ll talk about this,” he tells you while you all but chant “go, go, go.”
then you’ve got to open the door. to face the music. “hey john… couldn’t have been a bit quieter?”
“its lunch time, y/n/n.” he peers around you, into your room, as if not truly believing your alone and okay. “and you were wasted last night. i had to make sure you weren’t lying dead in a puddle of vomit”
“yeah, yeah. you’re not one to shirk your brotherly duties. did you happen to make breakfast?”
“eggs and bacon, plus, i made you some of that vitamin c drink you swear by.”
“you’re the best,”
“i know.”
john b leaves, he and jj hangout, as always, and then, a few hours later all of the pogues are meeting up to go surfing. john b, kie, and pope are in the water while you’re hanging back on the beach. jj jogs over to you—he’s been trying to find an opening to talk to you and now is as good as any. unfortunately for him, you’ve had hours to overthink. hours and hours to myll over the fact that you finally slept with your crush and didn’t even remember it aside from some day-after-aching. you’ve had hours to agonize over the fact that he doesn’t want you, doesn’t remember you, and probably can’t stand to be around you anymore. after all, you had to have embarrassed yourself. drunkenly professed your love or something crazy.
“jay i’m so so sorry.” you rush out, “that was a mistake, a drunk mistake, and we can pretend that nothing happened—no one has to know and i swear i won’t tell my brother.” your words spill everywhere, fast and full of panic. you can’t lose a friend and you can’t make things awkward withing the group. no-pogue-on-pogue-macking was like, the one rule, and you went and broke it.
jj isn’t wearing a shirt and that isn’t good because having this conversation, you need to focus on his face, how he’s reacting, and responding. his arms are crossed over his chest and he doesn’t look mad—he looks confused, maybe? worried? “is that what you want?”
“is that what i want?” you echo
“because it’s not what i want, but i can respect it, if you’re sure. i’ll have made an ass out of myself because i spent the afternoon begging john b to let me take you out on a date—“
“we’re going on a date? you asked john? for permission?”
jj smiles, almost shyly, and palms the back of his neck. “it felt like the right thing to do.”
you laugh, smile lightning up the sky, and brightening his entire day. “jesus jj, we’re going on a date, not getting married.”
he wraps you in his arms, hugs you tight. his hands are on your lower back, yours are wrapped around his neck, one threaded through his hair, “but we will someday.”
“yeah. the most sure about anything i’ve ever been.”
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Vice surrenders
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in LA with Adam Conover at Vroman's, then on MONDAY in Seattle with Neal Stephenson, then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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Vice died the way it lived: being suckered in by smarter predators, even as it trained its own predatory instincts on those more credulous than its own supremely gullible leadership. RIP, we hardly knew ye.
For those of you who don't know, Vice was a Canadian media success story. It was founded by a motley clique of hipsters, one of whom – founder of the Proud Boys – has since grown to be one of the world's great fascism influencers. Another perfected the art of getting young people to work "for exposure" even as he built a massive, highly lucrative media empire on their free labor:
Eventually, Vice transitioned to a string of progressively worsening corporate owners, each more dishonest, predatory – and gullible – than the last. The company was one of the most enthusiastic marks for Facebook's infamous "pivot to video" – in which Mark Zuckerberg destroyed half the media industry by tricking them into thinking that the public was clamoring for video content, based on fraudulent viewing numbers:
Vice went all-in on video, spending hundreds of millions to finance Zuckerberg's doomed attempt to conquer Youtube. But unlike other the rubes who got zucked, Vice found greater fools to scam, convincing giant, slow-moving meidia companies that the best way to get in on the Next Big Thing was to shower them with vast sums of string-free money:
And yet, at every turn, through a succession of increasingly incompetent owners who bought the stumbling, declining Vice at fire-sale prices and then proceeded to hack away at the wages and tools its journalists depended on while paying executives salaries so high that they beggared the imagination, Vice's reporters continued to turn out stellar material.
This went on literally until the last moment. The memorial posted by 404 Media rounds up a selection of major stories Vice's beleaguered, precarious writers produced even as Vice's vulture capitalist leadership were pulling the rug out from under them:
True to form, those private equity scumbags locked all those workers out of the company's CMS without notice – and then forgot to lock down the podcasting back-end. That allowed a group of Vice veterans – Matthew Gault, Emily Lipstein, Anna Merlan, Tim Marchman and Mack Lamoureux – to gather for a totally unauthorized, tell-all session that they pushed out on an official Vice channel:
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It's a hell of a listen. Not only do these Vice veterans have lots of fascinating history to recount, but they also describe the conditions under which those blockbuster stories of Vice's final days were produced. As the "visionary leaders" of the company paid themselves millions, they halted payments to key suppliers, from Lexisnexis to the interview transcription service the writers depended on. Writers paid out of pocket to search PACER court records.
Not only did Vice's reporters do incredible work under terrible and worsening circumstances, but the Vice writers who got out ahead of the total collapse are also doing incredible work. 404 Media is a writer-owned investigative news publisher founded by four Vice escapees – Samantha Cole, Jason Koebler, Emanuel Maiberg and Joseph Cox, which is both producing incredible work and sustaining the writers who founded it:
All of which leads to an inescapable conclusion: whatever problems Vice had, they didn't include "writers don't do productive work" and also didn't include "that work isn't economically viable*. Whatever problems Vice had, they weren't problems with Vice's workers – it was a problem with Vice's bosses.
Which makes Vice's final, ignominious punishment at the hands of those bosses even more brutal, stupid and inexcusable. According to the leaked memos emanating from the company's investors and their millionaire C-suite toadies, the business's new strategy is abandoning their website in order to publish on social media.
This is…I mean, this,..
This is…
I mean, wow.
