#normally this is where I ramble more in the tags but I've done enough of that
derelictheretic · 7 days
almost started rambling about my no cult au in a rb instead I will ramble about it in my own tags like a sane person
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artblock-tm · 1 year
(And mayyyybe 20 if you'd like to ;))
How would you describe your style?
Hm. That's always a hard question for me. Mine is a bit more cartoony and certainly takes liberties when it comes to how realistic it is, but at the same time I try to get things close to accurate (such with anatomy and detail and whatnot).
I can't find words that pinpoint what my style looks like, but I can certainly find the inspirations that got it to where it is now. (Anime and various animations!)
Since we're speaking of my style though, fun fact: I CAN'T for the life of me imitate other people's art styles. It'll always look really similar to my regular art style, just changed up a bit. I see challenges were people imitate different art styles and realize, "Wow! That's cool! How the HELL did they do that!!"
17. What do you love getting compliments about?
When it comes to art? Anything, to be honest. Hell, I'm happy if people reblog my art without any tags. (Although, once or twice, I've gotten an "inspo" or a keysmash or a slight ramble and that really made my day.)
What I like most though is feedback on my OCs. I'm honestly rather bad at character design, and I love knowing what people think about them. Alas, people hardly see my OC art...when I do post it. </3
22. What inspires you?
MANY THINGS, my friend. Some things have made lifelong shifts on my art style (ex: the shading under the chin technique I use is derived from the anime Black Clover!), but most often, I get inspired to draw a specific thing.
Music often inspires me- especially vocaloid, and especially if there's art featured in the video. One of my favorite vocaloid songs is Reckless Battery Burns and I'm obsessed with the MV in it.
TV and movies inspire me, too. I adore the Owl House and have noticed some completely unintentional similarities between Hunter and one of my own characters! Also, bringing back Black Clover, there's a lot of worldbuilding from Masked inspired from that anime.
Books inspire me too! A good example of that is my Shapeshifter/Badgeseller 1984 comic. Another series that gives me inspiration is the Giver series by Lois Lowry (not just the first book, the entire thing, all four books). Ooh, and also the Pandava series (or the Aru Shah series, I don't fully know what to call it). Writing is cool! :)
Secret question: 20. A piece from this year that you're really proud of!
Most of my art this year is Shadow Rift, haha...let me see what I can find.
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^ This one is a good starting point! This one was me playing around with lighting. I found a new technique to use with my art program, and was just messing around with it. So I paid less attention to the background and colors to do so. Here's a fraction of a screenshot I took when I realized just how good it was!
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I was going to compare it to another one of Shadow Rift's pieces, but I realized that discussion would be too long. And would ruin the magic of the piece I was comparing. Whatever.
Next one has bright colors!
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I was mostly playing around with colors and proportions on this one, and I really like the turnout. This is the rare piece of Doodle OC art. Her name is Krystll, and YES I will infodump about her if asked.
And, for the final thing I'm super proud of, that Shapeshifter/Badgeseller 1984 comic. Go look at it again, if you want to. :)
That's it for now! Thank you so much for asking! I'm willing to answer any follow up questions anywhere you like! (Tumblr, Discord, etc.)
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madness-of-void · 4 months
The Cosplay Progress (?)
Okay...I'm doing it. I'm showing off the hot mess of progress of the possibly decent, or absolutely hot garbage, cosplay of my version of human!Ink. I do have a nice chunk of the items for the cosplay - just gotta put it together. Most of the putting together can be done in a day, and I have until July to finish it all, soooo...we'll see how this goes! ^^;
Now I'll just post updates maybe every other day, or once a week, since I do have most of it in hand. And it will all be under the cut, since it'll long as fuck. So, without further ado, let's begin, shall we?
First off, this is probably the most ambitious cosplay I've ever done. Normally I do something easy. Examples: Stiles from TW, casual Keith from VLD, and recently (for Halloween) genocide route Frisk. debating on positing what garbo pics i have of those
Flowerfell!Frisk? Probably the most complex I've done, and only because I had to have help make a flower crown, actually use fabric glue for the flowers and little heart on the shorts and flower on the mask , painted up a random prop stick I had lying around no idea why i had that , and did a little bit of faint make-up. And ended up with this:
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bad pic i know but it's all i got of the full thing where i don't look like a drowned rat coz goddamn it was hot af
So after that, for some damned reason, I decided it would be a GREAT idea to do a difficulty jump and do Ink! Yaaaaay...I'm so smart. I have been looking at this as a reference for what I need mostly coz i had it saved on my phone already , which has been both motivation to get this done...but also a little intimidating. But I'm already too far into this. Can't back out now!
Anyways, enough rambling! Let's start with the first update on this silly thing!
So, firstly, I already had my eye on the Ink hoodie from Simakai (I'll properly tag once the whole thing is done). I already have the Underfell one that I used for my Flowerfell!Frisk cosplay. I also have the Outertale hoodie, bi pride hoodie, and ace pride hoodie all from Simakai! They are all amazing hoodies, and I actually just bought Epic's hoodie from their new shop! Definitely check them out! They're comfy, well made, and I'll admit I wear my Outertale and Underfell hoodies out sometimes.
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The pic doesn't do it justice (hence all the millions of links above), but tada! The hoodie! My biggest worry is maybe tripping on the scarf, but I think I can manage. place your bets coz my ass clumsy
Also, there is a little surprise in it!
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Twas quite the laughing jumpscare when I was messing with the pockets.
And that's it for update 1! Stay tuned for more. >:3
Update 2 time!
Apologies for how garbage the pics are for this part. Space was a mess at the time, and I'm too lazy to redo it. With that out of the way...let's ramble!
So, next to the sash for the vials, this was surprisingly the hardest thing for me to find. I couldn't find anything that looked "just right". The first pair that I bought did look just right...but the color was way off. Way too bright from what was advertised. Took me a while to find another pair, and I actually bought two more. one of which i may use for a ftfo!ink Now, the next pair is the right color...but it's just a nice pair of sweats/joggers. Which is a bit of a bummer, but seeings how I cannot sew/make a full blown pair of pants (can barely sew at all), and my stepmom (who can sew) isn't that insanely skilled, they will have to do.
Here is a pic of the pants side-by-side coz for the longest time I was going to go with the first pair I bought. But after putting it together with the top...no. Just...no. Did not look good. You'll have to take my word for it.
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And before you ask, yes. I will have assistance sewing on the little suspenders. That will be two separate posts on their own in the future! It won't be just plain brown pants.
So that's it for update 2! Stay tuned for more! if you want i ain't forcing ya lols
Update number 3! Wooooo!
And it is actually really boring.
Like...royally boring. sorry?
So these were a bit easy to get. Granted, I did buy two pairs, because I couldn't decided initially. It was only after trying them on that I could make a decision.
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They are a bit long, but I can live with that. especially coz I am not planning on doing the tatts, that would end terribly And, yes, they are missing that little piece on the pinky. Just like the pants are missing the suspenders. And just like with those, I will be having assistance sewing that piece on!
I could show you want I have of that, but I'm planning on making that one big update.
Okay! That's it! Stay tuned for update 4!
Update 4! Not another exciting one again. The more exciting ones will slowly trickle in. depending on what you define as exciting
Anywho! Update 4!
Yes. Shoes. I know our favorite souless bean doesn't wear shoes anymore...but I have to. No need to get my toes all messed up! Especially at this convention center. Walking around there can be a nightmare! Closed toed or not. 😭
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They were sadly kind of expensive, but these were the closest I could find that kind of fit for what I was going for and i looked at custom ones first. Plus, I will be wearing these outside of the cosplay. So I get shoes for cosplay, and shoes for whenever I wanna wear them - a win-win.
But, one more thing! I will also I guess ruin them, in a way. How will I ruin them? Well...I was thinking of adding more splatter to them. Plus, see that pesky logo? Welp...I also had an idea for that.
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And I'll just leave this update at that. >:3
Update 5! Long time coming, I know. But a lot of what I have left are bigger pieces that have a few extra things I gotta do, and I just haven't been focused on doing them. But since I'm actually going to finish this one this weekend, I decided to show the unfinished product. With that being said, here we go!
These were actually so hard to find! I couldn't find anything that worked! And I originally started looking during the Halloween season, too! When these type of things would be more around. But everything was either way too big or just straight up decorative glass. Which...yeah. Would not do!
Eventually, after searching for ages, I found these on Etsy.
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They're originally for necklaces, which, even though they are glass, they're hopefully a tad more sturdy. And, if things work out, I'll have a perfect way to keep them in the sash! We shall see.
I also found these!
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Figured it would be fun to have little earrings on human!Ink.
Now, for the paints in the vials, I was having a hard idea what to do. Part of me wanted to put real paint in there. Yeaaaaah...probably not the best idea. But I finally figured it out, and I'll be working on it this weekend!
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Stay tuned for the final look!
