#no spoilers - but well done to whoever suggested that one ;)
hetaween-event · 10 months
prompt voting has officially closed and the counting has begun! thank you to everyone who shared prompt ideas and to those who voted for what they want to see this year - your prompt list will be released by the end of the weekend, and, boy oh boy, we can't wait to share it with you! 😈
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geekwiththeglasses · 5 months
Would love to hear you rant about Fourth Wing. That book makes me so mad lmao
I literally dashed to my desktop when I saw this because this deserves a desktop response (out of character for a millenial/genz cusper I actually type much faster with a keyboard).
Now to note, I am only 50% done with the book so far so this is limited to that (though I have watched spoiler reviews so I feel justified in my thoughts because I know it's not getting better).
By the way, I learned that this entire series was a publisher request, not like a passion project of Yarros and while I ain't judging (I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant I could pay rent for the next year), to me, you can kinda feel it, like there's a distinct lack of creative verve. You can especially feel it in how shallow everything (and everyone) feels.
A read more because this became obnoxiously long (it's almost 2000 words) and I respect people's dashboards.
Except for this article about toxic perseverance which I think everyone should have to read if they've read Fourth Wing.
There are, first of all, some major issues with this book. The biggest one is, of course, the toxic perseverance, which is covered quite well in the article, but if you're not going to read it, to pull a quote from it:
Creating a narrative in which a character with a disability overcomes all of their pain and other symptoms through force of will alone sets unrealistic expectations—unrealistic expectations which are, as I mentioned previously, a very real issue for very real disabled people in our very real world.  I believe we should have seen some impact of that lifestyle if the author was trying to engage with this intentionally. Because fiction is not created in a vacuum and this narrative goes unproblematised in-text, it’s unclear whether Yarros actively endorses this mindset, or is accidentally endorsing it, neither of which is good.
Just to elaborate a little on something I didn't see in the article, but this book hates the idea of accommodations. Like it's a horrible, horrible thing and how dare you ever suggest Violet might need something as disgusting as a saddle to stay on the equivalent of an airplane. It's not like accommodations are something that actually can end up helping non-disabled people as well. There wasn't potential for a scene where she actually acknowledged she needed help and suddenly everyone's like "hey, that's actually really smart, we should totally do this too, this makes life much easier/safer and will improve everyone's quality of life". Or even just a scene where it only helps her but damn it helps her a lot because it takes in to account her needs and specific body. Because that would require acknowledging that Violet has limitations and not allow her to power through the pain. And also get thrown from her dragon repeatedly, which definitely doesn't fuck up her joints.
Rhiannon gets so shafted. She gets the double whammy of two stereotypes: the black best friend and the promiscuous bisexual. She's seen with multiple partners, none of which seem like long-term or serious partners. And while some bisexual people have more sex with more people than others, if you're going to do that, include more than one bisexual person in your story. She has very little to do with the story unless she is there for the white, straight main character. We've gotten her helping Violet, but so far there's zero dedicated scenes of that tutoring help that was offered in the beginning and as far as I know we never get it (I may be wrong). I hear we get her family later, but that they're also glossed over for More Important Things. It doesn't feel like Rhiannon (or honestly any other character) exists except for when they're around Violet. They all kinda blend together, which at the 50% mark is fucking unacceptable. What is special about them, distinguishes them from the others other than Liam (is it Liam? whoever her bodyguard is) who whittles? There is so little to distinguish any background characters except for Dain. Even Xaden feels lackluster and a bit hazy around the edges, like he never finished rendering.
Let's not forget that Yarros is 100% a military wife and a US military bootlicker and from what I've heard she's had some unsavory and unsupportable opinions on Palestine. We do not like.
She also took Gaelic names and just decided the pronunciation doesn't matter??? Insulting.
Onto the less serious issues:
Firstly, as to my previous complaint, the entirety of Dain's storyline is the most impressive speedrun in character assassination I have ever seen. I described it to a friend as Yarros lovingly caressing a 2x4 before repeatedly beating you over the head with it. He gets like... a scene to be besties and then immediately he must be the worst thing to ever exist, specifically to prop up Xaden. Dain is the asshole holding her back, unlike Xaden who pushes her to be her best (entirely ignoring that her body literally has physical limitations and accommodations are not a dirty word)! He's such a rule follower, but Xaden understands when to bend or break them (pay no attention to him breaking all the rules to try to get her into the scribe's quadrant)! He doesn't believe her immediately when she accuses someone of murder, but Xaden absolutely believes her with no proof (let's forget that Amber is a good friend of Dain and that it would honestly be natural to want to believe that your friend isn't capable of cold-blooded murder with zero proof especially since that would lead to her execution which Violet somehow forgot would be a consequence of her accusation). Dain is overprotective and condescending to Violet (I mean he wasn't the one to force her to have a bodyguard, but he just doesn't believe in her). I bet he doesn't even wash his ass. Xaden definitely washes his ass.
Murder college makes zero sense, especially since she definitely based the military off the US (which makes sense since it's the one she has the most exposure to). Most militaries that I am aware of have rather high requirements for physical fitness, especially an academy for officers (which, in Yarros' face, I actually have experience with, as my father went to the Naval Academy so I know for a fact they're strict as hell with requirements). The US military won't even let you be slightly overweight, even if you can fulfill the physical requirements. It was hard to find any info on whether EDS would out and out disqualify you, but the fact that it wasn't even brought up as a barrier for entry that she had to overcome does not make sense to me.
Ah, I hear someone hypothetically argue, but the college is supposed to (theoretically) weed out the weak so they'll let anyone in who wants to join! Ok, then why is Violet the only physically disabled person in the entire college? I have been to rodeos with bull riders who were amputees, but there ain't one person missing an arm or a leg in that college. The only other disabled person we get so far is a scribe, but you're telling me not one deaf person wants to be a rider? Why is Violet the only one that gets to be "exceptional"?
Back to the murder part of murder college, the fact that this is a murder college gets technically lampshaded, but never really justified in why people keep coming. Like it's not some greater commentary on the lengths people will go for power or greatness or the insidious nature of military propaganda. It just felt like we needed to up the stakes that our protagonist was in danger at every turn, but honestly I never feel like the stakes are that high, because, well, she keeps emphasizing how much danger her life is in, how screwed and dead she is. And if her life is always in danger, it's never in danger.
Speaking of murder, the story doesn't challenge the idea that "weed out the weak through murder" doesn't actually work but just kills people and probably gives the survivors like the worst anxiety (because if everything can kill you your mental health will probably deteriorate). It's like that meme:
Basgiath War College: I have made the perfect rider Me: you fucked up a perfectly good person is what you did. Look at him. He's got anxiety.
Why is Violet so enlightened and above having any prejudice? If anything she should have way more animosity towards the rebel kids than she does. It's literally stated in text that she was not immune to the propaganda and misinformation she's read, but you want me to believe that between (what she believes is) losing a brother to the rebellion and a mother who was kinda involved, not to mention growing up in a group that would be full of anti-rebel propaganda she somehow didn't end up believing anything beyond "yeah some of them will definitely want you dead" which is true??? Instead she's fine with them and will definitely sit with rebel kids because unlike people who grew up with probably less or about the same propaganda than her, she knows not to judge people for the sins of their parents. Those other kids are just so much more prejudiced than she is, isn't she wonderful and has zero biases to unlearn. Oh, you may say, but she thought Xaden was going to kill her! He literally does confirm that the only reason initially he doesn't kill her is to keep a hold of his humanity which does actually confirm that he wants her dead! So the narrative even confirms that this bias was, in fact, the correct opinion to have.
I do not understand why Violet and Xaden are drawn to each other beyond Xaden hot. I am asexual and somewhere on the aromantic spectrum so perhaps it is just not in my nature to understand the ways of the heterosexuals, but I don't get it. Why does she like him? The only reason given is he's hot. Maybe a reason is given later down the line but this is a romantasy. You live and die by building up that damn romance and I am not convinced! I haven't even been given like a "oh I see him with his dragon and it's heart meltingly cute how he interacts with her". Is this why Dain had to be assassinated (we are holding his burial next week by the way, there will be funeral potatoes)? So that Xaden had something to be compared to because he has all the substance of one of those inflatable dancing men?
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(Dance, Xaden, dance.)
Yarros cannot do exposition, it's so jarring. She tells us so much, shows little, and bores me the entire time. You seriously decide to make exposition a character quirk for when she needs to calm down? Seriously???? The parapet scene was hard to listen to because you were jerked around like a rag doll between quick action and exposition. Who thought that was a good idea? Exposition is always a difficult thing to include and make it work and sound natural, but this is not how you do it.
A minor complaint, but once you learn Yarros is Mormon you cannot unsee the fingerprints of Mormonism throughout this book. People do not cuss like people, they cuss like you put fuck into a fresh AI and asked it to try it out. I cuss like a sailor and I was wondering why it felt so jarring until I realized that it's not how people talk. I mean Holy. Fucking. Hot. I'm well the fuck aware. You tried ma'am, you tried. Here's a gold star. Also, I'm 99% sure there is zero alcohol. You seriously want me to believe that none of these kids are sneaking in alcohol? That no one is using booze to cope with being in a murder college? As if, we all know these kids are making midnight dragon runs to the liquor store.
Also, the fact that I had to hear an audiobook narrator try to make this dialogue and prose sound like something that would actually come out of a human mouth was truly something to behold. The fact that "for the win" was not left in the 2010s where it belonged is an outrage. If I had a better memory I would put in more quotes cause there have been other doozies.
But really, the greatest crime this book commits, is that it has the audacity to be boring. You give me dragons and you have the sheer, unmitigated gall to bore me. I will accept a lot from a book. I will accept plot holes. I will ignore shallow world building. I will tolerate character assassinations. Do all that if you must, but at the very least make it interesting. This book is not interesting. I listen to a few chapters at a time and I am not having a good time. I only continue out of sheer stubbornness and feeling an obligation that for once I should actually read a book that I have seen negative reviews about to see if perhaps it is not so bad.
I just happened to pick a book where it is, in fact, that bad.
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lazysublimeengineer · 7 months
how much is the bid for your heart?
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“How about a bet Hiori?” Isagi looked at him with a gleam in his eyes that sent his nerves skyrocketing inside of him.
“About what exactly?” Hiori arched a brow at him and masked the havoc that the other was wreaking inside his heart.
“Whoever wins this practice match gets to be the other’s slave for a week.” Isagi replied with a crooked grin on his lips.
“Are ya really sure ya wanna do this Isagi-kun?” Hiori asked with a sardonic smile playing on his lips.
“I wouldn’t suggest it if I’m not.” He retorted.
“Then prepare yourself to be my slave for a week because I can see yer defeat miles away from here.” Hiori shot back with a cheerful yet ruthless smile on his face.
Or Hiori and Isagi played with fire until one of them gets burned.
Characters: Isagi Y., Hiori Y., Reo M., Chigiri H., Tokimitsu A., Kurona R., Nagi S.
Chapter 1: the bittersweet taste of success and defeat
(A/N: Spoilers ahead. This was inspired by the latest chapter of the manga which is chapter 240 so read it at your own risk. Some dialogues and scenes are excerpts from the latest chapter hence the spoiler tags. Lastly, I don’t own anything from this franchise except for this fic of mine. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga.)
“Now the top 23. Remember, the top 23 players will be selected to represent Japan in the U-20 World Cup.” The static voice of the announcer resonated across the field and the large screen glowed back to life with the updated list of the rankings of the players and their latest offers.
“Ah... I’m in...” Tokimitsu looked relieved and happy at the same time as he read his name being on the 23rd spot.
“Oh. Mini up, up.” Kurona commented with his usual expression on his face.
Raichi pumped his fists into midair as a wild grin appeared on his face. “18 mil baby!”
His aquamarine irises scanned over the list on the screen curiously until he saw his name on the 18th spot.
“20 mil, huh? Guess that’s good for now.” Hiori remarked to himself.
He wasn’t disappointed with his latest ranking as objectively speaking it was his first match and he only got subbed in during the latter part of the game.
Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to idly sit by the sidelines and accept it passively.
He was done with that phase in his life.
Now that he got a taste of what it felt like to play and win in his own terms courtesy of his awakened ego, he needed to make sure that he will be chosen again for the next line up and possibly one of the players for the U-20 World Cup in the future as well.
If he wanted to pursue his own goal of producing the best striker in the world, then he needed to play his own brand of soccer independently from the expectations of other people such as his parents.
However, his eyes strayed towards Isagi’s direction who seemed to be watching the screen intently as the announcer moved onto the announcement of the top 10 players and their latest offers.
While it was true that he wouldn’t be playing tag-team any longer for the blue-eyed striker himself and fulfill the other’s selfish demands in the future matches, he also found out that he wouldn’t mind playing alongside with Isagi himself on his own terms.
Before he could even stop himself, his own heart did a weird cartwheel inside his chest at the mere thought of being partner of Isagi again on the field and recreating that goal again that sent an electrifying sensation on his veins and a morbid satisfaction of watching the opponents’ crestfallen faces as they shattered their hopes and dreams with that final, conclusive goal itself.
He took a deep breath and tried to clear his head of these unwarranted thoughts within himself.
He doesn’t need to get excited and revolve his thoughts around Isagi this soon lest he might end up like Ness who was skittering like a damn, lost puppy excitedly over his master who wouldn’t even look his way and treat him with some respect.
He didn’t need to bend himself any longer and accommodate the others’ selfish demands and expectations around him.
Nonetheless, he couldn’t stop the way his brows spoke in volumes or how his lips twitched slightly upwards at seeing the vibrant yet dissatisfied look on Isagi’s face as the name of Itoshi Rin flashed across the screen and hit them with the reality that he was the top 1 in the ranking and offer of the club.
‘Huh. I wonder what you’re really made of Isagi-kun?’ His mind wandered idly on the ace player himself that continued to occupy his thoughts that day.
“C’mon Kunigami. Stop tagging along with me.” Chigiri commented with a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he watched the screen display the current top 10 players after the match. An air of satisfaction swirled around him as he found out that his value increased, and his rank is now tied up with Kunigami himself.
His training with the team finally paid off and he was seeing the fruit of his labors when he scored another goal again for their team even if he was up against Rin and the PxG themselves.
“Why is our value lower than last time?”
He heard Reo’s surprised voice and Chigiri snapped his attention towards him who wore a look of incredulity and indignation.
“Well, it can’t be helped, we were trash today.” Nagi replied in a monotone voice. It was difficult to decipher the lazy genius’ emotions sometimes but since Chigiri has been his teammate for quite some time now, he could tell from the lackluster look on his gray eyes on how he wasn’t surprised yet still disappointed with the outcome itself.
“We need goals to increase our value. Switch gears, Nagi. We're gonna get wild in the next game.” Reo replied grimly.
“Yeah.” Was all Nagi could say as his eyes remained fixed on the latest tally of their offers.
Chigiri turned away with a small sigh leaving his lips as he started to walk outside the field.
There was no room for celebration tonight for their team.
Two losses in a row?
 Chigiri didn’t want to delude himself on the small victory that he made for the team. Even if he was the sole scorer for their team today, it didn’t change the fact that they got smoked by Rin and PxG made them taste their own defeat for the second time.
It didn’t bode well with him.
The only way to rise again from the ashes was for them to win the next match and there’s no other acceptable answer for that.
Nevertheless, the image of Reo’s face earlier continued to flit across his mind like a broken record inside his head.
That look was reminiscent of his surprise and defeat when they lost against Isagi’s team during the second selection of the program back then.
He had seen Reo’s improvements, and his amazing skill of Chameleon displayed more than once during their matches.
But a niggling feeling continued to scratch at the back of his head.
For a charming and confident guy like Reo, he was surprisingly insecure and had a fragile ego that he’d seen in the past. He possessed a defeatist attitude when the plan didn’t go his way especially when Nagi wasn’t around by his side to play.
However, Chigiri had believed that the lavender-haired boy had overcome this already because he’d seen his improvements so far.
But was it enough?
He should be happy that Reo and Nagi were somewhat... in good terms now... and they’re playing with each other in the same team.
But was it even effective?
Even their duo wasn’t enough to stop a monster like Rin on the field itself.
And he was worried...
He was worried about Reo overthinking things again and couldn’t move past it.
‘Fuck. Stop thinking like that damn it.’ Chigiri berated himself harshly as he slammed the door of his locker with a bit of force and went inside the shower area.
For now, he needed to clear his head and take a rest even though a small part of himself continued to dance around the thought of Reo earlier.
(A/N: The latest chapter of the manga inspired me enough to create this multi-chaptered fic with two of my favorite ships in the fandom. There's never enough love and angst for them so I’m here to deliver a multi-chaptered Hiosagi and Chigireo fic for this fandom. Reviews and kudos are much appreciated.)
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
An: so the request got deleted by accident 🤧 but it was basically Pope being with someone like JJ (reckless lowkey stupid etc.) and they get into an argument SO WHOEVER REQUESTED THAT IM SO SORRY and you said you loved my stories so you get major kisses
Pt. 2 is out!!