The thing is, the social media business model is a giant rug-pull. They're not even bothering to hide their playbook anymore. For social media, the game is to encourage media companies to become reliant on third parties to reach their audiences. Once that reliance is established, the companies turn down – or even halt – the ability of those media companies to reach their audience altogether. Then, they charge the media companies to reach their audiences:
Now, this wasn't always quite so obvious. Back when Vice was falling for Facebook's "pivot to video," it wasn't completely obvious that the long con was to take your audience hostage and ransom them back to you. But deliberately organizing your business to be reliant on social media barons today? It's like trusting your money to Sam Bankman-Fried…in 2024.
If there was ever a moment when the obvious, catastrophic, imminent risk of trusting Big Tech intermediaries to sit between you and your customers or audience, it was now. This is not the moment to be "social first." This is the moment for POSSE (Post Own Site, Share Everywhere), a strategy that sees social media as a strategy for bringing readers to channels that you control:
Predicting that a social media platform will rug the media companies that depend on it today doesn't take a Sun Tzu – as cunning strategies go, the hamfisted tactics of FB, Twitter and Tiktok make gambits like "Lucy and the football" look like von Clausewitz.
The most bonkers part of this strategy is that it's coming from private equity bosses, who laud themselves as the great strategists of the 21st century, whose claim on so much of our global capital and resources is derived from their brilliant insight, which allows them to buy "distressed assets" like Vice, "restructure" them to find "efficiencies" and sell them on.
The reality is that PE goons – like other financiers – are basically herding animals. Everyone's hit on the tactic of buying up beloved media companies – from the 150-year-old Popular Science to modern publications like CNet – and then filling them with spammy garbage in the hopes that Google will fail to notice and continue to award them pride-of-place on search results pages:
The fact that these billionaire brain-geniuses can't figure out how to "turn around" a site whose workers a) produce brilliant, popular, successful work; and b) depart to found successful firms that commercialize that work tells you everything about their ability to spot "a good business opportunity."
PE – like other mafiosi – only have one business-plan, the "bust out," where you invade a business that produces useful things, force them to pay your chosen suppliers sky-high fees for things they don't need, extract massive fees for your "management" and then walk away from the collapse:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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slippinninque · 5 months
Fontaine, Seduced
(alternatively : Fontaine Tries To Be A Gentleman But You Aint Ask Him For All'Dat)
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, Minors DNI, long fic, cursing, use of the n-word, thirsty Fontaine, ramblings, slight corruption kink, praises n' begging, P-in-V, light bondage, Slips' First Smut
A/N: So sorry for the wait! Sooo, this is in answer to the anon who asked how Fontaine would be if he was trying to hide his nasty. i really hope i did you proud! I've
He...may have a problem.
There you were, the light of his life, seated on the floor and in a nest of your own making. Blankets and pillows spread with you nestled in it's center. A skein of yarn to your left as whatever it was you were creating grew in your lap with snacks to your right.
Absolutely adorable while you watched an old western with him. Fontaine knew you were warm and soft as a cake from your shower and shea butter, he could smell your hot chocolate with every sip you took.
Your furry socked feet rubbed together in your contentedness and every so often, you'd lean back on Fontaine's legs to look up at him until he leaned down to kiss you.
He wanted to see you cry.
It was terrible, he was terrible. You've been nothing but good to him and here he was wanting to see those pretty eyes rolling. It was a problem, he knew it.
He wanted to bend and twist you, he wanted to hear how close he could get you to screaming. Fontaine wanted to bite from your neck to your ankles, he wanted to ruin your sheets. He wanted to ruin the back seats in his ride, take you on a walk and lay you down beneath the moon and hear you call for him.
Fontaine knew how pretty you'd be taking his dick down your throat and he wanted to see it first hand.
But....it was you.
He could imagine wrapping a hand around those pretty locs and tugging them down to swallow his dick, but he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to do it.
Because it was you.
What if he hurt you? What if he did something you didn't like and you didn't tell him?
What if he scared you?
The idea alone distressed him.
He wouldn't risk it. Fontaine wouldn't risk anything when it came to you.
"Tea time? I think its tea time."
Your words drew him from his thoughts, movie long forgotten as he watched you stretch. You rolled partly onto your side, humming and unaware of the chaos you were causing as your cami rode high and your nipples pebbled beneath the fabric.
"You want some tea?"
You were laid out into your back now, lost in a other stretch and Fontaine took a breath and nodded.
He was fine.
It was fine.
It was not fine.
"I know it's a lot, but I made a promise." You sighed, looking over your shoulder and into the full length mirror in the back of the bedroom door. Fontaine sat only a few feet away, the polishing his sneaker in the same damn spot.
The promise was modeling a line of beautifully crafted crystal-bikini sets. Your locs were piled up carelessly as you struggled to clasp the top piece.
Fontaine has never seen anything like it, but you often ran with an artsy crowd. You often brought home strange and beautiful things to either model, store, or complete.
He really he hoped that you get to keep this one.
"You good, baby, you good. Tell what's it made of." Fontaine cleared his throat and stood, coming up behind you to take over.
"Fluorite and clear-quartz, you can see the lil' silver bells, right?" she said. "It reminds me of those flapper girls! But without the, uh, middle part, y'know? Look!"
You took a step back and twisted your hips with a soft, "Swish, swish!"
Fontaine whistled lowly. All he saw pretty titties and tasty thighs. When you turned and bent over a bit, wagging your bottom at him, he moved before thinking.
He cracked you right across the ass.
You squealed, putting your hands on your cheeks and looking at him with wide eyes.
"Ooh, shit, my bad baby!"
Fontaine's heart fell into the floorboards, regardless of giggle fit you were in. He pulled you close with one arm, pressing apologetic kisses to the top of your head while his free hand rubbed your cheeks.
What the fuck was he thinking? Okay, he's gave you a little pop every now and again but that--that was out of line.