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xviruserrorx · 4 months
Title: "An Undesirable Hunger"
I really really really enjoyed writing this one. I changed tenses than from what I normally use and kinda matched the style to how I'm writing for my main fic (which why haven't I've done this before?) And Its good, I think it's good. Anyways... For @merlinmicrofic and the prompt "Hunger/Hungry" and I'm trying to do a fic everyday for Aromantic-Spec Awareness Week so I wrote for the prompt "Oriented AroAceApl"
Merlin Micro Fic - Tumblr | Ao3 - [Prev <- • -> Next]
Aromantic Awareness Week 2024 - Tumblr | Ao3 - [-> Next]
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prompt(s): Hunger/Hungry, Oriented AroAceApl
Relationship(s): Morgana-Centric, minor relationships - Morgana & Gwen, Morgana & Arthur Pendragon & Uther Pendragon
Character(s): Morgana Pendragon, Uther Pendragon, Arthur Pendragon, Gwen
Important Tag(s): Pre-Season/Series 01, Big Sister Morgana, Siblings Morgana & Arthur Pendragon, barely mentioned but it's there, Background Morgana & Gwen, Background Morgana & Uther Pendragon, Food as a metaphor, Oriented AroAceApl Morgana
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 500
“Surely one of Camelot's fine young men has caught your eye.” She bites her smile but it fades for her soon. “Perhaps you'll even marry,” Uther continues.
Over the years Morgana can't find herself to care for trivial things which she finds soon rears it's head on her twenty-first birthday.
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It was always there, the part of the garden reserved when Morgana came to Camelot. For a tree, Uther said. Wasn't till three summers into her stay when the gardener showed her the seed and planted it.
Though it wouldn't bear fruit; not for years. The garden was new, and she was impatient.
She's a woman, as all the castle whispered. It's at the feast celebrating those twenty-one summer's that Uther rambles on, consumed by wine.
“Surely one of Camelot's fine young men has caught your eye.”
Arthur makes a face, sticks his tongue out and lifts his fork to continue his meal. She hasn't even begun to eat.
She bites her smile but it fades for her soon.
“Perhaps you'll even marry,” Uther continues.
She places her fork back and brings her hands to her lap. She listens and doesn't speak as he drones on about the different Lord's son's and newly knighted men.
The feast can't end quick enough before she's back in her chambers.
“Here, my lady.” Gwen hands over an orange. It's peeled and she can see the white pith from the peel is stuck under her nails. “I know you didn't eat.”
She takes it. It's not sweet, not savory, not anything perhaps. She smiles as she feels the skin break and the pulp burst between her teeth. It's bitter. She eats the whole thing. Her fingers are sticky and she feels full despite it all.
She still smells the fruit on her hands as she sits, embroidering the next morning.
Gwen runs her hand over wrinkled sheets. “Attending the tournament?”
“I have to. Uther's holding it for me.” She pulls the needle up and through and feels for the underside. “I can't see why.”
“For potential suitors,” Gwen replies matter-of-factly.
The cloth leaves her blind as the needle pokes through and breaks her skin. It's coated red and blood pools on the surface of her finger as she gasps from the sudden pain.
“Are you alright, my lady?”
“Yes. Silly me.” She licks the blood from her wound. It's rotted, it's been for years.
It doesn't leave her mouth. The same as Gwen stays in her eyesight as she sits for dinner that night.
“You've caught the eye of Sir Bertram,” Uther remarks as the plates are laid before them.
“Have I?” She isn't hungry. Why isn't she hungry?
Uther smiles, nods, favoring the honied fruits.
Grimacing, she pushes her plate away from her.
“Aren't you going to eat?” Arthur talks; mouth full and crumbs all around it.
She shakes her head. “Not hungry.”
She's made up her mind as a servant takes her plate away. Not more or less. Just something different.
So she walks where the seed was planted. Red cherries hang on the branches that have taken years to grow. 
She rips them from their stems. They stain her fingers and stain her lips as she bites into them. 
She smiles; their bittersweet. 
So she cradles her hunger and indulges it.
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lydiaisgeeky · 2 years
Meant to Be
Jason x Reader Fanfic
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1. Meeting (w.c. 1667)
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I've always kept a low profile at Gotham Academy. Not really worth it to call attention most kids here were rich and well I was here on scholarship. I did well in school- I knew I would have to make my own way. My family wasn't poor in any way but we certainly weren't rich. We live in Gotham because it's cheap. Rent is low due to the criminal activity however we noticed less activity happened at Gotham Academy so I did my best to get myself there. But now I'm standing at my locker praying that my locker neighbor wouldn't show up. Richard Grayson. He seems sweet but so do the rest. He typically hangs around the locker all morning with his friends who always seem to be changing.  Either way he wasn't here right now and I'm hoping he won't be here today. I grabbed my books and put them in my tote. The dress code was so strict that you had to have a specific colored bag. I didn't want to deal with comments about how I didn't have a designer bag so I went with a simply canvas tote. My school rented laptop was the last to go in the bag. I shut my locker and debated on staying here. If Richard wasn't coming I could sit here and work on homework or I could head to the library as always. I decided to head to the library because I didn't want to risk it and have the embarrassment of leaving so off to the library I went.
"Hey y/n! So this is where you disappear to everyday? Huh so thats studious you isn't just an act. Wow crazy" I snapped my head towards the sound. Sure enough there comes Richard with someone in tow. "What are you working on?" He started flipping through my homework "Wow you know this essay isn't due until next week" I nodded. It was true but school laptops can't leave the school or you have to pay crazy insurance.
"I uh my home laptop is well um broken so you know I have to get this essay done plus one for history and I also have to type a script for an elective and there is only so many hours you know" Maybe I kept a low profile because I couldn't keep myself from rambling. Richard smiled at me.
"Oh yeah well that's alot. I think we may have a spare laptop or two at home that we were going to donate right Jason" the kid next to him shrugged "Oh I'm sure we do - do you want one you are more than welcome to donate it after your done." I began to shake my head no but he didn't really look for my response he just continued on. "Oh this is Jason by the way he's in your class uh maybe you two can check your schedules." He leaned over me and pulled up my schedule. He was my TA so I wasn't surprised he could do that what I was surprised about was how Jason's schedule matches mine almost exactly. Same home room and same core classes same elective times but different electives.
"Cool it looks like we have most of the same classes" the other kid said. I had been keeping my head down not really looking at him but at that moment I looked up and saw the most handsome guy I had seen. He had this amazing dark hair stunning blue eyes. He was thin but fit. He look no different than I did. His uniform disheveled and it looked like he had a completely normal non recognizable bag.
"Yeah we do" I smiled. "You just transfered here? Cus you are more than welcome to borrow any of my notes I don't take them home. Most of my school stuff stays here anyways and um I'm sorry hi - I'm y/n"
"Anyways I was going to show Jason the rest of the school did you want to tag along y/n? I have a feeling you don't even know everything about Gotham Academy." Richard's blue eyes were shinning with excitement.
"Sure" I said running a mental to do list of what I could rearrange to make up for the lost school work. Richard was beaming. He gave a great tour of the school. Jason didn't seem too interested in the tour. The bell rang and so Richard handed the tour over to me to get Jason to the first class.
Jason stopped me before entering. "Tell me how stupid do I look? This is such a fancy school - am I fucking this up? I wish I could just go back to my old school." He spun around and hit a locker. I jumped a bit but then put my hand on his arm.
"Hey you look fine to me. Besides if you keep your head down the elite tend to not notice you. Richard seems to break that mold but I haven't seen anyone else even remotely care about me. You wouldn't be in these classes if you weren't good at school so you'll be fine."
"The elite? What's that supposed to mean everyone here is the elite."
"Right. Everyone. Certainly there's no one here on scholarship. I'm going to go inside being late draws attention." I turn away and shrink - why did I think he could be like me. I found my seat just inside the classroom door. I was in the front but out of the way. I figured this might be a good time to make up for lost time. Jason slid into the seat next to me.
This was pretty consistent for the classes we had together. Then lunch hit. Richard grabbed Jason. I assumed they were going off campus so I found my corner. It was a little alcove hidden away by the classic books. There weren't any desks in the area so I'd sit on the floor with my back against a bookshelf. I put on my headphones and worked on my homework. I made a huge dent so I decided to grab my favorite Jane Austin book off the shelf and to my shock I saw Jason grabbing a Jane Austin as well.
"That's a good one" I say to Jason. He turns to me as if he was caught. I smile and held up my book "I've read Pride and Prejudice at least 5 times and I've read" I look at his book "Emma at least 3 times" He was still frozen in horror "Don't worry I won't tell".
I sat back down lost in thought. I knew Jason was essentially a stranger and every girl my fantasize about the new kid but he just seems so genuinely cool. I tried to push him out of mind as I finished the school day. I was going to my locker fairly confidently as Richard never hung out there after-school. I was switching my bags and grabbing my change of clothes about to head to the bathroom to change and look like a Gothamite once again.
"Y/n good I'm glad I caught you." I integrally groaned Richard was running up the hallway. "Jason will need someone to get him caught up did you want to come over some day and do a tutor session with him. We can drive you home or your driver could pick you up I am not really sure how it would be go down for you"
"I wish I could help but I'm not sure I could feasibly go to your house. Richard-"
"No no no" He laughed and smiled "Dick call me Dick outside of school it's a nickname for Richard my parents called me that. It's what they called my grandfather so"
"That's cruel but okay. Dick. I'm on scholarship here. I don't have money okay and I don't think your driver wants to be driving through my neighborhoods especially at night and I don't have a car yet so I just don't think it'd be a good idea."
"Jason has a motorcycle. I can almost promise you he'd drive you back but we don't really care about where you live. Come over for dinner and study and someone will take you back. My adoptive dad is always trying to get us to bring friends over. Please" He asked with a puppy dog look.
"You have plenty of friends bring one of them"
"Please no I don't I have people who want to get into Wayne Enterprise someday. I have people who want to sleep with me but not anything else. Trust me I don't really have friends."