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Pope Heyward x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: established relationship, cursing (mostly pope), arguing, yelling, reader lowkey being an ass, OBX3 SPOILERS, takes place when they were trying to get Kie from singhs house, suggestive jokes, and i think that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍
outer banks masterlist
Summary: Pope doesn’t like his girlfriend basically sacrificing herself
posted: April 2,2023
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“Words! Words!” John B whispered yelled at JJ when he was giving unrecognizable signals. “They’re right there!” He said pointing at the guards with crazy eyes. “Then say that!” Pope said. “For real Jay we are far enough that you don’t have to do stupid hand signals.” You told him while laughing. “Oh yeah? Well do you recognize this one N/N.” He flipped you off. “Yea I do actually. But do you know this one Jay?” You put your hand into an o shape and put it against your mouth while sticking your tongue in your cheek and mouthed ‘suck my dick.’
“Oh you think your funny!” He yelled. “Oh now you can yell JJ?” Then you guys started arguing. John B and Pope were trying to calm us down and Cleo and Sarah was just shaking their heads. This scary guy with a gun was looking in your guy’s direction.
“Guys stop!”
“Who is that over there? Show yourself or I shoot!”
“Shit” You said under your breath. You got an idea. You got dirt and rubbed it on your face and messed up your hair very quickly. “What the hell are you doing?” John B said with disgust. “Shut up Johnny.” You started to get up.
“Wait Y/N where are you going?!” Pope whispered to you. “Just trust me Popesicle.” You said with a wink. “I’ll give y’all the signal to get the hell out of here before we get shot.” Pope tried to grab your leg but you shook him off.
“Hurry up or I shoot!”
“Hi! Hey! Excuse me? Please don’t shoot!” You say pretending to be tired and holding up your hands. The man look at you with confusion.
“Who are you and tell me why I shouldn’t shoot?”
“Hi my name is Jewel like the smoking thing that looks like a flash drive.” He doesn’t look convinced. “I am just looking for Luke Armstrong. He kinda owes me for something.” You started waving in a ‘get away while you can’ manner. They picked it up very quickly. You can hear your boyfriend wanting to stay and not leave you but they pulled him to get away.
“What are you waving at?”
“Oh nothing it’s just a lot bugs right?” He just nodded. “I can’t say sorry enough. I just found the nearest building just to ask for directions. Can I go inside to your headman or something?” He just nodded and motioned his gun to go inside with him.
“We have to go get her!” Pope yelled.
“Pope just- .”
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down JJ?”
“Yelling ain’t gonna solve anything.” Cleo said rolling her eyes.
“Exactly Pope she’s smart enough to not get killed or anything.” John B said.
“Yeah that really helps asshole.”
“Mr. Singh this is miss Jewel she’s asking for directions to…”
“Luke Armstrong.” You finished his sentence.
You see Kie and put your finger on your lip to tell her to shut up. She nodded then you saw Rafe. Wait Rafe?!?! “The fuck is he doing here.” You mouthed. She just shrugged. Mr. Singh noticed this and looked at you then Kie then back at you.
“Do you two know each other?”
You shook your head. “I’ve never met these people in my life.”
He just nodded and told the guard to take you to a bathroom to freshen up.
You freshened up and hid behind the wall where Kie was.
“One of you have a diary I want.”
“Fuck!” You said a little bit too loud.
“Are you done Miss Jewel?”
“Oh yes! Yes ! Thank you so much!” You said with a smile that looked like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.
“It’s not a problem Miss Jewel.” He said with a pleasant smile.
“Thank you so much for hospitality. You have a wonderful home.” You said smiling and went out the house.
“Mr. Armstrong is on the other side of this wall by the way.”
You just nodded and left.
They didn’t suspect shit.
You walked to see a message that said ‘go straight til you hear your name.’ You rolled your eyes.
JJ thought of it.
“Y/N!” You heard your name and started running towards the noise.
Everyone saw you with a smile on their face. Well expect Pope for some reason. “How did you get out N/N?!” Sarah asked you with a smile. “Oh you know just sucked his dick and he let me go.”
Everyone looked shocked.
“God! I’m just kidding he just let me go.” You said laughing. They all let out a sigh of relief.
You told them that Singh is looking for a diary. While you were explaining what happened you see Pope walk from the group.
“Hold on guys I’m gonna check on Popesicle.” They nodded and you went.
“Hey baby what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?! Did you seriously just ask me that Y/N!” Oh he never yelled before. “Ok the yelling isn’t necessary and yeah I did Pope. What’s wrong?”
“Jewel is looking for Luke? Really Y/N”
“Good thinking huh?” You smiled. Completely clueless on what the actual issue is. “You could have gotten killed! And that joke was not funny!” Pope was still yelling.
“Again the yelling, not necessary and I didn’t see?” You say spinning around. He rolled his eyes. “Are you fucking kidding me? You never take shit seriously! You think everything is a fucking joke Y/N!” Ok that was hurtful. “Pope nothing happened! And I can take shit seriously.”
“I can’t believe you would do something so stupid!”
“Oh shit he’s madddd.” JJ said to the group. They all nodded. “I’ve never heard him so angry.” Sarah said. “That’s because she always does stupid shit like this. One time she threw a net at some guys who were shooting at us and got shot in the arm.” John B said with a smile.
“Oh yeahh. Yeah Pope went bezerk and shit.” JJ said also smiling.
“Is this really the time? Just listen to them yell.” Cleo said.
“Pope it’s not that big of a fucking deal! Im fine just move on!” Now you’re yelling.
“You always do stupid shit like this! You never think before you act.”
“Oh I’m sorry that I’m not you Pope. I couldn’t give two fucks what the consequences are!” You say rolling your eyes.
“And that’s the problem! I can’t keep second guessing everything you do! Or worry when your not by my side Y/N! I’m done!”
You’re shocked.
“So you’re done? You’re breaking up with me right now?! I saved your asses! I risked my life and this is how you act!” He didn’t say anything.
“You know what? Fuck you Pope! If you wanna be done over me being a good friend and a good person then we’re done!” You walk away and he followed.
“Well that doesn’t sound good.” JJ said. “Just act like you didn’t hear anything.” They pretended to have a conversation. You say next to Sarah and Pope sat next to JJ. Awkward silence filled the room.
“I know this a bad time to mention this but while y’all were you know. I was texting on the dude who kidnapped us phone and I think that Singh caught on and he’s going to be here in ten minutes.”
What the fuck.
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An: YALL this story>>>>>> My first Pope one was absolutely ass but THIS ONE OH MY but i hoped you enjoy this and again whoever requested this im sorry again you get kisses 💋 but until I post again my lovers 🤍
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cboffshore · 2 months
Both Djinn and Oni are seen as evil in the show but they don’t necessarily have to be. I wonder if there’s a Dragon-adjacent species in the Realms? If I squint, you can put Arin who’s Oni-coded with Lloyd’s old helmet or whatever with Nya and Sora with…whoever. But she’s Dragon-coded, AND Creation coded to Arin’s hypothetical Destruction. If I squint really hard I swear you can give Arin a character arc with Nya there’s gotta be more than just them not having any real powers at the start of the show.
I feel like my certified big brain bestie @nyaskitten would also enjoy this ask (and probably with WAY more coherence than me) so I'm inviting them to the party as well.
Before Raine shows up, here's my handful of assorted thoughts about this ask (under the cut for DRS1 spoilers:)
Regarding the Oni-Djinn-Dragon spectrum you imply and that I am about to run away with: what if the djinn are actually the MIDPOINT of that hypothetical range? I'm suggesting this because our sample size for djinn is so small right now (in order of appearance we ONLY have Jackass Supreme, Mr. Expo-Dump-And-Die, and Arrakore (who I do not yet have a funny summarizing nickname for because he's got like ten minutes of screentime under his belt), which isn't enough for me to extrapolate from) and we really don't have a TON of information to suggest that they lean one way or another as a collective. (Obviously if we get a montage of a bunch of resurrected djinn proving that Arrakore is the outlier by, I dunno, committing grand tax fraud or something, THEN we can make an overall assumption.) They do, however, display visual indicators of both Oni and Dragon - Nadakhan's finale evil magic ball things are destruction purple and Arrakore's magic manifests as bright creation gold - and generally otherworldly powers, although we don't know how universal they are. Nadakhan is the only one we ever see using most of the non wish-granting abilities like shapeshifting and teleportation (that reminds me, I still need to get that magic gatekeeping theory out!), but I'd assume that that early Skybound line where all Kai knows of djinn is that they're "sneaky and have great power" probably means this isn't a one-off thing. Anyway, back on track - I do agree that the djinn lean towards the Oni side given what little we've seen so far, but that evidence field is so small that any hint of Dragon coding in there could tip it. And Arrakore might not have done much yet, but I do think he's contributing to the Dragon side and dragging their alignment closer to the middle of the scale.
Regarding the Arin thing: I fully agree that Arin could have a killer connection with Nya right now, but I actually like that his arc is a bit disconnected from the rest of the team at the moment! Ninjago has always had a funky problem of shoving protagonists into relationships straight off the bat, whether that be romantic or not, so it's interesting that Arin's a bit emotionally isolated. He's very much trying to sort himself out, which isn't something I really remember getting in the first fifteen seasons. I feel like that's going to be a huge part of season 2 and I'm really curious to see how it's handled! Too curious to speculate, really, but that might change later, and I do love what you're going for here.
That was kind of a mess, but I hope it made some sense! Thanks for the ask!
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I've been dubbed! To honor this momentous occasion I, Boredom Anon, will let you in on a little something: I am in fact going to go through with writing the memory loss au, rest assured. Sorry I left you with only that small piece to chew on, but I needed a trusted source to give me an opinion on the idea before I got too in over my head.
To answer a few of your questions in your response:
His body is still there, yep, and I plan on this being one of the plot points because technically Spider is still in his body---the avatar up and walking is just a glitchy memory-holder which I thought would lead to an interesting question: where is the line between oneself? Is he even still Spider, in this case? This is something that Neteyam especially will be conflicted by.
The exact details of how he got hurt are something I've been playing with. For now I think having him take the bullet for Neteyam might be fun to play with, but who's to say. I'm willing to hear any suggestions you may have on the matter!
The Sullies are in Awa'atlu when Spider is first on the mend and getting used to his avatar body. The scene I gave you was when they're finally in the clear to come and see him at High Camp.
I didn't add in all of their reactions because I didn't want to get carried away, but you are very close to how I imagined I'd write Jake and Tuk's reactions lol. I plan on putting the elements you mentioned with Neytiri in there for sure though and you're correct Spider is going entirely off of what feels right so that'll be fun.
Another thing to note: one of the main points I have written down right now is that this avatar body is so fresh that everything is new and feels almost overwhelming in some cases. Pair that with his limited memory and you get some potent muscle-memory/instinct type shit going on, almost like how a newborn creature is just going off of what it feels. For example, the first thing he thinks when he wakes up in his avatar body is Neteyam, and this is quickly followed by a deep longing and it just starts to plague him because he doesn't know what it means but he knows he needs this "Neteyam" whoever he is (and he knows Neteyam is a person, he can feel it. It comes to him in broken images: a blurry face, a melodic laugh, "I see you, Spider.") Am I explaining this well? I feel like I'm making about zero sense lol but whatever you'll get what I mean eventually if you don't now.
Anyways, while I'm working on developing this fic I'll be sure to hop on the asks every now and then with updates if you'd like and when I publish it I'll of course send you the link if you want 👍. Your positive reaction has done wonders and since you aided in my final decision to write it I feel it's only fair.
BOREDOM ANON THIS IS THE MSOT EXCITING NEWS. WHEN I GOT THIS ASK I FREAKED, AND I ALMOST BUMPED IT TO THE TOP OF THE PILE. Instead I just went through the others a little quick and used it as incentive lol. I am thrilled to be a trusted source, I'd love to do whatever I can, feel free to dm me of course, or send me all the asks if you want to stay anonymous of course.
-Wow, that is very dark. There's a great opportunity for an examination of what makes one truly themselves. I think the Na'vi would be more understanding at first than the scientists, due in part to all energy being borrowed in their philosophy. They can visit the dead in memories when they are with Eywa, and that's almost like what Spider is. It just is a question as to if that makes him dead or not, kind of. I also wonder, does that mean they expect him to wake up, or will they try to transfer him into his Avatar body permanently once they think he's strong enough? Probably not questions for you to answer, spoilers lol.
-Hmm, well, the bullet is always good, because I've been saying (I don't remember if it was in dms or a public post) that I've yet to see a fic where Spider takes the bullet and I get to the see the direct fallout from that. I think the effect it would have on his and Neytiri's relationship would be fairly immediate. It would also drastically change the ship standoff, and I'm curious as to people's takes on that. He could also always just pass out from blood loss and then when Norm and Max arrive they notice the brain damage from the machine, and that is what makes them put him in a coma, because he isn't stable.
-Ooh, very interesting. I'm sHOCKED the Sully kids let that fucker out of their sight for a second. Kiri and Lo'ak attempt to sneak out with Payakan to go back to High Camp literally every night, Jake has to sleep basically on top them. He'd never suspect that NETEYAM is also a flight risk, the biggest of them all.
-Haha, no, I understand! Well, even if he can't remember much of before, he's never felt his mating bond before in a Na'vi body. The feelings are stronger and different, and he doesn't have the past knowledge to try to repress or ignore them. He just knows what he wants and what he needs.
OBVIOUSLY we'd love updates, but no pressure of course, and of course I want the link!! I am so so glad I helped with the decision, so many of you lately have said I helped inspire you to write and I cannot express how happy that makes me! Fanfiction is a fantastic creative outlet and a great tool and gateway into bigger literary work, so never feel nervous!
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my-mt-heart · 11 months
Hi MT. I saw a leaked version of the trailer for the French spinoff a few days back—five minutes long—which is different to the one they showed last night and the one from which screenshots were previously leaked.
1. In the one I saw, Isabelle and Laurent’s backstory is shown. Her sister is bitten (the female walker in the collage posted by various accs on Twitter) and dies after/during Laurent’s birth. The implication is that he is immune as a result, and thus he is the hope for all humankind. Lifted directly and blatantly and embarrassingly from TLOU.
2. Shipbaiting was unspectacular. There was brief clip from the bath scene and then a conversation at the fireside in which Daryl agrees to escort Little Buddha Laurent to wherever he needs to go in exchange for returning to where he landed in France.
3. The primary emphasis in the version I saw was on Daryl’s relationship with Laurent. Lots of shots of the two of them, alone or with Isabelle and their other companions in the background.
4. There was Edith Piaf, and I laughed and laughed.
5. The version shown at SDCC was an objectively less embarrassing trailer, so well done to whoever made that choice. But Daryl is, in both versions, inescapably NOT the Daryl we know and love.
I’m sharing this because the same people who shared tired, repetitive trailer spoilers multiple times on Twitter are again claiming to have secret knowledge despite admitting they didn’t see the longer trailer containing these shots 💀 And for the three people who haven’t yet realised those tweeters are full of shit, I am here to tell you that they are.
Thank you for sharing. You’re right, it’s a blatant ripoff of TLOU and like @rubberchickeny said, it doesn’t work without a character connection we’re deeply invested in. Edith Piaf was used in big films like Inception and Mission Impossible, so it seems the spinoff is thinking a little too highly of itself 🙄
The friends I talked to who were in Hall H said the bath scene was horrifically OOC and both Caryl and Daryl stans will probably hate it. There may be context we’re missing or parallels to come, but I still find it offensive they’re giving away explicit beats Caryl fans have wanted *for years* to unknown characters while the Caryl beats are only through suggestion. I know how to read subtext, but it’s not enough anymore. They cannot pull off a bait and switch without the audience’s trust. Someone dropping SDCC 22 photos and Norman liking caryl fanart is not reassuring, it just adds insult to injury. “We’re going to make Melissa our dirty secret for a while longer, we’re going to keep a title that makes her character seem less important, we’re going to gaslight her fans with shipbaiting, but here’s a photo of her from a year ago. See how much we care? So please stop complaining and watch our shows?” 😑 It doesn’t bode well for Carol’s appearance in 106 if they think they don’t need it to have any substance at all.
AMC should be prioritizing their target audience’s needs (the one that’s crucial for the show’s longevity), not subjecting them and Melissa herself to more online bullying.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
Young Love
Summary: After getting sent away by your father nearly two years ago, you return to your hometown, Outer Banks.
You reunite with your friends and twin brother, John B, and help them find the lost gold and the Cross of Santo Domingo. But, during it all, you find yourself falling in love with your brothers blue-eyed best friend without realising it.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Language, violence,
Last Chapter
MAJOR SPOILERS for Season 3!
Chapter 15-
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It had been a whole month since you were stranded on a deserted island. You would've thought that it'd be bad, horrible even, but it was the polar opposite.
Poguelandia was your safe haven.
This past month had been the best month of your life. You had your boyfriend, your brother and your best friends all together with no parents, no authority, nobody to yell or tell you what to do. It was literally your own little slice of paradise and you could do whatever you wanted.
JJ had made a flag for the island like he said he would. Strung it up on one of the tallest coconut trees for you all to admire. His drawing with charcoal was actually pretty good. It was of a chicken, in crocs and a coconut bra smoking a joint. It was perfect.