'You fuckin' up, nigga.'
"It's okay, it's okay. Really, it was really the sound that surprised me--okay?"
Fontaine looked you in the eye, saw your glimmering eyes and the giddy smile. He kissed your cheeks, wanting to feel your blushing face.
Then he nodded.
You kissed him on the lips, then had the nerve to bat your eyes at him.
"Y'know...I do get to keep this."
"--od, Big Dawg?"
Fontaine's head snapped up and saw that Big Moss was trying to pass him a blunt. He shook his head at himself, taking the blunt and then taking a pull.
Big Moss shook his head as well, "C'mon, tell me what's up."
"I'm good, 'Moss. Jus' got a lot on my mind."
"Is it about your lil' shawty or somthin'?"
He grunted. Feeling his stare, Fontaine turned to face Big Moss who's expression was expectant.
"Well? Tell ya mans what's goin' on!" On went the fan and Fontaine knew it wasn't going to be let go.
He took another hit and passed the blunt back, "She's a good girl. Ain't like the others I had, I ain't gotta tell you that. Can't treat her like normal."
"Can't treat her... normal?"
"Can't treat her normal, y'know wha' I'm sayin'?"
A beat of silence. Then Big Moss' eyes widened in understanding,
"Oh! can't trea--yeah, a'ight, I see, I see."
Fontaine sighed and told Big Moss about losing himself when you were trying on the bikini-set, how bad he felt.
"Did she feel bad?"
"I know you heard me, nigga. Like, did she cry or cuss yo' ass out? Get up and leave? anythin'?"
Fontaine didn't have to think hard to recall your smile, the breathy way you laughed, "...No. She wasn't mad. I was the one most fucked up by it."
Smacking his lips, the Big Moss put a hand on Fontaine's shoulder,
"Lemme tell you somethin', this yo' first Good Girl--ain't it? I'll tell you somethin' about 'em. The sweetest little faces be hiding the nastiest shit, cuz."
Fontaine scoffed, unbelieving. He recalled your inexperience at the beginning of your relationship. You were nervous but you did make up for it in unlimited enthusiasm...
Big Moss continued, "I'm telling you, man! She's probably shy 'bout some shit and just need a lil encouragement from her man. Trust me on this, Big Dawg. I've seen how ya'll are--"
His free hand went up innocently at the look Fontaine gave him,
"All I'm sayin' is that ya'll rock with each other. Work with her, man. It'll all be cool in the end, ya dig me? Whatch it be something small, I'm tellin' you!"
Fontaine thought about it.
Then he nodded. Big Moss nodded back, handing over the blunt and not bothering to hide his grin.
Fontaine had a plan.
He was thinking about it every since he left Big Moss, their talk still echoing through his head.
'Take it slow if you that worried, Big Dawg.'
'Moss was right. Fontaine took it slow made sure to be careful when dealing with you, and it's gotten him nothing but sweetness and warmth back.
He went to your place without even thinking and you welcomed him in with an excited smile. That smile grew nearly manic when you saw the take out in hands.
He took in your plushy romper and slippers as he followed you into the den. That winter weight that you've been commenting about was nothing but God and Fontaine knew to be grateful.
"Damn girl, whatchu been up too?" He rose a brow at the whirlwind of yarn and notebooks.
"Ah, just trying to keep hands busy!" you said with an embarrassed little laugh. You hurried to make space for him on the couch, moving your next to the floor after tossing down a few blankets.
You went onto your hands and knees, spreading out all the corners and pulling a few seating cushions closer. Fontaine followed the lines of you, right to the lil' bit of booty that was peeking out.
"You gonna be sittin' away from me?" Fontaine mumbled, eyes stuck to your ass.
"I'll come closer." You promised with a coy smile, then told him to get comfortable. You asked if he needed anything as you both settled down.
Fontaine nearly purred at your care of him, reminded of how good he had it with you.
He just had to go slow. Get used to checking himself, making sure he wasn't doing too much. Fontaine would contain himself.
A soft touch brought him outside of his head.
"Whatchu doin' down there, pretty?"
Your hands slid up his jean clad thighs and aimed those bright eyes at him. You still laid your cheek on his knee, still rubbing as you blink slowly at him without saying a word.
Fontaine's tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He wasn't prepared for this. All he could do was nod and you gave him a candied smile as you pulled down his zipper. He groaned inwardly, bracing himself as the lust for nearly boiled over.
He was trying to be a good.
Your soft hands found his dick already half hard. Fontaine shifted to make more room for you, utterly enthralled by the way you licked your lips and wriggled closer.
A few pumps were all he needed and without preamble, you slipped his dick right to the back of your throat.
His ears rang and he finally released the remote he's been clutching, arms going out to span the back of the couch. What the fuck was this?
Your head went in small bobs, never letting the head of Fontaine's dick from the back of your throat. Your tongue was wet and wonderful. Nearly serpentine as you jerked the base of him, pulling back and giving his tip saccharine kisses.
He breathed heavily, hips jerking only once before he remembered himself. You hummed disappointedly and pulled back, looking at him with a small frown
" 'Taine, you need to relax." You still stroked his length, "Are you not into oral, we don't have too--
"Naw, that ain't it," Fontaine interjected quickly,
You rewarded him with another wet kiss to his tip, "Then why aren't you putting this where it belongs?"
He blinked as your words rang through his ears, the sweetest faces...
"You always go stiff as a board when I'm down here, never let me stay as long as I want." you sniffed and rubbed your lips against his dick.
His voice was faint, "I ain't want you to think you had to."
"I'd love to, Fontaine, that's the thing. More than often, preferably." You sighed, "I love that you're careful with me, but have you ever...wanted to...not be?"
Fontaine's hands balled where they were still up on the back of the couch.