The internal stuggle was real. I just couldnt say no to him at this moment "Fine but I have to call my parents or they will think I've been kidnapped- like I said we don't live in the best area."
"Sure, sure" I walked away from Dick messing with his hair and hear him getting on the phone.
My folks were totally fine with me going over to someone's house they were happy I was making friends. So I suppose that's a good thing. I changed into my normal clothes cursing myself for not wearing something nicer. I came back to Dick sitting against my locker and Jason on Dicks. Both of them looked up at the same time with the same expression of their faces.
"I'm sorry I had to change if I wore my uniform in my neighborhood I promise I'd get mugged" I put the uniform in my locker after the boys stood up and grabbed my keys and looked at Jason. "What notes do you need. I can't take them home so what ever you need you'll need to bring back tomorrow" Jason shrugged so I continued. "Let's take it all I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow". I grabbed my note books being careful to leave my laptop. And we headed outside.
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enasallavellan · 1 year
So guys, I kinda want to talk about things going on. It's something I feel really weird talking about it too much with people I see IRL so I decided to talk about here - kind of want to talk about it with someone that isn't my husband or therapist.
Check the trigger warnings in tags if you're unsure. Don't worry, I'm not in any danger or anything like that.
So, I had a miscarriage.
I was only 8 weeks along and it was decided I didn't need anything sort of treatment other than wait for my body to 'purge' all the stuff that had already formed.
And yeah, the word 'purge' was used.
I'm really struggling with it. I've always wanted a child but I've known for awhile that I might have trouble getting pregnant and it seems so unfair. I was so excited when I found out - it was like a dream come true. Then I started bleeding and when we went to the ER I was told I had miscarried.
So for three short weeks I had this hope and then it was just ripped away.
And honestly? I feel incredibly stupid for being so upset about this - about grieving all the this. I mean, let's he honest at that point it was just a bundle of cells. There wasn't even enough of anything to bury or cremate and as I type this it strikes me how stupid *that* desire is. I mean - just cells. I very well could have not even know anything was there.
But I'm struggling to deal with it so much. I'm managing to keep doing my job and my life in some sort of semblance of functional but trust me it ain't easy.
And the idea that it's my fault keeps creeping in. For the weeks I didn't know I went to a wedding where during the after-party there was alcohol and marijuana galore. It's by no means my normal amount of consumption of this stuff - I'll smoke pot and drink every so often, but it tends to be more social. And all I can think about is if I hadn't done that would everything have been okay.
And my therapist - who I want to say is amazing, best therapist I've ever had. And I've always preferred male therapist for reasons I'm not even sure of. But at the same time, it feels weird talking to him about it. He's great about it and has been working really hard with me to get through his, but it still seems strange and awkward.
And then the guilt coming with wanting to complain about this and it just being *too* small of a thing compared to stuff that other people are going though. I mean 'i thought I was pregnant for three weeks so it really wasn't that big of a deal' keeps popping into my head. Like am I really making this out to be more than it is? I hadn't told anyone but my husband about it. I hadn't thought what she might look like. I hadn't felt her move or bought clothes and furniture. I just knew it existed.
And I am *so* depressed right now I had my husband hide all the medications in the house and take my car keys. I don't think I'm to that point yet but the only other time I've felt this ruined was before I started thinking suicidal thoughts and was sent to a treatment center for twoish months. And that worries me that I'm so close to where I was.
Don't worry, my husband is watching me and I'm not allowed to be alone until this passes. I'm fully confident I will come out of this but it's taking a stupid amount of time and energy compared to what it is.
So yeah, this is probably rambly and insane but that's it. Thought it would feel good to get it off my chest.
Okay. I think that's most of my thoughts. Sorry if this was hard to ready or confusing.
And if you're reading?
Thanks for listening.
Love y'all
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drk-brain · 2 years
some thoughts on writing, or, "how my favorite fic (of my own) changed my brain chemistry"
Rehashing a little ramble from elsewhere for this, but I have a lot of thoughts and also how can I not link it everywhere I go all the time really?
Mind the rating and CWs in the tags (dubcon, discussion of depression, referenced self-harm) -
So, this fic ruined my life (affectionate). I set out to write a small, contained oneshot* about my wol's past relationship, it got out of hand, etc. But it really really did alter my brain lol
Not just in the form of wolnpc brainrot that grabbed me by the throat and never let go, not only because I set out to write something small and relatively meaningless that turned into something serious, but
It changed my approach to writing romance.
For those of you who don't know me: I spent a while as an acquiring editor for a fairly well known traditional romance publisher, and I am a romance writer, both in fanfic and elsewhere.
Now, within genre boundaries, Obsidian Heart is not a romance. It doesn't have a happy ending. The goal of the story isn't overcoming challenges to be together in the end. (It is effectively part one of a greater story that is genre-typical romance, though.)
Regardless, I will NEVER write explicit content the same as I used to after this. I knew the advice, I knew the rule. I helped other people shape their stories to this rule for years, and I made my living doing it. Explicit scenes in longer content (aka, not "porn without plot," which is absolutely valid and fun but not what I'm going for here) should theoretically all serve to further the plot or character development.
Obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule, and all writing advice should always be taken subjectively and with many grains of salt, but it applies to what I want to do with my writing, and also is something you'll find traditional publishers look for so that had a lasting effect on me.
I have never felt like I succeeded in this rule in my own writing to such a degree as I did with OH. I've done it to the point where yeah things would be conspicuously missing if those scenes were deleted, they aren't just there to be sexy or pass time, but I am immensely proud of the degree to which that is the case in this fic.
There is absolutely zero intent for the explicit scenes in here to be sexy. They are meant exclusively to illustrate characterization and related progression. From "this is an arrangement of cold convenience," to "uh oh feelings," to "these are troubled people for whom 'uh oh feelings' is not enough to overcome the core conflict and make a relationship work."
And I am immensely proud of it. It had the side effect of infecting me with the plague and now I am writing more of them constantly, but really.
The way it all feels so "almost," the promise of things that could have been. The way it makes me (and them) confront the actuality that love alone does not guarantee a happy ending. Love and hope alone do not move mountains, and you can have the best intentions and still hurt the people you care about.
I love it dearly, and I will never approach writing the same again. It taught me a lot and I owe it a lot, and it's very close to my heart as a result.
On a less analytical note, it also just has some of my favorite passages of my own writing, and I really love playing with the "world sucks, nothing matters" sort of tone.
Now, I'm not one to stake value on stats. I find them fascinating but not in a "this affects me emotionally" way. If I were driven by numbers, I never would've committed to this pairing lol. So I'm not fussed about views or kudos or what have you. But I also think it's normal and human to want people to enjoy and engage with things you've created that you care about.
So yeah. It's a lower traffic tag ("rarepair" if you will) and it's plastered in CWs (for a reason!), but it is my favorite of my published writing. It's the thing I wish I could carry around and hand to people and say: if you like my writing, if you like me, if you want to do something for me or read one thing of mine, make it OH.
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awritingcaitlin · 10 months
10 First Lines
@elbritch-kit tagged me for this a month ago! 👋🏻 Sorrynotsorry I'm late!
Anyway, I've done a couple of these before, but this one's rules is very specifically:
rules: share the first lines of the last ten things you’ve written
So, uh, this should be interesting because fun fact about me, I rewrite the same stuff over and over again.
🔥TBW: Mama Cass normally prided herself on her composure.
🥃LGO: In all honesty, Rinnie was too drunk to remember who hit the bed first.
👩‍🦰RA: “Where are we?” Taryn asked.
🎻ROTG: A Temple of Adelus wasn’t her favorite place for a gig, but considering Em was avoiding Seamus Finn establishments, she’d take what she could get.
💥SB: The wind on Berthingtonn’s eastern docks always seemed to blow far more strongly than it did on the west side.
♟TGG: “Eileen,” Aravae said, trying to put enough warning into her tone that Eileen would get the message, but not so much warning that Finley would pick up on it.
💨WH: “Wind’s howling,” Teagan mutters in her best Geralt impression.
❄CTQ: Two women walked along the busy evening streets of Himmelmauer, their course pointed towards the castle.
🍲AEB: First there is chaos, and then there is cold.
💎TWS: Rinnie is on a beach, but it's not a beach she recognizes. The magic feels different. 
Okay, that actually wasn't too hard to track down all things considered. I feel like elaborating with more stats, so I'll do that under the cut.
But first, I'll tag: @sentfromwolves, @tananaphone, @legiomiam, @mjjune, and @muddshadow (no pressure, anyone!)
The Brewing War: aka Book 1, it's up at the top of the list (most recent) because it's been in steady revisions of it since April. That first line? Totally new.
Lights Go Out: is a character study of Rinnie, Aravae, and Ciara and I was writing it separately from TBW because that content does not actually belong on the pages of TBW, but it's up there because I wrote it in June.
Redheads Abound: is a AU fanfiction essentially combining my characters with characters from 3 others writeblrs on here. Wrote that back in April.
Relic of the Gods: aka ViolinHeist, happens in the same universe as TBW but is not a prequel. It got a few revisions in April, but after rewriting the first three chapters of Draft 3, I set it down to let other stuff percolate in the back of my head.
Siege of Berthingtonn: aka Book 2 got some edits back in March, though that first line is older.