You lived off berries, coconuts and fish. JJ had taught you all how to spearfish and you were living like kings with fresh seafood every day.
The cut on your thigh had healed up surprisingly well. Leaving a thick pink scar in it's place as a permanent reminder of what happened on that ship. A reminder of everything you had done and survived to end up here.
JJ didn't want to leave the island. He had nothing back in OBX and neither did you. Everything you had... everything you needed was right here on Poguelandia. It was perfect.
But, nothing perfect ever lasted.
A plane flew past the island early one morning. Pope signalled it with a fire, and before you knew it, you were reluctantly following the others into the small plane.
You spared a glance at JJ who didn't seem too happy about being rescued, but the others were thrilled, so you remained silent.
"So what were you doing all the way out here?" JJ asked, breaking the silence in the cockpit as the pilot prepared the plane for takeoff.
"I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish." Portis answered.
"What were you spotting?"
"You know, the usual. Wahoo."
JJ's head snapped to John B who met his gaze briefly with a troubled expression etched into his features. The two of them seemed to have a silent conversation about something you couldn't figure out before the plane took off into the air.
Everyone remained silent, holding onto the hand straps above you for stability as the plane soared through the sky. JJ and John B were still staring at each other with an uneasy expression that was making alarm bells go off in your head.
You glanced over at Portis behind them, he was looking forward, hands on the controls and headset over his ears.
"What's going on?" You whispered, leaning towards JJ and your brother.
"Wahoo don't run in September. Ever. Alright? So whoever this man is, he's not a fisherman." JJ answered, looking over at you before glancing at the others who had shuffled closer to hear.
"Maybe the run just starts earlier out here." Pope suggested.
"Are you sure about that? In the Caribbean?"
"No." Sarah said, shaking her head. "I know what this is. He's working for my dad, and he's probably been looking for us the entire time."
"Alright, we gotta find out. Start looking for some sort of..." JJ trailed off, his eyes landing on the leather satchel hanging over Portis' seat. "...clues."
"Hey, Jimmy." John B suddenly said, leaning forward to distract the pilot while JJ checked the satchel.
Your brother kept asking Portis random questions, keeping him busy while JJ sorted through the various books and paper in the satchel, until he pulled out a photograph of a shipping container ship. The very same ship that you guys had jumped from.
Holy shit. This guy was working for Ward.
"Guys, whatever it is, it's happening fast. Look." Kie whispered, nodding towards the window.
You glanced over your shoulder and realised that the plane was slowly starting to get lower, heading for land.
"That looks like Barbados. I've been there with Terrance." Cleo explained, staring out the window.
"Okay. There's seven of us, one of him. You know my vote. We storm the cockpit." JJ suddenly said.
"No, who's going to fly the plane, dumbass?" John B responded.
"I've seen Pope fly simulators." JJ supplied.
"I crop-dusted for my uncle last summer. This is not the same thing." Pope explained, not liking JJ's idea at all. "Why don't we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe, and then we sneak out. And if somebody comes to mess with us, we mad-dog them."
"No. JJ's right. There's seven of us and one of him. If we wait until the plane lands, Portis can call for backup. Hell, there's probably backup already waiting for us on land." You pointed out and JJ nodded in agreement.
"That's all well and good, sis. But, Pope can't fly this plane. None of us can. If we take out Portis, we're as good as dead. We have a better chance waiting for this thing to land." John B explained, looking over at you and holding your gaze before you sighed and reluctantly nodded.
JJ didn't seem to like that plan either, but he didn't argue and instead turned to try and put the photograph back in the bag, but Portis noticed.
"Hey, man! What the hell are you doing?!"
Portis shoved JJ away from the bag. His body collided into yours and you both toppled over in the back of the plane.
"That's mine!" Portis shouted, frantically reaching for his bag.
JJ quickly climbed off you, his eyes raking over your body for any injuries.
"I'm okay." You insisted and he nodded before he turned back to Portis.
"Who the hell are you?" JJ questioned, grabbing the bag before Portis could.
The two of them got into a mini tug of war, fighting for the bag while the others all screamed at Portis to fly the plane.
Eventually, Portis gave up and turned back around in his seat and you glanced over his shoulder through the front and realised the plane was heading straight for the jetty.
"Hold onto something!" You shouted, grabbing the handles above you.
Portis yanked the controls back, trying to lift the plane, but it was too late and the plane nosedived straight into the water.
You all went flying forward on impact. Your bodies crashing into one another, hard. Water was quick to fill the cockpit, the plane starting to sink.
"Shit. Is everyone okay?" You asked, wincing as you sat up and looked around. "We all good?"
Everyone nodded between fits of coughing from the water that was now up to your shoulders in height.
"We gotta get out of here." Pope shouted, pointing to the side door of the plane.
John B kicked the door open and began to climb out before he froze, staring at something in the distance. You followed his line of sight and your stomach dropped when you saw the armed men with vests sprinting down the beach.
"Oh, no. They don't look friendly." He muttered.
"No, they don't look very friendly." Pope agreed before you all jumped out the plane and into the water.
"Kie, get out before it sinks!" JJ shouted.
You treaded water beside the door, waiting for Kie, but she turned away from the door and went further in the plane.
"No, no, no, Kie!" John B yelled.
Shit. What the hell was she doing?
You looked further in the plane to find her heading towards the pilot who was unconscious in his seat. She was trying to save him.
"You guys go. I'll get Kie and meet up with you." You said, hauling yourself back into the plane before glancing over your shoulder at the others, John B and JJ shaking their heads. "Go. I got this. Go!"
"Damnit. Okay. Guys, go!" John B ordered.
You didn't wait to watch them swim off, instead you turned and rushed through the plane, the water now up to your neck.
"Kie!" You shouted.
She was shaking Portis' shoulders, trying to wake him, but it was clear it wasn't working. You hurried over and helped her grab the man before pulling him out the broken window.
Kie nodded her thanks as the two of you kept him afloat while you swam towards the shore, making sure his face was above the water so he wouldn't drown.
It didn't take long before you reached the beach and you dragged the man the last few metres before people rushed towards you, wanting to help.
"Take him. Take him." Kie said, staggering to her feet and holding her hand out to you which you took and stood up, breathing heavily.
"Thank you." Portis gasped, looking up at the two of you.
"You lied to us. Who are you?" Kie asked.
The revving engine of an ATV caught your attention and you looked away from Kie and Portis to find those armed men heading your way.
Oh, that cannot be a good sign.
"Shit. Kie, we gotta go. Like, right now." You warned, grabbing her hand and pulling her away.
Kie was quick to catch on, the two of you sprinting up the beach towards the boats on the sand. The ATVs were circling around the area, men shouting in a foreign language everywhere. You were surrounded.
Kie quickly pulled you down under one of the boats, ducking behind a couple of barrels. You covered your mouth with your hands trying to silence your heavy breathing, Kie doing the same as you sat there quietly.
They found you though. Kie kicked one of the men away before the two of you made a run for it, but you didn't get very far.
One of the men grabbed you from behind and you thrashed in his grip, trying to break free, but it was no use. He was bigger and stronger than you, it wasn't going to work.
"Get the hell off me!" You shouted, slamming your elbow back and clocking the man in the jaw.
He was momentarily stunned, but then another man appeared out of nowhere, grabbing your arm and pinning it behind your back.
Kie was grabbed too, not going down without a fight. But, like you, she couldn't get free and the men tossed you into the back of a pickup truck.
You grabbed Kie's hand, squeezing it tightly as you looked around trying to find a way to escape, but there was a man with a gun right beside the truck. Neither of you were going anywhere.
"We lost the others. We'll keep searching." A voice said over the man's radio.
The others had gotten away. Oh, thank God for that.
"We saved your life." Kie whispered, her voice coming out shaky, terrified.
You looked away from the guard just as Portis walked up to the truck with an almost guilty expression on his face.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to help you, okay? I swear, I didn't know it was gonna be like this." Portis admitted, glancing over at the guard before focusing back on the two of you. "Look, if you don't fight, if you just do what they say, these guys probably won't hurt you."
"Probably?" You whispered, your own voice coming out more frightened than you would've liked.
"What did Ward promise you?" Kie questioned.
"Who?" Portis asked, looking at her in confusion. "Hey, just take my advice, do what they say. Good luck."
With that, Portis walked off before the vehicle started up and the guard climbed into the bed of the truck with the two of you. He stared at you both with hard eyes, one hand resting over his gun, the other holding onto the edge of the vehicle.
You tried to memorise every twist and turn in the road as the truck drove and before long, you were driving through a large reinforced gate and pulling up in front of a multimillion dollar mansion.
Armed guards were spread throughout the property, many guarding the doors and windows of the mansion. Some men had German Shepherds on leashes while they patrolled the area.
What the hell is this place?
The guard led the two of you towards the front door where a woman in a maid outfit met you. She walked you through the door and you scanned the room, taking in all the historic objects and artefacts displayed around the place.
"Take her upstairs. The Orinoco Room." The maid instructed the guard.
"This way." The guard said, grabbing your arms and pulling you towards the staircase.
You remained silent, following the man up the stairs while continuously looking around, noting every door and window in the building.
The man opened one of the doors and shoved you both inside. You stumbled forward from the sudden push, but managed to keep your footing before you turned and glared at the guard.
"Why are we here? Who are you working for?" Kie questioned.
"Dinner at eight. I'd clean up."
That was all the man said before he shut the door in Kiara's face. She quickly grabbed the door knob and tried to turn it, but it wouldn't budge.
"He locked us in." She sighed, moving away from the door.
"There's windows." You pointed out, already rushing across the room and pulling the lace curtain aside to open it, but froze when you saw just how many armed guards were outside. "Okay, that's not an option. What do we do?"
Kie shrugged her shoulders looking around the bedroom anxiously before she walked over to the opened closet where a bunch of identical red dresses were hanging. She stopped in front of the dresses and pulled off what looked to be a note stuck to them.
"It says 'pick your size.' They want us to get changed. Why?" She asked, holding the note out towards you.
You grabbed the note, reading the exact words she had just said before looking up at the red dresses in confusion.
"It won't be anything good. But, Portis said to do what they want. I say we get changed and play along until we know what these people want." You responded and Kie nodded in agreement.
She shifted through the multiple dresses finding the right sizes before handing one to you. You took it, double checking it was the right size and smiling softly at how well she knew you.
The two of you slipped off your drenched clothing and put on the red dresses, helping each other with the zips before you sat down on the edge of the bed and waited.
You didn't have to wait for long though before the maid walked into the room announcing that 'he was ready,' whatever the fuck that meant. She led you out the room and back down the stairs before pointing to a room and motioning for you guys to enter.
Kie glanced over at you skeptically, and you wanted to reassure her that it was going to be okay, but you didn't want to lie to her, so you remained silent and took the lead, stepping into the room. There was a man by the table at the far end, his back turned to you while he poured himself a drink.
"Uh, hi?" You spoke up, not really knowing what you were meant to say.
The man suddenly turned around and your jaw dropped when you realised who it was.
Rafe Cameron.
Of course he was here. You should have seen that coming.
"No, I know you and Ward were behind this shit." Kie growled in angry, following you into the room.
"What are you talking about? Are you two trying to weasel in on my deal, right now? Is that what's going on?
Wait, what deal?
"I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know." An unfamiliar male voice suddenly said.
You all turned to find another man across the room. He was dressed sharply in a dark suit and smiled in amusement as he stared at the three of you.
"Who are you?" Rafe questioned.
Well, good to know you guys weren't the only ones who didn't know who this random dude was.
"Me? My name is Carlos Singh. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. And Ms. Carrera, Ms. Routledge, I do apologise for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But, please, come. Sit down."
You stared at Singh for a moment before glancing between Rafe and Kie. None of you moved for a moment, but you all seemed to realise that this Singh guy was in charge, and it was best to do as he said.
You and Kie sat down by the window, but Rafe paused before turning back to the man.
"Rough tactics. What about me?"
"Yes, Mr. Cameron, false pretences. But the ends justify the means; I'm afraid." Singh replied, pouring himself a glass of what looked to be whiskey. "Sit down. We have a lot to talk about."
Rafe exhaled loudly, but sat down in the other chair while Singh remained standing in front of you. Trying to assert dominance with his height no doubt.
"Why are we here?" You asked, getting straight to the point.
"Well, Ms. Routledge, Ms. Carrera, Mr. Cameron, we share certain interests, you know. Objectives."
"Is this not about the cross?" Rafe questioned.
"It is. Tangentially, it is about the cross, but it's also about something much, much bigger than the cross." He answered, looking up at a painting on the wall before turning back to you guys. "By orders of magnitude... the completion of a grand quest. You see, the story goes that 450 years ago, a Spanish soldier came out of the Orinoco Basin with a few gold beads. And when they asked the Spanish soldier, 'where the beads came from,' the Spanish soldier replied he got them from peaceful Indigenous tribe who lived in a city of gold."
You glanced over at Kie and she met your gaze briefly before looking back at Singh who continued to talk.
"El Dorado. And for the next 450 years, people tried to find that gold, you know. They tried. Conquistadors, knights, captions of ships, tribes, entire nations. All fighting each other in a race for the end of the rainbow. Thousands of lives laid on the pyre of gold fever. And it falls to me, you know. It falls to me to complete the task. To bring full circle a quest that has gone on for almost 500 years. Perhaps... perhaps the greatest quest in the history of the western hemisphere, you know. And you three... you three are going to play a part in that. What about you, Ms. Carrera? Are you interested in history?"
"I'm more of a future person." Kie answered.
"Yeah, I didn't listen to a word you said, okay? How much you gonna keep philosophising?" Rafe questioned bluntly.
Singh chuckled, "you are direct, aren't you, Mr. Cameron?"
"What do you need from us?" You asked, trying to draw the attention away from Rafe because you knew if he kept talking, he would say something that would get you all killed.
"I've come to believe that you and your friends are in possession of something that can help me get what I want. An old manuscript. A diary, actually."
Denmark Tanny's diary? That diary?
"I have no idea what your talking about." Rafe responded, and you wished you could say the same.
You remained silent, wanting to see how Kiara wanted to play this. You guys had a copy of the diary. But, you didn't want to give it to this guy, that was just destined for trouble.
"This is ridiculous. I don't know anything about a diary." Kie eventually said and you nodded in agreement.
"But how else could you have learned that the cross was on the Royal Merchant?"
You shook your head, "look, if we knew about this diary, we would tell you, okay? We don't know what you're talking about."
"I was hoping you wouldn't say that, you know. Because unfortunately, I don't believe you. You and your friends here couldn't have found the cross without it."
"He's not our friend." Kie corrected, glancing over Rafe.
"We can't all be friends, you know." Singh responded.
"Look, this is ridiculous. Okay? I'm out." Rafe announced, standing up and walking towards the exit, only to be blocked by one of the armed guards.
"Do I look like a fool to you, Mr. Cameron? Do I look like a fool to you? You have the cross. Their and their friends had the cross at one point. So one of you has the diary. And if you really don't know, then I suggest you convince your friends to tell me." Singh explained, pointing at you and Kie. "Once I have the diary, you'll be free to leave. Enjoy the grounds during your stay. I must warn you, though. I'm not a man of infinite patience. You have one day. Go to the window for a little demonstration. I think you'll enjoy it, you know."
Singh glanced between the three of you before he walked out the room. The guard closing it behind him before you heard the lock click shut.
He had locked you inside, again.
Rafe rushed towards the door, trying to open it, but you didn't bother. It was locked. You weren't getting out unless Singh wanted you out.
You and Kie walked over to the window, waiting to see what this 'demonstration' was going to be. Rafe joined you a moment later and you watched as a guard pulled Portis out from around the corner.
He was shouting something at the guards, but it was mumbled, you couldn't understand what he was saying before he was pulled away out of sight.
"Who the hell is that guy?" Rafe asked.
"I know him. That's Jimmy Portis. He was trying to help us." Kie answered, watching in confusion.
Singh suddenly appeared outside walking in the direction that the guard had took Portis before he paused and turned, looking up at the three of you in the window.
He pulled out a handgun from the back of his waistband, his eyes glued to you before he smirked and walked off out of sight.
"You don't think-" you began to say before a gunshot blasted from outside causing you to flinch. "Yeah, okay, never mind. This guy is fucking crazy."
"This diary. No bullshit. Don't bullshit me. Okay? Do you guys have it?" Rafe asked, looking over at the two of you.
You shook your head just as Kie said, "no."
Next Chapter 
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rabbitenn · 7 months
Hello. Words cannot express how glad I am that you decided to challenge yourself and write about ZOOL as well \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Hmm, what about Toma and Torao's reaction to the fact that during a quarrel the reader said that she wanted to break up with him (such a statement was made on emotions)?
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The one phrase neither of you wanted to hear echoes in the lingering silence.
ft. Inumaru Toma, Mido Torao x gn! reader.
cw/genre: angst to fluff, comfort, mild spoilers for part 5 of i7 story. Torao’s gets a little suggestive at the very end.
hello, lovely ! I’m very happy my decision to start writing for ZOOL is well received <3 I hope you enjoy this, and my apologies for taking so long to get to it.
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Now that you think back on it, you were impulsive.