You made the face when you were going to be really patient with him about something. Your gave his dick another kiss, soft as silk.
"Would you still be into me if I wasn't acting sweet all the time?"
He never understood whiplash until this very moment, but Fontaine focused when he saw the furrow in your brow.
"I don't care how you act, you're gonna still be mine at the end of the day." Fontaine was certain there was nothing that you could go through that he wouldn't be there to stand with you.
"Exactly. You ain't gotta be on your best behavior. You have me and all I want is you. How ever you are. I'm yours."
You laid it out so easy for him, the right words strung together to settle perfectly in his mind. Your words, your words...
Fontaine sat up, his focus zeroing in on you. Your back straightened as you continued.
"So what if I want to act...like-um..."
He sat up, "What? You wanna act up, pretty girl?"
The way you rubbed your thighs together in anticipation ignited him. You were a delicious little morsel on your knees trying to ask if you could swallow his dick again.
The sweetest fuckin' faces...
Fontaine reached out and cupped your cheek, his thumb running across your lips. Your brown eyes were nearly black with a craving similar to Fontaine's.
He gently wagged your face, "Tell me what you want, baby."
He chuckled lowly at your whining and leaned in close enough to brush your noses together.
"You know what you askin' me?"
"You said you'd give me anything I need, didn't you? I need you, Fontaine."
Your voice carried off into a gasp, Fontaine had reached behind you and gathered your locs up into a gentle hold before tugging. With your head drawn back, Fontaine had the pleasure of seeing your pink tongue sweeping across your lips.
"You look hungry, pretty girl."
Your answer was a breathy little moan. Fontaine groaned as he leaned in to claim your lips, his reason slipping into the back seat of his mind.
Arms tied behind your back, you could only rock and whine in Fontaine's lap as he pinched and plucked your tender nipples. One hand pulling the satin scarf that he used to bind your hands. It kept you taut and nearly immobile, enough for him to move you as he pleased.
And move you he did. Sometimes releasing your hands to grip at your waist, leaning up to kiss you or lying back and watching you.
The most nasty things flowed from his delectable lips and he definitely wasn't shy about giving your ass a few swats now.
Fontaine has been wringing orgasms out of you like honey from it's comb. The longer it went on, the more it felt like you were being devoured.
On your knees, away from the couch and up against the wall, folded up in recliner, now back on the couch.
Fontaine has never treated you this way. It was sublime. Gone was his careful touches and tender passion. Fontaine fucked you with a single minded determination, content to relish your ecstasy.
"This is what you wanted, pretty thing? Am I givin' you what you need now?"
You nodded, exhaling sharply as he ground into your sweet spot. Tears sprang to the corner of your eyes at the sweet-hurt of being overwhelmed. You needed more to fall over the line, but you didn't want it to end.
You made desperate noises as he backed off enough to leave you on the edge, "Ye-Yes! Yes, 'Taine-- please, please--!"
He kneaded your ass, rough as he moved you on his dick. The pressure had you releasing a sound you didn't know you could make.
Fontaine's echoing moan shadowed a grin, "That's it, tell me who I am. Tell me who's this pussy's for."
"Yo-You, Fontaine, you..." You babbled, "It's yours, it's yours!"
"And it feels good?"
"Mmn, yesss..."
"Is it too much?"
You shook your head. Fontaine's brow lifted and pace sharpened, ripping a keening gasp from you.
He purred as your eyes rolled back and sat up to meet you chest to chest, using one of his hands to squish your cheeks together.
"Use your words, beautiful. Is. It. Too much?" He husked against your lips, pace frustratingly slowing once again.
Your answer was to bite his bottom lip with the best growl you could muster.
Fontaine muttered something you couldn't hear and then he was leaning back, putting his hands on your thighs and driving up into you in earnest.
It felt like running through fire, seeing ever color at once, knowing the name of every star. All through it, Fontaine continued muttering to himself, no longer concerned with holding you steady.
"Mnh, look at that face. Finally gettin' what you wanted. Acting like like I ain't gonna give you what you ask for--that you can't tell me?"
"It wasn't like that." You whimpered at his hands on you again, reaching down to spread you around him. You gasped and lost balance swaying forward to press your forehead into his shoulder. When Fontaine slowed his pace again, you distantly hoped you'd be awake if he ever decided to cum.
"Don't worry," Fontaine's voice was gravel, "Imma teach you good. We'll find out how much you can take, hm? Together."
You were trembling and your brain was probably slush by now, but you've seen the appeal of being greedy.
Fontaine could still give you more, you still wanted more. Together, you could tear down the fences that kept you from each other's pleasure.
You leaned back enough to mash your lips to his, drinking down his pleased moan.
You didn't care how long it took, you wanted this man to tear you apart and piece you back together.
thank you for reading! this took literally too long and it still feels rushed, but I really wanted to challenge myself! Please let me know what you think, any tips would be greatly appreciated as well!
taglist: @megamindsecretlair @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @8ttached @thadelightfulone @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @longpause-awkwardsmile @ms-angiealsina @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93
(let me know if you want to be tagged!! 💕💜🌟)
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
one piece smau: married to marco edition
marco x male reader
-> marco is NOT that old at all, i jus feel like itd b so funny for him to b seen as old for his lack of knowledge on technology and slang terminology/phrases
-> also whitebeard having instagram is so fucking funny to me bye
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liked by marco4[name], portgasace, and 10k others
polo.[name]: mirror selfie 🪞
tagged: marco.phx
marco.phx: ur new username is such a terrible pun babe
-> polo.[name]: maybe youd appreciate my grand creativity if u jus matched w me ffs
-> marco.phx: dont b a smart ass we aren't matching usernames
-> polo.[name]: ur the only man that enjoys being a smart ass dont give me attitude rn
portgasace: ohhh u guys r the type to jus take mirror selfies at the gym and then dip 🙄🙄
-> marco.phx: work on ur form and then we can talk
-> WHIT3BEARD!: BOOM roasted
[liked by marco.phx, polo.[name] and 400 others]
-> portgasace: ?????
eee.izo: aww my favorite gay couple ❤️ i love whenever u two post
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liked by polo.[name], eee.izo, and 15k others
marco4[name]: username change even though i already put a ring on his finger and that apparently wasnt enough??
tagged: polo.[name]
polo.[name]: seeeee isnt that just such a cute username <333
-> marco4[name]: ur cuter baby ;)
vivavista: awww marco does love [name] how adorable
-> marco4[name]: who said i didnt?