The Great Game: aka Book 4 where I've done bits and pieces of that so that's the first line I've written but it's definitely not Chapter 1 or a prologue even. That was back in March.
Wind's Howling: is a flashfic I wrote back in February. Experimenting with present tense.
Cure for the Queen: aka Book 3. It got finished back in March of 2022. April-August was ROTG Draft 1, August-October was then SB Draft 8, November-February was ROTG again which explains the break and reemphasizes that I just write the same things over and over again.
Soup 2 Another Electric Boogaloo: was something I was working on back in October of 2021 (in between working on CTQ). It was fanfiction of fanfiction and I wrote it primarily while still working at GameStop because I could just write it on my phone.
Team W Shenanigans: was also something I was working on back in the Fall of 2021, same time as AEB. It was fanfiction that Rinnie was also involved in.
Hilariously, Rinnie never seems to get first lines unless it's a character study, or fanfiction. I should probably change that. But also, Rinnie's not really a candidate for the prologues of the main series of books so there's also that.
Okay I'm done rambling now. Have a cookie if you read this far 🍪
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
WHOMST is your little guy 👀
I am about to ramble so much and vaguely complain about this Situation a bit. Thank you Natalie for this opportunity (genuine).
I was halfway joking about the "you'd never guess" thing because I feel like I am not subtle. Currently the one I'm way too fixated on is. Tracey Sketchit, of all characters. The embodiment of "just some guy", the Ash companion who stuck around the shortest number of episodes before being demoted to extra, who hasn't spoken a single line in about seventeen years, who most of the fandom either barely thinks about the existence of or actively dislikes (even though he has done nothing to deserve this). I love him so much. I can count the number of people I've come across who have him as a fave on one hand, and I'm pretty sure a person could at least very nearly count the fics in his AO3 tag that are actually about him (rather than having him as a background character) on their fingers too. The most common relationship tags in the aforementioned tag don't even include him--they're Ash/Misty and Ash/Gary by a longshot. And that's almost half the tag right there. (I am afraid to check FFNet, because FFNet is where bashfic lives and I know how some parts of the fandom feel/have felt about him.)
The upside to this whole situation is that the handful of people who do love him really love him, so while content is hard to find much of, there's a lot of love in what little exists. This fic is a good example of this, it is so beautifully and lovingly written that I teared up the first time I read it. And the second time.
As for how and why this happened, I... don't really know. He's already been in my top five since my Orange Islands rewatch back in late 2020/early 2021, but he's usually roughly tied for fifth place with Professor Oak rather than consuming all my thoughts. Part of it might be that he contrasts so nicely with Gary, who I find more fun to write than any other character, so they're really fun to write together--you've got this sweet, mild-mannered, normal guy juxtaposed against a loud bratty whirlwind of chaotic energy, it's fun. But I'm also just... deeply charmed by his personality on its own. He might not stand out like the louder and more chaotic company he keeps, but there's just something endearing about how he's sweet and gentle and polite so much of the time, and he's kind of on the shy side, but has moments where he gets really passionate about things and/or gets overexcited to the point of sort of throwing things like tact and common sense out the window. Like how his reaction to the TRio in his debut episode is to get really excited about the talking Meowth and then run right up to these criminals in the middle of doing a crime and try to give Meowth an interview. Also as a fellow creative I find his relationship with his art really relatable--it's clearly such a passion of his that he'll pretty much whip out his sketchbook and start drawing anywhere in any circumstances when inspiration strikes, but he also gets adorably self-conscious about it sometimes. He says early on that it's The Dream to have his sketches evaluated by Professor Oak and when this does happen at the end of Orange Islands, he is so nervous about it he starts shaking hard enough to shake the whole couch he is sitting on (along with Ash and Misty, who have to tell him to calm down). That moment is such a mood, that's exactly how showing your work to someone whose opinion you care a great deal about and waiting for them to say something about it feels (at least in my experience).
In conclusion. I love him.
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starcrossed-sky · 9 months
(previous anon again) oh yeah asian sizing is rough x(. i haven't checked my waist size in literal years but it should be 40+ inches or even 50+, who knows. i mostly buy XXXL (or 3X, as it's called) IF it's offered, but whenever it is it's either always highly coveted or in limited quantities, and thus the first to sell out. some places have bigger sizing where i can get by on XXL/2X, some smaller where even 3X is not enough for me. buying clothes was such a trifle that for many years i just preferred to gradually steal from my dad's closet. thankfully he was a stingy old man and welcomed that!
about anemia- yep, i am an estrogen gas tank haver and i've long suspected i might have it, even though i've never gotten checked out (due to money, time, other illnesses, worry i'm gonna be told "just lose weight/exercise more," etc.). puberty really fucked me up... with ovarian cysts, menorrhagia, and just endless amounts of pain pain painnn starting from age 10. had 30+ days nonstop bleeding cycles a few times and other such fucked up stuff. in my early teens, my bed and the house bathroom could look like a horror game whenever i was menstruating lol. to this day, i am unable to detangle my dysphoria/gender identity from the pains of "growing into a woman" (which i never consented to). i don't know whether i would feel exactly the same about my gender if my experience with puberty wasn't quite so awful for medical reasons.
puberty also about when my fatigue started and gradually got worse over the years. as far as i and any relative can say, i was a very outgoing and energetic child. i couldn't read a lot of the social cues but was nonetheless considered a delight by adults who were entertained with my rambling about various topics as well as by fellow children who found a ready playmate in me. i ran and biked and gladly tagged along on long trips with my parents without a problem. meanwhile, as a teenager and even up to today i have a permanently fucked up rotating sleep, tiredness that never goes away and only gets worse with exercise, and a negative amount of energy such that daily commute to my job is the maximum my body can take and i hardly leave my bed on the weekends.
chronic fatigue is a consideration as well, and even though i know there's technically no cure for it, i still hope there's something better for me. for example, during the quarantine, i got to work from home and not only saved all the money i spent on transport but also time spent commuting and pretending to be busy in the office (with air conditioning uncomfortably cold at 17C). i had time and flexibility in my sleep to keep on top of chores at my own pace, and overall felt probably the biggest increase in my quality of life, even though i was basically a shut-in with a job, haha. just... longing to live slow and unburdened, while also still providing for myself, y'know?
For anemia, if there's somewhere around where you can donate blood, try checking there. A hemoglobin count of less than 12 is anemic (and they'll likely turn you away if you're too low) - it's the simplest blood test out there, like blood sugar they only need a finger prick these days to check. I have to get mine done every time I get my man juice tests done.
Your puberty horror story also genuinely sounds like PCOS which... fat gain and retention is a known symptom (and PCOS people are way more likely to be gender variant according to a Japanese study a few years ago). You might be able to sell your doctors on getting you tested for it if you play the "this might be why I'm fat" angle. What you're looking for is an elevated testosterone level in comparison to "normal" cis women.
As someone who routinely sleeps on the clock at my work from home job i feel you on the last one.
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Warm Up
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You tend to run cold at night. Dean offers to help.
For the square "First kiss" on @girl-next-door-writes make me feel bingo. This is 100% fluff
You loved the bunker. Having one place to call home and come back to was the best feeling but there was no denying some nights you just couldn't get warm. The heat worked well enough and the boys never complained so you just chalked it up to only being you.
It was the middle of January so that meant you were curled wearing thick socks, a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve henley but you were still cold. The boys had already went to bed so you wrapped your blanket around your shoulders to venture to the kitchen in search of tea or coffee to warm you up.
You stepped into the darkened room and jumped despite yourself when Dean said "What are you doing up?" You flicked the light on to reveal him sitting at the table nursing a beer with a slight smirk on his face. He was wearing a white t-shirt and his hotdog sleep pants. "I'm just getting some tea" you replied but he looked at your blanket with a raised eyebrow "Heat not working in your room?" You shrugged walking over to the cabinet where the tea and cups were "Just can't seem to get warm"
He remained silent while you went about starting the tea kettle and fixing your tea bag in your mug. "Do you know where the honey is?" You asked without turning but was surprised when he reached over your head to one of the upper cabinets. You glanced up at him and could feel your face threatening to warm at the close proximity especially when you realized you'd turned into him but the warmth from his body was radiating even through the blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
"Thanks" you muttered when he handled you the vial of honey. "You're welcome" he smiled then cut his eyes at your blanket "Can I?" You saw it had slipped down but hadn't realized it so you nodded. He gently pulled the blanket back up around your shoulders tucking it around. "You're really warm" you blurted out and kicked yourself when a grin spread across his face.  "Well I've been called hot but somehow you calling me warm feels like a bigger compliment"
The sound of the kettle whistling made you turn back around. You fixed your tea to your liking trying to ignore Dean's presence at your back. When you started to walk out he grabbed your arm "Why don't you take my room for tonight? We'll check the heat in your room tomorrow" you shook your head "I'm not running you out of your room Dean" "And I'm going to bed knowing you're cold" he retorted so without even thinking before you spoke yet again you offered "Why don't I just sleep in there with you?"