The stinging words burn on your tongue, wounding your heart.
It’s stupid, for you to feel this way. It’s not like you have the right to be hurt, when it is you the one who caused all of this, bringing this gloomy mood between you and your boyfriend.
Yet your vision blurs with unshed tears, as you recount the moments prior to this disaster.
“Toma, are you even listening to me?” You cross your arms over your chest, frowning, as he watches god knows what on his phone. He’s been at it for a while tonight, talking to someone whose identity he evades revealing every time you ask him.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah…” Your boyfriend trails off, typing up a reply on his messaging app. Another fit of chuckles leaves his lips. “Look at that!” He laughs.
Huffing, you grumble something under your breath, switching off the tv.
“Where are you going, baby?” ZOOL’s leader asks, eyes widened, puppy-like.
You almost give in.
“Oh, so now that I turn off the tv you notice? I’ve been trying to have a cute date at home with you, to have a nice conversation. But no, of course you had to be on your phone talking to whoever that is!” You raise your hands in exasperation, as you start making your way out of the living room.
“Babe, wait.” He calls you, softly holding onto your wrist.
“Don’t.” You snap back. “Don’t call me that and don’t touch me.” You pull your hand away from him. “If our date right now is less relevant than your messages, we're done here.”
Toma swallows.
“They’re my friends too, you know. We used to be on a group together.” He retorts.
You let out a broken humorless laugh.
“Friends? They abandoned you, didn’t they? You tried to keep NO_MAD together and they left you! You call them friends?!”
“They’re trying to be better!” He argues.
“Trying to be better? Or trying to take advantage of you now that you’ve got something good going on with ZOOL? Open your eyes, Toma!”
“Don’t talk about my friends like that!” He yells, his voice rising. “You know nothing about them.” His tone takes on a cold tone, one you hadn’t heard yet from the fiery and good natured boy you fell in love with.
Something inside you snaps a little, a huge icy thorn lodging into your heart when the next words leave your mouth.
“We’re done for. We’re breaking up, Toma.” Your voice is low, the silence of a frozen ocean. “Pack everything and leave my house, please. You have until morning.”
With that, you turn around, closing the door and your heart between you two, as your lover stands there, petrified, as he watches the increasing distance between you.
He was rash.
Toma sits on your couch with his head in his hands, tears threatening to fall, his breathing ragged.
Why did he have to raise his voice at you? Why couldn’t he wait to answer those texts?
You’re right, and his groupmates from ZOOL have said the same thing to him.
So, why? Why did he have to go and ruin everything?
You were right… He acted like an asshole during what was supposed to be a nice time together, you were in your right to be angry, to not want to see him anymore.
The singer heaves out a sigh, tilting his head backwards, garnet hued eyes accidentally catching a picture of you two framed on the shelves.
Then, a sound he could never like cuts through his mind.
Your sobs.
You are crying.
His first instinct is to stand up, to reach for the door.
But he stops himself. You probably don’t want to know anything about him anymore.
And, then, just as he turns tail, the door clicks open and something, someone, collides against his back.
You. Sweet, precious you.
Your arms wrap around his middle, squeezing tightly.
And yet, Toma can’t face you.
You’re crying. And it’s his fault.
“I’m sorry!” You sob against his shirt. “I’m so sorry, Toma. I don’t- I don’t want to break up with you! I was mean, I didn’t have the right to yell at you like that and I don’t have the right to be crying now… I didn’t want to- I don’t- I just…” You bunch up your hands in the fabric of his jacket, burying your face against his back.
Toma turns around, his calloused hands taking ahold of yours, bringing them away from your face, as he gives them a reassuring squeeze.
“No, I’m sorry, [Y/n]. I wasn’t paying attention to you.” Tears begin streaming down his face. “You deserve someone better… But I can’t be without you.”
A sad smile breaks through your tears, an arch of sunbeams after a downpour.
“Idiot, there’s no one better than you.” You scold him, your mumbled voice laced in tenderness as you hug him properly now. “Please don’t go.” You beg him, your cheek resting against his chest.
“I would never.” He promises, as his head comes to rest on top of yours.
The night goes on. Eventually, you head to your bedroom. As sleep claims you, neither of you lets go of the other.
“We’re finished, Tora.” You spat, as you exit the restaurant together.
You step away from him, uncovered by his umbrella.
You don’t care that the rain is completely soaking your outfit and ruining your hair.
“[Y/n], sweetheart, what are you talking about?” He half laughs, nervously.
“I think I made myself clear enough. We’re breaking up. What am I to you? What are we? When you’ve spent the whole while trying to get the waitress’ number? Am I nothing to you? Forget it, and forget me.” You state, as you walk away from him.
Torao stands there, grasp limp on his umbrella, as he watches you disappear behind a curtain of night rain.
This is isn’t right. He can’t leave you wandering alone at night, under this downpour.
So he takes off after you.
Why did that idiot of your boyfriend have to be like this? Were you not enough? Not pretty enough? Not smart enough?
Well, ex-boyfriend now, you suppose, considering your last statement.
You feel something cold against your feet.
Just your luck, you’ve stepped into a puddle, a shattered starless sky reflected on it. It looks like today can’t get any worse.
You let out a long breath, staring up at the dark clouds above, coppery hues reflected in their smokiness.
No moon or stars to keep you company tonight.
What did this world ever gave you, outside of mysery? Why should it be different this time?
Well, there was a time you were truly happy.
When you first met him. When he accepted you for who you are, when he made you feel like the most beautiful person in the entire world.
You had had a couple drinks, the sweetness of fruit punch on his lips when he kissed you for the first time.
Your first and only love.
You whisper his name into the lonely night, the static of falling rain drowning out the sound.
It hurts. Like having your heart hollowed out. Like knowing you’ve jumped off a precipice and this is no dream you’ll wake from.
Salty tears mix with the dull raindrops streaming down your cheeks, the street light above you blinking, struggling to keep its yellow reflection over the forming puddles.
It finally goes out, leaving regret and void in its wake.
How did you manage to get so far in such little time, Torao would never understand.
The street lamps are doing very little to provide any illumination, and tonight is pitch black.
And with this rain… No, the idol shakes his head, he can’t linger on thoughts about something having happened to you.
This was his fault, after all.
How could he be so stupid to try flirting with someone else when he already has the loveliest person ever by his side?
Or, well, had.
But he’s determined to get you back. Or, at the very least, convince you to let him drive you back home; you’re going to catch a cold if you go back in this weather.
As if to urge him to hurry, a flash of lightning cuts through the stygian sky, deafening thunder shaking the ground.
This isn’t good. You alone in this storm…
Then, beneath a blinking pole light he spots a figure.
Torao knows that person, he’s held them in his arms countless times, after all.
The light goes out. He picks up his pace.
Out of nowhere, the rain stops.
At least, it does so only around you. A few feet away, drops still impact against charcoal concrete.
Turning around, you are met with vermillion eyes, wet strands of light chestnut hair sticking to his face. When you direct your gaze a little more upwards, you notice how he’s covering just you with his umbrella.
The gesture warms your heart, a small smile ephemerally crossing your lips.
You take Torao’s hand, pushing the umbrella towards him, as you step closer too.
“So, are you really breaking up with me?” He asks, those blazing eyes averting to the side.
“I…” You look away too, tugging on your soaked clothes.
Then, you shake your head, focusing on him again.
Yanking him by the lapels of his coat, you bring his face close to yours, your lips smashing against his in a constellation of rain stained memories.
Torao’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
The umbrella slips from his grasp. Thunder breaks in the distance. And neither of you care.
As you deepen the kiss, your lover tastes the salt of your tears and the sugar of a bittersweet dessert. Quite fitting for the occasion, reminiscent of the first time he tasted your love on his lips, and yet so different all at once.
After a few beats, you pull away, your warm breath still fanning his face when you tell him:
“Is this answer enough?”
The light above you blinks back to life.
Torao wraps an arm around your shoulders as he leaves another kiss on the crown of your head.
“Let’s go back to the car, my darling.” He softly utters, draping his jacket over your shoulders and picking up the umbrella.
You smile.
Neither of you can wait to get home and take a warm bath together.
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
So I came across a meta post based on screenshots [X][X] of the list of book titles shown in 4x18 that Chuck published. There's a discrepancy where only 24 titles are given when there are 60 tv episodes across that span. Now not only did the meta author skip right past the possibility that since novels are generally longer than a tv show episode, books might generally cover multiple episodes? As well as the even more likely possibility that whoever was typing up the list for the props department got lazy?
The post directly jumped right into full on stan conspiracy-think of how this must be why all the fans in the SPNverse are Sam girls because Chuck purposefully omitted all of Dean's best episodes! Naturally this gets built on in the replies & comments, with even more conspiratorial leaps about how the writers were trying to make fans in-universe love Sam and think he was a hero because nobody does in the real world (snort) yadda yadda Chuck won theory is true yadda yadda D/C was silenced *sob* yadda yadda the story was writing itself without the permission of the writers writing it [crazy eyes].
My other glaring issue - aside from the obvious of what an absurdly biased load of batshit all of that is? I just do not understand why someone trying to suggest a genuinely legitimate theory about a show spanning fifteen years and many different writers? Wouldn't consider for a hot minute before running full tilt with an idea: Hey, this is one random-ass prop screen from one episode that Sam scrolls by fairly quick, does this actually line up with how much of the story we're shown the in-universe fans getting elsewhere? Spoiler: No.
Let's ignore that Chuck specifically mentions the ghost ship from Red Sky at Morning, which isn't on the list, in that very same episode. He could be getting visions of stories and not writing them - unlikely but possible. No, lets jump to Crowley using the books in Clip Show to track down and kill "everyone [Sam & Dean have] ever saved". He says he's able to do it because he has "his sources and a crack research team" as he's shown with a pile of Chuck's books as he's saying it [X]. It's unlikely he would have found Sarah from Provenance through another source besides the books, but theoretically possible.
What you can't use handwaves to set aside, though? Is that as the scene continues, he holds up a copy of what is clearly A Very Supernatural Christmas [X], which is not on the list. It's shown again as part of Metatron's library in Meta Fiction, along with Tall Tales [X], also not on the list. These are direct in-universe physical books shown onscreen. While we're at it, there are a couple of times fan characters make it clear in dialogue other episodes/books exist. In The Real Ghostbusters, Demian and Barnes walk by Sam and Dean playacting a scene directly from Hunted about John's last order regarding Sam. Same episode, Becky tells them about Crowley getting the Colt from Bela, specifically citing the title of Time is On My Side. Last one, in Fan Fiction, Marie immediately jumps to knowing what a tulpa is and says, "Well, in Hell House, Sam & Dean-". None of those three books are on that list. So that list is NOT a comprehensive one for all the published books in-universe.
Part of me really wants to go on an even more extended rant here about fixating on one blink-and-you'll-miss-it detail and imbuing it with six metric tons of meaning without even once seeming to consider if it's actually remotely significant or, y'know, put in with legitimate intention. Even if the meaning being projected isn't completely bonkers. Seeing this done over and over again by people latching myopically onto whatever random tidbit will let them jump to the conclusions they already want ... sigh. Like, this is not how you come up with a good theory, starting from an utterly rotten base!
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moonsanoverthinker · 5 months
I am nodding along to you hair hcs, that was a fun read! And I too am a "the mechanisms was Jon's uni band" enjoyer. Have you done hcs on TMA characters music taste?
Possible TMA spoilers for 1-4 ahead so read with caution xx
Sorry this took a little while to make usual life stuff appeared again x
I’ve not thought to hard about music until now so these might be no sense at all // also I’m doing this in series’s because of vibe changes and such but it’ll only be up until 4 because I don’t really feel there’d be much music listening in series 5 (if you have ideas for series 5 feel free to add them!)
Series 1:
Tim’s blasting every upbeat pop song he can find despite being told several times to stop by not just Jon but also the people above the archives
Sasha’s playing music in one earphone (so she can hear if someone talks to her) but she’s playing some chill music more for background noise than anything else
Martin plays his music through headphones pretty loud (mostly to drown out Tim) and it’s either that nice calming piano music or it’s early 2000’s alt/rock music. Either way it’s so loud he’s close to bursting his own eardrums.
Jon denies he listens to music because he claims it’s a distraction, however he has been heard listening to chill jazz because he wants to seem sophisticated. But he likes the more theatrical type of music but not musical theatre (if that makes sense)
Elias constantly plays creepy ambience music but really really quiet so whoever goes into his office can’t tell if it’s coming from his office or if it’s coming from a different room.
Series 2:
Tim’s still playing his music out loud but not as loud as before, there’s still upbeat songs but every now and again a slightly slower song pops up but he’ll skip it if there’s other people around.
NotSasha plays music from an earphones but she’s always got it a little too loud so sometimes people around her can hear it. She’ll play the same chill ambience but sometimes there’s a weird distorted sound instead, she tells people her earphones haven’t been working properly.
Martins still switching between calming piano music and early 2000’s emo but he’s stopped listening to it as loud- Jon had a go at him because he didn’t hear him, so now he keeps the music turned down just to keep an ear out for him.
Jon’s still denying he listens to any music because professionalism. But when he does listen to music he plays it as low as he possible can while still being able to hear it, he wants to make sure he can still hear what everyone else is doing and saying (s2 paranoia was something else)
Elias’s still playing his creepy ambience and has started denying that he’s playing anything if people ask. Occasionally he’ll play people talking very very quietly just to see Jon’s reaction.
Series 3:
Tim’s stopped listening to music out loud after the revelations of series 2. He’s tried to put the radio on for background noise because the archives is quiet now but there’s too many songs that remind him of the others so he usually turns it off. Martin suggested some ambience kind of music but that made Tim think too much of his encounter with the stranger so he chooses silence over that.
Martins still listening to the piano music but the 2000’s emo musics stopped, the slightly slower almost sad sounding piano feels more comforting now, nothing too loud or too fast.
Jon listens to the radio more while he’s staying with Georgie because there’s no need to be as professional but when he’s back in the institute he doesn’t listen to it as much but he also doesn’t make a point of sitting in silence whenever someone comes to him (if that makes sense)
Georgie listens to a mix of everything, doesn’t matter the genre or anything she’s got a playlist that’s 30 hours long and there’s not a single consistent genre in there. She also has a separate playlist which also features songs for her as well as The Admiral.
Melanie’s also an any genre type of person but there’s a little bit of a theme which is a mix between angry songs and sad songs. The musics always played through headphones and is always played super loud no matter how many times other people tell her to turn it down so she can hear them.
Basira just having a nice enough time reading with some chill jazz style ambience, nothing too chaotic just some easy background music for when she’s reading or just being in the archives in general. Sometimes she listens to music with lyrics but that’s also just that kind of easy to listen to style and it’s probably jazz.
Daisy’s got some intense instrumentals mostly when she’s in the hunt, keeps her on track and it’s loud enough to block out any other noise.
Elias’s still plays the music but has turned it up slightly because it’s now becoming a game to him just to mess with people.
Series 4:
Martins only listening to the piano music, to anyone else who manages to hear it the music sounds weirdly melancholy but he doesn’t think it is, in fact he finds it comforting but for some reason he always feels a slight emptiness from it.
Jon’s stopped listening to the radio, too many songs remind him of too many people. He’s tried ambience but it puts him on edge, then he tried instrumentals but they just felt hollow to him.
Georgie’s still listening to her mix of everything, there’s a couple more sad songs than normal but it’s still the same long playlist. The Admiral has now got his own playlist full of music that cats would enjoy.
Georgie and Melanie have also got a joint playlist which is just chaos with every genre involved
Melanie still listens to the sad and angry songs but there’s a few happy songs creeping in, especially after she manages to leave the institute. She’s also made The Admiral a playlist but hers includes some more chaotic songs.
Basria is still occasionally listening to the jazz but occasionally she’ll put the radio on, almost like a little tribute to the others and just to keep some noise in the institute just to make it feel less alone.
Daisy after the coffin’s listening to some calmer music just to try to keep herself calm and it’s more for distraction than anything else but that’s only when she can’t listen to The Archers.
Peter refuses to play the creepy music, because it would lead to people wanting to talk and ask questions about it, but also because Elias asked him to (he’ll refuse purely because of that)
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earthtoplum · 2 years
hellraiser. // eddie munson. (9)
pairing: eddie munson x female!reader - stranger things cast x female!reader
summary: Between school, band practices, D&D nights and shitty parents, you and Eddie have created the perfect little secret life together. The town of Hawkins despises him, but not you. You’re head over heels for the son of a bitch. About to graduate, the two of you are ready to run out of Indiana the moment those caps go in the air, but the inevitable Hawkins Curse creeps its way back into town, and takes hold of what you once thought was untouchable.
word count: 7k
general warnings: language (always), mentions of death, suggestive conversation, sex talk, mentions of s/a storyline throughout,  SEASON 4 SPOILERS. if i missed anything, please let me know!
a/n: Cannot believe I get to post this. I've missed this so much. I hope I continue to do the rest of this story justice. Thank you for being so patient with me. I love and appreciate you all. &lt;3
*gif not mine, creds to whoever owns*
{ masterlist }
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nine. i did the thing i do now
It was edging two o’clock in the morning by the time you were sitting on the end of your bed with your feet crossed under you. Wet, clean hair dangled at your shoulders, getting the fresh t-shirt you had put on a little damp. Your hands were folded in your lap, sitting on top of your legs while you stared down at your comforter beneath you with lifeless eyes.