-> vivavista: ur username before u changed it....
-> marco4[name]: ur fw me....
chef.thatch: seeing marco being so publicly whipped for his hubby is heartwarming
[liked by polo.[name], portgasace, and 100 others]
-> polo.[name]: hehe hes all mine 🤭🤭🤭
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liked by marco4[name], WHIT3BEARD!, polo.[name] and 17k others
eee.izo: absolutely sick to my stomach i hate these two
tagged: marco4[name] and polo.[name]
polo.[name]: holy shit this is such an old photooo
-> marco4[name]: ur talkin sbt it as if it wasnt jus three years ago...
-> polo.[name]: not seeing ur GRAYING hair is weird for me OLD MAN
-> portgasace: LMFOAOA damn gonna have to report marco for being a creepy old man for dating [name]
-> marco4[name]: u two r idiots, im only 5 years older than u [name]
-> polo.[name]: its ok i love u my beautiful old man husband
chef.thatch: aww isnt it so cutteee that they were brought tgt by boss
-> WHIT3BEARD!: if they have a kid i expect them to name it after me.
-> polo.[name]: all due respect i dont think i wuld b able to sleep well at night knowing my kids name is "edward"
[liked by portgasace, marco4[name], and 100 others]
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liked by marco4[name], vivavista, and 14k others
polo.[name]: step by step guide on how to bag a blonde baddie:
1. be me
tagged: marco4[name]
marco4[name]: whatever happened to callin me ur husband???
-> polo.[name]: ur my baddie husband marco b proud <3
-> marco4[name]: young ppl and their terminology.....
eee.izo: i wouldve never used the word baddie to describe marco...
-> polo.[name]: hes a hot mysterious stoic damaged baddie old man and hes alll miiiinnneee 😍
-> eee.izo: its so hard to tell when ur being satirical
portgasace: he a baddie he showin his pantyyyy ‼️‼️
-> polo.[name]: he shake it like jellyyy 😩
-> marco4[name]: im uncomfortable.
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liked by polo.[name], portgasace, and 15k others
marco4[name]: me n my husband ❤️
tagged: polo.[name]
polo.[name]: im going feral for u daddy 😻😻😻😻
-> marco4[name]: ffs
-> portgasace: count on [name] to humiliate his husband in his own comment section
[liked by polo.[name], vivavista, and 200 others]
polo.[name]: why did u choose such a hot photo of u im gonna have to fight for my life in these comments now :/
-> marco4[name]: theyre all unimportant babe dw abt them
eee.izo: marcos tiddies on my tl 😩😩😩
vivavista: damnnn marco u lookin fine aslll 😘
chef.thatch: wait till u come home i got a surprise for u in the kitchen baby
-> polo.[name]: no fuckin way.
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liked by marco4[name], eee.izo, portgasace, and 10k others
polo.[name]: smoking kills...BUT BEING SMOKING HOT??? THATS A DIFFERENT STORY
tagged: marco4[name]
marco4[name]: ur unbelievable????
-> polo.[name]: i love u sm u sexy FREAK
-> marco4[name]: PLEASE STOP.
portgasace: bro cooked fr in thst caption
-> polo.[name]: yk me 🤭🤭
-> chef.thatch: what exactly did [name] cook...
-> marco4[name]: thats what im trying to figure out
eee.izo: what a truly poetic caption wowwww
-> polo.[name]: i discourage smoking for everyone. instead of smoking guys, just find urself smoking hot ppl to fill the voic. perfect example is my husband marco <3
[liked by marco4[name], portgasace, and 100 others]
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liked by polo.[name], WHIT3BEARD!, and 20k others
marco4[name]: married life is for me
tagged: polo.[name]
polo.[name]: AWWWWWWWWWWWW u love me
-> marco4[name]: of course i do
portgasace: VOMIITTTEDDD VOMITTTTEEDD (u guys r so cutie wootie patootie awww)
eee.izo: took him being a whore thru his twenties to realize this, how cute
-> eee.izo: im sorry making fun of marco is too funny, this was very cute
-> marco4[name]: thanks + sleep w one eye open tn
WHIT3BEARD!: like i said tht kid u adopt better b named after me.
-> marco4[name]: [name] just visibly cringed.
polo.[name]'s story
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my favorite view should i try climbing him guys <333
marco4[name] replied to your story: ......i know this means u love me so im just gonna say i love u too
214 notes · View notes
ugotcooneycrossed · 10 months
since u said you was doing blurbs , i don’t have a major thoight process for one just maybe like what a day would be like with alessia
a/n: this is awful, my brains not braining and the ending weak but hey! its done😌
alessia is not a morning person.
you know because you cannot count the number of times her ten alarms blare, and her- without fail hit 'snooze' each time.
you lay awake- scowling at the annoying chime playing from her phone for the umpteenth time.
"less- baby, please."
the blonde pays you no mind- her arm tightening her hold on you, she shoves her face into your neck, and you squirm at her warm breath fanning your skin there.
you can barely get an arm out from her hold on you, to tap her on the shoulder- sick of the alarm continually interrupting your peace.
you whack her on the shoulder harder when she doesn't budge, and she barely moves an inch- still unresponsive to the world.
you try- nothing.
she's offically dead to the world.