When the words hit your ears you tried to backtrack. While it was true you'd had a thing for Dean for some time and even true the two of you had shared sleeping quarters he'd never shown more than a friend level of interest in you although your crush had seemed to amp up since moving into the bunker. He stopped your rambling by putting a hand up. "Sounds good to me. We can both get a good night's sleep and I promise to be a gentleman"  he turned the light off then reached out to make sure your blanket was tucked firmly "Come on you little burrito. Let's see if we can thaw you out"
You followed Dean into his room sipping on the tea and hoping he couldn't hear your heart in your ears. He stopped inside and scratched at the back of his neck "Um which side do you normally sleep on?" "Doesn't matter to me" you all but whispered. He nodded then motioned to the bed "in that case you take the left side it's directly under the vent"
You walked over to that side and set your cup down then looked back at him to see he was already climbing under his blanket and looking at you expectantly "Do you want to just cover with your blanket then I'll add mine on top of yours?" You nodded and slowly climbed into the bed and got your blanket straightened over you and him.
Dean was sitting halfway up and was smiling slightly "What?" You asked suddenly self conscious but he simply shook his head "You know you're cute when you're nervous" "I'm not nervous" you replied a little too quickly.
"Right" he drawled pulling his blanket over you as well before laying down next to you. You stared up in those green eyes and felt a shiver run through you that was only partly due to the cold. He studied you for a second before saying "Um I can sleep closer to you. If you want I mean. It'll warm you up?" You knew you should just say thanks but not thanks yet when your mouth started moving it instead said "Sure"
He nodded and said "turn over on your side" you did as he said and felt him scoot up behind you, your back pressed against his chest. He slid an arm around your waist to pull you closer then spoke softly into your ear "Is this ok?" You didn't really trust your voice at the moment so you nodded, barely getting out "Yeah it's fine" "Good. Get some sleep" you figured it would be a case of easier said than done but the warmth of Dean that close lulled you right to sleep
You woke up the next morning still in the same position you'd fell asleep in. You could feel Dean's breath on the back of your neck and the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. If you were being honest you could lay there forever and be content but a knock at the door pulled your attention to it and made Dean stir behind you "What?" He called out and you heard Sam's voice "Have you seen Y/N? She's not in her room but her car's still here"
He chuckled and leaned up to whisper in your ear "Should I tell him you're in here or make him keep looking?" You shook your head with a smile and spoke loudly enough Sam could hear "I'm in here Sam" "Oh um I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm gonna go start some breakfast" you could hear his footfalls as he quickly retreated down the hall despite you trying to stop him by calling him back to clear up the confusion.
You realized the other half of the bed was shaking so you turned to see Dean was laughing that hard. "It's not funny!" You laughed and he shrugged "Kind of funny, especially considering the reason I was up late was thinking over how to ask you out" you dropped any semblance of a smile as you went to climb out the bed only to be dragged back by a set of strong arms.
"Are you make fun of me Dean?" You asked glaring up at him as best as you could given the fact that your heart felt like it may burst from your current position.  He shook his head with an earnest smile " I've been trying to figure out a way then I figured how better than to save you from hypothermia?" You rolled your eyes at the hypothermia comment but let his words sink in.
"Ok. On two conditions" you said after a moment and he raised his eyes to look at you "Which are?" "I can sleep in here on cold nights" "of course" "and you have got to kiss me before we get out this bed. I mean I want to know what I'm signing up for and if a man can get your motor running from a kiss you know when sex comes into the equation it'll be good"
He seemed partially amused and partially challenged by your words. He nodded then leaned down to gently brush his lips against yours in a lingering kiss. You deepened the kiss by tugging him closer. When you licked into his mouth rolling your tongue against his he let out a groan and turned over onto his back pulling you on top of him. His large hands held you in place as he kissed down your jaw and left a trail of open mouth kisses across your neck.
When the two of you pulled away from each other you were both a bit breathless. "So does this mean we're trying this whole thing?" He asked and you nodded "If that first kiss is any indication we should've been trying this thing"
Dean tag: @akshi8278
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
One Year: December
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nSummary: Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Content warning: nothing really yet, occasional cursing, mentions of drinking and sex later
Notes: I'm sorry to anyone who's been tagged in this before, but I've been forced to start from scratch on this account and I'm going to be reposting all the chapters. We should be caught up now on this story and posting will return to normal!
football game // masterlist // january
Winnie had invited Nat, Y/N, and Asher to spend Christmas at the Barnes’ home. They had been hesitant to intrude, but once she explained that Steve was already coming and that she let anyone who couldn’t be with their family into her home, any arguments were thrown out the window. The only requirement was an ugly Christmas sweater had to be worn. Asher had been worried that Santa wasn’t going to know where to bring them presents, but as soon as Y/N explained that she had written him a letter, he had hopped on board.
What Y/N and Clint didn’t know was that behind the scenes everyone else was coming together to hang mistletoe and get them together. Even after Asher’s party and the football game, neither had made a move to make it official and it was making everyone lose their minds. Clint hadn’t been with anyone since that day in the parking lot where Y/N had rejected him. The will-they? won’t-they? had gone on too long.
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Christmas Eve, the Barnes home was packed to the rafters with holiday cheer. They all gathered in a giant bundle of blankets, pillows, and hot chocolate to watch Christmas movies. When it reached 10 p.m. they brought the kids up to Becca’s bedroom to sleep. They sent Winnie up to bed with the promise of cleaning up from dinner. The exhaustion from the day settled in and they lazily collapsed back into the pile of blankets. Y/N buried her head under a pillow, “I don’t want to move ever again.”
Clint chuckled at her dramatics, “We have two kids in the house. You’re gonna be awake in like six hours.” She lifted her head up to glare at him. Steve, Bucky, and Nat decided that they were done for the night and headed upstairs, leaving the two of them alone. Before she went up the stairs, the redhead turned around and winked at Y/N, who glared back.
As soon as they were gone, Clint pulled Y/N into him, resting his chin on her shoulder. She smiled at the closeness, “Can we watch Nightmare Before Christmas? Please.”
He groaned, “We’ve had this discussion before. That is a Halloween movie.”
“It’s multi-holiday. I even waited until everyone else left, so only you would be tormented.”
“Oh, I’m honored,” he deadpanned. Y/N looked at him with wide eyes and sticking her bottom lip out. Clint groaned, “Fine! We can watch the Halloween movie on Christmas Eve.” She grinned at him and pulled the movie up. They moved up onto the couch and as soon as the opening song began, she curled up into his side. He decided that he would watch this movie every holiday if it meant spending alone time with Y/N.
It was only about 20 minutes into the movie when she realized how tired she was and didn’t fight as her eyes grew heavy.
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Someone moving beside her had jarred Y/N awake. She groaned and put her hand out to keep them close, thinking it was Asher. She loved to force him to cuddle with her and the bed was warm. When she heard the deep chuckle, she realized it wasn’t her little brother. Clint leaned over and kissed her forehead, “Sorry, darling, I’ve got to go put my presents under the tree and help Winnie with breakfast.”
Y/N, still not fully awake, grumbled, “But you’re warm.”
“Alright, one more minute,” he curled back up with her on the couch and stayed until he was sure she was back asleep. Clint wanted to stay with her, but he knew had to get up before she did. He pulled the blanket up so that she was covered and headed to the kitchen. He quickly pulled the presents that he and Y/N had hidden in the closet and put them under the tree, before turning on the coffee maker.
Winnie came downstairs soon after and they started making breakfast for everyone. She leveled him with a knowing look, “I hope you kids didn’t stay up too late.”
“I think we were all done by 1:00. Y/N convinced me to watch Nightmare Before Christmas but she was asleep before we got halfway.”
“You need to ask that girl out and be done with it.”
He grumbled in embarrassment, “Ma, I’m going to. We’ve both been busy and I want to do it right. I have a plan though.”
“You’re a good man, Clint Barton,” Winnie patted his cheek and passed him the pancake recipe he’d requested.
When Y/N woke up again, she pulled on Clint’s Christmas sweater he’d left on the nearby chair. She padded into the kitchen and greeted them sleepily. Winnie passed her a mug of coffee with a smile before going to make sure everything was in the stockings and under the tree. Y/N’s head was still muddled from sleep and Clint couldn’t help but smile at how she looked. Her eyes were still a little unfocused and the sleeves from his sweater bunched around her hands as she sipped on the coffee. Y/N shuffled over to look at what he was doing and found him making Mickey Mouse pancakes, “What are you doing?”
Clint looked nervous, “Am I making them wrong? I got the recipe from Win. You said you made them for every holiday.” She was melting inside at the sweet gesture. She tried to think of something to say and couldn't. Her hand wrapped around the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Clint dropped the spatula on the counter and wrapped an arm around her waist, burying his other hand in Y/N’s hair. She tasted like coffee and smelled like cinnamon. He heard her whimper as his tongue traced over hers.
“Something smells like it’s burning,” Steve walked into the kitchen, “OH!” They jumped apart and Y/N immediately mumbled something about checking on Asher before rushing upstairs. Clint turned back to the stove and dumped the burned pancakes, ignoring the amused look on his friend’s face. “Sooooo,” Steve drawled.
“Rogers, don’t,” Clint pointed the spatula at him, “You saw nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
“Nothing!” Clint walked upstairs to talk to Bucky about what had happened. He needed to get his shit together and hoped that Y/N would like his present. They had danced around each other for long enough and Nat had been very helpful with ideas. His thoughts distracted him as he walked into Bucky’s room. If anyone else in the house was asleep, they were awake now after hearing his screams, “Oh shit! Oh God, MY EYES!”
A pillow whizzed past his head, “Clint, get out!”
Y/N came running out of Becca’s room, where the kids were sleeping. Clint had a traumatized look on his face and when she realized what had happened, she started laughing. Nat came stumbling out, pulling a sweater on. Steve had rushed up the stairs to see what had happened. When he realized, he threw his hands in the air, “Am I the only one not getting lucky this morning?”