You couldn’t comprehend what had happened in that house, in Victor Creel’s house. The thing with the lights, and how everyone was able to apparently follow Vecna, and how the flashlights exploded right in front of you all… it blew your mind. You felt like you needed to write it all down while you remembered every detail so you didn’t leave anything out when you got back to tell Eddie.
“Are you listening to me?” Your mothers quiet, but harsh tone says to you. She was pacing the length of your room, slowly, while she’d been rambling for ten minutes already.
Once you were home, after she’d picked you up at Nancy’s like she said she would, she followed you as you came upstairs, keeping a close eye on you while you got ready to shower- something she ordered you to do. She stood in front of the door, leaving you a few minutes alone to breathe, and when you were finished she followed you to your bedroom where she shut your door, standing right inside of it. 
You changed at the speed of light into clothes that belonged to you, because if you had put on any of Eddie’s it would make the following speech even more unbearable. In the fresh clothes, that honestly felt incredible, you situated yourself in the spot you’re in now, zoning out in exhaustion as Tina went on, and on, about everything you’ve done wrong.
“Yes, I’m listening,” You whisper.
“I waited all night for you to come home,” She says, “The day you leapt out of your window? Have you always known how to do that?” She stopped her pacing, facing you with a questioning look. Looking up at her, you gulp. She actually wanted an answer.
You weren’t sure how to go about this. On one hand, you could be completely honest, and you could be a dick about it… Or, you could play it safe, act innocent, maybe even make her believe she was crazy for thinking you would ever make sneaking out of your window a habit.
“Yes,” You decide to answer honestly, having gone through too much bullshit in the past week to have the energy to lie. Tina sighs, lifting her chin to glance to your ceiling for a moment, in frustration. Her eyes find some of the photos you’ve taken over the years, and they soften for a second as they flicker over a few of Eddie and the two of you on your adventures in the summertime.
Looking up at them as well, you frown, seeing happy memories at such an awful time. Tina looks back at you, folding her arms across her chest, watching your chin start to crinkle. You can’t remember the last time she’s actually seen you cry.
“I don’t understand why you guys hate him,” Your voice is broken. Tina stands her ground, but her softened eyes give her truth away.
“I learned another reason why yesterday,” She says, “Any well-mannered boy would’ve come to us and said-”
“He wanted to tell you!” You raise your voice, and she shushes you, “Shit, even I did before… Before he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time,” You exchange your louder volume for a quieter one, “But you and Neil are both too stubborn to look past how he dresses.”
“It is not just how he dresses,” Tina slowly shakes her head, “In the past four days I’ve learned about the license suspension. The underage drinking, the marijuana smoking, the running away from the cops after being caught doing those things… Sweetie, were… were you involved in all of that?” Turning away, you settle your eyes back on the comforter under you.
This was what you’ve been trying to avoid by keeping your relationship a secret. By keeping Eddie as far away from your family as possible, it was all your dirty little secret to keep, and it was fun. 
Having your parents find out what you’ve been doing and who you’ve been doing it with was terrifying, but sneaking around them, stealthily dangling shit right in front of their faces while they were completely oblivious was thrilling. They had no idea what you’d get into. They were clueless as to who you were, the kind of person their daughter had turned into. Tina and Neil had their own version of you living in their small town brainwashed minds, but they knew, or at least thought that Eddie was corrupting you somehow.
Little did they know he had nothing to do with it, it was all voluntary on your part. Most times, smoking or drinking, Eddie wouldn’t offer unless you asked.
Holding your own hands tighter, feeling some nervousness bubble up as you prepare to answer your mother, you take a short breath and nod your head, mumbling, “Yes.” 
It was like she expected you to say it. 
Murmuring something unintelligible to herself as her eyes close for a moment, she opens them to send you a glare that is something fierce, mixed with a gentleness. Her socked feet bring her closer to your bed. She sits down on the edge and places a hand on the comforter just beside one of your knees. 
Nothing is said for a minute. Nothing can be heard other than the crickets outside while you waited for her to speak, unsure of what was going to come out first. Her tired eyes break away from yours, taking in the sight of the blanket underneath of you both that her own mother had made. Squishing the soft, yet scratchy knitting between her fingers, there’s an intake of a breath and a long, drug out, calming release.
“I imagined a day like this coming,” Her voice is utterly quiet as her eyes find yours once more, “Me, sitting here on your bed, in the earliest hours of the morning, talking… Talking about him.” Nodding your head in the slightest, you decide to keep your mouth shut, as long as she continues on with this tone of understanding.
“Mothers intuition is strong,” A minor smirk appears on her lips before it drops away, “I had a feeling… Eddie meant more to you than just a friend,” You avert your eyes at the sound of his name, focusing down to where her chipped, pastel yellow fingernails were holding onto the comforter. Going missing for a couple of days really threw her off, she didn’t have the desire to fix up the details of her appearance at all.
“It’s why I urged you to bring him to dinner last Thursday,” Tina nods, pressing her lips together before she says, “I thought I’d be able to make out any signs that the two of you were going to become something one day.” You point your eyes up at her once she falls quiet. You watch her wear a few emotions on her face, settling for subtle discomfort.
“I also wanted to check, and see if something was… off,” She whispers, making your brows furrow above your cautious eyes. Glancing away, the look of discomfort grows until she’s scrunching her nose and gripping the blanket so tight that her knuckles are tensing. The facade that this was going to end smoothly was being quickly stripped away.
“The day I’d imagine?” She keeps her voice at a whisper, whipping her head back to look at you, her gaze so strong you’re locked on it, “Would be us sitting here, with you telling me he knocked you up,” She sneers, and your heart plummets to the pits of your stomach, “I’ve never shared this with your father, but trust me when I say he has similar beliefs,” Your fixed on her grimace, unable to look elsewhere.
“I’m not as bad as he is, you’ve got to give me that,” She lightens up for only a millisecond, pleading her case, “I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, I really did. My daughter is smart, she’s not stupid. She may hang around with the wrong bunch, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders.”
“Wrong bunch,” You repeat, not moving a muscle. Tina nods once, to prove her point before she continues on. A rage begins to simmer beneath your skin. You refused to let anyone speak ill of the people you loved.
“After the dinner, I couldn’t put together anything out of the ordinary,” She shrugs, “It was just you and Eddie, acting like friends, absolutely nothing more,” Releasing the blanket from her grasp, she folds her arms over her chest and sighs, “I thought, we’re in the clear, these two don’t see each other that way at all,” She lowers her chin, directing a sharp glare your way, “Then, to find out it was all a lie.” 
“How could I not have seen it?” She asks, throwing her hands out by her side dramatically, looking around your bedroom, “Three years, under my nose. You wear his clothing for god sake, it was adamant that he was corrupting you!” Her tone rises, as does yours.
“It was my choice too,” You grit your teeth, “He is not corrupting me, you are crazy.” Tina chuckles humorously, and shakes her head.
“I’m crazy?” She gestures to herself, then to you, “You’re the one sleeping with trailer trash, my god!” That rage that was simmering has since forth boiled over completely. You were through with having to deal with this. 
Jumping off of your bed onto your feet, you no longer care that she’s in the room, and you start changing. Throwing clothes over your shoulder out of your dresser drawers, you search for pieces of Eddie’s wardrobe specifically.
“What the hell are you doing?” Tina asks with persistence, watching in shock as you tear apart your room.
Ignoring her, you strip off your pajamas and slip into a cropped Black Sabbath tee, and a pair of your dark straight leg jeans with a tear in the knee. She beckons you a couple more times to cut it out, and to sit back down, but you had made other plans. Flipping your hair upside down, you fluff it a bit before tossing it back over, taking a cheeky glimpse of yourself in the mirror over your dresser.
“Do you really think I’m going to allow you out of the house?” Tina scoffs, assuming she has the upper hand. Giving her an absolutely eye roll, you hurry to slip on a beat up pair of Reebok’s from your closet, and smirk.
“Do you really think I’m asking?” You ask with a growing smile, and bolt for your door. Your name is shouted somewhere in the back, but all you’re beginning to hear is the blood pumping in your ears, fueled solely by the anger you held for the woman who was now chasing after you down the stairs of your home.
Feet pounding down the wood, you leap off the second to last one, using the bannister to give you a boost, and hear the echoes of her feet follow. There’s a, “Get back here!”, and a, “You better not go out that door!”, shouted as well. However, all she gets in return is some hardcore laughter straight from your heart. Adrenaline was pulsing through your veins.
Not bothering to give her another look, you hustle for the front door, yanking it open, letting it slam into the wall without remorse. Your feet take you right down your lawn, down to the sidewalk, and onto the street where they decided they’d run all the way down to Ricks. 
In the quiet night air, your favorite time of day is disturbed by the shouting of your name again, and, “You’re not allowed back here! When that trailer trash gets you pregnant and kicks you out, you’re on your own!” Releasing another laugh for her to hear, you suck in a breath of cool night air and sigh.
You were certain there wasn’t a shot that Eddie would drop you after this. Once he hears what’s happened, you know he’ll hold you tighter than ever, comforting you once the excitement of the experience wears off. You just hope that Uncle Wayne finds it in his heart to allow you to stay.
It takes some time to get to Ricks, but no longer than a half hour. Halfway through the journey your legs are screaming at you, your entire body running low on fuel. After the week you’ve had, you don’t think you’ve ever been this tired. The part of you that once daydreamed of running away from life is slowly starting to learn just how unappealing all of this is.
Keeping your eyes pointed to the ground, pulling your arms into your chest to try to stay warm in the chilled air, your jog slows to a steady paced speed walk. A trillion thoughts shuffle through your mind on replay, starting with Eddie, then snowballing into what you experienced in the Creel house.
You’ve been without a Vecna visit for a second now, something you were extremely grateful for, and when you think of it, so has Max. Your visions seemed to pair up, like the two of you were going through it at the same exact time. Mulling around the Creel house, when it was established that Vecna was in the attic, you prepared for the worst. 
Up in the musty air of the old home, with a solid grip on one of Robin’s hands, you kept a close eye on the redhead who lingered closer to Lucas. Finally, after a moment alone together, it seemed like the two had at least begun to reconnect. The kids' drama could potentially be laughable, at least someone of your age would find it silly, but when you look back on your years as an underclassmen, you sympathize. 
Huge emotions at such a young age are confusing, and now at eighteen, they aren’t any easier. Granted, you pray Max has never experienced what you went through at fourteen, and you’d never minimize what you went through just to make someone else's trauma more valid, but she’s suffered a great deal. Life hasn’t been easy to the girl, something you were familiar with, and knew all too well.
It was unnerving to feel like there was a monster stalking you, though. Knowing that at any moment you or Max could be pulled under into a haunting vision, or hallucination, whatever the goopy looking thing was doing to you. 
As you walked the gravel road that slowly started to turn to dirt, it was all you could think about, your anxiety getting stuck on the thought that you could potentially be next.
“Straddle the line,” You mumble a song to keep your head on straight for the rest of the walk, “It’s discord and rhyme,” Rounding a grove of trees, you’re moments away from stepping onto Rick's property, “I’m on the… Oh, fuck.”
Stopping dead in your tracks, your surroundings are lit up with lights flashing red and blue. Your entire being freezes out of utter fear, the night air suddenly stinging your skin.
Murmurs of voices can be heard amidst the sounds of nature, and not much else.
Standing on the edge of the property you can see past the shed Eddie had been hiding out in, the comfort that once lived within those walls being searched by a couple officers. Out on the lake there’s a few boats shining their lights down into the water with more officers monitoring the shoreline.
“Shit,” You barely whisper. Someone had given him up.
Lights are on inside the house, making you wonder if they had taken Eddie in there, or if they were also searching that place up and down. With your heart sinking into the depths of your stomach, rendering you disgustingly nauseous, you manage to piece together that if it seemed like they were looking for something, it meant he wasn’t there.
Unsure whether that thought brought you a nasty sort of comfort, or worry, the entire situation has you paralyzed.
Times like this you wished Hellfire Club's game of D&D was real so you’d know Dungeon Master Eddie was going to make it out of this. Rule Zero.
A station wagon with six familiar heads inside pulls up to the scene, behind a news van. A sense of comfort floods your senses, sending you rushing toward it. Steve, Nancy, Robin and the three freshmen have filed out of Wheeler's car, grouping together to check out what lies beyond the yellow caution tape set up on the perimeter of Ricks. Crouching down as you hurry over, Robin catches the sound of your sneakers crunching on the gravel and snaps her neck in your direction.
“Robin,” You keep your voice down, watching her eyes brighten up, but not for too long. Calling her name catches everyone else's attention as well, the other five spinning around at the noise. The group was already on edge. Not a good sign.
“Oh my god,” Robin sighs, opening her arms to catch you in them, pulling you into a squeeze, “Scared the shit out of me.”
“Sorry,” You mumble into her shoulder. Taking a step away from her, you greet everyone else with a wave, but rest a hand on Max’s shoulder, giving it a little shake. Nancy quizzes you with her bright blue, owl eyes.
“How’d you get here?” She asks, looking for a clue behind you. Shrugging your shoulders, you shove your hands in the front pockets of your jeans and force a smile for the group.
“Yanno,” You shrug again, gears running on fumes in your brain to come up with a reasonable answer, “I ran,” You say, and Dustin snorts.
“You ran?” Steve and Nancy ask at the same time, their eyebrows raising to Mars. Nodding, you take in the sights around you and shrug for the last time.
“Pretty good at it,” You say nonchalantly, scoring another laugh from Henderson, “Think I got kicked outta my house,” Everyone’s eyes go wide, making you chuckle, “No big deal, I can have all the babies I want now,” Robin side eyes Steve, who gives it right back to her, “I don’t want to go back there anyway, I have to be here, but Eddie isn’t here and-I-don’t-know-where-he-went-and-there’s-cops,” You pause to gasp, not realizing you were spiraling into anxious rambles, “Everywhere-here-and-he’s-gone-and-I-can’t-go-home-and-I-need-him-to-be-okay-”
“Hey!” Robin takes you by the shoulders, cutting you off, “Look at me,” She soothes, and you listen, sucking down gulps of air, “Stay with me, you’re safe right here, I got you,” She guides you to take slower breaths along with her, then once you’ve come down from the frazzled high, she let’s you know that you’ll discuss everything that’s happened in the last few hours after you listen to what the police have to say about this situation.
Keeping you tucked under her arm while you all listen to Chief Powell, there’s nothing said to relieve any of the pent up worry you carried within your chest. If anything, he incites more by holding up a photo of Eddie, announcing his name to the television cameras. Once his name was spilled from the Chief’s lips, you couldn’t hear anything else. The world began to move in slow motion.
Clinging tight to Robin’s side now, your eyes drop down to the gravel and grass. There’s movement, and noise happening around you, but you’re unable to make sense of any of it. To the group, it’s Eddie speaking to them over a walkie-talkie, telling them he’s at Skull Rock, to you, it’s a bunch of gibberish. They let him know they have you, and that you’ve been posted up here all night, waiting, and when he asks how you’re doing, they’re unable to give him an answer.
After reassuring him they were on their way, you very well blacked out on Robin’s lap in the center row of Nancy Wheeler’s station wagon.
“...You want to try to wake…”
“...Not doing that to her…”
“It’s her boyfriend…”
“She’s obviously exhausted, I say let her sleep.”
Steve’s voice was the one to come in the clearest. It sounded like the elders of the group were bickering. Over you, nonetheless.
“She didn’t fall asleep, Stevie,” Robin says. Waking up a bit more, you kept your eyes closed and body still, curious as to what else they’d all say while thinking you were unconscious. On your back, Robin's hand draws gentle circles.
“So, she actually passed out,” Lucas says from somewhere behind you.
“Yeah,” Robin sighs, “She was already dizzy as shit, and I think hearing Chief Powell give up Eddie so fast just sent her into shock.”
“She has to be exhausted though, like you said,” Nancy says, and you can almost hear the sweet look she gives to Harrington, “She’s been doing this for days, I can’t imagine how she must feel. Physically, mentally…”
Deciding to open your mouth, the whole group releases something of a gasp. 
“Sounds like Nancy Wheeler is worried about me,” You manage to mumble. 
“Oh my god,” Robin sighs again, heavier this time, “You’re awake.”
The three freshmen behind you peek over the seat to check on you, babbling with Robin in relief. Cracking your eyes open to the harsh daylight, you squint, then decide to keep them shut.
“When are we there?” You ask, your tone coming off as bitter as possible. You’d become nicer when your head wasn’t throbbing and your boyfriend was in reach.
“Trying to find a spot to stop now,” Nancy says, her tone also coming off as bitter as possible now that she knows you’ve heard her admit to worrying about you.
Lifting your head, you sit up a bit and groan, rubbing your forehead. Robin's hand shifts upward, holding onto one of your shoulders. Looking over at her you give her your best smile.