"hey!- you never call me that."
your jaw drops in shock- scooting away from her.
"have you been awake this whole time?!"
she doesn't answer you- pouting in bed next to you. looking down at her lap, her hair messy from sleeping.
"baby- have you been awake this whole time?"
"no- i only just woke up not that long ago."
"you respond to baby, but not your name? hmm strange."
"well- you're not allowed to call me my name, it's baby to you."
"riight. okay baby, whatever you say."
"why are you even waking me up? it's my day off."
alessia- who's too busy stretching to notice you- grunts when you smack a pillow into her face.
"hey! excuse me, i. did. not. wake. you. up. your stupid ten thousand alarms did."
you hit her with the pillow between each word.
alessia grabs the pillow at your last attempt to hit her- and she throws it to the side- wrapping you up in her arms instead, and holding you to her chest.
"shhhh, sleep now."
"less, baby, we can't sleep- there's things to do."
"shhh, sleep time."
"fine. thirty more minuets- thats it."
an hour later- you press a soft kiss to her forehead.
"come on baby- time to get up now."
"youre mean to me."
alessia says- smiling up at you from the bed.
"mmh oh yeah- so mean, the meanest, now get up and make the bed. and you can start the laundry when youre up."
"wait- this is actually mean now!"
she calls out after you as you leave the room.
"so mean!"
you yell from the kitchen.
you hear the sheets rustling and alessia starts humming as she makes the bed- you hum along, memorising the song from listening to her. and you smile to yourself.
after breakfast is made and alessia has begrudgingly started the laundry. you both lay on the couch- her legs propped up on your lap as you rub her shins softly.
its nice- getting moments alone to just sit with her, both in your own world.
it's not often that it happens now- and as much as you are so, so proud of alessia and everything she's doing for her career
you miss her.
you look at her.
"oh yes? sorry i just got lost for a bit."
"nothing- it's okay. i love you so much."
the day continues slowly- both of you working together to finish chores piled up from ignoring it through the week.
and by the time you're making dinner, alessia is hovering over your shoulder stealing pieces of food.
you smack her hand away when it reaches again for the sixth time.
"no- wait for dinner."
"im just making sure its not poisoned baby."
"oh yeah, sure."
she smiles at you and kisses you- grabbing your hips to pull you away- you get distracted in her arms before the smell of burning takes your attention.
"lessi! not again- go away! you're too distracting here!"
much later, you're on the couch- cuddled up with alessia, take out boxes on the tea table, the dinner you were trying to make burnt and stuck on the pan- left forgotten in the sink.
you feel her press a kiss to your forehead.
"i love you."
"i love you too... you're a terrible sous chef though."
376 notes · View notes
almondamaretto · 5 months
chris x volleyball!reader pleasepleasepleaseplease
or chris/matt fluff im good with either! Thank you so much!
honestly i think doing sports/hobbies!reader x matt and chris would be really cool!!
chris x volleyball!reader hcs
warnings: some sfw parts and some nsfw parts!! mentions of injury
i actually did volleyball once 😎 (it was 8th grade and i broke my arm in an unrelated activity 4 games in...)
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— tries his hardest to come to every single game you have. he's a busy guy, always recording and planning out new ideas, he's always doing something different—but he refuses to miss your games.
— matt is actually so tired of him 'cause he is constantly driving chris to some random place.
— he has most def spent hundreds of dollars just on ubers to your games.
— we all know that chris is into sports, watching, playing, all that fun stuff. bro would 100% get too invested in the game.
"red card? for fucking what!?" his hands shoot up as he exclaimed to no one in particular, rolling his eyes and groaning as the other team was awarded a point.
— secretly cusses out refs when they give you penalty cards:
"what a fuckass ref"
"bro's never made a correct call in his entire career."
— doing a full 180 when the referee doesn't card you for something you fully deserved a card for
"best ref i've ever seen, hands down!"
— after winning a game he's congratulating you in every way possible. a tight hug as he kisses you all over your face, picking you up by your ass to hold you even closer.
— after losing a game he's pulling you into a long hug, burying your face in his chest as he comforts you, rocking you back n forth as he pets your hair.
— go to hand placement is directly on ur ass.
— will definitely smack your ass at every opportunity. walking a step in front of him? going up the stairs in front of him? oh fs
— will absolutely play with you/ help you practice (he's lowk terrible at it and spikes the ball way too much to actually help you but he's cute so does it really matter?)
— if you get an injury during a game my man is gonna be jumping over people to make sure you're okay. doesn't matter if its a sprained finger or a broken foot he is inconceivably concerned probably worse off than you lets be honest.
— will 100% try to take care off you if its a bad injury, going with you to the hospital, doctor's office, physical therapy—you name it, he is right by your side.
nsfw below !
— your uniform actually has him on his knees every game.
— those tight little spandex shorts never fail to create a tent in his pants !! he thinks he might actually go crazy every time you invite him to games, he knows what to look forward to after
— like yeah sure he's watching and enjoying the game your ass !!
— its js something about the way you look resting your hands on your knees, jersey riding up to show off your ass... all of a sudden he's tugging at the crotch of his pants and praying no one happens to glance down.
— god forbid he catch another man even looking in your general direction. bro is taking you home fucking you 2 inches from death. you’re his girl, no one else’s.
— either super sweet and loving sex after winning a game or rough sex filled with praise and teasing.
"y'did so good today ma, gonna make you feel so good."
"gonna fill you up, show you how proud i am of you."
— rough, angry sex whenever you lose esp if you get an attitude with him, either you or him on top—he wants you to do whatever you need to feel better, he hates seeing his baby upset ☹️
"take it out on me, ma."