Nat, who always loved gossip, gasped “Who was getting lucky?” She turned to Clint and Y/N, who were both suddenly very interested in the carpet. Her finger went back and forth between them, “Did you two…” Before she could pry any further, Becca and Asher rushed out of the room calling for presents. Everyone followed the excited kids and gathered around the tree to watch them open their gifts. They oohed-and-aahed at the gifts and after the kids had torn apart all of the paper from Santa. Winnie directed everyone else to start opening things to each other. Y/N leaned over to whisper in Clint’s ear, “Bucky already got his present from Nat.”
He dropped his head onto her shoulder with a groan, “Darling, I beg of you, never speak of that again.” Everyone was exchanging gifts now. The kids were playing on the floor while everyone else was on the couch. Clint pulled a small box out and handed it to Y/N, “Merry Christmas.”
She admonished him, “I thought we said no gifts.”
“Did you really think that?”
“No, I got you something too”
“Open this first.” Y/N was shocked to see two tickets to an art exhibit she had wanted to go to. It had sold out before she could get one and had been very disappointed. “I thought it could be our first date.”
“This is crazy. How did you manage this?”
“Pepper knows some people.”
Y/N looked around to check if everyone was busy and kissed Clint quickly, “I don’t know what to say.”
“Say thank you and that you love it.”
Y/N smiled, “Thank you. I love it,” She walked over to the tree and brought his gifts over, Okay so I have two presents for you. One is serious and one is fun. So take your pick.”
“Serious first.”
Y/N handed him a small box and was chewing on her bottom lip nervously. He opened it and picked up a key. “It’s to the house. You spend enough time there—”
Clint cut off her rambling with another kiss, not caring who saw, “I’m definitely going to use this key a lot.”
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OOC: How do you write athena and apollo so well? the emotional posts between them are some of my favorite parts of the aj arc, and you write em seamlessly even when apollo isn't supposed to be a part of this blog prior to his guest appearance
Ah, well ain't that a loaded question. Where do I even begin?
In all honesty, my decision to bring back Apollo was done on a whim. You are correct in saying that he wasn't supposed to be a part of this blog. It'd started with the Christmas post, and then I decided to surprise you guys with bringing him back for real for New Years; I did all this without having planned out how I would write Athena interacting with him, but miraculously, it just came to me without a second thought.
As I wrote them more during the Apollo's guest appearance, I began to develop a foundation for how I write them; core guidelines that I build upon in many different ways depending on the situation:
When I write her, Athena is sunny, energetic, and uses her colorful imagination to make fun of anything dull, but she gets serious whenever talking about touchy topics like her past, and she's eager to take action and be a hero even if she doesn't understand the full situation yet, which can sometimes land her into trouble.
In contrast, Apollo is the calm and rational one, is serious by default and is probably 300% more done with ludicrous things around him than in canon, and yet still means well, and actually acts as one of the two solid emotional supports for Athena (the other being Simon), and he does have his own dorky streak, shown by his plan to surprise Phoenix.
These two are the core guidelines; I can ramble on more about other details of their personality, but they wouldn't be cohesive enough for me to write them down here properly.
It's interesting how they seem to have two distinct dynamics: one during their normal lives with each other when they're being their usual silly selves, and one during emotional moments, when one of them is being seriously downtrodden. The emotional version of their relationship is best seen during the entirety of Turnabout New Year, New Family (aka the AJ acknowledgement arc), where Athena is mostly acting as moral support for Apollo.
(Edit: as a side note that I'd forgotten to include the first time, you can even tell who is who in the tags without context clues; Athena uses all lowercase letters but proper punctuation, while Apollo uses proper punctuation and capitalization, like Edgeworth.)
(In addition, the simple emoticons sprinkled throughout Athena's text occasionally are actually the same as the ones in the Mood Matrix!)
I feel bad for Athena herself; she gets demoted to moral support for the first arc her blog is involved in, with a guest taking all of the spotlight. 🤣
That's all I can say for now. If you want more details, feel free to send in more ooc asks or perhaps even pm me if you don't want such behind-the-scenes info to clog up the blog! Thank you for your time!
- (Do you guys want an official "Mod X" name for me like I've seen some other roleplay blogs have or are you fine with just calling me "op"?)
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1) OH if we are here to rave about your Mahito fic please allow me to drop into line because I mentioned it briefly in my tags but GOOD GOD MY FRIEND was that a lot of fun. The uneasiness of waiting for the other shoe to drop during the entire weird cute conversation where he's playing human and then the payoff with the confrontation in the bathroom was so well done and terrible. I love stuff that makes me feel a little uncomfy, and I also love stories that I think about later
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Okay first off, I will never get tired of it when people drop into my inbox with lovely things to say
Second I'm just gonna go off and ramble a little bit about my thought process for Warmth, but I'm gonna put that under the cut so !!!!!
I too am a weird gremlin with a taste for a terrible monster man. Mahito just offers up SO MUCH potential, how can you not be???
One thing I've talked about with a friend concerning him is that what's so unique about him is how seemingly normal he can be. As normal as someone looking the way he does can be, but it's more in his mannerisms. He can play being "harmless" so well until he decides to flip that switch, for whatever reason, and reveal his true nature. It's really just a matter of when. It's eerie and fucking terrifying, and I LOVE that.
Originally I was going to set it up so it was a fuck or die fic, but I couldn't think of anything that would lead to Mahito taking that kind of route, so I left it where I did. The next part will be up pretty much when I have inspiration for the nasty shit that he does.
But quite honestly I enjoy writing extremely uncomfortable situations like that a lot more. It's unsettling, and if I don't make my own skin crawl when writing, it isn't good enough.
AAAAHHH but thank you so much cupcake, you're a treasure, thank you so much for reading!!!!
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btssunnyboy · 4 years
Happy Holidays- BTS
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Happy Holidays consists of too many gifts and a gift sweeter then a gingerbread house.
Word Count - 3,571
Warning - lots of fluff, worried about significant others,. A gingerbread house mishap. Can you guess who caused it?
The weather outside was definitely frightful. The blizzard was building in strength and it was making your body build up with worries. The boys had left almost two hours ago to get some last minute supplies. No matter how hard you begged and pleaded they promised they'd be more then careful and be back within the snap of a finger. Two hours ago and your lovers had yet to walk through that big wooden door.
You could feel your nails growing thin from the numerous amounts of times you've slightly bitten them. The blanket around your shoulders was providing little warmth as you stayed glued to the window sill. Just hoping and praying that the familiar black Cadillacs would pull into the driveway. You could feel the slight tears swelling up in your glossy eyes. Terrible thoughts clouded your already messy mind, just adding to the stress. Images of car wrecks and the boys heavily injured made your stomach drop.
You just wanted your boys home and you'd do anything to see them walk through that door. The time flashing on the clock was just slightly away from striking midnight. Your chest was getting tighter as the minutes passed. Even though you eyes were growing heavy, you never left that small sill. You needed to stay because you hoped they'd be home soon.
Just as your weak eyes were about to finally close for the night, blinding headlights shot through the foggy glass of the window. With a mind still in a sleepy haze the source of the lights never registered in your head until loud knocks banged against the wood. Hastily throwing the purple blanket against the floor, you ignored the sting of the cold tiles against your feet. You yanked the door open and was greeted with the sight of three red nose and puffy eyed men. Without thinking you raced through the snow and towards the trunk of the cars. A tight grip around your waist pulled you back as quickly as you stepped one foot in the snow.
"Baby, stay inside you'll get sick." Jimin spoke as he teeth chartered wildly in his mouth. His lips practically shaking as he wobbled into the house. "They're fine, just getting some bags."
You gripped tightly at the yellow bags in his hands and set them down in the kitchen floor. A small gasps left your lips the moment I've cold hands sneaked underneath your shirt.
"You're gonna freeze the poor girl!" Jin chattered as well as he blew hot air into his hands. His red nose running almost wildly as he made his way towards the fire place.
You gripped Jimin tightly as you buried your face in his shoulders. You wiped underneath your eyes as you pulled away. "I thought something horrible happened I was so worried. Now go get those snow covered clothes off and put something warm on."
He nodded his head as he passed the simple message on. The moment all the boys made their way up the stairs to their rooms you started pulling out the containment's in the bags. Wrapped a little sloppy, but nonetheless wrapped gifts stored within the bags. A small smile graced your face when a few gingerbread house kits were spotted as well.
"Those idiots risked their lives for a gingerbread house." You smiled as your fingers traced over the gumdrops decoration on the box.
"You wanted it so we went and got it!" Hoseok sniffed as he wrapped his arms around you. His icy body finding comfort in your soothing warm presences. "Yoongi was up for the idea, in fact he even suggested it."
"What about all the wrapped gifts?" You questioned while trying to fix the boys the hot chocolate. Turning the stove down to let the milk simmer.
"We...um about that, we knew you didn't want a lot of things, but we all found so many pretty things that would look absolutely amazing on you!" Hoseok rambled as he quickly dismissed himself to find the cups. An uneasy smile came over his face as he watched you. Not a single sound coming from you.
"You guys buy me enough stuff as it is, I couldn't get you all a lot this year." You sighed, and down casted your eyes. Guilt coated your body like a blanket, they spoiled you with anything and everything. You wanted new shoes, done, new clothes, done. You on the other hand worked at a small department store and it didn't pay very much. Hence the reason you could only afford two gifts for each of them.