“We have to walk through the woods, do you want to stay here? I can stay with you?” She asks quietly, “If you don’t feel up for it-”
“No,” You say, “This was dramatic,” Sighing, you sit yourself up all the way in the seat, shifting your eyes to the window that displayed the green part of Hawkins you were most familiar with.
“It’s not dramatic, you’re exhaus-”
“Exhausted,” You finish for her, turning your chin sharply in her direction, “Yeah, I know. It’s hard to sleep when you’re squatting behind a tree.” Keeping her mouth shut, Robin lets you vent, knowing that you weren’t snapping at her for any other reason than being anxious.
“How long were you waiting there for?” Steve asks from the seat in front of yours.
Shrugging, you focus back on the outside and say, “A couple hours, honestly. Ran out of my house around 2, found the police surrounding Ricks, and no Eddie.”
“You sat in the woods for, like, five hours?” Lucas’ tone is laced with disbelief. Glancing toward him over your shoulder, you press your lips together.
“Eddie sat at Rick’s for four days,” Your words stump everyone for a little while, until Nancy has the car parked.
On the edge of the road she’s hidden the car as best as she can. Spilling out the doors, Robin helps you up, tucking an arm underneath both of yours around your back. Whether you thought it was too dramatic or not, your body was giving out, and you needed the help.
Henderson leads the way with Steve trailing directly behind him, the two of them arguing from the start. Surrendering to Robin’s leadership, that means you’re stuck between her and Nancy, the two seeming to get closer and closer whenever you were back around them all. 
Holding onto Robin's hand that's around you, you have your eyes pointed to the ground hoping to avoid stumbling over a rogue rock or branch. These woods were unpredictable, and as often as you’d mull through here with Eddie in the past, they were different every time. Come to think of it, whenever you’d trek through here previously, you felt almost the same way. Dizzy, a little out of it, and a bit excited to be around Eddie. 
Of course the worry wasn’t ever a part of the mix, that was new.
Max and Lucas were sticking by one another again, a good distance away from you and the girls to where you could hear their voices, but were unable to make out anything they were saying to each other. It was admirable, the way Lucas was trying so hard to be there for Max no matter how often she’d push him away.
“Oh my god, they’re so adorable, I just wanna squeeze ‘em, yanno?” Robin says quietly after turning back for a second to check on the two. Nancy gives her a nice, small smile. “If I’m permitted to see a silver lining in this end-of-the-world doom and gloom, it would be the rekindling of old flames that never should’ve been snuffed out.”
Flashing her a quick glare, Nancy frowns, prompting you to also frown.
“I didn’t mean that as a hint or anything,” Robin almost chuckles under her breath. Lowering your brows, you glance up at her, then to Nancy who’s focused on the ground.
“Right,” She rolls her eyes, scoffing.
“But, if I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible?” Robin adds, prompting you to bump into her side with your hip. She shoots you a quick look then adds, “Me, wishing happiness for my friends?” Her tone goes sweet, turning back to Nancy.
“What are you doing?” You whisper harshly, “She’s with Byers.” Robin looks at you again, this time with colder eyes.
“You think I’m not happy?” Nancy scoffs louder, pausing her stroll, inevitably stopping your own.
“I- I’m sure you are,” Robin assures her, “It’s just, the other day in the library, I mentioned Jonathan, you sort of flinched, or winced, or something like-” “I didn’t flinch, or wince!” Nancy defends, her shoulders moving as if they were animated. Her eyes are fixed on Robin, shooting away every couple of seconds like she herself was the anxious one.
“Okay,” Robin nods.
“Jonathan and I are fine,” Nancy says.
“Got it,” Robin nods again.
“We’re good,” Nancy’s eyes go a little wide.
“Right,” You add, shifting your gaze between the two, wondering what was going on. Either you need to pay attention more to the people around you, or some crazy shit goes down when you aren’t around.
It’s quiet for a second, a second that makes Nancy ponder over her words.
“It’s just..” She begins again, looking toward the ground, seeming shameful for what she’s about to admit. The walk through the woods continues by her lead.
“He was supposed to be here for the break, and then he backed out last minute for some vague, mumbly Jonathan reason. And, to be honest, I’m not surprised because I’ve been feeling him pulling away lately, and I don’t know if it’s because we’re two thousand miles away, or if he met someone new, or what.”
Thinking to yourself, reviewing the few moments you got to spend with Jonathan Byers at the start of his and Nancy’s relationship before he moved to California, he didn’t seem like the type of guy to meet someone new and keep Nancy hanging on for meaningless reasons. The guy has a heart, something most people in Hawkins don’t have. You can understand why Nancy would feel the way that she did, long distance relationships weren’t for the feeble, but she of all people seems like she could handle one.
Hearing her pour her heart out like this seemingly involuntary, you sympathize with her, sharing with her the small worry she expressed for you back in the car. At the start of all of this you were Team Jonathan, you always were, he never gave you a reason to not like him. Steve on the other hand was the being who scared you, at least, a week ago he wouldn’t be your first choice. The past couple of days he seemed to be redeeming himself.
Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler just fit. It was plain and simple. Slowly learning what everyone has been through for the past four years, you can’t imagine a better match for either of them. Was it a little awkward around Wheeler and Harrington? Of course, but they appeared to be handling it in a mature manner. 
If you had to judge, or analyze the situation, Steve didn’t seem to be too keen on the idea of getting back together with Nancy romantically. Especially with how he reacted when he drove you to her house, the guy was dreading it. But, you have spent time apart from all of them, and like you previously thought, you have no clue what has gone on in those in-between moments.
“Now, I can’t find out why, because apparently he’s blown up his family’s house phone or something,” Nancy continues, earning the gentlest looks from you and Robin, “So, yeah, if… if the slight mention of his name caused a slight muscle spasm on my face that's… probably why.”
“Seems like a perfectly reasonable reason to flinch, or wince, or something,” You say. Nancy cracks a smile, side eyeing you before she looks up to Robin.
“You said, ‘the happiness of your friends’,” Nancy repeats Robin’s words, flickering her eyes between the two of you, “So… does that… make us friends?” Sharing an uneasy look with Robin, you feel a shift in your chest at Nancy’s question, a feeling that nearly resembles a comforting warmth.
“Uh, yeah,” Robin sighs, also slightly taken aback, “I mean, right?” She looks at you, hoping that you’d agree.
“Am I included in this?” You question, sounding slightly sarcastic. Nancy nods her head, narrowing her eyes on her face that didn’t look excited to hear your answers, assuming you would shut her down.
After all she’s done for you recently, it’d be hard not to accept, but every time you look at her you’re reminded of your freshman year and that night in August. Thankfully each minute you spend with her being nice to you it gets a bit easier, but that heaviness isn’t going to go away so easily.
“We can talk… later,” Nancy says quietly, already knowing what you’re thinking, “I… I want to talk.” Robin glances away, letting you both have a second.
Nodding your head, you gulp and say, “Uh, sure, yeah, please?” 
The three of you laugh at the pattern of your speech, the end coming out in a question.
“‘Course,” Nancy smiles.
Dustin and Steve, Lewis and Clark, are the first two to reach the rock by Steve’s direction. There was a slight scuffle about Dustin’s compass, and that the kid didn’t know where he was going. After Harrington took the lead, he got his shadow there in no time while the rest of you trailed behind, letting you take your time.
“Doesn’t make sense,” Dustin mutters to Steve, glancing up at the rock shaped like a skull.
“Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can’t admit it,” Steve mocks, placing his hands on his hips that are covered by his yellow sweater, “You can’t admit you’re wrong, you butthead.” Steve gazes up at the boulder, giving his shoulders a shrug.
From behind them, there’s an echoing sound of feet hitting the leafy ground, as if someone had just jumped off one of the rocks, making the two boys whip themselves around with wide eyes.
“I concur,” Eddie says, taking in a long deep breath, “You, Dustin Henderson, are a… total butthead.”
Breaking out into a grin, Henderson opens his arms and beelines for the boy with clothes that look more battered than they ever have.
“Jesus, we thought you were a goner,” He says, throwing his arms around Eddie. Taking a second, letting Dustin’s words sink in, Eddie reciprocates the hug and sighs.
“Yeah, me too, man,” He mumbles, glancing up at Steve who’s been staring at him since he jumped off of the rock, “Me too.”
Letting Dustin pull away on his own accord, Steve and Eddie share a couple seconds of mutual understanding. In the silence, Eddie thanks Steve with his eyes, for everything. For taking you yesterday morning, for looking after Dustin, for sticking around long enough that it seemed like he actually cared about him and what was happening.
Something had changed, and Eddie couldn’t put his finger on it. Steve was giving him a look that seemed deeper than a tiny thank you. Eddie’s never seen him look this way, like he had something he wanted to say, like he was… nervous, if Eddie had to describe it.
For a moment, a millisecond of time, Eddie can empathize with how you feel about Robin.
Cutting into the quiet, Eddie breaks away from Steve’s gaze and looks around, asking, “Where’s my girl?” 
“Oh,” Steve clears his throat, gesturing down to you trudging up the hill in Robin and Nancy’s hold, “She’s coming… She’s-”
“Not okay,” Eddie says quickly, furrowing his brows.
“Delivery! For Mr. Edward Munson,” Robin jokes with a goofy grin as you reach the rock. Rushing toward you all, he shoots Robin a quick glare before pulling you into his arms.
“Don’t call me Edward,” He grills, then looks down at you burying your face in his chest, “What happened? Did it happen again?” Trying to keep his voice calm, he looks around at the group, Lucas and Max just making it up the hill now.
“No, it, uh- Ow!” Steve started to explain, but Robin cut him off with a wack to his arm.
“It didn’t happen again,” You say, turning your head to the side, Eddie’s heartbeat sounding in your ear, “Just… fainted in the car.”
“Fainted?!” Eddie looks over to Robin who gives him a nod. He lifts his hand to smooth it over your hair, giving your head a gentle scratch.
“I went to Rick's last night.”
“Jesus,” Eddie sneers, “When?”
“After two,” You sigh, starting to relive the memory all over again, “The entire place was flooded with cops, I didn’t know what to do, so I hid in the woods across the street… And, I just watched them. Jason was there,” Your voice falls to a whisper, your words making the others react in shock, “They were talking to him. I think it was one of his friends who died,” Your voice cracks as tears begin to well up in your eyes, “The Chief was talking about it.”
Smothering you in a hug, Eddie presses a couple kisses to the top of your head and takes a deep breath, something that’s started to become a habit for him. Glancing over his shoulder at whoever he could get his eye on, he finds Max watching the two of you with tears in her own eyes as well.
“Eddie, what happened?” Dustin asks.
Sitting criss-cross on the ground with you planted in his lap holding you close to his chest around your shoulders, Eddie suffers through his eventful night all over again, giving the group a play by play of everything that went down. He was much stronger this time compared to how he was the night of Chrissy, though his voice shook every now and again.
“When I got to shore, I tried calling you guys, but, uh,” Pausing to take a swig of water, Eddie hands you the container and shakes his head, “My walkie was busted, man. Drenched.” Everything on him last night got drenched, leaving him filthier than he’s ever been. 
“So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently,” He snorts, “I ran.” It was like deja vu for all of you hearing him say that, because those were the words you used when you told them how you got to Ricks, even using the same happy-go-lucky sarcastic attitude. Looking up at him, you watch his face falter.
“Do you know what time this was? The attack?” Nancy asks, using her hands as her detective brain works. Behind her, Henderson can be seen pacing back and forth, starting the stimming as soon as Eddie sat down to tell the story.
“Yeah, no, I… I know exactly what time it was,” Eddie says, messing with the watch on his left hand, unclasping it in front of you. You watched his nimble fingers as they worked. “My walkie wasn’t the only thing that got soaked.” He tosses the watch to Nancy who barely catches it.
“Nine twenty seven,” Nancy nods.
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey,” Robin adds. At the mention of the Creel house you curl further into Eddie, gripping onto one of his hands. If you were with Vecna, in the attic, while he was in… the Upside Down…
“What does that mean, exactly?” Steve asks, arms folded across his chest.
“That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick,” You mutter at the same time as Nancy, tightening your grip on Eddie’s fingers. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he tries to peek at you to make sure you’re alright.
“Well, we’re one step closer,” Robin says, shoving her hands into her pockets, “We know how Vecna attacks.”
Twisting around in his lap, you look up at Eddie and frown.
“What’s the matter?” He questions you quietly, using the gentlest tone. 
Aside from his stress, and his wild hair, you can see straight through the strong facade he’s putting on for everybody. You see his tired eyes, the trauma he’s been through, now twice, simmering within them. The scariest night of his life, that prompted him to shut down in a way you’ve never seen before, he’s now had to witness twice.
“When is this going to end?” Slips between your lips, as if your own words scared you. His brows crinkle, and there isn’t much he has to say. He doesn’t say anything at all actually, instead he dips his chin to kiss your cheek, then presses his forehead to your temple.
“So, now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside Down, and drive a stake through his heart,” Max speaks up, the group continuing their discussion while you have a moment with Eddie.
“If he has a heart,” Robin rolls her eyes, glancing down at you momentarily, keeping a watchful eye over you.
“A stake? Is he like a vamp? Is he a vampire?” Steve gets a laugh out of you. A small one, but it’s seen as a success to your friends standing around you.
“It was a metaphor,” Max shakes her head, holding in a laugh over Steve’s belief.
“A bullet should work on him, right?” Eddie offers.
“I say we chop his head off,” Lucas states.
“All of the above, but we can’t do any of that ‘til we find a way into the Upside Down,” Nancy says.
“We need El to get her powers back,” Max groans, everyone giving her one in response. El, Eleven. Shifting through the loads of information in your brain you’ve been given, you place her. The girl from the lab who used to live here in Hawkins, who had some type of telepathic powers.
“Everything was way easier,” Steve says, sitting in one of his hips, “We had this girl. She had superpowers.”
“Superpowers. Yeah, you mentioned her,” Eddie squints up at him, cocking his head to the side. Barely giving Steve’s unnecessary comment the time of day, Eddie shifts his attention to Dustin, who was still pacing the woods. “Hey, uh, Henderson’s not, uh, cursed, is he?” Looking toward the freshmen, you giggle again.
“Cursed? No, no. He’s fine,” Steve says, “Mental? Absolutely.”
“BOOM!” Dustin shouts, making you all jump in your places, “Bada… bada… boom.” The baseball cap is turned toward the group as he points to Steve, grilling him with his eyes. 
“I was right,” Henderson taunts, “Skull rock was north,” Rolling his head backward, Steve sighs heavily.
“Seriously? You’re serious?” He raises his brows at the child.
“Mhm,” Dustin smirks.
“This is Skull Rock. Okay?” Steve begins to shout.
“Mhm,” Dustin continues to mock him.
“You’re totally, absolutely, one hundred percent wrong. Right now,” Steve says.
“Yes,” Dustin pauses, “And no. This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheelers’. It was correct when we got in the car on Curly, but it started to slip the further east we went. Now it’s way off,” Everyone’s faces contort in a way that makes listening to Dustin a little easier, “When I was leading us here, I wasn’t wrong. The compass was.”
“So you’re using faulty equipment. You’re still wrong,” Steve gestures to the compass. Sharing a look with Eddie, you both cannot believe he’s arguing with a freshmen over this.
“Except it isn’t faulty. Lucas,” Dustin spins to look at his friend, “Remember what can affect a compass?”
“An electromagnetic field,” He almost gasps, having an epiphany before your eyes.
“Yep,” Dustin confirms.
“I’m sorry, I must’ve skipped that class,” Robin says, glancing to you and Eddie for help.
Dustin drones on to explain the workings of the compass, and what would affect it to malfunction. It all almost makes sense to you, but you weren’t up to date on that side of the nerd world. Your knowledge ended with Bard’s and Dungeon Masters.
“There’s a gate,” Lucas pops his eyebrows, firmly crossing his arms across his chest.
“We’re nowhere near the lab,” Nancy debates..
“But what if, somehow, there’s another gate?” Dustin challenges, “A gate that we don’t know about. It’d have to be smaller. Way less powerful.”
“Snack-size gate,” Robin says, completely serious.
Once it’s determined by Dustin that there’s another gate present, possibly nearby, he puts on a hero stance, announcing to everyone that there’s a chance to free Max, and you, from this curse Vecna has been putting people under. After his lament, he starts to bolt down the hill the compass pulls him to.
“Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey!” Steve calls after him, luring him back up, “Eddie’s still a wanted man, we can’t just go hike in the woods.” Your boyfriend's arms tighten around you after Steve speaks.
“This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie,” Dustin holds his compass in the air, letting his eyes trail to you after he ends his sentence, afraid to bring you up in the mix again, “What say you, Eddie the Banished?” Henderson holds his arms up in a grand gesture.
Turning your chin up, you lock eyes with your man and nod.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor,” He begins with a mumble, referencing his favorite book, “Which, if I’m totally straight with you,” He glances over to his friend, “I think is a really bad idea, but, uh,” Gazing down at you once more, Eddie sighs, “The Shire… The Shire is burning.” Dustin jumps on his feet a few times wearing a slapstick grin.