"gonna fuck that attitude out of ya."
— chris is actually just horny 99% of the time
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sehtoast · 5 months
Soothe Me (Homelander x Reader Powerswap!au)
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18+ | gender neutral reader, light descriptions of gore, showering, he takes care of you | Fic Directory
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He’d never admit it, but there’s a part of him that really likes when you come home like this.  Something sick and twisted in his core, something rotten that quivers with excitement every time you walk through the door covered in viscera.
Maybe it’s because of the way his life is.  He’s just some average, ordinary guy shackled by the restraints of a regular human life.  Wake up, take Ryan to school, go to work, pick his son up, eat dinner, sleep, and then repeat until he’s dead.  It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate his simple life or that beloved son of his who he was so fucking proud of,  but the mundane…
He’d be a liar if he said he never wished he was special.
You make him feel that way though. When you show up at his apartment drenched in gore, he feels so very special.  He feels like the keeper of an especially violent creature that would maim anyone and anything but him.  Something that, despite its sharp fangs and jagged claws, would only ever touch him with tenderness– with softness.
Even at times when your hand has gone around his throat, he’s always known you would never.
So when you show up like that again, is it any wonder that John practically bounces out of bed to greet you?  Hands at your cheeks to thumb away chunks of whatever moron pressed their luck, fingers combing through your blood-slicked hair, a kiss pressed to a dried patch because he is only human and doesn’t quite want some stranger’s bodily fluids in his mouth.
He’s started wearing darker shirts because of you.  It’s hard to explain to a child why there’s a red handprint that won’t wash out of his clothes, but it’s much less obvious this way.  Your leather clad hands fall to his waist immediately and your grip flexes the tiniest bit to steady yourself.
You can feel his warmth.  You can smell him more than the reek of iron and intestinal gunk splattered all over your body.  He smells of… cooked chicken. Some kind of cheap cheese.  A bitter salad dressing.  The lingerings of milk on his breath.  He must have just finished having dinner with his son.
You shut your eyes and focus.  You can hear the boy in his room. Legos clattering, narrations of dialog.  He still doesn’t know about you.  John doesn’t know how to tell him in a way that’s not overwhelming.
You breathe a deep sigh as he frets over you.  It’s the same every time. He’s scared you’re hurt, inspecting you as he brings you to the bathroom.  You’re only half aware of what’s going on.  The running of the shower, the hands tugging at your suit, his clothes hitting the floor. 
You’ve had a terrible day and it’s all you can think of…
Somehow, though, he draws you away from all of that.  Walks you into the shower and under the stream.  He adjusts the temperature the moment he sees you flinch at the heat.
You still haven’t told him about all of… that.  Your life before being Homelander.  When you were a mere lab rat, a product in development, poked and prodded and tortured to see what made you tick– what could make you sell .  He knows a little, but… you don’t quite have it in you to see him look at you with pity.
The hands that touch you in that cramped shower take you away from everything.  You’re here, not there. You’re not fist deep in that stupid fucking assistant who found you arguing with your other half in the mirror.  What’s left of that fool swirls down the drain.  You’re not getting berated by Edgar or dragged into some stupid fucking publicity stunt. Ashley isn’t up your ass about your itinerary.  You’re here.
He’s here.
Lips press to yours, gentle and sweet, and he whispers to you.
“S’okay.  You’re home now.”
Home.   It was such an odd concept.  You’ve had many homes.  Each of the cells in the lab, the penthouse, your cabin.
None of those have ever felt like home.  Here, though..?  You imagine it must be as close as you’ll ever truly have to a home.
You press him to the wall, his wrists trapped in your hands as you nuzzle into his neck.  His pulse rings in your ears. It pulsates louder than the stream of the shower and his breaths that grow with anticipation and a touch of excitement.
You know he enjoys it.  You meant to turn this into some kind of a hug, but… all you can do is just stay like that.  Hidden against him, lost in the symphony of all that keeps him alive.
“Long day, sweetheart?” His breath gusts over the tip of your ear.  
You release his wrists and wrap your arms around him, drifting away.  You answer him in a nod and he hugs you closer.  He has to be the one to do the squeezing.  If you did it, you’d shatter him.
“Let me take care of you?”  He asks for permission first.  He knows you love his doting, the way he spoils you rotten, but sometimes…  
Sometimes you’re not able to accept it.  Like a stray dog, wounded and afraid, your mistrust and fear comes out on him.  He has a small understanding of why you bite.  Of how many hands have hurt you, how many times you’ve had this very thing promised to you only for it to be a carrot on a stick with which you’d be beaten for ever stepping out of line.
He knows you’ve been made to beg for that which others have by right of simply existing.
He won’t ever make you beg.
He tells you this as he lathers you with soap.
“I love you.”
He tells you again as he thumbs a cleanser onto your cheeks.  Looks you right in the eye and declares it with a soft smile, twinkling eyes, and a kiss.  Watches you become like butter in his hands, softening, melting.  The coldness in your eyes dissipates into something sorrowful and pained– something yearning.
He knows that’s how you say it back.  He hopes one day he’ll hear you say the words, but this is okay for now.
He washes you meticulously, carefully, until not even a whisper of pink tint remains in the suds.  He dries you before himself.  Stands there dripping and cold as he puts you back together, caring for himself only once you demand it.
He wouldn’t stop shivering.  You practically had to say something.
How is it that he’d sacrifice his own comfort to take care of you?  He’d give and give until you had to fucking force him to take.  He confuses you.  You’ve never met anyone like him.  
He makes you feel insane.
“Give me that,” you grumble, taking the blow dryer from him to fan it over his hair.  He’d already taken care of yours.  You feel practically out of your mind at how badly you’ve wanted to do this.  You run your fingers through his pretty blonde locks, ruffle them into place, fluff the front just right.  He practically purrs at your touch.