"Princess, none of us care if you got us anything or not, all we ever want is you. Holiday or not you're always our present." An embodied voice called from the other room. Before you knew it a hand was spinning you around to face them. A gentle kiss was soon given to your waiting lips as well. It was almost deepen if a cleared throat didn't catch Namjoon's attention.
"Me and Joon got the cups go get settled in with the others. We'll try not to drop them." Hoseok nudged his head towards the living room where the rest of boys were longing to have you back in their arms. "And I'll make Jungkook put the presents under the tree."
"Already on it." Jungkook softly smiled as he placed a chaste kiss to your temple before grabbing the multiple bags. Who new the boy was strong enough to carry so many. You laughed lightly at the thought of him taking on so much exercise just to show off with some shopping bags. "Go and sit down the Christmas movies are already playing."
You gave a quick nod before making your way towards the four boys scattered about in the living room. "Who decided to go out and do some last minute shopping."
Everyone's eyes widen as they were sudden more interested in the movie then your harsh glare. No one spoke up as they forcefully laughed as the character slid through the snow on the tv. You tapped your foot impatiently as the room grew stiff with uneasiness. They said this was a last minute food run and return with hundreds of dollars worth of gifts apparently all of you. "You guys know I how I feel about this."
"We know baby, but -" Jimin tried to explain before you cut him off.
"I know you guys care, but I saw the tags! You went to a freaking Gucci store this late for a gift!" You rambled, upset simply by a Christmas gift. No ill intentions were thought when they got the gifts, they just wanted to see that gorgeous smile on your face. And they thought in order to see that smile on Christmas Day they'd get you something you wanted so dearly.
"We didn't mean to make at us." Taehyung said, his eyes clouded over in what looked like sadness. He fiddled with his fingers as he scooted further away from you on the couch. His movements stopped midway when your hand clasped over his big ones. "Baby...I."
The moment his voice crack you threw yourself in his arms. Taehyung was always a bit more sensitive when it came to you. He done everything in his power — they all did — to make you the happiest women alive. The thought of you being mad at him broke him entirely. "I just thought a smile matching gift would make you happy."
"Honey I'd be happy with a homemade card if it was from you. I don't need expensive things all I need is my precious is my boys. I cannot stress that enough." You mumbled into his neck as he held you tighter. His lips ghosting over the smooth skin in an attempted to keep him calm. "I love you."
He only wrapped his arm tighter around you as he pulled your body up to straddle his waist. The fact that this was a normal position no one batted an eye as they watched, neither did Hoseok or Namjoon when they finally entered with the warm drinks.
"So are you still mad at us?" Yoongi spoke as he reached for your hand. You rolled your eyes playfully as you let he intertwines them together. "Take that as a no."
"Of course I'm not mad, I melt the moment any of you put your hands on me. I just ask that next year you don't go so over board." You suggested as you pulled yourself off of Taehyung and settled between him and Yoongi.
"We make no promises, Love." Jin smiled as he happily slipped on his beverage. "Can't wait for tomorrow!"
"I noticed the gingerbread houses." You smiled as you tried to change the atmosphere.
"We'll work on those later today, but for now let's just watch our movie." Yoongi smiled as he rubbed his hands up and down your arms. "I love you so much, Y/n."
"I love you so much." You smiled as you pulled his head towards you. A seemingly sweet kiss soon turned heated the moment his hand slipped to your neck.
"Get a room."
"Don't mind if we do."
                  »»————- ✼ ————-««
You didn't remember falling asleep or how you wound up in the soft confinement of your bed. With a heavy arm, more like arms, draped across your body. The heat radiating from their body with enough to almost smother you. You gave Yoongi and Jimin small pecks on their forehead before maneuvering underneath their iron grips. It was a miracle they didn't pin you down in their sleep, it's happened multiple times before.
"Geez Louise, look at the bottom of the tree." You gapped as you looked onward to see the stack of gifts practically multiple from last night. There were so many that the small space underneath the tree was so full the rest of the gifts were piled in stacks beside the tree. Stacks meaning definitely more then more.
"Come on, we're making the gingerbread houses!" Hoseok enthused when he spotted your figure at the doorway of the kitchen. His hands grasped your and pulled you swiftly towards the kitchen. "Not so fast."
"I didn't even do-" The sentence was cut short as soft lips were hastily placed against yours. You didn't protest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands rubbed small circles against your clothed hips as he brought you closer. If that was even humanly possible. Sadly, you had to pull away due to the lack of oxygen. Before you could even asked Hoseok pointed a finger upwards. A small little treat was hung right in the doorway.
That little treat was something the boys loved to place around the house, in every place they possibly could. It was a tradition, they'd like to say. While you believed it was an excuse to kiss you every
Before you could even step another foot a soft hand cupped your face. Those familiar dark brown eyes that always held a mischievous glint, were staring lovely at you. "I'm next." Compared to Hoseok, Jungkook's kiss was more slow instead of a rush. A nice change, but you loved the feeling of both their kisses either way. Besides they both always left you with a longing feel for more. It was an effect all of them has over you.
"Okay time to see if we understand what we're doing!" You smiled giddily as you dragged him closer.  The next hour consisted of many mishaps with icing which resulted in your hair having more then just frosted tips.  "Yay! We're done!"
For once the three of you made something decent instead of a horrendous mess. A simple gingerbread house decorated with many pink and purple gumdrops, as well as the occasional candy cane. Most importantly the little iced gingerbread men. You all would've had more if a little brat would've kept his hands out of the treat bag.
"I love how this is what I wake up to." Jin said, sleep still evident in his scratchy voice. His eyes still drooping as he walked towards the fridge. Not before giving a peck to each of you. "By the way Namjoon is about to come in here, I'd clean up that icing if I were you."
"I'll go get the cleaning supplies." You stated as you rushed towards the bathroom. You quickly searched through the bottles underneath the sink and hastily grabbed your towel. You loved Namjoon, but the boy was practically a walking disaster. Having that icing on the floor would only add to the chaos that he could cause. "Oh come on!"
"I swear it was an accident!"
You softly sighed to yourself. The gumdrops were scattered about, the small little splotch of icing on the floor was accompanied by a lot more then the white icing that glued the pieces together. The gingerbread men as well as the entire house was in shambles on the floor. A whole hour and a half of work down the drain. Good thing they bought more then one kit.
"I told you to clean it up." Jin protested as he got his water and bolted out of the kitchen. He saw his chance to avoid this mess and he knew better not ignore his chance of escaping. 
"Get the other one?"
"Get the other one. And make sure he stays out of the kitchen!"
                  »»————- ✼ ————-««
"I'm still so sorry about the house." Namjoon glumly said. A sad smile plaguing his soft features. The expression alone made your heart strings pull with guilt. You know he didn't mean it and you should've been nice when you asked him to leave.
"Honey it's fine. I know you didn't do it on purpose, besides we still had at least three more kits!" You tried to cheer him up and so far it didn't seem like it was working. You laid him across your lap as your small fingers made laps through his silky hair. The contentment in his smile made it clear is enjoying this. "I'm sorry I got upset."
"I'm not that little egg killed our gingerbread men!" Jungkook stated with a scoff as he stared at the two of you. A small glare delivered by you seemed to do the job of shutting him up really quickly.
"Enough with the tension who's ready to open a gift!" Taehyung suggested as he slid his way over to the bottom of the tree. His eyes gleaming with joy when he noticed one with his name on it. With a second he grabbed random names and passed them all out. A small smile of happiness grazed everyone’s face.
“Tae, are you sure something like this is for me?” Namjoon questioned as he raised his eyes a him. At the same moment Taehyung’s eyes widen comically as he took another quick peek at the back of the tree.
“I’m sure it’s for you, Hyung.” Taehyung breathed a sigh of relief. The action making you slightly suspicious and worried. You should’ve know Namjoon wouldn’t like such a small gifts. “Well what are you waiting for open them!”
Everyone tore into the gifts without hesitation and awed at each and every single one.
“My knight and shining armor?” Namjoon laughed as he read the incrusted words on the inside of the ring. It didn’t seem like a laugh of amusement, but a laugh of mere happiness. “Princess?”
“I just thought it would be a cute gift, since your only nickname for me is princess. I’m sorry I should’ve gotten you something more flashy you probably think it’s stupid.” You stifled a heartbreaking sigh as you looked down at him in your lap. His familiar touch was felt on your face as he cupped your cheek.
“This is the most sweetest gift I have ever received. I love it.”
“You’re not just saying that so my feelings don’t get hurt are you?” You accused while smiling softly at him. He smiled that heart melting smile and suddenly you were putty in his hands.
“I can now have a piece of you whenever we’re gone.” He spoke in mellow voice sounding like heaven in your ears.
“I hope mines from you, but we all know what I really want.” Jungkook beamed as he ripped out the package. His eyebrows creased in confusion as he stared at the small, empty brown box.
“You’ll get yours after the storm settles down.” You smiled. The bunny smile he was so lucky to have shines brightly. “But no huge ones.”
“Wait you’re actually getting the tattoos with me!” Jungkook bellowed as he races towards you. His hands cupping your face as he planted multiple kisses across your forehead, cheeks, nose and finally your mouth. His teeth grazing yours slightly due to the speed at which he delivered those chaste kisses. “I thought you hated needles! Please don’t do this if you’re only doing it to make me happy.”