“So, Mordor it is,” Eddie decides. Slipping his arms beneath yours, he stands up to his feet, moving you with him. Shifting a hand beneath your chin, he tilts you backward to plant a proper kiss to your lips, and guides you with him down the hill to follow Dustin.
“What is Mordor?” Steve asks under his breath, being led by his friends to an undisclosed location named something that sounds an awful lot like hell to him.
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overdevelopedglasses · 8 months
Tojoctober Day 22 - Stamina
(So step on up to the plate)
Alt title is from “Time to Make History”, P4G's Battle Theme
A question is posed to the group: Who has the best stamina??? 
(No spoilers!)
“Alright then!” Majima stands up from his seat, slamming his drink onto the bar, drawing the attention of all of the occupants in the room. New Serena was a lot more packed than normal, and a cheery atmosphere was in the air.
“We’re really doing this, Majima-san?” Majima looks down at Kiryu, who was seated next to him at the bar. If anyone else was looking at the dragon, they’d think he’d be worried, but Majima knows the man better than most.
“We’re doing this, Kiryu-chan. Oi, you four!” Majima shouts, drawing the eyes of Saejima, Akiyama, and two others who Majima thinks he remembers the names of… Tanimura’s the one in the blue jacket, and Shinada is the scruffy guy… right?
“Who in here has the most stamina?”
“Well, it’s obviously me, brother.” Saejima laughs and takes a swig of his drink. “Have you seen me?” Saejima takes a moment to subtly flex, drawing a chuckle from his sworn brother.
“What about me?” Shinada pipes in, “I was a baseball player, you know. And I’ve kept up with my training all this time.”
“Well, it’s definitely not me!” Akiyama jokes, and everyone laughs.
“Why don’t we have a friendly competition?” Tanimura suggests. Everyone else nods in agreement. “But how do we test stamina?” Kiryu asks? “There are multiple uses for the skill, so how do we figure out rules for a competition?”
“I’d suggest a brothel, but I don’t think everyone here would be alright with that,” Akiyama says, with a bit of mischief coating his expression. “Besides, that’s a backwards use for stamina with this group.”
“Awww, c’mon!” Majima fake-whines, earning a jab in the ribs from Kiryu.
“Why don’t we do a footrace?” Saejima suggests. “We can use South Senryo Avenue, it’s pretty clear at this time of day.”
“But isn’t that a test of speed?” Kiryu inquires.
“Well, it could be, but what if we did the most amount of back and forth laps?” Tanimura answers, brow creased in though. “Whoever lasts the longest wins!”
“But that’s only one test of stamina. We've implied there are multiple uses for the shit.” Majima interjects. This was a harder question to answer than he initially thought. 
“What about the batting cages?” Shinada says, “Whoever lasts the longest in those wins?”
“Not a terrible idea, Shinada-san.” Akiyama replies, “Although I do feel like you have an advantage there…” “We’ll do the batting cages second then.” Kiryu says. 
“Alright. To Senryo Avenue?” Tanimura asks.
5 different pitches of agreement sound off, and all of the men rush out of the bar.
“Well, there’s already a problem.” Kiryu says, as they arrive at the entrance to the street, the Kamurocho sun providing some light, but not doing a lot to puncture the winter chill that had settled upon the group.
“Haw? What problem, Kiryu-chan?” Majima asks, giving the space a once over. The street’s pretty clear, as his brother had said. The ground is pretty smooth, too.
“The street isn’t wide enough, Majima-san” Akiyama saunters to Majima’s other side. “We can’t all go at once. We’ll have to race in 2 groups of 3. So… everyone partner up?”
The group splits apart, and pairs are quickly made. Majima decides to change it up from who he instinctually thinks of as a partner, and picks Tanimura. Saejima pairs up with Kiryu, which leaves Akiyama and Shinada together. The detective does make Majima a bit antsy, however he trusts in what Kiryu had told him earlier, that the detective wouldn’t sell out him or his brother.
“Alright, so… Kiryu, Shinada, and Tanimura, get ready. The rest of us, count how many single laps that your partner completes. When everyone’s done, we’ll swap and do the same thing.” Akiyama instructs.
Majima pulls his phone out, remembering it had a simple counter feature. He brings it up, and resets it to zero.
“Alright, gentlemen.” Majima walks out in front of all 3 of them. “Remember, yer racin for stamina, not speed. Get to the edge of Taihei Boulevard,” Majima points to the end of the road, “and then get yer asses back here, and on and on until ya can’t anymore. When ya think yer done…” Majima pauses, thinking for a second, “wave your arms in the air frantically until yer partner signals at you, and then get outta the way of the others.” Somehow, everyone agrees with what Majima is saying.
“Allllright then! On yer marks…”
The three men who are ready to race assume starting positions.
“Get set……”
Majima wishes he had some sort of starting gun with him. He’d shoot it at Kiryu to make him jump. As a prank… as you do.
With Majima’s shout, the three men were off. Majima has to jump out of the way quickly, as Kiryu almost barrels into him.
Majima takes his place between Akiyama and Saejima, phone with the counter in hand, as he watches Tanimura sprint to the end of the road, Kiryu and Shinada not far behind.
“Tanimura-san does realize he’s running for stamina, right?” Akiyama asks, as Tanimura is already running back towards them.
“I’m not sure. He’s really hoofin’ it though.” Saejima replies, as Majima inputs another tick on the counter.
Akiyama’s prediction was right, as Tanimura comes up to Majima shortly after, waving his arms in the air frantically. 
“Alright, alright, I get it, detective boy. Go take a breather.”
Tanimura pats him on the shoulder, then slumps against the building. “I… feel like… I did that wrong.” he puffs out, taking off his jacket to assist with oxygen intake. Majima almost opens his mouth to say that it won’t help, but shuts it when Tanimura immediately shivers and puts it back on.
“How are the others doing?” he asks, hands now crossed in front of his chest.
“Kiryu-san is on lap 5. Still going strong from the looks of things,” Saejima says. 
“That’s Kiryu-chan for you,” Majima says, smirking.
“Shinada-san is at lap 7,” Akiyama pipes in. “Can’t tell his condition from here though.” Majima sees the baseball player at the end of the street, who quickly turns to run back to the group. 
“How many laps did I get, Majima-san?” Tanimura asks, finally having regained his breath.
Majima looks down at his phone, “8. Not bad, but…”
“Fuck.” Tanimura breaths out, back slumping against the wall. The others laugh in response.
“Could do good at the batting cages though, Tanimura.” Saejima says, in an attempt at comfort.
“Yeah, if I’m this winded? I'll be surprised if I even hit a ball.”
"Don't have such a pessimistic attitude, Tanimura-san!" Akiyama replies. 
"I'm being realistic, Akiyama-san." Tanimura shoots back, standing upright.
"That borders on pessimism." Majima counters, and the two men bicker for a bit until Majima sees Kiryu begin to wave his arms in the air.
"Kiryu's done." Saejima said, showing the others his counter, which reads 16.
"16???" Tanimura exclaims. "Well, shit."
"That's our Kiryu-chan." Majima says with pride, as he rejoins the others.
"Phew… that takes a lot out of you." Kiryu says, hands on his knees, breathing heavily. 
"Ya need some water?" Majima asks with a touch of concern. He pulls a water bottle out of his coat, which Kiryu accepts happily.
"You didn't ask me if I needed water!?" Tanimura shouts.
"Yer a detective, I figured ya had some!" Majima counters.
Saejima laughs, "He also relentlessly dotes on Kiryu-san, so don't be surprised."
"HEY!" Majima shouts, smacking his brother in the shoulder, causing him to laugh even harder. Kiryu joins in the laughter.
"I always appreciate it, Majima-san," Kiryu says, "Tanimura, do you want some of my water?"
"Fuck you." Tanimura replies, sitting back down on the ground.
"Don't take it out on him!" Majima shouts, trying desperately to mask his anger.
"See what I mean?" Saejima says, laughing.
Shinada finally arrives, tapping out. Akiyama inputs his final lap.
"20! Nice work, Shinada."
Shinada crouches next to Tanimura, who gapes at the baseball star. “I guess you’re just built differently.”
“I mean, is anyone else here a former athlete?”
“I don’t think so. Nice job, Shinada-san.” Saejima says. “But, I guess it’s our turn.”
The pairs swap roles, with Akiyama, Saejima, and Majima all lined up at the start. Kiryu stands in front of them.
“Alright. Same deal as with us. You know how to get yourself tagged out of the laps. Just do the best you can.”
All 3 men nod.
Saejima and Akiyama take their stances. Majima tosses his sheathed tanto to the side, causing Tanimura to jump slightly.
Majima takes his starting stance.
The three men blast off from the starting line, and begin running up and down the street. Majima becomes keenly aware of the burning in his legs, but continues to push on. He does notice Akiyama tag out after 6 laps. Lightweight. Majima thinks.
“How ya doin', brother?” Majima shouts as he passes by Saejima on his 9th lap.
“Doin' alright. What about you?” Saejima responds as they pass each other again in the next lap.
“I can easily keep goin'!” Majima shouts on Lap 11.
“Don’t push yerself!” Saejima pushes Majima in the shoulder lightly, and then watches Saejima tag himself out. It’s just him.
Majima takes stock of his physical condition. His lungs now burn as well, and while Saejima just said he shouldn’t push himself, he’s on lap 14 now, and if he can get over 20 laps, he wins this section.
Well, at least him running all over Kamurocho a bunch since 2005 was now paying its dividends. 
He counts the laps in his head, and while he thinks he's at 20, he doesn’t want to run more laps to make it certain. He jogs back on what he thinks is Lap 22. 
“What’s my count, Tanimura? I’m pooped.” Majima slumps against a building, accepting the offered water bottle from Kiryu.
“24! Majima wins this round.”
“Fuck yeah.” Majima says, weakly putting a fist into the air.
The batting cage round essentially goes the same. Tanimura did predict his performance, as he taps out very quickly. Almost everyone also predicted Shinada winning the baseball round, but Majima came in a close second.
“Well, now we have an issue. Who has more stamina, Majima or Shinada?”
“Well, we needa third round, then.” Majima says. “We can’t pick it, though.” he gestures to Shinada and himself.
“I have an idea…” Kiryu says, and Majima sees a rare sight: Kiryu’s face is the one creased with mischief.
That’s because of course, he drags everyone to Karaokekan, pays for a room, and they all now sit around the screen, with Shinada and Majima holding two mics.
“So, who's up first?” Kiryu asks, Majima noticing the excitement beginning to glimmer in his eyes.
“I’ll go.” Majima stands up, and picks Get to The Top, singing in his own crazy way. While he visualizes a multitude of dance moves, he just focuses on the vocalization. The room cheers once he’s finished.
“Alright, Shinada-san. What do you have?” Akiyama pipes in as Majima takes a seat.
Shinada stands up, and belts out a pretty great rendition of Machine Gun Kiss, sitting down to another round of cheering.
“Alright, from here on, it’s a judge of quality as well. If we think you can’t do it, you’re out. We’ll be as impartial and fair as we can.” Kiryu instructs, and the other 4 men agree. “So, Majima, you’re up next.”
The quality judge is a harsh one. He can’t just pick random songs and scream anymore.
That means…
Majima scrolls over to the 80s hits, and picks the one he knows.
“Wait, Majima-san, you know that song!?” Tanimura asks with wonder in his voice.
“What’s that suppose ta mean?” Majima snaps, but not as harshly as he has before. Tanimura doesn't snap back, the song starts, and Majima almost slips into his 80s mindset with the song, but he resists. He finishes with a flourish, to uproarious applause.
“I think that passes, right everyone?” Tanimura shouts.
3 voices of agreement, and Majima sits with a smile.
“Shinada, you’re up.” Kiryu gives Shinada the mic that works. Shinada, not to be outdone, pulls up a song the gentlemen are pretty familiar with. Shinada also does a couple idol poses, giving the boys a good laugh. He passes the quality check, and Majima is up again.
“Ya have another one in ya, brother?”
“Course I do!” Majima says with a bit of an exasperated huff, and scrolls over to Pride From Despair.
“You sure you know this one, Majima-san?” Kiryu asks with a bit of concern.
“Ya don’t know all of my tricks, Kiryu-chan.”
Turns out, Majima had also learned the actual lyrics to the song, in the time since he and Kiryu had done this together. Kiryu watches in awe, as the other men, minus Shinada, shouted along. Majima ended, passed, and sat back down.
“Well, Shinada-san? You have one in you?” Akiyama asks.
Shinada sits for a second, and ponders for a bit, finally letting out a huge breath of defeat.
“Nah… Majima wins.”
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Hair Song Ranking - by Production!
I'm back again with a somewhat coherent tumblr post! Can you believe it? Anyway, I know I've already done a Hair song ranking, but this time, I'll be talking about multiple productions: the Original cast recording (1968), the 1979 movie soundtrack, and the Broadway revival cast recording (2009). I know, same formula as my Godspell post.
I am aware that the film version omitted a TON of songs, but I'll be keeping those songs in the ranking anyway. I tried to match the songs up as much as possible, so I left out some that only appeared in one version. Also, massive spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the movie- it departs from the original script in several major ways, and I think this impacts the message of the story both negatively and positively. (My asks and DMs are always open if you want to have a conversation about it 👀).
And now: my unsolicited opinions!
Aquarius- Winner: 1979 Movie. I mean. Can you blame me? This is, like, the most ethereal opening to a movie ever. The arrangement in this version is my favorite of any recording I've heard of this song. The extended intro leaves plenty of time for the audience to get excited- the bass and brass hit every time- and by the time the vocals come in, you'd better be ready to be astonished. The soloist is amazing. 'Aquarius' is by far the most popular track from the musical, and Renn Woods, who was just 19 at the time, sings it with such power. I'm a big fan of Sasha Allen, who sings this song (as well as many others) in the revival cast, and Ronnie Dyson's original take is iconic, but Woods only got one song in the show, and I think she deserves all the recognition for it. I highly suggest taking a look at this article if you'd like to know more about her experiences.
Donna- Winner: 1979 Movie. I was 🤏 this close to giving this one to the revival cast; Will Swenson is one of my favorite portrayals of George Berger. But not even he could hit the notes Treat Williams (rest in peace 😔) managed in this song. I also enjoy the instrumentation and backup vocals of this one the most. It's gonna be really hard to compare Treat to anyone else- he's top tier, for me.
Hashish- Winner: 2009 Cast. I almost gave this to the movie again, 'cause I do think it did the best job at what it set out to do, which is, I assume, make the audience feel like they're in the blunt rotation. Only thing with that is, this song is on the same track as 'Donna' in the movie soundtrack, and it pisses me off, because whenever I wanna listen to the former, I have to either sit through the latter (which I'm not too fond of) or use one of my precious Spotify skips! So, I'm gonna go ahead and say I like the revival recording best. Like I said, this track isn't my favorite, but I like that this recording in particular gets straight to the point and doesn't drag it out.
Sodomy- Winner: 1979 Movie. Ok. I know I'm riding high on the movie soundtrack right now. I'm aware of my bias. But it's not my fault they put a fucking church choir in this song. It sounds SO GOOD, and for what?? Also, love Donnie Dacus. He's so damn cute in the movie, and I really like his voice. It's just strong enough not to sound breathy, but not so strong it overwhelms the track. Woof, my beloved 🥰
Colored Spade- Winner: 1979 Movie. Or as I know it: ".....😶..... and president of the United States of Love!" Also, yes, another movie win. I can't defend myself anymore. The recordings are just so clean. Whoever played bass for this one really went at it. Not to mention, Dorsey Wright put his whole Hudussy into his performance. I will say, there's a weird noise at the end of the recording- I can't even explain it, but it's funny as hell. Go listen to it.
Manchester England- Tie: 1979 Movie/2009 Cast. Yeah, I couldn't choose with this one. I'd say the movie has a slight edge over the revival cast- mostly because it's gay as hell and has both Treat Williams and John Savage singing. I do love the revival version as well, though, because I think it's more what the original composition had in mind. The fake British accent-shtick is missing entirely from the film. Actually, this is one of those songs where the meaning in the stage version is completely different from the film version. This makes it really hard to compare them. So, you get a tie. (Side note: I need to watch this clip from the movie at least once a day to stay healthy. Doctor's orders).
I'm Black/Ain't Got No- Winner: 1979 Movie. Shit, man. You can't put Kurt Yaghjian in a song and expect me not to go crazy about it. (Peep the profile pic). Once again, the arrangement of this version rocks my shit to an absurd degree. Every soloist SLAYS it, the instrumentation is crisp as hell, and this version actually combines songs that are usually broken up in most stage productions. I'm not saying it's necessarily better because of that, but it certainly makes it easier to listen to cohesively. Also, I don't know. The choreography for the scene just matches so well with the tune. And yes, I know I shouldn't judge a movie based on its cinematography when comparing it to stage productions, but it's really hard to ignore with this one. Even without that, this is one of my favorite songs from the movie. It's genuinely perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it. Also, John Savage is just really adorable when he sings "I'm invisible." Sue me. At least I'm honest!
Sheila Franklin/ I Believe in Love- Winner: 2009 Cast. This one isn't in the movie soundtrack, so you're safe from its reign for now. Woo! Anyway, Caissie Levy slays. The original cast may have gotten this one if it included the little intro where everyone sings their bit about Sheila- I love that part. But I think the revival cast deserves this win.