He’s just as bad as you in that regard.  There’s something about the way he preens in the mirror as he watches you, perks up and grins, adjusts his hair just slightly from where you’d styled it that makes you chuckle.
John can’t even begin to explain how happy he is to finally see you smile.
He brings you to bed.  Normally you’d be initiating shenanigans, teasing and touching him every step of the way, but you’re tired in a way that not even sleep will fix.  He’s told you before that it’s a mental fatigue– that you’re overloaded and need to make time for yourself.  That even The Homelander needs to take a break sometimes.
He’s adamant about it tonight. 
“You can stay here.  Use some of your sick days.” He schemes.  “You’ve gotta have some of those after all these years, right?”
When you don’t answer, his brows knit in confusion.  He knows that means no, which makes no sense to him– but he doesn’t press you to explain.
“I want you to stay here.”  He says firmly.  He squeezes your hands between his as he stares into your eyes, engulfing you in that oceanic gaze that has a special way of getting you to do damn near anything.
You find yourself nodding.  What did you care if you pissed off everyone at Vought?  It’s not like it’d be the end of the world, and you’d much rather be with him anyway.  You huff a laugh against his neck as you nuzzle close to him.
How many people have ever been able to sucker you into something the way he can?  Well, there was one person, but… what’s done is done.  
But, John?
He had a way about wearing you down with just a simple smile, honeyed words, pretty blue eyes, and a declaration of love.  You really like the way his grin grows wider when you agree.  You like the way he hugs you tight and kisses the top of your head in excitement.
There’s no one in the world like him.  Nobody at all.
Your Johnny is so very special.
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shirefantasies · 5 months
Horse-Maid- Eomer x F!Reader
I’ve been really wanting to do more one-shots, so here we are- enjoy this short little imagine 😘
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“What happened to you, huh?”
Chuckling, you bent down to take up a brush. Sneoan, your horse, had somehow gotten a mess of leaves and brush tangled in his pure-white mane. Smiling at the way your horse’s eyes fluttered shut in contentment, you gently dragged the brush through the tangles, working out the leaves from the coarse hair with your fingers.
Your father had long cared for that stable, but ill health of late had driven him to grant its care to you, his eldest daughter. And with joy had you said yes! Your people’s love of horses carried naturally into your heart even without the wonder of seeing how your father groomed and sometimes armored your proud Riders’ mounts. Truly the trust he had for you to continue it was an honor.
Sneoan suddenly turned his head; you followed, gaze tracking the swing of stable doors. Thuds of boots and rustles of the hay littering the ground alerted you further to the presence of another.
“Where is Havner?” No malice colored the man’s tone, just a serious inquiry.
Finally turning around, you were met with an expression of curiosity across a face that perfectly matched his tone. Long golden hair fell to his shoulders and around the look of regal inquiry, swept as it was away from his dark eyes.
“Retired,” you replied simply, eyes trailing lightly across the man’s features as one of your hands still combed Sneoan’s mane.
The man’s brows arched and rose. “Ah, I see. That is news to me. Well, would you mind terribly directing me to the new master of the stable?”
Your hand finally faltered, a single freed leaf fluttering to the floor. “That would be me. Which of these fine horses is your mount?”
“Yes.” A faint frown began creasing your forehead- for all his looks, was this man truly that dense?
“Never before have I seen a stable in the hands of a horse-maid,” he remarked.
Striding over to the wall where you rehung your hoof pick, you shrugged and gave a small roll of your eyes, not that the man could probably see it. “Well, now you have.”
“Why did Havner choose you?” He pressed on, shuffling closer as you tidied.
“My father chose me after years of training and even observing the farriers,” you countered, crossing your arms and smirking drily, “and if you really still doubt me, ride with me. See who completes the circuit faster.”
Apparently forgetting whatever errand had been at hand, the man shrugged lightly with a cocky look of his own. "Very well. Let's."
Sneoan saw you through. It was a tight race, but in the end you pulled ahead, creating a respectable difference in your finishes. Turning around, you fixed the stable man with a pointed look of satisfaction.
“You have bested me.” His grace and decency met you such that you felt shock; you’d expected more fight, greater upset at loss.
Your mouth opened once to speak, twice, before a reply emerged, your ire nearly all drained. “Indeed I have,” you replied, easing the grip you had on your reins as the both of you slowed down, “so?”
“So,” he shot back, “you have proven yourself a more than worthy heir to your father’s work.”
Squinting in the sun as you may have been, you caught the glint of pride in the man’s dark eyes. “You know, you are quite like my sister. You have spirit. She would be very fond of you.”
“Sounds as though she is of sound judgment,” you teased as your horse trotted evenly aside his, inclining your head his way.
“Indeed she is!” He chuckled, shaking some golden hair off his shoulder.
You smiled. “So, may I finally know my opponent’s name?”
The almost childish look of surprise that dashed across his face was something you couldn’t help a giggle at, feeling another rosy rush of warmth to your face complementing the sun’s touch.
“I never…” He cleared his throat, finally returning to his look of gentle stoicism. “Yes, well, my name is Éomer, son of Éomund. At your service.”
You gave your name in turn. “And I, it would seem, at yours. Your horse there? He’s a good one. Always puts up with my prodding. Don’t you, sir?” Reaching across to bridge the gap, you stroked the flowing mane of Éomer’s horse.
Leaning to look back up, you were surprised at the intensity in your fellow rider’s gaze, his eyes boring into yours. “He knows a good hand when he sees it. Might we do this again someday?”
“Have a race?” You replied, perhaps a bit dumbly, beneath that stare.
“I could try my hand at a rematch.” A smile teased upon his lips. “Or we could simply ride together. Whatever you prefer that day, I suppose. I will be happy for the company. What say you, horse-maid?”
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