“Kookie, I’m doing because I want to and getting cute matching ones with you would make it even better.” You said, trying to calm his worries. “I love you, bunny.”
“I love you, baby. Now open your gift.”
Namjoon raised straight up as the other began to form a small crowd around you. A small laugh of amusement echoed sounded like music to their ears when it passed your lips.
“Diamond earrings, wow they’re gorgeous.” You stated amazed at the sight of the lights sparkling off of the surface. The small glimmer making flecks reflect on your eye. The sight alone made all of them fall deeper in love with you. You were stunning in every aspect according to them. “Who bought these.”
“I did, also comes with something that matches.” Yoongi raised his hand slightly. His gummy smile becoming wider when you placed a kiss to his cheek. The boy with a sucker for all those sweet kisses you gave him. “I hope you like them.”
“I adore them, Yoongi, now where’s the matching item.” You tried to get up only for a hand to push you back down. Many protests were sounded through the room. “Humph, why can’t I have the matching item guys!”
“Our tradition is one present before Christmas that is your one present.” Hoseok stated. “Remember you’re the one who made the rule.”
“Well I didn’t think anyone would actually follow it.” You huffed as you crossed your arms and flung yourself back on the couch.
“You always got onto us if we even looked at another gift!” Taehyung added as he rubbed small circles on your thigh. His nails giving your skin a pleasurable scratch. “Besides only a few more hours until Christmas is here!”
“We can pass the time by watching those movies finally.”
    »»————- ✼ ————-««
They all stared at your sleeping form with peaceful smiles across their faces.
“Should we wake her up?” Jimin asked as he ran his hands through your hair. “After we go over the plan.”
“We leave the present for last and tell her it’s from all of us.” Jin stated as he took the familiar red, velvet box and hid it in the back of the tree. They really hoped this question didn’t take you off guard, and made you say no. That small word would absolutely send all their worlds crashing down in despair.
“Princess, wake up its Christmas!”
“It’s about damn time.”
You rubbed the cold from your eyes as you pulled yourself up. Eyes almost immediately darting towards the present filled floor. They gave a knowing smile as you quickly got in front of the lit up tree. Hands just grabbing away at random presents.
“I still can’t imagine how much money you all must’ve spent on these.” You softly spoke as you pulled the paper from one of the gift bags.
“For you, we’d spent a lot more then this.” Jungkook stated without hesitation as he pulled you between his legs. You softly leaned into his touch out of habit. “You still have one more gift to open.”
“I don’t see anymore.” You strained your neck to look over the couch and noticed nothing. The sight before you when you turned your head back around made your heart drop.
“Remember how I said the earrings had a matching item, well it matches, but it had a different purpose.” Yoongi cleared his throat as they got down on the floor. You couldn’t help the tears that were starting to gather in your eyes.
“Listen I know the seven of us are a handful, you have ever right to say no. But y/n we’ve all come to the conclusion that you mean the entire world to us and we want you as something more then a girlfriend. We want to establish the fact we’re a family. Would you complete our family and become our wife.”
The sob in your throat escaped before you could retain it. You launched yourself forward into Yoongi’s arms and he wrapped you up without a second thought.
“Oh god, I hope that’s a good sob.” Jin panicked, when it suddenly got loud. Everyone took a cautious step towards you. They were worried you hated them now, they were worried you were gonna pull away from Yoongi and declare those whole thing to be madness in the making.
“Nothing would make me happier, yes absolutely.”
“We love you.”
“I love you all with everything in me and nothing is going to change that.”
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ltleflrt · 7 years
Because I regard you essentially as royalty in terms of Destiel fic, can you maybe give us a basic rundown on how to write a fic? Or a detailed one, if you want. Like, what is your process? How do you plan it out? How/when do you pick a title? Because I've tried before to write multi-chapter fics and I just end up giving up on it because I either took too long between updates because ya know life and forgot things or because I didn't plan enough and no longer know what I'm doing.
Hold on hold on hold on...
*walks away for a minute and muppet flails*
Okay, I’m back, and thank you for the sweet compliment! :D
So, my process; I have one!  I didn’t used to think so, because it felt chaotic and without form, but as I’ve started helping other people with their writing I’ve started to see a pattern in how I come up with stories and make them happen.
Obviously the first step is the The Idea.  I get them from all over the place.  I’m a daydreamer, so sometimes they just pop up out of the blue, and in a lot of cases they’re inspired by some other media.  A book, a fic, a movie, a song... I think that’s pretty common.  I also have a tendency of looking at my favorite tropes (and I mean REALLY LOOKING, by consuming any and all of it I can find lol) and thinking to myself, “how can I flip that upside down?”.  
Kiss the Baker was the result of reading all the Gay Panic Dean fics I could find and reading them until I started wondering if there would ever be a universe where Dean didn’t have a gay panic.  
The idea for Satin and Sawdust came from the fact that I’ve written two fics tagged “Dean Thinks He’s Heterosexual” and it made me wonder why I never see any Gay Panic Castiel fics.  
Anyway, ideas come from all over.  And they’re fleeting, so I write them all down.  I have a huge list.  Whenever one of those AU lists comes around on my dash I copy my favorites into my list.  It’s very long lol.  Which is good, because sometimes I’ll come up with an idea like “I want to see Cas be the one who thinks he’s het this time” and get stuck.  Like wtf do I do next?
Answer: I refer back to The List.  Because sometimes I can pick out several of those ideas and smush them together.  I took Carpenter!Dean, and Dean Loves Wearing Panties from the list, and scrolled down until I found Veterinarian AU, and I start trying to connect the dots.
Remember in writing classes in Jr High and High School we were taught to make those bubble charts?  You write something in a bubble, and then branch off bubbles around it?  I do that in my head.  I start making things connect.  I cross out things that won’t fit.  I have a special file for whatever story idea I’m working on and it looks vaguely like an outline because it’s that list of ideas with notes for ideas, or snippets of conversation.  If I chat about it with my friends (almost always @jupiterjames) I’ll copy/paste those conversations into that file.  I’ll list songs... anything that gives me a feel for what’s starting to form.  If I have any title ideas they’ll go in there too.
Speaking of titles, THEY’RE HARD.  I hate them.  Occasionally something will pop in my head before I even start working on the fic, and I swear that angels sing when that happens.  But for the most part I have to brainstorm and brainstorm, and get advise from friends, and I google quotes about themes I think my story will encompass.  It’s a struggle.  My least favorite part of the writing process next to connecting large plot points lol.  But I’ve gotta have a title before I post it, so I’ll have something by the time I’m done with the first chapter.  
Just for funsies, here’s my notes file for Satin and Sawdust.
Anywho, that’s all the developing stuff.  I don’t actually go into the notes file all that much afterwards.  When I have big gaps between chapters I will, plus I’ll re-read everything I’ve written already.  But I hold quite a bit of that junk in my head. If you’re having problems remembering, make the file!  Visit it often!
Believe it or not, at this point, the story is still pretty nebulous.  I’ll usually have several directions the story can take at different junctions, and I don’t think too hard about them until I get there.  I think about my stories in more detail a chapter at a time.  I focus on a single scene, or the small group of scenes that are related enough to put in a single chapter.  I zero in on those details and forget about what’s going to come afterwards.  
Breaking down the larger idea into smaller chunks is the only way I can work myself through a 100k+ beast without going mad.  And honestly, I still drive myself a little crazy.  I have to stop looking at the big picture, or I’ll give up just because the idea is too overwhelming.
Once I’ve got a chapter done, then I take a few days and I start considering the cloudy visions in my head and pluck out the scene I think needs to come next.  It usually takes me 2-4 days of contemplation before I’m ready to sit down and make words happen again.  Writing a 4k-8k chapter takes me 2-3 days.  So between the contemplation break and the actual writing, I take about a week.  
Life definitely gets in the way sometimes.  When I was in the middle of Addicted To You, I had reconstructive surgery on my face.  I was doped up on super strong pain meds and couldn’t wear my glasses for almost a month.  So obviously I took some time off, and I was SO MISERABLE (seriously, don’t break your face, it’s the worst) that I couldn’t even think about the story, much less writing.  When I felt well enough to get back to it I re-read what I had already twice, plus went over my notes file, plus I listened to all the dirty sex songs I could find to get my mind back into the groove for it.  It felt like doing homework, but it was the only way I could remember wtf I was doing.  I’m sure I lost some of my initial plans, but that’s normal with any story I work on.  And it turned out okay lol
And last of all, find someone who’ll let you ramble at them about your stories.  Someone who will genuinely pay attention, not just nod and smile.  I did a lot of writing on my own, but a lot of my Dragon Age and Mass Effect fics wouldn’t exist without @hot-elf being my sounding board and cheerleader.  And same goes for my Supernatural fics and @jupiterjames.  I would probably have written just a tiny fraction of my stories if it weren’t for them.  Chatting about my stories helps me develop my ideas, and keeps me motivated.  When I’m stressed I’ll send a chapter to JJ with just a request to Validate Me! and she always knows how to talk me out of my angst.  I will talk out my ideas with other people as well, but they’ve been the biggest influences on my writing, so THANKS LADIES I LOVE YOU! 
Writing Buddies Are The Best.  
Anyway, that’s about all I have to say about my process.  I hope it answered all your questions and gave you some ideas on how to work on your own stuff.  And if you ever have an idea you want to talk about, feel free to send me chat messages :D
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