Air- Winner: 1979 Movie. "But tumblr user a-trick-or-two-with-lepers, this one wasn't even in the movie!" Ok, and? It's on the soundtrack, and it's the best one. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules. It's a damn shame this didn't make the cut, 'cause Annie Golden did a great job with it! She sounds absolutely adorable. The other two versions are almost hard to listen to for me. It's not like I think the singers did a bad job- they're both very talented and I don't hate their versions- but the song is written to be somewhat annoying, I think. The voice Kacie Sheik puts on for Jeannie can be a bit grating at times. Maybe that just means I'm more of a vocalist-enjoyer than an actor-enjoyer, but in terms of listening value, this one goes to the tragically unused movie version.
10. Initials- Winner: 1968 Cast. An original cast recording win! Yay! I don't even have a problem with the other two versions, I just think it's really funny that this particular recording came out while LBJ was president. Dissing a current president in your broadway production has to be one of the boldest moves I've seen in musical theater history- though, this show broke a lot of musical barriers, so I'm not surprised.
11. I Got Life- Winner: 1979 Movie. I don't know why I spent so long thinking about which version was my favorite for this one. The movie version is like, one of my top tracks on Spotify. The whole scene is fucking perfect. I know this is supposed to be a Claude song, but Treat Williams as Berger owns it. It ranked number two in my 1979 Hair song ranking, and I stand by that placement. It has become one of my favorite movie scenes. The absolute joy that emanates from his performance is really inspiring. I will say, I like how they kept the 1948/1968 bit at the beginning of the OG cast recording, and Gavin Creel sings this song really well in the revival, but I'd be hard pressed to give this win to anyone but the one and only Treat Williams.
12. Going Down- Winner: 2009 Cast. This is another one that wasn't in the movie soundtrack, and I am PISSED that we never got to hear Treat sing this. Regardless, Will Swenson has the charisma cranked up to 1000 here. I adore how he growls out "Lucifer." This has become one of my favorite tracks from the 2009 recording. It is NOT believable that this man, or anyone playing Berger in these versions, is a teenager, but I've never cared about stuff like that. Well, except for the travesty that is the Dear Evan Hansen movie. Yeesh... Anyway!
13. Hair- Winner: 1979 Movie. The title track! I can back this one up, I swear. First of all: this is usually a Claude/Berger song, and while I really wish John Savage sang more in the movie, a second Woof solo is always appreciated. They keep more of the harmony in the intro, which I appreciate. This particular version of "Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees" lives in my head rent-free at all times. I wish they'd used Hud's solo in the soundtrack, but I'm not too mad about it. Treat is, once again, hitting those high notes, and my ears thank him for it. Also, this is the only version that doesn't drag out the "why don't my mother love me" line, and I don't know why, but I kind of like it better that way?
14. My Conviction- Winner: 2009 Cast. This song is so cute. I love that someone of an older generation shows support in this show! And she's(?) trans?? Or a crossdresser. Never was sure which it was. Either way, I think all the performances of this one were really great, but Andrew Kober did it best in my opinion. Still, I'd love to see the unnecessarily horrified reactions to this in the 60s.
15. Easy to Be Hard- Winner: 1979 Movie. Yeah, I knew this was gonna win before I even started making the list. I'm sorry, I truly do love both other versions, and whenever I sing this song I use the original key, but the movie version is simply just. 😚🤌. That plucky thing they do with the guitar is so beautiful. The meaning of the song is amplified by how different the scene is from the stage versions. And the singer. THE. SINGER. FUCKING INSANE. Her name is Cheryl Barnes, and she owns my entire heart. This role isn't in any other version as far as I'm aware, and she doesn't even have a name. She just pops up and is like "hey lemme just blow you all away real quick." Fuck you Hud for being mean to her and her little baby. Still mad that he didn't get more flack for that on-screen. Point is- this performance is the best. I don't even like Jennifer Hudson's version more than this one, which is saying a LOT, 'cause I love that woman.
16. Don't Put It Down- Winner: 2009 Cast. This used to be a 'skip' song for me. But after listening to the revival recording more, I can safely call it one of my favorites. The harmonies are really clear in this version, and I find the satire of it really amusing. Crazy for the blue, red, and white! What a shame that they made it instrumental in the movie.
17. Frank Mills- Winner: 1968 Cast. I just found out this was sung by Martha Plimpton's mother??? I love her! This version is absolutely adorable. I really like her voice, and I think it captures Crissy's character really well. No shade to Allison Case, though; her version is just as, if not more, beautiful. The original just happens to be my favorite in this case. Also, I noticed how few wins they were getting and I felt bad.
18. Hare Krishna/ Be-In- Winner: 2009 Cast. This is one of those where I'd honestly be fine adding any of the versions to my playlist. The original seems like the perfect thing to get high to, and the movie version is accompanied by a literal drug trip scene, but this version is the clearest and most listenable to me. The harmonies are really present. I really like when they all sing, "Burn it, Berger, burn it!" Also, Dionne and everyone singing "Aquarius," is really beautiful and haunting. They're hyping Claude up, and then he doesn't burn it, and hhhhhggngnnnnngggghhh it's just really good.
19. Where Do I Go?- Winner: 1979 Movie. Is anyone really surprised anymore? This is hand-down my favorite song from the movie. Let me tell you why. The instrumentation at the beginning is like an auditory orgasm. The cinematography- I know, I know!- is really thought-provoking. The way every single person walking through New York just turns around, in sync, and stops, like they've suddenly realized how meaningless their lives are... And let me tell you. I fucking a-d-o-r-e John Savage's voice. I know most people won't- it's kind of whiny- but for some reason, I just can't get enough of it. It's so tragic that he didn't get more solos in this movie. Anyway, I have a whole ass analysis of this song on my blog, so check that out if you're interested. I also wrote an almost 40k word ao3 story using it as title fodder. Yeah, I'm shamelessly plugging my fanfiction. If I'm aware that I'm cringe does that make me less cringe?
20. Electric Blues- Winner: 2009 Cast. I almost gave this to the movie, because that really is my favorite version... for the most part. I think it goes on too long- I know that's because it fades into Claude's drug trip, but it gets tiring to listen to (for my short attention span, that is). That doesn't mean I don't really like the revival recording, though. Everyone has great energy, and this recording actually made me appreciate the song a lot more. Also, the end is really funny ("What the fuck! I was singing!")
21. Oh Great God of Power/ Manchester England (Reprise)- Winner: 2009 Cast. As far as I'm aware, this is the only one that actually has this song on the soundtrack. The original just has the Manchester England reprise. Anyway, I love this version to death. The first half is so gorgeous. I love how obsessed everyone is with Claude because, same. Also, I really like how they all sing "I believe in God!"
22. Black Boys- Winner: 2009 Cast. It took me a long time to warm up to this song. What made me finally like it was this recording. The scene in the movie was... strange, to say the least. But the women in the revival cast do such a good job with it. It's a bop!
23. White Boys- Winner: 2009 Cast. I know we're on a revival streak, but it felt wrong to split up the two boys songs. Besides, this is probably the best version of the three. Sasha Allen is fantastic as always. As much as I love Nell Carter's voice, the military recruiter guys singing in the track is too goofy for me to take it seriously.
24. Walking in Space- Tie: All. I knew this was gonna be a hard one to rank. I love all the versions so much. So, I'm just gonna take the easy route and talk about all three of them. The original is such a cohesive tune. It plays so smoothly, and I really enjoy everyone's vocal performance. It doesn't feel overdone at any point. The movie version is a bit long for my taste, but it's so good that it honestly has a right to be long. This part of the film drags a bit, but maybe I just don't like watching people suffer through war training. It's definitely impactful in that sense, though. I really like the first soloist; she has this lilting soprano vibrato that's very pleasant to listen to. I also like how militaristic the men chanting the colors sound in this version. Sasha Allen is the first soloist in the revival recording, and of course, she's perfect. She belts the whole thing, unlike the other versions' soloists. Her voice gives me massive chills, especially when she puts a bit of growl into it.
25. Four Score/ Abie Baby- Winner: 1968 Cast. All the love to Nell Carter and Sasha Allen, but this version is my fav. It's the least serious, which I think is what is was written to be. The soloist is doing this sing-talking thing, which I love, and she's funny as hell, especially at the end. ("Bang?! Ahahah, bang? Shiiiiit, I ain't dying for no white man").
26. Three-Five-Zero-Zero- Tie: All. Again, I'm not sure how to choose which of these is my favorite. It's just a really good anti-war song. Each one of the versions does it justice. I really like when a song makes me learn something, and I learned a lot from this song. For example: I learned what Viet Cong means, and I also learned that this song references a really interesting anti-war poem from the 60s titled 'Witchita Vortex Sutra.'
27. What A Piece of Work is Man- Winner: 2009 Cast. It was really hard to pick my favorite of the three. I didn't wanna hit you all with another tie, so I went with the revival cast. I think it has the smoothest transition into the Walking in Space reprise. The vocals are very clean as well. I wish they had kept this song in the movie; it's so pretty!
28. Good Morning Starshine- Tie: All. Dammit! I lied. I need to add another tie. They're all so good! The harmonies in the original are really, really nice. The movie version just puts me in such a good mood, and Beverly D'Angelo's voice is amazing! What a shame she didn't get more vocal parts in the movie. I really like how the harmonies start layering as everyone in the car gets into the song. This was one of the only moments I actually liked how they characterized Sheila in the film. But it was the revival recording that made me actually like this song- enough to want it in my playlists. Caissie Levy just has such a good voice. I also just love this song because it represents the last moment of hope and happiness in every version. It almost makes me want to cry, but I'll have to save my tears for this next song...
29. The Flesh Failures/ Let the Sunshine In- Tie: All. Welp. There goes my good mood. Fuck. This song... it doesn't matter who sings it. I will cry. Every time. It's so perfectly composed. In the original, when Claude sings his last few lines, he gets drowned out by the chorus, which symbolizes his meaningless death. Of course, the differences between the stage versions and the movie are stark, considering Berger dies instead of Claude, but the power of the message remains the same. The cinematography of this scene in the movie is so genius, it actually hurts to watch. The young men- the teenagers, the children- marching into the gaping maw of the warplane, Berger among them, singing a reprise of Claude's song. He knows now that he isn't seen as an individual by these people. He's a weapon. Disposable. He could be Claude for all they care. Fuck. It hurts just to think about it. The revival recording, though, might be the hardest to listen to. When paired with Aquarius Goodnights/ Ain't Got No/ Yip up the Sun, it never fails to make me sob. And I mean sob. The way Claude sings "Ain't got no" followed by gunshots, the way Berger screams for Claude, the brokenhearted singing of Sheila when she realizes Claude has died... I can't. I literally have to stop at Good Morning Sunshine when I'm listening to any of these albums if I want to continue having a good day, or else I'll be thinking about it all day. I truly believe this is the most intelligent and heart-wrenchingly stunning song ever written. Let the motherfucking sunshine in.
Well Gee Willikers. That was a ride. I love Hair like I love life itself, but BOY does that last song get me. Thank you SO SO SO much if you've read this far. I love you and I am kissing you tenderly on the forehead as we speak. I'm definitely in a bit of a Hair fixation right now- some may even call it hyper- and I had to have a somewhat productive outlet for it, so here you go! Hope you enjoyed ❤️
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artisanoftheredscience · 11 months
I'm going to be discussing the Reunion ending of the game, as well as some major story beats. This is a semi-hidden achievement and the content is filled with major lore spoilers. If you want to experience this for the first time yourself GO GET THIS ENDING FIRST! :)
I'll put the discussion under a cut to spare anyone scrolling from accidental spoilers.
Alright. So the big reveal in this one is that Archie is in fact, not Archie.
Well, actually, he sort of is Archie. Archie exists! He is a real person! But, as you learn from May, he wasn't always Archie. Before the fall he was, in fact, LUCIAN. The dude who was erased from reality!
That might not seem like a major twist but I actually DIDN'T REALIZE IT until May started explaining it. In order to get this explanation you first had to conclude that Archie might have done the murder, but he wasn't himself for it. He's been having all kinds of weird dreams down there, right? So perhaps he got possessed.
And that's true! Archie wasn't in his right mind, because when he Fell into London, Lucian was destroyed and he was all that remains! Which explains... god, it explains so much.
Archie and Harjit then go on to make it clear that Lucian was part of the GREAT GAME. And Lucian was erased explicitly to prevent him from warning Harjit about the Fall! That's INCREDIBLY interesting because it suggests he was deliberately erased. How or why I don't know, but he was.
All this information makes a couple details abotu Archie and his story more interesting:
1. His odd behavior: The obvious depression, strange dreams, feelings of 'wrongness', the fact that he flat out disappears in endings where you don't prevent his conviction, all of these make more sense in the context of Lucian. Dying likely erased him completely, and the dreams make sense if he was already touched by the Is-Not. The depression can also be explained by the general suck-assery of the Neath, but the confusion that the amnesia and being literally not-oneself anymore likely excerbated it.
2. It means that if Archie DID INDEED KILL DAVID (other endings suggest otherwise but I digress) it could be possible that it was for a reason that Lucian would have wanted him gone. Something related to the Great Game? Thought to be pondered later.
3. And if he didn't, well, there's a conversation with Phoebe you can unlock in which Archie suggests someone may have wanted him out of the picture. You can assume its for the manifesto stuff in game, however: if the person framing Archie knew about Lucian and his involvement in the Great Game... well, it may suggest that whoever was behind the murder wanted him gone FOR THAT REASON.
4. It adds an interesting wrinkle to Harjit and Archie's relationship that I enjoy. 10/10 I love the way it turns them into a tragedy in every other ending. Harjit misses him so fiercely, and may never realize just how close his lost lover is...
5. It also kind of adds an interesting element to the PC? The game heavily imprints that you, the PC, are having similar memory issues and bouts of depression. Perhaps there's more going on there than meets the eye... if you knew Lucian previously and had a connection, that also explains why Archie is immediately gung-ho about you relationship right off the bat, moreso than the rest of the cast who seem to be infatuated with you (platonicly or otherwise) from the word 'start'. This is likely up to the individual player to decide for themselves tbh.
So, in conclusion? That shit slapped. MOTR isn't always the best written game but this was a satisfying conclusion.
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Rumor Has It
A week late and a dollar short (but plus a Penny... sorry, couldn't resist) but here we are. Spoilers under the cut for Episode 4 of The Case of the Greater Gatsby!
God, this episode made me laugh. Banger after banger from the Persauds. The line about Fig's family being bad at math TOOK ME OUT like I was Cliff Calloway and the writing was his next hit movie.
Speaking of: CLIFF! <3 I've been so looking forward to seeing him and he did not disappoint! The continuation of the gag of him rehearsing threatening play lines is hilarious, as well as thematically on point for a story about Hollywood backstabbing and intrigue. As much as I hate my boy getting threatened, I'm relieved that he seems completely innocent in the case of the malicious hate-mail. But then why did Willie say he'd been acting down recently? He only just received the threatening message the day before, so it couldn't be about that. Is he just pining after his contractor? Stressed about having to manage an estate with 48 bathrooms? And just how does all this tie into F. Scott's murder? Willie and Cliff being targeted suggests that their foe is all about stopping The Grapes of Wrath, but what would that have to do with the larger story? Or are we being misled by the narrative? Is Cliff secretly signed on to play Nick in a still-happening Greater Gatsby? If so, by trying to silence Willie, who can't keep a secret to save her life, and then get Cliff to drop out of the cast, whoever killed Fitzy could be trying to ensure that his final project is buried with him.
The idea of creating one character who does basically everything on the film set is genius. It's very funny, and keeps the character count down and affordable for a small indie company. But on a purely narrative level, what secrets has Penny learned from being everywhere and everyone on the lot? (Also, just waiting for someone to make a "Penny for your thoughts" joke with her.)
Jumping back to the first part of the episode, I agree with Ford that Sheilah was very hard to read. She does seem a little too cavalier about the affair, especially since she then turns around and points the finger right at Vivian. And her theory doesn't even make sense. How is Vivian drumming up dollars from this case? If anything, she's losing money by hiring them. If she wanted the notoriety of being a murdered man's lover, she could have just gone to someone less likely to discover her guilt, like Dash. Unless she didn't trust him to find out that the death wasn't a heart attack (totally fair. He would not have.) But there are other P.I.s... Fitzy's affair with Vivian aside, Sheilah does have plenty of other motives for the murder. Who knows what damage his drunken ramblings could have done. And do we know where Sheilah was during the murder? Citizen Jasper says Fitzy came home around midnight but never mentions seeing her return...
What exactly are Fig's "skeletons"? It's hard to imagine anything particularly upsetting, but then again Shipwrecked loves to hit us with dark and tragic backstories that turn out to be all-too important to the main plot. I also like how they're setting up a Poe-esque arc for Ford to finally start letting Fig in and considering her a real friend.
Another fun episode! Besides Buster Keaton, whom I do not believe is set to appear in this podcast(?), we've now run into everyone from the original crew but Roger. Looking forward to his appearance!
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